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Over 3,570 issues are carefully described
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Larger than ever, this volume covers 250
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A new edition of this popular catalog on
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XXXII No. 1 Whole No. 163 JAN/FEB 1993
ISSN 0031-1162
P.O. Box 8147
St. Louis, MO 63156
Manuscripts, not under consideration elsewhere, and publications
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lack H. Fisher 3
Brent Hughes 6
Peter Fluntoon 10
Brent Hughes 12
Bob Cochran 14
Dave Grant 18
Thomas F Eagan 22
Bob Cochran 29
ON THE COVER: Hank Bieciuk, charter member 1. See p. 30.
Inquiries concerning non -delivery of PAPER MONEY should be sent to the secre
tary; for additional copies and back issues contact book coordinator. Addresses
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Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 1
PAPER MONEY is published every other
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The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organiza-
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Page 2
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Page 3
He was born in jail
Secretary of the Treasury
and (later) Chief Justice of the U.S.
T was with disbelief that I learned that Fred M. Vinson,
member of the United States House of Representatives,
Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia, Secretary of the Treasury and Chief Justice of the
United States Supreme Court had been born in a jail. This
brought forth all manner of speculation as to the circum-
stances, and precipitated research into facts pertaining to his
birth, family, education, personal life and career. I was greatly
relieved to learn that his father was the Jailer at Louisa,
Lawrence County, Kentucky at the time of the birth on January
22, 1890, and his mother, as wife of the Jailer, was in the front
part of the jail at the time.
His parents were James Vinson and Virginia Ferguson
Vinson. The name given him at birth was Frederic Moore
Vinson, but he decided early in life that "Fred M. Vinson" was
his preferencne.
James Vinson died shortly after Fred was born, and his
mother had to support the family by taking in boarders. She
was determined to support her family, and stated over and over
again that "Fred is going to have a good education:'
Vinson helped his mother at home and worked at odd jobs.
His primary employment was as clerk, janitor and runner of er-
rands for local stores; the money earned was put aside for his
college education.
Fred M. Vinson graduated from Kentucky Normal School in
1908. He then obtained his A.B. Degree from Centre College,
graduating with Honors as well as winning the coveted Or-
mond Beatty Alumni Prize. Vinson continued his education,
studying law at. Centre College. In 1911 he was awarded his
LL.B. Degree after achieving the highest grades obtained by any
law student in the history of the school, again graduating with
At the age of twenty-one he commenced his law practice in
Louisa, Kentucky; at that time the town had a population of ap-
proximately two thousand five hundred people. The local
citizens had known him from childhood as a sincere, intelli-
gent, ethical and capable individual. He conducted his law
practice to the satisfaction of the general public as well as being
noticed by those in politics. His first political office was City At-
torney for Louisa, but he left that office in 1917 to join the army
during World War I. After his discharge from the army he
returned to Louisa and campaigned for the office of District
Commonwealth Attorney. He proved himself to be logical, elo-
quent and personable on the campaign trail, and won the elec-
tion. Vinson's conduct was commendable and he was advised
to consider a career in national politics.
Fred M. Vinson launched his national political career in
1923. There was to be a special election to fill the vacancy in the
Ninth Congressional District in Kentucky. Vinson campaigned
hard and won the seat. He served in the 68th-70th, 72nd, 73rd,
74th and 75th Congresses.
It became obvious to those who served in Congress with
Vinson that he was one who studied the facts before deciding
whether to support or oppose pending legislation. He became
known as one who could be instrumental in swaying the
opinions of others with his persuasive arguments, tact and
knowledge. This made him sought-after as an ally and feared as
an able opponent. It became known quite soon after his arrival
in Congress that his personal ethics and integrity required him
to consider issues and individuals based upon his own evalua-
tion and decision rather than what might have been expedient
for his own political career.
Although Vinson was regarded as a Conservative in Con-
gress, he nonetheless campaigned for Democratic presidential
candidate Alfred E. Smith who was not acceptable to southern
voters because he was a Roman Catholic. Vinson spoke out
against "bigotry during the campaign" even though his own po-
litical advisors informed him that he was doing himself polit-
ical harm in Kentucky.
Vinson supported President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the
United States Congress and supported most of the New Deal
legislative program. However, he refused to support the First
Economy Bill proposed by President Roosevelt, and voted in
favor of the bonus for World War I veterans over the veto of the
President Roosevelt respected Vinson for his intelligence and
integrity to such extent that in 1938 he offered him the position
of Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia. Vinson served on the Court of Appeals for the Dis-
trict of Columbia from 1938 until 1943 when President
Roosevelt appointed him Chief Justice of the United States
Emergency Court of Appeals.
Judge Vinson resigned from the Court of Appeals on May 27,
1943 to accept appointment as Director of the Office of Eco-
nomic Stabilization, with service from May 28, 1943 until
March 4, 1945. On March 5, 1945 he was appointed Federal
Loan Administrator and on April 2, 1945 became Director of
the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion.
Vinson did have a personal life. He married Roberta Dixon
on January 24, 1923 and the children born to their marriage
were Frederick Moore Vinson and James Robert Vinson. He did
his utmost to be a good husband and father in spite of the con-
stant responsibilities and pressures of public life.
While in Congress he developed a close friendship with Sen-
ator Harry S. Truman. This friendship continued, deepened
and broadened during the time that Truman was Vice Presi-
dent. The death of President Roosevelt placed immediate stress
and pressure on Vice President Truman, and one of the in-
. Truman LibraryCourtesy Harry S
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Page 4 Paper Money Whole No. 163
dividuals now President Truman turned to for advice was Fred
M. Vinson.
Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morganthau, Jr. and Presi-
dent Truman had differences of opinion on various matters
and policies. This ultimately resulted in Morganthau's resigna-
tion only a few months after Truman became President of the
United States. President Truman requested Vinson to fill the
vacancy. Vinson agreed and President Truman appointed him
Secretary of the Treasury on July 23, 1945. He served ably as
Secretary of the Treasury for approximately one year.
President Truman was considering the appointment of a
highly qualified individual to be Chief Justice of the United
States Supreme Court. It is apparent that he considered Vinson
from the start because of Vinson's long experience in the House
of Representatives, his judicial experience as Associate Justice
of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and as
Chief Judge of the Emergency Court of Appeals, and his exten-
sive service and experience in the executive branch of the
government. President Truman nominated Secretary of the
Treasury Fred M. Vinson to be Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of the United States of America and Vinson was
confirmed by the United States Senate on June 20, 1946. Chief
Justice Vinson assumed his responsibilities and duties im-
mediately thereafter.
At the time the United States Supreme Court was not func-
tioning well as a result of feuds and doctrine disagreements.
The situation was so bad that some of the Supreme Court
justices would not even speak to each other. This was the situa-
tion that confronted Chief Jus-
tice Vinson who used his tact
and mediation skills to enable
the justices to resolve their per-
sonal differences.
The Truman-Vinson friend-
ship was extremely close. The
families spent vacations together
as well as a great number of fa-
mily dinners at the White House.
It was reported that Truman and
Vinson talked to each other in
lengthy personal and telephone
conversations at night and in the
early morning hours. They each
valued the opinions of the other
and sought such opinions and
input on a variety of matters.
Vinson was considered to have
been in the "top ten of the
Truman inner circle
I was quite impressed with the
description of Chief Justice
Vinson: "Physically . . . he was a
tall, large, vigorous man with
gray hair, blue eyes, deep lines in
his face, dark circles under his
eyes and shaggy eyebrows. He
looked like an extremely dig-
nified sheep with a hangover, but
he was not at all like a sheep and he never had a hangover. He
was genial, affable and kindly, hearty and sincere, amiable and
unaffected . . . a dignified man of grave demeanor, calm judg-
ment, a great amount of patience with a common sense ap-
proach to hard problems, together with a hard working nature,
a canny and logical mind and great political knowhow" (The
New York Times, 8 Sept. 1953).
Chief Justice Vinson died of a heart attack on September 8,
1953. He was only 63 years of age. His accomplishments were
recognized in his lifetime. He had received many awards and
honors, among which were the Presidential Medal of Merit and
Distinguished Service Medal. He held Doctorate Degrees from
Centre College, University of Kentucky, Mercer University,
Bethany College, Princeton, University of Louisville and Dick-
inson College.
Collectors of notes with the signature of Fred M. Vinson as
Secretary of the Treasury have a collectible steeped in many
facets of the history of the United States. The fact that he was
"born in a jail" to a family of very modest means, suffered the
death of his father before he could get to know him, and
earned money for education the hard way, makes his accom-
plishments and achievements even more impressive. Vinson
applied himself to excel at all levels.
Collectors of United States paper money who desire to col-
lect one each of all of the notes issued with the facsimile signa-
ture of the Secretary of the Treasury Fred M. Vinson have a goal
set for themselves that would be admirable to pursue and
would also be quite expensive. The notes with the facsimile sig-
nature of Secretary Vinson consist of the LEGAL TENDER
$2-1928E and $5-1928D; SILVER CERTIFICATES $1-1935B,
$5-1934B, $10-1934B; FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES $5, $10, $20,
$50, $100, $500, $5,000 and $10,000, all 1934B. This could
make a most impressive collection, with denominations
ranging from $1 through and
including $10,000. The records
set forth that although there
were notes issued in the $5,000
and $10,000 denominations
with the signature of Secretary
Vinson, there were no $1,000
notes issued.
Collectors with unlimited
financial means who desire to
collect the $10,000 1934B note
with Vinson signature will dis-
cover that only 24 such notes
were printed. and these were is-
sued only for the New York
District. The $5,000 1934B
notes with the Vinson signa-
ture were issued only for the
Boston and New York District.
The records show that 1,200
were issued for the Boston Dis-
trict and a mere 12 for the New
York District.
The face value alone would
price these notes out of the
practical range for all but a few
collectors. But, adding the
rarity factor, it could well be
that these notes would make
an interesting and difficult pursuit for those collectors who de-
sire such notes, and who can afford to pay the price once such
notes are located.
The $500 1934B notes with the Vinson signature will also
prove to be elusive and expensive. These notes were printed
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Page 5
only for the Atlanta District, with the quantity printed under
2,500 notes. The other Federal Reserve denomination notes
should be available in the 1934B Series with the Vinson signa-
ture without too much difficulty, in various conditions, with
prices not being overly expensive.
The Legal Tender 1928E and the $5 1928D are available with
some searching at fairly reasonable cost, although fairly expen-
sive in top grades. The "Star Notes" are elusive and quite ex-
The $1 1935B Silver Certificates are available in grades up to
top grades at rather reasonable prices. The 1934B $10 Silver Cer-
tificates are difficult and expensive in both regular issue and "star"
notes. The $5 1934B is available and reasonably priced in regular
issue, but is more elusive and expensive as "Star" notes.
Collecting the Vinson notes could be a lifetime pursuit for the
specialty collector. A completed collection of such notes would
be most impressive, but not quite as impressive as Vinson him-
self and his accomplishments.
Vinson accomplished many projects during his one year of
service as Secretary of the Treasury. Two of the most important
were the establishment of the International Bank for Reconstruc-
tion and Development and the International Monetary Fund.
Any individuals with unusual notes with the signature of Fred
M. Vinson in the capacity of Secretary of the Treasury are re-
quested to transmit such information to Jack H. Fisher, 3123
Bronson Boulevard, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. Information
so obtained will be shared with the numismatic-syngraphic com-
munity. ■
Syngfaphic Vignetteb
As mentioned some months ago, the 1920s was a great time to
start collecting paper money. Not only did foreign notes be-
come every day experiences for the first time for many
Americans (the notes were being hawked on street corners),
but our own paper money was going through lasting changes.
For those collecting paper money, the 1920s witnessed: (1)
the retirement of the Federal Reserve Bank notes of 1915 and
1918; (2) the last emissions of $10 and $20 greenbacks; (3) the
last releases of silver certificates in $2, $20 and $50 values; (4)
the release of stored gold certificates, and a new series of them
dated 1922 with a legal tender clause added; (5) four new de-
signs, which were to be the last of the large-size notes desig-
nated Series of 1923; (6) minor changes in national bank notes
wherein the district letter and the Treasury serial number were
omitted; (7) the passing of the final national bank notes Series
1882 (1908) the "value backs"; (8) alteration of the face plates
of lower value Federal Reserve notes, which moved the seal to-
ward the center of the right and left half of the notes; (9) for the
very observing, the starting over of the back plate number loca-
tions on U.S. notes and certificates; and (10) the printing of the
new series of small-size notes, Series of 1928, given to the
public on July 10, 1929.
The writer became aware of these changes while handling
notes in the course of his employment, and the study of the
Treasury figures in the Monthly Circulation Statement.
Most of our currency catalogs are check lists, but several give
short histories of the different classes of currency. For those of
you who might wish a better vision of this dynamic decade, the
following table is submitted. The period is from 1917 when
World War I caused many changes, to the late 1920s, when cur-
rency came under the control of the Federal Reserve Board as
well as the Treasury.
Decreasing in use The Period 1917-1920
Increasing in use
$50 $10 $20 $50 $100 1 United States notes $1 $2
$1 $2 $5 $10 $20 2 Silver certificates
$10 $20 $50 $100 3
Gold certificates
$20 $50 4
Federal Reserve Bank notes $1 $2 $5 $10
Federal Reserve notes all denominations
The Period 1921-1924
$1 $50 United States notes $5 $10 $20
$10 $20 $50 Silver certificates $1 $2 $5
Gold certificates all denominations
$1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $50 Federal Reserve Bank notes
Federal Reserve notes all denominations
The Period 1925-1928
$1 $10 $20
United States notes $2 $5
$2 $5 Silver certificates $1
Federal Reserve notes all denominations
I Impounded by the Treasury to increase Series 1917 $1, $2
2 Impounded in part due to melting of silver dollars, Pittman Act.
3 Impounded by Federal Reserve to protect gold reserves in vaults.
Taken in to replace with small bills to meet demands of business.
The total amount of U.S. notes was fixed by law in 1879,
when Congress, in response to popular outcry, ceased retiring
The total amounts of certificates was limited to the amount
of gold coin and silver dollars held in the Treasury. Ending the
wartime impoundments placed a few higher value silver certi-
ficates in circulation in 1920 and 1921.
National bank notes are not included in the preceding table.
There was a gradual decrease in total as banks were liquidated
or converted to state banks.
Federal Reserve notes increased almost every year, proving
them to be less "elastic" a currency than promised, and they be-
came our principal inflationary issue.
-t" fa:* Ire
Page 6
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Counterfeits of the Confederate
HE genuine Criswell Type 22 Confederate note is an
exquisite steel-plate engraving by the New Orleans
office of American Bank Note Company of New York,
operating as the "Southern Bank Note Company, New Orleans"
Under very difficult circumstances, Samuel Schmidt and his
small staff managed to print 58,860 of these notes before the
Confederate Treasury Department shut them down.
The note is described by Criswell as "Group of Indians, Thetis
left, Maiden with 'X' at Right!' For convenience, most collectors
call it the Indian Family note because the center vignette
portrays a brave, a squaw holding a papoose and a young boy,
presumably their son (Figure 1).
The tireless team of Temple Ellett and Harrel H. Goodloe
signed 20,000 of these notes, and almost all guidebooks
portray notes with their signatures. Other teams signed the rest
of the notes, of course, but the Ellett-Goodloe notes seem to
dominate the specimens that exist today.
All the counterfeits of this note that I am aware of also bear
the Ellett-Goodloe signatures and are based on a note bearing
plate letter "C" and serial number 3312. We also meet the rather
mysterious individual named Adrian Sharp whose name
appears on some of the counterfeits. He was the probable
woodcut artist who created the first copy of the Type 22
Confederate note for a newspaper or magazine. Such artists
were prized employees and, as a result, Sharp may have been
allowed to "sign" his work. (See PAPER MONEY No. 155,
p. 157).
A word of caution is in order at this point. Some authors of
recent articles in various numismatic publications make posi-
tive statements about Civil War history and have chided me for
using such words as "apparently," "presumably" and the phrase
"it would appear" in my writing about Confederate counter-
feits. I use such qualifiers to indicate that I do not have positive
evidence in some of these matters. I am making educated
guesses and want the reader to understand that. Someone once
said that history, as recorded in modern textbooks, is nothing
more than "lies agreed upon!' All accounts of historical events
are biased to some extent, depending upon the writer, so hard
facts are difficult to come by.
In spite of extensive research, Sam Upham, the Philadelphia
shopkeeper turned publisher, remains an enigma. Some be-
lieve he was an innocent seller of souvenir facsimiles of Con-
federate notes. Others believe he produced such notes
knowing full well that they would be passed off as genuine.
Still others believe he was an agent of the Union government
who used paper and ink supplied by that government to flood
the South with counterfeits and thus destroy the confidence of
the people in their paper money. Whatever he was, he was
deeply involved in the production of what we consider today
to be counterfeits of the Type 22 note.
I have never heard of a lithographed counterfeit of Type 22.
This may be due to a number of factors. First, the genuine note
was a steel-plate engraving, highly detailed and difficult to
copy. Second, the genuine note has a red-orange overprint and
Figure 1
Criswell Type 22 Confederate note; $10 issue dated September 2, 1861; Indian Family at center, Thetis at left, Indian
woman at right. Produced by Southern Bank Note Co., New Orleans. Printed in black with red-orange overprinted "X" and
'X" medallions at upper left and upper right and large "TEN" over small "TEN" network at lower center. Serial number 1149
is written in brown ink; signatures of T Ellett and H.1-1. Goodloe are written in brown ink. Plate letter "B': Note is also found
with plate letters "A" and "CT Paper is of good quality and contains red fibers.
Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 7
most counterfeiters tried to avoid such things. Third, the gen-
uine note is a $10 bill and it was obviously more profitable for
a counterfeiter to make $20 or $50 notes.
The result, so far as I know, was that the professional coun-
terfeiter did not involve himself with the Type 22 notes; it was
easier to copy the simple black-line genuine notes produced by
Hoyer and Ludwig. Such counterfeits of Type 22 that do exist
were made from electrotype plates of woodcuts created by
newspaper artists.
I believe that the first facsimile was the woodcut created by
Adrian Sharp, who used as his model the genuine note number
3312 signed by Ellen and Goodloe. Since newspapers of that
era did not use color printing, the immediate question is who
created the red-orange overprint that crudely imitated the over-
print of the genuine note. Somebody made a separate woodcut
from which a separate electrotype plate was made. Another one
of those mysteries to fascinate collectors.
In any event, Sam Upham left the Adrian Sharp name intact
and simply added his typeset inscription low enough on the
bottom edge to accommodate the Adrian Sharp name (Fig-
ure 2). Later on, Upham removed the Adrian Sharp name and
moved his inscription upward, closer to the note design. Why
would Upham go to this trouble? Perhaps Sharp demanded
that his name be deleted (Figure 3).
Next came a version of the Adrian Sharp woodcut without
the serial numbers and with a typeset "Fac-Simile Confederate
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Figure 2
Woodcut copy by Adrian Sharp who used genuine note with serial number 3312 as his model. Printed from electrotype
by S.C. Upham of Philadelphia, with his advertisement in tiny block letters along the bottom margin. Imitation of the
orange overprint was printed with a separate electrotype plate from woodcut by unknown artist. Serial number 3312 and
natures are printed. This woodcut has pine trees behind the Indian Family at upper right center and "New Orleans" in
letters at extreme left above the "10" counter, both of which appear on the genuine note.
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Figure 3
The same woodcut by Adrian Sharp but with his name removed from left bottom margin. Printed from an electrotype plate
by S.C. Upham of Philadelphia, with his advertisement in tiny block letters along bottom margin. Note that with the Adrian
Sharp name removed from the plate, Upham was able to move his advertisement upward and closer to the note border. All
other details are the same as on previous note.
'V 4 'Mint Mr X,,PrO
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lie Off era
between 1h9
Page 8
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Note' inscription running vertically along the left margin, far
enough away to allow for easy clipping. Many of these copies,
with the left margin trimmed off and written serial numbers
added, may have been passed off as genuine notes (Figure 4).
Just to make things even more puzzling, I also have a strange
specimen (Figure 5) which has no Adrian Sharp name, no
serial number and no red-orange overprint. Along the left
margin is a typeset italic "Fac-Simile Confederate Note:' which
is closer to the note design than the previous note. Does this
note exist somewhere with the red-orange overprint?
There is another woodcut which is completely different from
the Adrian Sharp version. It is very crude by comparison and
may have been created by a lesser-skilled artist who used Sharp's
version as his model. The easiest identification point is the ab-
sence of "New Orleans" on the left end just above the "10" counter.
There are other flaws, the most notable being the absence of the
pine trees behind the squaw at top center (Figure 6).
Rounding out the varieties is one of the second woodcuts
(Figure 7) in which someone removed most but not all of the
serial numbers from the electrotype plate, a simple task with a
sharp chisel. He left fragments of the numerals 3312 which
show clearly on his copies but other numbers could have been
written over the fragments. Odd situations abound in Con-
federate notes.
I have never seen or heard of any of these woodcut-electro-
type copies with blank signature spaces or with other signa-
Figure 4
The same woodcut copy by Adrian Sharp whose name may have been trimmed off the close-cut bottom margin. Other
margins are quite wide. "Ric-Simile Confederate Note." is printed in small letters on the wide left margin. Blank spaces for
serial numbers. Signatures are printed as on previous copies. Some collectors believe that notes with this inscription were
printed by S.C. Upham but others believe that such notes were printed by one of Upham's competitors.
Figure 5
This unusual copy was printed from an electrotype plate of the Adrian Sharp woodcut after Sharp's name and the serial
number 3312 had been removed. "Fac-Simile Confederate Note." in italic style lettering appears on the left margin. There
is no red-orange overprint. This note may have been thrown out by the printer because of a misalignment on the paper which
cut off the upper right border: This note may exist with printed serial numbers and the red-orange overprint.
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"....=^5e*" 'RE-CEIV lE IN'TWYM CNT 0E 1' Ti s EXC EXPNiTA UTIE 5
Figure 6
This copy was made from a different woodcut by an unknown artist. It was printed from an electrotype plate by an unknown
printer. Since it has the same serial number 3312 as the Adrian Sharp woodcut, the artist may have used one of Sharp's copies
as his model. This woodcut is more crude than Sharp's version, especially in the lettering. It also omits the pine trees and "New
Orleans" which are found on the Sharp rendering and on the genuine note.
igr.ENT,S7W.. OP so.os•or CO/vrtOrRATE 5T4rEf F MER , CA
Figure 7
This is the same woodcut as Figure 6 except that the printed serial numbers have been almost removed. Fragments of the
removed numerals can be seen in the blank serial number spaces. This is no definitive in information on who might have
printed this copy. S.C. Upham was swamped with orders for his products at one time and in his haste to fill them he may
have purchased more than one electrotye plate. Thus we might find many variations of these copies which were all descended
from the two woodcuts.
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Page 9
tures written in. Nor have I seen or heard of a plate letter other
than "C." But out there, some place, there may be many other
varieties, perhaps even a decent lithographed counterfeit. One
of the fascinating aspects of counterfeit collecting is that one
can never be surprised at what turns up, even now.
Criswell, Grover C. (1976). Confederate and Southern States Currency.
Thian, Raphael P. (1972). Register of the Confederate Debt, reprint by
Quarterman Publications, Inc.
Paper Money Whole No. 163Page 10
Matched Series Dates and Charter Numbers
on National Bank Notes
0 NE possible set that caught my attention early in mycollecting career was one comprised of national bank
notes in which the charter number matched the series
date. This quest was stimulated by finding a Series of 1882
brown back from The Will County National Bank of Joliet,
Illinois, charter 1882 in the Ella Overby hoard from Glenwood,
The hoard was found in Mrs. Overby's two room shack in
Glenwood, Minnesota, upon her death in 1970. It contained
$96,000, including $18,000 in large-size notes of which $7,400
were nationals from 31 states. John Hickman and John Waters
purchased the non-Minnesota nationals and were so excited
about them, they invited me over to Des Moines for a look
before they had even catalogued them. Hickman and Waters
ultimately sold the notes through their fixed price lists in 1971.
When I arrived in Des Moines, Hickman and Waters could
hardly contain their excitement. They proceeded to show me
the notes one at a time, with obvious delight at each interesting
item. This took almost an hour of hurried looking. We all
leafed past the Joliet note without spotting the 1882.
I returned April 3, 1971, for a much closer look after they had
catalogued the notes. Naturally I had hopes of buying a few
pieces. This time the bold 1882 on the back of the Will County
note clamored for attention. I asked Hickman "Why don't you
sell me this common Illinois note?" He didn't even bother
answering. This note was clearly not the type of thing I bought,
and it was low grade, VG or so. I had been selling them this type
of material for years and he knew something was up.
Hickman turned to Waters who was also equally suspicious
saying "He sees something we don't, what do you think John?"
Hickman went over the note in meticulous detail, finally
reaching into the drawer for a magnifying glass to get an even
closer look. I felt my chances were rising when after some ten
frustrating minutes he handed the note over to Waters who was
also at a loss for my interest in it.
I knew the 1882 had escaped them, so I reached for the note
and asked for a price. Simultaneously a chorus went up from
the two of them. "No you aren't getting it until we see what you
see!" Hickman took the note from me and continued to study
it for maybe another ten minutes, scanning it, feeling the
paper, comparing every detail to other $20 brown backs, and
even smelling it. Finally an expression of delight crossed his
face and in an ear splitting roar he exclaimed "Waters, the
charter number and series are the same!" Hickman was
practically rubbing the back in Waters face now.
As you can imagine, the price negotiations took another half
hour. They let me off for $55, which seemed like a lot of money
to me in 1971!
by Peter Huntoon
Now I was hooked. I quickly researched the other possible
notes in the set, charters 1875, 1901 and 1929. The facts are as
Charter 1875 was given to The First National Bank of
Kutztown, Pennsylvania, in 1871. This title was changed to The
Keystone National Bank of Reading in 1882. The bank was
liquidated in 1926 during its Series of 1902 issues. A Series of
1875 note was possible for either title.
Charter 1882 was obtained by The Will County National
Bank of Joliet, Illinois, also in 1871. That bank went into
receivership in 1931, so it issued notes from every series. Its
Series of 1882 brown and date backs are the important issues
here. Naturally I prefer the brown backs because of the bold
1882 on the backs.
Charter 1902 belonged to The First National Bank of
Chetopa, Kansas, yet another 1871 bank. This bank is the big
disappointment. It was liquidated in 1875, after issuing only
Original Series notes. No Series of 1902 note for this peculiar
set is possible.
Charter 1929 was awarded to The First National Bank of
Shelby, Ohio, in 1872, and that bank lasted through the entire
note issuing period. Series of 1929 notes would be available
and should be easy to locate. That turned out to be a false
After the 1882 Joliet, the next addition to my three note set
was the toughest piece, the Series of 1875 from Reading,
Pennsylvania, purchased from Lynn Knight in February of
1974. It was XF, the nicest grade in my set. This chase was too
easy. I had two of the three after only three years.
As these things go, the easy 1929 note turned out to be the
tough piece. About ten years ago I asked Ohio dealer Don Kelly
about them and he told me he remembered handling only one
of them. He did come up with a Type I $20 in VG, his second,
but it had some writing erased from the face and 1 passed on it.
Finally, after searching price lists for two decades since this
quest began, one showed up on Allen Karn's July-August 1990
list. It was a $10 Type I. I quickly called but it just wasn't made
for me. I missed it. These Shelby's were tough and in demand
to boot!
Kam handles a lot of notes and he is situated in Ohio. Every
time his price list comes, the first thing I look for is another
Series of 1929 Shelby. My fortunes finally changed this past
week when his July 1992 list arrived, yielding the $5 Type II
shown here. I called immediately, got to it before it had been
sold, and finally, after 21 years, finished this three note set!
I think this set is curious. Maybe the logic underlying it is
even arcane. But what can you expect of someone who spent
years waiting for the same license plate number, 1875, to
become available for his car, pickup truck, utility trailer and
even an old motorcycle. Other people have shown off notes to
me that contained some internal coincidence such as having
matched charter and serial numbers. Now they can aspire to
one with matched series date, charter number, and serial
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Page 11
_ski Via CURSE
B ■ roitri3OTE IS SI:er4tF:1) ) V679782 1,
v:t *v70: /
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THE FIRST 1929 A001097
1111.1 DOLLARS
The series date matches the charter number on each of these.
Page 12 Paper Money Whole No. 163
Tales of the Secret Service
Champion Printer of Counterfeit Currency
ACOB Ott was a rather tragic figure in the fraternity of
counterfeiters. His misfortunes centered around two per-
sonality flaws. He refused to heed the good advice of his
wife and he talked too freely over "a social glass of spirits" The
combination led to his undoing.
John S. Dye, Ott's biographer, made much of the fact that Ott
was able to print $500,000 worth of counterfeit money in just
thirteen months. Even more impressive was the fact that Ott
was a lithographer and not a plate printer, which he had to be-
come to produce that currency.
Ott is credited with printing all of the counterfeit $50 notes
of the Central National Bank of New York, the Third National
Bank of Buffalo, the National Broadway Bank of New York and
the Tradesman's National Bank of New York. He also printed
all of the counterfeit $5 bills of the First National Banks of
Hanover and Tamaqua, Pennsylvania. His career was inter-
twined with those of Charles Ulrich, an engraver known as
"boss cutter" to his associates, and Henry C. Cole, money man
and distributor of millions of counterfeit notes.
Mrs. Ott was completely opposed to her husband's associa-
tion with these two counterfeiters and said so repeatedly. She
even threatened to turn the three men over to the police. They
finally got so tired of listening to her that they concocted a plan
to get rid of her. There was some property back in her native
Germany that needed to be managed, they told her, and if she
would go there and take care of that problem, they would wind
up their activities in the United States and join her later. She
agreed and thereby remained free when the men went to
In 1869 the U.S. Secret Service had thrown out its first chief,
the notorious William P. Wood. His successor, Herman P.
Whitley, had begun many reforms before he left the agency in
1874. Elmer Washburn served for only a short time but did a lot
to improve the Service's image. He was succeeded by the vet-
eran James J. Brooks, who was a most effective leader. For the
year ending June 30, 1877, Chief Brooks reported that his
thirty-four agents had arrested four hundred and thirty-seven
counterfeiters during a year when the agency's total budget was
only $92,341. Brooks was in office when Jacob Ott came on the
Ott was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany and had
worked as a lithographer. He and his wife came to the United
States during the great wave of emigration that brought thou-
sands of Germans to this country.
In July of 1876 the couple was in Cincinnati and Jacob
needed a job. He saw an ad in the local paper in which a com-
pany in Columbus, Ohio was seeking a lithographer. Jacob an-
swered the ad and was soon visited by a representative of the
company. His name was Charles F. Ulrich, a professional en-
graver. He did not tell Ott that he had just been pardoned out
of the Ohio State Prison at Columbus by a grateful warden and
governor for whom Ulrich had done some splendid engraving.
In fact, the warden, a Colonel Inness, actually set up an en-
graving business for Ulrich, hoping to obtain a lot of printing
contracts from the state of Ohio via his friend the governor.
Ott, it seemed, was exactly the man Ulrich was looking for.
He hired him and the Otts moved to Columbus for what they
believed was a legitimate job. Three months later, in October
1876, Ulrich delivered the bad news. The business had failed
because the state contracts had not materialized. This may or
may not have been the truth because there is evidence that Ul-
rich had been contacted by the sinister Henry Cole and urged
to join him in Philadelphia where they would both get rich
making counterfeit money.
In December 1876 Ulrich and Cole were living in a house at
Sixth and Cumberland Streets in Philadelphia and Mr. and
Mrs. Ott were living in a rented house at Oak Lane, about six
miles outside the city. Ulrich was hard at work on plates for the
$50 notes of the various National Banks of New York. All were
precisely alike, being transferred from a master die. The names
of the banks were left off and the printed notes had a blank
space where the names of different banks of similar length
could be inserted through the use of "skeleton plates" The
counterfeiters watched the papers and as soon as one note was
detected, they switched bank names and kept printing.
When the plates were about finished, Ulrich decided that the
Otts' home offered a safer base of operation and moved in as a
boarder. Cole came and went, delivering supplies. A press was
set up in an attic room and production got underway on May
1, 1877. Cole delivered the first notes to his "shovers" on May 7,
8 and 9. The first bill was passed into circulation at Baltimore
on May 10 and cleared the bank. On May 11 the first note was
passed in New York City but was immediately detected. The
next day the newspapers warned their readers to watch for
dangerous counterfeits of the $50 note of the Central National
Bank of New York. Nevertheless, the quality of the note was
such that the gang passed $40,000 worth during the first
ten days.
Ott had already changed the skeleton plate to print the same
counterfeit with the name of the Third National Bank of
Buffalo, the words 'Third" and "Buffalo" taking up the same
space as "First" and "New York" Even though the Secret Service
was keeping an eye on Cole and Ulrich, Ott continued to work
twelve hours a day. Mrs. Ott was outraged at this activity;
someday, she predicted, all three of the men would go to
prison. By the time this second note was detected, Ott had
printed 2,000 pieces.
John S. Dye, in discussing these counterfeits, mentioned that
while Henry Cole was one of the "smartest" criminals around,
he seemed to have had a blind spot when it came to under-
Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 13
standing charter numbers. Each bank in the country had a
unique charter number that was printed on its banknotes. As
an example, Dye mentioned the First National Bank of
Tamaqua, with charter number 1219 appearing on each of its
genuine notes. For some reason Cole did not grasp the concept
and used numbers above and below "1219" on the counterfeits,
apparently confusing charter numbers with serial numbers.
Bank tellers and Secret Service agents all over the country used
this error to quickly label the counterfeits for what they were.
The public was taken in, for the most part, and the notes circu-
lated until they were deposited at a bank.
While at Oak Lane, Ott
printed 8,000 of the Tamaqua
$5 notes. Dye's Government
Counterfeit Detector for October
1877 listed it and declared it to
be a "very dangerous" counter-
feit. Newspapers also carried a
Something must have hap-
pened at Oak Lane to alarm the
residents because they suddenly
moved everything to Darby, a
village ten miles from Philadel-
phia. Ott was soon back in oper-
ation and printed 2,000 pieces
of the $50 note of the National
Broadway Bank of New York
and of the Tradesman's Na-
tional Bank of New York. Ulrich
meanwhile created a skeleton
plate on the First National Bank
of Hanover, Pennsylvania and
Ott printed 20,000 counterfeits
of that bank's $5 bill.
Cole was a clever distributor.
He sent great quantities of Ott's
products to Germany using two couriers with passports in the
names of J.E. Conkling and John Baker. Most of the counter-
feits had been passed into circulation before German authori-
ties arrested the two couriers.
In April 1878 Cole, Ulrich and Ott were getting increasingly
nervous and decided to close their printing plant. Presumably
Mrs. Ott had already left for Germany and Jacob suddenly
found himself unemployed and doing his own cooking. He
had saved some money, however, and used it to buy a saloon
in New York City. It soon went bankrupt under conditions that
make one suspect that Jacob was consuming too much of his
inventory of "spirits"
Somehow Ott got a job in a legitimate printing firm and was
doing well during the day, even though he continued to drink
heavily in the evenings. Dye described this problem in his own
words as "Ott is a person of social and convivial habits, some-
what garrulous when under the influence of his potations!'
Today we would say that good old Jacob loved his liquor.
Chief Brooks at Secret Service headquarters was making life
miserable for the counterfeiters. Even though Cole and Ulrich
were being watched constantly they managed to make plans
for a new venture. They learned that the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing was about to introduce intricate scroll work on
U.S. currency through the use of a geometric lathe. It was be-
lieved that this kind of engraving would be impossible to imi-
tate. Ulrich knew better and promptly designed a machine to
duplicate the scroll work. Cole was delighted, of course, and
the two decided to counterfeit the new $100 U.S. Treasury note.
They would print and pass a million dollars worth in Europe
and the United States and do it quickly before anyone caught
on. They had only one problem—they needed a printer, which
meant that they had to locate Ott. Ulrich contacted some of his
many friends and soon had Ott's address in New York.
When Ulrich left Philadelphia on the train, a Secret Service
agent was sitting behind him. He stayed with Ulrich until he
found Ott, then called in another agent to watch Ott. Back in
Philadelphia Chief Brooks put a twenty-four hour surveillance
on the elusive Henry Cole. It
was time to concentrate on the
Brooks brought in agent M.G.
Bowers from Tennessee to tail
Ott to one of his favorite sa-
loons. On the evening of
November 13, 1878 Jacob Ott
was enjoying a drink in a bar at
9 Spring Street. Drinking alone
was not much fun, so he was
pleased when a stranger began a
conversation. He liked M.G.
Bowers instantly and, as the eve-
ning wore on, the two became
good friends. They agreed to
meet for drinks the next
On November 16, Bowers
told Ott that he had just been
paid and proudly displayed a
$100 and $50 bill from his pay
envelope. Ott laughed and told
Bowers that he could make
notes just as good. Bowers
chuckled and said, "If you can
make them, we can make a good deal of money together!' Ott
replied, "I've made thousands of them!' Bowers was all ears.
After agreeing to go in business together, the two men went
to Philadelphia where Ott was to see Henry Cole, who had the
plates they needed. Cole was suspicious of the whole setup and
gave Ott a good tongue-lashing. When Ott saw Bowers again he
refused to even discuss the matter.
On January 20, 1879 Officer David H. Gilkinson quietly
arrested Jacob Ott at his place of work and escorted him to
his room where the officer found evidence of counterfeiting
Ott found himself facing his old friend Ulrich, who had
agreed to testify against him in court. Ott was extradited to
Pennsylvania, where Ulrich testified. Ott never had a chance.
The Secret Service had done its work well and the evidence was
overwhelming. Ott was found guilty, and on March 11, 1879
was sentenced to ten years in prison. Over in Germany Mrs. Ott
could almost be heard saying, "I told you so:'
Chief James J. Brooks headed the Secret Service until 1888.
He had served under five presidents and nine Secretaries of the
Treasury. So popular was he that when he submitted his resig-
nation in 1885 no one would accept it. Even in 1888 his appli-
cation for retirement was accepted only if he agreed to stay on
as a consultant with the title "Operative Special Agent!' Brooks
did so and served with distinction until 1893.
(Continued on page 28)
Page 14 Paper Money Whole No. 163
The Unwelcome Guests
Hagerstown, Maryland and Chambersburg, Pennsylvania were
both "visited" by Confederate cavalry troops under the com-
mand of Brigadier General John McCausland during July 1864.
Both towns were held up for ransom, with demands for money
and clothing placed upon the citizens; if the items "requis-
tioned" were not forthcoming, the towns were to be burned as
a penalty. This story will relate how quick action by the presi-
dent of the Hagerstown Bank saved that town from the torch,
and how Chambersburg wasn't so lucky—it was burned to the
Brigadier General John McCausland, CSA, was a bonafide
leader during the Civil War. He served admirably in the Con-
federate army, first by spiriting his troops to safety out of the
doomed Fort Donelson before it surrendered to Grant, and
later in defense of the Shenandoah Valley region of Virginia
against superior Federal forces. He refused to surrender his
command (which had dwindled to some 200 men) at Appo-
mattox, and broke through the Federal lines; he disbanded his
forces at Lynchburg, Virginia, and formally surrendered at
Charlestown, West Virginia several days later.
Y the summer of 1864, the south was losing the war.
The Confederate forces were fighting superior numbers
on all fronts, trying to stave-off complete defeat. Sher-
man was beginning what was to be his famous "March to the
Sea" and Lee was concerned with the defense of Richmond.
Federal forces under Major General Phillip Sheridan had in-
vaded the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and he left little
doubt as to his mission there; Sheridan planned to reduce the
Valley of Virginia to such a state that "a crow flying over would
have to carry provisions with it" Major General David Hunter,
a subordinate of Sheridan, had carried out his orders zealously.
Confederate General Jubal Early, McCausland's superior, wrote
in his memoirs: 'The scenes on Hunter's route were truly heart-
rending; houses had been burned and helpless women and
children left without shelter. The country had been stripped of
provisions, and many families and bedding had been cut to
pieces, and old men, women, and children had been robbed of
all the clothing they had, except on their backs. Ladies trunks
had been rifled and their dresses torn to pieces in mere wan-
tonness" General Hunter had burned the Virginia Military In-
stitute in Lexington, Virginia, where McCausland had been a
student and an assistant professor of Mathematics. (One of his
associates there was future Confederate General Thomas
"Stonewall" Jackson.) Hunter had even directed the burning of
the home of his own uncle, who had taken him in as a young
On July 5, 1864, Hagerstown, Maryland was occupied by some
3,000 Federal troops under the command of Brigadier General
William Woods Averell. After a short skirmish the next
morning, General McCausland and 1,500 of his cavalry were in
control of the town, having driven out the Federal forces.
John McCausland, Brigadier General, CSA; wartime
McCausland set up his headquarters at the Market House, and
sent for the town officials. The only one to respond was Mat-
thew S. Barber, the town treasurer—the other city leaders had
fled with Averell's troops. Mr. Barber was accompanied by John
H. Kausler, the teller of the Hagerstown Bank.
Barber and Kausler were presented with a written requisition
by McCausland, for the town to furnish him with $20,000 in
cash, plus 1,500 outfits of clothing (shoes, hats, caps, coats,
trousers, etc.). Barber tried to convince McCausland that the
demands were exorbitant, but he was told that if the requisi-
tion was not met, the town would be burned; the town had one
hour to comply.
The president of the Hagerstown Bank, James D. Roman, was
in town, having recently suffered an injury. He was asked by
Mr. Barber to lend any assistance he could; Roman went to the
Court House and was finally granted an interview with General
McCausland. Mr. Roman duplicated the efforts of Barber and
Kausler, explaining that the stores had been emptied of their
contents and the merchants had fled. However, Roman held
out the hope that the $20,000 could be raised. After some argu-
ment, McCausland agreed to take the money and as much
clothing as could be raised in three hours; however, he stiplu-
ated that the remaining residents were not to be told that any-
thing less than his original demands would be satisfactory.
Page 15Paper Money Whole No. 163
Matthew S. Barber, treasurer of Hagerstown when
James D. Roman, president of the Hagerstown
McCausland and his troops "visited'=later president of
Bank. His quick thinking saved the town from
the Hagerstown Bank. being burned by the Confederates.
John H. Kausler, teller of the Hagerstown
Those directors of the Hagerstown Bank who were still in
town held a meeting to discuss how they would raise the
$20,000. Roman proposed that the Hagerstown Bank would
advance $10,000 of the sum, and the First National Bank and
the Williamsport Branch Bank would each provide $5,000. A
note for $20,000 was drafted, and it was made payable to the
banks by the Corporation of Hagerstown. Mr. Barber signed
the note as town treasurer, and he procured the signatures of all
the other leading citizens he could find.
The money was presented to General McCausland, along
with the outfits of clothing that were raised. Alexander Neill II,
a leading citizen, drafted a receipt for the money and clothing,
which was signed by General McCausland. The Confederate
troops withdrew from Hagerstown that same day, and the
citizens who had remained in town breathed a great sigh of re-
lief; there had been no doubt in their minds that McCausland
would have carried out his threat.
The other townspeople, on their return under the protection
of Federal troops, weren't too pleased to find out that they were
now indebted to the banks in town for $20,000. But the in-
fluence of those persons who had signed the note was suffi-
cient to procure an act of the Maryland State Assembly
enabling the town of Hagerstown to issue bonds to cover the
"ransom": "The McCausland Debt" was created, and appeared
on the Hagerstown tax bills for many years.
As stated earlier, General Early was quite aware of the destruc-
tion of the Shenandoah Valley by General Hunter's troops. On
the evening of July 28, 1864 a courier handed McCausland a
message from General Early. The message directed him to
make a retaliatory raid in northern territory, with the purpose
of giving the "Yankees" a taste of their own medicine. Cham-
bersburg was of no military importance, having no arsenal, fac-
tories, or troops, but it was a town of size and wealth. Early
ordered McCausland to demand money from the town fathers;
if he didn't get it, he was to burn the town. After the war,
McCausland maintained that he felt Early had planned to use
the money to buy supplies for the relief of the families that had
lost their homes and belongings to Hunter's fires.
McCausland's cavalry brushed aside pickets of Averell's com-
mand on the outskirts of Chambersburg during the night of
July 29, and by early morning were on the hills west of town.
Repeated attempts to notify General Averell, several miles away
near Greencastle, of the presence of the Confederate troops
were futile. McCausland and his men rode into town at 6 a.m.
and called the town officials to the square; he read General
Early's proclamation, which called upon the town to furnish
$100,000 in gold or $500,000 in depreciated greenbacks, or
Chambersburg would be burned. The townspeople were no
doubt aware of McCausland's visit to Hagerstown earlier in the
month, and knew that the same General Early had held-up the
nearby city of York, Pennsylvania for a ransom of $100,000 and
1,000 pairs of shoes in late June 1863. York had been relieved
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Page 16 Paper Money Whole No. 163
'The McCausland Requisition": It reads as follows:
"I. In accordance with the instructions of Lt. Gen'l Early a levy of $20,000
Twenty Thousand Dollars is made upon the inhabitants of this city. The space
of 3 hours is allowed for the payment of this sum.
"II. A requisition is also made for all Gov't Stores.
"III. The following articles will also be furnished from the merchandise now
in the hands of citizens or merchants, viz. 1500 suits of clothes, 1500 hats,
1500 pair shoes or boots, 1500 shirts, 1500 pair drawers, 1500 pairs socks.
(4) hours allowed for this collection. The Mayor & City Council are held
responsible for the execution of this order & in case of non-compliance the
usual penalty will be enforced upon the city.
(signed) ]no McCausland
Brig Gen Conf"
of its dilemma when Early received an urgent message from
General Lee ordering him to Gettysburg.
During the early hours of June 30, the funds of the Cham-
bersburg Bank and the assets of the various businesses had
been removed from town, in the company of the small Federal
force that had been guarding the town. The townspeople felt
confident that McCausland would not carry out his threat, al-
though they had already witnessed Confederate troops burn
part of their town on October 11, 1862. On that date, Major
General J.E.B. Stuart's men, after briefly occupying the town, set
fire to several warehouses, ammunition stores, and rail-
road cars.
Receipt signed by General McCausland showing the various clothing the town
raised, along with the $20,000 guaranteed by the banks of Hagerstown. The
residents of the city would pay 'The McCausland Debt" back to the banks for
many years.
While McCausland waited, his troops raided shops and
homes near the square, and several fires were started. By 10
a.m., all the buildings within a two-block area of the town
square were burning. The Confederate troops withdrew from
the town at noon. Accounts of the events in Chambersburg that
day differ greatly. After the war McCausland clung stubbornly
to his claim that he had read General Early's proclamation, and
had waited the six hours for the money to be raised. The
records of the town do not mention any delay; rather, they re-
count residents pleading helplessly with the rebel leader as he
ordered the torches to be lit. The fact remains that only two
buildings in town were saved—the home of one William Boyd
and the Masonic Temple. The Masonic Temple was spared by a
southern soldier, who was a Mason; he had posted guards
around the temple to prevent it from being damaged. This was
only one of many instances during the Civil War where Ma-
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Page 17
sonic fraternalism superseded the rules of war. A later account
showed that factories, businesses, and 278 houses, were de-
stroyed; 173 utility sheds and buildings, and 98 barns and
stables had been burned. A committee appointed by the
governor of Pennsylvania estimated the loss in real estate and
general property to be in excess of $1.6 million.
McCausland was condemned after the raid, and even long
after the war, for his actions at Chambersburg. General Early
felt that McCausland should not be blamed, as he stated in his
Memoirs: "For this act I alone am responsible, and the officers
engaged in it were simply executing my orders .....McCaus-
land returned to his prewar home, in what had become West
Virginia, but many of his neighbors had been sympathetic to
the Union and they made no secret of their hatred of him and
his actions at Chambersburg. He left the United States for
many years, living in Canada, Europe and Mexico. During his
absence, a warrant was sworn out by a citizen of Chambersburg
for his arrest on a charge of arson; no less a personage than
Ulysses S. Grant saw to it that the warrant would never be
McCausland finally returned to West Virginia, and for the
rest of his life journalists questioned him about his actions at
Chambersburg. He lived in semi-seclusion, and became an ac-
complished farmer. He died on January 22, 1927, one of the last
of two surviving Confederate generals.
The Bank of Hagerstown, Maryland, as it appeared when
McCausland's troops occupied the town in July 1864.
Remains of the Chambersburg Bank after the fire of July 30, 1864. The town suffered "the usual
penalty" for noncompliance with the Confederates' demands.
Brigadier General John McCausland The Man Who Never Knew De-
feat" Catherine Henderson. Civil War Times Illustrated. June, 1984.
Vol. XXIII, No. 4. Historical Times, Inc., Harrisburg, PA, pp. 36-45.
Hagerstown Bank at Hagerstown, Maryland, The. Annals of One Hundred
Years 1807-1907. The Knickerbocker Press, 1910.
Memoirs of Lieutenant General Itibal A. Early, C.S.A.
Page 18 Paper Money Whole No. 163
Even after 90 years, few historical events are as well
and fondly recalled in St. Louis as the 1904 Loui-
siana Purchase Exposition, more commonly
known as the "St. Louis World's Fair!' The Fair,
which commemorated the acquisition of "Loui-
siana" a hundred years before, was used to show-
case St. Louis as a modern, important American
city. Both at the time and since, veritable forests
have been used to document the Fair, and sou-
venirs are actively pursued by St. Louis collectors.
T HE Fair was associated with one of the most interestingand short-lived of St. Louis' national banks, charminglynamed The Banker's World's Fair National Bank of St.
Louis. In their catalogue, Hickman and Oakes indicate that the
bank was in existence for less than a year, issued $50,100 in $50
and $100 red seals, and all of its notes were redeemed by early
1905. Obviously, with the occasional errors/vagaries associated
with the Redemption Agency records, every St. Louis national
bank note collector continues to hope that there is, some-
where, a $50 or $100 waiting to be discovered. The purpose of
this article is to provide a little more information about the
bank, and to consider whether any notes may have escaped de-
The most important person initially associated with the
bank was William Thompson, the president of the National
Bank of Commerce and treasurer of the Fair. With the possible
exception of David R. Francis, the Fair's president, Thompson
was probably the person most responsible for the financial
success of the Fair. He worked on the Fair's business with the
same zeal that had made his bank the most important financial
institution in St. Louis from virtually the beginning in 1901
until his death at the end of 1905.
Thompson undoubtedly realized the benefits of locating a
bank on the Fairgrounds, and on November 20, 1903 sent an
invitation to most of the financial institutions in St. Louis to
participate in the first organizational meeting on November
23rd. There was a sufficient interest shown that an organization
committee was appointed and reported its findings on De-
cember 19th. Little time remained since the Fair was to open at
the end of April. At the first meeting of the banks' stockholders
on February 26, 1904, H.A. Forman, president of the Fourth
National Bank of St. Louis, was elected president of the bank.
A St. Louis Globe Democrat article two days later indicated that
the bank would be "open to a late hour every evening to accom-
modate visitors and concessionaires" In addition to providing
Fair visitors with cashiering services, all gate receipts and
government funds committed to the Fair would pass through
the bank. The cashier and assistant cashier were to be the "only
active officials of the institution," although it was expected that
the president and vice presidents would make daily visits in the
afternoon, presumably after the close of the normal business
On March 9th, Forman transmitted the bank's organization
papers to the Comptroller of the Currency. The bank had 17
stockholders who also served as directors. All were associated
with important St. Louis banks or trust companies including
ten presidents—five had been elected as vice presidents of the
Bank. Interestingly, this letter and several other early pieces of
correspondence were on the letterhead of the Fourth National
The bank was initially capitalized at $200,000, and, since it
was a national bank, was required to purchase a minimum of
$50,000 in U.S. bonds. The bank chose to issue currency
against these bonds and this point is touched upon in Forman's
March 9th letter.
The Fourth National Bank has $50,000 U.S. Registered 2% bonds,
now in Washington, subject to our orders, and I have agreed to sell
these bonds to the Bankers' World's Fair National Bank, to be uti-
lized in securing the minimum circulation, which we would like to
have in 50's and 100's. In this connection, we would be pleased to
have you proceed at once, in order that we may have the currency
ready at the earliest possible moment, and let me know what ex-
pense is necessary in the direction of the plates, etc., and I will remit
that amount.
According to a September call report by the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, the bank paid a $2,500 premium
to Fourth for the bonds, and, as required, deposited
$2,500—equal to 5% of its circulation—in the Redemption
Fund. National bank charter 7179 was granted to the organizers
before the end of March, and by April the bank was using its
own letterhead. Although the bank's corporate life lasted for
less than one year, it used two distinctively different forms of
letterhead. On the back of each type is a listing of the 17
directors and a notice that the bank's directors are:
also shareholders in the World's Fair Safe Deposit Co. with capital
of $100,000. Operating 2500 safe deposit boxes in connection with
the bank!'
On March 9th, the directors of the bank had elected C.E. Bryan,
of the Third National Bank in St. Louis, as cashier. In a related
move D.A.P. Cooke, manager of Mercantile Trust Company's
Safety Deposit Vaults was elected manager of the World's Fair
Safe Deposit Company. Cooke was the primary active official,
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Page 20 Paper Money Whole No. 163
and oversaw the rental of boxes to Fair concessionaires and
others who had an interest.
In the April 1904 World's Fair Bulletin, the bank is described
as a modern building 84 by 54 feet, two stories in height, in the
center of which is a tower 20 feet square and 44 feet in height.
It was to be located on the "model street" at the northeast
boundary of the Fair. In actuality, the bank seems to have been
located near the main entrance of the Fair, at the northern end
of the Plaza of St. Louis and very close to the Fair's primary
railway and streetcar stations. Many views of the Fair, including
that used on the daily program, omit the entire area occupied
by the bank, so it may have been a last minute decision to place
it here.
Immediately to the north and west was the Pike, whose
"popular entertainments" provided a break for fairgoers from
the more formal exhibitions. Visitors could see the entire world
here, including the Tyrolean Alps, Asia, Constantinople, South
Sea Islands, an Irish Village, Old St. Louis, which showed the
City as it appeared in 1803, the Galveston Flood, miniature
naval battles, and even an Old Testament Creation of the
World and an interpretation of the "Hereafter:' Also on exhibit
was Jim Key, the educated horse who "reads, writes, spells,
figures, counts and changes money!" The Pike was one of the
most popular areas of the Fair, and doubtless provided much
business for the bank.
The Fair opened at the end of April, but the bank did not
open until a month later. In his June 1st letter to the Comp-
troller, Forman indicates that he was not completely ready to
open for business, but was pressured to open by Fair officials.
Many of the Fair's thousands of daily visitors needed the bank's
services. In addition to exchange services, the bank also per-
mitted visitors to open deposit accounts, on which no interest
was paid, probably for more convenience and security in
managing their money. Concessionaires were certainly impor-
tant customers for these accounts as well, since this provided a
convenient means to deposit daily receipts and manage cash.
The bank's daily income from exchange averaged $62.50,
equivalent to a discount of about 0.1%. In addition, interest
was earned on the bank's bonds, and more importantly, on the
deposits it had with other banks. By early September, midway
through the Fair, the Bank's assets stood at a very substantial
$771,302 and profits totalled $5,339. Two months later, the
bank reported total assets of $873,365 and profits of $11,012.
This represented an important level of assets to garner in such
a short time, as most of the City's banks had total assets well
under $10 million.
The Fair closed at the end of November and on December
15th the bank informed the Comptroller of the Currency of its
intention to liquidate. In the Comptroller's exam at the end of
the year, the loss on the building—which was only a temporary
' (:y; OF ST. LOUIS.
• AT ,0111.1"11,11t Gouranm.
"; CAPITAL. ..00,000.00
wosts.o .. 7,urg ortouwases
Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 21
structure erected on the fairgrounds—was expected to offset any
profits made during the bank's operation. It was noted that this
was in keeping with the purpose of the bank, to be of service to
fairgoers and not as a profitmaking venture. As it happened,
the demolition of the building was not as expensive as origi-
nally anticipated. C.E. Bryan notes in his final earnings report
filed with the Comptroller on February 11, 1905 that the bank
made a profit of $907.70, which was divided among the share-
So what about the currency?
Forman's March 9, 1904 letter mentioned that the Fourth Na-
tional Bank sold the necessary bonds to the bank, probably
with an understanding to repurchase them at the close of the
Fair. C.F. Childs notes in Concerning U.S. Government Securities
that bond sellers at this time used a variety of "creative
financing" techniques (to use a modern term) to peddle their
bonds. Typically, the buyer would only be obliged to put up the
premium on the bonds, and the seller (in this case Fourth)
would receive the circulation in payment. It is not un-
reasonable to assume that this approach was used in this case
as well.
Two letters from the bank hold the key. C.E. Bryan wrote to
the Comptroller on December 21st that:
We are sending you today by Express Fifty Thousand dollars in cur-
rency of the Banker's World's Fair National Bank for which kindly
send to the Fourth National Bank of St. Louis Mo. our bonds which
are on deposit with you to secure this circulation.
Further, on January 21, 1905 H.A. Forman had written to in-
struct the Comptroller that bonds should continue to be held,
subject to the order of the Fourth National Bank.
That's it then. It seems very likely that the currency—
probably uncut and unsigned—was held in the vaults of Fourth
National during the Fair, and was returned intact as part of the
liquidation process to ensure that both the redemption fund
and Fourth National's bonds would be released without a
There's only one other small point. Hickman-Oakes notes
that a single $100 was returned to the Redemption Agency in
late May, 1904, about six weeks after the original currency
order. The bank's circulation consisted of $50s and $100s, in
the two note plate format no doubt in order to minimize ex-
penses. It may well be that the full 334 sheets were sent to the
bank in error and, after an initial counting at the bank, that the
$100 note was returned simply as a correction.
So . . . while St. Louis collectors might wish that someone
had "salted" a note from another bank into the $50,000 in ex-
change for a souvenir, it's likely that we will be limited to seeing
a proof sheet of the notes of this short-lived bank.
Correspondence and Examination files of the Comptroller of the Cur-
rency, various dates 1904 to 1905 in the National Archives.
St. Louis Globe Democrat, February 28, 1904 and March 10, 1904.
World's Fair Bulletin, various issues 1902-1904.
Bennitt, M. (1905), History of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis.
This includes a photograph of the bank which unfortunately does
not reproduce well.
Childs, C.F. (1947), Concerning U.S. Government Securities, Chicago. See
especially pages 361 to 363. I first heard about this invaluable book
and the concept of bond dealers "underwriting" the circulation of
National Banks during John Hickman's presentation at the 6th an-
nual PCDA Show in St. Louis, October 1991.
Hickman, J. and D. Oakes (1990), The Standard Catalog of National Bank
Notes, Iola, WI.
Thanks are also due to Lynn Vosloh for generously providing the illus-
tration of the proof sheet of the $50-$100 notes in the Smithsonian
Call for Nominations for 1993
The following governors' terms expire in 1993: Gene Hessler, Ron-
ald Horstman, Robert Raby and Frank Trask. If you have suggestions,
please contact the chairman of the nominating committee, Ronald
Horstman, Box 2999, Leslie, MO 63056. In addition, candidates may
be placed on the ballot in the following manner:
(1) A written nominating petition is submitted, which has been
signed by ten current SPMC members;
(2) An acceptance letter from the person being nominated is sub-
mitted with the petition;
(3) Any nominating petitions (and accompanying letters) MUST BE
Ballots for the election will be included in the March/April 1993
issue of PAPER MONEY. They will be counted at Memphis and an-
nounced at the SPMC general meeting held during the International
Paper Money Show.
Nominees should send a portrait-photo and a brief biography to:
the editor, Gene Hessler.
Paper Money Whole No. 163Page 22
Pete McCartney,
URING the 1800s the newspapers chronicled the
exploits of the famous counterfeiters of the day,
some of whom were legends in their own time. In
the 1870s John Peter McCartney was known as the King of
Counterfeiters.' He was born in 1824 in Shelby County,
Illinois. When he was seven years old, his family moved to
Negoa, Illinois.' There he became acquainted with the John-
son family, all of whom were counterfeiters.
Pete learned his lessons well. He became a superb engrav-
er, a thorough printer and an expert in all aspects of the
counterfeiting business.' Pete personally engraved a $20 Unit-
ed States Treasury note, a $5 United States Treasury note and
two fifty-cent notes. He was said to be the only man who
could engrave a plate, make the paper and inks and print the
bills himself, and to be the man who demonstrated that fiber
paper was valueless as a safeguard against counterfeits.' A
Secret Service agent once described Pete's counterfeit of the
$5 silver certificate as being "to all appearances just a little bit
better in design and workmanship than the genuine govern-
ment bill."' He was thought to have been responsible for tens
of millions of dollars in counterfeit money and became quite
well off, owning five farms and considerable other property.'
It was claimed that during the period from 1866 to 1876, he
paid $236,000 to various officers of the law in order to gain
his freedom.'
Pete's wife, Martha, was the stepdaughter of John Trout, a
notorious counterfeiter, and was herself working with coun-
terfeit plates at the age of thirteen when McCartney first met
her.' Her sister was the wife of Ben Boyd, an engraver of such
skill that several counterfeiters hatched a scheme to steal
Abraham Lincoln's body and hold it as ransom for Boyd's
release from prison.'
Pete McCartney first leaped to public notoriety in the year
1864. At that time he was part of an extensive combination
of counterfeiters, known as the Sleight and Frisby gang, oper-
ating throughout the West with headquarters at Cincinnati,
Indianapolis and St. Louis. It was believed that they had
millions of dollars of counterfeits in circulation, much of
which had found its way into the hands of soldiers. '" The
events which resulted in the breakup of this gang led to the
establishment of the United States Secret Service.
Early in 1864 an old counterfeiter was caught by Captain
Whitney Frank, a Provost Marshal's detective, in the act of
shoving some of the queer in Memphis. In exchange for his
freedom, the old man agreed to turn up some of the chief
counterfeiters in St. Louis. In April, Captain Frank and several
others proceeded to St. Louis where they employed a gentle-
man, said to be engaged in the practice of law at Cincinnati,
to assist them. This man negotiated the purchase of $25,000
in counterfeit $100 greenbacks at twenty cents on the dollar
from three suspects, John Brown, James Vesay and Charles
Hathaway. A short while later, he made them an offer for the
plates. They agreed to sell him the plates for $35,000, provid-
ed that he would also purchase $100,000 of their notes at
twenty cents on the dollar. As soon as the exchange was
made the detectives sprang their trap, and captured four plates
and $175,000 in counterfeit greenbacks."
The three counterfeiters were sent to the Old Capital Pris-
on in Washington, D.C. where Captain William P. Wood was
Superintendent. To save themselves, Brown and Vesay told
everything they knew. Based on this information, Wood re-
quested authority from the Assistant Secretary of War to work
up the case.' From then on the dominoes began to fall.
Brown and Vesay turned up Louis Sleight of St. Louis who,
in turn, agreed to turn up a $20 legal tender plate made by
the Johnson family at Indianapolis and to trap Pete McCart-
ney. Sleight bought several thousand dollars of the counter-
feit $20s from Pete."
When the groundwork was laid, Col. Lafayette C. Baker,
Provost Marshal of the War Department and self-styled Chief
of the National Detective Police, arrived to take command
of, and the credit for, the operation. At St. Louis, the plates
for nine different counterfeit bills, nine presses, one of which
weighed 3,600 pounds, and dies for making twenty-five cent
pieces and $5 and $20 gold pieces were captured."
Lafayette C. Baker, Chief National Detective Police
(Baker, History of the United States Secret Service, Phila. 1867)
moili11111 111111111 1 111111111111
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Page 23
Next the detectives went to Indianapolis where Pete Mc-
Cartney had already been arrested by the local police the day
before. Col. Baker, Captain Wood and their men went to the
house of the Johnson family early the next morning, while
the counterfeiters were still in bed, and captured the plates
for counterfeit $20 greenbacks and fifty-cent postage curren-
cy, together with the press to print them. Pete McCartney and
two of the Johnson boys were placed in irons and sent to
Washington under military guard.''
The detectives then went to Cincinnati and proceeded up
the Licking River to Covington, Kentucky where they arrested
eight more counterfeiters and captured the plates for fifty-
cent fractional currency, from which upwards of $200,000 in
postage notes had been stricken off, the partially finished
plates for the $50 United States Treasury note, a large tea
chest filled with postage currency and the press on which it
had been printed. All together the counterfeiting materials
seized by Baker and Wood filled 14 large cases.'' This was
said to have been the most important arrest of counterfeiters
and capture of counterfeiting implements that had ever taken
place in the United States or any other country.''
Pete McCartney, however, had no intention of languishing
in prison. Instead, he made the first of many escapes that
would distinguish his career as the King of Counterfeiters.
While his guards dozed, Pete slipped the irons from his
hands and feet and jumped from the window of the train
while it was traveling through a rocky, mountainous region
near Horseshoe Bend on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad
between Altoona and Harrisburg. It was thought that he had
been killed, but Pete, too bruised to travel, hid in the area for
several days. Six weeks later, he was working a printing press
in Southwest Missouri."
Pete McCartney circa 1872
(Burnham, Memoirs of the United States Secret Service, Boston 1872)
Apparently as a result of his success in breaking up the
Sleight and Frisby gang, William P. Wood and his prisoners
were placed under the direction of the Solicitor of the Trea-
sury on September 12, 1864, at the request of the Secretary of
the Treasury and with the consent of the Secretary of War."
Thereafter, Wood referred to himself as an acting agent of the
United States Treasury Department. 2° For the next ten months,
Wood arrested counterfeiters and compiled dossiers on over
220 individuals.'
On July 1, 1865 Wood resigned as the Superintendent of
the Old Capital Prison and was appointed the Chief of the
newly formed United States Secret Service. 22 Bill Wood and
Pete McCartney were destined to meet again.
For the next twelve years, Pete was continually escaping
from the authorities—sometimes because of their dishonesty,
sometimes because of their carelessness. Pete was next arrest-
ed at East St. Louis, Illinois in January 1866, under the alias
Joe Woods.
He was spotted at the bridge on Cahokis Creek talking to
some men and was followed to near the rolling mill where
he was seen delivering money to them. He was arrested as he
attempted to board the train on the Ohio and Mississippi
Railroad. The officer claimed to have seen him throw away
about $10,000 in counterfeit $50 Treasury notes, and $5,000
in good money was found on his person. Pete offered the
arresting officer any amount of money that he might ask for
to let him go, but the officer refused.
The next day, when the officer went across the river to St.
Louis to inform the United States authorities of McCartney's
arrest, Pete was released from jail and disappeared. It was
charged that when the Mayor of East St. Louis had gotten
Pete's good money in his possession, he went Pete's bail
without letting anyone know." The Mayor claimed that he
signed the bail bond because McCartney's attorney had de-
posited the amount set by the Judge. He denied that Pete had
any more than $100 in counterfeit on him and claimed that
the $10,000 could have belonged to the other two men who
were with Pete when he was arrested. In any event, Pete
remained a free man, but not for long. 21
Seven months later, Pete McCartney and his brother Levi
were arrested at Mattoon, Illinois by Deputy U.S. Marshal
John F. Rittenhouse. They were found in possession of
$50,000 in counterfeit $10, $20, $50 and $100 United States
Treasury notes, a lot of counterfeit postage currency, the
plates for the notes and $2,500 in good money. A large
boxed-up press, dies and tools for manufacturing counterfeit
money were found in a warehouse in Mattoon. Pete and his
brother were taken to Springfield, Illinois and lodged in jail."
The circumstances leading to their arrest were not disclosed,
but in July 1866 Ben Boyd was arrested, together with old
John Trout, in Decatur, Illinois by an operative of the Secret
Service, on a charge of furnishing $1,000 in counterfeit $50
Treasury notes to a man by the name of John Harmon for
delivery to a party in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Harmon was arrest-
ed and implicated Boyd and Trout." Shortly thereafter, the
Secret Service operative received a letter from Boyd informing
him that McCartney's presses were in storage at Mattoon.
Pete was arrested before the operative could get there. Boyd
was released and a few hours later so was Pete's brother-in-
law." William P. Wood, Chief of the Secret Service, visited
McCartney in jail and learned where certain lead impressions
for printing counterfeit notes were located. He went to Deca-
tur with McCartney's wife and several of Pete's friends. From
Page 24 Paper Money Whole No. 163
lames Rittenhouse
(Grannon Detective Bureau, Grannon's Pocket Gallery of Noted
Criminals of the Present Day, Cincinnati, 1890)
there, he took Ben Boyd to Champaign, Illinois where they
got the plates." While in Springfield, Wood stayed at the
same hotel with Mrs. Trout, Mrs. McCartney and Ben Boyd. 3°
Pete later complained that he had gathered together the
counterfeiting materials at the request of William P. Wood
and Operative Sam Felker of Chicago, who had promised to
square him with the government if he turned the materials
over to them. He claimed that his arrest was an act of bad
In any event, between two and three o'clock on the morn-
ing of October 17, 1866, Pete and his brother Levi escaped
from the jail at Springfield. No locks, bolts or bars were
broken, but five doors were found unlocked. A pewter key
was found near their cells, but it did not fit any of the locks.
Sheriff William P. Grafton and his family lived in the lower
part of the jail and should have heard any noise made by the
prisoners. It was thought that someone was bribed to aid the
escape since, about a week before, Pete's good money had
been turned over to his wife who disappeared at the time of
the escape. Suspicion fell on the Sheriff and he spent a good
deal of money and effort in trying to recapture the prison-
A couple of months later, Levi McCartney was recaptured
and returned to Springfield where he was tried and sentenced
to the penitentiary. Levi accused the Sheriff of aiding the
escape. The Sheriff was tried and acquitted." Later, Pete de-
nied that Sheriff Grafton had anything to do with the escape.
He did admit, however, that he had bought his way out and
that he had been furnished keys which he adjusted to the
locks. He never said who did it, but he did intimate that it
was one of Bill Wood's men from Chicago."
After his escape, McCartney went to Missouri and practiced
dentistry for awhile. Later, he bought a photograph gallery at
Rolla, Missouri and then opened a livery stable there. One
day the porter from the hotel brought a stranger to Pete's
stable to rent a team. Pete immediately recognized him as a
man from Springfield who knew him. Pete told the man that
he would bring the team to the hotel in a few minutes, went
back into the barn, out the back door and left town. He then
traveled around lecturing on the art of detecting counterfeit
Although Pete denied it, it was said that he carried plenty
of counterfeits on his travels to make change for good money
and to pass along the way. It was even said that he traveled
about distributing religious tracts while disguised as "Brother
Billings," leaving plenty of counterfeits behind."
Pete maintained that he was trying to get out of the coun-
terfeit business. He claimed that in 1868 he had turned some
plates and other counterfeiting materials over to Sam Felker
of Chicago to have the case against him at Springfield dropped,
but nothing was done."
Pete McCartney remained a fugitive for four years. It was
said that the government spent over $30,000 during that
time in trying to recapture him. At the end of October 1870,
Pete and his wife, using the alias Carter, moved to Portland,
Kentucky and rented a house there, together with William
Alexander, alias Lyons. Finding a secluded place, they offered
the owner a $50 bonus to let them take possession. Since the
house was not very desirable, the man was suspicious. A few
days later, he informed the police at Louisville. The Chief,
thinking that they were burglars, detailed Detectives Bly and
Gallagher to work up the case. The detectives watched Pete
and his friend for about a week.
On November 4, when they were ready, the detectives
raided the house and captured Pete's wife and Bill Alexander.
Pete was in St. Louis at the time visiting Frederick Biebush, a
notorious counterfeiter living there. The officers seized a full
set of engraver's tools, together with a printing press, a rolling
machine, a plate for making fifty-cent fractional currency and
a full stock of plates and inks for manufacturing greenbacks. 38
It was believed that McCartney and Alexander were part of a
gang of 25 or 30 counterfeiters operating in New York, Phil-
adelphia, St. Louis, Chicago and other leading cities."
On November 11 John Eagan, the Secret Service operative
at St. Louis, received a letter from Detective Bly concerning
the arrest. On arriving in Louisville the next day, Eagan found
that Mrs. McCartney had been discharged by the United States
Commissioner, but that she had remained in the city trying
to secure the release of Bill Alexander. Eagan interviewed
Mrs. McCartney and demanded from her the plates for a $50
bond, $5 and $20 United States Treasury notes and fifty-cent
fractional currency. She told Eagan that they had given the
plates for the $50 bond and part of the $20 plates to Sam
Felker in February 1869 to fix up her husband's case in
Springfield. She agreed to try to get the rest of the plates and
surrender them to Eagan for her release. Eagan took Mrs.
McCartney and her two children to St. Louis where they
stayed at his home. 4 °
A day or two later, Detective Eagan went to Decatur, Illi-
nois where he was taken about a mile out of town by Mc-
Cartney's mother and one of McCartney's friends to meet
with Pete. Eagan was unarmed, but Pete kept a revolver in his
hand the whole time. Pete agreed to send Eagan three coun-
terfeiting implements by express within the next four or five
days for the release of his wife. He asked for protection for
himself, but Eagan told him that he could not promise any-
thing without first consulting the Chief of the Secret Service,
Hiram C. Whitley. Pete had wanted a written guarantee
against arrest while trying to turn up these implements."
On November 19, Pete McCartney and Charles Johnson
were arrested in Cincinnati. Officer Haehl had known John-
son in Indianapolis as a counterfeiter, a horse thief and a
general bad character. He recognized Johnson on the street
and watched as he and McCartney went into a saloon and
)[i's. )1'k RTIIA A. 1cLARTNEy.
Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 25
came out a short time later with their pockets stuffed. He
followed them to the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad
depot, and, when they boarded the train for Indianapolis, he
and another officer went aboard and arrested them. They
found two counterfeit $20 plates, some counterfeit money
and a revolver on Johnson. McCartney had about $3,500 in
good money, but no counterfeits.'
Pete said "Gentlemen, you have spoiled a good thing; I am
working for the government. I work under Detective Eagan,
and I will give any one of you a ten dollar bill who will go
and telegraph to Eagan at St. Louis. I must get away soon, for
I have important business in St. Louis." McCartney said that
Johnson was innocent and did not know what he was carry-
ing. McCartney and Johnson were locked up in the Third
Street Station House. They were moved to the rear cells near
the stove after Johnson complained of being cold. The officer
in charge ordered that the door between the cell room and
the office be kept closed and that no one be permitted to
enter. During the night, Pete asked several times whether a
telegram had been sent to Eagan, saying that, if it had, he
would soon be released."
Eagen received a telegram from Cincinnati and answered
to hold McCartney at all hazards until he should arrive. The
next morning, Pete was gone. He had been locked up in one
of the old cells. It was later discovered that the lock was in
need of repair. The tumblers were so worn that the bolt could
easily be slipped back with any sharp instrument. It also
seemed that about $2,000 of Pete's good money was miss-
ing. 44
Johnson claimed to know little about the whole affair and
said that McCartney was acting as a sort of detective, having
been promised immunity from past offenses if he would turn
up certain evidence which was needed. He claimed that, at
the time of their arrest, they were on their way to St. Louis to
deliver the seized articles to United States Detective John
Eagan. He claimed not to know what he was carrying.' At his
trial, Johnson called Eagan as a witness, but Eagan testified
that he gave no guarantees to McCartney and that when he
first saw Johnson in jail, Johnson did not ask for protection
and made no claim to have been acting in his service. It was
later that Johnson claimed to be taking the plates to him. The
jury returned a verdict of guilty in ten minutes."
While John Eagan was having his late night meeting with
Pete McCartney, Tom Lonergan, the Secret Service operative
at Chicago, was making arrangements at Decatur to have
McCartney arrested if he should reappear there. At his re-
quest, an operative of Pinkerton's National Detective Agency
was detailed to assist. On Thanksgiving day, the City Marshal
of Decatur heard that Pete was in town and arrested him at
his mother-in-law's house. The next day, one of the arresting
officers visited Eagan and Lonergan in St. Louis and said that,
if properly rewarded, he could get Pete McCartney. When
Eagan and Lonergan agreed to pay a reward of $500, he told
him that he had McCartney in custody at Venice, Illinois, a
small village about five miles up the river from St. Louis."
Upon hearing this, Eagan, Lonergan and William Apple-
gate, another operative, crossed the river, went to Venice and
found Pete in a hotel there. McCartney proposed that if they
would let him go, he would give them full sets of plates for
the manufacture of every denomination of money from $50
down to fifty-cents, which he said were worth at least $50,000,
and $60,000 in counterfeits ready for distribution, which he
claimed were worth at least 50 cents on the dollar. When the
detectives refused, he offered them $85,000 for his freedom.
McCartney was handcuffed to one of the officers, placed in a
carriage and taken to St. Louis where he was kept at the Olive
Street Hotel. Two of the detectives sat up all night with him.
The next morning, Pete was ironed and taken to Springfield."
Shortly after Pete was jailed in Springfield, his brother Levi
came to visit him on his way home from Joliet Prison. Levi
was so changed that those who knew him could hardly recog-
nize him." This insight into prison life did not escape Pete.
On December 9, Hiram C. Whitley, Chief of the Secret
Service, arrived in Springfield and visited McCartney in jail.
Pete agreed to take him to Decatur to recover counterfeit
money and plates. McCartney, his wife and two children,
accompanied by the Chief and Operative Lonergan, went to
Decatur and dug up two cans containing the $60,000 in
counterfeit money that Pete had offered to Operatives Eagan
and Lonergan and four German silver plates for making $5
counterfeit Treasury notes.
Pete then led Operative Applegate to a house about four
miles from St. Louis where they recovered a quantity of dies
for the manufacture of gold and silver coins. Later, Pete turned
over a full set of engraver's tools, an additional $500 in
counterfeit money and a lot of gold coins to Applegate. In
recognition of his co-operation, and his promise to secure
more counterfeit money, Pete was admitted to bail."
Pete remarked that even though he had offered to turn up
all the plates, presses and counterfeit money that he could
get his hands on, Chief Whitley would not promise to do
anything for him in return. Pete said that he wanted to quit
the business and that he was tired of being hunted, but the
Chief would only say that the Government would consider it
as proof of his repentance and that it would do him some
good. Pete complained that Bill Wood was easy to make
terms with, but that he did not keep his promises. Wood
took what McCartney offered, let him go and then had him
arrested. Whitley would not do that.5'
Page 26 Paper Money Whole No. 163
Two months later, Pete returned to Louisville to visit Bill
Alexander who was still in jail there and to make arrange-
ments for bailing him out. As soon as Pete entered the jail
door, one of the Deputy Marshals tapped him on the shoul-
der and said "I've got a warrant for your arrest, Mr. McCart-
ney." Pete denied that he was McCartney, saying that his
name was Carter; but he was locked up anyway. He was quite
indignant about the whole affair and felt that he had been
Pete McCartney was not ready to be caged yet. As soon as
he could obtain bail, he disappeared, forfeited his bond and
took refuge in the Indian Territory where he was sheltered by
a gang of desperadoes who aided him in shoving a large
amount of counterfeit $5 bills on the Traders' National Bank
of Chicago throughout the Territory.' Nothing is known of
Pete's life until almost four years later when he was propelled
into his most daring series of escapes from the law.
On October 2, 1874 Elmer Washburn, the Superintendent
of Police at Chicago and former Warden of Joliet Prison, was
appointed Chief of the Secret Service to replace Hiram C.
Whitley who had resigned under a cloud because of his al-
leged involvement in a burglary involving the District of
Columbia Board of Public Works. 54 When Washburn arrived
in Washington, he found a letter enclosing counterfeit $5,
$20 and $50 bills on the Traders' National Bank of Chicago
addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury from a man by the
name of George Albert Mason. The letter stated that he knew
the parties who were dealing in counterfeiting and that he
was ready to give them away. Mason mentioned the names
of several of the counterfeiters, one of which was Judd. Nei-
ther Mason nor Washburn knew that Judd was actually Pete
Mason and Washburn met in Philadelphia where Mason
said that he could turn up a parcel of counterfeit money
which belonged to two men, Richards and Hart, then under
arrest in that city. Mason turned over $20,000 in counterfeit
money to Washburn and was paid $500. Mason had lured
Richards and Hart to Philadelphia and was instrumental in
their arrest. He then got all of their good money and recov-
ered the counterfeit notes. On his advice, Richards and Hart
pleaded guilty and were each sentenced to three years in
Apparently, Mason was ready to sell out some bigger fish.
He had obtained a letter of introduction from Richards to an
individual in St. Louis by the name of Christie. Armed with
this, he volunteered to go west to track down the counterfeit-
ers there. He went to Chicago and from there to Galesburg,
Illinois where he claimed to have met with a gang of 20 to 30
counterfeiters, including Judd, who had come there to buy
and sell counterfeit money. Pete McCartney owned a farm
near Galesburg. It was probably there that they met.
Mason led the counterfeiters to believe that he still had the
$20,000 in counterfeit money which he had sold to Wash-
burn. He claimed that the gang had with them $500,000 in
counterfeit $5 bills on the Traders' National Bank of Chicago
and almost another $500,000 in counterfeit $20 and $50
United States Treasury notes. James Rittenhouse, a member
of the gang and a former member of the Reno gang of Indi-
ana train robbers and burglars, promised to bring the boys to
Chicago by December 1, and Mason promised to turn over
his bag of counterfeit money at the same time.'
(To be continued)
1 Chicago Times, January 6, 1875 and St. Louis Daily Globe, January
8, 1875.
2 (Springfield) Illinois State Journal, March 2, 1879.
3 Indianapolis Journal, November 25 and November 30, 1876.
Pete once described the counterfeiting business as follows:
'The first thing done is preparing a plate. A skillful engraver can
cut a greenback or National Bank plate in from five to fourteen
months. These plates are valued at from $3,000 to $10,000. The
ordinary bank note paper is then procured in bulk, and the
printer then sets about his part of the task. He is obliged to go to
great expense to procure the proper chemicals, and inks, and
must be a skillful workman or he can never get the color right.
Four or five impressions are taken, the greenback being the first,
then the seal, next the green border, then the black lettering, and
finally the signatures. After each impression the paper is cured
and put in condition for the next imprint. Each step consumes
considerable time and the whole process is tedious and labori-
ous. As the work is one of expense and danger, manufacturers
print great amounts of bogus money at a time, oftentimes stock-
ing up with from $500,000 to $1,000,000 before stopping. This
work involves a cash expenditure of from $6,000 to $10,000 . "
'he real fiber, being difficult to obtain, and ... costly, it is
imitated very neatly by means of an impression upon a plate cut
for that purpose. The imitation fiber paper will deceive a superfi-
cial observer if skillfully executed. It can readily be distinguished
from the genuine with a pin, needle, or any sharp pointed instru-
ment. In the genuine, the silk fiber can be picked out readily, but
in the bogus there is none to pick out ... By the use of chemicals
every jot of color can be taken from bills of small denomination
and the faces of the larger bills substituted. These counterfeits are
the most dangerous."
Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 27
"When a large amount of counterfeit money has been printed,
cut, and prepared for circulation, the manufacturers, as a rule,
sell it in small or large packages to jobbers at from 10 to 25 cents
on the dollar. These jobbers have their trusted circle of friends to
whom they retail the contraband merchandise at an advance,
and they in turn stock the shovers, who pay from 40 to 60 cents
on the dollar for their supplies. It is very seldom that manufac-
turers or jobbers shove the queer ... It is only when a lucky
chance enables the officers to swoop down on them when they
have plates or other apparatus in their possession that cases are
made ...." Indianapolis Journal, November 30, 1876.
4 St. Louis Daily Globe, January 8, 1875.
It was said that Pete once went through the process of remov-
ing the printed name of one bank from a bill and substituting the
name of another bank for the benefit of N.C. Whitley, Chief of
the Secret Service, 1869-1874, just to show him how easy a job
it was. Chicago Times, January 1, 1875.
5 (New Orleans) Daily Picayune, March 1, 1888.
6 Chicago Times, January 6, 1875 and Indianapolis Journal, Novem-
ber 25 and November 27, 1876.
7 Indianapolis Journal, November 27, 1876.
8 Indianapolis Journal, November 25, 1876 and (Springfield) Illinois
State Register, March 22, 1879.
9 Indianapolis Journal, November 25, 1876 and Dye, John Smith,
The Government Blue Book, Philadelphia, 1880, pp. 85-86.
10 Cincinnati Commercial, August 6, 1864; St. Louis Democrat, August
8, 1864 and Washington (D.C.) Evening Star, August 8, 1864.
11 St. Louis Democrat, May 6 and August 8, 1864.
12 Information and Description of Criminals, Vol. 1, pp. 34 and 96 and
Wood, William P., letter to the Solicitor of the Treasury, dated
July 20, 1865, Register of Reports, Vol. 1, pp. 49-50, Record Group
87, Records of the United States Secret Service, National Archives.
13 Information and Description of: Criminals, Vol. 1, pp. 34, 92 and 96,
Record Group 87, Records of the United States Secret Service;
National Archives.
14 The only prisoner from St. Louis to be committed to the Old
Capital Prison was Frederick Biebush who was received on Au-
gust 14, 1864. Morning Reports of Prisoners at Old Capital Prison,
Washington, Vol. 1, p. 240, Record Group 393, Records of United
States Army Continental Commands, 1821-1920, National Ar-
chives. The moming reports of the Old Capital Prison included
in their total prisoner count prisoners at Carroll Prison. The
other prisoners could have been sent there. Morning Reports for
Carroll Prison for 1864 do not exist. Letter from DeAnne Wan-
ton, Military Reference Branch, Textual Reference Division, Na-
tional Archives, dated July 13, 1992.
John Brown was released from the Old Capital Prison on
parole on August 9, 1864. Morning Reports of Prisoners at Old
Capital Prison, Washington, Vol. 1, p. 234, Record Group 393,
Records of United States Army Continental Commands, 1821-1920,
National Archives. Two other members of the gang were John
Frisby of Nauvoo, Illinois and William Homer of St. Louis. St.
Louis Democrat, August 5, 1864. Neither was received at the Old
Capital Prison during August 1864. Morning Reports of Prisoners
at Old Capital Prison, Washington, Vol. 1, pp. 228-258, Record
Group 393, Records of United States Army Continental Commands,
1821-1920, National Archives.
The captured plates were the plates for a $5 bill on the State
Bank of Iowa; the plates for the $3 City Treasury Warrant of St.
Louis; the plates for a $2 bill on the Bank of Rutland, Vermont;
the plates for a $2 bill on the Pittsfield Bank of New Hampshire;
the plates for the $10, new issue, Treasury note, described as,
perhaps, some of the most beautiful counterfeit plates executed
in America; the plates for a $20 bill on the Bank of New Orleans;
the plates for a $20 bill on the State Bank of Tennessee; and the
plates for a $10 bill on the Bank of Louisville. St. Louis Democrat,
August 5, 1864.
15 Indianapolis Daily Journal, August 4, 1864. None of the lohnsons
were received at the Old Capital Prison during August, 1864.
Morning Reports of Prisoners at Old Capital Prison, Washington,
Vol. I, pp. 228-258, Record Group 393, Records of United States
Army Continental Commands, 1821-1920, National Archives. Ap-
parently, Ira Johnson procured the release of himself, his father,
his brother and his sister by surrendering the $20 plates. See St.
Louis Republican, January 24, 1879.
The United States twenty-dollar greenback required four differ-
ent plates, the first of which worked the whole face of the note
except the red star and the figure "two" and the cypher near the
center of the bill. The second plate was designed to fill in the
large "two" and the cypher near the center of the bill and also
some other smaller work. The third plate, and the last necessary
to complete the face of the bill, was for the red star on the right
side of the bill. The fourth plate was used to finish the work on
the back of the bill. After the press work, the bill was put through
another process, called the "sweating process," to modify the
color of the ink, soften the paper and prepare the bill for market.
St. Louis Democrat, August 5, 1864.
16 Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, August 6, 1864; Cincinnati Daily Com-
mercial, August 6, 1864 and Washington (D.C.) Evening Star,
August 11, 1864.
The prisoners were Pete Cune, Joseph Geiser, Benjamin Dean,
William Minser, James Ross, Edward Sasser, Timothy Thomas
and William Wallace. Morning Reports of Prisoners at Old Capital
Prison, Washington, Vol. 1, p. 233, Record Group 393, Records of
United States Army Continental Commands, 1821-1920, National
17 St. Louis Democrat, August 8, 1864 and Cincinnati Enquirer, August
8, 1864.
18 Cincinnati Enquirer, August 8, 1864; St. Louis Democrat, August 8,
1864; Washington (D.C.) Evening Star, August 8, 1864; and (Spring-
field) Illinois State Register, December 17, 1870.
Louis Dolman of Cincinnati escaped at the same time. St. Louis
Democrat, August 30, 1864.
19 Wood, William P., Report of Operations Previous to July, 1865,
dated July 20, 1865, Letters Received from the Secret Service Division,
1865-1895, Record Group 206, Records of the Solicitor of the Trea-
sury, National Archives.
20 Wood, William P., Report to the Solicitor of the Treasury, dated
December 31, 1864, Register of Reports, Vol. 1, p. 3, Record
Group 87, Records of the United States Secret Service, National
21 Thirteen in New York, thirty-three in Pennsylvania, three in Del-
aware, one in Maryland, eight in Kentucky, three in Tennessee,
forty-one in Ohio, thirty-one in Indiana, two in Michigan, twen-
ty-seven in Illinois, fifty-two in Missouri, five in Iowa and two in
Kansas. Wood, William P., Report of Operations Previous to July,
1865, dated July 20, 1865, Letters Received from the Secret Service
Division, 1865-1895, Record Group 206, Records of the Solicitor of
the Treasury, National Archives.
22 Ibid.
23 St. Louis Democrat, January 9, 1866 and St. Louis Republican, Jan-
uary 9, 1866.
The St. Louis Republican noted that the counterfeit $50 Treasury
note appeared to have been printed on the original plates, as
none but the best judges of the genuine could detect its falsity or
distinguish it from that issued at Washington. St. Louis Republi-
can, January 8, 1866.
24 St. Louis Republican, January 11, 1866.
25 (Springfield) Illinois State Journal, August 25 and October 18,
26 July, 1866 Report of Operative C.H. Ruby, Register of Reports, Vol. 1,
p. 407, Record Group 87, Records of the United States Secret Service,
National Archives.
27 August, 1866 Report of Operative C.H. Ruby, Register of Reports, Vol.
1, p. 458, Records Group 87, Records of the United States Secret
Service, National Archives.
Page 28 Paper Money Whole No. 163
28 St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 26, 1875.
29 September, 1866 Report of William P. Wood, Chief of Division,
Register of Reports, Vol. 1, p. 522, Record Group 87, Records of the
United States Secret Service, National Archives.
30 August, 1866 Report of William P. Wood, Chief of Division, Register
of Reports, Vol. 1, p. 482, Record Group 87, Records of the United
States Secret Service, National Archives.
31 (Springfield) Illinois State Register, December 17, 1870 and St.
Louis Daily Globe, January 8, 1875.
32 (Springfield) Illinois State Journal, October 18, 1866, Chicago Tri-
bune, October 18, 1866 and (Springfield) Illinois State Register,
November 28, 1870.
33 (Springfield) Daily Illinois State Register, November 28, 1870 and
March 22, 1879 and (Springfield, Illinois) Daily State Journal,
November 28, November 30 and December 17, 1870.
34 (Springfield, Illinois) Daily State Journal, November 30 and De-
cember 17, 1870, (Springfield) Daily Illinois State Register, Decem-
ber 17, 1870 and March 22, 1879.
No doubt the man who aided McCartney was Sam Felker, a
Chicago detective, who had a reputation as a complete scoun-
drel. See for example, Bumham, George P., Memoirs of the United
States Secret Service, Boston, 1872, pp. 136-143 and Whitley,
H.C., In It, Cambridge, 1894, pp. 305-307. He was even involved
in a conspiracy to kill Detective Allan Pinkerton. New York Times,
August 5 and August 24, 1869.
35 (Springfield) Daily Illinois State Register, December 17, 1870 and
Indianapolis Journal, November 27, 1876.
36 Whitley, H.C., In It, Cambridge, 1894, pp. 270-271.
37 (Springfield) Daily Illinois State Register, December 17, 1870.
38 Louisville Courier Journal, November 5, 1870 and St. Louis Daily
Times, November 27, 1870.
39 Louisville Courier Journal, November 13, 1870.
40 November, 1870 report of Operative John Eagan, Register of Reports,
Vol. 5., p. 75, Record Group 87, Records of the United States Secret
Service, National Archives.
41 Cincinnati Commercial, May 4, 1871.
42 Cincinnati Daily Gazette, November 22 and December 1, 1870.
43 Cincinnati Daily Gazette, December 1, 1870.
44 Cincinnati Daily Gazette, December 1, 1870 and Cincinnati Com-
mercial, May 4, 1871.
45 Cincinnati Daily Gazette, November 28, 1870.
46 Cincinnati Commercial, May 4, 1871.
47 November, 1870 report of Operative John Eagan, Register of Reports,
Vol. 5, pp. 76-77, and November 1870 report of Operative Thomas
Lonergart, Register of Reports, Vol. 5, p. 78, Record Group 87,
Records of the United States Secret Service; Bangs, George, undated
letter to Allan Pinkerton, George Bangs Letter Book, p. 150, Library
of Congress; (Springfield) Daily Illinois State Register, November
28, 1870 and (Springfield, Illinois) Daily State Journal, November
28, 1870.
48 St. Louis Daily Times, November 27, 1870 and St. Louis Missouri
Republican, November 27, 1870.
49 (Springfield, Illinois) Daily State Journal, November 30, 1870.
50 December, 1870 report of Operative Thomas Lonergan, Register of
Reports, Vol. 5, p. 104; December, 1870 report of Operative William
Applegate, Register of Reports, Vol. 5, p. 112, Record Group 87,
Records of the United States Secret Service, National Archives and
(Springfield) Daily Illinois State Register, December 13 and De-
cember 14, 1870.
51 (Springfield) Daily Illinois State Register, December 17, 1870.
52 Louisville Commercial, February 27, 1871.
53 St. Louis Republican, June 2, 1875 and St. Louis Daily Times, June 2,
The plates for these bills were engraved by Ben Boyd. St. Louis
Globe-Democrat, October 20, 1875 and St. Louis Missouri Republi-
can, May 29, 1882.
54 Bowen, Walter S. and Harry Edward Neal, the United States Secret
Service, Philadelphia, Chilton, 1960, pp. 150-151; New York
Herald, April 15, 1875 and Closing Argument of the Hon. A.G.
Riddle for the Prosecution at the Trial of Hiram C. Whitley, Richard
Harrington and Arthur B. Williams for Conspiracy, Washington,
Government Printing Office, 1874.
55 New York World, March 26, 1875, New York Herald, March 26,
1875 and New York Times, March 26, 1875.
Mason was a genuine rogue. He was a Confederate spy during
the Civil War and one of the men who forced their way into
Secretary of State Seward's house on the night that President
Lincoln was assassinated and tried to murder the Secretary. He
was tried and sentenced to life in prison. His sentence was com-
muted to deportation by President Johnson. In 1865 he went to
Canada where he was arrested fifty-two times and convicted for-
ty-eight times, over a period of about eight years, for assault,
drunk and disorderly, carrying dangerous weapons, assault with
a pistol, assault with a knife, contempt of court, trespass, theft,
burglary, perjury, libel and more. New York Times, March 20 and
May 9, 1875, New York Herald, March 20, 1875 and Drummond,
Andrew L., True Detective Stories, New York, 1908, pp. 174-176.
56 Philadelphia Bulletin, March 6, 1875; New York World, March 26,
1875; New York Times, March 26, 1875; and New York Herald,
March 26 and April 15, 1875.
57 Chicago Times, January 6 and January 16, 1875; New York World,
March 26, 1875; New York Herald, March 26 and April 15, 1875;
and St. Louis Daily Times, May 9, 1875.
JACOB OTT (Continued from page 13)
Chief lames J. Brooks headed the Secret Service until 1888.
He had served under five presidents and nine Secretaries of
the Treasury. So popular was he that when he submitted his
resignation in 1885 no one would accept it. Even in 1888 his
application for retirement was accepted only if he agreed to
stay on as a consultant with the title "Operative Special Agent."
Brooks did so and served with distinction until 1893.
His successor as Chief, John S. Bell, was not so lucky.
Counterfeiting had not been completely stamped out and
Bell asked for more money to meet the challenge. When
funds were denied he became insistent that the Secretary of
the Treasury do something. The Secretary finally got tired of
Bell's demands and fired him. Brooks was asked to come
back but he refused. The office of Chief of the Secret Service
was not filled until seven months later.
John S. Dye wrote his biography of Jacob Ott in 1879, the
same year Ott went to prison. He ended his story with this
paragraph written in the flowery style of that era:
"Thus, in still another case, the law triumphed through the
faithfulness of its officers, and still again another fearful warn-
ing is given against the perversion of skill and industry to the
service of crime. The offense of Jacob Ott has been great and
punishment severe, but just; yet for him there is hope. May
his first term in the prison of the State be his last punish-
ment, and his skill, honestly used in free labor, yet benefit to
some extent the country he has so greatly injured -whose
hospitality he has so outrageously and criminally imposed
Dye, John S. (1880). The Government Blue Book, A Complete History of the
Lives of all the Great Counterfeiters, Criminal Engravers and Plate
Printers, Philadelphia.
Excerpts front the History of the United States Secret Service, 1865-1975.
(1978). U.S. Treasury Department, Washington, DC.
r. ,WV VI
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Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 29
"A (Saw) Buck
A (Saw) Buck"
LLUSTRATED is a First Charter Original Series counterfeit
$10 note purportedly issued by The Mechanics National
Bank of New York. This particular counterfeit was pro-
duced from an engraved plate with portions of the title area left
blank, so it could be used to print notes with different titles.
Most national banks at the time this plate was engraved (late
1860s) employed titles such as "The (bank name) National
Bank of (City Name), so this format would provide the coun-
terfeiters many titles to choose from.
There are several First Charter Original Series counterfeit
notes that were produced for banks that did not exist, but the
vast majority of counterfeit notes were imitations of genuine
notes from existing banks.
In the case of this particular counterfeit, the counterfeiters
simply inserted the word "Mechanics" for the bank name, and
"New York" in scrip at the left, and in block letters in and below
the obligation. But this created an error on the notes, easily no-
ticed by people who routinely handled money, and it wasn't
very long before this note was listed in the various counterfeit
detectors and bank note reporters of the day. The counterfeit
reads 'The Mechanics National Bank of New York," but the ac-
tual title of the bank, as employed on its genuine notes, was
'The Mechanics National Bank OF THE CITY of New York!'
We can only speculate as to why the counterfeiters used an
incorrect title—either they didn't bother to check the bank's ac-
tual title, or they didn't think the average person would recog-
nize the difference. Whatever the reason, one thing is
certain—this note saw quite a bit of circulation. As can be seen
in the illustration, the note is virtually a "rag," with a multitude
of splits from being folded and used. What may be difficult to
see in the illustration is that this note has been extensively
reinforced—with at least two kinds of tape—and probably at
different times in its life. The word "Bad" is written on the face
of the note, in pencil, but the words can only be seen upon very
close examination.
We know that counterfeit notes of this specific bank were
placed in circulation in the late 1860s or early 1870s, because
they are listed in the publications previously mentioned. Many
counterfeit and genuine national bank notes of this period are
found in truly wretched condition, because the original Na-
tional Bank Acts of the 1860s failed to provide a method for
removing worn notes from circulation and replacing them
with new notes. The National Bank Redemption Agency was
not established until 1874, due in part to the public complaints
about the "filthy notes" in circulation.
It's anybody's guess where this note traveled as it passed from
hand to hand, but we can pick up its story in 1908. On April
18th of that year, the Assistant Cashier of The First National
Bank of Boston sent it to the Hadley Falls National Bank of
Hadley Falls, Massachusetts, along with the following letter:
We beg to send you herewith counterfeit $10 bill which we have
[found] in package of currency which was shipped by you recently
together with strap which enclosed the same.
We are charging this to your account and trust that it will be
agreeable to you.
The strap mentioned has the following inscription written on
it, in ink: "Natl, 80 tens 20 fives!' On the other side of the strap
is written in pencil, "Hadley
Falls!' Obviously the Hadley
Falls National Bank sent $100
in national currency, com-
posed of eight $10 notes and
four $5 notes, to The First Na-
tional Bank of Boston, its cor-
respondent bank. It's also a
good bet that the person at
The First National Bank of
Boston who discovered that
the note was counterfeit la-
beled it "Bad:' (The letter itself
presents an interesting error
on the part of the assistant
cashier of The First National Bank of Boston. The Hadley Falls
National Bank was located in Holyoke, not Hadley Falls. The
Hadley Falls National Bank's original correspondent in Boston
was the National Bank of Redemption, but it was absorbed by
The First National Bank in 1901. We can assume that The First
National Bank of Boston maintained the absorbed bank's rela-
tionship with The Hadley Falls National Bank. Even so, seven
years later The First National Bank of Boston didn't know exactly
where The Hadley Falls National Bank of Holyoke was located.)
The Hadley Falls National Bank surely returned the note to
the person from whom they received it, and we don't know if
the note was in turn passed backwards from there. But on the
back of the letter from The First National Bank of Boston
someone has written: "Carrie, This is the bill you gave me from
the old trunk. RCW"
It's possible that this counterfeit note was stashed away for
many years in an old trunk. We do know that a severe depres-
sion began in 1907, and the most likely story is that whoever
had this note had a good reason to use it. Whether the owner
knew, or suspected, it was a counterfeit, we'll never know. But
we can surmise that, in either case, he or she figured "A
(saw)buck is a (saw)buck'
In Memoriam
Hank Bieciuk, SPMC #1
On 26 October 1992 we lost Henry R. "Hank" Bieciuk,
SPMC charter-member 1. A resident of Dallas, Texas,
Hank was born in New York City on 1 December 1992.
He received his B.A. in Psychology from Washington
University in St. Louis. For many years Hank dispensed
his expertise as salesman, account executive, manager
and director in the field of graphic arts. Hank is survived
by his children and wife Opal. We wish to extend our
condolences as well as our gratitude to them for the con-
tribution Hank made as a founder of our society.
(The following words were sent by Hank Bieciuk, and
were scheduled for publication in this issue as part of
"Meet Your Charter Members")
In 1960 at the Boston ANA
Convention, a group of
currency collectors met
and decided to try and
form an organization for
paper money only. It was
then decided that this
effort would take place in
Atlanta the following year.
We met again in Atlanta
in 1961, at the home of
Blaise Dantone, an Atlanta attorney. Our needs and
desires were cussed and discussed at length, but no one
charged forward to grab the reins and lead the charge. I
had come to Atlanta to introduce my book on Texas cur-
rency, and suddenly my name was suggested and the
nominations ceased! At that point, I was elected presi-
dent and editor of a non-existent organization and pub-
lication by acclamation. Lo and behold, SPMC was born.
Amongst the duties of this new creation was the as-
signment of charter membership numbers, the creation
of a magazine, the publishing of it, finding contributors
of articles, etc. Since I had full-time employment and
wrote a weekly column for Coin World, things were a bit
hectic. Somehow, the magazine and I both survived for
approximately two years when another editor took over.
I am quite certain that during this time some toes were
stepped upon and some egos were bruised. Such things
do happen, and we were no different than anyone else.
Be that as it may, many deserved recognition during this
period. Who was the "founding father" of the Society of
Paper Money Collectors? That is very difficult to answer!
All I can say is "that's the way it was!'
Page 30 Paper Money Whole No. 163
Passed Austin M.Sheheen
The World Paper Show in St. Louis is now history. It was indeed
a very fine event. My own observation is that it was probably the
first or second best St. Louis Show ever. The attendance, auction,
exhibits, and educational forum were outstanding. We are lucky
to now have both Memphis and St. Louis shows so well estab-
Your Board met for several hours and worked very hard with
a complicated agenda. We now have a new Wismer Project Di-
rector, Steve Whitfield, and look forward to resuming our pub-
lishing activities. Thank you Steve for accepting this position. You
have always been a credit to our hobby and we look forward to
new goals under your leadership.
The Board has proposed a by-law revision regarding the
number of board members. Presently we have 15 governors, 4
officers who do not have to come from the Board, and one past
president. This is a total of 20 members and sometimes causes
a problem in having a quorum. We are proposing a change to
12 members, from which the officers will be selected, plus the
past president for a total of 13. It would be accomplished by
electing 4 new Board members for the next 3 years instead of
5 and amending the By-Laws to require the officers to be chosen
from among those Board members elected by the membership.
The call for nominations for the next year will be found in this
issue. Please consider running for a seat on the Board if you are
so inclined to actively participate. I encourage each of you to
make your presence felt.
The first 10 years of PAPER MONEY has been indexed. Flow-
ever we do need to have an index for the remaining years. If
anyone would like to volunteer for this job, just let me know and
we can provide the needed assistance.
The financial report and minutes of the Board Meeting will
be published each year after our meetings. Look for them in a
future issue and ask any questions that might be raised.
When you read this column, Christmas will already be over,
although it is written before Thanksgiving. I hope your year in
the hobby and your cherished family holidays have been holy
and happy.
donating a subscription
your college alma mater,
local historical society
or library.
New Literature
The Wonderful World of Paper Money by Neil Shafer. Published
by the PCDA, P.O. Box 573, Milwaukee, WI 53201. Copies are
available from any PCDA member for $1, by mail $2. This
49-page booklet is the second in a series to be published by the
PCDA providing new and potential collectors with basic infor-
mation on how to collect various types of paper money.
Printed on high quality paper with colored covers, this pro-
fusely illustrated booklet describes the many different ways to
collect paper money. There is a list of selected definitions.
The PCDA is to be praised for creating this series.
Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 31
Proofs Available from
Study Group
Eagle enlarged by 35%.
A group studying the work of Canada's master intaglio portrait
engraver, Yves Basil, has been formed. Baril has engraved over
200 postage stamps and banknotes including the U.S. 35-cent
Chavez stamp and the new $1 Bahamian Christopher Colum-
bus banknote. A listing of Baril's work and his biography is cur-
rently being formed. Intaglio engraving was at its height of
popularity in the mid-19th century but today there are only a
few dozen of these artists working. A similar group, studying
the work of portrait engraver Czelaw Slania, was formed several
years ago. If you are interested in becoming part of our group
send a legal-size SASE. To commemorate the inception of our
group three different intaglio proofs by Baril are being offered.
1) Baril's version of the Eagle perched on Rock vignette. The
original Great Eagle engraved by Alfred Jones appears on
the extremely rare 1861 $50 interest-bearing treasury note
and in 1983 the Plate Printers Union used another ver-
sion of it, along with six other eagles, on their scarce
Balpex spider press proof. Baril engraved his name in the
base of the steel die to distinguish it from the original.
2) Baril's Mexican scene was a proposed design, or essai, for
the back of the 1969 five peso Mexican banknote.
3) Baril's Cargo on the Levee vignette pictures a barrel, bales
and ingots on a dock, with a sailing ship and a steam ship
in the background.
These intaglio proofs were printed on 8x6" acid-free stock
by security printer Borman Engraving of Cincinnati. Each
hand-fed proof is taken from Baril's original hand-engraved
steel die. There were 2,500 black proofs of each of the three vi-
gnettes and 1,000 sets of five color proofs were printed of each
vignette. Black proofs are $5 each and sets of five color proofs
are $25. Please add $1 to each order for postage. Make checks
payable to Yves Baril Study Group, c/o John Denune, 234 E.
Broadway, Granville, OH 43023. (614) 587-0276.
Meet Your Charter Members
Clyde F. Mackewiz
I am retired from the field of lithography. My hobbies are col-
lecting U.S. currency 1861-1923, and U.S. obsolete notes in
pristine or uncirculated condition. I am also a member of the
Currency Club of Chester County, a past member of the ANA,
and a past member of the Western Pennsylvania Numismatic
One of the greatest sins of the research or literary world is the
pride of authorship. Here are two of my stories that were sub-
mitted to the SPMC: "Bank of North America—Romance of a
Bank Note" (1966, Whole Number 20); "Names—and Banks"
(1968, Whole Number 28).
People—honored ladies and gentlemen—I have been privi-
leged to know: A. Bebee and his lovely wife Adeline, Amon
Carter, Robert Friedberg, David Bullowa, Charles Wormser,
Frank Sprinkle, Louis Werner, Hank Bieciuk and Barbara
Mueller (the last two mentioned were very active in the forma-
tive years of the Society). Lest I forget, the above mentioned
Louis Werner was my mentor and paper money confidant.
I started this letter as a thumb-nail sketch, and before it be-
comes a palm print I'll put a (-30-) to my writing.
Floyd 0. Janney
I hold Membership No. 38 of
the Society of Paper Money
Collectors, have been a Col-
lector/Dealer since 1935, am
ANA Life Member 415 and am
President/Owner of Universal
Numismatics Corporation,
which has been incorporated
since 1966. Over the years I
have contributed information
to the Red Book, the Blue Book,
and Hickman & Oakes' Stan-
dard Catalog of National Bank
Notes Second Edition. I'm proud to be the owner of the Wau-
kesha Red Seal National Bank Note charter #249 which ap-
pears on the cover of the above edition.
I served as an Instructor and Coordinator with the Wis-
consin Vocational & Technical College until retirement in 1979.
I have a Ph.D. Degree from Carroll College, Waukesha, Wis-
consin and a MA from Columbia University, New York City. I
was a long-time resident of Wisconsin, 1917-1983, hence my
interest in rare Wisconsin national bank notes, and have relo-
cated to Tucson, Arizona. My paper money interest started in
Waukesha in 1946, when an old-time collector showed me his
collection of national bank notes.
I like to look at paper money and enjoy the beautiful works
of art.
Paper Money Whole No. 163Page 32
Ronald Horstman
P.O. Box 6011
St. Louis, MO 63139
oP mar
8300 Earl H. Bennett, P.O. Box 151, Genesee, ID 83832; C.
8301 Jerry Ellington, 6450 E. Via Arboles, Anaheim, CA
92807-4219; C, Obsolete & CA & NY lg. size Nat. BN.
Barry Rock, 81-15 156 Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11414-2321; C,
postage & frac. currency.
8303 James E. Kenney, 436 Colfax Rd., Havertown, PA 19083-1315;
8304 Gordon E Raspe, 492 Knickerbocker Rd., Creskill, NJ 07626;
8305 Peter Cardone, P.O. Box 7161, Hicksville, NY 11802; C, U.S.
8306 Willard D. Reeves, Jr., 500-H Wiloaks Dr., Snellville, GA
30278; C, Western checks & drafts.
8307 Robert W. Laub, 36452 Rt. 48 PO Box 1945, Southold, NY
11971-0945; C, Frac. currency.
8308 Dan M. Lesicko, 537 Trails End, Edwardsville, IL 62025; C.
8309 Bruce F. Schneider, 87 East Dunedin Rd., Columbus, 01-I
43214; C, Small-size U.S.
8310 Mario A. Fabris, 21661 Brookurst St. #149, Huntington Beach,
CA 92646; C, Chicago and Orange County CA NBN.
Joseph Maguire, Jr., 1615 Wilton Dr., Greensboro, NC 27408;
C&D, World notes.
8312 Jerry R. Sternberg, 22455 Martella Ave., Boca Raton, FL 33433;
C, Lg. & sm. size U.S. currency.
8313 Matt Laub, 120 Logan St., Lewiston, PA 17044; C, Small-size
U.S. currency.
8314 Tomasz Sluszkiewicz, P.O. Box 54521, 7398 Edmonds, Bur-
naby, B.C., Canada V3N 1A8, C&D, World & P.O.W. notes.
8315 F. Steve Taylor, 871 Graystone Dr., Columbus, GA 31904; C.
8316 Leroy M. Lenhart, P.O. Box 255, Hazleton, PA 18201; C, WWI I
8317 Joseph Shainis, 776 West St., Stroughton, MA 02072.
8318 Brian E. Cohen, 2821 119th St., Toledo, OH 43611; C, Small-
size U.S. currency.
8319 Steven Malast, 158 Bay Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10306; C, Lg.
& sm. size U.S. currency.
8320 James A. Titus, P.O. Box 92, Ash Flat, AR 72513; C, U.S. & MPC.
8321 Cora Feintuch, 4166 Gann Store Rd., Hixson, TN 37343; C,
Nat. BN.
8322 David B. Sims, 1330 St. Paul Ave., St. Paul, MN 55116 2700.
8323 Name withheld by request.
Steve Goldberg, address withheld by request.
8325 Henry Castorino, 110-05 66th Rd., Forest Hills, NY 11375; C,
U.S. & CSA notes.
8326 Sanford Weinstock, 8016 Middlebelt, Westland, MI 48185;
C&D, U.S. & Canadian notes.
8327 Sidney R. Moore, P.O. Box 57, Cohasset, MN 55721.
8328 Terry Trantow, P.O. Box 287, Bingen, WA 98605; C, Lumber
Co. scrip, Oregon obsolete & scrip notes.
8329 Philip R. Byrnes Jr., 6758 W. Calella, Las Vegas, NV 89103.
7881 Edwin Bushey, Jr., 217 Livermore Ave., Staten Island, NY
10314; C, reinstatement.
LM122 Austin M. Sheheen Jr.; conversion to life from 2207.
LM123 Michael D. Vicari, 18860 Deddar St., Fountain Valley, CA
92708-7223; C&D, U.S. currency.
LM124 Samuel G. Kosko, P.O. Box 7596, Arlington, VA 22207; Con-
version from 6974.
LM125 Carl Cochrane, 12 Pheasant Dr., Asheville, NC 28803; Conver-
sion from 3463.
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of
154 per word, with a minimum charge of $3.75. The primary purpose of the ads
is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized mate-
rial and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy
must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to
the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, P.O.
Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 by the first of the month preceding the month of
issue (i.e. Dec. 1 for Jan./Feb. issue). Word count: Name and address will count
as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials
count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of
the same copy. Sample ad and word count.
WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade
for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last
St., New York, N.Y. 10015.
(22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each)
OHIO NATIONALS WANTED. Send list of any you have. Also want
Lowell, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan, O'Neill. Lowell Yoder, 419-865-5115, P.O.B.
444, Holland, OH 43528. (163)
FIRST CHARTER NATIONALS WANTED, all denominations from $1
thru $100, also want Michigan nationals thru $100 denomination and
large and small-size U.S. type notes, serial number I," 11111111 thru
99999999 and 100000000. Buying and paying collector prices. Jack H.
Fisher, 3123, Bronson Blvd., Suite A, Kalamazoo, MI 49008. (163)
Washington DC notes, want to record charter, denom., type and serial
numbers. If note is for sale please let me know, by including price and
condition. Special interest in Ch. Nos. 26, 526, 627, 682, 875, 1893,
2358, 2382, 4195, 4244, 4247, 4522, 7936, 10825. Bob Bolduc, 9350F
Snowden River Parkway, Suite 238, Columbia, MD 21045. (163)
SIZE ERRORS. Want to buy any quantity, any condition, and however
slight the error. Send your list with your asking price. 1.B. Gandy, 2716,
3A Waterford Way, Midlothian, VA 23112. (163)
Rye, Mount Kisco, Hastings, Croton on Hudson, Pelham, Somers, Har-
rison, Ossining, Yonkers, White Plains, Irvington, Peekskill, Bronxville,
Ardsley, Crestwood, New Rochelle, Elmsford, Scarsdale, Larchmont,
Port Chester, Tuckahoe. Send photocopy; price. Frank Levitan, 4 Crest
Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538, (914) 834-6249. (163)
OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful certificates
$4.95. Also buy! Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, Calif. 94011. Phone
(415) 566-6400. (182)
COLLECTION: to buy, trade or sell, mail your list; FAX or phone (818)
841-8936, Phil De Rosa, 848 N. Avon,
Burbank, CA 91505. (164)
STOCK CERTIFICATE LIST SASE. Specials: 100 different $31; five lots
$130. 20 different railroad stocks, mostly picturing trains, $30; five lots
$125. Satisfaction guaranteed. Always buying. Clinton Hollins, Box
112P, Springfield, VA 22150. (172)
WANTED. Ronald Horstman, Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139. (A)
WANTED: JERSEY CITY, NJ NATIONALS and other bank-related ma-
terial including checks, passbooks, bank histories, bank stocks, and
bank postcards. Michael G. Kotora, 37 College Dr., Apt. 3G, Jersey City,
NY 07305. (A)
* * BUY SELL * *
Ray Anthony
9715 Santa Monica Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
310-859-8097 * FAX 310-859-7938
Send $5.00 for our 50 page plus
catalog! Mailed First Class.
The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money
by Gene Hessler
hardbound (limited supply) $39.95
softbound 29.95
Prisoner of War and Concentration Camp Money
by Lance Campbell
hardbound (limited supply) 30.00
softbound 25.00
Confederate Currency
by Grover Criswell 40.00
also for your consideration:
US. Essay Proof and Specimen Notes by Hessler . . . 19.50
An Illustrated History of U.S. Loans by Hessler ...
(very limited supply)
Military Payment Certificates by Schwan
(2nd edition) 20.00
Order now. Send your personal check for prompt shipment.
Include $3.00 per order (not per book) for shipping. You may
also call or FAX your order and we will bill you for the
BNR Press
132 E. Second St. • Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115
(419) 732-NOTE (6683) (9am-10pm Eastern
If no answer use (419) 734-6683)
FAX (419) 732-6683 (after 10 rings)
32784 (904) 483-1378
LM-120 ANA 640 FUN LM90
Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 33
COLLECTION. Looking for any material pertaining to Whitehall, New
York including nationals, obsoletes, city scrip, private scrip, advertising
notes, bank histories, etc. Jeff Sullivan, P.O.B. 895, Manchester, MO
63011. (163)
PAPER MONEY ISSUES WANTED to complete a set: Vol. 2, No. 1
Winter 1973; Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 1963. Robert R. Moon, P.O. Box 81,
Kinderhook, NY 12106. (A)
WANTED: Information on 1907 clearinghouse certs. from all states.
Send photocopy and price if for sale. T.W. Sheehan, P.O. Box 14, Seattle,
WA 98111-0014; (206) 999-3607. (A)
Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011. (A)
WANTED: Information on 1907 clearinghouse certificates from all
states. Send photocopy and price if for sale. Tom Sheehan, P.O. Box 14,
Seattle, WA 98111-0014 (206) 999-3607. (A)
WANTED: Schoharie Co., NY; Columbia Co., PA; Ducor and Sonoma,
CA nationals for personal collection. George Decker, P.O. Box 2238,
Umatilla, FL 32784 (904) 483-1378. (166)
Draper, Toppan, Fairman, RWH, RWHE, Ormsby, Continental BNCo,
ABNCo, etc. Buying all vignette or engraving sample sheets for my per-
sonal collection. Michael 1. Sullivan, P.O. Box 32131, Cincinnati, OH
45232. (164)
PAPER MONEY back issues for sale or trade. Various issues 1965
(Whole No. 13) to date available. Write for free list. Ken Barr, P.O. Box
32541, San Jose, CA 95152. (164)
needs photos, good clear xerox copies or descriptions of Georgia notes
not in Haxby or Criswell books. Also Georgia merchants-company
change bill issues, even if after the Civil War, any city-county issues, sut-
ler military issues, or any uncut sheets. All histories of banks, compa-
nies and others have been completed. Material will be acknowledged
in book. CARL A. ANDERSON, 710 Peachtree St., NE, Apt 1129, At-
lanta, GA 30308, 404-892-3494 after 6 PM or leave message on
answering machine. (164)
sauken Township National Bank of N. Merchantville (NJ). Also
looking for large Camden, NJ nationals for expanding collection. Con-
tact John Ciafrani, 2357 Hillcrest Ave., Pennsauken, NJ 08110.
LITERATURE WANTED: Buying Counterfeit Detectors, Bank Histo-
ries, BEP Vignette & Portrait Presentation Books, Anything on Bank-
note Engraving, Important Paper Money References for my personal
collection. Michael Sullivan, PO Box 32131, Cincinnati, OH 45232.
the best prices
for your paper money.
„. o with
the world's
most successful
auction company—
Auctions by Bowers and
Merena, Inc. When you consign
your collection or individual important
items, you go with a firm with an
unequaled record of success!
ver the years we
have handled some
of the most important
paper money collections
ever to be sold.
Along the way our auctions have
garnered numerous price records for
our consignors. Indeed, many of our
sales establish new price records on an
ongoing basis.
hinking of selling
your collection or de-
sirable individual notes?
Right now we are accepting con-
signments for our next several New
York City and Los Angeles sales, or our
annual Florida United Numismatists
sale. Your call to Dr. Richard Bagg, Di-
rector of Auctions, at l-800-458-4646
will bring complete information con-
cerning how you can realize the best
price for your currency, in a trans-
action which you, like thousands of
others, will find to be profitable and
hat we have
done for others,
we can do for you.
Telephone Dr. Richard Bagg
today, or use the coupon
provided. Either way, it may be
the most profitable move you have
ever made!
Dear Rick Bagg:
PM 1/2 -93
Please tell me how I can include my paper
money in an upcoming auction. I understand
that all information will he kept confidential.
; I am thinking about selling. Please contact me.
NoteThis "Second Charter Period" $20 National Bank
grading Fine to Very Fine sold for a phenomenal
$5,500 in one of our recent sales.
pns by Bowers and Merena, Inc.
Box 1224 • Wolfeboro, NH 03894
V-Toll-free: 1-800-458-4646/ In NH: 1-603-569-5095/ Fax: 1-603-569-5319
Page 34
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Paper Money Whole No. 163 Page 35
' I .'
, '1 i)1 1 1, I, 11 ,, , r e •1 1.1. , • 1 ,
• [1 , 1 I. „ , , , 1
• •
t ,URINIENZ inc.
(718) 268.3221
Charter Member
20th Annual Show
Pleasant St., Rt. 32
Willimantic, Conn.
Sun., March 7, 1993
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
50 Dealers
Bourse & Exhibit
Public invited - Free Admission
The "biggest"
coin and
paper money
show in
New England
50 50
Paper Money Whole No. 163Page 3 6
We maintain the
q Colonial Coins q Portfolio
Colonial Currency
Rare & Choice Type q
Coins Coverage c/o Dana Linett
q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction
q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 q
"This is the Place" /
for PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS in the Northeast to get
a jump on the Convention Season. Join us again this year
for the largest gathering of Paper Money Dealers and
Collectors in the New York/New England Area.
1. NASCA DIV. R.M. SMYTHE—Stocks, Bonds, Obsolete Paper Money 11. RINATS—Rhode Island Nationals, Other U.S.
2. DENLY'S OF BOSTON—All U.S. and Obsolete 12.
3. MONEY MUNDUS—U.S. Large and Small Size Paper Money
4. CLAUD MURPHY—Confederate and Southern Paper Money
5. NUMISVALU—U.S. Large and Small, Nationals and Obsoletes
6. R.I. BALBATON (Doric Coins & Currency)—Lg. & Sm. U.S. Currency, 15.
Coins 16.
7. CHRISTIAN BLOM—U.S. Obsolete Paper Money
8. RaBENCO—Fractional, U.S., Nationals, Etc.
9. KENNETH ELWELL—Rare U.S. Paper Money, Coins
10. ROGER DURAND—Odd Denomination Notes, Obsoletes
ROBERT VLACK—Colonial, Obsolete, Foreign Paper & Coins
CHINA LAKE COINS & CURRENCY—All Paper Money, U.S. & Foreign
COLONY COIN—Collector Coins and Paper Money
SILVER CITY COIN—U.S. Obsoletes, Coins & Tokens
ZINKUS & REED—MI Foreign Currency
MARILEE SAGER—Fiscal Paper, Ephemera, Foreign & U.S.
ROBERT PETRUCELLI—Confederate Currency
WILLIAM KRACOV—Foreign Currency, U.S. Obsoletes
BILL AQUILINO—Paper, Medals, Tokens, Worlds Fair Ephemera
. Plus 30 other Paper Money, Coin, Token and Ephemera Dealers . . .
Reconstructed sheet of Rawlins, WY
Uncut pair of Second Charter Period notes. Date Back, Lyons-
Roberts. Blue seal. The Rawlins National Bank, Wyoming. Average
VF to EF. The sheet is comprised of an uncut pair: $10 note,
F-545, S-793 and a $20 note F-555, S-845, and two $10 notes. The
face is attractive with minor tattering along the margin. Back shows
some light soiling along the folds. Bank president's signature is clear,
cashier's is faint. Second Charter notes of Wyoming are scarce and
highly sought-after by the advanced collector. Approximately $5,000
in large-size notes from this bank were outstanding as of July 1935.
Charter No. 5143. In plexiglas holder.
Ken Hallenbeck is past president of the ANA and an avid collector of odd &
curious money, credit cards, Colorado tokens and paper money, stock and
bond certificates, and will consider a trade for all or part of the sheet.
Iiita6W. (SIM' tilgyjri
eiv.mgo vo_on
L. 541Q
••=f1i.111 t a
Arkansas Obsolete Notes & Script, Rothert $22 Territorials—US Territorial National Bank Notes, Huntoon $20
Florida, Cassidy (Ind nails & obsolete) $29 Vermont Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Coulter $20
Indiana Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Wolka $22 National Bank Notes, I lickman & Oakes 2nd ed $95
Indian Territory/Oklahoma/Kansas Obsolete Notes & Scrip,
Burgett and Whitfield $20
US Obsolete Rank Notes 1782-1866, Haxby 4 vol
Early Paper Money of America, 3rd ed., Newman
Iowa Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Oakes $20 Depression Scrip of the US 1930s $27
Minnesota Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Rockholt $20 World Paper Money 6th ed., general issues $49
Pennsylvania Obsolete Notes & Scrip, I loober $35 World Paper Money 6th ed., specialized issues $55
North Carolina Obsolete Notes, Pennell rpm. $10 Confederate & Southern States Bonds, Criswell $25
Rhode Island & The Providence Plantations Obsolete Confederate States Paper Money, Slabaugh $9
Notes Scrip, Durand $25 Civil War Sutler Tokens & Cardboard Scrip, Schenkman $27
10% off on five or more books • Non-SPMC members add: $3 for one book, $5 for two books, $7 for three or more books
CLASSIC COINS — P.O. Box 95—Allen, MI 49227
P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET. N.Y 10954
(914) 352-9077
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Page 37
If you are selling a single note or an entire col-
lection, you will be pleased with our fair offer
(Selling too! Write for free catalog.)
Subject to our inventory requirements
we need the following:
U.S. Large Size Notes
U.S. Encased Postage
All Military Currency Souvenir Cards
U.S. Fractional Currency
National Bank Notes
Colonial Currency
U.S. Small Size Currency
Ship With Confidence or Write
We pay more for scarce or rare notes.
(702) 265-6614
FAX (702) 265-7266
Box 3689
Carson City, NV 89702
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small,
Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer-
tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve
Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial,
Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks,
Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List ... or ...
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503
Million Dollar
Buying Spree
Lg. & Sm. Type
Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Coins
Stamps • Gold • Silver
Platinum • Antique Watches
Political Items • Postcards
Baseball Cards • Masonic Items
Hummels • Doultons
Nearly Everything Collectible
399 S. State Street - Westerville, OH 43081
1-800-848-3966 outside Ohio
Life Member
C!Q 1:11135
EST 1960
PO Box 30369
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Page 38 Paper Money Whole No. 163
.;174 E mot.
;4114 ^(A1r1 4. did• e
x74 is Q:
P.O. BOX 1296P
LEWISTON, NY 14092-1296
(416) 468-2312
LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. #1995 C.N.A. #143 C.P.M.S. #11
Please offer what you have for sale.
Charles C. Parrish
P.O. Box 481
Rosemount, Minnesota 55068
(612) 423-1039
SPMC 7456 - PCDA - LM ANA Since 1976
•,=.1 ;if
4 Serles
by Roger H. Durand
This book contains over 200 pages of interesting facts about United
States territorial expansion and the obsolete bank notes and scrip
that were issued during those developing years. It has numerous
photographs of rare territorial notes, scrip, checks, and other types
of fiscal paper. Well over 1000 notes are recorded in this work.
You will receive a complete refund if you are not satisfied for any
$28.95 pp
Order from your favorite dealer or from the author:
P.O. Box 186ROGER H. DURAND- Rehoboth, Mn 02769
This month I am pleased to report that all sizes are in stock in large
quantities so orders received today go out today. The past four
years of selling these holders has been great and many collections
I buy now are finely preserved in these. For those who have not
converted, an article published this past fall in Currency Dealer
Newsletter tells it better than I can. Should you want a copy send
a stamped self-addressed #10 business envelope for a free copy.
Prices did go up due to a major rise in the cost of the raw
material from the suppliers and the fact that the plant workers want
things like pay raises etc. but don't let a few cents cost you hun-
dreds of dollars. You do know - penny wise and pound foolish.
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 43/4x 2 3/4 $15.00 $28.00 $127.00 $218.00
Colonial 5 1 /2x33 /16 16.50 30.50 138.00 255.00
Small Currency 65/8 x 2 7 /8 16.75 32.00 142.00 265.00
Large Currency 7 7/8x 3 1 /2 20.00 36.50 167.00 310.00
Check Size 95/e X 4 1 /4 25.00 46.00 209.00 385.00
Baseball Card Std 23/4x 33 /4 14.50 26.00 119.00 219.00
Baseball Bowman 2 7/8x 4 15.50 28.00 132.00 238.00
Obsolete currency sheet holders 8 3/4x 14, $1.20 each,
minimum 10 Pcs.
National currency sheet holders 8 1 /2 x 17 1 /2, $2.50 each
17 1 /2" side open, minimum 10 Pcs.
Please note: all notice to MYLAR R mean uncoated archival
quality MYLAR R type D by Dupont Co. or equivalent material
by ICI Corp. Melinex type 516.
P.O. Box 1010 617-482-8477 Boston, MA 02205
FAX 617-357-8163
Paper Money Whole No. 163
Page 39
CSA and Obsolete Notes
GSA Bonds, Stocks & Financial Items
Extensive Catalog for $2.00,
Refundable With Order
P.O. Box 712 / Leesville, SC 29070 / (803) 532-6747
Buying and Selling
Obsolete and C.S.A.
(703) 898-0454
710 PEACHTREE ST. NE #1129
(404) 892-3494
P.O. BOX 8615
MISSION HILLS, CA 91346-8615
TEL. (310) 288-1160
FAX (818) 898-9398
Page 40 Paper Money Whole No. 163
Large Size Currency • Small Size Currency
Fractional Currency • Souvenir Cards
Write For List
Theodore Kemm
915 West End Avenue q New York, NY 10025
I am interested in any information on the following
people who produced or sold items made out of
macerated (shredded) money: J. Wolston-Hert-
ford, E. Mead Hunt, J.F. Jarvis, George Burfeind,
0. Duke, National Currency Souvenir Co., E.J.
Pullman & Son, Charles Snyder, U.S. Souvenir
W.H. Abbott, R.F. Buchanan, Mr. Martin, Thomas
Elder, Henri Stewart Inc., B. Max Mehl. Contact
Bertram Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston,
MA 02116 (617) 247-4754.
R.M. Smythe & Co. Auctions
reach the most important collectors &
dealers in U.S. & International Currency,
Coins, Stocks & Bonds, Autographs, Ex-
onumia & related material. Call today or
send for our free color brochure describing
the wide range of specialized and personal
services we offer.
For Our Latest Price List
Of Stocks & Bonds!
Do You Collect Paper Money
Stocks & Bonds?
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fUNIMED 617,111106 RICA "
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New York, NY 10004-1701
TOLL FREE 800-622-1880
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FAX: 212-908-4047
C=ML v.... ...Mos4/41,.x1.11. CSj110xNa
■ Obsolete, Confederate, Colonial and Federal
■ Antique Stock & Bond Certificates
■ Rare Autographs
We will purchase your material outright if you
desire. Call or write today.
Inside: IBNS Congress
center of numismatic stage
Vol 20 No 10 • W..' 1992 • Iola *on 4990
Major sale planned for St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank Note tops
Bank Note
U.S. paper money collectors! Get more news of
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Bank Note Reporter is the only independently
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