Submitted by Shane Mason on Mon, 01/22/2018 - 11:23
I came across this T-68 while looking to thin my collection some. I noticed that in the margin there is an odd script. It appears to say "McCown." The only reference I have yet found to this is Col. James McCown, 5th Reg. MO volunteers, whose regiment seemed to be in continuous battle, from about 1862 to 1864. Could this be relevant? Why would his name be in the margin of a sheet? Why is there anything in the sheet margin? There are no special endorsements or field issuances on the back.
Thanks in advance
If this name is in black ink
If this name is in black ink on the front of the note it is probably "McGown," who was one of the Scottish lithographers hired by the Treasury-note Bureau. You will find his name in the margins of raw sheets of T-68 notes. Best regards, Mike McNeil