Press Releases

Virtual IPMS 2020

Zoom Virtual IPMS Convention

Online Voting for Literary Awards and Registry Sets has begun

Voting for literary awards including articles appearing in Paper Money, favorite column in Paper Money and book of the year has begun.

Go to and enter your votes for best articles, columns and books of 2019.

Go to and enter your votes for best Registry Sets in the Obsoletes Database Project.


A new book that includes Tennessee obsolete currency, discovery banknotes and scrip as well as all existing published currency is available for sale from the authors Dennis Schafluetzel and Tom Carson. It includes a listing of all 3000+ known paper money issued from Tennessee between 1800 and 1959. It covers all paper money issued by: state authorized banks, private / unauthorized banks, the state, counties, cities, private merchants, companies and railroads.

59th Anniversary SPMC Breakfast at Kansas City 2020

The SPMC breakfast is an annual event at the International Paper Money Show. This year it's on Thursday, June 11, 2020, 7:30am, at the Arthur Stillwell Room at Union Station, 30 W. Pershing Rd, Kansas City, MO 64108. 

The Arthur Stilwell Room is a enclosed event venue within Union Station.  The event will still be catered by Harvey's, but the new location will eliminate the ambient noise in Union Station.

Note that the breakfast will held on Thursday instead of Friday due to the schedule change at IPMS.

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Tour

Join us for a free tour of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in conjunction with the International Paper Money Show in Kansas City.  Registration is required at least one week in advance.  The tour is on Wednesday, June 10, and starts at 9:30, but please arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow for a security check.

Log into your SPMC online account and reserve your tickets here:

The Bank Note History Project

As part of its educational mission to promote the study and appreciation of paper money and related financial history, the Society of Paper Money Collectors ( is sponsoring the Bank Note History Project.

SPMC Educational Speakers Forum at FUN 2019

The SPMC Board of Governors will host table number 869 at the Florida United Numismatists Convention in Orlando.  Be sure to stop by to say hello and talk banknotes.

On-line Voting for Literary Awards has begun

Voting for literary awards including articles appearing in Paper Money, favorite column in Paper Money and book of the year has begun.

Go to and enter your votes.  Only one vote per category per person. 

SPMC ODP Registry Set Competition

Dear Obsolete Note Enthusiasts:

This is the first call for participants in SPMC’s first annual ODP Registry Set competition.  The platform is now open for SPMC members to build sets of their favorite obsolete notes.  The goal is for members create educational sets under various themes to show what you know and share what you have.

SPMC Receives Grants Toward Mission

SPMC gratefully acknowledges reciept of a gift of $5,000 from the Eric P. Newman Numismatic Society, and another of the same amount from the National Currency Foundation. Both gifts will be earmarked toward the Society's mission of Education, Research and Outreach (ERO).

"The timing could not be better." said SPMC President Shawn Hewitt.  "As we begin the overhaul of our education efforts, these gifts will help to put more funds into the hands of capable researchers and support our expanded presence at major shows."