On-line Voting for 2014 Literary Awards is Closing Soon

     On-line voting for articles that appeared in Paper Money in 2014 as well as favorite column and book-of-the-year will be closing soon--on May 22. You may vote on your favorite articles in the categories of Confederate, World, Obsolete, Nationals, Small-size and Other Federal as well as your favorite column and book.

     One vote per category is available at https://spmc.org/vote

SPMC's Obsoletes Database Project

The Society of Paper Money Collectors is close to launching a test version of a new website dedicated to a census and cataloging of U.S.

Memphis Bourse and Exhibit Applications link

You can now get links for the Memphis International Paper Money Show. Both the bourse application and the exhibit application are located at http://www.memphisipms.com/AppLanding.asp.