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SEPT./OCT. 1989
States Obsolete Bank Note
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Individual copies of PAPER MONEY are
Official Bimonthly Publication o
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XXVIII No. 5 Whole No. 143 SEPT. /OCT. 1989
ISSN 0031-1162
P.O. Box 8147
St. Louis, MO 63156
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Back Cover
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by Fred F. Angus and Bob Cochran
Back Cover $145 $405 $798 J.J. ARAGON, JR.
Full Page
$140 $395
$75 $200
$390 BANK NOTE ERA IN NEW MEXICO by Roman L. Latimer 147
Quarter-page $38 $105 $198 THE PAPER COLUMN
by Steve Schroeder
by Gene F. Mack
by Richard T. Hoober
BANK HAPPENINGS: submitted by Bob Cochran
by William A. Philpott, Jr.
THE GREEN GOODS GAME: conducted by Forrest Daniel
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Paper Money Whole No. 143
Page 137
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Richard J. Balbaton, P.O.B. 911, N. Attleboro, MA 01761-1911
Austin M. Sheheen, Jr., P.O.B. 428. Camden, SC 29020
Robert Cochran, P.O.B. 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Dean Oakes, Drawer 1456, Iowa City, IA 52240
Gene Hessler, P.O.B. 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156
Ron Horstman, P.O.B. 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139
Richard J. Balbaton. P.O.B. 911, N. Attleboro. MA 01761-1911
Richard T. Hoober, P.O.B. 196, Newfoundland, PA 18445
Robert J. Galiette, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001
Walter Fortner, P.O.B. 152, Terre Haute, IN 47808-0152.
Roger H. Durand, P.O.B. 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Nelson Page Aspen, Richard J. Balbaton, Charles Colver, Michael
Crabb, C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg, Gene Hessler, Ronald
Horstman, William Horton, Jr., Robert R. Moon, Dean Oakes,
Austin M. Sheheen, Stephen Taylor, Frank Trask, Wendell Wolka.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organ-
ized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-
profit organization under the laws of the District of
Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numis-
matic Association. The annual meeting is held at
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Page 138 Paper Money Whole No. 143
Unknown 1929 _
listed .....
Paper Money Whole No. 143
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Page 140
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Dr. Glenn E. Jackson
On 14 July 1989 we lost one of the giants of our hobby — Dr. Glenn E. Jackson, 83 years of age.
Dr. Jackson was a native of Nebraska. After graduating at the top of his class from the College of Dentistry
at the University of Nebraska, he served his internship at Grasslands
Hospital in Valhalla, NY. He then began a lifelong practice in Connec-
Dr. Jackson retired about 1980; this gave him more time to devote to
his interest in bank note engraving and engravers. He pursued his hob-
by as he did his profession as a dentist, with honesty and sincerity. Each
patient was important to Dr. Jackson; he took great pride in his prac-
Dr. J., as he was affectionately called, was initially drawn to philately
as a representation of intaglio engraving. However, when he became
aware of the larger format on which the bank note engraver had to ex-
press himself prior to 1928, Dr. J. knew he had found the path to
follow. At that time he disposed of most of his stamps and related
material and concentrated on the mysteries of intaglio security engrav-
His exhibits were a feast for the eye and mind, and were an education
for those who had the good fortune to view them. These exhibits
brought Dr. Jackson first place awards time after time. He followed the
path of Dr. Julian Blanchard who pioneered the study of bank note and
stamp proofs and their designers and engravers. The name of Dr. Glenn E. Jackson is almost synonymous
with the Julian Blanchard Award, presented annually by the Society of Paper Money Collectors for an exhibit
that displays material of this type. Exhibits that include unique original art work and rare proofs of issued and
unissued designs are impossible to beat. He attended every Memphis International Paper Money Show, in-
cluding the one in 1989, and, with the exception of the past two years, exhibited at each. And Dr. J. was al-
ways delighted to talk about the pieces in his exhibits and explain anything to anyone. He was a collector in
the absolute sense of the word.
With his diverse background and knowledge, Dr. Jackson was the perfect choice as president of The
Essay-Proof Society, an organization that, through its publication The Essay-Proof Journal, is "Devoted to
the Historical and Artistic Background of Stamps and Paper Money." In 1987, after an affiliation of 20 years
with the society, Dr. J. was named President Emeritus. During the years of his leadership there was seldom
an issue of The Essay-Proof Journal that did not include an article by Dr. Jackson; he believed in sharing his
knowledge. Researchers who are fortunate to have access to the scholarly Essay-Proof Journal will continue
to benefit from the articles by the good and kind Dr. J.
Dr. Jackson preferred to examine actual engraved material rather than rely on what others said in books.
He was a personal friend of engraver John Hay; Thomas F. Morris, Jr., son of designer Thomas F. Morris;
and the son of engraver Elie Loizeaux. From these gentlemen he was able to acquire specific items, or at least
examine rare, if not unique, engraved material. Dr. Jackson played an important part in recording the history
of bank note engraving. He knew much about many engravers, but he had a special affinity for John W.
Casilear, designer and engraver.
From the day we first met about 20 years ago, I knew there was something remarkable about this man. For
a decade or more, when he made his monthly trip to New York City to attend the meeting of The Essay-
Proof Society, we had lunch together. My general interest in numismatics became specialized as a result of
that friendship. Without realizing it I began to share his passion for security engraving and for those who were
part of the tradition of the art in America. For my interest in this specific genre I can honestly say that Dr. J.
was my mentor. Others have also been affected by his enthusiasm.
In the list of those who have made major contributions to our hobby, the name of Dr. Glenn E. Jackson is
prominent. His gentle manner will be remembered by those who were fortunate to have known him. Dr. J.
will be missed, not only by his two surviving daughters, but by the collecting fraternity as well. (EDITOR)
(This page courtesy of Richard J. Balbaton)
Paper Money Whole No. 143 Page 141
GG . . . I examined them, and saw that they were the finest in the land."
The Million Dollar
[Adapted from Memoirs of a Great Detective: Incidents in the
Life of John Wilson Murray, edited by Victor Speer, with addi-
tional information from other sources.]
(Source material provided by FRED F. ANGUS, com-
piled by BOB COCHRAN)
This article details some great detective work per-
formed by John W. Murray, an agent of the gov-
ernment of the Canadian province of Ontario in the
late nineteenth century. In the spring of 1880 sev-
eral different types of counterfeit Canadian and
U.S. bank notes were discovered to be in circula-
tion in Canada, and Detective Murray was assigned
the task of determining their source.
URRAY was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on June 25,
1840. He ran away from school in 1853 and shipped
as a sailor on various vessels during the next four
years. In 1857 he joined the U.S. Navy, serving on the USS
Michigan, based at Erie, PA. During the Civil War he was trans-
ferred to a ship serving in the Gulf of Mexico, and saw action in
several engagements, including some service under Admiral
David Farragut. In 1864 he was transferred back to the USS
John W. Murray
Michigan, and at that time uncovered a Confederate plot to seize
the ship, release some 4,000 Confederate prisoners who were in
a prisoner-of-war camp on Johnson Island in Sandusky Bay on
Lake Erie, and attack and burn Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo.
Investigating and foiling that plot involved a lot of detective work,
including travel as far as New York and Montreal.
After the war, Murray became a "special agent" of the Navy
Department. It is somewhat unclear exactly what his duties were,
but he was apparently associated with the U.S. Secret Service to
some degree. In 1868 he left the Navy Department and became a
detective with the police force in Erie, PA. In 1873 he was em-
ployed by the Canada Southern Railway, which was controlled
by the New York Central, and was based at St. Thomas, Ontario.
His work there gained him the attention of the Attorney General
of the province; in late 1874 he left the railroad and became the
Provincial Detective of Ontario, based in Toronto. Murray re-
mained in this post until he retired in 1905.
In the spring of 1880 a well-executed counterfeit $5 U.S. (legal
tender) note, Series of 1875 was discovered by a U.S. Treasury
Department official after the note was sent from Canada for re-
demption. When the U.S. Secret Service investigated the
source of the note, they discovered that large numbers of this
note, plus a great number of counterfeit Canadian bank notes
were in circulation in Canada.
When the Canadian counterfeits were discovered, Murray
was instructed to "get to the bottom of it, and above all to get the
plates . . .." After some checking, he found the following coun-
terfeit Canadian notes in circulation:
$10 The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto
[Series of May 1, 1871]
$5 The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto
[Series of May 1, 1871]
$5 Bank of British North America, Montreal
[Series of July 3, 1877]
$10 Ontario Bank, Bowmanville, Ont.
[Series of November 1, 1870]
$4 Dominion Bank [probably Series of January 1. 1876]
$1 Dominion of Canada, Government issue
[Series of June 1, 1878]
Murray was familiar with the known counterfeiters in the
United States, although he had had no involvement with them
for almost fifteen years. He took samples of the counterfeit U.S.
and Canadian issues with him to New York and Philadelphia,
hoping to uncover some information about their source, but he
had no success. His next stop was Washington, where he con-
ferred with Treasury Secretary John Sherman and Secret Serv-
ice Chief James Brooks. They were extremely concerned, but
could offer no more information.
Page 142
Murray returned to New York and managed to track down a
man who had been an expert counterfeiter in his day. The man
looked over the counterfeits and speculated that they were the
work of John Hill. Murray then tracked down another former
counterfeiter who agreed with the first man that the work was
probably that of John Hill. But the man also provided Murray
with another possibility, saying "they look like Hill, and next to
Ed Johnson, Hill is the best man in the world today."
Murray determined that John Hill could not have engraved the
plates because he was already in prison for counterfeiting U.S.
currency. His thoughts then turned to the whereabouts of Ed
Johnson. Johnson was an educated man, originally from Eng-
land, who had learned the engraving trade there before moving
to America. He had worked at his trade honestly for a time but
became involved in counterfeiting. He had been captured and
convicted several times, and had served time in the state prisons
of Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. Johnson, according to the last
ex-counterfeiter Murray had talked to, had presumably returned
to England.
Murray's next stop was Chicago. and he inquired if anyone
knew where Ed Johnson was. He was told that Johnson had
been living in Indianapolis several years before. In Indianapolis
Murray called on U.S. Senator McDonald and was told that the
Johnson family had indeed been living there until about six
years earlier. The family had lived elegantly until they were ac-
cused of being counterfeiters. The Johnsons had employed the
law firm of McDonald & Butler (it is assumed that this is the
same McDonald mentioned above) to defend them, paying the
firm $25,000. It was money well-spent, as they were cleared of
the charges. However, the family reputation had been tar-
nished, and they moved to Cincinnati. Murray tracked the
Johnsons from Cincinnati to Covington, Kentucky, and from
there to Hartford, Connecticut, and then to Fall River, Massa-
chusetts. They had left Fall River about a year before, and there
the trail turned cold.
Murray went back to his first contact in New York, and the
man studied the counterfeit bills for several hours. The ex-coun-
terfeiter agreed that the counterfeit U.S. note was the work of
John Hill, and that the Canadian counterfeits must have been
the work of Ed Johnson—the man knew Johnson's work as well
as his own. He had checked around for a hint of Johnson's loca-
tion, but had come up empty. He did, however, provide Murray
with a valuable bit of information about Ed Johnson; it was
known that Johnson was not normally involved with the passing
of counterfeit notes. His skill was engraving; his wife negotiated
the sale of the counterfeits to wholesalers, who would in turn get
the notes into the hands of the passers. The only crack in John-
son's "armor" was that he sometimes drank too much. Murray
was told that the members of the family—Johnson's wife, five
sons and two daughters—"had a desperate time watching him."
Murray was familiar with three of Johnson's sons, Dave, John-
nie, and Tom, who was lame. By this time Murray had obtained
a photograph of Ed Johnson.
Murray went to Buffalo and Detroit, but found no leads as to the
Johnson family's location. He was convinced they had gone
abroad or to Canada, and were personally involved with dis-
tributing the counterfeit bank notes. He returned to Toronto and
stopped in a saloon near the train station for a drink. He was
Paper Money Whole No. 143
standing at the bar when he glimpsed a familiar face at the other
end—Johnnie Johnson, Ed Johnson's son. Johnnie apparently
did not recognize Murray and continued his solitary drinking.
When Johnnie left the saloon Murray tried to follow him, but
was unsuccessful.
Three nights later, Murray again spotted Johnnie Johnson,
and managed to follow him to a house on Hazelton Avenue. He
placed the house under surveillance, and spoke with several de-
livery men about the inhabitants. He was told that there were an
elderly gentleman and his wife, two daughters and two sons liv-
ing in the house.
At 7 A.M. on Friday, June 11, 1880, after Murray had been
watching the house for several days, Edwin Johnson stepped off
the front porch. Murray followed him downtown as Johnson
stopped for a drink in several saloons. Each time he paid with
genuine notes. By this time Johnson had become "boozy" and
boarded a train for Markham. Murray followed him there; John-
son's first stop was a saloon, and he paid for a drink with a new
counterfeit $1 Dominion of Canada note that Murray success-
fully obtained from the bartender. Johnson visited several estab-
lishments, passing counterfeit bills; in one place he purchased a
tie, paying for it with one of the counterfeit $4 notes of the Do-
minion Bank. Murray was successful in capturing all of the
counterfeit notes passed, each time purchasing them with his
own genuine money.
Johnson returned on the train to Toronto, where Murray con-
fronted him. Johnson at first did not seem to understand that
Murray was placing him under arrest. When Murray told him
that he had obtained the counterfeits passed in Markham, John-
son seemed to sober up, and asked if there was not some type
of an "arrangement" that could be worked out. Murray
searched him and found more counterfeit notes. He took John-
son to the local jail, and told him the only "deal" that would
work was for Johnson to turn over all of the plates and para-
phernalia. Johnson sent for Murray the following day. Satur-
day, and again proposed that a substantial sum of "good"
money would be given to Murray in exchange for releasing him:
Murray again demanded the plates. As Murray was leaving.
Johnson told him, "Murray, if you ever get into this line of busi-
ness, don't drink. A man does things when he is drunk that he
would never dream of doing when he is sober. If I had not been
drunk this would not have happened."
On Saturday, June 12, 1880, the following account ap-
peared on page 10 of the Toronto Globe:
"COUNTERFEIT BILLS. — An old man 70 years of age,
whose name as yet has not been ascertained, in charge of
two Stouffville constables, was yesterday lodged in the city
gaol. He is committed for trial on the charge of passing coun-
terfeit money on a storekeeper in that village. It seems that
the old gentleman appeared in Stouffville some little time
ago, and made several trifling purchases in the shops of the
village, spools (of thread) and drinks being the favourite arti-
cles upon which to squander his wealth. These things he in-
variably paid for with a bill, which he thus got changed. It
was at length discovered that one of the bills so tendered was
a clever forgery, and the old gentleman was at once very
much in request. He was arrested in Thornhill, taken to
Stouffville, and arraigned before Mr. Crookshank, J.P., who
committed him for trial. At the trial he refused to give his
name, and still continues in his refusal. On his person were
found a number of spools and over $20 in silver." (Markham
and Stouffville are towns to the northeast of Toronto, six
miles apart; Murray may have confused the exact location of
movE &J“.”rivr.044:-
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Johnson's escapades when he recounted the story twenty-
five years later. Thornhill was a small town five miles north of
Toronto, and has since become a part of Toronto; again,
Murray may have forgotten exactly where he arrested John-
Murray returned to the jail on Monday, and renewed his in-
sistence on having the counterfeit plates. Edwin Johnson finally
relented, indicating that he had not notified any of his family of
the situation nor requested a lawyer. The two men, accompa-
nied by Detective John Hodgins, drove to some woods on Wells
Hill. north of Toronto. Johnson took some measurements and
directed them to dig in one particular spot, which turned out to
be wrong. He then measured again, and the plates were finally
located. The package, according to Murray, was about the size
of two large bricks, wrapped in oilcloth and sealed in beeswax.
Johnson handled them gently as he handed them to Murray, say-
ing, "They cost over forty thousand dollars to make. I don't own
all these plates. A party on the other side has an interest in them."
This last comment undoubtedly referred to whoever owned the
plates for the $5 legal tender note engraved by John Hill.
The plates were taken to the Attorney General's office, where
Murray inspected them. Murray was impressed:
..I examined them, and saw that they were the finest in
the land. I marveled at the firmness and precision of the
strokes, the authority of the signatures, the beauty of the vig-
nettes and medallions, the accuracy of following all the little
whimsies of the engravers of the original, genuine plates. For
each bill there were three copper plates—one for the front
(face). one for the back, and one for the wedge." (After con-
Page 143
versations with several collectors and searches of other refer-
ences, no absolute definition of a "wedge" has been found.
One reasonable assumption is that it was a plate used for the
colored overprint, popular as an anti-counterfeiting meas-
ure. In the case of the Canadian notes under discussion, the
overprint was green. Another more remote possibilty is that it
was a plate used to add serial numbers and seals to a note.)
"Each plate was about one quarter of an inch in thickness. I
scored them crisscross, and locked them up. Not only were
the six Canada counterfeits in the lot, but the plates for the
counterfeit (United) States bill were there. There were
twenty-one separate copper pieces or plates, three each for
the Bank of Commerce $10, the Bank of Commerce $5. the
Bank of British North America $5, the Ontario Bank $10,
the Dominion Bank $4, the (Canadian) Government issue
$1, and the United States $5."
The Tuesday, June 15, 1880 issue of the Toronto Globe pro-
vides some background and commentary about Edwin Johnson:
"A few circumstances of the life of this wonderfully suc-
cessful criminal were given by Detective Murray from infor-
mation sent to the detectives by the Washington authorities
with a view to securing his arrest. He is an Englishman by
birth, but removed to the United States. He lived in New
York City for some years, and shortly before the breaking out
of the Rebellion in 1837 he came to Canada. After some
time he returned to the State of Indiana. Here he was ar-
rested on a charge of passing counterfeit money and was
sent to the States Prison for five years. On his release he
went to Cincinnati, and there also he served a term for coun-
Johnson counterfeit $5 note The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Toronto, Series of May 1. 1871.
Johnson counterfeit $10 note: The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Toronto, Series of May 1, 1871.
Page 144
terfeiting. Since then it appears he has dealt largely in irre-
deemable currency, selling it wholesale to regular operators
who spread the bills broadcast over the country. Sometimes
his operations were carried on in New York and sometimes
in Canada. When it became necessary to pass bills or plates
across the lines the business was transacted through trusted
messengers instead of by mail or express. The plates, though
heavy, are so small that they can easily be carried in an ordi-
nary overcoat pocket.
"It is a great wonder that one who had been at the very
head of his profession, and had dealt in such large amounts,
should resort to the 'retail business' of buying spools of
thread or five cent drinks with counterfeit bills as he had done
in Stouffville. It may have been owing to the strange unac-
countable freak of conduct which often occurs with men of
his class, and which has led so many criminals after years of
successful scheming straight into the net the authorities have
spread to receive him, or, what is quite as probable, it may
have been that he was more or less under the influence of li-
quor during the days of his sojourn in Stouffville and its vicin-
ity. Be that as it may, this king of 'rag baby' men seems at last
to have been dethroned."
Paper Money Whole No. 143
ture and one hand-signed signature.) The counterfeits had been
produced in large quantities once each year, and then the plates
would be buried as they had been found until the next printing.
The plates for the counterfeit $5 legal tender note were taken
to Washington by Murray. where he showed them to Sherman
and Brooks. He gave them names that had been furnished by
Johnson. and the Secret Service rounded up the participants in
the United States. (The plates of the Canadian counterfeits were
kept by Murray as a souvenir of the operation; in his obituary,
which appeared in the Toronto Globe on June 13, 1906, is the
statement, "The plates cost $40,000 to make, and are part of
the trophies Mr. Murray kept in his library.")
When Johnson was arraigned in Toronto in the fall of 1880,
some humor entered the story. Chief Justice Hagerty looked
down at Johnson and asked him who his attorney was. John-
son answered, "Murray." When Hagerty asked who "Murray"
was, the prosecutor answered. "Your lordship, he means De-
tective Murray. - By a prior arrangement Johnson pleaded guilty
to seven indictments; the prosecutor asked the Court to suspend
sentence, and this request was granted. Murray took Johnson
Johnson counterfeit $5 note: The Bank of British North America, Kingston, Series of May 1, 1875.
Murray went back to the jail to talk to Johnson, and Johnson
confirmed that Hill had made the $5 U.S. counterfeit plates and
that he had done the rest. The work had taken several years.
Johnson said that his sons were training to become engravers,
and that one of them would become better than he; he also told
Murray that his daughters had forged the signatures on the
notes. (At this time, the Canadian notes had one printed signa-
and his daughters to the United States, to testify in court there.
The rest of the family had fled Canada. Johnson's lame son
Tom was arrested in Erie with a sum of the counterfeit notes in
his hollow cane. He was sentenced to several years in prison.
Johnnie was arrested in Buffalo, but escaped conviction. He
was later arrested in Toronto for passing a counterfeit $10 Bank
of Commerce note, and was sentenced to ten years in prison.
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Page 145
Tom and another son, Charlie, were arrested at Sarnia, Canada
in the early 1890s for possessing counterfeit notes, and were
sent to the penitentiary.
In August of 1898 Charlie (then out of jail) and another son,
Ed, were arrested for possession of counterfeit notes at the
house in Detroit where they lived with their mother and two sis-
ters (by this time Edwin Johnson was dead). Another brother,
David, and his family were also living in Detroit. When their
houses were searched, between $7,000 and $10,000 in coun-
terfeit notes were found; this time the counterfeits were U.S. $2
silver certificates, Series of 1886 and 1891. One of the family
escaped but was later arrested at Blenheim, Ontario; the rest of
the family was taken to Washington to be tried. The sons and
daughters were charged with counterfeiting U.S. currency, and
the mother was charged with disposing of counterfeit U.S. cur-
Murray stated that John Hill was still in prison in 1896, under
the name of John Murphy. He indicated that as of 1905 some
of the Johnson family was dead, some were in prison, and the
others had disappeared. At a meeting held in the Receiver Gen-
eral's office after he had captured the counterfiet plates, Murray
was honored and given a reward by the banks whose notes had
been copied. At that meeting he placed some of the bogus notes
beside genuine ones, and asked the bank officials whose signa-
tures appeared on the notes to identify the genuine ones; many
of them were unable to do so.
John Murray performed his duties well when he captured Ed-
win Johnson and recovered the counterfeit plates he and John
Hill had engraved. There is no doubt that Murray considered
Johnson a criminal; however, there is also no doubt that he re-
spected Johnson's abilities as an engraver. The last word Murray
had on the subject was "Crime lost a genius when old man
Johnson died."
The Globe newspaper article of June 15, 1880 lists seven plates
as having been captured by Detective Murray:
The Ontario Bank $10
Canadian Bank of Commerce $5
Dominion Bank $4
Dominion of Canada $1
Dominion of Canada $2
Two sets of plates for United States legal tender and treas-
ury notes, $5 each.
This differs from the account in Murray's book, (the plates are
listed at the beginning of this article) in that it omits the 1877
Bank of British North America $5 and the 1871 Bank of Com-
merce $10, while it adds a Dominion of Canada $2 and the
U.S. "Treasury Note." The $2 Dominion of Canada note was
so extensively counterfeited that the whole issue was recalled in
The history of The Canadian Bank of Commerce states on
page 544:
"After a few years a dangerous counterfeit of the $5 note
of May 1, 1871 appeared bearing the signature of E.J. Smith
as cashier. This signature is heavily printed and appears to
the naked eye almost as though affixed by a rubber stamp,
whereas on the genuine notes the signatures are written. The
engraving of the head of Queen Victoria on the counterfeit is
coarse, and the head is turned slightly more to the right than
in the genuine note. The specimens of the forgery in the
Bank's collection all bear the plate letter C and the serial
numbers are in the neighborhood of 231270."
The book goes on to say that this caused the 1871 issue to be
replaced with a new design that was dated Jan. 1, 1879. On
page 545 the book states:
"Some years later [perhaps 1880?] a counterfeit of the
$10 note of May 1, 1871 made its appearance. Although re-
garded as dangerous, the counterfeit may be readily recog-
nized by the number of lines in the shading under the words
`Ten Dollars' in the lower half of the center face of the note.
In the genuine note there are only four lines while in the
counterfeit there are five. In addition there is a distinct open-
ing between the bases of the letter 'A' in the word DOLLARS
in the genuine, which is lacking in the counterfeit."
[As a point of clarification, the counterfeit $5 of the Canadian
Bank of Commerce note states "Capital $4,000,000" while the
counterfeit $10 note states "Capital $6,000,00." Both of the
genuine notes state "Capital $4,000,000"; the bank changed its
capitalization to $6,000,000 in 1874, but it probably did not ap-
pear on the bank's notes until the next batch was ordered from
the printer—which possibly could have been as late as 1875 or
1876. The Johnsons copied an earlier issue $5 and a later issue
$10. The $5 counterfeit appeared in early 1878, because the is-
sue that replaced it is dated Jan. 1, 1879; the counterfeit $10
probably appeared in the spring of 1880. The appearance of the
counterfeit $10 did not cause the issue to be withdrawn as was
the case with the $5, and the 1871 design was issued until
superseded in 1887. Interestingly, the 1887 issue was with-
drawn because the ink smeared easily.]
Based on all this, one theory of what happened is that the
Johnson gang produced all seven counterfeit notes mentioned
in both the book and the 1880 newspaper article. Three of the
five notes are common to both lists, so there is no problem with
these. The five sets of plates recovered in June 1880 were as
shown in the newspaper. The other two (the Bank of British
North America $5 and the Bank of Commerce $10) were prob-
ably recovered a short time later. By 1905 it was almost a quar-
ter-century after the event and Murray, in telling the story, prob-
ably made a slight mistake as to which five plates had been
found, and emphasized the five that had caused the most trou-
ble at the time. Thus he omitted the Dominion of Canada $2
and one of the U.S. $5 notes.
A possible explanation of why these last two counterfeit notes
mentioned were not much of a nuisance in 1880 follows: One
of the U.S. notes is described as a "Treasury Note"; it may have
been a note from the Series of 1869, which might have been just
about out of circulation by 1880 (replaced by the Series of 1875
and 1878). So the counterfeiters had likely "retired" that plate
some time before. The $2 Dominion of Canada note is just the
opposite. The note in question is almost certainly the 1878
issue, since the previous one (1870) does not seem to have
been counterfeited. But the 1878 issue was only placed in circu-
lation in August of 1879. Given the length of time the counter-
feiters would need to make the plates, it is likely that they had
been made by the spring of 1880, and any notes printed from
them had not yet been passed. Perhaps any counterfeit 1878
notes already printed were hidden until things "cooled off" and
were then passed by middlemen. That would account for the
number of counterfeit 1878 $2s seen today.
Since the Bank of Commerce book says that the counterfeit
$10 of 1871 came out "some years after" the $5, it is not unrea-
Read Money Mart
Page 146 Paper Money Whole No. 143
Johnson counterfeit $4 note: The Dominion Bank, Toronto, Series of Feb. 1, 1871. He purchased a tie in
Markham with a note like this the day that Murray was following him. (All notes illustrated are in the Bank of
Canada's National Currency Collection; all photographs by J. Zagon. Ottawa.)
sonable to assume that it was the one that the Johnson gang had
"in production" in the spring of 1880. It would not be surprising
if it and the Bank of British North America $5 note of 1877 were
being done at that time, which would account for these plates
not being hidden with the others. Since these two notes were
obviously causing a lot of trouble at the time, it is possible that
Murray tended to remember these two while forgetting the other
two which were not then being passed. Twenty-five years is a
long time to remember such things correctly.
It is strange that neither account mentions where the counter-
feits were being printed. Perhaps Johnson did not have a hand
in this. It was possibly somewhere in Toronto, or may have been
in the United States. It could be that the place was found when
the gang was broken up, and that may well be when the other
two sets of plates were seized.
The records of the U.S. Secret Service, (Records Group 87 in
the U.S. National Archives) were consulted for information
about Edwin Johnson. No information was found about this
particular episode in his life, nor are there any photographs or
physical descriptions of him in the files.
These facts and conjectures are presented as they are record-
ed in the sources referenced; any further information a reader
may provide about this event in the history of paper money will
be greatly appreciated, and will certainly be published.
Speer, V. (Ed.). (1905). Memoirs of a Great Detective: Incidents in the
Life of John Wilson Murray. New York: Baker and Taylor Co.
Friedberg, R., Friedberg, A.L. & I.S. (Eds.). (1978). Paper Money of
the United States. Iola, WI. Krause Publications (for the Coin and Cur-
rency Institute, New York).
The Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Paper Money. (1980).
First Edition. Toronto. Ontario. Canada: Charlton International, Inc.
The Globe, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Issues of June 12, 1880; June
15, 1880; June 13, 1906.
Ross, V. (1922). A History of the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Volume II. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Oxford University Press.
Haxby, Dr. J.A. (1976). Canada's Government Paper Money; Part IV,
Dominion Notes 1879-1897. Canadian Paper Money Journal. Janu-
ary, 1976 (Volume 12, No. 1). Canadian Paper Money Society.
Special thanks to J. Graham Esler, Chief Curator and Head of the
Museum at the Bank of Canada. for his cooperation and for furnishing
the photographs of the Johnson counterfeits in the National Currency
Collection. Mr. Esler also graciously provided the listing of Johnson
counterfeit notes in the National Currency Collection; the serial number
range of these notes should be an excellent guide to possible authentici-
ty for collectors and dealers who own or are considering purchase of
any of these notes.
The Canadian Bank of Commerce, $5 Series of May 1, 1871
C 212347 C 231437
C 231279 C 231472
The Canadian Bank of Commerce, $10 Series of May 1, 1871
D 201256 D 221533
D 201536 D 223541
The Bank of British North America, Kingston, $5 Series of May 1, 1875
21633 23434
23433 23445
The Dominion Bank, Toronto, $4 Series of February 1, 1871
B 19730 B 23527
B 19740 B 23541
B 19770 B 28120
B 20501 B 31279
B 21263 B 51270
The Ontario Bank, Toronto, $10 Series of November 1, 1870
A 33174
A 33217
A 33195
J.J. Aragon, Jr
akt MEX1E0
Paper Money Whole No 143 Page 147
Last Survivor of the
National Bank Note Era
New Mexico
B ETWEEN FEBRUARY 25, 1863 ANDJULY 22. 1935 there were 14,348banks in the United States and
several territories that obtained national
charters and were authorized to issue na-
tional bank notes. These notes were an
excellent advertisement for a bank; they
bore the bank name and location as well
as signatures of the president and cashier
of the bank.
With approximately 17 billion dollars of
national bank notes issued during the
note-issuing period, in various denomi-
nations from $1 to $1,000, one can see
that it would be impossible to try to esti-
mate how many bank officials may have
hand-signed, or had their facsimile signa-
ture placed on the notes that were issued
by these banks. In many instances, in
later years, officers other than the banks'
president and cashier were allowed to
have their signatures placed on the notes
as vice-president and assistant cashier. It
would be safe to say that there were many tens of thousands of
individuals who had their signatures grace the various speci-
mens of national currency during the 72-year note-issuing
The signers of national bank notes in New Mexico included
several governors of the state, pioneer merchants, tradesmen.
business people, several women, professional bankers and
many other individuals connected to the development of the
Territory and State of New Mexico.
Over the years it has been both fascinating and educational to
have had the opportunity to visit or correspond with a number
of the early bankers in New Mexico who were involved in the
banking trade during the national bank note issuing period.
Over a dozen of these individuals had their facsimile signatures
appear on the 1929 issues of New Mexico currency, as the issu-
ing bank's president or cashier, while several had hand-signed
the early large-size national currency notes. Time has narrowed
the ranks of these individuals to the point where there is now but
one survivor of this historic era of banking in New Mexico.
After finding this gentleman's name in a New Mexico bank di-
rectory a number of years ago, a letter was written to him with the
thought that he may be a son or relative of the former cashier of
The First National Bank of Las Cruces, New Mexico, who had his
facsimile signature placed on the 1929 issues of national currency
issued by that bank. A few weeks after
this letter was written, a telephone call
was received; the caller identified himself
as The fellow you are looking for."
Mr. J.J."Jake" Aragon, Jr. was the
cashier of The First National Bank of Las
Cruces from 1931 to 1935, at which time
the National Currency Act came to an
end. Mr. A.I. Kelso was the president of
this bank during the same period of time:
his and Mr. Aragon's facsimile signatures
appear on a portion of the Type I $10
and $20, 1929 Series notes from this
bank. The bank issued no Type II notes of
this series. J.J. Aragon. Jr. also hand-
signed $10 and $20 notes of the 1902
Series, Third Charter Period, Plain Bank
notes, as assistant cashier of this back
with the president, W.P.B. McSain.
Jake Aragon was born in El Paso,
Texas in the year 1901. His parents were
early pioneers in New Mexico; his father
had been engaged in the mercantile busi-
ness at several locations in the New Mexico Territory and in El
Paso, Texas and was a member of the New Mexico Constitu-
tional Convention held in Santa Fe in the year 1910. The
Aragon family moved to Las Cruces in 1917 where young Jake
completed his high school education and then attended what is
now New Mexico State University as an engineering student. He
left school for the banking profession in 1922 and went to work
for the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Las Cruces as assistant
cashier. In 1924 Jake accepted the same position with The First
National bank of Las Cruces, where he remained until 1978, at
which time he was the bank's president. He later became an offi-
cer of the Western Bank of Las Cruces, part of a bank holding
company that absorbed the Farmers and Merchants Bank.
Signatures of J.J. 'Aragon. Jr., Cashier and A.I. Kelso, President
offirearmatostansionseN00104411MMO ,!,,
Page 148
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Signatures of W.P.B. McSain, President and J.J. Aragon. Jr., Asst. Cashier
At the present time. Jake Aragon is still actively engaged in
the banking profession as the Advisory Director of the Western
Bank of Las Cruces. He can be found in his office at the bank
five days a week during normal banking hours. A dapper indi-
vidual with a friendly smile, this gentleman might well be the last
survivor of the national bank note era in the United States who is
still actively involved in banking on a daily basis.
Brown Back
Vertical and Horizontal
Charter Number Varieties
by Peter Huntoon
The bold, overprinted charter number on the faces of
$10, $20, $50 and $100 Series of 1882 brown backs was
moved from a vertical to horizontal position during Sep-
tember 1890.
Many collectors and dealers have noticed the scarce vertical
variety and take great pride in possessing them because they are
so seldomly seen. Somewhat less than 14 percent of the 10-10-
10-20 and about 20 percent of the 50-100 brown backs were
printed with the vertical variety. Because the vertical variety was
the earlier, their survival rate is significantly below the 14 and 20
percent issuance proportions.
The change in the position of the overprinted charter number
resulted from a request from Comptroller of the Currency E.S.
Lacey to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to move the
charter number to the upper right corner. This order was logged
at the Bureau under an entry dated September 9, 1890 in the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing Subject Index to Letters Re-
ceived and Sent, volume 3, page 312.
The affected Series of 1882 plates were the 10-10-10-20
and 50-100 combinations. There is no reference to when the
change was implemented in the Comptroller of the Currency
ledgers that show receipts from the Bureau. However, such
orders were acted upon immediately so the change probably oc-
curred in the next day or two.
Treasury serial numbers printed during September 1890 were
as follows: E307706—E329174 for the 10-10-10-20 combina-
tion and A339636—A341870 for the 50-100 combination.
These groups contain the changeovers between the two varie-
ties. Don't confuse the 10-10-10-20 E block with the EE block
printed in the 1903-4 period.
sodEN NATIONAL CITIIIINN,13 , Tuto. Vti tkleg V gelf.:11,10- 111111
— Vitt?
to 1..„' itt.L
( )1MA:it S, to-"Atio
= - 4041321W ti ALT ION IC:IMRXXCV7 C )34fgAr
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1.:74 •
Itith the ("roast'
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0.40130 Pitt
20,P,k 2_diremr,
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Page 149
Series of 1882 brown back Arizona territorials showing the two charter number placement varieties. Of the 8
reported Series 1882 brown backs on the Territory of Arizona, The National Bank of Arizona $10 shown
here is the only one with the vertical charter variety: it was part of the first shipment to the bank on July 25,
$20 Series of 1882 brown back with the vertical charter number variety. Notice the unusually high place-
ment of the treasury seal. (Photo courtesy of Doug Walcutt.)
You need not be concerned with confusion between notes
printed from the 10-10-10-20 and 10-10-10-10 combinations.
The 10-10-10-10 combination brown back plates were not in-
troduced until September 10, 1906, and only treasury serials
Al through A273475 were printed. All of these have the hori-
zontal overprinted charter number whereas all of the A block
10-10-10-20s have the vertical variety.
Page 150
Paper Money Whole No. 143
The Minnesota State
Currency Issue of
On December 2, 1857, as provided by the newly
adopted state constitution, the first legislative ses-
sion of the state of Minnesota convened. It was an
unusual session for a variety of reasons. There was
the minor problem that Congress had not yet ap-
proved Minnesota statehood. Because statehood
had not come, the territorial officers still held office.
And because statehood had not occurred, there
was no money for paying state bills. This last fact,
along with a shortage of spendable money in the
State/Territory of Minnesota, produced an interest-
ing issue of state currency.
ETTING STATEHOOD for Minnesota caused local and na-
tional political battles. The rules appeared simple
enough. Claiming that valid reasons for statehood
existed, the territory would get enabling legislation. It could then
hold a convention to create a state constitution, which the citi-
zens would ratify by a special election. A special federal census
would provide the basis for representation in Congress. State of-
ficials would be elected and they would take office after Con-
gress accepted the constitution, passed an act of admission and
the act was signed by the President (Blegen 220-221).
Enabling legislation for Minnesota statehood was approved by
Congress on February 26, 1857 and provided for election of
convention delegates on June 1, 1857. The local political fight
began July 13, 1857, when Minnesota's republicans and demo-
crats convened separate constitutional conventions. Each party
believed it could get an advantage by controlling the first state
election. The separate conventions quickly became an embar-
assment, and the local leaders were forced to compromise on a
constitution with neither party gaining an advantage. The docu-
ment was approved on October 13, 1857. State officials were
elected and the state legislature was required to convene on De-
cember 2, 1857.
The proposal for Minnesota statehood did not reach Presi-
dent Buchanan until January 6. 1858. The President sent the
Minnesota Statehood Act to the Senate on January 11 where it
got entangled in the debate over slavery in Kansas. Southern in-
terests opposed Minnesota statehood because it would reduce
their political power. Until 1850 the states added to the union
were alternately free and slave. California, a free state, had
broken this cycle in 1850 and Minnesota would add to the im-
balance. Kansas, if added as a slave state, would restore the
status quo. but abolitionists opposed extending slavery. Minne-
sota's amateur politicians found themselves in the middle of the
epic debate that would lead to the Civil War. Despite the best ef-
forts of Senator Douglas of Illinois, Minnesota statehood was set
aside until the Kansas issue was settled. The English com-
promise, which put the question of Kansas statehood to the
Kansas voters, was adopted on May 4. On May 11, 1858, after
a delay of four months, Minnesota became the thirty-second
During these four months Minnesota's impatient government
was under a cloud. The territorial officers continued in office
since there was no change in Minnesota's status. Nevertheless.
the state legislature met on the first Wednesday of December.
1857, as provided by the state constitution. It was convened by
the territorial governor. Samual Medary, a democrat, who
agreed to cooperate when the mostly Republican legislature
"recognized" him as governor. The legal questions were over-
looked. How valid was the veto (or approval) of the legitimate
territorial governor of an action by the legislature of the non-
existent state? Despite the questions, the legislature went to
The problem of a circulating currency was serious in Minne-
sota in 1857. The problem seems impossible, but there was a
shortage of money. In the early 1850s the territorial legislature
had refused to adopt a state banking system, which might have
provided banks of circulation. In 1854 the democratic territorial
governor Gorman, in his message to the legislature, had pro-
claimed, "no law, creating a bank within this Territory, for circu-
lating a paper currency, can receive my official sanction (Patchin
129). This situation continued until 1857 despite a flood of im-
migration and a real estate boom. On August 28, 1857 word
was received that several eastern banking companies had failed,
including the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company. The
Panic of 1857 began.
By early October of 1857 the currency situation had become
severe. St. Paul banks suspended specie payment. Merchants
were unable to pay their eastern creditors who refused to accept
western currency except at high discounts. It was impossible to
obtain eastern exchange at even a five percent premium. There
was no specie to pay eastern creditors who were owed $1.5 mil-
lion by St. Paul merchants alone. Real estate mortgages in-
creased from 2 to 5 percent per month. The closing of Borup
and Oakes of St. Paul on October 21 sent a chill through the
Minnesota economy. Real estate sales came to a halt. On Oc-
tober 24 a meeting was held in St. Paul at which local leaders
called for a special legislative session to allow local banks to issue
currency, their notes to be backed by real estate and other
securities (Patchin 137-138).
Governor Medary declined to consider the petition for a
special session to institute a general banking system. It was
generally assumed that statehood would come very early in
1858 and in the meantime the state legislature would convene
Paper Money Whole No. 143
in early December. The need for circulating currency was eased
by Ramsey County, which began issuing scrip in November.
The first state legislature convened against this background.
On January 29, 1858, it passed a law with the unusual title, "An
Act for the Relief of the Creditors of the State." The statute
began as follows:
Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:
SECTION 1. That the State Auditor is hereby authorized
and required to cause to be lithographed or engraved and
printed in the best manner, to guard against counterfeit-
ing, such quantity of warrants or drafts against the State
Treasurer, in blank, of different denominations not less
than one dollar, nor more than twenty dollars, as shall be
equal in amount to the present indebtedness and the
probable additional expenditure of the State for the next
twelve months. (Gen. Laws, Chap. IV.)
The act provided that the one dollar notes should be printed
in such a way that fractional parts of a dollar could be inserted
after the words "one dollar." Section 5 provided that the war-
rants would pay interest at the rate of twelve percent per year.
The statute also required that the notes be cut-cancelled "by a
cross at least one inch each way." The notes were always to be
Page 151
received by Minnesota at par for taxes, assessments, fines or
dues of any kind. They were not to be reissued once they had
been received by the treasurer.
The territorial auditor, Julius Georgii, contracted with Louis
Beuchner for the lithographing of the notes. The first scrip was
hastily delivered on February 9, 1858. The scrip was printed on
one side only and was titled "State of Minnesota." The auditor's
records show that the following notes were delivered.
$1 8,333
$3 8,345
$5 8,048
$10 4,094
$20 4,025
Total Value $195,048
Some one dollar notes must have had fractional values after
the words "one dollar." The state auditor's report to the 1860
legislature states that $183,597.07 of scrip was issued and
$533.34 was outstanding on February 1, 1859 (Report 5). Leg-
Page 152 Paper Money Whole No. 143
The $20 note is one of three known.
islative appropriations totalled $233,750 at the time the notes
were printed, so the issue was within the limits set by law (Gen.
Laws, Chap. 25 & 26).
The auditor's records contain a puzzle. Sydney Patchin, who
wrote the earliest Minnesota banking history, mentions that Min-
nesota scrip traded at large discounts as early as April 1858.
However, there are no records relating to the state scrip in the
auditor's journals until late May 1858. Then there are several
entries as follows:
May 28 $159,580.07
June 12 3,109.00
June 19 2,857.00
July 1 6,857.00
July 2 5,694.00
July 14 5,500.00
These entries total $183,597.07, an amount that agrees with
the auditor's annual report to the legislature. But why were the
journal entries so late? What happened to the other $11,461 of
scrip that was so hastily acquired? If the first scrip was not issued
until late May, the bankers obviously could not have been dis-
counting it in April. There is something fishy about the official
records or was the territorial auditor careless?
It the auditor was lax in recording the scrip issue, there were
sound reasons for his carelessness. The May 28 entry in the
state records is a catch-all entry to summarize several months of
scrip issues. The territorial auditor, Mr. Georgii, rushed to get
the scrip printed and would not have waited to issue it. The terri-
torial auditor paid out scrip in the course of business to relieve
the money crisis, but recording and redeeming state scrip was
the legal duty of the state auditor, Mr. Dunbar, who did not take
office until May. Entries in the official records were postponed
until statehood since the scrip was never a legal obligation of
Minnesota Territory. The difference between the notes delivered
and those recorded by the state auditor may reflect scrip that
was issued and redeemed to pay taxes and other obligations to
Minnesota during the period from February through May 1858.
If Minnesota statehood had been held up for a year the scrip
could have caused serious problems.
Mr. Dunbar, the first auditor of the State of Minnesota, com-
plained of the disorganized state of the territorial financial rec-
ords in his first report to the legislature:
Immediately after entering upon the duties of the office as
auditor . . . I found the office not supplied with suitable
books; no statement showing the amount of Territorial
Warrants issued, or returned, by which I could ascertain
the amount outstanding. The accounts with the counties
were in many instances incomplete; several counties hav-
ing omitted to make returns from one to three years
(Report 8).
If the territorial office was this disorganized. it is entirely possi-
ble that $10,000 or so of scrip may have been issued and re-
deemed without any record. In view of the large market dis-
counts during the period before May, scrip was a cheap and
legal way to pay obligations to the Minnesota government. In
1860 the auditor reported that Minnesota paid a total of
$9,044.40 in interest on its scrip. He estimated that $24.88 of
interest was owed on $533.34 of unredeemed scrip. The scrip
paid twelve percent interest for six months, but on July 1, 1858,
the state sold $250,000 of eight percent bonds. The accrued in-
terest owed suggests that Mr. Dunbar shrewdly used bond pro-
ceeds to recall the scrip early.
The Minnesota scrip helped solve the local money shortage,
but the issue was not entirely successful. Bankers did not sup-
port the issue, claiming they could not use Minnesota scrip to
pay eastern creditors. Sydney Patchin, in his account of the
scrip issue, observes:
A leading St. Paul paper did not hesitate ... to charge
the board of brokers with attempting to depreciate the
value of the warrants in order that through their agents
they might purchase them "on the street at a large reduc-
tion ," knowing that in a short time the state would be in a
position through the sale of bonds to redeem the scrip in
coin at its face value; furthermore, it was shown, this
policy was pursued in face of the fact that in Washington,
for example, the scrip was selling at par and was regarded
as a good investment. In April bankers were buying state
scrip for seventy and eighty percent of its face value; in
July it rose to ninety and ninety-five . . . (Patchin 149).
The cost of the notes to the state of Minnesota is also available
from the records of the territorial auditor. The notes were ac-
counted for in two batches. The first batch was billed to the state
on April 11, 1858, as follows:
:1:!4'iti •' !f.
. _
4'rrrite-' itar,
– –
– — — – -", 7
- e(ey
.4 3
Paper Money Whole No. 143
To Engraving 1 Plate Ten dollar notes .. . $30.00
To Engraving 2 Plate Five dollar notes . 60.00
To Engraving 1 Plate Twenty dollar notes 30.00
To Engraving 2 Plate Three dollar notes . 60.00
To Engraving 2 Plate One dollar notes . . 60.00
Printing Ten dollar bills $4,094
Printing Five dollar bills
Printing Three dollar bills 4,317
Printing One dollar bills
Printing Twenty dollar bills 4,421
Printing Five dollar bills 4,417
Printing Three dollar bills 4,471
Printing One dollar bills 4,471
All together 28,523 bills © $15 per 1000 427.85
Bank note paper, 2 reams, 2,230 sheets
@ $20 per ream
Trimming the bills, $1.50 per 1000 42.78
Page 153
A similar statement was made for the last batch of notes and
came to $78.86.
There are several little ironies about the 1858 Minnesota
scrip. The notes were titled "State of Minnesota" but were issued
before there was a State of Minnesota. They were state obliga-
tions but were signed by the territorial auditor. The issue was ap-
proved by a state legislature convened by a territorial governor
and presided over by the territorial secretary, who signed the
law authorizing the scrip issue as "Acting Governor." The scrip
was issued by the territorial auditor and recorded months later
by the state auditor. Even the printer was involved in these
anomalies, for when Louis Beuchner was paid for printing the
notes of the State of Minnesota he received drafts on the
"Auditor's Office, Territory of Minnesota."
Payment to Louis Beuchner for printing State of Minnesota scrip
was made by a draft on the Auditor's Office, Territory of Minne-
sota. (Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society)
Blegen, T.C. (1975). Minnesota: A history of the state. Min-
neapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Folwell, W.W. (1956). A history of Minnesota. St. Paul: Minne-
sota Historical Society.
General laws of Minnesota for 1858.
Minnesota State Auditor's Records, in the archives of the Min-
nesota Historical Society.
Patchin , S.A. (1917, August). The development of banking in
Minnesota: Minnesota History Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 3,
pp. 111-168.
Report of the State Auditor to the Legislature of Minnesota.
(1860). St. Paul: Minnesotian and Times Printing Co.
Vtlo ,
has paid in et this office
for 'which anio2urrl Regi tered Bonds,
interest from thifciate, izt the rate
under the " aerto;"
apon the surrender
Do tars,
Of the Confederate States of America, bearing
,four per eent. per annum will he issued to him,
flt ..raerrym;ric
." appowi-q1 Feta-aura 17:
It tie;,,
(60tifedietags ..greste.t
7.7 ,er, ce0:01 Jas e
0 ttecc8pc 17A(.
els& t;a4(04Seme0tt as44.ei
Page 154
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Depository Receipts
(Gene F. Mack is a native of South Carolina, who has resided in
Florida for the past 20 years. He is an active collector of paper
money, including Confederate States of America (CSA) &
Southern Carolina obsolete banknotes, as well as CSA fiscal
documents, particularly depository receipts. Anyone desiring
further information should contact him at P.O. Box 14684,
Jacksonville, Florida 32238.)
E VEN IN THE early months of the Confederacy, the need forDepository offices was evident. An overworked Treas-urer, first in Montgomery, and, after the relocation of the
Government, in Richmond, simply could not handle the mam-
moth task of collecting revenues, funding currency, etc., with
only his immediate staff to assist.
The first Depositary officers (the officers of the Depository)
were actually "Assistant," or "Sub-Treasurers," with offices in
Savannah, GA, New Orleans, LA, and Charleston, SC. De-
positories were soon established in other towns such as Wil-
mington, NC, Nashville and Memphis, TN, and Galveston &
LaSalle, TX. With further funding operations, under various
acts, additional Depositories were soon activated in almost
every major city, county or parish seat, banking or commerce
center throughout the Confederacy.
As a general rule, the "Depositary" was a well-known and re-
spected member of the community, which he served. Indeed,
many were bank officials (providing a secure environment for
the safe-keeping of funds), as well as insurance company execu-
tives, etc.
Paper Money Whole No. 143 Page 155
Aarmatevar wareot
4.- onfr4rate 3kitc5
2te—L eert./1.1-;1.)16
-#1/. /or
f0 'whic 1 Regi,sitzed 1 Ime14, of the anife 7,e, , bearing
i r this date, rat tic rate of firltr per eent.,:' per i r ,7 i 1}e a. Trued to him.,
act to rediwe the eurrenekand to auMorize a if n}t,3„ ctn.! troni,f,'
app II; ;. (1 81 ee,eu Fe.lii.u4r,q 17, I wen the surrender of titi,s Oer
tuiff (nap
4*. at 144-h a
trazzazai fkegiste&xl 4onds, ',of the 4"breledeoate eltateR
o. t Pam thik date, at the Hd
411.e of foer= cent. /ter a mnnu, will be issue,to
tlw.‘e:itly1 to "-educe the ,61.11Y•eliet4. and to cuitho ic4e a _Mew _fame of _A'otes
nda," allIteceecl..gebruao
igek, upon the surrender` of this ceritficate at
oft'ee. Siteeeieafile fof ilaxeet due is 18'h:4, will:Pat inteirat.
6on rate ffitatto
ItTelta Cfrtee,
which amount Registered Bonds, of the Confederate S
his date, at the rate of four per cota, per mutton, will be isaueci
eirreney," approved February 17, 1S64, upon the surr
Atneruta, bearingis
fsia Certificate'
Paper Money Whole No. 143
1 r a,
THIS Will CERT/FY,',(1
t fiffice,
biz:Jr aracauti _I4ortel.s of the edetate tate.t of ybrzetica, Ite
thzs dale, at the tate of Iota 'we cord. fret a &WWI, uritl he iistied to
.4.ebtztatj 18',74, afton the .vEzzteralet of thi4 ce_tbficate at thiA office.
Page 156
biza pail
C. fa. 70c+Ip.osiii-c>3.-sr c>rraco,
./gentomety, (.2'44.„
/ 1844.
ahio trrtify, That_
as paid in at this office_
for which dmount Registered BOnds, of the Confederate States of America, bearing interest
from thiTdate, at the rate of four per cent per annum, will be issued to him, under the "Acct
to reduce the currency, and to authorize n new issue of Notes and. Bonds," approved February'
17, 1814 upon the surrender of this Certificate at this office.
Perhaps the most interesting of these individuals were the
"Military Depositarys," who remained close to the "Battle
Zones," thus providing a place for financial transactions of the
military, as well as the civilian occupants of the area. (Many of
the established Depository Offices quickly closed and vacated
the area "under fire.") These "Military Depositarys" were, in
fact, active-duty military officers, who served in other capacities
such as Quartermaster, etc.
The amount of fiscal paper produced from these offices was,
to say the least, staggering. Thankfully, quite a few documents
(letters, receipts, etc.) have survived. Most of these are available
to the interested collector, usually at fairly reasonable prices. In
the case of the receipts for funds deposited for bonds, many will
have endorsements, Notary Seals, etc., on the back, which, in
my opinion, only serves to make these items more interesting
and desirable. The majority of these receipts average 4" x 8" in
size, but, there are numerous exceptions.
As you would imagine, people from all walks of life were ac-
tive in supporting the finances of the Confederacy, thus making
these items interesting from the standpoint of who actually paid-
in the funds, and received the receipt, as well as the issuing au-
thority. (Many items were signed by E.C. Elmore, the CSA
Treasurer.) I have seen items issued to G.W. Randolph, Secre-
tary of War, and to Wilmer McLean, in whose parlor the Appo-
mattox Surrender took place. Receipts are known to have sur-
vived that were issued to A.H. Stevens, the CSA Vice President
as well. If you are lucky, you will occasionally obtain a receipt
with the actual receipt for the issued bond attached.
The Confederacy also established Foreign Depositories in
Liverpool, England; Paris, France; Nassau, Bahamas; St.
Georges, Bermuda; and Havana, Cuba. These offices handled
government financial transactions in their respective areas, par-
ticularly where the transport and sale of "King Cotton" took
place. Incidentally, the Depositary at Paris, France was General
Colin J. McCrae, Confederate Congressman from Mobile AL
This article is intended only to give the reader a very brief look
at CSA Depositories and their receipts, and is not, as such, a
full, or even partial history of these offices. For in-depth study, I
highly recommend the works listed below.
Ball, Dr. Douglas B. (1972). Confederate Interim Depository Receipts
& Funding Certificates, issued in The Commonwealth of Virginia,
1861-1865 (The Virginia Numismatic Association, Inc.)
Todd, Dr. Richard C. (1954). Confederate Finance (University of
Georgia Press- Athens)
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Page 157
Railroad Notes and Scrip of the United States, the
Confederate States and Canada
(Continued from PM 142, Page 127)
7. 50.00 (L) Female, nude female kneeling, 50 above. (C) Train. (R) 50 above.
Date — 18--.
Imprint—Danforth, Wright & Co. Philada. & New York. R6
Notes of this issue are payable on Foster & Co.
8. 100 (L) Female. (C) Female at fence, farmer plowing. (R) Female. R6
9. 150 Similar to No. 8, except denomination. R6
10. 250 Similar to No. 8, except denomination. R6
11. 250 (C) Train. (R) Mythical bird. R6
12. 500 (L) Female. (C) Female at fence, farmer plowing. (R) Female. R6
13. 500 (C) Train. (R) Mythical bird. R6
14. 1.00 Similar to No. 13, except denomination.
Date— July 30, 1861.
Imprint—None R6
The road was chartered March 11, 1850, and opened to Strasburg in 1854. On June 1, 1867, it was
consolidated with the Orange & Alexandria Railroad (chartered in 1848) as the Orange, Alexan-
dria & Manassas Railroad; it ran from Alexandria to Lynchburg.
On November 27, 1872, the road was consolidated with the Lynchburg & Danville line
(chartered in 1872) under the name of the Washington City, Virginia & Midland & Great Southern
Railroad, operating from Alexandria to Danville, North Carolina, a distance of 239 miles, with
branches that added 121 miles.
On December 20, 1880, the properties were sold under foreclosure and on February 1, 1881, a
new company, Virginia Midland, was formed. The road was leased to the Richmond & Danville,
and later became part of the Southern Railway.
15. 10t (L) Female. (C) Beehive. (R) 10. R5
16. 250 Similar to No. 15, but red print. R5
17. 500 Similar to No. 15, except denomination. R5
18. 1.00 Similar to No. 15, except denomination. R5
19. 2.00 Similar to No. 15, except denomination.
Date—July 1, 1861.
Imprint—MacFarlane & Ferguson, Prints. R5
xt1 anTMAS (Sap tali pJa4 Co
/7, 10/, iR.O.
Page 158
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Virginia No. 19
As stated on notes of this issue, they were issued in the "1st Section, 3d Residency and 3d Division
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad."
20. 61/4o (C) Train. R6
21. 121/20 Similar to No. 20, except denomination. R6
22. 250 (L) Riverboat. (C) Sailor, anchor, between 25s. (R) Female seated. R6
23. 500 (L) Liberty. (C) Riverboat, sailing vessels, between 50s. (R) Sailor and anchor. R6
24. 1.00 (L) Female. (C) Train, between Is. (R) Riverboat. R6
25. 2.00 Similar to No. 24, except denomination.
Date — 18--.
Imprint —E. Morris, Pr. Philad. R6
Virginia No. 23
The following Meal Ticket was, in all probability, used as local scrip.
26. 250 (L) Locomotive.
Date — None.
Imprint — None. R5
(To be continued)
i-IPagin!IFF"'414"111131"1"641ralqrWIPI Iliirj"r/k* '
At t
., 4 4`,4Walt UNEIffiffil* *17X1/.11,46*
',II: tf 4144 ...aux°
.ur.onite ev cte
or 0C41,,,m,r1 73. , 953
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Page 159
Federal Reserve Note Discovered
Serial Number
HlA $5 Red Seal
T HE $5 RED SEAL Federal Reserve Note, serial numberH1A, has recently surfaced, appropriately enough, inSt Louis. The note, along with several other numismatic
was purchased from an estate by Barry Faintich, pro-
prietor of Midwest Money Company in Clayton, Missouri. This
note represents the second major discovery of a rare currency
item by this firm. Several years ago the only known Alaska Ter-
ritorial National Bank Note, a $20 Date Back issued by the First
National Bank of Juneau. was purchased by them.
The H1A note grades a conservative Extremely Fine, show-
ing only two minor folds. Interestingly, the folds are located
about one-half inch to the right of the oval portrait, and are
spaced about one-quarter inch apart. The right side of the face
displays minor handling. In the opinion of the author, the note
has never seen circulation, but may have acquired the folds and
soiling over the years as a result of being "shown off."
The late William A. Philpott, Jr. was acknowledged in his
time as the most knowledgeable collector and researcher of
large-size Federal Reserve Notes. He wrote an article for THE
NUMISMATIST, published in the July 1971 issue, entitled "Red
Seals Are Rare!". Part of that article is reprinted in this issue, to
provide more insight into these scarce notes, and it will describe
one possible explanation for the survival of this No. 1 St. Louis
$5 Federal Reserve Note.
Warns. M.O., ALASKAN DISCOVERY.. . in Missouri. PA-
PER MONEY #73, January/February 1978, page 5.
B NK Happenings That revived the obligation. The banker brought suit and re-covered in full for the note and interest.
From The Banker's Magazine ■ Submitted by Bob Cochran
A Sturgeon (Missouri) banker has, in a glass case, two pump-
kins he values at $2,000. Thirteen years ago the banker said he
lent a farmer $1,000 with which to buy stock. The farmer, of
course, gave his note. The borrower lost on the stock deal and
had hard luck generally, so he couldn't pay the note. Later he
went West, and after many years he made good again and re-
turned to Sturgeon. The banker tried to collect his note, but it
was outlawed by a lapse of thirteen years. One day the banker
stopped at the man's farm and admired his fine pumpkins. The
farmer made him a present of two large ones.
"I'll just credit these pumpkins on your old note," the banker
said. "All right," the farmer said.
H.A. Duncan, president of the Marine National Bank of Bath.
Maine, has signed every bill issued by that bank either as cashier
or president. As the time extends about forty-four years, his rec-
ord is probably unequaled in New England. To make the record
unbroken, the officials of the bank have on several occasions
during the illness or absence of Mr. Duncan, held the bills until
he was able to sign them. The best time made by him in at-
taching his signature to bills was 400 signatures in forty-five
(This article appeared in the September, 1910 issue of The Bankers
Magazine. According to the Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes
by John Hickman and Dean Oakes, the Marine National Bank was
chartered on February 3, 1865 and placed in voluntary liquidation on
April 27, 1910. During that time Duncan apparently hand-signed
162.456 notes.)
Page 160
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Reprinted courtesy of THE NUMISMATIST (July 1971), official
publication of the American Numismatic Association, 818 North
Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3279.
United States Federal Reserve Notes. series of 1914, bearing
seals and serial numbers in red ink, have been elusively
scarce ever since they were first issued. Many of these
notes—from twelve different banks, variable denominations,
and in a new condition—are today excessively rare. No seri-
ous experienced students of our nation's paper currency will
gainsay this premise.
Why are these notes, carrying red seals and serial numbers,
representing the first paper money from the newly organized
Regional Banks, so scarce? The answer is elementary: com-
paratively few of these notes were issued. The U.S. Treasury
Department's Bureau of Engraving and Printing produced
these red seals during the last four months of 1914. Unfor-
tunately for collectors-researchers, the U.S. Treasury authori-
ties, in the production or redemption departments, did not
segregate red and blue seal issues. Records of both seals were
lumped together. No separate figures of issue or redemption
are available.
So the observations herewith come from my collecting ex-
periences, covering a 48-year period, and are backed by no
official figures whatever. There is documentary evidence that
red seal Federal Reserve Notes, for all twelve banks, were
printed only during the last four months of 1914. Early in
1915, and up to June 1, 1928, came the familiar blue seals
and serial numbers in abundant supply. These were issued for
each of the twelve banks, in denominations of $5, $10, $20,
$50 and $100: and carried four different signature combina-
tions of U.S. Treasurers and Secretaries of the Treasury
namely: Burke-McAdoo, Burke-Glass, Burke-Houston, and
White-Mellon. Federal Reserve Notes of higher denomina-
tion —$500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 —blue seals, were
issued as the series of 1918. These bore the signatures of
Burke-Glass only, and were printed for six of the twelve
Let us return to the red seals. These had only one signa-
ture combination: John Burke, Treasurer, and William G.
McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury. The latter was a smooth,
proud, political operator. No Secretary of the Treasury, prior
to Mr. McAdoo, had his name engraved on the nation's cur-
rency. Since his days in President Wilson's cabinet, all Secre-
taries of the Treasury (they are legion) have had their "John
Hancock's" engraved on our folding money.
Secretary McAdoo, wheeler-dealer type that he was, eager-
ly sought to "get the Regional Banks' new currency rolling."
He and associates had labored for six months after passage of
the Owen-Glass Bill (Federal Reserve Act, passed December
23, 1913) establishing the Federal Reserve System. McAdoo
and David Houston, Secretary of Agriculture held meetings,
nationwide, to locate the twelve different banks. Accordingly,
Secretary McAdoo ordered engravers and printers, on double
time, to produce the new currency as quickly as possible.
Rumor has it that he favored the startling red ink for the over-
printing on the new notes.
Then came the first hitch: World War I was raging. Ver-
million dye stuff, used for our red seals (also postage stamps).
imported from Europe (Germany, principally) was soon in
short supply. So the red overprinting of seals and serials on
the new Federal Reserve Notes was discontinued after four
months of printing — September, October, November and De-
cember, 1914.
Early in the 1920s this writer became attracted to the red
seal Federal Reserve Notes. Few other currency collectors
were interested. Those who studied the serial numbers
suspected that some day these notes (first circulating notes of
the new Regional Banks) would be rare and difficult to ac-
quire. For several years I collected as many different notes of
this series as were presented, and in the better grades of con-
dition. No lists had been compiled. George Blake was not
concerned. Wayte Raymond only collected the $50 and $100
denominations. Albert Grinnell was in the chase for national
bank notes. Jim Wade and I sought new red seal Federal Re-
serve Notes, not already represented in our collections.
At the peak of my holdings, I owned the majority of the is-
sues of all twelve banks, except in the $50 and $100 denomi-
nations. From my holdings I made estimates of the possible
issues, using the serial and face plate numbers as indices. No
bank's serial numbers reflected an issue above 20,000,000
pieces in any denomination—and most of the serial numbers
reflected much fewer than a million red seals from any bank,
any denomination.
Today I would class the rarest red seal Federal Reserve
Notes about like this: the $5s of Philadelphia. Richmond. and
San Francisco: the $10s of Boston, Philadelphia, Richmond.
Atlanta, Minneapolis, and San Francisco; the rarest $20s
would be Boston, Philadelphia. Richmond. Atlanta, Minnea-
polis, and San Francisco; and $50s and $100 from any or all
banks should be classed as excessively rare in an uncirculated
state .
Face plate numbers on red seal notes are never more than
two digits—the $50s and $100s generally with numbers
below 10. In all denominations and all banks I have never
seen a serial suffix of any letter above an A. (On the blue
seal, Federal Reserve Notes, New York suffixes run from
B-D; and on Chicago from G-B.)
And I have never seen nor heard of a replacement, or star
note, on the red seal series. There must have been spoilage
aplenty on these "new notes." I will not say there is no such
thing. But I will affirm I have never seen a star, or heard of
anyone who had seen or heard of one on any note, in any
condition, of these red seals.
Taking the highest serial numbers on the red seals, now in
my possession, the total issuances will add up to these
totals—the figures representing individual pieces: Boston:
$5-2,430,00; $20-19,450. New York: $5-20,647,000;
$20-2,031,700. Philadelphia: $10-10,400,000. Cleve-
land: $5-1,330,000; $50-9,643. Richmond: $10-
600,000; $20-170,000. Atlanta: $5-33,400; $10-
315,600. Chicago: $5-3,800,000; $10-1,220,000. St.
Louis: $5-2,200,000: $10-817,000; $20-87,000; $50—
18,000 . Minneapolis: $50— 1,800 . Kansas City: $20-2,750.
Dallas: $5-1,400,000; $20-73,600. San Francisco: $5-
300,000; $10-672,000.
Since I have sold off most of my red seal over-prints during
the last twenty-five years. I have no data whereby I might esti-
mate the several denominations omitted in the above. A
The Green
Goods Game
Conducted by
Forrest Daniel
Paper Money Whole No. 143
number of years ago Wayte Raymond and John Zug pur-
chased all my $100 holdings. But I do remember the back
plates and green backs were all numbered under number
10—certainly indicating a low issue on all banks. Many of the
serial numbers of these large denominations were of four and
never more than six digits.
Speaking of low serial numbers I never saw too many, and
have owned fewer. At the present I have a $5 on St. Louis,
number H11A; a $50 on Minneapolis, number 1180A and a
few others. Last year at St. Louis, I sold the lowest serial red
seal I ever owned; a superb $10 on Atlanta with serial num-
ber 2.
In my opinion all number 1 notes of this red seal series
were distributed as Christmas gifts in December, 1914, by
Secretary McAdoo to his close political friends and fellow
members of President Wilson's cabinet. The number is of the
Dallas Bank, $5, $10 and $20, were given to Albert Sidney
Burleson. Mr. Burleson was Postmaster General, a resident of
Austin and a buddy of Secretary McAdoo. Mr. Burleson was
given these three number 1 notes—the "A" or top note of
the three sheets. Mr. McAdoo's letter of transmittal was
flowery and cordial: "first issue of our new money." Not be-
ing numismatically inclined Postmaster General Burleson gave
the three notes, together with the McAdoo letter, to the presi-
dent of an Austin bank—a lifelong friend. This banker, long
since deceased, showed me these notes many years ago, say-
ing he would pass them "on to my progeny." As far as I am
informed, these notes are still in this banker's family safety de-
posit box.
General talk was that Secretary McAdoo made many such
gifts at Christmas time, December, 1914, in all twelve dis-
tricts. If true, this would explain the abundant rarity of No. 1
red seals—any bank, all denominations.
Further support for Mr. Philpott's opinions of the actions of
Secretary McAdoo can be found in the Winter, 1980 issue of
The Essay-Proof Journal. On pages 41 and 42 there is a dis-
cussion of the set of nine Federal Reserve "sample" two sided
specimen notes of the Series of 1914 and 1918. These uni-
que notes were in the Albert A. Grinnell collection, which
was sold by Barney Bluestone in 1946, and they appeared in
the NASCA Brookdale Sale in November 1979. How Mr.
Grinnell probably obtained the items is discussed as follows:
Mr. Grinnell's pride as a collector was no doubt greatly
enhanced by his skills as a politician, without which this
great treasure would never have passed into his posses-
sion. He had, as a collector, made it his business to culti-
vate amicable relations with the Chief of the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing of the time and Mr. Grinnell was
also known to have had a cordial personal friendship
with the Secretary of the Treasury, William G. McAdoo,
who was also Woodrow Wilson's son-in-law.
The Secretary, ever since the legal tender acts, has
always possessed the statutory authority to present speci-
mens of U.S. currency for counterfeit detection purposes
to various financial institutions and persons. Evidently, by
the use of this authority, these notes were prepared
specially for Mr. Grinnell..
Page 161
"Talking of counterfeiters puts me in mind of one, a notori-
ous rascal, who was caught not long ago in this city while at
his nefarious trade," said the ex-treasury official. "The paper
money this man produced was absolutely perfect in every de-
tail but one thing, and it seems strange that a man of his
knowledge and experience of the art of counterfeiting should
not have known it."
Here the treasury official took a $1 bill from his pocket. It
was new and crisp and he pointed out a diminutive letter C
on the right under the bill's number and another down in the
other corner.
"Now," he continued, "I don't suppose there are ten men
in a hundred outside the treasury department who know that
these seemingly unnecessary letters are on United States bills.
And even if they had noticed them I am willing to bet that not
one of them could tell what they signify."
Handing another bill to the reporter the ex-treasury man
asked him to read the last four figures. They were 5321. The
treasury man said almost instantly, "The letter on that bill is
B," which was correct.
Half a dozen other bills were produced and when the treas-
ury man was told the last four figures of their numbers he was
able to tell with lightning rapidity what letter would be found
on each bill. In each case the letter was either A, B, C or D.
"The explanation is simple," he said. "If you take the last
four figures of the number on any bill, no matter what its de-
nomination, and divide them by four you will have a re-
mainder of 0, 1, 2 or 3. If the remainder is zero the letter on
the bill will be A. If it is 1 the letter will be B. If it is 2 the let-
ter will be C, and if it is 3 the letter will be D.
"This is one of the many precautions taken by the govern-
ment against counterfeiting. You can always tell whether a bill
is bad or good by making the test. I wouldn't give a 5 cent
piece for a $1,000 bill, no matter how perfect it seemed, if its
little letters did not correspond with the remainder obtained
by dividing the last four figures of its number by four."—
Washington Star. —Winona (Minn.) Republican and Herald,
Aug. 16, 1901.
Page 162
The thirteenth International Paper Money Show was the most
successful event that the SPMC has participated in to date. Our
hospitality table was placed next to the American Bank Note
Company table and we enjoyed more activity, including new
memberships, than at any show that we have attended. The ex-
hibits set an all time record for the number of cases displayed. As
an example, there were 65 cases of obsolete bank notes. If a
person had examined each case carefully, it would have taken
him over two hours to cover the exhibits. The two auctions
brought out outstanding material that reached some all time
high bids. The dealers whom I interviewed claimed to have
standout sales. Many notes found new homes and many collec-
tors were happy with their purchases. Our SPMC meeting had
the best attendance since I have been president. Our guest
speaker, Armen Youssefi gave an excellent lecture on the bank
notes of Iran. The lecture was accompanied by colored slides
Paper Money Whole No. 143
and was well received by those present. He also exhibited the
bank notes of Iran; the display complemented his talk. Our ban-
quet was an enjoyable event as usual, with our master of
ceremonies, Wendell Wolka, doing his usual great job of con-
ducting the Tom Bain raffle. Over a hundred prizes were given;
the top prize was a fifty dollar Federal Reserve Note. Everyone
had a good time.
The Wismer Round Table was conducted for the second suc-
cesive year and was well attended by present and past authors.
Many original idea's were presented to those present and we all
felt that the discussions were helpful. A summary of the ideas
discussed is being sent to those who were unable to attend.
Wismer Project Update
New authors have been appointed for the state of Idaho:
Dick & Sue Naven
Oregon Paper Money Exchange
6802 SW 33rd. Pl.
Portland, OR 97219
Please cooperate with these new authors and all of the Wismer
Project authors to help bring this project to a satisfactory con-
clusion. A complete listing of all the Wismer authors is included
in this issue of the magazine.
Our board meeting concluded with the election of officers.
We have a new president, Richard J. Balbaton, and a new vice-
president. Austin M. Sheehen. Let's wish them the best and give
them and all the officers our cooperation during their tenure.
Roger H.
Award Winners at
(All photos by the Petersons.) For a complete
list of award winners see PAPER MONEY,
No. 142, p. 129.
The Society's Award of Merit went to Dr.
James Haxby.
Chet Krause (L) accepts the Nathan Gold
Award from new SPMC president, Richard
Joseph Boling (L) was named a Numismatic
News Numismatic Ambassador. As IBNS
president he congratulates Armen Youseffi as
the winner of the Amon Carter, Jr. Award.
A surprised Mike Abramson is the first recip-
ient of the Robert J. Johnson Award.
Wendell Wolka, the Society's preeminent MC.
Ron Horstman (L) presents outgoing SPMC
president Roger Durand with a check for our
society from the Professional Currency Deal-
ers Association. Ron was the recipient of the
third place SPMC Literary Award. President
Durand received the BNR Award for the most
inspirational exhibit.
Paper Money Whole No. 143 Page 163
The purpose of this column is to keep you advised of the pro-
gress of the Society's monumental Wismer Update Project. For
those who are not familiar with this undertaking, the SPMC is in
the process of cataloging all known obsolete notes from every
state in the Continental United States. One of the sources is the
series of listings, compiled by the late D.C. Wismer, that ap-
peared during the 1920s and 1930s in The Numismatist. These
were some of the first attempts to organize and popularize the
field of U.S. obsolete notes.
If you can assist with illustrations, descriptions and informa-
tion, you are urged to contact the authors assigned to particular
states. If you would like to be responsible for an unassigned
state, please contact:
Richard T. Hoober,
P.O. Box 196.
Newfoundland, PA 18445.
Only through cooperation of the membership can this project
be completed with the highest degree of accuracy.
Halden E. Birt, Jr. Dick & Sue Naven AUTHOR NEEDED Arthur J. Wenzel
4325 East Broadway 6802 S.W. 33rd Pl. 6411 Edwood Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85711 Portland, OR 97219 NEVADA: Cincinnati, OH 45224
AUTHOR NEEDED Dennis Forgue NEW HAMPSHIRE: Dick & Sue Naven
P.O. Box 7301 Wayne Rich 6802 S.W. 33rd Pl.
COLORADO: Westchester, IL 60153 P.O. Box 391 Portland, OR 97219
C. John Ferreri
Clarence Rareshire
2307 American Bank Bldg. NEW MEXICO:
Austin M. Sheheen, Jr.
P.O. Box 428
P.O. Box 33 New Orleans, LA 70130 AUTHOR NEEDED Camden. SC 29020
Storrs, CT 06268
MARYLAND: NEW YORK (Banks): Hugh Shull
Terry A. Bryan
Armand Shank
P.O Box 442
John Glynn
58 Nevilles Court
P.O. Box 172
Leesville, SC 29070
871 S. Governors Ave.
Dover, DE 19901
Cockeysville, MD 21030
Dollis Hill Lane, Neasden
London, N.W. 2. England SOUTH DAKOTA:
George Wait
P.O. Box 165
James F. Stone
P.O. Box 89
Milford, NH 03055
NEW YORK (Scrip):
Gordon Harris
5818S Terry Rd.
Dick & Sue Naven
6802 S.W. 33rd Pl.
Glen Ridge, NJ 07028
Syracuse, NY 13219 Portland, OR 97219
Richard T. Hoober Larry Falater
Box 196 20477 Kingsville NORTH CAROLINA: WISCONSIN:
Newfoundland, PA 18445 Harper Woods, MI 48225 Jim Sazama Chester Krause
P.O. Box 11235 Krause Publications
GEORGIA: MISSOURI: Southern Pines, NC 28387 Iola, WI 54945
Claud Murphy Eric Newman
P.O. Box 15091 6450 Cecil Ave. NORTH DAKOTA: WYOMING:
Atlanta, GA 30333 St. Louis, MO 63139 AUTHOR NEEDED AUTHOR NEEDED
NEW Ronald HorstmanP.O. Box 6011St. Louis, MO 63139
7770 Gene Elliott, 1506 Magazine St., New Orleans, LA 70130;
Southern obsolete notes.
7771 Thomas P. Gardner, 1326 Orleans Ave Keokuk, IA 52632:
C, Iowa paper money.
7772 Mike Burnett, P.O. Box 1681, Little Rock, AR 72203; C.
7773 James Hackett, P.O. Box 9, Edwardsville, IL 62025; C.
7774 Jerry Zastrow, 115 S. Grange Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57104: D,
U.S. paper money.
7775 Jared Swartz, 23042 Schroeder, East Detroit. MI 48021: C.
7776 James Mehaffey, 1916 Pike Place ' 1 12, Apt. 823, Seattle, WA
98101; C, World bank notes.
7777 Robert Tenenholtz, 5234 N. Via Agrifoglia, Tucson, AZ 85715;
C&D, U.S. paper money.
7778 Joe Gordon, 4949 Battery Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814.
7779 Richard A. Merlau, 16428 Bethel Rd., Elkhart Lake, WI 53020:
C, U.S. large-size & fractionals.
7780 Alvin C. Gullion, 934 Sandcrest, Port Orange. FL 22019; C. In-
diana nationals.
7781 Eugene C. Hess, 2-F Farmington Ct., Baltimore. MD 21234: C,
Obsolete and Colonial notes.
7782 John F. Havemeyer, III, Ebert Rd Skaneateles, NY 13152; C.
Crisp, mint, unc. U.S. notes.
Page 164
Paper Money Whole No. 143
7783 August Guarniere, 152-72 Melbourne Ave., Flushing, NY
11367; C&D, U.S. Paper Money.
7784 Donald Davenport, 3013 Ridgelake Dr., Metairie, LA 70002;
C, Colonial, Confederate and fractional notes.
7785 Douglas M. Babyak, 879 Howland-Wilson Rd. SE, Warren, OH
44484; U.S. confederate & S.A.
7786 James Clifford, 622 West Patterson, Chicago, IL 60613; World
Currency, Swiss, Hungary, Austria.
7787 Mark Seamans, 5251 Meadowgreen Dr., Pittsburgh, PA
15236; C, Silver certificates.
7788 Douglas Corrigan, P.O. Box 10573, Santa Ana, CA 92711; C,
Nat. gold notes & CA nationals.
7789 Kent M. Fisher, 3006 Douglas Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49008; C,
U.S. paper money.
7790 John Tucker, 6 Lakeview Dr., Alexander City, AL 35010;
C&D, Foreign currency.
7791 Alice M. Thacker, 874 Pine Valley Dr., Forest Park, GA 30050;
C, Large, small & fractional type currency.
7792 Mrs. Judith S. Murphy, P.O. Box 24046, Winston Salem, NC
27114; C&D, Scrip and checks.
7793 Lewis Seay, P.O. Box 552, Crocker, MO 65452; C, Obsolete &
Broken Banks & U.S. obsolete and federal notes.
7794 Bert Evans, Box 6666, Jacksonville, FL 32236.
7795 John Stella, 83 Aimee Dr., Pawcatuck, CT 06379; C, Large-
size notes.
7796 Tom Emmons, 520 Lorena, North Canton, OH 44720; C.
7797 Robert G. Rechel, 801 Hepburn St., Williamsport, PA 17701;
Fractional currency & obsoletes, Fractional & obsolete notes.
7798 Patrick Bachler, 3020 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60657; C,
Inexpensive foreign currency.
7799 James F. Mason III, 5th & Montgomery St., Boyertown, PA
19512; C, National banknotes.
7800 Dale Alberstone, 1801 Ave. of the Stars #810, Los Angeles, CA
90067; C, Unc. large-size.
7801 Benny Marciante, 1724-70 St., Brooklyn, NY 11204; C&D,
7802 Juanita Hill, 1545 Buckeye Ct., Pinole, CA 94564; C.
7803 Clifton J. Jenson, 115 Park Ave. West, Cavalier, ND 58220; C.
7804 Larry J. Modlin, 9968 Damask Ct., Manassas, VA 22110; Con-
federates and obsolete notes.
7805 Russell Baines, 203 W. Caddo, Austin, TX 78753; C&D,
Large-size U.S and TX Currency before 1900.
7806 Fred Caldwell, 2864 Signal, Memphis, TN 38127; C, $2 errors.
7807 Bob Bolduc, 10858 Greenview Way, Columbia, MD 21044; C,
D.C. nationals.
7808 Norman C. Hildreth, PO Box 490 Sherman, WV 25276;
7809 Philip G. Feder.
7810 Dick Gustafson, 4925 Houston Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70809;
C, Obsolete. Confederate, and Rep. of TX notes.
7811 John C. Chafin; C&D.
7812 M.R. Chafin.
7813 Hans J. Schwenzer, AM Bessunger Forst 26, 6109 Muehltal 4,
West Germany.
7814 J.B. Anderson, P.O. Box 688, Flemington, NJ 08822
7815 Raymond Cobb, 17435 Imperial Valley 1810, Houston, TX
7816 Don McKay, 3873 Pacific Coast Hwy., Torrance, CA 90505;
7817 John P. Mark, 412 S. Conejo Ave., Modesto, CA 95354; C,
Fractional & world currency.
7818 N.T. Marzolino, 809 Buck Lane, Haverford, PA 19041; C, Eur-
7819 Alan Coburn, 15 Brook St., Manchester, NH 03104; C&D,
African Islands.
7820 Mike Schulfer, 1325 Briarcliffe Blvd., Wheaton, IL 60187; C.
7821 Bill Selfridge, Box 130, Bloomingdale, NJ 07403; C&D, North-
ern NJ notes.
7822 Nick Impenna, P.O. Box 405, Crompond, NY 10507; C, For-
eign notes.
7823 Peter J. Dawson, P.O. Box 420, Greenville, NH 03048; C.
7824 Roy M. Baldwin, 205 Granvil Dr., Louisville, KY 40218; C,
Large-size U.S. type & nationals.
7825 John McFarland, P.O. Box 10252, Portland, OR 97210-0252;
C, U.S. & world.
7826 James Lucas c/o Video Store, 127 3rd Ave., New York, NY
10003; C, Errors, radars & interesting serial numbers.
7827 Paul B. Welch, 6000 Vincent Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN
55410; C, U.S. notes.
7828 David L. Carpenter, P.O. Box 7334, Great Falls, MT 59406;
C&D, U.S. type & nationals.
7829 Howard E. Wheat, 1358 Driver Rd Marriottsville, MD 21104;
C, Large-size U.S. type notes.
7830 Russell J. Larimore, 21-460 A Citrus Ave., Elmendorf AFB, AK
99506; C. Nationals, large & small-size type notes.
7831 Jess Tier, II, 13308 Pine Rd., Oceansprings, MS 39564; C&D,
Gold certificates, star notes, large & small-size.
7832 Milton Harr, 1583 Quarrier St., Charleston, WV 25311; C,
7833 Edward J. Cichorek, 82 Rodney Ave., Somerset, NJ 08873; C,
Obsolete notes of New Jersey.
7834 Jack Don Jr., 42 Higgins St., Boston, MA 02134; C, Obsolete
7835 Jeremy J. Siegel, 200 Locust St., Apt. 30B, Philadelphia, PA
19106-3914; C.
7836 Lance K. Campbell, P.O. Box 3118; Fort Leavenworth, KS
66027; C, POW & World Paper Money.
7837 Elliott G. Carr, 46 Run Hill Rd., Brewster, MA 02631; C, Na-
tional and obsolete notes.
7838 Ken Ferris. 374 Fencepiece Rd. Chigwell, Essex, England
1G75DY; C, C.S.A. & African notes.
7839 George B. Sweet, 31816 S.E. Bluff Rd., Gresham, OR 97080;
C, Worldwide.
LM90 Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Druckerei fur Wertpapiere,
Wien 1X, Otto Wagnerplatz 3, Postfach 61, 1011 Wien, Vien-
na, Austria.
6337 Tommy Acker, 561 Sturgeon Dr., Costa Mesa, CA 92626;
Spartanburg, SC nationals (Reinstatement).
In addition to a medal that each exhibitor received, the following
awards were presented to exhibitors of paper money-related ex-
U.S. Paper Money: 1st, Patrick McBride (Military Payment
Certificates, 13 Series); 2nd, James J. Jack (Pioneer Family
Notes by Treasury Seal); 3rd, Raymond Rennick (U.S. Frac-
tional Currency).
U.S. Obsolete Paper Money: 1st, Phil Greenslet (A Selec-
tion of Franklin Paper); 2nd, Robert C. Schreiner (Spanish
Coins on American Notes); no 3rd place award.
Foreign Paper Money: 1st, Gene Hessler (A Tribute to
Joseph Keller); 2nd, Joseph Boling (Foreign Trade Payment
Certificates); 3rd, John E. Zabel (Historical People on the
Bank Notes of Slovakia).
General or Specialized. 2nd, Robert W. Ross (Declaration
Signing Vignettes).
Numismatic Errors: 2nd, Gary Lewis (U.S. Mail Currency
Local Interest: 1st Wayne Homren (History of the Bank of
Pittsburgh); 2nd, Raymond Waltz (Pennsylvania County
Bank Notes); 3rd Jonathan Watson (West Virginia Coalmine
Young Numismatist Awards for Paper Money: 1st, Laura
Lewis (State of Florida Fractional Currency, Third Issue); 2nd,
Paul d'Arcy (Unwanted Currency: The Small-Size U.S. $2
Bill); 3rd Jerami Mahaffey (Two Bi Two: $2 Bills Com-
memorating the 1976 Bicentennial).
Paper Money Whole No. 143 Page 165
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 156
per word, with a minimum charge of $3.75. The primary purpose of the ads is to
assist members in exchanging. buying. selling, or locating specialized material and
disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be
legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society
of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 8147,
St. Louis, MO 63156 by the tenth of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e.
Dec. 10, 1988 for Jan. 1989 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as
five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials
count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of
the same copy. Sample ad and word count.
WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for
FRN block letters. $1 SC. U.S. obsolete. John W. Member. 000 Last St.. New
York. N.Y. 10015.
(22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each)
STOCK CERTIFICATES & BONDS — buy and sell! Current catalog
of interesting certificates for sale. $1. Buying all—but especially interest-
ed in early Western certificates. Ken Prag. Box 531PM. Burlingame,
CA 94011, phone (415) 566-6400. (149)
or collections. Send description and price. Jim Sazama, P.O. Box
1235, Southern Pines, NC 28387. (143)
TIONALS AND TOKENS WANTED. Describe or ship with your
price or for my offer. Ron Benice, 25 Stewart Place, Mount Kisco, NY
10549. (143)
BUYING OLD BANK CHECKS. certificates of deposit, bills of ex-
change, older books on Confederate or obsolete bank notes. Bob Pyne,
P.O. Box 149064, Orlando, FL 32814. (145)
TION . Any condition: large and small-size notes. Please send photo or
description with your price for the notes. Lawrence C. Feuer, c/o
C&F, 200 E. Post Rd., White Plains, NY 10601. (146)
Altamont, Cohoes, Ravena, Watervliet, West Troy, Lansingburgh,
Castleton. Describe or ship with price or for offer. William Panitch, P.O.
Box 12845, Albany, NY 12212. (149)
NEW YORK NATIONALS. Ballston, Saratoga, Mechanicville,
Schuylerville, Corinth, Waterford, South Glen Falls. Send description
and price. All letters answered. Thomas Minerley, 30 Charles St., Balls-
ton Spa, NY 12020. (143)
BUYING OLD BANK CHECKS. certificates of deposit, bills of ex-
change. older books on Confederate or obsolete bank notes. Bob Pyne,
P.O. Box 149064, Orlando, FL 32814. (145)
RONECK 5411, Rye, Mount Kisco, Hastings, Croton on Hudson,
Pelham, Somers. Harrison. Ossining, Yonkers, White Plains, Irvington,
Peekskill, Bronxville, Ardsley, Crestwood, New Rochelle, Elmsford,
Scarsdale, Larchmont, Port Chester, Tuckahoe. Send photocopy;
price. Frank Levitan, 530 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10455. (212)
292-6803. (144)
WANTED: I will pay $100 for a CU, $1 FRN or a small-size CU. SC
with serial number 00099999. Any series. Any block. Jim Lund, 2805
County Rd. 82, Alexandria, MN 56308. (143)
99999999, nine digit 100000000, 2 through 9, large-size "stars" CU.
small-size number one "stars", $100 1966 "stars" s/n 1 to 4, Cu 1907
$10 Gold, and high denominations in all United States types and
varieties. Want Michigan Nationals. singles and sheets. KALAMAZOO,
MICHIGAN all types. Paying up to $25,000.00 for wanted notes and
sheets. Jack H. Fischer 3123 Bronson Boulevard, Kalamazoo, MI
49008. A/C 616-344-5653 and 343-5538. (145)
Need examples and information from most states. Please send informa-
tion with copy. I am currently interested in scrip from Mississippi. Ohio.
Wisconsin. Virginia. North Dakota, Georgia and Florida. Tom
Sheehan. P.O. Box 14. Seattle, WA 98111. (144)
COLLECTIONS: Obsoletes, Nationals, Postal Notes, Civil War
Tokens. Have other states for trade. Send want list. Shawn Hewitt. Box
1114, Minneapolis, MN 55458-1114. (144)
FRACTIONALS. FRN block set 1963-1974 including *s, complete
358 notes $1,200. Partial block sets, 1963, 1963A & B, 1969, 1974
lacking 4 notes. $625. Dr. Wallace Lee. Suite 210. Summit Pl., Ponti-
ac. MI 48053. (144)
have found three auction listings of this note. Grinell 2016 Gd & 4245
Fair; & Kosoff 517 Gd (10/26/71). Are these listings the same note or
is there more than one known? David Davis, P.O. Box 205, Ypsilanti,
MI 48197. (144)
GEORGIA, which I collect. Partiallarly want any city-county issues.
Atlanta Bank. Georgia RR Banking. Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Min-
ing. Monroe RR Banking. Bank of Hawkinsville. La Grange Bank. Cen-
tral Bank Milledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys.
Cotton Planters Bank, any private scrip. I will sell duplicates. Claud
Murphy, Jr.. Box 24056. Winston-Salem, NC 27114. (147)
paper Americana and tokens, about 40 pages. Norman Peters, P.O.
Box 29, Lancaster. NY 14086. (144)
Also Canadian merchants scrip, chartered bank notes from Quebec
Provence. St. Eloi, P.O. Box 3536, Holiday, FL 34690-0536. (813)
942-6613; eve. 938-5141. (147)
WANTED: I will pay $100 for a CU, $1 FRN with serial number
00088888. Any series. Any block. Jim Lund, 2805 County Rd. 82.
Alexandria. MN 56308. (145)
types wanted from any Minnesota bank: $50 or $100 first charter
period; $100 1882 Brown Back or date back: $50 or $100 1902 red
seal, $100 1902 blue seal. Steve Schroeder, Box 323, Moorhead, MN
56560. (146)
WANTED ILLINOIS OBSOLETES from Bank of Illinois at Shaw-
neetown and any obsolete banknotes from Vienna, Illinois. Gary Hack-
er, 2710 Overhill Rd.. Pekin, IL 61554. (146)
Dam, Brillon, Burlington, Chippewa Falls, Columbus, Darlington,
Dodgeville, Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Kenosha, Lady-
smith, Madison (several), Manitowoc, Marinette, Menasha, Menomi-
nee, Monroe, Neenah, Oconto, Oshkosh, Portage, Racine, Seymour,
Shawana, Sheboygan, Superior, Watertown, West Allis, Whitewater,
Wisconsin Rapids, other states (specify). Free lists. Joe Apelman. Box
283, Covington, LA 70434.
1902-08, $10 "Bank of North America" Phila.,
PA. The only National Bank Note that does not have
the word "National" in the title. UNC. with light fold.
Scarce, popular. $475
1902, $5 "American National Bank", Idaho
Falls, Idaho. CR AU. Lists $2,250 in CU. Priced
to sell. $1,150
1902, $5 "Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi-
neers Cooperative National Bank of Cleve-
land". The longest name of any National UNC with
faint fold. $500
SASE for our list of other
"Syngraphic Specials".
Be sure to visit the ANA's great World-Class Museum. It now houses the $2 Million Collection
of United States Currency, also the 1913, Liberty-Head nickel, both gifts from Aubrey &
Adeline Bebee.
ANA LIFE #110, P.O. Box 4290, Omaha, NE 68104 • (402) 558-0277
Sell Your Coins & Currency
To The Highest Bidder
tiank of &mina
NASCA Auctions reach the nation's most important collectors of U.S. and International Coins, Currency, Stocks & Bonds,
Autographs, Medals. Tokens, and Related Items. Consigning is easy. Immediate cash advances are readily available.
Page 166
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Smndr, gs 41.A.
Accepting Consignments Now For These Auctions:
A major offering of STOCKS, BONDS & RELATED ITEMS.
Closes April 15, 1989.
JUNE 1989 & 1900, MEMPHIS. Major public auctions to be
held in conjunction with BOTH the 1989 & 1990 MEMPHIS
Space will be at a premium in both catalogues which will
feature FULL COLOR photography. U.S. & INTERNATIONAL
Division of R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc.
Subscription Information:
NASCA $45 $80 $105 $55 $100 $125
FRIENDS OF FINANCIAL HISTORY $25 $45 $60 $30 $55 $75
COMBINED SUBSCRIPTION $70 $120 $160 $85 $150 $195
26 Broadway
New York, NY 10004
NY residents
Toll-Free 800-622-1880
call 212-943-1880
UN/II‘v3W1---__ ()I INC.
P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954
Oregon Paper Money Exchange
, iy1111VE•
„,„4/4,// („, 4„, / ONE 17117111EDIMILIRS 4%,
( . 01.01i,11/d
/,,,/A ra// ,A/A/ /AA //, //../ //re /A/ //h...,,,w //.
We Buy and Sell Western Material
Send For Our Catalog Today!
6802 S.W. 33rd Place, Portland, OR 97219
(503) 245-3659 (EVES)
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Page 167
BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, PCDA, ANA, FUN, GENA, ASCC (914) 352.9077
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small,
Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer-
tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve
Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial,
Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks,
Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List ... or ...
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks & Financial Items
Extensive Catalog for $2.00,
Refundable With Order
P.O. Box 712 / Leesville, SC 29070 / (803) 532-6747
We maintain the
q Colonial Coins
q Colonial Currency
q Rare & Choice Type
q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper
q Encased Postage Stamps
q Portfolio
q Major Show
q Auction
c/o Dana Linett
q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 [I]
AJ,C2111S12.2.311.3..713 ,1Crrt
P#INglitti944,11"KAW ( LiN*14
vur smut,
71' ,
P.O. BOX 1296P
LEWISTON, NY 14092-1296
(416) 468-2312
LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. #1995 C.N.A. #143 C.P.M.S. 11
Page 168
Paper Money Whole No. 143
P.O. Box 1075
Adelaide St. P.O.
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5C 2K5
Also World Stocks,
Bonds and Cheques
'.cr 14 dratnI itr pap
Please offer what you have for sale.
Charles C. Parrish
P.O. Box 481
Rosemount, Minnesota 55068
SPMC 7456 LM ANA Since 1976
This month I am pleased to report that all sizes are in stock
in large quantities so orders received today go out today.
The past four years of selling these holders has been great
and many collections I buy now are finely preserved in these.
For those who have not converted, an article published this
past fall in Currency Dealer Newsletter tells it better than I
can. Should you want a copy send a stamped self-addressed
#10 business envelope for a free copy.
Prices did go up due to a major rise in the cost of the raw
material from the suppliers and the fact that the plant work-
ers want things like pay raises etc. but don't let a few cents
cost you hundreds of dollars. You do know-penny wise and
pound foolish.
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 43/4 x 21/4 $14.00 $25.25 $115.00 $197.50
Colonial 51/2 x 336 15.00 27.50 125.00 230.00
Small Currency 6% x 15.25 29.00 128.50 240.00
Large Currency 7%x 31/2 18.00 33.00 151.50 279.50
Check Size 9% x 41/4 22.50 41.50 189.50 349.00
Baseball Card Std 2 3/4 x 3 3/4 13.00 23.50 107.50 198.00
Baseball Bowman 2'/8 x 4 14.00 25.50 117.00 215.00
Obsolete currency sheet holders 8 3/4 x 14, $1.10 each, mini-
mum 5 Pcs.
Please note: all notice to MYLAR R mean uncoated archival
quality MYLAR R type D by Dupont Co. or equivalent mater-
ial by ICI Corp. Melinex type 516.
P.O. Box 1010 1 Boston, MA 02205
Phone: (617) 482.8477
If you are selling a single note or an entire col-
lection, you will be pleased with our fair offer
(Selling too! Write for free catalog.)
Subject to our inventory requirements
we need the following:
U.S. Large Size Notes
U.S. Encased Postage
All Military Currency Souvenir Cards
U.S. Fractional Currency
National Bank Notes
Colonial Currency U.S. Small Size Currency
Ship With Confidence or Write
We pay more for scarce or rare notes.
(714) 886-0198
P.O. Drawer 3949
San Bernardino, CA 92413
Black/White Capital Stock certificate with several
attractive vignettes. One of the very few engraved
banking stocks, from the American Bank Note
Company. Pen-cancelled, otherwise in VF +
Our Current BANK
listing includes more than 3 dozen Bank stocks, from
1812 to 1933, many with vignettes by the major bank
note companies of the 19th century. Call or write today
and ask for our BANK listing, or for our general catalogue
of more than 150 stocks and bonds.
P.O. Box 5262, Clinton, NJ 08809
(201) 730-6009
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Page 169
#00000001, #11111111 thru #99999999,
#10000000, #100,000.000. #1234568, & #87654321
serial numbers wanted
U.S. Small and Large-Size Type
with Special Numbers
Call Toll Free Monday-Friday
Mike Abramson
P.O. Box 6105 • Duluth. Minnesota 55816
Million Dollar
Buying Spree
Nationals MPC
Lg. & Sm. Type
Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Coins
Stamps • Gold • Silver
Platinum • Antique Watches
Political Items • Postcards
Baseball Cards • Masonic Items
Hummels • Doultons
Nearly Everything Collectible
399 S. State Street - Westerville, OH 43081
1-800-848-3966 outside Ohio
Life Member
EST 1960
PO Box 30369
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Nationals, Errors, Type
Notes, Stars, Number 1 & 2
Notes, Radars, Solid Num-
bers, Ladders.
Ship with confidence or write
for our offer. We pay more for
quality unmolested material.
P.O. Box 1565
St. Augustine, FL 32085-1565
(904) 797-8622
Page 170 Paper Money Whole No. 143
Morey Perlmutter, I am happy to say, is again available for
the benefit of veteran syngraphists, as well as relative new-
comers to the field. Now established as one of the "Elder
Statesmen" of our hobby, I feel worthy of the appellation
"True Pioneer" as proffered to me through literary dedica-
tions by some of our more prominent authors. May I be of
service to you in authentication and grading, written ap-
praisals, research inquiries, brokerage & commission
sales, consulting & investing services. "Over Forty Years
Write (SASE Please) or Call 617-734-7344
11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
P.O. Box 176, Newton Ctr., MA 02159
•Collections Needed
•Approval Service Available—
•Supply One Dealer Reference or
Your S.P.M.C. Number.
PRICE LIST — Enclose Large Size 25c
Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope.
121 MAYNARD, #1, GLENDALE, CA 91205
S.P.M.C. 3791
Large Size Currency • Small Size Currency
Fractional Currency • Souvenir Cards
Write For List
Theodore Kemm
915 West End Avenue q New York, NY 10025
Paper Money Whole No. 143
Page 171
Automate your record keeping with the NUMISMA In-
ventory program. Handles U.S. and foreign bank-
notes, C.S.A. notes, broken bank notes, souvenir
cards, and lots more (including coins, antiques, etc.).
Keeps information on what you have and what you
sold, plus a complete description of each item.
Prints current inventory customer lists and prints
mailing labels. Requires IBM PC or compatible com-
puter (hard disk recommended). Only $49.95 ppd.
For brochure send 450 in stamps.
Louis Barton, P.O. Box 215, Theodosia, MO 65761.
Now you can attract hundreds of new
buying and selling prospects. List your
name, address and interested buying (or
selling) categories in the 1990 Who's Who
in Collectibles and Antiques Directory.
This prestigious guide is sold nationwide
by mail to over 5,000 qualified people
every month! For your annual listing, by
category, simply send a one time fee of
only $25.00 (up to five different categor-
ies) to: Collectors Network, Pub. Dept. 516
Fifth Ave., Suite 507, NY, NY 10036. (Re-
ceive two free copies per listing. Order
addt'l copies at $12.95 each.)
under the rule of Spain, England or the
United States... virtually anything prior
to March, 1845: bonds, books, checks,
documents, stocks, medals and tokens.
Especially want material re:
• Alabama, Florida & Georgia Railroad
• The 1817 Amelia Island Affair
• The Bank of Pensacola
• Southern Life Insurance & Trust Co.
• The Union Bank of Florida
Photocopy or description and price first
response, please. Thank you!
P. 0. Drawer 580W, Pomona Park, FL 32181
(904) 649-9730
Scarce mules wanted! Please ship.
$2 Legal Tender 1928C back plates higher than 289
$5 Federal Reserve 1934A back plates less than 939
$5 Legal Tender 1928C and D back plate 637
other scarce mules, any denomination
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 3681
Laramie, WY 82071
Z1) e jia5cinating 12)ortb
of ebecii Collecting
Join us and receive our quarterly
The Society has interest and appeal
for check collectors and those
interested in banking history,
fiscal documents, revenue stamps,
vignettes and security printers
and stock and bond certificates.
A slide program is available to
The friendliest collectors anywhere!
Charles Kemp, Secretary
2075 Nicholas Court, Warren, MI 48092
Page 172
Paper Money Whole No 143
Collector wants to buy the following "common" large-
size 1914 Blue Seal Federal Reserve Notes.
FR. 846 FR. 865 FR. 888 FR. 904 FR. 921 FR. 941
FR. 853 FR. 877 FR. 889 FR. 905 FR. 925 FR. 942
FR. 864 FR.884 FR.909 FR.936 FR.948
Will pay $125.00 ea. in crisp FR. 917 FR. 937 FR. 949
new condition. FR.920 FR.938 FR.950
Will pay $140.00 ea. in crisp
new condition.
Payment sent promptly upon receipt of notes. I have the right to reserve quantities.
SPMC 4324
2141 S. Jefferson St. / Chicago, IL 60616 / (312) 421-4030
1111110I I
(718) 268.3221
- sou Fr,
---- ...,,,,
— r \ " " An
$)( ()Ill.( -1 ow,
P/ is(
:lei. a rot cuz.7
Charter Member
Nicliman- Oakes Auctions „Inc.
Purveyors of National Bank Notes & U.S.
Currency to the collecting
fraternity for over 20 years:
Our currency auctions were
the first to use the Sealed
Mail Bid System, which gives
you, the bidder and ultimate
buyer, the utmost chance to
buy a note at a price you
want to pay with no one
looking over your shoulder.
As a seller, this method
gives you the opportunity
to get the full market
price without the "in"
dealers short-circuiting the
bidding, as so often is
seen at public auction
ith 36 sales behind us, we look forward to a great 1989 for all currency hobbyists as well as our mail bid and
floor auctions. We have had the pleasure of selling several great notes during the past years at prices for single notes
above $30,000 with total sales of an auction in the $250,000 area. Currency collecting is alive and well. If you have
currency, a single rarity, or an entire collection, now is the time to consign. Our sales will give you the pulse of the
market. Currency collecting is alive and well.
Our November auction is in the planning stages now; watch for further details. There will be hundreds of lots of
U.S. and national currency in each sale. Join others in experiencing the true market between buyer and seller at a
Hickman-Oakes auction. Write, or call 319-338-1144 today!
As a seller: Our commission rate is 15% and down to 5% (depending on value of the lot) with no lot charge, no
photo charge, in fact no other charges.
As a buyer: When bidding and winning lots in our auctions you are charged a 5% buyers fee. As a subscriber
you receive at least 4 auction catalogs and prices realized after the sale, plus any price lists we put out, and all by 1st
class mail. If you send us $8 now, we will send you the June Memphis convention auction catalogue and prices rea-
lized plus our other auction catalogues and price lists through June of 1989. Send $8.00 now, you won't be sorry.
Dean Oakes
Auctions ,inc. ellStOSILISIRVICI IWO
John Hickman
Drawer 1456 Iowa City, Iowa 51240 319-33S-1111
More like this
- Paper Money- Vol. XXXVIII, No. 5- Whole No. 203- September- October 1999
- Paper Money- Vol. XXVII, No. 5- Whole No. 197- September- October 1998
- Paper Money- Vol. XXVII, No. 5- Whole No. 137- September- October 1988
- Paper Money- Vol. XVIII, No. 5- Whole No. 83- September- October 1979
- Paper Money- Vol. XXVI, No. 5- Whole No. 131- September- October 1987