
Paper Money - Vol. LIX - No. 2 - Whole #326 - Mar/Apr 2020

Journal  Posted 5 years 1 week

Series of 1923 Porthole S.C. Doomed—Lee Lofthus $1 Series of 1899 S.C. Signature Combinations--Peter Huntoon The Delaware & Hudson...

Paper Money - Vol. LIX- No. 1 - Whole #325 - Jan/Feb 2020

Journal  Posted 5 years 2 months

Panic of 1837 & the First U.S. Demand Note Mixing of Signature Combinations on $1 1935-1935D SCs William Pitt Fessenden Camden New Jersey National Bank Philadelphia Branch John...

Paper Money - Vol. LVIII - No. 6 - Whole #324 - Nov/Dec 2019

Journal  Posted 5 years 5 months

Napier-Thompson & Napier Burke Rarities--Peter Huntoon     ABNCo’s “Progress” Vignette--Roland Robbins.          ...

Paper Money - Vol. LVIII - No. 5 - Whole #323 - Sep/Oct 2019

Journal  Posted 5 years 7 months

$1 Series of 1899 S.C. Series Date Placement Varieties The Genesis of Postage Currency Treasury Sealing Assigned to Treasurer’s Office $100 Counterfeit FRNs Depositaries at the Port of...

Paper Money - Vol. LVIII - No. 4 - Whole #322 - July/Aug 2019

Journal  Posted 5 years 8 months

4-Subject Large Size Plates Altered into 8-Subject Forms--Doug Murray & Peter Huntoon        WWII Isle of Man Internment Camps--Steve Feller A Tale of Two...

Paper Money - Vol. LVIII - No. 3 - Whole No. 321 - May/June 2019

Journal  Posted 5 years 10 months

Anomalous Securities Clause--Peter Huntoon Duplicated Back Plate Serials on Series 2009A $100 FRNs--Joe Farrenkopf Albania 1 Lek 1976--David Lok Yellowstone Merchants National Bank--Frank...

Paper Money - Vol LVIII, No. 2 - Whole No. 320 - March/April 2019

Journal  Posted 6 years 2 weeks

Rare Postal Note from Sitka Alaska Surfaces--Kent Halland & Charles Surasky 1862-1863 Legal Tender Classification Chart--Peter Huntoon & Doug Murray. 3rd Issue Fractional Currency...

Paper Money - Vol. LVIII, No. 1 - Whole No. 319 - January/February 2019

Journal  Posted 6 years 2 months

Series 1929 FRBNs Released During WWII--Lee Lofthus, Jamie Yakes, Peter Huntoon The 1935A $1 Silver Certificates--Richard Weil The Henderson National Bank of Huntsville, Alabama--David...

Paper Money - Vol LVII, No. 6 - Whole No. 318 - November/December 2018

Journal  Posted 6 years 4 months

Misspelling Error on $1000 Series 1882 Gold Certificates--Peter Huntoon         Progression to the Misspelling Error--Peter Huntoon.   The...

Paper Money - Vol. LVII, No. 5 - Whole No. 317 - September/October 2018

Journal  Posted 6 years 6 months

Territorial National Bank Note--Peter Huntoon Arkadelphia Exchange--Charles Derby Sherlock Holmes and the ABNCo Mystery--Greg Ruby Townsend Test Scrip--Loren Gatch Banknotes of Zambia and...

Paper Money - Vol. LVII, No. 4 - Whole No. 316 - July/August 2018

Journal  Posted 6 years 8 months

Changeover from 12 tp 18 Subject Plates--Peter Huntoon & Jamie Yakes Choctaw Corner: A Dead Town in Alabama--Bill Gunther Nicaraguan Paper Money--Carlson Chambliss Series of 1882 &...

Paper Money - Vol. LVII, No. 3 - Whole No. 315 - May/June 2018

Journal  Posted 6 years 10 months

George Blake and Fancy Serial Numbers--Peter Huntoon Third Issue Fractional Currency Error--Rick Melamed Mormon Currency of Nauvoo Illinois--Douglas Nyholm 2711 Note Survey on T-64 CSA $500...

Paper Money - Vol. LVII, No. 2 - Whole No. 314 - March/April 2018

Journal  Posted 7 years 2 weeks

Silver Certificates of the Great Depression Revisited--Lee Lofthus Patented Lettering--Peter Huntoon Unusual Confederate Printed Backs--Michael McNeil The Stockyards Nat’l Bank of Fort Worth...

Paper Money - Vol. LVII, No. 1 - Whole No. 313 - January/February 2018

Journal  Posted 7 years 2 months

Eric Pfeiffer Newman................................................................... 4 The Dies that Fathered 1872 & 1882 Nationals Peter Huntoon...

Paper Money - Vol. LVI, No. 6 - Whole No. 312 - November/December 2017

Journal  Posted 7 years 4 months

Out of Range Serial Numbers--Peter Huntoon The National and First National Banks of Huntsville, Alabama--David Hollander Michigan Obsolete Notes--Clifford Thies Gideon Fairman’s Engraving of...

Members are encouraged to submit articles for publication in Paper Money magazine which is published six times per year on high quality glossy paper. Manuscripts not under consideration for publication in other periodicals should be sent to the Editor (Benny Bolin, 5510 Springhill Estates Dr., Allen, TX 75002). Accepted manuscripts will be published as soon as possible. However, publication in a specific issue can not be guaranteed. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.

Manuscripts submitted in hard copy form are to be typed on one side only, double-spaced with at least one-inch margins. The author should retain a copy. The author's name, address, and phone number should appear on the first page.

Alternatively, you are encouraged to submit your article by email to Editor Benny Bolin. Illustrations may also be sent electronically by e-mail or on a CD. JPGs at 300 dpi are preferred.

SPMC annually recognizes the best articles to appear in Paper Money.