
Paper Money - Vol. VI, No. 1 - Whole No. 21 - Winter 1967

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Paper litene9 DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF CURRENCY I-11 I A' •• 0., :- --446 4 6 4• -77 1,1) till r it 1 . (A 0 MIA 'ri.;I: at A Ei L' Ei . .%. -Kora- Ei 4,,,,,... ;.i., ,..,,,, A14...73-.4-7W,XWA-.....,- Unique scrip issued 1) Kingfisher City, Oklahoma Territory See Maurice 'I. Bur- gett's rewrite of the Wismer list of obsolete paper currency of Indian Territory and Oklahoma beginning on Page 3. E4 /0 Es Ei Ei Vol_ 6 1967 Ei Whole No. 21 E E€ OFFICIAL PUBLICATION fi OF Ei Ei Cociety oj PapeP Money Collectom ©1967 by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. E:€ ,11 No. 1 PROFESSIOlik NuMISMRTIsts B UILD • INC BEAUTIFUL UNCUT SHEETS All Superb Sheets of Twelve In the fore-front of Today's Great Rarities. We are anxious to Buy any of these and other Sheets. Please describe fully. SILVER CERTIFICATES 1928 Tate-Mellon. Rare Item 50.00 1928-C Woods-Woodin, Very Rare $ 3,250.00 1928-D Julian & Woodin. just as Rare in uncut sheet 2,275.00 1935 Julian & Morgenthau 495.00 1935-A Equally as Rare 425.00 1935-B Julian-Vinson 1935-C Julian-Snyder. 1935-D Clarke-Snyder 359505..0000 395.00 1934 Julian-Morgenthau. Worth List ($1,250.00) 1,175.00 1934-R Julian Cr Vinson. Rare. List $1,000.00 950.00 1934-C Julian-Snyder. Worth List ($550.00) 5.00 1934-D Clarke-Snyder. Equally as Rare 53 515.00 LEGAL TENDER 1928 Woods-Mellon. A Great Rarity, only seven sheets known 500.00 1928-C Julian-Morgenthau. Very Rare Item $ , 495.00 1928-E Julian-Vinson. Equally as Rare 452955..0000 1928-F Julian-Snyder. Also Very Rare 1928-C Clarke-Snyder. Just as Rare as last 395.00 1928-D Julian-Vinson. Very Rare 775.00 1928-E Julian-Snyder 495.00 We will trade above 101-1 for an Uncut Sheet of 1928-E $1.00 101-6. SHEETS OF EIGHTEEN $1.00 Silver Certificate. Clarke-Snyder $ 595.00 $1.00 As last. Priest-Humphrey 495.00 $2.00 Legal Tender. Sigs. as last 650.00 As last $5.00 $5.00 Silver Certificate. Sigs. as last 675.00 795.00 EMERGENCY ISSUES H201 1935A $1.00 Hawaii. Julian-Morgenthau 995.00 A201 1935A $1.00 North Africa. Sigs. as last 1,195.00 WANTED-210-7 $10.00 Silver. Sheet of Eighteen. Name your price. VERY RARE "CUT-SHEETS" 1896 $1 - $2 - $5 Silver Ceriicates. Each a "Cut-Sheet" of Four Notes. All four of the $2.00 Notes have been Auto- graphed by D. N. Morgan. Superb Single sets bring $775.00 This Beautiful Set of Four Sheets, Truly a Museum Item, from the Famous Albert A. Grinnell Collection is priced at only $2,995.00 Please request our List of Other Cut-Sheets and Reconstructed Sheets which includes many Great Rarities (one of which is a Cut-Sheet of Double Denomination Notes) from several Outstanding Collections. $1.00 FEDERAL RESERVE - CRISP UNC. Superb Complete Sets (12), 1963 Granahan-Dillon and 1963A Granahan-Fowler. Either Set Set Last 2 # match Both Sets All 24 # match Complete Set ( 12 ) $14.95 $15.95 $32.95 Complete Set, all "Stars" (12) 18.95 22.95 43.95 Both Sets - all 48, the last 2 # match 572.95 WANTED - 1963 - A $1 Stars Bundles of 100 on Atlanta, Roston, St. Louis and San Francisco. Please write before sending - for Trade or Cash. TOM'S CURRENCY ALBUMS Unit # 111-A Houses the complete Set of 1963 - A $1 Set (12), Cranahan-Fowler. Postpaid $3.50 For other Accessories, please request our 108-Page Supply Catalogue - $1.00 (FREE if you mention your SPMC #). Here you'll find Everything in Books, Albums and other Accessories. Want Lists are respectfuliy solicited - we may have just the Items you are looking for. lichees, inc. "Pronto Service" 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 201-1 $1.00 201-4 $1.00 201-5 $1.00 201-8 $1.00 201-9 $1.00 201-10 $1.00 201-11 $1.00 201-12 $1.00 205-1 $5.00 205-3 $5.00 205-4 $5.00 205-5 $5.00 101-1 $1.00 102-4 $2.00 102-6 $2.00 102-7 $2.00 102-8 $2.00 105-5 $5.00 105-6 $5.00 201-12 1935-D 201-13 1935-E 102-9 1953 105-8 1953 205-6 1953 Paper litehe VOL. 6 NO. 1 FIRST QUARTER 1967 WHOLE NO. 21 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS Editor Barbara R. Mueller. 523 E. Linden Dr.. Jefferson, Wis. 53549 Direct only manuscripts and advertising matter to Editor. Direct all other correspondence about membership affairs, address changes, and hack numbers of Paper Money to the Secretary, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., P. 0. Box 3005, Anderson, S. C. 29621. Membership in the Society of Paper Money Collectors. including a subscription to Paper Money, is available to all interested and responsible collectors upon proper application to the Secretary and payment of a *4 fee. Application to mail at Second Class Postage Rates is pending at Anderson, S. C. 29621 with additional mailing privilege at Federalsburg, Md. 21632. Non-member Subscription, 5.00 a year. Published quarterly. ADVERTISING RATES One Time early Outside Rear Cover *37.50 *140.00 Inside Front & Rear Cover 35.00 130.00 Full Page 30.00 110.00 Half Page 17.50 60.00 Quarter Page 10.00 35.00 Issue No. 22 Issue No. 23 Issue No. 24 Schedule for 1967 Advert king Publication Deadline Date May 15, 1967 June 15, 1967 Aug. 15, 1967 Sept. 15, 1967 Nov. 15, 1967 Dec. 15, 1967 CONTENTS Obsolete Paper Currency of Indian Territory and Oklahoma, by Maurice ill. l3urgett, Chief Researcher 3 Burgett Exhibit of Indian Currency Federal Reserve Bank Notes—Series of 1929, by Joseph Persichetti II Rotary Press Currency, by Nathan Goldstein II 15 Notes on Foreign Notes 18 Marcon's New Papal States Catalog 18 Confederate Money, A Survey of the Source and Use of Paper, by Everett K. Cooper 19 The Altered $10 Note of the Southern Bank of Bainbridge, Georgia, by Herbert Eccleston, M. D. 24 New African Notes, by Jerome H. Remick 25 It's in the Books, by Earl Hughes 25 Types of the Series of 1882 National Bank Notes, by Peter Huntoon 26 Third Edition of Donlon Catalog Now Available 28 New Ceylon Note 28 Specimen Fractional Currency 28 The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. SPMC at TNA 18 SPMC Officers Teach Numismatics at MIT 28 Secretary's Report 29 The Trading Post 31 Cociet9 rif Paper 1f lone, Collector' OFFICERS President George W. Wait, Box 165, Glen Ridge, N. J. 07028 Vice-President William P. Donlon, Box 144, Utica, N. Y. 13503 Secretary J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Box 3005, Anderson, S. C. 29621 Treasurer James L. Grebinger, Box 614, Oak Park, Ill. 60303 APPOINTEES-1966-67 Librarian Earl Hughes Attorney Ellis Edlow BOARD OF GOVERNORS-1966-67 Thomas C. Bain, Dr. Julian Blanchard, Ben Douglas, Harley L. Freeman, Nathan Goldstein II, Maurice M. Gould, Alfred D. Hoch, Richard T. Hoober, Morris Loewen- stern, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, M. 0. Warns. .:!J111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tE Important Notice Paper Money Is A Copyrighted Publication = No article originally appearing in this publication, or part thereof or condensa- tion of same, can he reprinted elsewhere without the express permission of the Editor. Although your Officers recognize the publicity value to the Society of occasional re- f prints. they cannot allow indiscriminate use of the material from PAPER MONEY in other publications even when condoned by the author. Therefore, authors should contact the Editor for permission to reprint their work elsewhere and to make ar- rangements for copyrighting their work in their own names. if desired. Only in this way can we maintain the integrity of PAPER MONEY and our contributors. MI111111111111011111111818111111111111111118111111111811111111118111110111111111118111181811181111111111111111111111111111110111111111811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117 WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 3 Obsolete Paper Currency of Indian Territory and Oklahoma Maurice M. Burgett, Chief Researcher (The Society of Paper Money Collectors has undertaken the task of revising and bringing up to date the "Obsolete Note Listings by States" as published in The Numismatist during the period of 1922-1936. These original listings are still regarded as standard references on the subject of obsolete currency, and some of them have been reprinted in book form. They stand as a tribute to their author, David C. Wismer, a numismatic pioneer of Hatfield, Pennsylvania, who died in 1949 at the age of 92.) FOREWORD The State of Oklahoma, part of which had been designated in the 1830s as "Indian Territory" was originally a portion of the land included in the Louisiana Purchase. The five Indian Nations of the Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks and Seminoles were assigned clearly defined areas with- in the boundaries of present-day Oklahoma, after they had been removed from their homes in the South. In a short time, the white man's system of transacting business with paper currency came into being among these Indians, due partly to a shortage of any other type of circulating medium and partly to the Indian's innate distrust of the "white man's money." No record of the issurance of this Indian currency exists, with the possible exception of notes issued under the authority of acts enacted by tribal governing bodies, and all of the notes are scarce. Most are rare, and many are even unique. Discoveries of coal and oil in the eighties and the opening of the Cherokee Strip for white settlement brought an end to the Indian Nations as units of government, and this fascinating but fleeting period came to an end when Oklahoma entered the Union in 1907. In the preparation of this list, the researcher gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Mr. William J. Dale, Curator, Oklahoma Historical Society; Miss Theda Wammack, Curator, Creek Museum, Okmulgee; Mrs. C. Elizabeth Osmun; and Mr. J. B. Sureck. NAMES OF IMPRINTERS UNION BANK NOTE. CO., KANSAS CITY, MO. GAST BANK NOTE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. WHITEMORE & BRO., PRINTERS, "APPEAL," MEMPHIS, TENN. CHEROKEE NATION - OFFICIAL ISSUES TAHLEQUAH, C. N., EXECUTIVE DEPT., TREASURY WARRANTS No. 1 451, 3/1. 184-. (L) Eagle with shield; "David Vann, Nat'l. Treasurer." (C) Legend. (R) "Cherokee Nation" Manuscript signature of Chief John Ross. Size 67/8" x 3 11/16"; white paper, uniface. Imprint: None. R-7 300.00 No. 2 75.00, 1850. (L) "David Vann, Nat'l. Treasurer." (C) Legend. (R) "Cherokee Nation." Manuscript signature of Chief John Ross. Size 65/8" x 35/8"; bluish paper, uniface. Imprint: None. R-6 100.00 No. 3 200.00, 1860. Entirely hand-written with signature of Chief John Ross. Size 7" x 3%2" on ruled tablet paper; uniface. Imprint: None. R-5 50.00 NOTES ISSUED "BY AUTHORITY OF LAW IN LIEU OF NOTES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES." No. 4 Twenty-five C., 1862. (L) Value; (C & R) Legend, partly in characters of the Sequoyah alphabet. Manuscript signatures of Josh. Ross, Clerk, and Lewis Ross, Treasurer. Size 5" x 2 5/16"; white paper, uniface. Imprint: None. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 No. 5 Fifty c.; same as preceding. R-7 450.00 No. 6 1.00; same as preceding. R-7 350.00 No. 7 2.00; same as preceding. R-7 450.00 No. 8 5.00; same as preceding. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 CHEROKEE NATION - PRIVATE SCRIP BAPTIST MISSION, C. N. (FAMILIARLY KNOWN AS "BREAD-TOWN") No. 9 1.00, 1862 (Payable in Confederate Notes). (L) Value. (C & R) Legend. Printed signature of William A. Musgrove. Size 5'/2" x 2"; white paper, uniface. Imprint: None. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 VVIPIliriniellieVVIrifiNetet'VVVVVVVVVVIIMVII:VV,VvirtmMtiMi,741 EXEC' UT1VE DEPAR'.1'.11E.N*1', LL—.Q 1850 DAVID VANN, Esq. NATIONAL TREASURER, mu pay to the order of 6.--"L•Ce /1,--*--1---C.n Dollars. and ••••••••--- Cents, out of the Fund)for. / and this shall be your !Famine for the eine. 4 Yours,4,c. ,a7 4to. .0.4s:SD frj,„ ye/ A mo / oe-4,C,e -4,-vietAPee q 747 ,./.4,/,‘ / 14-14"0) ()7/,` PAGE 4 Paper Money No. 2 No. 3 FORT GIBSON, C. N. No. 10 Twenty-five c., 1862 (Payable in Confederate Notes) (L) Value. (C & R) Legend. Manuscript signature of F. H. Nash. Size 5 7/16" x 2 1/16"; white paper, uniface. Imprint: None. R-6 150.00 No. 11 Fifty c., same as preceding. R-6 150.00 No. 12 1.00, same as preceding. R-5 100.00 No. 13 2.00, same as preceding. R-6 150.00 The Nash issue was: "Redeemable at White & Hanley's, Van Buren; and Mayers & Bro., Fort Smith, Arkansas." CHOCTAW NATION - OFFICIAL ISSUES ARMSTRONG ACADEMY, C. N. No. 14 Fifty c., I86-. (L) Conventional floral design. (C & R) "Choctaw Treasury Warrant" and legend. Manuscript signatures of James Riley, National Secretary, and countersigned across obverse: S. Garland, P. C. C. N. (Samuel Garland was the Principal Chief of the Choctaws during the Civil War.) Size 4 11/16" x 27/8"; green paper, uniface. Imprint: None. R-6 200.00 No. 15 1.00; same as preceding, blue paper. R-6 125.00 No. 16 2.50; same as preceding, yellow paper. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 No. 17 5.00; same as preceding, pink paper. R-6 150.00 This issue of warrants was type-set and errors in spelling occur, such as "anuual" for annual and "said" for said, which are the two commonest errors. Some of the warrants were re-issued under authority of an Act of 1865 and bore five per cent interest; they are so noted on the reverses and were signed by Allen Wright, National Treasurer. 11• •n•••n IMA•004110/ .4•111411111010•01•4 ..0111011n1111. ti 1,et.e.ti at White & Hanley's, Vat Boren, and Mayers & Bro., Fort Smith' Ark. FORT GIPSON, C. N., April 8, 1862 . DUE THE BE tRER TWO -DOLLARS, avabh ' hi Conteckrate Notes when $10, :'520, or ig presented my Counter. CHOCTAW TR No. e.lwier The Nati In three r rer of the V E ti Installment rinstromr Aead ASURY WARRANT. No. ... W NATION, pay to Bearer L A R S, C One, Two and Three years from date v, in said Natio D. tic g. \ .-ns Nail? t Sten- Fy of said Nation. No. 17 The National Treant TO:CF:.??:--61-A- 444 OR BEARER /I": '7'. out of any money in the Tr hr?1, p., ,i7*EV-..igior44 ''''''''7 ir ‘..., , Ipproklated for common National expenses. It° ,,s. ird ,ir GIVEN AT CHOCTAW CIT IS T E. 3 ......A.'D. 1S- t/ A uditor. rer. t yig--oetaw Nation Pay "(00- / .. CHOCTAW AUDITORS WARRANT WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 5 No. 13 No. 19 CHOCTAW CITY (CHAHTA TAMAHA) , C. N. No. 18 37.50, 1864. (L & R) Conventional floral design. (C) "Choctaw Auditor's Warrant" and legend. Manuscript signatures of "William Robuck" Auditor. Size 4%" x 2 3/16"; coarse brownish paper, uniface. Imprint: None. R-6 100.00 No. 19 25.00, 1865. Same as preceding but on white paper. R-6 100.00 This issue is also type-set and displays various errors in spelling, such as "warrent" for warrant, etc. CHOCTAW NATION - PRIVATE SCRIP BOGGY DEPOT, WESTERN ARKANSAS (C. N.) No. 20 Fifty c., 1862. (Payable in Confederate Notes) (L) Value. (C & R) Legend. (L. End) "Jeff. Davis, President." (R. End) "Alex H. Stephens, Vice-President." Printed signature of Reuben Wright. Size 51/2" x 21/2"; cream paper, uniface. Imprint: None. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 No TOWN NAME No. 21 Twenty-five c., Aug. 1, 1862. (Payable in Confederate Notes) (L) Ornamental design in rec- tangle. (C & R) Value and legend; also notation: "Redeemable in Clarksville, Texas." Manu- script signature of B. H. Epperson. Size 4" x 15/8 "; brownish tissue paper, uniface. Imprint: None. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 No. 22 Fifty c., same as preceding (Presumably Unique) 500.00 No. 23 Fifty c., same as preceding except slight difference in wording of legend; on thicker white paper. R-7 400.00 BOGGY" Ih'roT, Wes ten t Ark., Jan. 1, 1862. .1:3-cr= '1,...L17.3 LE: fifth (rent Win $107 I fe:fi,!.is?0, 4 tP130.'.. 2,4a-m=m*i V. ILL BE PAID FOR TOE SAME. ItICIBL.N, AN OK IttIBRIAND. B. Itaff 5(.1U. I the eittcr- • _ la iv te o co ..) faoir, z tke pqmo Ai) of VW/4 S 1$0744,1114,, 41 l kIffiet 19 C;#11,1t9le. - IvQ,A fi t 11, 1. 1462 ' PAGE 6 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 No. 20 N o. 23 CREEK NATION - OFFICIAL ISSUES OKMULGEE, C. N., EXECUTIVE OFFICE, TREASURY WARRANTS No. 24 28.00, 186-., (Value written in) (L) Indian huntress with bow; (C & R) Legend. Manuscript signatures of private secretary F. B. Lewis and Principal Chief Samuel Checote. Size 8 r/2 " x 33/4"; white paper, uniface. Imprint: semi-legible: apparently Murphy. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 No. 25 50.00, 189-. (Value written in) (L) Bust of Principal Chief Isparhecher. (C & R) Legend. Size 8" x 3 ,/8"; pink paper. uniface. Imprint: None. R-5 50.00 OKMULGEE, C. N., COURT HOUSE, COURT SCRIP No. 26 3.20, 1895, (Value written in) (L) Vignette: "Monarch of the Glen. script signatures of Ben McIntosh, Clerk, and R. R. Bruner, Judge paper, uniface. Imprint: None. MUSKOGEE, C. N., COURT HOUSE, COURT SCRIP No. 27 3.00, 1895, (Value written in) Same as preceding except signed by F. McIntosh, Judge. " (C & R) Legend. Manu- . Size 77/8" x 2 11/16"; white R-6 75.00 C. Johnson, Clerk, and Alex R-6 75.00 Although issued to pay witnesses and officials for judicial services, evidence exists that the court scrip listed above actually circulated as legal tender within the Creek Nation. CREEK NATION - PRIVATE SCRIP NORTH FORK, C. N. No. 28 Fifty c., 186-. (Payable in Confederate Notes) (L) Value in red; Indian brave standing on precipice. (C) Legend; value in red. (R) Two Negroes with wagon load of cotton bales; "FIFTY" in red. (Lower C) Dog's head flanked by manuscript signature of "Frit. M. Sanger, Cash'r" and printed signature of S. S. Sanger, Jr., Pres't. Size 6/8 " x 2 1/16"; white paper, uni- face. Imprint: Whitmore & Bro., Printers, "Appeal", Memphis. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 No. 29 1.25; same as preceding. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 Evidence exists that this series originally included the following denominations: 25c, 75c, 1.00, and 1.50, although none of these has been reported to date. tyyypiltintilptIft 11111M1 MUM! Willy t MOOT!''t ttu!(i)IittiNillltt II. AT WEWOKA STORE, SEMINOLE/ NATION, 1. T. ..L. ht ' * * DOLLAR & TWENTY-FIVE C 111 'onf,let at, Wl'e/1 the ',In et iS No. 31 No. 29 WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 7 SEMINOLE NATION - SEMI-OFFICIAL ISSUES WEWOKA, SEMINOLE NATION, I. T. No. 30 Five c., no date. (L) Value; (C) Legend, (R) Indian maiden. Manuscript signature of "John F. Brown & Bro." Size 51/2" x 3 11/16"; white paper, uniface. Vignette imprint: "Marckwitz". (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 No. 31 Ten c., same as preceding. R-7 400.00 SASAKWA, SEMINOLE NATION, I. T. No. 32 Fifty c., 18-. (L) Indian brave with bow and tomahawk. (C & R) Legend. Manuscript signa- ture of "John Brown & Sons." R-6 150.00 No. 33 2.50, same as preceding. R-6 150.00 The notes listed above are considered as semi-official issues because for many years John F. Brown, who operated trading posts at Sasakwa and Wewoka, was the principal chief of the Seminoles. SEMINOLE NATION - PRIVATE SCRIP MEKERSOKEYTOWN, SEMINOLE NATION, I. T. No. 34 5.00, no date. (L) Value, (C) Legend, (R) Indian warrior with calumet. "Mekersokeytown Store"; no signature. Size 43/8 " x 21/2"; white paper, uniface. Imprint: None. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 SACRED HEART MISSION, SEMINOLE NATION, I. T. No. 35 Five c., no date. (L) Eagle with scroll. (C) Legend. (R) Value. Manuscript signature "P. Harjo, Seminole Nation." Reverse design: no information. Size 33/4" x 2". Imprint: None. (Presum- ably Unique) R-7 500.00 No. 36 1.00, no date. (L) Value. (C & R) Legend. (R) Indian maiden. Printed signature of Passak Harjo. Reverse design: no information. Size 4 7/16" x 21/2". Imprint: None. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 INDIAN TERRITORY - PRIVATE SCRIP BUCK, I. T.; MCAESTER COAL MINING CO. No. 37 Ten c., no date. (L) View of coal mine; value (C & R) Legend & value. Color of paper and reverse design unknown; illegible signature of General Manager. Size 4 3/16" x 23/8"; Imprint: None. R-6 100.00 triii4Z110434Zriaa*3i1M*: rAI MERCHANDISE. r.,10,1 Me "IVO W . rhot•Xrtic (ee, I hi' f prreented tint filo/34712re IN, IA MO' re flAlT01, f Att.*, flood theft/4.x Moto Is' muly- • .r1,-nniir •Ip Aen tha", 4, or,jor - V& mv.rta mr.terr,ed 4 TeD "Vie /877 - 64424 f.41,2NLI s L ihtee, r 63651Eig4 I cx4144341 . ;JAjiA1,4*)-1/:.1 :j04.01,14' ALONG THE LNE or evijellottotietitg(*to3s14 PAGE 8 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 EUFAULA, I. T.; FOLEY AND TULLY No. 38 Twenty-five c., 1894. (L) Bust of young lady; (C & R) legend & value, (R) value. Size 6V4 " x 2W; white watermarked paper, uniface. Printed in red. Imprint: None. R-6 100.00 C. H. TULLY No. 39 2.00, 1898. Name of issuer changed to C. H. Tully; otherwise identical to No. 38. Printed in 100.00blue. R-6 No. 40 Fifty c., 190-. (L) Young girl in ornate costume; (C) legend; (R) value and small eagle. Reverse: view of store building flanked by value numerals, printed in black. Size 5 13/16" x 100.003/2" heavy white paper. Imprint: Gast Bank Note Co., St. Louis. R-6 100.00No. 41 1.00, same as preceding. R-6 R-6 100.00No. 42 2.00, same as preceding. INDIAN TERRITORY - PRIVATE SCRIP No TOWN NAME; GRADY TRADING CO. No. 43 Ten c., 189-. (L) & (C) Legend and value. (R) Carload of coal and value. Hand dated "Mar. 1897" and signed "E. Ludlow" Treasurer. Reverse: Legend and value, printed in black. Size 3 13/16" x l'"; white paper. Imprint: None. R-6 100.00 No. 44 Fifty c., 189-. Same as No. 43; hand dated "Jany. 1892" and signed "J. C. Biddle", Treas- urer. Size 4 1/16" x 2/4 "; buff paper. Imprint: None. R-6 100.00 No. 45 1.00, 189-. Same as No. 44; identical date and signature. Size 43/4" x 2%"; blue paper. Im- print: None. R-6 100.00 As far as can be determined, during the nineties the headquarters of the Grady Trading Co. was located at I lartshorne, Indian Territory, although the concern also operated at several other locations. No. 43 obverse No. 43 reverse GOWEN, I. T.; GRADY TRADING CO. No. 46 1.00, 190-. (L & C) Legend and value. (R) Carload of coal and value. Hand signature; illegible. Reverse: Legend and value; color unknown. Size 43/4" x 2N". Imprint: None. R-6 100.00 INDIAN TERRITORY - PRIVATE SCRIP HAILEYVILLE, I. T.; HAILEY COAL & MINING CO. No. 47 Twenty-five c., 19-. (L) Carload of coal and value; (C) legend; (R) value. Neither signed nor dated. Reverse: legend and value within ornamental frame; printed in brown. Size 4Y4" x I 15/16"; white paper. Imprint: None. R-5 35.00 No. 48 Fifty c., same as preceding. R-5 35.00 HAILEY-OLA COAL CO. No. 49 Five c., same as preceding except for name of issuer. R-5 35.00 No. 50 Ten c., same as No. 47. Hand signed by "D. W. Hailey" and overprinted in red: "Hailey-Ola Coal Co." R-6 75.00 No. 51 1.00, same as No. 49. Size 43/4 " x 2 7/16"; white paper. R-5 35.00 LUTIE, I. T., HAILEY-OLA COAL CO. No. 52 Five c., 19-. Same as No. 49 except for point of issue. I land signed by "D. W. Hailey" and rubber-stamped "Feb. 6, 1909." R-6 75.00 No. 53 1.00; same as preceding. Size 43/4" x 2 7/16". R-6 75.00 No. 54 1.00; same as preceding. Overprinted in red: "Hailey-Ola Coal Co.," and rubber-stamped "Aug. 14, 1908." R-6 75.00 • '7 tip -4 4 01.A COAL CO,INNNY Yl'arAlr7// /1,,z imoismoloze* IN A I' ER chwn, s wherrpresexted oh verp.Mw terira.v remrtroor 11 is izveNr.vir,o4 Mal Aix NaNN .me • et in roe ..Irtictrrs• els en. fa DA rto No. 53 obverse No. 53 reverse -7 I 7', IN AI E11CM.:1NO/5£ when pti,entril ni Inc Sider al m4.-..taiwrfEt 0.14M r a/atarresol /Ir 7/N, • le,4 .vonly 'Wee/whir 'it A. 4 !, ',olio' Sat whergrovrarrI , r erf;.,/- • No. 70 obverse i1/40° AtArAakeRWArevywvoro r No. 70 reverse WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 9 LUTIE, I. T., HAILEY COAL & MINING CO. No. 55 Twenty-five c., same as No. 47. Hand signed by "D. W. Hailey" and rubber-stamped "Feb. 6, 1909." Overprinted "Lutie, Okla." R-6 No. 56 Fifty c., same as preceding. R-6 75.00 75.00 It will be noted that although these scrip notes were prepared for issue before Oklahoma's admission to the Union is a state in 1907, the ones which are dated all bear dates subsequent to statehood. One exception is known: a ten-cent note dated 1905 in a Mid-western collection. INDIAN TERRITORY - PRIVATE SCRIP KREBS, I. T.; OSAGE TRADING CO. No. 57 Ten c., 189-. (L) Carload of coal and value. (C & R) Legend and value. Hand signed "D. W. Hailey." Reverse: Legend and value; printed in red. Size 4 3/16" x 17/8"; white paper. Im- print: None. R-6 100.00 No. 58 1.00, same as preceding. Size 4 13/16" x R-6 100.00 No. 59 Ten c., 189-. Same as No. 57, same signature. Hand dated "Apl. 1890." Reverse: identical to No. 57 but printed in brown. Imprint: None. R-6 100.00 INDIAN TERRITORY - PRIVATE SCRIP MCALESTER, I. T.; J. J. MCALESTER No. 60 Five c., 189-. (L) Carload of coal and value; (C & R) legend. Facsimile signature of J. J. McAlester. Reverse: Legend and value; printed in red. Size 3 l/2" x 1 15/16"; white paper. R-5 No. 61 " ;2,!... No. 62 0100: 'No. 63 1 1No. 64 7 74:: , No. 65 No. 66 No. 67 ?ala.tA' No. 68 OOP' No. 69 rpka.i .7,f7 No. 70 Imprint: None. Ten c., same as preceding. Twenty-five c., same as preceding. Fifty c., same as preceding. 1.00, same as preceding except size 4%" x 2W. Five c., 190-. Obverse design same as No. 60; reverse slightly different and size 3 15/16" x 2 1/16"; white paper. Imprint: None. Ten c., same as preceding. Twenty-five c., same as preceding except size PA" x 2 5/16". Fifty c., same as preceding. 1.00, same as preceding but size 4 15/16" x 2Y8". 2.00, same as preceding. R-6 R-6 R-5 R-5 printed in black. R-5 R-5 R-5 R-5 R-5 R-5 35.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 35.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 SE I. --- f, 10 .01: VILL “.I, 01 • 4 • .• - I .littittittli i e r = •1. PAGE 10 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 No. 73 reverse No. 73 obverse INDIAN TERRITORY - PRIVATE SCRIP OKMULGEE, I. T.; F. B. SEVERS No. 71 Denomination not filled in; no date. (Simple form of merchandise due bill) (L & C) Legend. (R) Signature space. Size 7" x 1"; white paper, uniface. Imprint: None. R-6 150.00 OKLAHOMA TERRITORY - MUNICIPAL SCRIP VILLAGE OF KINGFISHER CITY, 0. T. No. 72 1.00, 189-. (L) Kingfisher on branch and value numerals; (C) legend; (R) value numerals and head of Indian. Lower edge: signature spaces for mayor, clerk, and probate judge. Reverse: Eagle flanked by urban and rural scenes; numerals of value, printed in brown. Size 7" x 23/4"; white paper. Imprint: Union Bank Note Co., K. C. Mo. R-7 350.00 No. 73 2.00, same as preceding. (Presumably Unique) R-7 500.00 Burgett Exhibit of Indian Currency SPMC member Maurice Burgett, Chief Researcher of the Indian Territory and Oklahoma sections of the re- vised Wismer listings, has assembled what may be a unique exhibit of paper money. Called "Currency of the North American Indian," it has received first place awards at the following shows: Penn-Ohio Spring Show at Dayton; Central States Numismatic Association at Indianapolis; Evansville (Ind.) Coin Club; and Illinois Numismatic Society at Centralia. This exhibit culminates many years of patient collect- ing and deep research into paper money of which perhaps only six specimens of a given type are known to exist. WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 11 Federal Reserve Bank Notes - Series of 1929 By Joseph Persichetti © Joseph Persichetti, 1967 Introduction The issuance of Federal Reserve Bank Notes was initially authorized when the Federal Reserve System was established by the Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913. This act provided that after two years from its passage and for 20 years thereafter any National Bank desiring to retire the whole or any part of its circula- tion might do so by the sale of those bonds securing the circulation. Provision was made for the purchase of these bonds by the Federal Reserve Banks. By de- positing these bonds with the Treasurer of the United States, the banks could issue Federal Reserve Bank Notes against these obligations. The Federal.. Reserve Banks could also convert any two percent bonds against which no circulation was outstanding into securities bearing the circulating privilege. Thus, the original purpose of these notes was to eventually replace National Bank Notes. Ironically, the issuance of Federal Reserve Bank Notes has been only occasional and as a temporary ex- pedient in times of emergency. Small quantities were first issued in 1916 under the Federal Reserve Act in response to the business recession of 1914 and 1915. This crisis was short-lived and dis- appeared in the increased business activity brought on by World War I. In 1918, notes were again issued under the Pittman Act of April 23, 1918, to replace $270,- 232,722 in Silver Certificates withdrawn from circulation due to the melting of silver dollars for export to India and for domestic coinage. Great Britain's embargo on linen cuttings during World War I created a shortage of linen in the United States and necessitated printing the entire series of 1918 on 100 percent cotton paper. Unfortunately, this paper possessed poor wearing quali- ties, making notes of this issue scarce in choice condi- tion, particularly the higher denominations. Notes of the first issue are all scarce. The First Issue of Small Size Federal Reserve Bank Notes From the beginning of 1933, serious developments in the banking situation in some sections of the country were indicated by large-scale withdrawals of deposits from banks in those sections. Many of these withdrawals represented the transfer of deposit accounts from banks in which depositors had lost confidence to other in- stitutions. However, after the first week in February, withdrawals were to an increasing extent in the form of currency and toward the end of the month included a considerable amount of gold. Gold withdrawals rep- resented in part domestic hoarding and in part losses to foreign countries caused by the decline in dollar ex- change reflecting a movement of funds from the United States. As these movements developed, the pressure was felt not only by the weaker banks in any particular sec- tion but by banks throughout the country. The Federal Reserve Banks were obliged to issue large volumes of Federal Reserve Notes and at the same time reduce their reserves by paying out gold. The crisis culminated in the passage of the Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, which in part authorized the Federal Reserve Banks to issue both Federal Reserve Notes and Federal Re- serve Bank Notes under less stringent collateral require- ments. Under this act Federal Reserve Banks were permitted to issue notes against the security of United States ob- ligations and commercial paper (notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and bankers' acceptances) deposited with the Treasurer of the United States. Notes could be issued up to 100 percent of the value of U. S. obligations de- posited and up to 90 percent of the estimated value of commercial paper deposited. The notes were first liens on the assets of the individual issuing banks and not obligations of the government, as are Federal Reserve Notes. However, to facilitate redemption, the liability of the issuing bank could be transferred to the govern- ment by the deposit of the appropriate amount of lawful money with the Treasurer of the United States. Since March, 1935, all outstanding Federal Reserve Bank Notes have become liabilities of the government in this man- ner. The various banks attempted to extinguish their liability for these notes as quickly as possible since there was a tax imposed on the outstanding balance. Also, the banks were required to pay all expenses incurred in their issuance. The following two excerpts from the Emer- gency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, should clarify the point: "Such circulating notes shall be subject to the same tax as is provided by the law for the circulating notes of national banks secured by 2 percent bonds of the United States. No such circulating notes shall be issued under this paragraph after the President has declared by procla- mation that the emergency recognized by the President by the proclamation of March 6, 1933, has terminated, unless such circulating notes are secured by deposits of bonds of the United States bearing the circulating privilege." "• .. the United States shall be reimbursed by the Federal Reserve Bank to which such notes are issued for all expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the pro- curing of such notes and all other expenses incidental to their issue, redemption, replacement, retirement and destruction." Authority for the issuance of Federal Reserve Bank Notes against obligations of the United States not bear- ing the circulating privilege or against eligible commer- cial paper was repealed by the Act of June 12, 1945. Since no interest-bearing securities carrying the circu- lating privilege have been outstanding since August 1. 1935, all authority to issue these notes ended in 1945. The Second Issue of Small Size Federal Reserve Bank Notes During the banking emergency of 1933, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing produced $910,530,000 in Federal Reserve Bank Notes; however, only $285,316,- PAGE 12 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 Table I NUMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES ISSUED Denomination 1st Issue 2nd Issue Total I ssued $5 12,997,100 12,262,900 25,260,000 $10 7,991,800 13,680,200 21,672,000 $20 4,369,200 9,094,800 13,464,000 $50 388,305 2,383,695 2,772,000 $100 332,005 1,275,995 1,608,000 000 of this amount was placed in circulation at the time. During World War II the remainder of this stockpile was released to help meet the large currency demands brought on by the war. On December 12, 1942, the Treasury began issuing these notes to the various Fed- eral Reserve Banks across the nation. Simultaneously, the banks deposited with the Treasurer of the United States an equal amount of lawful money. These de- posits immediately extinguished the liability of the in- dividual Federal Reserve Banks for these notes and pro- vided for their redemption by the Treasury as they be- came unfit. On June 12, 1945, this series was declared obsolete and has since been in the process of retirement. In January, 1966, there was still $68,000,000 in Federal Reserve Bank Notes outstanding on the Treasury's books, including $2,000,000 estimated to be irretrievably lost or destroyed. In addition, the district letter of the issuing bank is re- peated in four places on the face of each note along with the signatures of the Register of the Treasury (E. E. Jones), the Treasurer of the United States (W. O. Woods ), and the typographically printed signatures of two officers of the appropriate bank. Normally it would have required 18 months to pre- pare a new currency issue. However, the first shipment of notes from Washington was made to the New York Federal Reserve Bank on March 11, 1933, just two days after the authorizing legislation was enacted. It was necessary to procure the actual signatures of two officials of each bank in order to prepare the logotypes for the facsimile signatures that would appear on the notes of their respective banks. Telegrams were dispatched re- questing that the necessary specimens be furnished im- Table II NUMBER OF EACH DENOMINATION PRINTED FOR THE VARIOUS FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Bank District Letter $5 $10 $20 $50 $100 Boston A 3,180,000 1,680,000 972,000 none none New York 2,100,000 5,556,000 2,568,000 636,000 480,000 Philadelphia 3,096,000 1,416,000 1,008,000 none none Cleveland 4,236,000 2,412,000 1,020,000 684,000 276,000 Richmond none 1,356,000 1,632,000 none 192,000 Atlanta 1,884,000 1,056,000 960,000 none none Chicago 5,988,00 3,156,000 2,028,000 300,000 384,000 St. Louis I-1 276,000 1,584,000 444,000 none none Minneapolis 684,000 588,000 864,000 132,000 144,000 Kansas City 2,460,000 1,284,000 612,000 276,000 96,000 Dallas 996,000 504,000 468,000 168,000 36,000 San Francisco 360,000 1,080,000 888,000 576,000 none Production of Small Size Federal Reserve Bank Notes Small size Federal Reserve Bank Notes were issued by all 12 Federal Reserve Banks in five denominations: $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100; however, not all banks issued every denomination. Table II indicates the number of notes of each denomination printed for the various Federal Reserve Banks. The central inscription on each note reads: NA- TIONAL CURRENCY SECURED BY UNITED STATES BONDS DEPOSITED WITH THE TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR BY LIKE DEPOSIT OF OTHER SECURITIES. The obligation is to the left of the portrait and states: THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF (city) (state) WILL PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND (denomina- tion) DOLLARS. The redemption clause is to the right of the portrait superimposed upon a 20-millimeter, brown Treasury seal: REDEEMABLE IN LAWFUL MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES AT (the) UNITED STATES TREASURY OR AT THE BANK OF ISSUE. mediately. In order to avoid delay in supplying the west coast with initial stocks of the new notes, the signa- tures of the San Francisco bank officers were copied from documents on file in the Treasury. Notes bearing the signatures of the San Francisco bank officials were al- ready en route when the requested signature specimens arrived. Although some preliminary work was accom- plished while the legislation was being drafted, the ex- peditious production of these notes was accomplished by adapting blank National Bank Note stocks (series 1929) on hand at the time. Along with other classes of currency, National Bank Note stocks were printed from an intaglio engraved 12- subject plate on mill-wet paper. These notes have the denominational-portrait and uniform back design sys- tem characteristic of all small size currency. The paper in use at that time was composed of 75 percent linen and 25 percent cotton with small red and blue silk fibers uniformly dispersed throughout. Since World War II the paper used in the "wet" printing process has been a 50 percent linen-cotton mixture with distributed syn- WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 13 thetic fibers. The difference in the constituent propor- tions is particularly evident in the color and surface texture of the paper. Notes with the higher linen content are milk-white in color and have a smooth surface. Notes printed on the 50 percent linen-cotton paper are cream colored with a relatively coarse surface. As the various National Banks ordered notes, the re- quired number of stock sheets were withdrawn from storage, and the bank's name, location, charter number, and officers' (cashier & president) facsimile signatures were typographically added in black by means of a logo- type; this print, incidentally, washes off readily. At this time the serial numbers and an 18-millimeter Trea- sury seal were added in brown. By finishing the notes typographically, the need to maintain separate plates for each of the 7.600 National Banks then in existence was eliminated. Unfortunately, it was necessary to drasti- cally reduce the engraved borders of these notes in order to accommodate those banks with the longest names and still allow a margin of error in registering the stock paper during the final printing operation. National Bank Notes were finished and delivered in uncut, vertical strips of six notes. The serial numbers consisted of six digits, a prefix letter, and a suffix letter. Prior to May 27, 1933, each sheet was numbered in such a way that every note on the strip had an identical serial number except for the prefix letter, which prog- ressed down the sheet from "A" to "F." Federal Reserve Bank Notes were printed in basically the same manner as National Bank Notes, with only slight variations in the logotype used in the final print- ing operation and in the method of numbering the notes. The essential difference was the modification of the cen- tral statement on the National Bank Note stock by the typographic addition of the words: OR BY LIKE DE- POSIT OF OTHER SECURITIES. Other minor changes were the repetition of the Federal Reserve dis- trict letter four times on the face of each note rather than twice as with National Bank charter numbers,* and the use of a 20-millimeter Treasury seal instead of the 18-millimeter size used on other National Currency. Also, the facsimile signatures of the bank officers are those of the governor and the cashier or deputy governor (New York) or the assistant deputy governor (Chicago) or controller (St. Louis), rather than the signatures of the president and cashier as on National Bank Notes. The numbering of these notes was entirely different from the numbering of National Bank Notes at that MEW 1111110E-73111KA,W47 wg IIIIkeIDWIISTATIDSOF K41 IIII A -!..., J4 ,,, . ,-4,,sA THE C 4 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK -4 A -pp I r'---11E:5325:C=32nal=a1 111160.- T. THE IWITEI)STATES OF 11l1:1tICA THE C .... TI. Aiiiiitiiiigiii: n.111-;1114 A . ..., FEDERAL E RANK CRESERV '''" -0.11;20=1:=CENF, ,' -- , THE IrNITEDSTATESIWADIEIKII 1 . ,... .. . THE C.IX C FEDERAL RESERVE BANK -..... Tilti i'iiiiiiiitliitiiliiigiiiiiiks. .THE C FEDERAL RESERVE BANK - ,, hi,,,,, li C 1.1 1.4 -- TIIIII NITI.DINTKTESOFAMI:1111 1 THE C FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CIF c PHILADELPHIA PENHSYLVAN. ....–........—.. 1,1" .E.vry onuass 10 c -. TWENTY DOLLARS A reconstructed sheet of $20 Federal Reserve Bank Notes issued by the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank illus- trating the method of numbering these notes. The prefix letter is the same as the district letter of the bank ("C" for Philadelphia) and the numbering ran sequentially down the sheet. In no case was there an issue large enough to require the use of a suffix letter other than "A." The reader is challenged to decipher the cashier's signature on these notes! The unbelievable , answer appears in Table III. time; rather, it was similar to that of Federal Reserve Notes. The serial number consisted of eight digits, a prefix letter, and a suffix letter. The prefix letter on a note was always the same as the Federal Reserve district letter of the corresponding bank. The numbering ran sequentially down each sheet of six notes and in no case was there an issue large enough to require the use of a suffix letter other than "A." Table Ill FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OFFICERS' SIGNATURES ON SMALL SIZE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES Bank Signatures District Letter Bank Name Title Name Title A Boston W. Willett Cashier R. A. Young Governor Deputy B New York A. W. Gilbart Governor G. L. Harrison Governor C Philadelphia C. A. Mcllhenny Cashier G. W. Norris Governor D Cleveland H. F. Strater Cashier E. R. Fancher Governor E Richmond G. H. Keesee Cashier G. L. Seay Governor F Atlanta M. W. Bell Cashier E. R. Black Governor Asst. Deputy G Chicago 0. J. Netterstrom Governor J. B. McDougal Governor ersIrDn . MINAII/MAPT"t., Incr4iiii4imit$411,.MEITHA THE CHASE NATIONAL BANE OF ENE NTT OF 0 NEW YORK Mete '0,1n K TROIALVIrS Ts,3,406.9PetHRM, B 13101 .11NTINESOEtWEITIT B THE FEDERAL RESERVE BIM NEW YORK My TOM[ PAT m OtArOR TEN ENELEAES 80361 0:l B 7r1F:N/SALARS PAGE 14 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 St. Louis A. H. Haill Controller W. McC. Martin Minneapolis H. I. Ziemer Cashier W. B. Geery J K Kansas City Dallas J. W. Helm F. Harris Cashier Cashier G. 1-1. Hamilton B. A. McKinney L San Francisco W. M. Hale Cashier J. U. Calkins Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor Note that the governor of the St. Louis Federal Re- serve Bank was William McChesney Martin, Jr., who later became the president of the New York Stock Ex- change and is presently chairman of the board of gover- nors of the Federal Reserve System. Although uncut sheets of six notes are common in the National Bank Note series, there is only one known uncut sheet of Federal Reserve Bank Notes, this being of the $10 denomination and from the New York Fed- eral Reserve Bank B00000073A through B00000084A. National Bank Notes with the typographically printed portions erroneously inverted are known, and it is rea- sonable to expect that this error may exist in the Federal Reserve Bank Note series. Unfinished National Bank Note stock notes are also known; it is, of course, impos- sible to determine whether these were issued as National Bank Notes or Federal Reserve Bank Notes. Collecting Small Size Federal Reserve Bank Notes Aside from Gold Certificates, Federal Reserve Bank Notes are probably the scarcest of the six classes of paper money issued since July 10, 1929, when the first small size notes were placed into circulation. The peculiar feature that makes these notes elusive is the circumstances under which they were issued. Both re- leases occurred during times of national emergency not conducive to saving uncirculated currency, especially when the lowest denomination was a five dollar note. An- other contributing factor was the lack of collector interest and a market for small size currency, as evidenced by the sale of the Albert Grinnell collection of small size notes in November of 1946. In light of these considerations and since 49 bank- denomination combinations were issued in small quanti- ties over two relatively short periods, it is safe to assume 011•111111n11116.. • 4111111M1111•11 Top: $10 Federal Reserve Bank Note issued by the New York Federal Reserve Bank and signed by the governor and deputy governor. Bottom: $10 National Bank Note issued by the Chase National Bank of New York City and signed by the cashier and president, as are all Na- tional Bank Notes. The great similarity between the two types of notes exists because Federal Reserve Bank Notes were produced by typographically overprinting National Bank Note stocks available at the time. that a complete collection would be most difficult to assemble today in choice condition. This series cer- tainly includes many potential rarities available today at bargain prices. * After May 27, 1933 the charter number appeared four times on National Bank Notes. NUMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Date $5 1-31-29 110,898 1-31-30 90,948 1-31-31 77,053 1-31-32 67,426 1-31-33 62,432 1-31-34 9,207,079 1-31-35 2,503,011 1-31-36 741,380 1-31-37 428,871 4-31-38 314,737 1-31-39 256,864 1-31-40 215,128 1-31-41 192,745 1-31-42 174,068 1-31-43 9,732,018 1-31-44 11,260,915 1-31-45 5,997,024 1-31-46 3,405,875 1-31-47 2,212,033 Table IV NOTES OUTSTANDING ON THE TREASURY'S BOOKS $10 $20 $50 $100 17,090 12,091 363 none 13,32 9,326 295 none 1 29 7,261 267 none 9, 1 5,742 238 none 7 98 4,645 231 none 6,409,6 4 3,705,027 317,826 257,909 3,161,506 2,069,343 156,706 165,220 1,298,241 1,219,961 126,045 148,036 753,272 795,927 91,702 114,343 511,505 582,257 72,721 95,728 393,320 464,569 61,825 83,365 317,335 382,598 52,840 73,442 275,351 336,433 48,573 68,281 237,648 296,636 44,436 62,559 13,639,876 6,915,844 930,137 701,128 13,765,016 9,209,078 2,220,700 1,425,577 11,166,592 8,379,416 2,184,537 1,412,542 8,602,775 7,592,430 2,074,540 1,358,672 6,431,356 6,551,520 1,922,791 1,302,379 WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 15 1-31-48 1,644,111 4,881,042 5,501,709 1,748,001 1,230,791 1-31-49 1,283,534 3,812,866 4,609,254 1,564,573 1,144,450 1-31-50 1,037,599 3,047,606 3,856,925 1,400,086 1,068,633 1-31-51 875,610 2,506,917 3,267,116 1,249,377 997,368 1-31-64 250,543 565,164 726,010 347,176 351,485 Bibliography , History of The Bureau of Engraving and Print- ing, 1862-1962, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. Donlon, W. P., Price Catalogue of United States Small Sire Paper Money, 2nd Edition, Hewitt Bros., 1966. Lloyd, R. H., "National Bank Notes, Federal Reserve Bank Notes, Federal Reserve Notes," 1928-1950, Coin Collector's Journal, Jan.-Feb., 1953. , Coins and Currency of The United States, Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, Office of the Technical Staff, June 30, 1947. Rotary Press Currency By Nathan Goldstein II (Continued from PAPER MONEY No. 19, Page 65.) There is much more to the production of our paper money at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing than meets the eye. The individual sheets of printed paper are handled by many, many people and checked a num- ber of times . . . so that when we find an unusual item, you can almost rest assured that there are not too many others like it! In our last installment we went into a rather prelimi- nary discussion of the rotary presses. We are rather skimming the surface of paper money production in this series, and it is hoped that at a later date a much more complete story can be given. As there is so much ground to cover, and so many of us fail to understand even the bare facts, it is felt that a rather quick run-through will be of help. We now know that the reverse side of the notes is printed first, this being accomplished on one of a pair of presses that print only this side of the note. This can be accomplished either on the single-plate rotary press or on the four-plate Giori press. You can easily check to see the type of press used for your note by the reverse plate number to be found in the lower right corner of the reverse. If the notes were printed on the single-plate press, then all of the notes in the run will have the same plate number. If there are four notes with different num- bers alternating throughout the run, then the Giori press was used. The sheets of printed paper are then sent across the room to the other pair of presses, and the face of the note is printed. The usage of these presses in pairs has Plate Printer Examining Sheet, Intaglio Currency Press PAGE 16 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 proven quite successful for an orderly flow of printed sheets. Then, too, the two different inks used (green for the face and black for the reverse) can be segregated on the correct side of the room to prevent the possibility of mixed or incorrect ink in the press. There has never been a color error on the face or reverse of the small size paper money. Many off colors are found, but these are the result of chemicals or other elements after pro- duction is completed). The first illustration shows one of the plate printers examining a printed sheet of 32-subject notes (in this case Silver Certificates). These sheets are routinely checked to be assured of proper ink, proper pressure on the press, and that the printing plate is in good press condition and not badly worn. If the inspector finds that the printing plate, or plates, is not in fit condition, the run will be stopped, the faulty plate removed, and another substituted. After the sheets have been printed on both sides, they are moved to the overprinting section. Here they are stacked on the pallets awaiting press duty. The over- printing press will print in two colors: first, the green seal and the green serial numbers; and then the black signatures of the Treasurer of the United States (on the left side) and the Secretary of the Treasury (on the right side), the series designation just to the right of the vignette, the four numerals in each of the four positions on the note to designate the district, and last the Federal Reserve Seal on the left side just above the left serial number. All of these overprinted items are printed simultaneously. The serial number counters are preset and carefully checked at the start of a run. A diagram is laid out to tell the printer the starting numbers for each of the 32 positions within the sheet, the correct prefix and suffix, as the prefix is set by the issuing district (A thru L), WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 17 while the four numbers 1 through 12 also denote the district. The printing schedule is determined by the amount of notes for the particular district that has been ordered by that Federal Reserve Bank. These notes are printed on order only and in the quantities ordered. The requirements of each district vary greatly, and it is a half sheets are two notes wide and eight notes high. These sheets are much easier to examine, and it is here that the notes are carefully scrutinized. The second illus- tration shows an examination section quite like the ones in operation today; however, the sheets being examined in the illustration are the flat press, 18-subject sheets. rather simple matter to have the notes available, printed on the face and reverse, and only lacking the overprint- ing for the proper district. This can be accomplished on short order, although it is rarely necessary. The Federal Reserve Banks normally carry an adequate sup- ply of notes in reserve, and it is often a good while after a change in series designation that the new series appears. After the sheets have been overprinted and properly stacked in the numerical sequence and so marked, they are taken to the guillotines, where a sheet is divided in half, making two sections of 16 notes each. These When a faulty sheet is found, two actions can be taken. The entire sheet can be removed, or the individual note or notes can be marked in the lower right corner with a red crayon or a red square plastic tab. If there is an area to be removed, it has been found easier to re- move the entire sheet than the notes. When there is an improper inking, or a paper fold that makes an offset onto the next sheet, several sheets are completely removed to prevent passing faulty work. The ability of the highly skilled operators to spot minute variations in an instant is amazing. From the hundreds of millions of notes PAGE 18 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 that go forth from the Bureau, the number of minor flaws that are found in the notes is amazingly small. During this inspection, when a full sheet is rejected, a sheet of star notes is inserted in its position. If in- dividual notes are to be removed, this operation is per- formed next. The sheets of 16 are then taken to the guillotines and cut into the individual notes. These stacks of note sheets, etc., are separated into units of 100, and markers are inserted to preserve this count. These stacks of notes are then given to another in- spector. Here the final inspection is given and the run of numbers verified. Where a note has been marked for removal or when one is found that was not caught be- fore, the faulty note is removed and a star note inserted in the proper order. In this manner the run of 100 num- bers will be in proper order. After the proper count has been hand verified and the inspector is satisfied, a band is placed around the 100 notes. This bundle is placed in a box with the proper serials noted on the end on pre-printed slips. The box holds 4,000 notes, each in 100-note units. The entire box is then taken to an electric counter which can verify the contents of the 100- pack in a few seconds. This is the final count and verification. The third illustration shows the final act with these 4,000 notes, as the box is taken to the banding machine. The box of notes is visible at the right of the illustration. A pre-printed slip showing the serial numbers within the "brick" of 4,000 is placed on a wooden block on one end of the run and a plain wooden block on the other. Two bands of steel are run around the notes, the tension is greatly increased, and the steel bands are sealed off. This "brick" is then wrapped in a kraft paper, and an- other slip is inserted on the end to show the run of serial numbers and the date of completion. It is finally packed within a series of shelves on rollers in the proper order of the entire run of notes being processed. These notes are then ready for transfer to the holding vaults at the Bureau prior to transfer to the Treasury Department. (To Be Continued) Notes on Foreign Notes LEBANON-A new 5 pound note is being publicized for the fact that it bears a 3,000-year-old Phoenician curse. A King Ahiram had the curse inscribed on his tomb, condemning anyone who broke into his coffin. In addi- tion to this inscription reproduced in the world's first alphabet, the note bears Greek pillars, a Persian bull's head and a Roman bridge to symbolize great eras in Lebanon's long history. The 10 pound note in the series depicts Syrian ruins a millenary old in a modern Armen- ian village. INDONESIA—President Sukarno is still top dog in this country if a new series of notes is any criterion. The Bank of Indonesia released 11 new notes in denomina- tions of one, five, ten and 25 sen, and one, two and a half, five, ten, 25, 50, and 100 rupiah. The rupiah notes bear his portrait on the obverse. The one sen pictures a native farmer; the five and ten sen, a woman of the Indonesian armed forces; the 25 sen, a soldier. SOUTH AFRICA—New notes carrying the portrait of Jan van Riebeck were recently introduced into this country's economy. The ten rand note is worth $14 in U. S. funds. The current one and two rand notes will eventu- ally be withdrawn from circulation, and the two rand will not be replaced. BRAZIL—The astronomical denomination of 10,000 cruzeiros now appears on a Brazilian bank note for the first time. The multicolored obverse of the new note pictures Santos Dumont, an early Brazilian air pioneer. The blue reverse shows one of his flights. Both depic. tions are similar to those used for many years on this country's air mail stamps. These new notes bear the unmistakable mark of the American Bank Note Co.—the intricate, old-fashioned, geometric lathe work. TURKEY-A new denomination of 20 lirasi appears among the paper money of this country. The note fea- tures a portrait of Mustafa Kemal, founder of the Re- public, on its obverse, while the reverse shows statuary and a temple-like building. ITALY—On Sept. 30, 1966, the emergency circulating checks in this country's currency were declared illegal. Because of a hoarder-inspired shortage of 500 lire silver coins and the government withdrawal of notes of the same denomination earlier in the year, an acute shortage arose. Businessmen (and numismatists) turned to bank money orders as substitutes. Although these orders were made out in the name of a specific person and were not to be circulated after the first endorsement, they did circulate as "money." More than 250 different types have been recorded thus far. Marcon's New Papal States Catalog SPMC member Alfredo P. Marcon of Rome has writ- ten and published an elaborate catalog of the paper money used by the Papal States between Dec. 5, 1785, and March 23, 1798. (See PAPER MONEY No. 19, page 78.) On the 104 pages of the 8 x 11 1/2 book, Mr. Marcon describes and illustrates the use of this money, the various series, dates and signatures. These notes were, oddly enough, receipts for items turned into a pawn shop oper- ated under the auspices of the Papal States. They were transferable from one person to another, backed by the item in pawn rather than by the security of a govern- ment. The catalog of this unique type of paper money is available from Mr. Marcon at Via dei Coronari, 112, Rome, Italy, for $7.20 plus postage. SPMC at TNA A luncheon has been set up for members of SPMC at the Texas Numismatic Association's convention at the Baker Hotel, Dallas, Tex., on Saturday, April 15, at 12 noon in the English Room. It is hoped that many will attend and bring material for trading. A breakfast was set up at first but due to several conflicts, the meeting was changed to a luncheon. TNA welcomes all SPMC members. WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 19 Confederate Money A Survey of the Source and Use of Paper By Everett K. Cooper Organized historical information concerning the source and use of paper in the printing of Confederate States of America money has not yet been compiled in detail. This information is undoubtedly available from many sources and awaits only the time and effort required to organize and assemble. However, scattered bits of in- formation that are readily available along with the known use of certain identifiable paper allows for some analysis and deduction. As with most of the materials and supplies required by the embryo government, the prime sources were located north of the Mason-Dixon line. The Confederacy, to issue its initial supply of paper money, used the meager paper stocks on hand augmented by a modest amount purchased from these Northern sources. Purchasing agents were promptly dispatched to England with long lists of needs, including bank note paper for the cur- rency. For example, the printing firm of Leggett, Kea- tinge and Ball (which ceased to exist under that name as early as March, 1862) used a greater variety of paper types than any other Confederate currency printer. This included a watermark (FIVE) not used by any other printer of government currency. Plain Paper Plain paper, that without any identifiable watermark, color, fiber, or other peculiar quality, was the most widely used paper type and was in use over the widest period. This would tend to reinforce the conclusion that it origi- nated at a domestic Southern paper mill or mills. The largest mill in the Confederacy was that operated by William S. Whiteman at Manchester, Tennessee. This mill is reported to have supplied paper for Confederate notes and bonds.' The output of the mill must have been large, as it also supplied newsprint, book, Manila and wrapping papers. Red Fiber Paper The principal pre-Civil War paper mill producing bank note paper was the Ivy Mill in Pennsylvania. Located near Chester and operated for many years by the Willcox family, this mill was devoted to the manufacture of this type of paper by old-time, hand methods. In 1860, this mill operating under the name of James M. Willcox & Company was supplying the leading bank note engraving and printing firms.2 This included the American Bank Note Company of New York, which operated an office in New Orleans. It was this New Orleans branch, changing its name to Southern Bank Note Company, which printed some of the early Confederate issues on the Ivy Mill's paper. On July 15, 1861, Dr. W. P. Reyburn, represent- ing Secretary of the Treasury C. G. Memminger, recom- mended that the Southern Bank Note Company give the lithographic firm J. Manouvrier 10,000 sheets of bank note paper for lithographing notes. 3 However, none of the work produced by Manouvrier for the Confederate government used this fiber paper. In October, 1861, the Southern Bank Note Company was seized as enemy property and its materials dis- tributed. Probably in this way this paper was obtained and used by Leggett, Keatinge and Ball. In March, 1862, Mr. Leggett was dropped from the firm and its successor, Keatinge and Ball, produced one note from the remain- ing paper of this type. It is known that the Willcox com- pany declined to supply the South directly with this paper, but according to Capers 8 it was obtained through a Baltimore source. This probably augmented the supply obtained by the Richmond lithographers from New Or- leans. The use of fiber paper was discontinued very early in the war, indicating the unavailability of this source of supply. See Table I for a summary of Confederate notes using this paper. Watermark Paper The use of watermarked paper commenced with the currency dated September 2, 1861, and continued as part of the paper supply through the currency issued in 1863. The largest printing of paper currency, which occurred in 1864, did not use such paper. A total of eight different watermarks (see Table II) are found, of which four are identifiable as originating in English paper mills. Obviously the "CSA" watermark was designed specifically for currency, as a watermark appears on each of the notes printed on the sheet. The intent was to make counterfeiting more difficult. The increased effectiveness of the blockade and the reduced number of open Confederate ports accounts for the dis- appearance of the imported, watermarked paper in 1864. In fact, the only currency issued in the South in 1864 to be printed on a watermarked paper was that issued by the state of Florida. This paper bears a mark of "W. T. & Co.." which is suspected of being the product of a small Southern mill. Two of the watermarked papers are positively identifi- able as being from English mills. The watermark "J. Whatman 1862" is the mark of the most famous mill in the world. It traces its history back many years prior to the Civil War and still continues in use today. In 1859, the property and watermark of the Whatman firm were sold to W. R. Balston Ltd., Maidstone, England, who continue today and still use the Whatman mark. The date "1862" was included in the mark because the English Excise Duties Act of 1794 put a tax on paper produced in England. However, for paper exported, exemption from the tax was allowed provided the date of production was included in the watermark. This exemption requirement was repealed in 1811, and the tax itself repealed in 1861. but apparently the paper makers continued the practice of dating the paper. Balston sup- [/ 21 22 23 21. 25 26 27 31 PAGE 20 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 plied a small quantity of bank note paper for the cur- rency issued by the state of North Carolina (January 1, 1863) with a watermark "J. Whatman 1864." The Hodgkinson & Co. Wookey Hole mill at Wells, England, was a large producer of bank note paper in the mid- nineteenth century and continues in existence today. The amount of this paper reaching the Confederacy was ap- parently less than that coming from the Balston Company. An interesting bit of history regarding the watermark paper with "CSA" in block letters is on record to indicate that it was English made paper. The blockade runner Bermuda out of Liverpool was captured on April 27, 1862, by the USS Mercedita, and part of its cargo was "many reams of fine, white bank note paper watermarked `CSA' intended obviously for Confederate States bank notes and bonds."• The Federal government used some of this captured paper to print specimen backs of United States fractional currency. It was an ironic twist of fate that the Federal government should use Confederate-pur- chased paper, but perhaps it was also indicative of the tight supply of this type paper even in the North. Un- printed sheets of this watermarked paper (CSA block letters) found their way into many hands as souvenirs of the great conflict. (See Table III). Either Thomas Ball or Keatinge, of the lithograph firm of Keatinge and Ball, made a government-sponsored trip thru the lines prior to May, 1862, to New York to obtain materials and skilled help for printing the currency. Perhaps the most tangible evidence of this secret trip is in the appearance of currency printed by Keatinge & Ball with the "NY" watermark. Two other watermarks "FIVE" and "TEN" also used by Keatinge & Ball may have been obtained on this trip north. The scarcity of specimens with these watermarks and their use only on 1861 notes by the Confederate government leads to the suspicion of a source in the North. A survey of the rela- tive amount of watermarked paper used as evaluated by the appearance of specimens in the current collectors' market is given in Table IV. Another watermarked paper bears comment because even though it was not used directly by the Confederate government, it did appear extensively on state and private issues within the Confederacy. This mark appears in the combination of T. C. C. & Co. or T. C. & Co. on high- quality, bank note paper. (Previous catalog listings have shown this watermark as W. T. C. C. & Co., but specimens examined have never shown the letter "W" or any indication of its presence. Extensive search of records in an effort to discover a manufacturer or user of this combination of letters has been fruitless. There- fore, it is assumed this is an erroneous listing). The best judgment of the significance of these two watermarks is that T. C. C. & Co. stands for Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co., a prominent firm of bank note engravers and printers who were in business from 1849 through 1854. The mark T. C. & Co. standing for Toppan, Carpenter & Co., which was in existence from 1845 to 1849, and again from 1854 to 1861. The change in the name of these partnerships reflects the inclusion of John Casilear in the firm and his retirement from the firm in October, 1854. The main office and plant for this business was in Phila- delphia, which leads to the belief that this quality bank note paper was probably a product of nearby Ivy Mill. Reproductions of watermarks used on Confederate paper money The use of a watermarked paper by a bank note firm was an unusual embellishment and probably resulted in a dead stock of the paper when the firm went out of busi- ness in 1861. This stock was quickly disposed of by selling it south of the Mason-Dixon line. An unusual point also is that all pre-Civil War bank notes examined with the T. C. C. & Co. watermark were for Southern banks and engraved by various partnerships of bank note engravers but always including Mr. Toppan. See Table V for summary of known use. The W. T. & Co. water- mark is made of different shaped letters and to date has not been identified as to source. Pink Paper The use of pink-colored, unwatermarked paper (see Table VI) occurs for a limited period and on small denominations. Interestingly enough, this paper did not find its way into use for any of the State-issued notes or other privately issued currency in the South. The commonly told story that this paper was utilized to thwart the counterfeiter is borne out by some basic WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 21 facts. First, this limited use by the Confederate govern- ment and the exclusion of others from its use. Of course, this also could reflect on its limited supply. Second, the period of its principal use, the December, 1862 and April, 1863 issues, is quite interesting. The notorious Northern counterfeiter, S. C. Upham, operated from March, 1862, through August, 1863. Note that this is the same period of use for the pink paper. The appearance of the pink paper 50c note of February 17, 1864, can be accounted for as representing the probable finishing of the stock of this type paper. The "pink lacework" printed as a background for the other denominations of the February 17, 1864, issues indicates this technique was looked upon with favor. Also of interest is the fact that all of the notes utilizing the pink paper are fairly common, indicating an abundant paper supply. Five of the currency printers had a supply of this paper for their use, probably indicating the Treasury Department controlled the distribution. Re-Used Paper The most dramatic evidence of the scarcity of bank note paper in the war-time Confederacy is in the abun- dance of State and private issued notes printed on the plain backs of previously printed notes and bonds. This necessity was never forced on the Confederate govern- ment, but six of the Southern states were forced into this expedient. It is worth noting that the primary printers for the Confederate government, who also printed much of the state and private currency, did not have to use this ersatz paper, but rather it was mainly the local jobber- printer who apparently without government contracts could not obtain unused paper. Confederate Stamps As a side light it is worth noting that the paper used for printing official Confederate postage stamps is de- scribed by philatelists as "wove paper, thick and porous" with the exception of the one stamp printed in England, of which the paper is described as "wove paper, thin and glazed." This seems to indicate that most of the paper used for this purpose was local production and probably from the mill at Manchester, Tennessee. References I. A History of Paper Manufacturing in the United States, 1690-1916 Lyman H. Weeks New York. 1918. 2. Ten Decades Ago, 1840-1850 (pamphlet) Winthrop S. Boggs American Philatelic Society. 1949. 3. Confederate Finance Richard C. Todd University of Georgia. 1954. 4. Confederate and Southern State Currency William W. Bradbeer Reprint. 1956. 5. Dietz Confederate States Catalog and Handbook (postage stamps) Richmond. 1959. 6. Criswell's Currency Series - Volume I G. C. and C. L. Criswell Passe-A-Grille Beach, Florida. 1957. 7. Basic Classification and Listing, Confederate States of America Paper Money (pamphlet) P. H. Chase Bala-Cynwyd, Penna. 1936. 8. Life and Times of C. G. Memminger I lenry D. Capers. Richmond. 1893. Table I RED FIBER PAPER Denomination I ssue Date Engraver-Printer Criswell No. Use* $100 -1861- Southern Bank Note Co. T-5 No $50 -1861- Southern Bank Note Co. T-6 No $50 Sept. 2, 861 Southern Bank Note Co. T-15 No $20 Sept. 2, 861 Southern Bank Note Co. T-19 Yes $10 Sept. 2, 861 Southern Bank Note Co. T-22 No $5 Sept. 2, 861 Southern Bank Note Co. T-31 No $10 Sept. 2, 861 Leggett, Keatinge & Ball T-23 Yes $10 Sept. 2, 861 Leggett, Keatinge & Ball T-24 Yes $5 Sept. 2, 861 Leggett, Keatinge & Ball T-32 Yes $50 Sept. 2, 861 Keatinge & Ball T-I6 Yes *Use: Did this particular note also appear on paper other than Table II red fiber? WATERMARK PAPER - YEARS USED Watermark CSA (script letters) CSA (block letters) CSA (wavy frame) FIVE TEN NY J WHATMAN 1862 HODG K I NSON WOOKEY HOLE MILL 1861 1862 X X X X X 1863 1864 1865 Source Suspected Confederate X England X Suspected England Suspected Confederate Suspected Confederate Suspected United States England X England Watermark (a) CSA (block letters in wavy frame) Commonest watermark (d) CSA (block letters) (d) CSA (script letters) (d) J WHATMAN 1862 HODGKINSON & CO. WOOKEY HOLE MILL (d) FIVE (d) TEN (d) NY Scarcest watermark Table IV FREQUENCY OF USE OF WATERMARK Used by Engraver-Printer Keatinge & Ball Keatinge & Ball (b) J. T. Paterson & Co. (c) Evans & Cogswell Keatinge & Ball Keatinge & Ball Leggett, Keatinge & Ball J. T. Paterson & Co. Evans & Cogswell Keatinge & Ball Keatinge & Ball Leggett, Keatinge & Ball J. T. Paterson & Co. B. Duncan Keatinge & Ball Keatinge & Ball Leggett, Keatinge & Ball J. T. Paterson & Co. Evans & Cogswell Keatinge & Ball Keatinge & Ball J. T. Paterson & Co. Leggett, Keatinge & Ball Leggett, Keatinge & Ball Hoyer & Ludwig Leggett, Keatinge & Ball Keatinge & Ball PAPER Richmond Columbia Columbia Columbia Richmond Columbia Richmond Columbia Columbia Richmond Columbia Richmond Columbia Columbia Richmond Columbia Richmond Columbia Columbia Richmond Columbia Columbia Columbia Richmond` Richmond Richmond Columbia Listed in order of estimated increasing limited amount of paper supply. As Leggett, Keatinge & Ball did not use this paper, the appearance of this paper was probably after March, 1862, when the firm became Keatinge & Ball. J. T. Paterson & Co. was formed in May 1862. Evans and Cogswell commenced their contract to print currency on April 7, 1863. Use of this paper must have begun prior to March 1862. Notes: (a) (b) (c) (d) PAGE 22 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 Table III DETAIL ON PAPER USING "CSA" WATERMARK Watermark CSA (script letters) CSA (wavy frame) CSA (block letters) CSA (block letters) Sheet Size 121/2" x 15" 14" x 17" 12%" x 16" 13%" x 16" Watermark Size 1N." x 4" 7/8" x 31/2" Vs" x 3" x 3" Number Times Repeated 6 8 8 8 From: Dietz Confederate States Catalog and Handbook Table V USE OF T. C. C. & Co. WATERMARK Use Year T. C. C. & Co. Engraver-Printer State of Missouri 861 Keatinge & Ball, Columbia, S. C. State of North Carolina 863 J. T. Paterson & Co. State of Virginia 862 Keatinge & Ball, Richmond, Va. *Bank note - Virginia 862 R. Leggett, Richmond, Va. *Bank note - South Carolina 854 Chas. Toppan & Co., Phila. *Bank note - South Carolina 857 Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co., Phila. & N. Y. *Bank note - Tennessee 854 Draper, Toppan, Longacre & Co. Phila. & N. Y. W. T. & Co. State of Florida 1863 Not identified State of Florida 1864 Not identified State of South Carolina 1863 Not identified T. C. & Co. State of North Carolina 1861 Not identified *Note: Letter "W" does not appear on specimens examined. /1 r 7,0r rf .-1-5.3 rx 7Willii001:1)f1rititV n t:1 SAN MAUI/KO. WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PACE 23 Table VI Issue Date December 2, 1862 USE OF PINK PAPER Denomination Criswell No. Engraver-Printer $1 T-55 B. Duncan $2 T-54 J. T. Paterson & Co. $5 T-53 Evans & CogswellJ. T. Paterson & Co. $10 T-52 Evans & Cogswell B. Duncan 50¢ T-63 Archer & Daly $1 T-62 Evans & Cogswell $2 T-61 Evans & Cogswell 50¢ T-72 Archer & Halpin April 6, 1863 February 17, 1864 Table VII ASSIGNMENT OF CATALOG NUMBERS FOR PAPER TYPES The assignment of reference numbers can simplify future references to these various papers and is based on the numbers assigned by Chase (No. 7). Adding of suffix letter W (for width) or L (for length) can be used to indicate direction of the watermark on the note. Catalog No. Paper Type 1 Plain paper 2 Plain paper - bond type 3 Plain paper - thin type 11 Red fiber paper 15 Pink paper 21 Watermark - CSA (block letters) 22 Watermark - CSA (script letters) 23 Watermark - J. Whatman 1862 24 Watermark - Hodgkinson & Co. Wookey Hole Mill 25 Watermark - FIVE 26 Watermark - TEN 27 Watermark - NY 31 Watermark - CSA (block letters) in wavy frame 43 Watermark - J. Whatman 1864 44 Watermark - J. Green & Sons - Two - 2 45 Watermark - T. C. C. & Co. 46 Watermark - W. T. & Co. 47 Watermark - T. C. & Co. 61 Re-used paper - bank note 62 Re-used paper - bill of exchange 63 Re-used paper - bond WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Mon- tana, New Mexico, Colorado; Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Western rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. 176 HENDRICKSON AVE., ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N. Y. SOUTHERN BANK 4/////./7/7 rr'10 , /A. , _L1 //1////,/, , / / , /, , r :',. ..4 / s [I - ss 41: % 1 ' (,, i t„ - , „trio., v *, - itt ( PAGE 24 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 The Altered $10 Note of the Southern Bank of Bainbridge, Georgia By Herbert Eccleston, M.D. The original Southern Bank note Note altered to The Sussex Bank Note altered to The Andover Bank WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 25 In the January, 1959, issue of The Numismatist, the late William Dillistin wrote an excellent article entitled "Altered Notes of the Southern Bank of Georgia at Bainbridge." This article contained a concise history of the Southern Bank and illustrations of its various notes, most of which were altered to the Sussex Bank of Newton, New Jersey. One of these was the ten dollar note of the Southern Bank accompanied by a descrip- tion. Dillistin stated that no altered notes of that parti- cular ten dollar bill could be found. The author sus- pected that the ten dollar note had been altered to the Sussex Bank of Newton, because in "Hodges Journal of Finance and Bank Note Reporter (New York)" under Sussex Bank - Newton, could be found the following quotation on altered bank notes: "10's altered - female in loose robes. Washington on right." I am fortunate to have in my collection an original ten dollar note of the Southern Bank of Georgia. along with this same note to two different northern banks. Dillistin's suspicion that the ten dollar Southern Bank note was altered to the Sussex Bank of Newton, New Jersey, was well founded, although he stated that he had never seen one. Illustrated here is the Southern Bank note in the ten dollar denomination altered to the Sussex Bank of Newton. The vignettes are the same; only names and location have been changed. The title "South- ern Bank" has been changed to the "Sussex Bank"; "of Georgia" directly beneath the title of the Southern Bank has been neatly erased and "of Newton" has been sub- stituted. The "State of Georgia" over the picture of the young girl carrying wheat has been changed in the altered note to the "State of New Jersey." To make the alteration complete, "Bainbridge" in the lower left side of the note has been changed to "Sussex Co." The New African Notes By Jerome H. Remick The Republic of Uganda issued its first bank notes on August 15, 1966, in the 5, 10, 20, and 100 shillings denominations. The notes are of different color and design, but all are the same 80 mm. by 147 mm. size. The 5 shilling note is blue. Its obverse side shows the coat of arms of Uganda. On the reverse is a large waterfall amid a gently undulating terrain. The 10 shilling note is brown and also shows the coat of arms on the obverse. The reverse shows natives picking cotton. The coat of arms appears on the obverse of the 20 shilling purple. Its reverse depicts a grouping of two lions, three elephants, a zebra and a gazelle. The 100 shilling note is green. A very small representation of the coat of arms plus a large bird appear on the obverse side. On the reverse is an engraving of a modern build- ing with the coat of arms superimposed on it. All these notes are issued by the Bank of Uganda and signed by the governor and secretary. Each note has a watermark of an outstretched palm of a hand with the five fingers extended. The Republic of Kenya issued its first currency notes on September 15, 1966, in the same denominations as signatures were also changed. This note is not listed in Wismer, and since Dillistin did not know whether such a note actually existed, I feel it is fairly rare. Neither Dillistin nor the bank note reporters made mention of the fact that this note was also altered on the Andover Bank of Andover, Massachusetts. In this note, "The Southern Bank" has been changed to "The Andover Bank." Note that the "The" has not been changed. The "State of Georgia" over the vignette on the right has been changed to "Massachusetts." "Of Georgia" beneath "The Southern Bank" has been elimin- ated entirely. One can see the white erasure mark over the letter "E" in the word "TEN." This is very evident on the altered note, and it shows up well on the photo- graph also. The word "Andover" has replaced the word "Bainbridge" in the left portion of the note. This note is not listed in Wismer's list of notes of Massachusetts banks. The Southern Bank of Bainbridge was one bank whose notes were altered quite frequently to other banks who were more prosperous and much more solvent, as evi- denced by this one particular note which had not been known previously. This tends to prove that the ten dollar note of the Southern Bank of Bainbridge was altered not only to one bank, but to at least two. REFERENCES "Altered notes of the Southern Bank of Georgia at Bainbridge", William Dillistin, The Numismatist, Vol. 72, No. 1 State Bank Notes of New Jersey, D. C. Wismer "Description of Obsolete Paper", D. C. Wismer, The Numis- matist, Vol. 38, No. I1 (The author wishes to thank Mr. Herman Ferber of I lacken- sack for the excellent photography of the notes.) Uganda. Tanzania issued its initial notes of 5, 10, 20 and 100 shillings on June 14, 1966. Tanzania includes Zanzibar and Tanganyika. Thus all four former mem- bers of the East African Currency Board (Uganda, Kenya, Zanzibar and Tanganiyka) now have their own bank notes. The bank notes of the East African Cur- rency Board will become obsolete. Readers desiring crisp, uncirculated notes of Tanzania, Uganda or Kenya should write to Mr. Joseph Carvalho, Currency Office, Box 55, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. Mr. Carvalho makes a very small service charge and is very prompt with shipments. In sending checks to Africa, it is recommended that letters be registered, as there is still some pilfering of the mails. It's in the Books B`y Earl Hughes QUESTION: Approximately what would my proof obsolete state bank note be worth if I should decide to sell? ANSWER: Nine years ago eight proof notes sold at an average of $22.50, while the ninth note, a $1,000 Bank of the United States, Philadelphia, Pa., proof sold for $110. Unreserved Auction Sale James, Inc., Mar. 27, 1956 PAGE 26 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 Types of the Series of 1882 National Bank Notes By Peter Huntoon The Second Charter Period of 1882 heralded a new series of National Bank Notes that lasted until 1922. Series of 1882 notes were issued by banks chartered for their first time after 1882, or others that were renewing their original charters from the First Charter Period. Aside from the $5 note, the obverse designs remained essentially the same as the Original Series and Series of 1875. Three different reverse designs were used on Series of 1882 notes: Brown-Back (1882-1909), Dates- on-Reverse (1908-1922), and Denomination-on-Reverse (1916-1922). These three reverse designs constitute the major varieties of the series, but minor changes in 1) the legend, 2) use or omission of the geographical letter, and 3) use or omission of a Treasury serial number on the obverse caused several sub-varieties or types. (See illustration). A type is defined as any one of the eight possible com- binations of the three obverse design components listed above. In an earlier article (PAPER MONEY, Vol. 5, No. 4), the writer developed a classification of types for the Series of 1902 based on these same three design com- ponents. In order to avoid confusion, the identical scheme is used for the Series of 1882 notes. This allows either 1882 or 1902 notes to be described by the same classification system. Let us consider the design components that make up a type, remembering that all these varieties occurred in both the Series of 1882 and 1902 notes. In 1882, the legend read ". . . DEPOSITED WITH THE U.S. TREAS- URER AT WASHINGTON" but in 1908, with enactment of the Aldrich - Vreeland Act the legend was changed to read ". . . OR OTHER SECURITIES." This change indicated that National Bank Notes could be backed by securities other than government bonds by the terms of the Aldrich - Vreeland Act. This emergency banking measure made it necessary for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing either to alter the legend on the existing plates or to make new plates to replace the old designs. At the same time, the reverse was changed from the Brown-Back to the green Dates-on-Reverse design. With the expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act in 1916, the legend was to be altered back to the original wording, but this was not carried out completely. The result was the use of ". . . OR OTHER SECURITIES" obverses with Der omiration reverses. As old plates wore out or rew pl ates were engraved, ". . . DEPOSITED WITH THE U S. TREASURER" obverses began to appear with Denomination reverses as prescribed by law. For some unexplained reason, some 10-10-10-10 and 50-50-50-100 Dates-on-Reverse plates continued to be used after 1916, until the end of the series in 1922. Two geographical letters appeared on all National Bank Notes from 1902 through 1924. These letters were overprinted adjacent to the charter numbers on the ob- verse of the notes and designated the section of the coun- try in which the issuing bank was located. Geographical letters were not used on National Bank Notes before 1902 or after 1924. Consequently only Series of 1882 notes issued between 1902 and 1922 had these letters overprinted on their obverse. Brown-Backs printed from 1882 to 1902 are the only variety of the Series of 1882 that can be found without geographical letters. A Treasury serial number was used on all National Bank Notes until 1925, when it was discontinued and replaced by a duplicate bank serial number. Since the Series of 1882 lasted only until 1922, all these notes have a Treasury serial number. Its omission is consid- ered here because this classification is also used for Series of 1902 Nationals which were issued without a Treasury serial number from 1925 to 1929. The information given above is summarized in Table I. In columns 1, 2, and 3, each design component is listed along with the dates during which it was used. In column 4 all the eight possible types are shown. Notice that the length of time each type was used is only the time common to each of the three components making up the type. Types 2 and 6 cannot exist because the geographical letter was discontinued before the Treasury serial number. Therefore, notes do not exist with a geographical letter and duplicate bank serial numbers, regardless of legend. To determine the type of a note, first determine the legend used in column 1. Next, see if a geographical letter is used and move to the appropriate box in column 2. Now find whether a Treasury serial number is used and move to the corresponding box in column 3. The adjacent box in column 4 gives the type of the note. Notice that this method can give the type of every Series 1882 or 1902 National. Table II is used to determine the period of time dur- ing which a note was issued. Find the type in column 1 of Table II and move to the right until you are in the column showing the correct reverse design. In this box are listed all the known denominations of this variety along with their dates of issue. Notice that this period is only the time common to both the reverse variety and the type of the note. (For Series of 1902 Nationals use Table 2 in Volume 5, Number 4 of PAPER MONEY.) To illustrate how this classification system works, con- sider the note shown here from the First National Bank of Honolulu. It is an 1882 $5 Denomination on Re- verse with the ". . . OR OTHER SECURITIES" legend, geographical letters and a Treasury serial number. From Table I, it is seen that this note is a type 5. Using Table II, and starting at type 5, move to the right until you are in the Denomination-on-Reverse column. You will find this $5 variety was issued between 1916 and 1922, but the bank charter number is 5550 and Friedberg shows that it was chartered in 1900. Since the Second Charter lasted only 20 years, the charter of the First Na- tional Bank of Honolulu expired in 1920. Therefore. this bank could have issued this variety of note from 1916 to 1920, a period of only four years. 55SO To za...:V..a a AT HON< NIA 'Li' , 1.2-L1 L4 I 41 1 4 : '77.37 WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 27 A type 5 Denomination-on-Reverse Series of 1882 National Bank Note showing: 1) legend, 2) geographical letter, 3) Treasury serial number Table 1. 1 Legend Type Classification of the Series of 1882 and 1902 National Bank Notes 2 3 4 Geographical Letter Treasury Serial TYPE Number with 1902 - 1908 1 Deposited with the U. S. Treasurer at with 1902 - 1924 1863 - 1925 without 1925 - 1929 1916 - 1924 none 2 Washington 1863 - 1908* 1916 - 1929 without 1873** - 1902 1924 - 1929 with 1863 - 1925 without 1873 - 1902 1924 - 1925 3 1925 - 1929 with 1925 - 1929 4 Or Other Securities with 1902 - 1924 1863 - 1925 without 1925 - 1929 1908 - 1924 none 5 6 1908 - 1929 without 1873** - 1902 1924 - 1929 with 1863 - 1925 without 1924 - 1925 7 1925 - 1929 1925 - 1929 8 * Dillistin mentions that $50 and 8100 Brown-Backs were printed until March 23, 1909. The original legend was probably retained on the obverses of these notes. ** Charter numbers began to appear on National Bank Notes about 1873. Prior to 1873, no charter numbers or geographical letters were used. Table II. Series of I 2 TYPE Brown-Back 5, 10, 20 1882 - 1908* 50, 100 1882 -1909 5, 20 10, 50, Dates-on-Reverse 1908 -1916 100 1908 - 1922*** Denomination-on-Reverse 5, 10, 20 1916 - 1922 50, 100 1919 - 1922 1 5, 10, 20 1902 -1908 50, 100 1902-1909 10, 50, 100 1916-1922 5, 10, 20 50, 100 1916- 1922 1919 - 1921 2 none none none 3 all denomi- nations 1882 -1902 none none 4 none none none 5 none 5, 20 1908 - 1916 5, 10, 20 1916 - 1922 6 none none 10, 50, none none 100 1908-1922 50, 100 none none 1919 - 1921 8 none none none PAGE 28 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 * Friedberg shows these denominations were issued as late as 1909, but records found by Dillistin show the last of each denomination was printed March 23, 1908. Dillistin states that some of these notes were delivered during the 1909 fiscal year. ** Friedberg shows the 50-50-50-100 Dates-on-Reverse plates were used from 1910 to 1922, but Dillistin found records that show these plates were used only between 1911 and 1922. Dillistin also found records of 50-100 Dates-on-Reverse plates in use as early as August 5, 1908, but he fails to show these in his table of plate combinations. *** For some unexplained reason, the 10-10-10-10 and 50-50-50-100 plates were used until 1922. REFERENCES: Dillistin, William H., 1956, A Descriptive History of National Bank Notes, 1863 - 1935, private printing, Paterson, N. J. Friedberg, Robert, 1962, Paper Money of the United States, 4th Edition, Coin and Currency Institute, New York, N. Y. Third Edition of Donlon Catalog Now Available Once again it is a pleasure to report the release of still another edition of the Donlon Catalog of U. S. Small Size Paper Money. This third edition, dated 1967, is a far cry from the original listing that first appeared in PAPER MONEY. But the simple, reliable numbering system is the same, making this dollar volume indispensable to the hobbyist. In pricing, both increases and decreases have been recorded to keep close to the pulse of the market. A careful reading of the many pages of informa- tion would save many collectors from error and doubts, too. Thus, Mr. Donlon serves both the commercial and academic wings of the hobby, whose rapid growth can in large part be attributed to his vision in making such a catalog available at low cost. It can be ordered directly from William P. Donlon, Box 144, Utica, N. Y. 13503. SPMC Officers Teach Numismatics at MIT During the fall 1966 semester, SPMC Governor Maurice M. Gould conducted educational classes on numismatics under the auspices of the Massachusetts Department of Education, University Extension Division, at MIT, Cambridge. Among the lecturers was SPMC President George Wait, whose subject was, naturally enough, paper money. Approximately a hundred stud- ents registered for the eight-lecture series. New Ceylon Note A new two rupee note was recently placed in circula- tion in Ceylon. Red-brown in color and dated 1965-9-9, it shows a large stone statue of a god on the obverse and a building on the reverse. This note, printed by Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. Ltd., New Malden, Surrey, England, replaces the former note dated 1962-11-8. Both the old and the new notes are of the same size, but the subjects depicted on the obverse sides are completely different. JEROME H. REMICK I luntoon, Peter, 1966, "Types of the Series of 1902 National Bank Notes," Paper Money, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 97-99. Specimen Fractional Currency Sales of specimens of fractional currency and frac- tional currency shields amounting to $640.96 were re- ported by the Treasurer of the United States in fiscal 1870. He described sales of "the various kinds of fractional currency, with the faces and backs printed on separate pieces of paper, and mostly pasted on cards," as follows: Up to and including June 30, 1869 $14,042.30 During the fiscal year closing with June 30, 1870 640.96 Total amount sold $14,683.26 FORREST W. DANIEL First SPMC Wismer Catalog Now Available All collectors of obsolete paper money will be glad to know that the first book prepared under the Society's D. C. Wismer rewrite program will be available some- time in April. This hard bound book of about 100 pages covers the obsolete paper money of Florida, both bank notes and scrip. It is lavishly illustrated with photo- graphs almost life size. This book was compiled by Harley L. Freeman, noted authority on Florida paper money. In addition to descriptions of the various notes, Mr. Freeman has sup- plied some interesting background material. The rarity of every note is indicated and a table of values accord. ing to rarity scale is included. The regular price of this book will be $4.75, but mem- bers may purchase it for $4.00. Send check or money order payable to the Society to our Secretary, Mr. J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Box 3005, Anderson, South Carolina. WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 29 SECRETARY'S REPORT New Membership Roster Dealer or No. New Members Collector Dorothy Gershonson, 37 South 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. D Arby W. Goody, 1006 Macarthur, De Ridder, La. C H. H. Chapman, 921 Alabama Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, C Fla. 33312 Raymond H. Greenleaf, 68 Commonwealth Dr. W., C Portland Maine, 04103 Frederick J. Bolton, 241 West Main St., Hummelston, Pa. C Elmer J. Kelley, 918 North 14th St., Manitowoc, Wis. C Edward W. Holmes, 119 Essex Ave., Glouchester, C Mass. 01930 Herman A. Dickes, P. 0. Box 263, Aurora, Ill. C Keith Colman, 333 Taylor Ave. North, Seattle, Wash. C GSA, obsolete & fractional 98109 Cris Schlather, 3500 Halliday Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63118 C, D Kenneth Hughes, 431 Pleasant, Brookfield, Mo. 64628 C Lyman Greer, Box 277, Norris City, 111. 62869 C, D Charles G. Johnson, Jr., 527 N. W. 36th St. Gainesville, C Fla. 32601 Charles D. Bailey, 1217-A. N. Graham-Hopedale Rd., D Burlington, N. C. 27215 Al Rhoades, P. 0. Box 181, Solvang, Cal. 93463 C Ken McDannel, 1405 Weaver St. S. W., Canton, Ohio C 44706 Lester T. Jones, 5701 Waterburg Rd., Des Moines, Iowa C 50312 Richard C. Southgate, 6 Fairview Terrace (Box 132), C, D White River Junction, Vt. 05001 Hy Friedman, 65 Meredith Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 14618 Frank J. Yukon, P. 0. Box 438, Crownpoint, Ind. 46307 C C Ira Rezak, M.D., 3671 Hudson Manor Terrace, River- C dale, N. Y. 10463 Mrs. James A. Ilughes, 444 Detroit Ave., Lincoln Park, C Mich. 48146 John W. Veirs, 603 W. South St., Clinton, 111. 61727 C Louis L. Hastings, 15051 Tatum Rd., Victorville, Cal. C Federal Reserve Bank notes 92392 845 C. G. Burkhartsmeier, 110 W. Maryland Ave., Phoenix, C Ariz. 85013 846 Ernest C. Stiebritz, P. 0. Box I, Gatun, Canal Zone C Panama 847 Robert G. Flaig, 219 Lyon St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45219 C Small size U. S. 848 Stephen Hochman, 58-22 Granger St., Rego Park, N. Y. C 11368 C849 C. Roy Rudolph, 221 N. Sprigg St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. 63701 D850 Helen H. Williamson, 830 Wilson Drive, New Orleans, La. 70119 C851 Raymond J. Isacsson, 201 Danbury Dr., Syracuse, N. Y. 13219 C852 George H. McClellon, 89 Broad St. Rm. 822, Boston Mass. 02110 853 Karl W. Miller, 3708 Birney Ave., Scranton, Pa. 18505 C 854 Garry P. Fellers, 21-140A Upas St., APO Seattle, 98742 C C855 Mrs. Doug O'Camb, 235 Renshaw, Clawson, Mich. 48017 C8156 Dale Willits, Rt. #1, Fort Cobb, Okla. 857 Lee R. Beckett, 241 S. Main St., Henderson, Ky. 42420 C C858 Edmond H. White, 41 Park Ave. Ext., Arlington, Mass. 02174 C, D859 Alexander J. Tycz, 131 Summit St., Manchester, Conn. 06040 C860 Alois Laznik. P. 0. Box 927, Eunice, N. M. 88231 C, D861 Lt. Col. Arthur J. Swett, 81 Sheffield Rd., Newtonville, Mass. 02160 C862 Paul E. Peffer, 1000 No. Greenwood, Kankakee, Ill. 60901 C863 R. E. Lowrance, 2419 Dogwood Lane, Decatur, Ala. 35601 C864 Samuel Loconto, 34 Harrison St., Croton-on Hudson, N . Y. 10520 865 1. W. Tatum, 833 Burke St., Winston Salem, N. C. 27101 C C, D866 Ferd. J. Weisbrodt, 210 West Sharon Ave., Glendale, Ohio 45246 Specialty 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 National currency Obsolete currency World currency (U. S. & Israel) U. S. U. S. notes U. S. U. S. U. S. Small size U. S. U. S. & foreign Large & small U. S. Small size Small size Small size U. S. Silver certificates The unique National Currency & U. S. type notes Large size U. S., fractional, obsolete, colonial & continental Small size U. S. Southern notes Small size U. S. Large & small size U. S., fractional All obsolete & foreign currency All issues up to & including Civil War Large & small size U. S. CSA U. S. type notes & Texas cuurrency Small size U. S., errors Small size U. S. type Small size U. S. silver certificates U. S. PAGE 30 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 21 867 J. B. English, 35 Whaley Ave., East Aurora, N. Y. 14052 C U. S., obsolete, colonial, CSA, scrip 868 Harold N. Galpern, 38 Cornell Rd., Marblehead, Mass. C Small size U. S. 01945 869 W. E. Dewar, 407 Plaza Serena, Ontario, Cal. 91762 C Small size $5 notes 870 A. Park Shaw, Jr., 35 Woodside Circle, Hartford, Conn. C Nationals & large size U. S. 06105 871 Vern Tullberg, 214 E. Chestnut Ave., 114, Glendale, C U. S. & Canadian Cal. 91205 872 Terry A. Bryan, 230 American Ave., Dover, Del. 19901 C Delaware paper money 873 Neil F. Marshall, 5076 Mission Blvd., San Diego, Cal. C 874 M. N. Carswell, 1565 Columbia Dr., Decautur, Ga. 30032 C Large & small size $1 & $2 875 George Mullen, 5523 Claremont St., Rockford, Ill. C U. S. 876 Arthur B. Dunning, Jr., 531 Park Terrace, Birmingham, C CSA & obsolete Ala. 35226 877 George F. Raviler, 26128 Third St., Taylor, Mich. 48180 C 878 Bernard Ferrell, 919 Five Oaks, Dayton, Ohio 45406 C 879 Harold L. Baker, Jr., 65 Linden Rd., Falmouth, Mass. C 02540 880 Mrs. Carolyn M. Frake, 363 Tennessee Lane, Palo Alto, C Russia Cal. 94306 Change of Address 1632 John L. Abernathy, 916 Colonial Dr., Burlington, N. C. 27215 307 Marvin D. Ashmore, P. 0. Box 206, Nederland, Texas 77627 1309 Michael F. Barcheski, 409 Sharon Rd., Coraopolis, Pa. 15108 1444 Stephen M. Bezark, 1316 Lyons St., Evanston, III. 60201 1143 Joseph Gilio, 32 Marlboro Rd., Valley Stream, N. Y. 11581 551 Thomas B. Hollingsworth, 211 High St., Carrboro, N. C. 27510 1301 Emon R. Johnson, P. 0. Box 898, Ormond Beach, Fla. 32074 511 Al C . Overton, P. 0. Box 967, Colorado Springs, Col. 80901 1583 Vance W. Playford, P. 0. Box 242, Stryker, Ohio 43557 1397 Joseph P. Powers, 221 Kentucky Dr., Newport, Ky. 41071 1121 Philip E. Benedetti, Jr., P. 0. Box 1265, Darien, Conn. 06820 1640 Albert W. Lee, 3100 So. Michigan Ave. Apt. 704, Chicago, III. 60616 1376 L. 0. Cavender, P. 0. Box 130, Idabel, Okla. 74745 1363 William F. Lahti, P. 0. Box 74 Sta. H, Buffalo, N. Y. 14214 1069 Michael J. Kotsobos, 104 Kinsey Circle, Cary, N. C. 27511 343 Edward B. Kirkpatrick, 415 East 4th, Bloomington, Ind. 47401 1163 Richard J. Hurley, La Ports Trailer Court R. D. t“, Duanesburg, N. Y. 12056 405 Maj. Kenneth C. Levin, HQ & HQ Company, Committee Group, Ft. Polk, La. 71459 1680 David L. McDanels, 23619 South Oakrest Lane, Harbor City, Cal. 90710 912 Alfred Bergman, Bay Park Towers, Suite 1111, 3301 N. E. 5th Avenue, Miami, Fla. 33137 1693 Raymond J. Hebert, 4421 Faroe Place, Rockville, Md. 20853 595 Bill Waites, P. 0. Box 4962, Kitimat, B. C., Canada 725 Donald T. Burnett, 554 South Craig Place, Lombard, 111. 60148 1604 E. Foedish, 1551 Coriander Apt. 3, Costa Mesa, Cal. 92626 1572 Paul L. Davis, P. 0. Box 973, Midland, Texas 79701 169 James N. Treadway, 1000 Louisiana & Southern Bldg., 225 Baronne, New Orleans, La. 70112 344 Dr. George Fuld, 6714 Town Brook Dr., Baltimore, Md. 21207 336 Adolf Feist, 88 North Washington, Tarrytown, N. Y. 10591 1294 Wayne A. Faulkner, 45 Thoreau Rd., Trenton, N. J. 08690 1645 M. Forrest Speck, 2021 Fairmont Dr., Hanford, Cal. 93230 WHOLE NO. 21 Paper Money PAGE 31 1532 Charles H. Walsh, 10319 So. Hamlin, Chicago, III. 60643 1207 Robert S. Marshall, 3324 Catesby Lane, St. Charles Mo. 63301 1662 R. Thomas Conklin, 103 Route 306, Pamona Hts., Suffern, N. Y. 10901 506 J. W. Schneider, 621-F Dinsmore Dr., Forest Park, Ohio 45240 285 S. J. Serxner, 2607 Cartier Dr., Raleigh, N. C. 27608 1356 Bud Miller, 265 Crosby Blvd., Eggertsville, N. Y. 14226 973 Hillery L. Walker, 11019 S. E. Wichita Ave., Milwaukee, Ore. 97222 29 N. A. Rieger, 28 Upland R., Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80906 824 Alan Dee Einsel, Greensburg, Kansas 67054 1438 Frank Joseph, 1400 John St., Baltimore, Md. 21217 1292 Allen J. Richardson, 2635A Eldorado, Amarillo, Texas 79111 136 Edwin P. Janzen, 4233 Loma Riviera Lane, San Diego, Cal. 92110 426 Philip A. Stewart, Star Route North, Agate Beach, Ore. 97320 Reinstated Deceased 617 W. A. Selfridge, II Dogwood Trail, Kinnelon, N. J. 837 Ralph Weaver 109 L. P. Leonard, 249 Valley Rd., Cos Cob, Conn. 938 David M. O'Neal 1300 Jasper Payne, 207 Micheal St., Knoxville, Tenn. 37914 1222 Forest Armstrong Removed Resigned 737 R. F. Fee 1701 Alan Mark Mendelson (under age) NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS Dues notices for your 1967 dues were mailed in Decem- ber. If you have not paid your 1967 dues, this is the last issue that you will receive until they are paid. * The Trading Post * The members listed below are interested in trading notes. Please contact them directly if you are interested in trading. The fee is $2.00 per listing for two issues. Please note new categories. All future insertions should be sent directly to the Editor. 1. U. S. LARGE NOTES 6. OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Colonials, Continental, Confederate, Broken Bank 2. U. S. LARGE NATIONAL BANK NOTES Notes, Scrip, etc.) Ronald Horstman Rt.. 2 C. J. Affleck Gerald, Mo. 34 Peyton St. Winchester, Va. Robert W. Skadow 6319 N. Oak Park Ave. Chicago, 111. 60031 3. U. S. SMALL NOTES Ronald Horstman Rt.. 2 Gerald, Mo. 4. U. S. SMALL FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES 7. MILITARY CURRENCY (War, Occupation, Concentration Camp and Emergency Issues) 8. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY 5. FOREIGN CURRENCY 9. MISMATCHED SERIAL NO. NOTES NOTICE If more members do not show interest in this non-profit service of their Society through using more insertions, it will be discontinued as of issue No. 23. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY SERIES I buy and sell anything in the FRACTIONAL CURRENCY SERIES SINGLES SHEETS SHIELDS SPECIMENS PROOFS Try a specialist in this series for all your needs. SELL TO A SPECIALIST FOR THE BEST PRICE. Thomas E. Werner 505 N. WALNUT ST. WEST CHESTER, PA. BROKEN BANK • and other obsolete U. S. Currency available I have a large stock on hand at all times and will be happy to add your name to my mailing list. • WHETHER BUYING OR SELLING Please Contact WARREN HENDERSON Obsolete Currency Specialist P. 0. BOX 1358 VENICE, FLA. 33595 U. S. PAPER MONEY FOR THE COLLECTOR Specializing in small and large size paper money. Buying, Selling, Trading. Send for our catalog: Catalog #4 1966/67. WE ARE BUYING Small and large quantities of new and circulated paper money wanted. If you have any to sell please write for our buying list. WANTED Obsolete Bank Notes, Scrip, Store Cards, and Tokens To those members who have received our list #4 as members of the S. P. M. C., and wish to continue to receive our Catalogs FREE:send in the coupon that was enclosed with the catalog, if you have not already done so. Many Thanks. ELGEE COINS P. 0. BOX 388 COOPER STATION NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10003 Proprietor member ANA, SPMC, etc. From NEW JERSEY Buy or Trade • J. M. DUPONT 77 Myersville Rd. Chatham, N. J. CONTINENTAL & COLONIAL CURRENCY 2.00; 3.00 Issue of May 10, 1775. Fine, each $ 9.50 4.00; 6.00; 7.00 Same. V.F. each 13.00 6.00 Issue of Nov. 29, 1775. Fine 9.50 8.00 Same X.F 17.00 $1/6 Issue of Feb. 17, 1776. A. V.F. 12.50 $1/3 Same. A. 81/2. C. Fine. each 9.50 8 1/2 Same. B. Unc. 20.00 3.00 Same. Fine 10.00 2.00, 5.00, 7.00 Same. V.F 13.50 2.00 Issue of May 9, 1776. 7.00 each 11.00 5.00; 6.00 Same V.F. each 16.00 3.00; 4.00 Same X.F. each 19.00 4.00 Issue of July 22, 1776. X.F 16.00 7.00 Same A.0 20.00 3.00 Issue of Nov. 2, 1776. X.F 16.50 30.00 Same A.0 18.00 7.00 Issue of Feb. 26, 1777. 8.00. X.F. each 23.00 7.00 Issue of Sept. 26, 1778, X.F 18.00 8.00; 50.00; 60.00 Same. A.U. each 20.00 30.00; 40.00 Same. Unc. each 23.00 1.00 Issue of Jan. 14, 1779. Fine 12.00 5.00; 50.00 Same X.F. each 20.00 .1.00; 50.00; 60.00 Same. A.U. each 23.00 5.00 Same. Unc. 26.50 PENNSYLVANIA 18 pence; 2 shillings; Issue of April 3, 1772. Unc. each 28.00 20 shillings. Issue of Oct. 1, 1773, A.0 13.00 50 shillings. Same. Unc. 14.00 50 shillings. Issue of April 10, 1775. Unc. 53.00 10 shillings. Issue of July 20, 1775, Unc. 24.00 2 shillings. Issue of Oct. 25, 1775. Unc. 17.00 10 shillings. Issue of Dec. 8, 1775. X.F. 18.00 20 shillings. Issue of April 25, 1776. Unc. 21.00 9 pence. Issue of April 10, 1777. Unc. 15.50 16 shillings. Same X.F 13.50 RHODE ISLAND 6 shillings, 10 sh., 20 sh., 40 sh., signed by Jon. Hazard. X.F. each 14.00 Many other CSA, obsolete, southern state and colonial notes in stock. Want lists Solicited. RICHARD T. HOOBER P. 0. Box 196 Newfoundland, Penna. 18445 WILL BUY National Bank Currency Large or Small SIGHT UNSEEN for $3.00 OVER FACE No duplicate cities will be accepted from you or if I already have the city. Write DENO EVANGELISTA 3001 Arden Way Sacramento, Cal. 95825 FANTASTIC I can offer the RAREST Confederate Item in existence. Complete Un-Cut Sheet of $500.00 Bills of 1864. 500-500-500-500 Price for this complete Sheet of 4 Notes. $5,000.00 (Five Thousand Dollars) Bank of New England. Conn. 1-1-2-5 A.U. $ 7.50 Stonington Bank. Conn. 5-5-5-10 A.U. 14.75 Bank of Augusta. Georgia. 1-1-1-2 A.U. 15.00 Bank of Augusta. Georgia. 5-5-5-5 A.U. 13.50 Frankfort Bank. Ky. 10-5-5-5 A.U. 19.75 Salem Glass Works. N.J. Complete beauti- ful Sheet of 12 Notes. A.U. 32.50 First Nat. Bank. Charleston, S.C. Striking Sheet of 3 Checks in Green dated 187 - A.U. 7.75 FRANK F. SPRINKLE P. 0. BOX 864 BLUEFIELD, W. VA. 24701 PAPER MONEY U. S. LARGE SIZE CURRENCY U. S. SMALL SIZE CURRENCY U. S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY LIST AVAILABLE STAMP PLEASE THEODORE KEMM 915 West End Avenue New York, N. Y. 10025 Confederate Currency 18610,1863 COLLECTOR'S DUPLICATES Criswell's numbers used. All guaranteed to be genuine. No. 1 2 Fr. # 501 502 Donlon 02-1 02-1 Cond. XF Unc 1. $50 July 25, 1861. Tellus at left. Washington at center. Type 8 #15 unc. $20.00 1 1 503 504 02-3 02-4 VF Unc 2. $100 Sept. 2, 1861. Negroes Loading Cotton. Sailor left. Type 13 32 505 02-5 Unc #55 fine $5.00 3. $50 Sept. 2, 1861. Moneta and her treasure chests. Type 14 #75, unc. $6.50 1 1 506 507 02-6 02-7 Unc Unc 4. $20 Sept. 2, 1861. Ship at center. Type 18 #109, XX right inverted, 1 508 02-8 XF rare variety very good $9.00; type 18 #132, unc $6.00 1 509 02-9 Unc5. $10 Sept. 2, 1861. Group of Indians, black and red. Type 22 #151, fine $50.00 6. $10 Sept. 2, 1861. Liberty and Commerce with Urn. Type 28 #231 15 47 510 511 02-10 02-11 Unc Unc unc. $15.00 50 512 02-12 Unc 7. $5 Sept. 2, 1861. Ceres seated on cotton bale. Type 36 #274, very good $2.25 8. $100 written dates 1862. Diffused steam from train. Type 40 24 1 513 535 02-13 05-11 Unc Unc #302 unc. $6.50 1 601 20 -2 XF 9. $100 Aug. 26, 1862. Negroes hoeing cotton. Type 41 #310, rare variety, scroll #1 plain paper, rarity 8, very fine $18.50; type 41 #318 about fine $5.00 2 5 613 20 614 20 -12W -13 Unc Unc 10. $2 June 2, 1862. Benjamin at left. Personification of South 1 616 20 -17 Unc striking down the Union at center. Type 42 #325. Extremely fine to uncirculated $8.00 11. $100 Dec. 2. 1862. Lucy Pickens, green reverse, type 49 #348 CSA watermarked with block letters, wavy borderline. Very 5 1 3 618 20 619 20 621 20 -20 -14 -19 Unc Unc Unc good to fine $10.00 1 654 205-5 XF 12. $10 April 6, 1863. Columbia, S. C. State Capitol. Type 59 #429/11 unc. $5.00 13. $5 April 6, 1863. Richmond, Va. State Capitol. Type 60 #450/1, X. Fine $4.75 4 89 1 656 205-7 656 205-7 2300 H201 XF Uric Unc 14. 500 Apr. 6, 1863. Bust of Jeff. Davis. Type 63 #485, uncircu- lated. $3.75 Send payment with all orders. Everything sold on a 5-day return 1 1 1802 320-1 2402 620-1 F-VF VG privilege. ORLEANS COIN SHOP (HELEN H. WILLIAMSON) P. 0. DRAWER 2347 CUSTOMHOUSE STATION NEW ORLEANS, LA 70116 All notes listed to be disposed of by mail bid. Pre- fer to sell entire collection as one lot, but will consider individual bids for each number. W. R. BISHOP DRAWER 100 EMLENTON, PA. 16373 Grant-Sherman Specimens! Fr. 1273 Crisp and new $100.00 Fr. 1276 Crisp and new; small clip from both obverse and reverse corn; rare; autographed Jeffries & Spinner 150.00 Fr. 1276 Crisp and new; perfect note; This is the rare one; autographed Jeffries & Spinner 195.00 SCARCE COLONIAL NOTES South Carolina $1 Tree on rock; Dec. 12, 1776 G. 22.50 $4 Ship on fire; Dec. 23, 1776 Fine, small piece missing from bottom 32.50 $8 Ship at sea; Dec. 23, 1776; VG 32.50 $8 Four Winds; Oct. 19, 1776; VG 65.00 Delaware 2 shilling 6 pence; Jan. 1, 1776; nice and new 16.00 Pennsylvania 18 pence; April 3, 1772; Fine 25.00 50 shillings; Oct. 1, 1773; AU 14.00 Scotch Tape Expertly Removed! Write for quotations; Describe Your Note Vignette Die Proofs Wanted! Please describe and quote prices SELL OR TRADE All notes strictly Crisp Unc. unless otherwise stated 1928-A $1 Silver Certificates $8.00 each 1935-F $1 Silver Certificates 1.90 each 1935-G $1 Star, no motto, S.C. 2.15 each 1935-H S.C. bank bundle of 100 145.00 Nat. Currency $5 (Sumpter, S. C.) type 2 35.00 $5 Star U. S. Notes 1953-C 10.00 each $5 Star U. S. Notes 1963 #00007944 15.00 each Red. Res. Bank Minn. (Donlon 4501) X.F. 80.00 (above is Nat. Currency $50 note #100041040) Fed. Res. Bank San Francisco, Series 1934 $100 note (Donlon 500-3L) extra fine 110.00 Will trade any of the above notes for German War Souvenirs, Civil War, World War I and II items such as knives, medals, guns, etc. Also interested in old Bowie knives, rifles and double barrel shot- guns; any old pistols. ROCKY ROCKHOLT SPMC 1354 1489 Clayridge Ave. ANA 29672 St. Paul, Minn. 55119 Area 612-777-7248 C. PHALEN 4639 E. Lewis Phoenix, Ariz. 85008 "Paper Money Periscope" Regularly in Coin World recommends you have good reference books: I OFFER - - - Donlon Catalog, 1967 ed. $ 1.10 Shafer Guide Book, 1967 ed. 1.10 Rothert Fractional Currency 1.10 Confederate States Paper Money 1.10 Colonial and Continental Currency 1.10 Friedberg Cat. 5th ed. 12.50 WANTED * STARRED-* SMALL SIZE $1 NOTES Collector will pay by return air mail the indicated prices for the first crisp uncirculated STAR a note received in each series listed. Want one note only of each series. Donlon # Series Will Pay 101-1 *1928 U.S.N, $100.00 All Postpaid . .. What Other Books Needed? 201-2 *1928B S. C. 25.00 Silver Certificate Dollars .... Crisp Unc. 201-4 *1928C S. C. 400.00 Ser. 1935D Wide (D-F) 4.00 201-6 :'1928E S. C. 600.00 Ser. 1935D Narrow (D-F, U-F) 4.00 Ser. 1935E 3.50 201-8 *1935 S. C. 25.00 Ser. 1935F IZ-11 2.25 H-201 *1935A S. C. 25.00 Ser. 1935H (E 03 . 2.25Ser. 1957B (Y 09 ... 2.10 R0201 "1935A "R" 125.00 Federal Reserve Dollars .... Crisp Unc. S-201 *1935A - 5 - 125.00 Ser. 1963 and 1963A. Send want list for suffix varieties, stars, specific wants. WARREN E. HERBERT P. 0. Box 3471, Columbus, Ohio 43214 Phone 614-888-1259 SPMC 672 NATHAN GOLDSTEIN II, SPMC 133 P. 0. Box 36 Greenville, Miss. 38701 Free Illustrated Catalog Featuring U. S., Foreign and Ancient Coins B. B. Note sheets and Confederate Currency Over 20 Genuine Cal. Gold Pieces Dozens of pre-1915 "Numismatists" Many Early Auction Catalogs and Books Exposition Material and Political Items AN OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE ITEMS WHICH ARE SELDOM OFFERED Catalogs sent upon request only. Reserve your copy today. Please include ZIP and 25c to cover postage and handling. H. G. SPANGENBERGER P. 0. Box 203S Englewood (Dayton), Ohio 45322 Illinois Depression Scrip • Springfield, Illinois $1.00 For value received, on or before May 15, 1933, the undersigned promises to pay to Springfield Credit Clearing Committee, or order, the sum of ONE Dollars, at its office in Springfield, Illinois. The makers and endorsers hereof waive presentment, protest, and notice of dishonor. Deorge Edw. Day Sons Co., Inc. Account No. 18 Will Trade The Above For Other Depression Scrip Of Any State That I Need. Most notes have two or three folds; will send the best available. Please inquire for other types of trades. • RONALD MURPHY P. 0. Box 31 Glenarm, III. 62536 $ 4.75 12.00 6.50 10.00 5.50 5.25 4.50 11.00 8.00 3.50 4.95 20.00 16.50 24.00 4.95 7.50 5.75 6.95 18.110 5.91 6.25 5.75 YE OLD STATE BANK "Come In and Browse Around" GEORGIA 2. Aug. Sac. Bk. Conf. Cert. of Deposit. VF. Planters & Mech. Bk. of Dalton. Fox Hunt. Crisp 3. Bk. of Commerce, Savannah. Conf. Bank Scrip. F. 5. Mfgr's Bk. Female in clouds with eagle. VF. 5. Farmers & Mech. Bk. "Columbia" as on U. S. Notes. City Bk. Augusta. Horseman fighting dragon. VG. 1. Aug. Ins. & Bkg. Co. Blacksmith. F.VF. 50. Mech. Bk. of Aug. Train. Georgia rattlesnake. VG. TENNESSEE $ 10. Exc. Bk., Murfreesboro. Selling the bull. YG-F. 1. Farmers & &Mere. Bk. Memphis. Farmer. red G. 5. Same bank. Five gold dollars. blue. VG-F. 20. Same. Female seated by sea. red. U. Crisp. 50. Same. Watermarked TCC&Co as Conf. note. U. Crisp. 100. Same. Watermarked. Note. no. 11. U. Crisp 1. Central Bk. of Tens. Nash. Sugar Cane. VG. 5. Sou. Bk. of Tenn. Memphis. "Battle of N. 0." Fr. 2. Bk. of Chatta. Conf. Bank Scrip. K&B. F. 3. Bk. of E. Tenn. (Chatta.) Seal. F-VF. 3. Same Bank. (Jonesboro) Two females, etc. VF. 5. Same Bank. (Jonesboro) Four females, VG-F. 10. Same Bank. (Jonesboro) ) Calhoun. I"- \T. 20. Same Bank. VU. KENTUCKY $ 1. Ilk. of Ky., Newport. Three men. BB shot hole. F. 7.45 5. 10. Frankfort Bk. Shepherdess. Female. Crisp. each 5.50 1. Newport Lyceum. Female seated by riverside. G. 6.25 1. Same. Train. Payable . at Portsmouth, Ohio. F. 17.50 INDIANA $ 1. Bank of Plymouth. Three men. 1857. Fair. Scarce 7.00 1. Perry County Bank. Horses. 1854 Cl 9.50 2. Comm. Exc. Bk. Four females. Redeemed in Iowa. U. 9.25 2. Citizens Bk. Gosport. Train, etc. Crisp. U. 10.50 5. LaPorte & Plymouth Plank Road Co. EF-U. Crisp 15.00 1. State Stock Bk. Logansport. Three females. Fair. 3.50 2. American Bk. Dover Hill. Child's portrait. G. 3.50 20. State Bk. of Ind. Indpls. Capitol. Corner off. G. 5.50 PENNSYLVANIA $ 5. Bk. of Lewistown. Haying scene. 1844. VG. 4.75 10. Same Bank. Different haying scene. 1844. VG. 5.91 5. Northampton Bk. Allentown. Beehive. VG. 4.75 10. Northampton Bank. Northampton. 1836. VG. 9.00 5. Bk. of Susquehanna Co. Drover, Blacksmith. F. 5.00 1. Towanda Bk. Horses. Note signed by clerk. VF. 4.50 2. North Western Bk. "Deer in the Clearing" 1861. F. 5.75 5. Same. Liberty & Ceres. Red FIVE, left and right, F. 6.75 256 Western Market Douse. "In Marketing" Bull. Proof. 13.50 MARYLAND $ 1. Somerset & Worcester Sa y . Bk. Beautiful. Green. U. 3.75 2. Same Bk. Milk Maid, two cows. red. U 6.50 3. Same Bk. Blacksmith Shop Scene. red. U. 7.50 5. Same, Pastoral scene, Cooper, Farm girls. EF. Cr. 6.50 1. Alleghany Co. Bk. Two farm scenes. green rev. EN'. 7.75 5. Same. Outside the coal mine. red. IT. Crisp 5.50 10. Same. Outside the coal mine. red. VF. 8.75 5. Farmers & Merc. Bk. of Cecil C.. Man plowing. G. 3.75 5. Commercial Bk. of Millington. Neptune. U. Crisp 12.50 10. Same. Female std. surrounded by goodies. U. Crisp. 10.50 5. C & 0 Canal Co. Female std. by canal. RE. Crisp. 6.00 10. Same. Wash. Lafayette. Post note as above. U. Cr. 7.75 5. Frederick Town Br. Bk. Water mill scene. Cut cane. 6.00 10. Same. #12. Dated Washington's Birthday 1836. cc F. 7.50 5. Clinton Bk. Westernport. Train. red VG-F. 7.95 5. Valley Bank of Md. Hagerstown. Grey FIVE. 1855. VG. 4.75 5. Same. Liberty std. by eagle as above. red EF-U. 6.75 10. Same. Grey TEN. 1855. Female with sickle. G. 7.50 10. Same. Red TEN. 1856. Bashful couple at left. EF 7.25 Please add 156 postage any size order. Satisfaction guaranteed. WANTED: Obsolete notes for resale on these pages. Send Want List for personalized service. EARL HUGHES Route 2, Box 203-A Mitchell, Ind. 47446 PONTIFICAL STATE ITALY AND FOREIGN • .ASSIGNATS OF FRENCH REVOLUTION AND OF 1st ROMAN REPUBLIC (1798-9) • PAPER MONEY 0 Please write to: ALFREDO P. MARCON Via dei Coronari, 112 Boma - 2, Italia pRoESSioNk NUMISMATISTS % um) -INc Large Size U. S. Currency LEGAL TENDER AND SILVER CERTIFICATES 1.00 Fr. 19 Unc. $200.00 2.00 Fr. 51 VF $ 30.00 10.00 Fr. 106 Unc. $150.00 1.00 Fr. 29 Unc. 37.00 2.00 Fr. 57 Unc. 32.50 10.00 Fr. 116 #B1 250.00 1.00 Fr. 30 Unc. 37.00 2.00 Fr. 60 Unc. 27.50 10.00 Fr. 122 Unc. 100.00 1.00 Fr. 39 Cut Sheet 80.00 5.00 Fr. 64 Unc. 70.00 10.00 Fr. 123 AU 600.00 1.00 Fr. 40 #A66 B Unc. .. 75.00 5.00 Fr. 67 XF 100.00 2.00 Fr. 242 Unc. 175.00 2.00 Fr. 42 AU 190.00 5.00 Fr. 73 Unc. 135.00 10.00 Fr. 289 Unc. 450.00 2.00 Fr. 47 VF 60.00 5.00 Fr. 77 VF 75.00 20.00 Fr. 320 Unc. 275.00 2.00 Fr. 48 Unc. 150.00 5.00 Fr. 91 Unc. 25.00 50.00 Fr. 335 F.-VF 200.00 GOLD CERTIFICATES 20.00 Fr. 1179 VF Rare $300.00 100.00 Fr. 1215 VF $210.00 500.00 Fr. 1216 VF 775.00 50.00 Fr. 1200 XF 150.00 100.00 Fr. 1215 XF 300.00 500.00 Fr. 1217 VF 775.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES 1.00 Fr. 740 V.F. 17.50 X.F. 25.00 2.00 Fr. 770 Good 25.00 1.00 Fr. 741 V.G. 25.00 Fine 42.00 2.00 Fr. 776 Fine 30.00 V.F. 65.00 X.F. 95.00 5.00 Fr. 782 Fine 20.00 1.00 Fr. 742 V.F. 17.50 X.F. 25.00 5.00 Fr. 800 Good 17.50 A.U. 34.00 5.00 Fr. 803 Good 17.50 2.00 Fr. 767 Fine 17.50 5.00 Fr. 806 Fine 75.00 NATIONAL BANK NOTES 2.00 Fr. 387 Boston, Mass. Good $110.00 5.00 Fr. 595 New York City Unc. 100.00 2.00 Fr. 392 Hartford, Conn. A.U. 350.00 20.00 Fr. 650 Clarkston, Wash. F. 60.00 5.00 Fr. 403 Bay City, Mich. V.F. 100.00 20.00 Fr. 650 Lewiston, Idaho A.U. 150.00 5.00 Fr. 472 Saginaw, Mich. Unc. 100.00 20.00 Fr. 653 Union City, Mich. A.U. 75.00 10.00 Fr. 490 Fargo, No. Dakota A.U. 110.00 10.00 Fr. 628 Salt Lake City, Ut. X.F. 85.00 50.00 Fr. 512 N.O., La. A.U. 300.00 10.00 Fr. 634 Albuquerque, N. M. V.F. 45.00 COLCRADO TERRITORY - 5.00 Fr. 401 Central City, Very Rare Black Charter No. V.F. $775.00 OHIO NATIONAL BANK NOTES FIRST CHARTER SECOND CHARTER 1.00 Fr. =380 Toledo V.F. $100.00 5.00 Fr. 466 =1 Sandusky A.U. 100.00 Blue Numbers on Above 5.00 Fr. 467 Bucyrus Unc. 100.00 1.00 Fr. =380 Ironton Good 20.00 5.00 Fr. 472 Wilmington Unc. 115.00 1.00 Fr. = 380 Springfield Good 20.00 10.00 Fr. 489 Coshocton X.F. 65.00 2.00 Fr. 387 Painesville Good 125.00 20.00 Fr. 494 Ripley Unc. 250.00 2.00 Fr. 389 Cambridge X.F. 300.00 20.00 Fr. 504 Cadiz Unc. 200.00 2.00 Fr. 392 Portsmouth V.F. 225.00 20.00 Fr. 497 Miamisburg V.F. 70.00 5.00 Fr. 404 Elyria Fine 60.00 50.00 Fr. 513 Dayton Fine 125.00 5.00 Fr. 405 Xenia Fine 60.00 10.00 Fr. 545 Canton Unc. 125.00 5.00 Fr. 405 East Liverpool A.U.+ 200.00 20.00 Fr. 550 Columbus Unc. 225.00 10.00 Fr. 412 Massillon Fine 85.00 5.00 Fr. 574 Columbus V.F. 75.00 10.00 Fr. 420 VanWert AU 225.00 20.00 Fr. 434 Columbus A.U.+ 500.00 50.00 Fr. 440 Cincinnati Good 325.00 P.N.G. 65 Sohn 91. Rolm III NUMISMATIST P. 0. BOX 2381 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75221 LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. 402 OFFERED FIRST TO MEMBERS NEW YORK CITY NATIONALS SCARCE FIRST CHARTERS AND 1882 BROWN BACKS This little group of choice Nationals has been set aside and will not be offered in other publications until after this ad appears. E'UT DON'T DELAY! SEND CHECK TODAY! Order with confidence. Full refund if any note is not to your liking. Second choice advisable. ONE DOLLAR 384 Continental Natl. Bk. Ch. #1389, Aug. 1, 1865, Allison-Wyman Fine $ 52.50 380 Marine Natl. Bk. No Charter no. July 1, 1865, Colby-Spinner Very fine 74.50 380 Saint Nicholas Natl. Bk. No Charter no. .July 1. 1865, Colby-Spinner Very fine 82.50 380 Seventh Natl. Bk. Charter #998, July 1, 1865. Colby-Spinner, cut close Very fine 67.50 384 Tradesmen's Natl. Bk. Charter #905, July 1, 1865, Allison-Wyman, Ex-Grinnell, signed by t‘vo bank officers named Berry Very fine 79.50 TWO DOLLAR "LAZY 2" 391 Central Natl. Bk. Charter #376, Jan. 2, 1865, Allison-Wyman. Strictly Fine $325.05 FIVE DOLLARS :197 Gal'atin Natl. Bk. No Charter no. Aug. 1, 1865, Colby-Spinner, needle hole NEW $210.00 105 Linco:n Natl. Bk. Charter #2608, Jan. 4, 1882, Bruce-Gilfillan F/V.F. 72.50 401 Natl. Banking Assoc. Charter #1393, Aug. 1. 1865, Scofield-Gilfillan NEW 225.00 397 Natl. Bk. of Commerce, No Charter no. Jan. 19, 1865 Monogram NBC, Colby-Spinner ..Fine 72.50 397 Tradesmens Natl. Bk. No. Ch. # Apr. 20, 1865. Colby-Spinner. Needle holed. NEW 210.00 FIFTY DOLLARS 114 National Bank of the Republic, in demand for its Charter #1000, May 10, 1865. Aver' scarce denomination in tine condition. Seldom offered. •n 705.ae FIVE DOLLAR 1882 BROWN BACKS 471 American Exchange N.B. Charter #1394, July 1, 1885, Rosecrans-Huston Very fine $ 39.50 466 Central Natl. Bk. Chai ter #376, Feb. 25, 1883, Bruce-Gilfillan Extra Fine 55.00 469 Hanover Natl. Bk. Charter #1352, June 1, 1865, Rosecrans-Jordan NEW 85.00 472 Natl. Bk. of No. Am. Charter #4581, June 11, 1891. Rosecrans-Nebeker NEW 85.00 475 Chase Natl. Bank. Charter #2370, Sept. 13, 1897, Tillman-Roberts, in office only 5 months, This signature combination is much more scarce than catalog indicates. NEW 180.00 THE VERY RARE ROSECRANS-MORGAN 1882 BROWN BACK The scarcest signature combination, the result of only 18 days in office. F486 $10.00 PLY- MOUTH, INDIANA. First National Bank. Charter #2119 Very Fine $795.011 Please note that minor imperfections are frequently found in the early series of National Currency. These notes were usually cut from sheets by tellers with large shears. Tellers' thumbprints are sometimes present. Needle holes were caused by safety precautions of sewing notes into packs. Con- sideration of these slight imperfections is reflected in the pricing. JUST OFF THE PRESS! .2nd Printing of the 1967 edition DONLON'S "UNITED STATES SMALL SIZE PAPER MONEY," with several changes and corrections. $1.00 ppd. WILLIAM P. DONLON PROFESSIOlik NUMISMIITISIS 1!. D iNc United States Currency Exclusively and Full Time! A.N.A. 4295 Life Member No. 101 UTICA, NEW YORK 13503 S. P. M. A. No. 74 P. 0. BOX 144