
Paper Money - Vol. XXIV, No. 5 - Whole No. 119 - September - October 1985

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VOL. XXIV No. 5 WHOLE NO. 119 1918 $1 FEDERAL BOSTON F-708 (LOW #A161A) + NEW YORK #D401A) + RICHMOND F-721 (LOW #E70A) F-734 + KANSAS CITY F-738 + DALLAS new notes is from the famous JAMES 1918 $2 FEDERAL BOSTON F-747 (LOW #A1500A) + NEW CLEVELAND F-757 (LOW #D189A) + RICHMOND + ST. LOUIS F-771 + MINNEAPOLIS F-772 F-778. Also, from the JAMES M. WADE for the LOW SERIAL NUMBERS (which 1. FRIEDBERG'S 10th Edition "Paper 2. HESSLER'S 4th Ed. "Comprehensive BEBEE'S is proud to offer this truly great WANTED RESERVE BANK NOTES F-711 (LOW #B900A) + PHILADELPHIA F-717 + CLEVELAND F-718 (LOW + ATLANTA F-726 + CHICAGO F-729 + ST. LOUIS F-733 + MINNEAPOLIS F-742 + SAN FRANCISCO F-743 ... This marvelous collection of superb crisp M. WADE COLLECTION and is priced SPECIAL a $2,750.00. RESERVE BANK NOTES YORK F-750 (LOW #B125A) + PHILADELPHIA F-753 (LOW #C66A) + F-760 (LOW #E44A) + ATLANTA F-762 (LOW #F13A) + CHICAGO F-765 + KANSAS CITY F-774 + DALLAS F-776 (LOW #K40A) + SAN FRANCISCO COLLECTION, these RARE GEM CRISP NEW NOTES, without making allowance command much higher prices), in the two leading paper money catalogue lists Money of the United States" $14,000.00 Catalog of U.S. Paper Money" $11,200.00 MUSEUM COLLECTION, specially priced $9,750.00. BUYING WANTED- Please forward notes indicating prices desired or, for our TOP offer. Your notes will, of course, be accurately graded. (IF your notes are in slightly lower grade than the grades we desire, please write us before shipping). A QUICK, PLEASANT DEAL is always assured you at BEBEE's. DEMAND NOTE TERRITORIAL NATIONAL BANK NOTES 1861 $20 NEW YORK. FR.-11 VF to Unc. The Following BROWN BACKS wanted. 1882 $5 ARIZONA AU to Unc. 1882 $5 HAWAII AU to Unc. SILVER CERTIFICATES 1882 $5 OKLAHOMA AU to Unc. 1880 $1,000 Fr.-346B/D AU to Unc. #1882 $5 IDAHO AU to Unc.#1882 $5 WYOMING AU to Unc. # Second Choices: Other DENOM. & GRADES GOLD CERTIFICATES NATIONAL BANK NOTES 1882 $50 Lg. Red Seal. Fr.-1191 AU to Unc. The following BROWN BACKS wanted. 1882 $100 Brown Seal. FR.-1203 AU to Unc. 1882 $5 ALABAMA AU to Unc. 1882 $100 Lg. Red Seal. Fr.-1204 AU to Unc. 1882 $5 ARKANSAS AU to Unc. 1882 $100 Lg. Brown Seal. Fr.•1205 AU to Unc. 1882 $5 COLORADO AU to Unc.1882 $5 FLORIDA AU to Unc. 1928 $500 Fr.-12404 Unc. only 1882 $5 IDAHO State AU to Unc. 1928 $1000 Fr.-240 Unc. only 1882 $5 MARYLAND Unc. only 1882 $5 MISSISSIPPI AU to Unc. NATIONAL GOLD BANK NOTES 1882 $5 NEW HAMPSHIRE AU to Unc.1882 $5 NO. DAKOTA AU to Unc. 1870/75 $10 Fr.-1143/1151 VF to Unc. 1882 $5 RHODE ISLAND AU to Unc. 1882 $5 SO. DAKOTA AU to Unc. 1882 $5 WYOMING AU to Unc.COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES 1882 $5 NEVADA AU to Unc. 1864 $100 Fr.-193 EF to Unc. Except MD. will consider EF-AU Notes. AVAILABLE NOW: U.S. SALES LISTS = (A) Large Size Notes; (B) Large Size Nationals; (C) Colonial & Continental Currency; (D) Fractional Currency; (E) Confederate Currency. Please specify your collecting interest when request. ing any of these FREE lists. WHY NOT GIVE US A TRY—WE WOULD BUSINESS WITH BEBEE'S. SINCE 1941, WE'LL BE LOOKING FOR YOU! ANA i 'sof f SSIOW 6ar_wo MINIUM1 e „. , %um) ' '''' P.O. Box 4289 AUBREY GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR ORDERS—AND YOU'RE SURE TO LIKE DOING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF "BEBEE BOOSTERS" HAVE. Y'ALL HURRY NOW — & ADELINE BEBEE Life #110, ANS, IAPN, PNG, SPMC, Others :oloval• WI fffff D Pf0DISDOW auessoaldltA l "Pronto Service" , l u ItC . Omaha, Nebraska 68104 SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. All,ametz Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXIV No. 5 Whole No. 119 SEPT./OCT. 1985 ISSN 0031-1162 GENE HESSLER, Editor Box 416 Oradell, NJ 07649 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March/April issue, etc.). IN THIS ISSUE AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY AND CHICAGO Lee E. Poleske 211 THE PAPER COLUMN National Bank Notes With Treasury Serial 1 and 1000000 Peter Huntoon 214 AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO. LOSES USPS CONTRACT Barbara R. Mueller 226 TORREY & MEAD NOTES OF MANCHESTER, NEW JERSEY William S. Dewey 229 RAILROAD NOTES & SCRIP OF THE UNITED STATES, THE CONFEDERATE STATES AND CANADA Richard T. Hoober 230 MONEY IN MANY LANDS Forrest W. Daniel 232 SOCIETY FEATURES INTEREST BEARING NOTES 233 RECRUITMENT REPORT 234 SECRETARY'S REPORT 234 COMING EVENTS 235 SPMC ANNUAL AWARDS ANNOUNCEMENT 236 IPMC, CHERRY HILL, NJ, SCHEDULE 238 ENGRAVED SHEETS FOR MEMBERS 241 EDITOR'S CORNER 242 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 242 PAPER MONEY EXHIBIT WINNERS AT ANA 243 BEP EXHIBIT AND SOUVENIR CARD SCHEDULE 243 MONEY MART 244 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 209 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE. Se- cond class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster; send address changes to: Paper Money, 1211 N. DuPont Hwy. Dover, DE 19901. © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1984. All rights reserved. Repro- duction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permis- sion, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $15. Individual copies of current issues, $2.00. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover $72.00 $195.00 $367.50 Inside Front & Back Cover $67.50 $181.50 $345.00 Full Page $59.00 $158.00 $299.00 Half-page $36.00 $ 98.00 $185.00 Quarter-page $15.00 $ 40.00 $ 77.00 Eighth-page $10.00 $ 26.00 $ 49.00 To keep administrative costs at a minimum and advertising rates low, advertising orders must be prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. In the exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are re- quired, the advertiser will be notified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the first of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 1 for March issue). Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertise- ment in which typographical error should oc- cur upon prompt notification of such error.1 4446, All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. 210 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Larry Adams, P.O. Box 1, Boone, Iowa 50036 VICE-PRESIDENT Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 SECRETARY Gary Lewis, P.O. Box 4751, N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903 TREASURER James F. Stone, P.O. Box 89, Milford, N.H. 03055 APPOINTEES EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416, Oradell, NJ 07649 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOOK SALES COORDINATOR Richard Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street, North Attleboro, MA 02760. WISMER BOOK PROJECT Richard T. Hoober, P.O. Box 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445 LEGAL COUNSEL Robert G. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001 PAST PRESIDENT AND LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Walter Allan, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Jr., Peter Huntoon, Charles Kemp, Roman L. Latimer, Donald Mark, Dean Oakes, Bernard Schaaf, M.D., Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, John Wilson. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized ' in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organ- ization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is af- filiated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP - REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notifi- cation to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold of- fice or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numis- matic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firm. with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES-The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Annual dues are $15. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 81/2 x 11 " INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Rockholt $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Wait $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF RHODE ISLAND AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, Durand $20.00 Non-Member $25.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, Wait $12.00 Non-Member $25.00 TERRITORIALS-A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIALS BANK NOTES, Huntoon $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 INDIAN TERRITORY / OKLAHOMA / KANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Burgett & Whitfield $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Oakes $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP.. $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 PENNSYLVANIA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP (396 pages), Hoober $28.00 Non-member $35.00 ARKANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP, Rothert $17.00 Non-member $22.00 Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept. 116 Fisher St., North Attleboro, MA 02760. Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of Librarian-Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill the members only. For further information, write the 60521. Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 211 ON THE COVER. This is the 30th anniversary of the death of Albert Einstein (1879-1955); it is also the 80th anniversary of his discovery of the theory of relativity. It was 40 years ago that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Although it was Einstein who theoretically proved that the atom could be split, he was not in favor of using "the bomb" unless it was absolutely necessary. The look on his countenance, as seen on the 5 pound note of Israel (P34), seems to reflect what his secretary said when he heard the first bomb had been dropped on Japan: "The grief in his deep sigh could not be conveyed in words." AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY and by LEE E. POLESKE Figure 1: The Chicago album cover produced by the American Bank Note Company with the distinctive Chicago logo. The members of the rock-jazz group are from left to right: Terry Kath, Lee Loughnane, Peter Cetera, James Pankow, Walter Parazaider, Danny Seraphine and Robert Lamm. Copyright 1973 Ameri can Bank Note Co parry Page 212 Paper Money Whole No. 119 HILE most paper money collectors realize that the American Bank Note Company is involved in more than printing paper money, many of them might be surprised to learn that the company produced a record album cover for the rock-jazz group Chicago in 1973. The American Bank Note Company can trace its history through fifty different companies to an engraver named Robert Scot who worked in Philadelphia in 1795. Chicago can trace its history through two name changes to its beginning in Chicago in 1967 when it was formed by two school friends, Terry Kath and Walter Parazaider. Of the original seven members only one was not born in Chicago (Figure 1). Robert Lamm was born in Brooklyn and moved to Chicago when he was fifteen. Lamm was vocalist, pianist and also wrote many of the group's hits ; Terry Kath played guitar, banjo, accordion, bass and drums. Peter Cetera played bass, steel guitar, wrote songs and sang ; rounding out the group were Walter Parazaider, who played a variety of woodwinds, trumpeter Lee Loughnane, drummer Daniel Sera- phine and James Pankow, trombonist. Only Kath and Cetera were completely self taught, all the others had considerable formal musical training either in college or with private teachers. The group was first known as The Big Thing because Lamm kept saying the group's music was "the big thing"; their music was different from other rock groups of the time because they had added horns to the traditional rock band. Lamm character- ized the group in Downbeat (October 1970) by saying, "Our roots are basically rock, but we can and do play jazz." The group played small bars and clubs throughout the Mid- west in the late '60s without much success. In 1969 they went West to join forces with another school friend, James W. Guercio, who had earlier moved to Los Angeles and become a leading record producer. It was Guercio who suggested they change their name to Chicago Transit Authority and it was under this name that the group began to build a following. Guercio signed the group with Columbia Records and in 1969 their first album, entitled "Chi- cago Transit Authority" was recorded. The album was not im- mediately successful but their single "Make Me Smile" made the top ten ; this in turn increased album sales and the result was the first of many gold albums for the group. By the time their second album came out in 1970 they had shortened their name to Chicago, which was also the name of the album. Although music critics have often berated the group for their "safe" and "bland" music, Chicago has been extremely popular and all their albums have achieved gold or platinum status . Figure 2: A detail of the album cover showing typical bank note style geometric designs. Figure 3: At the bottom of the front of the album cover in eery small letters, not unlike on a bank note, is the copyright notice of the American Bank Note Company. Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 213 For the most part the group has not given individual names to their albums, but have differentiated them by roman numerals : "Chicago II", "Chicago III", etc. It was the cover of "Chicago VI" that was produced by the American Bank Note Company. This cover was in the tradition of opulent covers for which the group was already famous. Released in June 1973, the album moved into the number one spot on the music charts in July and stayed there until August. The cover was intaglio printed in blue on buff (Figure 2). Both sides of the album are the same except for the copyright lines at the bottom of the front of the album (Figure 3). On both sides of the light brown record sleeve are stock vignettes of the American Bank Note Company : "America" and a railroad scene (Figure 4 and 5). There are at least two variations on the original album : the cassette version of the album and a lithograph album printed in purple without any vignettes on the record sleeve ; this seems to be a reprint of the original cover to be sold by discount houses. Any or all of these American Bank Note Company items make an interesting addition to a bank note collection. Figure 4: This vignette of "America appears on one side of the record sleeve of the "Chicago VI" album. Figure 5: This railroad vignette appears on the other side of the record sleeve of the "Chicago VI" album. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bloom, Murray Teigh, The Brotherhood of Money, Port Clin- ton, Ohio, BNR Press, 1983. Nite, Norm N., Rock On, vol. 2, New York, Harper & Row, 1978. Pareles, Jon, ed., The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll, New York, Rolling Stone Press/Summit Book, 1983. Stambler, Irwin, Encyclopedia of Pop, Rock Sr Soul, New York. St. Martin's Press, 1974. Page 214 Paper Money Whole No. 119 CJ1$, THE PAPER COLUMN by Peter Huntoon National Bank Notes with Treasury Serial 1 and 1000000 Part II This article continues the listing of treasury seria — and 1000000 national bank notes begun in the last issue of PAPER MONEY. The treasury serial numbering system is explained in detail in "Evo- lution of Treasury Serial Numbering on National Bank Notes," PAPER MONEY, vol. 23, pages I 18 , 1-185. BEGINNING TREASURY SERIALS ON ORIGINAL SERIES SHEETS PREFIX LETTERS With the exception of the 1-1-2-2 and part-plate combina- tions, all Original Series treasury serials began with sets of num- bers that did not have prefix letters. It did not take long before the popular combinations such as the 1 1 1 2, 5 5 5 5 and 10-10-10-20 ran through the first million serials. The solution at this early stage was to convert from red to blue numbers for the second million. With the advent of the third million, it became standard practice to use a prefix letter. A decision was made in 1869 to add prefix letters to most other groups of treasury serials that did not already have them. The result as shown on Table 1 was that letters were rather randomly chosen from the incomplete alphabet available and prefixed to the then current treasury serial number in each group. According to the ledgers, prefix letters were never added to treasury serials for the 50-100, 500-500-500-500 and 1000- 1000-1000-1000 combinations. No 500-500-500-1000 sheets were printed after the 1869 decision, so of course none of these have prefixed treasury serials either. A CASE OF DUPLICATED TREASURY SERIALS The most interesting combination in these records is 10-50- 50-100, which was used by only one bank, the Kensington National Bank of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, charter 544. Three Original Series printings were made from this unique plate, the second being a part-plate printing consisting only of the 50-50-100 subjects. Table 2 lists these printings. Notice dif- ferent sets of treasury serials were assigned to each combination. What becomes interesting in this special case is that the last 10-50-50-100 Original Series printing was made after prefix let- ters were added to the serials. They just happened to use the let- ter A to prefix this last printing and it began with serial A349, a number that continued from where the first 10-50-50-100 print- ing had left off. Notice however that the treasury serial set as- signed to the 50-50-100 part-plate combination already had used serials A349 through A370. As a result, these same treasury numbers were used twice on Kensington $50s and $100s. Consequently you could find two notes from this bank of the same denomination from the same plate position with the same treasury serial number! As shown on Table 2, the bank serials were consecutive on the $50s and $100s regardless of whether they were from the 10-50-50-100 or 50-50-100 printings. Therefore the bank serials would have been different. EXOTIC FIRST CHARTER PLATES Numerous odd plate and part-plate combinations were used in the First Charter issues. Table 4 lists those that were made for five or fewer banks. The least used was the 500-500-500-1000 plate made for the Western National Bank of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This unique plate was only used once in Feb- ruary, 1866. Each plate or part-plate combination required its own treasury serial numbering set. Obviously this introduced a great deal of unwanted bookkeeping everywhere in the system. With the inception of the Second Charter issues, available plate combinations were reduced and standardized to the 5 5 5 5, 10-10-10-10, 10-10-10-20 and 50-100 combinations. The 50-50-50-100 replaced the 50-100 in 1910, so nothing but four subject plates were in use after that time. Even though the manufacture of odd plate combinations ceased with the Second Charter period, their use for First Charter issues continued until the First Charters ran out. For example, the last printings from the following plates were : 10-10-20-50 (1891), 20-20-20-20 (1895), 20-20-20-50 (1900), 20-20-50-100 (1900), 50-50 (1899) and 100-100 (1891). The 20-20-20-50 combination was not widely used. Between 1892 and 1900 the First National Bank of Rondout, New York, charter 2493, required the only printings from the combination. T ABLE 1 lists the beginning treasury serial number for each Original Series sheet combination. Each combination was assigned its own set of numbers. The only pattern that seems to emerge in the choice of the first number is that they tend to increase for the larger denomination combinations. Four unusual Original Series combinations were created when printings were made when using selected subjects from larger plates. These were the 20, 20-50, 50 and 50-50-100 combinations respectively printed from 10-10-10-20, 10-10- 20-50, 50-100 and 10-50-50-100 combinations. Each of the part-plate combinations was assigned an independent set of treasury serials, all of which were printed in blue ink. _Limitte .9*,-1:1.CCIAtigge)440411Y 1, 1 1 1;4,44w ts six Imo to- jj A. , 1i 2:0* _ Wilt ill r M.O. Washington , ,4 .7,/, ,,. 2/, itif,.: li ,/,,c -,, lz. NgsionatiVaikiL or 13.044It1i2i1 111,111111 on 0,..1.47,17--- 4-eckt if x**:1/ ,`-:;tirilagiankaiLigaa. eititailte u.z.Dtwit:co sl'Areks-f- Witgfigiltkv/P",/ -Au Ix Mkor PH !LADE LPII uns $hismits 1;1 az...014/41),4„ tionim ttt.trATI;t0) SI‘A eposjietvinktiwr.sateasmteratwashingion.„ ‘ks 6040-1P-441-, 74-kfirofitrail of PH MADE LPHIA MTV,*Wry. ...21a) 41, Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 215 The Kensington National Bank of Philadelphia, PA (544) was the only bank in the nation to use the 10-50-50-100 plate combination. Photo courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution. Ammo.: n sivirsrrzn srs s sossos mutyrisat SECIlmnrins t`" N516043B 431444111441444,114.144.116441L iNftgtiri m I it /// 44.444.4,11 .'„:///, //A z/41, 269 SUCUR11121140111STITIS EMS IN STKII SICUI117113 • Page 216 Paper Money Whole No. 119 DATE BACK TRANSITION The signing into law of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act (Emergency Currency Act of May 30, 1908) precipitated the date back de- signs in both the Series of 1882 and 1902. Table 3 shows the delivery dates for the first date backs, and the last shipments from the bureau for the designs that they replaced. I was sur- prised to learn that Series of 1902 red seals continued to be printed and delivered well into December, even though produc- tion of Series of 1902 date backs had already begun. The ex- planation for this overlap is unknown to me. Notice on the other hand that shipments of Series of 1882 brown backs and date backs did not overlap. The following sheet combinations were printed during this transition in both the 1882 and 1902 series: 5-5-5-5, 10-10-10- 10, 10-10-10-20 and 50-50-50-100. Series of 1882 10-10-10- 10 and 50-50-50-100 date backs continued to be printed until the series expired in 1922. Similarly, 1902 50-50-50-100 date backs continued to be printed until 1926. These late date back printings were interspersed with printings from the new designs. The result was an alternating sequence of designs that were treasury numbered in sequence using the appropriate treasury number set for the series and combination. For example, the rare 1882 50-50-50-100 value backs were printed between February, 1919, and October, 1920, with low and high treasury serials A161090 and A170859 (Huntoon, 1971). However, 50-50-50-100 Series The Series of 1902 date to plain back 10-10-10-20 treasury serial changeover occurred in the high serials of the NB block during 1915. The Powell note shown here is a date back, the Rock Springs is a plain back. END OF THE DATE BACKS The Series of 1882 value backs and Series of 1902 blue seal plain backs began after the Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired on June 30, 1915. For the first time in the history of national bank note issues the treasury serial numbers (and bank numbers) did not revert to 1 with the start of the new designs. This fact has been a source of continuing annoyance for collectors for two reasons. First, the delivery records to the comptroller for this period have been lost so we do not know the changeover treasury serials. Second, the comptroller bank ledgers com- monly show the day and month for deliveries from the bureau but during the changeover a large number of entries omit the year. The result is that we have no way of knowing when the date back issues ceased for a large number of banks. of 1882 date back printings are mixed in this same range. The last 1882 50-50-50-100 date back was printed on August 27, 1921, almost a year after the last value back from the same plate combination. Unfortunately there seems to be no record of the high 1882 50-50-50-100 date back treasury serial. The intermixing of Series of 1902 date and plain back print- ings continued until 1926, right past the phase out of the treasury serials. These late 50-50-50-100 date back printings gave rise to oddities such as date backs with duplicate bank serials, no regional letters, and even engraved signatures, all of which were late innovations. See Huntoon (1973a, b) for details. I have observed Series of 1902 date back $50s and $100s with both A and B prefix letters, an entirely expected result based on the foregoing. The lowest treasury serial number that I Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 217 owned was a $50 1902 date back issued by the First National Bank of Houston, Texas (1644) serial B494-4100-D. This was from a 50-50-50-100 plate and was printed on or just after December 8, 1922. The mixing of 1882 10-10-10-10 and 50-50-50-100 date and value backs, and 1902 50-50-50-100 date and plain backs prevents us from being able to establish a changeover treasury serial for these combinations. Fortunately the breaks were clean in the 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 combinations. At this writing I have been able to bracket the changeover pairs for the following combinations : 1882 5-5-5-5 date to value backs - R612736- R790804 ; 1882 10-10-10-20 date to value backs - T469716- T597574 ; and 1902 10-10-10-20 date to plain backs - N806462B-N976041B. All I know about the 1905 5-5-5-5 date to plain back transition is that it occurs high in the MB block of serials. If you can close these gaps, I would very much appre- ciate photocopies of the face and back of the relevant notes. DISCUSSION This concludes a series of articles that synthesizes all that we currently know about treasury serial numbers on National Bank notes. Certainly it is academically interesting to know just which banks got the first and last numbers in each series, or which banks got the 1000000-1 changeover pairs. But it is my opinion that the biggest contribution in these data is that of providing the dates during which specific groups of serials were printed. Re- member, of course, that the sheets were in many cases issued several years after they were printed. For example, if you are a proud owner of a First Charter note, let us say a Series of 1875 $20, you can easily determine rather accurately when it was printed. First use the Van Belkum data to identify which plate combination was used to print your note. Next find that combination in these tables and look up the ap- propriate treasury serials and corresponding dates of use. Your 1875 $20 could have been printed anytime between 1875 and 1902 depending on the charter number of the bank. Knowing how old the note is will allow you to better appreciate its survival. You will probably be surprised to learn how young many of your Series of 1875 and Series of 1882 brown backs really are! Table 1. Beginning treasury serial numbers and the first use of prefixed serial numbers of Original Series National Bank Notes. Numbers were red unless indicated. Combination Beginning Number First Delivery First Prefixed Number First Delivery 1-1-1-2 9# Mar 28, 1865 A9 blue Mar 23, 1866 1-1-2-2 A141 blue Sep 20, 1866 5-5-5-5 9# Dec 18, 1863 A9 Jan 23, 1865 10-10-10-10 9 Dec 24, 1864 Z624557 Apr 28, 1869 10-10-10-20 22# Apr 3, 1864 A22 Nov 21, 1867 10-10-10-20 15 Mar 28, 1866 Y3529 Mar 10, 1871 10-10-20-50 29 Apr 4, 1864 T18243 May 18, 1869 10-20-50-100 71 May 30, 1868 R1521 Feb 17, 1870 10-50-50-100 99 blue Nov 17. 1864 A349 blue May 15, 1875 20-20-20-20 57 Apr 22, 1864 X22194 Dec 31, 1869 20-20-20-50 50 Apr 1, 1864 V71326 Jul 12, 1869 20-20-20-100 43 Apr 9, 1864 U4194 Oct 27, 1871 20-20-50-100 36 Apr 8, 1864 W25990 May 12, 1869 50-50 519 blue Dec 28, 1865 B2275 blue Jun 27, 1870 50-100 64 May 10, 1864 none 50-50-50-100 78 Aug 8, 1864 P10852 Jun 30, 1869 100-100 85 Oct 11, 1864 N6283 May 12, 1869 500 92 Oct 14, 1864 M11004 Jun 14, 1869 500-500-500-500 120 Apr 22, 1865 none 500-1000 113 Nov 28, 1863 K2258 Oct 15, 1870 500-500-500-1000 134 Feb 19, 1866 1000 106 Nov 28, 1864 L952 Dec 6, 1871 1000-1000-1000-1000 127 Apr 22, 1865 none 20 X22 blue Oct 14, 1873 20-50 K85 blue Jan 15, 1874 50 A22 blue Sep 11, 1874 50-50-100 A71 blue Feb 17, 1874 - Successive sets used same beginning number except the last 5-5-5-5 set, which began with Ul on May 19, 1875. Second set used blue numbers. Third set used A prefix and reverted to red numbers. Table 2. Complete record of Original Series notes printed from the unique 10-50-50-100 plate for the Kensington National Bank of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Notice that treasury serials A349-A370 were used twice. Date Delivered Subjects Bank Treasury a. $10 bank serials 251 - 550 were skipped. to Comptroller Printed Serials Serials b. Combination 10-50-50-100 was assigned a set of treasury serials beginning with number 99. The completed set consisted of serials Nov 17, 1864 Feb 17, 1874 10-50-50-100 50-50-100 1-250 251-550a 99 - 348 blueb A71-A370 blues c. 99 - 348 and A349 - A491. Combination 50-50-100 was assigned a set of treasury serials be- ginning with number A71. The completed set consisted of serials May 15, 1875 10 -50 -50 - 100 551 -693 A349-A491 blueb A71 - A370. Page 218 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Table 3. Deliveries to the Comptroller of the Currency from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing during the transition to date backs. Last 1882 First 1882 Last 1902 First 1902 Combination Brown Back Date Back Red Seal Date Back 5-5-5-5 Mar 22, 1908 Aug 1, 1908 Dec 15, 1908 Jun 15, 1908 10-10-10-10 Mar 22, 1908 Aug 3, 1908 Dec 7, 1908 Jun 29. 1908 10-10-10-20 Mar 23, 1908 Aug 1, 1908 Dec 15, 1908 Jun 22. 1908 50-100 Mar 23, 1908 Aug 5, 1908 Oct 20, 1908 Jun 22. 1908 Table 4. Exotic Original Series and Series of 1875 combination plates used by five or fewer banks. Combination Bank Location Charter Comments 1-1-2-2 Washington County NB Greenwich NY 1266 no Westchester County NB Peekskill NY 1422 Series of 1875 Merchants NB Bangor ME 1437 sheets { City NB Manchester NH 1520 issued 10-10-20-20 First NB Washington DC 26 Western NB Philadelphia PA 656 NB Bellow Falls VT 1653 10-20-50-100 New York N Exchange B New York NY 345 10-50-50-100 Kensington NB Philadelphia PA 544 20-20-20-100 First NB Saint Paul MN 203 no First NB Trenton NJ 281 Series of 1875 { First NB Norwich CT 458 sheets issued 500-500-500-500 NB Commerce New York NY 733 500-500-500-1000 Western NB Philadelphia PA 656 no Series of 1875 1000 Fourth NB New York NY 290 Merchants NB Boston MA 475 Shawmut NB Boston MA 582 Atlas NB Boston MA 654 B of New York N Banking Asso. New York NY 1393 1000-1000-1000-1000 NB Commerce New York NY 733 Table 5. First and last national bank notes printed in each group of treasury serial numbers. The date is the day when the sheets were received by the Comptroller of the Currency from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Bureau of Engraving and Printing dates are the day the sheets were numbered. Bank Treasury Date Bank City State Charter Serial Serial 10-10-10-20 Original Series Apr 3, 1864 First NB Newburyport MA 279 1 22 red Jun 19, 1865 NB Commerce New York NY 733 10000 999288 Jun 19, 1865 NB Norwalk CT 942 1 22 blue Oct 29, 1867 First NB Putnam CT 448 1452 999446 Nov 21, 1867 NB State of Missouri St. Louis MO 1665 8601 A22 red Nov 8, 1872 NB North America Providence RI 1036 9068 A999977 Nov 8, 1872 Farmers Deposit NB Pittsburgh PA 685 2501 B22 Mar 4. 1875 First NB Easton PA 1171 3900 B999573 Mar 4, 1875 First NB Greenville IL 1841 751 D22 Aug 13, 1875 Wisconsin NB Watertown WI 1010 1300 D812569 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Bank Page 219 Treasury Date Bank City State Charter Serial Serial 10-10-10-20 Series of 1875 Oct 2, 1875 Spencer NB Spencer MA 2288 1 Al Nov 3, 1876 Hudson County NB Jersey City NJ 1182 1144 A1000000 Nov 3, 1876 Hudson County NB Jersey City NJ 1182 1145 B1 Oct 24, 1878 City NB Binghampton NY 1189 1848 B1000000 Oct 24, 1878 City NB Binghampton NY 1189 1849 D1 May 7, 1881 Merchants NB St. Paul MN 2020 11618 D1000000 May 7, 1881 Merchants NB St. Paul MN 2020 11619 El Oct 31, 1882 Monadnock NB East Jaffrey NH 1242 1312 E1000000 Oct 31, 1882 Monadnock NB East Jaffrey NH 1242 1313 H1 Mar 27, 1885 Mohawk NB Schenectady NY 1226 2806 H1000000 Mar 27, 1885 Mohawk NB Schenectady NY 1226 2807 K1 Jun 15, 1901 First NB Wallingford CT 2599 8070 K1000000 Jun 15, 1901 First NB Wallingford CT 2599 8071 N1 Feb 20, 1902 First NB (last sheet issued to this bank was 2308-N10986) Hebron NE 2756 2390 N11068 10-10-10-20 Series of 1882 Brown Backs Aug 1, 1882 First NB Washington IA 2656 1 Al Dec 31, 1884 Fourth NB Providence RI 772 874 A1000000 Dec 31, 1884 Fourth NB Providence RI 772 875 • B1 Feb 16, 1886 Old NB Providence RI 1151 1097 B1000000 Feb 16, 1886 Old NB Providence RI 1151 1098 D1 Jul 22. 1889 Fourth NB New York NY 290 5478 D1000000 Jul 22. 1889 Fourth NB New York NY 290 5479 El Apr 21, 1892 Third NB Cincinnati OH 2730 31447 E1000000 Apr 21, 1892 Third NB Cincinnati OH 2730 31448 H1 Aug 29, 1893 DeWitt County NB Clinton IL 1926 900 H1000000 Aug 29, 1893 DeWitt County NB Clinton IL 1926 901 K1 Jan 30, 1895 Merchants NB Haverhill MA 4833 726 K1000000 Jan 30, 1895 Merchants NB Haverhill MA 4833 727 N1 Aug 1, 1896 Adams NB North Adams MA 1210 26428 N1000000 Aug 1, 1896 Adams NB North Adams MA 1210 26429 R1 Jan 12, 1898 Second NB Erie PA 606 7614 R1000000 Jan 12, 1898 Second NB Erie PA 606 7615 T1 Dec 6, 1898 First NB Logansport IN 3084 3695 T1000000 Dec 6, 1898 First NB Logansport IN 3084 3696 Ul Mar 22, 1900 Peoples NB Ottawa KS 1910 689 U1000000 Mar 22, 1900 Peoples NB Ottawa KS 1910 690 V1 Jun 8, 1900 First NB Junction City KS 3543 465 V1000000 Jun 8, 1900 First NB Junction City KS 3543 466 W1 Aug 3, 1900 First NB Franklin NY 282 524 W1000000 Aug 3, 1900 First NB Franklin NY 282 525 X1 Jan 15, 1901 Citizens NB Louisville KY 2164 13135 X1000000 Jan 15, 1901 Citizens NB Louisville KY 2164 13136 Y1 Jul 16, 1901 First NB Murphysboro IL 4019 2426 Y1000000 Jul 16, 1901 First NB Murphysboro IL 4019 2427 Z1 Apr 3, 1902 Third NB Pittsburg PA 291 21902 Z1000000 Apr 3, 1902 Third NB Pittsburg PA 291 21903 AlA Oct 4. 1902 State NB Boston MA 1028 14715 A1000000A Oct 4, 1902 State NB Boston MA 1028 14716 13113 Jan 14, 1903 United States NB Portland OR 4514 8584 B1000000B Jan 14, 1903 United States NB Portland OR 4514 8585 D1D Jun 19, 1903 First NB Wallingford CT 2599 2097 D1000000D Jun 19, 1903 First NB Wallingford CT 2599 2097 E1E Jan 20, 1904 Commercial German NB Peoria IL 3296 5343 E1000000E Jan 20. 1904 Commercial German NB Peoria IL 3296 5344 H 1H Jun 18, 1904 Second NB Phillipsburg NJ 5556 4754 H1000000H Jun 18, 1904 Second NB Phillipsburg NJ 5556 4755 K1K Dec 27, 1904 Third NB Knoxville TN 3708 9490 K1000000K Dec 27, 1904 Third NB Knoxville TN 3708 9491 N1N Aug 29, 1905 Wells Fargo NB San Francisco CA 5105 39199 N1000000N Aug 29, 1905 Wells Fargo NB San Francisco CA 5105 39200 R1R Mar 29, 1906 Ridgway Ridgway PA 5945 3573 R1000000R Mar 29, 1906 Ridgway Ridgway PA 5945 3574 T1T Apr 13, 1907 Lennox NB Lennox MA 4013 2400 T1000000T Apr 13, 1907 Lennox NB Lennox MA 4013 2401 U1U Feb 3, 1908 East Pittsburg NB Wilmerding PA 5000 4719 U1000000U Feb 3, 1908 East Pittsburg NB Wilmerding PA 5000 4720 V1V Mar 23. 1908 First NB Lockland OH 4133 3700 V647229V (last sheet issued to this bank was 3383-V646912V) Page 220 Date Bank City State Charter Paper Money Whole No. 119 Bank Treasury Serial Serial 10-10-10-20 Series of 1882 Date Backs Aug 1, 1908 German NB Cincinnati OH 2524 1 Al Nov 28, 1908 First NB Long Beach CA 5456 500 A1000000 Nov 28, 1908 First NB Long Beach CA 5456 501 B1 Mar 1, 1909 First NB Tully NY 5746 50 B1000000 Mar 1, 1909 First NB Tully NY 5746 51 D1 Aug 12, 1909 Third NB Atlanta GA 5030 4906 D1000000 Aug 12, 1909 Third NB Atlanta GA 5030 4907 E1 Feb 19, 1910 First NB Carnegie PA 4762 682 E1000000 Feb 19, 1910 First NB Carnegie PA 4762 683 H1 Mar 9, 1911 Bradford NB Bradford PA 2428 6370 H1000000 Mar 9, 1911 Bradford NB Bradford PA 2428 6371 K1 Feb 7, 1912 Springfield NB Springfield MA 4907 13130 K1000000 Feb 7, 1912 Springfield NB Springfield MA 4907 13131 M1 (records lost, the following incomplete entries Mar 21, 1913 M1000000 - Ni Mar 24, 1914 N1000000 - R1 Sep 19, 1914 R1000000 - T1 10-10-10-20 Series of 1882 Value Backs are from a Bureau of Engraving and Printing diary) Dec 1, 1916 T1000000 - Ul Aug 14, 1919 U1000000 - V1 Dec 13, 1921 V? 10-10-10-20 Series of 1902 Red Seals Mar 17, 1902 Paintsville NB Paintsville KY 6100 1 Al Jun 12, 1903 First NB New York NY 29 65427 A1000000 Jun 12, 1903 First NB New York NY 29 65428 B1 Jun 17, 1904 First NB Versailles MO 7256 199 B1000000 Jun 17, 1904 First NB Versailles MO 7256 200 D1 Feb 10, 1905 Union NB McKeesport PA 7559 965 D1000000 Feb 10, 1905 Union NB McKeesport PA 7559 966 El Jun 14, 1905 Citizens NB Lansdale PA 7735 1155 E1000000 Jun 14, 1905 Citizens NB Lansdale PA 7735 1156 H1 Oct 4, 1905 Connecticut NB Bridgeport CT 927 3388 H 1000000 Oct 4, 1905 Connecticut NB Bridgeport CT 927 3389 K1 Jan 16, 1906 First NB Meridian MS 2957 4354 K1000000 Jan 16, 1906 First NB Meridian MS 2957 4355 N1 May 19, 1906 Carmen NB Carmen OK TERR 6844 695 N1000000 May 19, 1906 Carmen NB Carmen OK TERR 6844 696 R1 Nov 21, 1906 First NB Tarboro NC 8356 255 R1000000 Nov 21, 1906 First NB Tarboro NC 8356 256 T1 Jun 4, 1907 Merchants NB New York NY 1370 23505 T1000000 Jun 4, 1907 Merchants NB New York NY 1370 23506 Ul Nov 26, 1907 First NB Lindsay IND TERR 6171 516 U1000000 Nov 26, 1907 First NB Lindsay IND TERR 6171 517 V1 Jan 29, 1908 Parksley NB Parksley VA 6246 1086 V1000000 Jan 29, 1908 Parksley NB Parksley VA 6246 1087 X1 May 26, 1908 First NB Augusta ME 367 10797 X1000000 May 26, 1908 First NB Augusta ME 367 10798 Y1 Dec 15, 1908 First NB LaFayette GA 7247 1700 Y435495 10-10-10-20 Series of 1902 Date Backs Jun 22, 1908 First NB Valley Mills TX 9148 1 Al Sep 1, 1908 First NB Sparta TN 3614 684 A1000000 Sep 1, 1908 First NB Sparta TN 3614 685 B1 Oct 13, 1908 State NB Boston MA 1028 4577 B1000000 Oct 13, 1908 State NB Boston MA 1028 4578 D1 Nov 25, 1908 Merchants NB Manchester NH 1520 465 D1000000 Nov 25, 1908 Merchants NB Manchester NH 1520 466 E1 Jan 5, 1909 Central NB Denver CO 8774 1885 E1000000 Jan 5, 1909 Central NB Denver CO 8774 1886 H1 Mar 2, 1909 Tower City NB Tower City PA 6117 84 H1000000 Mar 2, 1909 Tower City NB Tower City PA 6117 85 K1 Apr 30, 1909 Apr 30, 1909 Jul 16, 1909 Jul 16, 1909 First NB First NB First NB First NB International Falls International Falls Altoona Altoona MN MN PA PA 7380 7380 247 247 298 299 3121 3122 K1000000 M1 M100000 N1 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Date Bank City State Charter Bank Serial Page 221 Treasury Serial Sep 1, 1909 Philadelphia NB Philadelphia PA 539 15938 N1000000 Sep 1, 1909 Philadelphia NB Philadelphia PA 539 15939 Oct 20, 1909 Continental NB Indianapolis IN 9537 1751 R1000000 Oct 20, 1909 Continental NB Indianapolis IN 9537 1752 T1 Jan 4, 1910 N City B Washington DC 7936 8984 T1000000 Jan 4, 1910 N City B Washington DC 7936 8985 Ul Apr 7, 1910 North Wales NB North Wales PA 4330 1455 U1000000 Apr 7, 1910 North Wales NB North Wales PA 4330 1456 V1 Jul 11, 1910 First NB Gastonia NC 4377 1855 V1000000 Jul 11, 1910 First NB Gastonia NC 4377 1856 X1 Sep 27, 1910 Philadelphia NB Philadelphia PA 539 31434 X1000000 Sep 27, 1910 Philadelphia NB Philadelphia PA 539 31435 Y1 Dec 20, 1910 Citizens Adams NY 4103 1675 Y1000000 Dec 20, 1910 Citizens NB Adams NY 4103 1676 Z1 Apr 12, 1911 Frederick County NB Frederick MD 1449 3927 z1000000 Apr 12, 1911 Frederick County NB Frederick MD 1449 3928 AlA Jun 23, 1911 McCook NB McCook NE 8823 1187 A1000000A Jun 23, 1911 McCook NB McCook NE 8823 1188 B1A Sep 20, 1911 NB Northern Liberties Philadelphia PA 541 7647 B1000000A Sep 20. 1911 NB Northern Liberties Philadelphia PA 541 7648 D1A Dec 1. 1911 Mechanics and Metals NB New York NY 1250 107103 D1000000A Dec 1, 1911 Mechanics and Metals NB New York NY 1250 107104 E1A Feb 14, 1912 N City B Indianapolis IN 10121 5254 E1000000A Feb 14, 1912 N City B Indianapolis IN 10121 5255 H lA Apr 29, 1912 First NB Weatherly PA 6108 1692 H 1000000A Apr 29, 1912 First NB Weatherly PA 6108 1693 K1A Jul 24, 1912 First NB Oriskany Falls NY 6630 464 K1000000A Jul 24, 1912 First NB Oriskany Falls NY 6630 465 MIA Nov 5, 1912 Union NB McKeesport PA 7559 6277 M1000000A Nov 5, 1912 Union NB McKeesport PA 7559 6278 N1A (records lost, the following incomplete entries are from a Bureau of Engraving and Printing diary) Jan 13, 1913 N1000000A - R1A Jun 16, 1920 U1000000D - V1D Mar 26, 1913 R1000000A - T1A Aug 27, 1920 V1000000D - X1D May 20, 1913 T1000000A - U1A Nov 22, 1920 X 1000000D - YID Jul 15, 1913 U1000000A - VIA Feb 1, 1921 Y1000000D - Z1D Sep 22, 1913 V1000000A - X1A Mar 23, 1921 Z1000000D - A1E Nov 24, 1913 X1000000A - Y1A Apr 29, 1921 A1000000E - B1E Feb 14, 1914 Y1000000A - Z1A Jun 20, 1921 B1000000E - Apr 23, 1914 Z1000000A - A1B Jul 28, 1921 D1000000E - E1E Jul 3, 1914 A1000000B - 131}3 Aug 25, 1921 E1000000E - H1E Aug 12, 1914 B1000000B - D1B Sep 21,Oct 20, 1921 1921 H1000000E K1000000E - K1E - M1E Aug 25, 1914 D1000000B - E1B Dec 9, 1921 M1000000E - NlE Sep 8, 1914 E1000000B - H IB Jan 30, 1922 N1000000E - R1E Sep 21, 1914 H1000000B - K1B Mar 11, 1922 R1000000E - TiE Oct 16, 1914 K1000000B - M1B Apr 24, 1922 T1000000E - UlE Feb 1, 1915 M1000000B - N1B Jun 6, 1922 U1000000E - VIE Jul 20, 1922 V1000000E - X1E 10-10-10-20 Series of 1902 Blue Seal Plain Backs Oct 26, 1922 X1000000E - Y1E Jul 20. 1915 N1000000B - R1B Dec 28, 1922 Y1000000E - Z1E Dec 7, 1915 R1000000B - T1B Feb 3, 1923 Z1000000E - A1H May 2, 1915 T1000000B - U1B Mar 14, 1923 A1000000H - B1H Aug 15, 1916 U1000000B - V1B May 11, 1923 B1000000H - D1H Dec 4, 1916 V1000000B - X1B Aug 23, 1923 D1000000H - E1H Mar 6, 1917 X1000000B - Y1B Oct 8, 1923 E1000000H - H1H Jun 26, 1917 Y1000000B - Z1B Nov 27, 1923 H 1000000H - K1H Nov 24, 1917 Z1000000B - Jan 23, 1924 K1000000H - MIH Mar 5, 1918 A1000000D - Mar 1, 1924 M 1000000H - N1H Jul 10, 1918 B1000000D - D1D Apr 22, 1924 N 1000000H - R 1H Dec 11, 1918 D1000000D - E1D Jun 21, 1924 R1000000H - T1H Apr 14, 1919 E1000000D - H 1D Aug 13, 1924 T1000000H - U1H Aug 4, 1919 H1000000D - Sep 30, 1924 U1000000H - V1H Sep 24, 1919 K1000000D - MID Nov 11, 1924 V1000000H - X1H Nov 14, 1919 M1000000D - N1D Jan 10, 1925 X 1000000H - Y1H Jan 3, 1920 N1000000D - RID Mar 16, 1925 Y1000000H - Z1H Mar 13, 1920 R1000000D - T1D May 11, 1925 Z1000000H - A1K May 7, 1920 T1000000D - U1D Jul 17, 1925 A1000000K - B1K Page 222 Date Bank City State Charter Paper Money Whole No. 119 Bank Treasury Serial Serial Aug 22, 1925 North Adams NB North Adams MA 1210 unknown B647457K 10-10-20-20 Original Series Mar 28, 1866 First NB Washington DC 26 1 15 red Nov 3, 1866 Western NB Philadelphia PA 656 2000 3528 Mar 10, 1871 First NB Washington DC 26 1001 Y3529 red Dec 8, 1874 NB Bellow Falls VT 1653 1100 Y5428 10-10-20-20 Series of 1875 Dec 30, 1875 Western NB Philadelphia PA 656 1 Al May 6, 1884 NB Bellow Falls VT 1653 1683 A1883 (only the three banks listed issued this combination, last sheet issued was 1236-A1436 to this bank from a Dec 13, 1883, bureau shipment) 10-10-20-50 Original Series Apr 4, 1864 First NB New York NY 29 1 29 red Feb 11, 1869 First NB Kansas City MO 1612 1050 18242 May 18, 1869 First NB Cincinnati OH 24 5601 T18243 red Jul 30, 1875 First NB Cincinnati OH 24 12250 T40307 10-10-20-50 Series of 1875 Nov 30, 1875 NB Winthrop ME 553 1 Al Jul 11, 1891 Pomeroy NB Pomeroy (last sheet issued to this bank was 192-A23902) OH 1980 222 A23932 10-20-50-100 Original Series May 30, 1864 New York N Exchange B New York NY 345 1 71 red Dec 4. 1868 New York N Exchange B New York NY 345 1450 1520 Feb 17, 1870 New York N Exchange B New York NY 345 1451 R1521 red Jun 20, 1875 New York N Exchange B New York NY 345 2150 R2220 10-20-50-100 Series of 1875 Jan 20, 1876 New York N Exchange B New York NY 345 1 Al Sep 2, 1882 New York N Exchange B New York NY 345 1450 A1450 (last sheet issued to this bank was 1419-A1419 this was the only bank to use the 10-20-50-100 combination) 10-50-50-100 Original Series Nov 17, 1864 Kensington NB Philadelphia PA 544 1 99 blue Nov 17, 1864 Kensington NB Philadelphia PA 544 250 348 May 15, 1875 Kensington NB Philadelphia PA 544 551 A349 blue May 15, 1875 Kensington NB Philadelphia (see 50-50-100 Original Series entry) PA 544 693 A491 10-50-50-100 Series of 1875 Aug 14, 1877 Kensington NB Philadelphia PA 544 1 Al Jun 23, 1884 Kensington NB Philadelphia (this was the only bank to use the 10-50-50-100 combination) PA 544 262 A262 20-20-20-20 Original Series Apr 22, 1864 First NB Pittsburgh PA 48 1 57 red Mar 24, 1869 Fourth NB New York NY 290 11075 22186 Dec 31, 1869 First NB Jersey City NJ 374 1 X22194 red Aug 7, 1875 First NB Zanesville OH 164 875 X75659 20-20-20-20 Series of 1875 Dec 2, 1875 First NB Circleville OH 118 1 Al Mar 27, 1895 First NB Reno (last sheet issued to this bank was 2026-A71481) NV 2478 2235 A71690 20-20-20-50 Original Series Apr 1, 1864 Second NB Cleveland OH 13 1 50 red Mar 26, 1869 Third NB Cincinnati OH 20 2700 71325 Jul 12, 1869 NB Republic Philadelphia PA 1647 2501 V71326 red Jul 6, 1875 First NB Fall River MA 256 1600 V 187224 Paper Money Whole No 119 Page 223 Bank Treasury Date Bank City State Charter Serial Serial 20-20-20-50 Series of 1875 Oct 7, 1875 Second NB Norwich CT 224 1 Al Aug 17, 1900 First NB Rondout NY 2493 5266 Al27459 (last sheet issued to this bank was 5231-Al27424) 20-20-20-100 Original Series Apr 9, 1864 First NB St. Paul MN 203 1 43 red Mar 25, 1869 First NB Trenton NJ 281 1650 4193 Oct 27, 1871 First NB Trenton NJ 281 1651 U4194 red Jun 29, 1875 First NB Norwich CT 458 1530 U8363 (last sheet issued to this bank was 1481-U8314: only the three banks listed issued this combination) 20-20-20-100 Series of 1875 Jul 10, 1877 First NB Norwich CT 458 1 Al Jul 10, 1877 First NB Norwich CT 458 250 A250 (no Series of 1875 20-20-20-100 sheets were issued, this was the only bank to use this combination in Series of 1875) 20-20-50-100 Original Series Apr 8, 1864 First NB Philadelphia PA 1 1 36 red Mar 12, 1869 N Park B New York NY 891 2662 25982 May 12, 1869 Germania NB New Orleans LA 1591 1 W25990 red Aug 7, 1875 First NB Auburn ME 154 720 W58637 20-20-50-100 Series of 1875 Dec 30, 1875 Germania NB New Orleans LA 1591 1 Al Apr 23, 1900 Second NB Reading PA 2552 600 A30145 50-50 Original Series Dec 28, 1865 Cumberland NB Bridgeton NJ 1346 1 519 blue Jun 10, 1868 Easton NB Easton PA 1233 650 2274 Jun 27, 1870 Easton NB Easton PA 1233 651 B2275 blue Jul 10, 1875 First NB Lexington KY 760 1600 B11309 50-50 Series of 1875 Dec 24, 1875 First NB Lebanon PA 240 1 Al Nov 3, 1899 First NB Newton IA 2644 1525 A23471 (last sheet issued to this bank was 1321-A23267) 50-100 Original Series May 10, 1864 First NB Washington DC 26 1 64 red Aug 13, 1875 Cheshire NB Keene NH 556 710 614954 50-100 Series of 1875 Oct 5, 1875 Merchants NB Albany NY 1045 1 Al Oct 7, 1901 Exchange NB Atchison KS 2758 200 A463264 (last sheet issued to this bank was 142-A463206) 50-100 Series of 1882 Brown Backs Sep 15, 1882 First NB Chicago IL 2670 1 Al Jun 2, 1900 NB Newburgh NY 468 3286 A1000000 Jun 2, 1900 NB Newburgh NY 468 3287 B1 Mar 23, 1908 First NB Delta PA 4205 1994 8639318 (last sheet issued to this bank was 1943-B639267) 50-100 Series of 1882 Date Backs Aug 5, 1908 Garfield NB Nov 1, 1910 B of Pittsburgh N Asso. 50-100 Series of 1902 Red Seals Sep 9, 1902 First NB Oct 20, 1908 First NB of Porto Rico New York NY 2598 1 Al Pittsburgh PA 5225 2900 A167461 Chicago IL 2670 1 Al San Juan PR 6484 847 A424681 Page 224 Date Bank City State Charter Paper Money Whole No. 119 Bank Treasury Serial Serial 50-100 Series of 1902 Date Backs Jun 22, 1908 North Vernon NB North Vernon IL 9122 1 Al Nov 19, 1910 Continental and Commercial NB Chicago IL 2894 28344 A433013 50-50-50-100 Original Series Aug 8, 1864 Merchants NB Boston MA 475 1 78 red Feb 16, 1869 NB Pawling NY 1269 150 10851 Jun 30, 1869 Bristol County NB Taunton MA 766 251 P10852 red Jul 27, 1875 Farmers NB Lancaster PA 597 1112 P30257 50-50-50-100 Series of 1875 Dec 3, 1875 Merchants NB Boston MA 475 1 Al Aug 1, 1884 Bristol County NB Taunton MA 766 388 A26474 (last sheet issued to this bank was 380-A26466) 50-50-50-100 Series of 1882 Date Backs and Value Backs (records lost. Serial Al was printed in 1910, and the last sheet with treasury serials was printed Aug 27, 1921, and had an A prefix. Value backs were printed between 1919 and 1920) 50-50-50-100 Series of 1902 Date Backs and Blue Seal Plain Backs Oct 27, 1910 Merchants NB Burlington IA 1744 1 Al (records lost, the following incomplete entries are from a Bureau of Engraving and Printing diary) Dec 8, 1922 A1000000 - B1 Aug 22, 1925 First NB Kingsburg CA 8409 unknown B141584 (both Date and Plain backs were being printed simultaneously from 1915 until 1926) 100-100 Original Series Oct 11, 1864 First NB Cincinnati OH 24 1 85 red Feb 27, 1869 Naumkeag NB Salem MA 647 350 6282 May 12, 1869 Philadelphia NB Philadelphia PA 539 1576 N6283 red Jul 31, 1875 First NB Cincinnati OH 24 3210 N 17387 100-100 Series of 1875 Dec 13, 1875 Fairfield County NB Nowalk CT 754 1 Al Jul 8, 1891 First NB Fort Smith (last sheet issued to this bank was 101-A10852) AR 1950 115 A 10866 500 Original Series Oct 14, 1864 Merchants NB Boston MA 475 1 92 red Feb 1, 1869 Merchants NB Boston MA 475 640 11003 Jun 14, 1869 Blackstone NB Boston MA 514 281 M11004 red Jun 21, 1875 Appleton NB Lowell (last note issued was 293-M17800 to the N Webster B. Boston, MA (1527)) MA 986 639 M18107 500 Series of 1875 Dec 29, 1875 Citizens NB Baltimore MD 1384 1 Al Aug 1, 1884 Bristol County NB Taunton MA 766 46 A4086 500-500-500-500 Original Series Apr 22, 1865 NB Commerce New York NY 733 1 120 red Mar 6, 1875 NB Commerce New York NY 733 575 694 500-500-500-500 Series of 1875 Feb 27, 1882 NB Commerce New York NY 733 1 Al Sep 18, 1882 NB Commerce New York (this was the only bank to use the 500-500-500-500 combination) NY 733 95 A95 500-1000 Original Series Nov 28, 1863 Ninth NB New York NY 387 1 113 red May 20, 1868 NB Commerce Boston MA 554 204 2257 Oct 15, 1870 NB Commerce Boston MA 554 205 K2258 red Jun 10, 1875 NB Commerce Providence RI 1366 80 K2741 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Date Bank City State Charter Bank Serial Page 225 Treasury Serial 500-1000 Series of 1875 Dec 4, 1876 First NB Salem MA 407 Al Apr 1, 1884 NB Commerce Boston MA 554 100 A 1902 500-500-500-1000 Original Series Feb 19, 1866 Western NB Philadelphia PA 656 1 134 red Feb 19, 1866 Western NB Philadelphia (this is the only printing from this plate combination) PA 656 12 145 1000 Original Series Nov 28, 1864 Fourth NB New York NY 290 1 106 red Sep 7, 1867 Merchants NB Boston MA 475 270 951 Dec 6, 1871 Merchants NB Boston MA 475 271 L952 red Apr 18, 1874 Forth NB New York (only five banks issued this combination) NY 290 500 L1351 1000-1000-1000-1000 Original Series Apr 22, 1865 NB Commerce New York NY 733 1 127 red Mar 6, 1875 NB Commerce New York NY 733 575 701 1000-1000-1000-1000 Series of 1875 Nov 7, 1877 NB Commerce New York NY 733 1 Al Nov 7, 1877 NB Commerce New York NY 733 125 Al25 (this was the only bank to use the 1000-1000-1000-1000 combination, only one printing for Series of 1875) 20 Original Series (printed from 10-10-10-20 plates) Oct 14, 1873 North NB Boston MA 525 6401 X22 blue no day 1875 Syracuse NB Syracuse (last note issued to this bank was 3205-X35408) NY 1341 4300 X36503 20-50 Original Series (printed from 10-10-20-50 plates) Jan 15, 1874 First NB Cincinnati OH 24 9601 K85 blue Oct 30, 1874 First NB New York NY 29 5000 K4406 50 Original Series (printed from 50-100 plate) Sep 11, 1874 Central NB New York NY 376 8971 A22 blue Jul 21, 1875 Central NB New York (this was the only bank to use this variety) NY 376 11670 A2721 50-50-100 Original Series (printed from 10-50-50-100 plate) Feb 17, 1874 Kensington NB Philadelphia PA 544 251 A71 blue Feb 17, 1874 Kensington NB Philadelphia PA 544 550 A370 (only one printing, see 10-50-50-100 Original Series entry) If you become really interested in printing dates, especially the popular combinations such as the 5 5 5 5 and 10-10-10-20, you will find it useful to plot, for a series of particular interest, its serial numbers against time on a piece of graph paper. Connect the points with a smooth curve and you can now accurately esti- mate within a couple months when any particular serial was printed. There are lots of other uses for these data. I am sure you will discover some and have a good time using them. REFERENCES CITED Huntoon, P., "The rare 1882 denomination reverse $50 and $100 notes" : PAPER MONEY, v. 10, 1971, p. 56-58. Huntoon, P., "The types of the 1882 and 1902 National Bank notes" : PAPER MONEY, v. 12, 1973a, p. 13-18. Huntoon, P., "The types of the 1882 and 1902 National Bank notes" : PAPER MONEY, v. 12, 1973b, p. 88-89. Huntoon, P., "Evolution of treasury serial numbering on National Bank notes" : PAPER MONEY, v. 23, 1984, p. 181-185. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Enthusiastic and cooperative personnel in both the National Archives and Bureau of Engraving and Printing helped me access the data sum- marized in this report. William Sherman of the National Archives looked up entries that I either missed or incorrectly copied. He gave these data priority in his work schedule so that you could have the most complete compilation possible as soon as possible. My colleages William Raymond and John Hickman are acknowl- edged for sincerely sharing enthusiasm, excitement and interest in these results. Their camaraderie gives encouragement, life and meaning to my work and their support is long overdue for acknowledgement. ■ Page 226 Paper Money Whole No. 119 American Bank Note Co. Loses USPS Contract "American Commemorative Panels" Now Produced by Jeffries Banknote Co. T HE U.S. Postal Service (USPS) hascontracted with the Jeffries BanknoteCo. of Los Angeles to produce the American Commemorative Panels (ACP), beginning with the first four released in 1985, Nos. 237-240. The "panels" are 8 1/2 x 11 pages devoted to a new stamp issue, with a block of four of the stamps, background information and prints of complemen- tary steel engravings; the engravings, of course, are the syngraphist's primary interest, since they are derived from the printer's bank note history. USPS thus ended the involvement of the American Bank Note Co., which had produced the series since its inception in 1972. Correspondence with Dickey B. Rustin, acting general manager of the Philatelic Marketing Division of USPS, elicited the following statement dated April 29, 1985: "The contract with American Bank Note Company to pro- duce these panels expired in 1984, and the contract to produce the 1985 panels was awarded to Jeffries Banknote Company on a competitive bid basis. Both companies responded to our in- vitation to bid on the 1985 contract, and both were judged to be capable of producing a product meeting our specifica- tions—including the use of intaglio printed vignettes. Jeffries was awarded the contract because their bid price was lower than the American Bank Note's bid. The printing of the intaglio vignettes is done on the contractor's premises with the same printing equipment used for the printing of other security items." A press release from Jeffries printed in the June 29, 1985 edi- tion of Stamps magazine carried this information : "To personalize this year's collection, the engravers at Jeffries Banknote Company searched through their extensive 90-year- old archives for just the right engraving to complement the stamp. In addition, the company worked with students from USC's School of Journalism to research and write an informa- tive description of the stamp subjects. Lastly, they coordinated with the Minnesota Diversified Industries, a private corporation which provides employment opportunities for disabled indi- viduals, to add the final touch of hand mounting the stamps on the panels." In this reviewer's opinion, it is rather foolhardy of Jeffries to boast about their 90-year-old archives in view of the depth of the 19th century archives of American Bank Note and its roots in the 18th century. Ninety years ago the heyday of bank note en- graving, especially for private banks, had long passed. Jeffries is noted more for stock certificates and related security paper than for its bank notes and stamps. (A worthy project for specialists would be the researching of Jeffries' postal and currency prod- ucts to establish just what direction connections their archives can yield for the design of future commemorative panels.) (It is known that they printed a long series of engraved stamps for Panama picturing Popes; they are unlisted by Scott because of what is considered the "black blot" character of the series.) A random sampling of vignettes used on the first one hundred or so panels (see "Sources of Information" below) reveals the antiquity of the vignettes, their possibilities for matching-up with currency and stamps, and their distinguished origin, many hav- ing come from pioneer bank note concerns that merged into American Bank Note in 1858 and 1879: No. 1, Wildlife, 1972—The deer vignette is found on the $2 note of the Northwestern Bank, Warren, Ohio and on the 1 proprietary revenue stamp of the Union Match Co. No. 41, Christmas, Currier & Ives design —The ship "City of Hartford" engraved by Danforth, Wright & Co. was used on a note of the Orange Bank of Indiana, 1854; the "sleighing" vignette was done by Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Co., ca. 1832-34. No. 42, Christmas —The vignette "Thunder and Lightning" was done by James Smillie for American Bank Note in 1877 and used in 1887 on a stock certificate for the Cincinnati Gas Light & Coke Co. No. 43, Benjamin West —The vignette "Benjamin West" was engraved by Draper, Toppan, Longacre, ca. 1835-39 and used on a $1000 note of the Bank of the United States. No. 66, Benjamin Franklin —The vignette of In- dependence Hall was done by Bald, Cousland & Co., ca. 1853-58, and used on a diploma for the Yorktown Centennial Celebration of 1881. No. 67. Signing of the Declaration of Independence — The vignette of that event was engraved by Charles Toppan, 1840. No. 68, Olympics 1976—The vignette of the Acropolis was done by Charles Skinner for American Bank Note and used on a note of the Banque Nationale de Greece. No. 81, Peace Bridge —The beaver vignette was done by Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, 1847-58 and used on a Bank of Toronto note, 1892. No. 91, Captain Cook—The coconut palm vignette, done by the National Bank Note Co., ca. 1869-79, was used on a $50 gold note of the Republic of Hawaii. No. 102, American Trees —James Smillie worked over the Bald, Cousland die "The Palm" for use on an Imperio do Brazil note of 1877. One would assume that for the initial offering, Jeffries would have tried to use similar engraved vignettes to please the match- up collectors. However, such match-ups do not seem feasible with the vignettes described below. If Jeffries is to maintain the iconographic style established by American Bank Note Co., it may have to resort to modern versions of period-style art. The question then arises, does it, or indeed does any modern con- cern, have the artisans capable of emulating the bank note style of the Smillies, Toppan, Delnoce, and other engravers of the past? by BARBARA R. MUELLER, NLG • 4, 11.111.1, 941444i11Q• ,1111131IFF C4414,144,1161, • 444 ***** ..44 ****** ...... "ekes ...... a ....... ■■•••• CON,CR.V.,11•Oh• 8<.; e+.4 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 227 avaaxis. 5.1594414 A ERICAN CO E °R•INES American commemorative panel number 1, with the deer vignette definitely attributable. See text for details. Can anyone match up the other two? In view of the recently proclaimed financial crisis in USPS and its consequent curtailment of philatelic promotion, and even cancellation of a scheduled 14t Seasons Greetings stamp and a souvenir card for National Stamp Collecting Month for 1985, it can scarcely gamble with the popularity and quality of its ACP series if sales are to be maintained. In the words of a Coin World article of July 31, 1974, "The American Bank Note Co., . . was portraying vivid Americana in steel-engraved vignettes on its products long before the advent of the camera and more modern means of graphic reproduction . .." These vignettes and their relationship to philately and syngraphics are responsi- ble for the success of the ACP series. Random, derivative, period-type art of modern origin may well spoil that success. Description of the Vignettes on the First Four Jeffries Panels No. 237, Jerome Kern —three vignettes, the first, a modern cowgirl with a rifle, the second, a street lamplighter scene and the date 1886, and the third, a group of people in period costumes boarding what would seem to be a show boat. The last one appears to be primarily an etching, with some of the figures in outline form only. The "JBCo" copyright symbol appears on the first two, but not on the third. No. 238, Mary McLeod Bethune —three vignettes, the first is the seal of Bethune-Cookman College, the second an etching of a log cabin scene, and the third a copyrighted eagle against a shield over crossed quill pens and an acorn. Compared to 35% OFF Normal Coach Fares INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY CONVENTION Sponsored by The Society of Paper Money Collectors NOVEMBER 14-17,1985 HYATT-CHERRY HILL, CHERRY HILL, NJ We've made attending this conference as simple as possible. A special CONVENTION DESK* has been staffed with responsible, knowledgeable coordinators who will handle all the details of your conference ... and we have also provided you with a special unlisted toll-free telephone number to call our CONVENTION DESK. * Transportation ... As official airline, Eastern will be handling your air travel arrangements ... even if you do not live in a city served by Eastern ... just call our toll-free number and we'll book you on Eastern or the airline of your choice. Fares ... Eastern will guarantee a Group Discount of 35% off the full day coach fares for individuals traveling roundtrip on Eastern from many cities within the continental United States. To qualify, reservations must be booked through Eastern's special CONVENTION DESK. In certain instances, even greater discounts may be available with restricted availability. Residents outside of the continental United States should call their nearest Eastern office for the best applicable fare. Ticketing ...After you have reserved your flights you may purchase your tickets from your local Travel Agent, any Eastern Ticket Office or we will mail them directly to you along with an invoice for payment. Regardless of where you choose to pay for your tickets, call Eastern's CONVENTION DESK now to reserve your flights. Other Services ... Our convention coordinators will also provide you with information on your meeting ... suggest things to do and see during your free time ... make car rental reservations . . . and arrange for pre and post-convention tours. REMEMBER CALL 800-468-7022 (in Florida 800-282-0244) • Convention Desk Sales Hours: 9:00 AM-8:00 PM. Mon.- Fri. Eastern Time. TO MAKE YOUR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS REFER TO EASY ACCESS NUMBER: EZI1P19 ...01 117 Al V:.AO' EASTERN Page 228 Paper Money Whole No. 119 the great eagles that came from the burins of the 19th century engravers, this one appars to be a lifeless, stuffed bird in my opinion. No. 239, Duck decoys —The largest amount of space is taken up by what seems to be an uncopyrighted woodland scene of a cabin beside a body of water with a duck in flight and two in the water; those waterborne birds are crude in execution and the entire scene is very dark and murky. A second vignette consists of three ducks, or they may be decoys; from the lifeless eyes it is difficult to tell the difference. The only copyright vignette on this panel is one of an Indian chief with head dress. No Running Antelope he, but still passable. No. 240. Special Olympics —In addition to a lithographed logo of the Games, there are two small vignettes, one of a skater facing directly forward and another of a skier and his instructor. A large vignette across the bottom of the panel consists of the two hemispheres of the globe resting on typical bank note scroll- work. Sources of Information on Commemorative Panels Two organizations have embraced the panels in their spheres of interest, The Essay-Proof Society and the Souvenir Card Col- lectors Society (SCCS). Articles on them can be found in The Essay-Proof Journal, Nos. 126-127 (Spring and Summer 1975) , 139 (Summer 1978), 143 (Summer 1979), 145-46 (Winter and Spring 1980), 149 (Winter 1981), 151 (Summer 1981) and 163 (third quarter 1984). The references to Journals 139-151 are to actual listings of the origins and previous uses of the vignettes on approximately the first hundred panels as fur- nished directly by American Bank Note Co. Various issues of the SCCS Journal have also carried references to the panels. A formal listing of the panels has been included in Scott's U.S. Stamp Catalogue Specialized, although the listing in the 1985 catalogue appears to be a perfunctory afterthought on the second-to-the-last page, entirely out of normal sequence. In- deed, it is merely a repetition of the listing in the 1980 edition, which covered issues into 1979. The future of the listing in the hands of Amos Press, new owners of the Scott catalogues, is unknown at this writing. At any rate, its continuation or deletion will have a definite impact on the demand for the panels, as will Jeffries' future performance.* ■ 'An up-to-date listing with rather unrealistically high valuations is in- cluded in the USPS annual publication, The Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps, available at most post offices. AT YOUR BANK ASK FOR AND THEN USE $2 BILLS Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 229 Torrey & Mead Notes of Manchester, New Jersey by WILLIAM S. DEWEY A BACKGROUND story and listing of the Samuel W. andWilliam A. Torrey obsolete notes of 1861 was serializedin four issues of PAPER MONEY during 1983. The July-August edition pointed out (pages 173 and 174) that the original partnership was changed in late 1862, or thereabouts, to William A. and his younger brother, John Torrey. Jr. Shortly after that, a third partner. Solomon H. Mead, was taken into the firm. This third partnership was dissolved as of July 31, 1865, leaving William Torrey to continue the store business on his own. As previously defined, a series of notes was issued by the ori- ginal partners, Samuel W. and William A. Torrey. A listing of those notes was covered in the November/December issue of the magazine (pages 274 and 275). What was not known at the time of publication was whether any notes of the other partner- ships were either issued or known to exist. Justification for a current update of the Torrey currency story is that a 25 cent note of the Torrey and Mead combination has just recently surfaced! Even more astounding is the fact that the note was contemporaneously altered to indicate the dissolution of the Torrey & Mead operation ! We are now assured that the Torrey-Mead partnership did, indeed, issue (1) at least one de- nomination of currency, and (2) altered some, at least, to indi- cate a final change in ownership of the business. Unfortunately. the only specimen of that rare note is in badly deteriorated condition. A double size enlargement of the piece reveals that it was originally printed for the firm of Torrey & Mead, of Manchester, New Jersey. It was made payable in mer- chandise at the Torrey store, in the same manner as the S.W. & W.A. Torrey currency that preceded it. The date on the note, as printed, is July 1st, 1863. E. Wetzler, of 100 William Street, New York City, did the engraving work and printing. W.A. Wescott signed the note as "Agent" for the company. As with so many other issues of the period, the reverse side is blank. Careful inspection of the double-size illustration reveals the following important alterations, done in red ink, and now almost indiscernable : 1) The words "& MEAD" are partially obliterated by four straight lines. 2) Above the "T" in "TORREY" is the name abbreviation "Wm." in script, just barely noticeable. 3) Atop the "J" of "July" a script "a" appears, while over the "Iy" a script "g" is seen. 4) A "5" is inscribed by hand on top of the "3" in the printed date "1863". The significance of the above changes is at once evident, and in line with the story details published in 1983. The first two items bear out the contract that broke up the Torrey-Mead part- nership leaving William Torrey to continue the business alone. (See page 174 of the July/August 1983 issue). The contract, bearing a date of August 1, 1865, provided for dissolving the tri- party ownership as of July 31st of that year. Thus, currency issued by William A. Torrey, alone, would be expected to date no earlier than August 1st of 1865. Items 3 and 4 above validate that date. Finally, the printed date of July 1, 1863 is unquestionably the start-up date of the partnership that associated Solomon Mead with the Torrey brothers in the store. Until now, no evidence of that kind was forthcoming. John Torrey, it will be recalled. had replaced brother Samuel in the business late in 1862 (PAPER (Continued on p. 243) 1 1 L2,0100, j.: 02 I: \ITO CtS, // 4 ', Vie:, V /40 y y V t■4 T. 1 T. f tAl f",4111)1. 230 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States, the Confederate States and Canada by RICHARD T. HOOBER (Continued from PM No. 118, Page 183) MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON— ATLANTIC & ST. LAWRENCE RAILROAD 1. 1.00 No description. R7 BOSTON— SUFFOLK RAILROAD 2. 3C (L) 3. (R) CENTS. Date—None. Imprint — None. R6 SALEM— SALEM & SOUTH DANVERS RAILROAD This road was presumably a forerunner of the Salem & Lowell Railroad, about two miles in length. Following association with the Boston & Lowell Railway, it was to become part of the Boston & Maine. 3. 2C (C) Horse drawn car facing left, between 2s. R7 4. 2C (C) Horse drawn car facing right, between 2s. Date—None. Imprint —None. R7 Massachusetts No. 3. SPRINGFIELD—WESTERN RAILROAD The company was composed of the Western of Massachusetts, chartered February 15, 1833, and the Albany & West Stockbridge, of New York, chartered May 20, 1836. Construction began in 1837, and the road was opened to Springfield from Worcester, October 1, 1838. The line was completed September 12, 1842, and was leased in perpetuity. The road was extended to the harbor at East Boston, through purchase of the Grand Junction Railroad in 1866, which connected with the Boston & Worcester in 1856. The Springfield & North Eastern Railroad was purchased in July 1880. These various lines were finally leased to the New York Central System. 5. 10c Type-set, red 10s in upper corners. R3 6. 20C Similar to No. 5, except for denomination. R3 7. 25C Similar to No. 5, except for denomination. R3 'totem gait . loat Office, .1‘;71;4l; 0,1•1 .,Sff Olobt It, Won, PAY itEARElt IlLREOP at Specie at the current market value, or in current funds whvn Cheeks of this corporation in sums or cccu dollars, Western Rad Road Corporation, by Aux Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 231 8. 50Q Similar to No. 5, except for denomination. Date—Oct. 1, 1862. Imprint —None. R4 Massachusetts No. 5. MICHIGAN ADRIAN —ERIE & KALAMAZOO RAILROAD BANK The road was proposed by Dr. Samuel O. Comstock of Toledo, Ohio. It was granted a charter on March 26, 1835, and when completed ran from Toledo to Adrian, a distance of 33 miles. 1. 25C 2. 25C 3. 500 4. 1.00 5. 1.00 6. 1.00 7. 1.25 8. 1.50 9. 1.75 10. 2.00 11. 2.00 (L) Cherbu, 25 above and below. (C) Train, between 25s. (R) Venus, eagle above, riverboat below. R6 (L) Train, 25 above and below. (C) Female, eagle, between 25s. (R) Washington, eagle above, train below. R6 (L) Farmer, livestock, 50 above and below. (C) Train, between 50s. (R) Franklin, eagle above, train below. R6 (L) Train. (C) Indian, train, 1 left. (R) Female at column, 1 above and below. R5 (L) Harrison, ONE above and below. (C) Female seated, between Is. (R) Train, ONE above and below. R4 (L) Anchor, bales, 1 above. (C) Ships. (R) Taylor, 1 above. R1 No description. 50(L) Train, 1 a above and below. (C) Man, eagle, 1 i500each side. (R) Washington, eagle above, train below. R6 Farmers, livestock, 1 lOo above and below. (C) Train, 1 a each side. (R) Franklin, eagle above, train below. R6 (L) Female at column, 2 above. (R) Indian, train, II in lower corner. R5 (L) Farmer honing scythe, 2 above. (C) Canal boat, train, rural scene, red TWO. (R) Lewis Cass, 2 above. R2 (To be continued) Paper Money Whole No. 119Page 232 MONEY IN MANY LANDS submitted by FORREST W. DANIEL I T WAS a quaint little old man whom I met some days ago in a little, foreign looking money changer's shop near Bowl- ing Green. He might have played Shylock without making up — patriarchal white beard and hair, keen black eyes and curved nose—but a very amicable and good natured Shylock I found him, with not a suggestion in his manner of any desire to exact even one ounce of flesh for the time I took in asking curious questions about the currencies of all nations. I found the old man peculiarly apt in the information I sought. He had handled money in nearly every capital in Europe. Good as Gold Everywhere "This," he said, as he picked up a Bank of England note, "is the plainest piece of currency to be found in any country in the world, and it is good for gold in any land under the sun where white men or yellow live." The Bank of England note is about five inches by eight in dimensions, and is printed in black ink on Irish linen water-lined paper, plain white and with ragged edges, which lacks the oily smoothness of our own bank notes. "It looks easy enough to counterfeit," remarked my ancient guard, "but, in fact, the Bank of England suffers as little from counterfeiters as any similar institution in the world. The notes are never reissued, but are burned as soon as they come back to the bank, and the paper is made for that sole purpose, and that is the greatest safeguard. In sending a note by mail or express the note is always cut in two and the halves sent separately. "The showiest currency to be found outside of China are the notes issued by the Banque de France," he continued, as he picked out a piece of paper that resembled a small show bill. The paper itself is white and water lined, printed in blue and black, with numerous mythological and allegorical pictures, and running in denominations from the twenty franc note to the 1,000 franc. "Not easy to counterfeit, but far from artistic," was the remark of the old man, as he pulled out a variety of Italian notes of all shapes, sizes and colors. The smaller bills—five and ten lire notes — are about the size and shape of our own old twenty-five cent "shinplaster" fractional currency, and printed on white paper in pink, blue and carmine inks, and ornamented with a finely engraved vignette of King Umberto. The larger notes are about the size of our "greenbacks," and are elaborately en- graved, but to my eye they are neither beautiful nor artistic. They are worth more away from home than they were a few years ago, though, owing to King Umberto's wise rule. "But here is your elaborate bank note," continued the old man, as he brought to light a gorgeous piece of paper about 4 inches by 10. It was the hundred ruble note of Russia. The note was barred from top to bottom with all the colors of the rainbow, blended as when thrown through a prism. In the center, in bold relief, stood a large, finely executed vignette of Empress Cather- ine I. This was in black. The other engraving was not at all intricate or elaborate, but was well done in dark and light brown or black inks. "The Russians look upon that as the height of artistic work," said Shylock, "and it has one merit. The paper is made by a secret process, and the note has never been counterfeited. It is also worth its face value in every capital in Europe and Asia. The smaller Russian notes, the twenty-five and fifty ruble bills, are about one-third smaller and not as gorgeously colored. The smallest denomination in Russian currency is five rubles, about $2.50 in United States currency. In Two Languages "Here is a peculiar bill, but a very good idea, I think," continued the money changer, as he showed me another bill. "This is from Austria, and, like all His Majesty Francis Joseph's currency, is in two languages. On one side it is Austrian and on the other Hungarian, for the benefit of the Magyars." The bill was printed on a light colored thick paper, which showed none of the silk fiber marks or geometric lines used in our currency, as protection against counterfeiting. But, like the German currency, each bill bears upon it a terrible warning to counterfeiters, threatening penitentiary confinement "to any one who shall make, sell or have in his possession any counter- feit or facsimile of this bill." The engraving is profuse with angel heads and artistic scroll work. The lowest denomination in cur- rency is the one florin, worth about forty cents of our money. The highest bill is the 1,000 florin note. The German currency is rather artistic. The bills are printed in green and black upon paper lighter than our gold certificates, and about an inch wider. They run in denominations from five marks to 1,000 marks. Their later bills are printed on the silk fiber paper. The Norwegians have a curious currency, but it is rarely seen here, because it circulates very little among the common people and the class that comes here as immigrants. These stick to their copper and silver coins and shun the little cinnamon brown bills of their government, which are about the size of our old "shinplasters." The Chinese paper currency is in red, white and yellow paper, with gilt lettering and gorgeous little hand drawn devices. The bills, to the ordinary financier, might pass for wash checks or prayer papers in a Joss house, but they are worth good money in the Flowery Kingdom. South American currency, in most countries, is about the size and general appearance of our own bills, except that cinnamon brown and slate blue are the prevailing colors and Spanish and Portuguese the prevelant languages engraved on the face. — New York Star. — Bismarck (N. Dak.) Daily Tribune, Feb. 19, 1890. ■ Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 233 Interest Bearing Notes 'AadTims Memphis is just a few weeks behind us as I write this. We are now gearing up for the SPMC-sponsored Cherry Hill Conven- tion November 14-17, and look forward to seeing many of you there. MEMPHIS 1985 From all indications, the 9th International Paper Money Show in Memphis, sponsored by the Memphis Coin Club, was a suc- cess. A total of 1,030 individuals registered for the 3-day show, and there were 35 exhibitors. Mike Crabb, show chairman, says plans are already underway for the 10th annual show, sched- uled for 1986. The SPMC Board of Governors met June 15, with several matters of interest and importance discussed: • We voted to increase 1986 membership dues to $15 from $12. While we were hoping to delay this, it was felt a small increase now would be easier than a larger one later. Printing and postage costs have increased, and we really have been late in increasing dues. So please bear with us! • We agreed to wait until after the SPMC Cherry Hill, New Jersey International Paper Money Convention in November to decide whether to affiliate with a show be- ing sponsored by the Professional Currency Dealers As- sociation in St. Louis in November of 1986. • We discussed activities for the Society's 25th Anniver- sary in 1986, and are considering holding a joint meeting with the International Bank Note Society in 1986 at the A.N.A. Convention in Milwaukee. • We discussed the possibility of reassigning authors for unfinished books in the Society's D.C. Wismer update series. Roger Durand is working on this and hopes to be in touch with authors soon, to check on their progress. • We approved a measure, proposed by Dr. Bernard Schaaf, to publish a list of stolen notes, including serial numbers, as a service to SPMC members and the hobby. The lists will be published separately from, but included with, issues of PAPER MONEY. Police and insurance reports should be submitted with the list of notes. An an- nouncement about this program was printed in the previous issue. Thanks to Bernie for proposing, and for initially agreeing to coordinate this program. • There was some discussion for about a souvenir card, and Mike Crabb was appointed chairman of a committee to examine the possibilities of producing a high-quality 1986 card at a lower cost to the Society. Following the Board Meeting, a general meeting was held. with a most interesting and humorous presentation by Bob Baby of Memphis about a collection of the world's worst condition set of Educational Notes. The judging of the exhibits for the SPMC Best of Show award resulted in a tie, with Gene Hessler and Mart Delger sharing the honors. Gene Hessler had an exhibit titled "Czechoslovak Designer Max Svabinsky: His Complete Banknotes Works." The five-case display had paper money, vignettes, stamps and other works of the late 19th and early 20th century designer. Mart Delger also received the first ever best-in-show exhibit award of the Fractional Currency Collectors Club for his exhibit titled "United States Fractional Currency Wide Margin Speci- men Proofs: Type Set with Selected Varieties. In six cases Delger displayed 40 pieces of fractional currency proofs with wide margins, including first issue postage currency issues. Some of the proofs displayed were printed on paper water- marked CSA captured aboard the Confederate States of America blockade-runner Bermuda. Friday night, before the Hickman & Oakes auction, an infor- mal SPMC cocktail party was enjoyed by many attendees. Hors d'oeurves and beverages were served. BOOK PROGRAM The Society's latest books (in addition to others) were avail- able at the SPMC table at the show in Memphis. The Pennsyl- vania book ($28 to members, $35 to non-members) has been selling well, and the newest addition to the series, Arkansas Ob- solete Notes and Scrip by Matt Rothert, was released at the show. Matt was on hand to do some autographing, which no doubt added to sales at the show. Due to a larger size than an- ticipated (258 pages!) the Arkansas book will sell for a bit more than we had planned— $17 to members and $22 to non- members. You can order any of the SPMC books, postpaid, from: R. J. Balbaton SPMC Book Sales Department 116 Fisher Street North Attleboro, MA 02760 A complete list of Society books is shown on the second page of this and each issue of PAPER MONEY. Order your books to- day and complete your sets of the SPMC books—or order the one you need for reference and research. DUES NOTICE-1986 You will find enclosed with this issue your dues notice for 1986. Please take a moment now to send in your 1986 dues; the annual dues, starting in 1986, are $15. Your cooperation in renewing promptly will help to minimize the cost of sending our "second notice" statements. As the increase was just passed in June, we thought it best to enclose it with this issue, while the subject was fresh in mind. • Pay your dues promptly. • Fill out and keep your 1986 membership card with your name and the year 1986. Your membership number ap- pears on your mailing envelope. • Check the mailing label and make any necessary correc- tions. Please print any changes and mail to Gary Lewis, Secretary. This is important so that we can keep the mailing list up to date and so you will continue to receive your magazine regularly. Page 234 Paper Money Whole No. 119 CHERRY HILL, NEW JERSEY CONVENTION Things are really shaping up for the International Paper Money Convention, sponsored by SPMC, to be held November 14-17, 1985 at Cherry Hill, New Jersey. At this point some dealer tables are still being sold (as I write this in late July), and final arrangements are being made for the program and activ- ities. Further details about the event are found elsewhere in this issue, including a tentative program schedule. With the many dealers in attendance, exhibits, educational programs, awards breakfast, auctions, BEP programs, etc., there will be plenty of things to see and do, and you will want to attend this important numismatic event if at all possible. For further information, con- tact William H. Horton, Jr., General Chairman, Box 293, Franklin, New Jersey 07416, or Wendell Wolka, Publicity Chairman, Box 366, Hindale, Illinois 60522. ELECTION OF GOVERNORS Your election ballot of SPMC Board of Governors was in- cluded with the July-August issue of PAPER MONEY, along with biographies of candidates. By now you should have re- turned the ballot, so it can be counted in Cherry Hill. New Board Members will take office then, and officers for the coming two years will be elected at that time by the Board. Ballots should be returned by November 1 to the Secretary, Gary E. Lewis, P.O. Box 4751, N. Ft. Myers, Florida 33903. Well, that's about all I have for now. I look forward to seeing many of you at the Convention in Cherry Hill in November! Recruitment Report If the Society of Paper Money Collectors is to remain a leader in the field of syngraphics, a moderate growth rate must be maintained. For the welfare of the society, everyone must get involved in recruitment. If every member recruited just one new member and each new member recruited another new member we probably would have the most influential organization in numismatics. In keeping with this recruiting objective, the top recruiters will be recognized in our bi-monthly magazine. Also, at the Cherry Hill meeting, an award will be presented to the top recruiter of the year. This award will be designated the Vice President's Plaque. The top individual recruiter and the top dealer recruiter will be honored with this award. Last 2 month period Total Sept. -Sept. Larry Adams 49 Collectors Ronald Horstman 8 Ronald Horstman 26 Robert Azpiazu 16 Dealer Richard Balbaton 7 Richard Balbaton 35 New brochures containing applications have been printed with space for the sponsor's number as well as his signature to facilitate the assigning of proper credit for sponsoring the new member. A supply of these new brochures can be obtained by contacting your "New Member Recruitment Chairman", Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, Mass. 02769. SECRETARY'S GARY LEWIS, Secretary EPOIET P.O. Box 4751 N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903 6970 Paul Kagin, P.O. Box 15, Des Moines, IA 50301; C&D. 6971 George Springer, 2427 Ninth Street SW, Canton, OH 44710; D, Obsoletes, Ohio Nationals, Books on Paper Money. 6972 Dino Evangalista, 27 Quail Point Pl., Carmichael, CA 65608; C, National Bank Notes. 6973 Howard Cohen, 46 Washington St., Charlestown, MA 02129; C, Fractional Large-size Type Notes. 6974 Samuel Kosko, Portsmouth Naval Hospital Staff, Portsmouth, VA 23708; C, Confederate States Currency. 6975 William Rodwell, P.O. Box 44, Florala, AL 36442; C, US & Foreign. 6976 Charles Moore, P.O. Box 4816, Walnut Creek, CA 94596; C&D, Canadian Banknotes. 6977 James Warmus, Box 1035, Burbank, CA 91507; C&D, Korea, Japan, Oil Producing Countries. 6978 John Davis Jr., 2705 Swiss Ave Dallas, TX 75204; C, Texas Republic/CSA/Savannah. 6979 Martin Oren, 6435 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19126; C, Large-size Notes. 5161 Jim Herald, 1759 Fiesta Ln. Green Bay, WI 54302; C, Small- size & MPC. 6980 William Calloway, 2602 Pecksniff Rd., Wilmington, DE 19808; C. 6981 George Ruskai, 588 Linden, Woodridge, NJ 07095; C, New Jersey Paper Money. 6982 Arnold Cowan, 35 Vista Del Golfo, Long Beach, CA 90803; C, Mexican Provisional Confederate. 6983 Charles Kesner, 318 W. Forest Ave. #204, Round Lake, IL 60073; C, Palestine, Egypt, Rhodesia. 6984 Tom Carson, P.O. Box 15565, Chattanooga, TN 37415; C&D, Chattanooga, TN. 6985 Martin Boehm, 7970 Bethelen Woods Ln., Springfield, VA 22153. 6986 Duncan Maclean, 421 Magsasoit Rd., Worchester, MA 01604; C, Anything 5' related. 6987 James Carlson, P.O. Box 6310, Rockford, IL 61125 ; C, Nation- al Currency. 6988 John Collopy, D54 Constitution Dr., Londonderry, NH 03053; C, General World Issues. 6989 Milwaukee Numismatic Society, 3385 Hidden Hills Dr., Brook- field, WI 53005. Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 235 COMING EVENTS PAGE - NATIONAL MEETINGS Cherry Hill, New Jersey — November 14-17, 1985. International Paper Money Convention, sponsored by the Society of Paper Money Collectors, Hyatt- Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Bourse, auction, educational and organizational meetings, SPMC Annual Meeting, Awards Breakfast, social activities. Bureau of Engraving and Printing will have displays, demonstra- tions, a souvenir card, and will be part of the educational program. Society activities: Saturday November 16 - 8:00 AM SPMC Board Meeting. Room to be an- nounced. Sunday November 17 - 8:00 AM SPMC Awards Breakfast. Room to be an- nounced. Speaker: Peter Cavecchia, Counterfeit Deterrent Division, U.S. Secret Service, Treasury Department. Tickets will be available at the convention. Sounds like a most interesting program! For general information about the Convention, contact: William H. Horton, Jr., P.O. Box 293, Franklin, New Jersey 07416. He also has hotel reservation cards. Send SASE before October 10, the cut-off date for discount rates. For Bourse Table Applications, contact: Paul Pfeil, 14 Roosevelt Drive, Ogdensburg, New Jersey 07439. For Exhibit Applications and Information, contact: Doug Moore, Exhibit Chairman, 46 Manor Drive, Dover, Delaware 19901. Auction Information: To receive auction catalogs and other information about the auction, contact the firm of: Hickman and Oakes, P.O. Drawer 1456, Iowa City, Iowa 52244. Page 236 Paper Money Whole No. 119 SPMC Annual Awards 1985 SPMC Awards will be presented at the Inter- national Paper Money Show in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, on November 16, 1985, as follows: 1 Nathan Gold Memorial Award. Established and formerly (1961-1970) presented by Numismatic News. Presented to a person who has made a con- crete contribution toward the advancement of paper money collecting. Recipients, who need not be members of SPMC, are chosen by the Awards Committee. 2. Award of Merit. For SPMC member (or members) who, during the previous year, rendered significant contributions to the Society which bring credit to the Society. May be awarded to the same person in different years for different contributions. Reci- pients to be chosen by the Awards Committee. 3. Literary Awards. First, second and third places. Awarded to SPMC members for articles published originally in Paper Money during the calendar year preceding the annual meeting of the Society. A. An Awards Committee member is not eligible for these awards if voted while he is on that committee. B. Serial articles are to be considered in the year of conclusion, except in case the article is a continuation of a related series on different subjects; these to be considered as separate ar- ticles. C. Suggested operating procedures: The Awards Committee chairman will supply each commit- tee member a copy of the guidelines for mak- ing awards. Using the grading factors and scoring points which follow, each member will make his selection of the five best articles published in the preceding year, listing them in order of preference. The lists will be tabulated by the chairman and the winners chosen. A second ballot will be used to break any ties. D. Grading factors and scoring points: a. Readability and interest —Is the article interestingly written? (20 points) Is it understandable to someone not a spe- cialist in the field? (10 points) Would you study the article rather than just scan through it? (10 points) b. Numismatic information conveyed —In your opinion, will the article be used by future students as a reference source? (20 points) Has the author documented and cross referenced his source material? Give credit for original research and depth of study. (20 points) Is the subject a new one, not previously researched, or a rehash? If it presents a new slant on an old subject, give proper credit. (20 points) The Julian Blanchard Memorial Exhibit Award was awarded at the ANA Convention in Balti- more. 1985 Awards Committee Steven Whitfield, Chairman Peter Huntoon Roman Latimer Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 237 sliON AL 13 113 t Sponsored by iLl‘ The Society of Paper Money Collectors NOVEMBER 14 - 17, 1985 HYATT - CHERRY HILL, CHERRY HILL, Nte NJ CONVENTION Page 238 Paper Money Whole No. 119 :cioN AL P A x-11-ESponsored by i? The Society of Paper Money ." O Collectors "1. NOVEMBER 14 - 17, 1985 41 1.. HYATT - CHERRY HILL, CHERRY HILL, toji NJ CONVENTION We invite you to attend the International Paper Money Con- vention in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, November 14-17, 1985. Your show committee has made every effort to provide you with a well-balanced and entertaining experience which you will not want to miss. Let's take a look at the various facets of the convention: Show Schedule The International Paper Money Conven- tion is a four day event with public hours for the bourse of 3:00 to 8:00 PM on Thursday, 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Friday and Saturday, and 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Sunday. Dealers will be allowed on the bourse one hour prior to public hours except on Thursday when they will be admitted to setup as early as 10:00 AM. Bourse The bourse will host many of the world's top profes- sional currency dealers. We will have participation by firms offering the entire spectrum of paper money and related collectables. Dealers interested in determining if bourse space is still available are urged to contact the Bourse Chairman, Paul Pfeil, 14 Roosevelt Drive, Og- densburg, NJ 07439 immediately. Exhibits A wide range of exhibits is anticipated from many of the world's top exhibitors. In addition, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing will have an extensive exhibit on display. Competitive exhibiting awards will be given and all exhibitors will also receive a complimentary awards breakfast ticket. Interested potential exhibitors should contact Exhibits Chairman, Doug Moore, 46 Manor Drive, Dover, DE 19901 immediately for further details. Educational Programs A concentrated effort is being made to make this convention a great educational ex- perience for collectors of all age and interest levels. Per- sons attending the convention will have the opportunity to hear experts discuss many varied subjects throughout the show. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing will have live engraver and printing demonstrations as well as special programs for young people from local schools. The following is the preliminary program schedule for the show: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th 9:00 a.m. Youth Program (local school students and public) Introduction & Light History—Gene Hessler 15 min. Robert Leuver, Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) et al 45 min. Counterfeiting and Security Deterrents (Engravers Display & Demonstration) 10:00 a.m. Exhibit of Spider Press, BEP Collection and Exhibits, and Tour of IPMC Exhibits 30 min. G. Hessler, D. Moore and BEP representatives 10:30 a.m. Opportunity for photos, autographs, souvenirs, etc. If time allows—Steve Taylor "How to Collect" 20 min. School Bus departs for return trip 11:00 a.m. FORUM "Hybrid Syngraphics" Vignettes—Dr. G. Jackson, Gene Hessler and Paul T. Jung 20 min. Souvenir Card Collecting—Robin Ellis 20 min. Editors & Publishers Roundtable: 45 min. Ted Uhl Barbara Mueller Margo Russell Chet Krause Cliff Mischler Robin Ellis Fred Schwan Beth Deischer Gene Hessler C. Coffing N. Aspen 1:30 p.m. LITTLE THEATER National Bank Notes of the Delaware Valley—Allan Hoffman Money & Playing Cards—Yasha Beresiner Obsolete Scrip—Wendell Wolka International—T. Uhl 30 min. - 45 min. 30 min. - 45 min. 30 min. - 45 min. 30 min. - 45 min. Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 239 9:00 a.m. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15th Youth Program (local school students and public) Introduction & Light History—Gene Hessler Robert Leuver, Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) et al Counterfeiting and Security Deterrents (Engravers Display & Demonstration) FORUM "History of Paper" Dr. Edmond Graminski, Chief, Office of Research & Technical Services, BEP Mutilated Currency—Rudy Villarreal, Chief, Office of Currency Standards, BEP LITTLE THEATER History & Collecting of Checks—Larry Adams Confederate Currency & The War—Grover Criswell, Robert Larkin, Ray Waltz Canada—Wm. McDonald, Ron Green, Jack Veffer International (Asia?) —Ted Uhl 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 15 min. 45 min. 45 min. 45 min. 30 min. 60 min. 30 min. 30 min. 10:00 a.m. Exhibit of Spider Press, BEP Collection and Exhibits, and Tour of IPMC Exhibits 30 min. G. Hessler, D. Moore and BEP representatives 10:30 a.m. Opportunity for photos, autographs, souvenirs, etc. If time allows—Steve Taylor "How to Collect" 20 min. School Bus departs for return trip SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th 9:00 a.m. BANK NOTE DESIGN— Leonard Buckley, Foreman of Designers BEP 45 min. Discussion G. Jackson, B. Mueller & G. Hessler 15 min. 10:00 a.m. Errors, Bobbles, Goofs—Error Society, R. Larkin & et al 30 min. Checks, Stocks, & Bonds—Larry Adams & R.M. Smythe 30 min. Military Payment Certificates & Emergency Money—Fred Schwann 30 min. 11:45 a.m. Wooden Money—Lois & John Mersello 30 min. 1:30 p.m. LITTLE THEATER BEP Presents Rudy Villarreal, Chief, Office of Currency Standards, BEP 30 min. Czechoslovakia—Gene Hessler 30 min. Bermuda Manifest—Nelson Page Aspen 30 min. 3:30 p.m. POT POURRI PAPER MONEY FORUM (All Clubs—All Speakers) Roundtable Discussion—Topics from audience (Includes R. Leuver, Representatives from, BEP, CCCC, SCCS, CS&B, SPMC, NSCA, CCRT, PMCM, WMC, CCNE, CPMS, IPNS, and others.) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17th 8:00 a.m. BREAKFAST Opening Remarks—Nelson Page Aspen Introduction of Speaker—Robert J. Leuver, Director of the BEP Speaker Peter Cavecchia, Counterfeit Deterrent Division Secret Service Dept. of Treasury 10:00 a.m. Comments—Wm. Horton, General Chairman Awards 10:30 a.m. Conference & Critique—Larry Adams Show Chairmen and SPMC Board Decisions for 1986 RI: )3 NPHILADELPHIA 00' 0 St, PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT opLtt StAt tio JERSEY WOMIII■11MMENIMIll Page 240 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Souvenirs of the Convention The Bureau of Engraving and Printing will issue a souvenir card for the convention as well as an engraving whose printing will be demonstrated on an antique "spider" printing press by Bureau personnel. A special postal station will also be at the show for collectors who wish to have souvenirs and other items cancelled with a special show cancellation. Auction A mail and floor bid auction of important syn- graphic properties will be conducted by the firm of Hick- man and Oakes during the convention. Further infor- mation may be obtained by writing to the firm at P.O. Box 1456, Iowa City, Iowa 52244. Accommodations and Travel Arrangements The Inter- national Paper Money Convention is being held at the Hyatt-Cherry Hill convention complex in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Cherry Hill is located directly across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Hyatt is a modern facility with 411 rooms, free parking, and several excellent restaurants. The complex is con- venient to both air and ground transportation, being lo- cated within twenty minutes of the Philadelphia Interna- tional Airport as well as near the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Turnpikes. Room rates are $59 for singles and $69 for doubles. For your convenience, a room reservation card is in- serted with this issue of the magazine. Eastern Airlines has been named the official carrier for the convention and will be offering special airfares to convention goers. Interested parties may contact Eastern Airlines by calling toll free, 1-800-327-1295 (in Florida 1-800-432-1217) between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM Mon- day through Friday. Be certain to mention the conven- tion's identification number EZ 11P19 when making res- ervations. For those of you driving, we have included a general map of the area along with some basic direc- tions: LOCATION From Philadelphia International Airport: Hyatt-Cherry Hill provides inexpensive limousine service from Philadelphia International Airport. Just call from the baggage claim area in any terminal building. Center City Philadelphia: Interstate 676, Ben Franklin Bridge, Exit at Route 70. North and South: Interstate 295, exiting at Route 70 West turnoff. Exit at Cuthbert Blvd. exits South and East to re-enter Route 70 East to Hyatt entrance. Other Activities A trip to Atlantic City is planned for Friday evening. Parties interested in going on this excursion should contact Steve Taylor, 70 West View Avenue, Dover, DE 19901 to obtain further details and to make reservations. A number of shops, restaurants, and other attractions are also in Cherry Hill and nearby Philadel- phia. Garden State Park, featuring thoroughbred horse racing, is right down the street from the hotel and will be in operation during the convention. All in all, we think that a good time awaits all convention goers. Y'all come see us November 14-17 in Cherry Hill, New Jersey! STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATIONI 39 II.S.C. 76851 , TITLE OF PUBLICATION PAPER MONEY IS. PUBLICATION NO 1 DATE OF FILING August 21, 19850 0 3 1 1 1 6 2 3. FREQUENCY OF ISSUE B1-Monthly SA. NO, OF ISSUES PUBL■SHEO ANNUALLY 6 3B. ANNUAL SUBSCRIFTION PRICE 12.00 A. COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS OF KNOWN OFFICE OF PUBLICATION oases Cr,, Counry, Mama. LIP Cod, (I. pr..) 1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 (Kent County) S. COMPLETE MAILING AOCRESS OF THE HEADQUARTERS OF GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICES OF THE PUBLISH. (Norp ,,,,,,, Rover Litho Printing Co., 1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 (Kent County) fi, FULL NAMES AND COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS OF PUBLISHER, EDITOR, AND MANAGING EDITOR (P. I,' Id. tar NOT . flank) Dover Litho Printing Co., 1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, De 19901 Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416, Oradell, N.S.07649 MANAGING EDITOR (Name and Complere Maine Add., Dover Litho Printing Ca., 1211 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 7. °INNER I. l f awned ...a . ad.. ../..... f:g7n71;:'" fI1 ler .1 FULL NAME COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS mhe cc sty 0 Per • oney o ec ors . ePGG . , ZITAIP2r5OVOMNalarovNMrcNga=„'sT.-slo84 8= " "'"'"' "E"E'T °" MORE T''' FULL NAME COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS NON 9. FOR COMPLETION BY NONPROFIT °ROA ATIONS AUTHORIZED rn MAIL AT SPECIAL RATES aerrion •23.12 OMIA only1 •.IIIII ex !no nem for F....11 incorn. Mt PIPPOS•• /0Tereir one, 121 q PWCEVINCVNN?1•YS ' q rVc7=72',?,gr% 1`„rf.;;;rr,==r"'"°""°"—" EXTENT AND NATURE OF CIROWATION TS'U'EV1,72R7.Fge:EE I NIT ILE% EIHNRSETTeiF8 A. TOTAL NO. COPIES (Me, ,,,m , G,, 2450 2600 V.74 ,a5,,i,=„55d5,,,,i5„...55. ,,Ando.....dororn5ruies 2187 2073 C. TOTAL PAID CIRCULATION awn of !OBI and .11.21 2187 2073 8'. Va2gt,arail=1,i,27P-rWPaEAz!— 20 20 E. TOTAL DISTRIBUTION awn of C and I31 2207 2093 rM2I.N.V.T2,.........,—sdnon g 243 507 2 Return nom N.e., Agent, 2450 2600 . I certifythat the statements made by me above ere correct and complete -N, .„7" SIGNATT ANC, TITLE OF 7ITOR, PUBLISHER, BUSINESS MANAGER, OR OWNER l. lt-,-cci-,- --t"--6'-----: ea Instructiomon teverse I Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 241 ENGRAVED SHEETS FOR MEMBERS A limited number of sheets —approximately 975— with engravings have been acquired from American Bank Note Company for exclusive sale to members of the SPMC. These 20 x 27 inch sheets have never been offered to col- lectors before. Printed in blue, these exquisite examples of the engravers art include a variety of portraits, vignet- tes and counters; they are suitable for framing. These beautiful sheets can be purchased, subject to availability, by mail or at the International Paper Money Convention (IPMC) in Cherry Hill, NJ. There will be a limit of two sheets per member. The cost at the IPMC will be $15 per sheet. Mail orders must include $2 for postage and handling. Mail orders will be acknowledged as received, but returned, if postmarked before 1 November 1985; membership number must accompany all orders. Send mail orders to: Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521. Page 242 Paper Money Whole No. 119 1,&-3 Editor's Corner O U O 0-J Unofficial Souvenir Cards The following will not be received favorably by some. Souvenir cards printed from intaglio-engraved plates created another, relatively inexpensive, field for collectors. For a few dollars it was possible to have an intaglio-engraved face or back, or both, of a note that was otherwise out of reach for most col- lectors. The continued issuance of these cards prompted the founding of the Souvenir Card Collectors Society (SCCS). There are coin, bank note, medal and stamp oriented groups, so, a society for souvenir card collectors was inevitable, and it serves this purpose. The society sparked interest in what is known as "forerunner" cards; this in turn stimulated a general interest in intaglio engraving—both were good for the hobby. Until a few years ago, collectors looked forward to the annual events that sponsored official, intaglio-engraved souvenir cards printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing or American Bank Note Co. (There are a few security printers capable of producing intaglio prints, but their archives do not include vig- nettes actually used on bank notes.) Then, some saw the creation of pseudo-souvenir cards as an avenue to reap some income. Now not a month goes by without some club or organization announcing that a "souvenir card" will be issued to com- memorate an anniversary, event or what appears to be merely a way to bring in some revenue. These cards, with few excep- tions, are nothing more than photographs of bank notes or stamps, printed on a card that resembles souvenir card stock ; more often than not the paper is more like writing paper. The inexperienced collector, eager to maintain a "complete" collec- tion, orders these offset, non-intaglio-printed items at a cost often similar to official cards. Sooner or later — I hope sooner— the collector discovers that it is impossible to keep up with this plethora of privately issued cards, and that quality is lacking in most. Perhaps the issuing club made a few bucks, but, many collectors, as a result, have been deceived and have possibly lost interest in all souvenir cards. For this very reason the SPMC has discontinued issuing intaglio-engraved cards produced by American Bank Note Co. Although there is no U.S. Government restriction in repro- ducing U.S. stamps in color, there is a broad restriction that applies to U.S. bank notes, and until the law is changed we must abide by it. The issuance of a photograph of a U.S. bank note, actual size, on a piece of paper with some copy that refers to the anniversary of XYZ Club does not fulfill any of the U.S. Secret Service requirements. It is not only deceptive: it is illegal. The influx of investors and speculators, a few years ago, damaged the coin field, and did a moderate amount of damage to the paper money community. This can be called outside in- terference. But, when dozens and dozens of clubs issue pseudo- souvenir cards, the damage comes from within. Perhaps the in- tent was naively honorable, but, if one looks at it objectively, pseudo-souvenir cards add nothing to the strength of the hob- by — they only weaken it. The souvenir card field could have remained healthy and continued in that state for many years, perhaps indefinitely, but, declining prices for many cards indicate otherwise. "The Plate Printers Union Local, at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, has announced (in the SCCS Journal of Spring. 1985) that, in a modest effort to encourage and stimulate the collecting and study of intaglio-printed souvenir cards, they have made available to the Souvenir Card Collectors Society 2,000 cards to be sold to collectors." (Editor's emphasis.) This should be the purpose of any souvenir card issue. In my opinion, all journals, when making an announcement concerning a privately-issued card, should specify that the card is not an intaglio-engraved card, and should make that assumption unless the issuer can prove otherwise. The collector needs accurate information and it is the responsibility of the journals, magazines and newspapers to dispense it. I sincerely hope that official intaglio-engraved souvenir cards continue to be issued, but, a total of six cards each year is sufficient. Letters to the Editor The article by Bob Cochran [in the March/April issue] proved very in- teresting. Such historical articles is what keeps me a member of the SPMC. Herman L. Boraker I applaud you on the continued excellent quality of our magazine. The several dozen of us "ragpickers" here in the St. Louis area always look forward to receiving it. . Bob Cochran New Issue The Central Bank of Egypt has put into circulation, on June 16, 1985. a new 25 piastre note. The previous 25 piastre note (P-33B) bears a hawk; the new note has an eagle. Face: Mosque of Alsayida Aisha: Back: eagle in a circle of geometric design, surrounded by cotton, maize and wheat; Colors: blue-lilac; Size: 70 x 120 mm; Watermark: statue of King Tut-ankh-amen, metal thread; Signature: Ali Negm, bank governor, who also signed 10 and 20 pound notes released on the same date. Ahmed Elseroui Cairo, Egypt Hamilton Bank Note Co. I found your own article on the Hamilton Bank Note Co. to be of par- ticular interest since I have for many years collected representative ex- amples of the work of each bank note company (including such firms as the Chemical Bank Note Co.). You have filled in some gaps for me and in return I'll add such data as I can from my collection. You state that the company was founded in 1880. According to their letterhead, the company was founded in 1881. In the early 1900s their address was 88 & 90 Gold Street. Later, when George C. Field was president, Hamil- ton Bank Note Engraving & Printing Co. was located at 142 Adams (i2,7eztaaetive, 7aeved nirrnin Azds5 tO dr,1111,1b., nen, . rnal‘n, funlity on an, n.onn, t.nnnk Innonn at in in, loon nf nin,trnn,,ortwi. `ma Gamins, natellnttin nun*, ducky Om, t,forenennr ntarted. In or rtnI nw nnnin'oCinntstenent71," Colorado Springs Coin Show July 6 & 7, 1985 Colorado Springs, Colorado Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 243 Street, Brooklyn, an address it apparently retained until the 1940s, perhaps until its liquidation. By the way, the August Seebeck you mention was vice president under Mr. Field, at least for a time. The firm did a wide variety of work in addition to that mentioned in your article. Your statement that "In 1948 liquidation took place; plates were sent to Security Bank Note Co. in Philadelphia" interested me most of all for I have a stock certificate printed by Security-Columbian Bank Note Co. and issued in 1972 which bears a vignette copyrighted by Hamilton. I guessed that Security-Columbian had obtained the plates but didn't know when. Arlie Slabaugh Ed. Note. The discrepancy in the founding date could differ as does the incorporation date. The letterhead for the HBNEP states that 1884 was the date of incorporation, the papers of which were actually finalized in 1885. The letterheads in both instances were probably prepared prema- turely, toward the end of the year. ■ Paper Money Exhibit Winners at ANA U.S. Paper Money: first place, Dr. Glenn E. Jackson, "U.S. Series of 1896 Educational Notes, Proofs and Essays"; second place, John Wilson, "Type Set of U.S. Ten Dollar Interest Bearing Notes"; third place, William H. Horton, Jr., "One Dollar Type Notes." Obsolete Paper Money: first place, Charles A. Fenwick, "Selected Two Dollar Michigan State Notes"; second place, Gerald L. Kochel:`Colonial Currency of Pennsylvania Signed by Adam Hubley— Patriot"; third place, Terry A. Bryan, "Milford, Delaware Paper Money." Foreign Paper Money: Howard M. Berlin, "Bank Notes of the British Mandate of Palestine"; second place, Gene Hessler, Twelve Bank Notes, Their Designs and Designers"; third place, Carlton F. Schwan, "Frankfurt Barter History." Latin American: first place, Winborne F. Springs, "Bank of Mexico Vignettes"; second place Arlie R. Slabaugh, "Familiar Scenes on Latin American Bank Notes." General or Specialized: second place, Robert W. Ross, III, "Declaration Signing Vignettes." Kurt Krueger Paper Money Award for Juniors: first place, Marc E. Modeen, "My Favorite Bank Notes." Julian Blanchard Memorial Award This prestigious award was bestowed on Dr. Glenn E. Jackson for his first place exhibit. This SPMC award recognizes a member who exhibits bank notes, proof notes, stamps, vignettes and related material as they relate to each other. ■ DEWEY, continued from p. 229 MONEY July/August 1983, page 174). Thus, he and older brother William A., were the partners that joined with Mead on July 1, 1863 to become a new tri-party operation. The "Agent" who signed the Torrey-Mead note, W.A. Wes- cott, appears to be of no special significance. He may have been merely a clerk in the store, or just possibly an employee of the Raritan & Delaware Bay Railroad, which was owned by the Torrey family at the time. Until and unless additional specimens of Torrey and Mead notes show up, a listing of the series, if there be such, will not be possible. Anyone with knowledge of those items can assist in that determination by making such evidence known. Mean- while, the present 25 cent note will be considered unique. BEP Exhibit and Souvenir Card Schedule The following numismatic-syngraphic events will be honored with an exhibit and souvenir card : International Paper Money Convention (IPMC), Cherry Hill, NJ, Nov. 14-17, 1985; Florida United Numismatists, Tampa, FL, Jan. 2-5, 1986; American Numismatic Association, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb. 19-23, 1986; International Paper Money Show, Memphis, TN, June 20-22, 1986 ; and American Numismatic Association (ANA), Milwaukee, WI, Aug. 5-9, 1986. At the IMPC in Cherry Hill, the ANA in Milwaukee and the International Philatelic Exhibition (Ameripex), Chicago, IL, May 22-June 1, 1986, a card bearing an intaglio engraving of the Liberty Bell, printed on the Spider Press, will be issued : the card will be printed in a different color at each show. "This engraving," said Robert J. Leuver, Bureau Director, "was first used in 1926 on a souvenir card that celebrated the sesquicen- tennial anniversary of the American Revolution." The price of each Liberty Bell card will be $15 at the shows and at the Bureau's Visitor Center, and $16.50 by mail. When ordering use the following numbers : IPMC, No. 418; Ameri- pex, No. 419; and ANA, No. 420. Send orders to : Mail Order Sales, Room 602-11A, Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Washington, DC, 20228. Cards will remain on sale for 30 days after the initial issue date. ■ Colorado Card The Colorado Springs Numismatic Society and The Colorado Springs Coin Club have issued an offset printed souvenir card, in limited quantity, for their jointly sponsored July 6 and 7. 1985 Colorado Springs Coin Show. This show has for several years been held in conjunction with the American Numismatic Association "Summer Seminar" held yearly in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The souvenir card, depicting a $1000 gold bond of "The Canon City and Cripple Creek Electric Railway Company", state of Colorado, can be ordered by sending $3.00 to G. Walton, Box 9833, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80932. A small number of the 1984 souvenir card are available also, at $4.00 each. The 1984 souvenir card depicts a $1000 gold bond from "The Colorado Midland Railway Company", state of Colorado. Paper Money Whole No. 119Page 244 .mon? koP mart Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 5C per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor. Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 416, Oradell, NJ 07649 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1, 1983 for Jan. 1984 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $1: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) WANTED: ILLINOIS NATIONALS AND OBSOLETES - Carmi, Crossville, Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Al- bion, Dahlgren, Omaha, New Haven. Pete Fulkerson, c/o The National Bank, 116 W. Main, Carmi, IL 62821 (127) WANTED: MACERATED MONEY: postcards and any other items made out of macerated money. Please send full details to my attention. Bertram M. Cohen, PMW, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116 (128) OLD STOCKS AND bonds. Send $2 for latest Mail Bid Cata- log & Sales Catalog. Also buying! Paying highest prices for beautiful and very old material. Railroads, oil companies, tele- graph, industry, government, etc. Especially need Western material. Also need pre-1890 checks with pretty vignettes. Also will trade. Send SASE for free appraisal. David Beach, Box 5488, Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 747-0929 (121) WANTED KOREA & SOUTH Korea banknotes. Example: all CU South Korea P30 1 won .75; P31 5 won 1.20; P32 10 won 6.00; P33 10 won .85; P34 50 won 25.00; P35 100 won 25.00; P36 100 won 15.00; P40 50 won 3.50. Namchong Cho, 726 Bode Circle #110, Hoffman Est., IL 60194 (121) I COLLECT CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii and all other Western stocks, bonds, checks, drafts. Please sell to me! Ken Prag, Box 531 PM, Burlingame, CA 94010 (phone 415-566-6400) (119) MASSACHUSETTS 1929 NATIONALS wanted from : Ab- ington #1386, Danvers #7452, Edgartown #7957, Haverhill #14266, Hyannis #13395, Lynn #697, Merrimac #268, Milton #684, Reading #4488, Spencer #2288, Springfield #2435, Stockbridge #1170, Webster #2312, Webster #13780, Whit- man #4660, Woburn #14033. Please send description and price. I will appreciate your help. Frank Bennett, Box 8153, Coral Springs, FL 33075. (119) KANSAS NATIONALS WANTED, collector seeks both large and small size, scarce and better condition Kansas bank notes. C. Dale Lyon. P.O. Box 1207, Salina, KS 67402 (122) ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED: Allendale #10318, Ben- ton #8234, Chester #4187, Dahlgren #7750, Fairfield #5009 & #6609, Johnston City #7458, Mt. Vernon #1996, New Haven #8053, Norris City #7971, Olney #2629, Wayne City #10460, Winchester #1484. C.E. Hilliard, 201 E. Cherry, Winchester, IL 62694 (217) 742-5703. (124) RED SEAL NATIONALS WANTED, Collector seeks Hi grade and scarce Third Charter Period Red Seal National Bank notes with emphasis on notes bearing serial #1, and notes from scarce states. C. Dale Lyon, P.O. Box 1207. Salina, KS 67402 (122) BUY-SELL-TRADE Uncirculated $1 FRN, 1963 to 1981A. One note to complete block sets. Rufus Coker, R#6 Box 218, Portland, TN 37148 (119) WEEPING WATER, NEBRASKA (#3523) Large nationals wanted. Notes signed by Thomas Murtey, Cashier. Send description and price to Mark Paden, 5600 Riviere Dr., Charlotte, NC 28211 (119) WANTED: OHIO NATIONAL BANK NOTES. Private col- lector, Lowell Yoder, Box 100, Holland, OH 43528, 419- 865-5115 (119) BUYING ALABAMA MATERIAL: NATIONALS, OBSO- LETES, checks, stocks, cards, North Alabama, Florence, Hunts- ville. Write Bob Whitten, 217 E. Irvine Ave.. Florence, AL 35630 (119) BANK OF CHARLOTTE (North Carolina) obsolete currency wanted. Also want Charlotte Branch issues of Bank of the State of North Carolina and the Bank of North Carolina. Send photocopy, description and price to Mark Paden, 5600 Riviere Dr., Charlotte, NC 28211 (119) NEW YORK NATIONALS WANTED. Athens, Catskill, Cox- sackie, Germantown, Hudson, Hunter, Kinderhook, Philmont, Tannersville, Windham. Send description and price. All letters answered. Robert Moon, Box 81. Kinderhook, NY 12106 (120) KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN NATIONALS AND NATION- ALS from Fishers, Indiana, Palestine. Texas and East Palestine, Illinois wanted. Specimen notes of Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia wanted. Jack Fisher, 912 American National Bank Building, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (119) WANTED VIRGINIA: Nationals, Broken Bank and Scrip. Send description. Corbett B. Davis, 2604 Westhampton SW, Roanoke, VA 24015. (128) WANTED: MAINE NATIONAL BANK AND OBSOLETE NOTES, Maine tokens. Describe and price or I will make offer. Donald Priest, 41 Main St., Fairfield, Maine 04937 (121) MISSISSIPPI NATIONALS WANTED: All notes wanted, large or small. Will consider trade offers. Describe and price. All inquiries answered. Don Rawson, Box 3418, Meridian, MS 39305 (122) WANTED, ALL OBSOLETE CURRENCY, ESPECIALLY GEORGIA, which I collect. Particularly want any city-county issues, Atlanta Bank, Georgia RR Banking, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe RR Banking, Bank of Hawkins- ville, La Grange Bank, Central Bank Milledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, -- Cotton Planters Bank, any private scrip. I will sell duplicates. Claud Murphy, Jr., Box 15091, Atlanta, GA 30333. - (125) AFRICAN, ARABIC BRITISH colonial banknotes on free lists. Quality older and newer issues in stock. Buying too! Milt Blackburn, Box 33917, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6J 4L7 (120) Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 245 WANTED: NETHERLANDS NEW-GUINEA BANK- NOTES FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION. Please send details of condition, denomination and date of issue. Will pay 30% above Pick catalog for any notes I can use. David G. Hanna, 895 Queen St. West, Toronto. Ontario, Canada M6J 1G5 (120) ICELAND, ICELAND. BUYING PAPER MONEY FROM ICELAND: P-1 to P-21, P-23 to P-26, P-30 and P-31. I collect them by signature variety. If you have any of these notes for sale, please send me some price lists and photocopies. K. Hall- clOrsson, Box 433. Hafnarfjordur, Iceland. (126) PRE-1900 WESTERN STATES and Territorial financial documents-buying and selling checks, drafts, certificates of deposit, warrants, receipts, stocks, bonds and revenue im- printed fiscal material. Vern Potter, P.O. Box 10040, Torrance, CA 90505-0740. (122) NORTH CAROLINA OBSOLETE CURRENCY AND SCRIP WANTED. Send description, photocopy if possible and price. Interested in single notes or accumulations. Jim Sazama, P.O. Box 1235, Southern Pines, NC 28387 (127) WANTED: LARGE AND SMALL SIZE NATIONALS from Hoopeston, Ill. #2808, 9425, 13744: Milford, Ill. #5149; Rossville, Ill. #5398, 9877; Potomac, Ill. #6824; Watseka, Ill. #1721; Ind. #9510. Write to Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken, Hoopeston, Ill. 60942 (121) FOR SALE: CONFEDERATE CURRENCY. Part of 20 year collection, many scarce varieties. Send SASE for listing. Michael Wheat, 158 Buford Place, Macon, GA 31204. (123) EASTMAN COLLEGE CURRENCY wanted. Also obsoletes with vignettes: Declaration Signing, Washington's Crossing. Drummer Boy, Five Presidents, Cowboys, Delaware Bridge. Matrimony. Robert W. Ross III, P.O. Box 765, Wilmington. DE 19899. (125) WANTED: WHITE PLAINS, CHAPPAQUA, MOUNT KISCO, SOMERS, NEW YORK NATIONALS. All other Westchester, Putnam Counties large, small, obsolete wanted. Send photocopy or description, price. Christian Blom, 2504 N . Quantico St., Arlington, VA 22207 (122) RADARS WANTED: Buy or trade for the following, 10011001; 10000001; 00011000; 15555551; 90000009; 90099009: 00099000; 99000099; 99900999. I have a varied selection of small size notes for trade. Michael Kane, Box 745, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. (121) CANADA 1923 $2 WANTED. Pick 34 a, c, f and h wanted in CU. Will purchase outright or have Canada notes to trade. Jack Fisher, Howard Professional Building, 171 Merrill St., Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (121) FLORIDA OBSOLETES, INCLUDING WORLD WIDE BANK NOTES ON FREE LIST. Quality older & new issues in stock. Buying too! H.J. Kwart, P.O. Box 414404, Miami, FL 33141. (120)PALESTINE NATIONALS WANTED FROM TEXAS, IL- LINOIS, OHIO etc. Want Kalamazoo, Michigan National and Jordan 1949 50 dinars. Jack Fisher, Howard Professional Building, 1711 Merrill St., Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (121) FOR SALE: F-86, clean crisp AU; F-1180, Fine. Make reason- able offer. Johnny O.. 211 Oak St., Hazlehurst, MS 39083. NATIONALS WANTED: LARGE AND SMALL - W.VA #6510 Madison; New York #2472 Salamanca; Penn. #253 Milton, #535 Erie, #9149 North East, #13871 Albion and any Erie County (PA) notes. Collector. John S. Clapp, 4006 W. 222nd St., Fairview Park, OH 44126 (121) MARSHALL, MISSOURI WANTED: First National Bank, Charter 2884. Notes, checks, photocopies, other information. Mike Coltrane, 1009 Burrage Rd., Concord, NC 28025 (123) MINNESOTA NATIONALS WANTED: Barnum, Big Lake. Braham, Carlton, Crosby, Deerwood, Elk River, Foley, Iron- ton, Isanti, Milaca, Moose Lake, Mora, Pine City, Princeton, Royalton, Swanville. Several others needed. Please let me know of anything you have for sale. All letters answered. Shawn Hewitt, 3900 Bethel Dr., Box 938, Saint Paul, MN 55112 (123) CHANGEOVER PAIRS WANTED in $1 SC 1935D Blocks VE, WE, XE, YE, AF, BF, CF, DF, EF, HF, IF, UF, KG, LG, MG, *B and *C. Please describe and price or send for my of- fer. Selling Starter Set of 5 different Blocks $1 SC 1935D Changeover Pairs in CU for $99.95. Graeme Ton, 203 47th Street, Gulfport, MS 39501 (120) BUYING UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT REVENUE Certificates dated between 1873 and 1885; please quote. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461. BUYING STAR NOTES: $1 1928-1935D, $5 Silvers 1934-1934D, all $10 Silvers, $2 and $5 USN 1928-1928G, $5-$100 FRNs before 1963. Circ to CU. Please write: David Klein, Box 120, Fairfield, CT 06430 (120) RARE SET PROOFS. PHILADELPHIA 1837, 25 & 50', slight foxing. Offers considered. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461 WANTED: CANAL BANK obsolete sheets in quantity. Please advise quantity available and price. Write before shipping. Christian Blom, 2504 N. Quantico St., Arlington, VA 22207 (119) WANTED UNCIRCULATED 1963, 1963A, 1969, 1974 $1 FRN block sets. Also need lot of notes with two or more zero endings. Pay cash or trade. Rufus Coker, R. #6, Portland, TN 37148 (124) WANTED PENNSYLVANIA NATIONALS: Belle Vernon #4850, North Belle Vernon #11995, Fayette City #6800, Fayette City #5646, Elizabeth #5114, Webster #6937. Charles Trenk, Box 241, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 (120) LOW NUMBER NOTES WANTED, large-size only, no na- tionals, describe and price. Fred Pitkof, 852 Kailas Court, Valley Stream, NY 11580 (124) MARYLAND NATIONALS WANTED: Salisbury Poco- moke City, Snow Hill, Easton, Cambridge, Federalsburg, Ches- tertown, Berlin, other eastern shore; large or small. Describe and price. Also southern Delaware and eastern shore Virginia (Onancock, Accomac, etc.). Robert Hastings, 9234 Prarie Ave., Highland, IN 46322 (122) NEW EGYPT, NEW JERSEY (#13910 & 8254) Nationals wanted. Any condition. Please write first. Dennis Tilghman, P.O. Box 2254, Princeton, NJ 08540 (128) JACK H. FISHER ADDRESS AFTER JUNE 1, 1985 will be Howard Professional Building, 1711 Merrill Street, Kala- mazoo, MI 49008 and requests friends, collectors, dealers and organizations to new address change. Replies to my other ad- vertisements use new address. (121) WANTED: A CU $1 FRN with serial number 00000055. Please indicate series and price. James E. Lund, Route 7, Box 726, Alexandria, MN .56308. op rao • y, 1'4 ///// /74,.// / -( / /7/ / • iRk i EV LV / ,/7/1-/ / CONE LIOKAR /-i/taV rzlrivitzt, 11 9,VENTY DOLLARS /. 4" tre” /////7X/ ‘///,/,//////, Page 246 Paper Money Whole No. 119 ARKANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP (258 pp.) by Matt Rothert, Sr. $17 to SPMC members, $22 to non-members Order from: R.J. Balbaton SPMC Book Sales Dept. 116 Fisher Street North Attleboro, MA 02760 acct no exp. date: mo. yr zip name address city state Use Thousands Of First-Time Offered Scrip Listings And Photos Just $27. 50 (plus postage) 1 Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip Of The United States To: Krause Publications 700 E. State St. Iola, WI 54990 ( ) Please send copy(ies). I've enclosed $27.50 per copy. ( ) Check enclosed (to Krause Publications) ( ) MasterCard/Visa signature Note: U.S. addresses please add $2 per copy for postage: non-U.S. addresses please add $4. ALE r Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 247 First Definitive Price Guide For All 50 States Depression Scrip Of The 30's Presenting The Standard Catalog Of Depression Scrip Of The United States By Ralph A. Mitchell And Neil Shafer * With 320 pages of scrip listings and historical data * Over 3,570 distinctive issues carefully described and attributed * Over 2,025 photos, with accompanying descriptions of color, size, signatories * Over 4,170 market values, each corresponding to a given grade and "state of existence." ... whenever a government fails to provide an adequate supply of currency or coin to maintain commercial trade, the people will step in and provide their own to fill the vacuum ... Here, in unprecedented detail, is a note-by-note look at how the people "stepped in" with scrip to help ease the monetary problems caused by the Great Depression. In just a short time this new catalog will reshape the scrip collecting hobby. Make certain you're in on the excitement. Order now. Credit Card Orders Call Toll-Free 1-800-258-0929 From 8 AM to 5 PM, CST krause y publications 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Here, How To Satigy Your Greate't Hobby Need Are you unhappy with the number of paper money articles in coin-related newspapers and magazines? If you are, chances are you're not getting all the paper money information you need. Good news. Your subscription to Bank Note Reporter will give you a monthly newspaper devoted exclusively to paper money, both U.S. and foreign. Bank Note Reporter will give you reports on auctions, new issues, upcoming shows, new publications, discoveries and new organizations. The historical features in Bank Note Reporter will take you back into history. You'll read about military currency, bonds, stock certificates, Confederate currency, world paper, state banknotes and U.S. large and small size notes. Plus you'll have plenty of photos, trustworthy advertising and a complete U.S. value guide. It can all be at your fingertips each month, when you subscribe to Bank Note Reporter. Be part of the excitement! Satisfy your need for paper money information with a subscription to Bank Note Reporter. Your Guarantee If for any reason you decide to cancel your subscription, simply drop us a note before you receive your second issue and we'll refund your entire payment. After the second issue we'll refund on all undelivered issues. Collectors saw it first, right here! Who broke the news about upcoming changes in U.S. currency? Bank Note Reporter! It's true. With the aggressive reporting of our full-time Washington Bureau, BNR was the first to present facts concerning the revamping of our notes. We scooped everyone, including other hobby publications, daily newspapers, and electronic media. When you join Bank Note Reporter you'll be part of a select group looking to every issue for fresh news. Make certain you have Bank Note Reporter for all the vital data affecting your hobby. Sign up now! Send your subscription request along with $11 for one year (12 issues) to: Bank Note Reporter, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990. ■ ode , \ IlAng, :,;,.4,1E11- tocchuaror p' Ong, 1,01111.;. ' Hobby reacts ' 21106.--- \ See Page 6 t -- ' - - ' 7...,..,-.40115i, Schedrla-ot— Standard paper. catalog ready Paper Honey Changes Hess ler book sees new ed 248 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 249 PUBLICATIONS ON OBSOLETE OR "BROKEN BANK NOTES" Arkansas (SPMC) Rothert $20 Alabama (SPMC) Rosene 13 District of Columbia Muscalus 1 Florida Cassidy (also incls. Nationals) 16 Georgia County & City Scrip, Ga. RR's, Ga. Local Notes Muscalus (3 works) 12 Indian Terr, Okla & Kansas (SPMC) Burgett 13 Indiana (SPMC) Wolka 13 Iowa (SPMC) Oakes 13 Kansas (See Indian Terr.) Louisiana Parish Scrip Muscalus 4 Maine (SPMC) Wait 13 Mass. Scrip Muscalus 4 Mich. (Durst) Bowen State Bank Notes & Early Mich. Scrip. Two books reprinted in one volume. Inc's. State note values 44 Mich. (Falater) New Discoveries & Valuations of all Scrip 4 Mich. (Bowen) Early Mich. Scrip (Orig) only 1000 printed 39 Minnesota (SPMC) Rockholt 14 Mississippi(SPMC) Leggett 24 Mormon (Rust) incls Utah, Iowa, Ill. & Mich. (Also incls. some coins and tokens) Excellent new work 33 Nebraska Owen 4 New Jersey (SPMC) Wait 14 New York (Durst) Wismer Reprint 19 North Carolina (Durst) Pennell 9 Ohio (Durst) Wismer Reprint 9 Oklahoma (See Indian Terr.) Pennsylvania (SPMC) Hoober 27 Pennsylvania (Durst) Wismer Reprint 15 Rhode Island (SPMC) Durand 20 South Carolina Sheheen (Scarce Booklet) 14 Tennessee Garland 29 Texas (SPMC) Medlar 29 Vermont (SPMC) Coulter 22 Virginia Affleck State Bank Notes 20 Utah (See Mormon which lists, illust. & values 190 Utah notes.) Depression Scrip of the U.S. Shafer 27 PUBLICATIONS OF NATIONAL BANK NOTES National Bank Notes 1863.1935. Van Belkum 13 National Bank Notes, A Guide with Prices. 2nd Edition. Kelly 36 Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes. Hickman-Oakes 73 Territorials—Guide to U.S. Territorial National Banknotes. Huntoon 13 PUBLICATIONS ON U.S. CURRENCY U.S. Paper Money. Hessler. The best & most complete work on U.S. paper money. Latest edition. 19 Same, only hardbound 24 Paper Money of the U.S. Friedberg. 10th edition. 17 Fractional Currency, reprint. Valentine. 20 Handbook of U.S. Large-Size Star Notes. Murray (New) 15 10% DISCOUNT ON 5 OR MORE BOOKS Order Now to Avoid Scheduled Price Increases Add $2 handling for each publication FALATER Box 81 Allen, MI 49227 (517) 869.2541 250 Paper Money Whole No. 119 BUREAU OF ENGRAVING & PRINTING CURRENCY CARDS! Bell # Yr. Event Denom. Series, Vignett SCCS# Price 155 '85 I.P.M.S. $10000 1878 Eagle Reverse B-76 $9.71 153 '85 PAC NW $50 1914 Reverse Ships, Panama B-74 9.75 151 '85 El Paso $50 1902 Mechanics & Navigation B-73 9.83 147 '85 Long Beach $20 1865 Gold Certificate B-7I 9.81 141 '84 A.N.A. $500 1882 Gold Certificate Lincoln B-69 10.82 138 '84 I.P.M.S. $10000 1878 Jackson Obverse 8-68 12.82 131 '84 F.U.N. $1 1880 Reverse Legal Tender Note B-64 12.96 126 '83 A.N.A. $20 1915 Reverse 'Transportation' B-6I 12.76 117 '83 F.U.N. $100 1890 Reverse 'Watermelon' Note B-59 13.78 113 '82 A.N.A. $1 1935 to date 'Great Seal' B-57 13.95 111 '82 I.P.M.S. $100 1882 Reverse 'Brown Back' Note 8-58 11.95 99 '81 A.N.A. $5 1886 Reverse 'Silver Dollar' B-54 12.97 98 '81 I.P.M.S. $20 1905 'Technicolor' Note B-53 14.75 85 '80 I.P.M.A. $10 1901 Observe 'Buffalo Bill' B-47 11.97 83 '80 A.N.A. $5 1896 Reverse 'Education' B-46 16.50 71 '77 A.N.A. $5 1899 Chief Running Antelope B-41 3.65 65 '76 A.N.A. $2 1896 Reverse 'Education' B-38 7.25 55 '75 A.N.A. $1 1896 Reverse 'Education' B-32 9.95 54 '75 I.W.Y. $1 1886 Martha Washington B-31 24.95 48 '74 A.N.A. $10 1897 Face 'Education' (Proposed) B-29 9.93 41 '73 A.N.A. $5 1896 Face 'Education' B-24 6.85 28 '72 A.N.A. $2 1896 Face 'Education' 8-18 3.35 20 '71 A.N.A. $1 1896 Face 'Education' 8-12 3.30 14 '70 A.N.A. Multicolored Notes (Various) B-7 99.00 9 '69 A.N.A. $10 1875-1880 'Jackass Notes' B-2 59.00 SPECIAL! ALL 25 CARDS ABOVE! (A $411 + Retail Value) for just $349.00! AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY CURRENCY CARDS! r,mvii• /li /,. , (,,,,, , • re .4f 1 .1 ■•... ° - ori-icuu. SOUVENIR CARD OF FLORIDA UNITED NUMISMATISTS, INC. 37),V ANNUAL CONVENTION, ORLANDO, FLORIDA, JANUARY 3A, los5 Bell # Yr. Event Denom. Bank, Location SCCS# Price 146A '85 F.U.N. $10 Bank of Commerce, FL SO-40 $6.97 142 '84 A.N.A. II $10 Mich. State Bank Detroit SO-39 9.29 137 '84 I.P.M.S. $100 Bank of the State of Ind. SO-37 9.27 132 '84 A.N.A. I Colorado Nat. Bank View. SO-35 7.93 127 '83 A.N.A. II $100 F Argenti Bank, S.F., CA S0-34 8.91 123 '83 I.P.M.S. $2 White Mountain Bank, NH. SO-33 11.27 F1983A '83 NY Union $1 North Berwick Bank, ME. F1983A 12.99 118 '83 A.N.A. I $1 Lord & Williams, Tucson SO-32 8.93 112 '82 A.N.A. II $3 Tremont Bank, Boston, MA SO-25 8.27 110 '82 I.P.M.S. $1 City of Baton Rouge, LA. SO-24 12.77 106 '82 A.N.A. I Cert./Deposit, Ruby City SO-23 7.47 105 '82 F.U.N. $10 Bank of St. Johns, FL. SO-22 7.97 101 '81 Building Fund $10 Artisan Bank, Trenton, NJ. SO-18 20.77 100 '81 A.N.A. II $5000 Canal Bank, New Orleans SO-17 11.77 98A '81 INTERPAM $1 Canada Grenville County & $2 Cataract City Bank, NJ. SO-16 9.77 97 '81 I.P.M.S. $50 Bank of Selma, AL. SO-15 12.87 93 '81 A.N.A. I $5 Bank of Hawaii, 1894 SO-14 17.50 89 '80 A.N.A. $3 Bank of Ohio Valley SO-12 10.77 88A '80 B.N.R. $3 Bank of Kansas, Atchison SO-13 9.79 86 '80 I.P.M.S. $100 Bank of Lebanon, NH. SO-11 27.50 80 '79 A.N.A. $10 Exchange Bank, St. Louis SO-10 8.99 79 '79 I.P.M.S. $2 Liberty Bank. Prov., RI. SO-9 47.50 F1975Ba '75 NY Union $3 Lewiston Falls, ME. F1975Ba 59.95 SPECIAL! ALL 23 CARDS ABOVE! (A $289 + Retail Value) for just $249.00! : i E ERNA-HON A: HA! E 11 ON ITR.S. oir sTAN. 116 D ENGRAVERS i ■ \10\ CT NORTH AMERICA m 1.1) all, -,..., ..-:. ,.., : ,Y,lw,--,,r-,m=m-, .74"/ /1-,/,.., Bell# Yr. Name Description Price SO-20 '81 CCCC 10th Anniv. 4 Vignettes, U.S. Banknote Co $8.95 SO-21 '81 CCCC 10th Anniv. Same, but brown instead of green 8.96 F1981B '81 Union 'Pilgrims' Vignette of BEP $2 unreleased note 45.00 SO-2 '76 INTERPHIL 'America' ABNCo. card shows patriotic march 59.75 SO-3 '76 INTERPHIL 'Lincoln' Gettysburg Address in green, ABNCo 47.50 SO-4.5 '76 INTERPHIL 'Banquet' ABNCo issued sheet of 6 vignettes & Menu with 5 engravings 325.00 SO-1 '66 SIPEX Gold Miner U.S. Banknote Co. black engraving 8.97 SPECIAL! ALL 8 ITEMS ABOVE! (A $504+ Retail Value) for just ... $425.00! OTHER PAPER-MONEY-RELATED B.E.P. CARDS! Bell# Yr. Event Subject SCCS# PRICE 95 '81 VISITOR CENTER 6 Currency Vignettes, Folder B-52 $7.85 77 '78 I.P.M.S. 1875 $10 1st Charter (DeSoto) B44 4.60 59 '76 INTERPHIL $100 Note Independence Hall B-35 8.25 59B '76 INTERPHIL Same bound in 268-page Program 9.50 10 '69 FRESNO Wash. Scenes, Numismatic Fair B-3 475.00 F1962A '62 BEP CENTENNIAL Book with 4-Scene Card F1962A 90.00 F1962B '62 BEP CENTENNIAL 7x10" large card frontispiece F1962B 97.50 4 '60 BARCELONA Card printed for USPO shows $5 1875 1st Charter Columbus PS-1 375.00 SPECIAL! ALL 8 ITEMS ABOVE! (A $1,067+ Retail Value) for just $875.00! WHITE ACE CARD ALBUM! WHITE ACE MOUNTS! (For both B.E.P. & U.S.P.S. Numismatic GOLD-STAMPED, STRONG BINDER $13.65 PAGES, Part I (1939-1974) 15.75 PAGES, Part II (1975-1984) 30.95 PAGES, BLANK (10) 11.25x13" 3.55 SPECIAL: ALL 4 ITEMS ABOVE ... $57.95! PAGES BY YEAR: '84 $6.25 '79 $1.15 '83 3.75 '78 1.70 '82 3.45 '77 2.70 '81 3.45 '76 3.55 '80 3.15 '75 2.15 BRUNS' CATALOG (to 1980) $6.00 & Philatelic Cards!) BC-1 (3) mounts 3 x 4.5" $ 85 BC-2 (6) 6 x 8" 1 40 BC-3 (3) 7 x 9" 1 25 BC-4 (3) 8 x 6" 1.10 BC-6 (6) 8.5 x 10.7" 1 75 BC-8 (3) 6.5 x 9" 1 25 BC-9 (2) 8.25 x 10.5" 1 10 SPECIAL! Enough mounts for all 158 U.S. Souvenir Cards (except #3, 35, 98A), 1 pkg. BC-1, BC-3, BC-4; 2x BC-8; 10x BC-2; llx BC-6 & 9, Total Retail Value $52 + , just $48! OUR TERMS - PLEASE READ! 1) Cash with order, please! VISA & MASTERCARD accepted! 2) Prompt shipment, or refund if sold out (unless you advise us that you would like us to back -order sold out material for you). 3) $2 postage & handling on each order; we pack extremely protectively! 4) Californians please add 6% tax or send Resale Certificate & #. 5) DISCOUNTS: 5% on orders over $100! EXCEPT: no discount on cards & sup- 10% on orders over $250! plies already specially priced by group. 15% on orders over $500) 6) Telephone orders accepted with VISA & MASTERCARD; call 415-435-9494! 7) We look forward to hearing from you! RUSSELL S. BELL P.O. BOX 859 TIBURON, CA 94920 the CURRENCY DEALER newsletter the CURRENCY DEALERAPRIL newsletter Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 251 .. is a Monthly Publication that is the most COMPREHENSIVE and UP-TO-DATE pricing guide available in today's ever-changing field! DEALER-TO-DEALER BID/ASK Charts cover all of the following areas: SELECTIVE BUYING CHARACTERIZES CURRENT MARKET M, Ysc PPM "Ill soiusi DOPPPIAII ACTIVITY MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES 7== LARGE SIZE • DEMAND NOTES • U.S NOTE (LEGAL TENDER) • COMPOUND INTEREST TREASURY NOTES • INTEREST BEARING NOTES • REFUNDING CERTIFICATE • SILVER CERTIFICATES U.S. NOTES. • TREASURY NOTES OR COIN NOTES • NATIONAL BANK NOTES • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES • FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES • NATIONAL GOLD BANK NOTES • GOLD CERTIFICATES U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY PROOF & SPECIMEN NOTES SMALL SIZE U.S. NOTES • LEGAL TENDER NOTES • FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES • SILVER CERTIFICATES • GOLD CERTIFICATES • NATIONAL BANK NOTES • WW2 EMERGENCY ISSUES • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES UNCUT SHEETS - SMALL SIZE CURRENCY • U.S. NOTES (LEGAL TENDER) • WW2 EMERGENCY ISSUES • SILVER CERTIFICATES • NATIONAL CURRENCY . . . PLUS IN-DEPTH ARTICLES and analyses, each month, written by the most respected experts in the field! ... PLUS AUCTION REPORTS - to give a clear and accurate picture of the most recent activity! ... PLUS special ISSUE-BY-ISSUE Charts covering special areas of changing importance! — a—as ..., ... — .... Fi ii. • iijiIIZ:•,1•;;Ci iaii Please enter my subscription to the monthly CURRENCY DEALER Newsletter. ENCLOSED IS MY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR q $35 for ONE YEAR (12 issues) q $61 for TWO YEARS (24 issues) NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP q I would also like subscription information for the COINDEALER newsletter (Greysheet) MAKE CHECK PAYABLE & MAIL TO: CURRENCY DEALER Newsletter P.O. BOX 11099 TORRANCE, CALIF. 90510 Michigan Obsolete Currency Auction (Bowen Nos. in Parentheses) Lot No. Description $ Est. Lot No. Description $ Est. 1 $1 Bank of Adrian. "State of Mich" 1838. A few flaws. G 40 51 25C C.E. Bresler. Detroit & NY. Tri-colored. 1862. AF 75 2 $3 Bank of Adrian. "Safety Fund" 1838. F 90 52 50C Same. Deer. Blk & green. 1862. 4 sm pcs. U 100 3 $4 Bank of Adrian. "Safety Fund" 1841. some 53 50( Same. Dog & safe. red & green. 1862. CC at tattering. G + 110 bottom. EF 100 4 $5 Bank of Adrian. "State of Mich", 18 . AF. unsigned. 90 54 $5 Detroit Bank. Territorial 1806 EF 35 5 500 Erie & Kalamazoo RR Bank, 1840. sm. tear. 55 State Bank. $1 & $2. Detroit. Beautiful black & otherwise fine 50 green. 18 . 2 notes AU 45 6 $1 Same, Adrian. (B 6) Commerce, 1853. AF 25 56 $3 Same. Beautiful. 18 U 25 State Bk of Mich. Det. Wm. Duncan. 5c VF & 10c VG7 $3 Same, Early Indian (B 25), 1838. VG 40 57 8 $3 Same, Huge RR vignette (B 28), 1854. G-VG 30 with sm tear. 2 notes 45 9 $5 Same, Early RR. (B 31), 1836. Few flaws, otherwise G-VG 25 58 50( Same. Contemp. counterfeit. 1862. Highly 10 $10 Same, RR vignette (B 54), 1854. VF 20 unusual. EF 100 11 $1 Bank of Allegan, 1837. Bright EF 100 59 Bk of Mich. Det. Two differ. types of $1s. AVG. 12 $3 Same. 1837. F 100 one territ. 40 13 $10 Allegan Company, 1841. Very rare issuer. VF 240 60 Same. Two differ. typenotes of $2s. VG & F 40 14 $2 Bank of Ann Arbor, 18 . Spurious sigs. UNLISTED . 61 $5 Bk of Mich. Det. (B 19) Territorial, 1831. G-VG 30 UNIQUE. AF 450 62 $10 Same. (B 27) Territorial Arms & date. 1818. G-VG 65 15 10( Ann Arbor Due Bill (B 2), 1862. Unsigned. Rare. 63 $10 Same. UNLISTED SPURIOUS TERRITORIAL. 1830. 3 pcs EF 150 VG. sm. corner off. 225 16 $1 Exchange Bank. Ann Arbor, "B". 18. Uns. U 90 17 $3 Exhange Bank. Ann Arbor, 18 . Uns. U 110 64 $10 Michigan Bank of Detroit. SPURIOUS BANK. First we have seen in 30 years as Michigan specialists. 18 $5 Exchange Bank. Ann Arbor, 18 . Uns. U 100 1818 Territorial date! Pen cancel. F 300 19 50C Commercial National Bank of Ann Arbor. 65 5C Fred L. Seitz & Co., Bankers, Detroit. 1862. signed. F 50 High School. ND. First we have ever seen, very attractive. U 200 66121/20 City of Det. UNLISTED TYPE with printed date Dec. 13th, 1837. Desnoyers & H. Howard sips. 20 $1 Gov't Stock Bank. Ann Arbor, 1851. G + Signed 22 UNIQUE NOTE. VG 250 21 $1.50 Same. 1853. Rare Denomination. (B 6). G + Signed 125 67121/2c City of Det. (B 2), very high grade note. 1841. VF + 250 22 $2 Same. 1851. High grade for a signed note. F 40 68 Land Warrant. State of Mich. Det. 1846 "X" 23 $5 Same. 1850. Unlisted var. with pledge bet. sigs cancels. unusual draft. EF 50 one sig. AF 240 69 Auditor General's Office. Treas. State of Mich. 24 $3 Bank of Washtenaw. Ann Arbor, 1835. (B 24) AU 30 1847. unusual draft. EF 50 25 $5 Same. Payable in NY (B 24), 1836. Scarce. AF 90 70 Mich. Insur. Bk. Det. $1 (B 1), $5 (B 3), 18 . Both U 45 26 10( Augusta Mill Co. 1862. Uns. 4 pcs. Scarce town & 71 Mich. Insur. Co. $50 (B 11) Huge single vignette Issurer. U 200 covers entire note U 60 27 $5 Farmers Bk of Sandstone. Barry. (B 5), 1838. AF 30 72 $1 Detroit City Bk. 1837. a few flaws. VG 35 28 $2 Bk of Battle Creek. Spur. sigs. 18 . F 40 73 $2 Same. Vignette of Early Detroit. a few paper flaws. 29 $3 Berrien Cty. Bank, 1838. Scarce. F 100 1837 tan. VG 35 30 $5 Berrien Cty. Bank, 1838. Scarce. F-VF 100 74 $1 Farmers' & Mechanics Bk of Michigan. Detroit. 31 $20 Berrien Cty. Bank, 1838. Scarce. EF 120 WITH "PAYABLE AT St. JOSEPH WHEN COUNTER- 32 $2 Branch County Bank. 18 . 1 spur. sig. AU 100 SIGNED" & "Casr. B.B." engraved in plate! 33 $1 Bank of Brest, 1837. GHOST TOWN. F 100 First we have ever seen. Signed. 1839. F 300 34 $2 Bank of Brest, 1837. GHOST TOWN. F-VF 110 75 $5 Farmers & Mechanics' Bank. Detroit. (B 8) 35 $3 Bank of Brest, 1837. GHOST TOWN. F+ 110 Uns. 1864 U 85 36 $5 Bank of Brest, 1837. GHOST TOWN. VF 110 37 $1 Merchants Bank of Jackson. Brooklyn, (B 1), 1840. F 40 38 $2 Same. (B 3) 1840 F+ 40 76 $10 Same but ALTERED. Very unusual for a non-Mich. note to be altered to a Mich, bank. UNLISTED, FRAUDULENT ISSUE. 1840. patches on back over 39 $3 Same. (B 6) 1840 F+ 45 separations. whole appearing. otherwise VG 300 40 $3 Same. "Payable in Toledo, Ohio" in red. 1839 VG 45 77 W.L.P. Little & Co., Bankers. East Saginaw. 5c F. 41 $10 Farmers & Merchants Bank of St. Joseph. "Centerville" 10c VF, 25c EF. 1862. All with red & black. 100 in black. signed with unlisted pres. sig. RARE. a few flaws. 1838. 200 78 $5 79 $5 Jackson Iron Co. Fayette. GHOST TOWN. 186. U Farmers Bk of Genesee Cty. Flint Rapids. 1838. 110 42 $5 St. Joseph Cty. Bank Centerville. Rare. 1839. VF 200 43 50C Clear Water Lumber Co. (1873) Signed. EF 60 UNLISTED DENOMINATION! F 250 80 $10 Same. 1838. About 1% of note missing. some- 44 121/2C Clinton. Unlisted, unissued scrip. 1838. what stained, otherwise G + 30 few tears. F 175 81 $20 Same. uns. VF 55 45 25C Same. Unlisted. 1838 EF 175 82 12C J.W. Pierce. Grand Rapids. 1838. ODD 46 Bank of Clinton $1 G +, $2 VG, $5 F. 18837, 3 notes. 45 DENOMINATION. VG 100 47 $3 Bank of Clinton. 1837. VG 25 83 $1 Exchange Bk. of Daniel Ball & Co. Grand Rapids, 48 $1 Bank of Coldwater. Uns. EF except for cut-out at small corner off. (B 1), RARE. 1858. 300 pres. sign. Rare bank & a rare town. 18 . EF 175 84 $3 Grand River Bank, Grand Rapids. 1838. tattering on 49 $10 Bank of Coldwater. 18 . stained, tears and top/VG 300 small pieces missing. UNLISTED AND UNIQUE. 350 85 5( C.C. Comstock. Lumber, etc. 1878. store bldgs. on 50 $3 Bank of Constantine. 1841. Rare 300 back of note. interesting & rare. Grand Rapids. AF 250 FALATER BOX 81 - ALLEN, MI 49227 (517) 869.2541 252 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Michigan Obsolete Currency Auction (Bowen Nos. in Parentheses) Lot No. Description 86 $1 Grand Rapids Bridge Co. 18. Uns. U recent ad at 87 $5 Commercial Bk. Gratiot. Uns. 18 . U 88 $10 Same. U 89 $1 Farmers Bank of Homer. 1837. signed. sm . corner off. F 90 10c James Kennedy. Ionia. sm. pcs (Civil War token issuer) U 91 Cooper, Thompson & Co. Jackson. 1862. 10c, 20c, 25c All AU + . 3 notes 92 $1 Det. & St. Joseph RR Bank. Jackson. (B 3), 1840. EF 93 $2 Same. (B 4), 1840. AU 94 $5 Jackson Cty. Bk. Jacksonburgh. 1837. VF 95 $10 Same. G + 96 $5 Bank of Lapeer. 1837. (B 6) VF 97 $10 Same. 1838. (B 9) VF 98 $1 Lapeer County Bank. (B 2). ONLY DENOM. KNOWN ON THIS RARE BANK. Dime size spot. Uns. 18 . 400 99 $3 Saginaw County Bank at Lower Saginaw. Rare location. UNLISTED DENOM. & BELIEVED TO BE THE FINEST KNOWN NOTE ON THE BANK. Uns. 18. VF+ 500 100 Bank of Manchester. $2, $5, $10. All cut cancel. & VF. signed 1837 40 101 $3 Same. Also invisible cancel. VF 15 102 $5 Collins Iron Works. Marquette. 1873. VF 100 103 $3 Bank of Michigan. Marshall. 18 . pretty. U 15 104 $10 Same. 1862. Uns. Decl. of Independ. AU + 40 105 Exch. Bk. of A.J. Perrin. Marshall $1, $2, $5. All U. 3 notes 150 106 $3 Calhoun County Bank. Marshall. 1830s. dark. repair. G 40 107 $5 Same, Unsigned. 18. F 55 108 $10 Same, Spur sigs. VG 55 109 Merchant's & Mechanics Bk. Monroe. $1 (B 3) U, $2 (B 5) AU, $5 (B 10) AU, Uns. 3 notes. 18 . 40 110 $3 Bank of Monroe. 1835 Territorial. Harleston & Adams sigs. (B 8). F 45 111 $4 Same. Harleston & Smith. 1836. THIS WAS A MORMON BANK. Xerox corner replacmt. otherwise F. 125 112 $10 Same, Brotherton Adams. 1835 Territorial. VG 40 113$100 Same, spur. sigs. RARE DENOM. VF 18 . 175 114 $2 Bank of River Raisen. Monroe. Early spelling. 1844 (B 7) AVG 30 115 $3 Same, (B 13). F 1843 45 116 $3 Bk of River Raisin. Monroe. Spur sigs. 18 (B 14), AF 30 117 $5 Same, (B 17), 1836. small flaws. G + 25 118 $10 Same, (B 21) 1836. Scarce. small flaws. G + 55 119 $50 Same, Uns. RARE DENOMINATION. several sm. flaws. 18 G + 110 120 $2 River Raisin & Lake Erie RR Co. (B 9). Horse. Nice Ad on back. Candy Manuf. Uns. 18. AU + 121 Differ. note & ad. (B 12) Same bank. G-VG 122 Same bank. (B 11). No ad. spur sigs. stained corner. 123 Same bank. (B 14). Spur. sigs. VF 124 Bk. of Macomb Cty. Mt. Clemens. 1858. (B 14). VF 125 Same. Payable NY (B 36) 1 gen & 1 spur sig. 18 . EF + 126 Same. Rare Denomin. Uns. VF-EF 127 Bank of Niles. 1838. VF-EF Nice. 128 Bank of Owasso. Uns. 18 EF 129 $3 Bank of Shiawassee, Owasso. Spur sigs. VG RARE 130 $1 Lenawee Cty Bk. Palmyra. 1837. F. signed. Lot No. Description 131 $2 Same. AU $ Est. 132 $5 Same, F 135 133 $1 Palmyra & Jacksonburgh RR Co. Palmyra. 1838. signed. F 135 134 $2 Same. F 135 135 $3 Same. F 140 136 $5 Wayne County Bank at Plymouth. Remainder note made into an interesting political note for Jas. Buchanan. (B 6), RARE. VF+ 300 137 $3 Clinton Canal Bank. Pontiac. 1837. Nine AU+ 45 138 Same. $2 VF, $5 AF, $10 EF. 1837. 3 notes. 130 139 $1 Oakland County Bank. (B 2) Rare. uns. 18 . EF 150 140 $2 Same. (B 7) Rare. uns. 18 . VF-EF 150 141 $3 Oakland Cty Bk. (B 9) Huge factory vig. F 45 142 $5 Same, also huge factory scene. F 45 143 1.50 Bank of Pontiac. taped tear, stain. otherwise, VF 100 144 $2 Bank of Pontiac, Beautiful black & green. 1863. VF-EF 55 145 $5 Same (B 16), 1863. unnotic. repair. 1863. VG 40 146 $2 Farmers Bank of Oakland. Royal Oak. Spur sigs/ a few flaws. Extremely popular town. VG 300 147 $5 Same. Xerox replacement along bottom of note thru the signature area. Still a Royal Oak Note! otherwise good. 40 148 $10 Same. UNLISTED DENOMINATION. SEMI-UNIQUE! 11/2" tear, otherwise Fine. The other known $10 realized $700 at auction. 600 149 $5 Saginaw City Bank. 1837. AF 75 150 54 City of Saginaw 1862. with GENUINE EATON SIGNATURE. First we have seen! VG 110 151 $1 Bank of Saline. 1837. "Indian Princess" sm corner off. VG 55 152 $3 Same, 1837. Also signed. VF 75 153 $5 Same, 1837. signed F 65 154 $20 Same, signed. 1838. U 75 155 $1 Bank of St. Clair. 1839. (B 2). slight even stains but much better than usually seen. G-VG 100 156 $3 As above. same comments. 1839. (B 4). AVG 135 157 $5 As above. same comments. 1837. (B 5). G-VG 100 158 20( B.C. Hoyt, Banker. 1862. Red & blue. EF St. Joseph. 45 159 $3 Farmers & Merchants Bank. St. Joseph. spur sigs. 18. AU 40 160 $10 Bank of Chippeway. 1838. Sault De St. Marys. sm. flaw F 40 161 $5 Chippeway Cty Bank. Sault De St. Mary. 18 Uns. rare VG 140 162 $3 Farmers Bank of Sharon. signed. 1837. unnoticeable repaired tear. otherwise VG RARE 300 163 $3 Bank of Singapore. GHOST TOWN. 1837. signed. F + 135 164 $1 Bank of Tecumseh. 1859 (B 3). VG 35 165 $5 Same, (B 12). attractive VF 45 166 $10 Same, rare denomination. VG 100 167 $5 Bank of Utica. Fine, rare this nice! 1837. signed. 300 168 10 Washtenaw County Volunteers Family Relief Fund. (for Civil War) signed very rare 250 169 Bank of Ypsilanti. 1836-8. $1 (B 2), G-VG, $2 G-VG, $5 (B 5), G. 3 notes. 55 170 Same. $3. 1837. G-VG 30 171 Bank of Ypsilanti. $10 1837. VF 40 172 5(:) (Bank of) Zilwaukie First we have ever handled on the most unusual place name in the state. Cherubs & dolphins! VF 400 Closing Date: Two weeks after your receipt of this auction. NOTE: 5% BUYERS CHARGE. Postage, insur. will be added to invoices. MI residents subject to 4% sales tax. Please mail bids early. 110 110 120 50 30 60 70 $2 $2 $3 $5 $20 $3 $2 $ Est. 250 40 45 120 110 30 25 VF25 30 20 90 130 175 60 300 135 FALATER - BOX 81 - ALLEN, MI 49227 - (517) 869.2541 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 253 numismatic news COM 0.411111 Dave Harper With his love for collecting and his sound knowledge of numismatics Dave Harper is well-positioned as editor of Numismatic News. Dave's lifelong hobby devotion gives a special distinction to the news and features presented each week in Numismatic News. c•ce ofbeC • 0 EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS *619-273-3566 We maintain the LARGEST COLONIAL & CONTINENTAL CURRENCY ACTIVE INVENTORY IN THE WORLD! SEND US YOUR WANT LISTS. FREE PRICE LISTS AVAILABLE. SPECIALIZING IN: q Colonial Coins q Colonial Currency q Rare & Choice Type Coins q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Encased Postage Stamps SERVICES: q Portfolio Development q Major Show Coverage q Auction Attendance 1:1 EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS c/o Dana Linea q P.O. Box 2442 111 LaJolla, CA 92038 111 619-273-3566 Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS 254 Paper Money Whole No. 119 BUYING and SELLING PAPER MONEY U.S., All types Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer- tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc. Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries Paper Money Books and Supplies Send us your Want List ... or .. Ship your material for a fair offer LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P.O. BOX 2395 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503 Working For The Hobby Home Of Superior Hobby Periodicals And Books krause publications 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Nobody pays more than Huntoon forAmon& 'WYOMING State and Territorial Nationals WANT ALL SERIES, ANY CONDI- TION, EXCEPT WASHED OR "DOC- TORED" NOTES. zitraft NtertOPP4%.Nitior B591 P W.4,11.4.1"4”. • ‘10.1•4•04.11$TIAN. 374 (MANY TRADES!) PETER HUNTOON P.O. Box 3681, Laramie. WY 82071 SCARCE, UNUSUAL and OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS * Numismatic Literature * Bank Histories * Early US Financial Material Send for FREE List W. WIEGAND 8- CO., BOX 563, GLASTONBURY, CT 06033 Checks, Stocks & Bonds, And More! Join us and receive our quarterly journal, THE CHECKLIST • Information on all aspects of banking and business paper collectibles •Club Auctions •Free Classified Ads Regional chapters are being organized, slide pro- gram available, book projects, swap-box, and the friendliest collectors anywhere! For more information. contact (Vieth Collectorisilounb Xable Charles Kemp, Secretary 481 Morse #70 • Troy. Michigan 48084 RAILROAD CURRENCY PUBLICATIONS BY DR. MUSCALUS 1 Railroad Currency: Bank Notes and Scrip Representative of over one hundred railroads, 1830s-1971. All Notes Illustrated $5.00 2 Georgia Railroad Currency Comprehensively Illustrated, 99 illustrations with values $5.50 3 Mississippi Railroad Currency Comprehensively Illustrated, 173 illustra- tions $5.50 4 Locomotive Engravings On State Bank Notes and Scrip, 1832-1875. Sixty- four illustrations of different locomotive engravings. 1964 $5.00 5 Early Ship and Shipbuilding on Paper Money. 107 Illustrations $5.50 6 The Beautiful View of the Rockville Bridge Across The Susquehanna above Harrisburg on State Bank Notes $1.00 7 Transportation Currency: Bank notes and scrip representative of forty-five varieties of transportation companies. 48 Illustrations. 1974 $3.00 DR. JOHN A. MUSCALUS HISTORICAL PAPER MONEY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Box 187 Bridgeport, PA 19405 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 255 •UM' INC. P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 • BUYING / SELLING* OBSOLETE CURRENCY, NATIONALS• UNCUT SHEETS, PROOFS, SCRIP BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, ANA, FUN, GENA, CCRT (914) 352.9077 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY Fur - (Bank fiotesTSiript, Warrants, Drafts of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West- ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P,O. DRAWER 706, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 1157L BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2930 Member of: ANA, PMCM British Colonial — European Colonial of the 19th and early 20th century our speciality. We particularly require proof and specimen albums of Uff T4tiENTY rl E DOL, 1114(=t- P:* ABNCo. and the various British printers. WILLIAM L.S. BARRETT Box 9, Victoria Station Montreal, Canada H3Z 2V4 Telephone (514) 844-5698 256 Paper Money Whole No. 119 HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS - LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216.884-0701 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 257 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL. 34284-0985 IAN A. MARSHALL Box 5865 Stn. A Toronto, Ont. M5W 1 P5 Canada WORLD PAPER MONEY Also World Stocks, Bonds and Cheques 416-927-1812 Iti*“*M:#1:444fttl t####1#4*##434##IttfktItntttitttttiltttt##### #I- #44#+#14+#$####a 1 1 1 BANKS 1868 UNION NATIONAL BANK (Philadelphia) $75 Black/White Capital Stock certificate with several attractive vignettes. One of the very few engraved banking stocks, from the American Bank Note Company. Pen-cancelled, otherwise in VF + con- dition. Our Current BANK listing includes more than 3 dozen Bank stocks, from 1812 to 1933, many with vignettes by the major bank note companies of the 19th century. Call or write today and ask for our BANK listing, or for our general catalogue of more than 150 stocks and bonds. CENTENNIAL DOCUMENTS 1 1-21 28th Street - Fair Lawn, NJ 07410i 1 (201) 791-1683 Ittlt#ItttntIVT#TtnIt##rtitItt#UttftWT#I####ttItt4t#,MUIFtIt#t“###$#W-tktt-t/ 258 Paper Money Whole No. 119 OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE v , Ess OBSOLETES • U.S. FRACTIONALS STOCK CERTIFICATES & BONDS CONFEDERATES • OLD CHECKS NORTHWEST DEPRESSION SCRIP CURRENT LIST FOR $1.00 - REFUNDABLE - Ask About Our Upgrading Program -- WE BUY, TOO -- OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE 6802 S.W. 33rd PLACE • PORTLAND OR 97219 (503) 245-3659 (EVES) SUZANNE NAVEN (SPMC, PMCM, CCRT) COINS OF THE REALM, INC. Dealers in choice world bank notes 1327-D Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Phone (301) 340-1640 OKLAHOMA SMALL SIZE 1929 SERIES WANTED WILL PAY $300. For a VG or BETTER NOTE listed below. • ALEX 10193 • MARLOW .... 10205 • ACHILLE 10380 • MAUD 8294 • ALTUS 6113 • McLOUD 6660 • BENNINGTON . 7099 • MINCO 8644 • BERYN 7209 0 OKLA CITY ... 8472 • CHELSEA .... 5955 • OKMULGEE .. 13751 • CHICKASHA .. 8203 • QUENTON .... 6517 • COMMERCE . 10689 • SAYRE 9976 • DUNCAN 8616 • STILLWELL ... 9970 • FAIRFAX 7972 • TONKAWA ... 11397 • GUYMON 9964 • VERDEN 8859 • HOLLIS 10240 • WALTERS ... 14108 • KINGSTON ... 9881 • WANETTE ... 6641 • MADILL 13021 • WAURIKA .... 8861 • MADILL 10286 • WAYNOKA ... 9709 • MANGUM .... 5811 • WESTVILLE .. 10158 CONTACT: BILL WAKEN 1727 N. VanBuren PHONE: 1-405-23T5628 Enid, Okla. 73701 STIQJOICS DCWrne PRICE GUIDE "Collecting Stocks and Bonds" by George H. LaBarre. 368 pages, 1,158 illustrations with descriptions and values of American stocks and bonds. Includes railroads, mining, automotive, banking, western, southern, 1770's to present. Complete 3 volume set $14.85 postpaid. Dealers inquiries invited. WE ARE VERY ANXIOUS TO BUY FINE QUALITY AMERICAN STOCKS AND BONDS. Note: The LaBarre Newsletter is sent out Quarterly Free of Charge. Price Lists are also issued Monthly. GEORGE. H. LA BARRE GALLERIES P.O. Box 746 Hollis, New Hampshire 03049 CALL A TOLL 800-842-7000 CALL 603-882-2411FREE itymiliftwoogwito*: +i"431 E'L)% 674,, . 17111,)7. ej CANADIAN BOUGHT AND SOLD • CHARTERED BANKNOTES. • DOMINION OF CANADA. • BANK OF CANADA. • CHEQUES, SCRIP, BONDS & BOOKS. FREE PRICE LIST CHARLES D. MOORE P.O. BOX 4816P WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596-0816 (415) 943-6001 LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. #1995 C.N.A. #143 C.P.M.S. #11 BRITISH COLONIAL AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST Quality world banknotes. Free lists, wholesale too. Buying choice world banknotes. MILT BLACKBURN Box 33917, Station D Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6J 4L7 Tel: 604-733-5922 weekdays Paper Money Whole No. 119 Page 259 COLLECTORS LIKE US "How do you become a currency dealer?" It seems that everyone asks that question sooner or later. For us, it was simply a matter of natural pro- gression. We all started as collec- tors, diligently searching for the "right" paper money for our collec- tion. The quality, rarity, aesthetic ap- peal and value of our paper money is as important now as it was then. Today, we utilize our experience to make intelligent decisions in inven- tory acquisition. We take the time to appreciate and understand the cur- rency market and to pass this infor- mation on to our valued clients. THESE ARE SOME OF THE REA- SONS WHY COLLECTORS LIKE US AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO DEAL WITH COLLECTORS, LIKE US. If you are a serious collector, please write or call us today for a copy of our justly renowned listing of U.S. paper money. Allen Mincho "u.S. Currency Exclusively Since 1969" Box 1525 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 250-1475 When It Comes Time To Sell Your Rare Coins, There Is Only One Name To Remember... Numismatics Auctions Since 1933 A Solid Foundation Built On Tradition And Trust. Let us show you why Kagins is the right company to select when selling your rare coins at public auction. Future Auctions: August 15-17, 1985 Greater Baltimore Coin Convention, Baltimore, MD October 4-6, 1985 Long Beach Coin Convention, Long Beach CA January 30- February 1, 1986 Long Beach Coin Convention, Long Beach, CA August 5-9, 1986 American Numismatic Association Convention, Milwaukee, WI October 2-4, 1986 Long Beach Coin Convention, Long Beach, CA CALL: Dale L. Williams, Director of Auctions, or Dr. George J. Fuld, Senior Numismatist, at 1-800-227-5676 or 1-800-652-4467 in Calif. or Write: KAGINS ■ One Market Plaza ■ 26th Floor ■ Steuart Street Tower ■ San Francisco, CA 94105 Page 260 Paper Money Whole No. 119 Our currency auctions were the first to use the Sealed Mail Bid System, which gives you, the bidder and ultimate buyer, the utmost chance to buy a note at a price you want to pay with no one looking over your shoulder. As a seller, this method gives you the opportunity to get the full market price without the "in" dealers short-circuiting the bidding, as so often is seen at public auction sales. Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S. Currency to the collecting fraternity for over 20 years: Nichman Auctions ,Inc. Om*. st John HickmanDean Oakes Nichman - Oakes Auctions „Inc. Wth 28 sales behind us, we look forward to a great show and sale at the 1st annual SPMC show at Cherry Hill, NJ. This show will feature many rarities in nationals and U.S. type notes. November 14-17 we have the distinct pleasure to conduct the auction at the 1st annual Convention of the Society of Paper Money Collectors. This event will be held in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. After our November 14-17 sale, we will be scheduling two mail bid auctions. One will be for March and one for June 1986. Consignments for these 1986 auctions are being solicited now! Join others in experiencing the true market between buyer and seller at a Hickman-Oakes auction. Write or call 319/338-1144. As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% down without further charges except a 5% buyer's fee. As a buyer: For the Cherry Hill catalog and the 1986 catalogs and price lists and prices realized, send $8.00. If you haven't you won't be sorry. Drawer 1456 Iowa uty, Iowa 52240 319-338-1144 10- aS It pays to look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN ectPcttt'g RARE COINS and CURRENCY 1(BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZASAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205(512) 226-2311