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JULY'/ AUG 1996
XXXV No. 4
WHOLE No. 184
Two Great Reasons Paper Money
Collectors Should Come to Strasburg,
Pennsylvania in September
A Great New Show —R.M. Smythe is sponsoring America's newest paper money show. It's the
First Annual Strasburg Paper Money Collectors Show, and it's scheduled for Thursday, September 19
to Saturday, September 21, 1996. The site for this brand-new show is The Historic Strasburg Inn,
Route 896, Strasburg, Pennsylvania.
A Great New Auction —R.M. Smythe will conduct a major paper money, stock & bond auc-
tion during the course of the show. The auction is scheduled for Friday, September 20, 8:oo P.M. Bids
can be placed by mail, fax, telephone, and in person. An illustrated auction catalogue, $15.00, will be
available August 21.
Auction consignments are being accepted through July 19
Contact Douglas Ball, Steve Goldsmith, or Bruce Hagen to discuss your material
Contact Mary Herzog for table reservations and show information
800-622-1880, 212-943-1880, FAX 212-908-4047
26 Broadway, Suite 271, New York, NY 10004-1701
SPMC will conduct a meeting and program on Friday, September 20
For hotel room reservations contact The Historic Strasburg Inn
800-872-0201, 717-687-7691, FAX 717-687-6098
Where historic paper collections of the world
are researched, auctioned, bought and sold.
Established 188o
Dealers participating in the Strasburg Paper Money Collectors Show include:
Aaron's Coin Center • Ray Anthony • Atlanta Numismatics & Currency • Lucien Bidder • Christian Blom • BNR Press
Carl Bombara • Capitol Coins • David E Cieniewicz • Paul Cuccia • A.P. Cyrgalis • Days of '49 • Denly's of Boston
Doric Coins & Currency • Tom Durkin • Russell Kaye Rare Coins • Claud Murphy • Numisvalu • Rabenco, Inc.
Red River Rarities • Jim Sazama • Steinberg's • R.M. Smythe • David Strebe • Woodcliff Investment Corp
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page 129
PAPER MONEY is published every other month
beginning in January by The Society of Paper
Money Collectors. Second class postage paid at
Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address
changes to: Bob Cochran, Secretary, P.O. Box
1085, Florissant, MO 63031.
c‘-' Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1996.
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be sent to the Editor.
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XXXV No. 4 Whole No. 184 JLILY/AUG 1996
ISSN 0031-1162
GENE HESSLER, Editor, P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156
Manuscripts (niss), not under consideration elsewhere, and publications for review
should be sent to the Editor. Accepted mss will be published as soon as possible;
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Mohamad H. Hussein 131
Bob Cochran 136
Forrest W. Daniel 137
Charles A. Dean 142
Ned Downing 146
Dave Grant
Gene Hessler
Gene Hessler
Richard Deavers
Bob Schmidt 158
OL' 8894!
Bob Cochran 159
ON THE COVER. Johann Gutenberg (d. 1468) wasfirst in the West to
print from movable type. See the article by Forrest W. Daniel in this
For change of address, inquiries concerning non-delivery of PAPER
MONEY and for additional copies of this issue contact the Secretary; the
address is on the next page. For earlier issues contact Classic Coins, P.O.
Box 95, Allen, MI 49227.
DEAN OAKES, Drawer 1456, Iowa City, IA 52240
FRANK CLARK, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011
ROBF,RTCOCI1RAN, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
TIM KYZIVAT, P.O. Box 803, LaGrange, IL 60525
St. Louis, MO 63156
FRANK CLARK, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011
STEVEN K. WHITFIELD, 14092 W. 115th St., Olathe, KS
ROBERT J. GALIETTE, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001
ROGER I I. Dl IRAN D, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769
IDITI I MURPI IY, P.O. Box 24056, Winston Salem, NC
RAPHAEL ELLENBOGEN, 1840 11am/itch Rd., Upper
Arlington, 01-143221
C. JOHN FERRERI, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
GENE FIESSLER, P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156
RON HORSTMAN, 5010 Timber Lane, Gerald, MO 63037
MILTON R. FRIEDBERG, 8803 Brecksville Rd. #7-203,
Brecksville, 01144141-1933
STEPHEN TAYLOR, 70 West View Avenue, Dover, DE 19901
WENDELL W. WOLKA, P.O. Box 569, Dublin, 011 43017
STEVEN K. WHITFIELD, 14092 W. 115th St., Olathe, KS
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized
in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit or-
ganization under the laws of the District of Columbia.
It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Associa-
tion. The annual meeting is held at the Memphis IPMS
in June.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must
be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character.
JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age
and of good moral character. Their application must be
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Members of the ANA or other recognized numismatic
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DUES—Annual dues are $24. Members in Canada and
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receive the magazines already issued in the year in
which they join. Members who join after Oct. 1st will
have their dues paid through December of the following
year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the
magazine issued in November of the year in which they
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
Extensive Catalog for $3.00,
Refundable With Order
PO. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020 (803) 432-8500
FAX 803-432-9958
Page 130 Paper Money Whole No 184
Paper Money Whole No. 184
Page 131
Aviation is a term applied to all activities associ-
ated with the flight of heavier-than-air craft, includ-
ing airplanes, helicopters and gliders. The field is
generally divided into three major branches: gen-
eral aviation, air-transport aviation, and military
aviation. Ancient legends include many fantasies
of humans flying in the air. Centuries of aspira-
tion and experimentation preceded the first suc-
cessful flight. Today, giant airplanes regularly
transport passengers and goods between major cit-
ies of the world in a matter of hours. Planes are
used to quickly deliver medicine, food and relief
supplies to remote places. Airplanes and helicop-
ters are commonly used for business, science, in-
dustry, agriculture, law enforcement, fire fighting,
surveying, sports, pleasure and many other activi-
ties. Military aviation plays important roles in both
combat and peacetime.
N old Greek tale described how Icarus and his father
Daedalus flew with wings of feathers and wax, and
how when Icarus soared too close to the sun, the wax
melted his wings disintegrated and he fell into the sea and
drowned. People in ancient times believed that man could fly
by imitating birds. About 400 B.C. the Greek scholar Archytas
built a wooden pigeon that supposedly flew around a revolv-
ing arm with the action of smoke. About 350 B.C. the Chinese
invented kites, the first form of aircraft. In the 3rd century B.C.,
the Greek mathematician Archimedes discovered the principles
governing the floatation of solid objects in liquids. In the 13th
century, the English monk Roger Bacon studied Archimedes's
ideas and concluded that air could support a craft like water
supports a boat. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Ital-
ian Renaissance inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci con-
tributed greatly to the development of aviation by his
inventions of the airscrew, or propeller, and the parachute. Da
Vinci also conceived three different types of man-powered
heavier-than-air craft: ornithopters, which are flying machines
with wings designed to flap like a bird, helicopters, which are
designed to move vertically by the revolving of a rotor, and
gliders, which consist of a wing fixed to a frame. In 1680, the
Italian mathematician Giovanni Borelli proved that human
muscles are not adequate to power the machines needed to
carry people in the air. Yet, in 1889, the American R.J. Spaulding
actually received a patent for his muscle-powered flying
Sir George Cayley (1773-1857), a British aeronautical en-
gineer and inventor, is generally considered "the father of avia-
tion." Ile founded the science of "aerodynamics" and built
the first successful full-size gliders. In 1843, William I lenson
of Great Britain patented plans for his "Aerial Steam Carriage,"
the first plane with fixed wings, a steam engine, two propellers
and a passenger cabin. It, however, was never built. Otto
Lilienthal of Germany made the first pilot-controlled gliders
in the early 1890s. The first successful airplane was designed,
built and flown by the brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright
who first became interested in aviation while operating a bi-
cycle-manufacturing shop in Dayton, Ohio.
Practical aviation started on December 17, 1903 near Kitty
hawk, North Carolina when Wilbur and Orville Wright be-
came the first to successfully fly a heavier-than-air craft under
power and control. Each brother made two flights that day.
The first flight, by Orville, covered 120 feet and lasted about
12 seconds; the longest was by Wilbur covering 852 feet in 59
seconds. In 1906, Alberto Santos-Dumont, a Brazilian who
lived in France, became the third person to fly an airplane (and
the first in Europe). He later built The Demoiselles light-weight
planes, the first to be used for personal and pleasure flying.
The French inventor Louis Bleriot made the first international
flight in 1909 by flying his Bleriot XI monoplane from France
to England across the English Channel. In 1913, the Russian
inventor Igor Sikorsky built and flew the first four-engine plane.
Calbraith Rodgers made the first flight across the United States
in 1911 from Sheephead Bay, New York to Long Beach, Cali-
fornia in a Wright plane. The flight took 84 days and required
70 stops along the way; actual flying time was 3 days 10 hours
and 24 minutes. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh made the first
solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean from Garden City,
New York to Paris, France in 33 hours and 30 minutes in a
plane called the "Spirit of St. Louis." Hugh Herndon and Clyde
Pangborn made the first nonstop flight across the Pacific Ocean
in 1931. The first solo round-the-world flight was made in
1933 by Wiley Post. The British inventor Frank Whittle built
the first jet engine in 1937. The Messerschmitt Me 262 Ger-
Paper Money Whole No. 184
Page 132
man fighter was the first jet combat plane, it flew during World
War II. In 1947 the American Charles Yeager, piloting the Bell
X-1 rocket plane, made the first supersonic flight in history.
In 1905, the French brothers Charles and Gabriel Voisin
started the world's first airplane manufacturing company. In
America, Glenn Curtis started the first airplane company in
1907 in Hammondsport, New York and sold the first com-
mercial airplane for $5,000 to the Aeronautic Society of New
York. In 1909, two other airplane companies were established
in the United States; one by the Wright brothers, and the other
by a young automechanic named Glenn Martin in an aban-
doned church building in Santa Ana, California. The Wright
brothers sold the first made-to-order military airplane to the
U.S. Army Signal Corps for $30,000. In 1916, the Boeing Com-
pany was started by William Boeing in Seattle, Washington
and the Lockheed Corporation was founded by the brothers
Allan and Malcolm Loughead in Santa Barbara, California.
Today, there are more than 1300 factories in the United States
making aircraft parts. According to industry estimates, the
world demand in the next twenty years for passenger aircraft
with seating capacity of 80 to 130 passengers is projected at
more than 2800 units. In 1995, the Saudi Arabian national
airline purchased 61 aircraft, including Boeing 777-200s, 747-
400s, and McDonnell Douglas MD-90s and MD-11Fs for a
total of $6 billion. Within the next few years, the Singapore
national airline will more than double its current fleet of 70
passenger and cargo planes at an estimated cost of $15 billion.
Tony lannus established the first regular airline service in
1914 between St. Petersburg and Tampa in Florida. Using a
small seaplane which had room for only one passenger, the
charge for the 22-mile flight was $5. In 1919, there were about
20 airline companies in Europe. One of these airlines, founded
in France by Henri and Maurice Farman, offered the first regu-
lar international service with weekly flights between Paris,
France and Brussels, Belgium. Many of the airline companies
established in Europe in the 1920s are still operating today
(such as ELM, Lufthansa, QANTAS, and SABENA). In 1924,
Great Britain was the first to form a national, government-
owned airline: Imperial Airways. In the 1920s, the United States
government's interest in aviation was mainly to improve air-
mail service. In 1926, Henry Ford's airline, National Air Trans-
port (NAT), became the first airline to carry U.S. mail. NAT
became part of United Airlines in 1931. By 1935, there were
four major domestic airlines in the United States: Transconti-
nental and Western Air (later called Trans World Airlines,
TWA), United, American, and Eastern; one international air-
line: Pan American World Airways; and several small regional
airlines: Delta, Northwest, and Braniff. Today, there are many
international, national and regional carriers connecting world
cities and communities together. All U.S. airlines are privately
owned. In other countries the government owns one or more
airlines (for example, QANTAS Airways is owned and oper-
ated by the Australian government).
The Dornier Do X German "flying boat," with twelve en-
gines carrying 150 passengers was the largest plane in 1929.
The Boeing 314 Clipper seaplanes started regular passenger
service across the Atlantic in 1939. The British De Havilland
Comets planes began the world's first large commercial jet-
liner service in 1952. American Airlines started the first trans-
continental jet service in 1958 between New York City and
Los Angeles using the Boeing 707 airplanes. The world's first
commercial jumbo jet, the Boeing 747, was introduced into
service by Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) in 1970.
This four-engine jet airplane can fly nonstop more than 6,000
miles at altitudes higher than 40,000 feet. It has room for up
to 500 passengers (serviced by six galleys and twelve wash-
rooms), carries more than 47,000 gallons of fuel, and has a
takeoff weight of over 700,000 lbs. In 1968, the Soviets intro-
duced the world's first SuperSonic Transport (SST), the Tupolev
Tu-144. It began cargo service in 1975 and passenger service
in 1977, but was discontinued in 1983. The Concorde, a delta-
winged SST developed jointly by Great Britain and France,
made its first test flight in 1969 and began commercial flights
in 1976. It can carry 132 passengers in comfort between Eu-
rope and America in four hours. In the United States, Boeing
had to abort its work on an SST in 1971 due to lack of funding
for the costly project.
The urgent necessities of World War I forced the design and
construction of specialized military planes. The United States
entered the war with 110 military planes and built almost
15,000 by the end of the war. After the war, a large number of
airplanes were made available to the public for civilian use,
which greatly advanced the development of aviation. On Sep-
tember 1, 1939, German military airplanes attacked Poland
and World War II began. In 1939, the United States produced
2,100 military planes. By the end of the war, more than 40
U.S. factories had produced more than 300,000 aircraft. Other
countries involved in the war also produced hundreds of thou-
sands of planes. Today, almost every national armed force in-
cludes an airforce. Military aircraft include strategic bombers,
fighter bombers, fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, transports,
tankers, and special mission planes. The American B-1 B stra-
tegic bomber can fly a distance of 7,500 miles without refuel-
ing, at a speed of 1.25 Mach (1 Mach is about the speed of
sound which is approximately 760 miles per hour at sea level),
and the F-111 fighter bomber has variable-sweep wings and
can fly at a speed of 2.5 Mach. The B-52 Stratofortress, the
principal long range heavy bomber used by the United States
Air Force, can deliver nuclear bombs to any place in the world.
Three of the widely-used fighters are the American F-14 Tom-
cat, the French Mirage and the Russian MIG-21; they carry can-
nons, missiles, and rockets and can fly at a maximum speed of
about 2 Mach. Transports carry personnel and equipment; the
largest include the American C-5A which can rush 132 tons of
troops and equipment over a distance of 5,000 miles without
refueling, and the Russian Antonov An-124 which can carry
165 tones. Special mission planes include remotely piloted
vehicles (RPV's) used to interfere with enemy radar and elec-
tronic equipment. Reconnaissance planes gather data and in-
formation. The American SR-71 "Black Bird" plane can fly at
speeds in excess of 2,500 miles per hour at altitudes of about
120,000 feet. Aircraft carriers are warships used as mobile bases
for jet bombers, fighters and other types of military airplanes.
The AmericanNimitz is the largest; it is nuclear-powered, has a
length of 1,092 feet and a width of 252 feet, and can carry
about 90 aircraft and 5,700 crew members.
An airport is a place where aircraft take off and land. Large
airports have specially constructed runways to accommodate
a wide range of aircraft, personnel and equipment for aiding
air-traffic operations, facilities for passengers and cargo, and
hangers for aircraft storage and repair. Major airports are like
small cities; they may have their own police force, fire depart-
Page 133
Paper Money Whole No. 184
Indonesia P107
Lithuania P47
China P861.
Page 134
Paper ,klonel , Who/c Nar 184
Kenya P22.
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page 135
Country Denomination Date Description, Pick No.
Algeria 100 dinars 1.11.1970 Airport in the center on face, P.56
Angola 50 escudos 15.8.1956 Airport on face, P.88
Australia 20 dollars ND(1974) Early kites on hack, 1'.46
Bahrain 5 dinars Law of 1973 Bahrain Airport on hack, 11.I4
Brazil 10,000 cruzeiros ND( 1966) Dumont on face and his early plane on hack, P.182A
Cape Verde 200 escudos 20.1.1989 Modern airport collage on back, 1 158
China 25 yuan
2 fen
Plane at center on face, P.160
Airplane at right on face, 11 .861
Congo Republic 1000 francs 1983 Planes on back, P.3
Ethiopia 5 dollars ND( 1966) Airport and airplane on face, I'.26
Lin 5 dollars 1995 Airport on face, P.M,
Dance 50 francs 1992 Biplane on back, 1'.89
Indonesia 50 rupiah
50,000 rupiah
Airplane factory on back, I'.107
Airport and Boeing 747 airplane on hack, P.133
Iran 200 vials S111337(1958) Airport on back, P.70
Northern Ireland 100 pounds 1.11.1990 Airplanes and ejection seat on face, P.197
Kenya 50 shillings 1.6.1980 Airplane flying over Iomo Kenyatta Airport, P.22
Laos 500 kip ND Soldiers shooting at planes on back, P.24
I ithuania 10 litu 1991 Aviators S. Darius and S. Girenas on face,
monoplane "Lituanica" on back, P.47
Malawi 20 kwacha 1968 Airplane at Kamtizu Intl Airport on back, P.22
Mozambique 1000 escudos 23.5.1972 Two men in cockpit of airplane on back, P.115
Netherlands Antilles 2'/2 gulden 8.9.1970 Large jetliner on face, P.16
Netherlands Indies 100 gulden 2.3.1943 Pilot and fighter plane on back, 0.117
Peru 10 nuevos soles 1.2.1991 Plane as monument and pilot on face,
biplane ca. 1939 inverted on back, P.151
Russia 5 rubles 1938 Aviator and plane at left on face, P.215
Saudi Arabia I rival Al 11379(1977) Plane flying over airport on back, P.16
Singapore 20 dollars ND(1979) Concord flying over airport on back, P.12
South Vietnam 5 dong 1966 Soldiers with downed helicopters on hack, P.42
ment, medical facilities, shops, hotels, restaurants, movie the-
aters, banks, office complexes, business services, bus lines, sub-
ways, weather stations, sewage treatment plants, public areas,
storage houses, travel agents and airline ticket offices. Since an
airport requires a large area of land (hundreds of times bigger
than bus and train stations), it is usually built outside of popu-
lated areas. One of the largest airports in the world, King Khalid
International Airport near Riyadh in Saudia Arabia, covers more
than 55,500 acres. The Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport in
Texas, USA covers 17,500 acres. Modern airports are massive
and expensive projects that require years to plan, design and
build, and cost billions of dollars. In the late 1920s, the United
States had approximately 1,000 airports; today, there are more
than 17,000 airports. About two thirds of the airports in the
U.S. are private—the rest are public. Private airports are oper-
ated by individuals, companies, special commissions, or inde-
pendent authorities. The Washington National and Dulles
International Airports are two of the public airports owned
and managed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The Chicago-01-lare International, Hartsfield International (in
Atlanta) and Los Angeles International airports each handle
more than 40 million passengers and hundreds of thousands
of aircraft take-offs and landings each year. After years of dis-
pute, Britain and China have finally reached an agreement on
the financing of Hong Kong's new 20 billion dollar airport, to
be open in 1998. Other major airports also serve millions of
passengers in cities around the world.
In 1908, Kissimmee, Florida passed the world's first law regu-
lating airplanes. Today, many local governments and almost
every state has an aviation agency. The Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration (FAA) sets the aviation rules and makes regula-
tions concerning air safety in the United States. The
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), an agency
of the United Nations that includes many member countries,
Paper Money Whole No. 184Page 136
coordinates matters concerning international aviation. Lt. Tho-
mas Selfridge was the first person to be fatally injured in an
airplane accident in 1908. He died two hours after the plane
carrying him and Orville Wright crashed during a demonstra-
tion flight. Airplanes today are the fastest, and safest means of
long distance transportation. Reportedly, the chance of a per-
son getting fatally injured in an airplane accident is less than 1
in 100,000,000 which is considerably better than that for an
The first air freight shipment in history was probably the
70-lbs silk package delivered by the Wright brothers from Day-
ton to Columbus, Ohio in 1910. Today, airmail is the fastest
way to send letters and parcels throughout the world. The Fed-
eral Express company delivers about 2.4 million packages a
day worldwide. It began operations in 1973, and had revenues
of $9.4 billion in 1995. It employs 115,000 people, 517 planes,
35,000 vehicles, 31,500 drop boxes and serves 210 countries.
Air shows and festivals are exciting events regularly held in
many cities around the world. Many schools, colleges and
universities offer specialized aviation studies. Millions of
people work in the various fields of aviation worldwide.
Aviation is a popular topic depicted on stamps, coins and
paper money of many countries. The Royal Canadian Mint,
for example, continues to chronicle the country's aviation his-
tory with a ten-coin series titled "Powered Flight in Canada-
Beyond World War II" introduced a few months ago. In an
article by Gene Hessler titled "Airplanes on Banknotes-A Trial
List" published in the International Bank Note Society
(1.B.N.S.) Journal (Volume 22 No. 3, 1983), there is a list of
banknotes from 15 countries depicting airplanes with inter-
esting and informative details concerning some of the notes
listed. This paper includes a list of notes depicting aviation in
general from 27 different countries and issuing authorities.
All notes listed are referenced by Pick Nos. to the seventh edi-
tion of the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money (Krause Pub-
lications, Iola, WI). Typical aviation themes depicted on paper
money include airplanes, airports, and aviators. Illustrated as
part of this article are notes from several countries. It is fasci-
nating to note that the earliest paper money, in the normally
accepted meaning of the term, which originated in China dur-
ing the beginning of the 9th century, due to the featherweight
lightness of the paper, bore the name of "fei-ch'ien" or FLY-
An "ALTERED" note can appear in three forms: issued notes
which have been modified so that they appear to be issued by
another bank or company; remainder (unissued) notes from
a bank or firm that failed, which have been altered as above;
and finally, notes issued from the plates that remain from a
failed or closed bank which have been altered.
During the period we're covering here, 1782 to 1866, re-
member that all of the paper money was produced by private
bank note companies. These firms often created specific vign-
ettes (designs), portraits in the form of "slugs," or pieces that
could be inserted into a larger plate design. Their customers
(banks and other firms that planned to issue notes) were fur-
nished with sample designs to select from (see the section on
"PROOF NOTES"). Many banks and other companies chose
similar plate layouts.
The counterfeiters, thanks often to the various "Detectors"
and "Reporters," were constantly on the lookout for notes of
similar designs. If a sound bank in Rhode Island, for example,
issued notes that were readily acceptable at par, they would
seek out notes of a similar design from a bank whose notes
were perhaps traded at a discount, or even better, a bank that
had closed. It was an easy task to purchase the latter classes of
notes from brokers, and alter them. Examples exist where the
pertinent information on the worthless notes had been eradi-
cated and replaced by the same title and location of the sound
"Remainder notes" are relatively common. Many banks or-
dered large quantities of notes to be printed and delivered,
but for any number of reasons these notes were never issued.
Since the unissued notes were "worthless," they often made
their way into the hands of counterfeiters. The notes were al-
tered and forged signatures were added, and they were passed
on to an unsuspecting public.
A similar situation arose when the plates used to print notes
of a bank that eventually went out of business provided coun-
terfeiters with the opportunity to create altered notes. They
simply modified the plates to create copies of the notes of sound
banks, added signatures and passed the notes. This latter class
of notes was very deceptive, since they could only be detected
by comparing the signatures to those of the genuine notes!
A "RAISED" note is one that has been altered to depict a
higher denomination. It is accomplished by obliterating the
values and replacing them with higher ones, such as turning a
$1 note into a $10 note. Unless the work on a note was very
shoddy, or the prospective recipient could compare it to a gen
uine one, these notes were easily passed.
A "SPURIOUS" note is one that is a copy, but not an EXACT
copy, of a genuine note. For example, a genuine $20 note from
a particular bank might have a portrait of Andrew Jackson at
one end and George Washington at the other. A "spurious"
note would be a $20 from that same bank, but with portraits
ofThomas Jefferson and John Adams (or anyone else). In other
words, a spurious note is one which bears no resemblance to
genuine notes of the same denomination (from the same
Read Money Mart
UNDRIDS of vignettes and allegories of early nine-
teenth century American commerce and industry are
represented on state bank notes. Most were chosen to
illustrate a dominant factor in the local economy. While al-
most every town with a hank also had a newspaper office, it
was often a small, one-man operation without great economic
prestige in the community. So, perhaps, it can he expected that
few hankers chose to honor the printing craft on their hank
notes. But the few hankers who chose printing vignettes may
have risen to their lofty estate after having served an appren-
ticeship as printer's devil and journeyman printer, as have so
many others into law, politics and literature. And the anonym-
ity of the printer's devil is preserved on his note.
The Nassau Bank, incorporated in New York City on No-
vember 1, 1852, chose for their $1 note a design depicting
four printers and some of their tools. A wreathed portrait of
the revered paper money printer Benjamin Franklin, himself a
former printer's devil, appears in the lower left corner. The
central vignette portrays "Guttenberg !sic] flanked by Faust Isicl
and Schoeffer," who alone wears a folded-paper printer's hat,
surrounded by type cases, a press (of questionable nineteenth
century design) and other equipment of a printing office. In
the background (as he does in so many print shop pictures)
stands the anonymous printer's devil, to whom the note is
actually dedicated. The pose of the printer's devil is the nearest
of all to reality, since the portrayal of the three "founders of
modern printing" is strictly artistic imagery.
Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg is credited with the in-
vention of movable metal type while in political exile in
Strasbourg about 1439. I lis first types were carved from wood
and had a tendency to break; so, when cutting type out of metal
proved to be impractical he invented a brass mold to cast indi-
vidual metal letters in quantity and uniformity. I lis typeface
‘/77/%/7 RANI_HOLLAR /, /7777,
/7 //777,77/ NEW YORK
1,1,0lErNfiVAM:N ..o
City or Nynlitrti
Paper Money Whole No. 184
Page l 3
ill:111 1 TIV rgl 157 T12 7rtLt; , ‘- ,u,
was based on the fine calligraphy used in the manuscript hooks
of the fifteenth century. The craft of letterpress printing arose
almost fully developed from Gutenberg: his metal was an al-
loy of lead, tin and antimony; the ink he formulated specifically
to adhere to the metal type was composed of lampblack and
boiled linseed oil—both practically the same formulas used
today; and the printing press he fabricated from a wine press
remained basically unchanged for more than three centuries.
Gutenberg developed his equipment and was ready to set
up a commercial printing shop in Mainz, Germany in 1450.
He went to money lender Johann Fust and borrowed 800 gul-
den at six percent interest. In 1452 he borrowed another 800
gulden and took Fust as a partner in the production of books.
Work was hegun on what came to he known as the Gutenberg
(Mazarin) 42-line Bible. Fust foreclosed the loan in 1455 and
took possession of Gutenburg's printing equipment and the
already printed pages of the unfinished bible. The ousted
Gutenberg eventually secured other hacking and established a
press away from Mainz and published fifty or more books and
pamphlets before he died hopelessly in debt in 1468. Johann
Gutenberg, in his later years, became attached to the court of
Adolph of Nassau, Archbishop of Mainz, in 1465 and received
a pension of clothing, grain and wine.
Fust and his son-in-law, Peter Schoeffer, who had been an
employee of Gutenberg, continued the printing business and
proceeded to finish the Bible and reaped all the proceeds. Be-
tween 1455 and 1466 Fust and Schoeffer produced more than
a hundred books, including the first to he dated and signed
and the first to be printed in colors.
In 1462 Diether, Archbishop of Cologne, published an offi-
cial manifesto denouncing Count :Adolph of Nassau. The docu-
ment proved to have been printed in Mainz. To redress the
insult, troops of Adolph of Nassau (titled Archbishop in many
The Printer's Devil Note issued by The Nassau Bank, New York, 1852-1911. These notes sisned by H. Blydenburgh,
president, and F.M. Harris, cashier, were raised to $5s and $1Os.
4804\1 ft%::Nrii. .
Page 1.38
Paper ;"one?' I Viloie No. 184
references) sacked the city of Mainz and banished the printing
trade, The workmen scattered and spread their craft to other
cities and countries and the generic journeyman printer began
five centuries of errantry. Two of those printers, Conrad
Sweynheym and Arnold Pannanz (former printer's devils, of
course) crossed the Alps three years later and established a
press at Subiaco. Italy, the first outside Germany.
Although he was not the first printer in Venice, Aldus
Manutius found a patron and established the Aldine Press in
149-1. Ntanutius was a scholar who hoped to use printing to
inspire broader interest in, and the preservation of, classical
wisdom through printed books. Ile also commissioned the
roman and italic type faces which are the basis of modern let-
tering. Aldus is the legendary coiner of the term "printer's devil."
The Origin of the Term Printer's Devil
Everybody knows who is the Printer's Devil, but there
are few who know how he came to be so dubbed. Print-
ing used to he called the Black Art, and the [inky] boys
who assisted the pressmen were called imps. According
to the legend, Aldus Manutius, a printer of Venice, took
a little negro boy, left behind by a merchant vessel, to
assist him in his business. Aldus was soon assisted by a
little black imp, and to dispel the rumor, he showed the
boy to the assembled crowd and said, "Be it known to
Venice, that 1, Aldus Manutius, printer to the lloly
Church and the Doge, have his day made a public dis-
closure of the 'printer's devil.' All who think he is not
flesh and blood, may come up and pinch him." The
people were satisfied, and no longer molested the negro
lad.—Bismarck (Dak.) Weekly Herald, May 26, 1883.'
Before a boy became a printer, a title he would claim for
life, he had to pass the rigors of a term as the printer's devil, a
period which was an initiation ceremony into "the art preser-
vative of all the arts."
This artwork honors William BraillOrd. (See Neu , York's lirg CM -reli).
Printer by C. l luster', PAPER MONEY: s. 64, p.183.) As you can see, the
image of the printer's devil is prominent.
Detail of the print shop vignette.
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page 139
Learning the Printing Biz
When a boy starts to work in a printing office, he is im-
mediately made manager of the broom. He also carries
wood and water until his hack aches, but he gets a ticket to
the circus and is never absent from an "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
show. After he has wiped up the job press and gone after
the mail he is given a piece of reprint and an old compos-
ing stick, an advertising dash for a rule, and is set to work.
If he is a smart boy he learns the business in about two
weeks, when he throws a handful of long primer type into
a brevier case, and after the foreman pies three handfuls
trying to make up the paper with mixed type, the young
man's printing office knowledge unravels to the starting
place, and even back of that. A few sad days follow, but
soon he works himself up into the A class, when he is sent
to the "other office" for a round chase, or a handful of lower
case periods. He soon has his desire to feed the job press
gratified, but after he has run the grippers on the type and
put the best font in the office out of business, he has an-
other reverse after listening to the following words,
The really bad day in the printing office is when the office
cat goes to sleep on the local page and is run thru the press.
The cat will stop the press, unless the press stops the cat. A
cat is said to have nine lives, but a Babcock press can shorten
that up a few lives if the gasolene [sic] engine behind it is
good and angry. It is the boy's fault, of course, that the cat
was allowed to seek sleep on the best page of the paper. He
might have been out for benzine at the time, but the duty
of scraping the remains off the type awaits him on his re-
turn, and a communication by the foreman, published
orally, accompanies the work.—Grafton, N.D. Record.—
The Dogden (N. Dak.) News, Ian. 16, 1909.'
When the boy survived the indignities dealt to the printer's
devil he qualified to become an apprentice for a fixed number
of years. He learned all the skills necessary to perform the craft
in a workman-like manner; he also picked up some tricks of the
trade from itinerant printers who spent more or less time in his
shop. When he was deemed competent, he became a journey-
man qualified to earn top wages in any print shop. Many jour-
neymen were travelers, short-termers in any shop; in the United
States "tramp printer" was a common term for us.
Until the 1890s compositors set all type by hand; but when
Ottmar Mergenthaler's Linotype machine brought mechani-
cal typesetting to the
printing office, many of
the old timers were un-
able or chose not to con-
vert to the new method.
And when phototypeset-
ting and computers re-
placed the mechanical
wonders of the nine-
teenth century, the craft of
Gutenburg, Franklin and
the printer's devil disap-
peared and more of us left
the printing trade.
The journeyman print-
er, standing at his case set-
ting type letter by letter, is
the subject of at least two bank notes. The vignette on the 82
"Washington County Script." [sic j issued in Brenham, Texas,
Sept. 6, 1862, shows a compositor standing stiffly at his case
setting type. The press in the background is very similar to the
Peter Smith hand press patented in 1822. The type and deco-
rations were hand-set and the note may have been printed
locally. There is a red-orange tint "TWO" on the face and a
faint green "TEXAS." in an ornamental border on the back.
The following story may have been written about the Texas
printer in that vignette:
The Traveling Typo
the following pathetic remarks about the conventional tramp printer
are so peculiarly apt and beautiful that we reproduce them from the
Palestine (Texas) Advocate:
He walked silently in. We knew him the moment we
raised our eyes and saw him standing there. In fact we were
expecting him; he always comes when we are in just such a
strait and needing him. He always wears the same style of
clothes—coat of one kind and pants of another, he hasn't
any vest, his shoes run down at the heels, and his hat is
battered and dusty. There are spots of ink about his shirt,
which hangs over his waist band, and his new paper collar
is the only fresh, white thing about him, and it looks as
though he had just put it on with soiled fingers.
He is pale, weak-eyed, and prematurely gray-haired; he
looks as though he had never known regular hours, either
for sleeping or eating, and he must have come thousands
of miles and been coming ever since he was a boy. His start-
ing point was so far away, and so long ago, that he has
almost forgotten when or where it was; but we have an
idea that it must have been when his mother buttoned his
little blue shirt-band around his white boyish throat, put
on his little straw hat and sent him in the printing office.
How proud he was when he went home that first night
and showed his new brass rule, and tells mother he has
learned all the boxes and has a free ticket to the circus next
week, and the editor had gave [sic] him a big piece of wed-
ding cake, a part of which he brought home for the baby,
and if he can set a column in one day next week he can go
fishing on Saturday. Yes, somewhere about there was the
commencement of his journey, and here he is now, per-
haps two-thirds on his way.
He asks us: "What is the show for a sit?" We give him a
case, and by and by lie says he feels faint, and asks us if we
onoli L
, ts-1
Ye4, 1;77-14f, r r/i; 4./4i
er 1T. 0.
it the background. Green back print shows through red overprint.
r41,.. 4 - ,
iti.,;' ti, i!
Am //,' County Treasury V -Xq,,.. (t.; .74,9'.7 ,,,,,/,,,, ':1-.---:,,... ...-) ' .
/ (377,e(ei ir I'',1
-'1 ' /47:11 it irty (1"'oeia e.., Eel ;2,5; 2 ,/,,,,, 4, 1 l „ (J ‘
1., it";:' a !VW' 6,1e.,1/ (:-.%)7z...xv, an ,/ A/4
. 4.0:±k,
Journeyman printer at case setting type, hand press
Page 1-10
Paper Money No. 184
can't lend him a quarter—he haint had any breakfast yet.
We know his weakness I strong waters, and, as we need his
work, we go clown with him and order some breakfast for
him at the nearest restaurant. When he comes back he looks
happier and better able to go to work. In the evening when
he goes to distributing type in] his case, he recounts the
history of his late places of employment. 1 le knows the cir-
culation and amount of business of every paper in the state,
and why the Dispatch suspended and why the Advance sold
out to the Courier.
He is well acquainted with the unknown editor of the
Thunderer, and has friends on the editorial force of all the
leading journals of the country. By and by he whistles low
an air from Italian opera, and in reply to a question an-
swers with a Latin quotation. He stays with us a week, and
we grow to like him more and more every day. He has read
everything from Shakespeare to Ruskin to Mark Twain and
Bill Arp; he knows more about our laws, national and state,
than the best lawyer in the city; he is well acquainted with
the lives of every prominent person of the age, and is a
perfect encyclopedia of current events; but we cannot af-
ford to keep him any longer, so we pay him off and he
again starts on his long road that leads—not to home, for
he has none—not to the society of intelligent people like
himself, for outside the printing office he is unknown; he
may go back to night work on some city daily, or if too
worn and old for that, a rapid descent from one country
office to another, with whiskey and laudanum for compan-
ions, to an unmarked grave by some lonely wayside.—Bis-
ward,i & Mandan (Dak.) Daily Advertiser, June 25, 1883. 1
A typesetter in a more relaxed pose at his type case is pictured
on the $20 note of The Bank of North Carolina (established
Nov. 1, 1859, liquidated 1865). The note also has portraits of
George Washington and lohn Marshall, two agricultural scenes
and an overall orange tint with the white denomination out-
lined. While the printer is not the central theme of this note, he
does rank alongside patriots and the state's economy.
Nicholas Jenson
Documentary evidence of Gutenberg's activities as a printer
is scanty and it is unrecorded who were the first printers trained
by Gutenberg; but surely they were craftsmen with other skills
useful to him. Die cutters and sinkers, for example, and men
experienced in casting and working metal alloys; Gutenberg
himself was a goldsmith. We do, however, know the name of
one man sent to Mainz to learn the secrets of the craft. There is
a sixteenth century transcript of a document of the French royal
mint, dated October 4, 1458, which states that the king, Charles
VII, having heard that Johann Gutenberg had developed a new
form of printing, ordered the director of the mint to select a
man to go secretarly to Mainz to learn the new art. The man
chosen was Nicolas Jenson, a die cutter (mintmaster in some
references) at one of the French mints—Tours or Paris. By the
time Jenson learned the craft and was prepared to return to
France Charles VII had died and Louis XI changed policy and
personnel, so Jenson didn't return. lie later designed beautiful
roman type faces and became a printer in Venice.
The Nassau Bank
The Nassau Bank was established as a free hank in the City of
New York in 1852 and remained a state hank until March 1911
The printer's devil was included in most print shop photographs; here Printer's Devil Vernon Thompson (right), with C.C.
Thompson and Rose (Aron! in the office of The Pioneer Express, Pembina, N.D., 1912. The press is remarkably similar
to the one in the vignette on the note. (Courtesy State Historical Society of North Dakota.)
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page' 141
This modern advertising piece produced In' De
La Rue Giori includes a portra it of Gutenberg.
when it becameThe National Nassau bank, Charter 9939.'- The
only examples of the $1 printer's devil note appear to be proofs
released from the American Bank Note Company Arch ives.The
continued existence of the hank certainly contributed greatly to
the redemption of its circulating currency; but most of its notes
were actively withdrawn following the suspension of specie
payments by New York banks on December 28, 1861. The
Nassau Bank had $146,874 outstanding on that date. By March
15, 1862—the date the United States legal tender notes were
released—its circulation was only $58,080; and quarterly re-
ports show further declines to a mere $10,532 on March 28,
I 863. Only a few other banks in the city show such radical
contraction in that period. Superintendent of the State Banking
Department 11.11. Van Dyck reported that a few banks contin-
ued to redeem their notes in coin following the suspension.
That may well be the case with the Nassau Bank: they redeemed
in coin and retired their circulation.
The Nassau Bank had another and more substantial con-
nection with the Nassau lineage than the vignettes of print-
ing—Franklin, Gutenberg and the printer's devil on its $1 hill.
The Nassau Bank, as well as the county and city of Nassau in
New York, was named in honor of the ruling family of the
Netherlands and its North American colony on the island of
Manhattan and the surrounding area, the I louse of Orange-
Nassau. The Dutch brand of the Nassau line, however, was
formed many years after Adolph, Archbishop of Nassau, chased
the printers and the printer's devil out of Mainz.
Other Printer's Devil Notes
(With Gutenberg, Fust, Schoeffer and
printers devil.)
$3 THE EAST RIVER BANK, New York, New York, 1852-
1865, converted to East River National Bank. I. female
portrait; r. state arms. (I laxby G10).
$3 TILE EAST RIVER BANK, New York, New York, 1852-
1865. 1. girl shading her eyes, r. state arms. Orange
underprint with outlined white denomination. Bald
Cousland, ABNCo. (I laxby G12, SENC. Proof, Lot 1013,
Currency Auctions of America, lune 17, 1995.)
$3 TIM EAST RIVER BANK, New York, New York, 1852-
1865, same as preceding except ABNCo. imprint. (Elaxby
G12b, SENC.)
$3 SAFETY FUND BANK, Boston, Massachusetts, 1859-
1864, became the first National Bank of Boston. Small
eagle, r. ABNCo. imprint. (I Iaxby G6A red overprint.)
$3 As above with TI IREE outlined in green. G66.
$3 COMMERCIAL. BANK OFTROY, New York, 1839-1863,
Baldwin, Adams Co. Portrait r. G 14a. As preceding July
1, 1858, ABNCo added, green tint. (G14b.)
$20 TI 1E, BANK OF YANCEYVILLE, Yanceyville, North Caro-
lina, 1852-1866. Portraits of Washington and Pierce.
$50 TI IF PITTSFIEI.D BANK, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1853-
1865, converted to Pittsfield National Bank. r. Portrait,
lune 1, 1853. Baldwin, Adams & Co. (I faxby G22a,
$50 11 IE PITTSFIELD BANK, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, same
as preceding except lune 1, 1857, red-orange over-all tint
with outlined white 50. Bald, Cousland Co. (I laxhy
G22c, proof. Included in proof sheet Lot 2327 R.M.
Smythe & Co., Inc., September 11, 1995.)
$50 THE PITTSFIELD BANK, Massachusetts, same as preced-
ing except ABNCo imprint. (I laxby G22d, SENC.)
I would appreciate receiving references to any other hank
notes with vignettes of the printing trade. Write to me at 416
N. 13th St., Bismarck, ND 58501-4615.
1 Selected from 11'ith Scissors and Paste: The Scrapbook of Printing Lore
and History, unpublished by Forrest Daniel.
2. The National Nassau Bank was placed in voluntary liquidation on
lune 18, 1914, and was absorbed by the Irving National Bank of
New York.
Butler, P. (1940). The origin of printing in Europe. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
Chappell, W. (1970). A short history of the printed word. New York:
Dorset Press.
yarned, 1.N. (1901). HistoiyJor ready reference. Springfield: C.A. Nichols
Mcklurtie, D.C. (1943/1989). The book: the story of printing bookmak-
ing. New York: Doreet Press.
Steinberg, S.H. (1955). Five hundred years of printing. Edinburgh: Pen-
guin Books.
Sutton, A.A. (1948). Design and makeup of the newspaper. New York:
Prentice-I lall, Inc.
Thompson's Bank Note and Commercial Reporter. (April 2, 1866.) New
Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the condition of the banks
in the United States, at the commencement of the year 186:1. (1863).
Washington: GPO.
Page 14 2
Paper limey \'() 18 4
by CI I:1121,11S A. DEAN
There is, of course, no such thing as a Confederate national
bank note. I use this term to refer to a national bank note
issued during the Civil War by a national bank in a Union-
occupied Confederate state.
I I FN the Civil War began in 1861, both the North
and the South sought a means to finance the war. The
Confederate States sold bonds and circulated paper
money some of which bore interest. In an unusual scheme to
raise money in Europe, the South sold bonds with a convert-
ibility clause. The bonds were convertible to cotton at the op-
tion of the bearer upon redemption. As the war wore on, the
South became more desperate for money and simply turned
to running the printing presses.
The t nited States also sold bonds, and for the first time in
its history starting issuing paper money. The first circulating
federal currencies were the demand notes of 1861, followed
by legal tender notes of 1862. Also issued were compound
interest treasury notes and interest bearing notes. Union suc-
cesses on the battlefields required increasing amounts of capi-
tal. In order to facilitate the selling of bonds, Congress passed
the National Banking Act of February 25, 1863. This act en-
abled the U.S. government to grant national charters to banks
for a period not to exceed 20 years from the date of the Act.
The Act of June 3, 1864 specified a 20-year charter period be-
ginning on the date of organization of the bank. These banks
were then allowed to issue their own bank notes, up to 90
percent of the par value of the tI.S. bonds which they had de-
posited with the U.S. Treasury, as security for the national bank
notes to be issued. The first bank chartered under this act was
the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, granted
charter 1 on lune 30, 1863. The initial national bank notes
were called First Charter Period notes and were first placed in
circulation in late December 1863.
As Federal armies gained control of Confederate territory,
efforts were made to re-establish Union influence, both politi-
cally and economically. To this end, national banks were or-
ganized in captured Confederate cities. There were eight
national banks that were chartered in Confederate states be-
fore the end of the Civil War:
The First National Bank of Nashville, Tennessee, issued char-
ter 150 in December 1863.
The First National Bank of New Orleans, Louisiana, orga-
nized on December 18, 1863 and granted charter 162.
The First National Bank of Norfolk, Virginia, organized on
February 23, 1864 and granted charter 271.
The First National Bank of Memphis, Tennessee, issued char-
ter 336 in March 1864.
The First National Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee, issued char-
ter 391 on April 19, 1864.
The First National Bank of Alexandria, Virginia, issued char-
ter 651 in December 1864.
The Second National Bank of Nashville, Tennessee, issued
charter 771 on January 31, 1865.
The National Bank of Vicksburg, Mississippi, issued charter
803 on February 14, 1865.
By the end of the Civil war, the economy of the South had
almost completely collapsed. Many cities and towns were badly
damaged, farms were in ruins, bridges and railroads had been
destroyed, and many people had to try to find enough food to
last until new crops could be harvested.
The Reconstruction policies of the radical Republicans in
Congress helped keep the South far behind the North, eco-
nomically, for almost the entire duration of the First Charter
note issuing period of 1863-1902. Asa result, First Charter
Period national bank notes from all the southern states are
rare, with only about 200 notes known to have survived. The
earliest First Charter Period notes of the Original series issued
from 1863-1875 are even rarer, with only about 75 notes
known today, with almost all of these having been issued af-
ter 1869.110W Many of the so-called Confederate national bank
notes exist? To the best of my knowledge, only one note that
was placed into circulation over 130 years ago has survived. A
one $10 Original Series national bank note issued by the First
National Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee, charter 391, remains
from a unique period in our nation's history.
Arriving in 1786, lames White and his family were the first
permanent settlers in what is now the Knoxville area. At that
time, the region that is now Tennessee belonged to North Caro-
lina. In 1790 North Carolina ceded her western lands to the
United States government. Congress organized this area as "The
Territory of the United States South of the River Ohio." Will-
iam Blount was appointed governor of the new territory and
he named White's settlement, Knoxville, in honor of Secretary
of War I ferny Knox. Knoxville served as the capital of the new
territory. On June 1, I 796 the territory that had been popu-
larly known as "the Southwest Territory" became the State of
Tennessee, with Knoxville serving as the capital until 1812.
Knoxville was incorporated on October 27, 1815. About this
time, a number of publishing houses were established in Knox-
ville, helping to make it an important publishing center within
a few years. The capital returned to Knoxville briefly in 1817,
but was finally moved to Middle Tennessee because of the ex-
panding western population and because of the growing po-
litical influence of Andrew Jackson after his victory at the Battle
of New Orleans on January 8, 1815.
Because several local politicians quarreled with Jackson, who
was a Democrat, during the 1820s and 1830s, the Knoxville
area became an anti-Democratic stronghold. By the mid-1830s,
the Whig party was firmly established in East Tennessee.
The steamboat Atlas reached Knoxville in 1828 and regular
steamboat service was started in 1835 during the high water
season. Franchises for city water and gas were contracted-for
in 1854 and at about the same time, city streets were paved
with cobblestones dug from the Tennessee river. The first rail-
road came to Knoxville in 1855 when the East Tennessee and
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page 143
Georgia began service, with the East Tennessee and Virginia
starting service the following year. In 1858 the railroad was
completed from Bristol, Virginia to Dalton, Georgia.
Knoxville, in the 1850s, became a melting pot with French-
. Swiss seeking religious liberty migrating there, Germans mov-
ing there from surrounding areas, and Irish arriving to help
build the railroads.
By 1861, because of the mountainous terrain of East Ten-
nessee, which lent itself to small farms instead of large planta-
tions, East Tennesseans had a different political view than the
rest of Tennessee and most of the South. East Tennesseans, as
a rule, believed in slavery and state's rights, but the Union was
After the Confederate firing on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861
and President Lincoln's call for 75,000 troops, the Tennessee
legislature, on May 6th, passed an Ordinance of Secession and
submitted it for ratification by a vote of the people on June 8,
1861. Meanwhile, a convention of East Tennessee counties was
called, and assembled at Knoxville on May 30. The conven-
tion was in session two days and adopted resolutions protest-
ing recent acts of the Tennessee legislature, which favored the
Confederacy, and appealing to the people of Tennessee to vote
against secession. On June 8 Tennesseans voted for secession,
by an over 2-1 majority, while East Tennessee voted over-
whelmingly against it. However, Knoxville voted for secession.
The East Tennessee convention reassembled at Greenville for
four days starting on June 17 and talked of forming a new
state loyal to the Union, along the same lines as was being
done in the western counties of Virginia. Accordingly, a peti-
tion was drafted and presented to the Tennessee legislature
asking for separate statehood. The legislature quickly dismissed
the petition. Soon afterwards, many East Tennessee Unionists
joined the Federal army.
On July 26th Brigadier General Felix K. Zollicoffer was as-
signed command of the Confederate Department of East Ten-
nessee. At first, he was lenient toward the Union majority, but
after a number of railroad bridges were burned on November
8th, the jails in Knoxville were filled with Unionists.
Because of its strategic importance, with one of only two east-
west Confederate railroads passing through it, Knoxville was
called the "Keystone of the Confederate Arch."
The Confederate Department of East Tennessee had gone
through several changes of command by the spring of 1863,
when Major General Simon Bolivar Buckner assumed com-
mand on May 12th. After the Confederate loss of Middle and
West Tennessee to Federal forces in 1862-63, Confederate
General Braxton Bragg encamped his Army of Tennessee
around Chattanooga on July 7th. On July 25th the Confeder-
ate Department of East Tennessee was merged into the De-
partment of Tennessee under Bragg's command. In mid-August
Union Major General William S. Rosecrans started his advance
from Tullahoma, Tennessee toward Chattanooga and at the
same time Union General Ambrose E. Burnside started his
advance from near Lexington, Kentucky toward East Tennessee.
Bragg, knowing that he was outnumbered and that Buckner
was badly outnumbered, decided to concentrate forces at Chat-
tanooga. In late August, Buckner started a slow withdrawal to
Chattanooga. On September 2, 1863 Federal troops, under
Burnside, marched into Knoxville through streets lined with
cheering Unionists.
On September 9th Rosecrans' Army of the Cumberland en-
tered Chattanooga after it had been abandoned by Bragg. On
the same day, General Robert E. Lee decided to detach Gen-
eral James Longstreet's corps of the Army of Northern Virginia
and ship them via rail through the Carolinas and Atlanta to
northern Georgia to join with Bragg. Part of Longstreet's corps
had arrived by September 19th, which was the first day of the
Battle of Chickamauga. On the second day of the battle,
Longstreet realized that a Union division had been pulled out
of line by mistake, leaving a gap. Longstreet struck, cutting the
Federal line and starting a Union retreat toward Chattanooga.
The Confederates advanced and laid siege to Chattanooga.
Throughout October, Federal reinforcements and supplies were
sent to the Chattanooga area.
On November 4th Bragg decided to send Longstreet to at-
tack Burnside and drive him from East Tennessee, hoping to
"The Confederate National Bank Note." Original Series $10 from the First National Bank of Knoxville.
Knoxville, under the Confederacy, was a busy place. The city
was in the heart of a rich meat-producing district, which had
traditionally supplied the lower South with pork and poultry,
as well as horses and mules to work the cotton plantations.
With a pork packing plant at the foot of Gay Street, Knoxville
was an important distribution center for the Confederacy. Bar-
rels of pork were shipped by rail or boat all over the South.
relieve pressure on the Confederates in the Chattanooga area.
By November 16th Longstreet was nearing Knoxville. Burnside,
who had advanced from Knoxville, kept the Confederates from
cutting off his line of retreat and withdrew to Knoxville. The
next day Longstreet began a siege of Knoxville. The Confeder-
ates could not wait for the siege to starve out Burnside since
General U.S. Grant was sending reinforcements.
Page 144 Paper Money Whole No. 184
In the early hours of November 29th General Longstreet at-
tacked Fort Sanders, which he mistakenly thought was a weak
point in the Federal defense line. In heavy fighting, the Con-
federates reached the parapet of the fort, but were soon forced
to withdraw. In only twenty minutes of fighting, Longstreet's
attempt to overwhelm Burnside had ended. The siege contin-
ued, but on December 4th Longstreet, feeling threatened by
advancing Federal forces under General William T. Sherman,
pulled out from around Knoxville and retreated to the north-
Longstreet established winter headquarters at Bulls Gap,
Tennessee, about 50 miles from Knoxville, along the East Ten-
nessee and Virginia Railroad. From this position, he hoped to
be able to retake Knoxville, should an opportunity be presented.
Knoxville suffered deeply from the siege and battle. Many
houses and buildings had been burned or shelled and the land
around the city was stripped of vegetation.
During the winter cavalry from both sides had to scour the
countryside for food, forage and horses because of the difficulty
of transportation of supplies. Small roving bands often en-
countered each other and innumerable skirmishes ensued.
Because of the divided sentiments of the citizens in East Ten-
nessee, both sides perpetrated outrages on each other during
this time, including many murders. Reprisals by the other side
often followed. On April 7, 1864 Longstreet's corps was or-
dered to return to Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.
Bank Capitalization
Such was the setting when an organization certificate for the
First National Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee was filed with the
Comptroller of the Currency in Washington, DC, on April 6,
1864. The bank was capitalized at $100,000, consisting of
1000 shares of stock at $100 each, subscribed to by nine in-
William T. Perkins, of Cincinnati, Ohio, purchased 830
shares of stock and was subsequently elected president of the
bank. W.R. Patterson, also of Cincinnati, purchased 100 shares
and was elected cashier. Both men then moved to Knoxville.
This was truly an early example of the carpetbagging that would
soon descend upon the entire South. The remaining 70 shares
were subscribed to equally by William Gannaway Brownlow,
Samuel P. Carter, G.M. Hazen, Perez Dickenson, S.R. Rodgers,
Oliver Perry Temple and William Heiskell, all from Knoxville
and stanch Unionists.
On April 19, 1864 the First National Bank of Knoxville was
granted charter 391 and began business in the building for-
med} , occupied by the Bank of Tennessee. This building no
longer exists, but the site is what is now 612 Gay Street.
Within two years, William T. Perkins sold his stock and re-
turned to Cincinnati. Also within this time the board of direc-
tors learned that the cashier, W.R. Patterson, had discounted
paper for the benefit of a mercantile house in which he had an
interest. lie was allowed to resign and returned to Cincinnati.
Local residents then took control of the bank and Rufus
McClung was elected cashier. Perez Dickinson was elected presi-
dent, but in a short while R.R. Swepson replaced him. While
Dickinson was president, he paid the stockholders their divi-
dends in gold. That was a gesture that I am sure was very much
Population of Knoxville
The vote on the Ordinance of Secession
June 8, 1861
for secession Union
East Tennessee
Middle Tennessee
West Tennessee
Military camps
Total 104,913 47,238
The First National Bank of Knoxville
Circulation Issued
First Charter Original Series
1-1-1-2 plate
$5,190 worth. Serials 1-1182
$20,000 worth. Serials 1-1000
10-10-10-20 plate
$78,600 worth. Serials 1-1572
Total amount of circulation issued
Amount outstanding at close
Amount outstanding in 1910
When the bank was chartered in 1864, the bonds that were
purchased to secure its national hank note circulation were
bought at a discount. By the early 1870s, the bonds had risen
in value and a good profit could he obtained by selling the
bonds, redeeming the circulation and liquidating the hank.
Accordingly, on October 22, 1872, the First National Rank of
Knoxville, Tennessee was placed in voluntary liquidation. The
net worth per share at the close was about $135.
The only known surviving so-called Confederate national
bank note is an Original Series $10 hearing the engraved sig-
natures of L.E. Chittenden, as Register of the Treasury and F.E.
Spinner, as Treasurer of the United States. The note has Trea-
sury serial 291397 in red ink and has a plate date of May 2,
1864. Using the information in Peter Huntoon's article en-
titled "Treasury Serial Numbers by Year for the Early Large-
Size National Bank Notes" which appeared in issue number
144 of PAPER MONEY magazine, the Treasury number proves
that this note was issued in 1864. The note grades a repaired
good. The bottom left corner is missing from the note and has
been repaired with a part of another note. The repair passes
vertically through the bank serial number; therefore, it is im-
possible to determine the original bank serial number. The
bank serial number on the note now is 1011. The number 10
is on the repaired part that has been added from another note
and the number 11 is on the original part of the note. The
note hears the original handwritten signatures in brown ink
of P. Dickenson, V. President, one of the earliest, if not the
earliest instance of a vice-president, instead of the president,
signing a national bank note, and of Wm. Patterson, Cashier.
Although it will not win a beauty contest, this lowly $10
national bank note remains as a very important part of Ten-
nessee, Southern, and United States financial history. Infor-
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page 145
mation about any other so-called Confederate national bank
notes may be directed to me at: P.O. Box 140262, Nashville,
Tennessee 37214.
Biographical sketches of
some of the Original Stockholders
of the
First National Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee
William Gannaway (Parson) Brownlow
William Gannaway (Parson) Brownlow was born on August
29, 1805 in Wythe County, Virginia. He was orphaned at the
age of 11. In 1826 he was licensed to preach by the Methodists
and became a circuit rider.
Ile entered the newspaper business and moved to
Elizabethton, Tennessee; on May 16, 1839 he founded the
Elizabethton Whig. After one year he moved to Jonesboro, Ten-
nessee. Brownlow later moved to Knoxville, and on May 19,
1849 started the Knoxville Whig.
In early 1 861 he was vile in his editorials against secession-
ists. Brownlow was a member of the East Tennessee Conven-
tion and wrote strongly against ratifying the Ordinance of
Brownlow was suspected of being the ringleader of the
Unionists who burned the railroad bridges on November 8th.
Ile was arrested on December 6th and jailed in Knoxville. The
Confederates sent Brownlow into the Union lines and on
March 5, 1862 he left Knoxville for Union-occupied Nashville.
Brownlow returned to Knoxville shortly after Union forces
entered the city.
On February 22, 1865, William G. Brownlow was elected
governor of Tennessee. Re-elected in 1867, he pursued a very
heavy-handed policy toward former Confederates and plunged
the state deeply into debt. On March 5, 1869 Brownlow was
sworn into office as a U.S. Senator from Tennessee serving one
six-year term. William Gannaway Brownlow, who was once
called the meanest man that ever walked the streets of Knox-
ville, died on April 29, 1877.
Samuel P. Carter
Samuel P. Carter was born on August 6, 1819 in Elizabethton,
Tennessee. Carter received an appointment as a midshipman
in the navy in 1840. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Acad-
emy at Annapolis, Maryland in the first class in 1846.
In late summer of 1861 Carter organized 2000 East Tennes-
see Unionist volunteers. In May of 1862 Carter attained the
rank of Brigadier General of the Volunteer Army. He was with
General Burnside when he entered Knoxville. In March of 1865
Carter was breveted a Major General in the volunteer army.
In 1870 Carter was promoted to Captain in the Navy. He
was Commandant of the U.S. Naval Academy from 1870-
1873. Ile was promoted to Rear Admiral in 1882. On May 26,
1891 Samuel P. Carter, the only person in American history to
be both an Admiral in the Navy and a General in the Army,
died in Washington, DC.
Perez Dickinson
Perez Dickinson was a Massachusetts schoolteacher who ar-
rived in Knoxville in 1829. He was a teacher at the Hampden-
Sidney Academy from 1830-1832.
Dickinson became one of Knoxville's merchant princes af-
ter going into the dry goods business in partnership with James
H. Cowan, his brother-in-law, in 1832. Dickinson served as
president of the Union Bank of the State of Tennessee, Knox-
ville Branch, from 1857-1863.
Although Dickinson owned slaves, he was a strong Union-
ist and opposed secession. After the Union occupation of Knox-
ville by Burnside in 1863 Dickinson commanded Company F
of the militia organized by Unionists for the defense of Knox-
Oliver Perry Temple
Oliver Perry Temple was horn on January 27, I 820 in Greene
County Tennessee. Temple was admitted to the bar in 1846
and settled in Greeneville, Tennessee. He ran against Andrew
Johnson for Congress, but was defeated.
In 1848 Temple moved to Knoxville. In the presidential elec-
tion of 1860 he was the elector from the Knoxville district for
the Constitutional Union ticket. After the election he made
the first speech in Tennessee in support of the Union.
In 1881 Temple was appointed the Postmaster of Knoxville,
serving until 1885. Oliver Perry Temple died in Knoxville on
November 2, 1907.
Campen, I.T. (1981). National banking in Knoxville, Tennessee 1864-
1913. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International.
Coulter, E.M. (1937). W G. Brown/ow. Chapel Hill, North Carolina:
The University of North Carolina Press.
Garland, Paul E. (1983). The histm) , of early Tennessee banks and their
issues. Hampton, Virginia: Multi-Print, Inc.
Garrett, W.R. and A.V. Goodpasture. (1900). History of Tennessee. Nash-
ville, Tennessee: Brandon Printing Company.
Goodspeed (1887). History of Knox County. Nashville, Tennessee:
Goodspeed Publishing Company.
Jennings, Walter W. (1926). A history of economic progress in the United
States. New York, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company.
Kelly, Don C. (1985). National bank notes as a guide with prices. 2nd
Edition. Oxford, Ohio: The Paper Money Institute, Inc.
Knoxville City Directories 1859, 1869.
Malone, Dumas (1936). Dictionary of American biography. New York,
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
Rule, W. (1900). Standard history of Knoxville, Tennessee. Chicago, Illi-
nois: Lewis Publishing Company. ■
ok? ,.67a .Amerri
E are happy to report that we received a strong re-
sponse from our patrons with reference to bank sig-
natures. Without exception, the attitude is to leave the
notes alone. We received several well-thought-out letters, the
substance being that the signatures or lack of signatures, are
an integral part of the note and, as such, should not be tam-
pered with in any way. Many collectors feel strongly even about
the dirt and stains, feeling that this evidence of honest circula-
tion had become an essential portion of the note and should
not be removed. We are now more and more inclined toward
this point of view and will attempt to identify future notes as
to missing signatures, washed notes, etc.
(Hickman & Waters 28th Mail List, November 19701.
Paper Money Whole No. 184Page 146
Where Diki Come From?
Today's booming American capital markets are the
direct result of the genius of our Founding Fathers
and the Framers of our 1787 Constitution. Unlike
other countries, the United States has a uniquely
articulated form of government in our 1787 Con-
stitution. The Constitution is the law of our land—
a flexible framework for a constantly evolving
government designed to preserve American free-
dom and accommodate the changing needs of the
"people." In the natural order of mankind, the
framers of our Constitution believed that all pow-
ers of government should be derived from the
"people," thus the Preamble of the Constitution
begins, "We, the People of the United States, in
order to form a more perfect Union . . ."
N early 1787 the tiny American capital markets that
existed were illiquid and depressed, reflecting the de-
faulted-on Revolutionary War debt securities (trading
occasionally at 10-15 cents on the dollar) and an Articles of
Confederation government poorly constructed to deal with the
huge problems the debts caused. Since 1782 the Confedera-
tion government was so inept to the task at hand that they
mostly wasted energy promoting a legislatively unenforceable
and even illegal economic agenda. Their revenue gathering plan
lacked the active support of our nation's most influential lead-
ers. The United States' capital markets were in roughly the same
position as many of the world's emerging countries' markets
are today.
America's comparative advantage—the ultimate power of
American Capitalism and the source of today's amazingly pow-
erful capital markets—is a long-term outgrowth of our fair and
flexible 1787 Constitutional plan of government. The plan was
created by an intellectually gifted and inspired group of our
nation's citizens called together in Constitutional Convention
in Philadelphia when a new revolution (Shay's Rebellion)
threatened the Confederation government. The new Constitu-
tion was hammered out in secret negotiations over an eight-
month period by the best and brightest classic scholars, entre-
preneurs, scientists, merchants, mechanics, lawyers, doctors,
and educators that our nation could offer. When the finished
product, our 1787 Constitution, emerged almost no one
thought it was perfect (protected slavery of blacks was its Achil-
les heel), but enough thought it was the very best plan pos-
sible under the circumstances so that all states' delegations
attending unanimously recommended its transmission to the
states for formal adoption. The Constitution attempted to bal-
ance the rights of large states versus small and Southern states
versus Northern. It provided a series of checks and balances
between the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of
government to further protect those rights. It provided a built-
in system designed to accommodate changes should the vot-
ers demonstrate their desire to make changes.
But the 1787 Constitution still was only a framework for
adoption. It remained for that group of most interested and
leading citizens to get the new Constitution adopted, elect new
representatives, assemble in NYC, flesh out the new system
and revenue-gathering process, and solve the previously un-
solvable problems of the emerging debt-ridden American
economy. It was a massive undertaking. Men of great vision
and ability stepped forward to meet the challenge. They placed
the irrevocable stamp of an inspirational beginning to our new
government in the first Federal Congress—probably the most
important-ever session of government, surely so as respects
the American capital markets. The Constitution was only a
framework, but it positioned the United States for time there-
after to uniquely harvest the genius of its free and enterprising
The new government started slowly in 1789. The world and
capital markets were still skeptical, but gained momentum af-
ter George Washington was elected President and he chose
Alexander Hamilton to be the secretary of the treasury. Con-
gress immediately asked Hamilton for a plan to solve our
nation's financial woes—the root of the cause of failure of the
Confederation government. The choice of Hamilton, whose
agenda was known or at least strongly suspected, as the financial
leader within the new more flexible form of Constitutional
government provided a beacon for knowledgeable men world-
wide to see past the country's current problems to a brighter
American future. Indeed, when the I louse asked Hamilton to
formally prepare a plan to restore the public credit, those same
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page 147
men not only saw the brighter future, but actively sought out
investment opportunities in the new country, driving prices of
the Revolutionary War debt securities higher in the beginning
phase of our nation's first bull market. If one views time peri-
ods classically in terms of the history of nations as the framers
of our Constitution did, that first bull market is still booming
today! The framers should be justly proud of their handiwork.
New investment capital poured into the United States as
details of Hamilton's 1790 Plan to Restore the Public Credit
leaked. Securities prices jumped again when James Madison's
unexpected plan (called discrimination) to pay the original
holders of the war debt, the soldiers and their families, at the
expense of speculators and investors, who were mostly the
current holders of the war securities, was soundly defeated on
February 22, 1790. The Hamilton-led Federalist forces won
this key first test of strength in the new government. Hamilton
and the Federalists believed in the sanctity of contracts freely
entered into and in upholding the rights of security holders as
a foundation for their new financial order, Madison's defec-
tion from Hamilton's camp over the issue of discrimination
created division in Congress. Hamilton was forced to walk the
legislative tightrope for five more months before the historic
compromise (placing the capital of the United States in Phila-
delphia for 10 years and then on the Potomac for perpetuity
in exchange for enough votes to pass Hamilton's federal as-
sumption of state debts plan) allowed Hamilton to legisla-
tively complete the original elements of his plan to restore the
public credit.
Fewer skeptics remained as they watched Hamilton tirelessly
and effectively lord-over both the legislative creation and physi-
cal implementation of the new economic order of the Consti-
tutional government. Monied men were welcomed, their
support encouraged, their interests guarded, and their dollars
lured by Hamilton's pro-business policies to boost the value
of the nation's capital—basically the three classes of stock in
the public funds of the United States created by Hamilton to
exchange for the Revolutionary War debt in his recapitaliza-
tion plan. Hamilton reasoned, rightly, that he could marshall
the young nation's assets and pay off the war debt over a 25-40
year time frame given the breathing room provided by his re-
capitalization plan. Even with this long time horizon most
didn't believe his plan would work in 1790. Shockingly, within
a month of the initial July, 1791, public offering of another
key element of Hamilton's plan, the $10,000,000 Bank of the
United States, Hamilton's initial goal was all but achieved as
far as the public debt was concerned. Holders of the settled
Revolutionary War debt securities saw the dollar value of their
securities soar back to 100 cents on the dollar from the 1786-7
10-15 cents on the dollar. Securities in the bank initially of-
fered at $25/share rocketed to over $300/share in the first
month of trading! The continuing bull market had discounted
the bright future of the country and made Hamilton's plan an
almost immediate success well before the 20-40 years
Hamilton envisioned to pay off the accumulated war debts.
His plan was the first recipient of the miracle of the American
Capitalism—a way to turn promise into hard cash, to instantly
capitalize a future vision and reward the enterprise of the
American people.
The key to Hamilton's success and the ultimate competitive
edge of the American capital markets was, and is, our long-
term confidence inspiring a flexible and fair form of Constitu-
tional government with its built-in system that allows change
when dictated by the people. This unique experiment in gov-
ernment provided a solid base and launching platform for
Hamilton to brilliantly implement his Federalist vision.
In the 200+ years since Hamilton and the first Federal Con-
gress implemented the Federalist system, a continuous flow of
new governments have been elected, each with their own no-
tion of the will of the people combined with their own agen-
das. Their ideas have been supported, thrown out, adopted
and rejected in an ever-emerging pattern that ultimately re-
flects the will or lack thereof of the people. The American capi-
tal markets reflect a similar, constantly evolving, Darwinian
process that each cycle of the market seems to strengthen as
participants learn more about what works and what doesn't.
Inextricably joined, our capital markets and our government
are American Capitalism.
Today the American capital market itself has a unique and
highly evolved several-stage venture capital incubation to pub-
licly owned company development process in place. For the
first time in the 1990s the American capital markets contain
seemingly all of the elements necessary for the American
economy to constantly reinvent itself in response to ever-chang-
ing economic conditions. This is a triumph for the American
economic system best demonstrated by the increased capitali-
zation value of the American market today, much as the prom-
ise of the new 1787 Constitutional government was reflected
in the increased value of the settled Revolutionary War debt
securities back to 100 cents on the dollar in August of 1791.
As much as other nations and their emerging economies
attempt to replicate the success of the American system, their
capital markets will continue to meet spotty success. That is
until they, too, implement governmental systems that derive
legitimate powers from the ever-changing will of the governed,
and give a constant and fundamental respect to the free and
unencumbered rights of security holders which is basic to the
foundation of the American capital markets. Even then it will
be harder for investors to enthusiastically embrace companies
and securities issued within borders less secure than those of
the United States and by constituencies who might prove less
reliable than the electorate of the United States.
The victory of the American capital market system, so dra-
matically played out in today's world marketplace, is a victory
for freedom, our brilliantly conceived Constitutional govern-
ment, and the enterprise of the American people blessed with
these huge long term competitive advantages. Today's market
is saying "We, the people" can instruct our government to meet
changing economic conditions and overcome the barriers of
greed and embedded constituencies so resistant and harmful
to other countries' systems. Our nation's comparative advan-
tage is so basic to our country's inspirational beginnings, and
our capital market is so highly evolved and difficult to repli-
cate, that American Capitalism is well positioned to long domi-
nate the free world marketplace. Our system of government
and its capital markets, unlike other countries', were designed
to embrace change and even promote it—a vital element in a
constantly changing and competitive world marketplace.
More citizens will be forced to question and recognize the
nature of the American comparative advantage by the insis-
tency of present-day booming American capital markets. Per-
haps this is a good time to demand that our children learn
9 Li,
Paper Money It/hole No. /84Page 148
more ahout our unique advantages. Hopefully we then could
reestablish pride in the foundation our country and its Con-
stitution, as well as healthy respect for its framers' principles
and the power of American Capitalism. An educated popula-
tion will make informed choices at the ballot box, and on this
the long-term future of our country relies.
cnvPoci,w9.-. icAmrgImg.romm--..cagigrogr.-go.00rgrojiss
[N°. /Ion State ofe ,. /7 1 4 1/11:
E KNOWN,,That illere,,is ue from the United tites - iSf, 'America, unto RS;
67/Zat ai-c &tie, -)/ all6/e-ezi1z-• t le1" - — (to
— 17 /
I / - -or /24,1 affigns, the fum of
rglaacip:24 -tig2ScaaacDoS-lati,VDoNeWt;g4E1,1_,E4c3;o1,
ei3-11.1 hundred and one, inclufively ; payable quarter-yearly, and fubjea to redemption by payments not exceeding, i n
one ycar, on account both of principal and intereft, the proportion of eight DoLt.A R s upon a hundred of the Stock
bearing Intereft at fix per cent : created by virtue of an Aft, making provifion for the Debt of the United States, puffed
on the fourth day of Augult, t 7 9 0—which Debt is recorded in this Office, and is transferable only by appearance to : 4„;-')
::!perfon, or by Attorney, at the proper Office, according to the rules and forms inftituted for that purpofe.
' \
f_ 41.6/1" d /aWci. deiti&)/b/ 11,1,te, a'z-t-ta-11.1
/ bearing Intereft at fix per cent. per annum, from the fir day of January A. D. one thoufand,`:'
• The 1787 Constitution forbade
paper money. Hamilton's strat-
egy was designed around creat-
ing demand for and increasing
the value of the three classes of
stock he proposed to exchange
for the defaulted-on war debt.
He correctly reasoned that, if he
was successful, monied men
would learn how to use the in-
creased value of their capital to
the advantage of the American
economy. So when the Federal
Government offered land in the
Ohio country or elsewhere at
inexpensive prices the three
classes of stock were acceptable in payment at a premium. The same was true for payment of subscription offerings of the Bank
of the United States, the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Company, and most, if not all, of the first companies and banks
to sell stock to the public after the 1787 Constitution. So for a brief time at the origin of our Federal Government, before bank
notes became widespread, these three classes of stock took the place of forbidden paper money in financial transactions that
drove the economy.
• The decisive and lasting rally in the prices of American securities (up as much as 100% in four years before August 1791), led
by these three classes of stock and the execution of Hamilton's plan, created a gilt-edged aura of investment quality around
these securities. They thus became the foundation of the American capital markets and fuel for the growth of the American
• The stock is made to and signed by ledediah Morse who wrote the first American Geography book in 1784 and fathered Samuel
F.B. Morse, the man most responsible for inventing the magnetic telegraph and the technologically-driven information high-
way—the origin of the most powerful driving force in our economy today.
• Morse's endorsement on the verso shows a 1796 sale to Thomas Jackson, Boston broker, showing the workings of the American
capital markets in 1796 on a certificate that predates the NYSE's founding date of May 17, 1792. ■
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page 149
While perusing some back issues ofPAPER MONEY
not long ago, I ran across Gerome Walton's 1975
article The Last Note. To use his own words, Walton
"piqued my interest in finding a note or sheet that
would fit this category. As originally indicated by
Mr. Van Belkum's statement, they are indeed rare."
As luck would have it, I found my "first" last note
at a coin show in St Louis during the summer of
1995. It is position "C" of sheet 1360, the last $10
Series of 1875 note issued by the first National Bank
of Morrison, Illinois.
I IL First National traces its origin to the private bank
of Stiles & Company organized by Messrs. Stiles and
Jackson in 1863. Stiles retired the next year and Jack-
son formed a new partnership with Leander Smith under the
name of L. Smith and Company. Within a year, the organizers
of the First National Bank of Morrison applied for and received
national charter number 1033. The former partners contin-
ued with the new organization, Smith serving as president and
Jackson as cashier. These gentlemen served together until
Leander Smith's death in 1889. Jackson continued in office
until WWI, giving the hank nearly half a century of service. A
contemporary drawing reveals that the bank was housed in a
substantial three story brick building at the corner of Main
and Cherry Streets, right at the heart of downtown Morrison.
An interesting bit of trivia about the hank is the claim that the
first time lock ever purchased by a banker was purchased by
the First National in 1874.
Despite some damage and its relatively low grade, the note
is nevertheless oddly attractive with its cherry red seal and char-
ter numbers and the signatures of A(lbert) J Jackson and
Leander Smith. Although the hank received its charter on Janu-
ary 28, 1865 the note itself is dated lune 1, 1865. This is prob-
ably a "batch" date (described by Huntoon, 1986, No. 122)
and may indicate that a few months passed before the bank
ordered its first currency shipment. The note's Treasury serial
number (1137198) dates its printing to (probably the end of)
1882. By this relatively late date the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing had entirely displaced the private hank note compa-
nies' role in printing currency, and the note carries imprints of
both the American Bank Note Company, at the bottom cen-
ter, and the Bureau of Engraving at the upper left.
The note is significant not only because it is a "last note,"
but also because it led me to a review of the year-by-year circu-
lation totals from the Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the
Page 150 Paper Money Whole No 184
Currency which provided insight into why the first and second
charter period issues from the hank are so scarce.
During its first 20 years, the First National matched its hold-
ings of U.S. Government Bonds to that of its capital and se-
cured the maximum circulation possible. This equalled 90
percent of its bond holdings and the circulation totalled
$45,000 before 1871 and $90,000 thereafter. The bank main-
tained its circulation at $90,000 through the extension of its
charter in 1885 and for a couple of years more. Then, in 1887,
the bank slashed its holdings of bonds to $25,000 and reduced
its circulation accordingly to $22,500.
This action was very common for national banks at the time,
but the explanation requires reference to a bit of financial his-
tory. As is well known, the National Banking Act was passed,
in part, to create a market for the massive issues of govern-
ment bonds used to finance the Civil War. At the end of 1860,
the federal government's debt totalled just $65 Million, and
this had more than doubled since the "Panic of '57" because
of the country's slow economic growth. In order to prosecute
the war, federal military spending began in earnest during 1861
and continued at historically high levels. By the end of 1865
the government's debt totalled $2,678 million. After
Appomattox, the national government's spending and, conse-
quently, its incremental borrowings were drastically reduced
as tax revenues again began to outstrip spending. This permit-
ted the resumption of specie in 1876 and, with less govern-
mental demand for money, interest rates fell during the
postbellum period as well.
Relatively flush with cash, the government followed an ag-
gressive program of redeeming or "continuing" (at a lower
interest rate) maturing bonds, and, in some cases, actually paid
a premium to repurchase and retire older, higher coupon debt.
By the mid-1880s, the older high coupon bonds, which se-
cured national banknote circulation, commanded increasingly
high premiums to par. National bankers found that they could
realize better profits by selling their bonds, reducing their cir-
culation and reinvesting the proceeds in other, more attractive
opportunities. For example, in 1886 the 4 percent bonds (re-
deemable after 1907) were quoted at an amazing 128, and
even the 41/2s (redeemable in just 5 years) sold at 111. Such
profits far exceeded the profits from circulation and were not
ignored by most bankers.
Interestingly, the Act of July 12, 1882 further accommodated
this tendency by permitting any national bank with capital of
$150,000 or less to reduce its holdings of bonds to just 25
percent of the amount of paid in capital. Since the amount of
a bank's circulation was tied to its holdings of bonds, this, in
turn, reduced such bank's permissible circulation. In order to
release the bonds it held in excess of this minimum the hank
simply deposited "lawful money" in the redemption fund equal
to the difference between its old level of circulation and the
new, reduced level of circulation. The key point for the
Morrison hank, however, is that for banks which had reduced
their bond holdings, no new notes would be issued, even to
replace worn or damaged notes, until the actual outstandings
reached the lower "bonded" level of circulation.
Since the value of the circulation privilege had been reduced,
the advantages of a national hank charter were also substan-
tially lessened and the organization of new national banks
slowed markedly. This was especially true in smaller commu-
nities, where the minimum capital requirement of $50,000
required for a national charter was far higher than what was
being required by most state chartering authorities.
During the 1890s the federal government again entered a
period of rising expenditures and debt. And, perhaps not co-
incidentally, regulations were liberalized to encourage the or-
ganization of National Banking Associations, in part no doubt,
to strengthen the demand for government securities. In addi-
tion, a large increase in the supply of bonds carrying the circu-
lation privilege occurred with the "3s" of 1908-1 91 8 issued in
conjunction with the Spanish American War. The supply was
further expanded in late 1905 when the 2 percent Panama
Canal issues also received the circulation privilege. Because of
the lower interest rate, these bonds carried a lower premium
in the secondary market than earlier issues. Equally impor-
tant, the Act of March 14, 1900 permitted a national hank to
issue circulation up to an amount equal to 100 percent of its
bond holdings and the minimum capital requirement to or-
ganize a national banking association in a small town was re-
duced to just $25,000. Together these changes ushered in what
John I Iickman referred to as the "Golden Age of I lome Town
These events are nicely illustrated by the First National !tank
of Morrison. In early 1885, the bank applied to the comptrol-
ler to extend its charter. The Act of July 12, 1882 provided
...notes of any national bank so extending the period of its suc-
cession issued prior to such extension, shall be redeemed at the
Treasury of the United States as provided in the act of lune 20,
1874; at the end of 3 years from the date of its extension, the bank
shall deposit lawful money with the Treasurer of the t lnited States
to redeem the balance of the notes outstanding at the date of its
extension ... from time to time
as these notes shall be re-
deemed, new circulating notes
shall be issued to make them
distinguishable from those
previously issued.
That is, the bank received
its replacements for worn
or damaged currency after
recharter in the form of
brown back notes. In 1887
the bank chose to reduce its
bond holdings to the per-
missible 25 percent of capi-
tal, or $25,000. Since
circulation was limited to
8u? „
IN a001,
This book is a who's who of individuals portrayed on obsolete
bank notes & scrip. The famous, such as the Presidents of the U.S.
to the infamous, such as the president of an obscure small town
bank. Politicians, business men, inventors, Revolutionary and Civil
war heroes, famous women & Indians are all included. A short bi-
ography is included which usually accounts for the reason that the
portrait appears on the note. An enlargement of each portrait to
help in identification of the person on other notes makes this book
a required addition to your library. A refund if you are not satisfied
for any reason.
$28.95 pp
Order from your favorite dealer or from the author:
ROGER H. DURAND P.O. Box 186Rehoboth, MA 02769
Raper ,Money Whole No. 184 Rig(' 1 1
FNB Morrison, Charter 1033
Dates Covered Capital
US Gov't
1865 to 1870 50,000 50,000 45,000
1871 to 1886 100,000 100,000 90,000
1887 to 1897 100,000 25,000 22,500
1899 100,000 25,000 13,300
1901 100,000 25,000 7,200
1903 100,000 25,000 4,400
1904 100,000 25,000 25,000
1905 100,000 66,060 25,000
1906 100,000 56,960 25,000
1907 100,000 88,085 25,000
1908 100,000 116,470 88,000
1909 to 1928 100,000 Over 100,000 84,000 to 99,750
12/31/32 100,000 105,000 50,000
Entered Receivership during 1993, closed December 7, 1933.
Sources: Through 1922, Comptroller of the Currency, Annual
Report. 'thereafter, Folks Bank Directories for March of
each year.
Officers of the FNB of Morrison during
the Large Size Currency Period
President Cashier
1865 to 1889 Leander Smith Albert 1. Jackson
1889 to 1893 W.S. Wilkinson Albert I. Jackson
1894 to 1913 Edward A. Smith Albert I. Jackson
1914 to 1918 M.D. Potter P.A. Van Osdel
1919 11.11. Wilkinson F.A. Van Osdel
1920 to 1923 D.S. Spafford F.A. Van Osdel
1923 to 1929 John A. Riordan F.A. Van Osdel
90 percent of the value of the bonds, the hank's circulation
was simultaneously reduced to $22,500. To recover the
$75,000 of bonds that this action permitted, the bank was
required to deposit $90,000 minus $22,500 or $67,500 of
"lawful money" into the redemption fund. New notes were
not issued to the bank to replace redeemed, worn or damaged
currency until the circulation actually outstanding totalled
$22,500 and, since neither the bank's capital nor holdings of
bonds were increased during this period, it is likely that the
bank did not receive any new notes for a several years after
1887. Further, the circulation figures after 1899 indicate that
the bank began to deliberately permit its circulation to run
down. I luntoon (1981) has noted a similar phenomena some-
what later in regard to Arizona banks, and it is also illustrated
in the much later activities of the Mercantile National Bank of
St Louis, which consciously redeemed circulation when it was
advantageous to sell bonds, only to increase its bond holdings
and obtain new currency when it seems advantageous to take
an opposite course.
This reduction is also reflected in the amount of currency
issued to the bank and explains the rarity of first and second
charter notes. During its first 20 years, the bank issued circula-
tion equal to $311,000, or an average of about $15,500 for
each of its 20 years. During its second 20 years, the bank is-
sued only a third as much, $ 1 1 6,800 or $5,840 per year, very
little of which would have been issued after 1900. In 1 903 the
bank's authorized circulation had dwindled to just $4,400.
After the second extension of its charter in 1904, the hank's
circulation returned to $25,000 and began to approach capi-
tal again during the 'teens as bonds once again became a de-
sirable investment.
This reinforces the notion that collectors should not judge
the rarity of a hank's early issues based on the last circulation
figures available. And, even a low grade note can provide
significant insight into the day-to-day operation of national
banks and he a real gem among the chaff.
Comptroller of the Currency (various dates 1865 to 1935), Annual
Report of the Comptroller 01 the Currency, Washington, D.C.
Childs, C F. (1947). Concerning U.S. Government Securities, Chicago
Hickman, I. and D. Oakes. (1990). The Standard Catalog or National
I3ank Notes, Iowa WI.
I I untoon, P. (1981). Bond Sales Create,/ Mang National Bank Note Rari-
ties and Missed Types, PAPER MONEY Number 95.
(1986). Significance of Plate Dates on National Bank Notes,
PAPER MONEY Number 122.
(1986). The Relationship Between National Banks and Cot-
porate Extensions and Reorganizations of National Banks, PAPER
MONEY Number 123.
(1989). Treasury Serial Numbers by Yearlor the Early Large-
Size National Bank Notes, PAPER MONEY Number 144.
Walton, G. (1975). The Last Note, PAPER MONEY Number 56.
Thanks to lee Stickle for providing some very useful background in-
formation on the bank and for the nice drawing of the building from
the period the note was issued .
This back design proof for the $1,000
note, and the other too denominations,
was photographed by the author at the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
Page 152 Paper Money Whole No. 184
Three Unique
HILE gathering material forAn Illustrated History of U.S.
Loans 1775-1898 at the Bureau of the Public Debt,
about six years ago, I was pleased to find some unique
pieces that were vital for that work. I was also delighted when
I discovered three canceled gold certificates, never before illus-
trated. I changed that by adding these face designs to the 5th
and new 6th editions of The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Pa-
per Money. In addition to those who purchased the catalog, I
assume there are others who would be interested to see illus-
trations of these rare notes.
It took decades for the saying, "not worth a Continental" to
disappear. It had no relevance to generations who did not know
the history of Continental currency that eventually became all
but worthless. As a child I often heard the phrase "as good as
gold." One seldom hears that affirmation today; it lost its
meaning when gold coins and gold certificates were withdrawn
and ceased to circulate.
The first gold certificates issued in the United States were
authorized by the legendary Act of 3 March 1863. This act also
authorized bonds, interest-bearing treasury notes, compound
interest treasury notes, legal tender notes and fractional cur-
rency. This act was also the first act to place a tax on state bank
The first gold certificates in denominations of $20, $100,
$500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 were not issued until late
1865. There was a total of nine large-size gold certificate is-
sues. However, only four issues circulated widely. The Gold
Reserve Act of 1964 recalled all gold certificates. The order was
rescinded on 24 April 1964. This made it legal for collectors
and others to hold these lovely, obsolete gold certificates.
Two of the notes illustrated here were included in the first
issue. Like the $20, $100, and probaby the $500 and $10,000—
none are known—the $1,000 and $5,000 gold certificates in-
cluded the eagle E Pluribus Unum engraved by Charles Skinner.
This Series of 1863 $1,000 gold certif i-
cate includes the upper portion of Ins-
tice. The entire image appears on the
$1,000 compound interest treasury note
authorized by the same Act of 3 March
For the Series of 1863 $1,000 notes, 117,000 notes were
printed and 60,000 issued. The illustrated note is the only one
known. However, seven are outstanding, waiting to he discov
ered, if they still exist.
Paper Money Whole No. 784 Page 153
'This Series of 1863 $5,000 gold cer-
tificate includes the upper portion of
Victory. The entire image appears on
the $20 compound interest, and in-
terest-bearing treasury notes, both au-
thorized by the same Act of 3 March
A proof back design for the $5,000
No examples of the 1863
$10,000 gold certificates are
known. However, this proof il-
lustrates the hack design.
‘.10:113. .; .7i;F::4"4417r7. ;,:
/ ) -
7/77, ,y' /4fri/ i...2/h (:),Xy///v/h
I'll 4.kILLLAZ.tit t
«P r woo!), AL,g. ‘,!,1'''‘f000n. , GOLD CAE F I CATE -
The uniJace $10,000 gold cer-
tificate, Series of 1875, is simi-
lar to the ,Series of 1888, which
has been illustrated before. The
portrait of Andrew Jackson was
engraved by Alfred Sealey.
r '
— - - - -ffiglE§M§§SSOMMiare§
_C-LS ...C.:21_11tMILMJ) 1.
/41 471/ (tifrif/((///'///
• (-1
VEgf.VMS§§00fk5SS CESSOW:f P/S3 ff.V.
Page 154
Paper Money Whole No. 184
For the $5,000 note, also from Series 1863, there were 94,600
notes printed and 64,000 issued. All of these notes have been
redeemed. Allow me to say that the illustration for the back of
this note as 1-lessler 1443 (1992) is incorrect. (The previous
edition has the correct back design.)
The last note illustrated here is a $10,000 note; it was part
of the Series of 1875. Only 8,933 notes were printed and is-
sued; all were redeemed. Again, the illustration for the back in
Hessler (1992) is incorrect. (The previous edition has the cor-
rect back design.)
For detailed information that relates to these notes you might
consult an excellent 78-page booklet, Gold, Greenbacks, and the
Constitution, by Richard Timberlake, Ph.D. The publisher is The
George Edward Durell Foundation, P.O. Box 847, Berryville,
VA 22611. The price is $4.95.
Hepburn, A.B. (1924). A history of currency in the United States. New
York: The Macmillan Company.
Hessler, G. (1992). The comprehensive catalog of U.S. paper money. Port
Clinton, OH: BNR Press.
Starts Here
A Primer for Collectors
N a previous column the original and altered, but unis-
sued, versions of the 1896 $5 silver certificate were
discussed. The central figure of Electricity on the origi-
nal design was not sufficiently clothed, according to some.
Although altered with added clothing, the design was canceled
and an entirely new design was issued in 1899.
During the past 20 years a few notes, that were subsequently
altered, were issued in other countries; both versions of each
are available for reasonable prices. Eagle-eyed collectors no-
ticed these varieties almost immediately.
In 1974 when the United States was on friendlier terms with
Iran, a new 200-rial note with the portrait of Shah Mohammed
Reza Pahlavi was issued. However, it was the back of the note
that created considerable controversy. On either side of the
Maidane Shahyad Monument are geometric designs. On the
first issue the dominant pattern consists of a 6-pointed Star of
David. This symbol, which conveys dignity and respect for the
state of Israel, is anathema for most Moslem countries.
The circumstances that surround the creation of this note
by an English firm continue to be debated. The design could
have been the result of a pattern innocently generated by a
geometric lathe, which had no intended political or religious
connotation. However, many think the lathe operator know-
ingly created this controversial pattern.
Fortunately for the collector enough of the original notes
entered circulation before this blunder was noticed and the
plate was reengraved. Both versions are available for about
$15 each.
In Nepal a new portrait of King Birendra Bir Bikram was
placed on a new issue of notes in 1981. After a considerable
number of 2- and 100-rupee notes were issued, everyone no-
ticed a black line near the corner of the king's mouth. This was
obviously the result of a deep scratch on the printing plate.
Nevertheless, it did not flatter the king, who appeared to have
something dangling from his mouth. The printing plate was
Both types of the 2-rupee note are available for about $1 or
$2 each. If you want the 100-rupee versions they will cost about
$10 each. However, the 2-rupee notes tell the entire story.
A less obvious note that required alteration is the 50-baht
note from Thailand with the portrait of King Rama IX. The
ears on the portrait on the first issue were elf-like, not as ex-
treme as the pointed ears of Star Trek's Mr. Spock, neverthe-
less, the king was not amused, and the printing plate was
retouched. Both versions of this undated note, issued about
1985, can be purchased for under $10 each.
All of the preceding should make interesting conversation
pieces, especially for friends who are not familiar with inter-
national paper money.
Next month the entire column will be devoted to an altered
note from region of Czechoslovakia.
(Copyright story reprinted by permission from Coin World, Nov. 28,
Annual Blue Ridge Meeting
The Blue Ridge Numismatic Association Convention will take
place in Chattanooga, TN, August 22-25. At the SPMC meet-
ing at 4:00 on Saturday, chaired by Judith Murphy, Dick Rader
will speak on Georgia State Notes.
Richard Doty will represent the National Numismatic Col-
lections at the Smithsonian Institution. He will bring a
Smithsonian display of Georgia currency from the Colonial
period to 1865, and will offer periodic lectures. The Georgia
Numismatic Association is a major financial sponsor of this
USAir is offering a 5% discount fare. Call USAir's Meeting
and Convention Reservation Office at (800) 334-8644; 8:00
a.m. to 9:00 p.m. E.S.T. and refer to Gold File No. 23450348.
• suuntounmerrausinmontoniasteuamts•
39,02-6 i1Amfe s,
avwftt6-3 7919
% It)) Q.,11A fi40:4;
4444 t v1,14,-LS1
Paper Money Whole No. 184
Page 155
I IIS is a story about patience and perseverance—quali-
ties that a collector of national bank notes must pos-
sess. Seven years ago I decided that I just had to have a
$10 or $20 note issued by the 11.Y. Davis National Bank of
Cave City, Kentucky—a very rare, good-name bank that
stopped issuing currency in 1916.
I wrote to the Postmaster of Cave City, who put me in touch
with the only living grandchild of 11.17. Davis—a lady who
worked in her grandfather's bank for over 40 years after it be-
came the 11.1'. Davis State Bank.
This lady sent me a copy of a high-grade, Series 1902 Date
Back $10, but said that she would never part with it because not
only was it signed by her grandfather, but the note also bore the
signature of her father, Ernest C. Davis, who was cashier.
Being an avid collector who is very persistent, I wrote to her
once a year, advising her of my continued interest in her $10
note—and every year she wrote back, saying that she planned
to keep it. I even visited her in Cave City in the spring of 1990,
and she showed me photographs of her grandfather.
In February of 1992, I wrote to her again but received no
reply. After making a few inquiries, I learned that she had
passed away a month earlier. I obtained the name of the ex-
ecutor of her estate, who was living in another state. For the
next two years, I sent regular letters to the executor, but could
not persuade her to part with the valued family heirloom,
signed by her great-grandfather.
In July of 1994, 1 wrote to her again. Much to my surprise
and great joy, she sent me a letter on August 29th telling me
that I could buy the $10 bill. Out of respect for the Davis fam-
ily, I assured the lady that should I ever decide to part with the
$10 bill, I will first offer it to her family.
Needless to say, this H.Y. Davis $10 note, boldly signed by
that colorful figure in Kentucky banking history, is one of my
most prized notes—not simply because it is one of the rarest
and most desirable of Kentucky nationals, but because I found
it and obtained it on my own. I take special pride in all the
notes that I have personally pried away from private individu-
als and brought to the collecting community. And, in addi-
tion to the owners of the note, I also met some other very nice
people along the way, and received some kind assistance from
the folks who guided me to the note.
The author's reward for Ins efforts: A Third Charter 1902 Series Date Back note issued by The H.Y. Davis National Bank
of Cave City, Kentucky. This note hears the pen-signed signatures of Assistant Cashier E.C. Davis and President H.Y.
Page 156 Paper Money Whole No. 184
by Cecil Goode
[This article appeared in the April 28, 1988 issue of the
Glasgow, Ky. Daily Times, and is reprinted with their per-
Many people probably think that the life of a bank is
dull and unexciting—nothing but figures, money count-
ing, money changing, lending and other everyday reasons
that we go into a bank. But that's not true. Like a person's
life there are lighter occasions, some tough times and usu-
ally even death. Some fortunate people reach a hundred a
years and so has one bank in Barren County. The 11.Y. Davis
Office of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company in Cave
City will celebrate its hundredth birthday with an open
house on May 6. There were earlier banks in Barren County;
they are now gone. This one is now the oldest.
Various incidents sparked the life of the N.Y. Davis Bank.
Of course, it is no mean accomplishment to reach a cen-
tury of service to a community and during this time never
to have had to close its doors to the public. There was an
exception, of course, as was true with all banks that were in
existence in 1933, when all banks in the country were or-
dered by the federal government to close until the banking
situation could settle down during the Great Depression.
Many banks never reopened, but the N.Y. Davis Bank did.
Winifred Davis, granddaughter of the founder, recalls
when the bank hired its first woman. Banking previously
was virtually a man's preserve. And this woman is still liv-
ing: Grace Gray McBride of Park City. Winifred remembers
that her grandfather and the other males in the bank wanted
this young woman to be comfortable, so they ordered from
Louisville a high stool with a back. The men in the bank all
sat at the high counter on high stools with no backs. They
were also concerned about the restroom accommodations
for her, but finally decided that she could walk outside and
up the outside stairway to the second floor like the other
members of the bank did.
Another episode involved a possible robbery. None,
thankfully, happened during the bank's hundred years, but
they thought one was about to happen when a strange-look-
ing man, unknown to those in the bank, backed up to the
curb in front of the bank like he wanted to make a quick
get-away. He burst into the bank and those inside thought,
"Uh-oh, here it comes," but just at the moment he reached
the inside, the twelve o'clock siren blew, and the stranger,
thinking a burglar alarm had been set off, wheeled around
and took off like he had been shot at. As a precaution, a
pistol was kept under the counter ready for use if the need
ever arose, but it never did.
Among many noted depositors was Floyd Collins, who
was trapped in Sand Cave and met an early death. A
certificate of deposit with the Davis Bank was found on
Collins' body when it was retrieved from his Sand Cave
Today it is hard to imagine a bank providing the accom-
modations for visiting and loafing as a country store or small
restaurant might, but the Davis Bank did. In the early days,
men came in and sat awhile swapping news and stories.
The bank was founded on May 7, 1888 by Hardin Young
Davis under the name "N.Y. Davis, Bankers." The site of
the bank is still standing across Broadway from the present
location of the bank—where the Green River Sanitation
office is now located. Sometime later the bank moved next
door to a building that is also still standing, where the Davis
Some early officers of the 11.1'. Davis Bank. The founder, H. Y. Davis, Sr., appears at right. Others pictured front left are,
B.C. Danis, Cordon Cornelius, B.L. IYIlson and S.B. Davis. The title, "The 11.Y. Davis National Bank," appears in the
window behind the officers, indicating that the photograph was taken before 1916.
The Green
Goods Game
Conducted by
Forrest Daniel
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page 157
Insurance office is now located. The present site of the bank,
in a modern building built in 1968, is where the Old Dixie
lotel stood. The depositors during the bank's first week
whose transactions were written into the first ledger hook
by R.T. Smith of I Iorse Cave, included: I I.Y. Davis, William
Wells, C.L. Caldwell, O.F. Curd, J.B. Curd, W.A. Huggins,
J.W. Monroe, I lenry Fishback, R.D. Curd and son, Isaac
Jameson, Dr. W.E. Garnett, I.T. Brady, Charles Davidson,
Mrs. Fanny L. Davis, W.S. Doyel, G.M. Smith, A. McCoy,
James P. Brooks, John Ford, Elkanah Dickey, and Mrs. Bettie
11.Y. Davis, Sr., led the bank until his death in 1924—
some 36 years. Of course by 1920 Davis had retired from
his most active involvement. longevity seems to have been
characteristic of the bank's officers and staff. Earle Dickey
served for 46 years, rising to president during that time.
Three of the Davises' sons also served the hank. All four
sons were hankers, and actually served at one time or an-
other in one of the Davis banks. After their father's retire-
ment, Samuel Beverly Davis took over as president and
Ernest C. Davis as cashier. After the death of both Samuel
and Ernest in 1935, another son, Arch B. Davis, became
president. Arch made his banking fame in Louisville; he
had served as secretary of the Kentucky Bankers' Associa-
tion and became vice-president of the Citizens Fidelity and
Trust Company. Another son, 11.Y., Jr., ran the Davis hank
at llpton.
Granddaughter Winifred Davis served in the bank for 44
years, eventually becoming assistant cashier. And the first
woman in the bank, Grace Gray McBride, retired in 1974
after 55 years. H.Y., Sr. established three other banks be-
sides the first one in Cave City. These were at Upton, Rocky
lill and Glendale.
A present-day Davis, H.Y. Davis, IV, is following in the
family tradition; he is now connected with the First Citi-
zens Bank of F,lizabethtown. In fact, except for a year or
less, one or more of the Davis family have been associated
with the HA'. Davis Bank. Nancy I lale, who is now with
the bank, is a family member.
Earle Dickey, in some recollections which he wrote on
the occasion of the bank's moving into its new location in
1968 (the present location) characterized 11.Y., Sr. as "a
wonderful old gentleman ..." "... I remember very well one
of those early days the Old Reporter did not strike a bal-
ance, and he had visions of losing his job, when Mr. Davis
came by and asked if I was having trouble. With a red face,
I admitted that I was, with expectation that I would be fired
on the spot. But to my immense relief he merely said, 'Earle,
you have the ability to keep those books' and quietly walked
away. I revere the memory of this kind and able old gentle-
All of the records of the hank until the modern era were
kept in ink in large ledger hooks. All depositors' accounts
were kept in this manner. These early ledgers, including
the original one, still repose in the bank's archives. Dickey
said that when he started in 1920, one adding machine
was the only mechanical aid available. The Davis Bank later
became The I I.V. Davis National Bank, but in 1916 it be-
came the I I.Y. Davis State Bank when the officers tired of
what they considered to be unreasonable demands from
the national banking system.
Control of the bank remained in the Davis family for
some 76 years. In 1964 it was bought out by Guy Corner,
and in 1972 it became a part of the Citizens Bank and Trust
Company. I think that you will agree that this venerable
institution is entitled to celebrate its century of service with
satisfaction and pride.
Charter 7919 was issued to this hank in September 1005. The
capital of the bank was $25,000, the minimum allowed by
the Gold Standard Act of 1900. The hank issued Third Charter
1902 Series $10 and $20 Red Seal and Date Back notes only,
before it was placed in voluntary liquidation on January 2,
1917, for the purpose of becoming a state-chartered bank.
The total amount of circulation was $168,950; of this, only
$28,000 was outstanding when the bank closed. The surviv-
ing notes of this hank are extremely rare.
Goode, C. (1988). "I I.Y. Davis Bank will observe 100th Birthday with
open house." Glasgow, KY: Daily Times„April 28, 1988.
Hickman, I. and D. Oakes. (1990). Standard Catalog of National Rank
Notes. Iola, WI: Krause Publications.
(Queer was a 19th century term for counterfeiter)
An unsuccessful attempt was made by one Wiscall last night
to pass a counterfeit $5 bill on Mrs. Frazier, who keeps a small
cigar place on Arizona street The woman detected the irregu-
larity and quickly summoned Officer Parlin, who arrested
Miscall. No other counterfeits were discovered in his posses-
sion. The bill in question was a purported issue of the Cape
Fear National bank of Wilmington, North Carolina. It was
marked "Series B," and bore the almost indistinguishable sig-
nature of the president of the institution.
This is not the first counterfeit North Carolina currency that
has come into the possession of the department, for some time
ago another "shover" was caught in Butte with the same kind
of money, but he was released because the United States au-
thorities were unable to prove that he did not receive it inno-
The bill now in the hands of the police is a clumsy piece of
work. The faces of the die on either side are identical and when
torn apart the backs, which were pasted together were found
to contain no imprint. Wiscall said he was not aware that it
was bad, but the very appearance of the bill is against his state-
The whole matter will be placed before United States Com-
missioner McMurphy today and the police have special in-
structions to be on the watch for any more of this "specie."
Butte (Mont.) Miner, Mar. 13, 1896.
River ideHerculaneum
Blackwell S tat ion
Potosi o
Caledonia o
Iron Mountain
Granireville o
Page 158 Paper Money Whole No. 184
Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Railway
Serving the Lead Fields of Southeast Missouri
AILROADING in Missouri became a reality in the early
1850s for two definitive reasons. One was interest in
the western U.S. following the California gold discov
eries and the subsequent western expansion. Two, was the need
to transport the rich mineral deposits in the iron and lead fields
of Southeast Missouri to the mills and furnaces in and near St.
Louis. Of course St. Louis was to be the terminus for railroads
in both directions.
Organization of the Iron Mountain Railroad in 1851 met
the latter need, as did the construction of the lesser-known
Mississippi River and BonneTerre Railway in 1890. It was built
The route of th , Mississippi River and Bonne Terre Railway paralleled the
St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern.
and operated by the St. Joseph Lead Co. in Bonne Terre, Mis-
Until 1880 lead ores were hauled by horse and ox-drawn
wagons overland to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and South-
ern Railway to the west. (In 1874, the Iron Mountain Railway
was consolidated with the Cairo & Fulton and the Cairo, Ar-
kansas and Texas line.) In that year, the lead mining compa-
nies built a line from Bonne Terre, Missouri, west to Summit,
a point on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Rail-
way. Eventually however, a more direct route to I Ierculaneum
on the Mississippi River was needed to connect the mines with
the extensive smelting opera-
' tions there. Thus, the Missis-
sippi River and Bonne Terre
191; 651.2 Railway was born in 1890.
Tracks were laid from Riverside
(25 miles below St. Louis) at
the junction with the St. Louis,
Iron Mountain and Southern
Railroad, then 32 miles south
to Bonne Terre, Missouri. In
1894 an extension to Doe Run,
Missouri was constructed. The
railline became a veritable pipe-
`' line for industry, product and
people traveling to and from
the lead fields of St. Francois
County, Missouri. Its officers
included all the top mining per-
sonnel of the St. Joseph and Doe Run lead Companies of that
era. F.P. Graves, who was secretary and assistant superinten-
dent of the Doe Run Lead Co. was secretary of the Mississippi
River and Bonne Terre Railway.
The line transported more than ore. With six passenger trains
running daily, a BonneTerre resident or mining executive could
be in St. Louis in three hours in 1912. A connection would be
made at Riverside just north of Herculaneum with a St. Louis,
Iron Mountain and Southern train for the journey to St. Louis.
In 1929 the Missouri-Pacific RR acquired the Mississippi River
and Bonne Terre Railway and passenger service ended soon
after. For nearly 30 years this railroad was a vital part of the
mining community.
Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri, 1901, Volume IV. The Southern
History Co. New York, Louisville, & St. Louis.
Primal, lames Neal. Linn of the Valley St. Louis, Missouri, Volume III.
The Western Urban History Series 1981.
The Model Railroader, May 1990.
Various issues of The Farmington Times, Farmington, Missouri, 1912.
O PROTEST s Boone Terre. Mo
order of Mississippi River & Borne Terre Railway,
Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Railway.
Bonne Terre, MO, located in St. Francois County, MO was the location for both
Bonne Terre Railway and its parent company, the St. Joseph Lead Co.
the Mississippi River and
"tjj37.131)) ,*}Ititilit QIJAIAIlati
-0 A 70538006 0
A 70538006 C
Paper AJoncy I Owl(' Ni.,rc 184 Page I
Or 8894!
IRTUALLY anyone who has been collecting U.S. pa-
per money for any length of time is familiar with the
reproduction of the $1000 promissory note of The
Bank of the United States, serial number 8894. This particular
reproduction has been the subject of so many inquiries di-
rected to the SPMC that I finally tracked it down and confirmed
that the original is in the possession of, and well-guarded by,
the Historical Documents Company of Philadelphia.
I'm not sure when the first reproductions of this note were
issued by that firm, but it must have been at least 30 or 40
years ago; and apparently, THOUSANDS of them still exist!
I'm also assuming that the copies are still being made and dis-
tributed, although the "modern" ones have the word "COPY"
printed in the bottom margin on the face.
Many have found their way into the hands of people who
have no idea what they are, but "it's very old and must be
extremely valuable." Of course, the holders of these notes want
to know what it's worth, so they contact paper money collec-
tors and dealers to find out.
But that's just where the fun begins! What's fascinating to
me are the STORIES that some people concoct to lend validity
to their claim that these notes are tally over 150 years old!
Surely some of the notes are probably over 40 years old; and,
of course, they were produced on paper that was chemically
treated to appear "old," like parchment.
But these notes have been "found" in trunks which have
remained "unopened since the Civil War," "papers of my great-
great-grandmother, who acquired it in 1842," "a book of my
father's which was published in 1850," and so on.
The latest version arrived in today's mail. The story about
the source is nothing unusual, except for the claimed family
I found this note in a box of papers that belonged to my father
who is now deceased. The pay to G.W. Fairman is a distant relative
of our family. I called the Federal Reserve Bank and they suggested
that I contact your organization to see if or what value it might
have as a collectors piece. Enclosed is a copy of the original. The
original is yellowish brown from age. Thank you and I appreciate
your help or any information you may be able to provide for me.
As usual, the letter didn't contain a SASE, so it won't be an-
swered. Anyone out there got any good stories about "01'
A Letter to the Secretary
It's absolutely amazing what the "public" comes up with re-
garding paper money! A case in point is a letter I just received,
and I thought I'd share it with our membership. Relieve me. I
haven't edited what follows in our Way!
"Mr. Robert Cochran, Dollar A70538006C was a small fea-
ture article titled "one of a kind" in NEWSWEEK or U.S. NEWS
AND WORI.D REPORT. I read the article and can't remember
which magazine or month/year/date.
"The off print error note was shown to a numismatic dealer
for appraisal. The dealer contacted the bureau of printing
which checked their printing machines using sheets of blanks
and determined there might be only one or a few of these er-
ror notes and estimated the value of A70538006C at well over
$4 million. It was spent accidentaly (sic).
"I have collected $1 error notes 1988 series and have five
such notes including the original A70538006C.
"Can you please tell me anything about the 1988 error notes,
estimated value! how many in circulation and found! I be-
lieve they are very valuable." 'File "C" in the serial number is
slightly out of position.
A photocopy of the note referred to by the author of the
letter is illustrated. Now all we have to do is find the supposed
person at the "bureau of printing" who's willing to pay $4
million for one!
NE1/V Hank ClarkP.O. Box 117060Carrollton, TX 75011
9058 Timothy D. I lemly, 600 1st Source Rank Center, South Bend,
IN 46601.
9059 Barry A. Stein, 1305 Towlston Road, Vienna, VA 22182.
9060 Richard B. Glenn, 19520 Braewood Drive, Tarzana, CA 91356.
9061 Thomas P. Heilman, 531 Handy Drive, Bay City, MI 48706.
9062 Arlin L. Zingg, 16430 400th Street, Leland, IA 50453-7578.
9063 Susan R. Cohen, 3921 Livingston Drive, Apt. 12, Long Beach,
CA 90803.
9064 Charles A. Loehr, 529 NE 18th Street, Boca Raton, F1.33432; C,
U.S. lg. size.
9065 Mike Brusseau, 403 Bluff Avenue, Brainerd, MA 56401; Minne-
sota Nat. & Romania.
9066 Marvin Martens, 17828 Autumn, Macomb, MI 48044; C.
9067 Richard P. Silva, 5367 Contina Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 3227 7-
1301; C. CSA & Southern states.
9068 Thomas I,. Effley, 21 Francis Drive, Bethany, CT 06524-3227.
9069 I laresh Assumal, 3901 Conshohocken Avenue, Philadelphia,
PA 19131.
9070 Robert F. Seek, 20 Flagstone lane, Westbury, NY 11590.
9071 Norman Cornish, P.O. Box 4029, Schenectady, NY 12303.
9072 Art Paradis, 1404 Reliez Valley Road, Lafayette, CA 94549; C.
Page 160
Paper Money Whole No. 184
9073 Craig M. Hine, P.O. Box 1907, Boone, NC 28607; C. Sm. size
9074 Joseph Kappes, 2060 Shadwell Way, Lawrenceville, GA 30243;
C. Lg. size notes.
9075 Nash Hayes, 125 Cooper Drive, Lebanon, KY 40033; C.
9076 Ercel E. Rushing, 7550 S. R. 506, Marion, KY 42064; C. Obso-
9077 Stephen A. Sayeedi, 670 13th Avenue, Salt Lake City, UT 84103;
9078 David Knower, R.R. 1, Box 218, Ferrvville, WI 54628; C.
9079 Ronald K. Leonard, 3454 Kingswood Place, Waterloo, IA 50701;
9080 Hemley L. Madeira, 1335 Fitch Way, Sacramento, CA 95864-
3030; C.
9081 Tom L. Butler, 108 Oxbow CR, Ecinitas, CA92024; C. Fractionals.
9082 John M. Lahey, 2241 West Laskey, #29, Toledo, OH 43613-3562;
9083 George Lowerts, 384 Greenwich Drive, Richmond Hill, GA31324;
9084 Donald P.Thannen, 309 Kenyon Drive, Springfield, IL 62704; C.
Nat. BN.
9085 Stuart E. Rohken, 7737 Fair Oaks Blvd., #471, Carmichael, CA
9086 Minhua Cheung, (200051) 503-31 Shan lin Bzi Zhai, Chang
Nin Road, Shanghai, China.
9087 Nikos Kefalidis, 155 East 56th Street, New York, NY 10022; C.
9088 Bradley B. Garretson, 105 Danza Court, Orinda, CA 94563.
9089 Michael V. Vessetti, 5 Crescent Court, Peru, IL 61354.
9090 Michael Kelley, 260 Union Avenue, #44, Reading, MA 01864; C.
9091 Glenda Walker, 3717 Billie Faye, North Richland Hills, TX 76180.
9092 Harlan J. Smol in, 9036 Forestview Road, Evanston, IL 60203; C.
9093 David M. Painter, 196 East Sycamore Drive, Springport, IN 47386;
C, Lg. size notes.
9094 George Fitzgerald, 6311 Sawmill Woods, Ft. Wayne, IN 46835.
9095 Starve Straus, Opresnikova 36, 64000 Kranj, Slovenia; C, Yugo-
slavia & Rhodesia.
9096 Edward 1. Mayhew, 6610 Carleton Court, Laurel, MD 20707.
9097 Gregory W. Charlesworth, R.D. 1, Box 10, Roaring Spring, PA
9098 M. Istomin, P.O. Box 2020, 310202 Kharkov, Ukraine.
9099 P.J. Wiedemann, P.O. Box 519, Station Galt, Cambridge, Ontario
N1R 5W1, Canada.
9100 Vernon V. Peterson, P.O. Box 494, Vails Gate, NY 12584-0494;
C, Obsoletes, C.S.A. & 1800s checks.
OHIO NATIONALS WANTED. Send list of any you have. Also want
Lowell, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan, O'Neill. Lowell Yoder, P.O.B. 444, I lol-
land, OH 43528, 419-865-5115. (185)
NEW JERSEY—MONMOUTH COUNTY obsolete bank notes and scrip
wanted by serious collector for research and exhibition. Seeking is-
sues from Freehold, Monmouth Bank, Middletown Point, Howell
Works, Keyport, Long Branch, and S.W. & W.A. Torrey-Manchester.
Also Ocean Grove National Bank and Jersey Shore memorabilia. N.B.
Buckman, P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. 1-800-533-6163.
TOWN 364 & 2626, MOUNT VERNON 8516 & 5271, MAMARONECK
5411 & 13592, Rye, Mt. Kisco, Hastings, Croton on Hudson, Sommers,
Harrison, Sing Sing, Ossining, White Plains, Irvington, Bronxville,
Ardsley, Crestwood, New Rochelle, Elmsford, Scarsdale, Larchmont,
Portchester, Tuckahoe, Mt. Vernon, Peekskill, Pelham, Hartsdale,
Chappaqua. Send photocopy, price: Frank Levitan, 4 Crest Ave.,
Larchmont, N.Y. 10538-1311, 914-834-6249. (187)
STOCK CERTIFICATE LIST SASE. Specials: 50 different $19. five lots
$75. 15 different railroad stocks, most picturing trains, $20. five lots
$80. Satisfaction guaranteed. Always buying. Clinton Hollins, Box 112-
P, Springfield, VA 22150-0112. (190)
NYC WANTED: Issued NYC, Brooklyn obsoletes, issued/unissued ob-
soletes from locations within present-day Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx,
Queens, Staten Island. Steve Goldberg, Box 402, Laurel, MD 20725-
0402. (185)
for 554 SASE; MPC, Philippine Guerilla, Japanese invasion, world
coins-paper-stamps, U.S. coins-paper-stamps, Confederate, obsoletes,
FRN, stocks-bonds. 702-753-2435. Edward B. Hoffman, P.O. Box 6039-
S, Elko, NV 89802-6039. (186)
SELLING NATIONALS: Guntersville, Pine Bluff, Weed, Trinidad
Winsted, Fernandina, Milledgeville, Salmon, Hegewisch, Wadesville,
VVi nterset, Hiawatha, Hodgenville, Arcadia, Calais, Rising Sun,
Braintree, Ypsilanti, Biloxi, Sedalia, Ord, Reno, Somersworth,
Cranbury, Raton, Ballston Spa, Mebane, Devils Lake, Mingo Junction,
Sapulpa, The Dalles, Wilkinsburg, Pawtucket, Spartanburg, Wilmot,
Schwertner, Bluefield. 48 states, free list (specify state). Joe Apelman,
Box 283, Covington, LA 70434. (184)
WANTED—Autographs, Documents, Letters, Slave Related Items,
Etc. Revolution through the Civil War. Richard T. Hoober, Ir. P.O.
Box 3116, Key Largo, FL 33037. FAX or Phone (305) 853-0105. (188)fk \ mark,o P $1 Silver Certificates Wanted from Series 1928 to 1934. I especiallywant star notes and scarce blocks. Frank Bennett, P.O. Box 8722, PortSt. Lucie, FL 34985. (188)
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of
15e per word, with a minimum charge of $3.75. The primary purpose of the ads
is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized ma-
terial and disposing of duplicates. Copy must he non-commercial in nature.
Copy must he legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made pay-
able to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler,
P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 by the first of the month preceding the
month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1 for Jan./Feb. issue). Word count: Name and address
will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combina-
tions and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or
more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count.
WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade
for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last
St., New York, N.Y. 10015.
(22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each)
1,17t '‘.71 7, 71 ",r;
Original signatures of famous historical People on
currency • letters • photos • documents • checks
505 SO. BEVERLY DR. #1265
TOLL FREE 800-626-3393
Rare Kirtland, Ohio $100
Important Historical Mormon Issue
KIRTZ.R.17, (71.571"
ri Larif_Iftarl)W*N7)
533 Kirtland, Ohio, The Kirtland Safety So-
ciety Bank, OH-245. $100. Haxby. G-18.
EF. Dated July 4, 1837. Serial: 113. Made
payable to Joseph Smith. Signed by War-
ren Parrish as cashier and Frederick G.
Williams as President. The central vi-
gnette features the signing of the Decla-
ration of Independence. The writer Alvin
E. Rust described the issues of this bank
as the first Mormon currency endeav-
our." Very rare denomination.
Rita 1: lc III ■I 1../14 "'""'"
frAlt .U.41470 ," .; °4".••■ 41u.wla
thal-lkyntomr .1■11 ,wrImmion
8/r411- 1WW ■11.11,1111.104
Paper Money Whole No. 184 Page 161
for the Best Prices on your Paper Money!
Actual currency lot from a recent Bowers and Merena auction sale.
Paper money has always been a
specialty at Bowers and Merena.
We offer:
• Unsurpassed descriptions
• Profuse illustrations
• Extensive publicity
Wide-ranging expertise
We would be delighted to offer
single important notes and entire
Please call Dr. Richard A.
Bagg, our Director of Auctions,
at the toll free number below.
There is no obligationjust the
opportunity to sell your
paper money for the very best
market price.
Auctions by Bowers and Merena Inc.
BOX 1224 • WOLFEBORO, NH 03894 • TOLL-FREE 1-800-458-4646 • IN NH 569-5095 • FAX 603-569-5319
Pa,ge 162
Paper A loney 11' N'o. 184
Pay over "bid" for many
Pay over "ask" for some
Pay over Hickman-Oakes for many nationals
Pay cash - no deal too large.
All grades wanted, Good to Unc.
at 75, I can't wait.
Currency dealer over 50 years.
A.N.A. Life #103 (56 years)
P.N.G. President 1963-1964
910 Insurance Exchange Bldg.
Des Moines, IA 50309
(515) 243-7363
Buy: Uncut Sheets — Errors — Star Notes — Checks
Confederate — Obsolete — Hawaiiana — Alaskiana
Early Western — Stocks — Bonds, Etc.
a. D70990
4g11,--rstoie,Ni Tow,
7k-ie /,,ewe 4r, +4, ilt(7,v, "Xe
aKrreta9CafrairWSK. 1:0•H, .1; -%:•1 .r311-
- „
22= /2-1, W.:// , 17,4"/ 1// f\k929443
tiogjuotojwy aits ,
Paper Money Whole No. 184
Page 163
Friedberg. 14th Edition. Hard Bound. $18.50
plus $2.50 postage. Total price $21.00.
U.S. PAPER MONEY by Gene Hessler.
5th Edition. Hard Cover. $29.50 plus $2.50
postage. Total Price $32.00.
Kelly. 2nd Edition. Hard Cover. List all
national bank notes by state and charter
number. Gives amounts issued and what is
still outstanding. 435 pages. $31.50 plus
$2.50 postage. Total Price $34.00.
Hessler. Hard Cover. A complete history of
the artists and engravers who designed U.S.
Paper Money. $75.50 plus $3.50 postage.
Total Price $79.00.
SPECIMEN NOTES by Gene Hessler.
Hard Cover. Unissued designs and pictures
of original drawings. $14.00 plus $2.00
postage. Total Price $16.00.
Stanley Morycz
P.O. BOX 355, DEPT. M • ENGLEWOOD, OH 45322
PO Box 30369
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Page 164
Paper Money Whole No 184
qt„,, EARLY
We maintain the
q Colonial Coins
q Colonial Currency
q Rare & Choice Type
q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper
q Encased Postage Stamps
q Portfolio
q Major Show
q Auction
c/o Dana Linett
q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 q
(615) 428-3309
LM-120 ANA 640
Million Dollar
Buying Spree
Lg. & Sm. Type Fractional
Obsolete Foreign
Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Coins
Stamps • Gold • Silver
Platinum • Antique Watches
Political Items • Postcards
Baseball Cards • Masonic Items
Hummels • Doultons
Nearly Everything Collectible
399 S. State Street - Westerville, OH 43081
1-800-848-3966 outside Ohio
Life Member,
(//,/ / , -
( tfflit!
Please offer what you have for sale.
Charles C. Parrish
P.O. Box 481
Rosemount, Minnesota 55068
(612) 423-1039
SPMC LM114 — PCDA — LM ANA Since 1976
, I.
Paper Money Whole No. 184
Page 165
I N C •
P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954
BUYING SELLING- Periodic Price Lists available: Obsoletes• ($3 applicable to order), Nationals, & U.S. Large &
Small Size Type.
BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, PCDA, ANA, FUN, GENA, ASCC (914) 352.9077
The Engraver's Line: An Encyclopedia of Paper Money & National Bank Notes, Kelly 45
Postage Stamp Art, Hessler $85 U.S. National Bank Notes & Their Seals, Prather 40
Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money Paper Money of the U.S., Friedberg. 14th edition 24
Errors, Bart 35 Prisoner of War & Concentration Camp Money of the
The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money,
Hessler 40
20th Century, Campbell
Small-Size U.S. Paper Money 1928 to Date, Oakes &
U.S. Essay, Proof & Specimen Notes, Hessler 19 Schwartz. Softbound 25
The Houston Heritage Collection of National Bank World Paper Money, 7th edition, general issues 55
Notes 1863-1935, Logan 25 World Paper Money, 7th edition, specialized issues 60
10% off five or more books / SI UPPING: $3 for one book, $4 for
two books, $5 for three or more books. All books are in new condition &
unless otherwise stated.
CLASSIC COINS — P.O. BOX 95 — Allen, MI 49227
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 43/4 x 23 /4 $16.50 $30.00 $137.00 $238.00
Colonial 51/2 x 3 1 /16 17.50 32.50 148.00 275.00
Small Currency 65/8 x 2 7 /8 17.75 34.00 152.00 285.00
Large Currency 7 7/8 x 3 1 /2 21.50 39.50 182.00 340.00
Auction 9 x 33/4 25.00 46.50 227.00 410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 28.00 52.00 239.00 430.00
Checks 95/8 x 4 1 /4 26.50 49.00 224.00 415.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 83/4x 14 1 /2 $13.00 $60.00 $100.00 $230.00
National Sheet
Side Open 81/2 x 17 1 12 25.00 100.00 180.00 425.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 91/2x 12 1 /2 12.50 57.50 95.00 212.50
Map and Bond Size
End Open 18 x 24 48.00 225.00 370.00 850.00
You may assort noteholders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheetholders for best price (min. 5 pcs. one size) (min. 10 pcs. total).
Mylar D5 is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also applies to un-
coated archival quality Mylarn Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the equivalent material
by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516.
P.O. Box 1010 617-482-8477 Boston, MA 02205
800-HI-DENLY FAX 617-357-8163
Avidly Buying and Selling:
Superb. Frieu(//‘ Service. Displaying al many major trade shows.
P.O. Box 15850
NEW ORLEANS, LA 70175-5850
504-899 -47 10
United States Large Size Currency
• w •
Ty, ,-•• - w. opm i
D27120146:- \■-.2 ,i ,
Send For Our Free Price List of Choice Quality Large Size
Type And National Bank Notes.
P.O. Box 1565-PM, Boca Raton, FL 33429-1565
Telephone: 954-781-3455 • Fax: 954-781-5865
Page 166 Paper I leper I Vlipie \:,)
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small,
Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer-
tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve
Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial,
Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks,
Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List ... or ...
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907
ANA LM #1503
Buying & Selling
National Bank Notes, Uncut Sheets, Proofs,
No. 1 Notes, Gold Certificates, Large-Size
Type Error Notes, Star Notes.
Commercial Coin Co.
PO. Box 607
Camp Hill, PA 17001
Phone 717-737-8981
Life Member ANA 639
... PAT 70 Trie ar.ER Oti 0.1.0
k FO 0 0 1 2 6rt
Obsolete—Confederate STOCKS & BONDS
Large Price List
19th Century Stocks-Bonds Over 200 Different
Small or Large Collections Mostly 19th Century
Send List or Ship (305) 853-0105
Railroads, Mining, etc.
Richard T. Hoober, Jr. P.O. Box 3116, Key Largo, FL 33037
The current annual dues, in U. S. Dollars and U. K. pounds, are:
Regular membership
$ 17.50
Family Membership 22.50
Junior Membership 9.00
Life Membership 300.00
Euro Cheques, add .50
For applications for all categories of membership contact:
Milan Alusic
P.O.Box 1642, Racine,Wisconsin 53401 U.S.A.
(414) 554-6255
Paper NIoney lVhole No. 184 Rag 167
Oregon Pioneer Albums & Sleeves
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- Paper Money- Vol. XXXV, No. 6- Whole No. 186- November- December 1996