Press Releases

Paper Money Chosen for ANA Award

A panel of judges has selected "Paper Money" to receive the first place award in the specialty category of their annual Club Publications contest. This is a great honor and is to be shared with all of our wonderful authors, columnists, proofreaders and other contributors. Without them, "Paper Money" would not exist.

This award is the culmination of a lot of hard work by many dedicated people who have endured and overcome challenges and obstacles during the past year.

Live Demo of SPMC Obsolete Online Database Project

Project leaders for the SPMC online obsolete database project will host a live demo at the International Paper Money Show in Memphis on Saturday, June 20 at 2pm.  The location will be the Nashville Room at the Sheraton Hotel adjacent to the Convention Center.  

Memphis Speakers Series Schedule Announced


Memphis International Paper Money Show Speakers Series 2015


Benny Bolin - Spencer Clark, the untold true story of the first BEP Director

With permission, Clark put his portrait on the 5c third issue fractional note and has been maligned since.  Much information about Clark is false.  This presentation will set the record straight and trace his life from birth to death.

Joseph Boling - The Cheshire Faker

On-Line Voting for Literary Awards Closes May 22

Voting for literary awards, articles appearing in Paper Money, favorite column and book will close on May 22.

Vote at


On-line Voting for 2014 Literary Awards is Closing Soon

     On-line voting for articles that appeared in Paper Money in 2014 as well as favorite column and book-of-the-year will be closing soon--on May 22. You may vote on your favorite articles in the categories of Confederate, World, Obsolete, Nationals, Small-size and Other Federal as well as your favorite column and book.

     One vote per category is available at

SPMC's Obsoletes Database Project

The Society of Paper Money Collectors is close to launching a test version of a new website dedicated to a census and cataloging of U.S.

Memphis Bourse and Exhibit Applications link

You can now get links for the Memphis International Paper Money Show. Both the bourse application and the exhibit application are located at

Frank Clark Honored with the 2013 Nathan Gold Award

Frank Clark, long time SPMC member and current membership director was awarded the Nathan Gold Award for service at the SPMC breakfast in Memphis. Clark has served in a number of capacities for the SPMC, including multiple stints as governor and two terms as President.  "Frank is a truly dedicated member of the SPMC and is willing to do anything asked" said past President Benny Bolin.  Helping present the award were two recent recipients of the same award, Len Glazer and Allen Mincho. 

Raffle at SPMC Breakfast Goes Big Time!


Every year the Society of Paper Money Collectors hosts its annual breakfast at the International Paper Money Show in Memphis.  A big part of that event is the Tom Bain Raffle -- emceed by the ever ebullient Wendell Wolka -- where prizes of all calibre are given to lucky ticket holders.