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WHOLE No. 111
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Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 113
ISSN 0031-1162
PAPER MONEY is published every
other month beginning in January by
The Society of Paper Money Collectors,
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Annual Membership dues in SPMC
are $12. Individual copies of current
issues, $2.00.
Vol. XXIII No. 3 Whole No. 111 MAY/JUNE 1984
225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 414-674-5239
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
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Inside Front &
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4.... ._All advertising copy and correspondenceshould be sent to the Editor.
-..... ■■•
M. Owen Warns 115
Peter Huntoon 122
Graeme M. Ton, Jr 126
Steven A. Feller 131
Robert H. Lloyd 133
Richard T. Hoober 135
Everett K. Cooper 139
Edward Schuman 142
Jack Weaver 144
Jerry Remick 147
Page 114 Paper Money Whole No. 111
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Larry Adams, P.O. Box 1, Boone, Iowa 50036
Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Robert Azpiazu, Jr., P.O. Box 1433, Hialeah, FL 33011
James F. Stone, P.O. Box 89, Milford, N.H. 03055
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416,
Oradell, NJ 07649
Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139
Richard Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street, North Attleboro, MA
Richard T. Hoober, P.O. Box 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445
Robert G. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001
Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521
C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139
Larry Adams, Walter Allan, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Mar-
tin Delver, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton,
Jr., Peter Huntoon, Roman L. Latimer, Dean Oakes, Bernard
Schaaf, M.D., Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, John Wilson.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized
in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organ-
ization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is af-
filiated with the American Numismatic Association and
holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in
August of each year.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at
least 18 years of age and of good moral character.
JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age
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Library Services
The Society maintains a lending library for the use of Librarian — Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. j
he members only. For further information, write the
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Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 115
111111011111_ BIN HEE VfillIETIES BY M. OWEN WARNS
Analysis of the"14000" Series of National Bank Charters and Their Notes
First and last of the "14000" charters to issue notes.
HERE were 321 "14000" charters granted to National
Banks, all of which were eligible to issue circulating
notes under their own titles. The initial charter #14000
was granted to The Commercial National Bank of Little
Rock, Arkansas on February 12, 1934. The last "14000"
charter to issue notes was The Liberty National Bank & Trust
Co. of Louisville, Ky., charter #14320, on January 8, 1935.
The "14000" charter note issuing period lasted less than a
year-11 months and three days to be exact between the first
and last issues of notes.
Of the 321 charters, 148 took part in issuing notes while
173 elected not to issue notes for various reasons known only
to their bank officers. These 321 charters fall into four dis-
tinct categories as follows:
"14000" chartered banks succeeding a
previously chartered bank and issuing
notes under new bank title only — 76 banks, 24%
"14000" chartered banks succeeding a
previously chartered bank and not issuing
notes under its title — 91 banks, 28%
"14000" chartered banks not succeeding
a previously chartered bank and issuing
notes under its "14000" bank title — 72 banks, 22%
— "14000" chartered banks not succeeding
a previously chartered bank and not issu-
ing notes under its "14000" bank title — 82 banks, 26%
Following the Great Depression of 1929 that caused such
distress to banks in their effort to keep afloat, on March 6,
1932, President Roosevelt declared a Bank Holiday, tem-
porarily closing all banks across the nation in order to ascer-
tain their condition. As a result, it was found that more than
20,000 banks had failed, some 5,000 of which closed their
doors permanently. Commonplace were thousands of more
"near misses" tottering on the brink of disaster. Qualified
banks were assisted by the Reconstruction Finance Corpora-
tion or by A.P. Giannini's Trans-America Corporation and
other private financial institutions.
It is noted in the breakdown of the "14000" charter
series that 176 of the banks served as "saviour banks" in
taking over troubled institutions by consolidation, succession
or assumption of obligations to depositors and other out-
standing financial liabilities. Thus they restored public confi-
dence and offered a means for those banks to continue doing
business. Of the 176 banks, 82 found it expedient not to issue
notes while 72 of them did issue "14000" charter series notes.
Page 116 Paper Money Whole No. 111
Charter City
Bank # Notes Issued
14000 Little Rock, Ark. - $5's, 10's, 20's $507,480 $5, 10, 20
14001 Clatskanie, Ore. #11758 5's, 10's 35,800 none
14002 Elkins, W.Va. #8376 5's, 10's, 20's 67,100 5 - -
14003 Orlando, Fla. - none - - -
-14004 Omaha, Nebr. none - -
46,31014005 Durand, Okla. - 5's, 10's, 20's 5 - 20
14006 Clementon, N.J. 5's, 10's, 20's 79,450 - 10 -
14007 Bethlehem, Pa. - none --
14008 DeKalb, III. #2702 5's, 10's, 20's 12,500 20
14009 Marshall, Mich. #1515 none -- -
14010 East Peoria, III. #6724 5's, 10's, 20's 11,430 - 10 -
14011 Dillonville, Ohio - 10's, 20's 28,000 - 10, 20
14012 George West, Tex. #12919 none -- - - -
14013 Webster Springs, W.Va. - 5's, 10's 42,350 - 10 -
14014 Guttenberg, N.J. #12806 5's, 10's, 20's 61,860 5, 10 -
14015 Plainview, Tex. - none -- - - -
14016 Ludington, Mich. - none
14017 Aurora, Nebr. #2897 none
14018 Grand Island, Nebr. #13424 none -- -
14019 Kings Park, N.Y. #12849 5's 34,330 5
14020 Perry, Okla. - 10's, 20's 62,200 - 10, 20
14021 Boulder, Colo. #2352 5's, 50's, 100's 13,400 50, 100
14022 Utica, Mich. #12826 none
14023 Kingston, Pa. - 5's, 10's, 20's 867,150 5, 10, 20
14024 Charleston, III. #11354 5's, 10's, 20's, 50's 55,500 - 10, 20, 50
14025 Oxford, N.Y. - 5's, 10's, 20's 83,800 - - 20
14026 Owenton, Ky. - 5's, 20's 3,700 - - 20
14027 Breckenridge, Tex. #7422 10's, 20's 5,300 - - -
14028 Council Bluffs, Iowa - 5's, 10's, 20's 66,450 5, 10, 20
14029 Cambridge Sprs., Pa. #9430 none -- - - -
14030 Toledo, Ohio - 5's, 10's, 20's 247,320 5, 10, 20
14031 Tower City, Pa. - 20's 62,800 20
14032 Lansing, Mich. - 10's, 20's 250,000 - 10, 20
14033 Woburn, Mass. #11067 5's 12,580 5 - -
14034 Oak Hill, W. Va. - none -- - - -
28,00014035 Granville, Ill. - t0's, 20's - 10, 20
14036 Garner, Iowa - none -
14037 Ambler, Pa. - none
14038 Auburn, Wash. #12085 none -- -
14039 Stanford, Ky. #2788 10's 4,310 - 10 -
14040 Lenox, Iowa #5517 5's, 10's 20's 12,270 5 - 20
14041 Villisca, Iowa #7506 5's, 10's, 20's 9,320 20
14042 Winthrop, Minn. #7014 5's 24,960 5
14043 Clarion, Pa. - none -- - - -
14044 Brunswick, Md. #8244 5's, 10's, 20's 53,220 5, 10 -
14045 Santa Ana, Ca. - none -
14046 Monroe, Ga. none
14047 New Albany, Ind. - none
14048 Lyons, Ks. #5353 5's, 10's 56,650 5, 10 -
14049 Dover, Pa. #9352 10's, 20's 10,400
14050 Bridgeport, Ohio #6624 5's, 10's, 20's 55,050 20
14051 Export, Pa. #7624 10's, 20's 5,870 - 10 -
14052 Crewe, Va. #9455 5's, 10's, 20's 39,200 - 10 -
14053 Philippi, W. Va. #6302 5's, 10's, 20's 17,310 - - 20
14054 North Bend, Ore. #9328 none - -
14055 Greensburg, Pa. #2558 5's, 10's, 20's 100,700 5, 10, 20
14056 Pine Bluff, Ark. - 5's, 10's, 20's 59,350 5, 10, 20
14057 Shenadoah, Iowa #12950 none --
14058 Viroqua, Wis. #8529 none
14059 Mayville, Wis. - none
14060 Baraboo, Wis. - none --
14061 Elberton, Ga. #9252 5's, 10's 37,620 - 10 --
14062 Hillsdale, Mich. - 5's, 10's 67,550 5, 10 -
14063 Waupaca, Wis. 5's, 10's, 20's 64,600 5
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 117
Charter City
Bank # Notes Issued
14064 Watertown, Wis. - none -- -
14065 Nevada, Iowa #13083 5's, 10's, 20's 30,900 5 - -
14066 Grundy Center, Iowa #3396 none -
14067 Rockwood, Pa. none
14068 Amoboy, Mn. #13352 none
14069 Belle Plaine, Iowa #4754 none -- - - -
15,55014070 Koppel, Pa. #11398 5's 5 - -
14071 Jefferson, Pa. #9660 5's, 10's, 20's 7,445 - 10 -
14072 Falfurrias, Tex. #11792 5's, 10's 2,450
14073 Exeter, Nebr. #13189 none --
14074 Newton, III. #5869 none --
29,95014075 Franklin, Ind. 5's, 10's, 20's
14076 Paris, Ky. #6323 5's, 10's, 20's 3,720 - - -
14077 Bradford, Ohio - 10's, 20's 65,600 - 10, 20
14078 Cherry Creek, N.Y. 5's, 10's 30,700 5 -
14079 Olyphant, Pa. 5's, 10's 71,100 5 -
14080 Mott, N.D. none -- - -
18,42014081 Tucumcari, N.M. - 10's - 10 -
14082 Windber, Pa. #6848 5's, 10's, 20's 10,230 20
14083 Superior, Nebr. 5's, 10's, 20's 55,500 5, 10, 20
14084 Lakewood, N.J. none -- - -
14085 Clear Lake, Iowa #7869 none
14086 Hammond, La. #11977 none
14087 Chelsea, Ma. #11270 5's 37,010 5 -
14088 Palisades Park, N.J. #11909 5's 26,500 - -
14089 Stoystown, Pa. #5682 5's, 10's, 20's 9,310 5 - -
14090 Canyon, Tex. #5238 5's, 10's 2,200 5, 10 -
14091 East Berlin, Pa. 5's 58,850 5 -
14092 Cauthersville, Mo. #12452 5's, 10's, 20's 71,600 5, 10 -
14093 Union City, Pa. #5131 5's 43,380 5 - -
14094 Cecil, Pa. #7076 10's, 20's 10,740 20
14095 Durand, Wis. #13529 10's 300* - - -
14096 Camden, Ark. 5's, 10's 72,350 10 -
14097 Mariana, Ark. none -- - -
14098 Indiana, Pa. 5's, 10's, 20's 218,040 5, 10, 20
14099 Rapid City, S.D. - 5's, 10's 31,800 5, 10 -
14100 Berlin, N.H. #5622 10's 66,250 10 -
14101 Goose Creek, Tex. none -- -
14102 Iron River, Mich. #11802 5's 77,500 5
14103 Riverton, Wyo. - none
14104 Groveton, Tex. #6329 5's, 10's 27,250
10 -
14105 Springfield, Ohio 5's, 10's, 20's 191,800 5, 10, 20
14106 Pocomoke City, Md. #6202 5's, 10's, 20's 61,550 10, 20
14107 McKees Rock, Pa. #5142 none - - -
14108 Walters, Okla. #7811 5's, 10's 20's 12,650
14109 Superior, Wis. #9146 none --
14110 Chicago, 111. - 10's 12,460 - 10 -
14111 Gladstone, Mich. #10886 5's, 10's, 20's 20,000 5, 10 -
14112 Wampum, Pa. #6664 5's, 10's 2,400 -
14113 Goshen, Ind. 5's, 10's, 20's 51,640 5 - -
14114 Marlin, Texas #5606 none -- - -
14115 Naperville, Ill. none
14116 Coldwater, Mich. none -- - - -
14117 Beaver Falls, Pa. 5's, 10's, 20's 116,850 - 10, 20
14118 Lincoln, Ill. - 5's, 10's, 20's 113,250 5, 10, 20
14119 Butler, Mo. - none -- - - -
14120 Philadelphia, Pa. #12931 none -- - - -
73014121 Mount Wolf, Pa. #9361 10's 10 -
14122 Clifton Heights, Pa. - 5's 72,600 5
14123 Charleroi, Pa. - 5's, 10's, 20's 62,820 - 20
14124 Edinburg, Tex. #13315 none -- -
14125 Marshfield, Wis. 10's, 20's 76,500 10 -
14126 Groesbeck, Tex. #6461 5's, 10's, 20's 8,300 -
14127 East St. Louis, Mo. #11596 none --
14128 Saint Louis, Mo. none
* The smallest amount issued to a "14000" bank, 30 $10 Type II notes, $300!
Page 118
Charter City
Bank # Notes Issued
Paper Money Whole No. 111
14129 Winterset, Iowa none -- - - -
14130 Marion, Wis. #12286 5's, 10's 18,040 - 10 -
14131 Antlers, Okla. none -- -
14132 St. Marys, Ohio #4219 none -- - - -
14133 Latrobe, Pa. 5's, 10's, 20's 99,960 5, 10, 20
14134 Carthage, Ill. none - - -
14135 Orangeburg, S.C. none
14136 Salem, W. Va. #7250 none -- - - -
14137 Woodstock, Ill. 5's, 10's, 20's 6,620 - 10, 20
14138 Owensboro, Ky. #4006 none
14139 Marshall, Pa. #12595 none
14140 Winchester, Ill. none
14141 Brookfield, Ohio none -- - - -
14142 Moundsville, W. Va. #5715 10's, 20's 15,200 - 10 -
14143 What Cheer, Iowa #3192 none --
14144 Howell, Mich. 5's, 10's, 20's 27,450
14145 Ocean City, N.J. none -- - - -
14146 Fort Collins, Colo. #2622 10's, 20's 53,400 - - 20
14147 Winston-Salem, N.C. #12278 none -- - - -
14148 Trinidad, Colo. #3450 none - - -
14149 Haskell, Tex. #4474 5's, 10's, 20's 13,020 5, 10, 20
14150 Tigerton, Wis. 5's, 10's, 20's 51,250 5, 10 -
14151 Secaucus, N.J. none -- - - -
14152 Revere, Mass. #13152 none --
14153 Carteret, N.J. #8437 10's, 20's 25,270
14154 Newcastle, Tex. none --
14155 Ford City, Pa. none -- - - -
14156 Hooversville, Pa. 5's, 10's, 20's 56,000 5 - 20
14157 Robstown, Tex. #12753 none
14158 Bellevue, Iowa none
14159 Galva, Ill. #2793 none
14160 Tuscumbia, Ala. none
14161 Aurora, Ill. none -- - - -
14162 Cliffside Park, N.J. #11618 5's 165,290 5 -
14163 Goodland, Ks. #11860 5's, 10's 16,700 5 -
14164 Cureo, Tex. #8562 10's, 20's 33,000 - 20
14165 McLean, Tex. #10957 none
14166 Tonasket, Wash. #10407 10's, 20's 6,850 - -
14167 West Concord, Mn. 5's, 10's 11,150 10 -
14168 De Ridder, La. #9237 5's 28,400 5
14169 Skyesville, Pa. #7488 10's, 20's 5,180 -
14170 Bangor, Pa. #2659 5's, 10's, 20's 124,500 10, 20
14171 Philadelphia, Pa. none -- - - -
14172 Traer, Iowa #5135 none --
14173 Golconda, III. #7385 5's, 10's, 20's 25,200 - 10 -
14174 Ashland, Nebr. none --
14175 La Fayette, Ind. none
14176 Waynesboro, Miss. none
14177 Sea Bright, N.J. 5's 29,500 5 - -
14178 Bloomington, Ill. #13499 none -- -
14179 San Antonio, Tex. none
14180 Clifton Forge, Va. #9177 none --
14181 Gallitzin, Pa. #13533 5's, 10's, 20's 11,880
14182 Williamsburg, Pa. #6971 10's, 20's 14,060 -
14183 Mingo Junction, Ohio 5's, 10's, 20's 58,300 - 10 -
14184 Darlington, Wis. 5's, 10's, 20's 52,550 - - -
14185 Battle Creek, Mich. #7589 none --
14186 Vancouver, Wash. #6013 none -- -
14187 Ionia, Mich. 10's 51,300 - 10 -
14188 Arcanum, Ohio none
14189 Tuckahoe, N.J. 5's, 10's, 20's 5,310 - 10, 20
14190 Onley, Va. #7258 none
14191 Girard, Pa. #12363 none
14192 Mount Healthy, Ohio none
14193 Waycross, Ga. #4963 none
14194 David City, Nebr. #3934 none --
14195 Fort Myers, Fla. #9035 5's, 10's 23,760 5, 10 -
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Charter City
Bank # Notes Issued
Page 119
14196 Lamar, Mo. #4057 none
14197 Philadelphia, Pa. none
14198 Berkeley Sprs., W. Va. none - - -
14199 Dahlart, Tex. - 5's, 10's, 20's 27,200 - 20
14200 Neillsville, Wis. 10's 26,100 - 10
14201 Delta, Pa. 5's 25,800 5 -
14202 Torrence, Ca. 5's, 10's, 20's 18,500 - -
14203 Oak Harbor, Ohio none --
27,80014204 Angelton, Tex. - 5's, 10's, 20's - 10 -
14205 Forest City, Tex. none
- - -
14206 Amarillo, Tex. #4710 none
14207 Pampa, Tex. #9142 none
14208 Lubbock, Tex. none
14209 Paris, Ark. #11592 none
14210 Pittsburgh, Pa. #7560 none -- -
14211 Spartanburg, S.C. 5's, 10's, 20's 54,400 5, 10, 20
14212 Farmersville, Tex. #13277 none -
14213 Eads, Colo. #8412 5's, 10's, 20's 7,370 5 -
14214 Green Lane, Pa. 5's, 10's, 20's 28,850 5, 10, 20
14215 Zelienople, Pa. #7409 none --
14216 Hutchinson, Mn. #10147 none
14217 Olney, Ill. #1641 none
14218 Booneville, Ind. #10613 none
14219 Erie, Pa. 10's, 20's, 50's, 100's 308,700 - 10, 20, - 100
14220 Mankato, Mn. - 5's, 10's, 20's 31,610 - - 20
14221 Rochelle, 111. #1907 none
-- - - -
14222 Trinidad, Colo. #2300 none
14223 Abington, Va. #5150 none
14224 Fort Kent, Me. #11403 10's 29,160 - 10 -
14225 Delhi, La. - 10's, 20's 25,900 - -
14226 Butler, Ind. none --
14227 Comanche, Tex. none
14228 Lake Charles, La. #13573 none
14229 Cherryville, N.C. #12896 none --
14230 Corcoran, Ca. - 5's 8,100 5 -
14231 Rockwood, Tenn. none
14232 Painesville, Ohio 5's, 10's, 20's 51,800 5, 10
14233 Octonto, Wis. #5521 none --
14234 Poultney, Vt. #9824 5's, 10's 2,030 5 -
14235 Madison, Ill. #8457 none
14236 McKinney, Tex. 5's, 10's, 20's, 50's, 100's 55,200 5, 10 -
14237 Cambridge, III. #2572 none
14238 Malvern, Ark. none
14239 Bedford, Pa. none
14240 Newfield, N.J. #12145 none
14241 Condon, Ore. #7059 none
14242 Clintonville, Wis. none
14243 Claxton, Ga. #10333 none
14244 Amboy, Ill. #5223 none
14245 Chicago, Ill. - 5's, 10's, 20's 150,550 5, 10, 20
14246 Chicago, Ill. 5's, 10's, 20's 326,800 5, 10, 20
14247 Mount Carroll, III. none
- - -
14248 Denver, Colo. #12974 none -
14249 Hancock, Mich. #12387 5's, 10's, 20's 84,860 10, 20
14250 Hamburg, Pa. 5's, 10's, 20's 103,800 5, 10 -
14251 Bridgeville, Pa. none -
14252 Pierre, S.D. - 10's, 20's 20,000 - 20
14253 Le Mars, Iowa #2728 none
14254 Lamar, Colo. #9036 none
14255 Quitman, Ga. #7994 none
14256 Schribner, Nebr. - none - - -
14257 Cordele, Ga. 5's, 10's 59,300 5, 10 -
14258 Linton, Ind. 5's, 10's 53,650 5, 10 -
14259 Clinton, Ky. none
14260 Pontiac,
Ill. none
14261 Bethesda, Ohio 5's, 10's 15,000 5 - -
14262 Pottsville, Pa. - none --
Page 120
Charter City
Bank # Notes Issued
Paper Money Whole No. 111
14263 Patton, Pa. none
14264 West Milton, Ohio — none
14265 Shawneetown, Ill. none --
14266 Haverhill, Mass. 5's, 10's, 20's 38,480
14267 Phelps, N.Y. #9839 none --
14268 Carlyle, III. #5548 none
14269 Crystal Falls, Mich. none -- — — —
14270 Snyder, Tex. #7335 5's, 10's, 20's 12,600 10 —
14271 Pittsburgh, Pa. #2261 5's 34,670 5
14272 White Deer, Tex. #11647 none -- — —
14273 Brownwood, Tex. #13588 10's, 20's, 50's 32,690 20
14274 Oil City, Pa. #5240 5's, 10's, 20's 90,150 10 —
14275 Williston, N.D. none —
14276 Marietta, Pa. #10707 none
14277 Reading, Pa. none
14278 Blackwell, Okla. #5460 none
14279 Maryville, Tenn. none
14280 Manistique, Mich. #13513 none
14281 Donaldsonville, La. none —
14282 Wymore, Nebr. #4210 10's, 20's 20,000 — 10, 20
14283 San Antonio, Tex. #12162 5's, 10's, 20's 20,000 5 — —
14284 Bedford, Pa. none --
14285 Mount Olive, Ill. #13696 100's 25,000 — — — — 100
14286 Eldora, Iowa #9233 none --
14287 Fort Lee, N.J. #8874 none
14288 Rensselaer, Ind. none
14289 Pleasantville, N.J. none
14290 Lorain, Ohio #5371 none
14291 Gastonia, N.C. #4377 none
14292 Greenwood, Incl. none
14293 Shenandoah, Pa. none
14294 New Bremen, Ohio #7851 none --
14295 Wellsburg, W. Va. 5's, 10's 50,250 — 10 —
14296 Saint James, Mn. none --
14297 Lanark, Ill.
— 5's, 10's, 20's, 50's 25,000 — — 50
14298 Glendale, Ca. #10412 none --
14299 Eastland, Tex.
— none
14300 Pauling, Ohio #5862 none
14301 Gratz, Pa. none --
14302 Cotulla, Tex. #7243 10's, 20's 25,000
14303 Ellsworth, Me. #3804 none --
21,04014304 Pawhuska, Okla. #13527 20's
14305 West New York, N.J.
— 5's, 10's, 20's 50,000
14306 Toledo, Ore. none --
14307 Madera, Ca. #7336 none
14308 West Point, Nebr. — none --
14309 Keokuk, Iowa #1992 10's, 20's 2,400
14310 Staunton, Ill. #10777 none --
14311 Buffalo, Mn. none
14312 De Kalb, Tex. #12287 none
14313 Chicago, Ill. — none
14314 Shawano, Wis. #5469 none
14315 Enid, Okla. none
14316 Camden, Ohio #8300 none
14317 Coachella, Ca. #10292 none
14318 Ansted, W. Va. #8904 none
14319 Dolton, Ill. #8679 none -- — — —
14320 Louisville, Ky.
— 10's 250,000 — 10 —
The Twenty-Nine "14000" Series
Charters Granted During 1935
Rampant bank failures along with the prevalent rumors
discussed among bankers that surfaced in the early 1930s
seemed to have reached a peak during the last six months of
1934 to the effect that National Banks would no longer be
permitted to issue their own circulating notes. This led banks
to take a cautious approach to ordering notes in view of the
speculative chances should such come to pass. This was fur-
ther emphasized by the fact that only one of the 29 chartered
banks during 1935, #14320, The Liberty National Bank &
Trust Co. of Louisville, Ky., had the fortitude to brave the
pessimistic atmosphere; on January 5, 1935, it ordered 25,000
$10 Type II notes, total $250,000! This bank had the dual dis-
tinction of being the only one to issue notes in 1935 and the
last one to issue NATIONAL BANK NOTES, PERIOD!
The remaining 28 chartered banks of 1935 can be classed
into two groups as follows:
Banks Eligible to Issue Notes, Chartered Between
Jan. 5 and May 14, 1935
Jan. 14321
Jan. 14322
Feb. 14323
Feb. 14324
Feb. 14325
Feb. 14326
March 14327
March 14328
March 14329
March 14330
April 14331
April 14332
April 14333
April 14334
April 14335
May 14336
May 14337
May 14338
National Union Bank of Paterson, N.J.
American National Bank of Wetumka, Okla.
First National Bank of Mt. Gilhead, Ohio.
Valley National Bank of Phoenix, Ark.
Citizens National Bank of Herndon, Va.
First National Bank of Glidden, Iowa.
First National Bank of East St. Louis, Ill.
First National Bank of Arcadia, La.
Citizens National Bank of Eureka, Kan.
Junction National Bank of Junction, Tex.
National Bank of Aledo, Aledo, Ill.
First National Bank of Wyoming, Ill.
Second National Bank of Masontown, Pa.
Miners National Bank of Butte, Mt.
Virgin Islands N.B. of St. Thomas, V.I.
First National Bank of Wauwatosa, Wis.
Peoples National Bank of Victoria, Va.
Bay National Bank of Panama City, Fla.
1935 Banks Ineligible to Issue Notes, Chartered
June through December 16*
June 14339 National Bank of Norfolk, Norfolk, Neb.
June 14340 Commercial National Bank of Grand Island, Neb.
Aug. 14341 Davis National Bank of Mullins, S.C.
Aug. 14342 Polo National Bank of Polo, Ill.
Sept. 14343 Chicago Heights National Bank, of Chicago, Ill.
Sept. 14344 Hanover National Bank of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Oct. 14345 Youngsville National Bank of Youngsville, Pa.
Nov. 14346 Ogle County National Bank of Oregon, Ill.
Nov. 14347 Greene County National Bank of Carrollton, Ill.
Dec. 14348 Roodhouse National Bank of Roodhouse, Ill.
The National Bank Charters Granted During the Year 1935
• 29 chartered were granted, nos. 14320 through 14348.
• 19 of these were eligible to issue notes, nos. 14320 through 14338.
• Only charter #14320 issued notes, 25,000—$10 worth $250,000.
• U.S. Treasury order to suspend issues effective May 15, 1935.
N Noce
100018 1 4 28 5
14285 8000168
ar 1E. at RPIL fl DIMOOMTi N I 10 MARS
14048 8000359
8000359 14048
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Page 121
The final 10 charters granted, nos. 14339 through 14348, were in-
eligible to issue notes.
Charter 14320 granted Jan. 5, charter 14348 on Dec. 16, 1935.
The Highest Chartered Bank to Issue $100 National Bank
Notes During the 1863-1935 Note Issuing Period
The Mount Olive National Bank of Mount Olive, Illinois was
granted charter 14285 in the fall of 1934. The bank had the distinc-
tion of issuing the last $100 notes during the 72-year life of the
National Bank Note issuing period. The bank issued 300 $100 notes,
serials A000001 - A000300, of which 250 were placed in circulation,
while 50, serials A000251 - A000300, were returned to the Redemp-
tion Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Vice -President's Variety Note Charter 14048
The Chandler National Bank of Lyons, Kansas was granted charter
14048 in the spring of 1934. It was a family bank and bore the signa-
tures of C.J. Chandler, vice-president, and W.W. Chandler, cashier.
The president did not sign the notes. The Bureau of Engraving &
Printing added "VICE" in regular type over the italicized word
National Bank Notes—Finis
The passage of the Act of February 26, 1863 allowed
qualified banks to issue circulating notes in various denom-
inations bearing the title of the each bank. The order to cease
processing National Bank notes came from the Comptroller
of the Currency to be effective May 15, 1935; thus ended the
issuance of these notes 72 years later.
References Consulted
Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes, by John T. Hickman &
Dean Oakes.
National Banks of The Note Issuing Period 1863-1935, by Louis Van
The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935, Society of Paper
Money Collectors, by M. Owen Warns, Peter Huntoon and Louis
Van Belkum.
* Due to Treasury Dept. note suspension order effective May
15, 1935.
Page 122 Paper Money Whole No. 111s i
i t I by Peter Huntoon
HE purpose of this article is to examine in detail
the facts surrounding the origin and use of what
we will define as late finished plates. This treat-
ment will survey the possibilities for as yet undis-
covered varieties from these plates, as well as review
those that are presently recorded. The data upon which
this article rests came from three sources: (1) summary
plate records held by the Bureau of Enaraving and
Printing, (2) published data in the O'Donnell (1977)
catalog, and (3) records developed by me based on
sighted specimens over the years. You will recognize that
the varieties discussed here have been called "trial"
notes; however, this term is a misnomer and it makes
sense to drop its use given the facts now available.
Late Finished or Trial?
The manufacture of the interesting group of small size
plates listed in Table I was started in the mid-1930s when
micro plate numbers were in use. However, the completion of
these plates was greatly delayed so that they were not finished
until after the conversion to macro plate numbers. The result
was that they were engraved with macro plate numbers but
the numbers clearly belonged in the old micro range.
Notes from these unusual plates are listed in O'Donnell's
(1977) catalog as trial notes. He speculated that they were (1)
the first plates manufactured of their kind and (2) they were
used experimentally before regular production of macro
plates. The data in Table 3 refute both claims.
Serial number data reveal that these plates were put into
production much later than the in-sequence micro plates of
like kind, and also in most cases they were used years later
than the first regular macro plates of like kind which have
higher plate numbers. Questions emerged such as: Why
didn't $20 "trial" back plate 204 go to press about the same
time as 203 and 205? The fact was that it couldn't —it was
not finished and wouldn't be completed for another 10 years!
The plate records reveal that in fact none of the plates
which are the subject of this article had been finished until a
substantial time after they were started. In the extreme, $20
back plate 204 was begun in 1934 but never finished until
1944. Because of the nature of these plates, I proposed that
we rename them "late finished" instead of "trial" plates
(Huntoon, 1982a). They certainly were not "trial" or "ex-
perimental" in any sense. Their changed status does not alter
their uniqueness, nor does it diminish their value in my
Table 2 illustrates the unusual facts surrounding the late-
finished plates. Notice in all cases that the beginning dates for
the late finished plates are in sequential order with the pre-
Late Finished $5 SC face plate 307— used for both 1934,4
blue and yellow seal printings.
ceding and succeeding numbered micro plates. In contrast,
they were finished dramatically out of range from their con-
temporaries. The net result of the delayed completion of these
special plates is that (1) they were finished with macro instead
of micro plate numbers, (2) the face plates were finished as
Series of 1934A instead of Series of 1934, and (3) they went to
press long after those with preceding or succeeding plate
$1 Back Plate 470
Table 2 shows that plate 470 was completed seven years
later than 469 and 471. I discovered that when it was finally
used in 1943, the other plates on the press alongside it were
numbered in the 2850 to 3300 range. Clearly it was an odd-
ball. Remember that the changeover from micro to macro
occurred with $1 back plates 929 and 930 respectively. Plate
930, the first true macro back, was also in the first group to
be sent to press, an event that took place on January 28,
1938. Notice that this was over five years before 470 went to
press as shown on Table 3.
Only a couple of notes are presently reported from plate
470 and these have serial numbers in the KC block. From
Table 2 you can see that this plate was used between May 15,
1943, and June 18, 1943. This period of usage overlaps or im-
mediately precedes these serial number printings in 1943: IC
(April 24 - May 27), JC (May 27 - June 24), and KC (June
24 - September 18). It is virtually certain that this plate was
used to print notes in all three of these blocks, and I fully ex-
pect that it will prove to be most common in the JC block.
Only the tail end of the 470 printing was fed to the KC block.
In addition, there is always the possibility of star notes having
been printed from it. Of the late finished plates, specimens
from this plate have proven to be the most elusive and they
are considered to be rare.
$5 1934A SC Face Plate 307
Silver Certificate face plate 307 was begun in 1936 as a
micro Series of 1934 but it was finally completed six years
later as a macro Series of 1934A. Production from it began
four and a half years after the first $5 SC 1934A had gone to
press (see Table 3). It was used for a little less than one year
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Page 123
Late Finished $10 SC face plates 86 and 87. Plate 87 wore out before 86 was used. Both were begun
during the micro plate number period in 1938.
during which it participated in the special World War II
yellow seal printings. Its history is summarized in Table 4.
The HA block was current at the time the first $5 yellow
seals were sent to press in 1942. However, six serial number
groups within the KA block were selected for use on the $5
yellow seals so these were printed out of sequence beginning
in late 1942, and ended with the high yellow seal serial of
K65984000A in May 1944. The unused serial number groups
below serial K65984000A were completed as regular issue blue
seals during the 1942 to 1944 period. The higher KA serials
were later used in sequence in 1945-6.
To date, the only known 307 notes are KA block blue and
yellow seal notes, and a few yellow seal stars. As shown on
Table 3, these notes were printed between July 9, 1942, and
June 3, 1943. During that same period, regular blue seal $5
SC's were also being printed in the HA and IA blocks. It
would not come as a great surprise if a 307 someday turned
up on either of these blocks, or on a blue seal star.
Mules do not appear to be possible on the 307 printings be-
cause the last of the regular micro back plates wore out in
1942 just days before the first of the 307 printings, either
yellow or blue seal. Even 307 mules from exotic micro backs
629 and 637 are impossible because these two back plates
were never used until years after 307 wore out.
Known surviving specimens from 307 are most common
from the KA yellow seal printings. Next most plentiful are the
307 yellow seal stars. The 307 blue seals are very scarce in the
KA block and unknown in any other blue seal blocks includ-
ing stars.
$10 1934A SC Face Plates 86 and 87
Silver Certificate $10 1934A face plate 87 barely made it
into the late finished category. As shown on Table 2, it was
completed only seven months after it was begun, but during
this short period the conversion to macro plate numbers had
been accomplished so it was completed as a macro. Plate 86
was completed over two years after it was begun so its history
is more characteristic of the other late-finished plates. Notice
from Table 2 that plate 87 wore out before 86 was completed.
For this reason, the two did not produce the same suite of
varieties as shown on Table 1.
Late Finished $20 back plate 204—the last Late Finished
plate used. Begun in 1934 but not finished until 1944, then
used from 1944 to 1946. Photo courtesy of Tom Conklin.
One interesting fact about plate 87 was that it was among
the very first group of macro $10 SC faces sent to press. It
therefore holds the distinction of being the only late finished
plate which actually saw service at the beginning of its respec-
tive issue. It wore out before the first $10 yellow seals were
printed, so unlike 86, it cannot be found on those notes. It
seems to occur only in blue seal regular and muled varieties in
the serial range A77 —A to A78—A. The high non-mule
Page 124 Paper Money Whole No. 111
serial A90853724A reported for the note in O'Donnell's
catalog is erroneously high. To date, no star notes have been
discovered from plate 87.
Plate 86 saw later but much longer service. It participated
in the printing of yellow seals, as well as several star printings.
The following varieties have been reported: blue seal mule
blocks AA; blue seal non-mule blocks AA, BA, and ,,A; and
yellow seal blocks AA, BA, and 4 A.
Potential discoveries include: plate 86-blue seal mule ,A;
and plate 87-blue seal 4A and blue seal mule ,A. I under-
stand that mules from 86 are very tough because the plate was
used so late.
Table 1. Late Finished plates and their usage.
Number Side Denomination
470 back 1 2,402,700 SC 1935A
307 face 5 569,244 SC 1934A
SC 1934A Yellow Seal
86 face 10 1,203,456
SC I934A
SC 1934A mule
SC 1934A Yellow Seal
87 face 10 83,100 SC 1934A
SC 1934A mule
204 back 20 3,328,728 FRN 1934 mule
FRN 1934 Hawaii mule
FRN 1934A
FRN I934A Hawaii
FRN 1934B
# Data from O'Donnell (1977) obtained from plate record cards
which now have been destroyed.
$20 Back Plate 204
As shown on Table 1, $20 back 204 produced the record
number of impressions in the late finished group. As a
Federal Reserve back, it also produced the most varieties,
including both 1934 and 1934A Hawaii notes. In fact, we
have no complete record of all the different districts which
were printed from it, but we do know that it was mated with
faces in three different series, specifically the Series of 1934,
34A, and 34B.
Details on its use are presented in Huntoon (1982a and
1982b). A summary of the types of varieties possible from
this unusual plate appears in Table 1. What is missing is a
complete census of known districts in the green seal Series of
1934, 34A, and 34B. It could have been mated with just
about any district, both regular blocks or stars. It is most
commonly found on 1934A Hawaii notes. The green seals, re-
gardless of series, should be highly prized because all are
scarce or rare. Only one 1934 Hawaii 204 seems to have been
found and it bears serial L89374858A which was produced
early during the use of the plate.
The late finished plates do not owe their origin to experi-
mentation as first thought; however, they are every bit as
unique and interesting. They do, in my opinion, constitute an
interesting minor variety, and many of the varieties that are
known are genuinely rare or very scarce. As outlined in this
article, many varieties have been identified as possible but re-
main undiscovered. There is still room for you to have a
lucky streak by discovering one of the unknowns. I hope that
some of the unknown but possible blocks in the $1 470 turn
up. We badly need some more of the $1's!
$5 Back Plate 637
Table 4. Record of use for $5 1934A Silver Certificate face plate 307.
Plate begun:
Apr 6, 1936
Plate finished: Jul 3, 1942
Press run: Jul 9, 1942 - Jul 28, 1942
Jul 29, 1942
Certified: Aug 19, 1942
Press runs: Aug 27, 1942 - Sep 10, 1942
Sep 15, 1942 - Sep 23, 1942
Reentered: Sep 24, 1942
Certified: Oct 19, 1942
Press runs: Nov 11, 1942 - Dec 1, 1942
Dec 3, 1942 - Dec 4, 1942
Dec 9, 1942 - Dec 23, 1942
May 12, 1943 - Jun 3, 1943
Cancelled: Jun 19, 1943
# Reentered means that the design was repressed into the plate to pro-
long its life by sharpening worn details.
Back plate 637 is a micro plate that created a cornucopia of
rare mules, along with another equally famous micro back
plate 629. There was nothing unusual about the manufacture
of 629 except that it sat around for 14 years before it was
finally sent to press.
However, 637 was a late finished plate. Its manufacture
was begun December 6, 1933, but it was never completed
until November 10, 1944. It was a most productive plate, last-
ing from June 1945, until mid-1949. What makes it so un-
usual is the fact that it was completed with micro, instead of
macro, plate numbers. Consequently it stands in a class by it-
self. You can read more about this plate than you probably
care to know in Huntoon (1983).
References Cited
Huntoon, P., 1982a, $20 FRN back plate 204 and other late-finished
plates: Paper Money, v. 21, p. 174-175.
Huntoon, P., 1982b, $20 back plate 204-new data: Paper Money,
v. 21, p. 268.
Huntoon, P., 1983, The fascinating $5 mules: Paper Money, v. 22,
p. 205-212.
O'Donnell, C., 1977, The Standard handbook of modern United
States paper money, 6th edition : Harry J. Forman Inc., Philadel-
phia, 342 p.
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 125
Table 2. Summary of the use of Late Finished plates, and the use of their preceding and succeeding
Plate Begun Finished Used
$1 Uniform Back, plate 470
469 micro Sep 1, 1936 Sep 17, 1936 Oct 6, 1936 - Jan 14, 1938
470 macro Sep 1, 1936 May 13, 1943 May 15, 1943 - Jun 18, 1943
471 micro Sep 2, 1936 Sep 24, 1936 Oct 6, 1936 - Sep 21, 1937
$5 Silver Certificate Face, plate 307
1934 306 micro 1936 Apr 3, 1936 Jul 9, 1936 - Jun 15, 1937
1934A 307 macro Apr 6, 1936 Jul 3, 1942 Jul 9, 1942 - Jun 3, 1943
1934 308 micro 1936 Jul 2, 1936 Sep 11, 1936 - Dec 11, 1936
$10 Silver Certificate Faces, plates 86 and 87
1934 85 micro
Aug 16, 1935 Sep 5, 1935 Mar I, 1938 - May 24, 1939
1934A 86 macro Jan 21, 1938 May 29, 1940 Jul 18, 1940 - Jun 29, 1944
1934A 87 macro Feb 7, 1938 Sep 16, 1938 Dec 5, 1939 - Jan 16, 1940
1934 88 micro Mar 2, 1938 Mar 8, 1938 Mar 8, 1938 - May 16, 1939
$20 Uniform Back, plate 204
203 micro Oct 26, 1934 Jan 31, 1935 Apr 21, 1936 - Jan 26, 1942
204 macro Dec 21, 1934 Mar 18, 1944 Apr 4, 1944 - Oct 2, 1946
205 micro Dec 21, 1934 Jan 4, 1935 Apr 21, 1936 - Apr 26, 1937
Table 3. Dates when the late finished plates were used as compared to (1) the first use of a macro plate and (2) the last use of a micro plate of
the same class and denomination.
First Day that a
Macro was Used
Last Day that a
Micro was Used
Period during which the
Late Finished Plate was Used
Time Elapsed
between the first use
of a Macro and the
First use of the
Late Finished Plate
$1 Uniform Back, plate 470
Jan 28, 1938 Feb. 8, 1940
$5 Series of 1934 Silver Certificate Face, plate 307
Jan 14, 1938 Aug 18, 1938
$10 Series of 1934A Silver Certificate Face, plate 86
Dec 5, 1939 Jun 29, 1944
$10 Series of 1934A Silver Certificate Face, plate 87
Dec 5, 1939
Jun 29, 1944
$20 Uniform Back, plate 204
Feb 7, 1941
Oct 27, 1942
May 15, 1943 - Jun 18, 1943
5 yr 4 mo
Jul 9, 1942 - Jun 3, 1943
4 yr 6 mo
Jul 18, 1940 - Jun 29, 1944
7 mo
Dec 5, 1939 - Jan 16, 1940 -0-
Apr 4, 1944 - Oct 2, 1946
3 yr 2 mo
.213`fWJA inxi_ a mg) S. ES.
RIT 21888962 A
CL 4771MA%
It..11:135.L.ET01111:11M11.1(R11111,, DEMA.N.
21888962 A
OMPLAINTS! Complaints! That is ALL we
have been hearing." Those words might
have resounded through the halls of the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing in the mid-1930s
when it was decided to enlarge the size of the obverse
and reverse check plate numbers to a more readable
size. In doing so, a most significant phenomenon in
U.S. paper currency was created.
This change produced notes that were later known
as MULES. The collecting of MULE notes has been
and is one of the most fascinating areas of U.S. syn-
graphics. This 13-year study is limited to the $1 Silver
Certificate MULES, which only occurred in the 1935
and 1935A Series. They are the "Granddaddies" of the
current, coveted $1 FRN MULES.
Page 126 Paper Money Whole No. 111
One of only four known $1 SC 1935 MULE STARS, the rarest of all the $1 SC stars, mule or
non-mule. This note also has both the highest face and back check plates observed on the $1
SC 1935 MULE STARS —H1319 and 1034 respectively.
What Are MULES? How Did They Occur?
The ANA Dictionary of Numismatic Terms (Colorado
Springs, 1968) states: "MULE (Hybrid) A coin, token or
medal whose obverse die is not matched with its official or
regular reverse die, i.e. mismatched obverse and reverse."
This "split personality" definition was adapted to U.S.
currency whose check plates determined that they were mis-
matched on the obverse and the reverse of a note.
Check plates are those little numbers found in the lower
right corner of the notes. There is one on the obverse (face)
and one on the reverse (back).
In the mid-1930s, the BEP decided to change the size of
the check plate numbers from the micro .020 inch to the
larger, more readable .030 inch. This was in response to
suggestions to make the check plate numbers more legible.
The actual change occurred in early 1938. (This change to the
readable .030 size of check plate numbers carries through
today, as they are the same size on currently issued currency.)
At that time, it was the practice of the BEP to use the
already engraved plates until they wore out, even though
production was in a later Series. Plates were also refurbished
to extend their useful life. These practices created the
MULES, as well as the changeover pairs.
A $1 SC MULE is a note that has the micro .020 inch
check plate number on one side and the readable .030 inch
check plate number on the other side—of the same note. The
$1 Silver Certificate 1935 MULE would have the micro .020
check plate number on its face and the readable .030 check
plate number on its back. Conversely, the $1 Silver
Certificate 1935A MULE would have the readable .030 check
plate number on its face and the micro .020 check plate
number on its back.
$1 Silver Certificate 1935 MULES
The $1 Silver Certificate 1935 MULE is a 1935 Series
with a 1935A Series reverse. This is identifiable, as the back
check plate is the readable .030 inch. It is also identifiable by
the back check plate number itself. The readable .030 inch
size began with the back check plate 930, which was the first
back check plate designed for the then-new 1935A Series of
$1 Silver Certificates.
The range of observed check plates found on the $1
Silver Certificate 1935 MULES is shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Table of High and Low Check Plates Observed
Low Face High Face Low Back High Back
MA MULE 1310 947
NA MULE 810 1371 931 1038
PA MULE 247 1390 931 1056
QA MULE 144 1386 931 1060
RA MULE 144 1385 941 1262
NA MULE 1166 1319 961 1034
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Page 127
Enlargement of front and back check plate numbers on $1 SC 1935 MULE STAR note.
As shown, the MULES in the 1935 Series occur from
block MA to RA, and the *A. The largest number of ob-
served 1935 MULES was in the PA block. The random nu-
merical sequence of the face check plates on the $1 SC 1935
MULES indicates that quite a few residual 1935 face plates
were used infrequently during the production of the 1935A
The Rarest $1 SC MULES
The existence of the $1 SC 1935 MA MULE was dis-
covered as late as 1968, some 30 years after issued. There was
only one observation. It has a relatively high face check num-
ber, but a relatively low back check number. There is one
other known, but plate data was not supplied. With only two
known, both circulated, the $1 SC 1935 MA MULE would be
the rarest of all $1 Silver Certificate MULES. And, among
the rarest of all $1 Silver Certificates!
The note illustrated at the beginning of this article is one
of only four known $1 SC 1935 MULE STARS. It is the
rarest of all the $1 Silver Certificate STARS, MULE or non-
MULE. This one also has both the highest face and back
check plates observed on the $1 SC 1935 MULE STARS.
Quite an extraordinary STAR note!
Many would think the $1 Silver Certificate 1928E STAR
would be the rarest, but with a census of six known, it would
be in second place.
$1 Silver Certificate 1935A MULES
The $1 Silver Certificate 1935A MULE is a 1935A Series
with a 1935 Series reverse. This is identifiable as the back
check plate is the small, micro .020 inch. It is also identifiable
by the back check plate number. The micro .020 inch size
ended with back check plate 929, which was the last back
check plate designed for use on the older 1935 Series of $1
Silver Certificates.
The range of observed check plates found on the $1
Silver Certificate 1935A MULES is tabulated here in Table 2.
As shown, the MULES occur in the 1935A Series in 19
different blocks. That is quite a significant number of blocks
for a one-time phenomenon. The largest number of observed
MULES would be in the blocks NA MULE to TA MULE.
The back check plate most prevalent was 779.
There were six observations of the 1935A DB MULE and
five of the 1935A EB MULE. They would be the scarcest and
are only known in circulated, as is the 1935A AB MULE.
Four other blocks in the 1935A MULES have only one to
three known in CU, or close to CU. Interestingly, the 1935A
CB MULE is only known in CU. Someone hoarded them in
the long ago, fortunately, otherwise we might not have any
1935A CB MULES today. A 1935A FB MULE was once re-
ported. Inquiries for verifying data were unanswered. It
might exist ... .
Page 128 Paper Money Whole No. 111
Table 2.
Table of High and Low Check Plates Observed
Low Face High Face Low Back High Back
MA MULE 3 197 437 921
NA MULE 1 278 446 924
PA MULE 6 332 563 929
QA MULE 16 442 588 924
RA MULE 44 635 555 929
SA MULE 57 693 537 929
TA MULE 142 864 537** 929
UA MULE 293 911 715 926
VA MULE 577 1058 579 924
WA MULE 555 1188 585 920
XA MULE 730 1333 626 926
YA MULE 906 1440 765 926
ZA MULE 821 1592 761 926
AB MULE 955 1617 761 926
BB MULE 1294 1552 866 916
CB MULE 900 1773 779 916
DB MULE 1597 1937 886 916
EB MULE 1813 1955 900 916
*A MULE 24 1303 499 914
.* 1935A MULE T69397212A has Back Check Plate 52.
The high face check plates on the 1935A MULES follow
a numerical sequence from the first, MA MULE, to the last,
EB MULE. The low face and the low back are also in a rela-
tively close numerical sequence. These numerical sequences
would indicate the data was conclusive.
The high back check plate sequence gives us some inter-
esting clues on back check plate usage. Four of the more
common 1935A MULES have the last back check plate pos-
sible, 929. (What a collection of ending MULE plates they
would make!) Five other 1935A MULES, in the more diffi-
cult blocks, have the same ending back check plate 926. Four
other 1935A MULES, in the scarcest blocks, have the same
back check plate 916 as their high observed. Again, this indi-
cates two residual plates that were around for some time.
Their infrequent use would account for the occurrence of
MULES in these later 1935A blocks and their scarcity today.
The Great Mystery
In paper currency, there are some happenings that puzzle
all of us. It is one of the reasons why collecting paper
currency is so fascinating. There was one 1935A MULE that
defied all parameters and stretched the imagination.
There is an asterisk alongside the 1935A TA MULE low
back observed of 537. There was one observation of a $1
Silver Certificate 1935A TA MULE with a back check plate
number 2. This was quite extraordinary as that back check
plate should have been used in the production of the $1 SC
1935 AA issue. To find it 20 blocks later (about 2 billion
notes) indicates something very special or unusual. It is far,
far below any other low observed back check plate on the $1
Close examination revealed that the overall back design
was a bit smaller than others examined in the 1935 Series.
(Remember it is a 1935A MULE, but has the 1935 Series
back.) Shrinkage of notes dried by the "wet" process could
have caused this smaller design, so in itself that was not con-
clusive. More conclusive were two other unusual facts about
this MULE. The "2" looks more like a sideways "S." It does
not resemble any other "2" examined on notes of contempo-
rary issuance. Additionally, back check plates 1, 3, 4, 5, etc.
have been observed on the $1 SC 1935 Series—but NO back
check plate 2 could be found on a $1 SC 1935.
So, what do we have here? It is $1 Silver Certificate
1935A T69397212A face check plate 591 with MULE micro
back check plate 2. It is position code L, the last of a sheet.
Uncut Sheets of Muled Notes
Surely, one of the great treasures in paper currency to
own is an uncut or partial sheet of MULES. This possibility
only exists in the $1 SC 1935A VA block. It is the only 1935A
block in which the uncut were issued. BEP records show that
only 100 of these 1935A uncut sheets were issued. BEP
records do not show how many of these were later cut into
individual notes, either by the Cash Counter at the BEP or by
collectors and dealers.
Two full uncut sheets of 12 and one partial sheet of $1
SC 1935A VA's were observed. All were MULES. Their back
check plates were of the 1935 Series, micro 774 and micro
912. There is a good chance that most, if not all, 1935A VA
MULES in CU could have come from one of these sheets. (A
$1 SC 1935A VA MULE in true CU would be worth $100
each.) They are scarce in CU and that is why in the long ago
the uncut sheets were cut for single notes.
Any time an uncut sheet of 12 MULES or a partial sheet
of MULES can be acquired in which each note as a single is
worth $100, you have something quite special.
It might be that all $1 SC 1935A VA uncut sheets are
MULES. It might be that some were MULES and some
regular 1935A VA issue. If so, then the extraordinary
changeover pair of VA regular to MULE would exist . . . or
did exist. Better check .
Muled Changeover Pairs
As mentioned earlier, the practice of using residual plates
also accounted for changeover pairs. A changeover pair con-
sists of two notes in consecutive serial number sequence, pro-
duced on the same production run, and each note having a
design change. In this context, the MULE to regular note
changeover would be the design change from the .020 inch to
the .030 inch check plates. This is illustrated in the following
$1 SC 1935A Q98216120A Back Check Plate 909
$1 SC 1935A Q98216121A Back Check Plate 979
In this example, the first note with micro back check
plate 909 has the 1935 back and is a MULE. The second note
with readable back check plate 979 has the regular 1935A
Today, changeover pairs in the $1 SC MULE to regular
notes are known in the following blocks:
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 129
Micro back plate 929 and readable back plate 930.
Page 130 Paper Money Whole No. 111
$1 SC 1935 PA and NA
$1 SC 1935A PA, QA, SA, WA, BB, and CB
Oddly, only one of each are known. It seems there
should be more. The MULE note always brought a premium
over the regular note. Because of this, collectors and dealers
in the long ago would remove the MULE note from the bun-
dles. This opportunity does not exist today. No $1 SC 1935 or
1935A bundles in the MULE blocks are known to survive.
Back Check Plates 929 and 930
The actual change of design from the micro .020 inch to
the readable .030 inch check plates occurred in early 1938.
The BEP also wished to change some of the things on the
face of the older 1935 Series. These changes were significant
enough to warrant a new Series, the 1935A. When this change
occurred, the last micro back check plate was 929. The new
1935A Series would start with readable back check plate 930.
MULE notes, as well as regular notes, that have these
ending and beginning back check plates are quite desirable.
They illustrate this one-time change that occurred in our
paper currency.
Oddly, as you can determine by examining the Table on
the $1 SC 1935 MULES, no back check plate 930 was ob-
served. The lowest observed was 931, which was found on
three of the six $1 SC 1935 MULE blocks, a bit unusual in
itself. It was at first thought that back check plate 930 might
have been skipped because of the change of size of the check
plates between the 1935 and 1935A Series. This was done
when the BEP changed from the wide to the narrow reverse
design on the $1 Silver Certificate 1935D Series. The 1935D
wide ended at back check plate 5015. The 1935D narrow be-
gan at back check plate 5017, thereby skipping back check
plate 5016.
Further study was required. Back check plate 930 was
finally found on two circulated $1 SC 1935A regular notes.
One was in the XA block and the other in the AB block. Why
it was found on later blocks in the 1935A Series, as the XA
and AB, and not on the ten earlier blocks, leaves a lot to
speculation. It might have been that back check plate 930, the
first with the .030 inch size, was intended to be kept as a
master or comparison plate. We have this in the $2 USN
1928, where the face check plate 1 was retained as the master.
It might be that back check plate 930 had to be refurbished,
which would account for its later showing in the XA and AB
blocks. It might be that the BEP never intended to use back
check plate 930, but somehow, inadvertently, it was placed
into production. We'll probably never know, but readable
back check plate 930 on the $1 Silver Certificates does exist !
This study could not have been accomplished without the
information unselfishly supplied by many collector/friends.
With their help and support, the compilation of this data is
more meaningful. I wish to thank them. As always, Chuck
O'Donnell's "Standard Handbook of Modern United States
Paper Money" was used for basic and key references.
BEP Selling Uncut Series 1981A
$1 Sheets from All Federal Reserve Districts
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is selling uncut Series
1981A $1 sheets bearing the signatures of Treasury Secretary Donald
T. Regan and U.S. Treasurer Katherine Davalos Ortega from all 12
Federal Reserve Districts. Beginning March 1 with sheets from the
Boston district, sheets from one district will be available each month
in the Bureau's Visitors' Center and by mail.
"With $1 bills of Series 1981A going into circulation soon, we
felt there would be a demand for uncut sheets of that series, from all
districts," Bureau Director Robert J. Leuver said.
Leuver noted that the Bureau will produce 5.9 billion currency
notes during Fiscal Year 1984, an increase of 22 percent over the 4.6
billion notes produced in FY '83 and 32 percent more than the 4
billion manufactured in FY '82. "We have stepped up production,
without significantly increasing costs, largely to meet the demand for
high-quality currency for use in automatic teller machines, change
machines, and other devices," he said.
The 1981A sheets will be available in 4-, 16-, and 32-subject
sizes. The 4-subject sheets sold by the Bureau at numismatic and
philatelic shows will be from the same district each month as those
offered in the Visitors' Center and by mail.
Following the 12 sales months, there will be a make-up month in
which persons can purchase sheets from any district. "This is for
persons who may have missed sales in a previous month," Leuver
said. "But the sheets will be available only as supplies permit during
the make-up month as well as the 12 regular sales months."
The schedule is as follows:
March, 1984
New York
May Atlanta
June Chicago
July St. Louis
August Minneapolis
September Kansas City
October Dallas
November San Francisco
December Richmond
January, 1985
February Philadelphia
All districts (as
supplies permit)
Prices of the currency sheets in the Bureau's Visitors' Center
are: 4-subject sheets, $5.50; 16-subject sheets, $20.25; 32-subject
sheets, $38.00. By mail, 4-subject sheets are $9.50; 16-subject sheets,
$28.00; and 32-subject sheets, $47.00.
Money orders, bank-type cashier's checks, and certified checks
for the exact amount are accepted for orders of currency. All mail
orders should be sent to:
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Uncut Currency/Souvenir Card Sales Program
14th and C Streets, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20228
Due to customs regulations and prohibitive mailing costs, the
Bureau cannot accept orders addressed to customers outside the
United States.
ibail raiJ
he 'Ft:
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 131
A Rhode Island Note, Spanish Milled Dollars,
and English Shillings
HILE a graduate student at Brown University in
Providence, I purchased the Rhode Island note
shown here. Appropriately enough, I found this
note in a very respectable coin shop (Podrat's) on Hope
Street, one of the original streets laid out by Roger Williams.
This note, for two Spanish milled dollars, has the notation
that interest would be paid "at the rate of Five per Centum
per Annum in like money." However, examination of the
bottom left corner of the note shows that the interest was
computed in English money:shillings. (s.), pence (p.), and far-
things (q.). The interest was given for two time periods,
monthly and annually, and amounted to:
Interest, s. d. q.
Annually, 0 7 1
Monthly, 0 0 21/2
Implied in these curious numbers is the exchange rate between
Spanish milled dollars and English shillings. Let us see how
this can be found. First we make use of the fact that 4 far-
things = 1 pence and 12 pence = 1 shilling. This allows us to
convert a year's interest of 7 pence, 1 farthing to 7 VI pence or
7 V4/12 shillings. Now 5% interest on two dollars is 1/10 of a
dollar. Therefore:
1/10 Spanish milled Dollar = 71/4/12 shillings,
or if we multiply both sides of this relationship by 10:
1 Spanish milled Dollar = 72.5/12 shillings,
1 Spanish milled Dollar = 6 shillings very nearly.
At about the same time that I purchased the Rhode Island
note in question, I happened to attend an auction conducted
by the firm of New England Rare Coin Galleries in Boston.
One of the lots was a complete sheet of these very Rhode
Island notes. Sure enough, on each note the interest was given
in English money, while the notes were denominated in Span-
ish milled dollars. The $20 note made the conversion between
the two monetary systems especially clear. The year's interest
was given as:
s. d. q.
6 0 0
Since 5% of $20 is simply $1, the note implies a conversion
rate of
1 Spanish milled dollar = 6 shillings.
One of the great books of American numismatics is The
Early Paper Money of America by Eric P. Newman. Having
a copy, I investigated to find out what more could be learned
about these notes. I learned that the July 2, 1780 notes were
printed in the meager quantities of 2,600 each. The notes
were actually authorized on July 24, 1780 (a printing error on
the notes?) and March 1781. The Continental Congress reso-
lution of March 18, 1780 guaranteed the payment of these
notes. My curiosity was piqued by this last fact since I could
see the possibility that other states might have issued similar
notes. I reasoned that since the Continental Congress had
guaranteed payment, perhaps other states had also issued
notes under this resolution. Sure enough, other states did
Page 132
State Issue
Denomination shown in
Newman book
(in Spanish milled dollars)
per year
(s. d. q.)
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Calculated Exchange
(1 Spanish milled $ =)
Maryland June 28, 1780 3 1 11/2 7 s./6 d.
Massachusetts May 5, 1780 20 6 0 0 6 s.
New Hampshire April 29, 1780 5 1 6 0 6 s.
New Jersey June 9, 1780 20 7 6 0 7 s./6 d.
New York June 15, 1780 20 8 0 8 s.
Pennsylvania June 1, 1780 7 2 71/4 7 s./6 d.
Rhode Island July 2, 1780 5 I 6 0 6 s.
Virginia May 1, 1780 2 0 7 1 6 s.
issue notes under this act and a complete list of such states is: Acknowledgements
New York
Dr. Charles Hamilton is gratefully acknowledged for his
Massachusetts Pennsylvania photographic expertise. Coe College is acknowledged for
New Hampshire Rhode Island allowing me to teach an exploratory term course on numis-
New Jersey Virginia matics which allowed me to think about colonial paper money.
Examples (one per state) can be found pictured throughout
the Newman text. The denominations along with interest
schedules, as on the Rhode Island note, allowed me to
calculate exchange rates. A very remarkable result emerged :
The exchange rate was different among the various states !
The reader is encouraged to verify this for himself using the
method given here. The following table gives the results:
Actually, these results are a subset from the more general
problem of chaotic exchange rates among all of the American
states/colonies during the whole period from the start of
paper money in colonial Massachusetts at the end of the 17th
century to the advent of the U.S. Constitution (and even
beyond in certain cases). Appendix C of Newman's book
gives a table of exchange rates over the critical years
1740-1783. The results from the 1780 issue are completely
consistent with this table, although no 1780 listing is given.
As a microcosm of a larger problem, it seemed to me
that the analysis given in this article brings to life, in a very
numismatic way, the turbulence among the various state cur-
rencies. I believe it is now possible to begin to understand
why the U.S. Constitution, put into effect March 4, 1789,
said in part :
Section 8
The Congress shall have the power
5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of
foreign coin .. .
Section 10
1. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or con-
federation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin
money; emit bills of credit .. .
Interested readers with comments or questions can con-
tact me at the Department of Physics, Coe College, Cedar
Rapids, Iowa 52402.
References Consulted
Eric P. Newman, The Early Paper Money of America (Western Pub-
lishing: Racine, Wisconsin) 1976.
Ted N. Weissbuch and Richard T. Hoober, Price Catalogue of U.S.
Colonial and Continental Currency (Hewitt Bros.: Chicago)
The United States Constitution, Section 8 and Section 10.
Stockholm.—A Swedish bank note company has received an
order from the soviet government to print notes aggregating a face
value of 5,000,000,000 rubles, according to the Riga correspondent
of Svenska Dagbladet.
The Swedish company in question made the unique proposition
that it would accept scrap copper and brass in lieu of cash payment,
an offer which proved especially attractive to the soviet authori-
ties.—Foster County Independent, Carrington, N. Dak., Nov. 30,
1922. (Submitted by Forrest Daniel)
In the St. Louis Circuit Court an important decision was ren-
dered on Saturday morning by Judge Breckinridge in the case of the
Boatman's Savings Institution against the State Bank of Missouri.
The Court held that the State Bank had the right to pay the five
dollar bills in silver, treating each as a separate demand. Relative to
bills of higher denomination the Court held that under the act of
Congress of 1854, the State Bank could not tender silver coin, and
decided for the Plaintiff.
The amount presented for redemption was $54,840, of which
sum $1,190 was in five dollar bills. The remaining $53,650 was in
large bills. The Court decided that in not redeeming these bills in
gold the default was made, and entitled their plaintiff to twenty per
cent, per annum damages till (sic) paid, for its refusal to pay. The
case was ably argued by the best lawyers in Missouri. It is said the
State Bank will appeal, to which the Boatman's Savings Institution
will not object, the investiment (sic) being a first class one for these
dull times.—Hastings (Minn.) Independent, July 19, 1860. (Sub-
mitted by Forrest Daniel)
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Page 133
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
College Currency — IV
The Bryant & Stratton School Issues
OT the most common college currency, but certainly
the most attractive, are the several issues of notes
issued by the Bryant & Stratton Business Colleges in
the several cities where they operated schools.
The name of the founder, H.B. Bryant, is first found in
a directory of Cleveland, Ohio, 1852-3. It seems that Buffalo,
New York was the city destined to see the growth of the
school into an intercity chain of partnerships for instruction
beginning in 1854. As many as three dozen "branches" were
operated at one time or another. Difficulty in running chains
of this type as partnerships led to a dissolution in the late
1860s. The Buffalo school survived, to branch out later into
the suburbs and Rochester, with an affiliate in Syracuse, N.Y.
Over the years the school has maintained a low profile.
A search of the files of the Buffalo and Erie County His-
torical Society provided almost no documentation prior to
1900, and then only a few catalogs of courses were found.
The Buffalo newspapers in 1954 show no mention of the
100th anniversary of the college. Incorporation took place on
February 10, 1937.
In his "Early Business College Bank Notes" published in
1942, Dr. John A. Muscalus lists 19 varieties of Bryant &
Stratton currency. This includes the schools in Philadelphia,
Providence and Toronto. The variation in the names of the
colleges indicates that local partners were taken in to facilitate
Shown in Figure 1 is a $2 note on their National College
Bank in New York City. It carries two signatures and is dated
May 22, 1865. Notice that the black bar tracing of "TWO
DOLLARS" has slipped out of place on the lithographic
stone, falling on the words "on receipt of current funds."
Other mistakes are the low placement of the counters "2" in
the upper corners. Both of these impinge on the vignettes
The $50 note in Figure 2 is of the same series, and is
signed "Bryant & Stratton, Chairman" on Dec. 1, 1863. The
printer is Sage & Co., Buffalo. This firm produced quite a
few scrip issues in the Buffalo area during the Civil War. This
note is carefully traced on the lithographic stone.
A very attractive $3 note is shown in Figure 3. It is of the
same issue, but may have appeared at a later date as it has a
rose colored underprinting. The addition of color makes a
very pleasing piece of scrip. Without date or a signature, it is
a possible remainder. The two counters in the upper corners
are a bit crude, but the train is identical with that on the $50
Page 134
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
shown above. This series was extensive, as it has one or more
of every denomination to $1000 except $20, which may exist.
Another series of notes was inscribed differently. These
are "Bryant, Stratton & Co's" International College Bank,
New York. They were printed by Hatch & Co., Trinity Build-
ing, 111 Broadway, New York. They are more expertly de-
signed and apparently were issued after the series shown
above. Some of them carry dates into the eighteen-seventies.
Shown in Figure 4 is a TEN of this series. It must be con-
siderd as one of the most attractive pieces of college currency.
Both varieties of the $10 have similar faces, but this latter
issue has a more elaborate green underprinting showing both
"X" and "TEN". The splendid eagle is long gone from
American currency.
This apparently later issue consisted of $1-2-3-5-5-10-
10-100-500-1000. Twenties may exist, but are not reported.
These bills easily take their place with the best designs of state
bank notes of this period. No fractional notes have been cata-
logued to date.
Many college notes are scarce, and there are few genuine
reprints. Beware of modern photo-lith copies! The reason is
that few lithographic stones have been saved with their
original designs. Most stones were "stripped" of the impres-
sions, and used again with new themes. On the other hand,
copper and steel plates which produced state bank notes were
just scrap after the issue was obsolete. Some of these were
found in hands of bank note printers and were used to make
plenty of "remainders" in the last years of the 19th century.
A comprehensive collection of these college notes will
make a very pleasing display of a vanished facet of local
*** **************************************
Effective Immediately!
The Editor of PAPER MONEY is
P.O. Box 416
Oradell, NJ 07649
Address all advertising and
editorial matter to him.
Paper Money Whole No. 1I1
Page 135
Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States, the
Confederate States and Canada
(Continued from PM No. 110, Page 94)
Georgia No. 43
The road extended from Girard to Union Springs, Alabama.
41. 1.00 Female with sword. (C) Train, between ls, red ONE. (R) ONE DOLLAR. R5
42. 2.00 Similar to No. 41, except denomination. R5
43. 3.00 (L) Indian woman, bow and arrows. (C) Train, between 3s, red THREE. (R)
Date—July 1, 1862.
Imprint—None. R5
44. 250 (L) FORSYTHE, GA. (C) 25. (R) CENTS. R6
45. 2.00 (L) FORSYTHE, GA. (C) Female, ships, between 2s. (R) Minerva. R6
46. 5.00 No description. R7
47. 10.00 No description. R7
48. 50.00 No description. R7
49. 100.00 No description.
Date—Oct. 1841, part ink.
Imprint—Jas. Harris, Engraver, 58 Nassau St. N.Y.
Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty, Phila. & N.Y. R7
50. 5.00 No description. R7
MACON Aik, Fte4i:UARY 1847
14E04' A
it-cosi/to' FM CtiA".£Ak'Y
/7/ /./.11/,:ifr /
Page 136
Paper Money Whole No. 111
The company was incorporated March 1, 1856. It built and operated 200 miles of single-
track standard gauge road from Macon to Brunswick, 187 miles, with branches from Cochran to
Hawkinsville, and from Docks Junction to Turtle River Docks.
Operations began in 1866 and continued to July 2, 1873, when the governor seized the road
and placed a Receiver in charge, and title was conveyed to the state, which operated the line
until February 28, 1880. It was then purchased November 4, 1881, by the East Tennessee, Vir-
ginia & Georgia Railroad. It finally became part of the Southern Railway.
51. 1.00 (L) "Star of the East," ONE below. (C) Man loading bales onto wagon. (R) Bales,
barrel, ONE on 1 above. R1
52. 2.00 (L) Cotton boll, TWO on 2 below. (C) Train. (R) Woman with fruit basket, 2 above. R2
53. 2.00 (L) Deer, TWO above. (C) Train, between 2s. (R) Bales, chest, anchor, 2 above.
Georgia No. 52
Georgia No. 54
,tt'<‘ ( 1. fj,
1V1ACON //,///
ra ,:cianwaaiwatovo.s,.
Paper Money Whole No. 111
54. 3.00 (L) Indian, THREE above. (C) Train, between 3s. (R) Sheaf, plow, spade, 3 above.
Date-Feb. 1, 1867. All are black and green print.
Imprint -Continental Bank Note Co. New York.
Hittorff & Co. Lith. 36 Church St. N.Y.
Page 137
Charles H. Clayton & Co. 157 Pearl St. N.Y. R6
55. 500 (L) Railroad car, 50 below. (R) Locomotive, 50 below, FARE TICKET. R6
56. 1.00 (L) Railroad car. (R) 1, FARE TICKET. R6
57. 2.00 (L) TWO DOLLARS. (R) 2, FARE TICKET.
Date-Sept. 1, 1862.
Imprint -None. R6
The company was chartered in 1833, under the name of the Monroe Railroad Company. In
1836 the name was changed to the Monroe Railroad and Banking Company, and again in 1845
to the Macon & Western Railroad.
58. 1.00 (L) Medallion head, 1 above and below. (C) Eagle, shield, between ls. (R) Medallion
head, 1 above and below. R5
59. 1.00 (L) Woodcutter, 1 above and below. (C) Eagle, shield, between ONEs. (R) Pat Lyon
at forge, 1 above and below. R6
60. 2.00 (L) Justice, TWO above and below. (C) Eagle, shield, between 2s. (R) Ceres, 2
below. R5
Georgia No. 60
61. 2.00 (L) Man with tablet, 2 above and below. (C) Eagle, shield, between 2s. (R) Man with
tablet, 2 above and below. R6
62. 3.00 (L) Washington, between 3s. (C) Eagle, shield, between 3s. (R) Washington, between
3s. R6
63. 4.00 (L&R) Man, 4 above and below. (C) Eagle, shield, between 4s. R7
64. 5.00 (L&R) Medallion head, 5 above and below. (C) Eagle, shield. R5
Ill _' ()
./4,11elt u
Macon, Va., June 1, 1 1465.
t8..pleittl,e't //Jiff 'eeit
Page 138 Paper Money Whole No. 111
65. 5.00 (L) Indian, GEORGIA above, V below. (C) Eagle, shield. (R) Riverboat, V above
and below. R6
66. 10.00 (L) Medallion head, 10 above and below. (C) Eagle, shield, between 10s. (R) Medal-
lion head, X above and below. R5
67. 10.00 (L&R) Medallion head, X above, 10 below. (C) Eagle, shield, TEN. R6
68. 20.00 (L&R) Medallion head, 20 above and below. (C) Eagle, shield, between XXs. R6
69. 20.00 (L) Man, 20 above and below. (C) Eagle, shield, between 20s. (R) Woman, 20 above
and below. R7
70. 100.00 (L&R) 100, medallion head above and below. (C) Eagle, shield, between 100s.
Date—May 1, 1840, part ink.
Imprint—Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty, Philada.
Danforth, Underwood & Co. New York. R7
In 1851, the railroad ran from Man to Oglethorpe, a distance of 50 miles. There it con-
nected with the Macon & Western line, which ran to Atlanta. The South-Western also connected
with Andersonville during the Civil War, where more than 40,000 Union prisoners were held in
the notorious compound.
71. 15C
(L) Train. (C) Red 15 FIFTEEN 15. (R) FARE TICKET. R5
Georgia No. 72
72. 20¢ Similar to No. 71, except denomination. R5
73. 400 Similar to No. 71, except denomination. R6
74. 500 Similar to No. 71, except denomination. R6
75. 75C Similar to No. 71, except denomination. R6
76. 1.00 Similar to No. 71, except denomination, and (L) Indian woman.
Date—June 1, 1865.
Imprint —None. R6
(To be continued)
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 139
Collecting Confederate
Paper—Stamps and
HE common relationship of 19th century United States
postage stamps and the bank notes of the period had
its beginning in the very earliest days of the adhesive-
backed postage stamps. The common ground was that
established bank note engravers-printers obtained contracts to
produce these earliest issues of the newly conceived postage
stamp. It was natural for the bank note engravers to choose
the existing vignettes of some famous Americans that had
been used on bank notes to be recycled as the stamp designs.
However, a closer interrelationship of philately and numis-
matics would be developed little more than a decade later
when the great Civil War tore the country asunder.
The Southern states in separating themselves from the
union of states and forming the Confederate States of
America had to do much improvising in establishing their
new government. The army of this newly-conceived Con-
federacy was able to improvise with a haphazard collection of
old arms, civilian hunting weapons, and a variety of available
militia uniforms to equip their recruits. Providing the citizens
of the South with a currency and a postal system would re-
quire even greater improvisation. The Confederate
postmasters, most of whom were the previous United States
postmasters, faced difficult times. The Confederate Post Of-
fice Department, after a deadline of May 31, 1861, could no
longer use the inventory of U.S. postage stamps and the Rich-
mond government would not be able to provide replacements
until October 1861. Worse still for the Confederate post of-
fices was the constitutional mandate requiring that the postal
operation be self-supporting, a new concept for a government
On this basis the story and collecting of Confederate
paper money becomes interestingly intertwined with the col-
lecting of Confederate stamps and postal items. The collector
of Confederate and/or Southern Civil War paper money may
not be as aware of this mutual interest as is the collector of
Confederate stamps. The standard reference work for the
philatelist has long been the DIETZ CONFEDERATE
the catalog and repository for basic information on the sub-
ject. Included in the current edition (1959) is a section called
"Confederate Stamp Money" which lists the small denomina-
tion paper money issued by some of the Southern post-
masters. The DIETZ catalog is now being revised and the new
edition will include an expanded section on this aspect to bet-
ter inform and arouse the interest of collectors. There are
numerous areas of common interest which are described in
the following, along with a listing of the specific currency.
Confederate Postmasters' Paper Money
The civilian population of the Confederate States was
quickly deprived of their coins in circulation. The new
government was unable to provide coinage due to the lack of
resources even though they had seized three former United
States mints. An early sale of Confederate bonds required
purchasers to pay in coins, the purchase of supplies abroad
by a nation without credit required specie, and the natural
hoarding of coin all served to drain the supply of the metallic
medium of exchange. The Richmond government did not
issue fractional denomination paper money until April 6,
1863, when a 50(f note was issued, and another followed on
February 17, 1864. To provide for the small change demand
in the Southern economy, low-denomination paper money
was issued by state, county and local governments along with
railroads, manufacturers, merchants and others. While a
rapid inflation of the economy would seem to reduce the need
for small change in everyday life, nevertheless there still re-
mained commodities selling for small amounts. Postage
stamps were an obvious low-value, daily need and many
postmasters faced the need for small change to be able to
conduct their business. Several Confederate postmasters
would solve this problem, as did other business men, by issu-
ing their own fractional paper currency which was redeemable
at their places of business. Many of these fractional notes
would specifically state that they were redeemable for the
payment of postage, a few would also be stamped with their
circular town and date postmark, and most would be signed
by the postmaster.
As would be expected, with the limited resources of the
South, the presses of a few printers would turn out sheets of
Confederate stamps along with sheets of a variety of paper
money. The government stamp contract printers were:
Archer & Daly Richmond, Virginia
Archer & Halpin Richmond, Virginia
Hoyer & Ludwig Richmond, Virginia
J. T. Paterson & Co. Augusta, Georgia
Keatinge & Ball Columbia, South Carolina
Thomas De La Rue & Co. London, England
Each of these printers, with the exception of the English
firm, also printed paper money for the government of the
Confederate States of America. Also, Hoyer & Ludwig and J.
T. Paterson printed a variety of currency for state and local
governments in the South as well as privately issued paper
money. Perhaps the most unusual would be Keatinge & Ball,
who also printed paper money for themselves.
During the period from the termination of the use of the
United States postage stamps in the Confederacy (June 1,
1861) to the availability of an adequate supply of stamps
from Richmond, the Southern postmasters faced a dilemma.
This was the need to provide temporarily a substitute for
postage stamps to validate the payment of postage. Approx-
imately 45 postmasters would print in some form or other
their own designed postage stamps; today collectors call them
"Postmasters' Provisionals." Many were prepared by local
job printers who, undoubtedly, during the war period would
also print small denomination paper money for local mer-
chants. Regrettably the identity of most of these stamp
printers is obscured in history but a few are known. As an ex-
ample, W. R. Robertson of Mobile lithographed an attractive
stamp for the Mobile postmaster as well as lithographing cur-
rency for the city of Mobile. Some postmasters would provide
Page 140 Paper Money Whole No. 111
The Confederate 50c note by Archer & Daly.
envelopes on which a postage design was preprinted rather
than use the separate adhesive-backed stamp. An interesting
example is the printed envelope from the Lynchburg, Virginia
postmaster. This was prepared by a local job printer who
used a stock printing die of lathework and the numeral "5"
such as commonly used on currency.
A scarce "variety" found on two Confederate stamps is
also found as a "variety" on certain Confederate currency.
The 5(C blue Jefferson Davis lithographed stamp (No. 4) and
the 10¢ rose Thomas Jefferson lithographed stamp (no. 5),
both printed by Hoyer & Ludwig, have the name "Camman"
inscribed on the margin between two stamps. It is to be pre-
sumed that this was the name of the lithograph worker who
set up the printing stone. This same "Camman" name is also
found in this same manner on the margin of certain litho-
graphed Confederate currency which were originally prepared
by Hoyer & Ludwig and later printed by J. T. Paterson & Co.
Postal Cancellations on Paper Money
Occasionally the circular town and date stamp used by
the post office in processing the mail will also be found on
some paper money. The Confederate $100 interest-bearing
notes (1862 and 1863) can be found with a postal cancellation
on the reverse in addition to the collection of interest paid
stamps. (Eight different postmarks have been found.) Ap-
parently they were applied either to indicate a date of release
to circulation (these notes carried interest) or a date to which
interest had been paid. A few other pieces of currency are
found which also have such postal cancellations primarily
when the party issuing the paper money was also the local
postmaster. Apparently this was like a signature and added
validity or authenticity to the currency.
Common Designs
The Confederate 50(C note issued on April 6, 1863 (Ar-
cher & Daly) and again on February 17, 1864 (Archer &
Halpin) has as a central vignette the cameo portrait of Presi-
dent Jefferson Davis. This same likeness of Davis was also
used on several Confederate stamps (Nos. 9, 10, 11 and 12)
which also were prepared by Archer & Daly and Archer &
Halpin. Of further interest is that Keatinge & Ball took over
printing this stamp, and their work can be identified by what
is called the "chilled plate" in which the network background
surrounding the Davis portrait has become blurred. This
same kind of a blurred printing variety can also be found on
the 50C notes.
In the early halcyon days of the war, when supplies were
more readily available, envelopes were sold with a variety of
patriotic designs of personalities, devices or sentiments
printed on them. Included was a medallion portrait of Jeffer-
son Davis on an envelope and another with a medallion por-
trait of General P. G. T. Beauregard. Both of these medallion
portraits also appear on a few pieces of paper money issued in
the South during the war period.
Mail Distribution
The handling and distribution of mail was a prime part
of the business activity of some who would choose to include
the word "mail" in their business identity. Also, as others in
the world of business and commerce, they would find the
need to have their own currency printed. While Southern
railroads would transport the mail and they were prolific
sources of paper money, they are not included in these listings
because the mail represented only a small part of their
List of Confederate/Southern Currency with
Philatelic Relationship
Listed here are those items of paper money that have
some aspect of relationship with Confederate philatelic -
history as previously outlined. To simplify such listings the
geographical location of the source of the paper money is
used as the key to sequence of listing.
Location/Issuer Value Date Comments
Aberdeen, Miss.
M. Gattman 100 9/1864 Postmaster money.
Baptist Mission, C.N.
William A. Musgrove 25¢ 5/2/1862 Postmaster money;
postmark used.
Bladon Springs, Ala.
D. Partridge 10C 1862 Postmaster money.
500 1862
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Bowling Green, Ky.
R. Couch & Co. 205 12/1/1861
Christianburg, Va.
J. Gardner 5C 1/1/1862
25C 1/1/1862
Columbia, S.C.
Keatinge & Ball 50a 3/15/1864
$1 3/15/1864
$2 3/15/1864
Columbia, Tx.
W. F. Swain IOC 1862 & 1863
505 1862 & 1863
Corinth, Miss.
Confederate States
Exchange $3 1862
Cork, Fla.
William C. Brown IOC n.d.
255 n.d.
Fort Smith, Ark.
Tom Vernon 100 May 1863
Front Royal, Va.
Gideon W. Jones 50 9/2/1861
25a 9/2/1861
50a 9/5/1861
$1 9/5/1861
10C 9/10/1861
Little Rock, Ark.
William F. Pope 10a 10/1862
255 10/1862
755 10/1862
$2 10/1862
Manchester, Va.
E. Matthews 200 4/4/1862
Mobile, Ala.
Lloyd Bowers la n.d.
New Market, Va.
John D. Zirkle 5a 8 & 9/1861
105 8 & 9/1861
25a 8 & 9/1861
50a 8 & 9/1861
$1 8 & 9/1861
New Orleans, La.
John L. Riddell c
* 50¢
New Orleans, La.
New Orleans & Bayou
Sara Mail Co. 50a 1861 & 62
$1 1861 & 62
$3 1861 & 62
Port Hudson, La.
J. B. Aburer 55 12/25/1862
105 12/25/1862
Davis medallion as on
envelope (Dietz G-A-3).
Postmaster money.
Printers of Confederate
stamps & currency
Postmaster money.
Davis medallion as on
envelope (Dietz G-A-3).
Postmaster money;
postmark used.
Postmaster money.
Postmaster & merchant;
postmark used. Numerous
paper & printing varieties.
Postmaster money.
Postmaster money;
postmark used.
Postmaster money.
Postmaster money.
Postmaster money;
" asterisk indicates not
found signed or circulated.
Mail transporters.
Postmaster money.
Page 141
Richmond, Va.
Confederate States 50a 4/6/1863 Davis portrait (Cr. T63).
50a 2/17/1864 Davis portrait (Cr. T72).
$5 9/2/1861 "Camman" imprint (Cr. T36).
$100 1862 & 63 "Camman" imprint (Cr. T39).
$100 1862 & 63 "Camman" imprint (Cr. T40).
$100 1862 & 63 Postmarks — Charleston, SC,
Houston, Tx., Jackson, Miss.,
Lenoir, N.C., Richmond, Va.,
San Antonio, Tx., Savannah,
Ga., or Shelbyville, Tenn.
(Cr. T39, T40, T41).
Richmond, Va.
J.D. Edwards, C.S.
Army 55 7/14/1862 Mail carrier.
News Agent & Mail
Carrier 105 7/14/1862
255 7/14/1862
505 7/14/1862
Rockingham, Va.
M. J. Zirkle toe 9/1/1861 Postmaster money.
205 9/1/1861
25e 9/1/1861
$1 9/1/1861
San Antonio, Tx.
The Executive
Aid Committee
$2 7/1/1862 Signed by postmaster with
Sangersville, Va.
N. L. Blakemore 20e 11/1/1861 Postmaster money.
Stafford Court House,
J. E. Schooler 55 9/186? Postmaster money.
St. John the Baptist
Parish, La. $1 3/1862 Beauregard medallion as on
$3 3/1862 envelope (Dietz G-B-1).
We have seen at the City Clerk's Office two books containing
the engraved city orders, ordered by the Common Council some time
since. They consisted of one, two and five dollar notes, having the
similitude of bank notes. During the prevalence of the present hard
times there is something refreshing about their appearance, and it
was with difficulty that we refrained from breaking one of the Ten
They were engraved by Bald, Cousland & Co., of New York,
and are creditable specimens of the engraver's art.— The Daily Pio-
neer and Democrat, St. Paul, Minn., June 13, 1858. (Submitted by
Forrest Daniel)
The New York Post tells the following story:
Mr. John Cone, who resides near Haddam, Connecticut,
appeared at the counter of the Middletown Bank some days since
with $1,000 of its bills, demanded the specie and got it. The profit of
the bank in the transaction was clear two hundred percent—two
thousand dollars. The bills were paid to John in 1835, and he care-
fully wrapped them in a napkin, where they have remained ever
since. He returned them to the bank pinned up in the same slips that
he received with the same marks. The savings bank interest would
have been nearly two thousand dollars.—Hastings (Minn.) Indepen-
dent, Nov. 19, 1857. (Submitted by Forrest Daniel)
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Page 142
Paper Money Whole No. 111
The Confederate States of America
Cotton Loan Bonds
Several books have been written on the subject of the fi-
nancial paper of the Confederate States of America. The
worthless currency of the South, once used for wallpaper,
today has established merit and value. In many cases, the
value is in excess of the original face value. Confederate
bonds have been caught in the recent scripophily boom. As a
result, items not often seen are beginning to surface. One
such item is the Cotton Loan Bond.
The bond is imprinted with the names of two prominent
banking houses of this era, Emile Erlanger & Cie., and J.
Henry SchrOder & Co. (Schroeder). The family name
D'Erlanger or Erlanger is a highly respected one of several
generations of European Jewish bankers. Raphael Erlanger
was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1806. He was an appren-
tice at the Rothschild's banking house and eventually estab-
lished his own bank, Erlanger and Sons. The Erlangers be-
came a part of the European banking elite. Raphael Erlanger
received honorary titles from the rulers of Portugal, Austria
and Saxe-Meiningen. Three sons joined in the banking opera-
tion. Victor managed the Vienna branch and Frederick-
Emile, the Paris branch. Ludwig took over the original
Frankfort operation, later merged into the famous Dresdner
Bank in 1904.
The Schroeder name was also well known in banking cir-
cles. J. Henry Schroeder was an established London banking
house. B.H. Schroeder operated a banking establishment in
Amsterdam, Holland. In partnership, these two banking
houses floated one of the largest loans to the Confederacy.
While the Civil War created many hardships for people
of both sides of the struggle, it created tremendous economic
havoc in the commodity markets of Europe. The primary ex-
port of the South was cotton. The entire world was depen-
dent on the cotton production of the South. With the north-
ern blockade of southern ports, the avenue of shipping was
greatly curtailed. Only small, swift ships were able to avoid
the northern warships guarding the southern ports. While
some blockade runners did manage to elude the north, by and
large the blockade was effective.
English cotton prices in 1860 were averaging six pence a
pound. By 1861, they were up to 15 pence a pound; they
reached levels of 30 pence a pound by 1863. The cotton
famine touched off wide unemployment and poverty in the
cloth manufacturing regions of England. The extent of eco-
nomic ruin was disastrous. It was this dependency on cotton
that led England and other European countries to support the
South in its war for independence.
One of the visionary schemes to raise money for the
South was the seven per cent Cotton Loan Bond of the Con-
federate States of America. There were several issues, and
three denominations: £100 or Fr. 2500, £200 or Fr. 5000, and
£1000 or Fr. 25000. The bonds were part of an issue of three
million pounds sterling—seventy five million francs. The
unique feature of the bond is the convertibility to cotton.
Holders had the option of converting the bond to cotton
based at the price of six pence a pound. Forty thousand
The Confederate States seven per cent Cotton Loan Bond.
pounds of cotton could be exchanged for the £1000 bond.
The bond reads, "At any time not later than six months after
the ratification of a Treaty of Peace between the present
belligerents." Notice of the intention of converting the bond
to cotton was to be given to the Confederate representatives
in Paris or London. Sixty days after such notice, the cotton
was to be delivered, if at peace, at the ports of Charleston,
Savannah, Mobile or New Orleans, and if at war, at a point
in the interior within ten miles of a railroad or stream naviga-
ble to the ocean.
,orookoo on Fag. 75,000,0)0.
1 kit" 1680.
Jost .
43' r j c.43111% lilt Nat'l011, ADIfiterthtM
le* 44,000,000 os P sa 7,53000,000.
J. thltscr Scar5balk,S; tie., Louden,
Fartur ErLimasx ,$0o., Pa*,
• liirLdZZ Fau,Arrosit, Vr€iraicfretc
tsars. B. H. c * fro., ArrMerilara
Urleth,) NNe. °
*th .
(*I• • rt. 9740
*4*fis du jotir
Fos ',000,tx)0 oa FRE. 75,000,000.
Patio: te • Pr, 8740
r. RtritA1hl.gaLL*0004 Flnukfort
elorrs, B. TA. Scnkr•rs Pet*, **tardy* y "Mir* (In *Iry
iai 9.ven
(:),Lak,) %*v-
os 1 a. 76,000,000.
Checks, Stocks & Bonds,
And More!
Join us and receive our quarterly journal,
• Information on all aspects of banking and
business paper collectibles
• Club Auctions
• Free Classified Ads
Regional chapters are being organized, slide pro-
gram available, book projects, swap-box, and the
friendliest collectors anywhere!
For more inlormatior. ccritac
Oak toilworn Rounb Table
Charles Kemp, Secretary
481 Morse #70 • Troy, Michigan 48084
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 143
Coupons from the Cotton Loan Bond.
A unique clause was inserted as to the quality of the cot-
ton. "If any Cotton is of superior or inferior quality, the dif-
ference in value shall be settled by two Brokers, one to be
appointed by the Government, the other by the Bondholder ;
whenever these two Brokers cannot agree on the value, an
Umpire is to be chosen whose decision shall be final."
The bond is imprinted both in English and French. It is
signed by Emile Erlanger and J. Henry Schroeder, both
names also appearing on the sides of each bond. It is im-
pressed with the Great Seal of the Confederacy Treasury De-
partment and countersigned by two agents of the govern-
ment. It also bears an English embossed tax stamp of two
shillings as required by British law.
A further incentive was a cash bonus on September 1,
1883, the principal due date. An extra sum of three pounds
ten shillings was to be paid by J. Henry Schroeder in London,
or Fr. 87.50 by Erlanger in Paris. This is on a £100 bond,
with double for the £200 and ten times for the £1000 bond.
The equivalent in exchange was payable paid by Messrs.
Raphael Erlanger in Frankfurt and Messrs. B.H. Schroeder
and Co. in Amsterdam.
The bond contained 40 coupons, each inscribed with the
date of interest payment. Four coupons have been clipped
from my specimen and redeemed for the interest. Coupons
from a £100 bond are illustrated.
With the surrender of the South, the bond became
worthless. The fact that worthless bonds of this nature exist is
beyond comprehension. In due respect, the printing is far
superior to any other Confederate bond. The fine rice paper
has withstood the ravages of time. The vignette is sharp and
clear and portrays a woman dressed in a long, flowing gown
leaning against several bales of cotton at the ocean's edge. A
three-masted sailing vessel is in the distance. The woman is
holding a flag with 13 stars and three broad stripes.
The oft-repeated phrase, truth is stranger than fiction,
certainly can be applied to the value of these bonds. The
prices asked at English dealers for these would leave you to
think that they still had the convertible feature. Believe me,
we were there last September.
Page 144
Paper Money Whole No. 111
The Seripophilist
Match-ups — and Josiah Morris
New Orleans City Bank
It would be hard to find a check/note match -up closer than these two.
HOSE of us who collect old checks are not as much on
the defensive with our fellow collectors as we once
were. With our Check Collectors Round Table ap-
proaching the ripe old age of 15, we feel we have established
that collecting financial documents is a "legitimate" branch
of numismatics. On the other hand, we are happy that the
parameters of our hobby are not yet set in concrete and that
there is still room for innovation.
One category of check collecting that I have found es-
pecially challenging is "match-ups". My definition (and I've
found no one else with the same interest) is pairing of a check
drawn during or before the Civil War with a piece of currency
issued by the bank on which the check is drawn. Now, one
could also try to match 1863-1929 checks with National Bank
Notes from the same period, but my purse is not deep enough
for that.
There is probably no way to compile a list of all the pos-
sible match-ups. It would surely be a long list since banks that
issued currency must have used official (cashier's) checks
and/or correspondent drafts, even if they didn't offer ac-
counts subject to check. I also consider certificates of deposit
appropriate matches for notes. After about ten years of semi-
diligent searching, however, I still have only 29 pairings.
These check/note combinations represent 12 states, one pair-
ing from each of the following unless otherwise noted: Ala-
bama, Connecticut, Delaware, Louisiana (3), Maryland (2),
Massachusetts (4), New York (5), North Carolina, Ohio,
Pennsylvania (7), South Carolina (2), and Vermont.
It's time now, I think, to direct my matching efforts
toward increasing the number of states represented in my
collection. One of the more active dealers in obsolete cur-
rency recently sent me his list, offering 27 pages of "Obsolete
and Southern State Notes." There is bank-issued currency
listed from 30 states and the District of Columbia, so there is
still plenty of work out there to do.
A basic problem with matching is that a collector pretty
much has to take a position on one side or the other. He has
to acquire either a check and then go looking for the match-
ing currency, or vice versa. It is very seldom that one can
compare a list of checks offered by one dealer against a list of
notes offered by another and then order both items. It makes
the most sense to get a copy of Criswell's "North American
''/(77 /12"/ 18:3 -
PAY to the'order /1 /
/If( 'tilled Dollars 710 Cents.
/Ze7-c .
ilf the Building Clenanduee of The Preston Retreat,
Tilt Dank of Chester Cont
AP XV' Ply .
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 145
The Bank of Penn Township, Philadelphia
If you are philatelically inclined, then try for triple match-ups.
Page 146 Paper Money Whole No. 111
The West River Bank, Jamaica, Vermont
The check is not "Civil War or earlier" vintage, but the match -up of type style surely qualifies these.
Currency," any similar catalogs that might be available, and
a big stack of dealer lists. Then when a pre-Civil War check
on the "State Bank of Siwash, Florida" becomes available, a
collector can snap it up if, by checking out the catalogs and
lists, he can establish that currency on that bank really does
exist. Incidentally, I have yet to see a match-up offered by
a dealer.
With most of us, our collecting is a rather private thing,
not something we work into our conversations with non-col-
lectors. Once in a while, we do and I am glad I did the other
evening after a sumptuous dinner at the home of a neighbor.
I knew our hostess had been born and raised in Montgomery,
Alabama (there are not many such here in California) and I
found myself telling her that I had acquired a very handsome
check drawn in 1862 on a bank in her home town. I explained
that that in itself was something a little special since checks
drawn in the deep South during the Civil War don't come
along every day. In addition, I had just located a $2 note—
albeit a rag !!—on the same bank. I described the bright red-
on-white check, drawn in June, 1862 with "Josiah Morris,
Banker" across the top in big letters, then the bill dated only
two week earlier. Being one of the most polite ladies I know,
she listened to the whole story, then said very calmly, "Josiah
Morris was my great-grandfather." With that, she ran to her
library and returned with an oil painting of banker Morris
and a $1 note every bit as ragged as mine that she had treas-
ured since she was a teenager. Now you know which of my
match-ups is my favorite.
I am asking Ye Editor to include my address somewhere
with this article, hoping to hear from anyone whose collecting
interests parallel mine.
Jack Weaver
644 Knollwood Drive
Woodland, CA 95695
Ph. 916-662-8490 Home
916-662-2642 Office
cow .11ANIVI3tSAIlif !ft 171.11HIV:IEE 111: E
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Page 147
Quebec City Grocery Store Releases
Trade Notes
HE J. A. Moisan grocery store of Quebec City released
a set of six colorful trade notes on February 15, 1984.
The notes commemorate the 450th anniversary of
Jacques Cartier's first voyage to Canada and to the shores of
Quebec Province in 1534.
A portrait of Jacques Cartier is shown at the left side of
the obverse and Cartier's ships are pictured in the center. A
serial number in red is shown in two places. The official re-
lease date of February 21, 1984 appears near the bottom. A
photo of the J. A. Moisan grocery store taken a few decades
after it was opened in 1871 is featured on the reverse. Each
denomination shows the same design and differs only in color
and denomination numeral.
The notes were designed by numismatist Boris Maltais,
the owner of J.A. Moisan. The plates were engraved and the
notes were printed on a high quality bond type paper con-
taining tiny colored paper planchets, by J.B. Deschamp Inc.
of Beauport, Quebec, a subsidiary of the Canadian Banknote
Company Ltd.
Each denomination has its own basic color. The reverse
design and lettering appears in this color. The obverse design
and lettering is printed in blank with a lighter shade of the de-
nomination's color in the background. The color and maxi-
mum number printed for each denomination are: 3 sous
(40,000) red, 5 sous (30,000) golden yellow, 10 sous (12,000)
green, 50 sous (1,500) blue, 1 piastre (1,500) brown and 2
piastres (1,500) orange.
The terms sou and piastre are used instead of cent and
dollar as they refer back to French usage during early Quebec
times. Actually, the terms sou and piastre are still commonly
used throughout Quebec today.
Two different 33 mm. nickel trade tokens of 30 sous
value, featuring the portraits of Jacques Cartier and Samuel
de Champlain on the obverse and the J. A. Moisan store on
the reverse, fill the gap between the 10 sous and 50 sous trade
note. A 30 sous trade token with the portrait of Pope John
Paul II will be released in April.
The notes and tokens are given to store customers at the
rate of 1% of the total value of their purchase. They are valid
for merchandise in the store at any time and bear no expira-
tion date. Restaurants and other firms purchase in bulk from
J.A. Moisan and for that reason the higher denominations
were printed.
A complete set of the six 1984 trade notes in a plastic
holder is available at $5.50 postpaid from J.A. Moisan, Attn.
Boris Maltais, 699 rue St. Jean, Quebec City, Quebec,
Canada, G1R 1P7. The 3, 5 and 10 sous are available at
$1.00 postpaid each. The other denominations are available
NATI88Al 1A111 OF
tom: 1111 WILARS
1111101110. Mk at
Page 148 Paper Money Whole No. 111
only in the complete sets. The notes are striking and attrac-
tive. The trade tokens are available at $1.50 each postpaid.
This is the firm's third yearly issue of trade notes. In De-
cember 1983 the firm released a 5 sous trade note
commemorating the 375th anniversary in 1984 of the foun-
ding of the city of Trois Rivieres (Quebec). The note is
available at $1.00 postpaid.
The J.A. Moisan grocery store maintains the furnishings
of the end of the 19th century throughout and is one of the
sights officially recommended to visitors to Quebec City. The
store carries a very large variety of imported tea, coffee,
flour, dried fruit, spices, herbs, rice, beans, jams, jellies and
canned goods from a great many foreign countries. A visit to
the store is like a trip back to the 19th century. There are a
number of fragrant aromas in various sections of the store.
Large Star Note Catalog
Nearing Completion
The status of the overdue catalog of large size U.S.
replacement (star) notes has been revealed by Doug Murray,
author of the book. The original plan was to issue two
catalogs, the first in the fall of 1982, followed by an updated
special edition in 1985, commemorating the 75th anniversary
of star notes. It was hoped that the first catalog would stimu-
late many additional reports, thereby making the Anniversary
Edition much more complete. However, the 1982 edition
turned out to be a victim of the then-sagging economy. As the
currency market deteriorated, the chance greatly increased of
a financial loss on the privately funded book. Therefore,
plans for a late 1982 edition were canceled, and emphasis on
the 1985 special edition was made.
The "Handbook of United States Large Size Star Notes
1910 - 1929" will list by serial number each of the 1,933 large
stars reported thus far, (plus those reported until the July
ANA Convention) and will utilize both Friedberg and Hessler
catalog numbers. The 80-page, 6" x 9", soft cover book will
contain over 60 clear photographs showing each type (United
States Notes, Silver Certificates, Federal Reserve Bank Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, and Gold Certificates) and the
acknowledged Friedberg/Hessler varieties. It will have a two-
part format. The first will contain summary information for
each type, such as the number of possible and known star sig-
nature combinations, the total number of notes reported, and
totals by signature combination. Pricing in three grades will
also be presented. The second part will also list by type (USN,
SC, FRBN, FRN, and GC) all of the serial numbers reported,
as well as signatures, plate data, approximate grades, and,
again, both Friedberg and Hessler catalog numbers.
This is a final appeal to all collectors and dealers, who
have not done so already, to please contribute information on
their large size star notes to make the 75th anniversary catalog
as complete as possible. Your identities will be held confi-
dential. Please send the following information to Doug Mur-
ray, P.O. Box 2, Portage, Michigan 49081:
1) Type of note;
2) Serial number ;
3) Signature combination;
4) Face plate number and position letter;
5) Back plate number;
6) Approximate grade of note.
The Practice of "Note
Snipping" During the 1929-1935 National
Bank Note Issuing Period
The practice of "note snipping," while not generally
known to the public or accepted in banking circles, resulted in
fascinating tales from out of the past told by bankers who
themselves practiced this art (?).
However, it did provide a pretentious act of "showing
off" that usually took place when a banker would invite pals
or close friends out to dine. The method employed was to
place the easily folded sheet of notes in the inside pocket of a
jacket where it could be conveniently taken out along with a
small pair of scissors. When the time came for the payment of
the check, the banker would nonchalantly withdraw the sheet
and "snip" off the proper number of notes and hand them to
the astonished waiter. He then watched for the shocked ex-
pression of his guests when the waiter returned with his
Bankers were known to have taken this practice a step
further by perforating the spaces between the notes to facili-
tate the completion of a transaction. Needless to say, this
unusual mode of payment brought to the perpetrator a flare
of notoriety as well!
Standard Catalogue of National Bank Notes, by John Hickman and
Dean Oakes.
Courtesy—John T. Hickman
The above example of a "snipped pair" consists of the top two notes
from sheet #87 of $5 Type 2 notes issued to The First National Bank
of Fairbanks, Alaska.
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 149
Rendezvous. Shuttle bus service will be available between the
Convention Center and the Peabody Hotel, which are several
blocks apart. Several area hotels are available for lodging also.
1983 Souvenir Card Sales
The 1983 souvenir card proved to be popular. Of the
original 10,000 cards printed, 5,550 were sold. The remaining
4,450 cards were removed from sale and destroyed on
December 31, 1983. Thank you for your support of this pro-
1984 Souvenir Card
Notes 1,adTims
One of the busier times of the year is about upon us. All
kinds of events and programs are being announced in this col-
umn and elsewhere in this magazine, so be sure to read every-
thing carefully. We don't want you to miss anything which
may be of interest.
We will again be holding a number of activities in con-
junction with the Memphis Coin Club's International Paper
Money Show which will be held in Memphis on June 15-17,
Board Meeting
An SPMC Board Meeting will be held at 9 AM, Satur-
day, June 17 at the Cook Convention Center. Visitors are
General Meeting:
The SPMC general membership meeting will be held at
10 AM Saturday, June 16 at the Cook Convention Center.
We are pleased to have as speaker Richard J. Balbaton, well-
known collector and dealer, who will talk on "French Bank-
notes." This program will be illustrated with slides.
Informal Barbecue Dinner
SPMC informal barbecue dinner will be held Saturday
June 17 at 6:30 P.M. at The Rendezvous, a restaurant located
across the street and up the alley from the Peabody Hotel.
Tickets are required for this event and are $13 per person.
They should be ordered by June 10 from Mike Crabb,
SPMC Informal Dinner
P.O. Box 17871
Memphis, Tennessee 38117
Remember, if you are a member of the SPMC Patron's
Association, the coupon you received for the Memphis event
when you joined the Patron's Club will be honored for this
Also, please remember that arrangements for Memphis
this year are different than in past years. The show itself will
be held at the Cook Convention Center, located at 225 N.
Main Street. The SPMC Board and membership meetings will
also be held here. The auctions will be held at the Peabody
Hotel, located at 149 Union Avenue. The SPMC barbecue
dinner will be held across the street from the Peabody, at the
Elsewhere in this issue you will find details regarding this
year's souvenir card. The card features a $100 Bank of the
State of Indiana note with portraits of Hugh McCulloch and
James M. Ray, both officers of the bank.
As in the past, the card has been produced by the Ameri-
can Bank Note Company from original plates by the intaglio
process. Ten thousand cards have been printed and will be
available at the International Paper Money Show in Memphis
for $4.00 each. Mail order prices are detailed in an ad which
shows the card elsewhere in this issue of the Journal. Any re-
maining cards will be removed from sale and destroyed on
December 31, 1984. I'd suggest you order early.
You will find details regarding SPMC's awards program
in this issue. We believe in a comprehensive program for rec-
ognizing both service and literary contributions. The 1984
awards will be presented at the SPMC/IBNS banquet in
Detroit at the ANA Convention July 30, 1884.
We will also be having our usual group of activities and
events at the ANA convention in Detroit this year. We en-
courage you to participate. As of now, our scheduled events
are as follows:
Board Meeting—Our annual Board meeting is open to
any interested members. It will be held at the Westin
Hotel, Marquette Room A.
General Membership Meeting—The SPMC general
membership meeting will be held at 10 AM at the Westin
Hotel, Marquette Room B.
again co-sponsoring our annual gala event with our friends
from the International Bank Note Society. Service and
Literary Awards will be presented and we will have the
popular "Tom Bain Raffle." The speaker for this event
will be Neil Shafer of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, well-known
numismatist and author, and president of IBNS; his topic
will be "U.S. Depression Scrip of the 1930s," illustrated
with slides.
The reception starts at 7 PM with the banquet itself to
follow at 8:00. These events will be held in the Westin
Hotel, Marquette Room B.
IMPORTANT! Advance reservations are almost an
absolute necessity for this event, due to the fact we need to
Page 150 Paper Money Whole No. 111
let the hotel know how many meals to serve. In order to
avoid being left out of this fun evening, please send your
reservation TODAY. Tickets are $22.00 per person. Re-
quests for tickets should be accompanied by a check made
payable to SPMC and should be sent so that the request
arrives NO LATER than July 20, 1984! All tickets will be
held for pick up at the SPMC table in the bourse.
PLEASE .. . Send your reservations to:
James F. Stone
SPMC/IBNS Awards Banquet
P.O. Box 89
Milford, New Hampshire, 03055
As of this writing, the SPMC manuscript for the
Society's latest Wismer book project, ALABAMA OBSO-
LETE NOTES AND SCRIP, (1984) by Walter Rosene, has
been sent to the printer. We expect to have copies for sale at
the SPMC table in Memphis. The price will be about the
same as previous books—$12.00 to members; $15.00 to non-
members. A complete review and information will be in the
July/August issue.
Also enclosed in the envelope with this issue is your mail
ballot and special envelope for the Board of Governors elec-
tion. An article featuring the candidates and their back-
grounds also appears in this issue. Ballots should be returned
no later than July 15, 1984, in order to assure that they will
be counted in Detroit. All ballots remain sealed until they are
opened by the Ballot Committee at the ANA convention.
Since the Governors serve as "movers and shakers" for the
Society and its policies, I urge you to vote for people whom
you feel are the best qualified.
Effective with the May/June issue of Paper Money, its
long-time editor, Barbara R. Mueller, is leaving her position
after more than 18 years of service to the Society of Paper
Money Collectors. It is with regret that we see her leave, but
according to her statement, "I hate to leave my 'baby' but if
I am ever to achieve certain personal goals in both philatelic
and numismatic journalism, I must be free of the demands of
a regular publication schedule."
Effective May 1, 1984, Gene Hessler will assume the
duties as Editor of Paper Money, and all editorial and adver-
tising correspondence should be addressed to him at P.O.
Box 416, Oradell, New Jersey 07649. Gene is a well-known
syngraphic author, and we look forward to working with
Barbara's expertise and dedication to Paper Money will
be missed, and we wish her well in her new ventures.
That's about it for now. I hope to see many of you in
Memphis and Detroit.
The Buck
Stops Her
Effective with this issue of Paper Money, I am resigning
my position as Editor. I am doing so in order to pursue other
philatelic and numismatic projects that are less demanding
and confining.
For the record, I would like to point out that I began my
service to SPMC with the Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 1964
issue. (We are now in Volume 23.) In mid-1976, I relin-
quished the post to Doug Watson. Upon his resignation in
mid-1978, I was prevailed upon to reassume the editorial re-
sponsibility for PM on a "temporary" basis until a perma-
nent replacement could be found. Now, more than five years
later, this replacement has been found in Gene Hessler, well-
known syngraphic author and compiler of catalogs.
During nearly two decades of service to SPMC, I have
seen this magazine grow from a 24-page quarterly to a bi-
monthly of 52 to 60 or more pages. In 1982, the Numismatic
Literary Guild declared PM to be the best publication of a
numismatic organization with a membership of one hundred
or more.
I certainly cannot take all the credit for the growth of
PM in size and stature. Without our many faithful authors
and society officers, I would have been unsuccessful. To-
gether we have produced, under often trying conditions, a
magazine in which all SPMC members can take pride.
In a way, I hate to leave my "baby" but I feel if I am
ever to achieve certain personal goals in both philatelic and
numismatic journalism, I must be free of a regular publica-
tion schedule.
As I leave, I ask you to cooperate with our new editor.
Gene needs no introduction from me. I am certain that he can
guide PM to even greater heights of success.
To insure continuity and to expedite the publication
schedule, please direct all editorial and advertising corres-
pondence to Gene Hessler at P.O. Box 416, Oradell, NJ
07649. Writing to me will only result in unnecessary delays.
This change is effective right now, from the time you read
this column.
So long for now.
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Page 151
For SPMC Board of Governors
As required by our Constitution, one-third of the Board
of Governors is to be elected each year for a three-year term.
This year we have six people running for the five vacancies.
So that you may have a little better idea of each candidate's
background, interests, and ideas, we have put together a
thumbnail sketch of each individual along with his picture
where possible.
Elsewhere in this issue you will find your mail ballot. We
strongly urge you to exercise your voting franchise and return
your ballot as soon as possible.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nominating Committee
Walter Allan, Chairman
Charles Colver
Steve Taylor
Bill, born in Newark, N.J. in 1951, is currently working
as superintendent for the Lake Mohawk-Sparta Water Co.,
Sparta Mountain Water Co., Blairstown Water Co., and the
Prospect Point Water Co. Married in 1974 to Jacqueline
Franson, he has one son, William III.
A founder of the Garden State Numismatic Association
in 1975, Bill served as its first president until 1979. He has
held or currently holds offices in GENA, OIN, and the Cur-
rency Club of Chester County, Pa. He was appointed a dis-
trict representative of ANA to New Jersey in 1976. A prolific
exhibitor, he has captured over a hundred awards since 1972.
He also has given over thirty educational presentations to
coin clubs and was recently recognized by ANA with a special
educational award for having given ten or more talks to
member clubs.
Peter W. Huntoon, 41, is a candidate for reelection to
the SPMC Board of Directors. Huntoon is a Professor in the
Department of Geology, University of Wyoming, at Laramie.
More important, he is an avid collector of U.S. paper money,
having been active in the hobby and the Society since 1963.
His collecting interests focus on the National Bank Note
issues of Arizona, Wyoming, and the territories, and also
small size type notes.
Huntoon has authored numerous articles and books on
paper money, and his work appears regularly in PAPER
MONEY under the banner "The Paper Column." Last year,
the SPMC published TERRITORIALS—A Guide to U.S.
Territorial National Bank Notes which he wrote for the
Society. In 1970, he co-authored the SPMC book "The
National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935" with Van Belkum
and Warns.
Huntoon strongly supports the publication and educa-
tional programs of the SPMC, and has taken a long term
personal stand against the doctoring of paper money by so-
called restoration experts.
Don Mark of Adel, Iowa, has been a collector of coins
and paper money since the early 1960s. A member of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors since 1972, Don is an ac-
tive collector and researcher of Iowa National Bank Notes.
Don has been very active in numismatic organizations.
He is past-president of the Iowa Numismatic Association,
Page 152 Paper Money Whole No. 111
and has served on the Board of Governors of the Central
States Numismatic Society. He is currently on the Board of
the William R. Higgins, Jr. Foundation. The Higgens Mu-
seum in Okoboji, Iowa is a unique collection of National
Bank Notes and artifacts. Don is a member of the American
Numismatic Association, Iowa Numismatic Association, and
Central States Numismatic Society, in addition to several
local coin clubs.
Currently Don is floor manager for Dahl's Food Store in
Des Moines, Iowa. Don is 33, married, and has one son,
Austin. His other interests include traveling and antique cars.
Steve Whitfield is a career Engineer Officer in the United
States Army. He attended Universities at Kingston, Rhode
Island and Lawrence, Kansas, where he received advanced
degrees in Civil Engineering and Business Administration.
Inheriting the collector instinct from his father, he has col-
lected everything from baseball cards to coins for more than
thirty years. Working in a bank during the late 50s ac-
quainted him with large size U.S. bank notes when many such
notes were turned in for redemption. Most of those notes
were sold to dealers for a dollar or two over face and the
remainder had to be redeemed for college expenses. The late
60s rekindled an interest in paper and his current interests
include Kansas obsolete notes and checks; small size U.S.
type notes; souvenir cards; inexpensive world paper money;
Bank of Whitfield notes; Canadian and U.S. stamps; finan-
cial history of Rhode Island and Kansas; and any bank re-
lated material from Lawrence, Kansas. His interests and
efforts are mainly in learning as much as possible about the
history of the notes and the men responsible for their issue
and then sharing the information. He has written articles for
Paper Money, the Bank Note Reporter and the Check List
and recently received an SPMC Award of Merit for his work
on the combined Indian Territory/Oklahoma/Kansas Obso-
letes book.
Charles Kemp is a graduate of Henry Ford Community
College and is employed as an automotive die designer by a
Detroit area engineering firm.
He has been collecting paper money of various types, as
well as checks and other fiscal paper, since 1970 and is a
12-year member of SPMC. During this time Charles has writ-
ten articles for Paper Money and The Numismatist, among
other publications. In addition to his writing, he has served as
secretary for the Check Collectors Round Table for the past
three years.
If elected, Charles would like to see effort concentrated
on bringing in new members and suggests that methods such
as running ads in commercial hobby publications be tried.
These have proved to be very successful for the Check Col-
lectors and should prove beneficial for SPMC as well.
Barry Wexler, 46, of Nanuet, NY, is an accountant by
profession, a graduate of City College of New York. For sev-
eral years he served as controller of various textile firms.
After having collected coins and obsolete notes for a decade,
he established his own numismatic firm, NumisValu, Inc., a
little over a year ago.
"Now, as a full-time dealer specializing in obsolete cur-
rency, I enjoy the company of 'Paper People.' I am also a
member of ANA, ANS, and F.U.N. I'm married, have two
children, and live in Rockland County, NY, where I garden
around my home and play 'fast pitch' softball."
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Page 153
— National Events —
MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE—June 15-17, 1984; Memphis Coin Club's 8th International Paper
Money Show, Cook Convention Center, 225 N. Main Street, Memphis, Tennessee.
Saturday, June 16, 9:00 A.M. SPMC Board Meeting, Cook Convention Center. Visitors Wel-
Saturday June 16; 10:00 A.M. SPMC General Membership Meeting, Cook Convention
Center. Speaker: Richard J. Balbaton of North Attleboro, Massachusetts, collector and
dealer, who will talk on "French Banknotes," illustrated with slides. Members and
visitors welcome.
Saturday, June 16; 6:30 P.M. SPMC Informal Barbecue Dinner, at The Rendezvous, a
restaurant located across the street and up the alley from the Peabody Hotel. Choice
of ribs, chicken, or beef ; cheese tray, beer or beverage (cocktails extra). Tickets are re-
quired for this dinner and are $13 and can be ordered from Mike Crabb, P.O. Box
17871, Memphis, Tennessee 38117. (Make check payable to SPMC) Mail orders should
be received in Memphis by June 10, 1984. SPMC PATRONS ASSOCIATION CER-
TIFICATES for 1984 will be honored for this event.
A paper money auction will be conducted by Kagin's at the Peabody Hotel, located at 149
Union Avenue, Memphis.
SPMC will have a table outside the bourse area, with SPMC membership information,
Society books, and 1984 souvenir cards. The Society's latest book in the Wismer Series,
ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP (1984) by Walter Rosene, will be available at
the table.
DETROIT, MICHIGAN —July 28 - August 1, 1984; American Numismatic Association 93rd An-
niversary Convention, Cobo Hall Convention Center, 1 Washington Boulevard, Detroit,
SPMC Meetings and events will be held at the Westin Hotel, 1400 "R" Street, Detroit,
Monday July 30 - 7:30 A.M. SPMC Board Meeting, Marquette Room A. Visitors welcome.
Monday July 30 - 10:00 A.M. SPMC General Meeting, Marquette Room B.
Monday, July 30 - 7:00 P.M. SPMC/IBNS Reception. Cash bar. To be held at Marquette
Bridge, off from other Marquette rooms.
Monday July 30 - 8:00 P.M. SPMC/IBNS Awards Banquet, Marquette Room B.
Featured speaker will be Neil Shafer of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, well-known
numismatist and author, and president of IBNS; his topic will be "U.S. Depression
Scrip of the 1930s," illustrated with slides.
Advance reservations for the SPMC/IBNS Awards Banquet are required, and are $22
(includes everything). Orders for tickets should be received by July 20, and should be
sent to James F. Stone, SPMC/IBNS Awards Banquet, P.O. Box 89, Milford, New
Hampshire 03055. Please make check or money order payable to SPMC.
The annual SPMC Tom Bain Raffle will be held following the banquet and presentation
of awards.
The Society will have a table at the convention along the "Club Midway" during
regular bourse hours. SPMC membership information, Society books, and 1984
souvenir cards will be available.
Page 154 Paper Money Whole No. III
SPMC Annual Awards
1984 SPMC Awards will be presented at the continuation of a related series on different
American Numismatic Association Convention in subjects; these to be considered as separate
Detroit Michigan, on July 30th, 1984, as follows: articles.
1. Nathan Gold Memorial Award. Established and
formerly (1961-1970) presented by Numismatic
News. Presented to a person who has made a
concrete contribution toward the advancement of
paper money collecting. Recipients, who need not
be members of SPMC, are chosen by the Awards
2. Julian Blanchard Memorial Award. Awarded to a
member of SPMC for an exhibit, at annual ANA
conventions, of proof notes, tie-in of stamps and
paper money and/or notes with matching vignette
proofs and other related material. Notes may be
of any kind and of any period or country. The
Awards Committee or a committee appointed for
the purpose will select the recipient.
3. Award of Merit. For SPMC member (or mem-
bers) who, during the previous year, rendered sig-
nificant contributions to the Society which bring
credit to the Society. May be awarded to the same
person in different years for different con-
tributions. Recipients to be chosen by the Awards
4 Literary Awards. First, second and third places.
Awarded to SPMC members for articles pub-
lished originally in Paper Money during the calen-
dar year preceding the annual meeting of the
A. An Awards Committee member is not eligible
for these awards if voted while he is on that
B. Serial articles are to be considered in the year
of conclusion, except in case the article is a
C. Suggested operating procedures: The
Awards Committee chairman will supply
each committee member a copy of the
guidelines for making awards. Using the
grading factors and scoring points which
follow, each member will make his selec-
tion of the five best articles published in the
preceding year, listing them in order of
preference. The lists will be tabulated by
the chairman and the winners chosen. A
second ballot will be used to break any ties.
D. Grading factors and scoring points:
a. Readability and interest—Is the article
interestingly written? (20 points) Is it
understandable to someone not a spe-
cialist in the field? (10 points) Would
you study the article rather than just
scan through it? (10 points)
b. Numismatic information conveyed—In
your opinion, will the article be used by
future students as a reference source?
(20 points) Has the author documented
and cross referenced his source ma-
terial? Give credit for original research
and depth of study. (20 points) Is the
subject a new one, not previously
researched, or a rehash? If it presents a
new slant on an old subject, give proper
credit. (20 points)
1984 Awards Committee
Steven Whitfield, Chairman
Peter Huntoon
Dean Oakes
Roman Latimer
Cost: $6.50 for one card by mail
$5.50 for two or more cards by mail
(Make check payable to SPMC)
O.C. Miller
P.O. Box 241172
Memphis, TN 38124
NOTE: Orders for
cancelled cards must
reach Memphis no
later than ,June 14,
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Page 155
The Rank of the Stated Indiana was organixed in 1855, openingtwnyears later in 1857. The bank was comp.:ea of
twenty brancheo. located throughout the state. which provided stable and honest banking servietts to the eitizensof
Indiana. The bank woo voluntarily liquidated in 1855, with row brancto, being converted to national bunko.
The portrait on the rigto. io that of Hugh hoot President of the Rank of the Statoof Indiana, who later
hoosoie the find. Comptroller of theCureeney and also oerved as Secretary of the Treasury. The portraiton the left
that of 51. Ray. Cashier of the Bank of the State of Indiana,
MEMPHIS, TUNNI:ssI JrNE 15-17, 1984
THIS year's Society of Paper Money Collectors souvenir card, to be issued at the 1984 International Paper
Money Show in Memphis, Tennessee on June 15-17, illustrates an obsolete bank note from the 1850s, which
features three vignettes, including two portraits of officers of the Bank of the State of Indiana. The portrait on the
right is that of Hugh McCulloch, first president of the Bank of the State of Indiana, who later became the first
Comptroller of the Currency, and also served as Secretary of the Treasury. McCulloch's portrait appears on the
$20 Third Charter National Bank Notes.
10,000 cards have been produced from the original plates by the world famous American Bank Note Com-
pany. Cards will be available at the show, but will also be available by mail in either mint or first-day-of-issue
postally cancelled versions. All mail orders are shipped to you via First Class mail in heavy cardboard mailers.
Cost: $5.50 for one card by mail
$4.50 for two or more cards by mail
(Make check payable to SPMC)
J. Wilson — SPMC Mint Card
P.O. Box 27185
Milwaukee, Wis. 53227
Page 156 Paper Money Whole No. 111
P. O. Box 1433
Hialeah, FL 33011
6670 Wayne Lamping, 113 Louis Drive, McKees Rocks, PA 15136;
C, paper money errors.
6671 James Alfred Miller, Jr., Rt. 3, 112 Sycamore Dr., Pine Knoll
Shores, Moorehead City, N.C. 28557; C, Wilmington, N.C.
banknotes, bank stocks & bank bonds.
6672 Timothy N. Lee, 1705 Jupiter #279, Plano, TX 75074; C,
6673 David Wood, 3065 Ladera Rd., San Bernadino, CA 92405; C,
Confederate & Fractional Currency, Colonial, Obsolete.
6674 Gary Kraus, 3400 Henican Pl., Metairie, LA 70003; C, Con-
federate Scrip.
6675 Phil Tuccy, 6-A West Cherry Tree Lane, Sparta, NJ 07871; C,
World Bank Notes.
6676 G.N. Lautenschlager, 457 N. Main St., Tipton, IN 46072; C,
Large, Small & Broken USA.
6677 Gaston Gonzalez R., B. Badillo 481, Col. E. Zapata, P.
Vallarta, Jal. Mexico; D, World Notes.
6678 Worth N. Yoder, 1528 Dogwood Dr., Elkhart, IN 46514; C,
US Types Indiana Nationals & Obsoletes (certain countries
6679 Richard Fedora, R.R. Box, Spirit Lake, Iowa 51360; C, CSA
& Obsolete Texas.
3841 Dr. Leon Boyar, 942 Ansonia Sta., New York, NY 10023;
C&D, WW 1&11 Currency (Paper & Coin).
6680 Detroit Public Library, Business and Finance, 5201 Woodward
Ave., Detroit, MI 48202.
6681 Mr. Yog Raj Ahuja, 1950 Kennedy Rd. #914, Scarborough,
Ontario MIP 4S9 CANADA; C, Hundis (India).
6682 Richard Badwey, P.O. Box 34431, Bethesda, MD 20817; D,
US Large and Small size.
6683 Robert W. Davis, Jr., 49 Middlesex St., Fall River, MA 02723;
C, US Currency.
6684 Julie Buchanan, 6020 Fordham, Houston, TX 77005; C, US.
6685 Gene Bula, Rt. 1, Box 470, Plainfield, WI 54966; C.
6686 Roger Licini, P.O. Box 146, Great Falls, MT 59403; C,
Montana National Currency.
6687 Dave Wilson, P.O. Box 567, Jackson, N.J. 08527; C&D, N.J.
6688 Rinnard Antonation, 525 121 PL NE #6, Bellevue, WA 98005;
C&D, Western.
6689 Richard Urmston, 1-21 28th Street, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410; D,
Stocks & Bonds.
6690 Arnold Postow, 908 Snure Rd., Silver Springs, Md. 20901; C.
6691 John Jackson, 32 Gregory Lane, Warren, N.J. 07060; C.
6692 Greg R. Super; C, Foreign, CSA and US.
6693 L.E. Phillips Library, 400 Eau Claire St., Eau Claire, WI 54701.
6694 David Thomas, 4354 Kansas St. #2, San Diego, CA 92104; C,
US large size.
6695 Michael J. Sullivan, 376 Provident, Winnetka, IL 60093; C.
6696 Donnie Rawson, Sr., P.O. Box 3418, 3812 44th St., Meridian,
MS 39305; Mississippi Nationals.
6697 J. Phillip Darby, P.O. Box 53901, Lafayette, LA 70506;
National Currency.
6698 Robert Poirier, 11 Adams St., Foxboro, MA 02035; C, US
6699 T.J. Ammel, P.O. Box 2237, Fremont, CA 94536; C.
All PM MAGAZINE Business
Editorial and Advertising
Should Be Addressed to the New Editor:
P.O. Box 416
Oradell, NJ 07649
Effective Immediately !
Any correspondence addressed to the previous Editor, Barbara Mueller, will
only result in unnecessary delays and expense.
Please cooperate !
Thank you!
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 157
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on
a basis of 5T per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary
purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling,
or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy
must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or
typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of
Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, P.O.
Box 416, Oradell, NJ 07649 by the first of the month preceding the
month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1, 1983 for Jan. 1984 issue). Word count:
Name and address will count as five words. All other words and ab-
breviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No
check copies. 10 07o discount for four or more insertions of the same
copy. Sample ad and word count.
trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member,
000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015.
(22 words: $1: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each)
INDIANA OBSOLETES WANTED: LaPorte 380-1, 381-1-2,
382-1, 383-1-2-3-4, 384-1, 385-1, 386-1-2-3-4-5-6, 387-1-2, 388-1.
Michigan City 494-1-2-3-4, 495-1-2-3-4, 496-1-2-3, 497-1-2-3-
4-5, 498-1-2-3, 499-1-2, 500-1-2-3, 502-1. Sutlers 925-1-2-3,
926-1, 927-1-2, 928-1. Wanted actual notes or a good glossy
black and white actual size photo of each note (both sides) and
any other unlisted from the above. Also want other Indiana
obsoletes, college currency, nationals, script, old checks, stock
certificates, bonds, merchant tokens, bus tokens, revenue
stamps, trout stamps, hunting stamps. Other misc. Indiana
items. Richard L. Salzer, RR#3, Box 791, Knox, IN 46534
ST. LOUIS NATIONALS wanted. Actively seeking notes for
my collection. Appreciate Xerox of all large notes. Bob Coch-
ran, 13001 Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (114)
obsoletes. Bob Cochran, 13001 Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton,
MO 63044 (114)
Charter 11901. Nationals, checks, Xerox of notes. Bob
Cochran, 13001 Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (114)
NORTH CAROLINA WANTED: Mount Airy, Charter 4896.
Nationals, checks, Xerox of notes. Bob Cochran, 13001
Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (114)
Charter 7567. Nationals, checks, Xerox of notes. Bob
Cochran, 13001 Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (114)
MARYLAND FISCAL PAPER wanted. I collect BBN's,
scrip, coin notes, checks, stocks, tokens, letters, etc. pre-1900.
Please describe or send photocopy. Price or I will make offer.
Would also like to exchange information with any other Mary-
land collectors. Howard Cohen, Drawer CP160, Manhattan
Beach, CA 90266 (115)
WANTED: OLD CANCELED checks from the Hamilton and
Cunningham Bank of Hoopeston, Ill. Write to Mike Fink, 504
E. McCracken, Hoopeston, IL 60942 (115)
Waterloo, Illinois. Please price and describe. Paul L.
Haudrich, 14860 Carrollton Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (115)
PAPER SCRIP OF Mount Hope Mining Company, Rock-
away, New Jersey wanted. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd.,
Yaupon Beach, Southport, NC 28461 (111)
Cold Spring #8051, Forest Lake #11652, Grand Meadow
#6933, Kerkhoven #11365, Lake Crystal #11401, Lake Wilson
#11293, Le Sueur #7199, Le Sueur Center #6921, Madison
#6795, Minnesota Lake #6532, Osakis #6837, Richfield
#12115, Rochester #2316, Roseau #11848, St. Charles #6327,
Sauk Centre #3155, Thief River Falls #5894, Verdale #6022,
Windom #6396. Please send description and price. I will ap-
preciate your help. Gary Kruesel, Box 7061, Rochester, MN
55903 (115)
WANTED: NATIONALS FROM Hoopeston, Ill. charter
2808, 9425, 13744; Milford, Ill. charter 5149; Boswell, Ind.
charter 5476; Freeland Park, Ind. charter 7437; and Ambia,
Ind. charter 9510. Write to Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken,
Hoopeston, IL 60942 (115)
RHODE ISLAND NATIONALS-buying all small and
Woonsocket and Cumberland large. Selling large and small
sizes, over 100 notes. RINATS, P.O. Box 33, Ashton, RI
02864-0033 (115)
WANTED: GERMAN NOTGELD, collections, accumula-
tions, dealers' stocks. No Austrian. Frank P. Fritchle, 1163
Pomegranate Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94087. (117)
BUYING AND SELLING Nationals and Type notes. A free
price list is available upon request. Paying $125 or more for
any small size note from the Palo Alto National Bank, Palo
Alto, CA (Ch. #13212) grading V.G. or better. William Litt,
P.O. Box 4770, Stanford, CA 94305 (112)
LIST OF CHECKS available from plain to rare. Approxi-
mately 250 items. $1.00 towards printing and postage would
help but not necessary. Bob Pyne, 1610 Bennett Rd., Orlando,
FL 32803 (111)
MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE NOTES wanted for my collection.
Favorable prices paid for notes that are needed. Byron W.
Cook, Box 181, Jackson, MS 39205 (112)
Crossville, Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Albion,
Dahlgren, Omaha, New Haven. Pete Fulkerson, c/o The Na-
tional Bank, 116 W. Main, Carmi, IL 62821 (115)
OHIO WANTED: SANDUSKY, Norwalk, Huron, Bellevue,
Port Clinton, and related exonumia. Include signatures if
possible from #4792 and #11275. P. Rudolf, 90 W. Washing-
ton, Norwalk, OH 44857 (112)
BUYING ALABAMA MATERIAL: Nationals, obsoletes,
checks, stocks, etc. Especially North Alabama, Florence, Tus-
cumbia. Bob Whitten, 743 Prospect #3, Florence, AL 35630
MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals,
obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood,
Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St.
Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Box 242, Gerald,
MO 63037 (118)
WANTED: MACERATED MONEY: postcards and any
other items made out of macerated money. Please send full
details to my attention. Bertram M. Cohen, PMW, 169 Marl-
borough St., Boston, MA 02116 (114)
CU $1.00 FRN's
Serial #'s
00006666 00009999
00066666 00099999
06666666 09999999
66666666 99999999
Please state price and series
Route 7, Box 726
Alexandria, MN 56308
Page 158 Paper Money Whole No. 111
OLD STOCKS AND bonds. Send $2 for latest Mail Bid Cata-
log & Sales Catalog. Also buying! Paying highest prices for
beautiful and very old material. Railroads, oil companies, tele-
graph, industry, government, etc. Especially need Western
material. Also need pre-1890 checks with pretty vignettes. Also
will trade. Send SASE for free appraisal. David Beach, Box
5488, Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 747-0929 (115)
McKINNEY, TEXAS NATIONALS wanted. Collin County
National #2909, First National #2729, and Central National
#14236. Describe (or photocopy) and price. Thanks. Jim
Ranes, P.O. Box 892, West Jordan, Utah 84084 (112)
WANTED KOREA & SOUTH Korea banknotes. Example:
all CU South Korea p30 1 won .75; p3I 5 won 1.20; p32 10
won 6.00; p33 10 won .85; p34 50 won 25.00; p35 100 won
25.00; p36 100 won 15.00; p40 50 won 3.50. Namchong Cho,
726 Bode Circle #110, Hoffman Est., IL 60194 (121)
stocks, bonds, postcards, etc. Please describe and price. Max
Stucky, P.O. Box 7768, Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (114)
BUYING SERIAL NUMBERS 00000001, 11111111, 22222222,
33333333, 44444444, 55555555, 66666666, 77777777, 88888888,
99999999. Please describe and price. Also interested in other
low or special S/N's. ANA, SPMC, PMCM. Graeme Ton, 203
47th St., Gulfport, MS 39501. (111)
1,000 different notes from over 130 countries. Ask for free
catalog or send $7 and receive 12 beautiful UNC. notes (all dif-
ferent) from 9 nations (cat. value $24 + ). Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Larry R. Kinney, P.O. Box 907P, Bothell, WA 98041
tionals. Small or large, any condition. Send photocopy, note
or description and asking price. Larry Feuer, 22 Beechwood
Blvd., Port Chester, NY 10573 (phone 914-937-0937) (111)
FLORIDA NATIONALS WANTED, large and small size on
any bank. Especially want Gainesville 3894 signed McKinstry
as cashier, and large size Ocala 10578. Shayne MacMahon,
Box 13282, Gainesville, FL 32604 (112)
MINNESOTA LARGE AND small wanted. Particularly need
Osakis #6837, all Mankato banks, others. Please describe and
price. Patrick Flynn, 122 Shadywood Ave., Mankato, MN
56001 (113)
WANTED: BANK OF The United States checks, notes, let-
ters, 1791-1840 or Xerox copies needed for book on this sub-
ject. Matt Rothert, Sr., 656 Graham St., Camden, AR 71701
gren #7750, Dongola #10086, Equality #6978, Fairfield #5009
& 6609, Johnston City #7458, Jonesboro #12373, Mounds City
#7443, New Douglas #13696, New Haven #8053, Omaha
#10291, Ullin #8180. C.E. Hilliard, 201 E. Cherry, Win-
chester, IL 62694 (112)
describe. William H. Serocky, 11181 W. 33rd St., Zion, IL
60099 (112)
lection. Especially need first and second charters. largest prices
paid. Jasper Payne, Box 3093, Knoxville, TN 37917. (113)
WANTED: CU $1.00 FRN with serial #05041981 or 09221978.
James E. Lund, Route 7, Box 726, Alexandria, MN 56308
ent $19.95. 100 different unissued $22.95. 100 different used
without pictures $24.95. 50 different with 50 different pictures
$34.95. 1 to 100,000 wanted. Hollins, Box 112-P, Springfield,
VA 22150 (112)
I COLLECT CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii and all
other Western stocks, bonds, checks, drafts. Please sell to me!
Ken Prag, Box 531 PM, Burlingame, CA 94010 (phone 415-
566-6400). (119)
WANTED: WORLD'S FAIR stocks, bonds, ephemera of any
type. Rinnard Antonation, 525 121 PL. NE #6, Bellevue, WA
98005 (114)
notes wanted. Please describe and price. Windy Thompson,
7922 Brown Bark Pl., Raleigh, NC 27609.
towns: Big Stone Gap #11765, Wise #10611, Clintwood #8362,
Powell Valley #9924, Norton #9746, Norton #6235. Send
description and price. Don Green, Box 681, Wise, VA 24293
MORMON-WANT ANY financial items issued by or re-
lated to Mormons, Salt Lake City. Also buying unusual
photos, letters, documents, etc. Rinnard Antonation, 525 121
PL. NE #6, Bellevue, WA 98005 (114)
#4850, Fayette City #5646, Fayette City #6800, Elizabeth
#5114, North Belle Vernon #11995, Fairchance #8245, Webster
#6937, Dunbar #7576, Vanderbilt #8190. Charles Trenk, Box
241, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 (114)
NATIONAL CURRENCY: Over 300 different duplicates to
sell or trade. SASE brings list. J.S. Apelman, Box 283,
Covington, LA 70434 (116)
EASTMAN COLLEGE CURRENCY wanted. Also obsoletes
with vignettes: Declaration Signing, Washington's Crossing,
Drummer Boy, Five Presidents, Cowboys. Also matrimony
notes. Robert W. Ross III, P.O. Box 765, Wilmington, DE
19899 (116)
OLD UNITED STATES revenue certificates wanted. Also
Jenny Lind items. Please price. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee,
Yaupon Beach, Southport, NC 28461 (112)
by Albert Pick
Co.m R. Otura. t Now Oak, dite,
standard catalog of
Immediate Delivery
Featuring complete listings
* South and Central America —
Private and Commercial banks
* China — Provincial banks
* Mainland Europe — Commercial
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note-issuing authorities * 250 years
of world-wide coverage * Over
15,000 listings, packed with data
* Over 6,500 photos all contained in
one hard-bound, 832 page volume.
Just $40
per copy. Pick up your copy at your
favorite coin/paper shop, or order
directly from the publisher (return
privilege applies).
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 159
Albert Pick's
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Colin R. Bruce II and Neil Shafer, Editors
This specialized issues volume is a
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Featuring the first detailed coverage of
State, Provincial, Territorial and
Colonial Issues.
Data that was locked away in obscure
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known — is available in Specialized
700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990
The Charlton Standard
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Page 160
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The most thorough and complete
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Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 161
Conn. - $1, DERBY FISHING CO., Derby (1808) VF
- $2, DERBY FISHING CO.. Derby (1808) EF
- $5, DERBY FISHING CO., Derby (1808) EF
N.J. - $3, SALEM & PHILADELPHIA MFG. CO ., Salem (1828)
W.2141 VG + $100
- $10, DERBY FISHING CO., Derby (1808) EF 30 (1819) W.1705 Unc. 100
- $1, THE EAGLE BANK, New Haven (1824) F 25 - $1, STATE BANK AT TRENTON, Trenton (1825) W.2368 EF 45
- $2, MANUFACTURERS EXCHANGE, Bristol (1814) Unc. 30 - $2, STATE BANK AT TRENTON, Trenton (1824) W.2371 VG 30
- $3, MANUFACTURERS EXCHANGE, Bristol (1814) EF 40 - $10, STATE BANK AT TRENTON, Trenton (1822) W.2380 VF 45
- $5, MANUFACTURERS EXCHANGE, Bristol (1814) EF 30 -$100, STATE BANK AT TRENTON, Trenton (1813) W.2383 F 135
Del. - $5, BANK OF DELAWARE. Wilmington (1821) VG + 200 N.Y: - $5. THE BANK OF AUBURN, Auburn (1826) VG 45
Ind. - $1, PETERSBURG STEAM MILL, Petersburg (1817) Unc. 65 - 61/2e, Boist, Michael (Store of), Middleburgh (1815) VF 125
- $2, BANK OF VINCENNES, Brookville (1819) WVS 84-6 VG 65 - $2, THE CITY BANK, New York City (1830) F 75
- $5, BANK OF VINCENNES, Brookville (1821) WVS 84-8 Uric 175 - $5, THE BANK OF GENEVA. Geneva (1818) MDF&Co. VG + 40
- $5 BANK OF VINCENNES. Vevay (1819) WVS 825-10 VG 65 - $5, THE BANK OF GENEVA, Geneva (1829) Perkins F 40
Kent. - $1, FARMING & COMMERCIAL BANK, Carlisle (1819) VF 75 - $5, THE BANK OF HUDSON, Hudson (1817) Maverick EF 65
- $5, FARMING & COMMERCIAL BANK, Carlisle (1819) VF + 75 - $20, THE BANK OF HUDSON, Hudson (1814) MDF&Co. VG + 75
- $1, KENTUCKY INSURANCE COMPANY, Lexington (1817) F 125 - $3, THE MANHATTEN COMPANY, New York City (1825) F 65
Maine - $5, CASTINE BANK, Castine (1818) Wait 7 VF + 50 - $2, THE MERCHANTS BANK, New York City (1826) EF 55
- $1, HALLOWELL & AUGUSTA BANK, Hallowell (1811) Wait - $5, THE MERCHANTS BANK, New York City (1826) Unc. 80
33 VG 40 - $1, THE BANK OF NIAGARA, Buffalo (1827/5) VF 35
- $5, HALLOWELL & AUGUSTA BANK, Hallowell (1809) Wait -$10, THE BANK OF ORANGE COUNTY, Goshen (1830)
37 VG 40 Cft. VG 90
- $1, KENNEBEC BANK, Hallowell (1824) Wait 41 EF 150 - $2, THE BANK OF PLATTSBURGH, Plattsburgh (1822) F+ 35
- $2, KENNEBEC BANK, Hallowell (1824) Wait 42 VF 45 - $5, THE BANK OF TROY, Troy (1811) AU 75
- $3, KENNEBEC BANK, Hallowell (1824) Wait 44 VF 55 Ohio - $3, FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK OF CINCINNATI, Cin-
- $5, KENNEBEC BANK, Hallowell (1823) Wad 46 VF 65 cinnati (1817) VF 225
- $5, PASSAMAQUODDY BANK, Eastport (1824) Wait 21 VF 65 - 50a, Griswold, Ezra (Office of), Worthington (1819) F 60
Mass. - $5, BERKSHIRE BANK, Pittsfield (1807) VF 60 -25a, JEFFERSON BANK OF NEW SALEM, New Salem
" - $10, BERKSHIRE BANK, Pittsfield (1806) VF 50 (1817) VF 70
" - $3, FARMERS BANK. Belchertown (1827) VG + 75 -50e, JEFFERSON BANK OF NEW SALEM, New Salem
- $10, FARMERS BANK, Belchertown (1829) F 75 (1817) EF 85
- $5, GLOUCESTER BANK. Gloucester (1814) Unc. 135 - $3, JEFFERSON BANK OF NEW SALEM, New Salem
- $2. NORTHAMPTON BANK, Northampton (1809) VF 60 (1817) Unc. 90
Mich. - $10, DETROIT BANK, Detroit (1806) Bowen 12 EF 90 Penn. -$10. COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA, Phila-
N.H. - 500. HILLSBOROUGH BANK, Amherst (1808) EF 85 delphia (1824) VF 110
N.J. - 121/2e, Black, H., Mount Holly (1815) Wait 1280 G 75 - $10, THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK, Philadelphia
- $1, FRANKLIN BANK OF NEW JERSEY, Jersey City (1827) (1826) AU 150
Wait 885 Unc. 40 - $1, BANK OF FAYETTE COUNTY PENN., New Salem
- $2, FRANKLIN BANK OF NEW JERSEY, Jersey City (1827) (1819) Unc. 80
Wait 886 VF 35 - $3, BANK OF FAYETTE COUNTY PENN., New Salem
- $2, FRANKLIN BANK OF NEW JERSEY, Jersey City (1827) (1817) AU 100
Wait 887 Unc. 40 - $5. BANK OF FAYETTE COUNTY PENN., New Salem
- $3, THE FRANKLIN BANK, Jersey City, (1825) Wait 888 G 15 (1816) VF 100
- $20, FRANKLIN BANK OF NEW JERSEY, Jersey City (1827) - 121/2a, Kneppley, Seth (Store of), Upper Saucon (1815) VF + 175
Wait 893
- $1, HOBOKEN BANKING AND GRAZING CO., Hoboken (1815) F 60
(1826) Wait 776 Unc. 40 - $10, MARIETTA & SUSQUEHANNAH TRADING CO.. Mariet-
- $2, HOBOKEN BANKING AND GRAZING CO., Hoboken ta (1817) F 80
(1826) Wait 777 Unc. 45 - $20. MARIETTA & SUSQUEHANNA TRADING CO.. Mariet-
- $2, HOBOKEN BANKING AND GRAZING CO., Hoboken ta (1818) VF 100
(1826) Wait 778 VF 175 - $5. BANK OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Norris Town
- $3, HOBOKEN BANKING AND GRAZING CO., Hoboken 1825 F 90
(1827) Wait 780 Unc. 50 - $20, PENN. AGRICULTURAL & MFG. BANK, Carlisle
- $5, HOBOKEN BANKING AND GRAZING CO., Hoboken (1815) VF 150
(1827) Wait 782 EF 55 - $5, THE PHILADELPHIA BANK, Philadelphia (1824)
(1827) Wait 783 EF 85 - $10, THE PHILADELPHIA BANK, Philadelphia (1819)
- $1, THE J ERSEY BANK, Jersey City (1825) Wait 934 VG 40 MDF&Co. VG 50
- $1, THE JERSEY BANK, Jersey City (1826) Wait 935 VF 100 - 10e, THE SCHUYLKILL BANK, Philadelphia (1815) G 15
- $2, THE JERSEY BANK. Jersey City (1826) Wait 940 VG 45 R.I. - $1, THE FARMERS EXCHANGE BANK, Gloucester (1808)
- $5, THE JERSEY BANK, Jersey City (1825) Wait 946 EF 75 D.449 EF 30
- $5, THE JERSEY BANK, Jersey City (1822) Wait 947 F 50 - $5, THE FARMERS EXCHANGE BANK, Gloucester (1808)
- $10, THE JERSEY BANK, Jersey City (1825) Wait 949 VG 60 D.455 Unc. 65
- $2, THE MONMOUTH BANK, Freehold (1828) Wait 646 F 30 - $10, THE FARMERS EXCHANGE BANK, Gloucester (1806)
- $3, THE MONMOUTH BANK, Freehold (1828) Wait 647 F 40 D.456
Unc. 50
- $2, N.J. MANUFACTURING & BANKING CO., Hoboken Ver. - $1, VERMONT GLASS FACTORY, Salisbury (1813) C.1 F 25
(1826) Wait 805 VG 50 - $1. VERMONT GLASS FACTORY, Salisbury (1814) C.2 Unc. 30
- $3, N.J. MANUFACTURING & BANKING CO., Hoboken - $2. VERMONT GLASS FACTORY, Salisbury (1813) C.14 EF 35
(1828) Wait 812 F 60 - $3, VERMONT GLASS FACTORY, Salisbury (1813) C.15 VF 35
- $5, N.J. MANUFACTURING & BANKING CO., Hoboken - $5, VERMONT GLASS FACTORY, Salisbury (1813) C.16 AU 50
(1828) Wait 813 EF 200 - $1. VERMONT STATE BANK, Middlebury (1808) C.24 VG 75
- $1, N.J. PROTECTION & LOMBARD BANK, Jersey City - 50e, VERMONT STATE BANK, Westminster (1808) C.2 VG 25
(1825) W.1004, Unc. 50 - 75a, VERMONT STATE BANK, Westminster Unsigned & Un-
- $1, N.J. PROTECTION & LOMBARD BANK, Jersey City dated C.5 Unc. 30
(1825) W.1005, Unc. 50 - $1, VERMONT STATE BANK, Westminster (1808) C.6 VF 75
18 Mist Hill Drive
Brookfield, Conn. 06804
775-2456 10 Day Return PrivilegeItems subject to prior sale.
'Colorful' currency approved
Hobby reacts
41ANI-11k4ifr: to currencY
5erg;: 6
Standard paper catalog ready
Schedule of
Page 162
Paper Money Whole No. 111
Paper Money Coliector,
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When you join Bank Note Reporter you'll be part of a
select group looking to every issue for fresh news.
Make certain you have Bank Note Reporter for all the
vital data affecting your hobby. Sign up now!
Send your subscription request along with $11
for one year (12 issues) to: Bank Note Reporter,
700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990.
Just released . . . .
Issued by the Canadian Paper Money Society
;;ANACIA', • ":;ICCAlr,P.Iii CAM1 0i
A note, issued in 1852, by the City of Toronto, is intaglio printed by the Canadian Bank Note
Company from the original plate. The souvenir card commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the
founding of Toronto.
Cards at $5.00 each (plus $2.00 postage and shipping per order) may be ordered from:
Numismatic Education Society of Canada
P.O. Box 704, Station B
Willowdale, Ont. M2K 2P9
Numismatic News
helps reverse the
Treasury's decision to
omit silver from the Ike
dollar (we now enjoy
40% silver Ikes!)
Numismatic News
convinces the GSA to
properly grade Carson
City dollars sold from
the government's
hoard (scratched,
nicked and tarnished
specimens were to be
sold as uncirculated!)
Numismatic News
successfully lobbies
against middle-man
profits in the Olympic
coin programs.
* * *
Been on the block for 32 years. Saw some questionable hobby programs come down from Washington in that time. Got
involved with all of them. Knew from experience what to do — how to go about changing minds and policies.
Victories for the hobby were sweet. There are more to come. Stick with us. Support us. Now more than ever. we're
ready to serve your interests.
Home Of Superior Hobby Periodicals And Books
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 163
Nobody pays more
than Huntoon forAmon&
State and Territorial Nationals
Aside from National Bank Notes I deal
only in Choice and Gem quality material.
Choose from the highest quality inventory
in the business.
Extensive travel to over 30 major shows a
year allows me to present a wide array of
scarce and rare Nationals, lots of large size
notes and the largest selection of small size
available anywhere.
I am actively servicing the want lists of
many collectors and may be able to find
notes that you need. I also offer a 30-day
return privilege and a no-cost layaway
While I'm not the cheapest, price is often a
function of quality. I also stand behind
every note I sell with a guarantee of your
satisfaction or your money back.
Write or call for a free copy of my latest price list.
Michael R. Storeim
7600 E. Orchard Ave., Suite 350
Englewood, CO 80111
(303) 694-0791
P.O. Box 3681, Laramie. WY 82071
Page 164
Paper Money Whole No. 111
We maintain the
q Colonial Coins q Portfolio
Colonial Currency
Rare & Choice Type q
Coins Coverage c/o Dana Linett
q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction
q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance q P.O. Box 276 0 Ansonia, CT 06401 1:1
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 165
P.O. BOX 537
L3T 200
Bi-Monthly Retail • Wholesale Lists
Page 166 Paper Money Whole No. 111
(Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts
Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada,
Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico,
Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian,
Jefferson Territories!
Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded.
Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom
seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental;
CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West-
ern rarities for advantageous trade.
We are seriously interested in acquiring large
size and scarcer small size United States paper
money. We are interested in single items as well
as extensive collections. We are especially in
need of national bank notes and we also buy
foreign paper money. If you have a collection
which includes both paper money and coins, it
may prove in your best financial interest to
obtain a separate bid from us on your paper
money as we deal exclusively and full time in
paper money. We will fly to purchase if your
holdings warrant.
We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper
money, both large size, small size and
fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking.
Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933
P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302
Phone (602) 445-2920
Member of: ANA, PMCM
All types of WESTERN AMERI-
CANA—obsolete checks, scrip, stocks,
bonds, bills, documents, photographs,
maps, autographs, anything of interest:
— Territorial items.
— Texas, Wells Fargo, Oregon, Colo-
rado, mining towns, cowboys, sa-
loons, etc, etc.
The Clipper
Americana & Antiques
P.O. Box 803
Bellevue, Washington 98009
(206) 453-8109
• U.S. Obsoletes
• U.S. Large & Small Size Type Notes
• U.S. Large & Small
National Bank Notes
• Canadian
P.O. Box 787, Kennebunk, Maine 04043
(207) 985-7431
PO Box 30369
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Obsolete Currency Catalog
Tharles „*tratib
P. O. Box 200
Columbia, Connecticut 06237
(203) 642-7895
by Herbert J. Kwart
"This publication sets the paper money standard need-
ed to bring attribution order to the field of syngraphics."
• Comprehensive discussion of all standard grading
• Twelve distinct grading levels of conditions.
• Includes four grade levels of crisp, uncirculated
• Graphic illustrations for each grading level.
• Discrete grading characteristics for each level of
• An examination methodology and equipment needed.
• A method of preservation of paper money.
• And much more.
P.O. BOX 397
Paper Money Whole No. 111 Page 167
Omaha, Nebraska 68104P.O. Box 4289
"Pronto Service"
Page 168
Paper Money Whole No. 111
BUYING/SELLING Scarce/Rare Uncut Sheets (4, 12, 18). Also, we are Paying TOP Immediate Cash for Scarce/Rare
Choice Large Size Notes. Especially Want National Bank Notes, Territorials, Two-Denomination, National Gold Bank
Notes & Other Series. Also, Scarce/Rare $1.00 to $1,000.00 Type Notes in Choice CU Grade. We Invite your Inquiry &
Want List. SASE for our List of Confederate & Large Size Currency.
1935-D $1 Silver Certificate Uncut Sheet (12) Clark-
Snyder. While 100 Sheets were issued, O'Don-
nell's 7th Edition "Standard Handbook of Modern
U.S. Paper Money" records only 50 sheets report-
ed. This GEM Sheet Priced SPECIAL @ $1,495.00
1928-G $2 Legal Tender Uncut Sheet (12). Clark-
Snyder. Only 28 of the 100 sheets issued have been
reported. This GEM Sheet just 1,595.00
SPECIAL —the Pair $2,795.00
1928-D $1 Silver Certificate Sheet (12). Julian Wood-
lin. Of the 60 Sheets issued only 28 have been re-
ported. Over the years many Sheets have been cut
up and the Notes were sold singly. Today singles
bring $250.00. We offer the GEM Sheet @ only $3,895.00
1928-C $2 Legal Tender Sheet (12). Julian Morgen-
thau. Only 27 of the 75 Sheets issued have been re-
ported. This truly GEM Sheet Priced @ just $1,795.00
1902 $5 National Bank Note Uncut Sheet (4). Na-
tional Park Bank, New York City. CH. 891. F-595.
This GEM sheet Priced @ just $2,195.00
1902 $5 National Bank Note Uncut Sheet (4). The
Equitable National Bank, City of New York CH
#6284. FR-595. Excessively RARE Red Seal Sheet,
Possibly Unique. GEM, Crisp, New Priced @ $7,500.00
Scarce Cut Sheets of four Large Size Notes. When reconstructed, they form a sheet as originally issued.
1896 $1 Silver Certificate Cut Sheet of 4 Notes. FR-224 $2,250.00
1899 $1 Silver Certificate Cut Sheet of 4 Notes. FR-233 850.00
1899 $1 Silver Certificate Cut Sheet of 4 Notes. FR-236 750.00
1923 $1 Silver Certificate Cut Sheet of 4 Notes. FR-237 250.00
1923 $1 Silver Certificate Cut Sheet of 4 Notes. FR-238 275.00
1918 $1 Federal Reserve Bank Cut Sheet of 4 Notes. FR-708, Boston 900.00
1918 $2 Federal Reserve Bank Cut Sheet of 4 Notes. FR-757, Cleveland 2,450.00
(20). Single Crisp New Notes bring $75.00. This
Superb CN Sheet comes with Wide Margins. Seldom
offered and Priced @ 1,900.00
ANOTHER—This Sheet is also Superb CN but has
Narrow Margins. Special 1,500.00
SASE—for our Fractional Currency List Including
Proof & Specimen Notes.
Beautiful Pristine Uncut Sheets. CANAL BANK, LA
Sheet (2): $500—$1,000 Crisp New, Nice "Exhibit
Item" $ 99.50
1857 BANK OF FLORENCE, NEBR. Uncut Sheet(4):
$1 - $1 - $3 - $5. GEM Cr. New 195.00
Sheet(4): $1 - $2 - $3 - $5. SPECIAL 69.50
Y00000011B and 1928-A #Z0000001B. This Superb
CN Set(3) 750.00
1935-A $1 Set(2): Red "R", Red "S". The Last Two
Serial Nos. Match. Superb CR. New
1863 $100 Ty. 56 Famous "Lucy H. Pickens" Note.
GEM Cr. New
"Cut-Sheet" of Four GEM Cr. New
BEBEE's 1956 Sales Catalogue of the Great James M.
Wade Collection @ Prices You'd Hardly Believe
Yours For Only (Postpaid)
Orders for any of the above Notes will be Shipped 1st Class Insured or Registered at our Expense. For Immediate Shipment send
Cashier's Check or Money Order (Personal Checks take 20 to 25 Banking Days). 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Always.
Member: ANA Life #110, ANS, PNG, IAPN, SPMC, Others.
Our currency auctions were
the first to use the Sealed
Mail Bid System, which gives
you, the bidder and ultimate
buyer, the utmost chance to
buy a note at a price you
want to pay with no one
looking over your shoulder.
As a seller, this method
gives you the opportunity
to get the full market
price without the "in"
dealers short-circuiting the
bidding, as so often is
seen at public auction
Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S.
Currency to the collecting
fraternity for over 20 years:
Hickman - Oakes Auctions inc.
WITH 20 sales behind us, and just starting our September-June Auction year, we
invite you to participate:
As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% down to 10% without a buyer's
charge, lot charge, or photo charge.
As a buyer: Subscribe to our next year's sales and receive the catalogs,
prices realized, price lists, and if you have purchased a "National Catalog" we will
send the update, all postage paid for $10.00. Send Today!
If you haven't yet purchased a copy of THE STANDARD CATALOG OF NATIONAL
BANKNOTES by Hickman-Oakes, we will mail an autographed copy (if wished) with
update supplement when available for $75.00 (about $12.00 per pound). Send to:
Auctions ,Inc.
Drawer 1456 Iowa city, Iowa 52240 319-338-1144
(512) 226-2311
It pays to
look closely.
You know that it
pays to look closely
when collecting. It
does when you are
thinking of selling,
too. Since you
collected with such
care, we know you
want to be equally as
careful when selling. At
Medlar's, we take pride in
the fact that we've been
buying and selling currency
for over 25 years. So, we
feel we must be doing
something right for our
many friends and
Texas Currency, Obsoletes and
Nationals, Western States Obso-
letes and Nationals, U.S. and
Foreign Coins. We will travel to you
to examine your holdings, Profes-
sional Appraisals, or as Expert
Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN
More like this
- Paper Money- Vol. XXIII, No. 2- Whole No. 110- March- April 1984
- Paper Money- Vol. XXIII, No. 6- Whole No. 114- November- December 1984
- Paper Money- Vol. XXIII, No. 5- Whole No. 113- September- October 1984
- Paper Money- Vol. XXIII, No. 4- Whole No. 112- July- August 1984
- Paper Money- Vol. XXIII, No. 1- Whole No. 109- January- February 1984