
Paper Money - Vol. XXIV, No. 3 - Whole No. 117 - May - June 1985

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1 IN VOL. XXIV No. 3 WHOLE No. 117 MAY / JUNE 1985 MEET You IN MEMPHIS 11 SUPERB SPRING SPECIALS "Sure-Cure Prescriptions for that Synagraphic Spring Fever" SILVER CERTIFICATES CHANGE-OVER PAIRS 1928-D $1.00 FR-1604. Superb CU $275.00 1928/1928-A $1.00 Superb CU $165.00 1928-E $1.00 FR-1605. Superb CU 875.00 1928-A/1928-B $1.00 Superb CU 175.00 1934-B/1934-C $5.00 Superb CU 95.00 RARE EXPERIMENTAL NOTES 1934-B/1934-C $5.00 STARS. Superb 1928-B $1.00 47(00000011B, Y00000011B, CU. Very Scarce 165.00 1928-A #Z00000011B. This Low # Set (3) 1934-C/1934-D $5.00 STARS. Superb CU 150.00 Superb CU 695.00 1928-D/1928-E $2.00 Legal. Superb CU 115.00 1934-A/1934-B $10.00 Fed. Res. Superb CU 125.00 RARE RED "R" & "S" SET 1934-A/1934-B $20.00 Fed. Res. Superb CU 145.00 1935-A $1 Pair. The Last Two Serial Nos. Match. Superb CU 350.00 Another Set, Serial Nos. do not match 295.00 RADAR NOTES - SUPERB CU 1935-A $1 Red "S" Superb CU 95.00 1934 $1.00 Silver Cert. #C266666662A 95.00 1935-A $1 #U600000006C 75.00 SCARCE ALOHA NOTES 1935-A $1 #U599999995C 75.00 1935-A $1 HAWAII, Fr-2302. Block CC. Low Serials #702, 706, 710, 713 Ea. 95.00 #860, 960, 990 Ea. 75.00 FAMOUS WADE SALE #919 Top Mgn. close 65.00 BEBEE's 1956 Sales Catalogue of the Great James M. Wade Collection @ Prices You'd Hardly Believe. 1935-A $1.00 STAR Note Superb CU 565.00 Yours for only (Postpaid) 5.00 1934A/1935A HAWAII Set $1-$5-$10-$20. FR-2300, 2302, 2303, 2305. Splendid FREE (May/Aug) + Famous Wade Sales Cagalogue Set (4); all Superb CU 875.00 with Note Order $200. or more). WANTED - BUYING - WANTED Please sent notes indicating the prices desired. Or, send for our top offer. Your notes will, of course, be accurately graded. (If you have notes that are slightly lower in condition than the grades we desire, please write describing them before shipping to us.) A quick, pleasant deal is always assured at BEBEE's. GOLD CERTIFICATES NATIONAL BANK NOTES 1882 $50 Lg. Red Seal FR 1191 AU to UNC The following BROWN BACKS: 1882 $100 Brown Seal FR 1203 1882 $100 Lg. Red Seal FR 1204 AU to UNC AU to UNC 1882 $5 ALABAMA AU to UNC 1882 $100 Lg. Brown Seal FR 1205 AU to UNC 1882 $5 ARKANSAS AU to UNC 1882 $5 COLORADO AU to UNC NATIONAL GOLD BANK NOTE 1870-75 $10 FR 1143/1151 ExF to UNC 1882 $5 FLORIDA AU to UNC 1882 $5 IDAHO State AU to UNC COMPOUND INTEREST NOTE 1882 $5 MARYLAND UNC only 1864 $100 FR 193 ExF to UNC 1882 $5 MISSISSIPPI AU to UNC TERRITORIAL NOTIONAL BANK NOTES 1882 $5 NEW HAMPSHIRE AU to UNC The following BROWN BACKS: 1882 $5 ARIZONA AU to UNC 1882 $5 NORTH DAKOTA AU to UNC 1882 $5 HAWAII AU to UNC 1882 $5 RHODE ISLAND AU to UNC 1882 $5 OKLAHOMA AU to UNC 1882 $5 SOUTH DAKOTA AU to UNC *1882 $5 IDAHO *1882 $5 WYOMING AU to UNC AU to UNC 1882 $5 WYOMING AU to UNC *Second Choices Other denom. & grades 1882 $5 NEVADA AU to UNC We are also paying TOP CASH PRICES for other Territorials, Large-Size Nationals, Two-Denominations. Uncut Sheets (4,12,18). We invite your inquiry! Order for any of the above Notes will be Shipped 1st Class Insured or Registered at our Expense. For Immediate Shipment send Cashier's Check or Money Order (Personal Checks take 20 to 25 Banking Days). 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Always. Member: ANA Life #110, ANS, PNG, IAPN, SPMC, Others. AUBREY & ADELINE BEBEE WHY NOT GIVE US A TRY - WE WILL GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR ORDERS - AND YOU'RE SURE TO LIKE DO- ING BUSINESS WITH BEBEE'S. SINCE 1941, TENS OF THOUSANDS OF "BEBEE BOOSTERS" HAVE. Y'ALL HURRY NOW - WE'LL BE LOOKING FOR YOU! ev.)s,ute. P.O. Box 4289 "Pronto Service" Omaha, Nebraska 68104 SOCIETY OF PAPER NIONEY COLLECTORS I NC. i.3Md42 Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 109 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE. Se- cond class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster; send address changes to: Paper Money, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy. Dover, DE 19901. © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1984. All rights reserved. Repro- duction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permis- sion, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $12. Individual copies of current issues, $2.00. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover $72.00 $195.00 $367.50 Inside Front & Back Cover $67.50 $181.50 $345.00 Full Page $59.00 $158.00 $299.00 Half-page $36.00 $ 98.00 $185.00 Quarter-page $15.00 $ 40.00 $ 77.00 Eighth-page $10.00 $ 26.00 $ 49.00 To keep administrative costs at a minimum and advertising rates low, advertising orders must be prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. In the exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are re- quired, the advertiser will be notified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the first of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 1 for March issue). Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertise- ment in which typographical error should oc- cur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXIV No. 3 Whole No. 117 MAY/JUNE 1985 ISSN 0031-1162 GENE HESSLER, Editor Box 416 Oradell, NJ 07649 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March/April issue, etc.). IN THIS ISSUE THE BANKS OF PEKIN, ILLINOIS Walter T. Herget 111 THE PAPER COLUMN — A Unique Error and Great Rarity Peter Huntoon and Lynn W. Vosloh 114 The Wyoming National Bank Massacre of 1924, conclusion Peter Huntoon 116 THE GREEN GOODS GAME Forrest Daniel 119 THE NATIONAL BANKS OF KINDERHOOK, NEW YORK Robert R. Moon 120 THE SCRIPOPHILY SCRIBE Postcard Checks Barbara R. Mueller 126 RAILROAD NOTES & SCRIP OF THE UNITED STATES, THE CONFEDERATE STATES AND CANADA Richard T. Hoober 127 ISAAC HAYS Edward Schuman 130 UNITED STATES CURRENCY SPECIMENS FOR CENTRAL BANKS Gene Hessler 132 BOGUS JIM REPORTED C. Frederick Schwan 134 NEW SUDANESE NOTES 134 NEW LITERATURE 135 BEP ANNOUNCEMENTS 138 SOCIETY FEATURES INTEREST BEARING NOTES 139 RECRUITMENT REPORT 140 COMING EVENTS 141 SPMC MEMBERS CANDIDATES FOR ANA 142 EDITOR'S CORNER 144 SECRETARY'S REPORT 144 Paper Money Whole No. 117Page 110 r----Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Larry Adams, P.O. Box 1, Boone, Iowa 50036 VICE-PRESIDENT Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 SECRETARY Gary Lewis, P.O. Box 4751, N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903 TREASURER James F. Stone, P.O. Box 89, Milford, N.H. 03055 APPOINTEES EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416, Oradell, NJ 07649 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOOK SALES COORDINATOR Richard Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street, North Attleboro, MA 02760. WISMER BOOK PROJECT Richard T. Hoober, P.O. Box 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445 LEGAL COUNSEL Robert G. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001 PAST PRESIDENT AND LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Walter Allan, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Jr., Peter Huntoon, Charles Kemp, Roman L. Latimer, Donald Mark, Dean Oakes, Bernard Schaaf, M.D., Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, John Wilson. -..The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organ- ization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is af- filiated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notifi- cation to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold of- fice or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numis- matic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES—The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Annual dues are $12. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 81/2 x 11" INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $12.00 TERRITORIALS—A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIAL Non-Member $15.00 BANK NOTES, Huntoon $12.00 MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Non-Member $15.00 Rockholt 12.00 INDIAN TERRITORY / OKLAHOMAOBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, / KANSAS Burgett & Non-Member $15.00 Whitfield $12.00 MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Wait $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 Non-Member $15.00 IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Oakes $12.00 OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF RHODE ISLAND Non-Member $15.00 AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, Durand $20.00 Non-Member $25.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, Wait $12.00 Non-Member $25.00 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP... $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 PENNSYLVANIA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP (396 pages), Hoober $28.00 Non-member 35.00 Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept. 116 Fisher St., North Attleboro, MA 02760. Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of Librarian—Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. Ise■-•••■ h il......__ the members only. For further information, write the 60521. it-ISEArraEOkri- rtte „n. 4 31 ) ti,;2;”/).frrug Th.tolWpweloA:trolve, marioNAL,tztoem,gro 04 imiallEiNi DO LIAREN Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 111 ON THE COVER. Hiram Ulysses Grant was his given name at birth on 27 April 1822. At West Point the young cadet decid- ed to give prominence to his middle name; he signed it, at first, as Ulysses H. Grant. His Congressman, Thomas Hamer, incor- rectly submitted the name of Ulysses S. Grant to the academy. The mistake was never corrected, consequently, the "S", that stands for nothing, stayed with the soldier and President for life. Hamer could have been thinking of Simpson, the maiden name of Grant's mother. Grant was a formidable soldier, but not a memorable Presi- dent. "It is difficult to comprehend the qualities of a man who could be moved by a narrative of individual suffering, and yet The Banks of Pekin, Illinois WALTER T. HERGET P EKIN. Illinois is a typical Midwestern town of about 30,000 people situated in central Illinois about ten miles south of Peoria and sixty miles north of Springfield. It is surrounded by some of the best farm land in the country and has had a number of industries nearby. Pekin's economy rises and falls, as it does in most of the Midwest, with the health of industry and farming. It never has lacked banks to help the economy. Pekin was founded in 1824 and had a growth pattern that was about 10% per year to 1860; a low 0.6% per year to 1890; and a 5% per year from 1890 to 1930. The low growth rate in the late 1800s was probably the result of emigration to the west. The various Pekin banks are listed in Table I with the date during which they conducted business. Except for the period 1843-1851, Pekin always had at least one bank in operation since 1840 and has had at least one national bank that issued bank notes from 1866 to 1935. Not much is known about the first five of the Pekin banks, The Shawrieetown Bank was a branch of the Bank of Illinois and was spearheaded by Col. C. Oakley. The Platte Valley Bank was could sleep while surrounded by the horrors of the Battle of the Wilderness." This was a description by George S. Boutwell who became Grant's Secretary of the Treasury. As a U.S. General, U.S. Grant said that "The pain in my head seemed to leave me the moment I got Lee's letter." Here, we acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the death of our 18th President, who died at 8:00 p.m. on 23 July 1885. The cover portrait, from the back of the $5 silver certificate of 1896, was engraved by Lorenzo Hatch. The portrait of Grant on large-size $50 gold certificates is the work of engraver G.F.C. Smillie. The portrait on large-size Federal Reserve and Federal Reserve Bank notes and on all small-size $50 notes was en- graved by Joseph Eissler. headed by G. H. Rupert and reportedly issued notes but the author has not seen nor heard of any. Leonard Brothers, Greigg and Co. and Docker and Co. were private banks. The other private banks, Teis Smith and Co., Leonard and Blossom, and George Herget and Sons did not issue bank notes nor did, of course, the Pekin National Bank or the First State Bank, which opened after the national bank note issuing period ended. The First National Bank of Pekin—Charter 1637 The bank, chartered on March 5, 1866, was placed in voluntary liquidation on July 25, 1875. Only original series notes were issued in 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 dollar denominations. The signatures on these notes were B. K. Blossom, cashier and I. E. Leonard, president. Earlier, Leonard had been Mayor and Blossom had been City Treasurer of Pekin. F. W. Leonard was vice president of the bank. It has been reported that in 1910 only $1089 of the bank's currency was outstanding. A $1 and a $10 note were known to exist. $1 $10 Treasury Serial A797183 B457468 Bank Serial 164 1247 Check Letter C B Treasury officials Colby and Spinner Charter Number on bill No Yes Date on bill 5/1/66 3/15/66 A photo of the $10 bill is shown in figure 1. The bank was voluntarily liquidated in 1875 and was succeeded by the private banking firm of Leonard and Blossom. Banking must have been in the Blossom family's blood, because F. F. Blossom, a decendent, later was President of the Central National Bank in nearby Peoria. Figure 1 Attent. yof 031 ,,ivvrttlXVIL I 1,,» t ""4.411.x.4 .4,e0 r to. * t t.3 • 4.1,440 7-2, .4a ;444ia ,,411,:;) 0:,,://7"/ A ■,6+ 9)141. NRIA.M, Tv4,it isat-stme*-71 11,-__: j„.14jajta. 4,4g,i,V.A■Alf ittitlititallamourci- lltallifinfttoit. w Zfie Ixanenw2 -la 2 gAf"-1.110ts;c7,y,7- "÷.410.■fr .X,rrotw'irrtrEty Figure 3 42 Figure 2 rr iri lLr w.; Page 112 Paper Money Whole No. 117 The Farmers National Bank of Pekin, Illinois— Charter 2287 The Farmers National Bank was chartered on July 22, 1875, just three days before the First National Bank of Pekin gave up its charter to become a private bank. The Farmers National Bank was capitalized with $50,000, which was later increased to $100,000. The president and cashiers of the bank were as follows: President Cashier Jonathan Merriman A. B. Hobbit F. E. Rupert A. H. Purdie J. M. James A. A. Sifple A. A. Sifple F. W. Beyer C. W. Mott At least half of the notes from the Farmers National Bank were signed by vice presidents (and cashiers). These vice presi- dents were: F. Shurtleff Henry Roos Frank F. Riese V. P. Turner The Hobbits (cashier above) were well represented in central Illinois banking circles. W. Hobbitt was Cashier for the First National Bank of Lincoln, Illinois during the 1875 Series issuing period. J. A. Hobbitt was President of the Atlanta National Bank of Atlanta. Illinois during the 1916-1933 issuing period. Both towns are about thirty miles from Pekin. A. H. Purdie, cashier above, became Cashier of the German American National Bank of Pekin and later became President of the American National Bank (name change). The Farmers National Bank was another large issuer of national bank bills, Series 1875, 1882 brown back, date back and 1902 plain back as well as 1929 Ty.I notes were issued for a total of about $1,800,000. There was about $96,000 out- standing when the bank closed. Farmers was located at the NE corner of Capital and Court Streets in Pekin. The bank went into voluntary receivership on Jan. 26, 1932 because "they were not making any money". The bank even- tually paid all depositors. I remember the day the bank closed. I was in the seventh grade and each Tuesday was "bank day". All the children were expected to bring some money, as little as one-cent, to add to their bank accounts. If a school room had 100% depositors for a particular week, a banner was flown to acknowledge it. Our room was reasonably regular in flying the banner. On Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1932 the teacher collected our deposits, turned them in to the principal, and we returned to school work. She was soon called out of the room but came back to announce that we could have back our deposits: the bank had closed. I remember the teacher crying with her head on the desk. We couldn't understand. Figure 2 showns a Series 1875 $10 bill. The note is dated 0:10TiCINEMMLIMMMICilllir I • 4 _tap 581986.4.- .." 4.0 TOE .4.144p "X;:///,'"- -c...744;401.s;:o. );•'/Nr- !./1 17-___riASEEXIM -ESAZ_VIM*- !Pt .' TABLE I Pekin Banks Shawneetown Bank Platte Valley Bank Leonard Brothers Greigg and Company Docker and Company The First National Bank Leonard and Blossom Teis Smith and Company Farmers National Bank German American National Bank Title changed to American N. B. Title changed to First N. B. & Tr. George Herget and Sons Herget National Bank Pekin National Bank First State Bank 1840-1842 1852-1861 1860-1862 1862-1869 1864-1866 1866-1875 1875-"For a number of years" 1866-"early 1900s" 1875-1932 1887-1918 1918-1956 Co. 1956-present 1905-1910 1910-present 1965-present 1971-present Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 113 Aug. 25, 1875 and signed by Allison and New. Other notes in this bank Series 1882 were dated July 20, 1895 and Series 1902. July 14, 1915. The signatures on these were Tillman- Morgan and Teehee-Burke. All these dates correspond to the times the U.S. Register and Treasurer were in office. The German American National Bank of Pekin — Charter 3770 The German American National Bank was chartered on August 10, 1887. At the time a large number of Germans had settled in the town. However, a name change on June 19, 1918 to the American National Bank reflected the sentiments of the times. Another name change to the First National Bank and Trust Co., was made in 1956. The bank was capitalized at $100,000. The German American issued Series 1882 brown back, Series 1902 red seal, date and plain back notes. The American issued Series 1902 plain back, 1929 Ty.I and 1929 Ty.II notes. both the Farmers and American National Banks in deposits by the 1920s and were never surpassed in the town. The Herget bank issued Series 1902 date back, plain back, and 1929 Ty.l and II bank notes. A total of about $2,300,000 of notes were issued with $2290 large and about $148,000 small size notes outstanding in 1935. The meager amount of large notes outstanding is somewhat difficult to understand as they are relatively easy to acquire. The officers of the bank were: President Cashier George Herget C. H. Turner W. P. Herget L. J. Albertsen E. M. Kump C. H. Turner was previously Assistant Cashier of the Farmers National Bank of Pekin. The bank was located at the NW corner of Court and Fourth Streets. It was relocated in August 1958 to the NW corner of St. Mary and Fourth Streets. Figure 4 shows a 1902 date back $5 number 1 note dated June 4, 1910. All the 1902 notes are dated the same with the signatures of Vernon- McClung whose terms agree with the date. This bank issued a total of almost $1,800,000 in large and small size bills with a total of about $100,000 outstanding ($4650 large size) in 1935. The officers of the bank were: President Cashier H. Feltman A. H. Purdie E. M. Wilson B. P. Schank A. H. Purdie H. M. Ehrlicker Purdie was previously Cashier at the Farmers National Bank of Pekin. The bank was located on the south side of Court Street be- tween Fourth and Fifth Streets. Figure 3 shows a German American $5, number 1 note dated April 22, 1907. Other 1902 German American notes were dated the same with Vernon-Treat signatures. American National Bank notes were dated June 19, 1918 and signed Teehee-Burke. All dates correspond to the signature periods. The Herget National Bank of Pekin, Illinois — Charter 9788 This bank started as the private bank of George Herget and Sons on April 17, 1905. The national bank was chartered on June 4, 1910 with a capital of $150,000. By aggressive, modern banking methods the Herget National Bank surpassed Paper Money Whole No. 117Page 114 A UNIQUE ERROR AND GREAT RARITY THE PAPER COLUMN by Peter Huntoon BY PETER HUNTOON and LYNN W. VOSLOH Division of Numismatics Smithsonian Institution 4413 Oxnard, Calif. $20.00 - 1902-1908. The First National Bank. 3rd charter. Blue seal. Regional letter P, one of the most outstanding errors ever made on a piece of United States paper currency. It is easi- ly the rarest specimen of all the errors known to exist. In this instance the engraver cut the name of Chas. H. Treat, Treasurer of the United States in the proper place at right and again at the left where the Register's name should appear. Thus the name of Mr. Treat appears in two places and the name of Mr. Vernon, the Register, is missing entirely. (In all probability it should have had Vernon's name because the note was dated during his term). This is the only note which does not bear the names of the two proper officials known to exist. This is purely an error in the engraving plate and is a human and not a mechanical mistake. A priceless rarity which should provide an unusual thrill for its poten- tial owner. The note is well preserved and should bring a good price. Abt. Ex. fine. ($225.00) Catalogue of the "Original" Celebrated Albert A. Grinnell Collection of United States Paper Currency, 1944-6. The note that Albert Grinnell found so intriguing, and for which cataloguer Barney Blue- stone devoted so much space, sold for $230—$5 over estimate. That premium price sig- naled serious appreciation by a bidder at the sales. The note has since disappeared into pri- vate hands. Nevertheless, the record of its existence enthralls everyone who reads about it. DISCOVERY We felt that this error was certainly worth additional research so we combined the resources of both the Smithsonian Institu- tion and the National Archives to further the tale. What we found was fascinating and somewhat startling . The First National Bank of Oxnard, California, issued two sheet combinations in the Series of 1902 blue seal, date and plain back types: 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20. Through good for- tune, the 5-5-5-5 and two 10-10-10-20 specimen sheets are preserved in the Smithsonian holdings. One of the 10-10-10-20 sheets contains the error that occurs only on the $20 subject. The error plate was approved for use on August 10, 1909, whereupon it was placed in service and was used through the end of April, 1911. The last printings from it with the error were Series of 1902 date back shets 2801 through 3600, which were delivered to the Comptroller of the Currency on May 2, 1911. There is no record of who discovered the error, but a year after sheet 3600 was printed, the plate was fixed and it was re- certified for use on May 9, 1912. Someone in the Bureau of En- graving and Printing was so excited upon finding the error on the original specimen impression that they crossed an x through the misplaced signature! USE The startling news for us came upon digging out the Comp- troller of the Currency ledgers for the bank in the National Ar- chives and discovering that the remaining error sheets held by the comptroller were not cancelled. Instead, they continued to be issued to the bank with obvious knowledge that the error ex- isted on all the $20s, through sheet 3600, Sheet 3600 was sent to the bank on October 13, 1916, over four years after the plate had been repaired. The bureau began to print notes from the corrected plate on orders from the office of the Comptroller of the Currency a year after the plate was corrected. Serials 3601 through 3900 were the first of these impressions and they were delivered to the comptroller on May 19, 1913. Error sheets still were sent to the bank for the next three years even though error-free sheets were now on hand. It is obvious that the clerks in the comptroller's of- fice did not consider the error to be serious. For the sake of economy they simply continued to issue them. Had they thought the error was a problem, the bureau would have re- ceived an order to print from the corrected 10-10-10-20 plate immediately after it was fixed in 1912. Iltft.tS H Nalliontilfsarrentlr ugotornemertnswEsannostagritasummes , UNITED STATES OFAMERICA 411011.4!f 1.1111) eats.,/e 'wow' 4.1441,4„tiit is,> Nat til Ma/ CINfflreilltrir .1.01(13 eE4 mflO SISICS PAMIR ISTIMISLCIIIVI76. UNITED STATES DFAHERICA_ ; `Y'4411.1113114211SIUUJADAIWAVgrfftilir / Nat,/ JA.13.: ).9w, ;VP% NntioreatiCuannenirr • SISIIIMNIVIAIVO OM* UNITED STATES OFAMENICA -41:123MEICL. 444441AliSALLSA11pblitlait TWir. WW1411t44*** ";„„ NA90.14124-Ailia. 'fr4 11)X0311411*%Ak I i0..1,"? 44. -- Aw4 4014 Atr- Paper Mon ey Whole No. 117 Page 115 Smithsonian specimen sheet showing duplicate Treat signatures on the $20 subject for the First National Bank of Oxnard, California, charter 9481. (continued on p. 133) UNI1TB STATES 0 FAMERICÄ R107420D wn, 104"t* it1:0 blii'Nurim sums rit ,NDS DEIN.SITE11 VI 1111:111EiStIt EU 11352 OM. CIIILLOCI■ 138 't.? *AA vt.441' ° 4.4;t4,11 '4`4•44,1„t„.ti-t--* /9/5/ Page 116 Paper Money Whole No. 117 (qt--.1b) THE PAPER COLUMN1$, by Peter Huntoon The Conclusion of. THE WYOMING NATIONAL BANK MASSACRE OF 1924 B.F. YODER, BANK PRESIDENT Benjamin Franklin Yoder joined the eastern Wyoming banking fraternity in a big way between 1917 and 1919. This was the height of the boom and a period during which people had convinced themselves that prosperity was here to stay. Like the Clarke group, Yoder focused his attention on the agricul- tural belt surrounding the North Platte Valley, but his influence spread to towns more distant from the river. Yoder's style was highly visible. He usually installed himself as president of the banks that he controlled. In 1922 his chain included the Glendo State Bank and Bank of Glenrock, both founded in 1917; the Torrington National Bank and the First National Bank of Manville, both organized in 1919; and the Citi- zens National Bank of Cheyenne, which he took over in 1918. He also was a principal in the Platte County State Bank of Wheatland, but apparently was not its president. Yoder appears to have severed his relationship with the Citizens National Bank of Cheyenne in 1924. B.F. Yoder's First National Bank of Manville was the first Wyoming national bank to fail as a result of the agricultural depression of the 1920s. (Photo from Peterson (1915), courtesy American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.) B.F. Yoder was president of three national banks in Wyoming, two of which issued currency. He apparently divested himself of the Citizens National Bank before it failed in 1924, but his First National Bank of Manville went under in December, 1923. Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 117 The Platte County State Bank, capitalized at $20,000, was the first to fail. It closed on February 17, 1923. The First National Bank of Manville, capitalized at only $25,000, was the first of Yoder's national banks to run into trouble. The bank sustained a run and was forced into receivership on December 11, 1923. It holds the distinction of being the first of Wyoming's national banks to succumb to the post-war depression, although plenty of state banks had already gone under by that time. Notice from Table 1 that the First National Bank of Rock River, which had failed the previous June, had been looted from within, a circumstance unrelated to the economic conditions of the times. Next to fail, on March 19, 1924, was the Torrington National Bank, also closed by a run. This closing was followed in short order on July 9 by Yoder's former holding, the Citizens National Bank, which closed along with the First National Bank of Cheyenne. The Citizens National Bank found itself in the hands of a receiver on July 21, 1924. The Bank of Glenrock dis- appeared early in 1924, fate unknown, and the Glendo State Bank was placed in a receivership at the same time. However, the Glendo State Bank was restored to solvency and operated until 1926 when it expired of unknown causes. It is possible that Yoder was able to unload it along the way. These sad events left B.F. Yoder a disspirited man with his hands full of litigation. Gladys Jones (1981) of Cheyenne remembers well that July 9th summer day when both the First National Bank and Yoder's former Citizens National Bank closed. Her father returned home early from his job and advised his daughter and the rest of the family to stay away from the business district that afternoon. The crowds gathering downtown around the two closed banks looked rowdy and potentially volatile. THE NEWCASTLE CHAIN The picturesque town of Newcastle lies south of the Black Hills a few miles inside Wyoming's eastern border. If you take U.S. Highway 16 west to Devils Tower, you pass through scenic, rolling country and through the small towns of Osage, Upton and Moorcroft. These towns were the domain of John L. Baird, a banker who was instrumental in founding the First National Bank of Newcastle on March 23, 1904. The dominant figure in the early history of the bank was Thomas A. Cosgriff, an entrepreneur who established or owned stock in a host of state and national banks in the region. Baird served as cashier of the bank in 1904 and 1905, then apparently bought out Cosgriff to become president in 1911, a post he held until the bank failed in 1924. Baird. following the example of Cosgriff, invested in other banks. He became president of the First National Bank of Worland in 1912 and served in that capacity until 1914 when he seems to have sold his Worland interests. He also helped incor- porate the Bank of Moorcroft on December 28, 1909, along with T.A. Cosgriff, and George E. Abbott and A.D. Johnson of the First National Bank of Cheyenne. I have been unable to determine the ultimate fate of this bank. It is possible that it never opened. By 1921, J.D. Baird was serving as president of the Osage State Bank, Bank of Upton and First National Bank of New- castle. Trouble descended upon these banks in 1924. The First National Bank of Newcastle sustained a run combined with large losses and insufficient credit forced it into receivership on June 12, 1924. The Osage State Bank failed at about the same time and the Bank of Upton failed on July 9. The Baird banking J.L. Baird. His northeastern Wyoming banking empire collapsed in 1924. (Photo from Peterson (1915), courtesy American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.) enterprise had cratered, and most of the citizens of northeastern Wyoming were without banking services as a result. SPECULATION From the lists of shareholders on the incorporation papers and officers listed on the examiner's reports that I have been able to locate, it appears that banking in the 1910 to 1922 period was besieged by a speculative boom similar to the one that we have recently witnessed in penny oil stocks. A number of names appear time and again. Because a director was re- quired to own only 1 percent of the capital stock of a state bank, one could become a director in a small bank capitalized at $10,000 for only $100. Some enterprising bankers did quite well, others not so well. In 1921, A.H. Marble is listed as the president of the Cheyenne State Bank (later taken over and lost by the Clarke group), Wyoming Trust and Savings Bank of Cheyenne, Stock- growers Bank of LaGrange, Farmers State Bank of Slater and the important Stockgrowers National Bank of Cheyenne. If this is not enough, I discovered that Marble was also president of the Montana National Bank of Billings. The State Bank of Slater and Wyoming Trust and Savings Bank of Cheyenne were liquidated under honorable circumstances in 1921 and 1922, respectively. The Stockgrowers Bank of LaGrange failed on June 14, 1923, but at the time Marble may have disassociated himself from it as he had the ill-fated Cheyenne State Bank. In any event, Marble's major interests, the Stockgrowers C27=40-4=2,41 " 45a;oHrzzp sE. „, J:774' 54580137rr`r 0 • atiWa...4 ; A,N,:t b., v.. AA i„ittupu 1 ---0,Itefilyh.tx:3, 00/;;;,„. 9,,yr..).rp;e4mAnIn. uaaw Page 118 Paper Money Whole No. 117 and Montana National Bank survived the depression years and he continued to serve as their president well beyond the de- pression years. George E. Abbott, president of the First National Bank of Cheyenne, was financially involved in numerous Wyoming state banks, sometimes with his cashier, A.D. Johnson. In general these investments did not work out well and this may have helped to propel the First National Bank of Cheyenne to its grave in 1924. Interestingly, Abbott sometimes appears on the same shareholder lists as Thomas A. Cosgriff. Thomas A., John B. and James E. Cosgriff seem to hold the record for investing in banks throughout Wyoming and the region in the 1900 to 1930 period. The Cosgriffs survived the depression years vir- tually unscathed and eventually consolidated their position in Denver. compilations have found their way into a few libraries, and the State Archives has a fairly complete set for the 1920s. Many of the statistics presented here come from those sheets. The frus- tration with these reports is that they don't list the officers of the banks, or any information about when the banks were organized or how they faded from the scene. If a bank went out of busi- ness, for whatever reason, it simply was dropped from the list. Quite obviously much of the early Wyoming bank history has already vanished from official sources. I came away marveling at the good fortune that we national bank note collectors have in such sources as the Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency, note and bond ledgers in the National Archives, and the thousands of specimen sheets in the Smithsonian. Such re- cords simply do not exist for the typical state banking system in the West. George Abbott was president of the First National Bank of Chey- enne when it closed in 1924. This note, issued before statehood in 1890, shows Abbott as cashier. A VANISHING HISTORY My trip through this era led me to every Wyoming state agency even remotely involved with banking. I was cordially re- ceived in the Governor's office, every state repository of histori- cal or official documents and the State Examiner's office. Several old timers took time to give me a personal perspective. As I write this there exists no complete list, let alone historical account of state and private banks organized in Wyoming. In fact, no source tells exactly how many banks have been organized or operated in Wyoming since the territory was formed in 1868! My search for data on the early 1920 banks led me to the State Archives in Cheyenne where we retrieved some typewritten biennial reports of the State Examiner (Newlin, 1918; Hoffman, 1920, 1922) and miscellaneous reports of con- ditions (Wyoming State Examiner, various dates-b). These did not exactly cover the years of greatest interest to this report. Consequently I can't tell you how most of the deceased Wyoming state and private banks of that period bit the dust. When the State Examiner opened his doors to me, I dis- covered two boxes of articles of incorporation, state charters and examiners reports in a storage closet (Wyoming State Examiner, various dates-a). These records were far from complete, but they did fill in many holes. However, no comprehensive sta- tistics emerged. Fortunately the State Examiner (periodic) had published periodic lists of banks and their resources. These ACKNOWLEDGEMENT An earlier version of this article, copyrighted in 1984 by the Journal of the West, Inc., was published in 1984 as a chapter in a book contain- ing several historical articles entitled: Banking in the West, Larry Schweikart editor, 96 pages. Copies are available for $10 from the Sun- flower University Press, P.O. Box 1009, Manhattan, KS 66502. REFERENCES CITED Cheyenne State Leader, 1924a. "Two National Banks Closed in Chey- enne": July 9, 1924. p. 1. Cheyenne State Leader, 1924b, "Local Banking Situation Now Nears Normal": July 10, p. 1. Collins, R. W., 1925 untitled address: Wyoming Bankers Association, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Convention held at Riverton, Wy- oming, Sept. 5, 1924, p. 8-9. Comptroller of the Currency, various dates, Annual reports of the Comptroller of Currency, U.S. Treasury Department: Government Printing Office, issued annually. Henderson, H.B., 1925, Report of Secretary Harry B. Henderson: Wyoming Bankers Association, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Convention held at Riverton, Wyoming, Sept. 5, 1924, p. 16-23. Hoffman, R.J., 1920, Biennial Report of the State Examiner from Sept. 30, 1918 to Oct. 1, 1920: Typewritten report to Governor Robert D. Carey. Hoffman. R.J., 1922, Biennial report of the State Examiner from Oct. 1, 1920 to Sept. 30, 1922: Typewrittern report to Governor Robert D. Carey. Jones, Gladys, 1981, Personal communication with long-time resident of Cheyenne. (continued on p. 131) The Green Goods Game Conducted by Forrest Daniel Pictured above is the reverse of the Series 1875 S100.00 Gold Certificate. The preparation of the plate for the printing of the reverse side of this note was assigned to Assistant Apprentice Engraver Third-Class Kenlowe Thrippett in 1873, but be was so busy doing curliques on the backs of the 1863 issue that he "just never got around to it ." Thrippett transferred to the Bureau of Internal Revenue in 1876, saying he would "rather sec money coming in than going out." This is the only surviving example of original engraving ever known to have possibly been contemplated by Thrippett, who remains one of America's least memorable engravers. Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 119 ASSETS OF THE NEBRASKA BANK We have been to a vast amount of labor and expense in collecting an inventory of the assets of a Nebraska Bank. We will not mention the sum we have paid for the information given below, lest it should be con- sidered apocryphal. It will be apparent that it entailed a great expense on us, and had we not been able to use Nemaha in payment, it would have swamped us as flat as that "currency" is. The assets were found to be as follows: One wild cat. Two large wild cats. Some wild cats. Seven young wild cats. Three fat wild cats. Two old wild cats. More wild cats. Thirteen small wild cats. Five hungry wild cats. Skin of a wild cat, stretched out to dry. A lot of wild cats. Nine wild cats tied together. One old wild cat with his head shaved. Some more wild cats. One bob tailed wild cat. Wild cats lying about loose. Nine very small wild cats tied up in a bag. One patriarchal wild cat showing teeth. Paws of a defunct wild cat preserved in whiskey. Scratches of a wild cat on a brandy cask. Tails of three wild cats. Lock of hair of wild cat. WILD CATS!! — Macomb (Ill.) Eagle. — (Stillwater (Minn.) Messenger, Feb. 16, 1858. COUNTERFEITERS ARRESTED Four young men from somewhere on the Root River, in Houston county, were arrested in this place on Friday evening, for passing and attempting to pass on several of our merchants and bankers counterfeit bills of the denomination of tens, on the Bank of Commerce, Cleve- land, Ohio. Two of them were tried before Justice Simpson, on Satur- day, and held to bail in the sum of $800 each, to appear before the next District Court. A man named Carpenter, from La Crosse, gave the necessary bail bonds, and one of the prisoners, named Gillett, subse- quently fled, and cannot be found, which gives rise to the suspicion that Carpenter is but the employer of the others, and connected with them in passing counterfeit bills, which he receives by the quantity at some headquarters of manufacture. The others were to have their trial yester- day afternoon, the result of which we have not learned. — Winona Republican. — (The Weekly Minnesotian, St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 12, 1857.) COOL RASCALITY In Cincinnati, a few days since, two sharpers accosted a country- man, stopping at one of the hotels, and stating that they were "detec- tives," declared that he was suspected of dealing in counterfeit money. —The ruralist asserted his entire innocence; but they said that they would search him, and took him into a private room, when they found $$00 (sic) in good money. One went to consult a detector con- cerning the bank notes, and remained away so long that his companion also started in search of the delayer. Of course, neither returned, and the rural and unsophisticated fellow learned too late that he was vic- timized. —Hastings (Minn.) Independent, Oct. 21, 1858. LOWER CALOOSAHATCHEE PAPER MONEY COLLECTOR'S CLUB Cape Coral, Florida First Annual Convention April I, 1985 Harney's Point, Florida COPYRIGHT .5 BY ROBERT C McCURDY Lower Caloosahatchee Card The above card bears the following: Pictured above is the reverse of the Series 1875 $100.00 Gold Certificate. The preparation of the plate for the printing of the reverse side of this note was assigned to Assistant Apprentice Engraver Third-Class Kenlowe Thrippett in 1873, but he was so busy doing curliques on the backs of the 1863 issue that he 'just never got around to it.' Thrippett transfered to the Bureau of In- ternal Revenue in 1876, saying he would 'rather see money coming in than going out.' This is the only surviving example of original engraving ever known to have possibly been con- templated by Thrippett, who remains one of America's least memorable engravers. These cards cost $1.25 each, or $1 each for lots of 10 or more with a 50' postage and handling charge for each order from the only member of the club: Robert C. McCurdy, P.O. Box 374, Cape Coral, FL 33901. Page 120 Paper Money Whole No. 117 The National Banks of Kinderhook, n ew York by ROBERT R. MOON, SPMC 5766 INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of the national banking era, eight national banks have come into ex- istance in Columbia County, a county in upstate New York bordering on Massachusetts. Only one the National Union Bank of Kinderhook, remains today as an independent enti ty. In a situation that is typical of the rest of the country, the other seven have either closed their doors or been absorbed by much larger banks. This is the first of a series of articles on these eight banks and the four communities they served within Columbia County. This arti- cle deals with the two national banks in Kinderhook, including the survivor, and the com- munity. EARLY HISTORY OF KINDERHOOK HE name Kinderhook is derived from the Dutch wordT Kinderhoeck or Children's Corner. The area was giventhis title by Hendrick Hudson in 1609 while exploring the river that would later bear his name. While at anchor, Hudson's ship attracted a group of Mohican Indian children and, hence, the name. This name was soon placed on Dutch maps but the area was not to be settled until around 1640. The first settlers were primarily farmers and fur trappers attracted by the area's rich soil and abundance of game, although a saw mill was operating as early as 1665. The settlers originally depended on waterways for transportation and news, but by 1685 the growth of the area resulted in service by semi-weekly postal riders between New York City and Albany. The area continued to grow over the next several decades, avoiding the turmoil of the French and Indian wars, until the time of the American Revolution. The outbreak of the War found the village with sharply divided sympathies, as it did many communities in the Northeast. While the pivotal Battle of Saratoga in 1777 was the engagement nearest to Kinder- hook, the divided community did suffer its share of local violence between sympathizers of both sides. After the War, a great many estates changed hands as their owners fled to Canada and many New Englanders moved into the area. Once this transition period had passed, the area stabilized and again began to grow. In the early part of the 19th century, Kinderhook derived most of its prosperity from its agricultural resources. A lack of water power prevented the village from sustaining large manufacturing industries. The land, however, was more than enough to enable the area to prosper. The first local newspaper was published in 1825 and, after several unsuccessful attempts, the first local bank was established in 1838. The Bank of Kinderhook had an original capital of $113,525 with John P. Beekman, a prominent local physician, as its first president. It was felt that a local bank was needed because of the increased commercial activity of the community and the fact that the nearest banking facilities were twelve miles away in Hudson, a considerable distance at the time. Reportedly, the banking authorities in Hudson were not excited about competition for the business in the northern part of the county but the new bank encountered no difficulties in getting started. Kinderhook continued to do well and in 1853, a second bank, the Union Bank of Kinderhook, opened its doors with a capital of $100,000, which was shortly increased to $150,000. The Union Bank's first president was William H. Tobey, an attorney, county surrogate and Whig State Senator. Politics being what they were (and still are), one of the reasons for the formation of the Union Bank was that the Bank of Kinderhook was controlled by the local Democratic party so the local Whig (later Republican) organization created their own bank. An obsolete note collector's dream. The first note from the first sheet issued by the Union Bank of Kinderhook in 1853. (courtesy Mr. Thomas) KINDERHOOK'S FAMOUS FAVORITE SON One could not pass through this period in Kinderhook's history without making a brief mention of the community's most famous favorite son—Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States. Van Buren was born in Kinderhook on Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 121 December 5, 1782, the third child of a local farmer and tavern owner. A lawyer by profession, he became involved in New York politics and rose quite rapidly. After serving in the New York State Senate and as State Attorney General, he was elected to the United States Senate in 1821. Surprisingly, while serving as a Senator, Van Buren supported one of Andrew Jackson's foes in the Presidential election of 1824. Although he was re-elected to the Senate in 1827, he resigned his position the following year to become Governor of New York. Also, by 1828. Van Buren had changed his mind about Andrew Jackson and supported him in that year's election and wound up as his Secretary of State. In 1832 he was elected Vice-President as Jackson's running mate. As a man who made friends easily and with Jackson's support, Van Buren was nominated by his party for President in 1836. Elected over three anti-Jackson candi- dates, he became the last sitting Vice-President to be elected to the Presidency. It was during this campaign that the expression "OK" originated. Standing for "Old Kinderhook", the term was used as a rallying cry by his supporters. Shortly after he took office, Van Buren was faced with the financial panic of 1837 and the depression that followed. Against this background, he was defeated for re-election in 1840 by William Henry Harrison, the Whig candidate. Van Buren retired to Kinderhook, although he did attempt unsuccessful political comebacks in 1844 and 1848. He died at Kinderhook on July 24, 1862 and was buried in the village cemetery. MODERN HISTORY OF KINDERHOOK After the Civil War, the construction of railroad lines in other areas caused a decline in the commercial importance of the Kinderhook vicinity. Falling back on its abundant agricultural resources, the village and town managed a thriving if not overly- prosperous existence. In recent years, however, the Town of Kinderhook has undergone a radical change. The completion of a new arterial in the mid-1970s. which is just minutes away, has made commuting to Albany, the state capital, a simple half-hour trip. This has resulted in the influx of large numbers of people from the Albany area and has changed more and more of Kinderhook's agricultural atmosphere to a subur- ban one. The town's population has increased from 4,800 to 7,800 in just the last ten years and the County Planning Board has projected a local population of over 13,000 in the town and village within twenty years. THE NATIONAL BANK OF KINDERHOOK As mentioned before, the Bank of Kinderhook was organized in 1838. In 1865, under then-President William R. Mesick, the bank reorganized as the National Bank of Kinderhook, Charter 1026 was assigned. The fortunes of the National Bank con- tinued to improve at a steady pace and as late as 1878 the bank reported greater assets than its competitor, the National Union Bank ($638,000 vs $613,000). However, storm clouds had been brewing for several years and the chickens came home to roost in 1879. For several years, the bank had been lending increasing amounts to the firm of Tilden & Co. of New Lebanon, a town in the northeastern corner of the county. The National Bank Examiner's Report of July, 1878 cautioned the bank's officers about having so much of their money loaned to one firm. By the spring of 1879, of $320,000 loaned out by the bank, $183,000 was to Tilden & Co. Why would a bank put most of its " eggs in one basket"? Tilden & Co. had been founded in the early 1800s by Elam Tilden in New Lebanon where he built the first pharmaceutical factory in the United States. By choosing this location. Tilden was able to purchase large quantities of herbs from the nearby Shaker community, which had a sizeable camp in the New Lebanon area. The firm quickly became a very large and profit- able concern. Elam also had three sons—Samuel, Henry and Moses. Samuel Tilden went into the legal profession and then into politics which culminated in his "winning but losing" race as the Democratic candidate in the controversial presidential contest against Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876. His two brothers, Henry and Moses, followed their father into the business. Un- fortunately, they had not inherited his business acumen. Relying on their father's name, the brothers were able to borrow ever increasing sums from the national bank, but sloppy manage- ment throughout the 1870s finally forced them to default on their loans to the bank in 1879. The firm itself almost went Uncirculated "Ace" and "Lazy Deuce" on the National Bank of Kinderhook. These notes were in the last shipment of 100 sheets of this type to the bank in late 1878. (courtesy Mr. Thomas) Page 122 Paper Money Whole No. 117 under but was rescued when Samuel used his own funds to bail out his two brothers. Using this "subsidy" of sorts, Tilden & Co. limped along for several years until another generation came along and the firm recovered. Of course, the national bank did not have a friendly relative to cover its losses. Forced to write off the loans, the bank's capital was also cut in half, to $125,000, and by 1880 its assets had been reduced to $347,000. During the turmoil, a new cashier, Augustus W. Wynkoop, had been appointed. The bank then managed to hold its own for several years (the Kinderhook area was in a period of economic stagnation) until the final blow came in July, 1885. To quote the bank examiner's report for January, 1886, "matters in this bank are in a decidedly complicated condition." The previous July, just as the board of directors was meeting to declare a dividend, they were told that Mr. Wynkoop had borrowed $15,000 in the bank's name from the neighboring bank, the National Union Bank but had made no entry in the books. When questioned about the matter, Mr. Wynkoop said that "it was his business" and he was fired. About a week later, several people came in and asked for securities they had left with the bank for safekeeping but they could not be found. As it turned out, Mr. Wynkoop had used them as collateral to obtain a $30,000 loan from a bank in New York City. Other irregular- ities were found in the books of the bank dating back to January of 1883 and the sum total was approximately $67,000. To again use the words of the examiner, "I understand Wynkoop got into bad company and drank to excess—it cannot be ascertained whether he had been speculating or not." An investigation into possible criminal charges against Wynkoop was being held when he died in April 1886. As a member of a prominent Kinderhook family, his relatives made a settlement with the bank to repay most of the "irregular- ities" but arranged a loan to cover a remaining $14,000. Nothing was paid, however, on this loan over the next three years. In 1889, as a result of this non-performing loan and a couple of other small loans that had gone sour, the bank exam- iner recommended to the Board that they again reduce the bank's capital, this time to $100,000. Rather than do this the bank's stockholders had apparently become so disgusted with the situation that they "threw in the towel" and by a near unani- mous tally, voted to liquidate the bank effective October 1, 1889. It took several years to clear up its affairs; the books were finally closed on January 1, 1897. The original bank building still stands and presently houses the Kinderhook post office. NATIONAL UNION BANK OF KINDERHOOK The Union Bank was to have a more illustrious history. After coming into being in 1853, the bank enjoyed a prosperous be- ginning that was marred only by a burglary of some $9,000 in 1858. This event, however, caused the bank's board of direc- tors to look for a building of their own rather than stay in the rented space they were then occupying. They purchased a building on a corner of the Village Square in Kinderhook in 1859 and, with only minor modifications, still occupy this same building. In 1865, as with the other Kinderhook bank, the board voted to become the National Union Bank of Kinderhook and were given Charter 929. The bank continued to grow and reached assets of $651,000 in 1881. This figure, however, was to be the bank's high-water mark for almost twenty years. The Kinderhook area, as mentioned before, was in a period of economic decline and a major fire in 1880 in the Village Square area, which destroyed several local businesses, took its toll. The bank finally reached the $650,000 figure again in 1900. During the latter part of the 19th century, the National Union Bank had a succession of new officers. The bank's first presi- dent, William Tobey, died in 1878 after serving for twenty-five years and was succeeded by Stephen H. Wendover, a business- man and former state assemblyman and state senator. Wend- over served until his death in March 1889 and was, in turn, succeeded by James Bain, a prominent local farmer. Bain's tenure was rather brief, as he died in February 1892, and Gerrit S. Collier, the bank's vice-president, was elected to the post. Collier's term as president was for almost 31 years. He finally resigned in January 1923. No listing of the officers of the National Union Bank would be complete, however, without mentioning a gentleman named William H. Rainey. Mr. Rainey was appointed cashier upon the organization of the bank in 1853 and served in this capacity for an amazing 53 years until his death in 1906. On several occasions he had been offered the presidency of the bank, but chose to remain in his capacity as cashier. Mr. Rainey's successor as cashier was James Adger Reynolds who had served the bank as bookkeeper and teller from 1868 when he began work at the age of 16. He served as cashier for 17 years until he was elected to succeed Mr. Collier as president in 1923. He then served as president until his death in December 1937 at the age of 85. Mr. Reynolds wound up serving the National Union Bank for the incredible total of 69 years! This was a time period that spanned virtually the entire Series of 1875 $10 on the National Union Bank of Kinderhook, (courtesy Mr. Thomas) Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 123 Two Series of 1882 "Brownbacks" on the National Union Bank of Kin- derhook representing different plate varieties designed by the U.S. Trea- sury department. (See Peter Hun- toon's article in Paper Money No. 63 for more information on this situa- tion.) SNOW WO V. 11,14 41eVitt SITED STATES OlfA The only Red Seal reported so far on the National Union Bank of Kinderhook. National Currency era! At his death, Mr. Reynolds was one of the last Kinderhook residents who remembered former President Martin Van Buren and for many years had made sure the former President's grave was properly taken care of. One of the foremost residents of Kinderhook in his day, Mr. Reynolds was president and mayor of the village for ten years. During the early part of the 20th century, the National Union Bank enjoyed steady if not spectacular growth. The assets of the bank passed the $750,000 mark in 1917 and finally reached the million-dollar level in 1924. Business activity at the bank stagnated during the depression (where didn't it?). For example, for the first time in the history of the bank, dividends were not declared in 1934. Of course, compared to what was hap- pening to hundreds of other banks throughout the country at that time, the passing of dividends could hardly be called a major calamity. The bank also saw its assets, which had peaked at $1.35 million in 1930, steadily dwindle until they bottomed out at $1.01 million in 1938. As the worst of the depression eased, Walter S. Crandell was elected the sixth president of the bank in 1937. Owner of a large farm in the local area, Mr. Crandell had been on the board of directors of several railroads and was a member of the New York Stock Exchange. During his tenure, the Union Bank passed the $2,000,000 mark in assets in 1945. He served as president until 1949 and stayed on the bank's Board of Direc- tors until his death in 1950. Crandell's successor as president was Harold Birckmayer who served from 1949 to 1952. Another long-tenured employee of the bank, Mr. Birckmayer started as a bookkeeper in 1906 and held numerous titles until his election to the presidency. Active in local civic affairs, he also served as a trustee and mayor of the village of Kinderhook. Upon his resignation in 1952, the bank elected Charles Frisbee as its next president. A member of the bank's Board of Directors from 1920 and vice-president from 1950, Mr. Frisbee was also associated with a local textile industry founded by his great-grandfather. Mr. Frisbee's tenure was brief; it lasted only five years. When he resigned in 1957, he recommended that the bank's Executive vice-president, Allen J. Thomas, Jr., succeed him as president. Mr. Thomas had been employed at the bank in 1934 as a bookkeeper at the age of 20. One of his very first duties was to receive the sheets of national bank notes and to make sure they were cut up to be circulated, and he still owns the scissors he used. Elected executive vice-president in 1949, he succeeded to the presidency eight years later and still holds that position, giving him a total of 51 years service to the Nation- al Union Bank. Unlike many bank presidents who might be Page 124 Paper Money Whole No. 117 thought of as mere "overseers" of bank operations, Mr. Thomas can be found behind the tellers cages or at his desk performing any number of duties any day of the week. Knowing practically all of the bank's customers on a first-name basis, Mr. Thomas and the National Union Bank are a modern-day example of what has mostly become the bygone era of personalized service and Main Street banking. While a tiny bank compared to the massive holding compa- vies of today, the National Union Bank is still a very successful enterprise. Continuing steady growth and sound management over the last 25 years have increased the bank's assets to over $26 million. A branch office was opened in the nearby village of Valatie in 1966 and a share of stock in the bank purchased in 1956 would by now have split into 16 shares of equal value. The National Union Bank is indeed a strong asset in the growing Kinderhook community. The interior of the National Union Bank of Kinderhook as it appears today. President "Bob" Thomas is on the left. A syngraphic hat trick. All three denominations issued by the National Union Bank of Kinderhook of the Third Charter Plain Back variety. Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 125 SYNGRAPHIC ANALYSIS The National Union Bank of Kinderhook issued eight types of national currency with only the Second Charter Period Date Backs and Value Backs not issued. Over $5,000,000 was issued between 1865 and 1935 with $100,000 outstanding in 1935 including $10,470 in large-size notes. Surviving notes on this bank are not particularly scarce and to obtain a single specimen is not difficult. So far, the existence of 27 large size and 17 small-size notes has been confirmed. These totals will, no doubt, continue to increase. There are, however, certain types that are much rarer than others. For example, while 14 Third Charter Plain Backs (nine $5s, four $10s and one $20) are presently known, the Third Charter Red Seal pictured here is the only example of this type on this bank that has been located. Series of 1929 Type II notes are also relatively scarce. This scarcity is the result of a bond adjustment similar to that described in Peter Huntoon's recent article (Paper Money No. 105) on the national banks of Laramie, Wyoming. In early 1934, the Kinderhook bank reduced its amount of bonds to secure circulation from $200,000 to $100,000. This meant that $100,000 of existing circulation had to be redeemed before any further Type II notes could be issued. As a result, only $54,000 Type 1 $10 note issued by the National Union Bank of Kinderhook. All Series of 1929 notes on this bank bore the signatures of James A. Reynolds, President and Harold Birckmayer, Cashier. in Type II notes were issued while, previously, $615,000 in Type I notes had been circulated. As would be expected, many more Type I notes appear to have survived than the Type II notes. While documentation is available on over a dozen Type I notes, only four Type II notes are known. They are a $5 (S/N A000547) held by Mr. Thomas, another $5 (S/N A000899) held by a New York City collector, a $10 (S/N A000004) in William Donlon's 12th Mail Bid Sale in 1978 and the $10 note pictured here. Undoubtedly, the rarest Kinderhook note, if it survived, would be a high-denomination First Charter note. In 1865 the bank issued a mere 75 sheets of Original Series $50s and $100s. By 1885, according to the Currency and Bond Ledgers of the Comptroller of the Currency, all of the $50s and all but one of the $100s had been redeemed. The last report in the ledgers on First Charter notes for this bank still listed the solitary $100 bill as outstanding in 1888. While this note was probably redeemed shortly thereafter, if it did miraculously survive until today it would definitely be the ultimate Kinderhook national! Type and Denomination of Notes Issued by the National Union Bank of Kinderhook First Second Charter Charter Orig. Ser. of Brown Series 1875 Backs Red Seal Third Charter Date Back Plain Back Series of 1929 Type Type I II 1' 5 5' 5 5 . 5. 5" 5" 2' 10' 10* 10* 10* 10' 10' 10' 5 20 20 20 20 20* 20' 20 10 20 50 100 • - Notes confirmed as still existing The situation on rarity concerning the other Kinderhook bank is just the opposite. Reflecting the National Bank's fortunes, it had an outstanding circulation of over $220,000 throughout the 1860s and 1870s until 1879 when the circulation was reduced to $110,000, which was the same time the bank's assets were cut in half, The circulation was further reduced in 1887 and when the Bank finally closed its doors almost a hundred years ago, it had $78,220 ($49,930 in First Charter notes and $28,290 in Second Charter notes) in outstanding circulation. By 1910, this amount had been reduced to a mere $5,178. Notes on this bank can definitely be classified as scarce. Although the bank issued both First Charter (Original Series - $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 and Series of 1875 - $5, $10, $20) and Second Charter (Brownbacks - $5, $10, $20) notes, so far only survivors from the Original Series have been located. They are: 1) Orig. $1 - S/N 929 - Good Grinnell Lot 2288, Donlon MBS #10 Lot 149 2) Orig. $1 - S/N 2417 - AG - NASCA Sept. '81 Sale Lot 1534 3) Orig. $1 - S/N 3129 - Good - HIM June '83 Sale Lot 2266 4) Orig. $1 - S/N 16384 - VG held by the author 5) Orig. $1 - S/N 16391 - Unc. held by Mr. Thomas 6) Orig. $2 - S/N 5211 - VG NASCA Sept. '80 Sale Lot 1882 7) Orig. $2 - S/N 16366 - Unc. held by Mr. Thomas There is an interesting story behind Mr. Thomas' ownership of the two uncirculated notes on this bank. The two notes were part of the last shipment of $1-$1-$1-$2 sheets to the bank in late 1878. As no more national bank notes of these denomi- nations were to be issued, presumably an employee of the bank set them aside as a souvenir and they came into the hands of Calvin Ackley, the last cashier of the bank. Later, Mr. Thomas acquired them from the estate of a relative of Mr. Ackley. • T RANK AND COM PANY Page 126 Paper Money Whole No. 117 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks should be given to the following collectors and dealers from whom some of the Kinderhook notes pictured in this article have been acquired: Hickman-Oakes Auctions, Inc., Marvin Levine, Allen Mincho, William Panitch of Ferris Stamp & Coin, Daniel Parvis and Michael Robelin. Thanks also to John Hickman for sharing the information in his files on the surviving notes of Kinderhook, Terry Matchette of the National Archives for being very helpful and patient with my many requests for information and Allen J. "Bob" Thomas, Jr. for providing many little highlights and entertaining incidences about the history of his bank and for permission to photograph his notes for this article. SOURCES Collier, Edward A., A History of Old Kinderhook, G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1914. Ellis, Franklin, History of Columbia County, Everts & Ensign, Philadelphia, 1878. Hickman, John & Oakes, Dean, Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes, Krause Publications, Iola, Wisconsin, 1982. Huntoon, Peter. "Basic Plate and Overprint Varieties on the First and Second Charter National Bank Notes": Paper Money, V. XV, p. 134-138. Huntoon, Peter. "The Paper Column": Paper Money, V. XXII, p. 123-124. Village of Kinderhook Bicentennial booklet, 1976. National Union Bank of Kinderhook Centennial booklet, 1953. Currency and Bond Ledgers of the Comptroller of the Currency, National Archives, Washington, D.C. National Bank Examiners Reports for the National Bank of Kinderhook, various years. Comptroller of the Currency, National Arch- ives, Washington, D.C. Comptroller of the Currency, Annual Reports, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Conversations with John Hickman, Allen J. Thomas, Jr., President of the National Union Bank of Kinderhook, and the Rev. Ernest D. Smith, New Lebanon Town Historian. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Robert R. Moon, 35, began collecting national bank notes several years ago and joined SPMC in 1980. A graduate of Clarkson College, he is a computer systems engineer with the New York State Department of Social Services in Albany. Born and raised in Hudson, NY, he presently resides in the town of Stuyvesant. Further information about the Kinderhook banks and notes issued by them would be greatly appreciated by the author. He can be contacted at: P.O. Box 81, Kinderhook, NY 12106. ■ BARBARA R. MUELLER "Postcard Checks" By a stroke of scripophilic serendipity I recently stumbled onto a reference to an unusual type of check in a philatelic publica- tion called Postal Stationery. This is the journal of the United Postal Stationery Society, a group of collectors who specialize in stamped envelopes and postal cards as opposed to regular adhesive postage stamps. In the July/August 1961 issue, George C. Slawson, who was the doyen of the postal card collectors of the time, described the cards shown here. Evidently they were the first such to come to his attention. The First Bank and Trust Company of South Bend, Indiana in the late 1940s evidently was a firm believer in the aphorism that a penny saved is a penny earned, at least in that era of low interest rates. It devised the government postal card system for paying accounts, which eliminated the necessity for using an envelope plus a three-cent stamp to make payments by mail. By printing the check form on the message side of the card (Scott No. PC 17) , it eliminated that latter expense. Slawson stated that the "checks" were free, the customer paid only one-cent for the card. Evidently the loss of privacy and the absence of some sort of stub record or check register were not considered drawbacks in- itially. One wonders how many depositors had difficulty reconciling their accounts because they forget to record the amounts paid out through postcard checks. One can also speculate that the suggested use of such checks was for small payments, perhaps even those of less than a dollar, although the printed form made no special provision for that. The form, incidentally, is quite similar to the layout of an ordinary personal check with the exception of the provision of lines for name and address and "in payment of account No. —" at the lower right. Shown here, in addition to a blank form, is the address side of a postcard check that was cashed. It was issued and addressed to C.A. Perez in Chicago and mailed from South Bend on May 2, 1949. Perez evidently held it for some time and then en- dorsed and turned it over to Walter J. Stadtley, who on May 28, 1949 cashed it at the Northern Trust Company of Chicago. Cleared by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, it was re- ceived and honored by the First Bank and Trust on May 31, 1949, and was duly perforated PAID, together with the date and bank number. This check makes a significant addition to a collection of "oddball" checks. How many other such examples are known? How long did the system (s) last? A. 3 48L A. DY, s CO4 PAA, TWO. DOLLARS / / / Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 127 Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States, the Confederate States and Canada by RICHARD T. HOOBER (Continued from PM No. 116, Page 73 40. 1.50 (L) ONE DOLLAR & 50 CENTS. (C) Train. (R) Female DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS above. and eagle, ONE R4 41. 1.50 Similar to No. 40, with green denomination overprint. R4 42. 2.00 (L) TWO. (C) Train. (R) TWO. R2 43. 2.00 (L) TWO. (C) Train. (R) Female and eagle, TWO above. R3 44. 2.00 Similar to No. 43, with green TWO overprint. R3 45. 3.00 (L) THREE. (C) Train. (R) THREE. R3 46. 3.00 (L) THREE. (C) TRAIN. (R) Female and eagle, THREE above. R3 47. 3.00 Similar to No. 46, with green THREE overprint. Date—Nov. 16, 1961. Imprint—Douglas Engr. N. Orleans. R4 Louisiana No. 44. TANGIPAHOA —BATON ROUGE, GROSSE-TETE & OPELOUSAS RAILROAD COMPANY 48. 1.00 Similar to No. 1. R7 TANGIPAHOA —NEW ORLEANS, JACKSON & GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY 49. 2.00 Similar to No. 42. R7 Page 128 Paper Money Whole No. 117 MAINE BANGOR—BANGOR, OLD TOWN & MILFORD RAILROAD The road was commonly known as the Bangor & Piscataqua Railroad in 1851, running from Bangor to Old Town, a distance of 12 miles. About 1870, it became the Maine Division of the European and North American Railway, and subsequently part of the Maine Central Railroad. 1. 1 00 (L) Male portrait. (R) 10. Date — None. Imprint — None. R4 CALAIS — LEWY'S ISLAND RAILROAD The road is presumably the forerunner to the Baring & Lewy's Island Railway, which was 17 miles long, in 1869. A merger with the Calais & Baring Railway resulted in the St. Croix & Penobscot Railroad, apparently, and eventually became part of the Maine Central. 2. 100 Type-set. (C) Red 10. R6 3. 250 Type-set. (C) Red. 25. R6 MARYLAND ANNAPOLIS—ANNAPOLIS & ELKRIDGE RAILROAD COMPANY The line was chartered March 21, 1837, and track was laid from Annapolis to Junction, Md., about 20 miles in length. The road opened for traffic December 26, 1840. The company was sold November 10, 1865, for $100,000, and reorganized in April 1866 as the Annapolis, Washington & Baltimore Railroad. It was purchased by the Washington, Baltimore & Annapolis Electric Railway, February 26, 1903. 1. 250 No description. R7 2. 1.00 (L) 1. (C) Liberty, farmers harvesting grain. (R) Ship, ONE and 1 below. Date—May 17, 1841. Imprint — None. R6 BALTIMORE—BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY The company was chartered in Maryland, February 28, 1827, and in Virginia, March 8, 1827, capitalized at $5,000,000. Construction began July 4, 1827 between Baltimore and Point of Rocks. By 1853, the line extended to Wheeling, a distance of 375 miles. The first section was operated by horse power, supplanted by steam August 30, 1830. The road continued to operate under the original charter and name. 3. 121/20 (L) Liberty and Justice, 121/2 above, CENTS below. (R) Commerce, 121/2 below. R5 4. 250 (L) Ceres, 25 above, CENTS below. (R) Workman seated, 25 below. R5 5. 500 (L) Minerva, 50 above, CENTS below. (R) Commerce, 50 below. R5 6. 1.00 (L) Medallion head, 1 above and below. (C) Female. R6 7. 1.00 (L) ONE. (R) Horse, train, 1 below. R6 8. 1.00 (L) Atlas supporting world globe. R6 9. 2.00 (L) Female. (R) Female at fence. R6 , r. tf.,(j. I LUAU 1 I 441 • Y» 4 tr / / if/r /•t. `t`/ . //i // 7.))////441/7/./ . .:/1".;;;/;,• / / rV 4 rr,'Ir r■:*/ el& r /r,/ , • , r /tr 4,44 rrr I/ r 'A.; /// • // Orr /4 ( / tr 7/;///f4; (.//4 ,/g/tx.,74/..w./;,,,/; conitniss ∎ ott4:1,; " to • / 1/, '• 1"./ . Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 129 Maryland No. 3 10. 2.00 (L) Female seated in ornate 2, TWO above and below. (C) Female seated, between 2s on medallion heads. (R) Female seated in ornate 2, TWO above and below. R5 11. 3.00 (L) Female. (C) Two females. (R) Man seated. R6 12. 3.00 (L) Female in ornate 3. (R) Female seated. R6 Maryland No. 10 13. 5.00 (L) Female seated in V. (R) Female seated. R6 14. 10.00 (L) Female, cornstalk, 10 above and below. (R) Farmers harvesting grain; 10 below. R7 15. 50.00 No description. R7 16. 100.00 No description. Date—January 1, 1841. Imprint—Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty, Philad. Danforth, Underwood & Co. New York. Draper, Toppan & Co. Phila. & New York. (To be continued) got; ••■111111111111110.- totturhusini — Page 130 Paper Money Whole No. 117 Isaac Hays by EDWARD SCHUMAN Isaac Hays was born in Philadelphia on the 5th of July, 1798. His father, Samuel Hays, was a broker of considerable renown, who had advertised that "by a long residence with the late Mr. Haym Salomon," he had acquired a "perfect knowledge of this business." Samuel Hays was also active in many cultural and civic organizations. He was among the first to subscribe to the New Chestnut Street Theatre in 1792. During the yellow fever plague of 1797. when most of the influential people of Philadel- phia left for Lancaster and other places outside the disease- infested city, he was among the major contributors who donated money to be used for combating this disease and for helping those afflicted. The Philadelphia City Library, the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts, the Mikveh Israel Synagogue and others, benefited from his generosity. His mother, Richea Gratz Hays was a member of the most prominent Jewish family in America during this period. The many cultural and civic affairs of which the Gratz family were a part could fill many pages. The Gratz clan were patriots of the first order. Their many contributions to the cause of liberty and freedom are well documented. Therefore, it is not surprising that their son Isaac, coming from such stock, would prove to be a most extraordinary person. He attended the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1816 at the age of 18 years. Four years later he graduated from the school of medicine, and started a 60 year career by opening an office and offering his medical services to the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society and the Bikur Holim, two Jewish philan- thropic institutions then in operation in Philadelphia. He was a man of tremendous energy, extremely civic mind- ed, and had a wide scope of interests, When his Aunt Rebecca Gratz was secretary of the Philadelphia Orphans Asylum, Isaac Hays served as physician to this organization. In 1822 he took an active part in founding the Pennsylvania Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye and Ear; he later served as one of the surgeons in this hospital. His specialty was ophthalmology, and he invented a needle knife that was used in cataract surgery. He joined the newly founded Academy of Natural Sciences, and lectured regularly on natural sciences. He specialized in American Birds, with the assistance of John James Audubon. Hays served as curator for the organization for several years. He became one of the original members of the Franklin In- stitute and found time to serve as its secretary, and on the im- portant publications committee. His mother's brother, Joseph Gratz, was one of the founders of the Northern Liberties Gas Works. This was one of the first public utility companies in America. The company piped in il- luminating gas, to be used for lighting and cooking purposes. Isaac Hays took an active part in this corporation, serving as chairman of the committee of Works. Numismatically he is remembered by a stock certificate from this utility company, a check signed by him as chairman of works, and a dividend check, drawn on the Kensington Bank, payable to him, all of which are illustrated. Today, Northern Liberties is located near the center of Philadelphia. His greatest contribution to history however, is as an editor. In 1827 he took over the editorship of the Philadelphia Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. He changed its name to the American Journal of Medical Sciences, and remained as editor until 1869 when his son, Dr. Isaac Minis Hays. succeeded him. It was said of Isaac Hays "that by reason of his position as editor halVML.10 LIMAI'Mo eiz 12A,5 , , , , _di \ -,J °swot 4 L,. e24-= gt..... of ti. g . , :f0.4.... gurte....., t. - Caaattoo entOtted fot tto ocotootioot:om losa ntanaernomo of doo Olfootiota 9r4 NJ CONVENTION Officials of the International Paper Money Convention, which will be held in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, on November 14 - 17, 1985, have released a number of new details regarding the show. Bourse applications are presently available from the Bourse Chairman, Paul Pfeil, 14 Roosevelt Drive, Ogdensburg, NJ 07439. Interested parties have until June 1, 1985, to submit applications. The response to date has been quite gratifying, with over one third of the 134 bourse tables sold thus far. Persons interested in exhibiting at the convention are en- couraged to contact the Exhibit Chairman, Doug Moore, 46 Manor Drive, Dover, DE 19901, for infor- mation. All exhibitors will receive a complimentary awards breakfast ticket as a small token of thanks for their participation in the convention. The auction firm of Hickman and Oakes has been awarded the auction rights for the International Paper Money Convention in 1985. Inquiries from potential consignors are invited by the firm at P.O. Drawer 1456, Iowa City, Iowa 52244 or by phone (1-319-338-1144). Room reservation cards for the Hyatt-Cherry Hill are now available from the General Chairman, William Horton, P.O. Box 293, Franklin, NJ 07416. Room rates are $59 (single) and $69 (double). Eastern Airlines has been selected as the official carrier for the convention and will be offering special fares to the convention. Interested parties may contact Eastern toll free by calling 1-800-327-1295 (in Florida 1-800-432-1217) between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM, Monday through Friday. In order to assure the lowest available fare, persons should mention the convention's identification number EZ11P19. Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 141 COMING EVENTS PAGE NATIONAL MEETINGS Memphis, Tennessee — June 14-15, 1985. Memphis Coin Club's 9th Annual Paper Money Show, Cook Convention Center, 255 North Main Street, Memphis, Tennessee. Several SPMC activities, including: Friday, June 14; 6:00 PM. SPMC Informal Cocktail Party. 2nd Floor Meeting Room, Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, 250 North Main Street. Snacks and hors d'oeuvres will be provided to those holding an admission ticket, available at $4.00. A cash bar will be open, with various cocktails available; also beer, wine and soft drinks. Tickets can be ordered in advance for this event, or picked up at the SPMC Table. Tickets can be ordered for $4.00 from: Mike Crabb, SPMC Event, P.O. Box 17817, Memphis, Tennessee 38117. SPMC Patron's Association coupons will be honored for this event. Patron's Associa- tion members will receive a coupon good for two drinks at the Cocktail Party. Come and enjoy a good time. The Tom Bain Raffle will also be held at this event. SPMC will have a table outside the bourse area, with SPMC information, Society books, convention information and tickets. The Society's latest book in the Wismer Series, PENNSYLVANIA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP (1985) by Richard T. Hoober, will be available at the table. Cost to members is $28.00, $35.00 to non-members. Hickman and Oakes will hold an auction in Memphis. Watch the numismatic press for further details about the Memphis event. For further in- formation, contact Mike Crabb, Chairman, P.O. Box 17871, Memphis, Tennessee 38117. 901-654-6118. He also has hotel reservation cards available. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND—August 20-25, 1985. American Numismatic Association 94th Anniversary Convention, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland. SPMC will hold a general membership meeting at this event at 10:00 AM on August 22, 1985, at the Hyatt Regency, the headquarters hotel, in Baltimore. Program to be an- nounced. SPMC will have a table in the Club Midway in the Bourse Area, to have available the Society's books, membership information and convention promotional materials. Watch this space and the numismatic press for further details about this event. CHERRY HILL, NEW JERSEY—November 14-17, 1985. International Paper Money Con- vention, sponsored by the Society of Paper Money Collectors, Hyatt-Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Bourse, auction, educational and organizational meetings, SPMC Annual Meeting, Awards Breakfast and social activities. Bureau of Engraving and Printing will have displays and a souvenir card. For General Information about the Convention, contact: William H. Horton, Jr., Chairman, P.O. Box 293, Franklin, New Jersey 07416. He also has hotel reservation cards. Send SASE before October 10, the cut off date for dis- count rates. For Bourse Applications, contact: Paul Pfeil, Bourse Chairman, 14 Roosevelt Drive, Ogdensburg, NJ 07439 For Exhibit Applications and information, contact: Doug Moore, Exhibit Chairman, 46 Manor Drive, Dover, DE 19901. Auction Information: To consign material to the auction, catalogs and other matters, contact the firm at Hickman and Oakes, P.O. Drawer 1456, Iowa City, Iowa 52244. For general information contact: Carl Schrader, General Chairman, P.O. Box 3124, Landover Hills, MD 20784. Page 142 Paper Money Whole No. 117 SPMC MEMBERS CANDIDATES FOR ANA BOARD CHARLES COLVER Charles Colver has been a member of the SPMC for ten years and a member of the Board of Directors for the past five years. He has pub- lished several articles in this journal and has attended all seven paper money conventions in Memphis. A member of the ANA for the past 33 years, Colver has a long and active history of services to the association. He has served as assistant chief judge for the past nine years, was a member of the convention committee for the 1958 and 1975 Los Angeles conventions, is a district and club representative, installed the first exhibit in the ANA museum and is a member of the "Hall-of-Fame" committee. If elected, Mr. Colver pledges to reform the election process. He believes the present system is very unfair because a candidate with a few votes for one numbered seat could be elected over a very popular candidate with a larger, but second place finish for another seat. Mr. Colver is an avid collector of U.S. National Bank Notes and would bring a collector's view to the Board of Governors. His ex- perience as mayor of Covina, California, a city with a budget of $18,000,000 and 42,000 citizens, would be of great value in serving the ANA. The candidate is a research manager of the 17,000 acre San Dimas Experimental Forest, a project of the U.S. Forest Service. A 1974 member of the U.S. Assay Commission. Mr. Colver was a leader of the committee to preserve and restore the Old San Francisco Mint. He is past president of several California coin clubs and a popular speaker at service clubs, educational forums, church groups and junior events. In 1974, he was the first to be recognized as a Numismatic Ambassador. Among his many awards are a Heath Literary Award, the ANA Club Representative of the Year Award, many exhibit awards, as well as the Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his services in Europe during the Second World War. Colver is a graduate of Chaffey College and has been married to Mary for 40 years. They are the parents of three children. ANTHONY SWIATEK Anthony Swiatek is a recognized contemporary authority on silver and gold commemoratives. He is co-author of The Encyclopedia of United States Silver and Gold Commemorative Coins 1892-1954, which received the Numismatic Literary Guild's Book of the Year Award in 1981. He testified before the House Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs and Coinage in May of 1981 regarding U.S. commemorative coinage, and his opinions and work are cited in the new Library of Congress study "Issuing Com- memorative Coins: An Historical Overview." He again testified on December 15. 1982 before the same Subcom- mittee, to help support its Chairman, Frank Annunzio, in his quest to at- tain better Olympic Coinage designs for the collector and hobbyist. Mr. Swiatek was invited by Donna Pope, Director of the Mint, to strike the fifth George Washington ceremonial commemorative half dollar as well as the thirteenth striking of our Olympic commemorative dollar. He was later an invited guest at the White House presentation of Olympic coins to the Olympic Museum by President Reagan. He is a director of the Numismatic Literary Guild, a consultant to ANACS, and on the Board of Governors and panel of lecturers at the Institute of Numismatic and Philatelic Studies at Ade1phi University (N.Y.). He sponsored and is part of the First Comprehensive Home Study Course Fundamentals of Rare Coin Collecting and Investing and has written the ANA's Home Study Course dealing with Commemora- tive Coinage. He has lectured in many education forums throughout the United States, including Young Numismatist Educational Forums. His goal is to help educate as many "young and senior" collectors and investors as possible—about the pros and cons of numismatic collecting and investing! He is also publisher and editor of the popular Swiatek Numismatic Report (SNR), which was voted Best Numismatic Invest- ment Newsletter of the Year 1983-84 and 1984-85. A full-time professional numismatist since 1977, Anthony examines between forty and fifty million dollars in coins and currency yearly for his clients' portfolios. He has a column appearing regularly in Coin World, he writes for CO1Nage Magazine, and he contributes to the Red Book or Guide Book of U.S. Coins. Swiatek, 43, is a member of the ANA (LM 6601) and over 20 other numismatic organizations. He received the American Numismatic Association's Adult Advisor Award. He is also a recipient of a Heath Literary Award; the first Frank J. Caggiano Literary Award (GENA) and the Wayte and Olga Ray- mond Memorial Award for DISTINGUISHED NUMISMATIC ACHIEVEMENT IN THE FIELD OF UNITED STATES NUMIS- MATICS. He has filled the post as "stand-by" ANA Governor for the years 1983-1985. Anthony Swiatek, his wife Gloria and son Anthony, Jr. live in Manhasset, NY. He holds an M.A. from City College of New York. PLATFORM: 1. To represent the "collector's voice" in order that their views be heard and their "consumer problems" dealt with. 2 To help develop a better image for ANA by presenting more educational forums. 3 To continue open board meetings and to attract new members. 4 To create a special Senior Members' Fund to pay for ANA dues for members age 65 and over who have held ANA membership for at least seven years. 5 To gain greater recognition for young numismatists. 6 To create an arbitration board for "serious grading problems" in- volving ANACS, and to improve this service. 7 To establish better relationships between dealers and collectors. 8 To permit the sharing of ANA Convention bourse tables by dealers. Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 143 WILLIAM H. HORTON, JR. Horton, ANA life member 2068, was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1951. Bill was married in 1974 to Jacqueline Franson; they have three sons, William III, Michael and John. Currently he works as Superin- tendent of the Lake Mohawk-Sparta Water Company and does consul- tant work for several other water companies.. Bill Horton cofounded the Garden State Numismatic Association (GSNA) in 1975 and served as its first president until 1979. He has held the office of President of the Great Eastern Numismatic Association (GENA) since 1982 and has been its General Show Chairman since 1981. He was responsible for obtaining tax exempt status from the In- ternal Revenue Service and reorganizing the GENA organization. Hor- ton was appointed a District Representative of the ANA to New Jersey in 1976. At age 32 he was the recipient of the Numismatic Ambassador Award in 1983, making him the youngest person, to date, to receive that prestigious award. He is considered by many as New Jersey's number 1 numismatist. Bill has served as president or vice president, or both, for: the Mon- mouth County Coin Club; Hazlit Coin Club; Currency Club of Chester County (CCCC). PA; Sussex County Coin Club; GENA, and is an ANA Club Representative. Bill Horton has received the Numismatist of the Year Award from the Middle Atlantic Numismatic Association (MANA) and from GENA. He served as General Chairman for the GSNA Convention in 1984. Recently, Bill Horton was appointed as General Chairman for the first International Paper Money Show to be held later this year in Cherry Hill. New Jersey. Since 1982 he has served as a Governor of SPMC, the sponsor of the show just mentioned. In 1982 Bill served on the ANA Audit Committee from which many recommendations were made to the officers and Board of Governors of the Association. Bill has given over thirty educational presentations to coin clubs or groups and has been recognized by the ANA with two Special Educa- tional Awards for giving ten or more presentations to member clubs of the ANA. Well known for his exhibits of paper money, which have been ex- hibited in national, regional and local shows and conventions since 1972, 150 awards have been captured. Bill Horton is a life member of: ANA; GSNA; Monmouth County Coin Club: Hazlit Coin Club; Ocean County Coin Club; and the CCCC. He is an honorary member of CONECA and holds membership in nine other numismatic organizations. PLATFORM 1. To resolve the ANACS problem once and for all. If we need to get out of the grading end of ANACS to bring this to an end, so be it! Let's just make sure the coin is genuine. 2. To see that all slide sets are converted to audio-visual formats. 3. To continue to cut costs at conventions so that we can hold the line, if possible, on rising bourse fees for dealers. 4. To continue to implement the recommendations of the ANA Audit Committee Report of 1982. 5. To expand YN Programs with a planned format that can be used by member clubs at their meetings and conventions. 6. If we are to continue with ANACS, then we must find ways of retain- ing our people with better salaries and benefits. 7. To keep an open mind to member problems and to help resolve same. 8. To see bylaws changed that would allow for only two or three seats to be available for dealers with the balance for collectors. STEPHEN R. TAYLOR Unopposed as VP for ANA Currently President of Garden State and the Middle Atlantic Associa- tions, Steve Taylor is a board member of GENA, VNA and SPMC and Chairman of the International Numismatic Fellowship of Rotarians. He holds membership in thirty-three U.S. and Canadian numismatic organizations. Steve is the founder of the Kent Coin Club in Dover, Del., a past President of the Milford, Del. Stamp & Coin Club, and a former Vice President of the Maryland State N.A. He is an active exhibitor and has placed an exhibit in twenty-nine states and four Canadian Provinces, winning numerous awards with his exhibits of Paper Money of the U.S., including Best in Show at the 1978 ANA convention. He was also a recipient of the Krause Numismatic Ambassador Award in 1979 and was named Pennsylvania's Outstanding Numismatist in 1982, receiving the first Frank Gasparro Award. Taylor has been a guest speaker at numerous Young Numismatists Programs on the east coast and has appeared as guest speaker in almost every state along the eastern seaboard. His talks on his two favorite sub- jects, "The Fun of Exhibiting" and "Paper Money of the U.S.," have been given to coin clubs, community service organizations and school programs. He was a speaker on the ANA Educational Forum in 1981 in New Orleans. He is completing his first four year term on the ANA Board of Gover- nors and is an unopposed candidate for Vice President. O3 Editor's Corner 0 U SECRETARY'S GARY LEWIS, Secretary EPOItT P.O. Box 4751 N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903 Page 144 Paper Money Whole No. 117 SPMC Speakers at California Symposium The 17th annual symposium sponsored by the Southern California Numismatic Association was held on 16 March 1985 in San Bernardino. As has been the custom, four speakers were invited to make a presentation of a subject within the sphere of their speciality; each did so with the aid of slides. Beth Deisher, the newly appointed editor of Coin World, gave everyone an inside view of what it takes to prepare a week- ly numismatic publication. "A Numismatist on the Trail of Marco Polo" was the subject of Dr. Ken Aring, Chairman of the Department of Physics and Engineering at Point Loma Nazarene College in San Diego. The two SPMC representatives were Don Thrall and yours truly. Mr. Thrall is an author, historian and the curator of the Bank Museum operated by the San Diego Trust & Savings Bank. "Numismatic Paper: Checks and Related Material" was far more comprehensive than the title suggests. The novice was bombarded with information, all of which was beneficial and in many instances there was new ground for the most advanced collector or researcher. Although recently tested in a U.S. Federal Court, an anti- quated law continues to forbid book illustrations of U.S. fiscal paper in color, this does not apply to color slides for presenta- tion. Therefore. this was an opportunity for me to discuss and show many of the beautiful bonds, treasury notes, certificates of deposit, etc., that will be illustrated in black and white in "An Illustrated History of U.S. Loans, 1775-1898." The list of speakers at previous symposiums is a "who's who" from the numismatic and syngraphic fields: Major Sheldon Caroll, Eric P. Newman, James A. Conlon, Abe Kosoff, Ad- miral O.H. Dodson and Miguel L. MunOz are just some from a lengthy list. The Southern California Numismatic Association, and especially Bryan Burke, the coordinator, are to be commended for sponsoring this annual day of education: there is no bourse. More organizations should follow this exemplary tradition. 6910 Thomas Boniface, 2312 Jefferson, East Meadow, NY 11554. 6911 Adeline Denes, 4607 N Grace St., Schiller Park, IL 60176. 6912 Michael Baeten. 2194 Center St., Green Bay, WI 54304; C&D, Mail Bid sales. 6913 Lee Haner, 2800 Ontario RD., NW #303, Washington, DC 20009; C, Obsolete Bank Notes, CSA. 6914 Joseph Karr, Route 3 Box 845, Claremore, OK 74017; C, Con- federate, Southern, US Large-Size. 6915 Harvey Lee, 433 Granite Terrace, Springfield, PA 19064; C. 6916 Morris Lawing, 150 Garland Court, Charlotte, NC 28202; C&D, Foreign Bank Notes. 6917 Charles Otte, 716 Santa Maria, Quincy, IL 62301; C, Military Currency. 6918 Victor Garske, 1094 Worthington Dr Birmingham, MI 48009; C. 6919 Frederick Angus, 3021 Trafalgar Ave., Montreal, P.R. H3Y IH3 Canada; C, Canadian, Confederate Type Notes. 2352 Phil Lampkin Jr., P.O. Box 19063, Las Vegas, NV 89119; D, Foreign Bank Notes. 6920 William Henderson, P.O. Box 73037. Puyallup, WA 98373: C&D, World Banknotes. 6921 George Fiasconaro, Colby Rd South Weare, NH 03281; C&D, National Bank Notes. 6922 James Jach, 5314 So, 22nd Place, Milwaukee, WI 53221; C, MPC & Large US Legal Tender. 6923 Paul Pfeil. 14 Roosevelt Dr.. Ogdensburg, NJ 07439; C&D, Obsolete Notes. 6924 Douglas Moore, 46 Manor Drive, Dover, DE 19901; C. 6925 Lawrence Gentile, Sr., 524 Webster Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801; C. 6926 Leonard Geronemus, 1840 N. Dixie Hwy., Boca Raton, FL 33432; C. 6927 Gregory DeLong, 1311 Darlington Rd. E, Holiday, FL 33590. 6928 Daniel Rose, 52015 Washington, New Baltimore, MI 48047; C, U.S. Notes. 6929 Edwin Quagliana, 68 Grubb Rd Malvern, PA 19355; C, Ob- solete Notes. 1320 David Arnold, P.O. Box 2822, Seal Beach, CA 90740; C, Na- tionals and U.S. Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 145 mone3 or mart Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 5C per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416, Oradell, NJ 07649 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1, 1983 for Jan. 1984 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member. 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $1: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) WANTED: GERMAN NOTGELD, collections, accumula- tions, dealers' stocks. No Austrian. Frank P. Fritchle, 1163 Pomegranate Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (117) WANTED: ILLINOIS NATIONALS AND OBSOLETES - Carmi, Crossville, Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Albion, Dahlgren, Omaha, New Haven. Pete Fulkerson, c/o The National Bank, 116 W. Main, Carmi, IL 62821 (127) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals, obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Box 242, Gerald, MO 63037 (118) WANTED: MACERATED MONEY: postcards and any other items made out of macerated money. Please send full details to my attention. Bertram M. Cohen, PMW, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116 (120) OLD STOCKS AND bonds. Send $2 for latest Mail Bid Cata- log & Sales Catalog. Also buying! Paying highest prices for beautiful and very old material. Railroads, oil companies, tele- graph, industry, government, etc. Especially need Western material. Also need pre-1890 checks with pretty vignettes. Also will trade. Send SASE for free appraisal. David Beach, Box 5488, Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 747-0929 (121) WANTED KOREA & SOUTH Korea banknotes. Example: all CU South Korea P30 1 won .75; P31 5 won 1.20; P32 10 won 6.00; P33 10 won .85; P34 50 won 25.00; P35 100 won 25.00; P36 100 won 15.00; P40 50 won 3.50. Namchong Cho, 726 Bode Circle #110, Hoffman Est., IL 60194 (121) I COLLECT CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii and all other Western stocks, bonds, checks, drafts. Please sell to me! Ken Prag, Box 531 PM, Burlingame, CA 94010 (phone 415-566-6400) (119) FLORIDA AND GEORGIA NATIONAL WANTED, also the following towns: Schenectady, NY, Erie, PA, Newberry, SC and Mineral Wells, Texas. Trade list available. Shayne MacMahon, Box 13282, Gainesville, FL 32604 (117) MASSACHUSETTS 1929 NATIONALS wanted from : Ab- ington #1386, Danvers #7452, Edgartown #7957, Haverhill #14266, Hyannis #13395, Lynn #697, Merrimac #268, Milton #684, Reading #4488, Spencer #2288, Springfield #2435, Stockbridge #1170, Webster #2312, Webster #13780, Whitman #4660, Woburn #14033. Please send description and price. I will appreciate your help. Frank Bennett, Box 8153, Coral Springs, FL 33075. (119) ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED: Allendale #10318, Ben- ton #8234, Chester #4187, Dahlgren #7750, Fairfield #5009 & #6609, Johnston City #7458, Mt. Vernon #1996, New Haven #8053, Norris City #7971. Olney #2629, Wayne City #10460. Winchester #1484. C.E. Hilliard, 201 E. Cherry, Winchester. IL 62694 (217) 742-5703. (118) KANSAS NATIONALS WANTED, collector seeks both large and small size, scarce and better condition Kansas bank notes. C. Dale Lyon, P.O. Box 1207. Salina, KS 67402 (122) RED SEAL NATIONALS WANTED, Collector seeks Hi grade and scarce Third Charter Period Red Seal National Bank notes with emphasis on notes bearing serial #1, and notes from scarce states. C. Dale Lyon, P.O. Box 1207, Salina, KS 67402 (122) BUY-SELL-TRADE Uncirculated $1 FRN, 1963 to 1981A. One note to complete block sets. Rufus Coker, R#6 Box 218, Portland, TN 37148 (119) WEEPING WATER, NEBRASKA (#3523) Large nationals wanted. Notes signed by Thomas Murtey, Cashier. Send description and price to Mark Paden, 5600 Riviere Dr.. Charlotte, NC 28211 (119) WANTED: OHIO NATIONAL BANK NOTES. Private col- lector, Lowell Yoder, Box 100, Holland, OH 43528, 419- 865-5115 (119) BUYING ALABAMA MATERIAL: NATIONALS, OBSO- LETES, checks, stocks, cards, North Alabama, Florence, Hunts- ville. Write Bob Whitten, 217 E. Irvine Ave., Florence, AL 35630 (119) FREE SAMPLE. POSTCARDS of original old Gold and Silver Mining Stock Certificates from Nevada Territory 1863-64. The Mining Stock Certificates are from the James S. Reynolds collec- tion of Nevada Historical Documents. Set of 24 different postcards $3.60 postpaid. Copyright 1984. Dealer inquiries invited. James S. Reynolds, Box 31293, Tucson, AZ 85751 (117) WANTED - $2 FRN End Labels from (A) Boston, (B) New York and (G) Chicago needed to complete a series set for my personal collection. Stephen R. Taylor, 70 West View Ave.. Dover, DE 19901 (117) MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE NOTES WANTED FOR MY COLLECTION. Criswell's numbers 12, 32, 37, 47, 48C and 54. Please describe and price. SPMC, LM, ANA and MNA. Everett Sorrells, P.O. Box 2362, Laurel, MS 39442 (117) BANK OF CHARLOTTE (North Carolina) obsolete currency wanted. Also want Charlotte Branch issues of Bank of the State of North Carolina and the Bank of North Carolina. Send photocopy, description and price to Mark Paden, 5600 Riviere Dr., Charlotte, NC 28211 (119) NEW YORK NATIONALS WANTED. Athens, Catskill, Cox- sackie, Germantown, Hudson, Hunter, Kinderhook, Philmont, Tannersville, Windham. Send description and price. All letters answered. Robert Moon, Box 81, Kinderhook, NY 12106 (120) KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN NATIONALS AND NATION- ALS from Fishers, Indiana, Palestine, Texas and East Palestine, Illinois wanted. Specimen notes of Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia wanted. Jack Fisher, 912 American National Bank Building, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (119) Page 146 Paper Money Whole No. 117 WANTED VIRGINIA: Nationals, Broken Bank and Scrip. Send description. Corbett B. Davis, 2604 Westhampton SW, Roanoke, VA 24015. (128) WANTED: MAINE NATIONAL BANK AND OBSOLETE NOTES, Maine tokens. Describe and price or I will make offer. Donald Priest, 41 Main St., Fairfield, Maine 04937 (121) MISSISSIPPI NATIONALS WANTED: All notes wanted, large or small. Will consider trade offers. Describe and price. All inquiries answered. Don Rawson, Box 3418, Meridian, MS 39305 (122) SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NATIONALS wanted: Altamont, Benld, Brownstown, Chester, Christopher, Columbia, Du- Quoin, East St. Louis, Effingham, Freeburg, Livingston, Mount Olive, New Douglas, Newton, Nokomis, Olney, Percy, Pin- ckneyville, Sandoval, Sesser, Sparta, Tamaroa, Winchester. Call (314) 351-4497, or write Bob Ballard, 716 Loughborough Ave., St. Louis, MO 63111 (118) WANTED, ALL OBSOLETE CURRENCY, ESPECIALLY GEORGIA, which I collect. Particularly want any city-county issues, Atlanta Bank, Georgia RR Banking, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe RR Banking, Bank of Hawkins- ville, La Grange Bank, Central Bank Milledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Cotton Planters Bank, any private scrip. I will sell duplicates. Claud Murphy, Jr., Box 15091, Atlanta, GA 30333. (125) AFRICAN, ARABIC BRITISH colonial banknotes on free lists. Quality older and newer issues in stock. Buying too! Milt Blackburn, Box 33917, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6J 4L7 (120) WANTED: NETHERLANDS NEW-GUINEA BANK- NOTES FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION. Please send details of condition, denomination and date of issue. Will pay 30% above Pick catalog for any notes I can use. David G. Hanna, 895 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6J 1G 5 (120) HAVE SMALL COLLECTION OF VIRGINIA obsolete notes and stock certificates. Bargain price. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Bar- bee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461 (117) NORTH CAROLINA OBSOLETE CURRENCY AND SCRIP WANTED. Send description, photocopy if possible and price. Interested in single notes or accumulations. Jim Sazama, P.O. Box 1235, Southern Pines, NC 28387 (127) WANTED: LARGE AND SMALL SIZE NATIONALS from Hoopeston, Ill. #2808, 9425, 13744; Milford, Ill. #5149; Rossville, Ill. #5398, 9877; Potomac, III. #6824; Watseka, Ill. #1721; Ind. #9510. Write to Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken, Hoopeston, III. 60942 (121) TRADE — SELL. COLLECTOR HAS UNCIRCULATED $1 FAN Series 1981A Districts B and F for other Series or Districts. ANA, SPMC. Richard Schulman, 8 Talbot Lane, Smithtown, NY 11787 (117) WANTED: WHITE PLAINS, CHAPPAQUA, MOUNT KISCO, SOMERS, NEW YORK NATIONALS. All other Westchester, Putnam Counties large, small, obsolete wanted. Send photocopy or description, price. Christian Blom, 2504 N. Quantico St., Arlington, VA 22207 (122) CANADA 1923 $2 WANTED. Pick 34 a, c, f and h wanted in CU. Will purchase outright or have Canada notes to trade. Jack Fisher, Howard Professional Building, 171 Merrill St., Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (121) PALESTINE NATIONALS WANTED FROM TEXAS, IL- LINOIS, OHIO etc. Want Kalamazoo, Michigan National and Jordan 1949 50 dinars. Jack Fisher, Howard Professional Building, 1711 Merrill St., Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (121) NATIONALS WANTED: LARGE AND SMALL —W.VA #6510 Madison; New York #2472 Salamanca; Penn. #253 Milton, #535 Erie, #9149 North East, #13871 Albion and any Erie County (PA) notes. Collector. John S. Clapp, 4006 W. 222nd St., Fairview Park, OH 44126 (121) CHANGEOVER PAIRS WANTED in $1 SC 1935D Blocks VE, WE, XE, YE, AF, BF, CF, DF, EF, HF, IF, UF, KG, LG, MG, *B and *C. Please describe and price or send for my of- fer. Selling Starter Set of 5 different Blocks $1 SC 1935D Changeover Pairs in CU for $99.95. Graeme Ton, 203 47th Street, Gulfport, MS 39501 (120) BUYING STAR NOTES: $1 1928-1935D, $5 Silvers 1934-1934D, all $10 Silvers, $2 and $5 USN 1928-1928G, $5-$100 FRNs before 1963. Circ to CU. Please write: David Klein, Box 120, Fairfield, CT 06430 (120) WANTED: CANAL BANK obsolete sheets in quantity. Please advise quantity available and price. Write before shipping. Christian Blom, 2504 N. Quantico St., Arlington, VA 22207 (119) FOUR DIFFERENT OBSOLETE PAPER SCRIP GILLIAM COAL COMPANY, Gilliam, W. VA. $5 set. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461 (118) FOR SALE: custom bound volumes of PAPER MONEY, Donlon Sales, Donlon Catalogs, and other books and custom made albums from my research library. Send large SASE for list and rules. Ben Adams, 835 Callee Canela, Green Valley, AZ 85614. WANTED PENNSYLVANIA NATIONALS: Belle Vernon #4850, North Belle Vernon #11995, Fayette City #6800, Fayette City #5646, Elizabeth #5114, Webster #6937. Charles Trenk, Box 241, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 (120) NEW EGYPT, NEW JERSEY (#13910 & 8254) Nationals wanted. Any condition. Please write first. Dennis Tilghman, P.O. Box 2254, Princeton, NJ 08540 (128) HAVE A FEW UNCUT SHEETS of old Obsolete Bank Checks available. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd. Yaupon Beach, NC 28461 (118) JACK H. FISHER ADDRESS AFTER JUNE 1, 1985 will be Howard Professional Building, 1711 Merrill Street, Kala- mazoo, MI 49008 and requests friends, collectors, dealers and organizations to new address change. Replies to my other ad- vertisements use new address. (121) ICELAND, ICELAND. BUYING PAPER MONEY FROM ICELAND: P-1 to P-21, P-23 to P-26, P-30 and P-31. I collect them by signature variety. If you have any of these notes for sale, please send me some price lists and photocopies. K. Hall- dOrsson, Box 433, HafnarfjOrdur, Iceland. (126) PRE-1900 WESTERN STATES and Territorial financial documents—buying and selling checks, drafts, certificates of deposit, warrants, receipts, stocks, bonds and revenue im- printed fiscal material. Vern Potter, P.O. Box 10040, Torrance, CA 90505-0740. (122) r 1 Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip Of The U nited States To: Krause Publications 700 E. State St. Iola, WI 54990 ( ) Please send copy(ies). I've enclosed $27.50 per copy. ( ) Check enclosed (to Krause Publications) ( ) MasterCard/Visa acct. no . exp. date: mo. yr signature name address city state zip Note: U.S. addresses please add $2 per copy for postage; non-U.S. addresses please add $4. ALE Use Thousands Of First-Time Offered Scrip Listings And Photos Just $27. 50 (plus postage) Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 147 First Definitive Price Guide For All 50 States Depression Scrip Of The 30's Presenting The Standard Catalog Of Depression Scrip Of The United States By Ralph A. Mitchell And Neil Shafer * With 320 pages of scrip listings and historical data * Over 3,570 distinctive issues carefully described and attributed * Over 2,025 photos, with accompanying descriptions of color, size, signatories * Over 4,170 market values, each corresponding to a given grade and "state of existence." ... whenever a government fails to provide an adequate supply of currency or coin to maintain commercial trade, the people will step in and provide their own to fill the vacuum ... Here, in unprecedented detail, is a note-by-note look at how the people "stepped in" with scrip to help ease the monetary problems caused by the Great Depression. In just a short time this new catalog will reshape the scrip collecting hobby. Make certain you're in on the excitement. Order now. Credit Card Orders Call Toll-Free 1-800-258-0929 From 8 AM to 5 PM, CST krause publications.4., .0, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 SELECTIVE BUYING CHARACTERIZES CURRENT MARKET MIST IOC 1,•tES STILL ■011117 MM.° ACTIVITY no, lk naAki ,==== MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES Page 148 Paper Money Whole No. 117 the CURRENCY DEALER newsletter the CURRENCY DEALERAPRIL newsletter . . . is a Monthly Publication that to the most COMPREHENSIVE and UP-TO-DATE pricing guide available in today's ever-changing field! DEALER-TO-DEALER BID/ASK Charts cover all of the following areas: LARGE SIZE U.S. NOTES. • DEMAND NOTES • U.S NOTE: (LEGAL TENDER) • COMPOUND INTEREST TREASURY NOTES • INTEREST BEARING NOTES • REFUNDING CERTIFICATE • SILVER CERTIFICATES • TREASURY NOTES OR COIN NOTES • NATIONAL BANK NOTES • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES • FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES • NATIONAL GOLD BANK NOTES • GOLD CERTIFICATES U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY PROOF & SPECIMEN NOTES SMALL SIZE U.S. NOTES • LEGAL TENDER NOTES • FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES • SILVER CERTIFICATES • GOLD CERTIFICATES • NATIONAL BANK NOTES • WW2 EMERGENCY ISSUES • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES UNCUT SHEETS - SMALL SIZE CURRENCY • U.S. NOTES (LEGAL TENDER) • WW2 EMERGENCY ISSUES • SILVER CERTIFICATES • NATIONAL CURRENCY . . . PLUS IN-DEPTH ARTICLES and analyses, each month, written by the most respected experts in the field! ... PLUS AUCTION REPORTS - to give a clear and accurate picture of the most recent activity! . . . PLUS special ISSUE-BY-ISSUE Charts covering special areas of changing importance! iFT.- .7-1" - i ji i:: -.-::; -.• — - — - — -- :L .-. . - • • ., . 1-5 E : .;=...)e-L. • e.: -! e e ... e T - . - f. 7 — — - • • al.r.1.41.1Ya—.Mil ii .. :" 4. 4 jii: 44'4444 4 4 i _ . e 4i .... ... Please enter my subscription to the monthly CURRENCY DEALER Newsletter. ENCLOSED IS MY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR q $35 for ONE YEAR (12 issues) q $61 for TWO YEARS (24 issues) NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP q I would also like subscription information for the COINDEALER newsletter (Greysheet) MAKE CHECK PAYABLE & MAIL TO: CURRENCY DEALER Newsletter P.O. BOX 11099 TORRANCE, CALIF. 90510 OMAHA KANSAS CITY • • SALT LAKE CITY • RE NO • DENVER SAN FRANCISCO • SAN JOSE • LAS VEGAS OKLAHOMA CITY• • ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES ONTARIO DALLAS FT WORTH •SAN DIEGO • PHOENIX • TUCSON L PASO WEST PALM BEACH I FT LAUDERDALE HOLLYWOODMIAMI • FREEPORT IBAHAMASIMIAMI BEACH • NASSAU IBAHAMASI • JACKSON JACKSONVILLE TALLAHASSEE* • ST AUGUSTINE MOBILE• *.gAINElyILLE—* RLANDO DAYTONA BEACH PENSACOLA TAMPA • MELBOURNE SAN ANTONIO • • A ASOTA GRADE NTO NEW OGLE ANS• ST PETERSBURG CLEARWATER AUSTIN • HOUSTON FORT MYER MONTREAL • OTTAWA •aToRoNT.0„..HAR TFORDu• SPRINGFIELD BUFFA LO of ROCHESTER ALBANY • BOSTON VIDENCEsvRAcu •IpRo WILKES SCRABNT ARRE ON • A NEW YORK NEWARK (SLIP DE TROIT4 — • AL ID PHILADELPHIA BETHLEHEM EASTON II 4( CLEVELAND • •PITTSBURGH, AKRON CANTON • BALTIMORE COLUMBUS • WASHINGTON INDIANAPOLIS • SEATTLE TACOMA • PORTLAND MINNEAPOLIS ST PAUL • MILWAUKE CHICAGO RICHMOND • • CORPUS CHRISTI NORFOLK VIRGINIA BEACH EVANSVILLE f_ • BERMUDA • • • LOUISVILLE GREENSBORO HIGH POINT WINSTON-SALEMST LOUIS KNOXVILLE • RALEIGH DURHAM NASHVILLE • • • CHARLOTTE • MEMPHIS • GREENVILLE SPARTANBURG HUNTSVILLE • • COLUMBIA • ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM • • SAVANNAH CHARLESTON Fast olkfaIalmne of Waft Ofsney.ria Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 149 Eastern Makes It Easy To Get To Cherry Hill Now, Eastern makes it easy to attend the International Paper Money Convention With great service and great fares. Call 1-800-327-1295 (all cities except Florida) or 1-800-432-1217 (Florida only). Hours 8:30 a.m. -9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) Monday-Friday. 35% OFF coach or lowest applicable fare—Ask for EASTERN EZ#11P19 Page 150 Paper Money Whole No. 117 SCARCE 1929 NATIONALS RARITY 6 0 to 2 Observed in Study $20 Ty.I Alliance N. B. of Chicago, ILLINOIS Very Interesting Charter (12001) Slight handling both sides, well centered— with 2 or less known, the best that exists! CU $350.00 $20 Ty.I The Security N.B. of Wichita Falls, TEXAS (11762) Close right margin, reverse dirty, nick at top about F $125.00 RARITY 5 3 to 5 Observed in Study $10 Ty.I The First NB of Georgetown, KENTUCKY (2927) VF $150.00 $20 Ty.I The First NB of Ludlow, KENTUCKY (5323) E000090A F $125.00 $10 Ty.I The Southbridge NB of Southbridge, MASSACHUSETTS (934) Reputed to be the finest known Bright AU + $200.00 $ 5 Ty.I Peoples NB & T Company of Belleville, NEW JERSEY (12019) This bank only issued $5 Nationals F/VF $ 95.00 $20 Ty.I The Pulaski NB, Pulaski, VIRGINIA (4701) More Scarce in the $20s. Possibly the finest known EF $150.00 RARITY 4 6 to 11 Observed in Study $10 Ty.I The First NB of Wamego, KANSAS Very interesting repeater Charter (3434) Bottom margin skewed, but not into design. Possibly the finest known CU $150.00 $20 Ty.I The Farmers NB of Topeka, KANSAS (10390) close top AU + $ 95.00 $20 Ty.I Ilion NB & T Company, Ilion, NEW YORK (1670) Nice CU $150.00 $20 Ty.I The Watertown NB, Watertown, NEW YORK (2657) Nice AU $ 95.00 $ 5 Ty.II National Bank of Tulsa, OKLAHOMA (13679) Part of Bank stamp on face, scotch tape on reverse about F $ 50.00 $10 Ty.I The Union NB of Pittsburgh, PENNSYLVANIA (705) This Bank issued mostly $5s - Quite Scarce in $10s CU $125.00 $50 Ty.I Houston National Bank, Houston, TEXAS (9353) Pinholes F/VF $135.00 $10 Ty.I The Union NB of Sisterville, WEST VIRGINIA (5028) Super Title! Reputed to be the finest known AU + $175.00 SOME UNUSUAL 1929 NATIONALS $20 Ty.I The First NB of Kewannee, ILLINOIS (1785) B000003A with Face Plate #1! R3 - Scarce in $20s. Very Choice CU $225.00 $20 Ty.I The First NB of Gulfport, MISSISSIPPI (6188) Also with Face Plate #1! R2 - You know I had to list it! F/VF $175.00 $10 Ty.I The Wyoming County NB of Warsaw, NEW YORK (737) R3 - SUPER Title! Wyoming - Warsaw - New York VF $ 75.00 $10 Ty.I The Gap NB & T Company, Gap, PENNSYLVANIA (2864) CU $115.00 $20 Ty.I The Gap NB & T Company, Gap, PENNSYLVANIA (2864) Choice CU $175.00 (The $10 & $20 Gap have the highly coveted 3 letter Title) $100 Ty.I Union Planters NB & T Company, Memphis, TENNESSEE (13349) R1 - least expensive $100 National for Type. Choice CU $235.00 The RARITY Indices are attributed to Hickman-Oakes Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes. Anyone who is interested in Large or Small Nationals should have this monumental 1,216 page reference manual. — FULL RETURN PRIVILEGES - Satisfaction Guaranteed or Immediate Refund — A small list of about 50 other Nationals, R1 to R3 mostly Small 1929 with a few Large, is available to SPMC members for 22' stamp. GRAEME M. TON, JR. 203 47TH STREET GULFPORT, MISSISSIPPI 39501 (601) 864-5244 ANA SPMC PMCM CCCC Nobody pays more than Huntoon for ARIZONA& 'WYOMING State and Territorial Nationals WANT ALL SERIES, ANY CONDI- TION, EXCEPT WASHED OR "DOC- TORED" NOTES. (MANY TRADES!) PETER HUNTOON P.O. Box 3681, Laramie. WY 82071 ainilaitCatataia._41. 4 Cestuo *latitrtftelaiNitt A- 644.0 rsysard..1:14vt,' T./ II;MLIELE rwi"v-II 4,u,ajwi iii.11;:uuc.144444,zugudi ) I IligiStitt u.,41ASIASALAINLU,,Ira j 4,„ A Book That Will Work Day and Night For You NATIONAL BANK NOTES, A GUIDE WITH PRICES SECOND EDITION 1985 by Don C. Kelly A Concise and Complete Reference for National Bank Notes Folks, this book has EVERYTHING! Check the list of FEATURES: • Historical background describes rise and fall of nationals. • Text and photos show you how to identify the eleven types of national bank notes. NEW FEATURES of 2nd Edition: • Authoritiue and realistic EVALUATIONS established by a group of over 30 Contributors for all types of notes issued by every bank. • Price guide for UNCUT SHEETS of nationals. • Price guide for NATIONAL BANK TYPE NOTES in eight grades. • Complete and detailed listing of notes issued by all 12,635 note-issuing national banks, including serial numbers and sheet layouts. • STATE MAPS showing the locations of all towns with note- issuing banks. • ALPHABETIC listing of note-issuing TOWNS with bank titles and charter numbers. • Quality Hardbound copy-440 pages. PRICE (For SPMC Members): $36. Postpaid . Order From: THE PAPER MONEY INSTITUTE Box 85 • Oxford, Ohio 45056 1-513-523-6861 Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 151 Page 152 Paper Money Whole No. 117 WANTED Maryland National Currency LARGE and SMALL SIZE BANK NOTES FOLLOWING TOWNS NEEDED CUMBERLAND LANACONING OAKLAND FROSTBURG BARTON FRIENDSVILLE MOUNT SAVAGE WESTERNPORT KITZMILLERVILLE MIDLAND GRANTSVILLE WANTED: ANY PAPER DOCUMENTS FROM THE ABOVE TOWNS STOCKS BONDS TAX NOTES OBSOLETE CURRENCY PRE 1935 CHECKS POST CARDS CEr0 CANAL I WILL ALSO BUY NOTES FROM OTHER TOWNS AND STATES EVAN SMITH, P.O. Box 3291, LaVale, MD. 21504, (301) 729-8888 Member ANA - SPMC - MSNA PRIVATE COLLECTOR — PAYING TOP PRICES Back Issues of PAPER MONEY Available The following back issues of PAPER MONEY are now available at $2.00 each from R.J. BALBATON, SPMC Book Sales Dept. 116 Fisher St. No. Attleboro, MA 02760 1966 1967 — #20 — #24 1977 1978 — #69 — #78 1968 — #25, 26, 28 1979 — #80, 81, 83, 84 1969 — #31, 32 1980 — #85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 1970 — #35 1981 — #92, 95 1971 — #38, 39 1982 — #97, 101 1972 — #41, 44 1983 — #103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 1974 — #52, 53 1984 — #109, 113 1975 — #58, 60 1985 — #114, 115 ### An index to "Paper Money" Volumes 1-10, 1962-1971 Please do not send funds with your order. You will be invoiced for those issues that can be supplied at the time your order is received. This procedure will avoid the necessity of making refunds. Remember, Do Not Send Funds With Your Order! YOU WILL BE BILLED! This opportunity to obtain the wealth of information contained in these issues may not last long, as some are in limited supply. P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 • N C . (914) 352.9077BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, ANA, FUN, GENA, CCRT 507 3rd Ave. #5-PM Seattle, Wash. 98104 Phone (206) 283-2626 BUYING / SELLING: UNCUTBSOLESTHEECEUTRSRPERNOCOVisNASTCIROINPALS NATIONAL CURRENCY $5 1875 #2652 Cheyenne, Wyoming Fine $5 1875 #2588 New Hampton, Iowa Fine 1850.00 595.00 $10 1929 #4514 Portland, Oregon AU $101929 T2 #1553 Portland, Oregon AU 65.00 75.00 $20 1882 BB #1431 Hagerstown, MD F/VF 550.00 $10 1929 #2370 New York, NY AU 55.00 $10 1982 DB #P4668 Spokane, Wash. Fine 675.00 $20 1929 12 #10865 Winona, Minn. Fine 75.00 $10 1902 #11280 Seattle, Wash. XF/AU 135.00 $20 1929 #4552 Whapeton, ND F/VF 165.00 $5 1902 DB #P8736 Centralia, Wash. XF (Sig's missing) 1450.00 $20 1929 #142 Marietta. Ohio VG 35.00 $5 1902 #9502 Oakland, Calif. VG/F 45.00 $10 1929 #2570 Grand Forks, ND Good 55.00 $10 1902 DB #W3578 Mitchell, SD F/VF 235.00 $10 1929 #4514 Portland, Oregon, VG 17.00 $20 1902 #W5180 Columbus, Nebr. VF 245.00 $10 1929 #2073 Northfield, Minn. VG 145.00 $20 1902 DB #P4668 Spokane, Wash. VG 75.00 $10 1929 #8186 Crofton, Nebr. AU 185.00 $20 1902 #M4318 Cleveland, Ohio VG 45.00 $5 1929 T2 #2782 Wichita, KS CH CU 65.00 $20 1902 #W2830 Canton, SD VF/XF 325.00 $10 1929 #11579 Nashwauk, Minn. VF 195.00 $10 1902 #M1924 Coldwater, Mich. VG 95.00 $10 1929 #8321 Jacksonville, FL Fine 30.00 $10 1902 #180 Parkersburg, WV VF/XF 145.00 $201929 #4686 Everett, Wash. CU 145.00 $20 1902 #4668 Spokane, Wash. F/VF 85.00 $5 1929 #1690 Austin, Minn. CH CU 85.00 $10 1902 DB #W3218 Winfield, KS AU 345.00 $5 1929 T2 #1690 Austin, M inn. CH CU 95.00 $201902 #13091 Aberdeen, Wash. XF 575.00 $20 1929 #2404 Marlborough, Mass. F/VF 110.00 $5 1902 #4514 Portland, Oregon VF/XF 65.00 $20 1929 #1690 Austin, M inn. CH CU 145.00 $10 1902 #11627 Ivanhoe, M inn. F/VF 295.00 $10 1929 #7004 Fort Morgan, Colo. GIVG 65.00 $5 1902 #2669 West Grove, PA VG/F 195.00 $10 1929 #8989 Worthington, Minn. Fine 125.00 $10 1929 #4514 Portland, Oregon XF/AU 65.00 $201929 #3023 Lewiston, Idaho, F/VF 295.00 $10 1929 #8036 Forest Grove, Oregon CU 675.00 $101929 T2 #1690 Austin, Minn. CH CU 95.00 $20 1929 T2 #6074 Port Angeles, Wash. CU 250.00 $20 1929 #10686 Camas, Wash. F/VF 315.00 $10 1929 12 #9358 Newberg, Oregon Nice AU 475.00 $20 1929 T2 #13230 Seattle, Wash. G/VG 45.00 $10 1929 #9280 Bremerton, Wash. F/VF 250.00 $5 1929 #9712 Houston, TX Good 12.00 $5 1929 #4699 Pullman, Wash. CU 375.00 $5 1929 T2 #8645 Houston, TX VG 20.00 $10 1929 12 #4514 Portland, Oregon CU 95.00 $5 1929 #3131 Fort Worth, TX VG 20.00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Seven day return privilege. Bank cards welcome, please send the information as it appears on your card. Member ANA-SPMC. AURORA COIN SHOP WANTED FOR MY COLLECTION, NATIONAL BANK NOTES FROM: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TARRYTOWN, NEW YORK CHARTER 364 THE WESTCHESTER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OF PEEKSKILL, NEW YORK CHARTER 1422 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK CHARTER 5411 THE MOUNT VERNON NATIONAL BANK, NEW YORK CHARTER 8516 FRANK LEVITAN 530 SOUTHERN BLVD., BRONX, NEW YORK 10455 BUS: (212) 292-6800 HOME: (914) 834-6249 Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 153 Free Obsolete Currency Catalog Tharles t li:traub P. O. Box 200 Columbia, Connecticut 06237 (203) 642-7895 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL. 34284-0985 Page 154 Paper Money Whole No. 117 IAN A. MARSHALL Box 5865 Stn. A Toronto, Ont. M5W 1 P5 Canada WORLD PAPER MONEY Also World Stocks, Bonds and Cheques 416-927-1812 tIt414#41, #############$tItt.• 1:#444####MW#U#####t$##tttttttt#TtnktIt####4+#4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1868 UNION NATIONAL BANK 11 (Philadelphia) $75 11 11 Black/White Capital Stock certificate with several 11 11 attractive vignettes. One of the very few engraved 1i 11 banking stocks, from the American Bank Note 1i Company. Pen-cancelled, otherwise in VF + con- 11 dition. 11ii 1 Our Current BANK 1 i 1 listing includes more than 3 dozen Bank stocks, from 11 1812 to 1933, many with vignettes by the major banki 1 1 note companies of the 19th century. Call or write today 1 and ask for our BANK listing, or for our general catalogue 11 of more than 150 stocks and bonds. i 1 1 CENTENNIAL DOCUMENTS 11 1 1-21 28th Street - Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 1 1 1(201) 791-1683 1 1Z3#tttg######$###MWMMtIkg:r$I14tT41;11####3,ttitTi##Ttttltti3ttnt#ItttlIttkT4 BANKS1 11 1 anumismatic news CON OUMFI Chet Krause Few, if any, have had a greater impact on coin collecting than Chet Krause, founder of Numismatic News and president of Krause Publications. Through his tireless support of the hobby and his nurturing of Numismatic News, Chet continues to amplify and spread the joys of collecting. Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 155 EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS *619-273-3566 We maintain the LARGEST COLONIAL & CONTINENTAL CURRENCY ACTIVE INVENTORY IN THE WORLD! SEND US YOUR WANT LISTS. FREE PRICE LISTS AVAILABLE. SPECIALIZING EV: q Colonial Coins q Colonial Currency q Rare & Choice Type Coins q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Encased Postage Stamps SERVICES: q Portfolio Development q Major Show Coverage q Auction Attendance 0 EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS c/o Dana Linett q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 q 619-273-3566 Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS BUYING and SELLING PAPER MONEY U.S., All types Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer- tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc. Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries Paper Money Books and Supplies Send us your Want List ... or ... Ship your material for a fair offer LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P.O. BOX 2395 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503 Working For The Hobby - Home Of Superior Hobby Periodicals And Books krause publications 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 • U.S. Obsoletes • U.S. Large & Small Size Type Notes • U.S. Large & Small National Bank Notes • Canadian BOUGHT AND SOLD FREE PRICE LIST FRANK TRASK SPMC, ANA KENNEBUNK COINS & CURRENCY P.O. Box 787, Kennebunk, Maine 04043 (207) 985-7431 HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS — LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216.884-0701 Page 156 Paper Money Whole No. 117 COLLECTORS LIKE US "How do you become a currency dealer?" It seems that everyone asks that question sooner or later. For us, it was simply a matter of natural pro- gression. We all started as collec- tors, diligently searching for the "right" paper money for our collec- tion. The quality, rarity, aesthetic ap- peal and value of our paper money is as important now as it was then. Today, we utilize our experience to make intelligent decisions in inven- tory acquisition. We take the time to appreciate and understand the cur- rency market and to pass this infor- mation on to our valued clients. THESE ARE SOME OF THE REA- SONS WHY COLLECTORS LIKE US AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO DEAL WITH COLLECTORS, LIKE US. If you are a serious collector, please write or call us today for a copy of our justly renowned listing of U.S. paper money. Allen Mincho "U.S. Currency Exclusively Since 1969" Box 1525 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 250-1475 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY 'NON, 44//tmA,rofr h'/// ,,,iiii,frnrit/. 4 101:4 ,vr 4. LA (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West. ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. DRAWER 706, ROCKVILLE CENTRE. N.Y. 11571- FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES P.O. BOX 1358 WARREN HENDERSON VENICE, FLA. 33595 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI OBSOLETES AND NATIONALS WANTED RONALD HORSTMAN ROUTE 2, BOX 242 GERALD, MISSOURI 63037 iLoms Mona mil. ?.* Amvutomr Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 157 BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933 P O. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2910 Member of: ANA, PMCM ° ZTOCK bUTII) COlIECIOR/ PRICE OVIOEOREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE 1.)„1/TLANI) ,•\1,0,11,"1"11: MINS " si„ OBSOLETES • U.S. FRACTIONALS STOCK CERTIFICATES & BONDS CONFEDERATES • OLD CHECKS NORTHWEST DEPRESSION SCRIP CURRENT LIST FOR $1.00 - REFUNDABLE - Ask About Our Upgrading Program -- WE BUY, TOO -- OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE 6802 S.W. 33rd PLACE • PORTLAND OR 97219 (503) 245-3659 (EVES) SUZANNE NAVEN (SPMC, PMCM, CCRT) COINS OF THE REALM, INC. Dealers in choice world bank notes 1327-D Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Phone (301) 340-1640 arC.0 CMS el SCHTIBS PRICE GUIDE "Collecting Stocks and Bonds" by George H. LaBarre. 368 pages, 1,158 illustrations with descriptions and values of American stocks and bonds. Includes railroads, mining, automotive, banking, western, southern, 1770's to present. Complete 3 volume set $14.85 postpaid. Dealers inquiries invited. WE ARE VERY ANXIOUS TO BUY FINE QUALITY AMERICAN STOCKS AND BONDS. Note: The LaBarre Newsletter is sent out Quarterly Free of Charge. Price Lists are also issued Monthly. CEIIIIGE II. LA BARRE GALLERIES I NI P.O. Box 746 Hollis, New Hampshire 03049 CALL AlvnuE 800-842-7000 2E603-882-2411 FREE Page 158 Paper Money Whole No. 117 r y a 3 3 1 6 Stock & Bond Price Guide BILL YATCHMAN of GREENTREE STOCKS has just published THE STOCK & BOND COLLECTORS PRICE GUIDE. The book consists of over 1,200 PHOTOS, PRICES and DESCRIPTIONS broken down into four catagories: (1) RAILROAD STOCKS & BONDS with section on the SUCCESSOR RAILROADS to those items listed. (2) AUTOMOBILE & RELATED with historical back- ground of the industry. (3) MINING & OIL. (4) INDUSTRY & MISCELLANEOUS. Preface includes TRENDS, FUTURE, GROWTH, TOPICS, and CARE with many other areas explored. All photos are consecutively numbered on high quality, glossy paper in 8"x10" softbound edition. COMPLETE $14.95 POSTPAID GREENTREE STOCKS P.O. BOX 1688 PM SEDONA, ARIZONA 86336 1-602-282-6547 OKLAHOMA SMALL SIZE 1929 SERIES WANTED WILL PAY $300. For a VG or BETTER NOTE listed below. • ALEX 10193 • MARLOW .... 10205 • ACHILLE . . . . 10380 • MAUD 8294 • ALTUS 6113 • McLOUD 6660 • BENNINGTON . 7099 • MINCO 8644 • BERYN 7209 • OKLA CITY ... 8472 • CHELSEA .... 5955 • OKMULGEE .. 13751 • CHICKASHA .. 8203 • QUENTON .... 6517 • COMMERCE . 10689 • SAYRE 9976 • DUNCAN 8616 • STILLWELL ... 9970 • FAIRFAX 7972 • TONKAWA ... 11397 • GUYMON 9964 • VERDEN 8859 • HOLLIS 10240 *WALTERS ... 14108 • KINGSTON ... 9881 • WANETTE .... 6641 • MADILL 13021 • WAURIKA .... 8861 • MADILL 10286 • WAYNOKA ... 9709 • MANGUM .... 5811 *WESTVILLE .. 10158 CONTACT: BILL WAKEN 1727 N. VanBuren PHONE: 1-405-237-5628 Enid, Okla. 73701 British Colonial — European Colonial of the 19th and early 20th century our specialty. We also purchase. WILLIAM L.S. BARRETT Box 9, Victoria Station Montreal, Canada H3Z 2V4 Telephone (514) 844-5698 Cables: Numismatic Paper Money Whole No. 117 Page 159 SCARCE, UNUSUAL and OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS * Numismatic Literature * Bank Histories * Early US Financial Material Send for FREE List W. WIEGAND Et CO., BOX 563, GLASTONBURY, CT 06033 AT YOUR BANK ASK FOR AND THEN USE $2 BILLS RAILROAD CURRENCY PUBLICATIONS BY DR. MUSCALUS 1. Railroad Currency: Bank Notes and Scrip Representative of over one hundred railroads, 1830s-1971. All Notes Illustrated $5.00 2. Georgia Railroad Currency Comprehensively Illustrated, 99 illustrations with values $5.50 3. Mississippi Railroad Currency Comprehensively Illustrated, 173 illustra- tions $5.50 4. Locomotive Engravings On State Bank Notes and Scrip, 1832-1875. Sixty- four illustrations of different locomotive engravings. 1964 $5.00 5. Early Ship and Shipbuilding on Paper Money. 107 Illustrations $5.50 6. The Beautiful View of the Rockville Bridge Across The Susquehanna above Harrisburg on State Bank Notes $1.00 7. Transportation Currency: Bank notes and scrip representative of forty-five varieties of transportation companies. 48 Illustrations. 1974 $3.00 DR. JOHN A. MUSCALUS HISTORICAL PAPER MONEY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Box 187 Bridgeport, PA 19405 Hobby reacts to u„ency :hanges see Pago 6 Standard paper catalog ready Schedule of Paper Money Changes Hessler book sees new edition Page 160 Paper Money Whole No. 117 Hero How To Satiqy Your Greate5t Hobby Need Are you unhappy with the number of paper money articles in coin-related newspapers and magazines? If you are, chances are you're not getting all the paper money information you need. Good news. Your subscription to Bank Note Reporter will give you a monthly newspaper devoted exclusively to paper money, both U.S. and foreign. Bank Note Reporter will give you reports on auctions, new issues, upcoming shows, new publications, discoveries and new organizations. The historical features in Bank Note Reporter will take you back into history. You'll read about military currency, bonds, stock certificates, Confederate currency, world paper, state banknotes and U.S. large and small size notes. Plus you'll have plenty of photos, trustworthy advertising and a complete U.S. value guide. It can all be at your fingertips each month, when you subscribe to Bank Note Reporter. Be part of the excitement! Satisfy your need for paper money information with a subscription to Bank Note Reporter. Your Guarantee If for any reason you decide to cancel your subscription, simply drop us a note before you receive your second issue and we'll refund your entire payment. After the second issue we'll refund on all undelivered issues. Collectors saw it first, right here! Who broke the news about upcoming changes in U.S. currency? Bank Note Reporter! It's true. With the aggressive reporting of our full-time Washington Bureau, BNR was the first to present facts concerning the revamping of our notes. We scooped everyone, including other hobby publications, daily newspapers, and electronic media. When you join Bank Note Reporter you'll be part of a select group looking to every issue for fresh news. Make certain you have Bank Note Reporter for all the vital data affecting your hobby. Sign up now! Send your subscription request along with $11 for one year (12 issues) to: Bank Note Reporter, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990. As a seller, this method gives you the opportunity to get the full market price without the "in" dealers short-circuiting the bidding, as so often is seen at public auction sales. Our currency auctions were the first to use the Sealed Mail Bid System, which gives you, the bidder and ultimate buyer, the utmost chance to buy a note at a price you want to pay with no one looking over your shoulder. Pliclnan - Oakes Auctions , nc. Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S. Currency to the collecting fraternity for over 20 years: With 27 sales behind us, we look forward to a great Memphis sale this year. This is our third Memphis sale in the nine years of the show. We will be offering some of the finest and rarest type notes the U.S. series has to offer. November 14-17 we have the distinct pleasure to conduct the auction at the 1st annual Convention of the Society of Paper Money Collectors. This event will be held in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Consignments for these two great auctions are being solicited now! Join others in experiencing the true market between buyer and seller at a Hickman-Oakes auction. Write or call 319/338-1144. As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% down to 10% without a buyer's charge, lot charge, or photo charge. As a buyer: Subscribe to our next year's sales and receive the catalogs, prices realized, and price lists. For the Memphis catalog and 1985-86 catalogs and prices realized, send $8.00, if you haven't. You won't be sorry. Hickman alkes Auctions ,Inc. Nitwit units John HickmanDean Oakes Drawer 1456 joiila City, Iowa 52240 319-338-1144 eaCtieg RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311 It pays t look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN