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WHOLE No. 108
Nov. /DEC.
METROPOLITAN NEW YORK — New York, New York March 30-31, 1984
Consignment Deadline: January 1, 1984.
See a Kagin's representative at these events:
► Grand Central — November 3-6, 1983
ty- Silver Dollar Convention — November 10-13, 1983
LONG BEACH NUMISMATIC & PHILATELIC EXPOSITION — Long Beach, California May 31-June 3, 1984
Consignment Deadline: March 1, 1984.
See a Kagin's representative at the above mentioned events.
INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY SHOW — Memphis, Tennessee June 14-17, 1984
Consignment Deadline: March 15, 1984.
See a Kagin's representative at these events:
► Florida United Numismatists January 4-7, 1984
110- ANA Mid Winter — February 23-26, 1984
LONG BEACH NUMISMATIC & PHILATELIC EXPOSITION — Long Beach, California October 4-7, 1984
Consignment Deadline: July 4, 1984.
See a Kagin's representative at the above mentioned events.
Traditionally, the best prices for rare coins and
currency have been obtained at auction. With over
325 sales in fifty years of successful numismatics,
Kagin's has the experience and knowledge to obtain
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For consignments over $50,000, we will pay all
expenses for airfare, hotel accommodations, and
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nearest office—San Francisco, Des Moines,
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All paperwork, pre-grading, and promotional
arrangements will be made immediately, in your
You will return home confidently, knowing your
material will be receiving Kagin's professional
handling. For those who wish,
Kagin's will be happy to make
alternate travel arrangements.
Take advantage of Kagin's 50 years of experience. Call
today TOLL FREE to discuss your consignment with a
Kagin's professional.
Donald H. Kagin, Ph.D.
George J. Fuld, Sc.D.
Ron Howard
TOLL FREE 800 227-5676
IN CA 800 652-1250
A.M. (Art) Kagin
David T. Alexander
Kurt L. Langland
TOLL FREE 800 247-5335
IN IOWA 800 622-8289
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The Society of Paper Money Collectors,
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All advertising copy and correspondence
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A •or
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XXII No. 6 Whole No. 109 NOV./DEC. 1983
ISSN 0031-1162
225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 414-674-5239
Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to
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MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for
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publication (e.g., Feb. I for March issue, etc.).
John Glynn
M. Owen Warns 258
Everett K. Cooper 261
William S. Dewey 267
Richard T. Hoober 276
Peter Huntoon
Barry Wexler
A review by Jerry Remick 282
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 249
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Larry Adams, P.O. Box 1, Boone, Iowa 50036
Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Robert Azpiazu, Jr., P.O. Box 1433, Hialeah, FL 33011
James F. Stone, P.O. Box 89, Milford, N.H. 03055
Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave.,
Jefferson, WI 53549
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Richard Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street, North Attleboro, MA
Richard T. Hoober, P.O. Box 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445
Robert G. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001
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C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139
Larry Adams, Walter Allan, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Mar-
tin Delger, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton,
Jr., Peter Huntoon, Roman L. Latimer, Dean Oakes, Bernard
Schaaf, M.D., Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, John Wilson.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized
in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organ-
ization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is af-
filiated with the American Numismatic Association and
holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in
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Page 250 Paper Money Whole No. 108
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 251
Epitaph for the British One Pound Note
0 N January 27, 1981, Sir Geoffrey Howe, then Chan-cellor of the Exchequer of the present British govern-ment, announced in Parliament that the British one
pound bank note would be phased out of circulation starting
in April 1983, and that it would be replaced by a British one
pound coin.
It is hard to imagine the British way of life existing with-
out this paper currency which came into existence some 190
years ago. I am sure we will overcome our mourning of the
death of this bank note (which is equal to one hundred pence)
and adapt ourselves to its reincarnation in the form of a metal
The change-over of paper money to coin is part of the
government's economic strategy of reducing expenditures.
The move in the long run will reduce the issuing of money for
circulation. The average life expectancy of a paper pound
note is considered approximately six months. The government
is at present stretching that life expectancy a little longer (up
to nine months or more). There are some 650 million pound
notes in circulation at any given time. Although the pound
coin will cost twice as much to produce, it will be cheaper in
the long run as it will circulate for at least 50 years before
being withdrawn from circulation.
T HE foundation of the Bank of England was laid duringthe reign of King Charles II (1660-1685). Wars whichinvolved England were financed by the monarchs.
They had to find the money to pay the soldiers and sailors,
supply ships, and provide arms and ammunition.
The war with Holland during the 1660s cost the king
more than he could afford out of his ordinary revenue. To
raise more money Charles asked Parliament to approve new
taxes. The government refused until the king changed the sys-
tem of government and gave Parliament more power.
To meet the cost of the war the king went to the gold-
smiths in London and borrowed gold at an agreed rate of in-
terest. Goldsmiths in those days were private banks with
whom merchants exchanged their cash and received a receipt
in return which promised to pay on demand. The goldsmiths
became very uneasy over the transaction with the king. They
had no guarantee that he or his successors would repay the
loan. In 1672, their fears were confirmed. Charles announced
he would pay only the interest and not the capital sum. His
successor, King James II (1685-1688), also borrowed gold and
announced he would not even pay the interest due on the loan
he had received from the goldsmiths. Some goldsmiths were
ruined, and by 1692 the debt owing to them, including the
arrears of interest, amounted to two million pounds.
In 1694, England found herself at war with France. The
war was to last until 1704, when France was defeated at Blen-
heim. The king, William III (1689-1702), desperately needed
funds to finance the war against Louis XIV. He appreciated
the fact that the London goldsmiths, having suffered at the
hands of previous rulers, would not advance such large sums
to another king.
The London goldsmiths and city merchants proposed
that financing the war should be taken away from the king.
Knowing what a financial problem he would be faced with,
especially if it was a long, drawn-out war, the king agreed to
the goldsmiths' and merchants' proposals.
Thus the Bank of England was established under the Act
of Parliament in 1694. The Act was known as the "Tunnage
Act," and its main function was to free the king and his
government from a temporary financial embarrassment. The
Act authorized raising £1,200,000 by voluntary subscription ;
it was lent to the government at the interest rate of eight
The Act imposed taxes on beer, ale and vinegar, and
from these taxes a sum of one million pounds was to be kept
back to pay the interest. The bank received its charter on July
27th, and in 12 days raised its authorized capital. The Bank
of England was granted the privilege of issuing paper money
up to the amount the bank was authorized to raise. The
following year it issued paper currency in denominations
from five pounds to 100 pounds.
I N 1793, France declared war on Britain and, except forone short interval, remained at war until the Duke ofWellington defeated Napoleon Bonaparte of France at
Waterloo in 1815. This caused a commercial crisis at the start
of the war as supplies were needed. The war found many
people hoarding their small change. Everyone with paper
money tried to exchange it for specie payments. The run on
the Bank of England found the reserves had fallen from ten
million to one million pounds.
Also in 1793, an Act was passed by Parliament for the
Bank of England to suspend all specie payments. (They were
not to resume until six years after the end of the war.) An-
other Act was passed suspending the Acts of 1775 and 1777
(which had forbidden the issue of bank notes under five
pounds). The Bank Restriction became law, which made it
necessary for the Bank of England and county banks to issue
paper money below the denomination of five pounds.
In March, the Bank of England issued notes in two
values, one and two pounds. Almost a century after the Bank
of England was established, the one pound note made its
appearance in order to ease the economic situation. The
design of the one pound note was basically the same as that
of the old white five pound notes used prior to 1956. It de-
picted a medallion showing the figure of Britannia in the
upper left hand corner (see Figure 1). The text was in black
on white paper. The date and signature were handwritten.
One pound notes were also issued in 1798, 1801, 1807, 1809,
and 1810. The one pound note, along with the two pound
note, was withdrawn from circulation in 1821.
The notes were not considered legal tender, but, as there
was no gold, plus a shortage of silver and copper, they were
deemed payment in cash if offered and accepted as such. The
Page 252 Paper Money Whole No. 108
J. /.
One pound note typical of the many issued by private banks during the 19th century.
pound sterling, therefore, passed from a gold basis to a paper
On February 22, 1799, a French frigate landed 1,200
French troops on the Welsh coast, intending to rouse the
Welsh nation and dethrone King George III. The locals from
the town of Fishguard fled in terror. They notified the local
militia who returned to the town and defeated the French.
The landing caused a severe strain on the economy as people
started hoarding their money in case the French succeeded in
their invasion.
The continuation of the war, and the government financ-
ing her allies (Austria, Holland, Prussia, Russia and Spain) in
the war against revolutionary France, found the economic
situation getting worse. Money was needed to fight the war,
and in 1799, William Pitt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, es-
tablished an income tax. The new tax on income would only
apply to those who earned more than 60 pounds per annum.
Pitt told Parliament that the tax would raise £29 million
which would be used to finance the war, which lasted until
In 1822, over 500 county banks issued an unlimited num-
ber of one pound notes. The agent for most of these banks
was the London bank of Sir Peter Pole. In 1825, the London
bank crashed, which caused an immediate panic. The public
often requested gold in exchange for these notes. When coins
became depleted, a large number of banks refused to pay on
their paper money. This triggered a run on the Bank of
England, which also ran short of gold.
The bank was saved some embarrassment when a box
containing a large quantity of one pound notes was found in
the vault. The notes had been withdrawn from circulation in
1821. To avoid a disaster the Bank of England re-issued the
one pound notes. This is the only time that a bank note from
Great Britain appeared with two dates. The date 1821 ap-
peared at the top part of the note and at the bottom appeared
the date December 26, 1825. This was considered an emer-
gency issue which remained in circulation for a few months,
after which it was again withdrawn from circulation.
In 1826, a very important Act was passed which allowed
joint-stock banks with more than six partners to carry out
their banking business. They were not allowed to issue bank
notes at a place within 60 miles from London. The Act also
abolished the issue of bank notes under the denomination of
five pounds, except in Scotland. In 1833, joint-stock banks
were allowed to operate in London. They were, however, not
allowed to issue bank notes.
T HE pound note was to remain out of circulation almost90 years before surfacing again. The old familiarproblems of a shortage of small change and war were
again threatening the country. The demand for gold put a
strain on the Bank of England. The public foolishly thought
that gold was preferable to paper money. They demanded
gold for their paper currency in large amounts. The drain on
the bank was no less than £17 million in gold. The whole
monetary system seemed to collapse.
The catastrophic struggle began as a clash between the
two coalitions of European countries. The allied powers in-
cluded Great Britain, Belgium, France, Russia, Serbia and
Montenegro. The central powers which opposed them, Ger-
many and the Austria-Hungary Empire, began to fight each
other in August 1914 and hostilities lasted until November
1918. This was known as the Great War. Other nations
throughout the world became involved, either directly or in-
directly. The Great War was also to be the start of a revolu-
tion in the monetary system.
Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in order to
gain time to solve this difficulty of the shortage of small
change, prolonged the Bank Holiday Monday by adding three
days to it. Under the Bank Act of 1826, the Bank of England
was authorized to issue bank notes to the value of five
pounds or over. A new Bank Act was passed in August 1914
authorizing a new paper currency to be issued, and em-
powered the Treasury Department to issue its own bank notes
of under five pounds. The Treasury was to create an emer-
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 253
Fig. 1. Full face seated Britannia with spear.
gency issue of ten shilling and one pound notes which were to
replace the gold sovereign and half sovereign.
When the bank doors were opened on Friday after the
August Bank Holiday, the legal tender ten shilling and one
pound notes were ready. The text on the notes was printed in
black gothic script and stated, "These notes are a Legal
Tender for a payment of any amount. Issued by the Lords
Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury under Authority of
Act of Parliament." The left side of the note depicted King
George V facing inward. The denomination appeared on the
About two and one half million of the ten shilling and
one pound notes had been printed. This was found to be an
insufficient quantity; therefore the government announced
that the ten shilling and one pound postal orders would be
used as legal tender currency until further notice. The postal
orders ceased to be used as currency in February 1915.
In the meantime the Treasury Department was preparing
a new and more carefully designed bank note. On October
23, 1914, a second series of ten shilling and one pound notes
was issued. They were printed on proper bank note rag paper,
watermarked with wavy lines and showing the four British
emblems. The print on the one pound note was again in black
but with a more modern style of script. The portrait of King
George V was smaller but remained on the left side. The right
hand side depicted St. George (the patron saint of England)
slaying the dragon. Both St. George and the king were sur-
mounted by a crown. The reverse side of the note remained
blank. The notes were inscribed "United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland."
In 1915, the British Army invaded the Dardanelles. They
hoped the invasion would bring the surrender of the Turkish
Empire. Before embarking on the invasion the British troops
were paid in ten shilling and one pound notes. The notes were
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1915 Treason' letter outlining government economic policy 017 the
payment of wages in paper rather than gold.
overprinted in Arabic. The overprint on the one pound note
stated (top line), "Piastres silver 120," (bottom line) "Pi-
astres silver one hundred twenty." This was the value of the
Turkish currency.
In 1917, a third series of the ten shilling and the one
pound notes was issued. This issue was the first on which the
reverse side of the one pound note was not blank. The reverse
depicted the House of Commons (Parliament), the first
chamber and legislature of the United Kingdom (see Figure
2). The front of the note was basically the same except the
vignettes were reversed. A larger portrait of King George V
appeared on the right facing inwards. A larger vignette of St.
George killing the dragon was illustrated on the left (see
Figure 3). The issue was printed on paper watermarked with
the word "ONE POUND" repeated continuously across it.
The text was in green print while the vignettes were brown on
white paper.
W ORLD War I came to an end when the Armistice wassigned on November 11, 1918. The Treasury notescontinued to circulate as legal tender currency. In
fact, a fourth series, the first peace-time notes printed after
the war, was issued on October 7, 1919. This was followed by
a fifth series in 1923, with the last series of Treasury notes on
July 25, 1927.
Paper Money Whole No. 108Page 254
Fig. 2. View of the House of Parliament from the Thames Riper,
with "Big Ben" on the right.
Fig. 3. 1917 (third issue). On the left St. George and the Dragon; on
the right, King George V.
There were no changes in the design or text of the post-
war issues, except for the last issue. The text of "United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" was altered. Ireland
was deleted, as it had become a republic. Northern Ireland
was inserted in its place, as it remained a part of the United
In 1928, a new Act was introduced authorizing the Bank
of England to take control of issuing the ten shilling and one
pound notes. The first and second series of the Treasury
notes were withdrawn from circulation on June 20, 1920. The
remaining series were taken out of circulation and ceased to
be legal tender in August 1933.
The one pound Bank of England note was issued in No-
vember 1928. The new note was printed in an entirely new
design and color (green). This was the first Bank of England
note of the one pound denomination which was printed on
both sides. After the absence of over a century, Britannia
once again was depicted on the left side of the pound note
(see Figure 1). This note remained unchanged except for the
signature for the next 12 years.
In September 1939, Great Britain and France declared
war on Nazi Germany. World War II commenced and lasted
until August 1945. At the start of the war a new bank Act
was introduced which discontinued the Bank of England
notes issued by various branches. In April 1940, an emer-
gency issue of ten shilling and one pound notes was put into
circulation. This issue helped to bring in the silver needed to
help pay for war materiel. The one pound note was identical
in design to the previous issue. The color, however, was
changed from green to blue and mauve. This issue found use
of a metallic thread through the paper as a precaution against
1948, the pound note which circulated prior to the war
was re-issued. This was due to the excessive bank note
paper which was used prior to World War II. The color
of the one pound note returned to green and the issue was
without the metallic thread through the paper. The metallic
thread through the paper has been used on all issues and de-
nominations of current issues except for this instance. On
September 13, 1948, the one pound note with the metallic
thread circulated and remained so until October 30, 1962,
when the issue ceased to be legal tender.
Fig. 4. The "C" series designed by Robert Austin, issued in 1960,
featuring for the first time the reigning monarch.
In March 1960, a new one pound note was put into circu-
lation. Its color remained green; however, it was smaller (75
mm x 151 mm) than the previous issue (84 mm x 150 mm) and
was referred to as the portrait series. This was the first time
that the Bank of England bore the portrait of the reigning
monarch (Queen Elizabeth 11) (see Figure 4). This also was
the first change in the design since the pound note was rein-
troduced by the Bank of England in 1928. The notes re-
mained in circulation for almost 20 years. The only change
during that time was the signature.
On February 9, 1978, the Bank of England issued a new
one pound note. This was the fourth denomination of the
series known as the "D" Series, which started in 1970 with
the issue of the 20 pound note. This was followed with the
issue of the five pound note in 1971 and the 10 pound note in
1975. The series was also known as the pictorial series for its
portrayal of historical figures on the reverse side of the notes.
The color of the note remained the same as the previous
issue (green). The note was smaller in size—% inches shorter
in width and VI inch shorter in length. In fact, the new note
was the same size as the ten shilling note which had been
withdrawn from circulation some 11 years previously. The
size differential was to prevent confusion with the other de-
nominations in circulation, especially among the blind.
The one pound note was issued to commemorate Sir
Isaac Newton, the scientist who died 250 years ago. Newton,
who appeared on the reverse of the note, is credited with pro-
pounding the law of gravity in 1669. He also held the position
of Master of the Mint from 1696 to 1727. The rest of the note
consists of a solar system overlaid by a geometric design from
Newton's Principia (see Figure 5).
The obverse of the note shows a portrait of the Queen in
her state robe; it is larger than its predecessor. A vignette
comprised of a caduceus, cornucopia and an olive branch
copied from a token commemorating Sir Isaac Newton
Fig. 5. Sir Isaac Newton on the back of the one pound note.
0552 284"t2
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 255
Fig. 6. Final issue of the one pound note (1978).
appears on the back (see Figure 6). This is the final issue of
the one pound note. It is to be withdrawn from circulation
possibly by the end of the year or the early part of next year.
T HE first Bank of England notes issued in 1695 weremade from paper purchased from William Stanes-more, the bank's stationer, and printed from copper
plates. The amount and signature were written in by hand. In
1724, a Huguenot refugee named Henri De Portal, a paper
manufacturer, was appointed paper maker for the Bank of
England notes. He had arrived in England from Holland in
1706. He found employment in a paper mill until 1717. He
then became self-employed and bought a small mill near
Whitechurch, Hampshire. The following year he purchased
another mill for his business. In 1718, he became a natural-
ized citizen of England and changed his name from Henri De
Portal to Henry Portal. He died in 1747 and was succeeded
by his son Joseph.
The first bank note issued in 1725 for the Bank of
England was made from Portal's special watermarked paper.
The paper had a watermark border of loop patterns around
the edges. Portal Limited, the successor to Henry Portal, still
supplies watermarked paper to the Bank of England. Bank
notes printed prior to 1725 were printed on unwatermarked
In the early years a bank official resided at the Portal
paper factory in Whitechurch. His function was to keep a
watch over the security bank note paper. All bank notes at
the time were printed at the Bank of England.
The most unusual issue of paper money was the World
War I Treasury notes. In 1914, the government had extended
the August Bank holiday an extra three days, in order to give
the Treasury Department more time to print the emergency
The Treasury Department assigned Waterlow Brothers
and Layton Limited to print the ten shilling and one pound
notes. The emergency issue was printed on ordinary stamp
paper with the watermark of the Royal Cypher (GR) on the
right. Although the Treasury Department succeeded in pro-
ducing the notes, the quality, however, was considered poor.
The second and remaining issues were printed on proper
watermarked bank note paper. All were printed by Waterlow
Brothers and Layton Limited except the second issue, which
was printed by De La Rue.
In 1917, additional space for the printing works was re-
quired at the Bank of England. In April, the printing office
moved to the St. Luke's Hospital for Lunatics in London and
converted it into a huge printing works. The first one pound
notes to be printed in the new building were the 1928 issue.
All Bank of England notes were printed inside the bank prior
to the move to St. Luke's Hospital.
The new one pound note was introduced in 1961; it was
designed by Professor Robert Austin (R.A.) The Queen's
portrait appeared on the right hand side on the obverse, while
the reverse depicted Britannia seated. At the same time a new
printing method was being tested. One pound notes printed
by the machine for experimental purposes were put into circu-
lation. In order to identify them from the general issue, a
small capital letter "R" appeared on the upper left on the re-
verse side of the note (see Figure 7).
Fig. 7. Capital letter "R" on a reverse denoting printing on an
experimental basis.
Fig. 8. Capital letter "G" on a reverse denoting printing on a
Goebel machine.
In early 1963, a new method of printing was introduced.
It was a reel-fed process (known as the web). Reels of paper
two miles long were passed into a printing machine in which
the notes were printed in one continuous operation—in much
the same way as a modern newspaper is printed. In the latter
part of 1963, one pound notes from the reel-fed method were
issued and carried a small capital "G" on the reverse; this
indicated they were printed on a Goebel Machine (see Fig-
ure 8). Prior to introduction of this method, bank notes were
plate printed on paper large enough to print 24 one pound
notes. They were then stacked and stored to allow the ink to
dry; then they had to be cut by machine.
Page 256 Paper Money Whole No. 108
Fig. 9. Cruikshank's caricature "anti-hanging" note that saved many lives.
B ANK notes have been the subject of forgery ever sincethey came into existence. In 1695, the Bank of Eng-land issued notes which ranged from five pounds to
100 pounds. In a few weeks after their release a forged 100
pound note was discovered. Forgery during this time was en-
dangering the war economy.
In an attempt to stop the forgery on bank notes an Act
was passed in 1697, whereby forgery or altering a bank note
and bill of exchange became a capital offense with the death
penalty imposed.
In 1797, the one and two pound notes were issued and
made from poor quality paper; therefore they were easily imi-
tated. They circulated from 1797 to 1821 and during that time
a total of 28,412 known forged one pound notes were de-
tected. During the same period 315 men and women were sen-
tenced to death for forgery. Many people who were in pos-
session of the one pound note were hanged for passing a
forged note, even though they were not aware that the note
was not genuine.
In January 1819, while taking an early morning walk,
George Cruikshank (1792-1878), humorist and political car-
icaturist, passed Newgate Prison on his way to the Royal Ex-
change. He noticed a crowd gathered to watch an execution
of several men and women found guilty of passing forged one
pound notes. He watched the execution and was moved by
pity and shame. He went home determined to try and put a
stop to this terrible punishment for such a crime.
In a period of ten minutes Cruikshank designed an
"ANTI-HANGING NOTE" showing the horrifying scene he
had witnessed that morning. The replica of a bank note
shows a row of bodies, including two women, hanging from
the gallows for passing forged one pound notes. Britannia on
the left is shown devouring her children. The hangman's rope
is in the shape of a pound symbol (£) surrounding the prison
window showing the faces of the victims ready to take their
places. The signature "J. KETCH" is the popular name of
the hangman of the day (see Figure 9).
Cruikshank's publisher printed the notes in enormous
quantities and sold them in the streets of London. They
created the most intense excitement among the public. The
police were called in to disperse a large crowd outside a shop
near the prison. Cruikshank achieved his aim. In 1832, the
death penalty for forgery was abolished.
Various safeguards were introduced to outsmart the
forger. Engravers and watermarked paper were changed at
various intervals, different varieties of ink were used, even a
metal thread was embedded in bank notes over the years.
However, forgery still managed to flourish.
Forging the one pound note seemed to cease in the
1970s. The value of the pound through inflation made for-
gery unprofitable. Therefore the forgers turned to the five
pound and higher denomination notes.
F AMOUS signatures for many years have enjoyed a statusas collectors' items. One of the best collections can becreated with the British bank notes dating back to the
first issue. It consists of 23 signatures which have appeared on
notes, of which 13 were on the one pound notes (see Appen-
dix I for listing).
The set of bank notes issued by the Bank of England in
1695 found each note had the bearer's name and the cashier's
signature handwritten as well as the date. In 1752, the name
of the payee was usually that of the chief cashier. From 1782,
the chief cashier's name was used exclusively until 1855, when
notes were payable simply to bearer. Each note was signed by
hand until 1858.
The one pound note issued in 1797 was signed by one of
the most famous of the chief cashiers to serve in the Bank of
England, Abraham Newland; his signature appeared from
1782 until 1807. Newland spent most of his life working for
the Bank of England. He started as a junior in 1748 and
gradually advanced in stages until he was appointed chief
cashier in 1778. In those days the chief cashier lived in a room
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Page 257
at the bank and this suited Newland, who was a confirmed
bachelor. He slept at the bank for almost 30 years. He retired
in November 1807, and was succeeded by Henry Hase.
Some of the best sets of notes known to autograph col-
lectors are the Treasury notes issued during and after the
Great War. The first three series issued during the war were
known as the "Bradbury Issues." The notes were signed by
Sir John Bradbury, the permanent Secretary of the Treasury
and chief financial advisor to the government. Bradbury left
the Treasury Department on August 27, 1919, and was suc-
ceeded by Warren Fisher. He stayed as permanent secretary
until his retirement in 1939. Fisher's signature appears on the
peace-time issues (fourth, fifth and sixth series) starting in
1919. He was knighted in 1919 and became known as Sir
Warren Fisher.
The absence of the signature of a Bank of England of-
ficial on a one pound note ended after almost two centuries
on November 22, 1928. A new Bank of England one pound
note was circulated with the signature of Chief Cashier Cyril
Patrick Mahon. He was the first of eight different chief
cashiers whose signatures were to appear over the next 50
One of the longest-serving chief cashiers was K. 0.
Peppiatt, whose term of office lasted 16 years. He entered the
banking service in 1911, and was appointed the Bank of Eng-
land chief cashier in 1934. His signature during his term of
office appeared on the pre-World War II issues, World War
II emergency issue, and the post-war issues.
Leslie K. O'Brien, chief cashier for seven years
(1955-1962), was the first member of the banking staff to be-
come Governor of the Bank of England (1966-1973). He was
knighted by the Queen in 1967, and in 1973 he became Lord
O'Brien of Lothbury.
One of the most sought-after signatures is that of D.H.F.
Somerset, the present chief cashier of the Bank of England
whose signature appears on the last issue of the one pound
note. Somerset played a major role with the United States
and other international banks in securing the freedom of the
52 American hostages held by the Ayatollah Khomeini regime
in Iran. Before the hostages were released, an agreement by
the United States to transfer Iranian assets to the Bank of
England and put them into a special account was signed. On
January 20, 1981, the newly elected American President,
Ronald Reagan, took the oath of office and about 30 minutes
later the hostages were set free. Somerset was one of the men
who made the agreement for the freedom of the hostages
0 N April 21, 1983, the pound coin was circulated along-side the paper pound note. The public gave the newone pound coin a frosty reception. After two months
in circulation only one-third of the 250 million minted coins
have been accepted. The facts are the public refuses to accept
them, and shops do not want them. The Bank of England
and the clearing banks don't want them either, because they
are too similar to other coins of less value, causing confusion.
The government is standing firm as they consider the coin will
eventually be accepted by everyone. They are not putting new
one pound notes into circulation, and the ones already circu-
lating are becoming too tatty to handle. This means the one
pound paper notes will disappear from circulation quite
rapidly, leaving the one pound coin on its own. So ends the
story of the one pound note.
Bevan, D.—A Guide to Collecting English Banknotes, 1970, Lon-
don, England.
Bowman, W. D.— The Story of the Bank of England, 1937, Lond-
don, England.
Duggleby, V.—English Paper Money, 1975, London, England.
Fitzmaurice, R. M.—British Banks and Banking, 1975, London,
James, A.—Money, 1973, London, England.
Lane, P.—Banks, 1976, London, England.
Milner, F.—Economic Evolution in England, 1931, London, Eng-
Rosenberg, K., and Hopkins, T.T.— The Romance of the Bank of
England, 1933, London, England.
Saw, R.— The Bank of England 1694-1944, London, England.
Warren, H.— The Story of the Bank of England, 1903, London,
Collecting British Banknotes, Stanley Gibbons Publications, 1970,
London, England.
Chief Cashiers of the Bank of England whose signatures appear on
the one pound English hank notes:
1782- 807
Abraham Newland
Henry Hase
Cyril Patrick Mahon
Basil Gage Catterns
Kenneth Oswald Peppiatt
Percival Spencer Beale
Leslie Kenneth O'Brien
Jasper Quintas Hallom
John Standish Fforde
John Brangwyn Page
1980- David Somerset
Secretaries of the Treasury whose signatures appear on the one
pound English hank notes:
1914-1919 John Bradbury
1919-1927 Norman Fenwick Warren Fisher
St. Louis, July 12.—Robert B. Taylor, of New York, who
confessed to stealing unsigned bank notes amounting to $6,720
from the Citizen's Central National Bank, of New York City, today
made restitution, having given his check for $200 to Harry Demse,
cashier of the bank, to make good the difference between the
amount of notes found on him when arrested and the amount
The United States district attorney says that Taylor will never-
theless be brought before the November federal grand jury. Taylor
is charged with having in his possession forged and altered bank
notes of the United States.—(The Morning Call, Fargo, N. Dak.,
July 14, 1904.)—Submitted by Forrest W. Daniel.
Page 258 Paper Money Whole No. 108
Those Elusive Notes of the 1929-1935
National Bank Note Issuing Period
Collectors and researchers have long been faced with
frustration stemming from their inability to come up with a
note or notes they sought without having the benefit of
knowing the underlying causes that contributed to their
scarcity. They can now breathe a little easier because of the
recent Hickman & Oakes publication, The Standard Catalog
of National Bank Notes. In it can be found an exhaustive
compilation of National Bank Note data. The listings provide
an accurate assessment of all National Bank Note issues from
1863 through 1935. Of particular interest to the collectors of IOWA
the 1929-1935 National Bank Note issues are figures relating
to the underrated scarce rarities appearing in the listing that
We found that in 77 of the chartered banks listed in the
Hickman & Oakes catalog there were no less than 82 separate KANSAS
instances where the total amounts of notes issued of a given
denomination or type were only three or fewer sheets of six
subjects (18 or fewer notes!).
This information will serve as a guide to the remote like-
lihood of any of these scant issues ever surfacing to be re-
Banks Issuing Three or Fewer Sheets of the
1929-1935 National- Bank Notes in Various
Denominations of Both Types 1 and 2
STATE Charter Bank Title sheets issued
MICHIGANALABAMA 7991 The First National Bank of Brantly.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-I $20's worth $360. (3 sheets)
ARKANSAS 10060 The First National Bank of Huttig.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-2 $10's worth 8120. (2 sheets)
CALIFORNIA 10891 The First National Bank of Olive. MINNESOTA
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300. (21/2 sheets)
COLORADO 9278 The First National Bank of Holyoke.
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth $200. (1V3 sheets)
DISTRICT OF 10316 The Federal American National Bank.
COLUMBIA Notes issued: 12 Ty-1 $20's worth 8240 (2 sheets)
ILLINOIS 1428 The Alton National of Alton.
Notes issued: 10 Ty-I $10's worth $100. (IV) sheets)
3294 The City National Bank of Dixon. MISSOURI
Notes issued: 18 Ty-2 820's worth $360. (3 sheets)
6318 The First National Bank of Clifton.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-2 810's worth $60. (I sheet)
15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300. (21/2 sheets)
7660 The First National Bank of Triumph. NEBRASKA
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth $200. (1V) sheets)
7948 The First National Bank of Enfield.
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth $200. (IV) sheets)
10125 The First National Bank of Trenton.
Notes issued: 8 Ty-2 $20's worth $160. (11/2 sheets)
10365 The First National Bank of Vermillion. NEVADA
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 820's worth $300. (2 1/2 sheet s)
13650 The Security National Bank of Witt.
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth $200.
13709 The First National Bank & T.C. Evanston.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-2 820's worth $240.
7354 The First National Bank of Hartsville.
Notes issued: 18 Tv-I 820's worth $360.
7411 The First National Bank of Linton.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-2 85's worth $90.
8650 The First National Bank of Milltown.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 820's worth $300.
9540 The First National Bank of Clay City.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
1744 The Merchants N.B. of Burlington.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-I $100's worth $600.
1799 The First National Bank of Albia.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-I $100's worth $1200.
3396 Grundy County National Bank of G.C.
Notes issued: 14 Ty-2 $20's worth $280.
3134 The First National Bank of Peabody.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-I $100's worth $600.
3434 The First National Bank of Wamego.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
5757 The Council Grove National Bank of C.G.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-2 $5's worth $90.
11860 The First National Bank of Kanorado.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
9880 The First National Bank of Wilmore.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-2 $20's worth $360.
5471 The First National Bank of Southern
Maryland of Upper Marlboro.
Notes issued: 14 Ty-2 $50's worth $700.
13 Ty-2 $100's worth $1300.
626 The Hopkinton N.B. of Hopkinton.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-I $20's worth $240.
2172 The Athol National Bank of Athol.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-2 $5's worth $60.
1826 The Union National Bank of Union City.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
3948 The First National Bank of Lake Linden.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 820's worth $300.
3155 The First National Bank of Sauke Centre.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-1 $100's worth $600.
6488 The First National Bank of McIntosh.
Notes issued: IS Ty-2 820's worth $300.
6631 The First National Bank of Alden.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 820's worth $300.
9031 The First National Bank of Mabel.
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth $200.
3079 The First National Bank of Tarkio.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-2 $10's worth $60.
15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
3712 The First National Bank of Liberty.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-2 $20's worth $120.
3057 The First National Bank of Minden.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-I 8100's worth $1200.
7622 The First National Bank of Greely.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-I 820's worth $360.
10023 The First National Bank of Coleridge.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-2 $20's worth $360.
9452 The McGill National Bank of McGill.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
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Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 259
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NEW JERSEY 11793 The Palmyra National Bank of Palmyra.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
6288 The First National Bank of Tucumcari.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
NEW YORK 297 The First National Bank of Waverly.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-2 $20's worth $240.
1136 The National Central Bank of Cherry Valley.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-2 $5's worth $60.
NORTH DAKOTA 5488 The First National Bank of Harvey.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-2 $10's worth $120.
7315 The First National Bank of Carpio.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
9386 The First National Bank of Ambrose.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-I $20's worth $240.
OHIO 86 The First National Bank of Germantown.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-2 $20's worth $120.
6594 The First National Bank of New Carlisle.
Notes issued: 7 Ty-2 $10's worth $70.
6843 The Dennison National Bank of Dennison.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-2 $10's worth $60.
9211 The First National Bank of New Paris.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
OKLAHOMA 6641 The First National Bank of Wanette.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-I $20's worth $360.
12065 The Security National Bank of Duncan.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-I $100's worth $1200.
PENNSYLVANIA 522 The Eight National Bank of Philadelphia.
Notes issued: 6 Tv-I $100's worth $600.
3763 The First National Bank of Renova.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-I $100's worth $1800.
4752 The First National Bank of McDonald.
Notes issued: 12 Ty-I $100's worth $1200.
6083 The Rural Valley N.B. of Rural Valley.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-2 $10's worth $60.
15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
7076 The First National Bank of Cecil.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
7400 The Madera National Bank of Madera.
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth 9200.
11257 The First National Bank of Burnham.
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth $200.
11849 The First National Bank of Sipesville.
Notes issued: 9 Ty-2 $20's worth $180.
SOUTH DAKOTA 6990 The Commercial National Bank of Sturgis.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
9393 The First National Bank of Gary.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-2 $10's worth $180.
10 Ty-2 $20's worth $200.
TEXAS 6361 The First National Bank of Granger.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-2 $5's worth $30.
10 Ty-2 $10's worth $100.
6400 The Athens National Bank of Athens.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-I $100's worth $600.
10472 The First National Bank of Newcastle.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-I $20's worth $360.
10657 The First National Bank of Bagwell.
Notes issued: 12 Tv-I $20's worth $240.
VERMONT 7614 The First National Bank of Enosburg Falls.
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth $200.
VIRGINIA 9924 The Powell Valley National Bank of Jonesville
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth $200.
WEST VIRGINIA 2445 The First National Bank of Grafton.
Notes issued: 18 Ty-2 $10's worth $180.
8376 The Peoples National Bank of Elkins.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $20's worth $300.
8434 The First National Bank of Richwood.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-I $100's worth $600.
10759 The First National Bank of Ravenswood.
Notes issued: 6 Tv-I $20's worth $120.
3125 The First National Bank of Lake Geneva.
Notes issued: 15 Ty-2 $50's worth $750.
5047 The La Crosse National Bank of La Crosse.
Notes issued: 6 Ty-2 $10's worth $60.
13308 The First National Bank of Soldiers Grove.
Notes issued: 10 Ty-2 $20's worth 9200.
Nevada's Rarest Issue of National
Bank Notes-The McGill $20 Type 2
A total of 15 $20 Type 2 notes was delivered to the
McGill National Bank of McGill, Nevada on May 9, 1934.
McGill, Nevada No. 1 sheet
15 notes issued-serials A000001-15
before it was cut up.
Page 260
Paper Money Whole No. 108
The shipment consisted of two and a half sheets of notes
worth $300.
William N. McGill organized the McGill National Bank
on June 11, 1909 at the copper mining town McGill, Nevada
and continued business for the following 25 years, after
which the bank was consolidated with Charter 9310, The Ely
National Bank of Ely.
McGill played an important role in the early history of
eastern Nevada and needed no introduction to the public. He
was born January 7, 1853 in Cincinnati, Ohio and attended
Lebanon College in that state. He arrived in Nevada in 1870
and served with the engineering department of Adolph
Sutro's famed Comstock Tunnel at Virginia City. In the Ely-
McGill copper-laden area known as "Copper Flat" is the site
of the "Glory Hole," the largest open pit copper mine in the
world. The Kennecott Copper Corporation is the chief pro-
ducer today as it was back in 1902.
The Number 1 sheet illustrated appeared in a 1972 sale
conducted by Lester Merkin. Later the sheet was cut up and
that made six collectors very happy!
The Scarcest Issues of the $50 Type 2 Notes
The smallest amounts of $50 Type 2 notes came from
two banks; together the banks issued a total of only 29 notes;
they were:
MARYLAND, Charter 5471 —
The First National Bank of Southern Maryland of
Upper Marlboro, Maryland (quite a bank title!).
Notes issued: 14 Type 2 $50's worth $700. (2 1/2 sheets)
WISCONSIN, Charter 3125 —
The First National Bank of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
Notes issued: 15 Type 2 $50's worth $750. (21/2 sheets)
Banks Issuing Three Sheets or Fewer of
Type I $100 Notes
Charters 522, Pa.; 1744, Iowa; 3134, Ks.; 3155, Mn.; 6400,
Tx.; 8434, WV.; each of which issued one sheet (6
Charters 1799, Iowa; 12065, Ok.; and 4752, Pa.; each issued
2 sheets, (12 notes)
Charter 3763, Pa., issued 3 sheets (18 notes)
The Smallest Issue of Type 2 $100 Notes
MARYLAND, Charter 5471
The First National Bank of Southern Maryland of
Upper Marlboro, Maryland.
Notes issued: 13 Type 2 $100's worth $1300. (2%, sheets)
It is doubtful if many of the limited issues in the $50 and
$100 denominations reached circulation. In the broadest sense
they were souvenir pieces. These momentos probably sur-
faced for the first time when the owner's safety deposit box
was opened after his passing. A common practice among
many banks was to stow away in their vaults the first sheets
for posterity, even though it was a single sheet of a de-
Additional Contributing Factors
— The necessity of ordering a sheet or so, or a part sheet
in order to arrive at the discriminant amount in dollars
the bank wished to spend for notes.
The size of the town in which a bank was located had a
bearing on the amounts and the denominations of the
notes it issued. A good example of this would be
Charter 8650, The First National Bank of Milltown,
Indiana, population 829. This bank issued only 15 Type
2 $20's, (21/2 sheets).
With the opening of a bank it was customary to present
its officers with a note of its first issue. This indeed was
a welcomed gesture when only a single sheet of 6-$100
notes had been ordered. This occurred on six occa-
sions; all were Type I $100's.
On behalf of Society Members and the author, we gratefully ac-
knowledge the work of John Hickman and Dean Oakes in bringing
to a conclusion their recent publication, Standard Catalog of
National Bank Notes, wherein is provided a comprehensive listing of
factual data relating to the National Bank Notes issues which we
found to be invaluable in the preparation of this article. The publica-
tion includes data from all National Bank Note issuing periods, 1863
through 1935.
A certain $10 treasury note of the series of 1815, which was
lately (1899) forwarded to the treasury department by the Fourth
National Bank (in New York) some time ago, is to be paid. The note
was received at the bank about a month ago from the First National
Bank of Westfield, Mass. How it came into the possession of that in-
stitution is not known here, says the New York Sun. The note was
taken to the sub-treasury and returned, as the officials there had no
way of proving its genuineness, nor any available funds to cash it.
On December 12 the note was sent to Washington, where after
various inspections, references and conferences it has been identified
with others of the same issue. The issue was authorized on February
24, 1815, to pay arrearages in the expenses of the war of 1812. It was
for $25,000,000 originally, and the act allowed the reissuance of
notes or their conversion into bonds. Of this amount $8,362,394 was
actually issued, and $7,182,740 (about $5,677,392) reissued. The
notes were redeemable in nine years or convertable into government
bonds. (The bonds were redeemable after nine years.) When the
notes themselves were for amounts greater than $100 they bore
interest, but for less amounts were payable to bearer and did not
draw interest until converted. Nearly all the issue was soon retired,
and the last note received at the treasury prior to the one now in
hand was presented in 1842.
The redemption of the note will be chargeable to the public debt
matured prior to 1861. The note is held to be good for its face value,
because no date of maturity is mentioned on it. Some of the notes of
the same issue have been declared worthless, it is said, because they
were not properly stamped and signed. —Emmons County Record,
Linton, N. Dak., Nov. 3, 1899. (The amounts given in the story re-
sult from mixed statistics and should be cited only after detailed
study. Parenthetics by Forrest W. Daniel.)
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Page 261
Confederate Paper
Money in the
T HE Confederate States of America had their treasurynotes engraved and printed by private contractors andthen prepared for circulation by employees of the
Treasury Department. At the beginning of the war the print-
ing and preparation was done in Richmond, but in April 1862
the operation was transferred to Columbia, South Carolina
for security reasons. It remained in Columbia until the arrival
of General Sherman's troops and the subsequent flames
which destroyed much of Columbia. Fleeing just ahead of the
arrival of the bluecoats, the Treasury Note Bureau would not
find a sanctuary to be able to produce another treasury note
for the government. However, the enigma exists that possibly
another source could also have produced currency for the
Confederacy. The published diary of Confederate War De-
partment clerk John B. Jones,' who had daily access to the
inner workings and gossip of the Richmond government, con-
tains two entries which teasingly raise the possibility of
another source for the currency.
July 24, 1863 — " ... hereafter money will be manufactured at
Houston (Texas), where a paper treasury will be established .... "
November 23, 1863 — "Mr. Memminger (Confederate Secretary
of the Treasury) has sent a press to the trans-Mississippi country,
to issue paper money there."
A word of caution is in order to remind that while diarist
Jones was a literate chronicler and an ardent Confederate, he
was exposed to the many rumors and speculations in the
capital. Nevertheless, the occurrence of certain events during
this time period would make logical what he recorded in his
diary. Some of these events, which will be detailed later,
— June 1863, General E. Kirby Smith instructs Treasury Deposi-
taries in the Trans-Mississippi region to stop cancelling old-
issue treasury notes.
— July 1863, the Confederacy is split asunder by the Federal
capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson.
— October 1863, a large shipment of currency from Columbia is
started on the difficult and perilous journey to San Antonio
and Shreveport by way of Mexico.
— October 1863, General Kirby Smith reissues old Confederate
treasury notes from Shreveport.
Without question, a desperate need for the capability of
printing and issuing treasury notes existed west of the
Mississippi River. Obviously more than the press cited by
diarist Jones would be needed. Lithograph printing stones
with currency designs would also be needed and this repre-
sented a significant risk if they were to be shipped through
enemy or foreign controlled areas. The Confederacy in 1862
had suffered the loss of a postage stamp printing plate pre-
pared by an English contractor but intercepted by the block-
ading U.S. Navy. Nevertheless, a look at the events of the
time in the western part of the Southern Confederacy will
give a better understanding of this desperate need.
The Trans-Mississippi region of the Confederate States
of America, i.e., the area west of the Mississippi River, would
be comprised of the vast territory of western Louisiana,
Arkansas, Texas, and the Indian Territory. This area, larger
than that of the Confederacy east of the Mississippi River,
served the Southern Cause by providing a never-ending flow
of men, agricultural products, manufactured goods, and an
avenue for the goods imported from Europe via Mexico. The
flow was a constant west-to-east and was only throttled down
as the Federals gradually and inevitably gained control of the
Mississippi River and the major river towns. The only signifi-
cant east-to-west flow was within the department, movement
of cotton to Mexico where its trans-shipment to Europe
would help to pay for the imported munitions and supplies.
Only a trickle of goods flowed west across the river to supply
and sustain the civilian population and army based there. The
ever-increasing difficulty in the westward flow of a special
commodity, which the Confederacy had in excess, would
stifle the civilian economy and almost precipitate a military
mutiny in that area. This commodity was the paper money is-
sued by the Richmond government, for which even the kind-
est critics would say that its abundance and worthlessness
significantly contributed to the collapse of the Confederacy.
Yet in this vast area of the Trans-Mississippi there was never
Early in the war (July 1862) Texas Governor Francis R.
Lubbock astutely recognized the need for improvement in the
money supply west of the river. He wrote " . . . it will be
imperatively necessary, that a fiscal agent, branch of the
Treasury Department, or some other plan be adopted where-
by the department west of the Mississippi can be constantly
supplied with the adequate means for its support. Scarce a
day passes that we do not see and hear of colonels, agents,
and others running to Richmond after funds. Regiments, bat-
talions, and companies are detained for months after their
organization for means required to move them. This must all
be attended with most ruinous expense to the government,
and injury to our cause."'
When Major General Theophilus H. Holmes assumed
command of the military Trans-Mississippi Department on
July 30, 1862, he found the seeds of the problem that would
plague that department until the end of the war. When he as-
sumed command the department was over $13 million in
arrears of payment to civilians for supplies provided to the
government. Some confusion existed in the disbursement sys-
tem of General Holmes' predecessor, the flamboyant General
Earl Van Dorn, with the blame pointing at the Paymaster,
Captain John D. Adams.' Major Charles E. Carr replaced
Captain Adams and would serve as Chief Quartermaster of
the Trans-Mississippi Department. When Major Carr arrived
in Little Rock he brought with him $4 million in treasury
notes, which were used in making payrolls current in Arkan-
sas as well as paying for supplies. He was also able to send
$1 million to General Richard Taylor in Louisiana for use
With his funds depleted by the end of 1862, Major Carr
personally went to Richmond to plead for more funds. After
several months he returned to the Trans-Mississippi which
had been reorganized during his absence and was now com-
manded by Lieutenant General Edmund Kirby Smith who re-
tained Major Carr as the head of the Pay Bureau. On his re-
turn Major Carr brought with him sufficient funds to pay
Page 262 Paper Money Whole No. 108
nearly all the troops in the department through April 30,
1863. Despite his diligent efforts the supply of currency by
Fall 1863 was again depleted. Some funds did arrive in No-
vember 1863 which would allow paying the troops for four
months, bringing them up to August 31, 1863.'
On June 4, 1863, a month before the Vicksburg surren-
der, General Kirby Smith, acting on his own as department
commander, instructed local Treasury Department agents to
stop cancelling treasury notes whose retirement was required
by congressional legislation.'
In August 1863, a conference of the Trans-Mississippi
governors was called by General Kirby Smith to meet at
Marshall, Texas to discuss their common problems and seek
resolutions. The third question on their agenda was that of
the currency. An appointed committee reviewed the problem
and their recommendation was that " . . . in case money can
not be obtained from Richmond . . . the commanding gen-
eral, in execution of the special powers conferred upon him
by the President, could cause the Confederate notes not bear-
ing interest, which have been funded with the various deposi-
tories within the department, to be reissued and paid out by
the proper officers in discharge of the debts for military pur-
poses, as well as pay due the soldiers. Although the pledge
would not be binding upon the government, we have no
doubt if such notes are reissued with the pledge of the privi-
lege of being refunded in bonds of the same rate of interest as
new issue, the government under the circumstances would not
hesitate to ratify and redeem the pledge." The governor's
conference approved this recommendation of their commit-
tee.' After the meeting adjourned in August 1863, General
Kirby Smith instructed the Treasury Department agents in the
department to overstamp and reissue notes already cancelled
or received for cancellation.'
The closing of the Mississippi River in July 1863, with
the loss of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, was to be a serious
blow to the internal communications of the Confederacy.
This was followed by the Federal invasions, under General N.
P. Banks, into western Louisiana and the lower Texas coast.
A government agent enroute to the Trans-Mississippi domain
with a trunk full of currency would require, as a typical
example, more than one month on the eastern shore of the
river waiting for the opportunity to row across with his valu-
able cargo.' The Confederate Post Office Department ob-
viously faced the same problem; " . .. there is danger that
the postal service in the states west of the Mississippi will be
broken up . . . ." The post office, however, was able to es-
tablish an express mail service which crossed the river twice a
week transporting letters between Meridian, Mississippi and
Shreveport, Louisiana. The Confederate Congress in May
1864 had under study the establishment of a "corps of scouts
and signal guards, to facilitate communication with the trans-
Mississippi department."
The most dramatic story of the effort to get money to
the western Confederacy was one that escalated to a confron-
tation between the Confederate States and Mexico. War De-
partment diarist J. B. Jones made this entry in his chronicle:
July 24, 1863 — "The Secretary of the Treasury sent an agent a
few weeks ago with some $12,000,000 for disbursement in the
trans-Mississippi country, but he has returned to this city (Rich-
mond), being unable to get through. He will now go to Havana,
and thence to Texas . . . . "
This courier was Clarence C. Thayer, agent of the Con-
federate Treasury Department, who formerly had been used
by the Treasury in applying his hold signature to the treasury
notes.' His official report to General E. Kirby Smith tells the
story of his adventure.' Thayer sailed from the blockaded
port of Wilmington, North Carolina on October 12, 1863
with a " . . . very large amount ($15 million) of public funds
. . . to be delivered at San Antonio and Shreveport." Tra-
veling via Nassau and Havana he arrived at Matamoras, Mex-
ico with his "cargo" on November 6th. As he said in his
report " . . . I could not have arrived in a more inopportune
time . . " as the Federals under General Banks had on that
very day occupied Brownsville, Texas across the river from
Matamoras. The only Confederate officer present in Mata-
moras with whom he could communicate as to his secret mis-
sion was a Major Charles Russell, a Confederate purchasing
agent. Major Russell gave him a letter of introduction to the
Mexican trading firm of P. Milmo & Company of Matamoras
and Monterey. Major Russell indicated that " . . . I could
implicitly rely upon their good faith in furthering my wishes
and in carrying out my orders . . . . " Acting on this
recommendation Agent Thayer placed the cases of money,
without revealing their true contents, into the hands of P.
Milmo & Company. The plan was that they would take the
shipment inland and cross the Rio Grande into the Con-
federacy at Eagle Pass, Texas.
Subsequently Thayer was shocked when he received a let-
ter from Patricio Milmo on December 17, 1863 " . . . in-
forming me of his having seized the seven cases in my charge
as security for debts due him by (Confederate) Government
agents . . . ." It was obvious that Milmo had been advised of
the true nature of Thayer's cargo. Appeal to the Mexican
governor was in vain since Patricio Milmo was his son-in-law.
The whole affair was a maze of wartime profiteering and
politics. Accusations were subsequently made that Major
Russell was involved in profiteering, that the quick evacua-
tion and burning of Confederate supplies at Brownsville were
to cover some of those illicit operations. It was apparent that
Major Russell had told Patricio Milmo, perhaps innocently,
the true contents of the seven cases brought by Thayer.
Milmo & Company believed that they were not being paid
promptly and adequately for the supplies provided to the
The Confederate reaction to this seizure was quick and
positive. On January 12, 1864, General Kirby Smith issued
Special Order No. 8 forbidding any further shipment of cot-
ton to Mexico and freezing all Mexican assets in Texas until
the seized funds were released. The Mexican duty on cotton
moving across the border was the source of vital revenue for
the governor, the father-in-law of Milmo. The confrontation
was resolved sometime in late January 1864; correspondence
indicates the funds were slow in becoming available. On
January 24, 1864, General Magruder wrote to General Kirby
Smith pleading for money to purchase arms; he said " ... I
would therefor again respectfully request that Mr. James
Sorley, C. S. Depositary, be ordered to turn over to me such
funds as may he necessary for the immediate wants of the
ordnance department . . . ." The response, dated February
3, 1864, was short : "Respectfully returned. There are no
funds in this department to meet any demand."'
The need for money during the period of late 1863-early
1864 in this department was only exceeded by the need for
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Page 263
Type B Reissue stamp applied at Shreveport, Louisiana as authorized by Trans -Mississippi governors.
what it could buy—rifles. The Federals in their continuing
effort to fly the United States flag over Texas landed troops
near Brownsville on November 2, 1863, and gradually moved
up the coast towards Galveston. General Magruder had the
available manpower to resist the invasion but lacked the arms
to equip them. There were rifles available at Vera Cruz,
Mexico, but again he lacked the money to buy cotton to ex-
change for the rifles.' On January 28, 1864, General E. Kirby
Smith wrote to President Jefferson Davis to plead the case
for money in the Trans-Mississippi Department. Some of the
pertinent points made by General Smith were:
The complaint that the Secretary of the Treasury was rigidly
adhering to the policy of funding notes, as prescribed by legis-
lation, west of the Mississippi even though it seriously drained
the money supply.
. . . The depositories were required by law to cancel the
notes redeemed, and this was done until I, by an order (June
4, 1863) directed them to refrain from cancelling . . . ."
" . . . As but little of the new issue (notes dated April 6, 1863)
has arrived here, fundable in 6 per cent bonds within one year
after their issue, we have not felt the influence of their
action . . . ." Of most interest to Confederate currency col-
lectors is this comment by General Smith; "Two Treasury
agents have arrived, one at Houston and one last night at this
place (Shreveport), with instructions to stamp and reissue the
notes funded by the depositaries. For the reasons enumerated
above, you will perceive that their action will be very small in
providing the army with necessary funds . . . ."'"
According to one researcher," Treasury agent Thayer
went to Houston accompanied by an A. F. Santos, a Trea-
sury clerk, where they joined with James R. Soley, Confed-
erate Depositary and Cotton Bureau agent. This trio, during
the period February 2 to March 25, 1864, stamped for reissue
262,481 notes. Perhaps this was accomplished with the so-
called "press" mentioned by diarist Jones on November 23,
1863 .
The problem for all government functions in the Trans-
Mississippi became so cumbersome that the President and
Congress agreed to the establishment of a duplicate mini-gov-
ernment for the region west of the Mississippi River. This pri-
marily included operations of the War, Treasury, and Post
Office Departments. On January 27, 1864, the Congress
passed an act which authorized the President to appoint an
agent of the Treasury Department to serve as the deputy of
the Secretary of the Treasury. Peter W. Gray, Confederate
congressman from Texas, who had actively supported the es-
tablishment of such a Treasury agency, was sworn in as the
Treasury Agent on March 28, 1864. On July 1, 1864, he
opened his office in Marshall, Texas and established a Trea-
sury Note Division office at Monroe, Louisiana.
At this time the Richmond government enacted the most
sweeping legislation designed to reform and restore confi-
dence in the treasury notes. This was the act of February 17,
1864, titled "An Act to reduce the currency and to authorize
a new issue of notes and bonds." Basically the act established
certain currency redemption dates after which severe eco-
nomic penalties in reduced redemption values would be
imposed. The problems of the Trans-Mississippi were given
token recognition by having their redemption dates three
months later than those on the east side of the river." This
legislation quickly added to the currency problems by shrink-
ing the inadequate currency supply in the Trans-Mississippi.
Another problem arose when some funds did arrive in May
1864 to pay the troops but the currency was "old issue", i.e.,
pre-February 17, 1864. Chief Quartermaster L. W. O'Bannon
and Chief Paymaster C. E. Carr declined to pay the troops
with this currency because of the injustice to the soldiers. In a
letter from Shreveport on June 10, 1864, Major Carr gave his
reasons for denying payment to the troops.
that by the time the public pay funds, then in the hands of
the depositary at Austin, Texas, and could be turned over to the
several district paymasters, and by them transferred to the several
brigade and regimental quartermasters, the month of June would
probably have expired, and the troops thus find themselves paid
in notes subject to a tax of 3 3 1/3 Wo (a provision of the February
17, 1864 funding act) on July 1, at the same time recommending
the propriety of postponing their payment, in order to give them
the benefit of the new issue of Treasury notes (as authorized by
the same act of February 17, 1864) . . .""
On June 15, 1864 Secretary of War James A. Seddon
wrote to General E. Kirby Smith, military commander of the
Trans-Mississippi Department :
41v ;,,, 7
rase 011r ,
Type C Reissue stamp applied February 1864 probably at Houston, Texas.
Page 264 Paper Money Whole No. 108
" ... Your gravest difficulties, however, I apprehend have been
from the want of funds and arms . . . From the fall of Vicksburg I
have steadily urged not only that funds be sent over, but have even
risked as does not seem appropriately belonging to this (War)
Department, sending them by its officers, and binds, (sic) as the
only permanent remedy, a provision for issuing currency in the
Trans-Mississippi Department. That has been at various times con-
templated by the honorable Secretary of the Treasury, but has not
yet, I fear, been effectively accomplished. I have, however, san-
guine hopes that its necessity will not allow it to be much longer
delayed. Meantime, the only partial resource existing is to make
such use as may be practicable of outstanding Treasury
notes . . . ." (Italics by author)"
Thus this correspondence from his superior, the Secre-
tary of War, could serve as the authority for the Trans-Mis-
sissippi Department to take the necessary action in the effort
to obtain an adequate supply of currency for their needs.
Along with the Treasury Department Agency in Mar-
shall, Texas there were numerous other functions of the Con-
federate government operating there. The Confederate state
government in-exile of Missouri was also based in this north-
east Texas town. The governor, Thomas Reynolds, faced a
currency problem of a slightly different nature in that the
majority of the $350 million assets of his state government
was in Confederate bonds and treasury notes. Thus he was
faced with the problem of having too much currency which,
by the terms of the funding act, would swiftly be reduced in
value. Governor Reynolds made a plea to Richmond request-
ing exemption for the Missouri state hoard of currency.
General Kirby Smith in a letter to the Secretary of the
Treasury beseeched the Secretary to " . . . make some ar-
rangements to supply this Department regularly with the
necessary funds . . . ." Also, as an interim measure he asked
that the Trans-Mississippi Treasury Agency be given au-
thority to overstamp and reissue the old notes withdrawn
from circulation under the funding act.' By late Fall 1864, it
became apparent that neither an adequate supply of the new
currency nor the requested permission to reissue old currency
would be provided by the Treasury Secretary. One source°
writes that " . . . in the late fall (1864), . . . (General) Smith
and Judge Gray proceeded to reissue the old bills anyway, in
the hope that merchants and citizens would accept the over-
stamped paper as the equivalent of the Confederacy's legal
tender." (Note: Confederate currency was not legal tender.)
The June 1864 decision of Chief Paymaster Carr to not
pay troops in the soon-to-be obsolete currency was to the
general satisfaction of the ill-paid soldiers. However, by
October 1864 the small partial payments with the crisp new
currency was now developing into a crisis. On October 21,
1864, Kirby Smith's aide-de-camp wrote Treasury Agent
"The general commanding (E. Kirby Smith) has learned that
Major Ewell brought over on his last trip some $4,000,000 new
issue notes, $2,000,000 of which have been placed subject to his
"From official information received from Major Generals (J. B.)
Magruder and (J. A.) Wharton, General Smith fears that an out-
break may occur at any moment among the Texas troops serving
in that district unless speedy payment is made. General Smith re-
quests that you will place subject to his requisition the other
$2,000,000 or at least $1,500,000 of the new issue notes. As this
payment is vital to the best interests of the service, the general
commanding requests and urges that the above disposition be
made, even if it be at the sacrifice of other branches of the
Government. Major E. C. Cabell, chief paymaster District of
Arkansas, will call upon you in regard to this matter."
By Christmas 1864 there was no improvement in these
conditions. Only $8 million of the new February 17, 1864 notes
had been received but $40 million was still owed for goods
purchased or impressed. Another complication was added by
the Confederate Congress to the economic woes of the western
Confederacy. Now, by law, whenever the military impressed
any goods from civilians it had to be paid for with Confederate
currency immediately. This was perfectly workable east of the
Mississippi where a more than adequate currency supply was
available. West of the Mississippi, with the currency shortage,
the military had initiated the practice of issuing certificates of
indebtedness to civilians when impressment was used to obtain
goods. The civilians had complained vociferously to Rich-
mond primarily because the government, in turn, would not
accept these certificates back when the public offered them in
payment of taxes. The legislation by Congress now prevented
the military from issuing these certificates by requiring
immediate payment in currency. A nineteenth century
"Catch-22" for the Trans-Mississippi Department."
On February 11, 1865, General Kirby Smith wrote Secre-
tary of War Seddon " . . . The service here is virtually with-
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 265
out funds . . . the sum of at least $30,000,000 or $40,000,000
be sent for the quartermasters department at once. The pay
department is in the same deplorable condition. Many troops
in the field have not been paid a dollar in sixteen months;
some not a dollar in two years. The entire indebtedness of the
pay department for bounty, clothing, money, and pay proper
is over $50,000,000 . . . .""
The persistent Kirby Smith at this late date was still try-
ing to obtain authority to issue his own currency, which
would indicate that the entry in J. B. Jones' diary (July 24,
1863) as to the manufacture of money in Houston had not
really materialized. On February 11, 1865, General Kirby
Smith wrote Treasury Agent Gray, "The government has
failed to fulfill its promises for want of funds . . . obtain
authority (from the Secretary of the Treasury) to issue notes
here in such denominations and such quantities as the exigen-
cies of the service render imperatively necessary . . . .""
General Kirby Smith would resort to pleas to others in
his struggle to get currency for his department. On February
11, 1865, he sent letters to Confederate Senators Louis T.
Wigfall (Texas) and Williamson S. Oldham (Texas) in Rich-
mond, along with many documents to support his case. On
several occasions he dispatched couriers to Richmond with his
requests and made the couriers available to bring the funds
back to the Trans-Mississippi. On February 11, 1865, he sent
his aide-de-camp, Lieutenant D. H. Cooper, Jr., to Rich-
mond and on March 15, 1865, he sent Colonel Phil Stockton
and Major Richard Howard to " . . . be intrusted with the
transportation of the (funds) or as much of it as possi-
ble . . . ." Still working diligently, Kirby Smith on March 16,
1865, wrote that he had sent a Major Burton and a Captain
Lewis with a letter to one of the senators. In the letter the
general said, " . . . I hope the Trans-Mississippi delegation
will insist upon the funds being furnished and these officers
intrusted with its transportation across the river. The
Treasury messengers do not keep us supplied . . . "
Treasury Agent Gray reported to Kirby Smith on February
24, 1865, that the Treasury Department bonded couriers from
the firm of Ewell & Company were reported enroute with
All of this effort to secure more Confederate money was
happening as the Confederacy east of the river was beginning
its sunset. Apparently war news also was slow in reaching
Shreveport and Marshall, because on February 17th the
Federal army had captured Columbia, South Carolina. This
was not just the loss of another Carolina town to Sherman ; it
ended the printing of Confederate money. With the Treasury
Note Division put to flight and unable to find a new home
there would be no more treasury notes produced or released.
The well, which some claimed had overflowed and drowned
the Confederacy, was now dry and all of the pleas from
General Kirby Smith and Treasury Agent Peter Gray would
be in vain.
The Treasury Agency in Marshall, Texas closed its office
on May 22, 1865 (43 days after Appomattox), and destroyed
or abandoned its books and papers. The struggle to have
money printed in the Trans-Mississippi was now finished.
Ironically, there was a flow of Confederate currency into
the western Confederacy which, in spite of the need for
funds, was counter productive. This was counterfeit currency
produced in Europe, Cuba, or Mexico which entered the
Confederacy by way of the "back door" of Matamoras,
Mexico to Brownsville, Texas. As this was a clandestine
illegal operation, little is known of its extent. Some very
crude counterfeits circulated in border Mexican towns where
the infrequency of Confederate money allowed them to pass
easily.' However, from specimens existing today most of the
spurious currency was with the 1861 and 1862 issues; some
very well executed, and some were even produced on water-
marked English banknote paper. Undoubtedly the deprecia-
tion in the currency made it less attractive to counterfeit in
later years.
Marshall, Texas, which became the headquarters of the
Trans-Mississippi Treasury Agency, had another unusual re-
lationship with the currency of the South. Only one woman in
the Confederacy was honored by having her portrait appear
on the currency of the Richmond government. She first ap-
peared on the $1 note of June 2, 1862 (Criswell T-44 & T-45)
and subsequently on the $100 notes issued on December 2,
1862 (Criswell T-49), April 6, 1863 (Criswell T-56), and
February 17, 1864 (Criswell T-65).
The lady was Lucy Holcombe Pickens, sometimes called
the "Sweetheart of the Confederacy," who was then the wife
of the current governor of South Carolina. Residing in the
capital city of Columbia, wife of the governor, instrumental
in raising funds to equip one of the first South Carolina regi-
ments (Holcombe Legion), and a friend of Colonel Blanton
Duncan, Mrs. Pickens had an unusual opportunity to achieve
immortality on the Southern currency. Colonel Duncan, who
was one of the early contractors to engrave and print the
currency, chose Lucy as the subject for a vignette on one of
his notes. Her likeness was repeated on subsequent notes by
another contractor with a more flattering likeness of the one
who was so acclaimed for her beauty and social grace.
Lucy Holcombe was born in 1832 at LaGrange, Tennesee
and subsequently moved to Marshall, Texas. She matured in
this Texas town, which was more like the old plantation
South and not the raw frontier of western Texas. In 1858, she
was married in Marshall to a distinguished South Carolinian,
Francis W. Pickens, who had just been appointed by Presi-
dent Buchanan as Ambassador to Russia. Thus, Treasury
Agent Gray in Marshall struggled so hard to obtain that
paper which carried the portrait of the lady who called
Marshall her home.
For modern collectors of Confederate currency there are
some specimens available with the unique markings relating
them to this struggle and use in the Confederate Trans-
Mississippi region. These markings are in the form of over-
stamps applied by hand to treasury notes previously produced
by normal means.
MARCH 2, 1863
Found on reverse of 1862 $100
interest notes; date can vary.
Used to define starting date for
interest computation.
Found on reverse side of notes.
SHREVEPORT, LA. Apparently based on
authorization by August 1863
governor's conference.
Page 266 Paper Money Whole No. 108
Found on front side of notes,
enclosed in a double-lined circle,
in red or black ink. Could show
March 1864 instead of February
1864. Applied either at Houston
or Shreveport.
Found on front side of notes,
three straight-line stamp, in red
or black ink. Could show March
1864 instead of February 1864.
Probably applied at alternate
place to C.
Judith A. Benner
Hillsboro, TX 1970
Other References
Henry P. Beers
Washington 1968
Philip H. Chase
Philadelphia 1947
23, 1863
— same wording as C. —
Grover C. Criswell
Citra, Fl 1976
Existence of this marking
unknown. Based on (4) that
Smith & Gray overstamped
notes in Fall 1864. CONFEDERATE FINANCE
Richard C. Todd
Athens 1954
John B. Jones
Edited Earl S. Miers
New York 1958
Francis R. Lubbock
Edited C. W. Raines
Austin 1968
James L. Nichols
Austin 1964
Robert L. Kerby
New York 1972
Vol. 10 No. 4 Fourth Qtr. 1971
"Behind a Bold Signature"
Everett K. Cooper
Series I Volume 53 page 931
(hereafter, OR)
Series I Volume 34 Part II page 911
Series I Volume 34 Part II page 907
Series I Volume 34 Part II page 920
February 1978
"Representing Nothing on God's Earth Now"
Doug Ball
Claud E. Fuller
Chattanooga 1949
Series I Volume 34 Part IV page 659
Series I Volume 34 Part IV page 671
Series I Volume 41 Part IV page 1006
Series I Volume 48 Part I pages 1381-84
* Confederate Army regulation no. 1065 states, "The troops will be
paid (by Pay Bureau of the Quartermaster's Department) in such a
manner that the arrears shall at no time exceed two months, unless
the circumstances of the case render it unavoidable, which the Quar-
termaster charged with the payment shall promptly report to the
** Act of March 23, 1863 authorized issue of $50 million monthly in
new currency, bearing date of April 6, 1863, and if funded within
twelve months from the first day of the month of their issue it would
be in 6 07o bonds; these notes were required to be stamped upon their
face with the month and year of their issue, and if not funded in the
bonds they were to be paid at the time specified, two years after a
treaty of peace with the United States, without interest.
They are printing $1,250,000 of new national bank notes every
day on new orders for circulation—currency being at a premium
over gold—and Secretary Carlisle has ordered the printers engaged
in this work to put in two extra hours every day. Now this money is
grabbed up at 2 1/2 to 41/2 per cent. premium and has behind it
nothing but a bond promising to pay so much, the bond being
signed by Uncle Sam. Next, we will bet one of these notes—when
we get it —that no such money can be sold at a premium, or be
passed at all on the future good faith or redemption of any gold
mine in the world. As the boys say, "nary." Gold, like any other
uncertain character, must show down before it can get credit. Then
why not make this good faith of Uncle Sam the basis of our
money? After all the noise, it is all there is behind gold or silver, or
any money—"the superscription of Caesar." That remark was
made by a sound fiat money man, and is as sound doctrine as any
other preached round about Capernaum.—Kansas City Journal.
(From The Northwest News, Grand Forks, N. Dak., Oct. 21, 1893.)
—Submitted by Forrest W. Daniel.
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Page 267
The Old Torrey Store in Manchester,
New Jersey and its Currency
© 1982, W.S. Dewey
(Concluded from PM No. 107, Page 226)
The Torrey Currency
It is now time to turn attention to the Torrey notes themselves.
These were produced in eight denominations. Fractional issues in
five-cent, ten-cent, twenty-five cent and fifty-cent varieties were
issued, sometimes referred to as scrip or shinplasters. Higher value
notes included the one dollar, two dollar, three dollar, and five
dollar types. All of the S.W. & W.A. Torrey notes were similarly in-
scribed: "Will pay to bearer on demand in goods at their
A majority of the notes that have been studied were signed by
Elizabeth C. Torrey, as "Agent". She was, as has been previously
pointed out, William A. Torrey's wife. However, 13 percent of the
total specimens observed bear the signature of William Lewis, as
Most of the notes include a printed date, June 15th 1861, but
about half of the Lewis signed specimens appear with handwritten
dates of May 1 1861 or June 1 1861 with only the "186" portion
printed. Additionally, six specimens of the Torrey-signed notes exist
with the notation "Issued Dec. 1, 1862" handwritten diagonally
across the face of the note, while also bearing the usual June 15th
1861 printed date.
A special feature of the Lewis-signed notes is the presence of
punch holes in every specimen observed, excepting one, not unlike
those that might be applied by a conductor's punch on a train. How-
ever, it is generally accepted that conductor's punches were not in
common usage at that time.
Most of the notes signed by Elizabeth Torrey were impressed
with two identical rubber stamp dates as overprints diagonally across
the face. These overprints appear to represent the date of actual
release of the notes into general circulation. Careful records of the
redemption of the notes were maintained in the store ledgers. In
every case observed to date, the overprints were marked for the first
of a month. The ledgers show that employees of the store were paid
at the beginning of each month, which may have influenced the re-
lease pattern of the notes.
On the other hand, notes signed by the mysterious William
Lewis are usually found "defaced" by either one, two, or three
punch holes rather than green stamp overprints. Additionally, the
higher denomination Lewis notes ($1.00 up) carry handwritten dates
prior to the printed June 15, 1861 date of most other Torrey notes.
Such early script dates strongly suggest that they were the first of the
notes to be released, and prior to the official opening of the Man-
chester store. As previously observed, Lewis could have been a
station agent at a more northerly portion of the railroad, such as Red
Bank*, or paymaster of the line at the temporary headquarters near
Lower Squankum. If such were the case, he could have been author-
ized to sign the early issues of the Torrey currency as "Agent" or as
a representative of the firm of S.W. & W.A. Torrey. This would
explain why some of the Lewis-signed notes bear handwritten dates
that precede the store opening at Manchester in June 1863. Inter-
estingly, the account books of Torrey and Mead for 1863 carry
entries for W. Lewis as a customer.
Lewis was a common name in Monmouth and Ocean Counties
in the 18th and 19th centuries. Salter" advises that an "Ezekial
Lewis was a taxpayer of Middletown in 1761. Among taxpayers of
Shrewsbury in 1764 were William, Daniel, and William Lewis of
Turkeytown. Jonathan Lewis, who settled near Bayville about the
close of the last century (18th), tradition says came from near Blue
Ball. His son, Ezekial, was b. there Sept. 3, 1791. He was m. to 2nd
w. Deborah Stout, sister of Captain Benjamin Stout of Good Luck,
in 1796. Besides son, Ezekial, he had three other children. Ezekial
settled on the south branch of Forked River. He served in the war of
1812 . . . Ezekial d. May 20, 1885."
There is a just a possibility that our William Lewis could have
been one of Jonathan Lewis' "three other children", or, more likely
from an age standpoint, a son of Ezekial Lewis. In the latter event,
his father's service in the War of 1812 could have inspired him to
volunteer for duty in the Civil War. Ellis' includes the name of a
William H. Lewis in a list of men attached to Company D of the
14th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers, with the notation : "Died of
disease, Freehold, N.J., December 7, 1863." Could this Civil War
soldier possibly be the William Lewis who signed the Torrey notes in
the spring of 1861? Not likely, for two reasons. One, the lack of
middle initial "H" in the signatures on the notes, and two, our
William was a customer of the Torrey & Mead store at Manchester in
It would appear that further research into the genealogy of the
Lewis family in New Jersey will be needed to identify the William of
our story.
Based on the specimens observed to date, there could be as
many as 32 kinds of Torrey notes. Eight denominations of notes
signed by Elizabeth Torrey, having green stamp overprints and
printed date June 15th, 1861, are known to exist. These are the 5e,
10C, 25C, 50e, $1, $2, $3, and $5 denominations. But, only three
denominations of her issues have been found with script-endorsed
dates and the usual printed date (IOC, $1, and $2).
Of the notes signed by Lewis, only one denomination has been
discovered with no punch holes at all, namely a 5C variety. This note
comes with the regular June 15th, 1861 printed date. Two denomi-
nations (SC and 25C) with printed date show either one, two or three
punch holes. Three denominations of his notes are known with a
single punch hole and handwritten dates, the higher denomination
$1, $2, and $3 notes.
Table 1 provides a complete listing of all Torrey notes thought
to be possible, with each type identified by number from 1 to 32.
Table 2 regroups the known specimens of notes signed by Elizabeth
Torrey according to their overprints. Table 3 regroups the Lewis-
signed notes by dates of issue and numbers of punch holes.
From the above it will be seen that five denominations of
Torrey-signed notes are not known to exist at this time. Eleven of the
Lewis varieties are in the same category. Some of this relatively large
group of unknowns could turn up at any time in the future as more
and more important currency collections are placed on the market.
As has been indicated, the Torrey notes appear to have been
numbered sequentially in ink by hand on uncut sheets without regard
to denomination, if research to date can be trusted. The series
appears to run from #1 to #5800 or so, and from #8000 to #8400.
The relatively few notes signed by William Lewis carry numbers
from moderately low, through mid-range, to very high. Table 4 pro-
vides an insight into the numbering series as related to issue dates of
the notes.
A sufficient number of Torrey notes have been observed to
facilitate reconstruction of the sheets as printed. There would have
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Page 268
Paper Money Whole No. 108
1. 5c Eli:. Torrey, June 15, 1861. Black Printing. Green Rubber Stamp Issue Date. (10C of this series illustrated in PM No.
105, page 108.) Wait #1072.
3. 250 Eliz. Torrey. June 15, 1861. Black Printing. Green Rubber Stamp Issue Date. Wait #1074.
been two separate printings, of course, in order to provide for the
insertion of handwritten dates on the early releases, and for printed
date, June 15th, 1861, on the later ones. (See Figure 1 for the plate
There were two plates utilized, one covering the low denom-
ination notes, the other for the higher denominations from one to
five dollars. Assuming that the notes were serially numbered (by
hand) in uncut sheets, the following features are at once evidenced:
1. Five-cent and dollar notes should have serial numbers ending
with the digits 1,2,6, or 7.
2. Ten-cent and two dollar notes will have serial numbers end-
ing with digits 3 or 8.
3. Twenty-five cent and three dollar notes will have serial num-
bers ending in 4 or 9.
4. Fifty-cent and five dollar notes will have serial numbers end-
ing in 5 or 0.
Out of some 155 notes made available for study, only 10 fail to
fit the numbering pattern outlined above, all of which occur in the
fractional issues. Serial numbers of the non-conformists signed by
Elizabeth Torrey fall within the series from #4175 to #5100. The only
Lewis signed note that does not conform to the pattern is #8310, a
five-cent note, dated June 5, 1861, which is the highest serial number
registered so far. By reference to Table 4, it will be seen that the non-
conforming numbers are among the last notes issued. Could it be
that the party responsible for numbering became careless toward the
end of the task?
It is the present feeling that the handful of non-conforming
notes were very likely misnumbered. This position is strengthened by
the fact that two different one dollar notes have been located with
the same serial number but signed respectively by Elizabeth Torrey
and William Lewis! An attempt was made to correlate the number-
ing with the signatures on the notes in the hope that handwriting
would determine who did the numbering. The result, however, was
Common logic suggests that the numbering job had to be done,
or at least controlled, at some central location. This could have been
the temporary store at Lower Squankum for the early notes, and
then the Manchester store for the issues with printed date June 15th,
1861. Or all the numbering might have been accomplished at Man-
chester where William A. Torrey had his home.
As stated previously, the Torrey notes observed to date carry
serial numbers in the range from 1 to about 5800 with some few
additional from 8000 to 8400. This suggests a total of perhaps 6200
notes issued. Referring to Table 4, we get a clue as to the number of
notes by date categories.
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Paper Money Whole No. 108
Page 269
4. 50(t Eli:. Torrey. June 15, 1861. Black Printing. Green Rubber Stamp Issue Date. Wait #1075.
6. 52 Eli:. Torrey. June 15, 1861. Pink Printing. Green Rubber Stamp Issue Date. Wait #1077.
7. S3 Eli:. Torrey. June 15, 1861. Pink Printing. Green Rubber Stamp Issue Date. Wait #1078.
Page 2 70 Paper Money Whole No. 108
(// //i:',///f/7/// /// /1/ /4/ 1.
-////4/ 'f- 4f/it
8. $5 Eli:. Torrey. June 15, 1861. Pink Printing. Green Rubber Stamp Issue Date. Wait #1079.
10. 10(r Eliz. Torrey. June 15, 1861. Pink Printing. Handwritten Issue Date. Not in Wait.
13. $1 Eliz. Torrey. June 15, 1861. Pink Printing. Handwritten Issue Date. Not in Wait.
/i./,I /( /7-tr'ri
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 271
14. 82 Eli;.. Torrey. June 15, 1861. Pink Printing. Handwritten Issue Date. Not in Wait.
17. 50 Wm. Lewis. June 15, 1861. Black Printing. Punch Holes. Not in Wait.
19. 25(D Wm. Lewis. June 15, 1861. Black Printing. Punch Holes. Not in Wait.
F/ .
/1/ /4{,
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Paper Money Whole No. 108
Page 2 72
29. $1. Wm. Lewis. Script Date. Pink Printing. Punch Holes. Not in Wait.
30. $2. Wm. Lewis. Script Date. Pink Printing. Punch Holes. Not in Wait.
31. $3 Wm. Lewis. Script Date. Pink Printing. Punch Holes. Not in Wait.
Paper Money Whole No. ID8
Page 273
By relating serial numbers to denominations, and correlating
that information with plate positions indicated in Figure 1, it is
possible to arrive at a tentative decision as to the total value of
Torrey notes issued. Such considerations suggest that about 400
sheets of fractional notes were issued as against about 220 of the
higher denomination notes. Evaluating these out, gives the following
result :
1600 5e notes $80
800 toe notes 80
800 25e 200
800 50e 400
880 $1 880
440 $2 880
440 $3 1320
440 $5 2200
6200 = $6040
When we recall the purchasing power of money back in 1861,
and the very low price range of goods on the market, an issue of
notes with total value of something over six thousand dollars was
sizeable for a small town store.
One might be tempted to inquire if there was any significance in
the fact that the last Torrey notes issued, based on their green stamp
overprints, were dated April 1st, 1863. This was no accident, as we
shall see.
A "Decision" by the United States Office of Internal Revenue,
dated April 1863, advised that a tax would be effective on all pri-
vately issued notes! (See Figure 5.) In the case of the Torrey store
operation and its currency, the tax was to be "one per cent on the
excess of the average circulation over ninety per cent of the capital",
or "one-half per cent on the average circulation not exceeding ninety
per cent of the capital." It would appear that the Torrey circulation
would have fitted into the latter category. While there are no figures
to substantiate either the capital or the total amount of their notes,
there would have been a modest sum of money due the Revenue
Bureau as of October first in 1863, and additional sums at six-month
intervals thereafter. While such a tax probably would not have
bankrupted the Torrey interests, it would certainly have added to
their financial woes at the time.
It is the opinion that the Torrey Store terminated its issuance of
currency as soon as they received official word of the above-men-
tioned decision. This would account for their last notes being re-
leased as of April 1, 1863.
An interesting sidelight on the practice of issuing private
currency or notes of any kind is found in an article originally pub-
lished in the Philadelphia Evening Telegraph newspaper of April 29,
1873. It is reproduced below in total.
"A number of boys employed in the glass factories of Salem,
N.J., struck work yesterday morning. Their reason for so doing
was not that they are poorly paid, although it seems that their
wages are miserably small, but that their employers, instead of
cash, give them printed money orders on stores owned or con-
trolled by them. These 'shinnies' or 'shinplasters', are not good
for their face value unless presented at the companies' stores,
other tradespeople receiving them only at a discount. This is a
gross imposition upon the boys, and in their resistance to it they
will have the sympathy of all fair-minded people. Their
employers have no right to dictate to them where they shall spend
their money, and are bound to pay the wages agreed upon in
money that is commonly negotiable at its face value. The boys
expressed their willingness to return to work at the wages hitherto
paid, provided the employers will pay that amount in cash. This,
it is to be hoped, public sentiment will force them into doing. It is
bare justice the boys ask, and they should obtain it without
While the above condition post-dated the Torrey currency, there
is little doubt but that there was some similar dissatisfaction with the
arrangement at Manchester in the early sixties!
All of the Torrey notes should be considered scarce, with several
varieties quite rare. As previously noted, a number of varieties have
not even been located for study after a dozen years or so of search.
Few collectors or museums can boast more than a couple of speci-
mens each, adding to the difficulty of research. Strangely, also, not
very many notes have been located in Manchester Township or even
within the confines of Ocean County, New Jersey.
The Torrey currency was printed on rather thin translucent
paper, one side only, by the W.H. Arthur & Company of New York
City. The fractional issues were printed in black ink while a pink or
pale red ink was utilized for the higher denominations.
In bringing this article to a close, it seems fitting to re-emphasize
that the S.W. & W.A. Torrey notes were, in reality, a quasi-railroad
currency. Had not the brothers, Samuel and William, been engaged
in construction of the Raritan & Delaware Bay Railroad, there would
probably have been no Torrey store at Manchester or private
currency. The notes should, of course, be attributed to Manchester
Township, not the Borough of Lakehurst which did not exist in
1861. It is gratifying to note that George Wait, in his book New
Jersey's Money (1976), so lists the notes.
Photographs of each denomination and variety of Torrey notes
known to exist at the present time are provided from specimens in
the author's collection or from those loaned by others.
* D.C. Wismer, early paper money authority, listed the Torrey notes under the
heading "RED BANK". Did he know something we don't? (See The
Numismatist, February 1929, page 69.)
I. Spencer, J.A. History of the United States. Vol. III, p. 545.
Ia. Dewey, William S. Early Manchester and William Torrey.
1982. p. 18.
2. Wait, George. New Jersey's Money. 1976. p. 185.
3. Cunningham, John T. This Is New Jersey. 1953. p. 202.
4. Boyer, Charles S. Early Forges and Furnaces in New Jersey.
1931. p. 256.
5. Wainwright, Frank. Article in newspaper Advance Nickel News.
Manchester, N.J. August 17, 1971.
6. Lane, Wheaton J. From Indian Trail to Iron Horse. 1939. p.
7. Newspaper New Jersey Courier. October 27, 1910. Toms River,
8. Newspaper Monmouth County Democrat. June 27, 1861. Free-
hold, N.J.
9. Torrey, Frederic C. The Torrey Families and Their Children in
America. Vol. II. 1929.
10. Lane, Wheaton J. Op. Cit. p. 403.
11. Lane, Wheaton J. Op. Cit. pp. 405-406.
12. Torrey, Frederick C. Op. Cit.
13. Beers, F.W. "Topographical Map of Ocean County, New
Jersey". 1872.
14. Irons, A.P. "Map of the Westerly Part of the Village of Man-
chester, N.J. Showing the Property of Elizabeth C. Torrey".
August 1, 1895.
15. Osborne, Samuel S. "Map of the Cylinder Line from Horicon
Lake to the Factory Building at Manchester". 1870.
16. Reussville, Leon. Steam Vessels Built in Old Monmouth, 1841-
1894. 1975. p. 74.
17. Reussville, Leon. Op. Cit. p. 75.
18. Salter, Edwin. A History of Monmouth and Ocean Counties.
19. Ellis, Franklin. History of Monmouth County, New Jersey.
5: 12 Dec. 1 (See Footnote) June 15, 1861
10¢ 5
25C 11
508 1
5c 11 Dec. 162
25C 4
$3.00 2
250 1 Jan. 1 63
50C 4
$1.00 1
5: 1
25C 3 Feb. I 63
500 3
$1.00 4
$2.00 I
* Note: The 186 portion of the date is printed, while the remainder is hand-
2) By Dates of Issue.
Issue Dale and Type No. Specimens No. Punch Holes
May 1, 1861 (Script) 4 I
June 1, 1861 " 6
June 15, 1861 (Printed) I 1
4 2
4 3
1 0
Total No. Notes = 20
Page 274 Paper Money Whole No. 108
20. Heston, Alfred M. South Jersey, a History, 1664-1924. 1924.
P. 254.
21. Wilson, Harold F. The Jersey Shore. p. 488.
Assigned Wait Criswell Denomi- Agent Type of Printed
No. No. No. nation Signature Overdate
$3.00 8
$5.00 11
2 Mar. 1 63
250 5
500 3
$1.00 15
$2.00 I
$3.00 11
$5.00 4
5: 2 Apr. 1 63
$3.00 1
$5.00 2
I 1072 S-879
5C E. Torrey Green Stamp June 15, 1861 Diagonal Script Overprint Printed Date
2 1073 10c ,, 10: 1 Issued Dec. 1, 1862 June 15, 1861
3 1074 25: $1.00 3
4 1075 50: $2.00 2
5 1076 S-871 $1.00 Total No.
6 1077 $2.00 Notes = 136
7 1078 $3.00 ,,
8 1079 S-881 $5.00 ,, 21 Arranged by Dates of Issue.
9 5c Script* Issue Date and Type No. Specimens
10 100
11 25: It Dec. I. (Green Stamp (Overprint) 30
12 50C Dec. I. 62 " 17
13 $1.00 Jan. 1. 63 ,, 7
14 $2.00 Feb. 1. 63 30
15 $3.00 Mar. 1. 63 41
16 1080 $5.00 " Apr. 1. 63 " 5
17 5: Wm. Lewis Punch Holes Dec. I. 62 (Script) " 6
18 100 Total No. Notes = 136
19 - 25:
20 50:
21 $1.00
22 $2.00 Note: There is no "year" showing on this rubber stamp. Its omission indicates
23 $3.00 that the year was 1861, as printed on the body of the notes.
24 $5.00
25 5: Script**
26 10:
27 25C
28 500
29 - $1.00 TABLE 3
30 $2.00
32 $5.00
1) By Denomination.
* Inscribed by hand as follows: "Issued Dec. 1, 1862".
** Various dates, all but 186 handwritten.
Note: Numbers 9, 11 and 12, 15, 16, 18, 20 through 28, and 32 have not been
observed and may not exist at this time.
1) Arranged by Denomination and Dates.
Denom. No. Specimens Green Stamp Overprints Printed Date
No. Punch
Denom. No. Specimens Date and Type Holes
5c 1 June 15, 1861 (Printed) 0
50 1 1
50 3 2
5: 4 3
25: 1 ,, 2
$1.00 2 May 1, 1861 (Script)* 1
$1.00 4 June 1, 1861 ,, 1
$2.00 I May 1, 1861 1
$3.00 1 1
$3.00 2 June I, 1861 I
Total No. 20
1) E. Torrey Signatures
Issue Date Serial Numbers
Dec. 1, '62 (Script Across face) I to 500
*Dec. 1 (Green Stamp) 501 to 2000
Dec. 1, '62 2001 to 3400
Jan. I, '63 3401 to 3700
Feb. 1, '63 3701 to 4200
Mar. 1, '63 4201 to 4850
Apr. 1, '63 4851 to 5100
2) Win. Lewis Signatures
May 1, 1861
June 1, 1861
June 15, 1861
June 15, 1861
(Script Date, with one
punch hole or none)
(Script Date, with one
punch hole)
(Printed Date, with 1,
2, or 3 punch holes)
(Printed Date, with 3
punch holes)
469 to 1917
3572 to 4796
5141 to 5711
8096 to 8310
* Omitted year is 1861.
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 275
Cards are available for delivery after the indicated first-day-of-
TWO WEEKS PRIOR. Mail orders must be accompanied by proper
remittance in the form of check or money order (U.S. dollars) made
payable to "BEP" and addressed as follows:
(Names of Card(s))
Public Affairs
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Washington, D.C. 20228
Customers are requested not to send cash with their orders. Re-
quests must clearly include the Bureau name of card(s); cancelled or
mint, and name, address and zip code for mailing of orders. Normal
processing requires approximately 60/90 days. Additional delay may
result because of unusual demand and priority program require-
Another Numismatic Link with
Thomas Crawford
I enjoyed Gene Hessler's story in the May/June 1983
issue of Paper Money, page 118, about the widespread use of
Owen G. Hanks' engraving of "Freedom" as a vignette on
bank notes. He pointed out that Hanks designed this vignette
from Thomas Crawford's bronze statue of "Freedom" atop
the Capitol building in Washington.
PM readers may also be interested in another famous
bronze statue by Crawford—that of Virginia's native son
George Washington, which has stood boldly before Virginia's
Capitol building at Richmond since 1858. The numismatic
link is that this equestrian statue of Washington is the central
motif on the Great Seal of the Confederacy, vignettes of
which probably have also appeared on many issues of paper
Thomas Crawford's Statue of George Washington on the Great Seal
of the Confederacy. Pictured is the original seal by J.S. Wyon of
London, designed for use in making wax impressions; now at the
Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond.
The Bureau's planned souvenir card program for Fiscal Year
1984, (October 1, 1983 through September 30, 1984) includes the
following issues:
"VCN '81" (Mint Only) (Money) 4-22-81/Till Stock
Visitors Numismatic Card Depleted
"NORTHEASTERN '83" (Stamp) 10-21-83/1-21-84
Northeastern Federation of
Stamp Clubs
"ASDA '83" (Stamp) 11-7-83/2-7-84
American Stamp Dealers Ass'n.
"FUN '84" (Money) 1-4-84/4-4-84
Florida United Numismatists
"STAMP EXPO '84 SOUTH" (Stamp) 4-27-84/7-27-84
International Stamp Collectors
"MEMPHIS '84" (Money) 6-15-84/9-15-84
Memphis International Paper
Money Show
"ANA '84" (Money) 8-27-84/11-27-84
American Numismatic Ass'n.
SOUVENIR CARD PRICES (Prices are subject to change without
prior notice.)
A. On-site and at show:
B. Through mail, uncancelled:
C. Through mail, cancelled:
D. Bulk mail orders of 10 or more: .50C discount per card
Itjii.r ..11.1„\ SI 1,1 . 1i1.,W
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Page 2 76
Paper Money Whole No. 108
!Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States, the
Confederate States and Canada
(Continued from PM No. 107, Page 203)
Canada No. 2.
This, the first railroad in Canada, was organized to connect Laprairie on the St. Lawrence
River, to St. Johns, on the Richelieu River, a distance of 16 miles. The "Dorchester" steam
engine, was imported from the British firm, Robert Stephenson & Company, and made her first
run in July 1837. Scenes from the British Stockton & Darlington Railway were depicted on the
three notes with English, French and United States monetary denominations.
1. 7 1/2d (L) Reverse
of Spanish coin, 15 SOUS above, 71/2d below. (C) Train.
(R) "Redeemable . . .," 71/2d above, 15 SOUS below. R2
2. 15d (L) Reverse of Spanish 2 reales, 30 SOUS above, 15d below. (C) Train, riverboat.
(R) "Redeemable . . .," 15d above, 30 SOUS below. R2
3. 2s6d (L) Reverse of Spanish 4 reales, UN ECU above, 2s6d below. (C) Train, building.
(R) "Redeemable . . .," 2s6d above, UN ECU below.
Date-1st August, 1837.
Imprint —Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, New York. R2
1 5d No description.
Imprint —Unknown. R7
2. 1.00 No description. R7
3. 2.00 No description. R7
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 277
4. 5.00 No description. R7
5. 10.00 No description. R7
6. 20.00 No description.
Imprint —Unknown. R7
Connecticut No. 8.
Connecticut No. 11.
7. 10C No description.
Date—Nov. 5, 1862.
Imprint—Unknown. R7
8. 10t (L) 10 in upper corner. (R) 10 in upper corner.
Date—Oct. 10, 1862.
Imprint—None. R6
Reorganization of the New London, Willimatic & Palmer Railroad resulted in the incorpor-
ation of this line in 1860, in both Connecticut and Massachusetts. It was leased to the Central
Vermont Railroad for 99 years from December 1, 1891. The line now runs from New London to
Brattleboro, Vermont, and is now operated by the Canadian National.
9. 5e (C) 5. Red and blue print. R4
10. 10C (C) 10. Red and blue print. R4
11. 25(C (C) 25. Red and blue print.
Date—Nov. 8, 1862.
Imprint—Starr & Farnham, Printers, New London. R4
(To be continued)
Page 2 78
Paper Money Whole No. 108
by Peter Huntoon
Table 1. The highest star serial numbers printed for the 1928 series Federal Reserve Notes.
District $5 $10 $20
Boston 612000 624000 144000
New York 1284000 852000 276000
Philadelphia 636000 372000 120000
Cleveland 576000 420000 228000
Richmond 288000 216000 96000
Atlanta 372000 204000 80000
Chicago 852000 672000 264000
St. Louis 360000 192000 96000
Minneapolis 144000 120000 72000
Kansas City 240000 192000 84000
Dallas 204000 96000 72000
San Francisco 576000 312000 204000
$50 $100 $500 $1000
24000 24000 360 360
96000 48000 2160 2160
48000 24000 1080 720
48000 24000 1080 1080
24000 24000 720 360
24000 24000 360 240
84000 72000 2160 1800
24000 24000 720 360
24000 24000 360 360
24000 24000 1080 720
12000 24000 360 360
24000 40000 360 360
T HE attic of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing An-nex Building contains some miscellaneous old andlargely unorganized records. Among these are what
is now a very incomplete set of diaries on early small-size star
note productions. These handwritten notebooks include serial
number ranges and dates of printing.
Included here for the first time ever are the final totals
for all the 1928 series Federal Reserve star notes, and similar
data for the small size Gold notes excepting the $10 and $20
The FRN diaries that I found would excite any small
note enthusiast because the notebooks were used right on the
assembly line where bricks of star notes were being packaged.
Clipped to the pages in most cases were the actual pairs of
end labels for successive bricks beyond the high star serials
recorded as printed. These end labels were awaiting their
turns in the event that more star notes were printed!
It is not possible for me to split out individual series
totals from the 1928 FRN totals listed on Table 1. For ex-
ample, I can't tell you how many 1928D $5 Atlanta star notes
were printed. The reason for this is that the records show
only the dates and serials of the star production runs, but not
the plates used to print the stock. Remember that plates con-
taining obsolete signatures were used simultaneously with cur-
rent plates during this era, so such breakdowns are impos-
sible. What I can say, based on the dates of production, is
that it is possible that every issued series and denomination
Series of 1928
Series of 1934
no data#
no data#
36000 1200
4000 1920
none none
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 279
Table 2. The highest star serial numbers printed for small size Gold
# — Series of 1928A plates were prepared, but no notes were printed
from them in regular or star production runs. See O'Donnell
for high recorded Series of 1928 star serials.
* — Dashes indicate no plates prepared for these series and de-
could be represented by star notes. For example, I discovered
that Series of 1928C and 1928D $5 Atlanta plates were on the
presses during the period when $5 Atlanta star notes were
being printed. It remains speculative whether star notes were
ever printed from sheets coming off those presses. Important
for you is that the hunt is still on.
Very important is the fact that the numbers listed in
Tables 1 and 2 are production totals—not issued totals. The
tables show the numbers of notes printed and available for
use within the Bureau to replace defective notes. It is certain
that not all the star notes were used. When the Series of 1934
came along, the 1928 remainders were destroyed. This fact
alone could wipe out late printings such as $5 Atlanta notes
from 1928C and 1928D plates.
High denomination notes in both the FRN and Gold
series were made in trivial quantities. Consequently, very
small star productions were undertaken as revealed in the
tables. Notice, for example, that many FRN $500 and $1000
productions numbered only 360 notes—this amounts to only
30 sheets!
Also notice that there are no records for $5,000 and
higher FRN's and no star productions for $10,000 and higher
Gold notes. It appears that star notes were not made for these
high denominations. Rather, defective notes were replaced
from make-up sheets bearing the identical serials as found on
the damaged notes. Surprising? Not very. The job of produc-
ing make-up sheets for the quantities involved was small.
Make-up sheets were being used during this same period for
the National Bank Note printings so the practice was routine
for small printings.
Northwest News
Grand Forks, N. Dak., April 20, 1895
Washington, April 17—A photographic counterfeit of the $5
issue of the American Exchange National Bank, of New York City,
series of 1882, check letter F, charter No. 1,394, bank No. 101,798,
treasury number letter V,1,230,081, portrait of Garfield, has made
its appearance.
The Evening Tribune
Minneapolis, Minn., December 19, 1903
Boston, Dec. 19—Following on the great raid on counterfeiters
at Revere two weeks ago the United States secret service agents ar-
rested in Boston yesterday two men who they say are a dangerous
pair of counterfeiters as the government has had to deal with.
The men under arrest are Fred L. Wilson and Edward D. Wig-
gins, both of them claiming the title of doctor.
The counterfeit money alleged to have been made by them was
so exact an imitation of government paper that it was readily ac-
cepted as genuine by most of the banks through which it passed.
According to the government officers the genuine notes were
fastened to a board and photographed. The counterfeit notes were
enlargements made from the negative and were printed on a fine
quality of bond paper which had been treated with a sensitized
photographic solution.
The color work and the imitation silk threads found in genuine
paper money were done with colored pencils. The counterfeit notes
were perfect reproductions of the originals with the exception that
the color could be washed off.
Black & White Pictures
of National Bank Notes
for Inclusion in the
S.P.M.C. Paper Money
Library of National
Bank Notes
Joe Kinney
1133 Lilliam Way,
Los Angeles, CA 90038
(213) 465-7056
Interesting gleanings
early publications
Forrest W. Daniel
Page 280
Paper Money Whole No. 108
ONE DOLLAR (Continued)
1981 B 22 400 001 H B 54 400 000 H 32,000,000 1981 B 00 000 001 I B 28 800 000 I 28,800,000
1981 C 64 000 001 C C 96 000 000 C 32,000,000 1981 B 15 360 001 * B 16 640 000 * 640,000
1981 E 76 800 001 E E 99 200 000 E 22,400,000 1981 D 38 400 001 C D 70 400 000 C 32,000,000
1981 E 00 000 001 F E 12 800 000 F 12,800,000 1981 G 03 200 001 F G 32 000 000 F 28,800,000
1981 F 32 000 001 F F 83 200 000 F 51,200,000 1981 H 38 400 001 C H 64 000 000 C 25,600,000
1981 L 22 400 001 F L 57 600 000 F 35,200,000 1981 I 00 000 001 B I 35 200 000 B 35,200,000
1981 B 94 720 001 B B 99 840 000 B 5,120,000 1981 B 00 000 001 C B 09 600 OW C 9,600,000
1981 E 29 440 001 B E 40 960 000 B 11,520,000 1981 D 00 000 001 B D 12 800 000 B 12,800,000
1981 F 12 800 001 B F 20 480 000 B 7,680,000 1981 H 00 000 001 B H 09 600 000 B 9,600,000
1981 G 29 440 001 B G 44 800 000 B 15,360,000 1981 I 00 000 001 B I 09 600 000 B 9,600,000
1981 L 64 000 001 B L 76 800 000 B 12,800,000 1981 K 00 000 001 B K 06 400 000 B 6,400,000
1981 L 00 000 001 C L 12 800 000 C 12,800,000
1981 A 81 920 001 A A 92 160 000 A 10,240,000
1981 B 55 040 001 C B 66 560 000 C 11,520,000 1981 B 00 000 001 D B 16 000 000 D 16,000,000
1981 G 14 080 001 B G 25 600 000 B 11,520,000 1981 D 00 000 001 B D 12 800 000 B 12,800,000
1981 L 87 040 001 A L 96 000 000 A 8,960,000 1981 F 00 000 001 B F 12 800 000 B 12,800,000
1981 H 00 000 001 B H 09 600 000 B 9,600,000
TWENTY DOLLARS 1981 1 00 000 001 B I 16 000 000 B 16,000,000
1981 K 00 000 001 B K 06 400 000 B 6,400,000
1981 A 07 680 001 B A 17 920 000 B 10,240,000 1981 L 00 000 001 B L 09 600 000 B 9,600,000
1981 E 79 360 001 B E 99 840 000 B 20,480,000
1981 E 00 000 001 C E 10 240 000 C 10,240,000 TWENTY DOLLARS
1981 G 47 360 001 C G 62 720 000 C 15,360,000
1981 J 08 960 001 B J 19 200 000 B 10,240,000 1981 B 00 000 001 E B 32 000 000 E 32,000,000
1981 L 08 960 001 C L 83 200 000 C 12,800,000 1981 D 00 000 001 B D 12 800 000 B 12,800,000
1981 F 00 000 001 B F 16 000 000 B 16,000,000
FIFTY DOLLARS 1981 H 00 000 001 B H 12 800 000 B 12,800,000
1981 I 00 000 001 B I 12 800 000 B 12,800,000
1981 B 42 240 001 A B 46 080 000 A 3,840,000 1981 K 00 000 001 B K 09 600 000 B 9,600,000
1981 L 00 000 001 D L 16 000 000 D 16,000,000
FIFTY DOLLARS1981 B 38 400 001 A B 44 800 000 A 6,400,000
1981 B 00 000 001 B B 09 600 000 B 9,600,000
PRINTED DURING OCTOBER 1983 1981 100 000 001 B I 03 200 000 B 3,200,000
1981 A 41 600 001 C A 67 200 000 C 25,600,000 1981 B 00 000 001 B B 12 800 000 B 12,800,000
1981 B 54 400 001 H B 99 200 000 H 44,800,000 1981 100 000 001 A 1 03 200 000 A 3,200,000
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 281
unco, Bogus and
Bank Robbin'
A Sorry Record Compiled by BARRY WEXLER,
SPMC #5000
H AVING been a member of the Society for severalyears, a collector of BBNs and rare currency for al-most ten years, and this past year, a dealer in old
paper and rare coins, I admit I have been terribly lax in
taking an active part in our Society. However, I recently
picked up a fascinating collection of "Dickerman's United
States Treasury Counterfeit and Bankers' & Merchants'
Journals." These Counterfeit Detectors, dated from 1889 to
1906 (monthly), are just so chock full of interesting stories I
hardly know where to begin! So, before this collection be-
comes dispersed, I'd like to submit some of the articles which
I feel might strike the fancy of the readers. After each article,
I'll indicate the month, year, and issue of "Dickerman's"
that contained the article.
While the cashier of the bank at Dexter, Kansas, J.W. Watkins,
was alone in the bank in the afternoon of September 19, two men,
with their faces concealed behind masks, entered the side door, and,
with drawn pistols, commanded the cashier to hand over what
money there was in the cash drawer and safe. The cashier showed
reluctance in obeying the order, but a bullet which went whizzing
past his head from the revolver of one of the robbers decided him to
obey, and he handed out the robbers about $3,000 in currency. They
quickly secured the money, mounted horses which had been standing
in front of the bank, and rode away. The robbers were, judging from
their appearance, cowboys. (Oct., 1892. No. 10).
Mac Hinkle, a one-legged man, was arrested in Little Rock,
Ark., on the charge of passing counterfeit money. When first ar-
rested and searched nothing was found upon Hinkle to justify the
charge, although several identified him as the person from whom
they had obtained bogus coin. Hinkle wears a cork leg, and the offi-
cers made him take it off. In a cavity in the leg they discovered a
quantity of spurious paper money together with compounds for
changing the color of Confederate bills to the hue of the genuine
greenback. Among the money was a one dollar greenback raised to a
fifty dollar note, and other bills raised from ten dollars. There were
several ten and twenty dollar bills on the Charlottetown Bank, of
Prince Edward Island, which were pronounced genuine, although the
signature of the cashier of the bank was not attached. This bank
failed some time ago. The bills are thought to have been stolen after
being signed by the president. Two or more of these twenty dollar
bills were passed on a bank in Little Rock, either by Hinkle or an ac-
complice. (Aug., 1890. No. 8).
"Counterfeiting In Prison"
Two convicts, James C. Stewart and C.L. Banks, have been
taken from the State penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., and lodged
in the county jail at Topeka on a charge of counterfeiting while they
were in the penitentiary. Stewart, being a photographer by pursuit,
was made penitentiary photographer when he was sentenced to that
institution. In that office, with Banks' help, he made photographs of
bank notes and filled them in with water colors and India ink. (June,
1897. No. 6).
A bold robbery was committed on September 24 at B.E. Snipe's
bank, in the coal-mining town of Roslyn, Wash., by three unmasked
highwaymen, who rode into the place. It was pay day at the Roslyn
mine. Forty thousand dollars arrived from Tacoma in the morning.
The robbers probably supposed the money was placed in the bank,
but it was taken to the company's office. They executed their plan in
a skillful manner. The cashier, Abernathy, who was writing when the
first robber entered, turned to wait on the supposed customer, but
found himself facing a Colt's revolver. Dr. Lyons, who had entered
just after the highwayman, turned to go out, but dashed against a
pair of Colt's in the hands of the second robber. A third confederate
entered, picked up Abernathy's revolver and knocked him down with
it. The cashier rose, his head streaming with blood, and was told to
keep quiet if he wanted to live. The third man walked to the safe,
which was open, took out the coin and bills, and shoved the money,
amounting to $10,000, into a canvas bag which he threw over his
shoulder. The three men then went out, joining two others, who had
been stationed so as to guard all approaches. O.A. Frazier, Assist-
ant-Cashier, who was outside, seized a shot gun and made for the
bank, but one of the robbers stopped his progress by placing a bullet
in his hip. A colored man was shot in the leg, and several other per-
sons had narrow escapes. One of the robbers held the reins of five
fine horses, and as soon as the vault was looted, all the fellows
mounted, fired up and down the street, put spurs to their horses and
dashed away, disappearing on the trail over the mountains north of
Roslyn. (Oct., 1892. No. 10).
"Shoving The Queer On Long Island"
A gang of sharps is reported to be "shoving" counterfeit notes
on saloon keepers in Long Island towns and villages. They get the
saloon keeper interested in a game of cards and put up bad money
against good money. One case is described as follows: There were no
stakes and for some time the game progressed in a way not cal-
culated to create any excitement. The strangers spent money, and the
proprietor was satisfied to play on all the afternoon at that rate.
Finally temptation came. The saloon keeper bet $50 against a $100
bill and won it. Very soon after this the visitors started for the after-
noon train and the saloon keeper sallied forth to recount his adven-
ture to some friends. There is nothing slow about this man but he
had not caught on to the crooks' game, and it was not until the sus-
picions of one of his friends were confirmed by the accounts of the
three persons who had been "worked" with counterfeit money that
he really believed it. It was their policy to take his $50 good money in
change for their spurious $100 bill, let him win the bill if necessary
and then take the afternoon train before he could have the bill tested
at the bank. It is thought the men are making a tour of the island,
and if caught there are plenty who could, but for obvious reasons
probably would not, testify against them. (March, 1897. No. 3).
(To be continued)
Page 282
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Coffee Table Book on Newfoundland
The Currency and Medals of Newfoundland by C. Francis
Rowe, James A. Haxby and Robert J. Graham with contri-
butions by Ross W. Irwin, Robert C. Willey, Norman C.
Williams and Ruth McQuade. Publisher : J. Douglas Fergu-
son Historical Research Foundation. Copies are available at
$24.50 Canadian from Canadian Numismatic Education
Society, P.O. Box 704, Station B, Willowdale, Ontario,
Canada, M2K 2P9. Initial printing 1,000 copies.
C. Francis Rowe, primary author of the Newfoundland work.
The 118-page, hard-cover volume is printed on 81/2 x 11
inch size pages of thick glossy paper and profusely illustrated.
A colorful dust jacket protects the hard cover.
This is a text book rather than a catalogue with bits of
text. It contains much data not previously published. The
book is a deluxe presentation in all aspects and the first
"coffee table" type book published in Canada on Canadian
Numismatics. Some eight years in the making, the material in
the book is presented in the following six chapters: History of
Newfoundland, Merchant Issues, Banks and Bank Notes,
Government Notes, Decimal Coinage of Newfoundland, and
Medals of Newfoundland. Two appendices follow, one on
Die Consumption Records and the other on the various coin-
age acts for Newfoundland. A detailed index concludes the
A detailed account of the rise and fall of two native
Newfoundland banks, The Commercial Bank of Newfound-
land and The Union Bank of Newfoundland, is the main fea-
ture in the 15-page chapter on "Banks and Bank Notes." The
notes of these and other private banks are illustrated.
The 10-page chapter on "Government Notes" presents
an excellent coverage of the history of Newfoundland govern-
ment notes from the first Treasury Notes of 1834 through the
last government issues of 1920. Photos of the various type
notes as well as the quantity printed are given.
The 15-page chapter on "Merchant Issues" covers New-
foundland merchant scrip and tokens from early 19th century
through the early part of the 20th century. A number of little-
known issues of scrip are well described and illustrated for the
first time.
The 35-page chapter on Newfoundland's decimal coinage
covers the subject in good detail and is profusely illustrated
with extremely clear photographs of all patterns and type cur-
rency coins. Much information not previously in print is pre-
sented, including details on early die making.
Newfoundland's medals are described, catalogued and
illustrated under the following sections: commemorative
medals, athletic medals, temperance medals, religious medals
and educational medals.
A brief history of Newfoundland, Britain's oldest
colony, as well as information on foreign coins, foreign
tokens and counterstamped coins used in Newfoundland in
the early 19th century, opens the book in the chapter
"History of Newfoundland."
The book is very interesting to read, extremely well done
and highly recommended.
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The Society of Paper Money Collectors has an
informative handout brochure available for the asking.
Contained in the brochure is information on the So-
ciety and paper money in general. Take some with you
to the next coin club meeting or show. Write S.P.M.C.
secretary Bob Azpiazu.
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 283
— Dues statements for 1984 are enclosed with this
November/December issue of the magazine. A
separate mailing will NOT be used for first notices.
Please :
— Use the envelope which is enclosed in the
— Put your membership number on your check.
— Pay as promptly as possible. — $12 annual dues.
— If you want to become a LIFE MEMBER, send
check for $300 and indicate on form.
— Membership cards for 1984 are enclosed with this
November/December issue of the magazine.
Please :
— Fill in your own card (the dues notice has your
membership number on the label).
— Do not send card back with your dues payment.
— Effective immediately — dues should be sent to:
P.O. BOX 89
MILFORD, N.H. 03055
Page 284
Paper Money Whole No. 108
We are in a transition period as I write this. This is my
first message to members since assuming the duties as Presi-
dent of your Society, which took place at our Board election
August 17, 1983 in San Diego. Wendell has supplied me with
complete files, so the transition has been smooth.
The usual activities again at this year's ANA convention
in San Diego were well-attended. The SPMC Executive Board
met during the convention and conducted the following
Secretary's Report:
SPMC gained a total of 20 members during 1982/1983.
We continued to sign up additional members during both
Memphis and ANA. The total number of members as of June
30, 1983 was 1,913. We are still getting in 1983 renewals from
those who have renewed late, and we plan to send out an-
other reminder notice to those who have been dropped. We
will be working in the area of membership development over
the next few years. There are many potential members out
there. Sign up a new member today!
Treasurer's Report:
SPMC about broke even for the 1982/1983 year.
Souvenir card sales have added to our revenue, in addition to
new members. We have kept expenses in check despite some
rising costs.
Editor's Report:
Editor Barbara Mueller reports that a significant de-
velopment over the past year has been the successful change-
over from the Camden Company as printer of the Society's
magazine PAPER MONEY to Dover Litho Printing Co. of
Dover, Delaware. Advertising support for the magazine has
declined, and a more aggressive plan will be undertaken to
solicit more advertisers for PAPER MONEY. We have en-
joyed a fairly good supply of articles, and it's only with
YOUR HELP that this can continue. If you have an article or
are working on one, please contact her. Barbara deserves
your thanks and continuing support. Remember, we can only
print what you submit to us.
1984 Printing Contract:
The Board elected to renew our contract with Dover
Litho Printing Co. of Dover, Delaware for the coming year.
We are indebted to George Frebert, President of Dover
Litho, and his staff for their efforts in producing and mailing
our fine quality magazine, PAPER MONEY.
Wismer Book Project Update:
We didn't publish any new books in the series on obso-
lete notes in 1983. Our member/authors have been busy at
work on upcoming volumes. Walter Rosene has completed
the Alabama manuscript. The typesetting should be com-
pleted by now. We expect to have Alabama out in 1984.
Pennsylvania and Arkansas will likely follow next. Type-
setting, proofreading, and printing should proceed smoothly
as we continue the book program. Dick Hoober, who has
been working with the authors on this project, is preparing an
update of the states that are in progress, and who is assigned
to each state—this will be published in an issue of PAPER
MONEY soon. If you collect obsoletes, we hope that you will
assist if called upon to make these books as complete and
accurate as possible. You may be called upon to share your
knowledge and information.
Life Memberships Approved:
After several years of debate and discussion, the SPMC
Board of Governors approved the establishment of Life
Memberships. For $300 you can become a Life Member of
SPMC, and eliminate the hassle of sending in annual dues,
and you are a member for life. The money will be invested in
a separate account, with the interest to be drawn out annually
into the general operating fund. To keep things simple, we
will NOT be assigning completely new numbers. Your regular
membership number will be used, preceded with the desig-
nation "LM." To become a life member, use the renewal
form (or a letter of intent will do)—accompanied by a check
for $300 made out to SPMC—to James F. Stone, SPMC
Treasurer, Box 89, Milford, N.H. 03055, and we'll take it
from there. Let us know if you'd like to take this option .. .
we have had a number of requests for Life Memberships .. .
and now we have them!
SPMC Patron's Association:
As mentioned in the last issue of PAPER MONEY, an
SPMC "Patron's Association" has been formed to allow you
to take advantage of several payments at one time (dues, sou-
venir card, book, banquet ticket, etc.) and make a little con-
tribution to the Society. Wendell Wolka, our past President,
has agreed to handle this program at the start. Further details
are elsewhere in this issue. Take advantage of this and help
your Society at the same time! Do it now—there is still time
before Jan. 1, 1984!
1984 Dues Notice Enclosed:
You will find enclosed with this issue your 1984 dues re-
newal notice. Despite rising costs, we have not raised dues—
still only $12 per year. Take a moment now and send this in
or check the box for Life Member and send $300. Your 1984
membership card (signed by the Secretary but not filled out)
is also enclosed. Just take a moment and fill this in your-
self—a separate card will not be mailed. This system saves
your Society money, as we don't have to make a separate
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 285
mailing of membership cards. Send your dues in TODAY .. .
and be assured of receiving your issues of PAPER MONEY
on a continuous basis. A real bargain at $12!
Election Results:
The following men were elected to the Board for three
years as Governors: Charles Colver, of Covina, California;
Roger H. Durand, of Rehoboth, Massachusetts; Dean Oakes,
of Iowa City, Iowa; Bernard Schaaf, M.D., of Lafayette, In-
diana; and Roman Latimer, of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The Executive Board, in turn, elected the following
people to two-year terms as officers of the Society:
Larry Adams of Boone, Iowa — President
Roger H. Durand of Rehoboth, Massachusetts —
Robert Azpiazu, Jr. of Hialeah, Florida — Secretary
James F. Stone of Milford, N.H. — Treasurer
Awards Banquet :
The 1984 Awards Banquet was co-hosted this year by our
sister organization, the International Bank Note Society. The
approximately 70 people who attended heard an interesting
talk by Robert J. Leuver, the recently named Director of the
U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C.
This was his first address before a numismatic group. The
Bureau also had an exhibit and souvenir card at the San
Diego show.
In addition to the famed Tom Bain Raffle, the following
awards were presented:
Presented by Krause Publications, Iola, Wisconsin, to a
person who has made a concrete contribution to the ad-
vancement of paper money collecting—John Hickman
of West Des Moines, Iowa, researcher and student of
National Bank Notes, for his research and efforts lead-
ing to publication of the STANDARD CATALOG OF
NATIONAL BANK NOTES (1982—Krause Publica-
For SPMC member or members who, during the
previous year rendered significant service to SPMC
which brings credit to the Society—Forrest Daniel of
Bismarck, North Dakota, for his continuing contribu-
tions to the hobby through his research and writings.
LITERARY AWARDS: First, Second, and Third
Places. Awarded to SPMC members for articles pub-
lished originally in PAPER MONEY during the calen-
dar year preceding the annual meeting of the Society.
FIRST: Richard Kelly for "The National Bank of
Egypt: Its Foundation and First Twenty Years," in
PAPER MONEY Nos. 98 and 99; March-June,
SECOND: John Glynn for "Money Used by Polish
Officers in German Prison Camps in World War
II," in PAPER MONEY No. 97, Jan./Feb., 1982.
THIRD: Ray Miller for "The Debt Funding of
Montana Territory," in PAPER MONEY, Nos. 99
and 100; May-August, 1982.
Awarded Annually to a member of SPMC for an
exhibit at the annual ANA Convention of proof notes,
tie-in of stamps and paper money, and/or notes with
matching proof vignettes or other related materials.
Notes may be of any type and of any period or coun-
try. 1983 winner was Gene Hessler for his display of
"Czech Designer Max Svabinsky's Works."
Souvenir Card Program :
The Board of Governors approved the continuation of
the Souvenir Card program for 1984. Since the meeting, some
designs have been received, and of this writing it looks like
the 1984 card will be of a $100 Indiana note. More on this
If you haven't ordered or received your 1983 SPMC Sou-
venir Card, time is running out. This year's card is quite
colorful, and depicts the White Mountain Bank of Lancaster,
New Hampshire, with an unusual Santa Claus vignette.
Makes an ideal Christmas gift! Mint cards will be available
through December 31 by mail for $5.50 for one card .. .
$4.50 for two or more cards by mail (make check payable to
SPMC), and send orders to John Wilson, SPMC Mint Card,
P.O. Box 27185, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53227.
All in all, the 1983 ANA Convention in San Diego was
very enjoyable, and I enjoyed seeing my many collector
friends. Some of you may remember our 1979 Memphis ban-
quet speaker, Murray Teigh Bloom, who was then working
on a book on the banknote world. His book has been com-
pleted and was first released at the ANA show in San Diego.
Titled The Brotherhood of Money (1983), it is published by
BNR Press in Port Clinton, Ohio. Subtitled "The Secret
World of Bank Note Printers," it is an intriguing book, filled
with many facts and stories about the banknote world, in-
cluding a chapter on the banknote collector! We expect that
it will be reviewed soon in an upcoming issue of PAPER
I am looking forward to serving as your President. Re-
member . . . this is YOUR organization, and I welcome your
comments and suggestions. What else can the Society do for
the collector? How can we improve the hobby? I look for-
ward to hearing from you. Please watch this column for re-
cent Society developments. Until the next time, Best Holiday
Page 286
Paper Money Whole No. 108
ANA Convention Highlights
Photos courtesy of COIN WORLD
New SPMC prexy Larry Adams (center) with new Bureau of
Engraving and Printing Director Robert Leuver and Mrs.
Ted Uhl, editor of the IBNS Journal, with his wife at the
SPMC/IBNS banquet.
London dealer Yasha Beresiner (left) chats over dessert with
Steve Taylor, board member of both SPMC and ANA.
Author Gene Hessler, 1983 Blanchard Award winner, with
PM editor Barbara Mueller at annual banquet.
Information Requested on Bank of the
United States Issues
SPMC member Matt Rothert has announced that he is
working on a book whose subject is the Bank of the United
States (1791-1840) and its issues. Matt would like to hear
from anyone who has any issues or other information regard-
ing the Bank of the United States. Photocopies of any re-
ported items would be appreciated.
Please send all correspondence to:
Matt Rothert Sr.
656 Graham Street
Camden, Arkansas 71701
Thank you for your assistance!
SPMC'ers Take ANA Awards
John J. Ford received the American Numismatic As-
sociation's second place Heath Literary Award for his article
"The Jefferson Territory—A Unique Auditor's Warrant,"
and Gene Hessler the third place for "Colonel Baden-Powell
and the Siege Notes of Mafeking."
The Sidney W. Smith Memorial Award for U.S. paper
money at the ANA 83 exhibition in San Diego went to Nancy
Wilson for "Five Dollar U.S. Type Notes." Placing second
was her husband John Wilson with "Type Set of Second
Issue of U.S. Fractional Currency." Third was William H.
Horton, Jr. with "Denomination Set of Federal Reserve
Notes of 1914."
In the foreign paper money field Gene Hessler took the
Mosher Award as noted elsewhere in this issue. The second
place went to Joe Boling for "Japanese Bank Notes: Prince
Shotoku's Years." Third place went to Eric Millman's "Cur-
rent Notes of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency."
FOR $ 300
P.O. Box 89
MILFORD, N.H. 03055
Page 288
Paper Money Whole No. 108
What? In order to raise funds for your Society's expanded operations and programs, an SPMC Patrons
Association has been formed for those who wish to aid the Society financially.
How's It Work? You may contribute at four different levels: $15, $25, $50, and $75 or more. As you will
note from the table, members of the Patrons Association are eligible for various awards. Upon join-
ing, you will receive a Patrons Kit which contains a membership certificate, membership infor-
mation, and appropriate "good for" coupons which can be redeemed throughout 1984 for specified
items. Awards may be redeemed in person or through the mail. This is our way of thanking you for
participating in this program.
On top of all this, your contribution is tax deductible. Be sure to check the appropriate box on the
membership application if you wish to receive a receipt for tax purposes.
When Can I Join? You may join anytime until December 31, 1983. In the future, interested members may
join the SPMC Patrons Association between July 1 and December 31 of each year. They will then
be entitled to various awards during the following year.
How Do I Join? It's easy! Just fill in the membership application and send it, along with your check or
money order made out to SPMC, to the address shown. Leave the rest to us!
What If I Have Further Questions? Write to the address shown on the application and include a stamped,
addressed reply envelope. We'll answer any questions promptly.
A Donation
of . . . .
Entitles you to receive ..
A Free 1984
Souvenir Card
A Free 1984 Memphis
Banquet Ticket
A Free 1984
SPMC Membership
A Free 1984
Wismer Project Book
$15 X
$25 X X
$50 X X X
$75 or
more . . . .
— Membership Application —
To: SPMC Patrons Association Program
Attn. Wendell Wolka
P.O. Box 366
Hinsdale, II. 60521
Date Received
Date Kit Sent
Dear Mr. Wolka:
Please enroll me in the SPMC Patrons Association Program for 1984. I have enclosed•
in the form of a check or money order made
payable to SPMC. My SPMC membership number is
Please rush my Patrons Kit to me at:
(Mailing Address)
(City, State, Zip Code)
Please send a receipt for my donation for tax purposes.
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Page 289
///(i7/17/7 7.110/1 /)//17 (1(//// /WA,/
Established 1858
"The history of the White Mountain Bank of Lancaster, New Hampshire, mirrors that of many of the private banks which
issued currency in the United States during the nineteenth century. Chartered in 1850, the bank issued its first notes around
1852. By approximately 1865, the bank was reported as being wound up because it was ''not in condition to be converted to a
national bank".
Many varied and beautiful vignettes were used on paper money during this period. The Santa Claus vignette chosen for this
note is one of the most rare, delightful, and unusual, examples of the steel engraver's craft.'
T10 year's Society of Paper Money Collectors souvenir card, issued at the 1983
International Paper Money Show in Memphis, Tennessee on June 17-19, illustrates an
obsolete bank note from the 1860's which features none other than Santa Claus, his sleigh,
and all of his reindeer!
10,000 cards have been produced from the original plates by the world famous Ameri-
can Bank Note Company. Since this is sure to be a popular souvenir card for both gift giving
and collecting purposes, we suggest that you order early in order to avoid disappointment.
Cards are offered by mail in mint version. All mail orders are shipped to you via first
class mail in heavy cardboard mailers.
Cost $5.50 for one card by mail
$4.50 for two or more cards by mail
(Make check payable to SPMC)
J. Wilson — SPMC Mint Card
P.O. Box 27185
Milwaukee, Wis. 53227
Page 290 Paper Money Whole No. 108
Area of Concern : Person to Contact :
Change of Address George Frebert
Non-receipt of magazine Dover Litho Printing Co.
1211 North DuPont Highway
Dover, Delaware 19901
rtrt **•**************** ************ *********************************** ************ *********************************** ************* ******
Payment of Dues for EXISTING Memberships. James F. Stone
— Presentation of Bills for Payment by SPMC. SPMC Treasurer
— Payment of Life Membership Fees ($300). P.O. Box 89
Milford, N.H. 03055
******* ********* ********************* ******** ********************* ********* ******************** ********* ********************* ******** *
Requests for Membership Application Blank Brochures. Robert Azpiazu, Jr.
— Requests for reinstatement or questions on EXISTING SPMC Secretary
memberships. P.O. Box 1433
— Resignations. Hialeah, Florida 33011
— Reports of Deaths.
— NEW Applications for Membership. Ron Horstman
SPMC New Membership Coord.
P.O. Box 6011
St. Louis, MO 63139
******** ******* ******************** ******* ******************** ******* ******************** ******* ******************** ******* ***********
General Questions Regarding SPMC. Larry Adams
— Complaints. SPMC President
Suggestions and Ideas. P.O. Box 1
General Book Project Questions. Boone, Iowa 50036
************ ************************************ ****************** ******************* ****************** *********..******** ************
— Magazine Articles (Submission). Barbara Mueller—Editor
— Magazine Advertising. 225 S. Fischer Avenue
Jefferson, Wisconsin 53549
Orders for SPMC Books. Dick Balbaton
SPMC Book Sales Coordinator
116 Fisher Street
North Attleboro, MA 02760
— Research and Information for Wismer Book Project. Richard T. Hoober
Offers of Help to Work on SPMC Books. Wismer Book Project
P.O. Box 196
Newfoundland, PA 18445
****************************************************** ********.*.******************************** *************************************
— Library Usage. Wendell Wolka
Donations of Books to SPMC Library. P.O. Box 366
SPMC Patron's Association. Hinsdale, Illinois 60521
*********************************************************************************************************** ***************************
— Mail Orders for Mint Souvenir Cards.
Aw ards.
— Suggestions and nominations for Awards, e.g., SPMC Award of
Merit, Nathan Gold Award.
John Wilson
SPMC Mint Card
P.O. Box 27185
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53227
Steven Whitfield
407 Cumberland Drive
Huntsville, Alabama 35803
Membership Recruitment. Roger H. Durand
Suggestions for Recruiting New Members. SPMC Vice-President
— Offers of Help to Recruit New Members.
P.O. Box 186
Rehoboth, MA 02769
***** ******** ****** ******** ****** ******** ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******** ****** ******** ****** ******” *
* * ************************************************************************************************* ***********************************
— Publicity. C. John Ferreri—Publicity Chairman
SPMC News Releases. P.O. Box 33
Storrs, CT 06268
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 291
P. 0. Box 1433
Hialeah, FL 33011
6560 Mel Beesley, P.O. Box 223, Riverton, UT 84065; C, Utah &
Mormon Currency.
6561 Patrick Doughney, P.O. Box 28281, Baltimore, Md. 21234; C,
Brazilian & Indonesian.
6562 Thorbjorn Rue, Crosby, N.D. 58730; C, Nationals & large size
6563 Juan M. Rodriguez, 2501 N. Avers Ave., Chicago, III. 60647;
C, Mexico & Latin America.
6564 Richard Ponterio, 3823 Parl Blvd., San Diego, Ca. 92103;
C&D, Mexico.
6565 Gerald Redmon, Hume, Ill. 61932; C, Illinois Nationals.
6566 Walter D. Moore Jr., P.O. Box 165, Nutley, N.J. 07110; C,
New Jersey.
6567 Joseph Insana, 26 Orchard Street, Franklin Park, N.J. 08823;
C&D, Old US, CSA & Obsoletes.
6568 Meyer P. Avers, 7811 S. Christiana, Chicago, Ill. 60652; C, US
& Foreign.
6569 State Library of South Australia, Box 419 G.P.O., Adelaide,
South Australia 5001.
6570 Paul Fenton Elles, 8596 Hampshire Drive, Sterling Hts., Mich.
48078; C, Error Small Size Notes.
6571 Rynea Akaki, 3217 South 91st St., Omaha, Ne., 68124; C, US.
6572 T. Richard Brennan, RFD I, Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501; C, US
Large Type Notes.
6573 Bob Sewell, 3428 Bunker Hill St., San Diego, Ca. 92117; C,
Large Notes.
6574 Frank Tacha, P.O. Box 16273, Irvine, Ca. 92714; C, US &
World Currency.
6575 Victor Hensrud, 4123 McCall Blvd., Bremerton, Wa. 98312;
D, World Bank Notes.
6576 Tim Bratzke, 2031 Indian Rd., Waukegan, Ill. 60087; C,
Broken Bank-US Errors.
6577 Paul Rodolf, 90 W. Washington, Norwalk, Oh. 44857; C,
Obsoletes of Norwalk & Sandusky.
6578 Richard C. Steinberg, 23910 Halburton Rd., Beachwood, Oh.
44122; C.
6579 Albert Duroe, Farmers State Bank, Jesup, Iowa. 50648; C.
6580 Gary Reed, 42 Green St., Ft. Thomas, Ky. 41075; C, US &
6581 David Scherr, 5944-21 Ave. SW, Seattle, Wa. 98106; C, Bank
Notes Prior 1860.
6582 Michael Storeim, 180 E. Hampden, Suite 214, Englewood, Co.
6583 R. Holloway, Box 1090, Picton Ontario, KOK 2T0 Canada;
C, Confederate Southern States.
6584 A. H. Bray, 3823 Kevington, Eugene, Or. 97405; C, Colonial
Currency Fractional.
6585 James Humburg, 825 N. Main St., Monticello, Ind. 47960; C,
Obsolete $3 & Indiana.
6586 J. Y. Ha, CPO Box 9541, Seoul, 100 Korea; D, Korean Paper
6587 Keun Ho Lee, P.O. Box 1451, Downey, Ca. 90240; C, Korea.
6588 David Laties, Box 3826, Kingston, N.Y. 12401; D, World.
6589 Donald Walker, Route 3, Red Lake Falls, Mn. 56750.
6590 Randy Vogel, 1924 S. Pacific Coast Hy., Apt. D, Laguna
Beach, Ca. 92653; C.
6591 Buddy Harris, 1001 E. Southmore #510, Pasadena, Tx. 77501;
C&D, Texas Bank Notes, BB.s.
6592 Stu Graves, 3232 Bent Twig, Diamond Bar, Ca. 91765; C.
6593 Bert Janes, P.O. Box 206, Quincy, Ca. 95971; C, Large US
and Fractionals.
6594 Mason Pownall, 2930 Colorado Av. E 10, Santa Monica, Ca.
6595 Drs. Hugh Van Reiden, P.O. Box 5497, 1007 Al Amsterdam,
Holland; D.
6596 Dan O'Meara, 7320 Vassar Ave., Conoga Park, Ca. 91303; C,
U.S. Type.
6597 Sam Seibert, Box 506, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022; C, Foreign.
6598 Joseph Wheeler Jr., P.O. Box 41096, Sacramento, Ca. 95841;
Souvenir Cards.
6599 Jim Dalzell, 1461 Glenwood, Bishop, Ca. 93514; C, Fractional
6600 Jim Smith, 1511 Cassatt Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 32205; D,
6601 Rich Heglund; C.
6602 Harvey Rose, P.O. Box 2726, El Cajon, Ca.; C.
6603 R. G. Doty, American Numismatic Society, New York, N.Y.
10032; C, US Obsoletes.
6604 Harvey Serenw, P.O. Box 6069, San Diego, Ca. 92106; C, US
Conf. & Broken.
6605 Bill Christie, 918 Center St., Santa Cruz, Ca. 95060; C, US
Large, Obsolete, Colonial Fractional, Confederate.
6606 Joseph Kubiak, P.O. Box 323, Ludington, Mi. 49431; C.
6607 Donald Mead, 323 N. Estelle, Wichita, Kansas; C.
6608 Michael Stratton, 42749-25th St. W, Lancaster, Ca. 93534; C,
US $2 Bills/LG&SM.
6609 Joe Jones, 14820 Genessee, Apple Valley, Ca. 92307; C.
Page 292 Paper Money Whole No. 107
\No► mart
WANTED: WAUSEON, OHIO notes #7091, Bowling Green,
Ohio notes, #4045. Any other NW Ohio notes. Lowell Yoder,
Box 100, Holland, OH 43528 (419-865-5516) (110)
I COLLECT CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii and all
other Western stocks, bonds, checks, drafts. Please sell to me!
Ken Prag, Box 531 PM, Burlingame, CA 94010 (phone 415-
566-6400). (119)
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on
a basis of 5e per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary
purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling,
or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy
must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or
typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of
Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller,
225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month
preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1, 1982 for Jan. 1983 issue).
Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other
words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as
separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions
of the same copy. Sample ad and word count.
trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member,
000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015.
(22 words: $1: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each)
WANTED: BANK OF The United States checks, notes, let-
ters, 1791-1840 or Xerox copies needed for book on this sub-
ject. Matt Rothert, Sr., 656 Graham St., Camden, AR 71701
LIST OF CHECKS available from plain to rare. Approxi-
mately 250 items. $1.00 towards printing and postage would
help but not necessary. Bob Pyne, 1610 Bennett Rd., Orlando,
FL 32803 (111)
MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE NOTES wanted for my collection.
Favorable prices paid for notes that are needed. Byron W.
Cook, Box 181, Jackson, MI 39205 (111)
QUESTION: DOES ANYONE in the United States have the
complete story of paper scrip of McNeal Coal Company?
Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, Southport,
NC 28461 (110)
INDIANA OBSOLETES WANTED: LaPorte 380-1, 381-1-2,
382-1, 383-1-2-3-4, 384-1, 385-1, 386-1-2-3-4-5-6, 387-1-2, 388-1.
Michigan City 494-1-2-3-4, 495-1-2-3-4, 496 1 2 3, 497-1-2-3-
4-5, 498-1-2-3, 499-1-2, 500-1-2-3, 502-1. Sutlers 925-1-2-3,
926-1, 927-1-2, 928-1. Wanted actual notes or a good glossy
black and white actual size photo of each note (both sides) and
any other unlisted from the above. Also want other Indiana
obsoletes, college currency, nationals, script, old checks, stock
certificates, bonds, merchant tokens, bus tokens, revenue
stamps, trout stamps, hunting stamps. Other misc. Indiana
items. Richard L. Salzer, RR#3, Box 791, Knox, IN 46534
notes charter number 2808, 9425, 13744. Also National Cur-
rency notes from The First National Bank of Milford, Ill.
charter number 5149. Write to Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken,
Hoopeston, IL 60942 (108)
Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Albion, Dahlgren,
Omaha, New Haven. Price and Xerox appreciated. Pete
Fulkerson, 510 W. Commerce, P.O. Box 126, Grayville, IL
62844 (108)
lection. Especially need first and second charters. largest prices
paid. Jasper Payne, Box 3093, Knoxville, TN 37917. (113)
WANTED: WAUSEON, OHIO notes #7091. Also interested
in other northwestern Ohio notes. Lowell Yoder, Box 100,
Holland, OH 43528 (110)
EASTMAN COLLEGE CURRENCY wanted. Also obsoletes
with vignettes of Declaration signing, Washington's crossing,
Drummer Boy, five Presidents. Price and describe. Robert W.
Ross 111, P.O. Box 765, Wilmington, DE 19899 (108)
WANT JENNY LIND items. Also coal and lumber company
material. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach,
Southport, NC 28461 (108)
FLORIDA NATIONALS WANTED, large and small size on
any bank. Especially want Gainesville 3894 signed McKinstry
as cashier, and large size Ocala 10578. Shayne MacMahon,
Box 13282, Gainesville, FL 32604 (112)
MINNESOTA LARGE AND small wanted. Particularly need
Osakis #6837, all Mankato banks, others. Please describe and
price. Patrick Flynn, 122 Shadywood Ave., Mankato, MN
56001 (113)
stocks, bonds, postcards, etc. Please describe and price. Max
Stucky, P.O. Box 7768, Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (114)
BUYING SERIAL NUMBERS 00000001, 11111111, 22222222,
33333333, 44444444, 55555555, 66666666, 77777777, 88888888,
99999999. Please describe and price. Also interested in other
low or special S/N's. ANA, SPMC, PMCM. Graeme Ton, 203
47th St ., Gulfport, MS 39501. (111)
WANTED: GERMAN NOTGELD, collections, accumula-
tions, dealers' stocks. No Austrian. Frank P. Fritchle, 1163
Pomegranate Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94087. (117)
BUYING AND SELLING Nationals and Type notes. A free
price list is available upon request. Paying $125 or more for
any small size note from the Palo Alto National Bank, Palo
Alto, CA (Ch. #13212) grading V.G. or better. William Litt,
P.O. Box 4770, Stanford, CA 94305 (112)
WANTED: VOLUME 1 of Affleck's Obsolete Paper Money
of Virginia; McKee's Nebraska book; 7/76 issue of Bank Note
Reporter; banking and currency histories of Connecticut, In-
diana, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Da-
kota, Vermont. Joseph J. Adamski, 2507 Almar, Jenison, MI
49428 (108
tionals. Small or large, any condition. Send photocopy, note
or description and asking price. Larry Feuer, 22 Beechwood
Blvd., Port Chester, NY 10573 (phone 914-937-0937) (111)
The Society Of Paper Money Collectors 1211 N. Dupont HIchwav Doaer, DP 19901
Barbara Mueller
225 S. Fischer Avenue, Jefferson, ail 53549
Dover Litho Printing Co.
1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE 19901
7 OWNER (I t owned by
'Er7;7;r11=1b '7::
2580 2305
2238 1897
C TOTAL PAIS CIRCULATION ;Sum of IOU; bud 10, 2238 1897
2259 1918
321 382
2580 2300
I certify that the statements made by
me above are correct and complete
/2, ,q
See insrrereion. reverse)2.°
lieguYed by 39 VS,
10/7/83a 0 3 I I 1 6 2
1211 0. Dupont Highway, Dover, Delaware 19901
Dover Litho Printing, 1211 N. Dupont Hwy., Dover, Delaware 19901
nunalsal , n
Dover Litho Printing Co.
1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, CE 19901
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Page 293
WANTED: CU $1.00 FRN with serial #05041981 or 09221978.
James E. Lund, Route 7, Box 726, Alexandria, MN 56308
ent $19.95. 100 different unissued $22.95. 100 different used
without pictures $24.95. 50 different with 50 different pictures
$34.95. 1 to 100,000 wanted. Hollins, Box 112-P, Springfield,
VA 22150 (112)
MILACA, MINNESOTA (#9050): Need Nationals, checks,
postcards, etc. for my collection. Any type, any condition.
Also Princeton, Foley, and Mora notes wanted. Please send
photocopy (or descriptions) with price. Thanks! Shawn
Hewitt, 609 S.E. 36th St., Cape Coral, FL 33904 (108)
STAR CHANGEOVER PAIR: $1 1981 New York regular/
mule or mule/regular consecutively numbered CU pair $6,
both pairs $10. Trade, too. David Klein, P.O. Box 120, Fair-
field, CT 06430 (108)
WANTED: VOLUMES 1-3 Paper Money. I collect Nebraska
obsoletes. Nationals, post cards, railroad schedules, and
books. Please send copies and prices. A.A. Armstrong, Jr.,
211 W. 39, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (110)
I AM ACTIVELY buying Rhode Island colonial, obsolete,
and scrip for my personal collection. Please describe and price.
All conditions considered. Roland Rivet, Box 242, Ashton, RI
02864-0242 (108)
gren #7750, Dongola #10086, Equality #6978, Fairfield #5009
& 6609, Johnston City #7458, Jonesboro #12373, Mounds City
#7443, New Douglas #13696, New Haven #8053, Omaha
#10291, Ullin #8180. C.E. Hilliard, 201 E. Cherry, Win-
chester, IL 62694 (112)
describe. William H. Serocky, 11181 W. 33rd St., Zion, IL
60099 (112)
Joy ald R , 014011172C212
P.O. Box 10791. RENO. NV 89510-0791
LM ANA-1066 1131'4S-1593 PMC M -1109 SPMC-3386
Buying? Send 40c stamps for list of
Nationals; over 500 different notes.
Selling? It will be to your advantage to
contact us if you have Nationals to sell.
Curtis Iverson, Phone 712-365-4514
Golby Uhlir, Phone 402-494-5353
Siouxland Coin & Currency Co.
P.O. Box 1221
Sioux City, Iowa 51102
Page 294
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Now Featuring
Military Payment Certificates
And Error Notes
New! Updated!
Standard Catalog of
United States
Paper Money
Third Edition
By Chester L. Krause
and Robert F. Lemke
204 Pages • $14.50 Postpaid (No
Price Increase!)
Featuring . . . listings for all small size types and
varieties . . . revised National Bank Listings by
type, according to signature combinations...
alphabetical listings, by city, for over 13,000
National Banks . . . a detailed presentation of
Postage Stamp Envelopes, Fractional Currency
and Encased Postage Stamps . . . new sections for
U.S. Military Payment Certificates and error
notes . . . plus new grade heads of Fine, XF and
Current market values throughout.
With over 525 photos and listings
for over 3,500 currency items!
Available at your local coin shop.
Or order directly from the publisher.
Home Of Superior Hobby Periodicals And Books
krause publications
700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990
Michael R. Storeim
180 E. Hampden, Suite 214
Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 761-3301
P.O. Box 931, Media PA 19063 Call Anytime 'til 11:00 P.M.
215.565-1110 or 215-566-5981
Aside from National Bank Notes I deal
only in Choice and Gem quality material.
Choose from the highest quality inventory
in the business.
Extensive travel to over 30 major shows a
year allows me to present a wide array of
scarce and rare Nationals, lots of large size
notes and the largest selection of small size
available anywhere.
I am actively servicing the want lists of
many collectors and may be able to find
notes that you need. I also offer a 30-day
return privilege and a no-cost layaway
While I'm not the cheapest, price is often a
function of quality. I also stand behind
every note I sell with a guarantee of your
satisfaction or your money back.
Write or call for a free copy of my latest price list.
$5.00 1902 Annville National Bank of PA E2384 Highest Rarity 6, clear pen signatures, VG-F only
$5.00 1902 First National Bank of Cicero, Illinois M11662, only $730.00 out, bright natural VF-XF
$10.00 1902 D.B. American National Bank Greensboro, N.C. S10112 somewhat soiled, completely original, VG
$10.00 1902 Clifton Forge National Bank of VA 9177, bright XF-AU, show display quality
$20.00 1902 American National Bank of Mt. Carmel, Illinois 5782, Rarity 5, natural VF-XF
$5.00 Annville, PA 2384, bright natural VF
$10.00 Bridgeport, PA 8329, Rarity 5, mild rev. stain XF, sold as VF
$20.00 II. Schuylkill Haven, PA 5216, Rarity 5, CU
$10.00 Ennis, Texas 7331. Serial #E001991A
$20.00 Dallas, Texas 3623, CU
$20.00 First National Bank Orange, Texas 4118, CH VF
$20.00 Mullica Hill, N.J. 6728, natural VF
Alex Perakis Coins and Currency
A Name You Will Hear A Lot About
$ 55.00
$ 65.00
$ 55.00
$ 95.00
$ 95.00
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 295
Nobody pays more
than Huntoon for
State and Territorial Nationals
P.O. Box 3681, Laramie. WY 82071
Back Issues of PAPER MONEY Available
The following back issues of PAPER MONEY are now available at $2.00 each from
R.J. BALBATON, SPMC Book Sales Dept.
116 Fisher St.
No. Attleboro, MA 02760
1975-#55, 56, 58, 60
1976-#64/65 (combined)
1968-#25, 26, 27, 28 1977-#67, 69, 71
1969-#31, 32 1978-#78
1970-#35 1979-#80, 81, 82, 83, 84
1971-#38, 39, 40 1980-#85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
1972-#41, 42, 43, 44 1981-#92, 93, 95, 96
1973-#46 1982-#97, 98, 101, 102
1974-#52, 53 1983-#103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
#### An index to "Paper Money" Volumes 1-10, 1962-1971
Please do not send funds with your order. You will be invoiced for those issues
which can be supplied at the time your order is received. This procedure will avoid
the necessity of making refunds. Remember, Do Not Send Funds With Your Order!
This opportunity to obtain the wealth of information contained in these issues
may not last long, as some are in limited supply.
Page 296
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Discovered in
where they
sat since
Colorful early 1900s artwork
1 set of 50—$17.50 10 sets $75.00 wholesale
Treasure Cove, Inc.
Box 2214 Valdosta, GA 31602
1 LEi;
We are seriously interested in acquiring large
size and scarcer small size United States paper
money. We are interested in single items as well
as extensive collections. We are especially in
need of national bank notes and we also buy
foreign paper money. If you have a collection
which includes both paper money and coins, it
may prove in your best financial interest to
obtain a separate bid from us on your paper
money as we deal exclusively and full time in
paper money. We will fly to purchase if your
holdings warrant.
We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper
money, both large size, small size and
fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking.
Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933
P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302
Phone (602) 445-2930
Member of: ANA, PMCM
Will pay $5.00 each for the first photo or Xerox of the
following unreported Rhode Island notes:
1929 II
ff II
1150 Ashaway II $10,$20.
1284 West Warwick II $5.,$20.
1492 Newport I $100.
1492 II $5.
1396 Providence Any series Any note
E. Greenwich
fl If
1554 Wakefield
Any R I First Charter $50. or $100.
Any R I Brownback $50.
Interested in buying or trading for 1929 R.I. notes in VF
or better except #948, 1007, 1302 and 13901.
Some Notes for the Advanced & Discriminating Collector
Complete block set: 1928A Silver Certificates all 35 notes. Includes fancy
numbers, with P99999999A. Choice to Gem. Price on request.
$20 1934-A Hawaii back check 204, L86439110A. AU +, only one other
AU known, no CU's. $700.
$5 USN 1928-D mule G60457380A. Back check 637. Fine, low observation
& rare. $1200.
$1 Silver Cert. 1928-A P99999999A choice CU $750 (only four "old back"
solid nines in known collections.)
• $5 FRN Hawaii 1934 star L00129922* back check 650. This non-mule is
very rare in pristine Gem; 2 other CUs known. Lowest observation. Price
on request.
$1 S.C. 1935 H00000073A and Mule 1935 N00000073A, Gem, nice repre-
sentative pair $375.
$1 S.C. I935-D •82413774B(W), *82413775B(N) Gem wide to narrow
changeover star pair $450.
All notes satisfaction guaranteed or full return.
Box 745 Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 297
*U. S. Obsoletes
•U. S. Large & Small Size Type Notes
•U. S. Large & Small
National Bank Notes
Shoppers Village, Route 1, Kennebunk, Maine 04043
(207) 985-7431
P.O. Box 752
San Anselmo, CA 94960
Telephone: (415) 453-9750
Send For Free Price Lists
P.O. BOX 537
L3T 2C0
Bi-Monthly Retail • Wholesale Lists
P. O. Box 200
Columbia, Connecticut 06237
Page 298
Paper Money Whole No. 108
(Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, rirafts
Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada,
Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico,
Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian,
Jefferson Territories!
Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded.
Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom
seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental;
CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West-
ern rarities for advantageous trade.
?Val t ENT•Yil , •
Harry wants to buy
Currency Errors
Also Interested in Buying
Nationals .. . Large and Small size
Uncut Sheets
Red Seals
Type Notes
Unusual Serial numbers
PO Box 30369
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Paper Money Whole No. 108 Page 299
Your Steadfast
Hobby Guardian
The travel was time-consuming. Room and board was expensive.
And corporate benefits were intangible. Yet, when Chet Krause and
Numismatic News were asked to testify at the Olympic coinage
hearings, they jumped at the chance to represent your hobby
Before the smoke cleared, Chet and company testified on three
separate occasions.
numismatic newsto Weekly Collecting Guide Featuring CON MARKET
Iola, WI 54990
There, ready and willing
to take a stand when our
hobby welfare is on the line.
From the James M. Wade Collection
1928-A $1 #Y00000008B, Z00000008B,
1928-B $1 #X00000008B. Crisp New $695.00
SIMILAR SET (3) Notes end in 10B.
Equally as Rare. Crisp New
1935-A $1 RED "S". Scarce Experimental.
Crisp New. A few left. Bargain
1928-C $1 Silver Certificate. FR-1603.
Worn Soiled, Creases = Good only
SIMILAR-but trifle better
Another-FINE, light creases
1928-D $1 Silver Certificate, FR-1604.
Ex. Fine. Light crease
Crisp AU
Crisp New. Limit One 169.50
I928-E $1 Silver Certificate. FR-1605.
Worn, Badly Soiled = About Good
Very Good. Creases 169.50
FINE, light creases 249.50
1963-A $1 Federal Reserve Scarce -BB" Block. Lists $50.00.
Superb Cr. New $34.95
SIMILAR. Superb Cr. new pack (100). Total lists $5,000.00.
A real Investor/Dealer bargain special
The Complete Series: 1963, 1963-A, 1963-B, 1969, 1969-A,
1969-B, 1969-C, 1969-D, 1974, 1977, 1977-A, 1981. All 12 Sets
(135). Superb crisp new w/last two serial numbers matchine
SIMILAR. Serial numbers don't match
The Complete Series: 1963 thru 1977-A (119) 1981 not yet
available. All 11 sets are superb crisp new w/last two serial
numbers matching $309.50
SIMILAR. Serial numbers don't match 269.50
P.O. Box 11005 Omaha. Nebraska 68111
The last two serial numbers match on all twelve districts. Superb
Cr. New $34.95
SIMILAR SET (12). The serial numbers do not match. 30.95
1976 $2 STAR SET
Superb crisp new. Complete set 112) $89.50
1957-B $1 Silver Certificate. The serial numbers start with U37 &
49.50 U47. Crisp new. $59.50
69.50 1977-A $5 Federal Reserve. The serial numbers start with L44 &
89.50 L45. Crisp new. Very scarce. Sorry, limit one 79.50
1861 $100.00 Type 36. The Famous "Lucy H. Pickens" note.
Crisp new. GEM $28.95
1864 $5 $10-520 Cr. New (BUY all three $21.95) Each
BEBEE'S 1956 Sales Catalogue of the Great JAMES M. WADE
COLLECTION tN prices hard to believe! Yours for only (post-
paid) $5.00
Tr3.. BEBEE's-Leading Paper Money
Specialists Since 1941.
ANA Life # 110, ANS, PNG, SPMC
S?iit 4is , inc .
Page 300
Paper Money Whole No. 108
Our currency auctions were
the first to use the Sealed
Mail Bid System, which gives
you, the bidder and ultimate
buyer, the utmost chance to
buy a note at a price you
want to pay with no one
looking over your shoulder.
As a seller, this method
gives you the opportunity
to get the full market
price without the "in"
dealers short-circuiting the
bidding, as so often is
seen at public auction
Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S.
Currency to the collecting
fraternity for over 20 years:
drneal •••••7A
Nit-limn- Oakes Auctions inc.
WITH 20 sales behind us, and just starting our September-June Auction year, we
invite you to participate:
As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% down to 10% without a buyer's
charge, lot charge, or photo charge.
As a buyer: Subscribe to our next year's sales and receive the catalogs,
prices realized, price lists, and if you have purchased a "National Catalog" we will
send the update, all postage paid for $10.00. Send Today!
If you haven't yet purchased a copy of THE STANDARD CATALOG OF NATIONAL
BANKNOTES by Hickman-Oakes, we will mail an autographed copy (if wished) with
update supplement when available for $75.00 (about $12.00 per pound). Send to:
Hickman - Oakes
Auctions ,Inc.
Drawer 1456 Alla Citj Iowa 52240 319-338-1144
(512) 226-2311
You know that it
pays to look closely
when collecting. It
does when you are
thinking of selling,
too. Since you
collected with such
care, we know you
want to be equally as
careful when selling. At
Medlar's, we take pride in
the fact that we've been
buying and selling currency
for over 25 years. So, we
feel we must be doing
something right for our
many friends and
Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN
Texas Currency, Obsoletes and
Nationals, Western States Obso-
letes and Nationals, U.S. and
Foreign Coins. We will travel to you
to examine your holdings, Profes-
sional Appraisals, or as Expert
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- Paper Money- Vol. LIV, No. 6- Whole No. 300- November/December 2015
- Paper Money- Vol. LV, No. 6- Whole No. 306- November/December 2016
- Paper Money- Vol. LVI, No. 6- Whole No. 312- November/December 2017
- Paper Money- Vol LVII, No. 6- Whole No. 318- November/December 2018