
Paper Money - Vol. XXXIII, No. 6 - Whole No. 174 - November - December 1994

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VOL. XXXIII No. 6 WHOLE No. 174 NIG AWARD BEST CLUB MAGAZINE PAPER MONEY GENE HESSLER, EDITOR ETROIT, JULY 1994 Nov/DEc 1994 THE BEST Send forour latestfixed price listof stocks and bonds. 26 Broadway Suite 271 New York, NY 10004-1701 ut4TAIS1411911ED 18SC, TOLL FREE 800-622-1880 NY 212-943-1880 FAX: 212-908-4047 4.)optit MEMBER *Ww. S0( 071 MT r0:1 1011!. 1010 Lvicti. We Buy, Sell & Auction The Very Best In Paper Money, Stocks & Bonds, Coins & Autographs VIAMOKIN IMMO ,F! Tms 0,10 ES 11 i,VC • .111 ): l': N 01.:1 .10-01.4:0 IN TitIOS I 07V K8580466 ********************************* 0 1: 1,1 F 111 I ,,'011.00101<1101,4%.....0110l, P ati;TI:r=t17.17=Ig. Accepting Consignments Now for Major Public and Mail Bid Auctions in 1994 & 1995. Call or write for further information. ************************************ CS -SbZWO R.711. SMYTH E SOC l ETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS 1 NC. Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 189 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors. Second class postage paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes to: Bob Cochran, Secretary, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. © Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1994. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without ex- press written permission, is prohibited. Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are available from the Secretary for $2.75 each plus $1 postage. Five or more copies are sent postage free. ADVERTISING RATES SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover $152 $420 $825 Inside Front & Back Cover $145 $405 $798 Full Page $140 $395 $775 Half-page $75 $200 $390 Quarter-page $38 $105 $198 Eighth-page $20 $55 $105 To keep rates at a minimum, advertising must be prepaid in advance according to the above sched- ule. In exceptional cases where special artwork or extra typing are required, the advertiser will be no- tified and billed extra for them accordingly. Rates are not commissionable. Proofs are not supplied. Deadline: Copy must be in the editorial office no later than the 1st of the month preceding issue (e.g., Feb. 1 for March/April issue). With advance notice, camera-ready copy will be accepted up to three weeks later. Mechanical Requirements: Full page 42-57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single column width, 20 picas. Halftones acceptable, but not mats or stereos. Page position may be requested but cannot be guaranteed. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper cur- rency and allied numismatic material and publi- cations and accessories related thereto. SPMC does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objection- able material or edit any copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but agrees to reprint that portion of an advertisement in which typographical error should occur upon prompt notification of such error. All advertising copy and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXXIII No. 6 Whole No. 174 NOV/DEC 1994 ISSN 0031-1162 GENE HESSLER, Editor, P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 Manuscripts (loss), not under consideration elsewhere, and publications for review should be sent to the Editor. Accepted mss will be published as soon as possible; however, publication in a specific issue cannot be guaranteed. Opinions expressed by authors do not necessarily reflect those of the SPMC. Mss are to be typed on one side only, double-spaced with at least one-inch margins. A copy should be retained by the author. The author's name, ad- dress and telephone number should appear on the first page. In addition, you may also submit a copy on a 31/2 or 5 1/4 inch MS DOS disk, identified with the name and version of software used: Microsoft Word, Word Perfect or text (ASCII) are preferred. Avoid unnecessary carriage returns, spaces, tabs and formatting. Avoid tabs or extra lines to begin paragraphs, and in tables use only one tab per column. If disk is submitted, double-spaced printout must accompany disk. IN THIS ISSUE "LONG BILL" BROCKWAY KING OF THE COUNTERFEITERS Brent Hughes 191 COUNTERFEIT 7.30% INTEREST-BEARING TREASURY NOTES Gene Hessler 196 HAITI'S "GOURD MONEY" Carolyn Mordecai Prawat 199 THE NATIONAL BANK OF BISMARCK NORTH DAKOTA Forrest W. Daniel 200 THE BANK OF WHITEHALL AND TRACEY COWEN Jeff Sullivan 201 COUNTERFEITERS IN ST. LOUIS Thomas Eagan 203 A FOREIGN EXCHANGE DRAFT FROM INDIA Robert D. Hatfield 206 THE BUCK STARTS HERE Gene Hessler 207 CATALOG OF ENVELOPED POSTAGE Milton R. Friedberg 208 ANNIVERSARIES IN 1994 THAT RELATE TO PAPER MONEY, ARTISTS AND ENGRAVERS Gene Hessler 210 SOCIETY FEATURES NOTES FROM ALL OVER 212 ANA LITERARY AND EXHIBIT AWARDS 212 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 213 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 214 NEW LITERATURE 214 NEW MEMBERS 214 MONEY MART 216 ON THE COVER. We are recognized as number one. Change of address, and inquiries concerning non-delivery of PAPER MONEY and for additional copies of this issue, contact the Secretary; the address is on the next page. SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS OFFICERS PRESIDENT JUDITH MURPHY, P.O. Box 24056, Winston Salem, NC 27114 VICE-PRESIDENT DEAN OAKES, Drawer 1456, Iowa City, IA 52240 SECRETARY ROBERT COCHRAN, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 TREASURER TIM KYZIVAT, P.O. Box 803, LaGrange, IL 60525 APPOINTEES EDITOR GENE HESSLER, P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR RON HORSTMAN, Box 2999, Leslie, MO 63056 WISMER BOOK PROJECT STEVEN K. WHITFIELD, 14092 W. 115th St., Olathe, KS 66062 LEGAL COUNSEL ROBERT J. GALIETTE, 10 Wilcox Lane, Avon, CT 06001 LIBRARIAN 'ROGER H. DURAND, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 PAST-PRESIDENT AUSTIN M. SHEHEEN Jr., P.O. Box 428, Camden, SC 29020 BOARD OF GOVERNORS FRANK CLARK„ P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011 CHARLES COLVER, 611 N. Banna Avenue, Covina, CA 91724 MICHAEL CRABB, Jr., P.O. Box 17871, Memphis, TN 38187-0871 C. JOHN FERRERI, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 MILTON R. FRIEDBERG, Suite 203, 30799 Pinetree Rd., Cleve- land, OH 44124 GENE HESSLER, P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 RON HORSTMAN, Box 2999, Leslie, MO 63056 JOHN JACKSON, P.O. Box 4629, Warren, NJ 07059 ROBERT R. MOON, P.O. Box 81, Kinderhook, NY 12106 WILLIAM F. MROSS, P.O. Box 21, Racine, WI 53401 STEPHEN TAYLOR, 70 West View Avenue, Dover, DE 19901 WENDELL W. WOLKA, P.O. Box 569, Dublin, OH 43017 The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association. The annual meeting is held at the Memphis IPMS in June. MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUN- IOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secre- tary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or vote. Members of the ANA or other recognized numismatic so- cieties are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an SMPC member or provide suitable references. DUES—Annual dues are $20. Members in Canada and Mex- ico should add $5 to cover additional postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life membership, payable in installments within one year, is $300. Members who join the Society prior to Oct. 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after Oct. 1st will have their dues paid through Decem- ber of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. BUYING and SELLING CSA and Obsolete Notes CSA Bonds, Stocks & Financial Items Extensive Catalog for $3.00, Refundable With Order ANA-LM SCNA PC DA HUGH SHULL P.O. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020 / (803) 432-8500 FAX 803-432-9958 SPMC-LM BRNA FUN Page 190 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 191 Tales of the Secret Service "Long Bill" Brockway King of the Counterfeiters by BRENT HUGHES It was only a brief item on the obituary page which prob- ably attracted little notice. A retired police officer with a long memory may have seen it and mentioned to a friend that "Long Bill" Brockway was dead. Secret Service agents at New Haven, Connecticut may also have no- ticed and marked "Closed" on their voluminous file on the man they had once called the "King of the Counter- feiters" Officially the death of the ninety-eight year old man was listed as "illuminating gas poisoning" A kind news- paper editor may have avoided the word "suicide" by stating that the cause of death was "a gas jet accidentally snuffed out" Another account said that Brockway had been the victim of a "leaky gas jet!' The landlord at the small rooming house on Olive Street had found the body and a short time later a quiet funeral was held at Grove Street Cemetery. The year was 1920 and William Brockway's time had come and gone. H E was a product of the golden age of counterfeiting in America, a time when thousands of private banks is- sued their own paper money before the United States government changed the system and issued its own currency to finance the Civil War. Like other counterfeiters, Brockway simply switched to dealing in copies of the government issues and grew rich in the process. Yet his peers considered him different from most. He was gifted with high intelligence, or- ganizational ability, animal-like cunning and superb manners which allowed him to lead a second life in association with men of high reputation and great wealth. He could have been successful in many fields of endeavor, but chose instead to en- gage in the counterfeiting of currency and bonds. Brockway was born on February 3, 1822 at Essex, Connect- icut to a couple named Spencer. When his mother died a few months later, his carpenter father had no choice but to put the infant up for adoption. The Brockway family took him in and raised him to young manhood. During that time the parents noticed that their son had a talent for drawing and arranged for him to serve as an apprentice to a local printer. The alert young- ster was fifteen years old and eager to learn. This sketch of William Brockway alias Colonel Spencer was appar- ently drawn by a newspaper artist during one of Brockway's numerous trials. (Furnished to tne by the U.S. Secret Service, February 17, 1989, via Sen- ator Strom Thurmond.) There have been many accounts written over the years about the single event which might have pointed young Brockway to- ward a life of crime. About 1840, after the apprentice had learned his craft, he saw two distinguished-looking men come into the shop. He learned later that the two were the president and cashier of a New Haven bank who had, as was the custom in those days, brought in the engraved plate of their bank's $5 and $10 bills. Brockway saw the cashier remove the plate from his briefcase, slide it out of its protective felt bag and hand it to the printshop owner. The cashier may have also furnished the fine banknote paper on which the notes were to be printed. It may have been counterfeits of these New Haven County Bank notes that started Bill Brockway on his life of crime. Page 192 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Young Brockway was almost mesmerized by the beauty of the gleaming plate. He watched carefully as the shop owner ran off sheet after sheet of currency, each one of which represented more than a month's wages for an apprentice. From that mo- ment on, so the story goes, Brockway was obsessed with cur- rency plates and during his long life would possess dozens of them. The next day he asked his employer to help him learn the art of lithography. Some kind of arrangement was made because we know that the young man went to Yale where he learned the new process whereby a duplicate printing plate could be made by electroplating copper molecules onto a hardened wax sur- face. Young William, in his cunning way, had already figured out how he could make his own plate of the same New Haven banknotes he had watched being printed. In some manner he brought up the subject to his employer and the two worked out an ingenious plan. The next time the bankers showed up to have some currency printed, they would be ready. Ordinarily the two bankers stood by the press while the printing took place, making sure that no unauthorized sheets of paper were printed. This time the owner of the shop dis- tracted the two men on some pretext and Brockway quickly ran a thin sheet of soft lead through the press, transferring the image from the plate to his lead sheet. He then concealed the lead sheet under his apron and went back to printing paper. The two bankers returned to the press none the wiser and stood by until the press run was finished. Brockway cleaned the ink from the plate and handed it back to the cashier. Then the bankers left, content that they were carrying their precious plate and the exact number of printed sheets of banknotes that they had ordered. That night Brockway went to work on his lead impression. He poured hot wax over the lead impression and waited for it to cool. In a few hours a thin layer of copper molecules was transferred to the wax impression and molten lead was applied to the back to provide rigidity. The electrotype plate was then trimmed off and fitted to the press. After a few trial runs were made, the two men were delighted to find that they could print currency exactly like that done for the bankers. After the notes dried, Brockway demonstrated his artistic ability by forging the signatures of the two bank officials and writing in some serial numbers. A careful trimming was the final step and the notes were ready to be spent. No one ever calculated exactly how many counterfeit notes the two men printed and passed into circulation. Estimates vary but $10,000 may be close, an enormous sum in those days, spread all over New Haven and nearby towns. No one challenged the notes because they were exact duplicates of the genuine. DECEIVAIRLE FOR ALL 17N1L ED STATES ST NIPS • 4 ninCEIVAlt ,011t A 1.1. ,YNITT.I1 STATI s Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 193 Laban Heath, publisher of the famous "Heath's Counterfeit Detector;' obtained permission from the Treasury Department to reproduce the genuine fifty-cent U.S. Fractional Currency note (above) as well as Brockway's counterfeit. Note that the expression of Spinner's eyes is slightly different on the counterfeit (below) but otherwise it is a superb copy. It was months before an alert bank teller looked closely at the signatures and became suspicious. He took the note to the cashier who made a quick check of the serial numbers and pro- nounced the note a fraud, even though he was at a loss to un- derstand how the note could have been produced. He checked and found the plate secure in the vault, yet the engraving on the counterfeit was perfect. The bank obviously had a serious problem. At a hastily-called directors meeting, the bankers decided to continue honoring the spurious notes while the police inves- tigated. Detectives soon decided that the most logical suspects were Brockway and his employer. The two denied everything; after all, there were thousands of counterfeit notes in circula- tion. The United States Secret Service was not yet in existence and counterfeiting of private banknotes was a major industry employing hundreds of people. Brockway and his boss managed to get through the initial police inquiry but the experience left them somewhat nervous. The stress became too much for the shop owner who suddenly announced one day that he planned to retire. He offered to rent the plant to Brockway and Bill was still considering the offer when one morning he found that his employer had quietly left town without leaving a forwarding address. Under the circum- stances Brockway felt it was prudent to pack up his things and get out of New Haven. The local police regarded the sudden closing of the long- established printshop as proof that Brockway and his employer were the counterfeiters. When the police announced a reward for their capture it created quite a stir among police officers who, in those days, were eligible to collect reward money. In fact it was not at all unusual for a clever police detective to make more money from rewards than he drew in salary. During the next few years Brockway eluded the police by moving from place to place. He engaged in various projects and eventually got married. He had a few minor run-ins with the police but always managed to bribe his way out of jail, a very common occurrence in those days. In 1851 Brockway ran afoul of the New York City police who had a reputation for diligent pursuit of reward money. The fu- gitive barely escaped and tried to hide in the woods near Bergen Hills, New Jersey. After five harrowing days without food, and with police bloodhounds baying behind him, Brockway surrendered. He was sentenced to six years in the notorious Sing Sing Prison. Mrs. Brockway must have had a good knowledge of the legal system for she immediately began pulling strings to get her husband released and succeeded within a year. Brockway learned a lot from the hardened criminals he had talked to. Never again would he be foolish enough to get caught with a plate in his possession, nor would he go near a printing plant. The few months in Sing Sing convinced him that the only safe way to make a living in the counterfeiting business was to be- come a middleman behind a facade of respectability. Mid- dlemen might be suspected but they were seldom jailed. Thus it was that in 1852 Brockway and his wife Margaret moved to Philadelphia to begin a new life as Colonel and Mrs. Page 194 Paper Money Whole No. 174 William E. Spencer, Brockway's original name. Like many criminals, Brockway was a superb actor and he quickly took his place in the business world posing as a real estate investor. As his fortune grew, the luxurious home of the Spencers became the site of high society parties for the city's well-to-do. It was a good life and Spencer must have spent many happy hours reflecting back on his humble beginnings. He had indeed come a long way. He began to branch out in oil wells, coal mines and the stock market. He seemed to be every inch the respectable businessman whose associates never suspected that much of his wealth came from counterfeiting. However, the underworld knew that he was a man looking to finance the activities of others without getting too close himself. In maturity he stood tall and gaunt with not an ounce of fat on his elongated frame. Thus he earned the nickname among his criminal friends of "Long Bill!' To the rest of the world he was Colonel Spencer. Then came the turmoil of the Civil War and for the first time the federal government had to issue paper money. Predictably, most skilled counterfeiters turned from private banknotes to United States currency. When Abraham Lincoln brought in Edwin Stanton as his Secretary of War to straighten out the mess created by crooked war contractors, a whole new era began. Stanton went after every form of criminal activity with a single minded vengeance. He formed his own detective bu- reau headed by the infamous Lafayette Baker. Then the U.S. Se- cret Service was formed, headed by Stanton's man William Wood, warden of the Old Capitol Prison in Washington, D.C. Baker and Wood have been condemned by historians for their ruthless methods but they may have been simply following orders of Stanton. It was a harsh time in our history and Stanton used harsh methods to achieve his goals. In 1862 Brockway became associated with a sharp operator named James Brace Doyle. The two men used their legitimate businesses for what we would call today a "money laundering" operation. They became involved in the distribution of the fa- mous counterfeit of the small 504 Fractional Currency note bearing the likeness of Francis E. Spinner, the Treasurer of the U.S. Taking advantage of the fact that most people believed counterfeiters would not bother with such a small denomina- tion, the two men passed thousands of them into circulation. Brockway next became involved in marketing counterfeits of the newly created "seven-thirty" U.S. Treasury notes (HX146D), so called because they bore interest at 7.30 percent for three years. These notes actually had coupons attached with which the holder would collect his interest every six months. To get the final interest payment, the holder had to surrender the note. As a result these notes are extremely rare today, so much so that obtaining even a photograph of some of them is virtu- ally impossible. Brockway discovered that the plates for these notes were being engraved at American Bank Note Company; one of the engravers was Charles H. Smith. Brockway contacted Smith and tried to hire him away, but Smith had a better idea. He would keep his job engraving genuine plates in the daytime and engrave counterfeit plates at night and on weekends. The result was a classic in the history of counterfeiting that brought on all kinds of charges in the financial world. Brockway disposed of the spurious notes in the New York market where they went undetected at the prestigious banking house of Jay Cooke & Company. Cooke had already redeemed eighty-five of the $1,000 notes at the Treasury Department be- fore a cashier noticed some duplicate serial numbers and no- tified the Secretary of the Treasury. In a hastily-called con- ference, the Director of the Printing Bureau (now the Bureau of Engraving and Printing) pronounced the notes genuine, but William Wood proved that they were counterfeits. The shaken Secretary was so concerned that he posted a $20,000 reward for the bogus plates and assured Wood that even though he was head of the Secret Service he was also eligible for the reward money. Wood went to work in a feverish effort to claim what was then a small fortune. At that moment, of course, the Treasury Department had no idea who had made the plates or who might then own them. William Wood contacted police officials in many cities and offered to share the reward with anyone who helped him. We know that he finally located the plates but there seem to be many versions of how he did it. There are few archives of these early cases still in existence in U.S. Treasury Department files. The government can supply some clippings and copies of a few obscure booklets, but little else. Today's writer must examine such information for ac- curacy of dates, places and people and try to piece together what happened. It is not wise to make flat statements based on newspaper accounts. Researcher Bob Cochran has also made a study of this partic- ular counterfeit and believes that a shadowy figure named Langdon W. Moore played a major role in it. Moore, alias Charley Adams, was a bank burglar of great skill. In his memoir published in 1893 he implied that he, David Keene, a man named Martin and Bill Brockway had been members of the group circulating the "seven-thirty" notes. While Moore was in Europe he heard that, contrary to an agreement, the others were circulating the counterfeits without his knowledge. He was, of course, angry that he was being cut out of his share and swore to get even. Back in New York, Moore met a police official who told him about Wood's offer of a reward for the plates. Moore arranged to meet Wood in a New York hotel where he told the Secret Service Chief that he did not want a reward but did want cer- tain concessions from the Treasury Department. If the Treasury Secretary would agree to these concessions, Moore said, he would tell Wood who had the plates and provide his address. Two days later Moore had his signed document and told Wood that the culprit was Brockway and that he was living in Philadelphia as Colonel William E. Spencer. Moore may have employed a ghost writer, because his ac- count is well-done and appears to be correct in all details. It is interesting that his chapter on this Brockway incident is titled "Good Work for the Government; suggesting that his act of re- venge should be considered a patriotic gesture. In any event, Wood headed for Philadelphia with visions of collecting the $20,000 reward. He went to the office of Colonel Spencer only to discover that the Colonel and his wife were on their way to Europe via a New York hotel. Back he went to the train depot. Wood located the couple in New York and waited until 4 a.m. the next morning to arrest Brockway. After a big argument Wood took his prisoner to Jersey City where he locked him in a hotel room for five days. After being pounded with questions day and night, an exhausted Brockway confessed but immedi- ately offered Wood a large bribe to let him go. Wood refused and could not wait to get his hands on the plates. At that time the Treasury Department placed first priority on seizing and destroying counterfeit plates and showed much INTERNATIONAL BANK NOTE SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP DUES & FEES The current annual dues, in U. S. Dollars and U. K. pounds, are: Regular membership $ 17.50 £10.00 Family Membership 22.50 12.50 Junior Membership 9.00 5.00 We Membership 300.00 165.00 Euro Cheques, add .50 For applications for all categories of membership contact: Milan Alusic P.O.Box 1642, Racine,Wisconsin 53401 U.S.A. (414) 554-6255 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 195 less interest in suspects. If all else failed it was common practice to make a deal. If Colonel Spencer would surrender the plates, the authorities told him, they would arrange for a suspended sentence and probation. For some reason, Smith was not ar- rested, perhaps because once Wood got the plates he wanted to get back to Washington to collect the $20,000. He was in for a bitter disappointment. The Treasury Secretary may have been disgusted that the Chief of the Secret Service would show up with the plates and demand the reward. He gave him $5,000 and told him he would get the rest when the government got a refund from Jay Cooke & Company. The government eventually won its case and Jay Cooke had to pay, but William Wood never got his $15,000. As time went on, he became increasingly angry and made life miserable for Treasury officials. In 1869 Wood was forced to resign and left office a bitter man. His successor moved to improve the agency's image. He replaced the hacks with skilled investigators and launched a campaign against counterfeiters which eventually brought to an end a sad chapter in American financial history. Brockway kept a low profile for a few years, but in April 1878 he became involved with some excellent counterfeits of a $100 National Bank note. Secret Service experts suspected Brockway and began a search. They found him living in Canarsie, New York and set up a stakeout. A few days later they saw a stranger go into the house and when he came out they followed him all the way to Chicago. He turned out to be Brockway's old partner, James Doyle. In his luggage the agents found two hundred $1,000 bonds which Doyle insisted were genuine. They were, except that somebody had raised their denomination from lower amounts. The next morning the Secret Service arrested Brockway and Smith in New York. Smith confessed and impli- cated Brockway who began looking for a way out. He got no- where with Agent Drummond who simply read off a long list of counterfeit plates that the Secret Service wanted. He told Brockway that he knew he had the plates and other material buried somewhere and it was time to tell him where. The next morning an odd group of men assembled under a large chestnut tree in Richmond Hill. In the group were Brockway, his lawyer, Drummond, the United States Attorney and two deputy sheriffs with shovels. Brockway pointed out a spot and the deputies soon turned up some lead "coffins," six- inch diameter pipe cut into sections with their ends flattened and soldered. Inside were twenty-two sets of plates. At another spot they dug up fruit jars containing 3,500 counterfeit bills. In return for their cooperation, Brockway and Smith got off with suspended sentences, but in Chicago the luckless Doyle got twelve years in prison. Slowly but surely the United States government was closing in on the army of people involved in counterfeiting. The shaken Brockway alias Colonel Spencer managed to stay out of trouble for the next five years. In 1883 he was arrested again and was sentenced to five years in Sing Sing. When he was released he pursued lawful interests for eight years but per- haps was tempted by many offers from his old friends still in the counterfeiting business. In 1896 an opportunity came up that Brockway could not re- sist. The deal turned out to be a disaster because Brockway was arrested with another batch of counterfeits. The days of plea bargaining were over for counterfeiters. Disgusted federal authorities recommended that the court throw the book at the habitual offender and a judge sent Brockway back to prison for eight years. In 1904 Brockway was released but this time the Secret Service had enough men to keep him and many other old counterfeiters under almost constant surveillance. Brockway went back to his old home town of New Haven and lived quietly in a small rooming house for sixteen years. It was there that he died, just before Christmas in 1920. The man who had simply outlived his profession was no more. Sources: Assorted documents supplied by the U.S. Treasury Department. Bowen, Walter S. and Edward Harry Neal. (1960). The United States Se- cret Service. Philadelphia. Burnham, George P. (1872). Memoirs of the United States Secret Service, Boston. Friedberg, Robert. (1975). Paper Money of the United States. Eighth Edi- tion, New York. Hessler, Gene. (1988). An Illustrated History of U.S. Loans, 1775-1898. Port Clinton, OH. Moore, Langdon W. (1893). Langdon W Moore, His Own Story of His Eventful Life. Boston. Smith, Laurence Dwight. (1944). Counterfeiting, Crime Against the People. New York. The New York Times (May 6, 1882, June 19, 1882, August 6, 1895 and Feb. 14, 1896). Microfilm Library at Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC. My deep appreciation to Bob Cochran and Gene Hessler for their as- sistance with this article. 221M12111), 41tittilittaMilttialikal / X,/ 4/'./ //...//ii.% .44 ..alottWili) / // / //./i //ft / / / ' " ' / / //, -7,6e e OW. /./,4114. // / /1 / ,/,,,11/ /% // el/ /e/// /"...////1/1///; ,*, • /.41/4",./4"".,, '1 / 1 r/z r/ /Lel/. / r.• This 6 percent bond (HX125D) includes the Great Eagle by artist William Croome; it was engraved by Alfred Jones. /(//r ////,///////e/../4/ /1/- e/ .//////////,`, :/// /z7-- v /7/ / / 7/, //, / / Page 196 Paper Money Whole No. 174 COUNTERFEIT 7 3 0 0/ INTEREST-BEARING /0 TREASURY NOTES by GENE HESSLER These few words are intended to complement the article in this issue by Brent Hughes. M ORE often than not, whenever reference is made to the 7.30% interest-bearing treasury note, including contemporary newspaper accounts of counterfeits, this note is called a bond. Because the note had five coupons, redeemable at six-month intervals, non-collectors invariably identify it incorrectly. Another mistake has been perpetuated: the confusion and misidentification of two unrelated, contemporary counter- feiters, Charles H. Smith and William H. Smith. The self-professed counterfeiter of the $1,000 7.30% interest- bearing treasury note (H1401; HX146D) was Charles H. Smith (Underwood 588). Smith was employed at American Bank Note Co. (ABNCo) as early as 1860, and therefore probably en- graved portions of the original plate. Although it has yet to be confirmed, Smith could have been employed at the National Bank Note Co. before he went to the Continental Bank Note Co. in 1875. Charles H. Smith died ca. 1894. Through his association with William Brockway, Charles H. Smith was indicted under the name of Smythe on 2 June 1882. The "Court held that the misnomer was sufficient to invalidate the indictment" (The New York Times, 2 June 1882). He was rear- rested on the following day. Smith was apparently released once again. On 21 June 1882 he was arrested in Brooklyn, NY and charged with stealing authentic engraved plates for $1,000 6% bonds due in 1881. The bond authorized by the Act of 8 February 1861 (HX125D) was prepared by ABNCo, where Smith had been em- ployed when the plates were used. The bond issued under the acts of 17 July and 5 August 1861 (HX128J) is the work of the National Bank Note Co. (NBNCo) where William H. Smith had been employed. "Kitala*XiiiX03MW THREE TEARS AFTER DA. 160212 • • (vm"* ." 1")'" 18011— • _ _ , _ 'Rot, - • l• kr:1 • //KJ/Vt. 4//// // //( r /%4/ 4PV my our c. A 1.), or% Ir 11 -1004 40.44,tst, t t ..•,) (// ,!//// • •• A 181 sramatuansmusu *.T.{4,:g*X"€?...421Eat * waraffamoaminmEmapaW*:,Z%-2102;:a;!b, Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 197 Op K 710: 4144,441,.Lata 999999 A 7 i * /1/4 /; ////7/ 4 /4,f/::-/:(4/:/' // • ZisettliTiCitala r 1: 4;11(41:13:k / ( • A 7111..ti t • t • att=scncarlaszikiputiziltwapir*Wg' illitraVIrdiciaattLinsaTaiiiry - BY.11:414t11Ei ;"--1011011116/av' .3 1 This authentic 7.30% $1,000 note with serial number 999999 was printed at The Engraving and Printing Bureau of the Treasury Department, now the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, from plates made at ABNCo. The plate letter "A" at the lower left is a different style and is smaller than the upper two letters. The vertical overprint states that: "The Government reserves the right of paying COIN, the interest on this Note at the rate of six per cent per annum." The serial numbers are slightly out of alignment. Such imperfections, as you can see, are not limited to counterfeit notes. (Photo by the Bureau of the Public Debt.) 0111W TlIttt Oa 4N/ 4//'/i///7 "11/( •94 tA,‘,641.A soninzuouraszatmell This counterfeit note with serial number 160212 bears plate letters "B." According to Underwood (588), all counterfeits of this note had this plate letter. However, there is none at the upper left as on the authentic note. The remaining coupon, perhaps the only one made by the coun- terfeiters, suggested that the note had been in circulation for a while. (Photo by Larry Stevens.) SW T1116,111a . t. .",14,, 0 M.KtyVy, '^1tii b4 Vti L4 IA.3k vkaT ■ 'firE WI; 'Nisi:WWII U. `"- ,orriy/r re ///1///j//e/1/ T ; ["b r// eft EA 4 ;MP 11:017/.11WT01; fa6 Page 198 Paper Money Whole No. 174 The illustration on the preceding page with serial number 18011 is generally considered to be a counterfeit. It bears plate letter 'A." However there is none at the upper left, just as there is no letter "B" at the upper left on the preceding illustration. This and the counterfeit note with plate letter "B" lack the flourishes near the plate letter as seen on the authentic note with serial number 999999. This note was photographed by this writer when it was in the possession of Atnon Carter Ir. The six percent bond (HX128J) appeared as lot 770 in the Hickman & Oakes auction in June 1982. With the exception of the figure on the left, which would have been replaced with an engraving of Liberty, the illustrated bond (HXI41D) resembles the other bond that was the subject of investigation. The portrait of Salmon P. Chase was engraved by Charles Burt and the Standard Bearer was engraved by George D. Baldwin. None of these photographs would withstand excessive enlargement to demonstrate minor differences. An en- largement of a proof of Justice and Shield by engraver Charles Burt is illustrated so you can see the precise features of the original engraving. "1111101 1111 1blhi lo II 1:111 ,113,1L7,113 41a CI 1C nvii[Autirit C 3 2 94 0 2 10 1 I/ Viatir t &VIM' Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 199 S ',MIS VANX This engraving of Liberty was used on the six percent bond (HX1281) and the $100 interest-bearing treasury note (HX126G). No plates were stolen; the bonds in question were just excel- lent counterfeits by William H. Smith. The bond that was mentioned first (HX125D) had only one engraved subject and would have been the easier of the two to counterfeit. However, since William H. Smith was employed at NBNCo, it would seem that the latter bond was the reason for the investigation. William H. Smith was employed at NBNCo as early as 1860, during the period when plates for this bond (HX128J) were en- graved. He is credited with counterfeiting First Charter Na- tional Bank of Pittsburgh $100 notes. These were printed on authentic paper that was stolen. On 24 October 1880 The New York Times reported the arrest of William Brockway (alias Edward W. Spencer), Jasper Owens and William H. Smythe (sic) for this offense. Sources Bloom, MT. (1982). Money of their own. Port Clinton, OH: BNR Press. Glaser, L. (1968). Counterfeiting in America. Clarkson N. Potter. Hessler, G. (1988). An illustrated history of U.S. loans, 1775-1898. Port Clinton, OH: BNR Press. (1992). The comprehensive catalog of U.S. paper money. Port Clinton, OH: BNR Press. The New York Times, issues mentioned in this article. Undertvood's counterfeit detector. (December 1881). Washington, DC: A.S. Pratt & Son. Haiti's "Gourd Money" by CAROLYN MORDECAI PRAWAT (submitted by Bob Cochran) The face of the I gourde note, Pick 245, bears a portrait of Toussaint L'Over- ture (1744 -1803), Haitian patriot and martyr. ■ITO TAW ,T TT& T T":"7"114 46; tl'rePTAT(L-, Alnr ludikmitvlive DIE LJG, • cisaujp MILArTI The translation of the national motto is Union Mattes Strength. T HE importance of the gourd is truly demonstrated by the country of Haiti. The monetary unit is the gourde, the French name for gourd. The use of gourds as curren- cy came about after the abolition of slavery. The Haitian people became dependent on wild produce, and gourds were neces- sary utensils. Chief Christophe declared that every green Lagenaria or ripening tree gourd in northern Haiti became the property of the state. Gourds were collected for the treasury by soldiers without objection from the peasants. Two hundred and twenty-seven thousand green gourds and calabashes were brought to Cap-Haitien on high-piled carts. Christophe valued each gourd at twenty sous. When culti- vators marketed ripe coffee beans at the capital, Christophe purchased the coffee using gourds as the medium of exchange. By this time the peasants accepted the gourds because they needed them so badly. Christophe in turn resold the coffee to European merchants for gold, enabling Haiti to circulate stable metal currency. From that time to the present the standard currency of Haiti was and is the gourde. SOURCE: Mordecai (Prawat), C. Gourd Craft: Growing, designing & decorating ornamental & hardshelled gourds. American Gourd Society, Inc., Mount Gilead, OH. Reprinted with permission of the author. ICIGSIDFcNCEGS. .pT3ARCit.,.1f., D., N. L.,. AI- N.t Page 200 Paper Money Whole No. 174 A bank that never was NATIONAL BANK OF BISMARCKORTH DAKOTA by FORREST W. DANIEL The National Bank of Bismarck never received a charter from the Comptroller of the Currency; and it is al- together possible that no formal application was ever made to charter a bank with that name. But documents show that the name was reserved, for six months, in case a group of "natural persons of lawful age" should choose to associate to establish such a bank. N its twenty-nine years of existence, four national banks had been established in Bismarck, but only one, The First National, chartered No. 2434 on September 12, 1879, re- mained in business in 1902.' The Bismarck National Bank, Charter 2677, was organized May 3, 1882, and went into volun- tary liquidation on March 1, 1888. The Capital National Bank, Charter 2986, was organized June 23, 1883, went into voluntary liquidation in January 1896, and was consolidated with the First National.' The Merchants National Bank, Bismarck, Charter 3169, was chartered in late April 1884 and went into voluntary liquidation October 28 the same year. Attorney Asa T Patterson. Thus, in 1902, there appeared to be a viable opportunity for a second national bank. Bismarck was a state capital with a population of more than 3,300 and only one state bank. In May Attorney Asa T. Patterson wrote to the Comptroller of the Currency requesting an application for authority to organize a national banking association. That application form and the covering letter are the basis for this peek at the beginnings of a national bank. "-14=1=11=71=-i APPLICATION TO ORGANIZE A NATIONAL BANK. lnLreoNtreenre Lane Ate Aavehn,In-, I, I MIMIC% , N. fl. To the Comptroller of the Currency, 1Ca.,76Dzitora., D. C. Sir: Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, being natural persons, and of lawful age., intend, with others, to organize a National Banking Asso- ciation, under the title of "The. ITA11011,47, Bank al Bismarck, "* to be located as County of Burleich, State of Korth Dakat ,. with a capital of 41.5P,000 In order that we may effect such organization, we request that proper blank forms be seat to at ■.V.:4111(3.701. and if the title selected shall be approved, that it be reserved for us for a period of sixty days. The name of the place shoold Limo n parl of the till, tlm, The First National Brink DT bet the name of th Stole ahoald not he inelaLled. If them hrn already hem n national honk organised in the place, the title Brat National not ha ;15,11 OCIA. L If the LLIaro of location is not nn Locorporolea village or city, or hoe rovevily boon incorporate. care vfiachl be taken to slate the distance Itorn Lim nearest Ia.-wended village or city. Comptroller of the Currency Organization Form 339. Mr. A. T. Patterson, Attorney at Law, First National Bank Block, Bismarck, Borth Dakota. Dir: Your letter of May 19 received, a nd .tou will find enclosed, as requested, a blank upon which to make application f or authority to organise a national banking association, upon the return of which properly executed, and endorsed as to the standing of the applicants, further blanks and instructions will be furnished. There have been mailed to you, under separate cover, copies of the national beck act, and a book of instructions relative to este:al S'Orrtent of national banking, associations. , , Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 201 cessfully for Burleigh County states attorney on a Fusion ticket of Democrats and Independents in 1894. He ran for the posi- tion again and was elected in 1906. Patterson was also a member of the Bismarck city council in 1907 and actively op- posed political powerhouse Ed. G. Patterson. Councilman Ed. Patterson charged States Attorney A.T. Patterson with mal- feasance: failure to prosecute "pigs" (illegal liquor establish- ments), drinking and gambling, but he refused to state in court that the charges, above his notarized signature, were based on personal knowledge rather than hearsay. The judge dismissed the case and assessed the costs to Ed. Patterson. The trial, how- ever, appears to have taken a toll; A.T. Patterson was still listed as states attorney in the March 1908 telephone directory but he did not run for re-election and is not found in the November phone book. Whether A.T. Patterson intended to be a principal in "The National Bank of Bismarck," or represented a client, or clients, in the inquiry is not known. We learn from the printed form, however, that a bank title could be reserved for sixty days while the formal application was being made. And the docketing form on the back of the sheet reveals that the application had to be indorsed by a "Member of Congress or other prominent official." Even a non-bank adds its bit to the history of national banks and their notes. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFF■Of OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Washirtgion, May 23, 1902. Dots. Letter from the comptroller of the currency accompanying the 'Application to Organize a National Bank" form. Asa T. Patterson appears first in Polk's Gazetteer as an attorney in Bismarck, North Dakota, in 1898, although he ran unsuc- ENDNOTES 1.The bank continues as First Bank Bismarck, part of First Bank of North Dakota, N.A. 2. See PAPER MONEY, March/April 1989, "Governor Ordway and the Great Dakota Train Robbery;' by Steve Schroeder. The Bank of Whitehall and TRACY COWES by JEFF SULLIVAN Whitehall, New York is a small community about 250 miles north of New York City and 25 miles west of Rutland, Vermont and is located on the southern tip of Lake Champlain. T HE Bank of Whitehall was chartered by the State of New York in 1829 as a state bank, but did not begin opera- tions until 1831. The bank was located on Canal Street (present-day Main Street). On April 13, 1860 a fire started in C.W. Hall's drug store which burned northward destroying the building occupied by the Bank of Whitehall (the Commercial Bank of Whitehall was also destroyed by this fire). The bank re- sumed operations shortly thereafter. With the establishment of the national banking system in 1863, the Bank of Whitehall decided to convert from a state bank to a national bank and did so in 1865. Even though the Bank of Whitehall was the first bank to be established in this town it was unable to call itself the First National Bank of Whitehall because by this time another national bank was al- ready established with this name. The Bank of Whitehall con- verted into the Old National Bank of Whitehall and was Page 202 Paper Money Whole No. 174 chartered on May 4, 1865 with a capital of $100,000. The charter number of the bank was 1160. The bank went into voluntary liquidation in July 1902. During the bank's 73 years of existence it had only three presidents: Dennis Jones, William A. Moore and Henry Burleigh. Tracy Cowen was born in Middle Granville, New York on May 5, 1823, the second eldest son of Stuckley H. Cowen and Elizabeth Chappel. At the age of 26 Tracy married Minerva Louise Crosby in New York City. From 1851 to 1854 Tracy Cowen was an employee of the U.S. Hotel in Saratoga Springs, New York. It was here that he befriended a man named Harris who advised Tracy to go into the lumber business. Harris was well-acquainted with some lumber people, and, after some persuasion, Tracy and Harris went to Canada to meet with some mill men. Upon Harris' recommendation, they agreed to send Tracy some lumber on consignment. Though Tracy had never had any previous lumber experience, he did have the natural talent for judging lumber. Tracy Cowen started his lumber business in Whitehall, New York in 1854 and continued there until 1864, when he sold out to Dan G. Percival. Cowen moved to Saratoga Springs in 1864 and bought out Van Dusen Brothers dry goods store. The dry goods business did not turn out as well as expected and Tracy sold the business the following year and returned to Whitehall. In 1865 Tracy Cowen re-entered the lumber business with a partner named Augustus Palmer Cooke. At first their office was upstairs of a dental office operated by a Dr. Foote. A year later they built an office near Cooke's mill on Main Street. This part- nership was dissolved in 1867. In this same year Tracy Cowen entered into a lumber partnership with Emerson E. Davis and Dan G. Percival (the latter is who Tracy sold his business to in 1864). This firm was called Davis, Cowen & Percival. It was at this time that Tracy's health began to fail him, so two years later, in 1869, Tracy sold his interest in the firm to A.H. Griswold. (A.H. Griswold was the president of the Commercial Bank of Whitehall which closed in 1866.) Tracy Cowen went to New York City to see a specialist con- cerning his health. Upon the doctor's recommendation, Tracy went to Clifton Springs, New York, but this did not help his condition any. Tracy decided to go west and stopped at several towns until he came to Kankakee, Illinois. Tracy liked Kankakee the best and stayed there until he became lonesome and decided to go back east. Tracy Cowen arrived in Tarrytown, New York on October 23rd and visited his son, Fred, who was going to school there. On his way up to Whitehall, Tracy stopped at his parent's house to visit with them. Minerva, his wife, who had remained in Whitehall during this time learned of this and arrived shortly after Tracy did on Saturday evening, October 24th. On Sunday Tracy, Minerva and Tracy's parents stayed at the house and visited all day. Just before midnight that night Minerva was awakened by Tracy's peculiar breathing; she found him uncon- scious. Minerva woke the house and they sent for a doctor, but Tracy died before the doctor arrived. Tracy Cowen died on Oc- tober 25, 1869 at the age of 46. His death was caused by Bright's disease which is a specific form of kidney disease. Tracy Cowen is buried at Greenridge Cemetery in Saratoga, New York. There is not much known about the note itself or the actual purpose it served. Mr. Cowen could have used the note as a small change substitute during the Civil War, as many retailers and individuals had done at that time. If so, were there any notes actually signed and issued by Tracy Cowen? On the other hand, this note, and others like it, could have been obtained at a later date by Mr. Cowen, after the Bank of Whitehall con- verted to a national bank and Tracy Cowen had his name and lumber dealer overprinted on the note and used it strictly for advertising purposes to help promote business. What other denominations exist, if any, also remains a mystery. Any information concerning Tracy Cowen, this note, or others, would be greatly appreciated by the author and Tracy Cowen's descendents. Please write: P.O.B. 895, Manchester, MO 63011. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks goes to Doug Malcolm and Howard Malcolm who are descendents of Tracy Cowen and who provided much information for this article. REFERENCES Other information for this article was personally researched through documents located in the Whitehall Historical Society, Whitehall, New York. Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 203 Counterfeiters in St. Louis by THOMAS E EAGAN T HE extent of counterfeiting in the United States during the Civil War is illustrated by an article in The New York Times which noted, on July 30, 1862, that out of some 1,300 state bank note issues then in circulation only about 100 were not counterfeited, mainly because they were not worth counterfeiting. On December 22, 1862, only four months after its issuance, The New York Times lamented the extent to which the United States fractional currency had already been counter- feited and called for the government to suspend its production.' Prior to the establishment of the United States Secret Service on July 1, 1865, the responsibility for stemming the flood-tide of counterfeit money fell primarily on local law enforcement. A case in point is St. Louis Police Detective John Eagan who personally participated in a half dozen important counter- feiting arrests during the war, with 1861 being, by far, his most active year. The first of these arrests involved the notorious counterfeiter Nelson Driggs. Although he was well-known to police across the country, Driggs' cautious movements had made him difficult to trap. When they discovered that he was in town, the St. Louis Police watched Driggs for several weeks until they learned that he was staying at a house on the north side of Morgan Street, near Fifteenth. 2 The owner of the house was the widow of a counterfeiter named John Roe. On the afternoon of June 6, 1861, Captain Lee, Detective Eagan and police officers Francis and Barry raided the Roe house and captured Driggs in what was described as the largest seizure of counterfeit money ever made in St. Louis up to that time. Hidden beneath a pile of rubbish in the celler, the officers found a large trunk completely filled with packages of counter- feit bills of various denominations amounting to about $285,000, all neatly executed, and ready for signatures. 3 They also found ten neatly engraved plates, from which the bills had been printed, and eleven unfinished plates, designed to be changed to suit different banks. Inks and bond-paper enough to make millions of dollars were also found in the house, to- gether with materials to "raise" bills to a higher denomination. As the officers were about to depart the house, they noticed Mrs. Roe motioning to someone in the street through an open window. The officers looked out and saw a young man with a carpet-sack at the door. Just as he was ready to run the officers pounced on him, pulled him into the house, and seized his carpet-sack, which was full of counterfeit bills, which had just been signed and were ready for delivery. The young man turned out to be Nelson Driggs' eighteen-year-old nephew, Henry Guthrie, alias Henry G. Henry, who, having had his bills signed, was getting ready to leave the city and put them in cir- culation. Later, the officers found the press used to print the bills carefully packed in a barrel in a shed attached to the house. As a result of this haul, no less than thirty-nine indict- ments were found against Nelson Driggs who, being allowed to plead guilty on a single count, was sentenced to the Missouri State Penitentiary for ten years. His nephew was also convicted and sentenced to six years' imprisonment. 4 The St. Louis Police were also aware of another counterfeiter operating in St. Louis who was responsible for a large amount of the counterfeit coin and paper money then in circulation. Only his name, M.M. Trimbull, could be discovered. On several occasions, United States Marshal Rawlings had descended upon the counterfeiter's lair only to find that, with a sixth sense, he had moved a day or two earlier, one step ahead of the law. Late on the evening of September 12, 1861, Marshal Rawlings, having learned that Trimbull was occupying a house located on the commons, south of Clark Avenue, a short dis- tance northeast of the Wedge House, near the machine shop of the Pacific Railroad, secured the services of Detective John Eagan. At three o'clock the next morning, Marshal Rawlings and De- tective Eagan, accompanied by two citizens, proceeded to the counterfeiter's house. Marshall Rawlings watched the rear en- trance while Detective Eagan knocked at the front door. After opening an upper window and discovering the nature of the visit, Trimbull quickly made his way down to the rear door and out into the back yard where he ran into Marshal Rawlings and his posse. Seeing the Marshal, Trimbull drew a Colt Navy revolver and threatened to shoot the first man who laid hands on him. When the Marshal sprang toward him, Trimbull fired one shot grazing the Marshal's hand. Just then, Detective Eagan, springing to the rescue, hit the counterfeiter over the right eye with his pistol and secured him with a pair of handcuffs. A search of the house disclosed four tin boxes filled with pieces of brass the size of $1, $5 and $10 gold pieces, together with dies, chemicals and a galvanic battery. Besides $4,000 or $5,000 in counterfeit coins already stamped, the officers found another $15,000 in counterfeit bills in the denominations of fives, tens and twenties, principally on the Bank of Louisville, the Merchants' Bank of Louisiana and the Bank of New Orleans, together with the plates for printing them. 3 The next day, Captain Martin of the St. Louis Police also en- listed the aid of Detective Eagan in another raid upon a coun- terfeiters' den. The same night that Marshal Rawlings was learning the whereabouts of the counterfeiter Trimbull, Cap- tain Martin was shadowing the movements of a young man who had passed a counterfeit quarter on the street car that the Captain was riding. The Captain followed the young man over a long and circuitous route through the lower part of the city, watching him go in and out of numerous houses and saloons, until sometime after midnight, when he saw him board a flat- boat moored to the bank of the Mississippi River, a short dis- tance below Convent Street. After thoroughly inspecting the area, the Captain left. The following day he ordered his men to be ready for duty early the next morning. Shortly after three o'clock Saturday morning, September 14, 1861, Captain Martin, Detective Eagan and their men started from the station and within a few moments were in sight of the flatboat, which was located so that an approach from any direction might be discovered at a distance of five hundred yards, giving the occupants time to throw their counterfeiting Page 204 Paper Money Whole No. 174 materials overboard in case of a police raid. As soon as they were in sight of the boat, Captain Martin ordered a charge and the officers were on board before an alarm could be given. The door of the boat was battered down and six men were discov- ered running back and forth in a panic trying to dispose of the evidence against them. One of the men fell into the river while trying to throw something overboard and had to be rescued by Captain Martin. A large amount of counterfeit silver coins, five and ten cent pieces, quarters, halves and Mexican dollars, were seized along with crucibles, molds, dies, and other counter- feiting implements. 6 Two months later, a patrolman arrested a burglar coming out of a house on Locust Street in Stoddard's Addition where a rash of petty thefts had been taking place. After questioning, the man stated that he was staying at the house of Fred Bie- busch, a notorious counterfeiter and receiver of stolen prop- erty, located at the corner of Clay and Stoddard Streets. Officers Eagan, Tucker and Milligan were detailed to look into the matter and obtained a warrant to search Biebusch's house. The officers carefully searched every room and every corner of the house from the roof to the cellar where, buried under- neath a pile of rubbish, they found thirteen kegs of white lead. They also found two stolen gold watches and $1,200 in coun- terfeit bills neatly packaged and fastened to the back of a drawer in an old bureau. The bills were fives, tens and twenties on the State Bank of Missouri, Southern Bank of St. Louis, Southern Bank of Kentucky and the Pittsfield Bank of Illinois. Biebusch was held to answer before the United States Circuit Court.' Things remained quiet on the counterfeiting front until March 1862 when Detective Eagan learned of the presence in the city of a skillful counterfeit banknote engraver known as Harvey Walker, alias Charley Hill. A number of individuals known to be engaged in the counterfeiting business were closely watched. Several of them were followed to a three story house at No. 1 Targee Street. The house was quietly watched for two weeks, and the comings and goings of the counterfeiters were carefully noted. At eleven o'clock Sunday night, April 6, 1862, Chief Couzins, Detective Eagan and Officers Molair, Quigley, Harrigan and Brownfield proceeded to the house which they found to be occupied by one George Wolkey and his wife and child. Wolkey was arrested and the house was searched. In a back room on the first floor the officers found a small printing press, pots of black, red and green ink, rollers and other articles used in stamping, and a set of engraver's tools. In an upstairs room, they found $10,000 in counterfeit one dollar bills on the State Bank of Indiana. Wolkey denied knowing anything about these items, except that they had been left there by a man named Walker who had boarded there but had since moved out, he knew not where. In a coat pocket, the officers found a half- finished counterfeit $10 U.S. Treasury note and a water license in Wolkey's name. The officers continued trying to locate the whereabouts of Walker. Their inquiries led them to a house on Dubreuil Street, south of Lafayette Avenue, between the City Hospital and Stablein's brewery. With a warrant for Walker's arrest, Officers Eagan, Quigley, Hennessy and O'Neil stationed themselves around the suspected house between 12 and 1 o'clock Wed- nesday morning. When Eagan knocked at the door, Walker threw up a window and asked 'Who's there?" Eagan replied "It's John:' "John" said he had come on special business and asked Walker to come down and talk with him. Walker was arrested when he came to the door. Walker's whereabouts had been given away by counterfeiter John Frisby who was arrested after leaving the house at No. 1 Targee Street with a bundle of coun- terfeit notes. 8 Obviously, this was the "John" whom Walker thought had come to visit him. 9 An engraver's workshop was found in an upstairs room. On the work bench were a variety of tools and a bank note plate. In two closets, the officers found $2,500 in unfinished counter- feit $10 U.S. Treasury notes hung up for drying. They also found packages containing another $90,000 or $100,000 in un- finished U.S. Treasury notes. In the same room, the officers found eleven bank note plates, parts of a stamping and printing press, a rolling machine, lots of black, green and red printing ink, rollers for inking plates, two gas lamps for heating, a fine spring gauge for measuring letters, a burnisher, a graver's scraper, a dozen fine gravers, an eyeglass, a spring compass, scribers, files, camel's hair brushes, a muller and stone for grinding ink, numerous other engraver's tools and a quantity of bank note paper, some of which was cut and ready for printing. The plates for the face and back of the $10 U.S. Treasury note were made of steel and were well executed with only a few scratches in the network to distinguish them from authentic bills. The other nine plates were covered with a thick preserva- tive, but one of them appeared to be for a $20 bill on the Bank of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania and another for a $5 U.S. Treasury note. A later search at No. 1 Targee Street turned up the plates for the one dollar bills on the State Bank of With the notable exception of the arrests made by the U.S. Army's Provost Marshal's detectives during May and August 1864 11 things remained quiet until January 16, 1865 when John Eagan was approached by Detective Cyrus P. Bradley of Chicago,''- acting as a special agent of the United States Treasury Department, who asked him to work with Detective C.W. Tuttle in attempting to arrest certain parties who were en- gaged in counterfeiting U.S. Treasury notes and fractional cur- rency. On Sunday, February 5, 1865, Tuttle informed Eagan that Ed Pierce, an old counterfeiter, was in St. Louis with a large amount of counterfeit $20 and $50 greenbacks and twenty-five cent fractional currency. Eagan gave Tuttle $200 in marked money to purchase some of the counterfeits from Pierce and the two made a trade with the counterfeiter for $1,000 of the "queer:" The next day Eagan and Detective Brownfield of the St. Louis police followed Pierce and saw him go into two banking houses and change the money he had received from Tuttle. Leaving Brownfield to redeem the marked money from the bankers, Eagan followed Pierce to the Everett House, where he was staying. Tuttle was there and the two detectives arrested Pierce when he came out of his room. On searching Pierce they found about $5,000 in counterfeit money on his person. The detectives learned from the clerk of the hotel that Pierce and a Miss Munroe were occupying room No. 107. They searched the room and found between $15,000 and $18,000 in counterfeit $20 and $50 U.S. Treasury notes and twenty-five and fifty-cent fractional currency in Miss Munroe's work basket, concealed behind a sofa. They promptly took the young woman into custody as well. Pierce was anxious to make a compromise with the officers. Eagan told him that the only terms he would listen to were that Nobody pays more than Huntoon for ARIZONA & WYOMING state and territorial Nationals 11184' NalltgA11 .._!rt,.... UNITEDSTAIdUFAMERICA V205926E XtTIO2W--404NakOr- 6579 !1()4?Toott,.. d 17//- Peter Huntoon P.O. Box 3681 Laramie, WY 82071 (307) 742-2217 U.S. CURRENCY Free Periodic Price Lists S & S CURRENCY, LTD. P.O. Box 1313 LaVergne, Tn. 37086 (615) 896-6137 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 205 Pierce should give up the plates and press used in printing the counterfeit money and inform on the other parties engaged in the business. Pierce refused. On Thursday, February 9, 1865, Eagan, Tuttle and Miss Munroe started for Fort Wayne, Indiana, leaving Pierce in jail. On arriving at Springfield, Illinois, they met Detective Bradley who took charge of Miss Munroe. Eagan and Tuttle returned to St. Louis. On the following Wednesday, Eagan went to Chicago where half of the plates and the press were turned over to him three days later. On February 23 the other half of the plates were obtained at Springfield.' Miss Munroe was actually Allie Ackman, the oldest daughter of Mrs. John B. Trout and the sister of Martha Ann Ackman, Pete McCartney's wife. Ben Boyd, the well-known engraver, se- cured her release by surrendering the plates. A short time later, Boyd and Miss Ackman were married at Springfield, Illinois after Boyd, acting as a stool pigeon, turned Pete McCartney over to the law. 14 Four months later, the newly formed United States Secret Service took over the responsibility for safeguarding the na- tional currency and ultimately brought an end to the counter- feiter's heyday. With its centralized detection system, the Secret Service was able to operate across the country in ways in which local law enforcement never could." But before its arrival on the scene, local law enforcement, at least in St. Louis, made a valiant effort to stem the tide. End Notes 1. The New York Times, July 30, 1862, and December 22, 1862. 2. At that time, Detective Eagan lived on the southeast corner of 17th and Morgan. 1860 St. Louis City Directory. 3. The cache consisted of one dollar bills on the Winsted Bank, State of Connecticut; one dollar bills on the State Bank of Ohio; five dollar bills on the Northwestern Bank of Virginia; four dollar bills on the Bank of Cape Fear; three dollars bills on the Southern Bank of Kentucky; one dollar bills on the Bank of Kentucky; ten dollar bills on the Citizens' Bank of New Orleans; fifty dollar bills on the South Bank of New Orleans; ten dollar bills on the Citizens' Bank of Louisiana and three dollar bills on the Cocomo Bank of Illinois. 4. St. Louis Missouri Republican, June 7 and June 9, 1861, and St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 26, 1875. 5. St. Louis Missouri Republican, September 14, 1861, and St. Louis Mis- souri Democrat, September 14, 1861. 6. St. Louis Missouri Republican, September 15, 1861, and St. Louis Mis- souri Democrat, September 16, 1861. 7. St. Louis Missouri Republican, November 3, 1861. 8. Hyde, William and Howard L. Conrad, Encyclopedia of the History of St. Louis, Vol. III, New York, Louisville, St. Louis, 1899, p. 518. 9. It was said that Frisby was killed by the gang six months later in Nauvoo, Illinois for having turned-up Walker. Ibid. This is incor- rect. Frisby was living in Iowa during May 1870, when John Eagan, then an operative of the United States Secret Service, recovered counterfeit plates from him. May 1870 Report of Operative John Eagan, Register of Reports, Vol. 4, p. 368, Record Group 87, Records of the United States Secret Service. Actually, it was Frisby's brother who was killed at Nauvoo in an altercation on a boat. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 26, 1875. 10. St. Louis Missouri Republican, April 11, 1862, and St. Louis Missouri Democrat, April 11, 1862. 11. See "Pete McCartney, Counterfeiter Part 17 PAPER MONEY Whole No. 163, p. 22. Fred Biebusch escaped from the United States De- tectives at Barnum's Hotel shortly after his arrest and was rearrested four days later by officer Shelley of the St. Louis Police at a house two miles out on the St. Charles Rock Road. St. Louis Missouri Republican, August 8, 1864. John Eagan escorted Biebusch to the Old Capitol Prison in Washington, DC and remained there for awhile to work out the destiny of other members of the gang. St. Louis Missouri Democrat, August 11 and August 27, 1864. 12. Cyrus P. Bradley was forty-five years old. In 1852 he had been elected Sheriff of Cook County, Illinois. In 1855 he was appointed Captain of the Chicago Police. When the Metropolitan Police bill was passed in 1860, he was appointed Assistant Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department. He also operated a private detec- tive agency in Chicago. Bradley caught cold on his way home from Springfield and died within a week. Chicago Tribune, March 7, 1865. If he had lived, perhaps Bradley would have been a contender for the position of Chief of the United States Secret Service which was formed four months later. 13. St. Louis Missouri Democrat, March 10, 1865. 14. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 26, 1875. 15. Glaser, Lynn, Counterfeiting in America: the History of an American Way to Wealth (New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1968), pp. 102-113. ILE RCA/VT I 14E' RANK OF INDI A ,1.1311TED. (:),zriaz — — 71/ - _..jema:;1;2. 442/1-ite-2&noierfe-7-2.e,e( ./(4.90 .•11.d..,7 • ,.. .-z•(/ 7-7' • .7 .),-e-() 1767// d00/27./. /-.< - /II = (.71 r.„0:/tezeio.ie.7- a-e-cA dL c aii/Cce_r - c <7 1 0 co.,' 2ifffi 88785 _L 0 WA, Wit. • sal wairici,staxe. ww-lonra: (12 2) exaee.:,/ecce62/- ec/ ..4"exotin by ROBERT D. HATFIELD Paper Money Whole No. 174Page 206 A Foreign Exchange Draft From India This draft, perforated on the left and bottom, measures 112x242 mm. An imprint for "WATERLOW & SONS, LIMITED (SECURITY) LONDON WALL, LONDON" is at the lower left. F OREIGN exchange drafts, such as this one from The Mercantile Bank of India, Limited, were predecessors of our modern day cashier's checks. During World War II the mail was very unreliable, and duplicate or even triplicate copies of drafts would be sent. This explains the notation on this draft, "Second of the Same Tenor!' Before a draft went out, an "advise of issue" would be on file with the paying bank. Then, when whatever draft copy reached its destination, the first so-presented would be honored; thus the notation, "And Date Being Paid!' All other draft copies would be cancelled. There is a black-ink rubber stamp across the face which reads, "Barclay's Bank Limited 29778 Wroxham Norfolk 29778," which is called a "crossing stamp!' This type of stamp, and the number "29778" is still in use by Barclay's Bank. The back of the draft has two tax stamps affixed. The upper stamp, "6C," is a 6 cent stamp from Ceylon, now Sri Lanka. It has a portrait of King George VI in the upper left corner, Scott 280, A60, with Colombo Harbor as the main feature. The lower stamp, "21D' is a 2 Pence from England, Scott 238, A101, with the King centered, and around, Postage Revenue. Both tax stamps are rubber-stamp cancelled. The cancellation across the Ceylon stamp is very faint, but does read "Kandy," once an independent kingdom within Ceylon. The English stamp is cancelled "24 Mar 1944:' There is a second rubber stamp, "24 Mar 1944!' This draft took over three months to go from Kandy to Edin- burgh. Now such a transaction would be done electronically in seconds. The portion of the back that bears the cancelled stamps. Sources Letters from Mr. Howard H. McHattie, Executive V.P. Bank of Scotland, N.Y. Branch. July 25 and August 6, 1990. Letter and photocopied material from Mr. K. Kamakrishnan, Chief Manager and Chief Executive Officer State Bank of India, N.Y. Branch. August 2, 1990. Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. (1986). Volume I: United States; Canada; Great Britain & The Commonwealth; United Nations. Sidney OH: Scott Publ. Co., 1985. A special thanks to the Institute of International Bankers for their as- sistance. 4 1 1alit tS 1 4:1•11 ) jut , .1) 11 D-11 --- TWO 111101L'LARS% //f/ / jre,) OP Cash Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 207 The Starts Here A Primer for Collectors by GENE HESSLER T OPICAL collecting is one of the most popular themes for philatelists. However, relatively few numismatists have adopted this format from their stamp-collecting colleagues. Animals, birds, boats and ships, trains, famous people including artists and musicians are just a few topics you might consider. Many of these topical bank notes may be pur- chased for modest amounts. Animals and birds are common devices on notes from Africa and Asia. However, either can be found on notes from miscel- laneous countries. One of the most beautiful animals is the horse. Artists have painted images of the horse for about 30,000 years. The earliest images of this animal were discovered in the caves of Lascaux, France. Bank note designers also use the horse as a decorative device on paper money from Argentina to Yugoslavia. Here are a few examples of world bank notes that include horses in the design; each will cost no more than $10, some as little as $1. The catalog numbers refer to the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, Vol. two, by A. Pick. Many libraries have this book. Argentina 104, PG & P210 and 1 austral, P320; Belgium 50 francs, P50; China 10,000 yuan, P853; Cuba 5 pesos, P90; Japan 5 sen, P49; Yugoslavia 100 dinara, P90. In addition there are two rare notes from Hawaii that are subjects of souvenir cards; one is $10 P1 and the other is $100, P4. All notes from Hawaii are extremely rare. Consequently, the only way you can include these notes in your topical collection is by purchasing the souvenir cards. The title of the horse vignette on the $10 Hawaiian note is Lassoing Cattle. The art work is by the famous American water- color artist James David Smillie. The subject was engraved by Louis Delnoce. The horse on the $100 note is by American Artist Henry Beckwith, who is known for his paintings of animals. Each of these two cards will cost about $12 to $15. The cards are uniface and are made from the original engraved steel plate. They are exactly the same as the note except they lack serial numbers and signatures. These cards, and other souvenir cards, originally issued by American Bank Note Commemoratives, are now available from dealers around the country. A random glance through the section on the state of Georgia in the Standard Catalogue of United States Obsolete Bank Notes 1782-1866, by James Haxby, demonstrated that from that state alone there are several notes with horses. Here is a short list of four banks: the Manufacturers Bank, Macon, $20; the Bank of Morgan $5; the Planters and Mechanics Bank, Dalton, $1, $2 and $5; the Bank of Whitfield $1. With the exception of the Manufacturers Bank, a note in acceptable condition from the remaining banks should not exceed $25. The $2 note from the Planters and Mechanics Bank and the $5 note from the Bank of Morgan shows two different herds of horses running freely. The $5 note from the Planters and Mechanics Bank includes an engraving of a fox hunt. On price lists, unfortunately, dealers do not always describe each note. Consequently, unless you see the note at a coin and bank note show, a note on a list might be the same denomina- tion from the right bank, but a different design. If the dealer uses Haxby catalog numbers, you can identify the note by refer- ring to the catalog in your library. As I have stressed before, libraries are often receptive to suggested book purchases. In the future we'll take a look at other topical subjects, in- cluding airplanes. (Copyright story reprinted by permission from Coin World, September 27, 1993) Page 208 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Catalog of Enveloped Postage by MILTON R. FRIEDBERG (Continued from No. 173, page 172) Catalog Number 147 Catalog Number 149 Paper WHITE 67x34mm Paper WHITE Ink LT. BLUE Ink STEEL BLUE Commentary FLAG & SHIELD ON FRONT Commentary FLAG & SHIELD ON FRONT Advertising Message U.S. POSTAGE STAMPS Advertising Message U.S. POSTAGE STAMPS Printer H. SMITH Printer H. SMITH Printer's Address 137 WILLIAM ST. Printer's Address 137 WILLIAM ST. Printer's City N.Y. Printer's City N.Y. Printer's State (NY) Printer's State (NY) Numerical Value 25 (5mm high on flap) Numerical Value 25 (same 5 as in #147A but different 2) Word Value Cts. Word Value Cts. Value Message 25 Cts. Value Message 25 Cts. Flap Printed YES Flap Printed YES Flap Message H. SMITH, 137 WILLIAM ST., N.Y. Flap Message H. SMITH, 137 WILLIAM ST., N.Y. Flap Advertisement VALUE ON FLAP IS IN SHIELD SHAPED Flap Advertisement LARGE VALUE ON FLAP IS IN SHIELD WHITE AREA SHAPED WHITE AREA Pedigree MRF, RW X-CHAS.AFFLECK, TD(2), MTG, Pedigree RW X-PROSKEY (X-MOREAU?) DKH Catalog Number 147A Paper WHITE 67x33mm Ink LT. BLUE Commentary FLAG & SHIELD ON FRONT Advertising Message U.S. POSTAGE STAMPS Printer H. SMITH Printer's Address 137 WILLIAM ST. Printer's City N.Y. Printer's State (NY) Numerical Value 25 (DIFFERENT 5 THAN IN 147 ABOVE) Word Value Cts. Value Message 25 Cts. Flap Printed YES Flap Message H. SMITH, 137 WILLIAM ST., N.Y. Flap Advertisement VALUE ON FLAP IS IN SHIELD SHAPED WHITE AREA Pedigree RW Catalog Number 150 Paper WHITE Ink DARK BLUE Commentary FLAG, SHIELD ON FRONT, DBLE LINED NUMBERS Advertising Message U.S.POSTAGE STAMPS Printer H. SMITH Printer's Address 137 WILLIAM ST. Printer's City N.Y. Printer's State (NY) Numerical Value 50 (4mm high on flap) Word Value Cts. Value Message 50 Cts. Flap Printed YES Flap Message H. SMITH, 137 WILLIAM ST., N.Y. Flap Advertisement VALUE ON FLAP IS IN SHIELD SHAPED WHITE AREA Pedigree MRF Catalog Number 148 Paper WHITE Catalog Number 151 Ink DARK BLUE Paper WHITE 67x34mm, 54mm incl. flap Commentary FLAG & SHIELD ON FRONT Ink LIGHTER BLUE Advertising Message U.S. POSTAGE STAMPS Commentary FLAG & SHIELD ON FRONT Printer H. SMITH Advertising Message U.S. POSTAGE STAMPS Printer's Address 137 WILLIAM ST. Printer H. SMITH Printer's City N.Y. Printer's Address 137 WILLIAM ST. Printer's State (NY) Printer's City N.Y. Numerical Value 25 (4mm high on flap,ie, smaller than 147 & Printer's State (NY) 147A) Numerical Value 50 (7 mm high on flap) Word Value Cts. Word Value Cts. Value Message 25 Cts. Value Message 50 Cts. Flap Printed YES Flap Printed YES Flap Message H. SMITH, 137 WILLIAM ST., N.Y. Flap Message H. SMITH, 137 WILLIAM ST., N.Y. Flap Advertisement SMALL VALUE ON FLAP IS IN SHIELD Flap Advertisement LARGE VALUE ON FLAP IS IN SHIELD SHAPED WHITE AREA SHAPED WHITE AREA Pedigree MRF X-MOREAU, RW X-PROSKEY Pedigree MRF, RW X-MOREAU, DG Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 209 Catalog Number 152 Advertising Message SOLD BY SNOW & HAPGOOD, 22 COURT Paper WHITE ST., BOSTON. Ink BLACK Address 22 COURT St., Commentary WORTH OF POSTAGE STAMPS. City BOSTON Used By SNOW & HAPGOOD State (MASS.) Advertising Message SOLD BY SNOW & HAPGOOD, 22 COURT Numerical Value 25 (SIMILAR TO 155 ABOVE, BUT FLAT ST., BOSTON . BASE ON 2) Address 22 COURT St., Word Value CENTS City BOSTON Value Message 25 CENTS State (MASS.) Flap Printed NO Numerical Value BLANK Pedigree HOOBER Word Value CENTS Value Message BLANK SPACE + CENTS. Flap Printed NO Pedigree DF Catalog Number 156 Paper WHITE Catalog Number 153 Ink BLACK Paper WHITE Commentary WORTH OF POSTAGE STAMPS. Ink BLACK Used By SNOW & HAPGOOD Commentary WORTH OF POSTAGE STAMPS. Advertising Message SOLD BY SNOW & HAPGOOD, 22 COURT Used By SNOW & HAPGOOD ST., BOSTON. Advertising Message SOLD BY SNOW & HAPGOOD, 22 COURT ST., BOSTON. Address City 22 COURT St., BOSTON Address 22 COURT St., State (MASS.) City BOSTON Numerical Value 50 State (MASS.) Word Value CENTS Numerical Value 10 Value Message 50 CENTS Value Message 10 CENTS Flap Printed NO Flap Printed NO Pedigree DF Pedigree DF Catalog Number 154 Catalog Number 157 Paper WHITE Paper WHITE Ink BLACK Ink BLACK Commentary WORTH OF POSTAGE STAMPS. Commentary WORTH OF POSTAGE STAMPS. Used By SNOW & HAPGOOD Used By SNOW & HAPGOODAdvertising Message SOLD BY SNOW & HAPGOOD, 22 COURT Advertising Message SOLD BY SNOW & HAPGOOD, 22 COURT ST, BOSTON. ST., BOSTON. Address City 22 COURT St., BOSTON Address City 22 COURT St., BOSTON State (MASS.) State (MASS.) Numerical Value 15 Numerical Value 75 Word Value CENTS Value Message 75 CENTS Value Message 15 CENTS Flap Printed NO Flap Printed NO Pedigree DF Pedigree DF Catalog Number 155 Paper WHITE Catalog Number 158 Ink BLACK Paper CREAM (MANILLA?) 68.34mm Commentary WORTH OF POSTAGE STAMPS. Ink BLACK Used By SNOW & HAPGOOD Commentary U.S./POSTAGE STAMPS Advertising Message SOLD BY SNOW & HAPGOOD, 22 COURT Used By SONNEBORN ST., BOSTON. Advertising Message Stationer and Printer Address 22 COURT St., Address 130 Nassau-st. City BOSTON City N.Y. State (MASS.) State (NY) Numerical Value 25 Numerical Value 25 Word Value CENTS Word Value Cts. Value Message 25 CENTS Value Message 25 Cts. Flap Printed NO Flap Printed MISSING Pedigree DF Pedigree RW X-PROSKEY (BACK AND FLAP MISSING) DKH-XWL X-MOREAU (BACK Catalog Number 155A AND FLAP MISSING) Paper WHITE Ink BLACK Commentary WORTH OF POSTAGE STAMPS. Used By SNOW & HAPGOOD (To be continued) SZAZF R T MAGYAR BLOA140,44C It 1 Otidd146 24 (41 ?WTI -BANK t40,•4 B 905 A. a 006542 V Paper Money Whole No. 174Page 210 Anniversaries in 1994 That Relate to Paper Money, Artists and Engravers by GENE HESSLER I F TIME could have been found, it would have been my choice to elaborate on each subject listed here. Since that luxury was not afforded me, perhaps the theme repre- sented by the following subjects might serve as a concept for fu- ture anniversary articles by some of you. Images, Events and Places Zenas Marshall Crane. This son of Zenas Crane first in- troduced silk threads into bank note paper in 1844. OSPOIITAIUDOWA CH DWAIYZIE8C1A TYNITCY ZLOTY WARSZAWA. tl:UTEGO 1989 , kflS A 3 90/ 4 1 4 Marie Sklodowska Curie (1867-1934). This year marks the 60th anniversary of the death of French female chemist and physicist. In 1903 she shared the Nobel Prize in Physics and Radioactivity. In 1911 she alone received that award for her work in chemistry for isolation of metallic radium. Poland 20,000 zlotych, P(ich) 152. Claude Debussy (1862-1918). Debussy's L'Apresmidi d'un faune was composed in 1894. Every piano student who has studied for more than a few years has played his Clair de Lime. France 20 francs, P87. The Bank of England was established in 1694. Friedrich Gottlob Keller (1816-1895). Wood-pulp paper was invented by this German weaver in 1844. Lajos Kossuth (1802-1894) was a principal figure in the 1848 Hungarian revolution. In 1849 Kossuth became the first presi- dent of the Hungarian Republic. Hungary 1,000,000 pengo, P122, 10,000,000 pengo, P123, and 100 forint, P163 & P171. RtMkktilgfaolafai hOLCIUE E14 188498 Orlando di Lasso (Roland de Lassus) (1532-1594). This Franco-Flemish-born musician was one of the most popular, prolific, versatile and respected 16th century composers. Bel- gium 20 francs, P66. Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872) was an artist and inventor. The telegraph, his invention, was first put to use in 1844,150 years ago. With fellow inventor, Robert Fulton, a portrait of Morse is on the back of U.S. silver certificate, H185 & 186. Florence Nightingale (1820-1910). In 1844, 150 years ago, this hospital administrator and reformer visited hospitals to study methods for training nurses. England f10, P135. 4 7 9 0 2 BANQUE2 2 0 2I4F"RIOCE DIX FRANCS10 B.918 THE PIEESVILLE ." E000011A OEM BM PIKESVILLE -MARYLAND E000011A BUYING & SELLING U.S. & WORLD CURRENCY NATIONAL BANKNOTES a specialty I am actively buying/selling • Maryland • Pennsylvania • East Coast States ler WANT LISTS SERVICED - Please send your Want List of National Banknotes TYPE NOTES • CONFEDERATE FOREIGN BANKNOTES • FRACTIONALS MARK HOTZ P.O. Box 771 Brooklandville, MD 21022 (410) 484-7395 Actively seeking Rhyolite, Nevada currency. ANA—LM 3631 SPMC 8166 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 211 Tabriz, Persia. The first Persian paper money was issued in this city in 1294. William Penn (1644-1718), born 350 years ago, is a name known to all Americans. He is the founder of Pennsylvania. An engraving of Penn's Treaty with the Indians appears on the Bunker Hill Bank, Charleston, MA $5. Jean Sibelius (1865-1957). His most recognized composition, Finlandia, was composed in 1894. Finland 100 markkaa, P115. Antonio Stradivari (1644-1737) remains the primo Italian violinmaker. Although he has not been recognized on paper money, there are bank notes that bear an engraving of a violin, including the German Federal Republic 20 mark notes, P20, 27 & 39. John Trumbull (1756-1843) studied under Benjamin West. His Declaration of Independence was painted two centuries ago in 1794. An engraving by Frederick Girsch was used on U.S. $2 Federal Reserve notes, H(essler) 207, and $100 national bank notes, H1151-1174a. An engraving by Alfred Jones can be found on the City Bank of Philadelphia $5. Virginia. The first paper mill was established in this state in 1744. Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778), philosopher and author, was a prominent figure in the Age of Enlighten- ment. He said, "If God did not exist, He would have to be in- vented!' France 10 francs, P79. Artists & Engravers Solomon Nunes Carvalho (1815-1894) created the art work Boy Holding Rabbits, which appears on at least eight different U.S. obsolete notes. Clifford Dawson (1892-1944) was employed at American Bank Note Co. for 30 years. Christian Gobrecht (1795-1844) was first engaged as a die- sinker at the U.S. Mint. He also did work for Murray, Draper, Fairman Co. William Humphrys (1794-1865) was born in Dublin, Ireland and came to the U.S. ca. 1814. In 1822 he went to England but returned to the U.S. and remained from 1843-1845. Humphrys was known in England as the "American Engraver': James Barton Longacre (1794-1869), artist and portrait en- graver, was recognized as one of the best of the period. Charles Stanley Reinhardt (1844-1896) submitted designs for a $20 note and three unidentified denominations for the U.S. silver certificates of 1896. None of these designs have been located. Charles H. Smith (d. 1894?) engraved for American Bank Note Co. and the Continental Bank Note Co. He and unrelated William H. Smith were later arrested for counterfeiting. Otis Stuart Thompson (1870-1944) was employed by the Security Bank Note Co. References: Columbia-Viking desk encyclopedia. (1968). New York:Viking Press. Grun, B. (1982). The timetables of history. New York:Simon & Schuster. Haxby, J.A. (1988). Standard catalog of United States obsolete bank notes 1782-1866. Vols. 1-4. Iola, WI:Krause Pub. Hessler, G. (1992). The comprehensive catalog of U.S. paper money. Port Clinton, OH:BNR Press. (1993). The engraver's line, Port Clinton OH:BNR Press. Pick, A. (1990). Standard catalog of world paper money. Vol. I. Iola, WI: Krause Pub. Notes From All Over JudithMurphy Page 212 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Can you believe that here we are at the end of another year? I am having trouble with that except that we are already planning for the PCDA Show in St. Louis and Michigan State Show in November, as well as FUN and the Strasburg Scripophily Event in January. So, it must be a fact. And, as I look back over the year, I think of all the pleasant times we have shared this past year, with old friends and new, from the numismatic community. I also think of some of the neat discoveries from this year, espe- cially my new Church Penny, that surfaced at NENA. I would love to hear from any of you who have similar scrip: for sale or not. It is so much fun to compare notes (pun intended). Here let me say my customary thanks to the members of the SPMC Board for their suggestions, help and continuous support. At the same time, I think it important to say a big thank you to each member who has continued to support the Society by renewing their dues, and all the Life Members as well. We never forget that you make it all possible. Traditionally, at this time of year, we give and receive greetings of PEACE for the coming year. As we continue to do so, I think that we, as individuals, can help to bring this about, sometimes by a word, a gesture, a smile. So, "Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me' Best wishes for the coming year from all of us. NOTE: With your last issue of PAPER MONEY you should have received your new membership directory. Did you return your card requesting same? Many members, perhaps for reasons of privacy or security, chose not to be listed. Or they didn't fill out the card. Some members have written that they have not been listed in the Directory. ANA Literary and Exhibit Awards The following awards were presented at the 1994 American Numismatic Association Convention in Detroit. U.S. Paper Money: 1st, Brian E. Cohen, "Changeover Pairs of the 1928 $2 U.S. Note"; 2nd, William Brandimore, "Spinner- mania"; 3rd, Robert D. Hatfield, 'The 25-cent Fractional cur- rency Fifth Issue Type Note!' Obsolete Paper Money in the U.S.: 1st, Robert Schreiner, "Spanish Coins on American Notes"; 2nd, Henry J. Dudzinski, "Delaware and Pennsylvania Mining Co. Scrip"; 3rd, Julius A. Dudzinski, "Early Mormon Currency!' World Paper Money: 1st, Frank Passic, "Bank Notes and Coins of the State Loan East Bank"; 2nd, Scott Combs, 'The Olympic Sports Games Notes of Siauliai, Lithuania"; 3rd, John Zabel, "Scenes of Prague on Bank Notes of Czechoslovakia!' Local Interest: 1st, Frank Passic, "A $10 Bank Note from the First National Bank of Albion, Michigan, and its Story!' Issues of the Government of Israel: 1st, Raphael Ellenbogen, "Frac- tional currency of Israel!' Three young numismatists received the following paper money awards: 1st, Joel Demore, "Darius-Girenas 10-Litu Bank Notes"; 2nd, Ralph Squillante, "Holography: 21st Century Numismatics"; 3rd, Oscar Yuan, "A Few Examples of Chinese Paper Money!' Joel Demore also received the Junior Best-in- Show Award. The first place award for an outstanding specialty numismatic publication went to PAPER MONEY. Our journal also received this recognition in 1992. The first place Catherine Sheehan Literary Award for U.S. paper money studies went to Arthur Crawmer for 'The Rise and Fall of the Bank of Maryland," in the June 1993 issue of The Numis- matist. The second place award went to Fred Schwan for "A Col- lector's View of College Currency!' Certificates and $100 and $50 respectively went to the recipients. Paper Money-Related Awards by the Numismatic Literary Guild The following awards were also presented at the ANA Conven- tion Detroit. PAPER MONEY, edited by Gene Hessler, was selected as The Best Club Magazine. Gene Hessler also received the Best Club Magazine Column award for "Notes on Paper," which appears in The Numismatist. Neil Shafer's "Paper Money News and Views" in the Bank Note Reporter was recognized as the Best Commer- cial Publication Column. William T. Gibbs, Coin World editor, received the award for the best spot news story for his coverage of counterfeiting cur- rent U.S. paper money. Mr. Gibbs also received the award for the best paper money feature in Coin World, "Old Glory No Longer Waves on Notes!' The Engraver's Line, by Gene Hessler, was selected as the Best U.S. Paper Money Book. For editing the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, Neil Shafer and Colin R. Bruce received the Best World Paper Money Book award. J. Douglas Ferguson Award to SPMC Member The 1994 J. Douglas Ferguson Award, the most prestigious ac- colade to be given by the Canadian Numismatic Association, was presented to Walter D. Allan. He was recognized for his distin- guished service to Canadian numismatics. Mr. Allan is the current president of the Canadian Paper Money Society (CPMS). For two of his comprehensive articles in the 1992 and 1993 CPMS Journal, Mr. Allan received the Dr. Glenn Jackson Memorial Award, which is given by the SPMC. UPDATES TO THE SPMC MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY The following individuals have indicated that they were inadvertently omitted from the SPMC Membership Directory, or that their addresses were incorrect. We sincerely regret that even a single error slipped through. Please update your copies of the directory as follows: MIKE ABRAMSON, P.O. Box 16990, Duluth, MN 55816-0690, address correction. WILLIAM R. ACKER, P.O. Box 338, Henderson, TX 75652. NATHAN LEE ALLRED, 3601 31st Street, Lubbock, TX 79410, Collector— Confederate & Texas Currency. JOSEPH E. BOLING, P.O. Box 8099, Federal Way, WA 98003-0099, ad- dress correction. JERALD L. COHEN, c/o James H. Cohen & Sons, Inc., 437 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA 70130, Collector/Dealer. JOHN D. COUPE, 100 Forest Avenue, Orono, ME 04473, Collector— Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes. ED FIRTZ, 264 N. Main St., Centerville, Ohio 45459, President of BRNA and SPMC LM129. MARK HOTZ, P.O. Box 771, Brooklandville, MD 21022, address cor- rection. HERSHEL KATZ, 1424 Highland Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20910. KENNETH W. MULLANE, 35 Salutation Street, Boston, MA 02109-5504, Collector/Dealer—Large Notes. GERALD NORWOOD, 2601 North Bluff, Wichita, KS 67220, Collector- U.S. Currency. JERRY STERNBERG, 22455 Martella Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33433, Collector—Large & Small Size. Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 213 STATEMENT OF CASH ACTIVITY APRIL 1 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1994 CURRENT YEAR CASH RECEIVED QUARTER TO DATE Dues-1994 4,966.00 26,513.00 Dues-New Members 1,445.00 3,635.00 Dues-Life Members 1,600.00 6,100.00 Advertising 606.00 7,380.50 Membership Directory of Advertising 420.00 2,612.00 Interest on Checking Account 216.31 659.99 Interest on CD's 570.68 2,397.70 Magazine Sales 17.50 161.55 Postage on Returned Magazines 0.87 17.02 CD's Matured 56,538.66 Total Cash Received 9,842.36 106,015.42 CASH DISBURSEMENTS: Printing 5,490.62 27,244.69 Editorial Fees & Prep. 1,137.75 2,818.95 Board Members Expenses 112.27 Secretary's Expenses 932.46 1.805.90 New Member Expenses 235.74 581.51 New Member Assistance 105.00 420.00 Advertising 39.40 Back Issue Magazine Postage/Shipping 134.00 162.64 Membership Cards 923.82 Bank Charges 12.20 Convention Expense 906.83 Dues 47.50 Professional Services 180.00 650.00 Purchase of CD 20,000.00 25,000.00 Awards 39.95 Total Cash Disbursements 28,215.57 60,765.66 Net Cash Received for the Period (18,373.21) 45,249.76 Cash Balance at July 1, 1993 16,652.47 Cash Balance at June 30, 1994 61,902.23 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION JUNE 30, 1994 General Fund-Investments: TYPE MATURES CURRENT VALUE Bank C/D 11/07/94 20,000 Bank C/D 3/19/95 5,000.00 U.S. Bonds 9/95 16,200.00 Total Investments 41,200.00 41,200.00 Cash on Hand at 6/30/94 61,902.24 General Fund Investments 41,200.00 103,102.24 Less Wismer Fund (29,429.21) Less Life Member Fund (6,093.67) General Funds Available 67,579.36 Publication Fund-Wismer Fund: Balance at April 1, 1994 29,413.21 Contributions Received 16.00 Balance at June 30, 1994 29,429.21 Life Membership Fund: Balance at April I, 1994 37,393.67 Cash Received This Quarter 1,600.00 Transfer to General Fund-10@$20.00 (200.00) Balance in Fund at June 30, 1994 38,793.67 Balance Consists of: Certificate of Deposit #201789 32,700 00 Interest @ 7% Maturity 10/96 6,093.67 Cash in Fund, Including Interest 38,793.67 Exhibit and Lectures at Dumbarton House On 16 November 1994 at 7:30 p.m., Eric P. Newman will lec- ture on "The Many Changes in American Currency Experienced by Joseph Nourse." This is one of four lectures that relates to "In Search of Joseph Nourse (1754-1851)-First Register of the United States Treasury," an exhibit that opened on 18 October and will be in place until 27 May 1995. This exhibit offers fas- cinating glimpses of the social and economic climate in the formative years of Washington as the new capitol city. The ex- hibit also illuminates some geographical and architectural evo- lutions taking place in Washington at the time. Appointed by George Washington as first Register of the U.S. Treasury, Joseph Nourse served under America's first six Presi- dents in this office. He worked nearly fifty years as trusted ac- countant of U.S. monies. Nourse and his family were the first occupants of Dumbarton House and lived there from 1805-1813. The exhibit brings together for the first time furnishings, clothing, paintings, manuscripts and rare Federal documents that illuminate the early 19th century life of a prominent American family and the city in which it prospered. The exhibit includes social invitations from the White House, a rare per- sonal copy of The Articles of Confederation, a family miniature by James Peale and detailed landscapes in watercolor of early Tenleytown and Mount St. Alban's. Examples of clothing, jewelry, china and rare books illustrate the ideas and inspira- tions of the time. Built in 1799, Dumbarton House is one of the finest ex- amples of Federal-style architecture in Washington, DC. Owned and operated by the National Society of The Colonial Dames of America, it houses an exceptional collection of 18th and 19th century furniture, decorative and fine arts. For further information call (202) 337-2288 or write to Charlotte P. Lekakos, Dumbarton House, 2715 Q Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20007. Paper Money Index Ready An inclusive index through No. 168 is available for $5 postpaid. A limited number of copies have been printed. You may order your index from Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. Page 214 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Call for Nominations for 1995 The following governors' terms expire in 1995: Charles Colver, Milton R. Friedberg, William F. Mross and Wendell A. Wolka. If you have suggestions, or if the preceding governors wish to run for another term, please notify Bob Cochran, Secretary of the SPMC. In addition, candidates may be placed on the ballot in the following manner: (1) A written nominating petition is submitted, which has been signed by ten current members; (2) An acceptance letter from the person being nominated is submitted with the petition; (3) Any nominating petitions (and accompanying letters) MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE SECRETARY BY JANUARY 15, 1995. Biographies of the nominees and ballots for the election will be included in the March/April 1995 issue of PAPER MONEY. The ballots will be counted at Memphis and announced at the SPMC general meeting held during the International Paper Money Show. First-time nominees should send a portrait and a brief biog- raphy to the editor, Gene Hessler. Unless new information is sent, the editor will use the same portraits and biographies of those who seek another term as governor as were used in the past. New Literature Wisconsin Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip. Chester L. Krause 528 pp., illus., hardcover. 1994. Krause Publications, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990-0001. $39.95 plus $2.50. The newest addition to the family of books that cover state notes and scrip is a beauty by Chet Krause. This profusely illus- trated book follows the same format as those books published by the SPMC. The illustrations are actual or near actual size. Throughout the book you will find territorial notes and scrip (1836-1848) and states notes and scrip (1853-1865). With the exception of a few R(arity) 3 (50-100 known) and R4 (25-50) listings, you will most often see R6 (5-10) and R7 (1-5) after each listing. This will alert the novice that notes from Wisconsin are difficult to find. Collectors of notes from the wolverine state will rush to purchase this book. However, if you do not collect Wisconsin notes, buy this book for the op- portunity to see examples of notes that you will see nowhere else, unless Chet invites you to view his collection. The notes illustrated in this book were acquired, over many years, from a variety of sources, as the pieces in any collection have been. I just happen to know that the 254 scrip note on page 165 came from a person who was working in the yard of a collector in Jefferson. It had belonged to the workman's fa- ther, who had been affiliated with the bank. Was the piece worth anything? It was and it found its way to Chet. There are a few typographical errors; however, anyone can be guilty of those. As an example on page 516, "1942" appears twice when it should be "1842!' Allowing for minor infractions, this is an excellent book to add to your library. (ed.) News from England SPMC member John Glynn recently sent two clippings from British newspapers—one mentioned the serious problem of counterfeiting U.S. $100 notes. Philip Conway, managing director of security and specialist for paper-making operations at Portals, implies that a potential watermark in new U.S. cur- rency designs "was very important for Portals!' He "believes the move could lead to an opening of the American banknote paper market—which at present is barred to any company less than 90 percent owned in the U.S.—and that, in any case, the group's technological advantage in security features will put it in the front line to acquire any license agreements!' The Observer for 17 July 1994 goes on to say that Crane & Company in Massachusetts, who now supplies paper for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP), "has not been re- quired to develop its security technology!' New paper will prob- ably be extended to other security instruments, passports and travelers checks. Portals already supplies half the world's paper for bank notes and other securities. The second article appeared in The World Today for 9 August 1994. The Bank of England offers a service similar to one in place at the BEP. People who have mutilated or burned English pounds can sent them to the office in Newcastle upon Tyne, where women carefully go through damaged bank notes sent in by victims of accidents or negligence. Some people send photographs of their dogs who, their owners say, chewed the currency. However, pictures alone are not "good enough to get your money back!' Stories from the Bank of England and the BEP include burned notes hidden in microwave ovens. Since the latter subject has been introduced here, it seems appropriate to print the following. "If U.S. paper money has been damaged or mutilated by fire or was immersed in water so that individual notes cannot be separated, do not attempt to isolate from purse or wallet. Send the note(s) and container to the Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Government Finan- cial Operations, Room 132, Treasury Annex No. 1, DCS/BEPA, Washington, DC 20226. Every effort will be made to determine the amount of money in such a circumstance and you will re- ceive a check for the deciphered amount" (The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, G. Hessler, BNR Press, p. 53). NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR NEW Ronald HorstmanP.O. Box 6011St. Louis, MO 63139 MEMBERS 8596 Robert L. Hofer, 3421 Ave. N #135, Ft. Madison, IA 52627; C. 8597 John Sticklen, P.O. Box 68, Urbana, IL 61801-0068; C. 8598 Tim Fadell, 2529 S. Lamar #52, Austin, TX 78704; C, Worldwide. 8599 Tim Messerley, Rt. 1 Box 199B, Linville, VA 22834; C, Small- size U.S. 8600 Peter I. Maine, 30 Gilmore St., N. Weymouth, MA 02191; C, U.S. & world. 8601 C.T. Johnson, 15107 Loving Union Road, Disputanta, VA 23842; C, CSA & VA obsolete currency. Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 215 8602 Thomas Bromirski, 570 Carson Ave., Perth Amboy, NJ 08861; C, Perth Amboy & NJ obsoletes. 8603 Daniel W. Kitchen, P.O. Box 219, Newton, NJ 07860; C, Netherlands & Europe. 8604 Guy Chapman, 370 Turk St. #196, San Francisco, CA 94102; C, U.S. type notes. 8605 Kenneth L. Denski, 495 Burgundy Dr., Southampton, PA 18966-3527; C. 8606 David L. Thaxter, 7880 A Washington Blvd., Elkridge, MD 21227; C&D. 8607 Van Job, 2620 Nubgaard Rd., Ferndale, WA 98248; C, $1 U.S. notes. 8608 Rickey M. Craft, P.O. Box 7181, Jacksonville, NC 28540; D, U.S. & C.S.A. 8609 Charles E. Trenk, 939 Washington Rd., Belle Vernon, PA 15012-2257; C, National currency. 8610 Peter S. Johnson, 8320 NW 54th St., Lauderhill, FL 33351; C, U.S. lg. size notes. 8611 Donald Brown, 255 Lake Shore Lane, Bloomingdale, IL 60108; C. 8612 Linda L. Phillips, 755 Mahan Rd., Aberdeen, MD 21001. 8613 Michael Clark, 25029 Newberry Dr., Novi, MI 48375; C. 8614 Mike Mosa, P.O. Box 2935, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; C&D. 8615 Dean Barone, 32 Blue Jay Dr., Laurel Springs, MD 08012; C, U.S. & lg. size notes. 8616 Gordon H. Johnson, 7938 Stonehearth Rd., Severn, MD 21144; C, Obsoletes. 8617 Roy Davis, 3601 Argyle Lane, Louisville, KY 40220; C, Obso- lete & C.S.A. notes. 8618 Kenneth A. Horton, 7514 Galaxy Ct., San Diego, CA 92120; C. 8619 Mark Sjostrand, 901 N. Dianthus, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266; C, World. 8620 Joseph M. Duva, 230 Sailors Ln., Cutchogue, NY 11935; C. 8621 Joseph A. Esposito, 7100 Game Lord Dr., Springfield, VA 22153-1313; C, Colonial & NBN. 8622 Billy W. Bell, 202 W. Cawson St., Hopewell, VA 23860; C. 8623 John Barone, 77 Sullivan St., NYC, NY 10012; C, large-size U.S. currency. 8624 Ernest M. Nepa, 3212 Drexel Dr., Wilmington, DE 19810; C, U.S. & PA NBN. 8625 Jeffrey A. Dickerson, 2511 28th St., Moline, IL 61265; C, Civil War. 8626 Samuel Muniz-Torres, P.O. Box 5143, Aguadilla, PR 00605-5143; C, U.S. currency. 8627 Stephen L. Sepinuck, 2002 Overbluff Estates Lane, Spokane, WA 99203; C, Large-size silver & gold certificates. 8628 Robert Falke, Rt. 3 Box 56A, Pitkin, LA 70656; C. 8629 John A. Evans, 1455 Sweetwater Lane, Casselberry, FL 32707; C, Small-size U.S. currency. 8630 Fred Gowdy, 700 Leisure Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76120-2724. 8631 Lewis Gould, 2687 N. Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33431; C.S.A. 8632 Gerald Ballman, P.O. Box 2759, Baltimore, MD 21225; C. 8633 Jeff Martin—Martin Business Prod., 221 Bedford Rd. #312, Bedford, TX 76022. 8634 Robert W. Shotwell, 422 Logan St., Georgetown, IL 61846; C, Gold cert. 8635 Mark Kelly, 408 Kennerly Rd., Springfield, PA 19064-2132; C, Large-size NBN. 8636 J. Russell Prinzinger, 7405 Windhaven Rd., North Richland Hills, TX 76180. 8637 Eugene A. Guetzow, 4730 Emporia St., Muskogee, OK 74401-1531; C, U.S. currency. 8638 Jerald L. White, 708 Pilgrim Forest Dr., Monroe, NC 28110; C. 8639 Steven Hill, 6012 Stoddard Ct. #202, Alexandria, VA 22310; C, British & U.S. 8640 Roger S. Couture, 3 Nancy Ave., Sanford, ME 04073; C. 8641 Jos F.M. Eijsermans, Math. Wibautstraat 92, 5912JK Venlo, Netherlands; C&D, World notes. 8642 Cory Mason Jr., 420 4 1/2 Mile Rd., Racine, WI 53402; C, U.S. & WI obsolete & NBN. 8643 Mark A. Atkinson, P.O. Box 5343, Vienna, WV 26105-0343; C&D, U.S. large-size notes. 8644 Larry D. McNabb, 3220 N. Street NW #245, Washington, DC 20007; C, Foreign & private mint issues. 8645 Sally Hightower, 909 W. Grass Lake, Gladwin, MI 48624; C. 8646 Kevin V. Maloy, 50 Silk-wood Lane, Tracy, CA 95376; C. 8647 Scott Atkinson, 1108 Blvd. of Champions, N. Lauderdale, FL 33068; C, C.S.A. & obsolete notes. 8648 Marvin Finnley, 2311 W. 239th Street, Torrance, CA 90501; C, U.S. large-size currency. 8649 George G. Reynolds, 43150 Hartwick, Sterling Heights, MI 48313-1926; C. 8650 Earl M. Potrafke, 1314 Newcomb Rd., Wilmington, DE 19803; C, $1 notes. 8651 David Rhodes, 118 S. Maple Ln., West Chester, PA 19380; C, Nat. 8652 David Ricobene, 6100 S. Karlov, Chicago, IL 60629-4931; C, Large-size notes. 8653 Dan Heeney, 1419 Hamilton Ave., Trenton, NJ 08629; C. 8654 Masco Perry III, 1547 Blackhawk Lake Dr., Eagan, MN 55122; C&D, U.S. & C.S.A. 8655 Steven Sanderson, DET-FUJI, NMCB-4 DET-8, FPO AP 96601-4949; C, U.S. 8656 Timothy L. Hudson, 215 Drum Ave., #E307, Staten Island, NY 10305; C, Pre-1963 silver certs. 8657 Richard Hawkes, 90 Blackstone Blvd., Providence, RI 02906. 8658 Burton A. Burton, 3469 Crosscreek Road, Malibu, CA 90265; C. 8659 Oliver London, 1507 Winnetka, Golden Valley, MN 55427; C. 8660 Forrest Schumacher, 2300 Avalon Dr., Waukesha, WI 53186; C, U.S. currency. 8661 David Collette, 2315 Channing Way, Idaho Falls, ID 83404; C, U.S. currency. 8662 Ronald T. Emge, 19 Crestview Dr., Fleetwood, PA 19522; C. 8663 William S. Martin, 9603 Greensprint Dr., Dallas, TX 75238; C, Colonial, U.S. obsolete & frac. 8664 Richard E. Ogden, P.O. Box 718, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648; C, U.S. obsolete & NBN. 8665 Bruce M. Klein, 529 East Ohio St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212. 8666 Edgar W. Bliek, One Crestview Dr., Pittsford, NY 14534; C, U.S. small-size notes. 8667 Mark W. Wretschko, 636 Marway NW Comstock Park, MI 49321; C, U.S. currency. 8668 Rod Sintow, 2355 Biscayne Bay Dr., N. Miami, FL 33181-2411. 8669 David Larson, 6647 Culloden St., Vancouver, BC V5X 4J3 Canada; C, China, Tibet & Canada. 8670 Garry Avery, 2315 W. Village Lane, Springfield, MO 65807; C, Small-size notes. 8671 Bedroses World Paper Money, P.O. Box 9365, Glendale, CA 91226-9365; D, U.S. & world notes. 8672 Mark C. Stevens, 111 Country Rd., East Freetown, MA 02717-1612; C&D, U.S. & world notes. 8673 Thomas H. Smith, RR #1 Bradley Branch Rd., Cherokee, NC 28719; C, World notes. 8674 Victor S. Holden, P.O. Box 54598, North Point, Hong Kong; C, Argentina, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador & Venezuela. 8675 Walter Portnick, 10 Gunnery Lane, Hilton Head, SC 29928; C, Historical. 8676 W. Robert James, 13 Standish Cir., Andover, MA 01810; C, Top- ical: waterfalls. 8677 Dana Young, 1973 South 1130 West, Woods Cross, UT 84087; C. 8678 Leo I. Davis, 2412 W. Alberson Dr., Albany, GA 31707. 8679 Victor F Zell, P.O. Box 329, Chicago, IL 60690-0329; C. 8680 W.D. Henderson, Rt. 3 Box 209, Montgomery, TX 77356; C, C.S.A. & TX. 8681 Edward M. Jackowski, 20 Windybush Way, Titusville, NJ, 08560; C, Small-size Nat. BN. Page 216 Paper Money Whole No. 174 8682 Peter J. Hegel, 46 Annadale Rd., Staten Island, NY 10312; C, U.S.. 8683 Conrad Martin, 1441 Quintara Ave., Deltona, FL 32738; C, Errors. 8684 J. Frank Hindson, 126 Court Street, Fayetteville, WV 25840; C. 8685 Robert Burns, 3 S. 165 Cherrywood Lane, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-7309; C, General. 8686 Rick P. Bradshaw, 4644 W. Hetherwood Dr., Peoria, IL 61615. 8687 Leslie A. Roy, 10910 Postma Rd., Moxee, WA 98936; C, Colo- nial-fractional. 8688 James W. Rider, 1225 N. 2nd, Atchison, KS 66002; C, U.S. 8689 Robert G. Barsanti, 9412 Moss Haven Dr., Dallas, TX 75231; C, U.S. & Colonial. 8690 Gene Maimin, 15-01 Raymond St., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410; C, U.S. large-size notes. 8691 George Gaudet, 136 Cowley Bay, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada T9K 1G5; C, Canadian. 8692 Raymond lacobacci, 1326-43st., Brooklyn, NY 11219; C&D, U.S. & world. 8693 Thomas Schalow, U House Gokiso #302, 2-1-40 Ishibotke-cho Showa-ku, Nagoya 466, Japan. 8694 Arthur C. Hamm, P.O. Box 209, Glen Echo, MD 20812; C, U.S. large-size notes. 8695 Jack Sasser, 674 Sandy Springs Rd., Piedmont, SC 29673; C. 8696 Dan Howard, 10621 Parfet, Broomfield, CO 80021; C. 8697 Carol 0. Stanek, P.O. Box 1303, Salem, NH 03079; C. 8698 David Stevenson, 101 South Varnell Rd., Tunnel Hill, GA 30755; C, Georgia obsoletes & C.S.A. 8699 Dan Marcin, 963 Meadowlark Circle, Aurora, 01-I 44202-8897; C, U.S. replacement & low ser. no. notes. 8700 Michael Levy, 1312 Oak Ave., Evanston, IL 60201; C, large-size notes. 8701 J.S.G. Boggs, 1605 Lark Lane, Brandon, FL 33510; C, Works of art depicting paper money. 8702 Harold Ford, 3000 Delcourt Dr., Decatur, GA 30033; C, MPC. 8703 Greg Miller, 27 Brenton Rd., Weston, MA 02193; C, U.S. 8704 Patrick A. Heller, 300 Frandor Ave., Lansing, MI 48912; C&D, U.S. large-size & MI notes, anything Michigan. 8705 John R. Marcin, 5 Woodland Terrace, Brookfield, CT 06804-3455; C. 8706 Steven N. Miller, 29 High Oak Court, Huntington, NY 11743; C, U.S. large-size notes. 8707 James Sciuto, P.O. Box 128, Methuen, MA 01844; C&D. 8708 Carl Henderson, P.O. Box 32, Centralia, MO 65240; C, MO NBN. 8709 Walter Dunwiddie, 5703 Wythe Ave., Richmond, VA 23226; C, Sweden, recent world notes. 8710 Peter C. Papadeas, 7210 Pine St., Upper Darby PA 19082; C, NJ Nat. BN. 8711 K.L. Williams, 61 Reyburn Dr., Henderson, NV 89014; C, Lg. size type notes. 8712 R.K. Burke, P.O. Box 1005, Lakewood, NJ 08701; C&D, Lg. size $1 notes. 8713 Jeff Tyler, 4074 S. Atchison Way #103, Aurora, CO 80014; C, Lg. size notes. 8714 Darrell W. Lahm, P.O. Box 303, Pendelton, IN 46064; C, C.S.A. notes. 8715 Garo Kalindjian, P.O. Box 80341, Bourj Hammoud, Beirut, Lebanon; C&D, Mid East, Arabic countries, esp. Lebanon. 8716 William M. Graham, 208 Main St., Union, SC; C. 8717 Paul B. Gess, 404 Hillcrest Dr., Washington, IL 61571; C, CO Nat. BN. 8718 Jack R. Freeberg, 228 Regan, Rockford, IL 61107; C, U.S. paper money. 8719 Wayne Berg, P.O. Box 819, Renton, WA 98059; C. LM160 W.G. Kirchner, conversion from 4816. LM161 Dana Linett, conversion from 5107. LM162 Russell Kaye, conversion from 7972. LM163 William D. Johnston, conversion from 8359. LM165 Stephen A. Bloch, 3215 Ave. H, Brooklyn, NY 11210; C, C.S.A. & Southern States. LM166 Joe S. Graves, 202 Susan Ave., Hopkinsville, KY 42240; Con- version from 8152. LM167 Cheuran Ahn, Korea Trade Center, P.O. Box 97, Seoul 135650, Korea; C, Specimens, uncut sheets. LM168 Hans Joachim Sehwenzer, Am Bessunger Forst 26, 64367 Meuhital/Trautheim, Germany. LM169 Patrick T. Roy, 2527 Chesterfield Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45231; C. momoP mart Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 155 per word, with a minimum charge of $3.75. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized mate- rial and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 8147, St. Louis, MO 63156 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1 for Jan./Feb. issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $2: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful certificates $4.95. Also buy! Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, Calif 94011. Phone (415) 566-6400. (182) WANTED: Bank/Banking Histories, Bankers' Directories for personal library. Will send my "want" list, or offer what you have. Bob Cochran, Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. WANTED: Huntsville, Alabama—Nationals, Obsoletes, scrip, checks, postcards, etc. Bob Cochran, Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. HELP! To finish a set: I need a 1929-1 $5 from #4178, Mercantile- Commerce National Bank of St. Louis, Missouri. Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. HELP! To finish a set: I need a 1929-1 $20 from #8765, Henderson Na- tional Bank of Huntsville, Alabama. Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. WHITEHALL, NEW YORK MATERIAL WANTED FOR PERSONAL COLLECTION. Looking for any material pertaining to Whitehall, New York including nationals, obsoletes, city scrip, private scrip, advertising notes, bank histories, etc. Jeff Sullivan, P.O.B. 895, Manchester, MO 63011. (175) OHIO NATIONALS WANTED. Send list of any you have. Also want Lowell, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan, O'Neill. Lowell Yoder, P.O.B. 444, Holland, OFI 43528, 419-865-5115. (185) NEW JERSEY—MONMOUTH COUNTY obsolete bank notes and script wanted by serious collector for research and exhibition. Seeking issues from Freehold, Monmouth Bank, Middletown Point, Howell Works, Keyport, Long Branch, and S.W. & W.A. Torrey-Manchester. Also Ocean Grove National Bank and Jersey Shore memorabilia. N.B. Buckman, P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. 1-800-533-6163. (185) is . Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 217 3.0xteei:11 fineernqt r., i ali'.?1)11 ,t.. A small sampling of the many important pieces we have offered over the ears. b217521:4:- 1 45:17Vitt'' SliiVACtOkti***404 8217523941- - jzid VIII. vt1116- A132E 1 v"" IrAILOWYr D'ai 41* Realize the best prices for your paper money. o with the world's most successful auction company— Auctions by Bowers and Merena, Inc. When you consign your collection or individual important items, you go with a firm with an unequaled record of success! ver the years we have handled some of the most important paper money collections ever to be sold. hinking of selling your collection or desirable individual notes? Right now we are accepting con- signments for our next several New York City and Los Angeles sales, or our annual Florida United Numisma- tists sale. Your call to Dr. Richard Bagg, Director of Auctions, at 1-800-458-4646 will bring complete information concerning how you can realize the best price for your currency, in a transaction which you, like thousands of others, will find to be profitable and enjoyable. hat we have done for others, we can do for you. Telephone Dr. Richard Bagg today, or use the coupon pro- vided. Either way, it may be the most profitable move you have ever made! Dear Rick Bagg: PM 11/12-94 Please tell me how I can include my paper money in an upcoming auction. I understand that all information will be kept confidential. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP I 'm considering selling. Please contact me. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOLDINGS DAYTOIE TEI FIRIONE NUMBER Along the way our auctions have garnered numerous price records for our consignors. Indeed. many of our sales establish new price records on an ongoing basis. Auctions by Bowers and Merena, Inc. Box 1224 • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 Toll-free: 1-800-458-4646/ In NH: 1-603-569-5095 Fax: 1-603-569-5319 Page 218 Paper Money Whole No. 174 - 1+1.1 1,4 ,;LCR'`Vi• m1359856 etrifiMiliti witiitoititimitothiso 13D/13) ilAf/ ./.// 74 4 //,', 1,1EPARTAILICI SERIES., BOOKS FOR SALE PAPER MONEY OF THE U.S. by Friedberg. 13th Edition. Hard Bound. $17.50 plus $2.50 postage. Total Price. $20.00 rfr-st National Bank, i. 'acew-cirmlos /////iii// z,„, "k0Merait41001ka , COLLECTING PAPER MONEY FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT by Barry Krause. Includes a complete history of paper money. Much information on U.S. and foreign paper money. Soft Cover. 255 pages. $14.50 plus $2.50 postage. Total Price. $17.00. REISER" or rou COMPREHENSIVE CATALOG OF U.S. PAPER MONEY by Gene Hessler. 5th Edition. Hard Cover. $29.50 plus $2.50 postage. Total Price. $32.00. CONFEDERATE AND SOUTHERN STATES CURRENCY by Grover Criswell Jr. 4th Edition. Hard Cover. 415 Pages. $29.50 plus $2.50 postage. Total Price. $32.00 NATIONAL BANK NOTES by Kelly. 2nd Edition. Hard Cover. Lists all national bank notes by state and charter number. Gives amounts issued and what is still outstanding. 435 pages. $31.50 plus $2.50 postage. Total Price. $34.00. Stanley Morycz P.O. BOX 355, DEPT. M • ENGLEWOOD, OH 45322 513-898-0114 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 219 Pay over "bid" for many Pay over "ask" for some Pay over Hickman-Oakes for many nationals Pay cash - no deal too large. All grades wanted, Good to Unc. At 74, I can't wait. Currency dealer over 50 years. A.N.A. Life #103 (56 years) P.N.G. President 1963-1964 .M. KAGIN 910 Insurance Exchange Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 243-7363 Buy: Uncut Sheets — Errors — Star Notes — Checks Confederate — Obsolete — Hawaiiana — Alaskiana Early Western — Stocks — Bonds, Etc. BANK NOTE REPORTER Page 220 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Announcing the ..... CHICAGO PAPER MONEY EXPOSITION FEBRUARY 24-25-26, 1995 Ramada O'Hare Hotel 6600 North Mannheim Road Rosemont, Illinois The Chicago Paper Money Exposition will feature a 1 10 booth bourse area with leading dealers in United States and world paper money, stocks and bonds, literature and related paper money ephemera. * 1 10 Booth Bourse *One mile from O'Hare Airport *Complimentary Airport Shuttle * Society Meetings *Educational Programs * $99 Bourse Fee United Airlines is the official airline of the Chicago Paper Money Expo. To obtain special convention fares, call United at (800) 521-4041 and tell the agent you are attending event 577YZ. To reserve a room at the Ramada O'Hare's special event rate of $69, call the hotel direct at (708) 827-5131 and tell the agent you are attending the Chicago Paper Money Expo. Bourse: KEVIN FOLEY P.O. Box 573 Milwaukee, WI 53201 (414) 282-2388 FAX (414) 282-3528 The Chicago Paper Money Exposition is Sponsored by Bank Note Reporter ititsittivjojIkmilwkimmt). $7431 ../t,K1,1007. 4 : 151201123M--a patImazoorc. n—arra, CANADIAN BOUGHT AND SOLD • CHARTERED BANKNOTES. • DOMINION OF CANADA. • BANK OF CANADA. • CHEQUES, SCRIP, BONDS & BOOKS. FREE PRICE LIST CHARLES D. MOORE P.O. BOX 1296P LEWISTON, NY 14092-1296 (416) 468-2312 LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. #1995 C.N.A.#143 C.P.M.S. #11 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 221 At, EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS *619-273-3566 COLONIAL & CONTINENTAL CURRENCY 5, We maintain the LARGEST ACTIVE INVENTORY IN THE WORLD! SEND US YOUR WANT LISTS. FREE PRICE LISTS AVAILABLE. SPECIALIZING IN: SERVICES: q Colonial Coins q Portfolio q q Colonial Currency Rare & Choice Type q Development Major Show EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS 0 Coins Coverage c/o Dana Linett q Pre-1800 Fiscal Paper q Auction q Encased Postage Stamps Attendance q P.O. Box 2442 q LaJolla, CA 92038 q 619-273-3566 Members: Life ANA, CSNA-EAC, SPMC, FUN, ANACS BUYING and SELLING PAPER MONEY U.S., All types Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold Cer- tificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc. Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries Paper Money Books and Supplies Send us your Want List ... or ... Ship your material for a fair offer LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P.O. BOX 2395 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 SPMC #2907 ANA LM #1503 HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS - LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216.884-0701 Million Dollar Buying Spree Nationals Currency: MPC Lg. & Sm Type Fractional Obsolete Foreign Stocks • Bonds • Checks • Coins Stamps • Gold • Silver Platinum • Antique Watches Political Items • Postcards Baseball Cards • Masonic Items Hummels • Doultons Nearly Everything Collectible COIN SHOP EST 1960 INC "9101494•Miirbt" 399 S. State Street - Westerville, OH 43081 1-614-882-3937 1-800-848-3966 outside Ohio Life Member r- 6,.:/r-2•1.... A SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE PRICE LIST FREE MYLAR D CURRENCY HOLDERS This month I am pleased to report that all sizes are in stock in large quantities so orders received today go out today. The past four years of selling these holders has been great and many collections I buy now are finely preserved in these. For those who have not converted, an article published this past fall in Currency Dealer Newsletter tells it better than I can. Should you want a copy send a stamped self-addressed #10 business envelope for a free copy. Prices did go up due to a major rise in the cost of the raw material from the suppliers and the fact that the plant workers want things like pay raises etc. but don't let a few cents cost you hun- dreds of dollars. You do know - penny wise and pound foolish. SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000 Fractional 4 3/4 x 2 3/4 $15.00 $28.00 $127.00 $218.00 Colonial 5 1 /2 x 33/16 16.50 30.50 138.00 255.00 Small Currency 65/6 x 2 7 /6 16.75 32.00 142.00 265.00 Large Currency 7 7/8x 3 1 /2 20.00 36.50 167.00 310.00 Check Size 95/6x 4 1 /4 25.00 46.00 209.00 385.00 Baseball Card Std 23/4 x 33 /4 14.50 26.00 119.00 219.00 Baseball Bowman 2 7/8x 4 15.50 28.00 132.00 238.00 Obsolete currency sheet holders 8 3/4 x 14, $1.20 each, minimum 10 Pcs. National currency sheet holders 81/2 x 17 1 /2, $2.50 each 17 1 /2" side open, minimum 10 Pcs. SHIPPING IN THE U.S. IS INCLUDED FREE OF CHARGE Please note: all notice to MYLAR R mean uncoated archival quality MYLAR R type D by Dupont Co. or equivalent material by ICI Corp. Melinex type 516. DENLY'S OF BOSTON P.O. Box 1010 617-482-8477 Boston, MA 02205 800-HI-DENLY FAX 617-357-8163 Page 222 Paper Money Whole No. 174 WANTED ALL STATES ESPECIALLY THE FOLLOWING: TENN-DOYLE & TRACY CITY: AL, AR, CT, GA, SC, NC, MS, MN. LARGE & SMALL TYPE ALSO OBSOLETE AND CONFEDERATE WRITE WITH GRADE & PRICE SEND FOR LARGE PRICE LIST OF NATIONALS SPECIFY STATE SEND WANT LIST DECKER'S COINS & CURRENCY PO. BOX 69 SEYMOUR, TN 37865 (615) 428-3309 LM-120 ANA 640 FUN LM90 --f-k£ BANK OFRED WINC I COLLECT MINNESOTA OBSOLETE CURRENCY and NATIONAL BANK NOTES Please offer what you have for sale. Charles C. Parrish P.O. Box 481 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 (612) 423-1039 SPMC LM114 — PCDA — LM ANA Since 1976 America Hope Commerce 6(.4 1100k ill gnterestingo, Seties 10-Notes ABOUT ALLEGORICAL REPRESENTATIONS by Roger H. Durand There are tens of thousands of different vignettes on obsolete bank notes and many of them illustrate mythological gods and creatures Allegorical representations usually have hidden meanings. Could you identify Amphitrite, Aurora, Fortuna or Tellus? Have you ever seen a Hippocam pus or a Hydra? Would you recognize the personi- fication of Progress, Wealth, Victory or Fame? This book is full of previously unpublished information. A complete refund if you are not satisfied for any reason. THIS BOOK IS LIMITED TO JUST 300 NUMBERED COPIES $22.95 pp Order front your favorite dealer or from the author: P.O. Box 186 ROGER H. DURAND Rehoboth, MA 02769 BOOKS ON PAPER MONEY Arkansas Obsolete Notes & Script, Rothert $22 Territorials—US Territorial National Bank Notes, Huntoon $20 Florida, Cassidy (ticl natls & obsolete) $29 Vermont Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Coulter $20 Indiana Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Wolka $22 National Bank Notes, Hickman & Oakes 2nd ed $95 Indian Territory/Oklahoma/Kansas Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Burgett and Whitfield $20 US Obsolete Bank Notes 1782-1866, Elaxby 4 vol Early Paper Money of America, 3rd ed., Newman $ $14995 Iowa Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Oakes $20 Depression Scrip of the US 1930s $27 Minnesota Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Rockholt $20 World Paper Money 6th ed., general issues $49 Pennsylvania Obsolete Notes & Scrip, Hoober $35 World Paper Money 6th ed., specialized issues $55 North Carolina Obsolete Notes, Pennell rent. $10 Confederate & Southern States Bonds, Criswell $25 Rhode Island & The Providence Plantations Obsolete Confederate States Paper Money, Slabaugh $9 Notes & Scrip, Durand $25 Civil War Sutler Tokens & Cardboard Scrip, Schenkman $27 10./0 off on five or more books • Non-SPMC members add: $3 for one book, $5 for two books, $7 for three or more hooks CLASSIC COINS - P.O. Box 95—Allen, MI 49227 INC. P.O. BOX 84 • NANUET, N.Y 10954 ' J....T: 1%1811 N81, • • , .4 ‘.111111'M ., BUYING / SELLING: OBSOLETE EECURRENCY, NATIONALSUNCUT SHTS, PROOFS, S RIP BARRY WEXLER, Pres. Member: SPMC, PCDA, ANA, FUN, GENA, ASCC (914) 352-9077 Paper Money Whole No. 174 Page 223 FOR LARGE US NOTES $68.95 ppd FOR WORLD PAPER MONEY $72.95 ppd !See gracrunr., resew,PS Form 3526.1...., is, 1 Statement of Ownership,Management andCirculation (Repulsed by 39 U.S.C. 36861 Paper Money 10. PUBLICATON NO. 31, 1994o August Si-Monthly 6 Annual Subscript. ark. 910.00 coos.. melee of seven Office w runcation mow Go. awes so and.T4-4 Cade, P. 1211 N. Dupont Nighoag, Dover, Delaware 19901 nano • • ...mg ■•••• o t • ea nue ere o entre uemeas ,71 i N. 06 144nt Nighosy, Dover, ices o t • rrecan, Delaware 19901 005e9 hit., Printing Geol.., 1211 N. 0000.8 Highway, Dover, Delaware 19901 Gene Hessler , Editor , P 99l Box 8147, St. Louis , 240 63156 Pgver ' i thg Printing 00oPagY, 1311 N. Dupont Highway, Dever, Delaware 99goi ,.... Old p2i0loOo publ000,1 us a sums, usioussuuu, ' rens 'an' ==rs'eta'an ".""gaeCL7717%Onr °'"" APIlulallNe'd- t=::t 'VoTra,InT: 2082 2009 '. '17174=Ve%"=iers, street vend.. and :num.. seise 2. n'Yen17:7:anoco 1725 1654 ' TST.nrf%07=/ F071r .'"e"s'"*" 1725 1654 ' ;r:r7:1X1=venTat Cann'tano 'FT.' C"n7ia': 10 10 1735 1664 I. Office use. left naer. unaccounted. ePoned •Ner armt 347 425 2• n•.'" f'om New. •°.0en , s 2082 2089 I certify Mat the statements made by me above ere correct end complete ,---/-'—',__.-C-j--------- Complete MY. Ad... TO, lonely of Paper Monev r 11 r 1711 N Hi unwav no n61 ggni atal Name Complete .16, Address Oregon Paper Money Exchange Presents.... The Oregon Pioneer SafeKeepers The Banknote Albums that Fit in a Safe Deposit Box! The Ones You've Been Waiting For With 50 Archival MYLARTM Holders OREGON PAPER MONEY EXCHANGE 6802 SW 33rd Place Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-3659 (eves) More Cash for your Cash WISCONSIN NATIONAL BANK NOTES WANTED C. Keith Edison P.O. Box 26 Mondovi, Wisconsin 54755-0026 (715) 926-5001 FAX (715) 926-5043 PAPER MONEY UNITED STATES Large Size Currency • Small Size Currency Fractional Currency • Souvenir Cards Write For List Theodore Kemm 915 West End Avenue El New York, NY 10025 Buying & Selling Foreign Banknotes Send for Free List William H. Pheatt 9517 N. Cedar Hill Cir. Sun City, AZ 85351 Phone 602-933-6493 Fax 602-972-3995 WORLD PAPER MONEY * BUY, SELL, TRADE * * FREE PRICE LIST * specialized in Poland, Russia and East Europe Tom Sluszkiewicz P.O. Box 54521, 7398 Edmonds St. BURNABY, B.C., CANADA, V3N 1A8 Page 224 Paper Money Whole No. 174 WE ARE ALWAYS BUYING • FRACTIONAL CURRENCY • ENCASED POSTAGE • LARGE SIZE CURRENCY • COLONIAL CURRENCY WRITE, CALL OR SHIP: N CU Igna -N 111C. LEN and JEAN GLAZER (718) 268-3221 POST OFFICE BOX 111 FOREST HILLS, N.Y. 11375 ....., - ( X I IT1 '06 , 1.: ). 11,. ( ), F.,) ,\ ,, $: _ , ( ( >1.11(1 OlISey IN( — . _le / . am we. ,:. Charter Member GET RIGHT ON THE MONEY WITH THESE GREAT RFFERENCES! anciard Gataktia of WORLD PAPER MONEY genera1 issues vOimito two Da Pict o Ntl rtdard Guide te 700 E. State Street • Iola, WI 54990-0001 STANDARD CATALOG OF WORLD PAPER MONEY 7th Edition Volume II, General Issues By Albert Pick Edited by Colin Bruce II and Neil Shafer 8-1/2" x 11", hardcover 10,000 photos, approx. 1,200 pages, $55.00 This revised and thoroughly expanded catalog enhances its reputation as "the" reference book for nationally-circulated legal tender over the last 300 years. More than 22,000 notes are list- ed, including over 150 new notes from emerg- ing nations like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia. You'll also find over 10,000 illustrations to help you identify issues quickly and easily. STANDARD GUIDE TO SMALL-SIZED U.S. PAPER MONEY By Dean Oakes With special contributions from Michael Crabb, John Schwartz, Peter Huntoon and Bernard Schaff 6" x 9", softcover, approx. 250 photos, 300 pages, $24.95 More than 250 large, clear photos are the focal point of this all new reference. Positive identifi- cation is easier on the eye. Listings include more than 14,000 serial number blocks and groups, and accurate, up-to-date valuations for thousands of issues from 1928 to the present. Updated printing figures and a concise, but comprehensive history of modern U.S. paper money, make this the most complete treatment of small-sized U.S. paper money available! WISCONSIN OBSOLETE BANK NOTES AND SCRIP By Chester L. Krause 8-1/2" x 11", hardcover, approx. 1,000 photos, 500 pages, $39.95 Respected collector and author, Chester L. Krause, presents the most thorough treatment of obsolete Wisconsin bank notes and scrip from 1836-1865. More than 1,000 of these rare and beautiful treasures are illustrated with large, sharp photos that aid in identification. Prices are also listed in this landmark edition — in up to three grades of preservation. Please print clearly ( ) Check or money order enclosed Your Name (payable to Krause Publications) ( ) MasterCard ( ) VISA Address Account No. City/State/Zip AQ2 Phone Signature v7 OOKS Qty. Item Code Item Title Price Sub Total PM7 Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, 8th Edition $55.00 HP3 Standard Guide to Small-Sized U.S. Paper Money 24.95 OW Wisconsin Obsolete Bank Notes And Scrip 39.95 Shipping and Handling* Subtotal WI residents add 5.5% sales tax Total Enclosed *Please add $2.50 for postage for the first book and $1.50 for each additional book. Addresses outside the U.S. add $5.00 per title orde ed for postage and handling. Expiration Date: Mo. Yr. MasterCard & VISA Cardholders save time by calling toll -free Dept. AQ2 Mon. - Fri. 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., CST. General business phone 715-445-2214 Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.