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Table of Contents
• June 1979
Volume XVIII No. 3
Whole No. 81
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explains Frenc
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nk of Wigs Ad
Barbara Mueller'
The Elusive "14000" Charte
Series Numbered National B
Notes are caught by M. 0
1t4a PO' Ot OW!P ON [AMMO,
A012345 14000
Lira{ ROCK
Increases Buying Prices
Now 20% to 100% Higher
In keeping with the rapidly rising demand for Choice and Gem notes we have again increased
our buying prices. Our clients have told us they want the material NOW! Therefore we are
prepared to pay PREMIUM PRICES for this material.
For Choice and Gem Notes
Buying NOW
Buying NOW
Buying NOW
Friedberg Donlon 6 mo.ago Buying Friedberg Donlon 6 mo.ago Buying Friedberg Donlon 6 mo.ago Buying
Fr -16, 17 D-101-1 375.00 500.00 Fr-249-258 D-202-20-202-31 175.00 265.00 Fr -624-638 D- 100.00 115.00
Fr -18 D-101-4 385.00 600.00 Fr.-259-265 0-205-12 -205-15 1600.00 2000.00 Fr -639-641 D- 400.00 500.00
Fr -19-27 D-101-4A -101-7 185.00 200.00 Fr.-266, 267 D-205-15A, 205-17 650.00 800.00 Fr -642-649 D-C320-201-C320-2812 120.00 135.00
Fr -28-30 D-101-8-101-10 200.00 225.00 Fr.-268-270 D-205-17A -205-20 1750.00 2900.00 Fr -650-663 D- 120.00 150.00
Fr.-31-33 D-101-14R-101-15B 750.00 900.00 Fr.-271-281 D-205-20A -205-31 400.00 700.00
Fr -34, 35 D-101-15R-101-17 210.00 225.00 Fr.-282 D-205-31A 450.00 650.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES
Fr.-36-39 D-101-28 -101-31 50.00 80.00 Fr -708-746 0-401A-28 - 401 L-29A 60.00 80.00
Fr -40 D-101-31 A 135.00 175.00 TREASURY NOTES Fr.-747-780 D-402A-28-402L-29A 175.00 300.00
Fr -41, 41A 0-10211, 102T2 550.00 1000.00 Fr.-347-349 0-701-14-701-15A 750.00 1000.00 Fr.-781-809 D-405A-28-405L-28A 175.00 250.00
Fr -42 D-102-4 850.00 1000.00 Fr.-350-352 0-701-15B-701-19 250.00 500.00 Fr.-810-821 D-4108-28-410H-28 850.00 1000.00
Fr.-43-49 0-102-4A -102-8 235.00 265.00 Fr.-353-355 0-702-14-702-15A 1200.00 1500.00 Fr.-822-830 D-420E-29 - 420H-28 1000.00 1250.00
Fr.-50-52 D-102-8A -102-10 175.00 250.00 Fr.-356-358 0-702-15B-702-19 500.00 550.00
Fr.-53-56 D-102-14R -102-17 185.00 250.00 Fr.-359-361 D-705-14 -705-15A 1100.00 1250.00 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES
Fr -57-60 D-102-28-102-31 75.00 125.00 Fr.-362-365 D-705-15B - 705-20 550.00 600.00 Fr.-832-843 0-505A-35R -505L-35R 175.00 225.00
Fr -61-63A D-105-1T1 -105-114 375.00 600.00 Fr.-366-368 0-710-14 - 710-15A 1400.00 1750.00 Fr.-844-891 0-505A-35 -505L-38 40.00 70.00
Fr -64 D-105-4 325.00 625.00 Fr.-369-371 D-710-158 -710-19 575.00 650.00 Fr.-892-903 0-510A-35R -510L-35R 225.00 275.00
Fr -65-69 D-105-5 -105-7 200.00 225.00 Fr.-372-374 D-720-14 -720-15A 3500.00 4000.00 Fr.-904-951 D-510A-35 -510L-38 50.00 70.00
Fr.-70-72 0-105-8-105-10B 220.00 250.00 Fr.-375 D-720-17 390000 4500.00 Fr.-952-963 D-520A-35R -520L-35R 300.00 350.00
Fr.-73-82 0-105-10R -105-20 175.00 200.00 Fr.-964-1011 D-520A-35 - 520L-38 70.00 90.00
Fr.-83-92 D-105-22 -105-32 75.00 120.00 NATIONAL BANK NOTES Fr-1012-1023 0-550A-35R -550L-35R 500.00 550.00
Fr -93-95A 0-110-1T1 -110-1T4 650.00 700.00 Fr.-380-386 D-A301-2 -A301-8 500.00 600.00 Fr.-1024-1071 0-550A-35 - 550L-38 175.00 225.00
Fr -96 D-110-4 800.00 1000.00 Fr.-387-393 D-A302-2 -A302-8 1500.00 1600.00 Fr-1072-1083 D-500A-35R - 500L-35R 700.00 800.00
Fr -97-99 0-110-5 -110-7 500.00 700.00 Fr.-394-408 D-A305-1 - A305-14 600.00 650.00 Fr-1084-1131 D-500A-35 - 500 L-38 275.00 300.00
Fr.-100-102 D-110-8 -110-108 300.00 400.00 Fr.-409-423 D-A310-1 - A310-17 850.00 950.00
Fr.-103-113 D-110-10R -110-20 300.00 400.00 Fr.-424-439 D-A320-1 -A320-17 950.00 1050.00 GOLD CERTIFICATES
Fr.-114-122 0-110-20A -110-31 500.00 800.00 Fr.-466-478 D-B305-9 - B305-22 185.00 225.00 Fr-1167-1172 0-610-22 -610-28 225.00 235.00
Fr.-123 D-110-31A 1500.00 1750.00 Fr.-479-492 D-8310-9 - 8310-22 185.00 250.00 Fr.-1173 D-610-31 150.00 225.00
Fr.-124-126 0-120-1T1 -120-173 1100.00 1500.00 Fr.-493-506 D-B320-9 - B320-22 300.00 400.00 Fr-1174,1175 0-620-9, 620-9A 3250.00 3750.00
Fr.-127 D-205-31A 2500.00 3000.00 Fr.-532-538 D-13305-14- B305-24 300.00 325.00 Fr-1176,1177 0-620-10, 620-14 2300.00 2750.00
Fr.-539-548 D-B310-14- B310-24 375.00 425.00 Fr.-1178 0-620-20 750.00 850.00
SILVER CERTIFICATES Fr.-549-557 D-B320-14 - B320-22 425.00 500.00 Fr-1179,1180 D-620-20A, 620-21 2500.00 3000.00
Fr.-215-221 0-201-12 -201-15 325.00 500.00 Fr.-573-575 D-B305-17- B305-28 700.00 750.00 Fr.-1181-1186 0-620-22 -620-28 400.00 450.00
Fr. -222-223 D-201-15A, 201-17 300.00 400.00 Fr.-576-579 D43310-17- B310-28 800.00 900.00 Fr.-1187 D-620-31 231.00 350.00
Fr.-224-225 0-201-17A -201-19 400.00 600.00 Fr.-580-585 D-B320-17- B320-28 1100.00 1200.00 Fr.-1193-1197 0-650-20-650-24 1000.00 1100.00
Fr.-226-236 0-201-20 -201-31 60.00 85.00 Fr.-587-589 D-C305-20T3-C305-22T3 225.00 250.00 Fr.-1198,1199 D-650-27, 650-28 600.00 750.00
Fr-237-239 D-201-31 A -201-33 33.00 40.00 Fr.-590-597 D-C305-20T2 -C305-28T2 100.00 125.00 Fr -1200 D-650-31 500.00 800.00
Fr.-240-244 D-202-12 -202-14 450.00 550.00 Fr -598-612 D-C305-20T2-C305-28T2 90.00 115.00 Fr-1206-1214 D-600-20 -600-28 1100.00 1250.00
Fr -245, 246 D-202-15, 202-17 800.00 1000.00 Fr.-613-615 300.00 350.00 Fr -1215 D-600-29 750.00 1000.00
Fr. -247, 248 D-202-17A, 202-19 1100.00 1400.00 Fr.-616-623 D-C310-20T2 -C310-28T2 100.00 125.00
We invite you to compare our prices with any available on the market today.
Call or Write today at our New Address:
1000 Insurance Exchange Building
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
(515) 243-0129 / 800-247-5335
PAPER MONEY is published
every other month beginning in
January by The Society of Paper
Money Collectors, Inc., Harold
Hauser, P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge,
NJ 07028. Second class postage paid
at Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 and at
additional entry office, Federalsburg,
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Society of Paper Money Collectors,
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Advertising copy shall be restricted
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All advertising copy and
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
VOL. XVIII — NO.3 Whole No. 81 May/June 1979
225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549
Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed
to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own
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PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy.
Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding
the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.)
Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC,
including membership, changes of address, and receipt of
magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P.O. Box
4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111.
Richard Kelly 133
Peter Huntoon 138
M. Owen Warns 140
Barbara R. Mueller 145
Forrest W. Daniel 146
Bruce Smith 149
Samuel W. Johnson, Jr. 154
Paul T. Jung 157
Whole No. 81 Page 131
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Robert E. Medlar, 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio,
TX 78205
Eric P. Newman, 6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO
Harry Wigington, P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA
C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI
Wendell Wolka, 7425 South Woodward Ave., Apt.
214, Woodridge, IL 60515
Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036
Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Charles Colver, Michael
Crabb, Jr., Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, Jr., Roy
Pennell, Jr., George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, J. Thomas
Wills, Jr., Wendell Wolka.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was
organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-
profit organization under the laws of the District of
Columbia. It is affiliated with the American
Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting
at the ANA Convention in August of each year.
MEMBERSHIP -REGULAR. Applicants must be at
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Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C.
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DUES -The Society dues are on a calendar year
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Vol 4, 1965, No 2 No 14) 11461 10, 1971, N,,, I (No. 37)
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9..1 5 1966. No I No 17)
ol 5 1966, No 2 No 181
5.9 5. 1 9 66. No 3 No 191
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ol 14 1975 No No 57)
1...1 14 19 - 5 No 4 ,N.. 5}1,
1970 No I 33 , 9 1 ,1 14 195 N.. 5 N, 89.
19'11 N.,
2 No )4 501 11. 1975 No 5 , No ,,0:
19714 N.. 1 No 35!
1.1, 1 '1 1970 N,. 4 No it, 1.1), 6'..1
I I 1 SI 110
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge, N.J. 07 028
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Page 132
Paper Money
Numbering E xplained
Nearly all paper money is numbered in some way or
other. The French, British, and Americans, all use
different systems of numbering. Cracking a particular
system is often a challenge, like deciphering a secret code,
but once done, the pleasure and knowledge gained there-
by will far outweigh any effort expended. For example, if
there are signature varieties of a note in a given series,
estimates of the numbers printed will be essential infor-
mation in determining the relative scarcity of each. Or
even if there are no varieties, the same information may
help decide whether a note on offer is a bargain or not.
Many countries, notably France and her colonies, use the
system described below. With minor modifications, most
of which will be explained, the same system has been used
by countries as diverse as Laos, Chad, and Montenegro,
and many, many others. 1
Page 134 Paper Money
Er. .5:717-.74!IIT'rfT;
9 cn cn) a 90
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
23 6.1
24 di
26 0.5
28 c.1
31 1..n
15 c1-13
18 ,9
19 a
21 IS
We will begin by considering a simple case and then
turn to more difficult examples. To start, some termin-
ology is needed. In the lower left of the illustrated 500
Piastre note is a letter, "W", followed by a number, "8".
This combination of letter plus number is called the
"block group", or "block" for short. Thus the letter "W"
is called the "block letter" and the number "8" is called
the "block number". The number in the bottom right,
"219", is the "serial" and this should not be confused
with the "serial number", the number in the top center,
"0199219". In summary, then, we have:
W.8: block group or block
W: block letter
8: block number
219: serial
0199219: serial number
Since the serial occurs as the last three digits of the
serial number, it is apparent that there is some
connection between the serial number on the one hand
and the block group and the serial on the other. What is
this connection? The answer lies hidden in the block
group. The first thousand notes of this note type (French
Indochina Pick 26) will all have block group A.1 and serial
numbers between 0000001 and 0001000 inclusive, the
next thousand will have block group B.1 and serial num-
bers between 0001001 and 0002000, the next thousand
block group C.1 and serial numbers between 0002001 and
0003000, and so on. The serial, in contrast to the serial
number, here serves as a counter of the notes in block;
thus, of the thousand notes in block B.1, the 349th will
have serial 349 and its serial number will be 0001349. All
of these notes and block groups, because they have block
number 1, are said to belong to the first alphabet. When
this alphabet is exhausted, a new one is started; the block
letter reverts back to "A", the block number changes to
"2", and the serial numbers continue increasing as before.
And when this, the second alphabet is exhausted, the
block letter again reverts to "A", the block number
changes to "3" (the third alphabet), and the process re-
peats itself, and so on and so on. To complete the story,
two further refinements must be added: on most French
printed notes 1) the letter "I" is not used as a block letter,
and 2) the letter "W" comes after "Z", at the very end of
the alphabet. In all other respects, the alphabet used is
the familiar ABC's.
Figure 1. Cambodian Consonants and Numerals.
Whole No. 81
Given the above account of French numbering, it now
becomes a simple matter to compute the serial number
from the serial and block group. We first determine how
many block groups precede W.8, the block group of the
500 Piastre note. This number is multiplied by 1000 —
each block contains a thousand notes — and then the ser-
ial, provided it is not 000, is added to the result of the
multiplication. The reason for the proviso is that on
French notes, assuming that we are working with three-
digit serials, the order of the serials will be 001, 002, . .
998, 999, 000. Thus 000 follows 999 and is therefore the
serial of the last or 1000th note of a block. In such cases,
1000 (not 000!) is added to the result obtained from the
In practice the arithmetic is easy. The block number
"8" tells us that seven alphabets, each containing 25
blocks, 2 have already been exhausted and the block
letter "W" tells us that in the 8th alphabet all the block
groups preceding "W" have likewise been used. Thus 199
block groups precede W.8:
7 X 25 = 175 (25 blocks per alphabet)
+ 24 (24 letters/blocks precede "W")
199 blocks precede W.8
Multiplying 199 by 1000 and then adding the serial, 219,
yields 199219, the serial number. As another example,
Page 135
consider the illustrated 1 Piastre note. It has block group
R.4661. Thus the number of blocks that precede R.4661 is
4660 X 25 = 116500 (4660 alphabets exhausted)
+ 16 (16 letters/blocks precede "R")
116516 blocks precede R.4661
As before, multiplying 116516 by 1000 and then adding
the serial will yield the serial number, that is 116516612.
If a note already has a serial number, it is, of course,
senseless to spend time computing it. Many notes, how-
ever, do not have printed serial numbers and this is where
the above computation techniques come in handy. Our
third example is just such a case and also illustrates an
important modification to the procedure. Suppose a note
has block group C.7 and serial 90479. Notice first that the
serial contains fine digits. What this means is that the
serials on notes of this type run from 00001 to 00000.
with 00000 following 99999, and so there are 100,000
notes per block. In computing the serial number we may
proceed as before, but instead of multiplying by 1000, we
must now use 100,000. Working the serial number out, we
find that 152 blocks precede C.7:
6 X 25 = 150 (6 alphabets exhausted)
+ 2 (2 blocks/letters precede "C")
152 blocks precede C.7
fitiNitTii tit
,a1:2 lift*- Sr
Page 136
Paper Money
Multiplyingi 152 by 100,000 and then adding the serial
gives 15290479, the serial number. The point to remem-
ber here is that the number of digits in the serial deter-
mines the size of the blocks: a note type with one-digit
serials has ten notes per block, a note type with two-digit
serials has a hundred notes per block, and so on. Thus,
since both notes in the first two examples had three-digit
serials, each block contained a thousand notes.
Two further complications are illustrated by the next
example. As to be expected, many countries do not use
the English alphabet or Western numerals on their notes.
For example, although the illustrated 5 Riel note of
Cambodia has a Western serial (847626), the block group
(6\515) ) is Cambodian, the letter " " followed by the
numeral " 1 With a dictionary or manual of foreign
alphabets, 3 this initial obstacle of a foreign language
may easily be surmounted. The real difficulty lies in de-
termining 1) which letters of the alphabet are block
letters (recall the omission of "I" by the French), and in
determining 2) the order in which those block letters are
used (recall that "W" came after "Z"). In the case of the
Cambodia series, the required research has already been
done. 4 Figure 1 lists in order 33 Cambodian consonants,
these being the only letters used as block letters. Thus
each "alphabet" (in the technical sense) contains exactly
33 blocks, and since the serial (847626) has six digits,
each of these blocks contains 1,000,000 notes. Given this
information, the serial number may be computed as be-
fore. First we determine how many blocks precedeaig
multiply this by 1,000,000, and then add on the serial.
Because 1g) =2, one complete alphabet containing 33
blocks has already been exhausted, and since a is the
28th block letter, 27 blocks of the second alphabet have
likewise been exhausted. Hence a total of 60 blocks pre-
cede it) :
1 X 33 = 33 (1 alphabet exhausted)
+ 27 (27 letters/blocks precede " " )
60 blocks precede a 19
Multiplying 60 by 1,000,000 and adding the serial gives
60, 847, 626, the serial number. (Still with us? Yes, then
why not test your skills by computing the serial number
of a note with blockILI and serial 68101. The answer is
in the footnote; no, don't peek!) 5
Two questions remain unanswered: how do we find out
which letters of a given alphabet are block letters and
how do we know the order in which they are used?
Roughly, the answer is to work backwards, starting with
notes which do have printed serial numbers. Consider the
three Lao notes that are illustrated. Each has a different
block letter but all have the same block number, namely
1. Because the block number is 1, all of these notes must
be from the first alphabet and consequently the only
blocks that can precede, say n1, are blocks in the first
alphabet. Working backwards, we subtract the serial
(094431) from the serial number (008094431) and get
008000000. And since the serial has six digits, we divide
008000000 by 1,000,000 — remember, in working
forwards we multiplied. The result of the division is, of
course, eight and this is the number of blocks in the first
alphabet that precedes Ill. Or in other words, eight is
the number of block letters that precede (1 and so
Whole No. 81
Page 137
must be the 9th letter of the "alphabet". Similarly, n
and fl are the 10th and 11th letters respectively. The
remaining block letters and their order may be discovered
in the same way; all that is required is patience and a
mixed sample of notes, one exhibiting a variety of block
groups. The Laos series is an especially good one to
practice on, for the notes are plentiful, inexpensive, and
come with and without printed serial numbers. Moreover,
different numbering systems and alphabets are used
within the series, so that once one system is cracked,
there is still the challenge of another. 6
It is not possible to discuss all the complications that
may arise or to consider all the ways of handling them, for
some are unique to a given note type. Nonetheless, be-
cause they are easily overlooked, the following possi-
bilities are worth mentioning: the alphabet or block let-
ters used for one note type may not be the same for an-
other note type in the same series (e.g., on one type "I"
and "0 - may be omitted but only "I" on another); the
order of the alphabet may vary from type to type (this
happens rarely: "Z", for example, may come last); there is
a break or change in the numbering (this sometimes
happens with a change in signatures); there are special re-
placement block groups (these usually have impossibly
high block numbers); 7 the block number and block letter
exchange roles (that is, for example, A.1 is followed by
A.2 and not B.2, A.2 is followed by A.3 and not B.3, etc.);
and finally, the printer may have slipped up (foreign block
letters are known to have been printed upside down)! In
most cases, however, collectors need only follow the ex-
amples worked out earlier, for exceptions occur infre-
quently and when they do — well, that's the challenge of
cracking the system! 8
1. For example, the system has been used by the follow-
countries: Algeria, Belgium, Cambodia, Cameroon, the
Central African Republic, the Comoro Islands, the
Congo, the Equatorial African States, Guadaloupe, etc.
2. Recall that since "I" is omitted, the "alphabet" con-
tains 25 (not 26) letters. Remember too that "W" is the
last or 25th letter.
3. Reynolds and Gleichen's Alphabets of Foreign Lang-
uages, reprinted 1958, is useful for a number of lang-
4. See "Signature and Other Varieties of Cambodian
Banknotes", Spink;s Numismatic Circular, March 1979.
5. "028468101"
6. Two Lao block groups receive special attention in
"Some Lao Papermoney Varieities", Spink's Numis-
matic Circular, November 1978.
7. For examples of special blocks being reserved for re-
placement notes, see the articles cited in notes 4 and 6.
8. The terminology used in this article is standard among
some authors. Other terms, however, are also in com-
mon use; for example, "prefix letter" and "series
letter" are sometimes used instead of "block letter".
The term "series letter" has much to recommend it, but
unfortunately "series" is already used is too many di-
verse (and inconsistent!) ways.
Page 138
C-07 7P)
if ;L,
by Peter Huntoon
With this issue, the Paper Column officially joins
PAPER MONEY as a regular column for what I hope will
be a lasting stay.
The Column formerly appeared in the Bank Note Repor-
ter and ran for 66 consecutive months beginning with the
eighth issue in August, 1973, and ending in January of
this year. As most of you know, the Bank Note Reporter
was originally owned and published by Grover Criswell,
now president of the ANA. It has often been rumored
that Grover, in his humble and modest way, founded the
BNR to tout his ANA presidential bid. That may be true,
but what is more important is the fact that the paper
caught on and before long it had a readership of over two
thousand, probably the same readers as PAPER
In January of 1976, Austin Sheheen, a gentleman from
Camden, SC, with a brother in the printing business,
bought the paper from Criswell and continued to operate
on a marginal basis except for the romance of the whole
thing. The Criswell BNR had attracted several topnotch
writers including John Muscalus, Fred Schwan, Chuck
O'Donnell, and Neil Sowards. All of these contributors
stayed with Austin, and Austin even enticed a few new
faces into the fold, such as Doug Ball. This fact alone is
the ultimate compliment for this enthusiastic collector
and fine fellow. I remember that Bernard Schaaf wrote
the most authoritative article on U.S. star notes ever to
appear while Sheheen had the paper.
In the old days, that is any time before 1979, writing
for the paper was a labor of love. I got nothing but lots of
typos and an occasional ad for my efforts. The publishers
always claimed that in my case the errors were misspell-
ings in my submissions. I deny this! Since the publishers
never made any money, I figured it was a draw.
Well, now the BNR has gone big time. Krause Publica-
tions bought it in January and can staff it with profes-
sional writers. Because this thing is a pastime, it is time
for me to bail out and continue with the marginally
profitable ventures!
A couple of other considerations make this move appro-
priate. For the ego, there is the fact that people save
PAPER MONEY; in fact there is even a market for old
copies. The BNR was a throwaway and most of my fine
columns hit the trash after just a couple of days!
Another factor is that the SPMC is the leading paper
money society in the world and as such it deserves sup-
port from all of us. I just hope Barbara Mueller can catch
most of my typos and misspellings; otherwise the past
publishers of the BNR will be saying "we told you so."
During our trip to Alaska, I browsed through a number
of book stores. One gem that I came up with was The
Skagway Story. In it are over a hundred photos and a
lively text that describes the history of Skagway from its
founding until today. Naturally I bought a copy and read
Paper Money
it avidly for any details on the movement of gold or
money through the town. Sure enough, there was plenty
of that in the book. You will enjoy the following bank tale.
If you would like a copy of the book, send $5.50 to Alaska
Northwest Publishing Company, Box 4-EEE, Anchorage,
AK 99509, and they will send you a copy. I highly
recommend it.
AN ATTEMPTED HOLDUP by Howard Clifford
Excepted from THE SKAGWAY STORY. Copyright
© 1975 by Howard Clifford. All rights reserved.
Permission for this reprint granted by the author and
Alaska Northwest Publishing Company.
Frontier towns generally suffered bank holdups, or
at least an attempt. Skagway was not to be outdone.
Just before closing time on September 15, 1902, a
stranger entered the Skagway Branch of the Canadian
Bank of Commerce at 516 Fifth Avenue and demanded
Two bank employees were on duty at the time,
George Wallace, a veteran of the South African war,
and Charles R.W. Pooley. The bank manager, Harry
M. Lay, had gone to Whitehorse, and L.M. DeGax, an
accountant in the Whitehorse branch, was on the way
to Skagway to take over. Wallace was working on the
ledger at his desk and Pooley, who was preparing to
stow away the cash and gold dust from the teller's
cage, had just opened the big safe in the back room.
The stranger had a couple of sticks of dynamite in
his left hand and a revolver in his right. He asked
Wallace if he knew what he had, and Wallace replied,
"Yes, dynamite!"
Wallace acted as if to go to the cashier's cage, but
dashed for the back door and yelled to Pooley, "Look
out, he's got a gun!"
Just then John G. Price, a prominent Skagway
attorney, came through the front door with some $350
in cash in his hand to deposit. His entry startled the
holdup man. The robber fired his revolver, either by ac-
cident or with the intent of shooting Pooley or Price.
He hit the dynamite instead. There was a violent
explosion. Flying glass from the front of the building
cut Price about the face, temporarily blinding him, and
scattering the bills throughout the area. Wallace was
blown out the back door and Pooley, protected by the
iron door of the safe, was deafened and dazed but
otherwise unhurt.
The holdup man died a few hours later at the railroad
hospital. It was learned that he had hired a man with a
boat to row him to Dyea, to leave at 3:20 p.m. that
same afternoon.
The bank was a wreck, and $2,800 in gold dust that
had been in the teller's cage was scattered.
Following the explosion, the military used a hose in
the remains of the building to wash everything down
in an attempt to recover the dust. Four to six inches of
the ground around the place was put in barrels and
boxes and hauled down to the creek, where sluice
boxes were built and the ground "processed" for the
gold under the direction of Herman Kirmse. The
panning efforts resulted in the recovery of more gold
than was believed on hand in the bank at the time.
Whole No. 81
Page 139
John Price recovered all of his bills, not losing a single
Temporary repairs were made on the bank, and when
it opened the next morning there was a run with many
depositors demanding their money immediately. All
demands were paid promptly, and later when they
tried to re-deposit their funds, DeGax refused to take
them, stating that if the customers had withdrawn
their funds when they felt the bank was unsafe, they
should find some other place to put their money.
After the death of the would-be bank robber, J.J.
Rogers, the U.S. commissioner for the District of
Skagway, called a coroner's jury composed of Thomas
Ray, Theo. Johnson, J.B. Moore, Hugh Caswell and J.
Nelson. The jury convened with Dr. S.D. Cameron
acting as the examining physician. After hearing the
various witnesses and examining the evidence, the
jury found that, "The deceased is an unknown man of
the age of about 35 years, of unknown nationality &
occupation; that the deceased came to his death in
Skagway, Alaska, on Monday the 15th day of Sep-
tember, 1902; that in our opinion death was caused by
the firing of a pistol, which deceased held in his hand
discharged, causing the explosion of dynamite, which
he was carrying on his person, while engaged in an
attempt to blow up and rob the Canadian Bank of
Commerce in the said City of Skagway, Alaska, about
3 o'clock p.m. on said day, resulting in wounds from
which he died about an hour later in the railroad hos-
pital in said City of Skagway." Among the few effects
found on the victim's body was a yard of ribbon and a
silver dollar.
The robber's remains were taken to a medical clinic
for study. Eventually they were placed in a sack and
thrown in a woodshed, where they were later dis-
covered by three men including W.T. White, who knew
the whole story. The skeleton was cremated, but White
kept the skull, which in 1910 he presented to Dr. L.S.
Keller. Doc Keller presented the relic to Martin Itjen,
who displayed it in his museum until 1926, when the
museum was closed.
Peter Huntoon was born in West Orange, New Jersey,
on August 27, 1942, but was raised as a teen-ager in
Tucson, Arizona. He earned his BS, MS, and Ph.D
degrees in ground water geology from the University of
Arizona. His first academic position was with the
Department of Geology at the University of Nebraska-
Lincoln in 1971. Being a westerner at heart, he longed for
the deserts and mountains, so in 1974 he joined the
Department of Geology and Water Resources Research
Institute at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. He is
currently an Associate Professor, which position involves
normal teaching responsibilities and research in his areas
of specialty. Much of his research has dealt with the
geology and ground water hydrology of the Grand
Canyon of Arizona, and other southwestern National
Parks and Monuments. He has published widely on the
geology and ground water hydrology of these areas.
Peter's wife, Victoria, is a ceramics instructor for the
Department of Art at the University of Wyoming. They
have an 11-year-old son named Trey.
Huntoon has regularly contributed paper money arti-
cles to the numismatic press, his first being a short article
entitled "Bank teller reports double error note," which
appeared in Coin World June 22, 1966. His first contri-
bution to PAPER MONEY was the "Types of the Series
of 1902 National Bank Notes", which ran in volume 5 in
1966. This article won an Honorable Mention from the
Since 1966, Huntoon has written over fifty articles on
paper money in addition to his 66 Paper Columns in the
Bank Note Reporter between 1973 and 1979. He co-
authored with Louis Van Belkum and M.O. Warns the
SPMC book The National Bank Note Issues of 1929 -1935,
and contributed the sections on 1929 Nationals to the
past four editions of the O'Donnell catalog. His series on
the problems with doctored paper money in the numis-
matic market was his most popular and appeared in
PAPER MONEY, The Numismatist, Bank Note
Reporter, Coin World, The Rag Picker, and Shtarot.
Huntoon began collecting paper money seriously in
1963 when he was 21 and when the 81 FRN's first ap-
peared. His interests quickly turned to National Bank
Notes and small size type notes. In small size types, he
has specialized in the mules and has written extensively
about them. He has attempted the impossible of collect-
ing a National Bank Note from each of Arizona's 27 is-
suing banks and now has notes from 21 of them. His
Arizona collection was started in 1965. He also started
the difficult collection of Wyoming notes without any
idea of ever moving to that state. By the time he arrived
in Laramie in 1974, his collection of Wyoming notes was,
and remains, second only to Tom Mason's. Huntoon
particularly enjoys territorials and rare Nationals regard-
less of location but is not too fussy about condition. He
has written many times that the truly rare Nationals
usually don't come in grades better than very good to
In 1976, Huntoon was elected to the Board of Directors
of the Paper Money Collectors of Michigan. He was
elected to the Board of Directors of the Society of Paper
Money Collectors in 1978. The PMCM gave him their
Appreciation Award for his contributions to paper money
collecting at the International Paper Money Show in
Memphis in 1978.
SPMC 662
+.11414,C*ii it* Hi :til/it,
A012345 14000
4000 A012345
iralloritt 311011111PROLLIIIL
•,3"S t",%
NATIAkt 841V, OF
• 40123145
1011011Al BANK Of
t*:1 caw>
A010456 1H
12e: A010456
Page 140 Paper Money
"14000" Charter Series Numbered
National Bank Notes
by M. Owen Warns, NLG
Significant collector interest has been evidenced in the
short-lived National Bank notes of the "14000" series of
charter numbers issued during the economically troubled
years of 1934 and 1935. This last series employed in
printing notes marked the end of the National Bank note
issuing period that began with the passage of the
National Currency Act of February 25, 1863 along with
the subsequent issuance of the First Charter notes that
appeared on November 2nd of that year.
The initial charter number of the series, 14000, was
granted to The Commercial National Bank of Little Rock,
Arkansas on February 12, 1934. Within a year's time, on
January 5, 1935, charter 14320 issued $250,000 worth of
type 2 $10 notes and gained the distinction of being the
highest chartered National Bank to have issued notes.
The small amounts of notes issued in the 14000 series
were scarce from the very beginning. Of the 349 banks
chartered in this series, 185 issued notes; the remaining
164 banks elected not to do so, according to the
Comptroller's reports. The last 28 banks chartered, 14321
to 14348, did not issue notes for as-yet-unexplained
Louis Van Belkum revealed in his publication The
National Banks of the Note Issuing Period, 1863 -1935
that the last bank chartered in 1935 was The Roodhouse
National Bank of Roodhouse, Illinois; it was granted
charter 14348 on December 16th of that year, some seven
months after the National Currency Act had been
The regular printing of National Bank Notes took place
on May 20, 1935 when $10 type 2 notes were processed
for the Manufacturers National Bank of Newnan,
Georgia (pop. 11,205), situated approximately 37 miles
southwest of Atlanta. Within the week that followed, the
National Currency Act for all intents and purposes had
been terminated. However, it was not all over yet, for it
was discovered that through an oversight in the
Comptroller's office a bond adjustment of $50,000 in
favor of The First National Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio,
Charter 128, had to be satisfied. This resulted in an
extended printing order of $30,000 worth of $10 and
$20,000 worth of $20 notes, both of which were type 2.
These were printed and delivered to the bank on July 10,
1935, seven weeks after regular printings of notes had
ceased. These two notes are highly prized by collectors.
Only a scant number of the $10 notes have surfaced,
while no $20 notes have been reported to date.
Aftermath Of 1929 Stock Market Crash
Affects Establishment Of New Banks
The 14000 charter series became a reality when our
country was still acutely aware of the ravages wrought
by the great depression resulting from the 1929 stock
market disaster that had extended itself into the mid-
1930's. The indelible images of the millions out of work
still lingered in people's minds; there were the widespread
hunger marches, the unemployed selling apples on street
corners, the bread riots, the war veterans' bonus army
marchers encamped on the edge of the District of
Columbia where they could forcibly plead their plight to
Charter 14000 with the unusual serial of 12345 THE EXTENDED PRINTING FOR CHARTER 128
$10 serials, 10261 - 13260, $30,000 worth
$20 serials, 2545 - 3544, $20,000 worth
1 . 1 1►11111.1.A104
tArrEn ttus 4nANIA:RINA
▪ TwEyrr unuAns
A000789 142145
14245 A000789
EVI $, DI c
'1'E11: ARVOSTATES VilltitA
IN; MOUNT 51111E
MOT' N 101_I Vi
to, 1 I k N
Whole No. 81
the members of the U.S. Congress. Many dire and unfor-
gettable deprivations still faced the nation.
The widespread financial fears of the people resulted in
panic runs on banks across the nation, depleting their
ready cash reserves; in New York City alone $750,000,000
had been withdrawn from bank reserves of gold and silver
within a two-week period. The fears of depositors reached
a hysterical pitch with sporadic runs springing up all
over; in the St. Louis area where vicious runs took place
in the suburban districts, 16 banks were finished off in
short order. It has been stated that more than 20,000
bank failures had been reported by 1934, with at least
5000 of the banks closing their doors for the last time.
Commonplace were the thousands of "near-miss" banks
tottering on the brink of failure. Those banks that did
survive did so with assistance from the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, or by consolidation with other
banks, or private refinancing, or by Transamerica.
In addition to the Bank Holiday declared by President
Roosevelt on March 6, 1932 that temporarily closed all
banks in the nation to ascertain their financial condition,
things were happening so fast that the banking structure
of the nation was brought down. Maryland closed its
banks; Ohio, Indiana and Illinois restricted withdrawals;
Arkansas set a maximum amount of withdrawals at 5%
of deposits; similar restriction took place in Alabama,
Kentucky and Tennessee; the governors of 29 states
imposed their own Bank Holidays and moratoriums in
order to prevent the further collapsing of banks.
Governor Fred Balzak ordered all banks in the state of
Nevada closed except charter 7038, The First National
Bank of Reno. Balzak requested aid from Amadeo Peter
Giannini's Transamerica and saved the bank, while on the
other hand the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
refused aid to George Wingfield's overextended Reno
National, charter 8424, (the largest bank in the state at
the time) and his string of 11 other banks in Nevada
towns, and all were forced into receivership during the
month of December of 1932.
At the end of 1934, the nation's national income had
dwindled to $41,000,000,000, a point where it was half of
what it had been at the end of 1929. One of the chief
factors contributing to this loss was the serious impact
our depression had on foreign trade. We had been the
dominating force for exports abroad but now there was
no end to the fear created worldwide about the American
capability of reestabling confidence as a leader in the
world's commerce markets. Recently history seems to
have repeated itself.
During the 1934-1935 period of the 14000 charter
numbers, there arose a reluctance among banking groups
and in the circles of skilled financial investors to establish
new banks. Still in their minds were the poignant
memories of the harrowing and devastating ordeals of the
stock market crash and resultant depression that literally
shook the financial foundation of the nation. The
stringent new banking regulations imposed by the
Treasury Department turned out to be another deterrent.
The Comptroller of the Currency's report covering the
period March 5, 1934 through December 31, 1934 showed
a decrease for the amount of outstanding National Bank
notes from $790,000,000 to $656,454,000, a drop of
Page 141
$133,000,000; for the same period the amount pledged by
National Banks to cover circulating notes had dropped
from $816,269,000 to $683,797,000, a difference of
$183,472,000! These figures reflect the facts that fewer
banks were established and notes were being turned into
the Comptroller's office by those banks compelled to do
so. It served as a notice of the termination of the National
Bank Currency Act of 1863; the announcement was just
five months away . . .May 1935!
A contributing factor to the scarcity of 14000 charter
notes was the action of wary bank officers in storing the
Examples of "None" indicated banks known to
have issued notes
Charter 14173 - The First National Bank of Golconda, Illinois,
whose note status was listed as "none", issued $10 notes.
Deputy Comptroller E.H. Gough advises the original shipment
of notes to the bank did not occur until April 10, 1935, a year
after the bank had been chartered and a month before the
National Currency Act ended. Several similar instances of this
nature have been noted, causing inaccuracies to occur in the
Comptroller's Reports.
Charter 14245 - The Milwaukee Avenue National Bank of
Chicago Illinois is an example of where the issuing status is
listed as "none* -; it actually circulated three denominations of
notes, $5, 10, 20.
Charter 14285 The Mount Olive National Bank of Mount
Olive, Illinois with the note status listed as "none" issued 300 -
$100 notes, serials A000001 - A000300. 250 of these notes were
placed in circulation while notes A000251 - A000300 were
returned to the office of the Comptroller of the Currency for
(includes charters reported up to and including supplement VI)
Number of "14000 -
"14000" Chartered
Chartered Banks,
Banks Notes
Issuing Reported
Issuing Banks Whose Notes
Remain Unreported - Also Those
Non-Issuing Banks Appearing on
the Comptroller's Reports With the
Word "NONE" (Issued) are in
Parentheses Below
ALABAMA 1 0 1 (Charter 14160)
ALASKA 0 0 0
ARIZONA 1 0 1 (Charter 14324)
ARKANSAS 6 3 3 Charter 14209, (14097, 14238)
CALIFORNIA 6 1 5 Charter 14202, (14045, 14298,
14307, 14317)
COLORADO 7 1 6 Charters 14021, 14213, 14254,
(14148, 14222, 14248)
FLORIDA 3 1 2 (Charters 14003, 14338)
GEORGIA 6 1 5 Charters 14061, 14255, (14046,
14193, 14243)
HAWAII 0 0 0
IDAHO 0 0 0
ILLINOIS 40 11 29 Charters 14074, 14137, 14217,
(14115, 14127, 14134, 14140, 14159,
14161, 14178, 14221, 14235, 14237,
14244, 14247, 14260, 14265, 14268,
14310, 14313, 14319, 14327, 14331,
14332, 14342, 14343, 14346, 14347,
INDIANA 9 2 7 Charters 14075, (14047, 14175,
14218, 14226, 14288, 14292)
IOWA 17 4 13 Charters 14057, 14069, 14253,
14286, 14309, (14036, 14066, 14085,
14129, 14143, 14158, 14172, 14326)
KANSAS 3 1 2 Charters 14163, (14329)
KENTUCKY 6 1 5 Charters 14026, 14039, 14076,
14138, (14259)
LOUISIANA 6 1 5 Charters 14086, 14225, (14228,
14281, 14328)
MAINE 2 0 2 Charters 14224, 14303
MASSACHUSETTS 4 0 4 Charters 14033, 14087, 14266
MICHIGAN 14 6 8 Charters 14009, 14144, 14186,
14016, 14022, 14116, 14269, 14280)
MINNESOTA 7 3 4 (Charters 14068, 14216, 14296,
MISSISSIPPI 1 0 1 (Charter 14176)
MISSOURI 4 1 3 Charter 14196, (14119, 14128)
MONTANA 1 0 1 (Charter 14334)
NEBRASKA 12 2 10 (Charters 14004, 14017, 14018,
14073, 14174, 14194, 14256, 14308,
14339, 14340)
Page 142 Paper Money
Whole No. 81
Page 143
(includes charters reported up to and including supplement VI)
Number of "14000"
"14000" Chartered
Chartered Banks,
Banks Notes
Issuing Reported
Issuing Banks Whose Notes
Remain Unreported - Also Those
Non-Issuing Banks Appearing on
the Comptroller's Reports With the
Word "NONE" (Issued) are in
Parentheses Below
NEVADA 0 0 0
NEW JERSEY 15 5 10 Charters 14088, 14153, 14305,
(14084, 14145, 14151, 14240, 14287,
14289, 14321)
NEW MEXICO 1 0 1 Charter 14081
NEW YORK 4 3 1 (Charter 14267)
NORTH CAROLINA 3 0 3 (Charters 14147, 14229, 14291)
NORTH DAKOTA 2 0 2 (Charters 14080, 14275)
OHIO 19 6 11 Charters 14132, 14294, 14316,
(14141, 14188, 14192, 14203, 14264,
14290, 14300, 14323)
OKLAHOMA 8 3 5 Charter 14108, (14131, 14278,
14315, 14322)
OREGON 4 0 4 Charter 14001, (14054, 14241,
PENNSYLVANIA 32 7 25 Charters 14029, 14049, 14094,
14169, 14181, 14182, 14191, (14007,
SOUTH CAROLINA 3 1 2 (Charters 14135, 14341)
TENNESSEE 2 0 2 (Charters 14231, 14279)
TEXAS 32 7 25 Charters 14027, 14072, 14090,
14124, 14126, 14270, 14273. 14302,
(14012, 14015, 14101, 14114, 14154,
14157, 14165, 14179. 14206, 14207,
14208, 14212, 14227, 14272, 14299,
14312, 14330)
UTAH 0 0 0
VERMONT 1 0 1 Charter 14234
VIRGIN ISLANDS 1 0 1 (Charter 14335)
VIRGINIA 6 0 6 Charters 14052, 14180, 14190,
14223,(14325, 14337)
WASHINGTON 3 0 3 Charters 14166, 14186. (14038)
WEST VIRGINIA 9 5 4 (Charters 14034, 14136, 14198,
WISCONSIN 16 5 11 Charters 14058, 14063, 14095,
14109, 14233, (14059, 14060, 14064,
14242, 14314, 14336)
WYOMING 1 1 (Charter 14103)
American Banker
April 3. 1935
Watch for Liberty National Banknote
A-25,000—It May Be Last of Issue
National bank note No. .S -11L.000,
believed to he potentially valuable as
the last national bank note which
was authoiixed by the Currency Bu-
reau i t Washington, Ii. C., is in eir•
N-ow that the national bank notes
have been called. a sentimental value
attaches. itself to this note.
It is the ilSO• of the Liberty Na-
tional Bank &- Trust Co. of Louis-
ville, Ky., charter No. I4,326. and
according to advice. to the bank
front Washingtent, this Institution
was the last bank authorised to ionic
national bank notes. Hence. its
charter number is the highest vp•
pearing on any national bank note
in all the 70 years such notes have
been issued.
The Liberty National, accordin.d. to
K. A. Millican, vsce•priairient and
cashier. ?tali has Quit.- a number of
its brand new notes on hand. which
it will exchange for the lawful
motley of anycme who wishes one as
souvenir. But the top number.
A-25.000. is ourstaading.•nd for that
one the bank Rae` will pa) a small
premium if It can be located.
rift; NITEDSTATESOFtill:111411,
101 IS
0' % 1,414.11.11t.,
Page 144 Paper Money
circulating notes issued to them in their vaults. The
purpose was to hold them intact until the inevitable day
when it would become necessary to turn them back to the
Comptroller's Office in exchange for the bonds they had
deposited with the Treasury Department. In so doing,
many 14000 banks created a scarcity of their own notes.
This fact becomes a logical explanation of why the notes
from those banks are not to be found in circulation.
Aside from the fact of the comparatively small
amounts of circulating notes issued in the series, the
majority of these late chartered banks usually held the
amount of their circulating notes down to $25,000; only
slightly more than half of the banks of the series issued
notes. According to the Comptroller's reports those
banks not issuing notes are indicated with the word
"none" in the "amount issued" column; Louis Van
Belkum advises that the word "none" followed with an
asterisk indicates banks that could have or did issue
notes. This information became available in a later re-
"14000" Charters, Notes Issued - Denominations
The Comptroller's reports available at the time Van
Belkum's book was published listed the following banks
as having issued circulating notes, with the total amount
of each banknotes outstanding in 1934. The denomi-
nations and the exact amounts of each remain unknown:
Charter Location Outstanding
14209 Arkansas, Paris $25,000
14254 Colorado, Lamar 25,000
14074 Illinois, Newton 25,000
14217 Illinois, Olney 50,000
14057 Iowa, Shenandoah 60,000
14069 Iowa, Belle Plaine 25,000
14253 Iowa, Le Mars 40,000
14286 Iowa, Eldora 35,000
14309 Iowa, Keokuk 45,000
14086 La. Hammond 25,000
14303 Maine, Ellsworth 50,000
14009 Mich. Marshall 50,000
14185 Mich. Battle Creek 400,000
14196 Missouri, Lamar $25,000
14132 Ohio, St. Marys 30,000
14292 Ohio, New Bremen 25,000
14316 Ohio, Camden 50,000
14107 Pa. McKees Rocks 75,000
14120 Pa. Philadelphia 100,000
14191 Pa. Girard 50,000
14124 Texas, Edinburg 20,000
14180 Va. Clifton Forge 50,000
14190 Va. Onley 25,000
14223 Va. Abington 50,000
14186 Wash. Vancouver 50,000
14233 Wisc. Oconto 25,000
Notes from the above banks have not been reported. A
plausible explanation for their not surfacing is that the
notes were TiOt placed in circulation by the banks in
anticipation of having to turn them back to the
Comptroller of the Currency in exchange for the bonds
they had originally deposited with the Treasury
Other Banks Reported To Have Issued Notes
Charter Location Denominations Status
14297 Lanark, Ill. $5, 10, 20, 50 none
14320 Louisville, Ky. 10 none*
14282 Wymore, Nebr. 5, 10, 20 none
14153 Carteret, N.J. 10, 20 none
14305 West New York, N.J. 5, 10, 20 none
14261 Bethesda, Ohio 5 none
14304 Pawhuska, Okla. 20 none
14241 Condon, Oregon denominations unknown none*
14219 Erie, Pa. 10, 20, 50, 100 none*
14242 Pierre, So. Dak. denominations unknown none*
The Concluding Highest Charter Issue Of National
Bank Notes
Charter 14320 - The Liberty National Bank of Louisville,
Autographed by bank president Merle E. Robertson and cashier
W.A. Killigan. This note with serial no. A023400 is just 1600
notes from the last serial A025000. Could it be note A025000
exists or was it returned to the Comptroller's Office along with
other notes?
Charter 14320 had the distinction of being the only bank of the 31 banks
chartered in 1935 to have issued circulating notes.
Publications consulted in the preparation of this article:
The National Banks of the Note Issuing Period, 1863-
1935, Louis Van Belkum
The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935, Warns,
Huntoon and Van Belkum
Comptroller of the Currency Reports
NOTE: Those interested in this study with notes to re-
port or questions should contact me at P.O. Box 1840,
Milwaukee, WI 53201.
Whole No. 81 Page 145
and Its 816 Advertising "Note"
1,;1( r 8 .M:1.16f -wet
80 likt, ,,,8■1(tro,t.,Iitsf
/(//7„, /11/1e 4/7/
ree ,
Pe. El
By Barbara R. Mueller, NLG
Who says that the British don't believe in advertising
or that they lack professional savvy if they do undertake
it?" That was the opening line in the description of an
item offered in a list of philatelic "cinderella - material —
fake, fantasy, local and fiscal stamps; poster seals;
reproductions, etc. Somehow it caught my eye and I read
"From 1816, a choice ad — a large banknote-like affair
engraved exactly like banknotes of the day, in fact, so like
one that the casual observer would take it unhesitatingly.
It reads 'Bank of Wigs/I promise to be at Home/on
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays/to cut and
dress hair fit on wigs & every lawful day/me or my people
or pay FIVE SHILLINGS if absent/from work./1816 Jan
1 Edin (burgh) 1 Jan. 1816./For the Govr./of the Bank of
Wigs & c.' Signature. Has been folded both ways, and,
after 163 years there are a couple of small tears along the
folds. Small inkspot, worm hole in NE corner."
I immediately posted an order, hoping that some other
syngraphist had not spotted the offer. Luck was with me,
and within a week I had the item shown here. It is indeed
worn, so much so that deciphering the inscriptions is very
difficult. But through the photographic wizardry of
Adrien Boutrelle, the faded copperplate engraved script
comes to light.
In the upper left corner is an imitation of the familiar
Britannia figure with the inscription "F. Street
Sculp./Edin" beneath it and in the upper center are the
words "Late George Street Edin/80 Hutcheson Street,
Glasgow". In the lower left corner is the word "Five" in
white lettering in imitation of the genuine with "Pence"
beneath it.
Harold Don Allen once characterized the Bank of
England note as "imposing as many a university degree"
in its uniface black and white simplicity, and this
advertising piece partakes of this dignity. It is even
watermarked, but the exact wording is not readable. One
wonders whether the piece was made by the method used
by the first counterfeiter of Bank of England notes,
Richard William Vaughan. He cut a genuine note into its
component parts, had each separate part engraved on
copper by different engravers in London, and then
printed these separate plates, one by one, on pieces of
bank note paper.
' 1 1i1 '1if ;
.; •4 Ink mill of the type used in 1862 as illustrated
H in Harper's New Monthly Magazine.
p i ill, O.III I.,
Page 146 Paper Money
1,1/1 1,MM TOGR
A 174 efiic
by Forrest W. Daniel
Mary Peck Butterworth used a piece of damp, starched
muslin and a hot iron to pick up an impression of the oily
ink used to print colonial paper currency. That image was
then transferred in like manner to a clean sheet of paper
where it became a perfect reproduction of the original bill.
Of course, the transfer was faint but Mary filled the de-
sign with quill pen and ink to produce counterfeit notes of
good quality.
The next, and improved, method of making transfers
directly from genuine notes came more than a century
later with the invention of photography in the 1830s. Wil-
liam Henry Fox Talbot invented a paper photographic
technique in 1834. He did nothing more with his process
until Louis J. M. Daguerre announced another photo-
graphic method in Paris in 1839. Talbot dug out his notes
and presented his art of "Photogenic Drawing" before
the Royal Society in London on January 31, 1839.
Talbot told of using sunlight to produce images of
leaves on sensitized paper. He said that the images, while
attractive, substituted lights for shadows, but re-expos-
ing the negative image on another piece of sensitized
paper produced a properly shaded picture.
In Section 11 of his presentation Talbot said the inven-
tion might be employed "for obtaining copies of drawings
or engravings. . ." He said the time of exposure depended
Whole No. 81 Page 147
//Y//////// •4( ,. /4 44-: ( %// 47// /
on the thickness of the paper the engraving was printed
upon; and while he had thought it would not succeed with
thick paper, his experiments had shown good copies could
be made. "In this way I have copied very minute,
complicated, and delicate engravings, crowded with
figures of small size, which were rendered with great dis-
tinctness." Publication of Talbot's process surely put the
formula for using photography to reproduce bank notes
into the hands of people who would use it. Even before
Frederick Scott Archer's technique of making glass neg-
atives, announced in 1851, vastly improved the quality of
all photography, counterfeiters were making silver print
notes to pass to the unwary.
During the early days of photographic counterfeiting,
most of the bank notes in circulation were printed only on
one side of the paper and only with black ink; they were
prime subjects for reproduction by Talbot's method. The
greatest deterrent was the technical limitation of the new
photographic science. While photographic counterfeits
were mentioned in counterfeit detector publications, E.J.
Wilber and E.P. Eastman wrote, in 1865, that the number
of counterfeits produced by photography was not suf-
ficiently great to demand special attention. They said
that while scientific men warned of the danger of photo-
graphic counterfeits, they had proved a failure up to that
time since only the most unwary would be liable to take
They said the lettering, parallel ruling, fine lathework,
etc. could not be copied by the process, that the image
was indistinct especially towards the end, and the image
was darker in the center. That type of distortion was
caused by the use of camera lenses with too short focal
length, but that difficulty could be overcome by the use of
proper lenses. Talbot's 25-year-old method of reproducing
engravings by contact, using either camera nor lens, did
not suffer the distortion described by Wilber and East-
Sensitizing the thin bank note paper to make silver
prints left easily detected characteristics. The emulsion
left the paper glossy smooth, and the thinness of the
Advertising example of bank note vignette, portraits and
counters printed by the American Bank Note Company using
Anti-Photographic and Unalterable Patent Green Tint and Black
Carbon Ink. (Photograph courtesy of George Wait.)
paper let the image show through. The bluish, smokey ap-
pearance of the photograph suggested that the note had
been washed and that some of the ink had been washed
away. They did not have the appearance and feel of an en-
graved note.
Color Suggested
Just when the earliest photographic counterfeit ap-
peared in the United States was not learned, but an early
suggestion that the process could be used for forgery in
England came in 1845. Antoine Claudet, who had been a
partner of Daguerre and who had moved to England, pro-
duced an excellent facsimile of a Bank of England note.
Claudet took his silver print to Matthew Marshall, chief
cashier of the Bank, while acknowledging that in its pre-
sent state photography presented no real danger but
future developments might make it an aid to forgery. He
even had a suggestion for prevention of its use in counter-
feiting. Since all colors appear to photograph black,
especially those at the red end of the spectrum, Claudet
suggested the introduction of colors into the design of the
notes of the Bank of England to prevent their reproduc-
tion by photography.
Photography did become the threat to bank notes that
Claudet had predicted and it was his suggestion (that
color be added to the design) that became a principal de-
fense against counterfeiting, although not by the Bank of
England. Various shades of red, blue, yellow, and green
were used on bills printed by the several bank note com-
In the United States, color underprinting of certain
parts of the design of notes began in the 1840s. Red was a
popular color for underprinting at first because of its
quality of showing full black in a photograph. Counter-
feiters were not long in finding a way around that pro-
blem, but their earliest methods were very crude.
Page 148
Dye's Counterfeit Detector, July, 1884, reported that
the old photographic method consisted of photographing
the entire note — color tints, numbers and all. After a
print was made, the forgers used pens and brushes to add
color to the areas where they appeared on genuine notes.
(Shades of Mary Butterworth). The effect was a blurring
of the colored areas and numbers.
Red pigments are notoriously unstable; they fade
"quickly;" and with a little help they were removed com-
pletely from a genuine note so the black design could be
photographed without any trace of the second color. The
new photographic counterfeiting process described by
Dye's used a photograph of the black areas of the note
after the color was bleached, and overprinted the color
tints by surface printing. Surface printing also made it
possible to change numbering. Dye's said this method
was more dangerous than the old one because a reason-
ably good black photograph under a crude red overprint
would hardly be noticed as a fake since the public was
aware that red and black could not be separated in a
photograph. The unwary tended to rely on the color of the
money rather than the quality of the engraving. The
Bureau of Engraving and Printing still adheres to that
point of view in opposing the use of color on United
States currency.
Forgers, with practice, learned how to remove any
colored ink from genuine notes without disturbing the
black design. An indestructible colored ink was needed,
and the bank note companies set out to find such a pro-
duct. A. H. Guernsey described the problem in an article
about the American Bank Note Company which appeared
in Harper's New Monthly Magazine in February, 1862.
.. the coloring matter of the black ink used by prin-
ters is carbon finely pulverized. Put this dry upon paper,
and it may be brushed off with a feather; mix it with
water, and when the liquid evaporates the powder can be
rubbed off. In printer's ink the carbon is mixed with oil,
which binds it to the surface of the paper. Now an alkali
combined with oil produces soap, which can be washed
away. Let a piece of printed matter be saturated with
alkali; wash it carefully with water and the oil disappears,
leaving the carbon free. The problem, however, was to
produce a colored ink, not indeed absolutely indestruct-
ible, but one which could not be removed from part of a
note, without, at the same time, discharging the black ink
from the remainder."
The American Bank Note Company felt it had attained
the ultimate with its permanent green ink patented in
1857. Credit for developing the green ink is given to
George Matthews, a partner in the Montreal office of
Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, bank note printers.
Tracy R. Edson purchased the patent right to the ink,
brought it into the American Bank Note Company, and
received a royalty for its use.
The ink was submitted to a panel of prominent chem-
ists; the composition of the ink was explained to them and
they all replied that they knew of no chemical means by
which the green ink could be destroyed without destroy-
ing the texture of the paper on which it was printed. It
could be removed mechanically only by removing the
black ink combined with it at the same time. Four years
later the scientists held the same opinion.
Paper Money
Used On U. S. Notes
The use of the patented green ink and black carbon ink
of the face of state bank notes and early issues of United
States Treasury notes, it was felt, afforded perfect
security against photographic counterfeiting. Green ink
has become almost synonymous with paper money in the
United States, although it has not been used as a tint on
the front of its notes since the Series of 1869. The careful
observer will note that the green ink used on the backs of
government notes is a darker shade than the anti-photo-
graphic green used on the front. The color connotation
came not from the anti-photographic green on the front
but from the ordinary green on the back. State bank
notes with anti-photographic green tints on the front
often had backs printed with other colors.
The Harper's article of 1862 stated carbon of the purest
quality and deepest color was required for bank note
printing. Formerly that carbon was made by burning the
refuse of the wine-press; but it had been learned that car-
bon of equal quality could be made from sugar. The pro-
duct was calcined in an air-tight container, and the re-
sidue was a powder of intense blackness, and capable of
the most minute pulverization.
The process of bank note printing on hand presses con-
sumed large quantities of the ink; more than three-
quarters of ink laid upon the printing plate was wiped
away on the wiping cloths. Those wiping cloths were a
yard square and each of the hundred printers who inked
and wiped the plates used about six a day. From the
earlier practice of burning the cloths when they were
saturated with ink, the American Bank Note Company
effected a saving of more than $5,000 a year by washing
the cloths with steam from the engine which provided
power and heat to the building and using them until they
wore out. The greater part of the saving however, came
from salvaging the pigments from the washing water, to
be made again into ink. The cost of the powder to make
the green ink was quoted at a dollar a pound, and for the
black ink, 50 cents a pound.
Development of panchromatic photographic film and
color filters made possible the separation of colors by
photographic means. The anti-photographic green, which
could not be chemically separated from the black ink,
became separable by the camera — the very instrument it
was developed to combat.
"The American Bank Note Company," by A.H. Guernsey,
Harper's New Monthly Magazine, February, 1862.
"Some Account of the Art of Photogenic Drawing, Etc.," by
Henry Fox Talbot, (1839), reprinted in On Photography, A
Source Book of Photo History in Facsimile, Beaumont Hall,
editor, 1956.
A Treatise on Counterfeit, Altered and Spurious Bank Notes,
Etc., by E.J. Wilber and E.P. Eastman, 1865.
The Story of the American Bank Note Company, by William H.
Griffiths, 1959.
The Bank Of England Note, by A.D. Mackenzie, Cambridge,
Excerpts from "Dye's Counterfeit Detector," July, 1884, in
Paper Money, September, 1974.
History of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1862-1962,
U.S. Treasury, 1964.
Aurelia Chen, American Bank Note Company, for an excerpt
from a biography of Tracy Edson and other notes.
Whole No. 81
Page 149
by Bruce W. Smith
This listing is by no means a definitive catalog of
Missouri's paper currency but rather a first attempt at
cataloging these elusive and often obscure notes. It is
sincerely hoped that anyone having any of these notes (or
any not listed here, or having further information, will
contact the author c/o Neil Sowards, 548 Home Ave., Ft.
Wayne, IN 46807.
Maramec Iron Works scrip.
In 1826, Thomas James and Samuel Massey of Ohio
organized and over the next three years constructed the
Maramec Iron Works in an uninhabited area of the
Missouri Ozarks. The furnace began operations in 1829
and was an important industrial concern until it was
forced into bankruptcy in the 1870's. Massey handled the
actual operations of the works, while Thomas James
remained in Ohio to manage his iron works and banking
interests in the Chillicothe area. In 1844, James sent his
son, William, to manage the works. William James,
founder of St. James, managed the Maramec works until
it was finally closed and also organized the Ozark Iron
Works, another issuer of scrip. As early as the 1840's or
1850's, James was paying his workers with a crude scrip
made out to the individual with handwritten amounts.
This early scrip is said to have circulated locally, but I
have encountered no examples of it. In 1869, however, in
violation of federal law, James had banknote-quality
notes printed by the National Banknote Company. These
notes circulated in the area for nearly ten years. In 1874,
the State of Missouri fined the company $1,000 for
issuing the scrip, but this did not prevent its circulation.
In 1878, the company was forced into bankruptcy when
James R. Bowman of St. James presented several
thousand dollars worth of the scrip for redemption. All of
these notes are dated February 1, 1869, and all of those
known to the author are signed by William James.
During that year, however, David Carson became the
actual manager of the works and it is possible that some
notes may bear his signature.
$1 No description.
$2 February 1, 1869
C. Numeral 2.
R. Dog's head; 2 on a die above.
L. Woman's portrait; sheep above.
Imprint: National Bank Note Company.
$3 No description.
$5 February 1,1869
C. Men and horses.
R. Woman's portrait: 5 on die above.
L. Man standing: FIVE above.
Imprint: National Bank Note Company.
Bank of the State of Missouri (branch).
Opened 1859. Closed 1866 and succeeded by the State
National Bank. This bank's building at 4th and Felix
streets was constructed on land donated for that purpose
by Joseph Robidoux, founder of the city. The building
now houses the Missouri Valley Trust Company. One of
the bank's officers, Robert M. Stewart, later became
governor of the state.
$5 same design as parent branch issues. $40,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
$10 same design as parent branch issues. $40,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by Feb-
ruary 1861.
$20 same design as parent branch issues. $80,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
Notes of $1, $2, and $3 denominations may have been
issued after 1861.
First National Bank of Buchanan County. Organized in
1894, this bank issued, in addition to its National
Currency, emergency scrip during the panic of 1907. The
only denomination known is a $1.00 note dated November
16, 1907, with the state arms to the left. The note is in the
form of a cashier's check, and it is possible that other
denominations were issued. At least one other bank and
"JP ...lblarg9fflitt 61,beirimAreleNwr,,,,ff -.rem
. .
Page 150
the Clearing House itself are known to have issued scrip
in St. Joseph during 1907.
Merchants Bank of St. Joseph.
An undated $1.00 note issued by this bank during the
panic of 1907 is known to exist. Printed by Combe Litho.
of St. Joseph in black on gray, watermarked, security
paper, the notes have the state seal to the left.
St. Joseph City Warrants.
In 1878, under mayor Joseph A Piner, the city authorized
the issue of warrants for circulation in denominations of
$1 and $2. Signed by the mayor and the "register",
$100,000 worth of these notes were put into circulation
beginning in August of 1878. The First redemption of this
scrip came in 1885 when $35,000 was redeemed. The
following year, $25,000 was retired. In succeeding years
nearly all of the issue was redeemed. In 1882, under
Mayor Posegate, a new issue was circulated to replace
worn notes. None of these are known to exist. Another
attempted issue occurred in 1885 but was stopped by
James Craig, city comptroller, who refused to certify the
appropriation of $800 for the purpose on the grounds that
the whole issue was illegal. Though the printed date on
the notes is "187_" examples are known with the date
changed to 1880.
Paper Money
L. Several men, one on horseback
Imprint: American Bank Note Company, New
St. Joseph Clearing House Association Scrip
During the 1907 panic, the Clearing House
issued two series of scrip, one for use between
banks and the other for general circulation. Of
the large denomination interbank issue, little is
known. The first issue was on October 28, 1907
and the last note was retired January 23, 1908.
The total issue amounted to $515,000. The only
known note in this series is a $1,000
denomination dated November 2, 1907, which is
lithographed and contains five signatures.
$1 1878
C. State arms.
R. Farmer with corn stalks.
L. Two girls with wheat
$2 1878
C. Girl's portrait
R. Man and two horses.
General Circulation Series
$1 December 2, 1907; Yellow and black.
$2 December 2, 1907; Pink and black.
$5 December 2, 1907; Green and black.
$10 December 2, 1907; Grey and black.
All four of these notes were printed by Western Bank
Note & Engraving Company of Chicago. The notes were
first issued December 12, 1907 and the last was retired
January 20, 1908. A total of $180,000 was issued.
Six banks were involved in the issue of this scrip: the
German-American Bank, Tootle-Lemon National Bank,
Burnes National Bank, St. Joseph Stock Yards Bank,
First National Bank of Buchanan County and Merchants
Bank of St Joseph. The last two mentioned are also
known to have issued their own scrip during 1907, and it
is possible the others did as well.
Western Bank of Missouri (parent branch).
Authorized 1857 but not operating till 1859. This was one
Whole No. 81
Page 151
to the bank of issue chartered by the state in 1857 and
had branches at Fulton, Glasgow, and Bloomington.
Branches are also reported for Arrow Rock, Alexandria,
Chillicothe and St. Louis, but it is unlikely that any of
these ever opened. The bank and all its branches closed in
$1 C. Two Negros breaking flax with numeral 1 to
left and right.
B. Seated girl with sickle and grain; house in
$2 Two girls with grain and sickles, numeral 2 to
either side.
R. Female Portrait with 2 above.
L. Little girl's portrait with TWO below.
$5 C. Three cows standing beside a stream, another
lying down, three sheep in the distance.
R. Portrait of a little girl with numeral 5 above.
L. State arms with 5 above and below. $140,000
of this denomination issued through February
$10 C. Man standing beside a horse, boy on
horseback; two men in a canal boat, train of cars
and steamboat in background.
R. Girl feeding chickens, 10 above.
L. Portrait of a lady, 10 above.
$104,000 of this denomination were issued
through Feb. 1861.
$20 C. Man on horseback shooting buffalo, with more
buffalo in background
R. Portrait of an old man with 20 above.
L. A beaver with 20 above.
$78,000 of this denomination had been issued
through August 1860, but only $66,000 was in
circulation by February 1861.
Note: The $1 and $2 notes were issued late in
1861 or early in 1862.
Woolworth & Company Scrip.
An under dated 5-cent pink and black note is known but it
is not clear where or when the note was issued. The text of
the note refers to Woolworth & Co. (St. Joseph and
Hannibal, Mo.), Woolworth & Moffat (Colorado
Territory) and Woolworth & Graham (New York). Since
Colorado was a territory from 1861 to 1876, we may
tentatively date the note to that period. A 10 cent
denomination with running dog and 10 above is also
(will appear at the end of this listing.)
J. W. and A. J. Woods scrip.
A $2.50 note dated April 23, 1862, printed on brown
paper, and redeemable in Confederate notes, is known.
The specimen in the May 1977 NASCA sale was endorsed
by "Woods Bros."
Bank of Commerce (branch).
Though listed in some sources, this bank never opened.
Bank of St. Louis (branch).
Reportedly opened in 1859, but I can find no evidence
that it was in operation prior to February 1861. Probably
never opened.
Southern Bank of St. Louis (branch).
Authorized February 1859. Closed 1867 or later.
$5 same design as parent branch issues. $90,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$10 same design as parent branch issues. $80,000 of
this denomination issued through February
Note: $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861.
City of Sedalia Scrip.
The city issued a self-liquidating currency in 1933. Signed
by the city clerk and the mayor, the note was redeemable
when 52 two-cent stamps (sold by the city) had been
attached to the back. The note is printed in blue has a
numeral 1 in each end and a seated figure with a globe
center. Only the $1 denomination is known.
Sedalia Clearing House Scrip.
During the panic of 1907, the Clearing House authorized
the issue of checks payable only through the Clearing
House as a general circulating currency. Denominations
are unknown, but the issue totaled $100,000. The first
issue was on November 15, 1907 and the last was retired
January 15, 1908.
Mechanic Bank of St. Louis (branch).
Reportedly opened in 1861 but I can find no evidence to
support this.
Bank of the State of Missouri (branch).
Opened 1843, closed 1866 or 1867. In 1852, this branch
complained to the head office in St. Louis that it had not
received any new bank notes for circulation since the
summer of 1844. A total of $160,.000 had been received at
that time (probably all in $10 and $20 notes) and by 1852
less than $140,000 remained in circulation (the St. Louis
branch having destroyed the rest). In 1854, we see thal
the Springfield branch's circulation increased slightly by
the issue of $50 notes a denomination not in circulation
there in 1852.
In the summer of 1861, Federal forces removed some
$250,000 in gold coin from the Springfield branch and
sent it under command of Major S. D. Sturgis and
General Franz Sigel to Rolla and presumably from there
to St. Louis.
Old Series
Probably same design as parent branch issues. $60,290 in
this denomination in circulation in October 1852, but this
amount dropped to $47,440 by November 1854.
$20 Probably same design as parent branch issue.
$79,480 of this denomination in circulation in
October 1852; $71,440 in November 1854.
$50 probably same design as parent branch issue.
$26,600 in this denomination in circulation in
November 1854. No notes of this denomination
reported in 1852.
Later Series
$5 same design as parent branch issue. Only $6,000
of this denomination in circulation in August
1858. By February 1860 the amount was $46,000
and by February 1861 $106,000.
$10 same design as parent branch issues. $75,920 of
Page 152
Paper Money
this denomination in circulation by February
$20 same design as parent branch issue. $266,640 of
this denomination in circulation by February
$50 same design as parent branch issue. $150,000 of
this denomination in circulation by February
Note: $, $2, and $3 notes may have been issued after
T. E. Old Scrip.
Dr. T. E. Old of Thomasville was a southern supporter
during the war and raised money to support the cause.
His son reportedly led a company of men for the
Confederacy. The only known note issued by Dr. Old is
one printed for merchants in West Plains, Mo. on which
the good doctor lined our WEST PLAINS and wrote in
THOMASVILLE ORG. CO. (Oregon county). The note is
handsigned and dated April 17, 1863, and of course,
payable in Confederate notes.
Bank of Commerce of St. Louis (branch).
Reportedly opened in 1861, but this bank never operated.
Fewel & Finley Scrip.
A $2.00 note payable in Confederate notes or "Missouri
War Bonds" appeared in Kagin's 1977 ANA sale. The
undated note mentions General Rains' Brigade and may
be a sutler issue.
Southern Bank of St. Louis (branch). Probably never
Union Bank of Missouri (branch).
Opened 1859. Closed 1859. Closed 1864 or 1866. In June
1861, the bank was closed and its money hidden under a
hearthstone 2'/2 miles south of town in a house belonging
to John Parr. Later that year, the money was sent to St.
Louis for safekeeping. Both Confederate and Union
troops looted the town. By an act of March 23, 1863. the
St. Louis branch was directed to take possession of the
Warrensburg branch's books and to settle its accounts .
The branch was to be reopened when conditions
permitted. It is not clear whether the branch ever
$5 same design as parent branch issue. $50,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$10 same design as parent branch issue. $80,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$20 same design as parent branch issue. $20,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$50 same design as parent branch issue. $20,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$100 same design as parent branch issue. $20,000 of
this denomination issued through February
Note: $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861.
Mechanics Bank of St. Louis (branch).
Authorized 1857, opened late 1858. It is not clear when
this branch closed. Some directories list it as late as 1867,
but others omit it after 1864. According to one source,
General Fremont's army burned most of the business
district of Warsaw during the war and the bank did not
reopen afterwards. The bank's building was still standing
in 1889 but only the residence portion of the building had
been used for many years previously.
$5 same design as parent branch issues. $126,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
$10 same design as parent branch issues. $136,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
$20 same design as parent branch issues. $136,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
$50 same design as parent branch issues. $20,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
Note $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861.
Prisoner of War Scrip.
The POW camp here issued scrip for the use of the
prisoners during World War II. Only three
denominations are known, le, 5e, and 10e, but others may
exist. All are inscribed: TRADE COUPON.
W. H. Campbell Scrip.
There exists a one-dollar note apparently printed for
merchants in West Plains, which is hand-signed and
issued by one W. H. Campbell. The note is hand-dated
April 13, 1863 and bears no vignette nor imprint. The
SUMS OF TWENTY DOLLARS. Nothing has been
learned about Mr. Campbell, but seemingly he was a pro-
southern merchant in West Plains. There is an identical
25-cent note issued by T. E. Old of Thomasville, Missouri
on which WEST PLAINS has been lined out and
THOMASVILLE ORG. CO.(Oregon County) written in
by hand.
T.N. (or F.N.) & G. H. Templeton Scrip.
A fifty-cent note is known hand-signed and issued by the
Templeton's about whom nothing is known. They do not
appear in the 1860 census nor in the 1880 business
directory for West Plains. The text of the note may
provide a clue to the nature of their business: WEST
note has an ornate border but no vignette.
Mechanics Bank of St. Louis (branch).
Opened mid-1858; succeeded by Platte Savings
Institution in 1865. Both the president and the cashier of
this branch formed their own banks when it closed. John
M. Railey, who had been both president and cashier, later
Continued on page 164
Whole No. 81 Page 153
Robbery of the Mitchell Library,
Sydney, Australia
By William L.S. Barrett
Montreal, Canada
During 1978 the Mitchell Library of Sydney, N.S.W.,
Australia, was robbed of a number of numismatic items.
These included some 60 or 70 pieces of Australian paper
money, two foreign notes, and a quantity of Fijian paper
from the 1871-74 period.
The list that follows details most of the more important
items. Unfortunately the Fiji Treasury notes, Govern-
ment Debentures, etc. were not catalogued, so details
will not appear here.
Included in these notes were several extremely rare and
historically important items, in particular the set of Trea-
sury notes for the Occupation of German New Guinea in
1914, the New South Wales Treasury Pound of 1893, the
Sydney Bank 5 Spanish Dollars "1821", and the Maori
Bank Pound of New Zealand. As most of the notes have
serial numbers or other unmistakeable features, they can
be readily identified, and this will make them difficult
to sell publicly. Any collector offered notes from this
group should contact Miss Suzanne Mourot, Librarian,
Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, N.S.W. 2000,
Australia, or contact the author at Box 9, Victoria
Station, Montreal H3Z 2V4, Canada, telephone (514) 844-
5698 days, (514) 489-5935 evenings. The Library is most
anxious for the return of part or all the material and
would be very grateful for any help collectors can extend.
Australian Occupation of German New Guinea
5 Marks 14 October 1914, serial number 02041, cancelled
10 Marks 14 October 1914, serial number 1233, cancelled
20 Marks 14 October 1914, serial number 1224, cancelled
50 Marks 14 October 1914, serial number 0106, cancelled
Australian Commonwealth
10 Shillings Sheehan-McFarlane 1939, #D/98 120002,
5 Pounds Sheehan-McFarlane 1939, 01/20 338002,
10 Pounds Sheehan-McFarlane 1939, #V/3 076002,
specimen, with covering letter
10 Shillings Coombs-Wilson (1954), MC/00 000002,
5 Pounds Coombs-Wilson (1954), #WA/00 000002,
10 Pounds Coombs-Wilson (1954), #W A/00 000002,
specimen with covering letter
1 Pound Coombs-Wilson 1953, #HA/00 000003, specimen,
with covering letter
New South Wales Treasury, 1 Pound 1893, Serial #1, can-
celled, with covering letter.
Sydney Deposit Bank 1 Pound #A1487
5 Pounds #C1516
10 Pounds #G0208
50 Pounds #H0045
Sydney Bank 5 Spanish Dollars "1821", not numbered,
with relating correspondence.
Producers Bank, Sydney, 1 Pound 185-, #20492
Excelsior Bank, Sydney, 1 Pound 18--, #8015
Private Promissory Notes
Aberfoil, New England, 10 Shillings, John Thacker & Co.,
6 December 1854, #1780
Albert River, Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland, 1 Pound,
1 August 1866, #2.
South Australia, Two Shillings, 10 March 1837, Thomas
Gilbert, serial blacked out
Darling Downs 20 Shillings, 1 November 1851, two pieces
#60 & #64.
Hobart Town, Van Diemens Land, 42 Pounds 3 Shillings
11 Pence, 13 September 1819, by Kemp and Gatehouse.
New Norfolk, Van Diemensland, 30 Pounds, October 31,
1818, by Dennis M 'Carty.
Hobart Town, Van Diemens Land, Fifty Pounds, 17 Octo-
ber 1818, Edward Lord.
Hobart Town, Van Diemens Land, 1 Shilling, January
1, 1824, #37 by John Weavell.
Hobarttown, Three Pence, by Thomas Stace, Four Pieces:
#D105 16 May 1826, #D225 16 May 1826
#37 10 June 1826, #A158 28 April 1826
Hexam, "The House That Jack Built" three Pence, by
John Hannel.
Burra Burra Mines, Unissued notes:
Five Shillings 185.
Ten Shillings 185. Two pieces
1 Pound 184.
1 Pound Ten Shillings 185.
2 Pounds 184.
3 Pounds 18..
4 Pounds 186.
5 Pounds 185.
"Under . . . Pounds" 186.
Sydney, Group of Three Promissory notes issued for pay-
ment after the Banque Lucy Ann leaves Part Jackson,
in the amounts of 3 Pounds, 3 Pounds, 6 Pounds, March
13, 1851.
New South Wales, Two Miners Rights dated 1872.
New Zealand
KO TE Peekeo Aotearoa (Maori Bank) One Pound un-
issued, quite ragged.
Great Britain
"Dardanelles" Ten Shillings, Bradbury, overprint, #Y125
Page 154
Paper Money
One Man's Adventures Collecting
Illinois National Currency
by Samuel W. Johnson, Jr.
I live in Sparta, Illinois, population 4,300, and situated
50 miles southeast of St. Louis, Missouri. Having been a
coin collector for over 25 years, about a decade ago I
became fascinated with Sparta National Currency. My
first example was a large size third charter $20 purchased
from Rarcoa in Chicago. By advertising in Coin World,
local area newspapers and the Bank Note Reporter, I
slowly built my collection. I also wrote literally hundreds
of letters to currency dealers (enclosing SASE) all over
the United States.
Now my collection consists of large size Series 1902
$5.00, $10.00 and $20.00 with blue seal plus a $20.00 red
seal, and small size Series 1929 type I $5.00, $10.00 and
$20.00. Type II small size Sparta National Currency has
been very difficult to obtain. I know of only one example
First National Bank of Sparta small size National
after ten years of searching, that being in the First
National Bank of Sparta's money exhibit. That is a very
nice exhibit, consisting of Sparta National Currency, gold
coins, silver dollars, and other pieces of miscellaneous
currency. Several years ago I persuaded the bank's
president to make this exhibit, although I didn't think he
ever would do it!
Large size Sparta National Currency outstanding
amounts to $2,740. Almost $900,000 was originally
issued, so 99.6% of large size Sparta Nationals have been
redeemed and destroyed. My years of research tell me
First National Bank of Sparta, Illinois. Total deposits
$22 million as of Dec. 31, 1978; net assets, $2 1/2 million.
The First National can trace its "roots" back to Nov. 2,
1885 as the Merchants Exchange Bank. It became a state
bank in 1892 and a National Bank in 1903. Now has 15
full time employees.
Whole No. 81 Page 155
First National Bank of Sparta large size National
that approximately the same amount of small size Sparta
Nationals have also been destroyed. I keep detailed
records of all known Sparta Nationals and they total less
than 50. Face value of known large size totals $205, (18
notes) and face value of known small size totals $285 (23
notes). I realize that there may be more specimens that I
don't know about, but I have that decade of research
behind these figures. "A shot in the dark" estimate is
that perhaps twice the above amounts exist, but I doubt
it. Even if the above face value and known notes totals
were doubled, Sparta National Currency would be quite
scarce. I hope that no one thinks I am too egotistic when
I make the statement that it took me ten years to
complete my Sparta National Currency collection (minus
a type II 1929) and I am proud of it. Once in a great while
I get them all out of the safe deposit box, lay them on the
kitchen table and look at them over and over. This old
currency "turns me on".
I also collect National Currency from the First National
Bank of Coulterville, Illinois and have a unique
Coulterville collection. Large size Coulterville National
Currency, with only $60 escaping redemption and
destruction, is one of the rarest groups from any bank in
any state.
My collection has three large $5.00 Coulterville
Nationals, or 25% of the known survivors. The possibility
of another large Coulterville surfacing is very remote. (I
know of another collector who also has a large $5.00 in F-
VF.) My three $5.00 notes grade XF-AU (undoubtedly
the finest survivor), VG, and VF-XF with no signatures.
The VF-XF was displayed in the Coulterville Bank about
15 years ago and the sun faded the signatures away. The
previous owner, a bank employee for 36 years, said that
he could remember when the signatures were very bold!
My Coulterville collection also has $5.00 small size Series
1929 type I note and a $10.00 and $20.00 type II small
size. Both type II notes are scarce, as only 525 $10.00 and
204 $20.00 notes were originally issued. Coulterville is six
miles southeast of St. Louis and has a population of
1,200. This collection took only two years to assemble.
I have had many fascinating experiences building my
National Currency collection. Advertising in the local
newspaper for Sparta National Currency, I received a call
from a elderly woman who had three large size date back
$5.00 notes. She said she would accept my offer of $100
each for them only if the bank didn't want them! I almost
fainted. If the bank offered her $100 each as I had, she
was going to sell to them. Even knowing that the bank
president was "tight" with his money didn't help, so I
didn't sleep that night. Next day with my eyes looking
like road maps and my heart pounding, I telephoned her.
She said that I could come and pick them up, which I did
at once. One of the notes grades AU, and the other two
are nice undamaged specimens. Date back large size
Sparta Nationals are almost equal in rarity to Sparta red
Perhaps some SPMC'ers will build similar collections
and experiences from their particular home town banks.
That is where National Currency belongs — in its town or
city of origin. It is a tiny part of an area's history. I once
had an excellent collection of National Currency from
Marissa, Illinois (not as many as from Sparta). I sold it to
a Marissa resident; the town is nine miles from Sparta.
Sometimes I regret selling the collection, but at least it's
back home. I have also located notes for individuals from
Brookport and Golconda, Illinois. Both are very tough to
locate and although I didn't make any money doing it for
them, I did get a lot of satisfaction. In fact, I have never
seen another note from either town in many years.
First National Bank of Coulterville large size National
First National Bank of Coulterville small size National
dF Widl
Page 156
Paper Money
This past year has been the first I exhibited
agressively. At Central States in St. Louis, my two
collections shown as one placed third (tie) in the paper
money category. I was very fortunate to win any award,
as my work was very crude. After studying all the
exhibits and getting help from Don Fisher of Currency
Unlimited, Decatur, Illinois, I have made many
refinements in the exhibit. So at the Illinois Numismatic
Association's convention in Springfield, I placed first in
paper money. During 1979 I plan to attend and exhibit at
the ANA in St. Louis, the Memphis Paper Money Show,
the Illinois convention in Peoria and perhaps the Indiana
at Indianapolis.
NOTE: I have none of my collections at home. All are in
safe deposit boxes. I work on my exhibit using Xerox
First National Bank of Coulterville, Illinois in the heart of
southern Illinois' "coal country." Total deposits almost
$7 million as of Dec. 31, 1978; net assets of $750,000.
Located in Randolph County, Illinois' second largest coal
producing county. Several new coal mines are in
operation near Coulterville and several more are in the
planning stage, both surface strip and underground
mines. This bank began as a private bank, becoming a
state bank and finally a National Bank in 1920. It has six
full time employees.
Whole No. 81 Page 157
Literature Review
by Paul T. Jung
Please send literature for review to Paul T.
Jung, 174 Artillery Loop, Ft. Sam Houston,
TX 78234, or to the Editor.
Schuckers, Jacob William. A Brief Account of the Finances and
Paper Money of the Revolutionary War. NY: Sanford J. Durst,
(1978). (Originally published by John Campbell & Son, Phila.,
1874) 8vo, 128pp. $14.95 Available from the publisher at 133 E.
58th St., New York, NY 10022.
This book is another title in an ever-increasing series of
reprints being published by Sanford J. Durst as a service to
numismatists and philatelists. The original edition, published in
1874, is scarce and seldom appears on the market. In a cover
letter forwarding the book for review, the publisher notes that it
usually brings in the neighborhood of $100 when it is offered at
Schuckers was apparently a rather well-known writer during
the last quarter of the 19th century. References to this work can
be found in the footnotes and bibliographies to several
contemporary financial histories of the United States. The book
is listed in both the Clain-Stefanelli and Sigler bibliographies of
numismatic literature as well as in Newman's The Early Paper
Money of America. In addition, Schuckers also wrote a full but
non-critical biography of Salmon Portland Chase, Secretary of
the Treasury under Lincoln.
Despite a modest prominence during his lifetime, he has today
faded into obscurity. Little is known of him and he is not
mentioned in any of the standard biographical compendia. After
reading this book and considering the numerous complete and
thorough financial histories which have been published since
that time, his obscurity may well be justified.
Schuckers discusses the various emissions and issues of paper
money during the Revolutionary War, the depreciation of the
currency, and the efforts to finance the war by taxation. He
covers both public and private foreign loans to the United States
and the schemes and hopes expressed to raise money. The
account is presented chronologically, ending with the
arrangements the federal government made to assume the war
debts of the individual states and to repay foreign loans. His
style is somewhat rhetorical, reflecting the writing of the period
and, while he cites sound authorities as his sources, the work
does not indicate a very wide research. Those with an in-depth
interest in this period would do much better by consulting more
recent, complete and up-to-date works. Nonetheless, it is an
interesting, accurate and brief account of a most important
period in American history and will undoubtedly appeal to those
who savor their history with an antiquarian flavor.
The publisher is to be complemented for his efforts in
reprinting hard to obtain references. I sincerely hope he seeks
out some of the more worthwhile and authoritative works on
paper money and offers them in reprint editions. Perhaps
readers would like to suggest out of print books deserving the re-
publications? If so, drop a note to the editor.
by Wendell Wolka
Late Breaking News
With the deadlines required for a bi-monthly publica-
tion such as Paper Money, I suppose that there is no such
thing as truly "late breaking" news. Nonetheless some
interesting things have occurred since last we left you!
First, never let it be said that we didn't warn you! On
March 15th, our Publisher, Harold Hauser, advised me
that we had sold out completely our Florida obsolete note
catalog, Florida Obsolete Notes and Scrip. For those of
you who might have missed our earlier status report,
here's a brief recap of the various books which have been
printed to date:
SOLD OUT — Florida, Vermont, Nevada Sixteen
National Banks and Their Mining Camps.
LESS THAN 100 COPIES LEFT — National Bank
Notes 1929-1935, Texas.
Maine, Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi.
Indiana sales to date have been very encouraging,
totalling nearly 200 copies. In light of the fact that we
still expect to reap the benefits of recent national trade
publication exposure and have sales locations planned for
both Memphis and St. Louis conventions, sales for both
Indiana and the rest of the series promise to continue at a
strong pace. If you haven't completed your set of these
tremendous catalogs yet, why not get in touch with
Harold Hauser before more states are sold out.
New Field Researcher Named
One of our members, Robert Waszilycsak, from Arling-
ton, Virginia has volunteered to act as a Field Researcher
for the Project. Bob will be covering the Library of Con-
gress and the Smithsonian Institution for us, trying to
unearth new discoveries for our various state researchers.
Without beating the subject to death, it would still be
beneficial to have several additional Field Researchers
helping us in the following areas:
Cleveland, Ohio — Western Reserve Historical
Omaha, Nebraska — Boys Town Philamatic Center.
New York City/Northern New Jersey — Various
Can ANYONE in these three areas lend us a hand from
time to time?? Please let me hear from you if you would
like to explore the idea a little further.
In Closing
Any comments, questions, or other thoughts regarding
the Book Project are always welcomed by me at Box 366,
Hinsdale, Illinois 60521. If you have something on your
mind, let me hear from you!
Page 158
Paper Money
1977 A 07 680 001 B A 17 920 000 B 10,240,000 1977 B 27 520 001 E B 58 240 000 E 30,720,000
1977 B 95 360 001 D B 99 840 000 D 4,480,000 1977 B 07040001* B 07 680 000' 640,0009
1977 B 00 000 001 E B 27 520 000 E 27,520,000 1977 B 07 680 001* B 08 320 000* 640,0009
1977 B 06 400 001* B 07 040 000* 640,0009 1977 C 14 720 001 B C 35 840 000 B 21,120,000
1977 E 00 640 001 C E 28 160 000 C 27,520,000 1977 C 02 560 001* C 03 200 000* 640,000
1977 F 77 440 001 C F 99 200 000 C 21,760,000 1977 D 08 960 001 B D 37 120 000 B 28, 160,000
1977 F 03 840 001* F 04 480 000* 640,000 1977 F 04 480 001*
F 05 120 000* 640,0009
1977 G 12 800 001 D G 44 800 000 D 32,000,000 1977 G 44 800 001 D G 61 440 000 D 16,640,000
1977 J 20 480 001 B J 33 920 000 B 13,440,000 1977 G 05 120 001 * G 05 760 000* 640,0009
1977 K 51 840 001 B K 67 840 000 B 10,000,000 1977 I 48 640 001 A 1 62 080 000 A 13,440,000
1977 K 03 840 001*
K 04 480 000* 640,0009 1977 1 62 080 001 A 1 72 960 000 A 10,880,000
1977 L 93 440 001 C
L 99 840 000 C 6,400,000 1977 1 01 380 001* I 01 920 000* 640,0009
1977 L 00 000 001 D
L11520000D 11,520,000 1977 L 11 520 001 D L 38 400 000 D 26,880,000
1977 L 04 480 001 *
L 05 120 000* 640,000 1977 L 05 120 001*
L OS 760 000* 640,000*
1977 G 00 000 001 D
G 12 800 000 D 12.800,00098
FIVE DOLLARS 1977 D 32 640 001 A D 38 400 000 A 5,760,000
1977 B 88 320 001 A B 99 840 000 A 11,520,000 1977 F 49 920 001 A F 63 360 000 A 13,440,000
1977 B 03 200 001* B 03 840 000* 640,0009 1977 F 01 280 001* F 01 920 000* 640,0009
1977 C 38 400 001 A C 42 880 000 A 4,480,000 1977 G 94 080 001 A G 99 840 000 A 5,760,000
1977 G 87 680 001 A G 94 080 000 A 6,400,000 1977 G 00 000 001 B G 01 280 000 B 1, 280,000
1977 G 01 920 001*
G 02 560 000* 640,0009 1977 H 18 560 001 A H 28 160 000 A 9,600,000
1977 L 67 840 001 A L 73 600 000 A 5,760,000 1977 J 40 960 001 A J 49 280 000 A 8,320,000
1977 L 73 600 001 A L 81 280 000 A 7,680,000
1977 B 00 000 001 B B 09 600 000 B 9,600,000 TEN DOLLARS
1977 B 03 840 001* B 04 480 000* 640,0009 1977 A 49 920 001 A A 65 920 000 A 16,000,000
1977 C 40 320 001 A C 46 720 000 A 6,400,000 1977 B 09 600 001 B B 31 360 000 B 21,760,000
1977 G 84 480 001 A E 90 880 000 A 6,400,000 1977 E 30 720 001 A E 41 600 000 A 10,880,000
1977 I 03 840 001 A 1 09 600 000 A 5,760,000 1977 J 23 040 001 A J 28 800 000 A 5,760,000
1977 00 012 001* 1 00 640 000* 256,0009 1977 J 00 640 001* J 01 280 000* 640,000
1977 K 25 600 001 A K 29 440 000 A 3,840,000
TWENTY DOLLARS 1977 K 00 000 001* K 00 640 000* 640,000
1977 B 88 960 001 A B 99 840 000 A 10,880,000
1977 B 01 920 001* B 02 560 000* 640,0009 TWENTY DOLLARS
1977 D 34 560 001 A D 44 160 000 A 9,600,000 1977 A 23 040 001 A A 30 080 000 A 7,040,000
1977 D 01 920 001*
D 02 560 000* 640,0009 1977 C 19 840 001 A C 28 800 000 A 8,960,000
1977 G 58 240 001 A G 67 840 000 A 7,600,000 1977 C 00 640 001* C 01 280 000* 640,000
1977 G 02 568 001* G 03 200 000* 384,0009 1977 E 40 320 001 A E 53 760 000 A 13,440,000
1977 J 21 120 001 A J 28 160 000 A 7,040,000 1977 H 23 040 001 A H 32 640 000 A 9,600,000
1977 H 00 640 001* H 01 280 000* 640,0009
Correction to previous Report 1977 L 32 000 001 A L 41 600 000 A 9,600,000
1969C F 01 024 001* F 01 280 000* 256,0009 FIFTY DOLLARS
1974 C 00 448 001* C 00 576 000* 128,000
FIFTY DOLLARS 1977 B 07 040 001 A B 07 680 000 A 640,000
1977 B 05 120 001 A B 07 040 000 A 1,920,000 1977 C 00 000 001 A C 01 920 000 A 1,920,000
1977 E 00 000 001 A E 01 920 000 A 1,920,000 1977 I 00 000 001 A 1 01 280 000 A 1,200,000
1977 E 00 000 001* E 00 064 000* 64,000
1977 J 00 000 001 A J 01 280 000 A 1,280,000 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS
1974 B 02 304 001* B 02 432 000* 128,000
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1977 B 08 960 001 A B 10 240 000 A 1,280.000
1977 B 07 680 001 A B 08 960 000 A 1,280,000 1977 B 10 240 001 A B 12 160 000 A 1,920,000
1977 E 01 920 001 A E 03 200 000 A 1,280,000 1977 C 00 640 001 A C 01 920 000 A 1,280,000
1977 J 00 000 001 A J 02 560 000 A 2,560,000 1977 G 04 480 001 A G 07 680 000 A 3,200,000
1977 J 00 000 001* J 00 064 000* 64,000 1977 G 00 064 001* G 00 128 000* 64,000
1977 J 00 064 001* J 00 128 000* 64,000 1977 I 00 000 001 A 1 01 920 000 A 1,920,000
/1 A star note is used for the 100,000,000th note in a series
since the numbering machines provide for only eight digits.
# Indicates Printing Other Than COPE
## Indicates Correction to Previous Report
Whole No. 81
Stanley Gibbons "Scripophily" auction sale of Nov. 24,
1978. London.
(The following results represent, in the words of the
auctioneer, "prices realized or prices at which lots were
bought in, having failed to reach their reserve". All de-
scriptions taken from auctioneer's catalog.)
Est. Real.
Australian Agricultural Company: Share for
£100, Dec. 1824, printed by Perkins & Heath,
London. View of Sydney, top centre. VF £45 90
Government Securities
Bohemia — 3.3% Loan of 1763: "Specimen"
Bond for 15 Gulden, with all five Coupons.
(Formulare). VF £65 95
Brazil Great Southern Railway Co. Ltd: £400
worth of 6% Debenture Stock, 24th July 1918.
F £8 20
Brazil Railway Company: 4'/z% 60-year Bonds, set
of three, 1st July 1909, denominated at £20, £100
and £200, vignette of train crossing bridge. F to
VF 3 £60 50
— Ditto, single Bond for £100 with same vignette
in blue. VF £22 20
Grand Truck Railway Company of Canada: £1,000
worth of Third Preference Stock, 29th November
1917. VF £17 25
— £1,000 worth of Consolidated Stock, 3rd May
1918. VF £15 25
The Pier Island Syndicate, Vancouver: Prospectus
issued by The British American Agency in 1912.
VF £12 7
Government Securities
Republic of China, 6% Two-Year Secured Gold
Loan Treasury Notes: Bond for 1,000 U.S. Dol-
lars, 1919, vignette of Pagoda top centre, printed
in yellow and black. The rarest Chinese issue (un-
listed by Drumm/Henseler) VF
Republic of China, Secured Sinking Fund: Bond
for 1,000 U.S. Dollars, 1937, vignette of Pagoda
top centre, printed in slate blue and black (un-
listed in Drumm/Henseler), equally rare as 1919
Gold Loan Treasury Notes VF £325 460
Page 159
Est. Real.
"Prices Quoted List"
List of Stocks and Prices Quoted: Part printed,
part hand-written Paris, 9th April 1763. EF £14 85
Banks, Finance & Property Companies
Societe Generale du Credit Foncier: Bond for
1,000 Francs, 8th October 1851. EF £30 52
Compagnie Francaise du Telegraphe de Paris a
New York: Bond for 500 Francs, Paris, 27th
March 1879. VF £13 18
Compagnie Franco-Americaine: Bond for 500
Francs, undated. VF £13 9
Government Securities
Lottery Loan of His Serene Highness the Prince
Elector of Hesse-Cassel: Stake of £5 Sterling, 21st
December 1850, text in English. F £65 120
Municipal Issues
City of Munich — 7% Gold Loan: Bond for 1,000
U.S. Dollars, 1st August 1925, text in English.
VF £15 28
Public Utilities
Ruhr Gas Corporation — 61/2% Secured Sinking
Fund: Bond for 1,000 U.S. Dollars, 1st October
1928. Series A. VF £15 17
British America Corporation: 100 Ordinary
Shares, 3rd May 1898. A particularly attractive
example, printed by Waterlow & Sons, vignette of
"Commerce" with Locomotive & Steamship.
VF £15 52
South-Sea Company: Annuities Receipt for £81-
9s.-4d., 16th March 1730, part printed, part filled-
in by hand. VF £28 100
"Sealed Bond"
Sealed Bond: For £500 Sterling, between William
Cooks and James Agar, 31st March 1711, printed
sheet, completed by hand. F £28 30
Bank der Vereenigde Staten van America; Phila-
delphia: Bond for 100 U.S. Dollars, Amsterdam,
13th October 1841. VF £35 36
—Bond for 100 U.S. Dollars, Amsterdam, 22nd
January 1842. EF £55 54
Shipping Companies
The Accessory Transit Co. of Nicaragua — 7%
Loan: Bond for 1,000 U.S. Dollars, 13th Novem-
ber 1855, the Principal payable to Charles Morgan
& George A. Hoyt or bearer on the 31st May 1856,
both their hand signatures present. Paddle steam-
ship top centre. VF £38 105
Government Securities
Government Perpetual 5% Annuity: Bond for
£518 / 3,360 Roubles, 1822, with the embossed
stamp of N. M. Rothschild, the London Agents.
Fair £160 190
Page 160 Paper Money
Est. Real. Est. Real.
Russian Government 6% External Loan: Bond for
1,000 Roubles, issued by Van den Broeke & Comp.
in Amsterdam, 7th October 1824. F £65 20
Government Securities
Accion de la Real Compania de San Fernando de
Sevilla: Bond for 250 Pesos in Specie, 10th June
1749. A very attractive, well-engraved "period
piece", vignettes of King and Queen with sea-
scape and Galleon, view of town at left and
various allegorical vignettes. VF to EF (Plate 7)
£330 1600
Government Securities
Massachusetts War Committee — 6% Bearer
Notes: For £30, 25th December 1776, signed by H.
Gardner (Treasurer), D. Jeffries & H. J. Hill. VF
£135 110
— Similar item for Ten Pounds, 8th July 1777,
signed by H. Gardner (Treasurer), D. Jeffries and
E. Wales, repaired otherwise F.
Massachusetts — 6% Bonds: Certificate made out
for £18, 19s., 1st December 1777, signed by H.
Gardner (Treasurer). Coats of Arms top left: re-
paired, otherwise VF £175 130
— Another example made out for £15, 5th Feb-
ruary 1780, signed by H. Gardner (Treasurer).
F £125 100
—Another example for £66. 16s., 1st March 1781,
signed by H. Gardner (Treasurer), repaired, other-
wise F. £160 120
Commonwealth of Massachusetts — 6% Bonds:
Certificate for £15-11s-7d. to Joseph Adams in
Gold or Silver in "Spanish Milled Dollars", dated
May 1788. F £160 120
The State of South Carolina — 5% Loan: Bond
for £250, Act of June 1st 1838. (Criswell 38a.
Rarity 10), seated figure of Commerce with Train
& River Steamer in background. VF
£38 52
The State of South Carolina — 6% Loan: Bond
for 500 Dollars, Act of 21st September 1866,
vignette of Cotton picking and loading on Waggon
top centre; complete with all coupons (unlisted in
Criswell). EF £18 34
— Bond for 1,000 Dollars, Act of 11th March 1869
(Criswell 69b. Rarity 6), unissued with all the cou-
pons, vignette of G. Washington, Negro picking
cotton, Warship of period. EF £22 46
— Stock Certificate for 1,000 Dollars, Act of 23rd
March 1869, unissued. (Criswell 69c. Rarity 9),
vignette of Washington, Negro picking cotton,
warship of period. VF £17 48
— Bond for £100, Act of October 1st 1871. (Cris-
well 71a. Rarity 10), vignette of Cotton Boll top
centre, complete with all coupons. V F
£30 110
Municipal Issues
6% Loan of the City of Philadelphia: Bond for
1,000 Dollars, 10th January 1872, ten vignettes,
incl. City Hall, Locomotive, George Washington
etc. V F £28 19
City of Jersey City (N.J.) — 51/2% Water Bond:
For 1,000 Dollars, 1st August 1920 signed by
"Boss" Hague (former Mayor). EF
£8 11
Banks, Finance & Property Companies
Bank of Kentucky — Capital Stock: Ten Shares,
4th October 1842, allegorical vignettes. VF £20 18
First National Bank of Toledo: Nine $100 Shares,
1st August 1864, attractive rural scene vignette
top centre: VF
£20 15
I.O.S. Ltd.: (Investors Overseas Services); Ten
Bearer Shares, 19th March 1971, printed signa-
ture of Bernard Cornfeld. EF
£12 40
Mission Development Company: One Hundred
Shares, 1954, signed by the late Paul Getty. EF £6
—Eight Shares, 1955, similarly signed. EF £5 16
Otsego County Bank: Share Certificate, c. 1840-
60, unissued. Unc £6 7
Stafford Meadow Coal Iron City Improvement
Company: $100 First Mortgage Bond with 6%
interest, 19th January 1858. Seven allegorical
vignettes around bond. VF
£28 20
Washington Hall — 6% Loan: $350 worth of
Stocks, 1st July 1817. F
£15 16
Edison Phonographs Ltd.: Share Certificate for
200 shares, 17th March 1917, made out to
"Thomas A. Edison" by hand. VF £110 170
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Amer-
ica: Ten $5 Shares, 15th April 1919. VF £5 11
E.I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Co.: Subscrip-
tion Warrant for Hercules Powder Co. 6% Bonds;
1913, unissued. (Du Pont were the famous ex-
plosive manufacturers of the Civil War and World
War I). VF £25 15
Playboy Enterprises, Inc.: Certificate for 1 Share,
4th April 1977, vignette of a seductive and attrac-
tive naked lady. EF £17 40
Universal Lasting Machine Company: Thirty $100
Shares, 18th February 1890; two seated figures
top centre, train and ship in background; repaired,
otherwise VF £5 10
Mining Companies
The Gold Mines of Cana: Twenty Shares January
31st, 1878 (location of Works at Cana, Panama &
Colombia U.S.). VF £12 15
San Juan Consolidated Co.: One Hundred $100
Shares, 28th October 1875. Allegorical vignette
at left. VF £9 12
Express Companies
American Express Company: Share Certificate for
500 Dollars, 12th September 1860, handsigned by
Wm. Fargo and Henry Wells. VF £160 340
— Similar certificate, dated 31st October 1864,
handsigned by Wm. Fargo and Henry Wells. VF
£160 230
Merchants Union Express Co.: Thirty 100 Dollar
Shares, 28th September 1867, vignette of the
Company's Waggon, Train and Steamship, in
black and green; tear on bottom left, otherwise
VF £70 70
The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. — New York:
Whole No. 81 Page 161
Est. Real. Est. Real.
Certificate for 100 Shares, c. 1890's, unissued with
counterfoil, vignette of very early train, scarce
type in green. EF
— Similar lot. EF £12
— Certificate for 100 Shares, 24th September
1903, vignette of a very early train, in brown VF
Boston Elevated Railway Co.: Forty-five Shares
of $100 each, 6th May 1913, vignette of "Over-
head" electric train. VF £9
Boston and Providence Railroad Corporation:
Two $100 Shares, 22nd June 1871, two interesting
railway scenes, cut-cancelled at bottom, otherwise
VF £16
Central Transporation Company: Two Shares,
11th October 1875, vignette of passenger train.
V F £23
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Co.: 100
Shares, 15th November 1900, vignette of loco-
motive, river steamer in background. VF £10
Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Co.: Set of
four issued Share certificates, two Common and
two Preferred, 1891 to 1904. £28
Eastern and Western Air Line Railway Co.: First
Mortgage Bond, for 1.000 Dollars, 19th April
1886, large format with eagle and flag. VF £22
The Gordon Heights Railway Company: Share
Certificates, inissued, 189-, Coat of Arms top
centre, blue. VF £8
Hudson & Manhattan Railroad: Preferred Shares,
unissued, c. 1913, vignette of underground train,
black and orange. Unc £11
The Keokuk and Des Moines Railway Company:
Share Certificate, unissued, 18—, very attractive
railway and river vignette. Unc £20
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company:
100 Shares of the Capital Stock, 6th June 1889,
signed by George J. Gould. VF £24
The New York and Harlem Railroad Co.: One
Hundred Shares, 2nd April 1872, signed W. H.
Vanderbilt, vignette of train of the period, scarce
type, hole-cancelled otherwise VF £24
The New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail-
road Co.: 50 Year — 31/2% Debenture for 10,000
Dollars, 23rd March 1905. VF £25
— 50 Year — 3'/2% Debenture for 5,000 Dollars,
1st January 1906. VF £22
— 50 Year — 4% Debenture, for 10,000 Dollars,
22nd March 1926. VF £22
— Similar lot. VF £22
— Similar lot — but dated 25th November 1927.
VF £22
New York & Oswego Midland Railroad Co.: Bond
for 500 Dollars of the Town of Volney, January
1st 1868. VF £13
Syracuse Northern Railroad Co.: Bond for 100
Dollars, of the Town of Richland, 1st March 1870,
fine railway vignette. VF £15
The United States Car Company: Certificates for
10 Common Shares and 10 Preferred Shares,
2nd June 1894, vignettes of Train of the period.
EF £20 26
Wichita Falls and Southern Railway Co.: 5% First
16 Mortgage Gold Bond, for 1,000 Dollars, 15th
16 February 1909, vignette of speeding passenger
train, green and black. VF
£20 19
Transportation Companies
15 Morris Canal & Banking Company: Two $100
Shares, 29th June 1859, vignettes of canal
scenes. VF £20 14
16 Norwich & New York Transportation Co.: Share
Certificate, unissued, 18—, Paddle Steamer top
centre. EF £7 10
29 The Irish Republic: Bond for 5 Dollars, 1866 —
also Printer's Proof of same, engraving of main
vignette and Bond for 20 Dollars 186— Fair to
17 EF £1,200 925
Republic of Ireland: Bond for 10 Dollars, 186 —
payable at 6% per annum upon the Independence
15 of the Irish Nation. F £75 48
— Bond for 10 Dollars, issued by Sinn Fein in
America, 21st January 1920, printed signature of
34 E. de Valera. VF £40 60
Confederate States of America
8% Bond for 1,000 Dollars, issued at Montgom-
32 ery, 1st May 1861 (Criswell type 8). VF £22 25
Bond for 100 Dollars, Act of August 19 1861
(Criswell 41, Rarity 7), vignette of General Pierre
8 G. T. Beauregard. VF £17 22
Military Defence of the State of South Carolina —
7%o Loan: Bond for 1,000 Dollars, Act of 21st
16 December 1861 (Criswell 61d. Rarity 9), vignettes
of Allegorical figures and State Seal, unissued.
VF £20 50
32 Bond for 500 Dollars, Act of August 19 1861
(Criswell 66, Rarity 6), vignette of T. H. Watts.
F £15 20
30 7% Loan: Bond for 100 Dollars, 2nd March 1863
(Criswell type 120), vignette of Confederate Of-
ficer by tree. VF £14 21
8% Loan: Bond for 100 Dollars, 6th March
40 1863 (Criswell 43), vignette of J. P. Benjamin at
centre. VF £17 29
6% Loan: Bond for 1,000 Dollars, 1st April
26 1863 (Criswell type 130), vignette of Old Customs
House, Richmond. VF £17 30
21 7% Cotton Loan: Bond for £500/12,500 Francs,
1st June 1863 (Criswell Rarity 10) VF £85 100
15 — Similar lot. VF £85 90
15 — Bond for £1,000/25,000 Francs, 1st June 1863
(Criswell Rarity 10). VF £110 160
23 Book of Printer's Proofs
"The American Bond Detector" and "Complete
History of all the United States Government Se-
22 curities, under the Sanction of The Treasury De-
partment, Washington D.C." (published 1869).
Comprising several Proofs of U.S. Government
32 Bonds of the 1861 to 1868 period, a number
vignettes, Artwork proofs, illustrations of con-
Continued on Page 170
No Photo
Available at
Time of Publication
Page 162
Paper Money
As required by our Constitution, one-third of the Board
of Governors is to be elected each year for a three-year
term. This year we have six people running for the five
vacancies. So that you may have a little better idea of
each candidate's background, interests, and ideas, we
have put together a thumbnail sketch of each individual
along with his picture where possible.
Elsewhere in this issue you will find your mail ballot.
We of the Nominating Committee strongly urge you to
exercise your voting franchise and return your ballot as
soon as possible. In this important year, in which the
Board of Governors will elect a new President and Vice-
President, your vote does count!
Respectfully Submitted,
Wendell Wolka, Chairman
Harry Jones
George Wait
Mike is 40 years old, married, and has three children.
His "outside" interests include bowling and contract
Mike's paper money interests include U.S. small size
notes, large size star notes, and St. Louis Federal Reserve
Notes and Federal Reserve Bank Notes. Other related
areas of interest include Captain Cook items, souvenir
cards, and U.S. stamps.
Mike is a member of the Memphis Stamp Collectors
Society, IBNS, CPMS, BRNA, TSNS, ANS, American
Revenue Association, Essay-Proof Society, SPMC, ANA
(Life Member), Mississippi Numismatic Association,
PMCM, and the Memphis Coin Club.
He has held the following offices:
Memphis Coin Club: Past President, Vice President
and Treasurer; Current Vice-President and Chair-
man of the International Paper Money Show
ANA: Club Representative for the Memphis Coin Club
Paper Money Collectors of Michigan — Past Board
Member and Vice-President
Mississippi Numismatic Association: Board Member
SPMC: Member of the Board of Governors
John's interests are centered in obsolete New England
currency. His travels in search of these specimens have
brought him in contact with literally hundreds of collec-
tors and fellow SPMC members in New England and
along the East Coast.
John is currently working on the Connecticut volume in
the Society's Wismer Update Project and has been a
faithful and longtime contributor of articles to Paper
For the past four years John has been one of the work-
horses of the Society, serving as our Treasurer and as a
member of the Board of Governors. John informs us that
he "would welcome the opportunity to represent you for
another term on the Society's Board of Governors. -
Richard has lived all his life in Roanoke, Virginia, where
he is employed by the Old Dominion Bridge Company.
His wide-ranging collecting interests include Virginia
Colonial, bank, city, county, and private scrip as well as
Virginia National Bank notes. In addition he also has an
interest in early counterfeit detectors and other books
and pamphlets related to early banks and banking.
Richard is a charter member of SPMC and also is
associated with the Virginia Numismatic Association (life
Whole No. 81
Page 163
member), ANA, ANS, BRNA, MANA, and SCNA.
He has held the following offices:
VNA: Secretary-Treasurer
Member of the Publications Committee
SPMC: Member of the Board of Governors
Gary has a masters degree in business and is presently
employed as an officer in the Air Force in the comptroller
career field.
Gary has been a numismatist for over twenty years.
His paper money specialities include errors, military
payment certificates, large size nationals, and large size
Gary is past president of the Colorado-Wyoming
Numismatic Association, Colorado Springs Coin Club,
and Silver Sands Coin Club. He is a former board member
of FUN and is presently treasurer of OIN. Gary holds life
membership in ANA, FUN and CWNA. He is a member
of OTACS and the Canadian Numismatic Association.
Gary supports the following items which are of major
interest to most SPMC members: a sound financial
footing for SPMC, an annual paper money show, a strong
educational program, and an outstanding Paper Money
Bob, currently serving as President of SPMC, is a well-
known numismatic dealer in San Antonio, Texas. He has
been a paper money collector since 1952. Specializing in
Texas currency, he wrote the definitive SPMC listing on
this subject. Bob has been an SPMC member since 1962.
A life member of ANA, he served on the 1969 U.S. Assay
Commission. Bob is standing for election to the Board in
order to provide continuity and assistance to the
succeeding President.
He has been a banker since 1947. Steve is a Vice-Presi-
dent and Branch Administration Director for the Wil-
mington Savings Fund Society, Delaware's second
largest bank. He is active in a number of community
projects and has been campaign chairman for the Kent
County campaign drives for the United Way and Ameri-
can Cancer Society. He was recently appointed by
Delaware's Governor DuPont to serve a fourth term on
the State Council on Banking, and is a member of the
Dover Rotary Club and a Board Member of the Dover
Steve became the first Delaware collector to win the
coveted Best-In-Show award at the ANA convention last
August in Houston, Texas, with a display of U.S. paper
money, his speciality. He has been an active exhibitor for
the past four and a half years and has won approximately
35 Best-In-Show awards at most major shows on the
East Coast.
Founder of the Kent County Coin Club of Dover which
now numbers over 160 members, Steve has held every
office in the Club and currently acts as editor of their
monthly newsletter. He is President of the Milford,
Delaware Stamp and Coin Club, and a member of the
Board of Directors of the Virginia (VNA) and Middle
Atlantic (MANA) Numismatic Associations. A past Vice-
President of the Maryland Numismatic Association, he
holds memberships in 24 U.S. and Canadian organi-
zations including SPMC, PMCM, ANA, CCNE, and
CCCC. Steve is currently seeking a spot on the ANA
Board of Governors and serves as the ANA District
Representative for the State of Delaware.
Page 164
The Buck
Stops Her
In this issue you will find the latest information avail-
able at the time of this writing (April 1) on the Third
International Paper Money Show in Memphis, June 14-
17, in which our SPMC will play a major role. Needless
to say, reservations for accommodations should be made
at once; ask Mike Crabb, P.O. Box 17871, Memphis, TN
38117 for hotel cards, and while you are doing that,
order the banquet tickets you will require.
Through a fortuitous set of circumstances involving
members of our sister organization, the Essay-Proof
Society, and Larry Adams, famed author Murray Teigh
Bloom has agreed to address the banquet meeting. Those
of us who have read his fascinating books on monetary
and currency subjects will be interested in hearing about
his new work on paper currency, which should certainly
stimulate interest in syngraphics.
While you are at Memphis, tear yourself away from the
wheeling and dealing of the bourse long enough to attend
the SPMC Board meeting on Thursday, June 14, at 4 PM.
Meet your officers and make suggestions for improving
SPMC and PAPER MONEY. If all goes well, I expect to
be on hand for your brickbats and, hopefully, a few
bouquets! I am anxious to renew old acquaintances and
make new ones, especially among potential authors. Per-
haps you are harboring some ideas for PM articles and
need some guidance; perhaps you have a complaint about
our coverage of syngraphic subjects. Just step up and
speak up. We all will listen.
Also, remember our educational program with Gene
Hessler on Friday, June 15 at 7 PM. Among other things,
Gene will be introducing his new book on U.S. paper
money essays and proofs.
Yes — We Know How to Spell "Scrip"!
Everyone associated with PM was distressed by the
glaring misspelling of the word "scrip" in the
March/April 1979 issue, no. 80. It appeared in a cover
caption, in the table of contents and in the headline of
William J. Harrison's article "A Check List of Some Scrip
Printed from Three Basic Plates" on page 72. When I dis-
covered these typos, I immediately checked out Mr. Har-
rison's manuscript and the proof of it; in both instances
the spelling was correct.
To understand how the errors came about, then, one
has to understand how PM is produced. As editor. I work
with authors, soliciting manuscripts and corresponding
about them. I prepare all manuscripts for publication
and conduct all advertising business. During the month
preceding a deadline, I feed copy at weekly intervals to
Krause Publications, where it is set up. Proof of the body
of the articles is sent to me for checking only once. I am
not able to inspect corrected proof for accuracy but have
to rely on the Krause staff to do that job. (Unfortunate-
ly, some of them are not syngraphists but still take on the
task of "correcting - what they perceive to be errors.)
Finally, I prepare a list of articles which must go in each
issue together with the suggested arrangement and send
both on to Krause with final instructions. They add the
display type headlines, make up the table of contents and
cover, and prepare the negatives. You can see, then, that
the errors occurred in this final step of the process.
Now that I have identified this troublesome area in pro-
duction, I can attempt to eliminate similar errors in the
future. However, we all must keep in mind that PM is a
non-profit operation, and as such we cannot indulge in
the close control that would be possible if the typesetter
and layout artist were in the same building or even city
with the editor. Actually, under the circumstances, I feel
that all concerned do a pretty good job.
Continued from Page 152
purchased the Platte Savings Institution, successor to
the Mechanic branch.
$5 same design as parent branch issue. $84,000 of
this denomination had been issued through
February 1861.
$10 same design as parent branch issue, $124,000 of
this denomination had been issued through
February 1861.
$20 same design as parent branch issue. $136,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$50 same design as parent branch issue. $35,000 of
this denomination issiu.d through February
$100 same design as parent branch issue. $15,000 of
this denomination issued through February
Note: $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861.
Col. White's Regiment Scrip.
A one-dollar sutler note signed by John Patterson and
dated 1862 appeared in Kagin's 1977 ANA auction. The
note is payable in Confederate notes or "Missouri
Bonds", the latter undoubtedly being the state notes
issued by Clairborn Jackson's pro-southern government-
in-exile. No town or state is mentioned on the note; the
only basis for the Missouri attribution is the mention of
the Missouri bonds. I have been unable to find any
reference to a Col. White in or near Missouri. He may
have been a guerrilla.
The next few installments of this series will cover the St.
Louis issues, which are more prolific and about which
more information is available. Following this will be an
article on the notes issued by Missouri's southern
government-in-exile and the state notes issued by the
wartime pro-northern government. Anyone having
additional information, corrections or comments on these
listings should write the author at his new address: Bruce
W. Smith c/oNeil Sowards, 48 Home Avenue, Ft. Wayne,
Ind. 46807.
Whole No. 81
Page 165
This time of year always seems to be the most active for
your Society officers. Dues payments involve our
Secretary and Treasurer; Nominating Committee and
Awards Committee actions must be completed months
ahead of time to accommodate the necessarily long lead
times involved in getting material to our most competent
Editor, Barbara Mueller, and then to Krause Publications
for make-up, back to Barbara for proofing and finally to
Stowell Printers in Maryland. Sometimes I feel we all
work only for the Post Office!
All of this gets done only through the cooperative work
of a lot of loyal members who go the extra mile so you and
I can enjoy our Paper Money, and the numerous other
benefits which our membership in SPMC obtains for us.
This copy of PM should be in your hands just preceding
the Memphis Show. Right now, if you haven't made your
reservations at the Memphis Holiday Inn (Rivermont), go
call. Also, if you haven't made your banquet reservations,
call Mike Crabb now. Don't place an unfair burden on him
to try to get you last-minute tickets.
Elsewhere in this issue you have read where American
Bank Note Company has printed for us a Souvenir Sheet
to replace those of the BEP which, this year at least, has
withdrawn from the program. This is a first time for
ABNCO and the sheet will be of great interest to those
who want to keep their Souvenir Sheet series going and
especially to the collector of obsolete currency. The sheet
is a beauty but personally I don't see why one from Texas
was not selected. This new and exciting sheet came about
through the efforts of former SPMC President and
constant supporter, Roy Pennell, Jr., and Mr. Memphis
Paper Money Show, Mike Crabb.
Souvenir Sheets will not be available anywhere except
through your Society. Do Not write ABNCO; they do not
have any. We have established a separate sales
department from them here in San Antonio. It is
anticipated that income generated from the Souvenir
Sheet will be set aside solely for special projects to
further the hobby of collecting currency, be it U.S., obso-
lete or foreign.
Your election ballots are enclosed with this issue.
Please take a moment or two and VOTE. You will be
selecting five new board members. They and the present
members will then elect the officers to serve you for the
next two years. You are in effect, then, electing a new
President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. So
your vote is important. Ballots will be counted and the
votes tallied at our St. Louis (ANA) banquet.
Again, thanks to Roy Pennell for spending so much
time, money and effort in our behalf. I think it is the most
exciting development to come along for your society in
many, many years.
See ya in Memphis.
1. Nathan Gold Memorial Award. Established and form-
erly (1961-1970) presented by Numismatic News. Pre-
sented to a person who has made a concrete contribu-
tion toward the advancement of paper money collect-
ing. Recipients, who need not he a member of SPMC,
are chosen by the Awards Committee.
2. Julian Blanchard Memorial Award. Awarded to a
member of SPMC for an exhibit, at annual ANA con-
ventions, of proof notes, tie-in of stamps and paper
money and/or notes with matching vignette proofs
and other related material. Notes may be of any kind
and of any period or country. The Awards Committee
or a committee appointed for the purpose will select
the recipient.
3. Award of Merit. For SPMC member (or members)
who, during the previous year, rendered significant
contributions to the Society which bring credit to the
Society. May be awarded to the same person in differ-
ent years for different contributions. Recipients to be
chosen by the Awards Committee.
4. Literary Awards. First, second and third places.
Awarded to SPMC members for articles published
originally in Paper Money during the calendar year
preceding the annual meeting of the Society.
A. Elected officers not eligible if the article is pub-
lished while in office; nor to an Awards Commit-
tee member if voted while he is on that commit-
B. Serial articles are to be considered in the year of
conclusion, except in case the article is a con-
tinuation of a related series on different subjects;
these to be considered as separate articles.
C. Suggested operating procedures: The Awards
Committee chairman will supply each committee
member a copy of the guidelines for making
awards. Using the grading factors and scoring
points which follow, each member will make his
selection of the five best articles published in the
preceding year, listing them in order of prefer-
ence. The lists will be tabulated by the chairman
and the winners chosen. A second ballot will be
used to break any ties.
D. Grading factors and scoring points:
a. Readability and interest — Is the article inter-
estingly written? (20 points) Is is understand-
able to someone not a specialist in the field?
(10 points) Would you study the article rather
than just scan through it? (10 points)
b. Numismatic information conveyed — In your
opinion, will the article be used by future stu-
dents as a reference source? (20 points) Has
the author documented and cross referenced
his source material? Give credit for original
research and depth of study. (20 points) Is the
subject a new one, not previously researched,
or a rehash? If it presents a new slant on an
old subject, give proper credit. (20 points)
Larry Adams, Chairman; Paul Jung, Forrest Daniel
Page 166
Paper Money
P.O. Box 4082
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Following the names and addresses of the new members
is the coding: C, collectors; D, Dealer. Their collecting
specialty then follows the code.
5480 Albert H. Tetrault, Jr., 656 N. Main St., Acushae, Mass.
02743; C; FRN's and Silver Certificates.
5481 David E. Everhard, 103-3 Gramercy Ct., Minot AFB,
N.D. 58704; C; Obsolete bank notes $5 denominations.
5482 M.N. Bowen, 625 Monongahela Ave., Glassport, PA
15045; C/D.
5483 Hogan T. Takata, 650 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, CA
90017; C; Orient-MPC-USA-British Commonwealth
5484 H. A. Benson, Jr., 6511 Dearborn Dr., Mission, KA
66202; C/D.
5485 Theodore R. Nellons, 1123 East Main St., Columbus, OH
43205; C.
5486 Tom Brungardt, Jr., 309 S. Main St., Pratt, KS 6712;
C; Fractional Currency.
5487 A. Vernon Taylor, 6119 Wheatland Rd., Balto., MD
21228; C; Continental Currency.
5488 Jim Gerard, P.O. Box 176, Elm Grove, Wis. 53122; C/D;
5489 Eugene C. Leipman, 31401 Drake Dr., Bay Village, Ohio
44140; C.
5490 Thomas E. DiGaaci, 6735 S. Rockwell St., Chicago, Ill.
60629; C; Obsolete bank notes.
5491 Arthur Francis, 5454 Nearglen Ave., Glendora, CA
91740; C; U.S. Fractional.
5492 Joseph D. Hahn, P.O. Box 522, State College, PA 1680;
C/D; Northumberland & Centre County, Penna. notes.
5493 Richard B. Cravy, P.O. Box 1671, Lufkin, TX 75901;
C/D; All paper money.
5494 Steven Feller, 367 Pike Ave., Attleboro, Mass. 02703; C.
5495 Harold G. Ashley, Jr., 3 South Main, Berkley, MA
02780; C; All paper money.
5496 Garry R. Thompson, 72 Bourke St., Tamworth,
N.S.W., Australia; C.
5497 John Oechsle, 1250 20 1/2 Lane, Pueblo, CO 81006; C; U.S.
small notes.
5498 Joe F. Frye, P.O. Box 22308, Memphis, TN 38122; C/D;
U.S. & foreign obsolete notes.
5499 Richard N. Wolf, 443-38-2219, HQ Btry, 2nd BN, 71st
ADA, APO San Fran. 96358; C; Fractional currency.
5500 Duncan MacKenzie, 35 Longview Terr., Williamstown,
MA 01267; C/D; U.S. Obsolete-odd denom. fractionals.
William B. McKechnie, III, P.O. Box 746, Chiefland,
Fla. 32626; C/D; General, U.S. & foreign.
5502 Dan DuPont, 12757 Archwood, North Hollywood, CA
91606; C.
5503 Bud Calhoun, 25 Coach Rd., Mansfield, MA 02048; C; $1
current & S.C.
5504 James Harvey, UPB Box 3191, Las Cruces, N.M. 88003;
5505 Steven Crowley, 57 East Center St., Nutley, N.J. 07110;
C; American Banknote printings.
5506 Daniel Sutton, 13623 Chandler Blvd., Van Nuys, CA
91401; C; U.S. large notes, Continental & Colonial notes.
5507 Roger K. Weber, P.O. Box 434, Showlow, Ariz. 85901; C;
U.S. Currency.
5508 David Howard, 615 E. Wonsley Dr., #211, Austin, TX
78753; C; Obsolete bank notes.
5509 Gary L. Shrum, 505 W. Grand Ave., Corona, CA 91720;
C/D; U.S. large & small notes & Fractional currency.
5510 Dan DuPont, 12757 Archwood St., No. Hollywood, CA.
91606; C; U.S. large size type notes
5511 Victor V. Fontana, 1110 Girard Dr., Louisville, Ky.
40222; C; General paper money
5512 Sidney Gilligan, 1406 Rexford Pl., Las Vegas, Nev.
89104; C.
5513 Joseph Kieselstein, 6 Ovington Circle, Westbury, N.Y.
11590; C.
5514 Steve Threlkeld, 3018 S. Willis, Abilene, TX. 79605;C;
Large size notes
5515 LTC Clyde M. Reedy, HQ AFRC Box 64, APO NY
09053; C; FR Indochina, Indochina FED, Laos, Cam-
bodia, & Vietnam
5516 Fred Reese, 1309 Sunset St., Polk City, Ia. 50226; C.
5517 D.S. Higgins, P.O. Box 53373, Houston, 77052; D;
Dealer in Texas notes
5518 Ahmed Elseroui, Elsaraystreet Nr. 5/Flat 68, Cairo-
Elmanial, Egypt; C; Egypt-banknotes & specimens
5519 Ross D. Allen, 5043 Scenic Pines #8, Memphis, Tn.
38116; C/D;
5520 H.G. Schmallen, One 2 St. S., Apt. 5-402, Fargo, N.D.
58103; C.
5521 J.M. McCormick, 6 Tennyson Ave., Bangor, County
Down, N. Ireland BT 20 3SS U.K.; C; Currencies which
circulate (d) within the present day Yugoslavia
5522 Ted R. Nehrenberg, M.D., 307 Placentia, Suite 107,
Newport Beach, Ca. 92663; C; Large U.S. currency
5523 Aaron C. Gaizband, P.O. Box 81, Elwyn, Pa. 19063;
C/D; Large & small currency and errors
5524 Joseph A. Medio, Jr., 214 S. Laurel St., Landisville,
N.J. 08326; C.
5525 Glenn E. Tharp, R.D. #3, Novinger, Mo. 63559; C.
5526 Carroll J. Delery, III, P.O. Box 73244, Metairie, La.
70033; C/D.
5527 Robert L. Burton, Jr., 312 Willis St., Cambridge, Md.
21613; C; Maryland obsolete notes
Neil Hooker, 6631 Chaparral Dr., Lithonia, Ga. 30058;
C; Mississippi & Confederate notes
5529 Herman L. Boraker, 508 So. Main St., Rocky Ford, Co.
81067; C; Checks and drafts
5530 Gordon H. Swan, 1131 16th St. S., Wisconsin Rapids,
Wisc. 54494; C; Obsolete notes
5531 Mary Brooks, 979 Strawberry, Boise, Ida. 83706; C;
General paper money
5532 James R. Briggs, P.O. Box 1161, San Bernardino, Ca.
92402; C/D; British Colonial & Africa
Whole No. 81 Page 167
5533 Carl Witteck, 955 N. Park Ave., Rialto, Ca. 92376; C;
U.S. fractional & Confederate
5534 Harry J. Fechte, 2601 Cleveland Blvd., Granite City, Ill.
62040; C; National currency
5535 Richard Lee Day, 9807 Vieux Carre Dr., Apt. #6,
Louisville, Ky. 40223; C/D; 1929 Bank notes (Kentucky)
B.W. Parrish, 'Woodstock' Thorpe Lane, Guiseley,
Leeds, England L520 8LE; C; U.S. Obsolete notes
Gregory A. Ton, 3119 Domar, Memphis, Tn. 38118; C;
Fractional, CSA, & large size notes
5538 John R. King, 2829 WNW Hwy #570, Dallas, Tx. 75220;
5539 James D. Lowe, P.O. Box 201, Potsdam, N.Y. 13676: C;
U.S. fractional currency
5540 Peter V. Dizbon, 406 S. Main St., Apt. #2, Rochelle,
Ill. 61068; C; $1.00 silver certificates
5541 Paul A. Mied, 1200 Stamford Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21207;
C: Confederate, Southern States, & Maryland broken
bank notes
5542 John E. Wilson, 725 The Main Bldg., Houston, Tx.
77002; C; Texas notes
5543 S.F. Kasprzyk, Ph.D., 462 Maynard Dr., Buffalo, N.Y.
14226; C/D; Obsolete notes
5544 Helen L. Wallace, P.O. Box 431, Keokuk, Iowa 52632;
C/D; Nationals
5545 Jack Mishler, 901 N.W. Maple, Ankeny, Ia. 50021; C.
5546 Lawrence J. Moscato, 1940 West 6th St., Brooklyn,
N.Y. 11223; C.
5547 Bryan Burke, 2364 N. "G" St., San Bernardino, Ca.
92405; C; Fractional currency
5548 Patrick D. Ridgely, 1613 Hardwick Rd., Towson, Md.
21204; C; U.S. currency, large & small
5549 Drewry F. Wofford, Jr., 65 Beverly Dr., Rye, N.Y.; C.
5550 M. Durwood Barbour, 109 N. King Charles Rd., Raleigh,
N.C. 27610; C; N.C. Nationals, obsoletes, Colonials, &
U.S. types
5551 Don Buchanan, P.O. Box 10054, Greensboro, N.C.
27404; C/D.
5552 J. Richard Becker, 51 Concord Rd., Acton, Ctr., Mass.
01720; C; Canadian notes
5553 Harry H. Mattox, P.O. Box 74, Norborne, Mo. 64668;
C; National currency
5554 W.B. Houser, 104 Central Ave., E., Clarion, Ia. 50525;
C; $2.00 notes and fractional currency
5555 Peter Fulkerson, 8008 NW. Milrey Dr., Apt. #3, Kansas
City, Mo. 64152; C; Large size & fractional currency
5556 Edwin T. Kuether, P.O. Box 384, Austin, Minn. 55912;
C; Nationals
5557 Steven H. Meiseles, 4 Calumet Ave., Rockaway, N.J.
07866; C.
5558 James E. Evans, 9421 Kathlyn Dr., St. Louis, Mo.
63134; C.
5559 Frank P. Boyce, 186 Johnson St., Kingston, Ont.
Canada K71 1Y1; C; World currency-with a note from
every country.
3116 Gary F. Morrow, Northlake Park Bldg., Suite 580, 2310
Parklake Dr., NE., Atlanta, Ga. 30345; C; National
888 Richard A. Sara, P.O. Box 296, Lafayette, Ca. 94549; C.
2803 William D. Ogline, P.O. Box 542, Somerset, Pa.
15501; C.
4008 Norm Seward, 1825 Colonial Ave., Waco, Tx. 76707; C.
4814 Thomas S. La Marre, 29460 Lathrup Blvd., Southfield,
Mi. 48076; C.
2370 N.B. Athanassopoulos, P.O. Box 705, Athens, Greece
1085 Carolyn G. Mobbs
3030 William J. Fatula
3574 Howard Weisberg
J4792 Mike Warden
1006 Louis J. Sakal
1390 Raymond de Vos
4398 Joseph Impellizeri from Junior to regular member
Dear Editor:
I felt I just had to write and say your "The Buck Stops
Here" column was the highlight of Jan.-Feb. issue of PM.
The reason is probably because I tend to disagree with
some of your views. Let's take the Franklin Mint issues,
for example. I do not feel that these are any more made-
to-order collectibles than the specimen sets that have
been presented to important officials for many years by
many governments of many countries. Neither were
intended for circulation as legal tender, yet the latter sell
quite often for hundreds of dollars when offered.
And if it were not for the Franklin Mint issues, most of
us less-th'an-wealthy collectors would never see a large
denomination note of these countries. The fine engraving
makes them works of art and the card which accompanies
the notes tell us a lot we would probably not otherwise
As for social and economic history, there are many
issues which can make claim to this. Some that come
easily to mind are the provisional issues of Mexico, the
German inflation issues and many Russian, Chinese and
European country issues. However, all or many of these
were turned out in such huge quantities and some are of
such poor quality that there is little pride of ownership or
investment potential in them. And whether we admit it or
not, scarcity and investment potential are seldom
ignored, even by hobbyists. How else can we explain the
higher than normal prices paid for error notes?
However, the thing that convinces me history is
secondary to beauty and scarcity is the fact that a
particular note which is "Gem" "CU" "pristine", etc. is
often sold for double the price of the same note in "about
uncirculated". Yet the CU note has no more social and
economic historical background than does the AU. It
was, in fact, the lower grades which really were a part of
the action. From the standpoint of history I prize my fine
to about uncirculated notes more the the CU beauties )ah,
the places they have been and the things they have seen).
But investment economics dictate that I purchase
uncirculated gem notes whereever my finances allow.
Clarence Pohlman, SPMC 1769
Harry wants to buy
Currency Errors
Also Interested in Buying
Nationals ... Large and Small size
Uncut Sheets
Red Seals
Type Notes
Unusual Serial numbers
PO Box 42043
Cleveland, Ohio 44142
Page 168
Paper Money
International Paper Money Show
Schedule of Events
Holiday Inn — Rivermont,
Memphis, Tenn.
Thursday, June 14th
4:00 P.M. — SPMC Board Meeting — Visitors Welcome
4:00 P.M. — Dealer & Exhibitor Registration and Set-
Friday, June 15th
9:00 A.M. — 6:30 P.M. — Bourse Open
7:00 P.M. — Educational Program — Gene Hessler
8:30 P.M. — Auction
Saturday, June 16th
9:00 A.M. — 6:30 P.M. — Bourse Open
6:00 P.M. — SPMC Cocktail Party (Cash Bar)
7:00 P.M. — SPMC Banquet (Advance Tickets
8:30 P.M. — Auction
Sunday, June 17th
9:00 A.M. — 6:00 P.M. — Bourse Open
Murray Teigh Bloom, author of MONEY OF THEIR
(1966), will be the guest speaker at the Society of Paper
Money Collectors evening banquet Saturday, June 16, at
the Holiday Inn-Rivermont Hotel, 200 W. Georgia Ave-
nue, Memphis, Tennessee, to be held in conjunction with
the Memphis Coin Club 3rd International Paper Money
Show. Banquet tickets will be available from SPMC
Board Members in Memphis.
Mr. Bloom, of Great Neck, New York, who has traveled
extensively in writing his two books on counterfeiters,
will speak on his interesting experiences in writing these
books. He has been a professional writer since 1939, and
has written six books and one play, and over 600 maga-
zine articles. Other books of his include the best sellers
(1973), and a novel, THE 13th MAN (1977), soon to be
made into a movie. Murray Bloom is one of three
founders and past-president of what is now the largest
organization in the U.S. of professional free-lance writers,
the American Society of Journalists and Authors.
American Bank Note Makes
Souvenir Sheets for SPMC at Memphis
The American Bank Note Co., working with J. Roy
Pennell, Jr., former president of SPMC, has printed a
special souvenir sheet for the 1979 Memphis paper money
show to fill the gap left by the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing's inability to produce one of their cards. This
souvenir sheet, featuring obsolete Connecticut note de-
signs, will be available at the Memphis show for the price
of $10 per five. After the show they will be available to all
members for $10 per four, postpaid, from Bob Medlar, P.
0. Box 18888, San Antonio, TX 78218.
All members should take advantage of the opportunity
to obtain this souvenir which will do much to enhance the
stature of SPMC. And all should be grateful to our good
friends and supporters at American Bank Note Co.
Special Serendipity For SPMC
Our members attending the St. Louis ANA Convention
in August can enjoy a special treat, courtesy of member
Ronald Horstman. Tentative arrangements have been
made for special tours of the St. Louis Federal Reserve
Bank located just a few blocks from the Convention Cen-
ter. The FRB has two collections totalling over 300 pieces
of currency.
If you ever wanted to see the inside of a Federal Re-
serve Bank and its operation, here is your chance. Write
Ron Horstman at Gerald, Mo. for information or see him
at the Memphis Show.
Please Note: The number who can be accommodated is
limited. They can accommodate 40 persons per tour.
Sounds like a great idea, doesn't it?
Murray Bloom
To Address
SPMC Banquet
Whole No. 81 Page 169
doil mar
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a
basis of 5t per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary
purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or
locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be
non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed,
accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money
Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave.,
Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue
(i.e., Dec. 1, 1976 for Jan. 1977 issue). Word count: Name and address will
count for five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure
combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10%
discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word
trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000
Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015.
(22 words; $1; SC; U.S.; FRN counted as one word each)
NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED from western states. Top
prices paid for choice and rare notes. Contact Richard Dixon,
P.O. Box 39, Wendover, UT 84083. (86)
WANTED: NEW JERSEY Nationals from Monmouth County
for personal collection. Charter Nos. 445*, 2257, 3164*, 3451,
3792, 4119, 4138, 4147, 4535*, 5363, 5403, 5730*, 5926, 6038,
6440, 6673, 7223*, 10110*, 10224*, 10376, 11553, 13848, 14177.
Asterisk means Large only. Please quote grades and prices.
Irving Carol, 58 Lennox Ave., Rumson, NJ 07760 (81)
WANTED 1929 NATIONAL $10 T-2 FNB Easthampton, Mass.
Charter 428 serial #A002377. Also have A002383. Will trade or
buy outright. Call (813) 688-3603 or write Scott Thompson, 3905
Friendship Blvd., Lakeland, FL 33801 (82)
WANTED: VIRGINIA COUNTY obsolete currency and scrip,
all Rhode Island Colonial through small Nationals and all
Louisiana. Will pay cash. Will Conner, Box 16150-A, Baton
Rouge, LA 70803 (81)
RHODE ISLAND SMALL — size Nationals wanted. Especially
need notes from Ashaway, Newport, Slatersville and Warwick.
Please describe and price. Frank Bennett, P.O. Box 8153, Coral
Springs, FL 33065 (84)
WANTED: SMALL NATIONALS, Southern Maryland Nation-
al Bank La. Plata Md. Describe and price. Ron Carpenter, 130
Pebblebrook, West Columbia, SC 29169 (ph. 356-4932) (86)
SPANISH CIVIL WAR: International Bank Note Society Cata-
log of local emergency currency (1936-8) by Kenneth Graeber.
Available now; $17.50 postpaid. Alfred Hortmann, IBNS, 7346
Forsyth Blvd., University City, MO 63105. (82)
STOCK CERTIFICATES: 12 different $2.95, 50 different
$14.95. Old checks, 24 different $2.90, 100 different $14.90. Illu-
strated list, SASE. Always buying .1 to 1,000,000 wanted.
Clinton Hollins, Box 112J, Springfield, VA 22150. (92)
CONFEDERATE CURRENCY AND bonds some rare, some
scarce and many ordinary. 154i stamp brings list. Wm. D. Ray,
P.O. Box 278, Dandridge, TN 37725 (83)
MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals, obso-
lete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton,
Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald
Horstman, Rt. 2, Gerald, MO 63037 (83)
SELL: 1902 $20 Edenburg, Penn. (6182) fine; 1929 $20 Rural
Valley, Penn. (6083) average; 1929 $10 East Brady, Penn. (5356)
average; 1935A $1 SC North Africa, rare F-C block, uncirculat-
ed; 1928A $1 SC star, crisp-light crease. All letters answered.
Joe Gregory, 9528 Center St., Vienna, VA 22180.
(American and Gillespie). Large and small size, any denomina-
tion, any condition. Robert Gillespie, 433 Surrey drive, Lancast-
er, PA 17601. (82)
BANK OF CHATTANOOGA bank notes, all VG/F, $1.00,
$4.50, $2.00, $4.50, $3.00, $7.50. All three $14.00. F/VF all three,
$18.50. Have two varieties of each, same price. Also have
German cloth or linen notgeld, $8.95; three different $25.00.
German encased postage, $12.00; three different $33.00. Claud
Murphy, Box 15091, Atlanta, GA 30333. (84)
WANTED: CURRENCY AND checks from Sacramento, Cal.,
Las Animas, Col., Philippi, W. Va., Polo, Mo. David Thompson,
1600 N. Wilmot #298, Tucson, AZ 85712.
state. Lists welcome. Will travel. References. Ron Carpenter, 130
Pebblebrook, West Columbia, SC 29169 (ph. 356-4932). (92)
BUYING AND SELLING all types obsolete currency. Send me
your want list. Maybe I have something for your collection.
Approvals sent on 5-day terms with proper references. I want to
buy any obsolete and Confederate notes, and will endeavor to
pay fair prices. Also to sell the same way. May do a list, if
interested send me your address. Claud Murphy, Box 15091,
Atlanta, GA 30333. (86)
WANTED: KENTUCKY OBSOLETE currency and uncut
sheets. Write with grade and price. Prefer better grades. Alfred
Hortmann, 7346 Forsyth Blvd., University City, MO 63105.
WANTED: COLLECTOR NEEDS National from home town.
First National Bank of Fairfield, Fairfield, Ill. #5009. Please
quote type, grade, and price. C.E. Hilliard, 201 E. Cherry,
Winchester, IL 62694.
BUYING COAL COMPANY scrip. Also lumber company scrip.
Also proof notes and uncut sheets. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864,
Bluefield, WV 24701.
STOCK AND BOND certificates: Buying and selling antique
stock and bond certificates — Chinese, Russian, mining, rail-
road, any country, any quantity. R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc., 170
Broadway, New York, NY 10038.
KANO IS PAYING top prices for all C.U. emergency issue star
notes, trial face, experimentals and any unusual number star
notes or errors. Trades welcome. Kano, 306 Almendra, Los
Gatos, CA 95030. (83)
CURRENCY MAIL BID (monthly) Nationals, large, small,
types. Over 350 notes. Many C.U.'s. Free list. ANA, SPMC,
BRNA, PMCM. Ed's Currency, Box 7295, Louisville, KY 40207.
As America's Largest Dealer in Obsolete Currency
Means Very Simply That . . .
Page 170
RAILROAD, LUMBER OR coal mine scrip: Collector wants
offers of either paper or metal scrip. Donald Edkins, 48B Second
St., Framingham, MA 01701. (86)
Paper Money
SELL OR TRADE: back issues of Paper Money magazine from
Winter 1962 issue to date. Like new. One magazine of each issue.
R.O. Schaeffer, 500 14th Ave. Ct., Hampton, IL 61256, phone
309-496-9281 (81)
WANTED: F70, F97, F109, F130, F139 in any collectable
condition. George A. Flanagan, Box 191, Babylon, NY 11702 (92)
WANTED: NOTES AND associated material on New Hope or
Taylorsville Delaware Bridge Co., Washington's Crossing.
Robert W. Ross III, Box 765, Wilmington, DE 19899 (81)
WANTED: WOOSTER, OHIO notes. obsolete or Nationals.
Would appreciate description. Will answer all letters and enclose
stamp. Price if possible. Ralph Leisy, 616 Westridge Dr.,
Wooster, OH 44691 (84)
I NEED ONE note from each of the following Atlanta National
Banks: Charter numbers 1605, 2064, 2424, 5490. Prefer notes in
fine or better. Claud Murphy, Box 15091, Decatur, GA 30333.
WANTED: GEORGIA OBSOLETE currency and scrip. Willing
to pay realistic prices. Especially want city, county issues. Also
Atlanta Bank, Bank of Athens, Ga. R.R. Banking, Bank of
Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe R.R. Banking, Bank of
Hawkinsville, La Grange Bank, Bank of Macon, Central Bank,
Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Bank of U.S.
Central R.R., Marine Bank, Cotton Planters Bank, Interior
Bank. Also buying proofs. Many other issues wanted. Please
write for my want list, mailed free. Claud Murphy, Box 15091,
Decatur, GA 30333. (81)
leum Bank, Oil City Bank and Venango Bank. Also scrip from
Oil City, Franklin, Titusville, Plummer, Rouseville, Pithole. I
am also interested in early Pennsylvania oil company stock
certificates. R. Grant Carner, RD 1, Seneca, PA 16346 (81)
WANTED: MILITARY PAYMENT certificates (MPC's) in
strictly crisp uncirculated (CU) condition only. Mostly inter-
ested in denominations of $5, $10, $20 only. State series number,
denomination and price expected when writing. Also trading for
my requirements. Nick L. Imbriglio, P.O. Box 399, Oakhurst,
NJ 07755 (85)
STAR NOTES $1 1977 series, crisp uncirculated, K-02357XXX.
Will trade, dollar for dollar, for crisp uncirculated stars $1, 1976
$2, $5 of other districts. Will sell my $1 stars $1.50 each. V.A.
Mayfield, P.O. Box 9393, Amarillo, TX 79105 (83)
Continued from Page 160
temporary coinage; also statistical tables and
background information on each bond etc. £2,500 1800
Shipping Companies
Orinoco Navigation Company: Twenty Shares,
19th May 1874, vignette of a Paddle Steamer in
heavy seas. EF £26 27
If you are not on our mailing list, write today for your free copy of
our latest 48 Page offering of notes, and send us your WANT LIST.
LATEST EDITION 119761, (Autographed if You Wish
Revised, 300 Pages, Hard Bound. $15
Phone AC 904 685-2287
ROUTE 2 BOX 1085
FT. McCOY, FL 32637
%CM. 1021.
, E
.1.• ICS M.. Urrly
▪ *OM
3 3 4 L
, • N.'-
, 4
- • - , - •
•■ •
Whole No. 81 Page 171
For An Award , Winning Collection
Tho following sets of PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES and
mounts will accommodate ALL small size U.S. currency issued
from 1928 to date.
Legal Tender Notes Series Capacity Retail
One Dollar 1928 1 .50
Two Dollars 1928-63A 14 4.00
Five Dollars 1928-63A 12 3.00
Any Denomination ANY 12 3.00
Silver Certificates
One Dollar 1928-57B 21 5.50
Five Dollars 1934-53B 8 2.00
Ten Dollars 1933-53B 9 2.50
Emergency Issue - Africa 1934-35A 3 1.00
Emergency Issue - Hawaii 1934-35A 4 1.00
Experimental Issue - "R" &"S" 1935A 2 .50
Any Denomination ANY 12 3.00
Gold Certificates
$10. -$20.-$50. -$100. 1928 4 1.00
Federal Reserve Bank Notes
Any Denomination 1929 12 3.00
National Currency
Any Denomination 1929 12 3.00
Any Denomination 1929 12 3.00
Federal Reserve Notes-$1. District Sets
Granahan-Dillon 1963 12 3.00
Granahan-Fowler 1963A 12 3.00
Granahan-Barr 1963B 5 1.50
Elston-Kennedy 1969 12 3.00
Ka bis-Kennedy 1969A 12 3.00
Kabis-Connally 1969B 12 3.00
Banuelos-Connally 1969C 10 3.00
Banuelos-Shultz 1969D 12 3.00
Neff-Simon 1974 12 3.00
Morton-Blumenthal 1977 12 3.00
Federal Reserve Notes-$1. Blockletter and Star Note Sets
Granahan-Dillon 1963 34 8.50
Granahan-Fowler 1963A 70 17.50
Granahan-Barr 1963B 13 3.50
Elston-Kennedy 1969 36 9.00
Kabis.Kennedy 1969A 32 8.00
Kabis-Connally I969B 35 9.00
Banuelos-Connally 1969C 25 6.50
Banuelos-Shultz 1969D 47 12.00
Neff-Simon 1974 68 17.00
Morton-Blumenthal 1977 24 6.00
Federal Reserve Notes-$2. District Sets
Neff Simon 1976 12 3.00
Federal Reserve Notes-$2. Blockletter and Star Note Sets
Neff-Simon 1976 24 6.00
Federal Reserve Notes
Any Denomination ANY 12 3.00
Small Size Currency
All Purpose (Errors, radars, etc.) ANY 12 3.00
SC -5
01 2B
01 4B
01 8B
01 10B
02 1
Please include 1.00 for postage & handling on all orders.
ALL PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES fit any standard three-ring loose-leaf binder.
Page 172
Paper Money
The 1979 ANA Auction:
A Very Special Consignment
Celebrities draw crowds wherever they go. And in the numismatic field, there's no
organization more celebrated than the American Numismatic Association. That's why
their auctions have always attracted large groups of eager paper money buyers. And
that's why collectors with special currency to sell consign to ANA auctions. They
know that a large, eager crowd of bidders, plus the excitement of that special ANA
event, add up to high profits for the consignor.
New England Rare Coin Auctions:
A Unique Group of Experts
The 1979 ANA Auction is being conducted by New England Rare Coin Auctions. In
an astonishingly brief time, New England has built an impressive reputation as an
auction company that cares about consignors. They're constantly creating unique,
innovative services for their clients Like their new Auction Summary. It's the only
publication that lets a consignor study an auction firm's long-term history of prices
realized. Moreover, New England catalogs are noted for their accurate grading and de-
tailed paper money descriptions.
So fill out the accompanying coupon and mail it to New England.
They'll be glad to explain how you can consign to this very special
England are
q Yes! I'm interested in consigning to the 1979 ANA
Auction. Please contact me.
q I'd like to study New England's long-term history of
prices realized. Please send your Auction Summary.
I've enclosed $5.
City State Zip
Tel. (
Best time to call
Mail to: New England Rare Coin Auctions,
Dept. A-23, P.O. Box 1776,
Boston, MA 02105
The 1979 ANA Auction in St. Louis — July 28 through August 3
Whole No. 81
Page 173
Sample Buying Prices:
Small Size Notes:
Uncut sheets: 1929 type 1 #1 sheets $1250. & up.
1929 type 2 #1 sheets $900. & up.
Any scarce CU small size note - please write.
Large Size Notes:
Uncut sheets - please write - no common sheets wanted.
1902 Red seal #1 notes, paying $550. & up.
1902 CU #1 notes paying $600. & up.
1902 EF-AU #1 notes paying $325. & up.
Federal Reserve notes of 1918 CU only - paying top dollar.
Gold bank notes EF & better are badly needed.
Also buying error notes, mainly mis-matched serials & double denomination notes both large &
small size.
I will buy other #1 notes & rarities. Please write.
Stan Kesselman, Inc.
TEL: 800-221-3225
15 West 81 St.
New York, NY 10024
I reserve the right to
reject any and all items
for any reason.
William R. Kazar,
SPMC 3785
280 George St .
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
(201) 247-8341
For the three New Brunswick, New Jersey banks pictured here: The First National Bank of
New Brunswick Ch. #208; The National Bank of New Jersey Ch. #587: and the Peoples National
Bank of New Brunswick, Ch. #3697. Buying any large size notes on these banks; and small size
$5.00 Type I and II with Parker and Kirkpatrick sig., $10.00 Type II with Kirkpatrick sig., and
$20.00 Type II with Parker sig. all on the #587 bank.
Please state condition and price with first letter. Send photo, if possible. Will pay for photo.
BUYING Ship rare/scarce banknotes for
my immediate offer. Overseas suppliers
are welcome, but write first.
SELLING Write for latest free list
containing items from more than 190
Countries. Want lists serviced.
TRADING Each current list will contain
over 10 trade items.
Bill "Banknote" BRODER
Drawer 517
Marrero, LA 70073
Any items pertaining to the history of this North
Georgia gold mining area.
Any documents, stock certificates, mining script,
checks, obsolete notes, such as (Pigeon Roost
Mining Co., or Bank of Darien-branch), old books,
pictures, post cards, etc.
Also any item concerning the U.S. Branch Mint
(1838-1861) such as gold deposit receipts, assay
reports, appointments, drawings, photos, articles,
(404) 261-4601
Page 174 Paper Money
Professional Numismatist and Notalist
.1 CUMIN:0'4
" 4#) ,foyitvow
salOP litityhtAtib. "
Our numismatic specialty is United States paper money, so we stock over a million dollar
inventory of rare U.S. paper. If your collecting interests lie within ours, then you have no doubt
seen us at the leading auctions and shows. and no doubt have heard of our company. In fact, we
supply the leading numismatic houses and have supplied some of the great collections, with
much of their select material. Why then don't you give us a call or drop us a line? We respectfully
solicit your want list and we will give it our careful considerations.
Or if you are thinking of selling, please give us a call. Our offer will be MUCH HIGHER than any
printed price you've seen in the hobby press and society publications. We believe in paying TOP
MARKET PRICES for currency - that's a fair deal, and a good one!
If you wish to receive our catalogs, mini-mailers, and lists, just fill out the form below and mail it
to us, the cost is $10 per year and refundable with any purchase. And remember, it is one of the
best ways to buy currency and to keep abreast of the market.
Please find enclosed $10 for catalogs, mini-mailers and lists for
L 1979 -it is refundable with any purchase.
Professional Numismatist and Notallst
P.O. Box 12261, Overland Park, Kansas 66214
(913) 492-3121
P.O. BOX 12261
Whole No. 81
Page 175
Confederate &
Obsolete Notes
Please contact us if you have one item or a
collection. Top prices paid. We want to buy
your notes! If you collect we offer our ex-
tensive list of notes for $1.00. refundable with
P.O. BOX 712
From the Following
Towns and Cities of
Bergen County, New Jersey
Will Pay High Premium Prices for the following
Bank Notes of Bergen County, New Jersey
Cliffside Park
Fort Lee
Glen Rock
Little Ferry
North Arlington
Palisade Park
Ridgefield Park
West Englewood
Due to poor health, I am unable to travel .
Therefore please make offers by mail to -
William T. Anton, Sr. Numismatist, P.O. Box 125
North Hackensack Station, River Edge, N.J. 07661
Fr.#16 Choice EXTRA FINE 200,00
Fr.#18 F/VF nice note 100.00
Fr.#35 XF 105.00
Fr.#37 CU cut sheet of (4) 275.00
Fr.#37 CU
Fr.#40 XF bright, crisp 60.00
Fr.#60 AU 65.00
Fr.#60 CU
Fr.#64 AU+ actually is CU but little close margin on
left obv
Fr.#68 CU nice! 250.00
Fr.#91 XF+ 55.00
Fr.#91 CU
Fr.#224 AU 200.00
Fr.#224 AU+ so very close to CU ' 275.00
Fr.#229 AU+ 75.00
Fr.#233 XF+ 50.00
Fr.#234 CU 90.00
Fr.#235 CU 90.00
Fr.#237 XF+ 22.00
Fr.#237 AU 25.00
Fr.#237 CU 45.00
Fr.#238 XF+ 22.00
Fr.#238 AU 27.00
Fr.#238 CU
Fr.#260 VG+ nice note of scarce type to obtain 145.00
Fr.#170 CU
Fr.#712 CU 80.00
Fr.#712 AU+ 55.00
Fr.#715 CU
Fr.#717 CU
Fr.#719 CU 80.00
Fr.#729 CU 80.00
Fr.#743 AU+ 55.00,
Fr.#838 AU+ almost unseeable fold keeps from full
CU 150.00
Fr.#855 AU 35.00
Fr.#863 AU 35.00
Fr.#868 CU 60.00
Fr.#911 CU 70.00
Fr.#1092 CU
Fr.#1173 XF+
Fr.#1173 AU very nice 105.00
Fr.#1173 CU 180.00
Fr.#1183 XF+ crisp 125.00
Fr.#1187 AU Crisp and nice!
Fr.#1187 CU 290.00
Satisfaction Guaranteed! I am buying all type notes,
Nationals and Southern Obsoletes please write!
ANA #52964, SPMC #3144
P.O. Box 4235
Salisbury, N.C. 28144
Page 176
Paper Money
Colonial and
Continental Currency
Always Buying - Rare and Common
Any Quantity
Selling - Free List Available
David Sonderman
Box 1070, New Haven, Ct. 06504
Page 177
Especially the following charter Nos:
2486 4368 5719 6551
3022 4371 5781 7119
3261 4466 5795 7306
3890 4950 5971 7414
4093 5483 6177 7669
4179 5549 6212 7760
4291 5661 6346 8355
107 W. Wall, Midland, Texas 79701
Ph: 915-684-5342
$1 Adrian Insurance Co., Adrian, 1853 VF 7 50
$2 Adrian Insurance Co.. Adrian, 1853 VG 7. 50
$3 Adrian Insurance Co.. Adrian, 1853 Unc 22.50
$5 Bay State Mining Co.. Eagle River, VF 17.50
$10 Same: Red or Yellow "Ten", Each: EF 17.50
$3 Bank of Brest, Brest. 1837 VF 50.00
$2 Bank of Chippeway, St. Marys, 1838 Unc 27.50
$3 or $5 Same, Sault De St. Marys, Each: 1838 AU . 27.50
$3 Colins Iron Works. Marquette, 1873 VG 125.00
$1 Erie & Kalamazoo RR Bank (E501), 1853 F 15.00
$1.50 Same: VG, signed 1838 $75.00: EF signed .... 85.00
$3 Same: Train (Noi E520). 1859 G/VG 25.00
$5 Farmers Bank of Sand Stone, Barry, 1838 AU .... 15.00
$1 Bank of Macomb County. Mt. Clemons, 1858 Unc 12.00
$2 Sme: 1858 Unc $17.50: $3 Same: 1858 EF 20.00
S5 Sarre: 1858 Unc $14.50: $10 Same: 1858 Unc 16.00
$1 Me( ,:hanis Bank of Jackson, Brooklyn, VF 25.00
$2 Miller: Bank of Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Unc 12.50
$5 Tire Ponisular Bank. Detroit (Pigo), Unc 7 50
$1 1tivz-Y Raisin & Lake Erie RR, Monroe, Good 15.00
$3 Same: (12259), Maiden, Cows, 1863 VF 35.00
$3 Same: (Unlisted). Maiden, Ship, 1836 F 35.00
$1 State Bank of Michigan, Detroit. Unc 9 50
he Bank of Tecumseh (Green-Black), 1859 VF 30.00
$2 The Bank of Washtenaw (wiss). 1854 Good 7 50
1;10 The Central Mining Co., Eagle Harbor. 1869 VF ... 8.00
Postage Paid on orders exceeding $50.00; others add $1.00.
Obsolete, Confed. or Fractional Lists: Send 150 SASE.
Box 61 Wilmington, Calif. 90748
" ,(1.0(
N olitniX(11,1- isztot
" ,44,NO
*di lit)Nco NA
1 0 Tut e
Page 178
Paper Money
Nobody pays more
than Huntoon forAmon&unromnic-
State and Territorial Nationals
P.O. Box 3681, Laramie, WY 82071
We are pleased to announce
If you collect World Paper Money, send for our free lists.
Thousands of World Banknotes in stock from 251i to $3000.
We are in fact interested in just about anything in paper, be it a col-
lection or a single item. If you have Banknotes to sell it will pay you
to contact Gary Snover at:
P.O. Box 3034
San Bernardino, CA. 92413
Telephone 7141883-5849
Whole No. 81
Page 179
Regular topics in
the Bank Note
Reporter include:
State Banknotes
Confederate Currency
U.S. Large Size
U.S. Small Size
World Paper Money
Military Currency
Bonds/Stock Certificates
r 1
Bank Note Reporter Subscription Coupon. Mail with
payment to: Bank Note Reporter, 700 E. State St.,
lola,Wisconsin 54945.
Please enter my subscription as
) 1 year ... (12 issues) . . . $5
) 2 years ... (24 issues) ... $9
) 3 years . (36 issues) .. $13
) Enclosed is my payment.
) Charge to my Master Charge/Visa account.
M O. yr.
account no. expiration date
state zip
Addresses outside the U.S., including Canada and
Mexico, please add $4 per year .
( ) New
( ) Renewal
( ) Extension
Zero In On Your
Paper Money Hobby
With The
Bank Note Reporter!
Are you interested in paper money? If you are, here's a
special opportunity for you to enter your subscription to
the Bank Note Reporter. The Bank Note Reporter is the
only monthly newspaper devoted exclusively to paper
money. That's important. It means you have a newspaper
written specifically for you and your hobby needs. The
articles, features, photographs and advertising in every
issue of the Bank Note Reporter combine for one purpose
- to bring you hobby enjoyment and help you build your
paper money collection! The Bank Note Reporter is
brought to you by the same people who publish the
Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. Use the coupon
to enter your_ subscription. Look forward to hours of
hobby fun and information soon to come your way in the
Bank Note Reporter.
Bank Note Reporter, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54945
1882 BB $20 #1863 FARIBAULT. MINN Obv F-VF Rev VG (faded) .... 375.00
1882 BB $20 #808 LEBANON. NEW HAMPSHIRE VG 250.00
1882 BB $20 41686 FARIBAULT, MINN F-VF
1882 BB $20 #5305 CRYSTAL LAKE. IOWA F-VF 850.00
1882 BB $10 #N884 GARDNER. MASS VF
1882 88 820 #2630 PENDLETON. OREGON F-VF ........
. 1650.00
1902 $10 #81131 PROVIDENCE. RI F-VF 65.00
1002 $10 011280 SEATTLE. WASH. VF 110.00
1902 810 44668 SPOKANE, WASH. VF-XF 110.00
1902 $545061 SUMMIT, NJ VG
1902 820 454760 BUCKHANNON. WV YE 300.00
1902 85 45853 MILWAUKEE. WI XF-AU 55.00
1902 $10 48424 RENO, NV VF 535.00
1102 $50 Di; #P4229 SEATTLE. WASH. Fine
1929 $10 48949 SOUTH OMAHA. NB F-VF ........ 39.00
1929 $.5 112 46437 BRUSH. COLO VF-XF 350.00
1 829 820 412507 WADENA, MINN XF 145.00
1929 $20 4512 MANHEIM. PA VF-XF 50.00
1929 $10#3001 STEVENS POINT. WI F-VF 45.00
1929 $10 #3072 CLAY CENTER. KS VG 50.00
1929 $20 #3778 CHIPPEWA FALLS. WI VG 60.00
1929 $20 #3161 DARLINGTON. WI VF-XF 90.00
1929 $20 #6604 OSHKOSH. WI Fine
1929 $20 #6279 PRESTON. MINN VG 135.00
1929 $20 #12507 WADENA, MINN AU-Unc
1929 $10 #12407 BILLINGS, MONT Fine
1929 $20 #4803 KALLISPELL. MONT F-VF 150.00
1929 $10 #10345 EUGENE, OREGON VF-XF 225.00
1929 $10 #3375 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. MONT. Fine . . . . 275.00
1929 $20 #13602 LA GRANDE. OREGON XF 125.00
1929 $20 #8574 TILLAMOOK. OREGON AU-Unc
1929 $20 #3655 LA GRANDE. OREGON VF
1929 $20 #8114 SYRCUSE, KS XF 125.00
1929 $5 T2 #13819 LEWISTON, IDAHO Fine
1929 $5 #12217 KENT, WASH. Fine 210.00
1929 $5 #4912 STEVENS POINT, WI Fine
1929 $10 #3417 T2 TACOMA. WASH. VF-XF 35.00
1929 $5 #6889 FOSSTON. MINN Fine
1929 $10 #2030 FERGUS FALLS. MINN VG 60.00
1929 $10 T2 #11280 SEATTLE. WASH. XF-AU 35.00
1929 $10 #12292 TACOMA. WASH. AU 65.00
1929 $10 #3355 YAKIMA, WASH. VG-F
1929 $10 #7372 BELLINGHAM, WASH. T2 Fine
1929 $5 #7372 BELLINGHAM. WASH. VF 35.00
1929 $10 T2 #3417 TACOMA. WASH. AU 45.00
1929 $20 #4586 KALISPELL. MONT. VG-F
1929 $10 T2 49443 DAYTON, WASH. Fine
1929 $10 #4670 LOGON, UTAH Fine
1929 $10 T2 #10174 KENT. WASH. XF-AU 275.00
1929 $10 T2 #10357 BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. F-VF
1929 $10 #1461 NEW YORK. NY XF 45.00
1929 $5 #13354 ASTORIA, OREGON VG
Satisfaction guaranteed. Seven day return privilege. Bank cards welcome.
please send information as it appears on your card. Member ANA. SPMC.
507 3rd Ave. #5-PM
Seattle, Wash. 98104
Phone (206) 283-2626
Page 180
Pap e r Money
Page 181 Whole No. 81
We are trying to build up our inventory of U.S. Paper Money. We want your help and will gladly pay for it. We
want only choice CU notes; no folds, pinholes, bad spots, or too far off-center, etc.
When shipping,wrap it well and send it registered mail. Please ship with an invoice and your phone number.
All notes listed by Friedberg numbers. These are our prices for nice, new, CU notes.
LEGAL TENDER F366-368 1500.00
NOTES F369-371 600.00
F16-17 400.00 F372-375a 3600.00
F19-27 200.00 NOTES
F28-30 200.00 F380-386 525.00
F34-35 210.00 F387-393 1600.00
F36-39 60.00 F394-408 600.00
F40 150.00 F409-423a 850.00
F41-41a 600.00 F424-439 950.00
240.00 F466-478 250.00
F50-52 200.00 F479-492 300.00
F53-56 225.00 F493-506 425.00
F57-60 110.00 F507-518a 1250.00
F61-63a 400.00 F519-531 2000.00
F64 410.00 F532-538a 380.00
F65-82 200.00 F539-548 395.00
F83-92 110.00 F549-557 500.00
F93-95a 650.00 F558.565 1300.00
F96 850.00 F573-575 700.00
F97-99 500.00 F576-579 850.00
F100-113 350.00 F580-586 1100.00
F114-122 550.00 F587-612 150.00
F123 1600.00 F613-638 140.00
F124-126 1200.00 F639-663 175.00
F127 2800.00 F664-685 450.00
F128-129 800.00 F686-707 500.00
F130-147 480.00 FEDERAL RESERVE
F155-164 1500.00 BANK NOTES
SILVER F708-746 65.00
CERTIFICATES F747-780 200.00
F215-221 450.00 F781-809 160.00
F222-223 350.00 F810-821 850.00
F224-225 475.00 FEDERAL RESERVE
F226-236 70.00 NOTES
F237-239 33.00 F832-843 160.00
F240-244 475.00 F844-891 50.00
F245-246 950.00 F892-903 200.00
F247-248 1200.00 F904-951 60.00
F249-258 300.00 F952-963 300.00
F259-265 2100.00 F964-1011 85.00
F266-267 850.00 F1012-1023 500.00
F268-270 2100.00 F1024-1071 180.00
F271-281 500.00 F1072-1083 600.00
F282 500.00 F1084-1131 300.00
F287-289 1900.00 GOLD
F291-297 950.00 CERTIFICATES
F298-303 800.00 F1167-1173 . . . . 175.00
F317-322 1200.00 F1174-1175 . . . 3000.00
F330-335 2000.00 F1176-1177 2200.00
TREASURY OR F1178 1200.00
COIN NOTES F1179-1180 . . 2650.00
F347-349 750.00 F1181-1186 . . . . 400.00
F350-352 300.00 F1187 250.00
F353-355 1500.00 F1188-1189 5500.00
F356-358 600.00 F1190-1192 . . . 5200.00
F359-361 1100.00 F1193-1197 1500.00
F362-365 600.00 F1198-1200 . . . . 600.00
F1201-1202 . 5000.00 F1312 60.00 F1358 60.00
F1203-1205 . 4500.00 F1313
125.00 F1359 165.00
F1206-1214 . 1400.00 F1316-1318 60.00 F1360-1361 70.00
F1215 900.00 F1320 100.00 F1362 60.00
FRACTIONAL CURRENCY F1321 100.00 F1363 160.00
3 CENT NOTES F1322 100.00 F1364 70.00
F1226 22.00 F1324 55.00 F1365 75.00
F1227 40.00 F1325
165.00 F1366 120.00
5 CENT NOTES F1326 65.00 F1367 250.00
F1228-1229 60.00 F1327 65.00 F1368 130.00
F1230 25.00 F1328 85.00 F1369 150.00
F1231 70.00 F1329 135.00 F1370 180.00
F1232-1234 35.00 F1330 1300.00 F1371 350.00
F1235 85.00 F1331 30.00 F1372 200.00
F1236 65.00 F1332 100.00 F1373 200.00
F1237 80.00 F1333-1334 40.00 F1373a 2500.00
F1238 25.00 F1335 60.00 F1374-1375 . 130.00
F1239 40.00 F1336 150.00 F1376 60.00
80.00 F1379 60.00
F1240-1241 70.00 F1338 85.00 F1380-1381 35.00
F1242 30.00 F1339 50.00 SMALL SIZE
F1243 75.00 F1340 140.00 CU NOTES WANTED
F1244-1246 30.00 F1341 65.00 F1500 35.00
F1247 75.00 F1342 80.00 F2300 13.00
600.00 F1343 85.00 F2301 80.00
F1249 95.00 F1344 225.00 F2302 40.00
F1251 45.00 F1345 130.00 F2303 50.00
F1252 70.00 F1346 130.00 F2305 80.00
F1253 85.00 F1347 90.00 F2306 18.00
F1254 100.00 F1348 225.00 F2307 28.00
F1255-1256 27.00 F1349 105.00 F2309 40.00
F1257-1261 30.00 F1350 130.00 F2400 70.00
F1264 35.00 F1351-1354 750.00 F2402 95.00
13.00 F1355
85.00 F2404 225.00
15 CENT NOTES F1356 135.00 F2405 250.00
F1267-1271 65.00 F1357 425.00
F1279-1280 110.00
F1281 50.00
F1282 135.00
F1283 35.00
F1284-1286 42.00
F1287 55.00
F1288 50.00
F1289 70.00
F1290 75.00
F1290a 300.00
F1291-1293 80.00
F1293-1296 45.00
F1297 95.00
F1298 135.00
F1299 550.00
F1300 700.00
F1301-1307 35.00
F1308-1309 13.00
F1310 120.00
F1311 150.00
We need d nd are buying proofs and specimens or
essays of the fractional currency and experimen-
tal, trail and freak notes, errors. We need pairs,
strips, blocks, packs, sheets and shields gray-
pink-green. If you have some you would like to
sell you can just ship it with the price or we will
make an offer.
Continental Currency, VG plus pay ... 8.00
Colonial Currency, VG plus pay 5 00
Confederate Fine or Better 1 25
Broken Bank Notes AU-CU 1 25
13304 Inglewood Ave.
Hawthorne, Calif. 90250
Phone 213-679-9151
California and Nevada Banks
Paying $100.00 minimum each for scarce,
early items.
Steve Meier
135 E. Lomita BI.
Carson, Calif. 90745
SP MC 4703
Our fully descriptive current price listing is
available free upon request.
Want lists given complete and careful
Box 51
Riverside, CA. 92502
(714) 683-1849 (82)
CANBY, 1st Nat. B. #6366
COLD SPRINGS, 1st Nat. B. #8051
• COTTONWOOD, 1st Nat. B. #6584
HENDRICKS, 1st Nat. B. #6468
KERKHOVEN, 1st Nat. B. #11365
• LANESBORO, 1st Nat. B. #10507
• MADISON, 1st Nat. B. #6795
• MANKATO, Nat. B. Commerce #6519
MINNESOTA LAKE, Farmers Nat. B. #6532
• SAUK CENTER, 1st Nat. B. 3155
• WENDALL, 1st Nat. B. #10898
Those notes with dots indicate large size notes for trade.
Page 182
Paper Money
Will Buy — Any and All
Will Sell — List Available
Frank R. Trask
Phone 617-468-1615
P.O. Box 453 Exeter, NH 03833
Confeberate tatO
currentp anD b on b5
Special Rare List
for SASE
P.O. Box 149
White Pine, TN 37890
P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL 33595
Whole No. 81 Page 183
box 9, Victoria Station,
Montreal, Canada 1I3Z 2V4
TeIcrhonc (31-4) L$44-300
Catalogued by Smith-Matravers and Pick numbers
Tsihar Hsing Yeh Bank 20 coppers 1926 VG .... 5.00
Tung Wai Bank $5 1912. EF
Kiangnan Yu Ning Imperial $1 1907. Portrait
AVG 125.00
C-126-2 102
General Bank Communications. Canton $5 1909.
EF cancelled
C-126 102
Wusih $5 1909. EF. cancelled. unlisted city .
C-126-22 - Bank of Communications Shanghai $5 1912.
Fake VG
C-126-30 110
Wusih $1 1913. unlisted, cancelled. F
C-126-32 111
Peking $5 1913 unlisted, AVF
$10 1914, ABNC mock up for July 1924 issue 125.00
C-126-74 116m
Shanghai $1 1914 brown, VG
C-126- 7 A-120
Changchun 50d 1915. VG
C-126- 7
Changchun 20d 1917, VF 125.00
C-126-131 125
Harbin $1 1919. C0 45.00
C-126 140 128
Harbin $1 1920 Russian. G-VG. extremely
rare 125.00
C-126-161 135
Ktukiang $5 1924. VG 15.00
134-6 $1-55-10 1924 color trial specimens
Hui Tung & Co $1 CU
70 71
Provincial Bank of Chihli 10d- 202- $1 1926.
1920 VG 10.00
C 163 70
10d - 202 - 20 coppers, 1926. CU 18.00
$1 1926. VG-F 6 00
$5 1926. F 6 00
C 262 2
Chung Hua Republic $10 1896. G-VG
C 263 1
National Pacification Army $1 1912. AU.
Flag note
C-270-2-10 - Kwangtung Republican China Military 50d+ $1
1912. AU. Flag notes
C-286 530-32- Federal Reserve Bank 10d. 20t 50t CU.
CU. EF 6 00
National Industrial Bank $10 1931. F 15.00
C-293-60 A-90
Commercial Bank of China $1 1929. VG-F 14.00
C-293-70 A-96a
$5 1932. VG 20.00
Bank of China Szechuen $5 1912. VF+ 125.00
C-294 42a 30a
Canton $1 1913. AF 45.00
0-294? - Harbin $5 1918. Back in Russian and English,
specimen 200.00
Canton $10 1912. VF-EF & very attractive .. 135.00
Kung Ts i Bank of Fengtien 20 + 100 coppers.
1922. VG 10.00
Yokohama Specie Bank 10d Tientsin ? blue,
VG-F 255.00
Provincial Bank of Honan $1 1923. F 15.00
Hsian Shu Kun Native Bank 30d 1929. CU 30.00
Hunan Government Bank 100 Cash 1908. VG 45.00
Hunan Bank 100 coppers 1912. F .... 30.00
$1-$5-$10 1912. VG-VF 70.00
1-5-10 Taels 1912. VG 60.00
10 Taels 1912. VG 20.00
202 - 30g - 100d 1913. G+ 24.00
20d- 30d 50d- 100d 1915. VG 55.00
20d 1915. G+ 12.00
10-20-30-100 coppers 1917. VF 90.00
10 coppers 1917 F-VF 20.00
20 coppers 1917. CU 35.00
10¢ silver local Currency. undated. Smith
H-167-listed, VG 25.00
Hupeh Provincial Bank 100 coppers 1914. VG .. 5.00
Hu-pu. Board of Revenue. 50 Taels 1855 o \,er-
printed 'Chihli' extremely large size. extremely
rare. Smith prices this note at more than virtually
any other post-1800 Chinese note. Fine 850.00
H-184-14 J-8
Hua Hsing Commercial Bank $10 AU. VR
Military note
Cocoon Industrial Bank of Wangcho 202 1928
VF 30.00
+ 52b
Canton Municipal Bank $1 + $10 1933. F .
. 25.00
Kwangtung Currency Bureau $1 1907. Printed
in Japan 120.00
K-51-11a - $10 1906. VF. as previous 245.00
K-55-20 - Provincial Bank of Kuangtung Province
21-22 $1-$5-10. 1918. VF 800
K-100-11 National Finance Ministry Treasury $5 1927,
EF 20.00
F-172 International Bank Shanghai $10 1905, VG
$115, F 135.00
M-10-3 F-172 Peking $5 1910. VG
M-10-22 F-182 Peking $10 1910. F 135.00
M-10-41a F-186a Hankow $5 1918. VG-F
M-10-50a F-196 Shanghai $1 1919 F-VF. $75. AU
N-23-1 Bank of Agriculture & Commerce $1 1922.
German Printing. specimen 175.00
P-40-1 Pongpu Currency Note 20 coppers 1927. CU .. 25.00
Pin Kiang Chamber of Commerce 5 cents 1917
VG 12.00
P-50-1 Kiangsu Market Stabilization Currency Bureau
10 Cash 1923. VF-EF. attractive Automobile
S-13-1 Imperial Chinese Railways $1 1899. VG $90.
AU 170.00
S-13-3 $10 1899. issued. G
S-30-1 Communist Maojungs Liutungkyan $50 1944.
VG-F 10.00
S-31-10 $5 1945. VF 10.00
S-31-11 $10 1945. EF 10.00
S-31-15 $2501945. F 15.00
S-65-1 Sheng 1 Feng $1. CU 25.00
S-170-40 - Ningpo Commercial Bank Shanghai $1 1933.
VG 8 00
T-10-1 1 Ta-Ching Government Bank Hankow $1 1906
unlisted All 125.00
T-36.20 Ming note. 1000 Cash = 1 Kwan ca. 1400. VF
and thus very nice condition for this note, vastly
superior to the example illustrated in Smith-
Mat ravers 1150.00
3 + 4
Ministry of Finance 40d + 50d 1915. G 5 00
3 + 30
40d 1915. 10d 1921, CU 20.00
-20-31-41 - 20Z 1919-22. VG 15.00
T-185-11c - $5 1921. VF 15.00
110-111 - Eastern Provincial Bank 5d+ 10d 1921. CU .. 35.00
T-214-175 - Provincial Bank of the Three Eastern Provinces
$10 1924. F 35.00
W-3 Van Fong Tai Money Exchange 20 coppers. VG
(Prostitute Tip Note) 40.00
W-4-1 Van Peng Yuan Chiem Chuang 1000 Cash
1928. CU
Y-11-30c F-96c Chartered Bank of India. Australia & China.
Shanghai $5 1927. Fair $75. F-VF 220.00
Y-11-33c $100 18th July 1928. An excessively rare issued
note. While a group of Chartered Bank specimen
and trial notes came on the market a few years
ago. the issued $100 note remains truly rare.
Smith lists this denomination as 'Reported' not
having seen one himself. VG-F 2250.00
Y-13-40 F-162 Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Shanghai $5 1923.
VG 95.00
Y-13-32 F-163 $10 1913. G 125.00
Y-13-32 F-163 $101920. G $110. F 210.00
New type $10 1923. AG 95.00
Y-20-30 Provincial Bank of Honan $1 1921. AU 20.00
Y-67-2 New Fu-Tien $5 1929. VG 25.00
The above listing represents one page of our new Banknotes 1979 list
comprising 20 pages of notes and 6 pages of illustrations. Collectors in
North America desirous of receiving a copy of the list should send $1.00 to
cover airmail postage (collectors overseas $2.00 or equivalent). Collectors
known to us may receive any notes on approval. while those who have not
ordered previously should send payment with order. All notes are fully
guaranteed in perpetuity as to authenticity. and also can be returned for
any reason within 10 days of receipt.
C-294-32b 27
F 12 12 -
H-161 40
-11-12 -
42 43-44
H-167 50-
-51 52-53 -
H-167-50 -
H-167 51 -
H-171-30 -
H-176-24 -
Page 184
Paper Money
A Good Stock
Of Notes
High quality and/or scarce notes, fully
described and attributed. Latest lists
available on request, or send your want list.
Please specify which list is desired.
(Postpaid) No Nationals.
Nice condition or rare fractional,
experimentals, proofs, specimens,- shields,
essays, large size notes, and MPC to the
extent of my inventory requirements. Write
first, with description.
Box 5043
Santa Ana, Calif. 92704
(714) 751-6608
I am especially interested in these states and
will pay good prices. Please list what you have,
condition and price and I am pretty sure we can
get together. I am also interested in Nationals
from other states — collections — hoards or
estates. Large size AU and CU type notes
wanted. Obsoletes from the Southern States
eagerly bought. I am buying and look forward
to your letter or telephone call.
(704) 636-3521
Also (704) 633-5177
P.O. Box 4235 Salisbury, N.C. 28144
(Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts)
Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada,
Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico,
Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian,
Jefferson Territories!
Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded.
Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom
seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental;
CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West-
ern rarities for advantageous trade.
YOU DO NOT NEED A $100,000
We challenge you — the potential seller — to find another firm that can
meet these terms and provide these results in a major market place. If they
can't, don't you think you should sell your fine collection through NASCA?
Can you afford not to do business with us?
SI — 100 1 5 %
$101 — 299 13%
$300 — 499 10%
$500 — 1499 71/2 %
51500 — up 5%
Whole No, 81
Page 185
If that statement surprises you. we respectfully ask you to check it out. It
doesn't surpt ise us because we must modestly submit to you, that we have
taken painstaking efforts, under the direction of Dr. Douglas B. Ball, to
"catalogue? not list currency when it comes into our offices for sale at public
auction. It is no secret that in the last two years we have had the privilege
of selling, currency collections belonging to Professor M. Clinton McGee,
The Rhode Island Historical Society, The Mary land Historical Society - , The
Bristol Historical Society. The 1Vesterly Public library, Mr. George flatie —
Vice President of I American is lane Association, The New England
Obsolete Bank Note Collection (formerly the property of Q. David Bowers).
The Jack Guevrekian Collection of Obsolete Currency. The Paul Garland
Collection of Confederate. State Notes and Bonds. The Sidney L. Olson
Collection of Palestine and Israel Currency. Colonial Currency from the
collections of Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, the late Charles J. Affleck, and Philip
H. Chase. In addition. there are do7ens and dozens of other consignors who
have chosen NASCA to sell their currency.
Much has been said in the last few months in the numismatic press about.
"Reasonable Commission Rates.? "Competitive Commission Rates," "Very
Low Commission Rates," etc., etc., etc. As we have previously stated,
NASCA's commission rates are not just competitive — they are the lowest,
most favorable commission rates available in the United States. Combined
If you are as sophisticated as we think you are. you will make allowances for
some of the rhetoric that appears occasionally and recognize that such
apparently conflicting claims are essentially correct. After all, talent, research,
financial resources, honesty and competent promotional and advertising
staffs are not the monopoly of any one firm or any region in our business.
The same is true of each firm's ability to get top prices; for the numismatic
market place is most assuredly international and collectors and dealers will
pay as much for a desirable coin in one place as another, depending upon
the market prices of the day.
In the past If months NASCA has had the privilege of selling, at record
prices and for the lowest commission rates in the country, numismatic
material from the collections of the following valued consignors: Professor
M. Clinton McGee, The Rhode Island Historical Society, The Maryland
Historical Society. The Bristol Historical Society, The Westerly Public
Library. Mr. George Hatie — Vice President of the American Numismatic
Association, The New England Obsolete Bank Note Collection (formerly
the property of Q. David Bowers), the Wayte Raymond Collection, Sidney
L. Olson, Robert Weiss, MeThomas Fitzgerald, not to mention material
from the collections or estates of the late Charles J. Affleck and Philip H.
Chase; and hundreds and hundreds of other consignors.
with these low commission rates are all of the fine attributes that the
reputable auction firms in the country also offer. No one has a monopoly on
quality catalogues, fine photography. world wide distribution of catalogues,
excellent clientele. and so forth.
265 Sunrise Highway. County Federal Bldg., Suite 53
Rockville Centre, LI.. New York 11570
George W. Ball, Chairman of the Board
265 Sunrise Highway #53
Rockville Centre. N.Y. 11370
Dear Mr. Melnick.
I am convinced. I want to sell my collection through NASCA.
q Please call me at
D Please send use additional information:
1929 $10.00 Type I Grafton
National Bank Ch. #3096
Ave. Circ. (VG or better) $125.00
*Uncirculated 195.00
Choice Uncirculated
*Never circulated, no creases, but may not be cut properly, have small print
counting marks or very light soil.
Sent Postpaid & Insured — Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send SASE for
list of other North Dakota Nationals for sale. We also buy N.D.
Nationals. What do you have for us?
Phone: 701-662-5770
Box 48
Devils Lake, North Dakota 58301
Page 186
Paper Money
4083 Brunswick
4000 Moberly
2218 Lancaster
1803 Paris
2862 Macon
3322 Paris
2884 Marshall
8359 Salisbury
Obsolete Notes from Moberly, Mo.
Other interesting Missouri Nationals such as #1
notes, etc.
Lloyd Deierling, SPMC 5190
P.O. Box 394 Moberly, Mo. 65270
Low serial numbers.
Notes with face checks #1, #12, #24 and
above. Interesting seria Is, etc.
Please write giving serial number, front & back plate
numbers, condition and price.
4108 Elmhurst Rd.
Toledo, Ohio 43613
SPMC 5071
Need all Large size Gem CU notes without pinholes or folds:
$1-$2-$5 Educational Set
$5 Onepapa
$10 Bison 1000.
$10 Jackass 650.
$1 Martha Washington 600.
$2 Battleships 400.
Above also needed in quantities VG or better. Buying all other Large size Gem CU. Ship with
invoice or for offer. Overgraded notes returned at owners expense.
LOU RASERAPMC 4773213-343 -2482
P.O. Box 61 Reseda, Calif. 91335
Whole No. 81 Page 187
BOX 26
PHONE (6412) Tr47,75878
(Thousands of notes in stock, hundreds of R5/better notes.)
Visit my table at the Memphis Extravaganza to view my new acquisitions which include:
100+ Criswell N.A.C. plate notes, the widest array of Central States notes to be offered
in years. A recent $3 bill purchase (100+ notes), and several significant Western
I am also interested in purchasing any size collection you may have to offer, be it one
note or a thousand. Strong prices paid for Central and Western States material,
territorial issues and odd denominations.
Dealers, historians and small businesses will be interested in the data and word pro-
cessing systems I have to offer. Selected for value and numismatic compatability, I can
offer microcomputer systems that easily compare with systems costing thousands of
dollars more. These systems should not be confused with underpowered "toys" that are
being promoted as "business systems" — they are business quality microcomputers,
peripherals, and software combined in packages costing $4000 to $9000 each that
perform as well as systems costing up to twice as much.
(One year's subscription to my quarterly catalogues cost $2.00.)
obsoletes and nationals of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa,
and all points WEST type notes and coins too!!!
Pell) jerop
National Bank Currency
We are interested in small and large nationals of
these towns in Bergen county:
Cliffside Park
Fort Lee
Glen Rock
Little Ferry
North Arlington
Palisades Park
Park Ridge
Ridgefield Park
West Englewood
eastern Coin extbange
ANA LM 709
PH. 201-342-8170
74 Anderson Street Hackensack, N.J. 07601
#1386 Abington #268 Merrimac
#462 Adams #13855 Millbury
#4562 Adams #383 Northampton
#1049 Amesbury #1260 • Pittsfield
#2172 Athol #779 Plymouth
#3073 Ayer #4488 Reading
#684 Milton-Boston #2288 Spencer
#11347 Braintree #2435 • Springfield
#11270 Chelsea #1170 • Stockbridge
#14087 Chelsea #688 Waltham
#7452 Danvers #2312 Webster
#7957 Edgarton #13780 Webster
#9426 Foxboro #769 • Whitinsville
#14266 Haverhill #4660 Whitman
#13395 Hyannis #11067 • Woburn
#697 Lynn #14033 Woburn
#4580 Lynn #516 Yarmouth
Those notes with dots indicate large size notes for trade
1. D. C. Obsolete Currency
2. Small Size Currency with Serial
numbers 00000081, 00000082,
3. Also wanted D. C, NatiOpals
4. Buying Maryland Colonial Notes
Julian Leidman
8439 Georgia Avenue, Silver Springs, Md. 20910
(301) 585-8467
We are seriously interested in acquiring large
size and scarcer small size United States paper
money. We are interested in single items as well
as extensive collections. We are especially in
need of national bank notes and we also buy
foreign paper money. If you have a collection
which includes both paper money and coins, it
may prove in your best financial interest to
obtain a separate bid from us on your paper
money as we deal exclusively and full time in
paper money. We will fly to purchase if your
holdings warrant.
We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper
money, both large size, small size and
fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking.
Frank A. Nowak SPMC 833
P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302
Phone (602) 445-2930
Member of: ANA, PMCM, CPMS
Page 188
Paper Money
Whole No. 81 Page 189
7. The Use of Banking Enterprises in the Financing
of Public Education, 1796-1866. A Doctor's
Dissertation (U. of P.). Early financial history of
various States. 1945. 17 tables and 22 pages of
bibliography. 202 pages 5 00
8. Paper Money of Early Educational Institutions and
2 00
9. A Bibliography of Histories of Specific Banks
Lists histories that concern specific banks.
16 pages
2 00
10. State-Owned Banks, the Pet Banks and their Bank
Notes. A type overlooked by the student of State
Treasury Notes
2 00
11. Saint Nicholas on Early State Bank Notes. 1962 1.00
16. County Scrip Issued in the United States. Illustrated.
Confederate and other county issues
1 00
19. Paper Money in Sheets. 106 pages with over 400
specimen notes illustrated 15.00
20. Locomotive Engravings on State Bank Notes and
Scrip, 1832-1875. Sixty-four illustrations of different
locomotive engravings. 1964 5 00
21. The Oxford Paintings of Reynolds Virtues in the
West Window on Paper Money. Temperance,
Prudence and Justice. Illustrated. 1965
2 00
22. Popularity of Wm. S. Mount's Art Work on Paper
Money, 1839-1865 Illustrated. 1965. The famous
corn husker 2 00
23. Oglethorpe at Christie's Sale of Dr. Johnson's
Library, on Paper Money. 12 Illustrations, 1965 2.00
24. The Dismal Swamp Canal and Lake Drummond
Hotel on Paper Money, 1838-1865. Illustrated.
1965 2 00
25. Dictionary of Paper Money With Historical Speci-
mens Illustrated Revised Edition of 1965.67
3 00
26. Birch's Painting of Perry's Battle on Lake Erie Used
on State Bank Noted and Scrip. Thoroughly illus-
trated. 1966 2 00
30. Whaling Art by Garneray, Stewart and Page Used on
State Bank Notes 1 00
31. Odd Bank Note and Scrip Denominations in
American Monetary History. 102 illustrations .. 3.00
32. Lincoln Portraits on College Currency, State
Bank Notes and Scrip 29 illustrations
2 00
36. Renault's Painting of the Surrender of Cornwallis
at Yorktown on Paper Money
1 00
37. Landseer's "My Horse", "Spaniel" & Other
Paintings on Paper Money
3 00
40. The Beautiful View of the Rockville Bridge Across
the Susquehanna Above Harrisburg on State bank
notes $1.00
43. The Use on Paper Money of Peale's Paintings of the
Wounded General Mercer 1 00
44. Illustrations of County Scrip Issued in Mississippi,
North Carolina, Tennessee and Pennsylvania .. 2.00
45. Paper Money Pertaining to Druggists, Medicine and
Medical Practitioners. 1967.94 illustrations . . . 3.00
67. Railroad Currency: Bank Notes and Scrip Represen-
tative of Over One Hundred Railroads, 1830's -
1971. All Notes Illustrated 5 00
68. Washington's Crossing and the Battle of Trenton
Protrayed on Bank Notes, Scrip and Paintings. 23
illustrations. 1972 2 00
69. General George McClellan on Paper Money. 13
illustrations. 1972 2 00
70. National Bank Notes of Buffalo and Vicinity. 58
illustrations. 1978 3 00
71. Bank Notes Commemorating the Landing of the
Pilgrims at Plymouth. 11 illustrations. 1973 . . . 2.00
72. Recycled Southern Paper Money: A reference list of
Southern paper money printed on the backs of
scarce unused notes and documents. 24 pages,
1973 3 00
73. Jackson Portraits and the Battle of New Orleans on
State Bank Notes. 24 illustrations. 1974 2 00
74. Paper Money of the Four - dollar Denomination.
52 illustrations. Valuations are listed. 1974 ... 2.00
75. Transportation Currency: Bank notes and scrip
represtative of forty-five varieties of transportation
companies. 48 illustrations. 1974 3 00
76 Massachusetts Scrip. 116 illustrations. Valuations
are given 3.00
77 Pennsylvania Borough and City Scrip. 96 Illustra
lions with values
3 00
78 Album of Georgia and City Scrip. 67 Illustrations
with values
3 00
79 Georgia Railroad Currency Comprehensively Illus
Crated 99 illust with values 5 50
80 Early Ships and Shipbuilding on Paper Money 107
. 5 50
81 Album of Georgia Local Business Notes 166
Illustrations with values 300
82 Mississippi Railroad Comprehensively
Illustrated 5 50
66 Brttish Empire Bank Note Proof 100
tiustrations 5 00
65 The Capitol Its Developmental Aspects and the
Crawford Statue of Freedom Portrayed on Paper
Money 1971 2.00
64 The Kinds of Scrip Used by School Districts
Financial Emergencies 1971 2 00
63 Princess Dona olBotne on Bank Notes Used In The
United States 1971 1 00
62 Historic Jamestown & Pocahontas on Paper Money
and Chapman Art 1971 1-00
61 Bank Notes Honoring Pulaski and the Pulaski
Monuments 1971 200
60 Portraits and Paintings of Engenie. Napoleon I and
Marie Louise on American Money 17 illustrations
1969 2.00
59 Album of Types of Paintings and Portraits of Penn.
Franklin and Buchanan on Paper Money 39 illustra
ions 1969 2.00
58 Franklin s Gf eat Grandaughter-I,Law (Mrs Bache)
on Paper Money 13 illustrations 1969 2.00
57 Henriette Sontag the Countess Rossi on Paper
Money Issued in the United States 1969 A famous
Prima Donna who toured America 1 00
56 Solomon Carvalho)s Art on Paper Money Issued
in the United States and Canada 17 illustrations.
1969 Artist to Fremont 's Expedition to the
West 2 00
55 Portraits of the First Three Directors of the Mint
on Paper Money 1969 4 illustrations 1 00
54 Portraits of Elias Boudinot on Paper Money. 1969
Illustrations 2 00
53 Sully-s Painting of the Future Rev. Dr. Alf red L
Elwyn on Paper Money 9 illustrations 1969 2 00
52. Shakespeare on Paper Money 14 illustrations 2 00
51 Lord Byron on Paper Money Issued in the United
States. 20 illustrations 1969 . . 2 00
50 Two Famous Paintings of God and the Infant Christ
on N J Paper Money 1 00
49 The Princess Victoria on an American Bank Note of
1837 1968 1 00
48 Saint John on American Paper Money 1968 1 00
47 The Extensive Use of Christ on Paper Money C q •
culated in the United States. 17 illustrations
1968 1.00
46 Raphael's Saint Catherine on Paper Money Issued
by the State of Florida and Others 1968 1 00
Page 190
Paper Money
Superb Crisp New Complete Sets.
10% Discount on order over $200.00 for any of the
following $1 F.R. sets (Except when shown "NET")
Regular Sets Star Sets
1861 $100. Ty. 56. Famous "Lucy H. Pickens" Note.
Crisp New. SPECIAL 24.95
Bradbeer "Confederate & Southern States
Currency" 14.50
Criswell. "Confederate & Southern States Currency"
1963 (12) 27.95 (12) 32.95 1976 Ed 15.00
1963A (12) 26.95 (12) 31.95 Slabaugh. "Confederate States paper Money". New
1963B (5) 14.95 (4) 16.95 5th Ed. Illus'd., Values 3 50
1969 (12) 24.95 (12) 30.95 SPECIAL - all three ppd 26.50
1969A (12) 24.95 (11)29.95 FREE - 1864 $20 CSA Note Crisp New with above
1969B (12) 23.95 (12)29.96 BIG three book order. Ask for our CSA Note Bargain
1969C (10) 21.95 (9) 42.95 List.
1969D (12) 23.95 (11)27.95 OBSOLETE SHEETS
1974 (12) 21.95 (12)26.95 Beautiful Pristine Uncut Sheets: CANAL BANK, LA.
1977 (12) 18.95 WRITE Sheet (2)
Any above set - with last two Serial Nos. matching
add $2 per set.
$500.00- $1,000.00 Crisp New, Nice "Exhibit Item"
- Scarce 69.50
1963/77 All 10 Sets (NET) 199.75
Last 2 Nos. Match (NET) 219.75
1963/74 All 9 Star Sets (NET)
Last 2 Nos. Match (NET) 249.75
1963A $1 Scarce "BB" Block Cr. New (Regularly
$35.00) SPECIAL 29.50
WANTED - 1963 BC, DB Blocks, ask for our BIG
Block Price List.
The last two Serial Nos. match on all 12 dsts. Superb
Cr. New - Postpaid 34.95
1935A Red "R" & "S" Pair - Superb Crisp
New 239.50
Similar Pair - Crisp new but not quite as well
centered 199.50
O'DONNELL'S "The Standard Handbook of Modern
U.S. Paper Money". 6th Ed. All the facts on Small
Size Notes & Block Collecting. ($15) SPECIAL .. 7.50
1957B $1 Silver Certificates - the Serial Nos. Start
with U37 & U47. Crisp New Gem 49.50
I n Lucite Holder (W/title) 53.50
Buy a Pair-Matched Serial Nos. (One In
DE LOREY/REED'S New 4th Ed. Price Guide for
Collectors of Modern U.S. Paper Money Errors".
Illus.'d., Vals 3 00
Packs (100) Consecutive Nos. 1977 $1 (Dists. 1-2-3-
6-8-12) 1974 $1 (Dists. 2); 1969-C (Dist. 12) Pay $3
Ea. 1969C; 1976 $2 (Dists. 2-3-6-8-12) (Pay $4.50
Ea. Dists. 8, 12) Others - Please Call or Write for
Prices Paid.
1861 $10 Type 30. "General Marion's Sweet Potato
Dinner" Fine. Only
6 95
4514 North 30th Street,
$3 - $5 89.50
SPECIAL - Both Sheets 129.50
U.S.T.D. "History of Bureau & Engraving &
Printing". 210 Pgs. Illus. 22.50
WISMER'S "Obsolete Bank Notes of England"
Reprint. 310 pages, 1 Ilus'd 20.00
SPECIAL - The pair ppd 36.50
Add $1.50 to book orders (over $50. add $2.00).
Your name in gold on any book add 60d.
FRIEDBERG'S New 9th Ed. "Paper Money of the
United States" 17.50
HESSLER'S 2nd Ed. "The comprehensive Catalogue
of U.S. Paper Money." Illus'd., Values 25.00
SPECIAL - The pair 36.00
+HARSCHE'S New 6th Ed. "How to Detect Altered
Coins & Paper Money". Illus'd 2 95
+HEW1TT/DONLON'S 14th Ed. "Catalogue of Small
Size Paper Money"
2 50
+KAGIN/DONLON'S 1979 6th Ed. "U.S. Large Size
Paper Money 1861-1923" 4 95
+KEMM'S 1979 Ed. "The Official Guide to U.S.
Paper Money"
1 95
+SHAFER'S 1977 7th Ed. "Guide Book of Modern
U.S. Currency" 2 95
+WERLICH'S "Catalgue of U.S. & Canada Paper
Money" 3 95
SPECIAL - Above Six - NET 15.95
Save $$$ On Book Orders
Send $1.00 for our BIG Book List. (Over 775 diff.) -
FREE with $25 book order, let Bebee's -
"America's Leading Dealer in Books for Over 35
Years" Serve YOU!
Please add $2 to Note orders (over $200 add $3). 100%
satisfaction guaranteed (TEN-DAY money-back return
privilege). Nebraskans add sales tax. Now starting our
39th year - specializing in Paper Money all the way.
Give us a try - you'll discover WHY America's "particu-
lar collectors" have shopped at Bebee's since 1941.
Y'all hurry - we'll be looking for YOU!
1 ■
MEMBER: Lite 0110 ANA, ANS, PNG,
S i IL MC ■
"Pronto Service"
Phone 402-451-4766
Omaha, Nebraska 68111
(512) 226-2311
It pays to
look closely.
You know that it
pays to look closely
when collecting. It
does when you are
thinking of selling,
too. Since you
collected with such
care, we know you
want to be equally as
careful when selling. At
Medlar's, we take pride in
the fact that we've been
buying and selling currency
for over 25 years. So, we
feel we must be doing
something right for our
many friends and
Texas Currency, Obsoletes and
Nationals, Western States Obso-
letes and Nationals, U.S. and
Foreign Coins. We will travel to you
to examine your holdings, Profes-
sional Appraisals, or as Expert
Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN
168 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $15.00 postpaid.
This book contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine bank notes from 31 states and terri-
tories plus 24 Canadian banks. It also identifies notes known to have been counterfeited. The
names and locations of over 800 closed banks are included in the supplements. It is believed
that this book was the basis of the famous Wismer Lists published by the ANA 50 years ago. A
must for collectors and researchers of obsolete notes. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather
and interleaved them with plain pages (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale
for $60.00 each.
HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE-GUARD by Edward M. Hodges 1865. 350 pp
Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $19.50 postpaid.
"Hodges' " as this book is known, contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine notes from 30
states, 19 Canadian banks, and the United States notes issued prior to 1865. This 1865 edition
was copyrighted in 1864 and at this time the United States was at war with the Confederate
States. As a result the listing for six Southern states was not included because they were not a
part of the United States. Louisiana was included as in 1864 it was occupied by Union troops
under the infamous General Butler. West Virginia was added to this edition as it seceded from
Virginia and join the Union in 1863. We have added a section from the 1863 edition
(copyrighted in 1862) containing the six states deleted from the 1865 edition making this
reprint the most comprehensive Hodges' ever printed. The format used consists of three rows
of ten notes listed in rectangles on each page. To quote from E.M. Hodges "The SAFEGUARD
is almost indispensable." Collectors will agree with him. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather
and interleaved them with plain paper (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale
for $75.00 each.
THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA by Dr. F. Mauldin Lesesne 1970. 221
pp Hand bound. University of South Carolina Press $14.95 postpaid.
The South had many colorful banks prior to the Civil War, but few could compare with the
Bank of the State of South Carolina. From its charter in 1812 until 1881 when its history ended,
it was colorful, controversial, and redeemed its issued notes. The "faith and credit" of the State
of South Carolina was pledged to back this bank. Dr. Lesesne's account of this bank is
interesting reading to both collector of paper money and historical students. Few banks have
such detailed accounts of their life as the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The book is
annotated and has a wonderful bibliography. If you only read one bank history, and should
read this one as it will interest both South Carolinians and non-Carolinians alike. It is just an
excellent story of a very important bank.
P.O. Drawer 858
Anderson, South Carolina 29622
*S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax.
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