State Of Georgia Treasury Notes, Treasury Certificates, and Bonds

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Author Key : M
Reference : M-00196
Rating :
Author : Mack Martin, Kenneth S. Latimer
Year : 2005
Status : Active
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An in-depth catalog of Georgia’s Civil War money. This is the first in-depth treatment of the Civil War money from one Southern state. Besides descriptions of the different issues, denominations, dates and associated rarities are explanations about vignettes, the use of control stamps, and listings of serial number ranges, plate letters, and signers for the various issues. The signers are identified by name and a sample signature is provided to help the collector identify falsely filled in (and hence fraudulent) issues. Legislative acts leading to different issues are listed, each with a brief summary of provisions. There are sections on printers and engravers, counterfeits, notes used later for ads, and errors. The authors identify an even 100 different varieties, 43 of which are not in Criswell. The illustrations are all full color. Copyright 2005, spiral binding, 95 pages plus detailed Table of Contents, Forward, Introduction and Acknowledgements. Self published, $30 plus $3.85 for priority mail postage or $1.50 by book rate. Available from Martin Sales Associates, Inc., 63 Lake Pointe Lane, Hartwell, Georgia 30643.

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