Paper Money - Vol. XXIX, No. 1 - Whole No. 145 - January - February 1990

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VOL. XXIX No. 1 WHOLE No. 145 ROBERT MORRIS STANDARD CATALOG OF Upited States Paper Mopey By Chester L. Krause and Robert F. Lemke Robert E. Wilhite, Editor Twice the Information of Any Other U.S. Paper Money Reference! (plus $2.50 shipping when ordering direct from the publisher) ALL NEW INFORMATION • The latest pricing data in up to three grades to determine the actual value of your notes • Special 16-pg. "Authentication Guide" details notes positively identified as counterfeit • Many rare notes — $500 and $1000 bills — listed and priced for the first time ever krause publications 700 East State St. Iola, WI 54990 202 pg. 8- 1/2 x 11-in., hardbound The most comprehensive, up-to-date, illustrated guide to U.S. paper money from 1812 to date • Complete coverage for 175 years of official paper money circulated by the Federal Government • Listings for more than 5,500 currency items • Over 14,000 market values • Grading guide providing common-sense definitions • In-text cross referencing of Krause/Lemke and Friedberg numeric systems • Historic and economic background information for each major section • Complete National Bank Note listings with rarity ratings for each bank of issue • Identification of all portraits in addition to the actual illustration provided — for accurate identification and enhanced knowledge Yes! Send me copies of the STANDARD CATALOG OF UNITED STATES PAPER MONEY, 8th ed. at just $19.95 each. (U.S. addresses add — $2.50 per book shipping and handling. Non-U.S. addresses add $5.00 per book. Payable in U.S. funds.) ) Check or money order (to Krause Publications) Amount for hooks $ Shipping $ Total amount enclosed $ ( ) MasterCard ( ) VISA IMS IMT Name Credit Card No Address City Signature Mail with payment to Krause Publications, Catalog Dept. ▪ State Zip 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Expires: Mo. Yr AN INDEX TO PAPER MONEY VOLUME 28, 1989 Nos. 139 -144 Angus, Fred F. No. Page OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP No. Page The million dollar counterfeiting ring. illus. 143 141 A brief history of the Bank of the State of Alabama. Bob Cochran 139 5 Balbaton, Richard Newly discovered proofs and notes from the Huntsville branch of Interest bearing notes 144 196 the Bank of the State of Alabama. illus. Bob Cochran 139 7 Benton. Jay T., MD. Notes of Cahawba, Alabama. illus. Jay T. Benton, MD. 139 12 Notes of Cahawba, Alabama. illus 139 12 The bank as it appears on the $20 note of the Northern Clark, Frank Bank of Alabama at Huntsville. illus. Bob Cochran 139 9 Currency label sets, old and new. illus 140 52 The Florence Bridge Company. illus. Bob Whitten 139 14 Cochran. Bob A brief history of the Bank of the State of Alabama 139 5 The man from Alabama on the Confederate $1 note. Bank happenings 140 58 illus. Bob Cochran 139 11 143 159 The Minnesota state currency issue of 1858. illus. How Cassie Chadwick broke the bank. illus 144 177 Steve Schroeder 143 150 Newly discovered proofs and notes from the Huntsville Philpott, William A., Jr. branch of the Bank of the State of Alabama. illus. 139 7 Red seals are rare 143 160 Serial number H IA, $5 red seal. illus. 143 159 Poleske, Lee The bank as it appears on the $20 note of the Northern Air force hero commemorated on a bank note. illus 140 59 Bank of Alabama at Huntsville. illus 139 9 RAILROAD NOTES The man from Alabama on the Confederate $1 note. illus. 139 11 Railroad notes & scrip of the United States, the Confederate The million dollar counterfeiting ring. illus. 143 141 states and Canada. illus. Richard T. Hoober 139 20 CONFEDERATE 140 61 Cooper, Everett K. 141 92 Trading in the enemy's currency. illus. 142 112 142 127 Mack. Gene F. 143 157 Confederate depository receipts. illus. 143 154 144 193 COUNTERFEITING Hughes, Brent Schroeder, Steve The case of the cagey counterfeiter 141 90 Governor Ordway and the great Dakota train robbery. illus. . . . 140 43 The million dollar counterfeiting ring. illus. The dollar Jessie James never got. illus. 144 191 Fred F. Angus and Bob Cochran 143 141 The Minnesota state currency issue of 1858. illus 143 150 Crabb. Michael A., Jr. Synder, Tom Updated census, the surviving 1918 $50 Federal 1929-1935 national bank note varieties, supplement XVIII. Illus. 140 47 Reserve Bank notes. illus. 141 89 SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS Daniel, Forrest Awards at Memphis 142 129 The green goods game 140 60 Awards at Pittsburgh ANA 143 164 142 115 Awards winners at Memphis 143 162 143 161 Book project roundup 143 163 Durand, Roger Call for nominations 139 24 Interest bearing notes 139 24 Candidates for SPMC board 140 64 141 94 In memoriam 143 162 Hessler. Gene Dr. Glenn E. Jackson 142 140 Looking closely at portraits of Dom Pedro II. illus 142 116 Matthew "Matt" Rothert 144 196 Supplements to Nos. 135 and 138 140 55 M. Owen Warns 141 IFC 141 95 Interest bearing notes 139 24 The Alabama claim. illus 139 17 141 94 Hughes, Brent 143 162 The case of the cagey counterfeiter. 141 90 144 196 Huntoon, Peter Library notes 141 95 The paper column: U.S. LARGE-SIZE NOTES, general articles Brown back vertical and horizontal charter number varieties. illus. 143 148 Cochran, Bob Mary Costello and the First National Bank of Red seals are rare. Philpott. William A. Jr. 143 160 Tombstone. Arizona. illus 142 118 The dollar Jessie James never got. illus. Steve Schroeder 144 191 National banks chartered under the Act of Feb. 25, 1863. illus.. . 140 37 U.S. NATIONAL BANK NOTES Treasury serial numbers by year for the early large-size A history of the banks of the city of Hudson, New York. illus. national bank notes. illus 144 181 Robert R. Moon 141 77 Keller. Kenneth Governor Ordway and the great Dakota train robbery. illus. Sutler paper. illus 141 83 Steve Schroeder 140 43 Latimer, Roman L. Is there a Santa Claus? illus. Robert R. Moon 139 16 J.J. Aragon, Jr., last survivor of the national bank note J.J. Aragon, Jr., last survivor of the national bank note era in era in New Mexico. illus. 143 147 New Mexico. illus. Roman L. Latimer 143 147 Litt. William National banks chartered under the Act of Feb. 25, 1863. illus. The National Banking system. illus. 144 185 Peter Huntoon & Doug Walcutt 140 37 Lloyd, Robert 1929-1935 national bank note varieties, supplement XVIII. illus . Syngraphic vignettes 142 129 Tom Snyder 140 47 144 195 Rhode Island small-size national bank notes. illus. R.J. Cormier 140 56 Mack, Gene F. The paper column (see Peter Huntoon) Confederate depository receipts. illus. 143 154 Walcutt, Doug. Mikolajczyk, Dr. Andrej National banks chartered under the Act of Feb. 25, 1863. illus. . 140 37 The Kosciuszko insurrection and the earliest Polish bank notes Whitten, Bob of 1794. illus. 142 109 The Florence Bridge Company. illus 139 14 Moon, Robert R. WORLD BANK NOTES A history of the banks of the city of Hudson, New York. illus. .. 141 77 Air Force hero commemorated on a bank note. illus. Lee Poleske 140 59 Is there a Santa Claus? illus 139 16 Looking closely at portraits of Dom Pedro II. illus 142 116 NEW LITERATURE The Kosciuszko insurrection and the earliest Polish bank notes An illustrated history of U.S. loans, 1775-1898. Gene Hessler . . 141 95 of 1794. illus. Dr. Andre) Mikolajczyk 142 109 Back Issues of PAPER MONEY Available The following back issues of PAPER MONEY are now available at $2.50 each from R.J. BALBATON, SPMC Book Sales Dept. P.O. Box 911 No. Attleboro, MA 02761.0911 1966 — #20 1977 — #69 1968 — #25, 26 1979 — #80, 81, 83 1970 — #35 1980 — #85, 86, 87, 89, 90 1971 — #38, 39 1983 — #104, 105, 106, 107 1972 — #41, 44 1985 — #118, 119, 120 1974 — #52, 53 1986 — #124, 125, 126 1975 — #60 1987 — #127, 128, 129, 130, 131 ### An index to "Paper Money" Volumes 1-10, 1962-1971 Please do not send funds with your order. You will be invoiced for those issues that can be supplied at the time your order is received. This procedure will avoid the necessity of making refunds. Remember, Do Not Send Funds With Your Order! YOU WILL BE BILLED! Five or more copies shipped postpaid. This opportunity to obtain the wealth of information contained in these issues may not last long, as most are in limited supply. Notes for Authors Manuscripts (ms) should be relevant to the study of paper money and related subjects, i.e., stock certificates, checks and the history of note-issuing banks, etc. The author is responsible for statements in the ms; nevertheless, the editor has the pre- rogative to edit any ms so it conforms to the objectives of the Society of Paper Money Collectors. If a ms has been published elsewhere or has been submitted to another publication, it must be mentioned to the editor. PAPER MONEY authors who wish to have their articles pub- lished elsewhere are asked to wait a minimum of one year be- fore doing so. (See copyright statement on the first page of this journal.) Manuscripts should be typed and double-spaced on 8 1/2 x 11-inch white paper. The printer cannot work from any other format. Sources should be listed as follows: Haxby, J. (1988). Standard catalog of United States obsolete bank notes. 1 & 3. Iola, WI: Krause. History of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing 1862-1962. (1964). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Treasury Department. Huntoon, P. (1988). The earliest national bank title changes. PAPER MONEY. 27, 141-144. Huntoon, P. (1988). The United States $500 & $1.000 na- tional bank notes. PAPER MONEY. 27, 103-114. In place of footnotes put the author's last name and page reference in parentheses, e.g. (Huntoon, 68) at the appropriate place. If there is more than one author reference for the same year, add the date, and vol. (in ital.). e.g. (Huntoon. 1988, 27, 105). If an author is not listed, use an identifying word from the title, e.g. (History, 60) or (Bureau, 60). In some instances photocopies of illustrations will suffice, provided they show all original detail. A poor photograph or photocopy will look worse when reproduced in the journal. Articles will be published as soon as possible. Nevertheless. immediate publication cannot be guaranteed. Although it might not be included with the article, the author may submit a brief biography of about 100 words that covers personal, professional and hobby-related information. NOW AVAILABLE!!! SPMC members Bob Cochran and Ron Horstman have generated a listing of all known counterfeit national bank notes re- ported between 1863 and 1935. Included are First, Second and Third Charter Notes, and, for the first time, a listing of reported 1929 Series counterfeits. The listing is organized by denomination, and alphabetically by state within each denomination. Each note listed is described as it was in the original publication. The listing is bound securely, so you can easily take it with you to shows and meetings. If you've ever been "stuck" with a note you thought was genuine, this booklet could easily pay for itself in just one transaction. The price of each booklet is $9.65, which includes first-class postage. All proceeds from the sale of these booklets go to the Society of Paper Money Collectors. Make checks payable to SPMC, and mail to: Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors. Sec- ond class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes to: Bob Cochran, Secretary, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1987. All rights reserved. Repro- duction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $20; life membership is $300. Individual copies of PAPER MONEY are $2.50. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover $152 $420 $825 Inside Front & Back Cover $145 $405 $798 Full Page $140 $395 $775 Half-page $75 $200 $390 Quarter-page $38 $105 $198 Eighth-page $20 $55 $105 To keep rates at a minimum, advertising must be prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. In exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are required, the ad- vertiser will be notified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the 10th of the month preceding issue (e.g., Feb. 10 for March/April issue). Camera-ready copy will be accepted up to three weeks beyond this date. Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or hor- izontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertise- ment in which typographical error should oc- cur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXIX No. 1 Whole No. 145 JAN. /FEB. 1990 ISSN 0031-1162 GENE HESSLER, Editor P.O. Box 8147 St. Louis, MO 63156 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY re- serves the right to reject any copy. Deadline for copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 10th for March/April issue). Camera-ready copy will be accepted up to three weeks beyond this date. IN THIS ISSUE WHAT'S IN A NAME by Bob Cochran 5 BISON OR BUFFALO, THE BILL IS BEAUTIFUL by Gene Hessler 8 REPUBLIC BANK NOTE CO. by Mark D. Thomas 12 INCOMPLETE OBSERVATIONS ABOUT THE FADED BACKS OF $1 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES by Bob Waszilycsak 16 THE PAPER COLUMN ENDING TREASURY SERIAL NUMBERS ON DATE BACK NATIONAL BANK NOTES by Peter Huntoon 19 MONEY TALES by Forrest Daniel 21 SOCIETY FEATURES INTEREST BEARING NOTES 22 DR. GLENN E. JACKSON MEMORIAL AWARD 22 NEW LITERATURE 22 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 23 NEW MEMBERS 23 MONEY MART 24 ON THE COVER. This portrait of Robert Morris (1734-1806) was engraved by Charles Schlecht. See page 5. Inquiries concerning non-delivery of PAPER MONEY should be sent to the secretary; for additional copies and back issues contact book coordinator. Addresses are on the next page. Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 1 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Richard J. Balbaton, P.O.B. 911, N. Attleboro, MA 01761-1911 VICE-PRESIDENT Austin M. Sheheen, Jr., P.O.B. 428, Camden, SC 29020 SECRETARY Robert Cochran, P.O.B. 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 TREASURER Dean Oakes, Drawer 1456, Iowa City, IA 52240 APPOINTEES EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O.B. 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Ron Horstman. P.O.B. 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOOK SALES COORDINATOR Richard J. Balbaton, P.O.B. 911, N. Attleboro, MA 01761-1911 WISMER BOOK PROJECT Richard T. Hoober, P.O.B. 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445 LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001 LIBRARIAN Walter Fortner, P.O.B. 152, Terre Haute, IN 47808-0152. PAST-PRESIDENT Roger H. Durand, P.O.B. 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Nelson Page Aspen, Richard J. Balbaton, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg, Gene Hessler, Ronald Horstman, William Horton, Jr., Robert R. Moon, Dean Oakes, Austin M. Sheheen, Stephen Taylor, Frank Trask, Wendell Wolka. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organ- ized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non- profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numis- matic Association. The annual meeting is held at the Memphis IPMS in June. MEMBERSHIP - REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the ANA or other recognized numis- matic societies are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC mem- ber or provide suitable references. DUES - Annual dues are $20. Life membership, payable in installments, is $300. Members who join the Society prior to Oct. 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Mem- bers who join after Oct. 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will al- so receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1984 Rosene $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 ARKANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1985 Rothert $17.00 Non-member price $22.00 FLORIDA PAPER MONEY, ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF, (softcover) 1980 Cassidy $16.00 Non-member price $19.50 INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1978 Wolka $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 INDIAN TERRITORY/OKLAHOMA/KANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1980 Burgett and Whitfield $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1982 Oakes $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 MAINE OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP, 1977 Wait $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 bound books are 81/2 x 11" MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1973 Rockholt $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, 1976 Wait $15.00 Non-member price $20.00 PENNSYLVANIA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP (396 pages). Hoober $28.00 Non-member price $29.50 RHODE ISLAND AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTA- TIONS, OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF, 1981 Durand $20.00 Non-member price $25.00 TENNESSEE-THE HISTORY OF EARLY TENNESSEE BANKS AND THEIR ISSUES, 1983 Garland $20.00 Non-member price $29.50 TERRITORIALS-A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIAL NATIONAL BANK NOTES, (softcover) 1980 Huntoon $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 VERMONT OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1972 Coulter $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept., P.O. Box 911, N. Attleboro, MA 02761-0911 Library Services: The Society maintains a lending library for the use of the members only. For further information, write the Librarian - Walter Fortner, P.O. Box 152, Terre Haute, IN 47808-0152. Page 2 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 3 UNPRECEDENTED! The ULTIMATE United States Obsolete Bank Note Reference Is Here! STANDARD CATALOG OF UNITED STATES OBSOLETE BANK NOTES 1782-1866 By James A. Haxby Four volumes, 8 1/2)(11, hardbound r Mail to Krause Publications, Catalog Dept. 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Send me copies of the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, Vol. II, General Issues, at $45.00 each. Yes! Send me sets of the all new Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank Notes, 1782-1866 at $195.00 per st. Amount for books Shipping Total amount enclosed Name Address City State Zip ( ) Check or money order (to Krause Publications) ( ) MasterCard/VISA (order billed as Krause = Publications) Credit Card No Expires: Mo. Yr Signature (Obsolete Bank Note Book, U.S. addresses, postage included. Foreign addresses add $18.00 for shipping. For the World Paper Money book. U.S. addresses at $2.50 per book; foreign addresses add $4.50. Payable in U.S. funds) Credit card customers dial toll-free 800-258-0929 8 am-5 pm. CST, Mon.-Fri. Non-orders and Wisconsin callers, please use our regular business line, 715-445-2214. FFE JA5 You'll find over 2700 pages in four comprehensive, hardbound volumes. This landmark reference work offers you: • Vast amounts of original research, including the most authoritative treatment of counterfeit, raised, altered and spurious notes to date! Where notes of altered origins are documented, unaltered notes are listed as well to help you trace the actual origins of issues in your collection. • The most complete list of state bank engravers (imprints) ever assembled! One more way to attribute your notes. • Prices for each note! For the first time you'll know exactly what a note is worth. Improve your collecting rewards significantly with this vital market data! • Every bank note documented to have been issued is listed. More than 77,000 in all! Use this information to trace those puzzling notes from your collection. • Each listing is accompanied by catalog number; denominations of issue; engraver identifications; issue dates as engraved or hand-written on the notes; overprint colors; and where no photo is available, a detailed description. It's a comprehensive study! • Many notes are pictured for the first time anywhere! More than 15,000 photos make the Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank Notes a tremendous asset in attributing your notes. Books will be available in early November. Reserve your copy now! Still Available — The Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, Vol. II, General Issues. It's Albert Pick's classic listing of government legal tender worldwide! Page 4 Paper Money Whole No. 145 34th ANNUAL METRO NEW YORK NUMISMATIC CONVENTION MARCH 29, 30, 31, April 1, 1990 at the VISTA INT'L. HOTEL WORLD TRADE CENTER, N.Y.C. Held in conjunction with the 3rd ANNUAL NORTHEAST PAPER MONEY SHOW SHOW HOURS Thursday, March 29 — 3:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Friday, March 30 — 9:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Saturday, March 31 — 9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Sunday, April 1 — 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. COMPETITIVE EXHIBITS IN ALL AREAS OF NUMISMATICS. Exhibitors Welcome Educational Forums and Meetings include: SPMC, EAC, METAMS, VECTURISTS, BIBLIOMANICS & YOUNG NUMISMATISTS. Auctions by BOWERS & MERENA, INC. FOR INFORMATION Herman & Beverly Visser Doug Walcutt, Pres. RD #3, Ponderosa Road R.R. #12 Carmel, NY 10512 Carmel, NY 10512 914-225-7846 914-225-7008 Bourse Chairpersons FUTURE CONVENTION DATES March 21-24,1991 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 5 "its present is its old national name. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Why the Bank of North America in Philadelphia was the only national bank that did not use the word "national" in its title by BOB COCHRAN BACKGROUND HEN the National Bank Act was passed on February 25, 1863, Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase gave little regard to what NAMES the new national banks authorized by the Act would use. He envisioned that the first bank to receive a national charter in a particular city or town would be given the title "First National Bank"; the next bank granted a charter in the locale would be the "Second National Bank", and so on. This practice would mean that existing state- chartered banks would be forced to give up their old names and assume a "numerical" designation. Chase would soon be proven wrong in this assumption. With respect to names of banks, The National Bank Act allowed some leeway in the office of the Comptroller of the Cur- rency, created by the Act. It states that "The name assumed by such association; which name shall be subject to the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency." But the early forms that were used to grant charters read "Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the National Bank . . .." So it was assumed by the government officials that the word "national" would be a part of the title used by all national banks. Hugh McCulloch, the first Comptroller, followed the intent of Secretary Chase in granting charters to national banks. By the end of 1863, only 179 charters had been issued; in every case, the title of the bank included a number—First, Second, Third. The Treasury officials were somewhat concerned by what they considered a low number of banks being chartered. They found that all but one of the new national banks were just that - new banks. Only one established bank had converted to a national charter, and it appeared that one reason was the reluctance of these banks to give up their old name in favor of "numbers". The Exchange Bank, an established bank in Hartford, Con- necticut, converted to a national bank in April of 1864. Charter 361 was granted to "The National Exchange Bank of Hartford"; this is the earliest title I have confirmed, which is not a "numerical" title. But the word "national" still appeared in all titles of national banks. THE BANK OF NORTH AMERICA Robert Morris was elected Superintendent of Finance by the Continental Congress on February 20, 1781. On May 17 of that year Morris presented the Congress with a plan "for establishing a national bank in these United States"; the resolution further stated that no other Bank or Bankers shall be established or per- mitted within the said States respectively during the war." The plan was approved by the Congress, and the new bank was an- nounced on May 28, 1781. The Bank of North America was granted its charter on December 31, 1781 and commenced operations in Philadelphia on January 7, 1782. THE BANK OF NORTH AMERICA APPLIES FOR A NATIONAL CHARTER In October of 1864 the directors and stockholders of the Bank of North America discussed the possibilities of reorganizing the bank as a national bank. "A step more in keeping with the tradi- tions and history of the bank it would be hard to conceive. Creat- ed by Congress, and fostered under national auspices, it was only by the force of circumstances, and the unfortunate prevalence of the States Rights' feeling, that it had been forced into the position of a State institution. It had already given ample evidence of its loyalty to the national cause. It had advanced four and a half mil- lions of dollars or four and a half times the amount of its capital stock, on United States securities, and it now embraced the op- A remainder dated 179_. BAN k 0 rair if; //(// ///t< Page 6 Paper Money Whole No. 145 A $3 note dated 1826. portunity of resuming its former intimate relations with the Nation- al Government. Much feeling, however, prevailed, both among the directors and the stockholders, AGAINST ANY CHANGE IN THE OLD CORPORATE TITLE OF THE BANK OF NORTH AMERICA.' It was felt by them that the addition of the word 'Na- tional,' as was customary on becoming a national bank, was, in the case of the Bank of North America, both unnecessary and ill- advised." On October 24, 1864, Thomas Smith, President of the Bank of North America, wrote the following letter to Comptroller Hugh McCulloch: Proposing that the Bank of North America should become a national bank, and suggesting that it should retain the title of the "Bank of North America," without the usual prefix of "National." On October 29, McCulloch wrote back to Smith: Dear Sir — Your favor of the 28th inst. is received. Such has been the history and such the relations of the Bank of North America to the General Government, that it seems to be emi- nently proper that in its reorganization and rejuvenation under the National Currency Act, it should assume as its title "The Na- tional Bank of North America." Every state bank hitherto changed into a national association has taken, in connection with its former name, the word "National," and I should regret it if the oldest and most loyal of all of them should be unwilling to indicate by its title its relations to the national banking system of the National Government. In order to make the change, you must obtain the consent of the owners of two-thirds of the capital stock of your bank, and, if you advise it, I do not believe that a single one of them will hesitate to assent to the introduction of the word "National" in- to the title. Please let me hear from you on this point. I do not now say that I shall decline sanctioning the reorgani- zation of your bank under its present title alone. If I do it, it will be against my own judgment and with extreme reluctance. There was, I think, well-founded objection to the "numeral system" of Mr. Chase, but of the 561 banks organized under the national system not one has objected to the word "National" as part of its title, and I do not believe that, upon re- flection, you will. On November 1, 1864, Smith wrote back to McCulloch: Dear Sir — Your valued favor of the 29th is at hand. Wish- ing to avoid the use of your valuable time in a matter of so little moment as the addition of the word "National" in the name of this bank, I am compelled to do so because there is so much feeling about any change of name with the stockholders and di- rectors. arising principally from the fact that its present is its old national name given to it by Congress in 1781, retained by it, after much violent opposition, in confirmatory charters had from Delaware, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, the same political heresy of State rights being then, as now, rampant. There is no similarity between this and any other bank, either State or National. First. We hold the national charter, December 31. 1781. which has never been abandoned or relinquished, but, in consequence of the partisan opposition to the bank, this charter was confirmed by the three States in which its business was chiefly done. No new charter was given or made. It was simply confirmatory of the charter made by the United States. which confirmatory charters by this State have been renewed (being limited in duration) as they expired. The original charter is perpetual. The great merit of the corporation and pride has always been in its national charter. We have it in brass in the building and printed on the notes. In July. 1862, we passed, and published in the papers, a resolution, a copy of which I inclose. We loan- ed all we had to the Government when they wanted it. and the timid said it was imprudent to do so, and we have and hold two and a half times the amount of the capital in the United States securities now, and intend to do so. The national banks are generally organized to benefit the stockholders, and for that purpose only. This bank was created avowedly to aid the United States. It fulfilled its mission, and then went on to pros- perity, filled with the pride of that mission. These are some of the reasons for asking permission to retain our national name of "The Bank of North America." The mat- ter has been thoroughly canvassed by the directors, and I will frankly state that I heartily agree with them in pressing the re- quest. With a personal interview, and the documents in our possession, I feel you would say we were right. At the same time we shall do nothing, however small, to detract from the strength of the nation in this her struggle for existence. And we believe the national bank system to be one very great element of success and strength. Should you determine that we cannot change without an altertion of name, please inform me in rela- tion to it, our arrangements all being made for the old name. In the mean time, I inclose you specimens of the issue of the notes of the bank, if you are at all curious in such matters, the issues of the Revolution, the war with Great Britain, and the Rebel- lion. They are genuine, and good for redemption at any time. ,Arrow.,q Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 7 "CHARTERED BY CONGRESS 1781" is on this note from 1862. On November 4, 1864, McCulloch wrote back to Smith, appar- ently still expressing some reluctance to the proposed name of the bank. He also apparently asked Smith if the bank notes sent to him should be returned. On November 11, 1864 Smith wrote again to McCulloch: Dear Sir — Your favor of the 4th was duly received. I should have felt much relieved by something to warrant the belief that you would sanction the old name. The meeting of the stockholders is on Monday next, and it is by no means certain that the requisite number of two-thirds can be obtained at all. The election has demonstrated that Uncle Sam can take care of himself now (Lincoln was reelected President. defeat- ing George McClellan), and there is, therefore, no necessity for any little moral support, besides there are several Banks of North America, and after a time there may be the same num- ber of National Banks of North America. I can, if you desire. send you a commendation from the other banks for our old name. The notes I sent you are to be retained; we have other specimens of the same kind. On November 16, 1864, Smith wrote another letter to Comp- troller McCulloch: Dear Sir — The stockholders of this bank have voted au- thority to its directors to change from State to National. Our desire is to retain its present name in the organization cer- tificate, — "The Bank of North America." Will you be pleased to inform me if this will meet with your is approval in order to avoid the trouble and vexation attending a failure? Referring to my previous letters on this matter, and awaiting your reply. President Smith did indeed furnish Comptroller McCulloch with a letter signed by the presidents of most of the other Philadel- phia banks urging that the Bank of North America be granted a national charter under its original name. Smith's persuasive let- ters, the letter signed by the other Philadelphia bankers, and the opportunity to bring such an important (and stable—remember the bank notes, one of which was issued during the Revolutionary War, that President Smith sent to McCulloch, reminding him that all of them were still redeemable) bank into the National Banking System probably convinced McCulloch that indeed discretion is the better part of valor. The bank history published in 1881 states "In November a committee of the directors was dispatched to Washington to deposit the necessary securities, and immediately after the bank began business in its new national charter." Charter 602 was granted to "The Bank of North America"; the plate date on First Charter National Currency notes issued by the bank is De- cember 8, 1864. The Bank of North America was placed in voluntary liquidation on February 28, 1923, and was succeeded by the Bank of North America & Trust Company of Philadelphia. Many national banks relinquished their national charters about this time, to take ad- vantage of more relaxed state banking laws. After reorganizations and mergers, the Bank of North America is considered the forerunner of the current First Pennsylvania Bank of Philadelphia. U in5t on This First Charter note is signed by Thomas Smith, president. Through the efforts of Smith the Bank of North America was allowed to retain the original name without the addition of "National" as part of the title. (Continued on page 15) Page 8 Paper Money Whole No. 145 B ison oruffalo, theill iseautiful In the mid 1800s, 30 to 40million buffalo grazed in thewest; by 1889 there were fewerthan 1,000. by GENE HESSLER Just as the profile of the American Indian on the obverse of the five-cent piece (1913-1938) is a composite of three Indians, i.e., Iron Tail, a Sioux, and Chiefs Two Moons, a Cheyenne and John Big Tree, an Iriquois, it seems that the bison (hereafter called a buffalo) on the 1901, $10 United States note is a composite of two different ani- mals: one at the National Park Zoo in Washington, D.C., the other, a mounted specimen at the Smithsonian Insti- tution. N OT many of us own one but wish we did —not theanimal, the bank note. The robust design, which im-plies much about the exploration of the American West, has been the subject of articles for the past 60 years. Like others, I fell victim to repeating inaccurate, secondary source in- formation. Initially, it was thought that Black Diamond, a buffalo at the New York Zoological Gardens, or Central Park Zoo, who served as the model for the five-cent piece reverse was also the model for the $10 note. It is easy to understand why some thought the model for the $10 note and the five-cent piece were one and the same. The note and the coin were issued within 12 years of each other. There were, however, two different animals and their lives par- alleled each other. Black Diamond, the model for the James E. Fraser coin design, was born in 1893 at the New York Central Park Zoo from stock donated by Barnum and Bailey. The ani- mal was put to death in November 1915. "Fred Santer, a New York Taxidermist, mounted the head. The skin was made into an automobile robe" (Miller). A few years ago I was shown a clipping from Mentor Maga- zine (Vol. 4, No. 13, Ser. 113), it was a reprint from Hornaday (1904). Big game hunter W.T. Hornaday described a buffalo he shot and killed on 6 December 1886. He said the animal was the model for the $10 bank note. The following appears in Rhees: "In that hunt twenty-five bison were shot. The bison had then become so rare as to be almost a curiosity in Montana, although but a few years ago they roamed in countless num- bers over the plains. The work of slaughter had gone on with such expedition that almost before naturalists were aware of it, it became exceedingly doubtful whether a satisfactory ser- ies of specimens for study and for general museum purposes could be secured'. So the Smithsonian hunt was organized and went out, Mr. Hornaday being the chief of the the expe- dition. The hunt was successful beyond expectation. The very last [animal] that was shot was this monster bull, that fell to Mr. Hornaday's own rifle. It seemed as if Providence had ordained that this splendid animal, perfect in limb, no- ble in size, should be saved to serve as a monument to the greatness of his race, that once roamed the praries in my- riads. Bullets found in his body showed that he had been chased and hunted before, but fate preserved him for the immortality of a museum exhibit. His vertical height at the shoulder is five feet eight inches. The thick hair adds enough to his height to make it a full six feet. The length of his head and body is nine feet two inches, his girth eight feet four in- ches, and his weight is, or was, about sixteen hundred pounds." The version by Hornaday (1904) was in agreement on the height of the animal, but two vital statistics were different: nose to root of tail was 10 feet 2 inches; the estimated weight, 2,100 pounds. Perhaps this was a buffalo tale on the part of the hunt- er. One story as to how this mounted buffalo became the model for the $10 note 2 was told by Charles R. Knight in The Numis- matist (September 1941) and The Essay-Proof Journal (Winter 1967): "I had been working on a number of fossil drawings during my stay in Washington in the year 1901, and for this pur- pose availed myself of the fine collection then housed in the Old National Museum. Dr. Fred Lucas, then Curator of Anatomy and Osteology, kindly assisted me in securing data for my picture, and to reach his office, which was at the back of the building, I had to pass the big buffalo group, mount- ed, I think, by William T. Hornaday, later for many years the director of the Bronx Zoological Park in New York City. "For several days prior to my little adventure I had seen workmen busy removing a large plate glass panel from one side of the group, and later some gentlemen seemed to be at work copying the great brown creatures now clearly visible without intervening glass. At last my curiosity got the best of me, and, climbing over the wooden barrier which had been erected to keep out visitors, I approached the industrious in- dividual hard at work on a sketch which he seemed to have difficulty in finishing. "'Pardon me,' I said, 'but would you mind telling me just what you are doing?' "'Certainly, I will,' he replied, 'and I'm dreadfully stuck on this job about which I know nothing and I only wish some- one would help me out.' "For once in my life I had my wits about me, so I quickly suggested that he let me do it. To my surprise he rose from his seat, grasped me by the arm and almost shouted, Will you? Then come with me to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and I'll introduce you to my boss. My name's Bald- win, and I am an engraver at the Bureau, and what I don't know about buffaloes would fill a book."' "Enough said. I went with him, met Mr. Hill, then chief of the department, I believe, got the order and forthwith de- parted for the zoo in Rock Creek Park, there to wrestle with the drawing from life of a superb old bull buffalo, whose pic- ture later appeared on the $10 bill" (Mueller 4). Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 9 The mounted group of buffalo in the Smithsonian Institute. The building [where the animal] was exhibited is now known as the Arts and Industries Building. The natural history exhibits are now in the National Museum of Natural History, across the mall from the Arts and Industries Building. There is another version, it involves a live buffalo. Since no picture of a buffalo could be located at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP), J.R. Hill, Chief of the Engraving Division at the BEP "requested [Marcus W.] Baldwin to hasten to the Washington Zoo and make a drawing of one of the animals. "Executing a drawing from life of any type of animal is a diffi- cult task and can only be carried out successfully by a person of long experience in that line. Baldwin left the Bureau with great timidity, and after entering upon his assigned mission he discovered it extremely difficult to catch the position of a live beast holding to the one position. He worked on his drawing for an hour or so with little success. A passerby no- ticed that he was experiencing great difficulty and asked if he might be of service. The young man took Baldwin's pencil and pad and began his drawing of the bison in a standing position with its head toward the ground, and within a short time carried the drawing through to its finished state. Bald- win was of course delighted and thanked the young man most profusely, who, when asked his name, introduced himself as Charles R. Knight. This young artist later became world renowned as an animal painter . . " (Morris). Both animals have been documented, but did both serve as models for the $10 note? Probably. But, stories, as they are re- lated over a period of years, have a way of becoming confused with other contemporary events. Pablo, the buffalo at the National Zoological Park. (Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution) WI OVAL. 10,11101,W14 31-011.01164144, “111.1% NOTE IS AILECALICENDElt TOM DOLLAIISSVIMEIT TO TUEd is knovistoNsor SECTION unto u.s. fT'"----4SONEMOM=XEMer*Mar"-Affia, Page 10 Baldwin might have had difficulty in sketching a live animal, and Knight could have come to the rescue. Baldwin, undoubt- edly. visited the zoo to observe and attempt to sketch a live animal. Any artist would prefer a live subject. Nevertheless, the stance of the mounted buffalo at the Smithsonian clearly sug- gests that the Hornaday specimen influenced Knight and Bald- win. Paper Money Whole No. 145 The following was mentioned as part of a 1989, Public Radio program on location in Montana. On the Montana Bison Range, 350 bison roam. Once each year they are herded into holding pens, guided through chutes onto a scale where they are weighed and examined for disease. About 100 calves are born each year; each is branded. Excess animals [above 350] are sold. Ostrander Smith designed this note. Marcus W. Bald- win based his engraving of Pablo on a sketch by Charles R. Knight. The portraits of Lewis and Clark were engraved by G.F.C. Smillie. About ten years ago I saw a reference in the magazine, Stamps; F. Ellis identified the buffalo on the 30-cent stamp (SA172) and the $10 U.S. note as Pablo. Since that time I have used this name for the model, nevertheless, some have ques- tioned me, insisting that Black Diamond was the model. Here is what I have been able to establish. Pablo was purchased for $500 from Michel Pablo of Ronan, Montana on 23 October 1897. "It lived in the [National] Zoo for 17 years, finally dying of old age on October 3, 1914. By that time it was thin-haired and in very poor condition. Consequent- ly it was of no use as a museum specimen and was not pre- served" (Johnson). Similar information was received from the National Zoological Park, except that the date of death was given as 13 October 1914. Letters from both the zoo and the Smithsonian refer to the animal as Pablo and refer to it as the model for the $10 note. The name was undoubtedly adopted from the previous owner. The design for the $10 note, as powerful as it is, was the sec- ond choice, but the better one. The original design consisted of an engraving of the battleship Massachusetts flanked by en- graved portraits of U.S. Naval heroes Bainbridge and Decatur. The influence of naturalist John Muir on Vice President Theo- dore Roosevelt, who became a born-again environmentalist, brought a change of design for the $10 note, in my opinion, our first and only environmental bank note. It also served as an an- nouncement for the approaching 100th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (see Hessler 1973). Roosevelt guided, expanded and protected the National Park system. As President he created the Forest Service, established wildlife refuges and signed an Act that allowed the President to create National Monuments and National Parks. In 1894, seven years before the $10 note was issued, about 85 buffalo roamed the West; there were 1,000 in zoos, parks and private herds. At the turn of the century it was estimated that only a few dozen buffaloes grazed freely. In 1902 Congress appropriated $15,000 for the protection of the disappearing buffalo. One year later the number of free-ranging buffalo was estimated at 634; 1,119 pure-bred animals were in captivity. The announcer said that these "bisons can outrun a horse, and can run all day." In the background one could hear the snorts and grunts of these magnificent animals as bystanders watched. Although not intended as a spectator event, the an- nual roundup has become just that. Conservation and a respect for the environment were not in the minds of most Americans in the 19th century. As the rail- road rushed passengers into the West, it was not uncommon for trains to wait for hours as herds of buffalo ignored the tracks that infringed upon their right-of-way. At such a time, and when the trains were moving, hunters and those who had a gun in their possession raised their window, aimed, and shot into a thunder- ing wall of furry fury; it was difficult to miss such a target. Thousands of animals were needlessly slaughtered and maimed. General Philip Sheridan, who was in command of the De- partment of the Missouri in 1867 and also conducted a cam- paign against the Indians, may not have had the typical U.S. Ar- Otis Thom (p)son, co-founder of the Security Bank Note Co., most as- suredly used Baldwin's engraving as a model for his own engraving. This version is on a 1981, souvenir card issued by the Currency Club of Chester County, Pennsylvania. Paper Money Whole No. 145 my officer attitude, but he was not alone. He said, "exterminate the buffalo and the Indian problem will be settled." The buffalo was the staff of life for the American Indian in the West; every part of the animal was used in some way. Sheridan suggested a bronze medallion "with a dead buffalo on one side and a dis- couraged Indian on the other." This would have been awarded to the buffalo hunters. Sheridan's despicable suggestion was never taken seriously. However, in 1913, the 25th anniversary of his death, one of American's most handsome coins was issued. In contrast, how- ever, to Sheridan's suggestion, the Indian and the buffalo as they are honorably represented would have been a disappoint- ment to the general— both images are magnificent. As many as 500 buffalo were affected by the disastrous fire in Yellowstone National Park in 1988. The animals, forced from their habitat, were slaughtered out of fear that they might trans- mit diseases to cattle. In 1904 only 30 buffalo were known in Yellowstone; today there are about 2.350. Fortunately, a century ago, a few had the vision that helped to save the buffalo. The powerful engraving by Marcus W. Bald- win, that dominates the 1901 $10 silver certificate, will always be a reminder of how close this native American animal came to extinction. Be it bison or buffalo, the bill is beautiful. By his own admission, the legendary Buffalo Bill killed 4,280 American buffalo between 1867 and 1868. By 1900 it has been recorded that 50 million of these animals had been killed—most for their hide, and far too many for sport alone. A contemporary of William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) was Charles Jesse Jones who lived from 1844- 1918. During the 1860s he too killed thousands of buffalo for their hide, and was given the name "Buffalo" Jones. In 1872 it occurred to Jones that the American buffalo would certainly become ex- tinct if such killing continued. Buffalo Jones man- aged to capture 12-15 of the animals with the in- tention of crossbreeding them with cattle to pro- duce a hardier breed of cattle. By 1898 there were 500 of the new breed called "cattalo." During the 1970s a similar experiment was tried; the breed was called "beefalo." In 1902 President Theodore Roosevelt appoint- ed the first warden to be in charge of the 3,472 square-mile Yellowstone National Park. This warden was Charles Jesse "Buffalo" Jones. Some Canadian and U.S., obsolete bank notes on which the American bison, or buffalo, can be found: CANADA Pick S1828 Pick S1250 UNITED STATES Haxby No. IN-30 G4 MA-1095 G 12a MA-105 G8 $50 International Bank, Toronto $20 Northern Crown Bank, Toronto $3 Shawnee Bank, Attica $1 Commercial Bank, Salem $5 Bank of Clinton -SO MOI'.11161.1.1", Yir1,107.17A477rs, /he nye, Al/A ..7,44yat • >iv/ /1 /Awap,/ Frif $ "y. f.t.A /.4/14'1. (// 7% /////79////, !telltit.., /7; Page 11 MI-160 G4a $2 State Bank, Detroit MN-120 G2 $1 S earns County Bank, St. Cloud MN-150 G2a $1 Ramsey County Bank, St. Paul MN-155 G8 $10 Bank of St. Paul MN-160 G8a $5 Bank of the State of Minnesota MN-190 G6a $5 Chisago Bank, Taylor Falls MO-50 Design lAa $1 Bank of St. Louis NE-10 G6a $2 Nemaha Valley Bank, Brownsville NE-55 G2a $1 Bank of Nebraska, Omaha City New Mexico 12 1/2 A. & 0. Zeckendorf, Santa Fe NY-360 G4, G8, G12 Bank of Buffalo PA-560 G2 Pittston Bank TX (Medlar 59) Government of Texas, Houston TN-195 Design 1B Bank of Tennessee. Nashville WI-420 G2, G2c Green Bay Bank, Maranett WI-435 G2, G2a Menomonee Bank WI-450 G6a Exchange Bank of Wm. J. Bell & Co. WI-480 G2 $1 Juneau Bank, Milwaukee WI-630 G2, G4 $1 Oshkosh Commercial Bank WI-1795 G2, G2a $1 Bank of Superior FOOTNOTES I In 1874 a bill was passed that prohibited the killing of a buffalo cow except by an Indian. 2 On 10 April 1901 The New York Times reported that "The note is considered as artistic as any that has been issued in many years. Prominent in the centre of the face of the note is the picture of an American buffalo, taken from a photograph of a fine mounted speci- men in the National Museum. - Sources Duncan, D. (1987). Out West, an American Journey. New York: Vik- ing. Glenn, S.W. Assistant archivist, Smithsonian Institution Archives. (1987). Letter to the author. Hamlet, S.E. Historian, National Zoological Park. (September 1988). Letter to the author. (Continued on page 15) 1••• •• ********* •111 ***** •••• • • • • • •• e• • •• • •• FIRST Ik101114;h14 l'E t 4 ; „ I 1 t 41.11i It.‘ )S ' )?' , x4hr-Wr/e;vi as (111(it( )1!i?(It I (((1)0,)(1)11i: ' ;,faa; /.;//41)///,/;? (//;; /4";,, /24,Z:tzars NUMBER 000cor omo. Page 12 Paper Money Whole No. 145 REPUBLIC Bank Note Co. by MARK D. THOMAS ©1990 All rights reserved Some years ago I acquired a small group of materials pre- pared by the Republic Bank Note Company. I subse- quently located a son of one of the founders of Republic to try and learn some more about a company on which very little has been written. Within the last year it was my pleasure to interview George W. Goldsworthy, Jr., and I am pleased to share a little bit of the story of Republic here. The information presented here is mostly from my most pleasant host. All illustrations are from my collec- tion. T HE story of Republic Bank Note really starts with George W. Goldsworthy, Sr., who was born in Lin- den, Wisconsin in 1869. He went to Chicago and worked at Western Bank Note and Engraving Co., where he learned to be a siderographer. By 1905 he was the superintend- ent of Western Bank Note. Around that time he went to Pitts- burgh and made contact with a group of people who had incor- porated Republic Bank Note Company in January 1905. They purchased the assets of Colonial Printing and Lithographing Company and invited George W. Goldsworthy to join them. He was elected vice-president, general manager, and a director in April, 1905, and F. J. Pope became the first president. Republic Bank Note only did letterpress and lithography work at the start, but thanks to Mr. Goldsworthy, steel plate security engraving quickly followed. Figure 1 illustrates an early steel engraved bond by Republic done in 1906 for the Sandusky, Fremont and Southern Railway Company. The quality of the engraving in the vignette is very good, probably because Mr. Goldsworthy brought several Western employees with him, in- cluding Walter Frauz, the vignette engraver. Henry Schneider was the "script" man (engraver of script lettering), and a Mr. Boerland was the artist-designer. John W. Harrington was the head salesman. Figure 2 shows a photo of George W. Goldsworthy, Sr. in the early years of Republic Bank Note Co. The original premises of the firm were at 2817 Forbes Street in Pittsburgh. Figure 3 shows an early photo of the building that I am told still stands today. Pittsburgh was a logical site for the new operation because it was a major industrial center between Chicago and New York. During the first twenty or so years of the firm the business in- cluded a significant amount of steel plate engraving, predomi- nantly for stocks and bonds. There was also a lot of lithography and letterpress work for both security and general commercial accounts. May 24, 1911 was a banner occasion for the secur- ities business of Republic as it was on that day, roughly six years Figure 1 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 13 Figure 3 Figure 2 after its founding, that the work of Republic was accepted by the Committee on Stock List of the New York Stock Exchange. That meant companies whose securities were listed on the Ex- change could use Republic to engrave their certificates. The Ex- change had extremely stringent requirements on the quality of engraving, how and where the work was done, and other quali- fications for a company to be approved. Prior to May, 1911 all the companies whose work was approved by the Exchange had been purchased by American Bank Note Company. The ac- ceptance of Republic was therefore a major achievement for the young company. Leroy S. ("Roy") Goldsworthy, the eldest son of George W. Goldsworthy, Sr., worked for Republic and also learned sidero- graphy and steel plate printing. By the late 1920s he was super- intendent. He remained in the steel plate printing part of the firm until World War II. A particularly nice example of earlier steel plate printing by Republic, a Wells Fargo traveler's money or- der, is illustrated as Figure 4. The signature of the treasurer, Homer S. King, allows it to be dated between 1908 and 1911. Figure 5 shows a Western Bank Note engraved Wells Fargo tra- veler's money order from 1905 or earlier. Note how similar in overall appearance they are but how many of the details are dif- ferent. Presumably George W. Goldsworthy, Sr. persuaded Wells Fargo to switch their business from his former employer to his relatively new company. George W. Goldsworthy, Jr. joined Republic in 1927 as a trainee. That year, when the firm moved to larger quarters in a new building constructed next door to the original one, there were several hundred people working for Republic. George W. OftiGAIVIZE4,1952 ) -031144,41,16,41," SECURITIES 550100 OF THE PITTSBURGH ACCEPTED BY TO MITPOSITED WITH THE CLEARING HOUSE CO HOUSE ASSOCIATION, THIS CERTIFICATE ARKS GE SAIO ASSOCIATION FOR THE S qnn ras361 10, 1933 EARINGliorst: rEpTuusrE,1 f(L'' rPk• — 0 0 C3, ill: PRESIDENT . Page 14 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Goldsworthy, Sr. died in 1934 at the age of 65. His son George W., Jr. succeeded him as the head of the firm. By that time the firm employed perhaps ten to twelve salesmen in Pittsburgh, it had sales offices in New York and Chicago, and also had agents in many places, such as Lincoln Printing in Chicago and Darner- on and Pierson in New Orleans. Local printing firms might order only blank steel-engraved borders specially prepared and stocked for that purpose and print the lithographed vignette and "story" (textual terms of the security), or if the total job were steel, pass on the entire order to Republic to handle. Republic then paid the local firm a commission on the job. During the Great Depression Republic prepared a consider- able amount of scrip, especially for Pennsylvania and Ohio cities and towns. Illustrated in Figure 6 is a sample of the scrip en- graved for Pittsburgh. While it was prepared on an emergency schedule, it turned out not to be needed. Figure 7 is a picture of the three Goldsworthys at the time of the Pittsburgh scrip print- ing in March 1933. During the 1930s Republic engraved plates for Cuban post- age and revenue stamps. The printing was done in Cuba, but the plates were prepared in Pittsburgh. A sample of such an is- sue is illustrated in Figure 8. DIRECTING THE SCRIP-PRINTING TASK Figure 7 Rttnr ‘C.VECA COSMOS aNACIONAL 2+ I TLC/ORO:1.0 T VS. Figure 8 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 15 The Great Depression was obviously a very bad period for se- curities issues, and while scrip and other emergency work helped ease the slack in the early 1930s, the printing of Chinese bank notes performed that function in the late 1930s. Security Bank Note of Philadelphia had acquired the Chinese bank note contract through its agent, William Hunt, and it was more work than Security could handle. Security therefore subcontracted some of the work to Republic and other bank note companies, with all of the notes carrying the Security imprint. At certain times the China bank note work was 85 - 90 percent of the printing done at Republic. The Chinese bank note business was the work that helped foster the idea of Republic's merger with Security. The two firms were working together quite well on that immense project, and their equipment complemented each other's. The name Securi- ty was maintained for the merged firm because that name trans- lated into a phrase in Chinese that was more appropriate as a name for a bank note company, and China was the location of much of the business at the time the merger was being consid- ered. The merger occurred in November. 1942. What's In A Name (Continued from page 7) The Bank of North America. Charter 602, issued the follow- ing types of National Currency: First Charter, Original Series; First Charter, Series of 1875; Second Charter Brown Backs; Third Charter Red Seals; Third Charter Date Backs; and Third Charter Plain Backs. The amount of notes outstanding in 1923 was $488,617: this amount includes the circulation outstanding of the National Bank of The Northern Liberties in Philadelphia, Charter 541, which was assumed by consolidation on March 6, 1916. Sources American Banker, 150th anniversary edition. (1986). New York: American Banker, Inc. Lewis, L. Jr. (1882). A history of the Bank of North America, the first bank chartered in the United States. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co. Cooke, R.G. (1906). The Bank of North America, Philadelphia: A na- tional bank, founded 1781; the story of its progress through the past quarter of a century 1881-1906. New York. Hickman, J., & Oakes, D. (1982). Standard Catalog of national bank notes. Iola, WI: Krause Pub. Bison or Buffalo Continued from page 11 Hessler, G. (1973). Story of an unissued $10 silver certificate. PAPER MONEY. 48. 168-170. (1983). The comprehensive catalog of U.S. paper money. Port Clinton, OH: BNR Press. (1979). U.S. essay, proof and specimen notes. Portage, OH: BNR Press. Hornaday, W.T. (1904). The American natural history. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Jackson, Dr. G.E. (1975). Military payment certificate vignettes identi- fied. The Essay-Proof Journal. 127, 100-112. Johl, M.J. (April, 1935). The United States postage stamps of the 20th century, Collectors Club Philatelist. XIV, 2, 75-104. Johnson, D.H. Acting curator, division of animals. National Zoological Park, (1956). Letter to M.F. Miller. Miller, J.F. (October. 1956). Buffaloed by the buffalo nickel. Numis- matic Scrapbook. XXII, No. 10, 1701. Morris, T.F. (1953). Marcus Wicliffe Baldwin, bank note engraver. The Essay-Proof Journal. 40. 196-206. Mueller, B.R. (1967). A 1901 note and a 1922 stamp: one buffalo does double duty. The Essay-Proof Journal. 93, 3-4. Rhees, W.J. (1889). Visitors guide to the Smithsonian Institution. 42-44. Washington: Judd & Detweiler, printers. The New York Times, 10 April 1901. Page 16 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Incomplete Observations About the Faded Backs of $1 Federal Reserve Notes by BOB WASZILYCSAK SPMC 4001 The complaint that one cannot find interesting paper money collectibles in general circulation inspired this article. This is a happy exception. A FEW years ago $1 Federal Reserve Notes were frequent-ly seen with badly faded, washed out looking backs.People wondered if they were counterfeits or if the government had abandoned quality intaglio printing on this small denomination. Coin World, in a January 11, 1984 issue, ascribed the phe- nomena to poorly formulated ink. The article stated that the notes . . . were printed on a type of intaglio press new to the BEP in 1982 and which gave Bureau officials problems involving rapid breakdown of the ink on the back of notes for several months. The new presses are Giori Model I-8s, which use a solution of water and caustic soda to clean the printing plates between sheets. Older Giori presses used at the Bureau used continu- ous rolls of paper to wipe the surfaces of the plates and to pick up excess ink. I was pleased to read in the article that these notes command- ed no additional value. Here was a collector's opportunity with- out the complications of investor market forces to discourage ac- tive pursuit of the extent of the oddity. After picking up quite a few of these items, I contacted the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) for further clarification. The BEP responded in March, 1985. The letter stated that: The "faded" backs of the $1 Federal Reserve note were print- ed from 1980 to 1981. Therefore, series 1977A (which was printed until early 1981) was affected by the faded back prob- lem. During this period, the Bureau was experimenting with a new type of green ink. While this ink proved to be environ- mentally acceptable and passed all laboratory tests, it later demonstrated unacceptable wearing characteristics which re- sulted in a faded appearance. The problems associated with this ink were identified and corrected soon after. Some have advised that the water-wipe explanation was not really correct. Another person offered a theory that shallow-en- graved back plates were the cause since the wiping of such plates causes the ink not to adhere to the plate as well as to a regularly engraved plate. While the explanations differ, it re- mains for someone else to research. In accumulating the notes, I became aware that representative serial numbers did not present a continuum. Well-worn, non- faded backs constantly pop up among the faded serial sequenc- es so I decided to list the notes. George L. Verrall of Mississippi State read a draft and provided his list of observed faded backs for inclusion in this little study. We hope the following lists will be helpful to small-size variety collectors in determining the extent of the faded back blocks and identifying certain printing runs of these notes as regular or faded back varieties. To date we found: 1 The faded back varieties were printed as early as April 1981 through at least March 1983. This conclusion is based on the serial number printing ranges released by the BEP and pub- lished in Paper Money. These dates differ from the Coin World and the BEP explanations. 2 45 possible blocks exist of faded backs with 35 observed and 10 left to be reported (B-E. E-D, L-C and star blocks on dis- tricts A, B. C, F, H, J, and L). To conservatively estimate the range of a printing run by ink type from the observed serial number, assume that the ink was used at least for the printing of one load of sheets. i.e., 20,000 sheets. With 32 notes per sheet, then 640,000 backs would be printed at one time with the same ink type. Further assume that the printed sheet load would not be separated or stored for any great length of time (a month or more) and the printed backs would move to the serial numbering operation together as print- ed To obtain the range, divide the serial number by 640,000, multiply 640,000 by the whole number of the result, and then add 1 for the lower limit of the range and add 640,000 to the lower limit for the upper limit. For example, take A 65667936 B, divided by 640,000 to yield 102.60615; then mutiply 640,000 by 102 for 65280000, add 1 for 65280001 for the lower limit or starting point for the run that used a type of ink, and then add 640,000 to obtain 65920000 as the upper limit or ending point of the run. One could reasonably conclude that any note number between A 65280001 B and A 65920000 B was printed with the same ink as A 65667936 B, which happens to be the faded back type of ink. While there may be flaws in this method, it probably will stand as a valid assumption until the BEP actually identifies the serial number ranges. While it is hard to believe that the BEP cannot tell exactly what products went into any particular note, time may not justify that effort. In the meantime, the above method may help uncirculated note collectors to pursue the variety with relative confidence. In any case the pursuit certainly has been fun and cost no more than its reward, a pile of lovely rag condition dollars and the joy of the effort!!! Paper Money Whole No. 145 Listing of Observed Faded Back $1 FRNs Serials with Noted Regular Back Notes with Back Plate Check Numbers (NR = not recorded) Block Faded Back Serials Regular Back Serials Series 1977A Morton-Miller signature C-D C 67972668 D 2511 C 97172643 D 2509 Series 1981 Buchanan-Regan signature A-A A 55276253 A 2503 A 78913474 A 3201 A-B A 64731958 B 246 A 65667936 B 356 A-C A 10712442 C 359 A 13560008 C 343 A 60142179 C NR A 66714535 C 406 B-A B 40375108 A NR B 59700740 A 2508 B 74235230 A 76 B-B B 63093729 B 2514 B-C B42212577 C 3209 B 62380826 C 161 B 83228288 C 3201 B-D B 77007917 D 244 B 11924860 D 106 B-E B 53944173E 351 B-F B 03761033 F 352 B 07989518 F 352 B 13366082 F 246 B 36971336 F 286 B-* B 07806747 * 337 B-J B 04343476 J 662 B 10984241 J 666 C-A C 58955430 A 3087 C 63969796 A 3087 C 64672355 A 2511 C 64917435 A 2511 C 65100303 A 2509 C 67035784 A 3159 C 73302710 A 3221 C 73944337 A 3223 C 74052546 A 3225 C 80498030 A 29 C 81099039 A 2483 C 89348252 A 3201 C 94161150 A 3227 C-B C 26476444 B 335 C 45526728 B 405 C 52771483 B NR C-C C 62638710 C 333 D-A D 07124581 A 3238 Page 17 Listing of Observed Faded Back $1 FRNs Serials with Noted Regular Back Notes with Back Plate Check Numbers (NR = not recorded) Block Faded Back Serials Regular Back Serials D-B D 12131697 A D 64557357 A D 66147382 A D 82836555 A D 03090910 B 2487 3209 67 2487 220 D 38006200 B NR D 65754316 B 349 D 69371003 B 269 D 76650645 B NR D 82557108 B 11 D 84755658 B 355 D 86306841 B 352 D 86667837 B 356 D 87909771 B 405 D-C D 10755718 C 359 D- * D 00953746 * 3209 E-A E 17239941 A NR E 68418605 A 3087 E-B E 08291549 B NR E 09160468 B 3225 E 19061372 B 3225 E 42675505 B 3201 E 43453119 B NR E 45726497 B 3275 E 45727780 B 97 E 59100495 B 225 E 65435252 B 107 E 83063716 B NR E 98271341 B 2502 E-C E 03130032 C 233 E 17391577 C 220 E 61714389 C 268 E 62355302 C NR E 70220234 C NR E - D E 68159990 D 355 E 92989725 D NR E- * E 01148060 * 2504 F - A F 22751122 A 3220 F 38299789 A NR F 39619255 A 2487 F 42834061 A 2502 F 85319028 A 2509 F - B F 10299386 B NR F 31560965 B 3146 F 51964851 B 3225 F 54557085 B 3203 F 69449929 B NR F 70875808 B NR F 71651533 B NR F 72955267 B NR F 97392940 B NR F-C F 00230247 C 224 F 01778015 C 113 F 10275112 C 172 Page 18 Listing of Observed Faded Back $1 FRNs Serials with Noted Regular Back Notes with Back Plate Check Numbers (NR = not recorded) Block Faded Back Serials Regular Back Serials F 46453214 C F 60555773 C F 68554161 C NR 104 NR F-D F 28487366 D NR F 32695359 D 264 F 57079739 D 111 F 57294825 D 349 F 66398115 D 351 F 71697925 D 269 F 78593686 D NR F 84793556 D 246 F 93680555 D 369 F 94340802 D NR F-F F 20559298 F 519 F 75407145 F 564 F-H F 27404396 H 301 G-A G 34404174 A NR G 74992001 A NR G 98195427 A 3280 G-B G 37101181 B 131 G 50593431 B NR G 51987320 B 97 G 57242661 B 2502 G 71510184 B NR G-C G 20598204 C 239 G 58840091 C 244 G-D G 30535934 D 349 G 54080540 D 286 G 82004854 D 492 G-F G 95625499 F 278 G-G G 01893397 G 152 G-* G 00217610 * 3266 H-A H 08888463 A 2511 H 11300216 A 3144 H 35216160 A NR H 45433583 A 67 H 57721830 A 224 H 58264261 A 105 H 93553719 A 374 H-B H 57170041 B 588 I-A 113024516 A 2506 I 52210396 A 246 1-B I 30584912 B 444 1-* I 01678228 * 225 J-A J 09822938 A 3291 J 28929304 A 250 J 77228601 A 67 J-B J 08804407 B 3209 J 28970117 B 235 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Listing of Observed Faded Back $1 FRNs Serials with Noted Regular Back Notes with Back Plate Check Numbers (NR = not recorded) Block Faded Back Serials Regular Back Serials J 40460501 B J 44227313 B J 58720725 B J 59501994 B J 62691905 B 239 231 349 349 240 J 63150074 B 246 J 68556122 B 111 J 75290754 B 248 J 85320211 B 349 K-A K 36262403 A 3246 K 58131828 A 2502 K 58905643 A 2511 K 61864351 A 2509 K-B K 48486100 B NR K-* K 01686610 * 235 K 01735402 * 111 L-A L 33553374 A 2514 L 35113027 A 2506 L 36977427 A NR L 70377741 A 3167 L 00388887 B NR L 03657072 B 3221 L 74438390 B 3209 L 76338929 B 3209 L 79721165 B 2487 L-D L 17385816 D 269 L-E L 22879146 E 481 L 64212931 E NR L-F L 91159331 F 258 L-G L 73777734 G 681 (note on a serial number pertaining to 7: The note has an 8-digit serial number containing fine 7s plus two num- bers, which add to 7, and the suffix G, which is the 7th letter of the al- phabet. There is also a three-digit back check n umber 681 which. by adding 1 to 6 or taking 1 from 8, yields 7mo Such is the state of ad- vancement in numerology into paper money collecting!!!) ■ AUTHENTICATION & GRADING WRITTEN APPRAISALS INVESTMENT & CONSULTING SERVICES MOREY PERLMUTTER SYNGRAPHIST — NUMISMATIST — HISTORIAN Specialist in U.S. Large Notes and Collateral Mater- ial for over forty years. Contributor to The Red Book and most paper money publications, including Fried- berg and Hessler. Details upon written request, or call 617-734-7344 between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. EST. P.O. Box 176 • Newton Center, MA 02159 SECOVINETIMMOSTAIE54011110 1111711031 CIMI7IE5, V. UNITED STATESOFANERICA. , N 76041B 'ID Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 19 Ending Treasury Serial Numbers on Date Back National THE PAPER COLUMN Bank by Peter Huntoon Notes$ The purpose of this article is to present data that pinpoints the highest treasury sheet serial numbers used on date back Nation- al Bank Notes in both the Series of 1882 and 1902. It is possible to calculate the last date-back treasury serial numbers for all but one of the ten sheet combinations used to print the date backs. Data allowing for these computations is found in the delivery summaries contained in annual reports from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, or from observa- tions of serial numbers on known notes. The results of these findings add considerably to the com- pleteness of data presented on beginning and ending serial numbers for the various series of large-size national bank notes in Huntoon (1985a,b) and Huntoon and Raymond (1985). Tables 1 and 2 list the deliveries of date backs from the bureau to the comptroller. Table 3 presents the derived ending date back serials. Notice that the changeover serial numbers between Series of 1882 5 5 5 5 and 10-10-10-20, and Series of 1902 5-5-5-5, 10-10-10-10 and 10-10-10-20, combinations are now known. Likewise, the first changeover pair between Series of 1882 50-50-50-100 date and value backs is identified (A161089-A161090). Work is needed only on the first change- over pairs for the Series of 1882 10-10-10-10 date to value backs, and Series of 1902 50-50-50-100 date to plain backs. Of equal importance is that the ending serial numbers for the Series of 1882 are now available. See Table 3. If you have information on notes that tighten the ranges shown in Table 3, please send photocopies to Peter Huntoon, P.O. Box 3681, Laramie, WY 82071, or call 307-742-2217 evenings. A pair of Wyoming Series of 1902 notes from 10 - 10 - 10 -20 plate combinations that bracket the date back to plain back treasury serial number changeover at N818698-9B. N516043B is a date back. N976041B is a plain back. Page 20 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Table 1. Fiscal Deliveries of Series of 1882 date back and value back National Bank Note sheets for fiscal years ending June 30, from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to the Comptroller of the Currency. Data from Bureau of Engraving and Printing (1908-1922). Series of 1882 Date Backs Series of 1882 Value Backe Year 5-5-5-5 10-10-10-10 10-10-10-20 50-100 50-50-50-100 5-5-5-5 10-10-10-10 10-10-10-20 50-50-50-100 1909 2288345 236605 2716574 115061 - - - - - 10 1440542 178150 1566704 37640 - - II 956600 69600 1076340 14760 5060 - - - 12 876675 78950 999170 - 22454 - - - - 13 884900 176975 948170 - 13448 - - - - 14 834550 102850 936710 - 9570 - - - 15 1322025 167900 1176210 103800 - - - - 16 19025 34075 64770 - 1110 332600 24000 330110 - 17 - 9475 - 2832 480975 55750 487520 - 18 - 8000 - 1615 356900 7750 344220 - 19 3400 - 1980 290775 3300 259020 1400 1920 - 25600 5550 383700 1550 531830 900 21 - 9400 - 960 158200 - 216075 800 22 - 6250 - 660 43700 1000 44450 - Totals 8622662 1107230 9484648 167461 169039 2046850 93350 2213225 3100 Combined Totals 10669512 1200580 11697873 167461 172139 Table 2. Deliveries of Series of 1902 date back National Bank Note sheets for fiscal years ending June 30, from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to the Comptroller of the Currency. Data from Bureau of Fiscal Engraving and Printing (1908-1926). Series of 1902 Date Backs Year 5-5-5-5 10-10-10-10 10-10-10-20 50-100 50-50-50-100 1908 24234 1405 4505 80 - 9 6211738 1082048 6762350 211298 -1910 5159227 1001905 5112814 127600 -11 4259687 805120 4219434 96035 2389012 4185455 792533 4656068 - 11698813 4581886 883567 4927175 - 9262614 4478505 904845 5215050 - 4108415 7382130 1622315 6903102 - 45693616 46900 14050 18200 - 633417 - - - - 1861218 - - - - 1244619 - - - - 130401920 - - - - 4007221 - - - - 2800022 - - - - 4812723 - - - _ 2129024 - - - - 3112025 - - - - 3490026 - - - - 20324 Totals 36329762 7107788 37818698 435013 1005789 white will show as is now visible on the silver certificates of 1899. —Daily Republican and Leader, La Crosse, Wis., Oct. 16, 1901. Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 21 Table 3. Last treasury serial numbers for Series of 1882 and 1902 date back National Bank Notes. A range is shown if the exact number is unknown. All serial numbers were compiled from delivery summaries in Bureau of Engraving and Printing (1908-1922) unless noted. Series of 1882 5-5-5-5 10-10-10-10a 10-10-10-20 50-100 50-50-50-100a Series of 1902 5-5-5-5 10-10-10-10 10-10-10-20 50-100 50-50-50-100 b Last Date Back R622662 B199580-B200580 T484648 A167461 A172139 Last Date Back M329762B N107788 N818698B A435013 8141584 e First Value Back R622663 834668-B43842 c T484649 A161090d First Plain Back M329763B N107789 N818699B A731525-A737859 Last Serial used in the Series of 1882 U669512 B200580 V697873 A167461 A172139 a Changeover was not abrupt because printings of Series of 1882 date back 10-10-10-10 and 50-50-50-100 continued into 1921. b. Changeover was not abrupt because printings of Series of 1902 date back 50-50-50-100 with treasury serial numbers continued until August 22, 1925. c Based on notes observed by William Raymond from San Francisco , CA (5105) which yield a closer range than calculations from delivery summaries. d. Based on $100 value back from Dayton, OH (2604) A161542-453-C which was from the first 50-50-50-100 value back shipment (Huntoon, 1971). e. From Huntoon and Raymond (1985). REFERENCES CITED Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1908-1926, Annual report of the di- rector of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the fiscal year end- ing June 30: Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. Huntoon, P., 1971, The rare 1882 denomination reverse $50 and $100 notes: Paper Money, v. 10, pp. 56-58. Huntoon, P., 1985a, National bank notes with treasury serial 1 and 1000000, part I: Paper Money, v. 24, pp. 167-174. Huntoon, P., 19856, National bank notes with treasury serial 1 and 1000000, part II: Paper Money, v. 24, p. 214-225. Huntoon, P., and W.K. Raymond, 1985, National bank notes with treasury serials 1 and 1000000, part III: Paper Money, v. 24, pp. 266-268, 277. A NEW "BUFFALO BILL" Uncle Sam will issue next week a new ten dollar greenback, which will be a novel "buffalo bill." The design for the new treasury note was drawn by a celebrated artist [Charles Knight] and student of animal nature, who is connected with the Nation- al Smithsonian Institution. Several weeks ago it was engraved by one of the most skillful artisans [Marcus W. Baldwin] em- ployed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Its chief feature is the representation of a buffalo bull, with bent head and out- stretched tail, on a prairie of sage grass, in the position of pawing for food. The note has been so designed that about as much A NEW BILL The treasury department has designed a new bill which has already been issued. It is understood that one of the local banks has ordered some of them and that it will soon be forthcoming. The new bill is of the denomination of $10 and for the center- piece has the cut of a buffalo. The bill comes just at the right time for the opening of the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo. N.Y., and there is no question but that there will be a great de- mand for them. — Winona (Minn.) Republican and Herald, Apr. 26, 1900. Page 22 Interest Bearing Notes Hello again. We have just completed a quite successful conven- tion in St. Louis, Missouri. Properly named the 4th Annual Na- tional & World Paper Money Convention and now a permanent fixture of the show circuit. Kevin Foley of the P.C.D.A. and our own Ron Horstman were the persons directly responsible for making the show happen. Exhibit Chairman was John Wilson, who by the way rounded up some great exhibits of very interest- ing paper money, and related items. Now that the cheering has quieted down let me go on record as publicly thanking these hard workers for a job well done. Your Board of Governors met at the show, and I'm happy to report had a very productive meeting. Although many different items were discussed, perhaps one of the more important things to come out of the meeting, is that we hope to be able to go ahead and publish the book on Kentucky Obsolete Notes. These annual gatherings at Memphis in June and St. Louis in November, present a great opportunity, for you to meet dealers and collectors that might otherwise be unknown to you. In St. Louis I derived much pleasure in introducing Col. Steve Whit- field (friend and as myself a former Rhode Islander) to a collec- tor from Connecticut. What was my purpose in doing so you ask! Well, as some of you may be aware, Steve is an avid collec- tor of small-size R.I. Nationals. Lo and behold so is the other gentleman. And now the punch line, in that they both seek a 1929 note from Ashaway, Rhode Island. This is an example of some of the non commercial aspects of convention/show go- ing. Considerable comparisons are made of the aspects of the Memphis and St. Louis shows. Collector and dealer support is greater at Memphis, which at about 13 years of age is the grand- dad of paper money shows. As a dealer I think I speak for most when I say that the St. Louis show could use more people walk- ing the aisles. An obvious reason for thin attendance may be that people are able to schedule vacation time easier during the early summer month of June. Also the extra 250 miles distance to St. Louis may deter some of the hard core Southern collec- tors that are a fixture at the Memphis show. I have just returned from the New York International Coin Convention, and am happy to report that the collecting of world paper money is alive and well. This annual show packs the folks in from just about every corner of the globe. And as you walk the aisles you are able to savor many different languages, as these folks go about their buying or selling. Noted among the dealers in attendance were: Steve Goldsmith of NASCA, Mel Steinberg and son Jeremy, Dennis Luck and his Mrs., Victor Gadoury of Monaco, Michael Morris and his Mrs., Chris. Blom with his usual fine array of obsoletes, Bill Pheatt, James War- mus, and perhaps others whose names escape me at this time. Collectively the stocks of banknotes held by these gentlemen is indeed mind-boggling. If you are into WORLD NUMISMATICS you should by all means visit this show, as the BIG APPLE of- fers something for the whole family. Till next time, happy collecting! Paper Money Whole No. 145 Dr. Glenn E. Jackson Memorial Award At the SPMC Board of Gorvenors meeting in St. Louis, a liter- ary award in the name of Dr. Glenn E. Jackson was discussed and voted on favorably, unanimously. The award, when war- ranted, will be given to the author of an article that addresses, individually or collectively, the subject(s) of vignettes, proofs. essais, design, designers or engravers, as one or more of these relate to any syngraphic material, i.e., bank notes, fractional currency, stock certificates or bonds. Those who knew Dr. Jack- son will remember that his approach to exhibiting and writing most often dealt with the creative aspect of security paper en- graving and design. Authors of articles in PAPER MONEY will automatically be considered. In addition, articles in other publications will also be eligible. An annual announcement in the general numismatic press will ask for submissions in triplicate; photocopies will be acceptable. The award will be a framed engraving or group of engrav- ings, provided through the courtesy of the Washington Plate Printers Union, something that Dr. Jackson would have been happy and proud to receive. This award will be presented at the Memphis meeting in June. New Literature The Moneymakers International. W . Kranister. 326 pp., 800 il- lus., hardcover. Black Bear Publishing Ltd., Kings Hedges Road, Cambridge CB4 2P, England. £35, plus £4.30, payable in sterling. (Dealers in the U.S. will also handle this book.) Die Geldmacher by Willibald Kranister, until now, was the most beautiful and substantive book on bank notes. Now, Mr. Kran- ister, in unprecedented collaboration with seven national banks in addition to his native Austria, has produced Moneymakers In- ternational. Production is the appropriate term for this outstand- ing book that covers every facet of bank note production, and often identifies the individual creators from the countries repre- sented. Notwithstanding, the book has been written in such a way that one who knows nothing about bank notes should com- prehend and enjoy this masterful work. The first part of the book begins appropriately with "The Birth of a Bank Note." The Art of Designing Engraving Bank Notes" follows. Here, and throughout, illustrations make perfectly clear what is discussed. To repeat the bank note designer's maxim, "beauty is optional, security a necessity." Austrian, Maria Laurent, one of about four women picture engravers in the world, comments on the engraving process. "Technical Equip- ment" is next with mention of methods and techniques indigen- ous to the eight countries represented: Australia, Austria. China, England, Germany, Spain, Sweden and the United States. Counterfeiting is ubiquitous, and each national bank has a story to tell. The tale of Peter Ritter von Bohr, Austrian criminal of rare talent is but one. The subject of how some governments have counterfeited the currency of their enemy to ruin their economy is discussed. The remaining 242 pages are devoted to separate entries by each of the eight national banks. The history of bank notes in each country is accompanied by illustrations. most often in color. The only fault to be found in the book is a photo caption for The Declaration of Independence that is in- correctly labeled the Signing of the Constitution. Richard J. Balbaton Paper Money Whole No. 145 Considering this monumental undertaking by Mr. Kranister, the managing editor, Moneymakers International is truly a mile- stone. It is a book you cannot do without; it is the definitive work on bank notes. The Souvenir Card Collectors Society Numbering System for Forerunner and Modern Day Souvenir Cards. Curtis Radford, M.D. 242 pp., ill., softcover. The SCCS, P.O. Box 4155, Tul- sa, OK 74159. $25 plus $2.50 for P&H. Members of the SCCS have already received a copy of this publication. If you are not a member, but you have an interest in souvenir cards, you need this excellent compilation by SCCS president, Curtis Radford, who is to be congratulated for his years of labor. This 81/2 x 11-inch book lists, describes, includes the numbers of cards printed and issued, and prices all cards. Official cards are those authorized and printed by a government printer, semi- official cards are those issued by a printer involved at times in governmental printing projects, but not commissioned by a gov- ernment, and un-official are those cards produced privately by others. The background data for the issuing authority and the des- criptions of the cards is comprehensive and the SCCS number- ing system creates an easy reference system, one that was need- ed. A special, hardcover, collector edition is projected. For fur- ther information please write to Curtis Radford, M.D., Presi- dent—SCCS, 400 Ceape Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54901, CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR 1990 Each year five members are elected to three-year terms on the SPMC Board of Governors. The following governors' terms ex- pire in 1990: Richard J. Balbaton, Ronald Horstman, Gene Hessler, William Horton, Jr. and Frank Trask. A nominating committee has been established, and if you have any suggestions for candidates, please contact the chair- man. In addition, candidates may be placed on the ballot in the following manner: (1) A written nominating petition is submitted, which has been signed by ten current SPMC members; (2) An acceptance letter from the person being nominated is submitted with the petition, or received from the nomi- nee; (3) Any nominating petition (and required letter) MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE SECRETARY NO LATER THAN MARCH 1, 1990. Ballots for the election will be included in the March/April 1990 issue of PAPER MONEY. They will be counted at Mem- phis and the results announced at the SPMC general meeting held during the International Paper Money Show. Nominees should also send a portrait-photo and a brief bio- graphy with their letter of acceptance. Ron Hostman, Chairman Nominating Committee P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ronald HorstmanNEW Lou is,P.O.St. Mt)Box 6011 MEMBERS 7850 Don Gibson, 5004 Lincoln Oaks Dr. N. 406, Ft. Worth, TX 76132; C, Large-size type & nationals. 7851 Donald J. Witala, 865 Central Parkway SE, Warren, OH 44484; C, Warren, Ohio paper money. Page 23 7852 Richard Mann, 2915 Pineswept, Pasadena. TX 77503; C, Small-size U.S. currency. 7853 Keith S. Bauman. PO Box 27, Franklin, MI 48025: C&D, World. 7854 Kevin McGuire, 4 Penbrook Ct., Princeton Jt NJ 08550; C, Obsolete notes. 7855 Robert Casto, 1600 Nast St., Parkersburg, WV 26101; C, WV bank notes. 7856 Vaclav Duchac, Skelna 42 466 01, Jablonec, Czechoslovakia; N. C; World Banknotes. 7857 Cathy L. Huling. 1203 Loma Dr., Austin, TX 78741; C, U.S. small-size type & star notes. 7858 Peter J. Falzone, P.O. Box 373, South Weymouth, MA 02190: C&D, China, U.S., S. America & Africa. 7859 Jerry Lamar, P.O. Box 478, Rolla, MO 65401: C, MO. IL & TX notes. 7860 Phil Olson, R.R. #2, East Grand Forks, MN 56721; C, MN & ND nationals, silver certificates and legal tender notes. 7861 Mgr. Jan Siedlecki; 15-463 Bialystok, UI. Czysta 27M1 Poland; C&D, Bank notes of Poland, Russia and Germany. 7862 Raymond H. Conway, 4797 Raven Rd., Stephens City, VA 22655; C, Confederate notes. 7863 Larry Graen, 2918 Golden Leaf Dr., Kingwood, TX 77339; C, MN national bank notes. 7864 Arthur Mallon, 636 Eighth Street, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071-3107: C, All paper money. 7865 J. Robert Sawyer, P.O. Box 1196, Gallup, NM 87305: C, Na- tional bank notes. 7866 Charles Raisch, R.R.#100, Cammal, PA 17723; PA obsolete notes. 7867 Robert Muth, 17150 Glen Ellyn Dr., Maryville, OH 43040. 7868 Ralph C. McCarter, 328 Circle View Dr., Shelby, NC 28150; C. 7869 Jeff Bachmann, 1260 W. 27th Street, San Pedro, CA 90731; Montana & Western Nationals. 7870 John Boise, Box 90808, Santa Barbara, CA 93190: C, CA na- tionals. 7871 Lonnie Ormes, 5825 Silva St., Lakewood, CA 90713; C&D. 7872 Walter B. Payne, Company C6/159 Box 72, APO New York 09025. 7873 Nelson A. Suba, King Fahad Hospital, PO Box 22490, Riyadh Saudi Arabia 11426; C&D, Current world paper money. 7874 Carmine Tabacco, 2465 Palisade Ave. 5A, Bronx, NY 10463: C, Fractionals, U.S. large-size. 7875 Dhirubhai Mehta, 103 Dalamal Chambers Sir V.T. Marg., Bom- bay 400020, India. 7876 Guy DeLisle, 10527 Olympia Blvd., Montreal, Quebec H2W4, Canada. 7877 M. Jowett, 5291 Colony Woods Dr., Kalamazoo, MI 49009; C, Africa, Portugal & India. 7878 Michael Y. Hooper, 2023 Wilshire Blvd., Ft. Worth, TX 76110; C, Foreign currency. 7879 Kerry A. Baker, 5676 Quince #4, Memphia, TN 38119: C. 7880 Dorothea W. Seymour, 8500 Killarney Place, Wichita, KS 67206; C, Kansas obsolete notes. 7881 Edwin 0. Bushey Jr., 939 Forest Hill Rd., Staten Island, NY 10314. 7882 Keith Messer, P.O. Drawer AC. Pago Pago AM, Samoa 96799: German, Philippine & World. 7883 Alexander Cowie, 6503 State St., Huntington Park, CA 90255: C, Foreign. 7884 William A. Beckerley, 452 Manor Dr Pacifica, CA 94044; C, Large-size US Bills. 7885 Ernie W. Feierabend, 9811 Everglades Dr., Baton Route, LA 70814; C, German. 7886 Hugh Cooper, 6424 No. Bosworth, Chicago, IL 60626; C, Fractionals. 7887 Gordon W. Harris. 1500 E. 134th St., Apt. 3, Burnsville. MN 55337; C, National bank notes. 7888 Member does not want his name or address published. 7889 Phil W. Greenslet, Box 377, Registertown, MD 21136; Ben Franklin on obsolete notes, stocks, etc. Page 24 Paper Money Whole No. 145 mon-- mart tral Bank Milledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Cotton Planters Bank, any private scrip. I will sell duplicates. Claud Murphy, Jr., Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114. (147) SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 1929, T2 $10 & $20 WANTED. Also Canadian merchants scrip, chartered bank notes from Quebec Provence. St. Eloi, P.O. Box 3536, Holiday, FL 34690-0536. (813) 942-6613; eve. 938-5141. (147) Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 15C per word, with a minimum charge of $3.75. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 by the tenth of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 10 for Jan./Feb. issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) STOCK CERTIFICATES & BONDS — buy and sell! Current catalog of interesting certificates for sale, $1. Buying all—but especially interest- ed in early Western certificates. Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, CA 94011, phone (415) 566-6400. (149) BUYING OLD BANK CHECKS, certificates of deposit, bills of ex- change. older books on Confederate or obsolete bank notes. Bob Pyne, P.O. Box 149064, Orlando, FL 32814. (145) WANTED: INVERTED BACKS FOR MY PERSONAL COLLEC- TION . Any condition; large and small-size notes. Please send photo or description with your price for the notes. Lawrence C. Feuer, c/o C &F, 200 E. Post Rd., White Plains, NY 10601. (146) ALBANY & TROY, NEW YORK NATIONAL WANTED. Also Altamont, Cohoes, Ravena, Watervliet, West Troy, Lansingburgh, Castleton. Describe or ship with price or for offer. William Panitch, P.O. Box 12845, Albany, NY 12212. (149) BUYING OLD BANK CHECKS, certificates of deposit, bills of ex- change, older books on Confederate or obsolete bank notes. Bob Pyne, P.O. Box 149064, Orlando, FL 32814. (145) NEW YORK NATIONALS WANTED FOR PERSONAL COL- LECTION: TARRYTOWN 364, MOUNT VERNON 8516, MAMA- RONECK 5411, Rye, Mount Kisco, Hastings, Croton on Hudson, Pelham, Somers, Harrison, Ossining, Yonkers, White Plains, Irvington, Peekskill, Bronxville, Ardsley, Crestwood, New Rochelle, Elmsford, Scarsdale, Larchmont, Port Chester, Tuckahoe. Send photocopy; price. Frank Levitan, 530 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 1G455. (212) 292-6803. (150) NUMBER ONE NOTES AND SHEETS, 11111111 through 99999999. nine digit 100000000, 2 through 9, large-size "stars" CU, small-size number one "stars", $100 1966 "stars" s/n 1 to 4, Cu 1907 $10 Gold, and high denominations in all United States types and varieties. Want Michigan Nationals, singles and sheets. KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN all types. Paying up to $25,000.00 for wanted notes and sheets. Jack H. Fischer 3123 Bronson Boulevard, Kalamazoo, MI 49008. A/C 616-344-5653 and 343-5538. (145) WANTED: ALL OBSOLETE CURRENCY, ESPECIALLY GEORGIA, which I collect. Particularly want any city-county issues, Atlanta Bank, Georgia RR Banking, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Min- ing, Monroe RR Banking, Bank of Hawkinsville, La Grange Bank. Cen- WANTED: I will pay $100 for a CU, $1 FRN with serial number 00088888. Any series. Any block. Jim Lund, 2805 County Rd. 82. Alexandria, MN 56308. (145) MINNESOTA NATIONALS WANTED BY TYPE. Notes of these types wanted from any Minnesota bank: $50 or $100 first charter period; $100 1882 Brown Back or date back; $50 or $100 1902 red seal, $100 1902 blue seal. Steve Schroeder. Box 323, Moorhead, MN 56560. (146) WANTED ILLINOIS OBSOLETES from Bank of Illinois at Shaw- neetown and any obsolete banknotes from Vienna, Illinois. Gary Hack- er, 2710 Overhill Rd.. Pekin, IL 61554. (146) DISCOUNTING 215 BROKEN BANK NOTE INVENTORY (33 duplicates), $12,000 retail value; net $8,000. Sell 25 state catalogs $425. Don Embury (SPMC 3791) 121 Maynard #1, Glendale. CA 91205. (147) STOCK, BOND CERTIFICATES. 250 different Railroads, Street- cars, 10 Automobiles. Oils, Mines, Banks, etc. Over 850 total. National bank notes, types. Scarce, rare. Free list. Also buying, price, describe. Free list. Mail bid auction closing soon. Ed Richt. Scripophilist, Profes- sional Currency Dealer. P.O. Box 7485, Louisville, KY 40207. (148) WANTED FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION: Large & small- size national currency from Atlantic City, NJ. Don't ship, write first, describe what you have for sale. Frank J. lacovone, P.O. Box 266. Bronx, NY 10465-0266. (156) WANTED: NEW JERSEY OBSOLETE BANK NOTES AND SCRIP. Ocean Grove National Bank, anything. Ocean Grove post- cards, souvenirs, maps, prints, etc. N.B. Buckman, P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. (148) SELLING OHIO NATIONALS: Alliance, Ashtabula, Athens. Barnesville, Bellaire, Bridgeport, Bucyrus, Cambridge, Canton, Car- rollton, Coshocton, Dover, East Liverpool, Findlay, Franklin, George- town, Hamilton, Hillsboro, Ironton, Kent, Lancaster, Marietta, Paines- ville, Portsmouth, Springfield, Waverly, Wooster, Youngstown. Other states. Free lists (specify). Joe Apelman, Box 283, Covington, LA 70434. 1929 VIRGINIA NATIONALS WANTED: All 1929 VA, NBN want- ed, send list you have to sell or trade. Paying top prices for charters 3209, 4940, 6031, 6235, 6389, 6443, 6666, 6842, 7258. 7338. 7782, 8643, 8791, 9455, 9635 and all other from charter 10611- 14052. Francis Hough, Rt. 1, Box 486, Round Hill, VA 22141. (148) PAPER MONEY UNITED STATES Large Size Currency • Small Size Currency Fractional Currency • Souvenir Cards Write For List Theodore Kemm 915 West End Avenue q New York, NY 10025 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 25 i.1 I II,i WE ARE ALWAYS BUYING ■ FRACTIONAL CURRENCY ■ ENCASED POSTAGE ■ LARGE SIZE CURRENCY ■ COLONIAL CURRENCY WRITE, CALL OR SHIP: 01 ( lee. ■ I \ CUM-slitlE NV!••• • MC. LEN and JEAN GLAZER (718) 268-3221 POST OFFICE BOX 111 FOREST HILLS, N.Y. 11375 ....,.. -." `s( X 'IFFY '4:6 \ mil_ i; ) 1( )„. El,....,\ $ ( 01.1.1.( "I( )1i'l ell.. IN( :NI/ .aril CIZ. . , Charter Member $5 HAWAII Emergency Note with inverted seal and serial numbers. Series of 1934-A. 1-2302. Choice New. Realized $4,290 in one of our recent sales. Paper Money Whole No. 145Page 26 Go with the world's most successful auction company— Auctions by Bowers and Merena, Inc! When you consign your collection or individual important items, you go with a firm with an unequaled record of success! Over the years we have handled some of the most important paper money collections ever to be sold. Along the way our auctions have garnered numerous price records for our consignors. Indeed, certain of the price records established at our Matt Rothert Collection Sale years ago still stand today! Thinking of selling your collection or desirable individual notes? Right now we are accepting consignments for our next several New York City and Los Angeles sales. Your collect call to Dr. Richard Bagg, our Director of Auctions, at (603) 569-5095 will bring you complete information concerning how you can realize the very best price for your currency, in a transaction which you, like thousands of others, will find to be profitable and enjoyable. REALIZE THE BEST PRICES FOR YOUR PAPER MONEY What we have done for others, we can do for you. Tele- phone Dr. Richard Bagg collect today, or use the coupon provided. Either way, it may be the most profitable move vou have ever made!,....4 MAIL TO: Auctions by Bowers and Merena, Inc. Attn: Publications Dept Box 1224 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 Dear Rick Bagg: Please tell me how I can include my paper money in a upcoming auc- tion. I understand that all information will be kept confidential. Na me .•\ddress City State Zip Check here: I am thinking about selling. Please contact me. Brief description of holdings: Daytime phone number: SEND US YOUR WANT LISTS. FREE PRICE LISTS AVAILABLE. EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS We maintain the LARGEST .4,s,-- *619-273-3566 COLONIAL & CONTINENTAL CURRENCY SPECIALIZING LV: SERVICES: q Colonial Coins q Portfolio q Colonial Currency Development q Rare & Choice Type q Major Show Coins Coverage q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS ACTIVE INVENTORY IN THE WORLD! EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS c/o Dana Linett q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 q 619-273-3566 [aa 18th Annual Show f\ts,/,\SFIELD NUMISMATIC ELKS LODGE Pleasant SL, Fit 32 Willimantic. Conn Sun., March 11, 1990 9 a.m. 5 p m 50 Dealers Bourse & Exhibit Public invited - Free Admission The - biggest - little coin and paper money show in New England 5050 ... THE .... ... NEW ENGLAND SOLUTION ... Paper money collectors who cannot get to the distant paper money shows, join us again this year for the largest gathering of paper money dealers in the New England area. • • • FEATURING THESE LEADING PAPER MONEY DEALERS ... 1. Warwick Associates—All U.S. Paper Money and Books and Ephemera. 2. R.J. Balbaton—Large & Small U.S. Currency, Books & Coins 3. Finn & Kracov—U.S. Obsolete., Foreign Paper Money & Coins. 4. Denley's of Boston—U.S. Paper Money, Obsoletes, Fractional. 5. China Lake Coins & Currency (F.Trask) Lg. & Sm. U.S. Currency & Coins. 6. RaBenco—All U.S. Currency, Coins, Obsoletes 7. Kennebunk Coins & Currency—Rare Coins & Paper Money, Tokens, Americana 8. Numisvalu-Obsolete Currency, Sheets, U.S. Nationals, Type Notes, Checks 9. Litchfield Hills Rare Coins—U.S. & Canadian Paper Money & Coins 10. "RINATS" (Roland Cormier)—Rhode Island National Banknotes 11. Bill Aquilino—Medals, Tokens, Paper Money, Worlds Fair & Political 12. Herman Krajewski—Polish Paper Money & Coins. 13. Money Mundus—Obsolete Paper, Primitive Money 14. Claud Murphy—Confederate & Southern States Paper & U.S. Coins 15. Hobbyhorse Coins—Foreign Paper, Germanic Coins, Porcelain Money, Medals 16. Colony Coin Co—U.S. & Foreign Paper & Coins, Tokens, Gold Coins 17. Silver City Coin—U.S. Obsoletes, Coins & Tokens 18. Christian Blom—U.S. Obsolete Paper Money 19. James D. Kink—Obsolete Paper, U.S. & Foreign Coins 20. Herman Krajewski—U.S. & Foreign Paper Money, Polish Coins PLUS 30 OTHER PAPER MONEY, COIN, TOKEN, AND EPHEMERA DEALERS Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 27 Page 28 Paper Money Whole No. 145 1000 Pa s ^r onto Ara. Dam efile44 4a 44, 1%47 EIGHTEEN PENCE. kik 71. 0.6.1111 TM -ND. Division of R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc. JUNE 1990, MEMPHIS. Major public auctions to be held in conjunction with the 1990 MEMPHIS INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY SHOW! Plan ahead. Space will be at a pre- mium in this catalogue, which will feature FULL COLOR photography. U.S. & INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY, STOCKS & BONDS & RELATED ITEMS. 'Cant: of 0:uni►rur 9,,thLti.)1111 1.1: Sell Your Coins & Currency ,.t.! To The Highest Bidderkb NASCA Auctions reach the nation's most important collectors of U.S. and International Coins, Currency. Stocks & Bonds, Autographs. Medals, Tokens. and Related Items. Consigning is easy. Immediate cash advances are readily available. Accepting Consignments Now For This Auction: JUNE 1990, MEMPHIS INTERNATIONAL A major offering of STOCKS, BONDS & RELATED ITEMS. Closes April 15, 1990. Subscription Information: U.S. & CANADA OVERSEAS One Year Two Years Three Years One Year 1Wo Years Three Years NASCA $45 $80 $105 $55 $100 $125 FRIENDS OF FINANCIAL HISTORY $25 $45 $60 $30 $55 $75 COMBINED SUBSCRIPTION $70 $120 $160 $85 $150 $195 26 Broadway New York, NY 10004 Toll-Free 800-622-1880 .No.32 1:2174. .•„EIGH-rret.; PEN< F.... em NY residents call 212-943-1880 SYNGRAPHIC SPECIALS 1902-08, $10 "Bank of North America" Phila., PA. The only National Bank Note that does not have the word "National" in the title. UNC. with light fold. Scarce, popular. $475 1902, $5 "American National Bank", Idaho Falls, Idaho. CR AU. Lists $2,250 in CU. Priced to sell. $1,150 1902, $5 "Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers Cooperative National Bank of Cleve- land". The longest name of any National UNC with faint fold. $500 SASE for our list of other "Syngraphic Specials". Be sure to visit the ANA's great World-Class Museum. It now houses the $2 Million Collection of United States Currency, also the 1913, Liberty-Head nickel, both gifts from Aubrey & Adeline Bebee. AUBREY and ADELINE BEBEE ANA LIFE #110, P.O. Box 4290, Omaha, NE 68104 • (402) 558-0277 MYLAR D CURRENCY HOLDERS This month I am pleased to report that all sizes are in stock in large quantities so orders received today go out today. The past four years of selling these holders has been great and many collections I buy now are finely preserved in these. For those who have not converted, an article published this past fall in Currency Dealer Newsletter tells it better than I can. Should you want a copy send a stamped self-addressed #10 business envelope for a free copy. Prices did go up due to a major rise in the cost of the raw material from the suppliers and the fact that the plant work- ers want things like pay raises etc. but don't let a few cents cost you hundreds of dollars. You do know-penny wise and pound foolish. SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000 Fractional 41/4 x 2 3/4 $14.00 $25.25 $115.00 $197.50 Colonial 51/2 x 15.00 27.50 125.00 230.00 Small Currency 6%x 2'/8 15.25 29.00 128.50 240.00 Large Currency x 31/2 18.00 33.00 151.50 279.50 Check Size 9% x 4 14 22.50 41.50 189.50 349.00 Baseball Card Std 2 3/4 x 3 3/4 13.00 23.50 107.50 198.00 Baseball Bowman x 4 14.00 25.50 117.00 215.00 Obsolete currency sheet holders 83/41 x 14, $1.10 each, mini- mum 5 Pcs. SHIPPING IN THE U.S. IS INCLUDED FREE OF CHARGE Please note: all notice to MYLAR R mean uncoated archival quality MYLAR R type D by Dupont Co. or equivalent mater- ial by ICI Corp. Melinex type 516. DENLY'S OF BOSTON P.O. Box 1010 I Boston, MA 02205 Phone: (617) 482-8477 BANKS 1868 UNION NATIONAL BANK (Philadelphia) $75 Black/White Capital Stock certificate with several attractive vignettes. One of the very few engraved banking stocks. from the American Bank Note Company. Pen-cancelled, otherwise in VF + condition. Our Current BANK listing includes more than 3 dozen Bank stocks, from 1812 to 1933, many with vignettes by the major bank note companies of the 19th century. Call or write today and ask for our BANK listing, or for our general catalogue of more than 150 stocks and bonds. CENTENNIAL DOCUMENTS P.O. Box 5262, Clinton, NJ 08809 (201) 730-6009 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 29 P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 BUYING / SELLING -• OBSOLETE EECURRENCY, NATIONALSCRUNCUT SHTS, PROOFS, SIP BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, PCDA, ANA, FUN, GENA, ASCC (914) 352.9077 BUYING AND SELLING CSA and Obsolete Notes CSA Bonds, Stocks & Financial Items Extensive Catalog for $2.00, Refundable With Order ANA-LM SCNA PCDA HUGH SHULL P.O. Box 712 / Leesville, SC 29070 / (803) 532-6747 SPMC-LM BRNA FUN BUYING-SELLING PAPER MONEY LARGE & SMALL SIZE Nationals, Errors, Type Notes, Stars, Number 1 & 2 Notes, Radars, Solid Num- bers, Ladders. Ship with confidence or write for our offer. We pay more for quality unmolested material. ROBERT and DIANA AZPIAZU P.O. Box 1565 St. Augustine, FL 32085-1565 (904) 797-8622 WE NEED TO BUY If you are selling a single note or an entire col- lection, you will be pleased with our fair offer — NO GAMES PLAYED HERE! (Selling too! Write for free catalog.) Subject to our inventory requirements we need the following: ALL WORLD BANK NOTES Also U.S. Large Size Notes All Military Currency U.S. Fractional Currency Colonial Currency U.S. Encased Postage Souvenir Cards National Bank Notes U.S. Small Size Currency Ship With Confidence or Write We pay more for scarce or rare notes. TOM KNEBL, INC. (714) 886.0198 P.O. Drawer 3949 San Bernardino, CA 92413 HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS — LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216.884-0701 IAN A. MARSHALL P.O. Box 1075 Adelaide St. P.O. Toronto, Ontario Canada, M5C 2K5 WORLD PAPER MONEY Also World Stocks, Bonds and Cheques 416-365-1619 Page 30 Paper Money Whole No. 145 ="4,12 eca *— Pin Y 12345678 F .4-1-yri-r, V` 12345678 F #00000001, #11111111 thru #99999999, #12345678, #10000000 and #100,000,000 serial numbered U.S. & Canadian small & large-size type notes BUYING & SELLING Send for FREE price list Mike Abramson P.O. Box 6105 • Duluth, Minnesota 55816 SPMC #2653 1-218-724-8433 evenings/weekends Oregon Paper Money Exchange Ib9tl - viwe 4 *14;44-_ . / ox MIMED MILLAR'S " TI1 1.: COLORADO MINE DE, ELOVINU ( .0MPANY, ia//i evd'rew %/i/A///ie „0 "N, TED 11.FRPIIP LONSFFP STATE OF 01.0.130 r 447:14200,000.04i- /I We Buy and Sell Western Material STOCKS, CHECKS, ILLUSTRATED BILLHEADS PROMPT SERVICE-GUARANTEED AUTHENTICITY WE SOLICIT YOUR WANT LIST CURRENT LIST FOR $1.00 - REFUNDABLE Send For Our Catalog Today! OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE 6802 S.W. 33rd Place, Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-3659 (EVES) ird !Paid, I COLLECT MINNESOTA OBSOLETE CURRENCY and SCRIP Please offer what you have for sale. Charles C. Parrish P.O. Box 481 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 SPMC 7456 LM ANA Since 1976 Paper Money Whole No. 145 Page 31 BUYING and SELLING PAPER MONEY U.S., All types Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer- tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc. Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries Paper Money Books and Supplies Send us your Want List ... or ... Ship your material for a fair offer LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P.O. BOX 2395 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503 o 0,01113 ut tit sm.*, I koi w t Vati rs, 4 3 - ti A11,1114.,.../1,1:171007 CANADIAN BOUGHT AND SOLD • CHARTERED BANKNOTES. • DOMINION OF CANADA. • BANK OF CANADA. • CHEQUES, SCRIP, BONDS & BOOKS. FREE PRICE LIST CHARLES D. MOORE P.O. BOX 1296P LEWISTON, NY 14092-1296 (416) 468-2312 LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. #1995 C.N.A. #143 C.P.M.S. #11 Scarce mules wanted! Please ship. $2 Legal Tender 1928C back plates higher than 289 $5 Federal Reserve 1934A back plates less than 939 $5 Legal Tender 1928C and D back plate 637 other scarce mules, any denomination Peter Huntoon P.O. Box 3681 Laramie, WY 82071 Million Dollar Buying Spree Currency: Nationals MPC Lg. & Sm. Type Fractional Obsolete Foreign Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Coins Stamps • Gold • Silver Platinum • Antique Watches Political Items • Postcards Baseball Cards • Masonic Items Hummels • Doultons Nearly Everything Collectible COIN SHOP INC 399 S. State Street - Westerville, OH 43081 1-614-882-3937 1-800-848-3966 outside Ohio • V1111 Life Member 3.11.100, EST 1960 " 9411g49141fat2360,01" SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE PRICE LIST FREE WANTED! FLORIDA under the rule of Spain, England or the United States... virtually anything prior to March, 1845: bonds, books, checks, documents, stocks, medals and tokens. Especially want material re: • Alabama, Florida & Georgia Railroad • The 1817 Amelia Island Affair • The Bank of Pensacola • Southern Life Insurance & Trust Co. • The Union Bank of Florida Photocopy or description and price first response, please. Thank you! CARLING GRESHANI P. O. Drawer 580W, Pomona Park, FL 32181 (904) 649-9730 Page 32 Paper Money Whole No. 145 HICKMAN AUCTIONS, INC. Announces their first sale of the 1990's featuring: THE PHILIP KRAKOVER 145CALIFORNIA California Communities COLLECTION This greatest ever Collection of California National Bank Notes includes nearly 500 large size notes consisting of: 9 Gold Bank Notes 4 Very Rare—First Charter Notes 31 Brown backs, All Denominations, five to hundred 25 1882 Date backs, All Denominations, five to hundred 10 1882 Value backs, fives and tens 49 Red Seals, All Denominations, including four number l's 82 1902 Dated backs, All Denominations, 2 #1's & 2 #2's 271 1902 Blue Seals, All Denominations, One Duplicate #1 2 Number One 1929 Uncut Sheets, one of each type Plus 273, 1929 Series notes of all types & denominations including 9 #1's with notes from For 25 years John Hickman has paid his dues in the field of National Bank Notes. Hickman & Waters 7 years + Hickman & Oakes 17 years + Now Hickman Auctions, Inc. with John & Rick Hickman as principals is honored to have been selected to present: The Philip Krakover Collection for Public Auction. HICKMAN AUCTIONS, INC. Drawer 66009 West Des Moines, IA 50265 515-225-7070 member of: IV& 'lag"' The Stardust Motel Saturday, March 3 3:00 p.m. Hotel Circle Misson Valley San Diego, California Viewing of lots Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoon in the Pool View Room The auction will be held in the Tower Room. Don't miss this opportunity— unlikely to ever be repeated. Catalogs mailed first class and Prices Realized - $3.00 Stamps acceptable. FRANCE WANTED! Please help me build my collection. I need the following notes and will pay top collector prices to acquire them. May I hear from you soon? • Important Type Notes from about 1750 to date. • Specimen Notes AU or better. • World War I and II Locals — these can be Chambers of Commerce, Merchants, Factories, Mines, etc. • Encased Postage Stamps — even some very common pieces are required. • Postcards that show French Banknotes. I am a very serious collector of these items and have been known to pay some sky-high prices for needed items. Priced offers are preferred as I can't tell you what you should get for your material! Finders fee paid for successful referrals! If possible please provide me with a photo-copy of item(s). R. J. BALBATON P.O. BOX 911 NORTH ATTLEBORO, MASSACHUSETTS 02761.0911 Tel. 1-508-699-2266 Days