
Paper Money - Vol. XXIX, No. 3 - Whole No. 147 - May - June 1990

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VOL. WHO - -'":_-ifflf111111111L-- --- ---7- --' -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --_% , ---- - --- -- -- -- - - --__ _ _ _ _ __ , ___ ___, - - - - -_ II ----,-- ---- --*J> '---->: -'0: : --- -- - -- - - - - - - -- _ _ _%- "_. .--_ , - -'_ _ _ _ - -i-__ ,_____ -----__-----_____.____ - ..____-:-.,_,_-- A I _,,,-____ __ ____ _.,_, „,_,,„ ___, ,,,,,,,_,,,_,_--; z --_,, -- - -- - :-.--,_- - - - --_. - --- FRANCIS E. SPINNER he InfoTwice tformation STANDARD CATALOG OF Upited States Paper Money By Chester L. Krause and Robert F. Lemke Robert E. Wilhite, Editor (plus $2.50 shipping when ordering direct from the publisher) of Any Other U.S. Paper Money Reference! ALL NEW INFORMATION • The latest pricing data in up to three grades to determine the actual value of your notes • Special 16-pg. "Authentication Guide" details notes positively identified as counterfeit • Many rare notes — $500 and $1000 bills — listed and priced for the first time ever krause ;;Lizfiublications 700 East State St. Iola, WI 54990 202 pg. 8-1/2 x 11-in., hardbound The most comprehensive, up-to-date, illustrated guide to U.S. paper money from 1812 to date • Complete coverage for 175 years of official paper money circulated by the Federal Government • Listings for more than 5,500 currency items • Over 14,000 market values • Grading guide providing common-sense definitions • In-text cross referencing of Krause/Lemke and Friedberg numeric systems • Historic and economic background information for each major section • Complete National Bank Note listings with rarity ratings for each bank of issue • Identification of all portraits in addition to the actual illustration provided — for accurate identification and enhanced knowledge Yes! Send me copies of the STANDARD CATALOG OF UNITED STATES PAPER MONEY, 8th ed. at just $19.95 each. ( U.S. addresses add — $2.50 per book shipping and handling. Non-U.S. addresses add $5.00 per book. Payable in U.S. funds.) ) Check or money order (to Krause Publications) Name Address City , State IMS IMT Amount for books $ Shipping $ Total amount enclosed $ ( ) MasterCard ( ) VISA Credit Card No Expires: Mo. Yr Signature Mail with payment to Krause Publications, Catalog Dept. 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990Zip S( )Cl ET Y OF PAPER NIONEY COLLECTORS INC. PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors. Second class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes to: Bob Cochran, Secretary, P.O. Box 1085, Floris- sant, MO 63031. ISSN 0031 -1162 © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1990. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without ex- press written permission, is prohibited. Annual Membership dues in SPMC are $20; life membership is $300. Individual copies of PAPER MONEY are $2.50. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover S152 $420 $825 Inside Front & Back Cover $145 $405 $798 Full Page 5140 5395 $775 Half-page $75 5200 $390 Quarter-page $38 $105 $198 Eighth-page $20 $55 5105 To keep rates at a minimum, advertising must be prepaid in advance according to the above schedule. In exceptional cases where special art- work or extra typing are required, the advertiser will be notified and billed extra for them ac- cordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the 10th of the month preceding issue (e.g., Feb. 10 for March/April issue). Camera-ready copy will be accepted up to three weeks beyond this date. Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but can- not be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper cur- rency and allied numismatic material and pub- lications and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertise- ment in which typographical error should occur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. GENE HESSLER, Editor P.O. Box 8147 St. Louis, MO 63156 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to reject any copy. Deadline for copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 10th for March/April issue). Camera-ready copy will be ac- cepted up to three weeks beyond this date. IN THIS ISSUE THE PAPER COLUMN $5 FEDERAL RESERVE MULES Peter Huntoon 69 THE DAY SPINNER SPUTTERED—AGAIN David Ray Arnold, Jr 76 MARCUS WALKER'S "SHINPLASTERS" Stephen Goldsmith 77 SYNGRAPHICS VIGNETTES Robert H. Lloyd 78 ANOTHER "MR. PHIL STORY" Bob Cochran 80 1929-1935 NATIONAL BANK NOTE VARIETIES— SUPPLEMENT XIX Tom Snyder 82 BANK HAPPENINGS Bob Cochran 87 SOCIETY FEATURES INTEREST BEARING NOTES 88 IN MEMORIAM—RICHARD T. HOOBER, SR. 88 MONEY MART 89 ON THE COVER: Francis E. Spinner, U.S. Treasurer. See p. 76. Inquiries concerning non-delivery of PAPER MONEY should be sent to the secretary; for additional copies and back issues contact book coordinator. Addresses are on the next page. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXIX No. 3 Whole No. 147 MAY/JUNE 1990 Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 65 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Richard J. Balbaton, P.O. Box 911, N. Attleboro, MA 02761 -0911 VICE-PRESIDENT Austin M. Sheheen, Jr., P.O. Box 428, Camden, SC 29020 SECRETARY Robert Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 TREASURER Dean Oakes, Drawer 1456, Iowa City, IA 52240 APPOINTEES EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOOK SALES COORDINATOR Richard J. Balbaton, P.O. Box 911, N. Attleboro, MA 02761-0911 WISMER BOOK PROJECT Chairman to be appointed LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001 LIBRARIAN Walter Fortner, P.O. Box 152, Terre Haute, IN 47808 -0152 PAST-PRESIDENT Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Nelson Page Aspen, Richard J. Balbaton, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg, Gene Hessler, Ronald Horstman, William Horton, Jr., Robert R. Moon, Dean Oakes, Austin M. Sheheen, Stephen Taylor, Frank Trask, Wendell Wolka. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organi- zation under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association. The annual meeting is held at the Memphis IPMS in June. MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notifi- cation to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold of- fice or vote. Members of the ANA or other recognized numismat- ic societies are eligible for membership. Other appli- cants should be sponsored by an SMPC member or provide suitable references. DUES-Annual dues are $20. Life membership, pay- able in installments, is $300. Members who join the Society prior to Oct. 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after Oct. 1st will have their dues paid through Decem- ber of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 8 1/2 x11" ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1984 Rosene $12.00 1973 Rockholt $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 Non-member price $15.00 ARKANSAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, 1976 Wait $15.00 1985 Rothert $17.00 Non-member price $20.00 Non-member price $22.00 PENNSYLVANIA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP FLORIDA PAPER MONEY, ILLUSTRATED HISTORY (396 pages), Hoober $28.00 OF, (softcover) 1980 Cassidy $16.00 Non-member price $29.50 Non-member price $19.50 RHODE ISLAND AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF, 1981 Durand $20.00 1978 Wolka $12.00 Non-member price $25.00 Non-member price $15.00 TENNESSEE-THE HISTORY OF EARLY TENNESSEE INDIAN TERRITORY/OKLAHOMA/KANSAS BANKS AND THEIR ISSUES OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1983 Garland $20.00 1980 Burgett and Whitfield $12.00 Non-member price $29.50 Non-member price $15.00 TERRITORIALS-A GUIDE TO U.S TERRITORIAL IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1982 Oakes $12.00 NATIONAL BANK NOTES (softcover) 1980 Huntoon $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 Non-member price $15.00 MAINE OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP 1977 Wait $12.00 VERMONT OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, 1972 Coulter $12.00 Non-member price $15.00 Non-member price $15.00 Write for Quantity Price s on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your pack- Paper Money. age after we place it in the mails. Order from: R.J. Balbaton, SPMC Book Sales Dept., P.O. Box 911, N. Attleboro, MA 02761-0911 Library Services: The Society maintains a lending library for the use of the members only. For further information, write the Librarian-Walter Fortner, P.O. Box 152, Terre Haute, IN 47808-0152. Page 66 Paper Money Whole No. 147 STANDARD CATALOG OF UNITED STATES OBSOLETE BANK NOTES 1782-1866 UNPRECEDENTED! The ULTIMATE United States Obsolete Bank Note Reference Is Here! By James A. Haxby Four volumes, 8 1/2)(11, hardbound Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 67 Mail to Krause Publications, Catalog Dept. 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Send me copies of the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, Vol. II, General Issues, at $45.00 each. Yes! Send me sets of the all new Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank Notes, 1782-1866 at $195.00 per st. Amount for books $ Shipping $ Total amount enclosed $ N ame Address City State Zip ( ) Check or money order (to Krause Publications) ( ) MasterCard/VISA (order billed as Krause IENAPublications) n Ci a_ _a a cw CL) W c0 C C .■_, c_. .6., CO c..) a_ n c.) a >,M 'T Ul b_ C -7 ,7 ,"7 2 CD ct ct CD CD 2 Cs ND ND ,,c r- ND r- 'C NO r- r- I-- ND NO -7 7 -7 -7 7 -7 7 7 7 7 -7 <7 -7 7Os On 0, 0, 0, On On 0, 0, a, On 0, 0, ■-•; r-- Lr■ r-- ,c; r--- cq rs 0,1 > -17 0_ CI " " 0a)a)W M Ma)0 aCD CD C) u_ Ln Ln CD ul NO NO NO r- NO ,0 'C ,0 r- NO r- 7 7 7 7 7 7 -7 7 7 7 7 7On Os On Cs Cs cs on Cs On On On On sci c. 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N I., P--I CV N .-1 .-I F. r-1 N ,,.i., ,, > U > > U C.) > 0, CUCUC o cc a.) C.: U 0 Z 2Z Z 2200Z''S‹ 0 CP 12 • E5 QmUo u CD ]: r,■". ,cc.,10..7 f..g"ro:7N-7r..7.7.-"Ci'a:" ,--7 T ' 7 U7 CV r' CV CV CV CV CV CV N-, r, c,1 CT) Cat) ci >C- C>.--.0.0.."0 C ,_ 7 7 CO Ci CC CTD 1-) a) W Cl G.) cO 0) 7' ,7 Z ,--) '7 '7 Z '7 CD ul cr, ,,z( 0 ram) I_ CD -7,, ,. --t c...1 --1 0,1 0-1 cq -, c,1 N cv c .N -, 7 a Cs 7 777 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 7 rn - -, Os 0, Cs 0, Cs Os 0, Os 0, 0, 0, 0, Cs C 0 .--. -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, ,--I ,•-■ .;_- Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 71 0 0) • _CID 0) 0 to rn Tr Tr- .4- D co r-- co cn (3) - c•irn ‘1- cf, no J i I s 34Y CAF 4 34Y AA1 1-34— 34 A I 34B I-1 34C 34D 1-40.BA40.--1-4•PBB 34Y 1-34 H1-34A-1 34B 34C I 34D 34Y H F BD CB I-34-1 34A I 1 348 1-1 34C 34D I-1 DA- 1-34 —4 34A -I 1-1 U) L.1.1 Li- 34A H 348 1-1 34C I- 34D FA 1-4(FB 1-34 1-34A-1 34B I—I 34C1 1 340 1-1 I-34Y-1 Regular Micro Back Stockpiled Micro Backs (Yellow-Green Ink) MI IN Micro Plate 629 Macro Backs Yellow-Green Seals IIIIII I(IIIII(111 Cr V) CO n- co a) 0 - N .q- d-> co n- m m0 — K) a- a o en a) cn cn_- - Micro Plate 637 Yello C 34-1 1-0EB 34A-1 34B I—I 34C I 34D I-1 14 34Y D Figure 2. Graphical display of the overlaps between the productions of various design elements on $5 1934 series Federal Reserve notes. Large letters in right column are district letters. Heavy horizontal arrows show usage of serial number block letters. How to use this graph: A vertical line through a date passes through all design components then in use. Example: What types of $5 FRNs were being printed for Boston in 1944? Draw a vertical line connecting 1944 top to bottom on the right side of the graph. Notice that next to district letter A it passes through (1) AA block, (2) 1934 faces, (3) 1934A faces, and at the bottom it passes through (4) blue- green back ink, (5) macro backs, (6) blue-green seals. Result: Two types of Boston $ 5s were in production in the AA block in 1944—Series of 1934 mules and Series of 1934A non-mules—both had blue-green seals and the backs utilized blue-green ink. I 1-0- GC J Yello Green Seals I. 11 1 34YL 1_134Y LA 111 1 Regular s1 S t (cykepl ol ewd- MG ri cer:n Backs Micro Plate 637 Micro I Ill Yellow -Green 34Y 34Y 34Y 1-I HAWAII 34D 34 C —1 HB Blue -Green Seals ■r) r- co cn - (NI rn cr LC) r- 0)0 -N) cr) a) 0 • d • :r N. OD 0) —°) c2-01) (pr-oPa, -1 "I GA GB 0) 0 I I 34Y I-1 Page 72 Paper Money Whole No. 147 Table 2. $5 Federal Reserve Series of 1934 non-mule blue-green and brown seal faces printed in 1941 and 1942 on stockpiled micro yellow-green backs printed between 1932 and 1937. Data from Bureau of Engraving and Printing (undated). Back Face Use for blue-green or Serial Plate Use Plate brown seals A00088170* 599 Oct 18, 1934 - Nov 7., 1.934 L6 Dec 1, 1941 Jan 13, 1942 C06986682A 779 Feb 4, 1936 - Jul 15, 1937 F15 Jul 22, 1942 Oct 5, 1942 C07348236A 702 Nov 29, 1935 - Jul 26, 1937 F12 Jul 22, 1942 Dec 31, 1942 E00021980* 441 Jun 21, 1932 - Dec 5, 1935 H13 Feb 26, 1942 Jan 23, 1946 G10675967A 653 Jan 24, 1936 - Jun 30, 1937 E35 Mar 6, 1942 Nov 17, 1942 L12748235A 782 Feb 5, 1936 - Aug 17, 1937 K24 Jun 6 , 1942 Nov 24, 1942 (Hawaii) cured between the beginning of the $1 SC Series of 1935A, KB block, and the end of the LB block, respectively numbered between November 5, 1940 and February 25, 1941. No $5 FRNs were being printed during this period, yet yellow-green $5 backs add much to our story. One most interesting fact is that $5 yellow-green backs bearing micro back plate numbers are found mated with some $5 FRN Series of 1934 faces printed in 1941 and 1942. See Table 2 for six examples. Because $5 regular micro back plates were last used on February 14, 1940, and the yellow-green inks were last used near the end of 1940, the appearance of these yellow-green backs with 1941 and 1942 vintage faces demonstrates conclusively that a stockpile of old $5 micro backs existed. As shown in Table 2, the observed backs from this stockpile were printed from plates in use between 1932 and 1937. Exactly when this store of backs first began to be accumu- lated or when it was first tapped is unknown; however, with- drawals from it lasted until about August of 1942. The important fact for the discussion at hand is that the stockpile extended the use of yellow-green micro backs through the summer of 1942. This meant that $5 mules did not cease with Table 3. Plate Plate 629 records for $5 micro back plates 629 and 637. Begun: Dec 6, 1933 Finished: Dec 29, 1933 Press Run Reentered' Certified Nov 17, Cancelled: 1947 Feb - Feb 2, 17, 1948 1948 Feb 3, 1948 Plate 637 Begun: Jan 24, 1935 Finished: Nov 10, 1944 Press runs Reentered Certified Jun 23, 1945 - Sep 24, 1945 Sep 25, 1945 Nov 28, 1945 Nov 30, 1945 - Jan 23, 1946 Feb 8, 1946 - Mar 7, 1946 Mar 12, 1946 - Jun 11, 1946 Jun 17, 1946 - Jul 22, 1946 Jul 23, 1946 Aug 19, 1946 Aug 23, 1946 - Oct 17, 1946 Oct 21, 1946 - Nov 1, 1946 Nov 4, 1946 Nov 20, 1946 Nov 26, 1946 - Feb 13, 1947 Feb 14, 1947 Feb 27, 1947 Feb 28, 1947 - Jul 17, 1947 Jul 18, 1947 Aug 4, 1947 Aug 19, 1947 - Nov 12, 1947 Feb 13, 1948 - Sep 24, 1948 Sep 27, 1948 Oct 7, 1948 Oct 19, 1948 - Mar 8, 1949 Mar 9, 1949 Apr 5, 1949 Apr 8, Cancelled: 1949 Jun - Jun 15, 16, 1949 1949 aReentered means the design is repressed into the plate from a roll to sharpen details that show wear. the last printings from micro back 905 on February 14, 1940; rather, micro back mules continued to be produced for an- other two years. Notice that the use of the stockpiled micro backs over- lapped the resumption of $5 FRN printings on July 11, 1941. Such usage resulted first in the production of the very scarce $5 FRN Series of 1934 unmuled notes with blue-green seals, and next in the possibility of some $5 FRN Series of 1934A mules from New York beginning on July 31, 1941. $5 SERIES OF 1934A MULES FROM STOCKPILED MICRO BACKS Notice from Table 7 and Figure 2 that the last of the stock- piled regular run micro backs overlap the first printings from $5 Series of 1934A New York faces by slightly over one year. Although no examples have been reported, it is highly likely that some mules were created through the mating of some $5 Series of 1934A New York faces with stockpiled micro backs. If such a mule is found, it will carry a back printed between 1932 and 1937. Its back will be a distinctive soft-appearing yellow-green. The seal will be blue-green. This mule will differ from the 637 1934A mules treated in the next section by having a yellow-green back rather than a bluish-green back as found on the 637s. I would classify it as a distinct type as a result. SERIES OF 1934A, B AND C MULES WITH MICRO BACK 637 Probably the greatest $5 back plate ever made was plate 637. This plate was begun on January 24, 1935, but not completed until November 10, 1944. It was, of course, begun during the micro era and was completed as such almost seven years after the first $5 macro back had been made. No other $5 micro backs were then in use, the last having left the presses in 1940. Back plate 637 was placed in service in 1945 and began to produce strange and wonderful mules. As shown in Table 3, this remarkable plate saw almost continuous service from June 23, 1945 until June 15, 1949. During this four year period, impressions from it found themselves mated with all sorts of faces in the silver certificate, legal tender, and Federal Reserve series. A listing of possible and known matings appears in Table 4. Micro back 637 produced $5 Federal Reserve mules in the 1934A, 1934B and 1934C series. All are rare. The $5 Series of 1934A FRN mules rank as the rarest mule type ever produced in any series or denomination. Only four have been discovered to date, two from New York in the BB block, one Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 73 Table 4. Possible and reported $5 varieties from micro back plates 629 and 637 (revised). Table 5. Verified $5 Series of 1934A. B end C Federal Reserve mules. Underlined blocks are known to exist. Serial Plates Grade Plate Class Series District Type Serial Blocks Series of 1934A 629 SC 1934C mule MA, NA, *A LT 1928E mule HA, sA B63063567b C160/637 AU B69708310B D159/637 VF G000man FRN 1934C A mule AA, A* C69052070A H80/637 B mule BC, B* L01212949. A90/637 XF C mule CA, C* mule DA, D* Series of 1934B E mule EA, Es F mule FA, F* mule GB, G* A54375901A A96/637 VF B94911759B 637 H mule HA, H* mule IA, I* D60641001A C49/637 Goodman G21370363B 637 CU J mule JA, 1* K mule KA, mule LB, T. H54567383A K95/637 CU H54567384A L95/637 CU I18105713A 637 F L01597562B B166/637 VG Goodman L029671220 H149/637 CU 637 SC 1934A mule KA, LA, *A L01359866. 637 CU 1934B mule KA, LA, *A L01359867• 637 CU 7934C mule LA, MA, NA, PA, LT 1928C non-mule GA, *A *A Series of 1934C 1928D mule GA, *A 1928E mule GA, HA, *A A54870831A C127/637 F Goodman FRN 1934 A non-mule AA, As B22594851C 1257/629 VG Goodman B non-mule BB, B* B42196541C E263/637 VC, Goodman C non-mule CA, C* B45409229C E257/637 AU D non-mule DA, D* non-mule EA, E* C0M:136000B F135/637 CU D77184218A B71/637 AU Goodman G31475153B E216/637 VG Goodman F non-mule FA, F* G45417717B 1219/629 VG H non-mule HA, II* G61015789B 637 VG J non-mule JA, J* G646330878 229/637 I934A A mule AA, A* H70831511A B mule BB, Bs I20058699A 141/637 Goodman C mule CA, C* mule DA, D* E mule EA, E* J31266251A 637 VG from Philadelphia in the CA block, and one star from San Fran- F mule FA, F* mule GA, GB, G* H mule HA, H* L mule LA, LB, L* cisco. The $5 1934B and C mules can hardly be called common. Presently, many of the reported examples are unique on a district by district basis! A listing of reported Se- 1934B A mule AA, A* B mule BB, B* ries of 1934A, B and C 637 $5 FRN mules appears in Table 5. B 212 mule BB, B* C mule CA, C* SERIES OF 1934C MULES WITH D mule DA, D* E mule EA, E* MICRO BACK 629 F mule FA, F* mule GB, G* H mule HA, H* I mule IA, I* J mule JA, 1* Back plate 629 was completed normally on December 29, 1933. It was, of course, a micro back plate. It sat around un- used for 14 years in the BEP plate vault. For some unknown reason, it was resurrected in 1947 and sent to press on L mule LA, LB, Ls November 17! Its first and only press hitch lasted just two- 1934C A mule AA, A* B mule BB, BC, B* and-a-half months. Next it was reentered to prolong its life. C mule CA, CB, C* However, it was never recertified for use because the engraved D mule DA, Ds E mule EA, E* F mule FA, F* mule GB, G* lines in its margins to guide trimming differed from those on the then current plates. Rather, it was withdrawn from fur- ther service and cancelled. Notice from Table 3 that through H mule HA, HB, Us I mule IA, I* J mule JA, J* chance its stint of service coincided with one short period when 637 was not in use. K mule KA, Ks L mule LB, L* Mules from plate 629 are rare owing to its short service. Its impressions can be found mated with $5 Series of 1928E legal tender notes, Series of 1934C silver certificates, and very in- Table 6. Plate record for 55 Series of 1934E New York Federal frequently with Series of 1934C Federal Reserve notes. Two Reserve face plate 212 which had intermediate size plate numbers. Data from Huntoon (1984). 629 $5 Series 1934C FRN mules have been located as shown in Table 5. They are ultimate rarities arising from the most Plate 212 unusual of circumstances. Begun: Oct 9, 1945 Finisned: Nov 7, 1945 Press runs Reentered Certified Nov 7, 1945 - Jan 22, 1946 Feb 26, 1946 - Mar 6, 1946 Mar 13, 1946 - Mar 26, 1946 Apr 23, 1946 - May 10, 1946 May 13, 1946 Jun 6, 1946 Oct 25, 1946 - Oct 31, 1946 Nov 4, Cancelled: 1946 - Sep Nov 14, 8, 1946 1946 LEON GOODMAN'S RARE FRN MULES The $5 FRN 1934A, B and C mules owned by Leon Goodman are identified in Table 5. Notice that he had a third of the reported total. His notes comprise most of the valid sightings listed in the O'Donnell catalogs. Probably the two greatest $5 FRN mules owned by Goodman are the $5 1934A—his was the first ever • --""wWidsniestae -7 - Vs, 0 L, TIIE 1r.. 1[ r4 xnzuw.vgx...,=.""74:=T:Vg:ZtTal,"" JO; SERMS 0/1934 C WASHINGTON.D.C. 111314 1VN-011.1111)1'.; 1/1/.11.169090110.19391... ""4 =1!::11=q117.11279/"[.."17(F .' SERIES or .34 C 12S, WASHINGTON,MG , mcwaBosagra s- teitmo 9911010• .3339j, 141 4..\ T=TINW:=ZOLrgr" SERIES 0/1934 n WASHINOTON.D.C. B69708.310 Q rfttgttVrllt41*TS"iSil lit),.• t) -*•ti. t4t......Ev /119001301314/0[. """ ItliN .119.1. 5030.1919c U" 91,91311Rog 9 "'"'"9/4/1011911 Page 74 Paper Money Whole No. 147 $5 FRN Series of 1934C C00036000B mule with micro back plate 637. This mule was created very near the end of the life of 637 but just as the CB block went to press. This discovery by David Klein adds a new block to the 637 census. $ 5 FRN Series of 1934C B22594851C mule with micro back plate 629. This is only the second reported S5 FRN 629 mule, having been printed during the short period November 17, 1947-February 2, 1948. (Ex Leon Goodman collection.) $5 FRN Series of 1934A B69708310B mule with micro back plate 63 7. This was the discovery note for this type. Now four are known to exist. (Ex Leon Goodman col- lection.) Very scarce $ 5 FRN Series of 193-4 blue- green seal non-mule. The face was printed aroundJuly or August, 1942. The yellow- green back from micro plate 702 was printed between November 29, 1935 and July 26, 1937, then stockpiled for later use. Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 75 Table 7. Chronology of events that shaped the 1934 series $5 Federal Reserve printings. Oct 13, 1934 first Series of 1934 face used with yellow-green seals goes to press. May 19, 1937 last Series of 1934 face used with yellow-green seals leaves press. Mar 16, 1938 first macro back goes to press. late 1938 seal color changed from yellow-green to blue-green. Feb 14, 1940 last micro back leaves press. Nov 1940- Feb 1941 back ink changed from yellow-green to blue-green. 1941 stockpile of old yellow-green micro backs printed between 1932 and 1937 sent into face production. Jul 11, 1941 first Series of 1934 face used with blue-green seals goes to press. Jul 31, 1941 first Series of 1934A face goes to press. Jun 6, 1942 Hawaii printings begin. Aug-Sep 1942 stockpile of old yellow-green micro backs printed between 1932 and 1937 is depleted. May 30, 1944 last Hawaii delivered. * Jun 23, 1945 micro back 637 goes to press. Nov 7, 1945 first Series of 1934B face goes to press. Nov 7, 1945 intermediate Series of 1934B New York face 212 goes to press. Jan 23, 1946 last Series of 1934 face leaves press. Jul 24, 1946 last Series of 1934A face leaves press. Oct 29, 1946 first Series of 1934C face goes to press. Nov 14, 1946 intermediate Series of 1934B New York face 212 leaves press. Feb 24, 1947 last Series of 1934B face leaves press. Nov 17, 1947 micro back 629 goes to press. Feb 2, 1948 micro back 629 leaves press. Jun 15, 1949 micro back 637 leaves press. *Jan 3, 1950 first Series of 1934D delivered. Jan 31, 1951 last Series of 1934D delivered. * May 28, 1951 last Series of 1934C face leaves press. * From Shafer (1967). Table 8. Types in the 1934 series Federal Reserve note issues including varieties, and the years when printed. Indicates none have been reported. 1934 non-mule yellow-green seal yellow-green back 1934-1937 1934 non-mule blue-green seal yellow-green back 1941-1942 1934 non-mule Hawaii brown seal yellow-green back 1942 1934 mule blue-green seal blue-green back 1941-1946 1934 mule Hawaii brown seal blue-green back 1942-1943 1934A non-mule blue-green seal blue-green back 1941-1946 1934A non-mule Hawaii brown seal blue-green back 1943-1944 * 1934A mule blue-green seal yellow-green back 1941-1942 1934A 637 mule blue-green seal blue-green back 1945-1946 1934E non-mule blue-green seal blue-green back 1945-1947 1934B NY 212 blue-green seal blue-green back 1945-1946 1934E 637 mule blue-green seal blue-green back 1945-1947 1934B 212/637 blue-green seal blue-green back 1945-1946 1934C non-mule blue-green seal blue-green back 1946-1951 1934C 629 mule blue-green seal blue-green back 1947-1948 1934C 637 mule blue-green seal blue-green back 1946-1949 1934D non-mule blue-green seal blue-green back 1950-1951 discovered—and the 1934C with back plate 629. The latter is the second of its type to be recorded. Until it appeared in Karn's stock, no one suspected that it existed because Goodman never told anyone he had one! Notice also that his 1934B DA, and 1934C AA, DA and IA mules currently rank as unique for those districts. KLEIN'S $5 PHILADELPHIA MULES Dave Klein recently discovered two important S5 Philadel- phia mules, each from entirely different sources. The most significant is the fourth known $5 Series of 1934A 637 mule, serial C69052070A, which adds a new district to the 1934A census. The other is a $5 FRN Series of 1934C 637 mule bearing serial C00036000B. The CB block went to press just before micro back 637 was retired. As luck would have it, some Series of 1934C CB mules were printed. I had not an- ticipated the 1934C CB variety in my previous research. Finds like these continue to surprise, amaze and delight even the most seasoned of us. A REMOTELY POSSIBLE $5 FRN MULE FRN $5 Series of 1934B New York face plate 212 bears a very distinctive intermediate size plate number halfway in size be- tween a micro and macro (see Figure 1). This plate was used between November 7, 1945, and November 14, 1946 (Table 6), a period that was entirely overlapped by the usage of $5 Page 76 Paper Money Whole No. 147 micro back plate 637. Obviously it is possible that a 212/637 could exist. None are presently known. Such a note would be a great find, marrying as it would two fascinating varie- ties on one note! CONCLUSION The most challenging mules to collect are the $5s because there are so many different possibilities (see Tables 7 and 8). Many owe their origins to the most unusual circumstances at- tending micro back plates 629 and 637 between 1946 and 1949. Micro backs 629 and 637 produced the rarest of the $5 Federal Reserve mules. Back 637 is found on Series of 1934A, B and C mules; 629 on 1934Cs. As a type note, the $5 FRN Series of 1934A ranks as the rarest mule variety. With only four known, they eclipse the super-rare $2 Series of 1928C legal tender mules (micro face, macro back) and $10 Series of 1934 North Africa (yellow seal) silver certificate mules (micro face, macro back). The four known $5 FRN Series of 1934A mules are from micro back plate 637. They were printed in 1945-6 and carry blue-green backs. Muled Series of 1934A $5 New York FRNs of 1941-2 vintage are also possible. These would have utilized stockpiled micro backs printed between 1932 and 1937 so their backs, if one is ever found, will have the earlier yellow-green ink. No $5 FRN yellow-green seal Series of 1934 mules, 1934A mules, or 1934A non-mules are possible because there were no $5 FRN printings between May 20,1937 and July 10,1941. The yellow-green seals were phased out sometime in late 1938, almost three years before the first S5 FRN Series of 1934A face plates went to press. Macro back $5s were first printed in March, 1938, but no Series of 1934 face plates were in use then to allow for the creation of mules with yellow- green seals. When production of Series of 1934 $5 FRN faces resumed in 1941, the seal color had been changed to blue- green. Thus all the $5 FRN Series of 1934 mules bear blue- green seals. ACKNOWLEDGMENT James Lemon provided microfilms of both $5 back and 1934 series FRN plate records reproduced from ledgers in the National Archives. David Koble rushed a set of $1 silver certificate Series of 1935A notes to me in order that we could determine when the yellow-green back inks ceased to be used. Numerous collectors and dealers generously supplied me with data on scarce and rare 1934 FRN notes of all denominations including Marty Vink, Logan Talks, James Lemon, Allen Karn, David Klein and David Koble. Going back and forth be- tween these notes and Lemon's plate records allowed me to estab- lish when yellow-green seals were phased out, and when various varieties were printed. This research has been, over the years, a truly cooperative effort. REFERENCES CITED Bureau of Engraving and Printing, undated, Ledgers showing plate histories for various early small-size currency plates: U.S. Na- tional Archives, Washington, DC. Huntoon, P., 1984, $5 1934B New York intermediate size plate number 212: Paper Money, v. 23, pp. 87-89. Huntoon, P., 1989a, Small note mules, a fifty year retrospective: Paper Money, v. 27, pp. 5-12,13. Huntoon, P., 1989b, Small note mules, new data for the fifty-year retrospective: Paper Money, v. 27, pp. 176-178,191. Shafer, Neil, 1967, A guide book of modern United States currency, 2nd edition: Whitman Publishing Company, Racine, Wisconsin, 160 p. The Day S pinner puttered Again by DAVID RAY ARNOLD, Jr. Names to conjure with, so the saying goes. There are many such names for the ardent collector: not among the least of which is the magic Chittenden-Spinner. For- tunate holders of early United States paper money bearing that signature combination have been be- queathed the very hand and seal of two outstanding fiscal officers serving under Abraham Lincoln. UCIUS E. Chittenden was Register of the Treasury from April 17,1861 to August 10,1864, in association with Francis E. Spinner, Treasurer. Chittenden tells in his personal reminiscences of the assertion that Lincoln re- fused to take his salary of $25,000 in greenbacks, insisting instead that he receive gold certificates. It was said publicly that at the same time Union soldiers were forced to accept the greenbacks at a 50 percent discount, and further, that Jefferson Davis was paid in depreciated Confederate notes. Spinner was infuriated by the accusation about Lincoln. The fiercely loyal Treasurer said that since he could not kill the rascal whose newspaper article he had seen, he could at least "step on his lie," for lie it was. Lincoln was paid monthly by Treasury draft, and the President had not so much as collected the money, preferring to leave it in the Treasury. There was only a short period during which these events could have occurred. It was some time after the authorizing Act that any certificates were issued, and Lincoln was shot on April 14,1865. This was neither the first nor the last of typical Spinner ex- plosions, for the fuses between his conceptions and his reac- tions were short, dry, and half flashpowder. Spinner served with three more Registers, but true to form, it was a differ- ence of opinion that brought about his resignation in 1875. The calm, controlled Chittenden described the Treasurer only as "forthright," and his lurid language as "colorful," not profane. Chittenden admired and respected Spinner, calling him "that grand old man." Recall of this anecdote is timely in view of what some see as a revival of interest in gold certificates. Spinner's signature, of course, appears on the earlier examples; all now very rare. More will he heard about gold certificates in days to come. The aristocrat of paper money was a desirable instrument at its beginning in 1863, and it still is. Ai El ER CE T STO STATES C Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 77 Marcus Walker's "Shinplasters" by STEPHEN GOLDSMITH Figure I. 25, 50 cent and $1 "shinplasters issued by Marcus Walker. D URING the Civil War a shortage of small change made daily business transactions exceedingly diffi- cult. Drastic measures became necessary as coins all but disappeared. In the North, penny-sized tokens were privately minted and began to circulate widely. These are now called "Civil War Tokens" or "Store Cards," depending on whether they bear advertising or patriotic themes. The production facilities and die-sinkers necessary to produce tokens were not available in the South, but there were a few good engravers and lithographers in the local print shops. Though paper was in short supply, many small change notes or "shinplasters" could be produced from a single sheet. Bankers and local merchants quickly realized the advantages of having their own printed money. Circulatinig "shin- plasters" served as an excellent form of advertising. Profit could be made on the difference between production costs and face value. Notes lost or destroyed meant additional profits, and the total in circulation was equivalent to an interest-free loan. The end of the Civil War created a very uncomfortable situation for those who held "shinplasters" and those who had issued them. Most of the notes were printed with the legend "REDEEMABLE IN CONFEDERATE NOTES." The merchants and bankers were quite happy to pay out absolutely worthless Confederate notes in exchange for the paper they had privately issued. Those who had accepted the privately issued notes in good faith now demanded payment in something more substantial than Confederate notes. They would soon have their day in court. Marcus Walker was a wealthy plantation owner and merchant who resided in the Town of Franklin, the seat of St. Mary Parish in Louisiana. In 1861, Walker engaged the services of J. Manouvrier (who also produced notes for the Confederate States of America). Walker ordered a series of 25-cent, 50-cent and $1 notes featuring pelicans, steamboats and trains. Varieties exist, some with blue underprints on the faces or backs. Figure 2. T-12 Confederate $5 note of 1861 byJ. Manouvrier, who also engraved Walker's notes. Paper Money Whole No. 147Page 78 Figure 3. Notation on the backs of the notes presented for use as evidence in the court case between Walker and Brunner. When the War ended, a gentleman by the name of George Brunner had accumulated $72.75 worth of Mr. Walker's notes. He attempted to redeem them. Mr. Walker agreed to do so, in Confederate notes! Mr. Brunner was not amused. The two met again in 1866, in Justice Court, Ward 3, Parish of St. Mary. Marcus Walker contended that he had followed the letter of the law. His notes stated ". . . .will pay. . . . to the bearer. . . in Confederate Notes in sums of Five Dollars." He was ready and able to keep his promise. George Brunner claimed that he had received Walker's "shinplasters'' as promissory notes, signed by Walker and purporting to be good money. Justice McKerall ruled that the value of Confederate notes at the time the ''shinplasters" were issued was what Brunner was entitled to receive. The court determined that the value of a CSA dollar was equivalent to seventy-five cents in gold at the time of issuance and Walker had to pay Brunner $47.85. The notes illustrated were presented by Brunner as evidence for use in the court case in October of 1866. They were given to the author as a gift by a local resident of Franklin who was also kind enough to furnish the background for this article. This article appears with the permission of R.M. Smythe and Co., Inc., where Mr. Goldsmith serves as executive vice president; he is also the president of the PCDA. •-■-■11•-■-■ Syngfapitie Vignetteb An Unusual Advertising Note by ROBERT H. LLOYD T HE last century saw a great increase in advertising paper made in imitation of currency in daily use, or having been seen in the recent past. It was popular to use the facsimiles of Confederate currency in advertising for four decades after the conclusion of the War between the States. Some of these scrip -attention-getters" were made very closely in imitation of actual, legal tender currency. The Lockport, New York, note shown below certainly qualifies as a close copy of the S5 Demand Notes of 1861, or the U.S. Notes of 1862-3. Anything made today that closely imitates real currency would undoubtedly be confiscated by U.S. Treasury officials. Over the years there have been many instances of such seizures, even without a formal complaint to the authorities. Howard Strong was a haberdasher at 42 Main Street, Lock- port, and is listed in the city directories for 1866 and 186 7 . The words "Howard Strong" appear in simulated old English type, carefully imitating the words "United States" on the real note. The green lathe work at the center is very similar to the real thing, as is the statue of Freedom at the left, except that tt the ()air( which q'e or of Ihe when prosrut I or mot •f etI dozen scrip notes from that period. It is not listed in Wismer, a list which is confined to banks and bankers. We must conclude that it is rather scarce. by ROBERT H. LLOYD Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 79 the face has been obscured. The portrait of Hamilton at right is also altered with sightless eyes and a mustache, and the figure "5" above is changed. But Strong used a stub pen in his signature, in the bold style of writing of a famous signa- ture of that day, F.E. Spinner, common on the greenbacks of that time. The legend reads "Howard Strong promises to sell TO THE BEARER for a FEW DOLLARS more of hats, caps, furs, gloves &c. than any other house in Lockport. Call and See." The lithograph is by Wills & Bascomb, Buffalo, and was copy- righted. Mr. Strong resided at 17 Saxton Street, Lockport, 1866 and 1867. His widow is listed at that address in 1868 and 1869. The note must have been a short-lived promotion as it is very scarce today. Unusual Scrip From Civil War Days Amusements. Metropolitan Theatre. 13TAGE Maa•uaa Mr. J. T. RAYMOND Third night of the engagement of MR. SOTTIER 1•T who will appear In his celebrated character of The rianchen. Wednesday Evening, Sept. 19, 1880. Will be presented FLOWERS' OF THE FOREST. Kinchen Mr. e othern To conclude with THE LOTTERY TICKET. Prices of Admission : Dress Circle and Parquette DO cts Family Circle cts Gallery 16 cis. gar Doors open at 7 ; Performance commences at 77k o'clock, precisely. I N the days when advertising scrip was likely to get more attention than it does today, it is pleasing to find one promoting the theater. The simple, ample-sized illustra- ted note is a black and white lithograph by J.C. Beale, 19 Nassau Street, New York City. The Buffalo City Directories show the theater was in business from 1858 to 1862; the scrip is dated 1862. The location was at 180 Main Street at Seneca Street; on the note the office is listed at 193 Main Street. The theater disappears from the City Directory in 1863. Perhaps it failed due to the circumstances related to the Civil War. Newspapers do not mention the demise of a business as much as they do its opening. According to the advertisement above from the Buffalo Express September 18, 1860, the performance commences at "7 3A o'clock precisely." This scrip was never represented in the cabinet of the Buffalo Numismatic Association, although the Club has a Supplement to No. 135 Since the publication of "The First Greenbacks . ." Mr. Horstman has discovered that Liberty was based on a figure in the Hem icyc le by Paul Delaroche. This information was mentioned in "Liberty" in The Essay-ProofJournal, Third Quarter, 1988, p. 110. Correction in No. 144 In "Syngraphic Vignettes" on page 195 the two references to the Perlmutter Sale should have been the Grinnell Sale, con- ducted by Barney Bluestone. This landmark catalog was reprinted by Bill Anton, Jr. and Morey Perlmutter in 1971. r K56458 i--- 1114416 sxentrogrrrermsvarsnoI. MA/MITI 7111: Page 80 Paper Money Whole No. 147 Another "Mr. Phil" Story by BOB COCHRAN William A. Philpott, Jr., known in the hobby as "Mr. Phil", was collecting paper money before many of our parents were born. He held membership number 1978 in the American Numismatic Association; he was also a founding member of the Society of Paper Money Col- lectors, holding membership No. 15. He served as the secretary of the Texas Bankers' Association for over fifty years (beginning in 1913) and began collecting paper money in 1929. It is said that he was able to acquire many rare notes through his contacts in the banking world and through the various Federal Reserve Banks in the U.S. Those of us who are now members of the SPMC owe him a great debt if for nothing more than the wealth of information (particularly that about large- size Federal Reserve Bank Notes and Federal Reserve Notes), from his own personal research, that he left us in the pages of the early issues of Paper Money. ON Horstman of St. Louis owns several notes with "Philpott" pedigrees, and one of them is "central" to this story. In early 1969 Ron ordered a 1902 Red Seal S5 -tote issued by the Mechanics-American National Bank of St. Louis from Mr. Philpott. He had advertised the note as "Almost Uncirculated," and priced it at S100. When Ron received the note he was disappointed in that he felt the note was not quite as nice as Mr. Philpott had advertised. Mr. Philpott wrote back on January 21, 1969, stating that he had not examined the note in question that carefully, but that he would agree with Ron's grade of XF for the note. He went on to say that he still thought the price paid for the note was a fair one, but offered Ron the opportunity of returning it for a full refund. He then offered Ron another note: Here's another "buy" for you: FR 597, Central National, St. Louis, second note from top (B) of No. 1 sheet. I knew Cashier [Myron] William A. Philpott, Jr — "Mr. Phil" Sturtevant personally. He kept this note in his lock box for fifty- four years. (The president took the top note (A) of this sheet.) Mr. Sturtevant sold it to me in 1960, shortly before he died— saying that he had no relatives who would cherish it as he did— and he wanted it in a representative collection, such as he thought I had. I placed it among my "#1 notes," where it has been ever since. As you know, this is the scarcest of the three red seal signatures. I'll leave the grading to you—but I know the only "circulation" it has seen is when Mr. Sturtevant would take it from his box to show to some friend. The signatures are autographs. The condi- tion is certainly acceptable. And being from the "first" sheet adds greatly to its numismatic value. By today's market the note was priced inexpensively at $300, but in 1969 it was quite a healthy price, and Ron passed. In the June 9, 1971 issue of Coin World, Mr. Philpott offered a very nice selection of large-size national bank notes, in- cluding several #1 notes; in the ad he stated that they were "truly the remainder of my holdings." One of these notes caught Ron Horstman's eye: "[Friedberg Number] 597, $5, Central NB, St. Louis Ch. 8455, red seal, XF. . . $75.00." (Interestingly, in the very same issue, another dealer was offering a Friedberg 597 from the same bank, at the same price. But it was not a #1 note, and it was graded "Fine.") The $5, 1902 Red Seal note, Serial #1, issued by the Central National Bank of St. Louis, Missouri. Signed by Myron R. Sturtevant, Cashier, and H.A. Gorman, President. Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 81 411130MMEIRL MORE LARGE SIZE NOTES FROM DIFFERENT STATES Many paper-currency collectors are looking for large size National Bank Notes. Thirly•two different States were represented in my May ad. This was a sell-nut. Below are notes, equally desirable, from thirty-four variant Stales. Also added are notes bearing serial No. 1 - from eight different Banks: Truly the reainder of my holdings. Likewise are offered eleven notes from Banks with charter number m s below 100. Also listed are nine notes with attractive charter numbers, including 1000. 3333, and 3456. First numbers are Friedberg's numbers. 611, 05, Siloam Sprgs.,-Ark., 13274, 624, 510, S. St. Paul, Minn., 6732, perfect 150.00 New 50.00 659, 510, Los Angeles, Calif., 2491, 616, SIO, King City, Mo., 4373, XF 75.00 XF 50.00 513, 510, Aurora, Neb., 2897, 653, 520, Greeley, Colo., 4437, VF 50.00 Brilliant 125.00 598. 55, Middletown, Conn., 1216, 421, SIO, Franklin, N.H., 2443, XF 350.00 New 40.00 660, 55, Kinston, N.C., F 65.00 624, 510, Washington, D.C., 6716, 647, 520, Newark, N.J., 1316, red VF 45.00 seal, F 200.00 650, S20, Jacksonville, Fla., 6888, F 75.00 479, 510, Oswego, N.Y., 255, New 100.00 628, 510, Augusta, Ga., 1860, VF . 50.00 626, SIO, Burns, Ore., 8691, VF 100.00 615, 510, Shreveport, La., 3595, F 3590 598, 55, Bridgeport, 0., 6624. XF 30.00 403, 55, Farmers City, III., 2156, 466, 55, Media, Pa., 312, Superb 125.00 Superb 300.00 402, 55, Cumberland, R.I., 1404, VF 175.00 633, SIO, Fowler, Ind., 5430, perfect 45.00 650, 520, Athens, Tenn., 3341, VF 60.00 652, 520, Fort Dodge. la., 1661, F 50.00 625. 510, Salt Lake City, Utah, 9403, 628, 510, Cherryvale, Kan.. 4749, XF 75.00 VG 150.00 607, 55, Louisville, Ky., 5312, XF . 40.00 397, SS, Hyde Park, Vt., 1163, VF 200.03 587. 55, Baltimore, Md., 1325, 624, 510, Bluefield, W. Va., 6674, VF 75.00 perfect 85.09 656, 520, Tacoma, Wash., 3417, VF 100.00 598, 55. Monson. Mass., 503, AU 35.0-3 615, 510. Oshkosh, Wis., 9347, F .. 40.00 394, 55, Ionia, Mich., 275, VF 200.00 642 S20, Norton, Va., 9746, F ... 75.00 NO. 1 NATIONAL BANK NOTES - LARGE SIZE 623, S10, Tazewell Co. NS, Delavan, 590, 55, 2nd NB, Brownsville, Pa., h- 322.L.-rod-4421--Noss--- 115-00 Ch. 2673, New . . ..... 175.00 7, 55, Central NB, St. Louis Ch ---) 621, 510, 1st NB, Mechanicsburg, 8455, red seal, XF 75.00 Pa., 180. New 200.00 ----, 450. 5 1 0, 1st NB Cameron, W. Va , red seal, VG 50.00 6023, VF 250.00 615, 510. Douglas NB, Roseburg, Ore., Ch. 9423, XF 153.00 LARGE NOTES - CHARTER NUMBERS UNDER 100 479. SIO, 1st NB, Erie, Pa., superbly New 175.00 415. 510, 1st NB, Centreville, Ind., 37, New 300.00 613. 510, 1st NB, Canton, 0., 76, F 40.09626. 510„ 5th-3rd NO, Chen., 0., 20, 392, 52, 3rd NB, N.Y., 87, F, butdXF 50.00 400.00456. SS. 1st NB., Cien., 0., 24, 621, 510. 1st NB, Toledo, 0.,, redSuperb 150.03 seal. 91, VF .. 150.00595. 55, Same Bank, Red Seal, 24, 479. 010, 4th NB, Cinn., 0., bb, 93,Bri'llant . ..... . . 100.00 XF 12E00624, 510, 1st NB, N.Y., 29, perfectly 621, 510. 4th NB, Cinn., 0., redNew 58.00 seal. 93. XF 135.00 LARGE NOTES - ATTRACTIVE CHARTER NUMBERS 480, 510. Farmers NB, Mansfield. 621. 5".0. City NB, Evansville, Ind., 0 , 630. VF . . 93.03 6203. AU 200.03 416. SlO. NB of the Republic, N.Y., 533. 55. Merchants NB, S. Paul, 1030. VF 350.00 Minn.. 2020, XF .. 175.00 490. Sit, N. Herkimer Co. Bk., Little 489. 910. Merchants NB, Middletown, Fal's, N.Y.. 2400. XF .. . 125. 130 N.Y.. 333, Unc. .. ii 253.00 471. 55, 1st NB, Somerset, Pa., 4100, 599. 55. 1st NO, KC, Me., 3456. New 60.00 New 125.00 504. 020, 1st NB, Carlisle, Ky., 5959, BU 250.00 These items go to first checks received. I do have other notes from many States in acceptable condition. WILLIAM A. PHILEOTT, JR. Consultant, Texas Bankers Association Business Telephone - Forenoons Only 214-747-4466 ANA No. 1978 50-year Gold Membership Medal, awarded in 1968 SPMC No. 15 Post Office Box 1466 Dallas, Texas 75221 1111/1162=12a1MMERMIliinx Advertisement by Mr Philpott appearing in the June 9, 1971 issue of Coin World. This ad reflects the increased value of better notes over the last 18 years; by today's standards, they are incredible bargains. Ron contacted Mr. Philpott and ordered the note. On June 18, 1971 Mr. Philpott sent the note, along with the following letter. Notice the differences as to the note's pedigree in this letter compared to his letter of two years earlier: Enclosed is the note you ordered June 15th: Fr. 597, S5, Central N.B.. St. Louis; ch. 8455, sheet #1; rarest of the red seals (Vernon-Treat); auto. sigs. M.R. Sturtevant, cashier, and H.A. Gorman, pres.; extremely fine. . . $75.00. This note has been in my collection for forty years, obtained it from "Sturty," the cashier, who was my personal friend. This is the "B" or second note from top of sheet. "Sturty" told me Mr. Gorman took the "A" note, and he latched on to the second note, "B". Said other top officers received the "C" and "D" notes of this number 1 sheet—and he did not know where these notes went. Mr. Sturtevant let me have the item "because it belongs in your collection." Said none of his relatives—including some grandsons—"were not interested," but would "spend it as fast as they could." "Sturty," as his friends called him, died about twenty-five years ago. Mr. Philpott passed away at the age of eighty-six later that year, on October 10, 1971. It really doesn't matter which of his versions is true, if either; but they do make interesting reading. Incidentally, several years ago I was fortunate to pur- chase the "C" note from the second sheet of $5 red seals is- sued by the Central National Bank of St. Louis. My note is hand-signed by one of the assistant cashiers, A.N. Kingsbury, along with H.A. Gorman. The bank was a large one, with quite a few vice-presidents and assistant cashiers; it's likely everyone "took turns" signing the new notes in the cashier's spot and took the notes as souvenirs. However, Kingsbury (or someone) didn't think as much of my note as Sturtevant did of his, as it was trimmed badly into the design all the way around. Sources Correspondence files of Ronald L. Horstman Coin World, June 9, 1971. Pages 14, 27. Amos Press, Sidney, OH. Detroit's Private Bankers (Continued from No. 146, p. 52) FOOTNOTES 1. T(heodore) H. Hinchman. Banks and Banking in Michigan. pp. 59-60. 2. Emory Wendell, ed. Wendell's History of Banking and Banks and Bankers of Michigan. 2 vols. Detroit: Winn & Hammond, 1903. II, 327-28. 3. ibid. II, 38. 4. Municipal Reference Library, City of Chicago. Comparative In- formation on Private Banks and Banking. Photocopy of type- written material originally from the files of P.A.I.S., 1917, pp. 2-3. 5. Harold L. Bowen. Early Michigan Scrip, p. 187. 6. Municipal Reference. . . p. 2. OTHER SOURCES Burton, C.M. Scrapbook (microfilm). Burton Historical Collection. Detroit Public Library, Main Branch. Burton Historical Collection. Biography Card File and Reading Room Files. Farmer, Silas. History of Detroit and Wayne County and Early Michigan. Detroit: Gale Research, 1969 rpt. Felch, Alpheus. "Early Banks and Banking in Michigan." Report of Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan. Vol. II, Pioneer Col- lection, 1880. Gantz, Joseph. A History of Banking Legislation and Currency in Michigan. Unpublished master's thesis, Wayne State Univ., 1936. Palmer, Friend. Scrapbook. Burton Historical Collection. Woodford, Arthur M. Detroit and Its Banks: The Story of Detroit Bank & Trust. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1974. fIRST NNTIONAl BANK IN .EIGERTON WISCONSIN ...., TICS 'WO 12150 A00 486 14150 TWO Page 82 Paper Money Whole No. 147 111111011R Hifi 1101f UNIETIES by TOM SNYDER Supplement XIX recorded in all denominations of $5, $10 and S20. This one is different—look at the upper brown charter number preceding the serial number. It is 12150 which belongs to the Oklahoma National Bank of Hastings. You won't find the bank listed as it never issued notes. This error probably occurred only on the "D" or 4th note position of the six-subject sheet, in just one small shipment. I love it! Does anyone have any- thing comparable? 23 NEW CHARTERS RECORDED IN 1989 The collectors' market for these romantic old hank notes has really surged upward and onward during the past year as col- lectors and investors discover the realities of the hobby re- vealed through the research projects endorsed by the SPMC. Looking back a bit, the farm depression of the 1980s seems to have been one of the factors that brought new unrecorded notes onto the market and increased that collectible supply by about 25 percent over its previous volume. Interest seems to have ballooned along with the availability. Now that farm- money-tensions have been relieved somewhat, the supply of new unrecorded material has dropped sharply during the past year, while collector interest remains high. Competition for condition seems to be taking over as it did in the coin field. Witness the fact that we were able to record 48 charters in 1987; the number was cut in half to 24 for 1988 and that figure has been holding steady this past year. I expect that figure to be further reduced to only a few new charters per year, and to continue at that pace for a long time into the future. There are now 258 unrecorded charters. It may take another 20 years to get that number down to 175, though I expect additional denominations of those charters already recorded to he coming to the surface. All the chartered banks shown on our list can be expected to remain rare. When one is recorded, it will probably remain a sole survivor. In the past decade, two lazy two's have surfaced; both were previously unknown to collectors in my home state. From that I gather we can expect new small-size notes to gradually come to light for 60 or so more years. Texas seems to be the biggest hold-out with 44 unknown charters, with none surfacing last year. The larger issue eastern states of New York and Pennsylvania have produced more notes with three new Pennsylvania charters surfacing last year. Let's take a look at some of the interesting new discoveries that turned up in 1989. WHOA! $10 T-2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN TIGERTON, WI Charter 14150/12150! Photo courtesy of Keith Edison Here's a rarity 4 bank chartered in 1934 with a capitalization of $50,000. It issued 6,796 small-size notes, which have been Photo courtesy of Tom Snyder The first National Bank of Tigerton, WI is located in Shawano County, WI just a few miles north of Iola—the now famed coin collectors capital. It had an unusually large bank for its population of 850, which was additionally supported by nearby lumbering camps. Cash payrolls were common in those days. As was common for most 14000 charter banks, this was a reorganization of charter 5446, which failed in the depression era of 1934. CONTRIBUTORS TO THE 19TH SUPPLEMENT Charles G. Colver, Frank Clark, John Hickman, the Higgins Museum. Curtis Iversen, Harry E. Jones, James A. Johnson, Jr., Lyn Knight, William Kleinschmidt, Allen Karn, Art Leister, Don Lynch, Don Mark, Robert Moon, Ken McDannel, Dean Oakes, Joe O'Brien, Gary Potter and Lee Stickle. PROJECT CORRESPONDENCE: TOM SNYDER 2028 N. 113th Street Wauwatosa, WI 53226 Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 83 Notes That Surfaced or Were Reported and Recorded During 1989. * indicates new charters ALABAMA 4319 Jacksonville . 5 7424 Headland 5 * 7451 Sylacauga 20 * 9927 Newville 20 11515 Clanton 5 12993 Montgomery 20 13359 Leeds 10 ARKANSAS 5929 DeQueen 10 6758 Newport 5 7523 Bentonville . 5 13534 Ashdown 10 CALIFORNIA 2412 Stockton 50 6808 Porterville 10 7152 Cucamonga .. 20 9621 Watsonville .. 5 9713 Willows 5 *11041 Del Rey 20 13510 Hollister 5 COLORADO 2300 Trinidad 5 4007 Montrose 20 7288 Montrose 10 7501 Arvada 10 7648 Loveland 10 8004 Palisades 10 14213 Eads 10, 20 CONNECTICUT 397 Middletown .... 20 DELAWARE 8918 Frankford 20 FLORIDA 7685 Perry 10 13008 Coral Gables 20 13214 Palatka 100 13352 Sarasota 5 GEORGIA 5045 Atlanta 1 0 ILLINOIS * 903 Princeton .. 10, 20 2330 Virginia 20 2915 Urbana 10 * 3579 Taylorville I() 6998 Rock Falls 5 *11333 Toluca 5 INDIANA 111 Madison 20 1873 Vincennes 10 1879 Peru 10 2067 Goshen 5 2508 Huntington 5 • 2747 Michigan City 10 3028 Decatur 20 * 5558 Orleans 10 INDIANA 6882 Dillsboro 10 6986 Delphi 10 7180 Portland 20 7601 East Chicago 5, I() 7824 Batesville 20 7863 Goodland 8835 Birdseye 10 9189 Cayuga 20 9352 Patoka 10 9540 Clay City 5 9715 Spencer 10 9756 Noblesville 20 *12028 Spurgeon 5 12420 Rushville 20 *14073 Franklin 10 IOWA 1403 Wintersct 10 2644 Newton 20 4376 Charter Oak 20 4510 Sioux City 20 5803 Essex 20 6700 Farragut 5 6870 Exira 10 7137 Linn Grove 20 8257 Inwood 10 8442 Riceville 5 9853 Crystal Lake 10 11735 Rake 5 12849 Knoxville 10 13400 Sioux Rapids 10, 20 13458 Chariton 5 13686 Colfax 20 13707 Knoxville 20 KANSAS 3350 Paola 5 4742 Salina 20 7195 Overbrook 10 7493 Kensington 10 7646 Garden City 10 7970 White City 10 9794 Solomon 20 11576 Oswego 20 11855 Collyer 50 12346 Wichita 50 LOUISIANA 6291 Lake Providence 5 13732 Gretna 10 MARYLAND 1325 Baltimore 5 1337 Baltimore 10 1432 Baltimore 5 2453 Baltimore 100 3010 Havre de Grace 5 4636 Aberdeen 10 4926 Frostburg .... 10, 20 5331 Midland 5 5561 Sandy Spring .. 10 8302 Kitzmillerville . 10 8867 Pikesville 10 9474 Bel Air 10 13867 Parkton 20 13979 Frostburg 20 MASSACHUSETTS 616 P abody 100 2618 Hudson 20 MASSACHUSETTS 4562 Adams 11067 Woburn MICHIGAN 3806 Iron Mountain .. 5 * 9509 L'Anse 10 11843 Greenville 10 12989 Dearborn 5 MINNESOTA * 6795 Madison 10 5894 Thief River Falls 5 NEBRASKA 9772 Havelock 20 NEW HAMPSHIRE 2600 Lancaster 10 NEW JERSEY 3709 Trenton 10 5205 Ridgewood 5 9542 West Orange .. 5, 10 11793 Palmyra 20 12646 Hamilton 20 13946 Garfield 5, 10 NEW YORK 35 Beacon 5 * 296 Oswego 20 465 Poughkeepsie 20 598 Malone 100 954 Balston Spa . 10 955 Kingston 20 980 Glens Falls 50 1090 Oneida 20 1189 Binghamton . 10 1269 Pawling 5 1335 Amsterdam 5 2225 Brewster 20 2487 Middleburg ... 20 2493 Kingston 20 2522 Hornell 20 2619 Dunkirk 5 2657 Watertown 5 2869 Fultonville 10 3154 Granville 20 3696 Canton 10 4870 Morris 20 4914 Beacon 10 5816 Casselton on H udson 5 6094 Carthage 20 6447 Doldgeville 20 6587 Huntington 20 7305 Cooperstown 20 7541 Trumansburg . 20 7588 Salem 10 7982 Montgomery 20 8850 Highland Falls 5 8935 Saranac Lake 5 9187 Mineola 20 9805 Portland 5 9956 Florida 20 10497 Montour Falls 10, 20 10569 Edwards 5 11020 Weedsport 10 11055 Friendship 5 * 11739 Romulus 5 11854 Cedarhust 10 NEW YORK Malone 20 Hampton Bays 20 New York 5 New York 20 Bellerose 50 New York 50 Minoa 5 Cherry Valley . 10 Middletown 5 Pine Bush 10 NORTH CAROLINA 8772 Asheville 20 10629 Mount Olive 20 NORTH DAKOTA • 6397 Starkweather . 10, 20 OHIO 715 Batavia 20 3889 Eaton 20 * 6943 Watertown 10 7091 Wauseon 5 7486 Bowerston 10 7557 Eaton 5 7596 Utica 100 9815 Racine 20 OREGON 8554 Forest Grove ... 10 8574 Tilamook 50 PENNSYLVANIA 2226 Warren 10 3874 Pittsburgh 20 4971 Cochranton 10 4984 Troy 5 5118 Easton 100 5130 Ford City 50 5879 Monaco 20 • 5974 Scottdale 10 6175 Freeland 5 6444 Stewartstown 10 6615 Hvndman 5 7349 New Cumberland 5 8185 Beaver 5 9026 Brownstown 20 9416 Eldred 5 9783 Genesee 5 9996 Delmont 10 11204 Timblin 10 12588 St. Michael 20 13197 Jersey Shore .. 50 * 13908 Rural Valley .. 10 *13999 Berwyn 5 14094 Cecil 10 14170 Bangor 5 * 14182 Williamsburg 10 SOUTH DAKOTA * 11689 Estelline 5 TENNESSEE 4715 Jonesboro 10 TEXAS 5190 Navasota 20 5325 Saint Jo 5 9845 Jayton 10 10420 Freeport 10 13046 Cooper 5 5 11897 20 12987 13035 13296 13234 13334 13476 13748 13956 13960 Page 84 Paper Money Whole No. 147 VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA 6031 Luray 10 9273 Rosalia 10 4718 Elkins 20 6842 Hampton 10 11045 Ellenburg 5 10589 Beckley 5 9295 Altavista 5 *11416 Pomeroy .... 10, 20 • 10658 Gloucester 10 11984 Conway 5 11901 Stuart 5 12231 Garfield 5, 10 * I 1978 Ashland 5 *13057 Gig Harbor 5 12311 Ferrum 20 CHARTER BANKS WHO ISSUED THE 1929-1935 NATIONAL BANK CURRENCY WHOSE NOTES REMAIN UNREPORTED States Banks States Banks Territories Remaining Unreported Notes by Charter Territories Remaining Unreported Notes by Charter District Unreported Number of Issuing Bank. District Unreported Number of Issuing Bank Alabama Alaska (Terri.) 8 7687, 7991, 7992, 8028, 9055, 10102, 10307, 11259 Notes from all banks reported. North Dakota 12 6474, 6475, 6557, 6601, 6743, 7872, 7879, 8881, 9386, 9684, 10721, 11184. Arizona Notes from all banks reported. Ohio 4 7639, 9274, 10436, 11216. Arkansas 3 9633, 12238, 12296. Oklahoma 11 5811, 6517, 6641, 7209, 8472, California 8 10184, 10309, 11433, 11867, 12271, 12328, 12624, 14202. 8616, 9881, 9964, 9970, 10380, 11397. Colorado Connecticut 1 6454 Notes from all banks reported. Oregon 8 3774, 5822, 8941, 9281, 10164, 10992, 13294, 14001.-- Delaware District Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii (Terr.) Notes from all banks reported. 10316. 7757 . 8314, 12404. Notes from all banks reported. Pennsylvania 19 522, 2562, 4222, 5920, 6281, 6603, 6709, 8092, 9128, 9554, 11892, 11966, 13868, 13871, 14049, 14112, 14121, 14169, 14181. -- 1 1 2 -- Idaho - -- Notes from all banks reported. Rhode Island Notes from all banks reported. Illinois 6 1428, 1870, 5285, 13673, South Carolina 5 6385, 9296, 10129, 10263, 10586. 13709, 13993. Indiana 10 3338, 4685, 5476, 6765, 7354, South Dakota 5 2068, 6561, 8698, 11457, 11590. 7491, 8351, 8912, 10616, Tennessee 3 10181, 10449, 12319.12780. Iowa 9 2961, 4795, 5585, 6852, 7357, 8057, 8099, 9549, 14309. Texas 44 2729, 3261, 3973, 4368, 4438, 5109, 5475, 5759, 6361, 6376, 6461, 6551, 6780, 6896, 6968, Kansas 3 3134, 8974, 9136. 7378, 7524, 7775, 8204, 8522, Kentucky 5 7254, 11890. 12202, 14026, 14076. 8690, 8770, 8816, 8817, 9053, 9625, 9810, 9989, 10241, Louisiana 2 10544, 14225. 10323, 10403, 10472, 10657, Maine 3 1956, 7835, 13843. 10703, 11163, 12741, 13555, Maryland 7 3205, 4364, 6202, 8799, 8860, 12443, 13798. 13562, 13661, 13667, 13669, 14027, 14072, 14126. Massachusetts 5 684, 1386, 2288, 2312, 14266. Utah Notes from all banks reported. Michigan 3 12661, 12793, 13929. Vermont 2 7614, 13261. Minnesota Mississippi 5 3155, 6366, 6519, 6933, 10936. Notes from all banks reported. Virginia 3 7208, 11533, 13878. Washington 5 3862, 88639, 9576, 10407, 14166. Missouri 1 6885. West Virginia 8 7672, 8333, 9523, 10392, Montana 2 10715, 10939. 10759, 11502, 13505, 13783. Nebraska 4 5337, 7622, 8797, 9665. Wisconsin 2 8632, 14905. Nevada Notes from all banks reported. Wyoming -- Notes from all banks reported. New Hampshire Notes from all banks reported. Recapitulation: (as of 12-31-89) New Jersey 9 5403, 5730, 8681, 9061, 9661, 12903, 14088, 14153, 14305. New Mexico Notes from all banks reported. THE COUNTDOWN New York 28 266, 295, 2463, 3171, 3193, 5476, 5936, 6087, 7233, 7763, 7840, 8334, 8343, 8388, 8717, 8872, 10374, 10930, 11518, 11956, 12018, 12294, 12398, 13089, 13246, 13365, 13909, 13911. Charters granted to National banks issuing the 1929-1935 notes 6997 Notes surfaced from charters 6739 Charters to be reported 258 Remaining unreported denominations from the North Carolina 9044. various banks 2220 111141.1ENO..X.C117117.11111MNICII aLmixranAgusfilimtifitm THE FIRST [0003181 NATIONAL BANK Of PRINCETON ILLINOIS Rtif, TEN DOLLARS [0003181 lempowuk5 O $20 DEL REY, CA, Ch. 11041 E 000206ATAE FIRST RATIONAL MK Of DEL REY CAL0ORNIA 44 E0002061 millwrammuits [0007001 $5 ROCK FALLS, IL, Ch. 6998 fA 11115.1411CMIS11111111/M111 .151171ffer,,,Ter " 77e0-.:3=:: Tr JamalgeS54.044-Rat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF co ROCK FALLS ILLINOIS O FIVE DOLLARS [0007001 $10 CARUTHERS, CA, Ch. 11330 WIEW*60—WPAdrAiillik THE FIRST ' C000605A NATIONAL BANN OF CARUTHERS CALIFORNIA Ion.. v. p 1.1 A■11 PDX 1>I■1/007 TEN DOLLARS 00006051 cy( TENDOLLICRS $5 TOLUCA, IL, Ch. 11333 Mattaft512,MASIE1 IAL,,,Eggot,-,1:inEgmeftmum THE CITIZENS - ' A000001A NATIONAL ANNA OF TOLUCA WMPAY.,t,,A.14ChOEMAMD • FIVE DOLLARS 10000011 . Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 85 $10 PRINCETON, IL, Ch. 903 (Photo courtesy of Lee Stickle) The First National Bank was chartered in 1865; it issued a lot of large-size notes, but closed December 31, 1929 with an issue of only 3924 small-size notes. An example of the $20 was reported along with this $10 and are the first such notes to surface. The town is located in north-central Bureau County. Princeton has a population of 6200. (Photo courtesy of Charles G. Colver) The First National Bank of Del Rey, CA was chartered in 1917 with a capital of $25,000. Only 6648 small-size notes in denominations of $10 and $20 were issued. This is the first to be reported from this romantic location in Fresno County. Population was around 1800, probably a lot more now. (Photo courtesy of Lee Stickle) The First National Bank of Rock Falls, IL was chartered in Sep- tember, 1903 with a capital of $25,000. It issued $ 5s, $10s and $ 20s for a total of 6696 small-size notes. This is the first $5 reported. Rock Falls is located in north-west Whiteside County and has a population of 10,150. (Photo courtesy of Charles G. Colver) The First National Bank of Caruthers, CA was chartered in April, 1919 with a capital of $25,000. The bank put out a small issue of $10s and $ 20s in both types for a total circulation of 7155 small-size notes. Caruthers is also located in Fresno County. This is the first $10 reported. (Photo courtesy of William Kleinschmidt) The Citizens National Bank of Toluca, IL was chartered in 1919 with a capital of $50,000. The bank was absorbed by charter 10514 in 1934, which never issued any notes. There were $ 5s only for this charter, with a mere 4116 issued. Someone in the bank saved the number 1 note and this is the first recorded note for the charter. Toluca is in north-central Marshall County and has a population of 1350. $10 GLOUCESTER, VA, Ch. 10658 ifirdotAi.irigomitk„ *i THE FIRST ,;',"•• CO 00314,A'' NATIONAL BANK 01 " 'a -EN DOLLUTIS 00 09,3141 _ - (Photo courtesy of James A. Johnson, Jr.) The First National Bank was chartered in November 1914 with a capital of $35,000. The bank issued 10,830 small-size notes including 3324 of these $10s. This is the discovery note for this charter. The bank was liquidated in March, 1932. Glou- cester is located in Gloucester County on the Atlantic Ocean. SIC N.,1,1^4! FIRST NATIONAL RANKIN - WEST UNION coco WEST VIIMMA CI - 'WILL PAY 76 THE BLAPFP ON DEW.. •—• TEN DOLLARS A000396 13881I $10 WEST UNION, WVA, Ch. 13881 lar221=5=7;:r". JEV)§111'titigal \ 13881 A000396 $10 RURAL VALLEY, PA, Ch. 13908 r 1HE PEOPLES 13908 A000921 NATIONAL BANK OF RURAL VALLEY PENITSTLVANIA Will PAY. THE um.. ON um,. TEN DOLIARS A000921 13908 13 9 0 TRomailas,1441---tlsEhmatiis. FAIIMERS 11689 A000813 NATIONAL BANK OF 03 Bourn onAOrA t° A PAVE , iimnA.,xlits A000813 11689 $10 WATERTOWN, OH, Ch. 6943 THE FIRST F000226A NATIONAL BANK OF • WATERTOWN 0) TEN DOLLARS F 000226 A Z./ $5 FREELAND, PA, Ch. 6175 NA.zzorun>cCE>aa>r NC THE FIRST E002390A NATIONAL BINH OF FREELAND .EM1STL.V.IA FIVE DOLLARS E002390A \ • $10 SCOTTDALE, PA, Ch. 5974 taidiowgmotvaiia THE BROADWAY NATIONAL BANK . Al SCO-0-DALE,, PENFISTLiATIIA TEN IIOLLAIIS C000711A Page 86 Paper Money Whole No. 147 (Photo courtesy of Allen Mincho) The First National Bank in West Union was the successor to charter 6424 with the "of" title. It was chartered in December, 1933 with a capital of $50,000. The bank issued 1212 of these $10s plus $ 5s and $20s for a total of 4032 small-size type two notes. West Union is located in north-central West Virginia's Doodridge County and was the only note issuing entity therein. (Photo courtesy of Joe Hensley) The Peoples National Bank of Rural Valley, PA was chartered in December 1933 with a capital of $50,000. This bank suc- ceeded charter 6083—The Rural Valley National Bank. Only SlOs were issued from this picturesque village in Armstrong County in west-central Pennsylvania. Only 1064 of these notes were issued and this is the first to surface. I can't find any population information on Rural Valley, so it may consist of two taverns, a gas station, general store and a National Bank! Charming! $5 ESTELLINE, SD, Ch. 11689 (Photo courtesy of Tom Denly) The Farmers National Bank of Estelline, SD is located in east- central Hamlin County. This bank succeeded the Farmers Na- tional Bank of Strandburg located some 35 miles to the north. Only type two notes were issued, for a total circulation of 3276 notes. This is the discovery note for this charter. (Photo courtesy of Ken McDannel) The First National Bank of Watertown, OH was chartered in September, 1903 with a capital of $25,000. The bank issued small $ 5s and $10s plus a mere sixty S 20s for a total of 4872 notes. This is the discovery note for Watertown, located in southeastern Washington County, a suburb of Marietta. (Photo courtesy of Tom Denly) The First National Bank of Freeland, PA was chartered in March, 1902 with a capital of $50,000. It was placed in receivership in 1934. The bank issued $5s, $10s and $20s. One $20 is known in addition to this $5. With a total of 33,548 small-size notes issued, surely there must be a couple more. The population is 5,000 in this town located in north-central Luzerne County. (Photo courtesy of Allen Mincho) The Broadway National Bank of Scottdale, PA was chartered in September, 1901 with a capital of S50,000. It was liquidated in 1931 and absorbed by the First National Bank which itself closed in 1933. Only 6012 notes were issued in $10 and $20 denominations. Scottdale is located in western Westmoreland County a few miles southeast of Pittsburgh. This is the dis- covery note of 4914 $10s and 1098 $20s issued. (Continued on page 87) •' 01112111.CI8UIt1CV SOMMI3 111410,11(11.1MOMICROMITIAINADMIN THE MECHANICS NATIONAL BANK OF MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN NI. Po, ro,„c sr.o.uar, cEuns• FIVE DOLLARS E000150A a •rmouNiVig.`4,-',11124..X.RA,Ninimm BAT VIEW NATIONAL BANK OF MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN N FIVE' BrAli[F1 ON Of u■NOFIVE DOLLARS B003362A B003362A E000150A " 6 Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 8 - B NIA Happenings From The Banker's Magazine ■ Submitted by Bob Cochran BANK COUNTER ROBBER An Englishman named Galoway was arrested in Paris on the sixth of last February for an ingenious crime. He was well dressed and carried a gold-headed cane, and was caught pock- eting 600 pounds in bank notes that did not belong to him. For some time the Paris police had been trying to find out how large numbers of bank notes disappeared from the counters of several banking establishments in Paris. The notes always vanished as the clerk was counting them, and their disappearance was the more remarkable as no stranger was ever noticed near the bundle. But on the sixth of February two detectives noticed a man at a desk several yards away from the clerk who was counting notes. Apparently he was very busy with some calculations, and on the desk lay his gold- knobbed cane, with the ferrule under Galoway's hand. The detectives were surprised to notice a spring issue from the gold handle of the cane and tuck itself into the band round a parcel of notes, which were then quietly drawn toward Galoway. TOO MUCH JOHNSON Instead of it being used as a slang expression here, this little town and the community around are afflicted with "too much Johnson." Eric Johnson, the cashier of the Newman Grove [Iowa] State Bank, is the man here who is the authority for declaring that there is "too much Johnson." "I believe there are more Johnsons to the square inch in and around this town than anywhere else in the world, figuring on the same area. I have counted them up and find that, taking this town as a center, there are 958 lohnsons within a radius of twelve miles and of these 629 have the Christian name John. "A check drawn on the local bank will not be paid if it is simply signed 'John Johnson,' no matter what the standing of the Johnson may be. Neither will the indorsement 'John Johnson' be accepted at the bank or any of the stores. There are so many of them that we have to adopt another method." Here is the method as explained by Cashier Johnson, though not one of the Johns: The bank and the stores have decided that while the 629 John Johnsons who do business here are entitled to credit, there must be some way of identifying them and not making charges against one particular one when the charge may lack several hundred points of being correct. The mer- chants and banker have agreed that one John Johnson shall be "John Johnson No. 1," the next "John Johnson No. 2," and so on until all of the 629 have been given and have accepted their code. The John Johnsons take to the idea kindly and like it so well that they are notifying their friends, requesting that when they write letters to them they address them by number as well as by name. In this way they figure that if a letter received at the office intended for John Johnson No. 629 is delivered to and received by John Johnson No. 23 it will be an easy matter to find out who is to blame for the error. Supplement (Continued from p. 86) AN UNUSUAL AND RARE MILWAUKEE $5 PAIR WORTH LOOKING AT (Photos courtesy of Tom Snyder) The Mechanics National Bank was chartered in September, 1925 with a capital of $200,000. It was located in downtown Milwaukee and in 1930 the bank was in financial straits. It sold its assets to the Bay View Bank located in an early south- side suburb of Milwaukee. The Bay View Bank was a state- chartered bank, which converted to national bank status with the acquisition of The Mechanics Bank and assumed its cir- culation. Because The Mechanics Bank had been acquired without formally going out of business, the charter 12816 was passed on to the Bay View Bank, which added "National" to its title. We now have two notes with different titles and signatures, but the same charter number. It only lasted two years, as in 1932 the Bay View National Bank was acquired by and merged into the First Wisconsin National Bank system. Only 85s were issued with this charter number by either bank; 24,552 had the Mechanics title and 58,056 had the Bay View title. 'today they are Milwaukee's rarest small-size notes. There are only two Mechanics and six Bay View notes known. Interest Bearing Notes Richard J.Balbaton Page 88 Paper Money Whole No. 147 Hello again. Elsewhere in this issue of PAPER MONEY we have noted with deep regret the deaths of Dick Hoober and Joe Person. Mr. Person's name is familiar to many of you because he has advertised coins and paper currency in the monthly hobby publications for a good many years. As I recollect I've only had a single dealing with him, but he struck me as being a true "straight shooter" and it was a pleasure to do business with him. Dick Hoober, as I'm sure most of you are aware, was a col- lector/dealer, writer, historian, and all-around nice person to know. His activities in the SPMC go back in time to the period of our founding. It was through his guidance that I became involved with the Society, and I've never regretted it. Many of you who have been around awhile will recall that he would send notes out on approval without insuring them. This was probably his only gamble, and we'll never know how many of his notes were "lost" in transit. As you read this we may or may not have a Society Secretary. Bob Cochran has been our dedicated secretary for four years. Now pressure at his workplace is such that he feels the time has come for him to resign his position. In the past when we have sought workers for the Society we've searched, if you will, the "inner circle" of the hobby. But this position is so important to the Society that I'm reaching out to each and every one of you to help us come up with a replacement, real quick! It would seem to me that the ideal candidate would be a person who is either retired or about to be. This posi- tion would help keep a person sharp mentally and acceptance of the responsibility would certainly be a major contribution to the SPMC. A passion for detail would help, and the use of a computer would be a real plus! Prior to Bob's coming on board the office of the secretary was in a shambles because for several years the office holders either couldn't or wouldn't do what it takes to get the job done. So BOB if you haven't changed your mind, please know that you'll be missed!! And if Bob is adamant in his decision we must fill the vacancy at once. Well, gang, guess what time it is? Its time to pack our bags and head down to Memphis, Tennessee for the annual run- ning of the INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY SHOW. You've heard me speak of the show before, as collectors and dealers alike look forward to Father's Day weekend—this year the 15th-17th of June. If there is any humanly possible way for you to be there, by all means do so. You'll meet dealers and collectors whose names you've seen listed in reference books or on price lists. The syngraphic displays may open up new avenues of collecting interest for you, and expose you to items that you never knew were in existence. Be sure to bring your want list because I know you'll want to add a few items to your collection. Also, don't overlook the chance to visit the Elvis Presley mansion/museum and to take in the sights at Mud Island—two favorite tourist attractions in the area. And now something that no one likes to talk about. During the course of the year a good bit of our time is taken up with complaints—the most common being from a dealer who has a collector bid in a mail sale, and when the collector is awarded the bid, he doesn't honor it. In plain English, he doesn't send the money to pay for the items that he has, in fact, made an offer to buy. When you make a "BID" you are entering into a contract that you must uphold. The dealer on the other hand, when accepting your bid, has an obligation to send you the items in question. I'd like to remind the dealers to make a good ef- fort to collect the money owed to them, and to not assume that everyone is out to beat them. After all, we are all human in that we may have personal problems—job loss, death, ill- ness, moving, lost mail, and other "acts of God"—to contend with. I sincerely hope that in the months and years to come we see fewer of these complaints cross our desk. 'Til next time, happy collecting! PAPER MONEY is adopting a different type face. Please be patient until previously set articles have been used. In Memoriam Richard T. Hoober, Sr. In February, long-time member Richard T. Hoober, Sr. died at his home in South Sterling, Pennsylvania; he was 78. Dick was born in Lancaster County, PA. After gradu- ation from Temple University he joined his father in business. Until his retirement in 1965 Dick was a self- employed painting contractor; he owned and operated Hoober and Null Co. in Philadelphia. Dick was a treas- urer and member of the board of trustees of the LaAnna United Methodist Church. He was also treasurer and a member of the board of the Newfoundland Area Public Library. For many years Dick was the coordinator of the SPMC Wismer Book Project. His book, Pennsylvania Obso- lete Notes & Scrip was published in 1985. After many years his serial version of Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States and Canada was completed in the De- cember 1989 issue of PAPER MONEY. During World War II he was president of the Philadel- phia Coin Club. As a member of the American Numis- matic Association Dick received the ANA Medal of Merit in 1964 for his research of American Colonial paper money. He also received a number of Heath Literary Awards for articles in The Numismatist. Richard T. Hoober is a familiar name to many in the paper money community; he was devoted to our mutual interest. He is missed by his wife Elizabeth and their children, and by us, fellow members of the collecting fraternity. mom k,oP mart Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 151 per word, with a minimum charge of $3.75. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating special- ized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 by the tenth of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 10 for Jan./Feb. issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% dis- count for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for ERN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) STOCK CERTIFICATES & BONDS—buy and sell! Current catalog of interesting certificates for sale, $1. Buying all—but especially in- terested in early Western certificates. Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlin- game, CA 94011, phone (415) 566-6400. (149) Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 89 WANTED: NEW JERSEY OBSOLETE BANK NOTES AND SCRIP. Ocean Grove National Bank, anything. Ocean Grove postcards, sou- venirs, maps, prints, etc. N.B. Buckman, P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. (148) 1929 VIRGINIA NATIONALS WANTED: All 1929 VA, NBN wanted, send list you have to sell or trade. Paying top prices for charters 3209, 4940, 6031, 6235, 6389, 6443. 6666, 6842, 7258, 7338, 7782, 8643. 8791, 9455, 9635 and all other from charter 10611-14052. Francis Hough, Rt. 1, Box 486, Round Hill, VA 22141. (148) MANHATTAN COMPANY, Chase Manhattan Bank and Aaron Burr material wanted. Obsoletes, checks, nationals, books, stocks, bonds. fiscal paper items, etc. Write: Thomas Buda. P.O. Box 315, Wyckoff, NJ 07481. (149) WANTED: Obsoletes, checks, stocks, bonds, etc. with Ben Franklin pictured. Send photocopy or description with price. Phil W. Greenslet, Box 377, Reisterstown, MD 21136. (149) WANTED: INVERTED BACK ERROR NOTES!! Private collector needs any note in any condition. Please help. Send note, photo, or description with your price. Lawrence C. Feuer, 22 Beechwood Blvd.. Rye Brook, NY 10573.. (155) 1907 CLEARING HOUSE scrip and checks wanted. Need examples from most states as well as Georgia, Iowa, South Carolina, Texas and Florida. Send notes and information for my immediate cash offer. I have a few duplicates for trade or sale. Tom Sheehan, P.O. Box 14, Seattle, WA 98111. (150) ALBANY & TROY, NEW YORK NATIONAL WANTED. Also Al- tamont. Cohoes, Ravena, Watervliet, West Troy, Lansingburgh, Gas- tleton. Describe or ship with price or offer. William Panitch, P.O. Box 12845, Albany, NY 12212. (149) NEW YORK NATIONALS WANTED FOR PERSONAL COLLEC- TION: TARRYTOWN 364, MOUNT VERNON 8516, MAMA- RONECK 5411, Rye, Mount Kisco, Hastings, Crown on Hudson, Pelham, Somers, Harrison, Ossining, Yonkers, White Plains, Irvington, Peekskill, Bronxville, Ardsley, Crestwood, New Rochelle, Elmsford, Scarsdale. Larchmont, Port Chester, Tuckahoe. Send pho- tocopy; price. Frank Levitan, 530 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10455. (212) 292-6803. (150) WANTED: ALL OBSOLETE CURRENCY, ESPECIALLY GEORGIA, which I collect. Particularly want any city-county issues, Atlanta Bank, Georgia RR Banking, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe RR Banking, Bank of Hawkinsville, La Grange Bank, Cen- tral Bank, Milledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Cotton Planters Bank, any private scrip. I will sell duplicates. Claud Murphy, Jr., Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114. (147) SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 1929, T2 $10 & $20 WANTED. Also Canadian merchants scrip, chartered hank notes from Quebec Provence, St. Eloi, P.O. Box 3536, Holiday, FL 34690-0536. (813) 942-6613; eve. 938-5141. (147) DISCOUNTING 215 BROKEN BANK NOTE INVENTORY (33 duplicates), $12,000 retail value; net $8,000. Sell 25 state catalogs $425. Don Embury (SPMC 3791) 121 Maynard #I, Glendale, CA 91205. (147) STOCK, BOND CERTIFICATES. 250 different Railroads, Streetcars, 10 Automobiles. Oils, Mines, Banks, etc. Over 850 total. National bank notes, types. Scarce, rare. Free list. Also buying, price, describe. Free list. Mail bid auction closing soon. Ed Richt. Scripophilist, Profes- sional Currency Dealer, P.O. Box 7485, Louisville, KY 40207.(148) WANTED FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION: Large & small-size national currency from Atlantic City, NJ. Don't ship, write first, de- scribe what you have for sale. FrankJ. Iacovone, P.O. Box 266, Bronx, NY 10465-0266. (156) SELLING NATIONALS: Phoenix, AZ; Lake Village, AR; Napa, CA; Dover, DE; Georgetown, DC; Mishawaka, IN; Atlantic, IA; St. Mary's, KS; Laurel, MS; Decatur, NE; Cherry Valley, NY; Morganton, NC; Tahlequah, OK; Klamath Falls, OR; Aliquippa, Clarion, Forest City, PA; Denison, Schwertner, TX; Port Angeles, WA. Many others. Free lists. Specify state. Joe Apelman, Box 283, Covington, LA 70434. WANTED, INFORMATION ON: $1, 1865 1st NB of YPSILANTI. I have found three auction listings of this note. Grinell 2016 Gd & 4245 Fair; & Kosoff 517 Gd (10/26/71). Are these listings the same note or is there more than one known? David Davis, P.O. Box 205, Yp- silanti, MI 48197. (152) SERIAL NUMBER ONE NOTES AND SHEETS WANTED of United States Type and Nationals. Also Michigan First Charters, Michigan #1 and Kalamazoo, Michigan Nationals. Paying collector prices. Jack H. Fisher, 3123 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, MI 49008. (152) PAPER MONEY UNITED STATES Large Size Currency • Small Size Currency Fractional Currency • Souvenir Cards Write For List Theodore Kemm 915 West End Avenue q New York, NY 10025 Page 90 Paper Money Whole No. 147 ,, ,■`:‘ AI , 1:,I1P I)S\\`1,1■11 !I 111,11'y ■ ' li , W, I:1111.! 1,11 11 i,. 11 ■ 1:l . :1 ..- ").' '11:1111'11r ill ! MI' 41;' 'hl! I ilifniii 0 •, • 1 : 1,, .1. , al i t WE ARE ALWAYS BUYING ■ FRACTIONAL CURRENCY ■ ENCASED POSTAGE ■ LARGE SIZE CURRENCY ■ COLONIAL CURRENCY WRITE, CALL OR SHIP: AIL 1'1 CURRIENC LEN and JEAN GLAZER (718) 268.3221 POST OFFICE BOX 111 FOREST HILLS, N.Y. 11375 K...„. ,ti, , V 1CIF.T1 "1'4 \ l' \ 11- R■1( ) \ 1-.1 $ ( 01.1.1 . .CTOlts _,('/ J.:v.3/%91 112 „ \ Charter Member Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 91 REALIZE THE BEST PRICES FOR YOUR PAPER MONEY ■ 510 Star Note. F-1700. Nearly New. Realized 529,700 in one of our recent sales. Dear Rick Bagg: Please tell me how I can include my paper money in a upcoming auc- tion. I understand that all information will be kept confidential. Name Address City State Zip Check here: C I am thinking about selling. Please contact me. Brief description of holdings: Daytime phone number: Go with the world's most successful auction company— Auctions by Bowers and Merena, Inc! When you consign your collection or individual important items, you go with a firm with an unequaled record of success! Over the years we have handled some of the most important paper money collections ever to be sold. Along the way our auctions have garnered numerous price records for our consignors. Indeed, certain of the price records established at our Matt Rothert Collection Sale years ago still stand today! Thinking of selling your collection or desirable individual notes? Right now we are accepting consignments for our next several New York City and Los Angeles sales. Your collect call to Dr. Richard Bagg, our Director of Auctions, at (603) 569-5095 will bring you complete information concerning how you can realize the very best price for your currency, in a transaction which you, like thousands of others, will find to be profitable and enjoyable. What we have done for others, we can do for you. Tele- phone Dr. Richard Bagg collect today, or use the coupon provided. Either way, it may be the most profitable move vou have ever made! MAIL TO: Auctions by Bowers and Merena, Inc. Attn: Publications Dept Box 1224 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 cc of EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS *619-273-3566 COLONIAL & CONTINENTAL CURRENCY We maintain the LARGEST ACTIVE INVENTORY IN THE WORLD! SEND US YOUR WANT LISTS. FREE PRICE LISTS AVAILABLE. SPECIALIZING IN: SERVICES: q Colonial Coins q Portfolio q q Colonial Currency Rare & Choice Type q Development Major Show EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS Coins Coverage c/o Dana Linett q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 q 619-273-3566 Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS SYNGRAPHIC SPECIALS 1902-08, $10 "Bank of North America" Phila., PA. The only National Bank Note that does not have the word "National" in the title. UNC. with light fold. Scarce, popular. $475 1902, $5 "American National Bank", Idaho Falls, Idaho. CR AU. Lists $2,250 in CU. Priced to sell. $1,150 1902, $5 "Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers Cooperative National Bank of Cleve- land". The longest name of any National UNC with faint fold. $500 SASE for our list of other "Syngraphic Specials". Be sure to visit the ANA's great World-Class Museum. It now houses the $2 Million Collection of United States Currency, also the 1913, Liberty-Head nickel, both gifts from Aubrey & Adeline Bebee. AUBREY and ADELINE BEBEE ANA LIFE #110, P.O. Box 4290, Omaha, NE 68104 • (402) 558-0277 Page 92 Paper Money Whole No. 147 BUYING-SELLING PAPER MONEY LARGE & SMALL SIZE Nationals, Errors, Type Notes, Stars, Number 1 & 2 Notes, Radars, Solid Num- bers, Ladders. Ship with confidence or write for our offer. We pay more for quality unmolested material. ROBERT and DIANA AZPIAZU P.O. Box 1565 St. Augustine, FL 32085-1565 (904) 797-8622 Extensive Catalog for $2.00, Refundable With Order CSA and Obsolete Notes CSA Bonds, Stocks & Financial Items P.O. Box 712 / Leesville, SC 29070 / (803) 532-6747 ANA-LM SCNA PCDA SPMC-LM BRNA FUN HUGH SHULL BUYING AND SELLING BUYING / SELLING: OBSOLETE CURRENCY, NATIONALSUNCUT SHEETS, PROD SAS CR IP BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, PCDA, ANA, FUN, GENA, ASCC (914) 352-9077 • LfiV1144 INC. P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 • _:.;NATIONAL • PfarAP-• ,cuititrxcr ,„, ; Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 93 WANTED! FLORIDA under the rule of Spain, England or the United States...virtually anything prior to March, 1845: bonds, books, checks, documents, stocks, medals and tokens. Especially want material re: • Alabama, Florida & Georgia Railroad • The 1817 Amelia Island Affair • The Bank of Pensacola • Southern Life Insurance & Trust Co. • The Union Bank of Florida Photocopy or description and price first response, please. Thank you! CARLING GRESHAM P. 0. Drawer 580W, Pomona Park, FL 32181 (904) 649-9730 WE NEED TO BUY If you are selling a single note or an entire col- lection, you will be pleased with our fair offer - NO GAMES PLAYED HERE! (Selling too! Write for free catalog.) Subject to our inventory requirements we need the following: ALL WORLD BANK NOTES Also U.S. Large Size Notes All Military Currency U.S. Fractional Currency Colonial Currency U.S. Encased Postage Souvenir Cards National Bank Notes U.S. Small Size Currency Ship With Confidence or Write We pay more for scarce or rare notes. TOM KNEBL, INC. (714) 886.0198 P.O. Drawer 3949 San Bernardino, CA 92413 HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS - LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216-884.0701 MYLAR D CURRENCY HOLDERS This month I am pleased to report that all sizes are in stock in large quantities so orders received today go out today. The past four years of selling these holders has been great and many collections I buy now are finely preserved in these. For those who have not converted, an article published this past fall in Currency Dealer Newsletter tells it better than I can. Should you want a copy send a stamped self-addressed #10 business envelope for a free copy. Prices did go up due to a major rise in the cost of the raw material from the suppliers and the fact that the plant work- ers want things like pay raises etc. but don't let a few cents cost you hundreds of dollars. You do know-penny wise and pound foolish. SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000 Fractional 4 3/4 x 2 3/4 $14.00 $25.25 $115.00 $197.50 Colonial 5 1/2 X 3 3A6 15.00 27.50 125.00 230.00 Small Currency 6%x 2 7/8 15.25 29.00 128.50 240.00 Large Currency 7'/x3Y2 18.00 33.00 151.50 279.50 Check Size 9% x 41/4 22.50 41.50 189.50 349.00 Baseball Card Std 2 3/4 x 3 3/4 13.00 23.50 107.50 198.00 Baseball Bowman x 4 14.00 25.50 117.00 215.00 Obsolete currency sheet holders 8 3/4 x 14, $1.10 each, mini- mum 5 Pcs. SHIPPING IN THE U.S. IS INCLUDED FREE OF CHARGE Please note: all notice to MYLAR R mean uncoated archival quality MYLAR R type D by Dupont Co. or equivalent mater- ial by ICI Corp. Melinex type 516. DENLY'S OF BOSTON P.O. Box 1010 I Boston, MA 02205 Phone: (617) 482.8477 BANKS 1868 UNION NATIONAL BANK (Philadelphia) $75 Black/White Capital Stock certificate with several attractive vignettes. One of the very few engraved banking stocks, from the American Bank Note Company. Pen-cancelled, otherwise in VF + condition. Our Current BANK listing includes more than 3 dozen Bank stocks, from 1812 to 1933, many with vignettes by the major bank note companies of the 19th century. Call or write today and ask for our BANK listing, or for our general catalogue of more than 150 stocks and bonds. CENTENNIAL DOCUMENTS P.O. Box 5262, Clinton, NJ 08809 (201) 730-6009 Page 94 Paper Money Whole No. 147 :A1000000 JAMMU BUYING AND SELLING U.S. & Canadian large-and small-size special serial numbers Free price list Mike Abramson SPMC #2653 P.O. Box 16105 CPMS IBNS PMCM Duluth, MN 55816-0105 ANA 1-218-724-8433 BUYING and SELLING PAPER MONEY U.S., All types Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer- tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc. Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries Paper Money Books and Supplies Send us your Want List ... or ... Ship your material for a fair offer LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P.O. BOX 2395 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503 Million Dollar Buying Spree Currency: Nationals MPC Lg. & Sm. Type Obsolete Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Coins Stamps • Gold • Silver Platinum • Antique Watches Political Items • Postcards Baseball Cards • Masonic Items Hummels • Doultons Nearly Everything Collectible COIN SHOP EST 1960 INC litsiaigliot&apos" 399 S. State Street - Westerville, OH 43081 1-614-882-3937 1-800-848-3966 outside Ohio Life Member ttatA-;A Fractional Foreign SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE PRICE LIST FREE 1-171,1,11-471 Witislimmtilltwaykoitiq Ci31 .1.(2„■••,:rp4/),, K 1710 0 J. CANADIAN BOUGHT AND SOLD • CHARTERED BANKNOTES. • DOMINION OF CANADA. • BANK OF CANADA. • CHEQUES, SCRIP, BONDS & BOOKS. FREE PRICE LIST CHARLES D. MOORE P.O. BOX 1296P LEWISTON, NY 14092-1296 (416) 468-2312 LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. g1995 C.N.A. x143 C.P.M.S. F11 Paper Money Whole No. 147 Page 95 ffr LI) • 4 v by BUYING & SELLING OBSOLETE CURRENCY, NATIONALS UNCUT SHEETS, PROOFS, SCRIP World Currency Antique Documents ANA IBNS LANSA SPMC Send for FREE price list P.O. Box 373 South Weymouth, Massachusetts 02190 617/331-7907 I COLLECT MINNESOTA OBSOLETE CURRENCY and SCRIP Please offer what you have for sale. Charles C. Parrish P.O. Box 481 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 SPMC 7456 LM ANA Since 1976 GRIT DOI FRS Au:Lko 0 0, 1 rArtri ', ice1;!, /OMIT DOLLARS 44..7 r J 1L CONFEDERATE BONDS & CERTIFICATES 100 DIFF. TYPES 5 TYPES AT $12 ea. 15 TYPES at $18 ea. DEALER DISC. ON LOTS FREE LIST ON DEMAND G. ELLIOTT 1506 MAGAZINE ST. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 70130 504- 566-0564 Page 96 Paper Money Whole No. 147 DAVID KEABLE & CO. have customers waiting WORLDWIDE if you wish to sell BRITISH BANKNOTE SCARCITIES & RARITIES Phone 01-657 5399 Free Valuations — Instant Cash The Crescens, Sanderstead Road South Croydon CR2 OPB HIGH PRICES PAID for old, obsolete stock certificates. Herb Rice, 3883 Turtle Creek Blvd. Dallas, TX 75219 FRANCE WANTED! Please help me build my collection. I need the following notes and will pay top collector prices to acquire them. May I hear from you soon? • Important Type Notes from about 1750 to date. • Specimen Notes AU or better. • World War I and II Locals — these can be Chambers of Commerce, Merchants, Factories, Mines, etc. • Encased Postage Stamps — even some very common pieces are required. • Postcards that show French Banknotes. I am a very serious collector of these items and have been known to pay some sky-high prices for needed items. Priced offers are preferred as I can't tell you what you should get for your material! Finders fee paid for successful referrals! If possible please provide me with a photo-copy of item(s). R. J. BALBATON P.O. BOX 911 NORTH ATTLEBORO, MASSACHUSETTS 02761-0911 Tel. 1-508-699-2266 Days Hickman Auctions, Inc. Present a Sealed Bid Auction June 18, 1990 Featuring Type Notes From the Krakover Collection PHILIP Krakover is best known for his preeminent collection of California National bank notes that numbered over 750 notes from 145 towns. This collection was sold March 3rd in San Diego in a landmark auction that realized nearly $300,000.00. He also attempted to assemble a collection of type notes in superlative condition. In several instances he was remarkably successful. His Fr 63 $5.00 1863 legal tender note is a Gem CU of exceptional quality as is his Fr 353 $2.00 treasury note with serial number A55 * . There are others rarely available in the abso- lutely top condition found among his notes. If a condition census is ever established it will include a number of super condition notes from his collection. Collectors seeking notes that approach perfection are sure to find notes that meet their standards. Now, the opportunity is available to collectors to select from this super- lative group by sealed bid, the method which gives you, the bidder, the utmost chance to acquire notes at the price you want to pay with no one looking over your shoulder. Collectors fortunate enough to attend the Memphis International Paper Money conven- tion June 15-17 are invited to examine these notes and to place their bids in confidence. • • C/) E-4 rx C4 - a. HICK MAN AUCTIONS INC. Drawer 66009 West Des Moines Iowa 50265 515-225-7070 FAX 515-223-0226 Notes from the first 100 banks chartered, a collection of trade name titles, plus over fifty notes from Illinois, a large group of Ohio and Pennsylvania notes as well as notes from numerous other states will be in the sale. Catalog mailed first class and prices realized after the sale $3.00, stamps acceptable. Don't miss it. member of: clajh