
Paper Money - Vol. XXXVII, No. 4 - Whole No. 196 - July - August 1998

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JULY/AUG 1998VOL. XXXVII No. 4 WHOLE No. 196 ..... 4.2 • 4 • • • • 10? V istat.=6 ' Ruiriarsaat qnsafitincinucalneis .enns•rurrx•••■.1...• • . , E49461872: The Northeast's Most Important Currency Show THIRD ANNUAL STRASBURG PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS SHOW September 17-20, 1998 The Northeast's most important paper money show is scheduled for Thursday, September 17 to Sunday, September 20, 1998, at The Historic Strasburg Inn, Route 896, Strasburg, Pennsylvania. The show's sponsor, R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc., will conduct two major currency auctions on Friday, September 18, and Saturday, September 19 at 8:00 P.M. (catalogue $15). Other highlights of the show include more than 35 dealers, free parking, a joint breakfast meeting of the Society of Paper Money Collectors and the Currency Club of Chester County with a presentation by William Millar, a meeting of the American Society of Check Collectors, and a special numismatic Santa Claus exhibition courtesy of John and Nancy Wilson. SHOW HOURS Thursday, September 17, 2:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. (Professional Preview—$25 charity donation) Friday, September 18, 10:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. (General public—no charge) Saturday, September 19, 10:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. (General public—no charge) Sunday, September 20, 10:00 A.m.-2:00 P.M. (General public—no charge) Dealers participating in the Strasburg Paper Money Collectors Show include: David Amey • Bill Anton • Bob Azpiazu • Dick Balbaton • Keith & Sue Bauman • Dave Berg • Chris Blom Carl Bombara • C.E. Bullowa • Dave Cieniewicz • Paul Cuccia • A.P. Cyrgalis • Tom Denly • Roger Durand Tom Durkin • Steve Eyer • Larry Falater • Don Fisher • Aaron Gaizband • John Hanik • Harry Jones • Buddy Kellar Dave Klein • Bob Kvederas • Art Leister • Larry Marsh • Leo May • Steve Michaels • Claud & Judith Murphy J.C. Neuman • V.H. Oswald • John Parker • Huston Pearson • John Schwartz • Robert Schwartz George Schweighofer • R.M. Smythe & Co. • Dave Strebe • Bob Vlack • Barry Wexler For hotel room reservations contact The Historic Strasburg Inn, Strasburg, Pennsylvania 800-872-0201, 717-687-7691 Fax 717-687-6098 Strasburg is 20 minutes from Lancaster, PA; one hour from Philadelphia; and 2 IA hours from New York City. Auction consignments are being accepted through July 17, 1998 Contact Douglas Ball, Martin Gengerke, or Steve Goldsmith to discuss your material. Contact Mary Herzog for show information or to order a catalogue ($15). CH.M.,SMVM E R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc., 26 Broadway, Suite 271, New York, NY 10004-1701 800-622-1880, 212-943-1880 Fax 212-908-4047 www.rm-smythe.com SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 113 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors. Second class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes to: Bob Cochran, Secretary, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. 47- Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1998. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are available from the Secretary for 52.75 each plus $1 postage. Five or more copies are sent postage free. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Outside Back Cover $152 $420 $825 Inside Front Back Cover $145 $405 $798 Full Page 5140 $395 $775 half-page 575 $200 $390 Quarter-page $38 $105 $198 Eighth - page $20 $55 $105 To keep rates at a minimum, advertising must be prepaid in advance according to the above sched- ule. In exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are required, the advertiser will be notified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the 1st of the month preceding issue (e.g., Feb. 1 for March/April issue). With advance notice, camera-ready copy will be ac- cepted up to three weeks later. Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42-57 pi- cas; half-page may be either vertical or horizon- tal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertisement in which typographical error should occur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXXVII No. 4 Whole No. 196 1111X/ALIG 1998 ISSN 0031-1162 GENE HESSLER, Editor, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231 Manuscripts (rws), not under consideration elsewhere, and publications for review should be sent to the Editor. Accepted mss will be published as soon as possible; however, publication in a specific issue cannot be guaranteed. Opinions expressed by authors do not necessarily reflect those of the SPMC. Mss are to be typed on one side only, double-spaced with at least one-inch margins. A copy should he retained by the author. 'Ilhe author's name, address and telephone number should appear on the first page. In addition, although it is not required, you are encouraged to submit a copy on a 31/4 or 51/4 inch MS DOS disk, identified with the name and version of software used: Microsoft Word, Word Perfect or text (ASCII), etc. If disk is submitted, double-spaced printout must accompany disk. IN THIS ISSUE A NUMISMATIC CARRIER'S ADDRESS Forrest W. Daniel 115 THE PAPER COLUMN ENGRAVED CHARTER NUMBER ERROR, $10 SERIES OF 1902 SMYRNA, DELAWARE Peter I luntoon 122 ABOUT TEXAS MOSTLY Frank Clark 123 NEW LITERATURE 123 GREELEY COLORADO BANKING HISTORY Dennis Schafluetzel 124 THE GREEN GOODS GAME Forrest W. Daniel 130 THE BUCK STARTS HERE Gene Hessler 131 SOCIETY FEATURES THE PRESIDENT'S COLUMN 132 SPMC MEETINGS 132 NEW MEMBERS 132 MONEY MART 133 For change of address, inquiries concerning non-delivery of PAPER MONEY and for additional copies of this issue contact the Secretary; the address is on the next page. ON THE COVER. Adolphe Sax, the inventor of the saxaphone, is honored on the new 200 franc note from Belgium. The portrait was engraved by B. Gregoire. Page 114 Paper Money Whole No. 196 SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS COORDINATOR: 1929-1935 OVERPRINTED NATIONAL CURRENCY PROJECT FRANK BENNETT, P.O. Box 8722, Port St. Lucie, FL 34985 BOARD OF GOVERNORS RAPHAEL ELLENBOGEN, 1840 Harwitch Rd., Upper Arlington, OH 43221 GENE HESSLER, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231 RON HORSTMAN, 5010 Timber Lane, Gerald, MO 63037 MILTON R. FRIEDBERG, 8803 Brecksville Rd. #7-203, Brecksville, OH 44141-1933 JUDITH MURPHY, P.O. Box 24056, Winston Salem, NC 27114 STEPHEN TAYLOR, 70 West View Avenue, Dover, DE 19901 WENDELL W. WOLKA, P.O. Box 569, Dublin, OH 43017 STEVEN K. WHITFIELD, 14092 W. 115th St., Olathe, KS 66062 OFFICERS PRESIDENT ROBERTCOCHRAN, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 VICE-PRESIDENT FRANK CLARK, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011 SECRETARY ROBERT COCHRAN—Pro Tern. TREASURER MARK ANDERSON, 400 Court St., #1, Brooklyn, NY 11231 APPOINTEES EDITOR GENE HESSLER, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR FRANK CLARK, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011 WISMER BOOK PROJECT STEVEN K. WHITFIELD, 14092 W. 115th St., Olathe, KS 66062 LEGAL COUNSEL ROBERT I. GALIETTE, 3 Teal Lane, Essex, CT 06246 LIBRARIAN ROGER H. DURAND, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 PAST-PRESIDENT DEAN OAKES, Drawer 1456, Iowa City, IA 52240 The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit or- ganization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Associa- tion. The annual meeting is held at the Memphis IPMS in June. MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notifica- tion to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or vote. Members of the ANA or other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an SMPC member or provide suitable references. DUES—Annual dues are $24. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5 to cover additional postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life membership, payable in installments within one year, is $500, $600 for Canada and Mexico, $700 elsewhere. Members who join the Society prior to Oct. 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after Oct. 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. BUYING and SELLING CSA and Obsolete Notes CSA Bonds, Stocks & Financial Items 60-Page Catalog for $5.00 Refundable With Order ANA-LM SCNA PCDA CHARTER MBR . HUGH SHULL P.O. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020 (803) 432-8500 FAX 803-432-9958 SPMC-LM 6 BRNA FUN A Numismatic Carrier's Address Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 115 by FORREST W. DANIEL N the early and mid-nineteenth century it was cus- tomary for newspapers to print a broadside "Carrier's Address" to be distributed on New Years Day. Often about 12x 18 inches in size, they had elaborate typographical borders surrounding a long poem citing the news of the past year and expectations for the next and beginning or ending with a suggestion that the carrier deserved a monetary gratuity for his effort in delivering the paper, often in face of miserable conditions: Patrons! what Weal or woe hash been, You, from our printed sheet have seen; Nor heat, cold, rain nor snow a barrier, Promptly the day hath brought the Carrier; A New Year's Quarter, or a Fifty, Will glad my heart and make me thrifty. THE CARRIER. (Weekly Minnesotian, St. Paul, Jan. 1, 1857). 1 While it is very doubtful that Hodge's Journal of Finance, Bank Reporter, and Safe-Guard was distributed by newsboys, they did publish a "New Year's Address" to their patrons on January 1, 1859. And because of the paper's specialized clientele, its col- lection of poems relate to the financial and banking situation at the close of the Panic of 1857. Carrier's Address poems were as varied in style and content as the authors who composed them. In general they told of disasters of all types: world-wide and personal. Death in all forms reported during the year are concentrated in the Ad- dresses, along with a few of the more encouraging stories. Some of the Addresses are in a lighter vein, but they still display a fascination with death. The Weekly Minnesotian ran its "New Year's Address" on the front page in 1857; the first part re- ported the "mandatory" disasters, but Minnesota was looking forward to statehood, so much of the poem was a description of the newly opening territory. The monetary situation was in turmoil at the beginning of 1857, so there was a stanza relat- ing to the currency situation and hope that statehood would cure those ills: r",1--- -,_,._•"•6',,Y'.,= .1-.6 .7.• ••;',6,3, .:.:,t-EL. - .,•:-.64, .':4;:..„ .,...4-:', ..- A;-,;•••.."`„,'I (--1-- -- '- - --- - % s - ,13,_, - 34.__,tliA'ai,i00,i,.,_ _,d0,_ ,c74;ftie .' owl •0,,,,r4Ar-VNt var-jAr'vr■-sm-A,r'our,'04,•te-,,...1-,11-,v-mr-1,,, ,,--V- 4•3yi Ip's A ' -,,- --4 ,,- -'''-' -,.:- . .-, --..-77',,-. ,■=j - .. k 1-5, ' •..! `.\,.....te-e -,dat. 6 -,0 d ..:A NI.:\\ ) I: A I'''-', \ I )1 )1 ft:SS Cir...t:1,..,.., .N1:•;7g,s ce z.:. HODGES' .*::#cJiA. JOURNAL OF FINANCE, BANK REPORTER,„ ,.,.-Jt.,, ,: SAFEGTJARD. /,'Zi?! '---., . e4,,,),,t.yi,` ' JANUARY I. iH.--,9.iekN,if_ 4., .-.4e- `-` I, I f-4' ' Att; P, ; ( 4 '1 ;i.., :..6 This 1859 Hodges' New Year's Address is printed on a 12x19-inch sheet of light-weight paper. The floral border is not as elaborate typographically as many which surrounded other Carriers' Addresses. I Page 116 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Admitted, 'tis one cause for thanks That we shall have our own State Banks, To drive out all the worthless trash, The rotten substitute for cash, Which, with Bank failures day by day, Gives wealth to rich, robs poor of pay. The Washtenaw, not worth a doit, The Georgetown, altered to Detroit, The Globe Bank of famed Gotham City, Still "going" here, the more's the pity; Vile counterfeits which daily pass, Not worth the rag their words deface, Pushed off by many a knave and rogue, And keeping "Thompson" in full vogue. But statehood was delayed until May 1858 and Minnesota suffered even worse fiscal problems through the Panic of 1857 which struck in September. The Minnesotian printed its 1858 Carriers Address as a broadside so any further comment on Minnesota monetary affairs from that source is not known. The 1859 "New Years Address" of Hodges Journal of Finance, Bank Reporter, and Safe-guard had a summary of the Panic and its aftermath for New York and the nation in six poems. The opening poem is the usual dirge, and the Address ends with promotional material and a "Thank You" to the patrons of Hodges': Hark to the tolling bell, that wakes the stillness of the night With muffled, slow-toned music, for the year that's taken flight! Down in the fathomless gulf of TIME, down in its boundless sea Its grave is found! Let the bell's deep sound Its parting requiem be. No mourning train, with solemn pomp, its funeral pageant swells, No tear from the eye of mortal comes, no heaving sigh upwells; But when the gloom of dark midnight, its mourning pall bath spread, The hours have flown — The days have gone — Another year is dead! Mourn, mortal! for each passing year cuts short thy span of life! Though strong thine arm, though brave thy heart, and firm- braced for the strife, Long years, by constant sapping, shall wear away thy prime, Till youth bath past; With cares o'ercast, Thou'lt yield at last to Time. Resolve then, Now, that each New Year, which yet may come to thee, Though fraught with trouble, still shall bear its fruit upon thy tree; That some good deeds shall mark its time, that some bright memory's trace Shall light its page, To bless thine age, And many sins efface . A short year ago, in the gloom of the past, The future more gloomy appeared, And darkened by blots which disgraced its fair fame; By all was the consequence shared. Suspension's dark blight had left its foul mark Deep dyed on the Banks of the land; And Mist in' stared in the face of the poor, And WANT marked them deep with her brand. NOW Plenty upholds what misfortune had bowed, Prosperity takes a firm hand; Fair Commerce again throws her flag to the breeze, And Wealth opens out a full hand. No more should we look with regret at the past, While the Present so brightly appears; The woes of the Panic, too painful to last, Were greatly increased by our fears. New York the mighty centre, from insane and mad inflation, Suspended too and lost her cause, with wild infatuation, Curtailed her issues, stopped her loans, and gathered in her cash, 'Till her Banks were stronger far than they'd been before the crash. The management was wise; and the millions which they gained, Upheld their own position, and other States sustained. And when six months elapsed their doors were opened wide, Resumption proved her policy, and prosperity's rich tide Fast flowed with golden tribute to her Banks' well-fastened vaults, Tin her merchants blessed her prudence, and forgot to name her faults. No longer now the Indian Isles, Are famous for wealth untold, (In spices, and gems of fabulous worth); But South, and West, and far off in the North, WE have mines abounding in gold. The millions which California yields, (Six millions a month they say), Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia's fields, And Oregon, far away. Tennessee, Kansas, and Washington, Orizona, [sic] and Gila, are they, Far West toward the setting sun. Time was when Peruvian mines were famed, And Mexican wealth was almost named As priceless beyond compare; But now, we measure our wealth by "piles," And laugh at the wealth of the Indian Isles, And believe that we have our share. But while on mines, we still must cite Some other mines, not new, Not mines of gold, and still not quite So valueless but that some light Would show them up 'a few.' Siberian mines, which are worked by slaves; Australian mines—Victorian owns; And Wall street mines, whose yields are shaves; And Cemetery mines so rich, in graves And monumental stones. Insurance mines of wondrous wealth, Secured by real estate and "rocks," Paper Money Whole No. 1% Page 1 1 7 Whose managers should strive by stealth, And "Sing Sing" sometimes for their health, And over-issues of their stocks. Lottery mines, whose props are Wood, Fast falling to decay; These mines were once considered good, And would be still, had they but stood The test the other day. Banking mines, of "wild cat" breed, Whose vaults of course are rich, With presidents who'd run "to seed," And then run off with wondrous speed, With characters like pitch. These are the mines which have yielded so well, And coined like mints of gold, But to the holders of bills have proved, "a sell," Their issues went down when their characters fell, Their names we will now unfold. "Woodbury" and "Litchfield," Connecticut Banks; The "Hatters" was, too, of that State, Its vaults were robbed and sundry pranks Performed, till its officers set round on their shanks, While the President rubbed his "pate." The "Southern Bank of Georgia" too; "Macomb," of Michigan; Illinois and Nebraska not a few, Whose Managers found that they couldn't do Of one PATROXS, a single man. Indiana has helped to swell the list; and Kansas claims a place; And Pennsylvania holds in her greedy fist Charters of Banks, whose value is jist Not what they bear on their face. And so we go, with scheme on scheme In every State designed; Till worthless issues almost seem The realization of fondest dream Of a fraudulent grasping mind. With all these frauds of rankest smell, There are other frauds to note, Of altered bills which are done so well, And spurious notes on which to dwell Would simply be to quote. From our "SAFE-GUARD ' S " pages, where each week In their makers we plant a thorn, And our "Journal's" columns, where we speak At length of their plans, and carefully seek To hold them up to scorn. Others there are who have tried our plan Descriptively to show, The good from the bad; but any quick man By a cursory glance can easily scan Their merits as they go. Reporters spring up and go down in a DAv, Or rather we should say Dye; But some are good, and some worthless as clay; But for our own, we would simply pray That each for himself should try, Of every work, the comparative worth, Be it "List," "Reporter," or "Safeguard," Published here, at the East, at the South, or the North, Selecting the one which he deems of most worth, And we'll safely abide the award. Our thanks to our Patrons, whose numbers increase By thousands, as each passing year rolleth on. Our Country is blessed by Prosperity—Peace- And the Good which we feel her REPOIZTERS have done. For ourselves, we but claim what our merit deserves,— The need that our Patrons to us must accord; The need which is yielded to each man who serves To save them their cash,—their good will and good word. Brothers John Tyler and Daniel Milton Hodges and Edward Milton Hodges, son of Daniel, were the publishers of bank note reporters in New York from about 1856 to 1866 accord- ing to Bank Note Reporters and Counterfeit Detectors, 1826-1866, by William H. Dillistin. Reliable information is sketchy since holdings of the periodicals are scattered both in collections and dates. City directories and issue numbers indicate the Jour- nal of Finance k Batik Reporter began publication in 1856, pub- lished by James Monroe and J. Tyler Hodges. In 1859, when the New Year's Address was published, Hodges added his name to that title while Monroe had a separate publication, Journal of Finance. By 1861 Daniel M. I lodges was the publisher of Hodges Journal of Finance and Bank Note Reporter with a circula- tion of 103,000. Edward I lodges took over publication on the death of Daniel Hodges in January 1862 and continued until the latter part of 1865 when lames N. Phelps became editor and changed the name of the journal. Under the propietorship of the II odgeses other specialized publications supplemented the weekly, including Hodges' New Bank Note Safe-Guard, Hodges' Genuine Bank Notes of America (1859, only one issue was located by Dillistin) and Hodges Coin Chart Manual. The Hodges publications are not listed in a city directory in 1866-1867, so it assumed publication ceased in 1866. Hodges's New Year's Address mentions two other publish- ers of bank note reporters in the couplet designed to establish the stability of 1-lodges publications: Reporters spring up and go down in a DAY, Or rather we should say Dye, The first reference may be to Mahlon Day who was one of the first in the field of listing bank note descriptions and coun- terfeits in the 1830s and 1840s and was no longer in the busi- ness. The inference that other bank note reporters were short-lived was especially true in the case of John S. Dye and Dye's Bank Note Plate Delineator. Dillistin located only one "complete edition" dated 1855; and two specialized editions. Hodges's suggestion that Dye's publication went down in a "day" seems to confirm Dillistin's comparison of the Dye De- lineator of 1855 with Hodges' New Bank Note Safe-Guard of 1857. Both were printed from the same plates, as attested by the same typographical errors; the introductory paragraphs and prospec- tits were nearly identical except for publication names and other details. Dillistin assumed that Hodges pirated the entire pub- lication from Dye without credit for the originality of the work; but if the Dye publication was a one-time publication the Hodges family may have assumed its ownership and used the original forms with only minor typographical revisions in the introductory text. Typographical errors cited by Dillistin were still in the Third Quarterly Edition of 1858. Hodges' Safe-Guard was the definitive publication of the Hodges group. Published quarterly, it was a hardbound hook 131/2 by 8 1/2 inches in size with an embossed and gold-titled cover priced at $2 ($3 in 1865). The third quarterly edition of 1858 has 353 pages, 351 of them contain schematic layouts of twenty-seven banknotes in three newspaper-width columns, four pages of index plus title and introductory pages. Border boxes of the diagrams are 7x 13 picas (six picas to the inch). 14 II (G. 1S• 3 Nt\vAV BANE Nth' .:::\ , \\ \\., xA,% (!uartcylp ôitioii. ) • Oihino Jfac #imift pi,c3triptionz of Oath of ifit TIMM& MN OM EMBRACING NTZ ISSUED IN THE UNITED STATES & CANADA. THE MOST EFFECTUAL DETECTOR OF SPURIOUS. ALTERED AND COUNTERFEIT BILLS EVER PUBLISHED. NLY E J 1E IKINI7111U. E 'torsi] according to Act of Congress, in the year 1857, by Joe. Trigit boons, in the Cleric's Oniee of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New-York. ARRANGED AND PUBLISHED BY tT. all-5e- I-13M 1EL, EC J 11737. , No. 271 BROADWAY, CORNER OF CHAMBERS STREET. NEW—YORK : 1858, t Page 118 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Title page of Hodges' New Bank Safe-Guard. (min arg. House and I. Spread Eagle ONE CHICOPEE PANIC, Springfield Mass. 2Farmer, horses,& harrow & old 2 bar house. Loading TWOCHICOPEE BANK,Springfield Mass 3 Vulcan the 3 Three Ini13. CHICOPEE BANK, Springfield, Mass. Co3131eas of liberty eagle A: ield. 20 20 Sled:1111ot, CHICOPEE BANK, Springfield, Mass. THREE I urge S . mid reaper. 5 CHICOPEE BANK, Spr i ngfield, Mass. Portmd of Mau on horns hack, flock of uheep. CHICOPEE BANK, Springfield, Mass. 50 50 Female reclining and 1333331of plenty. CHICOPEE BANK, Springfield, Masa. X Man ploughing with lerale. TrN XX CHICOPEE BANK, SpringlLed, Signing the Modulati o n of ludependence. Gen. Wash in,;ton. 5 Female. 5 10 Slate 3,3111 with female oil either side. TEN 20 100 Medallion hem'. 100 50 It,!allion hied. 50 Medallion Lead. 100 Medallion head. 3 FTTCH_BURG BANK, Fitchburg, Moos, Blacklinith anvil and forge. TEN Somali, Ye. Va 10 State Wharf, chipping cross. and merchandise Sailor . In fore. FITCHBURG BANK, Fitchburg, Mass. Milk maid, (2■I. Plate.) 2 Female. 0 FITCHBURG BANK, Fitchburg, Mars 20 Female.. 20 50 n,°..end 50 FIFTY Female,: FITCHBURG BANK, Fitchburg, Mass. FIFTY (Old Plate.) 100 C 100 C the tun. Portrait of Washington. 100 FITCHBURG BANK,Fitchburg, Mae, C Female dgure. Female U nwiring the ligiirol. Railroad So ',gumboot. 'P"`""d`•' 2railroad an TWO Female ONE CITIZENS HANK,WOro■.:Uir. Ma., pl eckge ,tit,Si all; II. 2 FI...,..., ,..0 JANE Fitchburg, MS. TWO 'same es right Born. Oa • wharf. One hundred odolsid FITCHBURG BANK, Portrait of Fitchburg, Nina Portrait of Barrie.. Columbus. Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 119 HODGES' NEW BANK NOTE SAFE—GUARD. 77 2 Portrait of . To,h3r. ht ...I., dog h seed. CITIZENS BANE, Woreester.m.... 2 Cher.) ...1 dragon. TWO 3 See mon. tors Sleemehip Mac resting • aledge upon hi. ohoulder, feticide. to stream of water In the background. CITIZENS BANK, Woroester Kam. °`„,,,..,... b. p.i 5 '..v.°.1.Wr.,i ,.., ing up on • nate. 6 no right CITIZENS BAAL Worcester, Maas. Canal ',eke Female with • rake. Z 41 X Cupid. X CITIZENS BANK, Worcester, Most Jupiter Joan end Mercury. 10 ii E-4 M Washington. 20 Female„, 20 portrait of CITIZENS BANK, Worcester, Mass. are '"Pit”. 20 nFT13 33 01 :. 50 L Train of ears. L CITIZENS BANK, Worcester, saw 211Fg 'Lae's! s 50 61.°.d.'ilung an arrOW 100 100 NW.... 100 CITIZENS BANK. Worcester 19". .!al of 100 1 Train of cars. 1 FITCHBURG BANK, Fitchburg, Mesa ONE Medallion head. ONE Nan on Linea 4) back, and droe• 4J of cattle. Canal and In. Train of Rood railway, cern buildings on each aide. Portrait. FITCHBURG BANE Fitchburg, Mona. dgrigultuiel implements (Now Plate.) FITCHBURG BANK, 20 Fitchburg, Moss. XX emale seated on • bale, holding a sheaf of wheat. Female. Plots.) 20 XX .0. XX 20 FITCHBURG BANK. \ Fitchburg, Mass. Ship .male. FIVE Fiv.r, 5 Female, 20 emale with spear and FIFTY }Cicala. FIFTY Typical page from Hodges' New Bank Safe-Guard. Page 120 Paper Money Whole No. 196 In some cases, apparently at first, the schematics are labeled, (1st. Plate.) (2nd. Plate.) and (New Plate.) as new diagrams were inserted as necessary to keep the publication current. But new issues multiplied so rapidly the new designs were placed on additional pages at the back of the hook rather than re- make completely the page forms for each edition. Location of the new diagrams on other pages were indicated after the bank's name in the index. By the time of an 1865 Safe-Guard the pages held the layouts of thirty notes rather than twenty-seven. Along with the layouts of the many state bank notes of the United States, the early Safe-Guards carried layouts of Cana- dian chartered bank issues and this coverage expanded for new banks as required in later issues. Three United States notes were listed on the last page of the third 1858 Safe-Guard. They are the $100, $500 and $1000 one-year interest-bearing treasury notes authorized by the Act of December 23, 1857. Financial crisis, bank suspension of specie payment and a sharp drop in customs revenue forced this expedient of treasury notes for the government to pay its bills. By the time of the 1865 Safe-Guard there were diagrams of national currency notes, demand notes, legal tenders and interest-bearing notes along with postage currency of the first and second issues. The Safe-Guard said spurious and altered notes were by far the most numerous class of bad money and bore no resem- blance to the real thing. Therefore full descriptions of genuine notes provided by the Safe-Guard was the best possible de- fense against fraudulent issues. It added that actual counter- feits or fac similes were comparatively rare but could be detected by close inspection. Denominations of known counterfeited and photographed notes were indicated in the index of banks. While deploring the fact that most Reporters and Bank Note Detectors only described false bills which had been in circula- tion, often a long time, before detection, the Hodges group The agony felt by a customer when a bank note's quality was questioned was recalled in this nostalgic illustration which appeared in Harper's Weekly on March 15, 1873. Without bank note reporters or I lodges' Safe -Guard even careful scrutiny was no guarantee to either party. (Courtesy of State Historical Society of North Dakota.) Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 121 The Eastern Bank of Alabama in Eufaula advertised three industries on its $1 note dated March 15, 1860: cotton, shipping and the newspaper carrier. The Lippincott, Crambo Gazetteer of the United States for 1852 says about 20,000 bales of cotton were shpped annu- ally front Eufaula by steamboat during the November to June ship- ping season on the Chattahoochee River. The Gazetteer also reported several newspapers in the city; how- ever, The American Newspaper Directory, 1861, lists only two titles: The Eufaula Express and the Spirit of the South. Either paper may have printed a Carrier's Address for the newsboy in the vignette. included just such a weekly publication. The Journal of Finance and Bank Reporter along with Hodges' Gold and Silver Coin Chart Manual plus a weekly issue of Safe-Guard was listed at $4 a year; $3 semi-monthly and $2.50 monthly ($6, $5 and $4 in 1865). The New Year's Address circulated by John Tyler Hodges to his subscribers on January 1, 1859 was only one of many Carrier's Addresses published by daily and weekly newspapers of general circulation that day. Not many of those broadsides survive and all are a collectors' specialty in themselves, but ones from such specialized publishers as I lodges' can be con- sidered very scarce. And one that interprets the aftermath of a national fiscal upheaval is especially interesting. NOTE: I. Selected from With Scissors and Paste: 'The Scrapbook of Printing Lore and History, unpublished masterpiece by Forrest Daniel. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Many thanks are due to Past President Roy Pennell for his assistance with details for this article. SOURCES: Dillistin, W.H. (1949). Bank Note Reporters and Counterfeit Detectors, 1826-1866. New York: The American Numismatic Society. Hodges' New Bank Note Safe-Guard. (1858). New York: I. Taylor Hodges. Hodges' American Bank Note Safe-Guard. (1865). 1977 reprint, Ander- son: Pennell Publishing Company. American Capital Markets Premier This illustration arrived too late to include with Ned W. Downing's review in PAPER MONEY No. 195. . — 4 Y IF entitled to Share in the Maffilcbufitts 25 .Z.C.21:it, transferable at the Bank by : or Atcorne--) ° WITNESS the SF. A t. Of the ' efident and Diredors of thy laid Bank, at BosTo this Day of :1;e. t • This Massachusetts Bank share bears the signature of James Bowdoin, who was president of the bank and governor of Massachusetts si»niltaneously. (Courtesy of the Museum of American Financial History) 11‘10., N 111 ) 1.14.1-1 / ia.C1T 1:1{0VCCIts xt11,074A1 , 1.4.e I)( )1..114.11t 1,1 - 04— • "'MtC• 4 • --- t - ,.111:1z> t L-1-77,71/ A -7701- a [lilt(' 1 :) !Ilti:1 r4\...111 cut:111'6MM LICS Notice that the left charter number in the lower border of the C position $10 is 2339 instead of 2336! (Photo by Douglas Mudd, Smithsonian Institution.) NE of the most unusual errors that I have seen on a national bank note is the one pictured here from the 10-10-10-20 Series of 1902 plate for The Fruit Grow- ers National Bank of Smyrna, Delaware (2336). Notice that the left charter number in the lower border of the C position $10 is 2339, not 2336. This plate was approved for use on May 16, 1916, after the corporate life of the bank had been extended for the second time. It went to press shortly thereafter. The error was discovered in 1920, so the plate was altered to correct it. The altered plate was approved for use on Septem- ber 29, 1920. However, 870 error sheets had been printed since 1916, the last having been delivered to the Comptroller of the O Page 122 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Engraved Charter Number Error $10 Series of 1902 Smyrna, Delaware THE PAPER COLUMN by Peter Huntoon Currency from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing on De- cember 23, 1919, in a shipment consisting of sheets 711 to 870. A total of 801 of the error sheets had already been sent to the bank. The most recent lot, serial 796 through 801, went out on September 18, 1920, just eleven days before the plate was fixed. What you might find interesting is that the Comptroller con- tinued to issue the remaining 69 error sheets to the bank. The last was sent January 26, 1921. Ultimately, 4227 Series of 1902 plain back 10-10-10-20 sheets were issued before the title was changed to The Fruit Growers National Bank and Trust Company on December 1, 1925. Another 2631 sheets bore the second title. I stumbled onto this error in May 1997, through serendip- ity. After spending a day studying proofs at the Smithsonian Institution, I found I had a free half hour before closing time. The small holding of Delaware seemed about the right size to occupy those minutes. Leafing through the proofs, I noticed a penciled notation in the left margin of the Smyrna proof which upon reading revealed the error. (Continued on page 130) 711 THE MERCHAXIS ANS PLUM NATIONAL SANK OF SHERMAN DOLLARSc) DO11091f Cd 3159 3159 4001D01 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 123 THE MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK OF SHERMAN, TEXAS by FRANK CLAIZI: OR many years, the largest bank between St. Louis, Missouri and Galveston, Texas was The Merchants and Planters National Bank of Sherman, Texas (Charter 3159). This was true until the Great Depression of the 1930s. For example, in 1922 The Merchants and Planters National Bank boasted deposits of almost $30 million, larger than any of the banks in Dallas or Houston. The reason why this bank was so large was that it had more correspondent bank accounts (deposits from other banks) than any bank in the state of Texas. This was because Sherman was the headquarters for the railroads in this region of the coun- try, and this naturally drew many banks in the Southwest to establish accounts with The Merchants and Planters National Bank. Another reason was that Sherman was also regarded as the banking capital of the Indian Territory, and this continued when Oklahoma became a state in 1907. Practically every bank in the state of Oklahoma had a correspondent bank account with The Merchants and Planters National Bank. The prominence of this bank existed as early as 1885. Below is a table that reflects the banking scene in Texas as of July 1st of that year. CITY POPULATION # OF BANKS PAID-IN CAPITAL Galveston 35,176 7 710,000 Houston 28,510 5 750,000 San Antonio 28,125 5 775,000 Dallas 28,007 6 580,000 Fort Wort 25,012 5 950,000 Austin 16,832 4 610,000 Waco 11,211 4 375,000 Sherman 9,002 2 1,000,000 Series 1929 $20 Type 11 issued by The Merchants and Planters National Bank of Sherman. Engraved signature of L.S. Omohundro, cashier, and P.R. Markham, president. The two banks in Sherman can be delineated as follows: The National City Bank had a paid-in capital of $400,000, and The Merchants and Planters National Bank, $600,000. For 16 years The Merchants and Planters National Bank was rec- ognized as the largest bank in the southwestern United States. The following types of national currency were issued by The Merchants and Planters National Bank: Second Charter, Series 1882 Brown Backs; Third Charter, Series 1902 Red Seals, Date Backs and Plain Backs; and Series 1929 Type I and Type II notes. The total amount of circulation issued was $8,594,730. As of July 1935 the amount outstanding was $342,925; of this amount, $27,377 were large-size notes. In October 1929 The Merchants and Planters National Bank absorbed The Commercial National Bank of Sherman (Char- ter 10607) which was in voluntary liquidation. The Merchants and Planters National Bank is still in business today, and is a respected member of the business community. REFERENCES North Texas State University Business Oral History Collection (Demon). Interview of W.C. Orr, Jr., by Dr. David R. Fitch; April 13, 1977. Hickman, J. and D. Oakes. (1990). Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes. Iola, WI. Krause Publications. New Literature Indian Paper Money Since 1950 by Kishore Jhunjhuwalla at $20 plus $3 for postage in U.S. funds. Mail orders should be sent to Kishore S. Jhunjhunwalla, Currencies and Coins, 519 Arun Chambers, 80, Tardeo Road, Bombay, India 400 034. The softcover 74-page book is printed on 8.25" x 11.75" pages and contains over 140 color photographs of notes at 50% of their original size, plus three maps with two in full color. The book is written in English and gives the reader an intro- duction to Indian paper money from independence of British rule to the present. A breakdown of security features of mod- ern Indian bank notes, International Bank Note Society guide- lines on grading and terminology in regards to Indian bank notes are covered in detail. There are two tables of signature varieties. The notes are arranged chronologically in ascending order of denomination: one rupee-10,000 rupees. Five categories of rarity have been defined from common to extremely rare. I found the book very easy to use and the photographs are excellent. Besides Government of India notes and Reserve Bank of India notes, rare varieties of notes used as legal tender in the Arab sheikhdoms of the Persian Gulf and special notes issued for pilgrims to Mecca are listed. The book is thorough and well-organized. If this is an area of paper money collecting that interests you, this book should be added to your library. The author has done an excellent job. (Frank Clark) F Page 7 24 Paper Money Whole No. 196 11) E-32 by DENNIS SCHAE1.11 ETZEL Union Colony Proposal ATHAN Meeker wrote an article in the New York Tri- N bune in December 1869 with the endorsement of the editor, Horace Greeley, that propelled the formation of Union Colony of Colorado. He wrote, "I propose to unite with the proper persons in establishing a colony in Colorado Territory. A location I have seen is well watered with streams and springs, there are beautiful pine groves, the soil is rich, and the climate is healthful, grass will keep stock the year round, coal and stone are plentiful, and a well traveled mad runs through the property. The land... can be settled ... at a cost of ... eighteen dollars for 160 acres. The persons with whom I would be willing to associate must be temperance men, ambitious to establish good society Nil), own plan would be to make the settlement almost wholly in a village, and divide the land into lots of 10 acres and to divide these into eight lots for building purposes and then to apportion to each family from forty to eighty, even 160 acres adjoining the village for farms." The response was almost overwhelming. Before two months had passed three thousand had responded. A meeting was held in New York December 23, 1869 to draw up a charter and commission a locating committee led by Mr. Meeker, and including Henry T. West and General R.A. Cameron. On April 12 the New York Tribune reported the lo- cating committee had bought 70,000 acres of railroad and government land on the Cache a La Pouder River in Colorado, half-way between Denver and Cheyenne. Greeley Settled General Cameron proposed to name the town Meeker but Mr. Meeker was far too modest a man to vote for naming a town after himself. They agreed to name it Greeley for Horace Greeley. The Union Colony of Colorado was incorporated in April of 1870. The town layout was in a one mile square, and building of the first of four ditches that were planned for irri- gating the farm land, was begun the first year. A total of 687 certificates were sold at $155 each, which entitled the holder to purchase one residential and one business lot for $25-$50 in the city. It also allowed the holder to purchase 80 acres of farm land with water rights near the city for $75. All of the deeds included the following temperance requirement: "And also the farther consideration that it is expressly agreed be- tween the parties hereto, that intoxicating liquors shall never be manufactured, sold or given away in any place of public resort as a beverage on said premises; and that in case any of these conditions shall be broken or violated, this conveyance and everything therein shall be null and void." The importance of success in irrigation to the colony can- not be overestimated. If they had failed to develop agriculture by irrigation there would now be no town of Greeley. Irriga- tion is required in eastern Colorado because the annual rain- fall is less than 15 inches per year. Ditch construction and irrigation farming in the early 1870s was not widely practiced or understood. It took a number of years building ditches, enlarging them and learning when and how much to irrigate before farming began to flourish. By 1889 there were 400,000 acres under irrigated cultivation. During the first year the rise in business property was quite marked, but residential lot value fell off as some moved to their farms and some left the colony. There was not a rapid rise in farm property because grasshoppers were a major men- ace and there was a shortage of irrigation water. Greeley National Bank Although the Greeley National Bank was founded in 1890 it traces its history back to the founding of the Union Colony. In an article in the October 28, 1909 Greeley Tribune "Old-Time Reminiscences" by I lenry T. West, a member of the locating committee, said: "The next trouble was banking facilities, there being no bank nearer than Cheyenne, 54 miles, and Denver, 52 miles away. Although it was my intention to go into the cattle business, I was induced to open a bank, which I did May 12, 1870, under the name of H.T. West and Co., doing busi- ness under this name until Dr. Charles Emerson and Charles G. Buckingham arrived with the intention of doing a banking business and we united (November 1870) and did business for years under the fi rm name of Emerson, West and Buckingham." C. C.11 C .Y 0.1'. O. COAVAV EMERSON RUCKINGITAM ),, Ayarititt5 Greeley, G:elorado e LL-ev 11879 Figure 1 This letter head was furnished by C. E. Buckingham, President of the National State Bank of Boulder and nephew of the C. Buckingham named in the letter head. C. Buckingham later became the founder of the Buckingham Brothers Bank with Walter Buckingham, the father of C.L. Buckingham, at Longmont, and also became founder of the National State Bank of Boulder, of which he remained president for 50 years. The Greeley 0 rm was known as Emerson-West and Buckingham Bank that was the first bank in Greeley and was the ante- cedent of the Greeley National Bank. (From the Archives, City of Greeley Museums.) Charles Buckingham moved to Boulder in 1874 to enter a new banking house with the Prince of Buckingham, Walter. He sold his interest in the Greeley bank to his partners who operated under the name Emerson and West, Bankers. In 1875 West sold his interest in the bank to his son George to go into the coal mining business with his relatives the Canfields, who owned the Rob-Roy coal mine near Erie, Weld County, Colorado. Hunter bought out Emerson in 1881. In 1886 Hunter and West vacated the original bank building, which was one of the first buildings erected in Greeley in the summer and fall of 1870. He then moved to new offices at the corner of the first floor of the Opera House block. NaitiontdCurreney SUMO MINTGEM151110. MNILOSIMMTIEll • UNITED STATES OFAM ERICA 12357 1,1416.% TitkNr tiktiait44\jfiAft 41-i-tzdAli,==i) /1/75/ /9//' 12357 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 125 The Hunter and West Bank failed and was closed December 26, 1890 and B.D. Sandborn was appointed assignee. Claims to the amount of $39,040.46 were allowed and dividend al- lowed was 8 per cent Greeley National Bank was founded in 1890, as The Hunter and West Bank was going broke. The Greeley National Bank moved into the quarters formerly occupied by F lunter and West in 1891. The December 9, 1897 Greeley Tribune lists the Greeley Na- tional Bank capital at $65,000 and the bank officers as I.L. Bush, president, and C.FI. Wheeler. cashier. A picture of their offices built previously occupied by the Hunter and West Bank is shown in figure 2. Figure 2 The Greeley National Bank Building corner offices in Opera Building (Greeley Tribune December 9, 1897). (From the Archives, City of ( :reeley Museums.) National Bank notes from the Greeley Union National Bank are listed as very scarce (six large-size notes are known). I have recorded six 1902 plain back notes for sale in the major publi- cations and auctions in the past two years—five were $ I Os: one very good (vg), three fine, one very fine (V11+ and one was a $20 1902 plain back in vf. The bank issued $10 and $20 notes from the second charter, both brown back and date backs. It also issued $10 and $20 notes from the third charter blue seal notes, both date back and plain backs. Greeley National Bank Officers President Dates Brainard D. Harper 1. L. Bush was pres. in 1897 T. C ? - 1923 Cashier Dates Brainard D. Harper C. H. Wheeler was cash. in 1897 L. B. Carrel ? - 1923 On March 22, 1926 the Union National Bank and the Greeley National Bank merged. The merged bank, The Greeley Union National Bank, Greeley, retained the Greeley National Bank charter 4437. Union National Bank In 1871 J.B. Flower, R. A. Cameron and lames F. Benedict opened the second bank in Greeley. General Cameron was a member of committee who located and purchased the land for the Union Colony. The bank was reorganized into the Union Bank on March 31, 1877 by Daniel Hawks, James F. Benedict, William F. Thompson, Bruce F. Johnson, Theodore lrgalsbe, J.M. Bush and Silas S. Kennedy. It was incorporated with a capital of $40,000. At that time it was housed in a small structure. The Union Bank building burned April 4, 1883 and did business for one day at the Emerson and West bank, after which they built another building on the same site. Bruce F. Johnson served as president during the first ten plus years. lames F. Benedict was a long time cashier until he resigned to serve the Cleve- land administration (Cleveland 1885-1897). He was succeeded by George Adams. In 1888 the Union Bank Building was built. It was a two- story structure with a corner entrance. It held various shops along 8th Avenue; lawyers and dentists occupied the upstairs offices. B.D. Harper who helped organize the First National Bank of Greeley in 1884 and was its cashier for a number of years and later its president severed his connection with the First Na- tional Bank and went into the Union Bank as cashier. He later served as president of the Union Bank. Figure 3 Greeley National Bank Third Charter $10, plain back. Signed by T.C. Phillips, president and L.B. Carrel, cashier. r/ 0//;7((‘ e.„-(77 'i".ia--",-7' — after (7a/g„:for rattle mis(74„, pay to the or.Iler. ot• t (,6<,/ 62, ri-Ge.,e-xer-z-;--0, ''').-,---,--, (1, r 4 ,Z, , - - 1)(17111 rs. cx-c-117-(, I- ,-,-,,,,) c(-;,, -6, ..AC /17•,-- 76_, a.4/„,,, ce„,,,,,___) ii,„,/ ,",, „:,,...,_,.._ . --- --c4,--4. tlw OBankii &-i 4 Office oi TLOW:ni, CA -KT:nig 8: . .T.1\JEDICT, Clii-E.ELEY, COLO. ■,,, .v. I..... Ittlil , 1.9 . ...t, t,arttl l■■■,■. ■■■■ 1.■• ,.■•II. ■ ,,,,■, J. I..? AI, ‘v. ill Itl.y :tuft,: tre .■■■.I , ■■1. , ., , .1,t, A Ito. ■1, , . I. ,,,, t 111, 1 /1 1111:111ttll 11,11o/111, t1111. III 1 111111t1,1 11-, 1111111 .1 1 ,11‘ I ttl111 1 1 It 1, , 1 ' 1'1,111 1111.1, lIt 31.'1,1 .3..1,...,1 I SIII \ .1113 .. I..Ali/11k, 3 .. . .. r.......1113.1,3113.1■1 11,,IliII.1 11,1{1111 1, ,, 11 , 1 I lt, I I, .... 111 ,... t 111 0,1 . L11011 ,, I 1 1 W Itlt• ,t11 ril:Itt ;■■11•■•tiellt ,,r ,..1,, , ,kt (:■,/ , ,i 3111, , t .■ ■ ■ ccr It I t c 1ff lItt. tic:111.0 c to 1411,1.1111, 111,111.111,1, 1,111 .1. , 4.1 . 3 . . II 1 ,Ilitl nII 1■4,11‘.... ,,f 1 , r,114.11..1 ,...,, s■.,, ..,,.1-4t, (mit, ,. :,,,,.■ .,: , I I, pr It 11, whcli 111,r, It ∎41:,,% IIII•o r).r ." • , 1t. It 1, 1 1111 3.3 " 3 14-1 or either oj' us, Figure 4 Check drawn on Bank office of Flower, Cameron & Benedict for $1000 dated June 27, 1874. Interest paid documented on back.(Acc #81.66.04 Archives, City of Greeley Museums.) Figure 5 Union Bank—This is the 8th and 8th corner in downtown Greeley as it appeared in the late 1880s. Note the bank sets above the street level with offices in the basement level. (Photo from the collec- tion of Hazel E. Johnson l Greeley Tribune 7 - 10 -74.1) (From the Archives, City of Greeley Museums.) Paper Money Whole No. 196Page 126 During this remodeling the bank headquarters were tempo- rarily moved to the old City National Bank building located one block north on the corner of 8th Avenue and 7th Street. Large-size notes from the Union National Bank of Greeley, charter 7704, are listed as very rare (three large-size notes are known). Over the past year two of the Union National Bank notes were auctioned by Currency Auctions of America. Both were $10 1902 notes: a date back in of sold for $3410 in May (N442309A) and a plain back in extremely fine (ef) sold When the bank renewed its char- ter in 1897 with a capital of $50,000, its president was Jesse S. Gale, a successful cattleman of the area. Under the leadership of Brainard D. Harper, president, it acquired national status by 1905 as the Union National Bank, charter 7604. In 1914 it was merged with the City National Bank. I lowever, it retained the name of the Union National Bank. By 1918 it had over $1 mil- lion in deposits. Major remodeling of the building was done in 1921. Part of the present basement was dug and the main floor was brought down to ground level. Banking quarters were enlarged and an elaborate plaster work ceiling was put in by hand. The exterior was covered with cream- colored terra cotta around the win- dows. The corner entrance was replaced by a side entrance on 8th Street. The enlarged banking quarters took up all of the previous space except for the Western Union office in the northeast cor- ner of the building. Additional office space was added to the second story. Union Bank Officers President Dates Bruce F. Johnson Jesse S. Gale was pres. in 1897 Brainard D. Harper was pres. in 1905 T. C. Phillips ? - 1922 Cashier Dates George D. Statler Brainard D. Harper was cashier in 1895 James F. Benedict George Adams for $3355 in September (X9567821-1). The third note, a $20 1902 plain back in vg (X476562B), is in a prominent Colo- rado collection. The bank issued $10 and $20 third charter, red seal, date back, and plain back notes. On March 22, 1926 the Union National Bank and the Greeley National Bank merged. The merged bank, The Greeley Union National Bank, Greeley, assumed responsibility for the outstanding currency. The earlier Greeley National Bank char- ter, 4437 was assumed. The total amount of outstanding notes in 1926 was $74,000 that included notes from charter 7604 and 10038. City National Bank The City National Bank of Greeley was chartered in June 1911, and assigned charter 10038 with a capital of $100,000. The Greeley Tribune of 6/30/11 reported "The City National Bank opened its doors for business on Monday in the Camfield Trust building and the subsequent open house that evening. The A0016061THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ,MADO I N 111.1AlltS •C•111, *41,4 41111111 Nationalfsunreintev ruoma SIMS .111160.10I111.,1 , 1+r Di UNITED STATES Di AMERICA sv?, elk t7i5"Y N$ gritux it'?"trm,44:kip74.4. Atatau,tal+.0- Y/Y/ 4826 cfra*micomamar,iatzvansp-zioc Figure 6 Greeley Union NB 1902 $10 PB. The merged bank retained the Greeley NB charter. The signatures are T.C. Phillips, and W.H. Barber. Date is the same date as the Greeley NB note shown in Figure 3. 4826 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 127 bank was placed in voluntary liquidation on March 22, 1915. The bank was located on 8th Avenue and 7th Street. No notes from the City National Bank of Greeley are known to exist. The bank issued only $5, $10 and $20 third charter date back, blue seal notes. Total amount of reported outstand- ing notes in 1915 was $25,000. The Union National Bank as- sumed responsibility for the outstanding currency. In 1915 the City Bank merged with the Union National. The new bank retained the name of he Union National Bank. Greeley Union National Bank The Greeley National Bank and the Union National Bank merged on March 22, 1926 to form the Greeley Union Na- tional Bank. T.C. Phillips of the Union National Bank became president of the newly formed bank that then had over $2 million in deposits. Because of growth, it became necessary to enlarge the banking quarters in 1928. Greeley Union National Bank Officers President Dates T. C. Phillips 1926-1934 Cashier Dates W. H. Barber ? - 1934 Notes from the Greeley Union National Bank are listed as very scarce (six notes known) for large-size notes and very com- mon (50+ notes known) for small-size notes. I have recorded only three 1902 plain back notes for sale in the major publica- tions and auctions in the past two years. All of the notes were $10 plain back notes: a vg and two fine notes. I recorded twelve 1929 notes: eight $5s, six crisp unc (CU) and two good; two $10s—one in fine, and one in vf/ef; and two $20s, a CU and a fine. Based on the number for sale, the small-size notes are more scarce then the rating suggests. The selling price($75 to $325) for the notes reflects a higher rarity also. The Greeley Union National Bank issued $10 and $20 third charter plain bank blue seal large-size notes and type one 1929 $5, $10 and $20 small size notes. W. D. Farr, a board member and stock holder, recalled in a Greeley Tribune article of 8/26/84 he and his son were feeding sheep in 1933 when the Greeley Union, like all banks across the land took a ten-day banking holiday at President Roosevelt's executive order. Though it reopened after the banking holiday it reorganized less than a year later. None of the depositors, Figure 7 Greeley Union National Bank 1929 Type 1 $10. The signatures are T.C. Phillips, president and I. S. Davis cashier. Farr recalled with pride, lost a dime in the reshuffling. The Greeley Union National Bank was placed in voluntary liqui- dation on February 14, 1934. It was succeeded by the Greeley National Bank charter 13928, who assumed responsibility for the outstanding currency: $10,885 large-size notes and $164,115 small-size notes from banks chartered 4437, 7606, and 10038. Greeley National Bank (Re -charter) In 1934 the Greeley Union National Bank was reorganized and re-chartered to number 13928 and the name was changed to the Greeley National Bank. T.C. Phillips remained as president until his death in 1945. Hugh F. Wheeler succeeded as presi- dent at that time. The bank remained in the same location and was remodeled during the 1950s with the addition of a metal facade and construction of a drive-up banking window. Small-size notes from the Greeley National Bank, charter 13928, are listed as rare (ten small-size notes are known). I have recorded only two notes for sale in the major publica- tions and auctions in the past two years. Both notes were type 2 $10 notes: a vf and a vg. The vf was offered but not sold at Greeley National Bank Officers President Dates T. C. Phillips 1934-1945 Hugh F. Wheeler 1945-1955 Arnold H. Trautwein 1955-1959 Dale R. Hinman 1959-1971 Cashier Dates W. II. Barber ? (on note) 1934 - ? L. B. Carrel beyond 1943 the 1996 ANA Heritage sale and the other one, a vg, was sold in the Currency Auctions of America 1/10/97 sale. I am aware of another $10 type 2 in F in a Colorado collection. Only 1929 $5 and $10 type 2 notes were printed. The amount of currency in circulation in 1935 was $65,500 all in small-size notes, based on the records. The First National Bank of Greeley John M. Wallace of Chicago, coming to Greeley, saw the need for a national bank. The need Page 128 Paper Money Whole No. 196 became a reality and the charter was applied for on February 27, 1884, with the endorsement of the Honorable James B. Belford, Colorado's representative in Congress. The charter was granted May 6, 1884 for a period of 20 years, and was renewed March 15, 1904, and again in 1924 for a further period of twenty years. The bank opened its doors for business on June 10, 1884 with a paid in capital of $80,000 in the handsome brick building shown in figure 8. Figure 8 Initial home of the First National Bank 1884 (Town & Country News 9/26/74) (From the Archives, City of Greeley Museums.) In the era of gas light, the building was remodeled and en- larged in 1885 at its location of Main and Monroe which had been renamed to 8th Street and 9th Avenue. At the first meeting of the stock holders on March 17, 1884, those present were: John M. Wallace Henry M. DeVotie Brainard D. Harper Richard Patterson George K. Peasley D.B. Wyatt George N. Speer Albert Igo James L. Ewing E.D.I. Ewing James W. McCreery Robert Steele I Iugh F. Wallace This was the first bank organized in Weld County under the "National Bank Act" and thereby became in name as well as in fact "The First National Bank of Greeley Colorado", and the first national bank in Weld County. At that time Weld County embraced all the land now known as Weld, Morgan, Logan, Sedgwick, Phillips, and parts of Yuma and Washington coun- ties. Thirty five years later there were 69 banks in that territory. The seal adopted by the bank at its organization shows a farmer irrigating his fields. Weld County's development, which was based on irrigation, justifies the seal. The Board of Directors in 1884 included H.M. DeVotie, J.L. Ewing, D.B. Wyatt, E.R. Thayer, John M. Wallace was presi- dent and Brainard Harper was cashier. Asa Sterling became director in 1885; R.F. Graham, in 1895; Robert Steele, in 1899; and John Montgomery Brindle Petrikin, in 1914. Mr. E.R. l'yayer died in 1918. Asa Sterling was elected president in 1894; R.F. Graham, vice-president in 1899; J.M.B. Petrikin, president in 1919, after serving as vice president from 1915 to 1919, and as cashier from 1900 to 1915. J.S. Davis became cashier in 1915, after serving as bookkeeper from 1896 to 1900, and assistant cashier from 1900 to 1915. Charles J. Seem was elected assistant cashier in 1915, after being with the bank as teller from 1902 to 1915. First National Bank Officers President John M. Wallace Asa Sterling J. M. B. Petrikin Cashier Brainard Harper 1884 A. J. Park was cash. in 1897 J. M. B. Petrikin 1900-1915 J. S. Davis 1915 (Note: B.D. Harper listed as cashier in 1884 and later as president in the Greeley Tribune obituary a week after 6/1/1905). Question is when was he president and which president dates are incorrect? The bank building assumed a new modernized appearance in 1919 see figure 9. The entrance was moved from the corner to Eighth Street and the face of the building was redesigned by Robert K. Fuller, architect and James B. Jackson builder. The building consisted of a basement and two floors; the first floor consisted of the bank proper and store rooms, the second floor of offices. In the basement were the heating plant, engineer's room, storage rooms, and two large burglar and fireproof vaults. One vault was used for the storage of the bank's older records and books; the other was utilized for the storage of old trunks and valuable packages too large for the vaults above. On the first floor was the banking room proper, many-win- dowed, flooded with Colorado sunshine, a truly glorious work- shop for business. The banking quarters occupied a space 115 feet long by 43 feet wide. Walls were of dull apricot, shading to deep cream tones, with an effective frieze of dull gold and violet, the handiwork of a skilled artist; the woodwork, dull mahogany with satin wood inlay; deep cream-colored French Tavernelle Clair marble in dado and counters; floors of gray Tennessee marble—all these combined to present an interior of beauty and blended harmony. Opening off the main lobby at the right were the officers' desks and private consultation rooms. On the left was a retiring room for ladies, equipped with comfortable chairs, writing desks, telephone. Farther down on the side on the lobby was a patron's room for the convenience of customers. Beyond were the teller's depart- ments, which extended across the east, south, and west sides of the lobby, see figure 10. In the rear of the teller's depart- ments was the bookkeepers' room, so planned that it caught every ray of light and comfort. Next came the three large bur- glar- and fireproof vaults, constructed of cement and steel un- Dates 1884-1894 1894-1919 1919-1954 Dates cl THE GREELEY ONION NATIONAL ION( 61111 LLY ot Paper 2 .11one1 Whole No. 196 Page 129 Figure 9 First National Bank 1919 (Greeley Tribune date ? ? ? ?) (From the Ar- chives, City of Greeley Museums.) der specifications of adept vault builders, so that they met the approval of the largest surety companies in the world. These vaults had the peculiar and additional security of being acces- sible to daily inspection on all sides. The walls between the several vaults were constructed of the same burglar/fireproof materials as the outer walls. The smallest of the vaults was for money and securities; a second, opening from the bookkeep- ers' room, was for the books of the bank; the largest was for the safe-deposit boxes of the customers. In connection with the latter were private booths, and the bank furnished an at- tendant to serve the customer's convenience. On farther were the directors' rooms and the toilets. There was also a room for the use of clerks and lawyers for the handling of deeds, con- veyances, etc., and for the transaction of the bank's trust de- partment business. National bank notes from the First National Bank of Greeley are listed as very scarce (16 large-size and 24 small-size notes are known) for both large- and small-size notes. I have recorded nine 1902 plain back notes for sale in the major publications and auctions in the past two years. Of the nine, three were $5s in vg to fine, five were $1 Os in vg to vf, and one was a $20 in f/ vf. I recorded three 1929 type 1 notes: one $5 in fine, two $1 Os in vg, and three 1929 type 2 notes: one $10 in fine and two $20s, a vg and a vf. The bank issued $5, $10 and $20 notes of second charter, brown backs; third charter $ 10 and $20 red seal notes: and $5, $10 and $20 date back and plain backs large-size notes. They also issued $5, $10 and $20 type one and type two notes of 1929. In 1935 there was $6,100 in large- size notes and $93,900 total outstanding notes. Figure 11 First National Bank 1929 type 1 $10, signed by J.M.B. Petrikin & 1.S. Davis The 1929 $10 note shown in figure 13 was signed by J. S. Davis, cashier, and J. M. B. Petrikin, president. Mr. Petrikin lived a few blocks from my parents home in Greeley where I grew up. One day when my dad and I were in the bank he introduced me to Mr. Petrikin. When my father told him I planned to go to college, Mr. Petrikin encouraged me to work hard and learn as much as I could because college was going to a lot more important in my time than it had been in his. Mr. Petrikin had been associated with the First National Bank for 57 years, 36 as president, when he died in 1957 at age 91. He was born in Lycome County, Pennsylvania and came to Weld County, Colorado in 1881 at age 14. He was the assis- tant cashier for the Greeley National Bank from 1891 to 1896. He joined the First National Bank as cashier in 1900. Figure 10 Teller room 1919. (The Fi rst National Bank 1884-1919 booklet) (From the Archives, City of Greeley Museums.) Page 130 Paper Money Whole No. 196 National Bank Date Span for Greeley, Colorado The First National Bank of Greeley 3178 The Greeley National Bank 4437 The Greeley Union National Bank 4437 The Greeley National Bank 13928 Union NB 7604 The City NB of Greeley 10308 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 Sources Boyd, D. (1890). A history: Greeley and The Union Colony of Colo- rado, reprinted 1987 by City of Greeley Museums, Kendell Print- ing Company. Newspapers: The Greeley (CO) Tribune: 4/22/1874, 1/6/1875, 2/10/ 1886, 12/26/1890, 1/21/1892, 4/4/1883, 5/28/1884, 12/9/1897, 2/16/1905, 6/1/1905, 10/28/1909, 7/10/1974, 8/2&9/1974, 9/25/ 1983 by John Seelmeyer; Town and Country News (Greeley, CO) 9/26/1974. Pamphlet: The First National Bank Greeley Colorado 1884-1919. Krause, C.L. and R.F. Lemke. R.E., Wihite, Editor. (1995). Standard catalog of United States paper money. Krause Publications. City of Greeley (CO) Municipal Museums Hickman, I. and D. Oakes. Standard catalog of national bank notes, 2nd edition, Krause Publications. Kelly, D.C. (1997). National bank notes. The Paper Money Institute, Inc. Reference Questions: Date of Tribune article on death of B.D. Harper with photo of Union National Bank building. Date of J. M. B. Petrikin death and article in Tribune. Date of Tribune showing two photos of 1st National Bank titled "Two Familiar Views of First National Bank Building on Eighth Street." Is there any author or publisher of "The First National Bank" Greeley Colorado 1884 1919 Most of the historical information for this article came from the Greeley Municipal Museum and particularly from Superintendent Nina Mahoney, who graciously provided the newspaper articles, pictures, pamphlets and the Greeley history book. HUNTOON (Continued from page 122) Presently none of the 870 errors have been reported. Maybe you will get lucky. Send a photo of it when you do. This error is equivalent in significance to the duplicate Charles H. Treat treasury signature error on the $20 Series of 1902 date back plate for The First National Bank of Oxnard, California (9481), described in Huntoon (1995, p. 278-280). A total of 3600 of those were pressed into circulation, and like the one described here, the errors continued to be sent to the bank even after they had been discovered. Both the Smyrna and Oxnard errors have the same cause: the transfer of the wrong image to a plate. The mismatched Smyrna charter number was caused when the wrong roll or wrong number on the roll was used to transfer the number. SOURCES OF DATA Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates, Certified proofs from U. S. national bank note face plates: National Numismatic Collec- tions, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates, National currency and bond ledgers: U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD. Huntoon, P., 1995, United States Large Size National Bank Notes: Society of Paper Money Collectors, 283 pp. The Green Goods Game Conducted by Forrest Daniel GREEN GOODS MEN Minneapolis, Sept. 18.—The "green goods" men are at it again flooding the town with circulars to catch the unwary. This time they come from New York, Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester. The addresses given in the circulars are F. Eaton, Westchester Station, N.Y., and S.W. Reed, 149 Orchard Street, New York. The postmaster has had a stencil made with which the follow- ing notice is printed on each suspected letter: "The carrier will ask addressee to return this letter to him after opening it, to be forwarded to the post office department as it is supposed it contains matter relating to counterfeit money."—(Pierce County Tribune, Rugby, N. Dak., Sept. 23, 1893.) Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 131 The Starts Here A Primer for Collectors by GENE HESSLER ROM the time we first had someone read to us, lions and tigers have remained in our psyche since they of- ten were important characters in those simple stories. As an adult, I, and many of my colleagues, have not lost that childlike fascination with the images of these two magnificent ferocious animals. Both have been used to decorate the bank notes of a few countries. Most often it is a lion as part of a group of figures that represent strength, loyalty or another sym- bolic configuration. Most examples of lions alone, unfortunately, are on notes that are too expensive for the average collector. However, here are two examples of modern world notes that should cost from between $20 and $30 each, less if you will accept a note in less than perfect condition. The back of the $5 note from Rhode- sia, P(ick) 32, has two lions in repose under a tree. The most recent 50 rand note from South Africa, P125, has lions drink- ing at an African water hole. (The remaining notes in this at- tractive series have images of other animals on them.) There is a lion head that is so spectacular that I feel com- pelled to mention it here. The note on which it appears, the Brazil 100 mil reis, PS553, is so rare that it is out of the ques- tion to even consider purchasing it. However, the engraving of the lion only was included in the 1988 issue of the American Bank Note Company Archive Series. The original painting on which this engraving is based is by French painter Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899), who specialized in painting animals. (She is most often associated with a painting of a group of horses, The Horse Fair, which hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.) The engraver of the Rosa Bonheur's Lion Head that is illus- trated here is by James Smillie (1807-1885). Smillie special- ized in engraving animals for paper money and other security documents. (He also engraved Bonheur's Horse Fair, which can be found on the Mexico 500 pesos, PS238.) James Smillie's engraving is so realistic that most people would accept it as a photograph—it is that realistic. Every hair in the lion's mane is delicately reproduced. One can almost feel the different tex- ture of the hair that is atop the lion's nose. I never tire of looking at this exquisite engraving. If I con- centrate on it for more than a few seconds it almost becomes mesmerizing. When it was time to select something to be placed on the bookjacket of The Engraver's Line, no choices were nec- essary—it must be James Smillie's Lion Head. An Encyclopedia of Paper Money & Postage Stamp Art James Smillie engraved notes for 22 countries during his employment at American Bank Note Company and National Bank Note Company. His engraved work included buffalo, cattle, chickens, a condor, a dog, ducks, horses and sheep. Another of his sublime engravings happens to be of lions. This one, titled Lions at Home, consists of lion, lioness and two cubs; it was completed by his son James D. Smillie. James Smillie is also the father of William Main Smillie and brother to G.F.C. Smillie, both engravers. For images of a tiger there are bank notes you can purchase; one is extremely inexpensive. The 2 rupee notes, P51-53A, can be purchased for as little as $1 in perfect condition; the tiger appears on the back. The tiger on the back of the Indonesia 500 rupiah note, P53, seems to be stepping out of the oval that surrounds it. An un- circulated note will cost about $50; however, $10 to $15 would enable you to obtain an acceptable example. The back of the Nepal 500 rupee note, P35, includes the engravings of two full-length tigers standing in snow at the edge of a stream. As one drinks the other watches protectively. This attractive note in uncirculated condition will cost about $25, perhaps less. The tiger note I have saved for last is the one you will want, if you choose only one. This 500 dong note from South Viet- nam, P33, is an extremely attractive and popular note. The note has an orange hue with a full-length tiger in an aggressive stance on the back. A few years ago this note was available for $1 or less. Now individual pieces cost $2 or $3. If you pur- chase them in quantities of 100, which is advisable for school or other group disbursement, the cost should be close to $1 each. The following is offered as a footnote. There is an extremely inexpensive note that includes another member of the cat fam- ily, the leopard. The back of the 2 rupee note from Nepal, P29, has a leopard on it that is worth the 504 or 754 it will require to purchase it. Have fun with your cat notes. (Copyright story reprinted by permission from Coin World, July 24, 1995.) F Page 132 Paper Money Whole No. 196 The President's Column 'Because I forgot to send in a column a few weeks ago, I'm writ- ing this on June 22, 1998, right after the Memphis show. You'll read more about SPMC activities at the show in an upcoming issue. I I rented half a table at the Memphis show this year; I wanted to sell some duplicate hooks I had in my library. Actually, that's not true—my wife Sandy told me to sell them or she would—at a garage sale. 1 talked to a lot of folks as they stopped at or passed by my table, and asked if they were SPMC members. Many were not, and I provided them with an application; quite a few other SPMC members in attendance also did this—THANKS to ALL of you! And, a few former members came by my table and renewed their memberships—we welcome them back. But the percentage of serious collectors who are SPMC mem- bers is still small—probably 20% or so. I'm quite familiar with the phrase "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him/her drink." Well, maybe we CAN. I'd like to ask each and every SPMC member, all 1800 or so of you, to make an effort to recruit just ONE member between now and the end of 1998. I sincerely hope you appreciate the benefits of SPMC member- ship; this wonderful journal you're holding in your hand is but one of the many benefits you enjoy. Each and every person who wrote an article for PAPER MONEY did so to share their knowl- edge—WITH YOU! Question: Have you ever written an article for PAPER MONEY? If you haven't, why not? I heard some great stories at Memphis, just listening to folks talk in the lobby and at various tables. If you have a funny story to tell, why not share it with your fellow members? The exhibits at Memphis this year were spectacular, as usual. Your fellow SPMC member Mart Delgar lined up some great ones! If any of you exhibitors are reading this, you know how easy it would be to turn your exhibit into an article for PAPER MONEY. We'd be I LAPPY to help you do it—just contact the editor or any one of the elected or appointed officers. Or, you can wait to get my letter .. SPMC is very close to Public Television, in a way. We do charge a membership fee, but honest, your annual dues just barely pay for publishing this wonderful journal. Like Public Television, though, you CAN just sit back and be entertained. I know from talking with many of our members that most of us specialize in one topic or another; as our collections become advanced, our focus often narrows even more. I've heard from many members who say that there aren't any articles in PAPER MONEY about their topic. That's actually not hard to believe; some years ago, when I was injured and forced to stay home for several weeks, I actually came up with over a THOU- SAND different was to collect financial paper and currency! Perhaps it's been a while since you added any material to your collection. You might consider "priming the pump" with an ar- ticle or two and see what happens; its kinda like sending radio signals into deep space—one of these days we're going to get an answer! Seriously, the chances are pretty darn good that there is another SPMC member out there who collects and researches what you do. What good is collecting ANYTHING if you don't have anyone to share it with? I'm laying it on the line here, folks. I don't like beating around the bush. Our membership number has been stagnant for several years. At the same time, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of new collectors joining our hobby every year. Many of them don't know about SPMC—that's where you come in. You don't need a special form to sign up a new member, but we'll certainly send you one if you want it. We really do need to introduce all of these new collectors to our organization. If you're not inclined to go after new members, at least tell them about our new Internet site: www.spmc.org! There's an application blank that can be printed right off the web page! The Kentucky Obsoletes book should be shipping next month, July! We're already working on 2 other books in the Obsolete Notes series, stay tuned! SPMC MEETINGS On August 22 there will be a program (to be announced) at the Blue Ridge Numismatic Association Convention at the Georgia Convention Center, Dalton, GA. Following the SPMC Breakfast Meeting on September 19, William Millar will speak on "Money and the Constitution" at the Strasburg (PA) Paper Money Show. "St. Louis Depression Scrip" will he Ron Horseman's topic at 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 24. The World Paper Money Convention will take place at the Henry VIII Hotel in St. Louis. SPMC MEMBERS IN THE ASYLUM The Winter 1998 issue of the Numismatic Bibliomania Soci- ety (NBS), The Asylum, includes articles by Kerry W. Wetterstrom, Michael J. Sullivan, NBS president, and Raphael Ellenbogen. Ray presents the result of his survey of U.S. Trea- sury Specimen Books. There also are articles by Pete Smith, Col. Bill Murray and M. Lessen. Interested bibliophiles should write to Dave Hirt, 5911 Quinn Orchard Rd., Frederick, MD 21701. Annual dues are $15 in North America and $20 else- where. The NBS is in its 16th year. NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Frank ClarkNEw carrP.lOit0 . Box 1 717_061 01 MEMBERS 9472 Michael H ranek, 266 Maverick St., #2, Boston, MA 02128; C. 9473 Richard S. Shimkus, P.O. Box 71, Big Rock, II. 60511-0071; C. 9474 John R. Halko, 117 Green Lane, Trenton, NI 08638-2227; C. 9475 Randolf Hatton, 4257 E. Ramp Creek Rd., Bloomington, IN 47401; C, C.S.A. 9476 Ronald Foley, Ir., 115 Spring St., Fairhaven, MA 02719; C, sm- size type. 9477 Ernesto Aguirre, 5242 Gramercy Dr., Clifton Heights, PA 19018- 1003; C, FRBN, ERN, sil. cert. 9478 Burt Braun, P.O. Box 263, Southampton, PA 18966; D, sup- plies. Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 133 9479 Tom Kowalski, 8100 E. Arapahoe Rd., Englewood, CO 80112; C. 9480 Bruce E. Turner, 1032 Navajo Trail, Indianapolis, IN 46260- 3557; C&D. 9481 Clayton Odenath, 108 Peach Rd., Bellmawr, N) 08031-1709; C, sil. cert. 9482 Richard I. Govern°, 4916 E. Elmwood Circle, Mesa, AZ 85205; C, USN, star notes, sil. cert. 9483 D. Bernard Hoenig, 602 Beach 8th St., Far Rockaway, NY 11691; C. 9484 Rick Rawls, 5858 Westheimer Ste., Suite 302, Houston, TX 77057; C. 9485 Scott Laperruque, P.O. Box 101, Short Hills, NJ 07078; C. 9486 Terrence Murphy, 5 Hunt St., Fort Bragg, NC 28307-2016; C&D. 9487 Harold Heck, 701 S. 48th Ave., Apt. C-7, Yakima, WA 98908; C, $2 notes. 9488 Gordon Bleuler, 2115 Barberry Dr., Dallas, TX 75211; C, C.S.A. 9489 George Ostermayer, 17 Glendale Dr., Danbury, CF 06811; C, lg.-size type. 9490 John R. Murphy, 19513 Annott St., Detroit, MI 48205; C. 9491 J. David Stark, 46A Sidney Place, Brooklyn, NY 11201; C. 9492 Robert P. Walton, 69 Midland St., Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724; C, Civil War era. 9493 Harry Kwok, 888 Leyland Dr., Diamond Bar, CA 91765; C, U.S. type notes. 9494 Kim Fisher, 9105 Sandpiper Ct., Orland Park, IL 60462; C, Co- lonial to present. 9495 Daniel Resheter, 3757A S. Howell Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53207; C, lg.-size notes. 9496 Richard Morin, P.O. Box 81, Berlin, NH 03570; D, U.S. ,'S/ obso- letes. 9497 Sergio Sanchez, Jr., P.O. Box 44-1490, Miami, FL 33144-1490; D, U.S. obsoletes. 9498 Richard S. Suggs, 1707 Huldy St., Houston, TX 77019; C. 9499 Shawn M. Connors, 4194 N. 6th St., Kalamazoo, Ml 49009; C. 9500 Gary Hill, P.O. Box 530198, Grand Prairie, TX 75053-0198; D, Philippine CLC & U.S. lg. size. 9501 Veryl L. Walker, 591 N. Elevator Rd., Linwood MI 48634; C. 9502 Frederick A. Ferris, 11813 Elkwood Dr., Cincinnati, 011 45240; C. 9503 Jon M. Bevilacqua, 8125 Surrey PL—Jamaica Estates, Queens, NY 11432; C. 9504 Warren Heistand, 1841 College Place, Long Beach, CA 90815; C. 9505 Douglas Bell, 1010 Chestnut, Duncan, OK 73533; C&D, MPC & AMC. 8048 Darren Holbrook, P.O. Box 221, Whitman, MA 02382; C, Rein- statement. LM271 Joseph Gilio, 2657 Martin Ave., Bellmore, NY 11710-3122; Name Correction. LM293 Peter Mayer, P.O. Box 195, Hillsdale, NJ 07642. LM294 Robert J. Kravitz, c/o Rob's Coins & Currency, P.O. Box 292276, Sacramento, CA 95829-2276. LM295 Dennis Terwilliger, 240 Eagleton Lakes Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418. LM296 Richard Self, 855 Pierremont Rd. #103, Shreveport, LA 71106. LM297 Allan L. Dorris, 207 Gleneagle Point, Peachtree City, GA 30269. LM298 James F. Mason, III, 5th Montgomery Streets, Boyertown, PA 19512. LM299 William Stone, 241 Autumn St., Manchester, CT 06040. LM300 John Ferm, P.O. Box 2, Excelsior, MN 55331-0002. LM301 Paul D. Walters, 502 E. Rutherford St., Landrum, SC 29356. LM302 Arthur Atwood, P.O. Box 1027, Rockaway Beach, MO 65740. LM303 Merrill V. Younkin, 200 James St. #104, Edmonds, WA 98020. LM304 Ross L. Woodman, 8661 Tea Leaf Ct., Sacramento, CA 95828. LM305 William Wood Millar, 4960 York Rd., New Oxford, PA 17350. LM306 Robert A. Kotcher, P.O. Box 110, East Orange, NJ 07019. LM307 Joseph D. McCarthy, 3830 Ohley Ct., Bethlehem, PA 18020- 7564. LM308 Sherrill Blackman, P.O. Box 158507, Nashville, TN 37215- 8507. L1\4309 John B. Lagos, P.O. Box 3812, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3812. LM310 be Wilhauck, 2655 Teal, Lafayette, IN 47905. LM311 Walter D. Allan, Rural Route 2, Tobermory, Ontario NOH 2R0. LM312 Edwin 0. Schlesinger, 1630 Arabella St., New Orleans, LA 70115-5026. LM313 Phillip B. Lamb, P.O. Box 15850, New Orleans. LA 70175. W314 Michael V. Vessetti, 5 Crescent Court, Peru, IL 61354. LM315 Dick Aykroyd, 1160 Sunset Dr. #1402, British Columbia VI Y 907, Canada. LM316 David F. Cieniewicz, P.O. Box 3310, I luntsville, AL 35810- 0310. LM317 Fred Schwan, 132 F. Second St., Port Clinton, 0E143452; C&D, MPCs, BNR Press, author. ylmong iP mart Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 15C per word, with a minimum charge of 53.79. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made pay- able to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene I lessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, 01 - I 45231 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1 for Jan./Feb. issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combina- tions and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for ERN block letters, S1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John \V. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful certificates S6 Also buy! Ken Prag, Box 14817-PM, San Francisco, CA 94114. (415) 586-9386. (198) MASSACHUSETTS LARGE- AND SMALL-SIZE NATIONAL BANK NOTES WANTED from Buzzards Bay, Edgartown, Falmouth, Harwich, Hyannis, Nantucket, Tisbury, Provincetown and Yarmouth. Frank Bennett, P.O. Box 8722, Port St. Lucie, FL 34985. (197) WW II MILITARY CURRENCY MY SPECIALTY! Periodic price lists for 554 SASE; MPC, Philippine Guerilla, Japanese invasion, world coins-paper-stamps, U.S. coins-paper-stamps, Confederate, obsoletes, ERN, stocks-bonds. 702-753-2435. Edward B. Hoffman, P.O. Box 6039- 5, Elko, NV 89802-6039. (199) STOCKS & BONDS wanted! All types purchased including railroad, mining, oil, zoos, aviation. Frank Hammelbacher, Box 660077, Flushing, NY 11366. (718) 380-4009 (fax 718-380-9793) (norricoet compuserve.com). (207) STOCK CERTIFICATES, BONDS, 40-page list for two 33e stamps. 50 different $25; three lots $60. 15 different railroads, most picturing trains $26, three lots $63. Clinton Hollins, Box 112, Dept. P. Spring- field, VA 22150-0112. (208) WANTED: ORIGINAL ART used for Bank note engravings. John Jack- son, P.O. Box 4629, Warren, NJ 07059, 908-604-4841. (A) WANTED OHIO NBNs. Please send list. Also, want LOWELL, TYLER, RYAN, WHITNEY, JORDAN, O'NIELL. Thanks for your help. 419-865- 5115. Lowell Yoder, POB 444, Holland, OH 43528. (207) - TAtts., Rego ; %EA Ti 4.6ve d'e, , , 1./c/7 D70990 VAMMA11-1 0-444fti -40010VDMIPt"mtla /G..4• , OLPAHTME.111 D70990 rj?,=26,..,3409isaGIANWSK 4.11Ja z.1431.1 S.IJ .1 larkliarfaCIEVER,,eR dt;i/ he:// , •/;/. • //, I■19294113 \\ 4trantir i ( I e5, ' (OldijitygompiDARLAWN D 4,7,44 4 /44 4,4,4, Page 134 Paper Money Whole No. 196 SUPERB UNITED STATES CURRENCY FOR SALE SEND FOR FREE PRICE LIST BOOKS FOR SALE PAPER MONEY OF THE U.S. by Friedberg. 14th Edition. Hard Bound. $18.50 plus $2.50 postage. Total price $21.00. COMPREHENSIVE CATALOG OF U.S. PAPER MONEY by Gene Hessler. 6th Edition. Hard cover. 579 pages. The new Edition. $32.00 plus $3.00 postage. Total price $35.00. THE ENGRAVERS LINE by Gene Hessler. Hard cover. A complete history of the artists and engravers who designed U.S. Paper Money. $75.50 plus $3.50 postage. Total price $79.00. NATIONAL BANK NOTES by Don Kelly. The new 3rd Edition. Hard cover. Over 600 pages. The new expanded edition. Gives amounts issued and what is still outstanding. Retail price is $100.00. Special price is $65.00 plus $4.00 postage. Total price $69.00. U.S. ESSAY, PROOF AND SPECIMEN NOTES by Gene Hessler. Hard cover. Unissued designs and pictures of original drawings. $14.00 plus $2.00 postage. Total price $16.00. Stanley Moryez P.O. BOX 355, DEPT. M • ENGLEWOOD, OH 45322 937-898-0114 Paper Money Whole No. 1% Page 135 CHECK THE "GREENSHEET" GET 10 OFFERS THEN CALL ME (OR WRITE) FOR MY TOP BUYING PRICES The Kagin name appears more often than any other in the pedigrees of the rarest and scarcest notes [U.S. Paper Money Records by Gengerke). BUY ALL U.S. CURRENCY Good to Gem Unc. I know rarity (have handled over 95% of U.S. in Friedberg) and condition (will pay over "ask" for some) and am prepared to "reach" for it. Premium Prices Paid For Nationals (Paying 2 to 3 times "book" prices for some). I can't sell what I don't have Pay Cash (no waiting) No Deal Too Large A.M. ("Art") KAGIN 910 Insurance Exchange Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa 50309 (515) 243-7363 Fax: (515) 288-8681 At 78 I can't afford to wait — Currency Dealer Over 50 Years I attend about 25 Currency-Coin Shows per year Visit Most States (Call, Fax or Write for Appointment) Collector Since 1928 Professional Since 1933 *Founding Member PNG, Pres, 1963-64 ANA Life Member 103, Governor 1983-87 ANA 50-Year Gold Medal Recipient 1988 BUY EVERYTHING All U.S., Uncut Sheets, Errors Star *, Special Numbers, etc. EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS - *619-273-3566 We maintain the LARGEST COLONIAL & CONTINENTAL CURRENCY ACTIVE INVENTORY IN THE WORLD! SEND US YOUR WANT LISTS. FREE PRICE LISTS AVAILABLE. SPECIALIZING IN: SERVICES: q Colonial Coins q Portfolio q q Colonial Currency Rare & Choice Type q Development Major Show EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS Coins Coverage c/o Dana Linen q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 q 619-273-3566 Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS Page 136 Paper Money Whole No. 1 96 10' Your Hometown Currency Headquarters Top prices paid for National Currency Collections. Large-Size Type Notes. All Florida Currency and Scrip Largest Inventory of National Currency & Large Size Type Notes! Interested? Call 1-800-327-5010 for a Free Catalog or write 2 • f.'7ig.MiliiVeVrAteggr-Vt,4 ":' 03W William Youngerman, Inc. Rare Coins & Currency "Since 1967" P.O. Box 177. Boca Raton. FL 33429-0177 Auction Sessions: Friday, October 23 5PM Saturday, October 24 5PM You're Invited to the ... . 13th Annual National and World Paper Money Convention Thursday—Sunday, October 22-25, 1998 Henry VIII Hotel, 4690 North Lindberg Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri * 100 Booth All Paper Money and Related Collectables Bourse Area * Currency Auctions of America Sale Paper Money Show Hours Thursday, October 22 12 Noon-6 PM Friday, October 23 10 AM-6 PM Saturday, October 24 10 AM-6 PM Sunday, October 25 10 AM-1 PM Hotel Reservations To book a room at the Henry VIII event site call the hotel at (800)325. 1588 and ask for the special National and World Paper Money Conven- tion rate: Rooms: $65 Single / S70 Double Suites: S75 Single' SS0 Double General Chairman: Ronald Horstman P.O. Box 2999, Leslie, MO 63056 (573) 764-4139 * Complimentary Airport Van Service * Educational Programs * Club Meetings Auction Lot Viewing Wednesday, October 21 • Thursday, October 22 (Auction lot viewing Wednesday all day and Thursday prior to 12 noon restricted to booth holders) Friday, October 23 • Saturday, October 24 Bourse Applications: Kevin Foley—Bourse Chairman P.O. Box 573, Milwaukee, WI 53201 (414) 481-7287; FAX: (414) 481-7297 Why Not a NEW Rarity Scale For NATIONAL BANK NOTES To Denote TRUE Rarity? RARITY * UNKNOWN 0 notes 10 1, 2 9 3, 4 8 5, 6 7 7, 8, 9, 6 10, 11, 12 5 13, 14, 15 4 16 to 20 3 21 to 35 2 36 to 50 1 over 50 KEN McDANNEL SPMC 1836 1405 WEAVER ST. S.W. CANTON, OH 44706-4543 The McD RARITY SCALE is used in the following ad to PINPOINT the RARITY of EACH NOTE Send Large SASE for Your Free Plasticized Wallet Size Scale Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 137 Page 138 Paper Money Whole No. 196 COMPLETE OHIO 88 COUNTY PRESTIGE SET FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY THE LAZY TWO MILLERSBURG IS ONE OF ONLY THREE NOTES KNOWN ON HOLMES CO. ONLY TWO COMPLETE SETS ARE IN EXISTENCE. DON KELLY HAS THE OTHER ONE. OHIO COUNTY CHARTER OHIO TOWN SERIAL TYPE GRADE OHIO CENSUS McD RARITY THIS NOTE 1 ADAMS 13198 WEST UNION B000212A 1011 C.U. 4-10T1 McD 9 2 ALLEN 11573 BLUFFTON A003334 5T2 X.F. 3— 5T2 McD 9 3 ASHLAND 183 ASHLAND C000226A 50T1 V.F. 6-50T1 McD 8 4 ASHTABULA 153 GENEVA C000191A 2011 V.F. 3-20T1 McD 9 5 ATHENS 8175 COOLVILLE A000244A 1011 Fine 3-10T1 McD 9 6 AUGLAIZE 7851 NEW BREMEN D000138A 10T1 X.F. 6-10T1 McD 8 7 BELMONT 14261 BETHESDA A001261 5T2 V.G. 2— 5T2 McD 10 8 BROWN 7800 SARDINIA D000073A 20T1 V.F. 4-20T1 McD 9 9 BUTLER 9859 SOMERVILLE A000003A 10T1 Fine 3-10T1 McD 9 10 CARROLL 13883 CARROLLTON A000161 20T2 X.F. 1-2012 McD 10 11 CHAMPAIGN 8127 SAINT PARIS B000111A 20T1 V.F. 3-20T1 McD 9 12 CLARK 6594 NEW CARLISLE E000053A 10T1 Fine 2-1011 McD 10 13 CLERMONT 7542 NEW RICHMOND A000155 20T2 Fine 1-20T2 McD 10 14 CLINTON 7370 CLARKSVILLE C000015A 20T1 V.F. 2-20T1 McD 10 15 COLUMBIANA 6593 EAST PALESTINE B000009A 20T1 Fine 3-20T1 McD 9 16 COSHOCTON 6892 COSHOCTON E000247A 20T1 V.F. 8-2011 McD 7 17 CRAWFORD 13273 CRESTLINE A000262A 10T1 V.F. 3-1011 McD 9 18 CUYAHOGA 12347 ROCKY RIVER D000211A 20T1 Fine 8-20T1 McD 7 19 DARKE 10058 GETTYSBURG C000166A 2011 V.F. 1-20T1 McD 10 20 DEFIANCE 5802 HICKSVILLE F000165A 2011 V.G. 3-20T1 McD 9 21 DELAWARE 7505 DELAWARE F001253A 10T1 X.F. 7-10T1 McD 7 22 ERIE 4792 SANDUSKY A002304A 511 C.U. 3— 511 McD 9 23 FAIRFIELD 1241 LANCASTER A000109A 50T1 Fine 7-50T1 McD 7 24 FAYETTE 13490 WASH CT HOUSE A002924 101-2 A.U. 18-10T2 McD 4 25 FRANKLIN 6827 GROVE CITY B000087A 1011 X.F. 1-10T1 McD 10 26 FULTON 7091 WAUSEON F000315A 10T1 Good 4-1011 McD 9 27 GALLIA 136 GALLIPOLIS A000853 20T2 V.F. 2-20T2 McD 10 28 GEAUGA 6249 BURTON D000070A 2011 V.F. 3-20T1 McD 9 29 GREENE 7896 SPRING VALLEY E000016A 2011 V.G. 4-2011 McD 9 30 GUERNSEY 5641 BYESVILLE B000128A 1011 Fine 5-10T1 McD 8 31 HAMILTON 8228 HARRISON C000132A 1011 Fine 3-10T1 McD 9 32 HANCOCK 36 FINDLAY 3rd T. A000016A 50T1 V.F. 8-5011 McD 7 33 HARDIN 6628 DUNKIRK B000813A 10T1 V.F. 6-1011 McD 8 34 HARRISON 7486 BOWERSTON D000021A 2011 Fine 1-2011 McD 10 35 HENRY 5218 NAPOLEON C000291A 1011 Fine 3-1011 McD 9 36 HIGHLAND 10105 GREENFIELD A000094 10T2 V.F. 1-10T2 McD 10 37 HOCKING 7649 LOGAN 2nd T. B000106A 1011 Fine 2-10T1 McD 10 38 HOLMES (Large) 1923 MILLERSBURG C923113 $2.00 V.F. 1—$2.00 McD 10 39 HURON 7001 GREENWICH F000284A 10T1 V.F. 6-10T1 McD 8 40 JACKSON 1903 JACKSON C000161A 20T1 V.F. 5-20T1 McD 8 41 JEFFERSON 13171 SMITHFIELD B000546A 1011 V.G. 2-10T1 McD 10 42 KNOX 5640 FREDERICKTOWN A000046A 10T1 Fine 1-10T1 McD 10 43 LAKE 14232 PAIN ESVILLE A002819 512 X.F. 4— 512 McD 9 44 LAWRENCE 98 IRONTON D004313A 5T1 X.F. 5— 5T1 McD 8 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 139 OHIO COUNTY CHARTER OHIO TOWN SERIAL TYPE GRADE OHIO CENSUS McD RARITY THIS NOTE 45 LICKING 858 NEWARK A000001A 50T1 C.U. 11-50T1 McD 6 McD46 LOGAN 1784 BELLEFONTAINE A000014 20T2 V.F. 1-20T2 10 McD47 LORAIN 5371 LORAIN A001275 10T2 V.F. 1-10T2 10 McD48 LUCAS 14030 TOLEDO A014956 5T2 Fine 5 —5T2 8 McD49 MADISON 5522 PLAIN CITY F000218A 20T1 X.F. 7-20T1 7 McD50 MAHONING 12332 YOUNGSTOWN F003869A 5T1 Fine 4— 5T1 9 McD51 MARION 6675 LA RUE F000583A 5T1 Fine 2— 5T1 10 McD52 MEDINA 4842 MEDINA D000176A 20T1 V.F. 4-20T1 9 McD53 MEIGS 8441 MIDDLEPORT F000097A 10T1 Fine 2-10T1 10 McD54 MERCER 5523 CELINA A002057 5T2 X.F. 2— 5T2 10 55 MIAMI 14077 BRADFORD A001319 20T2 Fine 5-20T2 McD 8 56 MONROE 7025 BEALLSVILLE E000147A 10T1 Fine 2-10T1 McD 10 57 MONTGOMERY 3876 MIAMISBURG A000040 20T2 A.U. 3-20T2 McD 9 58 MORGAN 8042 STOCKPORT B000399A 10T1 Fine 4-10T1 McD 9 59 MORROW 127 CARDINGTON D000064A 20T1 Fine 5-20T1 McD 8 60 MUSKINGUM 6976 NEW CONCORD E000138A 20T1 V.F. 3-20T1 McD 9 61 NOBLE 6662 SUMMERFIELD C000385A 10T1 A.U. 6-10T1 McD 8 62 OTTAWA 6632 OAK HARBOR A000145A 20T1 Fine 4-20T1 McD 9 63 PAULDING 5862 PAULDING D000180A 20T1 V.F. 7-20T1 McD 7 64 PERRY 6505 NEW LEXINGTON C000040A 20T1 X.F. 7-2011 McD 7 65 PICKAWAY 10267 WILLIAMSPORT A000588A 10T1 X.F. 4-10T1 McD 9 66 PIKE 5635 WAVERLY B001637A 10T1 V.F. 8-10T1 McD 7 67 PORTAGE 5370 MANTUA A001175 10T2 V.F. 2-1012 McD 10 68 PREBLE 9211 NEW PARIS C000494A 10T1 V.F. 5-10T1 McD 8 69 PUTNAM 11343 PANDORA A000057 20T2 Fine 1-20T2 McD 10 70 RICHLAND 2577 MANSFIELD 2d T F000001A 100T1 V.F. 6-100T1 McD 8 71 ROSS 9536 KINGSTON F000035A 20T1 Fine 2-20T1 McD 10 72 SANDUSKY 5 FREMONT C000186A 20T1 V.F. 7-2011 McD 7 73 SCIOTO 13832 PORTSMOUTH A001944 10T2 C.U. 8-10T2 McD 7 74 SENECA 11598 KANSAS B001199A 5T1 Fine 8— 5T1 McD 7 75 SHELBY 8536 JACKSON CENTER A000142A 20T1 Fine 1-20T1 McD 10 76 STARK 3721 ALLIANCE B000841A 10T1 C.U. 24-10T1 McD 3 77 SUMMIT 9221 HUDSON F000050A 20T1 Fine 2-20T1 McD 10 78 TRUMBULL 4884 GIRARD D000164A 20T1 V.F. 4-2011 McD 9 79 TUSCARAWAS 6843 DENNISON C000961A 5T1 C.U. 6— 5T1 McD 8 80 UNION 9199 RICHWOOD C000124A 20T1 V.G. 3-2011 McD 9 81 VAN WERT 8017 CONVOY A000163A 20T1 V.G. 4-2011 McD 9 82 VINTON 2036 McARTHUR D000075A 20T1 Fine 1-20T1 McD 10 83 WARREN 2220 WAYNESVILLE A000515 10T2 V.F. 1-10T2 McD 10 84 WASHINGTON 6943 VVATERTOWN F000226A 10T1 V.F. 2-10T1 McD 10 85 WAYNE 6372 DALTON A000673 10T2 Fine 2-1012 McD 10 86 WILLIAMS 5341 MONTPELIER D000097A 20T1 V.F. 6-2011 McD 8 87 WOOD 6656 WESTON F000225A 10T1 V.G. 2-10T1 McD 10 88 WYANDOT 6119 CAREY B000079A 20T1 V.F. 2-20T1 McD 10 Also includes 2 Large-size, Pen Sigs, used until Small-size were found. 26 FULTON 7091 WAUSEON 10.00 Y689215H 02PB Fine 3-10PB McD 9 35 HENRY 5218 NAPOLEON 5.00 T532716E 02PB V.G. 6— 5PB McD 8 P5 p SEND LARGE SASE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS s l,KEN McDANNEL `riSO9 1405 WEAVER ST. S.W. CANTON OH 44706-4543 5th ANNUAL CHICAGO PAPER MONEY EXPO Friday, Saturday, Sunday February 19-20-21,1999 Ramada O'Hare Hotel 6600 North Mannheim Road Rosemont, Illinois You're invited to ••• ,11 ti■rf, , , r tite,t; Show Hours: Thursday, February 18 (Professional Preview—$25) Friday, February 19 Saturday, February 20 Sunday, February 21 2 p.m.-6 p.m. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Million Dollar Buying Spree Currency: Nationals MPC Lg. & Sm. Type Obsolete Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Coins Stamps • Gold • Silver Platinum • Antique Watches Political Items • Postcards Baseball Cards • Masonic Items Hummels • Doultons Nearly Everything Collectible SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE PRICE LIST FREE COIN SHOP EST 1960 INC " Its Aegis.% Sat.( 399 S. State Street - Westerville, OH 43081 1-614-882-3937 1-800-848-3966 outside Ohio Fractional Foreign (.t LJfe Member Page 140 Paper Money Whole No. 196 o 100 Booth Bourse Area * Major Paper Money Auction '' Society Meetings Hotel Reservations: Please call the Ramada Hotel O'Hare directly at (847) 827.5131 and ask for the special Chicago Paper Money Expo rare of $85 5/1J. * Educational Programs Complimentary Airport Shuttle * Complimentary Hotel Guest Parking The Chicago Paper Money Expo is sponsored by Krause Publications, the World's Largest Publisher of Hobby Related Publications, including Bank Note Reporter & Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money. Bourse Injormation: Kevin Foley P.O. Box 573 • Milwaukee, WI 53201 (414) 481-7287 • FAX (414) 481-7297 0 WANTED ALL STATES ESPECIALLY THE FOLLOWING: TENN-DOYLE & TRACY CITY: AL, AR, CT, GA, SC, NC, MS, MN. LARGE & SMALL TYPE CONFEDERATE. WRITE WITH GRADE & PRICE. ALSO SEND (WANT LIST) FOR LARGE & SMALL TYPE NOTES SEND FOR LARGE PRICE LIST OF NATIONALS— SPECIFY STATE DECKER'S COINS & CURRENCY P.O. BOX 250, BLAINE, TN 37709 (423) 932-9677 SPMC LM-120 ANA 640 FUN LM-90 Checks, Checks, Checks! Complete your check collection Acquire collateral material for your National collection Revenue Stamps 86 Imprints Thousands of Checks ,s, e:ridujgg*Nd_ (j, *fp We also have Stocks, Bonds and MylarTM Albums and Sleeves Write, call, or fax for free catalog today. Your Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE 6802 SW 33rd Place Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-3659 Fax (503) 244-2977 .// BUYING and SELLING PAPER MONEY U S., All types Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer- tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc. Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries Paper Money Books and Supplies Send us your Want List ... or ... Ship your material for a fair offer LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P.O. BOX 2395 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Page 141 , - Third Edition by Don. C. Kelly The third edition of this standard reference on America's Home Town Paper Money has been updated and expanded. With over 600 pages and 200 illustrations, there are many new features. including chapters on uncut sheets, error notes, and counterfeits. Realistic evaluations and detailed population reports based on a census of nearly 200,000 nationals tell you how many notes have survived and what they're worth. Maps of each state show the locations of all towns which had note-issuing national banks. List Price: $100. SPMC members should be able to buy at a discount from many of the distributors listed below. See Gene Hessler's review on p 91 of the May/June 1997 issue of Paper Money. Allen's 399 South State St W'e,:icr% tile, OH 43081 (800)848-3966 Brooklyn Gallery P 0 Box 090-146 Brooklyn. NY 11209 (718)745-5701 Classic Coins P 0 Box 95 Allen, MI 49227 (517)869-2541 Commercial Coin 1611 Market St Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717)737-8981 Deft 's of Boston 75 Federal St Rill 620 Boston. MA 02205 (800)443-3659 Emporium Coin P 0 Box 606 Moorhead, MN 56560 (800)248-9751 R A Glascock 120 Remount St San Antonio. TX 78218 (210)655-2498 Hartville Coin Exch 1015 Edison St Hartselle. 011 44632 (330)699-3952 Fountain Square Stamp & Coin 27 Fountain Square Plaza Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513)621-6696 I-lamp's Supply 9440 Old Katy Rd Suite 121 Ilouston, TX 77055 (800)258-8906 Harlan Berk, Inc 31 North Clark St Chicago, IL 60602 (312)609-0016 Da% id Hollander 406 Viduta Place Huntsville. AL 35801 Lake Region Coin & Currency P 0 Box 48 Devils Lake, ND 58301 (70 I )662-5770 Las Vegas Rare Coin Galleries 3661 So Maryland Pkwy ON Las Vegas. NV 89109 (7021732-8192 Louisville Numismatic Exch 527 South 3rd St Louisville. KY 40202 (502)584-0879 Lyn F Knight P 0 Box 7364 Overland Park. KS 66207 (913)262-7860 Metro Wholesale Supply 7880 A Washington Blvd Elk Ridge. MD 21227 (410)799-1111 N1CS 122 South Grove Elgin, IL 60120 (847)695-0110 (847)695-0127 Numismatic & Philatelic Arts PO Box 9712 Santa Fe, NM 87504 (505)082-8792 William Panitich 855 Central .Ase 8103 Albany. NY 12206 (518)489-4400 Paper Money Institute P 0 Box 85 Oxford, OH 45056 (513)523-6861 Pollard's Coin & Stamp 5220 E 23rd St Indianapolis. IN 46218 (317)547-1306 Rare Coin Inv 22033 Kelly Rd Eastpointe. MI 48021 (810)773-9540 Stanley Morvcz P 0 Box 355 Englewood, 011 45322 (937)898-0114 SilverTowne P 0 Box 424 Winchester, IN 47394 (800)788-7481 Stone Mountain Supply 6820 Mcadowridge Ct Suite A5 Alpharetta, GA 30202 (770)886-3418 Toledo Coin Exch 5590 Monroe St Sylvania, 011 43560 (419)885-3444 William Youngerman P 0 Box 177 Boca Raton, FL 33429 (800)327-5010 s wer N3.41,,NAL MEINgitiNftltitNiCprfiPmkt 431 all Mt", pr 1711) o (f„ CANADIAN BOUGHT AND SOLD • CHARTERED BANKNOTES. • DOMINION OF CANADA. • BANK OF CANADA. • CHEQUES, SCRIP, BONDS & BOOKS. FREE PRICE LIST CHARLES D. MOORE P.O. BOX 5233P WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596-5233 LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. #1995 C.N.A. #143 C.P.M.S. #11 HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS — LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216.884-0701 Page 142 Paper Money Whole No. 196 • UtVia---1(.4 (;I N C • P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 BUYING / SELLING: OBSOLETE CURRENCY NATIONALS, U.S. TYPE, UNCUT SHEETS, PROOFS, SCRIP. Periodic Price Lists available: Obsoletes ($3 applicable to order), Nationals, & U.S. Large & Small Size Type. PHONE or FAX BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, PCDA, ANA, FUN, GENA, ASCC (914)352-9077 BOOKS ON PAPER MONEY & RELATED SUBJECTS The Engraver's Line: An Encyclopedia of Paper Money & National Bank Notes, Kelly 45 Postage Stamp Art, Hessler $85 U.S. National Bank Notes & Their Seals, Prather 40 Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money Paper Money of the U.S., Friedberg. 14th edition 24 Errors, Bart 35 Prisoner of War & Concentration Camp Money of the The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, Hessler 40 20th Century, Campbell Small-Size U.S. Paper Money 1928 to Date, Oakes & 35 U.S. Essay, Proof & Specimen Notes, Hessler 19 Schwartz. Softbound 25 The Houston Heritage Collection of National Bank World Paper Money, 7th edition, general issues 55 Notes 1863-1935, Logan 25 World Paper Money, 7th edition, specialized issues 60 10% off hve or more books / SI IIPPING $3 for one book, $4 for two books, $5 for three or more books. All hooks are in new condition & hardbound unless otherwise stated. CLASSIC COINS — P.O. BOX 95 — Allen, MI 49227 The Nest Egg Photo-Sculpture by Laperruque Constructed with images of world currencies, stocks and bonds. Custom Nest Eggs can be created from F, your paper collectables. C Available through R.M. Smythe & Co. / New York City 800-622-1880 Short Hills Art Gallery / Short Hills, NJ 973-379-5577 PHILLIP B. LAMB, LTD. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, HISTORICAL CONNOISSEUR Avidly Buying and Selling: CONFEDERATE AUTOGRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPHS, DOCUMENTS, TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS, SLAVE PAPERS, U.C.V., OBSOLETE BANK NOTES, AND GENERAL MEMORABILIA. Superb. Prietud■ Service. Displal tag at mat>r major trade Amts. PHILLIP B. LAMB P.O. Box 15850 NEW ORLEANS, LA 70175-5850 504-899-4710 QUARTERLY PRICE LISTS: $8 ANNUALLY WANT LISTS INVITED APPRAISALS BY FEE. s.a , O"A6 A I COLLECT MINNESOTA OBSOLETE CURRENCY and NATIONAL BANK NOTES Please offer what you have for sale. Charles C. Parrish P.O. Box 481 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 (612) 423-1039 SPMC LM114 - PCDA - LM ANA Since 1976 °A"-f.r..Wirrt Strom- FIVE DOLLARS 00001790 DIE HOST NATIONAL BANK OF LE SUEUR MINNESOTA - bAiteitiM 14:•1-1-." 00001790 MYLAR D CURRENCY HOLDERS PRICED AS FOLLOWS BANKNOTE AND CHECK HOLDERS SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000 Fractional 43/4 x 21/4 $17.75 $32.50 $147.00 $255.00 Colonial 5 1/2 x 3V, 6 18.75 35.00 159.00 295.00 Small Currency 6 5/8 x 278 19.00 36.50 163.00 305.00 Large Currency 778 . 31/2 23.00 42.50 195.00 365.00 Auction 9 x 33/4 26.75 50.00 243.00 439.00 Foreign Currency g x 5 30.00 56.00 256.00 460.00 Checks 9 5/8 x 41/4 28.25 52.50 240.00 444.00 SHEET HOLDERS SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250 Obsolete Sheet End Open 81/4 x 141/2 $13.00 $60.00 $100.00 $230.00 National Sheet Side Open 81/2 x 171/2 25.00 100.00 180.00 425.00 Stock Certificate End Open 91/2 x 121/2 12.50 57.50 95.00 212.50 Map and Bond Size End Open 18 x 24 48.00 225.00 370.00 850.00 You may assort noteholders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may assort sheetholders for best price (min. 5 pcs. one size) (min. 10 pcs. total). SHIPPING IN THE U.S. (PARCEL POST) FREE OF CHARGE Mylar D® is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also applies to uncoated archival quality Mylare Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp.. Melinex Type 516. DENLY'S OF BOSTON P.O. Box 1010 617-482-8477 Boston, MA 02205 ORDERS ONLY: 800-HI-DENLY FAX 617-357-8163 Page 143 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Buying & Selling National Bank Notes, Uncut Sheets, Proofs, No. 1 Notes, Gold Certificates, Large-Size Type Error Notes, Star Notes. Commercial Coin Co. P.O. Box 607 Camp Hill, PA 17001 Phone 717-737-8981 Life Member ANA 639 CO PENNSYLVANIA FIVE70 THY MAPCO 077 DP7PAPD IMMILARS F000126A THE CAMP HILL NATIONAL BANK CAMP HILL WANTED WISCONSIN NATIONALS 07777.77,Y. .197.37 4.717:11170131P74-70.A.777 i9ty to*,144, N,vog "aptuak, E -lytrjA-1-1=m 04010 445LICEI tiVAN p 5779 11, 7,77=17CFrAX(71.,71737111771,7,7,7 77.3.X.YI C. Keith Edison P.O. Box 845 Independence, WI 54747-0845 (715) 985-3644 FAX (715) 985-5225 specialized in Poland, litia5ia E.Europe visit us: http://www.atsnotes.com ats@atsnotes.com Buy & Sell Free Price Lisi Tom Slnszkiewicz P.O.Box 54521, Middlegate Postal BURNABY, B.C., CANADA, V5E 4J6 Page 144 Paper Money Whole No. 196 Always Wanted Monmouth County, New Jersey Obsoletes - Nationals - Scrip Histories and Memorabilia Allenhurst - Allentown - Asbury Park - Atlantic Highlands - Belmar Bradley Beach - Eatontown - Englishtown - Freehold - Howell Keansburg - Keyport - Long Branch - Manasquan - Matawan Middletown - Ocean Grove - Red Bank - Sea Bright - Spring Lake N.B. Buckman P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 800-533-6163 Fax: 732/922-5055 ■ • OBSOLETE NOTES ■ • •• Also C5A, Continental & Colonial, Stocks & •2 Bonds, Autographs & Civil War Related • • • • Material. • ■ LARGE CAT. $2.00 Ref.• •• • Always Buying at Top Prices ■ ■ ■ • RICHARD T. HOOBER, JR.■ •■ ■• P.O. Box 3116, Key Largo, FL 33037 • • •FM or Phone (305) 853-0105 • Buying & Selling Foreign Banknotes Send for Free List William H. Pheatt 6443 Kenneth Ave. Orangevale, CA 95662 U.S.A. Phone 916-722-6246 Fax 916-722-8689 CONSIDER donating a subscription of PAPER MONEY to your college alma mater, local historical society or library. A $5 Federal Reserve Bank note. F-782* in EF realized $7,150. A $100 One-Year Note, believed to be unique, realized $8,250. 1.4.4"...NWUK.OPP, 4 }Duncan Nni101101 lirrA ILTATJOUILlt ealize Top Market Price for Your Paper Money! The currency market is hot! In recent months we have seen a tremendous amount of buying activity and invite you to jump on the bandwagon. Consider selling your important notes and currency items in one of our upcoming auctions to be held in New York City or in conjunction with the Suburban Washington/Baltimore Convention. 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