
Paper Money - Vol. XX, No. 6 - Whole No. 96 - November - December 1981

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ter H 's discovery of a previously unknown record of Series 1929 Federal Reserve Sank Note star printings in this Issue. ***************************** ***************** "Stars Among the Dust" ***** ****** ***************************** ****** NOVEMBER • DECEMBER, 1981 VOLUME XX WHOLE NO. 96 BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS Currency Market Review... Featuring MORE than any other publication available today! 1111=311112111111=1111113110:1Mit ,....e..x.C1PIL,I,11111111111P.:141111111.41,111111111111E ,..1.31. ma...1...0011111k4/2111111 .wwww toi, • POSITE.t.LA a tar x WNW aA sit•IIIIIIIIIIIEPAIIIIIXWINWTOIT,T..11111MEPOWIIIII,Pak11116,1,1111111111111..1.10, • mow . = atettgo t WIWIIIIP411,1111111111111.,LIIIS,111111111.,.....1111/,..11111110111.5.Aukala,I,IIMPL.A a. , 77.7777 7 • 7 ,77••• • ...A . 7 7 711.A.710111612 •',111111111.4,711111111.., IR:4K AMOK. 4■411177,..11111111101 '1 fura • memo s. nttt Att.tottot IMILLIIIWWW-1.2111111P4,11111110PIPPJ1101Wwwwwa-TWWWAWIPIIIIPA- III eftWaa • e an mama 111111Pt SIMPE7.7 V* .17MAI7a ••••.•.••7•7 "-umumrrimnarnmemarlernemecalarnitiOnir .,10110,4, r•Wwilata W5. 5 M.. 7, 1 AIIIIII.I.IIIIIIIINE,EIIIITTE111011UPIPIPPICI slaves , El • r '111111111110WW11111111WWWWITI,111111ffiallelliewvpiw• "p.a. VIOW ,i' .7777.77.,7 " Op," rllIMIIIIMMIrrnM.,111111111Tio.7.10001111111rrlalir,iniss.rillirmillralMrs - ,111111,3,111111.1111,1r1111111,17111111111111MW 1 Expanded Quarterly Format Including Legals & Silvers by Friedberg Monthly Market Analysis own ammil a T ;Sr_ SAIL I'1.1111110111:.., AIM nee Imeilis..s.autr Au" 1,T4M1111111.1. 1,,1111110/1411IIIIIIWItaa.„ 4111.1111111WW6 WWI T'IllIt..4111111111WI`CIIILAiWWW, d litualliMI1i'ZIA111111.1AmscaAllik e111111M:LI Wert, T.11111111111I MIK TadatINEW VOW 10111111:1111MIMIMirlirli(717r11 at.WWW/PP.PJWIT—I Ilawsaa. .a.ams... , rim ,...155 MSC. Vutos, . WWW • a It..T.-0111612.W3LIIIIIMEv.1311LIEjt..11WITPIIIIIII TOOT Currency Market Review P.O. Box 7088, Grand Station Des Moines, IA 50309 q 1 Yr. Subscription, $15 Name Address City, State, Zip Phone (For prompt addition to our mailing list, please enclose check or money order.) Low Subscription Rate: $15 /Year (Saving $7 over Single Copy Price) Currency Market Review... Keep the Information at Your Fingertips! Subscribe Today PN Keep in touch with the Currency Market Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XX No. 6 Whole No. 96 NOV/DEC 1981 ISSN 0031-4162 BARBARA R. MUELLER, Editor 225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 414-674-5239 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Edithr. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) IN THIS ISSUE "ST. ALBANS HAS BEEN SURPRISED" David Lindsey 303 INTERESTING NOTES 'BOUT INTERESTING NOTES Roger H. Durand 310 FORMING A TYPE COLLECTION OF U. S. PAPER CURRENCY Paul H. Johansen 312 LARGE SIZE MONTANA NATIONALS Milton M. Sloan 314 WORLD SCENE David Keable 316 THE PAPER COLUMN Peter Huntoon 317 SUFFOLK SYSTEM AIDED BANK NOTE CIRCULATION From "Landmark" 319 1929-1935 NATIONAL BANK NOTE VARIETIES M. Owen Warns 322 REGULAR FEATURES COPE REPORT 325 INTEREST BEARING NOTES 326 SECRETARY'S REPORT 327 MONEY MART 330 77:00 4&00 Paper Money Page 301 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 VICE-PRESIDENT Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 SECRETARY Robert Azpiazu, Jr.. P. 0. Box 1433, Hialeah, FL 33011 TREASURER Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 APPOINTEES EDITOR Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Larry Adams, A. R. Beaudreau, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Martin Delger, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Peter Huntoon, Richard Jones, Robert Medlar, Dean Oakes, Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, Harry Wigington. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES—The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Annual dues are $12. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 81/2 x 11" INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP Non-Member MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Rockholt $12.00 $15.00 $12.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, Wait $15.00 Non-Member $18.50 TERRITORIALS—A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIAL BANK NOTES, Huntoon $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 Non-Member $15.00 MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Wait .. $12.00 INDIAN TERRITORY / OKLAHOMA / KANSAS Non-Member $15.00 OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Burgett & OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF RHODE ISLAND Whitefield $12.00 AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, Non-Member $15.00 Durand $20.00 Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. Non-Member $25.00 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: The Camden Co.—SPMC Book Sales Dept. P. 0. Box 9, Camden, S. C. 29020 Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of the members only. For further information, write the Librarian — Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. 60521. Page 302 Whole No. 96 %tic) A IhE The battlefields of the Civil War were hundreds of miles away from this small Vermont village . . . until October 12,1864. By DAVID LINDSEY Paper Money Page 303 (This article on the Civil War raid by Confederate agents on St. Albans, Vermont was furnished by SPMC member Steven Whitfield. It originally appeared in the January 1976 issue of American History Illustrated. Steve took the initiative and secured permission for its reprinting from the publishers, The National Historical Society of Harrisburg, Pa. Its syngraphic interest lies in the plot to rob the three banks in the village. According to the SPMC listing of Vermont obsolete notes and scrip by Mayre Burns Coulter, the Franklin County Bank was incorporated in 1849 and closed in 1867. It issued $1, 2, 3, 5, 10 and 20 notes, while the St. Albans Bank was chartered in 1853 and closed in 1866. No informa- tion is at hand about the First National Bank, which may have absorbed the two state banks.) Five hundred miles to the south Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant was pounding at the stubborn defense works of Petersburg, while Major General Phillip Sheridan was ravaging the Shenandoah Valley. Another 400 miles southward William T. Sherman was gnawing his way through the heart of Georgia en route to Savannah and the sea. To the residents of St. Albans, Vermont, the Civil War was far away, something adventurous and distant that they read about in the local Messenger. In the bright Indian summer of 1864 the small village close to the Canadian border lay serene and peaceful snuggled among its protective hills. As October passed its mid-point villagers noted that the maples and elms along Main Street were shedding their scarlet-yellow-crimson leaves, and they sniffed the acrid smoke of countless bonfires. Who among the townspeople could dream that the village would soon be part of the battlefront of the far- away war? To produce that nightmarish reality for the Vermonters took the fertile imagination of Confederate agent George N. Sanders combined with the bold execution of Lieutenant Bennett H. Young and his horsemen. Earlier in the war Young had ridden with Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan's cavalry. A reckless Kentuckian of 21 years, he had been captured as Morgan's Ohio raid of 1863 aborted. He escaped from the Ohio State Penitentiary and returned South. As 1864's election approached, Confederate strategy called for sowing as much confusion, discord, and disruption as possible in the North. Although schemes to release Confederate prisoners of war from Northern prison camps backfired and attacks on Federal ships on Lake Erie failed, a plan for hitting northern Vermont from Canada matured. Sanders, another Kentuckian, who attached himself to the Confederate diplomatic mission in Canada, concocted the plan in mid-1864—a surprise attack on the northern border of the United States that would scare the local populace, affect the presidential election, impress Yankees with war's horror, and hopefully bring the Federals to the peace table. With the Richmond Government's apparent blessing, Sanders got Lieutenant Young to recruit some twenty young Confederate cavalrymen (most of whom had ridden with Morgan) to join in executing the daring plan. At St. Catherine's, Ontario, Sanders sought out Confederate Commissioner Clement C. Clay for approval. Clay, who was troubled, crotchety, and suffering poor health, growled that he thought the scheme was all right, though he was less than enthusiastic. Sanders proceeded to forge Clay's signature approving the plan and notified Young that he had the green light. During the morning of October 11, 1864 two well- dressed, well-mannered young men walked in and registered at the Lafayette Hotel in Philipsburg, Canada, just north of the United States line. One of the men asked the desk clerk how far it was to St. Albans, Vermont and whether the St. Albans newspaper had come in yet. Informed that the town was about fifteen mitionamonfiffil 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111W1 11111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 , 0, , 1111!filialti,,,.. ,111,110111141 111,1 11 1,1 IMIUNIMMINMEM own -1 -- — I tilli[IMIIIIIIIMII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 mairt. , n 11111111114 31111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111P11011$11111Ant\‘„unmuuiiliiilliiliiiuiiilil P NIIIT"I11 111 011111 1 111111 1 19 11111 1111111M110110 \\\\ I —1111111111111111111110 rtiti il.ti111111,!II1111 111 11 01114111111111111110 1114hluilionumummemmonionmoiniti Page 304 miles south and the paper had not yet arrived, the two newcomers went to their room. Later other young men signed in at the same hotel, and the clerk would later testify that he heard St. Albans mentioned numerous times in their conversation. That evening Young gathered his men in his room. Tall and handsome, with dark hair and flashing black eyes, Young spoke incisively as he canvassed details of the forthcoming raid. As the men sprawled across the bed and chairs focusing on the map of the town of St. Albans, Vermont spread out on the floor, Young pointed out that the village was small, about a mile square with roughly 300 houses; its three banks, scheduled as the chief targets, were situated within a block and a half of each other, the livery stables just down Main Street. All were readily accessible and could easily be taken by the band of resolute men assembled in the room. The soft spot of the Yankee, Young told his cohorts, was his pocketbook. So—they would crack the town's banks, take away the Yankees' money, and give the townspeople a mouthful of what Sherman and Sheridan were dishing out to Southern people in Georgia and Virginia. In his carpetbag, he said, were forty small flasks of "Greek fire," a liquid phosphorus compound, developed long ago in Byzantine times to defend Constantinople against marauding pirate attacks. The Confederates knew little about it other than that it ignited immediately on exposure to air. Looking ahead to the planned raid and in order not to arouse local suspicions, the men would have to proceed to St. Albans singly or in pairs — some by train, some on Whole No. 96 horseback, others by stagecoach. At midnight Young rolled up the map and gave final instructions that all of them were to meet again in Young's room at the Tremont Hotel in St. Albans on the evening of October 18_ The men then shuffled off to their rooms for the night. On October 15 Young, accompanied by Lieutenant William Hutchinson, pulled up at the Tremont in St. Albans and took rooms on the second floor. After lunch they strolled leisurely about town, casing the three local banks and stopping in at Fuller's Livery Stable. Young, disappointed at finding only three horses in the stable, was further troubled over the suspicious look that Fuller gave him when answering his question about the best road to the nearby town of Sheldon. Townspeople, observing the strangers, noted that they were well mannered, quiet spoken, extremely polite, and well dressed. Young was wearing a plum-colored shirt. That seemed a bit unusual to conservative New Englanders, but otherwise the pair aroused few suspicions. That evening at the hotel Young met a lively young lady, also a guest. (We do not know her name, though Young was clearly smitten by her pretty face, winning smile, and vivacious talk.) After having dinner together, they walked down elm- and maple-lined Main Street to the village green. When Hutchinson later protested about his taking up with the lady, Young replied that they had talked about religion, and further he found the village green the ideal place for holding civilian prisoners during the forthcoming raid. The following day other strangers drifted into town (nineteen in all)—a few by train, some by coach, but Confederate raiders holding up one of the St. Albans banks. (All illustrations for this article, unless otherwise noted, are from "Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper," November 12, 1864.) 0 O 111 11 o o E , 051 ,51DRY STAFF. unity sTREE* 000000 TA, OR RA., Paper Money most riding their own horses. A few of them registered at the hotel, but most took rooms in nearby boarding houses. These men, too, were quiet and well mannered but clearly attracted attention in the small village as they, too, walked about visiting the banks and asking about the out-of-town roads. After an afternoon stroll and dinner with his lady friend, Young gathered all the men in his hotel room in the evening of October 18. He again went over the plans for the next day's attack—the banks as the main targets, but Fuller's Stable as well. The bottles of "Greek fire" were distributed, and each man's Navy Colt six- shooter was checked and filled with ammunition. Those men who had come by train or coach would have to seize horses at Fuller's. The time for raiding the banks was set for 3 'oclock sharp the next day. (Young had learned that most of the town's able-bodied men were scheduled to be off at Montpelier then, attending the legislative session.) The conspirators went off to their rooms and a fitful night's sleep. Rcolrood Shop r Rodrood Shop Map of St. Albans showing: 1. Tremont House; 2. Fuller's Stable; 3. Cross's Studio; 5. Miss Beattie's Shop; 9. Dutcher's Drug Store; 10. St. Albans Bank; 13. Franklin County Bank; 14. American Hotel; 15. First National Bank; 17. St. Albans House. Note village green. (Taylor Park) The next day (October 19) was cloudy, already with a hint of rain. Watching the morning street traffic of farm wagons and pedestrians, the Southerners shivered slightly as cold Vermont air bit through their overcoats. Young and Hutchinson sent their horses off to be curried. The stableboy who returned the animals to the hotel hitching post would remember later the quarter tip that Young tossed to him. The two men now doffed their long overcoats to show what they later insisted were gray Confederate uniforms (doubtful, in that all local testimony later insisted that they wore "ordinary street clothes"). At exactly 3 p.m. Young, standing on the American House front steps, brandished his Colt revolver and cried out loudly, "This city is now in the possession of Page 305 the Confederate States of America." Farmers and local residents passing in the street stopped and stared; some smiled and a few laughed at what was surely a joke (the nearest battlefield was over 400 miles away). Townspeople of St. Albans had never seen a Confederate soldier; indeed the only Federals they had seen were Captain George Conger's cavalrymen who had ridden in the Fourth of July parade. But seeing Young with pistol in hand now and observing ten Confederate horsemen with their horses wheeled into line at the north end of Main Street and with their revolvers aiming down the street, the Vermonters quickly sobered. A few shots fired overhead brought the realization that it was no joke. Young repeated his proclamation and assured civilians they would not be hurt so long as they obeyed his orders to proceed to the village green and wait there. Young with two raiders then crossed the street and strode boldly into the First National Bank. Meanwhile Caleb Wallace with two men went into the St. Albans Bank, while Hutchinson and three men went into the Franklin County Bank down the street. At the entrance to the first bank Young's men seized a man about to rush out and hustled him off to the green to join the other townspeople, now under guard. At the Franklin Bank Hutchinson asked the teller what the bank was paying for gold. The response was that Mr. Armington, the gold buyer, was down the street. Hutchinson exploded, "the hell with Mr. Armington." At pistol point he then rounded up the clerk and the bank's president and demanded they take the rebel oath. When they objected, "I'll be damned if I'll do it!" Hutchinson cocked his pistol and aimed directly at them. No one spoke a word. Outside shooting erupted, screams followed, and horses raced past the bank windows. Hutchinson pushed his gun closer. Quietly in unison, the president and teller recited, "I solemnly swear to obey and respect the Constitution of the Confederate States of America and its President, Jefferson Davis." The raiders then cleaned out the vault, shoveling the gold, currency, and securities into large carpetbags. President and teller were shoved into the vault and locked inside with the key left on the outside. As the president protested, Hutchinson shouted, "You Yankees are treating the people in the South in the same manner." At the First National Bank Young used the same approach. "What are you paying for gold," he demanded of the teller. Told that Armington handled that, he pushed the clerk to the floor, Colt at his head, while his companions seized the gold and currency from the vault. At that moment Armington walked in. Young inquired what price he was giving for gold — and proceeded to sell him some of the gold just removed from the vault. When the men hauled the gold-and-currency- filled carpetbags from the bank and loaded them on waiting horses outside, Young realized they would need more horses. Having already appropriated the animals from Fuller's Stable, he sent five men to the edge of town to seize any horses they could find. Up to this point the local residents had been relatively passive, partly out of shock, partly from realizing the Page 306 futility of resistance. They sheepishly obeyed the armed raiders, moving off to the green where they waited quietly under the threat of Confederate guns. But with the seizing of private horses, some resistance now began. Fuller ran into his office and grabbed his own Colt revolver. When he emerged and saw Young barking orders astride his horse, Fuller cocked his pistol, aimed at Young, and pulled the trigger, but the weapon misfired. He reloaded and aimed again, but it misfired once more, and he retreated into the stable. The town's photographer, L. A. Cross, "hearing the commotion," came out of his house to see what was happening. Noting a raider struggling with a bag loaded with gold, he called out, "What are you celebrating here, young man?" The man turned, drew his revolver, and fired. The shot passed overhead as Cross plunged back into his house. By this time the bags of gold were finally tied securely across the saddles of the stolen horses. A man from an upper window fired at Young but missed. Young whirled and fired. The man slumped across the window sill, badly wounded. From a porch a townsman's bullet just missed Hutchinson. Hutchinson's return shot hit the man in the chest. Friends helped him away, carrying him to Dutcher's Drug Store where he died just inside the door. Villagers were now fully aware that the raid was real. Long past was the sense of its being a joke. When Hutchinson's hat blew off in the wind, he collared a man near the door of the Franklin Bank and demanded his hat. When the man refused, "Hutch" cocked his pistol and aimed. The man yielded his hat as Hutchinson ordered him taken off to the green with the other prisoners. When commanded to move faster, the hatless man turned and spat out, "I'll be darned if a rebel will make me." As a final gesture Young determined to give the Yankees a taste of the medicine the Georgians had been swallowing at Sherman's hands. Forming into a "not very regular line," the raiders charged up Main Street, loosing the shrill whoop of the rebel yell and hurling bottles of "Greek fire" into windows and doorways. The American House was hit, fire racing up one side. Other buildings and houses caught fire, but quickly sputtered out. Only a woodshed was destroyed. Meanwhile, the villagers were beginning to recover from the early shock. Captain Conger of the 1st Vermont Cavalry, on leave in town, dashed about on his horse, urging men to get arms and horses, to fight back. A defense line of armed men formed at the lower end of Main Street. Observing this, Young determined it was senseless to attack it and ordered his men to get out of town fast. They rode off shouting the rebel yell over their shoulders and urging on their gold-laden horses at breakneck speed. Within ten minutes Conger, Fuller, and others made up a posse and set out in pursuit. The Confederates, well ahead of their pursuers, headed for Sheldon, eight miles along the road to the Canadian border. Here they were momentarily delayed but they succeeded in firing a hay wagon on the only bridge into town, thereby forcing Whole No. 96 The Franklin County Bank, one of three robbed by the raiders. their pursuers to alter their route. At Sheldon, too, Young ordered his band to break up into small parties and head for Canada at top speed. Back in St. Albans the local Messenger rushed into print an evening special edition, proclaiming in a masterful understatement of a headline, "St. Albans Has Been Surprised and Excited Today." The lead article reported some $170,000 stolen from the town's banks. Vermont's governor proclaimed a state of emergency and called out the Home Guard, with instructions to track down the marauders. In neighboring New York, Major General John A. Dix threatened immediate court-martial and the gallows for any rebel raider caught, as he dispatched troops northward. About 9 p.m. Young, Hutchinson, and Wallace crossed the border into Canada and headed toward Montreal. The following day they learned that seven of their comrades had been captured near Stanbridge just inside Canadian territory. Young decided to give himself up and over Hutchinson's protests turned his horse south toward the United States border. Stopping at a Canadian farmhouse that evening, Young paid the owner $5 for room and food for himself and his horse. After dinner as Young lazed before the kitchen fire, Conger's posse rushed in and had Young surrounded with pointing pistols before he could rise. Young's protests that this was violating British neutrality were brushed aside. Captain Conger later testified that he had his hands full restraining his men from hanging Young on the spot. Finally they tossed him, rope around his neck, into a wagon escorted by horsemen aiming pistols and riding alongside the wagon. Through the dark they started on the road leading to the Vermont line. Conger, who by himself was driving the wagon, turned to shout commands to his men. Young threw himself forward, Paper Money knocked Conger from the driver's seat to the floor, and grabbed the reins, wheeling the wagon around. Under the crack of the whip, the horses surged forward. The First National Bank, showing the encounter between Mr. Blaisdell and a raider. At length, under United States Government pressure the trial was resumed. If the raid were held a felony, the raiders would be returned and tried in the United States. On the morning the proceedings resumed, Young and his men were sitting at the defense table. Heads swung Page 307 about to observe a commotion at the entrance. In walked the Kentucky widow. She delivered a large envelope to the defense table. In it were copies of orders from Confederate officials authorizing the raid. Two days later Cameron brought duplicate documents provided him by Confederate Secretary of War James A. Seddon and Secretary of State Judah Benjamin. No document mentioned St. Albans, but one order directed Young to "collect twenty escaped Confederate prisoners [of war] and execute such enterprises as may be indicated to you," the twenty men to be entitled to pay, rations, clothing, and transportation at government expense. Other orders indicated that Young was "under the direction of the Confederate War Department" and that he would be "reporting to Mssrs. Clay and Thompson." The case for the rebel raiders brightened markedly. While awaiting conclusion of the trial, Young and his followers were held in a cell, the converted parlor and rooms of Guillaume Lamothe, Montreal's chief of police. Here Young, entertaining many curious visitors, was said to be "amusing and gay." During the trial Young wrote many letters. Among them, one went to the editor of the St. Albans Messenger enclosing $3 for a subscription to the paper and saying, "I am extremely sorry I cannot visit your town to subscribe to your valuable journal in person. My present business in Montreal prevents my coming. Please address me care of the Montreal jail." A Messenger editorial commented, "We fear the $3 bill did not come into Young's possession honestly," but copies of the paper were forwarded anyway. A Young communication also went to the Tremont Hotel proprietor: "I regret that I neglected to settle my Raiders herding citizen prisoners onto the village green. Z1'11111111111,1 111111111 111111,L Page 308 hotel bill. Nevertheless, I am enclosing $5 drawn on the Bank of St. Albans. Please tender my regards to Mr. Bishop [teller of the robbed bank] in hopes that he still bears faith and allegiance to the Confederate States of America, which he solemnly swore to do." Later in the same letter he asked about a "ruffled shirt" he "left behind" and "a flask of Old Rifle Whiskey, which we intended to use in case our ammunition was all used up." And in closing he wished to be remembered to "the lady next door whose good opinion I had the fortune to win on account of our theological proclivities. Make to her your best bow...." The proceedings drew to a close. Presiding Judge Charles J. Coursol held the raid was "a hostile expedition by the Confederate States against the United States" and not a felony, and therefore not extraditable under the existing treaty. The raiders were ordered released, but were immediately rearrested for formally violating Canada's neutrality. Within three weeks they were found not guilty and finally and fully freed. By this time it was spring 1865. The fighting war was over. Lincoln lay dead of an assassin's bullet. Secretary of War Stanton issued a warrant for the arrest of all raiders as bandits while calling for them to return and stand trial. E. J. Morrison, shot in front of Miss Beattie's Shop, died as he was carried into Dutcher's Drug Store. He was the raid's sole fatality. Within moments the horsemen caught up, firing wildly, and pulled the wagon to a stop. Young attempted to leap down but was seized by the pursuers, who wrestled him to the ground and began pummeling him mercilessly. Suddenly, a voice in the dark cried out in a sharp British accent, "Here, here, what is this all about?" It turned out to be a British major, who, perceiving that Young was a Confederate lieutenant, insisted on taking the raider into his own custody. To still the clamoring protests, the major informed the Americans that already seven raiders were being held by the authorities at nearby Stanbridge. He would take Young there, and all would be escorted back across the Whole No. 96 border to St. Albans the following day. Grumbling, the Vermonters yielded. Young went off with the officer to the military quar- ters at Philipsburg where he joined the already captured members of his band. The Confederates found the British officers sympathetic to their plight. They were not sent back. Instead on November 5 they were taken to Montreal. Here a few days later an extradition hearing began. Young and his men were defended by one of Canada's ablest attorneys, J. G. K. Houghton, who won a thirty-day postponement. The extradition proceedings against "Lt. Bennett H. Young and Command" as reported in the 420-page transcript provide absorbing reading. The Confederate Commissioners' office in Canada provided vigorous support. George N. Sanders, agent attached to the Commissioners, who had originated the whole scheme, bustled about in the court. It was Sanders who engaged defense attorney Houghton, Sanders who testified at length. He asserted that Commissioner Clay had approved the raid, even produced a letter from Clay to Young saying, "... for a raid on accessible towns in Vermont commencing with St. Albans ... you are authorized and required to act ...." Sanders, as suggested earlier, had probably forged Clay's signature to this document, but Clay had long since departed for home and was unavailable to testify. But Sanders swore that "Clay gave him (Young) $400 to burn the town and sack the banks — the checks had been drawn on Clay's personal account and signed at his private residence at St. Catherine's, Canada." The question that the magistrate had to decide was whether the raid was an officially approved military action or a criminal felony of robbery and arson (the latter was extraditable under the Webster - Ashburton Treaty). The defense contended that the Richmond Government had given official approval, but it had no proof. In order to have time to secure evidence, a postponement was authorized. Several Southerners residing in Canada volunteered to go to Richmond to bring back the official documents — Lieutenant Sam D. Davis of Kentucky, the Reverend Stephen Cameron, a Virginia army chaplain, and a young Kentucky widow, whose name we do not know. Commissioner Jacob Thompson's request to send a messenger to Richmond under a flag of truce was rebuffed by Washington. Lieutenant Davis was later reported arrested by Federal detectives and wound up in Fort Lafayette in New York. Weeks passed without word from the chaplain or the widow. Young stayed on in Canada, studying law there for a time. The postwar sequel offers a fascinating follow-up. In time he returned home to Kentucky, although Vermont's governor threatened extradition for trial in his state. Over the years Young's fortunes prospered. In time he became president of the Monon Railroad operating between Louisville and Chicago, still later president of the Louisville Southern Railroad and the Kentucky and Paper Money Indiana Bridge Company. In addition to railroading and practicing law, Young became a public orator of renown. in great demand for public ceremonial occasions. As president of the Confederate Veterans Association he delivered the dedication address at Arlington Cemetery in 1914. In time he turned to writing and produced a collection of exciting stories on the Civil War entitled Confederate Wizards of the Saddle, but unfortunately included nothing on his own Vermont raid. In 1904, as part of an historical celebration, the state of Vermont decided to include a re-enactment of the St. Albans raid. An invitation to participate was accepted by Young, and he looked forward to leading a mock raid in person. But the national GAR raised objections to the old Rebel raider and wired Vermont's govenor to cancel the affair as having "aspects of a commercial proposition." Gracefully but clearly with regret Young rushed word to Vermont that his business would make it impossible for him to participate. Shortly before the United States entered World War I, Young died and was given the traditional cavalryman's funeral, with riderless horse, empty boots turned backward in the stirrups, muffled drums. As a Civil War horseman who carried military operations to the northernmost point in the war, Young would have liked that. Page 309 The raiders firing the bridge to delay the posse at Sheldon Creek. Professor of history at the California State University, Los Angeles, Dauid Lindsey is a frequent contributor to the pages of AIJI. For in- depth exploration of his topic, he recommends James D. Horan's Confederate Agent (1954), and Philip Van Doren Stern's edition of Secret Missions of the Civil War (1959). Some of the captured raiders pose for their picture in the jail office in Montreal. Left to right, standing: Rev. Cameron, George Scott, and Turner Teavis; seated: William Hutchinson, Saunders (an organizer of the raid but not a participant), and the leader of the raid, Bennett H. Young. (Courtesy Robert P. Ashley) Page 310 Whole No. 96 INTERESTING NOTES 'BOUT INTERESTING NOTES ©1981 Roger H. Durand 30=X1=41C=4 =X 101 k=184==4 /00=4 So=4 504 11=11=4 lo=4 =X 14=p1M=XIC= t=4$4=111.04 1=4 14=1 WEBSTER AND CALHOUN IN A LIBRARY Title of The Vignette The title of this magnificent vignette is "Webster and Calhoun in a library," according to Wismer's descriptive listings of the obsolete notes of the state of Ohio. The vignette has the same title according to the Descriptive Register of Genuine Bank Notes by Gwynne and Day published in 1862. The accuracy of a vignette such as this in portraying history can be appreciated when one reads a verbal description of the same or a similar event and compares the two. The following quote from The Oxford History of the American People by Samuel Eliot Morison exemplifies my point: "Imagine, then, the small semicircular senate chamber in the Capitol, the gallery and every bit of floor space behind the desks of the forty-eight senators packed with visitors; Vice-President Calhoun in the chair, his handsome, mobile face gazing into that of the orator, and reflecting every point; Daniel Webster, in bluetailed coat with brass buttons and buff waistcoat getting under way slowly and deliberately like a man-of-war, then clapping on sail after sail until he moved with seemingly effortless speed and power. Hour after hour the speech flowed on, always in good taste and temper, relieving the high tone and tension with a happy allusion or turn of phrase that provoked laughter, thrilling his audience with rich imagery, crushing his opponents with a barrage of facts, passing from defense of his state and section to a devastating criticism of the `South Carolina doctrine', and concluding with an immortal peroration of the Union." The library, most likely the Library of Congress used as a background for the setting of the two powerful figures, was the source for the research of the various laws that these two debated on the floor of the senate. To better understand the importance of these debates, a little background information on the two principals involved is included in this article. Daniel Webster The famous orator Daniel Webster was born at Salisbury, New Hampshire on January 18, 1782. He studied law. graduated from Dartmouth in 1801, was admitted to the bar in Boston, Massachusetts in 1805, and opened an office in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1807. He always combined law and politics during his career and in 1812 was elected to the national House of Representatives as a Federalist. He served from 1813 to 1818. His talent as an orator soon became apparent to anyone who chose to debate him on the floor. He decided to move to Boston in 1816; this resulted in the loss of his congressional seat after March 4, 1817. From 1823 to 1827, he was a member of the national House of Representatives from Massachusetts and from 1827 to 1841, he was a United States Senator. Originally elected as a Federalist, he became a National Republican during the administration of John Quincy Adams. In 1833, he became affiliated with the Whig party and remained loyal to them until his death. In 1836, Webster received the electoral vote of Massachusetts for the Presidency in a campaign with several Whig Paver Money candidates but was defeated by the Democrat candidate, Martin Van Buren. He served as Secretary of State from 1841 to 1843. In 1845, he again was elected to the senate. President Millard Fillmore again appointed Webster Secretary of State in 1850. Daniel Webster died at Marshfield, Massachusetts on October 24, 1852. John Caldwell Calhoun John C. Calhoun, the famous American statesman, was born in Abbeville district, South Carolina on March 18, 1782. He graduated from Yale in 1804. He studied law at Litchfield, Connecticut and was admitted to the bar at Charleston, South Carolina. Wealth obtained through marriage allowed him to devote himself to politics. In 1807, he was elected to the South Carolina legislature. In 1810, he was elected to the national House of Representatives and served in that body until 1817. He was appointed Secretary of War in the Monroe cabinet from 1817 to 1824 when he was elected Vice- President of the United States and reelected again in 1828 on the ticket with Andrew Jackson. When Robert Y. Hayne resigned from the United States Senate to assume the governorship of South Carolina, Calhoun resigned his Vice-Presidency to take Hayne's place in the Senate in order to be in a position to better defend the state of South Carolina from the floor. From 1832 until his death on March 31, 1850, John C. Calhoun was recognzied as the spokesman of the South. The last words he uttered were reported to have been, "The South, the poor South." The Great Debate A new tariff bill was signed by President Jackson in 1832 placing high duties on iron and textiles to which the state of South Carolina took exception. The legislature of South Carolina summoned a convention on November 24, 1832, which declared in the name of the sovereign people of South Carolina that the tariff act was "unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States, null, void, and no law, nor binding upon this State, its officers or citizens." This ordinance forbade the federal government from collecting duties and threatened secession if the federal government attempted to use force. The House Ways and Means committee lowered the duties, thereby avoiding the secession of South Carolina from the Union at least for the time being. On the Senate floor, Webster debated the question of states rights with the masterful Calhoun. Webster was hailed by the Northerners as having exposed the southern "compact theory" of government. His arguments were unconvincing to the Southerners. Meanwhile, Calhoun maintained that his political philosophy was not assaulting the Constitution but a defense of its original form. Naturally with two great orators such as these, neither would convince the other or his followers of his point of view. History records his debate as one of the great debates of all time. It surely is justified as an illustration on a bank note. About The Note The Forest City Bank of Cleveland, Ohio had only a small issue of notes with just four different Page 311 denominations. This five dollar bill is the only note with a historical vignette. It is a proof note imprinted by Bald, Cousland & Co. Philada., and Bald, Adams & Co., New York. The lazy five is a red protector. I have never seen a circulated note from this issue. The vignette is also found on at least one other Ohio note. The plate letter "B" indicates at least two impressions of this note were made from this plate. References: The Oxford History of the American People, by Samuel Eliot Morison, New York, Oxford University Press, 1965. The National Encyclopedia, New York, P. F. Collier & Son Corporation, 1944. National Bank Note Errors from the collection of William F. Reulbach Mismatched Serial Number $5 National Currency 1929 Jones/ Wood; The Millikin National Bank of Decatur. Type 1: F-1800-1 (Charter 5089) Serial number left: C000001A; right, C001001A. Grinnell never owned a numbering error on a 1929 National Bank Note. Inverted Overprint 1929 New York National $5 National Currency 1929, Liberty National Bank and Trust Company in New York (Charter 12352). Type 1. Inverted overprint (seal and serial number D013934A). Page 312 Whole No. 96 Forming a Type For the Collection of U. S. Newer Collector Paper Currency by Paul H. Johansen, ANA 23319, SPMC 3715 As a continuing collector of stamps, coins and syngraphics, I have been gratified to see the sharply increasing interest in the last-mentioned hobby, collecting paper currency. It is true that a limited supply, particularly in the large size notes, serves to fix the depth and degree of completeness of such a collection; nevertheless there are avenues in the various classifications which lend themselves to creating a very decent showing. Use of Type Terms U. S. Treasury issues, mid-1861 and after, fall into classes dependent upon their purpose, and separate by denomination, portrait, scene or allegory; seals by size, shape, color or position on the face of the note; federal or bank or district identification; a change in the color of serial numbers, if there be a change; the wording of inscription or obligation; the presence of counterfeiting or convertible references; and overprinting imparting particular significance. Such criteria fix separate, recognizable types. Classes, referred to above, clearly separate the different notes, i.e., Legal Tender, Silver and Gold Certificates, National Bank Notes (National Currency), Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Reserve Notes, and Coin (Treasury) Notes. Other classes are encountered less often. Features Not in Themselves Fixing Separate Types A listing of differences safely to be ignored as fixing type are: Serial numbers, prefixes, suffixes, combinations or placement upon the face of the note. Series dates or suffixed letters. Differing federal banks or districts or their accompanying numbers or letters. This does not exclude, however, change from number to letter in the early (1928) small currency issues. Place of payment on early large notes, such as "Washing- ton", "New York", etc. National banks by name, town, city or state. Signatures or signature combinations. Some of these exclusions do coincide with changes, face or back, that do provide a separate type; however, that is but coincidental. Error notes, too, are excluded because they do not represent a government emission consciously prepared and intended for general circulation. Basic Books Come First Risking "one-note" repetition, again I advance the slogan that "books come first". Books deliver widened horizons and stimulate understanding and enjoyment. So, first those considered essential, then a second list of those desirable additions that will broaden one's developing interests; Friedberg's Paper Money of the United States (10th ed., 1981) Hessler's U. S. Paper Money (1981) Hewitt-Donlon U. S. Small Size Paper Money (1979) Kagin-Donlon U. S. Large Size Paper Money (1979) Shafers' Modern U. S. Currency (1980) Coin World Almanac (1978, chapter nine) Specialized Additions: Huntoon/Van Belkum/Warns National Bank Note Issues 1929-1935; Lloyd's National Bank, Federal Reserve Bank, and Federal Reserve Bank Notes 1928-1950; Ramsay & Polito's National Banks of the U. S. 1863-1935 (this is a gem); and Van Belkum's National Banks of the Note Issuing Period 1863-1935 (this is another valuable little book). Current Number of Types Relying on the definitions and exclusions, there follows a listing of classes, then types of large and small sizes. It can serve as the foundation for a collection whose limits are entirely the whim of the collector. Collecting is governed by the personality, interests, and financial capability of the individual. First, the classes: CCD — Currency Certificates of Deposit CIN — Compound Interest Note CN — Coin Note. (Also known as "Treasury Note" but this terminology is avoided because it identifies the earliest Legal Tenders, too.) DN — Demand Note FRBN — Federal Reserve Bank Note FRN — Federal Reserve Note GC — Gold Certificate IBN — Interest-bearing Note Paper Money LT — Legal Tender. (Earliest issues designated "Treasury Note" and later ones described as "United States Note". See CN above.) NBN — National Bank Note. (Obverse often carried the designation "National Currency--.) NGBN — National Gold Bank Note. (California banks only) RC — Refunding Certificate SC — Silver Certificate We now identify the type distribution among the classes and face values of all U. S. paper currenty mid- 1861 to date: Page 313 Some collecting seems to provide a special aura of pleasure: Legal Tender — The 1869 series, $1 - $20, is known as the "Rainbow" series and is particularly beautiful; it is often put into sets. As an addition or an alternative, the 1880 series is worth a try. One of such displays a mammoth brown seal that is most attractive. The $10 "Bison" of 1901 is most sought-after. The $10 single- year of Jackson displays a face and back that is a high- water mark of such an issue. Class Participation $1 - $100,000 Class: L - Large S - Small CCD 1 -L Dollar types 2 5 10 20 50 100 Thousand $ types 500 1M 5M 10M 100M 1 1 CIN - L 1 1 1 1 1 1 CN -L 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 DN -L 2 2 2 FRBN - L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -S 1 1 1 1 1 FRN - L 2 2 2 2 2 -S 2 1 7 7 8 6 6 2 2 2 1 GC -L 2 7 6 7 4 8 5 2 -S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 IBN - L 1 1 5 5 5 5 2 1 LT -L 9 8 10 11 9 8 8 8 8 1 1 -S 1 4 4 1 NBN -L 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 -S 2 2 2 2 2 NGBN - L 1 1 1 1 1 1 RC - L 2 SC -L 8 6 9 10 9 6 5 2 3 - S 10 3 4 TOTAL 413 36 25 53 59 56 49 50 27 33 13 11 1 Types To the total of 413 types there may be added 33 types of Fractional Currency. It consisted of five issues, 3c through 50c, which prevailed as small change during the Civil War and for some time thereafter, 1862-1876, when coin literally disappeared. Suggestions for a Pattern of U. S. Type Collecting As a practical matter the higher denominations of currency have little meaning, for much of it has been retired by the Treasury, is viewable only in museums, or has vanished completely. The following suggestions offer approaches to some of the solid satisfactions in currency collecting within these structures: The $1 through $20 large currency, very fine or better, is especially attractive. Should you be interested in small currency, it would be well to seek out CU, crisp uncirculated. It is true that lesser conditions are available; however, the widening spread in values later may make you regret having made the current saving. Silver Certificates — The "Educational" notes of 1896, $1, $2, and $5, are considered some of the most attractive, not only of Silver Certificates but of all notes. A most interesting and attractive Sioux Indian graces the $5 of 1899. Another in demand is the $5 Lincoln "Porthole", a single year type of 1923. Coin Notes (or Treasury) — As an outstanding set of examples of workmanship, 1890-1891, look in on these pairs that are superb. National Bank Notes — As types only, Nationals began with First Charter, 1865, and ran to 1929 large, then continue on to the small size to 1935. Of special (Continued On Page 314) SOCTRED tIVI3R131%"111.D814.44•11 ,,. as!: rit•!!:r Page 314 Whole No. 96 Large Size Montana Nationals by Milton M. Sloan, SPMC 2439 Fifteen years of recording known Montana Nationals should now provide a reasonable basis to present some statistics regarding notes from this state. The total issue of large Montana Nationals was well over four million notes and this writer now has individual data on 405 known notes which indicates a survival rate of approximately one note for each 10,433 issued. The accompanying tables provide the above- mentioned statistics and it will be left up to the individual reader for his or her own interpretation. Type Collection (Continued From Page 313) beauty and attractiveness is the First Issue, Second Charter period, 1882.1922, the so-called "Brown Back", an issue replete with copies of historical paintings. Gold Certificates — At the turn of the century we have beautiful examples, the $10 Hillegas and the $20 Washington. The earliest of the latter goes by the name "Technicolor" note and truly it is. It now is, however, reaching a very high level if you see it in CU. Small Size Notes — Last, we reach the small size notes, 1928 and later. In general these are much less expensive but they cannot engender the interest that the more colorful, large size notes that preceded them do. Plainer in workmanship and color, they lack the flair. With that comment I shall leave it. Summary Drawing off now, you can no doubt see the outer boundaries of the classes and give thought to a hunt that will catch and preserve your interest. If so, that was my objective in writing this article. During the past year, the most interesting happenings concerning Montana notes, in my view, have been the doubling of known 2CP Denomination Backs from two to four notes and the surfacing of a $10 First Charter Series of 1875, state from the Northwestern National Bank of Great Falls, CN 2476. To date, I have not heard of another note with that bank title. The Denomination Back notes arrived on the scene via the auction route with one from NASCA the latter half of 1980 and the other from Hickman & Oakes June, 1981 auction. Both were better grade notes and on the National Bank of Montana, Helena CN 5671. This bank was one of two issuing Montana Denominational Backs, the other being the First National of Chinook of which there is one note known. The Northwestern Bank of Great Falls was originally chartered as the First National Bank of Fort Benton, Montana Territory on May 14, 1880. The title and location were changed on April 15, 1891, closed on February 5, 1897, and finally placed in receivership on March 6, 1897. It should be noted that all the bank creditors were paid in full by owners of the bank — the Conrad brothers who had already established further banking interests in Kalispell as well as other Montana locations. My sincere thanks and appreciation to the many dealers, collectors, bankers and individuals who have provided much of the information presented. The information is current to July 1, 1981. For those willing to furnish any information on known large or small Montana Nationals, please contact me at 1013 E. 7th St., Whitefish, MT 59937. REFERENCE Van Belkum, Louis, National Bank Data for Montana. Paper Money Page 315 TABLE I LARGE SIZE MONTANA NATIONALS AS ISSUED BY TYPE & DENOMINATION 1875 1875 Terr. 2CP 2CP 2CP 3CP 3CP 3CP Total Orig. Terr. State BB State Dates Value Red Dates Plain Notes % of Total BB Back Seal Issued Issued byDen. Denom. 1 11,100 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI 11,100 .26 2 3,700 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI 3,700 .09 5 57,700 76,536 7,856 57,396 160,728 49,428 NI 37,700 229,800 644,272 1,321,416 31.27 10 4,290 27,162 25,413 22,290 287,960 123,045 21,402 69,323 491,062 1,098,939 2,170,886 51.38 20 2,430 9,054 8,471 7,430 94,680 41,015 7,134 22,541 154,054 337,965 684,774 16.21 50 390 67 NI 381 3,210 10,024 NI 523 1,167 5,799 21,561 .51 100 390 67 NI 381 3.210 4,208 NI 523 1,167 1,933 11,879 .28 Ttl 80,000 112,886 41,740 87,878 549,788 227,720 28,536 130,610 877,250 2,088,908 4,225,316 100.00 % of Total Issue by type 1.89 2.67 0.99 2.08 13.01 5.39 0.68 3.09 20.76 49.44 Total % 100.00 TABLE II LARGE SIZE MONTANA NATIONALS KNOWN TO THIS WRITER Denom. Orig. 1875 1875 Terr. 2CP 2CP 2CP 3CP 3CP 3CP Total % of Terr. State BB State Dates Value Red Dates Plain Notes Total BB Back Seal Known To Known by Writer Denom. 1 10 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI 10 2.47 2 1 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI 1 .25 5 3 6 1 6 6 2 NI 1 10 62 96 23..95 10 0 0 2 3 13 7 2 2 19 128 172 43.46 20 0 0 2 0 7 8 2 2 15 69 101 25.92 50 0 0 NI 0 1 8 NI 0 1 3 13 3.21 100 0 0 NI 0 2 0 NI 0 0 1 3 .74 Ttl 14 6 5 9 29 25 4 5 45 263 405 100 % of Total Known by type 3.47 1.48 1.23 2.22 7.16 6.17 .99 1.23 11.11 64.94 Total % TABLE III Note Survival Rate by Denomination DENOMINATION KNOWN ISSUED 100.00 $1 1 per 1,110 2 1 per 3,700 5 1 per 13,765 TABLE IV 10 1 per 12,621 20 50 100 1 per 1 per 1 per 6,780 1,659 3,960 TOWNS ISSUING LARGE SIZE NOTES TOWNS REPRESENTED BY KNOWN NOTES TOWNS NOT REPRESENTED 75 52 - 69% 23 - 31% Note Survival Rate by Type LARGE SIZE NOTE ISSUING BANKS 120 TYPE KNOWN ISSUED BANKS REPRESENTED BY KNOWN NOTES 77 - 64% Original 1 per 5,714 BANKS NOT REPRESENTED 43 - 36% 1875 Terr. 1 per 18,814 1875 State 1 per 8,348 BB Terr. 1 per 9,764 BB State 1 per 18,924 2CP Dates 1 per 9,109 2CP Value 1 per 7,134 3CP Red 1 per 26,122 3CP Dates 1 per 19,494 3CP Plain 1 per 7,943 Page 316 weRip [,-;::. I MIS 1111111111111 IMMIX/ NNI 'A/ 1928 to Date At first acquaintance these are confusing, but are soon made easy by the first illustrated catalogue - Stanley Gibbons "Collect British Banknotes". This shows all the main types and some of the varieties. There are two ways to tackle the acquisition of a definitive English collection. 1. Type Face Collecting. This means acquiring one of every note which differs in size, colour, signature or denomination. This is best done by reference, in the first instance, to the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue. Bank of England notes are identified by prefix, that is the combination of letters and numbers preceding the main serial number, e. g. LNoNo equals Letter Number Number, e. g. A01. The complete list of prefixes and varieties of the Bank of England series of one pound and ten shilling notes since 1928 you will find set out on these tables taken from the collection held by David Keable for collectors' reference. You will notice that on the pounds table most main series start with "A" or "A" in combination. On the ten shilling table notice that the main series of the Britannia notes start with "Z" save for the presentation inaugural issue A01 and where a change of cashier produces a linking prefix. The portrait series (1960) starts with A01 as the first prefix of issue. 2. First and Last Collection. Here the collector will seek to acquire the first and the last prefix of issue of every signature change. Such a collection will, of course, include all the scarce linking notes. These occur where the Chief Cashier retires and a new signatory appears; then scarce varieties show (these are called linking prefixes). See H30 Mahon linking at around H33 to Catterns. You may assume that "H" Catterns was issued to H99; thus "H" Mahon is a scarce and desirable note, sharing only one third of the issue of 100 million. Replacement Notes are high desirables to a first and last collector. These are the notes put in the batches by the Inspector when a faulty note is found. They are scarce and are all linking notes; see M - 01/18 O'Brien to M - 56/80 Fforde on the ten shilling table. For some of the earlier series the notes themselves in any prefix are so scarce that the replacement notes have yet to be identified positively. Such a one is the ten shilling Peppiatt LNoNo, A01 - 99. Whole No. 96 The English Series One Pound and Ten Shillings by David Keable A First and Last Collector would wish to include every prefix of "G" note in his collection; see the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue in the first instance. Otherwise you will find all known "G" notes noted on the issue chart. These were printed on the experimental Goebbels machine and the letter "G" will be found inset on the reverse at the bottom over Bank of England. The scarcest modern note of all is the well - known "R" research note. This carries a small "R" on the reverse in the same position as the "G". It has been recorded only from AO1N - AO6N. Linking to it (see under Hollom) is the first "G" Note A - 01/99N "G" Hollom. The "G" series itself produced a very scarce variety. The replacement "G"; see M - 01/28N "G" Hollom, linking to M - 29/34N "G" Fforde. Notched Notes Collectors often puzzle over what seem to be clipped corners on white $5 notes and notches on other values. The corners are not clipped at all but moulded into the paper and this you can prove to yourself by examining with a magnifying glass. The same applies to the notches. Strange theories abound, particularly amongst bankers, as to the purpose of the corners and notches. The eminent researcher in the English series, Ernest Quarmby, gives you his view of it: "The notches were simply a means of ensuring the sheets were placed the correct way round in the printing press. Prior to 1850 much energy had been expended by the note printers in checking the orientation of the sheets prior to printing since you will realize there are four ways of printing a note relative to the watermark. $5 note sheets had a clipped corner and three positions were used for each denomination to £10, £20 and £50. I suppose that sheets for higher denominations were less frequently required and hand checking was done. Since the notch only appears on the right - hand note of each pair this accounts for its absence on some specimens." German Notgeld Designed by Heinz Schiestl Just come to hand is member Dwight Musser's Notgeld Newsletter No. 13 dated October 1981. The (Continued On Page 317) 11 Paper Money THE PAPER COLUMN by Peter Huntoon Stars Among the Dust Every once in a while you stumble onto something that makes you glad you got out of bed that particular morning. June 25th, 1981, was such a day. Bill Raymond and I have made it a ritual to go to Washington, DC each year following the Memphis show. Each of us has various ongoing research projects and the Memphis show brings us so close to DC that we use it as a good excuse to travel a bit farther and dig into history a little. This year, it was my desire to track down whatever I could on my two favorite small size $5 back plates - those with back check numbers 629 and 637. This meant a trip to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, whereupon we met with a gentlemen named A. Abad. He immediately took us up to a sweltering room in the attic of the Bureau Annex where some historic records are in temporary storage. The Find The three of us prowled around to see what we could find. I looked over a couple piles of stately ledgers on one cart and found little of interest there. There were rows and rows of shelved neat boxes, each with a label of its contents, but none looked particularly interesting either. However, high on one shelf, in back of some heating pipes, were some dust covered ledgers of varying ages and sizes. These were obviously odds and ends - the type of things that didn't fit neatly anyplace else. These were sort of like the stuff you always end up with after you have tried to clean off your desk! As I reached high to get some books down, I felt on the very top - but out of sight - a thin, cloth - bound notebook. This came down with the others and was the last item lost on this particular pile. It was a school - type blue notebook with lined pages. None of the other ledgers had anything to do with currency, but when Raymond and I opened this little book we feasted our eyes on a heretofore unxnown record of all printings for the Series of 1929 Federal Reserve Bank stars! It became quickly apparent that this record was complete. Mr. Abad, sensing our excitement, took us to his office where we located a copy of O'Donnell's catalog. We found that there were no official serial ranges for the 1929 stars, so we had indeed stumbled onto a little gem among the dust. I busied myself with a photocopy machine! Page 317 A very scarce Series of 1929 star note from Minneapolis. Photo courtesy of Dr. Bernard Schaff, star note specialist. Contents Table 1 synthesizes the contents of the little blue book. Table 2 shows a transcript of a sample page. All the data in the book are handwritten. Most serial numbering press runs for these stars began in March, 1933. The first was on March 10, 1933, for $10 New York stars, serials B00000001* - B00012000*. The last stars in the series were printed on January 2, 1934, and that printing consisted of $5 Kansas City stars J00036001* - J00048000*. Stars were produced only for those districts which are known to have issued notes. You can verify this if you will compare the entries in Table 1 with the listings of regular notes in O'Donnell. The big question yet remains - how many of the stars actually reached circulation? There are no records of World Scene (Continued From Page 316) nine-page mimeographed bulletin consists mainly of a translation by David Block of the article "Special notice of emergency money notes by Heinz Schiestl" written, by K. Borges for Der Notgeldmarkt of June 1, 1922. A short introduction orients the reader to the importance of Schiestl, one of the most prolific and popular designers of notgeld. The Wuerzburg sculptor and commercial artist was known for his tasteful designs that featured heroic figures, heraldic emblems, architecture, and plant life. Musser believes that his style revealed the German psyche of the immediate post-war era. The bulletin concludes with a trial checklist of Schiestl notes which appeared up to the spring of 1922 plus several illustrations. With this information, the collector can go forward with a specialized study of this designer's notgeld plus those which were fraudently attributed to them. The Newsletter No. 13 is available for $2.00 postpaid from Dwight Musser, Box 305, Ridge Manor, FL 33525. Page 318 Whole No. 96 actual usage. I found it significant that some known Kansas City $100 stars are in the high 11,000 range which is very close to the end (J00012000*). See O'Donnell, 6th edition, page 208, for $100 J00011679*. However, there is no reason to believe that the stars were used in serial order. They could have been used rather randomly with large intervening unused gaps. stars away years ago for a pittance. For those of you who keep track of such things, I had the following: $20 H00001863* fine, $50 B00004324 5 vf, $50 J00003382* vf, and $100 J00011721* vf - xf. You will see from Table 1 that the Kansas City $100 is only 279 notes from the end of its printing. Incidentally, I sold that note for $115. CORRECTION Regardless, those of you who enjoy the Series of 1929 Federal Reserve Bank Notes now have some definitive data to work with, so have fun. Thanks go to Bernard Schaaf for supplying the photo used here. Your author, bright fellow that he is, sold or traded all his 1929 FRBN Those press room gremlins struck again! They switched the photos for Joseph McEvoy and Lloyd Henning in Huntoon's article on the First National Bank of Holbrook. This appeared in the July-August, 1981, issue of Paper Money. Table 1. Series of 1929 Federal Reserve Bank Note stars printed. Printings all began with 00000001 and ended with the number listed here with no gaps. District $5 $10 $20 $50 $100 Boston 36,000 24,000 24,000 none none New York 24,000 76,000 24,000 24,000 12,000 Philadelphia 36,000 24,000 24,000 none none Cleveland 60,000 36,000 24,000 12,000 12,000 Richmond none 24,000 24,000 none 36,000 Atlanta 24,000 36,000 8,000 none none Chicago 84,000 12,000 12,000 4,000 12,000 St. Louis 24,000 36,000 24,000 none none Minneapolis 24,000 24,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Kansas City 48,000 36,000 24,000 12,000 12,000 Dallas 24,000 12,000 24,000 12,000 12,000 San Francisco 24,000 36,000 24,000 12,000 none Table 2. Typical page from the 1929 star note record book. Fed. Res. Bank Notes - Natl. Currency 10 New York 12 Subjects Series 1929 Special Press Sheets Mar. 10, 1933 17 B00000001*-B 00012000* 1000 Mar. 13, 1933 1 00012001 - 00024000 1000 Sept. 29, 1933 1 00024001 - 00060000 3000 Oct. 10, 1933 1 00060001 - 00072000 1000 Oct. 10, 1933 1 00072001 - 00076000 333 1/3 Kudos for a PM Advertiser (The following unsolicited letter to the Editor was received recently:) Dear Ms. Mueller: I had a very pleasant surprise recently regarding one of your advertisers (and a fellow SPMC member), and I wanted to share it with your readers. I've been collecting currency for about two years. About a year ago, I became interested in National Bank Notes, particularly those issued by St. Louis banks. All I had for a reference was the listing in the back of the Friedberg book. Last month, I decided to write to 15 of your advertisers. I sent a want list of some 38 banks and asked to be added to the mail- ing lists of these firms and individuals. I also asked for any information they cared to pass along concerning these banks and their notes. Hal Griemann, of Mid American Currency in Denver, sent me his firm's current catalog, an informative review of the ANA and Memphis shows, and a 12-page, handwritten breakdown of all the banks I'm seeking, and their issues! This had to represent at least an hour or two of his time and research. To top it all off, his firm doesn't have a single note I need in stock. He was just being helpful. Needless to say, I'm very pleased. If all neophyte collectors get this kind of assistance, the currency-collecting hobby has a great future. Thanks again, Hal. Sincerely, Bob Cochran St. Louis, MO Paper Money Page 319 Suffolk System Aided Bank Note Circulation (The following article originally appeared in LANDMARK '76, Vol. 3, No. 2, an occasional publication of The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston during the Bicentennial era. No further dating is given. The editor was Mary Jane Coyle; no author's name given.) When a purchase is made in an American store today, payment may be by check, credit cards, or coin and currency issued by the federal government. In early 19th century America, however, some purchases might have been made with specie (gold and silver coin), some might have been made by credit, and some purchases (in the cities) might have been made using personal checks, but many purchases were made using "bank notes" — currency backed by specie and convertible into specie. Bank notes, which passed as money, were issued by banks empowered by the state which chartered them to produce these notes. City bankers in Boston, however, disliked bank notes issued by "country banks" — that is, banks outside of Courtesy of Baker Library, Harvard Business School William Lawrence, founder of the first incorporated company to manufacture woolen goods in New England, was familiar with 19th century currency problems. As a director of the Suffolk Bank, Lawrence, along with bank director John A. Lowell, wrote the letter inviting Boston banks to start the Suffolk System. Boston. They distrusted them and wanted their own city bank notes to circulate instead of country bank notes. In 1824, seven Boston banks joined together to deal with the problem of country bank notes. The system which they formed, the Suffolk System, lasted for over 30 years, and is credited with bringing about a stabilization of currency which was unequalled in any other region of the country. And a stable currency helped smooth the way for the expansion of New England's commerce and industry. Before the founding of the Suffolk System, country bank notes caused difficulties for city businessmen and bankers. Bank notes, backed by specie, were acceptable as long as people were confident of being able to redeem the notes or confident that someone else would accept the notes in payment of debt. But Bostonians were not confident about these country bank notes — especially notes issued by banks outside of Massachusetts. There was confusion about which notes were acceptable. Often notes were only acceptable at less than their face value. Such problems could only hinder commerce. As far back as 1799, a committee of the Massachusetts Bank, the Union Bank, and the Boston branch of the Bank of the United States was discussing on what terms the banks should accept country bank notes. Four years later, they were working together to send the country bank notes back to the country banks for redemption — in other words, to give the notes back to the bank, demanding specie in return. But sending the notes back was costly and inconvenient, and so the Boston banks finally refused to take any country bank notes at all. Meanwhile, money brokers in the city began to make profits exchanging country money. The broker would purchase the country money at a discount (that is, at less than its face value) and would then return the note to the country bank which issued it, demanding specie at the note's full face value. By 1810, the Boston bankers were noticing a curious phenomenon. Their city bank notes weren't circulating very well at all. Because of the uncertainty associated with country bank notes. people were giving them to each other as fast as possible. (They didn't want to be stuck with the notes, themselves.) And country bank notes became the usual medium of exchange in Boston. This clear demonstration of Gresham's Law — money which people don't trust circulates more freely than the more reliable money which people salt away — was galling to the Boston bankers. The problem drew their concern since circulation of bank notes was a traditional measure of banking success. As one solution to the country bank note problem, the Page 320 Whole No. 96 New England Bank decided it wanted part of the profitable money broker business and, after 1814, it began a regular business of buying country notes at a fixed discount and sending them back for specie redemption at face value. The Suffolk Bank, founded in 1818, began to compete with the New England Bank in the business of bank note redemption. But in 1824, it hit upon a better scheme. In 1824, the Suffolk Bank invited the Boston banks to join it, in redeeming country bank notes. The Boston banks received a letter, prepared by two directors of the Suffolk Bank — textile manufacturers John A. Lowell and William Lawrence. The letter noted that while the Boston banks possessed over half the banking capital in New England ($10,150,000). the Boston banks had only $300,000 worth of bank notes in permanent circulation. In contrast, the country banks had $7,500,000 worth of bank notes in circulation. The letter proposed "that a fund of hundred thousand dollars, to be assessed in proportion to their respective capitals, be raised by the several banking institutions, who may agree to the arrangement, to be placed at the disposal of one or more banks for the purpose of sending home the bills of the banks in the State of Maine, in such way as many be deemed expedient. That this capital shall be paid in the bills of the several banks, which shall be indiscriminately paid out for the purchase of Eastern money. That the profit or loss shall be in common, after charging a reasonable compensation for any extra service rendered by the officers of the bank receiving them." This proposal was eventually widened to include the redemption of the notes of all New England banks. Six Boston banks, along with the Suffolk, contributed the sum of $300,000 to be used to purchase "foreign money" (as the country bank notes were called) and send it home for redemption. This Suffolk System, with the Suffolk Bank as its agent, instilled confidence in bank notes from all over New England, such that the notes were not only accepted, they were accepted at face value. David Rice Whitney, president of the Suffolk, wrote in 1878, describing the Suffolk's arrangement with country banks for the redemption of their bills in 1826, "The general arrangement made with the New England [country] banks, which opened an account with the Suffolk Bank for the redemption of their bills, was as follows: Each bank placed a permanent deposit with the Suffolk Bank of $2,000 and upwards, free of interest, the amount depending upon the capital and business of the bank. This sum was the minimum for banks with a capital of $100,000 and under. In consideration of such deposit, the Suffolk Bank redeemed all the bills of that Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Print Department State Street in 19th century Boston was filled with activity. The Suffolk Bank stands at the right, at 60 State Street, and the Old State House, at the left. Paper Money Page 321 bank which might come to it from any source, charging the redeemed bills to the issuing bank once a week, or whenever they amounted to a certain fixed sum; provided, the bank kept a sufficient amount of funds to its credit, independent of the permanent deposit, to redeem all of its bills which might come into the possession of the Suffolk Bank." It is important to note that cooperating banks could redeem their own notes by depositing "a sufficient amount of funds" in the form of acceptable bank notes at par with the Suffolk — a great advantage over being forced to redeem notes in specie all the time. Yet some country banks balked at the system. They didn't enjoy being "coerced" into keeping a large sum of money in a non-interest bearing account at the Suffolk. In 1832, the cashier of the Suffolk Bank replied in this way to the complaints of the Bank of Rutland, Vermont, "We have never required you to redeem your bills at this bank instead of your own; nor have we ever demanded of you an exorbitant price for counting your bills. They will be received and counted at this bank whether you have a permanent deposit with us or not. We ask of you a permanent deposit as a consideration for receiving from you bills of all the other banks in the New England States in exchange for your own at par; some of which are converted into specie by us at a discount of one and a half percent. In addition, we take the whole risk of those bills after they have been placed in our hands. We how have on hand $18,005 in the bills of the Burrillville Bank, which has recently failed; whether we shall get pay for them or not is very doubtful. If you still think the price we ask for transacting your business is exorbitant, and should prefer paying your bills at your own counter, we have no objections to sending them there; but we hope you will not expect us to take the bills of all the other banks in New England in payment for them at par." In other words, the cashier is saying — the Rutland Bank doesn't have to cooperate with the system, but if it doesn't, the Suffolk will feel no obligation to accept New England bank notes at face value, in exchange for the Rutland Bank's notes. In fact, the Suffolk may even demand specie from the Rutland Bank, when the Rutland notes are returned for redemption. Today a dollar is worth a dollar throughout the United States. But what if it weren't? What if (as was the case with 19th century bank notes) the value of a dollar varied from region to region? What if, for example, a dollar were worth a dollar in Washington, D.C., but were discounted to 90 cents in Massachusetts and were totally unacceptable in Illinois? Such varying standards for currency would cause real problems for commerce. But varying standards of acceptability were the order of the day for the 19th century bank notes. The Suffolk System combatted the chaos with its policy of accepting New England bank notes in exchange for other New England bank notes. It became the first regional clearinghouse in the country. Because bank notes from all over New England could be turned into the Suffolk, people were more willing than they had been in the past to accept the notes. And the notes of New England were accepted at face value throughout New England and beyond. Sorting New England bank notes continued at the Suffolk until 1858, when the clearinghouse function of the Suffolk was declining in importance. By 1855, some country banks grew resentful of the profits of the Suffolk, and formed their own bank, the Bank of Mutual Redemption, to clear their own notes in Boston and pocket the profits. In addition to competition for bank note business, there were other reasons for the decline in bank note business. The bank note itself was being used less, repleced by the increasingly popular system of bank deposits and checks. Finally, the National Bank Act in 1863 taxed state bank notes to make the notes unprofitable for state banks and to encourage state banks to become part of the national banking system. As a result, state bank notes were driven out of existence. Nevertheless, for over 30 years, the clearing service of the Suffolk System, developed by private enterprise as a profit-making operation, contributed to the growth of commerce and industry by allowing New England businessmen to settle debts in a stable and acceptable medium of exchange — bank notes. Safety Fund Insured New York Bank Notes While New England was enjoying the benefits of a stable currency, aided by the Suffolk System, New York State in the 1800s was experimenting with a system- wide bank insurance plan — the New York Safety Fund — as a method of adding confidence to the notes issued by New York State banks. Joshua Forman, an advocate of the Erie Canal, suggested the plan to New York State Governor Martin Van Buren. Forman based his plan on the system of Hong merchants in China, with whom American (and all foreign) traders had to deal. The merchants had an exclusive grant from the government to trade with foreigners and each merchant was liable for each other's debts, in case of failure. The Safety Fund Act, proposed by Governor Van Buren, was passed by the New York State Legislature in 1829. The act stipulated that banks, chartered by the state, had to contribute to the Fund a specified amount proportionate to their capital (up to three percent of the total capital of all member banks). In return for the contribution, the debts of any member bank which failed would be paid off, out of the fund. Upon depletion of the Safety Fund, member banks would contribute again. The Safety Fund also provided for regular examination of all of the over 100 member banks every four months — and special examination of a member bank if requested by three member banks. The examinations were performed by a newly created State (Continued On Page 322) Tit 10310,101P TOM BEAN TT.D.A X Page 322 Whole No. 96 11f11-1011111_ Bie I1UTEIIIETIES BY...M. OWEN WARNS NL G Photo courtesy Bob Lemke The first small size note to surface from The First National Bank of Tom Bean, Texas. Signed by J. H. Dickson, the town druggist who was acting president at the time. $20 type I notes — 984; issued in sheets of 6; serials A000001A-A000164A The Bankers Register records the original bank title as The Tom Bean State Bank, established in 1906 with a capital of $10,000. The first officers were W. Jackson, president; F. P. Thompson, vice-president; with F. E. Douglas, cashier. The bank was sponsored by the Gaston National Bank of Dallas, charter 7113, which itself was liquidated in 1909. The Tom Bean State Bank continued to operate until 1917 when it applied for nationalization and was granted charter 11019 under the new title of The First National Bank of Tom Bean, Texas, and it has continued in business ever since. In later years the bank moved from the original 1906 site into a modern brick structure. The furnishings from the original 1906 bank have now become a part of the Six Flags Over Texas exhibit in Dallas where they are on public display. (The six flags were those of France, Spain, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the Confederacy, and the United States. Tom Bean's Name and its Namesake (The following is largely excerpted from the column "Tolbert's Texas" by Frank X. Tolbert, in The Dallas Morning News, Nov. 27, 1976, by permission.— TOM BEAN * CITY LIMIT • POP. 0 When you approach the town of Tom Bean, Texas, 12 miles from Sherman (you will not find Tom Bean on a Rand McNally map), you get the impression that the town has been deserted. A highway sign reads "Tom Bean, city limit, Pop. 0". Upon closer inspection you will Suffolk System (Continued From Page 321) Board of Banking Commissioners. The Safety Fund was intended to make bank notes acceptable and safe by insuring them. However, the Safety Fund Act provided insurance for the "debts" of banks. Since deposits (and checks) were relatively new to the banking system in the 1800s, bank deposits were not yet thought of as bank debts. A court in 1842 ruled that deposits were, in fact, "debts." And so the Safety Fund, designed to insure bank notes, found itself insuring deposits as well. The Safety Fund law was then changed to cover only notes, but the Safety Fund still remained liable for the debts (notes and deposits) of the banks which failed before the law was changed — and because the Safety Fund was insufficient, New York State had to pay out nearly one million dollars. In the Panic of 1857, more banks failed and, in 1866, the Safety Fund ended. As in New England, the need to ensure the acceptability of state bank notes vanished with the coming of the National Bank Act in 1863 and the subsequent conversion of most state banks into national banks. However, the Safety Fund had recognized that banks were not isolated enterprises, but, rather, were part of a monetary system. The Fund was an effort by the government to ensure the security of state bank notes — unlike New England's Suffolk System which was an effort by private enterprise. Finally, the Safety Fund was an assertion of control — in the form of examinations — by the government over the banking system. Sources used included: "The Suffolk Bank" by D. R. Whitney, "The Molding of American Banking" by Fritz Redlich, "Banks and Politics in America" by Bray Hammond, and "History of the American Economy" by Ross M. Robertson. Bimonthly Publication Official Paper Money find that the sign is supposed to read "Pop. 540" but the first two numerals have faded from sight. However, the busy little town quickly belies the first impression. Postmaster Robert Jones gives the information that he is seldom bothered nowadays by alleged heirs of the immensely wealthy 19th century character Tom Bean, for whom the community was named. The post office was established in 1888, the year after Bean died. And since then Tom Bean postmasters have received many letters inquiring about the estate from people named Bean all over the hemisphere. Old Judge Roy Bean, "The Law West of the Pecos", even filed a claim in the 90's swearing he was a kinsman. On July 26, 1887, The Dallas Morning News published this obituary: "BONHAM, Texas—Mr. Tom Bean, the wealthiest and altogether the most eccentric resident of Fannin County, died here yesterday surrounded by the Negroes with whom he had lived for many years. Mr. Bean came to Texas in 1840 or 1842 as a surveyor, and while lands were cheap and surveyors scarce he surveyed on the shares, thereby securing thousands of acres of the most valuable land in Texas. He lived in poverty and seclusion. He was an old bachelor. And he never sold a foot of land except in payment of taxes." The 1887 newspaper story said that no will was found, just "an old, musty Bible containing only the ages of the Negroes who lived with Tom Bean. People are curious about what will become of his huge landed estate. If a will is found it is believed he left everything to his Negro friends." During his lifetime Tom declared that he had no family except for the blacks among whom he lived. He said that when he was a small boy he found himself in a bean patch, so he named himself Tom Bean. He allowed himself one big brag—that he could ride from the Red River to San Antonio and Camp each night of the horseback trip on land which he owned. A family archives group based in Houston called The Southern Bean Association has material which suggests that Tom Bean migrated to exas after troubles in his native New Hampshire. One research report has it that he was born in 1814 in the village of Sandwich and not in a bean patch. The Southern Bean Association has been in touch with other Bean geneaology enthusiasts such as Bernie Bean of Seattle, Washington, president of The Tom Bean of Exeter Family Association. According to him, young Tom was a sort of Lothario who left Sandwich to avoid a shotgun wedding with the daughter of a prominent judge. But there is no record of any wild romances during the 40 - odd years Tom spent in Texas. The 1887 obituary makes him out to be a sympathetic character: "Parties frequently applied for grazing leases on his rangelands. He always refused saying he wanted it left unfenced and unleased so poor people could graze their livestock on it." Page 323 General Land Office archives required 22 long pages of script to list the land belonging to Tom Bean just in Grayson, Fannin and Hunt counties. While the litigation still goes on over his estate, the family associations have at least proved that Tom wasn't really born in a bean patch from which he supposedly took his name. Sources Consulted Postmaster Robert Jones of Tom Bean, Texas. Robert Lemke. David W. Moore. Bankers Register, Kountze Bros., New York City. "Tolbert's Texas", by Frank X. Tolbert, Dallas Morning News, Nov. 27, 1976. National Banks of the Note Issuing Period, 1863-1935, by Louis Van Belkum. The photos relating to early Margaretvile, N. Y. on pages 210- 211, of Paper Money, No. 94 were by courtesy of Tom Conklin. Mrs. Bob Medlar Named "Great Lady of ANA" The 1981 recipient of the Faye Rochette Great Lady of the ANA Memorial Award is Betty Medlar of San Antonio, Texas. She is associated with her husband Bob, former SPMC president, in Medlar's Rare Coins & Currency. Previous recipients have been Evie Kelley, Margo Russell, and Glenda Koppenhaver. Page 324 Whole No. 96 U. S. Uncut Currency Sheets Sales Information As part of its Public Affairs program, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing began the sale to the public of uncut sheets of U.S. currency on October 26, 1981, and to be continued indefinitely, Bureau Director Harry R. Clements has announced. The Bureau also provides a variety of numismatic and philatelic souvenir cards, and a series of engraved portraits and vignettes for public purchase, with proceeds used to maintain its popular public tour facility in Washington, D. C. A special first day sales ceremony, featuring Treasurer of the United States Angela M. Buchanan and other Treasury, Federal Reserve, and BEP officials, was held at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Visitor Center on October 26th. For now, the sheets will be offered in the 1981 Series (Regan- Buchanan) $1 denomination only, in sheets of 32 notes or 16 notes. Although the notes are legal currency, the sheets will be packaged in matted form suitable for framing or display as numismatic souvenir items. They can be purchased in person at the Bureau's Visitor Center, 14th and C Streets, S. W., Washington, D. C. 20228 or through the mail from its Public Affairs Section. PRICE AND PURCHASE INFORMATION 16 Note Sheets 32 Note Sheets At Visitor Center $20,25 $38.00 Through the Mail $26.00 $45.00 When purchased at the Bureau's Visitor Center, a limit of three sheets (of each type) per transaction is set in order to keep the lines moving during busy periods and to limit the dollar level of individual purchases for audit and internal control purposes. Currency sheet sales at the Visitor Center are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekends — NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR CURRENCY SHEETS. There are no limits placed on the number of sheets which may be purchased by mail. However, for security reasons, each sheet ordered will be packaged and mailed separately, and the purchaser therefore will pay the full postage charge on each sheet. For purchasing sheets through the mail, follow these procedures to insure proper and prompt filling of your order: 1. Print or type your order clearly, specifying the number and type of sheets you are ordering. Mail orders should be sent to: Public Affairs Section Sheet Sales Program Bureau of Engraving and Printing 14th and C Streets, S. W. Washington, D. C. 20228 2. Print or type your name, address and zip code clearly. 3. Use Postal Money Orders or Bank-type cashiers checks only. PERSONAL CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Remit only the exact amount. Do not add anything for postage or handling. All fees are included in the price. 4.Orders placed before January 1, 1982, may take up to four months for delivery, depending on the volume of orders. Your order will be acknowledged when it is opened and entered into our ordering system. Due to the anticipated heavy backlog during the first several months, and our single package policy, multiple orders may be filled on different days. 5. Our internal control procedures over the filling, packaging, and mailing of orders for currency sheets are extremely tight. One hundred percent dual verification of packages is made prior to sealing and delivery to the U. S. Postal Service. If an error occurs, contact the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Office of Security, who will investigate the claim or refer it to another Federal Law Enforcement Agency. Office of Security Sheet Acountability Officer Bureau of Engraving and Printing 14th and C Streets, S. W. Washington, D. C. 20228 6. Orders from foreign countries will be handled on an individual basis in that some nations do not permit foreign currency to be shipped through the mail. In any case, under United Nations postal union agreement, liability for shipments to foreign nations from the United States extends to $25.20 only. OTHER INFORMATION 1.The 32-note sheet measures 25'/z-- x 25 3/4" (matted) and the 16-note sheet measures 14 1/2" x 24 5/8" (matted). 2.Orders by the public will be filled only on a first-come-first- serve basis, without regard to Federal Reserve Bank or serial number identifications. 3. Sheets offered for sale will be numbered from 99 840 001 - 99,999,999. No other notes in 1981 Series will be in circulation so numbered and thus collectors and other purchasers can be assured of the authenticity of the sheets, and are protected against fraudulent attempts to mutilate the sheets so as to produce bogus "miscuts." Paper Money Page 325 LRIF:AL OF FAGRAVING & PRINTING COPE PRODUCTION FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES PRINTED DURING JUNE 1981 SERIAL NUMBERS SERIES FROM TO QUANTITY ONE DOLLAR 1977A 1977A 1977A K 12 160 001 • K 12 800 000 • L 15 360 001 J L 51 200 000 J L 14 720 001 • L 15 360 000 • 640,000 35,840,000 640,000 1977A A 56 320 001 D A 76 800 000 D 20,480,000 FIVE DOLLARS 1977A A 08 320 001 " A 08 960 000 • 640,000 1977A C 19 200 001 B C 29 440 000 B 10,240,000 1977A B 84 480 001 L B 99 840 000 L 15,360,000 1977A C 01 928 001 • C 02 560 000 • 384,000 1977A B 00 000 001 A B 07 680 000 A 7,680,000 1977A D 26 880 001 B D 32 000 000 B 5,120,000 1977A C 89 600 001 D C 99 840 000 D 10,240,000 1977A E 76 800 001 B E 88 320 000 B 11,520,000 1977A C 00 000 001 E C 14 080 000 E 14,080,000 1977A F 89 600 001 B F 96 000 000 B 6,400,000 1977A F 06 400 001 J F 30 720 000 J 24,320,000 1977A L 15 360 001 C L 33 280 000 C 17,920,000 1977A 1977A F 15 360 001 " F 16 000 000 • K 58 880 001 F K 92 160 000 F 640,000 33,280,000 TEN DOLLARS 1977A K 11 520 001 * K 12 160 000 • 640,000 1977A B 53 760 001E B 69 120 000 E 15,360,000 1977A C 42 240 001 B C 55 040 000 B 12,800,000 FIVE DOLLARS 1977A C 03 200 001 • C 03 840 000 " 640,000 1977A A 01 280 001 B A 08 960 000 B 7,680,000 1977A E 46 080 001 B E 64 000 000 B 17,920,000 1977A C 10 240 001 B C 19 200 000 B 8,960,000 1977A E 05 772 001 • E 06 400 000 • 256,000 1977A E 67 840 001 B E 76 800 000 B 8,960,000 1977A G 55 040 001 C G 64 000 000 C 8,960,000 1977A L 08 960 001 C L 15 360 000 C 6,400,000 1977A G 09 600 001 • G 10 240 000 • 6.40,000 1977A L 05 772 001 • L 06 400 000 ° 256,000 1977A L 19 200 001 B L 24 320 000 B 5,120,000 TEN DOLLARS TWENTY DOLLARS 1977A A 43 520 001 B A 53 760 000 B 10,240,000 1977 B 20 480 001 F B 46 080 000 F 25,600,000 1977A A 05 768 001 • A 06 400 000 • 384,000 1977 C 02 560 001 B C 11 520 000 B 8,960,000 1977A B 28 160 001 E B 38 400 000 E 10,240,000 1977 E 35 840 001 C E 51 200 000 C 15,360,000 1977A C 23 040 001 B C 33 280 000 B 10,240,000 1977 E 06 400 001 • E 07 040 000 • 640,000 1977A C 02 560 001 • C 03 200 000 * 640,000 1977 F 62 720 001 A F 70 400 000 A 7,680,000 1977A K 94 720 001 A K 99 840 000 A 5,120,000 1977 F 03 200 001 • F 03 840 000 • 640,000 1977A K 00 000 001 B K 01 280 000 B 1,280,000 1977 G 28 160 001 D G 49 920 000 D 21,760,000 1977A K 03 840 001 • K 04 480 000 • 640,000 1977A L 08 960 001 G L 19 200 000 B 10,240,000 1977A L 04 492 001 • L 05 120 000 • 256,000 PRINTED DURING SEPTEMBER 1981 1977 TWENTY DOLLARS A 81 920 001 A A 88 320 000 A 6,400,000 SERIAL NUMBERS SERIES FROM TO QUANTITY 1977 A 03 208 001 • A 03 840 000 • 384,000 ONE DOLLAR 1977 B 79 360 001 E B 99 840 000 E 20,480,000 1981 B 00 000 001 A B 35 840 000 A 35,840,000 1977 B 00 000 001 F B 01 280 000 F 1,280,000 1981 B 00 000 001 • B 00 640 000 • 640,000 1977 B 12 176 001 • B 12 800 000 • 128,000 1981 C 00 000 001A C 15 360 000 A 15,360,000 1977 C 93 440 001 A C 99 840 000 A 6,400,000 1981 C 00 000 001 • C 00 640 000 • 640,000 1977 C 00 000 001 B C 02 560 000 B 2,560,000 1981 F 00 000 001 A F 35 840 000 A 35,840,000 1977 C 03 840 001 • C 04 480 000 B 640,000 1981 F 00 000 001 • F 00 640 000 * 640,000 1977 E 26 880 001 C E 35 840 001 C 8,960,000 1981 G 00 000 001 A G 20 480 000 A 20,480900 1977 G 08 960 001 D G 28 160 001 8 19,200,000 1981 C 00 000 001 " G 00 640 000 • 640,000 1977 J 26 880 001 B J 33 280 001 B 6,400,000 1981 K 17 920 001 A K 48 640 000 A 30,720900 1977 K 43 520 001 B K 56 320 001 B 12,800,000 1977 K 06 400 001 • K 07 040 001 • 640,000 FIVE DOLLARS 1977 K 25 600 001 C L 35 840 000 C 10,240,000 1977A B 76 800 001 C B 97 280 000 C 20.480,000 FIFTY DOLLARS 1977A1977A B 07 048 001 • B 07 680 000 •C 29 440 001 B C 34 560 000 B 384,0005,120,000 1977 K 08 960 001 A K 11 520 000 A 2,560,000 1977A F 96 000 001 B F 99 840 000 B 3,840,000 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1977A1977A F 00 000 001 C F 03 840 000 CG 49 920 001 C G 58 880 000 C 3,840,000 8,960,000 1977 B 21 760 001 B B 34 560 000 B 12,800,000 1977A G 05 768 001 • G 06 400 000 • 384,000 1977 K 25 600 000 A K 29 440 000 A 3,840,000 1977A K 30 720 001 B K 37 120 000 B 6,400,000 1977A K 05 136 001 • K 05 760 000 • 128,000 • $1- New York Lettere Changed from B-L to B-A ( suffix letter only 1977A L 33 280 001 C L 42 240 000 C 8,960,000 go through L) TEN DOLLARSADDITION 1977A A 53 760 001 B A 62 720 000 B 8. 8,960,000 TWENTY DOLLARS 1977A1977A B 69 120 001 E B 81 920 000 EC 55 040 001 B C 64 000 000 B 12,800,000 8,960,000 1977 G 08 960 001 • G 09 600 001 • 640,000 1977A G 64 000 001 C G 72 960 000 C 8,960,000 1977A K 07 680 001 B K 14 080 000 B 6,400,000 PRINTED DURING AUGUST 1981 TWENTY DOLLARS SERIAL NUMBERS 1977 A 88 320 001 A A 94 720 000 A 6,400,000 SERIES FROM TO QUANTITY 1977 B 46 080 001 F B 70 400 000 F 24,320,000 1977 C 11 520 001 B C 17 920 000 B 6,400,000 ONE DOLLAR 19771977 D 80 640 001 B D 89 600 000 BE 51 200 001 C E 58 880 000 C 8,960,000 7,680,000 1981 D 00 000 001A D 10 240 000 A 10,240,000 1977 G 49 920 001 D G 58 880 000 D 8,960,000 1981 K 00 000 001A K 17 920 000 A 17,920,000 1977 G 09 600 001 " G 10 240 Ow • 640,000 1977A E 64 000 001 H E 97 280 000 H 33,280,000 1977 L 51 200 001 C L 64 000 000 C 12,800,000 1977A E 07 052 001 • E 07 680 000 • 256,000 1977 L 08 960 001 • L 09 600 to) 640,000 1977A G 34 560 001 I G 67 840 000 I 33,280,000 1977A G 12 160 001 • G 12 800 000 • 640,000 1977A K 92 160 001 F K 99 840 000 F 7,680,000 (Continued On Page 327) 1977A K 00 000 001 G K 03 840 000 G 3,840,000 Page 326 Whole No. 96 ordered at the old prices until December 31, 1981. For your convenience, the old prices are still shown at the front of this issue. Orders must be postmarked no later than December 31, 1981. Magazine Printing Contract - The Board approved the 1982 printing contract proposal of the Camden Company. The contract calls for a 7% increase in price. Interest Bearing Notes :tell Best wishes for the Holiday Season! I might add that it sounds a little odd to my ear since this column is being written in September. Now that we're in a quieter time of the year for your Society, it's time for a review of the past year as well as some thoughts on the coming year. ANA - To put it bluntly, this year's convention was not a terrific show for SPMC. Attendance, due I believe to poor economic conditions and travel expenses, was down for virtually all organizations at the show. We recorded a very low banquet attendance of about 60 people who, nonetheless, enjoyed an exceedingly entertaining and informative program by Clarence Rareshide on Louisiana currency. The Tom Bain Raffle, with over 130 prizes, was at its wildest and wooliest best. Fortunately the Raffle helped us to break even for the affair. ANA BOARD MEETING ACTIONS - The Executive Board met in New Orleans, holding its annual meeting, and took the following action: Dues Increase - By a vote of 12-4, the Board voted to increase dues to $12 from $10, effective October 1, 1981. We have resisted dues increases for four years and have finally had to give into the pressures of inflation. We feel that the modest $2 increase will partially fill the gap in keeping up with magazine printing and mailing costs. Aggressive marketing of new memberships, souvenir cards, and other programs will hopefully make up the rest of our operating budget. $12 is still certainly a modest sum to pay for the magazine which you receive yet alone the other programs which are available. The only alternative to higher dues would be smaller or less frequent issues in the not-too-distant future. Life Memberships - Life memberships were tabled until further study regarding computerization of membership records can be completed. Book Price Increases - Book pricing was standardized with the resulting price structure: State List Member 6+ Copies Case *Indiana $15 $12 $9 $6 Minnesota $15 $12 $9 $6 Maine $15 $12 $9 $6 Okla/Kansas $15 $12 $9 $6 *Territorials $15 $12 $9 $6 *Rhode Island $25 $20 $15 $10 *New Jersey $18.50 $15 *No change in price Minnesota, Maine, and Kansas/Oklahoma may be Officer Qualification for Literary Award - The Board unanimously approved allowing officers to qualify for SPMC's magazine literary awards as long as they are not serving on the awards committee. Officers were previously not allowed to compete for these awards while in office. One of the Society's needs, by the way, is for more articles for the magazine. We can only print what you submit. Why not work up an article for the enjoyment and education of your fellow members today. Barbara will appreciate your assistance. 1982 Souvenir Card Program - The Board approved continuing the program in 1982. Treasurer's Report - The Society eked out a slight profit of $3,558.24, as a result of souvenir cards sales and interest income, for the year ending June 30, 1981. Secretary's Report - The Society had a net membership loss of 167 members for the year ending June 30, 1981. Editor's Report - as stated above, more articles are needed, particularly on foreign subjects. Advertising income has held firm. Book Project Report - Alabama, Pennsylvania, and Iowa are nearing publication. The Rhode Island book is nearly 40% sold out while the Mississippi and 1929-1935 nationals books are completely sold out. Constitution Changes - In connection with the dues increase and the implementation of the New Membership Coordinator position, the following changes were made to the Constitution by a unanimous vote of the Board: Article II, Section 4 Did read: "...shall be sent to the Secretary ... Should the Secretary have reason to question ..." Now reads: "...shall be sent to the New Membership Coordinator ... Should the New Membership Coordinator have reason to question ...." Article II, Section 5 Did read: "...Dues ... shall be $10 ..." Now reads: "... Dues ... shall be $12 ...." In closing, please be sure to communicate with the correct people if you have any questions or problems related to SPMC. A list of people and their duties is printed elsewhere in this issue. Secondly, let us know what's on your mind. One of our major goals in 1982 will be to provide superior service to each one of you. Let us know how we can help you make better and more enjoyable use of the Society and its services and pro- grams. SECRETARY'S ROBERT AZPIAZU, JR., Secretary [PORT P. 0. 'lox 1433 Hialeah, FL 33011 COPE PRODUCTION (Continued From Page 325) ONE DOLLAR 1981 A 99 840 001 A A 100 000 000 A 160,000 1981 A 99 840 001 B A 100 000 000 B 160,000 1981 A 99 840 001 C A 100 000 000 C 160,000 1981 A 99 840 001 D A 100 000 000 D 160,000 1981 A 99 840 001 E A 100 000 000 E 160,000 1981 A 99 840 001 F A 100 000 000 F 160,000 1981 A 99 840 001 G A 100 000 000 G 160,000 1981 A 99 840 001 H A 100 000 000 H 160,000 1981 B 99 840 001 A B 100 000 000 A 160,000 1981 B 99 840 001 B B 100 000 000 B 160,000 1981 B 99 840 001 C B 100 000 000 C 160,000 1981 B 99 840 001 D B 100 000 000 D 160,000 The above serial numbers were used for the currency that will be sold to the public in frames at the BEP. Paper Money Page 327 NO. NEW MEMBERS 6080 Alan Billie, 185 Gavin Street, Yonkers, NY 10701; C, Broken Bank-Wildcat, Americana Checks. 6081 James W. Duplex, 12 Marie Alicia Drive, Huntington, CT 06484; C, U. S. Large. 6082 Jerry Dzara, 3048 W. Shumaker, Tucson, AZ 85704; C, Obsolete, and Mining Vig. S. 6083 Mrs. Owen D. Atkinson, 370 Church Road, Marietta, GA 30060; C/D 6084 Robert Beebe, 949 Shoshoni, Cheyenne, WY 82001 6085 Dr. John Osburn, Department of History, Central State University, Edmond, OK 73034; C, Texas Nation- al Currency, Republic of Texas. 6086 Bradley Coleman, 4 Chestnut Street, East Orange, NJ 07018 6087 Harvey Smith Jr.. 35 Royal Circle, Salem, NH 03079 6088 Michael J. Chittick, 1822 W. Broughton Court, Peoria, IL 61614; C. 6089 H. I. Fishlove, 720 North Franklin, Chicago, IL 60610; C, Silver Certificates. 6090 Frank L. Paduano, 154 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561, Large Size and Fractional. 6091 Raymond L. Nelson, 12329 E. 138th Street So., Broken Arrow, OK 74012; C, U. S. Large Size Currency. 6092 Dwight L. Musser, Box 305, Ridge Manor, FL 33525; C/D, World Notes & German Notgeld. 6093 Bradley R. Coleman, 4 Chestnut Street, East Orange, NJ 07018; C, German Colonial, P.O.W. KL N. J. De- pression Scrip. 6094 W. L. Harrison, 194 Sylvan Knoll Road, Stamford, CT 06902; C, Conn. Issues. 6095 Jack L. Trammell, 8304 Kate Street, Dallas, TX 75225; D, All U. S., Conf., Foreign. 6096 Richard French, Box 203, Mauston, WI 53948; C/D, Wisconsin Obsoletes. 6097 J. Scott Dooley, P. 0. Box 713, Wilbraham, MA 01095; C/D. 6098 Leonard W. Harsel, P. 0. Box 2301, Springfield, VA 22152; C/D, General Modern Worldwide. 6099 John W. Pfanner, 11 East Main, North Fairfield, OH 44855; C, U. S. Obsolete. 6100 David Doering, 2711 Washington Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90403; C/D. 6101 Edwin J. Miller, 2125 W. 135th Place, Blue Island, IL 60406. 6102 Ralph C. Brant, 705 Chestnut Avenue, Barnesboro, PA 15714. 6103 Ken DelRe, P. 0. Box 579, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056; C/D. 6104 Roland Rivet, P. 0. Box 242, Ashton, RI 02864; C, CSA & R I Notes. 6105 Rich Worth, 3664 Rowley Drive, San Jose, CA 95132; C, Obsolete, Civil War. 6106 Edwin Di Santo, 34 Burrell Street, Clyde, NY 14433; C, National Bank Notes. 6107 Kenneth L. Damsky, LKP International Ltd., 767 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10153. 6108 James Barrett, 525 Summer Street, Arlington, MA 02174; C, Colonial Obsolete. 6109 William F. Kornecki, 230 West First Avenue, Roselle, NJ 07203; C, Early American. 6110 Jon Besante, 291 5th Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302; C/D, U. S. Colonial. 6111 Eleanor Oberst, P. 0. Box 174, St. Charles, IL 60174. 6112 Larry Roberts, 34027 Seavey Loop Road, Eugene, OR 97405. 6113 Ralph D. Roper, 12232 N. Linden Road, Clio, MI 48420; C/D, Large Size Type Notes. 6114 Nancy Wilson, 8733 W. Burdick Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53227; C, Large Size & U. S. Fractional Currency. 6115 Frank L. Carter, 11600 Washington Place, Los Ange- les, CA 90066; C/D, World Paper. 6116 Ernest White, 3422 W. 16th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222; C/D. 6117 William F. Mross, P. 0. Box 21, Racine, WI 53401; C, FRBNS - Small Size. 6118 Paul Garner, Box 1421, Winter Park, FL 32790; D. 6119 Frank C. Yerbic, 540 Royal Court, Canton, IL 61520; C. 6120 Thomas R. Durkin, 42145 W. Seven Mile Road, North- ville, MI 48167; C/D, U. S. Paper Money. 6121 Norm Howe, Box 856, APO NY 09219; C, George Wash- ington portraits. 6122 Daniel C. Dey, Rt. #1, Box 134, Ketchikan, AK 99901; C, Beginner - Broad Interests. 6123 Marcley J. Hilderbrand, Box 104, Franklin, NY 13775; C/D, U. S. Large Currency. 6124 Edward J. Miller, 2105 W. 135th Place, Blue Island, IL 60406; C, U. S. Small Size. 6125 Michael Moline, 1105 Lakewood, El Paso, TX 79935; C. 6126 Cz Milczak, vl. Szegedynska 5A/m131. 01-957 Warsaw Poland; C, Eastern Europe 6127 James S. Leonardo, 1222 39th Street, Des Moines, IA 50311; C, Pre-1863 U. S. (particularly Iowa) 6028 Tom Connaughton, Box 800, Osterville, MA 02655. 6029 James A. Greene, P. 0. Box 725, Sparta, NC 28675; C, N. C. Nationals, serials. Page 328 6130 R. Herman, 1221 Dove, Suite 600, Newport Beach, CA 92660; C. 6131 R. E. Neville, Jr., 50 Midtown Parkway, Mobile, AL 36606. 6132 Charlene Sazama, 125 Henderson #2, Sunnyvale, CA 96084; C, Obsoletes. 6033 Jim Sazama, 125 Henderson #2, Sunnyvale, CA 96084; C, Nationals. 6034 Ralph D. Roper, 12232 N, Linden Road, Clio, MI 48420; C/D, 1869 Legal Tenders. 6135 W. Pat Slusher, 906 Duffy, Centralia, WA 98531; D, Wa. Nationals. 6136 Leland H. DeNies, 1356 Diamond Street, North Can- ton, OH 44728; C, Broken Bank. 6137 Lucien L. Birkler, 1100 17th Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036; C/D. Washington, DC 20036; C/D. 6138 Lawrence K. Chavis, 18501 Chestnut Ridge, Peters- berg, VA 23803; C, World Bank Notes, Star Notes, Gold Certificates. 6139 C. R. Savidge, P. 0. Drawer G, White Plaines, KY 42464; C. 6140 Marshall Sklar, 107 Cours, Memphis, TN 38101. 6141 Hartley G. Johnson, 237 E. 28th Street, Riviera Beach, FL 33404; C, Type (U. S.). 6142 Jose Luis Herrera Cedillo, Bajamarea No. 25 Col, Las Aguilas ZP 20 Mexico, DF Mexico; C. Mexican Paper Money. 6143 Douglas R. Tilghman, Box 217, 52 Main Street, New Egypt, NJ 08533; C, U. S. Paper Money Errors. 6144 Brian F. Borah, 8015 Vineyard Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44105; C. 6145 Claude Tolliver, Rt. 5, Bx. 376A, Morristown, TN 37814 6146 Michael Goldman, 19 Birchdale Lane, Port Washing- ton, NY 11050; C. Fractional Currency. 6147 Richard Miranda, 2609 Carew, Ft. Wayne, IN 46805; C/D, World and China. 6148 Bertram M. Cohen, 667 West Street, Leominster, MA 01453; C/D, Colonial. 6149 David C. Fenrich, Rt. #1, 1125 Running Doe Lane, Leander, TX 78641; C, Early American, Confederate States. 6150 J. Nobel Landon, Box 672, Lancaster, CA 93534; C/D, Mexico. 6151 Pini Alberto, Pfafenstein Strasse, 8122 Pfaffhausen, Switzerland; C, World Bank Notes. 6152 Moe Weinechel, P. 0. Box 277, Rockaway Park, NY 11694. 6153 Al Dorego, P. 0. Box 225, Seekonk, MA 02771; D. 6154 J. R. Middlekauff, P. 0. Box 116, Volcano, CA 95689; C, Obsolete. 6155 Evan L. Smith, Jr., P. 0. Box 3291, LaVale, MD 21502; C/D, National Currency. 6156 D. Richard Sears, 163 Victoria Court, Grand Forks, ND 58201; C, Coal and Metal Mine Scrip, Smelter and Metal Works Scrip. 6157 Dr. Joseph E. Schober, 82-55 167th Street, Jamaica, NY 11432; C, Broken Bank Notes. 6158 Cyril La Casse, 2333 E. Cedar Street, Hugo, MN 55038; C. 6159 Adolf L. Bondy, 13210 Colton Lane, Gaithersberg, MD 20878; C, U. S. Israel, British & Colonies. 6160 John S. Popko, 7576 Parkway Dr. 2H, La Mesa, CA 92041; C/D, Worldwide. 6161 B. A. Lightner, 1312 Fort Ave., Ocean Springs, MS 39564; C. 6162 Roy H. Van Ormer, P. 0. Box 277, Houston, PA 15342; D. 6163 L. L Heilbronner, P. 0. Box 105, Perry, N. Y. 14530; C/D. 6164 Preben Randlov, Banegardeplads 9, Dk8000 Arhus c Denmark; D. Whole No. 96 6165 Randy Block, 4 Bloomfield Ave., Flemington, NJ 08828; C/D. 6166 Harry W. Bass Jr., 3840 Windsor Lane, Dallas, TX 75205; C, U. S. Large Size. 6167 H. Joseph Levine, 6204 Little River Tpke.; Alexandria, VA 22312; D. 6168 Frank Samson, 40 Wallace Ave., Buzzards Bay, MA 02532; C/D, Foreign. 6169 Scott Allen Lee, 3602 Shadowood Pkwy., Atlanta, GA 30339; C, Confederate & Early U. S. 6170 Edward L. Mott, P. 0. Box 554, Bronx, NY 10466; C. 6171 Prof. Sol Taylor, Chapman College, Orange, CA 92666; C/D. 6172 Bill Knight, 323 South Ave., Springfield, MO 65806; D, Lore Paper Money. 6173 Rev. Joseph W. Baker, 32 Massitoa Rd., Yonkers, NY 10701; C, Souvenir Cards. 6174 Terry A. Ward, 2207 Thunder Ridge 2-A, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613; C, Civil War Era 1861 - 1865. 6175 Bill Etgen, 3600 Whitney Ave., Sacramento, CA; C/D, Foreign & Obsolete Bank Notes. 6176 Alexander Peat, 8338 Southfield, Detroit, Mich. 48228; C. 6177 Philip Seidman, 15 Grier Rd., Somerset, NJ 08873; C, Souvenir Cards. 6178 Donald W. Eakin, 288 Bellflower N.W., Canton, Ohio 44708; C, National Currency. 6179 James E. Richard, 9242 Columbus Ave., Sepulveda, CA 91343; C. 6180 George R. Ganter, 580 E. St. Andrews Drive, Media, PA 19063; C, National Currency. 6181 Edward C. Schelhaus, P. 0. Box 687, Severna Park, MD 21146; C/D, Large Size U. S. Type. 6182 Hershel Katz, 1424 Highland Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20910; C. 6183 Ron Rindge, 5253 Ambridge Dr., Agoura, CA 91301. 6184 Lowell Yoder, 6134 Estateland Ct., Maumee, Ohio 43537; C, Ohio National Currency. 6185 Mark L. Davis, 9504 Cedarvale, Tujunga, CA 91042; C/D, Large Nationals. 6186 Joseph Viscarra, 250 E. 87th St., New York, NY 10028; C, U. S. Music Composers. 6187 Myron J. Kastein, 204 Elm Ave., Waumpun, WI 53963; C, Certain Numbers. 6188 Warren C. McFarland, P. 0. Box 16, Warwick, NY 10990; C, U. S. 6189 Charles J. Hayward, 199 Monponsett St., Halifax, MA 02338; C/D, U. S. Large Size. 6190 Dale Ray Cathcart, 1121 N. Main St., Kannapolis, NC 28081; C/D, U. S. 6191 Kenneth Rajspis, 5704 W. 35th St., Cicero, IL 60650; C, Sovenir Cards. 6192 Douglas F. Smith, 1231 Genoa, Coral Gables, FL 33134; C. 6193 Russell Keith Young, 1311 Cook #106, Denver, CO 80206; C, Foreign. 6194 David W. Hunt, 21881 Huron T El Toro, CA 92630; C. 6195 Bank of Canada, National Currency Collections, Ottawa, Canada KIA 0G9 6196 Gary Jones, 235 S. Southhampton, Columbia, Ohio 43204; C, U. S. Star Notes. 6197 Peter G. Zinkus, 95 Kendrick Ave., Worcester, MA 01606; C, Lithuania and Latvia 6198 Bruce L Montambeau, 16166 Wayne Rd., Livonia, Mich. 48154; C. 6199 James H. Young, 29 Grafton St., Arlington, MA 02174; C/D, New Hampshire Obsoletes. Paper Money Page 329 *****************************************************..* ** * Have A Question or Problem? * * * Here's Your SPMC Contact: *. • ** ** * * Area of Concern: Person to Contact: * * -Change of Address Fred Sheheen * * -Non-receipt of magazine The Camden Company * * -Orders for SPMC P. 0. Box 9 * * * * Publications Camden, S. C. 29020 * * * * -Payment of Dues for Roger H. Durand * * EXISTING Memberships P. 0. Box 186 * * -Presentation of Bills for Rehoboth, Mass. 02769 * * Payment by SPMC * * * * * * * * -Requests for Membership Robert Azpiazu, Jr.-SPMC * * Application Blank Secretary * * Brochures P. 0. Box 1433 * * Hialeah, Florida 33011 * * -Requests for reinstatement * * or questions on EXIST- * * ING memberships * * * * -Resignations * * Reports of Deaths * * * * * * * * -NEW Applications for Ron Horstman-SPMC New * * Membership Membership Coord. * * P. O. Box 6011 * * St. Louis, Mo. 63139 * * * * * * -Complaints Wendell Wolka * * -Gener'al Questions Box 366 * Regarding SPMC Hinsdale, II. 60521 * * -Library Usage * * -Book Project Questions * * * * -Magazine Articles Barbara Mueller * * (Submission) 225 S. Fischer Ave. * * * * -Magazine Advertising Jefferson, Wisconsin 53549 * * * * -Regional Meetings Larry Adams * * -Awards 969 Park Circle * * -Publicity Boone, Iowa 50036 * .* *In order to speed a response to your letter, please include: ** * -a stamped, addressed envelope. * * -your complete address, including zip code. * * -your SPMC membership number (if one has been assigned). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a. ***************************************************›}t **************** Page 330 Whole No. 96 moneymart MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals, obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Gerald, MO 63037 (98) SMALL SIZE CURRENCY list available. Gold Certificates, Silver Certificates, U. S. Notes. Postage please. Mary Jane, P. 0. Box 38022, Cincinnati, OH 45238 (96) MICHIGAN NATIONALS WANTED for personal collection. Large and small sizes. Also old Michigan bank post cards. Write describing material and asking prices. All letters answered. Richard Hatherley, P.O. Box 48, Brighton, MI 48116 (101) WANTED: WOOSTER, OHIO notes, obsolete or Nationals. Would appreciate description. Will answer all letters. Price and Xerox appreciated. Ralph Leisy, 616 Westridge Dr., Wooster, OH 44691 (100) WANTED: WADSWORTH, OHIO notes. Any type. Also wanted, any historic material relating to Wadsworth, Ohio. Dave Everhard, 4934A Locust St., Great Falls, Montana 59405 (97) AKRON AND WADSWORTH, Ohio Nationals, checks, obsolete wanted. Would also appreciate any information on any Wadsworth Nationals in any collection for my records. Dave Everhard, 4934 A Locust St., Great Falls, MT 59405 (97) WANT BETTER MINNESOTA Nationals for my collection. Send description and price. Gary Kruesel, Box 7061, Rochester, MN 55903 (99) WANTED: LARGE AND small Nationals from the Old Exchange National Bank of Okawville, Illinois, charter 11780. Write. Sam Johnson, 1113 N. Market, Sparta, IL 62286 (96) ............................................................ EARLY WESTERN CHECKS: have nice old checks from Colorado, Wyoming and Montana to trade or sell. Bob Pyne, 1610 Bennett Rd., Orlando, FL 32803 (phone 305-894-0930 after 7 P.M.) (96) WANT UNCUT SHEETS obsolete bills. Proof notes, stock certificates and bonds, Jenny Lind items, coal and lumber scrip, broken bank bills. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, Southport, NC (98) WANTED: FEDFERAL RESERVE Notes $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, $50.00, $100.00, $1,000.00 series 1928 to date, plain and stars, Crisp Uncirculated, 1928 to date, plain and stars, Crisp Uncirculated, 1928 series very fine or better. $5.00 1928C, 1928D any condition. Also selling FRN's. Write Ted Gozanski, Box 302, Superior, WI 54880 (97) SET 12 CU $1 FRN 1977a or 1981 $19, last two digits match $24.00. Automatic service, list free with order, sets, singles, FRN, SC, Legals, low serials, errors, upside-down serials. J. Seville, Drawer 866, Statesville, NC 28677 (97) TENNESSEE NATIONALS WANTED for my personal collection. Especially need first and second charters. Largest prices paid. Jasper Payne, Box 3093, Knoxville, TN 37917. (113) BUYING STOCK CERTIFICATES, bonds, railroads, mining, industrial, foreign. Instant reply! Arnold Weiss, 980 S. Granville, Los Angeles, CA 90059 (98) TENNESSEE-ARKANSAS-FLORIDA obsolete wanted— especially the better notes. Also want older checks with nice vignettes. Please contact Bob Pyne, 1610 Bennett Road, Orlando, FL 32803 (99) WANTED: ILLINOIS NATIONALS — Carmi, Crossville, Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Albion, Omaha, New Haven. Price and Xerox appreciated. Pete Fulkerson, 59 Montgomery Circle, Carmi, IL 62821 (618) 382-7592 (96) ............................................................ $2.00 STARS, 1976: Want new packs from all Districts. Call me last. Will better other offers. 612-721-6832. John T. Martin, Box 7058, Minneapolis, MN 55407. (103) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Nationals wanted for my personal collection. Howard W. Gunlocke, P. 0. Box 487, Wayland, NY 14572 (96) WANTED: R. I. BANKNOTES. Please list and price, photocopy if possible. A. Raymond Auclair, 381 Blackstone St., Woonsocket, RI 02895 (97) WANT TO BUY Hoopeston, Illinois National Currency, charter numbers 2808, 9425, 13744. Write to Mike Fink, 504 E. McCracken, Hoopeston, IL 60942. (99) WANTED: CU $5 notes 1963 Dillons to 1977A regular and star. Have to trade $1, $2, $5 notes 1950 series to 1977A in $5 circulated 1928 series, 34 series. Help me friends. Send want and trade list. Will buy. R. J.Blankenship, 2334 Kemper Ln. #5, Cincinnati, OH 45206. SPMC 5953, PMCM 1389, CNA 311. WANTED: SYCAMORE, DEKALB & Malta, Illinois Nationals. Large and small size needed. Also Sycamore, Ohio & DeKalb, Texas. Bob Rozycki, Sycamore Coin Gallery, 358 W. State, Sycamore, IL 60178 (107) '1111111111 IN 111,u111111 iiviii. Paper Money PAPER MONEY MAGAZINES for sale: A) Whole No. 21 thru Whole No. 39 ... 1967-71; B) Whole No. 41 thru Whole No. 53 ... 1972-74; C) Other: No. 55-57-61-68-69-70. Please make offer for sale or trade. Larry Sanders, 401 W. Apollo, Bismarck, ND 58501. I COLLECT ARIZONA and Nevada stock certificates. 602- 885-9685. Jim Reynolds, Box 12324, Tucson, AZ85732-2324. (101) WANTED: AUTOGRAPHS, STOCKS, bonds, checks, financial paper, broken banknotes. Mark Vardakis, Box 327, Coventry, RI 02816 (ph. 401-884-5868). (105) MISSOURI NATIONALS WANTED: collecting north of the Missouri River, large and small. Have a few duplicates. Forrest Meadows, Route #1, Bethany, MO 64424. (99) MICHIGAN CURRENCY WANTED: Nationals, obsoletes, scrip, depression, advertising, etc. Have other states available including nice selection of western checks & drafts. Also stock certificates, mostly one of a kind. Falater, 118 N. Howell, Hillsdale, MI 49242. (99) TRADE MY NATIONALS from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin for your New York Nationals, large or small size. Will buy or sell also. Mike Robelin, P. 0. Box 138, Commack, NY 11725. (97) 1 .4igt. 14 ‘st` i,";1,..," v • 1.. -1., , 5... t2j. ...4„,-- t ,„ ,• ..., V te, .7i, ,. -..,:.•% ..: ,.--,, s ..... ; , pia ,i'. 1' '.- ,,- ,- : • .--' , -.)...',',., • ;-: ..'- 4/ `571".....4C "'TT LI. -;T:1 ‘41 • • . ‘ ,•• 4'1 e ,•,,,t, 1 :,/i .... ;), -,; ?',ct',:-: 4-.. °',. , :,',., nir-,. ;- .0 '.- s: • SUPPORT YOUR SOCIETY The Society of Paper Money Collectors has an informative handout brochure available for the asking. Contained in the brochure is information on the Society and paper money in general. Take some with you to the next coin club meeting or show. Write S.P.M.C. secretary Bob Azpiazu. Page 331 U a nosTo ICAPC• STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT'ANO CIRCULATION MP.. Or ZS U.S. SOW I. OTTE Of PUBLICATION PAPIER MONIS/ A PUBUCATION NO 1 DATE OF O.P. 10/7,40.II i 0 3 1 1 11 6 2 3. FREQUENCY OF IBS. B1—Malthly ' A. azItr.,.. PINILISNED 6 • ANZIiIAL BUIPCNIPTIOM Sa2.00 v coworrell“ILI. ADORERS OF KNOWN OFFICE OF PUBLICATION MY. LA, Lowly. Shaw old PT C•44 (NO *Owl, P. 0. Box 9, Cooties, Kershaw, South Carolina 29020 S comarrt wawa ADDRESS Of THE HEADOtlAPTERS OR GENERAL IIIMINEBE OFFICES Of TUE PLIPLIS.RS 4.14.141/ P. O. Box 9, Condon, Kershaw, South Carolina 29020 S. FULL NAMES . COMpLETE MAILING ADDRESS OF PUBLISHER. EDITOR, A. MANAGING EDITOR •17,1• Pen onus,- nor no noon, PDPLISHER /Mune end CM.. II•11Iny .4.nm, The Camden Company, P. 0. Boo 9, Camden, S. C. 29020 EDITOR IIMme end Comp.', ••••••• Add••••1 Barbara Mueller, 226 S. Fisher St., Jeff ersaa, Wisconsin 53540 NANAcoG FONOR IN•ree ref coo** b..° A.m., The Coulon Ccaparcy, P. 0. Box 9, Camden, S. C. 25020 T. 044.R II Own•el by • coneenz/.. A. name and 10444 ewe e• moon ...no nnendionon Motown* IIM WAWA v4 nennout o/ Noe, nowen on*. ono., mewl( woo. o ow Neenni oleNet MeoceouPPF•cenorel4n, th e nem.. ang•••■■■•••• ollholnctlykluy I own••• r••••■ My... if o••••4 Let • p•OnAnOp se or. coonnnenne eon no nom...ewer.... lora, wIlml of ••••11 1.1yle.•Inia 1 • ••■•••Y b. *Pon. 4 M.* 0/F • asenonl wowing., n . note and seen. non no now, Onon mu, on cononn.0 POLL NUM COMPLETE 4..•illN0 .DRESS Society of Paper Money Colleotors P. O. Boo 9, Camden, S. C. 29020 A KNOWNBONDHOLDERS MORTGAGEES AND OTHER SECURITY HOLDERS OWNING CG HLING. ; PERCENT OR PADRE OT ,TA IOF BONDS. MORTGAGES OR OTHER SECURITIES (1/11•44 an nom, so 0.1.1 , FULL NAME COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS Bone TIT m. RO A FOR CONPLETION BY ea NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AUTHORIZED TO NAIL AT SPECIAL RAT Seel. cm; On* ..hl In (2., .., . . o„,...,....., ..,,,,, ..,,,....,.., 0,q '41:=T„`VP.Ig°,°„1""° q :::c7L.,:,1„".. ma above are correct end complete =,T,'wT7Z4t ..- F444. l4s441,1 (Sea inolnoction on rentreal Read Money Mart PLAN NOW for the FIRST BIG U.S. AND FOREIGN PAPER SHOW ON THE WEST COAST!! 1)255091 WHERE The Holiday Inn 1500 Van Ness Ave. (3 blks. from Jack Tar) MAY 21, 22, 23 >1,0,14 , HI,1l4.,t XXV', X GOLD GCR1UIGSYC.,;, LLILLMIDL - /4""'"' "" D25909:eSigkt MIL =maw v. -02.2k2e1 4610005 130 At A AAA...AA:AAA41k 4A,, ,■%+, 01554 ,." 'An ted S ta10, riZ2Z(WiaaU i it not tn44 Page 332 Whole No. 96 *** LIO* ******************** 441 ** If ** * JO • Li AL* 1. 4* 10 41 *4 IF **If** • * **it * * * *** **** ******** **** ***** ** THE FIRST ANNUAL SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL PAPER SHOW!! A bourse comprised of the nation's top recognized dealers in paper money, syn• graphics, scripophily, and all items of this nature!!! FEATURING: * A MAJOR CURRENCY AUCTION * U.S. CURRENCY * FOREIGN CURRENCY * OLD DOCUMENTS * STAMPS * POSTERS * STOCK CERTIFICATES * CHECKS * AND ON AND ON For additional information: Ray Anthony Western States Conventions 610 Pine Knot Blvd. / P.O. Box 1801 Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 / (714) 866-2887 S ********** *************** **** * *** *** ** * * * ** * **** ***** ** *** **** **** *************** ***** *** BOWERS AND RUDDY KNOWS PAPER MONEY WE BUY, SELL, AND AUCTION * U. S. Regular — large and small * Fractional Currency * Colonial and Continental Currency * Confederate Currency * Encased Postage * Broken Bank Bills For personalized service and further information contact: GEORGE FULD BOWERS AND RUDDY GALLERIES, INC. Serving Numismatists For 28 Years 1953-1981 5525 Wilshire Boulevard, L.A., CA 90036 (213) 857-5700 Members: Professional Numismatists Guild (Q. David Bowers, Member), International Association of Professional Numismatists Paper Money Page 333 NORWOrt)) Oat ils;s1;2'14 11.11am 1000 IGZ■11■411 • iii■FICTiOgg4-35.9.)M1111RIN , 01183A irrtislip; RillMrigg 612=--- 000000 -elk AtefPrretasoftletiolvtAAlleant. SPECIMEN,– A-N1A I.0 A • Profusely illustrated with full and detailed descriptions. • Prompt settlement after sale. • Full insurance by Lloyds of London. • Reasonable cash advances if necessary. AT THE LOWEST COMMISSION RATES IN THE UNITED STATES 2 714 U II Rank NASCA FEE SCHEDULE FOR CONSIGNMENTS Price Realized Commission Charged per lot to consignor $1501-Up 5% $501-1500 71/2% $1-500 15% Please Note: There Is a 5% charge to the buyer in all of NASCA's auction sales. REMEMBER—WE CATALOGUE COINS & CURRENCY—WE DO NOT LIST THEM FNASCA 265 Sunrise Hwy. #53 Rockville Centre, N. Y. 11570 516/764-6677 I wish to consign to one of your upcoming currency sales at THE LOWEST COMMISION RATES IN THE UNITED STATES. Please call me at (Area Code) Please send additional details to: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NASCA George W. Ball, Chairman of the Board NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SERVICE CORPORATION OF AMERICA 265 Sunrise Highway, County Federal Bldg., Suite 53 Rockville Centre, L.I., New York 11570 516/764-6677-78 Het" Mena Page 334 Whole No. 96 In the last year NASCA has sold more Currency at Auction than all our Competitors in the world COMBINED! HICKMAN-OAKES AUCTIONS, Inc. ******************************** WE ARE NOW SOLICITING CONSIGNMENTS FOR OUR SALES COMING UP IN 1981 - 1982. OUR NOVEMBER SALE IS BEING MAILED NOW, AND IF YOU HAVEN'T RECEIVED A COPY YET PLEASE SEND FOR ONE. NEXT - OUR MARCH SALE, LOTS ARE NEEDED BY MIDDLE JANUARY 1981. THEN THE BIG ONE, MEMPHIS, FLOOR AND MAIL BID AUCTION, JUNE, 1981. ALL CONSIGNMENTS WILL NEED TO BE IN BY APRIL 1, 1981. WE ARE SOLICITING A MAJOR COLLECTION FOR THE MEMPHIS SALE THIS YEAR AND WOULD CONSIDER DEDICATING THE CATALOG TO THAT MAJOR CONSIGNOR TO OUR SALE. IF YOU CONSIGN OR BID WITH US, Here is what we will do for you: A. Correctly grade and classify your notes for auction. We do not try to be ultra conservative on grade to make our prices realized look better. B. Provide accurate estimates of value that bidders can depend upon. C. Place your notes before approximately 1500 interested collectors and dealers of U. S. paper money in an attractive and informative catalog of the sale. D. In most cases, our sales are mail bid, only, so the ultimate collector knows he or she can place the bid and, if it is high on the book, they receive the lot at a 10% advance or less above the 2nd high bid. No one is going to bid $5 or $10 more and take advantage of your knowledge. Think about it! You can bid as high as you want to pay and no one is going to know that the note is that good or that you would have paid more. E.We have one charge for the seller anywhere from 5% - 20%, depending on the consignment. Our normal fee is 15%. Here is what we don't do: A. Charge the buyer a fee for supporting our sale and bidding on your notes. B. Over consign. That is, if we have two collections with a Fr. 282 in it in Unc and one in XF, we will not accept another one in these grades (unless it is part of a collection). We just don't need the commission so badly that we will dilute our market for you, the consignor. C. We don't "lot up" a group of your notes just because they may be slightly inferior in grade or price. D. We won't misuse your trust in us. We both came from collecting backgrounds and, even though we are deriving income from these sales, we realize the collector is the important party in these transactions and our decisions are influenced by this. E. We don't hide behind a flock of staff. In fact, we keep our overhead down so we can sell your notes for less commission. We will be glad to talk with you and correspond with you about your collection and its sale. We will appraise your notes for you in advance and these appraised figures usually become the estimate on the lots as they are sold, after we receive your input. FROM 1971 TO 1981 THE ACKNOWLEDGED LEADERS IN NATIONAL BANK RESEARCH, SALES AND AUCTIONS! WHEN YOU DO BUSINESS WITH US, EITHER BUYING OR SELLING, WE GUARANTEE YOU WILL BE SATISFIED AND FAIRLY TREATED. Hickman - Oakes Auctions, Inc. P. 0. Box 1456 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 Paper Money Page 335 Vassar and Millington 1902 Blue Seals (8723) The only collectable Michigan National Bank that changed location. Extremely small issues! Both notes with top sheet margin attached. AU-UNC Of highest interest, rarity, and desirability. POR Michigan National Banknotes $20 1929 NB of Commerce of Adrian (9421) VG $ 85 $10 1902 FNB of Ann Arbor (M2714) Slightly dirty. G-VG $125 $20 1929 City NB & TC of Battlecreek (11852) F $ 75 $ 5 1902 DTS FNB of Calumet (M3457) VG $145 $10 1929 FNB of Calumet (3457) AF $ 38 $20 1929 Caspian NB (11802) Highest Serial #-s Issued: 116. F $110 $ 5 1902 Iron County NB of Crystal Falls (M7525) VG-F $145 $ 5 1902 FNB Detroit (10527) Small tear G+ $ 19 $50 1902 FNB Detroit (10527) F+ $295 $50 1902 Merchants NB of Detroit (10600) One end dirty F $495 Only 3846 $50 Notes issued by Bank-All Large Size. $10 1902 Old NB Grand Rapids (M2890) F-VF $ 39 $10 1902 Grand Rapids NB (3293) VG $ 37 $ 5 192911 NB of Grand Rapids (13758) F-AV $ 29 $10 192911 Peoples NB of Grand Rapids (13799) VF-EF $ 34 $10 1929 Superior NB of Hancock (9087) AF $ 46 $ 5 1902 FNB Hart (6727 U $395 $20 1929 FNI3\of Hillsdale (168) VG-F $ 70 $10 1929 FNB of Hubbell (9359) F-VF $ 80 $10 1929 FNB of Iron River (8545) Slight staining VG-F $ 42 $20 1929 Gogebic NB of Ironwood (9517) F $ 85 Somewhat dirty. $ 5 1882DTS Miners NB Ishpeming (M5668) F $195 $10 1902 Miners NB Ishpeming (5668) F $145 Back a little dirty. $ 5 1929 City NB Lansing (3513) VF-EF $ 35 $10 1902 FNB Manistee (2539) AU $245 $10 1929 FNB Manistee (2539) F $ 49 $ 5 1929 Union NB Marquette (12027) Dirty G+ $ 19 $20 1929 FNB Marshall (1515) F-VF $ 70 $10 1882BB FNB Morenci (M5669) VG+ $545 Grinnell had No Notes on this Bank!! $10 192911 Hackley Union NB Muskegon (4398) VF $ 44 $20 1929 FNB of Negaunee (3717) AU $ 90 $ 5 1902 FNB Plymouth (12953) Sigs. Weak F $295 Only $670 Outstanding in Large Size. $ 5 1929 FNB Plymouth (12953) EF $ 49 $20 1882BB FNB Quincy (2550) VG-F $495 Town is so small it isn't even a town, it's a village. Earliest known Note on the Bank - Probably Unique Note. Close trim on bottom. $10 1929 Citizens NB Romeo (2186) F $ 90 Only 1489 Sheets Issued. $ 5 1902 Second NB Saginaw (1918) U $345 $ 5 1902 Commercial NB St. Joseph (5594) VG $185 Purple Sigs. Slightly dirty. $20 1929 Sturgis NB (3276) Better Note, but dirty G-1- $ 49 Only 455 Sheets Issued. $20 1902 Union City NB (1826) VF+ $160 Lists also available for other Nationals, U. S. large size type, obsoletes, books, checks, and drafts. Falatar Michigan Paper Money Specialists ANA LM 307, SPMC, IBNS, PMCM 118 N. Howell Hillsdale, Mich. 49242 Page 336 Whole No. 96 UN ,, ED S'ATES EXPERIMENTAL ISSUE UNITED STATES LEGAL TENDER NOTES 7 • UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES UNITED STATES SILVER CERTIFICATES AT,TED STATES GOLD CERTIFICATES f• NATIONAL C19IREN1'Y UNJTED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES .41, 1111F% 11•60 UNITED STATES SMALL SIZE CURRENCY u. EMERGENI 'V SERIES Paper Money Page 337 For An Award , Winning Collection MOUNT YOUR U.S. PAPER MONEY ON cite/e/i/tf%X CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES The following sets of PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES and mounts will accommodate ALL small size U.S. currency issued from 1928 to date. Legal Tender Notes Series Capacity Retail L-01 One Dollar 1928 1 .60 L-02 Two Dollars 1928-63A 14 4.50 L-05 Five Dollars 1928-63A 12 3.50 L-3B Any Denomination ANY 12 3.50 Silver Certificates SC-1 One Dollar 1928-578 21 6.00 SC-5 Five Dollars 1934-53B 8 2.50 SC-10 Ten Dollars 1933-53 B 9 3.00 S-EA Emergency Issue - Africa 1934-35A 3 1.50 S-EH Emergency Issue - Hawaii 1934-35A 4 1.50 S-RS Experimental Issue - "R" & -S" 1935A 2 .60 S-38 Any Denomination ANY 12 3.50 Gold Certificates G-01 $10 -$20 -$50.-$100 1928 4 1.50 Federal Reserve Bank Notes F-05 Any Denomination 1929 12 3.50 National Currency N-05 Any Denomination 1929 12 3.50 N-3B Any Denomination 1929 12 3.50 Federal Reserve Blockletter and Notes - $1.00 District Sets Star Note Sets SERIES CAPACITY RETAIL SERIES CAPACITY RETAIL 01-1 Granahan-Dillon 1963 12 3.50 01-1B 34 8.75 01-2 Granahan-Fowler 1963A 12 3.50 01-28 70 17.75 01-3 Granahan-Barr 1963B 5 2.00 01.3B 13 3.75 01-4 Elston-Kennedy 1969 12 3.50 01-4B 36 9.25 01-5 Kabis-Kennedy 1969A 12 3.50 01-5B 32 8.25 01-6 Kabis-Connally 1969 B 12 3.50 01-6B 35 9.25 01-7 Banuelos-Connally 1969C 10 3.50 01-7B 25 6.75 01.8 Banuelos-Shultz 1969D 12 3.50 01-88 47 12.25 01.9 Neff-Simon 1974 12 3.50 01-9B 68 17.25 01-10 Morton-Blumenthal 1977 12 3.50 01-108 63 16.25 01-11 Morton-Miller 1977A 12 3.50 01-11B 24 6.50 Federal Reserve Notes - $2.00 Series Capacity Retail 02-1 Neff-Simon 1976 12 3.50 Federal Reserve Notes - $2.00 Blockletter and Star Notes Sets 02-1B Neff-Simon 1976 24 6.50 Federal Reserve Notes F-3B Any Denomination ANY 12 3.50 Small Size Currency AP-3B All Purpose (Errors, radars, etc.) ANY 12 3.50 Please include $1.50 for postage and handling on all orders. PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES fit any standard three-ring loose-leaf binder. R. J. BALBATON, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 314, PAWTUCKET, RI 02862 Your chance to own the hobby's most complete catalog on U.S. paper money... emergency currency is offered. Also included in the Standard Catalog of U.S. Paper Money are comprehensive sections on Fractional Currency and Encased Postage Stamps. To facilitate easy use the Standard Catalog of U.S. Paper Money features a handy cross-reference linking the featured Krause-Lemke numbering system with systems used in other volumes. If you want the advantages of today's most complete paper money catalog, there's no doubt... the Standard Catalog of U.S. Paper Money is definitely for you. Use the order blank to order your copy. Introducing the new Standard Catalog of UNITED STATES PAPER MONEY With coverage from federally-issued paper money of the Civil War to Si bills in current production- • By Chester L. Krause and Robert F. Lemke • 204 Pages, 8'/z" X 11" format • Over 3,500 currency listings • Market Values in 3 grades of preservation • Over 525 clear photos — many published for the first time • Two-color softbound cover Important Feature: Valuations for National Bank Notes are given by type (according to signature combinations) and state of issue. Important Feature: For quick reference more than 13,000 note-issuing National Banks are listed alphabetically, by city — you'll know instantly whether a particular city issued currency! Important Feature: For the first time ever a detailed presentation of Postage Stamp Envelopes actually used as Civil War The Standard Catalog of U.S. Paper Money is offered by Krause Publications. Inc., the same dedicated hobby folks who publish the popular Standard Catalog of World Coins, Standard Catalog of World Paper Money and Bank Note Reporter. kraus4publications Iola, WI 54990 To: Krause Publications, Inc., 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990 Please send copies of the new Standard Catalog of U.S. Paper Money. I've enclosed $14.50 per copy. I Payment enclosed. ( ) MasterCard/Visa (info given below). account no. expiration date: mo. yr signature name address city state zip Please allow 4 weeks delivery time for your catalog. ARE L Stanthird Catalog of UNITED STATES PAPER MONEY First Edition by Chester L. Krause and Rntutrt F. trunk. , eve ISO (MO Kaia UAW • rtsettattleds. - -.1 - Wet alftar, s. tt t ti ; • O. 1100 *00 Ws 18P4A*101t, .16+ • two.. twateaeosea Page 338 Whole No. 96 (MANY TRADES!) PETER HUNTOON P.O. Box 3681, Laramie, WY 82071 Grover Criswell Values currency the way collectors do. Carefully. WIMISTMOOF/141Nobody pays more than Huntoon forAnizaula, WYOMING- State and Territorial Nationals 1*.filrit033. WANT ALL SERIES, ANY CONDI- TION, EXCEPT WASHED OR "DOC- TORED" NOTES. If you're like most serious collectors, you've got years, even decades of care invested. So when it comes time to liquidate your holdings, it's good to know there's a dealer who appreciates that kind of pride. Col. Grover Criswell is one of the nation's oldest and largest paper money firms. We've inv-sted 35 years and two generations building a reputation of trust and responsibility to collectors. And because each member cr the firm is deeply involved with numismatics, we promise the fairest, and most accurate evaluation possible. OUTRIGHT CASH PURCHASE With the aid of one of the largest libraries and modem knowledge, our professional staff is prepared to offer the most generous immediate cash settlement for your collection. You can ship your property to us for a free evaluation, or just send a description and we will contact you. We're prepared to travel anywhere for holdings of substantial value. And it's always been our policy to buy all that is offered, not just the - cream - of your collection. PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE TREATY Or, depending on which is more profitable for you, we can help you decide whether to consign your property for public or private sale. In this way, your holdings will be offered to thousands of interested collectors throughout the world. And all material is completely insured the moment it comes into our possession. So long as you are going to sell your pride and joy, at least get the dealer who values your collection the way you do. Criswell's takes the time to help you realize the most for your holdings. That's why collectors trust us. Advise us if you have paper holdings for sale or if you wish to receive our auction catalogs. Our 104 page price list is available at 'only $1.00. CRISWELL'S Ft. McCoy, FL 32637 904-685-2287 Paper Money Page 339 Wanted To Buy, Georgia Obsolete Currency EAGLE & PHOENIX MEG. CO . ( I 8931. any note. Ellis 5: Livingston. any note. Farmers Hank of Chattahoochee, any note. Greenwood & Grimes. any note. 'FAL II ogan, any note. Insurance Hank, any note. Livery Stables, any note. Manufacturers & Mechanics Bank, 9200, 5300. $10.00. Mobile Girard H.R., any note. MUSCOGEE MFG. CO. (1893), any note. Palace Mills, almost all notes. Phoenix Hark, any note. Planters & Mechanics Bank, any note. Western Bank of Ga., (BRANCH). any note. COOL SPRINGS WILLIS ALLEN (store), any note. CORDELE Crisp County Cotton association 11915), any note. COVINGTON Richard Camp, any note. CUTHBERT Banking House of John McGunn, any note. DAHLONEGAH Bank of Darien (BRANCH), any note Cherokee Bank. any note. Pigeon Roost Mining Co., any note. DALTON Bank at Whitfield. any fractional: "NI A NOU V IER" 53.00 $5.00. Cherokee Insurance & Banking, any Fractional: 52.00, S5.00. S10.00. City Council of Dalton, any note, especially signed. Planters Insurance Trust & Loan Co.. any note, ESPECIALLY SIGNED. Planters & Mechanics Bank. any FRACTIONAL. DARIEN Bank of Darien. any note. DECATUR Scrip, Various issuers, want any note, DUBLIN Laurens County, any note. EATONTON Hank of the State of Ga. (Branch). 550.00, $100.00. ELBERTON Elbert County, any note. FORSYTHE County of Monroe, any note. Monroe R.R. & Banking Co., (Branch), any note. Scrip payable at AGENCY OF THE Monroe R.R. Bank. any note. FORT GAINES Fort Gaines, any note. FORT VALLEY Pulaski County, any note. JACKSON Butts County, any note. JONESBORO Clayton County, any note. JEFFERSONTON (Script, any note. LA FAYETTE Western & Atlantic R.R., any note. LA GRANGE LaGrange Bank, any note. — DON '"C WANT "RECONSTRUCTION " LUMPEIN Stewart County, any note. Y MACON Bank of Macon. any note, especially notes payable at Branch in _ . . Bank of Middle Georgia, any note. HANK or THE STATE OE GA. (BRANCH), (RARE) PAY HIGH. any note. 1311,1. OF EXCHANGE (issued from Charleston, S.C.) any note, especial- ly signed. Central R.R. & Banking Co. (Branch). S. any note. City Council of Macon, any note. City of Macon, any note. Commercial Bank, any note. ON D. Dempsey. any note. Exchange Bank 118931, any note. Insurance Bank. any note. Macon & Brunswick H.R., 53.00 & higher. Macon & Western H.R., any mite. Manufacturers Bank, any Fractional: 510.00, 920.00, 550.00, 5100.00. The following is my want list of Georgia obsolete currency. I will pay competitive and fair prices for any Georgia notes. I will has virtually any Georgia note. so if you have anything Georgia please write, or send for offer, subject of course to your approval. I also sell duplicates. I am working on a book listing Georgia obsolete currency, and will appreciate any help, if you have unusual or rare Georgia notes. Agency Planters Bank (Scrip), any note. GAINESVILLE City of Gainesville. any note. GEORGETOWN John N. Webb, any note. GREENBOROUGH D.B. Lanford, any note. HANK OE THE STATE OF G A. (BRA NCH) (RARE) Pay high. an note. BANK OF G REENSBOROUG H. any note. GREENVILLE County of Merriwether, any note. GRIFFIN City Council of Griffin, any note. County of Spaulding, any note. Exchange Bank, any note. Interior Hank. any note. Also CON- TEMPGRA HY COUNTERFEIT Monroe H.R. & Banking Co. (Branch). any note. HAMILTON Harris County al AM IuroN NOT NOTES), any note. HARTWELL (fart County, any note HAWK INSV ILLE Agency Planters Bank (Scrip), any note. Bank of II awkinsville, any note claud murphy, jr., p.o. box 15091, atlanta, georgia 30333 telephone (404) 876-7160 L.M. TOM KNEBL, INC. BOX 5043 SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (7141 751-6608 V yreuse pu b liCa tions CUS TOMER SERVICE MOO WANTED FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. Highest prices paid for scarce, or higher grade material—regular issue, specimens, shields, full or partial sheets, errors, and Spinner material. U.S. ENCASED POSTAGE. Buying all encased postage, in any condition, rare or common. U.S. MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES. Buying late series (611-692) in new condition, early series (461-5911 in X F or bitter. Replacements in any condition. WORLD CURRENCY. Buying better Africa, Asia, Central S. South America, East and West Indies, French & British Commonwealth. FREE LISTS. Write for our free selling lists. Please specify your collecting interest(s). Please write or ship with price desired, or I will make an offer commensurate with the quality, scarcity, and current market value of the material. Please include your phone number with any material sent, for an immediate reply. Under $400 ship insured/first class, over $400 ship registered for full estimated value. ANA SPMC PMCM IBNS CSNA NASC Page 340 Whole No. 96 Paper Money BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate hid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2930 Member of: ANA, PMCM FREE OBSOLETE CURRENCY CATALOG CHARLES E. STRAUB P.O. BOX 200 COLUMBIA, CT 06237 "'""bh""'""' CO5,011E11 SM Page 341 .hem jtoep National Bank Currency Z112.1/Ta) I am interested in small & large size Nationals for my personal collection from the following towns in Berge•: County & will pay the highest prices to get them: Allendale Fort Lee Bergenfield Garfield Bogota Glen Rock Carlstadt Hackensack Cliffside Park Hillsdale Closter Leonia Dumont Little Ferry Engelwood Lodi Edgewater Lyndhurst Fairview North Arlington Paialsades Park RidgefIsid Park Ridgewood Rutherford Ramsey Tenafly Westwood Wyckoff West Englewood ea5tern Com excljartge 31nr. ANA LM 709 PH. 201 342-8170 74 Anderson Street Hackensack, N.J. 07 601 MUST BUY-NATIONALS, TYPES. FOR OUR MAIL BID ACUTIONS. Write for FREE list. 800 notes (Bi-Monthly) WHERE CURRENCY IS FIRST NOT A SIDE LINE ED'S CURRENCY BOX 7295 LOUISVILLE, KY 40207 WRITE, SHIP OR CALL. (502) 895-1168 Members - SPMC. ANA. CSNS. BRNA. PMCM. States of-Cal. Fla. Ill. Ky. Mo. Tenn. 1929 SMALL NATIONALS 1929 * * * * * * * * * * * * Ark. 5.00 1st N.B. Mansfield. #11195. V.B. 95.00 Fla. 10.00 Amer. N.B. Pensacola. #5603. V.F. 46.00 Ill. 10.00 1st Galesburg N.B. & Tr. #241. V.F 38.00 Ill. 20.00 Ayers N.B. Jacksonville, #5763. V.F 55.00 Kan. 20.00 Secur. N.B. Ark. City. #10746. Fine 73.00 Kan. 10.00 Lawrence N.B. #3849. V.G 48.00 Md. 20.00 2nd N.B. Hagerstown. #4049. X.F. 76.00 Neb. 10.00 1st N.B. Crofton. #8186, V.F 36.00 Neb. 5.00 1st N.B. Madison. #3773. Fine 50.00 N.J. 10.00 Harrison N.B. #13034. Fine 49.00 N.J. 10.00 N.B.N.J. New Brunswick. #587. Fine . 44.00 N.Y. 20.00 Farmers N.B. Amsterdam. #1335. Fine46.00 Pa, 5.00 1st N.B. Oakdale. #5327. Fine 34.00 Pa. 20.00 Port Royal N.B. #11373. Fine 82.00 Pa. 10.00 1st N.B. Sharnsville. #6829. V.G 29.00 Pa. 10.00 Miners N. B. Wilkes-Barre, 4#13852. F 22.00 Tex. 20.00 1st N.B. Houston. #13683, T-II. F 38.00 Send your want list covering other Nationals, colonials, obsolete and foreign. I also want to buy or trade. RICHARD T. HOOBER P. 0. Box 196 Newfoundland, Penna. 18445 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY t ' 41ti ne.t12i ' (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West- ern rarities for advaMageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. DRAWER 706, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 11571 0 FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available P.O. BOX 1358 WARREN HENDERSON VENICE, FLA. 33595 Page 342 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL 33595 Whole No. 96 HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveiand, Ohio 44130 216-884-0701 Page 343 31 Main Street NATIONAL BANK NOTES and U. S. & CANADIAN PAPER MONEY Buy and Sell Frank R. Trask SPMC, ANA, NECC Phone 207-985-7431 Kennebunk, ME 04043 DENVER, COLORADO 80221 QUALITY NOTES FOR THE COLLECTOR AND INVESTOR FREE INVENTORY LIST AND NEWSLETTER AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST __MID --AMERICAN— CURRENCY P.O. BOX 21182 (303) 751-5718 WANTED WANTED: RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS Absolutely Highest Prices Paid Buying 1860's Oil Stocks & All Early Specimens Also Trade. Pre-1915 Needed. Also need other nicely engraved pre-1930 Bonds David M. Beach Box 5484, Bossier City, LA 71111 (318) 865-6614 ANA SPMC London Bond & Share Society 01) Take ` * stock%si inAmerica. When you put part of your savings into U.S. Saring.s Bonds you're !wiping to Build a brighter future /Or your country and for yoursclf. Paper Money SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES Harry wants to buy Currency Errors Also Interested in Buying Nationals ... Large and Small size Uncut Sheets Red Seals Type Notes Unusual Serial numbers OBSOLETE CURRENCY LISTS Broken Bank Notes, Merchant Scrip, Confederate Currency, U. S. Fractional Over 2000 notes available: Send your 20c S.A.S.E. and indicate your specific area of interest with grades desired. DON EMBURY P. O. Box 61 Wilmington, CA 90748 Page 344 Whole No. 96 U.S. CURRENCY SPECIALS "WHETHER BUYING OR SELLING, FOR A BE'l I ER DEAL TRY BEBEE'S! YOU'LL BECOME A "BEBEE BOOSTER' HISTORICAL FEDERAL RESERVE SETS SCARCE SUPERB CRISP NEW $1 COMPLETE SETS Rapidly Disappearing from the American Scene 10% discount on orders over $200 for any of the following $1 F.R. Sets (except when priced NET) Regular Sets Star Sets 1963 (12) 34.75 (12) 39.75 1963 A (12) 33.15 (12) 36.75 1963 B (5) 18.75 (4) 18.75 1969 (12) 30.75 (12) 34.75 1969 A (12) 29.75 (11) 32.75 1969 B (12) 28.75 (12) 34.75 1969 C (10) 27.75 (9) 49.75 1969 D (12) 27.75 (11) 31.75 1974 (12) 26.75 (12) 31.75 1977 (12) 25.75 (12) 29.75 1974 A (12) 23.75 For any above set with the last TWO serial nos. matching, add $2.00 per set. Special Offer 1963/77 A all 11 Sets (Net) 269.75 Last 2 Nos. Match (Net) 287.75 1963/77 all 10 Star Sets (Net) 299.75 Last 2 Nos Match (Net) 317.75 BLOCK BUSTER SPECIAL 1963-A $1 Scarce "BB" Block. Lists $45.00 SUPERB Crisp New (buy two $65.00) Ea. $35.00. WANTED - 1963 BC; DB Blocks. Ask for our BIG "Block Buster" Special List. 1976 $2 BICENTENNIAL SET The two last serial nos. match on all 12 Dist. Superb Cr. New $37.95 FIRST DAY SPECIAL "Official Dist. 10" P. 0. Cancels April 13, 1976 "Omaha" $6.50 July 4, 1976 "Omaha" $6.50 April 13, 1976 "Coin la" $6.50 BUY all three $16.50 1976 $2 STAR SET SET (11) Lacks Dist. 8 Crisp New $105.00 SINGLE $2 STARS Dist. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 (Any 5 Diff. $39.00) EACH $9.00 (Sorry, no matching nos.) STAR NOTES WANTED 1976 $2 STARS Dist. 6, 8, 12. 1969-C $1 Stars District 12 1977-A $1 Stars Dists. 6, 9, 10, 11 Packs (100) Only. Call or Write IF you can supply any of above STARS. MAJOR ERROR SPECIAL 1957-B $1 Silver Certificate. The serial nos. start with U37 & U47. CRISP NEW - PRICE $75.00 IN PLASTIC HOLDER, W/Title $81.50 DELOREY/REED'S "Price Guide on Modern U.S. Paper Money Errors" Illus'd. 4th Ed. PPI) $3.00 OBSOLETE SHEETS Beautiful Pristine Uncut Sheets: CANAL BANK, LA. Sheet (2): $500-$1,000.00 Crisp New, Nice "Exhibit Item-Scarce $135.00 FLORENCE BANK, OMAHA, NE Sheet (4) $1 - $1 - $3 - $5 $110.00 CONFEDERATE SPECIAL 1861 $10 Type 30 "General Marion's Sweet Potato Dinner" VG-Fine $5.95 1861 $100 Ty. 56. Famous "Lucy H. Pickens" Note. Crisp New. SPECIAL $31.95 WANTED - WANTED Paying Absolutely HIGHEST IMMEDIATE CASH For Other Scarce/Rate Notes. UNCUT SHEETS (4, 12, 18) - LARGE- SIZE NATIONALS, TERRITORIAL S-TYPES ALL SERIES $1.00 TO $5,000.00 ETC. SMALL SIZE NOTES - CRISP NEW ONLY: HAWAII $1.00 TO $20.00 - NORTH AFRICA $1.00 TO $1,000.00 - 1935-A $1.00 RED "R" & "S" PAIR - MAJOR ERRORS + Please Describe Notes fully. Send Photo or Xerox Copy of Major Errors - in Your First Letter (Sorry, no Common Errors Wanted) FAMOUS WADE SALE 1956 Sales Catalogue of the Great James M. Wade Collection @ Unbeliveable Prices. Send $5.00 for Your Copy (Postpaid) "Aubrey and Adeline Bebee and their Staff extend to all, Very Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year of PEACE - Good Health and Happiness" Please Add $3.00 (Over $300.00 add $4.00). For Immediate Shipment send Cashier's Check or Money Order. (Personal Checks take 20 to 25 Banking Days to Clear our Bank. Nebrasks Residents add Sales Tax. 100% Satisfaction Guaranted. All items Offered are "Subject to Prior Sale and Change in Price Without Notice." 4514 North 30th Street "Pronto Service" Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 Q.-42,S It p You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN eacut's RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311 BOOKS THE DESCRIPTIVE REGISTER OF GENUINE BANK NOTES by Gwynne & Day 1862. 168 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $15.00 postpaid. This book contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine bank notes from 31 states and terri- tories plus 24 Canadian banks. It also identifies notes known to have been counterfeited. The names and locations of over 800 closed banks are included in the supplements. It is believed that this book was the basis of the famous Wismer Lists published by the ANA 50 years ago. A must for collectors and researchers of obsolete notes. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain pages (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $60.00 each. HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE-GUARD by Edward M. Hodges 1865. 350 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $19.50 postpaid. "Hodges' " as this book is known, contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine notes from 30 states, 19 Canadian banks, and the United States notes issued prior to 1865. This 1865 edition was copyrighted in 1864 and at this time the United States was at war with the Confederate States. As a result the listing for six Southern states was not included because they were not a part of the United States. Louisiana was included as in 1864 it was occupied by Union troops under the infamous General Butler. West Virginia was added to this edition as it seceded from Virginia and join the Union in 1863. We have added a section from the 1863 edition (copyrighted in 1862) containing the six states deleted from the 1865 edition making this reprint the most comprehensive Hodges' ever printed. The format used consists of three rows of ten notes listed in rectangles on each page. To quote from E.M. Hodges "The SAFEGUARD is almost indispensable." Collectors will agree with him We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain paper (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $75.00 each. THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA by Dr. F. Mauldin Lesesne 1970. 221 pp Hand bound. University of South Carolina Press $14.95 postpaid. The South had many colorful banks prior to the Civil War, but few could compare with the Bank of the State of South Carolina. From its charter in 1812 until 1881 when its history ended, it was colorful, controversial, and redeemed its issued notes. The "faith and credit" of the State of South Carolina was pledged to back this bank. Dr. Lesesne's account of this bank is interesting reading to both collector of paper money and historical students. Few banks have such detailed accounts of their life as the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The book is annotated and has a wonderful bibliography. If you only read one bank history, and should read this one as it will interest both South Carolinians and non-Carolinians alike. It is just an excellent story of a very important bank. PENNELL PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. Drawer 858 Anderson, South Carolina 29622 *S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax.