Paper Money - Vol. XXVII, No. 2 - Whole No. 134 - March - April 1988

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VOL. XXVII No. 2 WHOLE No. 134 1788 -1088 The name in rare coin auctions for U.S. paper currency Every Kagin auction features a large and varied selection of U.S. paper money to please both the generalist and the specialist. Whether you wish to buy or sell, take advantage of the Kagin reputation for service, experience and collector orientation. 1988 Auction Schedule May 6-7, San Diego Coin Show August 12-14, San Francisco Int'l Numismatic & Philatelic Expo To arrange for a consignment or to order a catalog, call us at (800) 367-5428 Kagin's Numismatic Auctions, Inc., 1388 Sutter, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94109 SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS AfLam ciz PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors. Sec- ond class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes to: Bob Cochran, Secretary, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1987. All rights reserved. Repro- duction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $20; life membership is $300. Individual copies of PAPER MONEY are $2.50. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover $152 $420 $825 Inside Front & Back Cover $145 $405 $798 Full Page $140 $395 $775 Half-page $75 $200 $390 Quarter-page $38 $105 $198 Eighth-page $20 $55 $105 To keep rates at a minimum, advertising must be prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. One-half of amounts in shaded area may be paid six months after initial payment. In exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are required, the advertiser will be notified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the 10th of the month preceding issue (e.g., Feb. 10 for March/April issue). Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or hor- izontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertise- ment in which typographical error should oc- cur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXVII No. 2 Whole No. 134 MAR. /APR. 1988 ISSN 0031-1162 GENE HESSLER, Editor Mercantile Money Museum 7th & Washington, St. Louis, MO 63101 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY re- serves the right reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 10th for March/April issue, etc.). Camera ready advertising copy will be accepted up to three weeks beyond this date. IN THIS ISSUE ANATOMY OF A GREEN GOODS GAME Forrest W. Daniel 37 THE PAPER COLUMN The Conversion from Stacked to In-Line Treasury Signatures on $5 Series of 1882 notes in 1886 Peter Huntoon 43 LOS NINOS HEROES Lee E. Poleske 45 1929-1935 NATIONAL BANK NOTE VARIETIES SUPPLEMENT XVII Tom Snyder 48 CAN ANYBODY HELP? 54 SOCIETY FEATURES INTEREST BEARING NOTES 55 RECRUITMENT REPORT 55 IN MEMORIAM 55 NEW MEMBERS 56 MONEY MART 58 ON THE COVER: This magnificent eagle and the seals that represent eight states celebrating their 200th anniversary appear on a souvenir card just released by ABNCo (see page 42). Inquiries concerning non delivery of PAPER MONEY should be sent to the secretary. For back issues of PAPER MONEY contact Book Coordinator listed on next page. Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 33 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Roger H. Durand. P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 VICE-PRESIDENT Richard J. Balbaton. 116 Fisher Street, N. Attleboro, MA 02760 SECRETARY Robert Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 TREASURER Dean Oakes. Drawer 1456. Iowa City, IA 52240 APPOINTEES EDITOR Gene Hessler, Mercantile Money Museum. 7th & Washington. St. Louis, MO 63101 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Ron Horstman. P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOOK SALES COORDINATOR Richard Balbaton, 116 Fisher Street, N. Attleboro, MA 02760. WISMER BOOK PROJECT Richard T. Hoober, P.O. Box 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445 LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane. Avon, CT 06001 LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka. P.O. Box 929, Goshen. IN 46426. PAST-PRESIDENT Larry Adams, P.O. Box 1, Boone. IA 50036 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Richard J. Balbaton, Charles Colver. Michael Crabb, Thomas W. Denly, Roger Durand, C. John Ferreri, Gene Hessler, Ronald Horstman. William Horton, Jr., Douglas Murray, Dean Oakes, Stephen Taylor. Frank Trask, John Wilson, Wendell Wolka. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organ- ized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non- profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numis- matic Association. The annual meeting is held at the Memphis IPMS in June. MEMBERSHIP - REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the ANA or other recognized numis- matic societies are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC mem- ber or provide suitable references. DUES - Annual dues are $20. Life membership is $300. Regular membership dues are sent on the an- niversary of membership commencement. COM- PLIMENTARY COPY OF PAPER MONEY will be sent to anyone who is contemplating membership in the SPMC. Send request to the Membership Di- rector. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 8 1/2 x 11" ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. 1984 Rosene $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 ARKANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. 1985 Rothert $17.00 Non-member price $22.00 FLORIDA PAPER MONEY, ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF. (softcover) 1980 Cassidy $16.00 Non-member price $19.50 INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. 1978 Wolka $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 INDIAN TERRITORY/OKLAHOMA/KANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1980 Burgett and Whitfield $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1982 Oakes $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 MAINE OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP, 1977 Wait $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1973 Rockholt $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY. 1976 Wait $15.00 Non-member price $20.00 PENNSYLVANIA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP (396 pages), Hoober $28.00 Non-member price $29.50 RHODE ISLAND AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTA- TIONS. OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF. 1981 Durand $20.00 Non-member price $25.00 TENNESSEE-THE HISTORY OF EARLY TENNESSEE BANKS AND THEIR ISSUES. 1983 Garland $20.00 Non-member price $29.50 TERRITORIALS-A GUIDE TO U.S TERRITORIAL NATIONAL BANK NOTES. (softcover) 1980 Huntoon $12 . 00 Non-member price $15.00 VERMONT OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1972 Coulter $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept., P.O. Box 911, N. Attleboro, MA 02761-0911 Library Services: The Society maintains a lending library for the use of the members only. For further information, write the Librarian - Wendell Wolka. P.O. Box 929, Goshen. IN 46426. Page 34 Paper Money Whole No. 134 YOUR NEWS AND MARKETPLACE FOR ALL PAPER MONEY Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 35 If You Collect U.S. Paper Money Then You Owe Yourself A Hard Look At Bank Note Reporter From the early large size "Greenbacks" of 1861 to the intricately designed Treasury Notes of 1890; from the first of the small size U.S. paper — the Legal Tender Notes — to the scarce, obsolete Gold Certificates, if you collect U.S. paper money, you should be reading BANK NOTE REPORTER. As the only independently produced publication aimed exclusively at the paper money hobby, each BANK NOTE REPORTER is loaded with interesting articles and features that can benefit you now. There's no excess in BANK NOTE REPORTER. It covers paper money. And that's all! With every timely issue, you'll find a jam-packed slate of hobby happenings. Each month an experienced staff, as well as outside experts, including a key correspondent tracking the Washington, D.C., beat and others who zero in on the myriad of interests represented in the paper money spectrum, combine to bring you the latest hobby developments. Information that can assist you in your buy/sell decisions whether for long-term investment purposes, or simply for the enjoyment of the hobby. Add to this trustworthy advertisers, a list of upcoming shows and events, and reports of important auctions, and it's easy to see why BANK NOTE REPORTER is your complete news and marketplace for all paper money. 1 Bank Note Reporter Krause Publications 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Enter my subscription as follows: ( ) New ( ) Renewal/Extension ( ) 1 year (12 issues) $17.50 ( ) 2 years (24 issues) $32.50 ( ) 3 years (36 issues) $47.00 ) Check (to Krause Publications) ) MasterCard/VISA acct no exp. date: mo. yr signature Name Address City State Zip Addresses outside the U.S., including Canada and Mexico, add $6.00 per year. Payable in U.S. funds. BD7 •(JMI U I N C . P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 Oregon Paper Money Exchange 4 .;treArY 44, *.:41-6s i/7/ 4,7 / OSE 171'.1711,EDBOLLARS / 1,7,/ ,/ = - TH 1,0 MINI, l<1.01`1N, (1,,11,N1. - / 4 ;.1 11,031,1147M UN HE I. MS,' STATE Of COL ON.0 We Buy and Sell Western Material STOCKS, CHECKS, ILLUSTRATED BILLHEADS PROMPT SERVICE-GUARANTEED AUTHENTICITY WE SOLICIT YOUR WANT LIST CURRENT LIST FOR $1.00 - REFUNDABLE Send For Our Catalog Today! OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE 6802 S.W. 33rd Place. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-3659 (EVES) WE NEED TO BUY If you are selling a single note or an entire col- lection, you will be pleased with our fair offer — NO GAMES PLAYED HERE! (Selling too! Write for free catalog.) Subject to our inventory requirements we need the following: ALL WORLD BANK NOTES Also U.S. Large Size Notes U.S. Encased Postage All Military Currency Souvenir Cards U.S. Fractional Currency National Bank Notes Colonial Currency U.S. Small Size Currency Ship With Confidence or Write We pay more for scarce or rare notes. TOM KNEBL, INC. (714) 886-0198 P.O. Drawer 3949 San Bernardino, CA 92413 e Page 36 Paper Money Whole No. 134 BUYING / UNCUTSELLING.• BSOLETE CURRENCY, NATIO TS, PROOFS, SCRIP BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, ANA, FUN, GENA, CCRT (914) 352.9077 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. BOX 10317, PHOENIX, AZ 85064 Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 37 Anatom of a nreen voods Operatio by FORREST W. DANIEL From the title two words evolve. AGON, a conflict between antagonist and protagonist, and. AGONY, what the green goods victim usually suffered but deserved. The term "green goods" is a generic term for counterfeit paper money: specifically United States greenbacks. An etymo- logy of the term is reserved other than to cite two principal types—actually counterfeit currency produced for circulation and the non-existent "green goods" used in a popular confi- dence game. The production, sale and passing of actual counterfeit bills— and there were a lot of them—was a secretive affair. It was usually a multi-level business in which each middleman from printer to passer took his cut and was known only to personally trusted contacts. Apprehension by the secret service at any stage of the business meant loss of stock, freedom and, perhaps, the end of that particular ring. Peddlers of imaginary counterfeit bills had less to fear from the secret service. They advertised widely, although cautiously, to strangers, always insisting on strict secrecy from prospective cli- ents. A few of those advertisements exist so we know how some of the circular letters were worded: but the circulars alone do not tell how the swindle developed or how officials endeavored to combat the men who worked it. This is a study of the mechanics of a well-known green goods game, also called the "sawdust swindle," in which actual coun- terfeit money had no part—and the confidence men who "sold" it and the suckers who fell for the scheme. The suggestion of perfect counterfeit bills was attraction enough to lure prospective passers with ready cash to invest; they came from all over the country to get in on what appeared to be free money. Confidence men never mentioned the words money, coun- terfeit, bills; they sold a certain class of "goods," the purchaser assumed the backs would be printed in government green. Cus- tomers never questioned the motives of salesmen who declined to pass the goods and become rich themselves but, instead, gen- erously sold the bills to strangers at a great discount. Greed made them gullible, and gulled they were. A green goods man would never handle a counterfeit bill—his customers were eager for them. Newspapers carried many stories about the swindle, warned their readers not to answer the guarded solicitations or engage in the business. When the warnings went unheeded the papers carried stories about the results—but still there were suckers. No one published a complete expose of the operation, but by re- printing a selection of newspaper articles, a composite illustra- tion can be drawn. Each operator had his own particular varia- tion, but the end was always the same—get the sucker's money. This is how one newspaper covered the subject. GREEN GOODS CIRCULARS The green goods men are again trying to get in their work in this vicinity. Several people in Winona have recently re- ceived instructions, telling them how to proceed in order to secure a large amount of money in an easy manner. The fol- lowing is a copy of the circular received: Friend —I send you this letter in confidence and would not have done so if I did not think you could make money handl- ing a class of goods I deal in, and do it with absolute safety to yourself. If I have made a mistake please destroy this letter, and think no more of it, but don't abuse the confidence I have placed in you and no insult is intended. It is the offer and chance of your life to make money and plenty of it, by han- dling my class of goods, and if you let it pass you will have no one to blame but yourself. These goods come in sizes of ones, fives and tens, and cannot be excelled, and are printed on ex- actly the same paper as the government uses— namely, silk fibre paper, and which for years has been the great drawback with me to secure, but I am pleased now to be able to tell my customers I have at last succeeded where others have failed. These are not counterfeits as you might suppose, but just what the government calls them, "duplicate bills," and as the government claims, the most dangerous that have ever been put in circulation, and impossible of detection, even by the best bank experts, and then only when they arrive at the treasury at Washington, which is not likely to occur in years: and after passing through so many hands that it is impossible to trace them. Now this is a business which requires secrecy and if you wish to engage in it I have a few rules for you to follow and by so doing we will be able to do business. First—Never write a letter to the telegraph address or any other address for I will not receive it, and if you do, it will go to the dead letter office and there be opened and read, and then it might cause trouble, and trouble is not what we want. When I wish you to write to me I will let you know and give you an address to write to which will be safe and sure. Second—I send in this letter a copy of the telegram which must be sent just as it reads or I will not be able to tell who it comes from, and on receipt of it I will send you a sample of my goods, also a price list and full particulars of the same, and some private information for your guidance and benefit. Third—You may send your telegram from any town or city as long as it is worded and numbered as the enclosed copy— and be sure to sign the initials of your name to your telegram. All letters from me to you will be sent to the same address as this letter, except if you notify me differently, and .I am in hopes to be able to have you registered as one of my best cus- tomers soon. Yours in confidence In addition to the above there is sent a dummy telegram. After this has been sent the further particulars are forwarded. People should give letters and telegrams of this kind no atten- tion.— Winona (Minn.) Republican and Herald, May 25. 1901. The letter stressed the secrecy which must be maintained in the operation; only strict confidentiality would assure the custo- mer the opportunity to make a big profit. A secret source of big Page 38 money was the attraction to a certain type of people, and there were enough of them that circular letters found their mark fre- quently enough to make the business profitable. Assurance that the bills were the same as government bills was meant only for the hesitant. So the people in Winona had their warning that persons in the area had been solicited to buy counterfeit notes. The editor did not say it, but he had also warned local businessmen to be on guard lest some of their neighbors might succumb to the temptation to impose upon their fellow townsmen. It served also as a warning to anyone who might consider the business. A coded telegram was mentioned but not quoted. That was left to another editor. A GREEN GOODS CIRCULAR The periodical effort to work the old worn out green goods racket on the unsuspecting public has reached La Crosse again. Certain persons who request that their names be sur- pressed (sic) for obvious reasons received the following letter marked "confidential": "KEEP THIS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE." "If you can raise 500 dollars or more and wish to come and see me, send the following telegram, (no letters) to J. R. HUNTER, Jackson Station, South Carolina. "Send Report No. 351 and sign G. H. Landers. "Don't send anything else. Now, if you cannot raise 500 dollars or more to come on and make a face-to-face deal, but desire to engage in this business, say in your telegram "Send order" and be sure to use the above number and sign tele- gram G.H. Landers. I will then make you a special proposi- tion. Send all telegrams between the hours of 7 in the morn- ing and 7 at night, and over the Western Union Telegraph Company lines (only). To avoid mistakes also prepay all messages, as it is very important. Remember, telegrams from you must be prepaid or they will receive no attention. "IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE AN ANSWER TO YOUR TELEGRAM WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME, TELE- GRAPH ME A SECOND TIME, only over the Western Union Telegraph Company lines to avoid mistakes. "N.B.—Remember, write no letters, as I will not receive them. Send telegrams only. Be sure and have your number as above or I will not know who it is from. - Here follows a long "confidential" circular, bearing all the ear marks of the old green goods swindle. —Daily Republican and Leader, La Crosse, Wis., Mar. 3, 1902. 1 There is a great variety in the letters; each operator has his own version. The first circular said send a telegram from any city while the other demanded replies only by Western Union be- tween 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Different circumstances called for dif- ferent measures. A telegram from any city meant the message could be sent safely through any of the several telegraph com- panies serving larger cities. Anonymity was provided by the vol- ume of telegraph business in a metropolitan area. By specifying Western Union and daytime hours it is suspected the dealer was in a community served only by Western Union. By requiring day letter telegrams there was less possibility of detection; a lower-cost night letter might be held in another telegram office until the receiving station was open. Perhaps only the daytime operator was in the confidence of the green goods man to keep the scheme on the qui uiue. Most green goods circulars were quite detailed but some were astonishingly brief. The following letter also has some other in- teresting peculiarities. While some, perhaps most, were pro- duced in quantity on printing presses, this one appears to be handwritten in pencil. There is some suggestion it was printed on a duplicating machine, but other examiners believe it to be handwritten. Paper Money Whole No. 134 New York 2/17/87 Dear Sir- My confidential traveling man happened to be in your sec- tion of the country not very long ago. He has just returned to New York, and has reported to me that he thinks you would be a good man to handle my goods, and that you are in an excellent position to do so. The business when carefully con- ducted is as safe as a legitimate business and you can make thousands of dollars every few months without your most inti- mate friends knowing anything about [it]. If you will answer this letter at once and give me your word and honor that you will not betray my agent, I will send him out to see you, and make arrangements for you to handle my goods. I do not wish to go to this trouble however unless you wish to invest in my goods, that is provided they suit you. Sign your name and address on a separate slip of paper as I have done so that I will be sure I have it correct. Keep this matter entirely confidential and answer at once. On a separate slip of paper is the name and address: "C. H. Carl - Box 31 - 416 - 6th Avenue - New York." This is clearly a safety feature; once out of the envelope, how can one prove with certainty the letter and the signature are part of the same communication? In fact, can one be certain the postal cover which accompanies the letter now is the one which carried the mail to the addressee? Someone wrote "Counterfeit Money" in red ink on the enve- lope addressed to O.E. Lowden, Lowden's Ranch, California. That gives rise to another interesting question about this particu- lar circular. Did Carl, the green goods man, actually have a representative in California who suggested O.W. Lowden as a prospect, or was his name chosen by chance? Lowden was postmaster of Lowden's Ranch in Trinity County, and postmas- ters were an important link in the attempt to control green goods operators. It may even be a factor in the survival of this letter. Postal workers develop a sixth sense in detecting mail which contains contraband material, but their power to act upon that sense (or knowledge) is severely curtailed. First class mail can- not be opened for inspection by postal authorities, although it can be monitored. Some of that is detailed in the following story. Telegraph communications and express shipment of goods fell outside the jurisdiction of postal inspectors, so those means were used to evade postal surveillance. "GREEN GOODS" LETTERS Washington, July 18. — The postoffice department has adopted a measure which, it is hoped, will not only tend to prevent the mailing of enormous quantities of "green goods" circulars, but will also furnish a clew to those who send out the alluring offers to supply good greenbacks at ridiculously low prices. In order to have their bait sent through the mails with- out detection —for it is a criminal offense to mail "green- goods" literature —the circulars are always sealed, and are often deposited at offices remote from the places to which re- plies are to be addressed. A large trunk filled with "green goods" letters was sent re- cently by express from New York and delivered in an Ohio town. The confederate hired an expressman to cart the trunk to a dark alley, where it was opened and the missives de- posited in the local postoffice for mailing. By accident one en- velope was torn so that the contents were exposed. The post- master was satisfied that all of the envelopes, which were uni- form in size and addressed in the same handwriting, con- Hand-written green goods letter sent to O.E.Lowden, Lowden's Ranch, California. Mailing envelope and separate signature accompanying the Lowden green goods letter. Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 39 Page 40 tained "green-goods" literature, yet by a regulation of the postoffice department he was not permitted to open them on suspicion. He reported the case to the authorities at Washing- ton, and was instructed to have prepared a rubber stamp bearing the following inscription and to make its impress upon every letter: — "Official Notice—Postmaster will ask addressee to return this letter to him after opening it, to be forwarded to postoffice department, division of correspondence, if, as is supposed, it contains matter relating to counterfeit money." Tried as an experiment, the notice showed that most of the persons addressed willingly surrendered the circulars. So manifest was the success of the experiment that all postmas- ters throughout the country have been instructed by Postmas- ter General Bissell to follow the course whenever letters pass through their hands which they have good reason to believe contain "green-goods" circulars. "Green-goods" operators obtain addresses of possible victims in a variety of ways. One of the most common is to take a copy of some official weekly report of failures throughout the country and of persons mort- gaging property or having notes, drafts or checks protested. Persons in financial distress, especially those living in small country towns are shrewdly supposed to be the most vulner- able. Addresses are also obtained from mailing agencies who make it their business to collect lists of residents in every town throughout the country. The clerks in the New York postof- fice can usually tell when they receive a batch of "green- goods" letters, although until this measure was adopted they were powerless to do anything upon suspicion. Hereafter these envelopes will be stamped as directed by the postmaster general. — Wood County Reporter, Grand Rapids, Wis., July 13, 1893. The practice of stamping first class letters believed to contain green goods solicitations continued for more than a decade. A query in the September 1979 issue of The Mayflower, journal of the American Stamp Club of Great Britain, asked about a cover with the "large rubber stamp impression": Official Notice The person receiving this letter is warned against swindlers who falsely pretend to deal in Counterfeit Money. If this letter relates to that subject, hand it to Postmaster, who will forward to P.O. Dept., Dir. of Correspondence, Washington, D.C. 2 While there was some security in the seal of first class mail, the green goods man usually insisted that his victim deal face-to- face. That meant a victim had to meet the confidence-man on his own turf, and again the details came in myriad varieties. Even a person who knew the game was crooked could become a victim; there was no chance for the uninformed. One of the methods was described after an immigrant farmer from North Dakota fell for the scheme. Editorial It is well that Dakota people when they go to the east, should not dally with the elephant to too great an extent. The sad experience of Mr. Breum of Taylor, as recorded in the Pioneer, by which he lost $300 that he paid for $1000 worth of greenbacks, should be taken to heart by all Dakotans who are visiting the effete east. The fact is that New York and Chi- cago are full of "sawdust racket" men, and they work with re- markable freedom. They are little troubled by prosecutions, as fraud and using the mails improperly are the only changes that can be made. They are very shrewd, and allow no point upon which a prosecution might be based to be overlooked. Occasionally the Post Office people make a case of them, but it is seldom. No one who ever traded with one of those sharp- ers ever got ahead of him. They advertise counterfeit money, Paper Money Whole No. 134 but when you go to trade they show you good money. You buy for about 25 per cent, and they deliver into your hands their good money that you have purchased, but manage be- fore they let you go to get it hack again. The suckers are not always greenhorns, but are frequently men who have heard of the trick and go into it expecting to be sharper than the sharpers. They never succeed. A gentleman who understands something of the way it is worked remarked the other day: A friend of mine once came to me with a "sawdust" circu- lar, and showed me how the country was being flooded with counterfeit money. I told him that the man who sent the circu- lar had no counterfeit money and explained the game. He would not believe me, and I let him go to make a deal. He was so persistent that I couldn't do anything else. He met the man and was done up. The way it was done was like this: The sharper told him that the police were watching so closely that he was afraid to bring the boodle to the place of meeting. but he would make the deal just the same. He called for an envel- ope, and placed my friend's money in it, sealed and wrote on it the address of a well known hotel man. As he was writing, the sharper looked up and remarked the ceiling was very high and out of proportion to the room. My friend looked up and in a trice the envelope with the money was changed to one containing newspaper cuttings. My friend took the envelope to the place he was directed, being instructed that the person addressed would understand, and deliver the counterfeit money. Then he learned the trick of envelopes. There are countless variations of the plan, all the details, as in other con- fidence games, being left open to the suggestion of the cir- cumstances by the sharpers. They are frequently backed by reputable men. A wealthy man in Chicago is said to furnish a sawdust game with a good supply of fresh notes to be "flashed" in the game. —Mandan (Dak.) Pioneer, March 18. 1886. 3 Simply put, it was bait and switch: show genuine notes; prove they would pass inspection; place them in a box, envelope. valise or choice; get payment; distract the "mark" and switch containers; place package in express shipment, give to victim or choice—upon opening, parcel will contain sawdust, sand waste paper or choice. Swindlers in most operations depend for a large part of their security on their victim's not reporting his losses. By complain- ing to the authorities the victim admitted he attempted to engage in illegal activity; most did not want to acknowledge either their gullibility or their potential criminality. Some of the more naive, however, failed to realize the implications of their activities and complained to the secret service. When some of the complaints were made public, newspapers heaped scorn upon the victims as well as the swindlers. GREEN GOODS VICTIMS They Deserve no Sympathy, for They are Criminals at Heart Chief Drummond of the treasury department secret service is an excellent officer and his latest annual report records evi- dence of pleasing activity, says the Washington Star, but the document betrays a weakness with which there will be little, if any, public sympathy. Pathetically the Chief calls attention to his inability to move against those men whose wits are exer- cised in "green goods" swindling. They are officially referred to as swindlers, villains, rascals, rogues, robbers, ruin- workers, and human vultures, although they do nothing worse than deceive men and women who are quite as crimi- nal in their intent as are the tempters. The victims over whose Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 41 losses so many tears are shed plan to purchase what they be- lieve is counterfeit money, which, of course, they expect to circulate with tremendous profit to themselves and corre- sponding loss to innocent fellow-beings; at the outset of their endeavor to defraud they are themselves robbed of the capital they so foolishly invested and because other thieves are smarter than they the police are frequently called upon to in- terfere. One amateur rascal whose home was in Juniata, Neb., writes to the secret service. "Yours received and I will leave off all preliminaries and tell you all straight and honestly, inclosed you will find a copy of a letter I received and so I answered it, done just as the instruc- tions say and I went down to New York City and met the agent and he took me to the head man and there I seen the goods as they call it and I picked out the amount I wanted to buy, which was $25,000, for which I paid $1,000 in New York drafts and the agent went to the express office and there 1 sent or intended to send it to my address, but the scoundrels changed boxes on me and when I got home and received the box it had nothing in it but blank paper." Another of these miscalled "unfortunates" sent to the Trea- sury Department from Easton, N.H., the following appeal: -1 have been swindled out of 5 hundred and 70 dollars by those Greengoods men of New York and I have been there twice and seen them in Broadeday [sic] light and I should know them again as I hasint [sic] sufficient money now to look them up with I take this course hoping you will try to assist me to hase [sic] them taken and punished to the full Extent of the Law, if you could see my papers and hear what I hase [sic] been through then you could Judge what best to do I am Strtsing [sic] and Hoping in him who is greater than them all that I may hear from you soon and that we may bring them to Justice. yours in Haiste [sic)" Plain people, who have common. every-day ideas about honesty, will not share in the indignation expressed by the somewhat illiterate gentleman from New Hampshire. who, having failed in his effort to be a successful rascal, prays to the Supreme Being that confusion and great discomfiture may fall upon his conscienceless associates. The man who starts out to accumulate wealth by passing counterfeit money is every whit as bad as the smooth operator who robs the unsophisticated criminal. So long as the "green goods" men confine them- selves exclusively to the business of stealing from more cowardly thieves the honest man has little reason for concern. —Wood County Reporter, Grand Rapids, Wis. , Mar. 1, 1894. General denunciation of potential counterfeit passers was as sharp as it was for green goods men; and it became personal in home area newspapers. This is what John M. Breum faced in his home county: Front Page Editorial J. H. Bruem [sic] of Taylor, Stark county has. according to the Mandan Pioneer, shown his dishonesty by trying to buy counterfeit money and then shown that he is a consummate fool by kicking. when he found that he was swindled. It ap- pears that he went to New York to buy the "queer" and the man of whom he bought it, put it in a satchel and in Bruem's [sic] presence expressed it to Philadelphia, when Bruem [sic] wished to stop off to see Independence Hall; a beautiful illus- tration of a patriotic criminal. When he claimed his satchel in Philadelphia, he found nothing in it but stones. It is beyond doubt that Bruem [sic] intended to pass this money among his friends and neighbors. Stark county's "3-11-77" should give him about two hours to leave the country. —Bad Lands Cow- boy, Medora, Dak.. March 25, 1886. 3 Despite the call for the vigilante warning "3-7-11," Breum re- mained in town and became a respected businessman. The re- cipient of a "3-11-77" had three hours, eleven minutes and seventy-seven seconds to leave the county or suffer the conse- quences. With few complaints from victims to act upon and difficulty in obtaining evidence by investigative process. prosecutions of green goods operators were infrequent, but sometimes success- ful. GREEN GOODS MAN St. Paul, March 24. — C. J. Davis was indicted by the fed- eral grand jury in January for running a "green goods" institu- tion in St. Paul under the name of John Ross. His alleged partner, Jacobs, jumped his bail and fled to Europe. The trial jury disagreed in Davis' case, and he has since been confined in the Ramsey county jail in default of bail. To-day he went before Judge Priest, United States district judge, and pleaded guilty. He was fined $200 and sentenced to sixty days' im- prisonment. The sentence was made light on condition of his leaving the district. —Sanborn (N. Dak.) Enterprise, Mar. 29. 1895. Successful prosecution of a green goods case often depended upon the charge brought before the court. In the case of Davis it was carrying on a swindling operation using the United States mails; the government's case depended upon its successfully identifying Davis and his partner with the mail sent through the St. Paul post office. As shown earlier, every precaution was tak- en to prevent the identification of the operator with any com- munication to or from a customer. When the charge was larceny. however, it was possible that a conviction could be overturned on appeal. RULING IN GREEN GOODS CASE The appellate division of the Supreme Court of New York has decided that a green goods man cannot be convicted of the crime of larceny if his victim knew he was buying counter- feit money. This interpretation of a ruling of the Court of Ap- peals was made in the decision reversing the judgment of the conviction of Henry Livingston for grand larceny and order- ing a new trial. Livingston was tried for larceny on the charge that he obtained $500 from a farmer for $3,000 in counterfeit money. There was testimony to show that the farmer knew he was going to get counterfeit money that was so nearly perfect that he could easily pass it for perfect money. —Badger State Banner. Black River Falls, Wis., Jan. 18, 1900. The news item should have said the farmer "expected" to re- ceive counterfeit money in the transaction. It was the farmer's guilty knowledge which released his patron. Did any of the suckers ever make off with a boodle of flash money, the genuine notes exhibited as examples of the goods being sold? It's possible, but it is certainly not likely such a coup would be widely advertised either. Confidence men are not es- pecially noted for violence, but one never knew how a particular person would react to the loss, and any retribution was unlikely to be reported for its actual cause. Sample notes. however, were often furnished to prospective customers; they were always gen- uine bills and written off as business expense. Even the act of ob- taining samples could be turned into a swindle. Page 42 Paper Money Whole No. 134 TAKING IN A SAWDUST SWINDLER (Chicago Herald) "The killing of Tom Davis, the Sawdust man, in New York, by a man from Texas reminds me of an experience I once had with a gang of this kind," said a well known oil region sport, in the bar-room of the Option House, a night or two ago. "Tell the story," came from a dozen throats. "Well, boys, you all know that I am something of a sport. So was my dad before me. The old man was up to all kinds of speculations. Nothing was too risky for him. If he wasn't in a lottery it was a horse race or a raffle. One time he got one of those enticing circulars, such as Tom Davis sent out to his dubes [sic]. At that time the old man was flying in hard luck. He had lost a century or so on a horse race, and a speculation in mining stocks had turned out disastrously. The offer of the sawdust chap struck him right favorably. 'Tim, if I can coller [sic] a thousand or two of the queer,' he said to me, 'I know that I can pass it without trouble in the oil country. I've got a great notion to try it on and trust to luck,' `All right, dad,' said I, 'try it on.' "In a few days he received another letter from the sawdust man, appointing a meeting at a hotel in Chatham square, in New York. 'I can't raise the wealth to go,' said the old man to me, `so I must get my grip on some of that bogus money.' I thought the matter over, and concluded that I would give the old man a lift. I took the crook's letter, and, with the assist- ance of a young fellow in the newspaper business, cooked up a reply which I calculated would catch the swindler in as neat a trap as he ever set to catch suckers. In the letter I told the chap that New York was not the place for him to do business in. The oil country was then booming, and I advised him to come here, or at least to open an agency. I pictured to him how easy it was for him to shove wagon loads of the queer. A mining or oil town afforded superior advantages for shoving bogus money. In conclusion, I told him that I had $10,000 to invest, but that like the other oil men, I was not in the habit of buying a pig in a poke. "'Send samples,' I wrote, by mail or express, and I will ex- amine the goods, and if they are as slick as represented, will take $10,000 worth.' It was utterly impossible for me to meet him in New York. If he wanted to transact business he must either send samples or come on himself. In a few days a neat express packet was delivered at the door of the old man's house. With a trembling hand he tore off the wrapper. reveal- ing a long and narrow pasteboard box. Carefully hidden un- der a lot of papers was a long package done up in oiled silk. In it were four crisp new bills of the denominations of $2, $5, $10, and $20. They looked like genuine, and were pro- nounced as such by the cashier of the Bradford National Bank. "But I am getting ahead of my story. When the package ar- rived the old gentleman sent for me. He was nearly wild with excitement. "'Ain't they beauties?' he cried, as he tenderly fondled the crisp slips of paper. "'They look good,' I replied, 'but that don't hinder their be- ing counterfeits.' —That's exactly what they are,' said my dad, in triumph. 'We ain't paying for good money, are we?' "I admitted the force of the logic. Then I proposed that I take the bills to a bank for examination. 'If the banks say they are good,' I said, 'then we'll have a picnic in passing them.' I had an idea that the money was genuine, and I wanted to get my hands on it before the old man had a chance to shove it. It nearly broke dad's heart to part, even for a little while. with the beautiful new notes. I hustled to the bank and asked if the bills were really good. 'Certainly.' replied the cashier, after a scrutinizing glance, 'they are as good as they make. Here are some counterfeits,' and he produced a bundle of bills. Some of them were brand new. I persuaded him to loan me a crisp $20, across the face of which was stamped in red letters `counterfeit.' "What then?" queried one of the crowd. "Why, I showed it to the old man and said that the bank had taken all the money from me and branded it as bogus. It cured dad of his fever for queer, but he never really got over the belief that I had played roots with him. Somehow he caught on to the idea that the money sent by the sawdust man was genuine, but he never had a chance to spend it." — Wood County Reporter. Grand Rapids, Wis., Sept. 24, 1885. NOTES: 1. Transcripts of other green goods circulars appear in The Essay- Proof Journal. No. 142, Spring. 1979: No. 144, Fall. 1979: No. 150, Spring, 1981. 2. "Counterfeit Passing—Growth Industry of the 1870's—Ill," The Essay-Proof Journal, No 144. Fall. 1979. p. 181. 3. "Counterfeit Passing—A Case in Point," by Forrest W. Daniel, The Essay-Proof Journal, No. 145, Winter. 1980, pp. 17. 18. SOUVENIR CARDS ABNCo, P.O. Box 974, Netcong, NJ 07857, has released a card for $6 (see description on page 33). Illittkft ErgalfSidelPmpto'ClhiliflictYY B The Bank Note Engravers Guild, P.O. Box 535. Stapleton Sta., Staten Island, NY 10304, has issued the above card for $15; one card limit. WANTED: ARTICLES FOR PAPER MONEY SUPPORT YOUR SOCIETY ■■1 " "5 ,,. 1 n . rnrn: n«.>, ,.,,.,c afilliiniMpra r ft.t )I 4,4414,0,14 to VIEM EMP-14.11„//,/,„„„/„,..VEitie,g.sit.t " .r •to#411(.111 TV, Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 43 The Conversion from Stacked to In-Line Treasury Signatures on $5 Series of 1882 notes in 1886 THE PAPER COLUMN by Peter Huntoon PURPOSE This article will pinpoint the time when $5 brown back plates with stacked treasury sig- natures to the left of the bank title began to be phased out. This process began in December, 1886, with the introduction of the first $5 Series of 1882 plates with in-line signatures. STACKED SIGNATURES T HE early $5 brown backs have always been popularamong collectors for the artistic flare and innumerablevarieties found in the layouts for the bank titles. It ap- pears that the designers were given great artistic license in pre- paring the plates for these beautiful notes because the workman- ship for many banks shows that they outdid themselves. Careful examination of $5 brown backs with the most unusual layouts, and layouts with seemingly quaint designs, reveals that they are also characterized by treasury signatures that are stacked one above the other to the left of the bank title. Those with in-line signatures across the top of the bank title are considerably more uniform in appearance. The $5 brown backs were the first circulating national bank notes designed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Obvi- ously the Federal title layout-engravers relished this opportunity to show their talents and the space for the bank titles was spa- cious enough to encourage innovation. The free spirits had their day from 1882 through 1886. Unfortunately, American society was heading into a very con- servative period toward the end of the nineteenth century. Uni- formity was displacing experimentation. This trend seems to have washed over government engraving in the mid-1880s bas- ed on the changes on the $5 brown backs. The faces of the $5 Series of 1882 plates were fundamentally redesigned; most noticeable is that the treasury signatures were rearranged to an in-line position above the bank title. Coinciding with the signature rearrangement was the adoption of consider- ably more uniform styles for engraving the bank titles. The latter resulted in the sad loss of flare that characterized the earlier plates. IN -LINE COME ON LINE In-line designs first appeared in December of 1886 with the approval of 5-5-5-5 plates for Ellicott City, MD (3585) and Jewell City, KS (3591) on December 7. Both were new banks. The last stacked plate was made for South Omaha, NE (3611), a plate approved for use on January 18. 1887. The changeover to in-line plates occurred during the same period for extended banks as well, demonstrating that the change was a uniformly adopted policy. Sad for collectors is the fact that once the in-line style was adopted, the Bureau then began a systematic—but slow — pro- gram to replace the existing stacked plates with in-line substi- tutes. The replacement process took years. beginning about the middle of 1887 and continuing at least through late 1903, based on approval dates on proofs that I examined. The result was that printings from plates sporting exotic layouts became increasingly scarce as time unfolded, and production from them virtually ceased by the end of 1903. The faces of all the $5s looked pretty similar by the close of the brown back era in 1908. What had begun as a plethora of styles through 1886 boiled down to a handful of varieties at the start of the date back period. The first $5 Series of 1882 face to utilize in-line treasury signatures. This plate was approved for use on December 7. 1886. (Smithsonian Institution photo.) Paper Money Whole No. 134Page 44 Table 1. The transition from stacked to in-line treasury signatures on Series of 1882 brown back 5-5-5-5 plates. Charter Town State Type Plate Datea Approval Date Treasury Signatures New Banks 3583 3584 3585 3586 3588 3590 3591 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3600 3601 3602 3604 3605 3606 3607 3611 3613 3614 Brazil Lawrence Ellicott City Sioux Falls Towson Ashland Jewell City Medicine Lodge Shreveport Dodge City Madison West Newton Shreveport Phillipsburg Fargo Philadelphia Livingston Cincinnati Ashland South Omaha Lincoln Sparta IN stacked KS stacked MD in-line DT stacked MD stacked WI stacked KS in-line KS in-line LA in-line KS in-line DT stacked MA in-line LA in-line KS in-line DT in-line PA in-line MT in-line OH in-line WI in-line NE stacked IL in-line TN in-line IL stacked NY stacked TN in-line NY in-line Nov 3, 1886 Nov 4, 1886 Nov 5, 1886 Nov 8, 1886 Nov 10, 1886 Nov 15, 1886 Nov 18, 1886 Nov 30, 1886 Dec 3, 1886 Dec 4, 1886 Dec 7, 1886 Dec 8, 1886 Dec 9, 1886 Dec 9, 1886 Dec 14, 1886 Dec 17, 1886 Dec 18, 1886 Dec 20, 1886 Dec 21, 1886 Dec 27, 1886 Jan 5, 1887 Jan 5, 1887 Sep 12, 1886 May 9, 1885 Mar 6, 1887 Mar 15, 1887 Nov 18, 1886 Nov 23, 1886 Dec 7, 1886 Nov 20, 1886 Nov 30, 1886 Dec 1, 1886 Dec 7, 1886 Dec 15, 1886 Dec 16, 1886 Dec 18, 1886 Dec 22, 1886 Dec 22, 1886 Dec 23, 1886 Dec 30, 1886 Jan 5, 1887 Jan 5, 1887 Jan 11, 1887 Jan 13, 1887 Jan 14, 1887 Jan 18, 1887 Jan 22, 1887 Jan 24, 1887 Sep 2, 1886 Aug 25, 1885 Aug 22, 1906b Mar 27, 1887 Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans7•Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Bruce-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Roscrans-Jordan Extended Banks 1662 Ridgely 1665 Newport 1669 Nashville 1670 Ilion a. Plate dates are as follows: New banks - date of charter, Extended banks - date of extension calculated as date of organization plus 20 years plus 1 day. b. 1906 approval date reveals that the 5-5-5-5 combination was not ordered by the bank until 1906. UNITED STATES P.V.11PS( _ /*/,„/////„ktdry-LAND / J// tItiZernan., v .3E0AgAillk0=MtVIPOZIPACW=OVIKOZ,X) o‘ozzoluarlikus4C:;'' Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 45 The last $5 Series of 1882 face to utilize stacked treasury signatures. This plate was approved for use on January 18, 1887. (Smithsonian Institution photo.) TWO TYPES The replacing of plates begun in 1887 resulted in the potential for collecting both the old and new styles for a given bank. Brown back issuing banks with charters in the ranges 3-1665, 2662-3584, 3586-3590. 3597. and 3611, could have issued both types provided the bank ordered $5s before the end of 1886. Not all banks in these ranges issued both varieties. The plates for some were never replaced before the bank stopped is- suing $5 brown backs. Other banks waited until after 1886 to order $5 brown backs. Even with these exceptions, hundreds of banks issued both varieties. It is impossible to tell from a given note when the new plate was actually made. New, in-line plates were technically treated as duplicates. They therefore carried the identical dates and treasury signatures as the stacked plates which they replaced. The only distinction was that the plate letters were incremented. If you have a $5 brown back from a small bank with in-line sig- natures and the plate letter is of E-F-G-H, chances are excellent that the A-B-C-D plate was a stacked variety. Your search should begin anew for this older variety. Both will be Bureau of Engraving and Printing plates. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This study was made possible by the generous help of Lyn Vosloh of the Smithsonian Institution. The approval dates mentioned herein were read from the certified proofs contained in the Smithsonian collections. ■MINNI■ ♦.411111■ 410, 4 Los Nifios Heroes by LEE E. POLESKE The Mexican 5000 pesos note, first issued in 1980, com- memorates Los Nitlos He-roes (The Boy Heroes), six military cadets, from thirteen to nineteen, who were kill- ed in the Battle of Chapultepec during the Mexican War (illustration 1). HEN the Mexican War started in 1846 American forces invaded Mexico from Texas, but in 1847 the basic strategy was changed. General Winfield Scott was ordered to take the port of Veracruz and march inland to Mexico City. It was believed that the capture of their capital city would force the Mexicans to sue for peace. Scott's forces landed southeast of Veracruz on March 9, 1847 and soon had the city completely surrounded. With no hope of relief, Veracruz surrendered thirteen days later. Wasting no time. Scott and his forces began an inland march on April 8. The Mexican commander, General Santa Anna, planned to stop the Americans at Cerro Gordo Pass, 50 miles inland, but Scott's carefully planned attack drove the Mexican forces out of the Pass. Santa Anna retreated to Mexico City, where he as- sumed dictatorial powers and started to fortify the capital city. On August 9, the American army arrived at Ayotta, fifteen miles from Mexico City. After a series of battles around the city, Scott called a meeting of his staff on September 11, 1847 to plan the final assault. It was decided to take the Castle of Chapultepec (illustration 2) and attack the city through its western gate. The Castle of Chapultepec was originally built by Viceroy Jose de Galvez as a summer palace in the late 18th century. In 1843 it was converted into the nation's military academy. The castle was named for the hill on which it was located. Chapul- tepec means grasshopper in the Aztec language. Any attempt to take the castle would be met with formidable obstacles. At the base of the hill was a stone wall, four feet thick and 20 feet high. Half way up the slope was another strong redoubt. Much of the western side, where the Americans plann- ed their assault, was covered by a thick cypress grove. The cas- tle itself was on the crest of the hill, overlooking Mexico City. The castle was commanded by General Nicols Bravo, and while he had done his best to prepare for an attack, he had less Page 46 Paper Money Whole No. 134 Illustration 1: Los Niiros I-froes are shown on the face of the Mexican 5000 pesos note (P-730. P-735) These six boys. rang- ing in age from thirteen to nineteen, gave their lives for their country in the Battle of Chapultepec in 1847 (from left to right: Vincente Suarez Ferrer, Juan Escutia. Juan de la Barrera, Fernando M de Oca, Francisco Marquez and Agustin Melgar). Also on the face of the note is the flag of the San Bias Battalion, a regular army unit that put up the strongest resistance to the American forces assaulting Chapultepec . than 1.000 men to defend the castle. Santa Anna refused rein- forcements because he believed the main American attack would come at the eastern gate. The Americans bombarded Chapultepec all day on the 12th. General Jose Mariano Monterde. Commandant of the military academy ordered his young cadets to go to their homes when it became evident to him that the Americans were planning to at- tack the castle, but they refused to obey him, preferring to stay with him and fight for their country. At first light on September 13, the Americans renewed their bombardment. At 8:30 a.m. the bombardment stopped and some 7,000 men under Generals Twiggs and Pillow started the assault on Chapultepec. The American troops, who had known nothing but victory since they landed at Veracruz, charged up the hill driving the Mexican forces before them. Bravo had concentrated his forces at the top of the hill and it was here that the Americans were temporarily halted, but even a heroic defense by the San Bias Battalion in the cypress groves could not stop the Americans (il- lustration 1). Within 90 minutes the castle was taken and Gener- al Bravo himself was a prisoner. The Americans did not stop after taking the castle. Leaving a few men behind to guard the prisoners, they moved on to Mexi- co City and were at the city walls by nightfall. The next day the city surrendered. American forces occupied it until the end of the War in 1848. Of the 100 military cadets who took part in the battle, 36 were taken prisoner, four were wounded and six were killed. The six cadets who died in the Battle of Chapultepec became known as Los Nirios I-Iroes (The Boy Heroes). One of the few things known for sure about them is their names. Since many of the academy's records were lost or destroyed during the war, there is very little else known about some of the boys. The ac- counts of how the boys met their deaths are a mixture of fact and legend. In some cases there are different, even contradic- tory versions. In alphabetical order Los Niiios I-Iroes are: Juan de la Barrera. He was born in 1828 in Mexico City. As the son of a general he was allowed to enter the army at the age of twelve. He was made a sub-lieutenant of artillery the follow- ing year. In 1843 he enrolled in the military academy because he wanted "to be a true scientific officer." He helped construct some of the fortifications at Chapultepec and died defending one of the artillery batteries during the battle. Juan Escutia. Born sometime between 1828 and 1832. he entered the academy in 1847. His body was found next to that of his classmate Francisco Marquez. In some accounts of the battle he is said to be the cadet who wrapped the academy's flag around himself and threw himself off the roof of the castle into the ravines below to prevent the flag from falling into the hands of the Americans. Vincente Stirez Ferrer. Born in Puebla in 1833 he was the son of a cavalry officer. He entered the military academy in 1845. In the battle he was killed at his post after killing one at- tacker and wounding another. Francisco 1VIrquez. He was born in Guadalajara in 1834 and entered the academy in 1847. At thirteen he was the youngest of the cadets to die in the battle. His body was found on the east side of the hill near that of Juan Escutia, both riddled with bullets. Agustin Melgar. He was born in Chihuahua sometime be- tween 1828 and 1832. Orphaned at an early age. he entered the academy in 1846. He was dropped from the rolls the next year after failing the test to qualify for a commission. He reap- plied daily and was finally given probationary status on Septem- ber 8, 1847. There are two versions of how he met his death. In one account he retreated to a room in the castle, which he barri- Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 47 Illustration 2: The Castle of Chapultepec is pictured on the back of the 5000 pesos note. Built in the late 18th century as the Viceroy's palace it became the Mexican Military Academy in 1843 and was the site of the last major battle in the Mexican War. Today it houses Mexico's National Museum of History. caded and continued to fight until his wounds prevented him from continuing; he was found two days later, dead from his many wounds. Another account says he was killed in hand to hand combat trying to prevent the Americans from reaching the castle's flagpole. In 1924 he was given full cadet status post- humously. Fernando Montes de Oca. Born in Azcapotzaleo in the Fed- eral District, sometime between 1828 and 1832. he applied for admission in 1847. In his letter of application he said he wanted "to serve in the glorious career of arms" and "to be useful in the current war against the United States of the North." There are two versions of his death. One is that he was shot while trying to join his classmates fighting in the Botanical Garden of the castle and the other is that he wrapped the academy's flag around himself and threw himself off the roof of the castle to prevent the flag from falling into the hands of the Americans. The Enci- clopedia de Mexico supports the second version and says that he. not Juan Escutia, should be given credit for trying to save the flag. In 1947, as the centennial of the Battle of Chapultepec ap- proached, the Mexican Secretary of Defense ordered the re- mains of the six cadets to be removed from their burial place in the Chapultepec Woods, housed in crystal urns. and placed in the Flag Room of the military academy. During a trip to Mexico in 1947 President Harry S. Truman wanted to place a wreath in honor of the cadets. When some of his advisors opposed it saying it would bring up bad memories of the war and cause resentment in Texas, he said "What the Hell! Any Texan that's damn fool enough to be put out when a Presi- dent of the United States pays tribute to a bunch of brave kids, I don't need their support." In 1952 the remains of Los Ninos Heroes were placed in the monument built in their honor at the foot of Chapultepec Hill at the end of the Paseo de la Reforma, Mexico City's main street. The monument, designed by architect Enrique AragOn Eche- garay and sculptor Ernesto Tamariz, is made up of two parts: At the top of the stairs leading to the monument there is a statue of a woman, symbolizing the nation, with a baby in her arms and another child at her side, on a pedestal on which is the inscrip- tion "To the defenders of the nation 1846-1847." Behind her in a half circle are six granite columns in the center of which is a marble tablet with the names of Los Niiios I-1roes and the date 13 September 1847. The cadets have been celebrated in many poems and songs: one of the best known is that by Amado Nerco. in which he says: Como renuevos cuyos (Like young seedlings un viento helado marchia en flor withered by a cold wind before asi cayeron los Heroes Niiios they could flower, antes las bales del invasor so fell the Boy Heroes before the bullets of the invaders) The banknote honoring Los Nirios 1-iroes was the first 5000 pesos banknote (P-730) ever printed and issued in Mexico. Dated 25 March, 1980, it was put into circulation in October 1980. A second type of the 5000 pesos note (P-735) was first is- sued in 1981. There are two major differences between the types. The serial numbers are narrower on the second type and it has four signatures instead of the three on the first type. In ad- dition to the signatures of a Board Member (consejero), Cashier (cajero) and the Comptroller for the National Banking and In- surance Commission (Interventor de la ComisiOn Nacional Ban- caria y de Seguros) (C.N.B.S.). the signature of the Director General of the Bank of Mexico (Banco de Mexico-Direccio'n General) was added. Bibliography Connor. Seymour V. and Odie B. Faulk. North America Divided: The Mexican War 1846-1848. New York: Oxford University Press. 1971. Diccionario Porrua de Historia, Biografi'a y Geografi'a de Mexico. Tercera edicidn. Mexico. D.F.: Editoria Pon-ua, S.A., 1970. Enciclopedia de Mexico, Tomos VI and IX. Ciudad de Mexico: En- ciclopedia de Mexico. 1972. Miller. Merle. Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman. New York: Greenwich House, 1985. Pick, Albert. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. Vol. II. 5th ed.. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1985. Page 48 Paper Money Whole No. 134 MITIOR BO Half VfIRIEHES by TOM SNYDER Supplement XVII Additions to the 1929-1935 National Bank issues previously reported RESEARCH AT THE HIGGINS NATIONAL BANK MUSEUM AND THE BANK NOTE REPORTER LISTING YIELD 440 NEWLY REPORTED NOTES INCLUDING 48 NEW CHARTERS FROM 21 STATES Continuing with our endeavors to seek out the remaining unreported notes and charters of the 1929-1935 Na- tional Bank Note Series we are pleased to add those that have surfaced since the last update that appeared in Supplement XVI in PAPER MONEY No. 127 . I would like to introduce myself to the followers of this project. My name is Tom Snyder and I have been a collector since age nine. Now approaching my mid-forties. I have been collecting national currency since 1978 and have been an avid seeker of national bank notes, both large and small from my home state of Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan. I am a printer by trade: perhaps this accounts for my fascination with curren- cy. When the Bureau of Engraving and Printing brought its Spider Press Exhibit to the ANA Convention in Milwaukee in August of 1986, I learned that the production rate for these presses and their hand-inked plates was a mere 8 four-subject sheets per hour! Old currency must then truly be appreciated as a master-crafted work of art. M.O. Warns and I live in the same greater Milwaukee area and befriended each other through my discovery, and reporting in 1982. of the last Delaware Charter to surface. As you know, when collectors of coins, currency, old cars, or whatever, get to- gether, things sort of click — which is the reason many of us pack up and travel when convention time calls. Sorting out facts, sharing tales and good camaraderie is what makes this hobby so great. I would like to thank M.O. Warns who spent an awesome 17 years researching this project and recording our finds as the notes surfaced. Because of his work and the contributions of others, we are getting a much more accurate picture of the avail- ability or rarity of small-size national bank notes from the various states. He would still be hard at work in this labor of love had he not been stricken with a confining illness preventing him from carrying on. When Mr. Warns asked if I would continue the project for him, I was pleased to have such an opportunity, and am proud to be the recipient of his vast storehouse of knowledge, both written and by verbal conveyance. As author of the well known Nevada 16 Banks and Their Mining Camps, Mr. Warns has instilled in me an interest in seeking out whatever few remnants remain for study of the subject of America's last gold mining camps. The study and reporting of the small-size nationals has com- pleted a run of 20 years! Many of us were not around when the study was started. (I was serving a tour for Uncle Sam, across the Pacific in a far away land called Viet Nam. My very first cur- rency collection started there and I still have it, framed and dis- played.) I became interested in how this National Bank Note Varieties Project started. And so, in receiving a research lesson from Mr. Warns. we came up with the chronological log that ap- peared in PAPER MONEY, Jan./Feb., 1987, p. 34. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THIS PROJECT... Believe it or not: 95% of the 6,994 chartered banks issuing small-size national currency have had one or more notes to sur- face for us to record and enjoy! Of the nearly 16,000 various denominations issued by those banks, 3,165 individual denominations remain to be recorded: that leaves nearly 13,000 different varieties known to exist! HIGGINS NATIONAL BANK MUSEUM This year I made two trips to the Higgins National Bank Muse- um located in Okoboji, Iowa — a resort town in the northwestern Iowa Great Lakes Area. Many national bank notes repose in this great collection, which is heavy in the states of Missouri, Iowa and Minnesota. Open during the summer months, John Hick- man is its curator and he does a great job of presenting the love and lore of national bank notes to the museum's visitors. A li- brary is available for the study of bank notes. Over 125,000 na- tional bank notes can be found recorded by serial number and grade. Thick bank register volumes from most years unlock the mystery of illegible bank officers' signatures and a wealth of other information. About 20% of the notes reported here come from this great museum. BANK NOTE REPORTER PROJECT GETS A GOOD RESPONSE In the October and November 1987 issues of the Bank Note Reporter, published by Krause Publications in Iola, Wisconsin, all the remaining unreported notes in this project were listed. The listing took up five full newspaper pages. Letters came in from all around the country with reports of single specimens to entire collections. It's time to give credit to those who responded as well as those who contributed to this supplement. Thanks to: C. Allen, M. Anderson, A. Armstrong, D. Arnold, H. Bailey, J. Ballentine, R. Benice, J. Bertheuson, T. Blair, J. Boling, H. Borysek, P. Cafaso, R. Caron, F. Clark, I. Nelson Clark, B. IDAHO 7526 Preston ILLINOIS 10 385 Freeport 10 1806 Polo 100 2154 Belleville 100 2287 Pekin 5 3376 Paris 20 3407 Farmer City 5 5009 Fairfield 5 5086 Mendota 10 6007 Secor 10 6136 Benton 20 6239 Yorkville 10 6734 Pana 20 6910 Raymond 10 7015 Sparta 5 7168 Humboldt 10 7443 Mound City 10 7579 Coffeen 20 7712 Grand Tower 20 8015 Carrier Mills 10 8429 Albion 10 9230 Tampico 10 9893 Breese 5 10337 Chicago 20 10641 Westervelt 20 10752 Oneida 20 12605 Chicago 20 13373 Chicago Heights . 5 14010 East Peoria 20 INDIANA 1873 Vincennes . . 20 5558 Orleans 10 7260 Odon 100 8650 Milltown 10 8804 Dublin 20 8868 Lynnville 10 9401 Cannelton 20 9537 Indianapolis 5 IOWA 107 Ottumwa 100 1577 Muscatine 5 2841 Centerville 100 3420 Webster City 10 3796 Clarion 100 4594 Hawarden 20 4745 Woodbine 10 4966 Lake City 10 5402 Lost Nation 10 5424 Guthrie Center 10 5576 Dougherty 20 5743 Jewell Junction 5. 20 6435 Radcliffe 20 6737 Churdan 10 6975 Rensen 5 7382 Henderson 10 7609 Rippey 5 7682 Clarence 10 7828 Everly 10 7833 Randolph 10 8295 Imogene 10 8603 Albia 5 9024 Chariton 5 9116 Kingsley 20 9298 Milford 10 Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 49 NOTES WHICH SURFACED OR WERE REPORTED AND RECORDED DURING 1987 Cochran, M. Coltrane, C. Colver, L. Deierling, T. Denly, D. DiMichael, G. Eddy, Wayne R. Freese, A. Goldsmith. J. Greene, D. Halaiko, G. Hartwell, L. Heilbronner, W. Herget, J. Hickman. R. Hill, C. Hilliard, T. Hines. R. Hinderer, Al Hur- * ry. C. Iversen. J. Jackson, R. Jones. A. Karns. D. Klein. W. Kleinschmidt, L. Knight, D. Koble, S. Kovacich, T. Kyziat, A. Latson. W. Lee. A. Leister, Marvin Levine. J. Levitan, R. Lock- wood. J. Lorenzen, C. Lyon. D. Mark, D. Martin. G. Martin, 0. McKee, M. Melamed, A. & P. Mincho, J. Mogg, R. Moon, D. Moore, N.C. Museum of History, D. Oakes, J. O'Brien, Daniel Parvis, B. Payne, R. Pennell, A. Perakis, E. Plonski, K. Plott, G. Pollock. G. Potter, D. Rice, Ed Richt, Richard Salzer, L. Scott, J. Sparks, R. Steele, R. Stenzel, J. Swanson, Chet Taylor. S. Tebo, J. Thompson, D. Walker, L. Yoder. LAST ALASKA NOTE SURFACES THREE TIMES! Yes, the last unreported Alaska note, a $5 from Ketchican has surfaced first as a type two, then another reporting of a type one and finally another type two. This completes our study of this highly sought after state. Specimens of all notes have been confirmed to exist. NOTES WHICH SURFACED OR WERE REPORTED AND RECORDED DURING 1987 ALABAMA COLORADO 6319 Enterprise 20 7501 Arvada 5 * 7704 Holly 10. 20 ALASKA 7904 Alamosa 20 12578 Ketchikan 5 8412 Eads 5 ARKANSAS 7346 Fayetteville 7523 Bentonville 7556 Batesville 7634 Malvern 5, 8135 Bentonville 9501 Fordyce *10459 Stuttgart 20 10 5 10 5 20 5 8735 Buena Vista 10 9278 Holyoke 10 9674 Mancos 20 9840 LaJara 5 9907 Englewood 20 9997 Sagauche 10 10093 Yuma 20 10272 Cedaredge 20 11571 Flemming 10 CALIFORNIA 13902 Grand Junction . 5 6993 El Monte . . 20 14021 Boulder 5 7210 Ventura 5 14146 Fort Collins 10 * 8063 Artesia 5 DELAWARE 8222 Covina 10 1332 Delaware City . 20 9551 Calistoga 20 9648 Sebastopol 10 FLORIDA 9765 Crows Landing . 10 10245 Bradenton 10 10091 Los Gatos 20 12546 Daytona Beach.... 5 10120 Dixon 10, 20 GEORGIA 10324 Mountain View ... 20 3767 Thomasville ... 5, 10 10378 Orland 10 3830 Marietta 20 10387 McFarland 20 3983 Gainsville 20 10891 Olive 20 4963 Waycross 10 • 11330 Caruthers....10, 20 7468 Statesboro 10 11522 Los Altos 20 7549 Calhoun 10 *11566 Willits 10 9346 Monticello 10 11611 Orange Cove 5 9613 Cornelia 5.20 11922 Elsinore 20 9615 Reynolds 10 12172 Paso Robles 10 10302 Rome 5. 10 12640 San Rafael 5 10333 Claxton 20 12755 Los Angeles 5 10805 Winder 5 12804 Los Angeles 10 *11290 Quitman 5 13200 Santa Anna 10 11695 Hartwell 5 13217 San Leandro 5 11936 Lawrenceville . 10 13332 Loma Linda 10. 20 13550 Fitzgerald 5 13787 Fort Bragg 10 13725 Sandersville 5 9555 Dyersville 20 * 9821 Floyd 20 9853 Crystal Lake 10 10243 Milton 20 11249 Roland 20 11907 Farnhamville 20 13020 Spirit Lake 10 13400 Cedar Rapids 20 13842 Hampton 10 13939 Hawarden 5 KANSAS 4981 El Dorado 5 5386 Ashland 5 7302 Burr Oak 20 7920 White City 5 KENTUCKY 2093 Paducah . . . 50,100 2148 Winchester 10 2663 Maysville 5 2726 Newport 5 3944 Ashland 5 3988 Lebanon 5 6323 Paris 5 6342 Campbellsville ... 20 6419 Monticello 20 7037 Greenup 20 7110 Louisa 5 8830 Brooksville 5 10254 East Bernstadt . 10 * 13906 Barbourville 5 LOUISIANA '11521 Shreveport 10 MARYLAND 747 New Windsor 10 1236 Elkton 10 MASSACHUSETTS 934 Southbridge 5 1049 Amesbury 5 4488 Reading 5 7297 Wellesley 5 12343 Lowell 10 13252 Newton 20 MICHIGAN 1812 Cassopolis 10 2847 Alpena 5 5594 St. Joseph 10 5607 Petoskey 10 8496 Escanaba 5 10498 Watervliet 10 13857 Hastings 10 14111 Gladstone 20 14144 Howell 5. 10 MINNESOTA 1487 Red Wing 20 1794 St. Peter 20 2088 Rochester 5 2590 Brainerd 10 4131 Austin 5 6310 Morris 5 6321 Dawson 5 6396 Windom 5 6467 Ivanhoe 20 6468 Hendricks 20 6563 Grand Rapids 20 6584 Cottonwood 10 6661 Parkers Prairie . 10 Page 50 Paper Money Whole No. 134 NOTES WHICH SURFACED OR WERE REPORTED AND RECORDED DURING 1987 6696 Lake Benton 6784 Emmons 6813 Bagley 6906 Henning 6917 Minneota 7283 Waterville . . 7387 Braham 7641 Blue Earth 7708 Princeton 7772 Hawley 8378 Chaska 8523 Staples 8757 Elk River 9033 Adrian 9131 Deer River 9457 Hendricks 9596 Starbuck *10507 Lanesboro 10580 Kasson 10665 Ada 11365 Kerkhoven 11581 Pine City 13075 Detroit Lakes 13081 Olivia 13303 Deer Creek 13486 Litchfield 13561 Madison 6343 Harrisonville 10 7205 Albany 20 7573 Bosworth 5 7900 Ludlow 10 8009 Bethany 10 8407 Cainesville 10 8916 Fairview 10 10784 Caruthersville 5 12452 Steele 20 12820 Brookfield 20 MONTANA 12608 Lewistown 20 NEBRASKA 3059 North Bend 5 3083 Syracuse 20 3364 Stanton 5 5180 Columbus 10 5793 St. Edward 20 6506 Cambridge 20 6947 Stuart 10 8093 Litchfield 10 8385 Central City 5 8685 Walthill 50 8760 Hay Springs 20 8863 Bancroft 10 8988 Decatur 10 8992 Ainsworth 10 9217 Tilden 10.20 9623 Butte 5 9831 Leigh 20 13420 Kimball 20 13446 Overton 20 NEW HAMPSHIRE 1145 Hanover 20 NEW JERSEY 1272 Lambertville 20 1452 Newark 20 • 8829 Little Falls 10 • 9061 White House Sta .. 5 12806 Guttenberg 20 13136 Cedar Grove . . . 20 NEW YORK 94 Port Jervis 100 822 Dover Plains 10 980 Glens Falls 20 1130 Mohawk 20 1136 Cherry Valley . . . 20 1186 New Paltz 5 1422 Peekskill 5 2448 Camden 5 2543 Bainbridge 10 * 2869 Fultonville 10 * 3333 Middletown 20 * 4416 Cold Spring 10 * 4998 Albion 10 5360 Skaneateles 5 " 7843 West Winfield 10 8153 Tupper Lake 20 10526 Pearl River 5 NORTH CAROLINA 1547 Charlotte 5, 20 3682 Statesville 20 4292 Winston 20 6744 Lincolnton 5 7564 Henderson 10 8649 Burlington 5 8844 Graham 5 9531 Mooresville 20 10734 Hendersonville . 10 13626 Wilson 20 13636 Henderson 20 NORTH DAKOTA 2580 Jamestown 20 2792 Casselton 5 6157 Rolla 10 * 6210 Courtenay 10 * 6218 Hankinson 10 7295 Fingal 20 8265 Binford 10 8298 Litchville 20 8997 Steele 10 9005 Sharon 20 9133 Walhalla 20 9539 Belfield 5 10496 Reynolds 10 *10864 Ashley 10, 20 *11069 Kulm 10 *11226 Parshall 5 12502 Taylor 5, 20 12875 Wahpeton 20 *13501 Garrison 10 OHIO 90 Upper Sandusky 20 172 Circleville 20 1929 Shelby 5 4842 Medina 10 5218 Napoleon 5 6675 La Rue 5 8017 Convoy 10 8127 St. Paris 20 9221 Hudson 10 9547 Lancaster 5 10373 London 20 13596 New Lexington . 20 13912 Montpelier 20 OKLAHOMA 5052 McAlester 5 6241 Okmulgee 10 7724 Wetumka 10 * 9709 Waynoka 10 9940 Hydro 20 10075 Kaw City 20 *10205 Marlow 10 OREGON 6644 Elgin 10 10103 Portland 5, 20, 100 PENNSYLVANIA 326 Mechanicsburg . . . 5 552 West Chester 100 680 Lebanon 20 2308 Lehighton 5 3198 Lincoln 5 3945 Berwyn 4205 Delta 4538 Reedsville 5801 Meyersdale 5 6615 Hyndman 10 6799 Shingle House . 20 6848 Windber 5 6913 West Middlesex . 20 7229 Saxton 7310 Millsboro 7349 New Cumberland 7610 Mahaffey 20 7769 McClure 8165 Youngsville 5 8576 Lyndora 100 8960 New Milford 9072 Goldsboro 9110 Spartanburg 9330 Mercersburg 9364 Akron 5 10775 Elverson 20 11062 Lykens 20 11413 Hooversville 20 13151 Landsdowne 10 13432 Legionier 20 13900 Somerset 5 14089 Stroystown 20 14123 Charleroi 10 14156 Hooversville 10 SOUTH CAROLINA * 5064 Gaffney 5 9057 Leesville 20 9533 Sharon 10 * 9876 Mullins 20 9941 Fort Mill 10 10536 Conway 5 *11499 Greenville 5 13720 Columbia 5 SOUTH DAKOTA 3675 Parker 10 6792 Tymdall 20 * 8776 Gettysburg 10 TENNESSEE 4648 Knoxville 5 13056 Smithville 5 TEXAS 2909 McKinney 10 3644 Alvarado 10 3727 Granbury 5 4490 Eagle Pass 5 4684 Crockett 5 6001 Throckmorton 5 6112 El Compo 5 6400 Athens 50 • 7106 Munday 10 7212 Devine 5 7748 Ozona 5 7886 Sanger 5 8200 Goree 10 8771 Pecos 5 9142 Pampa 10 9812 Brownwood 20 10274 Aransas Pass 10 10420 Freeport 10 11423 Lancaster 10 11964 Mexia 20 12543 Big Springs 20 12736 Dallas 50 13919 Luling 10 13984 Big Spring 10 14283 San Antonio 20 WEST VIRGINIA 1607 Weston 20 4760 Buchannon 5 6170 Middlebourne .... 10 6510 Madison 20 6619 Bellington 5 * 7246 Pennsboro 20 7545 Monangah 20 8219 Princeton 5 * 8434 Richwood .... 20. 50 8376 Elkins 20 * 8998 Thurmond 10 * 9048 Welch 10. 20 9610 Parsons 20 5 20 20 10 10 10,20 5 20 10 10 10 10 10 10, 20 10 10 20 5 5 10 10 20 5 20 10 5 20 MISSOURI 10923 Walden 5 2636 Appleton City 10 12601 Harrison 20 3005 Carthage 5 *13229 Wyoming 20 4151 Hamilton 10 " 13945 Philmont 20 4381 Kansas City 10 14025 Oxford 10 20 100 5.20 5 VERMONT 10 2422 Fair Haven 10 5 2950 Rutland 50 5 VIRGINIA 6886 Lebanon 20 * 7782 Bluefield 10 5 9291 Chase City 10 20 9890 Buena Vista 20 10 • 10611 Wise 5 5 11690 Radford 10 THE CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK Of INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA L'1V 1/01.EARS C000977A FIRST NATIONAL 111111 HOWELL IMMINGAN toscot,* Pt ..1•N, 17 •'1EN DOLLN111s A000900 114144 A000900 111 AI I AMA 113 DA, A LW%LAWITIEMI aA'11 IRE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COTTONWOOD MINNESOTA DEMAXPTEN IIOLLA1114 F000128A e /1"--c-A6 ) F000128A ir --6suntszWA ttriliMPAS)liirPgr, TNT FIRST 0000018A NATIONAL BANK OF ODON INDIANA O 14t•M■4 ot li p, NE HI NIMEDTNITA,Ati 0000018A j1, „ft • ,rwierasser tlat1L;141,IyillillICANOTIAAIE -1111A A0001 0)- THE FIRST 4::s NATIONAL Dm OF .1 SAINT Pl. I L.R. AAINNFSOTA 1WENTI DI MMUS A 000114A Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 51 NOTES WHICH SURFACED OR WERE REPORTED AND RECORDED DURING 1987 9721 Peterstown 9766 Romney 10 10 5658 Peshtigo 9003 Watertown 20 5 10097 Griffithsville 20 9304 Stoughton 20 10348 Hinton 10 9419 Port Washington . 20 10369 Keystone 20 9522 Fennimore 10 11109 Bluefield 5 10653 Mayville 5 *11268 laeger 10,20 10667 Blair 10 WISCONSIN 3641 Kaukauna 3897 Black River Falls 4055 Shullsburg 20 10 5 13529 Durand 13870 Ashland 13904 Princeton 14150 Tigerton 10,20 5. 10 20 20 5013 New London . . . 20 WYOMING 5222 Stoughton 5 10844 Lowell 10 * indicates new charter discovery. $5 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA — Charter 9537 The Continental National Bank of Indianapolis, Indiana was chartered in July, 1909 with a capital of $400,000. It was placed in voluntary liquidation January 13, 1931. Heavy circulation in big cities caused a relatively low survival rate. This beauty is the first $5 reported from an issue of over 11,000 pieces. Illustration courtesy of Allen and Penny Mincho. 11586 which went into receivership at that time. The title states National Bank "IN" while the former bank was National Bank "OF" Howell. Michigan complying with treasury regulations that banks created through receiverships change their name. Most local folks never noticed the difference. Photo courtesy A.E. Latson. $10 COTTONWOOD, MINNESOTA — Charter 6584 The First National Bank of Cottonwood, Minnesota was char- tered in January, 1903 with a capital of $25,000. It was placed in voluntary liquidation in June, 1930 with only 1,248 small- size notes issued in $10 and $20 denominations from this Southwest Minnesota town. Illustration courtesy of David Koble. $100 ODON, INDIANA — Charter 7260 Here's the kind of note that keeps us all searching for the seemingly impossible. The First National Bank of Odon, Indiana was chartered in May, 1904, with a capital of $25,000. This Southwestern Indiana town remained open throughout the note issuing period and issued only 20 sheets of $100 denomination notes or 120 individual pieces. Illustration courtesy Richard Salzer. $20 ST. PETER MINNESOTA — Charter 1794 The First National Bank of St. Peter, Minnesota was chartered in February, 1871 and issued small quantities of notes through- out the note-issuing period. Only 2,508 small-size notes were is- sued with 594 of those being $20s. The serial numbers run high- er because about 100 sheets were cancelled, unissued. Popula- tion is about 8,000 in this South-central Minnesota town. Illustra- tion courtesy of Allen and Penny Mincho. NEW MICHIGAN 14000 CHARTER From Livingston County's only note issuing town comes this rare new charter from a saviour bank. Opened in May, 1934 with a capital of $50,000 and a clean slate in the shadow of GREAT NEW YORK T-2 $100 From Orange County New York located at the conjunction of three states— Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York— comes this note. A total of 636 of this type two note was issued THE FIRST 'I-4 94 A000514 NATIONAL RIM OF iTOTET JO lit OS HEW YORK EINE Mi rum,. TIENITH ED IHIELAIN 11 000514 94 AIAPLIMIIAMMEZINE Tig THE FIRST NATIONAL 0010 Of WISE VIRGINIA 0 lost PAT,: W.Va. RSAFIVE DOLLA 100094511 I1000945A Ys rig ftsT A000058A NATIONAL. BANK OF ARANSAS PASSRAN -4'73 2■1;*(717A.'. 1100005811 THE MST NATIONAL BANK OF RICHWOOD WEST VIRGIARA -FIFTY IFOILLARS Ose(1...., A 31.41111,11 .1111A141101EVIr FIRST NATIONAL RAHN Of MUNDAY ',ERAS TEN 100 LIARS E000240A E00024011 .7 MA'''. '"37r_ u OierdB.,,tea---- THE GRANGE F00232111 NATIONAL BANN OF StISBUtNANNA COUNTY AT NIVC I OA E) PENNSYLVANIA , AY 701.r ARI q■INLIFA.V1 FIVE DOLLARS Page 52 Paper Money Whole No. 134 from here. A real delight for the first hundred charter collectors. Photo courtesy G. Hartwell. RARE NEW VIRGINIA CHARTER DISCOVERED From the far western Wise County near the Kentucky border and the town of the same name comes this new charter dis- covery issued in $5s only for a total of 5,916 small-size notes. The bank opened in 1914 with the title of Wise County National Bank of Wise; it was changed 10 years later to the First National Bank of Wise. Photo courtesy R. Jones. $10 ARANSAS PASS, TEXAS — Charter 10274 What a Great Name! The First National Bank of Aransas Pass, Texas was chartered in August, 1912 with a capital of $25,000. Three thousand small-size notes were issued of which 918 were $10 denominations, from this San Patricio County gulf coast town of 6,900 in Southern Texas. Illustration courtesy of Alan Goldsmith. NEW WEST VIRGINIA CHARTER SURFACES IN $50 DENOMINATION From Nicholas County's only note issuing town comes this $50 beauty from a total release of only 102 pieces. This bank also issued only one sheet of 100s all of course serial #1 with prefix A through F, none of which are known. Organized in 1906 with a capital of $25,000, the bank went into receivership in October, 1931: it was restored in July. 1932, but then liqui- dated in October, 1932 — a depression era struggle. Photo cour- tesy J. Sparks Jr. $10 MUNDAY, TEXAS — Charter 7106 The First National Bank of Munday, Texas was chartered in January, 1904 with a capital of $25,000. It was placed in volun- tary liquidation on March 1, 1932 with only 4.224 small-size notes issued in $10 and $20 denominations from this North- central Texas town of 1,900. Illustration courtesy of Allen and Pen- ny Mincho. FIVES ONLY FROM THIS PENNSYLVANIA GRANGE BANK The Grange is a Farmers' Organization and in a few areas it became strong enough to form banks. Here is an example. The Grange National Bank of Susquehanna County at New Milford, Pennsylvania was chartered in December, 1907 with capitaliza- tion of $25,000 in this Northeastern town of 1100. It remained in business through the end of the note-issuing period. Illustration courtesy of Gerome Walton. States Territories District Alabama 10 Alaska (Terr.) Arizona Arkansas 4 California 9 Colorado 1 Connecticut - Delaware - District Columbia 1 Florida 1 Georgia 2 Hawaii (Terr.) Idaho Illinois 10 Indiana 15 Iowa 9 Kansas 3 Kentucky 7 Louisiana 2 Maine 3 Maryland 7 Massachusetts 5 Michigan 5 Minnesota 5 Mississippi - Missouri 1 Montana 2 Nebraska 4 Nevada - New Hampshire 1 New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina 1 7451, 7687, 7991. 7992, 8028, 9055, 9927, 10102. 10307, 11259. Notes from all banks reported . Notes from all banks reported. 5929, 9633. 12238, 12996. 10184, 10309, 11041, 11433, 11867, 12271, 12328, 12624, 14202. 6454 Notes from all banks reported. Notes from all banks reported . 10316. 7757. 8314. 12404 . Notes from all banks reported. Notes from all banks reported. 903. 1428, 1870. 3579. 5285, 10045, 11333, 13673, 13709, 13993. 2747, 3338, 4685, 4688, 5476. 6558, 6765, 7354. 7491. 8351, 8912, 10616, 12028, 12780, 14075. 2961. 4795. 5585, 5852, 7357. 8057, 8099, 9549, 14309. 3134. 8974, 9136. 2576, 4819, 7254. 11890. 12202, 14026, 14076 10544. 14225. 1956. 7835, 13843 . 3205. 4364, 6202. 8799, 8860, 12443. 13798. 684, 1386, 2288. 2312, 14266. 9509, 10631, 12661, 12793, 13929. 3155, 6366. 6519. 6795, 6933. Notes from all banks reported. 6885 . 10715. 10939 5337, 7622, 8797, 9665. Notes from all banks reported. 13861 . 2083, 4274, 5403, 5730, 6179, 8501, 8661, 8681, 9661, 10430, 12829. 12903, 14088, 14153, 14305. Notes from all banks reported . 266, 295, 296, 2463, 3171. 3193. 5746, 5936. 6087. 7233, 7763. 7840, 8334. 8343, 8388, 8717. 8872, 10374, 10930, 11518, 11739, 11965, 12018, 12294. 12398, 13089, 13246, 13365, 13909, 13911. 9044 . Banks Remaining Unreported Notes by Charter Unreported Number of Issuing Bank. 15 30 Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 53 CHARTER BANKS WHO ISSUED THE 1929-1935 NATIONAL BANK CURRENCY WHOSE NOTES REMAIN UNREPORTED States Territories District Banks Remaining Unreported Unreported Notes by Charter Number of Issuing Bank. North Dakota 13 6397, 6474, 6475, 6557, 6601, 6743, 7872, 7879, 8881. 9386. 9684. 10721, 11184. Ohio 5 6943, 7639, 9274, 10436, 11216. Oklahoma 13 5811. 6517. 6641. 7209, 8472. 8616, 8859, 9789, 9881, 9964, 9970, 10380, 11397. Oregon 8 3774, 5822, 8941, 9281. 10164, 10922, 13294, 14001. Pennsylvania 27 522. 2562, 4222, 5920, 5974, 6281, 6603, 6709, 6878. 8092. 9128, 9584. 11892, 11966, 12063, 13868, 13871, 13908, 13999. 14049, 14112, 14121. 14169, 14181, 14182. Rhode Island — Notes from all banks reported. South Carolina 5 6385, 9296. 10129, 10263, 10586. South Dakota 6 2068, 6561, 8698, 11457, 11590, 11689. Tennessee 3 10181, 10449. 12319. Texas 46 2729, 3261, 3973, 4289. 4368, 4438, 5109. 5475, 5759, 6361, 6375, 5461. 6551. 6780. 6896. 6968. 7378, 7524, 7775, 8204. 8249, 8522. 8690, 8770. 8816. 8817, 9053, 9625, 9810, 9989. 10241. 10323. 10403. 10472, 10657. 10703, 11163, 12741. 13555. 13562, 13661, 13667. 13669. 14027. 14072, 14126. Utah Notes from all banks reported. Vermont 2 7614, 13261. Virginia 7 7208, 8003. 10658, 11533. 11978. 12267. 13878. Washington 7 3862, 8639. 9576, 10407, 11416. 13057, 14166. West Virginia 9 7275, 7672. 8333. 9523. 10392, 10759, 11502, 13505, 13783. Wisconsin 2 11083, 14905. Wyoming -- Notes from all banks reported. Recapitulation: (as of 12-31-87) RECENT SURFACING OF 1929-1935 CHARTERS GRANTED TO 3 BANKS HAVING GONE UNLISTED HERETOFORE — 1873 Vincennes, Indiana $20. 8865 Ozone Park, N.Y 5. 13968 Milton. Florida 5. thus adding three charters to the presumed figure of 6994. As a result, the number of Charters granted to national banks issuing the 1929-1935 notes now stands at 6997 notes surfaced from charters 6691 charters to be reported 306 (Continued on page 55) mEraryozwams§wprsaacvszoct ttritteil, ;,Crwillg to pay the bearer . ztorati (19.212x30:70D presented eunlz Vever, doUoss Paper Money Whole No. 134Page 54 Inevitably, we all see, or have, items of paper that we can't abso- lutely identify. Periodically you will find some of these problem pieces illustrated here along with the name of the inquirer. Infor- mation about the following should be sent to Tom Denly, P.O. Box 1010-B, Boston, MA 02205. >>.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )->>)>>>>>1. >>>>>")".7%»>-»51,..);,>.-»7>>> 7wewlyfire Cents. w 'EROIMISE TO rat THE imARErt. ON DEMAND. ,iTWENTY_FIVE -CENTS i n cur cut balfi note0, 'When tn of 6'5. or more pre.ented to us nt Con & Masse*gill's mill 4■4-1-t. 610 BEEF AtSOOIITION. 10 0 GOOD IVOR TEA; C Interest Bearing Notes Roger H.Durand Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 55 MEMPHIS INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY SHOW The dates are set. The show will be held from June 24 to the 26th at the Cook Convention Center. This is the premier paper money convention of the year. Try and attend this show if you plan to attend any paper money show this year. If you have not attended this show in the past. you are in for a real treat. Mem- phis really puts out the welcome carpet for this great syngraphic event. For particulars, contact the chairman at the following ad- dress: FLORIDA UNITED NUMISMATISTS (FUN) CONVENTION A joint regional meeting was held by the SPMC and the Inter- national Bank Note Society at the FUN show, which was ex- tremely successful and enjoyed by all who attended. The dealers at this show featured, as usual, a large amount of paper money for the collector's pleasure. A cross section of all types of paper was available in sufficient quantities to satisfy most collectors. Many notes changed hands. The trend continues — paper money is more popular than ever. WISMER PROJECT UPDATE New authors have been assigned for the state of South Caro- lina. This book will be compiled jointly by: Austin M. Sheheen, Jr. Hugh Shull P.O. Box 428 P.O. Box 172 Camden, SC 29020 Leesville, SC 29070 I can't stress enough the importance of our membership's co- operation with the authors of the Wismer project. Our books will be only as good as the information they contain. As I have stated before, no one person has access to, or can discover all the notes pertaining to any one state. We must all get involved to make this project successful. LIFE MEMBERSHIP We are fortunate to be able to offer our membership the op- portunity of becoming life members at an attractive price. If you compare our lifetime membership dues to our annual dues, you will find that we are offering our membership quite a bargain compared to the other numismatic organizations. With our economy at an all-time-high, this seems to be a good time to take advantage of this bargain that we offer. For additional infor- mation. please contact our membership director at the following address: Ron Horstman P.O. Box 6011 St. Louis, Mo. 63139 RECRUITMENT During the slow winter months, many of us limit our participa- tion in numismatics to attending local coin club meetings and events. These local meetings offer us the opportunity of speak- ing to members on a one-on-one basis. We should try to recruit the members who are interested in paper to become part of the SPMC. I urge each and every one of you to try and recruit just one new member. Remember, we have to grow to remain a vi- able organization in the numismatic field. Please contact our membership director for applications . Mike Crabb P.O. Box 17871 Memphis, Tenn. 38187-0871 RECRUITEMENT REPORT Ronald Horstman 21 Roger H. Durand 5 Richard J. Balbaton 14 Tom Denly 7 IN MEMORIAM As this issue was being completed, brief communiqus reached us about the passing of the following members: Charles Drapela, SPMC 3628; Walter Mason. Jr., SPMC 3460; Robert Montgomery, SPMC 462; Del Bertschy, SPMC 42; and Glenn Smedley, SPMC 3-H. (Glenn's contributions to the hobby will be profiled in the next issue.) Beebe $2 Million Paper Money Collection to ANA A collection of U.S. paper money that began in 1939, some pieces once owned by Grinnell, Wade and Carter, is now in the ANA museum. It will be necessary for this classic collection, with a plethora of rarities, to be displayed in segments. Only four notes keep the Beebe assemblage from being a complete, large- size, U.S. type note collection. Anyone living, or travelling. within a reasonable distance of Colorado Springs should make a B(ebee) line for the ANA. VARIETIES (Continued from page 53) REPORTING YOUR NEW DISCOVERIES — I would like to include your notes in this project, and will be pleased to correspond with you regarding your small-size nationals. A list of the remaining 3,165 unre- corded notes has been prepared, and is available to in- terested Society Members for $3.00, the cost of prepara- tion and mailing. PROJECT CORRESPONDENCE: Tom Snyder, 2028 N. 113th Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53226 (414) 476-8128 evenings (CST) Collector Dealer Page 56 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Ronald HorstmanNEW St. LouP sO mit ) 3601113 9 MEMBERS 7560 Michael H. Plante. 52212 Tlantucket. New Baltimore, MI 48047; C, Canadian Notes. 7561 Robert G. Lanphear. 7379 Poppy St., Corona, CA 91719 C, U.S. small-size and Rep. of Panama. 7562 Richard M. Salaman, 335 E. Ridgewood Ave Ridgewood, NJ 07450; History of Banking 1836-63. 7563 F.E. Watts, 701 Decatur, St. Charles, MO 63301; C, CSA & MO obsoletes. 7564 Charles H. Chilson, 505 Main Street, Webster, SD 57274; C, National bank notes. 7565 Louis Barton, Box 215, Theodosia, MO 65761; C, CSA Notes. 7566 Joel Ventus, Box 31275. Cincinnati, OH 45231. 7567 Fred E. Harris, 1621 S. Buckeye St., Kokomo. IN 46902; C. 7568 Robert H. Skadow, 2200 Bracken Ln., Northfield, IL 60093; C. 7569 Ron Yeager. P.O. Box 488, Hockessin. DE 19707; C. National currency. LM68 Missouri Numismatic Society Conversion to life membership from ,`5293. 7570 Gary Cunningham, N.E. Star Route 620, RD 3, Moses Lake, WA 98837. 7571 Alvin Z. Macomber, 5201 Remington Dr., Alexandria, VA 22309: C, Checks, obsoletes & nationals. 7572 B. Kevin Edgar, 725 SE 8th Ave., Apt. 11, Minn, MN 55414: C, U.S. obsolete & German paper money. 7573 Daniel DiMichael, 37 Chester Ave., Coatesville. PA 19320; C. Paper money and Chester County PA scrip. 7574 Roger J. Culver. 5713 W. Calumet Rd.. Milwaukee. WI 53223; C. $2 notes. 7575 Eugene Stern, 693 Hill St., Highland Park, IL 60035; C, Small- size notes. 7576 L. Mario Byrge, 104 W. 4th St Royal Oak. MI 48067; C&D, Small-size notes. 7577 Charles L. Gould, 4535 86th St. Ct. W., Bradenton, FL 34210. 7578 David Brick, 47 Arden St., New York, NY 10040; C, 1929 State Capital national bank notes. 7579 Lt. Col. John Gavel, HQ SEU COM 649, APO NY 09128; C, U.S. & World. 7580 John G. Davis. 231 Bardonia Rd., Bardonia, NY 10954; C. Fractional & Colonial currency. 7581 R. Kent Tipton, PO Box 5001, Sonora, CA 95370; C&D. 7582 Saul Hendler, PO Box 554, St. Laurent, Que. Canada H4L 4V7: C&D. 7583 Rocco Basile, Bernaustrasse 343, 4353 Leibstadt, Switzerland (CH); D, Italian and WWI & II notes. 7584 Jerry W. Brents, PO Box 80009, Lafayette, LA 70598-0009. 7585 Steven C. Elliott, PO Box L056, Parker, CO 80134; C. 7586 Scotty R. Sams, 1106 Greencove, Garland, TX 75040; C, World bank notes & Colonial notes. 7587 Trevor Wayne Wilkins, 13/13 Armstrong St.. Cammeray, Sid- ney, Australia 2062: C, Seige, military, world, Colonial & Conti- nental U.S. 7588 Louis A. Braun, 2740 Kelly Lane. Salt Lake City. Utah 84117; C. 7589 Francis Hough, Rt. 1 Box 486, Round Hill, VA 22141; C. LM71 Irwin Tyler; Conversion to life membership from 6210. Paper Money Whole No. 134 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR 1988 Each year five members are elected to three-year terms on the SPMC Board of Governors. The following governors' terms ex- pire in 1988: C. John Ferrari, Stephen Taylor, Michael Crabb, Jr., Douglas Murray, and John Wilson. A nominating committee has been established, and if you have any suggestions for candidates, please contact the Secre- tary. In addition, candidates may be placed on the ballot if: (1) A written nominating petition is submitted signed by ten members in good standing of the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and (2) A written acceptance of the nomination by the person (s) named on the petition(s) is received by the Secretary no later than May 1, 1988. Bob Cochran, Secretary P.O. Box 1085 Florissant, MO 63031 Ballots for the election will be included in the May/June 1988 issue of PAPER MONEY, and the ballots will be counted and the results announced during the ANA Convention. Read Money Mart BUYING and SELLING PAPER MONEY U.S., All types Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer- tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc. Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries Paper Money Books and Supplies Send us your Want List ... or ... Ship your material for a fair offer LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P.O. BOX 2395 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503 Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 57 SPMC Annual Awards 1988 SPMC Awards will be presented at the Inter- making awards. Using the grading factors and national Paper Money Show in Memphis, Tennessee, scoring points which follow, each member will in June 1988, as follows: make his selection of the five best articles pub- lished in the preceding year, listing them in or- 1. Nathan Gold Memorial Award. Established and der of preference. The lists will be tabulated by formerly (1961-1970) presented by Numismatic the chairman and the winners chosen. A sec- News, now by the Bank Note Reporter. Presented ond ballot will be used to break any ties. to a person who has made a concrete contribution toward the advancement of paper money collec- D. Grading factors and scoring points: ting. Recipients. who need not be members of the SPMC, are chosen by the Awards Committee. a. Readability and interest—Is the article inter- estingly written? (20 points) Is it under- 2. Award of Merit. For SPMC member (or members) standable to someone who is not a specialist who, during the previous year, rendered significant in the field? (10 points) Would you study contributions to the Society which bring credit to the article rather than just scan through it? the Society. May be awarded to the same person in (10 points) different years for different contributions. Recip- ients to be chosen by the Awards Committee. b. Numismatic information conveyed—In your opinion, will the article be used by 3. Literary Awards. First, second and third places. future students as a reference source? (20 Awarded to SPMC members for articles published points) Has the author documented and originally in Paper Money during the calendar year cross referenced his source material? Give preceding the annual meeting of the Society. credit for original research and depth of study. (20 points) Is the subject a new one. A. An Awards Committee member is not eligible not previously researched, or a rehash? If it for these awards if voted on while he is on the presents a new slant on an old subject, give committee. proper credit. (20 points) B. Serial articles are to be considered in the year of conclusion, except in case the article is a The Julian Blanchard Memorial Exhibit Award continuation of a related series on different will be awarded at the ANA Convention. subjects; these to be considered as separate ar- ticles. 1988 Awards Committee Steven Whitfield, Chairman C. Suggested operating procedures: The Awards Frank Trask Charles Kemp Committee chairman will supply each commit- Gene Hessler Roman Latimer tee member with a copy of the guidelines for C. John Ferreri BUYING AND SELLING CSA and Obsolete Notes Catalog available for $1 ANA-LM SCNA PCDA HUGH SHULL P.O. Box 712 I Leesville, SC 29070 / (803) 532-6747 SPMC-LM BRNA FUN Page 58 Paper Money Whole No. 134 Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 15C per word. with a minimum charge of $3.75. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, Mercantile Mon- ey Museum. 7th & Washington. St. Louis. MO 63101 by the tenth of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 10, 1988 for Jan. 1989 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbrevia- tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC. U.S obsolete. John W. Member. 000 Last St., New York. N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) WANTED: MACERATED MONEY: postcards and any other items made out of macerated money. Please send full details to my attention. Bertram M. Cohen. PMW, 169 Marlborough St.. Boston, MA 02116 (138) NEW YORK NATIONALS WANTED. Athens. Catskill, Coxsackie, Germantown, Hudson, Hunter, Kinderhook, Philmont, Tannersville, Windham. Send description and price. All letters answered. Robert Moon, Box 81, Kinderhook, NY 12106 (138) KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN NATIONALS WANTED. Also want Michigan Nationals with serial number ONE and Michigan cancelled checks prior to 1900. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, MI 49008. (140) NEW YORK NATIONALS WANTED FOR PERSONAL COLLEC- TION: TARRYTOWN 364, MOUNT VERNON 8516, MAMARO- NECK 5411, Rye, Mount Kisco, Hastings, Croton on Hudson, Pel- ham, Somers, Harrison, Ossining, Yonkers, White Plains, Irvington, Peekskill, Bronxville, Ardsley, Crestwood, New Rochelle, Elmsford, Scarsdale, Larchmont, Portchester, Tuckahoe. Send photocopy; price. Frank Levitan. 530 Southern Blvd.. Bronx, NY 10455, (212) 292-6803. (135) NUMBER 1 and 11111111 UNITED STATES type notes wanted and unusual United States error notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd.. Kalamazoo, MI 49008. (140) KUWAIT 1960 NOTES in regular issue and specimen, also want Jor- dan. Saudi Arabia and scarce Middle East notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd.. Kalamazoo. MI 49008. (140) CANADA WANTED. 1923 $2 all signatures and seals. Low serial numbers 1935 Bank of Canada and Canada specimen notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd.. Kalamazoo. Ml 49008. (140) HUNTSVILLE and WALKER CO. TEXAS WANTED. George H. Russell, 1401 19th St., Huntsville, TX 77340. (135) MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE NOTES WANTED for my collection. Liberal prices paid for notes needed. Byron W. Cook, Box 181, Jack- son, MS 39205. (133) WANTED, ALL OBSOLETE CURRENCY, ESPECIALLY GEOR- GIA, which I collect. Particularly want any city-county issues, Atlanta Bank, Georgia RR Banking, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe RR Banking, Bank of Hawkinsville. La Grange Bank, Central Bank Milledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co.. Bank of St. Marys. Cot- ton Planters Bank, any private scrip. I will sell duplicates. Claud Mur- phy, Jr.. Box 15091, Atlanta, GA 30333. (138)) ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED: Albany, Bement, Beecher. Chester, Coulterville, Crescent City, Forrest, Granville. Greenfield, Mound City, Palatine, Ranson, Sidell, Saint Anne, Sparta, Ullin and others. Lynn Shaw, Rt. 2, Box 315, Coulterville, IL 62237. (135) WANTED: OBSOLETE CURRENCY, SCRIP, BANK ITEMS AND CONFEDERATE ITEMS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Single items or collections. Send description and price. Jim Sazama, P.O. Box 1235, Southern Pines, NC 28387. - (139) GOLD CERTIFICATES WANTED in extra fine, almost-uncirculated and uncirculated conditions in both large- and small-size U.S. notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. (136) AUTOGRAPHED U.S. NOTES WANTED with special interest in notes autographed by United States Presidents. Treasurers and Secre- taries of the Treasury in both large- and small-size notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo. Michigan 49008. (136) MICHIGAN NATIONALS WANTED with serial number one, Michi- gan First Charters, all Kalamazoo, Michigan banks and Michigan large- size $100.00 nationals. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo. Michigan 49008. (136) SERIAL NUMBER 100,000,000 U.S. NOTES WANTED and also want serial one, 11111111 through 99999999 small-and large-size. large-size only star notes and single digit 1966 $100.00 Red Seal Star Notes. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd.. Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. (136) MANHATTAN COMPANY, CHASE NATIONAL AND AARON BURR MATERIAL WANTED. Interested in obsoletes. nationals, fis- cal paper items, books, checks, bonds, etc. Thomas Buda, 442 Cald- well Dr., Wyckoff. NJ 07481. (135) BANK NOTE CO. SAMPLE BOOKS WANTED. Also annual re- ports or sales brochures featuring vignettes. Jeff Price, P.O. Box 5579. Santa Monica. CA 90405. (137) MICHIGAN NATIONALS WANTED. Also Michigan obsoletes, scrip and fractionals. Send SASE for my list. Dr. Wallace Lee, Suite 210. Summit Place, Pontiac, MI 48053. (135) FREE MONTHLY WORLD BANK NOTE MAIL BID LIST! No minimums. No buyers fee. Buy at your price! All bids considered. Mike Baeten, 2194 Center St., Green Bay, WI 54304 (135) WANTED: DALLAS, BOSQUE, HUNT AND NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS. Any and all paper items by collector. Mike W. Thompson, 1487 Mt. Lebanon Rd., Cedar Hill, TX 75104. ESSAY-PROOF JOURNAL ISSUES WANTED: Buying single is- sues, complete volumes, or complete sets. If you have any available. write Michael Sullivan. P.O. Box 461, Winnetka. IL 60093. BANK HISTORIES WANTED: Buying/trading histories of all state and national banks or of individual states. If you have any available, write Michael Sullivan, P.O. Box 461, Winnetka, IL 60093. WANTED: 1907 clearing house scrip and checks. Need examples from most states: please send full description or photocopy with price. I am particularly interested in Washington, Oregon. Georgia. New York, Ohio, Michigan, and Texas. Need information on other states also. Tom Sheehan, P.O. Box 14, Seattle, WA 98111. (139) RAILROAD, MINING AND OTHER nice looking stocks and bonds wanted. Have many of above for sale also. Send 220 stamp for lists. Jack Curry, Box 7395-Dept. M, Jersey City, NJ 07307. (135) STOCK CERTIFICATES & BONDS — buy and sell! Current catalog of interesting certificates for sale. $1. Buying all—but especially interest- ed in early Western certificates. Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, CA 94011, phone (415) 566-6400. (149) OHIO NATIONALS WANTED: Also want Lowell. Holland, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan, O'Neill. Private Collector. Lowell Yoder, P.O. Box 444, Holland, OH 43528. (142) BONDS & SHARES. Private collector will buy all your unwanted stock and bond certificates for cost at a price. All countries and classifi- cations before 1940. Send photocopy and price wanted. J. Glaser, 6900 E. Camelback Rd.. Suite 430, Scottsdale, AZ 85251. (139) I COLLECT MINNESOTA OBSOLETE CURRENCY and SCRIP Send Notes or Photo Copies with Prices Wanted or for Fair Offer to: Charles C. Parrish P.O. Box 481 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 SPMC 7456 LM ANA 1853 Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 59 UNCIRCULATED, original, unprocessed U.S. large-size type and large nationals wanted by collector. Paying over green sheet for some choice CUs and many gems. Write: Michael Abramson, P.O. Box 6105, Duluth, MN 55816. (137) WANTED FOR RESEARCH: Face check #, position, back check # and serial *, ANY $1 FRN 1985 A51200001B thru A54400000B. Will buy ANY $1 1985 A 36524B or A 39030B in above serial # range. Also want to buy one 1985 $1 JA block with left side back check 129, any condition. Jeffrey L. Ferrand, 1401 Glen Ave., Extd, Salisbury. MD 21801. PAPER MONEY MAGAZINES WANTED: I need original issues of the first twelve PAPER MONEY magazines published by SPMC: sets considered. Robert Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001. (138) PAPER MONEY UNITED STATES Large Size Currency • Small Size Currency Fractional Currency • Souvenir Cards Write For List Theodore Kemm 915 West End Avenue q New York, NY 10025 ,.‘„, of- .s , / , 1 i „ COLONIAL "11) EARLY" _ , s, We maintain theAMERICAN LARGESTNUMISMATICS .,,,,,.. *619-273-3566 ACTIVE INVENTORY & IN THE WORLD! CONTINENTAL CURRENCY SEND US YOUR LISTSWANT FREE PRICE . LISTS AVAILABLE. SPECIALIZING IN: SERVICES: q Colonial Coins q Portfolio q Colonial Currency Development q EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS oq Rare & Choice Ttpe q Major Show Coins Coverage C/O Dana Linett q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance ■ P.O. Box 2442 ■ LaJolla, CA 92038 ■ 619-273-3566 Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS eaz N.,32 e6r PENCF rennikarn• U R EIGHTEEN PENCE. 26 Broadway New York, NY 10004 NY residents Toll-Free 800-622-1880 call 212-943-1880 Page 60 Paper Money Whole No. 134 . Caul; of Coutiortcr Sell Your Coins & Currency To The Highest Bidder Là NASCA Auctions reach the nation's most important collectors of U.S. and International Coins, Currency, Stocks & Bonds, Autographs, Medals. Tokens. and Related Items. Consigning is easy. Immediate cash advances are readily available. Accepting Consignments Now For These Auctions: JUNE 1988, MEMPHIS INTERNATIONAL A major offering of STOCKS, BONDS & RELATED ITEMS. Closes April 15, 1988. • „.._ ilt, JUNE 1989 & 1900, MEMPHIS. Major public auctions to be It i•ir ,,,,==,-, . held in conjunction with BOTH the 1989 & 1990 MEMPHIS VP-777:!--- 01 INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY SHOWS! Plan ahead. . " 0 Space will be at a premium in both catalogues which will D feature FULL COLOR photography. U.S. & INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY, STOCKS & BONDS & RELATED ITEMS. NASCA Division of R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc. Subscription Information: U.S. & CANADA OVERSEAS One Year 1Wo Years Three Years One Year TWo Years Three Years NASCA $45 $80 $105 $55 $100 $125 FRIENDS OF FINANCIAL HISTORY $25 $45 $60 $30 $55 $75 COMBINED SUBSCRIPTION $70 $120 $160 $85 $150 $195 WANTED BUYING WANTED We are especially anxious to purchase the following UNITED STATES NOTES for the personal collection of AUBREY AND ADELINE BEBEE. The acquisition of any of these scarce notes will bring our outstanding paper money collection nearer to completion. We would be grateful for any notes that you could send us in the grades specified. Please send notes, indicating the prices desired or for our Top Cash offer. A quick, pleasant deal is always assured you at BEBEE'S. GOLD CERTIFICATES — AU TO UNC. 1882 $50 Large Red Seal. FR. 1191 1882 $100 Large Red Seal. FR. 1204 1882 $100 Brown Seal. FR. 1203 1882 $100 Lg. Brown Seal. FR. 1205 SILVER CERTIFICATES 1880 $1,000 FR. 346B/D AU to UNC. 1891 $1,000 FR. 346E VF to UNC. 1899 $1. #11111111; 22222222, #77777777: 88888888 UNC. 1882 $5.00 NATIONAL BROWN BACK NOTES BEBEE'S is paying $600 to as high as $2,000 — depending on Rarity and Grade — for the following 1882 $5 Brown Back Nationals: ALABAMA - ARIZONA - ARKANSAS - CALIFORNIA - COL- ORADO - FLORIDA - IDAHO - MARYLAND - MISSISSIPPI - MONTANA - NEVADA - NEW MEXICO - NORTH DAKOTA- RHODE ISLAND - SOUTH DAKOTA - WYOMING. AU to UNC. TERRITORIAL NATIONALS 1882 $5 ARIZONA - IDAHO - WYOMING. AU to UNC. (Second Choices: Other Denom., Grades.) We are also paying TOP IMMEDIATE CASH prices for Double-Denomination Notes, Other Territorials, Rare Large-Size Nationals, No. 1 & Star Notes, and Uncut Sheets (4 & 12). Please give us a try — BEBEE's has been a leading specialist in U.S. Paper Money since 1941. AUBREY & ADELINE BEBEE P.O. Box 4290, Omaha, NE 68104 • (402) 558-0277 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI OBSOLETES AND NATIONALS WANTED RONALD HORSTMAN P.O. BOX 6011 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63139 Naiiitnia I Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 61 IAN A. MARSHALL P.O. Box 1075 Adelaide St. P.O. Toronto, Ontario Canada, M5C 2K5 WORLD PAPER MONEY Also World Stocks, Bonds and Cheques 416-365-1619 HELP FOR NEW BOOK URGENTLY WANTED COLLEGE CURRENCY REFERENCE BY HERB AND MARTHA SCHINGOETHE IN PREPARATION Do you have any such notes? If so, please send all details, photocopies, back- ground data to: Neil Shafer, editor P.O. Box 17138 Milwaukee, WI 53217 Your help will be greatly appreciated! Million Dollar Buying Spree Currency: Nationals MPC Lg. & Sm. Type Fractional Obsolete Foreign Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Coins Stamps • Gold • Silver Platinum • Antique Watches Political Items • Postcards Baseball Cards • Masonic Items Hummels • Doultons Nearly Everything Collectible SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE PRICE LIST FREE 399 S. State Street - Westerville, OH 43081 1-614-882-3937 1-800-848-3966 outside Ohio Life Member .1h1.1.4N COIN SHOP EST 1960 INC 11240.74.,.." AT ON; '131:r:r • , .41frle://J1,40,47 tt/42,7.1"11.f.,:0,83.0 9 ,1/1 Ark LiCiA Ao,bet ' CURRENC • Broken Bank Notes • Southern State Issues • Confederate Currency • Merchant Scrip • Collections Needed: Buy/Consignment Approval Service Available— Supply One Dealer Reference or Your S.P.M.C. Number. PRICE LIST — Enclose Large Size 22c Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope. Topical interests or states collected and desired collectable grades are helpful if approvals are re- quested. DON EMBURY 12321/2 N. GORDON STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90038 S.P.M.C. 3791 HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS - LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216-884.0701 1121.1.2.5332.1.1.7 ,ANKIWITOSPYCAN.44-, 11111107. CANADIAN BOUGHT AND SOLD • CHARTERED BANKNOTES. • DOMINION OF CANADA. • BANK OF CANADA. • CHEQUES, SCRIP, BONDS & BOOKS. FREE PRICE LIST CHARLES D. MOORE P.O. BOX 1296P LEWISTON, NY 14092-1296 (416) 468-2312 LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. #1995 C.N.A. #143 C.P.M.S. #11 Page 62 Paper Money Whole No. 134 BANKS 1868 UNION NATIONAL BANK (Philadelphia) $75 Black/White Capital Stock certificate with several attractive vignettes. One of the very few engraved banking stocks, from the American Bank Note Company. Pen-cancelled, otherwise in VF + condition. Our Current BANK listing includes more than 3 dozen Bank stocks, from 1812 to 1933, many with vignettes by the major bank note companies of the 19th century. Call or write today and ask for our BANK listing, or for our general catalogue of more than 150 stocks and bonds. CENTENNIAL DOCUMENTS P.O. Box 5262, Clinton, NJ 08809 (201) 730-6009 We 0GradeAdvertisers For a coin to rate an MS-65 designation, it must satisfy a certain set of standards. The same holds true for NUMISMATIC NEWS advertisers. Over the years we've set our own standards and we spend thousands of dollars annually, in an extensive "blind testing" program, continually affirming the integrity of our advertisers. Those that score high receive our seal of approval — the Krause Publications' Customer Service Award. Like an exceptional coin, our advertisers represent the highest quality in the industry. Which means you can rely on Numismatic News to provide an atmosphere of trust for both buyer and seller. numismatico news Home Of Superior Hobby Periodicals and Books krause publications••• 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Walt Alcoa Numismatics and Paper Americana Yellow-Aster Mine Co. Randsburg, CA, 1902 $22. California Street Cable Railroad San Francisco, CA, 1890s $25. One of each $40. Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Maps Engravings • Labels • Etc. Box 3037 • Quartz Hills, CA 93534 805-942-7105 MEMBER: ANA (LM); SPMC; CSNS; PSNA; PCDA Paper Money Whole No. 134 Page 63 WORLD BANKNOTES New Listing Features: • Over 1000 Different Chinese Notes • Over 300 Different Russian Notes • Over 2000 Different Notes From Other Countries. • Highly Competitive Prices • Conservative Grading — WRITE FOR FREE COPY — JIM FUGATE 3155 Commanche Ct. N.W. Salem, Oregon 97304 Page 64 Paper Money Whole No. 134 ,\\ ' ijHr - - - - WE ARE ALWAYS BUYING 1 ■ FRACTIONAL CURRENCY ■ ENCASED POSTAGE ■ LARGE SIZE CURRENCY ■ COLONIAL CURRENCY WRITE, CALL OR SHIP : .-411111,- ---K) 'Tr) IL 1 .•. • Inc. LEN and JEAN GLAZER (718) 268-3221 POST OFFICE BOX 111 FOREST HILLS, N.Y. 11375 '-.... ,..r, SUCH-TS '''''" ...S l' \ PI It )\- 10 \ 1- 1 , ( 01.11 ( '1011S (I/ I\( - .- ...,.".1 ._,,,r D1Y1 c12 _ Charter M mher ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Orders for currency under $250.00, $2.00 postage please. 2. All items two week return in original holders, undamaged. !MasterCard ! 3. Mass. residents must include 5% sales tax. Inc 4. Twenty-four hour answering machine when not in. Feel free to call and reserve your notes. 11111.1.111 5. Personal checks must clear, money orders and bank checks get fast service. 6. Second choices will be used only if first item is sold. 7. We can offer a layaway plan on larger purchases. Min. Order On Cards $50 Please Charter Member P.45 WHIN AO 1st NI/ JM4W LM-5773 DENLY'S OF BOSTON ti(lCIE:11' LM-2849 eu.karien. PHONE: (617) 482.8477 4,StOolf. S P.O. BOX 1010-B BOSTON, MA 02205 LIBRARY Dave Bowers has always said buy the book first, and he became president of A.N.A. Maybe now is the time for you to buy the book, and who knows, you might replace Reagan! COLONIAL 1. The Early Paper Money of America by Eric Newman, First Edition, one copy only, hard to find $29.50 + 1.00 2. The Early Paper Money of America by Eric Newman, Second Edition, the Bi- ble for colonial currency 24.50 + 1.50 TYPE NOTE 3. Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money by Krause & Lemke, First Edition, new, never opened, one copy only 15.00 + 1.00 4. Standard Catalog of United States Paper, Fourth Edition, the current edition and great as it includes rarity of national banks by charter # 14.00 + 1.00 5. Paper Money of the United States, 11th Edition by Robert Friedberg, a necessity to any collector 17.50 + 1.50 6. Paper Money of the U.S. by Robert Friedberg, Second Edition (1955), one copy only 30.00 + 1.50 7. Paper Money of the U.S. by Robert Friedberg, Third Edition (1959), one copy only 25.00 + 1.50 8. Paper Money of the U.S. by Robert Friedberg, Fourth Edition (1962), one copy only 20.00 + 1.50 9. Paper Money of the U.S. by Robert Friedberg, Fifth Edition (1964), one copy only 20.00 + 1.50 10. Handbook of Large Size Star Notes 1910-1929 by Doug Murray, a good book to have! 14.95 + 1.00 NATIONAL CURRENCY 11. National Bank Notes, a guide with prices by Kelly, a must book! 2nd Edition 36.00 + 1.50 12. Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes by Hickman & Oakes, a wealth of information 70.00 + 2.50 13. Territorials, a guide to U.S. territorial national bank notes by Huntoon 13.50 + 1.50 14. The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935 by M.O. Warns, one copy only 19.50 + 1.50 15. Charter Number Two, the centennial history of the First New Haven National Bank (Connecticut) 1963, one copy only 11.95 + 1.25 16. Nevada Sixteen National Banks and their Mining Camps, a wonderful book full of history, M.O. Warns, SPECIAL 35.00 + 2.00 CONFEDERATE 17. Confederate and Southern States Currency, (1976 Edition) by Criswell 2 copies available, 35.00 + 1.00 18. Confederate and Southern States Bonds, by Criswell, 2nd Edition 14.95 + 1.00 FRACTIONAL CURRENCY 23. Encyclopedia of United States Fractional and Postal Currency, Milton Friedberg, the book for the real info on fractional, out of print and hard to find! 19.00 + 1.00 24. A Guide Book of U.S. Fractional Currency by Matt Rothert (1963), the first I have had for sale, one copy only 9 95 + .50 OBSOLETE CURRENCY 26. ALABAMA - Alabama Obsolete Notes and Scrip, by Rosene 13.50 + 1.50 27. ARKANSAS - Arkansas Obsolete Notes and Scrip, by Rothert, a great book 17.00 + 1.50 28. COLORADO - Colorado Territorial Scrip by Mumey Wanted 29. DEPRESSION - Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip of the United States, by Mitchell & Shafer, a well done new item 21.50 + 1.50 30. FLORIDA - Florida Obsolete Notes & Scrip, by Freeman Wanted 31. FLORIDA - Illustrated History of Florida Paper Money by Cassidy, now out of print! 29.95 + 1.50 32. INDIAN TERRITORY - Indian Territory and Oklahoma Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Burgett, Kansas Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Steven Whitfield, two books in one 13.50 + 1.50 33. INDIANA - Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Wolka, Vorhies & Schramm 13.50 + 1.50 34. IOWA - Iowa Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Oakes 13.50 + 1.50 35. MAINE - Maine Obsolete Notes & Scrip by Wait 13.50 + 1.50 36. MICHIGAN - Obsolete Banknotes & Early Scrip by Bowen, hard cover reprint by Durst 39.50 + 1.50 37. MICHIGAN - Obsolete Banknotes by Bowen, the original book, a collector's item, one copy only 50.00 + 1.50 39. MINNESOTA - Minnesota Obsolete Notes & Scrip by Rockholt 13.50 + 1.50 40. MISSISSIPPI - Mississippi Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Loggatt, out of print and very hard to find! 27.95 + 1.50 MORMAN - See #54 41. NEBRASKA - Territorial Banking in Nebraska by Owen 7.95 + .50 42 NEBRASKA - A History of Nebraska Paper Money & Banking by Walton Wanted 43. NEW ENGLAND - The Obsolete Bank Notes of New England by Wismer - Quarterman reprint, one copy 22.00 + 1.00 44. NEW JERSEY - New Jersey's Money by Wait 16.50 + 2.50 45. NEW YORK - Obsolete Bank Notes of New York by Wismer, Durst reprint 17.95 + 1.00 46. NORTH CAROLINA - Obsolete Bank Notes of North Carolina by Pennell, Durst reprint 7 95 + .75 47. OHIO - Obsolete Bank Notes of Ohio by D.C. Wismer, Durst reprint 8.95 + .75 OKLAHOMA - See #32 48. PENNSYLVANIA - Obsolete Bank Notes of Pennsylvania by Wismer, Durst reprint 11.95 + .75 49. PENNSYLVANIA - Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Hoober 30.00 + 1.75 50. RHODE ISLAND - Obsolete Notes and Scrip of Rhode Island and the Pro- vidence Plantations, by Durand 20.00 + 1.50 51. SOUTH CAROLINA - South Carolina Obsolete Notes by Austin Sheeheen Jr., a hard to find super book 14.95 + 1.00 52. TENNESSEE - The History of Early Tennessee Banks by Garland 29.50 + 2.00 53. TEXAS - Obsolete Notes & Scrip by Medlar, out of print, rare . 26.00 + 1.50 54. UTAH - Mormon and Utah Coin & Currency by Rust, every note pictured with values 30.00 + 1.50 55. VERMONT - Obsolete Notes & Scrip by Colter, out of print SPECIAL 19.95 + 1.50 56. VIRGINIA - The Obsolete Paper Money of Virginia Volume I by Affleck, this book covers scrip issues Wanted 57. VIRGINIA - The Obsolete Paper Money of Virginia Volume II by Affleck, this book cover banknotes, out of print 25.00 + 2.00 60. COUNTERFEIT DETECTER - Hodge's American Bank Note Safe Guard, reprint of 1865 edition, one copy only 25.00 + 1.50 The second number after price is for postage & handling with a $5.00 maximum. IMPROVED MYLAR "D" CURRENCY HOLDERS For the last year I have sold these; they are increasingly dominating the market. These are the finest for your notes. PRICED AS FOLLOWS Size Inches 50 100 500 1000 Fractional 4.3/4 x 2-3/4 11.50 20.50 92.50 168.00 Colonial 5-1/2 x 3-3/16 12.50 22.50 102.00 185.00 Sm. Curr 6-518 x 2-7/8 12.75 23.50 105.00 194.00 Lg. Curr 7-7/8 x 3-3/8 14.75 26.75 121.75 221.50 Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4 18.50 33.75 152.50 277.00 Shipping is included in the U.S.A. You may batch up your needs to get best price (25 minimum one-size). Samples one of each $2 (5 different size holders) plus 22c postage. P5OFESSIONtA■ NUMISMATISTS Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S. Currency to the collecting fraternity for over 20 years: Our currency auctions were the first to use the Sealed Mail Bid System, which gives you, the bidder and ultimate buyer, the utmost chance to buy a note at a price you want to pay with no one looking over your shoulder. As a seller, this method gives you the opportunity to get the full market price without the "in" dealers short-circuiting the bidding, as so often is seen at public auction sales. ith 34 sales behind us, we look forward to a great 1988 for all currency hobbyists as well as our mail bid and floor auctions. We have had the pleasure of selling several great notes during the past year at prices for single notes above $30,000 with total sales of an auction in the $250,000 area. Currency collecting is alive and well. If you have currency, a single rarity, or an entire collection, now is the time to consign. Our sales will give you the pulse of the market. Currency collecting is alive and well. Our next auction is scheduled for June in Memphis. Our November auction will be held in St. Louis with the Pro- fessional Currency Dealers Assoc. convention. There will be hundreds of lots of U.S. and national currency. Join others in experiencing the true market between buyer and seller at a Hickman-Oakes auction. Write, or call 319-338-1144 today! As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% and down to 5% (depending on value of the lot) with no lot charge, no photo charge, in fact no other charges. As a buyer: When bidding and winning lots in our auctions you are charged a 5% buyers fee. As a subscriber you receive at least 4 auction catalogs and prices realized after the sale, plus any price lists we put out, and all by 1st class mail. If you send us $8 now, we will send you the June Memphis convention auction catalogue and prices rea- lized plus our other auction catalogues and price lists through June of 1989. Send $8.00 now, you won't be sorry. nova. $I.Lt John Hickman Drawer 1456 jOLVd City, Iowa 5224-o 319-333-1144 )\\