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Table of Contents
klist of script from Harrison
plates by William J. Harrison.
F. Marcus Arman introduces
Jacob Perkins, printer of the
Penny Black.
eter Huntoon a
about the 1882 Ala
Volume o. 2
Whole No. 80
Kadis Suite 600-618Capital City Bank BuildingDes Moines, Iowa 50309800-247-5335
Increased investment purchases and rapidly growing interest in currency have created tremendous demands for top
condition and scarce U.S. notes. As the leading dealer in U.S. Currency, we must increase our purchases to meet these
demands. To do so, we have INCREASED PRICES FROM 10 to 30%, prices that were already the HIGHEST EVER
OFFERED for these notes.
We buy complete collections (or duplicates) in all conditions, Good to Unc., and will pay more for scarce and rare
signature combinations and scarce National Bank Notes. We particularly need nationals from Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas,
Minnesota, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and western and southern states.
For Choice and Gem Notes
Friedberg Donlon Catalog Now Hedberg Donlon Catalog Now Friedberg Donlon Catalog Now
Fr.-16, 17 D-101-I 325.00 375.00 Fr.-249-258 4202-20-202-31 135.00 175.00 Fr.-639-646 0-0320-201-C320-2812 110.00 120.00
Fr.-I 8 D-101-4 335.00 385.00 Fr.-259-265 4205-12-205-15 1200.00 1600.00 Fr.-647-649 D- 350.00 400.00
Fr.-I 9-27 D-101-4A---101-7 150.00 185.00 Fr.-266, 267 0-206-15A, 205-17 475.00 650.00 Fr.-650-653 D- 110.00 120.00
Fr-28-30 4101-8-101-10 90.00 200.00 Fr.-268-270 D-205-17A-205-20 1300.00 1750.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES
Fr.-3I-33 D-101-14R-101-15B 675.00 750.00 Fr.-271-281 D-205-20A-205-31 275.00 400.00 Fr.-708-746 D-401A-28-4011-' A 45.00 60.00
Fr.-34, 35 D-101-15R, 101-17 175.00 210.00 Fr.-282 D-205-31A 375.00 450.00 Fr.-747-780 D-402A-28-4021-29A 90.00 175.00
Fr.-36-39 4101-28-101-31 40.00 50.00 TREASURY NOTES Fr.-781-809 4405A-28-4051-28A 135.00 175.00
Fr.-40 D-101-3IA 115.00 135.00 Fr.-347-349 4701-14-701-15A 650.00 750.00 Fr.-810-821 D-410-B-28-410-H-28 775.00 850.00
Fr.-41, 41A 0-102T1, 102T2 485.00 550.00 Fr:350-352 D-701-15B-701-19 200.00 250.00 Fr.-822-830 D420E-29-420H-28 900.00 1000.00
Fr.-42 4102-4 750.00 850.00 Fr.-353-355 D-702-14-702-15A 1000.00 1200.00 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES
Fr.-43-49 D-102-4A-102-8 200.00 235.00 Fr.-356-358 D-702-158-702-19 400.00 500.00 Fr.-832-843 D-505A-35R-505L-35R 145.00 175.00
Fr: 50-52 D-102-8A 135.00 175.00 Fr.-359-361 D-705-14-705-15A 900.00 1100.00 Fr.-844-891 D-505A-35-505L-38 33.50 40.00
Fr-.53-56 D-102-14R-102-17 175.00 185.00 Fr.-362-365 D-705-15B-705-20 500.00 550.00 Fr.-892-903 D-510A-35R-510L-35R 185.00 225.00
Fr: 57-60 4102-28-102-31 60.00 75.00 Fr.-366-368 4710-14-710-15A 1100.00 1400.00 Fr.-904-951 D-510A-35-510L-38 5101-38 40.00 50.00
Fr.-61-63A 4105-1T1-105-114 275.00 375.00 Fr.-369-371 4710-158-710-19 475.00 575.00 Fr.-952-963 4520A-35R-5201-35R 250.00 300.00
Fr.-64 4105-4 275.00 325.00 Fr.-372-374 4720-14-720-15A 3250.00 3500.00 Fr.-964-1011 D-520A-35 520L-38 57.50 70.00
Fr.-65-69 4105-5-105-7 170.00 200.00 Fr.-375 4720-17 3600.00 3900.00 Fr.-1012-1023 4550A-35R-35R 425.00 500.00
Fr.-70-72 4105-8-105-108 150.00 220.00 NATIONAL BANK NOTES Fr.-1024-1071 4550A-35-5501-38 145.00 175.00
Fr.-73-82 D-105-1 OR-105-20 140.00 175.00 Fr.-380-386 D-A301-A-A301-8 500.00 500.00 Fr.-1072-1083 0-500A-35R-5001-35R 550.00 700.00
Fr: 83.92 4105-22-105-32 60.00 75.00 Fr.-387-393 D-A302-A-A302-8 1450.00 1500.00 Fr.-1084-1131 D-500A-35-5001-38 240.00 275.00
Fr.-93-95A 4110-111 110-114 525.00 650.00 Fr.-394-408 D-A305-1-A305-14 600.00 600.00 GOLD CERTIFICATES
Fr.-96 4110-4 700.00 800.00 Fr.-409-423 D-A310-1-A310-17 850.00 850.00 Fr.-1167-1172 4610-22-610-28 165.00 225.00
Fr.-97-99 4110-5-110-7 375.00 500.00 Fr.-424-439 D-A320-1 -A320-17 950.00 950.00 Fr.-1173 4610-31 135.00 150.00
Fr.-100-102 4110-8-110-10B 250.00 300.00 Fr.-466-478 D-B305-9-B305-22 160.00 185.00 Fr: 1174, 1175 4620-9, 620-9A 2500.00 3250.00
Fr.-103-113 D-110-10R-110-20 250.00 300.00 Fr.-479-492 0-B310-9-8310-22 175.00 185.00 Fr.-1176, 1177 4620-10, 620-14 2000.00 2300.00
Fr.-114-122 D-110-20A-110-31 350.00 500.00 Fr.-493-506 D-8320-9-B320-22 300.00 300.00 Fr.-1178 4620-20 650.00 750.00
Fr.-123 D-110-31A 1200.00 1500.00 Fr.-532-538 48305-14-8305-24 275.00 300.00 Fr.-1179, 1180 4620-20A, 620-21 1650.00 2500.00
Fr.-124-126 0-120-111-120413 900.00 1100.00 Fr.-539-548 D-B310-14-8310-24 325.00 375.00 Fr.-1181-1186 4620-22-620-28 325.00 400.00
Fr.-127 4205-31A 2250.00 2500.00 Fr.-549-557 D-B320-14-B320-14 350.00 425.00 Fr.-1187 4620-31 225.00 231.00
SILVER CERTIFICATES Fr.-573-575 41330517-B305-28 700.00 700.00 Fr.-1188 0-650-9A 3250.00 3750.00
Fr.-215-22I 4201-12-201-15 250.00 325.00 Fr.-576-579 D-8310-17-8310-28 850.00 800.00 Fr.-1190-1192 D-650-10-650-14 2500.00 3000.00
Fr.-222-223 0-201-15A, 201-17 225.00 300.00 Fr.-580-585 D-B320-17-8320-28 1000.00 1100.00 Fr.-1193-1197 D-650-20--650-24 800.00 1000.00
Fr.-224, 225 4201-17A-201-19 300.00 400.00 Fr.-587-594 D-C305-2012-C305-2812 80.00 100.00 Fr.-1198, 1199 0-650-27-650-28 500.00 600.00
Fr.-226-236 4201-20-201-31 42.50 60.00 Fr.-595-597 0-0305-2013-C305-2213 200.00 225.00 Fr.-1200 4650-31 450.00 500.00
Fr.-237-239 0-201-31A-201-33 37.50 33.00 Fr.-598-612 0-0305-2012-C305-2812 70.00 90.00 Fr.-1201 0-600-9A 2750.00 3250.00
Fr.-240-244 202-12-202-14 32.50 450.00 Fr.-613-620 D-C310-2012-C310-2872 95.00 100.00 Fr.-1203-1205 4600-10-600-14 2500.00 3000.00
Fr.-245, 246 4202-15, 202-17 675.00 800.00 Fr.621-623 0- 250.00 300.00 Fr.-1206-1214 4600-20-600-28 950.00 1100.00
Fr.-247, 248 D-202-I 7A, 202-19 800.00 1100.00 Fr.-624-638 0- 80.00 100.00 Fr.-1215 4600-29 650.00 750.00
Whole No. 80
PAPER MONEY is published
every other month beginning in
January by The Society of Paper
Money Collectors, Inc., Harold
Hauser, P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge,
NJ 07028. Second class postage paid
at Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 and at
additional entry office, Federalsburg,
MD 21632.
© Society of Paper Money Collectors,
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Reproduction of any article, in whole
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Advertising copy shall be restricted
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All advertising copy and
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
VOL. XVIII — NO. 2 Whole No. 80 March/April 1979
225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549
Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed
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PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy.
Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding
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Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC,
including membership, changes of address, and receipt of
magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P.O. Box
4 08 2, Harrisburg, PA 1 71 1 1.
Peter Huntoon 69
William J. Harrison
Rev. Frank H. Hutchins 77
Frank Bennett 78
Terry Vavra 80
Robert L. Clarke 81
Paul T. Jung
F. Marcus Arman 88
Page 67
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Robert E. Medlar, 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio,
TX 78205
Eric P. Newman, 6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO
Harry Wigington, P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA
C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI
Wendell Wolka, 7425 South Woodward Ave., Apt.
214, Woodridge, IL 60515
Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, I A 50036
Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Charles Colver, Michael
Crabb, Jr., Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, Jr., Roy
Pennell, Jr., George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, J. Thomas
Wills, Jr., Wendell Wolka.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was
organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-
profit organization under the laws of the District of
Columbia. It is affiliated with the American
Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting
at the ANA Convention in August of each year.
MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at
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Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized
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Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C.
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numismatic firms with whom they have done business,
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DUES -The Society dues are on a calendar year
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Vol. 4, 1965, No 2 (No 14) Vol. 10, 1971, No. I (No. 37)
Vol. 4, 1965. No. 3 (No 15) Vol. 10. 1971, No. 2 (No. 38)
Vol. 10, 1971, No 3 (No. 39)
Vol. 5. 1966, No. I (No. 17)
Vol. 5,
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(No. 19)
11. 1972, No. 1 (No. 41)
Vol. 5, 1966, No. 4 (No. 20)
II. 1972, No. 2 (No. 42)
Vol II, 1972. No. 3 (No. 43)
Vol II. 1972, No. 4 (No. 44)
Vol. 6, 1967. No. 1 (No 21)
Vol. 6, 1967, No. 2 (No. 22) Vol 12, 1973, No. 1 (No. 45)
Vol. 6, 1967, No. 3 (No. 23) Vol
12, 1973, No. 2 (No. 46)
Vol. 6, 1967, No. 4 (No. 24) Vol
12, 1973. No. 3 (No. 47)
Vol 12. 1973, No 4 (No. 48)
Vol. 7, 1968. No. I (No. 25) Vol. 13. 1974, No I (No. 49)
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Vol. 7. 1968. No 3 (No. 27) Vol. 13, 1974. No 3 (No. 51)
Vol. 7. 1968. No 4 () No. 28) Vol. 13. 1974. No 4 (No. 52)
Vol. 13, 1974. No 5 (No. 53)
Vol 8, 1969, No. 1 )No. 29) Vol. 13, 1974, No 5 (No, 54)
Vol. 8. 1969. No. 2 1No. 30)
Vol 8. 1069, No. 3 (No. 31) Vol. 14. 1075, No 1 (No. 55)
Vol. 8. 1969, No. 4 (No. 32) Vol.
14, 1975. No 2 (NO. 56)
Vol. 14. 1975. No 3 (No. 57)
Vol_ 14. 1975, No 4 (No. 58)
Vol. 9, 1970, No. 1 (No. 33) Vol. 14, 1975. No 5 (No. 59)
Vol. 9. 1970, No. 2 (No. 34) Vol. 14, 1975. No 5 (No. 60)
Vol. 9. 1970, No 3 (No. 35)
Vol. 9, 1970. No. 4 (No. 36) Index Vol. I 10 SI 90
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge, N.J. 07 02 8
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Page 68
Paper Money
Whole No. 80
Page 69
Is The 1882 Alaska
Territorial A Phantom?
by Peter Huntoon
The purpose of this article is to briefly describe the
steps taken before Alaska was admitted to the
Union on January 3, 1959, and to relate these to the
labels on the Nationals issued in Alaska.
The history of Alaska represents one of the darkest
pages of American colonial imperialism. The vast wilder-
ness ceded to us in 1867 following more than one hundred
years of Russian rule was never taken seriously by
Congress. Instead, this unique, wonderful, and valuable
land was the prey of special interest groups who, with the
aid of an indifferent Congress, exploited its natural
resources. Worse, but by design, the population in Alaska
was to remain disenfranchised until 1912.
The purchase of Alaska was negotiated between Secre-
tary of State Willard Seward and Baron Edouard
Stoeckel, Russian Minister to the United States. The pur-
chase was facilitated by several factors, among them the
fact that Alaska was too far from Saint Petersburg for
the Czar to effectively rule the land. The wealth in furs
that sustained most of Russia's interest was almost de-
pleted. Rumors of gold in the interior aroused Russian
concern that the place would become ungovernable, par-
ticularly if Americans and Canadians participated in the
inevitable rushes. At the time Russia was in dispute with
Britain, thus making a sale to the United States that
much more attractive. The land was sold for $7,200,000,
about two cents per acre and without formal boundaries.
The Russians, who governed the land under a strict
authoritarian hand, moved out as the Americans moved
in. However, the Americans did not bring a government
with them. For the next 17 years, Congress neglected to
enact legislation giving the land any form of civil govern-
ment. Various commissioners and military men assumed
limited jurisdictions over the southeastern panhandle but
they did not govern nor were the people who settled the
land given any form of representative voice in their
The normal route to statehood was for a territory to be
organized by an Organic Act passed by Congress. Such
acts established a civil government, provided for land
distributions, and considered other matters necessary to
prepare a region for statehood. For Alaska, this process
fell flat. Seward's Ice Box was treated differently, much
like present day Puerto Rico.
When the Alaskan Organic Act finally passed Congress
in 1884, Congressional attitudes were very little im-
proved. Senate Bill 153, drafted by Senator Benjamin
Harrison of Indiana, constituted Alaska as a "Civil and
Judicial District." This totally inadequate act provided
for no representative government; rather a governor,
district judge, clerk of court, and four subsidiary judges
were appointed by the President. General United States
land laws were specifically excluded by the act, although
the mining laws were put into effect. The laws of Oregon
were declared the law of the District of Alaska so far as
they might be applicable; however, there was a major
kg V i
3 git,
Page 70 Paper Money
flaw. The civil government in the Oregon code assumed
town and county forms of government, yet both were
forbidden in Alaska because the general land laws were
excluded from the act. Local governments could not be
created, and if they were, their functions could have no
legal standing and their mandates could have no
authority. No representative, even a non-voting one, was
allowed to be seated in Congress. Alaska was formally
designated the District of Alaska. Thus was enacted the
First Organic Act which became law on May 17, 1884.
Former Alaskan Governor Ernest Gruening
(1968, p. 53) wrote:
"Alaska was a civil district in which the
civil administration was authorized only to
inspect, enforce the laws, and report, yet
denied the means either to inspect or enforce.
"Alaska was a judicial district, but Con-
gress had so confused its mandate that no
judge could be certain what the law was, and
the marshal and his deputies often lacked the
wherewithal to enforce a court order or sen-
tence when there was one.
"Alaska was a land district, but without
land laws."
The dismal administrative situation that resulted from
the First Organic Act was compounded by public apathy
and ignorance toward Alaska in the states. It would take
major gold rushes before the people in the states would
understand or even become aware of the Alaskan
situation, and before their representatives would re-
spond. belatedly, tentatively, and with piecemeal legis-
lation to try to correct defects in the First Organic Act.
The first major cry of "gold" came from Juneau in 1860
when gold was discovered along the Inland Waterway by
Joseph Juneau and Richard Harris. Next, in 1897, came
the Klondike gold discoveries centered around Dawson
City, Yukon Territory. The resulting stampede brought
50,000 fortune seekers to the northwest and most
traveled through the northern part of the Alaskan
panhandle on their way to the gold fields in Canada.
Towns such as Skagway and Dyea became major disem-
barkation ports during the years 1897 and 1898. Follow-
ing the Klondike strikes were those on the golden beaches
of Nome in 1900, and Fairbanks in 1902. Nome and Fair-
banks were in Alaska, so the fever settled on American
The economic fabric of Alaska between 1884 and the
early 1900's was dominated by a small group of very
wealthy, politically powerful corporate exploiters — fore-
most among them the Morgan-Guggenheim copper in-
terests. Civil government, and even basic justice, lan-
guished and the people in Alaska remained unable to
enjoy the fundamental benefits of government.
Gradually, beginning in 1906, Congress felt compelled to
enact limited, patchwork reforms, but this process was
painfully inadequate and slow.
For the National Bank Note buff, one piece of legis-
lation that was passed in 1906 provided most important-
ly for the election of a delegate to Congress, and also pro-
vided that Alaska should be referred to as the "Territory
of Alaska" instead of the "District of Alaska," as it had
been previously designated. Gruening (1968, p. 139)
writes cynically that this act conferred "a promotion
without the expense of territorial government or the self-
governmental features inherent in territorial status."
In 1908, the articulate and forceful Judge James
Wickersham was elected to serve as delegate to Congress.
With his influence sentiment developed in both Alaska
and the states for Congress to enact a Second Organic
Act that would hopefully establish a territorial form of
government for Alaska, and which Alaskans hoped would
pave the way for statehood.
On August 24, 1912, President Taft signed into law
Alaska's Second Organic Act. For the first time in 54
years, Alaskans could now elect a legislature. Unfor-
tunately, as with previous Alaskan legislation, the
Second Organic Act was notable not for what it did, but
rather for the powers and rights that it neglected. Land
distribution was left in a continuing state of disarray, and
many taxing and legislative powers normally awarded to
territorial legislatures were specifically precluded or
omitted. Alaska in 1912 was formally a Territory, both in
Whole No. 80 Page 71
Table 1. Statutory statuses of Alaska
under United States jurisdiction
1867 - 1884
1884 - 1912
1912 - 1959
1959 - present
Purchase from Russia
First Organic Act
Second Organic Act
Statehood Act
name and in legal substance, but the people felt cheated
of an effective vehicle to transform their land into a state.
They were correct in their assessment — it would take
another painful 47 years to achieve that goal. A reluctant
and usually ignorant U.S. Congress would put occasional
patches on the Second Organic Act but the act would
prove to be inadequate and consistent with the past
legislative history dealing with our northwestern
"colony." The First Territorial Legislature assembled in
Juneau on March 3rd, 1913.
Table 1 summarizes the various legal statuses of
Alaska. Technically Alaska was renamed a " Territory"
in the Delegate Act of 1906 but the term had little
In order for an Alaskan National Bank Note to accu-
rately reflect the status of Alaska, it should bear the pro-
per status label at the time it was printed. The fact is that
most Alaska notes do not properly reflect the standing of
the region. Those that do not could be called phantoms!
Table 2 summarizes the labels actually found on Alaskan
Nationals and the theoretically correct status at the time
the notes were printed.
All the large-size notes issued by the First National
Bank of Fairbanks carry the designation "District of
Alaska." This simply means that the plates were never
altered to reflect the new status of Alaska resulting from
the Second Organic Act of 1912. All the Series of 1902
First National Bank of Juneau notes carry only the label
"Alaska," the word "Territory" being totally omitted
from the plate for some reason. All the 1929 Alaskan
notes, regardless of bank, came only with the "Alaska"
To answer the question posed by the title of this article:
NO! — the 1882 Date Back from Juneau shown here is
not a phantom. It was issued when Alaska was a Terri-
tory and remains the only known note that properly re-
flects Alaska's Territorial status. In fact, it is the only
Alaska National known that bears the Territory label.
Alaska is unique in having had two Organic Acts prior
to attaining statehood. Consequently the District and
Territorial issues from Alaska are uniquely distinct from
each other. This fact makes Alaska unique in the annals
of National Bank Note collecting. There is no parallel
situation recorded on notes.
Gruening, Ernest, 1968, The State of Alaska: Random House,
New York, 661 p.
Hulley, Clarence C., 1953, Alaska, 1741 - 1953: Binfords and
Mort, Portland, 406 p.
Table 2. Status of Alaska and actual labels carried on Nationals.
Proper Designation Applicable Issues
District of Alaska Series of 1882 Brown Backs
Series of 1902 Red Seals
Early series of 1882 Date Backs
Early series of 1902 Date Backs
Territory of Alaska Late series of 1882 Date Backs
Late series of 1902 Date Backs
Series of 1902 Blue Seal Plain Backs
Series of 1929 notes
Banks which issued the Type
Juneau,* Fairbanks*
Juneau,* Fairbanks,* Ketchikan*
( 5 ) indicates that the notes from the bank carry the wrong status label.
(?) indicates that no notes of this vintage are known.
.;:r :Aro Z),1L71,222,3
• •
Page 72
Paper Money
A Check List
Of Some Script
Printed From
Three Basic
by William J. Harrison
R.G. Harrison's business card.
The Eastern Shore Railroad Company note with original use of
"early railroad train" vignette.
In the process of collecting and making a check list of
obsolete bank notes engraved and printed by various
members of the Harrison family, I did not include certain
notes and scrip which showed certain vignettes or por-
traits that were originally engraved by Richard Granville
Harrison and first appeared on bank notes engraved by
him, and later used on bank notes or scrip showing other
engraving or printing company's imprints. This use of the
same engraved vignettes by different engraving com-
panies became possible with the discovery of the process
of engraving on soft steel, then hardening the steel plate,
and making transfer rolls, etc. Thus it was possible to
make numerous duplicates of engraved vignettes. As a
result, engravers sometimes sold their vignettes to other
engraving firms, or when they joined other partnerships,
added their plates to the stock of the partnership.
Accordingly, one man's work can be found on notes
engraved or composed by other engraving companies.
The following is a descriptive list of certain vignettes
and portraits that were engraved by R.G. Harrison, and
illustrations of the notes on which they were first used.
These engravings were used later on three specific steel
plates made for use as scrip in several states.
1. The Early Railroad Train. Originally used on:
A. R.G. Harrison's business card done in the form
of a bank note on bank note paper.
B. The $5, $10, and $20 notes of the Eastern Shore
Railroad Company.
2. "The Kill" or "Death of a Stag". Originally used on:
A. R.G. Harrison's business card.
B. The $1 Southern Loan Company, Philadelphia
3. Portraits of Washington and Franklin. Originally
used on:
A. The Kensington Savings Institution, Philadel-
phia notes of $1, $2, and $3.
B. Bridgeton, N.J. notes J.L. Southard $1 (Wait
# 195)
G.D. Wall $3. (Wait #196)
4. The Two Funnel Sidewheeler Steamship. Originally
used on:
A. Bridgeton, N.J. note. G.D. Wall $3 (Wait # 196)
Although these vignettes are not "signed" by R.G.
Harrison, I do not believe he would have used any other
engraver's work on his business card which shows the
The Southern Loan Company note with original use of "the kill"
Kensington Savings Institute note with original use of Franklinvignette.
and Washington vignettes.
tsn Frani4444,
`_'/4., IDOTILER2),
, /h,
Plate 1 (half of specimen sheet with printed "San Francisco").
Whole No. 80 Page 73
Early Railroad Train and "The Kill" or "Death of a
Stag". There is no question about the Washington and
Franklin portraits, as they do carry his engraver's im-
print. They appear not only on the Kensington Savings
Institution notes, but also on the Bridgeton, N.J. notes,
which have for the central vignette the Two Funnel Side-
wheeler Steamship. The Bridgeton, N.J. notes happen to
be proofs which I found in the Library Company of Phila-
delphia collection, together with other R.G. Harrison
proofs of notes of the Merchants Bank of New York,
made at various stages of the progress of the engraving.
This fact leads me to suspect that the proofs came from
R.G. Harrison's estate.
During the financial depression of the late 1830s, coins
became very scarce and many merchants, cities, counties
and banks issued their own fractional scrip. In the 1977
NASCA sale of the Guervrekian collection, the item
#1226, a Borough of Bellefonte, Pa. scrip note for 121/2i
date 1842, carries a foot note which indicates this scarcity
of coins, stating, "Bellefonte was among 30 towns
authorized by Pennsylvania to emit notes from 1837 to
1842 . . ."
There are three specific steel plates, each of six notes,
two wide and three down, with engraved vignettes or
portraits at each end and in the center which contain the
R.G. Harrison engravings described above. The sheets
from these three engraved plates were printed without
any wording in the body of the note or denominations or
counters. Who composed the make-up of these steel
plates and printed the engraved sheets is not known. The
wording indicating the issuer, location, counters and
denominations was added by letter press printing at a
later time, either in Philadelphia by E. Morris or by Man-
ley and Orr, or others, or perhaps by a printer in the city
or town of issue.
The three parallel pairs of notes on each sheet are des-
ignated in the check list as A for the top pair, B for the
middle pair and C for the bottom pair, showing when
known, the denomination used on each of the six notes.
When it is known that different denominations were used
on each note of a pair, the notes are identified as Al and
A2, or B1 and B2, or Cl and C2. When the denomination
of any pair is unknown, it will be signified by a question
mark ?.
The issue of this scrip was determined from numerous
sources, such as the lists of obsolete notes and scrip by
states published in book form by our SPMC, and so indi-
cated in the check list by the compiler's name, ie. Free-
man, Leggett or Wait; the various monographs on scrip
B141111,11AV, Balker Counl -■, 4,111ORGIA,
or it orrr,
$itNIONti, in corrrnt I1 uA re,
4llstrny .
11,11A1Vli t Balker 4 runt}, 4 ,41010,11A.
14, pnmisr to pay
Twenty•Five Cents,
rroll Bunk B■114,
*LB Mawr 4. mint 1,1E01124411,1..
fr3/. to pay
FIFTY cithms,
on drmnao, in. nreknt Bank W,
Alk1Np, 1.3
G.D. Wall note with original use of two funnel sidewheeler steam-
ship vignette. Plate 2 (half of sheet of unused merchant's scrip).
r &firer,Om
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- Paper Money- Vol. XVII, No. 2- Whole No. 74- March- April 1978
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