Paper Money - Vol. XX, No. 4 - Whole No. 94 - July - August 1981

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AUGUST, 1981 UME XX HOLE NO. 94 A Massachusetts story — banking es to Worcester — told by new author P oy. BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE SOOTY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS Six Grades Currency Market Review PN P.O. Box 7088, Grand Station Des Moines, IA 50309 q 1 Yr. Subscription, $15 Name Address City, State, Zip Phone I II (For prompt addition to our mailing list, please enclose check or money order.) .. Keep in touch with the Currency Market Currency Market Review... Featuring MORE than any other publication available today! Quarterly "For the Specialist"... ..aaaaaaa,,,3k3aaaa,aaahl/M/Na..bOklla 'ailiaaa .alatalr .aaaaa,-.111bta,a10601:41311M1.,a110*“.a./ suaag Mill'iMallamMallts.tinkillankalik-A:1111111111111116U,11111W111111 1EallIMAIIIIIME,LaillM.T. Mar , amakaaaiLAAIIIINOL0.1,111111131110.149111111a14a:Ma.kiaillilaMAILEMIIIINIC ,/ *ma ,k a mawswaktammikAilillilialka,asaaevakmatiMaillmrtitagaNata.1106,E11110111113,:a411111,E11010MWM a.stao, :100,-.1a. ar,....1114'.0,11 SS ,101,1e4 Ha. 'e 311 . aa'aa' 110 , .1310111111111111111,1111111111111114,:nocr3:monmsomnumwEllIEMIIIIIIIWIA42.1/10M aa,iia, ,11111111111111MloommwrinErmswerrilw.t...........narrlame• 5..33.,!,11113111.11amaalia,a.abailialvalogia. arm. ,:111111KAR51411611.3011=13WEIIIIIMUmem,3 .153 NM. !1aanamilams:ramaria...sapamania,,A51 ,11111ellIPM:a1fr "31 tlallialarrileltrallekaarr. -,•111111111111111r*. 11111m....rrirrmarior vmsowrimear6 c`I'''"-'-,- c .,-r: 1 -t-:‘z‘ -C. :?-2< Ac-:-,---- --,--cJi:_ -./Zza-,e4: . —7/-- - Figure 2. homemade. Several sheets of paper have been folded in half, placed within a cover which looks to be made of brown wrapping paper, and then bound with a piece of twine threaded through the spine. Entries have been made in both ink and pencil. (See Figure 1.) The style of writing is both ornate and cramped, and at times, quite difficult to decipher. Mr. Lamoree used his own abbreviations, including "D" for "dollars", but more frequently, he simply wrote "1.10" to mean "one ten dollar bill." (See Figures 2 and 3.) The books also contain daily entries concerning purchase and sales of provisions, livestock and other items, as well as memoranda regarding money loaned and repaid. What follows is a direct transcription of an entry dated March 17, 1857, without translating the meaning of any part of the entry: Took of D. Farley 2 bills no. 13038, dated Aug 1st 1855. Chicago on right end. Took of D. Farley the following bills Corn. Branch Cleveland 3 D. no. 4538 date May 1, 1856 Corn. Branch Cleveland 3 D. no. 845 date May 21, 1853 Chilicothe 5 D. 1294 date Jan 1, 1849 Whole No. 94 V 4fi'21- e) •; /0_7- --/eck? Figure 3. Corn. Branch Cleveland 10 D. no. 218 date Sep 1st, 1846 Commercial branch, Cleveland, 20, no. 1217 May 19, 184 Merchant's Cleveland Branch 1 Dolo. 9 Date 185 Fairfield County Bank 2 D. no. 1752 Date March 3, 1856. March 17th/57 Recd. of W. Paine two bills 1 on the Dansville Bk no. 9267 Jay 1st 1852 2 on the Marine Bank of Providence no. 386 date July 27th, 1856. April 2nd. Sent me 3 bills 2-1$ & 1-2 2.1.$ White's Bank of Buffalo no. 8738 & 3380 Date Sep 1st 1854 & Aug 1st 1854 Recd the above of C. Fowler. 1. Merchant's Bk of Syracuse 2. March 1st, 1856 8285 Rec'd this of D. Maynard. It should be evident that these entries need a fair amount of deciphering, and that sometimes full dates and names are not shown. The task is not, however, impossible, and the tables that follow are an attempt to put the contents of Harvey Lamoree's account books into a form which may prove useful to collectors of obsolete United States currency. (Spellings used in the table are those of Mr. Lamoree.) .4; 8 Jenom. Bate Cer.ho• Brighton Market Bank 10-1-56 5266 11-1-56 14306 11-1-53 1088 11-2-56 7874 9-1-58 19733 9-1-60 32770 46489 11564 19300 17588 8005 4745 3583 2382 Howard Banking Company (no place listed) Leicester Sank Pittsfield Bank Pittsfield Bank Howard Banking Company (no place listed) Howard Bank, Boston Housatonic Bank, (no place listed) City Bank of 'Worcester City Bank of Worcester Granite Bank, Boston Hampden Sank Hampshire Manufacturer's Bank, Hare Housatonic Rank, Stockbridge City Bank of Worcester Revere Bank 11-1-53 6111 Webster Bank, Boston 9-15-53 6377 2-1-61 4610 3- -57 3296 NEW JERSEY 10-1-57 170 Clinton Bank of New Jersey10-1-57 9-1-60 2300 Cumberland Bank, Bridgton2817 10-1-57 Somerset County Bank 4-1-58 2434 Somerset County Bank 4787 Somerset County Bank Somerset County Bank 1-1-57 533 Somerset County Bank, Somerville66899-1-56 1650 FEB1 YORK1-18-48 1-18-48 12535 Albany _:xchange Bank 1-18-48 18035 Atlantic Bank 1-18-48 25282 Bank of Albion271461-18-48 Bank of Canandaigua 1-18-48 28592 Sank of Chenango, forwich 1-18-48 29523 Sank of Commerce, Carmel306271-18-48 Bank of the.commonwealth312481-18-48 Bank of the Commonwealth336791-18-48 Bank of Fayetteville, Ononda4a 34464 County1-18-48 Bank of Fayetteville, Onondaga County Sank of ayetteville, Onondaga County Bank of -ayetteville, Onondaga County hank of Havanna Bank of Havanna Sank of horwich Bank of Old Saratoga Bank of Orange County Bank of Otsego, Otsego County Bank of Rome, Oneida County$ 5.00 1-1-57 2402 Bank of Rome (no place listed) hank of Salena Rank of Silver Creek Bank of Silver Creek hank of Tioga, Owego Bank of Ulster, Saugerties Bank of Ulster, Saugerties Bank of West Troy Bank of White Hall Borsnet Bank (spelling doubtful), SyracuseBuffalo City BankBuffalo City BankBull's Head Bank, New York CityBull's Head Bank, New York CityBull's Head Bank, New York CityBull's Head Bank, New York CityBull's Head Bank, New York City Bull's Head Bank, New York City Bull's Head Bank, New York CityBull's Head Bank, New York CityBull's Head Bank, New York City Butcher's and Drover's Bank, New York CityCanajoharrie Bank Cayuga County Bank Cayuga County Bank Cayuga County Bank Cayuga County Bank Cayuga County Bank Central Bank, Cherry ValleyCentral City Bank Chautauqua County Bank, JamestownChemical Bank, New York City Chemung Canal Bank, Elmira Chester Bank, Orange County Clinton Bank, BuffaloCuba Bank, Alleghany Cuba Bank, Alleghany Farmer's Bank of Washington County, Ft. Edward Farmer's and Drover's Bank, Westchester County Fort Stanwix BankFrankfort Bank, Franklin County Genesee River Bank, Port Morris Genesee Valley Bank Genesee Valley Bank Glens Falls BankGlens Falls Bank Groton River BankGroton River Bank Groton River Bank Groton River Bank Groton River Bank Groton River Dank International Bank, Buffalo Leather Manufacturer's Bank, New York City Leather Manufacturer's Bank, New York City Lyons Sank Marine Bank, Oswego Merchant's Bank of Syracuse Penchant's A Mechanic's Bank, Troy 148 Merchant's Mechanic's Sank, Troy$ 5.00 - Perchant's & Mechanic's Hank, Troy $ 5.00 8-23-55 8 758. Merchant's A Mechanic's Bank, Tro"$10.00 - 2.00 5,00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 3,00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 3-1-589-1-53 11-1-57 7-1-61 5-1-57 1-1-58 $ 1.00 $ 2,00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5,00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 .5 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 .8 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 1.00 $ 3.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 6-1-54 6-1-54 1- -56 1-1-56 9-1-531- -55 1-1-59 1648 1853 6529 9469 2560 1187 4103 B .4; $20.00 5.00 $ 5,00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $20.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $ 1.00$ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $20.00 $ 3.00 $ 5.00 $20.00 $20.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $20.00 $ 5.00 8 5.00$ 5.00 $ 5.00 8 3.00 $ 3.00.„620.00 $10.00 G10.00 8, 5.00 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1 - 2 - 57 1-2-57 1-2-57 7-1-57 1 - 2 - 57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 7-1-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 1-2-57 2-2-57 7-1-57 7-1-571-2-57 6-11-52 6-11-52 11-1-55 2828 2926 439 5562 892 1863 4852 5109 1915 4032 1423 7569 11347 978854 1916 88 1904 1030 1824 1072 5656 1916 2399 3332502 5086 1148 1444 780 7109 935912759 $ 5.00 11-1-56 $ 1.00 8-12-56$20.00 10-5-55 $20.00 3-1-59 $20.00 7-19-59$ 5.00 9-15-57$ 2.00 10-9-56 ,;; 5.00 8-8-59 $10.00 1-3-55 820.00 8-10-56 $10.00 1-12-56 $ 2.00 10-9-56 $ 3.00 9-2-53 4-; 3.00 10-8-57$ 3.00 10-8-57 $10.00 12-1-52 $20.00 6-8-53 2091 8754860 3356263 399832 408 223 318 2082 7949 69 488 5365 4365 1314 3575 557510403 12381 14105 13649 2218 9431 2760 1589 7115810 8330 4257 5808 11331327 140 419 4276 8775 1791 1787 969 5059 8 8777 8791 65 6818 354 7456 1849 1930 2095 2113 1907 2193 2282 2287 22691242 5485 984 7582 73967179 6449 5107 306 6350 2020 439 7499 860 2556 75 Paper Money Page 195 TABLE OF BANKNOTES Harvey Lamoree's Account Books CONNECTICUT? Aetna Bank, Hartford Charter Oak Bank, Hartford City Bank of Hartford Connecticutt Bank, Bridgeport Connecticutt Hank, Bridgeport Connecticutt Bank, Bridgeport Elm City Bank Exchange Bank, Hartford Fairfield County Bank, Norwalk Farmer's and Mechanic's bank, Hartford farmer's and Mechanic's Bank, Hartford Farmer's Bank of Bridgeport Farmer's Bank of Bridgeport Hartford Bank Hartford Bank Merchant's Bank, New Haven Merchant's and Manufacturer's Bank, Hartford Merchant's and Manufacturer's Bank, Hartford Merchant's and Manufacturer's Bank, Hartford Merchant's and Manufacturer's Bank, Hartford Merchant's and Manufacturer's Bank, Hartford Merchantile Bank, HartfordNew London Bank New London Bank Norfolk Bank Pequonnock Bank, Bridgeport Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Phoenix Bank, Hartford Rockville sank aockville Bank Saus;atuck Bank Thames Lank Trader's Bank, New Haven GZORGIA Commercial Bank of Georgia INiIANA Bank of the State of Indiana Bedford Branch Connersville Branch Indianapolis Branch Indianhpolis Branch Jeffersonville Branch Jeffersonville Branch Laporte Branch Laporte Branch Laporte Branch Lawrenceburg Branch Lawrenceburg Branch Lawrenceburg Branch Lawrenceburs Branch lawrenceburg Branch Lima Branch Lima Branch Lima Branch Lima Branch Logansport Branch Logansport Branch Eadison .;ranch Richmond Branch Hichmond Branch Rushville Branch South Bend Branch South Bend Branch South Bend Branch Sank of the State of Indiana, cont'd Terre Haute Branch Terre Haute Branch Vincennes branch :airfield County lank airfield County Sank Southern Lank of Indiana hIaTGSKE hank of Ashlande Sank of Kentucky, Hopkinsville Branch Bank of hentucky (no branch listed) Bank of Louisville Dank of Louisville, Eurkesville Branch Commercial bank of Kentucky, Paducah Farmer's Bank of Kentucky, Covington Farmer's Sank of Kentucky, Somerset Farmer's Bank of Kentucky, Princeton Farmer's Bank of Kentucky (no place listed) Northern Bank of Kentucky, Bowdonsville Southern Bank of Kentucky, Russelville Southern Bank of Kentucky, Etusselville Southern Bank of Kentucky, Russelville Southern Bank of Kentucky, Russelville Southern Bank of Kentucky, Russelville Southern Bank of Kentucky (no place listed) MASSACHUSETTS Atlas Bank, Boston Bank of 8:utual Redemption, Boston Bedford Commercial Bank $ 5.003.00 $ 3.00 $ 5.00$ 5.00 $50.00 $1o.00 $ 5.00$ 5.00 $ 1.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 8 5.00 $10.00 $ 1.00 3.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00$ 5.00 $ 5.00$20.00 $ 5.00$ 3.00 ,P 5,00$ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 2.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 5.00 $10.00$20.00 $ 2.00 $ 5.00 .510.004', 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 2.00• 5.00$ 5.00 1 5.00 $ 5.00$ 5.00 • 5,00 $ 1.00 $ 5.00$ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 810.00 .10,00 • 1c.00 5.00 $ 5.00$ 5.00 $ 5.00$ 5.00 $10.00 $ 2,00 $10.00 $10.00$ 5.00 $ 1,008$ 2.00$ 5.00 8 1.005 5.00 $20.00 $10.00 $ 1.00 • 5.00$20.00 $100.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 „; 5.00 $ 1.00 $ 3.00 $20.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $ 2.00 .10,00 •10.00 $10.00 9-1-58 3257 9-1-54 12169 9-1-59 17138 9-1-6 8713- 425 11-13-58 36 2-1-60 810 1-4-58 3260 - 7645 11-1-62 1158 8-23-53 144 8-23-53 1336 - 634 - 53526-1-57 7305 - 89331 - 1 - 57 4742 4-1-55 9-6-53 1-1-53 7-1-552-2-60 1-2-61 7-1-37 2-20-55 182 2-1-54 1760 10-1-59 516 12-11-56 6743 11-1-58 2927 2-1-61 11-1-51 4016 11-1-57 5144 3 - 31 - 59 5233 1-16-60 9034 2-19-60 8962 11-4-58 7699 10-1-58 1725 1-1-58 2446 10-2-56 1583 3-1-56 8285 1-1-57 106 1-1-57 554 1-1-58 2699 1-1-59 3346 6-1 - -61 4-1-57 6- 28 - 58 11-1-56 5-5-53 5-5-539-1-54 9-13-557-15-54 8-1-54 7-17-582-4-61 8-15-56 6-19-56 3-24-59 11-15-61 4-1-53 9 - 1 - 6o2 - 26 - 56 10-9-5 7-15-5 7-7-6, 7-7-596-1-52 7-25-61 1- -54 6-11-56 5-18-57 1-1-60 3-10-6o 9-25-60 9-25-60 11-14-60 5-5-61 5-7-61 5-7-615-8-61 8-1-37 1-1-52 1-1-52 7-1-58 7-1-59 9-1-576-1-59 10-3-54 10-9-56 9-1-593-26-58 10-26-58 7-15-557-15-55 2.00 9-1-56 257 Forest City Bank, Cleveland Iron Bank, Ironton Knox County Bank, Mt. Vernon Knox County Bank (no place listed) Mahoning County Bank Mansfield Bank Marine Bank, Toledo Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank, Cleveland Merchant's Bank of Massilon Merchant's Bank of Massilon Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Norwalk Bank Sandusky City Bank Springfield Bank Springfield Bank Stark County Bank, Canton Stark County Bank, Canton State Bank of Ohio Athens Branch Belmont Branch (no place listed) Belmont Branch, Bridgeport Cadiz Branch Chilicothe Branch Chilicothe Branch .hilicothe Branch Chilicothe Branch Commercial Branch, Chilicothe Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial 3ranch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial 3ranch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Commercial .:ranch, Cleveland Commercial Branch, Cleveland Cuyahoga :slim Branch Dayton Branch Delaware County Branch Delaware County Branch Delaware County Branch Delaware County Branch Delaware County Branch Delaware County Branch Exchange Branch, Columbus Exchange Branch, Columbus Exchange Branch, Columbus Exchange Branch, Columbus Bkchange Branch, Columbus Exchange Branch, Columbus Exchange Branch, Columbus Exchange Branch, Columbus Farmer's Branch, Ashtabula Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Mansfield Farmer's Branch, Ripley Page 196 Whole No. 94 Merchant's & Mechanic's Bank, Troy Merchant's & Mechanic's Bank, Troy )'iddletown Bank Mohawk Bank, Schenectady Mohawk Bank, Schenectady Mohawk River Bank New York & Erie Bank New York & Brie Bank New York & Erie Bank New York & Erie Bank New York Erie Bank, Buffalo New York State Bank, Albany New York State Bank, Albany New York State Bank, Albany New York State Bank, Albany Niagra River Bank, Buffalo Oneida Bank, Utica Oneida County Bank, Utica Oneida County Bank, Utica Otsego County Bank Palisade Bank, Yonkers Quanaick Bank, Newburgh Randall Bank, Cortland The Rochester Bank Rome Exchange Bank, Rome Rome Exchange Bank Saint Nicholas Bank Salt Spring Bank Schoharie County Sank Setauket Bank Slone City Bank (spelling doubtful) Steuben County Bank, Bath Steuben County Bank, Bath Steuben County Bank, Bath Steuben County Bank, Bath Sttuben County Bank, Bath Steuben County Bank, Bath Steuben County Bank, Bath Steuben County Bank, Bath Steuben County Bank, Bath Tompkins County Bank Tompkins County Bank Tompkins County Bank Tompkins County Bank Tompkins County Bank Tompkins County Bank Trader's Bank, Rochester Troy City Bank Union Bank, Rochester Union Bank, Rochester Union Bank, Rochester Union Bank, Rochester Union Bank, Rochester Uhion Bank of Kinderhook Union Bank of Rochester Union Bank of Rochester Union Bank of Troy Weedsport Bank Western Bank, Lockport White's Bank of Buffalo White's Bank of Buffalo Winter's Bank (spelling doubtful), Buffalo (?) Shore Bank OHIO Bank of Commerce, Cleveland -Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Sank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Commerce, Cleveland Bank of Jelaware, Ohio Bank of Delaware, Ohio Bank of Delaware, Ohio Bank of Geauga Bank of Mansfield Bank of Marion Bank of Marion Cayuga County Bank, Auburn Cayuga County Bank (no place listed) Champaign County Bank City Bank of Cleveland City Bank of Cleveland City Bank of Cleveland Dansville Bank Fairfield County Bank (no place listed) Fairfield County Bank, Norwalk Fairfield County Bank, Norwalk Farmer's Bank of Amsterdam Farmer's Bank of Ashtabula Farmer's Bank, Bridgeport Farmer's Bank of Lansingberg (spelling doubtful) Farmer's Bank of Lansingberg (spelling doubtful) Farmer's Bank of Lansingberg (spelling doubtful)Farmer's Bank of Lansingberg (opening doubtful) Farmer's Bank of Lansingberg (spelling doubtful) Farmer's Bank of Lansingberg (spelling doubtful) Farmer's Bank of Lansingberg (spellingdoubtful) Farmer's Bank of Lansingberg (spelling doubtful) 10.00 1-1-60 4485 ,10.00 • 5.00 6-1 - -60 5183 $ 5.00 11-1-55 2153 $10.00 11-1-55 3100 $10.00 9-1-60 352? .1 5.00 8-1-56 2147 .6 5.00 2-18-57 2465 $ 5.00 8-1-57 3073 $ 5.00 8-1-57 3097 $ 5.00 5-1-61 4419 $ 5.00 9-1-54 33 $ 5.00 4-21-55 003 5 5.00 4-21-55 1028 4 5.00 4-8-56 2116 $ 5.00 10-4-58 • 5.00 4-1-48 816 $ 5.00 7-1-56 - $ 5.00 8-1-57 357 $10.00 5695 $ 3.00 5.00 3-7 - -57 600 $ 5.00 1-3-54 170 .3 5.00 5-7-60 1573 $10.00 8-20-59 419 $50.00 - - $ 2.00 12-5-59 646 $ 5.00 - $ 5.00 9-4-60 7426 S 2.00 10-1-60 1563 $ 5.00 4-1-56 7683 $ 1.00 7 -30- 59 388$ 2.00 10_1_59 9218 2.00 1-31-60 13778 5.00 10-3-57 5944 $ 5.00 2-12-58 6237 $ . 5.00 -25-59 9511 $ 5.00 3-5-61 2526 $10.00 6-15-53 2746 $20.00 7-4-56 3815 5 5.00 10-4-53 2687 $ 5.00 1-1-55 7664 $ 5.00 1-1-55 7849 $ 5.00 1-1-55 7860 $ 5.00 5- 1 - 56 8880$ 5. 00 1- -59 1459 ▪ 1.00 • 2.00 6-1-58 50278 5.00 4-1-57 2837$ 5.00 4-1-58 3663$ 5.00 4-1-59 3996 $ 5.00 4-1-59 4186 $ 5.00 4-1-59 4229 $ 5 . 00 3-1-59 3003$ 2.00 • 5.00 4-1- 56 1187 $ 5.00 8-7-60 1637 $ 5.00 12-1-54 9570 p 1.00 - $ 1.00 8-1-54 3380 - 1.00 9-1-54 8738 ' 5.00 10-20-56 3142 $.5.00 3-19-55 1507 5 5.00 6-1-57 3314 $ 5.00 9-1-58 6550 $ 5.00 11-1-58 8236 $10.00 9-1-58 5997 $10.00 9-1-58 7202 ‘,$1 0 . 0 0 9:21 :5 748 6-4- $10.00 11-1-58 8193 810.00 11-1-58 8904 $10.00 11-1-58 8923 $ 10.00 11-1-58 8937 $10.00 11-1-58 9356 $10.00 12-1-61 19159 • 5.00 8-7-58 957 $10.00 5-10-58 308.510.00 8-28-58 2380$ 1.00 8-25-60 9766410.00 6-1-53 614 510.00 2-7-54 1352 $10.00 4-1-54 2361 $ 3.00 8-1-55 17 .1 5.00 6-1-53 4992 $ 5.00 3- -5_ 2920 .5 3.00 6-8-59 10734 .3 5.00 2-15-55 587 ....10.00 2-15-53 4341 .5 1.00 1-1-52 9207 $ 2.00 3 - 1 - 56 1752$ 5.00 3- -56 2678 $10.00 3-3-56 2810.5 5.00 9 - 1 - 58 9672$10.00 7-1-53 573 $ 1.00 2-1-59 19207 4 5.00 4- 1 - 54 118 $ 5.00 4 - 1 - 54 131 8 5.00 4-1-54 148 J 5.00 4-1-54 400 4 5.00 4-1-54 1197 4 5.00 4-1-54 1630 4 5.00 4-1-54 1852 • 5.00 4-1-54 2248 3.00 5-7-60 3233 5 5.2?) 6 - 15-60 827 3 $20 0 1-1-57 7043 V (0)8. 10415 1 U 9 $ 5.00 11-20-55 37 $ 5.00 10- -5 324 $5.00 ,,-,-5T 403 $ 5.00 8-1-56 537 679 $ 5 :2 906 861 $ 5.00 12-1-56 $ 5 0 6-1-55 2439 $10.00 - 250 $10.00 6-1-53 389 $10.00 2-1-57 758 $10.00 8-1-57 1814 $10.00 3-1-58 1893 $ 5.00 1-1-56 5285 r5: (0) $ 5 0 2-25-54 1220 $ 5.00 11-27-54 1806 $ 5. 00 7-1-55 3134 4865 5.00. I 1-24-56 344_ $ 5.00 5-18-59 5194 Mr0 8'102 7 13 1094 $10.00 10-7-53 335 $10.00 12-14-53 351 $10.00 11-27-54 969 $10.00 11-27-54 987 $10.00 6-9-55 1307 $10.00 8-23-55 1512 $10.00 8-21-56 1907 M.(% t1500:00(6) 3-1-55 7 - 16 - 57 2362 991 • 10.00 2-1-47 - $10 0 4-24- 54 2645 $10.00 1-3-59 10527 $10.00 7-1-55 2078 $10.00 7-15-61 5560 $10.00 11-1-61 - $ 1.00 1-1-61 3382 $ 5.00 4-1-56 2007 $10.00 9-1-56 1008 t 55:(0)1?) 7-4-53 49 9-2-58 -4 $10.00 3-5-57 - - $'10.00 6-18-57 5 .00 1-1-49 0 ) () ;2 9 12944 - $ 3.00 5-21-53 845 $ 3.00 5-1-56 4538 $ 5.00 2543 5 5.00 5-1-53 5617 $ 5.00 7-1-57 6503 $ 5.00 7-1-57 6511 $ 5.00 7-1-57 6546 $ 5.00 12-1-57 7073 $ 5.00 8-1-58 $ 5.00 9-1-58 5.00 5-2-59 4310.00 6-19-45 859 $10.00 6-19-46 1003 $10.00 9-1-46 218 $10.00 810.00 2:1:54 2504 $10.00 5-1-56 1056 910.00 1-1-57 1225 $10.00 6-1-57 1254 810.00 7-1-57 1521 .510.00 11-1-57 1679 $10.00 5-3-58 85 $10.00 5-1-59 - .82 .00 5-19-4 .820.00 $20.00 .510.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 510.00 V.2: (2 $ 3.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 2),:2 $10.00 $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 3 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 510.00 $10.00 $10.00 410.00 $10.00 9-1-57 - 5 - 1 - 59 - 1-10-55 3-4-56 Ll 619 1736 2-11-57 25358-22-60 318911-22-5 28 7-10-55 976 1334 5-20-57 376 1087 10-1-36 1659 6-1-53 198 6-25-55 2585 12-3-59 1575 12-3-59 8171-1-58 558 1-8-56 947 6-0-57 2418 6-1-57 2600 2-1-58 - 10-1-52 1961-8-54 294 6-1-55 5663-4-56 1126 4- -5_ 425 3-16-50 48 PENNSYLVANIA Alleghany Bank Alleghany Bank Alleghany Dank Alleghany Bank Alleghany Dank Alleghany Dank Alleghany Bank Alleghany Bank Alleghany Bank, Pittsburg Allen County Bank Rank of Pittsburg Citizen's lank of Pittsburg Exchange Bank, Pittsburg Exchange bank, Pittsburg Farmer's & Drover's Bank, Waynesburg Iron City Sank, Pittsburg Merchant's & rIanufacturer's bank, Pittsburg York County Bank RHODE ISLAND American Bank ?merican Bank American Bank American Bank Butcher's & Drover's Bank, ProvidenceCharter Oak Bank Continental Bank, Providence Marine Bank of Providence Mechanic's & Manufacturer's Bank Merchant's Bank, Providence Merchant's Bank, Providence VERMONT Bank of Montpelier Commercial Bank, Burlington Orange County Bank, Chelsea Union Bank of Swanton Falls Union Bank of Swanton Falls VIRGINIA Bank of the Commonwealth Bank of the Valley, Winchester Merchant's & Mechanic's Bank, Wheeling Merchant's & Mechanic's Bank, Wheeling Merchant's & Mechanic's Bank, Wheeling Merchant's & Mechanic's Bank, Wheeling Merchant's & Mechanic's Bank of Wheeling, Point Pleasant Northwestern Bank of Virginia, Wheeling Northwestern Bank of Virginia, Wheeling Northwestern Bank of Virginia (no place listed) UNITED STATES DEMAND NOTES Place where payable not listed, all dated 8-10-61 5.00 5064 5.00 83519 10.00 22610 10.00 60136 10.00 65537 20.00 7546 20,00 7547 20.00 7548 UNITED STATES LEGAL TENDER NOTES Lamoree lists these an "greenbacks". No dates on most, but mentions 3-10-62 on some.l He listed only $10.00 and up. $ 1 0. 00 $ 10.00 n 10,00 y 10.00 4 10,00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00$ 20.00 y 20,00 $ 20.00 .5 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series 1 2 2 3 6 6 7 9 12 12 3 4 5 6 6 77 1 3 4492 57718 70391 11426 18855 18858 64120 69425 99045 99046 51686 7724 33493 13827 67191 96897 6126 25592 23482 33065 10009 16106 16197 4599342714 9224 48024 1-1-58 1-1-58 1-1-58 1-1-58 1-1-58 1-1-58 9-10-57 7-1-62 1-1-58 4-1-58 7-1-57 6-4-61 5-7 - -58 6-20-58 6-1-58 8-1-60 - 15 1920 19 10-1- - 56 55 14189 188 7-27 - -56 386 38 10-25-51 56 9-14-61 69 $ 2.00 10-1-60 $ 1.00 10-1-60 16443 $ 5.00 1-1-59 2874 $ 3.00 1-2-57 17978$20.00 1-2-56 512 5-5-5_ 5808 7-1-57 227 9 48 4848 5 1-51 6008 10- 8 12756 10-1-58 13370 $ 5.00 10 - 15 - 58 2353 $ 5.00 3-24-53 2721 $ 5.00 2-24-59 812 $10.00 4-20-59 2118 $ 5.00$ 5.00 y 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 214 527 562 584 603 664 774 978 370 189 424 554726162 6159 6367 4511 5237 417 $ 5.00 $5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 3100.00 :5 5.00 $10.00 „; 5.00 • 5.00$10.00 $ 5.00$ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $ 2.00 .510.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Paper Money Page 197 Farmer's Branch, Ripley Farmer's Branch, Ripley Farmer's Branch, Ripley Farmer's Branch, Salem Farmer's Branch, Salem Farmer's Branch, Salem Farmer's Branch, Salem Farmer's Branch, Salem Farmer's Branch, Salem Franklin County Branch, Columbus Franklin County Branch, Columbus Franklin County Branch, Columbus Franklin County Branch, Columbus Franklin County Branch, Columbus Franklin County Branch, Columbus Franklin County Branch, Columbus Franklin County Branch, Columbus Harrison County Branch, Cadiz Harrison County Branch, Cadiz Harrison County Branch, Cadiz Harrison County Branch, Cadiz Harrison County Branch, Cadiz Hocking Valley Branch, Lancaster Jefferson County Branch, Steubenville Jefferson County Branch, (no place listed) Jefferson County Branch, Steubenville Knox County Branch, (no place listed) Knox County Branch, (no place listed) Knox County Branch, Mt, Vernon Knox County Branch, Mt, Vernon Logan Branch Logan Branch Logan Branch Logan Branch Lorain Branch, Elyria Lorain Branch, Elyria Lorain Branch (no place listed) Lorain Branch. Elyria Lorain Branch, Elyria Had River Valley Branch, Springfield Had River ';alley Branch, Springfield Had River Valley Branch. Springfield Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch TLansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Mansfield Branch Marietta Branch Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Merchant's Branch, Cleveland Mount Pleasant Branch Mount Pleasant Branch Muskingham Branch, Zanesville Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Norwalk Branch Piqua Branch Piqua Branch Piqua Branch Portage County Branch, Ravenna Portage County Branch, Ravenna Portsmouth Branch Portsmouth Branch Portsmouth Branch Portsmouth Branch Portsmouth Branch Portsmouth Branch Preble County Branch (no place listed) Preble County Branch (no place listed) Preble County Branch, Eaton Ripley Branch Ross County Branch, Chilicothe Ross County Branch, Chilicothe Ross County Branch (no place listed) Summit County Branch, Cuyahoga Falls Summit County Branch, Cuyahoga Falls Summit County Branch, (no place listed) Toledo Branch Union Branch, Massilon Union. Branch, Massilon Union Branch, Massilon Union Branch, Massilon Union Branch, Massilon Wayne County Branch, Wooster Wayne County Branch, Wooster Wayne County Branch, Booster Wayne County Branch, Wooster Xenia Branch (no branch or place listed) 10.00 5-9-53 4661 3 10.00 8-29-55 5115 520.00 5-23-59 7226 $ 5.00 10-7-56 176 $ 5.00 6-22-57 109 5 5.00 7-21-59 835 $ 5.00 7-21-59 836 $10.00 7-24-53 241 $10.00 8-1-56 1151$ 3.00 1-2-57 2494 $ 3.00 2-24-57 203? $ 5.00 -$10.00 10-7-54 197 $10.00 6-10-56 2320 $10.00 8-21-57 2977$10.00 2-2-59 142 $10.00 2-9-59 384 y 1.00 1-17-58 6732 y 5.00 10-22-54 368 $10.00 11-3-53 107 $10.00 3-9-54 575 $10.00 6-12-60 2324 $10.00 8 -30 - 54 6603 $ 5.00 11-23-58 2594 410.00 5-29-55 507 $20.00 8-22-57 156 $ 1.00 3-1-60 443 $ 5.00 7-1-54 786 $ 5.00 6-1-60 3 $ 5.00 6-1-60 55 $ 2.00 10-1-59 1278 $ 5.00 1-1-53 70 $ 5.00 8-2-58 1484 $10.00 8 - 23 - 56 797 $ 2.00 5-20-58 566 $ 5.00 6-22-55 203 $ 5.00 5-16-59 384 $10.00 8-20-57 712 $10.00 8-20-59 958 5 5.00 3 - 1 - 55 400 $10.00 7-22-58 1808 $20.00 5-21-58 674 .5 1.00 - - $ 5.00 1-8-53 283$20.00 7-4-56 25 $20.00 6-1-59 747 $20.00 6-1-59 748 y20.00 6-1-59 807 $20.00 6-1-59 825 $20.00 6-1-59 843 ,20.00 6-1-59 847 $20.00 6-1-59 848 $20.00 6-1-59 849 $20,00 6-1-59 850 $20.00 6-1-59 851 $20.00 6-1-59 852 $ 5.00 11-5-56 - .$ 5.00 5- - 5_ - $ 5.00 1-1-55 510.00 6-1-54 131 310.00 6-1-5 47 310.00 6-1-54 94 $10.00 3-1-56 151 $10.00 5-1-56 310 $10.00 8-1-56 548 $10.00 8- - 56 579 $20.00 1-1-60 92t' 10.00 11-26-59 12320.00 12-15-56 119 $10.00 12-1-59 2105 $ 5.00 8-4-56 761 $10.00 3-27-54 1085 $10.00 11-27-54 1142 $10.00 6-19-55 1359 $10.00 7-19-55 1410 510.00 3-20-56 1708 310.00 3-20-56 1712 $10.00 3-20-56 1728 $10.00 5-19-56 1778 $10.00 1-1-58 2428 $10.00 2 - 9 - 59 2825$10.00 2-15-53 9 $10.00 10-10-53 609 $10.00 4-1-54 193 $ 5.00 5-2-59 844 10.00 11 - 26 - 58 522 5 2.00 3-1-59 993 $ 5.00 7-9-55 1055 5.00 1-1-56 1882 4,10.00 6-20-5 1503 $10.00 1-8-53 273 $10.00 7-9-53 506 $ 5.00 - 628 $ 5.00 - 1743 ,;20.00 3 - 24 - 54 280$20.00 7-3-58 763 $ 3.00 7-27-57 - $10.00 5-23-53 13 120.00 1-20-59 - 3.00 8- - 5_ 146 5.00 8-20-53 240 y10.00 3-1-54 1557 $10.00 8-20-55 170 $ 5.00 5-1-53 409 $5-00 9-1-53 657 $ 5.00 12-1-58 3429 $10.00 6-1-54 419$20.00 8 - 1 -60 566 $ 5.00 9-1-53 112 $ 5.00 4-7-58 3858 .,-; 5.00 11-18-58 4198 $10.00 9-3-56 2002 ..; 5.00 6-20-53 492 .410.00 6-1-53 243 ,ft sSeAl Page 198 Whole No. 94 Predicting the Possible Existence of Unknown National Currency by David A. Brase INTRODUCTION Undoubtedly, there are many collectors of National Currency who, after spending many years searching for a note from a particular bank or town without success, have begun to wonder whether it is worth the effort to even hope that such a note might eventually turn up. The purpose of this article is to show how one collector, given a certain amount of information, used a small hand-held calculator to predict the possible existence of notes he needed for his collection. In 1973, I became interested in collecting Third Charter National Currency from my home county, Orange County, California, and within about five years, was able to acquire blue-seal, plain-back (type 3) notes from half of the 20 banks in Orange County which issued Third Charter National Currency. During the same period of time, W. K. "Bill" Raymond in Fresno had been compiling a list of all the known California Nationals in several major collections, as well as newly- appearing notes reported to him by various currency dealers and collectors. By 1977, this list contained over 3,000 notes and nearly 3,000 more have been added since then. Also around this time, information compiled by Louis Van Belkum and collaborators regarding the types, denominations and amounts of National Currency issued by each National Bank in the U. S. became readily available. Then in 1978 the question arose, "What are the chances that the other ten notes needed for my collection will turn up?" It became apparent that these two sources of information (notes known, amount issued) could be used to calculate, first, whether there was a good correlation between the number of Orange County notes known to still exist and the number or amount of Orange County notes issued, and second, the probability of unknown Orange County notes still existing. Methods The type of calculation involved is called a linear regression. It can be displayed graphically, as shown in Figure 2, by what is known as an x-y plot. In this plot, equally-spaced intervals along the x-axis (horizontal line) can represent the amount of currency or number of notes issued, and equally-spaced intervals along the y- Fig. 1: The probable existence of this note was predicted by linear regression six months before it first turned up at a Washington, D. C. area coin show. 3 0 z 200z I- 0 1 0 Paper Money Page 199 AMOUNT ISSUED ($ MILLIONS) Fig. 2: Linear regression, by towns, of Orange County, California, series of 1902 blue-seal, plain-back National Currency reported by the end of 1978. The equation of the line axis (vertical line) can represent the number of notes known. These two pieces of information for each bank or town will result in one point on the x-y plot. After a number of points have been plotted, the next step is to draw the best straight line through the points. It is possible that none of the points will actually fall on the line, and the more the points are scattered, the harder it is to eyeball the best straight line to fit the points. Because of the scatter, it is better to calculate the best straight line by linear regression. This defines the line by the equation, y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line, and b is the x-intercept, the point on the y-axis intersected by the line when x = 0. This is too time- consuming to calculate with pencil and paper, but fortunately, a few modern hand-held calculators will do the calculations automatically. The one used for this article was a Texas Instruments model SR-51A. Once the line has been produced, either graphically or mathematically, one can then use the line (or equation) to predict how many notes should be known for a given amount or number of notes issued. For example, if a bank (or banks in a town) issued $500,000 worth of notes, find that amount on the x-axis and draw a vertical line from that position on the x-axis to the line is y = 5.70x + 0.151 with a correlation coefficient of 0.990. Onl) 10 points for the 11 towns are shown, because the points for Huntington Beach and La Habra overlap. going through the points. Then where these two lines intersect, draw a horizontal line across to the y-axis to get the number of notes which should presently be known for a total issued of $500,000 worth of notes. The accuracy of this number depends partly upon how well the plotted points fit the line, and this can be determined by calculating a correlation coefficient. To calculate the correlation coefficient, one needs to do two linear regression calculations. The equation y = mx + b is calculated as before, and then x = my + b is calculated by reversing the order in which the numbers are entered into the calculator. The two slopes and two intercepts will not be identical. The correlation coefficient is calculated by multiplying the first slope by the second slope and taking the square root of the resulting number. The correlation coefficient will lie somewhere between 0 and 1, unless all of the points fall right on the line, in which case the correlation coefficient will equal 1. The larger the number of points (banks or towns) used to calculate the regression line and the closer the correlation coefficient is to 1, the more accurate will be your estimate of notes that should be known. Page 200 Please remember that these calculations do not predict the total number of notes still existing from a bank or town, but they indicate the probable existence of notes that should have, under ideal circumstances, already been reported. This is because the calculations are not based upon the total number of existing notes, but are based upon existing notes that have already been reported. Thus, as additional notes from the various banks used in the calculations are reported in the future, the probability of an unknown note turning up will increase. Another way of looking at it is that these calculations cannot predict the non-existence of notes you are looking for, unless all the existing notes from all the banks used in the calculations have been reported (which is not very likely). Of course, a major assumption involved in these calculations, which cannot be proven, is that an unknown note from a particular area of the country has the same chance (or probatility) of surviving as notes from the same area that have already been reported. Results Table 1 presents the data used to calculate the linear regression for Orange County banks at the end of 1978, as well as some of the results of the calculations. Since there was a better correlation between amount issued and notes known (correlation coefficient = 0.978) than between number of notes issued and notes known (correlation coefficient = 0.943), the column headed "pro- bable notes by regression" was calculated from the linear regression equation, y = 0.005276x + 0.315, where x = the amount issued (in thousands of dollars) and y = the number of notes which should be known under ideal circumstances. The last column shows that the equation predicted one additional note from each of six banks, assuming that a probability of 0.9 is good enough to predict one note. These predictions have not done badly, so far. Within less than two and one-half years after the original calculations, three of the six predicted notes from banks have turned up. The success rate is even better if one considers the towns of Orange County, rather than the individual banks. The equation for the regression line shown in Figure 1 predicted one additional note from each of five towns: Anaheim, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, La Habra and Tustin. The predicted notes from four of these towns have since turned up, giving a success rate of 80%. Two of these notes (Garden Grove and La Habra) I needed for my collection, but another collector got to them first. A third note, the Tustin note pictured in this article, I did not need; however, I bought it so that I could trade my other Tustin note for a previously known Placentia note which I did need for my collection. In addition, several other notes that were not predicted by the original calculations have since been reported. When the notes that have turned up since 1978 are included in a new linear regression calculation, the Whole No. 94 resulting equation is y = 0.006522x + 0.683 with a corre- lation coefficient of 0.976. Thus, the additional notes have not significantly affected the correlation between amount issued and notes known; but the increases in the slope and intercept indicate that not only is the probable existence of unknown notes increased, but also other notes are now predicted that were not predicted by the original calculations. This new data is shown in Table 2. It will be very interesting, indeed, to see whether three of the six notes predicted by the new equation will turn up within the next two and one-half years. Only time will tell. DISCUSSION The finding that there was a better correlation between notes known and amount issued than number of notes issued could, at least partly, reflect different chances of survival for different denominations. For example, the First National Bank of Garden Grove had the second highest issue of Third Charter type 3 notes, but fewer notes are known from this bank than from the Anaheim National Bank (charter no. 10228) and the two banks in Orange, which issued fewer notes. However, the bank in Garden Grove only issued $5's, whereas these other banks only issued $10's and $20's. Thus, it is possible that $5's did not survive as long in circulation as did $10's or $20's. Apparently, using amount issued rather than number of notes issued in the linear regression calculation corrects for this unequal survival to some extent. I have not attempted to do the same type of calculations for series of 1929 National Currency from Orange County but do forsee potential problems in trying this. A major problem is that, unlike the Third Charter notes, there are several uncut and cut sheets of uncirculated notes among the Orange County 1929 issues. These were likely saved as souvenirs by various bank officers. Such souvenir saving on a large scale for some banks would nullify the basic assumption required for the linear regression, that of equal chances for survival of notes issued by the various banks included in the calculations. Possibly, one could circumvent this problem by including only the known circulated notes in the calculations. However, this may lead to falsely low estimates of probable notes if, in some cases, the only known notes from a bank are uncirculated ones that were saved as souvenirs. It is possible that some of the Third Charter Orange County notes used in the present calculations were also saved as souvenirs. For example, the new equation estimated two plain-back notes from Placentia, but there are five known plain-back notes (and one dated- back) from this bank. Three of these, however, are still in the hands of relatives of the bank's officers (Bill Raymond, personal communication). Examples like this may account for the y-intercept of the regression Paper Money line being greater than zero. Apparently, the extent of souvenir saving among the Third Charter C-ange County notes is not great enough to interfere with the ability of linear regression to predict notes with at least a 50% success rate. Page 201 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Bill Raymond, Charles Colver, Gerald Briggs and R. Thomas Porter for supplying information used in the calculations. Table 1 LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS BY BANKS OF ORANGE COUNTY SERIES OF 1902 BLUE-SEAL, PLAIN-BACK NATIONAL CURRENCY REPORTED BY THE END OF 1978 CHARTER NUMBER CITY AMOUNT ISSUED $1000) NUMBER OF NOTES ISSUED NOTES KNOWN PROBABLE NOTES BY REGRESSION UNKNOWN NOTES PREDICTED 3520 Santa Ana 4136 330,880 22 22.1 0 5654 Fullerton 232 18,564 4 1.5 0 6481 Anaheim 720 57,612 3 4.1 1 7868 Huntington Beach 175 14,000 0 1.2 1 7980 Santa Ana 218 17,436 2 1.5 0 8181 Orange 1055 84,396 7 5.9 0 9538 Fullerton 140 11,164 1 1.0 0 9878 Orange* 842 67,376 6 4.8 0 9904 Santa Ana 501 64,276 3 3.0 0 10092 Placentia 234 29,804 2 1.5 0 10134 Tustin* 501 40,092 2 3.0 1 10228 Anaheim 456 36,504 3 2.7 0 10891 Olive 147 11,780 1 1.1 0 11251 Garden Grove 560 111,932 2 3.3 1 11823 Anaheim 36 2,904 0 0.5 0 11827 La Habra 174 22,352 0 1.2 1 11869 Santa Ana 566 45,272 3 3.3 0 12764 Fullerton 106 14,776 0 0.9 1 13001 Brea 77 15,364 2 0.7 0 13200 Santa Ana 61 12,120 1 0.6 0 *Includes data for series of 1902 blue-seal, dated-back notes, since amount of plain-back notes is not precisely known. Table 2 LINEAR REGRESSION BY BANKS OF ORANGE COUNTY SERIES OF 1902 BLUE-SEAL, PLAIN-BACK NATIONAL CURRENCY (1981) CHARTER NUMBER NOTES KNOWN PROBABLE NOTES BY REGRESSION UNKNOWN NOTES PREDICTED 3520 28 27.7 0 5654 4 2.2 0 6481 3 5.4 2 7868 0 1.8 1* 7980 2 2.1 0 8181 7 7.6 0 9538 1 1.6 0* 9878 7 6.2 0 9904 5 4.0 0 10092 5 2.2 0 10134 3 4.0 1 10288 5 3.7 0 10891 2 1.6 0 11251 4 4.3 0* 11823 2 0.9 0* 11827 1 1.8 0* 11869 3 4.4 1 12764 0 1.4 1* 13001 2 1.2 0* 13200 1 1.1 0 *Needed by the author. Page 202 Whole No. 94 $ THE PAPER COLUMN by Peter Huntoon If you ever visit Holbrook, Arizona, head south on Highway 77. When you get to the tracks, look over the old buildings to the south. One a couple of doors to the west - 103 West South Central to be exact - was the original home of the First National Bank of Holbrook. That bank, with a modest early history, was the cornerstone of the Great Western Bank and Trust Company which now boasts 30 branches and three mini-banks in 18 Arizona communities. Along in the 1950's, the old building was converted to a bar. Under years of accumulated dust and cobwebs, you can still see from the basic fixtures that this building was once a bank. The vault was transformed into a large beer cooler, and the large front windows were partially bricked over so patrons could lean on something safer than glass. You can still find the word BANK partially hidden behind a board above the front windows. Founding The First National was founded in 1922 by optimistic and foresighted local entrepreneurs. It was the 28th National Bank chartered in Arizona, and one of the smallest. The first group of officers included president W. R. Scorse and cashier J. M. Lee. Listed among early directors were Fred Schuster, J. C. Paulsell, and Julius C. Wetzler. A man who would become a prominent Holbrook personality, Lloyd C. Henning, replaced cashier J. M. Lee during the first year of operation. Henning was formerly the manager of the Navajo- Apache Bank and Trust Company's Holbrook branch (home office in Winslow). The First National Bank of Holbrook was started from scratch. Some of the founding families shared other Holbrook banking interests. The bank had two competitors when it was established: the Merchants and Stock Growers Bank, and the newly formed Bank of Holbrook. Both were state banks. H. H. Scorse and Adolph Schuster helped incorporate the Merchants and Stock Growers Bank in 1909. Julius Wetzler and Fred Wetzler were heavily involved in the Bank of Holbrook. Quite obviously these families believed in the future of Holbrook. When the First National Bank of Holbrook opened in 1922, Holbrook had a population of about 1,000. The fact that there were three banks in town bore silent testimony to the status of Holbrook as a prominent trade center in Arizona's vast Navajo country. Early Days Three names dominated the early days of the bank. In 1924, Thomas E. Taylor was named president of the The First National Bank of Holbrook, Arizona - A Little Bank That Made It Big! bank and Joseph R. McEvoy replaced Lloyd Henning as cashier. Henning advanced and in 1932 replaced Taylor as president. This trio saw the bank through very difficult times. The First National Bank of Holbrook would be the smallest National Bank in Arizona to survive the great depression. Holbrook felt the crunch as the great depression stymied the economy of the nation. During the depths of the depression, there were days when only two or three people wandered into the bank. Yet it remained open. The bank never sustained a run, demonstrating the confidence of the community in its management. Deposits fell off but through careful practices the bank remained solvent against tough odds. Other Arizona banks did not share such good fortunes. A look at the statistics for Arizona's National Banks shows just how rough things got before World War II again brought prosperity to the region. When the First National opened in 1922, there were 21 other national Banks in the state. Three more opened for business before 1936, including the First National in neighboring Winslow. Of these 25 banks, only seven survived the depression intact. Five failed outright. The others were absorbed by larger banks in life-saving mergers. Most of Arizona's depositors were protected, but in all, 18 National Banks disappeared between 1922 and 1936. Under the stewardship of president Henning, the First National Bank of Holbrook listed its 1935 assets at a mere $721,116. This compared to $27 million for the Valley National Bank of Phoenix! The hard years were history though, and prosperity faced the bank in the coming decades. $5 Nationals With a circulation of only $10,000, the First National Bank of Holbrook had the distinction of being the smallest note-issuing bank in Arizona to survive the depression. The bank issued only $5 notes as follows: 3837 sheets of 5-5-5-5 Series of 1902 Blue Seal Plain Backs, 1434 sheets of Series of 1929 type 1 $5's, and 2332 type 2 $5's. The bank's notes would rank among the greatest of Arizona rarities were it not for a hoard of $5's that was found in Snowflake about 15 years ago. At that time, someone found a group of notes in or under an abandoned building which contained several Nationals and assorted type notes, all large. Included were a 1902 PB $5 on Flagstaff (serial 7192-D), a 1902 PB $5 on Winslow (1804-C), and a 1902 PB $10 on Albuquerque, New Mexico. Several Holbrook notes were found, and I have been able to track down six of them with serials 2894-D, 2895-D, 2897, 2923-B, 3016-B, and 3033-D. Other Holbrook notes, and notes from other area banks, are • KINGMAN • KAYENTA CHINLE • TUBA CITY • Paper Money Page 203 ARLONA • KEAMS CANYON WINDOW ROCK • HOLBROOK • SNOWFLAKE • PINETOP ..(CLARKDALE) (JEROME) • PRESCOTT • PAYSON WINSLOW • SCOTTSDALE TEMPE PHOENIX at&Vrif • TUCSON • GREEN VALLEY • SONOITA Map showing the cities and towns served by offices of the Great Western Bank or its predecessors. Towns in () no longer have open branches. The Great Western Bank had its origins in the First National Bank of Holbrook. 1.. ,AltutO,Wiars otAintrfcit g'y Oli 'TM Ili MST ARM tilKt OF fUt BROOK ,LAV414 Page 204 certain to exist from the hoard. Once the hoard was found, it was turned into the Snowflake Branch of the First National Bank where the notes were widely distributed among interested townspeople. When you view the notes from the hoard, it is apparent that most of the Holbrook specimens were uncirculated or almost uncirculated when they were put away. Unfortunately, they were severely damaged by water so that most traces of the stamped signatures faded off the notes, and the notes are discolored and very brittle. Typical pieces have chips missing from the margins, and cracks extend into the design. Aside from this hoard, I have been able to document only two other large $5's from the bank. One is in fine condition with serial 3035-A (two sheets from the highest recorded serial in the hoard), and the other is a beautiful AU with serial 3814-B that was turned up by the late Harry Coleman of Tucson in the 1960's. Holbrook $5 Series of 1902 Blue Seal Plain Back. This one was found in a weathered hoard in Snowflake, Arizona, about 15 years ago. Small notes on the bank still rank among the rarest of Arizona's 1929 issues. In 1978, when I wrote about Arizona small notes (PAPER MONEY, v. 17, p. 249), I had located only one small note, a type 1 $5 in vg bearing serial A000129A. (This rare specimen had the Taylor-McEvoy signature combination. Recently I had the pleasure of seeing a of type 2 note on the bank with serial A002231.) This late issue piece sported the previously unknown Henning-McEvoy signature combination. The owner of the type 2 $5 assured me that a few more type 2 notes were extant. Holbrook National Bank Note signers Joseph Taylor Small size $5 Holbrook with signatores of J. R. McEvoy - cashier, and T. E. Taylor - president. Whole No. 94 Holbrook National Bank Note signers Joseph Taylor and Lloyd Henning eventually served as state senators. Taylor was first, being elected in 1933. Growth By 1951, the First National Bank had outgrown its quarters on South Central. On February 17, the bank was moved to 266 Navajo Boulevard, the same location now occupied by the Holbrook branch of the Great Western Bank. If you tour the "new" building, you will discover that a few additions have been made to it since 1951. Arizona's little National Bank began to spread its wings in 1960. On September 3, 1960, its first branch was opened in Snowflake. In 1962, the name of the bank was changed to the First Navajo National Bank of Holbrook. This marked a significant milestone in the growth of the bank. An agreement had been negotiated between the bank and the Navajo Nation whereby the bank would be the only bank to operate branches on Navajo lands in Arizona. The first tribal branch opened in Window Rock in August, 1962. Lloyd C. Henning - second cashier of the First national Bank of Holbrook. Later became its president. Served as a state senator. GREAT WESTERN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, TUCSON OCT. 1,19613-DEC 31 196',, HOLBROOK OCT. I, 196B- PRESENT 004 PRESCOTT APRIL 1962- DEC 31, 1970 PIONEER BANK OF ARIZONA, PHOENIX APRIL 1,1962 - DEC. 31, 1969 ERGED BRANCHES BRANCHES FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HOLBROOK 1922-JULY 15,1962 KINGMAN APRIL 8,1963- PRESENT KCLARKDALE1920's-? ERGED ( CM AVAPAI SAVINGS BANK) FEB. 10, 1956- PRESCOTT AR. 9, 1959 F RESCOTT IRST SAVINGS BANK P MAR. 9, 19 9- OCT.1,1960 PIONEER BANK OF ARIZONA, PRESCOTT OCT. I, 1960- APRIL 1,1962 ( SANK OF PHOENIX PHOENIX OCT. 6, 19513- APRIL 1,1962 BRANCHES Paper Money PRINCIPAL BANKS Page 205 PERIPHERAL BANKS SNOWFLAKE SEPT 3, 1960 - PRESENT FIRST NAVAJO NATIONAL BANK, HOLBROOK JULY 15,1962 - 0071,1968 WINDOW ROCK AUG. 15,1962- PRESENT MERGED (BANK OF TUCSON OCT.1,1968 TUCSON APRIL 15,1959- BRANCHES 71.-YAVAPAI COUNTY SAV-'.\ INGS BANK, PRESCOTT SEPT. 5, 1906 - 10, 1956 BRANCHES <1=7 5 ?WINSLOW SEPT. 10,1962 - PRESENT SCOTTSDALE JAN. 20,1966 DEC. 31, 1970 Cy (GREAT WESTERN BANK-11.1\ AND TRUST COMPANY, PHOENIX DEC, 31,1969- PRESENT/ TUCSON DEC. 31, 1969- PRESENT BANK OF SCOTTSDALE SCOTTSDALE JUNE 30, 1960 - JAN.20,1966 MERGED BRANCHES OF PRINCIPAL BANKS BANKS MERGED WITH PRINCIPAL BANKS BRANCHES OF MERGED BANKS TUBA CITY AN. 1970- PRESENT GROWTH OF THE GREAT WESTERN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY 1906 - PRESENT CHINLE OCT. 1971- PRESENT —JULY 1972 -PRESENT PRESENT (Only first branch in each city is shown) _4iRly, t. 41 11.4 4,A ie.., a kre.a3sra she A.44,6ier ...St 9 etik ;AM 44.1c. OF {AM SAM0.4.415= STILL AVAILABLE! ***Catalogs and describes 1,146 known examples of Florida paper money, issued from the 1770's until 1935, including; Territorial and State issues. State, City, and County scrip. Private issues and Railroad change bills. Territorial, State, and Private Bank issues. National Currency issued by national banks in Florida. ***Gives the complete history of the banks, firms, or individuals that issued paper money in Florida. Historical sketches of the 72 cities and towns involved are also highlighted. ***More than 475 high quality illustrations of actual notes, bank buildings, and bankers are dispersed throughout the book. A total of 285 rare Florida notes are reproduced, including one or more notes representing 71 of the 72 cities and towns where Florida currency was tendered. Very few of these notes have been illustrated anywhere in the past. 1),\\ILL ( \S- 1l . )1` Paper Money Page 237 The ILLUSTRATED History of FLORIDA PAPER MONEY There is a book that serious paper money enthusiasts will want to add to their collection. In comparison with many of the other states, the paper money of Florida tends to be quite rare. Finally, the subject of Florida's rare currency has been totally explored and exposed. The Illustrated History of Florida Paper Money is a large size book of over 250 pages representing more than 6 years of careful research. You will be amazed at the history which is interwoven with the paper money of Florida. Some of the interesting personalities involved with Florida paper money are Achille Murat (nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte), John Milton (Florida's Confederate Governor who committed suicide in office), Gen. Francis Spinner (famed U. S. Treasurer who was the impetus for the founding of the First National Bank of Florida and for whom his two sons-in-law served as officers), and Gregor MacGregor (who freed much of northern Florida from Spanish rule in 1817). Two editions of The Illustrated History of Florida Paper Money are available. A soft cover edition is offered for $18.00. An ever nicer hard cover edition with dust jacket is priced at $22.00. Postage will be paid by us. If you are a Florida resident please add 4% state sales tax. The Illustrated History of Florida Paper Money Hard Bound Edition $22.00 Soft Bound Edition $18.00 (Florida Residents Add 4% Tax) Make Payment to: DANIEL G. CASSIDY P. 0. BOX 2668 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32203 Whole No. 94 For Confederate Currency - Obsolete Stocks And Bonds Come To The Experts Combined Experience of Over 60 Years CRISWELL'S Ft. McCoy, Fla. 32637 Larry Marsh Grover Criswell Page 238 TOM KNEBL, INC. BOX 5043 SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (7141 751-6608 41" L m yrn se publicmion , CUSTOMER SERVItt RVIk0.0 WANTED FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. Highest prices paid for scarce, or higher grade material—regular issue. specimens. shields, full or partial sheets, errors, and Spinner material. U.S. ENCASED POSTAGE. Buying all encased postage, in any condition, rare or common. U.S. MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES. Buying late series (611-6921in new condition, early series (461-591) in X F or LAter. Replacements in any condition. WORLD CURRENCY. Buying better Africa, Asia, Central & South America, East and West Indies, French & British Commonwealth. FREE LISTS. Write for our free selling lists. Please specify your collecting interest(s). Please write or ship with price desired, or I will make an offer commensurate with the quality. scarcity, and current market value of the material. Please include your phone number with any material sent, for an immediate reply. Under $400 ship insured/first class, over $400 ship registered for full estimated value. ANA SPMC PMCM IBNS CSNA NASC Paper Money Page 239 14tttt. oraiiiisormena.ANobody pays more than Huntoon for ARIZONA & WYOMING State and Territorial Nationals *, WANT ALL SERIES, ANY CONDI- TION, EXCEPT WASHED OR "DOC- TORED" NOTES. (MANY TRADES!) PETER HUNTOON P.O. Box 3681, Laramie, WY 82071 N.110V40.10.41 w iLl(3.1. 14AIN 4 3015 ALITirr , Buying Choice Currency Individual or Collections Confederate Obsolete especially Mississippi Southern State Issues Pass Christian, Ms. Script Guy C. Kraus P.O. Box 42003 Houston, Texas 77042 (713) 789-4874/975-8538 TNA SPMC Wanted To Buy, Georgia Obsolete Currency EAGLE & PHOEN I X MFG. CO . (18931, any note. Ellis & l.ic ingston, any note. Farmers Bank of Chattahoochee, any note. Greenwood & Grimes, any note. T.M. Hogan. any note. Insurance Bank, any note. Livery Stables, any note. Manufacturers & Mechanics Bank, $2.00. 93.00, $10.00. Mobile & Girard H.R., any note. MUSCOGEE MEG. CO . (18931, any note. Palace Mills, almost all notes. Phoenix Bank, any note. Planters & Mechanics Bank, any note. Western Bank of Ga., (BRANCH). any note. COOL SPRINGS WILLIS ALLEN (store), any note. CORDELE Crisp County Cotton association 119151, any note. COVINGTON Richard Camp, any note. CUTHBERT Banking House of John McGunn, any note. DAHLONEGAH Bank of Darien (BRANCH), any note Cherokee Bank, any note. Pigeon Roost Mining Co.. any note. DAI.TON Bank of Whitfield, any fractional; "M ANOU VIE IC $3.00 & $5.00. Cherokee Insurance & Banking, any Fractional: 52.00, $5.00. $10.00. City Council of Dalton, any note, especially signed. Planters Insurance Trust & Loan Co., any note, ESPECIALLY SIGNED. Planters & Mechanics Bank. any FRACTIONAL. DARIEN Bank of Darien, any note. DECATUR Scrip, Various issuers, want any note. DUBLIN Laurens County. any note. EATONTON Bank of the State of Ga. (Branch), $50.00, $100.00. ELBERTON Elbert County, any note. FORSYTHE County of Monroe. any note. Monroe H.R. & Banking Co., (Branch), any note. Scrip payable at AGENCY 01-"I'llE Monroe H.R. Bank, any note. FORT GAINES Fort Gaines, any note 1,NUT II I 1 L'V Pulaski County, any note. JACKSON Butts County. any note. JONESBORO Clayton County, any note. JEFFERSONTON (Scrip), any note. LA FAYETTE Western & Atlantic H.R., any note. LA GRANGE LaGrange Bank, any note, — DON"l' WANT "RECONSTRUCTIONS " LUMPK IN Stewart County, any note . Y MACON Bank of Macon. any note. especially notes payable at Branch in Bank of Middle Georgia, any note. BANK OF THE STATE OF GA. (BRANCH). (RARE) PAY HIGH, any note. B11,1,01-' EXCHANGE (issued from Charleston, S.C.) any note, especial- ly signed. Central R.R. & Banking Co. (Branch), S. any note. City Council of Macon, any note. City of Macon, any note. Commercial Bank, any note. ON D. Dempsey. any note. Exchange Bank 118931, any note. Insurance Bank, any note. Macon & Brunswick H.R., $3.00 & higher. Macon & Western H.R., any note. Manufacturers Bank, any Fractional; $10.00. $20.00, $50.00, $100.00. The following is my want list of Georgia obsolete currency. I will pay competitive and fair prices for any Georgia notes. I will buy virtually any Georgia note, so if you have anything Georgia please write, or send for offer, subject of course to your approval. I also sell duplicates. I am working on a book listing Georgia obsolete currency, and will appreciate any help. if you have unusual or rare Georgia notes. Agency Planters Bank (Scrip), any note. GAINESVILLE City of Gainesville, any note. GEORGETOWN John N. Webb, any note. GREENBOROUGH D. H. Lanford, any note. BANK OF THE STATE OF GA. (BRANCH) (HARE) Pay high. an note. BANK OF G REENSBOHOUGH any note. GREENVILLE County of Merriwether, any note. GRIFFIN City Council of Griffin, any note. County of Spaulding, any note. Exchange Bank, any note. Interior Bank, any note. Also CON - TEm PORARY COUNTERFEIT Monroe H.R. & Banking Co. (Branch), any note. HAMILTON Harris County (HAMILTON NOT NOTES), any note. HARTWELL Hart County, any note. HAW KINSVILLE Agency Planters Bank (Scrip), any note. Bank of Hawkinsville, any note. claud murphy, jr., p.o. box 15091, atlanta, georgia 30333 telephone (404) 876-7160 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES Harry wants to buy Currency Errors Also Interested in Buying Nationals ... Large and Small size Uncut Sheets Red Seals Type Notes Unusual Serial numbers HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216-884-0701 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL 33595 Page 240 Whole No. 94 WANTED Nyack 1286 2378 Suffern 5846 Haverstraw 2229 Pearl River 10526 Spring Vale , v 5390 Tuxedo 11404 Port Jervis 94 1363 Nanuet 13314 Warwick 314 Newburgh 468 1106 Chester 1349 Goshen 1399 1408 Middletown 3333 13956 Montgomery 7982 13559 Highland Falls 8850 Washingtonville 9065 Pine Bush 9940 13960 Florida 9956 13825 Central Valley 9990 Cornwall 10084 Walkill 10155 Windham 12164 13962 Walden 10923 Carlisle, Pa 4444 Carlisle, Ind. 8805 Kaufman, Texas 3836 Spring Valley, Ill. 3465 Spring Valley, Minn. 6316 Spring Valley, Ohio 7896 CARLISLE F. KAUFMAN 6 State St. Spring Valley, NY 10977 DENVER, COLORADO 80221 CUSTOMER SERVICE NNW Paper Money Page 241 MUST BUY-NATIONALS, TYPES. FOR OUR MAIL BID ACUTIONS. Write for FREE list. 800 notes (Bi-Monthly) WHERE CURRENCY IS FIRST NOT A SIDE LINE ED'S CURRENCY BOX 7295 LOUISVILLE, KY 40207 WRITE, SHIP OR CALL. (502) 895-1168 Members - SPMC. ANA. CSNS. BRNA. PMCM. States of-Cal. Fla. Ill. Ky. Mo. Tenn. QUALITY NOTES FOR THE COLLECTOR AND INVESTOR FREE INVENTORY LIST AND NEWSLETTER AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST M ID -AMERICAN" CURRENCY P.O. BOX 21182 (303) 751-5718 4-1400-0414WZ 6-4■401Z G■4041"Z VIAPIPZ Confederate & Obsolete Notes BUY-SELL-APPRAISALS Please contact us if you have one item or a collection. Top prices paid. We want to buy your notes! If you collect we offer our ex- tensive list of notes for $1.00. refundable with purchase. ANN & HUGH SHULL P.O. BOX 712 LEESVILLE, S.C. 29070 803/532-6747 e.,04N-9 COIN-9 e.041■•■9 SCNA ANA If You Want To Buy Or Sell Te4as Material Republic of Texas Note Of Our Choice $19.00 Try Us D.S. & R.L. Higgins Inc. 713-481-4436 P.O. Box 53373 Houston, TX 77052 BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single itims as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOIJ ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2930 Member of. ANA, P*MCM Pell) jer5ep National Bank Currency 2.1/ZECD I am interested in small & large size Nationals for my personal collection from the following towns in Berge , 1 County & will pay the highest prices to get tkem. Allendale Fort Lee Bqrgenfield Garfield Bogota Glen Rock Carlstadt Hackensack Cliffside Park Hillsdale Closter Leonia Dumont Little Ferry Engelwood Lodi Edgewater Lyndhurst Fairview North Arlington Palaisades Park Ridgefill4 Park Ridgewood Rutherford Ramsey Tenafly Westwood Wyckoff West EngleWittod eastern Com excbange 31tu. ANA LM 709 PH. 201-342-8170 74 Anderson Street Hackensack, N.J. 07601 Page 242 Whole No. 94 NI/ WANTED LARGE SIZE U.S. PAPER MONEY MUST BE CRISP UNCIRCULATED. OR RARE TOP PRICES PAID ALSO BUYING: NATIONALS, OBSOLETE CONFEDERATE AND COLONIAL PAPER MONEY PLUS COIN COLLECTIONS AND ACCUMULATIONS CALL, WRITE OR SHIP TODAY WANT LISTS SOLICITED -of STEVE MICHAELS P.O. Box 27, Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 628-2925 ANA (91) SPMC FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available P.O. BOX 1358 WARREN HENDERSON VENICE, FLA. 33595 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West- ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. DRAWER 706, ROCKYILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 11571 WANTED NATIONAL BANK NOTES and U. S. & CANADIAN PAPER MONEY Buy and Sell Frank R. Trask SPMC, ANA, NECC Phone 207-985-7431 31 Main Street Kennebunk, ME 04043 OBSOLETE CURRENCY LISTS Broken Bank Notes, Merchant Scrip, Confederate Currency, U. S. Fractional Over 1000 notes available: Send your 18c S.A.S.E. and indicate your specific area of interest with grades desired. DON EMBURY P. O. Box 61 Wilmington, CA 90748 Page 243 SUPPORT YOUR SOCIETY The Society of Paper Money Collectors has an informative handout brochure available for the asking. Contained in the brochure is information on the Society and paper money in general. Take some with you to the next coin club meeting or show. Write S.P.M.C. secretary Del Beaudreau. MICHIGAN PAPER MONEY SPECIALISTS Price Lists available for the asking If it's paper and it says "Michigan", we're interested! Falater Box 81 Allen, Michigan 49227 4514 North 30th Street 4212,442_,S • "Pronto Service' Phone 402-451-4766 Page 244 Whole No. 94 RARE AUTOGRAPHED UNCUT SHEETS THE BEST "TIME-PROVEN" INVESTMENT IS COINS & CURRENCY EXAMPLE - In 1974 we sold a 1928 $1.00 RED SEAL GEM UNCUT SHEET (12) for $7,500.00. NOW - 7 Years later, we will Pay 3X $7,500.00 for a Similar GEM UNCUT SHEET. 1928-E $1.00 SILVER CERTIFICATE SHEET (12). Of the 25 Sheets issued only Seven Sheets are recorded as being extant - Many Sheets were Cut up over the years. This Great Rarity was Personally Autographed by both W. A. JULIAN and HENRY MORGENTHAU, JR. - and Pro- bably the only Sheet with Both Autographs still existing. Price - Subject to Prior Sale $44,975.00 1935-D $1.00 SILVER CERTIFICATE SHEET (12). Clarke & Snyder. All 12 Notes were Personally Autographed by GEORGIA NEESE CLARK. Indeed a Bonanza for the Autograph Specialist. Just this One Sheet 6,495.00 1928-C $2.00 LEGAL TENDER SHEET (12). Of the 25 Sheets issued only 12 Sheets are recorded as known to be extant in Charles O'Donnell's 6th Edition "The Standard Handbook of Modern United States Paper Money". This Excessively Rare Sheet was Personally Autographed by both W. A. JULIAN and HENRY MORGENTHAU, JR. Specially Priced @ 9,450.00 FEDERAL RESERVE SETS SCARCE SUPERB CRISP NEW $1 COMPLETE SETS Rapidly Disappearing from the American Scene 10% discount on orders over $200 for any of the following $1 F.R. Sets (except when priced NET) Regular Sets Star Sets 1963 (12) 32.75 (12) 35.75 1963-A (12) 31.75 (12) 34.75 1963-B (5) 16.75 (4) 16.75 1969 (12) 30.75 (12) 33.75 1969-A (12) 29.75 (11)31.75 1969-B (12) 28.75 (12)32.75 1969-C (12) 25.75 (9) 48.75 1969-D (12) 27.75 (11)30.75 1974 (12) 25.75 (12)29.75 1977 (12) 24.75 (12) 27.75 1977-A (12) 22.75 For any above set with the last TWO serial nos. matching, add $2.00 per set. SPECIAL OFFER 1963/77A all 11 sets (NET) 249.75 Last 2 NOS. MATCH (NET) 269.75 1963/77 all 10 STAR Sets (NET) 279.75 Last 2 NOS. MATCH (NET) 299.75 BLOCK BUSTER SPECIAL 1963-A $1 Scarce "BB" Block Lists $45.00 SUPERB Crisp New (buy two $69.50) Each $37.50 WANTED - 1963 BC; DB Blocks. Ask for our BIG "Block Buster" Special List. MAJOR ERROR SPECIAL 1957 $1 Silver Certificate. The serial nos. start with U37 & U47. CRISP NEW - PRICE 79.50 IN PLASTIC HOLDER, W/Title 84.50 DELOREY/REED'S "Price Guide on Modern U. S. Paper Money Errors" Illus'd. 4th Ed. PPD 3 95 1976 $2 BICENTENNIAL SET The two last serial nos. match on all 12 Dist. Superb Cr. New36.95 1976 $2 STAR SET SET (11) Lacks Dist. 8 Crisp New 98.50 SINGLE $2 STARS Dist. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 (Any 5 Diff. 44.00) EACH 950 (Sorry, no matching nos.) STAR NOTES WANTED CRISP NEW only - Prefer packs (100 Consecutively Numbered. Will Buy Less. 1969-C Dist. 12 PAY Each 1977-A Dist. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Need up to 5 Packs Each. Call or Write 1976 $2 Dist. 8. 12 PAY (100) 700 Other Dist. (No Dist. 4, 11) WRITE O'DONNELL'S "The Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper Money" 6th Ed. All the Facts on Small Size Notes & Block Collect- ing. ($15) SPECIAL POSTPAID 950 (Above Book FREE with $200 Note Order) 650 WANTED BUYING - WANTED Paying the following top - cash prices for Perfect Crisp New Sheets. LEGAL TENDER SHEETS 1928 $1 RED SEAL GEM Sheet (12) PAY 22,500.00 1928 $2 GEM Sheet (12) PAY 2,800.00 1928-C $2 GEM Sheet (12) PAY 4 500.00 1953 $2 GEM Sheet (18) PAY 3 750.00 1953 $5 GEM Sheet (18) PAY 4,750.00 WORLD WAR II ISSUES 1935-A $1 HAWAII OVERPRINT PAY 6 800.00 1935-A $1 NORTH AFRICA PAY 7,250.00 SILVER CERTIFICATES 1928 $1 GEM Sheet (12) PAY 3,500.00 1934 $1 GEM Sheet (12) PAY 4,250.00 1935-E $1 GEM Sheet (18) PAY 3,000.00 1953 $5 GEM Sheet (18) PAY 4 750.00 1953 $10 GEM Sheet (18) PAY 5 750.00 NATIONAL UNCUT SHEETS First-Second-Third Charter CRISP NEW SHEETS (4) PLEASE WRITE We are also Paying HIGHEST IMMEDIATE-CASH for Other UNCUT SHEETS (4, 12, 18) + SCARCE/RARE LARGE-SIZE NATIONALS, TERRITORIALS and $1.00 to $5,000.00 TYPE NOTES IN ALL SERIES + CRISP NEW HAWAII $5- $10 - $20 NOTES: NORTH AFRICA $1- $5 - $10 + 1935-A $1.00 RED "R" & "S" PAIR IN CRISP NEW ONLY. Why Not Try BEBEE'S, Leading Paper Money Specialist Since 1941. "BE SURE TO ATTEND THE BIGGEST + MOST IMPORTANT CONVENTION OF THE YEAR - JULY 28 TO AUGUST 2ND, NEW ORLEANS, LA. + AND STOP BY OUR BOOTH FOR A F RIENDLY VISIT WITH AUBREY AND ADELINE BEBEE" Please Add $3.00 (Over $300.00 add $4.00). For Immediate Shipment send Cashier's Check or Money Order. (Personal Checks take 20 to 25 Banking Days to Clear our Bank. Nebraska Residents add Sales Tax. 10016 S atisfaction Guaranteed. All items Offeres are "Subject to Prior Sale and Change in Price Without Notice." MEMBER: A.N.A. Life #110-ANS-SPMC-IAPN-PNG-Others. Omaha, Nebraska 68111 Medlar's, Inc. Announces Its 1981 Auction Featuring THE GLENN B. SMEDLEY COLLECTION San Antonio, Texas--Fall 1981 After 50 years of involvement in numismatics, Glenn B. Smedley has consigned his complete currency collection to Bob Medlar, Medlar's, Inc. Rare Coins and Currency of San Antonio, for public auction. Highlighted in the fall San Antonio sale are, among other items, Smedley's celebrated die proofs, specimen notes, vignettes and Illinois Obsolete Notes (the Illinois Notes being one of the finest known col- lections extant). Medlar's Inc.-- Over the past 25 years, Medlar's,Inc. itself has,under the direction of Bob Medlar, come to be dealers recognized as one of the nation's most prestigious in thosein rare coins and currency. (During tThe reputation recogni P g 25 years, Bob Medlar has arranged numerousand expertise auctions with only the highest regard for hisconsignors). Now Medlar's is honored to have you demand. been selected to present the Glenn B. SmedleyCollection for public auction. The Broadway Plaza Hotel, Friday, September 25 & Saturday, September 26. For reservations phone or write. The Broadway Plaza Hotel, 1111 N.E. Loop 410, San Antonio. Texas. Phone - (512) 828-9031. The auction will be held in the Antigua Room, Fri. evening Sept. 25 & Sat. (all day) Sept. 26. MEDLAR'S Those interested in a complete listing of all the offerings should write Medlar's immediately to put their names on the mailing list for a free catalog. Address all correspondence to: Bob Medlar Medlar's Inc. Rare Coins & Currency 78205 220 Alamo Plaza San Antonio, Texas 78205 Next to The Alamo 220 Alamo Plaza San Antonio, Texas 512/226-2311 North Star Mall San Antonio, Texas 78216RARE COINS & CURRENCY 512/342-5191 Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN. BOOKS 1HE DESCRIPTIVE REGISTER OF GENUINE BANK NOTES by Gwynne & Day 1862. 168 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $15.00 postpaid. This book contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine bank notes from 31 states and terri- tories plus 24 Canadian banks. It also identifies notes known to have been counterfeited. The names and locations of over 800 closed banks are included in the supplements. It is believed that this book was the basis of the famous Wismer Lists published by the ANA 50 years ago. A must for collectors and researchers of obsolete notes. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain pages (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $60.00 each. HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE-GUARD by Edward M. Hodges 1865. 350 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $19.50 postpaid. "Hodges' " as this book is known, contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine notes from 30 states, 19 Canadian banks, and the United States notes issued prior to 1865. This 1865 edition was copyrighted in 1864 and at this time the United States was at war with the Confederate States. As a result the listing for six Southern states was not included because they were not a part of the United States. Louisiana was included as in 1864 it was occupied by Union troops under the infamous General Butler. West Virginia was added to this edition as it seceded from Virginia and join the Union in 1863. We have added a section from the 1863 edition (copyrighted in 1862) containing the six states deleted from the 1865 edition making this reprint the most comprehensive Hodges' ever printed. The format used consists of three rows of ten notes listed in rectangles on each page. To quote from E.M. Hodges "The SAFEGUARD is almost indispensable." Collectors will agree with him. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain paper (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $75.00 each. THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA by Dr. F. Mauldin Lesesne 1970. 221 pp Hand bound. University of South Carolina Press $14.95 postpaid. The South had many colorful banks prior to the Civil War, but few could compare with the Bank of the State of South Carolina. From its charter in 1812 until 1881 when its history ended, it was colorful, controversial, and redeemed its issued notes. The "faith and credit" of the State of South Carolina was pledged to back this bank. Dr. Lesesne's account of this bank is interesting reading to both collector of paper money and historical students. Few banks have such detailed accounts of their life as the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The book is annotated and has a wonderful bibliography. If you only read one bank history, and should read this one as it will interest both South Carolinians and non-Carolinians alike. It is just an excellent story of a very important bank. PENNELL PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. Drawer 858 Anderson, South Carolina 29622 *S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax.