Paper Money - Vol. XXVI, No. 5 - Whole No. 131 - September - October 1987

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VOL. XXVI No. 5 WHOLE No. 131 SEPT./OCT. 1987 'I!! MEET US IN ST. LOUIS Best WISHES to ANA Members and the American Numismatic Association for a Truly Great 96th Anniversary Convention WANTED — BUYING — WANTED We are especially anxious to purchase the following UNITED STATES NOTES for the personal collection of AUBREY AND ADELINE BEBEE. The acquisition of any of these scarce notes will bring our outstanding paper money collection nearer to completion. We would be grateful for any notes that you could send us in the grades specified. Please send notes, indicating the prices desired for our Top Cash offer. A quick, pleasant deal is always assured you at BEBEE'S. GOLD CERTIFICATES —AU to UNC. 1882 $50 Large Red Seal. FR. 1191 1882 $100 Large Red Seal. FR. 1204 1882 $100 Brown Seal. FR. 1203 1882 $100 Lg. Brown Seal. FR. 1205 NATIONAL GOLD BANK NOTE 1870/75 $10 FR. 1143/1151. ExFine to UNC. Prefer at least AU. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTE 1864 $100 FR. 193, ExFine to UNC. TERRITORIAL NATIONAL BROWN BACK NOTES 1882 $5 ARIZONA-IDAHO-WYOMING, AU to UNC. (Second Choices: Other Denom., Grades) 1882 $5 NATIONAL BROWN BACK NOTES BEBEE's is paying $600 to as high as $2,000 depend- ing on Rarity and Grade—for the following 1882 $5 Brown Back Nationals: ALABAMA—ARIZONA—ARKANSAS— CALIFORNIA—COLORADO—FLORIDA— IDAHO —MARYLAND —MISSISSIPPI — MONTANA—NEVADA—NEW MEXICO— NORTH DAKOTA—RHODE ISLAND— SOUTH DAKOTA—WYOMING SILVER CERTIFICATES 1880 $1,000 FR. 346B/D AU to UNC. 1891 $1,000 FR. 346E VF to UNC. We are also paying TOP IMMEDIATE CASH prices for Double-Denomination Notes, Other Territorials, Rare Large-Size Nationals, No. 1 & Star Notes, and Uncut Sheets (4 & 12). Please give us a try — BEBEE's has been a leading specialist in U.S. Paper Money since 1941. Sal?A ezs mm•R R ubliRaTimm, ■ CUSTOMER SERVICE AROC) "PRONTO SERVICE" Aubrey & Adeline Bebee P.O. Box 4290, Omaha, NE 68104 • (402) 558-0277 ANA Life Member #110 Member: ANS, PCDA, PNG, SPMC, IAPN and others SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. cI.3Mc12 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors. Sec- ond class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes to: Bob Cochran, Secretary, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1986. All rights reserved. Repro- duction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $20; life membership is $300. Individual copies of PAPER MONEY are $2.50. ADVERTISING RATES Outside Back Cover $99.00 $269.00 $499.00 Inside Front & Back Cover $93.00 $252.00 $475.00 Full Page $81.00 $219.00 $415.00 Half-page $50.00 $135.00 $255.00 Quarter-page $20.00 $ 55.00 $105.00 Eighth-page $15.00 $ 40.00 $ 77.00 To keep administrative costs at a minimum and advertising rates low, advertising orders must be prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. In the exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are re- quired, the advertiser will be notified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the 10th of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 10 for March issue). Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or hor- izontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertise- ment in which typographical error should oc- cur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. SPACE 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXVI No. 5 Whole No. 131 SEPT./OCT. 1987 ISSN 0031.1162 GENE HESSLER, Editor Mercantile Money Museum 7th & Washington, St. Louis, MO 63101 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY re- serves the right reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 10th for March/April issue, etc.) Camera ready advertising copy will be accepted up to three weeks beyond this date. IN THIS ISSUE CONFEDERATE AND SOUTHERN STATES COUNTERFEIT CURRENCY Henry M. McCarl 149 EARLIEST KNOWN ERROR ON U.S PAPER MONEY Eric P. Newman 156 THE GREEN GOODS GAME Forrest Daniels 158 BANK HAPPENINGS Bob Cochran 158 DEATH NEAR THE COURT HOUSE Ronald L. Horstman 159 RAILROAD NOTES & SCRIP OF THE UNITED STATES THE CONFEDERATE STATES AND CANADA Richard T. Hoober 160 THE PAPER COLUMN . A Magnificent Septet Peter Huntoon 163 SOUVENIR CARDS ANNOUNCED 164 ABNCo ARCHIVE SERIES: ADDITIONAL DATA 165 SOCIETY FEATURES INTEREST BEARING NOTES 165 NEW MEMBERS 166 MONEY MART 176 ON THE COVER: The St. Louis Court House. (see page 159) Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 145 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 VICE-PRESIDENT Richard J. Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street. N. Attleboro, MA 02760 SECRETARY Robert Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 TREASURER Dean Oakes, Drawer 1456, Iowa City, IA 52240 APPOINTEES EDITOR Gene Hessler, Mercantile Money Museum, 7th & Washington, St. Louis, MO 63166 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOOK SALES COORDINATOR Richard Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street, N. Attleboro, MA 02760. WISMER BOOK PROJECT Richard T. Hoober, P.O. Box 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445 LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001 LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 PAST-PRESIDENT Larry Adams, P.O. Box 1, Boone, IA 50036 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Thomas W. Denly, Roger Durand, C. John Ferreri, Gene Hessler, Ronald Horstman, William Horton, Jr., Douglas Murray, Dean Oakes, Stephen Taylor, Frank Trask, John Wilson, Wendell Wolka. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organ- ized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non- profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numis- matic Association. The annual meeting is held at the Memphis IPMS in June. MEMBERSHIP - REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter' j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the ANA or other recognized numis- matic societies are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC mem- ber or provide suitable references. DUES - Annual dues are $20. Life membership is $300. Regular membership dues are sent on the an- niversary of membership commencement. COM- PLIMENTARY COPY OF PAPER MONEY will be sent to anyone who is contemplating membership in the SPMC. Send request to the Membership Di- rector. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 8 1/2 x 11" ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1984 Rosene $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 ARKANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1985 Rothert $17.00 Non-member price $22.00 FLORIDA PAPER MONEY, ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF, (softcover) 1980 Cassidy $16.00 Non-member price $19.50 INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1978 Wolka $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 INDIAN TERRITORY/OKLAHOMA/KANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1980 Burgett and Whitfield $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1982 Oakes $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 MAINE OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP. 1977 Wait $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1973 Rockholt $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, 1976 Wait $15.00 Non-member price $20.00 RHODE ISLAND AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTA- TIONS, OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF, 1981 Durand $20.00 Non-member price $25.00 TENNESSEE-THE HISTORY OF EARLY TENNESSEE BANKS AND THEIR ISSUES, 1983 Garland $20.00 Non-member price $29.50 TERRITORIALS-A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIAL NATIONAL BANK NOTES, (softcover) 1980 Huntoon $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 VERMONT OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1972 Coulter $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept., P.O. Box 911, N. Attleboro, MA 02761-0911 Library Services: The Society maintains a lending library for the use of the members only. For further information, write the Librarian - Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521. Page 146 Paper Money Whole No. 131 r 111,40ii GOLD C st ao,;:ssaa swap, swam Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 147 If You Collect U.S. Paper Money Then You Owe Yourself A Hard Look At Bank Note Reporter From the early large size "Greenbacks" of 1861 to the intricately designed Treasury Notes of 1890; from the first of the small size U.S. paper — the Legal Tender Notes — to the scarce, obsolete Gold Certificates, if you collect U.S. paper money, you should be reading BANK NOTE REPORTER. As the only independently produced publication aimed exclusively at the paper money hobby, each BANK NOTE REPORTER is loaded with interesting articles and features that can benefit you now. There's no excess in BANK NOTE REPORTER. It covers paper money. And that's all! With every timely issue, you'll find a jam-packed slate of hobby happenings. Each month an experienced staff, as well as outside experts, including a key correspondent tracking the Washington, D.C., beat and others who zero I- Bank Note Reporter Krause Publications 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Enter my subscription as follows: ( ) New ( ) Renewal/Extension ( ) 1 year (12 issues) $19.50 ( ) 2 years (24 issues) $36.00 ( ) 3 years (36 issues) $52.50 ) Check (to Krause Publications) ) MasterCard/VISA in on the myriad of interests represented in the paper money spectrum, combine to bring you the latest hobby developments. Information that can assist you in your buy/sell decisions whether for long-term investment purposes, or simply for the enjoyment of the hobby. Add to this trustworthy advertisers, a list of upcoming shows and events, and reports of important auctions, and it's easy to see why BANK NOTE REPORTER is your complete news and marketplace for all paper money. E YOUR NEWS AND MARKETPLACE FOR ALL PAPER MONEY acct no exp. date: mo. yr signature Name Address City State Zip Addresses outside the U.S., including Canada and Mexico, add $6.00 per year. Payable in U.S. funds. BM6 Page 148 Paper Money Whole No. 131 The 1988 American Bank Note Company ARCHIVE A limited edition .collection of the world's finestIntaglio-printed wgnettes,used to embelltsh 19th and early 20th century currency, stamps, stocks, bonds, scrip and checks. DISCOVER THE FINE ART OF FINANCE The 1988 Archive Series features 12 frameable steel-engraved 8 1 /2"x11 1 /4" vignette sheets, displaying a mini- mum of 3 and a maximum of 10 distinctive engravings. Each sheet is devoted to a unique facet of 19th century Americana: SERIES • Coins on Paper • The Hunt • The Frontiersmen • The Iron Horse • On the River • Cherubs & Cupids • Of Brick and Stone • Down in the Mines • Prominent Americans • The Animal Kingdom • Allegories of Finance • A House Divided MUSEUM-QUALITY PAPER AND SPECIAL INKS The Archive Series vignette sheets are intaglio-printed with specially formulated bank note inks—the finest form of printing known BEAUTIFUL ARCHIVE SERIES PORTFOLIO YOURS FREE! Lined with acid-free museum-quality pa- per to preserve your collection for years to come, the Archive Series Portfolio, a $30.00 value, is our gift to you FREE with your pre-paid subscription. SPECIAL BONUS GIFT! A magnificent intaglio engraving of a Republic of Czechoslovakia 1000 Korun note is our gift to you FREE with each renewal order and new subscription to the 1988 American Bank Note Company Archive Series. to man. CORRESPONDING DATA SHEETS The 1988 Archive Series includes corresponding data sheets which outline the information the American Bank Note Company holds on the original master engravers, dates of origin, and the financial documents on which the engravings have appeared. American Bank Note Company Archive Series Program Post Office Box 3, Bowling Green Station New York, N.Y. 10274-9998 Please enter my subscription for the 1988 American Bank Note Company Archive Series. I understand I will receive one shipment of 4 vignette and 4 data sheets approximately once every other month. beginning in March 1988, for a total of 3 shipments. Check one: q Renewal q New Subscription Method of payment: q Direct. I enclose a check or money order for $160* as full payment. I will receive the Archive Series Portfolio and the 1000 Korun note FREE with my first shipment. Make checks payable to the American Bank Note Company. q Credit card. Charge the full amount of $160* to my credit card indicated below and send my FREE Portfolio and 1000 Korun note with my first shipment. q MasterCard CREDIT CARD # EXP DATEPlease type or print clearly Month Year q VISA AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE' At applications are subject to acceptanCe MR. / MRS. / MS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP *Add $9.75 for shipping and handling (covers all shipments). N.Y residents add applicable sales tax. Foreign orders en- close $19.50 for shipping and handling. ,YOUR APPLICATION MUST BE POSTMARKED BY FEBRUARY 29,1988. PMM'88 ORDER FORM Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 149 An Introduction to Confederate and Southern Statesounterfeit by HENRY M. McCARLurrency Associate Professor of EconomicsSchool of Business The University of Alabama at Birmingham A familiar saying in the states of the Deep South for many years has been "Save Your Confederate Money Boys, the South Will Rise Again." Those of us who have saved Confeder- ate and Southern States Currency from the period of the "War of Northern Aggression," 1 also know that while the South is highly unlikely to withdraw from the Union again, the CSA and Southern States currency has risen from the ranks of worthless paper to the realm of highly collectible and often very valuable investments. In light of the popular reputation for little inherent value in old Confederate notes, it often brings a smile to the face of friends to mention that there exist many notorious counterfeit copies of the Confederate and some Southern States originals. Several dealers have specialized in offering these counterfeits to collec- tors, in the belief that they are often rarer, and therefore, in the long run, more valuable than many of the original notes. While no collection of Confederate currency is complete without the famous XXI, "Female Riding Deer," counterfeit for which there was no original, and the widely recognized CT-65, $100 Lucy Pickens "Havana" counterfeit, most collectors rarely get beyond these two items. A CCORDING to the "experts" in the field of the Confeder-ate States of America (CSA) and Southern States coun-terfeits, there are at least 28 counterfeit CSA type notes with several varieties of some types, and a somewhat smaller number of recognized counterfeit Southern States and local bank notes from the same period. Values of these notes in 1987 range from $10.00 for the more common varieties to as much as $1,760 paid in an auction in 1985 for one of the four known copies of a counterfeit T-64, $500 Stonewall Jackson issue of the 1864. There are at least nine varieties of the type XXI, rang- ing in value in crisp uncirculated condition (CU) from $95 to over $150 for the rarest variety, a green and black version with a gold imprint of a cotton wagon on the back. Very fine (VF) con- dition copies of the type XXI range in value from $50 up. The most interesting thing about the counterfeit CSA and Southern States notes is that they are mostly contemporary 1862-1865 reproductions, and many varieties actually circulat- ed, with redemption stamps indicating that interest was paid on some bogus notes, and many "counterfeit" cancellations indi- cating that they were removed from circulation during the Civil War period. While there have always been independent efforts to "make money," undertaken by individuals to enrich them- selves at the expense of the public trust, there is some evidence that the federal (Union) government encouraged and possibly sponsored some of the efforts to undermine the value of Con- federate currency. The counterfeit did not have to be of high quality. The aver- age person rarely had the opportunity to compare an original $20 note with a suspected counterfeit of the same denomination because it was unusual to carry as much as $40 in your wallet in those days. While some of the counterfeits are simple, crude, wood-cut prints, many of them are superior in quality compared to the Confederate originals. This was possible due to the exist- ence of skilled engravers and superior equipment in the North. If one carefully examines an original Confederate note, one is not surprised by the poor quality produced by a government that was struggling to satisfy the basic means of exchange in an economy beset with shortages of virtually everything from paper to printing ink. Most of the engraving services in the United States before the Civil War were located in New York, Philadelphia and Boston, with a satellite of the American Bank Note Company (later called the Southern Bank Note Company) located in New Or- leans. Its services were lost to the South with the federal occupa- tion of New Orleans in 1862. It was a struggle for the South to find the engraving, lithographic, and printing skills required by the Confederate government for currency and postage stamps. Most of the contracts for original notes, bonds and stamps were taken by a relatively few firms in Richmond, VA, Columbia, SC, and New Orleans, LA. A few enterprising souls undoubtedly undertook to enrich themselves by counterfeiting in their native South during the 1861-1865 period, but the most notorious efforts were by S.C. Upham, of 403 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. While there is still some question whether the federal govern- ment in Washington was financing some part of this effort, there is no doubt that Upham's notes were printed both as souvenirs and to be passed in the South in place of authentic currency. While most of the Upham notes have the word "FAC-SIMILE" printed outside the margin, the ease of trimming the note to eliminate this designation without disturbing the appearance of- the note made it popular for Yankees to "do one's patriotic duty" by passing such counterfeits in the states of the Southern Confederacy, A period broadside advertises: MEMENTOS OF THE REBELLION Rebel Notes, Shinplasters and Postage Stamps The undersigned has just published perfect FAC-SIMILES of the following Rebel Notes, Shinplasters and Postage Stamps, which will be found curious as well as interesting mementos of the Rebellion . $10 Confederate Note, issued at Richmond, Va. $5 10 Cent Shinplaster, issued by the Bank of Tennessee. 15 " " Corporation of Winchester, Va. 5 " 15 " Charlestown, " 5 " Richmond, " 25 " " Camden, N.C. 50 " " Mech's Savings Ass'n, Savannah, Ga. 10 Cent Confederate States of America Postage Stamp. 5 5 " Postage Stamp, issued by Postmaster at New Orleans. 51 MEMEXTOS OF TRE FAC SIMILES CONFEDERATE NOTES & SHINPLASTERS. AM , 1VP10,1--A.ALE T. E. RXXIOill, No. 446 8th Street West, Washington, 17, C. 50 CFvus ft. 5 GENTS. K.A.I.1.• Upham "FAC-SIMILES" were sold to dealers in envelopes like this. This one contained some of the notes mentioned in the May 1862, Upham broadside, and one of the fine-cent CSA counterfeit stamps. Page 150 Paper Money Whole No. 131 RETAIL PRICE OF THE NOTES AND SHINPLASTERS, FIVE CENTS EACH. RETAIL PRICE OF THE POSTAGE STAMPS, THREE CENTS EACH. Agents supplied with the NOTES and SHINPLASTERS, at $2 per 100 or $15 per thousand Agents supplied with the POSTAGE STAMPS, at $1 per 100, or $7.50 per thousand One each of the above Notes, Shinplasters and Postage Stamps, sent post-paid to any address, on the receipt of FIFTY cents. QUICK SALES AND LARGE PROFITS. Upwards of 80,000 of the Notes, Shinplasters and Postage Stamps have been sold during the past four weeks, and the cry is still for more. Orders by MAIL and EXPRESS promptly filled. Address, S. C. UPHAM, May, 1862 No. 403 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The Upham broadside goes on to praise the quality of the coun- terfeits, by listing "NOTICES OF THE PRESS." These are both informative and amusing, and are presented here as evidence that the contemporary counterfeits were very effective. "REBELDOM HIGHLY INDIGNANT. — 'YANKEE TRICK.' The rebel papers contain the following: "PHILADELPHIA CONFEDERATE BONDS. — Detective Good- rich, of the rebel Treasury Department, has exhibited to the editor of the Richmond Dispatch what he terms 'the last and grossest piece of Yankee scoundrelism, and an infernal means to discredit the currency of the Southern Confederacy.' 'It consists.' says the Dispatch, 'in well executed counterfeits of our five dollar Confederate notes, struck off in Philadelphia, where the news-boys are selling them at five cents apiece. This note is well calculated to deceive, and in nearly every particular is a fac-simile of the original. We caution persons receiving this money to be exceedingly careful, as there is no means of knowing to what extent they have been circulated.' "The 'Yankee Scoundrel' who has counterfeited these Valuable notes is Mr. S.C. Upham, 403 Chestnut Street. He has issued fac-similes of seven kinds of rebel shinplasters and two denominations of their notes. He has also issued exact copies of rebel postage stamps of three kinds, the five and ten cent stamps issued by the Confederate Government, and the five cent stamp got up by J.S. Riddell, the postmaster at New Orleans, and bearing his name. Mr. Upham sells these fac-similes very cheap, but they certainly bring as much as the original are worth." — Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Other comments cited on the broadside include: "SAMUEL C. UPHAM, of Philadelphia, advertises that he will sell Confederate notes at easy prices. We at first thought that he had taken some of them for a very bad debt, but it appears he has executed fac- similes of them which he disposes of as mementos. The rates offered by MR. UPHAM are very moderate, and yet we assure all who are anxious to speculate, that his lithographed notes are worth just as much as those issued by Jeff. Davis." — Louisville Journal "Confederate Bank Notes, of the denomination of FIVE and TEN Dollars each, have been issued by S.C. Upham, No. 403 Chestnut Street, and are sold by him at the most remarkable discount on record. The engraving is fully equal to that of the originals, and the notes are perfect fac-similes of those prepared at Richmond." — Philadelphia In- quirer "CONFEDERATE NOTES. — MR. S.C. UPHAM, 403 Chestnut Street, has published fac-similes of the $5 and $10 Confederate Notes, issued at Richmond, which will be curiosities ere long, when the rebel- lion is crushed. MR. UPHAM'S notes are as valuable, we dare say, as the originals." — Philadelphia Press "MR. S.C. UPHAM, No. 403 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, publish- es fac-similes of the Confederate State notes, which are quite interesting to the curious." — N.Y. Tribune "Confederate Money. — Mr. S.C. Upham, 403 Chestnut Street, has got out excellent fac-similes of the $5 and $10 notes of the "Confeder- ate States of America," which he sells at prices even cheaper than they bring in Richmond and Memphis. They are curious and interesting, and will become more so as time advances." — Phila. Evening Bulletin The counterfeit notes and postage stamps were packaged in envelopes for dealers. One piece in the collection of this author is imprinted as follows: MEMENTOS OF THE REBELLION. FAC SIMILES OF CONFEDERATE NOTES & SHINPLASTERS. Published and For Sale Wholesale and Retail by W. H. BIXLER No. 446 8th Street West, Washington, D.C. Price 50 Cents per package, or 5 Cents each The notes contained in the packages were printed by S.C. Upham in Philadelphia. The notes that circulated were carefully trimmed to eliminate the word "FAC-SIMILE" and his imprint. The initial printing was so successful that Upham printed at least ten additional types, mostly 1861 and 1862 issues. It is not known if Upham printed the infamous type XXI, but this was not a copy of any real CSA note, even though it is known to have circulated among those trusting Southern souls who did not know of the "Yankee Trick." The type XXI is known in three (face) color varieties: red and black, orange and black, and green and black, with at least three types of paper — plain, parchment-type, and blue tint—and at least four different reverse designs. This author has nine varieties in his personal collection. Some of the counterfeits are high quality engraving reproduc- tions, and a few are obviously superior to the original notes. Many have printed signatures, a characteristic of most of the Up- ham work, but some of the best counterfeits have forged signa- tures as well as handwritten serial numbers. The rarest counterfeit, the $500 Stonewall Jackson note issued in original form in 1864, has a red-orange background color rather than the red or pink background of the original note. There are only four currently known copies of this coun- terfeit, all in private collections. The dissemination of informa- tion on how to identify the counterfeit, as well as publicity about its value, may well bring other copies to our attention as collec- tors more closely examine their copies of T-64, listed in Grover Criswell's well-known Confederate and Southern States Cur- rency 2 as variety (Cr)489. or A TRE,lTY AS011,4 LVOT OX MOSIRS ATER , RE RA 10E, 'COMVCRERAlt siAT i fl f' ASURER Paper Money Whole No. 131 The new edition of Criswell's book, the standard reference for Confederate Note collectors, is reported to contain listings of the counterfeit as well as the original notes. This will make it even more desirable to collect Confederate counterfeits. Table 1 Listing of Known Counterfeits of Confederate States Currency Type s Year Brief Description Up- Varie- ham • ties 5 XXI 1861 $20 Female Riding Deer 9 CT-10 1861 $10 Liberty, Shield & Eagle 4 CT-11 1861 $5 Liberty & Eagle 1 CT-13 1861 $100 Loading Cotton & Sailor Yes 4 CT-14 1861 $50 Moneta & Chest 3 CT-16 1861 $50 Jefferson Davis 4 CT-18 1861 $20 Sailing Ship 5 CT-19 1861 $20 Navigation & Blacksmith Yes 4 CT-20 1861 $20 Industry & Beehive 5 CT-22 1861 $10 Indian Family Yes 6 CT-25 1861 $10 Hope with Anchor (no X) Yes 3 CT-26 1861 $10 Hope with Anchor (red X) Yes 2 CT-28 1861 $10 Ceres & Commerce with Urn Yes 2 CT-29 1861 $10 Picking Cotton Yes 2 CT-31 1861 $5 Five Women, G. Washington rt. Yes 4 CT-33 1861 $5 C.G. Memminger, Minerva rt. 2 5 Types Year Brief Description Page 151 Up- Varie- ham 4 ties' CT-36 1861 $5 Ceres on Cotton Bale 2 CT-37 1861 $5 Sailor & Cotton Bale Yes 2 CT-39 1862 $100 Train with Straight Steam Yes 2 CT-41 1862 $100 Hoeing Cotton, Columbia rt. Yes 3 CT-42 1862 $2 South Striking Down Union Yes 1 CT-44 1862 $1 Steamship at Sea Lucy Pickens Yes 1 CT-45 1862 $1 Same at CT-44 w. Green 1 & One Yes 1 CT-46 1862 $10 Ceres on Cotton Bales Yes 2 CT-56 1863 $100 Lucy Pickens, Green Back 0 1 CT-58 1863 $20 Capitol at Nashville, Blue Back 0 1 CT-64 1864 $500 Stonewall Jackson (Havana) 6 0 1 CT-65 1864 $100 Lucy Pickens, Blue Back (Havana) 6 0 1 CT-66 1864 $50 Jefferson Davis (Havana) 6 0 1 The above listing is based on the collection of the author and catalog listings published by Hugh Shull, P.O. Box 712, Lees- ville, SC 29070. Any collector having knowlege of additional counterfeit types would provide a valuable addition to our knowledge on the sub- ject by contacting Hank McCarl, P.O. Box 352, Birmingham, AL 35201-0352. Type 42 CSA original note above, Upham "FAC-SIMILE"below. The counterfeit is not numbered, and has printed signatures, whereas the real note is numbered and signed. Fundable ilt-7- ttisclerateStates to . . Page 152 Paper Money Whole No. 131 Photograph of the Type XXI CSA Counterfeit, for which there was no real note. This note was a complete hoax, but there is evidence that this type note did actually circulate as currency in the States of the Confed- eracy. There are at least nine varieties of Type XXI with red and black, orange and black, and green and black face color designs (as shown). At least five back designs are known. The green and black variety comes with a green or a gold cotton wagon back. Type 44 CSA original note above, Upham "FAC-SIMILE" below. The counterfeit is not numbered, and has printed signatures, whereas the real note is numbered and signed. Paper Money Whole No. 131 Table 2 Page 153 Up- Varie- Known Counterfeits — Type' Year Brief Description ham 8 ties 9 Southern States & C-3206 1861 $2 Corp. of Richmond, VA Local Currency (1861-1865) (RdOr&Blk) 1 Up- Varie- UNL 1861 5 c Richmond, VA by Type 7 Year Brief Description ham' ties 9 C.R. Bricken 10 Yes 2 G19(Cr) M-578 1863 5 c State of Georgia 1861 50 c Mechanics' S&L 1 UNL 1862 15 c Corp. of Charlestown, VA 11 Yes 1 C-880 Assoc., Savannah, GA 1861 25 c Camden Co., N.CAR- Yes 1 UNL 1861 5 c Corp. of Winchester, VA, (Blk) 12 Yes 2 NC- OLNA. (Green) Yes 2 C-3503 1861 15 c Corp. of Winchester, VA (Red) Yes 1 148(Cr) 1865 5 c State of North Carolina 1 C-3535 1861 $1 Corp. of Winchester, VA T-65 1861 5 c Bank of Tennessee (Nashville) Yes 1 (Blk) 1 T-100 1861 10 c Bank of Tennessee (Nashville) Yes 1 The above listing is based on the collection of the author and C-3203 1861 $1 Corp. of Richmond, VA (Gr&Blk) Yes 1 catalog listings published by Hugh Shull, P.O. Box 712, Lees- ville, SC 29070. Type 65 CSA original note above and "Havana" type counterfeit be- low. The Federal government may have been financing the reproduc- tion of this note in Havana, Cuba. The counterfeit is smaller than the orignal with distinctly different engraving of Lucy Pickens in the center. Type 56, 64, 65, and 66 counterfeits are known to exist. Type 66 also has a smaller design than the original $50 Jeff Davis note. Engraving of these counterfeits is superior to the originals. It is unlikely that this series of counterfeits was a product of S.C. Upham, but this has never been confirmed. Page 154 Paper Money Whole No. 131 County of Camden, North Carolina 25-cent "shinplaster," was printed with red ink (above), while Upham "FAC-SIMILE" was printed in green ink with incorrect spelling of "NORTH CAROLNA." Upham counterfeits of Mechanics' Savings and Loan Association of Savannah. The lower design shows Upham imprint, and is reproduced from the opposite side of the Upham broadside of May, 1862. /di.4/ Fi 'TY Cper (//ki ../4/%4 e/41 //rill/ '10, in rkt&iii /)%firk 7.4%/4. 'MECHANICS' into Zonn 1cttiii ion. 50 Savannah, 1861, fic, ill t • d,p0,,ircd. Fifty Cents it' ti4 /h/, / r Prfnr , re‘: e; Iuryttic to k tetaot -=(r.-;!t vr;v e" DI)k 6Y Tf4E \TH: : FIFTEEN CENTS. Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 155 Upham counterfeit above and original note below. The Mechanics' Sav- ings and Loan Association had at least two designs of their original note. and despite the design differences between the Upham counterfeit and the real notes, there was enough confusion to allow the Upham prints to pass as real currency among unsuspecting citizens of Savannah. Corporation of Winchester, fifteen-cent "shinplaster" printed in red ink on buff paper. Real note above, Upham "FAC - SIMILE" below. This was a particularly good reproduction of dates, serial numbers and signa- tures. (Continued on page 164) iAtirtflii277411".4.441.4. .1[4=======aW /1 (/- ca,„ ) -1‘111 1. tilk• 40, ft4 ) //////// (di 'I / ////////,7///(: by RONALD L. HORSTMAN and ERIC P. NEWMAN HAT appears to be the first error to occur on Federal Currency has recently been lo- cated. It is a $5 United States note dated March 10, 1862, lacking the Treasury Seal. It is re- markable that, almost simultaneously with the ap- pearance of such an error, official correspondence of the Treasury Department about such errors was also located. Neither the finder of the error note nor the finder of the written comment about such error notes had any knowledge of what the other had found. This is indeed a rare coincidence. Paper Money Whole No. 131Page 156 Earliest Known error on U.S. Paper Money United States note dated March 10, 1862 without the required U.S. Treasury seal. The Act of July 17, 1861 had authorized, among other items, the issuance of non-interest-bearing demand notes in denomi- nations less than $50 but not less than $10, payable by the As- sistant Treasurers of the United States at Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Each note was to have two handwritten sig- natures of Treasury officials. The Treasury seal was not required to be put on the demand notes, but was required on all interest- bearing notes authorized by the same legislation. By an amend- ment of August 5, 1861, Assistant Treasurers of the United States at St. Louis and Cincinnati were added as paying agents and the denominations were lowered to $5. That amendment also specifically eliminated the application of the Treasury Seal on interest-bearing notes just as had been the original provision as to demand notes. The avoidance of the application of a seal was an attempt to expedite the issuance of those obligations. Both types of notes were therefore issued without seals. By the Act of February 25, 1862, $150,000,000 in legal ten- der United States notes was approved, $50,000,000 of which was to be substituted for the same amount of demand notes. The United States notes were permitted to have either written or engraved signatures and were required to have, as evidence of their lawful issuance, the imprint of the seal of the Treasury De- partment. That seal imprint was to be made under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. If selected, engraved signatures would be included on the plates made by private bank note companies; and since private bank note companies would print the notes from those plates, some means had to be provided to give the government complete control over final issuance. Handwritten signatures were obviously too time-consuming as the experience with demand notes had apparently shown, so the Secretary of the Treasury selected engraved signatures. Numbering itself could not be so used with reliability—thus the seal became the final checking feature. The U.S. notes authorized by the Act of February 25, 1862 had an engraved date of March 10, 1862 and were printed by private bank note companies in New York City. The seals were subsequently printed in red on the four-subject sheets at the Treasury Department in Washington in a completely separate operation. In the haste to put U.S notes into circulation, the seals were omitted from a few sheets by error. Such an error was not easily noticed by the public because demand notes of a very similar de- sign to the U.S. notes were circulating without any seal. The only information that was located in the U.S. Archives about the lack of a seal on U.S. notes is in the letter copy book of Francis E. Spinner, Treasurer of the United States. It is dated April 21, 1862, and was written to the Assistant Treasurer of the United States at St. Louis as follows: 11Pr 411iLit ) 411.". This shows where the seal should have been placed. Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 157 Female employees at the U.S. Treasury imprinting the Treasury seal on U.S. issues. This enlargement shows where the seal is normally placed. Office of Treasurer of U.S., April 21st, 1862 Sir: Your letter of the 16th instant has been received. The law re- quires that this new legal tender note should bear the seal of the Treasury Department. If you will return the notes you mention as being unsealed, I will then send them back to you with the seal affixed or credit you a draft for the eighty dollars on the Asst. Treas. N.Y. Ben Farrar, Asst. T.U.S. St. Louis, Mo Yours very respectfully, F.E. Spinner, Treasurer of U.S.' The letter from Ben Farrar dated April 16, 1862 has not been located. It could have indicated that either four $20 notes, eight $10 notes, or sixteen $5 notes did not have a seal printed on them. The Spinner reply apparently resulted in the return to Washington of the notes aggregating $80. There, they were probably sealed for return or credit so that they could be intro- duced into circulation. Obviously, some error notes were not found. It is an even more remarkable coincidence that St. Louis is so intimately and completely involved in this story about the error note. Ronald L. Horstman of St. Louis located the Spinner let- ter in his research for an article about U.S. demand notes; Eric P. Newman of St. Louis located the error note in his duplicates when preparing an exhibit; and Ben Farrar of St. Louis wrote the letter about finding error notes when he was Assistant Treasurer of the United States at St. Louis. The error note itself shows some normal circulation wear and could have been in use anywhere before its arrival at St. Louis as part of a small numismatic collection. 1. National Archives. Record Group 50, Treasury of U.S. Domestic L/S Vol. 12. B NK Happenings From The Banker's Magazine ■ Submitted by Bob Cochran The Green Goods Game Conducted by Forrest Daniel Page 158 Paper Money Whole No. 131 AN OLD JOKE Diggs saw a note lying on the ground, but knew that it was a counterfeit and walked on without picking it up. He told Smithers the story, when the latter said: 'Do you know, Diggs, you have committed a very grave of- fense?' 'Why, what have I done?' You have passed a counterfeit bill, knowing it to be such,' said Smithers, without a smile, and fled. —Stillwater (Minn.) Messenger, Nov. 16, 1858. HARD TO COUNTERFEIT "The paper money of the United States is the least handsome in the world," said the proprietor of a money exchange. "That is because Government depends entirely upon the intricacy and elaborateness of the designs on its notes and certificates for pro- tection against counterfeiters. In foreign countries, on the other hand, much effort is directed to making their currency beautiful with pictures and arabesques in the classical style. Not only are the results pretty to look at, but they serve their chief purpose better, for any engraver will tell you that real art work on a bill is far more difficult to imitate than any purely mechanical effect, no matter how complicated the latter may be made by the geo- metric lathe and other devices. "Most beautiful of all paper notes are those issued in France and Prussia. Here is a pretty Austrian bill for 100 florins, printed in blue ink with the design mainly composed of two large stand- ing figures of cherubic children and an oval of children's heads. That seems a queer notion from our point of view for the orna- mentation of currency, but it is certainly both interesting and handsome. This is a Russian bill for 100 rubles, done in pink and green. Here you have a Scotch note, issued by the 'British Linen Company,' which promises to pay £5 on demand. In Great Britain the privilege of issuing paper money can be ob- tained by corporations other than banks from the Government. "You will need a magnifying glass to examine this note with. It is Irish. The words 'one pound' are printed across it in big letters, but this broad strip extending from one end to the other of the document i[s] a curiosity. To the naked eye, even upon scru- tiny, it seems to have no significance, but when magnified you will perceive that it is wholly made up of the words 'on [e] pound' in microscopic letters. From the superficial appearance of the bank of England notes you would suppose that they could be readily imitated by the photography or otherwise, inasmuch as their designs consist of very little more than lettering in black that is almost severely simple. But that great financial institution depends altogether upon the water marking of its paper, which is wonderfully elaborate, as you can see by looking at the light through it. This water marking has been imitated, but never with success." — Washington Star. —Sanborn (N. Dak.) Enterprise, Dec. 29, 1893. A LESSON IN THRIFT Scores of women have started savings accounts in the First National Bank of Englewood, Illinois, with money taken from the pockets of their sleeping husbands. Their impetus in this di- rection is said to have been given by the following paragraph, which appeared in Savings, a monthly publication issued by the bank itself. "One woman's method of saving money—or perhaps we should say one of a woman's methods of saving money—is to go through her husband's pockets every night while he gently slumbers. All the loose change she finds she deposits in our bank at interest." Since this "tip" was broadcast, the number of depositors has increased by 500 in round numbers, and the only way it is ac- counted for by V.E. Nichols, cashier of the bank, is that the wives have taken up a nocturnal collection of spare change. "For the last ten years we have made a close study of the peo- ple of Englewood," said Elroy M. Phillips, Editor of Savings. "At last we have the combination." According to a number of the wives, they took advantage of the holidays to lift a considerable number of their husbands' coins. This, according to several court decisions, they may legally do, one Judge saying: "A woman who does not go through her husband's pockets does not love him." NEW (?) USE FOR CIGAR BOXES The Merchants' National Bank of Lawrence, Kansas has dis- covered a new and novel use for cigar boxes. The bank uses them to pack money in instead of the conventional sacks. They are much more handy, as a certain size box can be used, and when filled to the top it is known exactly how many dollars is contained in the box. The Merchants' bank favors the "Mercida" box, as it holds an even number of dollars. The "Little Tom" cigar box is also a favorite with the bank. To which the Commercial West adds: There was a time when the banks here in the Northwest used cigar boxes for this same purpose. That, however, was long before the Kansas bank "dis- covered" them. At the present time many of our bankers are uti- lizing the regulation sugar barrel for small change trays, and word comes from the Dakotas that several banks there have found the ordinary wagon-box still more convenient, as addi- tional side-boards and the patent end-gate can be used to ad- vantage on busy days. The "Old Hickory" and "Moline" are prime favorites as it has been "discovered" they will hold an even or odd number of dollars, as desired. DUES NOTICE ENCLOSED IN THIS ISSUE Paper Money Whole No. 131 Death Near The Court House by RONALD L. HORSTMAN Numismatist and Financial Historian © 1987 by Ronald L Horstman The fatal attack against Joseph Charless brought first the feeling of shock to the citizens of St. Louis, then bereave- ment and finally anger. That this beloved gentleman could have been struck down by a shot from the pistol of a revengeful individual on the streets of this city was cause for mourning to all who knew him. Page 159 Thornton came into the Bank of the State of Missouri and at- tempted to redeem a bundle of damp, mud-soaked bank notes. When questioned about where the notes came from he stated that he had purchased them from a steamboat deck hand who found them under a tree stump while tying up his boat. Charless advised Thornton that an advertisement should be placed in the paper to try to locate the rightful owner, but the advice was not well-received and Thornton departed, bills in hand. Additional testimony showed that Thornton disposed of the water-soaked bills by depositing a few at a time and then shortly thereafter withdrawing fresh currency. This practice continued for a con- siderable length of time. Despite this strong circumstantial evi- dence Thornton was aquitted, but contended that his reputation had been ruined by the testimony of Joseph Charless. On Friday, June 3, 1859 at 9:00 AM, Charless was walking on the south side of Market Street between Third and Fourth Streets when Thornton approached and without a word drew a Colt revolver and shot him. The pistol ball struck Charless on his left side penetrating the abdominal cavity and passing thru. The impact knocked him to his hands and knees where he was shot again, this time in the back. Mortally wounded, he crawled into the establishment of Mr. P.J. Thompson where he collapsed. Proof $20 bank note from the Mechanics Bank of St. Louis At the time of his death, Joseph Charless was president of the Mechanics Bank; he is por- trayed on the right. The Court House in the center is still standing. The irony of it all is that Charless was shot within 300 feet of the front steps of this building. J OSEPH CHARLESS was born in 1804 and arrived in St. Louis in 1808 when his father, a printer, opened the first newspaper office west of the Mississippi. Young Charless grew up in the shop, learning his father's trade and later studied law. In 1827 his father sold the newspaper and went into the wholesale drug business taking his son in as a partner. As Joseph Charless prospered in the drug business he became in- volved in civic affairs serving as a member of the Board of Alder- men and as a director of the St. Louis Public School System. Charless, being held in high esteem by his fellow Missourians, was appointed president of the Bank of the State of Missouri and served in that capacity for two years. It was during this time that he became aware of the activities of Joseph Thornton. Thornton had been employed as Secretary of the Boatmens Savings Institution when, on the morning of April 6, 1854, their safe door was found open and $19,000, mostly in Missouri bank notes, was found missing. Most officials of the bank felt that the robbery was an inside job, but Thornton was very ada- mant in his contention that the safe keys had been hidden in a chandelier and were often removed in the presence of custo- mers. His statements aroused suspicion and made him a prime suspect. Tension in the bank grew. In 1858 he was forced to re- sign and was indited for the earlier robbery. At his trial Joseph Charless testified that some time after the Boatmens' robbery Thornton was seized by two men who witnessed the shooting and held him until police arrived. Dr. McDowell happened to be passing and immediately rendered assistance but expressed doubt that Charless would survive the attack. He was placed on a large lounge until noon when he was removed to his home at Fifth and Walnut. Additional medical assistance was summoned as his condition worsened but to no avail. Meanwhile, a crowd of angry citizens gathered at the jail de- manding Thornton's immediate execution. Only intervention by the military prevented a lynching. At 7:35 AM on Sunday morning, Joseph Charless, age 55, died in the presence of family and friends, but not before forgiv- ing Thornton for his acts. Charless was buried from the Second Presbyterian Church and entombed in Bellefontaine Cemetery. The judicial system was not as forgiving as Charless. On No- vember 11, 1859 Thornton, age 36, was hanged. At the time of his death, Joseph Charless was president of the Mechanics Bank of St. Louis and his portrait appears on their $20 note. References The History of St. Louis City and County, by Thomas Scharf 1883 The Means of Wealth, Peace and Happiness, by W.G. Rule 1947 St. Louis Republican, June 6, 1859 erVIVE 1110ILLAR •"0 0,181•EPPOntitil P /ore, kirlior ;Ire ts a Page 160 Paper Money Whole No. 131 Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States, the Confederate States and Canada by RICHARD T. HOOBER (Continued from PM No. 130, Page 129) ST. LOUIS—NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD COMPANY (continued). 7. 50 Similar to No. 6, except printed in German. R3 8. 50 (L) Animals in bush. (C) Train. (R) Soldier with rifle and flag. Advertisement of sleep- ing cars, snuff, cigars, hotels, etc., on reverse. R3 9. 50 Similar to No. 8, except printed in German. R3 ST. LOUIS — ST. LOUIS & IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY The road was chartered March 3, 1851, to serve the iron mining region south of St. Louis. In 1874, the line was consolidated with the Iron Mountain, Cairo & Fulton R.R., becoming the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern R.R. In 1881, the line was purchased by the Missouri Pacific R.R.. 10. 20.00 (L) Locomotive, 20 above. (R) Bust of Liberty. R7 Missouri No. 10 Date: Jan. 15th, 1870. Imprint: Lith. of R.P. Saidley & Co. St. Louis. ST. LOUIS — TERRE HAUTE, ALTON & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD COMPANY The road was chartered January 28, 1851.In 1854, the line was consolidated with the Belleville & Illinoistown R.R., to form the St. Louis, Terre Haute & Alton R.R. In 1861, the road was reorga- nized into the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute R.R., also known as the Cairo Short Line, later becoming a part of the Illinois Central Railroad. 10a. 5.00 (L) 5. (C) Female, eagle on shield, train. (R) V. R3 TILE 1),ec4 pai'thrlYrtii'r marnrva Ilatafr xhril (Pr ACC.1.1862. it .RIMS 061 en InillaAr CHES111118 it it this ri,:=1:,;(7:10 .-r,Tk7;;;WItri; 4) emit.iiti of Pas, rzer Fare., itia-,/rtOgjttqAttir- P' on the ICErwr., 4)(7r. 156'2. Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 161 11. 10.00 (L) X. (C) Indian on cliff, train. (R) X. R3 12. 10.00 (L) X. (C) Train. (R) X. R3 Date: February 21, 1859 Imprint: Hart, Mapother & Co. Lith. No. 36 Main St., St. Louis, Mo. NEW HAMPSHIRE CON CORD — CONCORD , MANCHESTER & LAWRENCE RAILROAD In June, 1837, the Concord Railroad was chartered to build a road from Concord to Nashua, dou- ble tracked, with a branch from Concord to Hookset, a total length of 42 miles. Work began in 1841, and was opened September 7, 1842. Track was also leased from the Concord & Portsmouth Railroad, the Manchester & North Weare Railroad, the Suncook Valley Railroad and the Nashua, Acton & Boston Railroad, 101 miles. These various lines later became part of the Boston & Maine System, September 1, 1881. 1. 50 (R) 5. R3 2. 10e Similar to No. 1, except denomination. R3 3. 25e Similar to No. 1, except denomination. R3 4. 35e Similar to No. 1, except denomination. R4 5. 500 Similar to No. 1, except denomination. R4 Date — Dec. 1, 1862. Imprint — None. New Hampshire No. 1 New Hampshire No. 6 KEENE— CHESHIRE RAILROAD 6. 100 (L) Yellow 10. R5 Date — Oct. 1862. Imprint — None. 4/eea e, Airej,e ././9eeee99/e 2,z/fir tc9/9/.4./9;9#/aei/: 1 ;1. .0 pit Page 162 Paper Money Whole No. 131 NEW YORK ALDER CREEK STATION—UTICA & BLACK RIVER RAILROAD The road was organized in 1853. A total of 87 miles of track was laid, and the line was opened from Utica to Boonville in 1855. 1. 50 (L) Female, dog, buildings. (C) Green 5. (R) Green 5. 2. 25q (L) Female. Date — Sept. 25, 1862. Imprint — Curtiss & White, Printers, Utica, N.Y. New York No. 1 BA TH—BLOSS COAL MINING & RAILROAD COMPANY 3. 10C (L) Coal mining scene, 10 above. (R) Train, 10 above. Date — June 1, 1866. Imprint — Hatch & Co. Trinity Building, 111 Broadway, N.Y. New York No. 3 R6 R6 R7 (To be continued) S 99999999 0 C - StrICSIC, =, IL, e t e -11 . — Al'00000001 mx THIS CERTI■ ICS THAT THEIRS IS ON !DEPOSIT IN THE TREASURY OF TILE UN ITE ST.SNE Si OF AM E II I (1A TSIS CERTIFICATE IS LEGAL TEND, FORA, DESTS.PUBLIC AND PRIVP:a I ). T 00900006 0 SERIES.I.5 C SERIES..< (a.) TC09:i3004 Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 163 A Magnificent Septet THE PAPER COLUMN by Peter Huntoon 0 NCE in a blue moon a spectacular old collection spillsonto the market and unexpected treasures are re-vealed. Such a collection appeared in 1986, emerging from deep within Oklahoma. Unbelievable small-size note rari- ties trickled out, most forgotten save for obscure references in the oldest sale catalogues and earliest dealer price lists. This venerable collection had been in the making from ap- proximately the mid-1940s through the early 1960s. Yes, several of the all but forgotten small-size note rarities from the Grinnell collection graced these album pages. One fantastic group of notes that emerged are the seven $1 Series of 1935C silver certificates shown here. This set passed through the hands of three top dealers, each of whom has a great reverence for outstanding small-size rarities, and each of whom just had to own the set for a little while: Harry Shultz, Lyn Knight, and Dean Oakes. The notes pictured were all serial numbered at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing on April 10, 1947. Notes T00000001D through T00000006D found themselves in a separate brick from the S99999999D. Nevertheless, a veteran collector of ex- Page 164 quisite taste and with an eye for the unique gathered the pieces from their diverse sources and assembled this remarkable group. Adding to his credit is the fact that he held the group together in- tact for almost 40 years! What sets this group apart from every other 99999999- 00000001 changeover set—a few appeared in the Grinnell sales—are the mismatched serials that occur on the 4th and 6th notes where a 9 appears in the third position instead of a zero on the left numbers. Frosting on the cake is the fact that the press- man spotted the errors, immediately corrected the press, and flagged the two mismatches for replacement. How did he flag the errors? The only way at his disposal. He stuck his finger on the still wet offending serial numbers and smeared each left to right across the entire number and beyond into the portraits. I don't know the fellow's name but I can at least tell you from his distinctive smears that he was right-handed. Most fortunately the two mismatches escaped the inspector's sharp eye and survived to tell their story. Each note in this group is as pristine as the moment it fell from the press. Even the band- ing of the bricks, which can chew up such last and first notes, left no damage whatever on these fine notes. For those of you who have a technical bent, you will recog- nize that these notes were serial numbered using the old style system wherein serial numbering is consecutive down the half sheet rather than vertical through the stack of sheets. In this case the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 notes landed respectively on the A, B, C, D, E and F plate positions. The 99999999 was printed on the I position or 3rd note down from the top of the right-hand side of its sheet. The third position down is exactly where it must lie as the 99999999th note in its sequence. The numbering presses for the earliest small-size notes hand- led half sheets of six subjects. Numbering was consecutive down the half sheets. Once the half sheets were numbered, the six notes were immediately cut from the sheet and automatically stacked in order. The next half sheet was numbered, cut, and its six notes were added in order to the bottom of the stack. By the time the $1 Series of 1935A silver certificates were in- troduced in 1938, numbering presses could handle full sheets of 12 notes. Numbering on these was also consecutive, down the respective halves of the sheets, but usually the numbers on the left side consisted of the lower half of serials in the group being printed and those on the right were the upper half of the group. For example, a known sheet of $1 1935A North Africa yellow seals bears the following serials: left side F41952007C- F41952012C and right side F41954005C-F41954010C. If you figure this one out, you will discover that this special yellow seal sheet order consisted of 3996 consecutive serials on 333 sheets! When the early sheets were ordered for souvenirs, pains were normally taken to get 12 consecutive numbers on the same sheet. This involved much hand work with the presses. In the very earliest situations involving 6-subject numbering presses, the 12-subject sheets had to be folded in half vertically and fed through the press twice. Consequently the earliest sheets have a vertical fold through the center. The notes shown here were from a regular production run, not a special sheet order. What we know from these notes is that the same error occurred in setting the left serials in both the 4th and 6th positions. The pressman printed the first sheet, pulled it to check his settings, found the mistakes, and fixed the machine before continuing the press run. Thus only these two notes from the press run have the mismatches. They were not produced by the hundreds or thousands as is commonly the case. There were just these two: T00900004D/T00000004D and T00900006D/T00000006D. Paper Money Whole No. 131 I hope you enjoy seeing these as much as I have enjoyed bringing them to your attention. Who can imagine what will roll off the presses next, or become exposed when the next great old collection finds its way onto the market? ■ Confederate Currency (Continued from page 155) Any collector having knowlege of additional counterfeit types would provide a valuable addition to our knowledge on the sub- ject by contacting Hank McCarl, P.O. Box 352, Birmingham, AL 35201-0352. FOOTNOTES l ln the North, this Civil War was called the "War of Southern Rebel- lion," encompassing the period 1861-1865. 2 Grover C. Criswell, Confederate and Southern States Currency, Citra, Florida: Criswell's Publications, 1976, 294 pp. 3Type designation based on the widely recognized 72 types of CSA Notes. CT-10 designates the counterfeit note corresponding to T-10, CT-11 corresponds to the original T-11, etc. Type XXI is unique since there is no known original note. 4Upham imprints identified on some varieties of types designated "Yes." Others, designated "?," may or may not have varieties printed by Upham. Those designated by "0" are unlikely to be products of Upham. 5The number of counterfeit varieties is based on differences in printing, printed or handwritten signatures, serial number types, variations in color, obverse and/or reverse patterns, paper types, etc. 6 A large shipment of these "Havana" notes were discovered aboard a blockade runner from Havana in Mobile in late 1864. The three types of counterfeit notes were described by a Mobile newspaper in an edi- torial published in early November, 1864. 7Types in this table are all counterfeits corresponding to real notes listed by the indicated designation in the references North American Currency, Confederate & Southern States Currency (by Criswell) or UNL for unlisted types. 5Upham imprints identified on some varieties of types designated "Yes." Others, designated "7," may or may not have varieties printed by Upham. 9The number of counterfeit varieties is based on differences in printing, printed or handwritten signatures, serial number types, variations in color, obverse and/or reverse patterns, paper types. etc. 1°One variety is printed with blue ink, the other with black ink. III3lack printing on blue paper. 12Paper for both counterfeit varieties and real note is buff. 2nd Variety of counterfeit misspells "VIRGINLA." NOTE: Values of counterfeit notes vary according to condition in much the same way that values of authentic notes vary with condition. AU, UNC, and CU counterfeit notes are normally worth more than notes of lower grades. ■ SOUVENIR CARDS ANNOUNCED The BEP has announced subjects and places of issue for future cards: Cherry Hill, NJ — Sept. 18-20: 1907, $10 gold certificate back (item 946) Honolulu, Hawaii — Nov. 12-15: 1923, $5 silver certificate (item 950) Lake Buena Vista, FL — Jan. 7-10, 1988: 50( fractional currency, fifth issue (item 952) By mail, all BEP cards are $4 each from the Bureau of Engrav- ing and Printing Mail Order Sales, Room 602-11A, 14th & C Sts., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20228. Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 165ABNCo. rchive Series: dditional Data BACKGROUND The American Bank Note Company has printed a number of vignettes from dies in its holdings via a collector-oriented pro gram entitled "Archive Series." American Bank Notes has made every effort to identify the many security documents, which in- corporate the chosen vignettes, but all agree that the listings can- not be considered complete due to incomplete records, the passage of time, and the sheer scope of the project. THIS COLUMN'S PURPOSE We are encouraging SPMC members to report additional stocks, bonds, checks, notes, and other fiscal instruments that incorporate the vignettes utilized for inclusion in the Archive Series. In this way our collective knowledge about vignettes can be enlarged through our mutual cooperation. Contributing members' efforts will be acknowledged unless we are instructed otherwise. Here's all you need to do in order to participate in this pro- ject: • Identify the vignette by Vol., title and number from the vignette data sheet. • Send a photocopy of the fiscal documents that you are reporting as new uses of the vignette you've listed. In or- der to maintain the accuracy of these listings, we will not list any "new finds" that are not documented by a photo- copy. Send that to: Wendell Wolka, 7425 S. Woodward Ave. #214, Woodridge, IL 60515 . We will then publish your reports on a periodic basis that will be determined to a great extent by your level of participa- tion. Subjects for the 1988, ABNCo Archive Series have been announced. They are: "Coin on Paper," "The Frontiersmen," "On the River" (steamboats), "Of Brick and Stone" (architec- ture), "The Hunt" (Indian hunting scenes), "Down in the Mines," "The Iron Horse" (railroads), "Cherubs & Cupids," "Prominent Americans," "The Animal Kingdom," "Allegories in Finance," and "A House Divided" (The Civil War). Two subjects, "The Iron Horse" and "The Animal King- dom," will be additions to those in the 1987 series; the others are new to the series. Again, data sheets will accompany each panel of vignettes. As a bonus for subscribing to the 1988 series, ABNCo will include a sepia-colored proof —the original was blue—of a 1,000 korun note prepared for the Republic of Czechoslovakia. Woman with Globe, the vignette engraved by Robert Savage in 1917 for this note, was included in the 1987 Archive Series on the panel entitled "Allegories of Finance." Only 1,145 lucky subscribers received the 1987 series. See the advertisement on page 148. Further information regarding the Archive Series may be obtained by writing to Aurelia Chen, American Bank Note Company Archive Series, P.O. Box 3, Bowling Green Station, New York, NY 10274. Interest Bearing Notes°u,g:r;dH With the completion of the first 25 years, the SPMC has prov- en itself to be a dominant force in the numismatic field. When the topic of syngraphics presents itself, the SPMC immediately comes to mind. The next 25 years should prove to be an even greater challenge for the society. With the help of our member- ship, officers and with the cooperation of the newly formed Pro- fessional Currency Dealers Association, the field of paper money collecting, and as of late, investing, will be greatly ex- panded. In the coming year, the SPMC will engage in many new and invocative projects. Information on these projects will be announced in future columns. In keeping with our objectives, the new board and officers completed a monumental task of completely revising our by- laws at the Memphis meeting. This project required meetings held over a two day period. These new by-laws will be distribut- ed to the membership with a future addition of Paper Money. This was the first revision in 25 years and was necessary in order to reflect the changes that have occurred in our hobby. The aim of our society is to be more visible at conventions and numismatic events. We intend to participate, especially in the area of education, on a national basis. It seems that paper money collecting is on an upswing and our society expects to be a leading force in this expansion. We have at our disposal many fine speakers, collectors who are experts in displaying paper money and other material, and educators who have committed themselves to the task of enlightening the public about the pleas- ures of collecting syngraphic material. Our life membership program is progressing at the rate of growth we anticipated. New membership cards are enclosed in this issue. Membership certificates are also being discussed; additional information will be forth coming. The Wismer project, and the publication of other books, is progressing at a somewhat less than satisfactory rate. This will be corrected and, with the help of the authors and better all around cooperation of everyone involved, we will get back on track. To help make PAPER MONEY the magazine you expect, we need to have the articles you would like to see. There are many subjects within the field of syngraphics that never appear in the magazine; that is your fault. If you do not submit articles, they certainly cannot appear in the magazine and, as a result, every- one is the loser. It seems that a continuing problem is lack of arti- cles. Please send us an article about your collecting specialty, es- pecially if you have never submitted an article before. Believe me, it is not as hard as you think. Our editor is ready to give you all the help that you need. We are investigating the possibility of offering an insurance program for paper money collectors. There seems to be an in- terest in this subject. It seems that some members feel that the ANA program is not adequate for their needs, and, some within the SPMC are not members of the ANA. With the legacy that has been left us from the fine job the pre- vious board and officers have completed, we will progress with a renewed enthusiasm and continue to make the SPMC the beacon of the paper money field. Page 166 Paper Money Whole No. 131 Recruitment Report Collector Ronald Horstman 14 Dealer Tom Denly 5 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ALL SPMC MEMBERS! This issue of PAPER MONEY contains your dues statement and your 1988 membership card. I would appreciate it if you would take a few moments NOW and attend to this business. Here's what you do: 1. Open your dues envelope and remove the blank member- ship card. 2. On the top flap of your dues envelope is a label with your name, address, and membership number on it. Your mem- bership number is on the upper left of the label—there is a "PM" followed by six digits; your membership number is the LAST FOUR NUMBERS. 3. FILL IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD AND KEEP IT! 4. Send in your dues; if you send a check, PLEASE WRITE YOUR MEMBERSHIP NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK! IF YOU DO THIS NOW WHILE IT'S FRESH IN YOUR MIND, IT WILL SAVE BOTH OF US SOME TIME, AND THE SOCIE- TY WILL SAVE THE COST OF HAVING TO SEND YOU A REMINDER NOTICE. THANKS! CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? Please let me know as soon as possible if you are moving. I notify the printer of these changes the day I receive them, so that you won't miss any of your issues of PAPER MONEY. Many of you use the form on the outside of the mailing envelope, which has a space for your membership number; others are using the cards available through the postal service. I have sorted the SPMC roster by the membership number assigned to each member. If you use the form card from the post office, PLEASE put your membership number in the "Account No." box in the lower right corner of this card —it will help me greatly. Bob Cochran, Secretary To All members of SPMC The duties of Membership Director have recently been ex- panded to include new membership solicitation. This is not, however, a "one-man-job." It is rather, a call for assistance from ALL members. Our Society needs new members, the more the better, to help us grow and prosper. Inserted in this issue you will find a membership application. We ask that you make a concerted effort to sign up at least one new member. On the back is an advertisement for the Second Annual National and World Paper Money Convention, which is co-sponsored by the SPMC. Additional applications and fliers are available from me. Thank you. Ronald Horstman Membership Director MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Ronald Horstman NEW Lo uis P .0 .mBoo x636 013191St. MEMBERS 5564 Larry Garrison, 4168 Iowa St., San Diego, CA 92104; C, Rein- statement Large-size & nationals. 6391 Jan Messineo, 350 Central Ave. #309, Alameda, CA 94501; C. Reinstatement small-size U.S. 7470 Richard Aztlan, 2340 W. Winnemor, Chicago, IL 60625; C, Confederate currency. 7471 Gene Mack, 6613 Almond Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32244; C, CSA; S. States obsoletes. 7472 J. Glaser, 6900 E. Camelback Rd. 430, Scottsdale, AZ 85251. 7473 John J. Houston, 4554 College St., Jacksonville, FL 32205; C, Civil War & broken bank notes. 7474 Carl Bombara; C&D, Nationals. 7475 Tom Knox, P.O. Box 3775, Toledo, OH 43608; C, Tonga. 7476 Mike W. Thompson, 1487 Mt. Lebanon, Cedar Hill, TX 75104; C&D, Texas & CSA. 7477 Paul Mench, 33166 Maplenut, Farmington, MI 48024: C, Large- & small-size notes, Lg & Sm Bills. 7478 William Klein, 404A Ft. Washington Ave., Fort Washington, PA 19034; C. Obsoletes; souvenir cards. 7479 Art Bermingham, 2620 Cedar Forks Trail, Marietta, GA 30062; C, Obsolete/World. 7480 Robert C. Hastings, 7927 Southmeadow, Houston, TX 77071; C, national type. 7481 Alan Collopy, 15 Florence Ave., Lawrence, MA 01841; C, U.S. large & small size. 7482 James Hudson, P.O. Box 507, Childersburg, AL 35044; C, U.S. small currency. 7483 Bernard Ross, 392 Seaview Ave., Staten Island, NY 10305; C, Staten Island & NY bank notes. 7484 Ken Zimmerman, 41 Jay Ann Dr., Lebanon, PA 17042; C&D. 7485 John Williams, 59 Maple Street, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. 7486 John Herman, P.O. Box 7087, Silver Springs, MD 20907; C, General. 7487 C.V. Valiance Jr., 501 Lackey, Hamlet, NC; C. 7488 Robert D. Feild, Rt. 2, Box 339A, Hohumwald, IN 38462 C, Small-size. 7489 Eric Schuster, Rt. 3 , Box 707, Greenville, MS 38703; C, Missis- sippi. 7490 Hardie Maloney, 509 Elsie Ln., River Ridge, LA 70123; C&D, CSA LA Parish Scrip. 7491 John C. Tomassi, 27044 Lenox. Madison Hts WI 48071; C, Errors & Mich. nationals. 7492 Robert Carrier, 176 1/2 Clinton St., Columbus, OH 43202; C. 7493 Thomas Minerley, 30 Charles St., Ballston Spa, NY 12020; C&D, Ballston Spa nationals. 7494 Gerard Simoneaux, 32 E. Levert Dr., Luling, LA 70070; C, LA Parish notes. 7495 Otto Peters, P.O. Box 670, Beverly Hills, FL 32665; C, Sou- venir Cards & Proofs. 7496 James F. Siptak, 2709 Perry Lane, Alvin, Texas 77511; C, Czechoslovakia, Slovakia. 7497 San Jose Coin Club, P.O. Box 5621, San Jose, CA 95150; C. 7498 Fremont Coin Club, P.O. Box 1401, Fremont, CA 94536; C. 7499 Cupertno Coin Club, P.O. Box 1189, Cupertno, CA 95014; C. 7500 Gerald Briggs, P.O. Box 1514, Riverside, CA 92502; C&D, Confederate, Obsoletes; stocks and bonds. 7501 Arthur S. Benjamin, 1585 East 14th Street, 3-C, Brooklyn, NY 11230; C, Souvenir cards. 7502 Jeffrey L. Ferrand, 1401 Glen Ave. Extd., Salisbury, MD 21801; C. Paper Money Whole No. 131 7503 Walter Hogue, 3334 Buchanan St. #202, Mt. Ranier, MD 20712; C, Small- & Large-size type notes. 7504 Ernest Smith, 317 18th Ave. East #5, Seattle, WA 98112; C, Pre-1900 silver certificates. 7505 Dale R. Phelan, 5444 Hilltop Crescent, Oakland, CA 94618; C, Large denomination gold cert. & large-size notes. 7506 Henry Scheuermann, P.O. Box 446, Havenford, PA 19041; C, U.S. 7507 Kenneth Werring, 34 Beveridge Rd Mahwah, NJ 07430; C&D. 7508 Ken Carlson, P.O. Box 1596, Walla Walla, WA 99362; C, Old currency in Northwest U.S. 7509 Roxborough Coin Club, P.O. Box 26051, Philadelphia, PA 19128. 7510 Jeff Cutchens, 1639 E. Park Ave. E-6, Valdosta, CA 31602; C, Foreign. 7511 Jaynayain Nunkoo, P.O. Box 1018, Port Louis, Mauritus; D, Maritius; Indian Ocean. 7512 R. Daniel Byrns, 45-C Ben Nevis, St. Louis, MO 63137; C. 7513 Keith Harrison, 3605 Kelly Way, Louisville, KY 40226; C, U.S. coins & currency. 7514 Kenneth W. King, 413 Camino de las Colinas, Redondo Beach, CA 90277; C. 7515 Mark Andrews, RFD #1, Box 1100, Sabattus, ME 04280; C, Stocks & Bonds. 7516 Thomas Buda, 442 Caldwell Dr., Wyckoff, NJ 07481; C, New York City bank items. 7517 Robert Rupp, 6624 Mountain Church Rd., Middletown, MD 21769; D. 7518 Richard Deavers, 223 Reservoir Ave.. Central City, KY 42330; C, Central City, KY notes. 7519 Edward A. Stack, 3332 Landershire Ln. Plano, TX 75023; C&D, World; general. mongy mart 1 ■110.1■■ Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 100 per word, with a minimum charge of $2.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, Mercantile Money Museum, 7th & Washington, St. Louis, MO 63101 by the tenth of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 10, 1987 for Jan. 1988 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more in- sertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC. U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) WANTED: MACERATED MONEY: postcards and any other items made out of macerated money. Please send full details to my attention. Bertram M. Cohen, PMW, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116. (138) NEW YORK NATIONALS WANTED. Athens, Catskill, Cox- sackie, Germantown, Hudson, Hunter, Kinderhook, Philmont, Tannersville, Windham. Send description and price. All letters answered. Robert Moon, Box 81, Kinderhook, NY 12106 (138) Page 167 RHODE ISLAND OBSOLETES, COLONIALS, CHECKS, BANK POSTCARDS, SCRIP and BOOKS wanted by serious collector. Duplicates also needed. Describe and price, all conditions considered. Roland Rivet, Box 7242, Cumberland, RI 02864. (131) WANTED: COLONIAL GEORGIA. Will pay $400 for 1776 Blue-Green Seal $4 or 1777 No resolution date $4. Also want most pre-1776 issues. Radford Stearns, 5400 Lawrenceville Hwy., Lilburn, GA 30247, (404) 921-6607. (132) WANTED: OHIO NATIONALS. I need your help. Send list you would sell to: Lowell Yoder, P.O. Box 444, Holland, OH 43528 or call 419-865-5115. (132) MISSOURI NATIONALS WANTED. Both large and small, also obsoletes. Can find a few duplicates to trade. Forrest Meadows, Route 1, Box 176, Bethany, MO 64424, call 816-425-6054. (131) CHECK COLLECTION FOR SALE. 200 different railroad checks & drafts c. 1910, $125 postpaid. Also 200 steamboat, oil, manufacturers, etc., checks & drafts c. 1910, $125. Bob Yanosey, 11 Sussex Ct., Edison, NJ 08820. (132) KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN NATIONALS WANTED. Also want Michigan Nationals with serial number ONE and Michigan cancelled checks prior to 1900. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, MI 49008. (140) NEW YORK NATIONALS WANTED FOR PERSONAL COLLECTION: TARRYTOWN 364, MOUNT VERNON 8516, MAMARONECK 5411, Rye, Mount Kisco, Hastings, Croton on Hudson, Pelham, Somers, Harrison, Ossining, Yonkers, White Plains, Irvington, Peekskill, Bronxville, Ardsley, Crestwood, New Rochelle, Elmsford, Scarsdale, Larchmont, Portchester, Tuckahoe. Send photocopy; price. Frank Levitan, 530 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10455, (212) 292-6803. (135) NUMBER 1 and 11111111 UNITED STATES type notes wanted and unusual United States error notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, MI 49008. (140) KUWAIT 1960 NOTES in regular issue and specimen, also want Jordan, Saudi Arabia and scarce Middle East notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, MI 49008. (140) CANADA WANTED. 1923 $2 all signatures and seals. Low serial numbers 1935 Bank of Canada and Canada specimen notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, MI 49008. (140) PALESTINE CURRENCY BOARD SPECIMEN NOTES WANTED in all denominations and dates in uncirculated con- dition. Prefer notes not mounted and/or previously mounted. Jack H. Fisher, Howard Professional Building — Suite AA, 750 Howard St., Kalamazoo, MI 49008. (131) HUNTSVILLE and WALKER CO. TEXAS WANTED. George H. Russell, 1401 19th St., Huntsville, TX 77340. (135) MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE NOTES WANTED for my collec- tion. Liberal prices paid for notes needed. Byron W. Cook, Box 181, Jackson, MS 39205. (133) RAILROAD, MINING AND OTHER nice looking stocks and bonds wanted. Have many of above for sale also. Send 22C stamp for lists. Jack Curry, Box 7395-Dept. M, Jersey City, NJ 07307. (135) Page 168 STOCK CERTIFICATES & BONDS — buy and sell! Current catalog of interesting certificates for sale, $1. Buying all—but es- pecially interested in early Western certificates. Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, CA 94011, phone (415) 566-6400. (149) PENNSYLVANIA NATIONALS WANTED, LARGE AND SMALL: Addison, Berlin, Boswell, Cairbrook, Central City, Confluence, Davidsville, Friedens, Garrett, Hollsopple, Hooversville, Jerome, Meyersdale, Rockwood, Salisbury, Sipesville, Somerfield, Somerset, Stoystown, Windber, any condition. Send prices and description to: Bill Ogline, R.D. #1, Box 293, Friedens, PA 15541. (131) WANTED: RHODE ISLAND NATIONALS from Cumber- land, Woonsocket and all 1929 series. Send for offer or write giving description and price desired. Also have RI notes to sell or trade. RI nats, P.O. Box 7033, Cumberland, RI 02864. (132) ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED. Pay $300 or more for Middletown #7791, Chester #4187. Buy-sell-trade many others. SASE for list. Chet Taylor, Box 15271, Long Beach, CA 90815. (132) WANTED, ALL OBSOLETE CURRENCY, ESPECIALLY GEORGIA, which I collect. Particularly want any city-county issues, Atlanta Bank, Georgia RR Banking, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe RR Banking, Bank of Hawkins- ville, La Grange Bank, Central Bank Milledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Cotton Planters Bank, any pri- vate scrip. I will sell duplicates. Claud Murphy, Jr., Box 15091, Atlanta, GA 30333. (138)) ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED: Albany, Bement, Beecher, Chester, Coulterville, Crescent City, Forrest, Gran- ville, Greenfield, Mound City, Palatine, Ranson, Sidell, Saint Anne, Sparta, Ullin and others. Lynn Shaw, Rt. 2, Box 315, Coulterville, IL 62237. (135) WAKEFIELD, RHODE ISLAND NATIONAL BANK NOTES WANTED. Also interested in nationals from other Rhode Island cities and towns except Providence. Frank Ben- nett, Box 8153, Coral Springs, FL 33075. (132) NEED A SOLID $1, 99999999 FRN. Also radars: 00011000; 11155111; 00099000; 90000009. Also: $10 1934A, North Africa star, F.C. 86; $10, 1934A, mule, F.C. 87; $10, 1934A, star, F.C. 86. Will buy or trade from an excep- tional selection. M. Kane, Box 745, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. (131) WANTED: CU $1 FRNs with serial nos. 00066666, 00088888 or 00099999. Any series. Any block. Will buy. Jim Lund, 2805 County Rd. 82, Alexandria, MN 56308. (131) WANTED: MN and WI CRISP UNCIRCULATED NA- TIONALS, large or small. Also certain large-size, gem, CU notes. Mike Abramson, 2026 E. 9th St., Duluth, MN 55812. (131) WANTED: BEP SOUVENIR CARD PROOFS! Liberty Bell: Blue $35! Statue of Liberty: maroon, gray $55! green, blue $45! Eagle: brown, blue, green $95 each! Russell Bell, Box 859, Ti- buron, CA 94920. (131) WANTED: 1907 CLEARING HOUSE SCRIP AND CHECKS. Need items from most states; please send full de- scription or photocopy with price. I am particularly interested in Washington, Oregon, North Dakota, New York and Georgia. T. Sheehan, P.O. Box 14, Seattle, WA 98111. (133) Paper Money Whole No. 131 WANTED: OBSOLETE CURRENCY, SCRIP, BANK ITEMS AND CONFEDERATE ITEMS OF NORTH CARO- LINA. Single items or collections. Send description and price. Jim Sazama, P.O. Box 1235, Southern Pines, NC 28387. (139) WANTED: PRE-1900 CALIFORNIA AND WESTERN SCRIP from collectors and dealers, by collector. Ship for premium offer. Don Embury, 1232 1/2 N. Gordon, Los Angeles, CA 90038 (SPMC 3791). (131) WANTED: 1953B $10 SC. If you won't sell, please send me serial number and face and back plate numbers. Article on this note in progress. Mike Stratton, NATO AGARD, APO NY 09777. (132) WANTED: PAYING PREMIUM PRICES FOR (1) EXTEN- SIVE COLLECTION, large variety, all states, specialized col- lection by individual state(s), Good—UNC. Ship for high offer. Hoards, pre-1910: describe and price before shipping. Last month I spent $9,000 and wish to top it. Don Embury, 1232 1/2 N. Gordon, Los Angeles, CA 90038. (131) IOWA NATIONAL CURRENCY FOR SALE: Belle Plaine, Chariton, Clear Lake, Council Bluffs, Cresco, Denison, DeWitt, Dunkerton, Hampton, Independence, Iowa Falls, Keokuk, Knoxville, Marion, Missouri Valley, New Hampton, Oelwein, Prescott, Red Oak, Remsen, Rippey, Shenandoah, Sioux City, Sumner, Traer, Washington, Waterloo, Waverly, other states. SASE brings lists. Joe Apelman, Box 283, Covington, LA 70434. PAPER MONEY MAGAZINES: I need SPMC's first twelve issues; sets considered. Robert Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001. (133) SUTLER SCRIP COLLECTORS — I would like to corres- pond with you about Sutler Scrip. Let's exchange information. All replies answered. Kenneth Keller, 9090 Kinsman-Pymatun- ing Rd., Kinsman, OH 44428. SPECIAL LOT OF 300, all different, variety of stock certifi- cates. Bargain. $189.50. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, NC 28461. WANTED: OBSOLETE & CONFEDERATE CURRENCY, Depression scrip and Nationals, especially Tenn., also rare Bra- zil and Philippine notes. Paul E. Garland, 2006 Lake Village Dr., Kingwood, TX 77339. GOLD CERTIFICATES WANTED in extra fine, almost-un- circulated and uncirculated conditions in both large- and small- size U.S. notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. (136) AUTOGRAPHED U.S. NOTES WANTED with special inter- est in notes autographed by United States Presidents, Treasur- ers and Secretaries of the Treasury in both large- and small-size notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. (136) MICHIGAN NATIONALS WANTED with serial number one, Michigan First Charters, all Kalamazoo, Michigan banks and Michigan large-size $100.00 nationals. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. (136) SERIAL NUMBER 100,000,000 U.S. NOTES WANTED and also want serial one, 11111111 through 99999999 small- and large-size, large-size only star notes and single digit 1966 $100.00 Red Seal Star Notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. (136) Charter Member LM-2t449 \ ).1 1(). 11 ( ol om aim 9 LM-5773 Paper Money Whole No. 131 WE ARE ALWAYS BUYINGN ■ FRACTIONAL CURRENCY ■ ENCASED POSTAGE ■ LARGE SIZE CURRENCY ■ COLONIAL CURRENCY WRITE, CALL OR SHIP: • ♦ 41=lb. tr10:11 • CURT-RIM LEN and JEAN GLAZER (718) 268.3221 POST OFFICE BOX 111 FOREST HILLS, N.Y. 11375 41! .41 : ; " 1"2 „::1.311 " _ WATERLOW DIE PROOFS of FOREIGN CURRENCY Our future auctions will contain selections from the Waterlow Archives including die proofs of foreign currency of which, in most cases, only 2 to 3 exist. George Alevizos Please send $1.00 for catalog and specify your interest in currency. 2800 28th Street, Suite 323, Santa Monica, CA 90405-2995 Telephone: 213/450-2543, Cal. Auct. Lic. No. Al229 DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS? (HINT: It is printed on only one side!) 0.7,t 1 1 NetantatiOn. t.hit+.404. This vignette, printed from a plate prepared from the original die, appears on the BureauANSWER: of Engraving and Printing's Souvenir Card honoring the ANA Convention in 1971! SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! We will send you the ANA 1971-1973, 1975-1976, and 1980 B.E.P. Souvenir Cards which show the 1896 $1, $2 and $5 Silver Certificate vignettes, faces and backs (one of which is illustrated above), regular price for the 6 Cards—$44, JUST $33! (postpaid in U.S.) Our comprehensive Souvenir Card price lists are just $1, refundable. AAPS LIFE f‘astd1 VISA' ACCEPTED! RUSS BELL (415-435-9494) P.O. Box 859P Tiburon, CA 94920 Page 170 Paper Money Whole No. 131 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West- ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. DRAWER 706, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 11571. a Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 171 (914) 352.9077BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, ANA, FUN, GENA, CCRT P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 BUYING / SELLING. OBSOLETE CURRENCY, NATIONALS • UNCUT SHEETS, PROOFS, SCRIP , of A, c$-` c '''' EARLY _ , 1 :q: AMERICAN_. t\.1 NUMISMATICS fit' .„.....„-. *619-273-3566 COLONIAL & CONTINENTAL CURRENCY SPECIALIZING EV: SERVICES: q Colonial Coins q Portfolio q Colonial Currency Development q Rare & Choice Type q Major Show q EARLY Coins Coverage q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction We maintain the LARGEST ACTIVE INVENTORY IN THE WORLD! o SEND US YOUR LISTSWANT FREE PRICE . LISTS AVAILABLE. AMERICAN NUMISMATICS c/o Dana Linett q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance ■ P.O. Box 2442 ■ LaJolla, CA 92038 ■ 619-273-3566 Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS BANKS 1868 UNION NATIONAL BANK (Philadelphia) $75 Black/White Capital Stock certificate with several attractive vignettes. One of the very few engraved banking stocks, from the American Bank Note Company. Pen-cancelled, otherwise in VF + condition. Our Current BANK listing includes more than 3 dozen Bank stocks, from 1812 to 1933, many with vignettes by the major bank note companies of the 19th century. Call or write today and ask for our BANK listing, or for our general catalogue of more than 150 stocks and bonds. CENTENNIAL DOCUMENTS 24 S. Court, Clinton, NJ 08809 (201) 730-6009 Whom do you trust With trust, you can proceed with confidence in every move you make. In the coin hobby, "trust" is synonymous with NUMISMATIC NEWS advertisers. They pass a strict screening policy before they utilize our pages. And, to further protect the interests of our valued subscribers, we spend thousands annually in a "blind testing" program, and recognize the integrity of our advertisers with the valued Krause Publications' Customer Service Award. In a hobby built on trust, that's good news for our readers — because it takes the worry out of mail order transactions. And good news for our advertisers, too — because their advertising builds them a lifelong clientele. numismatic news Home Of Superior Hobby Penotheals and Hooks krause publications 700 E. State St. Iola, WI 54990 Page 172 Paper Money Whole No. 131 Walt Alcott Numismatics and Paper Americana Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Maps Engravings • Labels • Etc. Box 3037 Quartz Hills, CA 93534 805-942-7105 Pcda MEMBER: ANA (LM); SPMC; CSNS; PSNA RARE MORMON NOTES Mormon Handcart Company Promissory Notes Issued at Florence, Nebraska Territory, 1860 $ ())? AL44..,g 41.1 41,42 gdzw 64' ey./.. 7 444.:4, /2(Atta OyeA )(i. cq/. ./ "4144-ute ACTUAL SIZE 73/4)(41/2' Issued for a Handcart Share (above) Two available at $2,000 each Issued for provisions to 9th Handcart Company member Three available at $1,200 each Neither the A.N.A. nor the SMITHSONIAN own one of these. MAY NOT BE OFFERED AGAIN! Information, photocopies available to those of serious interest. OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE 6802 S.W. 33rd Place Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-3659 THE BANKOF S: LOUIS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI OBSOLETES AND NATIONALS WANTED RONALD HORSTMAN P.O. BOX 6011 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63139 . .0111 .N:1111)11411 Ita 4417irxmomaccrrit, t 'tie BUYING BERLIN NATIONALS Large and small national banknotes (all charters that apply) from the following "Berlin" chartered national banks are wanted by private collector: Berlin, MARYLAND #8319 Berlin, NEW HAMPSHIRE #4523, 5622 Berlin, NEW JERSEY #9779 New Berlin, NEW YORK #151, 10199 Berlin, PENNSYLVANIA #5823, 6512 East Berlin, PENNSYLVANIA #6878, 14091 New Berlin, PENNSYLVANIA #7897 Berlin, WISCONSIN #400, 4620, 4641 Picture Postcards of the above national banks also wanted. Send all inquiries with description (photocopy, if possible), grade and price. Payment will be made by personal check. All inquiries answered. Howard M. Berlin PO Box 9431 Wilmington, DE 19809 Member: ANA, ANS, AINA, SPMC, and NLG HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS - LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216.884-0701 Paper Money Whole No. 131 Page 173 IAN A. MARSHALL P.O. Box 1075 Adelaide St. P.O. Toronto, Ontario Canada, M5C 2K5 WORLD PAPER MONEY Also World Stocks, Bonds and Cheques 416-365-1619 Checks, Stocks & Bonds, And More! Join us and receive our quarterly journal, THE CHECKLIST • Information on all aspects of banking and business paper collectibles •Club Auctions •Free Classified Ads Regional chapters are being organized, slide pro- gram available, book projects, swap-box, and the friendliest collectors anywhere! For more information. contact Oak (diatom tounb Table Charles Kemp, Secretary 2075 Nicholas Court • Warren, MI 48092 Handsome Catalogues—Advertised Sales q Annual Subscription USA & CANADA OTHEF With Prices Realized $45.00 $55.0C PUBLIC AND MAIL BID AUCTIONS -U.SAFOREIGN• Antique Stocks & Bonds, Fiscal Paper, Currency, Coins, Obsolete Paper Money, Autographs, Confederate Currency & Bonds, Fractional Currency, Numismatic Literature NASCA Division of R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc., 24 Broadway, N.Y., N.Y. 10004 We welcome your consignment (212) 908-4006, Ask for Diana Herzog or Steve Goldsmith Page 174 Paper Money Whole No. 131 BUYING AND SELLING CSA and Obsolete Notes Catalog available for $1 ANA-LM SCNA PCDA HUGH SHULL P.O. Box 712 / Leesville, SC 29070 / (803) 532-6747 SPMC-LM BRNA FUN PAPER MONEY UNITED STATES Large Size Currency • Small Size Currency Fractional Currency • Souvenir Cards Write For List Theodore Kemm 915 West End Avenue q New York, NY 10025 CANADIAN BOUGHT AND SOLD • CHARTERED BANKNOTES. • DOMINION OF CANADA. • BANK OF CANADA. • CHEQUES, SCRIP, BONDS & BOOKS. FREE PRICE LIST CHARLES D. MOORE P.O. BOX 4816P WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596-0816 (415) 943-6001 LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. #1995 C.N.A. #143 C.P.M.S. #11 Nobody pays more than Huntoon for ARIZONA & WYOMING state and territorial Nationals :N=It NikftWillifiCtratitENZW , E : -711..,„411.1.V9 6 7awaguto viNEI2.12:tetvaxpew:Ittons , IttittnittN.§:,.ereaolircr rnie 5720 tai ,vo*r-1 wilruky TEN 1)014 A A :5 34Q) faii:EVD Peter Huntoon P.O. Box 3681 Laramie, WY 82071 (307) 742-2217 rt . ttt—frDj1,0 CURRENCY S lATION (//' ‘X,/ 44, .,:vtraiAti'la.7 4:11470.7!)Agiti 1,044-1 4 .11 Greal,S;d1b1.6. lin0e!r, C y. fita 1J:e • Broken Bank Notes • Southern State Issues • Confederate Currency • Merchant Scrip • Collections Needed: Buy/Consignment Approval Service Available— Supply One Dealer Reference or Your S.P.M.C. Number. PRICE LIST — Enclose Large Size 22c Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope. Topical interests or states collected and desired collectable grades are helpful if approvals are re- quested. DON EMBURY 1232 1/2 N. GORDON STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90038 S.P.M.C. 3791 Paper Money Whole No. 131 Pace 175 BUYING and SELLING PAPER MONEY U.S., All types Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer- tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc. Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries Paper Money Books and Supplies Send us your Want List ... or ... Ship your material for a fair offer LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P.O. BOX 2395 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503 Page 176 Paper Money Whole No. 131 The name in rare coin auctions for U.S. paper currency Every Kagin auction features a large and varied selection of U.S. paper money to please both the generalist and the specialist. Whether you wish to buy or sell, take advantage of the Kagin reputation for service, experience and collector orientation. Auction Schedule November 21-22, 1987, The San Jose Coin Show, San Jose, CA February 4-6, 1988, The Long Beach Coin Expo, Long Beach, CA May 6-7, 1988, The San Diego Coin Show, San Diego, CA To arrange for a consignment or to order a catalog, call us at (800) 367-5428 Kagin's Numismatic Auctions, Inc., 1388 Sutter, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94109 visA. Twenty-four hour answering machine when not in. Feel free to call and reserve your notes. Personal checks must clear, money orders and bank checks get fast service. Second choices will be used only if first item is sold. Min. Order On Cards We can offer a layaway plan on larger purchases. $50 Please 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Orders for currency under $250.00, $2.00 postage please. r(M7-----'(-)aster6ardAll items two week return in original holders, undamaged. Mass. residents must include 5% sales tax. LM-2849 LIBRARY Dave Bowers has always said buy the book first, and he became president of A.N.A. Maybe now is the time for you to buy the book, and who knows, you might replace Reagan! COLONIAL 1. The Early Paper Money of America by Eric Newman, First Edition, one copy only, hard to find $29.50 + 1.00 2. The Early Paper Money of America by Eric Newman, Second Edition, the Bi- ble for colonial currency 24.50 + 1.50 TYPE NOTE 3. Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money by Krause & Lemke, First Edition, new, never opened, one copy only 15.00 + 1.00 4. Standard Catalog of United States Paper, Fourth Edition, the current edition and great as it includes rarity of national banks by charter # 14.00 + 1.00 5. Paper Money of the United States, 11th Edition by Robert Friedberg, a necessity to any collector 17.50 + 1.50 6. Paper Money of the U.S. by Robert Friedberg, Second Edition (1955), one copy only 30.00 + 1.50 7. Paper Money of the U.S. by Robert Friedberg, Third Edition (1959), one copy only 25.00 + 1.50 8. Paper Money of the U.S. by Robert Friedberg, Fourth Edition (1962), one copy only 20.00 + 1.50 9. Paper Money of the U.S. by Robert Friedberg, Fifth Edition (1964), one copy only 20.00 + 1.50 10. Handbook of Large Size Star Notes 1910-1929 by Doug Murray, a good book to have! 14.95 + 1.00 NATIONAL CURRENCY 11. National Bank Notes, a guide with prices by Kelly, a must book! 2nd Edition 36.00 + 1.50 12. Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes by Hickman & Oakes, a wealth of information 70.00 + 2.50 13. Territorials, a guide to U.S. territorial national bank notes by Huntoon 13.50 + 1.50 14. The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935 by M.O. Warns, one copy only 19.50 + 1.50 15. Charter Number Two, the centennial history of the First New Haven National Bank (Connecticut) 1963, one copy only 11.95 + 1.25 16. Nevada Sixteen National Banks and their Mining Camps, a wonderful book full of history, M.O. Warns, SPECIAL 35.00 + 2.00 CONFEDERATE 17. Confederate and Southern States Currency, (1976 Edition) by Criswell 2 copies available, 35.00 + 1.00 18. Confederate and Southern States Bonds, by Criswell, 2nd Edition 14.95 + 1.00 FRACTIONAL CURRENCY 23. Encyclopedia of United States Fractional and Postal Currency, Milton Friedberg, the book for the real into on fractional, out of print and hard to find' 19.00 + 1.00 24. A Guide Book of U.S. Fractional Currency by Matt Rothert (1963), the first I have had for sale, one copy only 9 95 + .50 OBSOLETE CURRENCY 26. ALABAMA - Alabama Obsolete Notes and Scrip, by Rosene 13.50 + 1.50 27. ARKANSAS - Arkansas Obsolete Notes and Scrip, by Rothert, a great book 17.00 + 1.50 28. COLORADO - Colorado Territorial Scrip by Mumey Wanted 29. DEPRESSION - Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip of the United States, by Mitchell & Shafer, a well done new item 21.50 + 1.50 30. FLORIDA Florida Obsolete Notes & Scrip, by Freeman Wanted 31. FLORIDA - Illustrated History of Florida Paper Money by Cassidy, now out of print! 29.95 + 1.50 32. INDIAN TERRITORY - Indian Territory and Oklahoma Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Burgett, Kansas Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Steven Whitfield, two books in one 13.50 + 1.50 33. INDIANA - Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Wolka, Vorhies & Schramm 13.50 + 1.50 34. IOWA - Iowa Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Oakes 13.50 + 1.50 35. MAINE - Maine Obsolete Notes & Scrip by Wait 13.50 + 1.50 36. MICHIGAN - Obsolete Banknotes & Early Scrip by Bowen, hard cover reprint by Durst 39.50 + 1.50 37. MICHIGAN - Obsolete Banknotes by Bowen, the original book, a collector's item, one copy only 50.00 + 1.50 39. MINNESOTA - Minnesota Obsolete Notes & Scrip by Rockholt 13.50 + 1.50 40. MISSISSIPPI - Mississippi Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Loggatt, out of print and very hard to find! 27.95 + 1.50 MORMAN - See #54 41. NEBRASKA - Territorial Banking in Nebraska by Owen 7.95 + .50 42. NEBRASKA - A History of Nebraska Paper Money & Banking by Walton Wanted 43. NEW ENGLAND - The Obsolete Bank Notes of New England by Wismer - Quarterman reprint, one copy 22.00 + 1.00 44. NEW JERSEY - New Jersey's Money by Wait 16.50 + 2.50 45. NEW YORK - Obsolete Bank Notes of New York by Wismer, Durst reprint 17.95 + 1.00 46. NORTH CAROLINA - Obsolete Bank Notes of North Carolina by Pennell, Durst reprint 7 95 + .75 47. OHIO - Obsolete Bank Notes of Ohio by D.C. Wismer, Durst reprint 8 95 + .75 OKLAHOMA - See #32 48. PENNSYLVANIA - Obsolete Bank Notes of Pennsylvania by Wismer, Durst reprint 11.95 + .75 49. PENNSYLVANIA Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Hoober 30.00 + 1.75 50. RHODE ISLAND - Obsolete Notes and Scrip of Rhode Island and the Pro- vidence Plantations, by Durand 20.00 + 1.50 51. SOUTH CAROLINA - South Carolina Obsolete Notes by Austin Sheeheen Jr., a hard to had super book 14.95 + 1.00 52. TENNESSEE - The History of Early Tennessee Banks by Garland 29.50 + 2.00 53. TEXAS - Obsolete Notes & Scrip by Medlar, out of print, rare . 26.00 + 1.50 54. UTAH - Mormon and Utah Coin & Currency by Rust, every note pictured with values 30.00 + 1.50 55. VERMONT - Obsolete Notes & Scrip by Colter, out of print SPECIAL 19.95 + 1.50 56. VIRGINIA - The Obsolete Paper Money of Virginia Volume I by Affleck, this book covers scrip issues Wanted 57. VIRGINIA - The Obsolete Paper Money of Virginia Volume II by Af fleck, this book cover banknotes, out of print 25.00 + 2.00 60. COUNTERFEIT DETECTER - Hodge's American Bank Note Safe Guard, reprint of 1865 edition, one copy only 25.00 + 1.50 The second number after price is for postage & handling with a $5.00 maximum. IMPROVED MYLAR "D" CURRENCY HOLDERS For the last year I have sold these; they are increasingly dominating the market. These are the finest for your notes. PRICED AS FOLLOWS Size Inches 50 100 500 1000 Fractional 4-3/4 x 2-3/4 11.50 20.50 92.50 168.00 Colonial 5-1/2 x 3-3/16 12.50 22.50 102.00 185.00 Sm. Curr 6-5/8 x 2-7/8 12.75 23.50 105.00 194.00 Lg. Curr 7-7/8 x 3-3/8 14.75 26.75 121.75 221.50 Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4 18.50 33.75 152.50 277.00 Shipping is included in the U.S.A. You may batch up your needs to get best price (25 minimum one-size). Samples one of each $2 (5 different size holders) plus 22c postage. ritat Charter Member MYER NI, AV\ (1-011ti LM-5773 DENLY'S OF BOSTON P.O. BOX 1P0H1O0-NBE: (617) 482-8BOSTON,477 MA 02205 Our currency auctions were the first to use the Sealed Mail Bid System, which gives you, the bidder and ultimate buyer, the utmost chance to buy a note at a price you want to pay with no one looking over your shoulder. As a seller, this method gives you the opportunity to get the full market price without the "in" dealers short-circuiting the bidding, as so often is seen at public auction sales. icliman - Oakes Auctions , nc. Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S. Currency to the collecting fraternity for over 20 years: is man y - Oa kes Ructions ,Inc. Dean Oakes CUPPIL1 sumo opo John Hickman Drawer 1456 MDR Cit2J, 101213 5224 0 319-338-1144 ith 32 sales behind us, we look forward to a great 1987-88 for all currency collectors as well as our Sealed mail bid and floor auctions. We have had the pleasure of selling several great notes during the past year with prices going over $30,000. Currency collecting is alive and well. If you have doubts Just check over our last two catalogs. You will find the pulse of the market represented there. Our next auction is scheduled for June in Memphis. Our November auction will be held in St. Louis with the Pro- fessional Currency Dealers Assoc. convention. There will be hundreds of lots of U.S. and national currency. Join others in experiencing the true market between buyer and seller at a Hickman-Oakes auction. Write, or call 319-338-1144 today! As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% and down to 5% (depending on value of the lot) with no lot charge, no photo charge, in fact no other charges. As a buyer: When bidding and winning lots in our auctions you are charged a 5% buyers fee. As a subscriber you receive at least 4 auction catalogs and prices realized after the sale, plus any price lists we put out, and all by 1st class mail. If you send us $8 now, we will send you the June Memphis convention auction catalogue and prices rea- lized plus our other auction catalogues and price lists through June of 1988. Send $8.00 now, you won't be sorry.