
ISO: Wendell Wolka

Greg Alexander's picture

I'm in search of an email address or contact information for Wendell Wolka, to see if he might be able to provide some background on a bank note company mystery I'm researching. If anyone can offer assistance, I can be contacted at gsalexan atsign hotmail dotcom.

It seems like the SPMC could offer members a great service by providing an online membership directory. Members could opt out if they prefer, but it would be helpful to be able to contact others when the need arises. If that exists on the website already, I'm not finding it.

Greg Alexander

Greg Alexander's picture

Nevermind - I just found his information on the Governors list. But my comment regarding an online directory still stands.

Hi Greg,

We do have a Dealer Directory here:  https://www.spmc.org/dealer-directory

We used to publish member directories some time ago, but privacy concerns resulted in its discontinuation.



Dennis Schafluetzel's picture

When the SPMC journal published my name as  a new member  Sam Bettis, a SPMC member who collected Nationals, called me and we had a hour long discussion. We talked a few more times and became fast friends and I would visit him in his office (was retired but maintained an office ot get out of the house). 

As a result I called new members that lived near me until they quit publishing the member information.

Believe we should publish email if a member wants it published.

Dennis Schafluetzel
