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Call For Annual Meeting
It is both my honor and privilege to call the second an-
nual meeting of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
To be held in conjunction with the American Numismatic
Association Convention in Denver, our annual meeting
will afford all paper money collectors an opportuity to
meet each other andin many instances, renew old
Your new president will be presented. and installed at
this meeting. He will guide you and work with you dur-
ing his tenure of office. I am sure that all of you will work
with him. It has been an honor and pleasure serving you
during the past year.
Date: Friday, August 9th.
Time and Place: To be announced.
See you in Denver!
Hank Bieciuk,
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Paper Inane
Editor Hank Bieciuk
Assistant Editors
Foster W. Rice, Arlie Slabaugh,
Fred R. Marckhoff, C. J. Affleck, Dwight L. Musser
Subscription $4.00 Per Year
One Time Yearly
Outside Rear Cover $35.00 $130.00
Inside Front & Rear Cover 32.50 120.00
Full Page 27.50 100.00
Half Page 17.50 60.00
Quarter Page 10.00 35.00
Direct Advertising to the Editor. The Right Is Reserved to Reject Any Advertisement.
"Emergency Currency of the Civil War Period" Page
By M. M. Burgett 4
"Announcement of Writing Awards"
By G. Wait 4
"Private Issues of the Civil War Period"
By Ernest S. Craighead 5
"Current Currency"
By G. W. Killian 9
"Membership Roll" 12-20
Cociety al Paper iltenq Callecter4
President Hank Bieciuk
First Vice President James J. Curto
Second Vice President Thomas C. Bain
Secretary George W. Wait
Treasurer Glenn B. Smedley
Historian-Curator Earl Hughes
Attorney Ellis Edlow
Julian Blanchard, Charles J. Af fleck, Ben Douglas, Amon G. Carter, Jr., James
Kirkwood, William A. Philpott, Jr., Robert H. Dickson, Michael Kolman, Jr., Morris
H. Loewenstern, Julian Marks, John H. Swanson.
PAGE 4 Paper &elle,/ VOL. 2, NO. 2
Emergency Currency of the Civil War Period
by M. M. Burgett
While most coin and currency collectors are familiar with
the encased postage stamps and fractional currency which
were used to replace the vanished small coins of the early
1860's, and to a lesser degree with the privately produced
envelopes used to protect the U. S. postage stamps utilized
as currency, there seems to be little awareness of, and no
interest in the cardboard currency tickets provided by cer-
tain merchants, which are believed to have been used to
fill the need for small change in the very early days of the
war. Occasionally mention of these tickets can be found in
early auction catalogues, but they seem never to have been
plentiful. The writer has found only seven varieties of
these tickets in thirty years of collection, so this would
seem to indicate a definite rarity. Probably few were issued
and, as a matter of course, only a fraction could have sur-
vived. Those tickets seen by the writer have been, with one
exception, oblong in shape and printed on one side only.
A similar series, issued by army sutlers, has been listed and
described by James J. Curto, but apparently no listing has
ever been made of the pieces issued by civilian storekeepers.
The following descriptive list covers all such items owned
by the writer; naturally there is no way of knowing how
many others are tucked away in collections, dealers' stocks,
or in the traditional "attics" in which fabulous treasures
are popularly supposed to be secreted:
1. Briggs House—"Good for ten cents, when presented in
sums of not less than one dollar." Yellow cardboard,
oblong, 1 7/8"x 1 1/8".
2. G. 0. Chipman—"Good for two cents. I will redeem in
P. 0. currency when presented." Green, round,
scalloped, 1 1/8".
3. Grosvenor and Horn, No. 387 Bowery—"Good for one
cent." Yellow, oblong, 1 15/16"x 1 1/16".
4. Reimund Kroenig, grocery and provision store, corner
of Sigel and Sedgwick Sts.—"Good for one cent in trade,
or redeemable in sums of five cents and upwards."
Green, oblong, 1 3/4"x 1 1/4".
5. Latz and Holzmann—"Good for one cent." Yellow,
oblong, 1 3/4"x 1 1/4".
6. Mrs. Mebbetts' News Depot, 120 First Ave. near
7th St.—"Good for one cent." Yellow, oblong,
1 15/16"x 1 1/16".
7. Decatur Market—"Good for one cent at G. W. Odells,
cor. 7th St. and 1st Ave." Cream, oblong,
1 15/16"xl 1/16".
Tickets numbered 1, 2, 4, and 5 show signs of considerable
circulation, while the remainder arc fresh and new. The
Chipman piece, No. 2, is particularly interesting as it
apparently was issued at the same time the first issue of
official shin-plasters (postage currency) made its appear-
ance. Although no place of issue is designated on any of
these pieces, it is likely that they originated in the larger
cities, as did the printed envelopes which were designed to
contain postage stamps passed from hand to hand as a
circulating medium.
Pursuing these odd bits of cardboard will probably appeal
to only a few individuals, as the great majority of Ameri-
can collectors care only for rolls of modern coins and so-
called "mint errors" of which millions are available, but to
anyone who may be attracted by them, the writer wishes
to say "good hunting."
Announcement of Writing Awards
by G. Wait
With the objective of enlarging and improving the content
of Paper Money and encouraging membership participation
in it, B. M. Douglas of our Board of Governors is generous-
ly offering two awards.
These will consist of a $10 gold piece to be given to the
writer of the best article and a $2 1/2 gold piece for the
second best article published in our magazine prior to the
Summer 1964 issue. Winners must be members of the
Society. While more than one entry may be submitted, no
one may win more than one award. The winning articles
will be chosen by a committee of officers or Governors of
the Society appointed by the President. Officers of the
Society, including Governors, are ineligible for awards.
Our membership of approximately 500 includes a great
many authorities in the field of paper money. Numbered
among them are some well-known writers on numismatics.
It is hoped they will submit articles—but others who have
not tried their hand at writing also might find it a source
of pleasure and satisfaction. If you have a specialty and
have studied your field you are definitely qualified to
write an authoritative article. Stories of paper money col-
lecting experience, if unusual and of general interest,
should also be in order.
Probably due to the appeal of a wider circulation, some of
our members in the past year have submitted articles for
publication in the numismatic papers rather than in our
own magazine. It should be pointed out that this practice
involves some other considerations—(1) it is probable that
a large percentage of subscribers do not read articles on
paper money, (2) the paper is not of a quality which can
do justice to the article, and especially illustrations, (3) a
glossy finish magazine is more likely to be preserved. Think
of the space required to store even one year's issue of a
large weekly or semi-monthly paper!
We are still a comparatively small organization. We want
to continue to grow. Paper money collecting is on the
upswing and if we take an enthusiastic interest in our
Society it will keep pace with the growth of the hobby.
Help us to expand our magazine, our chief asset in attract-
ing new members.
It is hoped that the Douglas awards will provide the added
incentive to give us a larger, attractive, informative maga-
- of which we will all be proud.
VOL. 2, NO. 2
Paper iltaken
Changes of Address
When paying their 1963 dues, several members disclosed
that they did not receive one or more of the magazines
because they had moved. Present Postal Regulations
specify that only first-class mail may be forwarded unless
special arrangements are made with the local postmaster.
If you have a change of address, it is important to do two
(a) Immediately notify the Secretary of your change
of address
(b) Arrange with your local postmaster to forward
all magazines as well as first-class mail. This will
involve payment of additional postage.
Fractional Paper Money
Private Issues of the Civil War Period
by Ernest S. Craighead
Hostilities between the Northern and Southern states
began in April, 1861. The War had continued but a few
months until gold (silver and copper coins began to
disappear from circulation. This was caused by a num-
ber of factors, principally the depreciation of paper money.
A premium on coins was created by their bullion content,
resulting in their export to foreign countries, principally
Canada, for the sake of an exchange profit. Much hoarding
also resulted from the old axiom that "bad money drives
out good money." An illustration of the condition of affairs
may be cited in the case of a house in New York which
had so many copper cents stored in one of its rooms that
the floor collapsed.
It has been estimated that at least twenty-five million
dollars of metallic coins disappeared from circulation and
the country found itself, in the midst of a war boom,
virtually without a low denominational medium of ex-
2hange. The inconvenience caused by this sudden disap-
pearance can hardly be imagined at the present time. An
early development was the refusal of retail establishments
to give change. This condition of public inconvenience and
business loss could not continue. The people had to find
substitutes for coins and find them they did, in every
imaginable device.
(In this article I am quoting liberally from two books
on the subject and pause to give due credit to "Fractional
Money" by Neil Carothers, published in New York in
1930, which devotes Chapter XII to the Private Issues of
Fractional Paper Money of the Civil War Period, and to
"United States Paper Money" by George H. Blake, pub-
lished in New York in 1908.)
Businessmen issued promissory notes on small sizes of
paper for amounts varying from 1 cent up. Metal tokens in
brass, copper and various alloys were also issued by mer-
chants and manufacturers in the form of advertisements,
or bearing patriotic and other mottoes, and these readily
passed for cents. Street car tickets, milk tickets, and any-
thing having an apparent value, were pressed into service
for making change.
In most of the states fractional notes were illegal. In
some cases the laws were ambiguous, not specifying the
minimum denominations permissible. There was no
method of controlling the circulation in one state of notes
issued in another state. Pennsylvania had repealed her
small note law in April, 1861, and fractional notes were
widely issued in that state. Many were issued in New
Jersey, New York and Massachusetts—in fact throughout
the more thickly populated Northern states with two
notable exceptions, Michigan and Rhode Island—but there
is evidence that the State of Rhode Island at one time
considered a fractional issue.
Most issues were payable in goods or larger units of
money "at my store," or like a check, payable at a bank.
There were very few issues by the banks themselves,
signed by the cashier or president, making them really
fractional "bank notes." In some localities $1 and $2 bank
notes were cut into fractional parts.
Following the precent of earlier periods of financial
crisis, many municipalities undertook to issue fractional
notes. The best-known issues are those of Newark, Jersey
City, Albany, Troy and Wilmington. Apparently, the very
largest cities, such as New York and Philadelphia, did not
issue notes at this time. The smaller cities and towns were
not deterred by fear of legal complications and willingly
met the emergency with notes, mostly in denominations
varying from five to fifty cents.
In some states, Pennsylvania especially, other govern-
mental units such as counties and tax districts undertook
to supply fractional currency. It would appear from an
inspection of notes now held in collections that some of
these local governments, as well as many private enter-
prises, entered into an arrangement with local banks to
deceive the public. Notes were printed in such a form that
they gave every appearance of being fractional bank notes,
but the wording was such that they were legally checks
on the banks. Such notes were technically exempt from
attack either as bank notes or as local government notes,
although clearly intended to serve as money.
Transportation companies, hotels, saloons and retail
stores that could not carry on business without change
proceeded to manufacture their own currency. A vast
quantity of notes, tickets and due bills poured into circula-
Paper 1)tcheyPAGE 6 VOL. 2, NO. 2
tion. They bore the promise of the issuer, explicit or
implied, to redeem them in money or goods. Customers
offering bank notes in payment at a store received in
change a handful of the proprietor's own notes or due bills.
They had to accept these paper promises or forego their
purchases. Patrons of saloons and barbershops had to ac-
cept such items as change and pass them on as best they
could. Notes of hotels were especially common. The derisive
term "shinplaster," whose origin dates back at least to the
War of 1812, was applied to the whole mass (or mess) of
city, bank and private issues.
The legal status of these shinplaster notes was dubious
and confused. In many states they were clearly illegal. In
some states such as Pennsylvania, the statute was not clear.
Private notes were prohibited in New York and when the
shinplasters first appeared the newspapers emphatically
pointed out this fact. The Herald quoted the state law in
full and three days later commented as follows:
"At least one hundred retailers in various lines of
business in this city have issued shinplasters, very
many of which are in direct contravention of the law."
The United States postage currency law of July 17,
1862 contained a provision making it criminal for any
person, company or banking association to issue notes of a
denomination less than one dollar. This sweeping prohi-
bition, which outlawed all fractional notes except those
issued by cities, had little effect. Business could not go on
without small change and the law was ignored.
The emergency currencies created or sanctioned by the
Federal Government in the summer of 1862 were quite
inadequate to meet the needs for small change, and for
the remainder of 1862 and for the first months of 1863 the
country depended chiefly on a conglomerate mass of torn
notes, fractional bank notes, municipal notes and shin-
plasters of private issuers.
Any attempt to estimate the volume of shinplaster
issues would be speculative. If it is considered that the
vanished silver amounted to more than $25,000,000 and
that the shinplasters probably represented much more than
half of all the emergency currencies, it seems fair to
issume that the issues reached a sum greater than $15,-
000,000. It is doubtful whether half of this total returned
to the original issuers for redemption. The amount lost,
destroyed in use, or held as souvenirs must have exceeded
This figure represents only a small part of the social
and financial losses entailed by the complete collapse of
the small denominational medium of exchange in 1862.
The losses from destruction of notes and irredeemable
issues were minor matters when contrasted with the de-
moralization of retail trade and the general annoyance
and disturbance the country had to endure.
During the acute shortage of change in 1862 the
Postage Stamp, very naturally, quickly claimed recognition
as a circulating medium, but the adhesive back was a
serious impediment. The New York Central Railroad
utilized stamps by enclosing various amounts in small
envelopes, which were issued as change. Stamps were also
mounted in small brass circles with mica over the face and
advertisements stamped on the back. Such issues of
"Enclosed Postage" will be found listed and illustrated in
Friedberg's "Paper Money of the United States."
To General F. E. Spinner, the Treasurer of the United
States, is due the credit for first pasting upon slips of
paper, in definite amounts, the United States Postage
Stamps in the semblance of money. The attention of the
Post Office Department having been called to this arrange-
ment of stamps, they readily agreed to redeem them with
new stamps when worn or mutilated. The convenience
and definite value of the pasted stamps, as arranged by
General Spinner, were so readily apparent that the matter
was at once taken up by Congress, and a regular issue of
postal currency was authorized under the July 1862 Act.
This "Postal Currency" had the semblance of postage
stamps printed on it, in the same plan as General Spin-
ner's original arrangement. At the time of authorizing the
Postal Currency. Congress also prohibited the issuing of
fractional currency and tokens by individuals. The Postal
Currency was soon succeeded under Act of March 3, 1863
by the "Fractional Currency" which remained in use after
the financial crisis was over, for a total span of 14 years,
after which it was redeemed. No similar event has occurred
in the history of paper money to that which was marked
by the beginning and end of Fractional Currency.
This subject of Fractional Currency as issued by the
Federal Government is a story in itself and merits a
separate article. A handsome collection of Federal Postage
and Fractional Currency can still be formed for not too
great an outlay.
It should be emphasized that for over eighty years
preceding the Civil War, when there was a need for them,
fractional notes were issued by banks, local governmental
units, churches and private firms or individuals. They were
not new or novel in 1862.
The collecting of private fractional currency is not a
common hobby. Rarely do collectors specialize in these
small scrip notes. Generally they are associated with other
obsolete notes and are occasionally advertised under the
misleading heading of "Broken Bank Notes." Except in
instances where large "remainder" lots have been found,
they are rarer than their usual retail price indicates. The
price is comparatively low because the demand is low, not
because there is a large supply. These notes were accepted
only in immediate areas in which issued, where the signer
was known, hence the quantities were limited and many
were redeemed. The collector can choose from notes issued
by cities, counties, banks and every conceivable class of
business concern. He will find quite a number of a few
municipal issues, but of many private scrip notes he will
never find a duplicate. There never could be a complete
listing. Historically, these scrip notes are most important,
and the many varieties and denominations are an interest-
ing challenge.
The Confederate side of the Civil War cannot be
ignored in a discussion of this type. In addition to two
issues of regular CSA fifty-cent notes, numerous fractional
notes were issued by the Southern State governments,
counties, municipalities and private firms. Like the U. S.
Fractional Currency they deserve a story of their own.
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VOL 2, NO. 2
Paper Money PAGE 9VOL. 2, NO. 2
Current Currency, by G. W. Killian
The paper dollars that you spend so casually, or
reluctantly, are fascinating and worthy of interest to the
collector. Although I have collected these dollars for
several years it is only recently that I have become in-
terested in studying them and, I am sure, there is still a
great deal I must learn. Since I know of no article providing
much information relating to these notes, I felt that a
compilation of what I have learned or guessed might be of
interest to fellow collectors. I also hope that other collec-
tors will be inspired to provide additional information
and/or let me know where my guesses are inaccurate.
Even the non coin collecting public is used to dates
on coins and are aware that the date on a coin corresponds
to the year the coin was minted. Therefore, if they examine
a one dollar bill and see "series of 1957" on it they usually
assume that the dollar was printed in 1957. And because
some dollars do not have the motto, IN GOD WE TRUST,
on the reverse there is a rumor going the rounds that
either a communist or an atheist got into the Bureau of
Printing and Engraving in Washington, D. C., where all
the bills are printed, and removed the motto from some of
the plates. Neither of these things is true.
The year shown on a bill is not the year of printing
but rather the year that a bill of that design was first
released. Thus on the current small-size dollars, it is only
possible to find the years 1928, 1934, 1935, and 1957. There
are no others! The differences in design are usually rather
minor. The most obvious change was the addition of the
Great Seal of the United States on the reverse in 1935 and
the corresponding reduction of the word ONE. The 1957
change was the additions of the motto IN GOD WE
TRUST. Thus the rumor is false, as most rumors are,
(remember the one about the flag on the Jefferson nickel?)
It is the new bills that have the motto while the older ones
do not. The motto has not been removed by a subversive.
Another item of interest is the letter following the
series year. The first bills of a new design have no letter
after the series year and later 'A', 'B', 'C', etc is added each
time one of the signatures is changed. Each bill is signed
at the lower left by the Treasurer of the United States, and
at the lower right by the Secretary of the Treasury. Thus
the later the letter, after the series year, the more current
the bill. The dollar bills currently being produced are
designated series of 1957 B and bear the signatures of
Kathryn E. Granaham and C. Douglas Dillon.
We have all learned that rules are made only to be
broken. Thus returning to the rule that says the year is
changed when the design is changed there is a current
exception. As stated, the 1957 dollar was the first bill to
include the motto, IN GOD WE TRUST, an it bore the
signatures of Ivy Baker Priest and Robert B. Anderson.
Just before the 1957 bill was introduced, the 1935 F bill
was current and it, too, bore the signatures of Priest and
Anderson. When Kennedy was elected President of the
U. S., Priest and Anderson left office and Smith and Dillon
were installed; their signature gave us the 1957 A series.
However, their signatures were also used on bills of the
1935 series, so that we also have a 1935 G bill which bears
the Smith-Dillon signatures; the former with the motto
and the latter without. Then the 1935 G reverse plates
were altered to add the motto, so there are now two major
types of the 1935 G series, one with, and one without the
motto. Thus the rule is broken. If the change that created
the series of 1957 was the addition of the motto, why were
the 1935 G bills made with a motto without changing the
series year? The real distinction between the 1935 and the
1957 series is more than the change of design; it was a
major change in printing techniques. The 1957 series bills
are printed on larger sheets by a high-speed process.
However, the older presses were used concurrently to print
the 1935 G series. If they continue to use the old presses,
it is possible that we will see a 1935 H series bill, which
will bear the same signatures as the 1957 B; namely,
Granaham-Dillon. I have not seen any 1935 H bills and
would appreciate being advised if anyone does.
The next item of interest on the dollar is the serial
number. So far as I can determine, the serial number of
the first dollar of the 1957 series bore the number
A00000001A. The bills were numbered consecutively until
number A99999999A was produced. (This is one bill short
of one hundred million notes). As will be seen an extra
note is added to each group so that each group will con-
tain one hundred million notes. Then to continue the first
letter was changed to B and the notes were numbered from
B00000001A to B99999999A. The process repeated using
C . . . A; D . . A, E . . . A, etc to Z . . . A, except that the
letter '0' was omitted. If the series is continued, the next
bill would be A . . . B, then B . . . B, C . . . B etc. Thus
the process could continue through the alphabet many
times the last letter combination I have seen on the 1957
series bills is B . . . B; therefore, it is possible that approxi-
mately 27 groups of one hundred million notes were made.
(Only 27 groups because the letter '0' was omitted). Thus
2,700,000,000 of the 1957 one dollar bills may have been
When Kennedy was elected and the 1957 A series with
the Smith-Dillon signatures replaced the 1957 dollar with
the Priest-Anderson signatures, the serial number designa-
tion started over at A ... A and advanced through Q ... A.
Thus only 16 groups of the 1957 A notes were made.
The production of the 1957 B bills broke the pattern,
or perhaps it might be said that with the production of
these bills the old pattern was resumed. The 1957 B bills
did not begin over at A ... A, but started right after the
1957 A bills with high numbers in the QQ . .. A series. That
is the 1957 B serial numbers continued where the 1957 A's
left off in the Q ... A series. This was done before as the
1935 F and the 1935 G notes both exist in the B J serial
number series.
On the subject of serial numbers, you may wonder
why you never see a dollar with a low serial number since
they start through the series from number 1 so often. It is
a simple matter of probability. Only one note in ten
thousand starts with four zeros.
So far as I can determine, the serial numbers on the
1935 series bills, including all signature combinations,
never repeated. Accordingly, with the 1935 series bills, they
have produced sufficient groups of one hundred million
each to work through the alphabet nine times and the
newest 1935 G bill I have seen is letter D on the 10th time
Papa iltehe VOL. 2, NO. 2
around; specifically D . J. Thus nearly 30 billion of the
bills of the 1935 series have been produced. Naturally only
a small portion of these are in circulation at any one time.
Incidentally the change in the 1935 G, to add the motto,
occurred in the D J series, so 1935 G notes can be
obtained in the D J series both with and without the
Now speaking of the 1935 series notes and the serial
numbers on them, you should know that the 1935 A series
notes were printed with both Yellow and Brown seals as
well as the familiar Blue. The Yellow and Brown seal
notes were special notes used by our soldiers overseas
during World War II, and by the citizens of Hawaii,
respectively. So far as I can determine, the serial numbers
of the Yellow and Brown seal notes were included in the
regular series of numbers for the Blue seals. Therefore, it
should not be possible to find the same serial number,
including letters, on two notes even though the notes have
different colored seals. The serial numbers on the Brown
seal notes are also in brown, while the numbers of the
Yellow seal notes are in the familiar blue. The Brown seal
notes also have HAWAII overprinted on the back in letters
5/8 of an inch high. It is also interesting to note that the
Bureau experimented with different paper or paper finish,
and identified the test notes with either a red 'R' or `S'
towards the lower right corner on the obverse of the notes.
These experimental notes were also series of 1935 A. The
red letters are quite prominent, about 3/16 of an inch high.
Yellow and Brown seal notes may occasionally be found in
circulation but I have not seen an 'R' or 'S' note in 15
Earlier it was mentioned that the letter following the
series year is changed when the signatures are changed.
This, too, is a rule made to be broken. The first 1935 bill
bore the signatures of W. A. Julian and Henry Morgen-
thau, Jr., and the designation "Series of 1935" was printed
higher and further to the right than is now conventional.
When the location was changed to the present location,
the series was changed to 1935 A, but still of course, with
the Julian-Morgenthau signatures.
But, we must not assume the rule that a change on the
bill warrants a new letter after the series year. Remember
the 1935 G exists both with and without the motto. Also
during the printing of the 1935 D note, the distance from
the bottom of the words ONE DOLLAR on the bottom
of the reverse to the green margin was reduced, and a
corresponding reduction was made above the words THE
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, so that the net result
was to reduce the height of the design by approximately
one millimeter. I would appreciate more information con-
cerning this change.
There is one unique dollar of particular interest. It
is a bill that is series of 1928, but with a red seal instead
of the conventional Blue. Blue, incidentally, is indicative
of Silver Certificates; Green of Federal Reserve Notes; and
Red of United States Notes. The special Yellow and Brown
seals mentioned above were Silver Certificates. Thus the
red seal, one dollar note is a United States Note and is
the only one dollar U. S. Note ever made. All Two dollar
bills are U. S. Notes, and five dollar bills come in all
three varieties; while ten dollar bills are never U. S. notes.
Please remember that these comments apply only to the
bills of the present size, not to the old large notes. Also
you should know that Brown seals were quite common at
one time and do not always mean Silver Certificates nor
Hawaii notes. The Brown seals were also used on money
known as National Currency. A few of the $5 and higher
denomination bills of this series may still be found in
Another interesting distinguishing characteristic to
collectors are what are commonly referred to as star notes.
The star notes will include a star either at the front or end
of the serial number in place of the letter normally found
there. On Silver Certificates (Blue seals), and U. S. Notes
(Red seals), the star will be found in place of the first
letter. On Federal Reserve notes (Green seals), the star
will be found in place of the last letter. (The first letter
of the Federal Reserve Notes corresponds to the letter of
the issuing district). The star notes are used by the
Bureau to help maintain production control and accurate
counts. As the bills are produced and numbered, it is
inevitable that some of the bills will be damaged so badly
that it is not considered desirable to allow them to get
into circulation. However, removal and destruction of
such defective bills creates a real inventory problem.
Naturally the Bureau wants to be able to determine the
quantity of finished bills in a stack by simply examining
the first and last serial numbers of the group. If an
indeterminate quantity of defective bills had been re-
moved such a procedure would not be practical. Accord-
ingly every time a defective bill is removed, it is replaced
with a star note. Of course the Bureau might have re-
printed the damaged bill, but resetting the machines to
get the right number would be a slow and expensive
process. The star in the serial number warns all Bureau
personnel that a count can not be obtained from that po-
sition using that star number. On the average two or
three star notes will be found in each new pack of 100
bills. However, I have seen three or four dozen per pack,
and even an occasional group of one hundred consecutive
star notes; and I have seen several consecutive groups of
hundreds with no star notes in any of them. The star notes
are in no way defective bills themselves and are usually
considered desirable and premium collector items. Inci-
dentally the star notes are, of course, serially numbered
and on the first series of numbers end with an A. The
next series ends with B, etc. In the 1957 series I have seen
star notes ending with A, B, and C. They started the
1957 A star notes over, so that 1957 A star notes also end
with A. I have not seen a 1957 A star note with the serial
number ending with anything but A. The 1957 B star
notes are numbered right after the 1957 A star notes and
thus are in the 90 million series and now the 1957 B star
notes are in the * B series. The star notes in the 1935
series advanced through the alphabet and current 1935 G
star notes end with G. Can anyone report a 1957 *
or a 1957 A * B note, or any other not accounted
for here?
It was pointed out that the numbering system permits
only 99,999,999 notes per letter combination. To simplify
counting a star note is added after every 99,999,999th note.
The star note used is indistinguishable from any other
star note.
Paper Matte9VOL. 2, NO. 2 PAGE 11
Any one examining a one dollar bill with care may
wonder about various little numbers appearing in various
locations. There arc three such numbers; 2 on the front,
and 1 on the rear. On the obverse of a 1957 series note,
for example, one number will be found towards the upper
left, while the other is at the lower right. Each of these
numbers is preceeded by a letter; always the same letter on
a given bill. The third number is on the reverse in the
lower right part of the open area, that is below the 'E'
of ONE.
The upper left number and letter are indicative of the
particular location of that bill on the large uncut sheet
having 32 bills total. The 1935 series bills are printed in
smaller sheets having only 18 bills per sheet, and there-
fore, a letter alone suffices to indicate location.
The other two numbers, that is, the ones towards the
lower right on front and back are similar in significance.
These numbers are quite similar to plate numbers on
stamps. That is they identify the plate from which any
particular bill was printed. Thus if a defect is found after
a bill is printed, it is a simple matter to determine and
locate the defective plate. The plate numbers start with
one for each new design. Thus plate number one can be
found on the 1928 bills, the 1934, the 1935, and the 1957
series. Current plate numbers on the obverse of the 1935 G
bills are over 8000. The plate numbers for the 1957 B bills
start at about 730. However, it should not be assumed that
there could be no 1957 B with a front plate number lower
than 730, or a 1957 A bill with a front plate number great-
er than 730. The notes are first printed without seals,
signatures, and serial numbers and later in another print-
ing run this information is added. Therefore, as the series
changes from 1957 A to 1957 B, it would be quite possible
to get a cross over on front (or rear) plate numbers. In-
deed if some old stock from plate number one was found,
it would be possible to add the 1957 B designation and
The 24 major varieties of
Series Seal Signatures
1928 Red Woods Woodin
signatures to them. However, such a possibility is quite
remote. I have seen 1957 A bills with a front plate number
of 741 and 1957 B bills with a front plate number of 722.
Generally collectors consider a bill printed from plate
number one to be a desirable item. Of course a star note
with a front and rear plate number of one would be an
even more desirable item. For some reason that I am not
aware of the front plates are replaced more frequently than
rear plates. A new 1957 B bill has a front plate number of
745 and a rear plate number of 406. I would appreciate an
explanation of this phenomenon.
Most collectors are interested in obtaining signature
variations and then try to duplicate the collection in star
notes. Some collectors seek a sample of each possible letter
combination in each signature variation, and possibly,
some collectors seek to get a note from each plate number.
Occasionally, too, a collector will reconstruct a sheet by
obtaining a note from each location. Also collectors look
for cute serial numbers, for example, low numbers or
repetitive or successive digits, etc. Naturally too, collec-
tors are concerned with condition and prefer crisp uncir-
culated well centered notes.
I hope that these notes may have added to your
knowledge and possibly whetted your interest in forming
a collection of current-size dollar bills. Unfortunately I
suspect some of my beliefs may be erroneous and therefore
I'd welcome corrections, and I would also appreciate
answers to the various questions I raised throughout this
essay. And if the editors permit it, I'll be glad to furnish
another article providing the members of the society with
any additional information I gather and/or that members
send me. For the present I prefer to consider only the
current-size bills and the low denominations, i.e., $10 and
lower. Please let me hear from you.
For convenience there is included a table indicating
the 24 major varieties of the current-size dollar bills.
the current-size dollar bills:
The only Red Seal $1
1928 Blue
1928 A Blue
1928 B Blue
1928 C Blue
1928 D Blue
1928 E Blue
1934 Blue
1935 Blue
1935 A Blue
1935 A Brown
1935 A Yellow
1935 A Blue
1935 A Blue
1935 B Blue
1935 C Blue
1935 D Blue
1935 E Blue
1935 F Blue
1935 G Blue
1935 G Blue
1935 H Blue
1957 Blue
1957 A Blue
1957 B Blue
Tate Mellon
Woods Mellon
Woods Mills
Woods Woodin
Julian Woodin
Julian Morgenthau
Julian Morgenthau
Julian Morgenthau
Julian Morgenthau
Julian Morgenthau
Julian Morgenthau
Julian Morgenthau
Julian Morgenthau
Julian Vinson
Julian Snyder
Clarke Snyder
Priest Humphrey
Priest Anderson
Smith Dillon
Smith Dillon
Granaham Dillon
Priest Anderson
Smith Dillon
Granaham Dillon
The three rarest of
the current-size
The Hawaii bill
Blue numbers, World War II
Experimental 'R'
Experimental 'S'
Two types of backs
Without motto
With motto
Not known to exist yet
Rumored to exist without motto
but I have no substantiation
Paper iitenq VOL. 2, NO. 2
1. Hank Bieciuk, Box 1235, Kilgore, Texas D Obsolete notes
2. James J. Curto, 770 Lincoln Rd., Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. C
3. Glenn B. Smedley, 1127 Washington Blvd., Oak Park,
4. Dr. Julian Blanchard, 1 Sheridan Square, N.Y. 14, N.Y. C Paper money and stamps with similar designs
5. George W. Wait, Box 165, Glen Ridge, N.J. C All paper money
6. H. G. Corbin, 400-A W. Rusk, Tyler, Texas
7. Brent H. Hughes, 1816 Nealon Dr., Falls Church, Va. C CSA and obsolete bank notes
8. J. Roy Pennell Jr., Box 858, Anderson, S. C.
9. Chester L. Krause, Iola, Wis. C Wisconsin notes
10. D. Wayne Johnson, P.O. Box 333, Shawnee Mission,
C Numismatic literature
11. Ben E. Rutman, 2087 Pinehurst Ave., St. Paul 16, Minn. C All paper money except foreign
12. M. H. Loewstern, Box 9009, Amarillo, Texas
13. Harry J. Forman, Box 5756, Philadelphia 30, Pa. D
14. Joseph G. Reinis, 50 Court St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y. C Paper money with philatelic designs
15. W. A. Philpott Jr., P.O. Box 356, Dallas 2, Texas C All numismatic items
16. John H. Swanson, 916 E. Main St., Kilgore, Texas D US and CSA notes
17. Earl F. Hughes, Rt. 2, Mitchell, Ind. C Obsolete notes
18. Herbert M. Oechsner, 21 Stocker Rd., Verona, N.J. C Colonials (coins and notes)
19. Ernest Johnson, 1816 N. 5th St., Sheboygan, Wis. C US currency—Wis. and Mich.
20. Julian S. Marks, 3719 Reading Rd., Cincinnati 29, Ohio C US Currency—large & fractional
21. Kingsley Falkenberg, 214 Riverside Dr., Apt. 1E, N.Y. C-D Foreign paper money
25, N.Y.
22. Robert W. Comely, 4221 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville C Georgia obsolete notes
7, Fla.
23. Larry D. Richardson, Rt. 5, Lexington, Va. C Virginia Obsolete Notes
24. Paul S. Seitz, Glen Rock, Pa. C-D All paper money—especially obsolete
25. Frank W. Spencer, 25 W. Main St., Newark, Ohio C US paper money
26. Dick Krotz, 1482 E. 133 St., Cleveland 12, Ohio C-D US & obsolete paper money
27. Ralph Osborn, Box 242, Raymondville, Texas C Coins, Mich. obsolete notes
28. Pat V. Provenza, 203 Zoratoa Ave., St. Augustine, Fla. C Fla. obsoletes, incl. scrip
29. Nelson A. Rieger, 1621 Howard, Colorado Springs, Colo. C US type set of currency
31. Leonard W. Stark, 25 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. D CSA & obs. notes
32. Arlie Slabaugh, 7409 W. Howard St., Chicago 48, Ill. C All paper money especially historical
34. John L. Heflin Jr., 1501 Grandview Dr., Nashville 2,
C CSA & Tenn. obs. notes
35. Melvin Owen Warns, P.O. Box 1840, Milwaukee 1, Wis. C National Bank notes
36. A. D. O'Rear, 1218 Avondale Ave., Atlanta, Ga. C Georgia Treasury notes & obsoletes
37. Claude W. Rankin, P.O. Box 110, Fayetteville, N.C. C N.C. notes (state issues & obsoletes)
38. Floyd 0. Janney, 205 Harrison Ave., Waukesha, Wis. C-D All coins & paper money
39. William H. Dillistin, The Alexander Hamilton, Patter-
son 12, N.J.
C Altered obsolete bank notes
40. Harold L. Bowen, 818 Lawrence Ave., Detroit 2, Mich. C-D State Bank notes of Michigan
41. Walter M. Loeb, M.D., 4568 E. Mercer Way, Mercer C All paper money foreign, US and Canadian
Island, Wash.
42. A. P. Bertschy, 4117 N. Newhall St., Milwaukee 11, Wis. C US
43. Harley L. Freeman, 353 S. Atlantic Ave., Ormond C Colonial currency, obsolete paper money & scrip
Beach, Fla.
44. Alexander J. Sullivan, 701 Hammonds La., Baltimore C China, S. American, World paper money
25, Md.
45. Lloyd Thompson, 2734 Clio Rd., Flint, Mich. C Mich. broken bank notes
46. Thomas F. Morris, 19 West Dr., Larchmont, N.Y. C US Currency
47. Fred R. Marckhoff, 552 Park St., Elgin, Ill. C Obs. paper money especially Westerns
48. William J. Harrison, 1203B Troy Towers, Bloom-
field, N.J.
C Obs. notes engraved by Harrisons
49. Lorenzo La Pierre, 11181 S. Corley Dr., Whittier, Calif. C US currency
50. Arthur Hegel, 9134 1/2 Manhattan Pl., Los Angeles 47,
C US currency
51. Allan Lieberman, 3440 W. Steven Rd., Baldwin Har-
bour, N.Y.
C Large size notes
VOL. 2, NO. 2
Paper *oho/ PAGE 13
53. Carl L. Roethke, 1759 Gratiot Ave., Saginaw, Mich.
54. Roswell Burrows, 1657 Brockway St., Saginaw, Mich.
55. Sidney W. Smith, 2512 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 37, Fla.
56. Maurice Sklar, 3554 Scadlock Lane, Sherman Oaks,
57. George L. Freese, 20 West Granby Rd., Granby, Conn.
58. Howard E. Spain, Waverly, Va.
59. Vernon R. Saunders, 2613 13th St., Ashland, Ky.
60. Robert H. Dickson, 5124 Evergreen Dr., North Olmsted,
61. James A. Brown, 227 Waverly Ave., Newark 8, N.J.
62. Jayne F. Kramer, 711 Frey St., Box 271, Great Bend,
63. Lucius S. Ruder, 1102 Palmview Ave., Belleair, Clear-
water, Fla.
65. Aaron R. Feldman, 1200 Ave. of the Americas, N.Y.
36, N.Y.
66. Cornell C. Hunter, 188 N. High St., Chillicothe, Ohio
67. Edward K. Bell, 410 S. First St., Smithfield, N.C.
68. Kenneth T. Paxton, 1217 Fawcett Ave., McKeesport, Pa.
69. Maurice M. Gould, Box 141, Chestnut Hill 67, Mass.
70. William G. Moose, P.O. Box 206, Benjamin Franklin
Sta., Washington 44, D.C.
71. John P. Skribiski, RFD No. 3, Box 41, Amherst, Mass.
72. W. H. Edwards, 711 Brush Creek Blvd., Kansas City
10, Mo.
73. John T. Walker III, c/o E. S. McCoy, Rt. 1, Cam-
bria, Va.
74. William P. Donlon, P.O. Box 144, Utica, N.Y.
75. Charles G. Altz, 540 Ocean Ave., Jersey City 5, N.J.
76. Josiah 0. Hatch, 520 E. 45th St., Savannah, Ga.
77. Warren S. Henderson, Box 1358, Venice, Fla.
78. E. Burnell Overlock, 83 Oakdale Ave., Pawtucket, R.I.
79. Phillip H. Chase, A-221 Thomas Wynne Apts., Wynne-
wood, Pa.
80. B. M. Douglas, 402-12th St., N.W. Washington, D.C.
81. Thomas P. Warfield, 208 W. Saratoga. St., Balti-
more, Md.
82. Ellis Edlow, 1010 Vermont Ave. N.W., Washington
5, D.C.
83. Stanley Janusz, 2429 N. Hancock St., Philadelphia
33, Pa.
85. Jasper L. Robertson, M.D., 133 Church St., Hoosick
Falls, N.Y.
86. John McKnight Brown, 14 Tisdale Ave., New Hart-
ford, N.Y.
87. Leo Laky, P.O. Box 128, Reedsburg, Wis.
88. Lewis Hopfenmaier II, 3535 Chesapeake St., N.W.,
Washington 8, D.C.
39. Jake B. Sureck, 130 N.W. 19th St., Oklahoma City 3,
90. William A. Stumpp, 68 Mountain View Rd., Mill-
burn, N.J.
91. Ernest J. Littrell, P.O. Box 426, Red Bank, N.J.
92. Maurice M. Burgett, New Douglas, Ill.
93. Louis S. Werner, 1270 Broadway, N.Y. 1, N.Y.
94. Louis L. Spirt, 15 Brown St., Waterbury, Conn.
95. I. T. Kopicki, 2242 Marshall Blvd., Chicago 23, Ill.
96. Gary E. Nathan, 516 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, Ill.
97. Jim Grebinger, c/o Mid Harrison Hardware, 1109 W.
Harrison St., Chicago 7, Ill.
98. Larry Miller, M.D., North English, Iowa
99. Howard. F. Street, 3805 Linden Ave., Philadelphia
14, Pa.
100. Carl P. Kaufmann, Tribes Hill, N.Y.
101. Mrs. Louise M. Campbell, King William County, En-
field, Va.
C US currency, Mich. obsolete bank notes
C Mich. National Bank notes
C US and Canadian currency
C US type coins and obs. paper money
C Va. obs. currency of all kinds
C Broken bank notes
C Numismatic research
C Civil War, CSA, Broken Banks & Territorials
C Uncut sheets of obs. currency, Ohio notes 1803-1865
C US paper money
C NC Colonial and broken bank notes
C-D Early and unusual notes
C Notes with unusual serial numbers
C US General
C Mint errors and paper money
C CSA, Va. banknotes, US military scrip
C-D US currency—large, small, fractional
C Japanese and Jersey City notes
C Broken bank notes—southern
C-D $3 notes, proof notes, etc.
C Broken bank notes and US currency
C US fractionals, CSA
D All paper money except foreign
D All paper money, except foreign
C D.C., Md., Va., obs. paper money
C US obsolete notes
C US notes including fract., CSA, obs. notes
C US currency and coins
C US, CSA, obs. bank notes
C US coins, world crowns, US and foreign currency
C Currency errors
C Gold coins, broken bank notes of N.J.
C Obs. currency, territorial and western
C-D All types of paper money •of the world
C US currency
C US large size notes
C-D US and obs. notes
C Bank notes
C Unc. US notes, large 1-2-5-10, Small 1-2-5
C US notes, obs. N.Y. military, sulter, scrip
Papa iltehe9 VOL. 2. NO. 2
John Skandera Jr., P.O. Box 146, Little Falls, N.Y.
Byron W. Cook, P.O. Box 181, Jackson, Miss.
Bernard L. Helfer, 1701 Burnetta St., Champaign, Ill.
Coins & currency
US currency
107. W. H. Mason, Kent Court Motel, Greensboro, N.C. C All
109. L. P. Leonard, 249 Valley Rd., Cos Cob, Conn. C-D Colonial paper, New England broken bank notes
110. H. W. Gooding, D.D.S., 1001 W. Third St., Ayden, N.C. C Gold and paper money
111. Harold Salmanowitz, c/o Superintendence Co., Inc.,
67 Broad St., N.Y. 4, N.Y.
C US small size currency
112. Thomas C. Bain, 3717 Marquette Dr., Dallas 25, Texas C Collector of US and World War 2 currency
113. M. Clay Perdue, 4428 Fluvanna Ave., Richmond 34, Va. C Obs. notes incl. CSA
114. Theodore Kemm, 915 W. End Ave., N.Y. 25, N.Y. D Coins and paper money
115. John B. Hamrick Jr., 165-4th St., N.W., Atlanta 13, Ga. C Broken bank notes, Savannah, Ga., St. Augustine, Fla.
117. Richard Jones, 1412 Morningside St., S.E., Roanoke C CSA and Va. notes
13, Va.
118. Casimir X. Urbanski Jr., Oak Ridge Motel, 626 U.S. C-D Paper money and gold coins
17-92, Fern Park, Fla.
119. Ivor S. LeBane, 9024-140 St., Alberta, Canada C Canadian paper money legal tender, chartered banks
120. Alfred D. Hoch, 1702 E. Briarvale Ave., Anaheim, Calif. C-D Early scrip and odd denomination notes
121. Forrest W. Daniel, Box 378, Meriden, Conn. C US currency and N.D. National Bank notes
122. A. M. Kagin, 400 Royal Union Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa D
124. George D. Hatie, 1126 Whittier Rd., Grosse Pointe Park
30, Mich.
C Colonial and Continental currency, fractional notes
bearing Washington's portrait
125. Merral A. Fox, 3006 West Cold Springs Lane, Balti-
more 15, Md.
C-D Fractional currency, large dollar bills, broken bank
126. Fred Cady, 13000 N. Bayshore Dr., North Miami 61, Fla. C Everything
127. Melvin E. Came, 4 Hillcrest Dr., Dover, N.H. C-D Canadian legal tender and obs. notes
128. George E. Broughton, 909 Chamberlin Court, New C International Numismatic specimens
Haven, Ind.
129. Abraham Slopak, 32 Hall Hill Ave., Colchester, Conn. C-D Broken bank notes
130. Charles T. Heaton, 135 Kensington Pl., Syracuse C General
10, N.Y.
131. K. D. Espenscied, 237 W. Front St., Dover, Ohio C US gold, US currency
132. Foster W. Rice, 28 Roton Ave., Rowayton, Conn. C Bank notes 1796 to date
133. Nathan Goldstein II, P.O. Box 36, Greenville, Miss. C US currency, especially rotary press notes
134. Jacksonville Coin Club, 4443 Herschel St., Jacksonville
10, Fla.
136. Edwin P. Janzen, 2372 Palermo Dr., San Diego 6, Calif. C-D US, CSA, and broken bank notes
138. Donald B. Wentzel, 22 Hillside Ave., Millville, N.J. C N.J. broken and national bank sotes
139. John M. McMahon, 41-15-44th St., L.I. City 4, N.Y. D Foreign bank notes, foreign gold and crowns
140. Elliot Richardson, Box 155, Urbanna, Va. C State & county notes and US large currency
141. Eiichi Tamiya, 178 Teramae-cho Kanazawa-KU, Yoka-
hama, Japan
Paper money of Japan
145. H. B. Fleshood, 11 N. Robinson St., Richmond, Va. C CSA, broken bank & Southern State notes
146. Sheldon L. Moses, 115 Main St., Herkimer, N.Y. D
148. James Kirkwood, 4484 Douse Ave., Cleveland 27, Ohio C Foreign paper money
149. Virgil G. Jackson, 94 W. Water St., Beaver Dam, Wis. C US currency & Wis. broken bank notes
150. Charles J. Affleck, 34 Peyton St., Winchester, Va. C Colonial, Continental broken bank, CSA & Southern
State notes and bonds
152. Arthur G. Jacobs, 34 Barbara Rd., Dumont, N.J. C CSA, Southern States and Broken Bank notes
153. Irving M. Strong, 1 Elm Court, Reno, Nev. C Colonial notes
154. Bolling C. Stanley, P.O. Box 388, Tallahassee, Fla. C Fla. obs. paper money
155. Paul R. Hunter, P.O. Box 398, Greensburg, Kan. C Kan. National Bank notes
156. Francis J. Hayes, 813 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Wash-
ington 4, D.C.
C Paper money, modern US coins and medals
157. Edward L. Oschman, 135 Longvue Dr., Pittsburgh C US & foreign paper money
37, Pa.
158. Ethie P. Everest, 10622 Dunaway Dr., Dallas 28, Texas C
159. Albert C. Bulls Jr., 211 Althea St., Tuskegee Insti-
tute, Ala.
160. Ardyce R. Twombly, James Baird State Park, Pleasant C Large sized US currency and
all silver certificates
Valley, N.Y.
161. Dale E. McMullen, 3117 Sloan Street, Flint 4, Mich. C Large US bills
162. John A. McMullen, 1 N. Grand St., Lewistown, Pa. C Foreign paper money
164. Lester G. Beatty, RFD 2, La Moille, Ill. C National Bank notes
165. L. A. Cook, 460 Moreland Way, Hapeville, Ga. C Obs. and broken bank bills
VOL, 2, NO. 2
Paper Onq PAGE 15
166. Matt Rothert, P.O. Box 5861, Camden, Ark. C Fractionals, US, CSA, and broken bank bills
168. Thomas J. Settle, P.O. Box 1173, Church St. Station,
New York 8, N.Y.
D All paper money
169. James N. Treadaway, 5811 Portal, Houston 35, Texas C US paper money
172. Robert S. Porter Jr., P.O. Box 81, Tarentum, Pa. C US paper money
173. Russell W. Wright, 2090 Lilly Dr., Thornton 29, Colo. C US paper money—proofs
174. James Mitchell, 711 Marietta St., Booneville, Miss. C US, CSA, and Mississippi paper money
175. B. R. Buckingham, 385 Third Ave., E.N. Kalispell, Mont. C US small notes
177. 0. Cameron, Box 881, Ardmore, Oklo.
179. James F. Dooley, R.R. 2, Blue Springs, Mo. C Fractional currency
180. Art Lovi, 307 S. Palafox, Pensacola, Fla. C Money of the world
181. Merrill V. Younkin, 2704 Julianne, Wichita 3, Kan. C US $1 & $2 certificates
183. J. Robert Melanson, 902 Peach, El Campo, Texas US general, including coins
184. F. M. Truesdale, 1061 Wisconsin River Dr., Fort Ed-
wards, Wis.
C National bank notes, fractional currency
185. Eugene Morris, Box 207, Forest City, Iowa C-D US coins and currency
186. Joseph M. Max, 1628-2nd Ave., Conway, Pa. C General
187. Warren C. Steele, Box 675, Altus, Okla. C Foreign currency
188. Pfc. Ronald M. Murphy, US 55717525 Hdq. Co. 2nd C Obs. bank notes
Mt. B. 1st Cay. APO No. 39, New York, N.Y.
189. William T. Anton, 42 Main St., Lodi, N.J. C US currency
191. Arthur D. Cohen, Suite 103-E and Bldg. B, 39 State St.,
Rochester 14, N.Y.
C US fractional currency
192. Aubrey E. Bebee, 4514 N. 30th St., Omaha 11, Neb. C-D US and obsolete notes
193. C. Elizabeth Osmun, 418 Acorn Ave., Telford, Pa. C Obs. paper money
194. Milford L. McBride, 211 S. Center St., Grove City, Pa. C Commemoratives and national bank notes
195. George B. Schwarz, 3785 Northampton, Cleveland C-D Old obs. notes
Heights 21, Ohio
196. Dr. Herbert Eccleston, 124 Elm Ave., Hackensack, N.J. C Obsolete notes
198. John Tenneson, 336 Beech Ave., Garwood, N.J. C N.J. National Bank and N.J. Broken bank notes
199. Joseph D. Bailey, 279 Elm St., Wequetequock, Pawca-
tuck, Conn.
C Obs., broken bank notes, uncut sheets
200. Harold R. Klein, 405 Eighth Place, Hinsdale, Ill. C US sheets
201. Clyde G. Plyler, 506 Laurel Court, Lancaster, S.C. C S.C. material
202. Dr. Robert D. Currier, 828 Adkins, Jackson, Miss. C Paper money of World War II
203. Roger E. VanHurle, 2730 Burton Ave., Indianapolis,
23, Ind.
C Paper money of the World (incl. US), Crowns
204. C. Paul Carroll, 4512-15th Ave., S. Minneapolis 7, Minn. C US paper money and silver dollars
205. W. Phillip Keller, 122 Crestmont Ave., Lancaster, Pa. C US
206. Tom Hanley, P.O. Box 8043, Dallas 5, Texas C Confederates
207. Miss Marguerite L. Utz, Rt. 2, Attica, Ohio C Cattle on money
208. R. Harvey Anselm, P.O. Box 4034, S.E. Station,
Wichita 18, Kan.
C-D Mexico--Revolutionary
209. Richard D. Palmer, 407 N. Harlan St., Algona, Iowa C General
213. Travis J. Lewis, 1223 Briarwood Cr., Garland, Texas C-D $1 notes
214. Bill Winters, 3325 Casa Bonita, Corpus Christi, Texas C General
215. Harry Flower, 5200 W. Harrison St., Chicago 44, Ill. All except foreign
216. John Kosior, 155 Blackstone St., Fall River, Mass. C National bank notes
218. Leon H. Bookman, 719 E. Upsal St., Philadelphia 19, Pa. C US and Confederates
219. Gordon W. Telfer, 225 E. Pine St., Big Rapids, Mich. C National bank notes of Michigan
220. Norman Brand, Box 9727, Washington 16, D.C. C US large and small size notes
221. Lester B. DeMay, 10729 Dalton Ave., Tampa 4, Fla. C World wide
222. Ivan L. Felton, Box 1559, Anchorage, Alaska C All US coins and currency
223. Dr. R. P. Caddick, 1101 Maine St., Quincy, Ill. C US
224. Vernon L. Brown, 136 East 55th St., N.Y. 22, N.Y.
226. James Ward, 600 N. McCullough Ave., San Antonio C US, Confederate and foreign currency
12, Texas
227. Stanley J. Kolosky, 237 E. Kirwin, Salina, Kan. C US and Colonial paper money
228. James Smith, 49 Pleasant St., Rockland, Maine C US
229. Joseph Hannabach Jr., 6025 N. 3rd St., Philadelphia C
20, Pa.
230. Edgar M. Batchelder, Box 895, Salem, Mass. C
231. Alexander H. Erickson, 3125 N. 49th St., Milwaukee C US and Confederate Currency
16, Wis.
232. Benjamin G. Egerton, 407 Gittings Ave., Baltimore C Maryland items
12, Md.
PapeP iitene9 VOL. 2, NO. 2
233. William P. Hurt, 23 Kenmore Rd., Indianapolis 19, Ind. C Confederate currency
234. Clark E. Nixon, Bank of Galesville, Galesville, Wis. C Obs. currency
235. E. R. Wentz, 907 W. Virginia, Beaumont, Texas C Obs. currency
236. Thomas H. Kennedy Jr., Milford, N.Y. C-D
237. Catherine Bullowa, Rm. 1006-1616 Walnut St., Phila-
delphia 3, Pa.
D US, foreign and ancient coins and US currency
238. Thomas A. Morrison, 119 Glenn Ave., Butler, Pa. C Currency
239. Robert P. Geden, 1010 Ridge Court, New Milford, N.J. C-D Numismatic errors, US coins and currency
240. Sam G. Homan, 166 Cornelia St., Brooklyn 21, N.Y. C US $1-$10, foreign general
241. Jules Mero, 3330 Ridgewood Ave., Montreal 26, Canada C-D Canadians
242. Robert L. Glose, 701 Amberson Ave., Pittsburgh 32, Pa. C US currency
243. George W. Bess, 2416 Greenlawn Blvd., Mishawaka, Ind. C-D US
244. Lewie Griffith Merritt Jr., 409 Security Federal Bldg.,
Columbia, S.C.
C S.C. broken bank notes, US currency, Southern states
245. John Scerba, 13430 Madison Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio C Paper money—coins—medals
246. Monroe Cameron, 530 Oak, Ardmore, Okla. C US currency
248. John Gartner, 15 Guilford Lane, Melbourne C.I.,
C World paper money, coins
250. Clyde F. MacKewiz, P.O. Box 292, McKeesport, Pa. C Obs. notes—especially A.B.N Co.
253. Allan Petrov, 116 E. 58th St., N.Y. 22, N.Y. D Proofs—world gold—paper
254. John Lake, P.O. Box 719, Gary, Ind. C US paper
255. H. H. Norris, Box 305, Greenwood, Miss. C Type set, coins—US paper—odd and curious
256. N. F. Carlson, 2523 W. Fourth St., Williamsport, Pa. C All
257. F. A. Jones, 8256 Middlepointe, Detroit 4, Mich. C Broken bank notes
258. Rev. Frank H. Hutchins, 924 W. End Ave., New York C Small size US notes
25, N.Y.
259. Homer C. Wolfe, 19488 Grandville, Detroit 19, Mich. C Mich. obs. bank notes
262. William T. Green, Keystone Hotel, 402 E. Broadway,
Alton, Ill.
C Large size US notes
264. Mrs. Ina May Miller, 108 Branchport Ave., Long C US coins & currency
Branch, N.J.
265. Walter G. Heinzle, 413 Main St., Tell City, Ind. C US
266. Jack Layton Woolf, c/o Southern Pacific Co., Redding,
C-D American and Canadian minor coins
268. Tedor Gudell, R.R. No. 2, Box 246, Whitewater, Wis. C US
269. John H. Miller, 513 N. 12th, Independence, Kan. C US
271. Major Sheldon S. Carroll, Box 345, Norwich, Ontario,
C Canadian broken bank notes & Canadian merchants
272. Thomas F. Helmick, 7826 Teahen Rd., Brighton, Mich. C US $1, $2 and $5
273. Charles N. Case, 2847 Sullivant Ave., Columbus 4, Ohio C World and type set of small size US
274. Michael M. Byckoff, P.O. Box 786, Bryte, Calif. C Russia, Lativa, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Poland
275. Aaron Bernarr Beard, 2048 La Cresta Dr., Salt Lake C Early bank notes
City 17, Utah
276. George T. Hoff, Box 1761, Fargo, N.D. C-D Foreign scrip
277. John H. Morris Jr., 411 Woodland Dr., Homewood C US coins and currency
9, Ala.
278. John J. Ford Jr., 176 Hendrickson Ave., Rockville C-D Western notes, drafts, scrip, checks, warrants
Centre, Long Island, N.Y.
279. Charles M. Wormser, 65 E. 96th St., New York 28, N.Y.
280. Alan G. Phillips, 2803 Wright Ave., Orlando, Fla. C US
281. Captain Alvin E. Naumann, 7000th Support Wing C Large size US and miscellaneous paper money
(USAFE), APO 57, N.Y.,N.Y.
282. Karl Scheuch, Lindenstrasse 9, Ober-Eschbach bei Bad
Homburg v.d.h., West Germany
C German and foreign currency,
German porcelain
286. William C. Hatcher, P.O. Box 839, Kingston, N.C. C Obsoletes notes
287. Robert P. Payne, Rt. No. 1, Kernersville, N.C. C-D CSA type notes
288. Dwight L. Musser, Box 428, Indian Rocks Beach, Fla. C-D Foreign paper money
290. Eric P. Newman, 6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis 5, Mo. C American
291. Jimmie N. Lawrence, P.O. Box 8113, Johannesburg,
South Africa
C World
292. Peter G. Robin, 501 St. Armored Medical Co., APO 26,
New York, N.Y.
C Foreign paper money
294. Clifford Mishler, P.O. Box 194, Iola, Wis. C-D Medals and tokens
297. Charles W. McLemore, 404 7th Ave., S.W., Decatur, Ala. C US small size notes, Ala. broken bank bills, coins
298. Ben 0. Anderson, 181 Garfield Ave., Elmhurst, Ill. C CSA notes
299. S. M. Barnes, 1205 Sherwin Ave., Chicago 26, Ill. C Small silver certs. and F.R. notes up to $20
VOL. 2, NO. 2
Paper &coney PAGE 17
301. Edgar J. Tucker, 9 Church St., Keyser, W. Va. C Latin America
305. Richard Picker, P.O. Box 366, Albertson, Long D Colonials and Continentals
Island, N.Y.
306. John N. Rowe III, 3313 Caruth Blvd., Dallas 25, Texas D US
307. Marvin D. Ashmore, 2215 Clay, Kilgore, Texas C C.S.A.
309. B. R. Brady, 1802 Texas Ave., Lubbock, Texas C Canadian, Mexican, Central and South American,
British and possessions
311. C. F. Mackenzie, 401 Ocean Villa, 1245 Beach Ave.,
Vancouver 5, B.C.
312. Richard D. Brandt, 452 Sutton Ave., Hackensack, N.J. C All paper money
313. L. M. McLennan, 98 Dalewood Ave., Hamilton, Ontario,
C Canadian, US, England and colonies
314. Konstantin A. Jansson, 624-16th Ave., San Francisco C Paper money of Russia, Poland, Finland, Baltic
18, Calif. States, P.O.W. Broken banks
315. Robert J. Mandel, P.O. Box 2037, Denver 1, Colo. C Foreign bank notes, merchants tokens
316. Emerson M. Gleason, 8 Kenneth Ave., Apt. 101, Willow-
dale, Ontario, Canada
C Foreign
317. J. Albert Peddie, 593 St. Clair Ave W., Apt. 6, Toronto
10, Canada
319. Arnold R. Anderson, 2314 Irving Ave., N., Minneapolis C Chinese bank notes
11, Minn.
320. Amon Carter Jr., Star Telegram, Fort Worth, Texas C US currency
322. Edward S. Lawrence Jr., 500 West Clarendon, Phoenix C
13, Ariz.
323. T. Homer Brooks, 1206-8th Ave., S., Nashville, Tenn. C US currency
324. Lauren Benson, 511 Putnam Bldg., Davenport, Iowa D
325. Donald B. Hoge, 6680 Teller St., Arvada, Colo. C Foreign
326. Marvin R. Dershem Jr., 1936 N. 9th St., Grand Junc-
tion, Colo.
C General
330. Lewis K. Ferguson, 704 Woodworth St., Algona, Iowa C Iowa obs. bank notes
331. Harry H. Phillips, 616 Kirtland St., Pittsburgh 8, Pa. C $5 National bank notes
332. Harry J. Schatz, Fitchville, Conn. C US
335. David Atsmony, P.O. Box 3102, Tel Aviv, Israel C World War II, Russia, Poland, Baltic States and
336. Adolf Feist, 777 Nepperhan Ave., Yonkers, N.Y. C
338. Dr. Arnold Keller, Berlin-Wittenau, Triftstrasse 64,
C All paper money, literature
340. Charles F. Goldman, 214 W. 92nd St., New York C Fractional & national currency, etc.
25, N.Y.
341. Roy B. Davis, 3320 Cornelia Dr., Louisville 20, Ky. C CSA, US, odd denominations
342. Col. Grover C. Criswell Jr., P.O. Box 6508, Pass-A-Grille C-D CSA and Southern states
Branch, St. Petersburg Beach 41, Fla.
343. Edward B. Kirkpatrick, Box 685, Bloomington, Ind. C Foreign
344. Dr. George Fuld, 1256 Factory Place, Los Angeles 18,
C Md., P.M. Colonials, tokens, medals
346. Keith A. Ewart, 1330 Montgomery St., Moose Jaw,
Sask., Canada
347. Alfred J. Nash, 17190 Locherbie Ave., Birmingham,
C Foreign
352. Albert Pick, Koln-Weidenpesch, Ginsterpfad 3, West C
353. Jay E. Gilkey, 214 N.W. 7th, Oklahoma City 2, Okla. C World wide and US
354. Arthur Mills, 2955 White Plains Rd., New York 67, N.Y. C Foreign
355. Robert 0. Schaeffer, 346 Ingleside Ave., Aurora, Ill. C Foreign
356. Herman A. Krajewski, 33 Park St., Rockville, Conn. C-D Canadian coins and currency
358. Bill Halliwell, 21370 Morris Ave., Euclid 23, Ohio C Obsolete currency
359. Philip Spier, 1817 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal 25,
Quebec, Canada
D Canadian
360. Julius Turoff, 144-07-69th Ave., Flushing 67, N.Y. C US large bills
361. C. J. Dochkus, 3522 E. Thompson St., Philadelphia D US currency and broken bank notes
34, Pa.
362. James B. Shaffer, Box 1335, Balboa, Canal Zone C Colombia to 1903, Panama and US
363. Werner Amelingmeier, 54 Park Ave. E, Merrick, N.Y. C CSA—Broken banks
364. Roland Charles Casanova, Gen. Del., Margarita, Canal C
365. Steven A. Hiss, 2361 Robin Rd., West Palm Beach, Fla. C Foreign
367. Kenneth J. Ferguson Jr., 2706 Detroit Ave., Cleveland C CSA and Southern states
Paper ilione9PAGE 18 VOL. 2, NO. 2
371. Gordon W. Colket, Box 164, Gladstone, N.J. C-D Advertising notes, proofs
372. L. P. Schweiger, 536 S. Dewey Ave., Jefferson, Wis. C Currency of the Civil War period
373. Mrs. Philip L. Budd, 1005 Ave. G., Ft. Madison, Iowa C Fractional currency
374. Michael Todascu, 267 St. Catherine St. East, Montreal,
C-D Canadian
375. Gilvin A. Ayers, 2345 S. San Antonio, Pomona, Calif. C Paper money and medals
376. Robert Goodpaster, 2307 East 2nd St., Apt. 22, Bloom-
ington, Ind.
C Broken bank notes
377. Col. James W. Curtis, 2117 Noble Ave., Springfield, Ill. C Ill. and Mexican paper money
378. Arthur E. Carlson, 335 Wyandotte St., Bethlehem, Pa. C Foreign currency
379. John P. Butler, Rt. 1, Grandfield, Okla. C Anything used as money
380. Dr. Leonard M. Rothstein, 2409 Sylvale Rd., Baltimore C National Bank notes obs. and Colonials of Maryland
9, Md.
381. Dennis E. Coyle, 518 E. Haney Ave., South Bend 14, Ind. C All paper money
383. Edward E. Cooke, 712 Lyons Ave., Charlottesville, Va. C German Notegeld 1914-1922
384. Albert Philip Cohen, 137 E. 28th St., New York 16, N.Y. C US frac. currency
386. Kenneth M. Gayer, P.O. Box 111, Montreal, P.Q.,
C-D Foreign
387. John Strojny, 4 South Page St., Kingston, Pa. C All
389. J. B. Craven, 16 East Center St., Lexington, N.C. C
390. Eddy Echenberg, 88 Wellington St., N. Sherbrooke,
Quebec, Canada
C General
392. Louis R. Karp, 2214 Brighton Ave., Louisville 5, Ky. C-D General
393. David W. Karp, 900 Alta Vista Rd., Louisville 5, Ky. C-D General
394. Andre L. Helfer, 78 West St., Medford 55, Mass. D General foreign
395. C. Meister Phetteplace, Elm at Broad & Boyd St.,
Erwin, Tenn.
399. Edward K. Elder, 530 Jefferson St., Albuquerque, N.M. C US large notes
400. W. R. Bishop, Drawer 100, Emlenton, Pa. C $2 unc. US notes
401. Charles F. Blanchard, 1514 Canterbury Rd., Raleigh,
402. Dr. M. R. Talisman, 893 Central Ave., Woodmere, N.Y. C Post World War I currency
405. Major Kenneth C. Levin, ARLO 66th Tac Recon
Wing, APO 17, N.Y., N.Y.
C Foreign, esp. World War 2, China, Soviet Union,
British Empire
406. Rev. E. G. Stevens, 1066 S. Plymouth Blvd., Los An-
geles 19, Calif.
C General
407. Walter D. Rudisill, R.D. No. 2, Seven Valleys, Pa. D Currency and coins
408. Michael Kolman Jr., 4263 Pearl Rd., Cleveland 9, Ohio D All
409. Jack Marles, Box 10, Station A, Calgary, Alberta,
411. George E. Tillson, 120 E. Hartsdale Ave., Hartsdale,
C Foreign bank notes
412. Hal Woolway, 1025 Palms Blvd., Venice, Calif. C P.O.W., World War 2, Mexico, China, Japan
413. Capt. J. E. Wilkinson, Unit 1, Box 1122, McChord AFB,
414. Mrs. Adolph B. Hill Jr., 4925 Pershing Place, St. Louis C
8, Mo.
415. L. J. Waters, P. 0. Box 1051 Madison 1, Wis. C US notes, national bank notes, freak notes
416. Isao Gunji, Curator, Museum of Moneys of the Bank of C Currency and coins
Japan, Muromachi Nipponbasi Tynoku, Tokyo City,
418. James W. Johnson, 602 Woodmere Rd., Bera, Ohio C Large US bills and fractional currency
421. Harold C. Johnson, 4212 Kings Court, Jacksonville, Fla. C US currency and broken bank notes
422. Paul A. Younce, 5010 Daleview Ave., Temple City, Calif. C US and foreign obs. currency
423. George W. Killian, 162 Seneca Rd., Rochester 22, N.Y. C US coins and currency
424. Henry 0. Nouss, Box 2775, Hamilton Station, Pompano C General
Beach, Fla.
425. Cliff J. Murk, Box 131, Agate Beach, Ore. C CSA, Southern states, colonial and broken banks
426. Philip A. Stewart, 409 S. 5th East, Missoula, Mont. C US and obsolete
427. R. H. Porter, P.O. Box 406, Austin, Texas C CSA, Texas, Southern states
429. Thomas B. Ross, P.O. Box 255, Norwalk, Conn. C-D All fields, esp. US small notes
431. Ted Rogers, 3933 Montgomery Rd., Norwood 12, Ohio D All types of paper money
432. Carl DiFalco, 12100 Robertson, Cleveland 5, Ohio C US currency
433. Robert W. Chilcote, 706 Johnson Ave., Bedford, Ohio C US currency
435. Maurice L. Drake, 4715 W. 18th St., Topeka, Kan. C-D National Bank notes
VOL. 2, NO. 2
Paper /)tenet' PAGE 19
436. Lalji Ramji, P.O. Box 562, Daressalaam, Tanganyika,
East Africa
438. Hy Brown, P.O. Box 167, Painesville, Ohio
East African coins and paper money
Ohio obs. bank notes
439. Walther Pedersen, 7109 Calder Ave., Sebastopol, Calif. C All foreign paper money
440. Charles S. DeGroat, 1525 Golden Hill Terrace, El Paso,
C US and broken bank notes
441. William H. Smrekar, 13508 Lake Shore Blvd., Cleve-
land 10, Ohio
C Foreign paper money
444. Ernest S. Craighead, 159 La Crosse St., Edgewood C Pa. fractional currency
Borough, Pittsburgh 18, Pa.
450. John A. Shaffer, P.O. Box 128, New Haven, Ind. C Foreign and US
451. Charles M. Johnson, 3521 Vista St., Long Beach 3, Calif. C All US paper money
452. Louis H. Haynes, 1101 E. Fischer St., Kokomo, Ind. C US
453. Walter W. Griggs, 56 Dublin St., Brantford, Ontario,
C Canadian
455. Kermit Wagner, 1303 Colfax St., Schuyler, Neb. C American coins, esp. CC gold
457. Theodore Martowitz, 11601 St. Mark, Cleveland, Ohio C Pa. broken bank notes
459. Harry M. Lessin, Allen Rd., Norwalk, Conn. C Tokens and obs. paper money
460. Lawrence Falater, 26739 Wexford, Warren, Mich. C CSA and Mich. obs.
461. LCDR E. F. Block, USN, Ret., 722 S. Broom St.,
Wilmington 4, Del.
C US currency and coins, Canadian coins
462. Robert R. Montgomery, 1111 Randall Ave., Whittier,
C Broken bank notes
463. Mrs. Arthur Lucas, 484 Hendee St., Elgin, Ill. C Paper money
464. Barbara R. Mueller, 523 E. Linden Dr., Jefferson, Wis. C Paper money having same designs as postage stamps
465. James Webb, G-4381 South Saginaw, Flint 7, Mich. C Michigan notes
466. Herbert H. Seidler, 3530 Los Pinos Dr., Santa Barbara,
C North and South American, incl. W. Indies
467. Stephen Arthur Gould, Box 3, West Chatham, Mass. C Coins and paper money
468. E. Lorens Borenstein, 519 Royal St., New Orleans 16,
C Broken bank notes
469. C. H. Clark, 1000 High St., Worthington, Ohio C-D Obsolete notes
470. James Rutlader, 1122 Truman Rd., Kansas City 6, Mo. D All
471. R. E. Medlar, 4516 48th St., Lubbock, Texas C Texas currency
472. Tracy Atkinson, 414 E. Daphne Rd., Milwaukee 17, Wis. C CSA and broken bank notes
473. Nevi11 A. Shireman, 202 N. Catherine St., Middletown,
C Small size notes
474. H. T. Moore, 308 E. Court St., Paragould, Ark. C-D Large size currency
475. Berlin Wilson, P.O. Box 3060, Little Rock, Ark. C Large and small US currency
476. William Bruce, 1004 Eastwood Dr., Ashtabula, Ohio C Ohio broken bank notes and scrip Miss.
477. John M. Grover, 225 N. Bluff, Wichita, Kan. C US coins, bills, broken bank notes
478. James H. White, 10404 Orange Grove Dr., Tampa 12,
C CSA, Canal Bk., Alabama and Fla. State notes
479. Mrs. Ruth B. Springer, 3722 N. 7th St., Milwaukee 6,
C Broken bank notes
480. L. R. Phillips, 403 N. Malone St., Athens, Ala. C-D CSA, US coins and paper
481. Paul Popovich, 416 Highland Ave., Canonsburg, Pa. C
482. Bill Rutkowski, 618 Morgan Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. C
483. David D. Levy, 1000 Grove St., Evanston, Ill. C US small notes, British Commonwealth
484. Kenneth Kantak, 2450 W. Wells St., Milwaukee 3, Wis. C-D Proof coins and paper
485. Mrs. H. A. McCallum, Box 138, Monroe, Ore. C US large bills and uncut sheets
486. Edward L. Farioly, 15 Golden Hill St., Denbury, Conn. C US large notes and fractionals
487. David Cox Jr., Hertford, N.C. C CSA and N.C. State notes
488. John Hegedus, 516 E. 118th St., N.Y. 35, N.Y. C Foreign paper money
490. Ronald Kowaleski, 5648 Girard Ave., Niagara Falls,
C-D China„ Cuba, Philippines, Africa, Central and South
491. Fred Lamb, Box 303, Gorham, N. H. C N.H. obs. and large sized National Bank notes
492. John E. Maher, 722 W. 5th St., Jamestown, N.Y. C Coins-Indians, Jeff ersons, Mercury dimes, quarters
493. Lawrence Marsh, 69 Arundel Place, Clayton 5, Mo. C Obsolete currency
494. Mrs. E. A. Vautrain, 311 S. Jefferson, San Angelo, Texas C Large sized notes
495. Clark F. Bennett, 16 Summer St., Gloversville, N.Y. C Bank notes-large
496. C. R. Rose, 1334 E. 8th, Okmulgee, Okla. C US, CSA, Southern States, Canada military, obs. scrip
497. H. E. Plew Jr., 557 Lincoln Blvd., Santa Monica, Calif. C US small sized notes
498. Rt. Rev. Edmund J. Yahn, 1516 Warwood Ave., Wheel-
ing, W. Va.
C US small sized notes
Paper iitehe9PAGE 20 VOL. 2, NO. 2
505. L. W. Morse, Route 1, Box 45, Potter Valley, Calif.
506. J. W. Schneider, 2121 Mormon Rd., Hamilton, Ohio
507. Ray C. Fahrenberg, 5431 W. Lisbon Ave., Milwaukee
10, Wis.
508. Raymond P. Cody, 1046 Vine St., Denver 6, Colo.
509. Loyde R. White, 1417 Richard St., Dayton 3, Ohio
510. Ralph M. Richards, P.O. Box 415, College Park, Md.
511. Al C. Overton, 336 Colorado Bldg., Pueblo, Colo.
512. John S. Wilson, Box 70, 10799 Sherman Grove Ave.,
Sunland, Calif.
513. Ralph M. Hinkle, 2877 Memorial Dr., North Muskegon,
514. Eugene C. Heiman, 1150 S.W. 1st St., Miami 36, Fla.
515. Col. Thomas H. Bradley, Ret., 3055 Larkin Rd., Pebble
Beach, Calif.
516. Carl R. Willis, 464 Forest St., Mansfield, Ohio
517. Calvin Hunt, 1319 Summit Ave., St. Paul 5, Minn.
518. C. Lamar McDonald, P.O. Box 222, Vicksburg, Miss.
519. Richard Schneider, 1751-67th St., Brooklyn 4, N.Y.
520. Arthur N. Malm, 7416 Yates Ave., Chicago 49, Ill.
521. Albert Popovich, 1715 Holyoke Ave., East Cleveland
12, Ohio
522. Mrs. H. A. Lingle, 654 Terrylynn Pl., Long Beach 7,
523. Joseph S. Grant, P.O. Box 2085 Station D, Pasadena,
524. William E. Benson, 3415 Cedar Springs, Dallas 19,
525. Eugene Spruell, 900 West Rusk, Marshall, Texas
526. Guerdon F. Smith, 5631 Prospect Road, Peoria, Ill.
527. Henry Gogolin, 1052 East 174th St., Cleveland 19, Ohio
C US World War II currency
C-D US large, small and fractional currency
C American and Canadian coins and currency
C US and Canadian coins and paper
C General
C-D Rocky Mtn. States, large size National Bank notes
C Type set and small size silver certificates
C Florida currency
C US currency, US silver dollars, US gold
C US currency
C Paper money
C US currency and coins
C World
C US large and small size paper money
C Large sized US currency
C Colonial and Continental notes
C Silver certificates, $1 notes small size
C Currency of the world
C Texas and items of historic interest
C Broken bank notes
C US paper money and coins
Obsolete and Broken Bank Notes
Canadian Obsolete Notes
• Sutler Notes
Colonial and Continental Notes
of Southern Colonies
Uncut Sheets
Or ... What Have You?
B. M. Douglas
Buy or Trade
Colonial, Broken Bank,
State, County, Town
Notes and Bonds
Charles J. Affleck
402 Twelfth St. N. W. Washington 4, D. C. 34 Peyton Street Winchester, Virginia
The most colorful of all paper money issued. The notes are masterpieces of
art and engraving. Even if you do not collect paper money, a few of these
notes will dress up any collection. All notes are of our choice and will range
from Fine to Uncirculated. Early Orders receive the best notes. Buy a few
from your home state!
3 Diff. 3 Diff.
State Each Notes State Each Notes
Alabama 2.50 7.00 Nebraska 3.50 9.50
Colorado (wntd.) - Nevada 17.50 -
2.50 7.00 New Hampshire 3.00 8.00
Delaware 3.50 New Jersey 2.50 7.00
D. C. 3.50 New York 2.50 7.00
Florida 4.00 - North Carolina 2.00 5.00
Georgia 1.50 4.00 Ohio 2.00 -
5.00 Oklahoma (wntd.) -
Indiana3.00 Pennsylvania 2.50 7.00
Iowa 4.50 - Rhode Island 2.50 7.00
Kansas (wntd.) - - South Carolina 1.50 4.00
Louisiana 1.50 4.00 Tennessee 2.50 7.00
Maine 2.50 7.00 Texas (wntd.) -
2.00 5.00 Utah (wntd.) -
Massachusetts 3.00 8.00 Vermont 2.50 7.00
Michigan 2.50 7.00 Virginia 2.00 5.00
Minnesota 4.50 12.00 Wisconsin (wntd.) -
Mississippi 3.00 8.00 Wyoming (wntd.)
Missouri (wntd.) - -
Type set of notes, including rare $3 note. $1, $2, $3, $5, $10, five pieces all
crisp Uncirculated. Set of 5 notes $13.50.
All items sent postpaid in heavy acetate holder. Satisfaction always
We wish to purchase quantities of broken bank notes and Texas county notes
and scrip. Send price wanted.
Hank Bieciuk, Inc.
Phone 6414
"America's full-time obsolete currency dealer"
Box 1235 Kilgore, Texas
Property of
SPMC Library
Choice United States Currency
never fail to win admiration from collectors and non-
collectors. Many beautiful uncut sheets available in
large and current size notes, including uncut sheets of
1929 NATIONALS, six to sheet; and sheets of twelve and
eighteen current size SILVER CERTIFICATES AND
Please send stamped envelope for complete
price list and description of these attractive showpieces.
Any currency purchased from DONLON, may be applied toward the pur-
chase price of any other numismatic item advertised by DONLON in the
future, at FULL PURCHASE PRICE, if in the same condition as when
purchased. For your additional protection, and possible recovery in event of
loss, all serial numbers are recorded in our files.
Want Lists solicited for your requirements in Large and
Current Size U.S. Currency, all issues, all denomina-
William P. Donlon
A.N.A. #4295
P.O. BOX 144
Life Member #101
Charter Member UTICA, NEW YORK
Paper Money Collectors