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News & Notes Volume III, No. 38

Loren Gatch News & Notes's picture

News & Notes Volume III, No. 37

Loren Gatch News & Notes's picture

News & Notes Volume III, No. 36

Loren Gatch News & Notes's picture

News & Notes Volume III, No. 35

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News & Notes Volume III, No. 34

Loren Gatch News & Notes's picture

News & Notes Volume III, No. 33

Contact Us

Please use this form for questions regarding SPMC membership and our organization. You can start your membership on our Join page. For other questions, please use the General Discussion Forum.  Non-members who would like to contact a member dealer may use our Dealer Directory.  Thank you.

If you would like to renew your membership with a check, please send your dues ($39 for US addresses; $50 for Canada/Mexico; $60 elsewhere) to:

Robert R. Moon
Treasurer, SPMC
104 Chipping Court
Greenwood, SC 29649

Are you already a member and want SPMC website access?  The mailing label on your journal envelope includes your membership number (labeled MEM PMxxxxxx) and PIN (labeled PIN xxxx).  Once you have those, go to www.spmc.org/pin and enter your information.
Need your PIN now? Contact Robert Calderman and include your name, address, and membership number.

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SPMC ODP Registry Set Competition

Dear Obsolete Note Enthusiasts:

This is the first call for participants in SPMC’s first annual ODP Registry Set competition.  The platform is now open for SPMC members to build sets of their favorite obsolete notes.  The goal is for members create educational sets under various themes to show what you know and share what you have.

SPMC Receives Grants Toward Mission

SPMC gratefully acknowledges reciept of a gift of $5,000 from the Eric P. Newman Numismatic Society, and another of the same amount from the National Currency Foundation. Both gifts will be earmarked toward the Society's mission of Education, Research and Outreach (ERO).

"The timing could not be better." said SPMC President Shawn Hewitt.  "As we begin the overhaul of our education efforts, these gifts will help to put more funds into the hands of capable researchers and support our expanded presence at major shows."

SPMC Board Crafts New Mission Statement

The SPMC Board of Governors recently convened and released the following statement:

Education is a huge part of why we exist.  We are rebranding our efforts toward this goal as Education, Research and Outreach (ERO), and reevaluating how we approach all these important aspects of the Society’s mission.  One of our first steps was to recraft our mission statement, which now reads: