
Paper Money - Vol. XXIV, No. 4 - Whole No. 118 - July - August 1985

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MEMPHIS PHOTO COVERAGE, P. 190 JULY/ AUGUST 1985 I I 11 11 IN <1111.110 •010.5140..-"In ees "Pronto Service" Omaha, Nebraska 68104P.O. Box 4289 U.S. CURRENCY SPECIALS "WHETHER BUYING OR SELLING, FOR A BETTER DEAL TRY BEBEE'S! YOU'LL BECOME A "BEBEE BOOSTER" AVAILABLE NOW: U.S. SALES LIST = (A) Large Size Notes; (B) Large Size Nationals; (C) Colonial & Continental Currency; (D) Fractional Currency; (E) Confederate Currency. Please specify your collecting interest when requesting any of these FREE lists. Postage Appreciated. SUPERB UNCUT SHEETS 1928-D $1 Silver Certificate Sheet (12). Of the 60 sheets issued only 28 have been reported. Over the years many sheets have been cut up and the notes sold singly to collectors. Our price for this GEM sheet is only $4,495.00 1935-A $1. Silver Certificate Sheet (12). 100 sheets were issued but O'Donnell's new 7th Ed. "Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper Money" lists only 19 sheets recorded A GEM sheet 1,895.00 1928-C $2 Legal Tender Sheet (12). Julian/ Morgenthau. Only 27 of the 75 sheets issued have been recorded with an estimated value of $4,000.00. We offer this scarce GEM sheet @ only $1,995.00 1902 $5 National Bank Note Uncut Sheet (4); Woods/Tate. Dunbar National Bank, New York, N.Y GEM CU Sheet #6 2,895.00 1902 $5 National Bank Note Uncut Sheet (4); The 7th Avenue National Bank, New York, N.Y. GEM sheet #8 2,695.00 1902 $5 National Bank Note Uncut Sheet (4); First National Bank, Woodbridge, N.J. Vernon/Treat. FR-589. Very Rare RED SEAL. Friedberg lists singles @ $1,000.00 This sheet, possibly unique 4,995.00 FRACTIONAL CURRENCY UNCUT SHEETS When was the last time that you saw museum quality uncut sheets like these offered? THREE CENTS. THIRD ISSUE. FR-1226. A superb crisp new sheet (25). 1979 auction record for single note $220.00. This is one of the nicest sheets that we have ever handled; being without any creases or folds that are so common to most fractional currency sheets, and is offered specially priced @ $2,495.00 FIVE CENTS, FIRST ISSUE. FR-1230. Superb crisp new sheet (20), with wide margins as originally issued A beautiful rare sheet just as nice as the day it was issued. 1980 auction choice single sold for $375.00. This truly GEM museum sheet may be yours @ our attractive price of 2,695.00 FIVE CENTS, FIRST ISSUE. FR-1230. This sheet is also superb in every way but does not have wide mar- gins. Specially priced 1,695.00 FIVE CENTS, SECOND ISSUE. FR-1233. A superb sheet (20) minus any folds, very rare 1,595.00 FIVE CENTS, SECOND ISSUE. FR-1233. Crisp NEW but with slight creases between notes 895.00 TEN CENTS, FIRST ISSUE. FR-1242. Superb crisp new w/wide margins. Very rare 1,895.00 TEN CENTS, FIRST ISSUE. FR-1242. Crisp new with slight creases. Priced special 995.00 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, FIRST ISSUE. FR-1281. Superb crisp new with wide margins: this sheet (20) 1981 auction single sold @ $325.00. Indeed a great rarity 3,695.00 FIFTY CENTS, FIRST ISSUE. FR-1312. This GEM crisp new sheet (20) with wide margins. 1981 auction single sold @ $375.00. This excessively rare and seldom offered sheet is valued at over our price of 4,495.00 Ask for our list of Choice Fractional including Proof & Specimen Notes. WANTED UNCUT SHEETS WANTED We are paying TOP CASH prices for perfect CRISP NEW UNCUT SHEETS. We invite your inquiry or offer IF you have any of these sheets. Please describe fully. LEGAL TENDER = 1928 $1 Woods/Woodin; 1928 $2 Tate/Mellon. SILVER CERTIFICATES = 1928 $1 Tate/Mellon; 1928-C $1 Woods/Woodin; 1928-E $1 Julian/Morgenthau; 1934 $1; 1935-A $1 Hawaii overprint; 1935-A $1 North Africa. $2, $5, $10 sheets (18). BEBEE'S is also paying TOP CASH PRICES for other LARGE-SIZE notes. Especially wanted — NO. 1 NOTES, STAR NOTES, TERRITORIALS, NATIONALS, TWO-DENOMINATIONS, CUT-SHEETS Please describe offers. Orders for any of the above notes will be shipped 1st Class Insured or Registered at our expense. For immediate shipment send cashier's check or money order (personal checks take 20 to 25 banking days). 100% satisfaction guaranteed always. WHY NOT GIVE US A TRY — WE WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR ORDERS — AND YOU'RE SURE TO LIKE DOING BUSINESS WITH BEBEE'S. SINCE 1941, TENS OF THOUSANDS OF "BEBEE BOOSTERS" HAVE. Y'ALL HURRY NOW — WE'LL BE LOOKING FOR YOU! AUBREY & ADELINE BEBEE ANA Life #110, ANS, IAPN, PNG, SPMC, Others. SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY C 01,1,1 C TORS I NC . /,314C12. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXIV No. 4 Whole No. 118 JULY/AUG. 1985 ISSN 0031-1162 GENE HESSLER, Editor Box 416 Oradell, NJ 07649 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March/April issue, etc.). IN THIS ISSUE A CONFEDERATE MYSTERY Brent H. Hughes 163 RARE TERRITORIAL POSTAL NOTES LOCATED Charles Surasky 165 THE PAPER COLUMN — National Bank Notes With Treasury Serial 1 and 1000000 Peter Huntoon 167 THE GREEN GOODS GAME Forrest Daniel 174 THE 7 DAY NOTES OF PANAMA; AND THE HAMILTON BANK NOTE CO., 100 YEARS LATER Gene Hessler 175 THE SELIGMAN SAGA Edward Schuman 177 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTE STARS Dean Oakes 179 RAILROAD NOTES & SCRIP OF THE UNITED STATES, THE CONFEDERATE STATES AND CANADA Richard T. Hoober 183 BEP ANNOUNCEMENTS 185 NEW LITERATURE 185 SOCIETY FEATURES INTEREST BEARING NOTES 186 RECRUITMENT REPORT 186 MEET THE CANDIDATES 187 REGISTER OF STOLEN BANK NOTES 188 COMING EVENTS 189 MEMPHIS PHOTO COVERAGE 190 EDITOR'S CORNER 193 SECRETARY'S REPORT 193 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 161 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE. Se- cond class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster; send address changes to: Paper Money, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy. Dover, DE 19901. © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1984. All rights reserved. Repro- duction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permis- sion, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $12. Individual copies of current issues, $2.00. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover $72.00 $195.00 $367.50 Inside Front & Back Cover $67.50 $181.50 $345.00 Full Page $59.00 $158.00 $299.00 Half-page $36.00 $ 98.00 $185.00 Quarter-page $15.00 $ 40.00 $ 77.00 Eighth-page $10.00 $ 26.00 $ 49.00 To keep administrative costs at a minimum and advertising rates low, advertising orders must be prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. In the exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are re- quired, the advertiser will be notified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the first of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. I for March issue). Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertise- ment in which typographical error should oc- \4044 44cur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Page 162 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Larry Adams, P.O. Box 1, Boone, Iowa 50036 VICE-PRESIDENT Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 SECRETARY Gary Lewis, P.O. Box 4751, N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903 TREASURER James F. Stone, P.O. Box 89, Milford, N.H. 03055 APPOINTEES EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416, Oradell, NJ 07649 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOOK SALES COORDINATOR Richard Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street, North Attleboro, MA 02760. WISMER BOOK PROJECT Richard T. Hoober, P.O. Box 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445 LEGAL COUNSEL Robert G. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001 PAST PRESIDENT AND LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Walter Allan, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Jr., Peter Huntoon, Charles Kemp, Roman L. Latimer, Donald Mark, Dean Oakes, Bernard Schaaf, M.D., Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, John Wilson. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organ- ization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is af- filiated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notifi- cation to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold of- fice or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numis- matic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES-The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Annual dues are $12. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 8 1/2 x 11 " BANK NOTES, Huntoon $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 INDIAN TERRITORY / OKLAHOMA / KANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Burgett & Whitfield $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Oakes $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP . $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 PENNSYLVANIA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP (396 pages), Hoober $28.00 Non-member $35.00 $12.00 ARKANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP, Non-Member $25.00 Rothert TERRITORIALS-A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIALS Non-member Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Rockholt $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Wait $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF RHODE ISLAND AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, Durand $20.00 Non-Member $25.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, Wait $22.00 $17.00 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept. 116 Fisher St., North Attleboro, MA 02760. Library Services _do The Society maintains a lending library for the use of Librarian-Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. d the members only. For further information, write the 60521. I itercivahlr pni-mri19,Ax-r pl exp.,/ ) rmttfiltiv in t goiqi,lerAte Wa ring riof prr Cent tikteres-i 7/7/211// / ilra I.A. 2 1/7/////fWel/i> ^11;" ^ Yirr RE t;rsT h: it mnrax 1,0"IG lkIrl+Aloran The'lnitial C'green counterstamp. What does it mean? rt.enx /I Bb Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 163 A Confederate Mystery' BRENT H. HUGHES, SPMC 7 © 1985 Collectors of Confederate currency are never surprised at what turns up. The combination of sixty- nine basic types with hundreds of varieties, different kinds of paper and watermarks plus printing er- rors makes a fertile field for study. Add the post-printing revaluation stamps, "interest paid" stamps and all sorts of hand-written endorsements and it gets interesting. The odd and curious really be- come almost commonplace. Of course, one hundred and twenty years of collecting and study have explained most things, but one item remains a mystery. It's the dime-size green oval with "C" counterstamp that shows up on some of the $50 Washington notes of the July 25, 1861 issue, known to today's collectors as Criswell Type 8. I have never seen or heard of the stamp appearing on any other type note. Over the years there have been lots of theories about the "C" stamp, but nothing positive. Let's trace the various publications . T HE first significant description of Confederate notes wascontained in an album published by Raphael Thian in1876. C. H. Bechtel produced another album for col- lectors in 1877. The descriptions in both albums are good, but neither man mentioned the "C" stamp. During those years there were also articles and catalogs published by scholars and dealers, all of which are quite rare today and not available to me. So I don't know if any of these publications mention the notes with the green "C" stamp. The first comprehensive book on the subject of Confederate notes was Confederate and Southern State Currency, written in 1915 by William West Bradbeer. This book listed the major varieties and organized the notes into a more or less logical se- quence. Bradbeer listed the note with the "C" stamp as a sepa- rate variety, number 18, with these words, `Counterstamped "C" in green. Issue of Bb 39704.' The Bb refers to the plate- letters shown on the note and the 39704 is the total number of Bb notes printed. . /l/ //Arl ,,r,;■ . • Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 167 $ ' ,1 THE PAPER COLUMNiL by Peter Huntoon National Bank Notes with Treasury Serial 1 and 1000000 Part I This and succeeding articles will list all of the treasury serial number 1 and 100000C national bank notes that were printed. The treasury serial numbering system used on national bank notes is explained in detail in "Evolution of Treasury Serial Numbering on National Bank Notes," PAPER MONEY, vol. 23, pages 181-185. First $5 Brown Back. This is one of 141 national bank notes printed that carried both treasury and bank serial number 1. (Photo courtesy of Dean Oakes.) SERIAL 1 AND 1000000 NOTES ABLE 1 shows the total number of treasury serial 1 and 1000000 sheets by series and sheet combination. As you can see, 1371 number 1 and 1230 number 1000000 notes were printed. Of the 1371 treasury serial 1 notes, 141 car- ried bank serial 1 as well. Table 2 summarizes the treasury 1 and 1000000 totals for the popular sheet combinations. To date, only one treasury serial 1 note has been dis- covered — the note pictured here. No 1000000 notes have been reported so obviously one of them ranks among the great potential finds in large size currency. SOURCES OF DATA The information presented here was recorded by the Comp- troller of the Currency in large ledgers showing receipts from the engravers. These ledgers are now housed in the National Ar- chives. They list bothithe treasury and bank serials for every shipment, and the entries are arranged in treasury serial order. The only problem is that the records after 1912 have been lost. Through a stroke of luck, I found a diary kept by someone in the numbering division of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which lists the dates when the serial 1000000 to 1 changeover sheets were printed. At least now we know when these pairs were printed after 1912. Unfortunately the bureau record does not identify the banks that received these sheets. The bureau diary did reveal information on the last sheets printed for all the Series of 1902 blue seal plain back combina- tions except the 50-100. The only data missing in these entries are the bank serial numbers on the last sheets. No final sheet in- formation is given for any Series of 1882 value back. DATES The dates listed in the tables herein are either the day the shipment was received by the Comptroller of the Currency from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, or in the case of the bureau records, the day that the sheets were numbered. The elapsed time between numbering and delivery to the comptrol- ler usually amounted to only a few days at the most. Keep in mind that in many cases there was a delay ranging up to several years between the time the sheets were received by the comp- troller and when they were shipped to the banks for issue. An unexpected find in the bureau diary was a listing of all printings containing bank serial number 1000000. These entries are included here as Table 3. None of these unusual notes are currently known to exist. 1 AND 1000000 SHEETS Included here in Table 4 is a complete listing of the first and last serials for each set of treasury serials used on the 1-1-1-2, 1-1-2-2, 5-5-5-5, and 10-10-10-10 combinations. Successive parts in this series will list the higher denomination sheets begin- ning with the popular 10-10-10-20 in Part 2. Future installments will explore other highlights from the trea- sury serial numbering system. Topics that will be treated include the addition of prefix letters to treasury numbers, numbering of sheets made by printing selected subjects from larger plates, and overlapping of Series of 1902 red seal and date back printings. Combination 20-20-20-20 20-20-20-50 20-20-20-100 20-20-50-100 50-50 50-100 50-50-50-100 100-100 500 500-500-500-500 500-1000 500-500-500-1000 1000 1000-1000-1000-1000 20 20-50 50 50-50-100 ORIG 1875 ORIG 1875 ORIG 1875 ORIG 1875 ORIG 1875 ORIG 1875 82BB 82DB 02RS 02DB ORIG 1875 82DB 82VB 02DB 02PB ORIG 1875 ORIG 1875 ORIG 1875 ORIG 1875 ORIG ORIG ORIG 1875 ORIG ORIG ORIG ORIG Series 1 1000000 Totals (sheets) 348 308 Totals (notes) 1371 1230 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 168 I have noted the instances where the last sheet printed in a particular series was never issued. I did not look up every 1000000-1 pair to see if it was in fact issued. If a particular pair interests you, you can check the bank series against issued totals to see if the 1000000-1 pair went into circulation. Paper Money Whole No. 118 printed for any combination. The highest number used was 999980 on a 5-5-5-5 sheet for the Second National Bank of Scranton, Pennsylvania in May, 1873. Both the number 1 Am- sterdam and number 999980 Scranton sheets were issued BANK SERIAL 1000000 SHEETS USE OF TREASURY SERIALS ON NATIONALS Treasury serial numbers were used on national bank notes from the beginning of the Original Series in 1863 until August 25, 1925. These numbers were sheet serials because every note on the sheet had the same number. When treasury serial num- bers were abolished, the only nationals being printed were Series of 1902 blue seal plain backs, and the treasury serials— upper right number—were replaced with duplicate bank serial numbers. ORIGINAL SERIES NUMBER SETS Original Series treasury serials did not start with 1 or end with 1000000. In fact, there was only one Original Series sheet that used treasury serial 1: serial Ul printed on a 5-5-5-5 sheet in May, 1875, for the Manufacturers National Bank of Amster- dam, New York. No serial 1000000 Original Series sheets were Table 1. Numbers of treasury serial number 1 and 1000000 sheets printed for the various national bank note sheet combina- tions. Combination Series 1 1000000 1 1 1 2 ORIG — — 1875 2 1 1 1 2 2 ORIG — — 1875 1 5-5-5-5 ORIG 1 — 1875 12 11 82BB 27 26 82DB 9 8 82VB 2 2 02RS 9 8 02DB 37 36 02PB 54 54 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 ORIG — — 1875 1 82BB 1 82DB 2 1 82VB 02RS 2 1 02DB 8 7 02PB 6 6 10-10-10-20 ORIG 1875 7 6 82BB 26 25 82DB 10 9 82VB 2 2 02RS 13 12 02DB 38 37 02PB 54 54 10-10-20-20 ORIG 1875 1 10-10-20-50 ORIG — 1875 1 10-20-50-100 OR1G — 1875 1 — 10-50-50-100 ORIG 1875 1 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 169 Table 2. Total numbers of treasury serial number 1 and 1000000 sheets printed for the popular national bank note sheet com- binations. Combination 1 1000000 5-5-5-5 151 145 10-10-10-20 150 145 10-10-10-10 20 15 50-100 6 1 50-50-50-100 4 1 1-1-1-2 2 1 Table 3. Chronological list of banks that reached bank serial number 1000000. Data from a Bureau of Engraving and Printing diary. Date Printed Bank Location Charter Series Combination Serials Sep 9, 1913 NB Commerce New York NY 733 02DB 5-5-5-5 1000000-A1 Feb 14, 1920 First NB New York NY 29 02PB 5-5-5-5 1000000-A1 Jul 31, 1922 NB Commerce St. Louis MO 4178 02PB 5-5-5-5 1000000-A1 Apr 1, 1924 First NB New York NY 29 02PB 10-10-10-20 1000000-A1 May 19, 1924 N Park B New York NY 891 02PB 5-5-5-5 1000000-Al Feb 19, 1925 Mellon NB Pittsburgh PA 6301 02PB 5-5-5-5 1000000-A1 May 5, 1925 NB Commerce St. Louis MO 4178 02PB 10-10-10-10 1000000-A1 Dec 13, 1927 N Park B New York NY 891 02PB 10-10-10-10 1000000-A1 Jan 12, 1928 First NB Pittsburgh PA 252 02PB 5-5-5-5 1000000-A1 Apr 10, 1928 First NB New York NY 29 02PB 5-5-5-5 A1000000-B1 Table 4. First and last national bank notes printed in each group of treasury serial numbers. The date is the day when the sheets were received by the Comptroller of the Currency from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Bureau of Engraving and Printing dates are the day the sheets were numbered. Bank Treasury Date Bank City State Charter Serial Serial 1-1-1-2 Original Series Mar 28, 1865 First NB Washington DC 26 1 9 red Oct 4, 1865 Central NB New York NY 376 3000 999413 Oct 4, 1865 Central NB New York NY 376 3001 9 blue Mar 23, 1866 Market NB New York NY 964 14000 999693 Mar 23, 1866 Market NB New York NY 964 14001 A9 red Oct 13, 1866 Goshen NB Goshen NY 1408 3000 A998250 Oct 15, 1866 First NB Utica NY 1395 8001 B9 Aug 22, 1870 First NB Ionia MI 275 1300 B999892 Aug 24, 1870 First NB La Porte IN 377 3401 C9 Mar 27, 1872 Agricultural NB Pittsfield MA 1082 4550 C999267 Mar 29, 1872 First NB Champlain NY 316 2101 D9 Sep 22, 1874 First NB New Berlin NY 151 3400 D999701 Sep 22, 1874 Tradesmens NB New York NY 905 45001 E9 Aug 19, 1875 Honesdale NB Honesdale PA 644 9000 E543882 1-1-1-2 Series of 1875 Oct 16, 1875 Farmers NB Bushnell II 1791 1 Al Sep 24, 1877 N Exchange B Providence RI 1339 17096 A1000000 Sep 24, 1877 N Exchange B Providence RI 1339 17097 B1 Dec 13, 1878 First NB Utica NY 1395 5000 B665054 1-1-2-2 Original Series Sep 20, 1866 City NB Manchester NH 1520 1 A141 blue Jul 10, 1875 Washington County NB Greenwich NY 1266 6420 A20264 1-1-2-2 Series of 1875 Mar 12, 1877 Washington County NB Greenwich NY 1266 1 Al Mar 16, 1877 Westchester County NB Peekskill NY 1422 500 Al250 (no 1-1-2-2 Series of 1875 sheets were issued) Page 170 Date Bank City State Charter Paper Money Whole No. 118 Bank Treasury Serial Serial 5-5-5-5 Original Series Dec 18, 1863 First NB Washington DC 26 1 9 red Jul 28, 1863 First NB Bangor ME 112 5500 999651 Jul 29, 1863 First NB Bangor ME 112 5501 9 blue Jan 23, 1865 Eliot NB Boston MA 536 7500 999870 Jan 24, 1865 Suffolk NB Boston MA 629 1 A9 red May 15, 1865 Mechanics NB Pittsburgh PA 700 11000 A999976 May 16, 1865 Continental NB Boston MA 524 2501 B9 Aug 15, 1865 St. Louis NB St. Louis MO 1112 6500 B999715 Aug 15, 1865 St. Louis NB St. Louis MO 1112 6501 C9 Nov 17, 1865 NB Lancaster KY 1493 500 C999588 Nov 17, 1865 Fulton NB New York NY 1497 1 D9 Jul 6, 1867 Metropolitan NB New York NY 1121 6000 D999617 Jul 6, 1867 Shawmut NB Boston MA 682 3501 E9 Mar 11, 1871 Merchants NB Dayton OH 1788 3000 E999847 Mar 11, 1871 Claremont NB Claremont NH 596 2751 H9 Apr 1, 1872 First NB Pawtucket RI 843 5000 H999925 Apr 1, 1872 First NB New Albany IN 775 5751 K9 May 14, 1873 Second NB Scranton PA 49 6000 K999980 May 14, 1873 First NB Hastings MN 496 1001 L9 May 6, 1874 NB (above is a black charter sheet) Pontiac IL 2141 2250 L999678 May 6, 1874 Pomeroy NB Pomeroy OH 1980 2001 N9 Dec 16, 1874 First NB Warren PA 520 4750 N999818 Dec 16, 1874 Second NB Monmouth IL 2205 1 P9 May 19, 1875 American NB Providence RI 1472 31225 P999772 May 19, 1875 Manufacturers NB Amsterdam NY 2239 1 Ul Aug 11, 1875 Commercial and Farmers NB Baltimore MD 1303 17525 U547896 5-5-5-5 Series of 1875 Sep 17, 1875 Farmers NB Franklin OH 2285 1 Al May 16, 1876 Manufacturers NB Appleton WI 1820 70 A1000000 May 16, 1876 Manufacturers NB Appleton WI 1820 71 B1 Jan 16, 1877 NB of the Republic Boston MA 379 4830 B1000000 Jan 16, 1877 NB of the Republic Boston MA 379 4831 D1 Oct 19, 1877 Hanover NB New York NY 1352 4130 D1000000 Oct 19, 1877 Hanover NB New York NY 1352 4131 El Nov 9, 1878 Second NB Elmira NY 149 4875 E1000000 Nov 9, 1878 Second NB 5-5-5-5 Series of 1875, continued Nov 20, 1879 First NB Elmira Monroeville NY OH 149 2438 4876 1655 H1 H1000000 Nov 20, 1879 First NB Monroeville OH 2438 1656 K1 Jan 15, 1881 NB Cambridge MD 2498 195 K1000000 Jan 15, 1881 NB Cambridge MD 2498 196 N1 Oct 8, 1881 Union NB Cincinnati OH 2549 4380 N1000000 Oct 8, 1881 Union NB Cincinnati OH 2549 4381 Ul Aug 9, 1882 Marine NB Pittsburgh PA 2237 4796 U1000000 Aug 9, 1882 Marine NB Pittsburgh PA 2237 4797 V1 Sep 28, 1883 NB Slatington PA 2293 5671 V1000000 Sep 28, 1883 NB Slatington PA 2293 5672 X1 Jul 9, 1885 Citizens NB Crawfordsville IN 2533 4159 X1000000 Jul 9, 1885 Citizens NB Crawfordsville IN 2533 4160 Z1 Jul 19, 1893 Manufactures NB Baltimore MD 2623 3602 Z1000000 Jul 19, 1893 Manufactures NB Baltimore MD 2623 3603 Y1 Feb 20, 1902 Commercial NB (last sheet issued to this bank was 2986-Y587074) Pittsburgh PA 2711 3000 Y587088 5-5-5-5 Series of 1882 Brown Backs Aug 15, 1882 NB Commerce Cleveland OH 2662 1 Al Nov 14, 1884 Merchants and Manufactures NB Pittsburgh PA 613 449 A1000000 Nov 14, 1884 Merchants and Manufactures NB Pittsburgh PA 613 450 B1 Aug 29, 1885 Allentown NB Allentown PA 1322 966 B1000000 Aug 29, 1885 Allentown NB Allentown PA 1322 967 D1 Jul 31, 1886 Aetna NB Hartford CT 756 5376 D1000000 Jul 31, 1886 Aetna NB Hartford CT 756 5377 El May 26, 1888 Lima NB Lima OH 2859 4736 E1000000 May 26, 1888 Lima NB Lima OH 2859 4737 H1 May 10, 1890 NB Middlebury VT 1195 3343 H1000000 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Date Bank City State Charter Bank Serial Page 171 Treasury Serial May 10, 1890 NB Middlebury VT 1195 3344 K1 Nov 16, 1891 First NB Cincinnati OH 24 12413 K1000000 Nov 16, 1891 First NB Cincinnati OH 24 12414 N1 Mar 6, 1893 Third NB Boston MA 359 38762 N1000000 Mar 6, 1893 Third NB Boston MA 359 38763 R1 Sep 7, 1893 First NB Asbury Park NJ 3451 4334 R1000000 Sep 7, 1893 First NB Asbury Park NJ 3451 4335 U1 Jun 26, 1894 First NB Colorado Springs CO 2179 87 U1000000 Jun 26, 1894 First NB Colorado Springs CO 2179 88 V1 May 3, 1895 First NB Providence RI 134 34557 V1000000 May 3, 1895 First NB Providence RI 134 34558 W1 Mar 4, 1896 Philadelphia NB Philadelphia PA 539 35012 W1000000 Mar 4, 1896 Philadelphia NB Philadelphia PA 539 35013 X1 Dec 8, 1896 Third NB Columbus GA 3937 1432 X1000000 Dec 8, 1896 Third NB Columbus GA 3937 1433 Y1 Jun 24, 1897 First NB Oxford OH 4599 5332 Y1000000 Jun 24, 1897 First NB Oxford OH 4599 5333 Z1 Mar 24, 1898 Fort Deerborn NB Chicago IL 3698 9690 Z1000000 Mar 24, 1898 Fort Deerborn NB Chicago IL 3698 9691 T1 Sep 6, 1898 Casco NB Portland ME 1060 78865 T1000000 Sep 6, 1898 Casco NB Portland ME 1060 78866 M1 Jun 10, 1899 N Shawmut B Boston MA 5155 43125 M1000000 Jun 10, 1899 N Shawmut B Boston MA 5155 43126 A 1 A Jan 30, 1900 First NB Dunlap IA 4139 2315 A 1000000A Jan 30, 1900 First NB Dunlap IA 4139 2316 B1B Oct 23, 1900 Merchants NB Richmond VA 1754 2390 B1000000B Oct 23, 1900 Merchants NB Richmond VA 1754 2391 D1D Mar 15, 1902 First NB Moline IL 160 6787 D1000000D Mar 15, 1902 First NB Moline IL 160 6788 E1E (Began use of geographic letter Mar 18, 1902 with treasury serial E5214E) Jan 21, 1903 Merchants NB Vicksburg MS 3430 5987 E1000000E Jan 21, 1903 Merchants NB Vicksburg MS 3430 5988 H 1H Dec 12, 1903 Planters NB Richmond VA 1628 35560 H 1000000H Dec 12, 1903 Planters NB Richmond VA 1628 35561 K 1K Aug 1, 1904 Aetna NB Hartford CT 756 16665 K1000000K Aug 1, 1904 Aetna NB Hartford CT 756 16666 N 1N Aug 26, 1905 First NB Addison NY 5178 1827 N1000000N Aug 26, 1905 First NB Addison NY 5178 1828 R1R Sep 13, 1906 Columbia NB Buffalo NY 4741 1287 R1000000R Sep 13, 1906 Columbia NB Buffalo NY 4741 1288 T 1T May 29, 1907 Second NB Vincennes IN 4901 12307 T1000000T May 29, 1907 Second NB Vincennes IN 4901 12308 U 1U Feb 11, 1908 Suffern NB Suffern NY 5846 947 U1000000U Feb 11. 1908 Suffern NB Suffern NY 5846 948 V1V Mar 22, 1908 Stephanson NB Marinette WI 4137 8900 V384488V (last sheet issued to this bank was 8832-V384420V) 5-5-5-5 Series of 1882 Date Backs Aug 1, 1908 German NB Cincinnati OH 2524 1 Al Nov 28, 1908 Spencer NB Spencer MA 2288 905 A1000000 Nov 28, 1908 Spencer NB Spencer MA 2288 906 B1 Apr 10, 1909 First NB Saint James MN 4859 5 B1000000 Apr 10, 1909 First NB Saint James MN 4859 6 D1 Oct 13, 1909 Hamilton NB Fort Wayne IN 2439 6714 D1000000 Oct 13, 1909 Hamilton NB Fort Wayne IN 2439 6715 E1 Oct 12, 1910 Central NB Spartanburg SC 4996 13713 E1000000 Oct 12, 1910 Central NB Spartanburg SC 4996 13714 H1 Nov 8, 1911 N Exchange B Wheeling WV 5164 20013 H1000000 Nov 8, 1911 N Exchange B Wheeling WV 5164 20014 K1 (records lost, the following incomplete entries are from a Bu reau of Engraving and Printing diary) Jan 16, 1913 K1000000 - M1 Feb 3, 1914 M1000000 - Ni Sep 15, 1914 N1000000 - RI 5-5-5-5 Series of 1882 Value Backs Aug 21, 1916 R1000000 - T1 Feb 7, 1919 T1000000 - Ul Jan 17, 1921 U? Page 172 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Bank Treasury Date Bank City State Charter Serial Serial 5-5-5-5 Series of 1902 Red Seals Apr 18, 1902 First NB Litchfield MN 6118 1 Al Nov 7, 1904 American NB San Diego CA 7418 171 A1000000 Nov 7, 1904 American NB San Diego CA 7418 172 B1 Jul 11, 1905 Old NB Grand Rapids MI 2890 18586 B1000000 Jul 11, 1905 Old NB Grand Rapids MI 2890 18587 D1 Jan 27, 1906 N Exchange B Hartford CT 361 17953 D1000000 Jan 27, 1906 N Exchange B Hartford CT 361 17954 El Aug 17, 1906 First NB Minneapolis MN 710 14 E1000000 Aug 17, 1906 First NB Minneapolis MN 710 15 H1 Nov 3, 1906 N City B New York NY 1461 96705 H1000000 Nov 3, 1906 N City B New York NY 1461 96706 K1 Mar 20, 1907 N New Haven B New Haven CT 1243 7322 K1000000 Mar 20, 1907 N New Haven B New Haven CT 1243 7323 M1 Aug 2, 1907 NB Republic Kansas City MO 8738 9586 M1000000 Aug 2, 1907 NB Republic Kansas City MO 8738 9587 Ni Feb 27, 1908 N City B New York NY 1461 231422 N1000000 Feb 27, 1908 N City B New York NY 1461 231423 T1 Dec 15, 1908 First NB Woodbury TN 9089 506 T798457 5-5-5-5 Series of 1902 Date Backs Jun 15, 1908 First NB Beaver City UT 9119 1 Al Aug 15, 1908 First NB Cincinnati OH 24 12157 A1000000 Aug 15, 1908 First NB Cincinnati OH 24 12158 B1 Sep 30, 1908 Charter NB Media PA 3666 1147 B1000000 Sep 30, 1908 Charter NB Media PA 3666 1148 D1 Nov 16, 1908 NB Commerce New York NY 733 162402 D1000000 Nov 16, 1908 NB Commerce New York NY 733 162403 El Jan 16, 1909 Merchants NB Lawrence MA 3977 57 E1000000 Jan 16, 1909 Merchants NB Lawrence MA 3977 58 H1 Mar 19, 1909 Columbia City NB Columbia City IN 7175 246 H1000000 Mar 19, 1909 Columbia City NB Columbia City IN 7175 247 K1 Jun 9, 1909 Essex County NB Newark NJ 1217 22049 K1000000 Jun 9, 1909 Essex County NB Newark NJ 1217 22050 MI Aug 20, 1909 Hamilton NB Chattanooga TN 7848 7433 M1000000 Aug 20, 1909 Hamilton NB Chattanooga TN 7848 7434 N1 Oct 4, 1909 Omaha NB Omaha NE 1633 9607 N1000000 Oct 4, 1909 Omaha NB Omaha NE 1633 9608 R1 Dec 6, 1909 First NB Chicago IL 2670 97826 R1000000 Dec 6, 1909 First NB Chicago IL 2670 97827 T1 Feb 15, 1910 NB Commerce St. Louis MO 4178 121866 T1000000 Feb 15, 1910 NB Commerce St. Louis MO 4178 121867 Ul May 26, 1910 First NB Merced CA 9437 3021 U1000000 May 26, 1910 First NB Merced CA 9437 3022 V1 Aug 25, 1910 First NB Richmond VA 1111 24690 V1000000 Aug 25, 1910 First NB Richmond VA 1111 24691 X1 Nov 10, 1910 Fletcher American NB Indianapolis IN 9829 40370 X1000000 Nov 10, 1910 Fletcher American NB Indianapolis IN 9829 40371 Y1 Feb 25, 1911 Merchants NB New York NY 1370 51885 Y1000000 Feb 25, 1911 Merchants NB New York NY 1370 51886 Z1 May 10, 1911 NB Commerce St. Louis MO 4178 185445 Z1000000 May 10, 1911 NB Commerce St. Louis MO 4178 185446 AlA Aug 4, 1911 Petaluma NB Petaluma CA 6904 2724 A1000000A Aug 4, 1911 Petaluma NB Petaluma CA 6904 2725 B1A Nov 15, 1911 NB Commerce St. Louis MO 4178 209039 B1000000A Nov 15, 1911 NB Commerce St. Louis MO 4178 209040 MA Jan 25, 1912 N Union B Reading PA 693 6949 D1000000A Jan 25, 1912 N Union B Reading PA 693 6950 E1A Apr 11, 1912 Capital NB Sacramento CA 10107 2109 E1000000A Apr 11, 1912 Capital NB Sacramento CA 10107 2110 H1A Jul 16, 1912 First NB State College PA 7511 2584 H1000000A Jul 16, 1912 First NB State College PA 7511 2585 K1A Oct 22, 1912 Georgia NB Albany GA 9729 3729 K1000000A Oct 22, 1912 Georgia NB Albany GA 9729 3730 M1A Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 173 (records lost, the following incomplete entries are from a Bureau of Engraving and Printing diary) Jan 9, 1913 M1000000A - N1A Mar 26, 1913 N1000000A - R1A May31, 1913 R1000000A - T 1 A Aug 11, 1913 T 1000000A - U lA Oct 24, 1913 U1000000A - ViA Jan 13, 1914 V1000000A - X lA Mar 27, 1914 X1000000A - Y1A Jul 8, 1914 Y1000000A - Z1A Aug 13, 1914 Z1000000A - A 1B Aug 25, 1914 A1000000B - B1B Sep 4, 1914 B1000000B - D1B Sep 16, 1914 D1000000B - E1B Oct 1, 1914 E1000000B - 1-1113 Nov 4, 1914 H1000000B - K1B Apr 30, 1915 K1000000B - M 1B 5-5-5-5 Series of 1902 Blue Seal Plain Backs Oct 4, 1915 M1000000B - N1B Apr 19. 1916 N1000000B - R1B Aug 16, 1916 R 1000000B - T1B Dec 22, 1916 T1000000B - U1B Apr 11, 1917 U1000000B - V1B Sep 17, 1917 V1000000B - X 1B Jan 4, 1918 X1000000B - Y1B Mar 23, 1918 Y1000000B - Z1B Jun 26, 1918 Z1000000B - A 1D Oct 11. 1918 A1000000D - B1D Feb 3, 1919 B1000000D - D 1D Apr 22, 1919 D1000000D - E1D Jul 24, 1919 E 1000000D - H 1D Sep 20, 1919 H1000000D - KiD Nov22, 1919 K1000000D - M 1D Jan 20, 1920 M1000000D - N1D Mar 30, 1920 N1000000D - RID May20, 1920 R 1000000D - T1D Jul 22, 1920 T1000000D - U1D Sep- 30, 1920 U1000000D V1D Jan- 3, 1921 V1000000D X1D Feb- 26, 1921 X 1000000D `RD Apr- 12, 1921 Y1000000D Z 1D May- 31, 1921 Z 1000000D A1E Jul - 16, 1921 A1000000E B1E Aug- 24, 1921 B1000000E DlE Sep- 22, 1921 D 1000000E E lE Oct- 21, 1921 E1000000E H lE Dec- 3, 1921 H 1000000E K lE Jan- 27, 1922 K 1000000E M 1 E Mar- 8, 1922 M 1000000E N lE Apr- 26, 1922 N1000000E R lE Jun- 8, 1922 R 1000000E TIE Jul - 21, 1922 T1000000E U lE Oct- 18, 1922 U1000000E V lE Dec- 19, 1922 V1000000E X 1E Jan- 27, 1923 X 1000000E Y 1 E Mar- 9, 1923 Y1000000E Z lE Apr- 26, 1923 Z1000000E A 1H Jul - 21, 1923 A1000000E B1H Sep- 18, 1923 B1000000H D1H Oct- 30, 1923 D 1000000H E1H Dec- 23, 1923 E1000000H H1H Feb- 11, 1924 H 1000000H K1H Mar- 29, 1924 K1000000H M1H May- 23, 1924 M1000000H N1H Jul - 14, 1924 N 1000000H R1H Aug- 27, 1924 R 1000000H T 1H Oct- 11, 1924 T1000000H U 1H Nov- 20, 1924 U1000000H V1H Jan- 23, 1925 V1000000H X 1H Mar- 25, 1925 X 1000000H Y1H May- 19, 1925 Y1000000H Z 1H Jul - 23, 1925 Z1000000H A1K Bank Treasury Date Bank City State Charter Serial Serial Aug 22, 1925 American Exchange NB Dallas TX 3623 unknown A617996K 10-10-10-10 Original Series Dec 24, 1863 First NB Philadelphia PA 1 1 9 red Apr 1, 1869 Cecil NB Port Deposit MD 1211 1250 624556 Apr 28, 1869 First NB Hartford CT 121 4001 Z624557 Mar 11, 1875 West Branch NB Williamsport PA 1505 1375 Z999303 Mar 12, 1875 Second NB Detroit MI 116 10701 W9 Aug 13, 1875 State NB Boston MA 1028 10175 W153039 10-10-10-10 Series of 1875 Sep 28, 1875 First NB Cortland NY 226 1 Al Jan 25. 1902 Lebanon NB Lebanon IN 2660 4740 A981026 (last sheet issued to the bank was 4720-A981006) 10-10-10-10 Series of 1882 Brown Backs Sep 10, 1906 Melrose NB Melrose MA 4769 1 Al Mar 22, 1908 First NB Flatonia TX 4179 1625 A273475 (last sheet issued to the bank was 1546-A273396) 10-10-10-10 Series of 1882 Date Backs and Value Backs Aug 3. 1908 Liberty NB New York NY 4645 1 Al (records lost, the following incomplete entries are from a Bureau of Engraving and Printing diary) Oct 21, 1914 A1000000 - B1 Oct 3, 1921 B? (all Value Backs have a B prefix, as do last of the Date Backs) 10-10-10-10 Series of 1902 Red Seals Aug 29, 1906 Hanover NB New York NY 1352 1 Al Jun 2, 1908 N Park B New York NY 891 49248 A1000000 Jun 2, 1908 N Park B New York NY 891 49249 B1 Dec 7, 1908 First NB Toronto OH 8705 1100 B108336 The Green1, Conducted by Forrest Daniel Goods Game Page 174 Date Bank City State 10-10-10-10 Series of 1902 Date Backs Jun 29, 1908 First NB Beaver City UT May 7, 1909 Colebrook NB Colebrook NH May 7, 1909 Colebrook NB Colebrook NH May 7, 1910 NB Commerce New York NY May 7, 1910 NB Commerce New York NY Sep 15, 1911 NB Commerce New York NY Sep 15, 1911 NB Commerce New York NY Nov 7, 1912 Third NB Springfield MA Nov 7, 1912 Third NB Springfield MA Paper Money Whole No. 118 Charter Bank Serial Treasury Serial 9119 1 Al 4041 924 A1000000 4041 925 B1 733 326992 B1000000 733 326993 D1 733 494447 D1000000 733 494448 El 308 22309 E1000000 308 22310 H1 (records lost, the following incomplete entries are from a Bureau of Engraving and Printing diary) Nov 26, 1913 H1000000 — K1 Aug 25, 1914 K1000000 — M1 Mar 15, 1915 M1000000 — Ni 10-10-10-10 Series of 1902 Blue Seal Plain Backs Sep Dec May May Sep Oct Aug 14, 22, 12, 5, 6, 7, 21, 1917 1919 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 N1000000 — R1 R1000000 — T1 T1000000 Ul U1000000 V1 V1000000 — xl X1000000 — Y1 First NB Hartford CT 121 unknown Y608545 (To be continued) DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT The Cincinnati Gazette of the 12th says: "Another exceed- ingly dangerous counterfeit on the State Bank of Ohio has been discovered which has undoubtedly had an extensive circulation. Last week a twenty dollar bill on the Ripley branch, was suspected by a teller of one of the banks in Third Street, but after a close comparison and strict scrutiny by the most reliable judges, there was a difference of opinion as to its character. The majority, however, decided that it was genuine. In order to test the matter fully, Messrs. Johnson & Brother forwarded the bill to the cashier of the Ripley branch, and today an answer was received pronouncing it a counterfeit, no notes of the date and number having been issued by the bank. Engravers are of the opinion that the impression must have been, in part at least, from genuine engravings, so perfect is the imitation. There is no mark by which the counterfeit can be distinguished from the ge- nuine, and as the former have undoubtedly been changed in the filling up so as to represent the several branches, the only safe plan is to refuse all notes of the denomination of $20 on the State Bank of Ohio. The counterfeit is not a new one, and some of our bankers are of the opinion that the spurious notes have been received and paid out by the banks themselves for some time, and that a large proportion of the $20s now in circulation are counterfeit,["]—The Daily Pioneer and Democrat, St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 27, 1858. HOBO WORKS A NEW GAME Here is a scheme that recently worked on a cafe manager at Centerville, Iowa. It's a confidence game with counterfeit money; and yet the man who had it did not use it, although his ruse worked so he disposed of the "bogue" and got his change. Here is how he worked his graft and it's a graft of the latest design. An old typical hobo walked into a cafe and unburdened him- self of a masterful hard luck story. Whiningly he described his il- lness, idleness and hunger. The restaurant man ordered the counter man to give the hobo a meal. When the old man had fed up on a 50-cent dinner, he shuffled over to the restaurant man and began to mumble his thanks. "Oh, that's all right,"the cafe man said, "you are welcome." Just then the hobo pulled out a dirty greasy handkerchief as if to wipe off a tear. A new $5.00 bill fell on the floor . The restaurant owner glanced at it, and then he jumped for it. "You can't work any of your old tricks here," he announced, ringing up the cost of the meal on his cash register. He handed the wayfarer $4.50 in change and a piece of his mind about dis- honesty. The old man took his change and went his way. When the bank returned the $5.00 bill as spurious, the res- taurant proprietor was flabbergasted. "Can you beat that?" he exclaimed. —The Elgin (N. Dak.) News, March 26, 1925. ARREST OF COUNTERFEITERS A haul of seven of the sleek villains who infest our city was made yesterday morning on charge of counterfeiting. Some- how, the gang got wind of it, and when arrested, nothing was discovered which would allow that they had been implicated in any such affair. They were consequently discharged, as there was an insufficiency of proof of crime to discharge (sic) them. When is that Vagrant Law to be enacted?—(The Weekly Min- nesotian, July 4, 1857.) ye nos epa, Input:m.1m nr...puRSO ILCG. 0 POR CSTI IUAETE CMIE NAYPtfl.LEADO FE RANCO OE EdiOSION RE EA uNAOLO.%$onc C.; GAOENO Al POItTADOR A SOLICITCD IMO:MINA RN OURS° LEGAL %CAL Nom" _ wEntorennsAmoits ir-zz Ganryncos AL POATADOR A SOLONN COMSTE MR ES B BANCRS CENTRV.LD DEPOSMANK DIMON DE LA 111311".1,1114100"15.111 PAGADERON AL PODTADDR A SOLICITUD Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 175 The 7 Day Notes of Panama; and the Hamilton Bank Note Co., 100 Years Later by GENE HESSLER The American dollar unofficially circulates side by side with currencies of a few poor countries. Panama is one of two countries — the other is Liberia — where the "green- back" has served as the official currency. In 1904, with clause 117, the Republic of Panama made U.S. currency legal tender. With the exception of a seven day period in 1941 this currency law continues to be recognized. T HE Spanish explorer Rodrigo de Bastidas discovered the coast of Panama in 1501 ; Columbus arrived two years later. In 1513, Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the isth- mus, discovered and named the Pacific Ocean. In 1821, Panama with much of Spanish America, withdrew from Spanish domination and became a province of the new Republic of Columbia. On 3 November 1903, when indepen- dence was declared, a meeting took place at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. Don Bunau-Varilla, Panama's official representative, met with a group who, with the support of Presi- dent Theodore Roosevelt, represented the United States. In ex- change for perpetual right to use the planned Panama Canal, U.S. Marines were waiting to defend Panama from Columbian troops as the claim for independence was made. Such a move was advantageous to both Panama and the United States. Coins of Panama have circulated since 1904. Then in 1940, Arnulfo Arias came to power. In September of the following year he issued Executive Decree No. 3, which authorized bank notes in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 20 balboas. The notes, measuring 157 x 67 mm, were printed by the Hamilton Bank Note Co. of New York City. On 2 October, these notes entered circulation. Arias, who took office unopposed, was deposed by Dr. Adolfo de la Guardia on 9 October, and one of la Guardia's first acts was to withdraw the new bank notes, and put into effect, once again, clause 117. A scenario to create instant rarities could not have been choreographed better. Of 183,000 notes issued, all except 6,500 were redeemed and destroyed by the Government of Panama. Records of July 1950 confirm this outstanding amount to be the same. Some notes were obviously lost or destroyed accidentally; the remain- ing pieces are in the hands of collectors. The 6,500 figure is deceiving, because these notes are not seen very often. Design Authorized Issued 1 balboa Balboa 720,000 144.000 5 balboas Chief Urraca 100,000 24.000 10 balboas Panama Tower 100,000 12,000 20 balboas Oxen & cart 25,000 3,000 fr "" new Y0 ALL X Pc B Cu■ LEE P SHr-y Page 176 Paper Money Whole No. 118 The Hamilton Bank Note Co. A similar portrait of Alexander Hamilton was used on the $2 United States notes of 1862. Minute differences are visible when this portrait is compared to the J.P. Ourdan engraving. (Courtesy of Dr. Glenn E. Jackson) This company was founded in 1880; incorporation took place in 1884. One year later, Augustine L. Helm (1833-1920) came to the Hamilton Bank Note Co. (HBN) as a modeller and designer. Just before incorporation Helm joined the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing ; he remained there until 1894. ' HBN was a selling agent for the Hamilton Bank Note Engraving and Printing Co. (HBNEP) ; it was incorporated in 1885. Knowledgeable philatelists usually associate HBN with the infamous Nicholas Frederick Seebeck. One example of his modis operandi is found in a published copy of a contract be- tween Seebeck and the Government of Salvador. The following was taken from the June, 1889 issue of the Philatelic Journal of America, Vol. 5. N.F. Seebeck, Secretary of the Hamilton Bank Note Co. would for ten years, print all needed postal material, the designs of which would differ each year. This would be done 'free of all cost to the Mail Services of Salvador. . . In compensation for the disbursement made by the Com- pany in engraving and furnishing the Postal Issues in question, the Supreme Government of Salvador agrees to cede to the Company the stock which, on the conclu- sion of each year, may be in its possession, upon the pre- vious declaration of its nullity on the 1st January of each year, whatever be the quantity thereof ; binding itself moreover not to sell stamps of any of the other issues mentioned for less than their face value while they are in use. A daughter, Viola Helm. worked for Joseph Ruff & Co. (ca. 1898). She was the only woman engraver of the time. Two sons of Augustine L. Helm, Henry and Charles, were also engravers. If there is any doubt about what Mr. Seebeck had in mind, clause (8) of this contract will make it clear. Upon the Representative of Salvador being notified by the Supreme Government of the issues of each successive year being declared void, and not receivable for postage, and advice having been given to that effect to the engrav- ing company, the latter can withdraw from the Safe De- posit already mentioned the Matrices of the Postal Issues, and break in the presence of the Representative, the seals referred to in Article 3 for the purpose of using the Plates to make such reprints as the Engraving Company may wish to sell to Dealers and Collectors. N.F. Seebeck negotiated similar contracts with other Latin American countries. Nicaragua was another country that had bank notes prepared by this company. The first of these notes (P42-69) were issued sometime after 1910, the last in 1938. Before and after this period, American Bank Note Co. (ABN) produced bank notes for Nicaragua. In 1910, under Ernest Schernikow, president of HBN, the Nicaraguan Government was persuaded to have the smaller and younger company engrave and produce their notes. One of the engravers employed at this time was George Van- Ness, who probably engraved portions of some of the Nicara- guan notes. In 1913, along with VanNess, the following en- gravers were employed at HBNEP : T. Bickett, James Griffith, A. McCloskey and C.F. Witnauer. Edward Connally was a de- signer and a man by the name of Pickett (Bickett) was in charge of the engraving division. All had probably been employed before 1913. (Continued on page 185) ba -,eph Seligman (1819.1880). Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 177 Theeligman Oaga by Edward Schuman B AIERSDORF, Bavaria was the birthplace of Joseph Selig- man. The oldest of eight brothers, he was born on Sep- tember 22nd 1819. His father, David Seligman was a weaver in the village, and a trader and peddler of woolens and cotton goods. The family had roots going back to the early part of the 18th century and they were known for their fairness and honest dealings. Joseph was able to attend the University of Erlangen, where for a time' he studied medicine, ' and then thought of the Rabbinate, but soon decided that he would not be suited to either of these professions. He realized that his homeland's suppression of Jewish rights would greatly curtail the quality of life he could lead, so shortly after graduating from the university, in 1837, he decided to emigrate to the United States. He settled in a small mining town in Western Pennsylvania where he found employment with a clothing contractor. Soon thereafter he began to send for his brothers, one or two at a time as his capital accumulated. They began to peddle clothing and dry goods, first through the state of Pennsylvania, and then branching out to the southern states. In the South they found considerable success and were soon established in Greensborough, Alabama. More brothers were sent for and as merchants they soon branched out to neighbor- ing states, and north to Missouri. In 1841. brothers Jesse and Henry established a dry goods store and clothing business in Watertown, New York. When Lt. Ulysses S. Grant was stationed at Sackett's Harbor, he came to know and do business with the Seligmans. Many years later, in 1891, Jesse Seligman spoke of the president in a eulogy stating "on our acquaintance, we immediately became friends, and from that hour until his death I know of no one who was entitled to greater love and respect, not only from his immediate friends but from the people of the entire country." President Grant had wanted either Jesse or Joseph Seligman to serve in his cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury. Either would have been well qualified for this position, but both turned it down for personal reasons. They became trusted advisors to several U.S. Treasury Secretaries and they were ranked among the ablest financiers on Wall Street and throughout America. Joseph Seligman accumulated considerable wealth through his Southern operations. The remaining members of the family were ,sent for and given employment. By 1848 he had trans- ferred operations to New York City, where he became the lead- ing clothing dealer, as well as importer of dry goods. The news of the California gold strike in 1848 stirred the imagination of everyone. Jesse Seligman traveled to California soon afterward, and established a clothing store in one of the few all brick buildings in San Francisco. He benefited greatly from his clothing monopoly, and the gold received in payment was dispatched to New York, and was used to establish the firm's expanding credit. When the U.S. Army sent Grant to California, he found his old friend Jesse well established in busi- ness, and their friendship was renewed. During the disastrous fire of 1851, when most of San Francisco burned, the Seligman brick building was one of the few buildings to survive, since most structures were of woodframe composition or canvas. As Seligman carried an abundant inventory, he benefited tremen- dously from the inflationary trend in all commodities that follow- ed. As the gold that was sent east accumulated, the family in- terests became diversified and now included banking. During the Civil War, the Seligmans advanced more than $1,000,000 worth of clothing to the Union, on credit. The brothers gave up their clothing and importing business to con- centrate on banking ; they soon ranked among the leading bank- ers in New York City. Joseph Seligman journeyed to Europe and was able to sell more than $200,000,000 in Union bonds, most of them in Germany and in Holland where his family was well known and respected. This transpired at a time when British and French bankers were unfriendly to the Union cause. and assisted, instead, with loans to the Confederacy. The firm of J. & W. Seligman was now well established and soon had offices in London, Paris, Frankfort, New Orleans and San Francisco, as well as its main office in New York. Seligman bank checks from the New York and London branches are illus- ----- .. -- - - ••••.- ---- - - ----- - -- Page 178 Paper Money Whole No. 118 The Seligman monogram graces this "Second of Exchange" draft . As part of the international banking operation, this check is payable in English pounds. trated. The San Francisco operation changed its operating name to the Anglo-California Bank, Ltd. The name change was the result of the stigma of being classified as a foreign bank. Foreign banks in California were the outgrowths of branches es- tablished in the gold rich area by such European houses as the Rothschilds, Lazard Freres, etc., whereas the American banks were founded by native citizens. Despite the fact that the Selig- mans had been inhabitants of the United States for a decade or so, they were considered foreigners, and the name change was in fact to Americanize the bank. In this writer's collection are several gold checks of L.H. Hershfield and Bro., pioneer Mon- tana bankers. The endorsement is handwritten and signed by Aaron Hershfield, partner in the Hershfield operation. "Pay J & W Seligman or order for a/c Anglo-California Bank, San Fran- cisco (signed) L.H. Hershfield & Bro." Seligman fiscal material is extremely hard to find. Evidently it was not saved, but usually destroyed when outdated. The Seligmans assisted the U.S. Government again in 1870 with the funding of the national debt and the resumption of specie payments. The family became prominent in American railroad financing. The Missouri Pacific, the Santa Fe, and the Atlantic and Pacific were among the benefactors of Seligman's financial accord. The Seligmans were always champions of Jewish rights, and Jewish causes. They played a major role in mobilizing public opinion against the Romanian persecutions of the Jews in 1870. The Seligmans' old friend, President Grant, accepted the re- sponsibility of securing equal rights for the Jews of Romania, and sent Benjamin Peixotto to that country as consul general and special envoy to aid and assist the harassed Jews. Some progress was made as a result of this intervention to suppress some of the duress the Romanian Jews were enduring. Joseph Seligman was denied admittance to a hotel in Sara- toga Springs, New York, because he was Jewish. Judge Henry Hilton, who owned the famous A.T. Stewart department store, was the local owner. Many people were outraged, and as a result both Jews and Christians stopped buying in the depart- ment store, which soon after was sold to John Wanamaker. The Seligmans were active in Temple Emanu-El. They were found- ers of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and supporters and founders of the Society for Ethical Culture. (Continued on page 185) Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 179 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES * ST * ARS * by DEAN OAKES M Y collecting interest in 1929 Federal Reserve Bank brown seal notes goes back about twenty-five years. Older friends who were paper money collectors duly informed me of the rarity of many of these notes and how difficult it was to collect a complete set of just the $5 denomina- tion in CU, let alone the entire series by denomination. In the early 1960s there were several, advanced, currency collectors in Iowa who had developed their currency interests throughout the 1940s and 1950s. When the 1960s rolled in with a surge in coin collecting, we started a period of consolida- tion that peaked in the 1979-80 boom. Among these currency collections there were no fewer than three complete sets of $5 1929 Federal Reserve brown seals. I'm certain that this collecting interest in small-size notes had proliferated because these fellows all belonged to an active coin club through the 1950s and thus, through their common interest in currency, challenged each other to complete this series. So, when I became a member of the Des Moines Coin Club, I was also influenced by those coin collectors who had a side collect- ing interest in currency. I began by collecting large-size national bank notes, but I kept the brown seal series in mind, and a few years later, I, too, had a complete set of $5s and most of the other denominations of the series, $5-$100. Quite a lot of information has been written about the series in general, but little has been said about the star (replacement) notes in this series and that is the purpose of this article : a complete listing of known star notes of this series. It occurred to me, after seeing several collections of Federal Reserve bank notes, that I had not seen any star notes from the series. I asked a few of the older collectors and many didn't think they had ever seen one. Another said, yes, he had seen a note or two, but they were well circulated and consequently not desirable. In those days a used piece of small-size currency was hardly collectible unless it was recognized as a so-called rarity, many of which weren't rare at all but were accepted as such. I had my first opportunity to buy a $100 Chicago star note in the mid-1960s ; it was in Fine condition, the cost $110. I thought this note would create some interest among collectors. It was duly recognized as a star note by several collectors; never- theless, I could not resell it, nor was there any appreciation for its rarity. Rather than hold this note I included it in a trade to a collector who undoubtedly accepted it for face value. I in turn received something I valued. I didn't even record the serial number, and yet in the accompanying list, there is no Chicago $100 note listed by serial number. My next opportunity to obtain a star note was at a coin auc- tion that included a few pieces of currency, among which, and listed as such, was a $5 Chicago note in low grade ; I still have it. About 1979 I decided to collect this series by star notes and, in doing so, I started to jot down the serial numbers of notes that I observed. It is apparent that many of these notes have come out of safe deposit boxes from money put away in the years after the de- pression. As these notes were issued as emergency money im- mediately after the bank holiday in 1933, it was only natural that some of it was saved, and from this consolidation of estate hold- ings we now see the emergence of these star notes. Other than a run of probably twenty pieces each of $50 and $100 Kansas City star notes in CU, the average condition of the known star notes is Fine + . Only a couple of low number star notes have shown up in CU. A few more may surface, as low numbers are known in the regular issues in the $5 and $10 de- nominations from almost all districts. The exception in the $5s is the rare San Francisco issue. Evi- dently, a collector with some influence was able to save, or have someone save for him or her, many of the low numbers in regular issues and would have found some star notes also. The one thing I'm not certain of is how desirable star notes were viewed by collectors in the early years of small-size currency issuance. Possibly, a regular issue would have been saved over a star issue, as the collector didn't "collect" star notes. I would think that the Kansas City $50 and $100 notes were saved as vault cash for nearly fifty years. I expect with the current shake- up in banking, bank vaults will yield a few secrets to the collect- ing fraternity. A few years ago, Bill Acker sent me this list of known star notes of the Federal Reserve bank note issue. Our combined knowledge, with the help of many collectors of known star notes is presented here. Within the next few years, when a larger sample has been drawn, significant rarities can be assigned to the denominations and series. All but seven issues are now known, and I would guess three or four of those will surface as a result of this article. The list of star notes presented here includes the district of each issue with the denomination and total number printed. Under each denomination, the known star notes and their grades, if known, are listed. The number of notes printed was taken from U.S. Government printing records first uncovered by Peter Huntoon and reported in Paper Money, No. 96, pages 317-318. We know the number of star notes printed, but that may not necessarily be the number issued. We should be able to determine from surviving notes if the total number printed were in fact released. Take a look at the Dallas list: $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes were printed with stars, but only two $10s and one $20 have been recorded to date. With all the $5s of regular issue that have survived, it seems odd that if 24,000 $5s were printed and issued, none have been observed. Three star notes for the entire Dallas issue are accounted for, and this has been a closely watched issue by collectors. It makes one wonder if the star notes that were printed were indeed issued. On the other hand, New York $10 star notes had a large printing of 76,000 notes. From the current census, one can see that notes from this entire range are beginning to appear, so we can assume that most, if not all, were issued. C , 110171.011L111601111111LIUMTILIr 0.1.1111111■ROPOI10110111081104.11.411WINNIMI THE Nurf- 0, vrE"W' cute ■• TtiE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK C PHILAII'ELPHIA FOE DOLLARS C_ *C WWIVIE WHOM "ar VO, r Page 180 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Federal Reserve Bank Notes of 1929 Star Notes Denomi- Condition, Total Denomi- Condition, Total nation Serial No. Remarks Printed nation Serial No. Remarks Printed District of Boston $5 A 00002015* CU A 00012190* XF $10 A 00001088* CU $20 A 00006899* VF A 00007260* F District of New York $5 B 00007117* B 00007118* CU B 00007122* CU B 00007123* CU $10 B 00006081* B 00007715* VG B 00010358* VG + (F) B 00014403* VG B 00017471* CU B 00019184* VG + B 00019894* G + B 00023954* VG + B 00029565* F(AVE+) PH B 00030154* XF B 00047742* VF B 00049608* VF + B 00050702 * VG + washed B 00055107* VG(F +) B 00058995* VF B 00059471* AU B 00059515* VG + B 00065565* XF B 00065900* CU B 00066770* VG(F) pin holes B 00067879* VG + $20 B 00001944* VG B 00008056* VF B 00008474* VG B 00009331* VF(F) B 00009489* VG + B 00012729* VF B 00015144* VF B 00018164* VG + B 00019404* F pressed $50 B 00004162* CU B 00004324* VF B 00006243* XF B 00007036* XF B 00007293* F(F) B 00007427* VF B 00009161* F B 00009621* VG + B 00010015* VG B 00010451* F B 00012184* AU B 00013609* F(AVE) B 00013659* VG + B 00015252* F B 00015571* $100 B 00000610* VF 12,000 District of Philadelphia $5 C 00000034* CU 36,000 C 00000035* CU C 00014413* AU C 00016876* XF C 00021929* CH CU+ (VF) C 00021930* CU C 00022349* $10 C 00007359* VG rust stain 24,000 C 00007715* F C 00008793* VG + washed C 00009811* XF C 00012526* CU $20 C 00001382* F 24,000 C 00002374* VG + C 00003203* VG + C 00004090* AU C 0000439* VF(VF) washed C 0000443* F C 00004686* VG corner missing C 00005407* F C 00005604* F C 00006025* C 00010648* VF District of Cleveland $5 D 00011417* CU 60,000 D 00021050* F + 24,000 D 00025600* D 00035402* F D 00036860* F $10 D 00005541* VG 36,000 D 00006954* VF D 00010294* VF D 00010302* CU D 00014849* VG D 00016222* F D 00017036* VG + D 00018530* VG D 00023401* VG + 36,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 76,000 24,000 lTt kgj THEFEDERAL RESERVE BANG OR MINNEAPOUS MINNESOTA ONE ursoitEn 10000310 * -Y. 1.4,- I ./. i Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 181 Denomi- Condition, Total nation Serial No. Remarks Printed $20 D 00000899* F + 24,000 D 00005823* $50 D 00000204* AU 12,000 D 00001241* VG + D 00001871* CU D 00003645* F + D 00005700* VG + D 00005823* XF D 00006440* FINE $100 D 00003595* F + 12,000 D 00003918* CU washed? District of Richmond $10 E 00015295* VG 24,000 E 00017003* AU E 00018228* F + $20 E 00001153* F 24,000 E 00001877* F E 00002191* VG + E 00002731* CU E 00003226* XF E 00011748* VG + $100 E 00006700* 36,000 District of Atlanta $5 F 00002604* VG + 24,000 F 00003603* F(F) F 00006334* F F 00017992* VG + F 00018316* VG $10 F 00002270* VF 36,000 F 00003158* VG $20 F 00003603* F+ 8,000 F 00005880* F + District of Chicago $5 G 00000677* CU 84,000 G 00000678* CU G 00014829* XF G 00015074* VG G 00015244* VG + G 00018687* VG(F +) G 00030317* G 00031520* F corner tips burned G 00049610* VG + G 00058079* VG G 00059532* VG G 00068548* VF G 00071992* VG(VF) G 00075808* VG Denomi- nation Serial No. Condition, Remarks Total Printed District of St. Louis $5 24,000 $10 H 00000547* F 36.000 H 00005830* F+ H 00017944* VF I-1 00018013* CU H 00019593* VG H 00024029* FINE H 00026608* VF H 00027558* G(F) H 00027867* H 00028161* VF + (VF) H 00028329* FINE H 00029408* F $20 H 00001752* F 24,000 H 00001863* F H VF00003270* H 00003824* VG + VFH 00003915* H 00020028* FINE VGH 00020697* H 00022684* F(VF) H 00029267* VF District of Minneapolis $5 24,000 $10 I 00001864* VG 24,000 I 00002498* XF I 00002601* CU I 00020529* VG + $20 I 00000029* CU 12,000 I 00002072* F I 00002091* AU I 00003963* F $50 I 00001914* VF 12,000 $100 1 00003107* F 12,000 District of Kansas City $5 J 00006560* VG 48.000 J 00028737* VG J 00031617* FINE J 00034247* CU $10 12,000 J 00034248* CU $20 G 00000303* VG(F) 12,000 J 00034251* CU G 00001791* F $10 J 00001353* F + G 00003962* F + J 00001434* F + G 00003990* F + J 00002861* CU J 00009413* FINE $50 G 00003305* VF 4,000 J 00018457* VF $100 G 00003689* AU 12,000 J 00021572* CU 36,000 35% OFF Normal Coach Fares INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY CONVENTION Sponsored by The Society of Paper Money Collectors NOVEMBER 14-17,1985 HYATT-CHERRY HILL, CHERRY HILL, NJ We've made attending this conference as simple as possible. A special CONVENTION DESK* has been staffed with responsible, knowledgeable coordinators who will handle all the details of your conference ... and we have also provided you with a special unlisted toll-free telephone number to call our CONVENTION DESK. * Transportation ... As official airline, Eastern will be handling your air travel arrangements ... even if you do not live in a city served by Eastern ... just call our toll-free number and we'll book you on Eastern or the airline of your choice. Fares ... Eastern will guarantee a Group Discount of 35% off the full day coach fares for individuals traveling roundtrip on Eastern from many cities within the continental United States. To qualify, reservations must be booked through Eastern's special CONVENTION DESK. In certain instances, even greater discounts may be available with restricted availability. Residents outside of the continental United States should call their nearest Eastern office for the best applicable fare. Ticketing ...After you have reserved your flights you may purchase your tickets from your local Travel Agent, any Eastern Ticket Office or we will mail them directly to you along with an invoice for payment. Regardless of where you choose to pay for your tickets, call Eastern's CONVENTION DESK now to reserve your flights. Other Services ... Our convention coordinators will also provide you with information on your meeting . . . suggest things to do and see during your free time ... make car rental reservations ... and arrange for pre and post-convention tours. REMEMBER CALL 800-468-7022 (in Florida 800-282-0244) • Convention Desk Sales Hours: 9:00 AM-8:00 PM. Mon.- Fn. Eastern Tune. TO MAKE YOUR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS REFER TO EASY ACCESS NUMBER: EZI1P19 EASTERN Page 182 Denomi- nation Serial No. Condition, Remarks Total Printed J 00022111* J 00025816* F+ $20 J 00001159* VG (F +) stains 24,000 J 00002433* VG J 00004079* F(VF) stain J 00004527* F+ J 00004854* J 00005686* VF $50 J 00000055* XF 12,000 J 00000142* AU J 00001579* F+ pressed J 00003382* VF J 00003602* GEM CU J 00003603* CU J 00003605* CH CU J 00003606* CU J 00003608* CU(VF) J 00003609* CH CU(VF) J 00003614* CU J 00003735* F $100 J 00008026* CU 12,000 J 00008894* CU J 00009505* CU J 00009508* CU J 00009509* CH CU(F+) J 00009516* CU J 00009517* CU J 00009521* GEM CU J 00009522* CU J 00009636* F(AVE) J 00009873* VF J 00010518* XF washed J 00011088* CH CU J 00011679* GEM CU J 00011721* VF+ J 00011757* F+ J 00011891* District of Dallas $5 24,000 $10 K 00000183* VG 12,000 K 00000189* $20 K 00000455* 24,000 $50 12,000 $100 12,000 District of San Francisco $5 24,000 $10 L 00005756* VG 36,000 L 00008642* G + L 00009913* F+ L 00012459* XF L 00013596* F L 00015245* $20 L 00005691* VF+ 24,000 $50 L 00002435* F 12,000 Anyone with new numbers to add please send complete serial numbers to : Dean Oakes, Box 1456, Iowa City, IA 52244; or Bill Acker, Box 338, Henderson, TX 75653. ■ Paper Money Whole No. 118 fY 11 , 7.7 el/ ..B.A)-3; Ci O ' 'IAA4111 /7//r/i) /„4, Baitimoke / Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 183 Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States, the Confederate States and Canada by RICHARD T. HOOBER (Continued from PM No. 117, Page 127) BALTIMORE—BALTIMORE CITY PASSENGER RAILWAYS 17. 4(r (L) Female seated beside 4. Date—Unknown. Imprint — Unknown. R7 BALTIMORE—BALTIMORE & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY The road was incorporated February 13, 1828, and organized May 6, 1828. Construction was begun in August 1829, with 36 miles of track completed to the Pennsylvania state line by 1838. Maryland No. 18. 18. 100.00 (L) ONE HUNDRED. (C) Train, buildings. (R) Cherub, 100 above and below. Date—Nov. 17, 1837. Imprint —Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, New York. R2 HAGERSTOWN— FRANKLIN RAILROAD COMPANY 19. 50C (L) Sailing ship, cherub below. (C) Tree, train, between 50s. (R) Justice in panel. R3 20. 50C (L) Female, dog. (C) Ships, lighthouse, between 50s. (R) Beehive in panel. R3 21. 1.00 (L) Indian seated. (C) Covered bridge, river scene, between 1 and ONE. (R) Com- merce, Poseidon below. R4 22. 1.00 (L) Female, dog. (C) Ships, lighthouse, between 1 and ONE. (R) Beehive in panel. R4 23. 5.00 (L) Medallion head with 5, 5 above and below. (C) Train, between Medallion heads. (R) Medallion head with 5, 5 above and below. Date—July 7, 1840, part ink. Imprint—Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty, Philad. R4 linerstown, THE FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD COMP Acknowledges to be indebted to Bearer in the sum of 0 N E payable in current Bank Notes at the UAa-IAMOIC)Vall 1 Six months after date, when presented in sums amounting to D OLLAR, AYITS, Five Dollars. ( v.: Preset. Page 184 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Maryland No. 21. PRINCESS ANNE— EASTERN SHORE RAILROAD COMPANY The railroad was chartered by Maryland in 1833. The line was built between Delmar on the state border and Tangier Sound on Chesapeake Bay, a total of 38 miles. 24. 1.00 No description. R7 25. 5.00 (L) Washington, 5 above and below. (C) Train, 5 at left. (R) Washington, FIVE above, DOLLARS below. R7 26. 10.00 Similar to No. 25, except for denomination. R7 27. 20.00 Similar to No. 25, except for denomination. R7 28. 50.00 No description. Date-18--, part ink. Imprint—Rd. G. Harrison, Scp. Philada. R7 Maryland No. 26. (To be continued) tr visj • err-. r ". • PJ ATM Paper Money Whole No. 118 BEP Card for ANA The design for the back of the 1882 $500 gold certificate will be the subject for the 1985 ANA souvenir card to be issued by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The third and final Statue of Liberty card, printed by the Spider Press, will also be issued at the Baltimore convention. By mail the cost of the souvenir card (item No. 914) is $4; the Liberty card (item No. 417) is $16.50. See p. 89 of the Mar./April issue of PAPER MONEY for ordering instructions. The schedule at the Bureau for the sale of currency sheets, Series of 1981A. is as follows : August for New York and Sep- tember for Philadelphia. By mail the cost is : $9.50 for 4-subject sheets, $28 for 16-subject sheets and $47 for 32-subject sheets. ANA '85 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND The Bureau or Engraving and Printing is pleased to issue this souvenir card to commemorate the 94th Annual Convention of the American Numismatic Association to be held on August 20 to 25, t985. Tne note featured here is a replica of the reverse of a Series 1882 5500 gold certificate—the front was featured on the ANA BA souvenir card. The bright orange back design of this note Is Indicative of the days when U.S. pacer currency was "as good as gold" Gold certificates were always one of the most stable forms of currency and were widely accepted. In 1933 Gold Certificates were withdrawn from circulation by order of the Secretary of Me Department of the Treasury. This order also cancelled the legal tender status of the notes, although they are exchangeable for lawful money. 07: BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, WASHINGTON, D.C. Page 185 Don Kelly has done a beautiful job in revising his book. The introduction in this 8 1/2 x 11 book is comprehensive and there are numerous photographs to illustrate the text. The body of the book is arranged chronologically by charter number within each state. A cross reference at the back enables one to find the charter number for any bank in an alphabetical listing by city and town. For each state there is a map that locates those cities and towns—still in existence —that issued national bank notes. Ad- ditional new features in this concise reference work include a price guide for uncut sheets as well as one for national bank type notes in eight grades. National Bank Notes, A Guide With Prices is advertised as the "book [that] has EVERYTHING!" It does!? (ed.) Hamilton Bank Note Co. (Continued from p. 176) In 1906, August Seebeck was the largest stockholder of HBNEP. The New York Herald reported on 12 January 1906 that in a forgery operation conducted by Samuel Humphreys and Charles Seiten, HBN engraved certificates of the Norfolk and Western Railroad for a fictitious Mr. Franklin. In 1913, stock in this company was held by Schernikow, A. Seebeck and Homer Lee. At this time, Homer Lee was the principal selling agent. On 4 January 1918, HBNEP filed for bankruptcy and went into receivership. George A. Field, who had been affiliated with the New York Bank Note Co. became president. HBN was dis- solved at this time. During the years that followed, HBNEP printed tickets for transportation companies. On 17 May 1946, both The New York Times and the Herald Tribune reported that the British bank note engraving concern, Thomas De La Rue had acquired "a substantial minority inter- est" in HBNEP. In 1948 liquidation took place; plates were sent to Security Bank Note Co. in Philadelphia. The last address to be found, in 1950, for HBNEP was 39 Chambers Street, New York City, where only typographical work was done. ■ New Literature Th History of Early Tennessee Banks and Their Issues by Paul E. Garland ; published by Paul E. Garland, 2006 Lake Village Drive, Kingwood, TX 77339; 1983; 256 pp ; hardbound. Available from the publisher, price not available. A considerable amount of work by the author and the de- signer and printer, Frank R. Hannah, was expended to produce this handsome book. The first feature one notices is the excellent quality of the illus- trations including three color plates. Following the introduction there is a rarity scale, a discussion of values and a comprehen- sive list of companies that printed these notes. If you are a serious collector of Tennessee notes and want to know more than just what has been recorded thus far, you will find a considerable amount of information about specific banks and the number of notes issued, by denomination. This is a catalog that covers the subject well and is easy to read. (ed.) NEW EDITION BY KELLY National Bank Notes, A Guide With Prices, by Don C. Kelly, The Paper Money Institute, Inc., Box 85, Oxford, OH 45056, 1985, second edition, 440 pp. hardcover. Price (for SPMC members) $36 postpaid. Seligman (Continued from p. 178) The Seligman interests headed the DeLesseps Panama Canal syndicate that financed the construction of the canal that linked the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. They entered into international underwriting for railroad construction, public utilities and many industrial businesses such as General Motors and Republic Steel. The Government of Puerto Rico engaged them as their fiscal agents, and several foreign governments employed them as financial advisors. The Seligmans were among the major in- vestors in United States War Bonds during World War I, and served in all Allied loan syndicates. In recent times, they have been engaged as securities dealers, underwriting agents and general international banking. Joseph Seligman died in 1880. The J.&W. Seligman & Co.'s first senior partner was followed by his brother Jesse. who died in 1894. Jesse's son Isaac served until 1917. A Seligman name had been on the board of directors of this prestigious banking firm continuously until 1970. Today, there are no bearers of the family name among the firm's partners. Seligman, Arizona, named for Jesse Seligman, is a small town about 175 miles from Phoenix. The Santa Fe railroad, which runs through the town, was partially financed by Jesse. . Seligman, Missouri is a small town about 250 miles southwest of St. Louis. It is named for Joseph Seligman, who has been considered as the most distinguished American Jew of the two decades between the years 1860 and 1880. Page 186 Interest Bearing No Larrytes Adams As I write this in late May, plans are well under way for the Society's 1985 activities and events. The Memphis convention is just ahead. I will have a report on that show in the next issue. From all indications, it should be a great show! REGIONAL MEETINGS HELD John Wilson, SPMC Governor from Milwaukee, reports suc- cess at two SPMC regional meetings held in April : the South Shore Coin Club, Milwaukee, April 12-14, and Central States Numismatic Society, Minneapolis, April 25-28. Both of these events were joint meetings held with the IBNS, our sister society. Interesting programs were given at each meeting, and the new green SPMC brochure that promotes the Cherry Hill Convention was distributed. The Pennsylvania book was also available, and copies were sold. Thanks, John and Nancy, for helping with, and hosting, these meetings. PENNSYLVANIA BOOK We are pleased to report that sales of the Society's new book, Pennsylvania Obsolete Notes and Scrip, by Richard T. Hoober, have been going well; from all indications it should do well for us, as Pennsylvania is a popular state. We will have copies at Memphis, and at Baltimore for the ANA Convention, as well as Cherry Hill, but they can also be ordered by mail — $28 to mem- bers; $35 to nonmembers : Order from: Richard J. Balbaton SPMC Book Sales Dept. 116 Fisher Street North Attleboro, Massachusetts 02760 A recent write up in COIN WORLD gave Dick's address as Maine, but he does still live in Massachusetts. The postal ab- breviations can be confusing, but MA is still Massachusetts. ARKANSAS BOOK At this writing the new book by Matt Rothert, Arkansas Obsolete Notes and Scrip, is at the printer, and we have been promised to have some copies at Memphis, so when you read this, you may already have picked yours up there. This book has sixteen pages of introduction, and 252 pages of regular text, covering note issues by over 250 issuers, with many historical photos and vignettes. The price for the Arkansas book is $17 to members, and $22 to nonmembers ; it can also be ordered from Richard J. Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street, North Attleboro, Massa- chusetts 02760. Paper Money Whole No. 118 ANA REGIONAL MEETING PLANNED The SPMC regional meeting at the ANA Convention will be held at a different time than was announced previously. The change was made to accommodate special tours some members may want to take to Washington, D.C. The meeting will be held on Friday, August 23, at 9:00 A.M. at the Hyatt Regency, the headquarters hotel in Baltimore. A program may be presented. As usual, the SPMC will have a table in the Club Midway in the Bourse Area and also at the Cherry Hill Convention in Novem- ber to promote the Society's books and memberships. CHERRY HILL, NEW JERSEY CONVENTION Plans are progressing well for the Cherry Hill Convention, and we expect a good turnout because of the location. Mark your calendar from November 14-17, and we hope to see many of you there. Dr. Nelson Page Aspen has been working on the educational program, and we have engaged some exceptional speakers. Please look in PAPER MONEY and the numismatic press for further developments, as they become available. For further information, contact William H. Horton, Jr., General Chairman, Box 293, Franklin, New Jersey 07416, or Wendell Wolka, Publicity Chairman, Box 366, Hinsdale, Illinois 60522. ELECTION OF GOVERNORS The candidates for the SPMC Board of Governors are intro- duced with this issue. Each year 5 Board Members are elected. Read over the candidates' backgrounds and make your choice. A mail ballot is enclosed with this issue. Ballots should be re- turned no later than November 1, 1985, in order to ensure that they will be counted in Cherry Hill. New Board Members will take office then. Exercise your right as a member, and vote for the candidates of your choice! Recruitment Report If the Society of Paper Money Collectors is to remain a leader in the field of syngraphics, a moderate growth rate must be maintained. For the welfare of the society, everyone must get involved in recruitment. If every member recruited just one new member and each new member recruited another new member we probably would have the most influential organization in numismatics. In keeping with this recruiting objective, the top recruiters will be recognized in our bi-monthly magazine. Also, at the Mem- phis meeting, an award will be presented to the top recruiter of the year. This award will be designated the Vice President's Plaque. The top individual recruiter and the top dealer recruiter will be honored with this award. Last 2 month period Total Sept.-August Larry Adams 48 Collectors Ronald Horstman 7 Ronald Horstman 18 Robert Azpiazu 16 Dealer Richard Balbaton 8 Richard Balbaton 28 New brochures containing applications have been printed with space for the sponsor's number as well as his signature to facilitate the assigning of proper credit for sponsoring the new member. A supply of these new brochures can be obtained by contacting your "New Member Recruitment Chairman", Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, Mass. 02769. Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 187 MEET THE CANDIDATES For SPMC Board of Governors BOB COCHRAN Bob Cochran is a sales representative for Hewlett-Packard Company in St. Louis. He has pursued his specialty, St. Louis National Bank notes, since 1978. In addition to the SPMC, he is a member of the Missouri Numismatic Society and the St. Louis Numismatic Association. Bob enjoys sharing his hobby, and has made several presen- tations to senior citizens' groups and at retirement homes. He has learned quite a bit from these folks who were around when our older currency was in circulation. Bob has written several articles for Paper Money, and plans to write more. He states, "I support the effort to increase the membership and visibility of SPMC. I propose that the addresses of the SPMC Board members be published, to allow the membership to communicate with them. Further, I feel that the SPMC should try to develop a comprehensive, illustrated grading guide for paper money. I will pursue these objectives if elected." C. JOHN FERRERI John has been a member of the SPMC since 1969. He served as its treasurer from 1975 to 1979 and has been an active board member since 1976. During this time he served on various com- mittees and chaired others. Over the past fifteen years John has contributed numerous articles to Paper Money. He continues to work on the Connecticut volume of the SPMC Wismer update project. Other memberships include : the ANA, New England Numismatic Society, Currency Club of New England and many others. His collecting interests lie almost exclusively in the sphere of obsolete, or broken bank notes and scrip issues of the New England states. Collectors in the New England and New York areas have seen John's exhibits and have heard him speak at educational forums. DOUGLAS D. MURRAY A member of the S.P.M.C. for ten years, Douglas D. Murray is an avid researcher of large-size United States currency. In addi- tion to research that has been published in PAPER MONEY, he released at Memphis this year the results of a ten year research project, Handbook of United States Large Size Star Notes 1910-1929. Citing the previous lack of information on the sub- ject, Murray's research has given the hobby a useful guide to this major currency variety. Born in Marshall, Michigan, and now residing in Portage. Michigan, Murray is a life member of the Kalamazoo Numis- matic Club and the Paper Money Collectors of Michigan. He was editor of the P.M.C.M. publication The Rag Picker during 1981 and 1982. Murray, forty-three, and wife Cathy, thirty-nine, have been married sixteen years and are parents of adopted son James. eight. Although his wife is now confined to a wheelchair with multiple sclerosis, he has been able to attend all nine Memphis paper money conventions, and nearly all Michigan State con- ventions since 1975. A.N.A. and Central States conventions are attended when their proximity permits. Page 188 STEPHEN R. TAYLOR Steve is a member of the SPMC board and has served since 1979. He is also a member of the Board of Governors of the ANA and a candidate for the position of vice president in the 1985 elections. He currently holds membership in 33 Canadian and United States numismatic organizations and is President of the Garden State NA and the Middle Atlantic NA. Other active positions in- clude serving on the Board of Directors of GENA and the Vir- ginia NA as well as Chairman for the International Numismatic Fellowship of Rotarians. "Exhibiting is the other half of the fun in collecting" has been one of his favorite quotes. He is an active exhibitor and has won numerous awards for his exhibits including the ANA Best in Show in 1978. Steve has exhibited in twenty seven states as well as four Canadian provinces. He has developed an illustrated program on "How to Build an Exhibit" and has given this talk several times. He has also given numerous talks on paper money of the United States, his collecting specialty. He has appeared, almost monthly, as a guest speaker at a Young Numismatist program held in conjunction with a major convention, indicating that the paper money hobby can be fun. Steve completed a banking career that spanned 36 1/2 years ; he retired as a vice president in December 1983. He is active in his community and has served as campaign chairman in raising funds for the American Cancer Society and the United Way. He is presently a member of the Dover Rotary Club and serves on the Advance and Development Committee for the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware. Steve and his wife Beulah reside in their native Delaware. JOHN WILSON Paper Money Whole No. 118 John, a law enforcement officer, and his wife Nancy have ex- hibited their United States large-size and fractional currency notes at well over 100 shows. He currently holds membership in the ANA, ANS, IBNS, CSNS, PMCM, CCCC, GSNA, EPS. FCCB (an organizer), SCCS, CCRT, CWTS, TAMS, NOW. RHS, MNS and SSCC. John has been appointed to the organ- izing committee for the 1986 American Numismatic Association Convention to be held in Milwaukee. his hometown. Both John and his wife are active in civic organizations in- cluding a numismatic program for Boy Scouts. John is com- pleting a term as an SPMC Governor ; he said that he is proud to be renominated. Register of Stolen Bank Notes The Society of Paper Money Collectors plans to periodically publish a cumulative listing of serial numbers of United States banknotes, which have been reported as stolen. The informa- tion will be made available to all members, probably free or per- haps at cost, and also to any other interested persons. including nonmembers and selected law-enforcement officials. Subse- quent issues will be printed at suitable intervals, depending upon how quickly new reports of thefts and recoveries are made. Members and nonmembers who desire to submit lists of stolen banknotes may begin sending the information now. The listing must include a complete description of each missing note. including its serial number, and may include pertinent descrip- tive remarks, such as "autographed by Tate," "part of a change- over pair," etc., etc. Please also submit the name of the owner reporting the theft, the date the theft was reported, and the name, position, address and phone number of the law-enforce- ment or insurance-company agents who must be notified when a stolen note is observed ; also mention the police or insurance company case number applicable to the particular theft. Thus, if a collector or dealer happens to spot a stolen note, he will know immediately whom to contact to report its discovery. IMPORTANT! For legal reasons, the SPMC must require that each report of stolen notes MUST include a copy (a photocopy will do) of the official report made to either the police, the in- surance carrier, or both. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this requirement. Reports may be made even for notes that were stolen in the past. It is planned that serial numbers will thereafter be listed in- definitely until notes have been recovered. Furthermore, it is planned that our copies of the police or insurance reports will also be held indefinitely, which may facilitate delayed recovery by an owner when a police department has discarded very old reports of unsolved thefts. Collectors, law-enforcement personnel, executors of estates and trusts, etc., may now begin to submit information on pre- viously stolen banknotes. It is anticipated that the first pub- lication possibly may be in early 1986. Reports and inquiries may be addressed to : Bernard Schaaf, MD 321 North 22nd Street Lafayette, Indiana 47904 Do NOT submit stolen-note reports to the editor of PAPER MONEY. Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 189 COMING EVENTS PAGE REGIONAL MEETINGS Baltimore, Maryland— August 20-25, 1985. American Numismatic Association 94th Anniversary Convention, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland. The SPMC will hold a general membership meeting at this event at 9:00 A.M. Friday August 23, 1985 at the Hyatt Regency, the headquarters hotel in Baltimore. Program will be announced at the meeeting. The SPMC will have a table in the Club Midway in the Bourse Area, to have available the Society's books, membership information, Cherry Hill Conven- tion information and brochures. NATIONAL MEETINGS Cherry Hill, New Jersey— November 14-17, 1985. International Paper Money Convention, sponsored by the Society of Paper Money Collectors, Hyatt- Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Bourse, auction, educational and organizational meetings, SPMC Annual Meeting, Awards Breakfast, social activities. Bureau of Engraving and Printing will have displays and souve- nir card. For general information about the Convention, contact: William H. Horton, Jr., P.O. Box 293, Franklin, New Jersey 07416. Send stamped envelope for hotel reservation cards. For publicity information, contact: Wendell Wolka, Box 366, Hinsdale, Illinois 60522. For bourse table applications, contact: Paul Pfeil, Bourse Chairman, 14 Roosevelt Drive, Ogdensburg, New Jersey 07439. For exhibit applications, contact: Doug Moore, Exhibit Chairman, 46 Manor Drive, Dover, Delaware 19901. For auction information — to consign material to the auction, request cata- logs, and other matters, contact the auction firm: Hickman and Oakes, P.L. Drawer 1456, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER 14.17, 1985! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN CHERRY HILL! Page 190 Paper Money Whole No. 118 MEMPHIS PHOTO COVERAGE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peterson were kind enough to act as photo- graphers for the SPMC. Rather than wait until the next issue— the deadline, long passed —Dover Litho Printing Co., our printer, agreed to print them here. There will be more coverage of the convention in the next journal. Left to right from the top : Mike Crabb, convention chairman. John Hickman preaches the gospel of "Red Seal" national bank notes. Bob Raby illustrates his talk to members of the SPMC. Doug Murray discusses a page in his book, United States Large-Size Star Notes, released in Memphis. Your editor looks on as Matt Rothert signs his Arkansas Obsolete Notes and Scrip, also released at the convention. SOCIETY OF PAPER Mpt d V ?c Left to right from the top: SPMC presidents, current and past Larry Adams and Wendell Wolka at the society table. Robert G. Culen, Sr., BEP engraver signs his name for Mrs. Peterson Don Fisher calls the successful auction for Hickman-Oakes as Dean and John re- cord bids. The SPMC Exhibit Award was shared by Martin Delger and Gene Hessler ; Larry Adams, SPMC president is on the right. Dr. Nelson Page Aspen shows an example of the official souvenir book for the Interna- tional Paper Money Convention to be held in Cherry Hill, NJ. (See page 192). Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 191 Page 192 Paper Money Whole No. 118 p,,vioN AL PAP t Sponsored by The Society of Paper Money 41r Collectors NOVEMBER 14 - 17, 1985 1!4 ,11 1. HYATT - CHERRY HILL, CHERRY HILL, titi 1/' NJ 4 CONVENTION OFFICIAL SOUVENIR PROGRAM Limited to Approximately 250 Copies A souvenir program of limited issue will go to individuals, patrons and advertisers. This book will include a history of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the participating paper money societies. An example of the Bureau convention card will be bound into this official publication. Advertising rates are: Inside cover $200 Full page $150 Half-page $90 Quarter-page $50 Eighth-page $35 For $25, the name, mailing address, time and place that your club meets will be printed as part of a list of patrons. Individuals can demonstrate their support by having their names listed on the Syngraphists Page for $15. So that production can be implemented as soon as possible, reserve your card by writing to: Nelson P. Aspen, Souvenir Program Chairman, 633 N. Church St. , West Chester, PA 19380. Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 193 '65 Editor's Corner 0 U O Le) Before the Memphis Convention, from which I have just re- turned. I had not prepared anything for this column. I honestly felt that for this issue I had nothing to say. I'm a firm believer of not filling space, physically or editorially, just because space is there. Well, now I do have something to say! The last issue of PAPER MONEY included an announcement that four SPMC members were seeking three ANA Board seats and one was unopposed as the candidate for vice president. Photographs and biographies of these four were sent to me, un- solicited. It has been intimated that favoritism was shown ; this is not the case. I, and probably no one else, would overtly be that stupid. The official announcement for all ANA candidates was announced in the June issue of The Numismatist. The May/- June issue of PAPER MONEY was prepared in April. Neverthe- less, I apologize to the following SPMC members who were not included in the list of candidates for the ANA: Grover C. Criswell, Leonard Glazer, Charles A. Fenwick and Sol Taylor. Today, a letter arrived from Sol Taylor. His misfortune is greater than any of those just mentioned : the ANA did not receive his biography and photograph. His candidacy—depending on the outcome of the election — could have suffered from this deletion in the official announcement. Now that I have humbled myself, I will extend another apology. During the Memphis Convention I wanted to person- ally meet all those dealers whom I know by name only and who advertise in PAPER MONEY. Numerous meetings, discussions and the time spent setting up and dismantling an exhibit kept me from meeting everyone. To those I didn't meet—we all ap- preciate your patronage. SECRETARY'S GARY LEWIS, Secretary EPOIrr P.O. Box 4751 N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903 6390 Michael Butland, P.O. Box 6741, St. Louis, MO 63144; C, Fractional and Obsoletes. 6931 Paul Calhoun, 139 Lincoln Dr Port Clinton, OH 43452; C, Large-size U.S. 6932 Neil Willis, Box 695, Burbank, CA 91503; C, Broken bank notes and notes of 1944. 6933 Robert Murrin, 7500 49th St. N., Pinellas Park, FL 33565; D. 6934 Walt Alcoa, Box 3037, Quartz Hill, CA 93534; D. 6935 Jeffrey Antonuk, 14642 W. 89th St., Lenexa, KS 66215; C, mall-size notes. 6936 'Walter Freeman, P.O. Box 600, South Miami, FL 33243; C. 6937 Charles Cataldo Jr., 912 Bob Wallace Ave., SW, Huntsville, AL 35801; C&D. 6938 Andrew Choma, 16 Wabash Ave., RD 1, Morgan, PA 15064. 6939 Nile Frase, 10411 Shawnee Dr., Newburgh, IN 47630; C, Small-size notes. 6940 Robert Borland, 1115 Dumont Dr., Richardson, TX 75080; C&D, Confederate & Broken Bank notes. 6941 Ron Calkins, Rt. 1, Mazomaine, WI 53560; C, Wis. Obsolete notes. 6942 Anthony Conte, P.O. Box 7178, West Trenton, NJ 08628; C&D, U.S. and Obsoletes. 6943 Ken Tanaka. 7440 SW Oleson Rd., Portland, OR 97223; High grade, type large-size. 6944 John Worsena, 30 Monroe St., New York, NY 10002; C, Large & small bank notes. 6945 Robert Dubow, 24 Spencer St., Lexington, MA 02178; C. 6946 Stanley Lehman, USCG Atlantic Area (AON), Governors Island, NY 10004; C, Nationals. 6947 Zygmunt Wons, Skrytka Pocztowa 341, 00-950 Warszawa Poland; C, World Banknotes (Issued after World War I). 6948 William Tebbetts, 276 Lexington St East Boston, MA 02128; C&D, US. 6949 James Cowell, Jr 823 Astor Station, Boston, MA 02123; C&D. 6950 Ralph Putman, P.O. Box 184, Macedonia, OH 44264; C, Small-size notes. 6951 Joe Overstreet, 645 Harwood Court, Memphis, TN 38119; C. 6952 Alexander LucienlM, P.O. Box 2019; Jakarta 10001 Indonesia; C, Indonesian notes. 6953 Richard Farley, 211 No. 5th Ave Long Branch, NJ 02217; C, Confederate & Southern. 6954 Robert Yanosey, 11 Sussex Court, Edison, NJ 08820; D, Stocks, Bonds, Checks. 6955 Larry Sterling, P.O. Box 4098, River Edge, NJ 07661; C, Federal Reserve Notes. 6956 Jim Selfridge, Box 70, Centerport, NY 11721; D, Large size type. 6957 Daniel Galloway, 310 South Penn, Bowling Green, MO 63334; C. 6958 Anthony J. De Vincent, 1463 Penllyn-Blue Bell Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422. 6959 Frank Villalon, P.O. Box 130, Glen Ellen, CA 95422. 6960 Robert McKenzie, 4450 E. Camelback Rd. #1, Phoeniz, AZ 85018; C&D, Large-size. 6961 Kevin Pierce, 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205; C&D, CSA, Southern States. 6962 David Cameron; C, German Inflation. 6963 Curt Radford, Souvenir Card Collectors Society, 3155 Waldwic Lane, Oshkosh, WI 54901. 6964 Robert Kluge, P.O. Box 155, Roselle Park, NJ 07204; C&D. Stocks & Bonds. Page 194 Paper Money Whole No. 118 110N AL PApt Sponsored by The Society of Paper Money Collectors NOVEMBER 14 - 17, 1985 `` VHYATT - CHERRY HILL, CHERRY HILL, 1**, NJ `,114 CONVENTION JOIN US IN CHERRY HILL THIS NOVEMBER AND ENJOY - A "WORLD CLASS" BOURSE FEATURING PROFESSIONAL DEALERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD SPECIALIZING IN PAPER MONEY AND ALL RELATED FIELDS. - TREMENDOUS EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS PREPARED BY THE WORLD'S LEADING COLLECTORS AND GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. - NUMEROUS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND SEMINARS THROUGHOUT THE CONVENTION FOR BOTH EXPERIENCED AND NEW COLLECTORS, YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE. - OFFICIAL SHOW SOUVENIRS PREPARED BY THE BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. - AN IMPORTANT AUCTION CONDUCTED BY THE RESPECTED FIRM OF HICKMAN AND OAKES. - AMPLE OPPORTUNITIES FOR GOOD OLD FASHIONED FUN AND FELLOWSHIP! WHY NOT MAKE PLANS TODAY TO JOIN US IN NOVEMBER? YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION ON ALL SHOW ACTIVITIES PLEASE CONTACT: WENDELL WOLKA IPMC PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN P.O. BOX 366 HINSDALE, ILLINOIS 60522 Paper Money Whole No. 118 moneymart Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 50 per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416, Oradell, NJ 07649 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1, 1983 for Jan. 1984 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $1: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) WANTED: ILLINOIS NATIONALS AND OBSOLETES - Carmi, Crossville, Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Al- bion, Dahlgren, Omaha, New Haven. Pete Fulkerson, c/o The National Bank, 116 W. Main, Carmi, IL 62821 (127) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals, ob- solete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Box 242, Gerald, MO 63037 (118) WANTED: MACERATED MONEY: postcards and any other items made out of macerated money. Please send full details to my attention. Bertram M. Cohen. PMW, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116 (128) OLD STOCKS AND bonds. Send $2 for latest Mail Bid Cata- log & Sales Catalog. Also buying! Paying highest prices for beautiful and very old material. Railroads, oil companies, tele- graph, industry, government, etc. Especially need Western material. Also need pre-1890 checks with pretty vignettes. Also will trade. Send SASE for free appraisal. David Beach, Box 5488, Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 747-0929 (121) WANTED KOREA & SOUTH Korea banknotes. Example: all CU South Korea P30 1 won .75; P31 5 won 1.20; P32 10 won 6.00; P33 10 won .85; P34 50 won 25.00; P35 100 won 25.00; P36 100 won 15.00; P40 50 won 3.50. Namchong Cho, 726 Bode Circle #110, Hoffman Est., IL 60194 (121) I COLLECT CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii and all other Western stocks, bonds, checks, drafts. Please sell to me! Ken Prag, Box 531 PM, Burlingame, CA 94010 (phone 415-566-6400) (119) MASSACHUSETTS 1929 NATIONALS wanted from : Ab- ington #1386, Danvers #7452, Edgartown #7957, Haverhill #14266, Hyannis #13395, Lynn #697, Merrimac #268, Milton #684, Reading #4488, Spencer #2288, Springfield #2435, Stockbridge #1170, Webster #2312, Webster #13780, Whit- man #4660, Woburn #14033. Please send description and price. I will appreciate your help. Frank Bennett, Box 8153, Coral Springs, FL 33075. (119) Page 195 ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED: Allendale #10318, Ben- ton #8234, Chester #4187, Dahlgren #7750, Fairfield #5009 & #6609, Johnston City #7458, Mt. Vernon #1996, New Haven #8053, Norris City #7971, Olney #2629, Wayne City #10460, Winchester #1484. C.E. Hilliard, 201 E. Cherry, Winchester, IL 62694 (217) 742-5703. (124) KANSAS NATIONALS WANTED, collector seeks both large and small size, scarce and better condition Kansas bank notes. C. Dale Lyon, P.O. Box 1207, Salina, KS 67402 (122) RED SEAL NATIONALS WANTED, Collector seeks Hi grade and scarce Third Charter Period Red Seal National Bank notes with emphasis on notes bearing serial #1, and notes from scarce states. C. Dale Lyon, P.O. Box 1207, Salina, KS 67402 (122) BUY-SELL-TRADE Uncirculated $1 FRN, 1963 to 1981A. One note to complete block sets. Rufus Coker, R#6 Box 218, Portland, TN 37148 (119) WEEPING WATER, NEBRASKA (#3523) Large nationals wanted. Notes signed by Thomas Murtey, Cashier. Send description and price to Mark Paden, 5600 Riviere Dr., Charlotte, NC 28211 (119) WANTED: OHIO NATIONAL BANK NOTES. Private col- lector, Lowell Yoder, Box 100, Holland, OH 43528, 419- 865-5115 (119) BUYING ALABAMA MATERIAL: NATIONALS, OBSO- LETES, checks, stocks, cards, North Alabama, Florence, Hunts- ville. Write Bob Whitten, 217 E. Irvine Ave., Florence, AL 35630 (119) BANK OF CHARLOTTE (North Carolina) obsolete currency wanted. Also want Charlotte Branch issues of Bank of the State of North Carolina and the Bank of North Carolina. Send photocopy, description and price to Mark Paden, 5600 Riviere Dr., Charlotte, NC 28211 (119) NEW YORK NATIONALS WANTED. Athens, Catskill, Cox- sackie, Germantown, Hudson, Hunter, Kinderhook, Philmont, Tannersville, Windham. Send description and price. All letters answered. Robert Moon, Box 81, Kinderhook, NY 12106 (120) KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN NATIONALS AND NATION- ALS from Fishers, Indiana, Palestine, Texas and East Palestine, Illinois wanted. Specimen notes of Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia wanted. Jack Fisher, 912 American National Bank Building, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (119) WANTED VIRGINIA: Nationals, Broken Bank and Scrip. Send description. Corbett B. Davis, 2604 Westhampton SW, Roanoke, VA 24015. (128) WANTED: MAINE NATIONAL BANK AND OBSOLETE NOTES, Maine tokens. Describe and price or I will make offer. Donald Priest, 41 Main St., Fairfield, Maine 04937 (121) MISSISSIPPI NATIONALS WANTED: All notes wanted, large or small. Will consider trade offers. Describe and price. All inquiries answered. Don Rawson, Box 3418, Meridian, MS 39305 (122) SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NATIONALS wanted: Altamont, Benld, Brownstown, Chester, Christopher, Columbia, Du- Quoin, East St. Louis, Effingham, Freeburg, Livingston, Mount Olive, New Douglas, Newton, Nokomis, Olney, Percy, Pin- ckneyville, Sandoval, Sesser, Sparta, Tamaroa, Winchester. Call (314) 351-4497, or write Bob Ballard, 716 Loughborough Ave., St. Louis, MO 63111 (118) Page 196 WANTED, ALL OBSOLETE CURRENCY, ESPECIALLY GEORGIA, which I collect. Particularly want any city-county issues. Atlanta Bank, Georgia RR Banking, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe RR Banking, Bank of Hawkins- ville, La Grange Bank, Central Bank Milledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Cotton Planters Bank, any private scrip. I will sell duplicates. Claud Murphy, Jr., Box 15091, Atlanta, GA 30333. (125) AFRICAN, ARABIC BRITISH colonial banknotes on free lists. Quality older and newer issues in stock. Buying too! Milt Blackburn, Box 33917, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6J 4L7 (120) WANTED: NETHERLANDS NEW-GUINEA BANK- NOTES FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION. Please send details of condition, denomination and date of issue. Will pay 30% above Pick catalog for any notes I can use. David G. Hanna, 895 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6J 1G5 (120) NORTH CAROLINA OBSOLETE CURRENCY AND SCRIP WANTED. Send description, photocopy if possible and price. Interested in single notes or accumulations. Jim Sazama, P.O. Box 1235, Southern Pines, NC 28387 (127) WANTED: LARGE AND SMALL SIZE NATIONALS from Hoopeston, III. #2808, 9425, 13744; Milford, Ill. #5149; Rossville, III. #5398, 9877; Potomac, Ill. #6824; Watseka, Ill. #1721; Ind. #9510. Write to Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken, Hoopeston, Ill. 60942 (121) WANTED: WHITE PLAINS, CHAPPAQUA, MOUNT KISCO, SOMERS, NEW YORK NATIONALS. All other Westchester, Putnam Counties large, small, obsolete wanted. Send photocopy or description, price. Christian Blom, 2504 N. Quantico St.. Arlington, VA 22207 (122) CANADA 1923 $2 WANTED. Pick 34 a, c, f and h wanted in CU. Will purchase outright or have Canada notes to trade. Jack Fisher, Howard Professional Building, 171 Merrill St., Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (121) Paper Money Whole No. 118 FOUR DIFFERENT OBSOLETE PAPER SCRIP GILLIAM COAL COMPANY, Gilliam, W. VA. $5 set. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461 (118) WANTED PENNSYLVANIA NATIONALS: Belle Vernon #4850, North Belle Vernon #11995, Fayette City #6800, Fayette City #5646, Elizabeth #5114, Webster #6937. Charles Trenk, Box 241, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 (120) NEW EGYPT, NEW JERSEY (#13910 & 8254) Nationals wanted. Any condition. Please write first. Dennis Tilghman. P.O. Box 2254, Princeton, NJ 08540 (128) HAVE A FEW UNCUT SHEETS of old Obsolete Bank Checks available. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd. Yaupon Beach, NC 28461 (118) JACK H. FISHER ADDRESS AFTER JUNE 1, 1985 will be Howard Professional Building, 1711 Merrill Street, Kala- mazoo, MI 49008 and requests friends, collectors, dealers and organizations to new address change. Replies to my other ad- vertisements use new address. (121) ICELAND, ICELAND. BUYING PAPER MONEY FROM ICELAND: P-1 to P-21, P-23 to P-26, P-30 and P-31. I collect them by signature variety. If you have any of these notes for sale, please send me some price lists and photocopies. K. Hall- clOrsson , Box 433, Hafnarfjordur, Iceland. (126) PRE-1900 WESTERN STATES and Territorial financial documents—buying and selling checks, drafts, certificates of deposit, warrants, receipts, stocks, bonds and revenue im- printed fiscal material. Vern Potter, P.O. Box 10040, Torrance, CA 90505-0740. (122) FOR SALE: CONFEDERATE CURRENCY. Part of 20 year collection, many scarce varieties. Send SASE for listing. Michael Wheat, 158 Buford Place, Macon, GA 31204. (123) COLLECTOR WISHES TO SELL DUPLICATES. Have mostly Texas Civil War Treasury Warrants and common Con- federate notes. Also have $10 Republic of Ireland bond, 1867. Composite list available. Write: Richard Laster, Box 623, Rosebud, TX 76570. PALESTINE NATIONALS WANTED FROM TEXAS, IL- LINOIS,OH10 , etc.Want Kalamazoo, Michigan National and Jordan 1949 50 dinars. Jack Fisher, Howard Professional Building, 1711 Merrill St., Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (121) NATIONALS WANTED: LARGE AND SMALL —W.VA #6510 Madison; New York #2472 Salamanca; Penn. #253 Milton, #535 Erie, #9149 North East, #13871 Albion and any Erie County (PA) notes. Collector. John S. Clapp, 4006 W. 222nd St., Fairview Park, OH 44126 (121) CHANGEOVER PAIRS WANTED in $1 SC 1935D Blocks VE, WE, XE, YE, AF, BF, CF, DF, EF, HF, IF, UF, KG, LG, MG. *B and *C. Please describe and price or send for my of- fer. Selling Starter Set of 5 different Blocks $1 SC 1935D Changeover Pairs in CU for $99.95. Graeme Ton, 203 47th Street, Gulfport, MS 39501 (120) BUYING STAR NOTES: $1 1928-1935D, $5 Silvers 1934-1934D. all $10 Silvers, $2 and $5 USN 1928-1928G, $5-$100 FRNs before 1963. Circ to CU. Please write: David Klein, Box 120, Fairfield, CT 06430 (120) WANTED: CANAL BANK obsolete sheets in quantity. Please advise quantity available and price. Write before shipping. Christian Blom, 2504 N. Quantico St., Arlington, VA 22207 (119) STILL BUYING CERTAIN DATES of Charleston, South Carolina Depression Warrants — 1932 & 1933. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach. NC 28461. BEAUTIFUL RED $3 PROOF. Fulton Bank, New York. Slightly impaired. Offers considered. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461. SPRINKLE WANTS MEDALS, TOKENS and obsolete paper items of Jenny Lind. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461. EASTMAN COLLEGE CURRENCY wanted. Also obsoletes with vignettes: Declaration Signing, Washington's Crossing, Drummer Boy, Five Presidents, Cowboys, Delaware Bridge, Matrimony. Robert W. Ross III, P.O. Box 765, Wilmington, DE 19899. (125) RADARS WANTED: Buy or trade for the following, 10011001; 10000001; 00011000; 15555551; 90000009; 90099009: 00099000; 99000099; 99900999. I have a varied selection of small size notes for trade. Michael Kane, Box 745, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. (121) FLORIDA OBSOLETES, INCLUDING WORLD WIDE BANK NOTES ON FREE LIST. Quality older & new issues in stock. Buying too! H.J. Kwart, P.O. Box 414404, Miami, FL 33141. (120) 1r yr acct. no . exp. date: mo signature Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip Of The United States zip name address city state In just a short time this new catalog will reshape the scrip collecting hobby. Make certain you're in on the excitement. Order now. Credit Card Orders Call Toll-Free 1-800-258-0929 From 8 AM to 5 PM, CST 1 ) krause publications 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 L To: Krause Publications 700 E. State St. Iola, WI 54990 ( ) Please send copy(ies). I've enclosed $27.50 per copy. ( ) Check enclosed (to Krause Publications) ( ) MasterCard/Visa Note: U.S. addresses please add $2 per copy for postage; non-U.S. addresses please add $4 ALE Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 197 First Definitive Price Guide For All 50 States Depression Scrip Of The 30's Presenting The Standard Catalog Of Depression Scrip Of The United States By Ralph A. Mitchell And Neil Shafer * With 320 pages of scrip listings and historical data * Over 3,570 distinctive issues carefully described and attributed * Over 2,025 photos, with accompanying descriptions of color, size, signatories * Over 4,170 market values, each corresponding to a given grade and "state of existence." . whenever a government fails to provide an adequate supply of currency or coin to maintain commercial trade, the people will step in and provide their own to fill the vacuum ... Here, in unprecedented detail, is a note-by-note look at how the people "stepped in" with scrip to help ease the monetary problems caused by the Great Depression. Use Thousands Of First-Time Offered Scrip Listings And Photos Just $27. 50 (plus postage) newsletter the CURRENCY DEALERAPRIL newsletter 1MS Page 198 Paper Money Whole No. 118 the CURRENCY DEALER SELECTIVE BUYING CILAIACTERIZES CURRENT MARKET tom Arc rem sr. ADJUST 00•.A110 MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES ACTIVITY . . . is a Monthly Publication that is the most COMPREHENSIVE and UP-TO-DATE pricing guide available in today's ever-changing field! DEALER-TO-DEALER BID/ASK Charts cover all of the following areas: LARGE SIZE U.S. NOTES. • DEMAND NOTES • U.S NOTE (LEGAL TENDER) • COMPOUND INTEREST TREASURY NOTES • INTEREST BEARING NOTES REFUNDING CERTIFICATE • SILVER CERTIFICATES • TREASURY NOTES OR COIN NOTES • NATIONAL BANK NOTES • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES • FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES • NATIONAL GOLD BANK NOTES • GOLD CERTIFICATES U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY PROOF & SPECIMEN NOTES SMALL SIZE U.S. NOTES • LEGAL TENDER NOTES • FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES • SILVER CERTIFICATES • GOLD CERTIFICATES • NATIONAL BANK NOTES • WW2 EMERGENCY ISSUES • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES UNCUT SHEETS - SMALL SIZE CURRENCY • U.S. NOTES (LEGAL TENDER) • WW2 EMERGENCY ISSUES • SILVER CERTIFICATES • NATIONAL CURRENCY . . . PLUS IN-DEPTH ARTICLES and analyses, each month, written by the most respected experts in the field! ... PLUS AUCTION REPORTS - to give a clear and accurate picture of the most recent activity! . . . PLUS special ISSUE-BY-ISSUE Charts covering special areas of changing importance! . _ . 1?.=- ffir:-.- T ' F r - FT - ': - t 4_T- tirt- t: - P -, ., •U 7: i.....:7:1 7 7 : . _ 7 7 7 7 7'. ; ; ; -; 4- !". I ,. 4 tt, tE L.• 11-04t■- . .:::::::: - 4-: ..- ' '.°—,7",.-•-t-t-I.,-..r-...-t-t-t-.-.-.--.-W ii )1i ii 4 4 Yli it ii is t Tr. -- --e Nt ei iN a- i i •ii •-littliiiiiis 7 iliFFP.1 it ! t t I! t tt tt tt t I'; t ,... li Please enter my subscription to the monthly CURRENCY DEALER Newsletter. ENCLOSED IS MY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR q $35 for ONE YEAR (12 issues) q $61 for TWO YEARS (24 issues) NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP q I would also like subscription information for the COINDEALER newsletter (Greysheet) MAKE CHECK PAYABLE 8 MAIL TO: CURRENCY DEALER Newsletter P.O. BOX 11099 TORRANCE, CALIF. 90510 Bill Cole Enterprifer, Inc. P.O. Box 60 • Dept. P. • Wollaston, MA 02170-0060 (617)773-2653•(617)963-5510 For Credit Card Orders Only! Call Toll Free 1 (800) 225-8249 SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHART Terms 8 Conditions Tow shipping Aeo.r,o clud.ng snippingA minimum order of ,14 0 '2,2 required , haage notice Automatic credit ts extended to Federal agencies. but Cttd7I our parll'oThce`,7=',1,',"aro i'dr lapses, Payment orders accepted except for freight charge. No merchandise may be returned without prior written authorization from this office Merchant,. ordered .n error or not wanted is subtect to a 25% restocking charge. Detective material replaced at no charge. Mess residents add 5% sales lax Although most items are in stock allow three to lour weeks for delivery' 36-40 900 13 SO 19 25 1900 23 75 .30 M-I5 9 75 .79 17 75 71 CO 29 75 92 75 1/15.1" Paper Money Whole No 118 Page 199 You don't need to be a `geni'us to know that Mylar® is the best protection for your money! Only MYLAR° meets the specifications of the U.S. Library of Congress for conservation purposes. Plastic sleeves and PVC sheets all contain chemical additives, volatile plasticizers and other harmful substances. These can cause yellowing, staining and the eventual deteriora- tion of your valuable paper money. Our crystal clear, 4 mil thick MYLAR® SNUGS TM are manufactured with our exclusive heat sealing process. This procedure produces welds nearly twice as strong as those sleeves created through electronic or ultrasonic welding. Size (in.) Price Price Price Price Cat. (Outside Per Wt. Per Wt. Per Wt. Per Wt. No. Description Dimensions) 50 (lbs.) 100 (lbs.) 500 (lbs.) 1,000 (lbs.) #446 U.S. or Canadian tractional currency 4 3/4 x 2 3/4 11.50 (1) 20.50 (2) 92.50 (6) 168.00 (11) #447 Small Currency 69 16 x 2 7/8 12.75 (2) 23.50 (3) 105.00 (11) 194.00 (22) These are Standard Sizes for 1928—Present U.S. Currency. Let us know #448 Large Currency 73/4 x 3 7/16 14.75 (2) 26.75 (3) 121 75 (11) 221.50 (22) your needs, we can make sizes to order. Dealer inquiries #479 Sample Kit includes: 1 each of 446, 447, and 448. Cost is $1.75 which includes postage. welcome. All references m mean uncoated archival quality Mylar' typo r pulse for film by DuPont Co or oquivalcut mater tai such as Molmitx • 516 by ICI Corp odtiontark of F. Ca oltor Products oith eau:lusts, i6thts to Bill Colo F.ntnrprises I,,, 4,+.1.4 4.44.4:+4.4, +Pk 44+4 4, 4,44, 4: Pk* ekel, 1862-1927 Please Note: Prices listed are cash discounted. Please Print or Type Please add 4./o for MasterCard/VISA orders. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP. DATE PHONE CAT P QUANTITY DESCRIPTION WT PRICE TOTAL q MASTERCARD q TOTAL WI VISA SUB TOTAL ITEMS TOTAL SHIPPING MASS RES 5, d. SteNATURt1 (Repaired lor Credo C. charges) TOTAL Are you unhappy with the number of paper money articles in coin-related newspapers and magazines? If you are, chances are you're not getting all the paper money information you need. Good news. Your subscription to Bank Note Reporter will give you a monthly newspaper devoted exclusively to paper money, both U.S. and foreign. Bank Note Reporter will give you reports on auctions, new issues, upcoming shows, new publications, discoveries and new organizations. The historical features in Bank Note Reporter will take you back into history. You'll read about military currency, bonds, stock certificates, Confederate currency, world paper, state banknotes and U.S. large and small size notes. Plus you'll have plenty of photos, trustworthy advertising and a complete U.S. value guide. It can all be at your fingertips each month, when you subscribe to Bank Note Reporter. Be part of the excitement! Satisfy your need for paper money information with a subscription to Bank Note Reporter. Your Guarantee If for any reason you decide to cancel your subscription, simply drop us a note before you receive your second issue and we'll refund your entire payment. After the second issue we'll refund on all undelivered issues. Collectors saw it first, right here! Who broke the news about upcoming changes in U.S. currency? Bank Note Reporter! It's true. With the aggressive reporting of our full-time Washington Bureau, BNR was the first to present facts concerning the revamping of our notes. We scooped everyone, including other hobby publications, daily newspapers, and electronic media. When you join Bank Note Reporter you'll be part of a select group looking to every issue for fresh news. Make certain you have Bank Note Reporter for all the vital data affecting your hobby. Sign up now! Send your subscription request along with $11 for one year (12 issues) to: Bank Note Reporter, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990. 'Colorful' currency approved , . Ind , Standard paper catalog re y Schedule of - Paper Money Change Hessler book sees new edition Page 200 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Paper Money Collectory Here', How To Satigy Your Greate5t Hobby Need Nobody pays more than Huntoon for Anizam& 'WYOMING State and Territorial Nationals WANT ALL SERIES, ANY CONDI- TION, EXCEPT WASHED OR "DOC- TORED" NOTES. • 14.^..,F, • , "limn STAIESDIAMAiCA " (i) Xillvi0;121"4 B591 9RitkNi. 1 ,!.A!*141 ',..• t (MANY TRADES!) PETER HUNTOON P.O. Box 3681, Laramie. WY 82071 A Book That Will Work Day and Night For You latimEmnorE!siaor Int.42er,zooirmsair NATIONAL BANK NOTES, A GUIDE WITH PRICES SECOND EDITION 1985 by Don C. Kelly A Concise and Complete Reference for National Bank Notes Folks, this book has EVERYTHING! Check the list of FEATURES: • Historical background describes rise and fall of nationals. • Text and photos show you how to identify the eleven types of national bank notes. NEW FEATURES of 2nd Edition: • Authoritiue and realistic EVALUATIONS established by a group of over 30 Contributors for all types of notes issued by every bank. • Price guide for UNCUT SHEETS of nationals. • Price guide for NATIONAL BANK TYPE NOTES in eight grades. • Complete and detailed listing of notes issued by all 12,635 note-issuing national banks, including serial numbers and sheet layouts. • STATE MAPS showing the locations of all towns with note- issuing banks. • ALPHABETIC listing of note-issuing TOWNS with bank titles and charter numbers. • Quality Hardbound copy-440 pages. PRICE (For SPMC Members): $36, Postpaid. Order From: THE PAPER MONEY INSTITUTE Box 85 • Oxford, Ohio 45056 1-513-523-6861 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 201 numismahc n• ews Cliff Mishler Cliff Mishler — collector, show participant, hobby lobbyist. And publisher of Numismatic News. With his divergent activities Cliff successfully blends the goals of Numismatic News with support for his favored avocation. EARLY9,4e,cc<• AMERICAN NUMISMATICS *619-273-3566 COLONIAL & CONTINENTAL CURRENCY We maintain the LARGEST ACTIVE INVENTORY IN THE WORLD! SEND US YOUR WANT LISTS. FREE PRICE LISTS AVAILABLE. SPECIALIZING IN: q Colonial Coins q Colonial Currency q Rare & Choice Type Coins q Pre-I800 Fiscal Paper q Encased Postage Stamps SERVICES: q Portfolio Development q Major Show Coverage q Auction Attendance EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS c/o Dana Linea q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 q 619-273-3566 Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS Page 202 Paper Money Whole No. 118 BUYING and SELLING PAPER MONEY U.S., All types Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer- tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc. Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries Paper Money Books and Supplies Send us your Want List ... or ... Ship your material for a fair offer LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P.O. BOX 2395 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503 Working For The Hobby - Home Of Superior Hobby Periodicals And Books krause publicat ions 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 :ktttWItITUMIJ##TTfttt#4tttttttttttIttInUtIlfIIIII#I4 III-4 4444#4#####14t1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CENTENNIAL DOCUMENTS 1-21 28th Street - Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 (201) 791-1683 ########4t4nttIt#####UUM;#####TIFtWItttF#4**iItFttttttttMitt*****$##Tr Our Current BANK listing includes more than 3 dozen Bank stocks, from 1812 to 1933, many with vignettes by the major bank note companies of the 19th century. Call or write today and ask for our BANK listing, or for our general catalogue of more than 150 stocks and bonds. 1868 UNION NATIONAL BANK (Philadelphia) $75 Black/White Capital Stock certificate with several attractive vignettes. One of the very few engraved banking stocks, from the American Bank Note Company. Pen-cancelled, otherwise in VF + con- dition. BANKS HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS - LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216.884-0701 Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 203 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL. 34284-0985 IAN A. MARSHALL Box 5865 Stn. A Toronto, Ont. M5W 1P5 Canada WORLD PAPER MONEY Also World Stocks, Bonds and Cheques 416-927-1812 44120,ccrEl? 1//1.71k/r/ rdr r.,61 /4/ k';ititE ??ierleltP THE BANKOF ST LOp IS rirprow.11.ts.rrtii..W.kW4Viiik ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI OBSOLETES AND NATIONALS WANTED RONALD HORSTMAN ROUTE 2, BOX 242 GERALD, MISSOURI 63037 SILLonis National . • ' Page 204 Paper Money Whole No. 118 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West- ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. PA. DRAWER 706, ROCKYILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 1157L a • UIdIIS AILU INC. P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 BUYING / UNCUT SHEETS, PROOFS, SCRIP BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, ANA, FUN, GENA, CCRT (914) 352-9077 BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933 P..O. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2910 Member of: ANA, PMCM • U.S. Obsoletes • U.S. Large & Small Size Type Notes • U.S. Large & Small National Bank Notes • Canadian BOUGHT AND SOLD FREE PRICE LIST FRANK TRASK SPMC, ANA KENNEBUNK COINS & CURRENCY P.O. Box 787, Kennebunk, Maine 04043 (207) 985-7431 BRITISH COLONIAL AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST Quality world banknotes. Free lists, wholesale too. Buying choice world banknotes. MILT BLACKBURN Box 33917, Station D Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6J 4L7 Tel: 604-733-5922 weekdays COLLECTORS LIKE US "How do you become a currency dealer?" It seems that everyone asks that question sooner or later. For us, it was simply a matter of natural pro- gression. We all started as collec- tors, diligently searching for the "right" paper money for our collec- tion. The quality, rarity, aesthetic ap- peal and value of our paper money is as important now as it was then. Today, we utilize our experience to make intelligent decisions in inven- tory acquisition. We take the time to appreciate and understand the cur- rency market and to pass this infor- mation on to our valued clients. THESE ARE SOME OF THE REA- SONS WHY COLLECTORS LIKE US AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO DEAL WITH COLLECTORS, LIKE US. If you are a serious collector, please write or call us today for a copy of our justly renowned listing of U.S. paper money. Allen Mincho "U.S. Currency Exclusively Since 1969" Box 1525 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 250-1475 / Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 205 OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE iNorlit. 1 )11 1 --1 ''SIAPSSCrm.,1 F61' m. OBSOLETES • U.S. FRACTIONALS STOCK CERTIFICATES & BONDS CONFEDERATES • OLD CHECKS NORTHWEST DEPRESSION SCRIP CURRENT LIST FOR $1.00 - REFUNDABLE - Ask About Our Upgrading Program -- WE BUY, TOO -- OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE 6802 S.W. 33rd PLACE • PORTLAND OR 97219 (503) 245-3659 (EVES) SUZANNE NAVEN (SPMC, PMCM, CCRT) OKLAHOMA SMALL SIZE 1929 SERIES WANTED WILL PAY $300. For a VG or BETTER NOTE listed below. • ALEX 10193 • MARLOW .... 10205 • ACHILLE 10380 • MAUD 8294 • ALTUS 6113 • McLOUD 6660 • BENNINGTON . 7099 • MINCO 8644 • BERYN 7209 OKLA CITY ... 8472 • CHELSEA .... 5955 • OKMULGEE .. 13751 • CHICKASHA .. 8203 • QUENTON .... 6517 • COMMERCE . 10689 • SAYRE 9976 • DUNCAN 8616 • STILLWELL ... 9970 • FAIRFAX 7972 • TONKAWA ... 11397 • GUYMON 9964 • VERDEN 8859 • HOLLIS 10240 • WALTERS ... 14108 • KINGSTON ... 9881 • WANETTE ... 6641 • MADILL 13021 • WAURIKA .... 8861 • MADILL 10286 • WAYNOKA ... 9709 • MANGUM .... 5811 • WESTVILLE .. 10158 CONTACT: BILL WAKEN 1727 N. VanBuren PHONE: 1-405-237-5628 Enid, Okla. 73701 COINS OF THE REALM, INC. Dealers in choice world bank notes 1327-D Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Phone (301) 340-1640 SIMORS' SWAM PRICE GUIDE "Collecting Stocks and Bonds" by George H. LaBarre. 368 pages, 1,158 illustrations with descriptions and values of American stocks and bonds. Includes railroads, mining, automotive, banking, western, southern, 1770's to present. Complete 3 volume set $14.85 postpaid. Dealers inquiries invited. WE ARE VERY ANXIOUS TO BUY FINE QUALITY AMERICAN STOCKS AND BONDS. Note: The LaBarre Newsletter is sent out Quarterly Free of Charge. Price Lists are also issued Monthly. GF 01IGI II LA BARRE GALLERIES I \ P.O. Box 746 Hollis, New Hampshire 03049 Page 206 Paper Money Whole No. 118 British Colonial — European Colonial of the 19th and early 20th century our specialty. We also purchase. 119' rietow - WILLIAM L.S. BARRETT Box 9, Victoria Station Montreal, Canada H3Z 2V4 Telephone (514) 844-5698 Cables: Numismatic & 13ORD COLLECTOR/ PRICE GUIDE Paper Money Whole No. 118 Page 207 WANTED FOR MY COLLECTION, NATIONAL BANK NOTES FROM: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TARRYTOWN, NEW YORK CHARTER 364 THE WESTCHESTER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OF PEEKSKILL, NEW YORK CHARTER 1422 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK CHARTER 5411 THE MOUNT VERNON NATIONAL BANK, NEW YORK CHARTER 8516 FRANK LEVITAN 530 SOUTHERN BLVD., BRONX, NEW YORK 10455 BUS: (212) 292-6800 HOME: (914) 834-6249 Stock & Bond Price Guide BILL YATCHMAN of GREENTREE STOCKS has just published THE STOCK & BOND COLLECTORS PRICE GUIDE. The book consists of over 1,200 PHOTOS, PRICES and DESCRIPTIONS broken down into four catagories: (1) RAILROAD STOCKS & BONDS with section on the SUCCESSOR RAILROADS to those items listed. (2) AUTOMOBILE & RELATED with historical back- ground of the industry. (3) MINING & OIL. (4) INDUSTRY & MISCELLANEOUS. Preface includes TRENDS, FUTURE, GROWTH, TOPICS, and CARE with many other areas explored. All photos are consecutively numbered on high quality, glossy paper in 8"x10" softbound edition. COMPLETE $14.95 POSTPAID GREENTREE STOCKS P.O. BOX 1688 PM SEDONA, ARIZONA 86336 1-602-282-6547 U.S. PAPER MONEY GRADING STANDARD by Herbert J. Kwart HIGHLIGHTS OF THE TEXT INCLUDE: • Comprehensive discussion of all standard grading conditions • Twelve distinct grading levels of conditions • Graphic illustrations • Composite grading characteristics for each level of attribution • An examination methodology and equipment needed • Tips for detecting altered paper money • A method for preservation of paper money • Standards applicable to collectors of world paper money $9.20 POSTPAID, SEND TO H.J. KWART P.O. BOX 414404, MIAMI BEACH, FLA. 33141 RAILROAD CURRENCY PUBLICATIONS BY DR. MUSCALUS 1. Railroad Currency: Bank Notes and Scrip Representative of over one hundred railroads, 1830s-1971. All Notes Illustrated $5.00 2. Georgia Railroad Currency Comprehensively Illustrated, 99 illustrations with values $5.50 3. Mississippi Railroad Currency Comprehensively Illustrated, 173 illustra- tions $5.50 4. Locomotive Engravings On State Bank Notes and Scrip, 1832-1875. Sixty- four illustrations of different locomotive engravings. 1964 $5.00 5. Early Ship and Shipbuilding on Paper Money. 107 Illustrations $5.50 6. The Beautiful View of the Rockville Bridge Across The Susquehanna above Harrisburg on State Bank Notes $1.00 7. Transportation Currency: Bank notes and scrip representative of forty-five varieties of transportation companies. 48 Illustrations. 1974 $3.00 DR. JOHN A. MUSCALUS HISTORICAL PAPER MONEY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Box 187 Bridgeport, PA 19405 Page 208 Paper Money Whole No. 118 When It Comes Time To Sell Your Rare Coins, There Is Only One Name To Remember... Numismatics Auctions Since 1933 A Solid Foundation Built On Tradition And Trust. Let us show you why Kagins is the right company to select when selling your rare coins at public auction. Future Auctions: August 15-17, 1985 Greater Baltimore Coin Convention, Baltimore, MD October 4-6, 1985 Long Beach Coin Convention, Long Beach CA January 30- February 1, 1986 Long Beach Coin Convention, Long Beach, CA August 5-9, 1986 American Numismatic Association Convention, Milwaukee, WI October 2-4, 1986 Long Beach Coin Convention, Long Beach, CA CALL: Dale L. Williams, Director of Auctions, or Dr. George J. Fuld, Senior Numismatist, at 1-800-227-5676 or 1-800-652-4467 in Calif. or Write: KAGINS ■ One Market Plaza ■ 26th Floor ■ Steuart Street Tower ■ San Francisco, CA 94105 As a seller, this method gives you the opportunity to get the full market price without the "in" dealers short-circuiting the bidding, as so often is seen at public auction sales. Our currency auctions were the first to use the Sealed Mail Bid System, which gives you, the bidder and ultimate buyer, the utmost chance to buy a note at a price you want to pay with no one looking over your shoulder. Nit-limn- Oakes Auctions inc. Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S. Currency to the collecting fraternity for over 20 years: Dean Oakes With 27 sales behind us, we look forward to a great Memphis sale this year. This is our third Memphis sale in the nine years of the show. We will be offering some of the finest and rarest type notes the U.S. series has to offer. November 14-17 we have the distinct pleasure to conduct the auction at the 1st annual Convention of the Society of Paper Money Collectors. This event will be held in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Consignments for these two great auctions are being solicited now! Join others in experiencing the true market between buyer and seller at a Hickman-Oakes auction. Write or call 319/338-1144. As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% down to 10% without a buyer's charge, lot charge, or photo charge. As a buyer: Subscribe to our next year's sales and receive the catalogs, prices realized, and price lists. For the Memphis catalog and 1985-86 catalogs and prices realized, send $8.00, if you haven't. You won't be sorry. is man - Oakes Pob"Cabons YEARS CIMNIU stna Aom John Hickman Drawer 1456 Iowa Citj Iowa 52240 319-338-1114 Auctions,Inc. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN It pays to look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. edatt's RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311