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Table of Contents
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SPRING 1964 No. 2
Caciet# ei Paper litane9 Collecter.4
C) 1964 by The Society of Paper Money Collectors
(blank page)
Paper alone
VOL 3, NO. 2 WHOLE NO. 10
Editor Barbara R. Mueller, 523 E. Linden Dr., Jefferson, Wis.
Assistant Editor Fred R. Marckhoff, 552 Park St., Elgin, Ill.
Direct only manuscripts and advertising matter to the Editor.
Direct all other correspondence about membership affairs,
address changes, back numbers and sample copies of Paper
Money to the Secretary, George W. Wait, Box 165, Glen Ridge,
N. J.
Membership in the Society of Paper Money Collectors, includ-
ing a subscription to Paper Money, is available to all interested
and responsible collectors upon proper application to the Secre-
tary and payment of a fee. Paper Money is not otherwise
One Time Yearly
Outside Rear Cover $35.00 $130.00
Inside Front & Rear Cover 32.50 120.00
Full Page 27.50 100.00
Half Page 17.50 60.00
Quarter Page 10.00 35.00
The right is reserved to reject any advertisement.
SOPMC News and Notes 31
The Background of Confederate Currency, by Arlie R. Slabaugh 33
Minor Variations in Goldbacks, by The Rev. Frank H. Hutchins 35
The 1935 D $1.00 Silver Certificates, by George W. Killian 36
Bank Notes: "Broken," "Obsolete," "Historical," by C. E. Wismer Osmun 37
The Ghetto Litzmannstadt and Its Money, by David Atsmony 39
The Small One Dollar Bill, by H. N. Schwartz 42
The Trading Post 44
How and What to Write for This Magazine, by Barbara R. Mueller 44
India Paper, by Clarence W. Brazer 45
Secretary's Report 46
Cocietv oi Paper 1itone9 Collector,
President Thomas C. Bain, 3717 Marquette Dr., Dallas 25, Tex.
Vice President Dr. Julian Blanchard, 1 Sheridan Sq., New York 14, N. Y.
Secretary George W. Wait, Box 165, Glen Ridge, N. J.
Glenn B. Smedley, 1127 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, Ill.
Historian-Curator Earl Hughes
Attorney Ellis Edlow
Charles J. Affleck, Hank Bieciuk, Julian Blanchard, Robert H. Dickson, Ben Douglas,
Michael Kolman, Jr., Morris H. Loewenstern, Fred R. Marckhoff, Julian Marks,
Arlie Slabaugh, John H. Swanson
SOPMC News and Notices
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Now Incorporated
June 2, 1964, was a new day for the Society of Paper Money Collectors, for on
that day we were officially incorporated in the District of Columbia.
Our secretary, Mr. George W. Wait, has received the seal, so we will be operating
as a non-profit corporation at our Annual Meeting in Cleveland.
We want to thank our member and legal advisor, Mr. Ellis Edlow, for his untiring
efforts in getting the organization incorporated.
Our official name is now Society of Paper Money Collectors, Incorporated.
Announcement of Writing Awards for 1965
SOPMC Magazine
Mr. B. M. Douglas of our Board of Governors has announced that he will again
give two awards for the best articles in PAPER MONEY for 1965. He has given these
awards for 1964, and they will be presented at our Annual Meeting in Cleveland.
For you new members who would be interested in writing an article for PAPER
MONEY, these awards will consist of a $10 gold piece to be given to the writer of the
best article and a $2 1/9 gold piece for the second best article published prior to the
Summer 1965 issue. Winners must be members of the Society. While more than
one article may be submitted, no one may win more than one award. The winning
article will be chosen by a committee of Officers or Governors of the Society, ap-
pointed by the President. Officers of the Society, including Governors, are ineligible
for awards.
The Douglas Awards should provide the added incentive for each member to try
his hand as a writer and send in an article on his favorite pastime of currency.
Our Society now has over 600 members, and we hope each one will write an
article for PAPER MONEY in the near future.
In Appreciation
The Society of Paper Money Collectors wants to thank Mrs. C. Elizabeth Osmun
for her contribution toward the D. C. Wismer Award for the best display of Obsolete
Paper Money at the 1964 A. N. A. Annual Convention in Cleveland.
Mr. Wismer, father of Mrs. Osmun, was one of the early collectors of obsolete
currency and assisted many young collectors over the years.
Mrs. Osmun, we want to thank you very much for this contribution.
Thos. C. BAIN. President, SOPMC
Librarian's Report
I regret that I cannot report any progress in building up a library or in circu-
lating books. Thus far only two or three donations have been made.
Our plan for a circulating library has a potential for great service to our growing
membership. Please help us realize it by contributing books, pamphlets, back num-
bers of magazines, auction catalogs, banking histories, etc., all bearing on our special
branch of numismatics.
All donations will be listed and acknowledged here.
EARL HUGHES, Librarian
R. R. 2
Mitchell, Indiana
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
The Background of Confederate Currency
By Arlie R. Slabaugh
The 1850s in United States history might be called
the "Decade of Disruption." There were numerous de-
bates in Congress concerning the question of slavery:
When new states, such as Kansas and Nebraska entered
the Union, were they to be slave or free states? The
people, too, were hotly involved in the question of
whether or not the United States should sanction slavery.
Great Britain had abolished slavery some years before.
I should like to point out, however, that the abolition
of slavery in Great Britain had not been so much for
humanitarian as for economic reasons. Under the mer-
cantile system of trade, slavery had been a profitable
institution. With the rise of the Industrial Revolution in
the early 1800s, slavery became unprofitable in Great
Britain, as it did in the highly industrialized northern
states in America, while the South remained more or less
a land of plantations.
South Carolina seceded on December 20, 1860. Fort
Sumter fell on April 14, 1861. On May 6, the Confede-
rate Congress declared war upon the United States. But
until the first battle of Bull Run on July 16, 1861, the
whole thing was considered more or less as a local up-
rising that would be squelched as soon as the Union
troops moved in. Until that time everything had been
rather brotherly—"I wouldn't want to be seen with you
at the front door, but we can talk at the back."
Numismatically, we can see the truth of this. The first
issue of Confederate notes issued at Montgomery was
printed in the North before Bull Run and openly bears
the imprint of the National Bank Note Company. But
the next issue, from Richmond, and which usually bears
the dates of August or September, 1861, only a month
or two after Bull Run, bears the imprint of the "Southern
Bank Note Company" rather than the true name of
American Bank Note Company.
That it was actually the American Bank Note Company
can be proven by two notes: (11 Bank of Lexington,
North Carolina, printed before the war, and which bears
the vignette of Industry and Agriculture seated on a
cotton bale. The note, bears the imprint of the American
Bank Note Company. The same vignette appears on the
$50 Richmond note of 1861, with the so-called Southern
Bank Note Company imprint. The American Bank Note
Company had a bad habit of using their vignettes over
and over again: After the war we find the same vignette
again appearing under their imprint on a South Carolina
Railroad Ten Fare ticket of 1873.
Except for later notes, many of the Confederate note
designs originally appeared on Northern bank notes.
Navigation seated beside globe and charts is a good
example. This vignette appeared on a $5 note of the
Ship Builders Bank, Rockland, Maine, during the 1850s.
Following the war, we find the same vignette again ap-
pearing on a bank draft of the Bank of California, pay-
able in gold coin. Both bear the American Bank Note
Company imprint, the pre-war note being of Rawdon,
Wright, Hatch & Edson, which later became part of the
American Bank Note Company. On Confederate notes
this particular vignette appears on a $20 note of Septem-
ber 2, 1861, printed by the Southern Bank Note Com-
pany, in reality a new name for the New Orleans branch
of the American Bank Note Company. The vignettes
have definitely not been copied in this case because they
are identical to, and show the superior quality of, work
done by the American Bank Note Company.
The main printers of Confederate notes during the last
two years was Keatinge & Ball. Mr. Keatinge was an en-
graver from Great Britain who was employed by the
American Bank Note Company. In 1861 he moved
South, formed a partnership with Thomas A. Ball and
began producing paper money for the southern states.
While much of his work is original, other notes contain
the same vignettes as earlier appeared on pre-war notes.
It has been generally believed that these vignettes were
copied. Perhaps so. But, as the vignettes so used are
always of kinds earlier used on notes produced by the
American Bank Note Company, I am inclined to believe
that when he left their employ he brought a number of
their transfers with him for the express purpose of using
them on southern currency. He may have purchased
them outright or there may have been an understanding
between him and the American Bank Note Company.
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VOL. 3, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 33
In any case, I would like to offer as an example a note
produced in 1863 for Mechanics Savings Bank, Atlanta,
Ga. by Keatinge & Ball. If the center vignette was copied,
why, may I ask, did Keatinge & Ball place the initials
"R W & H" on the cotton bale? These initials stand for
Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, one of the predecessors of the
American Bank Note Company. Obviously the vignette
came directly from a transfer he obtained from the
American Bank Note Company because after the war,
we again see the same vignette, this time under the name
of its true owner, on a $1 note of the South Carolina
The Mississippi State notes with written dates of 1861,
1862 and 1863 show further proof of the connection of
the American Bank Note Company, the Southern Bank
Note Company, and Keatinge & Ball. The $100 note
illustrates this. These notes were printed before June,
1861, or before Bull Run, so they openly bear the im-
print of the American Bank Note Company, New York
and New Orleans. The New Orleans part of the firm is
the one that deemed it advisable to assume the name of
Southern Bank Note Company after Bull Run. Now,
examine a $1 Florida State note. It has the same vi-
gnette, Negro with basket of cotton, as appears on the
Mississippi note. But the note is printed by Keatinge &
Ball. However, the background differs in the distance,
so the vignette in this instance has either been copied or
altered to avoid embarrassing the American Bank Note
Company, whose imprint was appearing on the Missis-
sippi notes at the same time. The American Bank Note
Company could undoubtedly tell us much about Confede-
rate notes—but their records are a closed book.
reads, showing how easy it was to smuggle goods across
the lines in the early days of the War. Of course, Balti-
more was a hothouse of secession, but I hardly think this
would have allowed them to commit the error that ap-
pears on this note that of placing the Maryland State
arms on a note of Virginia. The Camden County note
also contains an error, that of having the word "Carolina"
spelled "Carolna." Both were the result of wartime rush
and shortage of type. (Beware of fakes of the "Carolna"
Prior to the war, we see some evidences of propaganda
at play on southern banknotes printed in the North. For
example, the Bank of Virginia $20 note shows two women
holding a scroll which reads "Free and Independent
States." On the Bank of Wadesborough, N. C. $5 note,
the flag bears the inscription, "The Constitution and the
Union." On the northern note of Adrian Insurance Co.,
Adrian, Michigan, $1, we seen an overseer watching men
reap grain. Transferred to the $5 Planters Bank of Fair-
field, Winnsboro, South Carolina, the workers have been
altered to slaves picking cotton.
Once the Civil War was under way, bank notes became
redeemable in Confederate currency, and southern vi-
gnettes gradually replaced those of the North. An inter-
esting example is a note issued by the Mechanics Savings
& Loan Association, Savannah, Georgia, which shows a
U. S. quarter dollar. First printings bore the words
"United States of America" on the quarter, but this was
later chiseled off the cut and removed. A 25c note of
the Augusta Savings Bank shows the first Confederate
Still another example of the use of the same vignettes
is that of the Bank of Chicago, the center vignette of
which later appeared on the wrongly dated $10 Confede-
rate note of September 2, 1862.
Some notes bear obvious copies of vignettes, and not
very good ones at that. Consider the girl appearing on
the Chicago County Bank, Taylor Falls, Minnesota, note
which later appeared on a $2 note issued by the State
of Missouri.
So far we have mentioned both Confederate and State
issues in addition to those issued by banks. But paper
money was also issued in the South by Counties, Cities
and individuals. Examples are the Winchester, Virginia
notes and Camden County, North Carolina notes. The
Winchester $1 note was printed in Baltimore and so
Confederate and southern state notes sometimes bore
the same vignettes. An example that goes even further
is the $50 Confederate note of July 25, 1861 which pic-
tures Washington and Tellus. The same vignettes appear
on Florida state notes and on a $1.50 note of the South-
ern Manufacturer's Bank in Richmond, all printed by
Hoyer & Ludwig.
As earlier mentioned, towards the end of the conflict
Keatinge & Ball printed the bulk of the Confederate cur-
rency. For this they were paid in gold. But for frac-
tional amounts to pay their workers, they printed their
own scrip because there was no coin in circulation. They
apparently did not flood the country with it as was the
case with the Confederate notes they printed because this
scrip is now very rare.
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
An example of Keatinge & Ball's original work is the
$500 note of 1864. It was probably not produced until
late in the war as indicated by the plain back. All of
the other denominations except the lowest contain printed
backs, which would be even more important on the high-
est denomination of this issue. Apparently the rush and
confusion of the last months of the war prevented getting
a reverse plate made.
What was life like during the Civil War? Judging by
the newspapers, until near the end, or until Sherman
Notes of the Bank of the State of Georgia are often
found stamped "Paid 25% Gold." Bank of Augusta,
Georgia notes are sometimes seen with a stamp mark
reading "84 62/100% Paid." Still, some notes appar-
ently did not lose all their value after the banks recovered
following the war, as shown by a note of the Traders
Bank in Richmond which bears a stamp marking show-
ing that it was paid in 1882.
Mississippi issued notes which stated that cotton was
pledged for their redemption. Since they could not sell
started marching through Georgia, life went on as nor-
mally as could be expected in wartime. I have a num-
ber of southern newspapers of the Civil War, and the
one thing that stands out is the lack of censorship. The
war should have been easy for any general who read the
newspapers. The southern papers printed exact accounts
from New York on Northern troop movements, while at
the same time telling exactly where Stonewall Jackson
was at the moment, and with how many men and guns.
No one ever needed any spies to know what the other side
was doing. While the editors tended to favor the south-
ern side, if the Confederates were routed, they admitted
it. The government was attacked when they saw fit.
Slaves were still bought and sold as were new fall and
winter clothes, insurance policies and cooking extracts.
The price of a newspaper seems to have risen a dollar
a year during the war, but I do not consider that unusual
in view of the widespread depreciation of the currency.
Thus, in 1863 the Camden Confederate newspaper was
selling at $3 per year of 52 issues, or about 6 cents a
copy. That the Confederate States had inflation and had
it badly can be seen more readily by examining certain
bank notes.
the cotton because of the blockade, the following issue
was redeemed in "Faith."
In an effort to reduce the amount of currency in circu-
lation, the Confederate States issued interest hearing
notes in 1862 which it hoped the people would hold as a
security. These bear interest paid markings on the re-
verse. Under the Act of March 23, 1863, earlier issues
of Confederate notes were to be withdrawn and replaced
with the 1863 issue. Many were never turned in, and of
those that were, some were re-issued by stamping with a
red or black stamp reading "February (or March). 1861,
Accepted as a Note Issued under Act of Congress of
March 23, 1863."
Confederate notes were counterfeited just as has been
every other kind of money since it was introduced. In
the North, S. C. Upham produced imitation Confederate
notes which are easily detected even though his adver-
tisement at the bottom is sometimes cut off. However,
these were an irritation in the South also, as they were
often brought in by Northern soldiers.
Such is my introduction to Southern currency, the
mirror of a war and a tenacious way of life.
To assure receipt of magazines, members should promptly notify the
Secretary of any change in addresses.
ssn-ul-r ssn-ar-r
ssn-ar-r ssn-ar-I lsn-ar-r Isn-ar-I
ur-1 ar-1
ar-1 ar-r
ssn-ur-4 ssn-ar-4
ssn-ar-4 ssn-ar-8 lsn-ar-4 lsn-ar-8
VOL. 3, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 35
Minor Variations in Goldbacks
By The Rev. Frank H. Hutchins
It is more difficult to write about the gold certificates
than any other U. S. paper because possession of them
has been illegal for so long a period. Some goldbacks
do continue to exist, however, and from them it is pos-
sible to come to certain definite conclusions about the
minor variations that exist in these, as well as in the
legals and the silvers. I covered the latter in my article
on "Minor Variations in the Large Size Notes" in Paper
Money in the Summer 1962 issue, Vol. 1, No. 3.
The small size gold certificates present no variations.
but the goldbacks have the same degree and type of varia-
tions as the silvers and legals do, with one addition.
That is the enlargement, on the tens and fifties, of the
serial numbers in the middle of the term of office of
Speelman and White.
As in the case of both the silver and the legal fives
and tens, the goldbacks also had a change in the position
of the plate numbers on their obverses, from a position
under the left-hand check letter on the tens and under
the right-hand check letter on the twenties and the fifties,
to one uniformly after the right-hand check letter, in the
term of office of Teehee and Burke. Following this, how-
ever, none was issued in any denomination until the term
of office of Speelman and White, so that it was at this
time that all other changes were made. These were of
two sorts: 1) the shift of the plate number on the reverses
of the tens from the upper right to the upper left-hand
corner, of those on the twenties from the upper left to the
upper right-hand corner, and of those on the fifties from
a position to the right of the lower semicircle of the
central design to one to the left of it, or what has been
described as a shift from an eight-o'clock to a four-
o'clock position; 2) the increase in the size of the serial
numbers of the tens and fifties mentioned above. These
had always been reasonably large, but in the middle of
the term of office of Speelman and White they were made
Nor were these changes made consistently, some of
each denomination appearing with ordinary-size serial
numbers and the reverse plate number in the old position,
some with the ordinary-size serial numbers and the re-
verse plate number in the new position, some with the
unusually large serial numbers and the reverse plate
number in the old position, and some with the unusually
large serial numbers and the reverse plate number in the
new position. The following table shows all of the varie-
ties that I have found, and of these I am still in the
market myself for an 1198 and a 1200 ssn-ar-8, neither
of which have I been able to procure.
ssn—small serial numbers
lsn—large serial numbers
ul—plate number
ur—plate number
ar—plate number
under left-hand check letter
under right-hand check letter
after right-hand check letter
I—plate number in upper left-hand corner
r—plate number in upper right-hand corner
4—plate number to right of lower semicircle,
or at a 4 o'clock position
8—plate number to left of lower semicircle,
or at an 8 o'clock position
I67—Vernon-Treat $10.00
168—Vernon-McClung $10.00
169—Napier-McClung $10.00
170—Napier-Thompson $10.00
171—Parker-Burke $10.00
172—Teehee-Burke $10.00
173—Speelman-White $10.00
181—Vernon-Treat $20.00
182—Vernon-McClung $20.00
183—Napier-McClung $20.00
181 Napier-Thompson $20.00
185—Parker-Burke $20.00
I86—Teehee-Burke $20.00
187—Speelman-White $20.00
198—Parker-Burke $50.00
I99—Teehee-Burke $50.00
200--Speelman-White $50.00
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
The 1935 D $1.00 Silver Certificates
By George W. Killian
The 1935 D Silver Certificates bear the signature; of
Georgia Neese Clarke (the first woman to hold the post
of Treasurer of the United States) and John W. Snyder
as Secretary of the Treasury; therefore, the 1935 D's
were printed between June 21, 1949 and January 20,
1953, the dates they were in office together. Thus the
1935 D Silver Certificates were current during Harry
S. Truman's administration.
From the time the 1935's were first issued (in 1935),
there had been no significant change in their design
until during the production of the 1935 D's. During
the production of the 1935 D's the reverse plates were
altered to slightly reduce the vertical height of the de-
sign. The change may be most readily seen by examin-
ing a 1935 C and a 1935 E Silver Certificate. The "C"
note will have a wider portion of the design below the
words ONE DOLLAR while the "E" will have a narrower
portion of the design under the words ONE DOLLAR.
The 1935 D Silver Certificate may be found with
both types of backs. The wider back (as on the 1935 C)
is usually referred to as type I or W (Wide), while
the narrow back (as on the 1935 El is referred to as
type II, or N (Narrow).
The rear plate numbers used for printing type I backs
have numbers below approximately 5000, while the type
II's are printed from rear plates having numbers above
approximately 5000. [The number 5000 is picked from
observation and is not to be considered official. The
highest and lowest rear plate numbers I have seen on
types I and II are 4971 and 5081, respectively. The
change must have occurred between these numbers].
As pointed out in the article entitled Current Currency
in the Spring 1963 issue of PAPER MONEY, our dollars
are serially numbered with the first one hundred million
notes having numbers with the letters A .... A; the
next one hundred million notes with the letters B .... A
and so on. I can not give the earliest official letter
combination on the 1935 D's, but the earliest I have seen
is in the T E series, and the latest I have seen is
in the M G series. There is no specific serial letter
combination after which one can say all notes will have
type II backs. This results from the fact that the Bureau
of Printing and Engraving prints the front and backs
in separate printing operations and then later applies
the serial numbers. Accordingly, while there is a clear
change in the back starting with a particular rear plate
number, stocks of both types of backs were available
and printed with fronts and then numbered.
Therefore, it is possible to find 1935 D Silver Certifi-
cates with type II backs that have earlier serial numbers
(including the letters, of course) than some of the 1935
D's with type I backs. For example, I have a 1935 D
in the M F series with a type II back, and one in
the E G series having a type I back. I also have
1935 D's in the P F series with both types of backs
and with serial numbers differing by less than 25. In
addition I have several sets of 1935 D's that have con-
secutive serial numbers but which have different backs.
This condition occurs when sheets with both types of
backs are interleaved and then serially numbered.
There is another area of general interest concerning
a change in the 1935 D series, or more specifically a
change between the 1935 D's and the 1935 E's, that is
not generally known. The 1935 D's and earlier notes
were printed in sheets of 12, while the 1935 E's were
printed in sheets of 18. At the time this change was
made, a change was also made in the technique for
serially numbering the notes. With the 1935 D's and
earlier $1.00 Silver Certificates, one could divide the
serial number by six and the remainder would be the
numerical equivalent (or six less than the numerical
equivalent) of the position letter located in the upper
left hand corner on the face of the bill. The following
chart indicates the remainder and the corresponding
position letters:
Remainder Letters
0 A, G
1 B, H
2 C, 1
3 D, J
4 F, K
5 F, L
This, of course, means that consecutively numbered
certificates were from different positions. But surpris-
ingly enough, 12 consecutively numbered notes of the
1935 D series were not from all 12 possible positions.
Instead, a group of consecutively numbered notes would
come from positions A to F or G to L but not A to L.
I can speculate that these facts mean either: a) The
original sheet of 12 notes is cut in half before numbers
are added and the numbering machine will only accom-
modate a sheet of six notes, or b) The numbering
machine will accommodate the sheet of 12 notes but
that a large block of numbers is reserved for positions
A to F and an equivalent block for positions G to L.
In either case, since all numbers on a given half sheet
are consecutive, the counters for each position must
advance six after each impression. That is. notes from
the same position on consecutive sheets will have serial
numbers differing by six. In either case, if pre-printed
sheets with both types of backs were interleaved and
then serially numbered, notes would be produced having
consecutive serial numbers but different type backs. In
any case, two such notes would have to come from
different sheets because all notes on a given sheet have
the same back.
David Cassel Wismer, pioneer bank note dealer
and student.
VOL. 3, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 37
Bank Notes
By C. E. Wismer
( EDITOR'S NOTE: Terminology in the paper money collect-
ing field leaves much to be desired. A prime example of mis-
leading terminology is "broken hank notes." This term is
not only inaccurate but reflects a bad image of the entire
hobby. In an effort to achieve clarity and brighten this
image in the public eye, Mrs. C. Elizabeth Wismer Osmun,
daughter of the late paper money pioneer, D. E. Wismer,
has submitted the following discussion. I-ler aim, like that
of such hobby leaders as George Wait, is to replace "broken
hank notes" with a more accurate term.)
The connotations of a word or term have great im-
portance. Therefore, terminology should be selected
with accuracy. The terms in the title of this article are
all correct, and you may choose whichever appeals to
you. In fact, in Scott's Paper Money Catalogue, edition
of 1894 prepared by Lyman Low, this material was
designated "uncurrent bank notes."
The late D. C. Wismer, pioneer authority on bank
notes who devoted 59 years to study and research of
banks and bank notes covering the era from 1781 to
1866, commented on the deceiving terminology in his
business letters.
In answering one of his customer's letters, he wrote
in the 1930s: "I have some bank notes to offer but none
are broken; some are torn and ragged. If you want
bank notes, say bank notes. There are only bank notes
in my own collection and script (paper money not issued
by bank), etc."
In another letter dated Feb. 15, 1937, he wrote, "I
would be greatly obliged to you if you would discontinue
the use of the term 'broken bank notes.' As a matter
of fact, it was started by a few dealers in 1905.* The
Hon. John Jay Knox in his 880 page book A History
of Banking in The United States, published in 1900,
never used 'broken' when writing about the early banks
and their issues . . . ."
One of the reasons for using the word "broken" is
revealed in D. C. Wismer's letter dated May 26, 1939:
"After the bank notes were discontinued in 1866, they
were called 'obsolete bank notes' until about 1905. A
paper money dealer then saw a note stamped 'broken
bank' and started to call all the old notes 'broken bank
notes' because he knew that many of the banks were in
operation, and he could get the notes cashed by the
bank of issue. One paper money man, a very eccentric
person, had a list printed of the good banks of which
he wanted notes. The current price he paid, or did not
* George Wait has examined a document of the Civil War
period that refers to "broken, closed and worthless banks."
It also refers to a specific note as being "altered from a
broken bank."
pay if he could avoid it, was 10c to 25c for notes he
could cash in at face value from $5 to $10 or more,
depending upon denomination.
"For a number of years dealers and collectors have
followed suit in using the word 'broken,' but I have been
writing to many of them in an effort to have the use
of the word discontinued. My advice is followed now by
many, and I am in hopes of eliminating it altogether.
"These old bank notes have a great historic value
because our present currency is a direct descendant of
the old bank notes and paper money as formerly current.
Most of the notes were printed from steel engraved
plates that were the work of the best artists of the period
and are real works of art. Of course, the good, genuine
bank notes are becoming very rare. One drawback is
that there are many counterfeits of the genuine notes.
You ought to see one of those old Counterfeit Detectors
that every business man was almost compelled to have
on hand to know the notes that were imitations, etc."
Finally, another D. C. Wismer letter of 1937, referring
to the West River Bank of Jamaica, Vermont, reads:
"Until liquidation was completed, all or any of those
West River Bank notes that were issued by the bank
and presented for payment were redeemed. What is the
sense of calling these notes by that old term 'broken
bank notes' that meant that the bank had failed and
was intended to give the bank a bad name, when in many
cases the notes were fully paid?"
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
Illustrated here is a $5 note of the Piscataqua Ex-
change Bank of Portsmouth, N. H. Its history empha-
sizes the error in calling all obsolete bank notes "broken
bank notes." The Piscataqua Bank was established in
1824; the name was changed to The Piscataqua Ex-
change Bank in 1844. It continued with that title until
1863 when it converted to the First National Bank. All
of the issued and signed Piscataqua Exchange Bank
Notes were redeemed in gold and silver coins of the
United States as far as is known.
This is a typical example of notes redeemed in the
1863-65 period after the National Bank Act was passed.
Approximately 922 state banks were converted to na-
tional banks during the three-year period. After all
had changed to national banks, they listed "state bank
notes outstanding" together with the estimated amount of
money held for their redemption under "Liabilities" on
their statements.
Some of the banks that are still operating will redeem
their obsolete notes issued under state charter. Thus, the
term "broken bank notes" is not only misleading but
in some cases, downright false. Moreover, the broken
bank note term should never apply to scrip and southern
state notes. Obviously, then, the better term is "obsolete
bank note," with the adjective "historical" added when
more description is needed.
The 1935 D $1.00 Silver Certificates
(Cont'd. from Page 36.)
Therefore the consecutive notes with different backs
(change-over pairs) would have to be from the last posi-
tion of one of the halves of the original sheet of 12
(position F or Ll and from the first position of the
corresponding half of the next original sheet of 12
(position A or G). That is, the change-over pairs could
only be from positions F and A or L and G, but either
position could be type I or type II. All change-over
pairs I have, or have seen, are from the positions as
Starting with the 1935 E's, the serial numbering
technique changed so that 8000 consecutive numbers
were all from the same position. This new numbering
technique is used on all bills in current production ex-
cept that with the 1957's and 1963's, 20,000 consecu-
tive numbers are from one position. The relationship
between the serial numbers and positions of the 1957
series of Silver Certificates is disclosed in an article in
the Summer 1963 issue of PAPER MONEY. The same
relationship is used for the new $1.00 Federal Reserve
Notes. As a result of carelessness on my part, the lay-
out of the 32 positions is not shown correctly in the cited
article. The Treasury Department has now indicated
that the layout is:
A2 E2 A4 E4
B2 F2 B4 F4
C2 G2 C4 G4
D2 H2 D4 H4
I have been advised that the last of the 1935 D's were
printed by the process used for the 1935 E's. If this
is correct, it would mean that 1935 D's are available
from positions M to R and that on these 1935 D's the
remainder, when the serial number is divided by six,
will not indicate the position as described above. I
will appreciate the opportunity to see a 1935 D that came
from an original sheet of 18 and will swap a crisp
uncirculated change-over pair for a crisp uncirculated
sample of such a 1935 D. Although the data given is
believed to be reliable and accurate, it should be under-
stood that all information is based on observations and
deductions only.
The author will welcome any additional information
that any reader can provide concerning the 1935 D
Silver Certificates.
.9er 2ttIttste ber 3tOcn
to ittp■AnnstAb
VOL. 3, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 39
The Ghetto Litzmannstadt and Its Money
By David
Lodz, the second largest city in Poland, had been
known until World War II for its very fine textile in-
dustry. This city used to be called the "Polish Man-
chester." The Jews in Lodz, a minority of about 20,000,
held a key position in the textile industry of this city
and its trade. Soon after the Nazi invasion of Poland,
the name Lodz was changed by them to Litzmannstadt,
in memory of a German officer who was killed near Lodz
in the First World War.
When the Nazis entered Lodz, the darkest days of the
Middle Ages returned to the Jewish population. They
were deprived of all civil rights. Robbery, manslaughter
and banditry were their daily bread. In February, 1940.
all Jews were confined to a special quarter surrounded
by a high wall of barbed wire. This was the "Ghetto
Litzmannstadt." It is interesting to note that the mean-
ing of the word "ghetto" in Italian is an "iron foundry."
In the 16th century, the so-called "Jewish Quarters" in
Venice were located near a famous iron foundry.
By order of the German authorities special notes were
issued for the use of the Jews. The "Jewish Elderman in
Litzmannstadt" (Der Aelteste der Juden in Litzmann-
stadt), M. Rumkovsky, was made responsible for the
printing of these notes. The "Central Finance" Pool of
the Ghetto was ordered to execute the job.
The purposes of the Germans were: a) to isolate the
Jews in the Ghetto and to prevent them from getting in
touch with the world outside the wire fence, and b) plain
The 1 mark Litzmannstadt note, obverse and reverse.
guilt:tarts tibrif
-***10131X4:404 114 "otliirofitiroltwo;44o0o. "orsokoollgoo
*irk _ AtAkiloliktromoor,o,1104;diroostoomitor
Alto. Atolf, :0141).fimptititoifoono.,49,46.0,4"
JOAO 1; Mr
Neroli, 47417 147,21,
....*:....ollte.elf.*:1), o" *we; ;troawslifoo w! to; Aoliwoomplitiroitoom,. . 1. sitwollttrooltoro.414.-
.. '3104** ' " t ,•."' - ' soroAKIEWINImita• qr r - W impinge
74' '
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
legal robbery. In house-to-house searches (Aktion), the
Germans confiscated all money and valuables possessed
by the Jews and in exchange gave "receipts" (Quittung
in German ) which, of course, had no practical value.
The notes were printed in the Ghetto printing house in
denominations of 50 pfennig, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50
marks. The 10 and 20 mark notes were printed on two
kinds of paper, both with and without watermarks. They
were dated 15th May 1940 and signed by the Jewish
Elderman, M. Rumkovsky. Each note had an imprint of
the David Shield and the seven pointed candlestick.
The Elderman invited the well-known painter Brauner
to draw a sketch of the notes. The artist drew one
worthy of his calling, i.e., on the background of a rising
sun there was a man angrily shaking off his chains. The
Elderman was furious with rage and tore the fine sketch
to pieces.
The notes were of great value in the Ghetto, especially
after they were first issued and could buy the very few
necessities and services available. Some printers forged
the notes and put them into circulation very successfully,
but their brilliance turned out to be their trap. They
The 20 mark Litzmannstadt note, obverse and reverse.
VOL. 3, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 41
started to circulate the 2 mark notes even before the
authorities issued genuine notes!
After an extensive search, the Ghetto authorities located
the counterfeiters and handed them over to the Nazis.
While cross-examining the accused men, the Germans
found that the forgers were highly skilled craftsmen.
They were, therefore, transferred to the Sachsenhausen
concentration camp and attached to a group which was
counterfeiting the notes of the Bank of England.
As the paper used for printing the Ghetto notes was
of a very low quality, they were replaced with minted
aluminum coins, the 10 pfennig in 1942, and the 5, 10
and 20 marks in 1943.
In 1944 the Ghetto was liquidated by the Nazis. The
Jews were deported to the gas chambers of Auschwitz
and Chelmno. There the Nazis found the "final solution"
for the remnants of the once brilliant and famous Jewish
community of Lodz.
IIA •ILTiiTt Oil /UPI•
111 1{171A/ VISTAIT
ttverAso ran agrAi OR I:IIInsiAt AAA AvAeol own, 0111AMICIII
vilAA.AA *51'
A IA striAilf,"••,11IsTAAor
The 50 pfennig Litzmannstadt note, obverse and reverse.
at the GEORGE WASHINGTON HOTEL in downtown
SEPTEMBER 18, 19 & 20, 1964
COIN AUCTION to be conducted by PAUL SEITZ
Friday Evening and Saturday Afternoon
Show opens—Friday, 1 p. m. to 10 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. to 10 p. m.; Sunday, 12 noon to 6 p. m.
Children Under 12 Admitted With Adults Only
Hosted by SHENANDOAH NUMISMATIC SOCIETY, Winchester, Virginia
Re-enactment of the BATTLE OF OPEQUON or WINCHESTER will be staged by reacti-
vated Civil War infantry, cavalry and artillery units Saturday afternoon.
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
The Small One Dollar Bill
By H. N. Schwartz
FR. Signatures
Tenure Length of Time
No. Treasurer of U. S. Secretary of Treasury Note Began Ended Yrs. Mo. Days
1400 H. T. Tate A. W. Mellon 1928 4-30-28 1-17-29 0 8 16
1401 Walter 0. Woods A. W. Mellon 1928A 1-18-29 2-12-32 3 0 25
1402 Walter 0. Woods Ogden L. Mills 1928B 2-13-32 3- 3-33 I 0 18
1403 Walter 0. Woods W. H. Woodin I928C 3- 4-33 5-31-33 0 2 27
1384 Walter 0. Woods W. H. Woodin 1928 3- 4-33 5-31-33 0 2 27
1404 W. A. Julian W. H. Woodin I928D
1405 W. A. Julian Henry Morganthau, Jr. 1928E I- 1-34 7-22-45 11 6 22
1406 W. A. Julian Henry Morganthau, Jr. 1934
1407 W. A. Julian Henry Morganthau, Jr. 1935
1408 W. A. Julian Henry Morganthau, Jr. 1935A
2126 W. A. Julian Henry Morganthau, Jr. 1935A
2127 W. A. Julian Henry Morganthau, Jr. 1935A
1412 W. A. Julian Henry Morganthau, Jr. 1935A
1413 W. A. Julian Henry Morganthau, Jr. 1935A
14C9 W. A. Julian Fred M. Vinson 1935 B 7-23-45 7-23-46 1 0 0
1410 W. A. Julian John W. Snyder I935C 7-25-46 5-29-49 2 10 4
1411 Georgia Neese Clarke John W. Snyder 1935D 6-21-49 1-20-53 3 7 0
1411A Ivy Baker Priest Geo. M. Humphrey 1935E 1-28-53 7-28-57 4 6 0
14116 Ivy Baker Priest Robt. B. Anderson 1935F 7-29-57 1-20-61 3 5 23
1411c Ivy Baker Priest Robt. B. Anderson 1957 7-29-57 1-20-61 3 5 23
1411 bb Elizabeth Rudel Smith Douglas Dillon 1935G 1-30-61 4-13-63 2 3 14
1411 bbx Elizabeth Rudel Smith Douglas Dillon 1935G 1-30-61 4-13-63 2 3 14
1411d Elizabeth Rudel Smith Douglas Dillon I957A 1-30-61 4-13-63 2 3 14
Katherine O'Hay Granahan Douglas Dillon I935H 4-14-63 Present
Katherine O'Hay Granahan Douglas Dillon 1957B 4-14-63 Present
Katherine O'Hay Granahan Douglas Dillon 1963 4-14-63 Present
There are many things that can be written about the
small one dollar bill. Few people realize how many
different issues there have been in the last 34 years.
Since the change to the small one dollar bill in 1928
and its first issue on July 10, 1929, there have been 26
variations of this bill. With two exceptions, all of the
small one dollar bills have been Silver Certificates, the
first note being a U. S. Note and the last, a Federal
Reserve Note.
The most frequent cause of change in the series of
issue is a change in signature of the Treasurer of the
U. S. or Secretary of the Treasury or both. Other
changes have been brought about as the result of the
change in the legend and a change in location of the
date or the seal.
There was only one issue of the Legal Tender (U. S.
Note) Note and it was described as series of 1927 and
signed by Woods and Woodin.
The first small one dollar Silver Certificate note was
dated 1928 and signed by Tate and Mellon. It was
followed by the 1928-A series, signed by Woods and
Mellon; 1928-B series, signed by Woods and Mills;
1928-C series, signed by Woods and Woodin; 1928-D
series, signed by Julian and Woodin; and the 1928-E
series signed by Julian and Morganthau. All of the
notes issued up to date are known as the "has been"
notes because they stated, "This certifies that there has
been deposit in the Treasury of the U. S., one silver
dollar payable to the Bearer on demand."
The next series was that of 1934, signed by Julian
and Morganthau. This and all succeeding series read
"There is on deposit in the Treasury of the U. S. one
dollar in silver payable to Bearer on demand." The
first bill provided the payment of one silver dollar and
the latter provided one dollar in silver. This bill also
changed the position of the seal to the right side of the
bill and the numeral ONE to the left side. All of the
foregoing bills contain the large printed ONE on their
reverse side.
The 1935 series was also signed by Julian and
Morganthau, but the reverse of the bill was now changed
as well as the size of the seal and the place of the date.*
The 1935-A series was also signed by Julian and
Morganthau. The 1935-B series was signed by Julian
* Both sides of The Great Seal of the United States were im-
printed on the back of the 1935 note for the first time and
are on all succeeding notes.
Papa MonRy
A high quality permanent binder in durable green
Colonial grain DuPont Fabrikoid. Just place a wire
in center of magazine and snap in place. (Wires
furnished) Holds six years supply of "Paper
Money". Title is lettered on spine in gold.
Price: $4.00 each. Add 60c for postage & handling.
Binders for "The Numismatist". As above in
brown. Holds one years supply. Title, Date and
Vol. No. in gold. Available for years 1958 thru
Price: $3.75 each. Add 60c for postage and han-
dling. (7 binders, 1958 thru 1964 at $23.45
P. 0. Box 305
Greenwood, Mississippi
(ANA #43378 - SPMC 255)
(This size can be supplied without lettering. Suit-
able for storage of any pamphlet up to 9x6 inches.)PREVENTS LOSS * EASY TO USE
VOL. 3, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 43
and Vinson, the 1935-C series by Julian and Snyder,
the 1935-D series by Clarke and Snyder, the 1935-E
series by Priest and Humphrey, and the 1935-F series by
Priest and Anderson. None of the above notes had
the motto "In God We Trust" on the bills. However,
the series of 1957 which was also signed by Priest and
Anderson did have the motto on the back of the bill.
We then had a 1935-G series signed by Smith and
Dillon without the motto and a 1935-G series by Smith
and Dillon with the motto. There was also a 1957-A
series signed by Smith and Dillon with the motto.
Both the 1935-H series and the 1957-B series bore the
motto and were signed by Granahan and Dillon.
By now you will observe that the date of the bill has
very little to do with the date of issue and only by
determining when the two people whose names appear on
the bill were in office can you approximate the year it
was issued.
You may also ask why have a 1935-H and a 1957-B
series when both are signed by the same people in the
year 1963? The explanation is that there is a different
process involved in making the two bills.
During World War II there was a 1935-A series note,
signed by Julian and Morganthau, that was issued as an
experiment to test a new type of substitute paper. The
one dollar bills were surcharged with the letters "S" or
"R" in vivid red ink to determine the length of life
of these bills. It was concluded that the new paper sur-
charged "S" was not adaptable to the wet intaglio
process of printing.
There was a 1935-A note signed by Julian and
Morganthau with a brown instead of a blue seal and
surcharged "Hawaii" on both sides. This was issued to
our Armed Forces in Hawaii during World War II after
the attack on Pearl Harbor.
There was a 1935-A series, signed by Julian and
Morganthau, Silver Certificate with a yellow seal instead
of a blue seal issued for use by the Armed Forces in
Europe and North Africa during World War II.
On June 4, 1963, Congress repealed the law of issu-
ance of one dollar Silver Certificates and the new one
dollar bill dated series 1963, signed by Granahan and
Dillon, became a Federal Reserve Note. With the pass-
ing of this law a monetary era came to an end because
we no longer have any circulating paper currency with
a specific metallic redemption.
So goes the history of the small one dollar bill.
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
* The Trading Post *
The members listed below are interested in trading notes. Please contact them
directly if you are interested in trading. The fee is $1.00 per listing for two issues.
Please note new categories.
M. 0. Warns
P. 0. Box 1840
Milwaukee 1, Wis.
M. 0. Warns
P. 0. Box 1840
Milwaukee 1, Wis.
Larry Young
718 E. Central Avenue
Miamisburg, Ohio-45342
Joseph S. Grant
P. 0. Box 2085, Sta. D
Pasadena, California-91105
George W. Killian
162 Seneca Road
Rochester, New York-14622
Hilbert G. Berka
1424 W. Oklahoma Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin-53215
Lynn Earl Jones
712 E. Holland Street
Washington, Illinois
Thos. C. Bain
3717 Marquette Drive
Dallas, Texas-75225
Thos. C. Bain
3717 Marquette Drive
Dallas, Texas-75225
(Colonials, Continental, Confederate, Broken Bank
Notes, Scrip, etc.)
Hilbert G. Berka
1424 W. Oklahoma Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin-532I5
T. B. Hollingsworth
3053 Bonbrook Drive
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
(War, Occupation, Concentration Camp, and Emergency
Thos. C. Bain
3717 Marquette Drive
Dallas, Texas-75225
Hilbert G. Berka
1424 W. Oklahoma Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin-53215
James W. Seville
P. 0. Box 866
Statesville, North Carolina-28677
How and What to Write for This Magazine
By Barbara R. Mueller, Editor
We Americans are the world's best communicators—
verbally speaking. But when we attempt to put pencil
to paper, we become tongue-tied. These mixed metaphors
may be grammatically reprehensible, but they do serve
to emphasize the chief stumbling block in the way of
potential authors of Paper Money articles: "I can't
Very few of us can write—in the Hemingway or Bruce
Catton sense. But Paper Money is not a literary journal.
It is a journal of records and facts to be presented clearly,
accurately and impartially. Therefore, every member
who has the facts about any facet of paper money collect-
ing is a potential author.
The first step in preparing the article is the assembling
of the facts according to a well conceived outline. The
next step is the simple matter of writing them down in
that order. If the outline is logical, the facts will together
build a tight, comprehensible article. Last, check for
spelling, grammar, etc.. but do this chore with a light
heart. The editor is a good backstop.
Now type your article on a good grade of bond paper.
Be sure to double-space. Leave at least one-inch mar-
gins at the sides and top, one and a half at the bottom.
Number each sheet. Use one side of the paper only.
Don't try for clever titles. As a rule, they are out of
place in a journal such as ours. Call a spade a spade.
If your subject matter requires illustration, you have
two courses of action. One, submit the notes or other
material to the editor, who will photograph them. Two,
do the job yourself or have a photographer do it for
VOL. 3, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 45
you. The second course is the better because it does not
involve sending valuable property through the mail. In
addition, you will own the negative.
Photographs of notes should be close to actual size,
whenever possible, to allow for reduction by the photo-
engraver. (Reduction makes for a sharper image.)
However, a print as small as 4 1/2x2 inches can be used.
All prints should be glossy, quite contrasty, very black
and very white, and printed on single weight paper. Tell
your photo-finisher that you want a print for reproduc-
tion purposes.
Of course, our budget for illustrations is limited. A
good rule of thumb is two cuts per one thousand words
unless the article requires a great deal of illustration to
make it useful.
If captions or credit lines are necessary, be sure to
type them on a separate sheet of paper. Number your
prints lightly in pencil on the back; include your name.
Never, never use paper clips on photographs. They dent
the surface so badly that the marks will reproduce on the
Mastery of these technicalities does not automatically
insure a good article. You must have something to say;
you must stick to one subject unless you are writing an
informal commentary (which we don't need).
We do need articles on counterfeit detecting, histories
of specific banks, banking histories of states, and any
human interest stories connected with the printing, issu-
ance or usage of bank notes.
In the future we intend to include more foreign ma-
terial than is presently used. In this field, especially, the
author should resist the temptation to write in generali-
ties. He should deal with one subject at a time.
Mounting, preservation and exhibition of bank notes
is always a prime subject. We need how-to-do-it articles
on these subjects. Paper money collecting, as contrasted
with philately, is in its infancy in achievements in collec-
tion presentation. There is room here for pioneering.
Our knowledge of printing methods and varieties is in
its infancy, too. Philatelic literature is replete with tech-
nical treatises on intaglio printing and its vagaries, most
of which are applicable in principle to paper money pro-
duction. Our students in this field would do well to
emulate their philatelic brethren and set rigid standards
for major and minor variations.
The need is not for major articles alone. An editor
always needs "fillers"—little nuggets of useful informa-
tion packed into 25-200 word packages.
Another useful space-filler would be a "What Is It"
section, for which members could submit puzzling notes
and ask the help of others in identifying them.
The remuneration for all this work? It is not mone-
tary—only six complimentary copies of the magazine.
Although we would like to flatter ourselves and say we
do it for the prestige, the truth is that we do it for each
other. The rewards lie in this mutual service. Only in
this way can our hobby prosper, both materially and
India Paper
By Clarence W.
"India" paper, so called because imported into Great
Britain via India, is made in China, and is properly called
China paper in Europe. That used by American line
engravers for printing the finest clear impressions from
line engraved and etched steel dies and plates is imported
by them direct from China. Marco Polo, the Venetian,
extensive traveller in Asia, wrote about 1300 A. D. that
the Chinese made paper from a thin white film which
grows between the heartwood and bark of the mulberry
Laboratory analysis made from samples provided to
Dard Hunter, Jr., indicates that "India" paper is made
from one of the grasses, such as sugar cane, corn, esparto,
bamboo, or the cereal straws.
"India" paper arrives in America in sheafs of assorted
hand-made sizes varying from about 3x3 inches to about
12x14 inches. Many sheets have to be discarded because
of flaws, including fibers, light color spots, small air
holes, and even grit which would scratch the soft steel.
After selection some sheets are hand shaved to remove
such defects. This paper used for die proofs is very thin,
transparent, pure white with a silky texture and seldom
shows any "laid" screen marks. Being hand-made it
varies in thickness from .0015 inch to .0035 inch, be-
coming more opaque with thickness, and it also varies in
thickness in different parts of the sheet. It often contains
Brazer, D.Sc.
pin-size air holes that are inherent in this paper when
made and printed. When aged it may become a faint
yellow in color.
This paper contains no sizing and quickly transmits
moisture (which stamp paper does not). Small pieces
may be carefully immersed in clear water, gently removed
and dried between smooth white blotters under light
pressure, and when dry will resume their original
When used for steel die or plate printing, paper must
be damp to remove the ink from the steel engraving.
India paper, being so thin and frail when damp, is placed
over the polished surface of the inked steel die and is
covered with a soft card called blotter to protect the
paper under pressure of printing. The pressure sinks the
metal die or plate into the blotter card, which absorbs
the paper moisture, and the paper is pressed into the en-
graved ink filled lines and dots, which adhere to the paper
and leave the engraved steel clean. As no adhesive is
used, the printed paper later may come loose from the
blotter card, which then usually shows the engraved lines
raised upon its smooth sunken surface. When the India
paper is exceptionally thin, even the ink color may be
lightly forced thru the paper onto the card.
(Reprinted from The Essay-Proof Journal, No. 48,
October 1955, by permission of The Essay-Proof Society.)
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
New Membership Roster
Dealer or
No. Name and Address
676 Rev. Robert T. Webster, 418 Center Avenue, Clarks
Summit, Pa. 18411
677 Joseph D. Attwood, 3367 North Karlov Street, Chicago
41, 111.
678 Robert J. Gelink, 433 Robinson Avenue, San Diego, Cali-
fornia 92103
679 Thom E. Lloyd, 6111/2 Sherman Street, Johnstown, Pa.
680 George Hollanshead, R. R. 1;5, Upper Sandusky, Ohio
681 Neil Shafer, 1220 Mound Avenue, Racine, Wisconsin
682 Allen E. DeHaven, 815 Winchester Avenue, Martinsburg,
West Virginia 25401
683 Lester L. Kerner, 16 Elizabeth Street, Buckhannon, West
684 Captain John L. Harrell, 05307221, CSD MAAG Vietnam,
APO 1143, San Francisco, California
685 Nancy J. Opitz, 3623 North 62nd Street, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53216
686 John J. Proios, 247 Maple Avenue, Rockville Center,
New York
687 Mrs. Joseph Struzinsky, Middle Road, Horseheads, New
York 14845
688 August L. Morsch, 45 Cleveland Avenue, Newark, New
Jersey 07106
689 George R. Bardsley, 748 West Camino Real, Boca Raton,
690 Bert Hart, 1340 Mound Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53715
691 Robert C. Zeigler, Sr., 217 Bland Avenue, Bucyrus, Ohio
692 Santiago Halais, Apartado 1146, Caguas, Porto Rico
693 Dr. Joseph H. Danoff, 173 Henry Street, New York,
N. Y. 10002
694 Charles F. Warren, 123 Madison Road, Willow Grove, Pa.
695 Oswin Keifer, Bostwick, Nebraska 68931
696 Tony Craig, 1653 Taylor Avenue, Racine, Wisconsin 53403
697 Warren F. Brown, 1422 Graham Court, Rochester, Minne-
sota 55901
698 E. W. Whitten, 71 Radcliffe Road, Springfield, Illinois
699 Robert D. Harmon, 3560 East 2nd, Topeka, Kansas 66607
700 J. Oscar Townsend, 124 Main Street, Logan, West Vir-
ginia 25601
701 Charles Christensen, 234 Sunset Road, W. Palm Beach,
Florida 33401
702 Alan Moore, WNYC-TV Room 8016, 350 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N. Y. 10001
703 C. A. Ruisinger, Jr., 10205 East 85th Terrace, Raytown,
Missouri 64138
704 Wayne L. Morgan, 620 South Spring Street, Springfield,
705 Sidney A. Goldman, 4 Sunset Lane, Springfield, Illinois
706 Robert J. Williams, 24 Hillcrest Terrace, Verona, New
707 Louis W. Van Belkum III, 1373 Blanchard S. W., Wyo-
ming 8, Michigan
Collector Specialty
C Paper Money
C Obsolete issues
C, D Foreign Paper Money
C U. S. Currency
C Philippine, C. & S. American, Worldwide
C, D Coins and paper money
C U. S. Currency, especially Fractionals
C Indiana and other broken banknotes, Southern,
CSA, Foreign
C U. S. Paper Money
C U. S. Paper Money
C Silver certificates and small bills
C Large currency
C All U. S. Paper Money
C U. S. Small size $1 and $2
C Currency
Paper Money, gold coins, silver dollars, crowns
C U. S. Paper Money
C Military Currency and Foreign notes of artistic
C Broken banknotes and National Bank Notes
from Nebraska and Kansas, also Military
Payment Certificates
C, D
C Tennessee broken banknotes and state notes;
Fractional Currency
C U. S. large size and Fractionals
C, D U. S. Paper Money
C Fractional Currency
C General
C Barber Coins (1892-1916)
C U. S. and Confederates
C, D U. S. Currency
C Obsolete and U. S. Paper Money
C All U. S. Paper Money
C U. S. $1 Notes and Fractional Currency
VOL. 3, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 47
708 David M. Klausmeyer, 1730 Southbend Drive, Rocky C U. S. Coins and Currency
River 16, Ohio
709 Thomas K. Browne, 8572 Peebles Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. C
710 George W. Brannin, Box II, Great Bend, Kansas C General
711 Barrie R. Walters, 2519 Fourth Street, Trenton, Michigan C Small Currency
712 Jack Stuppler, 3205 Emmons Avenue, Brooklyn, New C Postal and Fractional Currency
York 11235
713 Clyde H. Proper, 29-63 215th Place, Bayside, New York C
714 Dr. Francis W. Brill, 1318 Jackson Street, Scranton 4, Pa. C Small size Nationals and Federal Reserve Bank
715 Walter B. Wendt, 16335 East Witzman Drive, La Puente, C
716 Warren L. Heise, 1st Lt. Office, U. S. S. Enterprise C General
(CVAN 65) Fleet Post Office, New York, N. Y. 09501
717 Edmund H. Kase, Jr., 600 Park Street, Apt. II, St. Paul, C U. S. and Canada, incl. error notes and odd
Minn. 55103 serial numbers
718 DeHaven Develin, 145 Strafford Avenue, Wayne, Penn- C Small size U. S. Currency
719 James E. Doyle, Box 132, Sisseton, South Dakota C
720 Thomas R. Don, 100 Park Road, West Hartford, C
721 Tom O'Brien, 11227 Stonybrook Drive, Grand Blanc, C Paper Money of Michigan; Fractional Currency
Michigan 48439
722 Mrs. C. A. Boylan, 209 South Street, Avon, Massachusetts C Small bills
723 Robert P. Series, 62 William Street, New York 5, N. Y. C U. S. and Foreign
724 Paul A. Reardon, 238 West Johnson Highway, Norris- C U. S. Currency
town, Pa. 19401
725 Donald T. Burnett, 1508 S. 7th Avenue, Maywood, Illinois C U. S. Currency
726 Peter J. Sabados, 272 Hutton Street, Jersey City, New C Centered, uncirculated small size silver certi-
Jersey ficates
727 Milton E. Smith, 809 Burris Avenue, Lake Bluff, Illinois C Confederate Money
728 Dr. Richard James Mayer, 3425 North Wisconsin Street, C American
Racine, Wisconsin 53402
729 Herbert A. Raquet, 11 Mount Pleasant Road, Bedford, C U. S. Coins and Currency
Indiana 47421
730 Ben E. Marcus, 3171 Orlando Road, Los Alamitos, Cali- C Small denomination bills
731 A. L. Geer, 316 East 15th Street, Colorado City, Texas C Modern U. S. and Foreign
732 Arnold H. Schwartz, 149-05 79th Avenue, Flushing 67, C Small size U. S. notes
New York
733 Carl E. Herbert, 1046 Bustleton Pike, Feasterville, Pa. C, D Coins and Silver Certificates
734 Bill Schneider, Rush City, Minnesota 55069 C
735 R. C. Brown, 232 West 4th Street, Greenville, Ohio C
736 William C. Baldwin, R. D. 5—Lenape Road, West D
Chester, Pa. 19380
737 R. F. Fee, Box 642, Colorado City, Texas 79512 C U. S. National Currency
738 Benjamin J. Reynolds, R. D. it 1, Avondale, Pa. C Colonials, Continentals, Pa. Broken Bank Notes
739 Mike Schlotterbeck, RR 12, Box 19K, Centerville, C Bills of the last 50 years
740 Floyd R. Bolton, 3101 South Main Street, Elkhart, C General
741 Marvin H. Jacobs, 207 Deumant Terrace, Buffalo, New C All bills printed in U. S. A.
York 14223
742 Jerome H. Remick, Box 742, Haute Ville, Quebec, P. Q., C Paper money of the world
743 William E. Houser, 2108 Marlen Avenue, Pasadena, Texas C Silver certificates, Federal Reserve Notes
744 Walter A. d'Hemecourt, 2205 Corinne Avenue, Chalmette, C Paper monies of New Orleans
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
745 Percy L. Rideout, 520 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston 15, C Paper money of Colonial New England
746 Edward E. Vitala, 14644 Graystone Avenue, Norwalk, C Foreign
California 90651
747 Anthony Bacco, 62 Garibaldi Avenue, Lodi, New Jersey C U. S. Fractional Currency
748 Jack Neer, 905 North Vulcan, Encinitas, California C
749 W. P. Schwartz, Jr., 1627 Hull Street, Richmond, Virginia C General
750 Herbert C. Bardes, 21 Waldron Avenue, Summit, New C U. S., Fractional, Broken Banks, Foreign
Jersey 07901
751 W. K. Huffington, c/o Grenada Trust & Banking Co., C U. S. Currency
Grenada, Mississippi
752 Bobby Sowell, 316 Humason, Lufkin, Texas C U. S. Currency
753 Emil P. Uhor, 844 Clifton Street, Follansbee, West Vir- C
ginia 26037
754 Dr. Gustav Walter, 715 Tenth Street, Tell City, Indiana C Currency
755 Meylert M. Armstrong, 178 Aquetong Road, New Hope, C U. S., Continentals, Broken Bank Notes
756 Dudley E. Brown, 3515 Rock Creek Drive, Dallas, Texas C
757 Ray S. Purdy, 1 Chester Circle, New Brunswick, New C U. S. Fractional Currency
758 James Edward Weaver, Box I I 4A, Agate Beach, Oregon C U. S., Fractionals, CSA, Southern States,
Broken Bank Notes
759 Robert G. Halbert, 3345 C Nelson Courts, Fort Dix, C Change-over pairs
New Jersey
760 Clyde G. Briner, Box 766, Venice, Florida C Paper money and coins
761 James S. Hurst, Vienna, Maryland 21869 C Obsolete U. S., Broken Bank and CSA
762 John C. Braun, 91 Centennial Street, Rochester, New York C U. S. Currency
763 Leon J. Goodman, Jr., 63 East 9th Street, New York, C U. S. Coins and Currency
N. Y. 10003
764 John T. Murphy, 42 Viola Street, Lowell, Massachusetts C American Currency and Silver Dollars
765 Mrs. Henrietta B. Wilson, 53 East Grant Avenue, Roselle C Silver Certificates
Park, N. J.
766 B. M. Stuart. M.D., 910 Shamrock Terrace, Boonville, C Type-paper and Coins
Missouri 65233
767 George F. Browning, Jr., Bridgeport, Alabama 35740 C CSA, Southern States, Southern Broken Bank
Notes, U. S.
768 Marty Martin, 3503 Link Valley, Houston, Texas 77025 C U. S. Currency
769 Bert L. McKenzie, Box 56, Otis, Colorado 80743 C, D National Bank Notes
770 Charles W. Petersen, Somers, Iowa C Colonials, Continentals, Fractionals
771 Sam Alford, 319 South Garnett Street, Henderson, North
C U. S. Paper Money
772 Joe Kinney, 6326 Lexington Avenue, Los Angeles, Cali- C U. S. Currency
fornia 90038
773 Mrs. Isabelle Stahley, R. R. 4, Syracuse, Indiana 46567
C, D
774 James McGowan, 210 Lysander Drive, Rochester, New
C U. S. $1, 2, 5; Rochester Banknotes
York 14623
775 Dr. Rubin H. Flocks, University Hospitals, Iowa City,
C Coins, silver certificates and large sized currency
Iowa 52241
776 Mrs. John H. Winchell, 5905 Osceola Road, N. W., Wash- C Minor Coins
ington, D. C. 20016
777 T. Tackson Lowe, 1510 Gervais Street, Columbia, South
C U. S. and Confederate
Carolina 29201
778 Wellington V. Smith, 93 Walbert Drive, Rochester, New
C Colonials, fractionals and large currency
York 14624
779 George J. Gessner, 615 Goodyear Avenue, Buffalo, New
C Silver Certificates
York 14211
780 Q. David Bowers, Empire Building, Johnson City, New
York 13790
VOL.' 3, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 49
781 Tom J. Carson, Box 71, Stilwell, Oklahoma 74960
782 Mrs. Emma Frank, 1030 North 16th Street, Fargo, North
Dakota 58102
783 Edward J. Brown, 13 North Monterey Street, Mobile,
784 Robert J. Lindesmith, Box 37, Dayton, Washington 99328
785 Mrs. Helen A. Legge, 1318 Mound Street, Alameda, Cali-
fornia 94501
786 French F. Conley, 20644 Martinez Street, Woodland Hills,
California 91364
787 Warren G. Webster, 22 Baker Avenue, West Concord,
Massachusetts 01781
788 Sidney Domb, 3440 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles,
California 90005
789 James C. Kelly, 31 College Street, Schenectady, New York
790 William R. Barrett, 206 East Poplar Street, West Frank-
fort. Illinois 62896
791 A. D. Covington, P. O. Box 516, Fayette, Mississippi
Corrections of
568 Joe Elliott, 16C0 I Avenue, New Castle, Indiana 47362
614 O. Floyd Adams, P. O. Box 957, Thomasville, Georgia
C, D
C Star notes (Silver Certs), Change-over notes
C Large sized notes and Alabama National Bank
C U. S., Obsolete paper money (Colonials thru
Civil War)
C Small sized U. S. notes
C General
C Modern (U. S. and Canadian)
C U. S. Coins and Paper
C, D
C, D Lincoln cents
C All kinds
Previous List
C Colonials and Continentals; Indiana notes
C United States Paper Money
123 J. Wayne Hamilton, 1009 Edgmont Avenue, Chester,
170 Frank R. Schell, 211 Condensery Road, Buhl, Idaho 83316
190 W. E. Addkison, 626 Chickasaw Avenue, Jackson, Missis-
sippi 39206
260 Anthony Ptacnik, 129 Fairview Avenue, Somerville, New
285 Stanley J. Serxner, Maon Akademaim, Tsrif 10 Bet,
Kiriat Amal, Tivon, Israel
C U. S. Currency
C U. S. Paper Money and Large Cents
C CSA, Southern States, Obsolete banknotes
C, D U. S. and Foreign
C Central American, World Wide
Change of Address
16 Dr. John H. Swanson, Room 229, East End YMCA, 7903
La Porte Freeway, Houston 12, Texas
23 Larry D. Richardson, P. O. Box 5515, Roanoke, Virginia
26 Dick Krotz, 6689 Metro Park Drive, Mayfield, Ohio
56 Maurice Sklar, P. O. Box 5635, Sherman Oaks, California
73 John Tracy Walker Ill, Sapphire Manor Apt. F-I,
Brevard, North Carolina
75 Charles G. Altz, 125 Warner Avenue, Jersey City, New
Jersey 07305
80 B. M. Douglas, 505V2 1 1th Street, N. W., Washington,
D. C. 20004
134 Jacksonville Coin Club, 3875 Conga Street, Jacksonville,
Florida 32217
145 H. B. Fleshood, 12 North Rowland Street, Richmond,
Virginia 23220
160 Ardyce R. Twombly, North Hills Country Club, Man-
hasset, New York
175 B. R. Buckingham, 426% 2nd Avenue East, Kalispell,
239 A3C Robert P. Geden, SR 9-1-64B, Sec. 2, Det. 1, 3345th
Tech. School (Skytop) Syracuse University, Syracuse,
New York 13210
273 Charles N. Case, 3552 Livingston Avenue, Apt. B, Colum-
bus, Ohio 43227
Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 2
282 Karl Scheuch, (638) Ober Eschbach, Lindenstrasse 9,
West Germany
286 William C. Hatcher, P. 0. Box 3089, Kinston, North Caro-
lina 28501
292 Peter G. Robin, G-2, Kevon Plaza, 52nd & Montgomery
Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19131
325 Donald B. Hoge, c/o Shell Oil Co., P. 0. Box 2099,
Houston, Texas
342 Col. Grover C. Criswell, Jr., 401 Corey Avenue, St. Peters-
burg Beach, Florida 33706
343 Edward B. Kirk, c/o E. Fidel, Apt. 2, 302 Washington
Avenue, Albany 3, New York 12203
344 Dr. George Fuld, P. 0. Box 9035, Akron, Ohio 44305
352 Sammlung Albert Pick, Bayerische Hypotheken-und
Wechselbank, 8 Munchen I, Postfach 30, West Ger-
401 Charles F. Blanchard, 3343 Alamance Drive, Raleigh,
North Carolina
402 Dr. M. R. Talisman, 62C0 S. W. 123rd Terrace, Miami
56, Florida
465 James Webb, 6241/2 South Grand Traverse, Flint 3,
517 Calvin Hunt, 3171 First National Bank Bldg., St. Paul,
Minnesota 55101
524 William E. Benson, 4024 Montwood Lane, Dallas 29,
542 Robert A. Jones, Box 483, Galt, Ontario, Canada
573 John J. Vaughey, 79 Edward Road, Watertown, Massa-
chusetts 02172
576 George J. Regensburger, 620 Versailles Avenue, Apt. 16,
McKeesport, Pennsylvania
635 Major Walter F. Rogers, USMC, c/o M. D. Swaringen,
385 North Church Street, Concord, North Carolina
686 John J. Proios, 245 Lenox Avenue, Uniondale, Long
Island, New York
697 Warren F. Brown, 2167 Mount
Paran Road, N. W.,
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
39 William H. Dillistin
104 Miss Minerva M. Lauer
238 Thomas A. Morrison
520 Arthur N. Malm, 7416 Yates Avenue, Chicago 49, Illinois
288 Dwight L. Musser, Box 428, Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
461 LCDR E. F. Block, 722 South Broom Street, Wilmington
4, Delaware
Membership Expired
51 Allan Lieberman 311 C. F. Mackenzie 488 John Hegedus
59 Vernon R. Saunders 353 Jay E. Gilkey 501 Everett R. Crow
67 Edward K. Bell 362 James B. Shaffer 502 James W. Janz
87 Leo Laky 365 Steven A. Hiss 507 Ray C. Fahrenberg
115 John B. Hamrick 375 Gilvin A. Ayers 514 Eugene C. Heiman
145 H. B. Fleshood 377 Col. James W. Curtis 522 Mrs. H. A. Lingle
148 James Kirkwood 379 John P. Butler 525 Eugene Spruell
153 Irving M. Strong 381 Dennis E. Coyle 527 Henry Gogolin
179 James F. Dooley 416 Isao Gunji 563 Alphonse Beck
206 Tom Hanley 432 Carl Di Falco
243 George W. Bess 453 Walter W. Griggs
(U. S. Large Paper Money)
For Sale or Exchange
F 1384 RED SEAL $1.00 1928
Write to:
Member: A. N. A., S. P. ML C., S. N. P. R.
Obsolete bank notes of Maryland,
especially shin plasters and sheets.
Also rarer Colonial bank notes
of Maryland.
P. O. BOX 9035
$50 and $100 Gold
915 West End Avenue
New York 25, N. Y.
The Rev. Frank H. Hutchins
NEW YORK, N. Y. 10025
. . . FOR . . .
Paper Money
The Right Source
Stamp & Coin Dealer
P. 0. BOX 562
Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanganyika
East Africa
MEMBER ANA 46693 - S. O. P. M. C. 436
1. $5 note Pioneers Assn. (Indiana)
2. $1, 2, 5 Thames Bank (Indiana)
3. Scarce Maine Obsolete Notes
4. Proof notes by the National Bank
Note Co.
5. Other unusual obsolete notes
6. Die proofs of vignettes
BOX 165
Please describe shield,
frame, and state price
in first letter.
Write to:
Mike G. Brownlee
A.C. 214 - RI 2-2526
Buy or Trade
Charles J. Affleek
Scarce Texas Currency
$ 1.00 Indian Brave Left Fine $10.00 Very Fine $1 5.00
5.00 Indian Brave Seated Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50
10.00 Hercules at Left Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50
20.00 Indian Left Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50
50.00 Steamship Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50
10.00 Ship Left-Lamar Signature Fine 9.75 Very Fine 13.50
Houston Signature
Fine 12.25 Very Fine 15.75
50.00 Sailor & Flag-Lamar Signature Fine 9.75 Very Fine 13 50
Houston Signature Fin,, 12.50 Very Fine 15.75
100.00 Criswell CFI Very Fine 17.50
500.00 Criswell CF5 Very Fine 22.50
100.00 Criswell CF7 Very Fine 17.50
1000.00 Criswell CF12 Very Fine 27.50
100.00 Criswell CF14 Very Fine 25.00
25.00 Criswell AW3 Fine 17.75 Very Fine 22.50
50.00 Criswell AW4 Fine 18.00 Very Fine 23.50
Complete set of Navy Notes AW 3 & 4 Fine 32.50 Very Fine 41.50
$320.00 Texian Loan, Criswell 36A, First Texas Bond. Signed by Stephen F. Austin
Ext. Rare, small triangle cut cancel missing. Nice appearing - $112.50
$100.00 Republic of Texas, old mill at center, Very Fine 17.50
500.00 Republic of Texas, Mercury & Sailor, Fine cut cancel 17.50
Washington County, Texas, Uncut Sheet of Four Notes, $.50; 1.00; 2.00; 3.00; Unc. Unsigned 17.50
Other Texas Items For Sale; Texas Residents Add 2% Sales Tax
John N. Rowe III, P. O. Box 2381, Dallas, Texas 75221
Also singles, duplicates, and bank packs, of U. S. Currency, large and
small. Please quote prices with description and quantity. If a
member of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, you may submit
small lots for best possible offer.
William P. Donlon
P. O. BOX 144
A. N. A. No. 4295 CHARTER MEMBER No. 74