Virtual IPMS 2020

Zoom Virtual IPMS Convention

Friday, June 12, 2020
9 am - Colin Blyth: "Paper Money Guaranty (PMG) - Expert Authentication, Grading & More"
10 AM  - Stane Straus: Polymer Notes
11AM - Neil Shafer and Joel Shafer: Interview about early days of IPMS
12 pm - Joe Boling: The Chesire Faker Redux
1 PM - Ray and Steve Feller: "Money of Japanese Internment Camps in the US"
2 PM - Jonathan Callaway: “Ireland's Paper Currency 1919 to 1929”
3 PM - James Downey: "Divining Order from Chaos: The German Currency Situation as Seen Through the Eyes of the Advancing Allied Armies"
4 pm - Pierre Fricke: Collecting Confederate Paper Money 
5 pm - Lyn Knight: National Bank Notes 
(All Times CDT)

Zoom Meeting ID : 646 731 8755

Password : IPMS2020

Zoom Etiquette for attendees :
Please leave your mic on "MUTE" during the presentation. There will be time for questions at the end. Please type your question in the "chat" box to the right of your screen. If you have a comment, type "STACK" in the chat box and the host will acknowledge you to speak. 

Release Date: 
Tuesday, June 9, 2020