
Paper Money - Vol. XXIII, No. 5 - Whole No. 113 - September - October 1984

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SEPT. / OCT. 1984 VoL. XXIII No. 5 WHOLE NO. 113 NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS EXCITING SPIRITED STIMULATING VITAL ESSENTIAL Traditionally, auctions are the most successful way to sell your rare coins or currency. With over 330 sales, Kagin's has the ex- perience to obtain maximum results, whether for the rare and the unusual, the specialized, or the more popular. No other firm offers A.M. (Art) Kagin's 50 years' personal experience, the professional expertise of Dr. Donald H. Kagin, the first recipient of a Ph.D. in numismatics in the United States, and the specialized knowledge of the largest staff of profes- sional numismatists in the world. When you consign to a Kagin auction, accept the peace of mind from knowing that your collection will receive Kagin's personalized treatment. Kagin's offers consignors unlimited funds for cash advances of up to 50% of every consignment and immediate pre-grading and evaluation before any contracts are signed. Kagin's publicity is specially designed to enhance the competitive auction bidding spirit so necessary to a successful sale. The dramatic auc- tion catalog individually presents your material and is distributed to our established mailing list of active bidders, compiled over decades and built by confidence in Kagin's. A consignment to a Kagin's auction is your assurance of top prices for your collection. Look for our numismatic professionals at national and regional conventions, or call toll free to discuss your consignment with a Kagin's professional. Ask for the experts. SAN FRANCISCO DONALD H. KAGIN, Ph.D. Dr. GEORGE J. FULD RON HOWARD DES MOINES A.M. (ART) KAGIN DAVID T. ALEXANDER KURT L. LANGLAND SAN FRANCISCO DES MOINES NEW YORK One Market Plaza 26th Floor, Steuart St. Tower San Francisco, CA 94105 TOLL FREE 800 227 -5676 In Calif. 800 652-4467 505 Fifth Avenue Suite 1000 Des Moines, IA 50309 TOLL FREE 800 247-5335 In Iowa 800 622-8289 305 Madison Avenue Suite 961 New York, NY 10165 TOLL FREE 800 221 - 3064 In NY 800 522-3004 ORDER YOUR MEMPHIS (I.P.M.S.) CATALOG TODAY-CALL 800 247-5335! YOUR DONATION OF ENTITILES YOU TO RECEIVE A FREE 1985 SOUVENIR CARD A FREE 1985 BANQUET TICKET A FREE 1985 SPMC MEMBERSHIP A FREE 1985 WISNER PROJECT BOOK 115.00 X 125.00 X X t50.00 X X X $75.00 or More X X X MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION To: SPNC Patrons Assoc. Program Attention Thomas Denly Box 1010 Boston, Mass 02205 For SPMC USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED Date KIT SENT Dear Torn, Sign me up, I want to help! Here is my check to enroll me in the SPMC Patrons Association for 1984-1985. I have enclosed: 315 125 $50 $75 3 in the form of a check or money order made payable to SPMC. MY SPMC membership number is # Please rush my Patrons Kit to me at: (NAME) (NAILING ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) Please send a receipt for tax purposes. OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC . To: The members of the Society of Paper Noney Collectors; Purpose: To announce the 1984 program of the SPMC Patrons Association; What; East year under past president Wendell Wolka's fine direction there was established the SPI:.0 PatronS Association. In its first year almost ,- 4000.00 was raised to aid the Society financially. This year we hope to exceed that level. How does it work? You may contribute at four different levels: w15 , 25, and 775 or more. As you will note from the table on the back of this letter, members of the Patrons Association are eligible for various awards. Upon joining, - you will receive a Patrons kit which will contain membership certificate, membership information, and appropiate "good for" coupons which can be redeamed in person or through the mail. This is our way of saying thank you for your help to the Society and the paper money collectors who will benefit through the efforts of the Society. One must remember that our Society is non profit and therefore your contibution is tax deductible. Be sure to check the appropiate box on the membership application if you will wish a receipt for tax purposes. When can I join? You may join anytime until December 31,1984. Your coupons will be redeamable in 1985. As you all probably know our Society will sponsor its first paper money convention in 1985, thus now is the time to offer your support! How do I join? It's easy! Just fill in the membership application on the back of the sheet and send it, along with your check or money order made out to SPEC, to the address shown. We will handle the rest: What if I have a question? Write a letter to us at the address as shown on the reverse, we will answer it as promptly as possible. You may call Tom Denly, the Patrons Society Co-ordinator at 617-482-8477, however as the Society wants to spend its money on its many projects and not phone bills a letter will work better. What if I want to give more? we won't argure with you at all, your check in any amount will go to bettering the hobby through our many projects such as the book projects to mention just one. MORE ON R72,TERS7 SOCIETY PAPER \IONE -1' COLLECTORS f ,a mete. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXIII No. 5 Whole No. 113 SEPT. /OCT. 1984 ISSN 0031-1162 GENE HESSLER, Editor Box 416 Oradell, NJ 07649 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March/April issue, etc.). IN THIS ISSUE THE PAPER COLUMN—$5 ORIGINAL SERIES AND SERIES OF 1875 BLACK CHARTER NOTES AND NEW INSIGHTS ON DATES AND SIGNATURES ON FIRST CHARTER NOTES Peter Huntoon, William Raymond & John Hickman 215 THE GREEN GOODS GAME Forrest Daniel 221 BENJAMIN LEVY Edward Schuman 222 INTERESTING STATISTICS ON MISSOURI NATIONAL BANK NOTES Bruce W. Smith 225 RAILROAD NOTES AND SCRIP OF THE UNITED STATES, THE CONFEDERATE STATES AND CANADA Richard T. Hoober 227 BUNCO, BOGUS AND BANK ROBBIN' Barry Wexler 234 A DIFFERENT VIEW OF LATE FINISHED PLATES USED TO PRINT SMALL SIZE NOTES Michael Kane 235 THE EDUCATIONAL NOTE DESIGNERS BLASHFIELD, LOW & SHIRLAW — WALTER SHIRLAW AND HIS WORK Gene Hessler 236 SOCIETY FEATURES INTEREST BEARING NOTES 243 EDITOR'S CORNER 247 RECRUITMENT REPORT 247 LITERATURE REVIEW 248 SECRETARY'S REPORT 250 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 213 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE. Se- cond class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster; send address changes to: Paper Money, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy. Dover, DE 19901. © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1984. All rights reserved. Repro- duction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permis- sion, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $12. Individual copies of current issues, $2.00. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE I TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Outside Back Cover $72.00 $195.00 $367.50 Inside Front & Back Cover $67.50 $181.50 $345.00 Full Page $59.00 $158.00 $299.00 Half-page $36.00 $ 98.00 $185.00 Quarter-page $15.00 $ 40.00 $ 77.00 Eighth-page $10.00 $ 26.00 $ 49.00 To keep administrative costs at a minimum and advertising rates low, advertising orders must be prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. In the exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are re- quired, the advertiser will be notified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the first of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 1 for March issue). Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertise- ment in which typographical error should oc- cur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Page 214 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Larry Adams, P.O. Box 1, Boone, Iowa 50036 VICE-PRESIDENT Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 SECRETARY Robert Azpiazu, Jr., P.O. Box 1433, Hialeah, FL 33011 TREASURER James F. Stone, P.O. Box 89, Milford, N.H. 03055 APPOINTEES EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416, Oradell, NJ 07649 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOOK SALES COORDINATOR Richard Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street, North Attleboro, MA 02760. WISMER BOOK PROJECT Richard T. Hoober, P.O. Box 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445 LEGAL COUNSEL Robert G. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001 PAST PRESIDENT AND LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Walter Allan, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Jr., Peter Huntoon, Charles Kemp, Roman L. Latimer, Donald Mark, Dean Oakes, Bernard Schaaf, M.D., Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, John Wilson. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organ- ization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is af- filiated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notifi- cation to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold of- fice or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numis- matic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES—The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Annual dues are $12. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 8 1/2 x 11 " INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP Non-Member MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Rockholt $12.00 $15.00 12.00 TERRITORIALS— A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIAL BANK NOTES, Huntoon $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 INDIAN TERRITORY / OKLAHOMA / KANSAS Non-Member $15.00 OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Burgett & MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Wait $12.00 Whitefield $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 Non-Member $15.00 OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF RHODE ISLAND IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Oakes $12.00 AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, Non-Member $15.00 Durand $20.00 ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP ... $12.00 Non-Member $25.00 Non-Member $15.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, Wait $12.00 Non-Member $25.00 Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS I. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivers. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept. 116 Fisher St., North Attleboro, MA 02760. Library Services Librarian—Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill.The Society maintains a lending library for the use of the members only. For further information, write the 60521. Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 215 THE PAPER COLUMN by Peter Huntoon $5 ORIGINAL SERIES AND SERIES OF 1875 BLACK CHARTER NOTES AND NEW INSIGHTS ON DATES AND SIGNATURES ON FIRST CHARTER NOTES by Peter Huntoon William Raymond John Hickman Figure 1. Series of 18 75 black charter note from Boyerlown, Pennsylvania, from the Amon Carter Collection. The subject of this article is the fascinating black charter variety found on First Charter $5 notes from a few banks. The distinguishing feature on these notes are two bold charter numbers, which were engraved directly on the face plates rather than overprinted in red ink. This article will 1. list every black charter occurrence that can be verified from our survey of the proofs in the Smithsonian Institution; 2. examine the conventions used to date the plates; 3. examine the conventions that determined the treasury signatures on the plates; and 4. provide data on known specimens now in collections. Our research sheds significant light on the age old question regarding the significance of plate dates and plate signatures on First Charter notes. Our findings, presented here, are of necessity restricted to the black charter period between 1873 and 1894, but have general applicability to First Charter plates made during the transition period from the Original Series to the Series of 1875. Paper Money Whole No. 113Page 216 BACKGROUND T he sorting of redeemed National Bank notes was such a problem by 1873, the Comptroller of the Currency re- quested the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to add charter numbers at the same time the treasury seal and treasury serial numbers were overprinted on the notes. Consequently, Original Series notes were overprinted with bold, red charter numbers beginning in late 1873. At that time, all the other printing operations, including overprinting of bank serial numbers, were carried out by the private bank note companies (Dillistin, 1956, p. 7). The addition of charter numbers on Na- tional Bank notes was soon formalized by a requirement to do so in the National Currency Act of June 20, 1874 (Dillistin, 1956, p. 20). In what appears to be an experiment, the Continental Bank Note Company was requested to engrave the charter numbers on new $5 face plates—a practice which was confined to plates dated between Nov. 15, 1873, and May 15, 1874. The concept of engraved charter numbers was rejected, and it was aban- doned. However, those banks with the variety continued to issue notes printed from black charter plates until their First Charters expired, even in cases where additional plates were prepared later in the series. We can find no evidence that the black charter experiment extended to other denominations, all of which were produced from plates made by other private bank note companies at the time, or to $5 plates that were already in use. The curious black charter variety has been discovered by collectors on First Charter notes from seven banks. These banks include charters 1830, 2129, 2130, 2132, 2137, 2138 and 2141. See Table 1. Those interested in such notes had observed the following: 1. the plates are dated between 1873 and 1874; 2. the treasury signatures on Series of 1875 varieties exhibit no pattern; and 3. all $5 First Charter notes known from these banks are of the black charter variety regardless of when they were printed. OUR COOPERATIVE STUDY John Hickman is well known as a collector of data pertain- ing to nationals, black charter varieties being no exception. All the data in Table 3 are from Hickman. In the summer of 1982 both William Raymond and I (Hun- toon) were working together in Washington, D.C., but re- searching our separate interests. I had made arrangements months in advance to view a couple of Series of 1875 specimen sheets at the Smithsonian so Raymond tagged along. That ef- fort took little time so the curator asked if there was anything else he could show us in the limited time remaining. At this point Raymond answered, "Yes, I would like very much to see the 5-5-5-5 Series of 1875 sheet on the First National Bank of Houston, Texas (1644)." Raymond's request really caught me off guard. He isn't particularly interested in Texas and if he was going to go after something exotic, why not a Texas deuce? The sheet was soon before us and in disbelief I spotted the black charter numbers. Raymond was clearly very pleased with himself! I badgered him for a couple of days to discover just how he picked that maverick out of his hat—it did not fall in the familiar 2100 range. He would just grin and say I would never figure it out. His challenge gnawed at me for a year. During that year I figured out that the plate dates were the key to this mystery but I had no idea how to make that infor- mation work for me. Bill did not go to Washington with me this past summer so I couldn't pry more hints from him. However, as I worked with the Comptroller ledgers in the Na- tional Archives, I discovered that some of the early records showed plate dates. I stopped what 1 was doing and intensively began to seek out the 1873-4 vintage $5 records and sure enough, I found the 1830 Minneapolis entry mixed amongst the 2100 vintage charters. Then I discovered the 1644 Houston entry! Convinced I was onto Raymond's system, I next ab- stracted everything between August 15, 1873, and June 15, 1874. This produced a total of 44 entries for Original Series 5-5-5-5 issues. The next stop was the Bureau of Engraving and Printing specimen collection at the Smithsonian. The First Charter holdings at the Smithsonian are supposed to be limited to the Series of 1875 issues, which were printed by the Bureau. Remember that the Original Series notes were produced by the private bank note companies as were those plates. The Smithsonian specimens told the whole story. As shown in Table I, all the black charter $5s were made from plates dated between November 15, 1873, and May 15, 1874. Specimens do not exist for four of the banks in Table 1 because those banks did not issue Series of 1875 $5 notes. NAL CURRE At=q0.163--,Z=Vt"7 -77911 " " ^I, rr !N fo, - ;- c o; I /6.14 gtErostriel, 0 •11,,.--skt.7144 tigii;'414141,1t 1101 IS TON t•tytkk , %\k■ \‘‘ ,.\\!, ‘":1‘.' 4, “ 1)■.2.,,,NV1N 4/.17 404441,:zal. x.46.14 T APP1110$ ELLIVIIE 31,1 let.a.:MMIerClitiOC=24:1—Iti Figure. 2. Bill Raymond's discovery—the fact that First Charter black charter $5s were issued by the First National Bank of Houston. No issued notes are presently known to exist. 64..C--74,—*&.‘&410A-2"575,0S4,44_4444,:i31,' - , .rh-J t44rie 14.4", eURR- Altpflu:loc=z);5.eyore 121,'Ility • ) It(iN.3)S N.V.114)NAL Stiftfii■ii-S■ , r 2.1).1)s tit :,..ttiLiT"" Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 217 Table 1. $5 First Charter plates made during the black charter period. Types listed as unknown are most likely black charter plates. * - indicates specimens are known from this group of sheets, black charter banks only. Type of Plate Charter Bank Location Date on Plate Number of Sheets Issued Orig 1875 regular 2120 First NB Chelsea VT Nov.15,1873 2750 6716 black charter 2129 First NB Central City CO Terr. Nov.15,1873 2475 9050* black charter 2129 First NB Central City CO Feb. 1, 1890 55 black charter 2130 First NB Red Oak IA Nov.15,1873 2875* 7092* black charter 1644 First NB Houston TX Jan. 15, 1874 1500 202 unknown 2131 Green Lane NB Green Lane PA Jan. 15, 1874 4500 black charter 2132 Kellogg NB Green Bay WI Jan. 15, 1874 2250 4090* unknown 2133 First NB De Pere WI Feb. 20, 1874 1785 -- unknown 2134 Peoples NB Pueblo CO Terr. Feb. 20, 1874 1125 black charter 2135 Commercial NB Charlotte NC Feb. 25, 1874 1450 3362 regular 2136 Merchants NB Binghampton NY Mar.20, 1874 3625 16475 black charter 2137 NB Boyertown PA Mar.20, 1874 2125 7907* black charter 2138 Rochester NB Rochester NH Mar.20, 1874 2175 6661* black charter 1830 Merchants NB Minneapolis MN Mar . 25, 1874 5500* 4350 regular 2139 City NB Williamsport PA Apr.15,1874 1625 3250 unknown 2140 First NB Golden CO Terr. Apr. 15, 1874 1475 -- black charter 2141 NB Pontiac IL May 15, 1874 3250 4509* black charter 2142 NB Schwenksville PA May 15, 1874 1750 1300 NEW DISCOVERIES We have positive proof that the following unreported banks issued black charter $5s: Houston, Texas (1644), Charlotte, North Carolina (2135), and Schwenksville, Pennsylvania (2142). An unexpected find was that Central City, Colorado (2129) state notes were also black charter varieties. It is very likely that Original Series only banks, Green Lane, Pennsylvania (2131), De Pere, Wisconsin (2133), Pueblo, Colorado Territory (2134) and Golden, Colorado Territory (2140), also issued them. ott: IMMOVED ir741dillt0751'=- Figure 3. Proof specimen from a previously unknown black charter bank. This specimen is from an original Series plate prepared for the bank by the Continental Bank Note Company. 'I'l 1 ' V \•/ ,:i4Eto P- of;pos/Teh _ N AT 140N AL a..›.itasuz SCIP%NKSVILLE » ‘‘‘,:!1`»»VI ott .74Ziif , 4.14,5=P.44,1g-4 ID.T,CIttt) ----C=1 ____ NA CURREISTCy '--... .-7-,--• .,. 4 , tel X If . )14 p i 1- ' t, , „ l b; 2% art, lh 1 (., ( I 1W/1111 .. , of '.0 j• - 6 , ,,:17"■, ....„...3.),:: ti 0 .N, li:3 ckt==!itiaxmc=zari Page 218 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Figure 4. Series of 1875 black charter specimen from Schwenksville, Pennsylvania. This was printed from an Original Series plate originally prepared by the Continental Bank Note Com- pany (same plate used to print the note shown in Figure 3) which was altered by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing into a Series of 1875 plate. Alterations consisted of (I) changing the signatures and (2) adding the Bureau –printed at... "logo. Notice that the plate date and plate letters were left unchanged. ORIGINAL SERIES INNOVATION One major break was the discovery of the Schwenksville variety, previously unknown. The best part was that there were two proofs from this bank, both from the A-B-C-D positions. Hurried examination confirmed that one was an Original Series print, and the other a Series of 1875 print. Obviously the Bureau had made a specimen from the Original Series plate before they modified it into a Series of 1875 plate! Discovery of this proof was an unexpected find of major proportions. Using it and other data, we can now state the following: 1. The black charter experiment was conducted on Original Series plates at the time the plates were first made. The black charter numbers were not added later. 2. The Original Series plates were converted into Series of 1875 plates. This was done by (a) changing the treasury signatures, and (b) adding the "printed at the Bureau..." logo above the bank title. The plate dates were not changed, nor was the Continental Bank Note Company logo removed. PLATE DATES The dates engraved on the faces of the first Charter notes have always been the subject of much speculation and con- troversy. We can conclude from our studies that the dating conventions used during the 1873 and later period were as follows: 1. The date reflects when the plate was authorized to be made. The date was rounded to a multiple of 5 days such as May 15, August 10, etc. This 5-day rounding ceased about 1882—notice that the Central City, Colorado plate is dated February 1, 1890. 2. Duplicate plates carry the same date as the original plate, the only things changed were the plate letters, which were incremented. 3. In cases where the title was changed, the date reflects when a new plate was authorized, or more typically, when the previous plate was authorized to be modified to reflect the change. 4. In cases where a change in title involved the transition from territory to state, the state plate carries the statehood date except for Nebraska and Colorado. In the latter two cases, the plate date reflects when the state plates were authorized to be modified from the territorial plates. 5. The date was NOT changed when an Original Series plate was converted into a Series of 1875 plate. The Central City issues demonstrate each of these points. The first plate made for the bank was the A-B-C-D Original Series 5-5-5-5 ordered soon after the bank was chartered. The date on it was November 15, 1873, this reflected the date when the plate was authorized to be made. This date was left un- touched when the plate was converted by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to a Series of 1875 plate. Next, for some reason, a duplicate territorial plate was made. The duplicate carries the same date as the first place. Finally, the Comptroller authorized state notes for the bank in 1890. To accomplish this, the Bureau converted the second territorial plate into a state plate; however, the conversion was not completed until 1893. The date was changed to reflect when the alteration was authorized, specifically, February 1, 1890. Notice in this peculiar case that the state plate was authorized fourteen years after statehood, and only three years prior to the expiration of the First Charter for this bank. In fact, the state plate was not approved for use until January 17, 1893, just months before the First Charter for the bank ex- pired. The result was that only fifty five state sheets were issued from it by the bank. Important in this example is the fact that the date was unal- tered between the territorial, Original Series and Series 1875 issues. This is not the case for the treasury signatures as will be shown next. :14..eLt.0 4'4> xnr Or. 3q1Sir TiON CURREN-el, NA ATI; IN 81,1 1-1e1:11 it, n OS 0 ;a-0- 144,14: >EN,11{:d ,a4; .44 • Nf.'t et 1 LIVJ; t.4111 IL (.44 . .svm ;4' ,,,441120.124--- e or Ott 'CA TERM 1 OM &*:225(21213,13,1 • let2rg2' ..77€37 " 1171-7-4 C:==t Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 219 SIGNATURE COMBINATIONS Believe it or not, there is a system to the treasury signatures on First Charter notes. The system cannot be predicted unless you know when the plate was authorized. Here is how it works. The signatures are simply of those in office when a particular plate was authorized to be made, duplicate plates excluded. Signatures on First Charter notes represent one of the following: I. signatures current when the first plate of a given combi- nation was authorized; 2. signatures current when the Original Series plate was converted into a Series of 1875 plate; and 3. signatures current when a plate was authorized to be made or altered to account for a title change including a transition from territorial to state status. Manufacture of duplicate plates did not trigger a new signature combination, providing the principal item changed on the new plate was the standard incrementing of the plate letters. For the black charter cases at hand, all the Original Series plates were made during the Allison-Spinner era and all carry that combination. This is verified by the Schwenksville proof impression, and known Original Series notes from 1830 and 2130. Table 2. Treasury Signature combinations on the Series of 1875 black charter $5 notes. Charter Location Register Treasurer 1644 Houston, TX Scofield Gilfillan 1830 Minneapolis, MN Allison New 2129 Central City, CO Terr. Allison New 2129 Central City, CO Rosecrans Huston 2130 Red Oak, IA Allison Wyman 2132 Green Bay, WI Allison Gilfillan 2135 Charlotte, NC Allison Gilfillan 2137 Boyertown, PA Allison Wyman 2138 Rochester, NH Allison New 2141 Pontiac, IL Allison Wyman 2142 Schwenksville, PA Rosecrans Jordan Note: All Original Series black charter $5 notes have the Allison— Spinner treasury signature combination. The signature combinations on the Series of 1875 black charter specimens listed in Table 2 do not appear to make any sense. However, each coincided with the period during which the Original Series plates were converted into Series of 1875 plates. If stocks of Original Series $5 notes were large, Series of 1875 plates were not needed immediately in 1875, and, plate alterations were delayed. The extreme in the black charter sample involves Schwenksville. The Original Series plate was not altered to a Series of 1875 until the 1885-7 period, over ten years after the Series of 1875 was initiated. Notice that the engraved dates on the Series of 1875 notes generally have nothing to do with the signatures providing the banks were chartered during the Original Series. However, if the title of a bank changed during the Series of 1875, both the engraved date and signatures on the new plate would once again coincide. For banks chartered during the Series of 1875 period the dates and signatures reflect only when the plates were authorized to be made, not necessarily when the bank was chartered. HOUSTON AND MINNEAPOLIS With the exception of Houston (1644) and Minneapolis (1830), all the black charter $5s occur between charters 2129 and 2142. Anyone could have scanned the Smithsonian specimens in the 2100 range and discovered most of the entries in Table 1. Raymond's genius was discovering the pattern in the Comptroller of the Currency records, which explained the Minneapolis (1830) occurrence—known from a surviving specimen—and his discovery of the unexpected Houston (1644). Once he deduced that the variety was related to the period during which the plates were made, both the 1830 and 1644 made sense. The Houston variety came about because the First National Bank of Houston decided to issue $5 notes in addition to its $10, $20, $50 and $100 issues already in circulation. It was just chance and good luck that the 5-5-5-5 plate was prepared dur- ing the black charter experiment. We hope that one of these notes will turn up eventually. The Minneapolis variety resulted from a change in the bank title on January 8, 1874, from the First National Bank of Saint Anthony to the Merchants National Bank of Minneapolis. Luckily the new 5-5-5-5 plate for the bank was made during the latter part of the black charter experiment. CENTRAL CITY, COLORADO Figure 5. Series of 1875 black charter territorial plate for Central City altered by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing from an Original Series Continental Bank Note Company plate. The treasury signatures were changed from Allison-Spinner and the Bureau logo was added during the alteration. The plate date and plate letters were left unchanged. ,,i=oximakczn=", e.st=prr0- , -6,1ASIONAfit CV ..., , , NiriTE is sxerienti, ni . .1 , ' .., ' - ",„.,::- no.vas ,,1, ,JCi : 4 ritt!...1 4 t. Noo` i. ( ptxosir le i of ,1;:v;:,4 1,-„. ,,, ,A0,.-.19: .% ,itcv- t; ..slo _ ( 007)1j:400. 1,17/vit if, Col - ivikk %, tt, il'el/;//,,,,,;;FA401t1140 TEIMI•0111- 1-rxtzw-c:tz. 'Erct==--t=31--i4 _ ' f,) . ...1 Page 220 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Figure 6. Duplicate Central City territorial plate which was made after statehood by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Notice the plate is identical to its predecessor shown on Figure 5 except the Continental Bank Note Company logo was removed and the plate letters were incremented. The missing bank note company logo on Series of 18 75 notes reveals that those otes were printed from plates made by the Bureau. •=.1-; ibr r r 41„ corit VANWitl 1.1M (VAS\ ;40' f zjj a t , ;01 )14 )103 01 4101014AL CUR ftNtrirt,' %,,:r I tri -1,7,47.* 444 , sr sdi„?i, 14- (/)Erostlwo Figure 7. Previously unknown Central City slate black charter variety. This specimen was printed from the same plate prepared by the Bureau and used to print the territorial note shown on Figure 6. That territorial plate was altered-14 years after statehood—by changing the plate date and treasury signatures. Notice that the plate letters were left unchanged. The plate dale reflects when the plate was altered as do the treasury signatures. Two interesting facts surround the Central City, Colorado (2129) issues. First, we know from notes that two Series of 1875 territorial plates were made for this bank. Second, is the new discovery that when they finally authorized the modifica- tion of the second territorial plate into a state plate in 1890, it remained a black charter type. The Smithsonian specimens verify that Central City was the only black charter bank that required a duplicate plate—prob- ably because the first plate, a modified Original Series plate, was damaged. The duplicate territorial plate was identical to its predecessor except: (1) the plate letters were incremented to E-F-G-H, and, more importantly, (2) the Continental Bank Note Company logo was removed. This is the only black charter plate that was manufactured by the Bureau of Engrav- ing and Printing, and as such it became the only black charter plate without the Continental logo. When they finally got around to authorizing the conversion of the E-F-G-H plate into a state plate in 1890, the only modi- fication consisted of (1) changing the date to February 1, 1890, and (2) changing the treasury signatures to Rosecrans-Huston. Notice that the Continental logo had already been omitted from the plate when it was first made. The state version carries the most recent treasury signatures associated with the black charter variety. Incidentally, you might find it extremely interesting to learn that the second territorial plate for the Central City bank was made after statehood. Actually we can pin it down to the late 1880s, some ten years after the close of the territorial period. We have records of fourteen Series of 1875 $5 territorial notes from this interesting bank. They were produced from both the A-B-C-D and E-F-G-H territorial plates. Every one of the known notes was printed after statehood. You wonder—at the The Green Goods Game Conducted by Forrest DanielSC="/4,1 ryr Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 221 very least—if they had to make the E -F-G -H plate why they didn't make a state plate. The fact is that they produced a duplicate territorial plate and waited until after 1890 to convert it. Clearly the Bureau did only as requested. No order arrived from the Comptroller to convert to state issues for this bank until 1890—it is as simple as that! KNOWN BLACK CHARTER NOTES The black charter variety has always been recognized as scarce. As shown in Table 3, Hickman and I have recorded a total of fourteen Central City, Colorado Territorials—all printed after statehood! We are certain that a number of un- recorded Central City territorials await rediscovery. These notes were largely from an old hoard that was distributed years ago. Many of the notes found their way into type collections where they have remained hidden for at least a couple of decades. Table 3. Recorded Original Series and Series of 1875 black charter notes. Charter Location Original 1875 1830 Minneapolis, MN 1 2129 Central City, CO Terr. 14 2130 Red Oak, IA 1 2132 Green Bay, WI 2 2137 Boyertown, PA 4 2138 Rochester, NH 4 2141 Pontiac, IL 2 2 27 Surprising is the fact that the only two Original Series black charters are represented among the twenty nine reported specimens. This minuscule survival rate speaks directly to the attrition of early series notes. We are certain that our totals are incomplete, but we are also convinced that they are reasonably representative of the relative percentages extant for the various banks that issued them. One elusive possibility is a note from Green Lane, Pennsylvania (2131). Hickman remembers a reference to one in the literature, but we are unable to recover that find. For now we are being conservative and classifying it as an unknown type in Table 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Personnel in the Smithsonian Institution Division of Numis- matics—especially Lynn Vosloh—went out of their way to help us locate critical materials for this study. All specimen photos used here are from the Smithsonian holdings. The as- sistance of numerous collectors and dealers who supplied data on known notes was crucial to the success of this work. Gerome Walton reviewed this manuscript and made several comments which resulted in important corrections. If you are interested in the dates on National Bank notes, read either Walton's original research (Walton, 1977, 1978) or a summary in Huntoon (1981). REFERENCES CITED Dillistin, William H., A Descriptive History of National Bank Notes, 1836-1935, Private Printing, Paterson, New Jersey, 55 pp., 1956. Huntoon, Peter, "The Misdated 1902 Plate for the First National Bank of Arizona at Phoenix, Paper Money, v. 20, p. 67-70, 1981. Walton, Gerome, "Dates on Nebraska National Currency," The Numismatist, v. 90, p. 2005-2030, 1977. Walton, Gerome, A History of Nebraska Banking and Paper Money, Centennial Publishers, Lincoln, Nebraska, 674 pp., 1978. NEW SHINPLASTER ENDORSERS IN THE FIELD On Saturday last officers Crosby and Brackett, assisted by others of the police force, arrested two men, named Ben Monmouth, an Englishman, and Charles Thompson—both butchers, charged with passing bills on the "American Bank" of Dover Hill, Indiana, with the endorsement of "W. B. Banning." These men have a slaughter house on the Fort Snelling Road, about three miles from the city, where they have been in the habit of butchering cattle, the meat of which was afterwards sold in quantities to the railroad boardinghouse keepers. The money with the spurious endorsement they used to purchase cattle with. The scene of their swindling operations was in Carver county, among some of the honest rural population, whom they suc- ceeded in inducing to part with sundry fine cattle, giving them as a quid pro quo, this money with the spurious endorsement. Naturally shy of rags, were those sturdy German farmers—and as country people have not so many facilities for posting themselves up as city residents, they were rather unwilling to take the money. The one that did the purchasing has not yet been arrested. Accidentally of course, at this juncture along comes two travel- lers —the same now in jail—who, being accosted and interrogated as to the value of the money, pronounced it as "good as gold." So the Germans let their cattle go, receiving about $170 or $175 of the rags in return for them. The Germans sent a boy to help drive the cattle, but after pro- ceeding a short distance, the travelers casually overtook the men, and offered to help drive the cattle in for a dollar each, as they were going that way. So the boy was sent back, and the three accomplices got off with their cattle, no doubt chuckling over the greenness and gullibillity (sic) of their victims. But the laugh was on the other side of their mouth soon. The men whom they had swindled, on going to Shakopee to make purchases, were informed that the money was worthless. They started on foot to St. Paul, and arriving here, presented the money to Messrs. W. L. Banning & Co., who, of course, denied the paternity of the trash. The Germans then visited Chief Crosby, and stated the circumstances, when he despatched officers as above to their house to arrest the parties. Monmouth was found hard at work carving up an ox. The hides of the animals were identified, and the speculators arrested. As the chief operator of the gang was not arrested, the others were released on paying to the Germans the value of their cattle in good money. It would have been difficult to have convicted them, probably, but it seems too bad to turn them off without any punish- ment for an act which all will condemn as no better than the forgery of a draft or check, which is punished severely.—Saint Paul Daily Minnesotian, Nov. 9, 1958. Page 222 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Benjamin Levy BY EDWARD SCHUMAN The name Levy is one of the most common surnames of Jewish people. Look through a telephone directory of New York City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and even Miami, and you will find listed hundreds and hundreds of Levys; one must wonder how many you must call if you wished to speak to Ben Levy. Jewish people who have decended from the tribe of Levi are named Levy or a close derivative of the name. `VfOrNE: .NL D ‘() ....., iritTe 0 1 VA .4.. , 01t., ri , Cr4 . rn --) :317 gisaSlail____ N '..-90 7 SEVEN --- - ,-,---;-, ,„ --i.k I i 1,ff. \ ,... 1-..- ,—. 90 Z..N 6 Rd 9-11 I s b:11 rhtitits. the ilcsarcr to .tc:A. tic SE - V EN Srmi; 511 Inillail DOLLARS. aribe rola, tbcreof ,a Gold ar .3il‘t.r - ec,,,,rdf.," 4, 4 R.06,41 34 V e (INGRESS P .."1`i w la 'Philadelphia Nov z .;7' 177 6 EYBN DOLLARS. ,;- "../ Il■ 1U. ..r. R A97■, CT ' . ...ea This $7 Continental currency note, signed by B. Levy, bears the motto SERENABIT (It will be calm). There are two Benjamin Levys associated with American numismatics. Among the signers of the Bills of Credit for the Continental Congress in 1776 was Benjamin Levy of Philadel- phia. Little is known of this Benjamin Levy. The notes are signed in the manner of an elderly hand. The signatures are not strong or bold, but appear weak and often seem to have been written in a trembly hand. In all probability, he was at an advanced age when called upon to sign these notes. It is said he was listed as a member of the Midveh Israel, the first Sephardic Synagogue in Philadelphia, and was buried in their cemetery grounds. There are several Benjamin Levys listed in early tax rolls, but absolute identification has not been established. He is one of the three known Jewish signers of these notes. The other two were Benjamin Jacobs and Samuel Lyon. These prominent men lent credibility to this paper money of the Con- tinental Congress by hand signing its notes. There was nothing to back this currency except the good names, and in some cases the pledged fortunes of these patriots, whose beliefs were so strong that they were able and willing to give up everything. All Jewish - signed colonial notes are highly desireable. The late Richard Picker, a dealer who specialized in colonial numismatics, accumulated one of the largest collections of Jewish signers and introduced me to this sub-specialty more than thirty years ago. These were the only numismatic items of paper he would not sell. He would trade his duplicates for other denominations he was missing. There is quite a bit more information on the next Benjamin Levy. He was a third generation American, named for his grandfather who had emigrated from London to the American Colonies, and settled in Newport, Rhode Island. Benjamin's father, Simeon (1748-1825), was a teacher of mathematics, Hebrew and English in the school of Shearith Israel Congrega- tion, in New York City, and it was here where Benjamin was born in 1786. He came from a well educated family, consider- ing the time and circumstances. The father's wage hardly supported the large family of six or seven children, so when Benjamin was of age, he left for New Orleans to seek his fortune. The education he received from his father, and the atmosphere of books and learning absorbed in his home, followed him all his life. He became the first Jewish bookseller in New Orleans, and after an initial business failure, he established Benjamin Levy and Co. This store offered advertising books, stationery, bind- ings and subscriptions to the popular literary journals of the day. He believed in advertising profusely in New Orleans and Louisiana newspapers, and offered such varied assortments as home remedy guides, classical literature, history books, novels, classics, biographies, drama and politics. His specialty was legal books, and considerable trade was achieved with at- torneys at law. Among the stationery items carried were quills, inks, writing paper, notebooks and such. He was the first Jewish printer and publisher in the country, and in addition to printing legal forms, notary forms, books and pamphlets, his other specialties were commercial forms, bills of exchange, steamboat bills, custom house forms, lottery tickets, theater tickets and bank checks and bonds. It is these last items that endear him to us numismatically, though some might say that the interesting license form that he printed for the New Orleans City Government which was issued to pro- stitutes who observed the law which prohibited their occupying ground floor quarters, might have greater appeal. Benjamin Levy's name appears on many of the early bank checks of New Orleans and that vicinity. Examples from dif- ferent banks are illustrated. He printed the Louisana State Bond of December 31st, 1828, a 5 07o Bond of $1000 denomina- tion, as well as the May 9th, 1833 bond. "Printed by Benjamin Levy-New Orleans" is placed at the bottom of the bond. His talents were also in demand by the State of Mississippi; their issue of 1831 was printed by him. This time his name appears under the heading "State of Mississippi". Even the Texas Republic called upon him to print two of their bond loans of 1836. All of these are of modest rarity and certainly highly col- lectible to Judaica specialists. Poor investments in banking stocks and insurance com- panies, of which he became a member of the board of direc- tors, caused him to fall into bankrupcy later in life. He never resumed his place in business, but assisted his son Alexander Levy who took over the remains as Alexander Levy and Co. He died on January 10th 1860. The editors of the Daily Crescent, a New Orleans newspaper, expressed their respectfor this man in their eulogy: "Death of an Old Citizen.—Benjamin Levy has been called hence; he departed this life yesterday morning at his residence on Canal Street in the 74th year of age. Mr. Levy was a native of Long Island, New York and arrived in this city about the year 1812. His profession as a bookbinder and printer led him - -7 ma 4 (Printed e nd Sold by IL Lell.; ¢lftI woo l ,avlyymponfsp. ;.; [Printed and Sold by liebramin Levy ) Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 223 to be largely concerned with the art preservative of all arts— printing. In the year 1818 he opened a large and extensive book and stationery store on Conti Street at about the intersection of Exchange Alley. In the year 1822 he established the New Orleans Price Current, which has attained so high an eminence in the commercial world and now located on Camp Street. His connection with the Price Current was of many years' dura- tion. He was one of the pioneers of journalism in our city. For a long period of time—over a quarter of a century—Mr. Levy stood the highest of the high in his vocation. Like thousands of others he had to undergo the viscissitudes (sic) and revulsions of commerce and trade. He met the adversities and disasters with courage and rectitude. In the many relations of life and as a good citizen he stood high and unblemished. Over forty years ago he became connected by marriage, with the old, respected and ancient family of Prieur. His descendants enjoy high social position in our community. In fine, our departed friend was emphatically a good man; he was universally respected by all our citizens. And thus, one by one, the men of other days are called from this sublunary sphere." These checks are but two examples of many printed by Benjamin Levy. 147r-Npw-owse. As iltagi,17q :EVINVAA IVAITX,) l'\4V7,41rieN 112- if#10,14/En.'VsAt .^1263:&,' ret m T HI RTY-TW INM,LAIUSt .440, ,Xas-kselsassa oar tz ,..1:?4,a.t o Three Hundred and Twenty Dollars, pet rAta,(44 Syr 4.Sis .14.; thio to /4 $1■11W7PAMPoli!,"fre f-ZAwY14 aim /, fiil.wwwww,e fife EIGHT PER CENTUM PER ANNUM. Affe4114 ,/roa.Ce ptwo, arx.4.4, essmirari; whsia 144,14seveb naa Af7 / a ,../1-/-4•;--,:e aoausatefraa,/ ,..20.7 Gt faA,..ort 4 ItTit2a4.01.irm 00)9.4a;41.4 Ate etildr reittnsonv tensTrat, s‘as,s, .'e or issn4 ,ss `K,;* o fitterys.w.aagm --), hie.; /4‘ ,c‘,7 4,,,-,641 & i an, A.;*-dsa, t" nun Page 224 Paper Money Whole No. 113 The signature of S.F. Austin, on this loan certificate, represents the son of Moses Austin. Levy's possessions and cash assets amounted to a total of $1,760, including the value of a slave, and were divided among his son and his sisters. Touching were his comments about slaves. "My wish and direction is that the above Slave Richard is never to be sold, mortgaged out for a longer term than one year at a time, and never to be hired out of the State of Louisi- ana. I should like to give to each of the coloured people Born into my family viz, Richard-Harry, Samuel, Ellen, Joseph, Martha and Horace and Millee, belonging to my Dear Grand Children some small memento of their old Master, and to whom I have been always strongly attached. This wish, my family will carry out, in the best way they may choose to adopt." Several books and monographs have been published on Benjamin Levy. He is listed in the book The Early Jews of New Orleans by Bertram W. Korn from which most of the material for this article was derived. He is also listed in several registers of early printers and book sellers. One hundred thirty three identifiable books and pamphlets have been attributed to his press. The majority, of legal nature, were reference volumes, penal codes and compilations of appeals and briefs. Acts of incorporations of banks and other business institutions are about a quarter of his publications. The balance consisted of almanacs, city directories and items of general interest. The New Orleans Price Current and Commercial Intelligencer was the first business directory to appear in New Orleans. It listed wholesale and retail prices for most commodities, not only in New Orleans, but in several of the other larger cities as well. However it is as the printer of bank checks and of several city and state bonds that Benjamin Levy should be remembered numismatically. r.../rxaorocxs. a . tvwx:cov Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 225 INTERESTING STATISTICS ON MISSOURI NATIONAL BANKS AND THEIR NOTES by BRUCE W. SMITH (Photo from The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, courtesy of Gene Hessler) I n Missouri, 265 National banks, out of 289 chartered, issued notes from 123 towns. Two of these towns no longer exist, i.e. Leeds and Carondelet, having been absorbed into Kansas City and St. Louis respectively. One bank, the Interstate National of Kansas City, moved into Mis- souri from Kansas. Another bank was located in a town that moved! Linn Creek was moved a few miles away when Lake of the Ozarks was constructed; the original site is now beneath the lake. At least one bank moved to another town. The First National Bank of Webb City moved to Carterville in 1897. The town of Luxemburg changed its name to Lemay. Only six banks in Missouri issued 1875 series $1s and $2s; only four banks issued $5 value backs, and only twelve banks issued $10 and $20 value backs. In high denomination notes, only four banks issued $50 and $100 small size notes, only one bank issued type II $50s and no type II $100s were issued in Missouri. No bank in Missouri issued $500 or $1000 nationals and several banks issued $50s and $100s only, for some reason. The banks in Kansas City and Joplin seemed to prefer these denominations (the small $50 and $100 notes were issued by two banks in each town). There were a few odd titles used in Missouri. There were banks at California and Nevada, Missouri; the Conquerer National Bank in Joplin; the Bankers Worlds Fair and Chemical National Banks in St. Louis; the New England, the Interstate and the Stockyards National Banks, and two Drovers National Banks, all in Kansas City. And, as one might assume, several banks were named after their founders. (statistics on following page) Page 226 Number of Banks issuing various First Charter $1 27 $2 27 types of notes in Missouri ST. LOUIS 1918 Series Paper Money Whole No. 113 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES Amount issued Notes out 1944 Comments $5 39 total 52 different banks One Dollar $27,908,000 82,511 four signature varieties$10 27 Two Dollar 6,600,000 8,202 four signature$20 25 combinations Five Dollar 7,620,000 2,382 three signature 1875 Series $1 5 1467,1571,1803,1843,2013 combinations $2 5 ditto Ten Dollar 1,000,000 237 one signature $5 25 combination $10 19 Twenty Dollar 480,000 93 12 known to $20 19 exist today Fifty Dollar 200,000 64 30-33 known 1882 Value Back $5 4 5156, 5388, 5827, 5973 today $10 12 $20 12 1914 Series Red Seal Notes No statistics known for number issued Red Seals $5 31 Highest serial numbers recorded for St. Louis:$10 79 $20 76 Five Dollar 2,2xx,xxx Ten Dollar 817,xxx * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Twenty Dollar 87,xxx Fifty Dollar 18,xxx only 119 notes outstanding on all Hundred Dollar ???? districts!$50s $100s Original 5 banks 3 banks 89, 139, 170, 1612, 1665, 1929 Series Small Size Amounts issued: 1875 3 2 170, 283, 2440 Five Dollar 276,000 notes Brown Back 19 19 Ten Dollar 1,584,000 notes 1882 Date Back 4 4 4425, 4611, 5002, 5172 Twenty Dollar 444,000 notes Value Back no higher denominations issued in St. Louis Red Seal 6 6 170, 283, 3456, 3841, 7179, 8455 1902 Date Back 10 10 KANSAS CITY FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES 1902 Plain Back 5 5 3456, 4425, 5002, 10231, 11037 Type I small 4 4 3456, 4425, 11344, 13162 Type II small 1 3456 (only 198 notes issued) Amount issued Notes out 1944 Different banks 34 33 1918 Series One Dollar $24,820,000 98,225 Two Dollar 5,304,000 7,846 Five Dollar 24,040,000 13,404 Ten Dollar 5,040,000 1,480 Small size notes: $500 67 banks; $10 110 banks; $20 101 banks. Twenty Dollar 3,600,000 674 Total of 119 different banks issued small size. 1929 Series Serial numbers of 30 of the 33 known 1918 St. Louis $50 FRBN: Five Dollar 2,460,000 103 110 115 117 118 122 138 151 153 Ten Dollar 1,284,000 168 608 649 656 671 674 682 683 689 Twenty Dollar 612,000 741 751 774 821 898 2128 2923 3213 3299 Fifty Dollar 276,000 3402 3800 3458 Hundred Dollar 96,000 NOTICE The following have been removed from membership. 6478 Francis Ochenkowski, Ludlow, MA 6577 Paul Rudolf, Norwalk, OH Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 227 Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States, the Confederate States and Canada by RICHARD T. HOOBER (Continued from PM No. 112, Page 186) ILLINOIS BLOOMINGTON —CHICAGO, ALTON & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD 1. 5.00 (L) 5. (C) Train. (R) Liberty seated, 5 above. R5 2. 10.00 (L) 10. (C) Train. (R) Ceres, 10 above. Date-1855, part ink. Imprint—R. C. Root Anthony & Co. N. York. R5 Illinois No. 2. CHICAGO—ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY The state-owned road was chartered in 1836. The scrip listed was issued during the nation's financial crisis of 1907-1908. 3. 10.00 (L) Insignia. (R) 10. R2 4. 20.00 Similar to No. 3, except for denomination. Date—November 1st, 1907. Imprint—Western Bank Note & Eng. Co. Chicago. R2 (iA-41 CA 0 NOVEMBER 1 5_:' 1907 n, '1'4) 111.•\ • • t• •Vi :1 4 11 1 1 Si ‘14:* ) 12•1410... .41KI lik• /1 'or -1 A••• • ,• • • • • • •• •• TH • • • • TO I..„MERCWANT+6 LOAtt* TRUST C i()** .. **. ."„ •„‘,_ •• _ „, • •• , • • - • • •• • • •• • • •• •• • • •••• • ;CHICWO. ILL •• • • : : • , :40*.■ ,,, is i-??,44 ,,,, ,,, ,46.4 *I- sm.,. H.. ‘,41': 4) • • • • • •4, 1101' a • • • 0 • • • • • ••* 0** Verliselnientiner•XW4Ktow"- -....to-• 0 .1i, U.,..11.) c.) 4 'A -'1`);A Y 1 0/1;11 Page 228 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Illinois No. 4. LaSALLE— ILLINOIS & ROCK RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY Under a Special Act of the legislature, passed February 27, 1842, the railroad was authorized to construct and maintain a line between LaSalle and Dixon. The charter was for 50 years, with construction to start within one year and be completed in five years. However, little construction was actually done. 5. 25(C No description. 6. 1.00 (L) Medallion head. (C) Ceres between ls. (R) ONE. 7. 2.00 (L) Medallion head. (C) Female, eagle and shield, between 2s. (R) TWO. 8. 3.00 (L) Medallion head. Female and cherub holding drapery over eagle, between 3s. Date—Oct. 1, 1841, part ink. Imprint—Durand & Company, New York. R7 R6 R6 R6 Illinois No. 8. y.INve 144, *WI at Meiv rate v•itti.1" ,a0“. ntot.ritrSu tli,oso COrr 06 St. Louis & Southea,stern Railway Comp my,< (44: ,IDATEL4 .) ; TIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS, GCE FOR FIVE DOLLARS, riCat at the elite of the Treasurer, St. Louis, r11 o.)) awahis ei rent. per annum.: Good only when counto4ignal dy the p,tyshitter f the Ca. 4,4 IA interest at the rate o of Thtsturc 44.4diarr. eight 14;11,44144x tht Conti Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 229 PEKIN— ILLINOIS RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY 9. 101 (L) 10. (R) Train. R7 10. 250 No description. Date—Nov. 27, 1862. Imprint — Lith. by Ed Mendel, 162 Lake St. Chicago. R7 UNKNOWN— ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY Although the railroad was chartered by the state of Illinois in 1869, the Paymaster's office was located in Evansville, Indiana, and the Treasurer's office was in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1870, the line was consolidated with the Evansville & Southern R.R., and the Evansville, Car- mi & Paducah R.R. In 1880, the road became part of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad System. 1. 5.00 R7 INDIANA COLUMBUS—MADISON & INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD COMPANY The first railroad in the state, it was chartered in 1832. The line was completed to In- dianapolis October 1847. 1. 5.00 (L) Woman holding rake, FIVE above, V below. (C) Train, Washington at left, Mar- shall at right. (R) Farmer picking corn, FIVE above, V below. Date— Sept. 14, 1842, part ink. Imprint —Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, Cincinnati. R4 FORT WAYNE— FORT WAYNE & SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY 2. 1.00 No description. R7 4,41,4.4"44 .40,1,4.44. 4 •4 x, 4 .9 ,, t .0, , 4 NORTHERN INDIANA R R TWENT DOLLARS "ha/ WN, 1 r G Page 230 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Indiana No. 1. LOGANSPORT—CRAWFORDSVILLE, LOGANSPORT & NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD BANK Six separate companies bearing the name "Northern Indiana" were incorporated between 1835 and 1855, making it difficult to assign notes to any one particular corporation. This line now belongs to the New York Central System (prior to merging with the Pennsylvania Railroad). 3. 1.00 No description. R7 4. 2.00 No description. R7 5. 5.00 (L) Indian, 5 above, FIVE below. (C) Angel blowing trumpet, eagle. (R) Train, 5 above, FIVE BELOW. R5 6. 10.00 (L) Liberty, TEN above. (C) Men and woman gathering grain. (R) State seal, TEN above, X below. R5 7. 10.00 (L) Medallion head, TEN above, TEN below. (C) Ceres, mill. (R) Train, TEN above. R5 Indiana No. 8. Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 231 8. 20.00 (L) Justice, 20 above, TWENTY below. (C) Female with harp. (R) Minerva, 20 above. Date—May, 1859, part ink. Imprint—W. L. Ormsby, New York. Baker & Duyckinck, N.Y. R7 LOGANSPORT—CRAWFORDSVILLE, LOGANSPORT & NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY 9. 1.00 (L) Female leaning on shield bearing 1, ONE above. (C) Female, eagle and shield. (R) Indian, 1 above. Ornate red reverse. R5 10. 2.00 (L) Ceres, 2 above. (C) Train. (R) Female holding harp, TWO above and below. Ornate red reverse. R6 11. 5.00 (L) Train, 5 above and below. (C) Female seated. (R) Ceres, FIVE above. Ornate red reverse. R5 12. 5.00 Similar to No. 11, except ornate green reverse. Date—Oct. 6, 1854. Imprint—W.L. Ormsby, New York. Baker & Duyckinck, N.Y. R7 Indiana No. 10. LOGANSPORT—NORTHERN & EASTERN RAILROAD COMPANY 13. 10.00 No description. R7 Il MAR ION &MISSISSINEWA VALLEY Rail Road Co. Fiv6 Dollars // 4--e; /7 ( // //Z / (1/ 1\. /7/Ir // ///;/ r/ // //////,/,/,/ /// 7/7 / /// //r/ r 7 Marian. // Page 232 Paper Money Whole No. 113 MARION—MARION & LOGANSPORT RAILROAD COMPANY 14. 1.00 (L) Woodsman with axe and log, 1 above. (C) Female, eagle. (R) Train, ONE on 1 above. R6 15. 2.00 (L) Train, 2 above. (C) Train under viaduct. (R) Rider with cattle, 2 above. R6 16. 5.00 (L) Liberty, 5 above. (C) Train, deer. (R) Ornate panel. Date—January 2, 1854, part ink. Imprint—Danforth, Wright & Co. New York & Philadelphia. R7 Indiana No. 15. MARION—MARION & MISSISSINEWA VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY 17. 5.00 (L) Female portrait, 5 above, FIVE below. (C) Train. (R) W.H. Harrison, 5 above, FIVE BELOW. Date—July 14, 1854. Imprint—Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, Cincinnati & N.Y. R6 Indiana No. 17. 0111 M. ;:sAJIAY. 4, t Lid NJ) , \ —7 s/1^ ti I STATE.. f" / // /:, / z /4/i/f-7/ ///r 17/M1 / Paper Money Whole No. 113 MARION—OHIO, INDIANA & ILLINOIS RAILROAD COMPANY Page 233 18. 1.00 (L) Female portrait, 1 above. (C) Train, large ornate ONE. (R) Female portrait, 1 above. R5 19. 1.00 Similar to No. 18, except "Secured by Real Estate" under portrait. R7 20. 2.00 (L) Female portrait, 2 above. (C) Train. (R) W. H. Harrison, 2 above. R4 21. 2.00 Date—Jan. 26, 1855, part ink. Imprint —Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, Cincinnati. Similar to No. 20, except "Secured by Real Estate" around safe at bottom. R7 Indiana No. 20. MUNCIE—FORT WAYNE & SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY The road was incorporated January 15, 1849. During its existence 63.51 miles of grading work was performed, but no actual rails were laid. The company was sold to the Ft. Wayne, Muncie & Cincinnati Railway Co. on November 7, 1868. Via several subsequent mergers, it be- came part of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railway System (the Nickle Plate Line). 22. 1.00 (L) Farm scene, 1 above. (C) Woodcutters between Is. (R) Washington, 1 above, ONE below. R5 23. 1.00 (L) Train, ONE above. (C) Deer, 1 left. (R) Train, 1 above, ONE below. Red ONE on reverse. R7 24. 3.00 (L) Train, THREE ABOVE. (C) Deer, 3 left. R6 25. 3.00 (L) Ceres holding a 3, 3 below. (C) Canal boat, train and farm scene. (R) Daniel Webster, 3 above. R5 (To be continued) Page 234 Paper Money Whole No. 113 unco, Bogus and Bank Robbin' A Sorry Record Compiled by BARRY WEXLER, SPMC #5000 "Why He Counterfeited" Alfred S. Cunningham, now in jail in Chicago for counterfeiting, is reported to have made a confession of his crime. He is an old man and for a long time has made counterfeit silver coin of superior ex- cellence. He says that in 1892, he discovered a new power which he believes will displace steam, electricity and all other motive powers. To get money to develop his invention he began to make counterfeit money. In his confession he says : "My conscience rebelled at the thought, but my secret forced me on and on. I was an honest man. I never had wronged any man and I had no wish to do so. I could have made a fortune with my counterfeits. I might have manufactured any quantity of them I chose. There was no limit to the number I could have made. But the presses and dies were abhorrent to me. I used them simply as a means of pursuing my work on the motor. "I made just enough of the counterfeits to keep me alive and to enable me to work upon my plans for the motor. It was the motor, and not the counterfeiting, that absorbed my life. For five years I struggled on, living in poverty, with wealth lying at my very feet. The few persons who knew me did not know my secret, either of the motor or of the counterfeiting. I guarded the one as jealously as the other. I was so jealous of this motor that I would have sacrificed anything and everything for it, to keep the invention from falling into the hands of others. "I do not know how much counterfeit money I made during those years, but the amount was small—very small. The bulk of it I hoarded away, to be used in putting together my machine. The detec- tives found this money when they came, and there was only $300 of it. I had no confederates, no assistants, no associates in my counter- feiting. I made the money and passed it myself. "I intended when my invention was finally in shape to be put in the hands of capitalists, to destroy my presses and dies and to bury the recollection of my wrongdoing. I thought I would some day be a great man. I firmly believed it—but now everything is gone—gone. (Oc- tober, 1902: No. 10). "Dirty Money In Cleveland" The health authorities in Cleveland, Ohio, have begun a war against the use of dirty money in that city, claiming that many cases of smallpox and other contagious diseases can be directly traced to its cir- culation. Many of the banks have agreed to gather in what they can of the worst appearing of the paper now in circulation here and replace it with new bills. Several of the stores have begun to give only new money in change. (September, 1902: No. 9). "Counterfeits In Safe Deposit Box" The officers of a safe deposit company in Toledo, Ohio, recently opened a box in its vaults, the rent for which had not been paid in a year. About $10,000 counterfeit $10 silver certificates, with the plates from which they were printed, were found in the box, and Chief Wilkie of the Secret Service was notified. An investigation showed that only one attempt to pass a counterfeit bill of that description had been made. This attempt occurred at Greensburg, Ind., and the man who tendered the bill was arrested. He gave the name of Alfred A. Creps, a lawyer of Lima, Ohio. The United States Commissioner before whom Creps was arraigned declined to hold him. A few days after his release Creps committed suicide at Wooster, Ohio. When Chief Wilkie learned these facts he obtained from the deposit com- pany a description of the man, and also wired the Chief of Police of Greensburg for a description of Creps. The description given by the Chief of Police tallied with that of the Toledo company, making it practically certain that Creps was the man who deposited the $10,000 in the safe deposit company's box. In renting the box the man gave the name of Alfred Kent, and described himself as a book agent of Tiffin, Ohio. (April 1899: No. 4). "A 'Green Goods' Plant Captured A most important capture of "green goods" men was effected in Newark, N.J., and this city, by the Post Office authorities last month. Post Office Inspector Michael Boyle planned the capture, which was in every way successful, not only the criminals being caught but for the first time the entire green goods plant was also taken. Five men and one woman were arrested. Four, Joseph R. Baker, Elmer Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottlieb, were arrested at No. 25 Water Street, Newark, and George Brown, and Thomas Henry were arrested in this city (N.Y.) Many complaints of green goods victims had been received and Inspector Boyle finally located the plant at No. 25 Water Street, Newark. The New York Post Office Inspectors under Chief Swift be- ing known to the green goods men, Inspectors Cortelyou and Duryea of Philadelphia and Bullman and McMillan of Boston were brought on to shadow the gang. They kept the Water Street house under close supervision for several days, and finally on August 20 they saw a man, evidently a victim, go to the house in the company of Elmer Brown, the alleged "steerer," the one who meets the victim and conducts him to the "turning joint," or place where the robbery is committed. A lit- tle way behind Brown and his victim they saw Baker, the "trailer," whose duty it is to see that the victim is not followed by the police. The pair entered the house and later came out. The victim carried a miniature trunk about ten inches long and four wide. That, the inspec- tors throught, contained the alleged counterfeit money. The "steerer" and "trailer" took the victim to an express office, where the little trunk, which the victim thought contained $5,000 in bills printed from stolen government plates, was shipped to New Haven, Conn., the vic- tim's home. Then the inspectors closed in and placed the two men under arrest. The victim said he was Antonio Caperossi, a butcher and marketman of New Haven. He admitted that he had paid $300 for the supposed money, and was thunderstruck when the inspectors secured the trunk and showed him it contained nothing but strips of green paper cut the size of bills. A few moments after Brown and Baker had been arrested a raid was made on the Water Street house, and the Gott- liebs were taken into custody. In the house all manner of green goods paraphernalia were found, including circular letters, a dozen or more of the little trunks, and piles of green paper. But the "turners," the two men who sold the money, had left the house when the raid was made. The inspectors, however, knew the habits of the men, and the same night watched the Cortlandt Street ferry. They took Caperossi with them. About 10 o'clock he suddenly exclaimed, "There are the two men who robbed me !" Henry and Brown were then taken into custody. (September, 1902: No. 9). Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 235 A Different View of Late Finished Plates Used to Print Small Size Notes by MICHAEL KANE P eter Huntoon's article in Paper Money, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, shows, if anything, that his research is almost impeccable, yet the conclusions from this endeavor border on sophistry. Why he insists on refuting Chuck O'Don- nell's claim that those early macro check numbers were "trial" or experimental plates is not clear—especially since his research tables confirm Chuck's speculation. For instance, Mr. Huntoon states in his second paragraph on page 122, "He (Chuck) speculated that they were (1) the first plates manufactured of their kind and (2) they were used experimentally before regular production of macro plates. The data in Table 3 refutes both claims." (emphasis mine) Although he is correct in showing from Table 3 that these notes were not used experimentally before regular production of the macro plates—EXCEPT of course in the #10 series when plate #87 was not only the original macro plate but also the first production plate for that series, he none-the-less is categorically wrong in refuting O'Donnell's claim that they were the first plates manufactured of their kind—a claim which is verified in Mr. Huntoon's Table 2. Table 2 shows that from the sequential order of numerically numbered plates, the bureau, on September 1, 1936, began uniform back plate 469 on the $1 series as well as—on the same date!—back plate 470 in macro size numbers. This was a variation—indeed a major variation for the bureau—that would eventually become a standard and established change in the size of all check numbers. Twenty-two months earlier, they had done the same thing with uniform check number 204 on the $20 series with check number 205 being produced as a micro plate. On dif- ferent dates, the same procedure happened for the $5 and $10 denomination notes with sequential numerical order in micro size plates preceding and following check #307 on the $5s and 86,87 on the $10s. These major variations—this departure from the norm—are indeed trial plates and therefore the FIRST to be manufactured. When they were finished and sub- sequently put into production is irrevelant regarding Mr. Hun- toon's refutation of Mr. O'Donnell's claim. In fact, "late finished" is far from a proper definition for any of these "pro- totype" plates—as indeed they may well be called. Mr. Hun- toon seems to have a problem with the definition of "trial" plate in regard to issuance or production as compared with "trial" plate regarding the striking of (engraving) the pro- totype. Therefore he dismisses their uniqueness on the grounds they weren't put into a production capacity—or finished and put to work—fast enough. In order to clarify the terminology, Mr. Huntoon may want to refer to them as the first macro prototype plates, even though trial plates as Chuck O'Donnell describes this variety is self-evident. There is no doubt the bureau debated, procrastinated, and had innumerable disagreements about these first prototype plates. In fact, if the tables are correct, the bureau took just over three years from the day the first prototype was struck until the first macro plate was used in an issuance. This seems like a commensurate time lag considering bureaucratic decision-making, especially such a major change in its printing policies. Therefore, Mr. Huntoon's claim and refutation of Chuck O'Donnell's definition is rather specious. The striking of a prototype plate is unique and self-evident, and the time frames between when it was finished and eventually used is totally ir- revelant to the term we use to describe the plate. In fact, because of the priority of those prototype plates, any notes printed are by definition trial plate notes—regardless of when they were printed. The interesting thing is that these plates were used, period, which can only be attributed to the bureau's fastidious and economical budget. In this regard, these notes will, in the near future, be recognized as a premier and highly desirable major variety, especially the $10 1934A face #87, which stands as the first and only small size note in any denomination initially issued (in macro check numbers) from the original—or prototype—plate, and as such is a rather rare bird in the esoteric field of Small Size Currency. WHITTIER COIN CLUB OBSERVES 25th YEAR The Whittier (California) Coin Club observes its 25th year in Sep- tember. In recognition of the event, several related items have been prepared. A souvenir card has been produced which shows a second charter banknote of the National Bank of Whittier, courtesy of the Charles G. Colver collection. The note was signed by two Whittier pioneers, F.W. Hadley and I. Hadley, officers of the bank. The bank was chartered October 2, 1900. The history of the bank is repeated on the souvenir card designed by former Whittier Coin Club president, Dr. Sol Taylor (1964-66, 1975). An anniversary banquet is scheduled on September 12th featuring additional souvenirs and banquet favors. Tickets for the banquet are available from anniversary chairman, Nate Bromber, 15540 E. Lambert Rd., Whittier, CA 90604. The souvenir cards are available to the public at $2.50 each plus 37C for first class postage. A total of 500 cards was printed using the ther- mography process which gives a raised effect similar to that produced by engraving. Each card is numbered on the back "Copy # of 500". One hundred of the cards are to be retained by the club for speaker's awards, door prizes and mementos. An additional fifty cards will be postmarked on the anniversary date, September 12th at the main Whittier Post Office. These FDC cards will be available after that date at $3.00 each plus 37(r postage. Card orders should be sent to Dr. Sol Taylor, P.O. Box 5465, N. Hollywood, CA 91616 with pay- ment made directly to Dr. Taylor. In its quarter century, the Whittier Coin Club has had amongst its members, Q. David Bowers (who lived in Whittier when he first moved to the West Coast), Richard M. Nixon, Bill Willoughby Sr., W.V. Tracy (life member #1), Bob Davis, Walt Holzworth (one of the original Treasure Salvors), Nate Bromberg (junior numismatist acti- vist), Bob ("Big Roo") Marshall, Australian specialist and junior numismatist sponsor, Francis Rickard, John Ballard, and many others active in local and regional numismatics. The club meets the second Friday at Parnell Park, Scott Avenue at Lambert Road in Whittier. For club information contact Nate Bromberg. Page 236 Paper Money Whole No. 113 74 Edeereatioad liate 2,eacpee,t4 Zaw sx,rwelett by GENE HESSLER (Continued from PM No. 112, Page 173) WALTER SHIRLAW and His Work Walter Shirlaw at work in his studio. At the upper right is the painting for the unissued $10 educational note. (Courtesy of Frank Levitan) Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 23 7 A s a young boy, Walter Shirlaw sketched, modelled inclay and carved in wood. Of these three artistic ex-pressions, sculpting is the only one he did not pursue seriously. Shirlaw gained recognition as a painter, muralist, engraver and as a creator of stained-glass. Both of his parents were American. However, Walter Shirlaw was born in Paisley, Scotland on 6 August 1838. The elder Shirlaw, an inventor who made hand looms, his wife and their three year old son returned to the United States in 1841. At the age of twelve the young artist-to-be went to work as an office boy for Tirrell and Valentine, real estate speculators. Before his thirteenth birthday, Shirlaw was apprenticed as an engraver to the banknote firm of Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson. As he learned the techniques of banknote engraving and design during the day, the ambitious Shirlaw attended art school in the evenings. After five years, when young Walter Shirlaw had saved $800—the same amount he would receive for designing the $5 educational note—he left the banknote firm to pursue a career as a painter. His first paintings to be exhibited—one of which was Eager for the Fray—were seen at the National Academy of the Arts and the Pennsylvania Academy in 1861. Four years later it was necessary for Walter Shirlaw to return to engraving to make a living. As a frustrated painter, Shirlaw moved to Chicago to work as a banknote engraver with the Western Bank Note Co.; he remained there until 1870. During his years with this company the maturing Shirlaw was instrumental in founding the Chicago Art Institute. As most American artists of the time, Shirlaw felt it nec- essary to further his study in Europe. In 1870, the year he left the Western Bank Note Co., Shirlaw sailed to Paris. Upon ar- rival he found the city was under seige' by the Germans, so, he immediately travelled to Munich. His first teacher was George Raab; others were Alexander Wagner, A.G. von Rambuerg (Romburgh) and William Lindenschmidt, the younger. Two of Shirlaw's most famous paintings, the Toning of the Bell (1874) and Sheep Shearing in the Bavarian Highlands (1876) were done while he lived in Munich. The German Government was so impressed with the American's ability that the artist was of- fered a studio and models at the government's expense. After seven years in Europe, Walter Shirlaw felt confident enough to return to the United States, this time to make his mark as a painter. In 1880, three years after his return to New York, the forty two year old artist had his most important ex- hibition. Facilities were unavailable in New York City, so the showing of his paintings took place at the Gallery of Doll and Richards in Boston. The reviews were favorable, but since the exhibition had taken place outside New York City, the impact on the fickle art world was muted. Twelve years later the art world accepted the middle-aged artist. Shirlaw was one of eight American artists, including Ed- win H. Blashfield, selected to decorate the Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Buildings at the Columbian Exposition in 1893. (see Part I PM No. 112, p. 174) Afterward, like Blashfield, Shirlaw was commissioned to decorate the interiors of buildings and private residences. The American artists had caused a stir in Chicago. This engraving was lot no. 58 in the Glenn B. Smedley Collection sold by Medlar's Rare Coins & Currency in September, 1981. Walter Shirlaw also acted as an illustrator for Harper's Monthly, Scribner's Monthly and The Century Magazine. With few exceptions, photography has long since replaced the once popular art of illustration. As one might surmise, an artist of Shirlaw's status was a member of and often held office in the most prestigious art societies. As stated earlier, this artist helped found the Chicago Institute of Art; he was the first president of the Society of American Artists; he was a founder and member of the Water- Color-Etching and Mural Painter's Society; he was a member of the National Academy of Design; and he taught at the Art Student's League in New York City. The $5 educational note, considered by many to be one of the most beautiful banknotes to be issued by our own govern- ment, and the $10 essai for the same series were designed by Walter Shirlaw. The original paintings for both hang in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. As with the other designers of the educational notes, these designs are seldom, if ever, mentioned or listed when the works of this artist are discussed in print. During his lifetime Walter Shirlaw lived in Holland, Italy, Germany and England, However, it was in Spain that he died the day after Christmas in 1909. He is buried in English Cemetery in Madrid. Page 238 Paper Money Whole No. 113 THE ART WORK OF WALTER SHIRLAW TITLE LOCATION/PUBLICATION TITLE LOCATION/PUBLICATION Agriculture and Forestry Bureau of Engraving and Print- Jealousy Architecture, Commerce and ing, Washington, D.C. —engraved for the Western Bank Liberty and Progress —engraved by G.F.C. Smillie, see Paper Money, Vol. XX, No. 92, p. 81 for illustration Mechanics Note Co, by Charles Schlecht Lost Chord (stained-glass Private residence Autumn "Memorial Collection of Works window) by Walter Shirlaw," Chicago Lost Stitch "Cincinnati Art Museum 20th Art Institute, 1911 Annual Exhibition, " 1913 Bacchinal Detroit Institute of Art Lunettes: Garden Fete, Chateau Private Residence, Albany, Brittany Pastoral "Annual Exhibition of d'Anet, Time of Henri II N.Y. American Art," Cincinnati Art Madonna and Child (Mother "Memorial Collection of Works Museum 1900-1945 and Child) by Walter Shirlaw," Chicago Buffalo Hunt "Painters from Catlin to Art Institute, 1911 Russell," Exhibition at the Los Angeles County Art Museum, 1972 Mechanics —engraved by G.F.C. Smillie, see Paper Money, Vol. XX, No. 92, p. 81 for illustration Buffalo Hunt "The Lure of the Great West," F. Getlein ed., Country Mechanics (unfinished, different from above) —engraved by Lorenzo Hatch Beautiful, Wankeaha, WI, 1973 Night, a Reverie "Memorial Collection of Works Dorthea A. Dreier "Collection of the Societe of Walter Shirlaw," Chicago Anonyme," Gallery of Fine Art Institute, 1911 Arts, Yale University, New Haven, 1920 Old Fiddler "National Academy of Design 69th Annual Exhibition," 1898 Drying Nets Old Poets "National Academy of Design Eager for the Fray American Art and American 71st Annual Exhibition," 1896 Art Collections, E.W. Walker, Boston, 1889 Peace and Plenty: Poetry, Art Private Residence Merriment and Pastoral Life Electra (same as Physics) —engraved for the International Bank Note Co. by Lorenzo Hatch Pearl American Mural Painting, Pauline King, Noyes, Platt & Co., Boston, 1901 Electricity Presenting Light to Bureau of Engraving and the World Printing Washington, D.C. Psychie Figures History of American Painting, S. Isham, Macmillan Co., 1927 Rainbow (stained-glass window) Roses Private Residence, NYC National Museum of American Glass Blowers "Epic of Industry," M. Kier, Pageant of America, Yale Rufina Art, Washington, D.C. University, New Haven, 1926 Good Morning v.5, Albright Gallery, Buffalo, NY Sciences: Zoology, Physics, Mathematics and Geology; Archaeology, Botany, Library of Congress, Washing- ton, D.C. Goose Girl American Art and American Astronomy and Chemistry Art Collections, E.W. Walker, Boston, 1889 Self Portrait Chicago Art Institute, and "Catalogue of Memorial Col- Gooseherd Representative Works of Con- temporary Art, A. Trumble, Scribner's Sons, NY 1887 lections of Works by Walter Shirlaw" Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, 1910 Gossip Harmonies Sheep Shearing in the Bavarian Highlands City Art Museum, St. Louis, MO In Church "National Academy of Design Spirit of Autumn Leaves (see 73rd Annual Exhibition," 1898 Autumn) Indian Girl Summer Idyll Story of American Painting, C. Indians and Horses with Travois The Lure of the Great West, F. Getlein Caffin, F.A. Stokes Co., NY, 1907 Indians Driving Cattle Ibid Susannah and the Elders Boston Museum of Fine Arts Innocense Fears Not the Law Essex County Court House, Newark, N.J. Swans "National Academy of Design 70th Annual Exhibition,", 1895 (The engravings of Walter Shirlaw, most of which are unknown, are yet to be cataloged.) Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 239 TITLE LOCATION/PUBLICATION SOURCES American Artists and Their Works, S. Walker & Co., Vol. 1, Boston, 1889 S.G.W. Benjamin, Our American Artists, D. Lothrop & Co., Boston, 1886 Brochure of the Mural Painters—A National Society Publication, published by The Society, New York, 1916 Gene Hessler, U.S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes, BNR Press, Port Clinton, Ohio, 1979 Pauline King, American Mural Painting, Noyes, Platt & Co., Boston, 1901 Thomas F. Morris, The Life and Work of Thomas F. Morris, 1852- 1898, ed. Barbara R. Mueller, pub. by the author, 1968 Isabel S., and Kate M. Munroe, Index to Reproductions of American Paintings, The H.W. Wilson Co., New York, 1948 Esther Ailleen Park, Mural Painters in America, Kansas State Teach- ers College, Pittsburgh, Kansas, April, 1949 Herbert Small, Handbook of the New Library of Congress, Curtis and Cameron, Boston, 1901 Glenn B. Smedley, "Walter Shirlaw, Paper Money Designer," The Numismatist, Vol. 75, No. 8, 1962. Glenn B. Smedley Collection, auction conducted by Medlar's Inc., San Antonio, 25 & 26 September 1981. Newspaper clippings in the New York Public Library Lyn Wall Smith and Nancy Dustin Wall Moure, Index to Reproduc- tions of American Paintings, The Scarecrow Press, Inc., Metuchen, N.J. & London, 1977 Who Was Who in America, Vol. 1, 1897-1942, A.N. Marquis Co., Chicago, 1943 NOTES 1. Both Degas and Manet, artists with whom Shirlaw must have been familiar, put aside their palettes and brushes to defend the city as members of the militia. The Toilet "National Academy of Design 78th Annual Exhibition," 1903 Toning of the Bell American Art and American Art Collections, E.W. Walker, Boston, 1889 Untitled vignette $5, Bank of Hamilton, Ontario As above Pittsburgh Pure Beer Brewing Co. Bond Untitled vignette World's Columbian Exposition Certificate Preceding, altered $1,000, Chicago Edison Co. Bond Untitled vignette of boy and girl Very Old: German Peasant "Memorial Collection of Works by Walter Shirlaw," Chicago Art Institute, 1911 Water Lillies National Museum of American Art, Washington, D.C. Wheat Fields Detroit Institute of Art Ya ho' Our American Artists, S.G.W. Benjamin, D. Lothrop & Co., Boston, 1879 Agriculture and Forestry on Walter Shirlaw's design for the unissued $10 silver certificate. Page 240 Paper Money Whole No. 113 B.E.P. NEWS THE EAGLE The intaglio print of an American Eagle was produced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the 93rd Anniversary Convention of the American Numismatic Association being held in Detroit, Michigan from July 28 through August 1, 1984. The original engraving of this American Eagle was ex- ecuted by Master Engraver John Eissler in 1939 after a water- color by William A. Roach. The engraving is from the archives of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The print was produced on an antique intaglio hand press. The Eagle is printed in green ink on cream parchment stock. This is the third and final American Eagle print in a series of three. The same printing plate was used to produce all three prints. The first and second Eagles were issued in brown and blue respectively. FUN '84 eagle prints sold at the show and through the mail totaled 2,025. While final figures are not yet available for the blue Eagle prints, 387 were sold at the MEM- PHIS '84 convention. The American Eagle prints were issued in a continuing ef- fort by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to broaden its educational exhibit program and to enhance communications with both collectors of fine engravings and the general public. BEP TO ANNOUNCE EXHIBIT SCHEDULE IN AUGUST Bureau of Engraving and Printing Director Robert J. Leuver has announced that the Bureau's Fiscal Year 1985 ex- hibit schedule will be made public in August 1984. "Our original intention was to announce our show selec- tions by June 30," Mr. Leuver said. "However, we have received a large volume of requests and we are carefully reviewing each of them. We wish to establish a schedule that will permit the maximum number of people across the country to view our products." The Bureau is expanding its Exhibit and Souvenir Card Program for FY '85 to four numismatic and four philatelic shows, with a souvenir card to be issued for each. At certain shows. the Bureau will demonstrate a Spider press, which is a 19th Century hand press. This is an opportunity for someone to design a NCW Logo, and spread the word about paper money. Books are the research tools of all numismatists and syngraphists. As of this moment, I will be experimenting with designs that include books on all divisions of our hobby, i.e., coins, medals and paper money; I hope many of you will do the same. (ed.) BNR Press Announces Book Preparation The manuscript for an exciting, innovative documentation of U.S. Loans by Gene Hessler has been completed. Anyone interested in United States financial history will want this book titled, An Illus- trated History of U.S. Loans 1775-1898. Members of the art com- munity will also benefit from this book since it could serve as a chron- icle to demonstrate the development of financial engraving in this country. In Mr. Hessler's usual thoroughness, designers and engravers are identified. Nothing of substance has been written on this broad subject for forty years. The author has gone beyond what any writer or cataloger has done thus far by illustrating what could otherwise be considered as a dull subject. The American Revolution, Mexican, Civil and Spanish- American Wars are documented for the first time with the illustrations of the fiscal paper that financed these conflicts. These are but four events that prompted the issue of treasury notes, bonds, certificates of deposit and related fiscal paper documented in An Illustrated History of U.S. Loans 1775-1898. The illustrations, many of which are works of art, can be found, with few exceptions,in no other publication; they alone will make this book a major addition to libraries, public and private. To achieve what no one else has done, Gene Hessler has consulted with collectors in the United States and England, and the various bureaus and depart- ments in Washington, D.C. that were able to make information avail- able, as well as material, much of which is unique, that served as the illustrations. Q. David Bowers, President of the American Numismatic As-sociation, has written the foreword to Mr. Hessler's latest work. Publication date will be announced in the near future. BNR Press is located at 132 E. Second Street, Port Clinton, OH 43452. Cash Prize for 1985 NCW Logo Design American Numismatic Association president Q. David Bowers has announced the reappointment of Nancy Green, ANA librarian, to chair National Coin Week 1985 that will be held April 21 to 27. Initiated to the chairmanship in 1984, Mrs. Green is already formulating plans for next year, having chosen the theme "Numismatics: Open the Door With Books." As a result of chairwoman Green's suggestion, the ANA will conduct a contest to determine the design of the official 1985 NCW logo. Since it will be used on posters, buttons, stationery and other promotional materials, it must communi- cate its message clearly in a variety of sizes and applications. ANA will award $250 to the winner, who must be an Associa- tion member. Designs should incorporate the NCW theme and they become the property of ANA. Entries must be received at ANA headquarters no later than August 31, 1984. The winner will be announced in the November issue of The Numismatist. For an entry blank and further information, write to Nancy W. Green, National Coin Week 1985, P.O. Box 2366, Colorado Springs, CO 80901. Dick Balbaton receives an award for his slide presentation in Memphis. T.!, .1t.,t "'E 1)1 ' Pl0,40:§(40:1PMAPSUR arpu ficovSAI4F,TATJAY 041.0 - 0 5 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 241 POPE'S VISIT TO QUEBEC COMMEMORATED ON STORE TRADE NOTES by JERRY REMICK The J.A. Moisan grocery store, 699 Rue St. Jean, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada G1R 1P7 has just re- leased a 5 cent and a 10 cent trade note to com- memorate the visit of Pope John Paul II to Quebec City this Sept. 9th and 10th. A set of the 2 notes in a plastic holder is available at $2.00 U.S. postpaid. Both notes are identical except for color and de- nomination. A portrait of the Pope is shown at the left side on the face and the skyline of Quebec City appears in the center. The store, as it appeared in 1890, is fea- tured on the reverse. The notes are the same size as U.S. and Canadian banknotes. The back of the 5 cent note is printed in yellow and that of the 10 cent in green. The printing on the face is in black with a lighter shade of the note's color filling in the blank spaces. The serial number is printed in red. The edition is limited to 6,000 notes of each denomination. The high quality paper on which the notes are printed contains tiny colored paper discs. The plates were engraved and the notes printed by J.B. Deschamps, Inc. of Beauport, Quebec, a subsidiary of the Canadian Banknote Co. Ltd. The notes are given to store customers at the rate of one percent of the total value of their purchase. They are valid for merchandise in the store at any time and bear no expiration date. A 33 mm nickel trade token of 30 cents denomination, bearing the portrait of the Pope with Quebec City in the background, is also in use and is available at $1.75 U.S. postpaid. A series of 6 trade notes featuring the portrait of Jacques Cartier (avail- able at $5.50 U.S. postpaid) is also used in the store. However, the supply of the 10 cent note is exhausted and only available in the complete sets. Paper Money Whole No. 113Page 242 Saudi Arabia Issues New Notes SPMC member Ahmed Elseroui, of Cairo, informs us that The Bank of Saudi Arabia has issued 1, 5, 10, 50 and 500 rial notes, all with new designs. This is the first time the 500 rial denomination has been issued, it bears a portrait of King Abd Elaziz Saud on the face, the Kaaba Mosque is seen on the back. All other notes have a por- trait of King Fand on the face, the remaining portions of each bear different designs. Face: brown, light green, lilac, portrait of King Fand inr• Syr Face: brown, green portrait of King Fand and sailing boats Face: redbrown, portrait of King Fand. Face: multicolored, portrait of King Fand and mosque of Jerusalem Face: multicolored, portrait of King Abd Elaziz Al Saud and the Kaaba. Back: multicolored, a view of Kaaba Mosque SAVE!' ARABIAN MONFTARYAGElqff ti•• 1-1 •• Back: brown, yellow, mountains and flowers MONETARY AGENCY 4:11, - :4 -30al-olav,AdrArf1T_5--41, - -% ALS Back: violet, green, oil refinery Back: brown, dark green, palm trees MONETARY AGENCY ... .. .... - 9 _ - 44:17C-RP/ALS — 43-=?&VLI--A/1, Back: brown, green, facade of Jerusalem Mosque Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 243 Interest Bearin Notes Adams Convention time is here as I write this. We have just re- turned from Memphis, and ANA is just ahead. MEMPHIS 1984 The Memphis show was different this year at a new loca- tion. We used shuttlebusses to get back and forth from the Convention Center to our hotels. Mike Crabb and his com- mittee are again to be commended for putting on another super show. SPMC held a board meeting, followed by a general meet- ing. It was announced that SPMC is studying the possibility of the concept of an SPMC-sponsored paper money show on the East Coast in the fall of 1985. No decisions have been made yet, and it is expected that the topic will be further discussed at ANA. This show would not compete with the Memphis show, but it would be an annual show. The Alabama book was released at the Memphis show, and was well received; several cases of books were sold. If you haven't purchased your copy yet, send a check for $12 to R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept., 116 Fisher Street, North Attleboro, MA 02760. COIN WORLD carried a review of it in their July 4, 1984 issue. Also discussed at Memphis was our book program. The Pennsylvania book has been typeset, and is being proofread as this is written. It will be about 600 pages—the largest of any SPMC book. The Arkansas book is being typed, and will soon be typeset for proofreading. It is expected that Pennsylvania will be out early in 1985, with Arkansas to follow. Several proposals for other SPMC books have been received in recent months. These were briefly discussed at Memphis, but no action was taken. Roger H. Durand, SPMC Vice-President, was named chairman of a committee to study books that might be published by the SPMC. One book that has been offered is a book by Maryland dealer Fred Bart, who is nearing com- pletion of a book about paper money errors. Contact Roger if you have any comments or suggestions about other SPMC books. Souvenir cards sold fairly well at the Memphis show again this year, and we will be selling them at ANA and perhaps other regional shows before the end of the year. We are going to continue to promote the sale of them. Order additional mint cards for $5.50 for one card/$4.50 for two or more cards by mail from : John Wilson—SPMC Mint Card P.O. Box 27185 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53227 Reports given at the SPMC meeting showed progress in the book program, our publication, PAPER MONEY, under the guidance of new Editor Gene Hessler, the souvenir cards, and new members. We are pleased to hear of the interest shown in our Society. Several awards were presented at our meeting in Mem- phis. Member Nancy Wilson received the SPMC best-in-show award for her exhibit of $10 Interest-bearing Notes. Krause Publications and the Bank Note Reporter presented the "Most Inspirational Exhibit" award to veteran Dr. Glenn Jackson for his exhibit, "Charles Schlecht on U.S. Currency." Also, special thanks was given to Dick Balbaton, who presented an interesting slide program at our general meeting on "French Banknotes." He was presented an Award of Merit for present- ing his program and for his service to the Society. This year we did something a little different from a banquet or breakfast. On Saturday evening an informal barbeque dinner was held at Charlie's Rendezvous, across from the Peabody Hotel. There was an informal atmosphere and it was enjoyed by all. Dr. Glenn E. Jackson receiving the Bank Note Reporter Award from David Harper. (Cover photo) Les Winners, C. Fred Schwan, Mike Crabb and Wendell Wolka at Charlie's Rendezvous. Page 244 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Bourse floor at Memphis Nancy Wilson, Best of Show Award winner and Pres. Larry Adams. John Wilson, Larry Adams and Bernard Schaaf, MD. Larry Adams and SPMC Treasurer James Stone. Robert J. Leuver, Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The BEP "Spider" hand press in operation. (Photographs by Roy Peterson) SPMC PATRON'S ASSOCIATION Tom Denly of Denly's Coins of Boston, has agreed to continue the SPMC Patron's Association, which was started last year. We had a very good response, and it not only helped our revenue, but provided a convenient way for members to pay memberships, buy books and souvenir cards, as well as a ticket to the Memphis social function, and to make a contri- bution to the Society. A flyer is again enclosed describing the program, and in- viting you to participate. We encourage you to do so this year. Remember, the deadline is December 31, 1984. Remember also that your contribution is tax deductible. The application blank is on the back of the flyer itself. Support SPMC and its many programs by joining the Patron's Association today ! Well, that's about it for this column. I will have a complete report on ANA activities next time, and other updates on activities and programs. Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 245 IMPORTANT NOTICE! EDITORIAL DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSION OF MATERIAL TO PAPER MONEY MAGAZINE ATTENTION: Authors Advertisers Organizations Members and others who send articles, ads, news releases and other material for publication THE YEARLY PUBLICATION SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: DEADLINE ISSUE MAILED TO MEMBERS December 1 February 1 April 1 June 1 August 1 October 1 January/February March/April May/June July/August September/October November/December February 1 April 1 June 1 August 1 October 1 December 1 Page 246 Paper Money Whole No. 113 HAVE A QUESTION OR PROBLEM? HERE'S YOUR SPMC CONTACT Area of Concern : — Change of Address — Non-receipt of magazine Person to Contact : George Frebert Dover Litho Printing Co. 1211 North DuPont Highway Dover, Delaware 19901 k*.**** ******* ***.***** ******** ******** **.***** ******** ******** ****..** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ****** — Payment of Dues for EXISTING Memberships. James F. Stone — Presentation of Bills for Payment by SPMC. SPMC Treasurer — Payment of Life Membership Fees ($300). P.O. Box 89 Milford, N.H. 03055 ** ************* ********** ************* ********* **********************. ************ ********* ************** ********* ************* ****** Requests for Membership Application Blank Brochures. Robert Azpiazu, Jr. Requests for reinstatement or questions on EXISTING SPMC Secretary memberships. P.O. Box 1433 — Resignations. Hialeah, Florida 33011 — Reports of Deaths. ..********.**..**************.**********************************.*************************************************************.******* — NEW Applications for Membership. Ron Horstman SPMC New Membership Coord. P.O. Box 6011 St. Louis, MO 63139 ..*************************************************.*********************************************************** ,F********************* — General Questions Regarding SPMC. Larry Adams — Complaints. SPMC President — Suggestions and Ideas. P.O. Box 1 — General Book Project Questions. Boone, Iowa 50036 ** ************************** ******** ***********.*************** ******* *************************** ******** *************************** ** — Magazine Articles (Submission). Gene Hessler—Editor — Magazine Advertising. Box 416 Oradell, NJ 07649 ******************************************************************.*****************************************************.*****.******* Orders for SPMC Books. Dick Balbaton SPMC Book Sales Coordinator 116 Fisher Street North Attleboro, MA 02760 ************************************************************************************************************************************** — Research and Information for Wismer Book Project. Richard T. Hoober — Offers of Help to Work on SPMC Books. Wismer Book Project P.O. Box 196 Newfoundland, PA 18445 ****************************..******************************************************************************************************** Library Usage. Wendell Wolka — Donations of Books to SPMC Library. P.O. Box 366 — SPMC Patron's Association. Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 ************************************************************************************************************************************** Mail Orders for Mint Souvenir Cards. John Wilson SPMC Mint Card P.O. Box 27185 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53227 *********** **************************************** *************************.******************************************* ************** — Awards. Steven Whitfield — Suggestions and nominations for Awards, e.g., SPMC Award of P.O. Box 1122 Merit, Nathan Gold Award. Omaha, NE 68101 **********. ****** ******************** ******************* ******.************* ******************* ******************* ******************** — Membership Recruitment. Roger H. Durand — Suggestions for Recruiting New Members. SPMC Vice-President — Offers of Help to Recruit New Members. P.O. Box 186 Rehoboth, MA 02769 ********.**************************************** * ****************** ******************* * *********.************************************ Publicity. C. John Ferreri— Publicity Chairman — SPMC News Releases. P.O. Box 33 Storrs, CT 06268 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 247 Editor's Corner O O Memory and the printed word, these are but two topics woven into the fascinating scenario of The Discoverers by Daniel J. Boorstin. As I read the section that covered these two subjects I couldn't help but associate both with the study and collecting of paper money, or syngraphics if you prefer. Most often we associate the invention of printing with the 15th century goldsmith Johann Gutenberg. Movable type, which he introduced to the western world was already in operation during the 8th century in Korea. However, it is un- likely that Gutenberg based his invention on this earlier use. Printing from woodcuts can be traced to 3rd century Korea. Before printed matter was made available, one had to rely on memory for facts, figures and anything else that was of per- sonal concern, but was not stored in a written manuscript. To accomplish this, one often went to a teacher who gave instruc- tions in how to remember. Lessons of this type aided the devel- opment of memory for more than names and telephone numbers, the primary reason for many current memory courses. In The Discoverers we find that when Simonides wanted to teach the Athenian statesman Themistocles the art of memory, the latter refused. "Teach me not the art of remembering, but the art of forgetting, for I remember things I do not wish to remember, but I cannot forget things I wish to forget." In what often seems like a chaotic world, there is something to be said for forgetting, according to Boorstin. "In a century when the stock of human knowledge and of collective memories would be multiplied, recorded, and diffused as never before, forgetting would become more than a prerequisite for sanity." Mark Twain said that when we are young we can remember everything, including the things that didn't happen. But, when we become older, we can only remember the things that didn't happen. Twain's words are reasonably accurate, except when it comes to collectors of paper money. Yes, we remember that note we didn't get, because we were too late, or didn't have enough money to purchase it. But we will never forget that moment of near nirvana when the chase ended and we finally found, and soon owned that elusive note of superior condi- tion, the rare signature combination that scarce national bank note or .... These moments will be etched in our memories forever. To keep the clutter of our minds at a minimum, we simply remember where to go to find the facts and figures that aid us in our personal quest; these we find in the printed word. Huntoon, Warns, Friedberg, Shafer, Hickman & Oakes, O'Donnell, Blake, Gengerke, Newman, Pick, Schwan, Boling, Jackson, Breen, Van Belkum are just some of the writers whose words appear in print, and, who we rely on for refer- ence again and again. However, we should not, and cannot overlook isolated articles by collectors who are specialists in their own field. Specialized articles, the result of years of research and collecting, can be of immense help to others who are researching their field of interest; there is always an over- lapping of information. So, formulate your findings and submit them to Paper Money. Your words could lighten the research burden of a fellow collector or researcher, just as the words of others have helped you. REMEMBER to do this! Cicero writes of the ancient Greek lyric poet Simonides who was hired to honor Scopas at a banquet. In his poem of trib- ute, Simonides devoted half to Scopas the remainder to Castor and Pollux, the divine twins. Scopas said, under the circum- stances, he would only pay half of the agreed amount. Simon- ides was told there were two young men to see him at the door; he found no one. But at that very moment the roof collapsed, burying all the guests. The two mysterious callers were of course Castor and Pollux who repaid the poet in their own way. The bodies of the unfortunate guests were mangled beyond recognition. So, Simonides, with his remarkable mem- ory was called upon, and was able to identify each guest as he remembered where each sat. If a similar calamity would have happened a few years ago as John Hickman addressed an SPMC banquet, I feel confident, with his prodigious memory, John could have duplicated this extraordinary accomplish- ment. Recruitment Report If the Society of Paper Money Collectors is to remain a leader in the field of syngraphics, a moderate growth rate must be maintained. For the welfare of the society, everyone must get involved in recruitment. If every member recruited just one new member and each new member recruited another new member we probably would have the most influential organi- zation in numismatics. There is no doubt that this pyramid system would enable the society to accomplish all its objec- tives. It is our duty to each other to help maintain our mem- bership. In keeping with this recruiting objective, the top recruiters will be recognized in our bi-monthly magazine. Also, at the Memphis meeting, an award will be presented to the top recruiter of the year. This award will be designated the Vice President's Plaque. The top individual recruiter and the top dealer recruiter will be honored with this award. Last 2 month period Larry Adams 14 John Wilson 3 Member Robert Azpiazu 6 Charles Colver 2 James Stone 5 Dealer Richard Balbaton 5 Kagin's 3 New brochures containing applications have been printed with space for the sponsor's number as well as his signature to facilitate the assigning of proper credit for sponsoring the new member. A supply of these new brochures can be obtained by contacting your "New Member Recruitment Chairman", Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, Mass. 02769. REMEMBER "RECRUIT NEW MEMBERS" Page 248 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Literature Review United States Paper Money Grading Standard by Herbert J. Kwart; Five Seasons Publishers, PO Box 397, Hiawatha, IA 52233; 1984; 44 pp, softbound. Available from the publisher at $7.95 + postage/handling ($10.55 postpaid overseas). After reading the advertisements for this booklet, including those in world paper money publications promising that its standard would also be useful to collectors of world notes, I was looking forward to a comprehensive synthesis of past and present grading systems for paper money. The author has been a collector, dealer, and investment counselor for paper money collectors for many years; my first correspondence with him is dated 1976. I was especially interested in the universal ap- plicability promised; after all, paper money should be easier to grade than coins, and more susceptible to a universal standard, because paper money lacks high points and design features which show "first wear." It should be unnecessary to have a separate grading standard for each nation's paper, or even each series of paper with a nation's issues, such as we must use for Commonwealth coinage and various US coinage design types. Alas, I am sorely disappointed. This booklet is poorly writ- ten, unedited, contains errors of fact, and provides no new in- sights for collectors of notes in grades below XF. It seems to be aimed at investors, with the intent of justifying a price struc- ture for uncirculated paper money similar to that used for US coins. There are no less than FOUR subdivisions of the grade "crisp uncirculated" (CU) in this booklet, and if you can believe it, they are designated CU-67, CU-65, CU-63, and CU-60. There are also adjectival descriptions for these subdi- visions: superb gem CU, gem CU, choice CU, and (mere) CU. My goodness. There are some good features to the booklet. We are cau- tioned about the dangers of PVC for storage notes, and are given some information about doctored notes. Kwart does in- deed present an earlier grading standard (Sandrock/Long), and his discussion of it makes it appear that he wants us to use it. However, upon turning page 19, we are suddenly offered the "new" standard, without any clarification of the relation- ship (if any) between the earlier one and the new one. It's all downhill from there. The "new" definition of CU-60 allows "rounded corners," "small pin holes," "margin missing" (from close cutting, not damage), "handling marks very pronounced," "minor foxing in design," "minor smudges or stains," and "minor wrinkles." The only defects not allowed are bent corners and folds. Moving up the scale toward Superb Gem CU-67, we grad- ually lose the pinholes, foxing, smudges, rounded corners, and so forth, and begin to measure margins. If opposite margins are equal, the note may qualify for CU-65. Only when all margins are equal (and all forms of defect are absent) does the note qualify as a CU-67 item. I leave it to the reader to try to guess how many note designs attempt to provide equal margins on all sides of every note on a sheet—certainly not US Na- tional Currency. The only time we get equal margins on four sides of some notes is if the cutting is in error; is that what we want to call a CU-67 note? Saints preserve us when we move to modern designs with no frame lines to define a margin. Final- ly, the new standard never mentions a need to look at the margins on the back of a note. If we do, we will certainly be forced to use split grades (anybody for CU-60/67, to account for the off center face with minor stains opposite a perfect back?). Moving down scale toward fine and lower grades, the new standard follows the Pick standard fairly closely, and is a full grade different from the Sandrock/Long standard in grades below XF. Having two different standards presented in the same booklet is needlessly confusing. It is at these lower grades that I was hoping for better definition of "how grubby is dirty" and "how flabby is limp." The new standard does not help. The photographs are an aid, but as they are themselves doctored to make the defects show up better, it is hard to relate the photographs to actual notes in hand. It also appears that some of the notes used as examples were artificially "cir- culated," which tends to make them hard to equate to the notes we actually find for sale in the marketplace. In short, this booklet is not very useful for the hobbyist. It may have some utility for dealers who like to sell adjectival puff or whose buyers know nothing about paper money and will feel more comfortable with something that sounds like ANACS. The final irony is the frontispiece, a lovely "lazy deuce" National which Kwart describes as "in choice uncircu- lated condition." It can't possibly be, because the top margin is cut into the design on the left corner! By Kwart's own stand- ard it can be no better than "crisp uncirculated" CU-60. This book is NOT RECOMMENDED. I'm sorry to say so, because I was hoping for so much more. Reviewed by Joseph E. Boling, N.L.G. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP d MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION quireRe 1,39 (,,, 5 C. 6 a 5) I ',TITLE OF PUBLICATION Paper Money I B. PUBLICATION NO 2. DATE OF FILING 08/30/840 0 3 I t 1 6 2 S. FREQUENCY OF ISSUE 0I -Monthly . NO, OF ISSUES PUBLISHED ANNUALLY 6 HT ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 312.00 a. COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS OF KNOWN OFFICE OF PUBLICATION ,50.01, City, Co.00y, Vars.,. ZIP..., (Nor print, 1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 MAILING ADDRESS OF THE HEADQUARTERS OF GNERAL BUSINESS OFFICES OF THE PUBLISHER 0,70,riare0S. COMPLETE Do ver Litho Printing Co., 1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 ,e A, FULL NAMES AND COMPLETE MA/LING ADDRESS OF PUBLISHER. EDITOR, AND MANAGING EDITOR (MI Orem musr Nor e, blank) Dover Litho Printing Co. 1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover , DE 19901 Gene Hessler P.O. Box 416 Dover Litho Printing Co., 1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 '' r7,r.,T=7;4=0 man., a ' e o ,„ZIft,:.;°;„"..,, im given, If own. by a paNne .., ..,,,:;,,,,,, „. „r; ,„ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . T. ,uB."T. 'D' • ...PG', ...ANNA, FULL NAME COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS The Society of Paper Money Collectors 1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DL 19901 B KNOWN OUNT OF BONDH BONDS. A HE OLDERS, MORTGAGEES, AND OT SECURITIES 0 HER SECURITY OLDERS on, OWNING OR HOLDING I PERCENT OR MORE OF TOTAL AM MORTGGES OR OT them are so ,Nre, FULL NAME COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS NONE 9 FOR COMPLETION BY NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AUTHORIZED TO MAIL AT SPECIAL RATES /Secilan In, 01•04 only, 121 D=C5EZTINV71,W14111"'"' III It VCCE=IgINV,V2 ff,`„r.`,,Z; °1';=!7°-""'"°"- ' EXTENT AND NATURE OF CIRCULATION TSEIrEAET " . "'",%`." IVSTUrPLUE iCIONR SE 'S'T' T1 A. TOTAL NO. COPIES Wet PeTT RAT/ 2300 2300ni7t,,nr‘i..i.„..o.„...,■,,.■ e,..i.„ ....me... 2052 2163 C. TOTAL PAID CIRCULATION /Sum of /OBI and IOW, 2052 2163 SAMPLES. 7L2=,A2MINTaeTZ' 15 15 E. TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (Sum of C and Cl 2067 2178 F. COPIES NOT DISTRIBUTED 233 122 2. R.m,e 0,0 Nam Agent, 2300 2300 I certify that the statements made by N me above are correct and complete 77" SIGNA AND TITLE TOR. PURL H hUIIN MANAGER, OR OWNER -.""6"1: '4114 3525 • (1.1)friit/ / iisiabllsbed 1858 Cl efiu dreilD Oa is Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 249 $100 INDIANA NOTE FEATURED FOR 1984 CARD: The Hank of the State of Indiana was organized in 1855. opening I, °years later in 1857. The bank was composed of twenty brarehes. located throophont the state. which provided guide and honest bankin8servicas to the citizonsaf Indiana. The bank twit voluntarily liquidated in t855, with most branehes being converted to national banks. The portrait or the right is that of Hugh MeCullneh, first President of the Bank of the State of Indiana, who later igetaine the first Comptroller of the Currency and/cis...treed as Secrelaryof the Treasury. The tvrtrail. on the kft is that of jams At Ray. Cashier of the Bank or the Slaw of Indiana, SOCIETY - OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. \ PAYER MONEY ( ONTENTION fl;XNESSIT,-J1AF, 15-17.1984 THIS year's Society of Paper Money Collectors souvenir card, to be issued at the 1984 International Paper Money Show in Memphis, Tennessee on June 15-17, illustrates an obsolete bank note from the 1850s, which features three vignettes, including two portraits of officers of the Bank of the State of Indiana. The portrait on the right is that of Hugh McCulloch, first president of the Bank of the State of Indiana, who later became the first Comptroller of the Currency, and also served as Secretary of the Treasury. McCulloch's portrait appears on the $20 Third Charter National Bank Notes. 10,000 cards have been produced from the original plates by the world famous American Bank Note Com- pany. Cards will be available at the show, but will also be available by mail in either mint or first-day-of-issue postally cancelled versions. All mail orders are shipped to you via First Class mail in heavy cardboard mailers. TO ORDER MINT (UNCANCELLED) CARDS: Cost: $5.50 for one card by mail $4.50 for two or more cards by mail (Make check payable to SPMC) SEND ORDERS TO: J. Wilson — SPMC Mint. Card P.O. Box 27185 Milwaukee, Wis. 53227 EPORT P. 0. Box 1433 Hialeah, FL 33011 Page 250 Paper Money Whole No. 113 SECREIARY9S ROBERT AZPIAZU, JR., Secretary NEW MEMBERS 6470 James Miller, 46 Euston Rd., Garden City, NY 11530; C, Ber- muda, Hawaii. 6741 B.J. Geissinger, P.O. Box 524088, Miami, FL 33152; C&D, Cuba-Bahamas-US. 6742 Philip Cafasso, P.O. Box 83, Teaneck, N.J. 07666; C, MPC, U.S. Nationals. 6743 Library, Cape Fear Technical Inst., 411 N. Front Street, Wil- mington, NC 28401. 6744 Eugene Rowe, 5437 S. Kansas, Wichita, KS 67216; C, Large size US Legal Tender. 6745 Tony Mallin, 6351 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago, IL 60659. 6746 Paul Baiter, 947 Jackson, River Forest, IL 60305; C, U.S. type notes. 6747 Ernest Kirkland, 337 Twinbrook, Danville, KY 40422; C, U.S., Confederate World. 6748 William Jamke, 13150 Harriet Ave. S. No. 298, Burnsville, MN 55337; C, Wis. Nationals, Type Notes. 6749 Gregory M. Seguin, 8502 Honeytree Blvd., Canton, MI 48187; C&D, Small size 1928-date. 6750 Larry Newman, 5 Riverside Dr., New York, NY 10023; C, All. 6751 Robert Butler, 1509 Shaffer Drive, Lorain, OH 44053; C, Large U.S. Currency. 6752 John Mielke, 7500 Lake Drive, Lino Lake, MN 55014; C. 6753 Anthony Swiatek, P.O. Box 218, Manhasset, NY 11030; C&D. 6754 Joseph Twomey, P.O. Box 473, Concord, NH 03301; C. 6755 K. Halldorsson, P.O. Box 433, 220 Hafnarfjordur, Iceland; C, Iceland. 6756 Judson Landrum III, 2200 Little Valley Rd., Birmingham, AL 35216; C, Alabama obsolete banknotes. 6757 Paul Cannoe, Apt. K-371, 314 Avon Rd., Davon, PA 19333; C, Old U.S., Canada, Philippines. 6758 Jason Hubbard, 2167 Wentworth Ln., Memphis, TN 38138; C, Modern U.S. Bank Notes. 6759 Frank Sanders, P.O. Box 854, Conway, S.C. 29526; C&D, South Carolina & Conf. 6760 Richard E. Badwey, P.O. Box 34431, Bethesda, MD 20817. 6761 James Haxby, Compu-Tech Services Inc., 615 South St., Garden City, NY 11530; C&D, General. 6762 Thomas Warfel, 70710 Elkhart Rd. C&M #3, Edwardsburg, MI 49112; C, U.S. 6763 H.S. Benton, 6017 Jameson Rd. Armarillo, TX 79106; C, large U.S. 6764 Jerry Hammer, 1510 Jannan, Arlington, TX 76014; C. 6765 Wayne Stolt, 1529 P St., Anchorage, AK 99501; C&D, U.S.- Alaska Nationals. 6766 D.G. Berryhill, P.O. Box 634081, Margate, FL 33063; C. 6767 Clyde Ray, P.O. Box 2409, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661; C&D, State Banks. 6768 John M. Carnival, 350 Merrick Rd. 3-W, New York, NY 11570; C. 6769 Paul Alan Andrews, 4454 Whisperwood Dr., Martinez, GA 30907; C, U.S. Type, MPC. 6770 Vasco McCoy, P.O. Box 298, Texarkana, TX 75501; C, Modern, Foreign. 6771 Charles De Muth, 1215 Oak St., Connellsville, PA 15425; C, Nationals. 6772 Wm. Carl Livaudais, 7628 Bullard Ave., New Orleans, LA 70128; C, U.S. & World. 6773 Hercules Glover, Jr., 1818 Anthony Ave., Bronx, NY 10457; C&D. 6774 Edward Flaherty, 1 Mt. Vernon Park, Malden, MA 02148; C, U.S. 1861-65, Confed. & Southern States. 6775 Bill Yatchman, 5860 Newburgh Rd., Westland, MI 48185; C&D. 6776 Yasha Beresiner, IA Camden Walk, Islington Green, London, N18DY; C&D. 6777 Robert D. Cordover, 29 Hanover Place, Canterbury, Kent, England, CT2 7HA; C&D, Africa. 6778 Hugh Byars, P.O. Box 51, Nacogdoches, TX 75961; C, Mexican Bancos, Central & South America. 6779 Donald Edwards, 15 Kingston Drive, Morgantown, WV 26505; C&D, $ls & Nat. Bank Notes. 6780 Dwight Scheer, 1005 Wisteria Lane, Waukesha, WI 53186; C, Gold Certificates & Nationals. 6781 Frederick Fleischer, 1852 Reservoir Ave., Bridgeport, CT 06606; C, Obsolete Bank Notes. 6782 Gino Albanese, P.O. Box 8536, Albany, NY 12208; C&D, POW Currency. 6783 John Mitchell, c/o Aramco, P.O. Box 743, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; C, British Empire. 6784 Edward Northover, 319 6th Street, Jupiter, FL 33458; C, All U.S. & Foreign old & new. 6785 Robert Laird, 2424 Pheasant Run Cr., Stockton, CA 95207. 6786 Henry Castorino, P.O. Box 172, JFK Intl. Airport, Jamaica, NY 11430; C, Low number notes. 6787 Ronald Jones, P.O. Box 148, Greensboro, AL 36744; C, Con- federate & Ala. Obsolete Notes. 6788 Robert Olsen, 3308 E. Cortez, Phoenix, AZ 85028; C. 6789 Bruce Bates, 1913 Hwy. 35, Wall, NJ, 07719; C, U.S. Currency. 6790 Francis Marszalek, 1795 Columbia Ave., Warrington, PA 18976; C, Star notes. 6791 Leonard Lemiesz, 70 Linden St., Salem, MA 01970; C, Mass. notes. 6792 ES Press, Inc., 5605 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20011; C&D, Poland. 6793 Alan Weinberg, Box 1056, FDR P.O. NY, NY 10150; C, Judaica- Stocks/Bonds. 6794 Dave Eakin, 823 S. Illinois Ave., Carbondale, IL 62901; C&D. 6795 Benny Bolin, 7910 Treehouse Ln. 2102, Dallas, TX 75231; C, Fractional (U.S. & Private). 6796 Richard Krucher, 2106 Norway Dr., Garland, TX 75040; C, World Bank Notes. 6797 Karl Saethre, Ravnestoelen 142, N-5072 Bjoerndalstra, Norway; C&D. 6798 Tom Shaw, 55 Regent St., Belize City Belize, Central America; C, British Honduras. 6799 A.S. Pedersen, P.O. Box 22, N-5801 Sogndal Norway; C, Scandinavia. Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 251 moneymart Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 5tc per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416, Oradell, NJ 07649 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1, 1983 for Jan. 1984 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and ab- breviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $1: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) ST. LOUIS NATIONALS wanted. Actively seeking notes for my collection. Appreciate Xerox of all large notes. Bob Coch- ran, 13001 Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (114) HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA WANTED: Nationals, checks, obsoletes. Bob Cochran, 13001 Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (114) STUART, VIRGINIA WANTED: First National Bank, Charter 11901. Nationals, checks, Xerox of notes. Bob Cochran, 13001 Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (114) NORTH CAROLINA WANTED: Mount Airy, Charter 4896. Nationals, checks, Xerox of notes. Bob Cochran, 13001 Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (114) COCHRAN, GEORGIA WANTED: First National Bank, Charter 7567. Nationals, checks, Xerox of notes. Bob Cochran, 13001 Hollenberg Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (114) MARYLAND FISCAL PAPER wanted. I collect BBN's, scrip, coin notes, checks, stocks, tokens, letters, etc. pre-1900. Please describe or send photocopy. Price or I will make offer. Would also like to exchange information with any other Mary- land collectors. Howard Cohen, Drawer CP160, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (115) WANTED: OLD CANCELED checks from the Hamilton and Cunningham Bank of Hoopeston, Ill. Write to Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken, Hoopeston, IL 60942 (115) WANTED: COLUMBIA ILLINOIS Nationals. Also Water- loo, Illinois. Please price and describe. Paul L. Haudrich, 14860 Carrollton Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 (115) MINNESOTA NATIONALS WANTED from: Bertha #7373, Cold Spring #8051, Forest Lake #11652, Grand Meadow #6933, Kerkhoven #11365, Lake Crystal #11401, Lake Wilson #11293, Le Sueur #7199, Le Sueur Center #6921, Madison #6795, Minnesota Lake #6532, Osakis #6837, Richfield #12115, Rochester #2316, Roseau #11848, St. Charles #6327, Sauk Centre #3155, Thief River Falls #5894, Verdale #6022, Windom #6396. Please send description and price. I will ap- preciate your help. Gary Kruesel, Box 7061, Rochester, MN 55903 (115) WANTED: NATIONALS FROM Hoopeston, Ill. charter 2808, 9425, 13744; Milford, Ill. charter 5149, Boswell, Ind. charter 5476; Freeland Park, Ind. charter 7437; and Ambia, Ind. charter 9510. Write to Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken, Hoopeston, IL 60942 (115) RHODE ISLAND NATIONALS-buying all small and Woonsocket and Cumberland large. Selling large and small sizes, over 100 notes. RINATS, P.O. Box 33, Ashton, RI 02864-0033 (115) WANTED: GERMAN NOTGELD, collections, accumula- tions, dealers' stocks. No Austrian. Frank P. Fritchle, 1163 Pomegranate Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (117) WANTED: ILLINOIS NATIONALS and obsoletes-Carmi, Crossville, Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Albion, Dahlgren, Omaha, New Haven. Pete Fulkerson, c/o The Na- tional Bank, 116 W. Main, Carmi, IL 62821 (115) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals, obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Box 242, Gerald, MO 63037 (118) WANTED: MACERATED MONEY: postcards and any other items made out of macerated money. Please send full details to my attention. Bertram M. Cohen, PMW, 169 Marl- borough St., Boston, MA 02116 (114) OLD STOCKS AND bonds. Send $2 for latest Mail Bid Cata log & Sales Catalog. Also buying! Paying highest prices for beautiful and very old material. Railroads, oil companies, tele- graph, industry, government, etc. Especially need Western material. Also need pre-1890 checks with pretty vignettes. Also will trade. Send SASE for free appraisal. David Beach, Box 5488, Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 747-0929 (121) WANTED KOREA & SOUTH Korea banknotes. Example: all CU South Korea p30 1 won .75; p31 5 won 1.20; p32 10 won 6.00; p33 10 won .85; p34 50 won 25.00; p35 100 won 25.00; p36 100 won 15.00; p40 50 won 3.50. Namchong Cho, 726 Bode Circle #110, Hoffman Est., IL 60194 (121) COLORADO MATERIAL WANTED: Nationals, checks, stocks, bonds, postcards, etc. Please describe and price. Max Stucky, P.O. Box 7768, Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (114) BEAUTIFUL WORLD BANKNOTES for sale! I have over 1,000 different notes from over 130 countries. Ask for free catalog or send $7 and receive 12 beautiful UNC. notes (all dif- ferent) from 9 nations (cat. value $24 + ). Satisfaction guaran- teed. Larry R. Kinney, P.O. Box 907P, Bothell, WA 98041 (113) MINNESOTA LARGE AND small wanted. Particularly need Osakis #6837, all Mankato banks, others. Please describe and price. Patrick Flynn, 122 Shadywood Ave., Mankato, MN 56001 (113) WANTED: BANK OF The United States checks, notes, let- ters, 1791-1840 or Xerox copies needed for book on this sub- ject. Matt Rothert, Sr., 656 Graham St., Camden, AR 71701 (113) 111111111111■111■1/ Checks, Stocks & Bonds, And More! Join us and receive our quarterly journal, THE CHECKLIST • Information on all aspects of banking and business paper collectibles •Club Auctions •Free Classified Ads Regional chapters are being organized, slide pro- gram available, book projects, swap-box, and the friendliest collectors anywhere( For more Information contact (befit Collectors Raub Table Charles Kemp, Secretary 481 Morse #70 • Troy Michigan 48084 Page 252 Paper Money Whole No. 113 TENNESSEE NATIONALS WANTED for my personal col- lection. Especially need first and second charters. Largest prices paid. Jasper Payne, Box 3093, Knoxville, TN 37917. (113) I COLLECT CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii and all other Western stocks, bonds, checks, drafts. Please sell to me! Ken Prag, Box 531 PM, Burlingame, CA 94010 (phone 415-566-6400) (119) WANTED: WORLD'S FAIR stocks, bonds, ephemera of any type. Rinnard Antonation, 525 121 PL. NE #6, Bellevue, WA 98005 (114) WANTED: VIRGINIA NATIONALS on the following towns: Big Stone Gap #11765, Wise #10611, Clintwood #8362, Powell Valley #9924, Norton #9746, Norton #6235. Send description and price. Don Green, Box 681, Wise, VA 24293 (116) MORMON-WANT ANY financial items issued by or related to Mormons, Salt Lake City. Also buying unusual photos, letters, documents, etc. Rinnard Antonation, 525 121 PL. NE #6, Bellevue, WA 98005 (114) WANTED PENNSYLVANIA NATIONALS: Belle Vernon #4850, Fayette City #5646, Fayette City #6800, Elizabeth #5114, North Belle Vernon #11995, Fairchance #8245, Webster #6937, Dunbar #7576, Vanderbilt #8190. Charles Trenk, Box 241, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 (114) NATIONAL CURRENCY: Over 300 different duplicates to sell or trade. SASE brings list. J.S. Apelman, Box 283, Covington, LA 70434 (116) EASTMAN COLLEGE CURRENCY wanted. Also obsoletes with vignettes: Declaration Signing, Washington's Crossing, Drummer Boy, Five Presidents, Cowboys. Also matrimony notes. Robert W. Ross III, P.O. Box 765, Wilmington, DE 19899 (116) INTRODUCTORY OFFER: 10 07o discount to SPMC members deducted from your first order during 1984. WW II Military currency my specialty. Request free price list of your choice today! WW II, MPC, jim, or Philippine Guerrilla. Edward B. Hoffman, P.O. Box 10791-S, Reno, NV 89510-0791 (114) HAVE SMALL GROUP Obsolete Sheets available. Also small collection old revenue certificates. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461 (113) WANTED: FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS - checks, drafts, warrants, exchanges, certificates of deposit, stocks and bonds - especially pre 1900 Western States and Territorial items. Buy, sell or trade. Vern Potter, P.O. Box 10040, Torrence, CA 90505-0740 (115) DENTON, TEXAS NATIONALS WANTED, Large or small size. Also checks. Send xerox or describe with asking price. Frank Clark, Box 25248, Dallas, TX 75225 (115) FLORIDA AND GEORGIA NATIONAL WANTED, also the following towns: Schenectady, NY, Erie, PA, Newberry, SC and Mineral Wells, Texas. Trade list available. Shayne MacMahon, Box 13282, Gainesville, FL 32604 (117) DALLAS, TEXAS SMALL SIZE NATIONALS WANTED. Also checks. Send xerox or describe with asking price. Frank Clark, Box 25248, Dallas, TX 75225 (115) RHODE ISLAND-buying Broken Bank notes and Nationals, please send description with photocopy if possible. A Raymond Auclair, 381 Blackstone St., Woonsocket, RI 02895 (115) ANTIQUE SPIDER PRINTING PRESS (as used by BEP at Memphis 84 for printing the $15 eagle. Made by M.M. Kelton 184 Baxter St. N.E., N.Y., $500. Dr. Wallace G. Lee, 255 N. Telegraph, Suite 210, Pontiac, MI 48053. WANTED: LAUREL, MISSISSIPPI Charter 6923. Please de- scribe and price. SPMC, LM ANA and MNA. Everett Sorrels, P.O. Box 2362, Laurel, MS 39442. (116) MASSACHUSETTS 1929 NATIONALS wanted from : Abing- ton #1386, Danvers #7452, Edgartown #7957, Haverhill #14266, Hyannis #13395, Lynn #697, Merrimac #268, Milton #684, Reading #4488, Spencer #2288, Springfield #2435, Stockbridge #1170, Webster #2312, Webster #13780, Whitman #4660, Woburn #14033. Please send description and price. I will appreciate your help. Frank Bennett, Box 8153, Coral Springs, FL 33075. (119) ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED: Allendale #10318, Benton #8234, Chester #4187, Dahlgren #7750, Fairfield #5009 & #6609, Johnston City #7458, Mt. Vernon #1996, New Haven #8053, Norris City #7971, Olney #2629, Wayne City #10460, Winchester #1484. C.E. Hilliard, 201 E. Cherry, Winchester, IL 62694 (217) 742-5703. (118) WANT CERTAIN SOUTH CAROLINA DEPRESSION war- rants dated 1932-1933. Give full details. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461 (114) WANTED TO BUY. PACKS OF 1981 $1 notes, EG, HC, JD blocks, pay $125. per pack, need 3 packs of each block, also 1977A $10 AA block. Phone (513) 281-0227. R.J. Blankenship, 2334 Kemper Lane #5, Cincinnati, OH 45206 FOR SALE, $1, $2, $5, $10 all CU Notes, 1963 to 1981A. Single-Sets. Roy J. Blankenship, 2334 Kemper Lane #5, Cincinnati, OH 45206. TRADE: MY NATIONALS FROM ARK, CA, CT, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, MI, MO, NEB, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, TX, VA, VT, W.VA, WI, for your New York nationals, large or small size. SASE receives individual (trade or sale) lists of your selected states. Limit (3) states. All inquiries answered. I buy too ! Mike Robelin, P.O. Box 138, Commack, NY 11725 (116) WANTED: NEW YORK NATIONALS, LARGE AND SMALL SIZE. Have over (35) states of nationals to trade (or sell). All inquiries will be answered. Mike Robelin, P.O. Box 138, Commack, NY 11725 (116) KANSAS NATIONALS WANTED, collector seeks both large and small size, scarce and better condition Kansas bank notes. C. Dale Lyon, P.O. Box 1207, Salina, KS 67402 (122) RED SEAL NATIONALS WANTED, Collector seeks Hi grade and scarce Third Charter Period Red Seal National Bank notes with emphasis on notes bearing serial #1, and notes from scarce states. C. Dale Lyon, P.O. Box 1207, Salina, KS 67402 (122) t• Hobby reels ender ,ANbs, to chur ,r,en S'e:PIP 6I sanadatecaht.nge, Standard paper catalog ready Pape, Money Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 253 Paper Money Collector, Hero How To Sati5fy Your Greatest Hobby Need Are you unhappy with the number of paper money articles in coin-related newspapers and magazines? If you are, chances are you're not getting all the paper money information you need. Good news. Your subscription to Bank Note Reporter will give you a monthly newspaper devoted exclusively to paper money, both U.S. and foreign. Bank Note Reporter will give you reports on auctions, new issues, upcoming shows, new publications, discoveries and new organizations. The historical features in Bank Note Reporter will take you back into history. You'll read about military currency, bonds, stock certificates, Confederate currency, world paper, state banknotes and U.S. large and small size notes. Plus you'll have plenty of photos, trustworthy advertising and a complete U.S. value guide. It can all be at your fingertips each month, when you subscribe to Bank Note Reporter. Be part of the excitement! Satisfy your need for paper money information with a subscription to Bank Note Reporter. Your Guarantee If for any reason you decide to cancel your subscription, simply drop us a note before you receive your second issue and we'll refund your entire payment. After the second issue we'll refund on all undelivered issues. Collectors saw it first, right here! Who broke the news about upcoming changes in U.S. currency? Bank Note Reporter! It's true. With the aggressive reporting of our full-time Washington Bureau, BNR was the first to present facts concerning the revamping of our notes. We scooped everyone, including other hobby publications, daily newspapers, and electronic media. When you join Bank Note Reporter you'll be part of a select group looking to every issue for fresh news. Make certain you have Bank Note Reporter for all the vital data affecting your hobby. Sign up now! Send your subscription request along with $11 for one year (12 issues) to: Bank Note Reporter, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990. krause / publications 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Stand4 ,rLitdoon te,e United Stat. P&P, Mono, Page 254 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Instant Access To Paper Money Information Featuring The Hobby's Premier Lineup Of Publications Standard Handbook of Modern United States Paper Money 7th Edition by Chuck O'Donnell $15 postpaid This is the most comprehensive catalog available for collectors of small-size currency. Noted author and specialist Chuck O'Donnell has done the leg work for us with his extensive research in the Treasury Department archives and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Presented are complete listings and market values for all small-size issues from 1928-1981. Important coverage for all issued serial numbers since the skip-numbering of certain issues began in the 1970's is also included. Plus a bonus ... details for rare and valuable mules, trial and experimental issues — once the domain of a few select researchers — will be at your fingertips. Catalog has 336 pages. Important fact: Over 14,000 serial number blocks and groups are recorded in date-within-denomination sequence. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money 4th Edition Specialized Issues By Albert Pick $40 postpaid Companion Volume to 4th Edition General Issues This volume is unsurpassed in its coverage of State, Provincial, Territorial and Colonial issues. Over 15,000 notes are listed, described and valued with representation for over 250 years of world paper money. Data that was once locked away in obscure catalogs — or in some cases never made known — is available in this special catalog. Author Albert Pick, a resident of Munich, West Germany, is universally recognized as the world's foremost paper money authority. Assisting Pick stateside were Neil Shafer, president of the International Bank Note Society and Colin Bruce II, editor for many of Krause Publications' respected coin and paper money references. Over 300 note-issuing authorities are presented. Over 6,500 photos provide strong visual aid. Important features: Complete listings for South and Central America (private and commercial banks), China (provincial banks), Mainland Europe (commercial banks) and British Crown Colonies (commercial banks). Auction Prices Realized, U.S. Paper Money 1983 Edition. Compiled by Bob Wilhite. $40.00 postpaid "00 Like its coin-related counterpart, Auction Prices Realized, U.S. Paper Money will give you a vital (yet all too often neglected) view of the auction market. This 360-page catalog offers coverage of 19,830 paper money lots from 140 public auctions and mail-bid sales. Listings cover the period from 1978 through 1982. Notes are sequenced by face value within the principal categories of Large and Small Size Notes, National Bank Notes, Fractional Currency and Encased Postage Stamps. A major benefit of owning this catalog is that it saves you the hassle of matching auction catalogs with prices realized sheets. When buying, look at the auction results as indicators of real market value. When selling, let auction results help you choose the more lucrative route; to sell through ads, etc., or sell at auction. When the success of your paper money transactions depends on your grasp and interpretation of the market, you'll have a definite advantage when you use this reference catalog. Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money 3rd Edition by Chester Krause and Robert Lemke $14.50 postpaid If you rose above our hobby for a moment, and looked down, you'd get a feel for the scope of this catalog. Here is a comprehensive over-view of all currency issues of the United States — more than 120 years of official and quasi-official paper money. Presented for visual aid are over 525 original photos, covering all types and major varieties. Over 3500 currency items are valued according to current market conditions. Attesting to its thoroughness, this catalog provides an illustrated guide to Fractional Currency, Encased Postage Stamps and Postage Stamp Envelopes. Hobby veterans will appreciate this catalog for the fast access it gives to all areas of our hobby. Though less detailed than the other catalogs offered, it will provide easy-to-get-at researching and pricing data for non-specialty areas. Important feature: Over 13,000 note-issuing National Banks are listed alphabetically, by city ... know instantly whether a city issued currency! These catalogs and Bank Note Reporter are available from Krause Publications. Send your orders directly to us, at the following address . 32 years of serving collectors with superior hobby publications Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 255 OBSOLETE CURRENCY AUCTION DESCRIPTION Est. Lot # Est. 38. Mich $2 Bank of Brest. 1837. GHOST TOWN! VG $ 120 39. Mich $1, 2, 3 Merchants Bk of Jackson Cty. $ 110 Brooklyn. 1840. F, F, EF 120 65 40. Mich $5 St. Joseph City Bk. Centreville. 1838. RARE BANK & TOWN. Numerous 200 small paper separations & flaws. G 110 50 41. Mich $2 River Raisin & Lake Erie RR Co. Horse. 1836, invisible "X" cut cancel. EF 30 100 42. Mich $3 River Raisin & Lake Erie RR Co. 45 1836. Ship. Invisible "X" cut cancel. F-VF 30 43. Mich $1 Calhoun County Bank. Marshall. Small corner off. G 45 55 44. Mich $1 Det. & St. Jos. RR Bank. Jackson. 110 1840. Ceres. EF 110 45. Mich $5 Osceola Consol. Mine. Houghton. 187_. Rare denom. AU 110 25 46. Mich 25c Merchants scrip. Unsigned. 1838. No scrip of any kind listed in Bowen. Numer- 300 ous small tears, otherwise F 200 47. Mich $1 Bk of Saline. 1837. Indian prin- 6 cess. F 65 48. Mich $1 Bk of Adrian. "Safety Fund". 1838. 75 F 95 49. Mich $1 Oakland City Bank. Pontiac. "C". 35 Invisible "X" cut cancel. VG 25 50. Mich $5 Bk of Chippeway. Sault De St. 65 Marys. 1838. AU 32 55 51. Mich $10 Bk of Chippeway. Sault De St. Marys. 1838. AU + 32 55 52. Mich $2, 3. 5, 10 Jackson City Bank. Jack- sonburgh. 1837. All have invisible "X" can- 65 cels. all VF 170 53. Mich $2, 3, 5, 10 Clinton Canal Bk. Pontiac. 25 1837-9. U, U, U, AU 170 54. Mich $5 Jackson Iron Co. Fayette. 186_ . 65 GHOST TOWN! U 110 55 55. Mich $5 Franklin Mining Co. Hancock. 18 AU + 65 30 56. Mich $10 Franklin Mining Co. Hancock. 18 AU 65 25 57. Mich $10 Saginaw City Bank. 1837. F 85 58. Mich 20c B.C. Hoyt, Banker. 1862. AU 55 30 59. Mich $5 Branch County Bank. Spur. sigs. 60 VG 75 60. M ich $2, 3, 5, 10 Bk of Manchester. All un- 55 cancelled! VG, VG, VG, F 55 61. Mich $2, 3, 5, 10 Bk of Washtenaw. Ann Arbor. U, U, EF, VF + 40 30 62. Mich $1, 2, 3, 5 Millers Bk of Washtenaw. AU + 50 63. Mich $1 Mich Insur. Bk. 18 Detroit. 110 25 64. Mich $5 Bank of Monroe. 1835. Territorial! 125 VG-F 50 65 65. Mich $2 Farmers & Merchants Bank. St. Joseph. 18 . AU 40 66. Mich $1 City of Detroit. Depression Scrip 75 of 1933. Specimen. GEM 40 67. Minn 5c Hennepin County. 1862. Rockholt Plate Note! 10-15% of right side of note is gone but try to find another! R7 VG 185 68. Miss $20 Lake Washington & Deer Creek RR & Banking Co. Princeton. 1837. Great Title. R6 G-VG 80 69. Miss $5 Northern Bank. Holley Springs. 1860. Patched Rev. Slightly Dirty. G 75 70. Miss $1000 Miss. Union Bank. Jackson. 1839. Early, somewhat crude repair at center separation-otherwise VG. Great high denomination and a legitimate R7. 200 Lot # 1. Ark $2 W.F. Morgan. El Dorado. Payable in CSA funds. Numerous paper flaws with about 5% of paper mixing. Mounted. RARE. G 2. DC $5 Bank of DC. 1858. EF 3. DC $5 Union Bk of Georgetown. 3 holes (about 3% of note missing) RARE. 1815. VF 4. Del 5c Town of Newark. 1862. VG 5. Fla $20 Commercial Bank. St. Joseph. Freeman #6. R6 VG + 6. Ga $4 State of Georgia. 1864. AF 7. Ga $1, 2, 5, 5 Bank of Whitfield. Uncut sheet. Dalton. 1860. Folded between notes. AU + 8. III $10 Bank of Edwardsville. 1820. VG 9. III B. Curtiss & Co. Bankers/Peoria, III. rub- ber stamped on a Cochituate Mass. $5 note. Circa 1860. G-VG 10. Ind $5 Indiana Manuf. Co. 1815 TERRI- TORIAL! EF 11. Ind $5 Bank of the State of Ind. Madison. Counterfeit! 1857. F-VF 12. Ind $10 Southern Bank of Ind. Terre Haute. 1853. Uns. 801-6. VF 13. Ind $2, $5 State Stock Bank. Logansport. 1852. Both VG 14. Ind $5 Farmers & Drovers Bank. Peters- burg. 1858. R6 EF 15. Ind $1 American Bank. Dover H ill. 1856. AU 16. Ind $2 Southern Bank. New Albany. 1859. Uns. VF 17. Ind $1 Mich. City & S. Bend Plankroad Co. 1862. Payable in Marshall, MI. CU 18. Ind $1 Exchange Banking House. Indiana- polis. 1840. 280.1 AF 19. Ind $1 Marion & Logansport RR Co. Marion. 1854. 20. Ind $1 Thames Bank. Laurel. 1856. VF 21. Ind $1 Bank of Vincennes the State Bank of Indiana. Brookville. VG 22. Ind $5 Gramercy Bank. Lafayette. 1852. G-VG 23. Ind $1, $2 J.E. Rickell. New Harmony. 1863. G, F cancelled. 24. Ind $1, 2, 3, 5, 10 Citizens Bank of Gosport. 1857. G-VG, F, AF, AF, AF 25. Ind 10c Burger & Parker. Remington. 1876. VF 26. Ind $1 Bank of the State of Indiana. Terre Haute. 795.1 2 small corners off, otherwise VF. 27. Iowa 50c Trainer & Green. Ackley, Iowa (U.S. fract. curr. look-alike) Rare & Unlisted VF 28. Kans ($)10 Public Schools. Florence. RARE G+ 29. Ken $5 Bank of Georgetown. 1818 VF 30. Ken 75c Petersburgh Steam Mill Co. 1817. Petersburgh, Ken. Payable in Indiana. Listed in Wolka as R7 VF 31. Maine $5 Kennebec. Hallowell. 1823 F+ 32. Maine $1 Ship Builders Bank. Rockland. 1854. Nice ship vignette. Lightly stamped "broken bank, etc." Unnoticeable 1/4" cut F 33. Mass $2 Essex Bank. Haverhill. 1863. VG 34. Mich 5c, 10c City of Saginaw. 1862. Uns. AU 35. Mich 1(c) Business College (E. Saginaw) Rare MI denom. UNL. 36. Mich 5(c) Business College (E. Saginaw) Semi-unique! 37. Mich $1 Business College (E. Saginaw) Semi-Unique! AU + 35 25 90 95 95 250 50 Wanted: An old time obsolete currency collection; the larger the better. Also Wanted: Commission Scrip (Tiffany) Pay 90 I $25 ea. Duplicates accepted. 275 Page 256 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Lot # 71. Mo $5 Merchants Bank of St. Louis. 1839. Appears to be a high quality counterfeit with pen sigs. Rare VG 72. Neb $1 Bk of De Soto. 1863. AU 73. NH $10 Hillsborough Bank. Amherst. 1806. VF 74. NC $8 Bank of Clarendon. 1855. Fayette- ville. AF 75. NJ $8 Cumberland Bank. Bridgeton. 1837. AU + 76. NJ $6 Cumberland Bank. Bridgeton. 1837. AU 77. NJ $2 Cataract City Bank. Paterson. 1856. Outstanding note! VG + 78. NY 100 Horton ?? Peekskill. 1862. "In Westchester County Bank Notes." Small portion of lower right missing. Rare VG 79. NY 1c Wings Flour Store. Albany. 1863. VG 80. NY 2e Wings Flour Store. Albany. 1863. Better denom. Some minor paper separa- tions. Firm issued civil war tokens. VG 81. NY 3e Wings Flour Store. Albany. 1863. F 82. NY 5e Troy & Albany Stage Co. 1862. 83. NY $500 Bryant & Stratton. College cur- rency. 1867. 84. NY $1000 Bryant & Stratton. College cur- rency. Washington. 85. NY 25r, 25e, 50c, J.D. Hamlin's Banking House. Niagara Falls. 1862. Small portion off edge off one var. of the 25c note. G, VG, AF 86. NY $5 Weedsport Bank. 1854. Counterfeit. VG-F 87. NY $2 Abraham Becker's Bank. S. Wor- cester. 1858. 1" rev. patch. Very unusual note. VG 88. NY 50c Seventh Reg. NY Volunteers. 1861. SUTLER. Patched rev. VG 89. OHIO $50 Columbus & Lake Erie RR Co. Newark. 1850. Actually a bond in bank note style and size. AF 90. OHIO $5 Farmers & Mechanics Bank of Cincinnati. 1815. Small corner replacement and minor paper flaws. Otherwise VG 91. OHIO 25c Bartlit & Smith, Bankers. Colum- bus. 1862. 92. OHIO 75e David King. Tarleton. 1837. U 93. OHIO 25c R.J. Cooke's Boots, Shoes, Etc. Bellaire. CSA Facsimile advertiser. 94. OHIO $1 Manhattan Bank. 1837. Orig. part of Mich. 95. OK 5e Grady Trading Co. 1899. Payable along the route of the Choctaw Coal & Ry. Co. INDIAN TERRITORY! R7! Somewhat dirty, otherwise VG 96. ORE 50c Heppner Sheepskin Scrip. 1934. Genuine Sheepskin. VF 97. PA $5 Bank of Penn. Phila. 1836. Large pen cancel. VF 98. PA $5 Phila. Bank. 18 . Mounted on card. Hardly noticeable cancels at sig. lines. Bright and attractive! PROOF 99. PA $10 Bank of the United States. 1835. Good quality counterfeit, some paper flaws, otherwise VG. Phila. VG 100. PA $5 Bank of the United States. 1827. Phila. Marked "counterfeit" 3 times (small). F 101. PA $10 Bank of the United States. 1831. Phila. 1/4" paper separation & a few small flaws. Another superior counterfeit. VG 102. PA $40 Wayne County. GREAT DENOMI- NATION & A COIN NOTE! A few small paper flaws, otherwise EF. Auction records to 103. PA 2c Harvey Birch & Bro. Reading. 1862. Small corner off & sm. flaws. An extra- ordinary note with SKULL AND CROSS BONES! VG Est. Lot # Est. 104. RI $5 Detroit Bank (MI). See p. 128 in Durand RI book. This note is similar to the $ 125 one illustrated. Purchased in the east. EF 35 22 105. TENN $20 Merchants Bank. Nashville. 18 . VG-F Rare 200 50 106. TENN $10 Commercial Bank. Memphis. 186 . Rarity. G-VG 100 250 107. TENN $1 Bank of E. Tenn. Knoxville. 1855. Payable at Jonesboro. F 25 300 108. VA 25c Corp. of Charlestown. 1861. Coin note. Small tear. VG 22 300 109. VA $2 Manassas Gap RR Co. 1861. Old rev. patches and several paper separations. 80 Great RR name! G 85 110. VA $2 Appomattox Savings Bank. Farm- ville. 1861. Several large and small paper 90 separations (not noticeable). RARE. VG 175 50 111. VT $2 Union Bank. Swanton Falls. 1859. Marked "counterfeit". Some damage to left side still a nice looking note. R6 VG 75 60 112. WISC $5 Mineral Point Bank. 1840 G-VG 22 60 113. WYO 25e Riverton Lions Club. 1933. Rare 85 F-VF 75 114. Macerated Post Card. Addressed but not 75 mailed. "Contains $200," etc. Perfect con- dition. 95 End of Auction. NOTE: 5% BUYERS CHARGE, otherwise usual auction rules. Postage & insur. will be added. MI residents will be subject to 4% sales tax. Auction closes two weeks after receipt of this issue of Paper Money. FALATER - 118 N. HOWELL - HILLSDALE, MICH. 49242 - (517) 439.5434 BOOKS FOR SALE Florida (SPMC) Freeman, Obsolete currency $29 Early Mich. Scrip. Bowen (brown cover), Obsolete currency 39 Minnesota (SPMC) Rockholt, Obsolete currency 16 Mississippi (SPMC) Leggett, Obsolete currency 18 Tennessee. Garland, Obsolete currency 30 Texas (SPMC) Medlar, Obsolete currency 18 Indiana (SPMC) Wol ka, Obsolete currency 10 Maine (SPMC) Wait, Obsolete currency 10 Rhode Island. Durand, Obsolete currency 18 New Jersey (SPMC) Wait, Obsolete currency 10 Indian Terr.10kla./Kansas (SPMC) Burgett Obsolete currency 10 IOWA (SPMC) Oakes, Obsolete currency 10 Alabama (SPMC) Rosene, Obsolete currency 10 Territorials (SPMC) Huntoon, U.S. 10 Essay & Proof Notes. Hessler. U.S. 19 Nat'l Bank Notes. Kelly, U.S. 59 Nat'l Bank Notes. 1863.1935. Van Belkum 14 Nat'l Bank Notes. 1863.1935. Steinmetz 24 Nat'l Bank Note Issues 1929-35. Huntoon 19 Add $2 per book for postage & handling. 10% discount on any 5 or more books. We are active buyers of Michigan paper money, including nationals, obsoletes, scrip, college, advertising, depres- sion scrip, etc. Quotations or corresondence invited. FALATER - 118 N. HOWELL - 150 HILLSDALE, MICH. 49242 - (517) 439.5434 100 55 60 125 225 80 90 50 50 30 30 250 50 100 275 175 150 ITEM: Numismatic News helps reverse the Treasury's decision to omit silver from the Ike dollar (we now enjoy 40% silver Ikes!) ITEM: Numismatic News convinces the GSA to properly grade Carson City dollars sold from the government's hoard (scratched, nicked and tarnished specimens were to be sold as uncirculated!) * * * ITEM: Numismatic News successfully lobbies against middle-man profits in the Olympic coin programs. Been on the block for 32 years. Saw some questionable hobby programs come down from Washington in that time. Got involved with all of them. Knew from experience what to do — how to go about changing minds and policies. Victories for the hobby were sweet. There are more to come. Stick with us. Support us. Now more than ever, we're ready to serve your interests. krause publications Home Of Superior Hobby Periodicals And 13 maticnu Just released . . . . TORONTO SESQUICENTENNIAL SOUVENIR CARD Issued by the Canadian Paper Money Society SESQUICENTENNIAL ANNfVERSARY CITY OF TORONTO CANAE, !A A note, issued in 1852, by the City of Toronto, is intaglio printed by the Canadian Bank Note Company from the original plate. The souvenir card commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Toronto. Cards at $5.00 each (plus $2.00 postage and shipping per order) may be ordered from: Numismatic Education Society of Canada P.O. Box 704, Station B Willowdale, Ont. M2K 2P9 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 257 (MANY TRADES!) PETER HUNTOON P.O. Box 3681, Laramie. WY 82071 QUALITY Aside from National Bank Notes I deal only in Choice and Gem quality material. Choose from the highest quality inventory in the business. SERVICE SELECTION Extensive travel to over 30 major shows a year allows me to present a wide array of scarce and rare Nationals, lots of large size notes and the largest selection of small size available anywhere. PRICE I am actively servicing the want lists of many collectors and may be able to find notes that you need. I also offer a 30-day return privilege and a no-cost layaway program. While I'm not the cheapest, price is often a function of quality. I also stand behind every note I sell with a guarantee of your satisfaction or your money back. Write or call for a free copy of my latest price list. "THE SOURCE FOR SUPERB QUALITY" Michael R. Storeim 7600 E. Orchard Ave., Suite 350 Englewood, CO 80111 (303) 694-0791 Nobody pays more than Huntoon forAlumna, WYOMING State and Territorial Nationals VinEnTalt"sliiimEtict. WANT ALL SERIES, ANY CONDI- TION, EXCEPT WASHED OR "DOC- TORED" NOTES. Page 258 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 259 WANTED PAPER MONEY OBSOLETE AMERICAN FOREIGN Gold and Silver Collections Ancients and Treasure Coins Especially HIGH PRICES Paid For FLORIDA OBSOLETES, NATIONAL BANK NOTES & BONDS F.S. Werner 8198 Royal Palm Court A.N.A. Tamarac, Florida 33321 P.N.G. LM 920 Tel. (305) 722-0778 249 HELP! WILL BUY OR TRADE FOR THE FOLLOWING 1929 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI NATIONALS CHARTER 4178 MERCANTILE-COMMERCE NATIONAL BANK 1929-I $5 1929-11 $5 1929-11 $20 CHARTER 1220 CHARTER 12916 GRAND NATIONAL BANK BOATMEN'S NATIONAL BANK 1929-11 $5 1929-I $5 CHARTER 13726 AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK IN ST. LOUIS MY SINCERE THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING DEALERS, WHO FOUND NOTES FOR ME IN THE PAST YEAR: JOHN FOSTER, JOE SANDE, DON KETTERING, ALLEN MINCHO, MARVIN LEVINE, TOM DENLY AND ALEX PERAKIS. GOT A WANT LIST? SEND THEM ONE! THANKS ALSO TO SHAYNE MacMAHON AND JIM RANES. BOB COCHRAN 13001 HOLLENBERG DRIVE BRIDGETON, MO 63044 (314) 344-5125 WORK (314) 921-0487 HOME •U8/4/■• INC . P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 BUYING / SELLING. OBSOLETE CURRENCY, NATIONALS• UNCUT SHEETS, PROOFS, SCRIP BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, ANA, FUN, GENA, CCRT (914) 352.9077 „ of ae • t. EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS We maintain the LARGEST *619-273-3566 COLONIAL & CONTINENTAL CURRENCY ACTIVE INVENTORY IN THE WORLD! SEND FOR FREE PRICE LIST SPECIALIZING DV: SERVICES: q Colonial Coins q Portfolio q q Colonial Currency Rare & Choice Type q Development Major Show qEARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS q Coins Coverage c/o Dana Linea q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance q P.O. Box 276 q Ansonia, CT 06401 q 619-273-3566 Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS Advertise In Official Bimonthly Publication The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Checks, Stocks & Bonds, And More! Join us and receive our quarterly journal, THE CHECKLIST • Information on all aspects of banking and business paper collectibles • Club Auctions • Free Classified Ads Regional chapters are being organized, slide pro- gram available, book projects, swap-box, and the friendliest collectors anywhere! For more informaticr. contact Cliech Collectors tounb Table Charles Kemp, Secretary 481 Morse #70 • Troy Michigan 48084 Page 260 Paper Money Whole No. 113 WANTED, REWARD RHODE ISLAND NATIONALS Will pay $5.00 each for the first photo or Xerox of the following unreported Rhode Island notes: CHARTER CITY TYPE DENOM. 1007 Providence 1929 II $20. 1035 Slatersville II II $10,$20. 1150 Ashaway II II $10,$20. 1284 West Warwick II $5.,$20. 1492 Newport I $100. 1492 II $5. 1396 Providence Any series Any note 1405 E. Greenwich " " II II 1460 Phenix 1554 Wakefield Any R.I. First Charter $50. or $100. Any R.I. Brownback $50. Interested in buying or trading for 1929 R.I. notes in VF or better except #948, 1007, 1302 and 13901. STEVEN WHITFIELD P.O. BOX 1122 OMAHA, NE 68101 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL. 34284-0985 BANKS 0;11111 ttt..AnicriGI 1859 BANK OF AMERICA $50 Black/White Capital Stock certificate with a very attractive eagle/train/ship vignette by Topper, Carpenter, Casilear & Co. Pen- cancelled (but not affecting the vignette), trim- med close on the left edge, a great framing piece from a very important 19th-century bank. Our current BANK listing includes more than 3 dozen Bank stocks, from 1812 to 1933, many with engraved vignettes by the American Bank Note Company. Call or write today and ask for our BANK listing, or for our general catalogue of more than 150 stocks and bonds. CENTENNIAL DOCUMENTS 1-21 28th St. Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 (201) 791-1683 IAN A. MARSHALL WORLD PAPER MONEY A-Z (AFRICA A SPECIALTY) P.O. BOX 537 THORNHILL, ONT. CANADA L3T 2C0 Bi-Monthly Retail • Wholesale Lists FREE LISTS Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 261 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY F' (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West. ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. PA). DRAWER 706, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 1157L FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES P.O. BOX 1358 WARREN HENDERSON VENICE, FLA. 33595 Page 262 Paper Money Whole No. 113 BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2930 Member of: ANA, PMCM WANTED All types of WESTERN AMERI- CANA—obsolete checks, scrip, stocks, bonds, bills, documents, photographs, maps, autographs, anything of interest: — Territorial items. — Texas, Wells Fargo, Oregon, Colo- rado, mining towns, cowboys, sa- loons, etc, etc. PERMANENT WANT. SAVE THIS AD. The Clipper Americana & Antiques P.O. Box 803 Bellevue, Washington 98009 (206) 453-8109 • U.S. Obsoletes • U.S. Large & Small Size Type Notes • U.S. Large & Small National Bank Notes • Canadian BOUGHT AND SOLD FREE PRICE LIST FRANK TRASK SPMC, ANA KENNEBUNK COINS & CURRENCY P.O. Box 787, Kennebunk, Maine 04043 (207) 985-7431 HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS — LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216-884.0701 1114;1■131110 . 4,OliKg.06 i>,:„.*A),X900 !,1EA,,..BANK OF ST. LOUIS ,,1)11;1:473-r1O—FTZT, /'"" ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI OBSOLETES AND NATIONALS WANTED RONALD HORSTMAN ROUTE 2, BOX 242 GERALD, MISSOURI 63037 Si. Louis Nalirniat flank lUi s' WANTED! Black & White Pictures of National Bank Notes for Inclusion in the S.P.M.C. Paper Money Library of National Bank Notes Joe Kinney Curator 1133 Lilliam Way, Los Angeles, CA 90038 (213) 465-7056 SOCIETY Of PAPER SIONEY COLLECTORS "/ 3M Paper Money Whole No. 113 Page 263 "Pronto Service"P.O. Box 4289 SOC." "10.110 11,400.1.11IN4 Page 264 Paper Money Whole No. 113 U.S. CURRENCY SPECIALS "WHETHER BUYING OR SELLING, FOR A BETTER DEAL TRY BEBEE'S! YOU'LL BECOME A "BEBEE BOOSTER" AVAILABLE NOW: U.S. SALES LISTS = (A) Large Size Notes; (B) Large Size Nationals ; (C) Colonial & Continental Currency; (D) Fractional Currency; (E) Confederate Currency. Please specify your collecting interest when requesting any of these FREE lists. SUPERB UNCUT SHEETS 1928 D $1 Silver Certificate Sheet (12). Julian-Woodin. Of the 60 sheets issued only 28 have been reported. Over the years many sheets have been cut up and the notes sold singly. To- day singles bring $250.00. We offer this GEM sheet at only $3,895.00 WANTED 1928C $2 Legal Tender Sheet (12). Julian-Morgenthau. Only 27 of the 75 sheets issued have been reported. This truly GEM sheet is priced at just $1,595.00 WANTED Please forward Notes indicating prices desired or, for our TOP offer. Your notes will, of course, be accurately graded. (IF your notes are in slightly lower grade than the grades we desire, please write us before shipping). A QUICK, PLEASANT DEAL is always assured you at BEBEE's. DEMAND NOTES GRADE DESIRED INTEREST BEARING - 1 YEAR NOTES 1861 $20. NEW YORK. FR-11 VF to UNC. 1864 $50. FR-198 VF to UNC. LEGAL TENDER NOTES 1864 $100. FR-199 VF to UNC. 1862 $20. 2nd 061. FR-125 AU to UNC. TERRITORIAL NATIONAL BANK NOTES 1862 $100. 2nd Obl. FR-149 AU to UNC. 1878 $2. FR-49 UNC. only The following BROWN BACKS wanted. 1880 $500. FR-185J AU to UNC. 1882 $5. ARIZONA. AU to UNC. 1882 $5. HAWAII. AU to UNC.SILVER CERTIFICATES 1882 $5. OKLAHOMA. AU to UNC. 1899 $1. FR-231 UNC. only #1882 $5. IDAHO. AU to UNC. 1880 $1,000. FR-346B/D AU to UNC. #1882 $5. WYOMING. AU to UNC. 1891 $100. FR-344 AU to UNC. # Second Choices: Other DENOM. & GRADES GOLD CERTIFICATES NATIONAL BANK NOTES 1882 $50. Lg. Red Seal. FR-1191 AU to UNC. 1882 $100. Brown Seal. FR-1203 AU to UNC. The following BROWN BACKS wanted. 1882 $100. Lg. Red Seal. FR-1204 AU to UNC. 1882 $5. ALABAMA AU to UNC. 1882 $100. Lg. Brown Seal. FR-1205 AU to UNC. 1882 $5. ARKANSAS AU to UNC. 1882 $500. FR-1216 AU to UNC. 1882 $5. COLORADO AU to UNC. 1922 $500. FR-1217 AU to UNC. 1882 $5. FLORIDA AU to UNC. 1882 $1,000. FR-1218B AU to UNC. 1882 $5. IDAHO State AU to UNC. 1928 $500. FR-12404 UNC. only 1882 $5. MARYLAND UNC. only 1928 $1000. FR-2405 UNC. only 1882 $5. MISSISSIPPI AU to UNC. 1882 $5. NEW HAMPSHIRE AU to UNC.NATIONAL GOLD BANK NOTES 1882 $5. NO. DAKOTA AU to UNC. 1870/75 $10. FR-1143/1151 VF to UNC. 1882 $5. RHODE ISLAND AU to UNC. 1870/75 $20. FR-1152/1159A VF to UNC. 1882 $5. SO DAKOTA AU to UNC. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES 1882 $5. WYOMING AU to UNC. 1864 $50. FR-192B ExF to UNC. 1882 $5. NEVADA AU to UNC. 1864 $100. FR-193 ExF to UNC. Except MD. will consider ExF/AU. Notes. BEBEE'S are also paying TOP CASH PRICES for other LARGE-SIZE Notes. Especially wanted-UNCUT SHEETS (4, 12, 18); OTHER TERRITORIALS, NATIONALS, TWO-DENOMINATIONS, CUT-SHEETS. Please describe offers. WHY NOT GIVE US A TRY - WE WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR ORDERS - AND YOU'RE SURE TO LIKE DO- ING BUSINESS WITH BEBEE'S. SINCE 1941, TENS OF THOUSANDS OF "BEBEE BOOSTERS" HAVE. Y'ALL HURRY NOW - WE'LL BE LOOKING FOR YOU! AUBREY & ADELINE BEBEE ANA Life #110, ANS, IAPN, PNG, SPMC, Others. Omaha, Nebraska 68104 As a seller, this method gives you the opportunity to get the full market price without the "in" dealers short-circuiting the bidding, as so often is seen at public auction sales. Our currency auctions were the first to use the Sealed Mail Bid System, which gives you, the bidder and ultimate buyer, the utmost chance to buy a note at a price you want to pay with no one looking over your shoulder. Hickman - Oakes Auctions , nc. Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S. Currency to the collecting fraternity for over 20 years: Hick man alkeS Auctions ,Inc. r.o.cP.blic.ion. WITH 20 sales behind us, and just starting our September-June Auction year, we invite you to participate: As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% down to 10% without a buyer's charge, lot charge, or photo charge. As a buyer: Subscribe to our next year's sales and receive the catalogs, prices realized, price lists, and if you have purchased a "National Catalog" we will send the update, all postage paid for $10.00. Send Today! If you haven't yet purchased a copy of THE STANDARD CATALOG OF NATIONAL BANKNOTES by Hickman-Oakes, we will mail an autographed copy (if wished) with update supplement when available for $75.00 (about $12.00 per pound). Send to: Drawer 1456 jou. 13 Mg, Iowa 52240 319- 33 8- 1144 It pays to look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN edak's RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311