
Paper Money - Vol. XX, No. 3 - Whole No. 93 - May - June 1981

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From the Baltic of World War I days to America of the National Bank Note and state note eras — interesting notes in this issue. • JUNE, ME XX LE NO. 93 Skotin#mos os kdsos tellt dS dvidelimis kilie u Ploft, 17. April 1916. Ostbank far Handel and Gewerbe, Cyst. BiltrOf■lirrY PUBMITITITFTIETOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS Currency Market Review P.O. Box 7088, GRAND STATION • Des Moines, IA 50309 q Renew Subscription q Extend Subscription q 36 Issues, $30 q 12 Issues, $15 q 36 Issues and q 12 Issues and Grinnell book, $40.00 Grinnell book, $27.50 Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Currency Market Review's ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! MARKET A Review of Last Year's Currency The Market At A Glance... I0 SO, 4 rm.. N' ,411M All New or Renewal Subscriptions During April Anniversary Month '"*.rm"'•-• hweimfor Span Si.. 'lit One Year Subscription Now $15.00'4.1" In addition, we will send you the valuable reference The Grinnell Collection of U.S. Currency The Largest Currency Auction Ever Held Including Virtually Every Rarity Regular Price $25.00. Now available to Only Currency Market Review subscribers $12.50 • One Time Only Anniversary Special • Order 3 years of Currency Market Review $40 Iand the Grinnell book for the low price of Offer Ends May 1, 1981; Special Extension to "Paper Money" Readers (Tune 1, 1981) Currency Market Review, The Most Comprehensive Listing of Monthly Wholesale Currency Prices Available Today For Three Years $30 INCLUDING: • Exclusive use of Friedberg numbering system. • Easy to read screening. • Quarterly review of industry. • Specialized Quarterly features. • Six grading categories. • Monthly up-to-date market commentaries. • Monthly review of sig- nificant developments in auctions. SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. ,,ef,a1+11.91.2 Paper Money Page 117 0.0 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, P. 0. Box 9, Camden, S. C. Second class postage paid at Camden, S. C. 29020. Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1981. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $10. Individual copies of current issue., , $1.75. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6TIMES Back Cover $72.00 $195.00 $367-50 Inside Front & Back Cover $07.50 $181.50 $345.00 Full Page $59.00 $158.00 $299.00 Half-page $06.00 $ 98.00 $185.00 Quarter-page $15.00 $ 40.00 $ 77.00 Eighth-page $10.0)) $ 20.00 $ 49.00 To keep administrative costs at a minimum and advertising rates low. advertising orders must he prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. In the .ceptional cases where special artwork la typing are required, the advertiser noti billed extra for 01,41, Rates are not commissionable. knots Pro ts airnot supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the first of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 1 14 March issue). Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas: half-page may be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single column width, 2+) picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy . SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertisement in which typographical error should occur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XX No. 3 Whole No. 93 MAY/JUN 1981 ISSN 0031 - 1162 BARBARA R. MUELLER, Editor 225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 414-674-5239 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) SOCIETY BUSINESS & MAGAZINE CIRCULATION Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership, changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P.O. Box 3666, Cranston, RI 02910. IN THIS ISSUE OB-OST NOTES USED IN LITHUANIA John Glynn 119 INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL BANKS BY STATES WHOSE NOTES OF THE 1929-1935 ISSUING PERIOD REMAIN UNREPORTED M. Owen Warns 124 UNRECOGNIZED VARIETIES IN THE LATER LARGE SIZE NOTES Rev. Frank H. Hutchins 128 MISSING OR NON-EXISTENT — COMMENTS ON MURRAY'S ARTICLE "THOSE MISSING 150 MILLION NOTES" John R. Isted 136 THE PAPER COLUMN Peter Huntoon 137 INTERESTING NOTES 'BOUT INTERESTING NOTES Roger H. Durand 141 PERILS OF 19TH CENTURY BANKING 142 DISCOVERY IN NEW MEXICO Roman L. Latimer 143 WASHINGTON PLATE PRINTERS UNION 1981 CARD 146 INTERPAM 150 MEET THE CANDIDATES 151 REGULAR FEATURES COPE REPORT 140 THE SCRIPOPHILY SCRIBE 145 COUNTERFEIT CAPERS 147 INTEREST BEARING NOTES 148 SECRETARY'S REPORT 153 COMING EVENTS 157 MONEY MART 158 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 VICE-PRESIDENT Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 SECRETARY A.R. Beaudreau. P.O. Box 3666, Cranston, RI 02910 TREASURER Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 APPOINTEES EDITOR Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain. A. R. Beaudreau, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, Paul Garland, Peter Huntoon, Richard Jones, Robert Medlar, Dean Oakes, Jasper Payne, Stephen Taylor, Harry Wigington. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES—The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Annual dues are $10. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 81/2 x 11" INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Rockholt $6.00 Non-Member $10.00 MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Wait $10.00 Non-Member $14.50 MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP, Leggett $6.00 Non-Member $10.00 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS I. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. NEW JERS Y' MONEY, Wait $15.00 Non-Member $18.50 TERRITORIALS—A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIAL BANK NOTES, Huntoon $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 INDIAN TERRITORY / OKLAHOMA / KANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIPT, Burgett & Whitfield $11.00 Non-Member $13.75 Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. II. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: The Camden Co.—SPMC Book Sales Dept. P. 0. Box 9, Camden, S. C. 29020 Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of Librarian — Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. the members only. For further information, write the 60521. Page 118 Whole No. 93 qd; . id V{, f Wor Dartokorkkorebooktioo tl4440111441t vortAlsobSodurifirotwovrackto odor varaktelds rick, voskrIxift nod 111 Vorkolor brt *vizi ad.; ZuoktirOdir b".."‘t, den IT. itpril 1916., A •ff r, S teil II ill 11S i OS ki S IS Zia l 1i1l S km. co."' W• 1224-- tow — ask our *"'"ess 4=1 COI WOO. dvideSimis kopeliq Paper Money Page 119 CIDVID . 4=) •LN4 .DVID Car C." .4../46.1 *CV *UN *• CCI • 111:7 aro t=rEta lotdo,ru kklek filmes pokAtatts, to* ort ss palta4ktifirko wol olttotas few oessltda zltooro sa, took &IRA tpo1dudarivoes3 ottogi sodosto, cmpn+ to wykary kary poiyuskowej podrkbla tub /or paillrbs vologimpo rkotiokruOcor WW1 fklota Jo atbo podrobion* tub ea.:taw:4o tooklea orb* tilt ruortatpordirbs Art* padtrblus t.kbprt, I p.aeu jo w oblog, korknyot bidoto Forrdtrbtak 1tor, it JOioit k wkrtoptuA 1106,111k, doom* karn,rut do aka** lot W bikualsattwo taw. i I aisigvaiq =wt. Front and back of Series of 17 April 191620 kopek note. OB-OST Notes Used In Lithuania By John Glynn INTRODUCTION On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria/Hungary, was assassinated by Gavile Princip, a Serbian nationalist student, while on a visit to Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia. The shot was heard around the world and plunged Europe into a civil war, which eventually included other continents throughout the globe. By August of the same year Europe became a battleground. The strength of the central powers of Austria/Hungary and Germany was too much for the allies of France and Russia. Germany and her military power advanced almost at ease through Russia. By September 1915, Lithuania and her Baltic neighbors (Estonia and Latvia) and other eastern European countries which were ruled by Tsarist Russia were occupied by the German military force. The German military authorities in accordance with their usual practice pillaged and severely ravaged the land, confiscating farm produce and causing extreme poverty and damage. Due to the military mishandling, the Lithuanian economy collapsed in less than six months. EARLY HISTORY OF THE AREA Lithuania originated between the 5th and 6th century A. D. when a group of people occupied the provinces of Kaunas (Kowno), and Vilnius (Wilno), Suvalkai (Suvalki), Gardinas (Grodno) and land along the Neminas (Nieman) River. These people known collectively as Liths became one of the largest independent nations in medieval times. In 1385, Lithuania and her neighbor Poland through marriage reached an alliance which lasted intil 1569, when under the union of Lublin, Lithuania lost her independence and shared her common history with Poland. During this period the united countries persisted to make up the most splendid chapter in their history. The most important event was the glorious victory over the German order of the Teutonic Knights, when in 1410 in the battle of Grunwald at Tannenburg (East Prussia), Vytautas the Great, Grand Duke of Lithuania, and his cousin Jogaila, king of Poland, joined forces to defeat the powerful Teutonic Order. The union with Poland lasted over 400 years and ended in 1795, when the big powers of Austria, Prussia and Russia annexed both nations, with Lithuania ...1c ca 114' ett, 6,■ fl .11.4 .11C Car =,*1,071 611 ..111C vta .214 ,.ya pY a..), n.,,imbia to7 ittmw b. yodr.■or. statotowap., ..)•mi • P.N. ••• ..brut, larmlym 44141)e.t.,m %Amy.. 4 ,2 emiu Situlinamosios kasos ienkla Penklasdesimts kaptika 1:31 IWO eMtliM, AMR. Ntati , j latIt altita, +sat. ribmos pa htvatt 6r.b. ,arf .33 ry, r■A .77Z" fzl GatM`Ma• akakt titt at 11 patty, ttlaa attaaltta tlt attuttltAt Wet, 0,m -..mam aokp ot.tem:, Penkia3tte an. petk4 at. rtmpOtiM , ., tf Page 120 Whole No. 93 Front and back of Series of 17 April 191750 kopek note. This back shows corect text: Peezde mit kapeikas. going to Russia. She remained under Tsarist Russia until World War I. OCCUPATION CURRENCY The currency in circulation in Lithuania at the outbreak of World War I was the Russian ruble, but with the German occupation the reichsmark was introduced. The German forces were trying to get the Lithuanian people to accept the German occupation currency as legal tender. A decree was proclaimed, which made the German mark equally acceptable with the Russian ruble. The exchange rate was 2.16 German mark to one Russian gold ruble, and 1.66 German mark for one paper ruble. The people were unwilling to part with the Tsarist ruble and they considered the currency better than the German mark, and therefore began hoarding it. The mark had no gold backing while each ruble had 0.775 grams of pure gold. In order to release the German mark from this occupied area, the German authority created its own imperial loan bureau. In April 1916, by special decree, the Supreme Commander of the Eastern Front (Oberbefehlshaber Ost) whose headquarters was in Kaunas, opened the Darlehnskasse Ost (Loan Bank for Trade and Industry). The function of the bank was to supply easy credit by making loans to merchants, and supplying a currency system. The bank issued a set of banknotes known as the ob-ost ruble (better known as the ost ruble) in Lithuania and other eastern countries. The object of the notes was to induce the people to trade their Russian rubles for the ost ruble or German mark. The official rate of exchange of the ost ruble was one ost ruble to one Russian ruble or two German marks. The Germans, however, implemented a program by withholding essential needs (salt, sugar, etc.) from the market. They were sold under the supervision of the military and could be purchased with the payment of gold only. The two-tier system of offering a higher exchange of German marks for Russian rubles was unsuccessful. On June 26 of the same year the German military authority authorized the first issue of occupation money in values of: Pick's Nos. R120 20 kopek blue-green 70 x 110 mm R121 50 kopek green-brown-red 80 x 125 mm R122 1 ruble blue-tan 84 x 130 mm R123 3 ruble green-brown 90 x 144 mm R124 10 ruble red-brown-green 100 x 158 mm R125 25 ruble blue-lilac 110 x 175 mm R126 100 ruble blue 110 x 170 mm Fig. 3. Back of 50 kopek note with incorrect text: Peezde mit kapeiki. The notes were dated Posen, April 17, 1916, and became legal tender in Lithuania on August 6 of the same year. The German military authorities issued 100,000,000 rubles and the money was authorised for removal from the country, provided valuables of precious metal, non-perishable goods and Russian rubles were deposited. The notes were therefore considered receipts, and the Lithuanian people labelled the currency "Fiat money". The fronts of the notes were printed in German while the backs were in three languages (Lithuanian, Latvian and Polish). Three signatures appeared on the notes. Two of the signatures were German (Kaufmann and Hamburger), while the third was Polish (Michalowsky), The reverse of the 20 kopek shows an incorrect text • odirtz oddoino4wiinnmoos kaso, lanktus ow, tdovolus podIrk. arcswiirbtait)(10 , ratus ,m:: Ir juci vorWinN skieialitt )ws kaOrdia Ott 14tWaid Mehl , . "TP manias ka8oi"- sjf wykuzy kusv payrrk,..wej podrattla fah tvlstirje 04cIrzt, tor, O'Alsvawntie nabywu I puszczu je w karomn htazio Cttatat kfirnym do oAmid tot. o.,0%.04, ; Has aildtwu kW/fttames pakol faits w J wtlto, 1011Mri folkot teititas wt.! wiltotas tow tegoilda ua littou Odbd. trek Wits ar Ppaidudetbewn Ithdi attorlf atutteo. • 7,•:A • 7.11fre..77P.7:;:::;`" Paper Money Page 121 DARLEHNSIKASSENSCHEIN NDERT.RUil POSEN. den 1i April 19910 OSTBANK FUR HANDEL um) GEWERBE DARLEHNSKASSE OST <4, W„. Dano..k.nted.o.. seehrosal oder rerfaltat Gtpr nextrepousehtt ode' mittfekitt firs ,dthatft and tw Vertlehr briv wild mq Zgr1111.ut bit zu erat lahrea Winer, Front and back of Series of 17 April 1916 one ruble note. "Peezde mit Kapeiki". The 50 kopek was issued in two series, one with the incorrect text and the other series with the correct text: "Peezde mit Kapeikas." Two series of the 50 kopek, and the 1 and 3 ruble were also issued with the misspelled word "Sime" (Sihme, a Latvian word meaning paper money, changed to Sime in 1921). The reverse of the bank notes states that they were issued by the "Territory of the Commander in Chief of the East" and that whoever falsified or imitated or put such notes in circulation would be punished with prison up to eight years. With the •unsuccessful attempt to get the Russian ruble converted to the ost ruble, the German Administration promised to redeem ost rubles with genuine Russian rubles put into circulation by the Darlehnskasse Ost, but this promise was retracted in March 1917. The German Military Authority decided to transfer the bank. On March 30,1917, the Darlehnskasse Ost in Posen, Poland, was moved to Kaunas, Lithuania, as an independent bank of issue. The bank issued new currency in ost marks comprising 100 pfennigs and equal to the German mark. The bank was backed by a loan of 100 million ost marks given by Germany. The ost ruble was replaced by the new currency in denominations of: PICK'S NOS. R127. 1/2 Mark red-violet-black 70 x 110 mm R128. 1 mark green-brown 80 x 125 mm R129. 2 mark red-violet-olive 84 x 128 mm R130. 5 mark blue-green 90 x 145 mm R131. 20 mark red-green 100 x 160 mm R132. 50 mark blue-gray-violet 106 x 174 mm R133. 100 mark brown 108 x 170 mm R134. 1000 mark green 110 x 190 mm We, hsr!rlr, kassm TWENTY DIM Z.C11.•IrliIVAILX‘ camas MEM: C000036A OM OF MI 11£000 S RA CA New MEXICO MENTvntouARIA roUO36A 44 41,7 AAva& •-•-,5` TWENTY DOLLARS tR 20 8 Page 144 specimens of the New Mexico issue. This cumulative effort resulted in the publishing of the article "The Series of 1929 Notes From New Mexico" by Peter Huntoon and this writer in PAPER MONEY No. 83, September/October 1979. THE DISCOVERY With the recent discovery of a specimen of the series of 1929 National Currency that was issued by the National Bank of New Mexico, Raton, (8098), a search that has spanned a period of over twenty years is completed. The Type I, $20.00 denomination note bears the facsimile signature combination of A. C. Price as president of the bank, and that of D. E. Woodward as cashier. Only 87 sheets of the $20.00 denomination were issued by the bank prior to its voluntary liquidation on May 19, 1930. Alfred Colfax Price came to Raton in 1893 from Missouri and was a partner in the firm of Price, Lockard and Company that later became the Price Shoe and Clothing Company, of which Mr. Price served as president. Price was one of the organizers of the National Bank of New Mexico of Raton; he served as the vice-president upon its organization in 1906, and later as president until the bank was voluntarily liquidated. Newly-discouered National Bank of New Mexico at Raton note. Don Edward Woodward, born in Kansas, began his banking career at the First National Bank of Hansford, Texas, after serving as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 89th Infantry Division in France during World War II. He later served as cashier of the Perryton National Bank of Perryton, Texas, and came to New Mexico in 1922 to be the assistant cashier of the Raton bank. Woodward served in this position with the bank until 1928, at which time he became cashier. Upon the closing of the Raton bank in 1930, Mr. Woodward entered the insurance business in Raton and remained in this profession until 1940, at which time he accepted a position as vice-president with the First National Bank in Albuquerque (13814). The following year he was appointed to the bank's board of directors and in 1949 was promoted to the position of executive vice-president. Woodward was president of the First National for two years — 1962 to 1964 — and was president emeritus of the bank at the time of his death. Mr. Woodward was also active in the New Mexico Whole No. 93 Bankers' Association. He was the state vice-president for three years. A civic leader and banker in New Mexico for most of his life, Mr. Woodward contributed greatly to the state and banking in New Mexico. CORRECTION Since publication of the article regarding the 1929 issue of New Mexico National Bank Notes, another item has been brought to light that bears correction. This flagrant oversight involves the statement that "no woman's signature will be found on this issue by any of the New Mexico banks." Courtesy Joe Kinney New Mexico National Bank note (Farmington, 6183) with signature of a woman president. The signature of the president on the issues of the First National Bank of Farmington (6183) is, in fact, that of Mrs. Harriet B. Sammons who served in the capacity of the bank's president from 1922 to 1951. Mrs. Sammons was the sister of A. M. Amsden, one of the founders and cashier of the bank when it was organized in 1902. Mrs. Sammons joined the bank in 1907 as assistant cashier. She was a respected member of the Farmington community and contributed greatly to the development of the area through her many civic endeavors. Although three other women signed National Currency that was issued in New Mexico prior to 1929, Mrs. Sammons has the distinction of being the only woman who achieved the position of president of a New Mexico National Bank during the note issuing period, and who had her signature engraved on the 1929 issues of New Mexico currency. Charles C. Culpepper, whose signature as cashier also graces the 1929 series of notes issued by the Farmington bank, was a banker in New Mexico for most of his life. In 1921, Culpepper started his career with the Citizens National Bank of Albuquerque (11442), and in 1924 moved to Farmington to join the First National Bank of Farmington. Mr. Culpepper rose to the position of vice-president of the bank and served many years as chairman of the board. In 1952, he established the Farmington Investment Company and served as the institution's president. Mr. Culpepper served the Farmington community with distinction as well as the state of New Mexico as a member of the State Game Commission. (Continued On Page 145) Paper Money O/1. Ye "de/ Barbara R. Mueller, NLG Confirmation of a shake-out in collector stocks and bonds came in the Stanley Gibbons sale of March 6, 1981 held in New York. An advance press release stated that the realizations were expected to total at least $125,000; they came to $111,000 plus 10% buyer's premium. The most valuable item in the sale, a Chinese 500 pound sterling bond issued in 1898 for a 41/2% Gold Loan, countersigned by the Deutsche-Asiatische Bank of Berlin, which' sold for $1500 in September 1978 and $32,000 exactly two years later, brought only $14,000. Gibbons stated that only 20 of the original 100 numbered Chinese bonds are still in existence because the loan was 80% paid off before default. The second highest price in the sale was $7,500 paid for a 1912 Russian bond of 4,725 rubles issued by the city of Nikolaef. Bidding for American certificates was considered spirited at the March 6 sale, with most lots of U. S. material realizing above the pre-sale estimates. The highest price for an American item was $1,200 fetched by an 1878 certificate for 50 $100 shares of the Standard Oil Company, personally signed by company president John D. Rockefeller. A 1925 share in the Edison Phonograph Distributing Company, signed by Thomas A Edison, was sold for $475, nearly twice the $275 estimate. An 1872 certificate for 100 $50 shares in the New York and Harlem Rail Road Company, signed by W. H. Vanderbilt, realized $450. Bonds issued by several Southern states before and during the Civil War were also popular. An 1833 bond for $1,000 issued by the State of Mississippi went for New Mexico (Continued From Page 144) CONCLUSION Now that it is known that specimens of the 1929 issue of National Currency are available from each of New Mexico's National Banks that issued it, a spark of hope exists that it will eventually be possible for someone to obtain a complete collection of these notes by issuing bank. With several avid collectors of these New Mexico notes now known, it appears to be just a matter of time until this feat is accomplished. If the desert sun, a rattlesnake, or a mountain blizzard do not get to this author first, perhaps he will be the fortunate individual who completes the set. REFERENCES Reeve, Frank D., 1961. History of New Mexico, Fainily and Per- sonal History, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, Vol. 3, p. 12, p. 279. Twitchell, Ralph Emerson, 1917. The Leading Facts of New Mexico History, The Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Vol. 3, P. 112, 113. The First National Bank of Farmington, New Mexico 75th Anniversary Booklet (1977). $950. A bond issued by the Confederate States of America in 1863 for a 7 percent cotton loan realized $325. Although relatively inexpensive, bonds and stock issued by various U. S. railroad companies with odd and colorful names were in great demand. An 1851 certificate for 47 $100 shares in the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company went for $85, while an 1895 bond issued by the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad Company fetched $90. Also popular were 20th century certificates from several countries that featured art deco and art nouveau illustrations. Despite the recent rise in prices for antique stocks and bonds, many superbly engraved 19th century securities were sold for only $10 to $25 apiece to collectors more interested in aesthetic than financial rewards. Gibbons also held one of its "post-bid" auctions of bonds and shares in December 1980. Prices realized are not available, but the material offered was of more modest value than that seen in the sales with floor participation. Included in the same catalog was a fixed price list of similar items, including many U. S. railway items. A newcomer to the literature of the specialty is The LaBarre Newsletter, "an investment quarterly devoted to collectible stocks and bonds". Published by George LaBarre Galleries, Inc. (a paper Americana dealer of some years' standing), P. 0. Box 27, Hudson, NH 03051, it includes useful articles on autographed stocks and bonds and historical notes on five different eastern railway companies. No subscription price or priced offers are included. However, LaBarre's own book Collecting Stocks and Bonds (Vol. 1, $4.95) is mentioned. This is a price guide to 334 issues, with brief descriptions as given in the aforementioned historical notes. A second volume is to appear this year. Pug(' 116 Whole No. 93 kv\‘ Washington Plate Printers Union 1981 Card Bureau of Engraving and Printing craftsmen have announced that a souvenir card was issued in conjunction with the 79th International Convention of the International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America. The convention was held in Washington, D. C. during the week of May 17-23, 1981, and was hosted by the BEP locals. An artist's palette with a graver through it and the union seal on it is printed at the lower right corner with "79th Convention, Washington, D. C., 1981 printed in three lines at the bottom center of the card. The $2 note, all lettering and the artist's palette are printed in sepia. The figure of a printer and a proving press are depicted at the lower left corner of the card embossed in gold. The souvenir card was designed, engraved and printed by former and present BEP employees. It features an engraving of the face of a proposed $2 Treasury Note which was probably intended to be part of a new type legal tender issue. The engraving is unusual in that the entire surface of the face of the note is covered by the design. The theory behind this design approach was to foil counterfeiters by allowing for multiple details and line engraving techniques which would be difficult to duplicate. The note featured on the souvenir card is one of the first and best examples of this type of engraving produced at the BEP. The 8 1/2 x 11-inch card is entitled "International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America." It was printed from a single-subject plate on a hand-fed, flat-bed intaglio press by retired Bureau printers. The hand-engraving lettering of the text reads: "This Treasury Note was engraved in the 1860's, during the early years of the BEP, by Joseph Prosper Ourdan The design, which was never issued, features the `Embarkation of the Pilgrims, 1620' by Robert W. Weir. The original painting is in the rotunda of our nation's Capitol." During the Sixth International Philatelic Exhibition (SIPEX) in 1966, a small surplus of multicolor "Washington Scenes" souvenir cards, originally printed and sold to craft members, was offered for sale to the public and quickly sold. Since that time collectors have shown an intense interest in the souvenir cards produced by the engravers and printers who make our nation's currency and stamps. A very limited edition of souvenir cards is normally printed for craft members only. These are sold to union members at their international conventions as a keepsake of the art of hand engraving and intaglio printing. Five thousand souvenir cards have been printed for the upcoming 79th International Convention in an effort to satisfy both craft members and collector interest and demand. The cards were offered for sale to the public on a first come, first served basis. They were priced at $8.00 each and were available at the NAPEX '81 Stamp Show held at the Marriott Twin Bridges Hotel in Washington, D. C., May 1-3, 1981. Cards were also available by mail, with a limit of five per customer, after April 15, 1981, at $8.00 per card, plus $1.00 per order to cover the cost of mailing. Mail sales were to be discontinued on May 15, 1981, or upon depletion of stock, whichever occured first. OAHU Interesting gleaningsfromearly publicationsby Charles E. Straub Paper Money Connecticut Courant, Hartford, Tues., Nov. 19, 1822: Counterfeiters caught. — A gang of counterfeiters have been taken at Wilmington, (Del.) who were carrying on the business in a wholesale manner. They occupied a dwelling-house on Quaker Hill. Being suspected, they were watched on a day appointed, and a part of them secured while on a journey; the house on Quaker Hill was next entered, where apparatus for accomplishing their trade was secured, and counterfeit notes found amounting to about 50,000 dollars, on the Banks of Wilmington, and Brandywine, Franklin Bank, of Baltimore, and the Bank of New Brunswick. The notes of the first mentioned Bank are for $20, of these they had 10,000 dollars; the others were chiefly fives and tens, and threes on the Brunswick, New Jersey Bank. A stamp for making half-dollars was found among their apparatus, and directions for taking out ink from notes. On one of those who was taken on the road, were the letters of the alphabet ingeniously wrought with wire, to make impressions on notes. The names of the men taken are Lyman, Pardee, Hance, or Hanson, and Heath; the woman's name is Maria C. Brian. One man and a woman escaped, but a party is in pursuit of them. — Daily Gaz. Connecticut Courant, Hartford, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 1822: From the Baltimore Morning Chronicle A gigantic and well disciplined system of villany has been detected and brought to light through the medium of the Post Office. A correspondence between the convicts in the Baltimore Penitentiary, and a number of persons in and out of the city, has for some time been carried on, by which means an organized system of counterfeiting and altering bank notes was established in the Penitentiary. Thirteen plates, or rather parts of plates, of five, ten, twenty and fifty dollar bills, for altering genuine notes of lower denominations were found. The genuine notes were furnished by one of the deputy keepers, who is now in confinement, and whose detection was owing to the letters being intercepted at the Post Office, and the dies and plates being found in a bag, which was stowed away in the loft of one of the departments. Four of the convicts were concerned in the transaction; one of whom cuts the dies, and the other three were employed in disseminating the spurious notes by letters, and receiving genuine ones in return. The notes that have been detected were principally on the Frederick County Bank. As measures are taken to Page 1.17 develop this plot more fully, and to punish those who are known to be accomplices, we shall wait the issue of the investigation. Connecticut Courant, Hartford, Tuesday, July 16, 1822: Article dated New Haven July 13 We have lately seen a One Dollar bill on the Middletown Bank, altered to a Ten. The plate was by the Graphic Company — letter B. payable to Timothy Green: the right margin was torn off. It passed through several hands in this city, and was so well done that the alteration could scarcely be discovered by the best judges. It is difficult to determine in what way the one in different parts of the bill was extracted, and ten inserted in its place. Five Dollar counterfeit bills on the Norwich Bank, have been passed in this city during the week. The engraving of these bills is extremely well done — they are made payable to C. P. Huntington, and dated June 3d, 1813. Connecticut Courant, Hartford, Tues, Feb. 12, 1822: The following article was found in the above news- paper dated New York Feb. 8. More Counterfeiting. — Yesterday afternoon, the police magistrates sent some of their officers out of town, with instructions to station themselves at the Harlaem Bridge and intercept a certain nortorious character of the name of Leverence, of whom, in some way, peculiar to themselves, the magistrates were pretty well satisfied would be coming into the city in the course of the evening, with a large amount of counterfeit money in his possession. At half past seven the officers arrived at their post, and by favour of the toll gatherer, had the gate closed, so that every carriage passing would be brought to a halt for a few seconds, while the officers might take observation. Between 10 and 11, and after a long succession of carriages of every description had passed, a waggon drove up with a single passenger. The officer who was standing sentry without, instantly recognized him by his voice, as he casually spoke to his driver, to be the fellow they had been waiting to escort in; and in a very little more than an hour he was brought down and underwent an examination before one of the magistrates, stripped of eight or nine thousand dollars in forged bills, of various banks and denominations, and snugly quartered in Bridewell. For the benefit of the public, we must not omit to mention that the sum found on him consisted of tens, of the Mechanic Bank, N. Y.; threes of the Hartford Bank, Conn., threes of the Central Bank, threes of the Washington Bank, R. I., and twos of the Orange County Bank. Of this latter description there were no less than 2270 bills. Leverence is an old offender, and well known as a wholesale dealer in the Canada trade. It is but a few years ago that he was sentenced to our state prison, from which he was pardoned out. Page 148 Whole No. 93 Wednesday, July 29 - General Membership Meeting - 10:30 AM - The Elmwood Room, Hilton Hotel. This meeting will provide an overview of the Society's fiscal year results as well as the announcement of the Board of Governors election results. Questions from the floor will also be answered. Wednesday, July 29 - Annual Awards Banquet and Reception - 6:30 PM - Marlborough Room, Hilton Hotel. Tickets are $16.50 per person. Interest Bearin Notes Wendell VVolka Your Society will be involved in a number of events and projects in the coming weeks. We hope that you will find something of interest and participate. Due to the large number of activities, I urge you to read over this issue very carefully so that you won't miss anything. Without any further ado, join me in taking a look at what's coming up — MEMPHIS — SPMC will be hosting a breakfast on Saturday, June 20 at 7:30 AM in conjunction with the International Paper Money Show. The cost is $7.00 per person and advance reservations are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED! Send your reservation requests, accompanied by payment made payable to SPMC, to Mike Craff - SPMC Breakfast, P. 0. Box 17871, Memphis, TN. 38117 by no later than June 8, 1981. We are privileged to have as our breakfast speaker Mr. Harry Clements, Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and expect to sell out the breakfast. Don't be disappointed — send your reservation into Mike today! Tickets will be held, under your name, at the SPMC information table for pickup. 1981 SOUVENIR CARD — Memphis will also find SPMC issuing its third souvenir card. This year's card is extremely attractive, being done in green and black on a die sunk portion of the card. The note design, which features a portrait of Jefferson Davis, is certainly one of the most interesting done to date. Elsewhere in this issue, you «il find a picture of the card as well as ordering and pricing information. I encourage you to participate in this program as it is the key in our effort to hold the line on dues increases. NEW BOOK — As this is being written in late March, it appears that we will have another Wismer Project obsolete note state catalog ready for sale at Memphis. The latest edition is Roger H. Durand's excellent book on the state of Rhode Island. It contains a tremendous amount of historical background and information on counterfeit, altered, and spurious issues in addition to the usual detailed catalog listings. Full details regarding ordering and pricing information will appear in the next issue of Paper Money as well as the general numismatic press. ANA — We have a busy schedule of events set up for the ANA Convention in New Orleans: Tuesday, July 28 - Executive Board Meeting - 8:30 AM - The Chequers Room, Hilton Hotel. This meeting is open to any interested parties. NOTF,! Due to the expenses associated with paying for dinners which are guaranteed but not sold, ADVANCE RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST!! Please send your reservation, accompanied by payment made out to SPMC, to: Wendell Wolkal ANA Banquet, Box 366, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521. Such reservations should be sent so that they arrive in Hinsdale by no later than July 21, 1981. A few tickets may be available for sale in New Orleans at the SPMC table, but advance reservations will make everyone's life a lot easier. Tickets will be held, under your name, at the SPMC information table for pick up. ELECTIONS - You will find your 1981 Board of Governors election ballot enclosed with this issue. It should be returned in its special envelope by no later than July 1, 1981. Elsewhere in this issue you will find information regarding the candidates. Please exercise your voting right! Well! That just about covers everything. Be sure to check out the Current Events Page to see what else is going on. Be sure to stop by and see us in Memphis and New Orleans. Jones Finds "Error" Note Paper money error specialist Harry Jones, P. 0. Box 30369, Cleveland, OH 44130, has submitted the illustrations of what philatelists would call "printer's waste" but what syngraphists call a "super error note". We leave it to the experts to speculate on its history. Harry says it was found in a bundle "all wrapped up". BRM TAT E 01' ALAHAAM.t Paper Money Page 149 1981 SOUVENIR CARD Intaglio printed in green & black on white card. Limited issue of only 10,000 cards. AVAILABLE AT MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE DURING THE INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY CONVENTION — JUNE 19 - 21, 1981 FOR $3.00 EACH MAIL ORDER INFORMATION FIRST DAY CANCEL CARDS BY MAIL - $4.50 EACH. Send orders to: FDC orders MUST reach § SPMC 1981 Souvenir Card Hinsdale by JUNE 15th. § § (First Day Cancel) P. 0. Box 366 Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 1 § § UNCANCELLED CARDS BY MAIL - $3.50 EACH. § § Send orders to: § SPMC 1981 Souvenir Card P. 0. Box 858 Anderson, S. C. 29622 SPONSORED BY INTERNATIONAL BANK NOTE SOCIETY CANADIAN PAPER MONEY SOCIETY Plans for our SPMC participation in INTERPAM 81, the International Paper Money Congress and Exhibition to be held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Canada July 15-18, 1981 have been completed. Bill McDonald, chairman of the event, has given us the 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. time slot on Friday, the 17th, for our educational program. We will have an informational presentation first, telling visitors, especially those from Canada and overseas, what SPMC objectives and accomplishments are, emphasizing the fact that our interests go far beyond U. S. paper money only. The second part of the meeting will consist of a slide lecture on the genesis of American-style bank note design and production techniques and their role in the development of an international bank note aesthetic. Many SPMC members are supplying rare and unusual notes, essays and proofs for this presentation, with special emphasis on the first part of the 19th century. The theme will fit in nicely with the Congress exhibition which is to be arranged around paper money in the context of history and paper money as an art form. The meeting will be conducted by the editor, Barbara Mueller. Members desiring to participate or having suggestions for the meeting agenda are urged to contact her. Other scheduled INTERPAM activities include a Charlton auction and educational programs on paper money care, preservation and authentication. Bracketed as it will be by the June Memphis show and the late July ANA New Orleans convention, INTERPAM will offer syngraphists the opportunity to broaden their horizons, break out of national chauvinism, and achieve a more international orientation for their hobby. Whole No. 93 Page 150 • ' • " • ' •JitkwItmroia.P494.1,•!1'.?,,A•awtmak•ilt.k.!4t9L.?ta.T.vIstm■•,(41A•ilL..)3.491..../amm_ m_amatxtitkwakvam.x.wlt...g..titkei.a.).31..suommoltp.vjutgLyrnotutsit.n..vv_40, .. '6 (f! -\ORPAM l■) ria rF ■;!.. 1,4 IF PF,; r).1 rF ■%41 r),r; 1'4 :12 1■ 4- ))1, Paper Money Page 1.51 MEET THE CANDIDATES For SPMC Board LARRY ROBERT DAVID A. ADAMS AZPIAZU, JR. BRASE (Photo and Biogra- phy Not Available At Press Time) MARTIN J. PAUL WILLIAM H. DELGER GARLAND HORTON, JR. PETER ROBERT STEVEN HUNTOON THIEL WHITFIELD As required by our Constitution, one-third of the Board of Governors is to be elected each year for a three- year term. This year we have nine people running for the five vacancies. So that you may have a little better idea of each candidate's background, interests, and ideas, we have put together a thumbnail sketch of each individual along with his picture where possible. Elsewhere in this issue you will find your mail ballot. We strongly urge you to exercise your voting franchise and return your ballot as soon as possible. Respectfully Submitted, Charles Colver, Chairman C. John Ferreri Richard Jones Page 152 Whole No. 93 LARRY ADAMS Larry Adams is a document examiner and forensic consultant in Boone, Iowa, where he has lived nearly all his life. His collecting interests are wide, with a specialty in local National Bank Notes, bank history, checks, and tokens, with a general interest in paper money, banking, stocks and bonds, checkwriters, and security printing. He maintains an extensive reference library on numismatics, document examination, forensic science, graphic arts, banking, history, research, and related subjects. A member of SPMC since 1968, he has served as Board Member since 1976, and Vice-President since 1979. Presently, he is Awards Chairman and Publicity Chairman, and co-ordinator of the SPMC Regional Meetings and Programs. Co-founder of the Check Collectors Round Table in 1969, he has served as its Secretary since 1972. He is a member of over 20 numismatic, historical, and technical organizations, including ANA, INA, EPS, ARA, SRTC, IBNS, and the International Association for Identification, Technical Association of the Graphic Arts, Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper industry, International Association of Paper Historians, and Toastmasters International. Larry has been editor of Trail Tales for the Boone County Historical Society and is a longtime board member. He helped to organize the Mamie Doud Eisenhower Birthplace Foundation, Inc., and presently serves as board member and Curator. A lecturer on paper money and checks, Larry is presently in charge of the CCRT check slide program. He has contributed articles to PAPER MONEY, THE CHECK LIST, and COLLECTORS NEWS. ROBERT AZPIAZU, JR. Bob, who is 32 years old, currently serves as vice- president for purchasing for the second largest independent meat processor in the state of Florida. His non-numismatic hobbies are running five miles a day and playing the bass guitar. In syngraphics, he is interested in small size notes with radar or low serial numbers. He also collects Florida Nationals and major error notes. In addition to SPMC, he is a member of ANA, CCCC, CCNE and VNA. Bob feels it an honor to have been nominated for SPMC's Board of Governors. DAVID A. BRASE Dave was born and reared in Orange, California, where he received his B.S. in chemistry from Chapman College in 1967. After earning his Ph.D. in pharmacology from the University of Virginia, he received four years of postdoctoral research training at the University of California, San Francisco, and now teaches and does research on narcotic addiction at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk. Dave collects third charter National Currency, specializing in notes from Orange County, California, and also collects $3 obsoletes, specializing in business college and District of Columbia notes. In addition to publishing more than 15 research papers in scientific journals, Dave has published numismatic articles in the Gohrecht Journal and the Bank Note Reporter. In the near future, Dave hopes to submit an article for publication in Paper Money. MARTIN J. DELGER Mart, born in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1934, is self- employed as a licensed residential builder. Married for 26 years, he and his wife Chris have five children and three grandchildren. Mart has been interested in numismatics for 17 years and has specialized in paper money, specifically U. S. Fractional Currency and related items for 13 years. He is a past president and life member of the Kalamazoo Numismatic Club, life member of the Michigan State Numismatic Society, and member of ANA for nine years. He is also a member of Central States and is currently serving as president of the Paper Money Collectors of Michigan. He enjoys exhibiting, has won many Best of Show awards and is currently serving his third year as exhibit chairman at the Memphis show. He has at the present time 18 educational awards from the ANA for presenting programs on his specialty and exhibiting. Mart's interest in SPMC centers on education and promotion of paper money collecting through the enjoyment of exhibiting. WILLIAM H. HORTON, JR. Bill, born in Newark, N. J. in 1951, is currently working as superintendent for the Lake Mohawk- Sparta Water Co., Sparta Mountain Water Co., Blairstown Water Co., and the Prospect Point Water Co. Married in 1974 to Jacqueline Franson, he has one son, William III. A founder of the Garden State Numismatic Association in 1975, Bill served as its first president until 1979. He has held or currently holds offices in GENA, OIN, and the Currency Club of Chester County Pa. He was appointed a district representative of ANA to New Jersey in 1976. A prolific exhibitor, he has captured over a hundred awards since 1972. He also has given over thirty educational presentations to coin clubs and was recently recognized by ANA with a special educational award for having given ten or more talks to member clubs. PETER HUNTOON Peter W. Huntoon, 38, is a candidate for reelection to the SPMC Board of Directors. Huntoon is a Professor in the Department of Geology, University of Wyoming, at Laramie. More important, he is an avid collector of U.S. paper money, having been active in the hobby and the Society since 1963. His collecting interests focus on the (Continued On Page 153) Paper Money Page 153 SECRETARY / A. R. BEAUDREAU, Secretary EMMET P. 0. Box 3666 Cranston, R. I. 02910 NEW MEMBERS 6000 S. D. Klor, P. 0. Box 6604, Ventura, CA 93003; C; US Currency. 6001 Will Graham, 8701 E. Longden Ave., San Gabriel, CA 91775 6002 Joe Wilhauck, 2655 Teal, Lafayette, IN 47905; C 6003 Tom Lozzi, 109 High St., Everett, MA 02149; C 6004 F. J. Carnes, Jr., 60 Grove St., Newton, MA 02166; C 6005 Robert J. Maggi, 80 Caldwell Rd., Northeast, MD 21901; C; US Currency and Colonials. 6006 Gregory J. Chang, 1949 Woodmoor Ct., Concord, CA 94518; C: North Central and South America, also Bri- tish Empire. 6007 James J. Boyer, 1835 Violet Dr., Florissant, MO 63031; C; US Small size currency. 6009 Ralph P. Erlick, Jr., 3830 Superior Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45236; C; Types 6010 Bob H. Swain, Sr., 2409 Newport Dr., Modesto, CA 95350; C/D; National Currency. 6011 Hal Greimann, P. 0. Box 21182, Denver, CO 80211 6012 Hardie Maloney, 1200 Pine St., New Orleans, LA 70118 6013 Mike Guzman, c/o Mike Follette Rare Coin Co., Plaza Level 1 Main Place, Dallas, TX 75250 6014 Robert S. Kincaid, 266 Ea Lawn, Kearney, NE 68847; Encased Postage and Fractional Currency. 6015 Donald E. McDonald, 3286 Woodview Dr., Smyrna, GA 30080; C; US Currency. 6016 John P. Gannon, Box 50, Billings, MT 59103; C/D Wes- tern State Nationals. 6017 Scott H. Williams, 4663 Wesleyan Woods Dr., Macon, GA 31210; C; Broken Banks and Foreign. 6018 John M. Hewitt, 9309 High Dr., Leawood, KS 66206; C; Silver Certificates and FRN's. 6019 Lawrence Henling, Caltech 127-72, Pasadena, CA 91125; C; Louisiana, China 6020 Thomas J. Maus, 455 Main St., Johnson City, NY 13790 6021 David W. Marsalko, 5056 Cobb Drive, Dayton, OH 45431; C; Small Size Currency. (Continued On Page 154) Meet The Candidates (Continued From Page 152) National Bank Note issues of Arizona, Wyoming, and the territories, and also small size type notes. Huntoon has authored numerous articles and books on paper money, and his work appears regularly in PAPER MONEY under the banner "The Paper Column." Last year, the SPMC published TERRITORIALS - A Guide to U. S. Territorial National Bank Notes which he wrote for the Society. In 1970, he co-authored the SPMC book "The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935" with Van Belkum and Warns. Huntoon strongly supports the publication and educational programs of the SPMC, and has taken a long term personal stand against the doctoring of paper money by so-called restoration experts. However, the most important function he sees for SPMC is that it continue to bring collectors and dealers together where they can thoroughly enjoy each other and the hobby. Without the people, you may as well spend the notes. ROBERT THIEL Bob lives in Victor, New York, where he is foreman of the wood fabrication department of Eastman Kodak Company. In addition to his numismatic activities as a coin collector for 40 years and more recently of U. S. large size type notes and small size notes, he is active in bowling leagues and enjoys taking pictures of trains. A member of ANA and Paper Money Collectors of Michigan in addition to SPMC, he would welcome the opportunity to serve on our Board of Governor. STEVEN WHITFIELD Steve Whitfield is a career Engineer Officer in the United States Army. He attended Universities at Kingston, Rhode Island and Lawrence, Kansas, where he received advanced degrees in Civil Engineering and Business Administration. Inheriting the collector instinct from his father, he has collected everything from baseball cards to coins for more than thirty years. Working in a bank during the late 50's acquainted him with large size U. S. bank notes when many such notes were turned in for redemption. Most of those notes were sold to dealers for a dollar or two over face and the remainder had to be redeemed for college expenses. The late 60's rekindled an interest in paper and his current interests include Kansas obsolete notes and checks; small size U. S. type notes; souvenir cards; inexpensive world paper money; Bank of Whitfield notes; Canadian and U. S. stamps; financial history of Rhode Island and Kansas; and any bank related material from Lawrence, Kansas. His interests and efforts are mainly in learning as much as possible about the history of the notes and the men responsible for their issue and then sharing the information. He has written articles for Paper Money, the Bank Note Reporter and the Check List and recently received an SPMC Award of Merit for his work on the combined Indian Territory/Oklahoma/Kansas Obsoletes book. Page 154 Whole No. 93 NECRINARY'S A. R. BEAUDREAU, Secretary EPORT P. 0. Box 3666 Cranston, R. I. 02910 (Continued From Page 153) 6022 Timothy F. Tilton, c/o Krause Publications, 700 E. State St., Iola WI 54990 6023 Joe Brown, 5 W 63rd St., NY, NY 1023; C/D; Obsolete/ Large U. S. and World. 6024 Kurt Langland, 1104 4th St., SW #27, Altoona, IA; Types. 6025 H. F. Hidebrandt, 1509 Houndslow Court, Bel Air, MD 21014; C; U. S. 6026 Ronald J. Bernice, 25 Stewart Place, Mount Kisco, NY 10549 6027 Robert Peronnet, 39 rue San Senargues, 75018 Paris, France 6028 Michael Klug, P. 0. Box 18, Crystal Lake, IL 60014; C/D; New. 6029 Lucien Bernier, 92 Pare St., Grandby Quebec, Canada J265C9; C; World. 6030 Paul J. Calhoun, 3454 Fenton Avenue, Bronx, NY 10469; C; Confederate and S. Carolina banknotes. 6031 David Deschenes, 8 Crowley Ave., Nashua, NH 03060; C; Foreign Bank Notes & U. S. 6032 Bennie Allotta, 7904 Comstock Ave., Whittier, CA 90602; C/D 6033 W. L. Wolf, 2106 East 172nd St., South Holland, IL 60473 6034 Phillip H. Reisman Jr., 24 Edgewood Ave.. Larch- mont, NY 10538; C; Obsolete Bogus/Forgeries. 6035 Dale Draper, 1216 Cedar, Duncan, OK 73533; C; Obso- lete Bank Notes. 6036 Kendal Reed, 362 Dogwood Circle, Radcliff, KY 40160; C 6037 A. A. Armstrong Jr., 211 West 39, Scottsbluff, NE 69361; C; Neb. & Wyo. Natl & Neb. Obs. 6038 Adolph Guzman, P. 0. Box 29426, San Antonio, TX; C/D 6039 Ira T. Hester, M. T., 553 Mount Avenue, North Baby- lon, NY 11703; C/D; Small Size Currency. 6040 Terry Dietz, 430 Plateau, Santa Cruz, CA 95060; C; Uncut Obsolete Sheets. 6041 Burt Neikirk, 37 Kemp St., Pontiac, MI 48058; C; Souve- nir Cards/Items from Pontiac, Michigan. 6042 Mark A. Sims, 14997 Echo Ridge Drive, Nevada City, CA 95959; C 6043 Barry Kaye, 5 Milford Court, Spring Valley, NY 10977 6044 Dennis P. O'Leary Jr., Box 84, Dennis, MA 02638; C. 6045 Larry S. Mogolov, R.R. #1, Cumming, IA 50061; C/D; U. S. & Foreign. 6046 Johnnie E. Dillow, 322 Spruce St., Apt. 2, Bristol, TN 37620; C; Tennessee Obsolete. 6047 Ray W. Stone, Zoarville, OH 44698 6048 Jay McCulloch, R.R. #1 Box 7, Yarmouth, ME 04096; C; Maine Nationals. 6049 Russel Ray, 6234 S. Ivanhoe, Ypsilanti, MI 48197; C; Michigan. 6050 Lois W. Gross, 2165 Chatfield Dr., Cleveland, OH 44106; C 6051 Nick Magnano, P. 0. Box 37C, Pasadena, CA 91104; C; General. 6052 Raymond G. Regnerus, 18543 Bock Ave., Lansing, MI 60438; C; Nationals. 6053 Robert A. Daus, 5219 Village Haven, San Antonio, TX 78218; C/D; Confederate States. 6054 Darrell A. Shauer, Jr., 682 Park Pl., Brooklyn, NY; C; African and U. S. 6055 Jim Hodgson, 484 Greystone Trace, Marietta, GA 30067; C/D; Small Size U. S. 6056 Perry B. Blankley, 872 N. Barksdale St., Memphis, TN 38107; C; Large Nationals; Small Federal Reserve. 6057 William A. Daub, 5606 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis, WI 53214; C; U. S. Small Size 6058 Dr. Leo Gorelkin, 1331 Breezy Lane, Atlanta, GA 30329; C; Colonial. 6059 Paul E. O'Malley, 1003 Lincolnshire Dr., North Attle- boro, MA 02760; C; Nationals. 6060 Mike Mavety, 581 Portsmouth Ave., Kingston; C; Canadian, U. S. Obsolete. 6061 Roger Benson, 911 W. Valencia; Rialto; CA 92376; D; Fractional - Large U. S. 6062 Wayne D. Rickert, 1700 Butler Pike #20A, Consho- mocken, PA 19428; C 6063 William T. Worthington, P. 0. Box 2652; Silver City, NM 88061; C; Obsolete Currency. 6064 G. E. Renegar, P. 0. Box 1110, Crab Orchard, WV 25827; C; Confederate Notes. HAVE A QUESTION OR PROBLEM? HERE'S YOUR SPMC CONTACT: Area of Concern: -Change of Address -Non-receipt of magazine -Orders for SPMC Publications Person to Contact: Fred Sheheen The Camden Company P. 0. Box 9 Camden, S. C. 29020 -Payment of Dues for Roger H. Durand EXISTING. Memberships P. 0. Box 186 -Presentation of Bills for Rehoboth, Mass. 02769 Payment by SPMC -Requests for Membership Application Blank Brochures -NEW Applications for Membership -Requests for Reinstatement -Resignations -Reports of Deaths Del Beaudreau P. 0. Box 3666 Branston, R. I. 02910 -Complaints -General Questions Regarding SPMC -Library Usage -Book Project Questions Wendell Wolka Box 366 Hinsdale, II. 60521 -Magazine Articles Barbara Mueller (Submission) 225 S. Fischer Ave. -Magazine Advertising Jefferson, Wisconsin 53549 -Regional Meetings Larry Adams -Awards 969 Park Circle -Publicity Boone, Iowa 50036 In order to speed a response to your letter, please include: -a stamped, addressed envelope. -your complete address, including zip code. -your SPMC membership number (if one has been assigned). Paper Money Page 155 BEP Director Clements To Address SPMC Breakfast In Memphis Harry R. Clements, Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D. C., will be the featured speaker at the Society of Paper Money Collectors Breakfast at 7:30 A.M. Saturday June 20, 1981 at the Holiday Inn - Rivermont Hotel, 200 W. Georgia Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, to be held in conjunction with the Memphis Coin Club's 5th International Paper Money Show June 19-21. His talk, illustrated with slides, will enlighten collectors on the operations and future of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Mr. Clements was born in Blackwell, Oklahoma, on March 16, 1929. He is a graduate of Westport High School in Kansas City, Missouri, and Wichita State University where he obtained Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Aeronautical Engineering. He has had additional training in business administration and government operations at UCLA and the Federal Executive Institute, and has taken many additional courses and seminars in technical, management, and government subjects. He served with the U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers, in the Far East prior to entering college. Mr. Clements spent twenty years in the aerospace and transportation industries, holding management and executive positions in the fields of engineering, new business development, manufacturing and operations, administration and general management in major U. S. corporations. He was general manager of divisions providing systems for space applications and advanced transportation, and managed a major element of the U. S. Supersonic Transport program. Mr. Clements is a licensed commercial pilot and airplane mechanic. He entered the Federal Government as an executive in the program of the President's Commission for Personnel Interchange, where he managed a division of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Then for two years he was with HEW's Rehabilitation Services Administration serving as Deputy Commissioner. From 1975 to 1978 he was Chief Executive Officer of (NISH, Inc.) a private firm providing industrial management services related to Federal Government contracting. Mr. Clements became Deputy Director of the Treasury Department's Bureau of Engraving and Printing on January 22, 1979. He was selected for the position of Director; a position which he has held since July 15, 1979. Reservations for the SPMC Breakfast are a MUST. Tickets can be ordered for $7.00 each (inicludes everything) from Mike Crabb, SPMC Breakfast, Box 17871, Memphis, Tennessee 38117. Deadline is June 8, 1981. Page 156 Whole No. 93 SPMC Annual Awards 1981 SPMC Awards will be presented at the American Numismatic Association Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 28, 1981, as follows: 1 Nathan Gold Memorial Award. Established and for- merly (1961-1970) presented by Numismatic News. Presented to a person who has made a concrete contri- bution toward the advancement of paper money col- lecting. Recipients, who need not be a member of SPMC, are chosen by the Awards Committee. 2. Julian Blanchard Memorial Award. Awarded to a member of SPMC for an exhibit, at annual ANA con- ventions, of proof notes, tie-in of stamps and paper money and/or notes with matching vignette proofs and other related material. Notes may be of any kind and of any period or country. The Awards Committee or a committee appointed for the purpose will select the recipient. 3. Award of Merit. For SPMC member (or members) who, during the previous year, rendered significant contributions to the Society which bring credit to the Society. May be awarded to the same person in differ- ent years for different contributions. Recipients to be chosen by the Awards Committee. 4. Literary Awards. First second and third places. Awarded to SPMC members for articles published originally in Paper Money during the calendar year preceding the annual meeting of the Society. A. Elected officers not eligible if the article is publish- ed while in office; nor to an Awards Committee member if voted while he is on that committee. B. Serial articles are to be considered in the year of conclusion, except in case the article is a continua- tion of a related series on different subjects; these to be considered as separate articles. C. Suggested operating procedures: The Awards Committee chairman will supply each committee member a copy of the guidelines for making awards. Using the grading factors and scoring points which follow, each member will make his selection of the five best articles published in the preceding year, listing them in order of preference. The lists will be tabulated by the chairman and the winners chosen. A second ballot will be used to break any ties. D. Grading factors and scoring points: a. Readability and interest—Is the article interest- ingly written? (20 points) Is it understandable to someone not a specialist in the field? (10 points) Would you study the article rather than just scan through it? (10 points) b. Numismatic information conveyed—In your opinion, will the article be used by future stu- dents as a reference source? (20 points) Has the author documented and cross referenced his source material? Give credit for original re- search and depth of study. (20 points) Is the sub- ject a new one, not previously researched, or a rehash? If it presents a new slant on an old sub- ject, give proper cretit. (20 points) 1981 Awards Committee Larry Adams, Chairman Dean Oakes Paper Money Page 157 COMING EVENTS PAGE National Meetings — Memphis, Tennessee — June 19 - 21, 1981; Memphis Coin Club 5th International Paper Money Show, Holiday Inn-Rivermont, 200 W. Georgia Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee. Thursday, June 18 - SPMC Board Meeting. 3:00 P.M. Visitors welcome. Saturday June 20 - SPMC Breakfast, 7:30 A.M. Harry Clements, Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, will present program. Mr. Clements became Deputy Director of the Treasury Department's Bureau of Engraving and Printing on January 22, 1979. He was selected for the position of Director; a position which he has held since July 15, 1979. The Bureau, with a work force of 3,000 in the District of Columbia, designs and produced U. S. currency, postage stamps, public debt securities, and other financial and security documents. Reservations for the SPMC Breakfast are a MUST. Tickets can be ordered for $7.00 (includes everything) from Mike Crabb, SPMC Breakfast, Box 17871, Memphis, Tennessee 38117. Deadline is June 8. New Orleans, Louisiana — July 27 - August 2, 1981; American Numismatic Association Annual Convention, New Orleans Hilton Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana. Tuesday, July 28 — SPMC Board Meeting. 8:30 A.M. Chequers Room at the Hilton. Wednesday, July 29 — SPMC General Membership Meeting. 10:30 AM. Elmwood Room at the Hilton. Wednesday, July 29 — SPMC Banquet and Reception. 6:30 P.M. in the Marlborough Room at the Hilton, Clarence Rareshide, New Orleans attorney and numismatist, will be the featured speaker, with his topic, "Louisiana's Rich Currency Heritage." Mr. Rareshide, an avid collector of Louisiana paper money, is working on the Society's book on Louisiana Obsolete Paper Money. Tickets for the SPMC Banquet are REQUIRED, and are $16.50. Orders should be sent by July 21 to Wendell Wolka, ANA Banquet, Box 366, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521. International Meetings — Toronto, Canada — July 15 - 18, 1981; International Paper Money Congress and Exhibition (INTERPAM '81). Meetings, exhibition/educational programs/international bourse/auction sale. Sponsored by International Bank Note Society and Canadian Paper Money Society. SPMC will hold an educational meeting Friday July 17, at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM with SPMC Editor Barbara R. Mueller in charge of the program, which will include a slide presentation on the development and iconography of the American school of bank note design. Regional Meetings — Okoboji, Iowa — August 29 - 30, 1981; Paper Money Seminar at Higgins Paper Money Museum, Okoboji, Iowa; 2nd Iowa Great Lakes Coin and Paper Money Show, Brooks Best Western Lodge, Okoboji. SPMC will meet informally at these events. The Seminar will be an educational forum, with an open house at the museum. A bourse will be held at the Iowa Great Lakes Coin and Paper Money Show. Watch this space and the numismatic press for further details. For general information contact Don Watts, Chairman, 216 North Main Street, Clarion, Iowa 50525 (515) 532-3560. Des Moines, Iowa — September 25 - 27, 1981; Iowa Numismatic Association Annual Convention, Des Moines Marriott, 7th & Grand, Des Moines, Iowa. SPMC will hold a regional meeting at this event. Watch this space and the numismatic press for further details. For information contact Don Mark, Box 1, Abel, Iowa 50003 (515) 223-0891. Page 158 6065 Eric Moore, P.O. Box 6606, Orange, CA 92677; C; Small Size Money. 6066 John M. Stuber, 2400 W. 112th St., Minneapolis, MN 55431; C; Minnesota and Wisconsin Nationals. 6067 Michael H. Mason, 1966 Stanton Ave., Las Cruces, NM 88001; C; World Bank Notes. 6068 David F. Boeshaar, P. 0. Box 3355, Santa Susana, CA 93063; C; Everything Numismatic and Philatic. 6069 Terry L. King, 918 Oak St., Emporia, KS 66081; C; Silver certificates. 6070 William C. Gunderson, 1223 San Rafael Drive, Peta- luma, CA 94952; C; California Nationals. 6071 Frank E. Howard, 856 Charlotte Street, Macon, GA 31206; C; Type Notes, Large and Small. 6072 John A. Spacek, 315 Southall Road, West Columbia, SC 29169; C; Colonial and S. C. Notes. 6073 John R. Kurfees, 308 N. Race Street, Statesville, NC 28677; C/D 6074 David Grand, 1225 N. Sycamore Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92631; C; Consecutive Notes. 6075 Ray Rivera, Box 539; Moorestown, NJ 08057; C/D; National Currency (Phila. Metro Area) 6076 William F. O'Brien, 63 Braemar Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470; C; $2 Large and Small. 6077 Ronald D. Kreske, 1608 Third Street, Jackson, MI 49203; C/D; Michigan Broken Bank Notes. 6078 Nelson S. Okino, 237 Masonic Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118; C; Small Size Type Notes. 6079 Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken, Hoopeston, IL 60942; C/D; National Currency. 1i , -4 , :i. : -.4 -eq• vr ri, ;.-- 0 ;,-;.- r:-.;,3#7- iliii.;;t. ,i,..4..; .. . -..4 ,,-.. y w•.:: ,-, ...,....,4.. ,_:- - ....' 1. :. ;..!..-z -..) .,4'': - - -.1- -..., •:;;;..t.i,C7. i ,1:f..:-..; .-.,'?...:.; ,:, -. :,,,, SUPPORT YOUR SOCIETY The Society of Paper Money Collectors has an in formative handout brochure available for the asking. Contained in the brochure is information on the Society and paper money in general. Take some with you to the next coin club meeting or show. Write S.P.M.C. secretary Del Beaudreau. Whole No. 93 Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 5e per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed. accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e., Dec. 1, 1980 for Jan. 1981 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash at trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words; $1; SC; U.S.; FRN counted as one word each) .................................................... EAGLE VIGNETTES WANTED, also mining scenes. Steel plate engravings only. Proofs or ? Send Zerox copy and price. Roy Peterson, Box 293, El Segundo, CA 90245 (95) MICHIGAN NATIONALS WANTED for personal collection. Large and small sizes. Also old Michigan bank post cards. Write describing material and asking prices. All letters answered. Richard Hatherley, P.O. Box 48, Brighton, MI 48116 (101) WANTED: WOOSTER, OHIO notes, obsolete or Nationals. Would appreciate description. Will answer all letters. Price and Xerox appreciated. Ralph Leisy, 616 Westridge Dr., Wooster, OH 44691 (100) WANTED: WADSWORTH, OHIO notes. Any type. Also wanted, any historic material relating to Wadsworth, Ohio. Dave Everhard, 4934A Locust St., Great Falls, Montana 59405 (97) BUYING OBSOLETE CURRENCY — all states wanted, especially North Carolina. Also, Confederate currency and U. S. Fractional. Desire quality. Willing to pay top prices. Don Buchanan, P. 0. Box 8632, Greensboro, NC 27410 (94) WANTED: CHECKS AND exchanges from all Western states. Will pay good prices or have trades available. Charles Kemp, 426 Riverbank, Wyandotte, MI 48192. (94) OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful certificates $2.50. Also buy — highest prices paid for quality stocks and bonds. Please write! Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, CA 94010. (95) TENNESSEE NATIONALS WANTED for my personal collection. Especially need first and second charters. Largest prices paid. Jasper Payne, Box 3093, Knoxville, TN 37917. (113) et- Paper Money Page 159 1864 CONFEDERATE CURRENCY, all crisp in holder. Consecutive numbers available. $1.00 T-71, $13.95; $2.00 T-70, $13.95; both $26.00 PP. Claud Murphy, Box 15091, Atlanta, GA 30333 (94) WANTED: SYCAMORE & DE KALB, Illinois Nationals. Both large and small size needed. Also need Sycamore or De Kalb from any other state. Bob Rozycki, Sycamore Coin Gallery, 358 W. State St., Sycamore, IL 60178 (941 WANTED: MILITARY PAYMENT Certificates (MPC's), $5 and $10 denominations of Series #521, 541, 591, in crisp uncirculated (CU) condition only. Only one note of each series is required. State firm price when writing. N. L. Imbriglio, P.O. Box 399, Oakhurst, NJ 07755 (93) SCRIPOPHILISTS: LEARN BEFORE you invest. Get your copy of "A Guide to Collecting Antique Stock & Bond Certificates." Chapters include Facts & Lore, How to Start, Investment Risk/Reward, Dealer List, Reference Books and several classic documents beautifully illustrated. $4.00 prepaid to Foster, Brown & Ballou, 253 Main St., East Greenwich, RI 02818 (94) ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Series 1902 Nationals wanted: Anaheim (charter 11823); Brea; Fullerton (charters 9538, 12764); Garden Grove; Huntington Beach; La Habra. Some trades available. David A. Brase, Eastern Virginia Medical School, P. 0. Box 1980, Norfolk, VA 23501 BUYING STOCK CERTIFICATES, bonds, railroads, mining, industrial, foreign. Instant reply! Arnold Weiss, 980 S. Granville, Los Angeles, CA 90059 (98) TENNESSEE-ARKANSAS-FLORIDA obsolete wanted— especially the better notes. Also want older checks with nice vignettes. Please contact Bob Pyne, 1610 Bennett Road, Orlando, FL 32803 (99) .......................................................... $2.00 STARS, 1976: Want new packs from all Districts. Call me last. Will better other offers. 612-721-6832. John T. Martin, Box 7058, Minneapolis, MN 55407. (103) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Nationals wanted for my personal collection. Howard W. Gunlocke, P. 0. Box 487, Wayland, NY 14572 (96) FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CONNECTICUT obsoletes, scrip, Nationals, etc. wanted. Please write and price. Prompt reply. David Klein, P. 0. Box 120, Fairfield, CT 06430 (94) OBSOLETE CURRENCY LISTS: Broken bank notes, merchant scrip, Confederate, U. S. Fractional. Send your 15c S.A.S.E. indicating specific interest. Wanted: Your obsolete notes, buy/trade. Send list with prices desired. Don Embury, Box 61, Wilmington, CA 90748 (93) WANTED: MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE obsolete notes, espe- cially Bank of Memphis and The River Bank. Please list and price, photo-copies if possible. R. Yancy Green, P. 0. Box 40353, Memphis, TN 38104 (94) MONTANA TERRITORIAL CHECKS, drafts and financial paper wanted. Also wanted Wadsworth, Ohio Nationals and checks. Dave Everhard, 4934A Locust St., Great Falls, MT 59405 ADVERTISING BANKNOTES WANTED: Buy or exchange. I am especially interested in patent medicines or dentistry. Dr. Ben Z. Swanson, Jr., PSC Box 2742, APO New York 09293. ........................................................... BUYING BOND & STOCK certificates. Especially need railroad bonds and all proof bonds. Absolutely highest prices paid. Also trade! David M. Beach, Box 5484, Bossier City, OA 71111 (318) 865-6614 (93) WANTED: ILLINOIS NATIONALS — Carmi, Crossville, Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Albion, Omaha, New Haven. Price and Xerox appreciated. Pete Fulkerson, 59 Montgomery Circle, Carmi, IL 62821 (618) 382-7592 (96) ............................................................ WANTED: $1, $2, $5 CU notes. Will buy, sell, trade surplus for notes needed for sets. Send want lists for notes wanted to buy, Sell or trade. Not a dealer. R. J. Blankenship, 2334 Kemper Lane, Apt. #5, Cincinnati, OH 45206 WANTED: LARGE AND small Nationals from the Old Exchange National Bank of Okawville, Illinois, charter 11780. Write. Sam Johnson, 1113 N. Market, Sparta, IL 62286 (96) WANTED: BAGLEY, MINN. (charter 6813) notes. VF or better. Send description and price. Torkel Tweite, Box 3498, Stateline, NV 89449 WANTED: CU $1, $2, $5 for provate sets, 1928 to 1977A. Trade, sell, buy notes. Have surplus $1, $2, $5. Send want-trade- buy lists. R. J. Blankenship. 2334 Kemper Lane, Apt. #5, Cincinnati, OH 45206 EARLY WESTERN CHECKS: have nice old checks from Colorado, Wyoming and Montana to trade or sell. Bob Pyne, 1610 Bennett Rd., Orlando, FL 32803 (phone 305-894-0930 after 7 P.M.) (96) Page 160 Whole No. 93 MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals, obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Gerald, MO 63037 (98) SMALL SIZE CURRENCY list available. Gold Certificates, Silver Certificates, U. S. Notes. Postage please. Mary Jane, P. 0. Box 38022, Cincinnati, OH 45238 (96) FOR SALE: IBNS JOURNALS, for years 1967-68 (3 of 4 nos.), 1972-73, 1974 thru 1978 — 7 volumes. Practically new. Highest offer for separate volumes, or for lot, by July 1st. Postage extra. Vernon L. Brown, 7178 E. Tropical Way, Plantation, FL 33317 FOR SALE: "PAPER MONEY" volumes for years 1965 thru 1979 — 15 volumes. Practically new. Best offer for separate volumes, or for lot, by July 1st. Plus postage. Vernon L. Brown, 7178 E. Tropical Way, Plantation, FL 33317 ALABAMA SCRIP AVAILABLE: City of Montgomery 6-1-37 expiration date payroll warrants. $1 series issue 4-30-36, 5-1-36. $5 series 4-14-36, 4-31-36, 5-15-36. General circ. condition & canceled. Best cash or trade offer. Multiple trades on some dates. I collect Alabama and Oregon depression scrip, National Currency, trade and transportation tokens. James M. Millard, 238 Hardin Dr., Selma, AL 36701 WANT UNCUT SHEETS obsolete bills. Proof notes, stock certificates and bonds, Jenny Lind items, coal and lumber scrip, broken bank bills. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd.. Yaupon Beach, Southport, NC (98) Cash for your PAPERMONIES , All countries/issuers, all eras!. (No USA after 1928) Wan ed: Collections...Accumulations...Dealer Stocks...Better Singles...Real Estate.... Etc Competitive WHOLESALE SERVICE for Dealers . . Confidential PORTFOLIO SERVICE for Investors Come To The Experts Combined Experience of Over 60 Years CRISWELL'S Ft. McCoy, Fla. 32637 Grover CriswellLarry Marsh For Confederate Currency - Obsolete Stocks And Bonds M. Tiltus, Boo 11249, San Francisco CA 94101 USA IIIIIIII **** 1: Publisher of Syngraphic Numismatic and Philatelic "PROFITEER" flef. ***** st**...1,k1..4* ************** 77******ITilk*M#14*******, , ..,*** Leading Supplier of WORLD PAPER CURRENCIES to Dealers & Investors Quality Papermonies Coins and Stamps for Collectors Society Book Sales Effective immediately, all orders for the Society's books should be addressed to: The Camden Company SPMC Book Sales Department P. 0. Box 9 Camden, South Carolina 29020 Paper Money Page 161 In the last year NASCA has sold more Currency at Auction than all our Competitors in the world ) alanta'4441146.1 6•C iiionsa Ilia Daltam vio,rill:91%1154Mr . v11834 }MOM IM — Man &OA 1)*;:l TICr ,7 nat r (Iv CuperrOmrtas +ilk GP:v.0PR SPECIMEN,— • • • • Profusely illustrated with full and detailed descriptions. • Prompt settlement after sale. • Full insurance by Lloyds of London. • Reasonable cash advances if necessary. AT THE LOWEST COMMISSION RATES IN THE UNITED STATES 714 Bash NASCA FEE SCHEDULE FOR CONSIGNMENTS Price Realized Commission Charged per lot to consignor $1501-Up 5% $501-1500 71/2% $1-500 15% Please Note. There is a 5% charge to the buyer in all of NASCA's auction sales REMEMBER—WE CATALOGUE COINS & CURRENCY—WE DO NOT LIST THEM NASCA NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SERVICE CORPORATION OF AMERICA 265 Sunrise Highway. County Federal Bldg., Suite 53 Rockville Centre, LI. New York 11570 516/764-6677-78 George W Ball, Chairman of the Board FNASCA 265 Sunrise Hwy. 0 53 Rockville Centre, N. Y. 11570 516/764-6677 I wish to consign to one of your upcoming currency sales at THE LOWEST COMMISION RATES IN THE UNITED STATES. Please call me at Wee Code) Please send additional details to: Wisc. Bloch Charier Is Mod Ehel Feature -16, •■••, ..".s" 0,o4 MA. •• bk*. wiaii al[RiMal Page 162 Whole No. 93 Attention Paper iMoney Here's how you can get a Free issue of the Bank Note Reporter The Bank Note Reporter is the only monthly newspaper exclusively for people interested in paper money. News, advertising, paper money values, feature articles and show listings highlight each issue. To get your free issue: Send your FREE issue request plus your name and address to — FREE ISSUE Dept. S Bank Note Reporter 700 E. State St., Iola, Wisconsin 54990 Please note: this offer is available one time only. Offer limited to non-subscribers. Don't miss this opportunity if you collect paper money. Lonectors Paper Money Page 163 SINCE 1956 = i "Real- Investments; Collectibles, Gold & Silver Jonathons Coin, inc. "Real News Reports" Weekdays 7:50, 11:50 & 5:50 on TV CH. 22 This year, Jonathons Coin, inc. will buy and sell more choice and gem large and small size U.S. currency than any dealer nationwide. From type notes to major rarities. Our 24 years of experience stand for service of the highest quality. We deal in superb material only, and encourage all serious investors and collectors to call us first. Jonathons Coin, inc. 525 West Manchester Boulevard, Inglewood, California (213) 674-3330 Outside Ca. (800) 421-2932 National Teletype Facts Al3 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CHARLES T. RODGERS C.T. COINS P.O. Box 66531 • Los Angeles, CA 90066 Legal Tender Oranges in 11x14 Frame $12.00 ppd Legal Tender Apples in 11x14 Frame $1 2.00 ppd Greater Columbia $40.00 ppd Record Bond $15.00 ppd Uncle Sam $40.00 ppd Six original turn of the century, full color embossed cigar box labels. Beautifully double matted in 8"x10" dark oak wood frame with glass. Your choice of two tone blue, light green or brown matte. Please specify. Checks of the Assistant Treasurer of the U.S. at New York 1860s. Pink Print. $8.50 ea. ppd. Full sheet of 3 pcs. uncut $24.00 ppd. Checks of the Assistant Treasurer of the U.S. at New York 1860s. Army allotment. Black print on green $15.00 ea. ppd. Full sheet of 5 pcs. uncut $60.00 ppd. Checks of the Treasurer of the U.S. Wash- ington 1860s. Brown print. $8.50 ea. ppd. Full sheet of 3 pcs. uncut $24.00 ppd. Paid In Full $15.00 ppd Bank Note $15.00 ppdWar Chest $15.00 ppd rye (biter 44,"11) • PUS 0..106 .5 MR ft" VOLIORt M. LAPIDUS & SONS w.t..10. • Vitt AGO, It LINO/ SPRODUCE OF U.S.A. ASSISTANT THI ANt ItElt U.S. ) -- New York — 7 odaTtt, l' dlfzls41 tftt3 r; 4 /1111V70111E 8011171X. Icisftzr.vm. — - Tit FAS I'IIFIt OF THE U.S. ) Dollars Page 164 Whole No. 93 INTERBUCKS are available for two for $1.00, and can be used at the show. Hotel reservations have been made at a special rate ($60.00 single, $72.00 twin) for Interpam delegates and visitors. Also planned for the paper money congress are a group of tours that will visit Niagara Falls; Ottawa, Canada's capital; and Canada's Wonderland. Registered delegates will receive a free exhibition catalogue and souvenir program that may well be a Collectors item! To purchase an Interbuck or to receive further information about INTER PAM '81 please write to: 41114,41* INTERPAM '81, Box 704, Station "B", Willowdale M2K 2P9, Ontario, Canada. Paper Money Page 165 \\,\A ER PA A4 , 87 ri00111' tV411" 411%4 \ PAPER MONEY ENTHUSIASTS!! INTERPAM '81 IS COMING. Be sure to be at the Royal York Hotel, 100 Front Street West, Toronto, Canada, July 15 -18. INTERPAM (The International Paper Money Congress and Exhibition) is the first show of its kind to ever be held. Never before has there been an assembly of this magnitude. Collectors, dealers and curators from many countries including Canada, United States, England, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Italy, Germany and Mexico will be in attendance to exhibit their collections. This prestiguous paper money event is being jointly sponsored by the I.B.N.S. and C.P.M.S. Some of the exciting events that will be taking place at INTER PAM '81: • seminars on the history of paper money from around the world • workshops on the care and preservation of banknotes • institutional paper money exhibits • material that has never before been on display THE AUCTION: Charlton International has been selected as the auctioneer for INTERPAM '81. The auction will be an outstanding and exciting one. Collections from all over the world will be auctioned off — the J.D.D. Duckworth Korean collection featuring the rare 1924 257 Yen note of the Ben-Sing Province, rare Chinese, Scottish, Turkish and U.S. notes. We at the Currency Exchange Inc. are pleased to offer a few inventory selections for the advanced collector and shrewd investor. Please include $2.50 to defray postage costs on all orders. Minnesota residents must add 4% state tax. Town Denom. Description Iss. Dat Ref. No. Grade Price Page 166 Whole No. 93 A FEW PRIME SPECIMENS FOR YOUR INSPECTION AL Huntsville AL Mhntgomery AL Shakespeare $2 Northern Bk of AL -RARE- $100 Central Bk, BC&Cb (Indians in canoe) 25cent ? Finlay ? Scrip, S/N 89 -RARE- 6/ 1/56 GD (SPM) 9/ 1/57 C138 AF Fair/GD 110.00 85.00 125.00 AR Little Rock $3 Cinc. & Little Rock Slate Co. (scarce sigs.) 12/ 1/54 C171 F 95.00 CA San Francis. $50 Calif.,New York & European Steamship Co., R7 Wig.11 XF/AU Uns. 1850.00 DC Georgetown $5 Bank of North America "Payable Dan. Webster" 9/ 1/51 VG (repairs) 135.00 FL Apalichic. $2 Bk of St. Marys 9/15/43 #38-R5 AVF 125.00 FL Tallahassee $4 Bank of Florida, RW&H (Terr. date) 2/ 1/44 #13-R4 CU-CC 200.00 IL Edwardsville $10 Bk of Edwardsville, RARE early note 5/ 7/20 Sim E185 VF+ 185.00 IL Jackson $10 IL Exporting, Mining & Mfg. Cb. (KY X-over) CU Uns. 125.00 IL Virginia $1 Treas. of County of Cass -RARE- XF Uns. 210.00 IN Lexington $10 IN Mfg. Co., MDF&Co "Indiana Terr." 6/ 7/15 422-4 R5 AF 235.00 IN New Castle $25 Treas. of Henry County, Grn & Blk 3/ 9/66 603-1 R5 AVF 175.00 KS LeavoCity $5 The Drovers Bank, WLO (horses) 11/ 1/56 121 R4 VF(SPM) 225.00 KS ? ? ? 5 cent Kaup & Trumbull Merch. Due Bill (grn) #2-1 R4 VG (tears) 95.00 KS ? ? ? 25cent Kaup & Trumbull Merch. Due Bill (grn) #2-3 R4 VG (SPM) 95.00 KY Hickman lOcent White & McMahan (CSA "1st pres." shield) 2/ 1/62 VG+(1/3miss) 135.00 LA New Orleans $1000 Citizens Bk of LA (hi-lingual) Sim.C148 CU Uns. 55.00 LA New Orleans $1000 "Canal Bank", RWH&E N375 CU Uns. 45.00 MA AdamsS.Vill. $1 Farmers & Mechanics Bk, NEBNCb -RARE- 10/20/37 Prob. R7 VG 89.00 MA Boston 4 cent J.P. Williams scrip, green print XF-PC 95.00 MA Lowell $500 Appleton Bk, ABNCb (impared proof) RARE!!! XF (LW) 950.00 MD Baltimore $1 Comm'l. & Farmers Bk of Balt., NBNCb (ship) 5/12/62 prob.R7 VG(SPM) 145.00 ME Portland lOcent N.M. Woodman scrip (unlisted in Wait) 1/ 1/63 Prob. R7 AU-PC 79.00 MI Allegan $5 Bank of Allegan, RW&H #2 AU Uns. 89.00MI Ann Arbor $8 Bank of Washtenaw, RW&H (RARE) 12/ 9/35 #43 AU/CU 525.00 MN St. Paul $1 Treas, of State of MN, terr. date! 3/20/58 #41 R6 F+-CC 135.00 MN St. Paul $3 Treas. of State of MN, Terr. Date! 2/10/58 #42 R7 VG-CC 200.00 MO Jeff. City $1 Union Military Bond, ABNCb -VERY RARE- 8/ 1/63 UG11 VG (LW) 235.00 MO St.Louis $3 City Treas. Warrant, ABNCb 6/ 1/61 Sim.C270 VG 195.00 MS Jackson $10 State of MS, ERROR dtd 62 pay. 62 RARE 1/ 9/62 Cris. #4 XF 125.00 MT Helena $50 Peoples National Bank, NBNCb (RARE) P170 XF Uns. 385.00NB Lincoln $1 City of Lincoln, CBNCO (Lincoln on rev.) #1 R4 GD+ Uns. 95.00 NB Omaha City wrtn. Terr. of Nebraska Treas. Warrant (grn&blk) 3/ 9/63 # R5 XF 135.00 NB Omaha City wrtn. Same but with "Terr. of Nebraska" in red 1/ 8/63 # R4+ AU 125.00 NC Wilmington $6 Bk of Cape Fear, pay. 0 ?, BC&Cb #160 GD/VG 150.00 ND Valley City 16cent U.S. Treas. Dept. Warrant, payable N.D. 9/ 6/12 XF 75.00 NH Keene S4 Cheshire Bank, RARE early NH note! 5/14/ 5 Fair 65.00 NJ Cape May CH $2 Traders Bank 1/ 1/53 #382 R7 GD (SW) 165.00 NJ Hoboken $2 North River Bk, UBNCb -UNLISTED- R7 11/10/64 Sim.#821 VG+ 285.00 NJ Newton $1 Sussex Bank, BB&C (haywagon & blacksmith) #1742-R7 CU Uns. 95.00NJ Paterson $1 Passaic County Bk, ABNCb 1/ 1/52 1864 R7 VG (repr.) 175.00 NY Albany 2 cent ? ? ? scrip, pay. NY State Bk 9/ 1/15 VG (SMH) 95.00 NY Utica 2 cent S.W. Chubbuck scrip (pay. in Postage Curr.) 4/ 1/64 F 75.00NY -SUTLER- 25cent 2nd Regt. NY Heavy Artillary, D.S. Sheldon AU 89.00 OH CuyahogaFls. 12-1/2 Cuyahoga Falls Real Estate Assn. scrip S/N32 5/ 1/38 F+ (SW) 145.00 OH Hemlock Lake lOcent S. Francis scrip, pay. Bk of Lima 7/25/62 F+ 135.00OH SUTLER 2.50 188th Reg. Ohio Vol. Inf., pay.Jos. Grimm 5/ 5/65 AU 110.00PA Phila. $500 City Bank, BB&C Impaired proof on new card VF (tears) 350.00 PA Philadelphia $5 Western Bk of Phila., NBNCb (Eagle) RARE Sim.W252 AU-PC 125.00PA Phila. $3000 Bk of United States, DTL&Cb RARE! 12/15/40 U456 CU 1125.00 PA COLL. SCRIP - - Peirce School scrip set $1,2,10,20&50 XF/btr, 35.00TN Tazewell $5 Bk of Claiborne, DW&Co 11/ 1/54 GD (tears) 95.00TN Nashville $5 Treas. of the State of TN, ABNCb 5/ 1/75 Cris.#7 VG-PC(repr.) 95.00TX Galveston $1 Labor Exchange Scrip (1897) RARE Unl. VF (stain) 375.00UT Salt Lake $3 Drovers Bank, Ormsby (cattle) -RARE- 7/ 1/56 GD 175.00 VI Charlotte $8 Monticello Bank, DW&Cb S/N 37 RARE! 4/29/61 R6+ VG+ 725.00VT Montpelier $1 State Bank, TC&Co (Large COC) 5/ 1/58 #2(3 R7 AU-COC 85.00WI Pepin $5 Chippewa Bk, DW&Co (horses) RARE 11/ 1/56 F (LPM) 89.00WI Racine $2 Richmond's Exchg. Bank Fair 125.00 1633 N.E. Highway 10 Suite 5W Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 612-786-5545 Days 612-757-5878 Eye. after 6 Ask for Scott SeCor Paper Money Page 167 Library Wanted In the past 5 months we have responded to the challenge of filling many want lists of the several hundred people that have written to us. We need your books and auction catalogs covering the areas of Banknotes of the world, paper money books, banking histories, and other related numismatic literature to satisfy the wants of the people we have been unable to help. Take this opportunity to grow with us. and learn with us. Coming In September: Our 1st Mail-Bid Auction Sale-Catalog $5.00 Bank Reference Available Member ANS-ANA Michael & Marlene Bourne RARE NUMISMATIC LITERATURE 508-40th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Hours: 2-7 Monday-Friday 9-5 Saturday (612) 781-3421 •UNITED STATES LEGAL TENDER NOTES nui UNITED STATES SILVER CERTIFICATES UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES• 1,,TED STATES • FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES .41111♦ MOO II UNITED STATES SMALL SIZE CURRENCY TED STATES EXPERIMENTAL ISSUE Y.= remnrarm -N ,IATE, • EMERGENCY SERIES • ■ ut....T. EID STATES GOLD CERTIFICATES .11 onliTED STATES NATIONAL CURRENCY Page 168 Whole No. 93 For An Award ,Winning Collection MOUNT YOUR U.S. PAPER MONEY ON CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES The following sets of PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES and mounts will accommodate ALL small size U.S. currency issued from 1928 to date. Legal Tender Notes Series Capacity Retail L-01 One Dollar 1928 1 .60 L-02 Two Dollars 1928-63A 14 4.50 L-05 Five Dollars 1928-63A 12 3.50 L-3B Any Denomination ANY 12 3.50 Silver Certificates SC-1 One Dollar 1928-57B 21 6.00 SC-5 Five Dollars 1934-53B 8 2.50 SC-10 Ten Dollars 1933-53B 9 3.00 S-EA Emergency Issue - Africa 1934-35A 3 1.50 S-EH Emergency Issue - Hawaii 1934-35A 4 1.50 S-RS Experimental Issue - "R" & "S" 1935A 2 .60 S-3B Any Denomination ANY 12 3.50 Gold Certificates G-01 $10 -$20 -$50 -$100 1928 4 1.50 Federal Reserve Bank Notes F-05 Any Denomination 1929 12 3.50 National Currency N-05 Any Denomination 1929 12 3.50 N-3B Any Denomination 1929 12 3.50 Federal Reserve Blockletter and Notes - $1.00 District Sets Star Note Sets SERIES CAPACITY RETAIL SERIES CAPACITY RETAIL 01-1 Granahan-Dillon 1963 12 3.50 01-1B 34 8.75 01-2 Granahan-Fowler 1963A 12 3.50 01-2B 70 17.75 01-3 Granahan-Barr 1963B 5 2.00 01-3B 13 3.75 01-4 Elston-Kennedy 1969 12 3.50 01-4B 36 9.25 01-5 Kabis-Kennedy 1969A 12 3.50 01-56 32 8.25 01-6 Kabis-Connally 1969B 12 3.50 01-6B 35 9.25 01-7 Banuelos-Connally 1969C 10 3.50 01-7B 25 6.75 01-8 Banuelos-Shultz 1969D 12 3.50 01-8B 47 12.25 01-9 Neff-Simon 1974 12 3.50 01-96 68 17.25 01-10 Morton-Blumenthal 1977 12 3.50 01-10B 63 16.25 01-11 Morton-Miller 1977A 12 3.50 01-11B 24 6.50 Federal Reserve Notes - $2.00 Series Capacity Retail 02-1 Neff-Simon 1976 12 3.50 Federal Reserve Notes - $2.00 Blockletter and Star Notes Sets 02-1B Neff-Simon 1976 24 6.50 Federal Reserve Notes F-3B Any Denomination ANY 12 3.50 Small Size Currency AP-3B All Purpose (Errors, radars, etc.) ANY 12 3.50 Please include $1.50 for postage and handling on all orders. PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES fit any standard three-ring loose-leaf binder. R. J. BALBATON, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 314, PAWTUCKET, RI 02862 Mail coupon to: New England Rase Coin Galleries P.O. Box 1776, Boston, MA 02105 KB -47 NEW, ENGLAND RARE COIN GALLERIES Name Address City, State, Zip Daytime Tel.: ( Paper Money Page 169 Sell your aufrency to the company that's not holding out for a bargain . New England Rare Coin Galleries holds out for quality. New England Rare Coin Galleries, the world's largest dealer in rare U.S. coins, is now buying rare U.S. currency. And we are applying the same high standards to our paper money inventory that have made our rare coin inventory famous: unsurpassable quality material, with absolute guarantees of grading and authenticity. We can't afford any bargains ...we will pay only top prices, but only for top quality currency. Here are some examples of our current needs, and the prices we will pay for uncirculated notes, depending on condition: q Legal Tender $10 Bison $1,500 - $2,500 q Silver Certificates $2 Ed.icalionai: $2,00 - $3,750 q Fractional Currency 50C Justice Issue: $165 - $700 q Treasury Notes $2 1891: $500 - $1,700 We don't expect any bargains ... and our offer may come as a pleasant surprise to you Ship your notes, registered and insured., to New England. Or contact us first to discuss your collection. A special Offer for SPMC Members! If you collect paper money you should read Inventory Selections', New England's monthly catalog of coins and paper money Subscrip- tion cost is $10 per year, automatically extended when you buy $150 or more from any catalog. As a spe- cial introductory offer to SPMC members, we are offering free sample copies of the current issue. Inventory Selections' feature arti- cles, monthly columns, and bountiful selection have made it one of the most eagerly awaited publications in numis- matics ... and now in syngraphics too! Send for your free current issue today. Dear New England: q Enclosed are notes from my collection. Please contact me with your offer. q Please contact me about buying my ( brief description of material you wish to sell ) q I'd like to receive your currency offerings every month. Please enter my subscription to Inventory Selections''. I enclose $10. q I'm an SPMC member. Please send the current issue of Inventory Selections free. New England Rare Coin Galleries World's Largest Dealer in Rare U.S. Coinage 89 Devonshire Street, Boston, MA 02109 q Toll-free 800-225-6794 q In Mass. 617-227-8800 Page 170 Whole No. 93 THE AMERICAN BOND DETECTOR COMPLETE AND ORIGINAL TWO COPIES! Phillip's Paper Currency of the American Colonies, fine original two volume set *Heath's and other Counterfeit Detectors * Griffiths' History of American Bank Note Co. * S. H. & H. Chapman Auction Sale Catalogues with Original Photographic Plates: Jenks/Earle/Sargent/Hunter/JackmanlWhetmore/H. P. Smith/Jewett/Parsons/Zabriskie/Brown/Bement U. S. & Foreign/Gable and many more * Two Original Maris Elephant Folios * Maris on 1794 Cents (the first work on large cents) * Set of Numismatists * Eckfeldt & Du Bois with Gold Samples * Important Islamic Numismatic Books, including Lavoix and Ghalib Edhem * Numismatic Chronicle * Important works on Orders & Decorations with color plates * Original Weber Collection Greek Coins Complete * Original American Books, including Attinelli/ Crosby/ Maris/ Edgar Adams/ Newcomb (copy #1)/Original Parmelee Sale with Plates/etc., etc., etc. OUR MOST IMPORTANT SALE YET Catalogue, including prices realized list $5.00 1981 C.O.I.N. BOOK SALE — PUBLIC AND MAIL BID AUCTION Los Angeles Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles, California Sale Date: June 12, 13 & 14, 1981 GEORGE FREDERICK KOLBE Fine Numismatic Books 23881 Via Fabricante, Suite 511, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Telephone: (714) 768-6854 Paper Money Page 171 ...from the Publishers of the most respected source of pricing information ... THE 'GREY SHEET 9 (THE COIN DEALERNEWSLETTER) ANNOUNCES a NEW Publication ••. the CURRENCY DEALER newsletter ...an all NEW Monthly Publication that is the most COMPREHENSIVE and UP-TO- DATE pricing guide available in this booming (and ever-changing) field! DEALER-TO-DEALER BID/ASK Charts cover all of the following areas: *LARGE SIZE U. S. NOTES* •Demand Notes *Treasury Notes or Coin Notes •U.S. Notes (Legal Tender) •National Bank Notes •Compound Interest Treasury •Federal Reserve Bank Notes Notes • Interest Bearing Notes •Federal Reserve Notes •Refunding Certificate •National Gold Bank Notes •Silver Certificates •Gold Certificates *U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY* *U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY* PROOF & SPECIMEN NOTES *SMALL SIZE U.S. NOTES* •Legal Tender Notes •Federal Reserve Notes •Silver Certificates •Gold Certificates •National Bank Notes •WW2 Emergency Issues •Federal Reserve Bank Notes *UNCUT SHEETS-SMALL SIZE CURRENCY* •U. S. Noted (Legal Tender) •WW2 Emergency Issues •Silver Certificates •National Currency ....PLUS in-depth articles and analyses, each month, written by the most respected experts in this field! ....PLUS - auction reports - to give a clear and accurate picture of the most recent activity! ....PLUS - special Issue-by-Issue Charts covering special areas of changing importance! Please enter my subscription to the new monthly CURRENCY DEALER Newsletter Enclosed is my check or money order for q $20 for One Year q $37.50 for Two Years MAIL TO: The Currency Dealer Newsletter P. O. BOX 2308 Hollywood, CA. 90028 PLEASE WRITE TO THE ABOVE FOR OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA SUBSCRIPTION RATES. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Page 172 Whole No. 93 UNITED STATES TYPES AND NATIONALS Fr. #16 XF/VF 160.00 Fr. #238 XF; AU 25.00 Fr. #16 XF 190.00 Fr. #238 Crisp new 75.00 Fr. #16 Crisp new 700.00 Fr. #242 XF 295.00 Fr. #17A XF 190.00 Fr. #242 AU 550.00 Fr. #20 Crisp new 280.00 Fr. #256 Crisp new 550.00 Fr. #29 Crisp new 250.00 Fr. #258 XF+ 150.00 Fr. #30 Crisp new 250.00 Fr. #277 AU/XF 400.00 Fr. #36 Crisp new 150.00 Fr. #351 CU 550.00 Fr. #37 Crisp new 150.00 Fr. #710 Crisp new 110.00 Fr. #37 XF/AU 55.00 Fr. #715 CU 120.00 Fr. #39 Crisp new 150.00 Fr. #717 Crisp new 110.00 Fr. #40 XF 75.00 Fr. #718 CU Serial #D492A 200.00 Fr. #40 Crisp new 350.00 Fr. #720 XF 55.00 Fr. #41 VF++ 275.00 Fr. #722 XF 55.00 Fr. #60 AU 90.00 Fr. #726 XF+ 70.00 Fr. #60 Crisp new 200.00 Fr. #727 XF 55.00 Fr. #68 Crisp new 375.00 Fr. #730 XF 55.00 Fr. #90 AU 110.00 Fr. #734 VF+ 80.00 Fr. #91 AU 100.00 Fr. #738 CU 110.00 Fr. #145 XF+ 275.00 Fr. #740 XF 55.00 Fr. #147 VF+ 225.00 Fr. #746 XF 55.00 Fr. #224 AU/XF 395.00 Fr. #752 Crisp new 450.00 Fr. #225 F+ 175.00 Fr. #757 CU 495.00 Fr. #226 VF/XF 40.00 Fr. #765 CU 450.00 Fr. #228 Crisp new 150.00 Fr. #767 XF 175.00 Fr. #229 AU+ 100.00 Fr. #772 XF 200.00 Fr. #230 Crisp new 150.00 Fr. #833 AU++ 200.00 Fr. #232 XF+ 45.00 Fr. #836 AU 125.00 Fr. #233 XF+ 45.00 Fr. #838 AU 125.00 Fr. #233 Crisp new 150.00 Fr. #863 AU 45.00 Fr. #234 Crisp new 150.00 Fr. #911 Crisp new 150.00 Fr. #235 CU 150.00 Fr. #967 AU+ 75.00 Fr. #236 CU 150.00 Fr. #1173 XF 65.00 Fr. #237 XF/AU 25.00 Fr. #1215 XF 375.00 Fr. #237 Crisp new 55.00 Fr. #555 Mont., Ala. #5877 VF+ 275.00 Fr. #587 K. C., Missouri #8738 F 125.00 Fr. #587 New Haven, Conn. #227 F 145.00 Fr. #601 Cartersville, Mo. #4475 VG 50.00 Fr. #613 Waterbury, Conn. #791 G-F 50.00 Fr. #618 St. Louis, Mo. #9297 CU 200.00 Fr. #624 Laurel, Del. #6726 F/VF 350.00 Fr. #665 Omaha, Neb. #1633 VF+ 300.00 Fr. #625 Wilmington, Del. #3395 VG 125.00 Fr. #418 New York City #917 F+ 274.00 Fr. #600 Elberton, Ga. #9252 VG 150.00 Fr. #481 Cohoes, N. Y. #1347 F 150.00 Fr. #607 Hartwell, Ga. #11695 VG 200.00 Fr. #494 New York City #1067 F 100.00 Fr. #401 Alton, Ill. #1445 F+ 175.00 Fr. #574 Cinn., Ohio CN-2495 CU 675.00 Fr. #641 Chicago, Ill. #3698 F 55.00 Fr. #587 New York City #1370 CU 375.00 Fr. #601 Burlington, Iowa #1744 CU 250.00 Fr. #600 Thomasville, N. C. #8788 AU 250.00 Fr. #598 Indianapolis, Ind. #869 AU+ 125.00 Fr. #601 High Point, N. C. #4568 AU 250.00 Fr. #613 Indianapolis, Ind. #869 VG+ 125.00 Fr. #624 Portsmouth, Ohio #68 AU+ 150.00 Fr. #650 Topeka, Kas. #3078 AU+ 175.00 Fr. #642 Cleveland, Ohio CN-7 CU 250.00 Fr. #472 Ashland, Ky. #4559 F 150.00 Fr. #380 Warren, Penna. #520 VG+ 145.00 Fr. #487 Louisville, Ky. #4956 F+ 150.00 Fr. #467 Honesdale, Pa. #644 VF+ 225.00 Fr. #501 Louisville, Ky. #2164 F+ 225.00 Fr. #683 Johnstown, Pa. #5913 XF+ 300.00 Fr. #537 Louisville, Ky. #5312 CU 475.00 Fr. #624 Providence, RI #1007 AU 145.00 Fr. #632 Louisville, Ky. #2164 VF 55.00 Fr. #631 Elloree, S. C. #10679 F 150.00 Fr. #628 Ashland, Ky. #2010 F 55.00 Fr. #624 Brownsville, Tx. #7002 AU 225.00 Fr. #484 New Orleans, La. #1778 F+ 250.00 Fr. #626 Terrell, Tx. #3816 F+ 150.00 Fr. #683 Balt., Md. #2453 XF 375.00 Fr. #650 Weatherford, Tx. #2723 F+ 150.00 Fr. #397 Boston, Mass. #515 F+ 150.00 Fr. #682 San Antonio, Tx. #5217 XF 350.00 Fr. #598 New Bedford, Mass. XF+ 55.00 Fr. #545 Norfolk, Va. #6032 F 145.00 Fr. #613 Springfield, Mass. AU+ 375.00 Fr. #606 Abington, Va. #5150 VG+ 95.00 Fr. #624 Greenwood, Miss. #7216 VF+ 250.00 Fr. #540 Ceredo, W. Va. #4775 VG 155.00 Satisfaction completely guaranteed. Additional large and small nationals available JAMES A. SPARKS, JR. ANA-52964, SPMC-3144 P. 0. BOX 4235 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA 28144 Nobody pays more than Huntoon forznizon& WYOMING State and Territorial Nationals ♦ 14.10 ,k1.111 .1141.1 1,, WANT ALL SERIES, ANY CONDI- TION, EXCEPT WASHED OR "DOC- TORED" NOTES. (MANY TRADES!) PETER HUNTOON P.O. Box 3681, Laramie, WY 82071 CURRENCY MAIL BID BI-MONTHLY, 700 TO 800 NOTES. NATIONALS, LARGE, SMALL. 45 STATES. 1ST., 2ND. AND 3RD. CHARTERS. TYPES. BISONS, INDIANS, EAGLES, BATTLESHIPS. MUCH MORE. (NO CONFEDERATE, FRACTIONALS, BROKEN BANKS, ETC.) WRITE FOR FREE LIST. WHERE CURRENCY IS FIRST NOT A SIDELINE. ED'S CURRENCY P. 0. BOX 7295 - LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 40207 BUYING - BUYING - ALWAYS BUYING WE MUST BUY TO SUPPLY OUR MAIL BID. WRITE, SHIP OR CALL (502) 895-1168 SPMC, ANA, BLUE RIDGE, CENTRAL STATES, MICHIGAN PAPER MONEY, CAL., KY., TENN., STATE Paper Money Page 173 (86) I reserve the right to reject any and all items for any reason. WANTED FOR MY COLLECTION William R. Kazar, SPMC 3785 280 George St. New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (201) 247-8341 Page 174 Whole No. 93 IM1===IM INE=IMIB MIIMMINIIIMMI IMIEMM IIN IMIMBINM•1 I I I I I I I I CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA Buying Choice Currency Individual or Collections Confederate Obsolete especially Mississippi Southern State Issues Pass Christian. Ms. Script Guy C. Kraus P.O. Box 42003 Houston, Texas 77042 (713) 789-4874/975-8538 ANA TNA SPMC I I I I I I I I IIM MIIMIIMMINIIMM=111MIMMIIMMENIIIM=1•11MMINIM INE WANTED TO BUY NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY NATIONALS TOP PRICES PAID For the three New Brunswick, New Jersey banks pictured here: The First National Bank of New Brunswick Ch. #208; The National Bank of New Jersey Ch. #587; and the Peoples National Bank of New Brunswick, Ch. #3697. Buying any large size notes on these banks; and small size $5.00 Type I and II with Parker and Kirkpatrick sig., $10.00 Type II with Kirkpatrick sig., and $20.00 Type II with Parker sig. all on the #587 bank. Please state condition and price with first letter. Send photo, if possible. Will pay for photo. Paper Money Page 175 *SUBSCRIBE NOW „it r-- PAPER AMERICANA P.O. BOX 334, BALDWIN PARK, CA 91706 The Monthly newspaper that covers "ALL" areas of Paper Collectibles. Mailed First Class. Hundreds of Ads - Interesting Articles Sharp Photos - Show Coverage Book Review 1,000s of Satisfied Readers If Paper Collectibles are your Field PAPER AMERICANA IS A MUST! ..., ONLY $8.00 per Year! Please Send Me PAPER AMERICANA P.O. BOX 334, Balwdin Park, CA 91706 --I I I I or: ■ 1 year $8.00 q 2 years $15.00 ISSUED ame MONTHLY-MAILED FIRST CLASS treet ty State P Canada 0 $10.00 per year Foreign ■ $12.00 per year -J ■ NATIONAL CURRENCY $1 First Charter #1428 Alton, Ill VG 250.00 $1 First Charter #1350 Auburn, Ny G/VG 200.00 $1 First Charter #279 Newburyport, Mass VG 200.00 $5 1882 BB #N2304 Boston. Mass VF/XF 225.00 $10 1882 BB #5047 LaCross Wisc. VG 175.00 $10 1882 BB #E1122 Canajc .nrie, NY XF/AU 375.00 $20 1882 BB #1686 Faribaul , Minn F/VF 225.00 $10 1882 BB #N884 Gardner; Mass VF 275.00 $20 1882 DB #2630 Pendleton, Oregon VF/XF 850.00 $5 1882 DB #P2380 Walla Walla, Wash. VF/XF 2250.00 $5 1882 VB #W5967 Eufaula, Oklahoma Fine 775.00 $5 1902 #5061 Sumit, NJ VG 195.00 $50 1902 DB #P4229 Seattle, Wash. Fine 225.00 $5 1902 #9502 Oakland, Calif. VG/F 110.00 $10 1902 #N1131 Providence, RI F/VF 65.00 $20 1902 #2928 Albany, Oregon VF 350.00 $10 1902 #N2950 Rutland, Vt XF 375.00 $20 1902 #9374 Duluth, Minn. VG 110.00 $20 1902 #6680 Pine Bluff, Arkansas F/VF 350.00 $20 1902 #7704 Holly, Colorado F/VF 1250.00 $10 1902 DB #M2890 Grand Rapids, Mich. XF/AU150.00 $10 1902 DB #W3578 Mitchell, S. D. F/VF 450.00 $10 1902 #P9358 Newberg, Oregon Fine 450.00 $20 1929 #3161 Darlington, Wisc. VF/XF 65.00 $20 1929 #6279 Preston, Minn. VG 85.00 $5 1929 #5156 Warrensburg, Missouri VG 65.00 $10 1929 #9519 Windsor, Missouri VF/XF 135.00 $20 1929 #5668 Ishpeming, Mich VF 65.00 $10 1929 #13202 Bangor, Wisc. VF/XF 110.00 $10 1929 #3761 Escanaba, Mich Fine 60.00 $10 1929 T2 #7837 Fort Colins, Colo F/VF 110.00 $10 1929 #3355 Yakima, Wash. VF/XF 65.00 $20 1929 #4552 Wahpeton, North Dakota F/VF 275.00 $10 1929 #3655 LaGrande, Oregon VG (rust spots) 65.00 $20 1929 #4514 Portland, Oregon CU 165.00 $20 1929 #5450 Morganton, North Carolina VG 95.00 $10 1929 T2 Miles City, Montana #12536 Fine 225.00 $20 1929 #4686 Everett, Wash, F/VF 75.00 $10 1929 #4668 Spokane, Wash. Fine 45.00 $10 1929 #2597 Ogden, Utah Fine 95.00 $20 1929 T2 #13044 San Francisco, Calif. VF .... 35.00 $20 1929 #4318 Cleveland, Ohio XF 45.00 $20 1929 #64 Milwaukee, Wisc. CU 65.00 $20 1929 #7372 Bellingham, Wash. Fine 55.00 $20 1929 #4427 Hoquiam, Wash. Fine 85.00 $5 1929 T2 #1553 Portland, Oregon Fine 25.00 $10 1929 #4699 Pullman, Wash. Fine 185.00 $50 1929 #4375 Seattle, Wash. XF 95.00 $10 1929 #5751 Ritzville, Wash. VG/F 225.00 $5 1929 #2006 Minneapolis, Minn. XF 25.00 $5 1929 #9829 Indianapolis, Ind VF 25.00 $10 1929 #4301 Corvallis, Oregon VG 125.00 $5 1929 #3159 Sherman, Texas VG 45.00 $10 1929 T2 #7701 Medford, Oregon Fine 150.00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Seven day return privilege. Bank cards welcome, please send the information as it appears on your card. Member ANA-SPMC. AURORA COIN SHOP (206) 283-2626 507 3rd Ave. #5-PM Seattle, Wash. 98104 Wanted To Buy, Georgia Obsolete Currency EAGLE & PHOENIX NIEG.CO. 11 59.11. any note. Ellis & iiy ingsunl. any note. Farmers Rank of Chattahoochee, any note. ireenwood & Il Hines. any note. T.NI. I I ogan. any note. Insurance Bank. any note. Livery Stables, any note. Manufacturers & Nlechanics Bank. 52.00. 5f1.110, S 10.00. Nlobile & Girard 11.1t., any note. NI USGOti If:If: NI VG. C0.11S9fil. any note. Palace NI ills. almost all notes. Phoenix Bank. any note. Planters & Mechanics Bank, any note. Western Bank of Ga., (BRA NCIII. any note. COOL SPRINGS NV I LL I S ALLEN Istorel. any note. CORDELF: Crisp County Cotton association 119151. any note. COVINGTON Richard Camp, any note. CUTHBERT Banking House of John NIcGunn, any note. DAHLONEGAH Bank of Darien I BRANCH). any note. Cherokee Bank. any note. Pigeon Roost NI ining ('o.. any note. 1)A LTON Bank of M hit Field, any fractional -. NI :\ NOV V I FlIt" 53.00 & 5).(10, Cherokee Insurance & Banking. any Fractional: S'2.011. 55.110. 310.00. City Council of Dalton, any note. especia It signed. Planters I nsurance 'Nast & Loan any note, ESPECIALLY SIGNED. Planters & NI echanics Bank. any FRACTIONAL. BARMEN Batik of Darien, any note DECATUR Scrip, Various issuers, want any note. DUBLIN Laurens County. any note. EATONTON Bank of the State of Ga. tBranchl, S50.00.5100.110. ELBERTON F:lbert County. any note. FORSYTHE County id Monroe. any note. Monroe R.11. & 13 asking Co., (Bra min. any note. Scrip payable at AGENCY OE THE Monroe R.R. Bank. any note. FORT GAINES Fort Gaines. any note. 1 vv Agency Planters Bank1Scripl, any note. GAINF:SVILLE City of Gainesville. any note. GEORGE -PORN John N. Webb. any note. GREENBOROUGH I / It Lanford. any note. !LANK OF THE ST..\TE OE GA. ililtA CIIHILARE)Pa■ high. any not, BANK OF GREENSISOltOliti any note. GREENVILLE County ol NI erriw et her, any note. GRIFFIN City Council ol Griffin. any note. County of Spaulding. any note. Exchange Bank. any note. Interior Bank. any note. Also CON- TEM PORA RA COUNTERFEITS. Nlonroe & Banking Co. Ili ranch(. any nole. HAMILTON Ilarris County (11;0111:FON NO1' ((N NOTESi. any note. HARTWELL I fart County. any note. HAWKINSVILLE Agency Planters Bank !Scripl any note. Bank of I lawkinsville, any note. Pulaski County, any note. JACKSON Butts County, any note. JONESBORO Clayton County, any note. JEFFERS()NTON !Scrip). any note. LAFAYETTE \Vestern Atlantic any note. LA GRANGE LaGrange Bank. any note, — 1)0N "I' (1 - ANT - RECON STRIA - 1 . 1ov: IC NIP K IN Slewarl County, any note. NI ACON Bank ot Macon. any note. especially notes payable at Branch in Bank of Middle Georgia, any note. BAN K THE sTATE OF c; A. ilittANcti).112A1{E) PAY IiIGH. any note. BI LI. OE F:XCIIANGF: tissued Iron, Charleston. S.C.) any note. especial- 1 Central 11.11. & Banking Co. (Brand -0. any note. City Council ol Niacin). any note. City of NliiCon. any note. Commercial Bank. any note. DenipstA , any note. Exchange Bank 1159:11, any note. Insurance Bank, any note. Nlacon & Brunswick 1(.11.. Sfltnl& higher. Macon & NVestern11.11.. any note. Nlanufacturers Bank. any Fractional: S10.00, S20.00. 550.110, S100.1111. The following is my want list ol Georgia obsolete currency. I will pay competitive and lair prices for any Georgia notes. I buy y irtually any Georgia note, so it you have anything Georgia please write. or send for otter. subject of course to your appro, al I also sell duplicates. I am working on a book listing Georgia obsolete currency, and will appreciate any help, it In, have unusual or rare Georgia notes. claud murphy, jr., p.o. box 15091, atlanta, georgia 30333 telephone (404) 876-7160 hem jer5ep National Bank Currency Z11121/Z5C;3 1 am interes ed in small & large size Nationals for my personal collection from the following towns in Berge , : County & will pay the highest prices to get them. Allendale Fort Lee Bergenfield Garfield Bogota Glen Rock Carlstadt Hackensack ClIffside Park Hillsdale Closter Leonia Dumont Little Ferry Engelwood Lodi Edgewater Lyndhurst Fairview North Arlington Palaisades Park Ridgefilld Park Ridgewood Rutherford Ramsey Tenafly Westwood Wyckoff West Englewood emstern Coin extbany 31ttc. ANA LM 709 PH. 201-3428170 74 Anderson Street Hackensack, N.J. 07601 WANTED LARGE SIZE U.S. PAPER MONEY MUST BE CRISP UNCIRCULATED OR RARE TOP PRI'OES PAID ALSO BUYING: NATIONALS, OBSOLETE CONFEDERATE AND COLONIAL PAPER MONEY PLUS COIN COLLECTIONS AND ACCUMULATIONS CALL, WRITE OR SHIP TODAY WANT LISTS SOLICITED STEVE MICHAELS P.O. Box 27, Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 628-2925 ANA (91) SPMC Page 176 Whole No. 93 ■1•1■-■11111■APJ• ■ -'°"7 If You Want To Buy Or Sell Texas Material Republic of Texas Note Of Our Choice $19.00 Try Us D.S. & R.L. Higgins Inc. 713-481-4436 P.O. Box 53373 Houston, TX 77052 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL 33595 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES Harry wants to buy Currency Errors Also Interested in Buying Nationals .. . Large and Small size Uncut Sheets Red Seals Type Notes Unusual Serial numbers HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216-884-0701 WANTED Nyack 1286 2378 Suffern 5846 Haverstraw 2229 Pearl River 10526 Spring Valley 5390 Tuxedo 11404 Port Jervis 94 1363 Nanuet 13314 Warwick 314 Newburgh 468 1106 Chester 1349 Goshen 1399 1408 Middletown 3333 13956 Montgomery 7982 13559 Highland Falls 8850 Washingtonville 9065 Pine Bush 9940 13960 Florida 9956 13825 Central Valley 9990 Cornwall 10084 Walkill 10155 Windham 12164 13962 Walden 10923 Carlisle, Pa 4444 Carlisle, Ind. 8805 Kaufman, Texas 3836 Spring Valley, Ill. 3465 Spring Valley, Minn. 6316 Spring Valley, Ohio 7896 CARLISLE F. KAUFMAN 6 State St. Spring Valley, NY 10977 Paper Money Page 177 Parks traub FREE OBSOLETE CURRENCY CATALOG CHARLES E. STRAUB P.O. BOX 200 COLUMBIA, CT 06237"""""-""' cos ,o,ER SE IYICE PIM Buying & Selling Large & Small U. S. Currency QUALITY NOTES FOR THE COLLECTOR AND INVESTOR FREE INVENTORY LIST AND NEWSLETTER AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST __AmERIcior CURRENCY' P.O. BOX 21182 (303) 751-5718 DENVER, COLORADO 80221 Page 178 erN4PIZeibitdrb 41414 1PZ G1404"0 4141NOZ i sBpRNcA .. . 4,. ,... .. 4 SCNA . Confederate & Obsolete Notes B UY-SELL-APPRAISALS Please contact us if you hare one item or a collection. Top prices paid. We want to buy your notes.' If you collect lec offer our ex- tensice list of notes for $1.00 refundable with purchase. urause publicatio ANN & HUGH SHULL P.O. BOX 712 LEESVILLE, S.C. 29070 CUSTOMER SERVICE RAW 803/532.6747 CNN., M.041■41...9 BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2930 Member of: ANA, PMCM Whole No. 93 FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available P.O. BOX 1358 WARREN HENDERSON VENICE, FLA. 33595 i lE' I 7. 7, (1. WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or tine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West- ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. DRAWER 706. ROCKVILLE CENTRE. N.Y. 11571 MICHIGAN PAPER MONEY SPECIALISTS Price Lists available for the asking If it's paper and it says "Michigan", we're interested! Falater Box 81 Allen, Michigan 49227 WANTED: RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS Absolutely Highest Prices Paid Also Trade. Pre-1915 Needed. Also need other nicely engraved pre-1930 Bonds David M. Beach Box 5484, Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 865-6614 ANA SPMC London Bond & Share Society OBSOLETE CURRENCY LISTS Broken Bank Notes, Merchant Scrip, Confederate Currency, U. S. Fractional Over 1000 notes available: Send your 15c S.A.S.E. and indicate your specific area of interest with grades desired. DON EMBURY P. 0. Box 61 Wilmington, CA 90748 WANTED NATIONAL BANK NOTES and U. S. & CANADIAN PAPER MONEY Buy and Sell Frank R. Trask SPMC, ANA, NECC Phone 207-985-7431 31 Main Street Kennebunk, ME 04043 Paper Money Page 179 Page 180 Whole No. 93 U.S. CURRENCY SPECIALS "WHETHER BUYING OR SELLING, FOR A BETTER DEAL HISTORICAL FEDERAL RESERVE SETS SCARCE SUPERB CRISP NEW $1 COMPLETE SETS Rapidly Disappearing from the American Scene 10% discount on orders over $200 for any of the following $1 F.R. Sets (except when priced NET) Regular Star Sets Sets 1963 (12) 32.75 (12) 35.75 1963-A (12) 31.75 (12) 34.75 1963-B (5) 16.75 (4) 16.75 1969 (12) 30.75 (12) 33.75 1969-A (12) 29.75 (11) 3L75 1969-B (12) 28.75 (12) 32.75 1969-C (12) 25.75 (9) 48.75 1969-D (12) 27.75 (11) 30.75 1974 (12) 25.75 (12) 29.75 1977 (12) 24.75 (12) 27.75 1977-A (12) 21.75 For any above set with the last TWO serial nos. match- ing, add $2.00 per set. SPECIAL OFFER 1863/77 all 11 sets (NET) $249.75 Last 2 NOS. MATCH (NET) 269.75 1963/77 all 10 STAR Sets (NET) 279.75 TRY BEBEE'S! YOU'LL BECOME A "BEBEE BOOSTER" Last 2 NOS. MATCH (NET) 299.75 1976 $2 BICENTENNIAL SET The two last serial nos. match on all 12 Dist. Superb Cr. New $36.95 1976 $2 STAR SET SET (11) Lacks Dist. 8 Crisp New $105.00 SINGLE $2 STARS Dist. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 (Any 5 Diff. $44) EACH 9 50 (Sorry, no matching nos.) STAR NOTES WANTED CRISP NEW only - Prefer Packs (100 Consecutively Num- bered. Will Buy Less. 1976 $2 STARS. Dis 8, 12 - Pay Each $6.50; 100 $700.00 Others (No. Dist. 4, 11) Each Write 1969-C $1 STARS, Dist. 12 Ea. $6.00 1977-A $1 STARS - 5 Packs (100) on Most Dists. - CALL OR Write MAJOR ERROR SPECIAL 1957-B $1 Silver Certificate. The serial nos. start with U37 & U47. CRISP NEW - PRICE $77.50 IN PLASTIC HOLDER, W/Title 82.50 DELOREY/REEDS "Price Guide on Modern U. S. Paper Money Errors" Illus'd. 4th Ed. PPI) $3.00 O'DONNELL'S "The Standard Handbook of Modern U. S. Paper Money" 6th Ed. All the Facts on Small Size Notes & Block Collecting. ($15) SPECIAL $7.50 (Above Book FREE with $200 Note order) WANTED - BUYING - WANTED Paying the following top - cash prices for Perfect Crisp New Sheets LEGAL TENDER SHEETS 1928 $1 RED SEAL GEM Sheet (12) Pay 1928 $2 GEM Sheet (12) Pay 22,500.00 2,800.00 WORLD WAR II ISSUES 1935-A $1 HAWAII OVERPRINT Pay 6,800.00 1935-A $1 NORTH AFRICA Pay 7,250.00 1928-C $2 GEM Sheet (12) Pay 4,500.00 NATIONAL UNCUT SHEETS 1953 $2 GEM Sheet (18) Pay 3,750.00 First-Second-Third Charter CRISP NEW SHEETS 1953 $5 GEM Sheet (18) Pay 4,750.00 (4) PLEASE WRITE ALSO, Paying Absolutely HIGHEST IMMEDIATE CASH SILVER CERTIFICATES For Other Scarce/Rate Notes. UNCUT SHEETS (4, 12, 18) 1928 $1 GEM Sheet (12) Pay 3,500.00 - LARGE-SIZE NATIONALS, TERRITORIALS - TYPES 1934 $1 GEM Sheet (12) Pay 4,250.00 ALL SERIES $1.00 TO $5,000.00 ETC. SMALL SIZE 1935-E $1 GEM Sheet (18) Pay 3,000.00 NOTES - CRISP NEW ONLY: HAWAII $1.00 TO $20.00 - 1953 $5 GEM Sheet (18) Pay 4,750.00 NORTH AFRICA $1.00 TO $1,000.00 - 1935-A $1.00 RED 1953 $10 GEM Sheet (18) Pay 5,750.00 "R" & "S" PAIR - MAJOR ERRORS + Many Others. Please Add $3.00 (Over $300.00 add $4.00). For Immediate Shipment send Cashier's Check or Money Order. (Personal Checks take 20 to 25 Banking Days to Clear our Bank. Nebraska Residents add Sales Tax. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. All Items Offered are "Subject to Prior Sale and Change in Price Without Notice." 4514 North 30th Street "Pronto Service" Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 It pays to look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you arc thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN edateS RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311 BOOKS THE DESCRIPTIVE REGISTER OF GENUINE BANK NOTES by Gwynne & Day 1862. 168 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $15.00 postpaid. This book contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine bank notes from 31 states and terri- tories plus 24 Canadian banks. It also identifies notes known to have been counterfeited. The names and locations of over 800 closed banks are included in the supplements. It is believed that this book was the basis of the famous Wismer Lists published by the ANA 50 years ago. A must for collectors and researchers of obsolete notes. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain pages (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $60.00 each. HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE-GUARD by Edward M. Hodges 1865. 350 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $19.50 postpaid. "Hodges' " as this book is known, contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine notes from 30 states, 19 Canadian banks, and the United States notes issued prior to 1865. This 1865 edition was copyrighted in 1864 and at this time the United States was at war with the Confederate States. As a result the listing for six Southern states was not included because they were not a part of the United States. Louisiana was included as in 1864 it was occupied by Union troops under the infamous General Butler. West Virginia was added to this edition as it seceded from Virginia and join the Union in 1863. We have added a section from the 1863 edition (copyrighted in 1862) containing the six states deleted from the 1865 edition making this reprint the most comprehensive Hodges' ever printed. The format used consists of three rows of ten notes listed in rectangles on each page. To quote from E.M. Hodges "The SAFEGUARD is almost indispensable." Collectors will agree with him. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain paper (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $75.00 each. THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA by Dr. F. Mauldin Lesesne 1970. 221 pp Hand bound. University of South Carolina Press $14.95 postpaid. The South had many colorful banks prior to the Civil War, but few could compare with the Bank of the State of South Carolina. From its charter in 1812 until 1881 when its history ended, it was colorful, controversial, and redeemed its issued notes. The "faith and credit" of the State of South Carolina was pledged to back this bank. Dr. Lesesne's account Of this bank is interesting reading to both collector of paper money and historical students. Few banks have such detailed accounts of their life as the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The book is annotated and has a wonderful bibliography. If you only read one bank history, and should read this one as it will interest both South Carolinians and non-Carolinians alike. It is just an excellent story of a very important bank. PENNELL PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. Drawer 858 Anderson, South Carolina 29622 *S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax.