
Paper Money - Vol. XXII, No. 5 - Whole No. 107 - September - October 1983

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THE BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS KAGIN'S AUCTION SCHEDULE 1983/84 LONG BEACH NUMISMATIC & PHILATELIC EXPOSITION — Long Beach, California February 2-5, 1984 Consignment Deadline: November 1, 1983. See a Kagin's Representative at these events: ► Northern California Numismatic Association September 22-25, 1983 IP- Greater New York — September 29-October 2, 1983 ► Long Beach Expo — September 29-October 2, 1983 ► Great Eastern Numismatic Association October 13-16, 1983 METROPOLITAN NEW YORK — New York, New York March 30-31, 1984 Consignment Deadline: January 1, 1984. See a Kagin's representative at these events: ► Grand Central — November 3-6, 1983 ► Silver Dollar Convention November 10-13, 1983 LONG BEACH NUMISMATIC & PHILATELIC EXPOSITION — Long Beach, California May 31-June 3, 1984 Consignment Deadline: March 1, 1984. See a Kagin's representative at the above mentioned events. INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY SHOW — Memphis, Tennessee June 14-17, 1984 Consignment Deadline: March 15, 1984. See a Kagin's representative at these events: ► Florida United Numismatists — January 4-7, 1984 ► ANA Mid Winter — February 23-26, 1984 LONG BEACH NUMISMATIC & PHILATELIC EXPOSITION — Long Beach, California October 4-7, 1984 Consignment Deadline: July 4, 1984. See a Kagin's representative at the above mentioned events. Traditionally, the best prices for rare coins and currency have been obtained at auction. With over 325 sales in fifty years of successful numismatics, Kagin's has the experience and knowledge to obtain maximum results. For consignments over $50,000, we will pay all expenses for airfare, hotel accommodations, and meals when you accompany your material to our nearest office—San Francisco, Des Moines, New York, or London. Your material will be personally evaluated by our expert numismatic staff. All paperwork, pre-grading, and promotional arrangements will be made immediately, in your presence. You will return home confidently, knowing your material will be receiving Kagin's professional handling. For those who wish, Kagin's will be happy to make alternate travel arrangements. Take advantage of Kagin's 50 years of experience. Call today TOLL FREE to discuss your consignment with a Kagin's professional. SAN FRANCISCO Donald H. Kagin, Ph.D. George J. Fuld, Sc.D. Ron Howard TOLL FREE 800 227 - 5676 IN CA 800 652 - 1250 DES MOINES A.M. (Art) Kagin David T. Alexander Kurt L. Langland TOLL FREE 800 247-5335 IN IOWA 800 622-8289 NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS 1000 INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 A Donation of.... Entitles you to receive A Free 1984 Souvenir Card A Free 1984 Memphis Banquet Ticket A Free 1984 SPMC Membership A Free 1984 Wismer Project Book $15 X $25 X X $50 X X X $75 or more X X X X -Membership Application- To: SPMC Patrons Association Program Attn. Wendell Wolka P.O. Box 366 Hinsdale, Il. 60521 FOR SPMC USE: Date Received Date Kit Sent Dear Mr. Wolka: Please enroll me in the SPMC Patrons Association Program for 1984. I have enclosed: $15 $25 $50 $75 $ in the form of a check or money order made payable to SPMC. My SPMC membership number is Please rush my Patrons Kit to me at: (Name) (Mailing Address) (City, State, Zip Code) Please send a receipt for my donation for tax purposes. THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS PATRONS ASSOCIATION What? In order to raise funds for your Society's expanded operations and pro- grams, an SPMC Patrons Association has been formed for those who wish to aid the Society financially. How's It Work? You may contribute at four different levels: $15, $25, $50, and $75 or more. As you will note from the table in this brochure, members of the Patrons Association are eligible for various awards. Upon joining, you will receive a Patrons Kit which contains a membership certificate, member- ship information, and appropriate "good for" coupons which can be redeemed throughout 1984 for specified items. Awards may be redeemed in person or through the mail. This is our way of thanking you for participating in this program. On top of all of this, your contribution is tax deductible. Be sure to check the appropriate box on the membership application if you wish to receive a receipt for tax purposes. When Can I Join? You may join anytime until December 31, 1983. In the future, interested members may join the SPMC Patrons Association between July 1 and December 31 of each year. They will then be entitled to various awards during the following year. How Do I Join? It's easy! Just fill in the membership application on the back of this sheet and send it, along with your check or money order made out to SPMC, to the address shown. Leave the rest to us! What If I Have Further Questions? Write to the address shown on the application and include a stamped, addressed reply envelope. We'll answer any questions promptly. more 265 © IDEA ART l SOCIETYim...11 'tfl, OF vQ PAPER MONEY $ COLLECTORS INC. . Nfatiitte. PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE. Se- cond class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster; send address changes to: Paper Money, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy. Dover, DE 19901. © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1983. All rights reserved. Repro- duction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permis- sion, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $12. Individual copies of current issues, $2.00. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover $72.00 $195.00 $367.50 Inside Front & Back Cover $67.50 $181.50 $345.00 Full Page $59.00 $158.00 $299.00 Half-page $36.00 $ 98.00 $185.00 Quarter-page $15.00 $ 40.00 $ 77.00 Eighth-page $10.00 $ 26.00 $ 49.00 To keep administrative costs at a minimum and advertising rates low, advertising orders must be prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. In the exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are re- quired, the advertiser will be notified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the first of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 1 for March issue). Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertise- ment in which typographical error should oc- cur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXII No. 5 Whole No. 107 SEPT. /OCT. 1983 ISSN 0031-1162 BARBARA R. MUELLER, Editor 225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 414-674-5239 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.). IN THIS ISSUE RAILROAD NOTES AND SCRIP OF THE UNITED STATES, THE CONFEDERATE STATES AND CANADA Richard T. Hoober 195 COPE REPORT 204 THE PAPER COLUMN—THE FASCINATING $5 MULES Peter Huntoon 205 CANADIAN CURRENCY USED IN DAKOTA Forrest W. Daniel 213 AN EASY WAY TO FIND NATIONAL BANK NOTES (AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE) Bob Cochran 215 INTERESTING NOTES 'BOUT INTERESTING NOTES Roger H. Durand 216 THE OLD TORREY STORE IN MANCHESTER, NEW JERSEY AND ITS CURRENCY William S. Dewey 220 WORLD SCENE 226 A REMEMBRANCE OF HARD TIMES PAST Ronald L. Horstman 227 1929-1935 NATIONAL BANK NOTE VARIETIES M. Owen Warns 228 SOCIETY FEATURES SECRETARY'S REPORT 236 INTEREST BEARING NOTES 237 MEMPHIS 1983 REVISITED 237 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 193 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 VICE-PRESIDENT Larry Adams, 8121/2 Story St., Boone, Iowa 50036 SECRETARY Robert Azpiazu, Jr., P.O. Box 1433, Hialeah, FL 33011 TREASURER Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 APPOINTEES EDITOR Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN Larry Adams, 8121/2 Story St., Boone, Iowa 50036 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Larry Adams, Walter Allan, A.R. Beaudreau, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Martin Delger, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Peter Huntoon, Dean Oakes, Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, Harry Wigington, John Wilson. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organ- ization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is af- filiated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notifi- cation to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold of- fice or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numis- matic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES—The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Annual dues are $12. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 81/2 x 11" INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $12.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, Wait $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 Non-Member $15.00 MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. TERRITORIALS—A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIAL Rockholt $12.00 BANK NOTES, Huntoon $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 Non-Member $15.00 MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Wait .. $12.00 INDIAN TERRITORY / OKLAHOMA / KANSAS Non-Member $15.00 OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Burgett & OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF RHODE ISLAND Whitefield $12.00 AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, Non-Member $15.00 Durand $20.00 IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Oakes ... $12.00 Non-Member $25.00 Non-Member $15.00 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS I. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept. 116 Fisher St., North Attleboro, MA 02760. Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of Librarian—Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. the members only. For further information, write the 60521. Page 194 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 195 Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States, the Confederate States and Canada by RICHARD T. HOOBER INTRODUCTION The purpose of this work is to catalogue all known railroads which issued notes and scrip. Those states in which the old roads were organized are listed alphabetically and also by the lines within each state. The notes are described, and rarities along with comparative dollar values are given. Despite the ab- sence of some descriptions, there is valid evidence that such notes existed. Some were advertised by David C. Wismer and others in price lists issued from 1928 to the 1940s. Others were gleaned from advertisements in various issues of The Coin Collector's Journal. Hopefully, some of the missing descriptions will be unearthed in the future. Data pertaining to some of the old railroads is also lacking, due to failures and mergers, but every effort has been made to include all available information. A partial listing of historical sketches, compiled by H. R. Stephens, was also published in The Coin Collector's Journal, issues from 1937 to 1941, and are included herein. The format for this work follows closely the established guidelines of the Society of Paper Money Collectors in the continuing project to update the listing of obsolete notes and scrip state by state, begun over fifty years ago by D. C. Wismer and published serially in The Numismatist magazine. Dates appearing on notes will be entirely engraved, or printed, unless mentioned as being part ink. Partially inked dates may vary from the dates mentioned in the text. Strangely enough, the common practice of altering and counterfeiting obsolete bank notes did not seriously affect the railroad issues. Very few such spurious notes are to be found. Some of the chartered lines were also granted banking privileges as an added inducement to attract investors, and hence the word "Bank" is appended.to their titles. The printing and issuing of their notes was an added privilege. Rarities and corresponding dollar values are as accurate as possible at the time of publication, and are as follows Rarity Value 1 over 200 known 5 - 10 dollars 2 100 to 200 10 - 20 3 50 to 100 20 - 40 4 25 to 50 40 - 60 5 10 to 25 60 - 75 , 6 5 to 10 75 - 100 7 1 to 5 100 - up , The values are for notes in fine condition. Proof notes are unique in most cases, differing in the plate letters where such may occur. The writer wishes to acknowledge the cooperation of Nelson R. Hilbert, whose outstanding collection became the nucleus for this study. Special thanks are also due to L. B. Fauver, Thomas A. Reilly, Stan- wood K. Bolton, Jr., and Gary L. Doster. There are 192 railroads listed, with a total of 804 notes. Page 196 Paper Money Whole No. 107 HISTORY OF THE PIONEER RAILROADS No practical application of steam locomotion was made until Sir Isaac Newton proposed and designed a steam car- riage in 1680. Almost one hundred years later Nicholas Joseph Cagnot, a French army officer, built the first self- propelled carriage in 1769. This first use of a high-pressure engine consisted of two, vertical, single-action cylinders. The first locomotives were small and crude, but contin- uing progress in this means of transportation marked this method of travel as a tremendous advancement in the de- velopment of the United States. The early railways were quite primitive, with tracks made of wooden rails. Prior to 1809, Oliver Evans of Philadelphia repeatedly urged the construction of a passenger road linking that city to New York and attempted to form a company for that purpose. But it was not until April 1823 that the state of New York chartered the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company to construct a canal and railroad from the Pennsylvania coal fields to the Hudson River at Rondout. The road, 16 miles in length, ran from Honesdale to Carbondale, Pennsylvania, and was completed in 1829. In New England, the Gridley Bryant Granite Railroad had been opened at Quincy, Massachusetts, October 7, 1826; it had the unique distinction of being the first railroad in the country. Three miles long, it transported granite for the erec- tion of the Bunker Hill monument to the port of Neponset. The rails were of wood strapped with iron. The following year, 1827, the Mauch Chunk Railroad, nine miles long, was built to connect the Pennsylvania coal mines with the Lehigh River, running on a narrow, 3'7" gauge, on wooden rails faced with iron. In 1826, New York chartered the Mohawk & Hudson River Railroad to haul freight and passengers. The 17-mile long road was opened in 1831. Meanwhile, the state of Mary- land issued a charter to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in 1827. Work was begun the following year, during which six miles of track were laid. It was the first rail line in the United States opened to passenger use. By 1830, it was finished to Ellicott's Mills, a distance of 13 miles. The Washington branch was opened to Bladensburg in July and completed to Washington in 1834. In 1836, the B. & 0. was given its initial contract from the government to carry mail on its regular trains. Farther south, the Charleston & Hamburg Railroad was granted a charter by South Carolina in 1827. The road was completed in September 1833, a distance of 135 miles, and was at that time the longest continuous line in the world. By 1843, there were 4,185 miles of track in the nation that was stretching west to the Mississippi River and beyond. Along the various lines, hundreds of additional miles were contin- ually being planned and built. The famous locomotive "Tom Thumb," built by Peter Cooper, made its initial trip in Aug- ust 1830, between Baltimore and Ellicott's Mills. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 gave tremen- dous impetus to land and railroad development, which con- tinued until the economic troubles of 1857 intervened. With the advent of the Civil War, further expansion was also re- stricted. With the return of peace, however, interest quick- ened in improving and expanding the freight and passenger service. The transcontinental route over the Union Pacific and Central Pacific roads was opened in 1869. Keen, and sometimes bitter, competition developed among the financial magnates such as Gould, Harriman, Hill and Vanderbilt, as they battled for control of the railroads. Their incredible machinations provide fascinating reading and further study. The primary purpose of this work, however, is to list and describe the notes and scrip of known issuers. "Railroad Change Bills" and "Fare Tickets" were issued by some roads. Good for freight or passengers, the notes were valid for a stated number of miles or for passage between specified stations. They were not a legal tender but were often accepted by the local merchants along the rights of way. In 1850, railroads were operating in 25 of the 32 states. New York led with 1,361 miles of track. By 1860, the South had more than 8,000 miles erected (mainly five-foot gauge), operating under many different companies. Charleston, S.C., was linked to the Mississippi River, 755 miles distant at Mem- phis, Tennessee, by 1857. Five roads comprised the route: the South Carolina R.R., 137 miles from Charleston to Hamburg; the Georgia R.R., 171 miles from Augusta to Atlanta; the Western & Atlantic R.R., from Atlanta north- west to Chattanooga, Tennessee; the Nashville & Chatta- nooga R.R., 37 miles from Chattanooga to Stephenson, Ala- bama; and the Memphis & Charleston R.R., covering the final 272 miles from Stephenson to Memphis. The East had been joined with the Southwest by 11 inde- pendent lines totalling 1,215 miles of track from Alexandria, Virginia to Mobile, Alabama. The Orange, Alexandria & Manassas R.R. extended the line 88 miles from Alexandria to Gordonsville, Va. The 22-mile route from Gordonsville to Charlottesville was run over the Virginia Central R.R., where the Orange, Alexandria & Manassas picked up again to carry through to Lynchburg. The Virginia & Tennessee R.R. oper- ated the 204 miles from Lynchburg to Bristol, Tenn.. The East Tennessee & Virginia R.R. extended the road 130 miles southwest to Knoxville, Tenn., thence for 110 miles to Dalton, Ga. The 100-mile stretch to Atlanta was via the Western & Atlantic R.R. The Atlantic & West Point R.R. carried the next 87 miles to the Georgia border at West Point. The next 88 miles to the state capital was handled by the Montgomery & West Point R.R. To Pollard, 114 miles, was over the Alabama & Florida tracks. Finally, the 72 miles was run by the Mobile & Great Northern R.R. The south Atlantic seaboard at Charleston was also linked by rail to the Ohio River at Louisville, Kentucky by the South Carolina, Georgia, Western & Atlantic, Nashville & Chattanooga, and the Louisville & Nashville railroads. Norfolk, Va. was also linked to the Mississippi River at Memphis by what today are the Norfolk & Western, from Norfolk to Bristol, and the Southern R.R., from Bristol to Memphis. The New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern R.R. connected New Orleans with Memphis, Jackson, Tenn., Pad- ucah, Ky., and Cairo, Ill., where it tied in with the Illinois Central, on through to Chicago. Other vital lines, which constituted the southern net- work, were those running from Richmond, Va. through Wil- mington, North Carolina, to Sumter, S.C., and the Mobile & Ohio R.R., running north through Meridian, Mississippi, Corinth, Jackson, and as far as Columbus, Ky. Smaller roads were just as vital, as they also supplied the Confederacy with troops and materiel. When Fort Sumter was fired upon, the South had expanded its rail lines to more than 10,000 miles. 1'1E4 It .f _ty/ ja.a.3 VAN' " 171). 1,1:t t14 TglitahlaWAVIVINAO 0,4^/ 1,4 ' 1 • 4 1 (:i- I flivg i'''''' .".4.1, 3 / , _& 1, N, t, 0. Ajj 1.17 7147IN Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 197 Total railroad mileage of the United States at the begin- ning of the war was 30,635 miles. They connected the Missis- sippi Valley with the seaboard, but had not yet been welded into effective systems, and were sadly inadequate when judged against military requirements. The government in Washington, however, had the advantage over the Confed- eracy, where transportation lines were decidedly less efficient. Most of the arable land in the South was devoted to cotton rather than food cultivation. In January 1862, the Confeder- ate quartermaster general complained that the railroads on which his government was dependent were operating only two trains a day in each direction, at an average speed of six miles per hour. Before the war, the roads of the South acquired most of their equipment from the car-shops and locomotive works lo- cated in northern states. As a consequence, the southern lines deteriorated rapidly. Many of the roads became almost use- less for lack of repairs, and the expression "two streaks of rust and a right of way" was aptly applied. And yet, the rail- roads played an important part in the war from the begin- ning. It was the first great war in history in which they en- tered into campaigns and battles. Roads loyal to the Union agreed on a schedule of rates for army transportation. Their rates were adhered to throughout the conflict, while almost all commodity prices rose far above the 1861 level. In trans- porting troops, the $2,000 paid for moving 1,000 men 100 miles by rail was far less than the cost of marching them over dirt roads that were often impassable. Development of the various means of transportation was closely allied to the westward expansion of the United States. Covered wagons and subsequent stage coaches were replaced by the faster and more commodious steamboats and trains. Along both water and land routes, small villages and trading posts quickly developed into bustling towns. Both forms of travel contributed greatly to the nation's growth in that era of more rapid travel. ALABAMA GREENVILLE—GREENVILLE, COLUMBUS & BIRMINGHAM RAILROAD 1. 5.00 (L) Train. Date—January 1881. Imprint —Unknown. R7 LINDEN—LINDEN RAILROAD Alabama No. 4. Chartered in 1838. 2. 25(C (L) Locomotive. (C) Female seated between 25s. (R) Commerce, locomotive below. R6 3. 500 (L) Train. (C) Man plowing with two horses. (R) Female, train below. R6 4. 1.00 (L) Reverse of silver dollar. (C) Female and eagle. (R) 1 on die, train below. R6 5. 3.00 (L) Train and factory. (C) Man, chariot and horses. (R) Female, 3 below. R6 Page 198 Paper Money Whole No. 107 6. 5.00 (L) Two girls. (C) Train between 5s. (R) "Railroad is Pledged," Washington and V below. R6 7. 10.00 (L) Two females. (C) Train. (R) Lafayette. Date-1838. Imprint —Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, New York. R6 MARION—CATAWBA & MARION RAILROAD Chartered January 18, 1834 to operate between Selma, Alabama and Meridian, Mississippi. The road functioned for six years, when it was incorporated into the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad Company. It later became part of the Southern Railway System. 8. 3.00 (L) Two locomotives. (R) Two locomotives. R7 9. 10.00 Similar to No. 8, except for denomination. Date-1838. Imprint—Unknown. R7 MARION— SELMA, MARION & MEMPHIS RAILROAD The road was chartered in 1851 and completed in 1856, one in the chain of successors of the Catawba & Marion Railroad. An additional line to Greensboro, and then to Sawyerville, a dis- tance of 45 miles, was completed in 1875. The road failed and reorganized October 1, 1878 as the Selma & Greensboro Railroad, finally becoming part of the Southern Railway. 10. 25‘C (L) Men picking cotton, 25 CENTS above. (R) Men loading cotton bales. Black and green print. R2 11. 2.00 (L) Cotton workers, 2 above. (R) Men loading cotton, TWO above. Black and green print. R3 12. 5.00 Similar to No. 10, except for denomination. Date — March 1, 1871. Imprint —Henry Seibert & Bros. Ledger Building, cor. William & Spruce St., N.Y. R7 Marion No. 11. MOBILE—MOBILE & GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD Chartered February 15, 1856, with $1,500,000 capital. Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 199 13. 25C (L) 251, 25C below. (C) Train. (R) "Receivable in payment of freight . . " R6 14. 50C (L) Vignette, 50 below. (C) Train between 50s. (R) "Receivable in freight or passage . . ." R6 15. 1.00 Similar to No. 14, except for denomination. Date Aug. 1, or Sept. 1, 186-. Imprint —Unknown. R6 MOBILE— MOBILE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY The company was chartered in Alabama in February 1848, and subsequently in Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky, and was to operate between Mobile to East Cairo, Ky. An Act of Congress of September 20, 1850 granted the road six sections of public land per mile of road constructed and equipped. The first section of rail, 33 miles, was opened in 1852; the main line and a branch to Columbus, Ky. was opened in 1861. The railroad eventually became part of the Southern Railway system. 16. 101 (L) Decorative border. (C) Name, small train below. (R) "Receivable in payment or freight ... " R5 17. 25C No description. R7 18. 50t Similar to No. 16, except for denomination. R7 19. 2.00 (L) Locomotive, "Receivable in payment . . . " above. (R) Two Dollars, 2 at left. Date—Feb. 15, 1862. Imprint —W. R. R. R7 MONTGOMERY—MONTGOMERY RAILROAD COMPANY The railroad was incorporated January 20, 1832, with a capital of $1,000,000. 20. 3.00 (L) Train, 3 above. (C) Steamboat, dray and train. (R) 20. R7 21. 5.00 No description. R7 22. 10.00 Similar to No. 20, except for denomination. R7 23. 20.00 Similar to No. 20, except for denomination. Date-1836. Imprint —Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, New York. R7 Montgomery No. 24. ( PI , 7" A 1R. ,FCrEt V-1 , 1 V 1 , ( 'EN PPI 4r A4 6e Y Board of Dir:,..otor: JP-474C Page 200 Paper Money Whole No. 107 MONTGOMERY-MONTGOMERY & WEST POINT RAILROAD COMPANY The railroad was a short line, running from Montgomery to Girard. 24. 2.00 (L) Commerce seated. (C) Moneta. (R) 2. "This certificate is issued by consent of the military authorities," along bottom border. R6 25. 3.00 Similar to No. 24, except for denomination. R6 26. 3.00 Similar to No. 24, except (C) team, cotton bales. R7 27. 5.00 No description. R7 28. 20.00 No description. Date-1865 in ink. Imprint -J. T. Paterson & Co., Augusta, Ga. R7 Selina No. 29. SELMA - ALABAMA & MISSISSIPPI RIVERS RAILROAD The line was chartered February 7, 1850 to run from Catawba to Uniontown and later ex- tended from Selma to Uniontown. The name was changed to Selma & Meridian Railroad Co., in 1864, and was sold in 1872. 29. 25C (L) Justice. (C) Train. (R) 25. R7 30. 2.00 (L) Commerce. (C) Train. (R) 2. TWO across note in blue. Date-January, 1862. Imprint-Reporter print, Selma, Ala. R7 SELMA - ALABAMA & TENNESSEE RIVER RAILROAD The road was to join with the Wills Valley Railroad, but that was never accomplished. 31. 5C (L) Justice. (C) Train. Blue print. R6 32. 10(r Similar to No. 31, except for denomination. R6 33. 25q Similar to No. 31, except for denomination. R6 34. 50C (L) Locomotive in border, 50. (C) Train. (R) 50. R6 35. 1.00 Similar to No. 34, except for denomination. R6 36. 2.00 (L) Justice. (C) Train, TWO DOLLARS. (R) 2. R6 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 201 Selma No. 37 37. 3 . 0 0 Similar to No. 36, except for denomination. R7 TUSCUMBIA —TUSCUMBIA, COURTLAND & DECATUR RAILROAD In 1851, this railroad ran from Tuscumbia to Decatur, Florida, 46 miles, and was built to bypass the "Shoals" in the Tennessee River. By 1869, the line was part of the Memphis & Charleston Railway, and subsequently absorbed by the Southern Railway system. 38. 25C No description. R7 39. 50C (C) Male portrait. Date—April 1, 1862. Imprint—Unknown. R7 WETUMPKA —WETUMPKA & COOSA RAILROAD COMPANY 40. 5C No description. R7 41. 10C No description. R7 42. 25C No description. R7 Wetumpka No. 44. 11.;,.';/....:.o, .../fk./Tr.., I\ . LSI .'s I ..., ../Avy ,./44-../‘,.//".n.;..'!' ./..ww...//p/i. /./,/ .:?. /.;.."///// ,/,',.A . I .../.,../7/,/,,,,../i;., .,,./. Page 202 Paper Money Whole No. 107 43. 50C No description. R7 44. 5.00 (L) Washington in toga, tablet, 5 below. (C) Wharf scene, between 5s. (R) Wash- ington in toga, 5 below. R5 45. 10.00 No description. Date—Dec. 12, 1861, part ink. Imprint —Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, New York. R7 ARKANSAS CAMDEN—MISSISSIPPI, OUACHITA & RED RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY 1. 25.00 (L) Locomotive, 25 above. (C) Cotton branch on shield, between family groups. (R) Riverboat, 25 above. R6 HELENA — IRON MOUNTAIN & HELENA RAILROAD COMPANY The road was incorporated December 31, 1860 to connect Iron Mountain with Helena. Twelve miles were completed in 1871, and finally to Helena, in 1881. The road was sold to Kansas City and Southern Railway February 21, 1882, which was later sold to St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, October 26, 1882. The consolidated lines finally merged with Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. 2. 5.00 (L) 5. (C) Train. (R) 5. Black and green print. Ornamental brown reverse. Date—Dec. 1, 1874. Imprint —Western B. N. & Engraving Co. R6 Arkansas No. 1. HOT SPRINGS—HOT SPRINGS RAILROAD COMPANY The company was chartered July 28, 1870 and began operating in November, 1875, running from Malvern, to Hot Springs, a distance of approximately 65 miles. Later, a branch was built from Benton to Butterfield, 18 miles in length. May 3, 1902 the line was sold to Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad, which was controlled by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. 3. 2.00 (L) Train. (R) 2. Date—A.D. 1884. Imprint—None. R7 --- '1,‘ *.4'' .6:..ANKOXI5AA I//fl//I//A ///e rot/bolt /e(/// I//(I/(f to 'lib's/ (11/,:iu: 4IOUNTA/N &HELENA / Am/i pri)///irdefic (V .I.& AI1fI 1)1 ,;(*.14., or A7. //ALES: /10// /// /fit Wtti 1HE IRO, , -00,4,1 . S. ii)77{1h/ ivpitc t+Z t H. 11,1( (Tt Ir. _V . (!lovitsViii"Wo. HOT SPI fire.syw/e41 lo /he 1fehloi - t/ - A' /TOT SPitriYAS;Atket/Ar te,c /11 671//t 6v/el/ic/or I//f' eilyilty ipho /1(1/ .Virueets le m// 4' ' '''',."'"""*:***********••••••••••' SPItt NC; S It Wilt FIAY TO THE JOEAREF, Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 203 Arkansas No. 2 Arkansas No. 3 (To be continued) Page 204 Paper Money Whole No. 107 BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING COPE PRODUCTION FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES PRINTED DURING MAY 1983 PRINTED DURING JUNE 1983 SERIES SERIAL NUMBERS FROM TO ONE DOLLAR QUANTITY I SERIES SERIAL NUMBERS FROM TO QUANTITY TEN DOLLARS 1981 A 84 480 001 B A 99 840 000 B 15,360,000 1981 B 08 960 001 C B 26 880 000 C 17,920,000 (Start of 100,000 Sheets) 1981 C 42 240 001 A C 52 480 000 A 10,240,000 1981 A 00 000 001 C A 12 800 000 C 12,800,000 1981 E 66 560 001 A E 76 800 000 A 10,240,000 1981 B 12 800 001 G B 38 400 000 25,600,000 1981 H 23 040 001 A H 33 280 000 A 10,240,000 1981 D 87 040 001 B D 99 840 000 B 12,800,000 (Start of 100,000 Sheets) 1981 J 35 840 001 A J 43 520 000 A 7,680,000 1981 D 00 000 001 C D 19 200 000 C 19,200,000 1981 F 32 000 001 E F 76 800 000 E 44,800,000 TWENTY DOLLARS 1981 G 22 400 001 E G 44 800 000 E 22,400,000 1981 K 58 880 001 C K 89 600 000 C 30,720,000 1981 B 76 800 001 C B 97 280 000 C 20,480,000 1981 C 43 520 001 A C 58 880 000 A 15,360,000 FIVE DOLLARS 1981 E 53 760 001 B E 66 560 000 B 12,800,000 1981 J 84 480 001 A J 98 560 000 A 14,080,000 1981 A 30 720 001 A A 40 960 000 A 10,240,000 1981 K 51 200 001 A K 60 160 000 A 8,960,000 1981 B 64 OCO 001 B B 76 800 000 B 12,800,000 1981 D 69 120 001 A D 81 920 000 A 12,800,000 1981 F 92 160 001 A F 99 840 000 A 7,680,000 FIFTY DOLLARS 1981 F 00 000 001 B F 02 560 000 B 2,560,000 1981 B 35 840 001 A B 42 240 000 A 6,400,000 1981 L 17 920 001 B L 37 120 000 B 19,200,000 1981 L 17 920 001 A L 25 600 000 A 7,680,000 TEN DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1981 A 61 440 001 A A 74 240 000 A 12,800,000 1981 B 90 880 001 B B 99 840 000 B 8,960,000 1981 K 08 960 001 A K 14 080 000 A 5,120,000 1981 B 00 000 001 C B 08 960 000 C 8,960,000 1981 D 35 840 001 A D 46 080 000 A 10,240,000 PRINTED DURING JULY 1983 1981 F 30 720 001 A F 40 960 000 A 10,240,000 1981 G 92 160 001 A G 99 840 000 A 7,680,000 ONE DOLLAR 1981 G 00 000 001 B G 01 280 000 B 1,280,000 1981 L 76 800 001 A L 87 040 000 A 10,240,000 1981 A 12 800 001 C A 41 600 000 C 28,800,000 1981 B 64 000 001 G B 92 800 000 G 28,800,000 TWENTY DOLLARS 1981 C 00 000 001 C C 32 000 000 C 32,000,000 1981 E 48 000 001 E E 76 800 000 E 28,800,000 1981 1981 1981 A 87 040 001 A A 99 840 000 A B 67 840 001 C B 76 800 000 C D 70 400 001 A D 83 200 000 A 12,800,000 8,960,000 12,800,000 1981 1981 F 76 800 001 E F 99 200 000 E F 00 000 001 F F 12 800 000 F 22,400,000 12,800,000 1981 G 88 320 001 A G 99 840 000 B 11,520,000 1981 G 44 800 001 E G 70 400 000E 25,600,000 1981 G 00 000 001 C G 01 280 000 C 1,280,000 1981 J 72 960 001 A .1 84 480 000 A 11,520,000 FIVE DOLLARS 1981 L 10 240 001 C L 32 000 000 C 21,760,000 1981 A 40 960 001 A A 51 200 000 A 10,240,000 FIFTY DOLLARS 1981 F 02 560 001 B F 12 800 000 B 10,240,000 1981 G 16 640 001 B G 29 440 000 B 12,800,000 1981 A 00 000 001 A A 06 400 000 A 6,400,000 1981 L 37 120 001 B L 49 920 000 B 12,800,000 1981 D 08 960 001 A D 15 360 000 A 6,400,000 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS TEN DOLLARS 1981 A 00 000 001 A A 02 560 000 A 2,560,000 1981 A 74 240 001 A A 81 920 000 A 7,680,000 1981 B 25 600001 A B 32 000 000 A 6,400,000 1981 B 26 880 001 C B 39 680 000 C 12,800,000 1981 D 00 000 001 A D 02 560 000 A 2,560,000 1981 G 01 280 001 B G 14 080 000 B 12,800,000 PRINTED DURING JUNE 1983 TWENTY DOLLARS ONE DOLLAR 1981 A 00000 001 B A 07 680 000 B 7,680,000 1981 B 38 400 000 B 64 000 000 G 25,600,000 1981 B 97 280 001 C B 99 840 000 C 2,560,000 1981 C 69 120 001 B C 99 840 000 B 30,720,000 1981 B 00000 001 D B 23 040 000 D 23,040,000 1981 1981 E 03 200 001 E E 48 000 000 E H 16 000 001 B H 38 400 000 B 44,800,000 22,400,000 1981 G01 280 001 C G 23 040 000 C 21,760,000 1981 J 12 800 001 C J 32 000 000 C 19,200,000 1981 L 32 000 001 C L 53 760 000 C 21,760,000 1981 L 54 400 001 E L 83 200 000 E 28,800,000 FIFTY DOLLARS FIVE DOLLARS 1981 B 76 800 001 B B 94 720 000 B 17,920,000 1981 A 06 400 001 A A 08 960 000 A 2,560,000 1981 C 42 240 001 A C 55 040 000 A 12,800,000 1981 E 10 240 001 B E 19 200 000 B 8,960,000 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1981 H 33 280 001 A H 35 840 000 A 2,560,000 1981 J 70 400 001 A J 85 760 000 A 15,360,000 1981 B 38 000 000 A B 38 400 000 A 6,400,000 E09651875 A Early (1938-39) $5 SC mule. The $5 SC 1934 micro face plates were the first micro $5 plates to become exhausted during the conversion from micro to macro plate numbers. Face is micro 557, back is macro 942. Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 205 years later. The magical plates were 629 and 637—numbers which today quicken the pulse of any avid small note special- ist. Micro plates 637 and 629 were respectively sent to press in 1945 and 1947. Plate 629 was used for only a few months into 1948, but 637 served almost continuously until mid-1949. Backs printed from these two plates were matched with a phe- nomenal variety of Silver Certificate, Legal Tender and Fed- eral Reserve faces. THE PAPER COLUMN by Peter Huntoon r THE FASCINATING $5 MULES The purpose of this article is to share with you my most recent research on the $5 mules. Particular attention will be paid to the possible mules in the $5 FRN series—most of which are presently unknown. MULES A mule is a note which has micro size plate numbers on one side and macro size plate numbers on the other side. Micro numbers measure 0.6 mm high whereas the macro numbers are 1 mm high. Compare the size of the plate num- bers on any Series of 1928 $1 Silver Certificate with those on a modern bill to see the difference. Comparison between micro (left) and macro (right) size plate numbers. Mules were created beginning about 1937 when the Bureau of Engraving and Printing began converting to macro numbers. This change was so significant to the Bureau that they advanced the series designations on the new macro face plates by one letter even though the signatures remained the same. For example, the Federal Reserve Notes went from Series of 1934 to 1934A, yet both had Julian-Morgenthau sig- natures. The difference was solely in the size of the plate numbers. During the transition to all macro plates, both micro and macro plates were in use, often side by side in the same press. The result was the production of mules. Mules were created in every denomination from the $1s and $2s right through the $10,000s. In fact, muled high denomination notes are among the most common of all the mules. IMPORTANCE OF $5 MULES The $5 mules have always been the most interesting to students of mules. The reason for this is that two $5 micro back plates survived unused in the Bureau vaults well past the transition period only to be discovered and sent to press many USE OF OBSOLETE PLATES Before we get much further, I must explain that it was the practice of the Bureau to use obsolete plates rather than scrap them. At the time the great 629 and 637 $5 mules were produced, the treasury signatures were engraved on the face plates along with the series designation. When a new officer took office, new plates were prepared with his signature. However, as the new plates began to be used, the now-obso- lete plates with the former signature combination were also sent to press until they wore out. The presses held four plates and it was very common for plates on the same press to be a mixture of current and obsolete varieties. As the plates cycled around the press, a stream of sheets was produced in which the current and obsolete varieties alternated. Consequently, at any one time, more than one series of notes was being printed. For example, during the 1945 to 1946 period, Federal Reserve Notes were being printed simultaneously from 1934, 1934A and 1934B plates. The back plates being used at that time were all macro plates. The result was that 1934 mules were being made in large numbers (1934 face plates were micro and were matched with macro back plates). The 1934A and 1934B notes were unmuled, both sides having macro numbers. Suddenly, to really confuse things, someone discovered obsolete micro back plate 637 and sent it to press alongside the macro plates. Muled 1934A and 1934B notes began to appear as well as unmuled 1934 notes. To summarize, the FRN mix coming off the presses in late 1945 included un- muled 1934, 1934A and 1934B notes and muled 1934, 1934A and 1934B notes! Multiply this by all the Federal Reserve dis- tricts which issued these series and you have a lot of varieties to choose from. Don't forget, Silver Certificate and Legal Tender $5s were also in production with similar mixings of series and backs. Now you can understand why I am able to devote an entire article just to the $5s! 1'.1'11CS t)i - L.:1,11( 1.k LC-1 1.1 3> 13 Page 206 Paper Money Whole No. 107 MACRO $5 PLATES COME ON LINE The first $5 macro plates appear to have gone to press late in 1937. These were $5 1934A SC face plates. Notes printed from these new macro plates were delivered to the Treasurer from the Bureau on January 27, 1938—all were muled with micro backs. Next to come on line in mid-1938 were $5 macro back plates which were soon matched with SC, LT and FRN faces. Following in succession were 1928C LT faces in mid-1939 and 1934A FRN faces beginning with the New York district in 1941. EARLY MULES During this transition period, large stocks of obsolete micro plates, both face and back, were simultaneously being used up. The first supply of $5 micro plates to become ex- hausted were 1934 SC faces in 1939. Next to go were 1928B LT face plates in 1940. With the exception of back plates 629 and 637, the last of the micro back plates were used up by mid-1942. The micro back plates lasted just long enough to be used in the first $5 Hawaii printings along with micro faces to produce the very scarce 1934 unmuled variety. The last micro FRN face plate, a 1934 plate for Richmond, came off the presses on January 23, 1946—almost nine years after the conversion to micro numbers began. With its passing, the rich period of $5 mules seemed sealed. Dozens of varieties were created in those nine years, but the best was yet to come. 637 IS DISCOVERED An unfinished $5 back plate, number 637, was dis- covered in 1944 which had collected dust since its manu- facture was begun on December 6, 1933. It was finally com- pleted on November 10, 1944, but as an old micro plate. Its first hitch on a press began June 23, 1945. This remarkable plate lasted an incredible four years of almost continuous service and produced an unbelievable spectrum of rare mules. It first went to press during the last months of the Julian- Morgenthau era, survived the entire Julian-Vinson period and lasted almost to the end of the Julian-Snyder period. Had it lasted one more press hitch, it would have muled Clark- Snyder notes ! One little known fact about 637 is obvious from the graphs of the $5 FRNs which accompany this article. It went to press exactly seven months before the last micro 1934 FRN plate wore out. There is no question that unmuled 1934 FRN notes could have been produced from 637 during this time interval. These would be of the extremely scarce 1934 unmuled blue-green seal variety. I have never seen such a note, and none has been reported to me. Such a find would be a discovery of great magnitude. 629 APPEARS A second, now very ancient, micro plate bearing number 629 was found in late 1947. Unlike 637, this one had been finished December 29, 1933, and was simply stored away. Almost fourteen years had elapsed since it had been for- gotten. This apparition from the past suddenly and probably unceremoniously found itself on a production press beginning November 17, 1947. Its first press hitch lasted until February 2, 1948. The next day it was reentered—which means that the design was repressed into the plate to prolong its life. How- ever, someone decided it was no longer viable and it was never recertified for use. On February 17, 1948, it was of- ficially cancelled. During its brief period of service, less than three months, it produced a wide variety of mules of the then- current Julian-Snyder series. These have been discovered in the 1934C SC, 1928E LT and 1934C FRN series. The LTs and FRNs produced from it have evolved into ultimate rarities. This is not to say that the 1934C SC mules from it are com- mon; they are just very rare. The last two $5 micro back plates used to print notes. 629 was used between 1947 and 1948; 637 was used between 1945 and 1949. Great mile rarities were produced from both of them. The last of the $5 SC 1934A face plates were being used up when micro back plate 637 was discovered and sent back to press. These scarce 1945-46 vintage mules from the KA and LA blocks have micro back 637 and were the first $5 SC mules to appear since 1942. Plate 629 went into production over two years later than 637 but it left production over a year before 637 finally wore out. Notes from it are about ten to fifteen times as scarce as those from 637. Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 207 Consecutive pair of 1934C notes. N. . . 78A is unmuled with macro back 1727; N. . 79A is muled with micro back 637. At the time these were printed, serial numbering was consecutive down the half sheet. Notice that they are consecutive from the F to A positions. This odd type of changeover resulted because micro 637 was on the same press as three macro back plates. THE GRAPHS A number of graphs appear with this article. Each illus- trates the periods during which $5 mules were produced as well as the serial block letters that coincided with the print- ings. Nicely illustrated is the overlapping useage of current and obsolete plates. If you will take the time to study these graphs, your re- ward in understanding the mules will more than compensate for your effort. The FRN graphs are the most easily used. For each dis- trict there are two parts. The upper line shows the block letters and time spans during which each was used. Below are bars representing the lengths of time during which notes were printed from the various series of face plates. The vertical lines block out the periods during which various mules were produced. For example, if you will look at the graph for the Boston district, you can see that Series of 1934 mules—the most common—could have been produced from late 1938 (beginning of the macro backs) until mid-1946 (last of the micro 1934 faces). Similarly, Boston 1934C mules from plate 629 could have been produced only at the very end of 1947 and first few weeks of 1948. As expected, none are reported! Notice on the San Francisco graph there is mutual over- lap between: (1) 1934 micro face plates (horizontal bar lab- eled "34"), (2) old micro backs (vertical line labeled "last micro backs") and, (3) Hawaii printings (horizontal bar labeled "Hawaii"). The result is the possibility of unmuled 1934 $5 Hawaii notes. They do exist in small numbers! The graphs for the $5 SCs and LTs are more complicated but focus entirely on possible mules. The horizontal arrows within the field of the graphs show the periods during which particular mules were produced. For example, LT mules from plate 637 were produced between mid-1945 and mid-1949, and resulted in 1928C mules (mid-1945 to early 1946), 1928D mules (early 1946 to late 1946), and 1928E mules (late 1946 to mid-1949). The vertical arrows show the serial block letters ranges for the various types of mules. Notice on the LT graph that 1928C mules occur in the EA block (early mules identi- fied on the left side) and GA block (637 group to the right). The collector of these notes will immediately recognize that the relative spacing between the horizontal lines for particular mules accurately reflects their rarity. The rarest in the group are 1928E mules from plate 629 and second rarest are the 1928D mules from 637. Notice also that no 1928C or D mules are possible from plate 629. Plate 629 only produced 1928E mules in the LT series. One fact that is not shown on the $5 LT graph is the overlapping by a few million serials between the muled 1928C-1928D printings and 1928D-1928E printings. These overlaps are obvious if you compare the serial ranges on Table 1. Unfortunately, the width of the lines used to draw the LT graph covers the entire overlapping range! Obviously there is a lot of information on these graphs. You can find obsolete versions of the SC and LT graphs in my earlier article (Huntoon, 1979); however, those for the FRNs shown here are firsts. SILVER CERTIFICATE $5 KA BLOCK There is one major kicker in the $5 Silver Certificate issues. Block KA was used to print the popular North Africa yellow seal notes, but these were printed out of sequence. They were produced between 1942 and 1944, beginning three years earlier than predicted on the $5 SC graph shown here. The serials in the yellow seal printings involved six groups lying between K34188001A and K65984000A. It is clear from data available to me that the remaining serials numbers between K00000001A and K53984001A were printed during the same 1942 to 1944 period as blue seal regular issue notes; however, the serials above K65984000A were left unused until 1945. The ramifications of this discovery are very important for the specialist. The student of $5 SCs will recognize that the known serial range for late-finished macro face plate 304 (see Huntoon, 1982) was totally restricted to the 1942 through 1944 printings and specimens are known from both the yellow seal and blue seal printings. The big question was whether it was possible that face 304 was muled with any micro backs. A look at the $5 SC graph shows that the answer is conclusively no—no $5 SC mules were being produced between mid-1942 I-34A . 34B 34C — DA- H 34A 34B 34C - IA- 348 - JA- 34B 34C - KA- Paper Money Whole No. 107Page 208 rf) 't Cr) (.0 t•-• CO I I I O In OIn cr) - N rO Cr C) O r-- co cp I I I •ct (0 co a) L? - N ter Cr 52 ca N co a) In 0 10 K) 0 tr) I I - GA- - I - 34 34 ►344 348 34C - BB- H- - 34A-- 34B 34D _ I-- 34D I-34 A - 34 B 34D • H A — 34A I- 348 1-.1E- GCGB 34 34 —CA - 34 34D H 34D — EA- 34 340 348 34CI- 34D FIRST MACRO— " BACK -k—OLD MICRO BACKS '637 I I I I I I I LO I— CO CO 0 — N Cr LC, I"- CO a) 0 ro 44- ti) a) 34 34 34C 340 LA • 1-344--I 348 34C I 34D FIRST MACRO BACK - -OLD MICRO BACKS IIIII I IIIIIIIII 1 I I ct- in co r-- OD cr) o - CV NI et in (0 r's CO Cr) 0 —ro cr cr to cr)cr) rn (7) 34 34A 1-344- 348 34C —FA - 629- { 34 HAWAII 34 4 04-* 340 H 34C 340 '637 629 $5 Federal Reserve mules. For each district, the heavy arrows show the periods during which the different block letters were printed. The finer horizontal bars show the time intervals during which different series face plates were in use. To figure out when specific types of mules were printed, study the overlaps between face plate printings and the types of available backs as blocked out by the vertical lines. 10 A - B - C - D -E -F re) U) - G.1 (0 I-9 2 A B - C - >— D- coco CO LLI E e I928D c■1 c0 c■I FIRST MACRO BACK —■ I928E 28B FIRST 28CMACRO FACE 28D LAST 28E 1928MICRO FACE I928A I928B 1-637-1 I928C 629-11- r._ CVCO Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 209 FIRST MACRO,. BACK FIRST MACRO-. FACE 1934 A B C D E F G H J K L N P Q R S T V 934A ILI 16, 34B -. I934D MICRO BACK 1934B 19340 .1- 71- Trrn r0 r0 .1 CO C.) LAST - MICRO FACE 34C .-- 34A34A -- 34 1111 629—• -. 637 A B C -D E F G H J L N P Q R S T V 71- in co r•-• co o) o — N r0 cr in co N- CO 0) 0 — N 1'0 cr r0 if) $5 Silver Certificate mules. Serial prefix letters along the sides, years during which the mules were printed along the base. Notice that no Silver Certificate mules were produced before 1938, between mid-1942 and mid-1945, or after 1949. Beware that the KA block serials below K65984000A were printed out-of-sequence between 1942 and 1944 as explained in the text. 1928 CO NO0 N N r0 01 0) r 7,5 CQ M ,;r up N- o0 CD CD cv ro v) rs- OD CO c) rs r()M ro r0 ff) ro ND cr cr uP 0 up al CD Cr F I - I t LAST $5 Legal Tender mules. Serial prefix letters along the sides, years during which the mules were printed along the base. Notice that there was overlapping of both the 1928C-D and 1928D-E mule printings but the overlap was too short to show on this graph. ,s1 e VAS fILX640S,11.C. Page 210 Paper Money Whole No. 107 and mid-1945 when the 304 KA block $5 SCs were being printed! Notice that SC $5 mules are possible from the KA block in the 1934A and 1934B series. These notes were printed be- tween 1945 and 1946 when the Bureau got around to using the KA block serials left over from the yellow seal days. All these mules were printed from 637. $5 FRN MULES From the FRN graphs, you can see that the $5 FRN mules were produced continuously from 1938 until 1949. The first were the 1934 face plates mated with macro back plates which were produced from 1938 until 1946. The 1934A mules—these have micro backs—were printed for a short period for New York in 1941 and 1942. They are also possible with 637 backs for all districts except I, J, and K from print- ings of 1945-46 vintage. The 1934B mules from 637 are pos- sible for all districts except Dallas from the 1945-47 period. Series of 1934C mules with back plate 637 are possible for all districts from printings between 1946 and 1949. Plate 629 could have been used to produce 1934C mules for all districts during its short press life in 1947-48. All of the FRN mules are of the blue-green seal variety. The yellow-green seals ceased to be printed before the intro- duction of macro back plates in 1938. Therefore none are possible, despite the erroneous listings for them that you will find in the O'Donnell Catalog. It is obvious that many 629 and 637 $5 FRN varieties are possible, but as shown on Table 2, very few are known. Most surprising are the 1934A FRN mules. Of all the possibilities shown on the graphs, only one note has ever been reported to me—a note owned by Leon Goodman from the 1941-42 New York printing. None have ever been reported from back plate 637. I have speculated that during the time the 1934A 637 mules were possible, most if not all of the 637 backs were fortuitously being routed to LT and SC faces. The fact remains that of all the mules, the $5 1934A FRN ranks as the rarest. $5 FRN 1934B and 1934C 637, and 1934C 629 mules have turned up for only a few of the possible districts and never in quantities of more than three or so for the most com- mon districts at latest count. These must be regarded as great rarities as type notes. If you decide to rate them by district, each is an important rarity. The most common mule in any of the $5 FRN series is the 1934. All are of the blue-green seal variety, and they occur in all districts and were produced continuously from 1938 through 1946. It turns out that unmuled 1934 blue-green seal $5 FRNs are rarities. In fact, the 1934 blue-green seals are so scarce, I have only owned two of them since I have been collecting currency. I consider them to be real finds. The only mule in the $5 Hawaii printings is the 1934 with macro back. These are far more plentiful than the 1934 un- muled variety. MULED NEW YORK 1934B 212 FACES I have always wondered if muled $5 New York 1934B notes with face plate 212 were possible. New York 212 has the unusual intermediate size plate numbers (see Huntoon, 1974.) The FRN graphs illustrate that the entire 1934B New York printing lies within the range of the 637 back plate printings. $5 SC 1934C star mule with micro back plate 637. It was produced sometime between 1946 and 1949. $5 FRN 1934B mule with micro back plate 637. This was printed in 1946. Muted 1934 Hawaii $5 notes are more common than unmuled 1934's. This note is of 1942-43 vintage. Yes, it is entirely possible that mules exist bearing inter- mediate face plate 212. They would carry high serials in the BB block. A mule or two are known from the New York 1934B printings so we know that impressions from 637 were occasionally routed to the face presses used to print New York notes. It is my opinion that a 212-637 mule would rank as the ultimate mule find. None are presently known, so take a look at your notes. DELIVERY DATES IN THE SHAFER CATALOG Early editions of the Shafer catalog used to carry lists of serials and delivery dates for most series of small notes. These records were highly criticized and he felt obliged to drop these tables in later editions. The problem was that the high serials Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 211 were meaningless because the Bureau continued to print notes from obsolete plates well beyond the "official" last serial. I have found that the low serials are very accurate. In 95 percent of the cases where I have cross-checked them against the low observed serials in O'Donnell's catalog, I have found the official low given in Schafer's tables to be lower. This simply means that the "official" lows are very meaningful. In fact, I was able to use them along with delivery dates in pre- paring the graphs shown here. I consider the "official" lows to have great research values and encourage you to take them seriously if you contemplate researcing the early small note issues. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Much of the data used to support the conclusions of this article came from serial number data on known notes from back plates 629 and 637 compiled by Robert King from every source available to him. The following collectors have aided my studies considerably by sharing their observations: Marty Vink, Graeme Ton and Chuck O'Donnell. DATA NEEDED Much of what you have read has been deduced from ob- served notes in the hands of collectors and dealers. If you have any notes from back plates 629 or 637, please let me know the class, series and serials, as well as the plate num- bers. I need any data on any $5 FRN 1934A mule. I am also in need of serial number data for just about every other minor variety in the scarce to rare small note category. With your help, more articles can be forthcoming. Send your com- ments and data to : Peter Huntoon, P.O. Box 3681, Laramie, WY 82071. Thanks. OTHER SOURCES If the topics covered in this article interest you, read the following articles and catalogs to better understand what these varieties are all about. If you find statements or dates in my earlier articles which conflict with those presented here, rely on the conclusions found here because we are continually refining the picture as new data become available. MULES: Huntoon, Peter (1979) $5 mules exist thanks to regular house- cleaning: Bank Note Reporter, February, p. 8, 14. Huntoon, Peter (1979) Mules and changeover pairs: Paper Money, v. 18, p. 197-205. Huntoon, Peter (1982) New data on $5 back plates 629 and 637 and their mules: Paper Money, v. 21, p. 56-60. INTERMEDIATE SIZE PLATE NUMBERS ($5 FRN 1934B NY FACE 212): Huntoon, Peter (1974) Intermediate size check numbers: Paper Money, v. 13, p. 117. LATE-FINISHED PLATES ($5 SC 1934A FACE 304): Huntoon, Peter (1982) $20 FRN back plate 204 and other late- finished plates: Paper Money, v. 21, p. 174-175. CATALOGS: O'Donnell, Chuck (1977) The Standard Handbook of Modern United States Paper Money: 6th edition, Harry Forman, Inc., 342 p. Shafer, Neil (1967) A Guide Book of Modern United States Cur- rency: 2nd edition, Whitman Publishing Company, 160 p. Table 1. Serial number ranges for the $5 Silver Certificate and Legal Tender Mules. Except as noted, all serials are observed and were compiled by King, Vink, Huntoon or O'Donnell. Star notes are pos- sible for the series shown. SILVER CERTIFICATES Early Mules (1938 - 1942) 1934 E06094905A E53049647A 1934A D50352001A# HSO000000A* 637 Mules (1945 - 1949) I934A K71959098A LI 7092570A 1934B K90480001A# L84008002A 1934C L50808001A# P72850478A 629 Mules (1947 - 1948) 1934C M98327736A N07794507A LEGAL TENDER NOTES Early Mules (1938 - 1942) 1928B E09764160A E73255510A 1928C E45779493A F60000000A* 637 Mules (1945 - 1949) 1928C G25000000A* G52180700A 1928D G50628001A# G64977445A 1928E G62496001A# H29177878A 629 Mules (1947 - 1948) 1928E H10975756A H17893839A # indicates that the serial is the first official number for the series in cases where the first number falls in the possible mule range. * indicates that the serial number is estimated from the graphs which accompany this article. The Society of Paper Money Collectors has an in- formative handout brochure available for the asking. Contained in the brochure is information on the So- ciety and paper money in general. Take some with you to the next coin club meeting or show. Write S.P.M.C. secretary Bob Azpiazu, P.O. Box 1433, Hialeah, FL 33011. Page 212 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Table 2. Possible blocks in the 629 and 637 Federal Reserve $5 printings. Star notes are possible for the districts where blocks are possible: however, at this time mules are known only for the 1934B 637 L* printing. The 1934-637 notes listed below are, of course, non-mules. District 1934-637 1934A-637 1934B-637 1934C-637 1934C-629 A AA AA AA AA* AA B BB BB BB* BB,BC* BC C CA CA CA CA CA D DA DA DA DA DA E EA EA EA EA EA F FA FA FA FA FA G GB GB* GB* GB* H HA HA HA* HA* HA IA* IA* IA J JA JA JA* JA K KA KA L LA LA,LB LA,LB* LB LB * indicates specimens have been reported to exist. Table 3. Relative rarity of the $5 mules. Type Rarity A LEGAL HISTORY OF MONEY IN THE UNITED STATES, 1774-1970 by James Willard Hurst. UN, 1973, 367 pages, index. Hardcover (New third printing). The aim of this book is to study the principal ways in which the United States has used law to give legitimate form to a system of money and to affect its functional capacity to serve the economy. Law has been so intertwined with the system of money that its role has entered into much of the literature on the history and theory of money in the American economy; however, legal writing in this field has been quite limited in its coverage until the appearance of this book. The book presents a comprehensive treatment of legal dimensions of the system of money, and looks closely at the benefits and detriments which have accrued to that system from legal interventions. While this is primarily a study in legal-economic history, directed to those interested in the cause-effect relationships between legal processes, it will also interest those with a deep interest in United States coinage or banknotes. The price of the work is US $25.00 postpaid in the United States. All other countries must add US $4.00 to help with registra- tion and additional postage. It is available from Dale Seppa, 103 Sixth Avenue North, Virginia, MN 55792. MONEY AND MAN/A SURVEY OF MONETARY EXPERIENCE, By Elgin Groseclose. Fourth edition, revised, updated and enlarged by the author. 306 pages, index, notes, and bibliography. rarest rarest rarest rare rare rare very scarce to rare very scarce to rare very scarce very scarce scarce scarce common common Since its first publication by the University of Oklahoma Press in 1934, this book (originally entitled MONEY: THE HUMAN CONFLICT) has become a classic in the fields of economic and social history. In this revised and updated edition the author brings to the task of recounting the history of money a notable skill in nar- rative and a farsighted look into the future. His story of money, the moral issues it has posed in history, its influence on men and governments, and some suggestions for solving the world's economic woes is designed both for the student and for the general reader who wants to understand the influences of money, trade, debt, and credit on the evolution of civilization, and par- ticularly on the American economy and political organization. This is an ideal work for the serious student of coinage or banknotes who wants to understand the "why" of his chosen endeavour. The hardbound edition is available from Dale Seppa, 103 Sixth Avenue North, Virginia, MN 55792. The cost is US $20.00 postpaid in the United States. Foreign customers are asked to include an ad- ditional US $4.00 to help with registration and additional postage. FRN 1934A 637 FRN 1934A LT 1928C 637 FRN 1934B 637 FRN 1934C 629, 637 LT 1928D 637 LT 1928E 629, 637 SC 1934 SC 1934A 637 SC 1934B 637 SC 1934C 629, 637 LT 1928B LT 1928C FRN 1934 Hawaii SC 1934A very common FRN 1934 very common BANDITS STEAL TREASURY MAIL Congressional "Hot-Line" on Monetary Affairs Rep. Ron Paul of the 22nd Congressional District of Texas is offering a new phone-in service of interest to paper money collectors. Through a special telephone line installed in Washington, a three-minute recorded message on money and banking matters is now available throughout the country on a 24-hour basis. The mes- sage is changed each Friday at 9 a.m. Each new message brings callers up to date on the most recent legislation on money and banking, the activities of the Federal Re- serve, the Treasury Department, the House and Senate Banking Committees—and the machinations that follow in the halls of Congress. The number to call is 202-225-5241. (This is not a toll-free number.) Rep. Paul is a Republican member of the House Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs. Washington—Thugs bludgeoned an armed mail clerk into un- consciousness here and escaped with three registered mail pouches, which contained exactly 216 pounds of mutilated and worthless cur- rency. The mail bags were en route from the Federal Reserve bank in New York to the treasury when the holdup was staged shortly after 2 a.m. in the broad Union station concourse. It was only after a minute check that treasury officials announced the loot was a "gold brick." It would have been worth $807,000 had the currency been whole, but following the usual custom the bills had been cut in half, and the portions shipped separately. The treasury had half of the bills and the thieves had the portions that matched them. Investigators leaned to the theory that four men were involved. They found three sections of lead pipe wrapped in newspaper near the scene. It was learned also the escape had been made in a black touring car kept waiting in the station plaza.— The Billings County Pioneer, Fryburg, N. Dak., Feb. 19, 1931. —Courtesy Forrest W. Daniel ETTLEMEAT - 1812 A COLONIE DE LA RIV1ERE ROUGE-1812 ALA,..A.-JILJILALAILAL&ALAL&.ik.AL_ilkALA Lord Selkirk on 1962 Canadian stamp. NNESOrA :•E'.:PRITORIAL CENTENNIAL 1F1,49 - I041 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 213 Canadian Currency Used in Dakota by FORREST W. DANIEL p EMBINA, North Dakota, is one of the oldest communi-ties in the center of the North American continent. Itbecame part of the United States in 1818 when the 49th parallel of latitude was established as the nation's northern boundary. Postal service was established there in 1844, the customs house in 1851, a land office in 1870, and a military post in 1871. Yet in 1881 the editor of The Pembina Pioneer felt constrained to call for the introduction of United States currency into everyday usage. Such American currency as penetrated to Pembina was gobbled up by the three gov- ernment offices while Canadian bank notes circulated at a discount in all other markets. The location was visited frequently during the eighteenth century, but it was only in 1797-98 that Charles Chaboillez, agent of the North-West Fur Company, and 15 men wintered there at the junction of the Pembina and Red Rivers. The North-West Company established a permanent post there in May 1801, and it was immediately surrounded by a settlement of Indians. The Hudson's Bay Company, nominal owner of the land, and the X Y Company also built fur trade posts at Pembina within a short time. Thomas Douglas, Earl of Selkirk, gained control of a large area of Hudson's Bay Company land and began settle- ment of dispossessed Scottish crofters there. When the first settlers arrived at Fort Garry (Red River Settlement) in 1812, it was too late to plant crops to feed them. There was food at Pembina, so most of the immigrants spent the winter with the population there; the custom was followed for a number of years, and strengthened the community. Barter was the staple of the fur-trade economy; the only money in circulation was the little the settlers brought. Eventually, in 1824, the Hudson's Bay Company issued un- convertible notes in limited quantities, but it was a long time before a money economy was established.* The first survey to locate the northern boundary after the Treaty of 1818 was made in 1823. The community of Pem- bina was found to be in the United States and the Hudson's Bay Company establishment just north of the border. After long and sometimes bloody competition, in 1821 the Hudson's Bay Company merged with the North-West Company which had absorbed the X Y Company in 1805. The HBC was dominant in local and international trade in the area until 1843, when the American Fur Company estab- lished a post south of the border at Pembina. Fort Garry Gate on 1938 Canadian stamp. During the 1840s regular trade was established, through St. Paul, with the United States, and trains of hundreds of Red River ox carts made round trips from Pembina and Fort Garry. The Hudson's Bay Company began to send its mail and some freight through the United States to speed its contact with the home office in London. Previously supplies and mail for Fort Garry and Red River Settlement arrived and were sent only annually through Hudson Bay. The increase in trade led to the establishment of the United States Customs House at Pembina in 1851 ; the only other port of entry west of the Mississippi River was San Francisco, dating only from 1849. Red River ox cart on U.S. 1949 stamp. The volume of international trade increased to the point that ox cart trains were supplemented, in 1859, by the first steamboat on the Red River of the North. The number of steamboats grew in proportion to the increased traffic and supplanted cart hauling for a large part of the trip from St. ANINNE, 5 TAT UNITED STATES POSTAGE Page 214 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Paul to Pembina and Winnipeg, as Fort Garry came to be known. Railroads, too, came to the Red River Valley; after 1872 freight could be shipped by rail to Fargo and transferred to steamboats there. Fort Pembina was occupied by the U.S. Army in 1871 to protect the international boundary survey crew and the civilian community from Indians displaced from Minnesota after the uprisings in 1863. The fort was occupied until 1895. While Pembina had a long history from a village of semi- nomadic, mixed-blood population to a community with more settled habits, and had seen a vast amount of transient business traffic, it never had a solid hinterland trade until the late 1870s. The first railroad to connect with Canada in the mid-continent was the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba. It passed Pembina on the Minnesota side of the river with a station at St. Vincent in 1878. The Northern Pacific reached Pembina in 1887. During the 1870s and '80s the Red River Valley filled with homesteaders and bonanza farmers who came from both south and north. By the late 1880s the Valley was completely settled for all practical purposes. A business directory pub- lished in 1882 listed Pembina's population in 1880 as less than 200, and 355 in 1881. The directory gives the May 1882 popu- lation as about 1,150, but several of that number were prob- ably expected to arrive by the time a prospective merchant saw the brochure and decided to establish there. Censuses count populations of 670 in 1890, and 929 in 1900. In 1881, however, the currency in circulation in the com- munity was not what it should have been. The editor of the Pembina Pioneer outlined the situation in an editorial re- printed in the Jamestown, Dakota, Daily Alert on June 4. Canadian Currency The question of what shall we do to get rid of the circulation of Canadian Currency is one which is now vexing the minds of our business men. On account of our close proximity to our Canadian cousins and the other fact of such a large Canadian immigration to this country, our circulating money medium is almost entirely Canadian currency, our bank here will not handle it for less than one-half per cent. discount, neither will the rail- road company or the express company take it without the same discount, and it is not at all receivable for customs, public lands, postage or any other dues to the U.S. Government. Our mer- chants and other business men can not send it to their St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago or other business centres in payment for goods without suffering the loss of discount. The Canadian banks are somewhat different from our national banks, for whereas, under our national banking system our Government is responsible for the same, while many of the Canadian banks are owned by private individuals who alone are responsible. These Canadian banks, or at least the greater number of them, are per- fectly good and their paper money is redeemable in gold at their own banks; but it is an expense to send to those banks, and hence their paper money is not worth the face value here. On the other hand our own money is good, and can be used for every business purpose and is subject to no discount and we think our own money is what we should use and accept no other only for just what it is worth. First National Bank of Pembina Canadian currency was gradually diluted along with the influx of American settlers. And a local source of American currency was established when the Pembina County Bank be- came the First National Bank of Pembina on January 20, 1886. L. E. Booker was president, with Judson LaMoure, vice president; G. W. Ryan, cashier, and J. R. Musselman, assistant cashier. They were the same officers who had led the Pembina County Bank; a number of prominent businessmen from St. Paul were investors in the new bank. The bank's business proceeded normally for a number of years. National Currency notes of the second charter period with brown backs were issued with 335 sheets printed from a 10-10-10-20 Dakota Territory plate. And after North Dakota entered the Union on November 2, 1889, the First National Bank of Pembina received 275 sheets from a 5-5-5-5 plate and 443 sheets from a 10-10-10-20 plate with statehood desig- nation. $10,700 of the notes were outstanding when the bank closed and $210 were still unredeemed in 1916. Map of the Dakota area on U.S. 1939 stamp. The end of the bank came suddenly on December 21, 1897, during a visit by C. H. Anheier, national bank examiner for North and South Dakota. President of the bank at closing was Judson LaMoure, who replaced L. E. Booker in 1896. LaMoure was a prominent Pembina businessman and politician; he had been in the territorial assembly and council and was a state senator. It was said by the local news- paper that LaMoure might be criticized in politics, but not in a business transaction. It is curious, in that context, that the files of the Pembina Pioneer Express newspaper do not con- tain the two issues following the closure of the bank and three issues following its going into receivership. However, its first story of the closing was reprinted by newspapers in Drayton and Grand Forks ; after that the curtain drops on details. Business continued at the bank after Inspector Anheier arrived and the teller accepted deposits to within an hour of closing at 11 a.m. Vice-president W. J. Kneeshaw, an attor- ney, was away attending court at Langdon and President LaMoure arrived in Pembina on the morning train, but the bank was closed before he got to his office. Local stock- holders heard the news of the closing on the street. "The closing came like a stroke of lightning from a clear sky," reported the Pioneer Express. The bank had carried $20,000 of worthless notes from the time Booker was the bank's president, but the newspaper indicated they had dis- appeared from the latest bank statement, and it was judged the bank was in its best shape in several years. Collections were good that fall and it was believed the difficulty had been dispelled. The official report, however, shows the bank still carried $20,064 in worthless paper and another $50,018 con- sidered doubtful, against $84,629 of assets considered good. Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 215 Pembina County had $19,000 of its funds deposited in the bank, but that amount was covered by insurance and the county had sufficient other funds to carry on its normal business. Injudicious banking and the failure of large debtors was the listed cause for the bank's failure. W. J. Kneeshaw was named receiver for the bank on January 19, 1898, and the business was finally closed on September 18, 1907. Replacement of National Currency notes of the First National Bank left an adequate amount of United States cur- rency to carry on the business of the community, but because of its proximity to the international border Canadian cur- rency continued to play a large part in local transactions. It is doubtful that the local newspaper ever had to call again for the introduction of United States currency to replace Canadian. * "Hudson's Bay Company Trade and Paper Money," by Forrest W. Daniel, Paper Money, Vol. 13, Nos. 2 and 3, 1974. SOURCES Newspapers: The Daily Alert, Jamestown; Drayton Echo; Weekly Plaindealer, Daily Herald, Grand Forks; Pioneer Express, Pembina. Various Pembina County and North Dakota histories. Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency. An Easy Way to Find National Bank Notes (And Who Knows What Else) by BOB COCHRAN AH, the joys of collecting National Bank Notes. I'vebeen a member of the Society of Paper Money Col-lectors for several years, and I have relished the stories in Paper Money and other publications of how various notes have surfaced. There are accounts of fellows like Roman Latimer and Peter Huntoon tracking down New Mexico, Arizona, and Wyoming Nationals like Texas Rangers. They "always get their note" or so it seems. The late Amon Carter, Jr. always showed up at Memphis with "the rare ones." And who among us hasn't savored every word describing the contents of the latest hoard to be found ("Boy, wouldn't it be great if I could find one like that"). OK, folks, back to reality. How about a way to bring those pigeonholed notes out of the dark and directly to you? I live in St. Louis, Missouri. We have a local 50,000 watt radio station, KMOX. This station is very listener-oriented, with many opportunities for people locally and nationwide to call in and get on the air. On Saturday mornings, KMOX has a call-in show called "The Trading Station," where listeners can offer to buy or sell all types of items. I called in two weeks ago, offering to buy old paper money, and National Bank Notes from St. Louis in par- ticular. I gave a brief description of what I was looking for. I received over 50 calls from folks with notes to sell. As you might expect, I was offered dozens of small-size silver certificates, legal tender notes, and Federal Reserve Notes; advertising and souvenir notes on fake parchment ; foreign currency of all kinds; and a few Confederate notes. Not much of interest in those items. However, I was offered and did purchase the following Nationals. These notes represent an investment of $340.00, and were bought within three days of my original call. $10 1882BB Charter 5002 Condition VG-F Merchants-Laclede National Bank of St. Louis, Missouri $20 1929 Type I Charter 2188 Condition F Citizens National Bank of Evansville, Indiana $20 1929 Type I Charter 7724 Condition F American National Bank of Wetumka, Oklahoma $20 1929 Type I Charter 8706 Condition F-VF First National Bank of Burkburnett, Texas $10 1929 Type II Charter 1950 Condition F First National Bank of Fort Smith, Arkansas $10 1929 Type II Charter 5550 Condition VG-F Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu, Hawaii $10 1929 Type II Charter 10173 Condition F First National Bank of Staunton, Illinois $10 1929 Type II Charter 984 Condition VF-XF Indiana National Bank of Indianapolis, Indiana $10 1929 Type I Charter 5687 Condition VG-F First National Bank of Hoxie, Kansas $10 1929 Type II Charter 13726 Condition F-VF American Exchange National Bank in St. Louis, Missouri $5 1929 Type II Charter 12186 Condition F-VF Republic National Bank & Trust Company of Dallas, Texas $10 1929 Type II Charter 2909 Condition VG-F Collin County National Bank of McKinney, Texas I was also offered a 1929 Type I $50 on Charter 4764 from South Bend, Indiana; a similar note on Charter 11344 from Kansas City, Missouri; and a $10 1902PB on Charter 8399 from Wellington, Kansas. I've been fortunate to acquire some scarce notes, and to meet some very nice people. So check out your local radio stations. Who knows? Someone may call you and say, "I was cleaning out my oat bin and found some old, funny-looking money. They all have bank names and town names on them. Would those be the kind you're looking for?". Steady . . . Bob Cochran is a resident of Florissant, Missouri, a St. Louis suburb. He has been collecting Nationals from St. Louis banks for approximately four years. He en- joys the search for notes almost as much as the notes themselves. He is also a devious person, constantly thinking of new ways to dig up notes he needs for his collection. // ) /LEA I'' /./ 7/7///7///17. } • // /77 7/77/ • •54. 417 Page 216 Paper Money Whole No. 107 INTERESTING NOTES 'BOUT INTERESTING NOTES © 1983 Roger H. Durand A "NOTE WORTHY" CONTROVERSY Weybosset Street entrance designed by Russell Warren. T HE Providence Arcade may well be the oldest shoppingmall in the United States still attracting shoppers withits restaurants, specialty shops and other numerous at- tractions which change almost daily. It has survived gener- ations of internal change while retaining its unique charac- teristics so that it gives the impression of remaining un- changed. The building with its quaint shops attracted the cream of Providence society. The Arcade's advocates referred to it as a "monument to the energy, good taste, skill and courage of its constructors, of which their descendants, and our city may well be proud" while scoffers called it "Butler's Folly." Its birth in 1828 was shrouded in a controversy which remains, even to the present. This Providence landmark building, which is on the National Historic Register, still poses a problem whenever it becomes a subject for adver- tisement or photography and even in describing it accurately. The problem is caused by the two entrances to the building. Although similar, as far as the columns are concerned, their differences are obvious. From the beginning, they were a sub- ject for debate which remains to this present day. The year is 1824. Jacob Whiteman, a wealthy Providence businessman, built a three-story brick building to be used for local business and called it Whiteman's Block. Little did he then realize that he would be responsible for a dispute span- ning more than a century. Samuel Butler, another wealthy Providence businessman, decided that he would build a struc- ture to surpass Whiteman's Block and become the show place of the downtown merchants' district. In fact, he wanted to change the primary shopping district to the location of his new building. Formerly, the main business section was lo- cated on South and North Main Streets and on South Water Street in an area known as Cheapside. The merchants therein were known for their reasonable prices, as the nickname of the area indicated. Butler and Whiteman wanted to shift the shopping and business habits of the people to an area in the western section of the city in the Weybosset and Westminster Streets vicinity where their buildings were situated. Although the Arcade became a landmark in the city, it did little to change the character of the people or alter their shopping habits, so in that respect, it was a failure. But, it did become a historical link with the past. It is the only building in Provi- dence known by name with the exception of the State House. Apparently Samuel Butler was impressed with the style of the Greek Revival architecture of the then recently com- pleted Philadelphia Arcade and Quincy Market in Boston. This style was said to have been inspired by the Madeleine of Napoleon in Paris. He commissioned two architects to submit plans for a building, advising them of the style he preferred. Russell Warren of Bristol was one of the earliest advocates of Greek Revival architecture in Rhode Island. Although he was self-trained from copy books, he seemed to have been well qualified to submit plans for the building. The other architect engaged to submit plans was James C. Bucklin. He had been an apprentice of John Holden Greene, one of the best-known builders in the Providence area. Bucklin made sketches of Haviland's Philadelphia Arcade which led to the eventual design of the Arcade in Providence. While plans and designs were being submitted, it became apparent that the building was going to become an extremely costly venture. Mr. Butler decided that he would have to take in a partner. He let it be known that he would need help to fi- nance the structure and so the Dyer brothers and a few other close friends formed the Arcade Corporation. They jointly engaged the two architects to design the building. Bucklin and A9a/ ONE DATILAR u r / Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 217 Warren each submitted their design for the building, giving particular attention to the entrances. This was the birth of the controversy. Apparently a decision could not be reached as to which design would grace the porticos. I'm sure numerous hours were spent discussing and arguing about the design of the en- trances but to no avail. The only compromise that could be reached was to use both designs. Or, another theory is that from the beginning both designs would be used. The actual reason is lost with the passage of time but the controversy remains. In any event, Bucklin was responsible for the West- tion of the Arcade. It was completed at a cost of $145,000; a staggering sum in its day. The official opening took place in February, 1829. The building was skillfully designed to accommodate the long, narrow lot between Westminster and Weybosset Streets. It consists of a concourse covered by a huge glass skylight the entire length of the building supported by huge wooden beams. Three floors of shops, eating places and other small businesses extend along the length of the thoroughfare with balconies facilitating the upper floors. The columned entran- ces are identical except that the Westminster entrance has a Westminster Street entrance designed by James C. Bucklin. minster Street half of the building and Warren was respon- sible for the Weybosset half. In an area known as Waterman's Marsh, the land was prepared and construction began. The building was to be constructed entirely out of granite in keeping with the Greek Revival architectural style. The nearest quarry for obtaining the granite necessary for the structure was the Bear Ledge quarry in Johnston, Rhode Island, a distance of about 10 or 12 miles from the building site. The monolithic columns weighed 13 tons each after they were blasted out of the rock and completed by the workmen. Now the question was, how to transport them to Providence. No wagon of that time was capable of hauling such weight. James Onley contracted for the task of conveying the columns to the city. He constructed a special low gear device and with 15 yoke of oxen drew the granite columns through the woods. Another problem presented itself when he had to cross a bridge in Onleyville. Naturally the bridge was not intended to support such a weight. Onley reinforced the bridge so that it would hold the weight and proceeded on with his journey to Providence. An accident occurred and one column was broken on the outskirts of the city. A piece of it can still be seen in the old North Burying Grounds. A new column was blasted from the quarry and completed by the workmen in just 30 days. Onley's initials and the date can be found carved in the end column on the Westminster Street side of the Arcade. The capitals were cut in Boston. The first six mono- liths were left near the Weybosset Street Bridge. Bucklin took the responsibility for setting them in place. This task was completed in just one day. One man was killed and only a few other minor injuries were sustained during the construc- pediment and four steps while the Weybosset entrance has an attic story and three steps. The inside of the entrances contain two fluted Ionic columns from the first balcony to the ceiling, which are made of plaster. A portion of the broken column. It is used as a tombstone in the North Burial Ground in Providence not far from the location of the accident. The original Arcade housed 28 shops on the first and second floors and an additional 16 shops on the third floor. Page 218 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Interior view of the Arcade which has remained virtually unchanged since 1829. Originally each shop heated itself but today the entrances are covered with glass doors and the building is centrally heated. When the Arcade was first constructed, it was built entirely of granite. Today, the stairs and some other sections have been replaced with wood. The building was built with low profile chimneys so as not to destroy the image of a Greek structure. In keeping with the times, the building has been modernized with the addition of stairways half way along the corridors and elevators have also been installed to accommo- date today's shoppers. Near the ceiling on the southern and northern walls, the inscription, "Arcade Erected 1828, Russell Warren, J. C. Bucklin, Arc'ts" still pays tribute to the designers of the Arcade. Today, virtually unchanged, the Arcade is more successful than ever. What better eulogy could there be for these architects? The Interesting Arcade Notes T HE Arcade attracted several novel business establish-ments so it soon became apparent that a bank wasneeded to complement the other commercial enter- prises. In 1831, the Arcade Bank opened its doors and it be- came an immediate success. Charles Dyer was the first presi- dent and Thomas J. Stead became the first cashier. By the end of the year, William C. Snow was appointed cashier. The bank was one of the "Pet Banks" of the Jacksonian era. In 1833, President Andrew Jackson ordered the public funds withdrawn from the Bank of the United States, including the Providence branch at 23 South Main Street. The administra- tion chose 23 state banks in various states as places of deposit. Banks were chosen with their party loyalty being the Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 219 main criterion. The Arcade Bank was the Rhode Island de- pository, thereby making it one of the most powerful banks in the state. Since the bank was selected because of party loyalty, it was considered a "Pet Bank". The bank speculated heavily in note issues by sending vast amounts of notes out of state and having use of the funds for extended lengths of time. In 1865, it became the Rhode Island National Bank (#983). This bank in turn was liquidated in 1901 and suc- ceeded, along with the Second National Bank and the National Eagle Bank, by the United National Bank (#5925). This bank liquidated in 1916. A controversy again surfaced when the bank's adminis- trators had to make a decision as to the design for its bank notes. Naturally, the Arcade entrance would be a most suit- able representation to embellish the currency. But which en- trance, that was the question. Two bank note engraving com- panies submitted illustrations and proof notes for the bank's inspection. Rawdon, Wright and Company of New York printed proof notes using the Weybosset Street entrance as a central vignette. Toppan, Carpenter and Company of Phil- adelphia and New York did likewise, using the Westminster Street entrance. Both designs seemed suitable. As of this writing, a circulated note has been reported with the Toppan, Carpenter design. I have not seen a circulated specimen of the Rawdon, Wright design. This in itself does not mean the bank used only the Toppan, Carpenter design ; it could have very well used both. In conclusion, it seems that the controversial problems of the two similar but basically different designs that were used for the entrances will remain until the building itself becomes just a memory at some distant future date. Men of choice will continue to debate over which illustration should be used for advertisements, brochures, magazine or paper articles, etc. As for you, the readers of this article, which entrance would you choose to illustrate? References "The Old Stone Bank" History of Rhode Island, prepared and printed by Haley and Sykes Co., Providence, R.I. "The Providence Arcade, Architecture in a Changing Urban Environment," by Susan L. Newman, Brown University, Depart- ment of Urban Studies, a Senior Honors Thesis, May 1981. Historic American Building Survey, The Arcade, prepared by Os- mund R. Overby, Architect, National Park Service, February 1962. Arcade, by Henry A. Barker, May 11, 1925. The original sketches for the Arcade in the Rhode Island Historical Library. Architectural Record, McGraw-Hill Publications, May 1981. Obsolete Notes and Scrip of Rhode Island and the Providence Plan- tations, by Roger H. Durand, 1981. Paper Americana Fair Scheduled for October 22nd The "3rd Great American Civil War Book, Paper & Image Fair" will be held in the Fairfax Elks Lodge ballroom at 8421 Arling- ton Blvd., Fairfax, Virginia (a Washington, D.C. suburb), on Oct. 22, 1983. Public hours for this nationally advertised collector's show are from 9:00 AM through 5:00 PM. Among the 75 or more exhibi- tors from 16 states are most of the nationally known dealers special- izing in Civil War material; also expected are several authors, pub- lishers, and Civil War organizations. Over 12,000 new, used and rare Civil War books, as well as documents, periodicals, letters, art, currency, stamps, photographs, etc., will be offered for sale or trade. Dealers will also be appraising and buying, including entire collections. According to C.L. Batson, show manager, hundreds of collec- tors, scholars and historians nationwide attend this event because it is the only one of its kind and provides the rare opportunity to buy from the largest display of these collectables ever assembled outside of the Library of Congress or the National Archives. Books will be priced from one dollar closeouts to rare volumes, documents, papers and photographs valued at thousands of dollars each. Several hundred dollars worth of Civil War books, donated by dealers, will be given away in drawings to benefit Civil War site preservation. Further information about this show may be obtained from C.L. Batson at 10453 Medina Rd., Richmond, Virginia 23235. Tele- phone 804-272-5558. Souvenir Card Journal Revises Format The recently-released Spring 1983 issue of the Souvenir Card Journal shows continued growth of this two-year-old organization. Typesetting of the entire forty-page issue has improved the quality of the publication to a level the equivalent of many larger, long-estab- lished organizations. New Editor Robin Ellis uses this edition of the official publication of the Souvenir Card Collectors Society to editorialize on the difficulties imposed upon a new editor, especially with a major change in format being undertaken, as well as to in- clude the standard features of this quarterly publication. An introduction of Chuck Teeman, as the newest addition to the SCCS Board of Directors as a Director-at-Large is the cover story, with an editorial and the President's Page following thereafter. Club founder Curt Radford uses this latter forum to discuss problems common to most organizations which are also plaguing the SCCS at present; slow mail delivery, member apathy, lack of articles for the Journal and late renewals. Two pages of Letters to the Editor follow, as well as Part II of the "City of Washington" forerunner cards article. Ed Beers then continues his series of articles on private sou- venir cards, as does Doug Holl (The Washington Scene), Don Hitchcox (Souvenir Card Erratum), and Mike Armus (New Issues, Notes and Discoveries). The Spring 1983 Mail Bid Auction is also listed, including 105 lots available for member bids. Another im- portant article reports the results of the 1982 Popularity Poll, which indicates that the BEP Memphis card ($100 Brownback National Bank Note) was the most popular, while the ABNC ANA Midyear card (Ruby City Certificate of Deposit) was the least popular. Other "winners" were the ABNC ANA card ($3 note from Tremont Bank, Boston) and the ABNC SPMC Card ($1 City of Baton Rouge), while the USPS Philexfrance card was right behind the Midyear card as least popular. Eleven pages of classified and display advertising round out the Journal for this quarter. Membership in the Souvenir Card Collectors Society is open to any individual or firm interested in collecting or dealing in any types of souvenir cards. Dues are $10 annually for collectors, $15 annually for dealers, which includes free advertising rights. Overseas member- ships are $5 higher for airmail delivery. Applications for membership or requests for further information should be sent to the SCCS Sec- retary, Dana Marr, P.O. Box 4155-E, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159. Page 220 Paper Money Whole No. 107 The Old Torrey Store in Manchester, New Jersey and its Currency By WILLIAM S. DEWEY © 1982, W.S. Dewey (Continued from PM No. 106, Page 175) Figure 4. The Old Torrey Store Building at Manchester (now Lakehurst) as it appeared in 1982. A New Partner The years 1867 through 1870 are not included among the ledger books turned over to the Society. But one volume, covering the years 1871-1872, reveals what appears to be still another partnership in the Torrey store that was heretofore not known. That partnership combined William A. Torrey with a party by the last name of Larra- bee. A handwritten heading "TORREY & LARRABEE" on the fly sheet of that ledger provides the evidence of a new business relation- ship in our store. However, it fails to identify which of several local Larrabees in the village might have been involved. Beer's map of 1872" indicates, for example, that A.J. Larrabee owned a building on the south side of Church Street at the bend in the road directly opposite the rear of the present day Fleet Reserve building. Dun & Bradstreet's 1870 edition fails to record this man, but indicates that an A.S. Larrabee was a "contractor." Recalling the ad in the Ocean Emblem newspaper of May 29, 1861, revealing A. J. Larrabee as "contractor", we are led to the idea that the Dun listing provided an erroneous entry of initials. Instead of A.S. the initials should have been A.J. If that is the case, we are inclined to dismiss A.J. Larrabee as the new partner of William Torrey. We are assured of this when an inner page of the ledger mentioned above cites the partnership as "W.A. Torrey and E.F. Larrabee." But, such an arrangement leads to a fresh question: Is it reasonable to believe that E.F. Larrabee was a partner of William A. Torrey? Again referring to Beer's Map of 1872' we note that A.S. & E.F. Larrabee were "occupants" of a store building on the south side of Brown Avenue, immediately east of the railroad. The Dun listing for 1870 identifies that business as a General Store having a modest BC financial rating. Are we to believe that one of those Larrabees would have become a partner in a competing business on the west side of the railroad in 1871? The answer to that question seems to be an unqualified "yes", for the following reason. A.S. Larrabee is known to have purchased the John Torrey brickyard at Whiting in 1870. That business operation, in all prob- ability, would have required the full-time attention of the new owner, leaving him little or no time to assist in the store. That situ- ation could very well have terminated the partnership with E.F. Larrabee in the store and cleared the way for the latter to set up a new relationship with William A. Torrey at the #11 Union Avenue address. One additional revelation should cement our thoughts as to the precise location of the old Torrey store. Recently, Blackwell Albert- son, a native of Manchester, stated that he was engaged in some re- modelling of the structure at #11 Union Avenue in Lakehurst in 1960. At that time, an oldtimer in the village told him that the build- ing was celebrating its 100th birthday in 1960! If any further evi- dence were needed, this would seem to be it. It would seem fair to assume that the Torreys arranged for the construction of that edifice for the express purpose of opening their store at that spot in 1861. The R. & D.B. Railroad would reach Man- chester during that year, making a Company store a necessary ad- Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 221 Figure 5. About 1900, from an old post card. junct. Plans were to concentrate the railroad shops in the village and make the place an important business center. Accordingly, unless some future evidence turns up to the con- trary, we can safely believe that the old Torrey store was located on the northeast corner of Union Avenue and Locust Street (now #11 Union Avenue) in modern-day Lakehurst. (Figure 4.) The building in which the old Torrey store was located was con- sidered of sufficient historical importance to be included in a recent study conducted by the Ocean County (N.J.) Cultural and Heritage Commission. A copy of its report covering the "Larrabee" store in Lakehurst gives some idea as to the modern features of the old building. (Figures 6 and 6a.) The Torrey Family in Later Years Before leaving the story of the Torrey Store, it will be appro- priate to mention a few additional facts concerning the Torrey brothers of old-time Manchester. During his first residence in the village, William A. made his home on the north shore of Lake Horicon. His property covered the central portion of the block along Union Avenue between Lake Street and what is now Eisenhower Circle. It included the long neck of land jutting into the lake familiarly known as the "Point-0- Pines". Beer's Map of 1872' 3 shows two buildings on the property, as well as a boat house at the lakefront. (Map A) The larger building was the main residence, while the smaller one was the servant's quarters or guest house. Mr. Eric W. Cruser purchased the easterly end of that property in 1943 from Charles S. and Leslie Shinn. Leslie was William A. Torrey's youngest child. Later, in 1966, Mr. Cruser had the old main house dismantled to make way for a new home for himself. The guest cottage had been removed from the property in the 1940s, and relocated on a lot on Union Avenue. In the late 1970s, the last remaining (westerly) section of the old William A. Torrey property on the lake, including Point-O-Pines, was sold to an outside party. William also had a residence in Montclair, New Jersey. Accord- ing to his obituary article in the New Jersey Courier of October 10, 1910, William left Manchester "about 1865" with his father to live in Montclair. There is, perhaps, some reason to question the date of that move, since the ledger books of the Torrey store indicate a part- nership with E.F. Larrabee as late as 1870. But, as previously noted, the same article states that he was "connected" with the Gutta Percha and Rubber Company in New York City in 1866, and was its "manager" until 1873. This evidence, if factual, suggests that he must have been a "silent" partner in the Manchester store during that period. In 1895, Torrey purchased the remainder of his mother's estate in Manchester and then engaged in promoting village property. He must have returned to Manchester at that time to live in a house on the south side of Church Street, east of Lake Street. The Pine Tree Inn, a very large and beautiful hotel, was constructed in 1897 on the north side of Union Avenue between Orchard and Lake Streets, largely through his influence. On April 13, 1906, William A. Torrey, his daughter Elizabeth C. Torrey, and son Frederic C. Torrey, formed a new corporation, The Torrey Land Company, at the village of Lakehurst. The purpose, according to the certificate of incorporation, was complex, but basically it was "To improve, irrigate, develop, reclaim and make more saleable lands, and to lay out, build, construct, operate, own, manage, dispose of, or lease hotels, theatres, manufacturies, warehouses and icehouses, and to buy, sell and dispose of any and all things necessary or convenient in carrying on the foregoing busi- nesses, and to dispose of the products of the factories, icehouses, etc." William was named agent of the company and awarded eight shares of stock, Elizabeth and brother Frederic each being assigned one share. It is apparent that the Torrey family still held onto the family dream of a great empire in the Pinelands as late as 1906! It is of interest to note that the "principal office" of the corpo- ration was designated as the village of Lakehurst even though it was only a place name in Manchester Township at the time. The idea of changing the name of the place from Manchester Village to Lakehurst had been promoted by William Torrey for many years earlier. The fact remains that he devoted the remainder of his life to the development of the village as a winter resort. +164"541 : 11 L f_J 'TX n-slitivte ft, fra r- kJ' t? -T 4tj ror 4 / "57,..,,,,:f4-4-;,,k• • ?—• 9 kik 4Y./ • 4.4./'°7 - \ —/ 1.1. ) A art of Lianclie . 3ter Villas from .'from the 1872 of Ucea'n County, by P Pl EST tE ft- TSP. ....VcdoLet,E 4X.4740 2Fe E 41,2 N •-• , Ott 3.0. Mai s . rto > ;3, ,er °air fin ,oil uuticsvi ,SCH - _ f _ io/tgiittcle 1:Ve.v/ /~.. aree zi eh la ;VI VI.- Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 223 Map Paper Money Whole No. 107Page 224 R'.7 , NMENT ALSEPAWES ST', RVE' FORM HISTORIC SUES INVENTORY No. ■ 514 - 1 HISTORIC NAME: Larrabee Store COMMON NAME: LOCATION: 11 Union Ave. & Locust St. BLOCK/LOT 69/1 MUNICIPALITY: USGS OUAD: OWNER.:ADDRESS Lakehurst Henry N. Arozanick 142 W. Centennial Drive Marlton, N.J. 08053 COUNTY: Ocean LITM REFERENCES: ZoneiNorthinCEasting DESCRIPTION Construction Date: c. 1860 / with alterations Source of Date: Edward Larrabee, Jr. Architect: Builder: Style: corrnerci al Form/Plan Type: rectangle Number of Stones: 3 Foundation: brick Exterior Wail Fabric: brick (painted) Fenestration: 7 bay. 2/2 Roof/Chimneys: modified mansard roof. slate tiles Additional Architectural Description: Three irregularly spaced doorways penetrate the facade of tnis structure; the major entrance is recessed and has double Coors and a transom. A Dent eave extends across the facade above the first floor. Limestone lintels and slls frame each window. PHOTO Negative File No. 1 514-I Map (indicate North) ice! 0A.)IDA....) '41%/E. Figure 6, Figure 6a. Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 225 I'LSC:k2TION, AND T.ELATED STRUCTURES: T'e Larrabee Store is located on the northeast corner of the inter- section and is a pivotal element in the Lnion Avenue streetscape. Old maps Siow that it had been bordered by Torrey cottages (probably workmen's homes) and was near the Manchester hotel and several of the railroad buildings. SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT: Urban M Suburban q Scattered Buildings 1::] Open Space 7-1 Woodland q Residential En— Agricultural q Village Cr lndustnal q Downtown Commerical D: Highway Commercial q Other CE Main Stree• Photographs in the possession of Edward Larrabee, Jr., show this structure with an open two story veranda. At that time, it served as the Larrabee home as well as the general store of Manchester (the vil- ' ace.) At that time, there was only one other general store in Manches- ter (borouch), located in Whiting (Christopherson's - c.f. N.C. Beck.) Edward Larrabee, Sr., came to Manchester in 1862. He is reported to have purchased this structure for twenty dollars; the former owners came from New iory. City. In addition to this store, Larrabee owned a brick- yard, a cranberry bog, a sawmill and a grist mill*, as well as a farm in the Beckerville area.' He was also a freeholder for Ocean County. *1900-1915. William S. Dewey, a local historian, believes that this structure may have originally been built by William Torrey, and might have been the company store. ORIGINAL USE: Store / Residence PHYSICAL CONDITION: Excellent —LI Good q REG;STER ELIGIBILITY: Yes 2:1 Possible q THREATS 10 SITE: Roads q Development q No Threat q Other q COMMENTS: PRESENTUSE: Empty commercial Fair 7.2 Poorn space/ apts. EDO\, No q Part of Distnct Li Zoning q Deterioration l:1 REFERENCES Dewey, William S. Interview by M.R. Kralik, Manchester, June 1981. Larra5ee, Edward F. Jr. Interview by M.R. Kralik, Island Heights, June 1981. Miller, Pauline S. Interview by M.R. Kralik, Toms River, June 1981 RECORDED LW: M.R, Kralik DATL: June 1981 ORGANIZATION: O.C. Cultural and Heritage Commission Page 226 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Torrey died on October 10, 1910, and was buried in a plot at the Rosedale Cemetery in Orange, New Jersey. Brother Samuel W. Torrey, on the other hand, appears never to have owned any property or even lived in Manchester in the usual sense of the word. He was a born and bred New Yorker, but at some point in his life, transferred his residence to north central New Jer- sey. However that may be, he must have owned property of some kind within the confines of Jackson Township, immediately north of Manchester. There is a notice of land sales for taxes owed that town- ship in an issue of the Ocean Emblem newspaper of February 9, 1859. One of the properties listed reveals that Samuel W. Torrey was in arrears for school taxes $27.00, township tax $55.00, and costs of $1.26. If nothing else, this item merely underscores the fact that, as of 1859, the Torrey finances were in poor health ! Samuel passed away on February 6, 1903 at his home in East Orange, New Jersey, as previously noted. John Torrey, who was almost always referred to as "Junior", owned property in both Ocean and Monmouth counties. His resi- dence occupied the plot at the southwest corner of Union Avenue and Lake Street, immediately adjacent to the William A. Torrey property on Lake Horicon. The house was relocated years ago, and the property is now part of the Lakehurst borough beach. The house must have been constructed some time after his marriage to Mary Satchell Fackler on December 15, 1869, to provide a home for his family. John also had a fine residence at Monmouth Beach in Mon- mouth County, as well as a farm property in the marl belt at old Squankum, south of Farmingdale. At Monmouth Beach he helped to work out the plan for an association of residents there in 1871. He was an incorporator of the Pineland Improvement Company in 1883 which controlled lands between Manchester and Lakewood. So, it appears at this time that John must have divided his time among several places of residence over the years of his active life here. John Torrey died April 20, 1914, at Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, according to the family Genealogy. 9 He was buried in the Torrey plot on Church Street in Lakehurst. (To be continued) BIG BANKNOTES The largest amount of a banknote in circulation [in England] in 1827 was £1,000. It is said that two notes for £100,000 each, and two for £50,000 each, were once engraved and issued. A butcher, who had amassed an immense fortune in the war times, went one day with one of these £50,000 notes to a private banker, asking for the loan of £5,000, and wishing to deposit the big note as security in the banker's hands, saying that he had kept it for years. The £5,000 was at once handed over, but the banker hinted, at the same time, to the butcher the folly of hoarding such a sum and losing the interest. "Wery true, sir," replied the butcher, "but I likes the look on't so wery well that I have t'other one of the same kind at home." An eccentric gentleman in London framed a bank post bill for £30,000, and exhibited it for five years in one of his sitting-rooms. The fifth year he died, when the "picture" was at once taken down and cashed by the heirs. Some years ago, at a nobleman's house near Hyde Park, a dispute arose about a certain passage in Scripture, and, a dean who was present denying that there was any such text at all, a Bible was called for. When it was opened a marker was found in it, which on examination proved to be a bank post bill for £40,000. It might possibly have been placed there as a reproach to the son, who, perhaps, did not consult the Bible so often as his mother could have wished. —London Tit- bits. —(Daily Herald, Grand Forks, D. T., June 24, 1883.)— Courtesy Forrest W. Daniel BANK OF ENGLAND WONDERS A story teller, wishing to excite astonishment by the ex- aggeration of his statements, said that a famous banking house transacted so large a business that in order to econo- mize they ordered their clerks not to cross their t's nor dot their i's, which resulted in the saving of ink alone in one year of £5,000. Preposterous as this story seems, it is almost equaled by some of the items which show the magnitude of some of the transactions of the Bank of England. In the course of five years that famous institution has paid 77,745,000 notes, all over £100, and some reaching, of course, millions of pounds. These could fill 13,400 boxes, which, if placed side by side, would occupy two and one-third miles. If placed in a pile these notes would be five and two- thirds miles high, and if joined end to end would form a rib- bon 12,445 miles long. At the end of every five years these notes are thrown into a furnace and burned. It is a curious fact that so firm is the texture of a Bank of England note that even burning can hardly destroy it. The authorities have in a little glazed frame the remnants of a note which was in the great fire of Chicago, and, though completely charred and black, the paper still holds together, and the printing is suf- ficiently legible to establish its genuineness and warrant its being cashed. It is a point of honor with this great institution to cash every genuine note, no matter how disfigured. Notes long under water and reduced almost to an indistinguishable pulp have been duly honored. Even lost notes are sometimes paid, and in one case £30,000 was paid over to a gentleman who testified that he had destroyed or unintentionally mislaid a note for that amount. Many years after his death the miss- ing note turned up, and as it called for immediate payment the money was handed over and the bank lost the amount. — Daily Herald, Grand Forks, D. T., Aug. 26, 1883. —Courtesy Forrest W. Daniel blechs Ametaean Bank Building, St. Louis, M Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 227 A Remembrance of Hard Times Past by RONALD L. HORSTMAN CAS H I E CHECK MECHANICS AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ST 1.0,, NOVEMBER 1,1907 .IRERPAY TO THE 0 EP 0 ONE FAyAe.t,E THROUGH ST 1.0 C'Eci 1000236 TWENTY DOLLARS 1000236 1427, • IMENV100114118 ,.1 I 5 21ruiLICX1011AMIM ILIORKgfC THE FIRST NATIONAL OMR OF TRIO) C;RAINIAF. C7> TEXAS .... ENT% lit/LILARS 80001641 ATIOSORAMMAINW B0001G4A THE TEXAS NATIONAL BANN OF ti FORT WORTH TEXAS TEN SILLAIRS 00017411 ( 0 1)017414 RIZIPMESTIMPMEM DIE WNW NATIONAL BMA N GRANGER "4" TEXAS WILL ...I IC FIVE /01ALIstIRS A0,90417i1 TV. A0004771 11 6 4 2 AVADIAETZEMI3MECIEEELA In FOIST r00011f--„ NATIONAL OM Of I MULLSPAP••• (0 TEXAS N 73'643;;:d;. 3N;;;;I.A1;5' F0000561 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 233 CHARTER 14273-THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF BROWNWOOD The three different Citizens National Bank titles were directly related in the final bank title; they were— Charter 8312 — The Citizens National Bank OF Brownwood, organized in 1906 with J. A. Abney, president, and F. S. Abney, cashier. The bank was liquidated in 1934. Charter 13588 — The Citizens National Bank IN Brownwood absorbed Charter 8312 in 1934 in reorganization. Charter 14273 — The Citizens National Bank AT Brownwood succeeded Charter 13588 on March 4, 1935. This bank issued 465 $20 Type-II notes. Charter 11591—First National Bank of Rio Grande, est. Charter 12371—The Texas National Bank of Fort Worth, 1920, capital $25,000. Issued-1,302 Type-I $20 notes. Pop- est. 1923, capital $500,000. Issued-15,726 Type-I $10 notes. ulation 5,676. Population 398,000. Charter 11642—Granger National Bank of Granger, est. Charter 12687—First National Bank of Millsap, est. 1925, 1920, capital $35,000. Issued-8,244 Type-I $5 notes. Pop- capital $25,000. Issued-384 Type-I $20 notes. Population ulation 1,264. 439! BESMENNAMVPM1Mli Till FIRST NATIONAL RANK IN O CANYON TEXAS • ner TOT. NEM...1,4W1 FIVE DOLLARS 400(001 1:1090 rjrzympalmwz- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANN IN 0 CANYON TEXAS PAVE DOLLARS 1000002 14090 1000001 9 0 .13DRKWIT THE FIRST NATIONAL RANK IN CANYON TEXAS •o,ox, -o Ci6o. On OCX.0.0 InIVE IMInkIAUS 1000003 14090 0 00 0 03 14 0 9 0 ATIZEVIESITOEMTEMENENMEME• itooluesmssamos000 vs= TAMIOFEA.1* THE FIRST NATIONAL SAD IN O CANYON A000004 TEXAS SIVE OOLLAMS 1001.1004 04090 mosiiirsamarear, O laugitrA010 THE NAST NATIONAL BANN IN CAN YON TEXAS a.PAY WO. @LAN2f, ON 0.1,n, FIVE DOLLARS 1000005 1.090 toVAPERRVINa•-• ftltPlirgr T HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN CANYON TEXAS •••• WIVE IMALLARS A600006 19090 0 14-j)0 1000006 SmivlimArsvpiAto*to III( FARMERS H MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF fiAttolki TEXAS 1.1{.,■■• 01,...11, IHILLAIRS 100031 b .12101 4000316 4,§g-Tal IffttliftMOVNTISII VROCNI,CAJOBtFIACIAtI AANAmmi IRE FIRST 80019091 NATIONAL SANK of DICKINSON TEXAS riV11:1 ININIALUIS 60019091 12 to 5 ENET.SETANTEAVOillifall16... Page 234 Paper Money Whole No. 107 EXCEEDINGLY RARE '14000' SERIES TEXAS SHEET NUMBER 1 SHEET CHARTER 14090 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CANYON, TEXAS The Stockmans National Bank of Canyon, Texas, char- ter 5238, was organized in 1899 and originally capitalized at $100,000. The bank officers at the time were L.T. Lester, president, and D. A. Park, cashier. The bank title was changed to The First National Bank of Canyon in 1903; it absorbed the Canyon National Bank, charter 7961, April 12, 1912. Charter 5238 itself was liqui- dated on May 31, 1934 and succeeded by charter 14090 when it assumed its circulation. Charter 14090 issued 80 Type-II $5 notes worth $400 (13 sheets). Serial numbers—A000001 - A000080. FACTS RELATING TO CANYON Canyon, Texas is located some 17 miles south of Ama- rillo on Buffalo Lake. It is the seat of Randall County. The Panhandle Plains Historical Museum and the West Texas State University are situated in Canyon. It is the gateway to Palo Duro State Recreational Park in Duro Canyon. Canyon's population is 8,333. The sheet illustrated was delivered to the bank after May 31, 1934. Charter 12700 — T h e Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Hamlin, est. 1929. Absorbed #8252 in 1934. Issued 8,352 Type-II $10 notes. Population 3,325. Charter 12855—First National Bank of Dickinson, est. 1925, capital $25,000. Notes issued confined to 17,046 $5 Type-I notes worth $8,723. Population 7,505. Receivership in 1934. NATIONAL BANK IA ,'HI NEN' EWE DOLLARS 00000321 C. L A '-- /12,11:0 Y-LY.41:15-ftVIDADIVA, MIST 0000032A MILI.03141t111410411141MMI Istwarommis 13 6 4 9 fIRST NATIONAL RANA Of ;12 SPRINGS TEN IMOLA-111S 8000( 1 1 E-.)1 117-4N-4.-m-,-K , trantsirraors..724leivjoi I,- tEXAS EWE DOLLARS 1000187 13678 THE FARMERS NATIONAL BANK IN BRENHAM 1000187 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 235 Charter 13649—First National Bank of Whitney, est. 1932, capital $25,000. Issued 888 Type-I $5 notes. Assumed circu- lation of #7875. Population 1,371. Charter 13653—First National Bank of Sulphur Springs, est. 1932, capital $50,000. Issued—Issued 1,104 Type-I $10 notes worth $11,040. Population 10,564. Voluntary liquidation in 1934. Charter 13678—Farmers National Bank of Brenham, est. 1933, capital $50,000. Total notes issued-5360 $5 Type-IIs. Assumed #10860 in 1933. Population 8,960. PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED The Bankers Register, Kountze Brothers, New York, N.Y. Standard Catalogue of National Bank Notes, John T. Hickman and Dean Oakes. The National Bank Note Issues of The 1929-1935 Note Issuing Per- iod, SPMC. New Palm-Size Device Said to Detect Counterfeit Bills in Seconds By simply rubbing the metal sensor on the end of this palm- size, battery operated (9-volt) counterfeit bill detector over the face of any U.S. currency, you can spot a phony in seconds, its pro- moters claim. It works on the principle of using a super-sensitive magnetic sensor that reacts to the metal particles found in the ink of U.S., Australian and German currency, the English/pound, and all travelers checks. Power is supplied by a single 9-volt battery which causes a small LED light to light up when money is not counterfeit. It is completely portable. The price is only $49.95 each, postage paid (battery included) and is available from: Counterfeit Detection Devices, 95 Argon Place, Garden City Park, N.Y. 11040. BACTERIA ON BANK NOTES Some singular facts concerning the danger of infection by paper money have been educed by a bacteriological analysis of the bank notes of the Spanish hank of Havana in general circulation, says the Brandon Banner. Attention was drawn to the subject by the notes in consequence of their acquiring foreign matter. The examination made showed on the notes in use for some time a considerable num- ber of microbes, and on some notes as many as 10,000 microbes were detected. Eight pathogenic species were encountered, including those of diptheria and tuberculosis. The examination was that a general warning was issued to the public against the active source of danger. The use of bank notes is at all times attended with a certain degree of risk, and especially in Havana, where children have the habit of carrying paper money in their mouths, and are thus very liable to swallow the germ of some mortal clisease.—Grafton (N. Dak.) News and Times, June 14, 1894.—Courtesy Forrest W. Daniel Page 236 Paper Money Whole No. 107 sEcitErriuty's ROBERT AZPIAZU, JR., Secretary EPOIN P. 0. Box 1433 Hialeah, FL 33011 NEW MEMBERS 6520 Richard Mark Hancock, 2179 Walkerville Tce., Adelaide, South Australia 5082; C, USA, Australia and South Africa. 6521 Leslie H. Fletcher, 10 Grin Low Road, Harpur Mill, Buxton, Derbyshire, England SKIF9JG; C, Madagascar, Tibet, Czarist. 6522 Grey Roberts, 1313 W. 23rd St., Merced, Ca. 95340; C. 6523 Max Rabe, 432 Roedel Pl., Paramus, N.J. 07652; C, Colonial & Early American Notes. 6524 Stuart Uram, 1 Park Place West, Wood-Ridge, N.J. 07075; C. 6525 Randall Ockerman, Rt. 3, Box 1025, Ft. McCoy, Fl. 32637; C&D, Obsolete & CSA Currency. 6526 Ted Koneski, Box 4805, Helena, Mt. 59604; C&D, Stocks and Bonds. 6527 Donald Walker, 2837 Lee Street, Dallas, Texas 75206. 6528 Vernon Seiling, 344 Douglas Rd., Staten Island, N.Y. 10304; C, World. 6529 Curtis Radford, P.O. Box 7116, Rochester, MN 55903; C&D, Souvenir Cards. 6530 Jesse Patrick, P.O. Box 3486, Santa Rosa, Ca. 95402. 6531 Shefik Tremblay, Behring TA 488R, 10834 S. La Cienega, In- glewood, Ca. 90304; C, Islamic Countries. 6532 Steven Ferguson, 10764 Cordage Walk, Columbia, MD 21044; C, World. 6533 Walter Stefanacci, 91 MacArthur Drive, Clifton, N.J. 07013; Colonials, Broken Bank Notes. 6534 Martin Farber, 1311 Clover Lane, Feasterville, Pa. 19047; C, Small Size FRN and Silver Cert. 6535 J. J. Sullivan, 1204 Church St. Sta., New York, N.Y. 10008; C. 6536 Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20559. 6538 Michael L. O'Sullivan; C, U.S. Small Size. 6539 Ernest Brunet, 2985 Moore Dr., Oviedo, Fl. 32765; C, U.S. 6540 William Taylor, 4960 Winchester Ave., Ashland, Ky. 41101; C&D, Nationals. 6541 Shibal (Sup Loy) Lu, P.O. Box 350, Kenilworth, II. 60043; C, Chinese. 6542 Richard Laster, Box 628, Lake Jackson, Tx. 77566; C, Texas & Confederate. 6543 Joe Copeland, P.O. Box 221, Oak Ridge, Tn. 37830; C, Tennessee Obsoletes. 6544 Joseph Qualls, 229 N. McNeil, Memphis, Tenn. 38112; C. 6545 Curtis Conner, 4965 Corby St., Omaha, Nebr. 68104. 6546 Richard Dockter, 1112 2nd Ave. E., Devils Lake, N.D. 58301; C, National Currency. 6547 Bobby Rice, 3072 St. Clair Pl., Memphis, Tn. 38127; C, General-World. 6548 John Porter, 300 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. 63102; C. 6549 John Moye, Box 2867, Beaumont, Tx. 77704; C, Texas Nationals & Type Notes. 6550 Frank Cho, 726 Bode Circle #110, Hoffman Estates, III. 60194; C&D, Paper Notes. 6551 Bill Harrison, 5546 North Sixth, Fresno, Ca. 93710; C, MPC AMC. 6552 Eric Jackson, P.O. Box 651, Whittier, Ca. 90608; C&D, Checks, Stocks, Bonds. 6553 James Townes Jr., P.O. Box 92, Minter City, Ms. 38944; C. 6554 Kenneth Henrichs, 9228 Boulevard, New Milford, N.J. 07646; C, Obsolete Currency. 6555 Andres Herrera, 12166 Loiza Sta., Santurce, P.R. 00914; C, Cuba, Dom. Rep. and P.R. 6556 Deborah Williamson, P.O. Box 816, Sophia, W.V. 25921; C. 6557 Henry Hull, 4646 Yacht Club Rd., Jacksonville, Fla. 32210. 6558 Allen Evans, General Delivery, Detroit, Mich. 48231; C&D, Domestic & Foreign. 6559 Allan Watson, P.O. Box 257, Rimrock, Az. 86335; C, U.S. Foreign. • LIBRARY .11. NOTES WENDELL WOLKA, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale. IL 60521. As you have read elsewhere in this issue, I have com- pleted my last term as President and have "retired" from that position. I will, however, continue to maintain SPMC's Li- brary and slide programs. Requests for materials or informa- tion should continue to be addressed to: Wendell Wolka P.O. Box 366 Hinsdale, IL. 60521 I hope to revise and update the library catalog in the near future! —REGULAR ADDITIONS— The Numismatist, February, March, April, May, June, 1983 Essay-Proof Journal, Fall, 1982; Winter, 1983 The Virginia Numismatist, Vol. 18, no. 1; Vol. 19, nos. 1, 2, 3 The Centinel, Winter, 1982; Spring, 1983 The Rag Picker, January-March, 1983; April-June, 1983 The Checklist, Winter, 1983 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 237 Interest Hearin Notes W:" The time has finally come for me to say goodbye. I have turned over active direction of the Society's affairs to the new President whom the Executive Board duly elected at San Diego in August. It has been an honor and pleasure for me to serve you for the past four years. However, I firmly believe that a "change in management" is both healthy and neces- sary for both the Society and the individuals involved. We need to be exposed to new ideas and programs or else run the risk of "going stale." I have initiated two programs as the last official acts of my term in office as President. For the well being of SPMC, I urge you in the strongest terms to actively participate in both. NEW MEMBER RECRUITMENT You will find a membership application inserted in the envelope with this issue of the magazine. That doesn't seem like much of a program, does it? Well, it doesn't until you realize that if each of you would sign up just one friend we would double the size of the organization to an all-time record. Please don't ignore this opportunity. It is an easy, simple, uncomplicated way to make a material contribution to SPMC. When you consider what you get for $12 each year, I think you can recommend SPMC to anyone who is interested in paper money with great con- fidence! SPMC PATRONS ASSOCIATION In order to support and expand the Society's oper- ations and programs, we have formed an SPMC Patron's Association for those members who wish to aid the Society financially. A flyer, explaining all of the details, is also en- closed in the envelope with this issue of the magazine. I particularly like this program because it rewards members who are inclined to participate. As you will note on the flyer, you will be eligible to receive a number of different items, depending on the amount of your contribution. Also, remember that your contribution is tax deductible. You have only until December 31, 1983 to join up for 1984, so please do both yourself and SPMC a favor by sending in your application today! The application blank is on the back of the flyer itself. I think enough of both the potential and mutual bene- fits of this program to head it up for its inaugural season. I hope to hear from many of you in the near future! Well, that's it—the end of the last President's column. Since I am now retiring to "private life" again, I'm not going to be bashful about pointing out to you that your officers can NOT make SPMC work by their efforts alone. The member- ship, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU, must get in- volved. Don't just sit there—do something! MEMPHIS -1983 REVISITED by WENDELL WOLKA Thanks to ROY PETERSON of El Segundo, California, we have a fine pictorial review of the 1983 Memphis Inter- national Paper Money Show. Roy has been quite faithful in providing pictures each year and it certainly helps eliminate a lot of verbiage on my part ! At any rate, here's what hap- pened as captured by Roy's "Candid Camera": -1- A scene from the past—a steamboat headed down the Mississippi ! -2- Unfortunately, some of the hobby's best known names, friends to many of us, were "called home" and were not with us in Memphis this year. We will miss each one of them. -3- Registration was, as usual, quite busy most of the time. -4- The bourse floor was quite busy too, with many col- lectors on the prowl for needed items. -5- Many collectors took advantage of the special postal station on the bourse floor to have SPMC souvenir cards and other items cancelled during the show. SPMC held a number of activities and events in Mem- phis. This was a year of both tradition (souvenir cards, mem- bership meetings) and change (a Friday evening reception out- side which took the place of our breakfast). -6- The SPMC membership table attracted a lot of people during the run of the show. Here, Charles Colver (left) takes his turn behind the table. -7- We were all happy to see Roy Pennell (left) back in the swing of things and back in Memphis. Roy is making ex- cellent progress in his rehabilitation program after suf- fering a stroke last summer. -8- We had the usual crew behind the SPMC table during the show. From left to right, our membership meeting speaker Les Winners and Steve Taylor try to figure out why the money doesn't match the number of books sold while I supervise. By the way, that is not a beer can in my hand—just a Coke—really!! Next door, Julia Crabb and two of her children ride herd on souvenir card sales. Are those Indian feathers behind Julia's head?? -9- Friday night found us out by the pool enjoying a tre- mendous buffet dinner. -10- The weather cooperated with dry skies, a nice breeze, and even fairly tolerable temperatures. -11- The relaxed atmosphere allowed plenty of time for in- formal conversation. Here, John Hickman (left), who received Krause Publications' Numismatic Ambassador Award, chats with Gene Hessler (middle-front), and others. So, that's a quick review of what went on this year in Memphis. I'll look forward to visiting with many of you there again next year ! IN MEMORIAM Amon G. Carter, it tietbert 1. Meireck Um Settle Blakse Dentene Abe Kosott Richard picker 2 4 Page 238 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Candid Camera at Memphis 1983 Paper Money Show 3 5 8 11 6 9 7 10 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 239 (See key to pictures in "Interest Bearing Notes") Paper Money Whole No. 107 mongy mart Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 5(C per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1, 1982 for Jan. 1983 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10 010 discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $1: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) MINNESOTA LARGE AND small wanted. Particularly need Osakis #6837, all Mankato banks, others. Please describe and price. Patrick Flynn, 122 Shadywood Ave., Mankato, MN 56001 (113) NATIONAL CURRENCY, over 300 different duplicates to sell or trade. SASE brings list. J.S. Apelman, Box 283, Cov- ington, LA 70434 (107) BUYING SPECIAL NUMBERS, any small size $1.00 notes F-CU having date this century such as A03281926B or E12061991A, etc. Write or ship for offer. Bill O'Brien, Jr., 63 Braemar Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470 (107) GENUINE STOCK CERTIFICATES. List SASE. 50 differ- ent $19.95. 100 different unissued $22.95. 100 different used without pictures $24.95. 50 different with 50 different pictures $34.95. 1 to 100,000 wanted. Hollins, Box 112-P, Springfield, VA 22150 (I12) MILACA, MINNESOTA (#9050): Need Nationals, checks, postcards, etc. for my collection. Any type, any condition. Also Princeton, Foley, and Mora notes wanted. Please send photocopy (or descriptions) with price. Thanks! Shawn Hewitt, 609 S.E. 36th St., Cape Coral, FL 33904 (108) STAR CHANGEOVER PAIR: $1 1981 New York regular/ mule or mule/regular consecutively numbered CU pair $6, both pairs $10. Trade, too. David Klein, P.O. Box 120, Fair- field, CT 06430 (108) WANTED: VOLUMES 1-3 Paper Money. I collect Nebraska obsoletes. Nationals, post cards, railroad schedules, and books. Please send copies and prices. A.A. Armstrong, Jr., 211 W. 39, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (110) I AM ACTIVELY buying Rhode Island colonial, obsolete, and scrip for my personal collection. Please describe and price. All conditions considered. Roland Rivet, Box 242, Ashton, RI 02864-0242 (108) WANTED: CU $1.00 FRN with serial #05041981 or 09221978. James E. Lund, Route 7, Box 726, Alexandria, MN 56308 (112) SELLING WILKES BARRE, PA Clearing House depression scrip, March 1933, $1-$5-$10-$20 (4 piece set). Lot @ $9.50 postpaid. Dr. Herman M. Aqua, 487 Bennett St., Luzerne, PA 18709 I WISH TO LOCATE and secure the following notes for my collection: 1934 $5 SC Block EA, XF or better; and 1934 $5 SC Block VA WII in CU. I have to negotiate in trade: 1953 $5 SC Block *00000112A, small corner ding CU. Will consider your other scarce $5 SC Blocks. James T. Lemon, 1104 Ranney Dr., Greenville, MI 48838 BUYING AND SELLING Nationals and Type notes. A free price list is available upon request. Paying $125 or more for any small size note from the Palo Alto National Bank, Palo Alto, CA (Ch. #13212) grading V.G. or better. William Litt, P.O. Box 4770, Stanford, CA 94305 (112) WANTED: VOLUME 1 of Affleck's Obsolete Paper Money of Virginia; McKee's Nebraska book; 7/76 issue of Bank Note Reporter; banking and currency histories of Connecticut, In- diana, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Da- kota, Vermont. Joseph J. Adamski, 2507 Almar, Jenison, MI 49428 (108 ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED: Chester #4187, Dahl- gren #7750, Dongola #10086, Equality #6978, Fairfield #5009 & 6609, Johnston City #7458, Jonesboro #12373, Mounds City #7443, New Douglas #13696, New Haven #8053, Omaha #10291, Ullin #8180. C.E. Hilliard, 201 E. Cherry, Win- chester, IL 62694 (112) WANTED: WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Nationals. Price and describe. William H. Serocky, 11181 W. 33rd St., Zion, IL 60099 (112) WANTED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY, New York Na- tionals. Small or large, any condition. Send photocopy, note or description and asking price. Larry Feuer, 22 Beechwood Blvd., Port Chester, NY 10573 (phone 914-937-0937) (111) WANTED: LARGE AND small bank and obsolete notes of Belleville, Illinois and area. Oren E. Cannady, 1210 Western Ave., Belleville, IL 62221 WANT JENNY LIND items. Also coal and lumber company material. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, Southport, NC 28461 (108) FLORIDA NATIONALS WANTED, large and small size on any bank. Especially want Gainesville 3894 signed McKinstry as cashier, and large size Ocala 10578. Shayne MacMahon, Box 13282, Gainesville, FL 32604 (112) BUYING MILITARY PAYMENT Certificates (MPC's) in strictly crisp uncirculated (CU) condition only. Present re- quirements are Series #471 - $10.00 and Series #521 - $10.00. Will not be outbid. N.L. Imbriglio, P.O. B. 399, Oakhurst, NJ 07755 (107) MARYLAND OBSOLETE CURRENCY, scrip, checks wanted. Dealer lists OK. Will pay cash, trade for coins, or combination. Prefer photocopies. Howard Cohen, Drawer CP160, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (107) EASTMAN COLLEGE CURRENCY wanted. Also obsoletes with vignettes of Declaration signing, Washington's crossing, Drummer Boy, five Presidents. Price and describe. Robert W. Ross III, P.O. Box 765, Wilmington, DE 19899 (108) Page 240 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 241 mongymart BUYING SERIAL NUMBERS 00000001, 11111111, 22222222, 33333333, 44444444, 55555555, 66666666, 77777777, 88888888, 99999999. Please describe and price. Also interested in other low or special S/N's. ANA, SPMC, PMCM. Graeme Ton, 203 47th St., Gulfport, MS 39501. (111) WANTED: GERMAN NOTGELD, collections, accumula- tions, dealers' stocks. No Austrian. Frank P. Fritchle, 1163 Pomegranate Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94087. (117) CHANGEOVER PAIRS WANTED: any two consecutively numbered notes from two different series before 1950. I especially need pairs from Boston, Cleveland, Richmond, Minneapolis, St. Louis, and Dallas. I want any FRN, SC, or USN pair; Star or high denomination pair. When writing state all information including serial numbers and front and back plate numbers. Even if you don't want to sell, I'd appreciate information on any pair that is not listed in the 1982 GSO. Confidential, of course. Please write David Klein, P.O.B. 120, Fairfield, CT 06430 (107) WANTED: WAUSEON, OHIO notes #7091, Bowling Green, Ohio notes, #4045. Any other NW Ohio notes. Lowell Yoder, Box 100, Holland, OH 43528 (419-865-5516) (110) I COLLECT CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii and all other Western stocks, bonds, checks, drafts. Please sell to me! Ken Prag, Box 531 PM, Burlingame, CA 94010 (phone 415- 566-6400). (119) TENNESSEE NATIONALS WANTED for my personal col- lection. Especially need first and second charters, largest prices paid. Jasper Payne, Box 3093, Knoxville, TN 37917. (113) WANTED: WAUSEON, OHIO notes #7091. Also interested in other northwestern Ohio notes. Lowell Yoder, Box 100, Holland, OH 43528 (110) STAR NOTES LARGE wanted. Send Xerox copy and price. Fred Pitkof, 852 Kailas Court, Valley Stream, NY 11580 (107) WANTED: HOOPESTON, ILLINOIS National Currency notes charter number 2808, 9425, 13744. Also National Cur- rency notes from The First National Bank of Milford, Ill. charter number 5149. Write to Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken, Hoopeston, IL 60942 (108) WANTED: ILLINOIS NATIONALS—Carmi, Crossville, Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Albion, Dahlgren, Omaha, New Haven. Price and Xerox appreciated. Pete Fulkerson, 510 W. Commerce, P.O. Box 126, Grayville, IL 62844 (108) TOP PRICE (OR trade) for $1 1935D W/N pairs. I need blocks UE, VE, WE, DF, HF, UF, LG, *B, and *C. Write David Klein, Box 120, Fairfield, CT 06430 (107) WANTED: SYCAMORE, DEKALB & Malta, Illinois Na- tionals. Large and small size needed. Also Sycamore, Ohio & DeKalb, Texas, Bob Rozycki, Sycamore Coin Gallery, 358 W. State, Sycamore, IL 60178 (107) COLORADO MATERIAL WANTED: Nationals, checks, stocks, bonds, postcards, etc. Please describe and price. Max Stucky, P.O. Box 7768, Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (114) NATIONALS Buying? Send 40c stamps for list of Nationals; over 500 different notes. Selling? It will be to your advantage to contact us if you have Nationals to sell. Curtis Iverson, Phone 712.365-4514 Golby Uhlir, Phone 402-494-5353 Siouxland Coin & Currency Co. P.O. Box 1221 Sioux City, Iowa 51102 WOLFEBORO! WOLFEBORO! WOLFEBORO Help me! For a long time I have been advertising for obsolete currency as well as national bank notes from Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. (Also spelled Wolfboro and Wolfeborough on early notes). As yet, while I have heard sev- eral times that, "I had one but sold it to someone else last week", I have been able to track down very few of them. So, do what you can! Also want general obsolete currency pre-1865 from other New Hampshire towns. My collection is just beginning, so at this point I can use just about anything and everything! Dave Bowers Box 1090, Wolfeboro, N.H. 03894 (603)569-5095 MONTANA TERRITORIAL BONDS UNIQUE COMPLETE SET I have a complete set, including the 1876 $100 Bond (1 of 2 issued) and the 1872 $50 Bond (the only one known to exist-4 issued). See Ray Miller, Paper Money, Whole No. 101. I want an Overland Pony cover. J. Schwimmer 812 La Bellorita So. Pasadena, CA 91030 (213) 256-8336 Page 242 Paper Money Whole No. 107 SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN:: 4/7r/f7o/ . )7//// 7/ /7 (- 7////////7 ./y/ The history of the White Mountain Bank of Lancaster, New Hampshire, mirrors that of many of the private banks which issued currency in the United States during the nineteenth century. Chartered in 1850, the bank issued its first notes around 1852. By approximately 1865, the bank was reported as being wound up because it was "not in condition to be converted to a national bank". Manyvaried and beautiful vignettes were used on paper money during this period. The Santa Claus vignette chosen for this note is one of the most rare, delightful, and unusual, examples of the steel engraver's craft" sougry OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. .:11.1w1 4112!2 INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY CONVENTION MEMPI EIS, TENNESSEE—JUNE 17-19, 1983 Tills year's Society of Paper Money Collectors souvenir card, issued at the 1983 Interna- tional Paper Money Show in Memphis, Tennessee on June 17-19, illustrates an obsolete bank note from the 1860's which features none other than Santa Claus, his sleigh, and all of his reindeer ! 10,000 cards have been produced from the original plates by the world famous Ameri- can Bank Note Company. Since this is sure to be a popular souvenir card for both gift giving and collecting purposes, we suggest that you order early in order to avoid disappointment. Cards are offered by mail in mint version. All mail orders are shipped to you via first class mail in heavy cardboard mailers. TO ORDER MINT (UNCANCELLED) CARDS : Cost: $5.50 for one card by mail $4.50 for two or more cards by mail (Make check payable to SPMC) SEND ORDERS TO: J. Wilson — SPMC Mint Card P.O. Box 27185 Milwaukee, Wis. 53227 Established 1858 united Pap Standard Handbook of Modern United States Paper Money 7th Edition by Chuck O'Donnell $15 postpaid STATES P‘ PER MONEY Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money 2nd Edition by Chester Krause and Robert Lemke $14.50 postpaid Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes 1st Edition By John Hickman and Dean Oakes $75 postpaid Here you have what might be the hobby's most detailed examination of a single area ... certainly it's the most detailed survey of National Bank Notes! In 1,216 pages you'll have valuations and facts for approximately 50,000 National Bank Notes circulated by over 10,000 banks (1863-1933). Veteran researchers John Hickman and Dean Oakes, combining over 45 years of study in the National Bank Note area, have personally examined over 100,000 of these surviving notes. Their Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 243 Instant Access To Paper Money Information Featuring The Hobby's Premier Lineup Of Publications U.S. Proof Note Rarities To Cross Auction Block efforts have culminated in this monumental catalog — truly one of the great reference works our hobby has ever seen. If your goal is to fully understand, enjoy and profit from collecting National Bank Notes, this catalog will be a vital addition to your research library. Important features: Each state has been given a rarity rating from 1 to 10, and every bank within a state has a rating from 1 to 6 ... know at a glance how rare your notes are! This is the most comprehensive catalog available for collectors of small-size currency. Noted author and specialist Chuck O'Donnell has done the leg work for us with his extensive research in the Treasury Department archives and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Presented are complete lisings and market values for all small-size issues from 1928-1981. Important coverage for all issued serial numbers since the skip-numbering of certain issues began in the 1970's is also included. Plus a bonus ... details for rare and valuable mules, trial and experimental issues — once the domain of a few select researchers — will be at your fingertips. Catalog has 336 pages. Important fact: Over 14,000 serial number blocks and groups are recorded in date-within-denomination sequence. Bank Note Reporter Recommended for active collectors! You can search, but you won't find a publication better suited to your needs than Bank Note Reporter. Hobby news, value guides, events calendar and lots of trustworthy advertising are served up fresh each month. BNR writers include some of today's most knowledgeable scholars and researchers. Articles in BNR run the gamut from National Bank Notes and Obsoletes to Stock Certificates. With its Washington-based correspondent, BNR will be your eyes and ears at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and on Capitol Hill. If you want a steady flow of hobby news, along with fresh advertising and historical facts about the notes you collect, you should be receiving Bank Note Reporter. Get maximum hobby enjoyment! $11 for a one year (12-issue) subscription. $15 for non-U.S. addresses. If you rose above our hobby for a moment, and looked down, you'd get a feel for the scope of this catalog. Here is a comprehensive over-view of all currency issues of the United States — more than 120 years of official and quasi-official paper money. Presented for visual aid are over 525 original photos, covering all types and major varieties. Over 3500 currency items are valued according to current market conditions. Attesting to its thoroughness, this catalog provides an illustrated guide to Fractional Currency, Encased Postage Stamps and Postage Stamp Envelopes. Hobby veterans will appreciate this catalog for the fast access it gives to all areas of our hobby. Though less detailed than the other catalogs offered, it will provide easy-to-get-at researching and pricing data for non-specialty areas. Important feature: Over 13,000 note-issuing National Banks are listed alphabetically, by city ... know instantly whether a city issued currency! These catalogs and Bank Note Reporter are available from Krause Publications. Send your orders directly to us, at the following address ... krause publications 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 31 years of serving collectors with superior hobby publications cj mati—,arawateasai Nobody pays more than Huntoon for imam& WYOMING State and Territorial Nationals N1'141511 SIIIADIER WANT ALL SERIES, ANY CONDI- TION, EXCEPT WASHED OR "DOC- TORED" NOTES. (MANY TRADES!) PETER HUNTOON P.O. Box 3681, Laramie. WY 82071 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY r (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West- ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. PAI. DRAWER 706, ROCKYILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 1157L a P.O. BOX 1358 WARREN HENDERSON VENICE, FLA. 33595 Page 244 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Y642960 apatamasin, 312 Int...1) 11* 11443S k *fa BUYING AND SELLING United States Currency • Type Notes Large and Small • National Banknotes Large and Small • Obsolete Want Lists Gratefully Accepted Free Price List Alex Perakis Coins and Currency A Name You Will Hear A Lot About P.O. Box 931, Media, PA 19063 Call Anytime 'til 11:00 P.M. 215.565-1110 or 215.566-5981 ANA SPMC PMCM GSNA FUN MSNS BUYING WORLD PAPER MONEY MEL STEIN BE40 P.O. Box 752 San Anselmo, CA 94960 Telephone: (415) 453-9750 Send For Free Price Lists OBSOLETE STOCK AND BONDS $5,000. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company. Bond of 1891 unissued. Ceres, Lt. Green and Black (EX.F.) water stains 25.00 1,000. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R.R. Co. Bond un- issued. Track laying scene center. Green and Black. (EX.F ) 15.00 partly signed 25.00 5,000. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R.R. Co. Bond of 1902. Blue-Gray print. Male portrait and 2 females center. Punch cancelled (V.F.-EX.F ) 17.50 5,000. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R.R. Co. Bond of 1901. Brown and Black Brown. Male portrait, ships and train center. Punch cancelled. (V.F.-EX.F) 20.00 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R.R. Co. certificate for Bonds. Train at station center. Brown and Black Punch cancelled (VF) 20.00 Chicago and South Western Railway Co. Stock Cert for 100 shares. Locomotive center. Soldier Lt. Rare Revenue stamp Scott #RN41 Green and Black. Punch cancelled. (UNC.) 1,000. Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf R.R. Co. Gold bond of 30.00 1902 unissued. 2 Indians center. Grey and Black. (UNC.) 25.00 Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf R.R. Stock cert. for 100 shares of 1896. Passenger train Rt. Brown and Black punch cancelled. (VF) 20.00 1,000. City of Ft. Wayne Bond of 1931. Man chopping wood center. Orange and black punch cancelled. (UNC.) 7.50 1,000. City of Ft. Wayne Bond of 1932. Man chopping wood center. Green and Black. Punch cancelled. (EX.F.) 7.50 City of Yonkers Tax Relief Bond. Blue unissued (UNC.) 17.50 City of Yonkers Street Paving Bond Green Manor Hall Center. Unissued. (UNC.) 17.50 1,000. City of Indianapolis Bond of 1906. Building center Punch-cancelled. (EX.F.) 17.50 Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis R.R. Co. Passenger Train center. Stock cert. of 1880. Cancelled in ink. and cut-cancelled. (V.F ) 30.00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Bond of 1871. Union Soldiers Lt. and Rt. cut-cancelled. (EX.F.) RARE! 250.00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Bond of 1872 Lincoln Lt., State seal center and Gov. Rt. (EX.F.) RARE! 250.00 Continental Passenger Railway Company Stock cert. of 1935. Eagle center, Columbia Rt. (EX.F.) 25.00 Delaware County Trust, Safe deposit and Title Insur- ance Co. Chester, PA. State seal center. Stock cert. of 1889. P.C. (VF) 6.00 Diamondville Blue Gravel Mining Co. Dayton, Calif Stock cert. of 187- unissued. Mining scene Lt. (UNC.) 20.00 Detroit, Rochester, Romco and Lake Orion Railway. Detroit, Mich. Stock cert. unissued. Streetcar center. Orange and Black. (UNC.) 16.00 Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company. Stock cert. of 1879 and 1880. Passenger Train center. State of Iowa. SCARCE! 25.00 1,000. Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Co. Coupon Bond of 1867. Rare Revenue Stamp Scott #RNVI. Train Center. Red o/p punch cancelled. (EX.F) 175.00 TERMS OF SALE A. Please include $1.50 on all orders under $100.00 B. Full return privileges on all items returned within two weeks. C. Mo. Residents please add 4.85 state sales tax. D. For those doing business with me for the first time, per- sonal checks are accepted, but please allow time for bank clearance. E. A staggered payment plan available for higher priced items. A-Z fipapcial glopericapa Limited LAWRENCE MARSH, PRESIDENT 1416 SOUTH BIG BEND BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63117 314-645-3489 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 245 P.O. Box 200 Columbia, Connecticut 06237 Don't Miss the ... 3rd GREAT AMERICAN CIVIL WAR BOOK, PAPER & IMAGE FAIR "THE PREMIER CIVIL WAR EVENT OF THE YEAR" OVER 75 LEADING DEALERS-AUTHORS- PUBLISHERS OFFERING 12,000: BOOKS In & out of print, new, used, rare, closeouts, imports PAPER GOODS & ART Logs, Letters, Diaries, Imprints, Periodicals, Maps, Music, Prints, MSS, Documents, Ephemera, Bonds, Currency, Stamps, Autographs, Etc. IMAGES Photographs, CDV, Views, Reproductions, Cases SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1983 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 8421 Arlington Blvd. (US 50), Fairfax, VA (Wash. DC Suburb) Just '/2 mile (2nd stop light) west of 1-495 Beltway, Exit 8 W C. BATSON, SHOW MGR. 10453 Medina Road Richmond, VA 23235 804272.5558 OVER 100 TABLE SPACES FREE PARKING ADMISSION $3.00 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES Harry wants to buy Currency Errors Also Interested in Buying Nationals . Large and Small size Uncut Sheets Red Seals Type Notes Unusual Serial numbers HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216-884-0701 Page 246 Paper Money Whole No. 107 IAN A. MARSHALL WORLD PAPER MONEY A-Z (AFRICA A SPECIALTY) P.O. BOX 537 THORNHILL, ONT. CANADA L3T 2C0 Bi-Monthly Retail • Wholesale Lists FREE LISTS •U. S. Obsoletes •U. S. Large & Small Size Type Notes •U. S. Large & Small National Bank Notes BOUGHT AND SOLD FREE PRICE LIST FRANK TRASK SPMC, ANA KENNEBUNK COINS & CURRENCY Shoppers Village, Route 1, Kennebunk, Maine 04043 (207) 985-7431 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Page 247 BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2910 Member of: ANA, PMCM FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL. 34284-0985 702-851-8875 E,Ittycizci YS. J7101fman P.O. Box 10791. RENO. NV 89510-0791 MILITARY CURRENCY WORLD WAR 2 ALLIED - AXIS - JAPANESE OCCUPATION U.S. MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES PHILIPPINE GUERRILLA NOTES LM ANA-1066 IBNS-1593 PMCM-1109 SPMC-3396 B L AR C N K S K 1°, L T NE L S I. NELSON CLARK * NOTALIST * MEMBER ANA SPMC U.S. CURRENCY (BUY & SELL) • Type Notes • Nationals • Gold Certificates (714) 761.3683 P.O. BOX 883 LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 I WANT YOUR WANT LIST! RARE EXPERIMENTAL NOTES From the James M. Wade Collection 1928-A $1 #Y00000008B, Z00000008B, 1928-B $1 #X00000008B. Crisp New SIMILAR SET (3) Notes end in 10B Equally as Rare. Crisp New 750.00 1935-A $1 RED "S". Scarce Experimental. Crisp New. A few left. Bargain 1928-C $1 Silver Certificate. FR-1603. Worn Soiled, Creases = Good only SIMILAR—but trifle better Another—FINE, light creases This One Crisp New, Centering could be better 1928-D $1 Silver Certificate, FR-1604. Ex. Fine. Light crease 109.50 Crisp AU 129.50 Crisp New. Limit One 149.50 1928-E $1 Silver Certificate. FR-1605. Worn, Badly Soiled = About Good 119.50 Very Good. Creases 219.50 FINE, light creases 329.50 BONANZA—RARE PAIR Superb Crisp New—Two Consecutive Nos. GEM Crisp New. Phone to reserve. Price $3,150.00 1976 $2 STAR SET Superb Crisp New Complete Set (12) 79.50 SINGLE $2 STAR NOTES Dists. A, B, C, D, E, G, I, J, K each 5.95 " F, H, L, Each 8.95 BLOCK BUSTER SPECIAL 1963-A $1 Federal Reserve Scarce "BB" Block. Lists $50.00. Superb Cr. New $28.95 $795.00 SIMILAR = Superb Cr. New Pack (100). Total Lists $5,000.00. A Real Investor/Dealer Bargain Special @ 1,595.00 MIS-MATCHED ERROR SPECIALS 9 50 1957-B $1 Silver Certificate. The Serial Nos. Start with U37 & U47. Crisp New 59.50 59.50 1977-A $5 Federal Reserve. The Serial Nos. Start with 79.50 L44 & L45. Crisp. New. Very Scarce. Sorry, Limit 99.50 One 79.50 199.50 BUY THE PAIR—SEPT., OCT. ONLY 129.50 4514 North 30th Street Omaha. Nebraska 68111 FAMOUS WADE SALE BEBEE'S 1956 Sales Catalogue of the Great James M. Wade Collection @ Prices You'd Hardly Believe. Yours for only (Postpaid) 5.00 SASE for 1983 Bargain List. Try Bebee's — Leading Paper Money Specialists Since 1941. ANA Life #110, PNG, SPMC, Others. "Pronto Service" Phone 402-451-4766 Your Steadfast Hobby Guardian The travel was time-consuming. Room and board was expensive. And corporate benefits were intangible. Yet, when Chet Krause and Numismatic News were asked to testify at the Olympic coinage hearings, they jumped at the chance to represent your hobby interests. Before the smoke cleared, Chet and company testified on three separate occasions. numismatic newsYour Weekly Collecting Guide Featuring COIN MARKET Iola, WI 54990 There, ready and willing to take a stand when our hobby welfare is on the line. Page 248 Paper Money Whole No. 107 Our currency auctions were the first to use the Sealed Mail Bid System, which gives you, the bidder and ultimate buyer, the utmost chance to buy a note at a price you want to pay with no one looking over your shoulder. As a seller, this method gives you the opportunity to get the full market price without the "in" dealers short-circuiting the bidding, as so often is seen at public auction sales. Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S. Currency to the collecting fraternity for over 20 years: Oakes Auctions ,Inc. Nick man- Oakes Auctions inc. WITH 20 sales behind us, and just starting our September-June Auction year, we invite you to participate: As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% down to 10% without a buyer's charge, lot charge, or photo charge. As a buyer: Subscribe to our next year's sales and receive the catalogs, prices realized, price lists, and if you have purchased a "National Catalog" we will send the update, all postage paid for $10.00. Send Today! If you haven't yet purchased a copy of THE STANDARD CATALOG OF NATIONAL BANKNOTES by Hickman-Oakes, we will mail an autographed copy (if wished) with update supplement when available for $75.00 (about $12.00 per pound). Send to: Drawer 1456 Java City Iowa 52240 319-33S-1111 edatiq RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311 r It pays to look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN