
Paper Money - Vol. XIV, No. 4 - Whole No. 58 - July - August 1975

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Vol. XIV No. 4 Whole No. 58 July/August 1975 ku^ _ \ , ( /i/lai, (i galtd, huyiid, 6/7 b.: •r ,T '4/ (/Mar/d, TEN , EMEI //,; -L& / ,oe,ate, V;;;:- 6-1,11/ le-+ of 47ret •fhwand‘.74i. f11)-(_ •/g41.e#Aia, Me dfy J . ••• , 4 • • / •.,•ile ;;;;-. /4,44 /, • /4/ ,/ / • ir;t4•1 (nt e0-' /,74,, • — arlieffnarbYRT''&4,/;;:://,; • Paper Iltene9 BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE 5PCilif of PIMP 11(oftef Collectorio Type I Bank of the United States notes. See W. J. Harrison's study of that pioneer institution in this issue. NOW at these Low Prices Sets - Last 2 Nos. Match 25.75 23.75 8.75 19.75 19.75 19.75 16.95 18.75 18.75 169.75 Complete Star Sets - Last Star Seta 2 Noa. Match 24.95 27.75 22.95 25.75 6.95 8.75 20.95 22.75 20.95 22.75 23.95 27.75 18.95 21.75 22.95 24.75 156.75 176.75 (12) (12) ( 4) (12) (11) (12) ( 9) (11) All 8 Star Sets (83) PROFESSIONk NUMISMATISTS BUILD ° INC' SUPERB U. S. UNCUT SHEETS Beautiful Crisp New Sheets of Twelve = "Leaders" in Today's Great rarities. These Potential "Best of Show" Winners can put Your Collection in the "Blue Ribbon Class". just One or Two of most = So Subject to Prior Sale. WANTED-Perfect CN Sheets (4, 6, 12, 18). Call or Write. SILVER CERTIFICATE SHEETS LEGAL TENDER SHEETS 1928 $1 Tate/Mellon. Quantity issued is unknown but Very Rare 1,699.50 1928-C $1 Woods/Woodin. Only 11 Sheets issued so Rarer than 1928E Sheets 10,449.50 1928D $1 Julian/Woodin. Only 60 Sheets issued = Far Less Exist today 5,449.50 1928E $1 Julian/Morgenthau. Only 25 Sheets issued but many were cut up and likely less than 10 now exist 14,449.50 1934 $1 Sigs. as last/only 25 Sheets were issued-now Very Rare 1,849.50 1935 $1 Sigs. as last. 100 Sheets issued 1,149.50 1935A $1 Same Sigs. 100 issued 1,099.50 1935B $1 Julian/Vinson. 100 issued 1,199.50 1935C $1 Julian/Snyder. 100 issued 949.50 1935D $1 Clark/Snyder. Scarce 889.50 Above Complete Set of all $1 Sheets = A Great Museum Collection 36,689.50 SPECIAL = These Two Great, Exciting Collections = Priced at 1928D $2 Julian/Vinson. Only 50 Sheets issued = Very Rare 1,649.50 1928F $2 Julian/Snyder. 100 Sheets issued but like others, many have been cut up 1,149.50 1928G $2 Clark/Snyder. 100 issued 989.50 Above Five Sheets = A Great Opportunity to acquire these Rarities 14,989.50 47,989.50 1928 $1 Woods/Woodin. Small Red Seal Only Eight Sheets were issued-and This, the Seventh Sheet Issued, indeed a Great Rarity and Truly an Exciting "Museum Show Piece" is Priced Far below the Astronomical Price Range of many Coins of Lesser Rarity only 9,989.50 1928C $2 Julian/Morgenthau. Only 25 Sheets issued = but Far Less Exist today 1,989.50 SUMMER = SPECIAL OFFER # The Two Above Sheets-Specially Priced during July-August only: 1935C $1 Silver Certificates. Julian/Snyder ($949.50 after 8/31) $889.50 1928G $2 Legal Tender. Clark/Snyder ($989.50 after 8/31) 949.50 SPECIAL = The Pair-"Eye-Catching" Display Sheets 1,689.50 $1 FEDERAL RESERVE SETS Superb Crisp Sets-Buy Complete Sets 1963 Granahan/Dillon (12) 23.95 1963A Granahan/Fowler (12) 21.95 1963B Granahan/Barr ( 5) 6.95 1969 Elston/Kennedy (12) 17.95 1969A Kabis/Kennedy (12) 17.95 1969B Kabis/Connally (12) 17.95 1969C Banuelos/Connally (10) 14.95 1969D Banuelos/Schultz (12) 16.95 1974 Neff/Simon (12) 16.95 1963/1974=All Nine Sets (99) 149.75 ALL-MATCHING NUMBERED SETS 1963/1974=All Nine Sets (99) + Each with the Same Last Two Numbers 184.75 1963/1969D=All Eight Star Sets (83) + Each with the Same Last Two Numbers 189.75 LIBRARY SPECIALS-POSTPAID Save $$$'s on Books (Orders $20 or more) = Deduct 10% Discount (Or 15% IF you also Include a Currency Order. Send $1 for cur Big Book Catalogue (Lists over 100 Books on Paper Money). For Fast P. 0. Service Add 50c Special Handling. Bradbeer. "Confederate & Southern States Currency". Reprint Criswell. "North American Currency". 2nd Ed. Incl. Canadian & Mexican Currency. Illus'd., Values SPECIAL-Above BIG Pair-NET Friedberg. "Paper Money of the United States". New 8th Ed Hessler. "The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money" Illus'd., Values It's Terrific Pick. "The Standard Catalog of World Paper Money". 20,000 Notes, Listed & Priced. 4,000 photos Van Belkum. "National Bank Notes of the Note Issuing Period 1863/1935". List all Charter Banks (14,343) Warns. "The Nevada Sixteen National Bank Notes". An Ex- citing Work 14.50 Kagm Donlon. "U.S. Large Size Paper Money 1861/1923" New 4th 3.50* 15.00 Hewitt/Donlon. "Catalog of Small Size Paper Money". 11th Ed 1.95• 22.50 Kemm. "The Official Guide to U.S. Paper Money". 1975 Ed. 1.35* 17.50 O'Donnell. "The Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper Money". 4th Ed. All You'll Want to Know about Block Col- 20.00 lecting. ($10). Special-Net 6.95* Shafer. "Guide Book of Modern U.S. Currency". 6th Ed. 2.65* 15.00 Werlich. "Catalog of U.S. & Canada Paper Money". New 1974 Ed. 3.95* 13.50 SPECIAL = The Above BIG Six, Starred *, NET 15.75 Discounts shown Applies only to Book Orders ($20 or more)-All 17.50 Currency Prices are NET. $1 "R" & "S" EXPERIMENTAL ISSUE 1935A $1 Red R & S Special Issue Notes (Red R = $98.75 ; Red S $79.75). Superb Pair 149.75 Similar Pair = also Crisp New (But not as well Centered) 124.75 Ask for our List of Small Size Notes, Sheets, Etc.-and Accessories, BUY ON OUR E - Z PAYMENT PLAN $200.00 Minimum. No Interest or Carrying Charges. Pay 14 Down, then 1/4 every 30 Days for the Next 3 Months. Your Order will be sent by Registered Airmail upon Receipt of your Final Payment. A Great Way to Buy Higher Priced Items. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please add $1.00 under $100.00. Nebraskans Add Sales Tax. All Note Orders are Shipped by Airmail. IF you also Collect United States or World Coins ask for our Bargain Lists (send 30c to help on Mailing Costs). Please State Specialty. Why Not give us a Try-You're Sure to become a "Bebee Booster". MEMBER: Life #110 ANA, ANS, PNG, SCPN, SPMC, IAPN, Others. Bebee's, inc. "Pronto Service" 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 SOCI F. I \ 7.!<1 \ PAPER MON Ll yl..) COLLECTORS IN( x}.!.C.. r./.0/1.11 4427_ Founded 1961 P11120 iltone9 Official Bimonthly Publication of THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS, INC. PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., J. Roy Pen- nell, Jr., P. O. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29621. Second class postage paid at An- derson, SC 29621 and at additional entry office, Federalsburg, MD 21632. Annual membership dues in SPMC are $8.00, of which $5.25 are for a subscrip- tion to PAPER MONEY. Subscriptions to non-members are $10.00 a year. Individual copies of current issues, $1.75. © Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc., 1975. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. ADVERTISING RATES Vol. XIV - No. 4 Whole No. 58 July/August 1975 BARBARA R. MUELLER. Editor 225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 Tel. 414-674-5239 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publica- tion (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) SOCIETY BUSINESS & MAGAZINE CIRCULATION Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership, changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P. 0. Box 8984, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310. IN THIS ISSUE: Space Outside 1 Time Contract Rates 3 Times 6 Times Back Cover ....$40.00 inside Front & $108.00 $204.00 Back Cover .... 37.50 101.25 191.25 Full page 32.50 87.75 165.75 Half-page 20.00 54.00 102.00 Quarter-page 12.50 33.75 63.75 Eighth-page 8.00 21.60 40.80 25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition; en- gravings & artwork at cost + 5%; copy should be typed; $2 per printed page typing fee. Advertising copy deadlines: The 15th of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 15 for March issue) . Reserve space in advance if possible. PAPER MONEY does not guarantee adver- tisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic mate- rial and publications and accessories related thereto. All advertising copy and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor. RED SEAL VICE-PRESIDENT'S SHEETS OF MORAVIA, N. Y.—CHARTER 99 M. Owen Warns 171 THE BANK OF THE UNITED STATES NOTES — William J. Harrison 174 TYPE COLLECTING—U. S. PAPER CURRENCY Paul H. Johansen 180 WORLD NEWS AND NOTES 184 THE HAPSBURG'S OCCUPATION MONEY IN ITALY 1796-1866 —Dr. Michael Kupa 186 $100 INTEREST BEARING "NOTE" A FACSIMILE 188 THE FINANCIAL HISTORY OF COLONIAL PENNSYLVANIA —Richard T. Hobber 189 WALL DISPLAYS OF SMALL-SIZE CURRENCY --Graeme M. Ton, Jr. 192 A CUSTOM-MADE RECORD LOG BOOK FOR EVERYONE — Mike Carter 193 FEDERAL RESERVE CORNER Nathan Goldstein II 194 SPMC BICENTENNIAL FEATURE: UNITED STATES LOAN OFFICE CERTIFICATES — Gene Hessler 195 U. S. BICENTENNIAL NOTE STILL SOUGHT 196 THE WESTERN RESERVE BANK AND THE STORY OF NEW CONNECTICUT — Charles V. Kemp, Jr. 197 RARE BANKNOTES, BANKS AND BANKERS OF INDIANA, PART IV —Wendell Wolka 199 The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. SPMC CHRONICLE 200 SECRETARY'S REPORT Vernon L. Brown 203 MONEY MART 206 Cocie4 of Pape honey CollectoN4 OFFICERS President J Roy Pennell, Jr. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, S. C. 29621 Vice-President Robert E. Medlar 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Secretary Vernon L. Brown P. 0. Box 8984, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33310 Treasurer M. Owen Warns P. 0. Box 1840, Milwaukee, Wis 53201 APPOINTEES Editor Barbara R. Mueller Librarian Wendell Wolka BOARD OF GOVERNORS Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W. Daniel, James N. Gates, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison, Robert E. Medlar, Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, Harry G. Wigington, Wendell Wolka. When making inquiries, please include stamped, self-addressed envelope. Society Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of mem- bers only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in the official Membership Directory available only to members from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER MONEY. For further information, write the Librarian-Wen- dell Wolka., P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, III. 60521. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its an- nual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral char- acter. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "J". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES-The Society dues are on a calendar year basis and are $8.00 per year, payable in U.S. Funds. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO SOCIETY MEMBERS One of the stated objectives of SPMC is to "encourage research about paper money and publication of the re- sultant findings." In line with this objective, the following publications are currently available: We have the following back issues of PAPER MONEY for sale for $1.00 each. For orders of less than 5 copies at one time, please include $0.25 per issue for postage. We have only the issues listed for sale. q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 2 (No. 14) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 3 (No. 35) q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 3 (No. 15) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 4 (No. 36) q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 4 (No. 16) Vol. 10, 1971, No. 1 (No. 37) q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 1 (No. 17) Vol. 10, 1971, No. 2 (No. 38) q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 2 (No. 18) Vol. 10, 1971, No. 3 (No. 391 q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 3 (No. 19) Vol. 10, 1971, No. 4 (No. 40) q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 4 (No. 20) q Vol. 11, 1972, No. 1 (No. 41) q Vol. 6 , 1967, No. 1 (No. 21) q Vol. 11. 1972, No. 2 (No. 42) q Vol. 6, 1967, No. 2 (No. 22) q Vol. 11, 1972, No. 3 (No. 48) q Vol. 6, 1967, No. 3 (No. 23) Vol. 11, 1972, No. 3 (No. 44) q Vol. 6, 1967, No. 4 (No. 24) Vol. 12, 1973, No. 1 (No. 15) q Vol. 7, 1968, No. 1 (No. 25) Vol. 12, 1973, No. 2 (No. 46) q Vol. q vol. 7, 7, 1968, 1968, No. 2 No. 3 (No. (No. 26) 27) Vol. Vol. 12, 12, 1973, 1973. No. 3 No. 4 (No. (No. 47) 48) q Vol. 7, 1968, No. 4 (No. 28) Vol. 13, 1974, No. 1 (No. 49) q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 1 (No. 29) Vol. 13, 1974,. No. 2 (No. 50) q vol. 8, 1969, No. 2 (No. 30) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 3 (No. 51) q vol. 8, 1969, No. 3 (No. 31) Vol. 13, 1974, No. 4 (M. 52) q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 4 (No. 32) 0 Vol. 13, 1974, No. 5 (No. 53) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 6 (No. 54) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 1 (No. 33) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 2 (No. 34) Index Vol. 1-10 $1.00 We have a few cloth bound copies of PAPER MONEY for sale as follows: Vol. 5 & Vol. 6 Nos. 17 through 24 Cloth Bound $12.50 Vol. 7 & Vol. 8 Nos. 25 through 32 Cloth Bound $12.60 Vol. 9 & Vol. 10 Nos. 33 through 40 Cloth Bound $12.50 Vol. 11 & Vol. 12 Nos. 41 through 48 Cloth Bound $17.50 We have the following books for sale: q FLORIDA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $4.00 Harley L. Freeman q MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $5.00 R. H. Rockholt q TEXAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $6.00 Robert E. Medlar q VERMONT OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $10.00 Mayre B. Coulter • NATIONAL BANK NOTE ISSUES OF 1929-1935 $9.75 Warns - Huntoon - Van Belkum The above prices are for SPMC Members. All of these cloth bound books are x 11" and have many illustrations. Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Check the box at the left of description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U....S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to : Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Send remittance payable to The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. P. O. Box 858, Anderson, S.C. 29621 Be Sure To Include Zip Code! •■•1111. 44t: • ••• • • • • 44, •4 • 4 • ...44.441110414.4.n., Antnito e 6 NATIO:"L - ,}1811.(11,11611.4r1.01.2.0.C.C.,011-1,4Pn -4,I1R• • UVu 11.1,,SoNAKYV•INv..r. ‘,TioNAL atm*. or 3.4c .1"It41 U., rsYiKEe.anro.g^101]I@iO a[ 111106RitliSillAnittfit hi(52 - 0) 1,14Necorr 99 I WIt41 rr 0 . • 1.1fli1n1""AillOilf-Aillnifit staseve.... E xigi01.41411A-Nreqr, 901 -4$14.111 . titiokkJast Z tram.. rvamvILVVICIterchlovv,v • NM v ■ ■ I • 1/t/.41.t.itt44 .A. '1 4 1:N 114 )11.1.Alt!44 v-aum•zac-aessurtNovvista. ,..- 111MISTEUFAMERKE 4 ";1131:- .014,41.0, xvricou:ntuor 99 TEN MVII.J.Alift{ .6;r) (11llitiGkagitgilatillit ti 1611 31: E xvrioNALlatuito 99 to aitti.italittri5:. E 4/4•04.0.444044.1,4•014•11/4t4 WHOLE NO. 5 8 Paper Money PAGE 171 Red Seal Vice - President's Sheets of Moravia, N. Y. - Charter 99 By M. OWEN WARNS Fr. #595, four-subject $5 plate layout with signatures of J. W. Lyons and Ellis H. Roberts. T HIS month we are privileged to report on a pairof remarkable sheets of Red Seal National Bank Notes of the third charter period with the $5, $10, and $20 denominations represented. Incident thereto is a combination of plate varieties that will also be of interest to researchers on Nationals. We are indebted to Richard M. Kirka for allowing use of the sheets in writing this article. The First National Bank of Moravia, N. Y. was char- tered in 1863, one of the select number of the "First Hundred" to be nationalized. It was capitalized at $80,000. Moravia is in Cuyahoga County, situated ap- proximately halfway between Syracuse and Ithaca. The latest figures place the population at 1,642! Officers of the bank at the time these sheets were is- sued were William E. Keeler, president; William Fitts. vice-president; and W. J. H. Parker, cashier. At pre- sent we do not know why the notes were signed by Vice- President Fitts instead of President Keeler. Fr. #621, four-subject note of three $10 and one $20 notes also with Lyons' and Roberts' signatures. Circulation of the third charter Red Seals of this bank was:: 5-5-5-5 plate=$37,500 worth ; 1875 sheets, serials 1 - 1875 10-10-10-20 plate=$129,000 worth ; 2580 sheets, serials 1 - 2580 Signature Varieties Red Seal sheets are always rare, but these sheets are unusual. besides. The very survival of the number one Red Seal sheet is likely to be unique; it is the first such sheet we have seen. Furthermore, there are three dif- ferent positions of the vice-president's signature on the sheets as illustrated. Plate and Marginal Markings Illustrated also are various marginal markings on the sheet which originated with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing as well as pencilled notes and OK's. PPAGE 172 Paper Money \VHOLE NO. 58 VICE, on the $5 note, appears under the signature line. T LIVONE Svk The initials in the corner margin are those of four plate printers, indicating that the plate had been sent to press four times. VICE, on the $10 note, follows "Fitts" on the signature line. The initials "J.P." are those of siderographer John Prender, who entered the subjects for the obverse side plate. VICE, on the $20 note, starts out with an elongated The initials "J.A.M." are those of siderographer John "V" and is followed by "ice" placed under the signature A. Mooney, who entered the subjects for the reverse line. side plate. WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 173 !emits it 44,1k Vat H 620154 SEIM:tilIVItitr2 Z.Le.,.t fLe / TI I AYES HON I tt4 ?fit, MG o cT11E P0•51444 . The sheet marginal markings of the third charter National Bank Notes are a good source for study. Here are found initials of the plate siderographers, finishers and printers, along with pencilled notes and OK's, control numbers, types of registers employed. etc. zattairinvitimrAMar TS 11,1frirlitliUNllYlfSS 110111119oTeirlUCILIW D STATICS 1?.. 7111:41113,'IP WHIST*:1111110111ANI►S OWWINGAMY 'RIME W lNI'rEDsT.1TEsFik ieS A 7A 14 14 VI 4 1. nig ALL rtivarm ow WHIM Orliiiircio sow Irces sfAI Ass6IPTICCOI 101111081110.111111E rAirrwas is ATEA% 1:.‘4 1:1 11041LAIIIROM.6.%04111,fistlia iloltirrNi.oMilt JO ii t V%Witents..:fivetcwos 4kratrirostAiraorwommio.sAe...4 N EVIL , IIIVIromon, iterdimi 1161.14. lolf,Mkr 0 I -1 1 I . 20 ).40k„, 2it 4411 41* 40 REGISTERS were used to insure precise alignment of colors, seals and serials. While the cross hatched regi- sters were in both red and green, the solid registers were in both green and black. In the area that forms the background to the bank tally number "1" is found the true art of the intaglio en- graver reflected in the uneven, fine, wavy lines that literally defy duplication. An additional effort employed to foil the counterfeiter can be found in the enlarged illustration of charter 99, where many colored threads are apparent in the specially processed paper used by the Bureau in manufacturing bank notes. Special thanks to George W. Brett and Louis Van Belkurn for their assistance in the preparation of this article. iri „„•._/„„- In 4 % _44 = / V/17/4Vpil PAGE 174 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 A Search for Some Facts About The Bank of the United States Notes By WILLIAM J. HARRISON Paid bill for engraving $50 Post Note. (Historical Society of Pennsylvania Collection) FOR some years I have been searching for any earlyobsolete bank note engraved before 1803 by William Harrison, Sr. Although various accounts of his life, including his obituary, refer to him as being employed by leading banks in the Philadelphia area, a bank note bearing his imprint as engraver has yet to be found .. However, one piece of evidence showing that he did engrave bank notes is the receipt written and signed by "Wm. Harrison, Sr." on December 15, 1798, to the Bank of the United States for engraving a $50 Post Note, which document is in the Dreer Collection in the Manu- script Division of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. I therefore have been trying to find out what notes were actually issued by the i first I Bank of the United States, (1791-1811) and to learn if he engraved others. Since I had an opportunity to do some research in Philadelphia, my friend Mr. Robert M. Lunny, Director of the New Jersey Historical Society, kindly gave me a letter of introduction to his friend Mr. Nicholas B. Wainright, then the Director of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. which I needed to secure permission to use the Society's manuscript material. It is hard to believe that the rare material in this major source of historical papers has been so abused by unprincipled researchers that letters of proper introduction from well- known and responsible persons are now required before anyone may use the manuscript material, but that is now the case, as no doubt it should be. Since I knew that the minutes of The Trenton Banking Company of Trenton. N. J. even spelled out the design which the engraver was to use on each denomination bank note, I naturally asked to see the directors' minutes of the Bank of the United States when I started my searching. The folder 1 received contained the hand- written minutes from 1795 to 1800. I read and react without once seeing any reference to any engraver, which of course became very discouraging. Near the end of the papers was a committee report dated February 14, 1800, which was a real valentine. It contained the listing of three issues of notes which had been redeemed, the last of which was headed "Bank Notes of New Plates by Harrison." 1 forgot myself and yipped out loud "I've got it!". whereupon other researchers looked at me with grins. The illustrations of the notes and of a letter which have been generously furnished to me and the text of the February 14, 1800 committee meeting report are the first basic records I have found to give an accurate account of the notes actually issued by the (first) Bank of the United States. The report stated: "The Committee appointed to count the cancelled Post & Bank Notes report the following statement of Notes which they find cancelled & pasted in the books kept for that purpose— Viz : Post Notes— 266 g 58 rg 793/4 (er. 56 it 3002 (lb *3964 it 1610 Cri, 789 rer in Notes of Various sums in this amount are included three of one hundred & one of one hundred and twenty Drs. 25/100 taken out by the cashier on account of the indorsement being said to be forged. Bank Notes of Old Plates 1,479 1/2 g three Drs. 20,848 0) five 18,8871/2 g ten 11,332 g twenty 49 ci thirty 2,756 (ir fifty 4,811 one hund. Dr. 1,144,563.50 Bank Notes of New Plates by Harrison 584 five 427 335 1A Cu twenty Q7 ten G. fifty382 Cr one hund.953 Dr. 128,300 five 1,330 ten 580 twenty 1,590 thirty 1,680 fifty 150,100 one hund 396,400 five hund 805,000 one thousand 789,000 448,993.65 Viz : Viz : Dr. 2,594,673.65 4,438.50 104,240 188,875 226,640 1,470 137,800 481,100 2,920 4,270 6,710 19,100 95,300 WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 175 ,>.4/ 1‹; 'ens 1/41 //170Z.?"' / V /7" / "X:;,. t.,;./1/ 4e; //, * a .4' / /4 / /4A3 _ 41V( „,0%. 4 z,(ep ,-2 „//27 .1/4, /42 70 7 ,”3/2- O:7/ r //7, , 67. /e0 // • 6'5g,r ( cjl '177TIVIIN / • 2/-", • f3 Bank of the United States Directors' Minutes, February 14, 1800. (Historical Society of Pennsylvania Collection) ..„,..//zu 6/ - 2 PAGE 176 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 "The Committee are induced to recommend the burning of all the Bank Notes which have been or may be can- celled to prevent the probability of their again appearing in circulation. And that a Committee be appointed to burn those already pasted in the books 8.i. in future that Committees be appointed to burn and destroy all the Bank Notes that may have been cancelled, (in the last) twelve months. Agreed 14 Feby. 1800" These minutes show that there were at least three is- sues of notes of the parent bank in Philadelphia—the Post Notes, Bank Notes of Old Plates, and Bank Notes of New Plates by Harrison—hut they do not indicate who engraved the Old Plates or Post Notes. Likewise, the parent bank directors' minutes do not account for the notes issued by the branch banks, which notes had the location or city where the branch was located filled in on the note in ink, nor do they show who engraved these branch bank notes. Having established from the directors' minutes that there were at least two issues of regular notes and perhaps two issues of post notes, the question is: What was the difference in design, if any, between the old and new plates? As collectors know, the genuine notes of the first bank period are rare, and even the counterfeit notes are not common. As I tried to decide where to look for ex- amples of these notes, the first collection of these pieces that came to mind was the one which Matt Rothert dis- played at the A.N.A. convention in New Orleans in 1973, and he kindly sent me reproductions of that beautiful exhibit to study, some specimens of which are included in the illustrations of this article. But 1 was really surprised to learn from Eric P. Newman that he too has been studying the first issues of the Bank of the United States and that he was planning to include all the data he could find about the notes of this famous bank in the coming expanded Bicentennial Edition of his out- standing work The Early Paper Money of America. He too sent me for study copies of his notes. genuine and counterfeit, and his data. which items were invaluable in trying to determine the differences in the types of notes issued. Then Dick Hoober reminded me that Christian Blom of Hawthorne, N. Y.. had one of the circular letters sent out by the bank in 1791 to parties who might handle the bank's notes. Through Chris Blom's cooperation this rare letter is reproduced. It is unusual because it was engraved and therefore there were undoubtedly numerous copies printed to be sent to those bankers concerned. This letter is of great importance to collectors because it tells of the silk and watermarks in the bank note paper, which qualities or effects will not show in the paper of the counterfeit notes. The letter also describes the number of times the denomination will appear on the post notes in writing and in numerals. Sirs In obedience to the orders of the President and Direc- tors of the Bank of the United States, and in compliance with the request of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, I now have the honor to transmit you a description of the Notes of the Bank of the United States, with the signature of the President and Cashier. (Christian Blom Collection) December 31, 1791 Letter From Bank Describing Bank Notes The paper is made of white linen and red silk, which occasions a tint of the latter colour to pervade the whole. The water mark was calculated to have the words UNITED STATES and half the word BANK in each Note. This will not always be the case; sometimes the word BANK will be all in one Note, sometimes a very small part—the consequence is that in other Notes the word will be wholly excluded, and the greater part of the word will be in others. The words United States will be found in every Note. The Notes which will most frequently be without the work BANK, or only have a small part of it in them are those of Fifty Dollars, Twenty Dollars A, and Ten Dollars C—The same omission, but less frequently will be found in One Hundred Dollars A, Thirty Dollars, Twenty Dollars B, Ten Dollars B, Ten Dollars D, and five Dollars B. WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 177 In the Ten Dollars A, the comma which ought to have b7en after the word States, is put after the word United. The Post Notes are impressed upon the same kind of paper, but are engraved in a stile varying from the others, the Eagle bearing the arms of the United States, being represented as flying. The water mark is more uniformly divided in these Notes. The amount of the Note when the sum is engraved will be found in six different places; twice in figures, twice in words in the margin, and twice in words in the body of the Note. When the amount is in writing, it will be found four times, twice in the margin and twice in the body of the Note. This description being intended for your information in your official capacity, it is expected that the utmost secrecy will be observed on your part. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, Johv Keav, Cashier Philadelphia, December 31, 1791. Putting all the various copies of these notes side by side. a definite pattern develops in the regular parent bank and branch bank issues. I have yet to see a speci- men or reproduction of the Post Notes; therefore their design can only be surmised. The regular notes of the parent and branches seem to fall into the following types or issues: PARENT BANK Type I. Engraved date 179-. The tail of the 9 does not curl under the 7. Vignette: A heraldic eagle holding an American shield, arrows in right talon, olive branch in left talon, a cloud over eagle's head showing thirteen stars. Vignette always placed in upper left-hand corner of note. Left end : Denomination in script on lined background. Top center : Denomination in numerals in an oval medallion, stipple background, beaded edge. Lower left : Denomination in large Old English lettering on en- graved black background panel, making lettering show as white or paper color. Words "Bank of the United States" are in script lettering in body of the note. The paper contains red silk thread and is watermarked "United States" and part of word "Bank". The notes were engraved in denominations of $3, $5, $10, $20, $30, $50, and $100. The notes are signed by Thomas Willing as President, and John Kean as Cashier. Type II. Engraved date 179-. The tail of the 9 curls under the 7. Vignette, the same as type I, is always placed in the center of the note. Left end : Denomination in capital letters on lined background. Top left and right : Denomination in numerals in fancy decorated medallion, and in words in decorated enclosures. Words "United States" are in large capital letters in the body of the note. The notes were engraved in denominations of $1, $5, $10, $20, $30, $50, and $100. Type III. Engraved date 179-. Vignette : A heraldic eagle holding an American shield, arrows in right talon, olive branch in left talon, in oval frame contain- ing fifteen stars, always placed in bottom center of note. Left end : Denomination in capital letters on lined background. Top left and right: Denomination in numerals in oval, with lined background, and tiny radial fringe on edge. Words "Bank of the United States" in script in body of note. Issued in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. Engraved by William Harrison, Sr. Type IV. Engraved date 18-, with finish line of 8 curling over next two digits. Vignette : Same as type III.. except oval frame is not as high but shorter and fatter. Left end : Denomination in capital letters on lined background. Top left and right : Denomination in numerals in ovals with fancy decoration. Notes appear to be of smaller size than type Ill. PARENT BANK POST NOTES Since no copies of Post Notes have been found to date, the only evidence of issue is from the directors' minutes, indicating de- nominations of $5, $10, $20, 030, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and notes of "various sums", also William Harrison's receipt dated Dec. 15, 1798 to the Bank of the United States for writing and engrav- ing a fifty dollar post note. Therefore there must have been two, if not more, issues of Post Notes, those mentioned in the bank's letter of December 31, 1791, and at least the $50 note engraved by William Harrison, Sr., in 1798. BRANCH BANKS Type 1. Engraved (late 17-. Vignette : A flying eagle carrying arms of the United States with arrows in left talon, placed in lower center of note. Left end : Word "Department" in capital letters in a frame. Top left and right : The denomination in numerals in oval me- dallions, decorated edges. See the 1781 circular letter for description of Post Notes and illustration of $50 Type I Branch Bank Note. Type II. Engraved date 179-. Vignette: A heraldic eagle holding an American shield, arrows in right talon, olive branch in left talon, cloud over eagle's head with thirteen stars, always placed in upper left-hand corner of note, same as parent bank type I. Left end : Word "Department" in capital script letters on lined background. Top to left of center: Denomination in oval medallion, beaded edge. Type III. Engraved date 1--- Vignette : A heraldic eagle holding an American shield, arrows in right talon. olive branch in left talon, in oval frame containing fifteen stars, placed in bottom center of note or in top center of note, same as parent bank type III and IV. Left end : Word "Department" in capital letters on lined back- ground. Upper left and right-hand corners : Denomination in numerals in medal lions. Branch bank notes were of the same design for all branches of the bank, payable to the president of the branch or to the bearer, and signed by the cashier and president of the parent bank, and were issued in denominations of $5, $10, 020. $50, and $100. There is no question that the notes illustrated which have the X XXXX mark cancellations are counterfeit, but they are also probably very good engraved facsimilies of the genuine notes. However it is also possible that the counterfeit notes may be just enough different in design to cause me to believe erroneously that they com- prise a different issue or series, but they are the only copies of these notes found so far to examine. Perhaps further research by others will confirm or disprove this assumption of the types of notes that appear to have been issued, and perhaps this discussion will stimulate such research. 1 ,.1/iV(71 6(' 1.11'; (1/4:1, //, //, /r,/,. /pAcir 4,a/ri , ,n "(WWII,/ TEN (:‘,/,i1;;;;, v,......, - /if/ (Bank of New York Collection) MIN _ //; 7/,,, //: ./.1,rd• , / d 1r) /1116,e4.1414 , /ear, .fiewlaittl•,,,,,nk114.1) . 11:0- /be 7/17 trTh` 4•"/•/•td.. (- 6 er, /44,6 /7•14:■,/,;,,m//: • 6,111, (.1,//e/n1 lie per 1.111 .1 , //;,: (Historical Society of Pennsylvania Collection) Parent Bank Notes Type I (Eric P. Newman Collection) R :46 ) ) _ • ;//);'; /4/7, , ,/ ,) /II/ it I Prr / , /111/1"/ 7'3 7 J ), ,, /r/,/. (, //1/4< // ///, ' E D 'r S 61.,/11/ 4/17 .711 . ( ri A:el); in 1-7.;.Drtirt:rsi• /di/a, ;/,, F. /6. ////67//, no'; X,. an, (1"//7,1LZe,.1Ve`11.1.VW•7,' )17: THE( ::ii717) ■•47; ‘/, r ) • • r; • .2.1 • PAGE 178 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 (J. Roy Pennell, Jr. Collection) (Matt Rothert Collection) Parent Bank Notes Type II Parent Bank Notes Type III (Eric P. Newman Collection) Parent Bank Notes Type IV. .11 11.191k1Q2z,j: -.LSY/ 71. '1)-nytt of' tcou n rz depo 1/".• —rr/ y id 14/ op"I/m/ .& - (Matt Rothert Collection) ON E /am -At/ it1( Wile'71/7 , fi .4. /1/2 ,■// ti /I /41., et 7 d/e 4-0.1d-d .ry" Cs, 111 ) 1/fv/,; A7 / 1. ///';A. -4 • (/ 1//// ,lediip4\ /4,,',A4 lei4- } A d; I p ‘e'! Bank Notes Type III WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 179 Branch Bank Note Type I. (From an illustration in Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine) Branch Bank Note Type III (Eric P. Newman Collection) Branch Bank Notes Type II (Historical Society of Pennsylvania Collection) At least the following facts have been rediscovered about the Rank of the United States first charter period notes: 1. The denominations of Post Notes, first issue. 2. The denominations of notes from "Old Plates." (Type I and II.) 3. The denominations of notes from "New Plates." (Type III.) 4. The engraver of the "New Plates." 5. The use of silk and watermarks in the bank note paper. 6. The number of times the denomination appears on the post note (Type I.) in numerals and in writing. News from American Bank Note Co. The 1974 Annual Report of the American Bank Note Co. contains color reproductions of bank notes it prints for a wide variety of countries from Costa Rica to Malaysia. Also shown is a new type of security docu- ment—intaglio engraved motor vehicle certificates of title becoming increasingly popular in many states. The accompanying report of the parent International Bank Note Co. announces the formation of a 60%-owned sub- sidiary company, American Bank Note Securities Systems, Inc. to offer technology, equipment and services for auto- mated currency processing. In regard to the commemorative stamp panels which contain so many engraved vignettes from obsolete bank notes, the report says that interest in them continues to grow. By the end of 1974 the company had designed and delivered 42 of them for the Postal Service and since the inception of the program it has produced more than one million five hundred thousand of these "collectors' items." Since some 22 new commemorative stamps are expected in 1975, many of which will feature the Ameri- can Bicentennial and the 200th anniversary of the Postal Service, the company expects to continue this program. State lotteries are becoming increasingly popular, with the various tickets being colorful and attractive. ABN Co. is producing many of these successors to the early 19th century lottery ticket collectibles, including those for Illinois. The 1974 American Bank Note report discloses that beginning in mid-1975 the company will deliver and in- stall the first of a series of four Magna presses being manufactured for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C. These will be followed by presses for the government printing plant of Brazil. ABN Co. and its associates at Bradbury, Wilkinson are en- deavouring to sell Magna presses to interested govern- ment printing plants in Europe, South America, and Asia. PAGE 180 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 TYPE COLLECTING-U.S. PAPER CURRENCY By PAUL H. JOHANSEN FOREWORD: The progressive history of our paper currency, war-born in 1861, down to the present, tells of that war and others. But it tells, too, of our ap- preciation of the march of science and forms of trans- portation. It shows our earlier insistence upon, and later retreat from, metal backing for our paper currency. The designs portray Presidents, cabinet officers, states- men, war heroes and an Indian chief. They portray Martha Washington, an Indian maid, and other beautiful women in allegory as "Columbia." "Victory," "Liberty," and "Justice." There even is a mysterious, feminine stranger. The large-size issues, at least, have many beautiful examples of the imagination and skill of the artist and the art of the engraver. In themselves, these facets of our notes well deserve monographs of their own, but here we shall explore but one branch of cur- rency collecting: this is type collecting, the singling out of one each from all the different examples of issue. A compilation such as this needs draw heavily upon the several fine catalogs for superb photographic ex- amples and accompanying narrative material. From those are drawn off thumb-nail descriptions of the note's features, face and back, coupled to the catalog numbers of each. Later, herein, these catalogs will be fully identified and the authors' permissions will be cited. WHAT IS A TYPE NOTE? It is an emission of the U. S. Treasury that is distinguishable by class, denomina- tion, portrait, scene or allegory; Treasury Seals by color, size, shape or position on the face: federal bank or district reference: color of serial numbers if they change: wording of inscription and of obligation; the presence of counterfeit warning and of convertibility reference; and of overprints of one purpose or another. These features of composition on face. hack, or in combination, fix it as a separate type. "Class" as first above used as a characteristic is intended to separate issues between Legal Tender, Silver and Gold Certificates, National Bank Notes. Federal Reserve Bank Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, etc.. as the first step in assignment of type num- bers. IN THIS CONTEXT, THEN, WHAT DIFFERENCES DO NOT FIX TYPE? Those differences which, of them- selves, do not fix as a separate type: Serial numbers, prefixes, suffixes, combinations, or place- ment upon the face of a note Series dates and/or their suffixed letters Differing federal banks or districts or their accompany- ing numbers and/or letters. Nor, on early notes, place of payment such as "New York," "Washington," etc. National banks by name, city, town or state Signatures nor signature combinations Some of the exclusions, however, coincide with changes, face or back, that do provide a type; that is but inci- dental. Errors, too, are excluded for the reason that they do not represent a government emission, consciously and purposely prepared, intended for general circulation. ONE MAN'S OPINION: Let there be this early admis- sion that the foregoing definition of what constitutes a type and the features that do no! fix type is an empirical judgment. Accept it, please, for the purpose of this work so that discussion will be opened. Thereafter, there will be discussion, criticism, correction all earnestly are invited—so that, "down the road a piece" we may have something in print which represents, at least, general agreement as to the listing of types. Those of us interested in types will always fully realize that type collecting is but one branch of this particular hobby: it is not for everyone. And that is good. Hobbies— and we think currency collecting to be one of the very best are a very personal thing, as they should be. The purpose of a hobby is to gain and impart knowledge and at the same time give release from the cares of the day. Consequently, one may lead, follow, or change direction at will, for regimentation has no place in a h obby. This, then, is an attempt to narrow down the field, for today probably there is no one with the desire and means to pursue all. Within the limits of type, however, there is great opportunity for satisfaction in the quest for suitable examples of the class and/or denomination selected. "COMPLETENESS" IN A COLLECTION: Few col- lectors have aspirations beyond the century, the "C." the $100 note. Those financially able to collect higher denominations, and doing so, are specialists of high order and nothing found here is likely to be new or found useful to them. Still, the rest of us may have our share of curiosity and want to know all types issued. collectible or not, all the way to the top, the Woodrow Wilson $100,000 gold certificate of 1934 which served and moved only between banks. Even in the field of the type collector, narrower than that of the general collector, the enthusiast is faced with the inescapable fact that it is unlikely that he can put together a complete collection of any denomination for a number of reasons beside money, as if that were not reason enough. Some issues have been totally redeemed by the government and destroyed; others have a unique copy outstanding; still others are retired to museums; a few rarities are in private collections, unlikely to be marketed any time soon. Records of the Treasury show some few copies unredeemed but their existence is un- known to collectors. At great intervals good fortune attends and one of the rarities comes to market. It has happened: a Second Charter, 3rd issue, Friedberg No. 586-a, Hessler No. 1183, referred to by Donlon but not assigned a number. It changed hands at $25,000. The face value? $100! Yes, our curiosity may be ex- cused; there are attics still to be explored and trunks to be discovered. WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 1 8 1 ARRANGEMENT OF THIS MATERIAL: In note de- scriptions, that first given is the face of the note. That which follows "B." is the back of the note. Any nar- rative description of U. S. Notes, this one especially included, must fall far short of conveying adequately that which often truly is a work of art, first by the artist, then the engraver, then the printer. Particularly is this true of large-size notes. The vision and imagi- nation, the precision of technical skills, the depth and contrast of coloring will not be realized from factual description. Real appreciation goes even beyond the superb photographs in the catalogs and is realized only by examination of the notes themselves. Examination of those in the hands of dealers is a pleasure. This is broadened by attendance at some of the larger conventions, making well worthwhile the time, effort and expense. Less can be said on behalf of the small-size notes. There have been a few changes, face and/or back, but they did not begin with outstand- ing features and continue that way. Let us just say, in forty-plus years, we've come to know them well. Portraits are usually the first feature of the note's face to be described, and surnames, only, are used. except in the case of Adams, J.Q., Sherman, J.. Generals and the one Admiral. Allegorical figures represent that attributed to them by the catalogers and, with more than one attribution, there is not always precise agreement as to what the allegory represents. But on this and all other small details we all shall remain flexible. ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS USED: Any work that attempts narrative descriptions, coupled to columnar numbers, finds page-space at premium. Therefore, once a face or back has been first described, subsequent faces, backs, or both will use the word "Same" to indicate identity with the earlier type. Or, perhaps, if not im- mediately preceding, "Same as Type " If first of type has, say, a "Red seal," a type following may have the difference explained simply by "Blue seal." "Same" may be too constrictive a word, for the latter may have a slight change in type face, a lighter or darker color of Treasury Seal, or a re-touched plate. Perhaps "Quite similar" would be a more felicitous term, but for the sake of space, "Same" was used and the reader will understand it to be "much the same." Secondly, to save space and to avoid tiring the reader, a "shorthand" of abbreviations for much-used words was needed. Used a few times, they will he recognized easily: c—center, or centered 1—left l&r—left and right lg—large no.—number nos.—numbers r—right sc—scalloped sm—small sp—spiked And, thus, the combination "re - translates "right center," etc. "Inscription" herein is reference to the limitation, if any, attached to free use of the note. "Obligation" is the government's promise to pay, and in what form. "Warning" is that appearing on early notes which warned against alteration or counterfeiting that note and the penalties to be imposed. "Convertibility" is the re- ference as to when, and into what, the note could be converted. Throughout, wherever used, classes of notes use these abbreviations: CD—Currency Certificates of Deposit CIN—Compound Interest Note CN—Coin (or Treasury) Note This abbreviation selected because "TN" for Treasury Note would confuse with the earliest Legal Tenders which also were designated "Treasury Note" DN—Demand Note FRBN—Federal Reserve Bank Note FRN—Federal Reserve Note GC—Gold Certificate IBN—Interest-bearing Note LT—Legal Tender (United States Note). Early LT's were designated "Treasury Note." See "CN," above. NBN—National Bank Note NGBN—National Gold Bank Note (California banks, only) RC—Refunding Certificate SC—Silver Certificate REPETITIVE DETAIL OMITTED: Often, all corners of a note but sometimes fewer—show the note's denomi- nation in figures, spelled out, spelling across the figure, or the Roman numeral. Often, too, these are enclosed by or upon an ornate mount. Also, figures mentioned as flanking the central portrait have ornamental mount- ings. Such endlessly repetitive detail has been omitted to spare the reader. National Bank Notes, 1875 and later, show the bank's charter numbers upon the face. Second Charter, first issue, shows it once; on others it appears twice: on the large-size notes, vertically to left of center and horizontal- ly to the right of center. On small-size notes the num- bers are vertically shown far left and right, except if the charter number is of five digits it is a combination of two, horizontally, and three vertically, at the far right. To collectors of NBN's and perhaps to all collectors. it would be an affront to intelligence to repeat on every first type of NBN that such charter numbers appear. However, when the second pair of charter numbers made four in total and constituted Type Two (II), a separate type, the fact was noted as causing a new type, on the 1929 NBN's. NUMBERING OF THE TYPES: Notes were arranged in classes, large-size and small-size, in the order that the first note of that class was issued. For example, the first $1 note issued was the S1 Legal Tender, Type No. 1. The final, large-size note issued was Federal Reserve Bank Note (1918), and is Type No. 23. In small-size notes, the first issued was the Silver Certificate, and the first type, therefore, is Type No. 24. There is but one necessary exception to this: the Federal Reserve Notes are placed last in small notes whether or not their first issue date would put them in PAGE 182 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 that position. And the reason is clear because, when and if there are further types in small notes, most surely such will be Federal Reserve Notes, and open-end num- bering will permit the addition of the new type, or types. It is not overlooked that the red seal, LT, $100, 1966- series is a current note. If not phased out in the interim, successive types of that particular note must be assigned suffix "A," etc., or a number. TYPE NUMBERS COUPLED TO CATALOG NUM- BERS: Once type numbers had been assigned, such numbers were fitted to the catalog numbers of the four major catalog authors. Opposite each type number will appear catalog numbers of, for large-size notes: "Fried- berg." "Donlon." and "Hessler," heading three columns. These are the three major catalogers in the order of first appearance of his catalog on the market. (Only recently were all rights to the "Donlon" catalog sold to A. M. & Don Kagin. I On small-size notes, these are the headings: "Friedberg," "Hewitt," "Hessler." Sources thus designated, are further identified: Friedberg—Paper Money of the United States, Eighth Edition, 1974 (for release about January, 1975). Published by The Coin and Currency Institute, 393 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10001. Authors: Robert and Jack Friedberg. Donlon—United States Large Size Paper Money, 1861 to 1923, Third Edition, 1973-74. (Ed. Note: Subsequent to the manuscript's preparation, this catalog in Fourth Edition has appeared, titled "1975 DONLON CATA- LOG UNITED STATES LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY 1861 to 1923 by William P. Donlon, Revised by A. M. and Don Kagin." Page 1 notes that future enquiries should be addressed to A. M. & Don Kagin, Des Moines, Iowa 50309.) Hessler—Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, The, First Edition, 1974. Published by Henry Regnery Company, 114 West Illinois Street, Chicago, IL 60610. Author: Gene Hessler, The Chase Manhattan Bank, Rockefeller Center Branch, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020. Hewitt—Hewitt-Donlon Catalog of United States Small Size Paper Money, 11th Annual Edition, 1975. Pub- lished by Hewitt Bros., 7320 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60648. Text by William P. Donlon, James Gre- binger, Lee F. Hewitt, and Nathan Goldstein II. Mr. Hewitt is also the Numismatic Editor. All are of high quality and merit; it respectfully is re- commended that every serious student of our nation's currency own, not one, but all of these catalogs for they well complement one another with different photographs, arrangement and narrative. Not here drawn upon for numbers because it is dif- ferently arranged, but nevertheless another "must" for the small-size currency collector is: Guide Book of Modern United States Currency, published by Western Publishing Company, Inc., Whitman Coin Products, Racine, WI 53401, authored by Neil Shafer. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Earlier herein, there has been acknowledged reliance upon the catalogers, above. But, further, there should be acknowledged their prompt and courteous assent to the use of their catalog numbers. and most gratefully this is done. This may be a good place to say that, while the cata- logers' numbers are here used with their full permission, any errors found herein and some there must he— are mine, not the catalogers. And to say, too, that none of the catalogers suggested any arrangement of material or assignment of his numbers. Skilled authors that they are, they could probably make suggestions as to format and arrangement. As readers of PAPER MONEY, it is hoped that they will. Another acknowledgement is due from us all: Gene Hessler, author referred to above, introduced in his hook a new word: "Syngraphics." it appears in the foreword of his book. He and another learned friend drew upon ancient languages to construct the word. It means, "The bringing together of bonds and written things." Rather a handsome word, don't you think, to fill in the long- existing gap? Many of us are numismatists, too, but always lacked a word that exactly described, and sepa- rated, the paper currency from the coin collector. We have it now, thanks to Gene Hessler; let us put it into circulation: syngraphists. HOW MANY TYPES ARE THERE? Based upon the definition, and exclusions, which earlier were referred to, there are the following types of all paper currency from mid-1861 to date: NOTE TYPES: No. No. Large Small Total $ size size No. 1 23 13 36 2 20 4 24 5 36 17 53 10 44 15 59 20 44 12 56 50 39 10 49 100 38 11 49 500 23 3 26 1000 26 3 29 5000 9 3 12 10,000 8 3 11 100,000 1 1 310 95 405 It should be repeated, 405 different types were issued, but add: there are some, particularly in the higher denominations, that are not collectible. WHAT WAS THE FACE VALUE AT TIME OF ISSUE? Excepting, as we must because it was never in the hands of the public, the final note—$100.000, one each of all other types, at time of issue, were available for well less than a quarter-million dollars—$1 to and including $10,000. But let us drop down to the more usual: types of new notes $100 and less. Grandfather, father, and I could have garnered one of every single type for $9,409.00, between the three of us. Had they the foresight (my hindsight), to have done so, my sons, along with me, need never work another day. Only a dream a pleasant dream. And yet, some of the paper money available today is scarcer, much scarcer, than rare paint- ings or rare coins. We syngraphists are not in the hobby primarily for gains: yet it is nice to know that we probably are into a hobby whose ultimate cost may he WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 183 very little, it may he nothing, it may well return a profit. ARE THERE STILL SLEEPERS? There have been such in the last 40 years; there well may be some in the future. in that time there has been available to us at face value, $1, Type 25, and 810, Type 49 total outlay . 811.00. Value in Hewitt's 10th Edition? $3200.00. Only slightly less spectacular, the 1928B $2 which is a Type 21. $2 face and today it catalogs 8450. It is interesting, isn't it? AND, IN CONCLUSION: A few quick words on condi- tion and then we'll get to the type tables. Collectors of small-size currency, 81-$100, naturally are on the look- out for crisp, uncirculated (CU) copies. But collectors of large-size currency find that issues earlier than 1914, CU usually carry a price tag beyond the purse of the average collector-the man of average means that sets aside a budget for his hobby. In the earlier types, then, he will accept lesser grades, fairly graded. And, why not? One of California's noted syngraphists says, "I get what I need in whatever reasonable condition it may be offered. Because, used, it proves to me that it has served its purpose in the marketplace." And, perhaps as a seeming afterthought, he adds, "My only regret is that it cannot talk!" TYPES OF U.S. CURRENCY-mid-I861 to date Large LT Chase tipper-I. Sm red seal-lc. "ONE DOLLAR"-c B. "ONE" across "1"- l&r, flank Ig encircled Inscription-c on note-length field 2 Washington-c. Columbus sighting land high-I. "ONE" across "I" upper,. Red seal-re, partially obscured by "DOLLAR" across Ig "ONE" B. Verti- cal "ONE" far-1. "US" overlapped-le. "ONE" across "1"-c. Inscription- Warning-re. "1"-re :1 Sm red seal with rays-1. Red ornament encircles "DOLLAR" across 1g "ONE"-r. B. Vertical "ONE" far-lc. Blank field-lc. Diagonal ".OF AMER- ICA." across downward diagonal "UNITED STATES". Inscription-Warn- ing-re. Vertical "ONE" far, 4 1g brown seal,. Red serials B. Same) 5 Lg red seal,. Blue serials B. Same Lg brown seal-r. Blue serials B. Same Sm sc red seal-I. Blue serials B. Same 8 Red serials B. Same 9 New, Washington portrait-c. Inscription across sm sc red seal-le. "DOL- LAR" across "1"-re B. "ONE" across "1" far-l&r. "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" above "ONE DOLLAR" across ornament in open field-c 10 NBN First (and only) Charter. "Concord" low-re. Red seal with rays upper- r. B. Landing of Pilgrims-c. Vertically curved Inscription-1 and Warning-r 11 NBN Same as Type 10, except sm se red seal upper, B. Same 12 SC M. Washington-I. "ONE", "SILVER DOLLAR", 2 lines-c. Sm red seal lower-re, near Ig "1"-re. B. Lg "1" far-l&r. "ONE's" flank Inscription-c 11 Lg red seal lower-r. B. Same 14 Lg brown seal lower, B. Same 15 Sm Sc red seal lower, B. Same 16 Same. B. Ornamental "1" far-l&r. Inscription in oval-c 17 So-called "Educational", "History" instructing youth-lc. "ONE SILVER DOLLAR" low-c. Sm red seal far, low-r B. M. Washington-1 and G. Washington-re, flank ornamental "ONE" across Ig ornamental "1"-c, above Inscription low-c 18 Eagle, poised on flag-c. Lg "1"-le. Sc blue seal far-re. Lincoln-1, Grant-r, flank "SILVER CERTIFICATE" low-c and below "ONE SILVER DOL- LAR" at flag. B. Lg "1" far-l&r. Inscription-c on open field 19 New, Washington portrait-c. Inscription across blue seal-lc. "DOLLAR" across ornamental "1"-re B. Some as Type 9 20 CN Stanton upper-le. Lg. "1" far-I. "ONE" across "1"-re impinges 1g brown seal. "ONE DOLLAR"-c, above "IN COIN" B. "ONE" across "1" far-lc. Inscription far-re. Bold, double-lined "ONE" covers-c of ornate field 21 Sm red seal fin, B. Same 22 CN Same as Type 21 B. "1"-l&re. Inscription-c 23 FRBN Washington far-lc. District Bank-c, above "ONE DOLLAR". Blue seal far- ce B. Eagle on flag-c on open field-l&r (To be continued) Cataloger's Numbers Friedberg Donlon Hessler 16, 17 101-1 T1-T4 I-4 18 101- 4 5 19-27 4A-7 6-14 28-30 8-10 15-17 31 14R 18 32, 33 14B, 15B 19, 20 34, 35 15R, 17 21, 22 36-39 28-31 23-27 40 31A 28 380-382 A301- 2-4 29-11 383-386 A301- 5-8 32-35 215, 210 201- 12, 13 36, 37 217, 218 13LR, 14LR 38, 39 219, 220 14LB, 15LB 40, 41 221 15 42 222, 223 15A, 17 4:3, 44 224, 225 17A, 19 45, 46 226-236 20 T1-31 47-58 237-239 31A-33 59-81 347, 348 701- 14, 15 62, 63 349 15A 64 35(1-352 701- 15B-19 65-67 708-746 401A- 28-401L-20A 08A1-L4 India's Intaglio Notes A return to intaglio printing (line engraving) has been heralded as one of the reasons the 10 and 20 rupee Indian notes of March 24, 1975 are counterfeit-proof. The in- taglio work which stands out in relief and can be felt is combined with lithography and letterpress printing in the contemporary methods. (Many current U. S. postage stamps are printed by a combination of intaglio and lithography.) The 5 rupee in the series is printed by an "improved dry-offset" process (lithography?). Other forgery-fooling features are said to be thicker paper with more wet-strength, improved watermark layout, and a profusion of Indian-motif geometrical lathework. A later but somewhat ambiguous report from D. Mehta of Bombay tells of the release of a 100 rupee note in the new series also, but does not indicate whether the printing method is intaglio alone or combined intaglio- litho. Mehta also did not specify the method for a forth- coming 50 rupee note. PAGE 184 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 CANADA. The fifth in the new series of Canada's currency—the $50 denomi- nation—was released to chartered banks at Bank of Canada Agencies across the country on March 31, 1975. The new note became available in most chartered bank branches shortly thereafter. The design of the new $50 includes an engraved portrait of William Lyon Mackenzie King. The scene on the back shows the "Dome Formation" from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police "Musical Ride". The dominant color of the new note is red. Other features are similar to those of the $20, $10, $5 and $1 bank notes already issued, including the Canadian coat-of-arms in color and more extensive use of color and higher relief of the engraved areas than in notes of the 1954 series. As there has been some counterfeiting of the outstanding $50 notes, the Bank of Canada desires that they be replaced by the new series as soon as possible. Banks are therefore being asked not to re-issue $50 notes of the 1954 series but to withdraw them from circulation re- gardless of their condition. important Australian Bank Note Auction Spink and Son and Max Stern and Company, both known worldwide for their numismatic activities, have com- bined to stage what is expected to be the most important coin and paper money sale in Australia in recent years. It will be held at 11:00 A.M. on Thursday, Oct. 30, 1975, at the Hotel Australia, Mel- bourne. The basis for the sale is the famous John L. Ahbe collection of coins of Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and Fiji and the Daryl Walsgott codection of Australian bank notes, which is possibly the finest grouping of pre-Commonwealth paper currency yet assembled. The bank notes will give collectors a chance to acquire some of the finest and rarest notes ever to come on the market in one group. With increasing demand from bank note collectors many lots are expected to draw heavy overseas buying competition, particularly the private is- sues of such banks as the Australian Joint Stock Bank, the Bank of Adelaide, the Bank of Australasia, the Bank of N.S.W., the Bank of South Australia, the Com- mercial Banking Company of Sydney (Sydney), the Derwent Bank, the Federal Bank, the London Chartered Bank, the Sydney Banking Company, and the Sydney Deposit Bank. These are preceded by 25 lots of early Promissory Notes from Sydney and Hobart. There are many trials and proofs as well as Queensland Government issues and the issues of the New South Wales Treasury. Probably the most interesting section is the one devoted to the superscribed issues of the Commonwealth. All these issues are rare and keenly sought after by collectors and several of those in the sale are thought to be unique. Highlights of the sale are expected to be the Bank of Adelaide £5, Commercial Bank of Tasmania, National Bank £5, £10, and £20, and Royal Bank of Aus- tralia, Union Bank of Australia £20. The two examples of the £20 superscribed issue are excessively rare. Finally there is a collection of Com- monwealth banknotes which includes many rare and top condition notes such as the first Ten Shilling, the "Rainbow" Pound, and $50 and £100 notes. A well illustrated catalogue will be available at the end of July from Spink and Son, 5-7 King St, St. James' London. S.W.1. and Max Stern & Co, 234 Flinders Street, (Port Phillip Arcade) Melbourne. 3001. Australia. In Review WORLD LITERATURE By now most syngraphists are well aware of the publication of the new Pick-Krause Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. An editorial advocating use of the biweekly supplements in World Coin News appeared in PM no. 57. Many reviews have been written for other publications. So at this time it might be well for us to examine the volume from a strictly practical stand- point. It is done in a format matching Krause's Standard Catalog of World Coins, the "telephone book" catalog so- called because of its similarity to large- city directories. Naturally, the paper is of like quality and hence the 4000 illus- trations are not as sharp as we would like. But in publishing this 700-page book, Krause's chief purpose was to make immediately available at an attainable price the treasures of Albert Pick's knowledge. This he has done with dis- patch. Experienced hobbyists know that noth- ing stimulates a specialty like the ready availability of a catalog which defines the limits of that specialty—tells what is known and assigns a concise number- ing system which facilitates reference. Such catalogs have for over a hundred years been largely responsible for the success of philately. Various areas of U. S. paper money collecting have also prospered under the benevolence of Friedberg, Donlon, Hessler, et al. Now world or "foreign" paper money of the 1900-74 period partakes of that pros- perity, too. No longer will it be neces- sary for a dealer to go into great descrip- tive detail trying to make prospective customers understand which note of some 20,000 different varieties he is offering. Instead he can use the Pick number. And he will have a base value in two conditions upon which he can set his price. In addition, the front matter of the catalog contains a useful pictorial grading guide, tables of foreign exchange rates, international numeral systems, and an essay by Dr. Pick on the history and col- lecting of paper money. WORLD NEWS Naturally, this first edition isn't per- fect; first editions rarely are. There will be those who complain that the listings are too generalized. But this is a general catalog, not a specialized one. There will be plenty of opportunity for specialists to pen detailed monographs on individual countrics or groups. Journals like PM are eager for the opportunity to publish them. All in all, through the efforts of Messrs. Pick and Krause, we have entered a new, exciting era in syn- graphics. Stanley Gibbons Currency List No. 10 Now available from Gibbons at Drury House, Russell St., Drury Lane, London WC2B 5HD is an illustrated, 21-page, magazine-format list of world paper cur- rencies. It includes a useful article by Brian Kemp on the government of Fiji notes issued during World War II. Items offered for sale range in price from 60 pence to 1500 pounds (the latter being the government of Bermuda five shilling note of Aug. 1, 1920, claimed to be the first seen on the market). Also in the rare class is the British Leeward Islands ten shillings of Jan. 1, 1921, issued from Antigua, printed by De La Rue, and said to be one of less than ten known. It s pr i ced at £1,200. The double-size $50 Bank of Montreal note of Jan. 2, 1903 (specimen) printed by Waterlow and listed as Pick R273 is priced at a thou- sand pounds. A Hudsons Bay Co. York Factory May 9, 1832 one pound note worded "For the Governor & Company of Adventurers of England" goes for £250. For the most part the European and Latin American notes are more moderate- ly priced with the exception of the Ger- man group. For instance, a set of seven specimen (MUSTER) notes, Jan. 2, 1960, goes for £750, while the 50 reichsmarks of 1945, last of its type, photo-chemical- ly reproduced from a specimen of the circulating notes, is priced at £100. SMALL CHANGE IN SPAIN 1931-41, by S. Nathan, published by Spanish Phila- telic Society Bookclub, No. 2, Brighton, England, 1974. One does not usually look to philatelic literature for information about paper money, but in this 24-page, offset- printed booklet from a series of mono- graphs can be found the story of Spanish paper money and coins used during the period 1931 to 1941. This was a com- plex period in Spanish history leading up to and including the Civil War and its aftermath. Two separate governments in one country issued their own currency. The philatelic connection lies in the card- board "money discs - created by the Mint at Madrid. On one side was impressed the badge of the Republic. The other side was left blank. People obtained them from banks and pasted postage or revenue stamps on the blank side and WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 185 AND NOTES used them as coin substitutes. The Na- tionlist side used the more elaborate en- cased postage stamp concept. The monograph is well illustrated, with many maps complementing the pictures of notes and paper tokens ("vales") of all kinds. Unfortunately, it is not gen- erally available; the edition was limited to subscribing members of the Bookclub. However, it probably will be available in such large philatelic libraries as that of the Collectors Club of New York, 22 E. 35th St., New York, NY 10016. Mexico Addendum Ed Shlieker, Samuel M. Paonessa and William L. Spencer, co-authors of UN Peso of the Bank of Mexico 1935-1970 have recently released the addendum to their 1973 publication. Included are eight new signatures for the 5 through 10,000 Peso Signature Chart I, as well as an update on quantity printed figures on the Series A-F Un Peso bank notes. Distribution of the addendum has al- ready been made to collectors who re- turned the addendum request form. Others may obtain a copy by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the authors at P. 0. Box 9684, El Paso, Texas 79986. Additional information relating to the authors of signatures appearing on Banco De Mexico bank notes is being solicited. Collectors are also advised that while eight new large-denomination signatures have been identified more remain to be discovered. Included with the addendum is an information retrieval form. This form is a continuing effort on the part of the authors to piece together data relative to the larger denominations (5- 10,000 Pesos) printed by the American Bank Note Company and issued by El Banco De Mexico. Information sought includes: denomi- nation, date of note, series, complete serial number, control figures, single- letter code and seal color. The control figures are a three character code (3-A- 12) which is usually centered on both left and right sides of the obverse of most large-denomination notes. The single- letter code is usually located to the right of each serial number. Both collectors and dealers may obtain copies of the catalogue by writing to the following distributor: Ed Shlieker, P. 0. Box 5451, Tucson, Arizona 85703. One of a set of four stamps issued in 1975 by St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla to mark the opening of the East Carib- bean Currency Authority Building pic- tures a specimen $1 ECCA note. Sweden Commemorates Postal Giro Checking System With New Stamp FINANCIAL facility widely used in Europe but not available in this country is the "Postal Giro" system. It began in Austria in 1883 as an exten- sion of the country's Post Office Savings Bank. Holders of a savings account there were given the option of transferring money from their accounts to another for the purpose of simplifying non-cash payments and reducing the need for cash in small transactions. The system became very popular on the Continent, especially in making payments from one country to another. On January 21, 1975, the Swedish Postal Adminis- tration issued a special commemorative stamp to cele- brate the 50th anniversary of its Postal Giro Office. The bright orange and black stamp shows the special en- velope each account holder uses to send payments post- free to the Postal Giro Centre in Stockholm. The stamp was designed by Jan Magnusson, engraved by Czeslaw Slania, and printed in Great Britain by Harrison & Sons Ltd. in photogravure and recess. In 1973, the Swedish Postal Giro handled 284 million payment commissions for a total value of 1,160,000 million Swedish crowns. The system in Great Britain is only five years old but already there a "postal cheque" is a matter of prestige as well as expediency. There is a new National Giro Directory listing all accounts and a consumer magazine called Giroscope, containing advertising for mail order merchandise which can be paid for by Giro checks. Also published recently is a book. National Giro by Glyn Davies (George Allen & Unwin, £5), which gives useful insights into postal banking throughout the world based on the system of credit transfers rooted in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Nore(1.141%wqra. 1.1.rnoirkmasolwo; mesomowo, Swedish stamp and special postmark for Postal Giro system anniversary Of course, there are many opportunites for financial legerdemain in the Giro system. During the 1930's for instance, a philatelic wholesaler living in Hamburg, Felix Chruszcz, opened postal accounts in a dozen or more countries, including the Belgian Congo, at a trifling cost, and rapidly established himself as being a financial wizard through foreign exchange transactions. Writing in the column "Coin and Note Dealer" in the British publication The Philatelic Exporter, C. N. Richardson reports seeing in Madrid in April a line of full- color postcards featuring bank notes, similar to other European cards depicting postage stamps. He does not give the name of the manufacturer but writes that the cards were obviously produced for the tourist trade, ob- serving that he saw Japanese and other national groups buying them avidly. The famous "springing tiger" design of the Federated Malay States fondly recalled by two generations of stamp collectors from 1901 to 1936 was derived from vignettes on corresponding Straits Settlements bank notes. tibionotoinnutiest 01104 S'f0C10400A PAGE 186 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 The Hapsburg's Occupation Money in Italy 1796-1866 By DR. MICHAEL KUPA Budapest, Hungary UP TO the end of World War I, a large part ofnorthern Italy belonged to the Austrian Empire. During this period some emergency money was issued by the Austrian occupation forces. Of this, the first four emissions listed below were all issued to pay for rations and equipment delivered to the Austrian forces by the local inhabitants. The certificates were withdrawn from circulation after 18 months and de- stroyed so completely that to this day not a single copy has come to light. Thus, they are listed here only to make the record complete. I. 4 January 1796 VAGLIA DELLA R. DUCAL CAM- ERA DI MANTOVA According to the law of 4 January 1796 the Regia Ducal Camera in Mantova issued treasury certificates in the 200 Florins denomination to a total of 400,000 Florins. 4 gennaio 1796. 200 Fiorini II. 4 January 1796 VAGLIA DELLA R. DUCAL CAM- ERA DI MILANO According to the law of 4 January 1796 the Regia Ducal Camera in Milano issued treasury certificates in the 200 Florins denomination to a total of 400,000 Florins. 4 gennaio 1796. 200 Fiorini III. 16 February 1796 VAGLIA. DELLA R. DUCAL CAMERA DI MANTOVA According to the law of 16 February 1796 the Regia Ducal Camera in Mantova issued a new series of treasury certificates in the 200 Florins denomination. 16 febbraio 1796. 200 Fiorini IV. 16 February 1796 VAGLIA DELLA R. DUCAL CAMERA DI MILANO According to the law of 16 February 1796 the Regia Ducal Camera in Milano issued a new series of treasury certificates in the 200 Florins denomination. 16 febbraio 1796. 200 Fiorini V. 6 October 1796 CEDOLA MONETA DI MANTOVA During the siege of 11NIantova by the French Army in 1796-97, the Town Council issued emergency paper money to cope with the currency shortage. The "cedola" were made of thick white card printed in black and stamped twice in red on the obverse with the eagle of Austria. At this time Mantova was the last Austrian garrison in Italy. The note measures 79 x 72 mm. Its reverse is blank. At first an emission of 1.500,000 Mantovan Lire was planned, but finally a circulation of 7,536,480 hire was promulgated. Current until 22 October 1796 was the issue of three notes-10 Soldi, 1 and 3 Lire with hand- written signatures, numerotages and value indications both in figures and letters; the other text was printed. They were signed by three of the following (one printed and two handwritten) : Tonni, Scorza, Castiglioni, Antonio Gobbio, Trenti, Giuseppe Perodi, G. Batt. Noe, Gaetano Asti. On 16 February 1797 the two higher denominations were withdrawn from circulation and destroyed. The Mantovan Lira was worth one-third a Milanese Lira. 10 Soldi, 6,000 pieces planned, exist in two variations. 1 Lira. 9,000 pieces planned, exist in two variations. 3 Lire, 163,600 pieces planned, exist in two variations. 6 Lire, 388,200 pieces planned, exist in two variations. 9 Lire, 146,580 pieces planned, exist in two variations. 12 Lire, 89,820 pieces planned, exist in two variations. 18 Lire, 62,840 pieces planned. exist in two variations. 45 Lire, 19,660 pieces planned, exist in two variations. 13.5 Lire. 2,160 pieces planned, exist in two variations. VI. 16 May 1797-18 January 1798 BANCO DEL GIRO COMMERCIO ED ARTE Between 16 May 1797 and 18 January 1798 the Banco del Giro Commercio ed Arte in Venice issued paper means of payment in different denominations with dates completely handwritten. After 1 July 1797 the dates have an added inscription "Anno I della Liberta Veneta" (First year of Venetian freedom ). Known today are: 5 Ducati. 50 Ducati. VII. 1 October 1798 CEDOLA DEL BANCO GIRO DI VENEZI A A set of paper money dated 1 October 1798 was issued by the Banco Giro Di Venezia in four denominations in a sum of 600,000 Ducats on white thin paper printed in black. The numerotages and the three signatures are handwritten in black. The reverse is plain. Each note was signed by Giovanelli. Fovel and Schiantarelli. 1 Ottobre 1798 10 Ducati da Lire 8 50 Ducati da Lire 8 100 Ducati da Lire 8 500 Ducati da Lire 8 VIII. 1802 MAGISTRATO CONSOLARE di TRENTO During the Napoleonic War the town of Trento is- sued emergency money. called "cedola di carestia" by the people, to eliminate the lack of soldi coins in two denominations. Put into circulation on 29 August 1802 was the "soldi uno" and on 30 August 1802 the "soldi cinque" for a sum of 3,000 Florins, Austrian value. The notes have no dates and signatures. A single original specimen of the 1 soldi was on display until World War II in the Museo Civico di Rovereto but it was destroyed later in the war. Now only a photograph exists at the Bankmuseum der Deutschen Bundesbank in Frankfurt/Main. According to the above-mentioned museum, the note had a stamp PODESTA DI ROVERETO indicating that the emergency money of Trento circulated in the town of Rovereto, too. WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 187 !TIN fg"'",(4)elt • /4"'"X )4" ,it) ° l laaistratoZ Cs) 9;113111 14 11'041004.X0.401VA44.11) Illustrated for the first time in a numismatic publication is the "Soldi Uno" of 1802 issued by the Magistrato Consolare di Trento. This note is no longer in existence. 1 Soldi (uno) 84 x 114 mm. 5 Soldi (cinque) IX. 1 April 1849 R E G N 0 LOMBARDO-VENETO VIGLIETTO DEL TESORO After the Italian Independence War was put down by the Hapsburg monarchy, the Austrian Empire, which was continually short of money, issued a series of trea- sury notes on the name of VIGLIETTO DEL TESORO to fund the public debt of the Lombard-Venetian Kingdom's inhabitants. The notes were dated 1 April 1849. They were printed in Vienna by the K. K. Hof-und Staatsdruckerei (Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing Office) on white watermarked paper with the letters KKCK Kaiserliche Konigliche Central Kasse—Imperial and Royal Central Treasury). The three small denominations of 5. 10 and 15 Lire Austrian were put into circulation without any interest; therefore their reverses are blank. The higher denominations bore an interest of three per- cent and therefore their reverses were printed with an interest table. The non-interest bearing treasury notes were issued only on 27 August 1849. Both interest and non-interest bearing notes circulated to the sum of 70 million Aus- trian Lire. The notes were retired from circulation from 1850 to 1853. (The Austrian Lira had a worth of 20 Kreuzer conventional value.) 1 Aprile 1849, 5 Lire Austr. 91 by 109 mm. 1,026,800 pieces 10 Lire Austr. 116 by 92 mm. 612,798 pieces 15 Lire Austr. 127 by 102 mm. 296,000 pieces 30 Lire Austr. 128 by 100 mm. 235,994 pieces 60 Lire Austr. 130 by 100 mm. 216,010 pieces 120 Lire Austr. 176 by 124 mm. 46,565 pieces 600 Lire Austr. 180 by 132 mm. 7,995 pieces 1.200 Lire Austr. 180 by 132 mm. 7,018 pieces 2.400 Lire Austr. 198 by 125 mm. 6,438 pieces X. 15 June 1859 VAGLIA DI FIORINI DAL MONTE LOMBARDO-VENETO Between 1849 and 1859 the notes of the Privilegierte Osterreichische Nationalbank (Privileged Austrian Na- tional Bank) circulated in the Kingdom of Lombardo- Venetia also. In 1859 the Sardinian, French and Austrian powers declared war. But Austria had no money for warfare. Therefore on this occasion it once more put into circu- lation paper money with a forced rate of exchange by Illustrated for the first time in a numismatic publication is the obverse and reverse of the 2400 Lire Austrian Viglietto del Tesoro of 1 April 1849. The reverse bears an interest table. both succursals of the Bank of Lombardo-Venetia in Milano and Verona. The notes were dated 15 June 1859 and printed on KKCK watermarked white paper in the Austrian Florin value by the K.K. Hof-und Staatsdruckerei in Vienna. A. Milano 15 Giugno 1859 1 Fiorino Valuta Austriaca, 107 by 84 mm. 5 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca, 112 by 90 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca, 128 by 102 mm. 100 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca, 138 by 106 mm. 1.000 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca, 178 by 110 mm. B. Verona 15 Giugno 1859 1 Fiorino Valuta Austriaca, 107 by 84 mm. 5 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca, 112 by 90 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca, 128 by 102 mm. 100 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca, 138 by 106 mm. 1.000 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca, 178 by 110 mm. XI. 1 September 1866 CERTIFICATO DELL' I. R. MONTE VENETO According to the law of 25 May 1866 the Bank of Venice again issued paper money with a forced rate of exchange for all the provinces of the Venetian Kingdom, and again, for warfare purposes. This forced currency burdened in varying degrees the inhabitants of each of the provinces. The notes were printed in Vienna by the K. K. Hof-und Staatsdruckerei on white KKCK watermarked paper with the date 1 September 1866. The reverse was blank. PACE 188 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 15 June 1859 Vaglia di Fiorini 1000 circulated in Milano 1 September 1866 Certificato dell' I.R. Monte Veneto, Province of Padova, 10 Lire in Austrian silver value These notes were the last paper money issued in the 19th century by Austria for the occupied territories of Italy. In 1866 it lost the Venetian Kingdom, too. A. 1 Settembre 1866 PROVINCIA DI BELLUNO 1 Fiorino Valuta Austriaca in silver, 112 by 75 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca in silver, 90 by 135 mm. B. 1 Settembre 1866 PROVINCIA DI FRIAUL 1 Florin() Valuta Austriaca in silver, 112 by 75 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca in silver, 90 by 135 mm. C. 1 Settembre 1866 PROVINCIA DI PADOVA For a sum of 1,830.000 Fiorini V A in silver. 1 Fiorino Valuta Austriaca in silver, 112 by 75 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca in silver, 90 by 135 mm. D. 1 Settembre 1866 . PROVINCIA DI POLESINA 1 Fiorino Valuta Austriaca in silver, 112 by 75 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca in silver, 90 by 135 mm. E. 1 Settembre 1866 PROVINCIA DI TREVISO For a sum of 1,328.000 Fiorini V A in silver. 1 Morino Valuta Austriaca in silver, 112 by 75 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca in silver, 90 by 135 mm. F. 1 Settembre 1866 PROVINCIA DI UDINE For a sum of Fiorini V A in silver. 1 Fiorino Valuta Austriaca in silver, 112 by 75 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta. Austriaca in silver, 90 by 135 mm. G. 1 Settembre 1866 PROVINCIA DI VENEZIA For a sum of Fiorini V A in silver. 1 Fiorino Valuta Austriaca in silver, 112 by 75 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca in silver, 90 by 135 mm. H. 1 Settembre 1866 PROVINCIA DI VERONA For a sum of 1,862.000 Fiorini V A in silver. 1 Fiorino Valuta Austriaca in silver, 112 by 75 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca in silver, 90 by 135 mm. 1. 1 Settembre 1866 PROVINCIA DI VICENZA For a sum of Fiorini V A in silver. 1 Fiorino Valuta Austriaca in silver, 112 by 75 mm. 10 Fiorini Valuta Austriaca in silver, 00 by 135 mm. BIBLIOGRAPHY: ROHDE, Theodor: Das Papiergeld des Lombard- Vene- tianischen Kiinigreiches. Monatsblatt der Numisma- tischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Nr. 309. April 1909. MILLER zu Aichholz, V. - LOEHR, A. - HOLZMAIR, E: Osterreichische Miinzpragungen 1519-1938. 2. Aufl- age, Wien, 1948. Katalog der Papiergeldsammlung weiland Dr. Adolf Ehrenfeld, Wien, 1927. KUPA, Mihaly DR: Carta-Moneta del Regno Lombardo- Veneto 1796-1866. Italia Numismatica N. 5/1964. BOBBA, Cesare: Cartamoneta Italiana dal 1746 ai giorni nostri. IV. edizione, Asti, 1971. GAMBERINI, di Scarfea Cesare DR: La Carta Monetata in Italia. Volume I., Bologna, 1967. MANCINI, Libero: Catalogo Italiano della Cartamoneta 1746-1966. Bologna, 1966. MINI, Adolfo: La Carta Moneta Italiana 1746-1960. Palermo, 1967. HERINEK, Ludwi g: Osterreichische Miinzpragungen 1740-1969, Wien, 1970. $100 Interest Bearing "Note" a Facsimile N THE report of a $100 interest bearing proof note 1 selling for $10,000 in PAPER MONEY No. 56, an illustration of an alleged actual note with three coupons was included as a "find" by a pioneer member. Further consultation with two specialists has yielded the following information: From Gene Hessler of Chase Manhattan—"Yes, the item in question is a reproduction. After I made my request for a photograph I realized the illustration . . . had no serial number. I have since compared this illustration with another reproduction. The signatures that appear to be handwritten are in exactly the same place in relationship to nearby printing, and the same name. Bennett. appears." From Louis Van Belkum, noted National Currency authority—"I am quite sure that the note is not genuine. I would like to state some of my reasons for feeling that way: "1.) The note does not carry any serial number. These notes carried either a red or blue serial number and this note does not have any number on it. "2. The note does not carry any plate position letter. (Continued on Page 191) WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 189 The Financial History of Colonial Pennsylvania By RICHARD T. HOOBER ( Continued tram PAPER MONEY No. 57) Clamor for Public Regulation of Monetary Policy F RANCIS Rawle's (a signer of early Pennsylvaniaissues) pamphlet advocated for Pennsylvania the cre-ation of money by public authority, instead of con- tinued dependence upon coined metal intrinsically worth, or nearly worth, the face value. He argued that there was not enough silver and copper in the province, and that it was impossible to bring in the amount required by the community either by recovering trade already lost, or by attempting to establish new trade, and that it would take too long to bring about an influx of gold and silver by raising its value arbitrarily. The pamphlet further suggested that, to "keep the paper money equal in value to gold and silver, it must, among other features, arise from a fund, and there- fore, as private offices, particularly at Westminster, were by letters patent allowed to lend on the security of real estate, goods, wares, etc., the Province should lend a cer- tain quantity of bills on the security of land, interest equal to that paid for gold and silver and an installment of the debt being paid annually, while the Province itself could issue some of the bills to pay for public requirements, and from a tax could be enabled to get in and sink such hills." (Keith) Pennsylvania, in substance, adopted Ravide's formula when she later made her first emission. The clamor continued throughout the colony for relief from the chaotic conditions that hampered trade and com- merce, and the following petition was presented to the Assembly: "To the Honourable and Representatives of the Province of Pen- sil vania in General Assembly Mett at Philada. the loth day of the Twlefth Mo : February, Anno Domini 1717. The petition of the Subscribers on behalf of themselves and others the inhabitants of the said Province "HUMBLY SHEWETH "That whereas the want of running Cash is general ly detremental to trade and commerce as this province do by woful Ex perience find occasioned partly by the bringing in of sundry Merchandize• and Especially Servats, which when purchased are for the most part paid in Cash and the same being Carried away in specie drains this province of the Current Coyn to that degree that thereby the whole Government in General is depriv'd of the sinews of life of Trade without which no Countrev can Ex pect to flourish and prosper "Know your petitioners Do hereby humbly request and desire That for the preventing of the Carrying away of the running Cash as much as may be the reviving of Trade and Commerce amongst us and redressing the aggrievances consequently Ensuing such unnecessary Ex portation of Cash- this Honourable House may make the produce of the countrey as wheat Flour Bread &c., : such lawful pay in a general way as not to be refus'd or rejected or otherwise that such other restrictions be Enjoyn'd as may be thought most proper and Convenient for redressing the aggrievances aforesaid And your petitioners for that and other manifold favors shall as in duty hound Ever pray &c. "To the Honourable and Representatives of the Inhabitants of the Province of Pensilvania the General Assembly Mett in Philadelphia the Tenth day of the Twelfth Month Anno Domini 1717. "The petition of the subscribers on behalf of themselves & others Inhabitants of the sd. Province "HUMBLY SHEWETH "That our late Complyance in reducing our Covn Current to what its at present and our neighboring Colonies retaining for the former Currency Hath been and still is the reason they daily drain us of our money and seeing our Silver is in a manner wholly exhausted thereby they by draining of Gold undoubtedly design to drain us also of that part of the running Cash we have left amongst its and Considering how destructive the want of Coyn is to Trade in General under the Oppression whereof this province bath for many years groan'd we your petitioners do hereby request and desire That this Honourable House would take this matter under their Considerations and apply a remedy to said Aggrievances Either by raising the value of Coyn in general or English Coyn, Gold and French money or by such other method as may seem most proper and Convenient—With wholly refering where- of and in full assurance of a redress from this Honourable Ho-use We your petitioners shall in duty bound Ever pray &c." ( Signed by 183 citizen merchants) Conditions did not improve, rather they worsened, for in 1719, another scheme was presented before the Assembly to make farm produce a legal tender for all public and private debts. Again, no action was taken on this specula- tive proposal. Linked with a depression at this time, reports from the colonies to the north about the apparent success of their circulation of paper money were reason enough to maintain constant pressure on the govenment, for the general feeling was that such fiat currency would surely prove a panacea to all. Rawle's pamphlet gained small favor among the "safe and sane Councillors," who were, for the most part, the larger landowners and creditors. Had the matter been left to their disposition entirely, and to their votes alone, it is reasonable to assume that no such money would ever circulate in their colony! Strong support was to come from Keith and others whose influences were to finally bring about the desired legislation. The evil shadow that constantly lurked in the background, counter- feiting, added to the confusion, and again, in 172o, one Edmund was convicted with his wife of counterfeiting Spanish silver coins. He was sentenced to he hanged, and his wife, Martha, was fined 15oo. PAGE 190 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 The American Weekly Mercury, printed by Andrew Bradford in Philadelphia, set forth the following statement in the January 2, 1721, issue, "Our General Assembly are now sitting, and we have great Expectations from them at this Juncture, that they will find some effectual Remedy, to revive the dying Credit of this Province, and restore us to our former happy Circumstances." Again, on January 16th, the paper stated: "Tis with great Complacency this House receives the Governor's fresh Assurances of his Regard to the People we represent, in such affectionate Expressions and Zeal, to restore the Planters Credit with ust Care, of the Merchant, who of late ( with others) equally be under the great Disadvantage of Want of a sufficient Currency of Cash ; as appears to us from the melancholy Complaints of the People : and we will readily fall in with any Scheme, as shall appear to us conducive to a Remedy. "We greatly acknowledge the Governor's Condescension to acquaint this House of his forming a design to manufacture and consume the Grain of this Country : We hope the success will answer the Governor ' s E xpectations, by a fruitful Advantage of his Interest, and consequently that of the Country ; which are inseparable. "We heartily thank the Governor for his repeated Offers in con- descending chearfully to assist and ad vise this Assembly in what may be for the publick Good." On January 31st, an advertisement appeared: "We whose names are hereunto Subscribed, do, for the Encourage- ment of Trade and Commerce, promise to receive in Payment for all Goods, sold after the Date hereof, Dollars called Lyon Dollars, at the Rate of Five Shillings, The English Crown at Seven Shillings and Six Pence, The Half Crown at Three Shillings and Nine Pence, The Eng- lish Shilling at Eighteen Pence, and the English Sixpence at Nine Pence, Proclamation Money. John Cad walader Richard Clymar Henry Hodge John Hyatt Ed ward Roberts Thomas Tresse Andrew Bradford Oliver Galltry John Copson William Bowen Robert Ellis George Cal vert Charles Read John Brooks David Breintnall Benjamin Paschal N.B. Any other Traders, who are willing thus to encourage Trade, may have their Names inserted in next Paper." The following issue indicated the addition of four more names, and merchant Joseph Redman inserted his own separate advertisement. PJreaPape]r Money Legislation on Money Rates HE following two acts, although passed prior to the emission of paper money in Pennsylvania, are im- portant in their representation of the conditions that existed and the difficulties encountered in handling the currencies of the countries abroad, and are included to indicate the official awareness of those problems and their efforts to overcome them by the limited means at their disposal. "AN ACT FOR THE BETTER PROPORTIONING THE RATES OF MONEY IN PAYMENTS MADE UPON CONTRACTS AC- CORDING TO THE FORMER REGULATION" ( Statutes at Large of Pennsylvania. Vol. II, Pages 276-278) "Whereas our gracious sovereign the queen, taking into consideration the different rate at which the same species of foreign coin pass in her several colonies and plantations in America, and the inconvenience thereof by the indirect practice of drawing the money from one plan- tation to another to the great prejudice of the trade of the Queen's sub- jects, did by her royal proclamation given at Windsor, the eighteenth day of June in the third year of her reign, think fit to reduce all foreign coins to one current rate within her dominions in America by certain exact calculations and regulations thereupon in the said pro- clamation at large set forth and expressed ; publishing and declaring that from and after the first day of January then next ensuing, no pieces of money therein mentioned should be accounted, reckoned, taken or paid w ithin any of the Queen's said colonies or plantations, for the discharge of any contracts or bargains made after the said first day of January, at any higher rates than by the said proclamation to pay and discharge all debts contracted before the said first day of January in money at other rates than is hereby required ; and whereas upon the liberty that is left by the said proclamation to pay and discharge all debts contracted before the said first day of January in money at other rates than is thereby required, it has been frequently practiced in this government to make payments in such pieces as upon the reduction of our coin would carry the greatest loss, and too great encouragement has been given by the irregularity and disproportion of the rates at which money has passed, through a sinister and unjust desire of gain, to clip the heavier pieces passing by weight as well as reals or bits that are not weighed, and thereby to make the generality of such pay- ments as aforesaid in the lightest and most depraved money, for remedy whereof : ( Section I.) "Be it enacted by John Evans, Esquire, by and with Her Majesty's royal approbation Lieutenant-Governor under William Penn, Esquire, absolute Proprietary and Governor-in-Chief of the province of Pennsylvania and Territories, by and with the advice and consent of the freemen of the said Province m General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the publication of this pre- sent act, no debts contracted before the said first day of January shall be discharged in any silver coin current in this province but at the rate of five pence halfpenny per pennyweight, being the nearest to the former regulation pieces and half-pieces of Peru excepted, which shall pass in such payments at five pence per pennyweight ; and Lion or Dog dollars not less than sixteen pennyweight at six shillings each, and all kinds of silver money shall be weighed by Troy weights proportion- able to the rate aforesaid. "Provided nevertheless, That without the consent of the receiver in payments of pieces of eight, there shall not be more than one single piece ; and in payments of half-reals, reals and double reals, not more than eight teals weighed in the scale at one draught ; and such draught shall not be weighed or accounted nearer than one-half penny- weight ; and the money being full as heavy as the weight shall be passable for the value thereof respectively. And whereas the neighbor- ing governments that have been more anciently settled, and are some of them much more considerable in trade than those of ( sic ) this pro- vince, have not hitherto fallen into the practice of regulation enjoyed by the Queen's said proclamation, whereupon the inhabitants of this government, finding the alteration difficult to be practiced while none of those around us do the same, have too generally continued to con- tract and bargain for sums according to the old rates, which still increases the great inconveniences that daily more and more arise from the aforementioned disproportion, by not only clipping our money upon the encouragement taken from thence but also importing the lightest pieces and exporting the heavy ; and whereas nothing will more facil- itate the practice of the regulation aforesaid, according to the pro- clamation which requires all weights to go exactly at one rate ; than first to introduce the same method in all payments whatsoever, . . ( Passed January 12, 1705-6. Repealed by the Queen in Council, Octo- ber 24, 1709.) "AN ACT FOR ASCERTAINING THE RATES OF MONEY FOR PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND PREVENTING EXACTIONS ON CONTRACTS AND BARGAINS MADE BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, IN THIS PRESENT YEAR ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NINE." ( Statutes at Large of Penn- sylvania. Vol. II, Pages 2 94 -2 97.) "Whereas for the better enforcing of our gracious sovereign the Queen's royal proclamation, dated the eighteenth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and four, for reducing foreign coins to the same current rate within all her colonies or plantations in these parts, by a statute made in the sixth year of her reign, entitled 'An act for ascertaining the rates of foreign coins in Her Majesty's Plantations in America,' all persons within the said colonies or plantations are for- bidden, after the first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and nine, for the discharge of any contracts to be there- after made, to account, receive, take or pay any of the several species of foreign silver coins mentioned in the said proclamation, at any greater WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 191 of higher rates than are therein allowed and settled ; according to which rates, pis:es of eight of Seville, Pillar and Mexico- of full weight, which, according to the present currency of money in this province, pass at eight shill ings each, shall then be taken and accounted for the discharge of the aforesaid contract s at six shil ings and no more ; w hereupon it is manifest that the same pieces will fall one- fourth part in their denomination, notwithstanding in themselves they retain the same intrinsic value. "And whereas it is most evident that the general known standard of the value of all goods and merchadises to be bought and sold is, in the most civilized nations, the quantity of silver that is to be paid for them, which value cannot really in itself be raised or diminished by the difference of names affixed to it, so that the same piece of eight of full weight when called six shillings only is of no less value in itself than it is when called eight shillings, but ought to purchase the same quantity of goods, at the same time by whatsoever name it may he taken ; and therefore all goods and merchandises ought to fall in price or denomination of value, in proportion to the alteration in the denomination of money, because every person who sells goods at one-fourth part lower in the name or denomination of the price, after the said first day of May, wil I have in reality the same intrinsic value and weight of silver for his goods, as he would have in case he had sold the same for one-fourth part more in money, at the present currency. Now forasmuch as divers persons in this province without due consideration of the real difference of money, may propose to make advantage to themselves, by means of the said act in forcing their debtors, after the said first day of M ay, to discharge their debts here- tofore contracted according to the rates in the said proclamation men- tioned, by which they would receive one-third part more in the quantity of silver than, at the time of the contract, was understood or intended. And some persons since they had notice of the said act, have lent money at the rates now current, but haveve taken obligations for payment thereof at the rates prescribed by the said pro:I atnat ion, which is suffered to be exacted either upon those obligations or any other contracts or bargains that ought to be discharged ttcording to the present currency will prove injurious and oppressive to the debtors. "Therefore for prevention thereof : ( Section I.) "Be it enacted by Charles Gunk in, Esquire, by the Queen's royal approbation Lieutenant-Governor under William Penn, Esquire, Proprietary Governor-in-Chief of this province of Pennsylvania, etc., by and with the advice and consent of the freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by ( the) authority of the same, That if any person within this province, from and sifter the said first day of May, for the payment of money lent or goods sold, or for the discharge of any penalties or duties accrued or fees, salaries or other perquisites settled by la w and then due, or any contracts or bargains made in this province, before the said first day of Al ay, shall account, take or receive tiny of the several species of foreign coins ( silver) mentioned in the said proclamation except Peru's at any other rate than at nine shillings and one penny by the ounce Troy-weight, either by the single ounce or in greater quantities, and for any sum under a piece of eight at five pence halfpenny each pennyweight, and the said Peru's at the rates they now pass : every person so accounting, taking or receiving the same contrary to the directions of this act shall forfeit the sum of ten pounds for every suds offense, to the party grieved or to such other person or persons as shall sue for the same, to be recovered with full costs of suit by action of debt, bill, plaint or information in any court of record within this province, where such offense shall be committed : and the debtor shall he discharged of what the creditor shall require or endeavor to exact, over and above the rates hereby prescribed for payment of the said former contracts or bargains. And that al l officers' fees, salaries or other perquisites, workmen's and laborers' wages and prices of commodities or manu- factures, that have for any number of years passed been fixed and generally known, shall after the said first day of May abate in pro- portion to the afore-mentioned fall in the denomination of money, for which said fees, salaries and other perquisites, wages, coonnod ides and manufactures, no person shall presume to demand, take or receive in the rates of money establishes! by the said proclamations any more than three-fourths part of the sum in pounds, shillings and pence wh ich he or she has heretofore accustomed to demand, take and receive in the present currency of money. And that the prices of all goods, commodities, wares tind merchandise whatsoever shall be computed at three-fourths part of time stun and no more, which the seller would have taken for them according to the rates of the present currency, if no change had been made therein by virtue of the said p ro:1 tunation and act of parliament. "Provided al ways, That nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to compel every person to receive money according to the present currency, for the discharge of any rents, reserved or contracts or bargains made upon sales of lands or goods, for which money or other effects are really and truly agreed to be paid or delievered, after the said act of parliament takes effect, at the rates thereby - directed, or iu sterling money of Great Britain. (Section 11.) "And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That for rendering payments according to the rates enjoined by the said proclamation more easy and expeditious, there shall be sets of weights of all sorts necessary, exactly proportioned, according to the said rates, from one halfpenny worth of silver to any sum that shall be thought fit, which weights shall be prepared and sold by Peter Stretch and George Plumly of Philadelphia, W ho shall stamp their respective marks thereon and be accountable for their exactness ; and for seven suds weights, between one halfpenny in value and six pence inclusive, they shall receive two pence for each weight ; and for seven convenient weights bet ween eight pence and twenty shillings inclusive, they shall receive four shillings and one penny, or five shit I lugs and three pence for all the said fourteen weights and no more." ( Passed April 3o, i7o,), Repealed by the Queen in Council, Feb., 20, 1714.) (To be continued) Facsimile Note (Continued from Page 188) "3.1 The work around the large numeral 100 is quite inferior and is nothing like the work shown on the proof specimen sold by Mayflower Auctions last year. "4.1 There is no 'The' to the left of 'United.' The `The' appears on the proof. "5.1 On the proof specimen, the outside edge of the lathework around the 'C' counters is dark, while on the note in question, it is light. "6.1 On the proof there is a distinct gap between the oval containing the portrait of Gen. Scott, but there is no such space on the note in question. "There are many other discrepancies that I could point out, but to me the first three reasons should be enough to convince most people that the note is not genuine. If the gentleman would compare his note' against the photo of the proof sold by Mayflower Auc- tions, I think that he would have to agree with my opinion. "All of these comments are my opinion and I do not profess to be an expert on that series of notes. "There is a volume at the National Archives that deals with the issuance of these notes and if I remem- ber right they do list to whom these notes were pay- able. The owner might stop in someday and investigate this volume." Finally, the finder of the "note" received the follow- ing communication from R. G. Hawthorne, Dir., Div. of Securities Operations of the Fiscal Service of the Treasury Dept.: "The document to which you refer is a reproduction of a $100 7 3/10 percent Note. These facsimiles were used by banking houses in 1861 to advertise the sale of bank notes, and have no monetary value." These opinions leave little doubt as to the true nature of the illustration. PAGE 192 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 Wall Displays of Small-Size Currency By GRAEME M. TON, JR. 0 NE WAY to get your hobby out of the pages ofbooks and out where people can see and appreciate your interests is to use "wall displays". They sound like a bit of work, but really are not. You'll have fun doing them and achieve some real satisfaction. A "Display" should reflect your interests. In a way, it's an extension of your personality. A bit of thought and decision beforehand will give the best results. Using the "flip-top holders" with two-way adhesive makes it easy to change if you should (and you will!) alter the Display. A Jew Display suggestions: (The notes listed are the least expensive series. They DON'T have to be CU.) BASIC. The seven $1 Silver Certificates with the differ- ent plate designs front and back—All that are required are the $1 SC 1928A; 1934; 1935; 1935A Hawaii; 1935D (W I and (N) ; and the 1957. BASIC EXTENDED. One each of the 17 $1 SC Series— I would not display the 1928C, D, and E. In the 17 series you can dress up the display with common ending numbers, fancy numbers. and other combinations. BASIC LOW NUMBERS. This is a most attractive dis- play. Essentially, the beginning blocks of the plate de- sign changes are used. The $1 SC 1928. 1934, 1935, 1957 and the $1 FRN 1963 all begin with the block AA. The $1 Hawaii CC block is the most comparable and is the only invasion note block that you can get with beginning zeroes. To add interest to these beginning blocks, you might try to get numbers starting with as many begin- ning zeroes as possible. The use of Face Plate #1 is a nice touch. ( The same criteria can be used for dis- playing $5's and $10's.) Then there are the TYPE collection displays. RED SEAL TYPE. Displays the different denominations and plate designs used in the USN's (Legals)—$1 1928 USN; the $2 USN 1928G and the 1963; the $5 USN 1928F, and the 1963. BLUE SEAL TYPE. Displays the different denomina- tions and plate designs used in the Silver Certificates— $1 SC 1928A and/or 1957; I for an expanded version use the seven S1 SC's described under BASIC) ; $5 SC 1934D and the 1953A; the $10 SC 1934D and the 1953A. FIVE COLORED SEAL TYPE. Most attractive! Dis- plays the five different colored seals used in the small currency—$1 1928 USN (red) ; $1 1928 SC (the sig- natures and design tie in with the $1 USN in blue) ; $1 SC 1935A Hawaii (brown) ; $1 SC 1935A North Africa ( yellow ) ; and the $1 1963 FRN (green). COMBINATION SEAL TYPE. Displays the five different color seals used by the Bureau of Engraving and Print- ing in the regular production of small currency. Requires higher denomination notes and is most interesting. $5 USN 1963 (red) ; $5 SC 1934D ( blue) ; $5 FRBN 1929 (your District) brown; $5 FRN 1974 (your District) green; $10 1928 Gold Certificate (gold). The $5 1934A Hawaii (brown) and the $5 1934A North Africa (yellow) could he added. There are many other Type Displays. For instance, the $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 1929 FRBN's illustrate notes that have become extinct but were an important phase of U. S. currency. VARIETY. My favorite! It illustrates the varieties used in our small currency. It takes a bit of doing, but makes it easy to explain Mule. Experimental, and Changeovers. For Mules, use the $1 SC 1935A. You need two notes, one Mule and one non-Mule. For Experimentals, the best is the $1 SC 1935A "R" and "S" pair. For Change- overs, use the $1 SC 1935D, any block. You need four notes—Changeover Pair for the consecutive numbers: two regular 1935D's, one (W I and one (N) to he dis- played on the reverse side by side (overlap to show the difference). Then there are the SPECIALTY Displays. I'll just list these, as you can make many combinations—Fancy Numbers, Radars, Errors, Autographs, Low Numbers, Short-Snorters. A Display of birthday notes or particular event-dated notes is particularly interesting, as is the Display of FP/1 and BP/1. It's difficult and expensive in the early series, but more available in the $1 SC 1957, the $1 FRN 1963, 1969, and 1974. You should try for position code Al or ending #1. For peak interest and enjoyment have several displays. A basic, type, variety or specialty make good combi- nations. Decoupaging, which I have never done, is worth men- tioning. It is being done quite a bit with obsoletes, CSA's, old stock certificates, and the like. It should be attractive with paper currency as well. Use inexpensive notes, as it is PERMANENT. The decoupaging kits are available in most department and drug stores. Some thought should be given to the type of wood that would blend best with your notes. Also, the design and cut of the wood could add a quality of distinction. A Jew tips on how to display: 1) Use a hard flip-top holder with a two-way adhesive. Don't tack or glue your notes, unless they are very inexpensive. The flip-top holder allows you to change your notes and makes them easily removeable for clean- ing. It will also protect your notes. 2) A blue velvet background brings out the blue in the SC's; a red velvet background brings out the red in the USN's. The lighter shades of velvet give the most contrast. Where the different colored seals are used in one display, the beige velvet is very nice. A little experi- mentation will give you the most desired effect. Don't DATE PRic.E. DATE PRICE W4. BHT. B Hr. SOLD I SOLD CO 4///75 9-9 SERIES 19(0'1D setoAL. tt- DENom, — si&s. F95-476egitc$1 FRO BAuvELos-sgutaz WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PACE 193 forget the "blend" with other objects in the room, furniture. or wall on which the display will be put. 31 The ordinary glass frames found in all stores are most serviceable. The elaborate displays can be separated into two or more frames. They can be arranged to give balance to the display. When a large picture-type frame is used. it is best placed in the center. Of course, custom frames with matching backgrounds do give a distinctive. ness to the display. 4I Avoid placing where direct sunlight will be upon the display. A high moist area is also undesirable. These conditions will cause the notes to "brown" or "tone" out. The notes should be removed periodically and wiped for any dust or dirt that has settled. A bit of preventive maintenance will keep your notes in nice condition. An occasional replacement of the holders is also recommended. 51 A short explanation card on the items displayed is a nice finishing touch. Where to display. The "where" to display is more a matter of personal taste and habitat. Dens, studies, or libraries are very appropriate. Displays will dress up a game or recreation room, where they will be conversation pieces. A class- room display of currency can be used to illustrate many things. Your office is an excellent spot—for that some- thing extra. A dentist has one on the ceiling over his dental chair claims it takes the patients' minds off the drilling! I don't know. . . . Again, your display should be a reflection of your interests and personality. I'm sure your imagination will create even better ones than those suggested. Let others know about them! Four times I have made displays for my personal enjoyment and not for profit. But, four times a collector/ friend has "had to have them" and backed up his craving with substantial offers. Each time the fun was in creat- ing the different displays. The fifth time . . . I just don't know yet! A Custom-Made Record Log Book for Everyone By MIKE CARTER FTER reading Mr. Zegers' letter to the Editor in the March/April issue of PAPER MONEY. I decided to share with my fellow collectors a method of record keeping for my collection that I have found to be very efficient and attractive. There are available on the market many styles of flip-up photograph albums. By shopping around. the prospective buyer will be able to locate one for 31/2" x 5" prints with a nice padded, hard cover. If you live in a small town or an out-of-the-way location where it may be difficult to locate such an album, may I suggest the Sears catalog which carries a very nice one. The collector should strive to find an album with no print- ing on the cover. I have found that most of the quality albums do not have any printing. Most of the albums contain 50 clear acetate pockets, 25 to a side. The album I purchased was extremely nice because it came with a set of transfer letters, which I used to title the front of my collector's log and also to place my name on the cover. The next step in our homemade collector's log pre- ject is to acquire a package of standard 3" x 5" index cards, preferably lined. Using a felt-tipped pen, line off the appropriate number of columns to suit your needs. Illustrated is an example of my card layout. After much experimenting I have found this to be just about what I need to keep good records of my collection, but whatever you need you can do. L Typical card layout. Note index number in lower right- hand corner. Most of you are probably already saying there is not enough room on the cards for all your information. But wait! Note the column headed F/N (footnote). For every note in your collection for which you need more space, place the appropriate footnote number in the column. turn the card over, write the number and proceed to list the additional information or comments such as where bought, or what traded for, or even the pedigree of the note. The index cards are placed in the clear pockets one to a pocket or back-to-back if you have more cards than pockets. By placing the cards back-to-back the record book will hold 100 cards, instead of 50 cards one to a pocket. Placing the cards one to a pocket is much more convenient though, because just by flipping the leaf up you can read your footnotes. 1 Remember to write your footnotes in the proper orientation, so that when you flip the leaf up the footnote is not upside down.) After you have placed your cards in the acetate pockets in the order you would like them. go back and number each card in the lower right-hand or left-hand corner for indexing, As you will see, when your cards are placed in the leaves they will overlap and the bottom PAGE 194 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 of each card is visible. When your index numbers are placed on the cards every one of them will show, so that by referring to an index card placed in the top pocket of one or both trays of leaves, you can go quickly to any section or card in your record hook/ log. Devise your own index system to suit your needs. I have found that by numbering each card in a section with the same number serves my purpose (such as, all U.S. Note cards are #1. all Silver Certificate cards are #2, etc.). Also, using a different color of ink for the index numbers on the cards is very helpful for recogni- tion. Now for the final convincer: This is not complicated, time-consuming, or expensive! If you follow my instruc- tions it should take about 30 to 45 minutes to line-off all the cards and title the columns. The albums can be bought for as little as $2.99 and the best one I have seen was only $5.50. The index cards should be in the neighborhood of, say, fifty cents, for a total outlay of $3.50 to $6.00. The cheapest commercially available album of any comparison that I have seen is around $15.00 and I don't think it is nearly as attractive or "custom-made" to your needs as your finished product will be. After all, most of the reward of this album is that you did it yourself. I guarantee that you will be happy with it and proud to show your friends and fellow collectors what a nice collector's record keeping/ log hook you have. Federal Reserve Corner collectors take an unusually lax approach to/MANY the production of our paper money. It is difficult to determine why this should be the case. Knowl- edge of how our notes are produced and the steps by which the completed item is achieved can go a long way towards the explanation of an error or variety found on current currency. Therefore, it seems in order to give a short course in the printing of our basic commodity . . . money! The Bureau of Engraving and Printing currently prints all of our paper money on rotary presses. This is a comparatively new process, having been started in 1957 with the Series 1957 $1 Silver Certificates. Rotary presses carry a printing plate of 32-subjects, whereas the largest plate accommodated on the dd flat presses was 18-subject. The original rotary press had a complement of one plate, whereas the currently used Giori presses carry a complement of four plates. The Giori operates at a much higher speed, with a very large output in a 24-hour period. Currency paper is obtained under contract from the Crane Co.. and is a specially made security product. This paper is sent to press in a "dry" condition (as compared to the wet state of the flat press product). The reverse side of the sheet is printed first; these sheets are then accumulated on pallets. and each group of 100 sheets is marked with a divider. The ink used is a rapidly drying type, so there is no reason for a time delay in printing the other (face) side. The face is printed as required. This completes the engraved portion of our currency printing. Normally, after it has been accomplished, these full sheets are subjected to 100% inspection by the capable Bureau inspectors. Two things can happen if a sheet is partially defective: One, the entire sheet will be re- moved. Only full sheets of perfect notes will be retained. The other method is to mark the defective positions in the sheet, and these will later be replaced by "star" notes. These full sheets now can go two ways: One, the sheets are cut in half, giving two 16-subject sheets. These sheets will be used in COPE overprinting equipment. This automatic press process overprints on two consoles, each covering 16-subjects. The overprinted sheets are then automatically cut into individual notes, banded into 100s, and shelved in the proper numerical sequence for banding into bricks of 4,000 notes. This is all auto- matic! .As an alternative, the full sheet of 32-subjects is fed onto the presses (which are two-color) which overprint the district seal and four district numerals in black ink on the first printing head. The sheet then passes under the second printing head which places the green Treasury seal and the green serial numbers on the lower left side and upper right section of the note. All 32 subjects are overprinted at the same time, the different positions having been hand-set with proper starting serial num- bers for the press run of 20,000 sheets. These sheets are then taken to the guillotine, which cuts them in half, and then into the individual notes. These are then banded, subjected to a verified count. and put in proper sequence to go into the 4,000 note bricks. These bricks are now ready to go to the vault to be stored until shipment to your nearest Federal Reserve Branch Bank when ordered out. Within a few months after they have been printed, these notes will be ap- pearing in your local banks. We will cover other aspects of production in a later Corner. If you have any questions, they will be wel- comed. Personal replies made if a stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed. Thanks, and until next time . . . Adios! NATHAN GOLDSTEIN II P. 0. Box 36 Greenville, Miss. 38701 Anti-Rag Picker Not everyone regards the nickname "rag picker" with approval according to a recent Coin World editorial. Maj. Sheldon S. Carroll, curator of the numismatic collec- tion at the Bank of Canada, declared at a Canadian Numismatic Association banquet, "How can we expect others to respect our hobby when we don't respect it ourselves?" He termed the description of "rag Dickers" as applied to paper money collectors "disgraceful and disgusting." ,A 1 17()/ ) 11,/, of, / /if/ IT KNOWN laki anart.,-.? , Si di ;9/bit /tam it-,c-/ ffe-T y. ;." 4, , /7-4 7-r (, y / ,,nia rer aNn U.171 11, 0111, / a Asi /eLt r 14 .e.,(1 'to 2' ( the partit rt ry=a • 4, 'you/c the, 9.41e, f.tf s rCr,41 attc.6rai1r6 t ..)1 , t n:/ 1,nino ar WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 195 SPMC Bicentennial Feature Lnited States Loan Office Certificates Counterfoil and Collateral By GENE HESSLER Curator The Chase Manhattan Bank Numismatic & Syngraphic Collection U. S. Loan Office certificate with counterfoil. (The date on the back of the certificate appears to be Apr. 15, 1819 above the signature of Redford Webster.) N THE November, 1974 issue of this journal, Forrest Daniel presented an informative article concerning United States Loan Office Certificates after the Amer- ican Revolution. The illustrated certificate dated M arch 15, 1792 did not have the counterfoil which Mr. Daniel de- scribed as being "at the left on which the value could be recorded by cutting an irregular edge through groups of ten digits to express the value in los of thousands, thou- sands, hundreds, tens and units." In the syngraphic col- lection at The Chase Manhattan Bank we have one such certificate and I thought perhaps some of our readers might care to see an illustration, complete with counterfoil. I could add nothing to Mr Daniel's research, so I thought I would investigate the two names which appear on the accompanying illustration. N athaniel Appleton, Commis- sioner of Loans for the state of Massachusetts, practiced medicine in Boston. having received two degrees from Harvard in 1773 and 1774. Dr. Appleton was the incor- porator of The Massachusetts Medical Society and was the society's recording secretary for the first ten years of its existence ; during this time he did not miss a single meeting. The signature of Nathaniel Appleton appears on Loan Office Certificates as early as 5780. He died on April 15, 1795, two months before his .toth birthday. The patriotic Redford Webster who made this loan to the United States was a successful apothecary in Boston, although the American Antiquarian Society placed an M.D. behind his name on the list of members. (The society just mentioned petitioned the Boston Legislature in 1812, re- questing incorporation, which it received.) Redford Webster was one of the founding members and held the office of councillor from 1812-1816. At the first meeting of the American Antiquarian Society held at the Exchange Coffee House in Boston, he was chosen as one of the vice-presi- dents. On August 31, 1833, Webster died at the age of 72, and that is the extent of available information on the man who made a loan to the United States. However, in my search for additional information a skeleton, and I do mean skeleton, was exposed. Redford and Hannah Webster had a son John, who also graduated from Harvard, receiving a B.A. in 1811, and an M.D. in 1815. After some travel outside the United States. John returned to his alma mater to teach chemistry from PAGE 196 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 1824 to 1849. Young Webster was accustomed to living comfortably, but heing a poor manager of his finances, he lived beyond his means. In 1842, John Webster found it necessary to borrow $400 from Dr. George Parkman, a portion of which was re- paid by 1847. Dr. Parkman was obviously sympathetic and understanding but a poor businessman, because he accepted a note for $2,432 which included the unpaid balance of the first loan plus a larger second loan. The loan was secured by a mortgage on John Webster's personal prop- erty, which included a collection of minerals. The life of Reilly, or rather Webster, was difficult to change and so another loan of $1,200 from Robert Gould Shaw was contracted in 1848. For collateral, minerologist Webster signed over to Mr. Shaw the same mineral col- lection. This bit of tricky maneuvering came to the atten- tion of Dr. Parkman, who expressed his displeasure to the recipient of his loan. In what appeared as an attempt to assuage the anger of Dr. Parkman, a meeting was scheduled in the laboratory of John Webster. In the privacy of the laboratory Dr. Parkman received no money, not even an explanation; however, he did receive a blow on the head. After a few weeks Dr. Parkman was noticeably missed, and a search revealed his remains had been distributed below John Webster's laboratory vault . . in a tea chest . . . and in the murderer's furnace. Absolute identification was provided by a dentist who had made false teeth for the victim. John Webster was convicted and hanged on August 30. 85o; he received a decent burial. Every day we hear of someone who is trying "to get it all together." So if there is a moral to the above story it would be that Dr. Parkman could have kept himself "all together" if he would have loaned his money to Uncle Sam and not the mad doctor. U. S. Bicentennial Note Still Sought Gene Hessler Enters Campaign HE PROPOSED special $2 note for the Bicenten- nial is not yet dead, according to reports coming out of Washington and New York. Secretary of the Treasury Simon, testifying before a subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee on March 13, said he has a -personal bias" in favor of a $2 bill but that his "bureaucracy is opposed to it." The Federal Reserve System, too, is still opposed to reinstating the $2 note and recently commissioned a nationwide survey to determine public acceptance of the denomination. The poll results were said to be "in-con- clusive." In his testimony, Simon also favored a two-cent coin in a cheap metal which would be the hundredth part of the S2 note. Both the note and the coin would reduce total currency production costs. However, this economy Design concept for reverse of $2 Bicentennial com- memorative note suggested by Gene Hessler. Mock-up of the design reprinted here by courtesy of Numismatic News Weekly, Krause Publications, Iola, Wis. factor could be defeated by a special Bicentennial de- sign which might tend to take many of the notes out of circulation. Gene Hessler. curator of the Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum, has added his personal clout to the campaign for a commemorative note, meeting with Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary James Clawson and contacting other officials by letter as early as June, 1974. U. S. Treasurer Francine Neff, who expressed a positive interest, was to appear with Hessler on the NBC Today Show promoting the note but later cancelled out. Because it is now much too late to stage a design competition, Hessler came up with his own concept for a design. suggesting a famous early American woman for the face and using the Trumbull painting of the Declaration of Independence as seen on the $100 Na- tional Bank Note, series 1875, for the back. The dates 1776-1976 would be placed above it and the denomin- ation given both as two dollars and two hundred cents. Although Secretary Simon said he could see no need for special colors, Hessler suggested multi-colors and a size a fraction larger than current notes so that the $2 could be easily distinguished if it entered circulation. If necessary, it could be a red seal U. S. Note rather than a green seal Federal Reserve Note. He also suggested packaging CU notes and selling them at a premium, much like proof sets of coins. The concept of the proposed reverse shown here was created at Krause Publications and is reprinted with their permission. The Community Republican Club of Jackson Heights, New York adopted a resolution on April 21 supporting the $2 note idea but suggesting substitution of an American eagle for the traditional portrait on the face to avoid singling out any one found- ing father. Brazil is experiencing a paper money collecting boom, D. G. Coimbra of Rio de Janeiro reports in Coin World. Among other areas it is affecting rather common recent bills, such as the cruzeiro notes bearing the overprinted new centavo-cruzeiro values at the introduction of the "heavy cruzeiro" in the late 1960's. Now demonetized, these notes in "bricks" of 500 were available at one time directly from the government for $10. They are now selling at 10c each, spurred on by the availability of new currency albums. M A. P II Trumbull County Ig •• Z , I 0 I Z • • (0W 7 H RA IA — • 1 ` ' YOIJ•411700/ I" ZiLtnj I • • • 12 ji Jo g Q 7 5 :7 ,‘ 3 2 ClIron' C k_EV E LAND IN THE. TEAR 1 0 0 . Fnwrrived expre•ely for Ow Western ktomPr, FIRE LANDS 500.000 ACM. INDIAN TERRITORY WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 197 The Western Reserve Bank and the Story of New Connecticut By CHARLES V. KEMP, JR. Map from Western Reserve Chronicle, Jan. -Feb. 1871 ANY STATE banks are interesting to paper money collectors because of their vivid connection with our early history. One of these banks is note- worthy not only for its long history in an important area of our developing country, but also for its name—The Western Reserve Bank of Warren, Ohio. This title re- calls the fact that a large area of Ohio was once a colony of Connecticut. In the 1630's, emigrants from the Massachusetts Bay Colony began to form new colonies to the south. Even- tually the settlement known as Connecticut became pre- dominant and in 1662 persuaded Charles II of England to grant it a territory about 65 miles wide and reaching in effect from ocean to ocean. Naturally, as some of the neighboring colonies de- veloped, disputes arose over this huge grant. Connecti- cut's attempts at a western colony were resisted by Pennsylvania, and eventually both Pennsylvania and New York gained control of large parts of it. Finally in 1786. Connecticut was persuaded to cede away to Congress most of her vast claim. In return it kept a large tract extending from Pennsylvania west as far as present-day Sandusky and south from Lake Erie as far as Youngs- town. This also included the future sites of Akron and Cleveland. When the Northwest Territory was created in 1787. it was composed of present-day Illinois, Indiana, Michi- gan, Wisconsin and part of Minnesota. However, the area claimed by Connecticut remained separate and until 1800, when Connecticut finally withdrew its claim, this area was a colony of Connecticut and almost an inde- pendent state. Sometimes it was referred to as "New Connecticut," but the people who settled there called it the "Western Reserve." The first attempt at developing these lands came in 1788, when some 25.000 acres were sold to Judge Samuel Parsons. The judge's death soon after the purchase pre- vented the opening of these lands, and it was not until 1792 that the next attempt was made. At that time. Connecticut set aside 500.000 acres in the western part of the Reserve for her citizens who had suffered losses by fire or other causes during the Revolutionary War. These lands were called the "Firelands." The remaining three million acres were offered for sale in 1795. This land. which had never been sur- veyed, was purchased by a group of 35 Connecticut citizens for $1,200,000, a bargain price of 40c per acre. The revenue from this sale was used to provide Connecti- cut with a permanent school fund. The group of citizens joined together as the Connecti- cut Land Co. and elected Gen. Moses Cleaveland superin- tendent. In 1796 he organized and led a surveying party into the Reserve. The party mapped the area and PAGE 198 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 laid out the beginnings of the city of Cleveland. (The "a" in the General's name was dropped on maps.) The expedition also laid out the town of Warren, named after Moses Warren. one of the surveyors. The town was settled in 1799 and soon began to prosper with the developing country. Sawmills and gristmills sprang up along the Mahoning River. Warren was for a time more thriving than Cleveland. The first newspaper in the Reserve was started here, and soon Warren became the seat of the Western Reserve. A Bank Is Chartered at Warren, Ohio As economic growth continued, the need for a bank became more pressing. On Feb. 20, 1812, a bank was chartered at Warren, with Gen. Simon Perkins as presi- dent and capitalized at $100,000. It opened for business Nov. 12, 1812. Even though all of the area had become part of the state of Ohio in 1803. the bank was called "The Western Reserve Bank." Warren's growth now slowed, and it did not incorpo- rate as a town until 1834. The bank, however, was able to prosper due to its capable president. Gen. Perkins remained as chief executive until 1836; it was his lively interest and devotion to the hank's reputation which helped make The Western Reserve Bank the only state chartered hank in Ohio to remain sound and solvent until the end of state organization. The bank had been given a new charter in 1816 under the Bonus Law by which it had to give up one out of every 25 shares of its stock to the state. In return it was chartered to Dec. 31. 1842. at which time the "bonus" from the dividends on the stock was to be paid. Also, and most important, banks organized under the law were exempted from state taxes. Simon Perkins, who opposed this law, favored an annual tax instead. He remarked that the law was passed "without the application of the banks and without regard for actual banking conditions." This Bonus Law undoubtedly did much to encourage unscrupulous bank- ers in the state, which in turn led to much resentment among citizens of Ohio towards banks in general. Although the bank was forced to suspend specie pay- ment for a few months during the general suspensions in 1814 and 1837, its success was proven during the financial crisis of 1818, when scores of banks were failing and the agents of the Second Bank of the United States were trying to redeem the circulating notes of the Ohio banks in specie. The Western Reserve Bank was able to redeem all but $10,000 of an outstanding $50,000. The hank survived this crisis and in 1829 was one of only two banks in the Reserve. Soon this number in- creased and by 1834 there were six. By 1836. there were 28 banks in Ohio. In 1828, the first full year of operation of the Ohio and Erie Canal helped boom the Reserve. In 1836, an ex- tension canal reached Warren. This, along with a turn- pike dating from 1828, opened Warren up to Lake Erie commerce and also to the Atlantic coast. By 1834 the bank's capital had increased to $144,051. Unfortunately, the Ohio legislature was becoming opposed to banks. Inept or dishonest management characterized far too many of them. By the 1840's, when charters granted under the Bonus Law were expiring, the legislature was reluctant to renew them. By 1845, there were only eight banks left in the state; The West- ern Reserve Bank was not one of them, since it had been forced to liquidate on Dec. 31. 1842. Although Simon Perkins had resigned from the bank in 1836, he still was highly regarded as an astute banking man. In 1341, he was called before the legislature to offer his views on proposed banking reform. Perkins. however, believed that there was such a hostile feeling towards banks that the best idea might be to let people see how they could get along without banks for awhile. In the end this is just what the legislature let happen. Finally in 1845 both citizens and lawmakers realized how vital banks were to the state's economy. The legis- lature began again to charter banks under a new and tougher banking law. In July, 1845, The Western Re- serve Bank was reorganized under the independent banking law and began a new life which took it success- fully through the Civil War era. Warren was the seat of Trumbull County, and dis- covery of oil there helped contribute to the area's growth. A plank road was completed in 1849, and in 1857 the Cleveland and Mahoning Valley Railroad passed through Warren on its way to Youngstown. Lucas, Garrison & Co. - Where Were You? This article is the fourth in a series devoted to the many varied stories con- cerning Indiana obsolete notes and the banks and bankers who made them possible. WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 199 In 1863, the bank nationalized and received charter number 74 as The First National Bank of Warren. After thus changing its distinctive name, it carried on busi- ness through the remaining years of the 19th century as it had in the previous years. In 1902, it was suc- ceeded by the Union National Bank, which in turn was liquidated in 1911. So ended the career of one of our pioneer banks. The people whom it served during its long career undoubted- ly held it in high regard for its stability during times when irresponsible banks were too often the rule. To- day, bank note collectors can remember it not only for this but also for carrying on in its title the memory of New Connecticut. SOURCES Conlin, Mary Lou: Simon. Perkins of The Western Reserve Ganson, William: Cleveland, the Making of a City Hatcher, Harlen: The Western Reserve, The Story of New Connecticut Wismer, D. C.: "Descriptive List of Old Paper Money Issued in Ohio" Ohio Arch. and Historical Society Publications, Vol. 21 The Ohio Guide: Oxford University Press Ms. Virginia R. Hawley, General Reference Supervisor of The Western Reserve Historical Society PART IV Rare Banknotes, Banks, and Bankers of Indiana By WENDELL WOLKA I NDIANA has at least one elegant phantom which hascome to light in recent years. This beautiful black and white proof is, as far as we know, the sole remnant of the enterprise of Lucas, Garrison & Co. The only problem is that we don't know IF or WHERE the company ever conducted business. Can anyone part the mists of history and tell us: 1. Did Lucas, Garrison & Co. ever commence busi- ness? 2. If so. from where did they operate? 3. How long did they stay in business? NEXT: The Bank of the State of Indiana An Overview of Extremes PAGE 200 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 SPMC Chronicle Convention Arrangements Finalized ? RESIDENT Pennell has finally been able to clear our meeting arrangements with the ANA officials in charge of the Los Angeles convention, with the following results: all events at the Marriott Hotel) —The general membership annual meeting will he at 2 PM, Thursday. August 21, in the Denver Room. —The banquet on Friday, August 22 will be preceded by a cash bar "happy hour" at 5:30 PM, also in the Denver Room. Then the banquet itself will take place at 6:30 in the Chicago-Dallas Room, just around the corner from the Denver Room. Gene Hessler, curator of the Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum and author of The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, will be the featured speaker. Also, the annual Society awards will be given out, and topping off the proceed- ings will be Tom Bain's famous raffle. The price of banquet tickets is $12.50 per person. SPMC regrets the necessity of this high price but even at such a figure, it will not break even on costs. There- fore, donations toward defraying banquet expenses will be welcome. Treasurer Owen Warns will be happy to issue tax deduction receipts: all donations to SPMC are tax-deductible. of course. Tickets are available now from M.O. Warns, P. 0. Box 1840. Milwaukee, WI 53201 and until August 9th. Please make checks payable to SPMC. The remaining tickets will be on sale at paper money dealers' bourse tables in Los Angeles. However, since the facilities assigned to us at the Marriott accommodate only 175 persons. tickets should be obtained as soon as possible. Through the generosity of an anonymous benefactor, an informal hospitality suite will be available to mem- bers all day Thursday and Friday plus Saturday morn- ing, August 21-23. At the general membership meeting on Thursday, the 21st, members will have an opportunity to meet and query their officers, who will make the annual reports. In addition, it is planned to open up the meeting to a general forum as was done successfully at the Metro- politan New York show in April. One of the topics up for discussion will he the suggestion for holding paper money collectors' conventions separate from the general ANA shows and in central locations easily accessible to all at reasonable cost. Please note the dates above. The dates in the May issue were in error. Check the hotel bulletin boards upon arrival for any possible last-minute changes. Participants in Tom Bain's raffles at earlier banquets know well how much truly valuable and useful material is given away. Donations for this year's raffle are needed. Contact Tom at 3717 Marquette Dr., Dallas, TX 75225. If you can be at the Los Angeles show, please try to take part in these SPMC activities. Corrected Nominations Report In the haste to make the deadline for the May issue, the name of William J. Harrison was inadvertently omitted from the list of hold-over governors. The corrected list should read: Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W. Daniel, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison, Robert E. Medlar, Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, Glenn B. Smedley, Harry G. Wigington, and Wendell Wolka. The newly nominated directors up for election at the annual meeting are Thomas C. Bain, J. Roy Pennell, Jr.. George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns and Larry Adams. The Winner's Circle —At the Central States Numismatic Society conven- tion, Kansas City, a second award to Maurice Burgett ( SPMC 92). —At the Texas Numismatic Association convention, a second award to G. F. Johnson (3497). At the Will County Coin Club show. Joliet, Ill.. a first in paper money and the trophy for the best dis- play by a club member to George Hendrick (39491. —At the 56th semi-annual California State Numismatic Association convention, San Francisco, a literary award to Charles Colver (37931 for his article "Home Town Banknotes" in Calcoin. News. —At the New York Metropolitan Coin Club annual convention, a first award to Dr. Glenn Jackson 15401 for essay-proof material. A second to Arthur Reich (39891 for error currency. George Wait was the educational chairman and moderator at the educational forum. (Winners: Do not send notice of your awards to the Secretary or any other officer. That only delays report- ing. Write directly to the Editor.) Del Bertschy Receives Ambassador Award SPMC member number 42, A. P. "Del" Bertschy of Milwaukee, became the first recipient for 1975 of the Numismatic News Weekly Numismatic Ambassador award. The presentation was made at the May conven- tion of Numismatists of Wisconsin by publisher Chester Krause. Mr. Bertschy, 78, has collected coins since 1908, and has been active in NOW as well as the Central States Numismatic Society. In making the award, Krause explained its signifi- cance thus: "We have long felt that certain individuals, WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 201 while recognized for their special contributions to the hobby in the local area, have not received the national recognition that is merited. After all, it's the grass roots support that has made our hobby truly national in scope and influence." SPMC at TNA Tom Bain reports from Dallas that an SPMC luncheon was held on April 12, 1975 at the 17th Texas Numismatic Association convention. Nineteen members attended, in- cluding Grover Criswell, Lyn Knight, Dean Petersen, Barry Martin, J. L. Irish, Bill Corbin, Matt Rothert, Chet Krause, Charles Wingo, Dale Ennis, Homer Brooks, Bob Medlar, Kenneth Keith, G. J. Johnson, George Hatie, Roman Latimer, Frank Nowak, John Pittman and Tom Bain. Help Needed on Obsolete Note Listings Richard T. Hoober sends a reminder to all collectors of obsoletes that George Wait, researching the notes of New Jersey and the District of Columbia, will appreciate information on them for the forthcoming Society books. His address is Box 165, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Also, John B. Henry (2614). now researching the notes of Maryland, also needs assistance. His address is RFD 2, Millersville, MD 21108. George Wait Coordinating Syngraphic Project for National Endowment for the Arts SPMC's former President, George Wait, is currently coordinating a project undertaken by the Newark Museum under a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to publish a comprehensive catalog of paper money issued in New Jersey after 1787. Those desiring to furnish information may write to Mr. Wait at P. 0. Box 165, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Library Notes By WENDELL WOLKA, Librarian P. 0. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 Regular Additions: The Numismatist : March, April, May 1975 ANA Club Bulletin : March, April 1975 The Check List: July/October 1974 New Additions: — International Banknote Company, Inc. Report of 1974 Annual Meeting. 17pp. This booklet contains a transcript of the shareholders' meeting held on June 17, 1974 in New York City. Some interesting insights into the engraving business. UA 60 Banyai, Richard A. Money and Banking in B6 China and Southeast Asia During the Ja- panese Military Occupation 1937-1945. 150pp. Illus. 1974. Gift of Author. This is a book every MPC collector should be read- ing to gain a better understanding regarding the Ja- panese notes in his collection as well as the other cur- rencies which were affected. Mr. Banyai does his usual superlative job in probing the times and events sur- rounding the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia and its subsequent effect on the area's monetary situ- ation. Take a few moments to borrow it from the library and I'm sure you'll see what I mean! AN APPEAL! I am often put in the embarrassing position of in- forming members that the library does not have a com- plete run of the Society's own magazine! In addition several extra copies of the early issues have been "liberated" from the library over the years. I have reached the point where I can no longer send out any of the first four volumes but must photocopy articles for members on request. We are in desperate need of Volume 3, nos. 1, 2, and 3 (Winter, Spring, and Summer 1964) as we have NO copies of these issues. In addition, I would like to obtain at least one additional copy of Vol. 1, nos. 1, 2, 3, & 4; Vol. 2, nos. 1, 2, 3, & 4; Vol. 3 nos. 1, 2, 3, & 4 (in addition to the above); and Volume 4, no. 1. If enough copies are received, I am confident that we can resume the sending of these early editions. Please forward any of your "orphans" to the address listed at the beginning of this column. Membership Participation Column SYNGRAPHI-CHAT Mailing Paper Money Collectibles The transferring or shipping of paper money from one person to another is often worrisome. As a collector, I have had a great deal more sent to me than I have shipped myself, and for the most part, it has been for- warded to me by the U. S. mails. In an effort to find the best method of shipping, I con- tacted or researched five other types of carriers but have found nothing to take the place of the mails. The others are for the most part franchised by the government to operate within certain narrow confines that do not allow the necessary flexibility required by most of us. Also, my personal experience with the mails has been excellent. As notes come to me from around the country, I find that there are as many different methods of packaging as shipments. From them I have learned that certain ones are superior to others. Bear in mind that I have re- ceived notes stapled to cardboard to prevent slippage; notes folded; notes sent by first class mail without any registration. In one such case, the notes were sent thus without my knowing or ordering them. Wouldn't that have been a fine kettle to stew in if they had been lost? On the other hand, I have received notes that were over- packaged and hence cost too much to ship. Because of these experiences I submitted to the office of the Postmaster General in Washington an AU small- size Silver Certificate in an acetate folder further en- closed in the proper sized Safe-T-Mailer manufactured by the Safe-T-Mailer Co. of Westport, CT 06880. The entire thing was slipped into a No. 10 white envelope addressed according to regulations. PAGE 202 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 The envelope was received in Washington where it was tested for possible damage and found to pass the require- ments of reasonable protection to the contents. The Postal Service would prefer that shipments be made by registered mail with a return receipt requested. All shipments valued over $200 must be sent by registered mail if insurance is required. Those under $200 may be sent by insured third or fourth class mail; if they exceed certain weight limits, they are sent as "priority mail", essentially air mail, at no extra cost. Consult your local post office for further details and specifications for proper sealing. There may well be mailing products other than the one mentioned which will work equally well. I would be in- terested in hearing other members' experiences with them. JOHN R. PALM Bury Your Scissors To this student of obsolete paper money collecting, "original state of preservation" plays a large part in the building of a collection. As the coin collector, the syngraphist strives to obtain the best possible condition he can afford. There is, however, a serious problem about the cutting up of obsolete sheets, thereby effectively reducing one sheet of notes to four single notes. As collectors I am sure most of you know to what I am referring. A peek through almost any dealer's selection will most likely turn up quite a number of this type note which has been cut from remainder sheets. Most all of the obsolete notes available today were printed in sheets of one, two, or four notes. These notes were signed, cut and distributed at the bank of origin. However, due to vari- ous circumstances, many of these sheets of uncut bills were preserved in their original state just as they came from the engraver. To have or collect different specimens of these artistically engraved items in sheet form brings a high degree of satisfaction and accomplishment not evident in the possession of even the same two or four notes singly. Nor should it bring the same satisfaction! The possessor of a sheet of obsolete currency truly has a piece of history in his hands. There could be a number of motives involved in the cutting up of these sheets, of which I am sure profit is at the top of the list. Some people are quick to realize that a sheet which would bring only about $25 as a single entity could possibly bring $40 when cut up and sold as four separate notes. Another motive could be to obtain a crisp note which does look nicer than one in lesser grade. Personally, I would prefer a signed and dated note that has seen circulation than the identical note as it is cut from an unsigned and undated sheet. I have no grievance with the person who will sell or trade these cut-up notes but I do complain about the fellow who is doing the buying or the cutting. As syngraphists of the 1970's we should commit ourselves to some higher ideals for our hobby. If we go on de- stroying these items of historical interest, what will be left for our children to see or collect? Certainly a com- plete sheet of obsolete notes is worth much more histori- cally (if not monetarily) than the UNC. U/S, U/D notes we so often see advertised. I suppose when the supply of uncut sheets reaches a certain level the premium will adjust itself so that it will no longer be profitable to cut notes from the sheet to sell them as singles. It's only too bad that we will probably have to wait for the day to come when it just isn't worth it to cut up sheets before this great disservice to our fu- ture generations will finally stop. At that point there will most likely be too few uncut sheets left to be widely col- lected, and fewer of the next generation of collectors will be able to collect and enjoy them. Perhaps I shouldn't even be writing this. As you have surmised by now, the more sheets that are cut up the less the remaining supply and the higher the monetary po- tential or return, and as a collector of obsolete sheets this could mean more money in my pocket when the time comes to sell. Well, it just can't be that way! At least not for me and hopefully not for most of you. We owe it to future collectors to preserve history in its most original form. Consequently I urge all collectors and dealers who would be moved by some motive to cut up obsolete sheets to bury their sciessors and help preserve history for our children and for the future. C. JOHN FERRERI "bhero shout (1 my dollar be spent?" Specialized Collecting Is specialized collecting of currency the most advanta- geous way for the beginning collector to start? The usual recommendation made these days by cur- rency dealers, and those knowledgeable in the field, is to specialize and concentrate in one area of currency in- stead of purchasing one or two items of the various types of currency available. I don't think it's my place to disagree in total with what they say, although I do feel that the beginning collector especially will derive much more benefit by starting his collection with as many various "types" as he is able to afford. At some later date in his collecting life, should he want to specialize, then is the time to start. The early formative years are most important in any stage of life, as well as currency collecting, where I think the introduction should be made to all the types available . . . and this "type" of collection does make a fine display also. LARRY SANDERS NEEDED— For SPMC Annual Dinner Meeting Los Angeles, August 1975 Photographer (s) willing to cover. Write to the Editor for details. Collector C C D C C C C C C, D C C, D C C C C C C C C C D C, D C C C C C C, D C D C, D C C C C, D C, D C Specialty U. S. small-size notes Military, world-wide, M or m o n, sutler, Confederate Banknotes Mexico World War II, Italy, Russia W ester n state issues and Western Nationals U. S. type collection Type National Bank Notes—Monmouth and Ocean Counties, N.J.; Allied war currency Confederate and Mississippi notes Obsolete notes of Virginia National Currency-brown backs U. S. Civil War Montana National Currency Notgeld, Chinese Nationalist Military chits and MPC's World-wide U. S. small-size notes; Cuban and Haitian currency U. S. Fractional currency U. S. small-size notes U. S. large-size notes Legal Tender Notes-large and small-size Obsolete notes of Vermont Broken bank notes; Mexican Fractional currency Uncut sheets—obsolete, Confederate, U. S. China, Vietnam, Korea, Mongolia Current low denomination foreign ( world) notes and MPC's U. S. large and small-size type notes U. S. and Canada (general) U. S. WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PACE 203 SECRETARY'S REPORT VERNON L. BROWN, Secretary P. 0. Box 8984 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33310 New Member Roster Dealer or No. New Members 4391 Manuel A. Mavros, 5441 E. 2nd St., Apt. A, Long Beach, CA 90803 4392 Allen R. Menke, 1138 No. Isabel St., Glendale, CA 91207 4393 Robert A. Bowse, P. 0. Box 305, Dedham, Mass. 02026 4394 Steve Willing, 10510 Odessa Ave., Granada Hills, CA 91344 4395 Orlando A. Laurie, 2909 Rowena Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90039 4396 Loyal M. Haun, 2525 W. Pierson St., Phoenix, Ariz. 85017 4397 Bob Kosmo, 216 N. Maryland Ave., Youngstown, Ohio 44509 J4398 Joseph Impellizeri, 12 Ulysses Rd., Somerset, N.J. 08873 4399 Irving Carol, 58 Lennox Ave., Rumson, N.J. 07760 4400 Mrs. Charles Goldman, 113-01 Jewel Ave., Forest Hills, N.Y. 11375 J4401 Brooke Samuelson, Jewell, Iowa 50130 4402 Wilburn L. Kent, P. 0. Box 841, Greenville, Miss. 38701 4403 Emmett H. Brooks, Box 227A, Mt. Wilson Lane, Pikesville, Md. 21208 4404 Carl E. Kelton, Route 14, White River Junction, Vt. 05001 4405 Robert L. McDaniel, 1009 S. Raleigh St., Martins- burg, W. VA. 25401 4406 Lynn A. Phillips, 14459 Maddelein, Detroit, Mich. 48205 4407 Thomas R. Mooningham, 8112 Cyers Lane, Orlando, Fla. 32807 4408 Victor L. Fickling, 2107 - 29th Ave. S., Minnea- polis, Minn. 55406 4409 Louis A. Romero, 4305 Gateway Ave., Apt. 12, Los Angeles, CA 90029 4410 A. Wells, P. 0. Box 395, Delray Beach, FL 33444 4411 Paul Kagin, P. 0. Box 15, Des Moines, Iowa 50301 4412 William F. Lenz, 115 Sussex Road, Tenafly, N.J. 07670 4413 Gary J. Drake, 21405 Carol Sue Lane, Saugus, CA 91350 4414 Frank DeBenedetto, 15 Bernice Place, Lodi, NJ. 07644 4415 Ricky Lee Smith, 226 1/2 Caldwell Dr., Brevard, N.C. 28712 4416 Wendell W. Croyle, River Road, Hoosick Falls, N.Y. 12090 4417 Sanford Elmo Burgess, 5431 Kreger, Sterling Heights, Mich. 48077 4418 R. H. Kessler, D.D.S., 185 Broadway, Hillsdale, N.J. 07642 4419 Joseph F. Dolan, 213 Baltimore Blvd., Sea Girt, N.J. 08750 4420 Lauren Benson, 511 Putnam Bldg., Davenport, Iowa 52801 4421 LeRoy J. Bellisario, 17 Front St., Wyoming, Del. 19934 4422 Bruce W. Smith, P. 0. Box 57, Iola, Wis. 54945 4423 George E. Scholl, Sr., 515 Plymouth Rd., Apt B-7, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462 4424 Michael V. Lewis, Rt. 2, Box 9-E, Stevensville, Mont. 59870 4425 W. Murray Clark, P. 0. Box 1, No. Woodstock, N.H. 03262 4426 Olav Wefald, Dilworth, Minn. 56529 4427 Edwin A. Richt, 2837 Brownsboro Rd., Louisville, Ky. 40206 PACE 204 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 C C C C, D C C C, D C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C, D C C C C C 4428 Stephen J. Bondarenko, 261 Ridge St., New Milford, N.J. 07646 4429 Charles E. Carter, 338 W. Division St., Apt. D, Villa Park, Ill. 60181 4430 Paul M. Corbiey, P. 0. Box 13, Orwell, Vt. 05760 4431 R. Nardy, Box 1631, Grand Cent. Sta., New York, N.Y. 10017 4432 B. M. Berry, Rt. 9, Box 347, Burlington, N.C. 27215 4433 Timothy Ernst, 32 Monivea Place, Pleasant Hill, Ca 94523 4434 Joe De Corte, 20268 Haynes St., Canoga Park, CA 91306 4435 John J. Merrigan, Jr., 2 Alexandria Drive, East Hanover, N.J. 07936 4436 Larry J. Linn, 166 Honeysuckle, Casper, Wyo. 82601 4437 Tom E. Gettman, 122 Rainbow Ct., Vallejo, CA 94590 4438 Alan P. Cyrgalis, 61-36 75th Place, Middle Village, N.Y. 11379 4439 Forrest Meadows, Rt. 1, Box 176, Bethany, Mo. 64424 4440 Charles K. Panish, P. 0. Box 57, Saugatuck Sta., Westport, Conn. 06880 J4441 Buck Winslow, P. 0. Box 285, Hertford, N.C. 27944 4442 James Iwataki, 512 - 24th St., Moline, ILL. 61265 4443 Jack Marrs, 8721 W. Hustis St., Milwaukee, Wis. 53224 4444 Charmaine F. Warns, 5920 W. Fillmore Drive, Milwaukee, Wis. 53201 4445 Edward A. Dauer, M.D., 4101 Pinetree Dr., #1826, Miami Beach, Fla. 33140 4446 Ann W. Shull, Apt. 246, McDonnell Sq., Biloxi, MS 39531 J4448 Dean Miller, P. 0. Box 86, Newport, Va. 24128 4449 Lawrence Leyenberger, 142 Kenilworth Rd., Ridge- wood, N.J. 07450 4450 Joszsek Porteleki, 1078 Budapest, VII Landler Jeno u.10.111.4, Hungary 4451 William Kreusser, 28 Bungalow Park, Stamford, Conn. 06902 4452 Joseph F. Hastry, 511 N. Bouldin St., Baltimore, Md. 21205 4453 Harold V. Raines, P. 0. Box 41673, Sacramento, CA 95841 4454 John P. Rahm, III, P. 0. Box 68, Colonial Dr., Perkiomenville, PA 18074 4455 Irving Lieber, 102-30 66th Road, Forest Hills, N.Y. 11375 4456 Harry M. Corrigan, 6001 140th Ave. N.E., #588, Redmond, Wash. 98052 4457 Carl L. Bolling, Jr., P. 0. Box 1535, Huntington, W. VA. 25716 4458 Irving Keiser, P. 0. Box 5031, PAWAA P.O., Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 4459 Robert E. Gibb, P. 0. Box 23, Wellesley, Mass. 02181 4460 Henry Foster, 410 East Third St., Bishop, Texas 78343 $1 FRN's-blocks & radars; $1 S.C. U. S. small-size notes FRN's, Vermont Nationals U. S. National Currency and large-size notes U. S. large-size notes Colonial currency; broken bank notes of N.J. U. S. $1 F.R.N.'s National Bank Notes U. S. large-size Silver Ctfs. and U. S. Notes North Carolina and Confederate U. S. large-size notes and broken bank notes National Bank Notes U. S. and Confederate Errors and serial Numbers-radars, repeats etc. U. S. Fractional currency, scrip U. S.-P.O.W. & C.C.C.; Axis and Allied currencies; Philippine guerilla currency General U. S. large & small-size $1, $2 Legal Tender and Silver Ctfs. U. S. large and small-size notes National Currency U. S. $2.00 bills Notes with insects or bee hives in design U. S. Small-size notes U. S. National Currency, large & small- size ; Mexico-Revolution & obsolete Changes of Address 3591 Thomas H. Adams, 2822 Cole Dr., San Diego, CA 92110 771 Sam Alford, P. 0. Box 249, Henderson, N.C. 27536 3448 Nicholas J. Bruyer, 532 Imo, #5, Dayton, Ohio 45405 3854 Richard W. Denny, P. 0. Box 15, Oswego, Ill. 60543 3531 Kenneth W. Fabian, 17224 Los Banos, Hayward, CA 94541 3893 Leonard Garland, Route 2, Box 84, Decatur, Ala. 35601 4079 John T. Hadden, Jr., 422 Hickory Ave., Carney's Point, N.J. 08069 4289 Wayne T. Hahn, 2719 Morris Ave., Bronx, N.Y. 10468 459 Harry Lessin, Allen Road, Norwalk, Conn. 06851 3435 Elvin B. Miller, 266 Prospect Dr., Leesburg, Va. 22075 4198 Frank Albert Miller, M.D., 1304 Seaton Road, T-23, Durham, N.C. 27705 3766 HMC Robert G. Mitchell, USN, A.F.R. Research Inst., Nuclear Defense Agency, Bethesda, Md. 20014 2130 N. Harold Munn, 1534 McDade, Conroe, Texas 77301 3102 Mervyn H. Reynolds, P. 0. Box 3507, Hampton, Va. 23663 3393 Charles Rogers (MHR), 9728 Seaview Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236 2332 Edwin 0. Schlessinger, 4169 Vincennes Place, New Orleans, La. 70125 Z 616036E 4;11 IN ' 114.14.44 03 NATI 4 EN.I.,A2, I IAN 1 iel Iri 'A:0 , ,.., S ,,,, , o,...... 1.,,,..:J_ , •14.1 ; , ,, 1.4.■ - JI LL y21 ...L) (4 !, r,‘ t .t.,..) S +3 ›lrfrIrrn21183102ilft 12 214 fr. -tl`:21^ eitiVOIDUr;(,,V';:.1 SAN Pti,km t;-■co. WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 205 2486 Michael Humphrey, 37 S. Waverly, Brighton, Mass. 02135 3942 Robert W. Johnson, 203-8 Bjornson Dr., Cavalier, N. Dak. 58220 2238 Edwin Roy Kelly 10329 Ridgecrest Rd., Marcy, N.Y. 13403 2053 E. Harold Langdon, 1938 Waverly St., Napa, CA 94558 4043 Joseph R. Lasser, c/o Cyrus J. Lawrence, Inc., 115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10006 Change in 3957 Lindsay M. McLennan, 94 Spadina Ave., Hamil- ton, Ont. L8M 2X3, Canada 3662 Martin D. Scisorek, 4929 Van Noord Ave., Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 1991 David Schlingman, 6701 N.W. Blair Rd., Kansas City, Mo. 64152 2680 Ed Shlieker, P. 0. Box 5451, Tucson, Aria. 85703 2362 Ted A. Sturm, 2103 Medford Lane, Greensboro, N.C. 27408 2584 Wendell Wolka, 7425 S. Woodward Ave. #214, Woodridge, Ill. 60515 3397 John Zia, P. 0. Box 188, San Jose, CA 95103 3538 Irene F. Campbell, 400 East 57th St., #14 P, New York, N.Y. 10022 Zip Code 2378 John H. Wilson, 122 S.W. 53rd Ave., Ft. Lauder- dale, Fla. 33317 3757 Victor I. Colthorp 309 B. R. Brady 340 Charles F. Goldman 1301 Elmon R. Johnson Change in Name 4218 Rick Sundman Deceased 3022 Robert M. Pennington 594 Delwyn Worthington FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES • Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available WARREN HENDERSON P. 0. BOX 1358, VENICE, FLA. 33595 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes. Script. Warrants. Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Mon- tana, New Mexico, Colorado; Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefierson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals. Kirtlands, topical=_; Colonial. Continental; CSA. Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Western rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P. O. BOX 33, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N. Y. 11571 PACE 206 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 58 MONEY MART FOR USE BY MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY ONLY PAPER MONEY will accept classifield advertising from members on a basis of 5c per word, with a mini- mum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, sell- ing„ or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in na- ture. At present there are no special classifications but the first three words will be printed in capital letters. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the So- ciety of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jeffer- son, Wis. 53549 by the 10th of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e., Aug. 10, 1975 for Sept. 1975 issue). Word count: Name and address will count for five words. All other words and abbrevia- tions, figure combinations and initials counted as separate words. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count: WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham fur cash or trade for FRN block letters. $1 SC, U. S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N. Y. 10015. (22 words; $1; SC; U. S.; FRN counted as one word each) ( Because of ever-increasing costs, no receipts for MONEY MART ads will be sent unless specifically requested.) FRACTIONAL CURRENCY WANTED: Crisp Unc., no pin holes, good margins. Send list. Herbert Rubin, 488 Madison Ave., New York, NY WANTED: UNC. $1 FRN. Paying $16. 1963 suffix A sets, $18. 1963 star sets. $2.50 each 1969A J star. 1969B I star name price. 1969C L star $2. 1969D A star $1.50. All 1974 stars wanted $110 per pack. Bert Hart, 910 Magnolia Lane, Madison, WI 53713 HAVE LOT OF 1000 Stock certificates Century Natural Gas and Oil Corporation. Make offer. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 WANTED: GUATEMALA, BANCO Agricola Hipote- cario, Pick No. 6 through 10. Please describe and send price wanted. Thanks. Bob Rice, 1246 Vinton Ave., Memphis, TN 38104 SMALL NATIONALS WANTED from these New York City Banks: Park, Staten Island, Peoples, Richmond, Queensboro, Jamaica, Central, Melrose, Elmhurst, Spring- field Gardens, Dunbar, Straus, Lefcourt-Normandie, Lefcourt, Sterling, Queens County, Flushing, Kingsboro, Bayside, Fort Greene, Washington, Washington Square, Fidelity. John G. Cloutier, 218 Islip Blvd., Islip Terrace, NY 11752 VIRGINIA AND PENNSYLVANIA uncut sheets avail- able. Also Confederate sheets. Also stock certificates and bonds. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 WANTED: U. S. LOAN Office certificates of 1790s; Connecticut Treasury notes of 1781, 1783, 1788, 1789 (not 1780 issue) ; 1929 National Currency from Hicksville, New York (11087). Describe and price in first letter. William Anderson, 34 Rustic Rd., Yaphank, NY 11980 WANTED: $3, $5, $20 MIAMI EXPORTING Co., Cincinnati, Ohio notes engraved by W. Harrison. W. J. Harrison, 1203-B Troy Towers, Bloomfield, NJ 07003 WANTED: STATE PROMISSORY notes and bonds from the 1770s and 1780s. Describe fully and price in first letter. Also want colonial Maryland currency, July 26, 1775 issue only, any grade. William Anderson, 34 Rustic Rd., Yaphank, NY 11980 WISH TO BUY small and large currency; especially first, second and third charter Nationals; want First National Bank, Victoria, Texas large sized; also can- celled ten thousand dollar notes; odd named and small town Nationals; Allied Military Currency, US Military Payment Certificates. Need five and ten dollar Series 471, 521, 541; specimen booklets; US obsolete currency, espe- cially all Republic and Government of Texas notes and currency; need Texas five hundred dollar note. Send list. Emmett Brownson, P. 0. Box 324, Liberty, TX 77575 COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL currency wanted in good or better condition. Confederate currency wanted in Choice Unc. condition. Will pay full catalogue price. Wayne T. Hahn, 2719 Morris Ave., Bronx, NY 10468 (60) UTAH AND MORMON currency, coins, tokens, medals and memorabilia wanted. Also need Educational, Bison and Onepapa notes. Please write: D. L. Freed, Box 2009, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 (60) CHICAGO AND ILLINOIS OBSOLETE notes desired. Scrip, books, maps, engravings or other historical items wanted. Can trade Fractionals, Silver Certificates or Errors for above. James J. Conway, M.D., 2300 Childrens Plaza, Chicago, IL 60614 (60) KANSAS OBSOLETE WANTED: Serious researcher welcomes correspondence. No Merchants Bank or Union Military Scrip desired. Also want Nationals on Law- rence, Kansas. S. K. Whitfield, 320 Broadmoor Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70501 (59) WANTED: NATIONALS WITH interesting bank and community names. Examples: railroad, coldwater, home- stead, gate city, etc. Howard Parshall, P. 0. Box 191, Pineville, LA 71360 (59) GREENBACK LABOR PARTY satirical notes and re- lated items wanted. L. Candler Leggett, P. 0. Box 9684, Jackson, MS 39206 (60) TRADE FIVE DIFFERENT obsolete state or broken bank bills for five of yours. J. Tatum, 816 Burke St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (58) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: Nationals, obsolete and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Rte. 2, Gerald, MO 63037 (62) WANTED: RUTHERFORD, NEW Jersey National Bank Notes, charter 5005. Please describe and price first letter. Tom Conklin, P. 0. Box 440, Rutherford, NJ 07070 (62) $1.00 FRN 1969C G.*: One note ending "1876", one note ending "1976". CU preferred. Robin Ellis, Apt. 3, 20 Romolo Place, San Francisco, CA 94133 (58) AKRON, OHIO NATIONALS wanted. Also obsolete notes or scrip. Also, Nationals from Barberton, Cuyahoga Falls, Hudson, Ohio, and Akron, Iowa anu Akron, Pennsylvania. David Halaiko, 15800 Montrose, Cleveland, OH 44111 (60) WHOLE NO. 58 Paper Money PAGE 207 MONEY MART WANTED: VERMONT OBSOLETE paper money. Please describe fully and send price wanted and quantity available. Interested in singles, sheets or entire collec- tions. William L. Parkinson, Woodbine Rd., Shelburne, VT 05482 (61) MISSISSIPPI AND SOUTHERN States obsolete notes and scrip or anything relating to Mississippi wanted. L. Candler Leggett, P. 0. Box 9684, Jackson, MS 39206 (60) WANTED: ALL STOCK and bond certificates (singles or quantities). Also Nevada and California paper items. Ken Prag, Box 431 PM, Hawthorne, CA 90250 (58) WANTED: MACON, GEORGIA obsolete currency in quantities. Also Milledgeville, Georgia. Send for offer or priced. Richard Moody, 300 Hillcrest Ave., Warner Robin, Georgia 31093 (58) RARE BOOK AVAILABLE: "Colorado Territorial Scrip, Their History and Biographies of the Men Who Issued Them," Nolie Mumey, M.D., Boulder, Colorado, 1966. Beautifully bound, two-color illustrations, auto- graphed; only 350 copies published. Mint, rare. Post- paid, $45 each, or will trade for Western obsolete paper. Tohn J. Ford, Jr., P.O. Box 33, Rockville Centre, NY 11571 (59) GEORGIA BROKEN BANK notes wanted by serious, private collector and researcher. Correspondence wel- comed. Gary L. Doster, Rt. 2, Box 18-A, Watkinsville, GA 30677 (59) MILITARY CURRENCY WW2 wanted: Allied, Axis, Japanese Invasion/Occupation and U. S. Military Pay- ment Certificates. Edward Hoffman, P. 0. Box 8023-S Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 (59) DO YOU HAVE all your block letters or endings on your $1 FRN sets? Send $1 for 16-page price list Silver Cer- tificates, Legals, $1 FRN Dillon thru Simon by blocks, Copes, stars, radars, end sets, low serials beginning 00000 0000, $1 1969D EA, circulated, short run 99840001/ 99999999 for $50 your duplicates based my list prices or $16 US silver. 1957B $1 SC mismatched serial numbers U47 top serial U37 lower CU $50.00. Wanted $1 FRN star notes. Write, giving serials and price wanted. I make no offers. James Seville, Drawer 866, Statesville, NC 28677 (58) WANTED: POSTAGE STAMP scrip money, Civil War stamp envelopes (Necessity Money), cardboard chits. J. Lieske, P.O. Box 71, La Canada, CA 91011 (61) FRACTIONAL CURRENCY SPECIMENS (wide mar- gin) wanted on CSA paper with all three letters or two letters plus part of third. J. Lieske, P.O. Box 71, La Canada, CA 91011 (61) CURRENT $1.00 FRN's available . . . blocks, stars Cope's, errors, radars, trips, quads, others . . . 25c and SASE covers cost of large list. Ed Zegers, 11804 Pittson Rd., Wheaton, MD 20906 (60) WANTED: CLEARINGHOUSE CERTIFICATES 1933, 1907 or earlier. Also want numismatic books and periodi- cals. T. Sheehan, P. 0. Box 14, Seattle, WN 98111 (58) The Complete Valuation List of MICHIGAN PAPER MONEY • Lists and prices all known Michigan notes issued prior to 1900: STATE BANK NOTES, RAILROAD NOTES, MINING NOTES SCRIP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NATIONAL BANK NOTES • Price $3 • Lawrence Falater ANA LM 307, SPMC, PMCM 3811 Harvard Rd., Detroit, Michigan 48224 BROKEN BANK NOTES AND SCRIP ONES CONN. City Bank of New Haven, CU/US $ 7.00 D.C. Metropolitan Bank G 12.00 D.C. Potomac Savings Bank VG 11.00 MD. Baltimore Savings Institution G 7.00 MD. Allegany County Bank, Cumberland G 5.00 MD. City of Baltimore VG 9.00 MD. Same as above. G 7.00 MASS. Phoenix Bank, Nantucket CU/US 17.00 MASS. Cochituate Bank, Boston VF 8.00 MICH. Railroad Bank, Adrian VG 8.00 MICH. Adrian Insurance Company. F 4.00 MICH. Bank of Washtenaw, Ann Arbor VF 8.00 MISS. State of Miss., Cotton Pledged VG 8.00 NEBR. Omaha City Bank and Land Company VF 19.00 N.J. The Hoboken Banking and Grazing Company F 8.0)1 N.J. Merchants Bank. Trenton (Lincoln Vign.) AG 16.00 N.Y. Merchants and Mechanics Bank, Oswego VG 12.00 N.Y. Hungarian Fund, New York XF 4.00 OHIO Fostoria Script, AU 3.00 PENN. Bank of Montgomery County, Norristown (Signed) VG 16.00 R .I. Richmond Bank, Alton G 16.1(0 R.I. Freeman's Bank, Bristol VF 16.00 R.I. Mount Hope Bank, Bristol G 6.00 R.I. Same as above CU/US 12.00 R.I. Burrillville Bank, Burrillville F 12.00 R.I. Farmer's Exchange Bank, Gloucester, (Perkin's Plate) F 10.00 R.I. Same Bank, Earlier type than above, Cows G 8.00 R.I. Same Bank, Earlier type than above, Cows AU-Choice 15.00 R.I. Cranston Bank, Cranston CU/US 12.00 R.I. Hamilton Bank, North Scituate G 8.00 R.I. Same as above note VF 15.00 R.I. Pawtuxet Bank, Pawtuxet F 18.00 R.I. Bank of the Republic, Providence F 8.00 R.I. Same as above note AG 4,00 R.I. Merchants Bank, Newport XF 16.00 R.I. Tiverton Bank, Tiverton G 8.00 TEXAS Bank of Texas, Columbia CU/US 16.00 VA. Town of Staunton G 14.00 VA. Virginia Treasury Note, G 2.00 TWOS CONN. City Bank of New Haven CU/US $ 7.00 CONN. Manufacturers Exchange Co., Bristol (1814) XF 13.00 DEL. Bank of Milford VG 9.00 IND. Commercial Bank, Terra Haute AU 19.00 ME. Sanford Bank, Sanford CU (Choice) 19.00 MASS. Cochituate Bank, Boston F 8.00 MASS. (or Mich.) Bay State Mining Co., payable Eagle River Mich., or Boston, Mass. F 18.00 MICH. Railroad Bank, Adrian G _ 8.00 N.J. Merchants Bank, Trenton POOR 0.00 N.J. Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy VF 12.00 N.J. Hoboken Banking and Grazing Co., F 9.00 N.Y. Bank of Albion, Orleans County VG 10.00 R.I. Mount Hope Bank, Bristol CU/US 12.00 R.I. Burrillville Bank, Burrillville G 12.0(1 R.I. Farmers Exchange Bank, Gloucester (Per. Pat. Plate) G 10.0(1 R.I. Landholders Bank, South Kingston VG 18.00 R.I. Warwick Bank, Warwick CU 17.00 S.C. South Carolina Railroad Co., G 3.00 R.I. What Cheer Bank, Providence VG. Make me an offer in R. I. notes. THREES CONN. Manufacturers Exchange Bank, Bristol F $16.00 LA. State of Louisiana CU 8.00 LA. Citizens Bank of Louisiana. New Orleans CU/US 8.00 MASS. Cochituate Bank, Boston F 12.00 MASS. Same as above, but RED OVP. THREE F 12.00 MASS. Franklin Bank, Boston G 14.00 MICH. Bank of Manchester, Manchester VG 19.00 N.H. Piscataqua Exchange Bank, Portmouth VF/US 10.00 N.H. Merchants and Traders Bank, Portsmouth VG 20.00 N.Y. Globe Bank, New York VG 14.00 N.Y. Merchants Bank, New York (1820) XF 16.00 N.Y. Williamsburgh City Bank, Williamsburgh VG 15.00 R.I. Cranston Bank, Cranston VG 17.00 16.00 R.I. Commercial Bank, Bristol (1825) G R.I. Farmers Exchange Bank, Glouchester (Per. Pat. Plate) F 20.00 R.I. Farmers Exchange Bank, Glouchester (earlier type, Cows) AG 14.00 R.I. Scituate Bank, Scituate (1827) AG 14.00 R.I. Exchange Bank, Providence (1817) AG 10.00 VT. West River Bank, Jamaica CU/US 14.00 FIVES CONN. Stonington Bank, Stonington 1845 CU/US CONN. City Bank of New Haven CU/US FLA. Bank of St. Johns, Jacksonville 1859 XF ME. Washington County Bank, Calais 1836 CU MD. Commercial Bank of Baltimore 1838 F MD. Frederick Branch Bank, Greenfield Mills 1837 VF MD. Valley Bank, Hagerstown 1855 F MASS. Bristol County Bank. Taunton 1863 F MASS. Worcester County Bank, Blackstone 1863 VF MASS. Cochituate Bank, Boston 1849 F MASS. Same as above, except for blue ovp. 1853 VF MASS. Same as above, except for red ovp. 1853 VF MASS. Same as above, except for double red ovp. 1853 VF .., 12.00 MASS. Adams Bank, North Adams 1862 VG 8.00 MICH. Michigan Insurance Bank. Detroit CU/US 14.00 MINN. Dayton Bank, St. Paul CU/US 14.00 NEB. Omaha City Bank and Land Company, Omaha 1858 VF 19.00 N.Y. Globe Bank, New York City 1840 F 9.00 N.Y. Weedsport Bank, Weedsport 1854 VF 12.00 N.Y. Bank of Hudson, Hudson 1817 AU 12.00 N.C. Bank of Clarendon, Fayetteville 1855 F 9.00 N.C. Bank of Washington, Washington 1852 VG 9.00 PENN. Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 1815 POOR 4.00 PENN. North Western Bank, Warren 1861 VF 10.00 PENN. Mt. Kean County Bank, Smethport CU/US 10.00 PENN. Becks County Bank, Reading VF/US 14.00 R.I. Warwick Bank, Warwick CU/US 7.00 R.I. R. I. Agricultural Bank, Johnston 1834 CU 13.00 R.I. Tiverton Bank, Tiverton 1856 VG 8.00 R.I. Farmers Exchange Bank, Gloucester 1800 VG 8.00 R.I. Same, 1808 NEW 9.00 R.I. Same, 1806 XF (Scarce issue) 15.00 R.I. Merchants Bank of Providence 1838 F 16.00 R.I. R. I. Central Bank, East Greenwich 1855 G 6.00 R.I. Burrillville Bank, Burrillville 1831 12.00 R.I. New England Commercial Bank, Newport (Perk. Pat Plt.) CU/US 10.00 S.C. Farmers and Exchange Bank, Charleston 1853 F 4.00 VA. Virginia Treasury Note 1862 VF 3.00 TENS CONN. Union Bank of New London CU/US $12.00 CONN. Stonington Bank, Stonington 1845 CU 11.00 MD. Farmers and Merchants Bank, Elkton 1863 F 12.00 MASS. Cochituate Bank, Boston 1849 F 8.00 MASS. Same as above, except for red ovp. 1851 F 8.00 MASS. Citizens Bank, Worcester 1862 VG .... 12.00 N.J. State Bank, New Brunswick CU/US 14.00 N.Y. West Winfield Bank, West Winfield VF 15.00 .. Bank of the Republic, Providence F 12.00 R.I. Farmers Exchange Bank, Gloucester VF 9.00 R.I. Burrillville Bank, Burrillville AU 17.00 R.I. National Bank, Providence VF 16.00 R.I. New England Commercial Bank, Newport (Per. Pat Plt.) CU/US R.I. Warwick Bank, Warwick CU/US S.C. Farmers and Exchange Bank, Charleston TWENTI ES CONN. Union Bank of New London CU/US $12.00 CONN. City Bank of New Haven CU/US 10.00 CONN. Stonington Bank, Stonington CU/US 11.00 FIFTIES CONN. Union Bank of New London CU/US $16.00 CONN. City Bank of New Haven CU/US 18.00 MASS. Bank of Brighton. Brighton VF 22.00 MASS. Cochituate Bank, Boston VF 16.00 MISS. Miss. and Alabama Railroad VF 16.00 R.I. Warwick Bank, Warwick CU/US 14.00 R.I. Newport Exchange Bank, Newport PROOF 70.00 HUNDREDS CONN. City Bank of New Haven CU/US $20.00 MISS. Miss. and Alabama Railroad 1837 AU 18.00 MISS. Miss. and Alabama Railroad 1838 CU 18.00 ODD DENOMINATIONS IOWA 10 Equitable Coal Co.. Webster CU/US $12.00 IOWA 50 Equitable Coal Co., Webster CU/US 12.00 MD. 500 Baltimore Exchange Office F 7.00 MD. 250 Baltimore Exchange Office F 7.00 MD. 12 .1A0 Bank of Baltimore 1816 CU/US 12.00 MASS. 50 Northborough Bank, Marlborough VF 5.00 MASS. 100 Northborough Bank, Marlborough VF 5.00 ME. 100 Bank of Commerce, Belfast VG 8.00 MISS. $25.00 Miss. and Alabama Railroad VF (edge clipped) 19.00 R.I. 10 Perry Davis of Providence VF 15.00 R.I. 250 W. C. Cozzenn of Newport CU/US 25.00 S.C. 500 State of South Carolina CU 2.00 S.C. 50 Corporation of Columbia, Columbia F 8.00 VT. $1.50 Vermont Glass Factory, Salisbury F (Frayed) 8.00 10.00 12.00 7.00 HISTORICAL NOTES $ 9.00 R.I. $20 Warwick Bank, Warwick 7.00 (Signing of the Dec. of Ind.) CU/US $20.00 18.00 S.C. $5 Bank of Chesten 7.0(1 (Surrender of Cornwallis to Washington) G 22.00 8.01) PENN. $5 Commercial Bank, Philadelphia 15.00 (Penn's treaty with the Indians) VG 18.00 10.00 N.Y. $10 Bank of Lyons, Lyons 15.00 (Battle of Lake Erie) F 18.00 18.00 TENN. $5 Southern Bank of Tennessee 8.00 (Battle of New Orleans) POOR 14.00 8.00 GA. $1 Macon Savings Bank 8.00 (Battle of Bunker Hill) G 7.00 Please Note: I am researching the State of Rhode Island for the SPMC. I would appreciate any information on rare notes and scrip. I will trade any of the notes in this ad for Rhode Island notes I can use. ROGER H. DURAND P. 0. BOX 171, REHOBOTH, MASS. 02769 To: Paramount International Coin Limited, Trafalgar Square, London WC2 5EZ England. Tel: 01-839 2507 (8 lines). Please send me your illustrated price list. My particular interests lie in t he paper currency of the following countries Mr/Mrs/Miss Address ti) PARAMOt -N1 1N1 ERNA rif /NAL CM. The Paramount Special Voucher exchangeable m total or partial payment for paper money purchased from Paramount Internanonal Ltd. tYEi 4I NN()1)()UND, I I% I. DOLLARS No Collector should be without this list Paramount London have issued their first price list and subscrip- tions are S5.00 per annum redeemable against any purchases during the course of this year. The first list is still available free of charge. * Packed with 1000's of rare and interesting banknotes for sale from all over the world. * 64 pages fully illustrated throughout. * Special article on the British Provincial Banks by Geoffrey Grant. * 4 pages of Specimen and Proof Notes. * 4 pages of Military Notes. * Plus "SPECIAL OFFERS" Plus a budget scheme for collectors wishing to invest $240 to $24,000. Have you received your copy of Paramount's "Paper Money of the World" price list yet? If you've missed out on your copy complete the coupon below and make sure of your place on our mailing list. Remember Paramount have one of the largest selections of rare and popular banknotes in the world. Mail your coupon today. COLLECT STATE CAPITALS FOR FUN AND PROFIT If Any Nationals Appreciate, They Should Be State Capitals! ALABAMA $5 1902-DB Exchange N.B. of Montgomery, S-8284, F $125.00 $10 1929-T2 1st N.B. of Montgomery, 1814, XF, 4 pin holes 70.00 ARIZONA $5 1902 Commercial N.B. of Phoenix. P-11559, VG-F 395.00 $20 1929 Phoenix N.B., 4729, F 175.00 ARKANSAS $10 1902 Exchange N.B. of Little Rock, S-3300, VG-F 195.0(1 (Small-size wanted) CALIFORNIA $10 1902-DB Calif. N.B. of Sacramento, P-8504, AU 95.00 $10 1929 Calif. N.B. of Sacramento, 8504, CU 95.00 $20 1929 Calif. N.B. of Sacramento, 8504, F-VF 70.00 COLORADO $5 1902 American N.B. of Denver, 12517, F-VF 140.00 $10 1902-DB United States N.B. of Denver, W-7408, RAG 30.00 $20 1929 Denver N.B., 3269, VF-XF 40.00 CONNECTICUT $5 1902 Hartford N.B. & T.C., 1338, XF 85.00 $10 1902 Hartford-Aetna N.B., N-1338, VG 40.00 55 1920 1st N.B. of Hartford, 121, F-VF 30.00 DELAWARE (Large-size wanted) $10 1929 1st N.B. of Dover, 1567, F 145.0(1 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 520 1902 American N.B. of Washington, E-6716, F 85.00 510 1929-T2 Second N.B. of Washington, 2038, F-VF 40.00 FLORIDA All Tallahassee needed) GEORGIA $20 1902 Fourth N.B. of Atlanta, 5045, VG-F 65.00 $20 1902 Lowry N.B. of Atlanta, S-5318, F-VF 110.00 $20 1929 1st N.B. of Atlanta, 1559, F 40.00 HAWAII (Large-size needed) $5 1929-T2 Bishop N.B. of Hawaii at Honolulu, 5550, F IDAHO $10 1902 Pacific N.B. of Boise, P-10083, F, stain 150.00 $10 1902 Pacific N.B. of Boise, 10083, VG, sigs. faded 125.00 (Small-size wanted) ILLINOIS $10 1902-DB Ridgely N.B. of Springfield, M-1662, VF-XF 85.00 $10 1929 Ill. N.B. of Springfield, 3548. VG-F 45.00 INDIANA $10 1902-DB Merchants N.B. of Indianapolis, M-869, VG stain 29.00 $5 1929 Fletcher American N.B. of Indianapolis, 9829, VG-F 12.00 IOWA $5 1902 Iowa N.B. of Des Moines, M-2307, XF 80.00 $5 1902-RS Valley N.B. of Des Moines, M-2886, F pin hole 275.00 $10 1929 Central N.B. & T.C. of Des Moines, 13321, VF 30.00 KANSAS $10 1902 Central N.B. of Topeka, 3078, F 45.01) 55 1929 Kaw Valley N.B. of Topeka, 11398, VF 40.00 KENTUCKY 55 1902 State N.B. of Frankfort, 4090, G-VG no sigs. 180.00 510 1929 State N.B. of Frankfort, 4090, F 195.00 LOUISIANA $20 1902 Louisiana N.B. of Baton Rouge, 9834, F 225.00 $10 1929 Louisiana N.B. of Baton Rouge, 9334, F-VF 90.00 MAINE (Large-size wanted) $10 1929 1st Nat. Granite Bank of Augusta, 498, CU 195.00 $10 1929-T2 1st Nat. Granite Bank of Augusta, 498, F 110.(10 MARYLAND Need all Annapolis) MASSACHUSETTS $1 1875 1st ch. Columbian N.B. of Boston, 1029. F 145.00 $5 1882 2nd ch. B.B. State N.B. of Boston, 102S, XF 150.01) $5 1902 Federal N.B. of Boston, N-12336, F 40.00 $5 1929 Engineers N.B. of Boston, 12540, F 05.00 MICHIGAN $10 1902 City N.B. of Lansing, 3513. VG 125.00 $10 1902 City N.B. of Lansing, 3513, CU 250.00 510 1929-T2 Capital N.B. of Lansing, 8148, VG 35.00 $20 1929 Capital N.B. of Lansing. 8148, F-VF 55.00 MINNESOTA $5 1902 Capital N.B. of Saint Paul, M-8108, F-VF $10 1929-T2 American N.B. of Saint Paul. 6828, F-VF MISSISSIPPI Have for sale a 58-note collection of Mississippi, 27 large and 31 small. Anyone interested in this collection contact me. MISSOURI $10 1902 1st N.B. of Jefferson City, 1809, G-VG no sigs. 50.00 $10 1902 1st N.B. of Jefferson City, 1809, VF no sigs. 85.00 $5 1929 lot N.B. of Jefferson City, 1809, VG-F 30.00 MONTANA $20 1902 N.B. of Montana, Helena, W-5671, F 395.00 $10 1929 1st N.B. & T.C. of Helena, 4396, VG-F 175.00 NEBRASKA $10 1902 N.B. of Commerce of Lincoln, W-7239, VF 05.00 $20 1929 Continental N.B. of Lincoln, 13333, G-VG 27.00 NEVADA (Need Carson City) NEW HAMPSHIRE 55 1902-DB 1st N.B. of Concord, N-318, XF 165.00 (Need small-size) NEW JERSEY $20 1902 Broad Street N.B. of Trenton, 3709, F 95.00 $20 1929 1st Mechanics N.B. of Trenton, 1327. F-VF 40.00 NEW YORK $5 1002 N. Commercial Bank & T.C. of Albany, 1301, F 45.00 55 1929-T2 N. Commercial Bank & T.C. of Albany, 1301, F NEW MEXICO Need all Santa Fe( NORTH DAKOTA (Need large-size) $20 1929 Dakota N.B. & T.C. of Bismarck, 13398, - F . 1511.00 NORTH CAROLINA $10 1902 Commercial N.B. of Raleigh, 9067, VG 275.00 (Need small-size) OREGON (Need all Salem) OHIO $20 1902 Ohio N.B. of Columbus, 5065, XF 85.00 $10 1929 Huntington N.B. of Columbus, 7745, F-VF 27.00 99 . 0(1 OKLAHOMA (Need large-size) $20 1029-T2 lot N.B. & T.C. of Oklahoma City, 4862. 35.011 PENNSYLVANIA $10 1902 Harrisburg N.B., E-580, VG-F 495..0000 $10 1929-T2 Harrisburg N.B., 580, VG 8 RHODE ISLAND 55 1902 Merchants N.B. of Providence, N-1131, AU 75.00 $5 1929-T2 Blackstone Canal N.B. of Providence, 1328, F 35.00 SOUTH CAROLINA $5 1902 Palmetto N.B. of Columbia, S-8133, G-VG ___ _ . 75.00 $5 1929 Nat. Loan & Exchange B. of Columbia, 6871_ , VG-F 75.00 SOUTH DAKOTA $10 1902 1st N.B. of Pierre, W-2941, VG-F 195.00 $20 1929 1st N.B. of Pierre, 2941, VG-F 125.00 TENNESSEE $10 1902 Fourth & 1st N.B. of Nashville, 1669, F 450%000$20 1929 Fourth & 1st N.B. of Nashville, 150, F TEXAS $5 1902 American N.B. of Austin, 4322, VG-F 65.00 125.0055 1902 American N.B. of Austin, 4322, XF-AU $20 1929 Austin N.B., 4308, XF 85.00 UTAH $5 1902 Continental N.B. of Salt Lake City, 9403. F 95.00 $10 1929-T2 1st N.B. of Salt Lake City, 2059, VF 49.00 VERMONT $5 1902 Montpelier N.B., 857, XF 225.00 (Need small-size) VIRGINIA $5 1902 Central N.B. of Richmond, 10000, F-VF 40.00 $5 1929 Central N.B. of Richmond, 10080, VG-F 20.00 WASHINGTON (Need all Olympia) WEST VIRGINIA $5 1902 Charleston N.B., 3236, AU 225.00 $5 1929 Charleston N.B., 3236, VG-F 35.00 WISCONSIN 135.00$10 1902 Commercial N.B. of Madison, 9153, XF $10 1929 1st N.B. of Madison, 144, F 25.00 $20 1929 1st N.B. of Madison, 144, VF 45.00 45.00 WYOMING $10 1902 Citizens N.B. of Cheyenne, W-8089, VG 295.00 (Need small-size)1 0 Payment with order. All orders sent Postpaid. Personal checks must clear. PETERSEN COINS 4232 ORLEANS, SIOUX CITY, IOWA 51106 PH. 712-276-4760 Member: ANA, SPMC, INA, NNA, CSNS, TNA, MOON, IOWMC For An Award ,Winning Collection MOUNT YOUR U.S. PAPER MONEY ON Wool • VC CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES • SMAI.L SIZE CURRENCY 01-1B 01-2B 01-3B 01-4B 01-5B 01-6B 01 -7B 01 -8B Federal Reserve Notes-$1. Granahan-Dillon Granahan-Fowler Granahan-Barr Elston-Kennedy Kabi.s-Kennedy Kabis-Connally Banuelos-Connally Banuelos-Shultz L-01 L-02 L-05 L-3B S-EA S-EH S-RS S-3B G-01 N-05 N-3B Legal Tender Notes One Dollar Two Dollars Five Dollars Any Denomination Silver Certificates Emergency Issue - Africa Emergency Issue - Hawaii Experimental Issue - "R" & "S" Any Denomination Gold Certificates Ten and Twenty Dollars National Currency Any Denomination Any Denomination Federal Reserve Notes-$1. 01-1 Granahan-Dillon 01-2 Granahan-Fowler 01-3 Granahan-Barr 01-4 Elston-Kennedy 01-5 Kabis-Kennedy 01-6 Kabis-Connally 01-7 Banuelos-Connally 01-8 Banuelos-Shultz Federal Reserve Notes F-3B Any Denomination Small Size Currency Series Capacity Retail 1 .50 14 3.25 12 2.50 18 3.00 3 1.00 4 1.00 2 .50 18 3.00 2 .50 12 2.50 18 3.00 District Sets 12 2.50 12 2.50 5 1.50 12 2.50 12 2.50 12 2.50 10 2.25 12 2.50 Blockletter and Star Note Sets 963 34 7.25 963A 70 14.75 963B 13 3.00 969 36 7.50 969A 32 6.75 969B 35 7.50 969C 25 5.50 969D 44 9.25 ANY 18 3.00 The following sets of PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES and mounts will accommodate ALL small size U.S. currency issued from 1928 to date. 1963 1963A 1963B 1969 1969A 1969B 1969C 1969D AP-3B All Purpose (Errors, radars, etc.) ANY 18 3.00 ALL PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES fit any standard three-ring loose-leaf binder. VALLEY COIN SHOP 695 WASIII \ GTO \ ST.. SO. ATI'LE110110. M o_>;93 • 1 l 1: lAr ES LEGAL TENDER NOTES • Ir VW. SILVER CERTIFICATES • • GOLD CERTIFICATES FEIDERAL RESERVE MITES - 19011 • EXPERIMENTAL ISSI .E •■•■•• EMERGE:MI N SERIES ■•■■■ ••■•••■■■•■-•• • row". amssio•s cars- ••• 1114.1■■• - - - 1928 1928-63A 1928-63A ANY 1934-35A 1934-35A 1935A ANY 1928 1929 1929 NATIONA I. CURRENCY FE DEKA I. RESERVE NOTES HIGHLANDS, N. C. MAIL BID SALE ESTATE SALE HANDLED BY MONEY MUSEUM HIGHLANDS, N. C. SALE CLOSES A UG. 15th RADAR NOTES FEDERAL RESERVE $1 ALL CRISP D03535350C D07474740C D06868680C D06565650C NORTH AFRICA 1935A $1 CRISP 1934A $5 CRISP 1934A $5 EX FN 1963A D03333330C D06464640C 1935A $1 EX FN 1963A D42222224C 1963A D03000030C D06262620C D02323230C 1934A $10 CRISP 1934A $10 EX FN 1963A D08888880C D27027027C 1963A D90000009B D07070700C HAWAII 1963A D08000080C F21212121C 1935A $1 CRISP 1963A D52222225C 1934 $5 CRISP 1963A D53333335C 1963A D47777774C SILVER CERTIFICATES 1934 $5 AU1934A $10 CRISP 1963A D37777773C ALL CRISP 1934A $10 AU 1963A D02345678C UNUSUAL NOS. 1934A $20 AU SILVER CERTIFICATES $1 ALL CRISP $ 1 935 G02222220A 935E *72000008E 1934 $20 CRISP 1934 820 AU 1934 $20 XF 1934 $20 VF 1928 D31000013A 1935 B63333336A 935E 72000006E 935G D76666666 J $2 BILLS 1957 116666661A 935G D404040401 ALL CRISP 1957 G85555558A 957 *00000398A 1928E D31024180A 1957A H 60000006A 957 H35000035A 1928D C74384773A 957 T54445444A 1928D C63565088A UNUSUAL NUMBERS FEDERAL RESERVE 957 A00003311A 957 V58585858A 957 A57575757B 1928D C73588552A 1928G E27724607A 1953 A19352876A $1 ALL CRISP ALL 1963A D03333333C 957 A57575757B 957 U40L104040A 957 547474747A 1953 A19352877A EXPERIMENTAL D52222222C 957 S4P000048A $1 D53333333C 957 A74242424A RED R AND RED S D37777777C 957 23111123B SILVER CERTIFICATES D08888888C 957 W28002800A RED R EX FN D34567890B 957A G14444444A RED R FN D08484840C 957A F10101010A RED S EX FN D08585850C 957A F90909090A RED S FN D85084083B D06161610C 957B Y00000273A $1 D96969696B NATIONALS SILVER CERTIFICATES D97000097 B D07272720C D07373730C D02424240C D02525250C D02626260C $10 MINNEAPOLIS CP $10 NB CORTLAND, NY CP $70 NB OMAHA XF $5 FD of KC XF $100 BISHOP NB, 928 CRISP 928 AU 928A AU 928B CRISP 934 XF 934 VF D02828280C HONOLULU CP 935 VF D07575750C D07676760C $100 BISHOP NB, 935A AU 935B CRISP D08080808C HONOLULU XF 935C CRISP D06060600C 935E CRISP D85086087 B D96979899B D03030300C $10 STOCK YDS KC, MISSOURI XF 935H UNC 935F UNC 935E UNC D03131310C $20 RAC I NE VF 935D UNC D03232320C $20 FD NY AU 935C UNC D03636360C $10 FD CLEV. CRISP 928A CRISP USUAL TERMS APPLY. ADD POSTAGE, INSURANCE 5-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE MAIL BIDS TO MONEY MUSEUM, HIGHLANDS, N. C. 28741 FOURTH (1975) EDITION 19 7 5 $3.50 10( I, 1,11;", .1)N 1.11N \ ■4 UNITED STATES LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY 1861 to 1923 VII I • DI.,t • Iii I 1,71; • r fil 14 l•Imarta-notrw— .rre<14.1 UNITED STATES LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY by William P. Donlon Revised & Published by A. M. & Don Kagin 184 PAGES FULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH UP-TO-DATE PRICES NOW AVAILABLE AT YOUR DEALER'S & STILL ONLY $3.50! or order direct front: A. M. & DON KAGIN Suite 400.412 Royal Union Buildi ng Des Moines. Iowa 50309 o01,11[ iiSPORSIIILRY pipii,fm0fisESmSFilOTNIsqiki k.IILD • Ir4 c A0000010NEM For NATIONAL BANK OF TON OPAH NEVADA XYary PAY TO THE etAACR ON OtINAINO TEN INALLAIIIS 00000010 11MIKILIARS TRIVIW404"4-Tt THE FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF ELKO 0000001A s1:101:141PO IMItSEPIESTOVIITRINETIO1151111F., NEVADA WILL PA, Pr CENIANO E" EINE 11011,LAIRS A0000010 —.AtrilitiiirmErmiiiiiffsom— saw FAHSTAIII4OPAIRIMnit. _ THE Willi NATIONAL MAX McGILL PiEV•DA MIARS Sixteen NATIONAL BANKS 404 PAGES 455 PHOTOS AND THE MINING CAMPS THAT SIRED THEM By M. OWEN WARNS Foreword by GLENN B. SMEDLEY ILLUSTRATED ARE SPECIMENS OF GREAT RARITIES NEVADA "SIXTEEN" 1929-1935 NATIONAL BANK NOTES. LIMITED PRINTING THE ONLY SMALL-SIZE NOTE—TONOPAH—KNOWN TO EXIST SCARCE NUMBER 1 NOTE; THE SERIALS WERE 1 TO 3748. THE RAREST OF ALL NEVADA TYPE-2 NOTES: 15 NOTES ISSUED. S.P.M.C. MEMBERS ONLY $15.00 — SAVE $2.50 (PRICE TO NON-MEMBERS $17.50) Mail Your Check To M. 0. WARNS Publication Fund POST OFFICE BOX 1840, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 53201 WANTED KANSAS NATIONALS TYPE NOTES WANTED Any Original Series $10 pay 400.00 Any Original Series $20 pay 550.00 Any Series of 1875 $50 pay 2000.00 Any Series of 1875 $100 pay 2000.00 Any Brown Back $100 pay 500.00 Any 1882 Dated Back $50 pay 500.00 Any 1929 Type II $50 pay 500.00 We will pay the above prices for VG or better notes. CHARTER NUMBERS WANTED We will pay $300 for any of the following Charter Numbers, any type in VG or better. #2192 #3473 #3791 #2640 #3512 #3805 #2954 #3563 #3807 #2990 #3564 #3812 #3002 #3567 #3833 #3035 #3569 #3835 #3090 #3594 #3844 #3108 #3667 #3852 #3194 #3695 #3853 #3199 #3703 #3880 #3249 #3710 #3900 #3265 #3737 #3928 #3384 #3751 #3963 #3386 #3758 #3992 #3394 #3769 #4150 #3431 #3775 #4288 #3440 #3776 #9097 #3443 #3787 #11887 There are many other Kansas Nationals that we are interested in other than those listed above. If you have any Kansas Na- tionals for sale, please write giving the charter number, type and Friedberg numbers. Please price all notes in your first cor- respondence as we will not make offers. We Also Want Uncut Sheets of Kansas Nationals Joe Flynn & Son Rare Coins Inc. BOX 3140 2854 W. 47th STREET KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 PHONE 913-236-7171 THE FOLLOWING LARGE-SIZE NOTES ARE WANTED IN ANY GRADE, BUT THEY MUST BE SPECIFICALLY AS NOTED, BY SERIAL NUMBERS AND POSI- TION LETTER NUMBERS. ANY GRADE CCNSIDERED, WITH THE CONDITION THAT ALL NUMBERS AND LETTTERS BE LEGI BLE. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LISTING OF STOLEN CURRENCY FROM ANYONE'S COLLECTION. Please feel free to reply if you have by any chance any of these specific notes. Premiums paid for any such exact note as listed here. F167: #4531, Letter "C"; Series 1863 L.T. $100 F168: #W336020, Letter "D"; Series 1869 L.T. $100 F169 or F170: #A60188, Lettcr "D"; Series 1875 L.T. $100 F169 or F170: #A134141, Letter "A"; Series 1875 L.T. $100 F151: #Y119474, Letter "13" ; Series 1869 L.T. $50 F151: #Y586493, Letter "A"; Series 1869 L.T. $50 F152: #E220444, Letter "D"; Series 1874 L.T. $50 F152: #E336754, Letter "B"; Series 1874 L.T. $50 F154: #A44715, Letter "C" ; Series 1878 L.T. $50 FIRST CHARTER NOTES Fed. No. Sheet No. Pos. Letter Bank & Denomination A314236 4548 $ 50 A Louisville City NB, Louisville, Ky. A42882 176 $ 50 A Utah, NB, Ogden, U.T. A445727 848 $ 50 A Cape Cod N.B., Harwich, Mass. 413619 981 $ 50 A Indianapolis N.B., Indiana. A7973 1573 $100 A Merchants N.B., Boston, Mass. A 1 2989 39 $100 A National Park Bank, N.Y. City. 500891 376 $100 A N a t . Merchants Bank, Baltimore A18111 512 $100 A Merchants N.B., Savannah, Ga. P17255 698 $100 A City N.B., Phila., Pa. A 1 1325 468 $100 A Corn Exchange N.B., Pa. Wanted in ANY GRADE, providing all numbers and position letters are legible to establish exact status of note. Depending on the notes that may be found, a PREMIUM will be paid over and above the current Friedberg listing in grade; amount to be determined. PLEASE WRITE CR CALL: (617) 332-6119 MOREY PERLMITTTER P. 0. Box 476 Newton Center, Mass. 02159 •1 rtAilt StiiL Li , 77 "ISSUED IN DEFENCE OF AMERICAN LIBERTY" THIS EXTREMELY RARE HISTORIC "SWORD - IN - HAND" NOTE Engraved and printed by PAUL REVERE IS POSSIBLY THE FINEST COLLECTIBLE SPECIMEN OF ITS TYPE KNOWN. VERY FEW OF THOSE ISSUED RECEIVED THREE SIGNATURES ( IN THREE COLORS OF INK) AS ORIGINALLY SPECIFIED BY THE GENERAL COURT OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. OFFERED BY ITS OWNER IN CELEBRATION OF THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA • VIRGIL H. CULLER ANA BOX 541, LA CANADA, CAL. 91011 SPMC CONFEDERATE - OBSOLETE NOTES FOR SALE CRISWELL type No. 15 F. fine, C. 0. C. Expert Repair of Cancel, Hole $325.00 CRISWELL Type No. 35 Good, C. 0. C. Expert Repair of Cancel, Holes $950.00 CRISWELL ALA. No. 6. Fine $1.25 $5.00 Bank of St. Johns of Jacksonville, Fla. V. G. $9.00, F. $11.00 $3.00 Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Cannelton, Ind. A. U. (Trimmed Edges) $12.50 S.P.M.C. No. 493 Currency Times Past Lawrence Marsh P. 0. BOX 9279 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63117 A.N.A. No. R-051823 WANTED: RARE LARGE-SIZE NOTES We require RARE large-size notes in any grade; type notes in CU only (no Federals, please), in $1 through $100 denominations. We also need all grades large-size NATIONAL BANK NOTES (requirements subject to change without notice), mainly FIRST CHARTER $1, $2 and $5; SECOND CHARTER brownback $5s, and THIRD CHARTER RED SEALS $5, $10 and $20. TOP DEALER PRICES PAID FOR REQUIRED MATERIAL. We also pay top dealer prices for required "AMERICANA" WESTERN, INDIAN & TERRITORIAL items of mid-1840s to early 1900s ONLY, such as broadsides, Gold Rush, Pony Express and Wells, Fargo memorabilia; documents, letters, coins, bars, books, autographs, checks, bonds, certificates, drafts, covers, Indian artifacts of all types (no current jewelry), pre-1898 firearms, etc. (No "Wells Fargo" buckles or reproductions of any kind, please.) WRITE or CALL (collect) first and describe what you have to offer. As dealers, we also have on hand a fine selection of notes and Western collateral for sale. Your inquiries are respectfully solicited. M. PERLMUTTER P. 0. BOX 476, NEWTON CTR., MA. 02159 Phone: 1-617 332-6119 Specializing in U. S. LARGE paper currency, Series 1861-1923, and Western "Americana." Researchers, Dealers and Appraisers. Contributors to the leading publications and trends in the field of U. S. paper money. Members of SPMC (948), ANA, ANS, PMCM, CCRT and other leading syngraphistic, numismatic, exonumistic and philatelic organizations. WANTED • U. S. COLONIAL CURRENCY EARLY CANADIAN CURRENCY prior to 1860 • Send with your best price. • J. J. TEAPARTY 43 BROMFIELD ST. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02108 naltli .-aiikAgosim-oscsook* , MISSOURI NATIONALS WANTED • Will Buy Any Condition If I Need The Bank. Keenly interested in Uncut Sheets & other material pertaining to National Banks from 1863-1935. List information and prices in first letter and send for prompt action to: • FRED SWEENEY KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 BOX 10144 WANTED IOWA IOWA IOWA IOWA NATIONAL BANK NOTES From the following IOWA cities and towns: Adair Estherville Holstein Marshalltown Afton Floyd Ida Grove Nashua Belmond Fort Madison Ireton Northboro Blockton Garden Grove Jesup Olin Brighton Gilmore Lansing Orange City Brooklyn Goldfield Lawler Sanborn Clutier Grafton Lineville Sutherland Coin Hamburg Linn Grove Wesley College Springs Harlan Lisbon Dike Harris Macksburg Please state condition and price or send insured for my fair offer to WILLIAM R. HIGGINS, JR. BOX 64, OKOBOP, IOWA 51355 ANA Life #109 SPMC #2950 $ Federal Reserve Notes Regular Sets Star Sets 1963 21 $24.95 (12) $25.95 1963A ( 2) 22.95 (12) 23.95 1963B ( 5) 7.95 4) 8.95 1969 ( 2) 19.95 (12) 21.95 1969A ( 2) 18.95 (11) 20.95 1969B ( 2) 17.95 (11) 19.95 1969C ( 0) 14.95 9) 18.95 1969D ( 2) 16.95 (11) 21.95 1974 ( 1) 15.75 Not Available 1963/1974-9 regular sets * (98) 152.50 1963/1969D-8 star sets * (82 ) 154.50 Just received 1974 B-Star 1.75 1974 B-C 1.50 District 9 temporarily out of stock. Add $2 for last two numbers match on district sets. Personal checks must clear—Under $50 add .50c. N.Y. residents add 4%—Send SASE for price list for singles and blocks. BUYING Buying all large size and fractional U.S. Currency ; small size nationals, silver certificates, legal tender and gold certificates in better grades and scarcer notes. Also CU FRN'S in selected rare blocks. Premium prices on uncut sheets and errors. Write describe and price. NUMISMATIC INVESTMENT ASSOCIATES c/o SHELDON MOSES BOX 618P, 1011 STATE STREET SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 12301 (63) Many of the world's rarest banknotes find their way to Paramount in London. Collecting banknotes can be a most rewarding hobby as many of our clients have already discovered in the relatively short time since we opened Paramount's Paper Currency Department in London. Illustrated are a mere handful from our wide ranging selection of rare and sought after banknotes from all over the world A list of our stock is now in a fully illustrated brochure which we will send' o you on request. The dedicated paper currency collector knows well go to any lengths to obtain specific items he wants. The beginner can count on getting all the advice he needs. We even have a special plan for the investor which can be tailored to suit budgets from $20 to as much as $20,000. Get this coupon on its was to Paramount in London. and we provide further information on the paper currency, ot whatever countries that particularly - interest you, and put you on our exclusive mailing list Clockwise from the bottorick Banta dlialia.50 tare ST. 192.11'NC. SI5 • Banco del Pichincha (Ecuador) Imperial Bank of Persia 5 Toman VF 1930 0.00 ABNCspectmen.10u Sucre. UNC $750 Banco da Beira Mozambique, Ireland. Currency Commission 0111 LlISC 1940 St., ilt , shit tiny gold inancelledi lo21 Bahamas Govt. El F 191, Currency Act. ls551.■ Uruguay 20,0 , 0F l'SS`3,1rIi, '7 I , 1 aff,rs are sublect belny unsold. Paramount Paper Currency Department. London. r7Foi Paroinnunt Internationalcoin Limited. Paper Curhertch Deparitnent.238245Grand Buildings i liaralgar Square. LondonWC2 5EZ. England. Tel 01-8392507 (8 lines). Telex Parnoin Ldn 919108. Please send me your free illustrated panelist. My particular interests lie in the paper currency of the folloAintil countries Mr Mrs Mos Add res , Vignettes & Portraits • from my ad in the Jan.-Feb. 1975 issue (whole #55) available at 25% discount. Xerox copy available upon request. Those available include #s 3-30, 32-40, 42, 49, 52, 53, 55:57, 59-61, 63, 64, 66-70, 72- 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 84, 85, 87-97, 99-101, 105, 107-110, 112-121, 124. WARREN HENDERSON P. 0. Box 1358, Venice, Fla. 33595 Phone-813-488-5941 Currency For Sale SELLING? COLONIAL Delaware 6-1-59 20s, Fair, taped on both sides along a heavy horizontal fold, corners rounded, some discoloration. Printed by Ben Franklin $30.00 Virginia 5-5-75 $10. F/VF nice with no problems, signed by Dickson and Wray. $50.00 CONTINENTAL 9-26-78 520, Blue Counterfeit Detector, Fine with a heavy vertical fold. $85.00 9-26-78 $30, VG with one light fold, signed by N. Donnell and J. Snowden. $17.50 9-26-78 $60, F/VF with a small chip off the bottom left corner, signed by R. Roberts and S. Lyon( ?). $25.00 1-14-79 $1, Fine but cut close at top left, signed by W. Gamble and J. Snowden. $22.50 1-14-79 565, Blue Counterfeit Detector, Fine with a heavy horizontal fold. $60.00 CONFEDERATE Cr 6 (Ty 8) Uncirculated $100.00 Cr 16 (Ty 8) Crisp $20.00 Cr 31 (Ty 8) Crisp $11.00 Cr 221 (Ty 27) VG one horizontal fold. RARE $550.00 Cr 245 (Ty 311 VG cut into right edge $50.00 Cr 338 (Ty 43) Fine $30.00 SUTLER SCRIP Curto-45 Crisp $25.00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Seven-day return privilege. Will trade any or all of the above for North Carolina Broken Bank Notes needed for my collection. Correspondence invited. Charles E. Kirtley P. 0. Box 5807, Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706 WANTED • All District of Columbia Currency A. Obsolete Notes and Scrip B. National Bank Notes All Small Size Currency with Low Serial Numbers 00000081, 00000082, 00000084 • Julian Leidmau 8439 Georgia Ave., Silver Springs, MD 20910 (301) 585-8467 (63) Would you try to sell your stamp collec- tion to a coin dealer? Don't make the same mistake with your U. S. paper money. We are a full-time dealer spe- cializing exclusively in U. S. paper money. Need we say more? • BUYING? Our current ten-page comprehensive price list of large and small U. S. paper money is yours for the asking. • THE VAULT P. 0. BOX 2283 PRESCOTT, ARIZ. 86301 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES! Harry wants to buy currency er- rors ... large and small-size notes . also interested in buying Na- tionals—Uncut sheets . . Black Charter No. Red Seals. Harry is selling error notes. Please write for list or specify notes .. . a large selection of error notes available. HARRY E. JONES P. 0. BOX 42043 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44142 BOB MEDLAR SMALL SIZE IOWA NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED Laurens, 1st Nat. B. #4795 Linn Grove, 1st Nat. B. #7137 Macksburg. Macksburg Nat. B. #6852 Casey, Abram Rutt Nat. B. #8099 Malvern, Malvern Nat. B. #8057 Clarence, 1st Nat. B. #7682 Monroe, Monroe Nat. B. #7357 Clearfield, 1st Nat. B. #9549 Montezuma, 1st Nat. B. #2961 Coin, 1st Nat. B. #7309 Nevada, Nevada Nat. B. #14065 Conrad, 1st Nat. B. #9447 Ottumwa, Iowa Nat. B. #1726 Davenport, 1st Nat. B. #15 Red Oak, Farmers Nat. B. #6056 Floyd, 1st Nat. B. #9821 Seymour, 1st Nat. B. #8247 Fontanelle, 1st Nat. B. #7061 Sigourney, 1st Nat. B. #1786 Fredericksburg, let Nat. B. #10541 Sioux City, Sioux Nat. B. #4510 Glenwood, Mills County Nat. B. Stuart, 1st Nat. B. #2721 #1862 Villisca, Nodaway Valley Nat. B. Griswold, Griswold Nat. B. #8915 #14041 Kanawha, 1st Nat. B. #9018 Williams, 1st Nat. B. #5585 Keokuk, Keokuk Nat. B. #14309 Wyoming, 1st Nat. B. #1943 WILLIAM R. HIGGINS, JR BOX 64, OKOBOJI, IOWA 51355 A.N.A. Life #109 S.P.M.C. #2950 PENNSYLVANIA OBSOLETE NOTES . . * * * 5.00 Kittaning Bank, 1862. Fine $11.00 1.00 North Western Bank, Warren, 1861. Fine 7.00 2.00 North Western Bank, Warren, 1861. Fine 10.00 Manual Labor Bank, Phila. 1836. Une. 107.5705 50.00 Manual Labor Bank, Phila. 1838. Fine 10.00 100.00 Manual Labor Bank, Phila. 1838. Unc. 18.00 250 Western Market House, Phila. 1862. tine. 6.00 1.00 Clearfield County Treas. 1859. Fine 9.00 1.00 McKean County Bank, Smethport, u/s. Unc. 6.50 5.00 McKean County Bank, Smethport, 1858. Unc. 7.00 5.00 Bank of Lewistown, 1846. A. D. 9.00 10.00 Bank of Lewistown, 1844. V. F. . 8.50 5.00 Harrisburg Bank, 1849. Fine 10.00 250 Mutual Credit & Loan Dep., Phila., 1837. VF 12.00 5.00 Towanda Bank, 1841. A. U. 6.50 20.00 Marietta & Susquehanna Trading Co. 1818. VF 18.00 20.00 Lancaster Bank, 1853. V. F. 8.50 50.00 Northampton Bank, 1837. Fine. Rev. taped 8.50 5.00 Northampton Bank, Allentown, 1841. Fine 6.00 5.00 Bank of Penna., Phila. 1855. Blue pr. Fine 30.00 5.00 Western Bank, Phila. 1859. V. F. 9.50 5.00 Bank of Commerce, Erie. 1859. Fine 5.00 5.00 Monongahela Valley Bank, McKp't. 1858. Fine 5.00 10.00 Monongahela Valley Bank, McKp't. 1858. Fine 6.0050 Farmers & Mech. Bank, Shipsb'g., 1862. Fine 4.00 2.00 Chambersb'g & Bedford Turnpike, 1818. A.U. 18.00 5.00 Chambersb'g & Bedford Turnpike, 1818. X.F. 17.00 5.00 Oil City Bank, 1864. Fine. Rev. edge taped 10.00 5.00 Lumbermens Bank, Warren. u/s. German. TJne. 20.00 1.00 Farmers Bank, Pottsville, 1861. Fine 8.50 5.00 Susquehanna County Bank, Montrose, 1847. VF 6.50 .. 5.00 Bank of Northumberland, 1856. Fine 6.00 5.00 Wayne County (Honesdale), 1859. Hne. 12.00 57.00 Berks County Bank, Reading, 1841. V. F. 6.50 2.00 Borough of Erie. u/s. Fine 8.50 Many other notes of all kinds in stock. Want lists solicited. I want to buy notes in any series. RICHARD T. HOOBER-ANA 9302 P. 0. Box 196 Newfoundland, PA 18445 LOOK FORV THESE FACES WHEN BUYING OR SELLING! Whether it's rare U.S. Currency, Obsoletes, Bank Notes, Texas Documents, etc., we'll be happy to provide quotes or arrange to include your material in any of our auctions . Call us at (512) 226-2311 BETTY Beside the Alamo MEDLAR Nedieved RARE COINS AND CURRENCY 220 Alamo Plaza San Antonio, Texas 78205 FQR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE • U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY; OBSOLETE CURRENCY; RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES; "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES. LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ROBERT A. CONDO P. 0. BOX 304, DRAYTON PLAINS, MICHIGAN 48020 ANA-LN 813, SPMC-2153 Stockton, 1st Nat. B. #8211 Bloomfield, Nat. B. of Bloomfield #9303 Burt, 1st Nat. B. #5685 NEW YORK NATIONALS Wanted Amityville 8873 Babylon 4906 Babylon 10358 Bay Shore 10029 Bridgehampton 9669 Cutchogue 12551 East Islip 9322 East Northport 12593 East Setauket 11511 Easthampton 7763 Farmingdale 8882 Great Neck Station 12659 Greenport 334 Greenport 3232 Greenwich 1266 Greenwich 2517 Hicksville 11087 Islip 8794 Kings Park 12489 Northport 5936 Patchogue 6785 Port Jefferson 5068 Riverhead 4230 Sayville 5186 Smithtown Branch 9820 • GEORGE A. FLANAGAN BOX 191 BABYLON, N.Y. 11702 SMALL-SIZE MINNESOTA NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED Adrian, Nat. B. of Adrian #0031 Canby, 1st Nat. B. #6366 Cold Spring, 1st Nat. B. #8051 Cottonwood, 1st. Nat. B. #6584 Deer River, 1st Nat. B. #9131 Grand Meadow, 1st Nat. B. #6933 Hendricks, 1st Nat. B. #6468 Hendricks, Farmers Nat. B. #9457 Kerkhoven, 1st Nat. B. #11365 Sauk Center, 1st Nat. B. #3155 Le Sueur, 1st Nat. B. #7199 Stewartville, 1st Nat. B. #5330 Lanesboro, 1st Nat. B. #10507 Staples, 1st Nat. B. #5568 Madison, 1st Nat. B. #6795 Verndale, 1st Nat. B. #6022 Mankato, Nat. B. Commerce #6519 Wendall, Wheaton, 1st Nat. B. 1st Nat. B. #10898 #6035 Mapleton. 1st Nat. B. #6787 Windom. Window Nat. B. #6396 McIntosh, 1st Nat. B. #6488 Also Wanted—Small-Size Salem, Ore., 1st Nat. B. #3405 Olympia, Wash., Capital Nat. B , Salem, Ore., United States Nat. #4297 B. #9021 State price and condition or send for my fair offer. I have many notes in stock as well What do you need? JOHN R. PALM Deephaven 18475 THORPE ROAD, WAYZATA, MINN. 55391 UNITED STATES 1776-1876 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION TICKETS $5,00 ea. 10 for $45.00 CHARLES T. RODGERS P.O BOX 66531 LOS ANGELES, CALIF 90066 Has Anyone Heard of FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Out There? If you have any, I probably will buy it, especially if it is CU or Rare. I also need books and other materials dealing with FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Please Send your material or a list and asking price to: RONLENE (SPMC 4418) P. 0. Box 322, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 PINETREE SELECTIONS UNCUT SHEETS UNSIGNED Farmington, N.H. Bank 1-2 $10.00 New England Comm. Bank, Newport, R.I. 1 -1 -2-3 10.00 BOOKS Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, by Hessler $20.00 World War II Allied Military Currency, by Toy & Schwan 3.00 European Paper Money Since 1900, by Pick 16.95 Friedberg Paper Money 8th Edition 17.50 Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, by Krause .... 15.00 SEAMAN COIN SUPPLY (Charles Seaman, Owner) ANA - LM, SPMC, RCDA Box 698 - S, Ogunquit, Maine 03907 DEALERS INQUIRE (60) Menahga, 1st Nat. B. #11740 Minnesota Lake, Farmers Nat. B. #6532 Osakis, 1st Nat. B. #6837 Park Rapids, Citizens Nat. B. #13692 Pipestone, Pipestone Nat. B. #10936 Obii: Rev Universal Numismatics Corp. FLOYD 0. JANNEY LM No. 416 CAROL JANNEY LM No. 1416 P.O. Box 143 Waukesha Wisc. 53186 Pecos Robert Lee Rising Star Seminole Stanton Sterling City Sweetwater Tahoka Toyah Alpine Ballinger Bronte Cross Plains Fort Stockton Lamesa Midland Miles Odessa ARIZONA & WYOMING STATE AND TERRITORIAL NATIONALS WANTED All banks, all series, any condition except washed or doctored notes. Top prices paid—many trades PETER HUNTOON P. 0. Box 3681, Laramie, Wyoming 82071 RHODE ISLAND NATIONAL BANK NOTES WANTED Please describe notes fully. Contact: "RINATS" P. 0. BOX 33 ASHTON, R.I. 02864 (59) Look What $2.00 Will Buy Two Historic Colorado Gold Mining Stock Certificates, issued. PLUS Two Bank Checks from Famous gold mining camp of Cripple Creek, Colorado, issued. PLUS Large Illustrated List of Checks, stocks and Paper Americana ALL FOR JUST $2.00 postpaid PAUL R. PEEL 1748 Sawyer Way Colorado Springs, Colorado 80915 303-5969-2839 WANTED: STOCK CERTIFICATES, Checks, Broken Bank notes, paper Americana, etc. Ship samples with quantity available and price. (60) OBSOLETE PRICE LISTS 2,000 notes offered for sale: Request one (or more) individual lists: Collector/Dealer Since 1935 SPMC CHARTER #38 $2 Educational Fr. 247 New $775.00 Society Certified Professional Numismatists Bellevue, Ohio WANTED BY COLLECTOR I am still looking for National bank notes on THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BELLEVUE, OHIO Charter #2302. I'm also interested in FIRST NATIONAL BANK NOTES ON FREMONT, OHIO Charter #5 and #2703. Gerald C. Schwartz 270 NORTHWEST ST., BELLEVUE, OHIO 44811 OBSOLETE NORTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY WANTED I need North Carolina colonial and continental notes and obsolete North Carolina bank notes. I have many North Carolina duplicates that I will trade for North Carolina items that I need. Please write for my detailed want list. CHARLES F. BLANCHARD P. 0. DRAWER 30, RALEIGH, N. C. 27602 TEXAS NATIONAL BANK NOTES WANTED • Southern State Broken Bank Notes, Scrip • Virginia Collection, offered individually • Misc. States, BBN and Scrip • List of Penna., Uncut Sheets All States, Proof Notes, College Cur- rency. Depression Scrip, Other Related Notes, Historical Items • Fractional Currency • Confederate Currency Enclose 10c SASE. Please describe in detail what notes are of interest, which states you collect. DONALD E. EMBURY SPMC 3791 P. 0. BOX 66058, LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 WILL PAY A TOP PRICE OR HAVE TRADES FROM MOST EVERY STATE . JACK EVERSON 1005 Cuthbert Avenue, Midland, Texas 79701 WANTED WANTED WANTED CINCINNATI And Other Ohio First And Second Charter Notes. I AM INTERESTED IN ALL 19th CENTURY OHIO NOTES. I HAVE A PARTICULAR INTEREST IN ISSUES FROM CINCIN- NATI AND THE FOLLOWING OHIO CITIES AND TOWNS: BATAVIA BETHEL DAYTON GEORGETOWN HAMILTON HILLSBOROUGH LEBANON MIAMISBURG MOUNT PLEASANT MIDDLETOWN MILFORD OBERLIN RIPLEY WILMINGTON WILLIAMSBURG WOOSTER XENIA PLEASE SHIP NOTES FOR A TOP OFFER OR ASK ABOUT TRADE POSSIBILITIES. SPMC #3240 WILLIAM P. KOSTER ANA #70083 8005 SOUTH CLIPPINGER DRIVE, CINCINNATI, OH 45243 Home: 513/561-5866 Office: 513/271-5100 I NEED SOUTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY I WANT TO BUY ALL TYPES OF SOUTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION. I Need PROOF NOTES OBSOLETE BANK NOTES S.C. NATIONAL BANK NOTES CITY, TOWN & PRIVATE SCRIP I HAVE SIMILAR MATERIAL FROM OTHER STATES THAT I WILL TRADE FOR NOTES THAT I NEED. PLEASE WRITE FOR MY DETAILED WANT LIST. I Also Collect — PROOF NOTES WORLDWIDE SPECIMEN NOTES BRITISH COMMONWEALTH VIGNETTES USED ON BANK NOTES COUNTERFEIT DETECTORS BANK NOTE REGISTERS J. ROY PENN II LL, J SPMC #8 ANA #11304 P. 0. BOX 858 ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29621 WILLIAM P. DONLON P. 0. Box 144, Utica, New York 13503 DONLON PAYS TOP DOLLAR FOR CHOICE U.S. PAPER CURRENCY SINGLE NOTES OR COMPLETE COLLECTIONS FAST CHECK $100.00 or $100,000.00 PAYING OVER CATALOG FOR MANY NATIONAL BANKNOTES SINGLE NOTES OR UNCUT SHEETS, ALL SERIES ALSO PAYING TOP PRICES FOR UNITED STATES LEGALS, 1861-1923 SILVER CERTIFICATES 1878-1923 CALIFORNIA GOLD BANKNOTES TREASURY NOTES 1890-1891 Send your duplicates or complete collection by registered mail for best possible offer accompanied by check in full, sent subject to your complete satisfaction. If check is returned, your notes will be returned to you PREPAID! PERHAPS YOU WOULD PREFER TO PLACE YOUR NOTES IN ONE OF DONLON'S MAIL BID SALES. LIBERAL TERMS AND CASH ADVANCES IF YOU REQUEST. Prices Realized June 5 Sale $1. ppd. 1975 ed.Donlon Catalog U.S. Large Size Paper Money $3.50 ppd. ANA 4295 Life Member No. 101