
Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Canadian Merchant Scrip
R. J. Graham

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Cases on the Law of Bills and Notes
William Everett Britton

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Catalogo De Billetes Argentinos 1935-1994
Chivilcoy (Editor)

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Catalogo De Billetes De Columbia 1813-2000
Pedro Pablo Hernandez

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Catalogo de las Monedas y Billetes Espanolas
Hnos. Guerra (Editor)

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Catalogo Edifil Espana Monedas y Billetes

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Catalogo Unificato Della Carta-Moneta Italiana
Alfa Edizioni

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Catalogue Illustre Du Papier-Monnaie Luxembourgeois
Willy Schneider

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Catalogue of Confederate and Southern States Currency with Historical Notes
B. M. Douglas; B. H. Hughes

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Catalogue of European Paper Money Since 1900
Albert Pick

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Catalogue of South African Paper Money Sunce 1900
Harold P. Levius

Library  Posted 8 months 3 weeks

Cedulas Do Brasil
Claudio Patrick Amato, Iriel Soares das Neves, Julio Ernesto Schutz

Catalog of banknotes issued by Brazil from 1833-2011, 5th edition. Includes color photos.

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Cedulas Do Brasil 1833 A 2000
Claudio Amato; Irlei S. Neves; Julio E. Schutz

Library  Posted 13 years 9 months

Cedulas Do Brasil 1833 A 2003
Claudio Amato; Irlei S. Neves; Julio E. Schutz

Library  Posted 11 years 2 months

Cedulas Do Brasil 1833 a 2013
C. P. Amato, I. S. das Neves, & J. E. Schutz