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Chia is
Thinking of Selling? Have You Thought About This?
You've enjoyed collecting currency for many years, and now you are seri-
ously thinking about selling. Should you value the entire collection and offer
it, at a wholesale price to a dealer? Will you publish a full-page advertisement
in a paper money newspaper or mail out your own price list or catalogue?
We suggest that you do what most experienced collectors have done with
ttteir better material - sell at auction. And once you have decided to sell your
collection at auction you will need to select an auction company. There are
many things that should be taken into consideration, but one question you
should always ask is "Where and when will my material be sold?".
At R. M. Smythe and Company, we think the answer to the "where" part
of that question is relatively simple. Important collections of paper money
should be auctioned at paper money shows.
If your collection was in our June Memphis International Paper Money
Auction it could have been viewed by over 150 of the world's most significant
paper money dealers, and by the hundreds of serious collectors who came to
the show every day to buy. The auction results speak for themselves.
Federal Currency in the June, Memphis Auction was very strong. Lot 1023,
the $20 1863 Legal Tender (Fr.126b), Choice Almost Uncirculated realized
$3,500. Lot 1051, a cut sheet of four $5 1899 Silver Certificates sold for
$3,050. Lot 1140, the Portland, Maine $10 Red Seal brought $4,500 and Lot
1154, the $2 Moniteau NB of California, Missouri "Lazy Two" sold for
Confederate Currency was in great demand as can be seen by the $10,000
hammer price realized for Lot 1392, an extremely rare contemporary counter-
feit of the $5 1861 "Indian Princess" note, and the $100 1861 T-3, Lot 1383,
brought $7,000. A superb collection of obsolete bank note proofs from
Louisiana, Lots 1,527-1,531, brought record prices of from $3,400 to 4,200
each. The possibly unique Garden City, Minnesota, proof sheet, Lot 1543, sold
for $9,500.
The most extraordinary results were achieved by an outstanding group of
Alaska Clearing House Certificates, meticulously researched and fully-illus-
trated in the catalogue. Lots 1440-1446, including the $1, $2, $5, $10, $20.
$50 and $100, realized $5,000, $4,500, $5,000, $5,000, $5,500, $6,000 and
$8,000 respectively.
We strongly believe that the best way to sell a paper money collection is at
auction. There are no substitutes for experience, thorough research, proper pre-
sentation, and a location that makes sense, and that is why, at R. M. Smythe
and Company, we are committed to conducting our paper money auctions at
paper money shows.
Consignments are now being accepted
for our 1997-1998 Auction Schedule.
October 25, 1996. Currency, Stocks and Bonds. The St. Louis National and
World Paper Money Show. St. Louis, Missouri.
February 22, 1997. Currency, Stocks and Bonds. The Chicago International
Paper Money Exposition. Chicago, Illinois
June 1997. Currency, Stocks and Bonds. Memphis International Auction.
To find out how easy it is to consign your collection to any of the auctions list-
ed above, or to subscribe, call Stephen Goldsmith, Douglas Ball or Bruce
Hagen at 800-622-1880 or 212-943-1880.
Call Toll Free
1-800-622-1880C ALSNINTHE
)ttiti t41 1014/4Mgqr—
Stephen Goldsmith MEMBERBruce Hagen
Where Historic Paper Collections of the World Are
Researched, Auctioned, Bought and Sold
NY 212-943-1880 • Fax 212-908-4047
26 Broadway, New York, NY 10004-1701
Factual Errors and Troublesome Typographical Errors in
United States Large Size National Bank Notes
by Peter Huntoon Published by the SPMC in 1995
Chapter Page Table Column Line Photo As Printed
1 1 1 5 Huge McCulloch
1 2 2 8 Oct 5, 1967
1 2 2 22 Jul 1, 1993-Jun 30, 1997
1 5 2 37 national dept
2 17 caption Iowa City (15)
3 36 1 2-3 As shown on Table 2, nine of the reorganized suc-
cessor banks Series of 1875 notes were printed for
3 36-37 photos .The photos on the bottom of page 36 and top of page
7 72 2 18 Territory, was from a single printing of 1,000 sheets
8 77 1 15 Binghampton
12 144 1 13 2nd "Seneca" should be
12 144 1 19 Penn Yann
12 144 1 51 1st town name should be
13 160 1, cont 21 10-10-10-20 for Norwich, CT should be
14 162 caption December 7, 1 . 882
17 172 1 5-6 $500 or $10,000
17 175 1 31 value delivered
19 182 2 15 Aug 27, 1921' New Orleans, LA
19 183 1 6 Table 3
20 187 1 5 batch closely
20 187 2 45-47 omit sentence: "They are ... treasury officers."
20 189 2 46-53 replace "Series of 1902...with number 1." with
Hugh McCulloch
Oct 5, 1867
Jul 1, 1893-Jun 30, 1897
national debt
Iowa City (18)
As shown on Table 2, Series of 1875 notes were
printed for nine of the reorganized successor banks
37 are switched .
Territory, was from the first 1,000 sheets printed
Penn Yan
December 7, 1886
$500, $1,000 or $10,000
value backs delivered
omit "New Orleans, LA"
Table 2
batch date closely
Series of 1902 5-5-5-5 and 10- 10- 10-20 plain backs
printed for the bank utilizing charter number 150 bear the
20 191 1 29
21 200 1 8
23 217 2 2-22
23 218 6 5-8
23 225 9, cont 20
23 230 9, cont 32
23 232 9, cont 13
23 236 9, cont 4
23 238 9, cont 31
23 239 9, cont 25
23 239 9, cont 26
24 245 1 2
27 254 1, cont 14
27 259 3 33
title change date of August 7, 1912. Bank sheet serial
numbering on these issues commenced with number 1.
shown here shown on page 81
J4-1(4 DI) J4-K4-L4-DD
replace text under heading BEGINNING OF THE The signing into law of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act (Emergency
DATE BACKS with Currency Act) of May 30, 1908, precipitated the date back
designs in both the Series of 1882 and 1902. Table 6 shows
the delivery dates for the first date backs, and the last shipments
from the Bureau for the designs that they replaced.
Shipments of Series of 1882 brown backs ceased on March 23,
1909, almost seven months after the start of the Series of 1882
date backs. Series of 1902 red seals continued to be printed well
into December 1908, although production of Series of 1902 red
seals had begun six months earlier.
three dates "Mar 23, 1908" should be Mar 23, 1909
Mar 23, 1908
Mar 23, 1909
Binghampton Binghamton
Mar 23, 1908
Mar 23, 1909
10-10-10-20 Series of 1875
10-10-20-20 Series of 1875
Mar 23, 1908
Mar 23, 1909
charter number omitted
charter number omitted
Engraving and (1908- Engraving and Printing (1908-
Slide the last four serials numbers over one column to the right.
replace last line with: 1909 V376339V A273226 V639230V B638419
Please send any errors of any type, especially factual errors, that you find in the book to Peter Huntoon, P. 0. Box 3681, Laramie, WY 82071 (307-742-2217) so this list
can be made more complete.
PAPER MONEY is published every other month
beginning in January by The Society of Paper
Money Collectors. Second class postage paid at
Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address
changes to: Bob Cochran, Secretary, P.O. Box
1085, Florissant, MO 63031.
© Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1997.
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article,
in whole or in part, without express written
permission, is prohibited
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER
MONEY are available from the Secretary for
$2.75 each plus $1 postage. five or more copies
are sent postage free.
Back Cover $152 $420 $825
Inside Front &
Back Cover $145 $405 $798
Full Page $140 $395 $775
Half-page $75 $200 $390
Quarter-page $38 $105 $198
Eighth-page $20 $55 $105
To keep rates at a minimum, advertising must be
prepaid in advance according to the above sched-
ule. In exceptional cases where special artwork or
extra typing are required, the advertiser will be
notified and billed extra for them accordingly.
Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not
Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office
no later than the 1st of the month preceding
issue (e.g., Feb. 1 for March/April issue). With
advance notice, camera-ready copy will be ac-
cepted up to three weeks later.
Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42-57 pi-
cas; half-page may be either vertical or horizon-
tal in format. Single column width, 20 picas.
Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos.
Page position may be requested but cannot be
Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper
currency and allied numismatic material and
publications and accessories related thereto.
SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but
accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to
reject objectionable material or edit any copy.
SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for
typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees
to reprint that portion of an advertisement in
which typographical error should occur upon
prompt notification of such error.
All advertising copy and correspondence should
be sent to the Editor.
Paper Money Whole No. 189
Page 65
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XXXVI No. 3 Whole No. 189 MAY/JUNE 1997
ISSN 0031-1162
GENE HESSLER, Editor, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Manuscripts (mss), not under consideration elsewhere, and publications for review
should be sent to the Editor. Accepted ntsswill be published as soon as possible; however,
publication in a specific issue cannot be guaranteed. Opinions expressed by authors do
not necessarily reflect those of the SPMC.
Mss are to be typed on one side only, double -spaced with at least one-inch margins. A
copy should be retained by the author. The author's name, address and telephone
number should appear on the first page.
In addition, although it is not required, you are encouraged to submit a copy on a 31/2
or 51/4 inch MS DOS disk, identified with the name and version of software used:
Microsoft Word, Word Perfect or text (ASCII), etc. If disk is submitted, double-spaced
printout must accompany disk.
Forrest W. Daniel 67
Ken McDannel 69
Peter 1-luntoon 69
Bob Cochran 70
Bob Cochran 72
David D. Gladfelter and William S. Dewey 73
Frank Clark 78
Bob Cochran 78
Raphael Ellenbogen 79
Charles A. Dean 80
Pierre Bonneau 83
Gene Hessler
Bob Bolduc 89
Howard Schein
Robert H. Lloyd
Gene Hessler
For change of address, inquiries concerning non-delivery of
PAPER MONEY and for additional copies of this issue contact
the Secretary; the address is on the next page. For earlier issues
contact Classic Coins, P.O. Box 95, Allen, MI 49227.
ON THE COVER. It was during the tenure of Secretary of the Treasury
Lyman J. Gage (1897-1902) that the altered 1897 silver certificates were
not issued. This portrait was engraved by G.F.C. Smillie.
DEAN OAKES, Drawer 1456, Iowa City, IA 52240
FRANK CLARK, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011
ROBERTCOCHRAN, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
TIM KYZIVAT, P.O. Box 803, LaGrange, IL 60525
Cincinnati, OH 45231
FRANK CLARK, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011
STEVEN K. WHITFIELD, 14092 W. 115th St., Olathe, KS
ROBERT J. GALIETTE, 3 Teal Lane, Essex, CT 06246
ROGER H. DURAND, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA02769
JUDITH MURPHY, P.O. Box 24056, Winston Salem, NC
RAPHAEL ELLENBOGEN, 1840 Harwitch Rd., Upper
Arlington, OH 43221
C. JOHN FERRERI, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
GENE HESSLER, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
RON HORSTMAN, 5010 Timber Lane, Gerald, MO 63037
MILTON R. FRIEDBERG, 8803 Brecksville Rd. #7-203,
Brecksville, OH 44141-1933
STEPHEN TAYLOR, 70 West View Avenue, Dover, DE 19901
WENDELL W. WOLKA, P.O. Box 569, Dublin, OH 43017
STEVEN K. WHITFIELD, 14092 W. 115th St., Olathe, KS
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized
in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit or-
ganization under the laws of the District of Columbia.
It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Associa-
tion. The annual meeting is held at the Memphis IPMS
in June.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must
be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character.
JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age
and of good moral character. Their application must be
signed by a parent or guardian. They will be preceded by
the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notifica-
tion to the secretary that the member has reached 18
years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold
office or vote.
Members of the ANA or other recognized numismatic
societies are eligible for membership. Other applicants
should be sponsored by an SMPC member or provide
suitable references.
DUES—Annual dues are $24. Members in Canada and
Mexico should add $5 to cover additional postage;
members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life
membership, payable in installments within one year, is
$300. Members who join the Society prior to Oct. 1st
receive the magazines already issued in the year in
which they join. Members who join after Oct. 1st will
have their dues paid through December of the following
year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the
magazine issued in November of the year in which they
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable With Order
P.O. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020
(803) 432-8500
FAX 803-432-9958
Page 66
Paper Money Whole No. 189
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 67
TATE bank notes did not vanish from circulation
immediately upon the appearance of national currency
issued by newly-chartered national banks. There was
no great rush by state banks to convert to national charters, or
even to apply for authority to issue national currency under
their state charters—which was permitted by the National
Currency Act of February 25,1863. They felt no need for addi-
tional supervision. So by the time a revised National Currency
Act was passed on June 3,1864, fewer than twenty of the 456
newly-chartered national banks were conversions from state
banks. Of the objections banks gave for not converting, one of
the severest was the requirement that they change their name
(the law called for the use of numbered names); that rule was
modified and conversions of state banks compounded.
Within one year of the Act of 1864, the number of national
banks increased from 827 to 1,294, while state banks went
from 1,089 down to 349. And by the middle of 1866 the num-
ber of national banks had stabilized at more than 1,600.
State bank notes, then, were the sole circulation of the con-
verted national banks until their new currency was printed and
delivered (the period could be up to several months). Although
their release was curtailed by the imposition of a ten percent
tax on state bank circulation paid out by all banks after July 1,
1866, that tax (approved March 3,1865) did not apply if the
circulation was less than five percent of its capital or the bank
was actively reducing its circulation.
In "Some National Banks That Redeemed State Bank Notes"
(PAPER MONEY, No. 74, March/April 1978) I published a list
of national banks which still carried outstanding state bank
notes as liabilities in their annual reports in 1872,1898,1899
and 1903, and gave many details of the practice that need not
be repeated. This report is based on the two state bank notes
which were redeemed by their succeeding national banks that
I have found in the intervening time, and access to earlier An-
nual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency not available then. 1
Some characteristics of the early reports, and the banks' re-
ports of the two notes, will show what can be learned about
bills which can be identified as having been redeemed by a
national bank.
The Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency for 1865
carries the accrual bank reports in a concise form: a single line
on a double page for assets, and a similar spread for liabilities.
The pages used as reference for the note studied have the re-
ports of seventy Massachusetts national banks; of the seventy
banks only seven reported no outstanding state bank circula-
tion. Those seven may have been new banks, while the others,
obviously, were conversions from state charters. In all likeli-
hood converted banks destroyed the notes they redeemed and
cancelled, leaving only a few to represent that facet of national
bank circulation.
The Bedford Commercial Bank, New-Bedford, Massachu-
setts, opened in 1816 and became The National Bank of Com-
merce, charter 690, on January 9, 1865; it presents an early
example of the redemption of its state bank notes by a na-
tional bank. On the first Monday of October the bank reported
$46,187 of its state bank circulation outstanding. A year later
its circulation was down to $12,145, well below five percent
of the bank's $600,000 capital, so no tax was due. National
bank note circulation first appears in comptroller of the cur-
rency reports in October 1867. The National Bank of Com-
merce that year reported $479,401 of national bank notes
outstanding along with $10,280 in state notes. In 1868 it was
$478,462 national and $9,922 state; and a year later only
$474,059 of national bank notes were outstanding. The
Bedford Commercial Bank $10 note issued in 1848 and Paid by the Commercial National Bank, New Bedford, Mass.
4 ,
The Rhode-Island Union Bank $1 issued in 1849 was redeemed by The Union National Bank, Newport, R.I., on Sept.
Page 68 Paper Money Whole No. 189
remaining state notes may have been transferred to the sur-
plus account, with any later redemptions being made from
that account.
The note at hand is $10 dated in 1848 and was part of an
estimated $110,000 of notes $5 and above outstanding that
year; the bank also reported about $13,000 of notes under $5.
The redemption mark is an oval-bordered stamp "PAID" sur-
MASS." Unfortunately the stamp is not dated, so we cannot
tell the year the note was actually paid, and the purple stamp
faded in the washing. When the note appeared in a recent auc-
tion it was described, "with a light purple bank stamp which
does not at all detract." The stamp is no disfiguration; it is
what gives this note its special historic quality. The National
Bank of Commerce, New Bedford, Massachusetts, went into
voluntary liquidation on April 1, 1898, with $56,830 of na-
tional currency outstanding.
State bank notes bearing an endorsement showing redemp-
tion by their successor national bank have a pedigree worthy
of special consideration by collectors of national currency who
wish to expand their interests. They appear fairly scarce to me,
but my interest in the obsolete series was late in coming and I
have had no opportunity to scan any substantial number of
notes since learning of them. The illustrations of redeemed
notes in the Durand and Haxby catalogues indicate that few,
or no other, examples of those notes survived redemption
during the Rhode-Island Union Bank's long existence before
they had to be accounted for under the National Bank Act
Specialists in state bank circulation must be aware of many
more of these, but I've never seen them reported. Condition
purists may consider them defaced, and by cataloguers, not
worthy of consideration for illustration unless they are the only
ones available, as in the case of The Rhode-Island Union Bank.
A search may be rewarding to the curious collector.
A contrast is provided by The Rhode-Island Union Bank,
Newport. Incorporated in 1804, it became The Union National
Bank, Charter 2554, in 1881, and provides an example of some
later redemptions of state bank notes. In its first report as a
national bank, October 1, 1881, the Union national listed
national bank issue of $46,805 in contrast to $1,898 of state
notes still outstanding. A year later it had $134,250 of national
currency in circulation, while state notes dropped only $4 to
$1,894. In 1883 circulation was $132,600 national and $1,864
state; in 1884 it was $128,500 national and $1,658 state. Only
national currency notes to a total of $129,495 were listed in
1885. So few state notes remained outstanding that they were
removed from the books.
The $1 note studied was issued in 1849, when The Rhode-
island Union Bank's circulation was $30,422, almost $8,000
less than three years earlier. Its cancellation is hand-written in
red ink, "Redeemed / Sept. 4, 1885." it appears to have been
preserved from a hoard presented for payment on that date
since two other-type $ ls and other denominations with the
same date are illustrated in the Durand and Haxby catalogues.
Other illustrated notes are dated May 3, 1884—part of the
$206 redeemed, that year. The Union National Bank, New-
port, Rhode Island was placed in voluntary liquidation on
October 17, 1912, and was absorbed by The Aquidneck Na-
tional Bank of Newport.
1. Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency and other govern-
ment documents, including annual reports of the several state bank-
ing departments up to 1863, are available at Federal Depository
Libraries. Depositories are located at selected academic, research or
law libraries in every state They are part of the American State Papers, a
continuing series known as the CIS US Serial Set. Local libraries will
have a list of the Depository Libraries
Durand, R.H. (1981). Obsolete notes and scrip of Rhode Island and the
Providence Plantations. Rehoboth: Author.
Haxby, J.A. (1988). Standard catalog of United States obsolete bank notes,
1782 - 1866. lola: Krause Publications
Hickman, I. and D. Oakes. (1982). Standard catalog of national bank
notes. Iola: Krause Publications.
Kelly, D.C. (1985). National bank notes, a guide with prices. Oxford:
Oxford Printing Company.
McCulloch, H. (1888). Men and measures of a half a century. New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons.
Robertson, R.M. (1968). The comptroller and bank supervision, a histori-
cal appraisal. Washington, DC: The Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency
Annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency, various years. Serial
Set, Nos. 500, 528, 578
HE First National Bank of Paia, Territory of Hawaii
(10451) is the only one of the five note-issuing na-
tional banks in Hawaii for which no notes are reported.
The census of reported large-size Hawaii notes as of July 20,
1996 is 184 notes split as follows: Honolulu (5550) 177;
Kahului (8207) four, Wailuku (5994) two, Lahaina (8101)
one. These totals track the numbers of large-size notes issued
by those banks, respectively 978,912; 19,964; 11,964 and 1,772
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 69
N the early days of collecting, paper money collectors
were considered to be "rag pickers" by other numis-
matists. That derisive attitude has not totally disap-
peared. Nevertheless, most paper money collectors began their
collecting with coins. The lowly "rag" has come a long way as
we see more and more coin dealers adding paper money to
their inventories. Within our fraternity, some collectors of large-
size paper money consider collectors of small-size national
bank notes as less serious in their pursuit.
There have been only eleven paper money exhibitors to re-
ceive the Best of Show Award at the annual ANA convention;
the first, William Philpott, Jr., in 1953. In 1991 PAPER MONEY
editor, Gene Hessler, joined that distinguished list. These eleven
accolades have reconfirmed the fact that paper money does
not take a backseat to coins.
There have been pioneers and champions of both large- and
small-size national bank notes. They are numerous and de-
serve our respect for their work in preserving the rich heritage
they have passed on to us.
The M. Owen Warns project of reporting newly-discovered
notes for banks that issued small-size nationals was a major
undertaking. Mr. Warns' monumental efforts were begun at a
time when information was almost non-existent. The result of
Owen's labor of love gives us the extra knowledge that en-
hances small-size national collecting. Upon the death of Mr.
Warns, Tom Snyder took over and did an admirable job until
reporting almost stopped. The last supplement to the project
was in PAPER MONEY, May/June 1990.
We now ask you to send the best photocopies of your here-
tofore unreported notes to Ken McDannel, 1405 Weaver St.,
S.W., Canton, OH 44706. Some notes, if the quality of repro-
duction is good enough, will be illustrated in these pages, and
contributors will be acknowledged, unless you specify ano-
Where are the Paia
Territory of Hawaii Nationals?
by Peter Huntoon
The Comptroller of the Currency sent only one shipment of
notes to the Paia bank-200 sheets of 10-10-10-20 Series of
1902 blue seal date backs. Did any of these 800 notes survive?
The answer is that a reading of the currency and bonds led-
gers for the bank reveals that the notes never reached circula-
tion. Rather, it is all but certain the sheets were returned to the
Comptroller when the bank was liquidated in 1917.
The First National Bank of Paia was organized on July 29,
1913, and chartered on September 26, 1913. It was the fourth
national bank organized on Maui, joining those in Wailuku,
Kahului and Lahaina. Honolulu (5550), Hawaii's only other
note-issuing bank was on Oahu. The First National Bank of
Paia was the third in a chain of small national banks on the
island owned by the same interests, the others being The First
National Bank of Wailuku and The Lahaina National Bank.
C.H. Cooke was president and C.D. Lufkin was cashier of all
three. All three banks were voluntarily liquidated and merged
to form the Bank of Maui, Ltd. on May I, 1917.
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Page 70
Paper Money Whole No. 189
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 71
The following entries summarize the information in the
currency and bond ledger for The First National Bank of Paia.
Bond record:
Sep 26, 1913 $10,000 bonds purchased
Jun 4, 1917 $10,000 legal money deposited
Jun 4, 1917 $10,000
bonds sold
Currency received from the Bureau of Engraving and
Oct 30, 1913 1-450 10-10-10-20 sheets
Oct 29, 1914 451-550 10-10-10-20 sheets
Jun 20, 1917 201-550 10-10-10-20 sheets canceled
Currency issued:
Oct 30, 1913 1 -200 $10,000
Jun 4, 1917 $10,000 legal money
Ledger dosed: Sep 21, 1918.
This ledger has all the characteristics of one for a bank for
which the officers returned all of the sheets in unissued form.
The fact that the ledger stayed open for almost four years with-
out any redemptions reveals that the notes never were pressed
into circulation. The fact is, the typical redemption rate after
four years was about 70 to 80 percent of the notes issued. There
should have been plenty of redemptions as well as replace-
ment shipments.
In order to liquidate, a bank had to deposit lawful money
equal to the outstanding circulation. This deposit was made
in this case on June 4, 1917, and is entered in both the re-
demption ledger and bond ledger as $10,000 legal money.
Although not specified, it certainly appears that the $10,000
was in the form of the 200 sheets of notes that had been sent
to the bank three and a halfyears earlier.
One caveat is in order. There is nothing in the record or the
regulations which specifies that any or all of the $10,000 legal
money consisted of Paia notes. We can dream of the unlikely
chance that someone in the bank saved the number "1" sheet
and substituted $50 for it, but that seems most improbable.
The Basics
Because of the widespread "discounting" described previously,
and because many banks failed, the acceptance of paper money
was always strained. Travelers leaving home with several hun-
dred dollars of "good" paper money from their local bank of-
ten found themselves "haggling" with merchants and bankers
who refused to accept the notes at face value.
A small industry was created by firms and individuals who
"brokered" (or "shaved") notes. The earliest records of a bro-
ker are dated 1786. Basically, they would buy and sell paper
money from banks outside their locality. Many of them pub-
lished the discounts at which they would buy and sell—or
"exchange" notes. A broker in New York might accept $100 in
notes from a Rhode Island bank at 95% of their face value,
and either pay out in New York notes—OR—pay out in notes
from Connect icut that were also "exchanged" at 95% of their
face value! Either way, the broker earned a commission.
The common theme in all of these transactions was that
everyone was taking a risk! The information that the brokers
had available to them was sometimes days or weeks old. In
the time it took for the person from Rhode Island to travel to
New York, the bank in Rhode Island may have failed! So the
broker was stuck with $100 in worthless paper.
At this same time, counterfeiting of bank notes was wide
spread. The common practice was to circulate the notes as far
away as possible from the "supposed" issuing bank. Even when
these notes were detected, the information was often weeks or
even months reaching all parts of the country.
Over a period of time, the brokers developed listings of banks
which had failed, notes that were counterfeit, and a general
discount schedule that they followed. According to Dillistin,
probably the first of these tables to appear regularly in a news-
paper and in general circulation was the bank note exchange. It
was first published in The American newspaper in New York
City on July 14, 1819. By the following year, such features
were regularly seen in newspapers throughout the country.
But the earliest "counterfeit detectors" (the specific use of
that term) is probably a broadside sheet published by Gilbert
and Dean of Boston, in 1805. This sheet met with great inter-
est, and in 1806 they published a 12-page pamphlet entitled,
"The Only Sure Guide to Bank Bills; or Banks in New-England;
with a statement of Bills Counterfeited."
By the middle of the 1820s regular publications like this
were available through subscriptions. They were updated regu-
larly, and welcomed by bankers, brokers and merchants ev-
erywhere. They were indispensable, and kept close at hand by
bank officials and all who regularly handled currency.
All of these "detectors" and "reporters" are avidly sought by
serious collectors of obsolete notes, because they are a
treasuretrove of information. In some cases counterfeits are
all we have to go by with respect to what the genuine notes
looked like, because no genuine notes are known to exist! And
for notes that are unknown in either genuine or counterfeit,
many of these publications describe the genuine issues in great
Perhaps the most popular and well-known of the "detec-
tors" are the many editions of the Infallible Counterfeit Detector
published by Laban Heath. Some of these publications con-
tain impressions of portraits of genuine U.S. currency, fur-
nished by the government.
Page 72
Paper Money Whole No. 189
SPMC'S 1929-1935
HE 1929 series of "small-size" (the size of present-day
U.S. currency) national currency is one of the most
popular areas of collecting among SPMC members.
Although this series of notes as a whole is considered "com-
mon" by collectors and dealers, it also provides the serious
collector seeking certain notes with an incredibly difficult chal-
Of the national banks eligible to issue the 1929 series notes
on July 10, 1929, only 6,071 did so. Between 1929 and 1935
many banks reorganized, and many were merged into stron-
ger banks, resulting in quite a few title changes. This increased
the total number of charters issuing 1929 Series notes to 6,997.
By 1929, a national bank could be chartered with as little as
$25,000 capital. As such, many banks were chartered in ex-
tremely small towns—offering collectors the opportunity to
acquire notes from wonderfully-named communities and ham-
lets. Not surprisingly, though, the notes from not a few of these
banks are true rarities today.
Many banks weren't strong enough to weather the financial
results of the "Great Depression." Quite a few of the issuing
banks did not reopen after the Bank Holiday of 1933.
The number of banks shrunk as the years went by, and at
the end of December 1934, only 4,589 banks were still issu-
ing notes. The era of national currency came to an official end
in 1935 when the bonds used to secure circulation were called
in by the U.S. government. Most collectors don't realize that
by October 31st of that year almost 83% of all the 1929 series
national currency had ALREADY BEEN REDEEMED!
Today, those of us seeking the notes of a particular bank
have a wealth of information available to guide us in our search.
There are several reference books on the market with lists of
all of the national banks which issued 1929 series notes, as
well as the particular types of notes they issued, and the de-
nominations. Additionally, the amount of small-size circula-
tion still outstanding in 1935 is available for most of these
banks. We owe a great debt of thanks to Louis Van Belkum,
whose diligent efforts going through the dusty and dirty led-
gers of the Comptroller of the Currency first made this data
available—in 1968! Before that, NO ONE knew exactly which
of the over 14,000 national banks chartered between 1863
and 1935 had issued notes!
The pages of PAPER MONEY have served collectors and deal-
ers for over 30 years. During that time, probably the most popu-
lar column appearing in its pages has been the "1929-1935
Overprinted National Currency Project." This project began
in 1966, with the goal of sharing with SPMC members the
KNOWN 1929 series national currency notes. Over the years,
the number of surviving notes reported has numbered in the
THOUSANDS, through the cooperation of SPMC members.
Since the project was first announced, notes from 6,739 of
the 6,997 charters have been reported—I personally consider
this an INCREDIBLE ACCOMPLISHMENT, and a real tribute
to those dedicated collectors and dealers, living and dead, who
took the time to participate. Today, only notes from 258 char-
ters are unknown. And, of the myriad of denominations issued
by the 6,997 charters, only 2,200 have not yet been reported.
The first chairman of the "1929-1935 Overprinted National
Currency Project" was Arlie Slabaugh. He was joined by Lee F.
Hewitt in 1967, and they served until 1968. M. Owen Warns
took over in 1969, and continued through 1986. Until recently
Thomas R. Snyder was in charge.
Tom told me that reports of new material have been "ex-
tremely slow the last couple of years," so I thought I'd (a) ac-
quaint our new members with the project, and (b) remind our
other members that, like the "Energizer Bunny" it's "STILL
To contribute to the project, simply report any 1929 series
national currency notes you have in your collection; then, keep
reporting notes as you acquire them. Of particular interest,
obviously, are the unreported notes. The Standard Catalog of
National Bank Notes, by John Hickman and Dean Oakes, lists,
by state, all of the banks whose 1929 series notes had not been
observed by the authors when the most recent edition was pub-
If you'd like to participate, contact:
Ken McDannel
1405 Weaver St., S.W.
Canton, OH 44706
Please be sure to describe the note completely: Charter Num-
ber, EXACT TITLE AND LOCATION of the issuing bank, the
denomination, and the type—I or II. [The charter number is
printed twice on a TYPE I note, and four times on a TYPE II
note.] The best way to participate is to send a photocopy of
Ken plans an update for PAPER MONEY in the near future.
But if you'd like to have a copy of the last update, showing the
charters still "unknown," send me a SELF-ADDRESSED
send you one. Good hunting, and let's all work together to-
ward the day that a surviving example from EVERY bank that
issued 1929 series national currency is reported!
Bob Cochran
Secretary, SPMC
P.O. Box 1085
Florissant, MO 63031
P.S. SPMC published a book entitled The National Bank Note
Issues of 1929-1935 in 1973. This work, written by Peter
Huntoon and Louis Van Belkum (with help from Johnny 0.
Baas, John T. Hickman, Richard L. Hood and John T. Waters),
edited by M. Owen Warns, is long out of print. Luckily they're
usually available from one of the numismatic book dealers. If
you're serious about 1929 series national currency, you should
have a copy in your library.
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 73
Bergen Iron Works Scrip
N his 1989 monograph, The Bergen Iron Works and Its
Tokens, I co-author Dewey observed that this 19th cen-
tury southern New Jersey extractive and manufactur-
ing enterprise had issued, in addition to several varieties of
copper and brass tokens, paper scrip "in denominations of
61/4 cents up." Discussion of the scrip notes, however, was re-
served to a future article, due to the dearth of information then
obtainable from the mere two confirmed examples of notes.
Since that time, three additional specimens of Bergen Iron
Works scrip have surfaced, and there are unconfirmed reports
of a few more. This database, while small, does permit us to
draw some preliminary conclusions about the use and origin
of the scrip. We present the known facts and our conclusions
Historical background. 2 The Bergen Iron Works traces its
origins to 1833, when Joseph Woolston Brick (c.1804-1847),
the young manager of Batsto Furnace in southern Burlington
County, purchased 112 acres of property in present-day Lake-
wood as the site of his own future works. The property in-
cluded an operating sawmill, a defunct furnace and forge, and
a nucleus of what was to become thousands of acres of ore-
bearing, forested lands. With access to these facilities and raw
materials, the works commenced ironmaking operations. In
the following year, Brick took in his father-in-law, Riley Allen,
as a partner.
Others soon joined the enterprise. Among them were sev-
eral whose names appear on the scrip notes. Daniel Christo-
pher became the first manager of the works when Brick moved
business operations to New York City. A banker, Benjamin
Snyder, became clerk. Robert A. Campbell became a close as-
sociate in the business. Upon Brick's death 1 February 1847,
Campbell became co-executor of his estate, and the following
year married Brick's widow, Margaret. Snyder continued to
work under Campbell, serving as agent for the works in 1852
according to an advertisement. By that time, a foundry facility
had been added and was engaged in the manufacture of cast
iron pipes, other cast iron products, and structural iron.
By 1844 a sizable "company town" of 200 workers and their
families had formed around the works. It, like the business,
was called Bergen Iron Works. Living quarters were in row
houses. The village was served by a company store as of 1840,
the date appearing on both the tokens and the notes. In 1851,
the short-lived Ocean Bank was established at the village. It
issued bank notes in four denominations, then closed in 1854.
Snyder was its president.
Concurrently, local political jurisdictions in South Jersey
were forming and reforming. Some of the unincorporated vil-
lages were being absorbed into large municipalities. In 1850,
the Bergen Iron Works village became part of the new Town-
ship of Brick. That same year, Brick Township and other south-
ern Monmouth County towns divided to form a new county,
the County of Ocean.
Faced with depletion of the ore beds and competition from
superior quality ore from Pennsylvania, ironmaking at the
Bergen Works ceased about 1854. The furnace was torn down
about 1857. The foundry continued in operation and was taken
over by Riley Allen Brick, oldest son of Joseph (born 7 Octo-
ber 1837), upon his coming of age and graduation from
Harvard College in 1858. Under Riley, the business expanded
into construction contracting, building and supplying pipe for
gas works in southeastern New York.
In 1865, he and Campbell renamed the "company town"
Bricksburg in honor of Joseph Brick. In 1880, the name was
changed to Lakewood. Shortly thereafter, Lakewood Township
incorporated separately from Brick Township.
Little is known about the Bergen Iron Works store itself. From
the dated tokens and notes, we know that it was doing busi-
ness as of 1840. Only one other contemporaneous record of
the store itself is known to exist, a three-page handwritten in-
ventory dated 1847, the year of Joseph Brick's death, suggest-
ing a possible connection between the inventory and the
administration of his estate. Later sources indicate that the store
was out of business by 1865. In that year, the business was
reportedly sold to Albert M. Bradshaw, later Bricksburg's post-
master and a member of the New Jersey Assembly, and T.H.
Bechtel. That same year, a new building was built on the site
of the former company store. The builder and owner was Riley
Brick, who leased it to one E. Mason who opened his own
store on the site. Mason later bought the property and made it
the site of a newspaper office. The site was at the southeast
corner of Main Street (Route 88) and Clifton Avenue in Lake-
wood. R. A. Brick is shown as the owner of this site on maps of
Bricksburg dated 1872 and 1878. Dewey reports evidence that
serves to confirm the presumed location of the company store:
The finding of a number of Bergen Iron Works store tokens3
on vacant land behind the site.
Origin of the scrip. It is a pleasant surprise for us to ob-
serve that a newly discovered imprint, that of "D. Felt & Co. &
C.C. Wright N.Y.", appears on all confirmed examples of the
Bergen Iron Works scrip notes. We have not seen this imprint
before, and find no reference to it in sources on bank note
engraving firms available to us. 4 However, the name of Charles
Cushing Wright is well known, and biographical information
about him is found in some of the foregoing sources as well as
in reference works about medallic engravers, a field in which
Wright excelled. 5 A rare but artistically uninspired vignette of
a female allegory, possibly the goddess Artemis or Diana, signed
by Wright at lower left, appears on the $2 denomination; notes
Obverse 1 Obverse 2
Reverse A
Page 74
Paper Money Whole No. 189
with vignettes signed by
Wright are seen much less fre-
quently than medallic works
signed by him. Until now it
was thought that upon form-
ing a partnership with James
Bale about 1829, Wright had
turned away from intaglio
engraving to medallic engrav-
ing and the cutting of dies for
striking tokens. The Bergen
Iron Works notes show that
Wright did not entirely aban-
don his earlier craft. Accord-
ing to the imprint, the Felt
and Wright shop was in New
York City, where Joseph Brick,
who likely ordered the initial
supply of the notes, also had
an office.
Wright's unsigned vignette of the
Greek mathematician Archimedes
moving the world with a lever, ap-
pearing on the two Bergen Iron
Works fractional denominations,
has elements similar to (but is a mir-
ror image of) vignettes of Archimedes
emanating from the New York
shops of Asher B. Durand (illus-
trated in PAPER MONEY No. 61, p.
9, 1976) and of Rawdon, (Neziah)
Wright & Hatch. This latter vignette
appears on Haxby LA 85-G14, LA
145-G10, and possibly other bank
Specimen A
The 25-cent note comes in two
varieties, one having a plain cen-
tral field and the other having a
large gray letter "0" engraved
thereon. The "0" does not appear
on the single example of the $2
denomination, but appears on both
examples of the 6 1/4-cent denomi-
nation. The meaning of the "0" is
not clear. It could arguably stand
for Ocean County, formed in 1850,
or for Ocean Bank, chartered at the
Bergen Iron Works village in 1851;
if so, notes having the "0" would
have been issued at or after those dates. Note the
on the $2 note, and "(0)cean" on the 6 1/4 cent
Campbell. If these are the explanations for the
fail to account for the continuing reference
County on the notes (which could easily have
to Ocean County) and for the lack of specific
ing the notes payable at the Ocean Bank. The
seen are well circulated.
',1, '• „ i 11,1 ‘
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11:ritit , 1 it,rit,5..?'-
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-- ' Oir_Piii.ilvE.17-4,..a7q67,)--, -- -,
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(1/ /(//4, 4.: f , ,,i1,:::11014,
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'--,1 ,.. -,:- I nI
/,':( Aitf ^ --.. .!...-...--,
Specimen B
notes. The vignettes are contemporaneous; one may have been
copied from another, or all three from a common source.
Use of the scrip. When one studies the five surviving ex-
amples of Bergen Iron Works scrip in light of the historical
background presented herein, a fair amount of information
emerges about the use of the scrip. To begin with, the fact that
all of the notes are well worn suggests an active circulation
- 14a2eeii
Rjr[1: CENT.§,-‘ ,/ ,%- re)-k, .
payee "Ocean"
note signed by
letter "0", they
to Monmouth
been corrected
language mak-
notes we have
.4 p.:40 .r.7"
. .
-11111-11tt - .
i ^ t^
Fal' °":"'
*vi,i,,///it fr TyvENty Ftyc'tkpiEr*:>
z nif4
//e /i/ 73;ERITY S.,-gartf()/ *rjjri, ,%* •,
(117? ) 141' I le6,f 4 / <1 Clkt
Specimen C
/r* Stit 41;:-"S
-N1 fI-.1.11111t litark5
ay. 057'7 541.7
4t' 3"sra
//7; /1/ /
• (';‘.
7-,"E. CENT* 7i/ - -kriz,
, irpfif /12
&Ai 4
Specimen D
Paper Money Whole No. 189
Page 75
over time. How long a period of
time? The engraved 1840 date
appearing on all notes is mis-
leading. Two of the notes are
signed by R.A. Brick, who was
only three years old in 1840.
Knowledge of this historical fact
tells us that the earliest date this
pair of notes could have been
issued would have been 1858.
For reasons set forth below,
we conclude that the scrip prob-
ably circulated continuously
throughout the entire 25-year
period that the company store
was in operation, and that the
supply of notes was replenished
several times during that period.
In the accompanying Table 1,
we present key data obtained
from the notes.
The earliest of the notes, and
the only one signed by the
works' founder, Joseph W. Brick,
is Specimen C. This is the 25-
cent note with the plain central
field. The handwritten date "1st
Feb." appears; the signatures of
two other early Bergen Iron
Works officers are also present.
We place this note in the 1840-
1847 time frame.
The next issue of notes came out some time after Joseph
Brick's death; we place Specimen E in that issue. It is signed by
R(obert) Campbell, in his capacity as Joseph Brick's Ex(ecutor).
We can see that the note numbering scheme, whatever it was,
will be of no aid in identifying the different note issues, as
Specimen E has a lower number than the earlier Specimen C.
Table 1
Inventory of Confirmed Specimens
All notes have the date 1840 engraved on the plate.
tion Note No. Payee
Date Signature
signature Comments
A 61/4¢ 519 (0)cean Feby 1 R. Campbell
J.D. Codies C.A.A. 1/94,
lot 1048
B 61/44 19 H. Clay None R.A. Brick J.D. Corlies C.A.A. 11/92
lot 741
C .25 851 Dan Christopher 1st Feb Jos. W. Brick Benjn. Snyder Ex R. Vlack,
ill. Rulau
plain field
D .25 71 H. Clay None R.A. Brick J.D. Corlies C.A.A. 11/92,
lot 742, "0"
in field
E 2.00 104 Ocean Feby 1 R. Campbell
J.D. Corlies Ex R. Vlack,
ill. Rulau
C.A.A. = Currency Auctions of America. Pedigrees are undisclosed of any lots listed. Some of the rumored examples may be identical
with some of the listed lots.
Rulau = op. cit. fn. 7
Page 76
Paper Money Whole No. 189
Specimen E
The (artificial) handwritten
date remains the same as on
the earlier issue, but the style
has changed to "Feby 1". We
consider this note to have
been issued in the 1847-
1858 period.
Specimen A has the same
signatures and style of date
as Specimen E, but may be
from later in this period be-
cause of the appearance of
the large gray central "0".
The payee shown on both
Specimens A and E is the
mysterious "Ocean."
Specimens B and D are both from the last note issuing pe-
riod, from Riley Brick's assumption of control of the works in
1858 to the closing of the company store by the year 1865.
Specimen D, the 25-cent note, is from a plate reworked by
addition of the letter "0"; in all other respects the printed note
is identical to Specimen C. No handwritten date appears on
either note. Here, the payee is "H. Clay," not a name that ap-
pears in Bergen Iron Works records, but that of the promi-
nent, recently deceased political leader Henry Clay
(1777-1852). 6
Rulau 7 correctly observes that the measurements of the $2
Bergen Iron Works note are about six millimeters longer than
those of the 25-cent note. One of the reported but unconfirmed
notes that has come to our attention was also of slightly larger
size, possibly a $1 denomination. This was received by a New
York dealer at a show about 13 years ago, packed away and
then lost. One other reported but unconfirmed note deserves
mention. Supposedly of the 6'/4-cent denomination and dated
1859, it was listed in a bulk lot of notes as Lot 1224 in the sale
of the Spiro collection by Hans M.F. Schulman in March, 1955.
It is also listed in Wait's appendix. Further details, and the
note's present whereabouts, are unknown.
None of the other unconfirmed reports of Bergen Iron Works
notes rise above the level of rumors. We hope that anyone
who has, or discovers, such notes will inform us of them, ei-
ther in person or through the Editor. "Company store" scrip
in early to mid 19th century was commonly issued in frac-
tional denominations of half, quarter, eighth and sixteenth
parts of a dollar, following the subsidiary coins of the Spanish
milled dollars that circulated widely at that time. We believe
that it is likely, therefore, that notes of the 12'/2-cent, 50-cent
and $1 denominations (and possibly others as well) would
have been issued by the Bergen Iron Works store, but whether
or not they were of course is pure speculation until such time
as survivors are discovered.
Proof of $1.
Nobody pays more than Huntoon for
state and territorial Nationals
ITir.s.74T WrI,latuti
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 3681
Laramie, WY 82071
(307) 742-2217
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 77
Table 2
Listing of known varieties.
Adams/ No. of specimens Estimated rarity
Obv.-Rev. Rulau Miller Low Metal in Dewey sample (SPMC scale)
1-A 206 NJ 2 143 Copper 34 R1
1-A NJ 3 144 Brass 2 R7
2-A 205A NJ 1A 180 Copper 19 R2
2-A 205 NJ 1 142 Brass 33 R1
2-A 205B — Silvered copper 1 R7
Rulau = op. cit. fn. 7.
Adams = Edgar H. Adams, United States Store Cards (New York, Wayte Raymond, 1920).
Miller = Donald M. Miller, A Cat. of U.S. Store Cards or Merchants Tokens (Indiana, Pa., Henry Hall, Inc., 1962).
Low = Lyman H. Low, Hard Times Tokens, 2nd ed. (New York, American Numismatic Society, 1900), Supplement (1906).
Dewey = op. cit. fn. 1. As part of his research for the monograph, Dewey examined a total of 89 B.I.W. tokens of all five varieties.
The results of the survey, by variety and grade, are presented in a table in the monograph at p. 42.
1. Published by the Ocean County Historical Society, Toms River, N.J.
2. The information in this section is mainly condensed from The Bergen
Iron Works and Its Tokens. This monograph draws information from
numerous other sources, both primary and secondary, which are
cited by Dewey. Additional sources are an entry for Riley Allen
Brick in Biographical Encyclopedia of New Jersey (1877), and George
W. Wait, New Jersey's Money (Newark, The Newark Museum, 1976).
3. Five varieties of tokens, struck from two different obverse dies and
a common reverse one, are known. Information on the varieties is
presented in Table 2 and the dies are illustrated herein. As can be
seen, obverse die 1 developed a heavy break while in service and is
therefore believed to be the earlier of the two dies used, having
been replaced for later production runs by obverse die 2. The value
at which the tokens circulated is not known. Most probably, they
were good for 1 cent in merchandise. The Latin inscription on the
reverse die translates as "a token of good faith." The maker of the
tokens is not known.
4. Gene Hessler, The Engraver's Line (Port Clinton, OH, BNR Press,
1993), p. 317; James A. Haxby, Std. Cat. of United States Obsolete
Bank Notes. 1782-1866 (Iola, WI, Krause Publications, 4 vols.,
1988), list of engravers' imprints at vol. 1, pp. xvi-xvii; Wait, op.
cit. fn. 2, list of imprints at pp. 42-46; George C. Groce and David
H. Wallace, The New-York Historical Society's Dictionary of Artists in
America. 1564-1860 (New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1957), p. 704;
W. S. Baker, American Engravers and Their Works (Philadelphia,
Gebbie & Barrie, 1875); David McNeeley Stauffer, American En-
gravers upon Copper and Steel (New York, Grolier Club, 1907), part
I, pp. 296-297, part II, pp. 562-563.
5. L. Forrer, Biographical Dictionary of Medallists (London, Spink & Son,
8 vols., 1904-1930), vol. VI, pp. 556-557; Georgia Stamm Cham-
berlain, American Medals and Medalists (Annandale, VA, Turnpike
Press, 1963), pp. 67-68.
6. We do not know the reason—legal or otherwise —why some 19th
century bank notes and scrip designated a named payee on them
when the notes were also made payable to bearer. Not all notes, of
course, did designate named payees; the practice seems to have
been more common in the early part of the 19th century than in
the later part.
7. Russell Rulau, Std. Cat. of United States Tokens 1700-1900 (Iola, WI,
Krause Publications, 1994), p. 136.
We would like to thank the following persons for providing informa-
tion and assistance to us: Georgia B. Barnhill, Curator of Graphic Arts,
American Antiquarian Society; Robert A. Schuman, M.D.; Barry Wexler;
Steve Tanenbaum; Dave Wilson, and Robert A. Vlack.
HE Farmers National Bank of Hillsboro was chartered
on June 27, 1887 with a capital of $50,000. It received
Charter 3762 from the Comptroller of the Currency.
The bank's building was completed that same year. It was
constructed of sun-dried brick. In 1912 this brick was replaced
by kiln-dried brick. It still stands on the Southwest corner of
the town square, and is one of the oldest bank buildings in
Hill County.
The bank's capital grew to $100,000, but, like many other
banks, it was unable to weather the stress brought on by the
Great Depression. It was placed in voluntary liquidation on
ce) aqii4
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COPY ,x ,ec,e&()'"k),,'7/V-,r/.4r+...-
( Ighf ..."
Page 78
Paper Money Whole No. 189
A $20 1929 Type I national bank note issued by The Farmers National
Bank of Hillsboro, Texas. Olney Harris, cashier; Wm. Williams, president.
April 24, 1931, and was succeeded by the Colonial Trust Com-
pany of Hillsboro. Colonial Trust Company still occupies the
original building, which has been altered by the addition of a
Greek Revival front and columns.
During the national bank note issuing-period, The Farmers
National Bank issued Second Charter Series 1882 Brown Back
$10 and $20 notes; 1902 Series $10 and $20 Red Seal, Date
Back and Plain Back notes; and Series 1929 Type I notes.
The total amount of circulation was $1,445,980. When the
bank was liquidated, $12,500 in large-size notes and $74,520
in small-size notes remained outstanding.
Hickman, J. and D. Oakes. (1990). Standard Catalog of National Bank
Notes. Iola, WI. Krause Publications.
Texas Historical Landmark. 1966.
"Oh, Is That What That Means?"
HE Society of Paper Money
Collectors is listed in several
"Directories of Organiza-
tions." These publications are found
in virtually every library in the United
When members of the general pub-
lic inquire about paper money at a li-
brary they're often referred to these
directories. The SPMC receives many
requests about "old paper money."
Some of these letters lead to almost
comical situations.
Recently, one of your officers re-
ceived the following letter:
"I would like some information on
the value of my 5 Dollar Bill dated lune 14, 1852. This Bond
or Bill is in great condition; it has a yellow color and the writ-
ing is very recognizable in gray tint.
"Please write to me or telephone at the above address."
The woman included the photocopy accompanying this ar-
ticle. She didn't enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope,
but did list a telephone number where she could be reached.
The officer decided the woman deserved to know what she
had, so he placed a collect call to her. After some deliberation,
the woman decided to accept the charges.
When the officer explained to her that the note was a mod-
ern reproduction, as indicated by the word "COPY" clearly
printed in the lower left-hand corner on the face of the note,
her reply was "Oh! Is that what that means?"
et8T , 0170.01
K 8 6458253 8
Ijirailifir:11j$ : I 41 ;1
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 79
MONG the rapidly growing number of U.S. currency
collectors who specialize in errors, the "double de-
nomination" notes have special appeal. The unparal-
leled uniqueness of this phenomenal error has captured the
imagination of the syngraphist and increased the desirability
of ownership.
This most dramatic of errors occurs when a sheet of backs of
one denomination is accidentally placed on a stack of sheets
of another denomination, ready for printing the face of a note.
There are four types of small-size "double denomination"
notes: the $5 face and $10 back; the $20 face and $10 back;
the $10 face and $5 back; the $10 face and $1 back.
The following is a census of the notes known to have sur-
vived that are in the hands of collectors. They come in all con-
dition grades, and are extremely rare. All are Federal Reserve
The King of Errors
1934-D, H-400, FR. 1960, Block JA,
from 12-subject sheets:
1. Kansas City Series
$5 face with a $10 back,
431 807 43 433 127 49
431 807 44 433 127 52
431 807 50 433 128 17
431 808 15 433 128 20
431 808 17 433 128 23
431 808 23 433 128 26
431 808 24 433 128 27
431 808 28 481 807 49
431 808 29 543 180 17
433 127 44
The Queen of Errors
2. Dallas, Series 1974, H-874, FR. 2071, Block KB, $20 face
with a $10 back, from 32-subject sheets:
463 582 52 466 782 52
463 582 53 466 96* **
464 582 53 466 982 53
466 582 54 466 982 54
A total of eight notes are known at this time. The Bureau of
Engraving and Printing reports that 128 of these errors were
printed, 100 were recovered, and, of the 28 remaining, as many
as 12 may have survived.
The Prince of Errors
3. Richmond, Series 1928-A, H-629, FR. 2001, Block EA,
$10 face with a $5 back, from a 12-subject sheet:
046 722 79 047 442 79
046 722 80 047 442 80
046 722 81 047 442 84
(Continued on page 82)
Page 80
Paper Money Whole No. 189
HEN you mention ghost towns the thoughts of most
people turn to mining towns of the Wild West. Gold
and silver mining towns, such as Goldfield and Rhyo-
lite, Nevada; Silver City, Idaho; and Cripple Creek, Colorado,
come to mind. Not all ghost towns were gold or silver mining
towns and not all are located in the West. As a result of coal or
iron mining, there are some ghost towns in the East. Tennes-
see has one such town, Cardiff, the location of iron mining.
Cardiff was located about 40 miles west of Knoxville, in
Roane County Tennessee. The county was carved out of the
western part of Knox County by the Tennessee legislature in
November of 1801 and was named in honor of Archibald
Roane, who was the governor of Tennessee at that time.
Roane County lies in the Great Valley that is bordered on
the east by the Appalachian Mountains and on the west by the
Cumberland Plateau. The Tennessee River divides Roane
County, with Walden's Ridge lying along its western edge.
Prior to 1860 Roane County consisted mostly of small farms
and small communities. Most of the farms grew corn or wheat
and thus did not need many slaves. Because of this, a majority
of the citizens of Roane County were against secession. When
the vote on secession came on June 8, 1861, the people of
Roane County voted against it 1568 to 454. About 2000 Roane
County men backed up their convictions by joining the Union
Roane County, at the beginning of the Civil War, was occu-
pied by the Confederates, but in early September 1863, Union
forces under General Ambrose Burnside captured the county
and a large part of East Tennessee. There were no major battles
fought in Roane County, but there were a number of raids
that resulted in many skirmishes. An important discovery took
place during the Civil War that was to forever change Roane
County. While staying in the area that is now Harriman, Union
General John T. Wilder noticed outcroppings of coal, limë-
stone and iron ore. The presence of those minerals, plus the
location of the Tennessee River nearby, would make the area
an excellent location for iron manufacturing. General Wilder
vowed to return to the area after the war.
In 1867 John Wilder and a group of mid-western capitalists
organized the Roane Iron Company. In 1868 the company
built a town to support their iron operations. The town was
named Rockwood, in honor of W.O. Rockwood, a major in
the Union Army during the Civil War and the largest stock-
holder in the company. The first blast furnace was completed
in 1868 and a second was added in 1873. In 1879 the Cincin-
nati-Southern Railroad, passing through Rockwood, was com-
pleted from Cincinnati to Chattanooga. The new railroad
provided additional markets for the products of the Roane Iron
In 1889 a group of northern prohibitionists decided to build
a model industrial city along the Cincinnati-Southern Rail-
road in Roane County. The temperance town was named
Harriman, in honor of Walter Harriman, a Union general dur-
ing the Civil War and governor of New Hampshire from 1867
to 1869. The town, located nine miles north of Rockwood,
was staked out on Christmas day, 1889. The Great Land Sale
was held on February 26-28, 1890, with about 3000 bidders
in attendance. Within ten hours, 573 lots were sold for a total
of $604,000. Harriman was granted a city charter on February
7, 1891. The founders recruited industry for Harriman and 29
manufacturing companies located there.
Banners, flags, and a "circus-like" atmosphere marked the
auspicious beginning of the town of Cardiff on April 22, 1890.
A great land sale began on that day, with 35 Pullman cars ar-
riving with prospective buyers from New England, all intent
on investing in the project, which was organized by the Cardiff
Coal and Iron Company. Thousands of people, from all parts
of the country, came to purchase property in what was expected
to be a "model industrial community of the South and the
greatest manufacturing center in the country." The sale was
nationally advertised to be held on Tuesday through Friday.
The lots sold so quickly that the Cardiff Coal and Iron Com-
pany decided to close the sale at noon on Thursday. The last
lot went for $280 a front-foot, the highest price reached dur-
ing the sale. Over a million dollars was realized at the two and
one-half day sale.
Cardiff was named for the mining town of Cardiff, Wales
and was located along the Cincinnati-Southern Railroad be-
tween Rockwood and Harriman. The new city was chartered
on May 21, 1890. By this time, the area was booming with
new construction and the air was filled with optimism. One of
the largest and most elegant railroad depots in the South was
being built on what had been farm land only two months ear-
lier. The Hotel Patterson, with room for nearly 100 guests, had
been completed and was offering rooms for $2 a day. The Hotel
Cardiff, the centerpiece of the town, was under construction
on Union Avenue, only a short walk from the depot. This el-
egant hotel was being built, at a cost of $75,000, in the Italian
style and was to cover 15,000 square feet of ground. It was
boasted that the Hotel Cardiff, when completed, would rival
the Maxwell House in Nashville.
An exposition building was under construction next to the
railroad. An electric light panel was in operation and a dummy
railroad line was being graded. A lumber mill was in business,
a brick manufacturing plant was turning out 100,000 bricks
per week and a water company was in operation. Business-
men were opening a variety of stores every day. Promoters of
Cardiff believed that the town would triple in size in the next
month. Some people even believed that one day it would be
the home of 2 and one-half to 3 million people!
The Cardiff Herald, a weekly newspaper, was first published
on April 23, 1890. A one-year subscription was offered for $2
First National Bank
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 81
paid in advance. The first issue was printed in a leaking shack
at the auction site. Each issue extolled the virtues of Cardiff.
The May 21, 1890 issue of the Cardiff Herald announced the
birth of Cardiff's first child. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry C. Young. Mr. Young was a vice-president of the Cardiff
Coal and Iron Company.
The Cardiff Bank and Trust Company was organized on June
21, 1890, with a capital of $50,000. On June 25 the Cardiff
State Bank opened for business.
The 1890 census of Cardiff was completed by June 30. It
showed that there were 203 families with a total of 1,235
people living in Cardiff!
The Cardiff Coal and Iron Company started in business with
$2 million in its treasury, all of which was designated for the
establishment of various manufacturing plants in Cardiff. A
150 ton blast furnace was planned, as were 1,000 coke ovens,
the largest blooming mill in the South and a nail plate mill
with 1,000 nail machines.
The First National Bank of Cardiff, with a capital of $50,000,
was granted charter 4303 on May 8, 1890. J.F. Tarwater, of
Rockwood, was elected president. Mr. Tarwater was a partner
of the firm of Tarwater & Brown, an iron mining company in
the area. E.C. White, of Michigan, was elected cashier. M.M.
Duncan, Robert Pritchard, of Chattanooga, W.P. Rice, of Fort
Payne, Alabama and Henry C. Young served as directors, along
with J.F. Tarwater.
The First National Bank set up temporary offices in the Ex-
position building. The Exposition building was 100' by 60' in
size and was located next to the railroad on the west side.
Massachusetts Avenue was on the west side of the Exposition
building, Dover Avenue was on the south, and Erie Avenue
was on the north. The First National Bank was to have a per-
manent office in a three story company building to be built on
the east side of the railroad. The financial statement of Octo-
ber 2, 1890 listed bank resources of $74,815.96 and deposits
of $14,182,30.
Receive deposits, buy 11 Exchiune
and do a generul banking busint s
, Jr P. TARW.ATER S.r 0, WHITE,'
DtRECTORS.—W. P. Mee, J. TarwAter,
H. C. Young, Pri. AI. Duncan, Hobe. Pritchard.
Advertisement of the First National Bank of Cardiff in the January 7, 1891
issue of the Cardiff Herald.
The directors of the First National Bank met on Friday, Janu-
ary 16, 1891 and elected E.C. White as president and L.C.
White, Jr., as cashier. A bank advertisement of January 21, 1891
listed W.P. Rice, E.C. White, H.C. Young, W.E. McElwee, and
L.C. White, Jr. as directors. A financial statement of February
28, 1891 showed that deposits had dropped to $4,385.02.
An article in the Cardiff Herald of April 8, 1891 said that L.C.
White, Jr., the cashier of the First National Bank, had left Cardiff
the previous week to go to Windsor, Vermont to accept a posi-
tion at the Windsor Savings Bank. This was probably a wise
move, because by that time the First National Bank was on its
last legs. F.A. Walker took over the position of cashier of the
First National Bank.
On May 25, 1891 the First National Bank of Cardiff was
placed in voluntary liquidation. Bank advertisements of April
1891 still listed the offices of the bank was being located in
the Exposition building. I doubt that the First National Bank
ever got to move into its planned three-story building. The
bank that had started with so much promise had only lasted
for twelve and one-half months.
The town of Cardiff went bust almost as fast as it had
boomed. The town was founded mostly on hype and specula-
tion. When the Panic of 1893 hit, the Cardiff Coal and Iron
Company went into bankruptcy. After surviving for several
decades, the company gradually faded out of existence, as did
the town that the company had created. Nothing remains of
the town of Cardiff today. The buildings have all disappeared.
Some were torn down and others burned. Some of the better
houses were moved to Rockwood or Harriman. The College
Plaza Shopping Center and the Roane County Industrial Park
now occupy the town site.
That's what the First National Bank of Cardiff has been
doing the past week. We peeped through the grating
(from the outside) and saw President Tarwater and Cash-
ier White signing long sheets of crisp new bank notes,
after which Clark Shaw cut the sheets apart into sepa-
rate bills with a long pair of shears. In answer to our
inquiries we learned something about the work of
organizing new banks that may be of interest to our
Every national bank is provided with currency by the
United States government. To get this currency the bank
deposits with the government U.S. bonds to the amount
of $12,500. The government then prints for the bank,
bills of the new bank amounting to 90 percent of the
amount deposited, which gives them $11,250 in crisp,
new bank notes for their circulation. The government
being secured by bonds for the amount of the bank's
bills stands sponsor therefor. The bills come in sheets,
four in a sheet. The Cardiff National's currency was in
$5 bills, making 2,250 separate bills. These are signed
by President Tarwater and Cashier White and a portion
is now in circulation.
"Making Money" is a first hand account of the issu-
ing of $5 Second Charter Brown Backs by the First Na-
tional Bank of Cardiff. This article appeared in the July
30, 1890 issue of the Cardiff Herald.
Page 82
Paper Money Whole No. 189
First National Bank of Cardiff
Charter 4303
Chartered on May 8, 1890
Placed in Voluntary Liquidation on May 25, 1891
National Bank Notes Issued
Second Charter Period
Brown Backs
$5-$5-$5-$5 Plate Serial 1-613
Total number of notes issued 2452
Total amount of circulation issued $12,260
Amount outstanding at close $11,250
Amount outstanding in 1910 $ 115
known to have survived from all Tennessee national banks.
Over 70% of the surviving $5 Brown Backs are from the large
banks in Jackson, Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville.
The short life of the First National Bank, the small amount
of outstanding circulation in 1910, and the fact that very few
$5 Brown Backs have survived from Tennessee banks, all com-
bine to make the odds of a national bank note surviving from
Cardiff extremely remote. If such a note ever surfaces, it will
certainly rank in the very top tier of desirable Tennessee na-
tional bank notes.
Sometimes in the early morning mist, as you drive along
U.S. 27, if you look out to the west, you can almost see the
ghosts of Mr. Tarwater and Mr. White signing the uncut sheets
of $5 Brown Backs, as Mr. Shaw waits with shears in hand
ready to separate the notes. Maybe, just maybe, someday one
of these notes will appear.
The Boom Era Banks of Roane County
City Charter No. Chartered Capital
First National Bank of Rockwood 4169 12-3-1889 $50,000
First National Bank of Cardiff 4303 5-8-1890 $50,000
First National Bank of Harriman 4501 1891 $50,000
Manufacturers National Bank of Harriman 4654 1891 $75,000
No national bank notes are known to have survived from
the First National Bank of Cardiff. As seen in Chart I, over
99% of the national bank notes issued by the bank had been
redeemed by 1910. The short life of the First National Bank
also works against the odds of any national bank note surviv-
ing. Conventional wisdom says that the longer a national bank
stays in business, more time is available for someone to put
away a national bank note from that bank.
There were 196 national banks in Tennessee that issued na-
tional bank notes. Of these banks, 69 issued Brown Backs, but
only 31 issued $5 Brown Backs. In Tennessee Brown Backs,
$10s are the most common, followed by $20s, with $5s being
the rarest. At the present time, only 24 $5 Brown Backs are
ROYAL FAMILY (Continued from page 79)
A total of six notes are known at this time, although there
were 12 notes from a cut sheet in the Grinnell sale, part 7, lots
5696-7, Nov. 30, 1946.
The Princess of Errors
4. New York, Series 1950-A, H-638, FR. 2011, Block BD,
$10 Federal Reserve note face with a $1 silver certificate back,
from an 18-subject sheet:
I am interested in hearing about any surviving documents
from the First National Bank of Cardiff, such as checks or sav-
ings books. You may contact me at P.O. Box 140262, Nash-
ville, Tennessee 37214.
Hall, J. & J.B. Shelley. (1986). Valley of Challenge and Change: Roane
County, Tennessee, 1860-1900. Kingston, TN: Roane County Heri-
tage Commission.
Kelly, D.C. (1985). National Bank Notes: A Guide with Prices, Second
Edition. Oxford, OH: The Paper Money Institute, Inc.
Cardiff Herald, Volume 1, Nos. 1-52.
Special thanks to James C. McLoughlin for his assistance.
526 203 40 528 603 40
528 203 40 525 803 40
This is exceptionally rare, with only four notes known at
this time. Also, it is the only "double denomination" error
with a face and back of different obligations and series.
Note: A transparent plastic tube was placed on a mirror and the note
rested on top of the tube, to produce the photos showing the face and
back of the notes.
Bart, Dr. F.1 .(1994). Comprehensive catalog of United States paper money
errors. Pt. Clinton, OH: BNR Press.
DeLorey, T. & F. Reed. (1978). Price guide for the collector, paper money
errors. Sidney, OH: Amos Press.
Friedberg, R. (1995). Paper money of the United States. Clifton, NJ: The
Coin and Currency Institute.
Hessler, G. (1992). Comprehensive catalog of U.S. paper money. Pt.
Clinton, OH: BNR Press.
Jones. H. Personal conversations.
Neuce, E. (1971). Price guide for the collector of paper money errors. Sidney,
OH: Sidney Printing and Pub. Co.
O'Donnell, C. (1974). The standard handbook of modern United States
paper money. Center printing.
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 83
The Scripopbi[j Corner
The early trading of bonds & stock certificates
ITH the burgeoning world trade generated by numer-
ous colonies, the Netherlands invented modern finan-
cial markets at the beginning of the seventeenth
century. At nearly the same time, Dutch settlers laid out "Wall
Street" in a village then called New Amsterdam.
After the English conquest of 1664 the settlement was re-
named "New York" and international trade continued to flour-
ish. There were no full-time financial markets in the city itself
(or elsewhere in North America) until the establishment of a
strong federal government following the American Revolution.
In 1789 Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the trea-
sury, proposed to regularize the coinage of the country and
assume the State debts incurred during the Revolution. Wash-
ington backed Hamilton and members of the Congress voted
that the Revolutionary War debt be refunded with new federal
bonds paying 6 percent interest.
In turn, this commitment of the U.S. government to stand
behind its national debt fostered the growth of financial mar-
kets. Trading of the new federal bonds as well as state bonds
soon began, and markets sprang up to accommodate the buy-
ers and sellers. By 1792 the New York financial market was
growing quickly and a group of 24 eminent brokers signed a
contract beneath a button tree that stood in front of 68 Wall
Street. This agreement, setting minimum rates and pledging
preference to members, constituted the first brokers' organiza-
tion in the country.
The financial community of the city was expanding rapidly,
and the leading brokers established the "New York Stock and
Exchange Board" in 1817. Under its constitution, the stock
board operated like a private club. Initiation fees were mini-
mal, but all members were entitled to vote on new admis-
sions. As a result, most of the Wall Street brokers traded
securities outside of the "Regular Board."
The STOCK EXCHANGE around 1850.
In the early days, trading on the board was very limited,
with government bonds dominating the list. Two sessions were
held each day. The morning one, usually the more important,
began at ten o'clock as the presiding officer read out, one by
one, the name of the securities listed on the board. He would
repeat the transactions to the assistant secretary who recorded
them at once, while the blackboard clerk wrote off the prices.
Actually, it was this blackboard that gave stock prices their
CURBSTONE BROKERS—In the 1860s stock trading took place on the
street as much as on the exchange itself
In the midst of the new bull market generated by the Civil
war, the Regular Board's two sit down sessions were no longer
adequate. As a result, the "Open Board," with its continuous
action, was organized to meet the sudden trading surge.
THE REGULAR BOARD—Brokers did not lose their actual seats until the
In 1863 the Regular Board, also known as the "Big Board,"
changed its official name to become the "New York Stock Ex-
change." Six years later the latter achieved unquestionable
dominance on the Street when it merged with the Open Board.
(Continued on page 88)
Page 84
Paper Money Whole No. 189
N major museums, especially those in Europe, one
often sees art students copying the works of legendary
painters as part of their training. During their six to
ten years of apprenticeship, security engravers do something
similar—they copy the work of the best security engravers who
preceded them. During a visit to Czechoslovakia in 1990 I saw
two engravings by American engravers on the wall in the en-
graving division at the State Printing Works in Prague, now in
the Czech Republic. Obviously the portrait of E.D. Baker as
seen on the $5,000 currency certificate of deposit H (essler)
1441, byCharles Burtand the Great eagle by Alfred Jones were
considered as exemplary examples of the engravers art. Ex-
amples of apprentice engravings are difficult to obtain. Never-
theless, seven are illustrated and discussed here; two by an
American engraver, four by Czech engravers and one by a Ca-
nadian engraver. Besides the differences that should be obvi-
ous, some are identified.
Fig. I
Fig. 2
Charles Burt's engraving of Liberty and Union (fig. 1) was
copied by William 0. Marks (b. 1899) as an apprentice. The
original version appeared on the $500 interest-bearing trea-
sury note H1341. The copied version (fig 2) bears a notation
by the apprentice engraver: "1st Port. W 0 M," which suggests
that this is the first (apprentice) engraving by Marks.The lightly
inked image suggests that this "first" engraving consisted of
extremely shallow lines. Since it is probably unfinished, one
should not be too critical (See PAPER MONEY No. 173, p.
175 for an illustration of this note.)
William Croome's previously mentioned Great Eagle was also
engraved by William 0 Marks as an apprentice. In addition to
the $50 interest-bearing treasury note, H946, this eagle (fig.
3) was used on U.S. federal bonds and both corporate bonds
and stock certificates. Allowing for the differences in the rock
that is used as a perch, this is a very good copy (fig.4).
Little is known about Mr. Marks who began his apprentice-
ship at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) in 1917.
He is credited with engraving the portraits of Walter Forward,
Walter Q. Gresham and Oliver Wolcott on stock transfer
stamps. Mr. Marks retired from the BEP on 30 November 1955.
The Roman soldier on the Russian 100 ruble note, P(ick)
13, was engraved by two Czech engravers, Ladislav Jirka (b. 11
Paper Money Whole No. 189
Page 85
Fig. 3.
Fig. 4.
February 1914) and Bohumil Sneider (b.2 March 1936), dur-
ing their apprenticeships. Mr. Jirka began his apprenticeship
in 1936 at the Printing office for the National Bank of Czecho-
slovakia. Before his retirement in 1974 he engraved both post-
age stamps and bank notes.
Bohumil Sneider attended the Special Fine Art School in Prague
before he joined the State Printing Works for Securities in 1969.
He continued to engrave postage stamps and bank notes in
his homeland, now called the Czech Republic.
When compared to the original Russian engraving (fig. 5),
the Jirka version of the soldier (fig. 6) is the closest. One dif-
ference is the shadow below the chin of the soldier. The Sneider
engraving (fig. 7) is much lighter. This could be the result of
shallower lines or merely a print from a press that did not
produce enough pressure. The muscle tone is almost the same
except for the right forearm, which is flat.
Fig. 5. An engraved portrait of Catherine the Great (1729-1796) is placed
to the right of the Roman soldier. This note was prepared in Russia; the
designer and engraver(s) are unknown. (The actual size of the complete
note is 122x256 mm.)
Another Russian note, the 500 rubles, P6, was assigned as a
study for an apprentice engraver (fig.8). A portrait of Peter the
Great (1672-1725) was assigned to J. Sahula. His engraving
shows only minor differences when compared with the origi-
nal. The contour of the cheek near the right eye is more realis-
tic than the original, and there is more white space on the hat
(fig. 9).
Peter the Great became czar in 1682; he then proceeded to "western-
ize" Russia. Recently Leningrad, originally St. Petersburg, had its
name changed to the original name, which was named after Peter
the Great. Prepared in Russia, the designer based this portrait on a
statue that stands in the city of Taganrog. The engraver of Peter's
portrait cannot be identified. (The actual size of the complete note is
126x273mm )
Bohumil Sneider engraved at least one other subject as an
apprentice engraver. His engraving of just the head of the boy
(fig. 10) on the 100 korun note for Czechoslovakia, P24, and
Slovakia, P1 (fig. 10a), is an excellent copy. On the original
(fig. 11) you can see that crosshatching was superimposed over
the entire figure.
The only North American engraver mentioned here is Yves
Baril (b. 20 May 1932), who served his apprenticeship at the
Canadian Bank Note Co., where he has been supervisor of the
Picture Engraving Department since 1963. Besides his bank
note and postage stamp work for Canada and other countries,
Paper Money Whole No. 189Page 86
Fig. 9. enlarged.Fig. 8. enlarged.
Fig. 6. enlarged. Fig. 7. enlarged.
Paper Money Whole No. 189
Page 87
Fig. 10. Fig. 11.
Fig. 10a. This note was designed by Max Svabinsky (1873-1962) and
engraved by Ferdinand Schirnbikk (1859-1930). With the overprint
this note circulated in Slovakia. The symbolic youth of Czechoslovakia
reads from history as he holds a seedling, which symbolizes growth and
permanence. The hammer and wheel represent manual and industrial
labor. The falcon was the country's unofficial bird. Surrounded by laurel
leaves, Liberty wears the universal Phrygian or Liberty Cap with the
constitution before her. Opera singer larmila Novotnd, born in 1907,
was the model for Liberty. (The actual size of the note is 88x170mm.)
Fig. 12.
igst,t 'f^-el..' 6 . %AA.
1s41!.sg)! .154); i i RPM
specialized in Poland, liussia Eltrope
& sell
Free Price List
Tom Sluszkiewicz
P.O.Box 54521, Middlegate Postal
Page 88 Paper Money Whole No. 189
Fig. 13. The back of this note was engraved by Edwin Gunn (1876-1940) for American Bank Note Company. Mr. Gunn
engraved bank notes for 23 countries in addition to postage stamps, many bonds and stock certificates.
he has engraved at least four postage stamps for the United
States. As a hobby, Mr. Baril also works in scrimshaw; he pre-
fers petrified mastodon tusk.
The leopard on the back of the Belgian Congo 50 franc note,
P16 (fig. 12), is an example of Mr. Baril's work. This is an ex-
tremely good copy. The contour and shadows on the rock in
the foreground and the background on the right differ from
the original. The original (fig. 13) was printed with black ink;
the copy in brown ink. Consequently, the skin of the animal
appears softer, although there are differences in the leopard's
If you wish to know more about and purchase of engravings
by Yves Baril, contact John B. Denune, The Yves Baril Study
Group, 234 East Broadway, Granville, OH 43023. (See PAPER
MONEY No. 163, page 31.)
Now when you see art students copying the work of famous
artists, they are not trying to "counterfeit" these famous origi-
nals. They are merely trying to learn technique by copying,
just as security engravers learn by copying the work of those
who preceded them. WANTED IN NEW YORK!
Correspondence with some engravers mentioned.
Hessler, G. (1992). The comprehensive catalog of U. S. paper money. Port
Clinton, OH:BNR Press.
Pick, A. (1994). Standard catalog of world paper money. Iola, WI:Krause
BIG BOARD (Continued from page 83)
For the first time it became really important for a brokerage
firm to become a member, and thus, for the first time, the
Exchange could exercise real power over those members. Self-
regulation rather than government would successfully guide
Wall Street for the next two generations as it eclipsed London
and grew into the largest financial market on earth.
1ST N.B. Of TARRYTOWN C11 #364
TEL 914-834-6249
Pierre Bonneau is the Marketing Director of Stock Search International,
Inc. and founder of the Old Certificates Collectors' Club.
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 89
S most of you are aware, computers have become just
a part of life for most people. They are everywhere. It
was only a matter of time before they found a place in
the currency-collecting world. Most dealers and collectors have
accepted that computers will be part of the currency-collect-
ing world, but are not sure how. I cannot speak positively how
they will fit in, but will explain some of the ways computers
may be used. I have been using computers for about 20 years,
and am currently employed by a company that sends me
around the world to teach customers.
This article will explain what is needed and how to use a very
powerful area of computers.
EMAIL or Electronic MAIL is one of the most used areas of
computing in the private sector. Instead of placing a stamp on
an envelope, the sender clicks on the 'SEND' button and the
letter is on its way. This letter could even contain a picture of a
piece of currency (this requires special equipment). The letter
will arrive in the receivers electronic mail box usually in min-
utes. When the receiver checks their mail a response can be
sent back to the dealer just as easily. Most dealers are very pro-
fessional and type their correspondence in a typewriter or word
processor, so it would not be any different for them.
In order to send EMAIL the following is required:
1. Desktop/Laptop Computer
2. Modem
3. Phone Line
EMAIL Account
1. A desktop or laptop computer will be needed to access the
EMAIL systems. The type of computer needed could be an
article itself. Depending on what other purpose the com-
puter is supposed to do determines what type you should
buy or lease. Items such as the amount of memory, harddisk
space, and monitor size need to be considered if buying a
computer for the first time.
A laptop is a portable computer that can be carried with
you when away from the office. This could be of value hav-
ing at a show to check inventory, add names to a mailing
list, or check EMAIL among other things. One of the draw-
backs of laptops is they are in big demand, by both cus-
tomers and thieves. Another drawback is keeping the
desktop computer in sync with the laptop. This is true of
course only if you have a desktop.
2. A modem is a piece of hardware for the computer that al-
lows the computer to use a telephone line. They come in
all sizes and prices. For most users a modem that installs
directly into the computer is the best. It is out of the way,
and not taking up valuable desktop space. An important
value of internal modems when using a laptop is that you
cannot forget and leave it at the offce. If you have your
laptop you have the modem. Modems come in many dif-
ferent speeds. The higher the speed the faster your mail will
be received on your computer. The most common speed is
what is known as 28.8. Faster modems are available but
are relatively new to the computer world. For everyday
EMAIL transmission you will not notice a difference be-
tween 28.8 and the higher speed modems.
3. An analog phone line will be needed to connect the mo-
dem. Most currency dealer shops and homes, or both, al-
ready have these lines installed. The other type of phone
line is digital. Digital phone lines can damage and destroy
modems. Modems are designed for analog lines. Most ho-
tels now provide an analog plug for laptops.
4. Finally an EMAIL account is needed. This usually results in
a charge of about $10-$20 a month, depending on usage.
Accounts can be opened with many online services such as
Compusery or American Online. Both these services usu-
ally include up to 5 or 10 hours of connect time with your
monthly charge. Any additional time over that will result
in additional charge. In addition to sending EMAIL, con-
necting to these services will allow you to access the
INTERNET. The INTERNETis a world-wide network of com-
puters that contains thousands of pieces of information.
Included on the INTERNET is a Newsgroup called
REC.collecting.paper-money. This is a news group where
people submit almost anything dealing with money. From
. . . What is . . . I found . . . How do I . . . Who do I talk to?
If you only are interested in EMAIL access at this time, you can
use a software package called JUNO, that allows FREE access
for EMAIL only. That's correct ... FREE! The software needed
is free along with the service. Even if you are located in a re-
mote location away from big cities, JUNO dials an 800 num-
ber to send and receive mail. The only negative side of this
software package, at this time, is that you cannot send a pic-
ture of currency as you can do with the other services. If you
are interested in getting a copy of the JUNO software contact
me at my EMAIL address below or send me a letter using Snail
Mail (U.S. Post Office) at 9350F Snowden River Pkwy., Suite
238, Columbia, MD 21045.
There are a few dealers who advertise the EMAIL address in
their ads. use these addresses, as they will save you time and
money and the message will get to them very quickly. When
mail is sent it automatically includes a date and time stamp,
so an accurate record can be kept.
In future articles I will talk about using scanners to capture
a picture of the currency in an electronic format, and the pur-
pose of World Wide Web pages. If you have questions, do not
hesitate to ask. Up to this point I was not sure what I could
add to the currency-collecting hobby. I collect Washington DC
nationals, and quite a bit of information was already available
about them. Talking about computers in the world of currency
may be just where I add my value.
Total money inclosed 1 00
Registration __ki+5
War Tax
Amount of remittance as advised by
letter, return
charges included
1 eh 3T ges
f deducted
$60 87
Page 90 Paper Money Whole No. 189
UESTIONS have been asked in the paper money lit-
erature as to how collectors were able to obtain Red
Seal & Blue Seal uncut sheets of currency from the U.S.
Treasury Department without making a trip to Washington
Sometime in 1949, after I had shown an interest in paper
money, Ben Stack of Stack's in NYC took me into their vault
and displayed a quantity of uncut sheets of six and twelve notes.
Form 5328.—C ashler.
F. C., Fob. 21-16.
Trrasurg prparintent,
Washin.lton, ae_p_t . 7,195191
Xat'l Bank
Howard Schein
79th Street
New York 24, N.Y.
500' S
g 7/6 z Y-60/./ - 6'/2/9'
0, v 7 17-/Pz -z.--. z ofr
Change /34zeh 1°4/12":4-
These sheets were priced at three to four times face value
and had been issued in the 1930s. However, my desire was to
obtain current issues of 12 notes at face value.
Ted Kemm, a paper money dealer in NYC, had several un-
cut sheets of current issues displayed in his office along with a
Fractional Currency Shield. I asked Mr. Kemm how I could
obtain current issues of uncut sheets from the Treasury De-
partment. He told me to write to the office of the Treasurer in
Washington, DC.
I wrote a letter every three to four months to the Treasurer's
office offering to purchase uncut sheets of currency, but al-
ways received a reply that no uncut sheets were available at
this time
Finally, after two years of writing I received a reply from an
Assistant Treasurer, a Mr. "Church," that if I would remit $60.87
he would ship me an uncut sheet of 12 $5 silver certificates. 1
was more interested in $1 and $2 sheets but decided not to
refuse the offer.
Thereafter my requests were directed to Mr. "Church's" office,
and uncut sheets, star notes, and autographed notes, when
available, were furnished after a remittance for the face value
and the registration fee.
The last uncut sheet shipped to me was on 7/1/53. Uncut
sheets of 12 notes were shipped flat, covered with brown wrap-
ping paper, sheets of 18 notes were shipped in a cardboard
tube covered with brown paper.
The sale of uncut sheets was discontinued in 1954, presum-
ably because of an investigation of an internal robbery at the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing during their 1953 Christ-
mas shutdown. Reportedly the investigators recommended the
discontinuance of the machine used to print serial numbers
on uncut sheets and the practice of supplying uncut sheets.
Secretary Humphrey ordered the sale of uncut sheets discon-
tinued in 1954.
My last letter of request to Mr. Church was returned to me
with a note that Mr. Church had retired from the Department.
Enclosed is a copy of the shipping invoice for the first sheet,
dated Sept. 7, 1951, sold to me by the Treasurer's office. The
serial numbers and plate numbers were entered on the receipt
in ink by me. ■
Buying & Selling
Foreign Banknotes
Send for Free List
William H. Pheatt
6443 Kenneth Ave.
Orangevale, CA 95662
Phone 916-722-6246
Fax 916-722-8689
5's 60 00
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 91
Stiligttapke (lAgmettes
[Part Two[
HEN I became familiar with the downtown banks in
Buffalo about 1931, I learned that the Buffalo branch
of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York City was lo-
cated at the corner of Main and Swan Streets. The doors opened
to Main Street, as they had for years when the former tenant,
the Manufacturers and Traders National Bank of Buffalo, had
occupied the building.
Occasionally members of the local coin club would visit the
"Fed" to request rolls of new coins, or to redeem some badly
mutilated note that bank tellers refused. Two guards were pa-
trolling the main floor, and visitors would be promptly chal-
lenged upon entering, since the bank had no dealings with the
public as a rule.
If your request was reasonable, the guard would allow you
to go into the "cage" of the paying teller; a steel grill door would
close behind you with a metallic "clang." This is what hap-
pened when club members went to procure new half dollars,
not available at the local banks. The "Fed" had a bag of 1929
Denver halves, the only new halves available since 1921. These
coins were soft strikes and not very brilliant, but the members
were glad to get them in spite of their age.
The paying teller was Mr. Robert R. Covert, brought up from
the main bank in New York City. Although he was not a col-
lector, Covert did join the Buffalo Numismatic Club. He would
occasionally have an old note to give a member interested in
paper money. Old currency that had been turned in at the lo-
cal banks found its way to his office, even old state bank notes.
Several members of the local club were well-informed about
these notes, and provided assistance to the "Fed" when a ques-
tion of identification and authenticity arose.
Covert was kind enough to call me when some worthwhile
notes came in for conversion into the new small-size notes.
This is the story of our "Vignette."
I received a telephone call from Mr. Covert stating that a
nearly "full deck" (85 notes) of 1901 Series $10 legal tender
notes (the famous "BISON" notes) and five $50 U.S. notes
(Lyons & Roberts signature combination) had come in for
conversion—all were crisp, new notes! Mr. Covert agreed to
hold the notes until the next day, so we could get back to him.
I wired Albert A. Grinnell in Detroit and advised him of the
opportunity. The return wire from Grinnell stated that a
cashier's check was in the mail to cover 75 of the "Bison" notes
and the five $50 U.S. notes.
The "Fed," of course, would not accept a check or a draft
payable to the bearer. When I received the cashier's check from
Grinnell, I hurried across the street to the head office of the
Liberty Bank of Buffalo. I did not have an account there, but I
was the assistant cashier of one of the bank's customers. The
broker who employed me kept his securities in the bank, and
my duties often required me to visit the bank twice each day.
Sometimes I would have as much as a half million dollars in
securities in my possession, leaving with them in the morning
and returning them at 4 P.M. The result is that I was well-
known to the staff at the Liberty Bank!
The paying teller refused to cash the check drawn by the
cashier of the First National Bank in Detroit. I told him that I
needed the cash for the Federal Reserve Bank, as they could
not accept a personal check of any sort, or a money order, no
matter how valid. "Sarge" McGee was the floor guard (banks
could afford guards in those days), and he took me in to see
Harvey C. Halliday, Assistant Vice President. We hoped that
Mr. Halliday would "OK" the check with his initials. Halliday
also balked, stating, "he wants the cash." I explained to him
that the "Fed" required cash, but it didn't matter—no initials,
no cash.
McGee took the cashier's check to the nearest counter, placed
his own initials on it, and presented it to the paying teller. We
had the cash in two minutes! I walked down Main Street, got
the notes from Mr. Covert, and sent them registered mail to
Mr. Grinnell. I wish now that I had bought the other ten crisp,
uncirculated "Bison" notes—at face value, mind you! Unfortu-
nately, they were incinerated.
So, if you see an uncirculated 1901 $10 legal tender note,
"E" block (a late printing), or a cut sheet, they may be survi-
vors of this "broken deck." I am sorry that time constraints
prevented me from recording the serial numbers of the notes.
I do recall clearly that the $50 legal tender notes were con-
secutively numbered.
Over the next several years, due to the cooperation of Mr.
Covert, we were able to save many nice notes to preserve the
American paper money heritage. A later development was that
Mr. Covert met Albert A. Grinnell, and they played golf to-
gether at the Erie Downs Club in Fort Erie, Ontario. Paul E.
Draper was Mr. Grinnell's private secretary and he handled
most of the details of Mr. Grinnell's note purchases. If these
three gentlemen were alive today, they could give us some idea
of many desirable large-size notes that they saved for poster-
ity. It could easily total several hundred, over a period of six
years or so. Long live their memory! ■
New Literature
National Bank Notes: A Guide with Prices. Don. C. Kelly, Ph.D.
600 pp., hardbound, illustrated, The Paper Money Institute,
Inc., P.O. Box 85, Oxford, OH 45056, Tel. (513) 523-6861.
It's astounding the amount of information that is found in
these 600 pages. To assist and prepare the collector, the au-
thor sketches the four paper money eras: Colonial, State, Na-
tional and Federal Reserve. As you would assume, chapter 2,
the organization and operation of national banks is the most
comprehensive; it covers 46 pages.
In chapter 2 Dr. Kelly narrates the evolution of "The Orga-
nization of the Smokey Hollow National Bank . . . a quaint
hamlet in the rolling hills of Meigs County . . ." That five-
page narrative will be printed in this journal in the future.
"National Bank Notes: Home Town Paper Money" is the
appropriate heading for chapter 3. If you are not a collector of
"home town paper money," you probably will be after read-
ing this 35-page chapter. It tells you all you wanted to know.
One of the best features is the author's method of inform-
ing the collector how many notes are known for a specific bank.
At the beginning of each listing there is, as an example, { { 8L
U+17S }1. This indicates there are 8 large-size notes, 17 single
small-size notes, and one uncut sheet of small-size notes. At a
Page 92 Paper Money Whole No. 189
glance you will know how many notes have been recorded for
any bank.
Most collectors will be pleased to know that national banks
are now listed alphabetically in the body of this book. How-
ever, banks are concisely listed by charter number in the back
pages for those who choose to identify a bank this way.
The author has taken advantage of the 160,000 national bank
notes John Hickman documented: Don. Kelly now has a cen-
sus of 200,000 notes. "On average, there are approximately 20
notes per bank for all the states for which solid census work
has been done. There are 12,635 note-issuing national banks.
An average of 20 notes per bank works out to a total of ap-
proximately 250,000 notes. Allowing for as-yet unrecorded
notes it seems likely that the number of surviving nationals
lies between 300,000 and 400,000" (p. 48).
There is an eight-page listing of uncut sheets of national bank
notes. Another eight pages by Harry Jones is devoted to na-
tional bank note errors. Bob Cochran has contributed ten pages
on stolen and counterfeit national bank notes.
Don. Kelly is generous in his acknowledgments of everyone
who assisted him. This edition is dedicated to four national
bank note pioneers: John Hickman, Peter Huntoon, Louis W.
Van Belkum and Melvin Owen Warns. Messrs. Hickman and
Warns, no longer with us, would be proud and pleased, as I
am certain the other two gentlemen are. Those who purchase
this book should be pleased as well. (Ed.)
New Literature
Paper Money of Serbia and Yugoslavia. Zeljko Stojanovie. 270
pp., softbound, over 250 colored illustrations. Zeljko Stojan-
ovie , 1812-111 Pacific Ave., Toronto, Ont. M6P 2P2, Canada,
Tel. (416) 604-0571, $40 (U.S.).
Only two years after the Paper Money of Yugoslavia 1929 - 1994
was printed, this beautiful book by the same author was re-
leased at the 1997 Chicago Paper Money Expo.
Paper Money of Serbia and Yugoslavia is printed in Serbo-
Croatian, German and English; valuations are in German marks
(1U.S. $=1.50 DM). Consequently, and fortunately for most
readers, there is more to digest than the colored illustrations.
In his comprehensive approach, Mr. Stojanovie has included
pertinent data about all notes from the earliest to the present:
artists and engravers, printer; economic and historical infor-
mation; statistics relating to the number of notes printed; dates
of issue and redemption; and prices in three conditions. The
notes from Krajina, Macedonia, Banja Luka, and Slovenia are
included; unfortunately the author was unable to establish a •
rapport with the National Bank of Croatia.
Although the book is easy to digest, there are two pages de-
voted to "How to Use This Catalog." The pages that cover "The
Establishment of the Central Bank" and the "Bank Note Print-
ing Works in Belgrade" are concise and beneficial to the reader.
The pages that analyze "The First Paper Money of Serbia" will
help collectors to understand the paper money from that region.
Some essais, unissued notes, or what many like to identify
as "notes that might have been," are discussed and illustrated.
The reader can see that minor changes were made from the
original drawing for the Yugoslavia 1935, 1000 dinara by Vasa
Pomori§ac. This large (182x113 mm) note, engraved by V.A.
Kun is considered as one of the loveliest notes issued by Yugo-
slavia. Most often artists and engravers are not credited for
their bank note work; Mr. Stojanovie has remedied this for the
paper money in the region he has cataloged.
Minor criticisms are that "obverse and reverse" are used in
place of the correct "face and back" for paper money, and in at
least one instance "script" instead of the appropriate "scrip" is
used. Nevertheless, if you collect notes from Yugoslavia and
Serbia, or you would like to know about the notes from a part
of the world that continues to evolve politically, this is the
book to have in your library. (Ed.)
The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, by Gene Hessler.
Sixth Edition. 515 pp. BNR Press, 132 East Second Street, Port
Clinton, OH 43452 (800) 793-0683. Soft cover $25, hard-
cover $40, postage $4.
[I use my own title for the various editions of this work; I
call it What Hessler Says. I'll tell you why at the end of this
To put it quite bluntly, I was waiting for this new edition to
be published. The 5th edition that I've been using for several
years has really taken a pounding. It's beat up because I use it
constantly at home, and I also take it with me when I travel.
If you're reading this, and you fall into any of the following
categories: Beginning/Casual/Serious collector of U.S. paper
money; Coin shop owner or employee; Librarian or curator of
a historical organization; "Help" column editor at a newspa-
per; do yourself a favor—GO BUY A COPY OF THIS BOOK!
Why? It's simple: There is NO other publication that includes
as much information about "U.S. Paper Money" than this one
does. That's why the word "Comprehensive" is part of the title!
This ONE compact book contains the answer to virtually ANY
question YOU may have, or may be asked, about "U.S. Paper
I've been a point of contact for the Society of Paper Money
Collectors for almost 11 years. In that time, I've been asked
"virtually ANY question" that I could have been asked about
"U.S. Paper Money." These questions have come from, among
many others, people in the groups I listed above, and (with
the help of Gene Hessler's book) I have yet to be stumped!
There are probably a dozen "reference" books about U.S.
paper money that you can purchase today. Many of these pub-
lications are "compiled by" or "edited by" some individual or
a panel. Some of the information in Hessler's book and these
others has been available for some time. The "official records"
of the Treasury Department and the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing are in the "public domain"; these figures can be used
by anyone.
What sets Gene's book apart is that HE does ALL of his OWN
work! This book was "written by," "edited by," and "compiled
by"—Gene Hessler! Furthermore, Gene is responsible for bring-
ing to the attention of the collecting fraternity the existence of
no less than SIX previously-UNKNOWN note designs and de-
nominations at the Bureau of the Public Debt in Washington.
Gene didn't just "stumble across" these unique pieces in an
obscure binder—he was LOOKING FOR THEM! Gene's tenac-
ity and thirst for knowledge paid off, because he knew to look
where others had not!
Now: Why do I call this book What Hessler Says? Some time
ago I was talking with some employees of the Bureau of En-
graving and Printing. Remember, these are the folks who have
been creating and printing our currency for over 100 years.
In the course of our conversation, I said, "I'll bet you folks
get some really strange and unusual questions about U.S. pa-
per money. What do you do when you get some really
'off-the-wall' question that no one can answer?"
One of the employees spoke up immediately: "Well, we just
look it up in the book and see What Hessler Says."
(Bob Cochran)
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 93
Starts Here
A Primer for Collectors
N 1996 we saw the first new $100 Federal Reserve
notes; $50 then $20, etc. will follow in the next few
years. Although many of us are disappointed, most
collectors are resigned to seeing a variation on an old theme.
Related to the reasons why the United States Treasury prefers
to retain United States Federal Reserve note designs with a fa-
miliar look and the 1994 events in Haiti prompted me to think
about another U.S. intervention in the neighboring Domini-
can Republic, which included the use of U.S. paper money,
which created more familiarity.
In 1994 before U.S. forces entered Haiti, the second oldest
republic in the Western Hemisphere, journalists and newscast-
ers reminded us of an earlier American intervention in that
country from 1915 to 1936, and the 1916 occupation of the
Dominican Republic. The latter was justified by our govern-
ment after the fragile political system collapsed; we had taken
over the administration of the Dominican Republic in 1905
to protect American interests.
Since American interests dominated the economy and the
way of life in the eastern half of Hispaniola, American coins
and paper money circulated: the former until 1937 and the
latter until 1947. The United States gradually withdrew over
two decades. (Between 1845 and 1871 the U.S. coveted the
Dominican Republic as a territory. In the latter year, following
considerable support, President Ulysses S. Grant accepted de-
feat for annexation of the Caribbean nation.)
In 1947, about 100 years after the first government notes
circulated in the Dominican Republic, the first 20th century
Dominican Republic paper money was issued. These notes were
prepared and printed by American Bank Note Company in
New York City. When a collector sees the 1, 5 and 10 peso
notes for the first time, the same observation is usually made,
and the reason is obvious, as you shall see. Higher denomina-
tions most certainly were seen, and sometimes used, by the
working class. However, the 1, 5 and 10-peso denominations
were undoubtedly the notes most often seen by the less fortu-
The general designs of the three lowest small-size United
States notes and silver certificates were impregnated in the vi-
sual memory of everyone in the Dominican society, especially
those who made up the labor force. So, when the United States
made its exit and the government of the Dominican Republic
felt confident enough to issue its own paper money, they did
it with caution.
For the same reason that the U.S. Treasury does not want to
issue a radical new design in 1996, the government in the
Dominican Republic chose a design that resembled the Yan-
kee $1, $5 and $10 notes. Pesos for the same denominations
as dollars with similar designs would cause minimum distur-
bance and would help to establish confidence in the new cur-
rency. We all know how difficult it is for some to break habits
or change routines. Personally, I am a creature of habit. How-
ever, I am totally open to change in money design.
Though the faces of the 1, 5 and 10 peso notes were look-
alikes, different portraits were required. These notes, unlike
the American $1, $5 and $10 bills, differ in that uniform back
designs were adopted. In the positions where the Great Seal of
the United States is placed on the back of our $1 notes, the
Dominican Republic notes have the head of an Indian on the
left and the national arms of the country on the right. (When
small-size notes were first issued in the U.S. in 1929, they were
to have a uniform back design. This plan was canceled.)
On the 1-peso note the father of the United States was re-
placed with the father of Dominican independence, Pablo
Duarte, who had fought for this right in 1844; this portrait
was engraved by William Ford (ca. 1895-1962). The 5-peso
note has the portrait of Francisco del Rosario Sanchez, engraved
by Leo Kauffmann (1899-1973), and the 10-peso note bears
the portrait of RamOn Mella, engraved by William Ford. Both
Sanchez and Mella joined Duarte on March 24, 1843 to de-
mand constitutional and administrative reforms. On July 12,
1844 the three revolutionaries were thrown in prison by po-
litical rival and military man, Pedro Santana, who became the
first president of the Dominican Republic four months later.
Denominations between 20 and 1000 pesos have local
scenes and historical buildings on the face of each note; the
50-peso note shows the Tomb of Columbus. As we know, the
lowest denominations are the paper money workhorses for
every economy. The introduction of the look-a-like 1, 5 and
10-peso notes in 1947, with three national heroes, was prob-
ably intended to offer psychological monetary comfort to the
Dominican people when the United States and its paper money
were withdrawn from this Caribbean nation.
(Copyright story reprinted by permission from Coin World, Jan. 23,
David Ray Arnold, Jr.,
SPMC-member since 1965,
passed away in February
1997. As a lifelong student
of history and the art of
printing, David was a peri-
odic contributor to the pages
of PAPER MONEY, winning
several Society awards. Gen-
e erous with his time and
knowledge, he took pride in contributing in his own
small way to the growth of syngraphics. A man of the
utmost integrity, his demeanor was tempered with a
playful sense of humor.
He was an avid supporter of the SPMC; however
family commitments and his own poor health pre-
vented him from attending SPMC events or complet-
ing a number of articles upon which he was working.
Though never a man of considerable means, few could
exceed him in his appreciation, understanding and
regard for paper money and its history.
David's numismatic endeavors started at an early
age, "at a time when 1899 black eagles were things to
be spent" and when it seemed "that every coin and
stamp shop was in the worst part of town and faced
the afternoon sun."
David's lifelong love and appreciation of fine print-
ing made him an early convert to the joys of collect-
ing and researching paper money. The acquisition of
a new note would lead to hours of learning everything
he could about the issuer, the portrait and the note's
contemporary history. Some of his most memorable
times were spent sitting at a bourse table or corre-
sponding with William Donlon, Mr. Philpot and John
Muscalus and sharing our hobby with receptive fam-
ily members and acquaintances.
In rereading my grandfather's articles, I find par-
ticular wisdom in a quote from his article on Michael
Hillegas, PAPER MONEY No. 83: "Notes that form
our collections are more than reference points in a
price list. And certainly they are more than artistically-
engraved pieces of paper. Crockets, counters and flour-
ishes may please us, but surpassing satisfaction comes
when we understand what we have."
He is sorely missed by his family and his friends in
the syngraphic community. (Randy K. Vogel, grand-
I never met Mr. Arnold, nevertheless I respected him
for his knowledge and enjoyed our correspondence.
Ten years ago an anonymous member made a $100
savings bond available to the PAPER MONEY writer
who best conveyed "What Syngraphics Means to Me."
That anonymous member was David Ray Arnold,
Jr. (Ed.)
Page 94 Paper Money Whole No. 189
Thanks to the following members for their generosity.
Miles B. Sackett
$5 Ronald Hamm $11
Anthony Nicolazzo
$1 Arthur Henrick $2
David Bialer
$10 Phil Iversen
Stephen R. Taylor
$10 Celeste De Zan, Jr. $10
Matthew P. Whitehead
.... $5 W. David Melnik
John W. Stevens
$10 Stephen D. Fisher $1
Robert P. Payne
$10 James J. Conway, M.D.... $20
Cecil G. Kersting
$6 Joseph W. Aplin $6
Donald Gilletti, Jr.
$6 John F. Golden $5
John P. Vertrees, Jr. $6 Ron Yeager $25
Jack 1-11. Fisher $26 Yutaka Kondo $1
Raphael Ellenbogen
$100 Steven Malast $1
Donald DeKalb $6 Eliot Lewiskin $5
Randy Haviland
$6 William Kelly $16
Richard Brattain $6 Phillip R. Vamum $25
Larry Judah $1 Howard A. Cohen $26
Charles Lindquist
$6 Dick Rader $11
Gary R. Anderson $25 Richard L. Horst $6
Dustinn Gibson
$6 Greg R. Super $1
Ron Shiban $6 Andrew J. Konecnik $1
Gerald Terrell $6 John O'Neill $5
lames Carlson $20 B.L. McWilliams $1
Frank C. Dwornik
$10 John Zabel $6
Kai Yuen Wong $1 Thomas Sturges $26
Gabriel Del Vecchio $6 Richard F. Ropp $5
George Shubert $1 J.A. McCandless $10
G.B. Eddy $36 Donald Mark $1
Larry Jenkins $6 Mark Tomasko $16
Charles T. Koehler $11 William L. Vaughan $20
Bob Steele $6 William Wood Millar $6
Forrest Daniel $20 Eleanor Oberst $1
Donald L. Skinner $6 1. Tracy Walker, Ill $1
Jim Davis $6 Franklin Freeman $6
Robert J. Galiette $5 Glen I. Jorde
Lesley Scott $16 Edward Jackowski $26
Ken McDannel
$21 Doug Robinson $10
Gregg Havass $6 Huston Pearson, Jr. $50
Alvin Macomber $6 Richard Galinkin $10
Joseph Venuti $6 Hal Blount $26
Roland Rivet $6 Vince Mohr $6
Paul Andrews $10 James Garcia $1
Clyde Mackewiz $1 Gad Carmon $6
Peter Papadeas $6 Matt Youngerman $6
Forrest Anderson, Jr. $6 Total $912
The SPMC breakfast will be held on June
20 at 7:30. If you wish to attend, send a
check for $7 to Judith Murphy, P.O. Box
24056, Winston Salem, NC 27114. Your
admission ticket will be held for you. NO
One of the prizes to be given away will
be a ticket to a 1966 SPMC luncheon.
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 95
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX 75011
9206 Kenneth W. Rendell, P.O. Box 9001, Wellesley, MA 02181; C.
9207 Stanley W. Polak, 31760 Partridge 22, Farmington Hills, MI
48334; C.
9208 Frank White, #4 Far Corners Loop, Sparks, MD 21152; C, large-
size notes.
9209 James Rauh, 11 Crawford Lane, Lakewood, NY 14750; C.
9210 Christina Demary, 9412 Rubio Ave., Sepulveda, CA 91343; C,
Col., Frac., C.S.A.
9211 Stephen M. Sullivan, 222 Linda Vista, Debary, FL 32713; C, er-
ror notes.
9212 Zeljko (Zack) Stojanovic, 1812-111 Pacific Ave., Toronto,
Ontario M6P 2P2 Canada; C&D, Serbia, Yugoslavia, Canada,
modern world notes.
9213 Jim Sharpe, 18720 State Rd 203, Monroe WA 98272; C&D.
9214 George T. Clark, 3445 W. Beechwood, Springfield, MO 65807-
8145; C, U.S. type notes, Unc world notes.
9215 David R. Huckstep, 411 Park St., Farmington, MO 63640; C,
obsolete U.S.
9216 Dave Horman, 618 Windsor St., La Crosse, WI 54603; C&D, WI
Nat. & U.S. obsoletes.
9217 Paul D. Walters, 502 E. Rutherford St., Landrum, SC 29356; C.
9218 William J. Lonergan, 3054 N. Peoria Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063;
U.S. & MPC.
9219 Douglas Anthony, 28 S. Main St., Suite 297, Randolph, MA
02368; C.
J9220 Maya Marie Warren, 2045 Valencia Dr., Florissant, MO 63033;
C, African countries.
9221 Yvon M. Cupidon, P.O. Box 65, Mahe, Victoria, Seychelles; C,
World bank notes.
9222 Jan-Erik Kleven, N-2312 Ottetad, Norway; C, Norway.
9223 Gregory S. Voss, 13 Roland, Ballwin, MO 63021; C&D, St. Louis
FRNs and other St. Louis paper.
9224 David C. Martin, P.O. Box 1874, Mishawaka, IN 46546; C, Mid-
west obsoletes, checks of CA & NV, Middle East, Turkey, Saudia
Arabia & Egypt.
9225 Stephen McBryde, 263 Indian Trail; Marietta, GA 30068-3323;
C, World notes.
9226 Richard Reece, 1501 Keller St., Suite A, Evansville, IN 47710; C,
U.S. type notes.
9227 Ted Thompson, 201 N. Main St., Claypool, TN 46510; C, CSA,
U.S. & Ig. size type & fract.
9228 David Forsythe, P.O. Box 1991, Hayden, ID 83835; C, MT & ID
9229 Carl J. Schmitt, P.O. Box 533, Walla Walla, WA 99362-0014; C,
fract. & FRNs.
9230 Leon B. Pullen, 4215 Harding Rd., Windsor Tower #508, Nash-
ville, TN 37205; C, TN NBN.
9231 Scott Bradshaw, 950 Quail Ridge Circle, Earlysville, VA 22936;
9232 David J. Cornell, 144 Broadway St., Chicopee Falls, MA 01020;
C&D, Col., C.S.A., type, nats., world.
9233 Elsa Lezalde Chavez, Banco de Mexico.
9234 Mark R. Fyvie, 445 N. Brandywine Ave., Schenectady, NY 12308-
3515; C, U.S.
9235 Thomas Y. Flynt, III, 18310 Oak Hampton Dr., Houston, TX
77084; C.
9236 Bob Kvederas, Jr., P.O. Box 0034, Titusville, FL 32781-0034; C.
9237 Billy J. Febuary, 856 Fordham Ave., Clovis, CA 93611-2023; C.
9238 Robert A. Kohn, 3003 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85008-
3620; C, Lg. size & errors.
9239 Hugh Synamon, 216 E. Franklin, #2, Gallatin, TX 37066; C,
9240 Garry W. McKinney, 739 N.E. Quimby Ave., Bend, OR 97701-
4016; C, Lg. size & OR NBN.
9241 Robert Russell, 15004-70th Ave NE, Bothell, WA 98011; C, Lg.
size U.S.
9242 Albert H. Bingaman, Jr., P.O. Box 8304, Reading, PA 19603; C,
9243 Craig Schoenrock, 68 Franklin Turnpike, Waldwick, NJ 07463;
C, U.S. & C.S.A.
9244 Bob Meikle, 4449 Marine Ave., Powell River, BC V8A 2K3,
Canada; C.
9245 Robert G. Luck, 4512 Cherie Glen Trail, Stone Mountain, GA
30083; C, Sil. certs, FRN & Russia.
9246 Richard Barycki, 124 E. Taylor St., Taylor, PA 18517; C.
9247 Merton Stimpert, P.O. Box 427, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085; C, MPC
9248 Gary Cohen, 5372 Chickadee Ln, Lyndhurst, OH 44124; C.
9249 Juan R. Alicea, 1840-Bath Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11214; C, U.S.
9250 Robert M. Falis, 665 S. Clinton St., 6B, Denver, CO 80231; C,
CT obsoletes & NBN.
9251 Daniel Veiling, P.O. Box 1757, Bakersfield, CA 93302; C.
9252 John E. Brooks, 2467 Burt St. #B, Upland, CA 91784-1037; C,
U.S. & NJ NBN.
9253 Dallas J. Riddle, 1338 Fraser Dr., Fayetteville, NC 28303-2028;
C, NBN, FRN, fract.
9254 Steve Blumberg, 1605 Hennepin Ave. S. #15, Minneapolis, MN
55403; C, gold & sil. certs., NBN.
9255 Kert Phillips, 3763 Greene's Crossing, Greensboro, NC 27410;
C, U.S. Ig. size notes.
9256 Matt E. Womack, 914 San Antonio Ave., Alameda, CA 94501;
C, U.S. lg. size notes.
9257 Ritchie Clay, 91 Town & Country Village, Palo Alto, CA 94301;
C&D, AL obsoletes, NBN & CSA.
9258 Melvin L. Wadlinger, 149 Mainsville Rd., Shippensburg, PA
17257-1719; C, $50 & $100 bills—PA NBN.
9259 Charles F. Gallagin, 1523 Monterey Rd. #0251, Seal Beach, CA
90740-5249; C, CA NBN.
5560 Michael C. Little, 5586 Quicksilver Dr., Westerville, OH 43081;
C&D, U.S. NBN, Canadian Ch., DC & BC issues.
LM210 Robert F. Giamboi, 52 Westgate Rd., Suffern, NY 10901; C&D.
LM211 Richard H. Carlson, P.O. Box 767, Greystone Station, Yon-
kers, NY 10703; converted from 8897.
LM212 Mark Kelly, 408 Kennerly Rd., Springfield, PA 19064; con-
verted from 8635.
LM213 William R. Stella, 1005 Front Royal Dr., Indianapolis, IN
46227; C, U.S. currency.
LM214 Andrew W. Woodruff, 1998 1/2 Valley Rim Rd., El Cajon, CA
92019; C, 20th Century U.S.
LM215 Ronald R. Drzewucki, Jr., P.O. Box 411511, St. Louis, MO
63141; D.
LM216 Gary R. Anderson, 204 Virginia Rd., Concord, MA 01742-2717;
converted from 9021.
LM217 William J. 'Ferrell, Jr., 7855 Terrell St., Navasota, TX 77868;
converted from 9039.
LM218 Judith Kagin, 2153 S. Dayton St., Denver, CO 80231; con-
verted from 8788.
LM219 Donald R. Cleveland, Amembassy—Econ, APO AP 96440;
converted from 9051.
LM220 Col. Robert A. Kvederas, 143 Elliot Dr., Colchester, CT 06415;
converted from 5137.
LM221 Norris Turner, P.O. Box 753, Chino, CA 91708; C, NBN; con-
verted from 8975.
LM222 Robert R. Goller, P.O. Box 91, Morris Plains, NJ 07950; con-
verted from 4888.
LM223 Tim Kyzivat, P.O. Box 803, La Grange, IL 60525; C&D, Chi-
cago NBN; converted from 4575.
LM224 Paul Homer, 7511 Broad St., Rural Hall, NC 27045; C; con-
verted from 7894.
\mon?v0 mart
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of
15c per word, with a minimum charge of 53.75. The primary purpose of the ads
is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized ma-
terial and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature.
Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made pay-
able to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene 1 -lessler,
P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231 by the first of the month preceding the
month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1 for Jan./Feb. issue). Word count: Name and address
will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combina-
tions and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10 0/0 discount for four or
more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count.
WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade
for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last
St., New York, N.Y. 10015.
(22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each)
Paper Money Whole No. 189Page 96
DWF., 0.R 1996/W LIE 13. NUMBER 10
Through a series of convoluted events in the postal system, a
copy of P&M was returned to "sender." One of our "PM" mail-
ing envelopes must have been in sight, so a sharp postal em-
ployee made an assumption and sent the wayward copy of
P&M to Secretary Bob Cochran—there was 504 postage due.
Sometime ago, Colin Bruce called attention to the existence of
an SPMC in China. The Shanghai Paper Mill Company uses
"SPMC" on their mailings.
NEW JERSEY—MONMOUTH COUNTY obsolete bank notes and scrip
wanted by serious collector for research and exhibition. Seeking is-
sues from Freehold, Monmouth Bank, Middletown Point, Howell
Works, Keyport, Long Branch, and S.W. & W.A. Torrey-Manchester.
Also Ocean Grove National Bank and Jersey Shore memorabilia. N.B.
Buckman, P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. 1-800-533-616
STOCK CERTIFICATE LIST SASE. Specials: 50 different $19. Five lots
$75. 15 different railroad stocks, most picturing trains, $20. Five lots
$80. Satisfaction guaranteed. Always buying. Clinton Hollins, Box 112-
P, Springfield, VA 22150-0112. (190)
NYC WANTED: Issued NYC, Brooklyn obsoletes; issued/unissued ob-
soletes from locations within present-day Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx,
Queens, Staten Island. Steve Goldberg, Box 402, Laurel, MD 20725-
0402. (191)
for 554 SASE; MPC, Philippine Guerilla, Japanese invasion, world
coins-paper-stamps, U.S. coins-paper-stamps, Confederate, obsoletes,
FRN, stocks-bonds. 702-753-2435. Edward B. Hoffman, P.O. Box 6039-
S, Elko, NV 89802-6039. (192)
PAPER COLLECTIBLES. M. Istomin, P.O. Box 2020, 310202 Kharkov,
Ukraine. (189)
WANTED: DROVERS Deposit NB Chicago 6535, Drovers NB Union
Stock Yards Lake, II, 2858, Drovers NB of KC, MO 9560, Farmers and
Drovers NB Somers, NY 1304. Al Sundell, Box 1192, Olathe, KS 66051
(913) 764-3489. (189)
EUTAH, TRINIDAD, Daytona Beach, Milledgeville, Honolulu, Malad
City, Strawn, Pratt, St. Ignace, Worthington, Cranbury, South Ostelic,
Devils Lake, Tippecanoe; 48 states. Free list (specify state). Apelman,
Box 283, Covington, LA 70434. (190)
OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful certificates $6.
Also buy! Ken Prag, Box 14817-PM, San Francisco, CA 94114. (415)
586-9386. (198)
INDIANA OBSOLETES WANTED: Indiana obsoletes and scrip needed
by collector. Send description of copy or note(s) with your asking
price. Richard Reece, 1501 Keller St., Suite A, Evansville, IN 47710.
Daytime phone (812) 428-6624 or fax (812) 421-1725. (189)
HELP! To finish a set: I need a 1929-1 $20 from #8765, Henderson
National Bank of Huntsville, Alabama. Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085,
Florissant, MO 63031.
FREDERICK. Also Texas nationals for Abilene, Arlington, Carthage,
Merkel, Midlothian, Ozona, Perryton, Rule, Schwertner and Snyder.
Ron Etter, P.O.B. 2438, Abilene, TX 79604, Tel./FAX (915) 677-8461.
National Bank of Greeley #7604 and The Greeley National Bank
#13928 or information about Greeley national bank notes for article
in PAPER MONEY. Will credit you in the article. Dennis Schafluetzel,
1900 Red Fox Lane, Hixson, TN 37343.
WANTED: B.E.P. SOUVENIR CARDS. Pre-1993. Send Friedberg
Number, quantity, condition, and price to: KWM, P.O. Box 6292, JFK
Station, Boston, MA 02114.
FOR SALE: 5 sets 1976 $2 FRN, 1 from each district; 5 sets 1963A, 69
notes and 2 sets 1963 FRN, 34 notes, 5 sets Barr bills, various SC, $2
and $5 USN, 5 1950s FRN, have much more, write for list. Boxholder,
P.O. Box 530345, Birmingham, AL 35213.
0,6mfgatt Tftwf
kore //L.
7D 0990
Lula (.1./.11Zi 111-1/ )4,ZWABISPZIOVIEra,
/kir ,/b4,7 fl929443
NIPS4V-.14."`mec mac
PAPER MONEY OF THE U.S. by Friedberg. 14th Edition. Hard Bound. $18.50 plus
$2.50 postage. Total price $21.00.
Edition. Hard Cover. $29.50 plus $2.50 postage. Total Price $32.00.
NATIONAL BANK NOTES by Don Kelly. 2nd Edition. Hard Cover. List all national
bank notes by state and charter number. Gives amounts issued and what is still outstanding.
435 pages. $31.50 plus $2.50 postage. Total Price $34.00.
THE ENGRAVER'S LINE by Gene Hessler. Hard Cover. A complete history of the
artists and engravers who designed U.S. Paper Money. $75.50 plus $3.50 postage.
Total Price $79.00.
U.S. ESSAY, PROOF AND SPECIMEN NOTES by Gene Hessler. Hard Cover.
Unissued designs and pictures of original drawings. $14.00 plus $2.00 postage.
Total Price $16.00.
Stanley Morycz
P.O. BOX 355, DEPT. M
Page 98
Paper Money Whole No. 189
Pay over "bid" for many
Pay over "ask" for some
Pay over Hickman-Oakes for many nationals
Pay cash - no deal too large.
All grades wanted, Good to Unc.
at 77, I can't afford to wait.
Currency dealer over 50 years.
A.N.A. Life #103 (58 years)
A.N.A. 50-Year Gold _Vedal Recipient, 1988
P.N.G. President 1963-1964
910 Insurance Exchange Bldg.
Des Moines, IA 50309
(515) 243-7363
Buy: Uncut Sheets - Frrors — Star Notes — Checks
Confederate — Obsolete — Hawaiiana — Alaskiana
Farly Western — Stocks — Bonds, Fitc.
Comprehensive Catalog of
U. S. Paper
SlAer I cruGrateczNerkA 1666 6 13161
6.36. 30 0101
" MEV' c
°lied SIsi/A . ',
"AI , . •AA
66. 63661 .666 163
1311 Non.
6./.666 y
AwAcca c1-1.
^. AI 163633 s re
dORT MOTOR CAR COMPANY‘litilipelirmI n
American Automotive Stock Certificates
Lawrence Falater
I ::::;" ',::: itf =...i.:6..*4
.0. - --4
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 99
Hot off the presses
Catalog of United
States Paper
Money by Gene
Hessler is now
available in an
exciting sixth
edition. Gene
Hessler is the most
respected scholar
in paper money.
His books are the
best this one sets
new standards!
• insider's info
• great illustrations
• complete values
design info
valuable data
great illustrations
insider's info
•most complete listings ANYWHERE
• all Federal issues including errors, MPC, fractional and more
• 576 pages, 6 x 9 format
• softbound ideal handbook at first edition price of $25
• hardbound reference book (limited printing) at $40
PNP Press
132 E. Second Street
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
order via voice or fax 800 793 -0683
also (419) 732-NOTE (6683)
e-mail BNR
American Automotive Stock Certifi-
cates by Lawrence Falater is an
innovative new catalog featuring:
• detailed listings
• comprehensive values
• hundreds of illustrations
standard numbering system
400 pages
• hardbound
• large format
innovative horizontal design
$45, satisfaction guaranteed
Hot Contact List -
5ee your favorite dealer
or call, write, fax, or
e-mail U5.
Many other titles available.
Mastercard. Visa, checks and even cash accepted. please include $4
per order for packaging and shipping.
Dealer inquiries invited. Satisfaction guaranteed
Page 100 Paper Money Whole No. 189
We maintain the
q Colonial Coins q Portfolio
q Colonial Currency Development
q Rare & Choice Type q Major Show
Coins Coverage
q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction
q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance
c/o Dana Linen
q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 q
Your Hometown Currency Headquarters
Top prices paid for National Currency Collections.
Large-Size Type Notes, All Florida Currency and Scrip
Largest Inventory of
National Currency &
Large Size Type Notes!
Call 1-800-327-5010
for a Free Catalog or write
• , •
12}114:4 ,,....4".14',. • •••-.110''' 4'.f."0 •
• 441.%,,,'Mt.
••. ,
William Youngerman, Inc.
Rare Coins & Currency
"Since 1967"
P.O. Box 177, Boca Raton, FL 33429-0177
Avidly Buying and Selling:
Superb, Friendb Service. Displaying at many major trade shows.
P.O. Box 15850
NEW ORLEANS, LA 70175-5850
Checks, Checks, Checks!
o Complete your check collection
0 Acquire collateral material for your
National collection
0 Revenue Stamps & Imprints
0 Thousands of Checks
We also have Stocks, Bonds and MylarTM
Albums and Sleeves
Write, call, or fax for free catalog today.
Your Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed
6802 SW 33rd Place
Portland, OR 97219
(503) 245-3659 Fax (503) 244-2977
'11-713mr HIPLI:111Ve' 743: (1,
P.O. BOX 5233P
WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596-5233
LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. #1995 C.N.A.#143 C.P.M.S. #11
Buying & Selling
National Bank Notes, Uncut Sheets, Proofs,
No. 1 Notes, Gold Certificates, Large-Size
Type Error Notes, Star Notes.
Commercial Coin Co.
PO. Box 607
Camp Hill, PA 17001
Phone 717-737-8981
Life Member ANA 639
l&c. •
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 101
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 43/4 x 2 3 /4 $16.50 $30.00 $137.00 $238.00
Colonial 51/2x3 1 /16 17.50 32.50 148.00 275.00
Small Currency 65 /s x 2 7 /8 17.75 34.00 152.00 285.00
Large Currency 77 /8 x 3 1 /2 21.50 39.50 182.00 340.00
Auction 9 x 33/4 25.00 46.50 227.00 410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 28.00 52.00 239.00 430.00
Checks 95/a x 4 1 /4 26.50 49.00 224.00 415.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 83/4 x14 1 /2 $13.00 $60.00 $100.00 $230.00
National Sheet
Side Open 81/2 x 17 1 /2 25.00 100.00 180.00 425.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 91/2 x 12 1 /2 12.50 57.50 95.00 212.50
Map and Bond Size
End Open 18 x 24 48.00 225.00 370.00 850.00
You may assort noteholders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheetholders for best price (min. 5 pcs. one size) (min. 10 pcs. total).
Mylar D® is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also applies to un-
coated archival quality Mylar® Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the equivalent material
by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516.
P.O. Box 1010 617-482-8477 Boston, MA 02205
800-HI-DENLY FAX 617-357-8163
PO Box 30369
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
4,,,4 soot
A wealth of information about vignettes, the engravers who cre-
ated them and the artists who painted the original paintings that
were the basis for the vignettes. These miniature works of art are
recorded, illustrated and identified by their official titles that were
assigned to them by the engraving companies with examples of
their use on obsolete bank notes. This volume II is completely origi-
nal in its own right but a necessary companion to volume I. A re-
fund if you are not satisfied for any reason.
$22.95 pp
Order from your favorite dealer or from the author:
ROGER H. DURAND P.O. Box 186Rehoboth, MA 02769
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small,
Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer-
tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve
Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial,
Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks,
Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List ... or ...
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907
ANA LM #1503
Page 102
Paper Money Whole No. 189
P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954
10% off five or more books / SHIPPING: $3 for one book, $4 for
two books, $5 for three or more books. All books are in new condition &
unless otherwise stated.
Periodic Price Lists available: Obsoletes
($3 applicable to order), Nationals, & U.S. Large &
Small Size Type.
BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, PCDA, ANA, FUN, GENA, ASCC (914) 352.9077
The Engraver's Line: An Encyclopedia of Paper Money & National Bank Notes, Kelly 45
Postage Stamp Art, Hessler $85 U.S. National Bank Notes & Their Seals, Prather
Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money Paper Money of the U.S., Friedberg. 14th edition 24
Errors, Ban 35 Prisoner of War & Concentration Camp Money of the
The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money,
Hessler 40
20th Century, Campbell
Small-Size U.S. Paper Money 1928 to Date, Oakes &
U.S. Essay, Proof & Specimen Notes, Hessler 19 Schwartz. Softbound 25
The Houston Heritage Collection of National Bank World Paper Money, 7th edition, general issues 55
Notes 1863-1935, Logan 25 World Paper Money, 7th edition, specialized issues 60
CLASSIC COINS — P.O. BOX 95 — Allen, MI 49227
Million Dollar
Buying Spree
Nationals MPC
Lg. & Sm. Type Fractional
Obsolete Foreign
Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Coins
Stamps • Gold • Silver
Platinum • Antique Watches
Political Items • Postcards
Baseball Cards • Masonic Items
Humrnels • Doultons
Nearly Everything Collectible
399 S. State Street - Westerville, OH 43081
1-800-848-3966 outside Ohio
Life Member
EST 1960
It1411 Va).,
Please offer what you have for sale.
Charles C. Parrish
P.O. Box 481
Rosemount, Minnesota 55068
(612) 423-1039
SPMC LM114 — PCDA — LM ANA Since 1976
.40.10.4 101Inglra A 6381}
el 1(.0 4=2aft=p
Paper Money Whole No. 189 Page 103
. ,
N — .!g 5773
:MOW 1•40-6810.NUO
irte*C .L,
C. Keith Edison
P.O. Box 845
Independence, WI 54747-0845
(715) 985-3644 FAX (715) 926-5043
37865 (615) 428-3309
ANA 640
ete Cr14/"'
tke (4at e
41 hitt. •
Get involved today...
• Transaction cerlificates are being phased out
• Interest in antique stocks & bonds is growing rapidly
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Page 104
Paper Money Whole No. 189
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500 cordobas P- 127, Unc. $40
1000 cordobas P-128 ERROR Unc.
3rd signature missing $70
P.O. BOX 3701
FAX 505 2 49 89 63 tel: 2 49 89 63
Rare Kirtland, Ohio $100
Important Historical Mormon Issue
A71177.4:111 .1:41,477" .1We7 VA"
f-drir./Mrti .191
533 Kirtland, Ohio, The Kirtland Safety So-
ciety Bank, OH-245. $100. Haxby. G-18.
EF. Dated July 4, 1837. Serial: 113. Made
payable to Joseph Smith. Signed by War-
ren Parrish as cashier and Frederick G.
Williams as President. The central vi-
gnette features the signing of the Decla-
ration of Independence. The writer Alvin
E. Rust described the issues of this bank
as the first Mormon currency endeav-
our." Very rare denomination.
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More like this
- Paper Money- Vol. XXXVI, No. 1- Whole No. 187- January- February 1997
- Paper Money- Vol. XXXVI, No. 2- Whole No. 188- March- April 1997
- Paper Money- Vol. XXXVI, No. 4- Whole No. 190- July- August 1997
- Paper Money- Vol. XXXVI, No. 5- Whole No. 191- September- October 1997
- Paper Money- Vol. XXXVI, No. 6- Whole No. 192- November- December 1997