SPMC ODP Registry Set Competition

Dear Obsolete Note Enthusiasts:

This is the first call for participants in SPMC’s first annual ODP Registry Set competition.  The platform is now open for SPMC members to build sets of their favorite obsolete notes.  The goal is for members create educational sets under various themes to show what you know and share what you have.

ODP is the Society of Paper Money Collectors’ online resource called the Obsoletes Database Project.  Started near four years ago, it is a long term project intended to keep a census and track all U.S. obsolete bank notes and scrip with the help of SPMC’s many members deeply interested in this genre of collectible currency.  To date four states and territories are online and considered stable.  Another nine states are actively in the works and targeted for readiness in 2018.  The website is located at https://www.spmc.org/obs/.

The infrastructure allows member collectors to claim ownership of obsolete notes in the database and thereby track their collections.  As an extension, these users may further build virtual sub-collections online, along pre-designated themes or ones of their own creation, add educational content and share them with other collectors.  Sets built to date and shared publicly can be viewed at https://www.spmc.org/obs/set-registry.  Instructions for using ODP and building sets can be found on the FAQ page under “How do I use ODP?”

Later in the spring, voting for your favorite sets will begin.  All SPMC members may cast a vote for each of the designated themes or categories, including sets based on City, State, Design Type, and Vignette.  Winners will be announced at the International Paper Money Show in Kansas City on June 9, who will receive engraved certificates in addition to prizes. 

For help on getting started, please feel free to contact project coordinator Shawn Hewitt at shawn@shawnhewitt.com.  Information about joining SPMC can be found at https://www.spmc.org/signup.

Release Date: 
Wednesday, January 11, 2017