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Table of Contents
100 plus 100 equals 200
We celebrate the 100th issue of PAPER MONEY and
the 200th anniversary of The Bank of North America
with a special article by Gene Hessler.
Selections From The Leading Stock of U.S. Currency
$1 1865-75 59.50 175.00 395.00 895.00
$2 1865-75 150.00 450.0 895.00 2,350.00
$5 1865-75 69.50 175.00 495.00 995.00
$10 1865-75 89.50 250.00 595.00 1,795.00
$20 1865-75 175.00 595.00 1,595.00 Ask
$50 1865-75 1,500.00 3,500.00 Ask
$100 1865-75 2,950.00 5,500.00 ?
$5 1882 BB 27.50 55.00 145.00 425.00
$10 1882 BB 37.50 75.00 225.00 565.00
$20 1882 BB 50.00 100.00 295.00 675.00
$50 1882 BB 149.00 325.00 1,500.00
$100 1882 BB 275.00 550.00 2,500.00
$5 1882 DB 28.50 75.00 225.00 695.00
$10 1882 DB 38.50 125.00 350.00 825.00
$20 1882 DB 50.00 149.00 425.00 895.00
$50 1882 DB 199.00 395.00 1,950.00 Ask
$100 1882 DB 289.00 695.00 2,975.00 ?
$5 1882 VB 45.00 275.00 595.00 1,350.00
$10 1882 VB 60.00 325.00 625.00 1,450.00
$20 1882 VB 65.00 375.00 850.00 1,785.00
$5 1902 RED 35.00 59.00 225.00 445.00
$10 1902 RED 45.00 95.00 295.00 675.00
$20 1902 RED 75.00 149.00 375.00 850.00
$50 1902 RED 450.00 850.00 ?
$100 1902 RED 599.00 995.00 ?
$5 1902 DB 16.50 19.50 59.50 179.00
$10 1902 DB 24.50 29.50 69.50 210.00
$20 1902 DB 37.50 47.50 79.50 245.00
$50 1902 DB 150.00 225.00 750.00 ?
$100 1902 DB 225.00 325.00 995.00 ?
$5 1902 ND 15.00 19.00 47.50 174.00
$10 1902 ND 24.00 29.00 59.50 199.00
$20 1902 ND 36.50 46.50 75.00 229.00
$50 1902 ND 125.00 199.00 699.00 ?
$100 1902 ND 225.00 335.00 1,095.00 ?
$5 1929 T-1 9.75 10.95 22.50 37.50
$10 1929 T-1 17.95 19.95 24.50 49.50
$20 1929 T-1 26.95 28.95 37.50 64.50
$50 1929 T-1 62.50 65.00 75.00 89.50
$100 1929 T-1 115.00 119.50 129.50 149.50
$5 1929 T-2 9.95 11.25 23.50 39.50
$10 1929 T-2 18.25 20.50 25.50 57.50
$20 1929 T-2 26.95 28.95 37.50 67.50
$50 1929 T-2 65.00 67.50 79.50 99.50
$100 1929 T-2 117.50 122.50 139.50 159.50
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Paper Money
Page 149
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XXI N o. 4 Whole No. 100 JUL/AUG 1982
ISSN 0031 - 1162
225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 414-674-5239
Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to
the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and
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MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for
editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of
publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.)
Gene Hessler
M. Owen Warns and Robert Cohen
Ronald L. Horstman
Martin T. Gengerke and Gene Hessler
Charles G. Colver
Fred Zinkann 169
Robert H. Lloyd
Roman L. Latimer
Forrest W. Daniel
Mike Carter 159
Ray Miller
VNIIM11.1•011111 s
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521
Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036
Robert Azpiazu, Jr., P. 0. Box 1433, Hialeah, FL 33011
Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave.,
Jefferson, WI 53549
Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521
Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036
Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139
Larry Adams, A. R. Beaudreau, Charles Colver, Michael
Crabb, Jr., Martin Delger, Roger H. Durand, C. John
Ferreri, William Horton, Peter Huntoon, Richard Jones,
Robert Medlar, Dean Oakes, Stephen Taylor, Steven
Whitfield, Harry Wigington.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was
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Page 150 Whole No. 100
Paper Money Page 151
Courtesy, New York Public Library
The Bank of North America
and the
200th Anniversary of the
Bank of North America
In 1789, President George Washington first offered
the position of Secretary of the Treasury to Robert
Morris, who declined and recommended Alexander
Hamilton. The younger Hamilton had great respect for
Morris and had corresponded with him on the subject of
a national bank. The accomplishments and
contributions of Morris emphasize the patriotism he
harbored for his adopted country. In the mid-19th
century Robert Morris was honored by having his
image placed on three types of Federal banknotes.
Today one is all but impossible to locate, another is
collectible but expensive, and the third is an unique
essay available to no one.
Robert Morris was born in Liverpool, England and
came to the United States about 1746 where he was soon
in the employ of Charles Willing, a Philadelphia
merchant. Morris was a prime example of what we
would later call a typical Horatio Alger success story; he
rose from janitor and office boy to a partner in the firm
with Thomas Willing, son of Charles. "Thomas Willing
was calm, deliberate, cautious; Robert Morris,
enthusiastic, optimistic, audaciously enterprising, and
resourceful. The former was the brake; the latter, the
ignition in their car of progress."'
The enterprising Morris soon gained the affection
and respect of the citizens of Philadelphia. He was a
connoisseur of food and wine, a most eligible bachelor
who received more social invitations than he could
Page 152 Whole No. 100
A portrait of Robert Morris as seen on the $1,000 United
States Notes of 1862 and 1863.
accept. On 2 March 1769, he relinquished single status
and married Mary White in Christ Church. Two days
after his marriage the Stamp Act of 1765 was repealed.
Morris led the revolt against this unjust act and was
embraced by almost everyone.
In 1775, the charismatic merchant from Philadelphia
was sent as a delegate to the Continental Congress. He
was reelected in 1777 and again in 17'/8. During the
earlier year he served on the committee to choose the
design for the U. S. flag. His colleagues demonstrated
their respect by offering Morris the Presidency of the
Congress. The delegate who accepted the position has
become legendary for his bold signature.
In December 1776, when the Highlanders and the
Hessian mercenaries were approaching Philadelphia,
Congress fled to Baltimore, leaving Morris to take sole
responsibility for the direction of Congressional
business in the city of brotherly love. Before the office
was officially created, Robert Morris was acting as
Secretary of the Treasury out of necessity.
Soon after the departure of the Congress, General
Washington sent a message to Morris expressing a
desperate need for $50,000. There was no money in the
Treasury, but the resourceful Morris found the needed
amount. He went to see his friend Abel James who lived
in the Quaker section of the city. The wealthy Quaker
loaned the money because he knew Morris was a man of
integrity. This display of patriotism by Mr. James
should certainly be applauded.
The Congress realized in 1781 that there was great
need to invest responsibility for all finances in a single
office. The holder would be called Superintendent of
Finance, and without a dissenting vote Robert Morris
was elected on 20 February 1781.
Thomas Paine, among others, criticized the practice
of allowing those holding public office to continue to
engage in private commercial enterprise. Morris did not
resign from his partnership with Thomas Willing;
however, he appointed an agent. In a letter to Congress
in defense of criticism he said, "The United States may
command everything I have, except my integrity, and
the loss of that would effectually disable me from
serving them more." 2 This came from the man who
voted against the Declaration of Independence because
he thought it premature. He willingly signed the
document, however, and thus confirmed his love for and
devotion to his adopted country.
Robert Morris had two obsessions, viz., the
establishment of a national bank and of a Federal mint.
He lived to see both. To the astonishment of Morris,
Congress approved his proposal for a national bank but
this was not enough. The Treasury was empty again,
little specie was in circulation, and many of those who
had pledged subscriptions reneged on their promises.
Morris was determined to see the bank become a
success. Through the perseverence of Benjamin
Franklin, Morris was provided with $254,000 in specie
from France. Franklin was able to coax money from the
French Treasury as he earlier coaxed lightning from the
atmosphere. The ship La Resolue, which was
transporting the money, landed at Boston because of a
storm. It was up to Superintendent of Finance Morris to
bring the money through enemy lines to Philadelphia.
In late summer of 1781, Tench Francis, Thomas
Willing's brother-in-law, and Samuel Nicholas, Major
of the Marines, were asked to pay a visit to the Morris
home. A plan for transport of the monies worked out in
minutest detail by Morris was presented to the two
trusted friends. The plan could only be accomplished if
Francis and Nicholas would be fortunate enough to
arrive secretly in Boston.
To eliminate some of the weight, a portion of the coins
was to be invested in sound bills of exchange. Twenty
boxes, each to contain up to 1000 ecus and other crown
size coins, were to be packed in oak chests. "Each should
next be set upon the axle and tongue of an ox cart, from
which the body had been removed."' Iron straps would
secure the chests. Nicholas and Francis were instructed
to engage "the services of honest and sober teamsters,"
and arm each. From the time they left in early
September until the weary oxen pulled the creaking
wagons into Philadelphia, Robert Morris must have
spent many sleepless nights since no news could be sent
from the expedition which had to remain completely
On 31 December 1781, the Bank of North America was
incorporated. The $254,00 114 brought from Boston was
included in the $400,000 capital divided into 1,000
shares of $400 each. The bank "was permitted to issue
bank notes in accordance with a Plan previously
submitted to Congress on May 17, 1781 and approved by
Congress on May 26, 1781. These bank notes were to be
i°c td,.'tFf Di nv,6;
Compaqy of
th-Arnericaprkfill,, c'
y to the Bearer, on. E
nd, One Ninetieth
A uglist 6,
57. rf i\rrIndy,
i:::Zrp-act!+:4 ,++ +
raper money
accepted in all payments due to the Unites States and
the States themselves." 5
A note for 1/90th of a dollar from the Bank of North
America, with the name of Tench Francis, first cashier.
When this note circulated the Spanish milled dollar was
exchangable at 7 shillings 6 pence, or 90 pence.
(Courtesy of Eric P. Newman)
Robert Morris saw his first dream realized on 7
January 1782, when the Bank of North America, the
first banks in the modern sense on the continent of
North America, opened its doors for business. Thomas
Willing was appointed the first president and
trustworthy Tench Francis the first cashier.
Understandably some customers were skeptical;
therefore, Morris devised the following scheme to
convey a visual sense of security. Behind the cashier's
cage was a moving belt one end of which terminated in
the vault. The cashier would always make certain on its
numerous trips to and from the vault that plenty of
silver coins made the inward journey. The new bank
was a great success. To Benjamin Franklin, one of the
stockholders, Morris wrote, "The bank will be a pillar of
American credit... It will exist in spite of calumny,
operate in spite of opposition and do good in spite of
On 21 February 1782, Congress received a report
which included plans for the establishment of a mint
and Morris's second dream moved a step closer to
reality. However, it was not until 3 March 1791 that
Congress passed a resolution to establish a mint and it
was 1793 when the first official coins were struck.
Ingenious as Robert Morris was, he should be thankful
that Secretary or the Treasury Alexanaer Hamilton
stepped in to urge the acceptance of the decimal system
of coinage proposed in 1784 by Thomas Jefferson.
Morris had submitted in 1782 a complicated system
based on a unit of 1/1440 of a dollar which was
calculated to correspond without fractions to all the
different valuations of the Spanish milled dollar by the
various states. The following year Morris submitted
another plan based on a quarter grain of silver with
1000 of these units to be known as the Mark, 500 the
Quint and 100 the Bit. This, too, was too complicated for
Congress and finally in 1792 a bill was passed which
specified that United States money should be in units of
dollars, dismes (tenths of a dollar), cents (hundredths of
a dollar) and milles (thousandths of a dollar).
The surrender of Cornwallis on 23 October 1781 ended
hostilities but Morris knew that the struggle of the
Page 153
fledgling country was not over. With few contributions
coming in, the treasury's funds became dangerously
low. The Superintendent of Finance pleaded but few
listened. Morris then did the unthinkable; he issued his
own banknotes, ultimately about 1 1/2 million dollars
worth. "Long Bobs" or "Short Bobs" as they were
called, depending on the amount, were readily accepted
because of Morris' highly respected signature on each
as the issuer.
On 1 November 1784, Morris resigned his position as
Superintendent of Finance and returned to business
with Thomas Willing, where he increased the success of
earlier years. Part of his success was due to his dispatch
of a trade ship to China with the objective of
importation of exotic wares from that land; it was one of
the earliest such ventures. Another was his early vision
of the potential westward expansion of the new nation.
In 1785, he began an intensive commitment to land
speculation and ultimately owned over eight million
acres in Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia and New York. In 1795,
with James Greenleaf and John Nicholson, he formed
the North American Land Company. Nicholson had
resigned the office of Comptroller General of the United
States in 1794 to venture into this land speculation.
The providence which had seemed to watch over and
guide Morris in these years of success took leave soon
after he formed the Land Company. "The financial
stringency which began in 1795 and the defeat of the
Federalists in Pennsylvania in 1796 brought confusion
into the affairs of the land speculators." Morris had
overextended himself with loans for more land
acquisitions. The time came when the bank which he
helped to establish initiated legal action against him to
recover its loans and won a judgement. His carefully
built commercial empire came to an end on 14 February
1798, when he catalogued his few possessions and stood
ready to accept his sentence. However, the sheriff
allowed him to remain one more night in his home. The
following day Morris was token to debtor's prison and
early in 1800 he was followea by his partner Jonn
Nicholson. Among those to visit Morris in prison was
General George Washington.
On 4 April 1800. the Bankruptcy Law was passed, and
one year later Morris was released at the age of 66. On 8
May 1806, he died in a humble dwelling on 12th Street.
One of the few possessions was a gold head for a cane, a
gift from John Hancock, which went to his son Thomas.
Robert Morris was buried in the family vault shared
with William White behind Christ Church in
One hundred years after the establishment of the
Bank of North America, perhaps as a tribute, the image
of Robert Morris was selected to occupy the $5 national
bank circulating note of 1873. This series, which was
intended to replace the original first charter notes, was
never issued. The portrait of Morris is probably the work
of engraver Charles Burt. The only example of this
essay can be found at the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing. Earlier his image had appeared on the $1,000
United States notes of 1862 and 1863. Only four notes
No. Countersigned by Payable at
578 W. G. White
New York
579 J. C. Hopper
New York
580 T. Hillhouse New York
581 T. Hillhouse New York
582 R. M. Anthony
San Francisco
583 A. U. Wyman
Washington, D.
583a A. U. Wyman Washington, D.
(All bear autographed countersignatures
Notes Issued Known
3,400 2
C. 4,000
C. 182,000
except Nos. 581 and 583a)
Page 1:54
Whole No. 100
A "Long Bob" for $20 with the signature of issuer Robert Morris.
(Courtesy of Eric P. Newman)
are known for this design out of a total of 155,928
Best known, however, are the silver certificates of
1878 with red seals and signatures of Scofield-Gilfillan,
the $10 denomination of which bears the likeness of
Robert Morris as engraved by Charles Schlecht, and the
1880 notes of the same design but with brown seals. On
the latter a slight design alteration was made, viz., an
"X" was added to the face below a larger seal. The
following tabulation lists these silver certificates which
are identified by their numbers from the author's
Comprehensive Catalog of U. S. Paper Money:
Series of 1880
584 T. Hillhouse New York
384,000 7
585 A. U. Wyman Washington, D.C. 196,000. Unkn.
Signatures Seal
586 Scofield-Gilfillan Brown 2,772,000
587 Bruce-Gilfillan Brown 1,832,000
588 Bruce-Gilfillan Brown 3,102,000
589 Bruce-Wyman Red
*The "X" was deleted from the face of No. 589.
Numbers 586 - 588, although not common, are
collectible; however, as one might guess, they are
relatively expensive even in lower grades of condition.
For those who wish to own a banknote with Morris's
portrait there is a way around the problem of rarity and
expense. For face value one can obtain a $2 bill of the
1976 series with the engraving of John Trumbull's The
Signing of the Declaration of Independence. Most of the
signers can be found in this engraving including Robert
Morris. He is the one in what appears to be a white coat
seated on the left immediately in front of the door. The
unavailability or rarity of the other notes which bear a
portrait of Robert Morris do little to help perpetuate the
memory of this patriot.
A check written on the Bank of New York by Morris two years before he died.
Page 155
Paper Money
Silver certificate for $10 with Charles Schlecht's engraving of Robert Morris (H586).
The Gilbert Stuart portrait of Robert Morris
1.Young, Eleanor, Forgotten Patriot Robert Morris, The Mac-
millan Co., New York, 1950, p. 12.
2. Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. XIII, p. 221.
3. Young, p. 120.
4. "The bill of lading for this specie, put on board La Resolue at
Brest, the receipt given for it by Governor John Hancock of
Massachusetts in Boston, and the receipt given for it by
Tench Francis in Philadelphia for Robert Morris, Superin-
tendent General of Finances, are displayed in Carpenters'
Hall, Philadelphia." Hammond, Bray, Bank and Politics
in America, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New
Jersey, 1957, p. 50.
5. Newman, Eric P., The Early Paper Money of America, Wes-
tern Publishing Company, Inc., Racine, Wisc., 1976, p. 311.
6.The Bank of Montreal was established in 1817. Mexico began
its modern banking system in 1864 with the founding of
the Banco de Londres y Mexico. Four additional American
banks predate the Bank of the United State: ,
Chartered Opened Bank Place
1791* 1784 Bank of New York New York
1784 1784 Massachusetts Boston
1790 1791 Bank of Maryland Baltimore
1791 1791 Providence Bank Providence, R. I.
1791 1791 Bank of the U. S. Philadelphia
*Incorporated after it opened. Hammond, p. 50.
7. Young, p. 122.
8. Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. XIII, p. 505.
Additional Source
Appletons' Cyclopaedia of American Biography, D.
Appleton and Company, New York, 1888.
Page 156 Whole No. 100
$ $
$s$$ Hawaiian Banking in 1915
$ $$
$ $
$ $
$ and $
$ $
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
(Concluded from PAPER MONEY No. 97, Page 18)
The events of 1916-1969 that resulted
in the demise of the six original
Hawaiian territorial National Banks
Many changes occurred that affected all six of the
territorial National Banks in the Hawaiian Islands
after the souvenir section of the Honolulu Star Bulletin
appeared in 1915 as a salute to the long-awaited opening
of the Panama Canal. (See part I of this article.) That
souvenir also stressed the financial backgrounds of the
five then-existing National Banks. (The sixth and last
National Bank in Hawaii was The Army National
Bank of Schofield Barracks on Oahu, chartered 11050 in
August 1918, three years after publication of the
souvenir. Its history is detailed at the conclusion of this
The most significant of the changes was the frequent
revision of the title of Charter 5550, The First National
Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu. These changes are listed
below. Charter 5550 ceased to function as a National
Bank in 1969 when it became a state chartered bank
under its present title, The First Bank of Hawaii.
The Five Titles of the Originally Chartered 5550 Bank
(1) The First National Bank of Hawaii
at Honolulu - 1890 to 1929
(2) The Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu
Hawaii - 1929 to 1933
(3) The Bishop National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu
Hawaii - 1933 to 1960
(4) The First National Bank of Hawaii - 1960 to 1969
(5) The First Bank of Hawaii - 1969 to
(Italics added to emphasize the changes in titles.)
First Third Charter Notes Issued
July 25, 1920
The circulating notes issued by the First National
Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu, Hawaii during its first 30
years in the banking business were confined to all three
types of the Second Charter period — brown backs,
green date backs and green value backs. Not until July
25, 1920 were Third Charter plain blue seals issued
bearing the signatures of William S. Elliot, Secretary of
the Treasury, and John Burke, Treasurer of the United
States. The dollar amounts and the serial numbers of
the Third Charter notes issued are:
5-5-5-5 plate = $1,193,380 worth; serials 1 - 5966S
10-10-10-20 plate = 1,193,380 worth; serials 1 - 50990
50-50-50-100 plate = 90,000 worth; serials 1 - 360
Charter 5550 Notable Notes
Letter "P" Versus No Letter "13"
On early shipments of large size notes to Charter 5550
appears the block letter "P" indicating the note came from a
Pacific area National Bank. Notes of other state areas were
designated by letters as follows: "E" for Eastern, "M" for
Midwest, "N" for Northern, "S" for Southern an0 "W" for
Western. For a complete listing of these states, refer to
"Geographical Letters on National Bank Notes" by Charles G.
Colver in Paper Money number 49, page 29. The area letters
served as an aid to the sorters of incoming National Bank
Notes in the Redemption Department of the Comptroller's
Office to facilitate crediting the proper banks and their
bonding accounts. In later years' shipments of large size
National Bank Notes the area letters had been deleted, an
example of which is the $10 note illustrated here.
Third Charter Notes Introduces Dual Purpose Numbering
The National Bank Notes issued from December 31, 1863
through August 25, 1925 carried the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing serial number in the upper right corner (except for
some issues of the $1 and $2). A numbering change was
implemented by the Bureau on August 25, 1925. resulting in
duplicating the bank's tally number found in the lower lett
corner of the note. That became the note serial number as well,
one number serving both purposes!
Paper Money
The Three Types of 1929-1935 Notes
Issued by Charter 5550
Friedberg #1804, $100, Type I
Issued Under Second Title
July 6, 1929
5-5-5-5-5-5 plate = $1,645,920;serials - 1 to 54864
10-10-10-10-10-10 plate = 1,861,800;serials - 1 to 31030
50-50-50-50-50-50 plate = 1,963,200;serials - 1 to 6544
100-100-100-100-100-100- Plate 1,376,400;serials - 1 to 2294
total amount issued - $6,847,320
Friedberg #1801, $10 Type II with second title,
5-5-5-5-5-5 plate = $458,040; serials 1 - 91608
10-10-10-10-10-10 plate = 366,720; serials 1 - 36672
total amount issued - $824,760
Type II
Friedberg #1800 with third bank title,
Page 157
(In the third bank title, the word "AT" replaced "OF".)
Issued Under Third Bank Title
April 3, 1933
5-5-5-5-5-5 plate = $451,070; serials 1 - 90214
10-10-10-10-10-10 plate = 562,690; serials 1 - 56269
50-50-50-50-50-50 plate = 116,150; serials 1 - 2323
100-100-100-100-100400 plate = 68,200; serials 1 - 682
total amount issued - $1,198,110
For 27 years Charter 5550 conducted its business
under the April 3, 1933 Title, The Bishop National Bank
of Hawaii at Honolulu Hawaii. It was retitled on April
15, 1960 as The First National Bank of Hawaii, thus
omitting "Honolulu" from its title after 70 years! While
Charter 5550 was retained by the newly titled bank, no
circulating notes were issued under the title or Charter
number. The limitation for issuing circulating notes
had become effective 25 years prior.
The Establishment of The Bishop First
National Bank of Honolulu Hawaii
Highly respected in world wide banking circles was
The House of Bishop of Honolulu whose date of origin
went back to 1858, some 32 years before The First
National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu had been granted
Charter 5550. Its start in the banking business was
attributed to the whaling industry that flourished in the
Islands at the time; it was their leading source of
income. In later years, during the mid-1880's came the
progressive development of the sugar cane, coffee and
pineapple plantations with the accompanying
commercial trade. These significant factors contributed
greatly to the House of Bishop becoming a prestigious
and well diversified banking institution in the
attainment of recognition and prosperity for the
The House of Bishop was the most trusted and
influential banking firm in the Hawaiian Islands, its
reputation having become widespread in the financial
markets throughout the world. It had the capability of
issuing letters of credit in all the principal cities abroad.
The bank also enjoyed a large domestic and foreign bills
of exchange business as well. It had become the official
agent in the Islands for the American Express
The Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu that
emerged from the July 6, 1929 consolidation eventually
came up with six branch banks:
ISLAND OF HAWAII - (2) Hilo and Kealakeku
ISLAND OF MAUI - (1) Lahaina
ISLAND OF OAHU - (2) Schofield Barracks and Waialua
The Forgotten National Bank on the
Island of Oahu
The Army National Bank of Schofield Barracks
This was one of a handful of military National Banks
to be chartered as such and was established in August,
1918, as Charter 11050. As a military bank it served as a
convenience for the five thousand Army personnel
Page 158 Whole No. 100
permanently stationed at the Barracks as supervisors
and training instructors required in the processing
operations of an estimated half million troops passing
through for further assignment during World War I. It
served as a United States Depository, handling the
financial affairs for the various military installations
throughout the Islands. Because the business
operations of the Army National Bank were of a
confined nature, it became isolated from the routines
usually found in conventional banks and was not too
well known among collectors of National Bank Notes
since it did not issue circulating notes.
With the close of World War I, the Barracks reverted to
a greatly reduced status, with The Army National Bank
of Schofield Barracks, being swallowed up in a three-
way, July 6, 1929 consolidation with The First National
Bank of Hawaii and the banking firm of The House of
Bishop. The new consolidation of the three banks took
on the title of The Bishop First National Bank of
Honolulu, Hawaii and retained the original Charter
5550 granted to The First National Bank of Hawaii at
Major General John McAlester Schofield,
U. S. Army
The Schofield Barracks was named for the
distinguished Civil War General John Schofield, a
noted leader highly regarded for his actions in several
campaigns during the War between the States, the most
noteworthy of which was leading "The Army of the
Ohio" through Georgia during the siege of Atlanta.
General Schofield was born at Gerry, Chatauqua
County, N. Y. in 1831; he died in 1906. The General
succeeded Edwin M. Stanton as Secretary of the War
Department in 1868. (Stanton served under Presidents
Lincoln, (1863-1865) and Johnson, (1865-1868) in that
The Final Disposition of the Four National
Banks on the Island of Maui
Between 1917 and 1921
Three of the Maui National Banks — Charter 5994,
The First National Bank of Wailuku; Charter 8101, The
Lahaina National Bank of Lahaina; and Charter 10451,
The First National Bank of Paia — were owned and
operated by a corporate group headed by C. H. Cooke,
president, and C. F. Lufkin cashier and manager of all
three banks simultaneously. The banks had been
established for the convenience of workers in the sugar
cane fields and in the mills that processed the cane, also
for the workers engaged in cultivating the profitable
coffee and pineapple plantations. In passing it is
interesting to note that for some unknown reason all
three of these banks were liquidated on May 1, 1917. The
last bank to survive on the Island of Maui was the
privately owned Baldwin National Bank of Kahului,
Charter 8207, with Henry P. Baldwin the president. It
was liquidated on January 3, 1921.
Notes from the four Maui National Banks are
excessively rare; this is proved by the scant three notes
from the four banks that have surfaced -
charter bank title notes surfaced
5994 The First National Bank of Wailuku, none
8101 The Lahaina National Bank of Lahaina, 1 ($20.)
8207 The Baldwin National Bank of
2 ($5 and $10)
10451 The First National Bank of Paia, none
the total number of Maui Nationals known - 3 specimens!
The odds of seeing a note from Charter 5994, Wailuku,
or Charter 10451, Paia, are indeed quite remote.
Collectors of National Bank Notes will be pleased to
learn that specimen notes and sheets of the four Maui
National Banks can be seen on pages 32 to 35 in Peter
Huntoon's Territorial research work published by the
Society of Paper Money Collectors in 1980. Included are
specimens of single $5, $10, and $20 notes of the Second
Charter Period from Charter 5994, Wailuku, as well as a
4-subject sheet layout of 10-10-10-20 Third Charter notes
from Charter 10451, Paia.
The Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Official Records from the War Department, Washington, D.
SPMC - The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935, by M.
Owen Warns, Peter Huntoon, Louis Van Belkum.
SPMC - The Territorial Note Issues, by Peter Huntoon.
National Banks of the 1863-1935 Note Issuing Period, by
Louis Van Belkum.
The 1915 Hawaii Special Souvenir Industrial Section of the
Honolulu Star Bulletin, courtesy of Bob Cohen.
110 210******************
Third Annual Greater New York
Currency & Coin Convention
The American Israel Numismatic Association will sponsor
the upcoming Currency & Coin Convention at the New York
Sheraton Hotel, 7th Avenue and 56th Street, New York City,
September 9-12, 1982.
NASCA has been awarded the convention auction. Security
will be by John C. Mandel Security Bureau.
An expanded educational forum will be held Saturday,
September 11, 1982. Speakers will be Sidney L. Olson on
scripophily and Anthony Swiatek on U. S. silver and gold
commemorative coins 1892-1954.
The convention will feature a bourse of over 100 dealers
specializing in paper money, scripophily, coins and medals,
tokens and all numismatics. Exhibits will be both competitive
and non-competitive with participation open to all. The Sidney
L. Olson exhibit on scripophily will be on display depicting a
collection of commercial instruments including items such as
Palestine and Israel banknotes, financial documents, etc.
General Chairman for this event will be Moe Weinschel. The
Bourse Chairman is Jack Garfield and the Exhibit Chairman
is Julius Turoff. For information, please contact Moe
Weinschel, at the A.I.A.A. office at P. 0. Box 2570, Tamarac,
Florida, 33320. Telephone: 305/726-0333.
Icolcic******-40**01410 010****
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Paper Money Page 159
Fisk Mills' Postal
Currency Envelope
The Patent Office tag
In 1869, Fisk Mills of Washington, D. C. had an
ingenious idea — why not make an envelope out of a
postage stamp? An envelope out of a postage stamp, you
say? This may seem ridiculous upon first reading, but
you will see as you read on that actually it was quite an
Mills believed that if the government would produce
an envelope on whose entire front was printed the
design of a postage stamp it would save considerable
labor and cost to the Post Office Department and would
be more convenient to the general public. The savings to
the Post Office would be accomplished by the self-
cancelling of the "stamp" or "envelope" when it was
addressed across the design, thus eliminating the need
for the time-consuming job of hand-cancelling each
stamped envelope. This would in turn eliminate the
need for machinery to cancel stamps. Another savings
to the Post Office would come from the elimination of
reuse of stamps that were improperly cancelled.
Mills went on to say that businesses could purchase
the envelopes and use them as small change in their
establishments which would promote their use and
result in cheaper postal rates and faster service when
the envelopes became popular. This usage as small
change would also reduce the need for so much
fractional currency, which would save additional
money for the government.
Mills appropriately named his invention the "Cancel-
Abolishing Return-Postage-Stamp Envelope". Why
this idea was never put into use is not known, but we can
see from the letter from the official of the Post Office
Department dated January 30, 1869, that it was highly
regarded. The idea was patented and submitted but
there is no information thereafter on what happened to
the idea or Fisk Mills, for that matter. The photographs
herein are of the original patent model, the only known
example in existence.
Transcript of the Letters Patent
United States Patent Office.
Letters Patent No. 91,473, dated June 15, 1869.
The Schedule referred to in these Letters Patent and
making part of the same.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Fisk Mills, of the city and county of
Washington, in the District of Columbia, have invented certain
new, useful, and valuable improvements relating to the postal
service of the United States of America, and which I
denominate "Cancel-Abolishing Return-Postal-Stamp
The original patent model. The fancy overall design is
in red on a greenish wood background. The obverse ink
letters conform to lettered descriptions in the patent
application. Printed on paper cut and folded into a 75 x
138 mm envelope.
Page 160
Whole No. 100
9,4V, free
4/i/ Glong2;rol#
_lira gal. /5::141...b,?.er40
Pages from the "Notice of Patents" containing Mills'
description of the "Postal-Currency Envelope" and
Envelope," or "Postal Currency," and which is for use by the
Post Office Department, and which may also be used as "postal
currency" in the country; and I do hereby declare that the
following is a full, clear, and exact description of the same,
reference being hereby had to the accompanying drawings,
and to the letters of reference marked thereon, making a part of
these specifications.
The accompanying drawings show and represent, or
illustrate, one of my said "cancel-abolishing return-postage-
stamp or envelope-currency," which may be used as currency
and for the prepayment of postage upon a letter to the amount
of three cents, having and containing suitable lines and
ornamentations printed upon the entire surface or face of the
The main purpose or object of my said invention and
improvements, is to produce a postage-stamp of sufficient size
and form, and with suitable design or ornamentation. They
may be folded into an envelope to receive any letter, then sealed
therein, addressed, and posted, and which shall be cancelled at
the time, and by the means of the address or superscription, or
by other and necessary writing upon the same, when so folded,
substantially as shown at a a a of the accompanying drawings.
The denomination or value of such postage-stamp or postal-
envelope currency, is indicated by tne numeral or figure 3,
printed upon and across the said superscription-lines a a a, as
shown at b of the said drawings, and at the same time the
following words are printed upon such postal-envelope
currency, at some convenient and suitable place, to wit, "three
cents," and such words will, in all cases, correspond with the
sum, amount, or value represented by the figure or numeral
printed thereon.
At or near the upper left-hand corner, I arrange the directions
necessary to or for a return of the said postal-currency envelope
or envelope postage-stamp, with the contents therein, to the
person writing the same, or to any other person or persons
whose name or names shall have been written thereupon. The
business-card of the person using such postal-currency
envelope or envelope postage-stamp, may be printed thereon in
any suitable or desirable form, while just below the same, may
be the portrait of the Postmaster General, or of any other
person, design, or thing deemed best so to represent, or instead
thereof there may be any other suitable design there to serve as
a "vignette' on such envelope-currency.
The return directions aforesaid named, and also said
business-card or business-advertisement will be so printed
thereon at c and d and such portrait or likeness and "vignette,"
will be so printed thereon at e of the accompanying drawings.
Upon the right-hand side or end of such "postal-envelope
currency" or "envelope postage-stamp," I arrange the figure or
numeral 3, in or within a star-shaped or other style or form of
design, substantially as shown at f of the said drawings.
Above the said design f, and above the said superscription or
address-lines a a a, I arrange and print the title or style of the
envelope or currency, substantially as shown at g of the same
drawings. Any other and suitable designs, forms, or figures, or
1) .n
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e' • • e el. • ;•;:, c
e • /..! • •C./..:e es.• •
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Paper Money
words necessary in order to successfully carry out my said
invention and improvements, may be used and printed, or
otherwise impressed thereupon, which, when done, shall be
substantially the same as my "postal-envelope currency," or
"envelope postage-stamp."
I make my said postal-envelope currency or envelope
postage-stamp, in size large enough to admit of being folded so
as to form the envelope of any desirable or any suitable size or
style for use in the reception of printed or written letters for
transportation in and through the mails. I print upon all that
part or surfacing forming the front of the said postal-envelope
currency or envelope postage-stamp, when folded into the
required form of an envelope, ready for use or for the reception
of the letter to be transmitted therein as aforesaid, the design,
letters, words, figures, lines, and form shown in and by the
accompanying drawings, or substantially the same, whereby
to carry out in a successful manner the object and purpose of
my said invention and improvements, aforesaid described and
set forth, and as contained in the accompanying drawings.
The said "postal-envelope currency" or "envelope postage-
stamp," thus constructed, may be of any size or denomination
required, and the same will serve the double purpose of a stamp
for the payment of postage on letters, circulars, &c., and an
envelope, and therefore the same has been named and styled as
herein-before set forth.
The said postal-envelope currency or envelope postage-
stamp, will be cut into the required form or shape for folding,
and thereafter the aforesaid described design or engraving
shown by the accompanying drawings, and containing my
said invention and improvements, will be printed or otherwise
The letter to Mills from the Third Assistant
Postmaster General, praising his idea.
Page 161
impressed thereupon, when the same will be folded into the
- form and size of an envelope in some suitable manner, and by
any suitable and convenient means, and then the respective
parts of the same will be gummed and fixed ready for use in the
postal service.
The advantages of such postal-envelope currency or
envelope postage-stamp, are many. Writing the address or
superscription upon the same, serves for the full, perfect, and
permanent cancellation, and thus and thereby prevents fraud
upon the postal revenue by a second or re-use of postage-
stamps. This address or superscription is so put upon such
envelope-currency or envelope postage-stamp, before the letter
is posted, and the postmaster, when the same is thus posted,
has only to inspect the same, to see the address or
superscription aforesaid, and is thereafter saved the time,
labor, and expense of cancelling the postage-stamp by some
instrument now used for that purpose upon all other kinds of
postage-stamps, whether the same be permanently upon such
envelope, or affixed thereto, and such as now in use by the Post
Office Department in this country. Business-men may
purchase my said "postal-envelope currency" or "envelope
postage-stamp," of the Postmaster General, and keep the same
on hand for use as change in the transaction of their business,
which is not only a great convenience to them, but it would
have great influence in increasing the use of such envelopes by
those doing business in and through the mails, which would be
a very desirable thing on the part of the Post Office
Department, and it would also serve as a great means in
lessening and cheapening the postage upon letters and all
matter where the same may be used.
If the person using my said postal-envelope currency or
envelope postage-stamp for transmitting of letters or other
matter in the mails, shall not wish or desire the return of the
same, then such person may omit to write or print such request
for return, upon said envelope, or in place of such request, such
person may write or print the following words, to wit, "not
returned," as the case may be.
My said postage-stamp or currency may be of any size
required by the Postmaster General.
_When letters are desired to be returned, the_postmark upon
said envelope will serve to show or indicate the post office to
which such letter is to be so returned.
There may be, if deemed best, some suitable design printed
upon the back side or upon the flaps of my said envelope
postage-stamp or postal-envelope currency; but it is not
essential in order to successfully carry out the object and
purposes of my said invention and improvement, which also
will serve to guard against and prevent counterfeiting upon the
postal service, as well as serve to prevent all attempts at fraud
upon the postal revenue by a second or re-use of the postage-
stamp. The postage-stamp being the envelope, and the
envelope being the postage-stamp, the cancellation of the same
must be certain, complete, and permanent, in the manner and
by the means substantially as herein described and set forth.
Having thus described my said invention and
What I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is-
1.a postage-stamp-envelope currency constructed, arranged,
and combined in the manner and for the purposes
substantially as herein described and set forth.
2. Also, a postage-stamp folded into an envelope of the
requisite size to receive letters for mailing and having the
postage-stamp so printed, and impressed, and arranged
thereon, that it shall be cancelled in the manner and by the
means substantially as herein described and set forth.
Page 162
In testimony whereof, I have, on this 2d day of June, 1869,
hereto set my hand, in the presence of two witnesses, to wit-
F. W. Dow,
C. M. Swany.
Transcript of the P.O.D. Letter
Finance Office
Jan. 30, 1869
Fisk Mills, Esq.
Your idea of preparing a letter envelope with a postage stamp
in such form that the address must necessarily cancel the
stamp, is, in my opinion, a very good one. If such envelopes are
Whole No. 100
authorized by law to be furnished at the cost of the stamp, they
will be generally used, and save a great amount of labor in Post
Offices, and also afford protection against fraud. I think the
cost of the envelopes to the Department would be more than
compensated by the saving of labor in Post Offices—to say
nothing of a possible increase of revenue to be expected from
the virtual reduction of postage.
Very respectfully,
A.N. Zeuely
Third Asst. PM General
Editor's Note:
The reader is referred to the article "Postal Currency
Envelope" by M. R. Friedberg which appeared in Paper Money
No. 85, page 29. In it Mr. Friedberg approaches the subject from
the philatelic viewpoint, basing his observations on a listing of
the envelope in the Thorp-Bartels Catalogue of United States
Stamp Envelopes and consultation with a well-known
authority on postal stationery, William Maisel.
This is one 01 the National Bank notes issued in the Second Charter Period. July 12. 1882 to April 11.
1902, all in Series 1882. National Bank Notes were authorized by the National Currency Act signed by
President Abraham Lincoln on February 25. 1863. and were one of seven different types of paper currency in
circulation during and atter the Civil War
"Brown Backs: as this note is referred to. were placed in circulation from 1882 until 1908 Bank charter
numbers were printed in green ink on the backs within the geometric design. National Bank titles and state
locations were printed on the lace of each note In various forms and types
wHOPE OR IN P00 4 0,00,01 POSTALL 5,0411.5 01 410105R SPOLTRIT4P S THE UNITIOST•IPS
BEP Memphis '82 Souvenir Card
The second souvenir card of the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing's 1982 program commemorated the International
Paper Money Show in Memphis, Tennessee.
The card features an engraving of one of the National Bank
Notes issued in the Second Charter Period, July 12, 1882 to
April 11, 1902, in the 1882 series. These notes were authorized
by the National Currency Act signed by President Abraham
Lincoln on February 25, 1862, and were one of seven different
types of paper currency in circulation during and after the Civil
War. The card is printed on a combination of the one-plate
monocolor intaglio press and the two-color offset press.
Cards are priced at $4.00 each at the BEP Visitor Center. The
cost through the mail is $5.00 per card with a 504 per card
discount for bulk orders of 10 or more.
In addition, a limited number of special Post Office machine-
cancelled cards with the 200 Flag stamp affixed will be
available for mail at $5.50 each, and mail orders will be filled
until such stock is exhausted. As with uncancelled souvenir
cards, any bulk mail order of 10 cards or more will be sold at a
50¢ discount per card. The card will then remain on sale for 90
days or until all supplies are exhausted, whichever comes
Requests should be made on letter-size sheets, including
purchaser's name, address, and zip code. This information
should appear on both the order and the transmittal envelope.
Mail orders accompanied by a remittance of $5.00 in the form
of a check or money order payable to the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing (BEP) should be addressed to MEMPHIS '82,
WASHINGTON, D. C. 20228. Customers are requested not to
send cash with their orders and to allow 90 days from issue date
for delivery.
Paper Money Page 163
Elisha Kent Kane.
The Story Behind an Obsolete
Note Vignette
Kane's Arctic Expedition
Elisha Kent Kane, born February 3, 1820 at his family
home in Philadelphia, was a great American hero.
Though he passed away at the young age of 37, the
respect in which he was held by the American people
was shown at his death when the largest funeral
procession ever assembled prior to that of Abraham
Lincoln took place. Among his many accomplishments
as a physician, naval officer and Mexican War hero,
Kane was best known as an explorer and pioneer in the
charting of the Arctic region.
The center vignette on the $5.00 Bank of the State of
Missouri circulating note illustrates Dr. Kane's Arctic
expedition. The bank's president, Robert A. Barnes, is
on the lower right corner. The Missouri legislation
incorporating this bank in 1837 prohibited the issuance
Page 164
Whole No. 100
The 144-ton schooner "Advance", Kane's ship.
of notes of less than a $10.00 denomination, but by the
General Banking Act of March 2, 1857 this was
changed, allowing notes of $5.00 denomination to be
issued. From its inception the Bank of the State of
Missouri had been the only banking institution allowed
to operate in Misssouri, but by the same 1857 Act the
chartering of seven additional banks was authorized.
The state was also ordered to dispose of its 50% interest
in the shares of the Bank of the State of Missouri. In
1865, this bank was converted into a national bank
(Charter No. 1665), and on June 23, 1877 it was closed by
the bank examiners for incompetent management.
James B. Eads was a director of this bank and at his
urging it invested heavily in the steel bridge under
construction across the Mississippi River at St. Louis.
While "Eads Bridge" was an architectural and
engineering wonder, it was a financial disaster for the
Kane's expedition into the Arctic region was brought
about by the disappearance of the 60-year-old British
explorer, Sir John Franklin, who on May 26, 1845, sailed
with 129 men in two vessels, the Erebus and the Terros.
His aim was to discover a northern sea route from the
Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. Three years after the last
sighting of Franklin's ships near the coast of
Greenland, the British admiralty ordered a search. On
April 4, 1850, Franklin's wife, Lady Franklin, wrote to
President Zachary Taylor asking him to request
American whalers in the Arctic region to search for her
husband and to assist in any other way possible.
President Taylor responded that United States help
would be limited as this country had no ships suited for
Arctic ice work. Appeals for government assistance also
came from merchants and ship owners. Henry Grinell, a
wealthy New York merchant, offered to purchase, refit
and strengthen two search ships if the government
would provide the officers and crews. The United States
Senate was sharply divided over governmental
involvement in this matter, and only after long and
bitter debate was a bill finally passed authorizing the
government to furnish the crews.
Lieutenant Edwin J. De Haven was chosen to lead the
United States expedition with the 144-ton schooner
Advance and the 91-ton schooner Rescue. On May 22,
1850, this party, with Elisha Kane as physician, set sail
from New York. On August 27, 1850, De Haven's
squadron met with three British ships at the mouth of
Wellington Channel and discovered there a camp site
and three graves from the Franklin expedition, but no
indication of the whereabouts of the remainder of the
party. The two American vessels continued north where
they became icebound for the winter but returned home
the following spring with no additional information.
On May 31, 1853, a second expedition set sail from
New York in the schooner Advance with Kane in
command. In August of 1853, they discovered the
northernmost human inhabitants in the world, the
Smiths South Eskimos. This expedition reached
Humboldt Glacier, finding a bridge of ice from
Greenland to the continent and an open sea beyond
which appeared to be the passage for which Sir John
Franklin was searching. After pushing on, the Advance
became icebound and was extensively damaged in the
winter of of 1854-55. The crew was forced to break up
their ship for fuel and the following spring abandoned
the search, heading for home via an overland route.
After almost two years with no word about the Kane
party, his family persuaded Congress to authorize
another search.
On May 31, 1855, the 327 - ton clipper Release and
the 558-ton propeller steamer Arctic sailed from New
York in search of Kane and his crew. This search group
met with the Eskimos at Smiths Sound and found
evidence from the Kane expedition. The Kane group
was finally located at Godhawn Harbour in Greenland
Paper Money
Page 165
Bank of the State of Missouri note with center vignette depicting a scene from Kane's Arctic expedition.
Close-up of the Arctic vignette.
and were transported back to the United States. Kane
was acclaimed a national hero despite his inability to
complete the original mission of locating Sir John
Franklin and his party. Front his notes Kane write
Arctic Explorations, which furthered his image as a
great American.
Elisha Kent Kane traveled the country for several
years lecturing on his expedition and the scientific
material it had obtained. On February 16, 1857, Kane
cuffered a stroke and died shortly thereafter in Havana.
His body was returned to the United States where he
was accorded a state funeral from Independence Hall.
The skeleton of Sir John Franklin was finally found
in 1859 on King Williams Island, and the remains of his
crew continued to be found as late as 1931. It appeared
that after the ice trapped their ships the crew wandered
helplessly over the ice until overtaken by cold and
In August, 1981, Dr. Joseph MacInnis, one of the
world's premier cold water divers, discovered the wreck
of the HMS Breadalbane, a supply ship attached to the
Royal Navy's expedition searching for Sir John
Franklin. The ship sank suddenly 500 miles north of the
Arctic circle in 1853 and appears to be the best preserved
shipwreck ever found in the ocean, thanks to the 29-
degree temperature of the waters of Lancaster Sound,
its grave. It is also believed to be the northernmost
shipwreck ever located.
Doctor Kane of the Arctic Seas,
George W. Corner, Philadelphia, 1972
Arctic Explorations, Elisha Kent Kane,
Philadelphia, 1956
The Life and Numismatic
Collection of Nicolas Marie,
11° Alexandre Vattemare
Page 166
Whole No. 100
(Editor's Note: The following numismatic biography of
Alexandre Vattemare will answer many questions about his
identity raised when the first part of his collection of
unrecorded and unique U. S. proof and specimen notes was sold
in New York by Christie's on April 1-2, 1982. A second portion
will be sold September 17, 1982.)
His Life in General
Witnessing the extraordinary offering last April (and
concluding this September) of specimen or proof
impressions of hitherto unknown United States
Treasury Notes, bonds, etc., it is natural for one to have
some curiosity about the man who formed such a
collection. Unfortunately, Nicolas Marie Alexandre
Vattemare's recorded life gives no hint as to the
remarkable numismatic collection being formed. Born
in Paris, Nov. 8, 1796, Vattemare worked as a student in
a hospital, and in 1814 was sent to Germany with a
group of Prussian prisoners. There he began practicing
ventriloquism, and later appeared as a ventriloquist in
London, 1822. He then presented shows in the U. S. and
Canada, appearing as "Monsieur Alexandre", starting
at the Park Theatre in New York City, Oct. 28, 1839,
returning to Paris in 1841.
During this short stay in America he received the
support of Congress and many influential people for his
idea of a system of international exchanges between
museums and libraries, taking back to Paris with him in
1841 many items for exchange. This system was to
occupy most of the remainder of his life. From 1841 to
1847, he worked on his exchange system in Paris, aided
in this work by his son, Hippolyte, and his son-in-law, C.
Upon his return to the United States in 1847, he
secured an appointment as agent for Congress and
several individual states for the purpose of effecting and
expanding such exchanges. He also promoted the idea
of free libraries and museums, and was instrumental in
the founding of the Boston Public Library and the
American Library in Paris (since lost).
He returned to Paris again in 1850, where his
exchange system flourished for a few years before
Paper Money
Page 167
beginning to decline, though he continued working on it
until his death in Paris in 1864.
The Vattemare Collection Being Sold
by Christie's
In addition to the extensive collection of books,
documents, periodicals, maps, etc., that Vattemare
assembled for international exchange, he also
assembled a large collection of paper money from
colonial times through 1861. Vattemare's considerable
influence in high places is evidenced by his ability to
acquire specimens of United States Treasury Notes,
Demand Notes, Interest Bearing Notes, bonds, etc. at a
time when others (i.e. Laban Heath, Robert Naramore,
etc.) were encountering vehement opposition from
Treasury officials.
It has long been suspected that the specimen
Treasury Notes in the Vattemare collection were not
contemporary with their official original issuance in
1837 and 1847, not only because of the unusual fragile
type of watermarked paper, but because of the presence
of the credit line on some of the notes of the American
Bank Note Company. The American Bank Note
Company could not have been printing specimens in
1847, as it was not formed until 1858, by the
consolidation of the firms of Rawdon, Wright, Hatch &
Edson; Toppan, Carpenter & Co.; Danforth, Perkins &
Co.; Bald, Cousland & Co.; Jocelyn, Draper, Welsh &
Co.; Wellstood, Hay & Whiting; and John E. Gavit.
After consolidation, the operating stock (plates,
transfer rolls, dies, etc) of each firm, including
presumably, the Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson
plates for the early U. S. Treasury Notes, became the
property of the new company.
The question naturally arises as to the actual origin of
these specimens, and can be answered by Vattemare's
own records and correspondence, now housed in the
New York Public Library.
One of the many people Vattemare had gained the
support of was the Honorable John Bigelow, U. S.
Consul-General of Paris, 1861-1865, thereafter U. S.
Minister to France. On behalf of Vattemare, Bigelow
wrote at the end of 1862 to Secretary of the Treasury
Salmon P. Chase, requesting his cooperation in
obtaining specimens of U. S. currency. Exact details of
the request are unknown, as the press-copy of this letter
(and many others) have been irreparably water
damaged. What is known is that Chase did cooperate,
for on January 15, 1863, Vattemare wrote to Chase,
thanking him for the "valuable series of specimens of
the Treasury Notes, Loans, etc., you were kind enough
to grant to the application (sic) made to you through the
Hon. John Bigelow, U. S. Consul, and which has
contributed so powerfully to complete the series of paper
currency from 1708 to 1861 collected by me for public
use." (The emphasis is the authors'.)
Chase, and probably Bigelow, were no doubt unaware
they were helping to assemble the personal collection of
Vattemare, as Vattemare had by this time developed
quite a reputation for his exchange system, and had
acquired and exchanged thousands of books, reports,
pamphlets, etc., involving dozens of agencies of the
United States government, State governments, and
public libraries and museums, to the great satisfaction
of all involved. This does seem to have been the case,
however. Up to this time all books, etc., acquired had
been acknowledged by Vattemare on behalf of his
Society for exchanges. The specimen notes, however,
were acknowledged personally, with no mention of the
Society. Moreover, Vattemare's extensive log of items
received for exchange contains no entry for these notes.
That the notes became part of Vattemare's personal
collection is clear, but no subsequent record of them
exists up to the present. It is interesting to observe,
however, that all of Vattemare's records, letters, etc.,
(but not the currency) were donated to the New York
Public Library in 1892 by none other than the
Honorable John Bigelow, who died in 1911, at the ripe
old age of 94.
While the foregoing throws these_notes into the fuzzy
world of collector "restrikes" so common to the coins of
the period, it does serve to establish their "official"
existence and pedigree. In addition, the importance of
these notes cannot be understated, as many of them are
totally unknown in any other form. Many were totally
redeemed, and most are not even known in "original"
specimen or remainder form. The Vattemare sales
thus provide an invaluable link to an otherwise
forgotten and inaccessible era of our national currency.
Iowa Coin and Paper Money Show
A two-day coin and paper money show will be held at Lake
Okoboji on August 28 and 29, 1982. There will be an open house
and tours given at the Higgins Museum, the largest museum
devoted to the collecting of bank notes in America. Seminars
related to banking and bank note collecting will be held each
day at the museum.
A 27 table bourse area will run both days at the Lodge on
Brooks Golf Course. This is a free show and is sponsored by the
Clarion Coin Club, Clarion, Iowa 50525. For additional
information contact: Don Watts, President, Clarion Coin Club,
216 N. Main, Clarion, Iowa 50525, 515-532-3560.
Argentine Currency—Pre-Falklands
WHEELBARROWS, ANYONE? The Argentine Central
Bank is trying again with a new one-million-peso note. A
design error in an earlier printing cost the state $800,000. The
new note, worth an incredible $88 at the current exchange rate,
was to have been in circulation several months ago, but after 16
million notes had been printed, somebody noticed that a map
on the money showed the coast of Uruguay instead of
Argentina. Argentina, it appears, has become the land of
instant millionaires. Unfortunately, you could never tell it by
their standards of living.
From The Spotlight, Vol. 7, No. 51, Dec. 21, 1981 edition (a
weekly newspaper published in Washington, D. C.) —
submitted by George Brett.
Page 168
Whole No. 100
First Bank Title, July 17, 1884 - Feb. 25, 1886
Brown Back National Bank Notes
An Incredible Pair
It is difficult to believe that the two Winona,
Minnesota $5 brown back type National Bank Notes
described herein exist today. But it is still more
incredible that they presently reside in two neighboring
California note collections. Therein lies a tale.
A few years ago when the two California collectors
were visiting at the Memphis paper money show,
mention was made of a crisp uncirculated Winona $5
brown back, serial #1. The other collector quickly
perked up his ears; he had one too. Must be off the same
sheet, but no, it was recalled they both were plate letter
position "B". Must be some mistake, but let's book into
the matter further.
Scene now shifts to this writer's kitchen table in
Covina, California. At last the two collectors have set up
an evening to compare notes. The coffee pot is steaming
and out come the notes in question. Now, the facts are
evident as some readers have probably guessed by now.
The truth is the Winona bank had made a name change
in 1886 and re-issued the serial #1 sheet of brown backs
with the new title. We possessed a like note with the
different title.
What a rare coincidence that these sister notes should
again come together after all these years in far off
California! Both $5 brown backs, both plate letter "B",
both serial #1, both CU condition, both signed by the
same cashier, but one signed by S. C. Porter as president
and the other signed by his brother as "vice" president.
The National Bank of Winona was founded in 1884
and awarded charter #3224 by the Comptroller of
Currency. With this title it issued only $5 brown back
type notes. The bank name was changed on Feb. 25,
1886 to The First National Bank of Winona. Again it
issued $5 brown backs starting at #1. This time around,
$10 and $20 notes were also issued. The bank then
continued to issue all three third charter period types as
well as both types of the small size 1929 series.
Now the dilemma: Both collectors agree the twins
should be side by side in the same collection. No
question about this? But, neither wants to give up his
prize at any price. Checkmate! Any Solomons out there?
National Bank of Winona
-chartered in 1884
-succeeded #550
-title changed to The First N. B. of Winona on Feb. 25, 1886
-Large Size Circulation
-Second Charter Brown Backs - Old Title
5- 5- 5- 5 plate = $ 46,560 worth; serials
-Second Charter Brown Backs - New Title
5- 5- 5- 5 plate = $174,000 worth; serials
1 - 8700
10-10-10-20 plate = $417,750 worth; serials
1 - 8355
1 - 2328
Numismatic Nostalgia
"The National Bank of Merit" -
Educational Scrip
Papr Money
Page 169
Once, even primary-grade schoolchildren had the
chance to handle National Bank Note stock. Around the'
turn of the century in northern Illinois, grade school
teachers would reward their students' good conduct or
notable scholarship or completed tasks with a scrip of
their own. The National Bank of Merit type shown
held', undoubtedly taught many a child the ways of
., -,ccess and thrift, since such little paper vouchers were
often redeemable in school supplies (pencils, paper,
ink), or the teacher's good will (very important in the
days of the hickory stick), or the praise of parents intent
on teaching their children economic realities. Unlike
orne college scrip, however, the pieces were not good for
any type of tuition and the children more often than not
would collect them merely for collecting's sake. In
parochial schools the equivalent "scrip" was a card
picturing a well-known saint or religious scene. Status
among peers was also determined by how many notes
were received.
But it was not easy to obtain even the Merit stock. A
child had to receive five good marks, or "checks", in the
teacher's grade book to be worthy of the "one share of
stock." And, like the early National Bank Notes
themselves, the scrip had to be signed by the class
"bank president", the teacher. The note, shown here,
unsigned, may have been "issued" illegally or
remaindered! (Those wildcat notes are everywhere!) The
75mm x 46mm Merit note, blue on white, is also ornate
enough to mimic the currency and stock certificates of
the period; indeed it might be mistaken for a clipped
bond premium.
Whether or not the student learned fiscal
responsibility, he or she at least had some tangible
reward for suffering through the three "R's". But even
though this type of note had no higher denominations,
it helped to prove that, with diligence, education does
pay off.
(My thanks to N. D., 88 years old, of Aurora, IL for his
help on the history of grade school economics.)
The blue uniface "share" printed by B. Stradley Si Co., N. Y. Original measures 2% x 13/4
Page 170
Whole No. 100
2 222 22 NM 222 22
Debt Funding
Montana Territory
A Scripophilic Study
(Continued from PAPER MONEY No. 99, Page 104.)
Now that we know what the bonds look like, (see
PAPER MONEY no. 99) we can go on to discussing the
particulars of each series regarding their authorized
amounts, numbers issued, and the denominations that
equalled the actual amounts of issue. Perhaps as a
prelude to this it might be well to view in retrospect
certain events and /or conditions that existed in the
Territory at that time. These, too, related to the
Territory's fiscal and monetary situation and did have a
direct affect on the issuing of bonds.
Detrimental Effects of the Warrants
Initially, the Territory issued warrants, and in some cases
they were covered by revenue but certainly of an inadequate
proportion. The first year saw territorial debt at $85,000, of
which $58,950 was funded with short term warrants. At this
juncture the credit of the Territory and certainly its warrants
were questioned by everyone, including the Territorial
legislators themselves, which is rather ironic since they were
indeed part of the problem. For several years after the first
bond issue the warrants continued to drug the market and at
one time were traded as low as socr on the dollar. There were
three basic reasons for this build up of debt via the warrants: (1)
Washington's failure to forward to the Territory funds due for
legislation expenses and payments due federal officials. The
Territory was without a disbursing officer from 1864 to early
1866 and so in order to meet expenses and pay the salaries of its
officers, it issued warrants. The responsibility for his action is
still unclear even today; some claim that it was the territorial
governor's responsibility to forward vouchers and drafts to
Washington for payment and others say that without a
disbursing officer, which was an appointed position to be filled
by Washington, the governor lacked such authority. (2) Salary
abuses by members of the territorial legislature. These
included voting themselves salary increases, not appropriated
or approved by Washington, up to three times the amount as
prescribed for territorial legislators. (3) A pseudo-Indian War
in 1867 wherein warrants were issued by an acting governor
while the appointed governor was out of the Territory; these
warrants totalled in excess of one million dollars. The
Washington administration granted initial approval oflimited
funds based on the information received by the then acting
governor to combat this Indian uprising but this approved
amount represented only a fraction of what was actually spent
by the acting governor and in the end Washington would
dispute the authenticity of any such Indian War and would
only settle claims amounting to but one-half of the amount of
the issued warrants or approximately a half million dollars.
Politcally as well as financially, conditions in the Territory
were extremely volatile. The Congress of the United States
severely reprimanded it by completely throwing out the laws
and enactments of the second and third legislative assembly
and yet, these same territorial officials would now decide the
economic fate of the Territory. The need for long-term
financing was absolute and almost immediate to avoid a
calamity of catastrophic proportions. Bankruptcy, the
ultimate embarrassment of any government, seemed to be
almost predestined without quick, decisive action. So, from this
short-termed unstructured debt came an overwhelming need
for a definitive long-term debt funding program. The first
territorial bond series issued would be for the redemption of
outstanding warrants and would be issued from enacted
legislation of the Fourth Legislative Assembly.
Methodology of Analysis
In the analysis of the bond issues most of my conclusions are
based on solid fact. In one instance deductive reasoning was
used but it was necessary and for the most part I avoided any
hypothetical conclusions. Documentation consisted primarily
of copies of the original enacted legislated laws, extraordinary
sessions, and special sessions - all regarding the funding of the
indebtedness of the Territory. This also included fiscal
documentation such as annual reports, summary reports, and
in some cases quarterly statements. Counterfoils provided the
necessary catalyst to substantiate the accumulated
documentation which was essential as in most instances it was
not just a particular document but a group of documents that
offered adequate facts to arrive at a conclusion. Some
documentation just did not answer a particular question as in
the case of the 1880 series where it was necessary to acquire
copies of the "Call Notice" published in the Territory to
establish facts of denominations of issue, although I have no
doubts that other records could have provided me this
information earlier on if they could have been located. Initial
Paper Money Page 171
turitrtru n intnfatin,
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Tam, t
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Montana Territory, Madison County, warrant, dated March 31, 1866, for $50. Made out to George
Hynson who ran the Gem Saloon in Virginia City. Courtesy of Charles Kemp.
documentation did not include any counterfoils and although I
had already established reasonable proof as to the dollar
amounts of issue in each series, I could not establish the
denominational breakdown.
The counterfoils became known to me only in March of 1981.
I had reviewed all the information available that related to the
fundings and then in reexamination located a passage that
required a follow-up report that was to be made by the
Treasurer's/Auditor Office in the legislative session that
immediately followed the original enacted legislation of a
funding issue. I attempted to acquire copies of this
documentation more for confirmation than for enlightment. It
was in response to this inquiry that the counterfoils were
located by the Montana State Historical Society. Initially I was
informed that they were receipt books, which they are, but
counterfoils, nevertheless. At this point, with the counterfoils
the checking and cross-checking of facts and figures could be
proven out or balanced out against one another to establish
reasonable and factual conclusions. All known issued bonds
available were then double-checked against the counterfoils
which proved to be accurate. For the most part fiscal reports
seemed to be in order and accurate. I found no errors or
omissions that had not been corrected by footnotes or
readjusted in another accounting period.
One area of concern related to the 1867 issue that was
amended in 1869. Because of political infightings that occurred
at this time over the position of territorial treasurer, the
financial business of the Territory was virtually at a standstill.
This became even more evident to me when I could not acquire
printed copies of the fiscal or year end reports for this time
period. I was obliged to review copies of the original
handwritten ledger sheets for the quarters of March, June,
September, and December, along with a year-end summary
statement dated December 17, 1870. These records were
necessary for review but in the final analysis they were not
factors determining the fundamentals of the issue. Now,
without further comment, let us begin our bond series analysis
starting with the first funded series of 1867.
1867 Bond Issue
The 1867 bond issue was the first bond or funding of the
Territory in the attempt to restructure debt from short- to long-
term financing. It was approved for issue during the fourth
legislative assembly on December 3, 1867. The act provided for
the funding of the debt of the Territory, in particular, to redeem
all outstanding warrants still unpaid as of November 1867. All
bonds show an issue date of June 1, 1868 although the
captioned heading on the bond itself indicates the December 3,
1867 enactment date. Initially authorized to be issued in the
dollar amount of $60,000 or so much thereof as was necessary
to meet with funding requirements, they were to be
denominated in increments of $50 and $100 only and bore
interest at the rate of 15% per annum. They were redeemable at
the pleasure of the Territory after two years and payable in five
years. This bond required the signature of the Secretary of the
Territory and other officials.
With this basic information now given, I want to point out
the facts regarding the date of June 1, 1868 and likewise the
facts concerning the approved authorized amount of $60,000. A
miscalculation by officials regarding this new funding
program occurred in that they simply had not allocated
adequate funding to cover all their outstanding warrants. As I
mentioned earlier, at no time did the Territory repudiate a
funding issue or go over the authorized limits of issue. On
November 30, 1868, during an afternoon session of the Council
and House of Representatives, the Auditor announced that
there were inadequate funds authorized or approved to redeem
the previously issued warrants and that he had already
extended the credit of the Territory by certified bonding in the
amount of $58,761.66. Additional funding would be required to
redeem outstanding warrants due for redemption under the
fourth session of enacted legislation. The amount authorized to
be issued was $60,000 and already $58,761.66 had been issued,
as reflected in the annual report of December 1, 1868. An
amendment or supplement to that of the act of December 3,
1867 was necessary. The problem of inadequate authorized
approved funding created the need for additional approved
debt funding and a supplementary provision enacted during
the fifth legislative assembly, was stated as "An Act
supplementary to an Act to provide for the Funding of the Debt
of Montana Territory, approved December 3, 1867." In
accordance with the provisions of the December 3, 1867 act,
this was approved January 12, 1869, and the Auditor was
authorized to issue sufficient bonds to redeem all territorial
warrants issued prior to November of 1867 (no dollar
limitations were imposed upon the Auditor in his issuing of
these bonds).
Page 172
Now, the initial date of this issue and the authorized
approved dollar amount of $60,000 have been altered. Bonds
will now show a captioned date of January 12, 1869 reflecting
this supplementary date and the $60,000 capitalization has
now become an "open end funding." The date of issue on this
supplementary bond is June 1, 1869 as opposed to the initial
bonds that date June 1, 1868. In other words, it is part of the
same issue in accordance with the legislative act of December
3, 1867. This amended issue will now have no maximum dollar
amount of issue and will now reflect two different captioned
dates and two different dates of issue. These bonds were
physically issued from the date of their enacted legislation up
to the year 1871 and yet still carry the same printed dates of
issue regardless of the actual date of issuance. The
denominated increments and numbered amounts to equal the
actual dollar amount of issue were 89 $50 denominated bonds
and 611 $100 denominated bonds. These figures total exactly
$65,550 which was the total dollar amount actually issued in
this series of 1867. The numbers of each denomination of issue
are supported by counterfoils that are located in the Archival
Records Section of the State of Montana.
Before attempting to establish proof that indeed the
counterfoils do equal the total dollar amount of this funding, it
is necessary to review a portion of the original legislated
enactment of the funding. Located in section number 3 of this
December 3, 1867 legislation is written law as to the method of
redemption for taking up the warrants for which this funding
was initially enacted. Bear in mind that the bond
denominations of issue were in $50 and $100 increments
exclusively. I quote from a copy of the original legislation,
section number 3; "be issued in some multiple of fifty dollars;
and if any amount so held shall be of a sum less than fifty
dollars, or less than any bond of a higher denomination, the
holder shall make up the amount of money so as to equal the
amount of the face of the bond to be issued."
Whole No. 100
In other words, a warrant presented for redemption by the
issuance of a bond in an amount less than $50 would
necessitate the holder to add cash to his warrant to equal the
$50 increment of the bond issue. Likewise, a warrant holder
possessing a warrant due in excess of the amount of $50 would
be required to surrender it and then make up the difference to
equal the incremented amount of the $100 bond. As of
December 1, 1869, a total of $58,850 of the bonds with an issue
date of June 1, 1868 had been issued. As of this same date
$4,750 of the bonds showing an issued date of June 1, 1869 had
been issued. This net figure is exactly $63,600. Outstanding
warrants issued prior to November 1, 1867 that were due and
payable amounted to $1,928.36. The $63,000 amount was
already funded by bonds but this remaining $1,928.36 was still
to be funded. At this point the maximum dollar amount
necessary to provide for the redemption of the warrants would
have been $1,950. By using section number 3 of the legislation
as a guideline and increasing the amount of $1,928.36 to the
next highest $50 increment, we arrive at the figure of $1,950.
Adding this amount of $1,950 to the previously issued bond
amount of $63,600 we arrive at the figure of $65,550 which is the
amount reflected on the counterfoils. In late 1870 records
indicated issuance up to $65,250 of the total issued amount of
When were all the warrants still outstanding as of December
1, 1869 finally redeemed? Records indicate that $50
incremented bonds were issued up to November 17, 1870 and
that $100 incremented bonds were issued up to June 13, 1871.
Of the total amounts of the two denominations of issue, how
many of each denomination of the two individually dated
bonds were in fact issued? I refer to the June 1, 1868 date and
the June 1, 1869 date of issue. We have established the totals of
both by a number count and by a dollar amount but the fact is
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Montana Territory, Madison County, warrant dated June 27, 1867, for $300. Made out to Thomas
Francis Meagher, acting governor of the Territory. A colorful character who had been banished from
Ireland for revolutionary tendencies, Meagher raised and led an Irish brigade during the Civil War
and became a major general. He made many political enemies in Montana and eventually
disappeared from a steamboat at Fort Benton under mysterious circumstances. His body was never
found. Illustration courtesy of Charles Kemp.
Paper Money
that the particular separate numbers of the two dates of issue of
each denomination are not available. The dollar amounts of
each separate date are known accordingly. Bonds dated June
1, 1868 were issued in the amount of $58,850 and bonds dated
June 1, 1869 were issued in the amount of $6,700.
As I stated earlier, these were troubled times in the
Treasurer's Office and herein lies the problem in total
reconciliation of the counterfoils. This time period involves the
years 1870 and 1871, the same period wherein I found it
necessary to use handwritten ledger sheets as opposed to
printed financial statements. For the most part the
counterfoils indicate the dates of enacted legislation of the
supplementary enactment date, the name of the bond holder,
and the number of the bond. The $50 and $100 counterfoils are
separate. During this transitional period or change in
treasurers a disruption occurred in the normal method of
recording the information on the counterfoils.
Basically what occurred relates only to the dates that are
shown on the counterfoils. The issue dates of June 1, 1868 and
June 1, 1869 were used as a method of separating the original
legislation from that of the supplementary enactment and
were it not for problems existing in the Treasurer's Office this
normal procedure most certainly would have continued. This,
however, was not the case, as during this period it now appears
that a lesser official was given the responsibility of issuing the
bonds, for no longer is the continuity of date arrangement
evident. At this point the dates now reflected on the
counterfoils are the dates when the bonds were physically
issued and because of this there is no separation of the bonds
by dates of issue, i.e. separation from the date June 1, 1868 from
that of June 1, 1869. The net result of this is that I can be
exacting in the dollar amount of each respective denomination
but cannot separate these totals by the issue dates as stated on
the bond itself. The total number of individual bonds issued in
this series to equal the actual amount of issue were then 89
bonds denominated at $50 and 611 bonds denominated at $100,
which total the actual aggregate dollar amount of this issue of
1872 Bond Issue
The 1872 bond was issued during the seventh legislative
assembly and became effective on January 9, 1872. The act was
to provide for the funding of outstanding indebtedness of
Montana Territory, and the redemption or refunding of the 15%
bonds approved by legislation in 1867. All bonds are dated
June 1, 1872. They were authorized to be issued in an amount
not to exceed $120,000 or so much thereof as was deemed
necessary. They were authorized to be denominated in
increments of $50, $100, and $500. Bearing interest at the rate
of 12% per annum, they were redeemable at the pleasure of the
Territory after two years and payable in seven years. This
bond required the signature of the Secretary of the Territory
along with other officials. Of the amount authorized to be
issued by law of $120,000, only $104,300 was actually issued.
The number of each denomination issued to equal this funded
amount of $104,300 consisted of 180 bonds denominated at
$500 equalling $90,000 and 141 bonds denominated at $100
equalling $14,100 and lastly, there were but four bonds
denominated at $50 each, totalling $200, which make up the
actual amount of this funded debt of $104,300. Although all of
these bonds contain the same date of issue of June 1, 1872, not
all the bonds were physically issued on that date as can be
expected. The Treasurer's Report commencing on December 1,
1871 and embracing December 31, 1872, reflects in the general
Page 173
summary that only $104,000 had been issued to this date. The
registered liabilities of the Territory as of December 31, 1873
show that these 12% bonds amounted to liabilities of $104,300.
This same amount is still reflected in the fiscal year end report
of December 31, 1874. So it is that $300 of the total issued dollar
amount was issued in the year 1873 even though all the bonds
are dated 1872. Of the authorized amount of $120,000 only
$104,300 was actually issued as documented by Treasurer's
I arrived at my conclusions regarding the numbers of each
denomination issued to equal the total aggregate dollar
amount of issue with counterfoils, a "sample bond", and fiscal
reports. Located in the Archives of the State of Montana and
housed in Records Section Number 27, folders number 21 and
15, are two items that make possible the reconstruction of the
numbers of each bond denomination of issue. The first is a
receipt book or counterfoils covering the issue of the $100
denominated bonds. There are receipts for 141 bonds of the
$100 denomination. Second is a sample $500 bond that has
been signed by all the officials of the territory but is unissued. It
is numbered 182. What we know then initially as fact is that
records support the issuance of exactly 141 bonds denominated
at $100 each and that there exists a bond number 182
denominated at $500 that has been signed by the officials of the
Territory but is unissued as such. In respect to the $50
incremented bonds, it should be brought out that the same
requirement of the first bond issue applied to this second bond
issue relative to the cash plus warrant to equal bond
redemption format and is so stated in the legislation regarding
this funding. The $50 incremented bonds of this issue appear to
have been issued more as a necessary uenomination based on
the first funded bonds than on any basis for capitalization as
but a limited number were issued. Treasurer reports do indicate
principal reductions in this amount but as stated it seems to
have been more out of need than desire.
With all the authorized denominations being issued we can
now attempt to recast the number of bonds issued in
relationship to that of the actual total dollar amount of issue of
$104,300. By taking the dollar amount of issue of $104,300 let's
first subtract the known quantity of $100 bonds of 141, which
equals a dollar amount of $14,100. This is supported by
counterfoilS as stated. By subtracting this amount from the
total dollar issued amount, we have remaining $90,200. Now
for a little deductive reasoning dealing with the $500
incremented bond only: We know as fact that there is a $500
bond number 182 that has been signed by the officials of the
Territory but is unissued. By taking the next lower numbered
bond of this denomination and using it to calculate the
remaining dollar amounts necessary to make up this issue, we
exceed by $300 the total amount of issuance (181 x $500 =
$90,500). Bear in mind that the number of the $100 bonds of
issue is exact and fact as such. By using the number of 180 we
find that this amount equals exactly $90,000 which is the only
number of $500 denominated bonds in relationship to that of
the known 141 bonds of the $100 denomination that will not
exceed the total amount of actual issue. Again, keep in mind
that a sample bond number 182 denominated at $500 is known
to exist and that it has been signed even though it is unissued.
The remaining amount of $200 is based on the $90,000 figure of
180 bonds denominated at $500. This $200 would be composed
of four bonds denominated at $50 each, which would effectively
make up this total series issue.
I believe this information to be exact even though I initially
stated it called for some deductive reasoning based on limited
known facts and/or documentation. The total dollar amount of
actual issue is then made up of 180 bonds denominated at $500
equalling $90,000 and 141 bonds denominated at $100
equalling $14,100 and four bonds denominated at $50
equalling $200, which total exactly $104,300.
Page 174
IY 1 by Peter Huntoon
$20 FRN Back Plate 204
Other Late-Finished Plates
A group of out-of-sequence plates was used to print
early small notes, and the plates are identified in
O'Donnell's catalog as "trial" plates. These are listed in
Table 1 and share one common characteristic. Each has
plate numbers comprised of numerals that measure 4
mm high (macro size) yet the number itself belongs in
the range of plate numbers normally assigned the
earlier 2mm high (micro size) numerals.
O'Donnell speculates that these were "trial" plates
prepared to test the new numeral size. In this scenario,
these plates were the first macro plates made for their
respective denominations and classes.
The Paradox
What always bothered me was that these plates were
used much later than the in-sequence micro plates. In
other words, why didn't $20 "trial" back plate 204 go to
press about the same time as micro plate 205 which was
first used in 1936? Instead, 204 was saved until 1944,
well after $20 macro plates were first used on Feb. 7,
I found the answer to this puzzle in records at the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing last summer. $20
back plate 204 was no "trial" or experimental plate at
It was simply a plate begun in 1936, but never finished
until 1944 (see Table 2). When it was finally completed
in 1944, macro numerals were being used so its assigned
number — 204 — was engraved onto it using the then-
standard 4mm size.
Quite obviously the other plates in Table 1 owe their
origin to the same circumstances. The dates associated
with their printings offer conclusive proof that this was
indeed what happened.
This alternative explanation for their origins does not
detract from their uniqueness or oddity. I believe that
they have great numismatic significance, just a
different tale to tell.
Records for 204
A complete record exists for $20 back plate 204, and it
is reproduced on Table 2. Plate 204 was begun on Dec.
21, 1934 along with plate 205. However, 205 was
finished on Jan. 4, 1935, and went to press between
April 1936 and April 1937, finally being cancelled on
April 27, 1937.
Whole No. 100
$20 back plate 204. The plate was started in 1934,
completed in 1944, and used until 1946. Backs
from this "late finished" plate are matched with
FRN Series of 1934, 34A and 34B faces, including
the 1934A Hawaii's. Photo courtesy of Tom
In contrast you can see from Table 2 that 204 sat
around for some ten years before being finished. It was,
of course, completed as a macro plate with the unusually
low number of 204. It then went to press until it was
finally cancelled on Oct. 3, 1946. Due to the long
beginning to finishing time, it happened to outlive its
twin brother — 205 — by over nine years.
A better term for the so-called "trial" plates is "late-
For those of you unfamiliar with the jargon on Table
2, "reentered" means that the design was repressed into
the plate using a roll in order to sharpen the worn
design. This plate was reentered four times, and after
each reentry it was recertified for use.
Delays between beginning and finishing plates
occurred in several instances. However, the lapse
usually did not overlap the transition from micro to
macro numerals. Consequently, with the exception of
the plates listed in Table 1, the affected plates were
completed with micro numerals and just don't stand
Known 204 Notes
O'Donnell lists known 204 back plate notes in the $20
FRN 1934 mule, 1931A, and 1934A Hawaii varieties.
470 back
307 face
86 face
87 face
204 back
$1 SC block KC
$5 SC 1934A
SC 1934A Yellow Seal
$10 SC 1934A
SC 1934A mule
SC 1934A Yellow Seal
$10 SC 1934A
SC 1934A mule
$20 FRN 1934 mule
FRN 1934A
FRN 1934A Hawaii
FRN 1934B
Table 2. Manufacture and press record for $20 small size
back plate 204 used on 1934, 34A, and 34B
Paper Money
I also show the 1934B as being possible on Table 2.
This is not speculation. A collector showed me one at the
1980 Memphis show: $20 1934B FRN, back plate 204,
face plate I 108, serial B01496889*.
Probably the most common printings available from
this plate are the 1934A Hawaii's.
For those of you who are on your toes, you should have
noticed that the last 204 printings ended in October,
1946, five months after Snyder took office as Secretary.
This hints at the mouth-watering possibility that there
also could be some $20 FRN 1934C 204 back plate notes.
This does not appear to be the case because Bureau
deliveries of $20 1934C notes did not start until Jan. 7,
1947. I doubt very much that 1934C $20 face plates were
being used as early as October 1946, but unfdrtunately I
didn't check those press records to verify this suspicion.
Page 175
right through the introduction of the Series of 1950A 18-
subject plates. Imagine the great mules that it could
have produced if it had been sent to press occasionally!
It had the potential of being the $20 version of $5 back
plates 629 and 637.
In another interesting highlight from these records, I
found that $20 macro back plate 330, begun July 24,
1939 and finished Aug. 4, 1939, was reentered what may
be a record 15 times! It was used from Dec. 29, 1941 until
Aug. 4, 1945. It was finally cancelled Aug. 6, 1945, and
notes from it should rank as common.
Table 1. Late-finished plates used to print small notes.
Number Side
Denomination Useage
A. Abad, Records Management, Bureau of Engraving
and Printing, helped me to obtain the records used to tell
this story. Chuck O'Donnell, by cataloging these
varieties, stimulated my interest in them.
$20 back plate 202 was begun Feb. 3, 1934 and
completed Mar. 9, 1934 as a micro plate. For some
reason it was never used but it was also never cancelled
until July 26, 1955! This plate survived in the plate vault
Late finished $5 SC 1934A face plate 307 used for a
North African printing.
Late finished $10 SC 1934A face plates 86 and 87.
Date Begun: Dec 21, 1934
Date Finished: Mar 18, 1944
Date Cancelled: Oct 3, 1946
Sent to Press
Apr 4, 1944
Jun 24, 1944
Jul 4, 1944
Dec 22, 1944
Mar 8, 1945
May 7, 1945
Aug 20, 1945
Apr 25, 1946
May 28, 1946
Jan 8, 1945
Apr 21, 1945
Sep 21, 1945
May 9, 1946
from Press
Jun 22, 1944
Jul 1, 1944
Sep 29, 1944
Jan 6, 1945
Apr 20, 1945
Aug 14, 1845
Sep 20, 1945
May 8, 1946
Oct 2, 1946
Mar 2, 1945
May 4, 1945
Apr 17, 1946
May 24, 1946
Page 176 Whole No. 100
The table shown here is from a pamphlet entitled
"Currency and Banking, Miscellaneous Commercial
Finance", page 15, issued by the Dominion Bureau of
Statistics, 1940, and taken from the Canada Year Book.
It is a i excellent portrayal of the changes in the note
circulat ,on during those years which witnessed the
chang( in size, as well as the inception, of Bank of
Canada notes which replaced the Dominion notes. The
small-sized bills were issued in 1935, some six years
after the change was made "stateside".
One of the provisions of the Act creating the Bank of
Canada provided that the circulation of chartered bank
notes would gradually be reduced. The growth of the $5
and higher denominations is evidence of the start of this
replacement. The first three columns show the
circulation of dominion notes when the chartered banks
had the monopoly of the 5 and 100 dollar bills. The last
three columns reflect the emissions of the Bank of
Canada, the short - lived 1935 issue in either English or
French, followed in 1937 by the bi - lingual notes.
Several items need further comment. The Dominion
FIVES, never very common for years, were increased
after 1929. This was the release of stored notes of the
popular 1912 design (Railroad Train) as well as those of
1923 (Queen Mary), which were always rather scarce.
They were rapidly replaced with the $5 Bank of Canada
notes in the new small size.
The figures for the 500s increased slightly during the
years of the great Depression, and then shrank as the
1935 $500 was discontinued as a denomination.
The retirement of the "Bank Specials" is shown
clearly in the table. An earlier report in the author's files
from the Department of Finance shows that on October
31, 1925 there were outstanding a total of $22,810,000 in
the $500 denomination. In a little over a year this total
had been reduced by some six million dollars.
The persistent and profitable use of the two dollar
note is also born out by the figures of the table. The
proportion of TWOS to ONES seems to be more or less
constant at roughly one to three. The attitude of
Yankees to the deuce sometimes approaches paranoia.
In this country, the ratio is about one to one hundred.
In the same pamphlet, on page 29, the note circulation
of the chartered banks is reported for 1929, 1935, 1937-8-
9. It shows that all but three banks dropped their
circulation in amounts ranging 40 to 60 percent. Only
one bank, Barclay's, managed to increase their issue by
a small amount.
While this table might be termed "ancient history" by
some readers, we need to keep in mind that we have
many new collectors, and some older members,
becoming interested in Canada Currency. The table
vivdly portrays a decade of change.
Paper Money Page 177
5-Denominations of Dominion or Bank of Canada Notes in Circulation, 1926, 1929, 1932, and 1937-39.
NOTE: - Annual averages of month-end figures. The totals outstanding are not always multiples of the denominations of notes,
because of adjustments made according to scale when parts of mutilated notes are turned in for cancellation.
Denomination. 1926
Provincial 27,624 27,621 27,594 27,581 27,578 27,576
Fractional 1,330,663 1,380,710 1,287,544 1,142,455 1,123,738 1,112,857
$ 1 17,732,100 20,032,308 18,957,935 23,048,042 23,716,228 24,675,157
$ 2 12,925,212 14,609,088 13,346,323 15,662,722 15,900,985 16,292,040
$ 4 33,397 32,138 31,004 29,444 29,334 29,204
Totals 32,048,996 36,081,865 33,650,400 39,910,244 40,797,863 42,136,834
$ 5 626,179 730,101 5,137,627 21,415,392 24,005,936 27,651,343
$ 10 Nil Nil Nil 37,914,727 45,738,944 57,562,141
$ 20 Nil Nil Nil 15,328,494 19,849,718 24,325,035
$ 25 Nil Nil Nil 73,433 63,390 57,654
$ 50 650 650 650 4,588,100 5,591,283 6,991,237
$ 100 Nil Nil Nil 5,813,192 8,056,675 10,518,633
$ 500 1,875,917 1,811,875 2,530,833 1,981,542 1,411,500 967,292
$1,000 3,799,250 4,168,917 6,437,583 14,017,333 15,610,750 14,683,750
Totals 6,301,996 6,711,543 14,106,693 101,132,213 120,328,196 142,757,085
$ 1,000
671,333 407,667 3,500 1,000 1,000 1,000
$ 5,000 16,307,500 7,209,583 8,063,750 10,000 10,000 10,000
$50,000 134,675,000 153,970,834 110,054,167 Nil Nil Nil
Specials 151,653,833 161,588,084 118,121,417 11,000 11,000 11,000
Grand Totals 190,004,825 204,381,492 165,878,510 141,053,457 161,137,059 184,904,919
Page 178 Whole No. 100
New Mexico Territorial National
I Saw an Old Friend Today
When you consider that the New Mexico territory
covers an area of approximately 122,000 square miles,
you can realize that folks usually think a bit before
saddling up a horse, preparing their team and
buckboard, or starting to hike over to visit their friends
in a distant town or settlement. It is a five-day ride from
Santa Fe to Roswell, if the weather is clear, and if one of
numerous possible mishaps do not occur. Albuquerque
is a hard day's ride to the south of the territorial capital
and the same distance to Las Vegas to the east. Thus,
one is always happy to see an old friend who has
traveled extensively in the territory and the "states", no
matter what the circumstances may be.
Excitement filled me today when I saw an "old
friend" while looking over a list of currency that was
prepared by an Eastern dealer for an upcoming mail bid
sale. As I turned the pages of the catalog to see what
specimens might be available, I smiled to myself as I
observed an illustration of a New Mexico territorial
National Bank Note. All that I could think of, as I
retreated to fetch my magnifying glass for a better look,
was that I felt good when I uttered the word "Howdy".
Now, a piece of currency is just another piece of
currency, in many respects. Collectors prize these
pieces, dealers romance them, and my bride spends
them. This item, however, has developed a bit of history
that I would like to relate, so that readers of this bit of
trivia will better understand the excitement that came
my way.
In 1970, I had the honor of preparing an exhibit of
National Currency issued by New Mexico National
Banks to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the
oldest bank in the Southwest, "The First National Bank
of Santa Fe". With splendid cooperation from this
institution and many individuals from around the state,
I assembled an exhibit that contained notes which had
previously resided in safe deposit boxes, old books, and
in dresser drawers for more years than I have spent
looking at sunsets. The exhibit was to be placed in the
main offices of the bank, as well as in its various
branches, for a one - year period. The bank provided
publicity in newspapers throughout New Mexico and
surrounding states regarding the display and related
activities. Soon after the news items first appeared, the
bank was notified by an individual in Albuquerque that
he happened to have one of the National Bank Notes
that was issued by the bank, and that he would be glad
to loan it to the bank, to be part of the currency display.
The type of note and the signatures of bank officials on
it were missing from the collection.
The story of how the owner of the note came to possess
it is an interesting one in itself. It seems the gentleman
had been retired for many years and was a native of
Albuquerque. At the time that our nation was changing
the design of its currency, in 1928, he was delivering
milk in the Albuquerque area for a dairy farm that he
and his family owned and managed. The note was
taken in payment for dairy products at thie time, and
the fellow and his wife decided to put it away for a rainy
day and as a remembrance of the old style currency.
Over the years the note was forgotten until he read of
the First National Bank of Santa Fe celebration and the
currency display.
The note was added to the display and at the end of
the year was returned to the owner. It was suggested
that it might be better if the note was placed in a
collection of these items in order to assure its
preservation. A price was agreed on, and the note
returned to Santa Fe.
The First National Bank of Santa Fe, Territory of New Mexico,
issued National Currency of the second charter period - brown
backs, Series of 1882. This issue was received by the bank in
sheets consisting of three $10 notes and one $20 note. Sheet
numbers were from #1 to #5675.
The note referred to in this article bears the Treasury serial
number A72952A and the bank serial number 2956. It is the
"C" note, or, the third note from the top of the sheet. The grade
of the note is Very Good.
The president's signature that is found on the note is that of
Rufus J. Palen, president of the bank from 1894 to 1916. The
cashier's signature is that of John H. Vaughn, cashier from
1894 to 1910.
Three other documented $10 notes of this type and one $20 exist
from the bank. Guess the others are still resting in a saddle bag
somewhere along the "Santa Fe Trail".
(From SPMC Photo Archives, Joe Kinney, Curator)
Paper Money
About three years later the new custodian of the note
entered into negotiations with Hickman & Oakes to
acquire a much-sought-after specimen of National
Currency that was also issued by The First National
Bank of Santa Fe. A territorial brown back was the key
to the negotiations, and the "old friend" departed for
Several years later, while I attended a Texas
Numismatic Association convention in Houston, a
fellow collector and very good friend from St.
Petersburg, Florida, showed me a collection of National
Currency that was composed of brown backs that were
issued in most of the states and territories. There was
my "old friend", just as I remembered him, residing in
this magnificent collection. The owner of this collection
was selling to another friend of ours, and currency
dealer, from Orlando, Florida.
A year or so later the note appeared on a listing of
notes of another Florida collector. No illustration was
shown of the note, but the vivid description left no doubt
that this was my "old friend". The route the note took
after this would be interesting to follow, as I lost track of
this circulating Amigo until the recent mail bid sale
catalog arrived from Lyn Knight. Knight did inform me
that the note came his way from Maryland.
Page 179
Mr. Knight described the note as having seen its
share of barroom brawls. We know where the note has
been since the year 1929, but if the note could talk, I'm
sure that its circulating experiences between the date of
issue during the territorial period and 1929 would also
be fascinating. The wear is there, with a possible bit of
trail dust. What other routes did the note travel prior to
its being placed in a book in Albuquerque to be saved for
a rainy day? Did it cross the Rio Grande into Mexico, or
into the mining camps of Colorado? How many times
was it used by a cowboy to purchase provisions or to call
a "full house" in a line camp poker game? Was the note a
part of the great bank robbery that took place at the
First National Bank of Belen, New Mexico, where the
desperados fled on horseback? One will never know, but
it is a lot of fun to speculate on just what trail this
specimen has traveled.
Well, "old friend", I have no idea who obtained Lot
#281, Fr. #484, $10 brown back, from The First National
Bank of Santa Fe, Territory of New Mexico. I do know
that you will be cared for and cherished by your new
custodian, who is now probably wondering what stories
you could tell, as he examines your creases and wear. I'll
be on the lookout for you, as it's always nice to hear
about or see an "old friend".
which have been extensively floated all over the Eastern
states. A long campaign against the gang culminated last
week in the arrest of Charles Adamson, who is now in jail at
New Haven, Conn. He is highly educated and is said to be one
of the cleverest men of the kind in America.1611Nillifili
Interesting gleanings
early publicationsOAPIRIF.„..tW.Daniel
Quantities of paper and ink enough to print a million dollars'
worth of bills were found in many hiding places about the city.
There was a printing press and photographers' outfit, together
with many delicate instruments and the coloring materials of
the skilled counterfeiter.
Daily Press and Dakotian
Yankton, Dakota Territory, July 1, 1876
Telegraphic. 4 O'clock, a. m.
New York, June 30. — The U. S. detectives have discovered
the headquarters of a gang of counterfeiters at 53 Wilson street,
Brooklyn; and have arrested Congdon, a notorious
counterfeiter, who was engaged in printing national bank
notes of $5 denomination, of the Castleton bank of N. Y., and
Chas. Con kling who was stamping bills with the U. S. treasury
seal. The house on being searched was found to contain every
facility for manufacturing counterfeit money. In one of the
closets were found plates for printing $5 bills on the Hamden
National bank of Westfield, Mass., Merchants National bank
of New Bedford, Mass., and the National bank of Castleton,
New York. Fifty thousand dollars worth of national bank bills
were drying near one of the windows. The plate from which the
back of the bills was printed was said by one of the arrested
counterfeiters to be in the hands of George White, one of the
finest workmen in the country and he was arrested and taken
to Brooklyn yesterday. The prisoners were taken before Judge
Benedict in the U. S. court. White was indicted and pleaded
guilty and was remanded for sentence and Congdon and
Conkling pleaded not guilty.
Bismarck (N. Dak.) Tribune
December 20, 1904
New York, Dec. 20. — Secret service agents are reported to
have succeeded in locating in this city the materials and
printing presses used in counterfeiting "Indian head" $5 bills,
Adamson was taken to Connecticut for hearing because a
case has already been worked up there in which two of his
alleged pals are under indictment.
Ransom County Gazette
Lisbon, Dakota, July 19, 1888
Counterfeiters at Sea.
The Rapple says that the gang which has lately issued false
French bank notes is composed of wealthy Russians and
Austrians. They possess ships and crews and all the necessary
apparatus. The notes are engraved at sea, and the plates are
thrown overboard into the water. The ships then put into ports
where accomplices receive the notes, scatter them, and give
back those unused. Then the whole establishment travels to
another port. — New York Sun.
The Daily Pioneer and Democrat
St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 4, 1857
New batches of altered notes, upon the state Bank of Ohio, of
the denomination of twenty dollars, are now being circulated.
— The note is raised by a new and ingenius (sic) process, from
genuine "two's," and is very difficult to detect. The alteration
may be detected by the vignette on the lower right end,
representing a canal boating scene, which is not on the genuine
20's, and also the likeness of Webster on the upper left end
corner. Those unacquainted with the face of the genuine 20's,
should be careful in taking them.
Page 180 Whole No. 100
1981 B 84 480 001 B B 99 840 000 B 15,360,000 1981 B 26880001 C B 57 600 000 C 30,720,000
1981 B 00 000 001 C B 26 880 000 C 26,880,000 1981 E 97 280 001 A E 99 840 000 A 2,560,000
1981 B 03 840 001 * B 04 480 000 * 640,000 1981 E 00000001 B E 29 440 000 B 29,440,000
1981 B 04 480 001 * B 05 120 000 * 640,000 1981 F 71 680 001 B F 97 280 000 B 25,600,000
1981 C 71 680 001 A C 99 840 000 A 28,160,000 1981 F 01 920 001 * F 02 560 000 * 640,000
1981 C 00 000 001 B C 03 840 000 B 3,840,000 1981 H 21 760001A H 53 760 000 A 32,000,000
1981 F 47 360 001 B F 71 680 000 B 24,320,000 1981 H 00 640 001 * H 01 280 000 * 640,000
1981 G 15 360 001 B G 46 080 000 B 30,720,000 1981 J 55 040 001 A J 87 040 000 A 32,000,000
1981 L 96 000 001A L 99 840 000 A 3,840,000 1981 J 00 640 001 * J 01 280 000 * 640,000
1981 L 00 000 001B L 40 960 000 B 40,960,000 1981 K 71 680 001 A K 99 840 000 A 28,160,000
1981 L00640 001 * L 01 280 000 * 640,000 1981 K 00 000 001 B K 05 120 000 B 5,120,000
1981 K 00 000 001 * K 00 640 000 * 640,000
1981 B 62 720 001 A B 78 080 000 A 15,360,000
1981 B 00 000 001 * B 00 640 000 * 640,000 1981 B 78 080 001 A B 92 160 000 A 14,080,000
1981 F 23 040 001 A F 35 840 000 A 12,800,000 1981 C 11 520 001 A C 24 320 000 A 12,800,000
1981 G 25 600 001 A G 40 960 000 A 15,360,000 1981 C 00 000 001 * C 00 640 000 * 640,000
1981 G 00 000 001 * G 00 640 000 * 640,000 1981 E 21 760001A E 35 840 000 A 14,080,000
1981 J 10 240 001 A J 20 480 000 A 10,240,000 1981 H 00 000 001 A H 11 520 000 A 11,520,000
1981 J 00 012 001 * J 00 640 000 * 256,000 1981 H 00012001 * H 00 640 000 * 256,000
1981 K 08 960 001 A K 16 640 000 A 7,680,000
1981 L 29 440 001 A L 42 240 000 A 12,800,000 TEN DOLLARS
1981 L 00 656 001 * L 01 280 000 * 128 '00
1981 C 00 000 001 A C 16 640 000 A 16,640,000
TEN DOLLARS 31 E 00 000 001 A C 17 920 000 A 17,920,000
1981 B 00 000 001 A B 19 200 000 A 19,201,, ,,10 1981 H 00000 001A H 11 520 000 A 11,520,000
1977A F 23 040 001 B F 38 400 000 B 15,360,000 1977A H 02 576 001 * H 03 200 000 * 128,000
1977A F 02 568 001 * F 03 200 000 * 384,000 1981 K 00000001A K 07 680 000 A 7,680,000
1981 G 00 000 001 A G 14 080 000 A 14,080,000
1977A J 90 880 001 A J 92 160 000 A 1,280,000 TWENTY DOLLARS
1981 J 00 000 001 A J 07 680 000 A 7,680,000
1977A J 05 760 001 * J 06 400 000 * 640,000 1981 C 10 240 001 A C 21 760 000 A 11,520,000
1977A L 39 680 001 A L 42 240 000 A 2,560,000 1981 E 47 360 001 A E 57 600 000 A 10,240,000
1981 L 00 000 001 A L 10 240 000 A 10,240,000 1981 G 49 920 001 A G 60 160 000 A 10,240,000
1977A L 05 772 001 * L 06 400 000 256,000 1981 H 10 240 001 A H 24 320 000 A 14,080,000
1981 L 00 000 001 * L 00 640 000 640,000 1981 H 01 280 001 * H 01 920 000 * 640,000
1981 K 00 000 001 A K 15 360 000 A 15,360,000
1981 F 00 000 001 A F 16 640 000 A 16,640,000
1981 G 30 720 001 A G 49 920 000 A 19,200,000 1981 B 08 960 001 A B 16 640 000 A 7,680,000
1981 G 00 656 001 * G 01 280 000 * 128,000 1981 C 00 000 001 A C 01 280 000 A 1,280,000
1981 J 08 960 001 A J 25 600 000 A 16,640,000
1981 J 00 000 001 * J 00 640 000 * 640,000 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS
1981 L 38 400 001 A L 57 600 000 A 19,200,000 1981 B 06 400 001 A B 11 520 000 A 5,120,000
1981 L 00 656 001 * L 01 280 000 * 128,000 1981 C 00 000 001 A C 01 280 000 A 1,280,000
G 06 400 001 A
G 00 016 001 *
G 12 800 000 A
G 00 640 000 *
1981 J 00 000 001 A J 05 120 000 A 5,120,000 (16-Subject)
1981 J 00016001 * J 00 640 000 * 128,000
1981 H 99 840 001 A H 100 000 000 A 160,000
1977 B 62 720 001 B B 66 560 000 B 3,840,000 1981 H 99 840 001 B H 100 000 000 B 160,000
B 00 000 001 A
J 14080001A
B 06 400 000 A
J 20 480 000 A
1981 H 99 840 001 C H 100 000 000 C 160,000
1977 J 03 856 001 * J 04 480 000 * 128.000 1981 H 99 840 001 D H 100 000 000 D 160,000
Paper Money
Page 181
Specimen note of The National Bank of Scotland dated 1st Jany. 1895, with the cancellation mark
of Waterlow & Sons. (Photo courtesy of Stanley Gibbons and Krause Publications.)
The National Bank of
Scotland Note
(While the following newspaper story does not give full
numismatic treatment to the design which served The
National Bank of Scotland from 1893 to 1927, it does supply
some information about a scarce note. The item appeared in the
Bismarck (N. Dak.) Daily Tribune on April 25, 1893; it was
found by FORREST W. DANIEL.)
Although coins are often counterfeited, as the police
records show, it is rare that an attempt is made, in
[England] at least, to forge a bank note. The invariable
custom of the Bank of England never to reissue notes is
a strong safeguard against forgery, as detection would
be speedy, but even in Scotland, where they circulate
year in and year out until they become grimy and
greasy, counterfeits are seldom if ever heard of. This
immunity is no doubt mainly due to the difficulty of
reproducing an exact facsimile, even with all the
advance which has been made in recent years in photo
processes, and due to the fact that the banks having
daily exchanges the notes are quickly returned to the
issuing bank.
Those who produce bank notes, as well as the banks
who issue them, are of course fully alive to the
opportunities which improvements in the arts offer to a
skillful forger, and their energies are directed to
counteracting those possibilities. In every part of the
work of producing a note the highest technical skill and
ingenuity are employed, and its reproduction would not
only baffle a forger, but even the same craftsmen were
they to start afresh with other materials could not
reproduce exact imitation of a given note. The difference
might be slight, but it would be sufficient for an expert to
The fact that the National Bank of Scotland is just
now preparing for an issue of fresh notes has induced us
to make some inquiry as to the method of their
production. The work has been intrusted to a firm which
has turned out not a little of the paper currency of South
American and other states. In conversation with the
head of the department, a representative learned that
the first thing to be done is of course to fix upon a design.
The bank managers stated that they wanted on the
face of the note a portrait of the Marquis of Lothian, who
is governor of the bank, along with views of shipping on
Uncut $2 Note Sheets Available
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing began an indefinite
sale of 16-subject uncut sheets of $2 notes on May 18, 1982. The
very popular 16-subject and 32-subject uncut sheets of $1 notes,
which went on sale on October 26, 1981, will continue to be
offered as well.
The uncut $2 sheets of currency will be offered only in 16-
subject star notes, 1976 Series. Orders by the public will be
filled on a first-come-first-serve basis without regard to Federal
Reserve Bank or serial number identification. Although the
notes are legal currency, the sheets will be packaged in matted
form suitable for framing or display as numismatic souvenir
items. They can be purchased in person at the Bureau's Visitor
Center, 14th & C Streets, S. W., Washington, D. C. 20228, or
through the mail from its Public Affairs Section.
16-Subject 16-Subject 32-Subject
$2 Notes $1 Notes $1 Notes
At Visitor Center $37.00 $20.25 $38.00
Through the mail $45.00 $28.00 $47.00
Only money orders, bank-type cashier's checks, and certified
checks will be accepted for mail orders. Personal checks will
not be accepted and return of these checks may take several
months, as filling acceptable currency sheet orders will be
given priority.
Packages will be shipped individually by registered, insured
mail. Filling of orders may take up to four months. Send mail
orders to:
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Uncut Currency Sales Program
14th and C Streets, S. W.
Washington, D. C. 20228
Page 182
the Clyde, Holyrood palace and Edinburgh castle, also
the arms of Scotland and of the bank. On the back there
was to be a view of Princes street, Edinburgh, from the
Calton hill. The design was worked out by the artists
according to these directions, and a very artistic note is
the result.
l'he object in view, however, was not wholly artistic.
The vignettes, and more especially the portrait, were
introduced in order to make it difficult, if not impossible,
for forgers to imitate the note. Even the most skilled
engravers would be hard put to it to reproduce the fine
lines of the former and the expression of the latter. As
portrait and landscape engraving are as much divided
as the two branches of the painter's art, and coats of
arms form another speciality, the work had to be
intrusted to several hands, each according to his
vocation. Engraving on steel is a very slow process
indeed, and something like two months were spent in
producing the portrait.
The engravers worked simultaneously on their
special parts, and when finished these were put together
by a process which need not be detailed, so as to form the
complete plate. Another feature of the design is the
narrow border on the face of the note and the broad
border framing the view on the back. These are formed
of geometric lacework of extreme intricacy and delicacy,
which is produced by a machine of very expensive
construction, and the movements of which are so
intricate that if the operator lost the register of the
wheels and indices he would not be able to reproduce the
same design. Great reliance is therefore placed upon
this machine for outwitting the ingenuity of the
Whole No. 100
The practice in a good deal of so - called steel plate
engraving is to transfer the design from the plate to
stone, and then print from the latter. In the case of bank
notes, however, the printing is done direct from the
plate, and the result is that the lines are much more
delicately reproduced on the paper, and the difficulty of
imitation is thereby enhanced. The paper is made from
fine linen rags, which impart the qualities of durability
and softness, so that it can be folded without cracking —
almost like the material from which it is manufactured.
The front of the note is printed in blue ink on two
grounds — one of red and the other of yellow. The tints
are fine printed from relief blocks, and the printing from
the plate from the blue ink follows. The colors were
chosen with a distinct view to the possibilities of photo
lithography. The first proofs that were pulled when put
to the test were found not to be altogether satisfactory,
and after a series of experiments those colors were
employed which gave, it is believed, absolute security.
In the handling of the paper and the printed notes
there is an elaborate check system. When the paper
reaches the printer from the paper maker, every sheet is
carefully counted, and at each stage the same
precaution is taken. At the termination of the printing
the notes are finally counted and packed up for delivery.
If there are any "spoils," they are burned. The plates are
kept in a special box belonging to the bank in the strong
room. In case of a foreign issue the consul puts his seal
upon the box. After the notes are sent to the bank they
have to be signed by an official before they are finally
ready for issue to the public. — Pall Mall Budget.
Paper Money
Page 183
State•ank Notes for
Tennessee in 1893?
Legislation of a ten percent federal tax on state bank
notes at the end of the Civil War drove the notes from
circulation in a very few years. States revised their
constitutions and banking codes to eliminate
authorization for the notes. But belief in state banks of
issue died hard. North Dakota authorized state bank
notes in its constitution written in 1889, and the state
examiner, in October 1892, suggested that the state
prepare the mechanics in case the tax should be
Apparently the Tennessee legislature felt the tax
would be eliminated and actually passed the necessary
legislation. A newspaper article headed "Tennessee
Will Have a Circulating Medium of Its Own" appeared
in the Bismarck Daily Tribune, in North Dakota, on
April 25, 1893:
Chattanooga, Tenn., April 24. — An act was passed by the
legislature of Tennessee and since approved by the governor
giving authority to state banks to issue a circulating medium.
The act requires a deposit of United States, State of
Tennessee, or county bonds, and the currency will be issued for
the bank on these securities not in excess of 90 per cent of their
market value. The act limits currency to be issued by the state
to $25,000,000. Periodical examination of banks, redemption of
currency and other features of the national banking law are
adhered to. The banks must redeem its (sic) circulating notes in
gold or silver. No county bonds will be accepted where the
indebtedness of the county exceeds 5 per cent of the taxable
property, and if the county has defaulted any time in years
prior on its interest. The circulating medium is to be signed by
the president and cashier of the bank and countersigned by the
state comptroller. The act says: The object sought by this
legislature being to furnish the citizens of this state a safe,
sound and trustworthy currency, possessing sufficient
elasticity to meet the demands of the manufacturing, farming
and business interests and exigencies of the times, a currency
based on some securities, the stability and sufficiency of no one
question or doubt to be overlooked, supervised and guarded by
the state's chief officers for the benefit and protection of the
There must have been some hint that the federal tax
was to be repealed — or was it only coincidence that
authorities in two states almost simultaneously
suggested or enacted a bank note law? Was similar
legislation suggested in other states about that time? It
is a subject to keep in mind when doing research in that
An inventory of state currency based on local bonds
ready to be released in an emergency would have come
in handy in many states just a few months later to
provide the elasticity needed during the harvest season.
In August, 1893, a shortage of currency forced business
to a near standstill all over the country. Clearing house
certificates and scrip were used in many communities,
but there was serious delay before it was prepared and
released. If Tennessee banks had had a supply of state
bank notes in reserve, local pressure might have been
almost totally eliminated.
Hopefully, some researcher near to the sources in
Tennessee will look into the records and let us know
some of the more intimate details. Who were the
principal supporters of the bill and what were the
arguments for its passage? Did the legislature foresee
the near immediate need for the notes? Were any efforts
made to implement the act? Was there any editorial
comment during the stringency that state bank notes
would have eased the currency shortage?
Newspaper articles can be so tantalizing.
Page 184
Whole No. 100
Thursday, August 19, 8:30 AM. Awards Breakfast in
the Sheraton Boston, Commonwealth Room on the
conference level. We have the pleasure this year of
having the Currency Club of New England co-sponsor
the event with us. We will have the usual "vast array" of
activities at the breakfast including an educational
program, service and literary award presentations, and,
of course, the fabled "Tom Bain Raffle."
This column is being written just a few weeks before
my departure for the Memphis Coin Club's
International Paper Money Show. This issue also
marks a milestone for your Society since it is the 100th
issue published. Such an accomplishment gives me a
chance to share with you where we've been and where
we hope to go. The past twenty years, since the
formation of SPMC, have witnessed the growth of paper
money from stepchild status to becoming a key part of
the numismatic scene. We as a Society have also grown
in many ways. From a beginning of four very slender
issues per year, the magazine which you are reading has
grown to six well - packed issues per year. The gigantic
Wismer Update Project is now well underway, as we
find ourselves able to publish at least one book per year.
As we continue our progress, the field of obsolete notes is
finally starting to become well documented.
Several shows devoted exclusively to paper money are
now in existence and this too points to future growth in
the hobby. The Memphis Coin Club deserves our thanks
for pioneering this concept. I am certain that oti.
organizations will see that such shows will eventually
be quite common and widespread across the United
States and even the world.
One aspect which we have not done well on, however,
is membership growth. Membership has been static for
a number of years at around the 2,000 to 2,500 member
level and I know that there are many more collectors out
there than that. I have one year left in office and I plan
to concentrate during that year on ways to cultivate
better growth. This means, in all probability, better
public relations, membership relations, and higher
visibility in the numismatic community. If you have
any thoughts on the situation, I would be pleased to
have your views so that we can get SPMC moving
forward in this area.
I hope that many of you can join us in Boston for our
various activities which are held in conjunction with
the ANA convention. Our schedule of events is as
Tuesday, August 17, 8:00 AM. Board of Governors
Meeting in the Sheraton Boston, Exeter A 13 rooms on
the conference level. Any interested members are
invited to this open Meeting.
Wednesday, August 18, 10:00 AM. General
Membership Meeting in the Sheraton Boston,
Clarendon A 7B rooms on the conference level. We will
go over the business of the Society, announce election
results, and answer any questions which you may have
at this meeting.
Because I must make the guarantee to the restaurant
before I arrive in Boston, advance reservations are
URGENTLY requested. We will be limited to about 125
people and so PLEASE send your check, made payable
to SPMC for $11.00 per ticket, to Wendell Wolka, SPMC
Breakfast, P. 0. Box 366, Hinsdale, II. 60521 by NO
LATER than August 9, 1982 in order to avoid any
disappointment. Some tickets may still be available
after the start of the show, but please try to make life
easier for everyone by taking care of tickets in advance.
Continuing a practice started last year in New Orleans,
an engraved stock certificate with a special counter-
stamp will be used for admission tickets to the
Tom Bain Raffle Donations. As mentioned above, we
will again have the wild and wooly Tom Bain Raffle at
the ANA Awards Breakfast. This raffle, which usually
has more than 100 prizes, serves as a light hearted
conclusion to the event and also helps defray your
Society's convention-related expenses through raffle
ticket sales. If you would like to make a tax deductible
dnr ation of syngraphic material for the raffle, just send
Li Ile at Box 366, Hinsdale, Il. 60521. A receipt for tax
purposes will be sent if you request it and put a value on
the material. Remember that inexpensive interesting
items (some of you may recall the Newark, N. J. Sewer
Bonds that we gave away last year!) are just as much
fun to win as great rarities. So if you have some extras
that you'd like to donate, keep me in mind.
Iowa Book Released. The Society's latest volume in
the mammoth Wismer Update Project, Iowa Obsolete
Notes and Scrip by Dean Oakes, is now available for
sale from the Camden Company, SPMC Book Sales
Department, P. 0. Box 9, Camden, S. C. 29020. The non-
member price is $15 while the member price is $12
postpaid. Quantity prices are available as well and
information on these is available from the Camden
Company. For the benefit of our newer members, the
Society has undertaken the task of cataloging all of the
obsolete bank notes and scrip issued in the United
States during the nineteenth century. When we are
finished, I expect that a whole book case will be needed
to store all of the volumes. Iowa now joins Rhode Island,
Kansas, Oklahoma/Indian Territory, Indiana, New
Jersey, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, Vermont,
Minnesota, and Maine on the shelf as a completed state
in the series. We still have a long way to go, but we're
getting there. Some volumes are still available as you
will note from the ad at the bottom of the second page. A
review of the Iowa book appears elsewhere in this issue.
If you have any interest in obsolete notes, I would
encourage you to order this excellent book.
1982 Souvenir Card. The Society's 1982 souvenir card
is still available as you will note elsewhere in this issue.
/ ‘0,/ /4 4 ,j1J ,„7, /a, 4 •
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Paper Money
Your support of this program is requested since the
souvenir card represents an important source of reve-
nue for SPMC as well as an enjoyable way to help make
sure that dues can be kept as low as possible for as long
as possible.
We try to give you, as a member of SPMC, a good mix
pf both social and "stay at home" projects and events.
We hope that you will at least find some of them
entertaining and enjoyable to participate in. You, in
turn, can help your Society by signing up new members.
As I have pointed out, we must also grow in membership
Page 185
if we are to have healthy long-term growth of SPMC's
programs and services. Membership applications are
one thing that we have plenty of so why not order some
from Bob Azpiazu, P. 0. Box 1433, Hialeah, FL. 33011
and use them.
We want to give you the best service possible as one of
our members so please let us know when there's
something on your mind — even if we've done
something to make you mad! I hope to see many of you
in Boston and elsewhere this summer.
The Buck
Stops Her
A centennial of any kind is a big event, so while one
hundred consecutive issues of PAPER MONEY since
1962 may not merit a congratulatory message from the
President (Reagan, not Wolka), it is worthy of note here.
Unlike many publications celebrating anniversaries,
PM cannot boast of humble beginnings as a
mineographed newsletter or such. It has always been in
the present format, professionally printed. True,
Volume 1, Number 1 had but 16 pages, 14 of which
carried Society announcements and promotions!
Today, we consistently present 48 or more fact-packed
pages every other month for the elucidation of the
I have personally edited all but 18 of the PM one
hundred, coming on board with Volume 3 and staying
for all but a brief hiatus in the late '70s. I hope I can edit
many more issues for you in spite of the ever-present
production problems encountered by all low-budget,
non-profit publications. But as always I am dependent
on the membership for articles. Periodically I plead with
you for manuscripts, so I take this opportunity to do so
again. And, of course, suggestions and constructive
criticism are always welcome. Remember PM for your
advertising needs, too; we use ads both as a service to
members, be they collectors or dealers, and as a
supplementary source of income.
As I look back over my tenure, the one aspect of life
with SPMC that stands out most prominently is the
high quality of my relationship with its elected officers.
Their roster is a who's-who of syngraphics. As a group
they have always been supportive of my efforts while
promoting the hobby at large. I well know from
experience with other hobby groups how important
such a cadre of officials is to the success of a magazine
like ours. My personal thanks to them and my
exhortation to you, the reader, to appreciate their work.
In that spirit, I say onward and upward with PM!
Iowa Obsolete Listing Released
at Memphis
SPMC has announced publication of the latest
addition to their series of books on U. S. obsolete bank
notes and scrip of the various states — IOWA
Iowa City, Iowa.
This hard-bound book contains 140 pages and is
richly illustrated with 200 photos — many never before
published — listing all known Iowa obsolete notes, with
historical background about each bank or firm, details
about uncut sheets, and information on rarity and
collector value. The book includes new data about the
State Bank of Iowa and its 15 branches, along with a
reprint of Hoyt Sherman's story originally written and
published in the ANNALS OF IOWA in 1901. Sherman
was a pioneer banker and one of the organizers of the
Bank. Notes described and shown in the book include
issues from banks, improvement companies, insurance
companies, private merchants, railroads, stagecoach
lines, and some firms with a combination of these
owners. The book includes a comprehensive
bibliography of books and articles covering this era of
Iowa banking.
The volume is priced at $15 postpaid to non-members
and $12 postpaid to SPMC members. Mail orders should
be sent to The Camden Company, P. 0. Box 9, Camden,
S. C. 29020, ATTN: SPMC Book Sales Department, or
the author, Dean Oakes, P. 0. Drawer 1456, Iowa City,
Iowa 52240.
/7.11/74 //
'4;4i 4 -•om.: I am. 111114. ION. •••• 1.• ■• ■••31: •••■.•
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Page 186 Whole No. 100
- (--////i/(7/// . 1)(//// ' -Y)/(4 (////0(//7
v ,
After the Civil War, the Southern States had asevere shortage of circulating medium. Many municipalities issued
notes to supply their local areas with a means of conducting commerce_ The City of Baton Rouge issued the above
note for this purpose. "Baton Rouge" translated to English means "Red Stick". During the Creek Was 1812-14 some
Creek Indians placed sticks painted red in the ground to indicate they wanted war. The center vignette "Red Stick"
was engraved by Luigi Delnoce in 1866. The vignette at the right, engraved by Davis, shows a view of the
Louisiana Capital.
Single Card Multiple Cards
Mint by mail from Anderson, S. C. $5.50 $4.50
All cards are mailed in heavy cardboard mailers by first class mail.
To order MINT CARDS, send your order with a check payable to SPMC to:
SPMC 1982 Souvenir Card Single cards are $5.50 each
P. 0. Box 858
Anderson, S. C. 29622 Multiple cards are $4.50 each
Established 1858
Paper Money Page 187
— Regional Meetings
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, July 30 - August 1, 1982; MidAmerica Coin Show,
MECCA Convention Center, Kilbourn & 6th St. SPMC will hold an informal coffee and
Danish get-together at 10 AM on Saturday, July 31. Speaker will be Kevin Foley of
Milwaukee, who will talk on "National Bank Notes." For further information, contact
Kevin Foley, Show Chairman, P. 0. Box 589, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201
National Meetings
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, August 17-22, 1982; American Numismatic Associa-
tion 92nd Anniversary Convention, Sheraton-Boston Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts.
Tuesday, August 17 - SPMC BOARD MEETING. 8:00 A.M. Exeter A & B, Conference
Level at Sheraton-Boston Hotel.
Wednesday, August 18 - SPMC Membership Meeting. 10:00 A.M. Clarendon A & B,
Conference Level at Sheraton-Boston Hotel.
Thursday, August 19 - Awards Breakfast. Co-Sponsored by Currency Club of New
England and Society of Paper Money Collectors. 8:30 A.M. Commonwealth Room,
Conference Level, Sheraton-Boston Hotel. Speaker will be Frank Trask, well-
known New England numismatist and paper money collector, who operates
Kennebunk Coins in Shopper's Village, Kennebunk, Maine, in partnership with
Ingrid Parady. Mr. Trask's talk, illustrated with slides, will deal with Maine obso-
lete bank notes, with particular interest to syngraphists, since the state was part of
Massachusetts until 1820, and many of its earlier banks printed paper money with
Massachusetts designated as its state of origin. Tickets to the CCNE - SPMC
Breakfast are REQUIRED, and are $11.00 each. Orders for tickets must be sent by
August 9 to Wendell Wolka - ANA Breakfast, Box 366, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521.
6310 John C. McNee, 3511 Oakland, Ames, Iowa 50010, C,
Canadian & American Broken Bank Notes.
6311 Oren E. Cannady, 1210 Western Ave., Belleville, Ill.
62221, C, Belleville Illinois Obsolete Bank Notes.
6312 Bruce Kavin, P. 0. Box 184, Sunset Beach, Ca. 90742,
C, Mexico Latin America.
6313 Alan Lacy, Rt. 11 Box 42M, Cookeville, Tn. 38501, C,
Small size Federal Reserve Notes.
6314 Harold F. Chorney, P. 0. Box 1211, Woonsocket, R. I.
02895, D.
6315 Frank M. Sandy, 889 Almond Hill Ct., Manchester,
Mo. 63011, C, New Jersey Broken Banks.
6316 Phil Iversen, P. 0. Box 136, Tarzana, Ca. 91356, C & D,
U. S. Currency.
6317 Frank Rizzo, 21 Galleo Lane, East Setauket, N. Y.
11733, C, Prison & Concentration Camps.
6318 Donald Benson, 310 Main Ave., S. W., Glen Burnie,
MD 21061, D, Obsolete & Confederate.
6319 Mark Gereb, 73 Oak Street, Closter, N. J. 07624, C,
Silver Certificates.
6320 James Wilson, 426 Remington, Ft. Collins, Co. 80542, C
& D. Colorado Bank Notes.
6323 Dennis Wiseman, 524 Groff Ave., Elizabethtown, Pa.
17022, C, National Currency.
6324 Thomas Sturges, 2020 Andover Rd., Columbus, Ohio
43212, C, US Currency.
6325 Robert P. Larson, 518 Guaranty Bank Bldg., Cedar
Rapids, Ia. 52401, C.
6326 Fields Luther Parks III, 138 Boots Ave., Charleston
Heights, S. C. 29406, C, CSA, US & Private Banknotes.
6327 Alan Oldfield, 1890 27th Ave., Marion, Ia. 52302, C,
General Interest.
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a
basis of 5C per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary
purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling,
or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must
be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed,
accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper
Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S.
Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month preceding the
month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1, 1981 for Jan. 1982 issue). Word count: Name
and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations,
figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 1091
discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and
word count.
Page 188 Whole No. 100
P. 0. Box 1433
Hialeah, FL 33011
6328 Virgilio Rodriguez, Box 5676 College Station, Maya-
guez, P. R. 00709, C, MPC & Foreign.
6329 A. W. Lambert, 16 Donald Ave., Kanwal, NSW 2259
Australia, C, Chinese.
6330 I. Nelson Clark, 10455 Santa Marta, Cypress, Ca.
90630, D, Types, Nationals, Gold.
6331 Gary L. Hopkins M.D., P. 0. Box 138, Stevensville, MT
59870, C, US Currency Small Size Silver and Gold
6332 Vincent P. Hendrix, P. O. Box 126, Wheatland, Wy.
82201, C & D, Unc. Silver Certificates.
. 6333 Robert P. King, Box 222, Brattleboro, Vt. 05301, C, Gem
CU Small Currency.
6334 Richard Matter, Rt. 2, Postville, Ia. 52162, C.
6335 Duncan B. Orr, 413 W. Aspinwall, Winslow, Az. 86047,
C, Large Legal, Silver Coin, FRBN and FRN.
6336 J. Rymanowski, 70 Remsen, Cohoes, N. Y. 12047, C.
6337 Tommy Acker, 3809 Windsong Ct., Colorado Springs,
Co. 80917, C, Spartanburg S. C. Nationals.
6338 Thomas D. Taussig, 1261 W. Mendoza, Mesa, Az.
85202, C & D.
6339 J. Range, 1389 Mckenzie Dr., Placentia, Ca. 92670, C,
Small U. S.
Change of Address
5409 Stanford C. Tice, 42-14 64th Street, Woodside, New
York 11377.
4547 J. Owen Wheeler, 464 Whispering Oaks Pl., Nashville,
Tn 37211.
6118 Paul Gardner, P. 0. Box 388, Fremont, Ca. 94537.
5833 Reuben C. Thompson, 7922 Brown Bark Place, Ra-
leigh, N. C. 27609.
4240 William H. Chisamore, P. 0. Box 1183, Manchester
Center, Vt. 05255.
trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000
Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015.
(22 words: $1: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each)
tures related to Constitution, Articles, Stamp Act, Declaration
(Newman p. 22). Buy or trade my Southern States, fractional.
Bob Lesnick, 15 Clinton Ct., Monroe, NY 10950. (101)
PRESENT ECONOMY FORCES partial sale of personal
currency collection. Seventy lots including affordable
Nationals, 1914 FRN's, choice obsoletes from Missouri, Wash.,
D.C., Louisiana, South Carolina, souvenir cards, star notes,
more. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for free list and bid low for
a change! SPMC members only. Kim Stallings, 46-02 74th St.,
Apt. 1-11 Elmhurst, NY 11373 (100)
Also vignetted pre-1880 checks, drafts, bills of exchange. No
blanks. Brian Mills, 56 The Avenue, Tadworth, Surrey KT20
5DE England (104)_
'aper Money Page 189
I COLLECT CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii and
all other Western stocks, bonds, checks, drafts. Please sell to
me! Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, CA 94010 (phone 415-
566-6400). (119)
Continental, Confederate, Uphams, broken banks. What have
you? B. Etgen, 3600 Whitney Ave., Sacramento, CA ;95821
I AM ACTIVELY buying Rhode Island colonial, obsolete,
and scrip for my personal collection. Please describe and price.
All conditions considered. Roland Rivet, Box 242, Ashton, RI
02864-0242 (108)
AKRON, OHIO NATIONALS, scrip, obsoletes and checks
wanted. Also, Barberton and Cuyahoga Falls Nationals.
David Halaiko, 2425 Myersville Rd., Akron, OH 44312
MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals,
obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louise, Maplewood,
Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles.
Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Gerald, MO 630337 (106)
BUYING NATIONALS AND type notes. Particularly need
Nationals from northern and central California for my
personal collection. A few notes for sale as well. Send for a free
price list. William Litt, P. 0. Box 4770, Stanford, CA 94350
4dUb (104)
'PAPER MONEY MAGAZINES wanted: whole numbers 29,
30 and 1 through 13; also the January 1980 issue of Bank Note
Reporter. Robert Galiette, P. 0. Box 288, Avon, CT 06001
collection. Especially need first and second charters. Largest
prices paid. Jasper Payne, Box 3093, Knoxville, TN 37917.
collection. Large and small sizes. Also old Michigan bank post
cards. Write describing material and asking prices. All letters
answered. Richard Hatherley, P. O. Box 48, Brighton, MI 48116
WANTED: WOOSTER, OHIO notes, obsolete or Nationals.
Would appreciate description. Will answer all letters. Price and
Xerox appreciated. Ralph Leisy, 616 Westridge Dr., Wooster.
OH 44691 (100)
large and small size. Price and Xerox appreciated. Thank you.
Tim Kysivat, 302 N. Stone Ave., LaGrange Park, IL 60525.
Nationals. Large and small size needed. Also Sycamore, Ohio
& DeKalb, Texas. Bob Rozycki, Sycamore Coin Gallery, 358 W.
State, Sycamore, IL 60178 (107)
WANT STOCK CERTIFICATES, bonds, sheets, proofs,
obsolete coal items, Jenny Lind. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee
Blvd., Yaupon Beach, Southport, NC 28461 (103)
WANTED: VIRGINIA OBSOLETE notes all types, Bank,
city, county, National, scrip. Describe notes. Corbett B. Davis,
2604 Westhampton S. W., Roanoke, VA 24015 (105)
WANTED: WAUSEON, OHIO notes #7091. Also interested
in other northwestern Ohio notes. Lowell Yoder, Box 100,
Holland, OH 43528 (110)
WANTED: TEXAS LARGE Size Nationals in average
circulated condition to gems, when priced right. No laundered
or doctored notes, and no late date signatures. Chas. R.
Craddock, 618 West Parker, Houston, TX 77091 (104)
national sheets and notes, obsolete sheets and notes, colonials,
fractionals, fiscal paper and histories of Connecticut banks.
Robert Galiette, P. 0. Box 288, Avon, CT 06001
FOR SALE: SCARCE sheet of Cincinnati scrip post notes.
$5, 3, 2, 1 denom. Circa 1820's. MDF. Interestingly, sheet is
watermarked with the Masonic emblem. Unc., light aging.
Price $54.00. T. Deitrick, 1363 Macbeth St., McLean, VA 22101
$100 1934C G10240032A Good. $103.00. Phil Mackay,
Drawer J, Osceola, MO 64776
QUALITY LARGE AND small U. S. (including FRN's),
Canadian special number sets and world currency. Free list.
Mill City Currency, Box 7058, Minneapolis, MN 55407 (103)
WANTED: COOK, MUSSER State Bank Trust Company,
Muscatine, Iowa — information, notes, checks. Also old checks
from West Virginia. Dwight Musser, Box 305, Ridge Manor, FL
33525 (103)
I COLLECT ARIZONA and Nevada stock certificates. 602-
885.9685. Jim Reynolds, Box 12324, Tucson, AZ 85732-2324.
financial paper, broken banknotes. Mark Vardakis, Box 327,
Coventry, RI 02816 (ph. 401-884-5868). (105)
WANTED: CU $1.00 FRN with serial #05041981 or 09221978.
James E. Lund, Route 7, Box 726, Alexandria, MN 56308
Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Albion, Omaha, New
Haven. Price and Xerox appreciated. Pete Fulkerson, 59
Montgomery Circle, Carmi, IL 62821 (618) 382-8443 (102)
WANTED: ARKANSAS OBSOLETE notes and scrip, will
buy or trade. If you don't want to sell send me Xerox copies.
Need them for my SPMC book. Matt Rothert, 656 Graham St.,
Camden, AR 71701 (100)
in all large and small issues. Send Xerox copy and price. Write
Jim Sazama, P. 0. Box 1235, Southern Pines, NC 28387(105)
$2.00 STARS, 1976: Want new packs from all Districts. Call
me last. Will better other offers. 612-721-6832. John T. Martin,
Box 7058, Minneapolis, MN 55407. (103)
GET ACQUAINTED OFFER: send 61/2" x 91/2" SASE (71¢
postage) receive free out-of-print Specialized Catalog of Small
Size National Bank Notes by Slabaugh, 1967. Limit one per
family while they last. Apelman, Box 283, Covington, LA
Champaign, Chicago Heights, Collinsville, DeKalb, Des
Plaines, Dolton, Downers Grove, Harvey, Hinsdale, Rock
Island, Saint Charles, Waukegan, Wheaton, Wilmette, Wood
River. Joe Apelman, Box 283, Covington, LA 70434 (102)
Page 190 Whole No. 100
203 47th Street
Gulfport, Mississippi 39501
SPMC 3873
PMalf 1593
ANA 93246
(601) 864 -5244
1928A XB Experimental seldom available & CU
1928A YB Experimental SPECIAL CU
1928A ZB Experimental VERY Scarce in CU
1928B XB Experimental Scarce in CU
1928B YB Experimental BARGAIN: Washed CU
1928B ZB Experimental small fold Choice New
1935 AB Experimental EF $30 SPECIAL CU
1935 BB Experimental Scarce Hi-Grade VF/EF
1935 CB Experimental VERY Scarce one in VF
1935A 'R' Experimental (CU Slider!) Choice, well-centered AU /CU
1935A 'S' Experimental Everyone should have one!
`R & S' Pair . in VG+ 35.00 'R & S' Pair
Very Nice AU
`ft & S' Pair . Nice VF $100.00 'R & S' True CU
1928 *A VG /F $8.00 VF $40.00 EF $60.00 CU
1928A *A VG $5.00 VF $25.00 AU $45.00 Cu
1928B *A VG /F $20.00 F/VF $40.00.. Very Scarce Hi-Grade AU 'CU
1934 *A cleaned VF $40.00.. Very Scarce Hi-Grade AU /CU
1935 *A EF $55.00 AU $70.00 Very small corner fold CU
1935A *A VF $5.00 AU $10.00 SPECIAL CU
1935A *A MULE VG /F $25.00 Fine $40.00 VF
1935A *B F $25.00 AU /CU $95.00 Very Scarce in CU
1935B *B F $7.50 AU /CU $40.00 Only one CU
1935C *B VF $10.00 EF $15.00 Scarce in CU
1935D (Wide) *B VF $10.00 EF $15.00 CU
1935D (Narrow) *B Fine $5.00 SPECIAL CU
1935D (Narrow) *C F /VF $10.00 Scarce in CU
1935D (Narrow II) *D F/VF $15.00 EF $30.00 CU
1935E *D or *E or *F SPECIAL CU
1935F *F..... in CU $6.50 ...... 1935F 'G Scarce in CU
1935G (No Motto) *G *G CU
1935G (Motto) *G Very Scarce *G CU
1935H *G Scarce *G CU
1957 Scarce *D in CU $10.00 *A or *B or *C CU
1957A *A *A CU
1957B Scarce *A in CU $10.00 *B CU
... Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Immediate Refund
... Postage Appreciated
... Extensive Catalogue
with Order
... Established 1974
Paper Money Page 191
$1 ORIGINAL (FR 380) Second National Bank of LA FAYETTE, INDIANA Charter
417 (But not on note). Very Strong Signatures. Bank was liquidated
1877. Quite Possibly Unique F 'VF $475.00
$1 NBN 1875 (FR 385) The National Bank of VERNON, NEW YORK (1264) Only
$4,300 in Large out on this small bank. Family signature note signed by
E. Case, Cashier and J. Case, President. With the discontinuance of $1
NBN's in 1879, again we have possibly a Unique note - especially in this
condition! VERY well preserved, square corners, and well centered.
Both Signatures Very Strong VF/EF $600.00
$20 NBN 1902 (FR 653) The Fletcher American N. B. of INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA
(9829) Signed by R. H. Smith, Vice-President instead of Cashier. V-P
Signatures a bit Scarce F /VF $175.00
$5 NBN 1902 (FR 599) Atlanta N. B., ATLANTA, GEORGIA (S1559)
Fine $ 45.00
$10 NBN 1902 (FR 627) N. B. of Commerce, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI
VG/F $ 35.00
$20 NBN 1902 (FR 651) Burnes N. B., ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI (M8021) Large $20 on
this bank a bit Scarce. One pinhole, signatures faded, otherwise a
Nice VF $ 95.00
$* $041140 ,0404t$Wifir ,$4$44Wit$'444$4W144443/4144”44 ,14144$0444/1141Witiernitil'i
$20 TI The Riggs N. B. of WASHINGTON, D. C. (5046) CU $ 95.00
$10 TI The First N. B. of SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS (205) About the finest NBN
I've seen. A004345A Truly a GEM CU $125.00
$20 TI The Drovers N. B., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (6535) VG/F $ 40.00
$10 TI The Second N. B. of RICHMOND, INDIANA (1988) VG/F $ 25.00
$ 5 TII The Citizens N. B. of EVANSVILLE, INDIANA (2188) CU $ 80.00
$20 TI Farmers N. B. TOPEKA, KANSAS (10390) close top margin AU+ $ 65.00
$ 5 TII The First N. B. of LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY (906) Bright CU $ 80.00
$10 TII The First N. B. of EASTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS (428) ... CU $ 65.00
Bargain! Same as above with close margin. Bargain! CU $ 45.00
$10 TI First and American N. B. DULUTH, MINNESOTA (3626) Fine $ 35.00
$10 TI Chase N. B. of The City of NEW YORK, NEW YORK (2370) CU $ 55.00
$10 TI Lincoln N. B. & Trust, SYRACUSE, NEW YORK (13393) F /VF $ 45.00
$10 TI First N. B. TOLEDO, OHIO (91) Very Early Charter & Nice CU $ 95.00
$10 TI The Second N. B. of CINCINNATI, OHIO (32) VG/F $ 25.00
$10 TI The Allentown N. B. ALLENTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA (1322) EF,/AU $ 60.00
$10 TI The Union N. B. of PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA (705) CU $ 80.00
$10 TI First Wisconsin N. B. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN (64) F /VF $ 40.00
$10 TI GAP N. B. & T., GAP, PENNSYLVANIA (2864) E000574A CU The Pair
$20 TI GAP N. B. & T., GAP, PENNSYLVANIA (2864) C000174A CU $300.00
($10 & $20 pair on Scarce 3 letter Title with near matching Serial #'s!!)
Established 1974 (ONLY bank with HAMILTON on its Face & in its Title) ... satisfaction Guaranteed
SPMC 3873 or Immediate Refund
Member: ANA, PMCM GRAEME M. TON, JR. ... Postage Appreciated
(601) 864-5244 ... Extensive Catalogue
203 47th STREET GULFPORT, MS. 39501 Available with Order
the latest w rd on
small size currency
Standard Handbook of
United States
Paper Money
By Chuck O'Donnell
I t,2 - f1,1, d2evo
Standard Handbook
of Modern
United States
Paper Money
I hu.r.1. O'V■Innttt
• Note listings in logical date- within-denomina-
• Data on over 14,000 serial number block and
group issues
• Complete descriptions of the rare and often valu-
able mules and experimental notes
• Most complete presentation of the skip-num-
bered Federal Reserve Notes begun in the mid-
Available at your favorite coin shop, or order direct from
krause publications
• Realistic market valuations and determination of
• Valuable facts of the historic and economic back-
ground of modern U.S. currency
• Over 200 quality, detailed photographs
• 336 pages, convenient 8 1/2 " x 11" format
$ 1 500
Please send me copy(ies) of the Standard Hand-
book of Modern United States Paper Money at $15.00 per copy.
( ) Enclosed is my check or money order for $
( ) Charge to my MasterCard/VISA account.
Account No
Expiration date: Mo. Yr
The most comprehensive book on small size U.S. currency ever printed, covers all issues
from 1928 through Series 1981. Authored by Chuck O'Donnell, the foremost authority on
the subject in the hobby.
Featured in this 1982, seventh edition:
Page 192 Whole No. 100
Krause Publications
Mail coupon to: Dept. BEE
700 East State St.
Icia. WI 54990
State Zip
Paper Money Page 193
Will Be Held Simultaneously With The
Convention Of
SEPTEMBER 9 - 12, 1982
7th Ave. at 56th St.
Auction By:
Convention Will Have
Security By:
For Further Information, Contact:
P. 0. Box 25790
Tamarac, Fl. 33320
Tel: 305/726-0333
The Stamp and Postal I listory Department at
Page 194
Whole No. 100
September 17, 1982
Interest-Bearing Treasury Note Specimens
and Obsolete Bank Note Proofs
$50, Two-Year 6% Interest-Bearing Treasury Note Specimen, Act of March 2,1861.
Catalogs for this auction are available for $3 each, $5 by mail.
Stamp Department, Christie's
502 Park Avenue
New York, N. Y. 10022
*N.Y. and California residents acid sales tax.
Inquiries to the Stamp Department at 212/546-1088.
Advertise In
Bimonthly Publication
The Society of
Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
news ,..:,dr:vF..,.:ZZOCINII MARKET
Paper Money Page 195
P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL 33595
The staff of Krause Publications, Inc.,
extends a sincere thanks to active
hobbyists who have made Numismatic
News the longest running hobby
We salute you, in this, our 30th year
of publishing.
And, we reaffirm our pledge to continue
providing the trustworthy advertising,
accurate value guides and speedy delivery
you need to vigorously pursue and enjoy
your hobby. Celebrating
our 30th year
of publishing
SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY ... for everyone wanting to get acquainted with Numismatic News. Enjoy a
free six-week trial subscription. Send name, address and request to Numismatic News, Dept. AR7, 700 E.
State St., Iola, WI 54990. Offer for non-subscribers only.
Grover Criswell
Values currency the way
collectors do. Carefully.
If you're like most serious collectors, you've got years, even decades of care invested. So when it comes time to liquidate your
holdings, it's good to know there's a dealer who appreciates that kind of pride. Col. Grover Criswell is one of the nation's oldest
and largest paper money firms. We've invested 35 years and two generations building a reputation of trust and responsibility to
collectors. And because each member of the firm is deeply involved with numismatics, we promise the fairest, and most
accurate evaluation possible.
With the aid of one of the largest libraries and modem knowledge, our professional staff is prepared to offer the most generous
immediate cash settlement for your collection. You can ship your property to us for a free evaluation, or just send a description
and we will contact you. We're prepared to travel anywhere for holdings of substantial value. And it's always been our policy to
buy all that is offered, not just the "cream" of your collection.
Or, depending on which is more profitable for you, we can help you decide whether to consign your property for public or
private sale. In this way, your holdings will be offered to thousands of interested collectors throughout the world. And all
material is completely insured the moment it comes into our possession. So long as you are going to sell your pride and joy, at
least get the dealer who values your collection the way you do. Criswell's takes the time to help you realize the most for your
holdings. That's why collectors trust us.
Advise us if you have paper holdings for sale or if you wish to receive our auction catalogs. Our 104 page price list is available at
only $1.00.
Ft. McCoy, FL 32637 904-685-2267
Nobody pays more
than Huntoon forAntzons,
State and Territorial Nationals
' 13411,J.,±01.
P.O. Box 3681, Laramie, WY 82071
Page 196 Whole No. 100
617 272 0048
We maintain the LARGEST
o Colonial Coins
o Colonial Currency
q Rare a Choice Type
O Pre-1800 Siscil Riper
o Encased Postage SI:11111,
q intOlio
q Shim
q Auction
c o Dana Linen
q P.O. Box 2-6 q Ansonia. CT 06401 q
61 7 -2'2-0048
\\ S. 51'515 \I \
•U. S. Obsolates
ell S. Large & Small Size Type Notes
0U. S. Large & Small
National Bank Notes
Shoppers Village, Route 1, Kennebunk, Maine 04043
(207) 985-7431
We are seriously interested in acquiring large
size and scarcer small size United States paper
money. We are interested in single items as well
as extensive collections. We are especially in
need of national bank notes and we also buy
foreign paper money. If you have a collection
which includes both paper money and coins, it
may prove in your best financial interest to
obtain a separate bid from us on your paper
money as we deal exclusively and full time in
paper money. We will fly to purchase if your
holdings warrant.
We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper
money, both large size, small size and
fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking.
Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933
P. G. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302
Phone (602) 445-2930
Member of: ANA, PMCM
Paper Money
Page 197
61401"0414,4ra 611149-0 414114r4 4444►49"0
Confederate &
Obsolete Notes
Please contact us if you have one item or a
collection. Top prices paid. We want to buy
your notes! If you collect we offer our ex-
tensive list of notes for $1.00, refundable with
Iscausc publications
P.O. BOX 712
Also take consignments - Lowest commission anywhere
SHIP - WRITE - CALL 502-895-1168
Bi-Monthly auctions. About 700 - 800 lots. Write for FREE list.
Member: SPMC, ANA, PMCM, BRNA, CENTRAL STATES And the States of Ala., Cal., Fla., Ill.,
Iowa., Mo., Tenn., L-M Ky.
2837 Brownaboro Rd. Louisville, KY 40206
(Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, IYrafts) 7
Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada,
Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico,
Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian,
Jefferson Territories!
Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded.
Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom
;seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental;
CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West-
ern rarities for advantageous trade.
1,mr 1
.11erdirmaiwr ed Von,
Harry wants to buy
Currency Errors
Also Interested in Buying
Nationals ... Large and Small size
Uncut Sheets
Red Seals
Type Notes
Unusual Serial numbers
PO Box 30369
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Black & White Pictures
of National Bank Notes
for Inclusion in the
S.P.M.C. Paper Money
Library of National
Bank Notes
Joe Kinney
1133 Lilliam Way,
Los Angeles, CA 90038
(213) 465-7056
Col .1 .ECTORS
Page 198
Whole No. 100
A Good Stock
Of Notes
-14KEIONA1*,,,re, f'f,i!REN'ex
r .00
Read Money Mart
Write for interesting lists.
Notgeld Newsletter - samples $1.00
Box 305, Ridge Manor FL 33525
(Specializing in world notes since 1951)
Want Lists Requested
Great American Coin Co.
Bertram Cohen, Pres.
P. 0. Box 839 Leominster, MA 01453-0839
Broken Bank Notes, Merchant Scrip,
Confederate Currency, U. S. Fractional
Over 2000 notes available: Send your 20c S.A.S.E.
and indicate your specific area of interest with
grades desired.
P. 0. Box 61 Wilmington, CA 90748
Paper Money
Page 199
WANTED: Rare Obsolete & other Sheets
from Most Connecticut banks, including:
Mechanics Bank, Middletown Bank,
Pequonnock Bank, Connecticut Bank,
Home Bank, Stamford Bank, Quinebaugh
Bank, Tolland County Bank
P. 0. Box 288 Avon, CT 06001
Absolutely Highest Prices Paid
Buying 1860's Oil Stocks & All Early Specimens
Also Trade. Pre-1915 Needed.
Also need other nicely engraved pre-1930 Bonds
David M. Beach
Box 5484, Bossier City, LA 71111
(318) 865-6614
London Bond & Share Society
O'DONNELL'S New 7th edition "Standard Handbook of Modern
United States Paper Money". Revised & enlarged (12.50 with
note order). Postpaid 15.00
WANTED — Major error notes (sorry, no Common Errors). Please send photo, zerox copy, or legible sketch with your inquiry.
Paying top prices for Rare and Unusual Errors.
BEBEE'S 1956 Sales Catalogue of the Great James M. Wade
Collection © prices you'd hardly believe. This historic catalo-
gue yours for (postpaid) 5.00
MEMBER: Life #110 ANA, ANS, PNG, SCPN, SPMC, IAPN, Others.
"Beautiful Crisp New Sheets — The Leaders In Today's Great Rarities"
1928-E $1.00 SILVER CERTIFICATE SHEET (12). Of the 25 Sheets issued only seven sheets are recorded as being extant — Many
sheets were cut up over the years. This great rarity was personally autographed by both W.A Julian and Henry Morgenthau, Jr.
and probably the only sheet with both autographs still existing. Price — subject to prior sale $44,975.00
1935-D $1.00 SILVER CERTIFICATE SHEET (12). Clarke & Snyder. All 12 notes were personally autographed by Georgia Neese
Clark. Indeed a bonanza for the autograph specialist. Just this one sheet 6,495.00
1928-C $2.00 LEGAL TENDER SHEET (12). Of the 25 sheets issued only 12 sheets are recorded as known to be extant in Charles
O'Donnell's 6th Edition The Standard Handbook of Modern United States Paper Money". This excessively rare sheet was per-
sonally autographed by both W.A. Julian and Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Specially Priced @
1935-D $1.00 SILVER CERTIFICATE SHEET (18). Clarke & Snyder. While 102 sheets were printed not many were issued. Chuck
O'Donnell's 7th Ed. records only 18 sheets reported. We offer this beautiful Gem crisp new sheet © 2,795.00
WANTED — We're paying top immediate — cash prices for perfect crisp new uncut sheets (4, 12, 18). Especially wanted + 1882,
1902 Nationals; Hawaii & North Africa; Silver Certificates, Legal Tender & other sheets, also Territorials + Scarce/Rare Choice
AU to Unc. First & second charter Nationals please describe fully.
1934-D Federal Reserve: $5 Obverse; $10 Reverse. Clark & Synder The King of Error Notes. Superb Crisp Uncirculated and exces-
sively Rare
1977-A $10.00 Federal Reserve Note — with a Broad Board Break which obliterates the "Bureau of Engraving Building", as shown
in above illustration. Only 14 of these known to exist. Crisp New. Limit one while they last 100.00
1977-A $10.00 Federal Reserve Note — this Major Board Break partially obliterates "States of America". Crisp Uncirculated. Just
as Scarce as above Error Note 50.00
1957 - B $1 ERROR NOTE 1977 -A $5 ERROR NOTE
On this mis-matched error the Serial nos. start with U37 & U47 The Serial nos. start with L44 & L45 on this $5.00 Federal
on this Silver Certificate. Superb Cr. New
64.50 Reserve Note. Superb Crisp New. Very Scarce
SASE — for our bargain list of small size currency. For our big list of large size currency, please send $1.00 to partly defray postage
(deductible on first order).
All orders over $1,000.00 are sent by registered mail at no charge. Less than $300.00 add $3.00 (over $300.00 add $5.00). 100%
satisfaction guaranteed. Nebraska residents add sales tax. Why not try BEBEE'S. We will greatly appreciate your orders — and
you'll like doing business with BEBEE'S. Thousands of happy "BEBEE BOOSTERS" have since 1941.
"Be sure to attend the biggest + most important convention of the year at Memphis, Tennessee June 18-20th at the Holiday Inn &
stop by our booth for a friendly visit.
4 U
"Pronto Service"
Phone 402-451-4766
Krause pubiication ,
Omaha, Nebraska 681114514 North 30th Street
Page 200 Whole No. 100
(512) 226-2311
r It pays to
look closely.
You know that it
pays to look closely
when collecting. It
does when you are
thinking of selling,
too. Since you
collected with such
care, we know you
want to be equally as
careful when selling. At
Medlar's, we take pride in
the fact that we've been
buying and selling currency
for over 25 years. So, we
feel we must be doing
something right for our
many friends and
Texas Currency, Obsoletes and
Nationals, Western States Obso-
letes and Nationals, U.S. and
Foreign Coins. We will travel to you
to examine your holdings, Profes-
sional Appraisals, or as Expert
Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN
168 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $15.00 postpaid.
This book contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine bank notes from 31 states and terri-
tories plus 24 Canadian banks. It also identifies notes known to have been counterfeited. The
names and locations of over 800 closed banks are included in the supplements. It is believed
that this book was the basis of the famous Wismer Lists published by the ANA 50 years ago. A
must for collectors and researchers of obsolete notes. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather
and interleaved them with plain pages (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale
for $60.00 each.
HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE-GUARD by Edward M. Hodges 1865. 350 pp
Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $19.50 postpaid.
"Hodges' " as this book is known, contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine notes from 30
states, 19 Canadian banks, and the United States notes issued prior to 1865. This 1865 edition
was copyrighted in 1864 and at this time the United States was at war with the Confederate
States. As a result the listing for six Southern states was not included because they were not a
part of the United States. Louisiana was included as in 1864 it was occupied by Union troops
under the infamous General Butler. West Virginia was added to this edition as it seceded from
Virginia and join the Union in 1863. We have added a section from the 1863 edition
(copyrighted in 1862) containing the six states deleted from the 1865 edition making this
reprint the most comprehensive Hodges' ever printed. The format used consists of three rows
of ten notes listed in rectangles on each page. To quote from E.M. Hodges "The SAFEGUARD
is almost indispensable." Collectors will agree with him. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather
and interleaved them with plain paper (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale
for $75.00 each.
THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA by Dr. F. Mauldin Lesesne 1970. 221
pp Hand bound. University of South Carolina Press $14.95 postpaid.
The South had many colorful banks prior to the Civil War, but few could compare with the
Bank of the State of South Carolina. From its charter in 1812 until 1881 when its history ended,
it was colorful, controversial, and redeemed its issued notes. The "faith and credit" of the State
of South Carolina was pledged to back this bank. Dr. Lesesne's account of this bank is
interesting reading to both collector of paper money and historical students. Few banks have
such detailed accounts of their life as the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The book is
annotated and has a wonderful bibliography. If yOu only read one bank history, and should
read this one as it will interest both South Carolinians and non-Carolinians alike. It is just an
excellent story of a very important bank.
P.O. Drawer 858
Anderson, South Carolina 29622
*S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax.
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