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International Paper Money Show
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PAPER MONEY published every
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-Society of Paper Money Collectors,
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Official Bimonthly Publication _of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XX No. 1 Whole No. 91 JAN/FEB 1981
ISSN 0031-1162
225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 414-674-5239
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Howard Bauserman 3
Raymond D. Burns 9
Doug Murray 13
R. J. Cormier 15
Charles Kemp 16
Gene Hessler 22
Peter Huntoon 25
M. Owen Warns 28
Roger H. Durand 30
Paper Money Page 1
Page 2
Whole No. 91
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521
Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036
A.R. Beaudreau. P.O. Box 3666, Cranston, RI 02910
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Robert Medlar, Dean Oakes, Jasper Payne, Stephen
Taylor, Harry Wigington.
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Paper Money Page 3
Icelanders adore their sturdy, good-natured, small
breed horses which are a popular means of
transportation for excursions through the island's
fascinating lava-formed landscapes. Photo courtesy the
Iceland Tourist Board.
Icelandic Iconography
of the 1957-61 Banknote Series
By Howard Bauserman
ic-1980 Howard Bauserman
All rights reserved by the author
Some say the world will end in ice,
While others say, volcanic fire.
In Iceland though, there's something nice.
Choose one or both, as you desire.
"Ultima Thule" was the name given by then -mans to
the farthest remote and distant land, and some think
they may have had in mind Iceland. N of course, you
can hop on an Icelandic Airlines' plane in New York or
London and be in "Ultima Thule" in two to four hours.
You should indeed hop on the plane. Iceland is a most
unusual, interesting place.
Many people think of Iceland as an arctic country,
and it is true that Reykjavik is the most northern capital
of any country. But only a north coastal island,
Grimsey, is touched by the Arctic Circle at 66" 32'
latitude. Iceland, the second largest island in Europe,
covers 39,768 square miles — smaller than Great
Brit a; a, a little larger than Ireland, about the same size
as the state of Virginia.
Page 4
Every few years a volcano erupts violently
somewhere on the island. These are caused, say the
geologists, because of the Mid-Atlantic rift-ridge. It is
less precise but more descriptive to say there is a crack
in the earth's crust in the ocean floor in the middle of the
Atlantic Ocean and Iceland sits on top of this crack.
Occasionally fire, brimstone and red hot molten lava
seep through this crack from far below the earth's solid
crust, and a volcano erupts somewhere on Iceland. All
this has been going on for a very long time and the result
today is a mountainous island — Iceland.
Meantime, back on top of these mountains the snow
has accumulated to build up tremendously large fields
of glacier ice. There are several glaciers covering 11.5%
of the land or 4,555 square miles. The largest single
glacier, Vatnajokull, is large enough to cover the state of
Delaware and much of Delaware Bay.
If a different sort of place interests you, the best thing
to do is visit Iceland and see for yourself the rugged,
untouched beauty of nature with wide expanses of
mountains, glaciers, waterfalls and many geysers.
Salmon and trout are found in every river and the sea
abounds with fish. You can ski or swim or dance with
the native people. Many of the Icelanders speak very
good English and will be kind enough to speak your
language, but you might be surprised how much better
you can get along if you learn a few Icelandic words to
whisper in your dance partner's ear. If dancing is not
your thing, learn some words anyway.
In 1944, Iceland became an independent republic.
However, the first paper money especially for use on the
island was issued on September 18, 1885 while Iceland
was still under the control of the Danish crown. The
name on the notes was "Landssjod Islands"; then from
1900 until 1944 several other names were used on
different currency notes, including "Islands Banki"
and "Rikissjod Islands."During this time the notes had
portraits of Danish Kings Fredrick VIII, Christian IX
and Christian X. Beginning in 1928, the issuing bank
was the "Landsbanki Islands"; then in 1957 it was the
"Landsbanki-Sedlabankinn"; and from March 29, 1961
to the present the name has been "Sedlabanki Islands".
Notice on the pictures of the notes that the third letter in
"Sedlabanki" has a horizontal bar through the vertical
line. This letter is not "d", but a special Icelandic letter.
There are more letters in the Icelandic alphabet,
although 26 are the same as in English. The
pronounciations of four of the different Icelandic letters
t), tv, pronounced as th in theatre;
ID, 6, pronounced as th in mouth,
2E, Ee, pronounced as i in time, and
0, 6, pronounced as u in sun.
As you read on you will find the accent marks have been
left out and Latin-English letters substituted which give
less guidance in the pronounciation. You should know
Islands is pronounced iss-lands and means Iceland's.
Whole No. 91
The 5 Kronur Note Iconography
Ingolfur Arnarson came to Iceland from Norway, the
first permanent settler to bring his wife and family to
the new country. When he lived in Norway, Arnarson
stirred up trouble for himself when he allowed his best
friend, Leif of the Sword, to marry his sister Helga
instead of other suitors. Each time Ingolfur and his men
defeated one of the jealous and insulted suitors, still
more enemies were made and provoked to seek revenge.
Ingolfur and Leif made a preparatory and exploratory
trip to Iceland; then gathering their belongings, they
and their followers set sail for their new home in 874.
The Iceland 5 kronur note issued June 21, 1957 has a
portrait of a man in the costume known to be worn by
Norsemen in 874. The picture title is "Ingolfur
Arnarson", and this may be what he looked like when
he brought his family, servants and slaves to the wild
shores of Iceland.
We also know what Arnarson's boat looked like. Well
preserved wrecks of Viking ships have been dug up,
studied and displayed in museums. Viking is an
Icelandic word. "Vik" means bay or fiord and "ing"
means decending from. A Viking is a sailor who comes
out of a fiord. Sailors of other nations called the Vikings
pirates and they were a rough and lawless lot.
Nevertheless, being a man who heeded his particular
religion, Ingolfur brought with him the "seat pillars"
from his home in Norway. The seat pillars were two tall
timbers on which were carved his favorite gods, totem
poles of sorts. According to custom, as the party neared
the shores of Iceland, Ingolfur threw these timbers into
Paper Money
the sea. The gods were then to guide these timbers to the
shore and wherever they first touched the shore would
be the chosen site for the party's new start.
Unfortunately a heavy storm came up before the
timbers reached the shore, and Ingolfur was forced to
beach the ships quickly. He stayed there and set up a
house at the place now called Ingolfshofdi on the south
shore of the island. After spending the winter, Ingolfur
sent his men out to find the lost seat pillars, but three
years passed before they were discovered 'way around
on the western side of the island. Ingolfur, heeding the
omen, sailed to the bay where the pillars had been
found. There, seeing steam and mists rising from the
ground nearby, they named the place Reykjavik, the
bay of misty smoke.
(The 5 and 10 kronur notes issued June 25, 1957 are
printed on a special paper as a guarantee of
genuineness. While this paper was being produced in
the paper making machine, pieces of colored thread
about 3/16" long[25mml were sprinkled on the sheets
just before the paper passed through the finishing rolls.
As a result, a narrow band on the surface of the finished
product contains the colored thread pieces pressed into
the paper.)
When visiting Iceland, one may choose luxury cruise
ship or airplane. Icelandic Airlines has been one of the
less expensive passenger carriers on the Atlantic run for
several years, combining low rates with quite adequate
service. If you choose to come by air you will touch down
at Keflavik on the southwestern peninsula of Alfatanes,
then take a bus some 30 miles to Reykjavik. You will
pass through Bessastadir which is about three miles
south of Reykjavik. The reverse of the 5 kronur note has
a scene of Bessastadir. The land round about is
generally rather flat with rolling hills, not at all like the
northern part of the island where the shore is one
perpendicular fiord next to another. Bessastadir, a very
old settlement, was mentioned in the old sagas before
the days of writing in Iceland. The buildings were the
property of Snorri Sturlason, the best known historian
of the 13th century. Later they became the property of
the crown, the residence of the king's representative in
Iceland. Up until the end of the 18th century, it was thus
the seat of highest government authority in Iceland.
Ms. Sigridur Einarsdottir of the Icelandic tourist
Board tells further that early in the 19th century the
buildings were converted to be the school of highest
education in Iceland and remained so for 40 years until
the school was moved to its present location in
Reykjavik. For a while it was privately owned until the
last owner gave it to the state to be used as the official
residence of the Head of State. The first President of
Iceland moved there in 1944, and the two men
succeeding him have also made Bessastadir their home.
You have to look carefully to find trees in Iceland,
Grass grows well on the lower land, and is the staple
crop of the Iceland farmer, providing pasture in the
summer and feed in the winter. In winter cattle have to
be fenced and fed for about eight months and sheep for
five or six months. Cattle are summer pastured on
Page 5
cultivated fields, but sheep are taken to higher
unimproved pastures during the summer months. To
improve the lowland pastures during the last 50 years
some 35,000 miles of drain ditches and tunnels have
been dug — a tremendous undertaking when you think
the whole island is only 300 miles long, and intensive
when you consider only 15% of the total land is suitable
for farming. You will see another vista of grass and
sheep on the reverse of the 100 kronur notes.
The 10 Kronur Note Iconography
Jon Eiriksson lived and served his native Iceland
during the time of the American Revolution, but he was
not honored by his country by having his portrait on the
obverse of the 5 kronur note until 1935. His portrait is
now also on the 10 kronur note issued in June, 1957. In
the 16th century the young people of Iceland, seeking a
higher education, went to the University in
Copenhagen. Eiriksson was interested in and helped
the Icelandic students to form a soceity in 1779 "to
promote knowledge of the practical arts and sciences
amongst the people." Most probably the society also
had political goals as well. Under Eiriksson's guidance
the society, the Hid Islenzka Laerdornslistafelag,
At the center obverse of the 10 kronur note, issued
June 21, 1957, is a scene of an inlet of the sea with a
small ship such as are used in the coastal waters around
Iceland. Iceland has many fiords which are good places
for harbors, but a fiord is only a shelter until a lot of
work has been done. A ship's captain, lacking a place to
tie up his ship, will drop anchor out in the middle of the
fiord. The merchandise will then be taken from shore to
ship on small boats, lighters. Cranes mounted on the
deck of the ship lift the goods from the lighters and stow
it in the ship's cargo holds.
A much more efficient way. when the quantity of
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Page 6
goods warrants, is to build a permanent wharf, quay or
pier. It is only in the last 50 years or so that proper
harbor facilities have been constructed. Major harbor
works were first started in Reykjavik and
Vestmannaeyjar in 1913, and since then improvements
have been made there and elsewhere on the island. In
Reykjavik the newest berths have a minumum water
depth at spring tide of 26 feet, plenty deep enough for
most ocean-going vessels today.
What amounts to a completely new harbor has been
built at Straumsvik on the southwest coast. The harbor
is needed to serve the aluminum smelter and the
aluminum smelter is needed to convert the hydro-
electric power into an exportable commodity. The raw
material for the smelter is an ore, bauxite, mined from
the ground in such places as Africa and South America.
The smelter uses about three tons of bauxite to make
one ton of aluminum metal. To transport these very
large tonnages of ore, ships with a cargo capacity of
40,000 tons and over are used. The Straumsvik harbor
has been dug deep, 39 feet, to accomodate these ships.
Variation of water level with changes in tide are greater
than in most other places, being as much as 16 feet
difference from high to low tide in some of Iceland's
It takes two things to make a successful commercial
harbor. First, the topography must be right to provide
shelter from the winds, waves and storms. Second, there
must be local commerce for the ships to seek for
financial profit. The reverse of the 10 kronur note we
have been talking about is completely filled with a view
of Reykjavik harbor, Reykjavikurhofn. The three large
ships are ocean-going freighters; the three smaller
vessels on the left are useful for coastal commerce, but
quite large enough to make the trip of some 1200 miles,
to London or North Europe. In the background on the
right is a large white passenger cruise ship. The city of
Reykjavik is out of sight to the right and behind. When
we say "city" we are not referring to the size or
nonulation of the community; rather, we mean
has the amenities and the varied commerce of a city.
The population was only 84,333 in 1973, but such a
small place can be a city because of the nature of the
Iceland people. They are aggressive, not in the sense of
being attackers, but energetic, enterprising and
sometimes even quarrelsome when they think their
rights are at stake ... a national characteristic that
may be due to both history and geography.
Whole No. 91
The 25 Kronur Note Iconography
The climate of Iceland ranges from arctic to
temperate. Reykjavik is a surprisingly mild place,
having a winter climate similar to Saint Louis,
Missouri. The wind from the ocean keeps the average
July temperature at a cool 52"F. In January the average
temperature is 31"F, remarkably mild for a city only 170
miles south of the Arctic Circle.
The northwest peninsula of Iceland juts out toward
Greenland 180 miles to the west. Looking like a giant
claw it is called the western fiords, Vestfirdir, with at
least eight fiords. The largest is Isafjardardjup, where
almost into the open sea, is the town of Isafjordur. On
the obverse of the 25 kronur note the name is printed in
Icelandic. This town is the main trading,
administrative and communications center of the
region. With a population of only 3,000 it is still the
largest town on the western peninsula. As you can see
from the picture on the currency note, the entire town is
built on a long sandspit extending out into the fiord, the
only level space available. A thriving little town,
Isafjordur has the best harbor in the northwest, a
sizeable local fishing fleet and various plants to process
the catch. An airstrip with daily flights to Reykjavik
makes this the logical place to stay while you visit. The
Hotel Manakaffi is open all year offering modern
rooms. There are several restaurants and, if you like to
dance, try the Uppsalir Cafe. If you plan your trip for
summertime and enjoy hill climbing or just plain
hiking, you should stay at the ski lodge about two miles
west. They have both separate rooms and dormitory
space. There is a good camping site with toilet facilities
at Tungudalur, about two miles away, where there is a
small woods and pleasant surroundings. Wooded spots
are hard to fine in Iceland. With a pack sleeping bag on
your back you will be among the natives and perhaps
get to know some. There is a ski slope and if that is your
interest, the runs have the best snow between February
and May. I have been told the snow is good but the runs
are not as long as in Switzerland and Colorado.
There are two ways to look at fiords, in a boat looking
up at the high mountains and on the top of the mountain
looking down the steep slopes at the water. Both can be
impressive, awe-inspiring experiences. For an
overvi6w,, try the trip by road to Hrafnseyri. The road
winds 'around and over mountain passes and goes near
an eiderduck colon, , at Myrar. Iceland has many bird
colonies with millions of birds, and a lot of them can be
seen in this area. As you travel on, the road takes you
Paper Money
Nearly 1.5 million head of sheep are pastured on the
mountains and grasslands of Iceland each summer.
Then each fall they are driven to sheepfolds to be sorted.
Some will be slaughtered, and the best will be taken to
the farm for overwintering. Photo courtesy the Iceland
Tourist Board.
past Thingeyri, a small fishing port, and over the moun-
tain to Hrafnseyri, interesting to us because here we can
see the old farm of Jon Sigurdsson with a memorial by
the sculptor Einar Jonnson. Jon Sigurdsson's portrait
is on the 1000 kronur note so we will have quite a bit
more to say about him later.
There is a little group of islets some seven to ten miles
from the south shore of the main island. The largst is
Heimaey. The harbor of Vestmannaeyjar, shown on the
reverse of the 25 kronur note, is on this little islet of
Heimaey. A glance at the geologic map shows,
stretching across the island, a band of active zones of
rifting and volcanos. Heimaey is in the ocean on the
southern end of one of these bands, so it might not be too
surprising to find a volcano here.
Imagine the feelings of the early uncomprehending
travelers who came upon these violent dramas of
nature. In 1793, a Danish ship's captain was amazed to
see a submarine eruption. He wrote in his Log:
At three o'clock in the morning we saw smoke aris-
ing from the sea and thought it to be land; but on clos-
er consideration we concluded that this was a special
wonder wrought by God, that a natural sea could
burn.... When I caught sight of this terrifying smoke, I
felt convinced that doomsday had come."
Submarine eruptions have often occurred off the
coasts of the country, especially on the Reykj anes ridge.
One submarine eruption there started on November 14,
1963, and lasted on and off for nearly four years. During
Page 7
this period a completely new island, now called Surtsey,
was built up some 600 feet above the ocean. Surtsey is
one of the Vestmannaeyjar group, located furthest out,
20 miles from the main island. On January 23, 1973,
eruptions started again, this time on the islet of
Heimaey, when a one-mile fissure opened up on the
outskirts of Vestmannaeyjar. Nearly 5000 people were
evacuated (over 200 stayed). By the time the eruptions
stopped in June of that same year, about one-third of the
town plus about 400 houses had been buried or burned
up. The note we are looking at was issued March 29,
1961, before the 1963 and 1973 eruptions. I am told many
improvements to the harbor have been made since then.
I tend to group things into classes. I tend to think of
flower blossoms as being by their very nature
something that was formed to wilt to make something
else. Some things seem stationary, permanent and
unchanging. The earth's mountains seem to have been
standing there forever until I talk to a man who has seen
an island mountain being born. Then I have a small
understanding of a sphere of earth careening, eccentric
around a self-consuming star.
The 100 Kronur Note Iconography
Tryggvia Gunnarsson did not serve in government in
Iceland, but was an accomplished individual in many
areas, reason enough for him to be depicted on the
country's 100 kronur note. In some ways Gunnarsson
might be compared to Benjamin Franklin in the United
States who, over 100 years earlier, contributed as a
private but interested party to the shaping of his
country's government.
Tryggvia Gunnarsson was born in northern Iceland
in October, 1835. The son of a rural pastor, he was
limited in his formal education due to geographical
remoteness, but was taught at home by his parents. As a
young man he learned the carpentry trade and by age 24
was a carpenter and farmer of some local note. In 1873,
Page 8
he moved to the north coast capital of Akureyri and
became general manager of a commercial foundation
there. Its goal was to promote the foreign sales of the
goods of the local farmers and small businessmen.
During 20 years in this post he traveled extensively to
Copenhagen, then the capital of Iceland, since it was a
possession of Denmark. In 1893, he moved to Reykjavik,
not yet the capital, but even then it was Iceland's largest
and most important commercial center. He became
director of the country's national bank and remained in
that position until 1901. One might expect to find his
signature in this capacity on notes issued by the
Landsbanki Islands at the time, but I know of none.
During this period he also was elected repeatedly to the
Gunnarsson was one of the first photographers in
Iceland and was a major pioneer in the field. It is
believed that he learned this trade in Copenhagen and
took his first photograph around 1865. He was also
active for many years in a subject that has only recently
become fashionable, wildlife preservation. He was
active in the societies for animal protection and was the
editor of The Animal Friend magazine for some time.
This publication is still printed in Iceland. He died
October 21, 1917.*
The obverse of the 100 kronur note also has a scene of
Holar (pronounced Hullar). A church diocese was
established there in 1106. As bishop of Holar,
Guobrandur Thorlaksson established the doctrine and
rites of the Lutheran church throughout Iceland. The
first Bible in the Icelandic language was printed and
published by the bishop of Holar in 1584.
`The biographical material on Gunnarsson was supplied in a
private communication from William Connors, Public
Relations Manager, Icelandic Airlines.
When you look at the 100 kronur notes, both those
issued June 21, 1957 and March 29, 1961, you will see the
whole reverse side is occupied with a peaceful scene of
sheep on a mountain side. It is peaceful now but by the
time you read this it may not still be so because the
mountain in the background is Hekla, an intermittent
active volcano. Bearing in mind the great difficulty of
deciding what, in Iceland, is a single volcano, it is likely
that more than 200 volcanoes have been active during
the last 11,000 years or so, some 30 of them since the
settlement of the country 1,100 years ago. During the
last few centuries eruptions have occurred on the
average of every fifth year. Nearly every type of volcano
is found in Iceland. Lava-producing fissures, lone
cracks in the mantle rock, forming so-called crater rows,
are the most common. Presumably these cracks both in
the crater rows and the shield volcanoes provide a place
for the molten rock (magma) from deep down in the
earth to ooze out from time to time, but Iceland also has
active volcanoes of the differentiated central type, fed
by separate magma chambers higher up in the crust.
Whole No. 91
Their eruptions are explosive and accompanied by
tremendous jokulhlaup (Icelandic for glacier flood).
Grimsvotn is a large caldera in the central part of, and
underneath Vatnajokull (the largest glacier in Iceland),
whose eruptions produce floods every five or ten years.
The highest volcanic mountains in Iceland are snow
and ice-coverd. The most famous, Hekla, was thought
during the middle ages to be the mouth of Hell. As late
as the 17th century, the French traveler Martiniere, was
firmly convinced that he could hear the shrieks of
damned souls shivering in the pack-ice where the devil
had left them to cool off before bringing them back into
the fire below. Since its first recorded eruption in 1104,
when the small settlement of Thjorsardalur was
destroyed by a heavy ash fall, Hekla has erupted some
14 times. The last eruption started on May 5, 1970 and
lasted for two months, but usually Hekla eruptions,
after warning rumbles, start with a violent explosion,
then continue erupting for six months to a year. When
Hekla last erupted, first came a rushing flood from the
melted ice and finally the slow-flowing red hot lava
moved down the mountain side. During this last
eruption a tremendous part of the rim of the volcano was
blasted away and came flying and tumbling down the
mountain side along with the molten lava. The highest
part of Mount Hekla is now 4,892 feet above sea level,
216 feet lower than before.
The sheep in the picture remind us of their importance
in Iceland. Sheep raising was, until World War I, the
main farming occupation, and it is still important. For
most of the summer sheep are grazed on the extensive
meadow and hillside pastures, often far up on the
mountains. The flocks are rounded up and separated for
slaughtering in the autumn before the onset of heavy
snows. Cattle operations have expanded greatly in
recent years, especially in the south and southwest. In
1970, there were some 800,000 sheep and over 50,000
cattle. In preparation for winter, fodder for the domestic
animals is raised and harvested from cultivated land.
Various types of produce such as turnips and carrots are
raised, and the potato crop nearly satisfies the local
needs. While fewer Icelanders are farmers now than at
any time in their 1,100 years, total agricultural
production is at its highest. Almost every farm has
electricity and about 75% of the farms have a tractor or
Jeep. Today horses cannot be jusitfied economically as
work animals; still you will see horses on the farms
used, as shown on the note, to herd sheep. The Icelandic
horse is a small hardy breed that the island folk enjoy
riding for pleasure too.
(to be continued)
(References and sources for further reading will follow the final
Icelandic notes are obtainable from the author at P. 0. Box
22753, Denver, CO 8022.
Paper Money
Page 9
By Raymond D. Burns
The purpose of this article is to make available to the
collector the basic knowledge needed to produce high
quality color and black and white photos of items in his
collection. We intend to do this without requiring the
expenditure of large sums of money. If you already own
a 35mm camera and a normal lens, you are well on the
way to photographing your collection. This discussion
is limited to equipment already owned by the collector
and to designating only those accessories needed to
complete the "armanentarium" used in this type of
photography. Since we are interested in the basics,
there will be no discussion of ultraviolet or infrared
photography or of equipment of an unusual or
expensive nature.
We are concerned with document photography,
specifically fiscal documents. This type of document is
any instrument written or printed upon paper and relied
upon to record or prove something of a financial nature.
Some examples of fiscal documents are: governmental
and private bank notes, checks, IOU's, stock
certificates, and scrip. We will be seeking to record the
appearance of the ink and paper and any life-
prolonging glaze as well as whatever has been
overprinted or handwritten upon the instrument or
imbedded in it such as security threads or watermarks.
Discretion must be employed in the uses to which
these photos will be put. Our government permits
photos of our coinage, currency, postage stamps and
other security paper but requires these photos to be used
only for numismatic/philatelic, educational, historical
and newsworthy purposes. Illustrations of paper
currency in general must be in black and white and
must be less than three-fourths or more than one and
one-half actual size) For further detailed information,
consult the nearest office of the Treasury Department or
obtain a copy of Title 18, U. S. Code, Section 504.
The camera body employed in this type of
photography is a 35mm single lens reflex (SLR) with
through-the-lens metering. Focusing is highly accurate
and shutter speeds and aperture openings are easily
manipulated. This camera is preferable because the
view finder displays exactly what will appear in the
finished picture. The 35mm SLR has been in
manufacture for many years. The operator is required to
focus and to adjust the shutter speed and aperture
During the past three to five years, camera
manufacturers have been marketing a 35mm SLR in
which electronics have been employed to take some of
the effort as well as error out of photography. The
electronic circuits control the shutter speed and aper-
ture opening. The operator can use this type of camera
in the full automatic mode, or override by flipping a
switch and setting the shutter and aperture manually.
This camera is usually referred to as automatic.
When using an automatic camera, which is the
easiest method of doing document photography, an
opaque cover should be placed over the eye opening.
This should be done after focusing and before releasing
the shutter to prevent the camera's light meter from
reading the light entering the eye piece as well as the
lens, which results in an improperly exposed picture. In
the case of the manual camera, this is not necessary as
the aperture and shutter speed are set manually while
the operator has his eye over the view finder. This has
the effect of blocking out the secondary light source.
A 35mm SLR can be purchased in new condition for
Page 10
from $200 to $600 without a lens. After the camera body
has been selected, the next decision involves the lens
system. There are four preferred choices, each varying
from the others in terms of cost, limitations and results.
Each of the following systems has something to
recommend it depending upon the needs of the
Taken with a 50mm normal lens to show that such a
lens is able to frame the average size note quite well and
deliver excellent detail.
For those who already own a 50mm normal lens, a
reversing ring is available which will allow this lens to
be used for our purposes. The reversing ring screws into
the threads on the front of the lens which usually hold a
filter. The other face of the ring attaches to the camera
with the result that the lens now faces the camera. The
lens has been reversed and attached to the camera by
the reversing ring. A shutter release cable is mandatory
because the shutter is no longer in the intended
relationship to the lens. The use of a reversing ring is
economical in that it permits the use of already owned
equipment and costs about $8. Its limitation is that only
very close-up photos are possible.
A second and slightly more expensive choice of a lens
system is that of a set of lenses; however, upon closer
inspection, one perceives that they are ground with a
miniscus. Diopter correction lenses attach to a lens as
does a filter, and indeed their appearance is that of a
filter. They are available with three lenses to the set. All
three lenses can be used simultaneously, if desired.
Lens sets most commonly encountered contain lenses
with strengths of +1, +2 and +3 or +1, +2 and +4. The
higher the number, the greater the magnification. This
system is very versatile and can be used for other
photographic interests. The approximate price for such
a set of lenses is from $20 to $30.
A third option as to the selection of a lens system does
not involve optics. Instead, this option simply moves
the lens farther from the film plane by means of one or
more cylindrical spacers. When a 50mm normal lens is
used with extension totalling 50mm in length, the result
is a reproduction ratio of 1:1. The principle is that when
the total extension equals the focal length of the lens, a
full size production will result. 2
A drawback to the use of extension tubes is that they
are not light-efficient and therefore a bright light
becomes increasingly necessary as the total extension
increases. Extension tubes, as stated above, contain no
Whole No. 91
lenses and can be purchased for about $35 per set of
three tubes.
Taken with a Vivitar 90-180 tele-macro to illustrate the
capacity of such a lens at moderate magnification. Good
for studying signatures.
Tele-macrophoto of lower right corner of the note in Fig.
2 showing the yield from this lens at maximum
The most versatile selection for a lens system is that
of a macro-photo lens. Such a lens has the ability to
work as a general purpose lens, even though a bit heavy
by comparison, and to do close-up work. With such a
lens, it is possible to photograph an entire note and,
after lowering the camera and refocusing, to
photography a very small detail at a reproduction ratio
of 1:1 or better. Macro lenses such as the 80-205, 70-150,
and 28-80 are well suited and can exceed a reproduction
ratio of 1:1. Prices range from $130 to $500.
A tripod, or better yet, a copy stand, should be
employed because shutter speeds tend to be too slow for
holding the camera by hand. We must remember that
the greater the magnification, the shallower the depth
of field. It is virtually impossible to hand-hold a camera
using a slow shutter speed and still get a high quality
picture when the depth of field is a very small fraction of
an inch. A copy stand complete with light fixtures but
no bulbs will cost about $35.
Paper Money
Manual release of the shutter will often blur the
picture. To avoid this, employ a cable or bulb release.
These items are available for about $3.50 each.
Having selected and assembled our equipment, we
move to a discussion of black and white and color films
The differences between these two types of films are
based upon their differing requirements for filters, film
characteristics and light sources.
In the selection of a black and white film, we need one
which has a low graininess. This is because fiscal
documents often have very fine lathework or other tiny
details which are degraded by coarse-grained film.
Kodak Plus Xis a black and white film of medium speed
(ASA 125) with high contrast capacity and extremely
fine graininess. Another widely available black and
white film is Kodak Panatomic X. This film has a very
high contrast capacity and extremely fine grain.' The
speed rating is ASA 32. While both films are acceptable
for our purposes, Panatomic X is preferred because its
grainess is finer then Plus X and enables us to capture
smaller details.
The selection of a light source for black and white
photography is relatively simple. One may use existing
natural light, overhead fluorescent or incandescent
illumination. A very workable and economical light
source consists of two 100 watt incandescent bulbs in
desk lamps with metal shades. Use porcelain
receptacles because the plastic type will not stand the
excess heat.
Aging produces a yellow or tan discoloration in some
documents. This tends to reduce the contrast between
the color of the paper and what has been printed or
written upon it. The use of a yellow filter enhances
contrast and makes more visual data available. The
principle is to use a filter of the same color as the color
you with to minimize. The recommended filters cost
about $8 and are designated Yellow 8 through Yellow
Filters, whether used in black and white or color work,
have the effect of reducing the amount of light reaching
the film Compensation is achieved automatically in the
selection of a wider aperture and/or a slower shutter
One very obvious characteristic of a color print is that
it contains more information than the same print in
black and white. The availability of this additional data
is the result of using a different film and a slightly more
complicated photographic procedure. The application
of color to document photography imposes
requirements not associated with black and white film,
in addition to government restrictions which should be
checked out from the previously mentioned sources. Not
only is a different film employed, but we must use
different filters and be highly selective of sources of
Page 11
We will be using Kodacolor II (ASA 100) for prints
because it is easily available, meets our requirements
for copy work, and requires no special preparation. This
is a general purpose color negative film with a high
contrast resolving ability and micro-fine grain. 5
To achieve a faithful reproduction of color, the film
must be compatible with the light source, otherwise the
finished color will be shifted away from its true
appearance. Abnormally long exposures will also cause
a color shift.
When using natural light or electronic flash, no filters
are needed, as electronic flash is built to produce a light
very similar to sunlight. When using fluorescent
lighting, a fluorescent-to-daylight filter is required. We
have obtained excellent results using two 3200° Kelvin
bulbs in desk lamps with a blue filter #80A over the lens.
If you use tungsten bulbs rated at 3400° Kelvin, you
must use the #80B filter. These bulbs are inexpensive
and available at most photo supply shops. The filters
cost about $8 each. These blue filters function to prevent
color shift by providing a correction to the light
reaching the film. Kodacolor II is a film constituted to be
used with sunlight. When using an artificial light
source, you must correct by means of filters so that the
light registering upon the film has the same chemical
composition as sunlight.
In document photography, we are often concerned
with very fine detail such as tiny plate numbers. To
better capture small and/or lacey details, we must
employ an aperture opening, indicated as "f" and
followed by a number for such a combination as "f8",
which is slow enough to enhance detail yet fast enough
to preserve depth of field. Since the camera is being
machine-held and since the subject is stationary, we can
give priority to having a slow shutter speed. Priority is
given to the aperture; set it first. Use the medium to
small openings. For example, if your lens goes to f22, use
Taken with the afore-mentioned tele-macro lens.
Camera back (film plane) was not parallel with the copy
surface; the right vertical edge was above the zone of
sharp focus and therefore out of focus and blurred in the
Page 12
f11 or smaller. Set the shutter speed next and do not be
alarmed if it approaches one second. While shutter
speeds will be slow, do not use one second as your
shutter speed.
Before starting the actual photography, attention
should be given to the following details which will
insure that your documents will not be damaged or
soiled and that your photos will be of high quality. First,
clean and dry the surface of your copy stand. Next,
attach your camera to the stand and parallel the back of
the camera with the surface of the copy stand. If such
alignment is not accomplished, it can result in blurring
along the vertical edges of the photo. Use an
inexpensive ($1.50) bubble level.
Sometimes a document will have a curl or fold which
prevents it from lying flat upon the copy surface. To
overcome this, cover it with a sheet of glass which has
been cleaned and dried. Such glass is available in photo
frames and is single-strength in thickness. It is
necessary to flatten the document so as to keep it
entirely within the depth of field and consequently in
sharp focus. Handle this glass as you would an
expensive stereo record or photographic negative—by
the edges so as to avoid smears. If an item will lie
completely flat, use nothing over it. Be careful when us-
ing tape to hold documents flat as many are too fragile
to survive the removal of the tape.
We feel that the 8 x 10 inch glass is the most
convenient size and should be placed over the item with
a piece of construction paper 81/2 x 11 inches under it.
This will allow you to move the item around while
peering through the viewfinder without touching it or
abrading its underside.
One must be careful in positioning the lights so as to
avoid glare. The bulbs should be aimed downward at a
45" angle toward the area immediately beneath the
camera. These lights should be located far enough from
the camera so as not to reflect into the lens. Look
through the viewfinder before releasing the shutter to
see that the area within your view is evenly illuminated.
Now have fun!
Showing the glare resulting from improper placement
of the light source.
Whole No. 91
(All of the illustrations herein were taken using
Kodak Panatomic X film and two 100 watt light bulbs.)
1. Coin World Almanac, compiled and edited by the staff of
Coin World, published by Amos Press in Sidney, Ohio; 1975,
Page 102.
2. Close-up Photography. Wm. J. Owens, 1975; Peterson
Publishing Company; Los Angeles, California; page 16.
3. Kodak Professional Photoguide, 1st edition; 1977;
Eastman Kodak Company; printed in the U. S.; Standard book
number 0-87985-100-7, page 5.
4. Ibid, page 5.
5. Ibid, page 5.
May 13, 1980. Mr. Greg Girton, North Vernon, Indiana.
No. 1 Tonapah, Nevada Red Seal
Sells for $14,000
The unique number 1 Tonopah, Nevada Red Seal
National Bank Note described by M. 0. Warns in
PAPER MONEY No. 88, July/August 1980, p. 201, was
sold by Bowers & Ruddy Galleries on October 3, 1980 for
$14,000. The price realized set a record for a note of this
type. The auctioneer stated that bidding opened at
$4,000, with three bidders quickly driving up to the
knockdown price paid by an anonymous Nevada
Philatelic/Syngraphic "Collectible"
Being Promoted
A new "collectible" somewhat akin to the elaborate
first day covers offered in the non-philatelic press by
various commercial "societies" is now available from
"The Historic Providence Mint" of Providence, Rhode
Island. This promition is tied to the UN stamp series
which will eventually picture the flags of all 157
member nations. Each stamp is affixed to and
postmarked on an 81/2 x 11 "panel"; above the stamp is
attached an example of the current circulating paper
money of the nation honored, with the whole
embellished with suitable artwork and "historical
Each "first day of issue currency cover" will sell for
$9.95, and is to be sent to subscribers at the rate of two
every six weeks. According to the advertising portfolios,
the U. S. cover will carry a five dollar note. However, no
listing of the type of notes from other countries is given.
But in the portfolio is a "gift" — a 5 sen Bank Indonesia
note, Pick 91.
Paper Money Page 13
By Doug Murray
Since I read John Isted's article on U. S. large size
currency production totals in the July 1979 issue of The
Numismatist, one item has bothered me. He stated that
in the $2 United States Notes, Series 1917, the last block
printed and delivered (Speelman-White signatures)
started with serial E10,000,001A and that the first ten
million notes were destroyed at the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing. Oddly, he said this also
occurred on the $5 United States Notes, Series 1907,
where the last block printed and delivered (Speelman-
White and Woods-White), started with serial
M10,000,001—with the first ten million destroyed. I
found it hard to believe that so many notes would have
been destroyed, although I did determine that both
incidents occurred around early 1928. Production totals,
however, for the entire series of the $2 1917 and $5 1907
U.S.N.'s do reflect 10,000,000 notes less than the highest
serial used.
Just recently I was doing research on the Federal
Reserve Notes, Series 1914, with White-Mellon
signatures, and noticed from production totals that the
$5 Philadelphia block CB should have a maximum of
3,824,000 notes. (There were 103,824,000 $5 F.R.N.'s
printed for this district; the first block would have been
100,000,000 CA notes, then 3,824,000 of block CB.) Yet
the illustrated note clearly shows serial C13,668,474B.
Since this is approximately ten million higher than the
production total indicates it should be, it suddenly
occurred to me that possibly this block was also missing
the first ten million notes. Further checking showed
that this CB block was started around 1928.
No other new blocks were started during that time in
any class of notes, except the very plentiful $1 Silver
Certificate, Series 1923, with the signatures of Speel-
man-White, Woods-White and the scarce Woods-Tate.
This series had also posed a problem. The total number
of notes delivered was 2,659,996,000 or 26 completed
blocks (100 million notes each) and 59,996,000 notes in
the 27th block. The "fly in the ointment" is that the
B.E.P. really completed 27 blocks and over 79 million
notes of a 28th! (See table of $1 1923 S.C. blocks.) This
just is not possible, unless approximately 120 million
notes were destroyed.
I then contemplated what if the last blocks used for
the $1 S. C. were also missing the first ten million notes
of each block? I back-calculated, removing these ten
million notes from each of the last 12 blocks, BE back
through HD. This took care of the missing 120 million
notes and also pointed out the approximate time that a
numbering policy change may have occurred. It was
beginning to apper to me that perhaps these missing
notes were simply not printed, and I wanted to know
when this change began. Based on B.E.P. Fiscal Year
1926 output, Block HD (12 from the end) would have
begun approximately early April 1927.
Next, I checked Walter Breen's extensive article on
Silver Certificates that appeared in Numismatic News
in 1975, and discovered that most early blocks of the
Series 1923 $1 S. C. had frequent low numbers recorded,
and that block ED was the last, with seven-digit serial
E2,222,222D. No blocks after ED had any listed serials
less than ten million. At this point I was convinced that
these units of ten million were not destroyed as Isted
had said, but were simply never printed to begin with. I
believe that starting in early 1927, a B.E.P. decision was
made that any new blocks begun were to be started with
an eight-digit serial, or 10,000,001 being the first note of
the block. I can think of only one reason for this: To save
time by trying a new serialing idea.
Interesting gleanings
early publications
by Charles E. Straub
Page 14
Whole No. 91
The serial number on this Philadelphia $5 F.R.N. Series
1914 (F855c) is nearly 10,000,000 higher than the
production total for that district indicates it should be.
Photo credit: Thomas C. Bain
Previously, new blocks were started with single digit
serials, expanding the number by moving the prefix
symbol to the left as the number warranted it. This
required a lot of numbering device manipulation until
the full complement of eight-digits was arrived at,
where the next 90 million notes could be run with no
change in the eight-digit configuration. Therefore, a
great deal of time would be saved if this serial
manipulation could be eliminated. By 1927 B.E.P.
thoughts had turned to the new small size currency as a
means of increasing production. However, more notes
meant more of the above numbering problems. These
problems were finally solved for the new small size
notes by prefixing the low serials with zeroes to get the
eight-digit complement. I can only surmise that rather
than print those last large size blocks with zero prefixes,
a decision was made just to eliminate the serials with
less than eight-digits until the idea could be
implemented on the new small size currency.
In any case, I theorize that the last 12 blocks of the
1923 $1 S.C. (HD through BE) and the last block of the
1917 $2 U.S.N. (EA), 1907 15 U.S.N. (M:-) and 1914 $5
Philadelphia F.R.N. (CB) were started at serial
10,000,001. If anyone can find any of these 15 blocks
with a serial of less than ten million, I'd like to know of
it. Write: Box 2, Portage, Michigan 49081. In the
meantime, until my theory can be proven wrong, I'll
simply state that those missing 150 million notes aren't
missing — they were just never printed.
Block BE of the $1 S.C. Series 1923 would not have
existed if blocks HD through AE had started at 1. The
highest serial used would have been A59,996,000E.
Photo credit: NASCA
Block EA of the $2 U.S.N. Series 1917 and block M:- of
the $5 U.S.N. Series 1907 were previously stated to have
had the first ten million notes destroyed at the B.E.P.
Photo credits: NASCA
Table showing the blocks used for the Series 1923 $1
Silver Certificates.
New Orleans, July 31st, 1840
Counterfeiting has been lately carried on here to an extent
that is absolutely astonishing. The head quarters of a gang
was broken into, on Tuesday night, and the chief of the rogues,
a man by the name of Lemon, arrested. The gang had prepared
materials for issuing an immense amount of spurious notes. No
less amount than $700,000 of counterfeit bank notes of the
Carrolton Bank was found in their possession.
Paper Money
Rhode Island had 67 National Banks, 25 of which
issued third charter Red Seal notes. From these 25
banks came a combined total of 880,644 Red Seal notes.
My records indicate that only ten different banks have
surviving notes and an incredibly low total of only 17
notes exist today. This results in a ratio of one survivor
to each 51,813 notes issued, or .00193%. I have never
seen other similar analyses so I cannot compare but this
has to be an extremely low amount. For sure there must
be others.
Of the 25 banks issuing Red Seal notes, 12 were
Providence banks and 13 were other than Providence
("Country Banks"). Fourteen of the surviving notes
listed are from Providence banks and the other three are
from Country Banks, two from Woonsocket and one
from Hopkinton.
Examination of the chart shows that six of the 17
notes are from the Providence National Bank and
represent 35% of the outstanding notes listed. The
Providence N.B. issued 49,200 Red Seal notes, which is
.05% of the total amount issued in the entire state. Why
should there be such an imbalance? Possibly because
Page 15
Red Seals
By R. J. Cormier
five of the six notes are either $50 or $100 notes and since
only one other Rhode Island bank issued these
denominations in Red Seals they must have been
considered somewhat special, but none from the other
bank have yet emerged.
The Mechanics National Bank, Charter #1007, was
the other bank with a total Red Seal issue of 105,000
notes for all denominations, 2,400 of them being divided
equally 1,200 each of $50 and $100 notes. The
Providence N.B. issued 4,600 each of the $50 and $100
notes for a total of 9,200 notes.
Many suppositions and comparisons can be made.
Some are logical, others are not, and possibly this is the
reason why many of us are collectors.
My records have been compiled over the last five
years and are a result of checking many listings and
communicating with many collectors and dealers. I
welcome all correspondence concerning Rhode Island
National Bank notes at 64 Knoll Crest Drive,
Cumberland, RI 02864.
7 $5 948 Providence Phenix N. B.
3195B $5 1302 Providence Providence N. C.
5267D $5 1328 Providence Blackstone Canal N. B.
6709A $5 1328 Providence Blackstone Canal N. B.
9 $5 1339 Providence Nat. Exchange Bank
1233D $5 2913 Providence Atlantic N. B.
1098A $10 1339 Providence Nat. Exchange Bank
1299B $10 1421* Woonsocket Producers N. B.
2043 $10 1423* Woonsocket Nat. Globe Bank
1820 $20 1054* Hopkinton First N. B.
14A $20 1151 Providence Old N. B.
6085A $20 1131 Providence Merchants N. B.
2163 $50 1302 Providence Providence N. B.
4476A $50 1302 Providence Providence N. B.
4480A $50 1302 Providence Providence N. B.
1073A $100 1302 Providence Providence N. B.
4600A $100 1302 Providence Providence N. B.
*Country Banks
Page 16 Whole No. 91
Honest Harry Meiggs
and the San Francisco City Scrip
By Charles Kemp
In the early 1850's, San Francisco was undergoing a
remarkable transition. Just a few years before, it had
been the sleepy little Spanish village of Yerba Buena
with a population of only 812 when James Marshall had
made his famous discovery, but by 1860, it would be the
fourteenth largest city in the U.S. The first flow of
immigrants, the eager goldseekers, had given way to a
more permanent population of merchants, skilled
tradesmen, professionals, and just plain working men
and women of all sorts. These people had not come
thousands of miles just to search for gold; they had come
looking on California as a place for new opportunities, a
rich and promising land with San Francisco as its
leading City.
In response to these newcomers, the town began to
change, slowly progressing from the hastily built
jumping off spot for the 49'ers, to a modern city. In 1854,
the fire-prone wooden structures were being replaced by
brick buildings and the rat-infested dirt streets, which
turned to seas of mud during the rains, were being
extended and covered over with wood planks. At the
same time that the need for improvements was
becoming obvious, California was entering into the first
stages of what was to prove a severe economic
depression. The year 1854 was the last big year for gold,
and already adjustments had to be made. The mayor
had promised to keep the city on a cash basis, but with
banks of issue prohibited by law and a prevailing
shortage of coin, California had a cash flow problem in
the best of times and the mayor was soon forced to resort
to paper promises to pay. So when the city council
authorized $150,000 in street improvements, it was
Paper Money Page 17
Battery Street, San Francisco, in the process of being
planked, circa 1850's.
necessary to print a special issue of warrants to pay for
the work.
Although there were no funds in the city treasury to
redeem the warrants, it was expected that this could
easily be accomplished once the street assessments
were collected. These assessments were to prove rough
on the property owners because the $150,000 was only
for the crossings and the bulk of the contract, some
$800,000, was to be borne by them. No one clearly
foresaw the depression in the beginning, however, and
the project moved ahead. The warrants even proved to
be popular because there was never any doubt that the
city would eventually redeem them or at least convert
them into city bonds.
These warrants are of considerable interest to paper
money collectors because they did form an addition of
sorts to the city's circulating medium and were in fact
referred to as "city scrip". The written denominations
were for the even sums of $100, $500, $1000 and more as
required. These large amounts were convenient for the
street contractors, who received the warrants, to
purchase their lumber and meet other large bills. Also,
as the cash shortage grew greater, they found a use as
collateral for loans and were generally accepted at from
50 to 60 cents on the dollar. Although their large
denominations did prevent them from circulating at the
lower levels of commerce, they were undoubtedly used
for large wholesale transactions and in a city where
even private mints couldn't supply enough coin, they
were especially welcome. Apparently, this had been
forseen by the city government as they were made
payable to the bearer and also did not carry interest, so
there was no incentive to hold on to them.
In addition to the above means, the scrip would also
be introduced into the city's monetary supply by
another method. This method would shake the young
city to its very foundations and cause a scandal which is
still remembered today. The instigator of this scandal
was an individual named Harry Meiggs, a man who at
that time was one of the most respected and well-liked
citizens of the town. In fact, prior to this event, Harry
Meiggs seemed assured of a long and successful career
and was even regarded as a likely candidate for the
mayor's office. As it turned out, however, Harry did
enjoy a long and successful career-but about as far away
from San Francisco as he could make it.
Page 18
Whole No. 91
Meiggs had been a lumber dealer in New York and
when he landed in California in 1849, he took up that
business again. He was in the right place at the right
time, and it was said that he made over half a million in
only a few years. He invested much of his profits in San
Francisco real estate and also built a fine sawmill and
the famous Meiggs Wharf which ran 2,000 feet from the
foot of Powell Street.
Meiggs considered the isolated North Beach area,
where his wharf lay, to have a great commercial
potential and he did everything he could to boost the
area. He made heavy investments in property there and
built himself a fine house in that area. He then had a
street built at his own expense to encourage others to
move there. Meiggs was, of course, known as the area's
leading citizen and not only due to his enthusiasm; he
was a man of untiring energy and such a reputation for
integrity that he was called "Honest Harry" Meiggs.
His willingness to devote his time and energy to the
public good and his always genial manner made him
extremely popular and led to his election in 1853, to the
post of alderman.
Meiggs used his seat on the council to enthusiastical-
ly promote North Beach. He considered roads to be the
most important thing necessary to develop the area and
lobbied constantly for street improvements. Of course,
as a shrewd businessman, Harry had a bit more than
mere civic pride on his mind - if the North Beach district
did boom, he would profit enormously from his property
investments there. Unfortunately for Harry, the
depression was now beginning to take hold and
property values plummeted while interest rates rose
from the usual one to two per cent a month to seven and
even ten. The freewheeling era was over and the fast
dealers like Harry were being caught in a squeeze. While
unsold lumber piled up on his wharf, his many
liabilities were forming another pile almost as high.
Ironically, the assessments for the street work that he
had labored so hard to bring about were now providing
the final crushing blow. Harry realized that he was
ruined, but he wasn't about to give up easily and hit
upon a desperate scheme to buy himself time enough to
The books of street warrants were kept in the city
comptroller's office. At first, they had been left blank
and filled in only as necessary, but since they required
the signature of three different city officials, it had been
found convenient to pre-sign a quantity of them. These
warrants, lacking only the date and amount, appeared
to Meiggs to be a way out of his dilemma. Since he was
an alderman and was known to have an nterest in the
street work, he had no problem gaining access to the
comptroller's office and soon had several of the books in
his hands.
Meiggs quickly put his new found money supply to
work. Smyth Clarke, a clerk and a close friend, was set
to work filling in the warrants. Then as soon as possible,
Example of the San Francisco warrants, $5000 face.
Ffr •
Paper Money
Page 19
Duplicate San Francisco warrant, $1000 face. The William Sherman who signed it
and the $5000 warrant came from Rhode Island and was not related to William
Tecumseh Sherman.
Second of exchange on Lucas, Turner & Co., William T. Sherman's name appears in
the scroll at the right end, along with the names of Henry S. Turner and Benj.
Harry began to spread them far and wide. He had
always been a large borrower and spent much of his
time "shinning around" for money, as he termed it. He
even joked that it seemed unnatural for him to leave the
house in the morning without having to hunt up a loan
for $40,000 during the day. But he always paid his
interest promptly and as long as he could provide solid
collateral was considered a good risk. Furthermore, as
Harry saw it, as long as he could borrow new money, he
could pay the interest on the old.
So Meiggs was able to continue borrowing, but the
depression got worse instead of better and he just found
himself in a deeper hole. Already his borrowing was the
talk of the town and it was said that he was paying
$30,000 a month in interest on a debt of $800,000. Even
Harry couldn't borrow that fast and so he overissued the
stock of his lumber company to the extent of $300,000
but that brought him in only $75,000.
Many bankers were now beginning to have second
thoughts on the desirability of having Harry as a
customer. One of the most suspicious was William T.
Sherman, the future Civil War general. Sherman had
left the army in 1853 to take a position with the
California office of Lucas, Turner & Co. His many
letters back to the home office in St. Louis offer an
interesting insight into the trials and tribulations of a
gold rush banker. Fortunately for the North, it was
some of these above mentioned events, including Harry
Meiggs, which finally made him return to the army.
Page 20
In 1854, however, Sherman was more worried about
his flamboyant client than any gray-clad armies. He
had always been cautious with his employer's money,
but some of his clerks apparently impressed with
Harry's reputation, had accommodated him for $50,000.
Sherman, after hearing the rumors of Meiggs' rampant
borrowing, decided to call in his notes, but Harry
promptly and cheerfully paid up $30,000 and even
dropped hints about his close connections with a large
foreign banking house. Sherman was relieved, but
resolved to take no more of Harry's notes unless he could
provide very substantial security.
Meanwhile Harry's scheme continued on its merry
way with the forged warrants now being joined by
forged notes. At first, Harry had contracted to sell
lumber before its actual delivery and then when the
purchasers gave their notes, he would immediately
endorse and sell them for whatever he could get. When
this didn't prove sufficient either, he had his clerk just
outright forge the notes. One of these on Neely
Thompson & Co. for $15,000 was detected by one of that
firm's clerks after Meiggs had discounted it for $14,000.
Incredibly enough, when Harry pleaded with them to
make the note good, they actually agreed to do so.
Perhaps it was incidents like this that convinced
Harry he could still pull it off. If only the depression
would go away, he still had friends. He was even trying
to have his brother elected as comptroller (probably
with the intention of covering up his extracurricular use
of the warrants) but the town was now buzzing with
rumors of the forged notes and Harry at last admitted to
himself that the game was up for good. So on October
6th, Harry, his family, and brother told friends they
were planning a sailing trip and then fled the city in a
chartered brig.
Immediately after their departure, the storm broke.
Harry had left owing between $800,000 and $900,000
and hundreds of people found that they were holding
worthless notes. As the news spread, a mob of angry
creditors descended on city hall. They included bankers,
brokers, merchants, mechanics and even Harry's
laundress. If Harry had been nothing else, then he had
been impartial, distributing his victims amongst the
high and the low alike.
Whole No. 91
touched off by such a large fraud could be traced up to
1856. The effect on a city already suffering through a
full scale depression was terrific and Sherman reported
home that this was... "by far the most serious disaster
that has befallen a community like ours, when
confidence in men at best was small, now we suspect
everybody for Meiggs was deemed incorruptible,
honest, though known to be a heavy and daring
operator". On a rather tragic note Sherman added that
"up to the very day of his flight, poor people are known
to have opportuned him to take their small earnings to
invest for them."
While Harry was putting as many miles as possible
between himself and all this furor, some of his creditors
were busy chartering another ship to pursue him.
Evidently though, Harry still had a few believers left,
despite everything, as they reportedly bribed the ship's
captain to delay his departure until Harry had too great
a head start. Ironically, the few people who believed
that Meiggs really was "Honest Harry" were eventually
proven correct.
Meiggs and his family sailed first to Taihiti and then
moved on to Chile. There he began a new career as a
railroad contractor and built the most difficult section
of the line from Valparaiso to Santiago. When the
Peruvian government learned of his success, they
invited him to build another treacherous mountain
railway in their country. Harry's luck had returned and
his new career brought him both another fortune and a
renewed reputation.
Surprisingly enough, once Harry had the means
again, he did not forget the people he had left in the
lurch and made every effort to see that all of his
legitimate creditors were paid in full. San Francisco
had always been a city with its own special rules and
Harry was not only forgiven, but the state legislature
even passed a bill exempting him from prosecution. The
governor, however, doubted its legality and refused to
sign it and so although Honest Harry did redeem his
nickname, he was never able to return to San Francisco
and he died in Peru in 1877. Harry's character and
public service had gained him the respect of the
Peruvians and left him deeply mourned.
References and Sources:
Meanwhile, banker Sherman was congratulating
himself because while he had again let Harry borrow
some - $50,000, he was left holding some excellent
security-the mortgage to Harry's house and the rest in
city warrants. Sherman's peace of mind didn't last long
when it was soon discovered that many of the warrants
being held by people were spurious, and Lucas, Turner
also joined the ranks of the swindled. Even the city
treasurer was out $20,000 and the failures that were
William Tecumseh Sherman; Gold Rush Banker, Dwight L.
Clarke, 1969, California Historical Society.
History of California, Theodore H. Hittell, San Francisco,
1897, N. J. Stone & Co.,
1 1
History of the San Francisco Bay Region, Bailey Millard,
1924, The American Historical Society, Inc.
Paper Money Page 21
A 07 052 001 *
B 16 000 001 J
B 52 480 001 J
B 16 640 001 *
E 90 240 001 F
E 00 000 001 G
E 03 200 001 *
A 07 680 000 *
B 52 480 000 J
B 53 120 000 J
B 17 280 000 *
E 99 840 000 F
E 05 760 000 G
E 03 840 000 *
ONE DOLLAR 1977A G 02 560 001 H G 42 240 000 H 39,680,000
1977A B 94 720 001 I B 99 840 000 I 5,120,000 1977A G 10 880 001 * G 11 520 000 * 640,000
1977A B 00 000 001 J B 16 000 000 J 16,000,000 1977A H 62 720 001 C H 84 480 000 C 21,760,000
1977A B 16 016 001 * B 16 640 000 * 128,000 1977A H 04 488 001 * H 05 120 000 * 384,000
1977A D 76 160 001 C D 94 080 000 C 17,920,000 I977A I 15 360 001 B I 36 480 000 B 21,120,000
1977A D 07 692 001 * D 08 320 000 * 256,000 1977A I 36 480 001 B I 37 120 000 B 640,000
1977A E 70 400 001 F E 90 240 000 F 19,840,000 1977A L 11 520 001 H L 43 520 000 H 32,000,000
1977A E 02 560 001 * E 03 200 000 * 640,000 1977A L 11 520 001 * L 12 160 000 * 640,000
I977A F 02 560 001 H F 41 600 000 H 39,040,000
1977A F 13 440 001 * F 14 080 000 * 640,000
1977A J 46 080 001 D J 74 880 000 D 28,800,000 FIVE DOLLARS
1977A J 09 600 001 * J 10 240 000 * 640,000 1977A B 18 560 001 C B 27 520 000 C 8,960,000
I977A K 25 600 001 E K 41 600 000 E 16,000,000 1977A D 97 280 001 A D 99 840 000 A 2,560,000
1977A K 09 600 001 * K 10 240 000 * 640,000 1977A D 00 000 001 B D 02 560 000 B 2,560,000
1977A L 88 320 001 G L 99 840 000 G 11,520,000 1977A E 32 000 001 B E 40 960 000 B 8,960,000
1977A L 00 000 001 H L 11 520 000 H 11,520,000 1977A E 03 856 001 * E 04 480 000 * 128,000
1977A F 03 852 001 F 04 480 000 * 256,000
1977A H 62 080 001 A H 70 400 000 A 8,320,000
1977A H 01 292 001 * H 01 920 000 * 256,000
K 89 600 001 A
K 02 576 001 *
K 94 720 000 A
K 03 200 000
1977A A 67 200 001 A A 78 080 000 A 10,880,000 1977A L 58 880 001 B L 70 400 000 B 11,520,000
1977A B 08 960 001 C B 18 560 000 C 9,600,000 1977A L 04 480 001 * L 05 120 000 * 640,000
1977A F 49 280 001 B F 62 720 000 B 13,440,000
1977A F 03 216 001 * F 03 840 000 * 128,000
1977A G 98 560 001 B G 99 840 000 B 1,280,000 TEN DOLLARS
1977A G 00 000 001 C G 10 240 000 C 10,240,000 1977A B 41 600 001 D B 54 400 000 D 12,800,000
1977A B 11 520 001 * B 12 160 000 * 640,000
1977A D 90 240 001 A D 97 920 000 A 7,680,000
1977A D 02 560 001 * D 03 200 000 * 640,000
E 98 560 001 A E 99 840 000 A
E 00 000 001 B E 06 400 000 B
F 88 960 001 A F 99 840 000 A
F 00 000 001 B F 01 280 000 A
F 01 920 001 * F 02 560 000 *
G 01 280 001 C
H 53 760 001 A
K 72 320 001 A
K 02- 576 001 *
L 83 840 001 A
L 03 212 001 *
G 11 520 000 C
H 60 160 000 A
K 77 440 000 A
K 03 200 000 *
L 90 240 000 A
L 03 840 000 *
1977A G 90 240 001 B G 99 840 000 B 9,600,000
1977A G 00 000 001 C G 01 280 000 C 1,280,000
G 07 040 001 * G 07 680 000 *
J 56 960 001 A J 64 000 000 A
J 03 852 001 * J 04 480 000 *
B 42 880 001 D
B 62 080 000 D
B 08 320 001 *
B 08 960 000 *
1977 H 76 160 001 A H 85 120 000 A 8,960,000
1977 L 32 000 001 B L 67 840 000 B 35,840,000
TWENTY DOLLARS 1977 L 05 120 001 * L 05 760 000 * 640,000
1977 B 33 280 001 D B 42 880 000 D 9,600,000
1977 B 07 680 001 * B 08 320 000 * 640,000
1977 G 51 840 001 C G 60 160 000 C 8,320,000
1977 J 01 280 001 B J 07 680 000 B 6,400,000 FIFTY DOLLARS
1977 J 02 572 001 * J 03 200 000 * 256,000 1977 A 05 120 001 A A 07 040 000 A 1,920,000
1977 J 03 840 001 * J 04 480 000 * 640,000 1977 A 07 040 001 A A 07 680 000 A 640,000
1977 K 94 080 001 A K 99 840 000 A 5,760,000 1977 A 00 128 001 * A 00 192 000 64,000
1977 K 00 000 001 B K 08 960 000 B 896,000 1977 A 01 936 001 * A 02 560 000 * 128,000
1977 K 05 120 001 * K 05 760 000 * 640,000 1977 A 02 576 001 * A 03 200 000 * 128,000
1977 G 30 720 001 A G 32 000 000 A 1,280,000
A 05 120 001 A
A 08 320 001 A
A 08 320 000 A
A 08 960 000 A
ONE DOLLAR 1977 A 00 014 001 * A 00 640 000 * 192,000
1977 B 82 560 001 A B 87 680 000 A 5,120,000
1977A A 89 600 001 C A 99 840 000 C 10,240,000 1977 B 07 054 001 * B 07 680 000 * 192,000
1977A A 00 000 001 D A 05 760 000 D 5,760,000 1977 G 22.400 001 A G 26 240 000 A 3,840,000
I977A A 05 760 001 D A 06 400 000 D 640,000 1977 G 00 320 001 * G 00 384 000 * 64,000
$2 silver certificate of 1899 with autograph of Houston
B. Tehee, Register of the Treasury.
Page 22 Whole No. 91
Treasury Note Essays of 1899
(Continued from Paper Money No. 90)
By Gene Hessler, NLG
It was 1899, the year Scott Joplin wrote the Maple
Leaf Rag, the Philippine Insurrection broke out against
Spain, John Hay notified the capitals of the world about
our Open Door Policy, President McKinley, the first
President to ride in an automobile, was assassinated
while doing so, and perhaps most germane to students
of paper money, William Jennings Bryan was seeking
the Presidency of the United States as a Democrat for
the third time.
From 1897 to 1900, the educational notes were still
being printed in progressively smaller totals while the
1891 silver certificates were issued simultaneously to fill
the void which resulted from the criticism of the silver
certificates of 1896. The new series of 1899 was intended
to replace all silver certificates.
In the 11 February 1899 issue of The New York Times
there was mention of the release of new $1 notes; the 12
June edition informed the reader that $2 notes were
symbolic figures of Mechanics and Agriculture. This
same portrait of Washington was later used on the
following Philippine Island 10 peso notes: Silver
certificates of 1912, national bank circulating notes,
and treasury certificates of 1918 and 1924. The
Washington portrait was also selected for the $20 U. S.
Postal Savings Coupon Bond of 1911.
Four months after the $1 note was released the plates
were re-engraved. However, this altered design would
bear the wording and obligation of a treasury note.
Engraving work was completed on 5 September 1900. 2
Alteration of the $2 design to a treasury note was being
done as late as 16 October 1899. 3 Both essays are in the
files at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
Before we speculate as to why these alterations were
made, it is necessary to bring William Jennings Bryan
into the picture.
A $10 silver certificate was prepared but was never
released as such; it was altered to a United States note.'
The vignettes for the $1, $2 and $5 notes were
engraved by G. F. C. Smillie. A portrait of Lincoln based
on a photograph by Mathew Brady and another of
Grant are seen on either side of The Eagle of the Capitol.
The $2 note bears a portrait of Washington with the
The Act of 14 March 1900 retired and cancelled the
treasury notes of 1980. These notes had been used as
payment for the 4,500,000 ounces of silver the U. S.
Government was obligated to purchase each month at
market price. The same treasury notes could be
redeemed in silver or gold. Secretary of the Treasury
William Windom foolishly decided that the treasury or
coin notes should be redeemed in gold and then reissued.
Taxpayers could thank Senator John Sherman and his
• • .
Paper Money Page 23
Essay for the $1 treasury note of 1899.
When compared to the issued silver certificates, face
and back designs differ only in the type of note and
Silver Purchase Act of 14 July 1890 for the
government's exorbitant monthly outlay of money to
purchase silver. The government was bailing out the
silver interests just as it would Lockheed and Chrysler
in the next century.
William Jennings Bryan was a staunch advocate of
free silver and had a considerable following. Some of
those believers were sincere and others were, shall we
say, peculiar. Gov . David H. Waite of Colorado was a
friend of the miners; he was known as the "Abraham
Essay for the $2 treasury note of 1899.
Page 24 Whole No. 91
Back essay design for the $2 treasury note of 1899.
Lincoln of the Rockies." From Minnesota there was
"Sockless" Jerry Simpson who condemned the
railroads. Then there was "yellin"' Mary Elizabeth
Lease who exhorted the farmers "to raise less corn and
more hell." Around the country many partisan groups
were organized for the fray. The National Bimetallic
Union, the American Bimetallic League and the
National Silver Committee are but three examples.
Annual Report of the Bureau of Engraving and
So, it's anyone's guess as to why the designs of at least
two notes already in circulation were altered to notes
that were being phased out. Perhaps Secretary Gage
remained ardent in his desire to see notes of similar
denomination bear identical designs as mentioned in
One of the Philippine 10 peso notes which bears the
same portrait of Washington engraved by G. F. C.
Bryan was to become the Democratic nominee for
President, and Secretary of Treasury Gage, for one, was
fearful Bryan would be elected. In the 17 August 1900
edition of The New York Times, Gage warned the
country that Bryan would keep his pledge to do away
with the gold standard. In fact, Bryan had been quoted
as saying indeed he would not accept the nomination
unless the coinage of free silver was part of the platform.
"There is no doubt," Gage said, "Mr. Bryan could order
his Secretary of the Treasury to make payment in silver
of all the public debt payable in coin, and for all current
disbursements of the Government as well which
amount of $1,500,000 to $1,750,000 per day."
The treasury notes of 1891 were still in circulation;
however, these were listed for the last time in the 1900
A political cartoon of William Jennings Bryan hanging
on to his languishing free silver issue. Courtesy of the
New York Public Library.
h I
Paper Money
A campaign poster of 1900 replete with reminders and
symbolism. Courtesy of the New York Public Library.
the first part of this article. As an example of his plan,
Secretary Gage could have chosen a note type that was
being discontinued. He feared the election of William
Jennings Bryan, and, in anticipation of an immediate
need for treasury notes to purchase silver if Bryan was
elected, it is doubtful if Gage would have aided Bryan by
having new treasury note designs waiting in the wings.
Such a need would only be delayed with the
appointment of a new Secretary of the Treasury.
Bryan surprised everyone by campaigning against
President McKinley's foreign policy of imperialism:
silver was not the number one issue. Nevertheless,
Bryan was defeated 7,217,525 to 6,358,737.
Secretary Gage also lost support for his plan to
simplify the design of our paper money. Probable
examples were put aside and filed away. as often
happens to unpopular ideas. But now, after 80 years,
two examples of "what might have been" have been
disclosed for the enjoyment and benefit of syngraphists.
1, "Story of an Unissued Silver Certificate", Gene Hessler,
Paper Money, Vol. 12, 1973, No. 4
2. In a letter dated 24 June 1980 from the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing.
3. Ibid.
Page 25
by Peter Huntoon
Sooner or later every collector of paper money spruces
up his collection with some exotic serial numbers. For
some this is just a way to add a little dressing, for others,
serials are an obsession. Regardless, they offer lots of
enjoyment and have been important, and constructive,
elements in the hobby since its inception.
You might be surprised to learn that many early
collectors spent a great deal of effort in locating low and
attractive serials. Col. Green and Albert Grinnell owned
loads of them and, in fact, their holdings were the
ultimate sources for many of the attractive and low
serials in the large size series offered in the market
Number 1's are the top of the heap.
Philpot Gets $135!
William Philpot handled hundreds of low serial
numbered notes in his lifetime. In fact, Philpot sold me
the $20 1934 FRN shown here with serial K00000001*.
This was the first note for which I paid more than $100!
After the paper bug bit me in 1963, I began to expand my
horizons from the current $1, $2, and $5 denominations
to bigger things. In 1965, I decided to try for a type set of '
the early small size $5's, particularly the $5 1928 and
1934 FRN's. Just as my appetite increased, I stumbled
across one of Philpot's ads in Coin World offering low
serial 1929 Federal Reserve Bank Notes.
Page 26
He did not list green seal Feds, but having heard of
him before, and believing that he probably had saved
packs of low serial notes from the old days, I took a
chance. I wrote him requesting that he send me a
selection of the early FRN $5's and if possible to include
some with serials under 100. I boldly enclosed a check
for $200 and expected to get at least eight notes in
return. That did not work out.
Instead, Philpot sent a registered letter containing
two notes: the K00000001* shown here at $135, and a $20
Series of 1929 FRBN with serial C00000051A at $65. The
latter was a note from his ad that had not moved. He
advised that he was temporarily out of low serial $5
FRN's. I was a little hesitant to spend so much for two
notes and was preparing to send the lot back. My wife
intereceded on behalf of the number one — she, it turned
out, could not live without it so we kept the lot. That was
the first and last thing I ever got from Philpot, but the
psychological barrier of spending over $100 for a single
note was down! Also, my wife had a stake of her own in
the collection so there was peace at home.
Single digits are always popular
Low Serials
It seems that there is a fair market for any notes from
the first pack — that is, notes with serials 1 to 100. Of
course, the best are the single digit notes and the even or
pretty numbers such as 20 or 44. However, numbers
such as 67 eventually sell. Once you get above serial 100,
they move much more slowly. Above 1000 and you can
count on spending most of your find.
Early FRN $1 collectors used to get very excited about'
four-zero notes, those starting with 0000. When I used to
collect the things, I beat the bushes for these low serials.
They commonly sold for about $3 to $5 each. I don't see
too many offered any more but am somewhat away
from the crowd who collects them. When I handled the
Whole No. 91
Harry Colemen Estate, we had hundreds of them, and a
few hundred eventually deposited in the bank to clear
the estate.
I have always enjoyed the low serials on small notes
more than those on the large size because they look more
dramatic with their preceding zeros. For visual impact,
compare the small size K00000001* with the large size
M1A shown here. Same goes for the large $1 SC with
serial D2B, as compared to the 1935E $1 with serial
M00000003H. As an historical footnote, you might find
it interesting to learn that Abe Kosoff sold the M1A to
me in one of his fixed price "warehouse" cleaning sales
in 1966. The price — $27.50.
Contrary to the popular myth, not all first packs are
caught at the Feds and sold to major dealers. Many
reach banks and are unceremoniously dumped into
circulation. I remember having the first two bricks of
1963 $5 FRN's with serials 1 through 8000 floating
around Arizona for months. The lowest serial that I was
able to recover from circulation was K00000087A. The
nicest, K00005555A. Both grades VF or so. Shown is a
similar $5 with serial J00000022A which a teller friend
recovered in Tucson. This circulated hundreds of miles
and many months before being discovered.
All aces!
Attractive Serials
If you like serials, go for the best because they always
have a ready market. For example get the eight-of-a-
kinds, or attractive repeaters like the 31313131 shown
here. Notes such as the large $1 1899 SC with the serial
U59999999U are nice but they just don't quite have the
stellar appeal as a more perfect serial. Of course, they
look a lot nicer in a collection than the average number,
but sometimes they cause more frustration than
Radar serials seem to have a ready market, especially
those consisting of two digits such as 04000040.
However, even notes such as the $1 Series of 1891
Treasury Note shown here with serial B43577534* can
find a happy home.
Even National Bank Note collectors take pride in the
number one serials in their collections. Many thousands
of number one sheets were issued in all series of
Paper Money
Eight of a kind
Matched serials and district letters
Nationals. Surviving specimens and sheets grace many
collections and always bring a premium. The market for
other low numbers, those between two and 100, for
instance, is surprisingly soft in Nationals. They just do
not have the appeal of their counterparts in the other
series. Why, I don't know, but even I don't value them
too highly. They just come as a bonus. What I would find
very interesting on a National Bank Note would be a
number one TREASURY serial. A prominent dealer
friend claims to have one but he has been reluctant to
show it to me for some reason. Have you seen one?
An unusually good radar serial note: B43577534*
Page 27
Matched End Numbers?
The only serial fad that I have been unable to
understand is the matched end number syndrome in the
current FRN $1 and $2 notes. Here the collector breaks
his neck to find notes all ending in the same two, three,
or even four serials, regardless of the first numbers in
the serial. You end up with notes looking like 68507899,
27437899, etc. I have found that unless they are the
rarest blocks, they spend just as well as the next note.
Before you dive headlong into serials, learn from the
standard catalogues and other references just how the
various series were serial numbered. There are
surprises. For example, there are lots of number one
notes in certain early series such as the Demand Notes
because serial numbering reverted to one frequently in'
the numbering process. Remember that except for type 2
1929 notes, all notes on a sheet of Nationals have the
same serial. If you get an uncirculated specimen, there
are usually three or five more of them floating around
from the same sheet depending on whether it is a large
or small size note.
Not all low numbers are caught at the source. This note
from the first pack circulated all the way to Tucson,
Arizona, before being discovered in very good condition.
Attractive repeaters always have a ready market
Attractive serials are always popular but all 9's would
be better!
Top note out of the first sheet of $100's on this bank. No
high serials are possible because the bank issued only
19 sheets!
The McGill National Bank of McGill, Nevada, Charter
We are indebted to our Society member, Michael C.
Little, who proclaims with gusto, "A good find, aye".
Yes, indeed, with the surfacing of the above Third Char-
ter, Plain Back $10 note we now have recorded the
companion to the $20 note of the same charter-issing
period illustrated on page 301 in the publication Nevada
Sixteen National Banks and Their Mining Camps.
These are the only large size notes known to exist of the
$319,150 worth issued to the McGill National Bank.
Page 28
Whole No. 91
1 9,2395 IlfiTI011fil Bf11111 1101I VARIETIES BY. .M. OWEN WARNS
re Third Charter McGill, Nevada National Note Surfaces
McGill National Bank
Charter 9452
'chartered on June 17, 1909 with a capital of $25,000.
'closed; consolidated with No. 9310 on May 9, 1934, capital of
'circulation was assumed by No. 9310
•Circulation Issued
•Third Charter 1902-1908 Backs
10- 10- 10- 20 plate = $116,000, worth; 2320 sheets,
serials 1 to 2320
"Third Charter Plain Back Blue Seals
10- 10- 10- 20 plate = $203,150 worth; 4063 sheets, serials 2321
to 6383
• liability for redeeming the outstanding circulation assumed
by No. 9310
'liability for redeeming the outstanding circulation assumed
by 9310
"first notes sent to the bank on July 30, 1909
•last notes sent to the bank on "Amount outstanding on
May 9, 1934
May 14, 1934
'Officers in various annual
'Large Size - $1,210.
°Presidents 'Cashiers
"W.N. McGill (1909 report)
•P.C. Cripps (1909-10 reports)
•Wm. B. Thompson (1910-12 •II. J. Muller (1911-14, 1919-20
reports) reports)
"Arthur Smith (1913-22 •A.P. Slichter (1915-18 reports)
reports) "A.E. Preston (1922, 29-35
•0.G. Bates (1929-33 reports) reports)
Original home of the McGill National Bank, still in
use today as a branch bank of the Nevada National
Bank of Reno.
With the surfacing of this coveted McGill note,
collectors of National Bank Notes, particularly those
engaged in the Nevada study, are likely to become
increasingly optimistic about the eventual surfacing of
a note or notes from the heretofore three unreported
Nevada charters. Following is the pertinent data on
these three charters with regard to the amount of notes
they issued by charter periods. The small amount of
outstanding notes for each bank as set forth in the
Comptroller of the Currency reports is emphasized'
with arrows placed at the right of the amount.
First National Bank of Nevada of Austin
Charter 1331
(This was the first National Bank to be chartered west of
•organized on June 23, 1865 with a capital of $155,000,
•placed in receivership on Oct. 14, 1869; capital of $250,000,
•reason for failure: incompetent management.
•Circulation Issued
CLosu: of lirsINEss, NI.thcii 5, 19:8I
II 1-.morticEs I.I‘It11.1111.15
Loans and Discounts $186,377.69 Capital Stock ....$ 25.000.00
flank ing House and Fixtures . 4.295.10 Surplus and Undivided Profits .. 28,983.76
5'; Redemption Fund 1.250.00 Circ ulat ion . .. 25,000.00
(((her Assets 3,349.21 Rediscounts None
1Nlarketable Bonds $242,597.04 Bills Payable None
United States Bonds .... 80.559.39 DEPOSITS 540,738.84
('ash and due from hanks 101.294.18/
$619,722.60 $619,722.60
Paper Money Page 29
The above statement was issued 60 days before liquida-
•First Charter Original Series
5-5-5-5 plate=$71,700 worth; 3585 sheets, serials 1 to 3585
10- 10- 10- 20 plate =$60,000, worth; 1200 sheets, serials 1 to
•Total amount of circulation issued - $131,700,
•Amount outstanding at close - $129,700
•Amount outstanding in 1915 - $897.
First National Bank of Rhyolite
Charter 8686
•organized on May 14, 1907 with a capital of $50,000.
•placed in receivership on Mar. 23, 1910; capital of $50,000.
•reason for failure: defalcation of officers
•Circulation Issued —
•Third Charter Red Seals
5- 5- 5- 5 plate = £8040, worth: 402 sheets, serials 1 to 402
10- 10- 10- 10 plate=$16,720, worth; 418 sheets, serials 1 to 418
•Third Charter 1902-1908 Backs
5- 5- 5- 5 plate = $4,040, worth; 202 sheets, serials 1 to 202
10- 10- 10- 10 plate = $1,840, worth; 46 sheets, serials 1 to 46
•Total amount of circulation issued - $30,640.
•Amount outstanding at close - $12,500
'Amount outstanding in 1915 - $295
First National Bank of Carson City
Charter 9242
•chartered on Sept. 28 1908 with a capital of $50,000.
'placed in voluntary liquidation on Nov. 15, 1910; capital of
•Circulation Issued
•Third Charter 1902-1908 Backs
5- 5- 5- 5 plate = $6,100, worth; 305 sheets, serials 1 to 305
10- 10- 10- 20 plate =$11,200, worth; 224 sheets, serials 1 to 224
•Total amount of circulation issued - $17,300.
•Amount outstanding at close - $12,500
•Amount outstanding in Oct., 1911 - $3,105.
•first notes sent to the bank on Nov. 18, 1908
'last notes sent to the bank on Jan. 20, 1910
Persons and publications consulted in the preparation of this
Josephine Roberts, McGill, Nevada.
Gordon Lathrop, Ely, Nevada.
Nevada Historical Society, Reno, Nevada
National Banks of the Note Issuing Period, 1863-1935, by
Louis Van Belkum
Nevada Sixteen National Banks and Their Mining Camps,
by M. Owen Warns.
Paper Money of the United States, by Robert Friedberg.
Page 30
Whole No. 91
©1980 Roger H. Durand
Public Acceptance of Bank Notes
During the State Bank era, public acceptance was
necessary for the operation of any bank. The security of
the banks was always in question, so the banks used
several methods to demonstrate their safety in the eyes
of the public. Local merchants patronized the local
banks; insurance companies, in several cases, financed
banks. Mill owners either owned or financed banks for
their employees in the areas of the mills' location. The
banks themselves had attractive notes printed to try to
enhance public confidence. Various design devices were
used on the notes to illustrate safety. Devices such as an
eagle, denoting strength; a famous person such as a
president, to demonstrate reliability; or a dog on a safe
to symbolize safety and protection were used from time
to time. The best method was to have officers who were
above reproach in the community to manage the bank.
The more influential the officers were, the more readily
acceptable the bank's notes were. Throughout the
history of the United States, we find that several
famous men were officers of banks and among them the
name of Samuel Slater certainly stands out as a shining
example of a famous American. His integrity was
unquestionable in the Rhode Island area.
"The Father of American
Samuel Slater was born in Belper, Derbyshire,
England on June 6, 1768. At the age of 14, he
apprenticed himself to Jedediah Strutt of Milford to
learn the trade of cotton spinning. At the age of 22, after
employment by Strutt and Arkwright, makers of the
Arkwright machines in England, Slater came to
America and was employed by Moses Brown to operate
the cotton jenny at the Pawtucket mill. The machines
there were so obsolete as to be worthless. Slater, his
mind filled with the knowledge from his experience in
England, offered to build new machinery. Great
Britain, at the time, allowed no plans, diagrams or
instructions out of the country, particularly as far as the
colonies were concerned. They wanted the colonies
producing the raw material only, and the mother
country the finished product. Slater changed all this for
all time. With no drawings, descriptions or models, he
constructed, mostly by hand, and from memory only,
the most intricate machinery and forever changed the
entire future of the country as far as manufacturing and
textiles were concerned.
In 1793, the famous old mill was built along the banks
of the Blackstone River at the Pawtucket Falls. It still
stands today as a tribute to Samuel Slater. The mill was
highly successful and Slater expanded his interests and
acquired additional mills in Rhode Island and
elsewhere. In 1812, within a radius of 30 miles from
Providence, Rhode Island boasted of 33 mills with
86,000 spindles. Thus, we see the reason why Slater was
called "The Father of American Manufactures".
Paper Money Page 31
Second President Of The
Manufacturers Bank
The first bank incorporated in Pawtucket was The
Manufacturers Bank. It was chartered in 1813 with
Samuel Slater as one of the 13 members of the board of
directors. He served as the second president from 1819
until 1831, when he retired due to ill health, probably
brought on by the textile panic of 1829. The bank was
moved to Providence in 1831 over Slater's objections. He
wanted to keep the bank in Pawtucket but during the
textile panic he had endorsed notes in the then
tremendous amount of $3000, which caused him great
financial troubles, and he was no longer in a position to
dictate the policies of the bank. The bank survived these
trying times and went on to become The Manufacturers
National Bank in 1865. In 1898, it be came the
Manufacturers Trust Company. Even during these
difficult times, the public readily accepted the notes
from this bank. Genuine specimens are scarce, as most
notes were redeemed. Notes signed by Samuel Slater
were so acceptable that he was still signing them in
1842, seven years after his death!
About the Note
This spurious note was supposedly printed by Durand,
Perkins & Co., New York. The racketeer, in his haste to
make a note readily acceptable to the public, used a
phoney Slater signature and neglected to check the
date. Actually both the president's and the cashier's
signatures were inaccurate for the date on the note. This
spurious note is the same general type used with several
different bank titles and several different locations. The
Manufacturers Bank of Providence issued no genuine
note with this type of design.
Providence Plantation for Two Hundred Fifty Years, by
Welcome Arnold Greene, Providence, R. I. J. A. & R. A. Reed,
Richard Kelly's
Notes From Over Here!
Counterfeit Riels
Counterfeit 500 riel notes of Cambodia, like the one
illustrated, have been on the market for a year or so, but
some collectors are still having difficulty in distinguish-
ing the real from the false. The main difference
between the two is that the genuine notes are partially
printed from intaglio plates, so that, for example, the
Cambodian text at the top center of the obverse, namely
feels raised to the touch, especially when a fingernail is
run slowly across it. The text of the counterfeits is
surface printed and feels smooth to the touch. In
addition, greyish white, and not pure white, paper was
used in the printing of most of the counterfeits, and the
"watermarks" on all of them appear to have been
pressed onto the paper after its manufacture — in fact,
these would not be watermarks at all unless they were
formed while the paper itself was being made.
The machines used to number the counterfeits were
evidently in a state of disrepair. The number 2, the last
digit of 91442, the number in the bottom left of the
illustrated note, is misaligned, and similar
misalignments have been noticed on many of the
counterfeits. Another interesting feature of this note
and of the 100+ counterfeits seen by me is that the first
digit of the number in the bottom left is always a nine.
Has any collector seen a counterfeit without a nine in
this position?
Literature and Sources for Notes
For a study of the Cambodian series see "Signature
and Other Varieties of Cambodian Banknotes", Spink's
Numismatic Circular, March 1979. The counterfeits are
generally available from most U. S. dealers in foreign
paper money; in the same grade they should cost
considerably less than the genuine notes. Erwin Beyer
of Josef-Roth Strasse 138, 53 Bonn-Bad Godesberg,
West Germany, travels extensively in the Far East and
has many notes to sell. If you are prepared to wait
(because of his travels), send him a wants list; his prices
are very competitive.
Page 32
Whole No. 91
,9° yea, The BuckStops HerBarbara R. Mueller, NLG
Herzog Hollender Phillips & Co., of 9 Old Bond Street,
London W1X 3TA, has published an elaborate ten-page
brochure, approximately 8 x 111/2 and illustrated in full
color on Collecting Old Bonds & Share Certificates —
An Introduction. Emphasis is on investment
possibilities but the succinct delineation between bearer
and registered bonds is useful to the collector. The
frontispiece is a delightful lithograph of a Banque
Industrielle de Chine "reserve stock certificate", offered
for sale at 20 pounds. (This same document is advertised
as "the most beautiful of all Chinese bonds" by Antique
Securities Ltd. of 31, Hatton Garden, London EC1, and
priced at 75 pounds. Its illustration shows portions of
five coupons also, yet further in the description the item
is called "these shares".)
HHP & Co. also published in the same format a 28-
page "1980 Catalogue First Edition" illustrated in black
and white. The section on Russian railways is
abbreviated, with a full list offered separately.
Otherwise emphasis is on Brazil and Latin America,
China, France and Colonies, Britain, Scandinavia, and
an extensive U. S. group of railroads, industrials,
banks, and Confederates. The individual listings are
often prefaced by statistics about the issues.
Finally, HHP & Co. has begun publishing Old Bond
Times, the "newspaper of scripophily" on a bimonthly
schedule. Actually a four-page newsletter in the
company's publication format, issue number one is
dated October 1980. It is edited by Deborah Stratton and
in addition to the usual hobby promotion pieces and
market commentary, it contains a useful survey of the
U. S. Civil War and Confederate bonds. What promises
to be a continuing feature is called "Looking After Your
Collection" and deals with cleaning and repair. The
annual subscription is eight pounds.
Featured articles in Stanley Gibbons Currency, Ltd.
monthly list publication Bonds & Share Certificates
August 1980 — "The Shanghai-Naking Railway
Loan" and "The Canton-Kowloon Railway Loan".
September 1980 — "Companhia de Mossamedes" and
"Chicago, St. Louis & New Orleans: The Connection
from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico."
Elsewhere in this issue you will find a new feature
entitled "Information for Authors". It will be repeated
regularly, in every issue if possible. Its purpose is to
encourage, not constrict, the flow of articles for PAPER
MONEY and aid potential authors. The rules, if you
choose to call them that, are not written in stone; they
can be modified to meet special individual needs.
Actually, I prefer the term "guidelines", for they are
intended to guide authors to the specific goal of timely
publication of articles constructed to elucidate rather
than obfuscate.
"Timely" is a key word. For instance, a submission of
a useful article on identifying security printing methods
that is typed single-space will automatically be delayed
until the manuscript can be retyped double-space. If this
hypothetical article arrives close to the deadline for the
next issue, it is quite likely that it will be delayed until
the following issue because of the extra processing
Obviously, all concerned will be happier when the
guidelines are followed. As editor, I will be overjoyed. As
editor, I also must beg periodically for a continued flow
of articles, so here is my annual plea: Please help me
accumulate a backlog, a cushion as it were. I operate on
the edge of disaster, shooting the works in any one issue.
So far I have been fortunate to garner sufficient
material for each forthcoming issue in the interval
following publication of the previous issue, but such a
schedule becomes a bit "hairy" at vacation and
convention times.
As to desired content—we cover everything in
syngraphics so there is little we can't use. But I must
emphasize the continued special need for articles on
world paper money and a growing need for information
on scripophily, the fascinating new specialty.
Please feel free to write to me about your dreams for
that special article. Please don't fret about your literary
prowess or feel embarrassed about such details as
punctuation; I will help you; that is my job. Please be
yourself, don't plagiarize, and have fun.
Paper Money
Page 33
Regional Meetings -
Milwaukee, Wisconsin — March 7 - 8, 1981; South Shore Coin Club, Annual Spring
Show, MECCA Convention Center, Kilbourn & 6th St. SPMC will hold an informal coffee
and Danish get-together March 7 at 10:30 a.m. For further information contact Wendell
Wolka, Box 366, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521.
Willimantic, Connecticut — March 22, 1981; Mansfield Numismatic Society 9th
annual coin show at Ukrainian National Home, Rt. #6 east of Willimantic town line.
Bourse & exhibits; SPMC promotional materials; free admission. Contact C. John Ferreri,
P. 0. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268.
Indianapolis, Indiana - April 2 - 5, 1981; Central States Numismatic Society Annual
Convention, Indiana Convention Center. SPMC will hold an informal coffee and Danish
get-together April 4. For further information contact Wendell Wolka, Box 366, Hinsdale,
Illinois 60521.
National Meetings
Memphis, Tennessee - June 19 - 21, 1981; Memphis 5th Paper Money Show, Holiday
Inn - Rivermont. Usual activities — times to be determined. Watch this space and the
numismatic press for further details. For bourse table space or further information contact
Mike Crabb, Box 17871, Memphis, Tennessee 38117.
New Orleans, Louisiana - July 27 - August 2, 1981; American Numismatic
Association Annual Convention, New Orleans. Usual activities - banquet planned; times
to be determined. Watch this space and the numismatic press for further details regarding
SPMC activities at this event.
International Meetings —
Toronto, Canada - July 15 - 18, 1981; International Paper Money Congress and
Exhibition (INTERPAM '81). Meetings/ exhibition/ educational programs/ international
bourse/ auction sale. Sponsored by International Bank Note Society and Canadian Paper
Money Society. SPMC will hold a regional meeting at this event. Watch this space and the
numismatic press for further details. For information contact W. H . "Will" McDonald,
INTERPAM '81, P. 0. Box 704, Station B, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M2K 2P9
Page 34
Notes t:"
With the advent of the New Year, initial planning for
many of the Society's activities and programs is being
completed. As you will note elsewhere in this issue, a
number of regional meetings are already scheduled,
with more likely to be added during the course of the
year. We are also working with the Memphis Coin Club
and ANA to set up our traditional activities held in
conjunction with the International Paper Money Show
and the ANA convention in June and July respectively.
Call for Nominations
Each year, five members are elected to three-year
terms on the Board of Governors. I have appointed the
Whole No. 91
following nominating committee to develop a slate of
candidates for your consideration for this year's
—Charles Colver, Chairman (611 N. Banna Ave.,
Covina, CA 91724)
—C. John Ferreri (Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268)
—Richard Jones (Box 1981, Roanoke, VA 24009)
If you have any ideas regarding potential candidates
for Governor, anyone on the committee would be
pleased to hear from you. Additionally, candidates can
be put on the ballot by petition. In order to exercise this
option, a petition, signed by ten members in good
standing, as well as the proposed candidate's
acceptance must be in the Secretary's hands by no later
than March 1,1981. Mail ballots will be distributed with
the May/June issue of PAPER MONEY. Results of the
election will be announced at the ANA convention in
New Orleans the end of July. Those Governors whose
terms expire this year include Larry Adams, Tom Bain,
Paul Garland, Peter Huntoon and Jasper Payne.
As always, if you have any comments, thoughts, or
questions, please feel free to write to me at Box 366,
Hinsdale, IL 60521.
A. R. BEAUDREAU, Secretary
P. 0. Box 3666
Cranston, R. I. 02910
5850 Claude E. Hicks, Rt. #1 Box 103, Economy IN 47339; C,
Military Currency.
5851 Dustinn Gibson, P. 0. Box 245, Siletz, OR 97380; C,
Oregon Nationals.
5852 Torkel L. Tweite, P. 0. Box 11612, Tahoe Paradise, CA
95708; C, Large Size, Fractionals.
5853 Walter H. Riley, P. 0. Box 39, Webster, MA 01570; C,
Broken Bank Notes.
5854 William Theodore Forsberg, Bowling Green State Uni-
versity, Dept. of History, Bowling Green, OH 43403; C,
Russia - Revolution & Civil War issues 1917-1923.
5855 Margaret B. Stefanoff, 758 Sheffield Rd., Sheffield
Lake, OH 44054; C, FRN Blocks.
5856 Jerome M. Skeim, P. 0. Box 117, Long Prairie, MN
56347; C/D.
5857 David Como, 902 Tourmaline St., San Diego, CA 92109;
C, Large Size U. S.
5858 M. Walten, 6120 Brandon Ave.. Springfield, VA 22150;
C, Colonial and Fractional.
5859 Lee E. Poleske, P. 0. Box 871, Seward, AK 99664; C, US
Silver Cert./Africa.
5860 Candice L. Coughlin, 185 Robinson Avenue, South
Attleboro, MA 02703; C, U. S. Currency.
5861 Richard M. Durstine, 5827 Osceola Road, Bethesda,
MD 20016.
5862 John B. Edge, 5534 Southlea Lane, Columbia, GA
31904; C, Fractional, Confederate, Modern.
5863 Garry Williams, P. 0. Box 466, Uniontown, AL 36786;
5864 C. Inskip, 51 Laurel Road, New City, NY 10956; C,
5865 Robert Taggett, 129 Aetna St., Naugatuck, CT 06770;
C/D, Fractional.
5866 Ragnar Haugnes, Asveien 13, N-1320, Stabekk, Nor-
way; C, Norwegian Bank Notes.
5867 John J. Russo, 267 Grove St., Lodi, NJ 07644; C.
5868 Thomas Barrett, 52 Humphrey St., Marblehead, MA
01945; C.
5869 Richard J. Kucera, 946 Garfield St., Lincoln, NE 68502;
C, National Bank Notes
5870 John Pilibosian, 350 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10001
5871 Kenneth A. Koch, 55 Argyle Road, Scarsdale, NY; C,
Current size foreign.
5872 A. David Gerhart, P. 0. Box 285, New Holland, PA
17557; C, National Bank Notes.
5873 Denny Kurir, P. 0. Box 91, Circle Pines, MN 55014;
C /D, Foreign.
5874 Jerry Harp, 140 Ourland Street, Milford, MI 48042
5875 William B. Swoger, Rt. 3, Box 83A, Lake Odessa, MI
48849; C/D.
5876 Ed Rothberg, c/o Emporium Coin Co., Box 606, Moor-
head, MN 56560; C/D, National Currency.
5877 Curt Smallwood, 637 11th Street, West Des Moines, IA
50265; C/D.
5878 R. M. Coffey, P. 0. Box 503, Nashville, IN 47448; C,
5879 John F. Manley, 1091/2 East Abriendo Avenue, Pueblo,
CO 81004; D
Paper Money
Page 35
5880 Donald J. Urchel, 6455 W. Archer St., Chicago, IL
60638; D
5881 N. A. Ruud, Conner Hotel Lobby, Laramie, WY 82070;
5882 John Abel, 6000 Cornhusker Hwy, Lincoln, NE 68507;
5883 Steven B. Powell, Box 545, Manhattan, KS 66502; D,
Choice U. S. & Foreign.
5884 Steven D. Marcus, P. 0. Box 214, Sharon, MA 02069; C
5885 Dr. James A. Haxby, P. 0. Box 4647, Postal Station E,
Ottawa, Ontario K1S, 5H8; C, U. S. Obsolete.
5886 Harold B. Martin III, 710 Beechwood St., Lake Zurich,
IL 60047; C
5887 Richard H. Hickman, Locust at 6th, Des Moines, IO
50304; C, Railroad Stocks and Bonds.
5888 John A. Thomason, P. 0. Box 1147, Brownwood, TX;
C/D, Texas and Confederate.
5889 W. H. Strobel, 234 Sweetbrier Circle, King of Prussia,
PA 19406
5890 Frederick M. Finney, 1107 Lexington Avenue, Dayton,
OH 45407; C, Obsolete/U.S. Currency.
5891 John J. Mette, Rt. 1, Box 104A, Toms Brook, VA 22660;
C, U. S.
5892 Raymond L. Laliberte, 1411 Foothill Drive, Vista, CA
92083; C, Obsolete, National, etc.
5893 Larry Jensen, P. 0. Box 2012, Billings, MT 59103; C,
Montana Nationals.
5894 R. R. Dietz, Box 544, Temple City, CA 91780
5895 Andrew J. Konecnik, 63 Hibernia Avenue, Rockaway,
NJ; C, U. S. Notes, Silver Certificates, Legal tender.
5896 Robert Saunders, 2880 Preston Lane, Merrick, NY
5897 John T. Hamilton III, P. 0. Box 2191, LaJolla, CA
5898 John Grost, 428 Ridgemont St., El Paso, TX 79912; C,
Philippine as U. S. Territory, Philippine Guerilla
5899 Mrs. Gladys Moulton, P. a Box 123, Bonita, CA 92002;
C, Military Payment Certificates.
5900 Frank Emerson Clark III, 7111 Mossvine Drive, Dallas
TX 75240; C, U. S. Small Size Notes.
5901 William S. Arthur, 1380 Oak Creek Dr. #406, Palo Alto,
CA 94304; C/D
5902 Steve Smith, 5422 N. Broadway, Knoxville, IN 37918;
C, Any American, Errors.
5903 Frederick A. Benjamin, Box 3669, Edwards AFB, CA
93523; C, American Bank Note Issues.
5904 F. S. Werner, 2631 Merrick Road, Bellmore, NY 11710;
C/D, U. S.
5905 Jean Newman, Buttonwood Galleries, P. 0. Box 1006,
Throggs Neck, New York, NY 10465; C/D, Stocks and
5906 Kurt R. Krueger, P. 0. Box 7, Kimberly, WI 54136; C/D,
Wisconsin, Territorial Nationals, Wisconsin Obsoletes
5907 Jack 0. Crawford, Ward 204A, VA. Med. Center, Mar-
tinsburg, W. PA 25401; C, Confederate notes and bonds
5908 Leslie G. Smith, Idlewild, Stourton Crescent, Stourton,
Stourbridge, West Midlands, Eng. DY7 6RR; C, Bank-
5909 Delane Ramsey, 725 Cedar Lane Rd., Apt. D-17, Green-
ville, SC 29611; C, U. S. and World.
5910 John DePalma, 209 6th St., Hoboken, NJ 07030; C, N.J.
Nationals and Hoboken obsoletes.
5911 Fred Brasher, 8949 Keevers Drive, Indianapolis, IN
46234; C, Colonial, Continental.
5912 Allan F. Voss, 479 DeWitt Avenue, Belleville, NJ
07109; C, Obsolete Notes.
5913 TSgt James R. Burleson, PSC Box 20736, Bergstrom
AFB, TX 78743; C, MPC.
5914 Diane J. Hays, 9422 34th Southwest, Seattle, WA 98126
5915 M. A. Storck, P. 0. Box 644, Portland, ME 04100
5916 J. E. Gragg, P. 0. Box 12541, Dallas, TX 75225; C
5917 Donald C. Andrews, c/o Arthur H. Terry & Co., Suite
202B, Metairie, LA 70005; C, Fractional Currency.
5918 James Ferron, 29 Pleasant St., Plymouth, MA 02360;
C, Mass. Broken Banknotes.
5919 Alan J. Sternberg, 7 Redwood Circle, Lafayette, CA
94544; C
5920 Paul M. Zebiak, 48 North St., Calais, ME 04619
5921 William H. Stowers Jr., 500 Revere Beach Blvd. Ste
107, Revere, MA 12151
5922 Delbert R. Kent, RR2, Box 122, Bourbonnais, IL 60914.
5923 Pamela Prokop, 81 Davis Road, Port Washington, NY
11051; C, WWII Military issues (US & Jap), WWII
French and German currency, Russian Czarist issues,
Am. Bank Note Co currencies.
5924 Barry Forst, 5517 Jolly Rodger Rd., Tempe, AZ 85283.
5925 Joseph Slavin, 2260 Yukon St., Concord, CA 94520; C,
F R B Notes.
5926 Harold Nogle, Jr., Box 26052, Dallas, TX 75226; C, U. S.
5927 Fisher Simmons, 1544 State St., New Orleans, LA
70118; C, Confederate State Notes.
5928 Curtis L. Pegg, P. 0. Box 196, Rowan, IA 50470; C.
5929 Dennis Kowal, 532 Mountain View Dr., Harrisonburg,
VA 22801
5930 Dennis Heller, P. 0. Box 23008, Minneapolis, MN
55423; D
5931 Allen L. Hopp, P. 0. Box 274, Bonita, CA 92002
5932 James Kraska, 3355 N. Hitz Rd., Rte. 3, Pinconning,
MI 48650
5933 Richard J. McGrath, 28 Aircraft Rd., Apt. 1, Southing-
ton, CT 06489; C, Colonials.
5934 John B. McCarthy, 7 Linda Lane, Nahant, MA 01908
5935 James R. Rucker, Sr., 2061 E. Teralta Circle, Cincin-
nati, OH 45211; C, Types - Confederate, Fractional and
U. S. Small size.
5936 Kirk D. Grau, 1617-E Capitol Ave., Apt. 13, Bismark,
ND 58501; C, Obsolete Bank and Check notes.
5937 Paul Edward Beck, 1650 Michael Dr., Schererville, IN
46375; C, U. S. Paper money.
5938 Emmanuel E. Macias, 613 N. Irving Blvd., Los Angeles
CA 90004; C, World Bank Notes.
5939 Frank C. Dwornik, 15934 Dobson Ave., So. Holland, IL
60473; C, US Obsolete & World Banknotes, Steel en-
5940 John S. Crossman, 7226 Blanco Ste. 206, San Antonio,
TX 78216; C/D, US Small notes & Confederates.
5941 Arthur B. Shaw, 109 West Main St., New Paris, OH
5942 Joseph M. Schwartz, 2121 Tyson Ave., Phila., PA
19149; C, US Currency.
5943 John W. Cunningham, 143 Villages St., Marblehead,
MA 01945; C. General.
5944 R. D. Kisch, 12 So. 11th St., Fort Dodge, IA 50501; D, US
5945 Edward T. Guy, P. 0. Box 772, Rahway, NJ 07065
5946 Terry S. Wozney, P. 0. Box 211, Dauphin Manitoba
Canada R7N 2V1; C, Paper money of Ukraine.
5947 Jeff Byrd, 5020 Allan Road, Bethesda, MD 20016; C,
Maryland, District of Columbia and all threes.
5948 Philip Reisman, Jr., 24 Edgewood Ave., Larchmont,
NY 10538
5949 R. Russell Rees, Jr., 1262 So. Cypress St., La Habra, CA
90631; C, US 1922 forward.
5950 H. F. Di Francesco, 2901 Middle River Dr., Ft. Lauder-
dale, FL 3306; C/D, National Currency.
Page 36
Whole No. 91
5951 Robert Schwartz, B Btry 3Bn 59th ADA, APO NY
09077; C, US Small & World.
5952 David R. Koble, 2537 S. Dawson Ct., Aurora, CO 80014;
D, Small size.
5953 Roy J. Blankenship, 2334 Kemper Ln., Apt. 5, Cincin-
nati, OH 45206; C, Paper money only.
5954 Richard A. Waszkiewicz, 228 Lee Ave., Hicksville, NY
11802; C, Small size US Currency.
5955 Charles T. Mann, P. 0. Box 504, Lynbrook, NY 11563;
C, All.
5956 Joseph T. Sobeck, 245 Roosevelt Ave., McKees Rocks,
PA 15136; C, Nationals & F.R.N.
5957 Michale G. Kotora, 356 Van Nostrand Ave., Jersey
City, NJ 07305; C, Nationals of NJ and type notes.
5958 G. Robert Ganis, 7257 Green Hill Rd., Harrisburg, PA
5959 Lee P. Bost, 118-B Dean Dr., Tenafly, NJ 07670; C,
Large bills, Broken Bank notes and Confederates.
5960 Denwood N. Kelly, 119 W. Lake Ave., Baltimore, MD
21210; C, Maryland Obsoletes.
5961 Leon K. White, Box 266, Summerhill, PA 15958; C.
5962 0. E. "Dusty" Royer, 34 Lake Challet, St. Peters, MO
63376; D, MPC Foreign.
5963 Edward L. McDonald, P. 0. Box 798, St. Augustine, FL
32084; C/D
5964 David C. Sprayberry, 808 N. 13th St., Lamesa, TX
5965 Charles Slade III, P. 0. Box 1568, Winter Park, FL
32790; D, Confederate.
5966 Joseph Letofsky, 4400 Excelsior Blvd., St. Louis Pk.,
MN 55416; D.
5967 Barry N. Rappaport, 156 Bradford St., New Provi-
dence, NJ 07974; C/D, Small size paper money.
5968 Paul J. Paulisin, 5065 Main St., Trumbull, CT 06611;
5969 John L. Satenstein, 164 W. 79th, NY, Ny 10024; C, CSA.
5970 M. B. Bert Bibee, 209 Walnut St., Hazard, KY 41701;
5971 James M. DiGeorgia, 147 Carol St., Danbury, CT
06810; C.
5972 Dean J. Liska, 2165 Jones Rd., Ft. Lee, NJ 07024; C/D,
Japan, Bohemia & Moravia.
5973 Harley B. Bowman, 450 W. Market St., Orrville, OH
44667; C.
5974 Ralph Dogil, 4209 Plantation Pl. Helena, AL 35080; C,
Small Size.
5975 Arlyn Vonk, 7982 Englehurst, Jenison, MI 49428; C.
5976 Allen Harriman, P. 0. Box 2308, Hollywood, CA 90028
5977 David Humberd, P. 0. Box 957, Cleveland, TN 37311;
C/D. BBN Tenn.
5978 Edward Collins, 21 Meeting House Rd., Centerville,
OH 45459; C, US Fractionals.
5979 Robert C. Anderson, P. 0. Box 449, Floral Park, NY
11002; D.
5980 Miss Shirley A. Scialdo, 2201 Erie St., Utica, NY 13502;
C, Nationals and types.
5981 Mary Leeuw, P. 0. Box 7934, St. Petersburg, FL 33734;
C, US Currency.
5982 C. Rehling, 1419 Beaver Ton Ave., Cincinnati, OH
45237; C, Fractional Currency.
5983 Harry F. Price, 140 W. Broad St., Telford, PA 18969;
C/D, National Currency.
5984 D. A. Runfeldt, P. 0. Box 74, Lincoln Park, NJ 07035; D.
5985 Darrell F. Tomblin, Box 3886, APO San Francisco
96328; C/D, Japan, MPC JIM
5986 Matt Krzastek, P. 0. Box 398, Hillsboro, NH 03244; D.
5987 Robert C. Rosenbloom, P. 0. Box 90423, Los Angeles,
CA 90009; C/D, US and World rarities.
5988 Robert W. Hendricks, P. 0. Box 987, El Cajon, CA
92022; D.
5989 Glen Clark, 1002 Crump Blvd., Memphis, TN 38104; C,
5990 Gerald Loegler, P. 0. Box 1046, Cullman, AL 35055; C,
Al Nationals.
5991 Maurice F. Maisel, 902 Coronado Ctr. NE, Alb, NM
87110; C, Rare and Autographed PM books.
5992 Arthur H. Joseph, Whitbeck RD #1, Box 166, Neward,
NY 14513
5993 James R. Janak, 219 Deerfield Dr., E., Utica, NY 13502;
C, Fractionals.
5994 Kenneth Gilbreth, 7875 Bleriot Ave., Los Angeles, CA
90045; C, Obsolete Banknotes.
5995 Mark S. Auerbach, 61 Bergen Blvd., Palisades Park,
NJ 07650; C/D, 19th Century Paper Money.
5996 Walter Wiegand, 75 Johnnycake Lane, Glastonbury,
CT 06033; C, Conn. Banknotes, esp. maritime related.
5997 Thom Walton, 9506 Timber Valley, Indpls., IN 46250;
C/D, US Paper money.
5998 Wayne K. Homren, 536 S. Forest 10-P, Ann Arbor, MI
48104; C, Fractional Civil War scrip.
5999 Wayne L. Wolf, 2106 E. 172nd St., So. Holland, MI
PAPER MONEY needs manuscripts on all phases of U. S. and world paper currency on any level above
that of the neophyte, in any length. Articles which contain new information and/or an original
approach to the specialty will be given priority. All are judged on the basis of accuracy of fact, validity of
judgment and usefulness to the reader and the future collector/student. Accepted manuscripts are
published under the magazine's copyright and are received with the understanding that they are not
being considered simultaneously by other publications.
The author is responsible for all statements made in the work but the SPMC editorial staff reserves the
right to edit all material to conform to the journal's style and policy.
The following guidelines are intended to help the potential contributor and speed publication, but do not
constitute mandatory rules. Manuscripts of obvious factual merit which do not meet the guidelines may
well be accepted to be reworked by the editorial staff as necessary, even including typing.
Paper Money Page 37
Manuscripts should be typed if at all possible on one side of full sheets of wf dte bond paper and double-
spaced, with 11/2 inch margins. Pages should be numbered. Clear, dry-process photocopies are acceptable
but not carbon copies.
The article should begin 3 to 4 inches down from the top of the first page with the title being immediately
followed by the author's byline. The author's name and address should also appear at the top left side of
the first page.
The author should retain a copy for correspondence purposes. Handwritten corrections must be legible
and in pencil, not pen.
Authors are encouraged to send biographical sketches not to exceed 100 words, with emphasis on hobby
interests, awards and achievements.
PAPER MONEY is produced by offset printing and hence can utilize nearly any kind of original
illustration. However, black and white unscreened photographs in slightly reduced, same size or
enlarged size are preferred. If prescreened prints are unavoidable, they must be in the same size as they
will appear to minimize double screening. Those sizes must meet Treasury Department regulations.
Illustrations should be identified on the back with a reference number which corresponds to the same
number on the sheet of captions. They should be suitably protected for mailing.
Actual notes and other collectibles should not be sent to the editor without prior arrangement. Authors
are strongly encouraged to have the necessary photographs made under their control. If there is no other
alternative, SPMC will have photographs made at its expense and will exercise all due care in handling
and mailing but can assume no responsibility for the safety of the material submitted.
Quotations & References
Authors are strongly encouraged to include lists of references and sources consulted in the preparation
of their articles or formal bibliographies. They should not copy any source verbatim without noting the
fact in the text and using quotation marks, even when the reference may be a very old work out of
copyright. However, a summary of the material may be given in the author's own words so long as credit
is given to the source. Academic-type footnoting is always acceptable. The following is a suggested
format for references widely used in numismatic literature:
1.Gene Hessler, U. S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes (Portage, Ohio: BNR Press, 1979), P. 45.
2.Glenn E. Jackson, "A Political Cartoon Bank Note and the 5-20 Bond", The Essay-Proof Journal, 37
(1980), 60.
Subsequent references to the same work can be made by citing only author and page number:
3. Hessler, p. 70.
If more than one work by the same author has been quoted, a brief title and page number are sufficient:
4. U. S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes, p. 54.
Deadlines and Author's Copies/Awards
PAPER MONEY is published every other month and is dated thus: March/April, May/June, etc. For
consideration in a particular issue, a manuscript should reach the editor no later than the first of the
month preceding publication, i.e., Feb. 1st for March/April. However, complex articles usually need a
greater lead time for proper editing and preparation. Therefore, publication in any one issue cannot be
guaranteed. The editorial staff does the proofing; financial constraints and lack of editorial personnel
preclude furnishing authors with proof.
Authors will receive 2 complimentary copies of the issues in which their work appears. Also, SPMC
annually presents 3 literary awards for the best articles of the year. Primary author compensation, of
course, derives from the recognition of the work by one's peers in the numismatic fraternity.
Page 38 Whole No. 91
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a
basis of 5¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary
purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling,
or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must
be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed,
accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper
'Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S.
Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month preceding the
month of issue (i.e., Dec. 1, 1980 for Jan. 1981 issue). Word count: Name
and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations,
figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10%
discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and
word count.
trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000
Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015.
(22 words; $1; SC; U.S.; FRN counted as one word each)
STOCK CERTIFICATES: 12 different $2.95, 50 different
$14.95. Old checks, 24 different $2.90, 100 different $14.90.
Illustrated list, SASE. Always buying 1 to 1,000,000 wanted.
Clinton Hollins, Box 112J, Springfield, VA 22150. (92)
WANTED: GEORGIA OBSOLETE currency and scrip.
Willing to pay realistic prices. Especially want city, county
issues. Also Atlanta Bank, Bank of Athens, Ga. R. R. Banking,
Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe R.R. Banking,
Bank of Hawkinsville, LaGrange Bank, Bank of Macon,
Central Bank, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys,
Bank of U. S. Central R.R., Marine Bank, Cotton Planters
Bank, Interior Bank. Also buying proofs. Many other issues
wanted. Please write for my want list, mailed free. Claud
Murphy, Box 15091. Atlanta. GA 30333. (92)
satisfaction guaranteed: 50 different stocks. $14.95. 100
different unissued stocks. $19.95. 100 different old checks,
$19.90. Always buying, Clinton Hollins, Box 112J, Springfield,
VA 22150. (92)
WANTED: "PAPER MONEY" issues #2, #3, #4, #5, #33,
#40. Will also buy complete sets. Member SPMC 5522. Ted
Nehrenberg, 307 Placentia, Newport Beach, CA 92663. (91)
............................. . ..............................
MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals,
obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood,
Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet, and St.
Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Gerald, MO 63037. (91)
OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful
certificates $2.50. Also buy — highest prices paid for quality
stocks and bonds. Please write! Ken Prag, Box 531PM,
Burlingame, CA 94010. (95)...........................................................
collection. Especially need first and second charters. Largest
prices paid. Jasper Payne, Box 3093, Knoxville, TN 37917.
WANTED: LARGE AND small Nationals of any Man - Hall,
Texas hank. Also I am buying CU small size Federal Reserve
Bank Notes. John T. Martin, Box 7058, Powderhorn Station,
Minneapolis, MN 55407. (92)
especially the better notes. Also want older checks with nice
vignettes. Please contact Bob Pyne, 1610 Bennett Road,
Orlando, FL 32803 (99)
NOTICE: RESEARCH BOOK being compiled on small size
currency. Information now needed on all North Africa
Emergency Issue Star notes (yellow seal), $1, $5, $10. Collectors
and dealers are kindly requested to send star serial number,
grade, face and back check number. All correspondence will be
honored and respected as strictly confidential. This
information will serve to enhance, illuminate, and extend the
field of paper money collecting. Please contact Omniphore
Currency, Box 7070, Carmel, CA 93921 (91)
wanted: Anaheim (charter 11823); Brea; Fullerton (charters
9538, 12764); Garden Grove; Huntington Beach; La Habra.
Some trades available. David A. Brase, Eastern Virginia
Medical School, P. 0. Box 1980, Norfolk, VA 23501 (94)
SELL ME YOUR old share certificates, bonds, cheques,
promissory notes and world paper money. Top prices for choice
material. Free lists. Wants lists accepted. Also buying old
books on railroads, mining and banking. Geoff Cole, Box 460,
Streetsville, Ontario, Canada L5M 2B9. Tel: (416) 826-9437
evenings (91)
(American and Gillespie). Large and small size, any
denomination, any condition. Robert Gillespie, 433 Surrey
Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601 (92)
Pottsville $50, 649; Nuremberg, 12563; Tower City, 14031;
Scranton, 13947; Millersville, 9259. Large--Auburn, 9240;
Ashland, 403. Robert Gillespie, 433 Surrey Drive, Lancaster,
PA 17601 (92)
financial paper wanted. Also wanted Wadsworth, Ohio
Nationals and checks. Dave Everhard, 4934A Locust St., Great
Falls, MT 59405 (94)
exchange. I am especially interested in patent medicines or
dentistry. Dr. Ben Z. Swanson, Jr., PSC Box 2742, APO New
York 09293. (99)
BUYING BOND & STOCK certificates. Especially need
railroad bonds and all proof bonds. Absolutely highest prices
paid. Also trade! David M. Beach, Box 5484, Bossier City, OA
71111 (318) 865-6614 (93)
Planters Bank of Savannah, Georgia. Please describe and
price in first letter. Gary Hacker, 2710 Overhill Road, Pekin, IL
61554. (92)
BUYING OBSOLETE CURRENCY — all states wanted,
especially North Carolina. Also, Confederate currency and U.
S. Fractional. Desire quality. Willing to pay top prices. Don
Buchanan, P. 0. Box 8632, Greensboro, NC 27410
WANTED: CHECKS AND exchanges from all Western
states. Will pay good prices or have trades available. Charles
Kemp, 426 Riverbank, Wyandotte, MI 48192.
WANTED: 1979 FIRST SPMC souvenir card issued. Please
state amount and price each when writing. Reply to Eugene J.
Schmid, 42 Arcadia Way, Hillsdale, NJ 07642.
Paper Money Page 39
WANTED: SYCAMORE & DE KALB, Illinois Nationals.
Both large and small size needed. Also need Sycamore or De
Kalb from any other state. Bob Rozycki, Sycamore Coin
Gallery, 358 W. State St., Sycamore, IL 60178
WANTED: WADSWORTH, OHIO notes. Any type. Also
wanted, any historic material relating to Wadsworth, Ohio.
Dave Everhard, 4934A Locust St., Great Falls, Montana 59405
and $10 denominations of Series #521, 541, 591, in crisp
uncirculated (CU) condition only. Only one note of each series
is required. State firm price when writing. N. L. Imbriglio, P. O.
Box 399, Oakhurst, NJ 07755
WANTED: OBSOLETE NOTES and scrip from Arkansas
for SPMC book. Please send list, if not for sale, or will buy or
trade if needed. Also proofs. Help make this Arkansas book
complete. Matt Rothert, 656 Graham St., Camden, AR 71701
any state. Lists welcome. Will travel. References. Ron
Carpenter, 130 Pebblebrook, West Columbia, SC 29169 (ph.
KANSAS NATIONAIIS WANTED: all originals, Brown
Backs, Value Back and Red Seals fine or better. Also, all
Olathe, Kansas, any condition. Allan Sundell, 932 WardCliff
Drive, Olathe, KS 66061 (913) 764-3489.
mining, industrial, foreign. Instant reply! Arnold Weiss, 980 S.
Granville, Los Angeles, CA 90059
F-16s FOR SALE. VF low #74 Series 6 in top left quarter,
$500. VF Series 237 in top right quarter, $250. VF Series 231 in
left quarter, $250. Fine high #81498 Series 221 left, $125. Others
$125, $50, $40, $30. Frayed $20. Want $20 Continental May 10,
1775. Phil MacKay, Drawer J, Osceola, MO 64776 (417) 646-
WANTED: WOOSTER, OHIO notes, obsolete or Nationals.
Would appreciate description. Will answer all letters. Price and
Xerox appreciated. Ralph Leisy, 616 Westridge Dr., Wooster,
OH 44691
1864 CONFEDERATE CURRENCY, all crisp in holder.
Consecutive numbers available. $1.00 T-71, $13.95; $2.00 T-70,
$13.95; both $26.00 PP. Claud Murphy, Box 15091, Atlanta, GA
FOR SALE: $1 1923 Silver Certificate, CU, Woods/White —
$75.00; $5 FRN, 1928D, VD — $125.00; $5 FNR, 1928C, VG-Fine
— $125.00; $5 FRN, 1928B Star, Fine — $12.50;1929 II, $5 13412
Gadsden, Ala., VG-Fine — $65.00. Keith Finley, 1501 Lusk
Street, Guntersville, AL 35976
WANT PAPER SCRIP of Oklahoma. Describe and price.
Also Proof Notes all states. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd.,
Southport, NC 28461
WANTED: $100 BROWN Back in very good condition. Can
be from any common state. Will buy or have Nationals from
many states to trade, also type notes. Jack Everson, 1005 W.
Cuthbert, Midland, TX 79701
Nationals, etc. wanted. Please write and price. Prompt reply.
David Klein, P. 0. Box 120, Fairfield, CT 06430
SPRINKLE HAS PAPER coupon scrip books of Oklahoma
for trade or sale. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon,
Southport, NC 28461
your copy of "A Guide to Collecting Antique Stock & Bond
Certificates." Chapters include Facts & Lore, How to Start,
Investment Risk/Reward, Dealer List, Reference Books and
several classic documents beautifully illustrated. $4.00 prepaid
to Foster, Brown & Ballou, 253 Main St., East Greenwich, RI
WANT PAPER OR metal items that contain the word
"Coal". Please quote. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd.,
Southport, NC 28461
merchant scrip, Confederate, U. S. Fractional. Send your 15c
S.A.S.E. indicating specific interest. Wanted: Your obsolete
notes, buy/trade. Send list with prices desired. Don Embury,
Box 61, Wilmington, CA 90748
WANTED: MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE obsolete notes, espe-
cially Bank of Memphis and The River Bank. Please list and
price, photo-copies if possible. R. Yancy Green, P. 0. Box 40353,
Memphis, TN 38104
Publisher of
::::::: ,, 4444444444 ******** 444444444***********4444 ****** *444444444444444444 ***********
Leading Supplier of WORLD PAPER CURRENCIES to Dealers 8 Investors
* ******************
for Collectors
M. Tiitus, Box 11249, San Francisco CA 94101 USA
444* ****** *4444444 *** *444444444444 ***** **** 4444444* *******
Cash for your PAPERMONIES! All countries/issuers, all eras!...(No USA after 1928)
Wanted: Collecilons...Accomplations...Dealer Stocks...Better Single Pieces...Etc...Ett
/•—.— • •••—
Wise. Black Charier
Is Mail Bid Feature
pilaw u•—■4
..--0••••• 4.-^•-■■+. ■-•
More like this
- Paper Money- Vol. XXX, No. 1- Whole No. 151- January- February 1991
- Paper Money- Vol. LIII, No. 1- Whole No. 289- January/February 2014
- Paper Money- Vol. LIX, No. 1- Whole No. 295- January/February 2015
- Paper Money- Vol. LV, No. 1- Whole No. 301- January/February 2016
- Paper Money- Vol. LVI, No. 1- Whole No. 307- January/February 2017
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